#this bothers me sooo much so it felt good to get it out in writing
97-liners · 1 year
i liked this bit from my response to the last anon who tried to tell me off by saying "half the time its stuff that you have literally no say on anyway." "Stick to talking about shit that relates to you and maybe, just maybe, people wouldn't hate on you so much." so i'm going to separate it out here:
the main thing i have to say here though. i don’t have to be black to think that anti-blackness is bad and speak out on it, and i don't have to be fat to speak out about how fatphobia is bad. in fact, it's actively harmful to try to say that only people who are directly affected by a given power structure are allowed to speak on it at all. my saying "equating thinness with health and beauty is not good" is not anything radical, and it's kind of fucked up to think that a thin person should never say that.
this goes beyond whatever this anon is talking about — the problem with the mindless emphasis on “listen to x voices” is that, while it’s important to put oppressed viewpoints and lived experiences in the forefront of discussions, it’s not a free pass out of critical thought. ppl forget “listen to x voices” started out in academic study. it's not about the ppl you choose to defend or the viewpoints you hold publicly. and it’s not about x voices saying “xyz isn’t harmful” taking precedence over established theory to the contrary. i think this is something ANY poc understands acutely and painfully because it’s always the conservative and white supremacist sellouts that get put to the forefront.
it also gives people an out. if you believe that only x people should talk or care about x issues, then that lets you just sit back and say “well, i’m not x so i’m not involved”… and more irritatingly, it gives you the perceived right to say “well I’M a minority so my opinion is right !!!!”. being a person of color doesn’t make me an expert on racism and i don’t pretend to be an expert. there are white anti-imperialist scholars who have a better understanding of racist global power structures than i do and i’m not arrogant enough to just write that off because they’re white.
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mooooonnnzz · 1 month
okay,,,, hear me out,,,, how being ford's and stan's younger sibling and maybe like- remember when ford asked stanley to take the book and sail away? maybe what if ford asked reader to do that instead? and what if instead of ford being pushed into the portal it was reader? idk man i justn want some sibling angst >:]
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Stanford Pines x Sibling!Reader/Stanley Pines x Sibling!Reader
᧔o᧓ i told myself it was gonna be a short lil fic
᧔o᧓ its 3k words guh
᧔o᧓ i had a lil too much fun writing this
᧔o᧓ if i made a taglist, would anyone be interested in being in it? if so, dm me or comment :p
᧔o᧓ angst!!
᧔o᧓ gnreader!
᧔o᧓ thats really all, enjoy!
᧔o᧓ request r open!!
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𝜗℘ “[Name]! There’s some mail, can you be a doll and get it for me?” Stan shouts from the living room, a loud cheer following right after. His favorite football team of his was currently playing out of state and by the obnoxiously loud whistling and joyful cries, they seem to be doing good. Moodily stomping your foot on the ground, you yell; “Why don’t you get you slob!” while furiously scrubbing the dirty dishes clean. “But it’s sooo farr.” He whines. You could perfectly imagine his hand lazily reaching towards the door, exaggerated groans leaving his lips. Letting out an annoyed groan, you drop the plate down in the sink and shut off the sink. Walking out of the kitchen and into the living room, you point an angry finger at him. “You’re washing the dishes since you’re being a lazy bum right now.” You walk away, ignoring his protests against washing the dishes. Opening the door, you pop your head out and see a single postcard placed on the floor matt. You picked it up, curious about the unfamiliar postcard. “Gravity Falls?” You read out, closing the door with your foot. You’ve never heard of a place called that before? Flipping it on its back, in bold big letters read ‘Please come! - Ford’ Your heart catches in your throat. You had to reread the message again to make sure you weren’t imagining things.
𝜗℘ “Stan!” You need to show Stan this. He’d be the one to make sense of this all. Maybe you were imagining things, so delirious on the sadness of your distant brother your brain chose to cheer itself up by hallucinating postcards by Ford. That sounds plausible, right? “What’s up? Did you change your mind?” You don’t bother responding and shoved the postcard in his face. His face scrunches in confusion as he plucks the postcard from your hand. “Gravity Falls?” The same lost expression was pulled on his face. “Now, flip it on its back!” You said, tapping the card eagerly. Stan clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, slapping your hand away. “I will! If you’d let me.” He grumbled, turning it around. He reads the text, his eyes slowly widening. “FORD?!” He screams, abruptly standing up from the sofa. “He wants to talk to us now?” He glares at the postcard, anger swirling in his body. “What could he possibly want!”
𝜗℘ “I dunno but it sounds urgent.” You said, uncertainty in your tone. “You’re seriously considering seeing him?” He throws the postcard on the coffee table in front of him. “Is this something you really want to do?” Stan asks you, crossing his arms over his chest. He’s eyeing you carefully as if you have no idea what you’re talking about. “Yes, Stan! This is our brother. We need to go see him.” Stan pinched his nose, grumbling under his breath. “Fine,” He rolls his shoulders. “If we want to leave now, we better start packing.”
𝜗℘ While packing you wondered what Ford would have wanted. Did he want to reunite? Is this a sort of wedding invitation? Has he gone mad? So many scenarios filled your head and yet none of them felt right. Stuffing your clothes in your bag, you zip it close. “I’m done packing!” You announce, walking down the stairs. “Hurry, Stan! Or I’m going to leave without you!”
𝜗℘ “You better not!” Stan came rushing down the stairs, a bag strung across his body. “You ready?” You ask him, turning off the lights in the hallway. “I guess,” Stan shrugs, twisting the knob to the door, pulling it open. “After you.” He bows down to the floor. You kneed his shoulder, rolling your eyes. “You look ridiculous, get up.” You laugh.
𝜗℘ The car ride over to Gravity Falls was full of bostrious conversation from you and Stan. “Do you think he has a beard now?” Stan gasps, a grin pulling to his face at the thought of Ford with a beard. “Or a buzz?” You add, moving your head to the beats of the song that faintly played on the radio. “Nah, he would never.” Stan shakes his head. “The chances are never zero!”
𝜗℘ Checking the weather for probable storms was something you should’ve done beforehand. Stan was the first to notice how much snow had been falling and how roughly the wind slammed against the car. Thinking nothing of it, you continued onwards, telling Stan that he was probably making a big deal. He wasn’t. Nearing Gravity Falls, a snowstorm plowed through the small town and unknown to you and Stan, you got caught in it. That led you to pull over onto the side of the road that was practically just a white forest wonderland. “And who’s fault is this?” Stan asked sarcastically, motioning towards the car that was stuck in the snow. Fortunately for you and Stan, you were right where you needed to be. “Whatever, we’re close anyway.” You scowl, treading through the thick snow. “I think I might get blown away!” Stan’s loud voice pierced through the loud wind. “Stop being so dramatic!” You latched your hands around Stan’s wrist. “Oh, you’re so sweet.” Stan said, covering his face from the snow with his forearm. “Sure,”
𝜗℘ Approaching the shack, you knock on the door. “Ten bucks he doesn’t—“ The door whips open and a crossbow gets shoved to your face. “Woah, woah!” Stan swiftly stood in front of you, his body shielding you. “Who are you? Have you come to steal my eyes!”
𝜗℘ “Well, I can always count on you for a warm welcome.” Stan said, unbothered with Ford’s unusual greeting. Standing on your toes, you peered your head over Stan’s shoulder. You warmly smiled at Ford. He saw you and Stan, his eyes softened and his shoulders untensed. And for a split moment, Ford had a comforting feeling settle on him. He thought everything was going to be alright, but a slight shadow moving behind the trees triggered his paranoia back tenfold.
𝜗℘ “Guys! Did anyone follow you at all?” He looks warily side to side. “Eh, hello to you too, pal.” Said Stan, annoyance evident on his face. With one final look outside, Ford grabs you and Stan by the collar and pulls you in the shack. He shines a flashlight in Stan’s eyes then yours. “Why did you do that?” You pushed Ford away from you. “Sorry, I just had to make sure you weren't... uh, it's nothing. Come in, come in.” He urges you in, darting away further into the house. You closed the door and surveyed his house. Skeletons of certain animals were hung around, various books were stacked on top of each other and thrown around the house, and loads of crumpled up balls were scattered across the hallway. “What a mess this is.” You whisper to Stan who chuckles softly. “I’m telling him you said that.” Stan cheekily smiled. Removing his hand from his jacket pockets, he held his hand palm up in front of you. “You owe me ten bucks from earlier.” You sighed, grabbing your wallet out of your pocket and grabbing a crisp ten dollar bill. “Thank you!” He grabs it, sniffs it and shoves it in his pocket. “You’re weird.”
𝜗℘ “Uh, you’re gonna explain what’s going on here?” Stan asks, as you walk into another room, your mouth going slack in shock at how messy the room is. “You’re acting like mom on her tenth cup of coffee!” An amused puff of air left your nostrils. “He’s acting way worse than her.” You say, your eyes locking on a large animal skull that laid on top of an empty tank. “Don’t touch that!” He already knew that look in your eyes, a look where it told everyone who knew you that you were going to touch whatever caught your attention. “Thought I could get away with that.” You mumbled.
𝜗℘ Ford fills his arms with stacks of paper and a thick journal with the number one drawn on it. “Listen, there isn’t much time.” Ford starts, looking back to see if he missed any papers. “I’ve made huge mistakes and I don’t know who I could trust anymore.” He glances over to the skeleton who was positioned to where it's empty eye sockets stared directly at Ford’s side. Uncomfortable with the skeleton, he turns the head around. Stan’s immediately off put with how Ford’s talking. “Hey, uh, easy there. Let’s talk this through, okay?” He says, placing a hand on Ford’s shoulder. A glimpse of conflict flickers on Ford’s face. “I have something to show you two. Something you won’t believe.” Stan claims he’d understand, you heavily doubted that, this is Ford we’re talking about. Whatever he has to show, it is nothing within the lines of normal.
𝜗℘ He instructs you to follow him down to his lab. “Is this what you’ve been doing for 10 years?” You pondered out loud, your eyes taking in every machine that covered the place. What you weren’t expecting was the big triangular portal that stood in front of you and Stan. “Do you understand any of this?” You harmlessly jested. Stan dumbly stared at the portal in front of him. “Nope!”
𝜗℘ Taking steps towards the machine, Ford began to explain why such a thing was built and why it should never be turned on. He opened the side of his trench coat, his hand grabbing the book that was tucked in a pocket. “There’s only one journal left.” The journal was in front of you. “This is why I’m entrusting [Name] to hold onto the book.” You grabbed the book and you instantly felt queasy. “I have something to ask of you both,” His hands lay on you and Stan’s shoulders. “Remember our plans to sail around the world on a boat?” Your eyes glimmer with excitement. Was this the moment you and Stan have been waiting for? Are the Pines finally reuniting once and for all? “Take this book, get on a boat and sail away as far as ya can! To the edges of the earth!” He emphasizes this with a raise of his hands. “Bury it where no one can find it!”
𝜗℘ “You want us to get away from you?” You restated, voice slightly clipped with anger. “We just got here, Ford! And now you’re saying to get away from you?” You repeated, hoping your words held some kind of weight that would’ve shattered the ridiculous idea Ford had conjuring in his mind. “[Name], you don’t understand what I’m up against!” Ford says. “What I’ve been through!”
𝜗℘ Stan must’ve took what Ford said personally with how he was huffing out through his nose. “No, no!” Stan points at Ford. “I’ve been ban from three different countries! [Name] was outcasted by Dad because he didn’t bother taking care of them after you left! You think you’ve got problems? Me and [Name] have been struggling to stay afloat, Stanford.” He directs a finger to Ford’s chest. “Meanwhile, where have you been? Living it up in your fancy house in the woods! Selfishly hoarding your college money, because you only care about yourself!”
𝜗℘ “I’m selfish? I’m selfish, Stanley?” His eyebrows furrow inwards. Ford opened his mouth, ready to blow a few holes into Stan when you interjected. “I did not come here to hear you guys fight!” You stood in front of Ford, shoving his book in his hands. “Ford, I love you so much but we did not come all the way here just to do your dirty work.” Ford jerked his head back in disbelief. “My dirty work? Really?” He chuckles dryly. “And to think I could trust you with something valuable like this!”
𝜗℘ “Forget it,” Ford looks down at his book. “Forget all of this.” He waves his arm around his surroundings. “Why did I bother to ask you guys to come here? It’s pointless, everything is!” Ford babbles to himself, his hand that wasn’t holding the books was deeply entangled in his hair. You grew concerned over your brother, taking a step toward him, you reached a hand out. “Ford, are you o—“ A hand slams straight into your chest, pushing you back and stumbling over your feet. Stan grabs a hold of you, steadying you before yanking the book away from Ford. “You want to get rid of this book?” With his other hand, he digs it in his pocket. “Fine, I’ll do it then!” He pulls out a lighter. Flicking the lighter on, he holds the fire below the book. “My research!” Ford tackles Stan to the ground, the book flying out of Stan’s hold. You hurriedly rush over to where the book is and grab it. Ford removes himself off Stan and steadily approaches you like a wild animal. “Give me the book back, [Name].” He swipes his hand towards you, but you quickly back away into his lab.
𝜗℘ “Don’t let him get the book, [Name]!” Stan groans out, standing back up from the floor. “No!” Ford snarls. “Don’t listen to him, listen to me!” Ford took two steps forward while you took two steps back. “I’m sorry, Ford!” The back of your shoe slams against metal. Whipping your head behind you, you see yourself backed into a control panel of some sort. “Why must you do this to me? To your own brother!” His voice cracks with each word. “Whatever you’re doing here is slowly killing you, Ford. This isn’t right.” You shake the book in your hand. Whatever that’s in this journal must have something to do with Ford’s declining sanity. “Your brain can’t comprehend the sheer amount of important information that is in that book! You can’t destroy it!” Ford lunges towards you but you were faster than his fatigued body, you duck below and roll out of the way. His fingers brush against some controls, powering on the portal.
𝜗℘ Running back to where the portal stood, you threw the journal to Stan. “Catch!” You yell. Stan perfectly catches the book. “What do we do with it?” He questions, his eyes speedily darting to the book and Ford who was running up to him. “Destroy it!” You watch Stan stepsids Ford. “No!” Ford desperately yells out. Stan ran back into the lab but was pulled down by Ford delivering a well calculated kick to his ankle. “Give me back my book!” Ford cried out, kicking Stan to the back of the control panel. A guttural howl of agony left Stan, his hand flying to his back. He fell forward and you could see the upper right shoulder of his jacket was burnt off, a sizzling marking was blistering on his skin. “Stanley, oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, are you alr—“ Stan punches Ford in the face, causing him to stumble back into the lever, fully activating the portal. “Some brother you turned out to be!” Stan threw his book to the floor. Ford raised himself to his feet and was about to run to the book when you grabbed the back of his shoulder.
𝜗℘ “Stanford, do you really care more about stupid mysteries than your own family?” You spoke quietly, your sorrowful eyes locking with Ford’s erratic ones. “I—“ He gulps, his eyes shooting to the discarded book on the floor. “Don’t reach for the book, Stanford, please,” You beg, your voice shaky. “I can’t watch you guys fight anymore.” A look of sadness covers his face as he pushes you back, your feet overstepping the yellow and black caution tape. “I can’t let you take this away from me too!” Ford snatches the book from the ground, a relief sigh leaving him. The book was finally—
𝜗℘ “[Name]!” Stan screeched. “Stanford, what did you do!” He screamed, his hands grabbing his shoulder, fingers digging into Ford’s skin. Ford turns over to see you being pulled in by the portal. “[Name]!” Ford runs to you and he attempts to grab you, but you’re too far up. “Stan, Ford!” You call for them, your hand reaching to them. Stan fruitlessly tried snagging a finger, your sleeve, absolutely anything! But nothing. “What’s happening?!” You cry out in fear, seeing half of your body disappear within the portal. “Stanford, fucking do something!” Stan shoves Ford back. “I-I don’t know what to do!” He stammers. Stan grips the lever and with all his strength, pulls back, trying to switch it off but it wouldn’t budge. “Stanle—“ Your voice gets lost to the whirling wind of the portal and with a quick blink, you were sucked in, lost to time and space. The portal blasted Ford and Stan back.
𝜗℘ Stan groggily gets up, clutching his head in his hands. “Y-You!” Stan stumbles over his words, ears ringing loudly. “If it wasn’t for your obsession with this book, [N-Name] would’ve still been here!” His eyes water with tears. “Stanley, I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for this to happen!” Ford glanced at the portal, it was still intact, there was some hope! “We can power the portal on!” Ford scrambles to his feet and runs over to the portal. “It’s not going to work, Stanford.” Stan says, clenching his teeth so tightly he would’ve chipped a tooth. Stan watches with blurry eyes as Ford pathetically puts all his nonexistent strength into pulling the lever. “Stanley, help me!” He pitifully pleads. “It’s not going to work!” Stan yells. “All you do is bring bad luck wherever you go! You-You don’t do—“ His voice dies in his throat, a shuddered sob leaving in its stead. “Forget it, Stanford.” If you were here, you knew you wouldn’t want them to fight anymore. He held back his words in favor of you. “Stanley, we can fix this! We just need to find the other books.”
