#this blog is basically just a place to put my little writing playlists
meles-merrivale · 2 years
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Alive Really Isn't Your Color
Harry/Tom Riddle | Soulmates, Master of Death Harry Potter, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Character Death, and not death, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Canon Compliant
Once on the floor of a forest that's out of bounds, surrounded by people who will laugh instead of cry.
It's not how these things are supposed to go.
Hunger, Florence + the Machine
when the party's over, Billie Eilish
Walking on a String, Matt Berninger and Phoebe Bridgers
I’ll Still Destroy You, The National
Better If You Don't, CHVRCHES
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engelsherz · 2 months
⋅ʚ get in, loser we're gonna have fun ɞ⋅
➴"a loser's guide to loser summer!" ༉‧₊
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ೃ⁀➷ introduction ༉‧₊
I’m on a mission to make my life a little more enjoyable, not to the point of romanticizing it but at least end with my cycle of bed rotting. This are just some silly ideas to spicy the day and stuff for when you are on your own and so, let’s begin.
just to clarify: this things can be easy or not depending if you consider yourself an introvert o have social anxiety, in that case don’t take this as a task to finish but more like a suggestion!
psa: i’m not a minor so some of the stuff on this list will probably be outside the possibilities for some people, also since i live in a big city things can be different but surely you’ll be able to adapt it well.
ೃ⁀➷ first, the boring ༉‧₊
do a little list of things that you find interest and imply being outside at least 50% of the time, write on your phone or notebook a SIMPLE schedule with basics.
put your phone on not disturb and only allow messages and calls from people like your mom / best friend, try to stay away from the screen.
make a playlist, it can be chill jazz to clear your mind or your personal list of bangers for the summer and make sure that you have them for offline listening!
you can make a shared calendar with your friends or even a google map list with cool places to visit!
check your local government site for free activities, you can also look for workshops or fairs in your neighborhood.
keep essentials on hand, things that you wanna keep in your bag or tote, do a check list if you have your mind in the sky and forget everything like me.
Do a reset the first week of summer, clean a little bit just to not feel guilt when you make a mess later.
ೃ⁀➷ indoor activities ༉‧₊
Make yourself an iced coffee, it can be just instant coffee and some milk in a mason jar, doesn’t have to be fancy (prepare too a water bottle for outside activities).
play pretend: put some music and act like you are filming a grwm or a vogue what’s in my bag while your pack things.
try to learn something new, put some video essays on youtube or a podcast and allow yourself to lay on the floor with the fan on and maybe even a face mask!
organize your calendar (hear me out, i know it sound boring af but making it pretty even when you’re gonna use it just one week it’s entertaining too!).
make a little place hunting on google maps: find some cafes, public libraries, tourist spots, art galleries, farm markets o museums and keep them on a google maps custom list.
declutter your phone with the wifi off, delete screenshots and unnecessary cache, you can even change the wallpaper and clean it.
make a pile of clothes that you don’t won’t use anymore and donate it to a local charity! You can stick around and thrift some goodies while you’re in there too.
do a personal archive, write your thoughts and organize photos on notion or here on tumblr (maybe a dump blog)
organize a old lore or a new story if you’re a writer, and even if you don’t consider yourself one, try to write down something interesting.
try new recipes and write down your favorites! it’s time to use all the tiktok bookmarks.
ೃ⁀➷ outdoor activities ༉‧₊
visiting museums and pretending to be a tourist is cool, like you were a secret agent on a mission or a tortured artist looking for a muse, everything counts!
take yourself on a date, you can go to a park and bring a blanket, eating chips and reading its relaxing.
make your journaling in a cafe or at the park to add some spice to the day.
start taking pictures of small things even if you don’t consider good with that (you can even open an account for that).
find a class of something interesting and allow yourself to be “the new” to people or new experiences.
host a dinner (or convince one of your friends to do it) you can make it with a theme and even send some invitations that you design with canva.
start a commonplace journal or a dump notebook, just write and draw there whatever you please when you are outside.
do a little road-trip to somewhere cool, even a small city next to yours and document it (keep in mind to take the necessary precautions for your safety)
go to the beach and bring something to play in the sand, sounds childish and embarrassing but nobody gives a shit anyways and you will have fun i promise.
find yourself a third place that is not your school/work or home, it can be anywhere but you need it.
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[ little note i guess: this is not groundbreaking i know, but i think it might help people like me that are way too much time on their phones. So yeah, that’s it]
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
We've done it!
Or, more accurately, you've done it! Thanks to you, my fellow Tumblrinas, I've actually managed to hit 200 followers!
I never thought I would get this far, but I'm eternally grateful for all the love you've given me, and I can't wait to share many more brainrots with you!
In tune with that, I've decided: Why not let you look even further into my mind? I've given you lots of writing, but why not provide some visuals? And so, in thinking about what I wanted to do for my 200 followers celebration, I came up with...
⁕ Evie's Mind Palace Festival! ⁕
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(Placing a cut so this doesn't get too long ^^)
As depicted in this lovely graphic above, I'm going to be focusing on my OCs' fashion for this little event. But not just that! I'll get to the bonuses later :)
For now, text version! Because Tumblr likes not loading images and some people may not be able to view the image
↬ Step 1: Pick an OC of your choice! From my OCs, that is. Hope that was clear. Anyone from the list. I'll even throw in a little bonus and say that unintroduced OCs are allowed! That means the ones on this list AND ones I may have rambled to to you in a chat we've had.
↬ Step 2: Pick an occasion prompt! The prompts are as follows:
Casual (aka everyday wear, aka their basic character design or an alternate outfit or it)
Battle (this may overlap with either 1. or 3. for some characters, but let's assume they actually get geared up for battle)
Hot weather (your typical summer clothes)
Cold weather (sweaters, winter coats, you name it)
Canon event (may overlap with some other categories, but I made this a separate thing for the lore opportunities it provides) - Make sure to specify what canon event you want!
Stealing clothes - You can include who the character should steal from in your ask, otherwise I will pick the victim myself.
Holiday-themed - Pick your holiday! Any holiday counts.
Fandombend - Pick your fandom! (This will probably come with some headcanons on what the OC would be like in the new fandom)
Inspired by a song - Please, pick a song! Preferably from the OC's playlist. I should have a playlist for almost every OC. Hop into the "#playlist" tag on my blog to find them and, if they're not posted over there anywhere, tap on any playlist that's there, let it take you to my Spotify profile, and hop into the "Character Playlists" folder!
↬ Step 3: If you want, pick an extra prompt! Your options are:
Historical - Please specify your time frame! You don't necessarily have to, but I tend to be an indecisive little gremlin, so it would make things a little easier if you could pick ^^"
Fantasy (This, of course, makes little sense if the OC is already in a fantasy setting)
Sci-fi (Once again, this makes little sense if the OC is already in a sci-fi setting)
Cultural - Please pick a culture for me to take inspiration from! It doesn't have to be a real-life culture. For example, you could pick Japan for some kimono art or you could pick the Kuja from One Piece!
Color prompt - Pick your color! I ask that you do keep it at one color so that I have some more freedom, and I won't take specific hex codes either because those specific hex codes might clash with the OC's color palette
Prompt of your choice - This can be literally anything! Yes, also an occasion, in which case it would replace your original occasion prompt. I just didn't have the space to add in all occasions known to man, so if you have another idea, this is where to put it.
↬ Step 4: Send your ask! Done!
Once you've sent your ask, please keep in mind that it might take me a while to answer it. I'll then make a collage/moodboard and get the ask posted. Maybe, I'll also draw your prompt, depending on if I have the energy and/or time for it. If I plan on doing that, I'll let you know in the post and tag you once I have the drawing finished! I may also be swayed into adding a little fic snippet to the answer, if I do feel so inclined. Maybe a song to match the vibes? It'll be a little surprise!
► Rules:
Be nice! It's not hard, and it's basically all I ask.
This is the one time you might not want to shower me in asks because these asks might take a bit to answer. I'm not putting a cap on how many asks per person you're allowed to send, just maybe be mindful of how long they take to answer and space them out over the time of the event.
I'll be accepting asks from the time that this is posted until March 17th. The event ends with the strike of midnight starting the next day. Whenever that may be in your time zone. As long as it's still 23:59 on March 17th somewhere around the world, send in your ask. I might also extend the event if asks keep coming in and I have the energy to keep going.
↬ Additional info for mutuals: You get to ask for crossovers! Just pick one of my OCs and one of yours and I'll try my best to draw them. I might bother you for references though, so be prepared! It doesn't matter how long we've been mutuals for! It could've been five minutes, you're still allowed to send in crossover asks. As long as we're mutuals, let's say, at the time that the ask is answered, it's all good. In practice, that means that you just need to be following me to be able to send in a crossover request. If you ask nicely and maybe say something about why you'd think why our two children would go well together and we share a fandom, it's very unlikely that I'll deny your request and won't follow you back.
Also, if you've ever wanted to say something about my OCs and/or me and my blog, this might be the perfect time for you to do it.
Okay, that's it for now! Love you, everyone! Here's to more fandom-y shenanigans!
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Also, behold my new non-OC post divider! It features a lineart sketch of my blog icon in the middle! The icon was designed by @benevolenterrancy pretty much exactly two years ago when they realized my old icon was not, in fact, a unicorn. I still go full-on heart-eyes mode whenever I see my icon, so I figured it was time to remind everyone of the amazing artist that created it <3
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @fluffle-system @wheresmybloodynauglamir @supermarine-silvally @nanukanal @cody-helix02 (I believe this is the first time I've ever used my full taglist, aka the basic taglist plus everyone from fandom-specific taglists - wowie!) - Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed, for specific fandoms or the general list!
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Hihi. Feel like talkin and it's my blog so I'm gonna do what blogs are for and, well, blog!
Blah blah yip yap put this under a read more cause I type a lot.
Anyways, a while ago I saw a post and I can't entirely remember what it was about, but it talked about writing out why you put what songs in your F/Os playlists, and I thought that was a lovely idea. I was a little weary at first cause, well, my playlists for them are very long, not to mention the complex stories I have behind a lot songs, but it was a lovely thing, plus kept me distracted and gave me a place to gush. Plus bonus!! I can make little updates and stuff for when I add new songs and highlight the different numbers and. ANYWAYS.
I wanted to share a particular excerpt and a song! It's one of the ones where I wrote a tonnn about, filled the front and back of a page plus a little extra(it's a small notebook, about the size of my outstretched palm, so take that as you will). Maybe I'll post about the other songs as well :)
Going to copy word for word what I wrote in the journal about the song! The song is B.ody P.aint by A.rctic Monkeys. (Not an inappropriate song or title, I swear. I'm notorious for misunderstanding songs meanings but. Theyreartandartisupforinterpretationwhichcanbedonewhilestillrespectingthewritersintentionsofwritingthesong.) And this is from the Playlist I made about A.xlerod :3
I also talk about myself in the third person. Some stuff here is related to plot/backstory between me and A.xlerod so if it doesn't make sense that may be why😅(highly encourage asking questions if yall are curious. Or about any F/O stuff or backstory)
Also, his full name is Sir Miles A.xlerod, I refer to him by his first and last name interchangeably(I'm not sure why or how I started doing this).
