#thinking they might be a sane human being and be like oh oops sorry
idsb · 1 year
Why the fuck am I getting the most disturbing and disgusting asks in my inbox all the sudden lmao
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bastillewolf · 4 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (X)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: New year new chapter, but let’s hope I update more frequently than that now lol. Please leave me a kick in the ass so I stop procrastinating, thanks! And also big thank you to the immense support. Love you guys <3
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Chapter X
She really couldn’t help herself. What sane person wouldn’t start screaming the second they hopped onto a Shinigami’s back and started flying? She clung onto Ryuk’s neck for dear life, her legs wrapped around his middle while his wings flapped them higher and higher until they’d reached a thick level of fluffy clouds with the dark sky above them. There, the wings stopped flapping, and she found herself gliding through the air, her hair being pulled back by the gentle breeze. She realized how harshly she was squeezing Ryuk, and quickly loosened her grip to a point that she was still comfortable she wouldn’t be able to accidentally let go.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured in his ear. It was actually very beautiful, now that she took a good look around her. Below the white, she could see all sorts of lights from the city flickering through, as if they were mirroring the stars above.
“I can take it. I just wasn’t expecting you to scream, is all,” Ryuk replied gently, “I thought you wanted to fly?”
“Y-Yes, I did. It’s just… a lot scarier than it looks. I don’t have wings, so rationally if I let go I would definitely not survive. I think even L could confirm that with percentages and a graph.”
“Rationally I would catch you. I’m heavier, I fall faster than you. You would be saved before you could say ‘Shinigami’.”
She chuckled, “Rationally I wouldn’t count on that. Maybe I don’t trust you. Rationally.”
He turned his head slightly, but she was still unable to see his facial expression from her position on his back. However, it became rather apparent through the sad note in his voice when he spoke. “You don’t trust me?”
She quickly shook her head, “No, I’m sorry Ryuk, that’s not what I meant. I mean that I should rationally not count on you catching me if I fall. I made the decision to hop on your back, thus it is my responsibility to take responsibility for my actions and face the consequences. If I fall, it would be my mistake.”
“Even if it were, I’d still catch you. I’d always catch you.”
She felt a sense of ease wash over her, along with a tingle in her stomach, but she wasn’t quite sure what that meant. She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, and breathing in a waft of fresh air that dragged along a hint of Light’s cologne. “How come you’re never this nice to Light?”
Ryuk chuckled dryly. “Because he’s not you.”
He felt a blush coat his cheeks when he felt her hands running along the feathers of his wings in a slow, gentle manner. She kept doing this until they’d landed, and then proceeded to latch onto his hand after they’d landed in the back of an alleyway.
Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.
Ryuk was in love. There, he could finally say it. He’d been on a date and now he could say he was in love. He was slightly hunched over so the girl could hold his hand without people noticing at her side, but not for one second did he feel an ache in his back. All he could think about was the way she’d clung onto him, how she’d touched him, how sweet she’d sounded muttering nothings in his ear while she stroked his feathers. Affection wasn’t something that came naturally to him, Shinigami’s never really deemed such thing necessary. Yet with her, he seemed to want to keep her hand in his forever.
Unfortunately, fate seemed to have other plans for him, because she was the one who dropped it like a ton of bricks, along with his heart. Then he noticed the reason for her sudden shift, and it was standing in front of Light’s house. She lightly tugged on the chain that was stuck to the other death note he was carrying and kept her fingers wound tightly around it, but he didn’t mind. If she wanted to take his Death Note, she could go right ahead and do it. That’s how happy he was.
Until he met the bleak pale-yellow eyes of the tall creature hovering above the blonde stranger in front of them.
“Okay, Ryuk, we need to have a little talk,” Light started. They’d just been at the hotel, where they’d found out the second Kira was willing to do everything Light wanted them to do. They were supposed to set up a meeting place and Light wanted to prepare. She knew a round of questioning was about to begin, so she plopped down onto his bed in an instant.
Ryuk sighed, “Should’ve known.”
“And I’d appreciate an answer if you could,” Light added. “If two Shinigami happened to meet in the human world, are they allowed to speak to each other?”
“Hard to say,” the Shinigami replied. “As long as I’m attached to a human, I’d say it’s against the rules unless I had their permission first. But there are no laws against it either, so I guess it’s possible that another Shinigami might talk to me.”
“So, does that mean that if this fake Kira’s Shinigami were to see you, there’s a chance he might mention the fact that you’re with me and reveal that I’m Kira?”
“They probably wouldn’t, but it depends on their personality.”
“And if this kind of situation did arise I can assume you’ll act the way you normally do?”
“Yeah,” Ryuk said, “Even if I see another human with a Shinigami I’m not gonna tell you.”
“Well, I definitely think you’ve got the right approach.”
“Humph, thanks.”
“Oops,” he couldn’t help but curse under his breath, recalling the conversation he’d had with Light. He didn’t recognize the Shinigami before them, but if they wanted to, they could directly link Ryuk to the girl that was latching onto him. They might think she was the real Kira.
Though the latest message had already revealed Light’s stunt in the city with the group of people surrounding Ryuk had been a failure and he had been discovered to the fake Kira, there would be no good explanation for him to be hanging around this human.
Luckily for him, the other Shinigami remained deathly silent, until the girl at her side turned.
“Oh, hello there!” she said.
She blinked in response. “Uh… I- Uh… Aren’t you that girl from TV?”
The blonde giggled profusely, suddenly walking up to her as casual as could be. “Yes, I’m Misa, nice to meet you! Do you want an autograph?”
She scratched the back of her head awkwardly, “Uh, no, I think I’m good. Were you looking for Light?”
“Eh?” Ryuk vocalized. He didn’t expect her to be so blunt about it. But then again, he realized, Light had most likely already been discovered. He just didn’t know how she detected that this was the second Kira without being able to see the second Shinigami floating only a few feet away.
“Oh, I was. Are you friends with him?” Misa’s head turned, but her eyes held a sudden blank expression as if her mind were calculating a proper physical response once she’d gotten answers.
“Yeah, for like, my entire life. How do you know him?”
“Oh… I just, I found the notebook he left in class. Then I looked him up online and I thought his resume was very… impressive. I just really wanted to meet him, he seems like such an intelligent guy.”
Ryuk heard the other Shinigami audibly sigh.
“Well, why don’t I introduce the two of you then? I’m sure he’s still up at this hour, and I was just on my way to see him now.”
“S-Sure!” Misa replied hesitantly.
She wished Light’s sister, Sayu, could’ve at the very least toned down her excitement a bit when she met Misa, but alas, she was in awe, as well as the girl’s mother. Light eventually came trotting down the stairs behind them, his neutral facial expression continuing to withstand even as he saw the strange scene before him. He managed to shoo his family members away and closed the front door behind him. She could’ve sworn she hadn’t heard crickets chirping before that.
“Uhm, pleased to meet you,” Misa started, sinking to her knees in a bow, “I’m Misa Amane.” She then glanced at you, and back at Light again.
Ryuk chuckled until he heard the other God of Death say, “Misa, the girl is being followed by another Shinigami. I doubt she isn’t aware of it.”
Misa made a noise of understanding, before looking at the odd placement of your hand which was still wrapped around Ryuk’s chain. “I thought you might get worried if you saw that message on TV. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I brought… this notebook.” She held out an identical copy of his Death Note in front of Light, and Ryuk heard the girl next to him audibly groan. Of course, the girl had no issue showing something like that out in the open. It was like she had no idea.
Light touched it, yet he made no sound. “Does she know? About all of it?” Misa questioned, directedly pointing her gaze at his best friend. Light nodded, so she was allowed to touch it as well. She very much tried, but unfortunately, her poker face wasn’t as good as Light’s, so she ended up with her mouth slightly agape. Ryuk lifted a finger to close it.
They decided it would be best to move the conversation inside, so they did, and Light had cautiously locked his bedroom door behind them after making sure his mother and sister thought this was just a nice drop-by from his (girl)friend.
“Have a seat.”
As Misa sat in Light’s desk chair, his best friend scooted onto the mattress behind him with Ryuk towering over them at the bedside. Her Shinigami, a pale skeleton with yellow eyes and purple hair and what appeared to be vampiric teeth, stood guard behind Misa.
“How did you find me?” Light decided to ask.
She answered with a gasp, “I knew it! You never made the Shinigami-eye deal. When you have the Shinigami-eyes like I do, you can see most people’s name and lifespan just by looking at them. However, you can’t see the lifespan of any person who possesses a Death Note.”
Light glanced over at Ryuk, looking for an explanation, but Ryuk seemed just as shocked. “No kidding! I have to admit, even I wasn’t aware of that little detail.”
“Well, now you’ve managed to find me, but you were careless; what if you’d been caught by the police? Then they’d know everything about Kira!”
“It’s all right,” Misa said, “Because the police didn’t catch me and if I do as you say from now on, they’ll never be able to. So we’re safe. After all, don’t you need someone to see L’s name? If you want, I could be your eyes. So…”
“Yeah? So what?”
“-Would you please make me your girlfriend?”
Both Ryuk and the girl behind him burst out laughing, but he decidedly ignored them. He then proceeded to question her about her strategy in the city, as well as the evidence she could’ve left behind. She ended up even offering her Death Note to him, and while she’d still be the rightful owner, Light would be in control of it, and she of her Shinigami-eyes.
“-And if I become a burden to you, you can just kill me, okay?” Misa said pleadingly.
“But you might’ve removed several pages from your Death Note, you could be hiding them somewhere for all I know!”
“Why are you so suspicious of me?” she cried out, getting up from the chair and stomping her foot on the floor, “I already told you, I don’t care even if all you do is use me! Please believe me!”
“Why are you so willing to give up your life for him?” (Y/N) asked, and Light had to admit, that was the question he’d been building towards this entire time.
“Oh, I wouldn’t expect you to understand-“ Misa spat.
“Hey,” Light barked, “If you want to show your loyalty, how about you start being nicer to the only person I’ve trusted with my secret so far and has kept it?”
“How can you be so sure you can trust her?! I bet she’s only in it so she can take it from you after you’re dead, so she can become the new Kira!”
“How dare you!” (Y/N) snarled warningly, but Misa was already launching herself at the girl.
Light hadn’t quite seen that coming. Thankfully, Ryuk had. He took the blonde girl by her arm and lifted her until her feet didn’t touch the floor anymore and she’d let out a startled scream. He noticed the other Shinigami wanted to step in already, but Light was faster. “Misa, if you and I were to work together, I need to know you can make rational decisions without letting your emotions get the better of you. Can you do that?”
She didn’t really look at him, so he decided to repeat himself, this time a bit more convincingly, “If you were to be my girlfriend, I need to know if you can tolerate being around my best friend.”
At this, she lit up, and Ryuk was quick to let go of her.
When she’d finally left, the girl he’d just been on a date with was now slung around his neck, having climbed on top of the bed to be able to reach him. His large hands grasped her sides, and his smile had grown even wider.
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distractedhistotech · 4 years
Lewis Joins the Gang (Again)
As usual, Arthur was the first to wake up.  He felt like he’d taken too much pain medication before going to bed and…there was something on top of him that was not Vivi or Mystery.  It felt smooth and warm.  He sat up.  “What.” He stared at the pile of purple ghosts covering him, Vivi, and Mystery.  On a purple bed.  In…a large room.  It looked like the entrance room of a mansion.
Wait, wait, wait…He was starting to remember.  “Uh, ghost guy, you there?”  Arthur started shaking Vivi.  “Hey, hey, Vivi.  Wake up. Something crazy.  And ghosty.  And maybe cursy.  And I think you’ll need to drive today.”  He picked up one of the Deadbeats.  “Why are you not scaring me?”
Vivi groaned.  “Five more minutes.”
“You are literally covered in ghosts,” Arthur said as he attached his prosthetic.
Vivi almost immediately shot up.  “Oh my gosh! They’re so cute!”  She started scratching one on the top of its head.  “Yes, you are, yes you are.”  She paused.  “Hey, where are we?”
“Haunted house,” replied Arthur.
Vivi blinked.  “Huh.  Why don’t I remember that?”
“Ghost guy said…” Arthur paused and looked around.  “Actually, where is he?”  One of the ghosts popped up holding a pretty blue heart with orange filigree all over it.  “Huh. Why does that seem familiar?”
“Hm…”  Vivi picked up the heart.  “Why is the color-”
Vivi was interrupted when purple fire shot out of the heart and formed a familiar ghost.  Well, familiar to Arthur anyway.  “Hey, ghost guy.”
Lewis blinked.  “Uh, hey.”
“Whoa!  You look so cool!” crowed Vivi.
Lewis blushed a little.  “R-really?”
“Yeah, the suit, and the skull, and the fire, it’s awesome!” said Vivi.  She frowned.  “Uh, did you do something to our memories?”
Lewis quickly held his hands up.  “Not on purpose!  I tried to introduce myself, but whenever I said my name, you passed out and forgot stuff!”
Vivi frowned.  “Maybe it’s a safeguard?  Knowing someone’s true name can give you power over them…”
“But I really wanted to tell you my name!” protested Lewis.
“And we appreciate that, but given the side effects, you probably shouldn’t,” mused Vivi.
“And-and there was that other thing,” said Lewis.  “See?” Lewis put his glamour back on.  “This is supposed to be what I looked like when I was alive, and that’s what I see when I look in the mirror, but Artie said that’s not what I look like!”
Both humans winced. “Oof, yeah, that’s not a human face,” agreed Vivi.  “Could you…” Lewis dropped the glamour.  “Thanks.  Okay, that makes less sense.  Glamours are specifically for blending in.”  Vivi hummed in thought for several moments.  “This could take a while to figure out…But we need to get to Techno Con.”
Lewis blinked.  “Techno Con?”
“I’ve got a booth there to show off my prosthetics,” explained Arthur.  “And I’m hoping to pick up a few new things myself.”
“Oh, congratulations,” said Lewis as an idea started to occur to him.  “But…Maybe…If it’s a not a problem, I could go with you.  Then you’d have plenty of time to figure out what’s wrong.”
Arthur’s mouth fell open in shock and nervousness.  Vivi thought a moment.  “That’s a tempting offer, but I have some concerns.”  She pointed at Arthur.  “Firstly, Arthur has to agree.”