𝜗℘ As Ford shouted out different ways they could boot the portal back up, Stan left the lab and stared at the bag you left near the door. Grabbing it, he pulled it to his chest and sobbed onto it. You were gone and he wasn’t sure he was going to get you back.
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Part 2
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inupibaldspot · 5 months
Are you taking requests?
Could you do a smut(if you feel comfortable whit that) Older fem reader x aged up Megumi?
Megumi is in college in his second year and reader is his “sugar mommy”
Age gap Megumi is 20 and Reader is 27
(Sorry if you don’t understand something, English is not my first language)
Note ₊˚⊹♡ : sugarmommy! reader, sugar baby! Megumi, dom!megumi, overstimulated, fem bodied reader. | Oh I’m not sure if i can actually write that well :(( I’m so sorry so ill just whip up something quick for you below the cut ᰔ
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“Me-Meguuu-nghhhh— megumiii fuckkk!”
Fushiguro groans as he takes in the sight infront of him; you all fucked out of your mind, pupils in heart shape and all streatched out around his huge dick.
The sound of skin slapping against each other accompanied with your slutty moans, makes Fushiguro lean his head back; completely taken in by the view of your riding him, so desperate and needy like your life depended on his dick. “nghhh—ah! megumi, yo-youre so deep~so bigg!” you already had come twice but it seemed your lover still had not had his fill of your pussy as he continues to thrust your cum back into you.
“you’re so messy for me, mama.” Fushiguro says as he trails one of his hands up to grab a hold of your boob which was jiggling with every bounce from you, grinding your clit on his abdomen. Fuck… after seeing this view, he feels like he should be the one paying for this. “You like ah… you like it don’t you? you like younger men’s dick don’t you?” He blabbers, so turned on and pussy drunk, nothing registered in his brain before he spoke.
Megumi takes a second to stop his thrust which makes you whine. This make you open your eyes and give fucked out, cute wet blinks at him. “No more ‘gumi ah… I came…pleaseee… I’m done”
The makes Fushiguro’s cock twitch inside and eyes darken, he tilts his head to the side and in an instant, he lifts your hips and pulls you in at a rapid pace, which makes you let out a whiny cry. The pace Fushiguro was going at makes your legs twitch as you try your best to support your self with arms around his shoulders.
“I-nngh I can’t— please I can’t.” You cried overstimulated.
“Mmhmm.” Fushiguro says as he continues to thrust inside you, his balls form wet slaps as they touch your skin, the room now filled with wet sounds of sex.
“Shit, you tighten around me so nicely…” he doesn’t give a fuck right now at your whines, only focus is on your pussy molding into his dick shape.
“Please megumi… ah-ah…ngh ahhh! I can’t. Ah- I’m sooo full of your cummmm!” You say as you rest your head on the crook of the younger man’s shoulder.
Before you could register what was going on, you had been pushed to your back with your legs on the younger dark haired boy’s shoulder. “Come on now y/n.” He says, his eyes almost had hearts with how pussy drunk he was. He slides in his still hard dick inside your pussy, as it makes a wet sound trying to accommodate it.
You whine, legs shaking as you try to get off. "Gumi too much, I'm gonna cum again!"
“You’re paying me to this, y/n.” Megumi reminds and doesn't even bother pulling out when he thrusts, just grinding his dick into you "-so you can’t expect me to stop now."
“aahnn too much...too good...hah aah–“ You felt spent, worn and overused yet it was exactly how you wanted to be...so messed up by him that he couldn’t see straight ramming your insides. “it's so big… ah— I’ll make a mess, megumi~.”
“Take it baby… you were begging for this weren’t you.” He says, as his teeth graze your tit, as he pistons into you again and again, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix with each thrust. “The first time you asked me to be your sugar baby, I saw you eye my sweat pants.”
“Such a slut ah-arent you? You asked for this so I’m gonna fuck your princess lil cunt nghh—need to feel your pussy squeeze me y/n” And you do, falling apart as he fucks you through your orgasm, again and again. when Fushiguro finally pulls out, he props your hips up with a pillow, keeping your legs spread so he can admire the mess.
“You’re not filled enough for how much you pay me, I need to cum more,” Fushiguro hides a smirk as he pants, he hands are on your wirst as he makes you pretty fingers fuck his cum back into your cunt.
Reblogs, like and comment are appreciated! Love this work? Check out other here (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) ♡
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elllisaaa · 3 months
ateez as love songs
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-> pairing : ateez x fem!reader
-> words count : 3.7k words
-> genre : fluff, hurt/comfort
-> warnings : self depreciating thoughts, mentions of panic attacks & anxiety
-> sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> author's note : i'm sooo happy to get back to this serie !! i missed writing with songs a lot so i hope you'll appreciate it as much as i did !
-> masterlist | ateez masterlist | 1k event masterlist
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-> Renegades by X Ambassadors
"living wild, and running free, two kids, you and me."
→ You and Hongjoong met when you moved into his neighborhood, and you immediately got along really well. He was also the only kid of your age to be around, and you had no choice but to befriend him. And you did, spending your whole childhood by his side. You did all the stupid things you could have done : skipping classes to go to the arcade or play video games together, pulling pranks on this one professor you both couldn’t stand, living your life to the fullest. But all of that crumbled when he told you that he had to go. You were happy for him, because you knew how talented he was, how much he did to pursue his dream. But you couldn’t help crying when you were alone in your bed at night. You did everything you could think of before he left, doing all the craziest things you wouldn’t have dared to do normally, so that all you remembered from him was happy memories. 
“- Promise we’ll see each other again, even when you become the biggest idol in Korea.
- Of course, I could never forget you.”
And Hongjoong held you tight in his arms, as if he didn’t want to ever let go. And if he could, he would’ve done that. Because the only thing he didn’t do before leaving was telling you how much he loved you, because he didn’t want you to spend your whole life waiting for him, and because he knew deep down that it wasn’t the end. 
"and I say hey, hey, hey, living like we’re renegades."
→ So when the two of you finally reconnected when you had finished your studies, and when Ateez had already grown big, it felt like yesterday, like Hongjoong had never left, like you were never separated. And just like when you were only kids, you started to do all these crazy things again. You had to be more careful because of his job, but it made everything even more fun, and breaking the rules even more thrilling. That was how you ended up in a random park, late at night, like when you were still in highschool, like there was no problem at all. 
“- You know, there’s one thing I wanted to do before leaving that I never did. 
- What was it ?
- This.”
And Hongjoong leaned in to kiss you, and you let him. Because even if he didn’t ask you to wait for him, you did. Because even if you didn’t know if he loved you, you couldn’t love anyone else. And now that you found each other again, he will not let go. Because you were the only person making him feel so alive, so free, so happy. Because he was the only one for you, and you were the only one for him.
-> Say Something by Kodaline
"you can lean on me when it’s hard to breathe, you can call me anytime, so please say something to me."
→ Seonghwa knew when he started to go out with you that you had some trouble expressing your emotions, that it was not easy for you to say when you needed help. And he was okay with that, he knew that everyone couldn’t be as open about their feelings as he was. But sometimes, he wished you knew you could count on him, sometimes he wished he could do more for you. 
“- Baby, please, talk to me. I can see that you’re not doing good, I just want to be there for you.
- But I don’t want to bother you Hwa, I don’t want you to think I’m weak.
- Crying doesn’t make you weak my love, it means you’re letting go of your emotions, and it’s a good start okay ? I’m here for you, anytime.”
And that was true. Everytime you needed something, Seonghwa was there. Everytime you needed someone, Seonghwa was there. He was always there. And the feeling of being understood, of being heard was something so soothing you never wanted to let him go. 
“- You’re one of the best things that happened to me, you know.”
Seonghwa simply smiled and kissed your forehead, because you were the best thing that happened to him too, and he was glad to see you grow and open up to the world. 
"i’d do time for you, i would lie for you, i would die for you."
→ “- You’re sure I’m not crashing your plans ?
- Not at all baby, I was only going to watch a movie and I’d rather spend my night with you than alone. I’ll be over soon.”
Whenever a panic attack hit you, you had the habit of dealing with it by yourself, using techniques you had learned back when you were a teenager to calm down. But ever since you met Seonghwa, you grew familiar to his presence, to his comforting aura. And everytime you were suffering from your anxiety, the only person who was able to help you breathe more easily was him. 
“- I’m sorry to bother you again, Hwa.”
But he only shook his head at you, his soft fingers caressing your cheeks tenderly. You were never a burden to him, on the contrary. He loved to spend time with you, he loved to take care of you, and even if he wished he could magically get rid of all your pain for you, he was glad you knew that you could lean on him anytime. Because he would give up everything for you, because he loved you.
“- You’re never bothering me. Never. I only want you to feel better.
- I’m feeling good now that you’re here.”
And that was all he needed to know. 
-> Wherever You Are by Kodaline
"wherever you are, that’s where i’ll be."
→ Yunho loved going on tour, he loved being on stage, he loved these moments, and he loved meeting atinys. But there was only one thing missing - you. He wanted you to come along with them, but it was impossible because of your job. And despite both of your busy schedules, you always found a way to call each other everyday, no matter the time differences and if it was day or night. 
“- How is it going so far ?
- It’s so good. I’m so glad I didn’t give up on what I wanted because even if it’s hard sometimes, I’m truly happy.”
And that was obvious from the smile on his face every time he talked to you about a new city he visited, everytime he updated you about what happened at tonight’s concert. He was made to be on a stage, he was made to spread the same happiness he gave to you every time you were with him.
“- But I miss you, angel. I can’t wait to go home to you.”
You couldn’t wait for that too, because the apartment was so empty without him, because your home was not a place but a person. It was him.
"we get carried away in emotion, we get lost in each other’s eyes."
→ The lazy weekends you spent at home with your boyfriend might be your favorites. You didn’t need to go out every day to know that he loved you, in fact, just laying in bed while reading or watching a show you both knew by heart felt even better. Because it was another proof of how you didn't need to change yourself for him, how you knew he would always love you for you.
“- Why are you looking at me like that ?
- You’re just so beautiful, angel… Sometimes I can’t even believe you’re mine.”
You tried to control the blush spreading on your face, but Yunho could feel your warmth as he caressed your cheeks. And his smile widened at how cute you were. 
“- You’re saying that as if you’re not so damn handsome yourself.
- Well, I’ve never denied that.”
You rolled your eyes at him, but you couldn’t hold your giggles for much longer, letting him kiss you even if both of you couldn’t stop smiling like fools in love. And you were. So in love that sometimes it was overwhelming, but one look at each other was enough to remind you that it perfectly made sense in the end. 
-> Pretty Boy by The Neighborhood
"even if my heart stops beating, you’re the only thing i need, ooh, with me."
→ “- Will you be home late tonight ?
- Uh, I don’t know Yeo, I have a lot of things to do. But do you want me to come home earlier ?
- I don’t want to bother you though.”
But he was never bothering you. Ever. And it was rare for Yeosang to ask for your comfort like that. Usually, it would only show in his gestures, and you would take the hint and cuddle him until he was totally relaxed. But you knew that when he was telling you directly, he really needed your help. 
“- You’re sure you don’t want me to run you a bath ?”
Your boyfriend shook his head, nuzzling his head further in your neck and his grip around your waist tightening as if he feared that you would get up and walk away. 
“- Yes, I just need you.”
You smiled softly and started to run your fingers through his hair again. Hearing his breathing become more regular and feeling him unwind in between your arms had to be the best feeling ever. Knowing that he only wanted you, and that you only wanted him only reinforced the conviction that you could only be soulmates. 
"as long as i got you, yeah, i’m not afraid to die, i’m alright."
→ “- You’ll warn me whenever there’s a jumpscare right ?”
You nodded at your boyfriend as you settled back in his arms, wrapping the blanket around the two of you as he started the horror movie you’ve wanted to watch together for some time. Despite Yeosang knowing very well that he was not a fan of the genre, he wanted to do it for you and see if maybe he could end up liking it. 
“- Can we… stop the movie baby ?”
You immediately grabbed the remote tv and paused the film before handing it to him, pecking his lips as you smiled at him tenderly.
“- We can watch the rest of it another day, or not at all. It’s up to you. And it’s your turn to choose something to watch.”
Maybe that someone else would have made fun of him for being so sensitive to horror movies, but you didn’t, you never did. You simply accepted it, accepted him without any questions. That was one of the many reasons he loved you, because there were at least a thousand, so much that it would take days to note them down. And every time you did something like this, he added some more to the neverending list.
-> Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey
"if you dance i’ll dance, and if you don’t, i’ll dance anyway."
→ You always loved to see San dance, his moves and his flow always hypnotizing you each time. Whenever you witnessed him dancing, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. And even after all the time you’ve been together, he still struggled to accept your compliments on his dancing, sometimes you’ll even have to beg him to let you come see him practice or perform. 
“- You did so good, baby ! I’m so proud of you.”
Despite San being all sweaty and still a little breathless from the intense exercise, you still hugged him tightly, letting only you hear his quiet “thank you”’s. He received countless praises about his skills, but yours always hit different for some reasons. Maybe because you were the person he estimated the most.
“- If only you would let me teach you one of our dances, you’ll see you’re even better than me. 
- That’s impossible, you’re the best Sannie.”
He always had to turn your nice words against you, praising you instead. But your smile every time you did so was the greatest gift he could receive. And finally convincing you to let him teach you some moves made him the happiest man alive - it was the first step to get you to dance with him the day he will marry you after all. 
"i’ve got my eye on you, say yes to heaven, say yes to me."
→ San had always been very careful, never when it came to him, but when it was you, it was a whole different story. He was the type to put his hand over the sharp edges when you could bump into them, or to notice that you had an eyelash on your cheek, just because he was always looking after you, because he was always looking at you. 
“- What is all that Sannie ?”
You looked at all the snacks covering your coffee table, your heating pads ready with your favorite blanket on the couch and your comfort movie already on the tv. And then you looked back at your boyfriend with tears in your eyes.
“- Don’t cry, love. I just noticed that you were not doing good and then I realized you were going to have your periods.
- And you did that for me ? I’m gonna marry you someday, I swear.”
San grinned at your words, only answering that he was only waiting for you to do it. But he couldn’t help thinking back to the ring hidden in his socks drawer, waiting there until he had planned everything because you deserved the best proposal ever. The only thing he was sure of was that you were going to say yes and he couldn’t wait for this moment. 
->That’s So Us by Allie X
"what i like about you baby is how you annoy me daily, but you still fucking amaze me, that’s so us."
→ Even when you were still friends, Mingi and you used to text each other non stop throughout the day. No matter if it was only to update each other on what you ate for lunch, or that you saw a kid fall on the street, it felt good to know that you were the first person you thought about all day long. And now that you were dating, it didn’t change - and it even got worse - but you didn’t mind it. 
“- Isn’t it annoying how much you’re texting all the time ?”
Mingi gave a judging look to Jongho, and you couldn’t help but laugh at it as you came back to watching the video still playing on your boyfriend’s phone.
“- No, never. It feels like she’s with me even when I don’t get to see her.”
Jongho fake gaged, as if he wasn’t the one encouraging Mingi to confess to you back then. But you didn’t mind the playful bantering, it was funny. And you totally got what your boyfriend meant. It wasn’t always easy to see him leaving for tours so often, but whenever he was sending you eight photos per hour to keep you updated on his day, it felt like you were traveling with him and it helped when you missed him too much. And you didn’t get how he could still manage to make you laugh, but he did and you never wanted him to stop. 
"and i sing in the car while you’re playing air guitar, that’s so you, that’s so me, that’s so us."
→ “- What are you doing ?”
But Mingi was already running ahead of you to reserve a place on the swings for the two of you. You couldn’t help laughing as you joined him, ignoring the bad looks you were getting from all the people and parents at seeing a 6 feet man sitting on a kids’ swings.
“- Come here, baby, push me !”
He was almost too big to sit on them, but he managed to anyway, and now you had to find a way to help him move even if you could barely push him. 
“- I can’t Mingi !
- Sit on my lap then.”
So you did, and he held you with one arm as he made the swing move by himself. Your giggles mingled and it was silly but you felt so happy you felt like your heart could burst.
“- Wanna get ice cream ?”
You had barely answered “yes”, and Mingi was already standing up, holding you bridal style and running to find the closest ice cream stand. Whenever you hang out with him, it was like you lived a second childhood and you loved it just as much as his smile when he saw you play along in his antics. 
-> Never Be The Same by Camilla Cabello
"suddenly i’m a fiend, and you’re all i need, all i need."
→ You’ve always dreamt about having a boyfriend who would be literally obsessed with you, who couldn’t get enough of you. And you didn’t think you would end up being the one getting crazy over a man. But here you were, watching Wooyoung do his skincare with hearts in your eyes. 
“- I can feel you staring at me, baby.”
His smirk was eating up his face as you looked at each other through the reflection in the mirror. He did that everytime you were simping over him, never letting go of the fact that you loved him that much.