B.ody P.aint by A.rctic M.onkeys
-"so you don't let the sun catch you crying" is just a really good line for either of them(referring to A.xlerod or Kane). But more and most importantly, "And if you're thinking of me, I'm probably thinking of you" cause that is just one of the most important lines to me ever, cause I truly believe in it. But how they just think of each other so often that they're probably always thinking of each other. Also "so predictable, I know what you're thinking" is a really nice line, I think. They are just around each other so much they just know each other that well. The longer I listen to this song, the more lyrics I keep finding that fit really well, but they keep fitting SO well I wanna write them all down! The opener of "for a master of deception and subterfuge, you've made yourself quite the bed to lie in" is a really great A.xlerod towards Kane line, cause Kane is a spy and needs to be good at that sort of stuff(I googled the word subterfuge and it makes this one billion times more fitting)((I wrote that in the journal)), and Kane has kinda made himself this bed to lie in by opening up to Miles and sparing him and being all honest and vulnerable. Also Also, "I'm watching your every move, I feel the tears coming on, it won't be long" as a Miles towards Kane line cause Miles seeing how Kane is and just kinda watching him slowly become more and more open and letting his walls down. ALSO also also "I'm keeping on my costume, callin it a writing tool" for Kane towards Miles, cause of how Kane kept on his spy suit for so long like a costume, and basically using it as a tool for when he quits being a spy and does the whole lemon thing, it was a big way of him letting Miles know how serious he was about all of this, and how the last thing he would wanna do is hurt him.
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yngai · 6 months
ALIAS / NAME:  nadiya BIRTHDAY:  may 24th ZODIAC SIGN:  gemini HEIGHT:  6’3 HOBBIES:  gaming primarily, obviously roleplay, looking to get back into digital art soon. i wish i had something more to offer outside media consumption but i'm basically what happens when you take a gamer bro & put them on estrogen FAVOURITE COLOUR:  blue & black, i basically wear nothing but black CURRENT BOOK:  the witcher novels currently eyeing me from my shelf LAST SONG:  replayed demon's souls (original release, i don't own a ps5 or the remake tragically) recently so i've had the soundtrack on in the background because it's one of a kind, like the game itself it has its own unique atmosphere that differs from later souls entries. they all moved onto epic orchestrated scores that are definitely great in their own right, but it is a little sad that the remake's ost also followed this trend (still really wanna play it) LAST FILM / SHOW:  for movies, me & the lads just watched banned from broadcast: saiko! the large family. as for TV, we watched the newest smiling friends episode today! i don't really watch as much stuff on my own as i do with a group of buds if you couldn't tell INSPIRATION:  for this blog some of it is listed on my dossier page. i tend to find a lot of inspiration for ada in all sorts of weird places mostly because i am thinking about her character all the time & i tend to listen & relisten to her character playlist constantly (because my music taste is great & my song choices are very good, smile). if you're wondering why i never write i don't know either BEHIND URL:  yangai without the first a, a word with a double meaning depending on the spelling between concealing & flooding. the necessity a spy has for stealth & how their identity is submerged behind falsehood. it's too iconic to change now i suppose FUN FACT ABOUT ME:  i'm really mad that romania has a popeyes in bucharest & denmark doesn't, how does that happen? why has denmark failed me? it's like i moved for nothing...
TAGGED: let's pretend it was @buriedabove TAGGING: you, yes, you, the person reading this
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This blog has inspired me to write a long, emotional piece like your Trempe de Seuer (but not! I'm anti-plagiarism), but I don't know what ship to do or even how to begin. Do you have any advice? Suggestions? I'm so new to all of this.
This has fully made my day honestly chfncjnfj to think that my silly little story has inspired someone makes me so happy!
As for advice I can tell you what I did lol. Basically trempé de sueur came to me after I read Call Me By Your Name. I watched the movie afterwards and I wanted to write something that captured that freedom of summer, the soft buzz of insects in the air, the sound of running water, the feeling of sweat against skin, the smell of salty air in your nose. Just,, summer love essentially. It was supposed to be a one shot but it just spiralled. It was also meant to have a much sadder ending than it ends up with. It was also meant to be mostly focused on romance but instead it kinda ends up as more of a character study and a bit of a coming of age fic?
I think pulling from a feeling or a feeling you experience in a specific setting is a good way to start. Do you want it to be focused on romance? Family dynamics? Friendships? Character growth? Where do you want your character(s) to be at the beginning of the story and what do you want them to have learned by the end?
As for the ship, I would say go with someone you know you’ll be able to focus on writing for so long. This is so ironic cause I was also going to say write your favourite ship but like,, jegulus is not my favourite ship yet my two longest fics are both about them lmao. I don’t know what happened there. They fit the story I was trying to tell well and rather than trying to change the characters to fit the story I did it the other way around and ended up with a story I’m honestly much happier with cjnfjcndjcndj
I also wrote in a kind of different style than what I usually do? I was inspired by the kind of slow writing where you really get to experience what it’s like to be in the scene I’m writing. Hopefully that came across chfncjfnjc but yeah, getting inspired by books with writing styles that inspire you is also a great way to add to a story too, it kinda challenges the way you tell your story.
I also created a playlist and a moodboard for trempé de sueur specifically that has helped me visualise things a lot. I’ll also sometimes put on some ambiance “music” with like,, birds twittering and general summer sounds etc to get in the mood lol. I would imagine it would work well doing a crinkling fireplace for a fic that takes place in a warm inn with a snowstorm outside or loud rain noises for a good rainy day, I did that when writing the last bit of the scene in chapter three for trempé de sueur
I think that’s all the advice I’ve got? Or just,, jumping off points really! Also!! I think it can be super fun to bounce ideas off of other people! Not in a plagiarism way obviously but just friends helping out friends and such,,,
I’m gonna do a smidge of promo here lol but I have had a great experience in @starman-server! We bounce ideas back and forth and do writing sprints quite often and they’re also great motivators for writing longer fics! There’s also just regular chatting and stuff but yeah,, a server (either like this or this one, wink wink come join us we’re very fun) is a wonderful “tool” as well. Also sometimes it’s just fun to talk about your fic with likeminded people!
Either way,, I hope this could help you in some way! My way is in no way the only way to do it but yeah cjfncjfn. If there’s anything else honestly feel free to come back in here or drop me a dm or something chfncjfnjc
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ticktockteapot · 2 years
You've convinced me. How would one get into Mad T Party?
Oh goodness where do I begin!!! LONG POST AHEAD!!!! Ok soooo I have some posts tagged as #mad t fandom lore thanks to @spikrock and @hattersgirlalice for giving me the inspiration to start this whole rabbit hole of nostalgia lol which showcases the basic general info of the mtp band performer's nicknames and noteworthy moments in the fandom (mostly gifs of the band that altered the fandom in some way, and fanart from the captains)
U can watch all the videos of the band performing on YouTube (There's numerous sources but I personally like to watch Nick Turchens playlist another place to find vids of T are just random clips here on Tumblr)
The OG Captains from what I can personally remember were @briannacherrygarcia she was THE ARTIST! she made the majority of the fanart headcanons for the fandom along with Storywhisper who wrote fanfics! (unfortunately they're deactivated and it still makes me sad I wanted to reread all their fics to freshen up on the lore but alas they are lost in the void somewhere as far as I know if anybody has links saved uhhhh help a girl out 👀)
There's many other talented fanfic authors and fan-artists!!! Gifs and Photography were a HUGE part of the fandom! People would make reaction gifs out of any and everything! Alot of shippy moments that were captured by these talented peeps made us all go feral EVERY SINGLE. TIME. BCUZ THEY WERE OUR ONLY REFERENCE FOR CANON CHARACTERIZATION STUFF.
@briannacherrygarcia (she always ate and left no crumbs🔥🔥🔥 absolutely iconic queen💅 a freaking art legend for any Alice in wonderland fan)
@cogitaeworks / @cogitae (they are godtier ohh m y godd fucking gorgeous artworks I swear)
Here is a list of all the blogs I've hunted down here on Tumblr to rummage thru for anything Mad T related, u don't have to follow all of these peeps a good majority of them especially on the lower half are inactive, and lower half is mostly just reblogs from other blogs maybe we can find eachother and form a lil T renaissance I'm just desperate for any MTP crumbs from this ancient ruin of a fandom lost to time
@elrohare is still active, they don't write fics as recently but thier old fics r one of the only main references I still use for MTP fics character arcs and lore so far
@rockingthemadtparty @oldeststoryintheuniverse @madtpartymisadventures @mishydraws @capnhap @artbymaryc @cheshire-kitten @nodamikimischief @fannishflightsoffancy @trekkiebeth @marchmousekits @drinkmebar-blog @tevlek @mgmpluto @allpackedforadventure @its-maddhatterfan @glindyupland @thackery-earwicket @t-party-madness @nemo-in-wonderland @marchmouse @zintk @allpackedforadventure @mrsmarchhare @thatrandomartistjavi @xsunnysoftx @illuminatilovesyou @fandom-hell-ferrylass @writegeist-muse @midnightwriterkay @littleivyfaery-blog @inuitakumi @queerasian-blog @mrchmouse-blog @burrwabbits @thacky-earwicket
(Put an F in the chat for @storywhisper 😢 they're not dead as far as I know but their blog is totally gone from Tumblr and I can't find any of their fics 😭😭😭)
If u wanna get to know more about the performers outside of the band, as in irl, they have social medias on YouTube and TikToks. I'm still a little iffy on sharing the irl identities for new fans cuz the whole character integrity thing at Disney AND ALL THE OG FANS REMEMBER ALL THE DRAMA ABOUT THIS TYPE OF STUFF IYKYK First I would have to get consent from a trusted source who can confirm that they are ok with fans knowing thier identity outside of T. Y'all gotta be respectful this time frfr 😒🙄
And not to toot my own horn but I've made a few MTP fanarts recently tagged in #myart and I'm in the middle of making my own Mad T Party Universe. Taking inspiration from multiple headcanons and performances from the fandom and combining them all together in a multi chapter art/comic thing??? IDK I'm not a writer but imma just post art pieces here and there with lore sprinkled in or something low-key if anybody wants to help me write it I'd totally appreciate it cuz how the hell do authors DO THIS ALL THE TIME 😭😩 y'all are troopers for keeping all these random facts and characters in ur head all the damn time🙃 and the audacity to have it in a linear timeline?? Organization???never heard of her!