Lewis nodded.  “Of course.”
“Secondly, how do we know you won’t try to kill us or drain our energy?” pointed out Vivi.
“I could’ve done that while you were sleeping,” pointed out Lewis.  He paused.  “Not that I would!”
“Hm…”  Vivi nodded.  “Good point.  Secondly, why would you want to come with us?  Most ghosts are tethered to a place.”
Lewis winced.  “I didn’t want to stay there.”
Vivi winced.  “Ah.  Sorry.”
“And…I was lonely,” admitted Lewis.  “I don’t want to be alone.”
“What about these guys?” asked Arthur, holding up a chirping Deadbeat.
“The Deadbeats are more like cats.  I can talk to them, but they don’t give me a response,” explained Lewis.  “They are my friends, and they helped me stay sane, but I missed being able to talk to people.”  Especially these people.
“Bit of an unusual motive, but I can believe it,” commented Vivi.  “But why us, haven’t you run into other people before?”
“I’ve only been dead for a few months.”  At least Lewis thought it was months.  He hadn’t been able to keep track of time during his trek to civilization.  “And I kind of died in the middle of nowhere, and it turns out it can take a while to find a road if you don’t have a map or compass.”
“I think I saw an episode of Mythbusters about that,” commented Arthur.
Vivi nodded.  “Okay, you want friends, but if you haven’t been dead that long, wouldn’t it make more sense to return home where your friends and family are?  Or are you worried about how they’ll react?” she asked.
“Oh, I actually was on my way home,” said Lewis.  “I just ran into you first, and I figured I could hitch a ride with you since I’m from Tempo too.”
“How do you know we’re from Tempo?” asked Arthur.
“You guys are kind of infamous.  I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone in town knew who you were,” explained Lewis.
“True, random strangers will walk up to me and ask me tips about ghosts and stuff,” agreed Vivi. “What about you?  Any chance we’ve ever met before.”
Lewis perked up. “Yeah!  I was a chef at Pepper Paradiso!”
Arthur frowned. “Pepper Paradiso’s a restaurant?” he asked in confusion.
“Yeah, it serves pretty spicy food so you wouldn’t like it,” said Vivi.  It was why she’d never taken him there for a date.
“Huh?  You’ve both been there plenty of times though,” said Lewis.
“Nah, I can’t stand spicy food,” said Arthur.  “If it’s mostly spicy stuff I’d avoid it.”
Oh, this was so much worse than Lewis had thought.  “A-And we went to the same high school!”
“Were we in the same grade?” asked Arthur.
“Uh, I was in the grade below you,” said Lewis.
“Then you might be in some of our yearbooks,” reasoned Arthur.  “Of course we don’t exactly carry those around.”
“Ugh, yeah, and it’s probably been long enough that you can’t look at it online,” muttered Lewis. “I went to Tome Tomb all the time…Why don’t either of you remember me…” Lewis finished sadly.
“Well, in one’s day-to-day life you don’t remember every single person you run into,” pointed out Arthur.
“I’m seven feet tall though!” shouted Lewis, getting frustrated.  “I stood out like a sore thumb!”
“Okay, yeah, that’d be pretty memorable,” agreed Arthur.  “You’d think we’d remember someone like that.”
“Hm…You know, I don’t remember anyone talking about a chef at Pepper Paradiso going missing,” mused Vivi.  “I wonder if any memories were erased from everyone’s minds.”
The thought was so horrifying that Lewis could just stare at them in horror.
“Whoa, that’s a bit of a big leap!” pointed out Arthur.  “I mean it’s weird neither of us have heard about a local giant, but we might just be clueless. Heck, maybe we could call home and ask while we’re traveling.”
“True,” agreed Vivi. “Although even if that’s wrong, I’d like to help this guy.  Something really odd is going on with him.”
Arthur bit his lip and studied the nervous looking Lewis.  He weighed the pros and cons.  He sighed.  “If you can’t disguise yourself, you can’t really go out in public.  You okay with that?”
“Well, I could turn invisible,” pointed out Lewis, doing so for a moment to prove that was a thing he could do.  “If I didn’t let other people know I was around, would that be all right?”
Arthur thought for a moment before sighing.  “As long as you let us know where you are, yeah.”
Vivi gave Arthur a startled look, not expecting him to support this.  Still, if he was okay with it, she wasn’t gonna give up this opportunity to get a ghost teammate who would maybe help them out on investigations and let her study him a bit.  “Okay, so if you and your Deadbeats (Heh, funny name.) agree to behave and stay out of sight, you can travel with us until we got back to Tempo.  Deal?”
“When will you be going back to Tempo?” asked Lewis.
“Well, we have like 8 days funds, but depending on if we earn anything we might travel around a bit longer,” explained Arthur.
Lewis was familiar with this traveling plan, so he nodded.  “It’s a deal.”
“Great!  Now we should probably head out,” said Vivi.  “We don’t want to fall too far behind in our plans.”
Lewis nodded.  “Sure thing.”  He then proceeded to collapse the entire house into fire and absorb it into his anchor.  He paused as he saw the other three staring at him in shock.  “Uh, did I forget to mention I could do that?”
“Yes,” squeaked Arthur.
“Oops.”  Lewis chuckled nervously.  “Well, yeah, I can make houses.  And other stuff.”  He coughed nervously somehow.  “So, that’s your van, right?  I’ll just go settle into the back.”  He zoomed off.
Arthur turned to Vivi. “I feel like we might’ve bitten off more than we can chew.”
Vivi shrugged.  “Well, nothing we can do now.  Wanna go grab some waffles?”
“Hm…I’d rather just have some yogurt and fruit.  Not that hungry,” said Arthur as they walked back to the van.
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nelllraiser · 4 years
do you wanna summon a demon? | nora & nell
TIMING: awhile ago ?? time isn’t real. LOCATION: the forest near the outskirts. PARTIES: @nelllraiser and @fearfordinner SUMMARY: nora tries to make friends with a demon and gets put on timeout.
It was a very beautiful day to go on a nice long walk in the woods. The birds were chirping, the wolves were howling and in the distance she could just smell a monster of unknown name prancing around. For a few miles Nora followed the unknown monster deep and deeper, never catching up to it but definitely feeling like she was getting closer. She would have kept following the unknown beast farther and farther, but a new scent caught her attention. A human. Nora followed her nose until she walked into a clearing and right onto a circle drawn on the ground. “Oh, sorry I stepped on your circle.” Nora announced in her boring old monotone voice, before considering if she should speak or not. 
It was a very beautiful day to summon a demon in the woods. The birds were chirping, the wolves were howling, and the way the morning fog had left a nice dew over all the plants made an excellent conduit for all the magic she was about to perform. Nell’s splendid stag that she’d lured and killed lay just inside the circle’s boundary where she’d placed it, an offering for whatever demon was willing to form for her today. Her eyes were closed when the magical perimeter she’d set up to tell her of anyone getting near went off in her mind, but she was already too deep in her summoning to stop now. She’d just wipe the memory of whoever it was once she was done, unable to tend to it now. She still hadn’t lifted her gaze when she heard a voice, the words it said making her eyes snapped wide open. “You what?!” Her outrage most likely seemed sudden and out of place, but with the circle demolished, there would be nothing to keep a demon in place, leaving it free to run amok.
Oh. She sounded angry. Nora quickly started using her foot to push dirt into place to fix the circle. “It’s fine. I fixed it.” She pointed down at her patched part of the circle. Now that she wasn’t looking at the ground Nora had a chance to look around. A stag was dead in the circle, the woman who’d yelled at her seemed to be knee deep in something interesting. “Is this a summoning circle?” Nora asked, pulling out a chunk of ham from one of her pockets and taking a bite. Seeing the killed stag had made her hungry. “What are we summoning?”
“No, no, it’s definitely not fine,” Nell said as she crouched by the part of the circle that had been distrubed, trying to patch it as best and as quickly as she could with an influx of magic. But whatever had been planning to come through seemed to be forming, a dark mist pooling in midair in the center of the circle. But the recognition of her summoning circle caught Penelope’s attention. “You know summoning circles? Are you a witch?” Spellcaster, sorcerer, whatever. She was too focused on fixing what had been ruined to find whichever name it was that the other person might prefer. Out of the corner of her eye she caught the ham. Damn it, now she was hungry.
Mouth full of ham Nora stared at the dark mist solidifying in the center of the circle. “Hello. I’m Nora. I’m here to be your friend demon.” Nora has conveniently not answered if she was a witch or not. Blanche seemed to think Nora was, but Nora was on the fence, because she still thought she was fear itself. Because she figured she was fear itself, she also figured that whatever was coming through, a demon she presumed, was going to be her friend. Demons and fear got along hand and hand right? “That is a demon right?” Nora asked in her dull monotone before taking another bite. 
For a moment, Nell thought the woman was trying to tell Penelope her name at a time like this, while a demon was on the verge of escaping. But no....she was trying to say hello to the demon. Though...come to think of it— Penelope couldn’t deny that she wouldn’t also probably make introductions with a demon rather readily, she’d done such a thing on numerous occasions in the past. “Can’t guarantee the demon wants to be your friend back, unfortunately.” Nell was deciding that maybe this whole summoning should go into the books as botched, and renewed her chanting to try and send the demon back into the hole she’d pulled it through. Slowly, the mist began to reverse on itself. “Are you just going to stand there? Actually- that’s probably better- yeah- just stand there.”
The other woman told Nora the demon didn’t want to be her friend then started chanting. Nora’s gaze steadily drifted from disappearing mist to chanting woman while eating ham from her pocket like a person eating popcorn in the theater. Now that she was being directly told to just stand there, Nora didn’t feel like standing there. “I’ll help summon more demons.” Nora said, starting to mumble some complete mumbo jumbo under her breath. Deep within her, she tapped into the magical powers granted to her upon birth and started crafting perfect illusion replicas of the mist, slowly materializing around the circle, but out of its bounds. 
“What?” was Nell’s high-pitched and strained reply. “No, we don’t need more!” Not right now at least. Maybe they could compare demon summoning notes and thoughts later, though. But her shoulders relaxed as the supposed witch began to chant something that didn’t make a single lick of sense, and Nell began to wonder if this other woman was...well...entirely sane. So focused on diminishing the demon in the circle, she didn’t realize until a few moments later that there seemed to be more mist balls forming around the circle. What the fuck? That wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be possible. “What are you doing?”
“Summoning more demons.” Nora said in her calm monotone, staring blankly at the illusioned beings. They were looking good, it was about time to solidify them and have them start waddling around. Making direct eye contact with the woman in the circle, Nora casually slipped her foot forward and broke the circle again. “Oops.” Her voice, tone and face didn’t match what it said. Everything was blank, bored and bland despite the excitement she knew she was about to cause. Each illusioned demon stopped being see-through and started looking solid. Then they started waddling towards the original demon summoner. 
Nell sent out a wayward blast of magic towards one of the ‘demons’, and was mystified momentarily as the magic passed right through. It was as if...nothing was there. But she didn’t have all that much time to think on it as she let out a frustrated near screech when the stranger messed up her circle once again. Without warning, she sent out another pulse of magic, but this one was meant to stick the other woman up against one of the nearby trees. “Stay,” she commanded simply as she tried to fix the newest hole in her circle. 
The other woman was not pleased with Nora’s antics. Nora could tell as she found herself flung to and stuck against a tree. This, Nora decided, was not something she would call ‘an ideal situation.’ It was in times like this she had to ask, what would Jesus do? Nora wasn’t close to being a religious person, but everyone was always asking what he would do and since he was capable of walking on water and coming back from the dead she figured he’d also be capable of freeing her from a tree. She also concluded that he would probably do some religious magic thing that Nora wasn’t capable of doing. Casually Nora peeled off her jacket, letting it drop to the ground before turning into a bear that was attached to a tree. She did all of this while the other woman was hopefully not looking at her. It was more fun that way. Now, safely in bearformation, Nora let out her loudest yodel as if to say “What did you do! I’m a bear! How could you do this to me! Change me back!” 
Nell shot a few more blasts of magic towards the apparitions, and after a few continued to pass through them- it’s wasn’t the hardest thing to guess what was going on. Fucking illusions. Of course. Growling a bit in frustration, she stopped paying the faux demons any mind, focusing only on mending her circle as the demon trying to form in the middle stayed stagnant, neither growing nor shrinking back into whatever world it had come from. But then...what the fuck was that sound? She looked back over her shoulder to be greeted by a fucking bear, and another sound of annoyance was wrenched from her lips. Of course a bugbear had decided to come in and fuck her shit up and try to make a meal of her fear. “Joke’s on you! I’m not scared! I’m just annoyed!” 
“Joke’s on you! I’m not scared! I’m just annoyed!” That declaration of bravery really put a bee in Nora’s perverberal bonnet. Well, maybe she should have been prepared for a witch currently in the middle of summoning something wouldn’t be easily provoked into fear by a few simple tricks. Maybe she was one of those people who needed an actual near death experience to make a difference. So Nora shifted back, in her full nude glory, and hung there attached to the tree without saying anything. Occasionally she would kick her feet, but it wasn’t a ‘I’m trying to escape’ motion. It was a ‘I’m bored and just hanging here so…. Eh.’ motion. “Can I come down yet?” Nora asked after a few minutes of waiting for the witch to salvage her summoning. 
The bugbear went back to her human form, and Nell finally got a grasp on her summoning, driving the thing back from whence it came rather than bringing it into this world like she’d intended. Her sacrifice and magic...wasted thanks to this infernal bugbear. The shadows were gone, and Nell stayed on the forest floor, a great scowl on her features as she turned back towards the person who’d seen fit to completely ruin her casting. “No. You’re on timeout,” she insisted. “You can’t just come into a summoning, and ruin it! You could have set a demon loose! So you can sit there and think about what you’ve done,” Nell finished stubbornly. They could be here all night for all she cared.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 3
Time for more Brotherhood! When we last left off, we got the backstory on the Elric Brothers, and they were off to investigate rumors of ‘miracles’ by a priest that I don’t think is quite on the up and up, given all the oh-so-subtle “THIS IS A BAD GUY” clues in the last post-credits. But hey, I’ve been wrong before. Let’s get started!