“- And what if I was, uh ? What would you do ?”
Wooyoung turned around, with his cute, fluffy headband still holding his hair out of his face. It was difficult to take him seriously like that, but he looked adorable. He got closer to where you were sitting on top of the washing machine, cupping your face with his hands.
“- This.”
And he kissed you, love pouring from this gesture that made you melt down on the spot. He always managed to make your heart flutter and your cheeks blush without even trying. But you knew that he was equally as obsessed with you, because once he got a taste of your lips, he had to kiss you at least a hundred more times to be satisfied. 
"you’re to blame, just one hit of you i knew i’ll never, ever, ever be the same."
→ Love at first sight was never a thing that Wooyoung believed in. It was cool and romantic on a screen, but in real life, he thought that there was no way it could ever happen, especially to him. That was until he got introduced to you. When he crossed your eyes for the first time, he was hit by the realization that yes, it did in fact exist, and that it happened to him. 
“- Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe ?
- You think we’re soulmates ?”
Wooyoung wanted to kiss your cute pout away and assure you that if there was a word stronger than soulmate, it would be what he would call you.
“- Of course we’re soulmates, we’re literally a match made in heaven.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he could be sometimes, but you loved it that way. Because the first time you met him, and that he froze in front of you with his jaw hitting the floor was the day you fell for him, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
-> Chasing Cars by Sleeping At Last
"if i lay here, if i just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world."
→ Sometimes, Jongho didn’t want to talk. And sometimes, he was anxious that you would get bored when you were hanging out with him. It was not that he didn’t want to tell you all about his day, it was just that he needed some silence, or that he didn’t have the energy to do so. 
“- Do you want me to tell you what happened today ?”
Everytime, Jongho would nod and instead of talking, he would listen to your soothing voice while he ran his hand through your hair. That was all he needed to relax after a long and exhausting day. 
“- And then you won’t believe what she did, baby ! She literally ate the yogurt I had put my name on !”
You didn’t force him to react, you didn’t ask anything from him because you knew he was listening, that he was paying attention. Sometimes, you were worried about talking too much, but never when you were with Jongho. And even when the both of you needed some silence, it was never awkward. You just did your own things or cuddled, kissing each other sometimes and just enjoying each other's presence. Whenever you were together, it was like a little bubble that protected you both from the world. 
"those three words are said too much, they’re not enough."
→ Words had never been Jongho’s main way to express his emotions. Often, he struggled with it. And you never had a problem with it, appreciating every gift and gesture he offered you because you knew it was his way to say he loved you. Sometimes, he was a little envious of how easily you showed your adoration to him, and he wanted to return it in some kind of way. 
“- You really spent months on that, just for me ?”
The tears in your eyes as he made you listen to the song he had been working on for you made him want to protect you from the cruel world forever. 
“- Yes. I always feel like I don’t tell you enough how much I love you, and sometimes I feel like this is not enough to express what I feel for you.”
Without thinking about it, you threw yourself in his arms, smiling when you heard him giggling as he held you against him. 
“- You didn’t have to, but I love it so much, I’m gonna listen to it every hour of every day from now on.”
The smile on his lips was so bright that you almost had to close your eyes. But the view was so perfect that you didn’t want him to stop any time soon. And even if he didn’t say it everyday, you knew he loved you and you would never trade what you had against anything else.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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@sharonxdevi @hann1bee @lil-kpopstan @riraives @lichyuu @foxinnie8 @lovelyuyu
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digitaldiarystuff · 5 months
Our Secret Pt.2
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sooo i’m starting to write before the poll is over hope the result stays the same lol
also thank you for not giving up on me💕
you can read part one here
pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Y/N x Fermin Lopez
summary: you are Pedri’s girlfriend and know his friends, one of them being Fermin. It doesn’t look like he likes you very much but what if he likes you too much?
genre: angst
That night after Fermin dropped you at your place you had a weird feeling in your stomach you couldn’t quite place, you didn’t do anything wrong, you kept reminding yourself. Fermin is literally Pedri’s friend, he was just doing you a favor and you’re mad at Pedri because he left you alone, that’s it.
After taking a much needed shower to clear your thoughts you laid on your bed hoping to sleep quickly but unfortunately, you weren’t that lucky and had trouble falling asleep. You felt upset about Pedri’s behavior at the party and suddenly realized all the other times he made you feel uneasy in public, there were times he didn’t feel comfortable being seen with you because you weren’t official yet and that’s understandable given the fact that he’s insanely famous but a part of you felt like you shouldn’t be hidden no matter what. The more you thought about it, the sadder you felt but finally, you felt your eyes closing.
The next morning you woke up a little late and with a headache, great, you thought. You found your phone in between your sheets and looked at missed notifications secretly hoping to see a good morning text from Pedri but there was something else. An unsaved number texted you at 8.32 am
Hey, good morning! Hope you’re okay and don’t have a headache or stomachache, I think eating McDonald’s that late was a mistake 😅
You immediately realized it was Fermin and your heart warmed with his thoughtful words, he didn’t have to text you or check up on you but still did it while your boyfriend couldn’t even bother asking if you went home okay. It’s not like he was asleep because you knew for a fact he had practice this morning so he had to be up. You decided not to let it get to you and started typing.
Hey thank you so much for everything, I don’t know how I’d survive last night without you! And yes the nuggets definitely were a mistake lol, hope you’re okay too
You reread the text trying to make sure it’s not weird but why would it be weird, it’s just two friends checking up on each other even though you didn’t even know he had your number before today. He could’ve easily got it from Pedri, right?
Fermin didn’t text you back after that and you thought maybe it’s for the best but you also didn’t hear from Pedri until well into the afternoon when he called.
“Hey” he smiled softly like he wasn’t black out drunk last night
“Hey” you said with slight coldness in your voice but you weren’t doing it on purpose.
“Are we still on for tonight?” he asked without even mentioning anything about the previous night’s events and you were kind of taken aback.
“What’s tonight?”
“We have that charity event, remember, I told you a week ago.” you suddenly remembered him asking you to accompany him to this fancy event.
At first you were thrilled with the idea thinking this may be the night you make your relationship official but he quickly shut the idea down by telling you he’d pose for the cameras out front and meet up with you once the auction starts. You were less excited now but still said yes and forgot about it all till now.
“Oh yeah, sure we’re still going. How are you planning on going there?”
“The boys and I were thinking about getting a limo, can you take an Uber and meet me there?”
“Do you not want me in the limo?” you asked shocked by how inconsiderate he was being. First he hides you from the world and now he wants you to step in an Uber with a fancy looking dress and ride there alone.
“No of course not, you can come get ready at mine then. I’ll be at the house by five.”
“You know what, I’ll find my own way Pedri. You don’t have to worry about me, not that you care.” you said and ended the call feeling agitated.
He tried calling you a few more times but you didn’t pick up, you even considered turning your phone off and not showing up but wanted to have a nice night with him, maybe this could solve your issues.
You started getting ready for the event, trying on 2 different dresses. One was an off the shoulder black silk maxi dress and the other was a dark red spaghetti strap maxi dress with a wide slit on the side and a corset as a top. You took mirror selfies with both dresses and sent it to your best friend who was on top of your messages app and started on your makeup as you waited for an answer. Your phone pinged not long after and you picked it up expecting it to be Elena but was shocked to see Fermin’s name on the screen. You remembered saving his number in the morning. He sent you a single text.
Definitely the red one
Your cheeks heat up immediately realizing your mistake, you sent the photos to Fermin instead of Elena because he was the last person you texted.
I’m so sorry, it was meant for someone else lol
You wrote back but made a mental note to wear the red dress, maybe it was that much better. You anxiously waited an answer from Fermin but it never came and you felt stupid, did he think you did it on purpose or was he being the cold and stoic Fermin you know again? You felt like you managed to make him open up more and made progress in your friendship and would hate if he went back to being distant. You thought about what can you text him that would make him answer but before you could find something your phone started ringing.
Fermin Lopez
You picked it up slightly nervous.
“Hey, are you not riding with everyone else to the venue?” he asked straight away without even asking how you were.
“No, um, I’ll go straight from my place so…” you drifted off not knowing how to explain why you weren’t going with your boyfriend.
“Are you ready?”
“Well, I’ll probably be ready in 15.” you looked at yourself in the mirror, you had the dress on and your makeup was almost done.
“Okay, I’ll pick you up then.” he suggested but his voice was so neutral you couldn’t understand any emotion behind it.
“What? Fermin you don’t ha…”
“I’m on my way Y/N. I’ll text you once I’m outside.” he said and hung up before you could even reply.
You stood there for a few moments trying to understand what just happened, why was Fermin this interested in how you’ll arrive at the venue or how you’re doing and more importantly, why wasn’t Pedri?
You decided to push these thoughts away and put on your accessories for the night but was a little too slow because Fermin already texted you before you could put everything on. You told him you need 5 more minutes and he was welcome to wait in your living room whilst you finish up and he soon rang the doorbell.
You opened the door revealing Fermin in a suit, this was the first time you’ve seen him this formal and admittedly, he looked nice. Actually he looked so good that you had to tear your eyes away from him but he didn’t look like he noticed, he was too busy looking at your figure with wide eyes. This may be the longest he’s ever looked your way but once you made proper eye contact, he immediately looked away.
“Hi” you smiled and hugged him softly, kissing one of his cheeks. He smiled at you and placed his hand on your waist careful not to put it too low. It felt more like a fancy first date than two friends carpooling to a charity event where your boyfriend was waiting for you and the thought made your stomach turn. There was something about Fermin that you couldn’t understand, he was never inappropriate or weird with you but you couldn’t help but feel something and that something scared the living shit out of you.
“You look amazing, told you this was the best dress.” he shyly said and your cheeks turned red with his compliment, you knew he preferred this dress but it was also your favorite. You didn’t wear it for him.
“So do you.” you replied and it was his turn to have reddened cheeks. He looked down at his shoes and didn’t look back up until you spoke again.
“Let me put on my shoes and we can go.”
You went into your shoe closet and picked out the nude heels you had in mind. They weren’t too high but still elevated your look. You dropped them in front of your door and tried getting in them but struggled because of your dress hugging your body tightly, Fermin soon noticed your uncomfortable state.
“Here, let me help you” he didn’t even let you reply and kneeled down in front of you to help you step into your shoes and buckle them, he did one foot and lightly tapped your calf for you to hold the other one. His one hand on behind your calf steadied you while the other helped you and you were standing so close that you could feel his breath on your exposed leg which made you shiver. You placed one hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you, his eyes were filled with yet another emotion but this time you knew it wasn’t something like sadness or anger, it was pure lust and you hated that you also had the same look on your face.
He slowly rose to his feet but you didn’t let go of his shoulder, you felt glued to him at that moment. Fermin must have felt the same because he stood so close to you that your noses nearly touched and he made no effort to pull back, you knew better you really did, you should’ve taken a step back thank him for helping you and go to the event but Fermin had other plans.
He suddenly closed the gap between you two and pressed his lips onto yours in a hasty manner like he had to do it, he did it so urgently as if he needed you and you couldn’t help but move your lips with his placing your hand on the back of his neck. Your judgement was too clouded to stop as he walked you back into your living room without breaking the kiss, he only stopped when your back hit the wall and a soft moan escaped your lips.
“Fermin” you mewled as he was moving his hands all around your body and on your exposed leg.
He pulled back slightly, your foreheads still touching and both of you panting. His eyes opened for the first time since he kissed you and looked straight into your soul.
“Fermin” you whispered this time not even sure if you were asking him to stop or carry on.
“Y/N, I want this. I want this so fucking much but if you don’t, I can get out of here now and we can pretend this never happened. I’ll never bother you again.” he softly said and you were surprised at how calm he was talking contrary to how passionate he was being mere seconds ago.
You closed your eyes to try to slow your heartbeat down, your whole body was shaking a little. You tried to think but all you could think about was his lips and hands on you.
You stood there for a moment before leaning in again and he happily accepted your advances telling you to jump and you obliged not caring about anything else in the world other than Fermin. He was making you feel that alive.
“God, you’re perfect” he said while carrying you to your room and kissing every inch of skin he could find.
“Just make me feel good” you begged him and he nodded eagerly. He was going to do just that.
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factsilike · 4 months
I've seen so many takes about this so here's mine;
Stella is an abuser, a horrible wife and an equally horrible mother. That's all she is. She is not complex, she is not meant to be sympathised with, her role in the story is to be an antagonist to the main characters, because that's the way she was written. And it's not bad writing, like people claim it is.
If you don't like that and want that to change, well that's literally what fanfiction is for! Write your own fix it, your own version of her character where she's morally grey or complex or whatever, but don't jump to saying that she is badly written or that Vizie is a bad writer for no reason. Because all that seems to show is that she is not written the way you wanted her to be written, or a story you wanted to see. Write your own, then!
Because you can say that she was forced into this marriage as well or that she was cheated on so she has a right to feel aggrieved about that, and you would be right. Sure, as a child she could be sullen and miserable about this marriage and no one could blame her, but as an adult you become responsible for your actions, and you cannot continue to be bitter and take out your anger out on your partner for no reason. Because that quickly turns into abuse. Her poisonous nature had no base in the early stages of their relationship. Neither are we shown any care from her for her only daughter.
And from what we saw of her childhood picture, she seemed to be deeply unpleasant as a child anyway, so it's probably in her nature. I'd give her a pass as a child, but she didn't shed that behaviour as she grew up, or work on it to become better, so.
And of course Stolas was forced into this marriage as well, yet he, as is shown multiple times in the show, tries to make it work, was never actively malicious to her as she is and endured her abuse silently for so long, at least a decade or two. Honestly I think he does not get enough credit for that, because that takes some strength and resilience. And how utterly depressed he is all the time, because that is the result of those twenty long miserable years. He also clearly adores his daughter, who cannot for some reason see that which really frustrates me, but that is another post.
And as for the cheating-
If you watch carefully you'll notice that Stella wasn't really bothered by Stolas bedding someone else, so much as that someone else was an imp. She was more angered by that fact, that her husband had an affair with an imp, the lowest of the low classes in hell, because clearly she was classist, just like Stolas' father. She felt that it was a huge blow to her ego and reputation that her husband would rather be with an imp than her. So I would say that again, her anger was not really justified on that end.
Sometimes antagonists are meant to be just that. We are not given any reasons to sympathise with them, so we seem to make up reasons, because of course that horrible character must have good reason to be that horrible, right? It makes no sense otherwise!
This post is a result of me being really tired of people going with surface level analysis about villains and antagonists, like "she's Complex!!" or "He's soooo misunderstood and I'm the only one who truly understands him 😤" and "he's sooo tragic 🥺" like please. Look a little deeper and past what you want to see, I beg you.
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sweetheartturtle2007 · 9 months
Blind Branch au
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(sorry for the shitty edit, I'm not good at drawing. Credits to who got the caption, I just added the edit for branch's eyes and his caine.)
Warning: mentions of scars,blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In this au, branch loses his sight thanks to the Bergten chef from the first movie, in the scene where they are all signing in the dining room with the Bergtens, the chef is obviously pissed off because her plan was screw up.
She took out a fork from her pocket and tried to attack poppy, but branch notice it and he pushed poppy away, so he was the one who got scratch by the chef's fork (thankfully it didn't go deeper.)
The chef was stopped by the guards while everyone went to help branch who was in a lot of pain and was bleeding from his face, mostly his eyes.
Thankfully, one of the Bergtens present was a doctor, who helped branch on that moment since taking him to the village while only make them lose time and the wound could get worse.
After branch was banded up, he was immediately took home for resting, poppy stayed by his side the entire time, she even slept with him that night on his bunker so he wouldn't be alone.
Days passed and branch was feeling a lot better,but the bandages around his eyes were starting to get annoying.
He was helped by poppy and the others, poppy was always holding his hand and telling him where to step and what was in front of him.
One day, poppy took branch to the po village's doctor so he could check up on branch's eyes.
The doctor took of the bandages and examinated his eyes. Branch had a scar in his face, right in his eyes, which ones where completely blank.
"branch...can you see me..?" The doctor asked.
A moment of silence fills the room, poppy anxiously waiting for branch's response, hoping that he was ok.
Then branch spoked.
"wait....you already took the bandage off?"
That was the day where branch's life changed again.
He obviously became depressed knowing that he'll never be able of seeing again.
Poppy and all his friends stayed with him and support him as much as they could.
He felt much better, knowing that his friends were there for him.
The doctor who treated him taught him Braille.
They had classes every evening, while he was being taught poppy remained sitting behind him, silently giving him good vibes.
His hearing increase a lot.
He might have poppy but he also has a Caine to move around.
When the village new about his blindness, every shop, restaurant or any type of place had braille signs and menus for him.
End of the main explication.
Ok so, in this au the events from the second and third movie don't happened. All the tribes are friendly to each other and I'll explain how branch's bothers reunite later. (Still working on it)
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ok it's not sooo dark as I said but I don't know, I'm still working on this au, feel free to ask anything about the au or whatever you want. I hope you guys like it, I'll be bringing more of this au. Feel free to ask !.