Soooo yeaaaaa just look at my tag #mad t fandom lore for the basics, devour all of Briannacherrygarcia's masterpieces, watch the YouTube vids, follow some of the blogs, and maybe follow me as well since I'm rebooting this fandom apparently. Cringe is dead and I'm the grim fucking reaper.
FEEL FREE TO ASK ANY MORE QUESTIONS IF U HAVE ANY! Or if u wanna discuss shippy stuff 💞💞💞
Btw this has absolutely nothing to do with MTP but high-key I LOVE ur url bcuz I'm actually a Neo-Pagan Persephone devotee sooo the whole pomegranate thing is just *chefs kiss* ✨blessed be fellow warlock/witch✨
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byjillianmaria · 8 months
dead darlings tag
Tagged by @sarandipitywrites!! check out their dead darling here.
Tagging @stories-by-rie @cwritesfiction @lady-redshield-writes @lullabyes22-blog @roselinbooks-official @incandescent-creativity aaaaand whoever else wants to do this!
There's Magic Between Us went through a LOT of changes before it got published. Eden grew a whole different backstory, a subplot about a missing uncle got axed, a subplot about a magic treasure got added, and Lydia's knowledge of Fae Nonsense was severely more limited!
As such, a lot got left on the cutting room floor. I'm not too precious about any of it, but I was always a little sad to lose this scene where Lydia plays guitar for Eden. It doesn't really make sense to have in the final draft — Eden became the kind of character who wouldn't have time for this distraction, and Lydia became the kind of character who wouldn't have the patience to learn a whole song, anyway — but it was such a fun little romance trope to have while it lasted.
I also included some developer's notes, for funsies.
“What’s that on your back?” she asks. “Oh!” I run my free hand along the strap across my waist. (Note from present-day Jillian: I think this was meant to say shoulder or chest? That's a first draft for you.) “That’s my guitar. I just brought it for fun.” “Do you play?” “A little! I can show you when we sit down.” Sure, I only know the basics. But I know a few songs—enough to woo people who want to be wooed, I’m pretty sure. Or at least fill a few quiet moments between friends. I could be down for either, depending on how this plays out. “That would be nice.” Eden points ahead of her. The trees widen out into a clearing with a large pond. A few willow trees dot the shore, long branches reaching down. It’s one of those that she points to. “Under that tree is one of my favorite spots to sit. I bet it would make a good picnic.” “Dude, totally.” It looks like something out of a postcard. In the shade of the willow branches, the warm summer air cools just a little. It’s a comfortable place to lay out the picnic blanket. “You’re right, there is a lot of cool stuff here.” Eden smiles, smoothing the burgundy skirt of her button-down dress over her legs as she sits. “I’m glad you think so.” “Yeah! Thanks for showing it to me. If you’re ever in Chicago, I’ll be sure to return the favor.” Eden looks down at her lap, hair falling over her forehead. “I’ll keep that in mind.” I’m not sure if it’s bashfulness that changes the air between us or something else, but suddenly the silence sits heavier and less comfortable. I rush to correct it. “I’ve got lots of sandwich making stuff in here, and candy and things. You can pick what you want.” I swing the guitar around into my lap. “Lunch and a show!” This makes Eden smile again, which makes me happy. “Aren’t you going to eat?” I flap a hand at her. “I can eat in a second. I promised music!” “I guess you did,” Eden says, a laugh clinging to the edge of her voice. And so I play for her, while she rummages through the basket and puts together a sandwich. I’m not a great guitarist or a great singer, either, but I can carry a tune well enough that it isn’t unpleasant to listen to. Besides, the trick to doing anything is to do it with confidence. I play one of my favorite songs to perform, a love song by a straight guy. (Note from present day Jillian: what is she playing? I have no idea. I have a playlist of music she likes, but there's few men and even fewer acoustic songs.) I very purposefully don’t change the pronouns when it comes to talking about the girl he fell for. Look, between the pansexual pride bracelet on my wrist and the constant flirting, no one’s ever accused me of being subtle. Eden doesn’t react to the pronoun use, either positively or negatively. Which doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I just know that I get a little excited whenever someone does something gay, even if I’m not interested in them. It’s like finding someone wearing a shirt for a band you like, or something. A moment of connection and understanding, however brief. I won’t be shattered if Eden doesn’t like girls, of course. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know.
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Here's my little blog site thingy, I'd recommend using it while viewing my blog, so the posts aren't annoying white blocks
Y'all can call me Creature, Archivist, or scourge , I go by it/they pronouns, as well as any neopronouns
MORE INFO BELOW [warnings, interests, tags, blinkies, and is that a playlist of songs I like?]
Two: this is my only account, I don't have a side blog or art blog right now, if you specifically want to see my art you can use my art tag (tags listed below)
Three: I block freely so I'm not writing a big dni, don't interact if you fall under basic dni criteria (racists, pedos, nazis, etc. You know who you are), terfs don't interact (although I don't see why you decided to come here in the first place)
Four: WARNING FOR EYESTRAIN!!!! I LIKE BRIGHT COLORS!!!! Oh and eyes, A lot of eyes
I tend to avoid flashing lights, they don't cause me pain but they're really annoying
If I should start tagging stuff as warnings just ask <3 I might not be amazing at it but I'll try
Wings of fire*
Will wood*
Warrior cats*
Wander over yonder
Lemon demon*
Ride the cyclone
The beetlejuice musical
The Jekyll and Hyde musical*
Tally hall
Miracle musical
Jack stauber
Gravity falls
Across the spider-verse
Birds (mainly birds of prey)
Sea Creatures
animals that people find scary in general
My chemical romance*
The owl house
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde*
The glass scientists*
The Magnus Archives*
A bunch of other things
*starred interests are ones I mainly post about*
#creature draws : this one has my art!
#creatures neon dragons : this one has some simple brightly colored sketches of dragons on a black background (im not sure I'm continuing this, all posts here are old)
#super cool art : other peoples art that I reblog
#creatures comic collection: comics that I reblog, I will still also put comics in the art tag
#creatures ted-talks / #creatures ted talks : these have my text posts, stuff where I talk (I don't do so very often)
#creature answers : this one has my answers to asks and responses to tags
#creature rambles In someone else's post : self explanatory, I talk in someone else's post
#very important post (vip) : this one has posts I find important, nowadays I stick to things with helpful links
#creatures faves : posts I really like
#creatures faves² : posts I really really like
#creatures saved files : this one has things I want to save for later
#creatures saved files art edition : art tips and color palettes I wanna save
#wee woo : will wood related stuff
#silly music people doing silly things : other musician related stuff (where you'll find lemon demon and mcr posts grouped together, yaaayy!!)
#casualdejekyll and formaldehyde : Jekyll and Hyde related stuff
#Normal British archives : The Magnus Archives related stuff
#wof of fire : wings of fire related stuff
#warrior kitty cats : warrior cats related stuff
Any now for a collection of blinkies and banners (credits in tags)
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hoodiehydra · 2 years
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I posted 148 times in 2022
That's 148 more posts than 2021!
34 posts created (23%)
114 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 91 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#hydrawriter - 11 posts
#fnf agoti - 9 posts
#fnf tabi - 8 posts
#fnf - 6 posts
#fnf aldryx - 5 posts
#digital drawing - 5 posts
#fnf selever - 4 posts
#fnf ruv - 3 posts
#fnf void - 3 posts
#random thoughts at 1am - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#im not gonna lie i would think its either where agoti was trapped or the nothing world where selever was stuck in
My Top Posts in 2022:
It’s 1am rn and I was just thinking about Selever / Rasazy’s and Aldryx / Agoti’s sibling dynamics and how much both my and my little sister can actually relate to them.
I have somehow taken on both Selever’s and Aldryx’s sibling personalities and my sister is basically Rasazy (but she does act like Agoti sometimes).
Why do I love this so much wtf
7 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Hi 🦊anon. Can you write a Selever x reader? For fluff? Thx
I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FROM THE PITS OF HELL- ok I know hell is a “bad” word but it’s a place.
I suggest you don’t read this one if you can’t handle strong language. Because as fine as our lovely demon boy is here, he does curse a lot, or at least that’s what I headcannon him to be.
Also why is he so fucking tall bro- like 7 FEET? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN EATING SIR
That was very off topic.
Selever x reader
Fluff/ Romance
Warnings: inappropriate language and (maybe) subtle dirty jokes (… I will figure it out along the way) also maybe incorrect quotes
You’re sprawled out on the couch, lying on Selever. How did we even get here in the first place?
Let me rewind.
Chaotic boyfriend and his chaotic significant other = absolute chaos.
So now the both of you are watching a horror movie, in the evening, and the show was pretty crappy, actually. Cliche story, cliche characters and this would be your average dose of horror. Boring.
Well, someone had to do something about this situation, because neither of you were having it.
“Well, as top in this relationship-” Selever started.
“I can’t believe you’re playing rank with me right now.” You interrupted.
“*Ahem* As I was saying, as TOP in this relationship, I say we go for a drive.”
It was an interesting proposal, since he would usually be more up for round of rap battling instead of this.
You didn’t hesitate, despite this not being his usual behaviour.
You both climbed into the car and drove off, to who knows where. The both of you were jamming to the radio, then putting on your personal playlists when the music got boring and didn’t fit the car’s vibes.
Selever was grinning like an idiot, well, he is one, while you were singing your heart out the entire time.
Quality bonding time.
You couldn’t be happier, just being with him and driving aimlessly through the city’s night lights. It was a beautiful moment. However, as beautiful as this moment was, you couldn’t help but question why he was being this romantic.
“Hey Sel?”
“Why are you being romantic all of a sudden? I mean, I really like it, but uh- what’s gotten into you?”
“Can’t a demon guy spend some time with the person he loves?”
While saying that, he shot you a smile. Not his usual cocky smile, but a loving one. It sent heat rushing through your cheeks as you stared at him, since he rarely smiled like that towards you.
“Easy there shithead, you look like you’re gonna fucking blow up.” Way to ruin the moment.
You breathed in and cooled down while staring out the window.
See the full post
8 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Hello! 🦊anon. Can you write a fnf (Friday night funkin) agoti xreader? For fluff please?thx.
Perfect! I’ve recently been thinking of a good prompt for this and I HAVE FOUND IT! Hooray!
Also, greetings, fox anon. Nice to see ya again.
One “Exhausted but excited”, coming up!
Prompt: Work’s tiring for the both of you, but your digidevil boyfriend is here to make it better!
Warnings: none in general, a bit of a sharp tongue here and there (PUN NOT INTENDED) but overall PG :D
Romantic fluff, enjoy!
“Mph…” you said nothing, groaning as you stepped into the door of you and AGOTI’s shared apartment. The sweet feeling of home soon warmed yourself up as you finally relaxed into the familiar walls of your home. (Side note: my class is insane asf and we call our class walls “Wallace”. The wall is now a he and is our class mascot. 70% of the boys simp for Wallace and we worship him as our god. ALL HAIL WALLACE- more Wallace updates to come)
The feeling was soothing, and all the immense stress and tension from work today soon faded away as your digidevil of a boyfriend soon came into view. You smiled softly, energy drastically drained as you slumped onto the couch, where he joined you and pulled you into his lap.