Hmm. Same “Alchemy 101” intro from last episode, should I count the mention of “Equivalent Exchange” here if this shows up each time? I’m happy just spotting it in normal dialogue, but I’ll leave it up to you guys if I should include this mention. Urgh, seeing smiling Mama Elric is still a kick in the gut. Still don’t know some of the characters here, but looking forward to meeting them. Maybe not the Goths so much. We’re at the town! And there’s a [Radio Voice]? Is this the (corrupt) priest? Who… huh, he’s preaching about the “Sun God Leto”. This the primary religion in this setting, or just one guy who’s all “Praise the Sun!” NPC Shopkeeper is asking if the Elrics are street performers in their getups. Gotta admit, Al’s pulling off an impressive loom here, leaning on the counter. “Street performer” wouldn’t be my first guess looking at the giant fanged suit of armor. Ed in his red cloak, however… yeah, gotta side with NPC Shopkeeper here. And really Ed, what did you expect? Why would he ask if you were a carny unless he thought you might be? Oops! Watch your head, Al! Don’t break the poor guy’s radio! Well, that’s smashed. But nothing a little Alchemy can’t fix, right? [Energetic Strings] as Al preps the TC, and a crowd of curious villagers are looking on. And tada, good as new! Smug Ed is proud of- “Amazing, it’s a miracle! You’ve been touched by the Sun God, just like Father Cornello!” No no, it’s alchemy! But to their credit, the villagers come around quickly at the mention of the Elric Brothers, are pleased to meet… *sigh*. Saw that coming a mile away. Wavy-armed Al has to correct his well-meaning friends, point out the “little guy”. Who does not appreciate the running gag. Episode 03: “City of Heresy” So now that that little misunderstanding is out of the way, Ed asks the now-terrified villagers about the voice on the radio. Shopkeep and [Man 1] talk about their leader Father Cornello, who came into town with some pretty big claims, up to bringing the dead back to life. Ed says that’s something he needs to see. And here’s the priest, smiling to a huge crowd of cheering villagers as glowing roses rain from the sky. On of his miracles? And the crowd goes nuts as he catches one of them, and then a bright red glow later it’s a large crystal? Not sure what he just did, but something about that shade of red… just didn’t seem that wholesome to me. Again, trying to reserve judgement, but not getting the best impression of you right now, Father. The Brothers are watching the show, Al says that there’s no doubt it’s alchemy. But somehow he’s ignoring the Law of Equivalent Exchange? EEC: 4 Oh, I see! Normal rules would be that you can’t add mass or change organic matter into inorganic, but here he is catching a rosebud and making a great big crystal statue. And you can’t do that, unless… But that ring on his finger can’t really be a Philosopher’s Stone, could it? That’s like the end-all of this magic system. I could buy one showing up earlyish in this series, but the third episode? Let alone as a tool of a minor villain. Heck, either the Goths or the Government should have already swooped in and taken this, no sane power-block would let such an artifact remain out of their control for long. Anyways, inside the chapel a lady with striking red highlights is praying for “him” to be brought back, when Ed and Al show up. Lady, who captions have named Rose, asks if they are interested in Letoism. So she works for Cornello? Or just a religious villager? But nah, Ed says he’s not really the “religious” type. Given we’ve seen him encounter a demon who claimed to be God, I can understand his position. Rose is sorry to hear that, saying that to know God is to know hope, that through divine grace all things are possible. I’d rather not have religion get pulled into this Watch, but I can- “If you believed… I’m sure Leto would bless you and make you grow taller!” ...wow, ok then. I’m just gonna put away my heartfelt religion discussion, and just sit back and laugh at Al holding Ed back. Come on dude, she’s so sincere she’s got “Sincere” above her head! Don’t hate the messenger! Anyways, back to the topic at hand. How’s about this “bringing the dead back to life” business, does Rose believe in that as well? She does, and in the face of so much optimism Ed just pulls out a ratty notebook and starts reciting… chemical compositions… oh dear. Yeah, Rose has no idea what all this chemistry is about. Ed hunches over, talking about how the chemical composition of the human body has been calculated down to the last microgram, but still no successful human transmutations. And here Rose is saying that they can do with prayer something that modern science can’t do? Rose starts reciting scripture… and Ed holds no punches, explaining any kid could buy those ingredients down at the market for pocket change. “As it turns out humans are pretty cheap.” Hoo boy. This is turning into a proper religion v. science slugfest, isn’t it? And I really, REALLY don’t want to open up that particular can of worms on the Internet, but… Ed’s saying that Alchemists are scientists, they don’t believe in unprovable concepts like creators or gods. And heck, with the progress of science they’ve gotten the power to play gods themselves… Rose takes offense to this sheer arrogance. And Ed… brings up the myth of Icarus? Oooh, topical, isn’t it. About how someone flew too close to the sun and came crashing back down to earth. Al… Ed jumps up and asks if Father Cornello could save an arrogant scientist like him, which Rose jumps upon. *Sigh* Rose isn’t going to have a good time this episode, is she? Higher in the chapel, someone named Cray is talking to Father Cornello, saying a child and a man in a suit of armor wish to see him. Cornello is scowling out the window, says he can’t be bothered right now and to send them away. What’s the trouble, Father? But then he recognizes the Elric name, and- Oooh! Bad Father, you just swore in church! Both men are upset at realizing that the Fullmetal Alchemist (“The man in the armor?” “Dressing the part, it would seem.” Ha!) has come calling? Oh wow you guys are definitely bad, scowling and muttering about your “plans” to ominous string music. It seems Cray is leading the Elrics now, saying that they’re in luck, he can spare a moment of his time. Ed says they won’t take too much, and Cray- gun! Brother Cray has pulled a gun… and is pointing it at Al, while two guys in robes with staves block Ed. Yeah, not too worried about this, although Rose is. Cray claims that they are evil heathens come to discredit the Father, to which Ed agrees to make it quick and instantly takes down the Robes. And Armor Punch to the unfortunate Cray’s face! Father Cornello emerges from the shadows, welcoming them to the hope of their ‘sacred order’ and “apologizing for his disciples’ behavior”. Ed doesn’t buy it for a second, demanding to know how Cornello has been using Alchemy to deceive the villagers. Cornello claims that it’s the work of Leto, creating a statue in his hands as proof of something Alchemy couldn’t do. And Ed agrees, saying he didn’t get how he could just ignore the Law of Equivalent Exchange. EEC: 5 Poor Rose, looking back and forth between the increasingly irate Father Cornello and the angry Edward, who calls out Cornello’s ring as a Philosopher’s Stone. Cornello keeps claiming to be “God’s humble servant”, so Ed says he’ll just have to beat the Truth out of him. Cornello… what. Dude. Dude, NO. That is messed up. Cornello just told Rose to pick up the fallen gun. And then shoot the Fullmetal Alchemist. Thankfully Rose is shocked at that order, says she can’t do that. But Cornello says that his word is that of Leto himself, and finally opens one eye to look down on them. “Shoot him, Rose. It’s God’s will.” Bad Father, very very bad Father! Rose? Rose, honey, please put down the gun. Aw crud, and now Cornello’s bringing up the loss of her fiance, reminding her of a promise; if she had faith, he’d bring him back to life. And with that, she’s pointed the gun at… Al. Ok, that’s ok, we can work with aw damnit Al shut up! You’re the suit of armor, take the name for just a few minutes! And oh my god Ed just shut up shut up stop getting pissed that people keep mistaking your brother for you. “Person about to shoot the Fullmetal Alchemist” is not the time to insist that you’re the Fullmetal Alchemist! And aw crud, Cornello’s shocked that it’s “the short one”. You dun goofed. Ok, back to the gun. Rose is apologizing, saying she has no choice. Ed tries to convince her that Cornello’s been lying, but she’s still believing in the Father’s “miracles”. So Ed tells her to shoot, and- Al! Rose fired blindly and hit Al’s helmet! On the one hand, impressive shot if it had been intentional. On the other hand, what the hell Rose?! Rose rightfully drops the gun in shock and starts screaming, Cornello smugly says that “God Leto is pleased”. And then tells her to pick the gun back up and shoot the other as well. And then the headless suit of armor sits back up and chides Cornello for making her do enough already! Ha! Take that, fake priest! [Exciting Music] starts up as Cornello blathers about Al being an abomination, how the ‘evil’ must be purged… and pulls a switch? Gah, manticore! Manticores are a thing in this setting! Cornello says his chimera should be up to the task. Or not a manticore? In the light it looks like the front half of a lion, and the back half of a rat. Edward calmly summons a spear, further shocking Cornello at the lack of a TC. But… ooh, the chimera just sliced right through the weapon. Seems the claws are sharp enough to “tear through iron”. Maybe Al should step back? Ah, nevermind. Ed’s pants may have been shredded, but the chimera’s claws didn’t do jack against his steel automail leg. And a bite attack likewise failed against his automail arm. And the pieces finally click into place for Cornello… wait, hold on. This seems really familiar for some reason… didn’t we just go through all this two episodes ago? Yeah, we did! This is almost word for word from Ep 1! Failed attack against an automail limb, Al getting his head knocked off, bad guy smugly accusing them of breaking the “No Human Transmutation” rule… you guys were saying this was the first proper episode in the manga, right? How Brotherhood’s first episode was mostly to show off the characters, and they put all the backstory into the second? Not saying this is bad or anything, just figured I should mention it. Poor, poor Rose. You’ve had a rough day, haven’t you? And good grief Cornello shut up, stop blathering about their attempting human transmutation. I don’t know exactly why you’re evil, beyond your earlier attempts to kill these boys for getting too close to your “plans”, but you are not helping your case right now. Yup, there it is, you just insulted their arrogance for trying to bring someone dead back to life. Remind me, what was your promise to Rose? Al plaintively asks for Cornello to hand over the stone before he gets hurt. It goes over about as well as you could expect, Transmuting his cane into a good grief is that a minigun? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are a terrible priest! Ed blocks the shots with Earthbending, boasting about he and God don’t get along very well, as Al swoops up Rose and gets her out of the line of fire. Or not really, because Cornello takes aim at them and starts blasting away, Rose only protected by Al’s bulk. And Ed… ha! Ignores the door and Transmutes a new one to get past the hapless disciples, and the brothers prance off down the hallway as gun-toting Father Cornello runs out and orders them to chase. Brothers are running along, but a couple of disciples have blocked off the end of the hallway, saying that’s far enough. Ed just laughs and goes full Alex Mercer on them. Disciple Group #2 are waiting in the wings… and their boss gets a Armor Boot to the face. Next! Now they’re… up in the clocktower? Al’s doing something to the bell, talking to Rose who is understandably upset. Al says that they aren’t evil. They just wanted to see their mom’s smile again. And guh guh don’t show that Thing again get it away, we already know it failed don’t show us again. Al goes on to talk about how Alchemy’s based on the Law of Equivalent Exchange- EEC: 6 -and how the price of their failed attempt was enormous, costing Ed his left leg and Al his entire body. And then Ed gave up his arm to bind Al to the armor. Now they’re on a mission, Al to restore Ed to his original body, and Ed to do likewise to Al. It won’t be easy, but it’s the path they chose. All they can do is keep moving. And here’s the sticking point, Cornello’s “promise” to Rose. And true to her optimism, she still has hope, going so far as to say that even if the Elrics failed, that doesn’t mean he will. Poor, poor Rose. Back inside, Cornello runs past a room… and then looks back in, finding Ed sitting on a desk. Cornello’s office? Ed seems confident, is he planning something? Wait, what? “Tell me what I need to know and I’ll be on my way... “ Cornello. Cornello, buddy, tell me you aren’t going to fall for that… oh my Sun God, really? You can’t seriously believe after all you’ve done that Ed will just walk away after a few questions. He’s obviously stalling for whatever Al was doing. *Sigh* Fine, whatever. What’s your deal, Cornello? Why waste time with these phony ‘miracles’ when you can ignore Equivalent Exchange? Oh? So you’re attracting disciples with your ‘miracles’, building an army of fanatics? As unimpressed as Ed is, it’s not actually the worst plan. Why do everything yourself when you can convince some schmucks to do it for you? I mean, they won’t last a second against the State Alchemists, but whatever. Although it’s still not answering the question of “why”. Why do you need an army? Why do you want to use the Philosopher’s Stone to “tear the country apart”? Heck, ignoring your stupid offering of a ‘slice’ of the country to Ed (do you really think he’d go for that?), I still want to know how you got a Philosopher’s Stone, and why someone smarter hasn’t beaten you up for it already. Alright, whatever. [evil laughter], glowing white eyes, cast in shadow. Are you done monologuing? Because it’s probably time for Al to come busting down the door or whatever. “Wait, what are you laughing about?” You, dude. You are just cartoonishly evil. You got nothing on Mr. Freeze. See, Ed’s even calling you a novice! Evil Overlord List, Cornello. Read it. Wait, what? “On”? No. YES. YES. On Switch + Microphone = Dawning Realization the Radio Transmitter was turned on, plugged into the Church Bell Transmuted into a Loudspeaker. “There were never any miracles, Rose…” Shut up Al don’t ruin this moment for me! Ok, moment slightly redeemed by the “Are you f*cking kidding me” looks on the disciples’ faces. Here I was thinking Ed was recording it maybe, delaying for Al to show up and knock his teeth out? But transmitting Cornello’s monologue over the entire town? Genius. I am standing up and applauding, I am not even kidding. Oh man, these reaction cuts are gold, NPC Shopkeeper in particular looks pissed. Even the dog is shocked! Ok, ok. Give me a second to breathe… Just give it up, Cornello. You aren’t talking your way out of this one. And stop trying to fight, Ed way outclasses you. And… ouch, your Transmutation on your damaged gun just failed, looks like it melded with your arm? A rebound, like the failed Human Transmutation? Yep, Cornello’s lost it, yelling about being the ‘chosen emissary of the Sun God Leto’. Cut to the chapel, and Hulk-Cornello just smashed through. They’re smashing the place up, Cornello still ranting about being the Fist of God (does he really believe in Leto?), to which Ed Transmutes the great big statue to give him what he asked for. And Cornello’s down, like the half-baked villain he is. Now Ed can grab the… Philosopher’s Stone? It just stopped glowing and fell to the ground before dissolving. I mean, way too early for Ed to get the Quest Item, but still. Ed’s all shocked, saying the Stone is supposed to be the perfect material. So it was fake? But then how did Cornello do all that? Speaking of, the guy is just whining and whimpering now that he apparently can’t Transmute anymore. And Ed just… lets him go, yells at him to get out of there? Dude, arrest him! Guy was brainwashing a village, tried to have you killed, and was working to take over the country (no way he would have succeeded, but still). Don’t just let him get away! But apparently he does, it’s later as the Elric Brothers are talking outside the chapel. Come on, perk up guys. Just because this was a dead end- Rose, what the hell?! Put the gun down! Didn’t you hear him, it was a fake! And whoa, accusing them of keeping it for themselves? To get their bodies back, and bring back- Oh. Huh. Apparently that’s not even a consideration. “People don’t come back from the dead, Rose. Not ever… Not ever…” So, it really is just a quest to get their bodies back? Not to bring back Mama Elric? Rose collapses, crying about how Cornello promised her, that if she was faithful a miracle would occur. Without that hope, what is she supposed to believe in now? She’s begging them, asking what to do… and the Brothers walk right by her. Dudes, not cool. Don’t just leave her like this. “I can’t tell you that. You have to figure it out. Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You’ve got two good legs. So use them. You’re strong enough to make your own path.” ...while I admire the intent behind the message (and is this the show that Monty Oum’s catchphrase of “Keep moving forward” came from?), I can’t help but think that this isn’t he best time. Rose has just had her world destroyed, the source of her faith uprooted, the hope of getting her fiance back shattered. She needs something a little more gentle than “suck it up”. Later that night, seems the entire village has gathered, the [angry mob yelling] for Cornello. Inside the chapel, Cornello is clutching his new metal arm and ranting about the little brat… until another voice interrupts him? Lust? The lady’s complaining that they should have just incited a rebellion, while the fat guy chews on one of the chimera’s legs, then says he’s hungry and asks to eat the old man. Lust tells Gluttony no, she doesn’t want to risk indigestion. Cornello does not appreciate being mocked, says he won't SWEET LETO WHAT THE HELL Um, so Lust apparently has Terminator 2 claws on her glove, just stabbed Cornello through the forehead. Camera pans to an ouroboros-like symbol above her bust? Anyways, Cornello dead. Lust complains about ‘Father’ not being pleased about starting from scratch- Gluttony? Gluttony, no. Gluttony NO. No eating him. Don’t you- Ok, didn’t not need to see that. Well ok! Good episode, some parts seemed a little bit repetitive, drawn from the previous two I guess? But good overall, more establishment of the Elrics and setting stuff up for future episodes. So what’s up next? Riza! Doing paperwork! Seems the Elrics travel to the Eastern Command Center and to report to Colonel Roy Mustang (name is still manly). And there they meet the Sewing Life Alchemist? Oh, so bio-alchemy’s a thing? I guess with the divide between organic and inorganic matter, with all the Earth and Waterbending we’ve seen so far time to see the other side. And will this get us details on that chimera that Cornello made? Oh hey, is that a Cerberus? Looks like a three-headed dog in a cage, captured experiment or what? Episode 04: “An Alchemist’s Anguish” “Some meetings in this life are destined only for heartbreak.”