My mutuals who I think might like this
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lilacmingi · 10 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Seonghwa x fem reader, Yeosang x fem reader
Word count: 5,292
Note: The next installment in my Outlaw AU series is here! Writing ATEEZ imagines that are tied to their lore or have elements from the lore is sooo much fun. Their storyline is crazyyy and it gives me so much inspiration
The doorbell to your small apartment buzzed loudly, a shrill and unpleasant sound that hurt your ears. However, you had been awaiting that sound because with it came something you desperately craved. Pushing yourself up from the couch you previously were lounging on, you headed towards the front door with a little pep in your step and enough cash in your hand to pay as you went to answer the door, swinging it open to find a brown paper bag sitting on the ground. Sticking your head out into the hall, you peered up and down the empty corridor, the delivery person nowhere in sight.
"What?" You murmured under your breath.
You didn't even get to pay for your food.
That's when you heard the sound of a motorized scooter outside, this causing you to rush to your living room window, watching as a helmeted person on a blue and white delivery scooter took off. The only thing you managed to catch a glimpse of was the sky blue thermal bag on the back of the scooter that read Blue Bird.
How did they get down there so quickly? You wondered.
Despite the odd circumstances, you were quick to shrug it off and retrieve the bag from outside your apartment.
"Free food for me I guess." You mused happily to yourself, kicking the door shut and placing the bag onto the living room coffee table.
Your fingers worked quickly, eagerly unfolding the opening of the bag and reaching inside to pull out your order of gochujang noodles.
"Finally." You sighed, popping open the styrofoam container to reveal the dish you had been craving recently.
You were quick to pull out the plastic utensils and dig in, too hungry to even bother getting a drink from the fridge. The first bite was so good you needed a moment to sink back into the couch cushions, letting out a groan of satisfaction. A few seconds later you dove back in for another bite and another. On the fourth bite, you paused when you felt the strange sensation of something foreign in your mouth. Furrowing your brows, you reached up to grab whatever it was that you had nearly eaten. It was a rolled up piece of paper.
Your brows pulled together in puzzlement. Did the delivery person give you their number? Is that why they ran off so quickly?
Upon unrolling the sliver of paper, you revealed a message: Let's bounce.
There was an address accompanying the small message, making you wonder why it was slipped into your delivery order. Not thinking much of it, you set aside the slip of paper and continued eating, your gaze trailing back to the small note every few minutes. Even when the styrofoam container was empty, you kept thinking about what that note meant.
With curiosity gnawing at you, you made the rash decision to go out and see where the address led to. Was it a little sketchy? Yes, but you wouldn't be able to sleep if you didn't at least see what awaited at that location.
The address on the slip of paper led you to the lamplit streets of the city. What you found there, however, was something you never would have expected.
In the middle of the street sat six motorcycles, one of them empty and waiting for someone.
As you approached the group of bikers, you made sure to be on high alert in case they were a gang. Night City may be safe from the government's control but that didn't mean the people that lived there were always friendly.
Your discreet footfalls were heard by one of the bikers who started speaking as soon as he heard someone approaching.
"Finally. We've been waiting for..." The man's sentence trailed off as he turned to you.
Clearly you weren't the person he was expecting.
His perfectly-shaped brows pulled together while his sharp eyes gave you a once over.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I got this in my delivery order." You held up the slip of paper to show the man. "Were you the one who delivered my food?"
A rush of nerves and humiliation loomed over you while you waited for a response, hoping that you weren't making a complete and utter fool of yourself.
The man sighed, dropping his head and pinching the bridge of his nose in visible frustration, muttering the name "Yeosang." under his breath before addressing you. "No I wasn't. That was—"
"Sorry I'm late."
A new voice made you turn your head. Approaching the group was none other than the delivery guy, pulling off his helmet to reveal a head of dark hair that fell into his eyes. He huffed, shrugging off his bomber jacket and grabbing a black and orange leather one that was tossed to him.
He came to a sudden stop when he saw you.
"Oh. Gochujang noodles." He pointed, addressing you by your order.
You nodded.
"What are you doing here? Do you know Seonghwa?" He turned to look at the man who appeared less than pleased—Seonghwa, you assumed.
The oblivious expression on his face melted away and was replaced by realization.
"How did this happen?" The delivery driver questioned, looking back and forth between you and his friend.
"I'd like to ask you the same thing." Seonghwa responded, crossing his arms.
Judging by the displeased expression on his face, you could only assume the delivery driver must be Yeosang.
"It seems like there was a mixup of some sort. I'm sorry for intruding on... whatever this is." You took a step back from the group, as it seemed you had disrupted some sort of meetup.
Just as you were about to walk away, Yeosang piped up, seeming to have come to a solution.
"Jongho always gets gochujang noodles." He facepalmed at his blunder. "I must've given the wrong one to her."
"I'm sorry." You apologized without even thinking.
This big mixup wasn't your fault at all, you knew that, but you felt bad that this issue was putting a pause on their plans.
"It's not your fault." Seonghwa told you.
"Well, I should probably be going."
"Hang on. You came all this way. Why don't you hang out for a bit? We were just going to go for a ride."
"What about—" Yeosang began, but was cut off.
"You need to let Jongho know there's been a change in plans since you gave him the wrong order and he didn't get the message."
Yeosang pushed out a sharp sigh, grumbling under his breath as he mounted the empty motorcycle and took off.
"You wanna stick around?" Seonghwa asked.
"Oh." Your foot shifted slightly while you weighed your options, the loose gravel on the asphalt crunching weakly under your sole.
When you took too long to answer, Seonghwa spoke up.
"I don't want you to feel like you wasted your time coming up here. Plus, I feel like I need to make up for my friend's mistake somehow."
You were just about to decline his offer, but it really seemed like he felt somewhat responsible for the mixup, though it wasn't his fault either.
"I guess I could stick around for a little while."
"That's what I'm talking about." He grinned, revealing a lower set of silver grills that glinted under the street lamps. "I never got your name."
"Y/n." He repeated with a nod. "Tell me, have you ever ridden a motorcycle?"
His eyes gleamed at your response. "That'll make this all the more fun." He slung a long, leather-clad leg over the motorcycle, situating himself of the seat.
"Hop on." He nodded to the empty space behind him.
You stepped forward and tentatively got onto the bike, doing your best to keep your hands to yourself.
"You're not going to wear a helmet?" You asked him, noticing the lack of protective headwear.
"Don't need one."
Seonghwa started up the motorcycle, the engine roaring to life along with the bikes of the other people around you.
"Hold on tight, darling."
Your arms immediately wrapped around Seonghwa's narrow waist in preparation for the jolt you would most likely get from the horsepower of the motorcycle. That little darling didn't go unnoticed by you, but you hardly had time to react to it as the bike jerked forward, your hold tightening around Seonghwa in response.
"You alright?" He asked over the deafening winds that fiercely whipped your hair.
He chuckled, leaning forward and revving the bike as it picked up speed and surpassed the other riders that you had your eyes trained on up until that point. Throwing a quick glance over his shoulder, Seonghwa accelerated, leaving the rest of his group far in the distance.
Now with only empty streets to look at, you turned your eyes to the street lamps that passed by too quickly for your liking, the speed at which they flashed through your line of sight making your eyes ache.
Seonghwa took notice of your discomfort, which was obvious in the way you squeezed your eyes shut.
"Don't look at what's on either side of you." He advised. "Look ahead."
It was then that you lifted your head, peering over his shoulder at the cityscape ahead. Buildings of every shape stood proudly against the night sky, bright blue lights illuminating the towering structures and giving a sort of glowing aura to the scene before you.
It was truly a sight to behold: bright, lively, and oozing with personality, unlike Strictland that sat just beyond the vibrant cityscape, it's dull, gray appearance almost blending in with the night sky, hardly noticeable from where you sat on the motorcycle that zipped down the vacant streets.
The thrill you were beginning to feel from this late-night bike ride filled you with a surge of exuberance. At first, you were a little tense, using the other bikers as a sort of distraction from how fast you were going, but with them left in the dust you were able to truly enjoy the ride and relish in the thrill of riding at high speeds down an empty street.
"How is it, doll?" Seonghwa asked.
"So much fun!" You responded with enthusiasm over the roar of the motor.
"Watch this."
Seonghwa's hands left the handles and he spread his arms out at his sides, throwing his head back while he allowed the winds to brush past his face and through his hair.
"What are you doing?" You asked him, panic rising in your voice.
He ignored you, continuing to keep his arms outstretched, letting the giant monster of a bike pilot itself. Just when you were prepared to attempt to reach past him and control the motorcycle yourself, he brought his gloved hands back to the handles.
"Are you crazy?" You shrieked.
"Only sometimes."
"We could've wrecked!" You fretted.
He huffed out a short chuckle of amusement. "I've done this a hundred times. I'm a pro. Plus, look at all this space we have." He gestured to the vacant streets that stretched far beyond your line of sight. "If we started veering off to one side, I would've jumped in."
You decided to take his word for it, merely rolling your eyes in response.
It wasn't long until you made it into the center of Night City, the bright signs from the businesses flashing by as you passed. Your eyelids slid closed momentarily while you allowed yourself to feel the wind blowing against your face and whipping your hair around wildly. If not for the loud motor, you would have thought you were flying through the sky. At first, you were a little uneasy while on this thrill ride, but now you were having the time of your life.
"Where's your place? I can drop you off." Seonghwa's voice pulled you back to reality, making you snap your eyes open.
It was over already? Just when you were really starting to enjoy yourself.
"Or I can drop you off somewhere if that's what you prefer." He added.
"No, that's alright. You can drop me off at my place."
You directed Seonghwa to your apartment building and allowed him to take you there, ultimately ending your time together.
"That was fun. I don't normally hop on motorcycles with strangers, but I had a good time."
"Me too." Seonghwa smiled, flashing those chrome silver grills of his that were oddly attractive. "Maybe we can do it again sometime."
"I'd like that."
It was hard to believe your night of spontaneity and adventure started with a little note in your noodles—noodles that were supposed to be delivered to Jongho, whom you didn't know, but you sure were thankful. If not for that mixup, you would've never met Seonghwa.
Fog floated eerily across the wet pavement before you, the streetlights casting hazy beams onto the vacant street that seemed to stretch for miles. In the distance sat the heart of the city, the towering structures stretching high in the sky, illuminated by bright lights.
"You ready?" The man on the motorcycle beside you asked, his fingerless skeleton gloves gripping the handles of the bike in preparation.
"I was born ready." You responded, sliding down the eye shield on your helmet.
Both your engines roared to life and you began the countdown, holding up your fingers and counting down from three. As soon as your index finger lowered, the both of you took off down the street. Your hand squeezed the throttle tightly, slowly rolling it back towards you as you increased your speed, riding side by side with your opponent.
He glanced over at you, revving his engine a couple times before surpassing you. Of course, you weren't going to let that slide and accelerated just enough to match him.
The last time you raced, he beat you by just a few seconds and you weren't going to allow that to happen again.
The streetlights were zooming by so quickly, they streaked together, almost making it look like you were riding through a lit tunnel. You loved when that happened. Reaching a speed so high that the lights around you morphed together in bright streaks that made you feel like you were going into hyperspace in a sci-fi movie.
The thrill these late-night races brought you filled you with levels of exuberance so high sometimes you couldn't help but shout to the heavens.
"Woohoo!" You exclaimed into the night air.
"Don't forget. This is a race, not a joy ride." Your competitor reminded you.
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes, though he couldn't see it since you had your helmet on.
Just ahead lied the overpass that you always used to mark the end of the race on your makeshift track. It was the final stretch. The man beside you was gaining speed, the front wheel of his bike sticking out just slightly more than yours. Your levels of adrenaline and determination increased, as did your speed which allowed you to gain on your opponent and take first place, at least for the time being.
Just a little further.
Now in the lead, you got a boost of morale which helped propel you towards the overpass, zooming through with ease and beating your racing partner by just a short distance. You only had a couple inches on him, but a win is a win.
Your bikes screeched to an abrupt stop just beyond the overpass and you removed your helmet, releasing an exasperated sigh.
"Well Yeosang, looks like I won this time."
The man beside you pulled off his helmet, his lengthy black hair spilling out from the protective headwear and falling down into his face. He shook one of the strands out of his eye and let out a huff.
"I suppose you did, but not by much."
"Please." You rolled your eyes. "Maybe you could just admit that I'm better."
"Never." He grinned.
The two of you always exchanged playful banter and took jabs at each other, not having any genuine animosity or ill feelings towards one another. It was all in good fun; even the races were just for entertainment.
You went to put your helmet back on. "Same time next week?"
"What's the rush?"
You gave him a questionable look, lowering the headwear.
"Can't you stay for a while?"
When you didn't respond, he added, "Unless you have somewhere to be."
You didn't have anywhere to be, the only place you could be besides racing in the streets was at home. This city didn't have many options when it came to entertainment. There was a bar, a meet up spot for underground fights, and a couple restaurants but that was it.
"No. I don't."
"Then maybe you could hang around for a little while longer. We don't have to only have these races every time we meet up. We can do other things."
"What did you have in mind?"
"Follow me."
With that, he slipped his helmet back on and revved up his bike. You followed suit, sliding your own protective headwear on and positioning yourself on the motorcycle before driving off.
Yeosang hadn't told you where exactly you were headed, but you didn't mind. The idea of traveling somewhere and not knowing where you were going was beyond thrilling. That little element of mystery was fun and exciting.
You followed behind Yeosang down the foggy streets, taking all the same turns that he did until you noticed the buildings started to become more sparse and it seemed you were headed out of Night City.
Just how far was he taking you?
The motorcycle in front of you came to a stop not very far from the edge of the city. It was an area with few structures and you even saw a couple trees, which was a rare sight for this particular sector. The pavement was worn and cracked and there were blades of grass growing up through the fractured concrete, showing how long that path had been there. You propped your bike up and dismounted it, removing your helmet and placing it onto one of the bike handles.
"I've never been here before." You commented, briefly scanning your surroundings.
"I don't think anyone has." Yeosang responded before nodding his head. "Come on. It's just over here."
Taking a brief glance around the area, you hugged your leather jacket close to your body and jogged over to walk in tandem with Yeosang. The soft crunching of the gravel beneath your soles soon transitioned into the soft shiff of grass brushing your shoes as you moved away from the pavement. The both of you trekked along the turf until you came to an area that sloped down. Yeosang offered you his hand and was kind enough to assist in bringing you down the hill. Sitting at the foot of the slope was a grassy area and a narrow stream.
Yeosang took a seat on the ground and gently pat the empty spot beside him, signaling for you to join him.
You obliged and lowered yourself onto the thinning grass, turning your attention to the faint babbling of the water that ran through the narrow trench in the ground. Despite the sparse patches of grass, there were tiny, white clovers that dotted the area; the invasive plant could thrive in even the worst environment.
"It's so pretty." You commented. "I didn't know there was a place like this nearby."
"I didn't either until recently. I was wandering the outer limits of the city when I came upon this. I know it's not exactly the most stunning piece of land, but it's the nicest this city has to offer."
"It's beautiful, even this little channel drain." You gestured to the narrow cutout in the ground.
"Yeah." Yeosang chuckled. "This is where the excess rainwater goes. It's the closest thing this place has to a brook."
"Do you come out here often?"
"Only when I need to clear my head."
"Is tonight one of those nights?"
He shook his head. "No. I just wanted to bring you somewhere nice."
A soft smile pulled at the corners of your mouth at his warm words while he lifted his gaze to the vast space above.
Your eyes only flitted to the night sky momentarily, unable to keep them fixed on it due to the more enchanting and captivating sight sitting right beside you that called for all of your attention. Yeosang was a stunning individual with princely and statuesque visuals that left you breathless every time you saw him. Every time he pulled his bike helmet off and that dark hair of his came spilling out and falling into his face had your heart thumping with fondness.
You could practically see the stars reflected in his round eyes as he kept his sights fixed on the atmosphere. He was heavenly, practically holding the entire galaxy in his dark irises.
"This is nice." He murmured, his soothing voice pulling you back to reality.
"It is. Almost makes you forget about all the horrible things going on over there."
"Everything is going to change." He commented, gazing back at the bleak city of Strictland sitting beyond the bright buildings.
"You sound so sure."
"I'm just optimistic I guess." He shrugged.
The both of you stayed under the stars for a few minutes, exchanging a few words and carrying on brief conversations until you decided to call it a night.
Yeosang insisted on following you to your apartment building to make sure you arrived back at your residence safely. When you first declined his offer he explained that, though improbable, there's always a slim possibility of android guardians lurking about Night City despite the area being out of Strictland's jurisdiction. After that, there was no way you could turn him down.
After arriving home safely, you went straight to the shower and rid yourself of any dirt or pollen from the outdoor elements. While standing under the stream of hot water, your thoughts wandered, replaying those moments you shared with Yeosang, your heart fluttering as you recollected the feeling of sitting under the stars with him. It was romantic, really, and in a way it felt more like a date than a casual and lighthearted hangout session. You wondered why he would have taken you to such a nice place if it truly was just an extension to your late-night race. A good five minutes of standing under the running water and zoning out passed before you managed to pull yourself back to the present and shake away your thoughts long enough to finish going through your shower routine. You movies quicker than normal due to the fact that the water might start to go cold since you spent so long stuck in your own head.