“Babe, you good?” He gently asked.
“Been worse.” A blunt mumble flew out of your mouth.
He sighed and massaged your scalp, you relaxed in his touch and sighed in satisfaction.
“Hm…” You groaned, as he stopped petting you and took the remote. You frowned mildly, but was too tired to complain and you silently waited. He soon went back to you, massaging your scalp again and F/M (favourite movie. What’s your favourite movie? Mine is either HTTYD or Venom. VENOM IS NOT BECAUSE OF AGOTI I SWEAR) was playing in the background. It was really relaxing, just a soft, quiet moment, just the two of you.
“C’mon, I bought pizza for dinner. You’re not cooking, and I can’t cook for shit unless you want the house to burn down.” He joked.
… nice way to ruin the moment.
You complained, but was dragged from the couch. At least it was pizza, it was worth getting up for. You both chewed on your pizzas in silence, occasionally sending each other memes from the internet, so dinner wouldn’t be too boring.
“How was your day?” AGOTI broke the silence.
“Tiring. Managing a retail shop may be a small job, but it can still be exhausting.” You replied.
“Yeah, but you’re great at your job! I have no idea how you handle it.” AGOTI cheered you on.
He was always very supportive, always behind you and comforting you when things got tough. 2 years of being together and you couldn’t imagine your life without him.
“I guess I am. Work is just getting more busy and I can’t handle it sometimes.” You thought out loud.
“And I’m here for you. You know that.” He smiled warmly.
Soft moments with AGOTI weren’t rare, but it’s not common either. It’s a really special thing.
You smiled warmly at his words, finally feeling happy with yourself. You stood up and hugged him, whispering thanks. He reciprocated the hug, warmth engulfing the both of you.
Yeah, life wasn’t always the smoothest, but needless to say, an exhausted you and a relaxing evening only made you more excited for your future with your boyfriend.
This was requested a while ago, sorry!
Got this idea a few days ago and this is the end product. I’m not very proud of it. The ending was abrupt and the “excited” part wasn’t mentioned much. No idea if snek will see this but- meh.
11 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Hi🐷anon Can u pls write a Kiawe from Pokémon sun and moon xreader?
Hello 🐷 anon! Yeah, no problem, I can do that. Romance, basically. Right?
Let's start with the story.
PROMPT: Just you and Kiawe being fluffy :>
"I'm so fluffing bored!" you complained, sprawled out on your bed. Who were you talking to? No one, if we were going to be honest. It was just an average day, just going to the school, hanging out with your friends and then going back home. Boringggggggg.
No, see. Here's the thing about today. NO ONE. AND I MEAN, NO ONE. was free today. AND IT'S ONLY 3 PM!
By now, you would have rang Lillie to maybe play with Snowy or y/s/p (your starter pokémon) or maybe join Mallow in cooking some new dish. At some point, Hau or Gladion battling with you wouldn’t sound like a bad idea to pass the time. Maybe even Lana, or Ash could have asked you to hang out and hell, you would have said yes in a heartbeat.
Honestly, why wouldn't you say yes.
And you were so bored, super bored. Honestly, at this point you would have screamed into a pillow to pass the time. ACTUALLY, YOU COULD DO THAT YEAH WHERES THE PILLOW-
Knock knock
And who could that be? You checked your phone. You had no arrangements or plans, and it was currently 3:30. Who could it be to save you from your boredom?
You were gingerly walking down the stairs of your home, afraid of what? I have no idea. This place was safe. Safe. Totally safe.
You quietly opened the door, the door creaking just a little. Yeah, you were expecting maybe Sophocles to take you to who knows where, just for science reasons.
Not this.
Your face was just pure shock, or surprise. You didn’t expect it at least, no. You would have never thought this would have happened. Throat dry, you asked, “What are you doing here, Kiawe?”
The tanner boy had his usual smile on his face along with a hint of pink dusted on his cheeks. You could have died right then and there. So, not only were you in your home clothing, looking like a basic, boring person, but your crush was the one who witnessed it. Not to mention, he was looking really cute.
“I was wondering if you would like to have a pokémon battle with me? Y’know, for training.” Kiawe replied, hope lacing his tone.
You, of course, instantly agreed. Two reasons: boredom, and because who would give up their chance to spend time with their crush?
After you agreed, Kiawe dragged you out of your house, not giving you any time to change. As much as you wanted to look a little nicer at least, the boy was already pulling you out the door by the hand and brought you to a nearby battlefield.
After reaching the field, neither of you wasted any time and brought out your pokémon. The battle didn’t last long, but it was very intense, and entertaining. It eventually resulted in a draw, and while you shook hands, you could only mumble a small “Thank you for the battle”. It’s not that you were disappointed that you didn’t win, well, maybe a little, but- yeah you were just disappointed that you didn’t win. You were also feeling a bit embarrassed that you had lost to him.
Kiawe noticed the change in tone, and asked, “Hey, Y/N, why are you always mumbling around me? Do you not like me?”
Those words shocked you. How could he say that? Who wouldn’t like him?
You shook your head immediately, saying, “No! How could you even think that? Who wouldn’t like you?” At this point, you were so taken aback by his words, that you couldn’t stop yourself before you went too far.
“Kiawe, you don’t understand. I really like you, more than a friend, and I was just feeling nervous around you, and-” you stopped yourself. You had said way too much by now, you didn’t want to mess anything up even more. You shook your head, and quickly added on, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened to me, let’s forget this ever happened.”
Kiawe was… surprised. He looked in confusion, and asked, “Why would I want to forget this? It’s not all the time where your crush would confess to you like that.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. In that moment, you hugged him. You could have cried, screamed in happiness, but you held it in. You were very happy that day, and spent the rest of the day with your crush, who you now knew liked you back.
Whoa! First request: done.
I’m actually pretty proud of this, even though he’s not someone I simp for, but yeah.
See the full post
16 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For the ask game:
💔 An angsty headcanon for Selever
👗 A headcanon about Aldryx's clothes
For Selever, I think he would be in a sort of depression stage when he was in the nothing world, but it’s not that heavy. Since he is trapped in a space of literal nothingness, he has no one else to talk to besides his sister, and he lacks friends and social interaction, which will probably make him more gloomy over time.
Aldryx would have a lot of choices and a huge variety in his clothes. I think he would wear dresses sometimes because he can (also because I saw fanart of him wearing dresses when he was younger and HE WOULD WEAR THAT) also he would wear tank tops and those that show more skin at home, and wear jeans and leather jackets outside.
32 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Hey! Im Laura I really like your blog aesthetic!
I too am learning Norwegian, but I can’t really get as many resources for it. Im very confused. It would be really helpful if you can share some beginners plan, tips and resources. Thanks a lot!
Hi Laura! Sorry I'm only just getting back to you - I saw your message, told myself I'd definitely reply after I finished work then completely forgot #fail
I have some links in my FAQ for resources to get you started. Some other resources suitable for beginners include:
Drops (app) - personally I'm not a fan, but it's handy for learning vocabulary when you're a beginner
Norsklærer Karense - she speaks in Norwegian you'll need to know a little Norwegian already, but I highly recommend her channel. I've linked to a search for beginner videos (A1-A2) from her channel.
Instagram - There are lots of accounts for learning Norwegian, some of which I've linked here. I also follow other Norwegian learners and post a lot in Norwegian myself (shameless self promotion)
Lesnorsk - texts available for all levels. Everything is written in Norwegian, so you'll need some basics first.
Apps like Tandem and HelloTalk - there are apps where you can find native speakers to do language exchanges with you. I never clicked with it but maybe you'll find it useful.
italki - if you're serious and you have money to spend, italki's a great place to find a tutor (Norwegian lessons are pretty expensive though and honestly you can get pretty far without a tutor)
While memorising vocab lists does work for some people, I find that context is more helpful, so I like to write sentences with new vocabulary I learn. That way you can also practise vocabulary you've learned previously and grammar.
On that note, keep a journal. No need to write loads - just a few simple sentences like "Today is Wednesday. I woke up at 7am. I ate breakfast. I am tired." (If you don't know the past tense yet, you can just use the present tense. Or you can look it up, of course!)
Find some music you like. You can find tonnes of playlists on spotify! I recommend searching "norsk [your favourite genre] musikk". I also made a list of song recommendations a while back.
It's also pretty helpful to listen passively, so I often put NRK radio on as background noise (you'll understand nothing at the start, but it'll help you get used to the rhythm and melody of the language, plus it's pretty cool when you understand a word here and there!) Here are some other listening recommendations that might be a little easier to start with.
Hope that helps! You're also welcome to ask me anything about grammar (although being a learner myself, I may not always know the answer 😅)
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Az makes a fansite
Recently I got into making my own website on neocities.com. I like what they do so I decided to spring for a paid account ($5 per month) to give them a little walkin’ around money... which allows me to make multiple sites! So I made
Which is a Full Metal Panic fansite because. Well, just because. I wanted to have ALL the information in one place instead of trying to remember which site tells me one thing for writing fanfic & making memes. My coding skills are VERY BASIC and it’s clearly a work in progress, but I’d like to make it the kind of site we used to have in the early 00′s where you could actually spend time browsing it. Real “surfing the net” type stuff (I couldn’t commit to the Web 1.0 aesthetics, though, if you decide to visit & watch me continue to work on it, you’ll notice I keep making things sleeker lol...).
ANYWAY, it has a guestbook and I’m putting my memes & playlists on there and generally trying to gather as much confirmed information as possible. Taking concrit on this thing. And if anyone has any like... older internet pixel graphics or sprites or gifs they want to direct me towards, I’d like to decorate it some more! Right now I’m making silly banners on Canva (you can find some of them on the site).
(I wanted to just name it sagara.net SO bad but I think I have to buy a custom domain to do that and I’m not about it. So sagara dot neocities dot org it is!
... yes of course I named it after Sousuke, everyone should know by now that Al is my FMA fav and Sousuke is my FMP fav, it’s all over this blog.)
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writingssummit · 4 years
𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬.
driving at night with haikyuu characters !
song listened to while writing: mother mother + mindless self indulgence playlist.
content: late night driving, already existing relationships, fluff, comfort. xreader technically
characters: bokuto, sugawara, asahi, and nishinoya for a bonus :)
a/n: been feeling up for this, and yes idk what time it is anymore, i just have extra writing energy all of a sudden. 😶 i am a huge fan of night drives, it’s one of my favorite things to do, so why not write about it with some haikyuu characters? warning, i’m half asleep so these might not be the best jsjsjs. have fun reading !