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jjeangrey · 6 years
Sorry For Writing All The Songs About You (Bucky x Reader)
Summary: Tony accidentally found out about the little secret you’ve been hiding under your bed.
A/N: Inspired by the song “Sorry For Writing All The Songs About You” by Clara Mae.
Warnings: angst, cussing, and just a very sad story oops
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“Y/N?” Tony calls as he enters your room. The door’s locked but since he basically made the avengers tower, he can easily come inside any room he wants and when he wants to. You hate it when he’s being a snoopy asshole.
“Hmm, look’s like our little princess slept late last night.” He says as he looks over your bed and sees you sleeping peacefully, with saliva dripping on the side of your lips. He chuckled and took out his phone to take a picture. “Oh, you’re for sure gonna hate me for this, but that’s what you get for waking up late.” He puts his phone back in his pocket and looks around your room.
“JARVIS?” He called and the speaker of your room spoke.
“Yes sir?”
“Wake Y/N up in an hour and let her know there’s gonna be a party tonight for celebrating the success of our last mission.”
“I will, sir.”
He started walking over to your bed when he accidentally kicked something underneath. “Ow! What the hell?” And him being the snoopy asshole that he is, he kneels to see what it was and pulled a little wooden box from under your bed. He slowly opens it while chanting, “Please don’t be drugs, please don’t be drugs, please don’t be drugs.” And when he successfully opens it, it didn’t reveal drugs but a bunch of papers with words in it. “Yay?”
He reads a few of the papers and a grin slowly formed his mouth. “Oh, Y/N. You sneaky, talented, little brat.”
It’s 6 pm and you’re getting ready for another one of Stark’s parties. JARVIS informed you after he woke you up by blasting one of One Direction’s songs so loud on the speaker, you basically fell of your bed because it was vibrating.
You put on the last part of your tonight’s makeup, which is a red lipstick, matching to your glittery red dress. You brushed your hair to the side one last time and turned to Wanda who’s sitting on your bed, busy playing a game on her phone. “What do you think?”
She looks up and smiled. “Wow, red really is your color.” You chuckled and walked over to her. “Well, I control fire, so obviously.”
You have been an avenger for about a year now. You started as one of S.H.I.E.L.D’s best agents until everyone discovered that you’re not a normal human being and Fury appointed you to join the Avengers team. You didn’t like it at first, but the longer you stayed, you loved saving people even more and you became attached to the other members. Especially to one particular member, Bucky Barnes.
You met him on your first day being an avenger, and it wasn’t because you were introduced to him. You were running late and you accidentally spilled coffee on his white shirt. Since then, you had a huge crush on him. After a while, you two started secretly dating.
Everything was going great for a few months until you had a big fight, and the next day he went with Nat for a two-week mission. When they came back, they were dating.
You didn’t react, of course, because nobody knew you two were a thing, so you just kept it inside. You didn’t know how to express your feelings without anybody knowing so you started writing songs and kept it in a box underneath your bed.
The party’s over and the guests have gone home but Tony asked the team to stay for a bit more. They talked about the mission, the past, and laugh about the stories and jokes everyone would tell. You feel a little weight lifted out of your heart as you spend time with the avengers, your friends, your family. You love this. You wanted to stay like this forever.
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Until Tony said those words.
“Guys, you know, Y/N has a talent she hasn’t showed us yet.”
You looked up and turned to Tony who’s smiling from ear to ear. You gave him a confused look and he just winked at you.
What talent?
“Really? Well, show us!” Sam said and the rest agreed with him.
“Um, besides creating fire out of nowhere, I don’t have anything else. Sorry to disappoint you.” You shrugged.
“Liar.” Tony stood up and took out a a long brown envelope underneath the couch. He opened it and pulled pieces of papers you are very much familiar with. Your eyes widened and you immediately got out of your seat and snatched the papers from Tony’s hands. “Where the fuck did you get this?”
“You were sleeping late so I went to your room, and found those.” He chuckled and went back to his seat.
“I am going to kill you, Anthony Stark.” You said in rage and you were about to get out of your seat again to punch the motherfucker but Clint pulled you back. “Woah, woah, woah. Before anyone gets murdered here, can someone tell us what happened?”
“He snooped, again, into my things!”
“She writes songs.”
“Wait, what?” Said everyone else.
You can feel yourself getting heated and you might burn this place to the ground if you don’t control your powers so you went to the bar to get yourself a drink. You’re so angry but also embarrassed because the words on those papers were your feelings and someone just read them.
“You write very depressing songs, Lady Y/N.” Thor said as he scanned the papers with Clint and Rhodey around him. You were about to go after them but Sam stopped you. “Nah-uh, killing team members is prohibited.”
You rolled your eyes and slumped back in your seat. God, how you wish you have the power to make the ground swallow you right now.
“You really do write songs, Y/N?” Natasha asked.
“Oh, y-yeah but not really. They’re just... n-nonsense.” You stuttered.
“Nonsense? These are amazing, doll.” Steve said as he looked over the lyrics you wrote.
“Yeah, I can’t believe you’re a superhero AND a songwriter.” Bruce chuckled and messed your hair.
“I got an idea.” Tony stood up.
“Sit your ass back down, Stark. Your ideas are always fucking bullshit.”
He continued as if he didn’t hear you.” What about, we let Y/N sing one of her songs to us right now?” He walked over to the piano and opened it.
“No no no no. That’s where you draw the line.” You growled as your cheeks get red and you feel flames started making their way to your fingers.
“Oh, come on! I haven’t heard you sing once, even in the shower.” Wanda teased and you just shot her a deadly stare.
The team started cheering you on and you just felt so shy. You want to run back to your room but they’re for sure not going to let you, since you already see Sam standing on the doorway.
“Go do it, Y/N. I want—I mean we want to hear you sing.” Bucky said out of nowhere. You looked at him and you saw him staring at you intensely.
It’s been a long time since you two said a word to each other and you missed his low, raspy voice talking to you. You just missed him so much.
You walked over to the piano and sat on the little stool. “Fine, but just this once.”
Everyone started yelling and cheering, and you can feel the love and support. Maybe finally expressing your feelings to other people is a good idea.
“Well, I haven’t written a song in a while so i’ll just sing the very last song I did.” You said and you started playing the piano. Everyone got quiet and went back to their seats to listen to you. You took a deep breath and started singing.
I can't help myself I put it down on paper
All the different stages, memories of us
That's the only way I know that I can shake it
Writing all our pages, every single thought
You smiled as you remember all the happy memories with you and Bucky. When you fell asleep in his room after you just puked all over him and confessed your feelings to him. And when he confessed his feelings for you in the morning after that.
Your first date on this small coffee shop he only knows about, your first kiss when you were watching a movie, and the first time you did it after you went home from the movies.
Everything about you two was perfect, and it sucks that all that was just gone.
And you didn’t talk about it or say proper goodbyes to each other.
You looked over to Bucky and he’s staring at you right back, listening to every word you’re singing. Natasha looked uncomfortable. Maybe she knows about you and Bucky’s past. Maybe he told her.
Sorry for writing all the songs about you
I know that you hate that I got more to say
Sorry for writing all the songs about you
But I had to, oh I had to
You looked at everyone else and they look confused. Trying to figure out who the song and the rest that you wrote is really all about. And you just wanna tell them, scream that it’s for Bucky. All of this is for Bucky.
Swear no one will know that every moment was true
All the mistakes and why you ran away
No one really will know. You wanted to tell Tony and Steve and Clint and everyone else about your relationship. The fight you had the night before the mission. You wanted to tell them you two never really broke up officially, but actions speak louder than words. And you respect Bucky and you know he wanted to keep it private. God, even after all this time, you still fucking love him. After all the songs you wrote, you still couldn’t forget him.
Sorry for writing all the songs about you
But I had to, oh I had to
The only way for you to not die because of the pain you’re feeling is by writing songs. These songs are what gave you the strength to face Natasha and Bucky everyday without having to have a mental breakdown in front of them. These songs kept you sane. And now that everyone knows about it, you don’t know what to do.
You feel your eyes watering, and you saw Wanda ready to stand up and pull you away from everyone but you just gave her a smile to tell her that you’re alright.
But you’re not alright, not even close.
I can’t wait for you to recognize the stories
Like when you said you loved me, or that time at the rooftop
You remembered that night at the rooftop. No one really goes there except you and Bucky, because that’s your hiding spot.
“Marry me.” Bucky said out of the blue and you almost choked on your drink.
“I’m sorry, what?” You blinked a few times to understand what he’s trying to say.
“I said,” he pulled you closer to him and rested his forehead on yours. “marry me, doll.”
“Buck, we’ve only been dating for two months. The team don’t even know about us yet.” You said as you put down your drink and wrapped your arms behind Bucky’s neck. He plants a kiss on the tip of your nose and smiled. “Then we’ll tell them. Just... just say you’ll marry me.”
“Are you really... proposing?”
“Uh, well I don’t have a ring right now but yes, I am doll. I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” He knelt down on one knee and held both of your hands.
“You don’t need a ring to make me say yes.” You smiled widely. “Yes, Barnes. I will marry you.”
Will you act as if you haven’t even heard it
Nothing of it really matters
Bucky was listening. He was listening and understanding everything. He wanted to go run and hug you, but Natasha’s beside him and now he doesn’t know what to do. He loved you. And he still loves you, but he’s afraid.
Just to get over what we lost, what we lost
I put it in words to clear my thoughts
And just to get over, over us
I had to, I had to
Sorry for writing all the songs about you
You finally finished the song and you started bawling your eyes out. Everyone was speechless. You stood up, glanced one last time at Bucky who’s looking very concerned, and ran back to your room.
You heard Wanda muttered, “Bucky.”
And you never looked back.
Here’s the part 2, as requested!
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sssrha · 5 years
Complications || Naruto Fanfiction
Everyone is dead except for Team Seven, and Naruto considers time travel a viable option. So, of course, his teammates ruin it for him. [au, oocness, one-shot, crack-fic, dark humor, gen]
[You can also read it on AO3, FFN, and Wattpad]
Today was not a good day for Sakura Haruno. Actually, most days haven’t been good for Sakura, nor for the rest of Team Seven. One couldn’t blame them, though, seeing as the whole world was kind of wiped out and they were probably the last humans left. Well, maybe some remote tribe off in the Land of Whatever was still thriving, but as for the rest of civilization—poof! Gone in an instant.
Try as she might, though, Sakura couldn’t really bring herself to care. True, she felt sad but it was kind of a detached sadness. Occasionally, she would look around the dark cave that she and her teammates had holed up in and think, Huh, I used to have a house.
As of right now, however, she was oddly fascinated by the little spider in front of her. It climbed up the wall, its legs somehow finding a grip on the slippery surface. Carefully, Sakura prodded it with a nearby stick, and the spider started to climb up the wall faster. Resilient, then. Determined. Sakura’s smile grew. He’s the perfect friend! Absolutely convinced that Sasuke would be as excited as she was, she yelled, “Ke, look who I found!”
Sasuke, who had been devouring the leg of some animal or another, looked up. He squinted, wiping some of the blood off his cheek. Maybe I should cook it next time. Nevertheless, he called back, “What is it, Ra?”