After drying off and changing into your pajamas, you realized how hungry you were, taking a glance at the digital clock on your wall. It was 10:15 PM. Thankfully, Blue Bird, the only meal delivery service in the city, ran until midnight so there was plenty of time for you to order a nice meal to end the night.
Your fingers tapped on the screen of your phone as you put in your order like you had done many times before. Having habitually ordered takeout food, this routine had become muscle memory you'd done it so often. You ordered the same dish from the same place almost all the time. Not that you really had a choice. Night City only had a handful of restaurants to choose from. Sometimes, if you were feeling a little adventurous you'd order a different dish just to try something new, only to come back to the same old same old.
After a short twenty-five minute wait, the doorbell to your apartment buzzed, signaling the arrival of your food that you'd been so patiently waiting for. Opening the door, you found a plastic bag sitting just outside with no delivery person in sight. This came as no surprise as it was something you'd become accustomed to.
Placing the bag on the coffee table, you wasted no time rummaging through it and pulling out the multiple styrofoam boxes that held your entree and sides. The biggest one that held the main dish was opened immediately by your eager hands. It was when you grabbed your utensils that you spotted writing on the inside of the styrofoam lid.
Enjoy your meal, lovely :)
Huffing out a laugh, you proceeded to take a large bite of your food, savoring the symphony of flavors that erupted in your mouth.
The little message inside the container didn't surprise you in the slightest. The delivery guy had been leaving you notes for a while now. Each one was different, but they all had sweet words or a compliment inside, sometimes even a cute little doodle of a character with a flower on its head. The notes started with things like enjoy and soon progressed into: fried dumplings for the pretty lady <3. Sometimes he would even add in a dessert for free, leaving a brief message on the container to let you know it was "on the house". There had been multiple times that you wanted to thank him, but he always seemed to slip away before you could say anything. The closest you got to seeing him was a fleeting glimpse as he dipped into the stairwell located at the end of the hall. Of course, he had his helmet on, but you could see the faintest bit of black hair sticking out from underneath it.
You often wondered what he looked like and if he was as good-looking as you imagined him to be. Not knowing his identity, while somewhat exciting at first, was now driving you bonkers. How did he develop this fascination towards you? How had he been able to even see what you looked like? He always took off before you answered the door. These unanswered questions swirled around in your mind like a storm and you wished you knew who it was and how this all came about. Did this man know you?
A week had passed before you ordered delivery food again, you were trying to use up the items in your pantry that were already paid for instead of wasting all your money on takeout. Feeling proud of yourself for holding back for a week, you decided to treat yourself with a little reward and ordered from your usual place. You went to sit outside on the fire escape to admire the nighttime view of the city, noticing a blue and white delivery bike parked on the curb. The timing couldn't be more ideal. This very well could be the moment you finally catch a glimpse of the man who's been leaving you little notes in your takeout containers.
The decision was made, you would stay put and wait until he came back to his moped. Then maybe, just maybe, you could uncover the identity of your secret admirer.
Even when your doorbell rang, you made no efforts to get up and retrieve your food, your watchful gaze glued to the motorized scooter sitting idly in the vacant street. Even if you got up and rushed to the front door, you wouldn't be able to catch him.
Sitting on the grated platform of the fire escape, you watched the dew-covered pavement below until a helmeted figure emerged from your apartment building. He was quick to hop on the idle bike and kick the metal prop up before taking off. As he drove away, you caught sight of a familiar pair of fingerless skeleton gloves.
Your heart jumped so hard it might as well have leapt right out of your chest at the realization of who this person was.
It's Yeosang.
It felt like the breath was knocked out of you and you found yourself clambering back inside your apartment to plop down on the couch before your legs gave out.
The delivery driver was Yeosang. The one you shared so many late-night motorcycle races with. The one whom you shared an adventurous night with just a few days prior.
The one you had feelings for.
Now that you knew who this mystery delivery boy was, you were determined to catch him. That's why you were currently stood before your front door, peering through the peephole waiting for him to show. Instead of waiting until the following week, you placed a delivery order the next day.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the helmeted man came into view carrying a plastic bag that held your delivery order. Just as he bent over to set it down on the ground, you opened the door, startling the man.
"Hello Yeosang." You greeted, leaning against the doorframe.
He stood upright at lightning speed, his body language showing how startled he was.
"Who?" He responded, making his voice sound deeper.
"The gloves, Yeosang." You gestured to the fingerless skeleton gloves on his hands.
He glanced down at them, letting out a defeated sigh. There was no use in hiding it anymore. Removing his helmet, he revealed himself, his eyes stayed glued to the hallway carpet.
You've known the delivery boy's identity since last night, however, seeing him take off his helmet and show his face made it all real.
"So, cat's out of the bag." Yeosang huffed.
"It sure is."
"Can I come in?"
You stepped aside wordlessly and allowed him to enter into your apartment. Your delivery order was placed on the tiny kitchen island and your attention was directed to Yeosang who was shifting from one foot to the other in an anxious manner. His head stayed lowered almost as if he was ashamed of getting caught.
"You're the one who's been leaving me little notes in all my orders."
"Y/n, I—“
"Come here." You grabbed the bandana that was tied around his neck and used it to pull him to your lips.
A small noise of the surprise sounded from the back of his throat, his eyelids fluttering lightly before sliding closed. His gloved hands reached up to gingerly cup your face and keep your lips pressed firmly to his. You released your hold on the bandana and slid your fingers up into his lengthy, dark hair which is something you've secretly always wanted to do, picturing how soft it was. Now you could confidently say it was so much softer than what you imagined. Your digits carded through his inky locks, nails gently grazing his scalp which elicited a sigh from him that had your stomach flipping.
You may have been the one who initiated the kiss, but Yeosang was the one who kept it going. His hands, which were previously holding your face, were now caressing your sides and squeezing your waist, keeping you held closely while he devoured your lips. It's as if he let all of his feelings for you take over, and you didn't mind at all.
After some time, he pulled away leaving both of you in a daze, your shallow breaths mixing in the narrow space between your faces.
"I'm so glad it's you." The confession slipped out before you could even stop it.
Yeosang's eyes widened. "You are?"
"While having a secret admirer made me feel important and dare I say, beautiful, finding out that it was you the whole time makes it even better."
"You are beautiful, Y/n." Yeosang brushed a piece of hair away from your face.
"Do you have any more deliveries to make?"
"No. Just yours."
"Good." You leaned forward and captured his lips between yours.
Hongjoong & Mingi ⟡ Yunho & Jongho ⟡ San & Wooyoung
Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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crazyunsexycool · 3 months
Hey Val!
It’s a good thing you mentioned we can send as many asks as we want because God knows we Geminis are terrible at making up our minds🥹
Sooo, for my first Birthday Celebration ask. You already know I’m a real sucker for hurt/comfort, and I know this prompt wasn’t in your list, but could you cook something up for our Stevie? Remember that amaaaaaazing fic you wrote about the 40s!Reader being kidnapped by Hydra and found 70 years later by Bucky?
Well, let’s say Stevie and her have settled down but he’s scared to lose her again. Maybe he’s having a nightmare or maybe she’s taken hostage/hurt because the enemy knows her worth in Steve’s eyes.
Can you write it pleaseeee?
(And yes, I told you I wanted a part two to this one shot, and I’m trying hard to get it🫢🩵)
It only took me a year to write it...
Read part 1 here
Love in times of war
Part 2
Pairing: Steve Rogers x 40s!Reader
word count: 13.6k
Warnings: Nightmares, implied smut, so much angst, attempted kidnapping, kidnapping, mentioned isolation as punishment, reader gets slapped a few times, pregnancy, mentioned childbirth, fluff
A/N: As I said before it took me a year to write this. Mostly due to writer's block. I'm still not convinced it's as good as part 1 🥺 but I did my best. It's kind of age of ultron-ish (no ultron though) and also we have Bucky!! Anyways I hope you like it!!!!!
Steve walked away from the small dispute between drunken soldiers and headed toward the hotel. A lone car sped off not too far away but he couldn’t be bothered to worry about it. He was anxious to be with you again. The upcoming missions were going to be hard on everyone so he wanted a bit of peace and happiness in his life with his best girl. 
Steve took the stairs two at a time, he wanted to have you back in his arms as fast as possible. He kept the same pace as he walked down the hallway but his stomach dropped as soon as he saw your door. It was wide open and there was no sign of you anywhere. Steve rushed in and checked everywhere but the room was in perfect order. As he rushed out something on the floor got his attention. The light hit the metal object just right and he realized it was the locket he had given you a few hours before. He picked it up and saw that the clasp was broken and he ran. 
Outside under the light of the winter moon Bucky was escorting the commandos back toward the hotel. As they neared the entrance Steve barged out. Bucky knew something was wrong immediately.
“Steve what is it?” 
“Y/N’s gone. Someone took her.” He rushed out.
That was enough to get the Howlies’ attention.
“How do you know she’s gone?” 
“Her door was wide open and the room was un disturbed and this.” He showed them the locket and the broken clasp. “She wouldn’t have taken it off willingly.”
“Ok we have to move now. Did you see anything suspicious as you came in?” 
“No nothing-“ Steve shook his head before he turned as he remembered the car that had sped away. “No no no no no.” He started running in that direction with Bucky following suit. 
“Y/N!” Steve yelled at the top of his lungs. “Y/N, please. Please… don’t… leave me.”
“Steve.” He turned at the sound of your voice. He could hear you but not see you.
“Y/N? Where are you?”
“Steve, honey, you’ve gotta wake up.” You gently touched Steve’s cheek as you tried to wake him. He kept yelling your name while moving around frantically in bed. His neck and chest were red as he strained to fight some invisible enemy. “Honey, wake up. It’s just a nightmare I’m right here.” 
Steve sat up abruptly starling you. His breathing was erratic and his eyes were wild and unfocused. You called his name softly, your touch gentle on his thigh. 
“Y/N?” He sounded so scared that you weren’t there. 
“I’m right here.”
Steve pulled you into his lap and hid his face into the crook of your neck while you played with his hair. 
“It felt so real. Like it happened all over again.” His breath was shallow again as his anxiety went into overdrive. “I can’t lose you again. I can’t.” 
“Breathe for me honey. Just focus on your breathing. You aren’t going to lose me again.”
“You can’t say things like that. You know anything could happen.”
“And you’d go to the ends of the earth to find me wouldn’t you?” You ask as you pull away to search his eyes.
“Of course I would.” 
You smile at him and then give him a quick kiss. “Then there is nothing to worry about.” 
Steve doesn’t reply, he just kisses you again and again until he’s laid you down on the bed. 
“Wait, my dress.” You say when he pulls on the strap ripping it.
“I’ll get you a new one.” 
You giggle as Steve moves from your neck down to your chest while popping the buttons on the front of your dress. 
“I love you so much.” 
“I love you too, Steve.”
“How have you been adjusting?” Bruce asked while the elevator ascended to a higher level. 
“There’s so much I still need to learn. But there are things I like. There’s so much more freedom now for women to be in the science field.” 
“I think you had a hand in paving the way for people that would have otherwise been overlooked for one thing or the other.” 
“Oh please.” You scoffed as you stepped out of the elevator. 
“You need to give yourself more credit. I mean you’re here to give a talk about your experience.” 
“My contribution wouldn’t have been as meaningful if I hadn’t disappeared and been dating Steve. I know what I have done and what I can do, I just wish my work would have been recognized because of me, not who I was dating back then.”
As you turn the corner from the elevator banks you come face to face with a large group of people, mostly women waiting for the doors to open. Your presence caught the eye of one of the attendees who immediately started cheering for you. Before you knew it the room was full of thunderous applause. Bruce had to help you navigate the sea of people wanting an autograph or to shake your hand. 
“See what I mean?” He said once you were escorted to a separate room. 
“I am so much more nervous now.”
“Don’t be you’ll be fine and I’ll be in the first row.”
“I wish Steve would have been able to be here.” You murmur as you fix your dress again. 
“I know he would too, but the talk is being transmitted live so I know he’ll be watching.”
Your speech had gone great. There was even a question and answer segment and you got every question imaginable. From working with Erskine to what it was like dating Steve. 
Somewhere towards the end of the questions something went wrong. Armed men rushed in, Bruce hulked out and chaos ensued. You thought you heard someone calling out for you but then you feel something hit the back of your head. Your vision blurred and your knees gave out. Pain spread through your head, in the quick few seconds after being hit you blackout.
“I knew it was a bad idea to let her go out so soon.” Steve’s voice reached you but it was so hard to open your eyes.
“Too soon? Steve, she's been here for two months. You can’t keep her locked up.”
That was Bucky. They were having a whispered argument. 
“It’s not about keeping her locked up. It’s about keeping her safe. She’s still the only person that knows the formula for the serum. Every agency and country in the world is going to come after her.” 
“Steve?” You asked. Everything was blurry, all you could make out was shapes moving around and that caused you to panic. “Steve?” 
“I’m right here. It’s ok.”
“I can’t see.”
“I know, it’s a side effect from the smoke grenades and the hit you took but it will clear up.” He reassured you while taking your hand. You breathed a sigh of relief at having him close.
“What happened?”
“Hydra. They made their way in to try and take you. Again.” 
“Was anyone hurt?”
“A few bumps and bruises. I think you got the worst of it.” He says as you feel his free hand cup your cheek.
“I thought I heard someone call my name right before I blacked out.”
“That was me. I wanted to surprise you, didn’t want to show up with you and take the attention away. You deserve the recognition. Bucky was with me too.” 
“Sorry your moment was ruined, darling.” Bucky murmurs. 
“I’m just sorry others got hurt because of me.” 
“They’ll be alright, just like you will. Why don’t you rest ok?” 
You just nod and turn your head toward the wall and away from him. Soon enough you fall asleep again. 
The first few days were difficult. The attack had been hard on you and you were told you needed to stay in bed rest for the next few days. That didn’t work for you and you had to sneak out of your shared apartment with Steve. It wasn’t easy because he rarely left your side but he had no choice on this specific morning. You took the opportunity and went down to Bruce’s lab.
“So this cable goes here, like this.”
“That’s correct.” Bruce looks over your work. “If you press this button you’ll be able to view the sample on the monitor.”
“That is so much easier on the eyes.” 
Bruce smiles which is something he rarely does. But it’s gone quickly and he’s moving on to teaching you the next thing. You take notes and it feels like being with Erskine again. The wave of emotion crashing down on you unexpectedly.
“Are you ok?” Bruce places a hand gently on your shoulder. 
“Yes, sorry. It’s just, this reminded me so much of being with Erskine. It feels weird, you know. To me everything that I lived through in the war happened like two months ago but really it’s been decades. I guess I just never really gave myself a chance to mourn and then I’ll do something that reminds me of my past. The Howlies, Erskine, Howard.” You sniffle. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t be dumping this on you.” 
“No, it’s ok. I’d like to think that we’re friends.” 
“We are.” You clear your throat and focus on the task at hand.  “Now you said that I can record what I’m looking at right?”
“Yeah, I’ll show you how.”
“Ready for your lesson?” Nat didn’t even look up from her spot on the sparring mat. 
“I am if you are.” 
“Always am.” She finally looks up at you, taking in your work out clothes. “Did you tell him yet?” 
“Tell Steve that I’m taking self defense? No. He’d probably freak out and lock me in our apartment.” 
“He’s just worried.” 
You nod as you walk toward the center of the mat where she was. “I know but I feel as if he’s keeping me prisoner. No matter what I say he always has an excuse as to why I can’t do something. As if I wasn’t there with him during the war. I need to be able to protect myself.” 
Nat gave you a sympathetic look.
“How do I get things back to what they used to be?” 
“Steve struggled with that too. Truth is that nothing will ever be how it was. You both have changed and so has the world around you. You’re different people now, there’s no use in trying to be what you were.” 
You realize that what Nat was saying is true. The only thing that hadn’t changed was how much you loved Steve. Your relationship with Steve felt so fragile at the moment. Mostly because when you met and started the relationship everything was happening so quickly. There was no time to second guess feelings when going on a mission could mean never seeing each other again. This was new territory for the two of you. 
Everything else had changed and you would have to accept that sooner rather than later.
 With a sigh and encouragement from Nat you took up your defensive stance and focused on sparring. You had only been sparring for a few minutes when you were startled by Steve.
“What the hell are you doing?” He stared at both you and Nat with a mixture of horror, concern and anger. 
You gave Nat a bit of a frown. 
“You should be on bedrest.” He reiterated the instructions just as he had a few times during the last few days.
“I’m fine.”
“So you’re just going against doctor’s orders?” 
“I’m a nurse, I think I know when I can push myself.” You and Steve just stare at each other. He clenched his jaw and you crossed your arms over your chest. 