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bokuto !
car rides with him are immaculate regarding vibes. music is playing, the windows are down.
this particular night, you guys have nowhere to be, so you aren’t really going anywhere specific. it was your weekend, so you guys were going to make the most of your night!
and yes, it’s 2am LOL
this guy is totally jamming out to the songs, tapping the steering wheel with his fingertips.
yelling out lyrics is a common occurrence, i take no criticism here.
y’all probably annoy the hell out of the neighborhood, or surrounding areas where you pass through just because bokuto has his bass up super high
“is it too late for a drive, bo?” you tilted your head at your boyfriend, debating the idea in your head. it was pretty late already, most sane people were asleep around this time. but his eyes lit up right away at your question. 
“it’s never too late. go get your shoes on, we’re going right now!”
and so that’s how you ended up in his car at 2 in the morning, music and bass up to the max. houses were passing by the window quickly. you had questioned whether or not it was okay to be so loud now, since there were still people around them in their homes, but he assured you it was just fine. after all, it was fun, and who didn’t like that?
“ohoho, this is my SONG!” bokuto slapped the steering wheel, and cleared his throat. you couldn’t help but cackle at his antics. he was a good singer, you wouldn’t deny that. but at times like this, he was absolutely awful- he was screaming out the lyrics, and you were starting to cry in laughter, and stumble through them when you tried to join in. it only egged him on, because it was a positive response. bokuto lived for that.
you guys definitely got some calls from your neighbors.
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sugawara !
normally, night drives with sugawara are chaotic and sometimes unplanned, you never know where you guys will decide to go, or when you’ll get back because you both just have a lot of fun with each other.
but tonight was a comfort drive.
you weren’t feeling the best that day, and suga picked up on that.
“c’mon, we’re going to the car.” 
??? what?
he ends up driving you to the perfect place to stargaze.
and from there, he pulls you out of the car, and carefully helps you on top of the car roof.
there’s no blanket but you settle between his legs and just aaa <3 soft cuddles.
“sugar, we’re going to the car. get your shoes on.” you make no move to get up, you weren’t up for anything right now.you felt shitty. so how could you even sit up?
“baby..” he crouches down in front of you, reaching up to cup your cheek in his hand. “i promise, this will help a little. you only have to move a little, okay?” he murmured, stroking you with softness and warmth only he was capable of.
how could you say no again? he was so gentle when he asked, and honestly any form of distraction would be nice..
the car ride was somewhat quiet, the music playing was just from one of the popular stations, which suga hummed under his breath. it was normal, and peaceful. you rested your head against the window and sighed. was he bringing you to a shop? grabbing a bite to eat? 
but you weren’t expecting him to pull into an empty field. you cock an eyebrow at him, but all he does is grin. next thing you know, he’s pulling you out of the car, and onto the roof of it. you laugh a little at yours and his struggle to get on top, but it ends up being worth it to you.
the stars were amazing where you were, and you counted as many as you could see while he rubbed his thumbs over your hand and knee. your back was pressed up against his chest, his arms draped over you.
“you’re my star, y/n. now and always.”
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asahi !
you guys were driving along the lake, slowly so you both could get a look at the nightly reflections on the surface.
your night drives are always 1000% calm and comforting. serene, even.
soft piano music in the background.
i’m getting “i’m taking you out on a drive to get out your energy so you can sleep” vibes from this guy haha
“isn’t the lake beautiful?” you murmur, your cheek pressed against the window of the passenger seat. you were trying to get a good look at the water, all of it’s reflections and such.
“do you want me to...put the window down for you, love?” your heart swelled at the pet-name, and you nodded. yawning, you peek your face outside and into the air as you guys drive. this was really cool, and the music was totally calming. and that paired together made yourself grow more and more tired by the hour. 
“time to start heading back now?” asahi’s voice was as gentle as ever. you nod slowly, eyes already shut. “mm.”
he chuckles to himself before turning around.
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nishinoya !
please for the love of god don’t let him choose the music
jokes aside, you guys are hitting up all the fast food restaurants, i just know it.
you guys have enough for like 3 people.
it’s a pleasure drive, you guys are there for the energy and experience.
the sunroof is totally open, allowing you to stuck your upper body outside as he drives.
you’re both whooping, and just having fun.
he totally speeds, y’all better be careful-
“oh my god, please don’t. you’re banned from the music choice, remember?? i can’t trust you anymore!” you snort as you change the music to something more appealing. nishi often played questionable songs, which were funny, but sometimes it was simply terrible.
a disgrace, if you would.
“how restrictive- i just want to play my goddamn music some day, it’s not that bad, y/n!” oh, yes it is. he’s just too nishi to notice. you both start to debate what counts as good music, but he makes a quick, small topic change.
“now, do we got to that one place, mc donalds, or...”
teases be damned, you were hungry. “all of them. all of them, i will-” you couldn’t even get the rest of your sentence out because this man just put the gas pedal down even more, and you cried out.
“nishi, what the fuck! too fast, are you crazy?” you’re not mad, your grin and wide eyes could prove that.
“c’mon! sunroof’s open, scream it out!” he shoots a grin at you, and you do just that. he makes you feel alive, exhilarated. and of course, full of food.
i’m so tired woah- thanks for reading ! my asks are open, feel free to drop one ! here’s my prompt list in case you’d like to send a number with it, and here’s my blog basics for rules about requests !
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
3 with sokka for your spotify wrapped playlist writing thingy? Also hii hehe i just found your blog 5 seconds ago NICE TO MEET YOUUU
it’s lovely to meet you too! (i prepared these a while ago but tysm for being so supportive of my blog!!)
affluenza - sokka x reader
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pairing: sokka x fem!reader (it’s more platonic than anything)
wc: 2.7k
notes/warnings: again, i’m only really using the theme of this song instead of the lyrics. for warning, misogyny?? a bit of neglect
growing up a princess was already hard to begin with, but being the younger sister to the nation’s favourite royal was even worse. constantly being in her shadow, being ignored by parents and just being blindly spoiled. you were lucky, you could get whatever you wanted except for your parent’s own attention and affection.
ever since you turned the age of ten, you were quick to notice that you weren’t your parent’s favorite so you would try and do whatever you could to be the star in their eyes. you trained everyday in order to improve your water bending, your warrior skills, just anything that could make you stand out and get your parents to notice you more. but alas, you weren’t the crown princess, the most beautiful girl in the northern water tribe.
it came to a point where, around your fifteenth birthday, you were starting to loose motivation for things in general. all of your work had payed off, you had mastered every healing form and had even gotten secret lessons from local boys trying to use you to get to yue, you had everything you could want except for the one thing you desperately needed. so you started isolating yourself a bit more, the rest of the nation forgetting about you even more.
your isolation changed when you heard of the avatar having arrived in your tribe and suddenly, you desperately wanted to get to know them. if you befriended the avatar and even joined him on his voyage, you might just finally get your parent’s stamp of approval. it was the first thing in months to give you any sort of motivation.
during the dinner that your dad threw for the guests and to honour your sister’s birthday, you had managed to find a spot next to the southern watertribe girl and you two hit it off immediately. bonding over shared experiences as younger siblings.
“yeah it does hurt a bit to have practically mastered all your water bending forms and not get a congratulations from your parents.” was your comment as the two of you spoke about sometimes feeing as thought you’re living in your older sibling’s shadow. what you said seemed to have done something to the girl who’s name you learned was katara.
“you’re a waterbender?” she asked bewildered. her eyes looking at you with excitement and wonder.
“yeah, one of the best in the tribe if i do say so myself.” you joked lightly, a bit confused at her tone.
“i’m a waterbender too! do you think you could teach me a few things?” she excitedly asked, a huge grin on her face. you nodded and finished swallowing your pickled fish that had been prepared by the best chefs in town.
“i mean sure but i’m not sure what i could teach you. i’m basically a master but i wouldn’t say that i’m too far ahead from other people my age.” you responded, explaining to the girl from your sister tribe that you may not be able to teach her much.
“oh, where i come from, i’m the last waterbender. so i’ve never had any actual training.” her gaze averted from yours and you instantly regretted what you said, feeling horrible at your assumption. you were used to being surrounded by waterbenders and had no idea what she must’ve been going through.
“i’m so sorry, i shouldn’t have said that. if you need anyone to show you some water bending forms, i’m more than happy to. but i’m sure you’ll get more from master yagoda.” you searched for her hand and gave it a little squeeze, she turned her head to smile at you which you returned a comforting one back.
“why not master paku?” she inquired, slightly confused at not hearing the name of the respected master she had heard about at one point during the dinner.
“master paku teaches warrior waterbending skills, girls aren’t allowed to learn those techniques, only healing.” you explained, gaze faltering slightly. you hated your tribe’s costume which is why you always tried to rebel in your own way, but she didn’t need to know that yet.
“why? that’s stupid!” she exclaimed, removing her hand from yours to hit her closed fists on the table in annoyance, thankfully not drawing any attention.
“i know! but it’s tradition and the old farts who control this town hate breaking tradition, even my father won’t break it for me!” you explained, giving a small glance to your father who spoke to one of his councilmen.
“maybe he’ll change his mind if i’m with the avatar! we might even convince him to train you!” she suggested, optimism laced in her words but you simply shrugged your shoulders.
“you can try but i wouldn’t get your hopes up. if you do though, make sure to come get me.” you blankly responded, not wanting to give her any false sense of joy.
the rest of the dinner went by nicely, her telling stories about her adventure with the avatar and her brother, who’s name you learned to be sokka. he even inserted himself in the conversation once or twice, making you laugh at his comments. the night had to end eventually, and for yue and yourself, it meant you two have to leave before the party ended.
“y/n, i think i may have a problem.” yue nervously started when you were both alone. “that southern water tribe boy, he.”
“he’s hilarious?” you finished her sentence, a knowing smile on your lips.
“yeah, and i’m scared i might be catching feelings for him. he even suggested to do something together.” she explained, hand grabbing yours nervously, looking to you for advice on what she should do. no matter how much your parents favoured yue on every way, there was so way you could ever hate her or hold your parents’ doings against her.
“oh come on yue, talking to him won’t hurt you. if anything, not talking to him will hurt him.” you joked, placing your hand on top of hers to give more weight to your words.
“i suppose so.” she smiled, most likely thinking about him and the way he made her feel. your smirk never left your face as you watched the way he made her feel.
the next day, you ran into katara and aang as they went to visit master paku to try and convince him to train the both of them. you were going on a simple walk, hoping to run into them.
“y/n, want to come with us to master paku?” katara immediately asked once you were in proximity to the tow of them.
“not sure you’ll be able to convince them but i’d love to either way.” you smiled, waving hello to the avatar.
“well we’re going to try.” aang backed up katara’s optimism which was slightly sad to see as you knew the ending, you had experienced it yourself.
and like you predicted, their attempt to get the old master to go against outdated traditions proved useless. it ended in katara yelling at his misogynistic attitude and giving up to go sit in on a healing session. you decided to join her, knowing it was useless to you but it was nice to a get a refresher nonetheless.
once it ended, you were left to deal with an annoyed katara as aang was still training. you admired her for standing up to him, wishing you had the confidence that she had but you had given up fighting traditions a long time ago when you realised it was useless.