“A spider!” Sakura turned to look at him, smiling. “You know, To told you to not eat raw meat anymore,” she said offhandedly.
Sasuke scowled and took another large bite from the chunk of meat in his hands. “To’s paranoid, and I don’t care about the spider unless I can eat it.”
Sakura got a thoughtful look on her face. She took her stick up and once again prodded at the arachnid. “I mean, you could theoretically eat him. He’s not poisonous.”
Sasuke paused. He looked up and squinted at Sakura. “Really?”
“He probably wouldn’t fill you up very much…” She stared off into space, lost in her own head.
Sasuke, meanwhile, looked back down at the unfortunate creature that had wandered into the cave. It was a little larger than his abdomen; he could probably finish it in a few more minutes, and it definitely wouldn’t fill him. A spider might help. And so, Sasuke Uchiha stood up, walked right past a contemplating Sakura, grabbed the spider on the wall, and swallowed it whole.
For a moment, there was nothing but silence in the cave. Then, Sakura let out a horrified screech. “Ke, you ate him!”
Sasuke swallowed a second time, satisfied when the spider finally stopped trying to scurry back up his throat. Then, he gave Sakura a confused look. “You said I could eat it.”
“Theoretically!” Sakura snapped. “We had a friend, Ke, and you ate him!”
Sasuke scowled. “It was a spider and I was hungry.”
“You don’t just go around eating your friends!”
“I don’t,” Sasuke agreed. “I go around eating food!”
“Friends aren’t food!”
“My friends aren’t, I don’t know about your’s!”
“You don’t have any friends!”
“Neither do you!”
They both glared at each other, full of venom. Nearly in unison, they both pulled their arms back, hands fisted, ready to throw a punch, when a voice yelled, “Not again! I swear, you two will be the death of me!” Naruto Uzumaki stomped into the cave, his shirt missing and nearly every visible inch of skin caked in mud and blood. He stared at them, scowling. “I left for twenty minutes and you two are already ready to kill each other!”
Immediately, Sasuke and Sakura pulled back. Sakura hung her head in shame but Sasuke just looked away, not making eye contact. “I’m sorry, To,” they chorused, and Naruto sighed.
“Yeah, whatever, I guess I should have—” Naruto froze, eyes zeroing in on the bloody carcass in the middle of the cave. “Sasuke! I thought I told you not to eat raw meat! Either cook it or wait for me to cook it!”
“I could cook it,” Sakura said.
“Yeah, I don’t trust you with fire.” He turned back to Sasuke. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Sasuke scowled. “I was hungry cooking it would take too long.”
“You’re always hungry. Sasuke, you could have gotten salmonella—is that what it’s called, Sakura?”
“Yeah,” she muttered. “It can be deadly.”
“See, Sasuke? You could have died!”
“I’m not going to die.”
“Says who?”
“No one.”
“Exactly—no one because everyone is dead!”
Sasuke waved his concern away, flushing a bit when he realized that his hand was still stained red. Clearing his throat, he said, “You’re exaggerating.”
“Exagger— Oh my god, Sasuke, you’re insufferable.” Sighing, he sat down on the floor. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is this!” He pulled something out of his pack and placed it on the floor, smiling. “It changes everything.”
Sakura examined it closely. Her eyes widened. “It’s a scroll!” she said, delighted. “I can keep all my friends in there now—”
“No,” Naruto interrupted, “you cannot. This is not a storage scroll, it contains a jutsu.”
“You mean it’s storing a jutsu?” Sasuke muttered.
Naruto ignored him. “The jutsu...is a time travel jutsu!” There is a bit of silence, and Naruto took that as a cue to continue. “We can go back and save everyone! Sai and Yamato and Kakashi—”
“Kaka-sensei’s fine,” Sakura interrupted.
Sasuke nodded, though Naruto noticed him eyeing the rotting carcass again. “Yeah, he’s over there, like always.”
Against his will, Naruto turned toward the corner of the cave. There sat a skeleton, propped up against the wall. Its legs were folded, in its arms was an orange book, and a hitai-ate was slanted over one of its eye sockets. More importantly, though, a rusty kunai was jammed into its rib cage. Naruto glanced at it, then glanced back at Sasuke and Sakura. Flatly, he said, “Oops. Sorry, easy mistake.”
Sasuke snorted. He turned to Sakura and muttered, “And he calls us the insane ones.”
“Yeah,” Sakura agreed. She turned to the skeleton and called out, “Hey, Kaka-sensei, how are you?” The skeleton’s head promptly tumbled off of its body and shattered into a hundred pieces. Naruto stared, wide-eyed, but Sakura just nodded. “See, he’s fine.”
“...I’m not having this conversation with you two. Look, let’s get back to the scroll. We could...we could save Itachi! That’s great!”
Sasuke tilted his head, considering. “How would we do that?”
“We could kill Danzo!”
“But wouldn’t that create another complicated slew of problems?”
“But we can survive them!”
“No, I really don’t think we could.”
Naruto scowled. “You just said that you weren’t going to die!”
“Don’t twist my words.”
“Sa— Ugh, whatever. Look, this scroll is a good thing. Let’s do it.”
“Do what?”
“Go back in time!”
“We could,” Sakura agreed, “but what if we cause some kind of rip in the space-time continuum?”
“That won’t happen.”
“How do you know?” Sasuke asked.
“I just...what’s the point of having a time-travel jutsu if it just destroys everything?”
“Then how come we didn’t know that it existed before?” Sasuke said. “If someone has a time-travel jutsu, then they could go back in time. They could sell it and make millions.”
“They might want to keep it a secret.”
“But wouldn’t they fix everything?”
“I...maybe they fixed things for themselves.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. Sakura hummed. “What if we end up in each other’s bodies by accident? What if we end up in someone else’s body?” A pause. “What if we end up in the body of a sea slug?”
Naruto stared at her. “I...whoever made this probably—”
“And what would happen if we were shoved into the body of a dinosaur right before the meteor hit Earth?” Sasuke asked. “Because that would be bad. Do you know how to control how far back we go?”
“I’m sure—”
“What if,” Sasuke continued, “we ended up in one of our parents’ bodies while they’re having se—”
“Stop it!” Naruto snapped.
Sasuke shrugged. “It could happen.”
“It could.”
“Ke,” Sakura said, “stop it. You’re ruining it for To!”
“I’m sorry, I’m just laying out all the possibilities.” He sighed and turned to Naruto. “Sorry, To, you can do the jutsu.”
Naruto, however, was just staring down at the scroll in his hand. “I don’t think I want to go back anymore…”
Sasuke shrugged. “Fair enough.” He grabbed the scroll out of Naruto’s hand and threw it to Sakura. “Here, use it for your friends.” Sakura squealed in delight. Naruto stared blankly as she opened it, scratched out the jutsu that was written on it, and started to draw a storage seal. After a few moments, Sasuke awkwardly patted him on the back. “Don’t feel too bad, To. It was doomed to fail.”
Realizing that he hadn’t really cheered him up, Sasuke sighed and rummaged through his pack. Finally, he pulled out a deck of cards and said, “You want to play Crazy Eights?”
Sakura’s head snapped up. “I do!”
Flatly, Naruto said, “I refuse to play cards with you two.”
Sakura smiled. “You can play with Kaka-sensei. You haven’t been talking to him much lately—I think he’s starting to get worried.”
Naruto stared at her, then looked back at Kakashi’s skeleton. Well, I could get some peace and quiet for once. “Give me the damn cards.”
And that is how Naruto found himself sitting in front of the headless skeleton of his dead Sensei. A bit too late, he realized that he forgot how to play Crazy Eights. Hey, Kurama, do you remember?
There was a low growl followed by a groggy No, and Naruto’s head was once again filled with loud snores. Normally, Naruto would kick and scream and do everything in his power to get the fox to wake up—and it would never work—but he didn’t really care at the moment and, quite frankly, he was tired of being the sane one. So, he looked up to where the skeleton’s skull would have been and asked, “You got any twos?”
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tpaigeme · 6 years
just photos w original music
Dear Democratic Party.
I have a confession to make. The other day I slipped up and prayed.
Should I make a video confessing to my sin? In front of CNN? And the nation? And promise to never do it again? Should I resign in disgrace? An embarrassed look on my face?
I am guilty of party line violation caught in the act..of prayer and supplication to God.
Only you can save us oh great Democratic Party hacks —- the Saviors and Messiahs of our souls and our nation.  
I will meditate on you on a daily basis. Upon my little yoga mat I cross my legs and repeat the phrases, “cross my heart hope to die”,  forgive me for I
have sinned. How can I make amends?
Shame on me!  what kind of proper Luciferian prays, “our Father who art in heaven? Hallowed be thy name? Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us? And lead us not into temptation but, (and here’s the kicker), “deliver us from evil.”
Oops I said it again,  “deliver us from evil.”  
I guess that’s it for me and the Democratic Party. Think of the perks I will lose. But, the Lord I do happily choose, renouncing Satan. Only God can save our nation.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.  
They destroyed your LAND people!! You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental physical composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands, it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe.  Correct utopian fantasy must be not just worshipped and adored but done so correctly.
That’s what  got you going, spinning sideways out of control ike a top that had run out of petro. Like a drunken Mexican on the streets of Arrested Development.
That’s right. Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.
Because....you’re sane and they’re not.  
For the first time in my life I feel like I am the voice of reason and sanity and moderation . Lol.  That should give you an indication  of how crazy they are. Theyve out crazied T Paige.    It’s a great time a great day a great time for all the unhinged, unglued mentally unstable nut jobs to come out of the woodwork. They have a platform! The worm has turned. For years 50 years at least detente was a good thing! Now the Sore Loser  in Chief, Hillary Clinton and her chieftains are outraged, they need someone to blame for their loss, to save face.  Why not Russia! ???   So they dig themselves in deeper and deeper. Little do they know it’s their own grave.
How does it feel James to be the sanest voice in the room? Kind a cool ain’t it?  God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform!
Trumps approval  rating for July is higher than RR Jimmy Carter and tied w Bill Clinton.
The massive mainstream kgb style propaganda media, crooks, elite, and Facebook are, simply put, on the wrong side, behind the curve.  Congrats James.  Pat yourself on the back. Well deserved.
It’s very simple really. It’s all about practicality. If your ideas are so impractical as to beggar description, If you get inflamed and emotionally overwrought with other people’s responses negative impressions of your “solution”, step out of the echo chamber and into the light of reason. It is time for you to question.  Ask a simple question: what is this shit? Or just do nothing. The pressure to conform should be balanced by reason.
old tyme rockin gospel blues to make your drive more 'interesting' without taking your eyes off the road. or not. the visual is quite interesting too.  I may have stumbled on inter-dimensional photography...see if you can find the creatuers that inhabits these one of a kind photographs by t. paige.
Aug 24 and 25
Here is Jim- al X. Zones telling his side of the story. Oops sorry not available.  It’s been deleted since last night when I watched it.  It’s been removed from my YouTube history.
Go ahead try it.  Remember the Dixie chicks? How they were banned? This is no different. Madonna  says she wants to s*** Moamar khadaffi and f*** the guy in the Vanilla H *** but no  repercussions. Sorry Virgin Mary but Hillary blew him first.
It’s coming. Chinese style censorship.  I’m w the ACLU on this one folks. Unpopular opinions should not be banned any more than the library should ban  Catcher in the Rye.  Say goodbye to another freedom as we approach The NannyState.  Men have lost their cojones.  
Notice: You cannot NOT care. You must care.  For this thing right here. Not caring for this thing is not allowed.  You must care about women, minorities, etc because we say so. We don’t care but we’re hypocrites. That’s the difference. We’re all sociopaths. So that’s just how it works because...WE HAVE MORE MONEY AND we are IMPORTANT.  You, not so much. So you see it’s not really hypocrisy.  
ALSO, you are not allowed to care about your self you selfish Nazi racist bastard.
This might get me into trouble.
I posted Pray For our Country and got some anti trumpies comments.  They said  I’ll pray for that man in the WH.  Like he’s the only problem is the only one that we needs to pray about.
It’s starting to really piss me off.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  
Is there another reason to pray?  Is it because bombs are being dropped?  Is it because Obama decided we no longer have to declare war to drop bombs on people? Just pick a country. That we can bomb people anywhere anytime we want?  
Or is it because someone offended you?  Did it offend you when a convicted pedophile got a standing ovation from most of Hollywood including Meryl Streep at the Academy Awards? Or that madonna said she wanted to blow the White House up?   ( remember the Dixie Chicks! )
Or that Hillary Clinton got a child trafficer off the hook? When she kidnapped 30 children in Haiti? Or that this woman now is working for Amber alert? Under a different name? Is it because Muslim grooming gangs in England kept young girls around for sexual purposes for decades?  Is it because refugees from starving Africa are storming the beaches of Spain?  And roaming the streets of Italy with hatchets and machetes? Is it because there are approximately 1000 no go zones throughout Europe? Where the police do not dare go near?   Is it because there are towns in England that have been Muslimized, the churches and the pubs shut down. Is it because the plan under Hillary was to do the same here?
Is it because the real problem here is hypocrisy and fuzzy think.  Right and wrong no longer matter and is no longer discernible or desired by MSM brainwashed people.  Just don’t offend me ... my delicate feelings are all that matters... none of the above matters. But if you go off script, say something that offends me... ohmy! look out! I am on the warpath and I am marching on Washington!  
The problem here is,  “you awake?” is no longer the punch line of a joke about redneck foreplay.
I’m trying to add it all up.  I think I’m making progress:
What happened was nothing compared to what happens later. A descent.
But initially what happened? Each group made their point. Peacefully. Nothing happened. The fact that this had a good outcome, the three opposing groups had their say each in their moment and no one got hurt.
What happens a bit later, media types begin shaming....Your group is to blame. Blame blame blame.  
CNN set it up and dutifully the chorus chimed in. On cue just as we have come to expect.
There is something about creating impossible standards for people that sets them up for control. It’s a means of control and repression common among very manipulative types. (Sociopaths)
The real hurt came later. The attacks began. Now it’s a serious thing we are talking about.
Maligning to a certain extent one group or another.
Perhaps there is something to be gained from all of this. Certainly each group has something to say a point to make.
We see what is unreasonable, counterproductive. To some extent in it’s virulence, and unnecessary.