Nat stood there, her gaze bouncing from you to Steve and back. She’d been in many different situations ranging from life threatening to ridiculous but this was the worst one. You both were her friends and she didn’t like seeing you fight but she also knew she couldn’t get in the middle of it. Slowly Nat moved away from the mats and left the two of you to work it out.
“Who’s idea was it?” Steve finally broke the tense silence. 
“Mine.” You replied. 
“Why didn’t you ask me for some training?”
“Because you would have said no.” 
“That’s not true.” Steve defends himself.
“Really? Fine. Steve, would you be willing to give me some self defense lessons so that the next time hydra tries to kidnap me I can fight back?” 
“They aren’t going to take you again, I won’t let them.” 
You sigh and your arms drop to your sides. Finally you look away from him as you think about what to say next. 
“We don’t know what they have planned but I know they’ll try. I’d rather know how to fight than be defenseless. If you won’t give me some lessons I will find someone that will do it.” You finally say before walking away. 
Steve could only watch you leave. That was his biggest fear, the not knowing. It made him feel like he was just that small kid from Brooklyn stepping up to fight the neighborhood bully. Except this time he wouldn’t walk away having lost a fight, there was a chance he’d lose you again and he couldn’t take that chance. If Steve lost you again there would be no coming back for him. He knew this, this fear kept him up at night. Partly due to him thinking of all the ways he could keep you safe and the other was to keep an eye on the bedroom door. 
Without much else to do Steve followed you back up to your shared apartment. He didn’t want to have this conversation. He didn’t want to show you how vulnerable he truly was but if that’s what he had to do to make you understand then he would do it. 
Up in the apartment Steve found you in the kitchen finishing off a glass of water. He stood on the other side of the island and watched you for a minute. You looked over your shoulder and put the glass down before turning around completely and giving Steve your attention.
“I need to learn to defend myself.” 
“You need to rest and get better.” Steve counters. 
“I am better.” 
“You’re not cleared by a doctor, you could really hurt yourself or make an injury worse.” 
“I’m a nurse, I think I can handle myself.” You huff. 
“Things are different now. There are a lot of things that you didn’t know about back then.” Steve argues. “Medical issues that could sneak up on you if you don’t follow doctor’s orders.”
“So what? When we were in the middle of the war we didn’t have time to rest for weeks at a time. Besides, you can’t keep me locked away in this compound forever. What’s the worst that could happen if I have to leave this place?” 
“I could lose you!” Steve bellows. “I won’t lose you again. I can’t- I can’t live without you.” His voice cracks. “I won’t do it again.” There are unshed tears in his eyes and that softens your stance on the issue a little. 
You walked around the kitchen island and hugged him. Steve held you close as he fought back his tears. 
“I failed you back then and I’ll regret it every single day of my life.”
“It wasn’t your fault. I knew what I signed up for when I worked with Erskine. I knew the risks when I agreed to work with Howard.” You pull back to look at him. “Honey, I know you want to keep me safe but at some point we’ll have to be apart. I don’t want to be defenseless again. I was scared back then. Please understand why I need to do this. I trust that you would do everything you could to find me but what about if they actually get me? What do I do while I wait for you to find me? It scares the hell out of me to think about that.”
Steve took a deep breath in order to calm himself. He had never looked at it that way. 
“You must’ve been terrified.” He whispered before pulling back into his chest where he felt you nod your head. 
“It was horrible. Every second of it. Please don’t leave me defenseless.” 
“Ok, I’ll get you trained on a little bit of everything.” Steve kisses the top of your head. “But only after you’ve got the ok from the doctors.” 
It had been a few months since your attempted kidnapping. While the Avengers were still on high alert for any signs that hydra might want to kidnap you again, things were going back to normal. Steve had created a training schedule for you and now you atleast felt confident in protecting yourself. Your relationship was also really starting to grow. During the war it was about survival and stolen moments. Now you’re free to really enjoy each other’s company and get to know each other better. 
In this time you’ve learned that you loved the little things Steve did for you just as much as the grand romantic gestures. You also learned that Steve loved it when you played with his hair and just kept your hands on him in general. But it was dancing in the living room at odd hours that you both enjoyed most. Especially when he would come back from a mission and even though he told you not to, you’d be waiting for him. It didn’t matter the hour. You needed to know he wasn’t hurt and even when he didn’t say it, you knew Steve needed to see you as soon as possible. After a difficult mission when his anxiety wouldn’t let him sleep you’d sit on the couch with his head on your lap, running your fingers through his hair until the tension melted from his shoulders. When that didn’t work you’d put music on and drag him to slow dance with you. Steve just needed to be held and you were more than happy to do that. 
“The blue shirt makes your eyes pop more. You know how much I love that.” You tell Steve while he holds out two shirts. Tony was throwing the first party at the compound in a while. “But wear whatever you feel more comfortable in.” 
“I’d be more comfortable if we didn’t go. We could always stay in bed, naked. Like we were earlier.” Steve stands behind you, his arms around your waist and chin in your shoulder.
“Stevie, honey, I know how you feel about the whole hydra thing. But we can’t stay stuck in this apartment forever. I’m already going stir crazy because I can’t leave the building.” You had stopped applying the finishing touches on your makeup and turned to give him your full attention. “How about we stay for an hour and come back?” 
The hopeful look in your eyes lessened Steve’s worries about the party. Yes he was worried about the threat hydra was but you were in the compound surrounded by agents and Avengers. There was no place safer. 
A couple of songs in and neither of you get tired of dancing. Steve still gets a bit overwhelmed with current music but you found out that you like having your back pressed against his chest as you sway your hips. There have been a few times when he has to hold your hips still and he whispers in your ear the rather naughty things he’s going to do to you. 
“I’ll be right back.” You tell Steve once you find Bucky at the Bar. Steve had just taken a seat but stood up again.
“Where are you going?”
“The ladies room. I’ll be back.” You kiss his cheek and head out toward the hallway. 
It all happened so fast. Inhumanly fast. One minute you were walking out of the ladies room and the next you were whirling through the compound. The only thing you managed to do was scream for dear life and watch as the emergency protocol activated. Unfortunately you were out the doors before the building shut down so now you found yourself tied up in a van with a team of armed men and a guy with silver hair. You can’t help the tears that immediately started flowing. 
“Please, not again.” You murmur, your eyes connecting with the silver haired man. 
“Shut up.” Someone else says and knocks you unconscious.
Steve couldn’t breathe when Friday announced that the emergency protocol had been activated. No one was allowed to move from where they were and all he wanted was to make sure you were ok. It took too long for his liking and Steve took off. He searched the bathroom closest to where the party was being held first. You weren’t there. Steve checked every single room he could until Tony called him into a meeting room. Everyone was waiting for him, serious expressions on their faces. The only person that wasn’t there was you. It only confirmed his worst fears. It was his worst nightmare come true. 
“Steve.” Tony said cautiously. 
“Who took her and what are we doing to find her?” 
“It was most likely Hydra. Although we don’t know who exactly.” Tony plays the security tapes in slow motion which show you leaving the bathroom when a blur passes in a flash and then you are gone. He’d followed the blur but you weren’t seen in the building again. 
“They’re enhanced, great.” Bucky shakes his head.
“I don’t care who it is and what abilities they have, find them so that I can end them and bring my girl home.” Steve grits out. Bucky stands and places a hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“We’ll find her.” 
“Last time you said that it took 70 years.” Steve’s anxious and angry and doing his best not to direct his anger at anyone. 
“Yeah well you have us this time around, we’ll find her.” Nat assured him. 
“Let's get to work.” Tony says and everyone goes off to do something. 
Steve stands in the now empty conference room feeling helpless. He hadn’t felt like that in years. This time though he’d burn the world just to find you. No one and nothing was going to stand in his way.
You aren’t sure how much time has passed but you feel groggy as you start to stir. With a groan you open your eyes, blinking slowly as you take in the space. It’s a small cell with a cot and barely any light. The events before this come flooding back and you feel your eyes water. 
“Not again.” You murmur. “Please not again.” 
The door creaks open and a large frame blocks the door and the light. You can’t tell who it is but it doesn’t matter because you’re being pulled up and out of the cell. Rough hands drag you down the hall and you fight every step of the way and actually manage to knock one of the guards down. But just like you hit the guards, they hit you back. Then you’re strapped to a chair in the middle of a room. While this is extremely familiar to you it still causes fear to finally set in. 
“The nurse that gave us the winter soldier.” The voice came from behind you. “You really gave us a hard time in finding you by hiding away with the Avengers. But no matter, you are finally back where you belong.” 
“Fuck you.” 
Your hair gets pulled back and a man with a buzzcut and what looks like a monocle is in your face. 
“Just because you have information we need, it does not mean you get to mouth off. I suggest you keep your mouth shut and do as I say.” The accent is barely there but still noticeable. He looks familiar but you can’t place it. 
“You’re going to regret this. You better count your days.”
The man smiles and lets go. 
“I like a challenge. You’ll submit to me long before the Avengers could ever find you.” 
You smile, just to taunt him. “You don’t realize you’ve pissed off Captain America. He won’t stop until he finds me. And when he does he’ll burn this place to the ground with you in it.” 
“I’d love to see him try. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. You’ve met one of them already.” 
You notice movement to your left and that same silvered hair man walks into view. Next to him is a woman with long auburn hair, there’s so much more anger in her eyes. It makes you wonder what they’ve been through. 
“They’re practically kids.” You murmur as you turn your attention back to your capture. “I’ve met men like you.” 
“I would hope so, my grandfather and father worked for hydra when you were held.” 
“Yeah? Who were they? Who are you?” 
“I’m Baron Von Strucker.” 
“Von Strucker, I remember them.” You nod.
“They were great men and I plan to follow in their footsteps.” 
“They were cowards.” There’s a stinging sensation on your cheek before you even realize that his hand connected with your face. “It’s true. They were nothing to hydra. They hid in the basement and did their little experiments, mostly on me, but they accomplished nothing. Pathetic little men that hid behind children and women because they couldn’t do anything worthy.” 
“SHUT UP!” Von Strucker hit you again, this time hard enough to knock the chair you were in back. “Your life is in my hands and you will show me respect.” 
You weren’t focusing on him, your attention was on the two other people in the room. The woman’s eyes softened before looking at the floor and the man that had taken you was also looking away. They both stood there silently but fidgeting. This made them uncomfortable and it made you hope that they weren’t exactly like the rest of the people here. 
“Take her to her cell. No one talks to her. Maybe some isolation will remind her how things work around here.” 
You don’t fight when two guards grab you and drag you to a cell that hasn’t seen the light of day since the place was built. It didn’t matter how long they’d keep you in there, you knew Steve wouldn’t stop looking for you. 
A chair flew through the glass wall of the conference room. Glass shards littered the floor both in the conference room and the hallway. It was taking all of Bucky, Sam and Clint to restrain Steve.
“What do you mean you haven’t found anything? It’s been weeks. The longer we wait the less chance we have of finding her.” Steve yelled. “You said you’d find her Stark, so fucking do it.” 
“Steve, you need to cool it. We aren’t going to let you go until you do.”
Steve glared at Clint but ultimately he stopped struggling against all three men. Clint pulled away first and then Sam but Bucky kept his arms around Steve’s chest just in case he wanted to try and lunge at Tony again. 
“We’ll find her but there are a lot of hydra bases that we still don’t know about. Y/N could be anywhere. I won’t stop until she’s back home.” Tony tries to assure him. 
Steve is breathing heavily, his neck is red and the color seems to creep up his jaw. When he first woke up in the present his first thought was how all of the technology would have helped him find you back when you were taken. Now it seemed like it didn’t matter. There was nothing in this world that would help Steve get to you but he couldn’t lose hope, he wouldn’t.
“Give me the list of potential hydra bases and I’ll work surveillance.” Steve said after a moment. 
“So you can go in there shield blazing? I don’t think it’s a good idea, Cap. If we go in with half assed information we might lose her for good.” 
“You know Tony’s right Steve. We’ll find a lead and we’ll get Y/N back.” Bucky says.
Steve’s shoulders slump and he nods in agreement. He’s trying so hard to not break down. He still feels guilty about losing you the first time but now he can’t and won’t forgive himself. You trusted that he would keep you safe but he let you down again. 
With the burden of knowing they weren’t any closer to finding you, Steve leaves the conference room. He has barely stepped a foot into your shared apartment. There are too many things that remind him of you now and he just couldn’t be there without you. Instead Bucky was letting Steve stay in his spare room in order to keep an eye on him. It wasn’t helping, since Steve was slowly but surely spiraling and Bucky wasn’t sure he would be able to help his friend. 
You felt sick. It had been weeks since you were taken and Strucker had made your life a living hell. He kept you completely isolated for a long time. Reality was starting to feel warped and you felt as if you were going to die. 
When you were finally granted a reprieve from your solitude you were dragged through the hall of the old building. Even if you were allowed to walk, you were too weak to hold yourself up. You’d been dumped in an empty room and you stayed curled up in a ball at the center. At the sounds of footsteps you tilt your head back. The twins, as everyone calls them, walked into the room. Pietro and Wanda were their names from the whispers you’d heard. 
Your vision was blurred and you were so thirsty. You wanted to reach out to ask them for help but at the same time they had been a witness to what was being done to you and they stood by. Pietro had been the one to take you from the compound so you couldn’t trust him anyway. 
“Doing… can’t…” you heard the whispered murmurs. “Help… dead.” 
You blinked slowly when the lights above you had been blocked. 
“Are you ok?” Wanda asked in a whisper as she stared down at you. 
You just blinked, too tired to say anything, your thoughts were loud and clear though. “Fuck you and your brother.” 
Wanda flinched and took a step back. 
“What was that, sister?” 
“She said fuck us both.” Wanda relays your thoughts and you furrow your brows in confusion.
Pietro can’t help but chuckle. He steps beside you and crouches. His eyes are concerned and for a moment you believe the sincerity behind it.
“I am sorry, really. This is not what we thought would happen.” He moves some hair out of your face but you smack his hand away with what little strength you have. 
“Hydra lied? What a surprise.” 
“What is hydra?” Wanda stepped closer. “We’ve heard this term before but don’t know what it is.”
You sighed and closed your eyes, too tired to continue the conversation. “You read minds don’t you?” You murmured.
“I do.”
“Read mine, see for yourself the monsters you work for.” You say before falling asleep.
A quick, sharp slap to your face wakes you up. You’re tied to a chair in the middle of a lab. A table full of instruments sits nearby and Strucker standing in front of you. 
“Welcome back. I hope that you’ve had enough time to realize that being disrespectful will get you nowhere.” He says. 
You look around the room and spot Pietro and Wanda. There are a few guards and some assistants waiting for their orders.
“So tell me, are you ready to cooperate?” 
You open your mouth to say something but Wanda shakes her head. Eyes go red and you hear her voice in your head.
“Go along with what he says. You need to live, you both do.” 
You furrow your brows. What did she mean by ‘you both do’? 
“Yes.” You rasp out. 
Strucker’s smile is wicked as he leans down and gets in your face. “I knew you’d break easily.” He stands back up and places his hands behind his back. “Now, it’s simple what I want from you. I want you to recreate the serum. We will get started tomorrow morning. Guards take her to her new cell and I guess she can have something to drink, since she’s decided to behave.” 
The guards undo your restraints and grab you roughly. There’s a little flash of red in your peripheral and suddenly the guards are being more gentle with you. 
The cell you’re taken to at least had a window and a cot. It’s an old uncomfortable looking thing but it’s better than cold hard stones. You’re dumped on the floor again and the door is closed without a word. 
“Wanda? Are you there? Can you hear me?” You thought.
“I’m here. Pietro and I-we’re sorry. We didn’t know who you were. Strucker told us you worked with Stark. That’s who he said we were after.” 
“What does Tony have to do with anything?”
“There are more important things to worry about right now.” Wanda’s voice echoed in your head. 
“What did you mean when you said ‘you both have to live’?” 
“Y/N, I overheard Strucker. The doctors in the lab did some tests while you were unconscious. He said you’re pregnant and that he plans to use the baby to force you to work for him.” Wanda says softly. 
“I’m pregnant?” You asked in disbelief, your hand instinctively resting over your midsection.
“You didn’t know? I’m so sorry Y/N. Pietro and I will help you out of here. We don’t want to work with these monsters anymore. Just give us time.”
“Ok, I’ll trust you both. When the Avengers show up I’ll make sure they help you get out too.”
Steve was tired of waiting. He was done sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing to find you. The team was aware of his restlessness and kept a close eye on him. But his determination was stronger than any plan they had in place. 
So under the cover of night, Steve slips out of Bucky’s apartment. He’d studied the security cameras and knew all the blind spots. Steve stuck to the shadows until he reached the hangar and headed for one of the quinjets. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Bucky’s voice broke the silence. He stepped out of the darkness and into the dimly lit night. 
“I’m going to find her.” 
“You’re going to get her killed if you’re reckless.” 
Steve turned to his lifelong friend. He was angry and tired of not knowing anything. “What am I supposed to do? Sit here until we know she’s dead for sure?” 
“This could hurt our chances of finding her. If hydra starts talking that Captain America is making the rounds we might not find her at all.” 