“listen, i’m sorry katara. if you want though, i can show you around town.” you tried to cheer her up but she seemed to agree with no enthusiasm.
during your tour, you made sure to give as many details as you could to the girl from your sister tribe but it didn’t do much to make her smile. her attitude did change though when the both of you ran into her older brother, a lovestruck emotion on his face which immediately led you to conclude he had seen your sister, and you were right.
“we’re meeting tonight at the same bridge we saw each other! yue and i!” was the first he said when he approached the two of you, more directed to his sister.
“really sokka? that’s great!” katara’s mood seemed to change to happiness for her brother. she then turned to you, surprisingly. “you know, maybe yue said something to y/n. did she?”
“why would yue tell her something?” sokka stopped you from answering, taking you slightly aback. his rather none accusing question hurt you more than you’d care to admit.
“i beg your pardon?” you were slightly offended at his question, more hurt but that wasn’t the tone that you wanted to show, knowing that showing hurt was more of a weakness than anything. at least in your household, your parents only seemed to notice your negative attitude when it came out. a comment made by a schoolmate hurt you and when you came home crying, you were simply neglected as yue had come home earlier and your parents were engrossed in her story. you had tried to come to them but were simply ignored. since then, you’ve only ever shown emotions theyd deem negative to your sister.
“sokka, you met her last night. she’s the second princess of the northern water tribe!” katara harshly whispered as you calmed yourself down, making a mental note to thank your new friend.
“yue has a sister? what did she say about me?” his confusion turned to excitement as he practically rushed into your face, too close for your liking.
“yes, and what do you think you’ll get out of me?” you smirked slightly, putting your hand on his chest to push him out of your face.
“i don’t know, what does a princess need?” he questioned. letting your hand linger before you dropped it.
“warrior training.” katara observed as you narrowed your eyes, the smirk still on your lips as you surprised the rather bold boy.
“why would you need warrior training?”
“because, i want to. my father refuses to let me train but i’ve found ways. yue told me you’re supposedly the best warrior in your village and i want some.” you defied his expectations, he assumed you’d probably be drastically different from your sister in a bad way but he was wrong.
“deal, you tell me what yue thinks of me and i’ll teach you a couple of things i know.” he was quick to agree, willing to do anything to know what the crown princess thought of him. you took your hand out to shake on it and he did, both of you looking each other in the eyes in defiance, hands lingering in each other’s grip.
katara giggled at the interaction which brought the two of you out of your stare and let go of each other’s hands.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, hopefully yue will tell me more after your little rendezvous today.” you told him before turning your attention back to katara, seeing as though she was with her brother now, she’d be fine on her own. “i’ll see you tomorrow around the healing hut early tomorrow?”
she nodded before you waved the two of them goodbye and walked back towards the palace, looking forward to your first session with sokka.
the next day was pretty eventful, finding out that katara and aang had gone against paku’s rules, meaning that he refused to continue raining the avatar. you found out right before leaving for the session with yagoda and decided to stick around when katara defied him. and by the end of that whole fiasco, she was able to convince him to let her train with him.
after that happened, you immediately went to your father to beg him to let you join paku’s clas but you were met with a wall.
“absolutely not, the times may be changing but i’d rather none of my daughters do anything too dangerous. you still need to finish mastering healing.” was his response, leaving you in complete disbelief. you had mastered every healing form a couple of months ago and he didn’t know.
yue tried to comfort you but you ignored him, deciding to walk around town to calm down. you knew that if yue was the waterbender, she’d be able to do whatever she wanted. even if she was their fragile little girl.
the day went by rather fast, and before you knew it, you were following katara in secret to watch the first ever girl receive training from a master in the northern water tribe. you made sure to not make your presence too noticeable, even if the majority of people didn’t notice you most of the time. you watched in complete awe of her raw skill, wishing that you were right there next to her, having something to make you stand out from your family.
when the afternoon came, you made your way to where the three of them was staying in order to complete your deal with sokka.
“hey y/n, did you find out anything about yue?” was his greeting which earns a little eye roll from you.
“didn’t she tell you that she was engaged?” you said rather harshly, regretting as you saw him look down sadly. “listen sokka, she can’t love you but she does. she’s tied to our ridiculous customs, i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay.” he took a deep breath in and let it go before meeting your eyes that were soft, matching them with a small smile. “ready to get started?”
“more than ready. my stupid father didn’t want me joining katara today so i need to let out some sort of aggression.” your tone clearly annoyed at your father which confused sokka, yue didn’t seem to have any problems with her parents.
“i don’t know if this is my place to ask, but why do you seem to hate your father so much?” he asked, curious to know.
“this is nothing against my sister, i love her to bits. it’s my parents i have problems with, they just cast me aside. all of their attention has always been on yue, hell everyone in this stupid tribe only cares about yue! i’m supposed to just be unnoticeable according to my parents yet they shame me for not being as special as yue! i mastered every single healing form and i even managed to learn a couple of fighting stances, yet it’s still not enough.” you let yourself go, deciding to dump all of your problems on the poor boy who had to hear your practically yell at the end. “sorry, you probably didn’t want to know all of that.” you joked nervously.
“no, no its okay. i just figured that being yue’s sister would be like the best thing. i mean being royalty makes your life basically perfect and i mean, she’s one of the sweetest girls i’ve ever met!” sokka ranted, not exactly being what you wanted to hear.
“yeah, i have everything i could ever want but my parent’s attention.” you laughed in disbelief at how ridiculous your situation was.
“you know what?” a silence had settle after your uncomfortable laugh but he was the first to speak, excitement in his voice as he voiced the idea in his head. “what if you joined us to defeat the firelord and travel with the avatar? that’s sure to get your parents to notice!”
“you barely know me and i haven’t actually spoken with the avatar, what makes you think that i’d fit your little team?” you were skeptic at his proposition, loving the idea but not being sure he was thinking it through.
“from what katara’s told me, you’d be perfect for us! katara could teach you what she learns with paku on the road, i could teach you what i know and you could be our own healer!” he excitedly thought about the idea of having someone else on his team, even if you weren’t the sibling he fell for, he still took a liking to you after your first conversation.
“well then, come fetch me before you leave. my parents won’t notice me gone so there won’t be any problems.” you concluded, you yourself getting excited at the idea of finally doing something that might make you stand out to your parents.
“great! now let’s get started.” he opened the door, a huge smile on his face.
“if you were at all interested, she thought you were a pretty good kisser.” you added before he could start teaching you any of his skills.
general taglist: @butterfly-skinnylegend @biqherosix
atla taglist: @missmorosis @draqondance @firelady-jay @welovediaaxx @sunnypluto
122 notes · View notes
Hi a 🍰 pls?
Appearance: over 18, she/her, 5’3 115lbs hourglass figure, long wavy dark hair and hazel/green eyes. I like to wear makeup and experiment with colorful makeup and I have a edgy, sexy, chic style 🥀
Personality: ISTJ, Capricorn ☀️&🌙 Ravenclaw, Introvert, I am generally a very chill person, I do tease and am sarcastic but I try not to take it too far. Not necessarily the mom friend more like the annoyed aunt lol I tend to show affection like a cat kinda hot and cold but my love language is touch and action. Dry send of humor! I would say my worst traits are that I seclude myself when I’m upset and can be selfish/self centered, am a pro procrastinator and low-key like to complain/rant about things that aren’t a big deal 👀 THRIVE in quiet cozy place🍄
Other Facts: I rlly enjoy animals, (I adore my cat and aquariums, everyone should own fish they are the best🐠) gardening, baking, my eyeshadow is my creative outlet and I am almost always listening to music and will spend hours making playlists I like all genres with the exception of hardcore screamo, any country that came out after 2010 🎵 I work as a barista and in a greenhouse and don’t like driving, also like sweets, candles and perfume and I LIVE for cozy rainy days🌸
Relationship stuff: I would say I’m generally low maintenance in a relationship, we don’t have to spend every moment together but spending quality time is important. I can’t handle it when people get super emotional (like lose their temper or frustrated easily) I love cuddling and taking care of them,💙
Your blog is one of my favorites to follow, writing is top notch;)
Romantic Matchup
Iwaizumi Hajime
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How Y’all Met
Ok...I’m calm now
So he would always came to the coffee shop where you worked
But he always came at the Exact. Same. Time.
E v e r y S i n g l e D a y
For one reason only...
He thought you were so beautiful!
And you always made an effort to talk to him
And even better
He swears you make it better than everyone else
But damn he could never find the balls to ask you out
Eventually word of Iwas little crush made it to Oikawa 👀
So what did he do?
Stalked you two of course 🙄
He put on his best disguise
Went to the coffee shop
And waited
Jesus he swears this was the SADDEST thing he’s ever saw
Why tf was iwa being so soft
After iwa left Oikawa went up to you
He basically told you that iwa had a crush on you but would never grow the balls to tell you
You liked iwa too so you concocted a plan...
The next day when iwa walked in he ordered his usual
You made it for him but instead of putting his name on the cup...
You put your number 🤭
Omg iwa turned RED
He stuttered out a thank you
Then left
Let’s just say you got a little date invite that night ;)
What They Love About You
He loves that you don’t need CONSTANT attention
Don’t get him wrong he loves you and would drop everything for you
But the fact that you guys can go a day or two without being with each other and it not affecting your relationship is comforting to him
He loves that you like to bake 👀
Now he himself isn’t that into baking
But he still likes the treats 😋
Bake the man some cookies 🍪
He’ll fall even more in love with you
He loves that you take care of him
Now iwa is very in tuned to his body
What it needs
It’s limits
All that jazz
But he can get carried away sometimes
And it’s those moments where you care for his overworked body and reprimand him for overworking himself
We all need that person to keep us grounded yk
I’m sorry but iwa tells dad jokes
So he loves that your humor is a little on the dryer side 😅
Favorite Things To Do Together
Honestly He LOVES when it’s pouring rain outside and he just gets to cuddle with you all day
It’s just so cozy and warm and quiet and ieufhfjrdj
He loves it
But besides from that he likes going on late night drives with you
Because every time you go for one you play one of the new playlists you made
And y’all just vibe all night
And finally
He loves to garden with you
He’s not the best gardener but he’s not half bad either!
He has a little cactus plant that’s his pride and joy 🌵
Random Hc
He’s your Uber
Ever since you two became a official couple...
He’s driven you EVERYWHERE
he also does that this where he turns the wheel with one hand
Pretty hot ngl
Iwa actually loves fishies!
So aquarium dates are a must
Iwa has a bit of a sweet tooth
So be careful with how many sweets you give him 👀
Every song iwa said he likes you’ve put on a playlist called “iwas Jams”
If they’re operating from a base of love and mutual respect, they’ll be able to overcome most obstacles, but they must work hard.