State your point, without bashing the rest of the world. Behave yourself online. Don’t make stupid comments. Don’t make hurtful comments. Don’t attack. Don’t vilify. Because that’s not what happened in the first place.
Through this lens ljust look at what happened. The boys do the school cheer. The blacks made their points however crude. The Native Americans intervene ostensibly prayerfully to create harmony. Good deal. The smirking white boy, an underage teen, was praying all the time for a peaceful resolution.  An end to the confusion. Admirable.
And guess what, prayers were answered.
Let’s be thankful for that.
Let these antagonistic voices reflect on their own motives, meanspiritedness, within their own souls and consciousness. Is what I am doing ugly, one sided and unfair? “I went off without hearing the whole story. And it devolved into a diatribe. For that I apologize. I got it wrong.”  
Later the Native Americans went to a church. During mass. They were not allowed to go in for fear that they would disrupt the services.
What if someone had come out and said you’re welcome to come in if you are quiet and respectful. Or you can wait and we will have a representative out here to listen to what you have to say.
Can you imagine ... Native Americans and Catholics outside on the steps harmoniously joining together in prayer?
Both sides believe in praying do they not?
Each side attaches solemnity to the act of praying. Then what is to prevent them from praying together?
That moment has passed but another moment is possible. We have had time to reflect, to process and come to a meeting of the minds.
The Pueblo Indians have a legend that some mysterious personage visited the tribe and told them of things to come.  
Thanks for listening.
Rainbows 🌈 and unicorns 🦄 4ever.  P.
Hey John, I’ve seen some of your Facebook posts that come in my feed checked out your page. I knew your dad.
Just remember the words to the prayer, is my best unsolicited advice.  It touches us all and everything better than anything and believe me I’ve searched my whole life. It’s a condensation and distillation of things that are spiritually meaningful to all of us. Best of all they are not my words or anybody else’s of similar human consciousness. We know they come from a higher place and beyond ourselves and they lift us up to that level. That’s my experience which I’m trying to share in this song. People share lots of things on fb, right?
I believe you are musically gifted ... I heard from your dad and others.  I don’t know if we’ve actually met but I remember there was some good buzz when you were younger.  
I’m trying to spread the word and various people come up, in my consciousness, individuals who for one reason or another I really want to share it with.  
So I just wanted to share this with you.
And hope you have a good day. Hang in there John.
There’s no reason to think that by the boys not being where they were supposed to be that there was ill intent on their part ... just wandering off.
Apparently these days just about anything no matter how innocent, like wandering off makes you a bad guy. That is very wrong in my opinion. Having white skin makes me a bad guy. It’s called identity politics, but it’s more like a circular firing squad.
And it’s orchestrated by the truly guilty, the fraction of 1% that control our minds. This control is exercised mainly through the Democratic Party these days but in times past it was the Republicans.
Neoliberals have emerged in the same way that neocons emerged and like a parasite have taken over the brain and diverted it 180° opposite from it’s original purpose and identity.
How can you get the majority of peaceful people to go to war without a pearl harbor or a Gulf of Tonkin or an assassination or a 911. Can you actually create a Civil War over an issue? They can. And they work on it day and night. Rust never sleeps.  
They have all of the tools and resources. Political power, the media, money.
When Mao was losing power he used his wife to destroy a culture.  I see the Clinton’s and their backers doing basically the same thing.  Any means necessary to retain power. Even if it takes down the whole country in process.  It doesn’t matter who you sleep with. Change the laws change the religion change the family destroy the family blame the culture, blame this one and that one, it’s all justified.  
But never blame those w the big $, the ones that have no allegiance but to power and who fund your group. Through their corrupt shell game, foundation/money laundering operation.
I guess what they want more than anything else at this point is civil war. They’ve taken civil disobedience and added violence to the mix and perverted Martin Luther King Jr’s. message or dismissed it.  
But most Americans still believe it. Most Americans don’t believe in what the neo liberals are pushing.  They have seen what the neocons did to this country.  And they are not buying this divisive “movement” to further divide us, either.  
It’s been around for quite some time, three decades at least. It’s never been about uniting us. It’s never been about us. And that’s what Bernie tried  to do and did! Unite us. And look what happened to him.
The DNC has been exposed and yet they keep on going in the same direction. They are still leading the charge off this cliff. Male against female, black against white etc. And these people the majority of them are good people and couldn’t care less. So they’ve come for the children.  
Look how CNN twisted what happened and turned on these boys. Got the whole nation  up in arms against them. Now they get death threats and have been docsed.  
Can you imagine CNN calling high school kids “school shooters?”  But that’s the side CNN took.  Against kids.  These are foul, evil people at CNN. They are supposed to be journalists and they are preaching hatred against kids.
Back to the wandering off bit.  If there was a group of native Americans demonstrating or protesting or just doing something interesting wouldn’t you want to watch? Maybe you might wander off too, to see what was going on? That was the whole wish and desire of the Native Americans.  They wanted that attention. So why were the boys at fault for wanting to check it out? It was interesting. How did they know what would happen next?
But it’s so easy in this culture to pin the blame on the innocent.  And even feel good about it because you are taking up for the “poor oppressed minority.”   But not the poor, oppressed white families faltering in this climate less and less which Bernie recognized. Austerity.
It’s not good judgment, or just, to do that but that’s what happens again and again.  
This time it happened to a group of teenage Catholic boys. Who I think behaved admirably.
Who targeted them?  The minorities that everyone is so quick to embrace even if they are in the wrong. Even if they are railroading an innocent person or persons. Or a whole country.  
I will embrace them too when they realize I’m not the enemy.  I pray for them because I have more in common with them than what divides us if they only knew that we have a common enemy. As long as we are divided the problems will become worse.  Our enemies would fall in a nanosecond if we all united.  
It’s CNN’s job to make sure we don’t. That’s their real mission, and their real job. Not reporting the news. That’s what they get paid for. Hit pieces against kids. Not reporting the news. Not reporting what actually happened.  
No, this time they came after our kids.  They’ve been after them for quite some time. Along with mom and dad.  But Mom and Dad are hopefully both fully awake by now and can see what’s going on.
It’s a whole new ball game when they come for your kids.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, God’s creation, over which we were to be “responsible stewards” not irresponsible psychopaths...as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.
But no, Hell no. They destroyed your LAND people!!
You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands. No, hell no.
it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  In your laziness and intellectual dishonesty, you have elevated the smallest vexation and irritation to an Absolute. Your own little fiefdom where you sit, pompous and pussy-hatted on your throne and rule with an iron fist and a divine pussy hat with a clear mandate: Maintain by illogic ucharade-save the Wispies!
That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe utopian fantasy where you are, not just worshipped and adored but correctly, perfectly.
That’s what  got you going? Spinning like a top that had run out of gas wobbling like a drunken Mexican?
That’s right. “Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.”
And I am infinitely mindful of your every infinitesimally small screwup and transgression.
Damn right.
Who knows? What you’re on about. Only you.  
But it’s got you going you up off your ass out in the street raving like a fucking lunatic.
Have at it, motherfucker,  have at it. We’ve already had our way with your mother so have at it!  
I wouldn’t say this if it wasn’t important.
Granted there are a lot of people upset about the election. It’s apparent that the democratic party though, has gone too far w their rhetoric. All this about Civil War, impeachment, and every other extreme Kathy Griffin type of nastiness, isn’t that what it is? You tell me? What is it?
Trump’s approval numbers for July according to Gallup, are higher than LBJ, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and the same as Clinton. Depressing isn’t it?  But keep swimming.  Keep up the good fight. But be careful about unintended consequences.  
There are people that actually voted for Trump. It’s not a crime. They were exercising their rights. Now you want to bash them. I understand. I’ve lived through Nixon and Bush and LBJ.  Mistakes were clearly made and lives were sacrificed.  At this point we have not reached that level of atrocity. Perhaps we should all remember sticks and stones may break my bones.  
There is good evidence that LBJ had Kennedy killed. He was in on it. Lone gunman ... I don’t think so. The Warren report was fraud a massive fabrication.
I’m saying this so that you can see and acknowledge that there is a Behind the scenes network. They carried off that coup . And they carried off 911.  They got Americans to believe a lie. Aided and abetted by the mainstream media.
Do you want to know the truth? You’re not going to get it by being outraged at everything that the mainstream media reports as fact. There is a truth community it is neither Republican nor Democrat. It is both.
I don’t know why Trump won. But Hillary was part of the reason. Number one the way she treated Bernie...Number two Hillary herself.  This whole thing of winning at all costs doubling down, Russian collusion, you need to investigate how that all started. It was a campaign hatched on day one. Opposition research that went too far just like everything that Hillary does.
You have to recognize that even when you protest the other side has a right to their point of you. You have to try to meet in the middle. I was an activist for 20 years before all this happened. One of the things that most of us realized was you can’t let anger take over your life.  You can be angry but use it in a constructive way! Our model was Gandhi civil disobedience discourse.
Also you need to look at George Soros from the other side. What they really want is a police state. They want to stifle dissent.  Which is ironic. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t call people racist who simply disagree on the way to proceed. The kind of solution on immigration etc.  I don’t care if you have the pope on your side calling people out as racists for wanting to enforce immigration laws that already exist that have existed for years in every country. Why would such a radical agenda as open borders be promoted?  Is that not a dangerous idea? Just open the borders to everyone? It would be nice if we lived in that kind of world. But there are bad guys and we don’t live in that kind of world.
There is so much wrong with the liberal agenda right now. It is diametrically opposed to historical liberalism. You hurt your cause w some  of the tactics that are used to promote your cause.  
You need to break away from all of that because number one where is it coming from? Consider the source. The mainstream media which is controlled by the CIA. It is heavily regulated by the CIA. If you would do your research you would find out that Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA.  So did Nancy Pelosi. Gloria Steinem by her own account in an interview went into great detail about those days. They funded Ms. magazine. Do you think that she was the only one? Do you think that practice has stopped?
Go to Ted talks on YouTube and watch the video of the reporter who defected from the mainstream media and is now a whistleblower. It is amazing how devious they are and have become.  
Sheryl Atkinson
Also look up Maria Kennedy Shriver on Krista Tippet’s “On Being” talk show on NPR.   She talks about some of the mistakes that folks on the left have made. She talks about her faith. It’s a very good interview. She has written a book.
Sorry for any typos, and lack of syntax. I’m typing with my thumb on my phone. 😗
It’s interesting how Hillary and her supporters. And many politicians.  Oh hell the worm turns. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, a worm.  For at least half a century detente has been seen as a good thing by most politicians and Americans. But now, when it is advantageous to the Democrats to save face, they set up a new boogie man. Guess who it is Russia!Traditionally, it has been the Democrats who were prone to not take a hard line on Russia.  But now and at election time sadly we’re supposed to pay Russians! It’s our patriotic duty to hate Russians ... and lovee the cia!!! WTF.  But Hillary says... oh is it Hillary? Oh yes it is. It’s Hillary. Hillary says, and of course she is very objective here. She just lost the election but no matter. She can still remain objective about all of this. She wouldn’t be blaming the Russians to excuse her own failure would she? That would just be too coincidental too convenient.  Take her word for it. You’re w her.  The embattled and bitter Hillary Clinton. Thats a ship I definitely don’t want to go down with.  I never was on that bandwagon. And I am not now.
From the Hills and valleys mountains rivers and streams...A place called Appahchia (pronounced AppaLATCHia)
Electronic voting in the US is a huge problem.
#1. Both parties have hacked voting computers.  The DNC is famous or infamous for Voter fraud.
#2. They bus people to several locations to vote.   Remember the irregularities in Arizona during the primary? These people kNo there is a pot of gold at the end of anrainbow. Do you think a little thing like fraud is going to stop them?
#3. Diebold has been kicked out of Europe.  
https://youtu.be/u4FPuLNjvAc. Fox
https://youtu.be/OvF213popIA. Flipped
https://youtu.be/_IAJ5fAm3Cs. Investigators
https://youtu.be/ibK4de85IKw. Calling Hillary Cunton
https://youtu.be/mEp0kUzmLns. 56 Diebold machines
Ron Paul.
Princeton Diebold Study
Steallary Clinton
I’m trying to add it all up.  I think I’m making progress:
What happened was nothing compared to what happens later. A descent.
But initially what happened? Each group made their point. Peacefully. Nothing happened. The fact that this had a good outcome, the three opposing groups had their say each in their moment and no one got hurt.
What happens a bit later, media types begin shaming....Your group is to blame. Blame blame blame.  
CNN set it up and dutifully the chorus chimed in. On cue just as we have come to expect.
There is something about creating impossible standards for people that sets them up for control. It’s a means of control and repression common among very manipulative types. (Sociopaths)
The real hurt came later. The attacks began. Now it’s a serious thing we are talking about.
Maligning to a certain extent one group or another.
Perhaps there is something to be gained from all of this. Certainly each group has something to say a point to make.
We see what is unreasonable, counterproductive. To some extent in it’s virulence, and unnecessary.
State your point, without bashing the rest of the world. Behave yourself online. Don’t make stupid comments. Don’t make hurtful comments. Don’t attack. Don’t vilify. Because that’s not what happened in the first place.
Through this lens ljust look at what happened. The boys do the school cheer. The blacks made their points however crude. The Native Americans intervene ostensibly prayerfully to create harmony. Good deal. The smirking white boy, an underage teen, was praying all the time for a peaceful resolution.  An end to the confusion. Admirable.
And guess what, prayers were answered.
Let’s be thankful for that.
Let these antagonistic voices reflect on their own motives, meanspiritedness, within their own souls and consciousness. Is what I am doing ugly, one sided and unfair? “I went off without hearing the whole story. And it devolved into a diatribe. For that I apologize. I got it wrong.”  
Later the Native Americans went to a church. During mass. They were not allowed to go in for fear that they would disrupt the services.
What if someone had come out and said you’re welcome to come in if you are quiet and respectful. Or you can wait and we will have a representative out here to listen to what you have to say.
Can you imagine ... Native Americans and Catholics outside on the steps harmoniously joining together in prayer?
Both sides believe in praying do they not?
Each side attaches solemnity to the act of praying. Then what is to prevent them from praying together?
That moment has passed but another moment is possible. We have had time to reflect, to process and come to a meeting of the minds.