“We have no chances right now. There isn’t even a whisper of her name or description. We have nothing so I’m going to go find something.” Steve said through gritted teeth. “Now are you going to stop me or are you letting me go?” 
“I’m going with you.” Bucky said, leaving no room for discussion. “You’re going to need back up and I won’t be the one to tell Y/N your dumbass died looking for her.” 
“Fine but we should leave now.” 
Steve heads to the closest jet and gets in with Bucky following closely behind. 
“Good, you’re here.” Nat turned in her seat. “Sam, we’re ready to go.” 
“You got it Red.” 
“What are you guys doing here?” Steve is caught by surprise. 
“Did you think we’d let you do this alone?” Sam shakes his head as he turns back to the controls. “We knew you’d do something dumb sooner or later and we made a plan.” 
“Yeah, Rogers. Now let’s go find your girl.” 
The four of them would sneak off as often as they could. Chasing whispers and rumors as to where you might be. It was better than sitting at the compound and doing nothing. Steve wouldn’t stop until he got a lead. He would bring you home this time no matter what it took.
You were exhausted but you had to keep pushing forward. Strucker did reveal the fact that you were pregnant and used your unborn baby to get you to do what he wanted. He wanted you to recreate the serum and make it even stronger. You did the best you could to make it seem like you were doing what he’d ask but really you were buying time until Steve would find you. At least you hoped he would.
Wanda and Pietro did the best to protect you. But it was hard for them as well. They had to realize and accept that the people they were working for weren’t good. You saw how much this truth affected them and the longer you were held prisoner the angrier they got. 
“How are you feeling?” Wanda whispers as you take her blood. 
“So tired and sick. I’m scared I could lose the baby.” 
“We won’t let that happen.”
You look up at her with tired and worry filled eyes. “We both know you can’t promise that. If Steve doesn’t get here soon, I think I’ll never see him again. And our baby will never be safe.” Your bottom lip trembled.
“What’s going on here?” Strucker’s voice boomed through the lab. His eyes were zeroed in on Wanda’s hand as she tried to comfort you. 
“Nothing.” You say quickly. “I was drawing her blood like you asked.” 
His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You know Wanda, I think I’ve been giving you too much freedom. Maybe I should remind you who is in charge here.” 
“You can try.” Her eyes glow red and you move away from them. “But I don’t think you would like the outcome of this fight.”
Strucker grins. “I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your ruthlessness. You,” he points at you. “Keep working. I want the serum soon.” 
You nod and move back to your station. This was too much for you to handle and you started to believe that maybe Steve wouldn’t find you on time. 
For weeks you were pushed to your limits but you did as you were told in order to keep your baby safe. Everyday you bit your tongue and kept your head down. You didn’t want to admit it but you were starting to lose hope. Wanda and Pietro were trying their best to protect you but Strucker caught on to their plan and would keep the three of you separated. All you wanted was for your baby to be safe and for Steve to know about him or her. 
The one thing you did have control over was the serum and no matter what happened you would never give Strucker the full formula. But you could deceive him, hopefully, long enough to give the twins a chance to get you out of here. At least that was the plan. Every night when you were dragged back to your cell you could hear Wanda’s voice in your head telling you the progress, albeit small, they had made to get out and take you with them. This night was no different.
“Everything will be ok, little one.” You spoke to your small round belly. The baby moved in response. 
“I think we can leave in two days. Hang in there.” 
You’d barely gotten to sleep when the door to your cell flew open. Two armed guards walked in and grabbed you. Like every single time before, you kicked and punched and tried to pull yourself free from their hold but it never worked. You were thrown on the floor of the lab, you cradled your small bump in order to protect your child. 
“You have been lying to me.” Strucker’s voice boomed as he paced back and forth. “The formula is worthless, you idiot.” He stopped and stared down at you. “I’m giving you two options right now. Give me the correct formula or you’ll never have that child.” 
“No, please.” You cry out.
“Then what will it be?” 
“Ok, I’ll do it. I’ll finish the serum.” 
Rough hands grab you from the floor and push you harshly towards your station. Strucker stands behind you and grabs you by the back of your neck. You wince when he pulls you back roughly. 
“If you try to deceive me again, I will kill you.” Strucker threatens before walking out. 
Strucker had you working around the clock. You weren’t sure how it was possible to be an even worse human being but he figured out a way. Because of your deception now Wanda and Pietro were paying the price as well. They kept Wanda sedated enough to not be able to use her powers and Pietro was kept chained up. You could see how it was affecting the both of them and realized they were just ticking time bombs. As the serum neared its completion you worried that this would be the end for you. 
“You aren’t lying to me are you?” Stucker looks down at you.
“No. The serum is finished.” 
“Good. Bring him in.” 
The guards open a door and Pietro is pulled in. He fights against his restraints and captors. 
“Administer the serum to him.” 
“No I can’t.” You protest. 
Strucker slaps you hard. “Don’t disobey orders.” 
“No, you don’t get it. The serum is not made for someone who has an ability already. For all I know it could kill him.”
“I don’t care.” 
Tears pool in your eyes as you grab the syringe with the serum. You hesitate as you walk toward Pietro.
“It’s ok. I deserve it for bringing you here.” He says softly. 
“You don’t.”
“Look after Wanda for me ok? She will be all alone.” 
You cry silently as you bring the needle to Pietro’s neck.
Tony fires a small explosive toward the building. He informs the team to move in as he flies overhead and takes down a few more guards. 
From the ground Steve runs through the forest at full speed. He only stops to fight the armed guards that stand in his way. It has been four months since you’d been taken and he has not stopped looking for you. He had done a few questionable things but he didn’t regret it if it meant bringing you back home alive and well. 
Bucky is right behind Steve. He’s fighting just as hard to get you back. It hasn’t been easy for him to see the way his best friend has lost himself in his sorrows over losing you again. With every step he takes closer to the hydra facility they’re attacking, Bucky gains more hope. He knows you have to be there and he’ll make sure that you’re reunited with Steve if it’s the last thing he does. 
“Remember, the mission is to find Y/N and bring her out safely. After that we can deal with everyone else. We can burn this place to the ground for all I care.” Steve says over comms before looking at Bucky and Sam who lands right behind them. “Are you two ready?” 
Both men nod. At this moment their only job is to support Steve. 
“In position Cap.” Nat says through comms. 
“Security system has been disengaged. You’re free to enter.” 
“Thanks, Stark. Everyone move in now.” Steve orders and everyone rushes in. 
The hallways of the building are in utter chaos as people surge forward to fight against the team. But Steve was relentless as he pushed forward. He wouldn’t leave this building without you. So if he had to fight every single person here, he would.
“What the hell is happening?” Strucker yelled as the building rocked from what sounded like an explosion. 
Hope builded quickly that it could be Steve. That he finally found you and was here to save you. You took the opportunity of the distraction and threw the syringe on the floor and stepped on it. Everyone in the lab started running around so you grabbed Pietro and led him to a corner.
“Take this off.” Pietro shuffles in his restraints. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” The guard that had brought Pietro in rushes up to you. 
You don’t respond, instead you punch him in the face. He stumbles back and you take advantage, grabbing the keys and set Pietro free. 
“Hold on.”
“Pietro, wait. No this isn’t-” You scream while being set down in a safer part of the base. 
“Stay here, I’ll get Wanda.” 
A few seconds later Wanda and Pietro are standing in front of you. 
“Stay together. I will help your friends.” Pietro says before hugging his sister. “Please be careful. I’ll see you soon.” 
“We shouldn’t stay here.” Wanda grabs your hand and you begin to move down the hall. She stumbles a bit and you notice her eyes are glazed over. She’s still drugged. “There should be an exit close by.” 
Steve pushed through every single blow, gunshot and attack that came his way. Tony had just confirmed your whereabouts within the building and he was going to get to you one way or another. It was just one more hallway and a turn around the corner and you should be there. A blur of silver flashes by him and Steve stops in his tracks as it comes back around. 
“Captain, My name is Pi-” Pietro is cut off when Steve punches him in the face causing his nose to bleed before grabbing Pietro by the front of his shirt.
“You’re the one who took Y/N from me. Where is she?” Steve was seething. 
“With my sister. She is safe. I’m sorry I didn’t know.” 
“Take me to her. She better be ok or I will end you, kid.” 
Pietro leads Steve to where he left you.
“Pietro, hurry. Strucker has found us.” 
“We have to hurry. Strucker has them. This way.” Pietro runs further into the belly of the building with Steve following closely behind. 
They turn a corner and for the first time in months Steve sees you. You’re in a dirty hospital gown, your hair is disheveled and overall you look exhausted. 
“Let her go, now.” You breathe a sigh of relief at the sound of Steve’s voice. 
He’s covered in sweat, dirt and blood but you have never been happier to see him. 
“Well look at who we have here. Captain America, here for his whore.” 
Steve straightens his posture. There’s a fire in his eyes you’ve only seen during the war and even now it’s more intense. 
“It must be nice to hide behind the shield.” Strucker says. “To let your uniform define you. You were a waste.” 
Steve throws his shield to the side and removes his cowl. “Why don’t I show you what I can do without the shield.”
“I would but we must get going. Say goodbye to your whore.” 
Strucker pulls you by your hair while you struggle against him.
“Steve, please.” You call out to him, crying because you are so scared and tired of everything. 
“Get your shield Captain.” Pietro whispers. “I will get her out of the way and then you can move in.”
Steve quickly grabs his shield. In a quick movement you’re right behind him and he launches the shield toward Strucker. He falls backward towards the wall and then Pietro grabs him. 
“Where is my sister?” 
“You’ll never see her again.” Strucker spits out. 
“Pietro, they took her that way.” Pietro looks around the corner and back at you. “Go get her.” 
Bucky and Sam show up behind you and Steve instructs them to grab Strucker before turning to you. 
“I knew you would find me. I knew it.” You start crying uncontrollably in Steve’s arms.
“Let’s get you out of here.” 
Steve picks you up bridal style and starts walking back the way they came. He has to keep his emotions in check even though he wants to cry with you. This isn’t like last time, he just has to remember that.
“Wait, we can’t leave Pietro and Wanda.” You sniffle.
“Pietro was the one who kidnapped you. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him.” 
“Please Steve, you have to bring them back. They’re just kids that were fed lies. Their country is at war and they wanted to do the right thing. They kept me safe all this time.” 
Steve gives you a stiff nod but doesn’t say much else until you’re in the safety of the quinjet and being looked over by Bruce. You hear Steve say a few things but you’re so tired that you slip in and out of consciousness. 
“Sweetheart?” Steve calls you softly until you open your eyes. “We found them. Pietro and Wanda are on their way and then we can go home.”
“Good.” You close your eyes for a moment feeling the exhaustion from the last few weeks finally catching up with you before your eyes pop open again. “Steve.”
“What is it Sweetheart?”
“You have to know something.”
“Whatever it is, it can wait, ok?” Steve kisses your forehead and takes your hand. “Just rest.”
“It can’t.” You move his hand to rest over your midsection and you watch confusion color Steve’s eyes. 
“What happened? Are you hurt? Bruce, come take a look.” 
Bruce turns around from where he was looking at the computer screen. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know it’s right here.” Steve points at your belly. “It feels swollen.”
“I’m going to take a look which means pulling up the hospital gown.” 
“Ok.” You murmur as your eyes begin to close. 
“Steve, I think Y/N is pregnant.” 
The air wasn’t stale. That’s the first thing you noticed. Then it was the beeping and the comfortable bed you were laying in. As consciousness began to consume you, hope filled your chest that you were actually home and your rescue hadn’t been a dream. You open your eyes slowly and realize that it’s the middle of the night. Steve is sitting by the bed, his arms folded over his chest and his head tilted forward, he was asleep and looked uncomfortable. 
“Steve.” You whispered with a raspy voice. It was enough to wake him up though. 
“Sweetheart?” Steve stood up so fast he kicked his chair over. He took your hand in his and immediately kissed it. 
“I’m so glad you’re awake, you had me scared for a while.” He says. “Friday, inform the nursing staff that Y/N is awake.” Steve tells the A.I. “How are you feeling?”
“Thirsty. Still tired and achy.” 
The nurses walk in and Steve informs them that you’re thirsty. Bruce walks in a few minutes later and they all hover over you for a few minutes. They take your vitals and ask some questions before they finally give you space and Steve can be at your side again. After drinking some water you are able to talk better.
“How long was I asleep for?”
“Two weeks.” Steve teared up and it broke your heart. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.” 
“Lay down with me.” You moved to make some space for him. 
“I shouldn’t. You need to be as comfortable as possible.” 
“Steve what are you-“ you gasped as your hand went to your belly. “The baby, is the baby ok?” 
Steve smiles. “Strong heartbeat and growing how he or she should be growing.” 
You started crying, happy tears this time and Steve finally moved to sit beside you. He carefully pulled you into his chest and the tension left his body. You were really here in his arms. The nightmare was over.
“What’s wrong?” 
“I’m just relieved that I’m out of that hellhole and that the baby is ok. That you saved me. I knew you would. I was scared you’d never get to know about our baby.” 
“I’m so sorry sweetheart. All of this was my fault.” He murmurs into the top of your head as he finally embraces you.
“Why is it your fault?”
“Because I didn’t protect you.” 
“Steve, honey, that son of a bitch wanted me because I know how to create the serum. He would have found a way to get to me. That’s not your fault.” You look up at him through wet lashes. “I know you’ll always blame yourself for this but I don’t. At some point you’re going to have to forgive yourself.” 
“Maybe, but not today.” 
“Still so damn stubborn.” You murmur, getting a chuckle out of him. 
“C'mon you need to rest.” 
“Ok,” you yawn. “Only if you stay on the bed with me though.” 
“But you need your space so that you can be comfortable.” 
“No. I need you close. Please? I need to feel safe. You make me feel safe.” Even though it was over it didn’t mean the fear you’d felt for the past few months would just be gone. It was still there and you knew that it would always stay there.
“Ok.” Steve relented. If his best girl needed to feel safe he’d make sure she was. 
“There’s our fighter.” Bucky announced from the doorway. It was early the next day when the team started to come in to see you. Bucky being the first. He had a huge flower arrangement in his hand and a teddy bear. 
You were shuffling out of the bathroom with Steve’s help after finally being able to shower. 
“Bucky.” You opened your arms and accepted his embrace happily. 
“Darling, how are you feeling?” 
“So much better. How are you? How is everyone?” 
“I’m good. Relieved that you’re finally back. Everyone is anxious to see you. I had to beat them with a stick to get in here first.” He jokes as he helps you get back in bed. “Everyone is excited for the baby too. The first Avenger’s first baby. It’s kind of a big deal and I’m more than happy to be the favorite uncle.” 
“After all the shit you pulled in Europe? I don’t know if you’d be a good influence.” 
Bucky was shocked at your response. “You say that as if Steve isn’t standing right there. You know that baby has half of his genes right?” 
You laughed and nodded before looking lovingly up at Steve. He’s already looking at you with a soft smile. 
“You’re right. I’m going to need all the help I can get.” 
Bucky and Steve chuckle before they get a bit more serious. 
“I’m happy you’re back, darling. We were a mess without you.” 
“I missed you too, Bucky. Thank you for looking out for Steve.” No one had to tell you anything about it, you just knew he did. 
“Well as much as I loved to do it, it’s your responsibility again. So have fun with that.” Bucky joked before he smiled softly at you. “I’ll let you rest. Call me if you need anything.” 
“Thank you Buck.”  
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and left. The rest of the day the team kept coming in and out of your room. All of them congratulating you and Steve on the baby and telling you how much you’d been missed. Fortunately the last of your visitors was leaving because you were exhausted. 
“Why don’t you go up to the apartment and rest?” You told Steve although you were afraid of being left alone. 
“I’ll leave this room when you do.” 
You smiled as he placed his hand on your bump for the hundredth time that day. Your hand rests on top of his.
“I still can’t believe we’re going to be parents.” He says. 
“I know. I hope he or she gets your artistic abilities and not your rebellious tendencies.” 
Steve laughs and shakes his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
There’s a knock at the door and it opens just enough for someone to peek in.
“Wanda! How could I have forgotten about you? Please come in.” You sit up a bit more in bed.
Wanda opens the door to reveal Pietro just behind her. His eyes shift from you to Steve, who is now standing beside you in a much more rigid pose.
“Pietro.” You smile at him. He’s obviously nervous, they both are. “Please come in. How are the two of you doing?” 
“We’re ok. It’s a big adjustment but Stark was kind enough to set us up in our own apartment. And we can leave when we wish.” He says. “Who would have thought it was so easy.”
“You see, Tony’s not what he seems. At least not anymore. Will you be staying and working with the team?” 
“We don’t know.” Wanda says quietly. “We’re not sure what’s going to happen with us now.” 
You look from them to Steve who hasn’t said a word. “Well? Are they going to work with the team or not?” 
“He kidnapped you. He should be grateful that he can even walk right now.” Steve snapped, all his anger directed at Pietro.