Gemini must have freedom to think outside the bounds; they rely on their quick wits, humor and intellectual prowess to move through life at a fast pace.
Capricorn is concerned with advancement and status; they rely on following the rules and finding set, tried-and-true paths to follow toward success, no matter how long it takes.
Gemini likes to cut corners; Capricorn likes to be thorough.
These two Signs’ challenge as a couple is to learn to maintain a similar pace so they can arrive at the same place at the same time.
Capricorn is very unassuming and quiet, which stands out even more against Gemini’s outgoing, boisterous nature.
Capricorn tends to be slow, steady and stubborn while Gemini is flexible and tends to change their mind a lot.
Gemini has a quick brain that sees loopholes in an instant, while Capricorn is tough to convince that taking advantage of a shortcut is a better idea than following the well-mapped course that they know will ensure their success.
However, if these two can learn to understand and then implement one another’s approaches, they can achieve far more than they could alone.
Overall Aesthetic
Rainy Days 🌧
Someone to you - BANNERS
If the world was ending - JP Saxe
Happiest year - Jaymes Young
All of me - John Legend
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40 notes · View notes
a-fluffer-nutter · 3 years
The Fox And The Turtle
A/N - Hey guys, this was such a fun fic to write! This was prompted by a lovely anon who commissioned me on my Kofi! To that wonderful anon, I really hope you enjoy and thank you so much for helping me out a bit, my boyfriend and I used the money to buy a celebratory dinner after we got accepted for an apartment! If anyone else would like their own amazing fic, let me know or head on over to my Kofi and let’s get the process started. 
This is a Miraculous Ladybug fic featuring Nino and Alya. Please Enjoy.
Word Count: 4,034
           The first time was unexpected, an accident really. She never expected to get that close to him, to want to be so close to him.
           Alya Césaire had invited Nino Lahiffe to a nearby café to talk. She had arrived early in the morning, wanting to finish some schoolwork and to get started on a new blog post. There was so much she needed to catch her blog up with, especially with what had happened the week before.
           Lady Wifi.
           She never wanted it to happen, why would she? She idolized Ladybug, most of her blog was dedicated to the hero, but she had been the cause of another fight Ladybug and Chat Noir had to undertake. It all happened because of her.
           The autumn breeze rustled the sleepy trees, sending leaves of orange, red, and yellow floating toward the ground. The air was just beginning to have a chill bite at the bare skin of passersby, but this didn’t faze the people of Paris, most of them thrilled that the summer heat was fading, and autumn was taking over again. Kids had just returned to school, most of the teens excited to spend their weekends at the mall hanging out with their closest friends.
           Nino was on his way to the café to visit Alya. He hadn’t seen much of her that summer, though had followed her online presence closely. It was hard not to, when Alya seemed to run a major blog in basically every topic. In fact, Nino had been browsing online forums about Donkey Kong a few days prior, wanting to prove some sort of point to his younger brother, when he stumbled upon a Donkey Kong fan blog Alya had made a few years before. Sure, she hadn’t touched it in a long time, but the fact that Nino had accidentally found something made by her had made him laugh at the time.
           Humming to himself, Nino danced between small puddles of water that speckled the sidewalk. Staring at his phone, he tried to think of a good playlist for the next school dance. It was that time of year again; the dance wasn’t going to DJ itself.
           “Britney Spears or Lady Gaga?” Nino muttered to himself, staring at the blank note page he just opened on his phone. He may have had Lady Gaga playing in his headphones at the moment, but that didn’t mean Britney Spears wasn’t a favorite of his.
           A church bell chimed in the distance, Nino looking up from his phone in panic.
           “Oh no,” Nino said to himself. He was late to his meeting with Alya. Nearly tripping over a stroller with a screaming toddler inside, Nino jogged toward his destination, still considering what Lady Gaga song would be the best to dance to.
             Alya recoiled as she burnt her tongue again. She had just sat down with her steaming mug, her third pumpkin spiced latte of the day. She might have enjoyed making fun of people who drink pumpkin spice lattes, but they were too good for her to resist.
           “Ow,” She moaned, her tongue sticking out slightly between her plump lips. She had a habit of just rushing into things, being impulsive. From risking it all to get the next big scoop to instantly taking a drink of something she knew would burn her tongue, Alya had a penchant for impulsivity.
           The chime above the door rang, Nino throwing it open with so much force that it startled everyone inside in the café. Giving an embarrassed smile, Nino gave a short wave to the older lady who spilt a bit of coffee down her dress. Looking up from her computer, Alya rolled her eyes at the sight of Nino, though she couldn’t help the smile on her face.
           “Hi Alya,” Nino grinned, pulling off his headphones and slipped them down his neck. “Sorry I’m late, I got distracted.”
           “It’s fine,” Alya replied, waving her hand, motioning for him to sit.
           “Before we start,” Dropping his backpack to the floor, Nino plopped down into his seat, sitting across from Alya. “Do you prefer Britney Spears or Lady Gaga?”
           “You can’t choose between the two of them,” Alya let out a laugh, thinking about her fan blogs she has created for both of them in the past.
           “You’re no help,” Chided Nino, Alya simply replied by sticking out her tongue, still numb from burning it.
           “Anyway, I wanted your help with something,” Alya quickly changed the subject, getting down to business. Nino smiled expectantly, tilting his head ever so slightly. “I need to update my blog about Ladybug, but I don’t really know how to do it.”
           “Oh, I thought this was going to be something important,” Nino laughed, laughing harder when Alya shot him a death glare. He lifted his hands, “I kid, I kid. But how can I help you with your blog? You know more about Ladybug than anyone else I know. Wait, this isn’t about Chloe, is it? If so, I’m not helping you snoop on her more. I don’t want to get into trouble.”
           “Oh no, I’m definitely never snooping on Chloe again, she definitely isn’t Ladybug.”
           “Then, what do you need?” Nino leaned back, glancing up at the drink menu above the front counter. He may have been interested in whatever Alya was talking about, but he was torn between whether to order a strawberry smoothy or a chocolate caramel latte.
           “Lady Wifi,” Nino’s eyes shot down at her words.
           “Why are you asking me about her, you are her,” His voice dropped, glancing around to make sure no one else could hear him.
           “That’s the thing,” Alya looked down at her keyboard, fingers circling the keys. “I don’t remember it at all. I guess that’s good, because I could’ve hurt someone really bad and I would have to live with remembering myself doing that, but I don’t, which is really weird. I just feel bad about battling my idol, like I could have really hurt her! I don’t want to do that, besides, what would I do if I can’t blog about her?”
           “Work on your other eight hundred blogs. Or you know, schoolwork,” Nino rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a short laugh when Alya shot him another glare.
           “Come on, Nino,” She sighed, leaning back in her chair. “Please help me.”
           “Okay, sure thing,” Nino smiled, leaning forward, placing a hand on her knee, giving it a small squeeze. “What do you want to know?”
           Instead of replying, Alya let out a stream of giggles, instinctually scooching back in her chair. Shocked, Nino pulled his hand back, lips parting.
           That was adorable.
           “Don’t tickle me, Nino,” Alya said, rubbing her knee, numbing the area of the ticklish shocks that just jolted through her muscles. “This is serious.”
           “Sorry,” Nino rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed by the blush he could feel painting his cheeks, crawling up to his ears.
           “Anyways,” Alya went on, ignoring Nino’s discomfort, and went on talking about Lady Wifi. Nino answered as many questions as he could, but he couldn’t stop the image of her giggling face from being at the forefront of his thoughts. Nino wanted to see it again but didn’t know when he would have the chance to.
                       “Nino!” Alya giggled, attempting to curl into herself.
           The attack had come unexpectedly, but there was not much she could do. Fighting back could give herself away, and it wouldn’t be for another few months that Nino would learn the new truth about her. She let him get away with the attack, though with her new strength, it was much harder to hold back.
           Nino sat over her, his knees straddling her thighs and hips, putting just enough pressure to pin the legs to the bench without crushing her. He sat triumphantly on her thighs, fitting perfectly between the hem of her jeans and her knees, which happened to be exposed that day thanks to the fashionable tears that came with them. He held her wrists together in one hand, surprised by how tiny her wrists were in comparison, he laughed victoriously once he had them pinned to the wooden bench, her hair messily entangled beneath.
           “Something wrong?” Nino teased, his free hand resting on her knee, feeling the short stubbly hair on her skin. Why shave in the winter when nobody was going to see it?
           “What are you doing?” Alya asked, voice trembling. The skin on her legs were coated with anticipatory goosebumps.
           Nino simply responded with a curt grunt and a slight shrug, then proceeded to squeeze the knee cap. Giggles filled her belly, rising to her throat like bubbles blowing in the wind. Alya bit back the laughter, her teeth pressing into her plump bottom lip, ruby lipstick painting a thin layer of gloss onto her teeth. She managed to hold back the laughter for a bit as he focused on squeezing just the kneecap but lost her composure a bit as he slipped his hand through the hole and hooked his fingers beneath her leg and scratched behind her knee.
           “Nino,” Alya squeaked before the vast number of giggly bubbles slipped through her control and turned into one of the most beautiful sounds Nino had ever heard. She squeezed her eyes shut, turning her head away so he couldn’t see her smile as well, though she fought the urge to tug at her arms.
           “Wow, Alya,” Nino cooed, his short nails still scratching at the skin, his fingers moving swiftly as if helping her scratch a persistent itch she couldn’t reach. “If you’re this ticklish here, you must be super ticklish everywhere else too.”
           Letting out a little yelp, Alya continued to giggle as Nino crawled his hands a little further up the leg and lightly traced swirls into the back of her lower thigh.
           Alya decided not to give him the satisfaction of conceding at all, of begging. Ladybug had just given her own Miraculous, which hid beneath her shirt, but she wasn’t afraid at this moment that Nino was going to see it. It would have to take a lot of thrashing for it to make an appearance, and Alya knew that wasn’t going to happen. Speaking of her Miraculous, Trixx was still hiding in her fanny pack, which thankfully was sitting next to her backpack on the ground below the bench. Lucky for Trixx, as he would be crushed by Nino if Alya hadn’t taken the fanny pack off before this all went down.
           “How about here?” Nino let out a small laugh as he quickly reached forward and latched onto her hip bone. Despite it not being that ticklish of a spot, Alya still let out a giggly gasp and a short kick. She dug the heel of her shoes into the bench, giving her something to focus on, grounding her just a bit.
           “Her giggle is adorable,” Nino thought, ecstasy flowing through his bloodstream, her smile and giggle like a drug to him. Though she was hiding her face, he could still see enough of her face to take in the beauty of it all, her lips curled up into a smile bright enough to rival all the stars in the sky.