The Pueblo Indians have a legend that some mysterious personage visited the tribe and told them of things to come.  
Thanks for listening.
Rainbows 🌈 and unicorns 🦄 4ever.  P.
Hey John, I’ve seen some of your Facebook posts that come in my feed checked out your page. I knew your dad.
Just remember the words to the prayer, is my best unsolicited advice.  It touches us all and everything better than anything and believe me I’ve searched my whole life. It’s a condensation and distillation of things that are spiritually meaningful to all of us. Best of all they are not my words or anybody else’s of similar human consciousness. We know they come from a higher place and beyond ourselves and they lift us up to that level. That’s my experience which I’m trying to share in this song. People share lots of things on fb, right?
I believe you are musically gifted ... I heard from your dad and others.  I don’t know if we’ve actually met but I remember there was some good buzz when you were younger.  
I’m trying to spread the word and various people come up, in my consciousness, individuals who for one reason or another I really want to share it with.  
So I just wanted to share this with you.
And hope you have a good day. Hang in there John.
There’s no reason to think that by the boys not being where they were supposed to be that there was ill intent on their part ... just wandering off.
Apparently these days just about anything no matter how innocent, like wandering off makes you a bad guy. That is very wrong in my opinion. Having white skin makes me a bad guy. It’s called identity politics, but it’s more like a circular firing squad.
And it’s orchestrated by the truly guilty, the fraction of 1% that control our minds. This control is exercised mainly through the Democratic Party these days but in times past it was the Republicans.
Neoliberals have emerged in the same way that neocons emerged and like a parasite have taken over the brain and diverted it 180° opposite from it’s original purpose and identity.
How can you get the majority of peaceful people to go to war without a pearl harbor or a Gulf of Tonkin or an assassination or a 911. Can you actually create a Civil War over an issue? They can. And they work on it day and night. Rust never sleeps.  
They have all of the tools and resources. Political power, the media, money.
When Mao was losing power he used his wife to destroy a culture.  I see the Clinton’s and their backers doing basically the same thing.  Any means necessary to retain power. Even if it takes down the whole country in process.  It doesn’t matter who you sleep with. Change the laws change the religion change the family destroy the family blame the culture, blame this one and that one, it’s all justified.  
But never blame those w the big $, the ones that have no allegiance but to power and who fund your group. Through their corrupt shell game, foundation/money laundering operation.
I guess what they want more than anything else at this point is civil war. They’ve taken civil disobedience and added violence to the mix and perverted Martin Luther King Jr’s. message or dismissed it.  
But most Americans still believe it. Most Americans don’t believe in what the neo liberals are pushing.  They have seen what the neocons did to this country.  And they are not buying this divisive “movement” to further divide us, either.  
It’s been around for quite some time, three decades at least. It’s never been about uniting us. It’s never been about us. And that’s what Bernie tried  to do and did! Unite us. And look what happened to him.
The DNC has been exposed and yet they keep on going in the same direction. They are still leading the charge off this cliff. Male against female, black against white etc. And these people the majority of them are good people and couldn’t care less. So they’ve come for the children.  
Look how CNN twisted what happened and turned on these boys. Got the whole nation  up in arms against them. Now they get death threats and have been docsed.  
Can you imagine CNN calling high school kids “school shooters?”  But that’s the side CNN took.  Against kids.  These are foul, evil people at CNN. They are supposed to be journalists and they are preaching hatred against kids.
Back to the wandering off bit.  If there was a group of native Americans demonstrating or protesting or just doing something interesting wouldn’t you want to watch? Maybe you might wander off too, to see what was going on? That was the whole wish and desire of the Native Americans.  They wanted that attention. So why were the boys at fault for wanting to check it out? It was interesting. How did they know what would happen next?
But it’s so easy in this culture to pin the blame on the innocent.  And even feel good about it because you are taking up for the “poor oppressed minority.”   But not the poor, oppressed white families faltering in this climate less and less which Bernie recognized. Austerity.
It’s not good judgment, or just, to do that but that’s what happens again and again.  
This time it happened to a group of teenage Catholic boys. Who I think behaved admirably.
Who targeted them?  The minorities that everyone is so quick to embrace even if they are in the wrong. Even if they are railroading an innocent person or persons. Or a whole country.  
I will embrace them too when they realize I’m not the enemy.  I pray for them because I have more in common with them than what divides us if they only knew that we have a common enemy. As long as we are divided the problems will become worse.  Our enemies would fall in a nanosecond if we all united.  
It’s CNN’s job to make sure we don’t. That’s their real mission, and their real job. Not reporting the news. That’s what they get paid for. Hit pieces against kids. Not reporting the news. Not reporting what actually happened.  
No, this time they came after our kids.  They’ve been after them for quite some time. Along with mom and dad.  But Mom and Dad are hopefully both fully awake by now and can see what’s going on.
It’s a whole new ball game when they come for your kids.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, God’s creation, over which we were to be “responsible stewards” not irresponsible psychopaths...as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.
But no, Hell no. They destroyed your LAND people!!
You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands. No, hell no.
it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  In your laziness and intellectual dishonesty, you have elevated the smallest vexation and irritation to an Absolute. Your own little fiefdom where you sit, pompous and pussy-hatted on your throne and rule with an iron fist and a divine pussy hat with a clear mandate: Maintain by illogic ucharade-save the Wispies!
That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe utopian fantasy where you are, not just worshipped and adored but correctly, perfectly.
That’s what  got you going? Spinning like a top that had run out of gas wobbling like a drunken Mexican?
That’s right. “Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.”
And I am infinitely mindful of your every infinitesimally small screwup and transgression.
Damn right.
Who knows? What you’re on about. Only you.  
But it’s got you going you up off your ass out in the street raving like a fucking lunatic.
Have at it, motherfucker,  have at it. We’ve already had our way with your mother so have at it!  
I wouldn’t say this if it wasn’t important.
Granted there are a lot of people upset about the election. It’s apparent that the democratic party though, has gone too far w their rhetoric. All this about Civil War, impeachment, and every other extreme Kathy Griffin type of nastiness, isn’t that what it is? You tell me? What is it?
Trump’s approval numbers for July according to Gallup, are higher than LBJ, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and the same as Clinton. Depressing isn’t it?  But keep swimming.  Keep up the good fight. But be careful about unintended consequences.  
There are people that actually voted for Trump. It’s not a crime. They were exercising their rights. Now you want to bash them. I understand. I’ve lived through Nixon and Bush and LBJ.  Mistakes were clearly made and lives were sacrificed.  At this point we have not reached that level of atrocity. Perhaps we should all remember sticks and stones may break my bones.  
There is good evidence that LBJ had Kennedy killed. He was in on it. Lone gunman ... I don’t think so. The Warren report was fraud a massive fabrication.
I’m saying this so that you can see and acknowledge that there is a Behind the scenes network. They carried off that coup . And they carried off 911.  They got Americans to believe a lie. Aided and abetted by the mainstream media.
Do you want to know the truth? You’re not going to get it by being outraged at everything that the mainstream media reports as fact. There is a truth community it is neither Republican nor Democrat. It is both.
I don’t know why Trump won. But Hillary was part of the reason. Number one the way she treated Bernie...Number two Hillary herself.  This whole thing of winning at all costs doubling down, Russian collusion, you need to investigate how that all started. It was a campaign hatched on day one. Opposition research that went too far just like everything that Hillary does.
You have to recognize that even when you protest the other side has a right to their point of you. You have to try to meet in the middle. I was an activist for 20 years before all this happened. One of the things that most of us realized was you can’t let anger take over your life.  You can be angry but use it in a constructive way! Our model was Gandhi civil disobedience discourse.
Also you need to look at George Soros from the other side. What they really want is a police state. They want to stifle dissent.  Which is ironic. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t call people racist who simply disagree on the way to proceed. The kind of solution on immigration etc.  I don’t care if you have the pope on your side calling people out as racists for wanting to enforce immigration laws that already exist that have existed for years in every country. Why would such a radical agenda as open borders be promoted?  Is that not a dangerous idea? Just open the borders to everyone? It would be nice if we lived in that kind of world. But there are bad guys and we don’t live in that kind of world.
There is so much wrong with the liberal agenda right now. It is diametrically opposed to historical liberalism. You hurt your cause w some  of the tactics that are used to promote your cause.  
You need to break away from all of that because number one where is it coming from? Consider the source. The mainstream media which is controlled by the CIA. It is heavily regulated by the CIA. If you would do your research you would find out that Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA.  So did Nancy Pelosi. Gloria Steinem by her own account in an interview went into great detail about those days. They funded Ms. magazine. Do you think that she was the only one? Do you think that practice has stopped?
Go to Ted talks on YouTube and watch the video of the reporter who defected from the mainstream media and is now a whistleblower. It is amazing how devious they are and have become.  
Sheryl Atkinson
Also look up Maria Kennedy Shriver on Krista Tippet’s “On Being” talk show on NPR.   She talks about some of the mistakes that folks on the left have made. She talks about her faith. It’s a very good interview. She has written a book.
Sorry for any typos, and lack of syntax. I’m typing with my thumb on my phone. 😗
It’s interesting how Hillary and her supporters. And many politicians.  Oh hell the worm turns. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, a worm.  For at least half a century detente has been seen as a good thing by most politicians and Americans. But now, when it is advantageous to the Democrats to save face, they set up a new boogie man. Guess who it is Russia!Traditionally, it has been the Democrats who were prone to not take a hard line on Russia.  But now and at election time sadly we’re supposed to pay Russians! It’s our patriotic duty to hate Russians ... and lovee the cia!!! WTF.  But Hillary says... oh is it Hillary? Oh yes it is. It’s Hillary. Hillary says, and of course she is very objective here. She just lost the election but no matter. She can still remain objective about all of this. She wouldn’t be blaming the Russians to excuse her own failure would she? That would just be too coincidental too convenient.  Take her word for it. You’re w her.  The embattled and bitter Hillary Clinton. Thats a ship I definitely don’t want to go down with.  I never was on that bandwagon. And I am not now.
From the Hills and valleys mountains rivers and streams...A place called Appahchia (pronounced AppaLATCHia)
Electronic voting in the US is a huge problem.
#1. Both parties have hacked voting computers.  The DNC is famous or infamous for Voter fraud.
#2. They bus people to several locations to vote.   Remember the irregularities in Arizona during the primary? These people kNo there is a pot of gold at the end of anrainbow. Do you think a little thing like fraud is going to stop them?
#3. Diebold has been kicked out of Europe.  
https://youtu.be/u4FPuLNjvAc. Fox
https://youtu.be/OvF213popIA. Flipped
https://youtu.be/_IAJ5fAm3Cs. Investigators
https://youtu.be/ibK4de85IKw. Calling Hillary Cunton
https://youtu.be/mEp0kUzmLns. 56 Diebold machines
Ron Paul.
Princeton Diebold Study
Steallary Clinton
old tyme rockin gospel blues to make your drive more 'interesting' without taking your eyes off the road. or not. the visual is quite interesting too.  I may have stumbled on inter-dimensional photography...see if you can find the creatuers that inhabits these one of a kind photographs by t. paige.
Aug 24 and 25
Here is Jim- al X. Zones telling his side of the story. Oops sorry not available.  It’s been deleted since last night when I watched it.  It’s been removed from my YouTube history.
Go ahead try it.  Remember the Dixie chicks? How they were banned? This is no different. Madonna  says she wants to s*** Moamar khadaffi and f*** the guy in the Vanilla H *** but no  repercussions. Sorry Virgin Mary but Hillary blew him first.
It’s coming. Chinese style censorship.  I’m w the ACLU on this one folks. Unpopular opinions should not be banned any more than the library should ban  Catcher in the Rye.  Say goodbye to another freedom as we approach The NannyState.  Men have lost their cojones.  
Notice: You cannot NOT care. You must care.  For this thing right here. Not caring for this thing is not allowed.  You must care about women, minorities, etc because we say so. We don’t care but we’re hypocrites. That’s the difference. We’re all sociopaths. So that’s just how it works because...WE HAVE MORE MONEY AND we are IMPORTANT.  You, not so much. So you see it’s not really hypocrisy.  
ALSO, you are not allowed to care about your self you selfish Nazi racist bastard.
This might get me into trouble.
I posted Pray For our Country and got some anti trumpies comments.  They said  I’ll pray for that man in the WH.  Like he’s the only problem is the only one that we needs to pray about.
It’s starting to really piss me off.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  
Is there another reason to pray?  Is it because bombs are being dropped?  Is it because Obama decided we no longer have to declare war to drop bombs on people? Just pick a country. That we can bomb people anywhere anytime we want?  
Or is it because someone offended you?  Did it offend you when a convicted pedophile got a standing ovation from most of Hollywood including Meryl Streep at the Academy Awards? Or that madonna said she wanted to blow the White House up?   ( remember the Dixie Chicks! )
Or that Hillary Clinton got a child trafficer off the hook? When she kidnapped 30 children in Haiti? Or that this woman now is working for Amber alert? Under a different name? Is it because Muslim grooming gangs in England kept young girls around for sexual purposes for decades?  Is it because refugees from starving Africa are storming the beaches of Spain?  And roaming the streets of Italy with hatchets and machetes? Is it because there are approximately 1000 no go zones throughout Europe? Where the police do not dare go near?   Is it because there are towns in England that have been Muslimized, the churches and the pubs shut down. Is it because the plan under Hillary was to do the same here?
Is it because the real problem here is hypocrisy and fuzzy think.  Right and wrong no longer matter and is no longer discernible or desired by MSM brainwashed people.  Just don’t offend me ... my delicate feelings are all that matters... none of the above matters. But if you go off script, say something that offends me... ohmy! look out! I am on the warpath and I am marching on Washington!  
The problem here is,  “you awake?” is no longer the punch line of a joke about redneck foreplay.
Hi Kathy, I'm sorry I upset you. We can agree to disagree? I'm sure there's a lot we agree on.
Number one we are in deep do. But we just know it now but i guess we always have been.  
They tried to kill us once already in the 60s, but somehow we fought back and we won. I wish we could have that kind of unity today. I think there's a way but we need to make certain tweaks. Remember it was all about civil disobedience and Henry David Thoreau.  Mahatma Gandhi.  Martin Luther King. Bob Dylan. And I believe that kind of a movement is still possible.  But they've taken away the music from young people and left them with Taylor Swift.  