           Needing more, Nino walked his fingers up just a bit to poke at her sides. Each poke elicited a giggle of a slightly higher pitch led Nino to the conclusion that this spot was a bit better than the last. Curling his fingers into a mimicry of claws, he pressed them into the softer flesh and began to vibrate his hand. This turned out to be a great technique.
           “No!” Alya nearly screamed, the dam finally collapsing and out flowed her wonderfully boisterous laughter. She let out another kick, then dug her heel back into the bench, trying hard to get control again.
           Ticklish shocks resonated through her body, sending surges from her side through her chest and into her throat, which continued to pour out waves of contagious laughter. Despite all this, she still did not tug at all at her arms. This was not satisfactory, not at all, to Nino. He wanted to watch her struggle, to writhe and laugh underneath him, under his ticklish touch. Alya, though, could not let this happen. She was a heroine, after all. A new hero, but still a hero that shouldn’t be taken down by something as silly as tickling. She knew she could fight it until Nino grew bored, she had to.
           “This a good spot?” Nino beamed, tempted to pull his other hand down to do the same to her other side, but thought against it. He won’t let go until she pulls free or begs.
           Nino didn’t know why he was being so sadistic all of a sudden, but he liked it. He liked seeing Alya like this, so flustered, so adorable...no. He didn’t want to admit it yet, he couldn’t like her like that, at least he didn’t think so. But she was so pretty, with eyes that glowed like gold coins and her lips as beautiful as rubies.
           “It tickles,” Alya broke Nino out of his thoughts, bringing out a laugh from him.
           “Well, I hope so,” Nino grinned, fingers stilling briefly before walking up to the base of her ribs.  “That’s kinda the point.”
           Alya let out a squeak as he gently prodded between her bottom two ribs. Nino’s grin spread wider as a devious idea flickered into frame in his mind.
           “Do you know how many ribs the average person has?” Nino asked, mindlessly tapping the same spot between the two ribs over and over, enjoying the small flinch each poke provoked.
           “Twenty-four?” Alya asked after a moment of thinking it over. Something like this should’ve come quickly, but she was a bit distracted at the moment.
           “Yep,” Another poke. “Let’s see if you have twenty-four, too.”
           Without a second to protest if she had wanted, Nino scratched at the lowest rib. Alya let out a breathy giggle, turning her head back so she could see him.
           “One,” Nino said before walking his fingers up to the next one. “Two.”
           “Three,” Alya found herself saying between nearly silent giggles. Nino raised an eyebrow, surprised by her participation. He briefly wondered if she was enjoying it but thought otherwise. Though maybe.
           “Four,” Her giggle became a bit more desperate. “Five.”
           “Six,” Alya startled Nino again, though pressed her face into her arm, hiding from him as much as she could.
           “Seven” Alya cackled, wiggling a bit in anticipation.
           The next three were in her armpit, which is standard anatomy. Alya knew this was going to be hard but tried to hold back as much laughter as she could. Unfortunately for her, it was not much.
           “It tickles!” She squealed, beginning to hysterically laugh as Nino counted the eighth rib. She couldn’t help but toss her head back, laughter pouring from her widely grinning mouth.
           “Nine,” It was hard for Nino to hear himself over her laughter, though he didn’t mind it all that much. That and he knew he wouldn’t be able to count a proper twenty-four. Alya likely didn’t know this fact, or at least Nino hoped so.
           Hands tightly balling into fists, her nails dug into the palms of her hands. It took a lot of effort to not struggle, her armpit being ruthlessly attacked by now, Nino having just announced the tenth rib, but didn’t really seem to be attacking it. Instead, he just scratched all five fingers along the exposed area. Nino was lucky that the day had been unusually warm for the end of autumn, as Alya opted to wear a tank top under a light jean jacket today, which she had taken off earlier into their hangout. This left nothing to protect her sensitive bare skin from his dull, scribbling nails raking up and down this one armpit.
           “Want me to stop?” Nino asked, wanting to see what she would do. She responded by glaring daggers at him, though due to the current situation, these daggers were more like pencils, not very dangerous, but still hurts a little if stabbed by one.
           “Sure,” Was all Alya could say. She wouldn’t beg for him to stop, not wanting to concede. She could take it, but she wouldn’t mind at all if Nino was bored and wanted to stop. This, however, was definitely not the case.
           “That wasn’t very convincing!” Nino let out a laugh as he wore a goofy grin. “If you want me to stop, you have to say, ‘Yes, Nino the Great and Wonderful, please stop tickling me!’”
           “Never,” Alya exclaimed, then let out a shriek as he suddenly attacked her other armpit. The pads of her fingers teased the shaved skin, the sensitivity of this armpit higher than the last thanks to the long anticipation Alya had to endure. She knew it was coming, but still could not brace herself for it.
           “Well, that’s no fun,” Nino pouted, sticking out his lower lip ever so slightly. His fingers stilled for a moment, contemplating his next move. “Hm…how can I make you beg for mercy?”
           “You can’t,” Alya chided, stretching her fingers as she breathed heavily, glad to have fresh air circulating through her lungs once more. “You can’t do anything to make me beg.”
           “Is that a challenge?” Nino sneered, raising an eyebrow. “Alright then, I accept that challenge.”
           Sucking in as much air as she could in anticipation, Alya tightened all her muscles and clenched her fists once again. Her heels dug back into the bench, ready to be a physical support in this endeavor.
           “Hm…” Nino poked the tip of his tongue out, contemplating his next move. Her armpits were a good spot, but she would probably expect that. He could sit on her arms and attack both at once, but that wouldn’t give him any other options for tickling her, except for her neck. Her neck seemed promising, but for some reason, he just felt something was telling him not to, like something in his brain nudging him another way.
           He glanced down at her stomach, a very easy spot for him to reach in this position, and one she couldn’t defend whatsoever even if she tried.
           “Does this tickle?” Nino asked as he reached down as if to tickle her armpit, but then withdrew his hand quickly and went for her belly.
           “Yes!” Alya let out a snort after a shrill scream, her heels pounding against the bench. Nino’s hand teased at the softer skin from her hips to right below her naval, poking at just the right spots to make her cackle and throw her head from side to side. “It tickles so much!”
           Nino was shocked by how toned her stomach was, the faint outline of abs could be felt through her shirt. 
            “Have you been working out?” Nino admired her belly, tracing his fingers over the muscles. “I’m a bit jealous. Maybe we can work out together. But oh well, it sure isn’t stopping you from being super ticklish!”
            “Shut up!”
           “Are you going to beg me to stop?” Nino asked, his nails now skittering over an overly sensitive spot just beneath the left side of her rib cage.
           “Never,” Alya repeated, her hands hurting just a bit from how tight she was straining her fists. It just tickled so much; her belly being one of her worst spots. That and… “No!”
           “Aw, does Alya have a ticklish little belly button?” Nino cooed, single finger wiggling in her belly button like a worm wriggling around on a fishing hook. Alya’s laughter was loud, likely heard by all who resided in Paris. She flailed her legs, not able to steady or ground herself any longer, her heels bashing the wooden boards beneath her. Her hips bounced as she thrashed and turned, trying to get her wrists free without hurting him, but Nino wouldn’t let go. She still knew she could get free, but she didn’t want to use all of her newfound strength, not wanting him to know that she was as strong as a heroine now.
           “It’s so ticklish. It’s so cute!” Nino’s voice was cutesy, adorable, as if he was talking to a puppy. As his index finger swirled around in her navel, his other fingers scratched at her tummy, Alya letting out a howl of ticklish mirth and agony. “How can such a tiny little thing be so ticklish?”
           “Shut up!” Alya let out another snort as she shot her retort.
           “You want me to stop?”
           “I’m not begging.”
           “Fine,” Nino grinned, devious plan forming in his mind. Without any hesitation, Nino let go of Alya’s wrists and thrust his hand down under her arm and began to tickle her armpit at the same time as her belly was being obliterated.
           “Stop!” She finally let out, bringing her arms down, trapping his hand in her armpit.
           “I will only stop if you say the magic words,” Nino laughed, dipping his middle finger into her belly button to help his index finger. Letting out another few snorts, Alya shook her head.
           “No,” Alya repeated over and over, smacking his chest, though not very hard. “Stop.”
           “Nah,” Nino let out a chuckle as he bent over, his fingers on her belly stopping momentarily to lift her shirt up to the bottom of her ribs. Sucking in the deepest of breaths, Nino planted his lips onto the skin around her belly button and blew the largest raspberry he could.
           “Mercy!” Alya tapped her fingers against the bench, tapping out.
           “You’re welcome,” Nino winked, thinking his pun was pretty funny. Alya simply responded with a half assed glare. He pulled his hands and face away from her body and looked over her, his head tilted a bit to the side. “Are you okay?”
           “Yeah,” Alya said as she gasped in more air, her lungs trying to catch up from the lack of oxygen she has had for the last half hour or so, or at least she thinks it was that long. Her current perception of time was definitely a bit messed up. “That was a lot.”
           “Sorry,” Nino let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. He lifted himself off her, standing up next to her. “I guess I went a little overboard.”
           “You think?” Alya smacked him with the back of her hand, finally feeling like she had the strength to sit back up. She rotated around to face him and put her hands on her hips. “I’m going to get you back, Nino. Mark my words.”
           “I’ll remember,” Nino winked, but he didn’t remember for that long.
           “You’re so mean!” Nino cackled, his head thrown back, his armpits being tickled by Alya, who was sitting behind him, her legs crossed, wrapped around his torso.
           “This is revenge, Nino,” Alya teased, quickly blowing a raspberry against his neck, eliciting a loud laugh.
           “It tickles so much,” Nino squeaked, wiggling around, but despite being the superhero, Carapace, he is not nearly as strong as Alya. She has been in the game for much longer, which he had just learned and was amazed that she didn’t literally kill him when he last tickled her. He was incredibly fortunate, but here he was, getting the worst punishment of his life.
           “That’s the point, Nino,” Alya grinned, slipped her left hand down and reached forward, grabbing at his knee, and squeezed.
           “Stop!” Nino yelled, his laughter louder than ever. “It tickled too much!”
           “Well, maybe you should have thought about that when you tickled me first.”
           “That was months ago,” Nino wheezed, too ticklish for his own good. While Alya had, quite possibly, the most ticklish belly button in the whole world, Nino was definitely more ticklish overall. Every inch of his body was ticklish, and his knees were quite bad.
           “Well, I like to hold grudges,” Alya gave a villainous laugh, now attacking his ribs and thighs.
           “I give, I give!” Nino let out a snort, unable to take any more tickling. “It’s too ticklish!”
           “Say that I am the best tickler in the world.”
           “Alya is the best tickler in the world,” Nino repeated, though thought about being snide, though thought against it. He really couldn’t take much more.
           “Good,” Alya said, withdrawing her body from his and stretched. “I think we’re pretty even now. Don’t you?”
           “Definitely,” Nino replied, unable to shake the phantom tickles he still felt. “We’re even.”
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