Back then we felt that women had our backs. That's not true today. The feminist counter movement became obsessed with attacking men and advancing some strange agenda, apart from liberating women. It became part of the divide and conquer strategy.  
Every movement, is prone to a counter movement.  The countermovement is in many of these movements.  They take the energy from the movement and use it for their own devices and political purposes.  To garner support>votes>power not for the people but for themselves, those at the top of the countermovement within these movements.
There I go again.  But doesn't that make sense Kathy?  It really doesn't matter if we agree even on this. That is just one example of how we can agree to disagree and still survive. This has happened even in the church.  In every movement. Every movement that becomes a household word is fair game and a prime target to be overtaken and used and taken in a direction that it was not intended for. Sometimes the very opposite of that direction. This is true in the case of the church. The goal is to capture the heart. The closer it gets to the heart the more damage is done. If they can’t get to the heart from the inside they will destroy it from the outside as in the case of environmental assaults on our mountains and water.  
One of the tweaks I mentioned was allowing God to inform our decisions.  We have to do this first in ourselves.  We have to forgive for one thing. Remember we had Martin Luther King, a minister, a preacher a church person. Yes we do have to be careful. That’s why I say it begins in our own hearts.
I really don’t mean to preach. I just think it’s important that we allow God at least allow people who have that in their make up to exist if that is their dream to have it as a part of their solution.  
Some people feel this is an outmoded form of expression.  It certainly can be abused and a means of control which is what God does not want. To me the Lords prayer is the perfect expression of God and also Psalm 23.   But there are many more. These are just two of the ones that have had a major impact on me.  
But I recognize that even in myself there is a war going on.  So sometimes I have to step back and re-center.  When everything is working properly within and everything is in balance that is the only time I really have anything to offer.  It’s really easy to fall off the wagon though.  Trial and error.  It’s not easy to get there.  
This morning I woke up and everything was fine. Then I thought of some injury or slight and immediately my happiness was gone.   Because my focus became anger.  Yes, I do have a lot to be angry about but I can’t focus on it. And I have to forgive from my heart if I want to be happy, is what I realized.  So i’m working on it. Lol.  OK?   Hopefully I’ll change. Become more mellow, lol. Bear w me ok?  It’s important to me to get along with people care about. I understand if you need a break from this deeply flawed person. I know I’m a handful. I try to shield people from my neuroses and unpleasantness, but sometimes it gets the better of me.  I’ve always been kind of an agitator at heart.  But I will always try to make it right.  Right now I think that people just need a break from all of my drama.   That’s the message I’m giving this morning.
Have a good day Kathy. I hope we can agree on more than just a little.
Here is the song that meant so much to me.  TY.
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musesanddrabbles · 6 years
A little bit of work in progress (And a half-baked blowjob scene. Lol)
(Inspired by a comment under the song, the butterfly, spider and flower. That Yuuma and Len should just hook up, (I agree). So, 2000 words later, here it is.)
There was something beautiful about madness...  
It all began when he was ten, scurrying down that darkened alley. The air thick with the stench of rot, suffocating his lungs; a ghastly wheeze, a dying breath. He could taste its salt and bitter. Oh, how frightening, exhilarating, almost in a poetic way.  
An indescribable hatred, blossoming scarlet under his knife, shivering down his spine like permafrost. Spilling a warmth, he’d never experienced. Twisted thrill purring in his guts. He couldn’t recognize the heap of flesh beneath him, was it of human origin? An animal? Well, it hadn’t mattered anymore. He remembered the blade tasted of iron, a little sweet, a little raw. Glistering crimson under the cemetery moon. How deathly silent it had all become.  
Boring. It got boring.  
And now he sat in an empty white ward, across a grinning fox.  
There was a smile on her face, amicable even. But he knew that couldn’t be further from the truth. She fiddled with a pen, scribbling the papers as she flicked her wrists. Those incessant taps and scratches were unbearably loud. In a room far too quiet, too vanilla than he would prefer, because normal, just didn’t sit well, after swimming in poison.  
He was told he was sick.  
“Rin, dear, wouldn’t you be so kind to drop that act?” He taunted her, seeing her infuriating mechanical smile unchanging as a soulless puppet.  
That was what she was, a marionette. Dolled up pretty in her pristine white coat and silver name tags. With layers of makeup to hide her cracks, covering them with her meaningless, docile smiles. Their parents might be blind, but, he knew what uglies she hid inside. All suppressed in her beautiful, brittle, lies.
Psychiatrist aye, how ludicrous when a monster played pretend. After all, they had the same gruesome blood in their veins. She clicked her pen, not lifting her eyes to catch his,  
“I’ll appreciate it if you didn’t lump me with you, Len.” She continued writing. Pages and pages of indoctrination, to saw away his fangs, to wash away his sins. Using the same cookie cutter, she was molded.  
He was told he had to be fixed.  
She had really gotten dull... Like a dying lamp, short-circuiting from all the electricity running in her wires. He abhorred the neurologist who clipped her wings, standing beyond the glass panels. Looking at them with a sneering gaze. As if he was abnormal, ephemeral and uncontrollable.  
(They were.)
But he managed to steal sister’s maiden heart, pulling wool over her eyes and convinced her, she was something weak, fragile.  
Len saw the way Rin devoured Yuuma with her eyes. Her passion betrayed her, rearing greed in a shallow guise of timid, normal. Yet Yuuma was oblivious to her venomous marks, he couldn’t fathom her very existence was destruction; them both. Because no one understood Rin more than Len did.  
He knew it was not Yuuma’s heart she desired, but his life. And that pretty little head atop his shoulders she’d went out of her way seeking. Ah, he was indeed beautiful. Tall, slender, yet lean beneath his shirt. Like a fairy tale, all porcelain and bright. Perfect for her nightmares.  
(Perhaps for his too.)
Despite she refused to acknowledge that, instead she chose to play human. Play the love-struck princess that was - oh, so, pitiful, with the monster of a brother she has. Was it sympathy she wanted, a sorry fuck?  
He wouldn’t be surprised if she eventually lost it, became delirious as she was meant to be. Because, her madness was once something beautiful, a carnation blooming midwinter. Vivid and glorious, crying an unquenchable thirst. And to contain it all, for some sickening, distasteful, love (obsession) she preferred to call it.    
He’d seen the aftermath of her carnage, that insatiable bloodlust when she killed, orchestrating sinful melodies with a sharpened knife that knew only of need. What skillful art she managed to create; mangled limbs of her prey sewed into a chair, their flesh repurposed as candles.  
She was a beautiful monster, now she’s just a dirty liar.  
“You’re tasteless as always.” She flipped through the photo evidence.  
But, she seemed to enjoy being a dirty liar.      
“Don’t touch me with your filthy hypocrisy.”  
A dirty liar chasing a dream too farfetched. Normality dulled her.  
“Put me in a straitjacket and cart me out on wheels, sister.” He leaned into the chair, metals cooled against his back.  
“But, we know you’re the same...” He leered at Yuuma, and back at her. He was probably listening to their conversations. After all, Yuuma couldn’t let his innocent, precious little psychiatrist in training be left alone with a serial killer.  
“Were, Len.” She corrected him, “I’m not like you anymore.” She glanced nervously at Yuuma.  
Just how badly did she want his approval, it was ludicrous watching her prance around in sheep’s skin. The Rin he knew only took, never negotiated. He found himself rolling his eyes,  
“You can pretend all you want, Rin.” He leaned into his palm,  
“In the end, nothing will get you off more than the sound of screams.”  
He looked at Yuuma again, longer than it was appropriate to stare. Observing the slightest crinkle between his brows betrayed him that he was totally uninterested and stoic. So, he wasn’t such a robot as Len imagined.
“You wonder what kind of despair will suit him.” He waved, smirking, “The sounds he makes when you dig a knife through his skin.”  
Yuuma ignored him.  
“Oops, sorry, sister, I forgot, you’re much more graceful than that.” He targeted Rin this time, “You’re the type who’ll take your time to carve his flesh right off his bones, inch, by inch...”  
His words were honed just enough to break her composure as she slammed the pen on the table. Ah, but not enough to shatter her entirely, that plastic smile was back on her face.  
“I think you’re mistaken, Len, we’re not here to talk about me.”  
He hit a nerve, she was going to silence him. Why did she have to hide such beautiful, intense madness. Only he would accept her for who she really was, but oh no. She didn’t want his acceptance, she wanted Yuuma’s.  
“You, brother dearest, are going to an asylum.”  
He folded his arms, grinning ever so slightly. It was funny she thought she could keep him there and end her disfigured story with a happily ever after.  
Well, she wasn’t entirely wrong, there would be a happily ever after. Except, it wasn’t hers to write.  
“Not only are you a hedonistic killer, but lusting for your twin sister too? You’re on a whole new level of fucked up, huh.”
“Ah, was that obvious?” He glanced over his shoulders, musing. Rin sure picked the best ones; not merely a genius, but young, handsome, elegant, reckless all together. With just a smidgen of sinister to hint there was enough bad, to handle her worst.  
She had given him a heart to color vibrant, although nothing would stain on black.  
But, Yuuma wouldn’t see that, not with the iron shackles restraining him in the name of pride. Because Yuuma was a genius, he wouldn’t run. Because Yuuma was a genius, he wouldn’t give up. He believed he could tame his sister, wasn’t that true? (Naïve) To make her something she wasn’t.  
Logic simply couldn’t reason with insanity.  
“It just perplexes me, for a straight A’s student that graduated early. You can be anything you want, a doctor, lawyer...”
“A neurosurgeon like you?” He interrupted, tilting his head to the side.  
“Right. And you choose a serial killer.” Yuuma paused, observing him with prying eyes sharpened to strike. As if he was seeing something rare, transient that only blossomed after a thousand springs.    
“Ever thought that life can be a lot more wholesome?”  
“Boring.” He corrected, strutting towards him, claws on his cheeks caressing down his nape. A chuckle ripped out of him, was this the love she spoke about. So beautiful and breakable. His neck, fragile in his hold, pulsing a symphony called fear, enough to bleed through his palms and intoxicate.  
Len understood why Rin was captivated. Yuuma has the same wretched stench as them; a little bit mellow, and a bucket load of wicked.  
“You’re quite the liar.” Len breathed, rolling his name off the tip of his tongue like melting sugar cubes in hot coffee,  
“Doesn’t it get tiresome to wear those goody two shoes all the time?”  
Ah, he caught on. Yuuma answered with silence, prompting him to continue. Fear was an understatement, or rather, misunderstanding...  
“My sister is a temptress.”  
For a prodigy everything normal, must have been so, unbearably, mundane. And like him, once Yuuma tasted poison, vanilla just didn’t appeal.  
“Although, it’s not her face you’re interested in.”  
It was excitement coursing through his blood.  
“You like how broken she is.”  
He inched closer, and Yuuma held his breath. But, his heart was loud on his palm, feathering his touch as he drew to the dead of his chest. Wild, erratic adrenaline Len could taste, something primal, instinctual like an infant seeking warmth from its mother.  
“And, how broken I am...”  
He kissed him, a tiny storm brew between them, struggling for dominance, yet Yuuma didn’t push him away. Ah, sister, dear – your love is cheap.  
His reaction glowed to him with perfect clarify, even under the dead of night. Part disgust, part curiosity, stirring a toxic concoction despite letting him have his way. Despite answering his taunts.  
Lips were soft against him, sloppy, messy, animalistic, of two brass bells resonating in sync. Oh, how sister would be seething with rage, when the man of her dreams writhed in his touch. Perhaps she hasn’t slept with him yet, he smiled with that thought. Roaming hands dug under Yuuma’s shirt. His muscles tensed in response, down the rigid valleys of his finely sculpted abdomen. Decided to settle on the hems on his jeans, undoing his belt.
And Yuuma allowed him.  
Len rested on his knees, elevating his gaze, to meet his look of hesitancy, carnality. Petals on his fingertips, blooming gardens where he grazed. Yuuma was captivating when he was swept away by his pace. Len enamored him with a sly smile. Rin really knew how to pick.    
Beautiful, submissive.  
Calculative, manipulative, Yuuma was a brilliant actor, but Len took the illusions he’d offered. After all, he was enjoying the show, as he couldn’t quite see how this one ends. Yuuma’s stifled, ecstatic voice, wasn’t too bad either. And he touched too tenderly, (lovingly, hah!) weaving through his hair, edging him to take a little more, pushed a little deeper. It choked him, but he didn’t gag.  
Len drew back, holding him in his hand, still slippery with spit that entangled like silk. He licked his lips, tasting the aftermath of his warmth, aching in his jaws. It’d all felt so disgustingly intimate, vanilla, as if foreboding lovers yearning affections. Akin the mind-numbing fantasies sister would spew. Fate and eternity (nonsense), and dare he even mutter that word?  
It was far from. But he shudders each time Yuuma bit back a moan. It was stupid, frightening, because he didn’t know what sort of monster he was. And when false passion ends, and the stage came crumbling. Yuuma might very well be the last one standing, laughing with his meticulous craft that fooled everyone. Len couldn’t tell what preceded him. It irritated him enough to convey in his actions.
Yuuma flinched from his teeth, which weren’t eager to please.  
“Do you want to stop?”  
He said with a sympathetic uncertainty. Although, it was a little too late to adopt that mask again, not after he’d shown Len a glimpse of the serpent he could be, and tasted poison only he made. He concluded that only a sociopath would present himself a helpless lamb before vicious beasts and expect to live.  
Oh, but Yuuma was great at his job. Len could kill him easily right now, but for the first time. He didn’t want to, there was something else he wanted. Could he finally call himself normal? That word strolled off his tongue, still bitter where it had stayed.  
He rose to his feet, swiveled his arms around his neck. Repeating the same melodies, selfishly, greedily, he breathed,  
Yuuma brushed away the wisp of blond, cradled his head to pull him close. Len was left mimicking his sultry approach, this time with more confidence, affirmation. The minute part of his lips, the soft half lidded gaze, so placid as if sleeping. As if dreaming while awake. Lost him in the heat of lust, that wasn’t violent.  
No, at best it could be called make believe. He kissed him anyway. And he took away the distaste.    
Look at him, a dirty little liar, just like his sister.        
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