“Steve, you have to understand them. They thought they were doing the right thing by signing up to fight for a war. Something you can relate to. Besides, they trusted someone who lied to them. Once Pietro and Wanda realized what was going on they were taking care of me. Of us.” You say while placing your hand on your swollen belly.
“We had a plan. We were going to escape.” 
“We had to be cautious so planning the escape was taking time.” Wanda answers. “But we would have left two days after the day you showed up.”
“We weren’t walking around freely. Wanda and I were prisoners too. We were just to blind by anger to see it. But we promise we only want to help people.” 
Steve didn’t look too convinced but you couldn’t blame him. After all, Pietro had been the one to kidnap you. But in some weird way you could understand why they did what they did. You had, afterall, been involved in the project that created the super soldier. Strucker made the Avengers look like villains. It was easy to manipulate the mind of people that were grieving and fighting to live one more day.
“I guess we can figure out how you could help. It’ll be on a trial basis only to begin with.” Steve says after a moment. 
Wanda and Pietro smiled before excusing themselves to let you rest. Steve finally relaxed and laid back down next to you. 
“Promise me you’ll give them a fair chance.” 
“I’ll try.” Steve says. “Honestly, I was trying really hard to not punch him again.” 
You laugh and rest your head against his chest. “Don’t worry you’re going to be too busy soon enough to even think about punching Pietro again.”
“We should start thinking about names.” Steve places his hand over your swollen belly once more. 
“Woah, where do you think you’re going?” Steve jogged to your side of the bed. 
“I need to use the bathroom. Again.”
“Let me help you.” He held his hands out and helped you out of bed.
You were so close to your due date. While you loved the fact that you were going to have a baby with the love of your life, you were also tired of being pregnant. 
Everything either ached or was sensitive or was swollen. You were ready to have this baby. It didn’t help that because of the way the first part of the pregnancy went, you were considered high risk. Well that and the fact that you were technically in your late 90s. No one was sure what would happen. 
The last few weeks you were meant to be on bed rest. Fortunately Steve had stopped going on missions when you were given this information and he was right by your side to help with whatever you needed. 
It was amazing having him close by. All you had to do was call him and he’d be right by your side. He’d been wonderful throughout the rest of the pregnancy. So excited to feel the baby moving under his touch. Steve had already collected a rather large book selection so that he could always read the baby a bedtime story. The two of you read every pregnancy and baby book available in order to be ready. But when your water breaks you feel as unprepared as ever. 
“Stevie, honey,” you stop halfway to the bathroom. 
“What is it, Sweetheart?” 
“I think my water just broke.” 
“Oh, uh-ok. It’s fine, you’re fine. We can do this.” Steve is starting to panic. “I have a plan.” 
“What’s your plan, Honey?” 
“Well, it’s a good one.” He nods but doesn’t move from his place beside you. When you look up at him you can see the worry all over his face. “What if it’s not good enough for you?”
“Honey, I think you’re starting to panic.” You say as calmly as possible. 
“No. I’m fine. Really, you don’t have to worry about me.” 
“Friday could you please tell Sam, Bucky and Nat that I need them here asap tell them it’s code Baby.” 
“Of course Ms. Y/L/N.” 
A few minutes later your three friends are rushing through the door. 
“Hi guys.” 
“Darling, what’s going on? Why does Steve look so pale?” Bucky is the first one at your side. 
“Because my water just broke.” 
“It’s finally happening.” Sam says excitedly.
“Ok boys, you know the deal. Bucky, take Y/N down to the medbay. I’ll handle your overnight bag and the baby’s bag. Sam, you’re on Steve duty.” 
You smile at them before calling Steve’s name one more time. Bucky takes your hand and with the other he supports your back. 
“Wait, give me a second.” You mutter while placing a hand over your lower belly. “Uuuhhh.” You whimper a bit. 
“That’s the first contraction.” 
“Contraction?” Steve finally snaps out of whatever it is he’s going through and stands beside you again.
“How much did it hurt?” Bucky asks.
“Enough, they’re only going to get worse.”
“Let’s get you downstairs then.” Steve offers his arm and they both walk you down.
After hours of waiting and worries and pain. Steve at your side catering to your every need. The team in the waiting room anxiously wanting to hear the good news. 
You had a healthy baby boy. 
He was perfect and you knew he’d take after Steve in his looks but you didn’t care. Now there would be a mini version of the man you loved running around and you couldn’t be happier. Steve stared down at his son in awe. He was sitting in the hospital bed next to you as you cradled the infant in your arms. Both of you were enthralled by his tiny existence. 
“He’s perfect.” You murmur while running your finger from the bridge of his nose to the tip, booping his little button nose. 
“I never thought I would love anyone as much as I do but I feel like my heart is going to explode every time I look at him.” 
“Me too.” You agree with Steve. 
“I love you, thank you for giving me our son. Thank you for everything. I don’t think I could ever give back what you’ve given me.” Steve says before kissing your temple. “But I hope I can try and repay you the rest of my life, if you let me.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
You turn as you feel Steve shuffle off the bed and kneel beside it. When you look down at him he has a beautiful diamond ring in hand.
“This isn’t how I planned it but I can’t wait anymore. You are everything to me. Even after everything you’ve been through, you’re still the same loving and caring person I met years ago. You’ve given me more than I’ve ever deserved and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Y/N will you marry me?” 
You started crying. It wasn’t a cute sort of crying, it was very much an ugly cry but you nodded your head anyway because you couldn’t think of anything better than spending the rest of your life with Steve. He gets up and places the ring on your finger before cupping your face and giving you a sweet, loving and gentle kiss. 
“Sweetheart, don’t cry.” Steve tries to wipe away your tears.
“I can’t help it. I’m just so happy and I’m also a mess right now.” 
“You just gave birth. You’re allowed to be a mess.” 
After a few minutes of Steve giving you hugs, reassuring words and kisses you finally calm down. 
“We still have to name him. And let the team in.” You say.
“I think I have a name but tell me what you think.” 
The team shuffled in one by one, after you freshened up of course. All of them were excited to meet the newest addition to the family. Sam and Bucky of course bickering about who would hold the baby first. 
“Boys, that’s enough.” You say and they quiet down. 
Everyone’s eyes are on the little sleeping form in your arms. 
“Everyone, we'd like you to officially meet our son.” Steve says while standing beside you. 
“What’s his name?” 
“We decided to name him after a very dear friend and the reason we met in the first place.” Steve says fondly while looking down at you. “Everyone meet James Abraham Rogers.” 
Bucky stared at the two of you in shock. You could only smile. 
“Would you like to hold him, Buck?”
“Are you sure? I mean-” Bucky motions towards his left arm.
“We trust you.” 
With tears in his eyes Bucky walks over and lets you place the baby in his arms. He’ll never admit to it but he’d been practicing how to hold babies by using a stuffie. “Hi buddy, I’m your Uncle Bucky.” 
Slowly everyone eventually got a chance to hold the baby. Sam and Bucky were still bickering who would be little James’ favorite uncle. Now though Bucky was able to use the fact that James had been named after him. Steve had to stop the arguing a few times. As Wanda handed you the baby back she noticed your ring.
“You’re engaged? When did this happen?” 
Steve tells them the story and how it happened only moments before they walked in. Everyone congratulates you on the baby and the engagement before leaving you alone. It was good timing because James was starting to get fussy. You and Steve got to work on changing his diaper and getting him fed. 
Being new parents was a whole new challenge for the both of you. All of the parenting books couldn’t help you to change what felt like the thousandth diaper of the day. But you nor Steve would change it for the world. It was exhausting but rewarding. 
Seeing Steve step into fatherhood was the most beautiful thing ever. With everything he did there was so much care and thought put into it. He was still a loving, caring and supportive partner which made things better for you and vice versa. 
“Need anything Sweetheart?” Steve was walking into your room. 
“Could you maybe fluff up my pillow?” 
You were currently feeding your son and couldn’t really move around. 
“Of course.” Steve stopped at your side and did as you asked before kissing the top of your head. “Better?” 
“Much better, thank you.” 
“How’s our boy doing with the added ounces?” 
“He’s loving it.” You chuckle as you look down at your son. “He’s growing so fast I feel like I can’t keep up.” 
“Must be the serum. Are you worried?” 
This was always a sore spot for Steve. The possibility of his son being sick or getting sick easily always weighed on him. The fact that little James was so different from other children worried him to no end.
“Absolutely not. His pediatrician said he’s hitting all of the developmental milestones. Our son is healthy, honey. If anything the serum will keep him from getting sick. It’s a good thing.” 
“I know.” 
“Look at that, he’s all done.” You say while wiping the excess milk from around his mouth. “He’s in a little milk coma.” 
“Let me take him so that you can rest.”
You smile at Steve as he grabs your son to immediately start burping him. 
Steve was in James’ nursery reading him a bedtime story. He was just about to be six months old. It was odd how time moved so quickly yet slow at the same time. Jamie was so big but still so little. You adored him. You also adored seeing Steve interact with him. They loved each other so much you loved to be around them. 
“The end.” Steve said slowly. You stood in the doorway watching Steve close the book and set it down. “Now let’s get you into your crib. I got a date with your mama.” 
After Steve had settled James into his crib for the night he met you at the door. 
“You look beautiful.” He whispers.
“It feels nice to be dressed up in something other than leggings and t-shirts.” 
“Well you pull both looks off very well. Alright sweetheart, I hope you’re ready for our date.” Steve grabs the baby monitor and leaves the door ajar. 
Steve silently leads you to the living room which had been transformed. The furniture was pushed out of the way and where the coffee table once sat was a picnic. Fairy lights hung from one side of the room to the other. The tv was gone, leaving the wall blank. Steve remedied that by turning on a projector with a movie already queued up, one you still hadn’t seen. 
“This is wonderful.” You smiled as you took a seat on the picnic blanket. 
The two of you cuddled and watched the movie while snacking on everything Steve had packed. Steve ended the night by putting on a playlist he had carefully curated for the two of you and dancing. 
You had your head against Steve’s chest while he swayed with you. There was no mistaking the dopey grin on your face.
“What are you thinking about?”
“I was just remembering the night you walked me back to my room at boot camp.” 
“When you kissed my cheek?” 
“Yeah.” Your smile widens.
You pull back to look at him. “You were so cute. I really wanted to drag you into my room with me.” 
Steve laughs but his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. 
“What? It’s true.” 
“You would have given me a heart attack, Sweetheart.” 
“Good thing I was a nurse. I would have fixed you right up.”
Steve shakes his head but meets you halfway for a kiss.
James was a wonderful baby. He was sweet and easy going although he was starting to show his mischievous side, something you blamed completely on Steve. He was also starting to show his strength. Like the time he had a temper tantrum while holding his bottle and crushed it with his little hands. It didn’t matter to you or Steve though, like everything else in your life and relationship you learned and adjusted. 
“There’s my best guy.” Steve had just walked into your shared home after being away on a mission. “And my best girl.” 
“Hi Honey.” You say from your place on the floor where you’re playing with your almost one year old. He looked so much like Steve it was ridiculous.
“Hi Sweetheart. I missed you both so much.” 
“We missed you too.” You grab James and stand him up, turned so that he can see his daddy clearly. “Didn’t we baby.” 
James starts doing grabby hands, kicking his feet and babbling when he sees Steve. “Dada. Dada.” James calls out excitedly. You set him on his feet hoping that he’ll finally take his first steps. 
“Hi bubs. Were you waiting for me?” 
“Dada.” Jamie does grabby hands again as he wobbles on his feet. 
“C’mon you can do it. Can you walk over to dada?” Steve kneels and holds out his arms.
You had to put a hand over your mouth to stop the excited scream as Jamie did take his first step. Then another until he managed to get to Steve who picked him up and peppered his face with kisses. Jamie laughed at the feeling of Steve’s scruff against his cheek. You and Steve celebrated this milestone by praising your son endlessly. Eventually Steve sets Jamie down and he starts taking a few more steps. You encourage him to keep going while Steve goes to change. Jamie sees his father leave the room and starts following him slowly. 
“What are you doing?” Steve pops out of your shared room. Jamie jumps at the sudden sound of Steve’s voice and falls on his butt. He giggles while getting up again. “Are you following me?”
“Dada.” Jamie nods and points at Steve. 
“Alright, help me pick out what I’m going to wear to hang out with you bubs.” 
“Daddy.” Jamie yells when he sees Steve standing at the other end of the aisle. “Hi daddy.”
“Hi bubs. C’mon up here.” 
Jamie, uncaring that he’s in his little tux, runs down the aisle and into Steve’s arms earning some laughs from the crowd. Both of them looked handsome in their best clothes. The bridesmaids walk down next followed by the flower girl, Clint’s daughter. Finally you appear, a vision in white, with Bucky at your side to walk you down the aisle. 
“Look at mommy. Isn’t she beautiful?” Steve whispers in your son’s ear. They both watch, eyes full of love, as you make your way to them. 
“Mommy you look beautiful.” Jamie says as he leans forward and gives you a kiss to the cheek. The guests ‘aww’ as they see the exchange before Steve places your two year old on the ground. 
Heartfelt vows are exchanged between you. Tears are shed by both you and Steve as well as some of the guests. When the officiant announces that Steve may now kiss the bride he doesn’t waste another second and pulls you in. Your guests cheer as Steve finally pulls away.
“Mommy. Mommy. I get kisses.” Jamie says from beside you.
“Of course you do, my baby.” You lean down and give him a kiss on the cheek, leaving a red lipstick stain on it. 
“Presenting for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Rogers.” The DJ announces as you and Steve make your way into the reception. Everyone cheers as you walk in and you head straight to the dance floor to share your first dance. The music began and Steve started leading you.
“Is this-“ 
“The song we first danced to?” Steve finished your question. “Yes it is.” 
“You remembered?” 
“How could I forget? You looked beautiful then and you look beautiful now.” 
You smile as your cheeks warm at the compliment. Steve dips his head and gives you a quick kiss. When he pulls back you have matching smiles. There’s some tugging on your dress and you see Jamie standing there with his arms in the air. 
“Come on, let’s dance with mommy.” Steve says as he holds your son. “Hold her hand.” Steve instructs while placing his free hand back on your waist.
“My two handsome boys.”
James giggles when you boop his nose. Steve instructs him to spin you and he does. When the music ends your guests all cheer for you. Steve escorts you to your table and you take a seat. 
After dinner, there’s the speeches. Sam goes first and he manages to give a funny and heartfelt speech. Then Nat spoke, first about meeting Steve and then meeting his better half. She was surprisingly sweet and lovely. Finally it was Bucky’s turn. 
“Hello everyone.” He starts off by saying. You could tell how nervous he was and you nodded encouragingly when he looked your way. “Well my name is Bucky and I’m the best man. No one listen to whatever Sam is saying.” 
“C’mon man.” 
Everyone chuckles at Sam’s outburst. 
“I believe you all know that I am Steve’s oldest friend. I was there before the suit and the muscles.” 
You took Steve’s hand and squeezed it. 
“But what he lacked in physical strength he made up for in determination and passion. That’s how he met his beautiful bride and my dearest friend. Y/N is more than a friend, she’s like a sister and one of the most caring people I know. It’s a great thing to watch two people you care about fall in love. But it’s something so special to watch them love in times of war. And that’s what they did. No two people were ever meant to be, more than Steve and Y/N. Even after decades of being separated they somehow found a way to each other. So let’s all raise a glass and toast to the happy couple. Here’s to many more years of happiness.” Bucky raises his glass along with everyone else and they cheer. 
After the speeches were done the party could really begin. You’d changed into a more comfortable dress and headed to the dance floor. Your friends huddled around you and Steve as everyone moved to the music.  
At some point in the night Steve managed to pull you out to the balcony of the reception hall you were at. The fresh air felt wonderful after all the dancing you’d been doing. 
“What’s going on?” You asked Steve with a teasing tone. “Got tired of sharing me with everyone?” 
“Yes I did actually.” 
You giggle as you wrap your arms around Steve’s midsection. With a contented sigh you rest your head against his chest, feeling his heart beating way too fast. 
“Are you ok?” 
“Yes. Just a little nervous.” 
You pull back and look at him with concern. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong. I just-I have two gifts for you and I hope you like them.” 
“You already got me a gift.” You hold up your wrist to show the bracelet he sent you while you were getting ready that morning. 
“What can I say? I like to spoil my girl, my wife.” 
You smiled up at him. 
“Here is the first gift.” Steve pulls out a piece of paper from his suit pocket and gives it to you. 
“What is it?” 
“Open it.” 
You do as he says and unfold the paper he just gave you. It’s the floor plan to a home. “Did you buy a house?” 
“Not just any house. Look at the address.” 
“Chicago? Steve-“ you look up at him with wide eyes. “Is this my aunt’s house?” 
“It is.”
“Are we moving to Chicago?” 
“I mean it’s not Brooklyn but we can if you want. We can visit there whenever you want, you can rent it, sell it.The house is yours for you to do as you please. ”
“I’ll have to think about it. Steve, this house, it…” You didn’t have the words to express how much this house meant to you.
“It was special for me too. I thought we should keep it in the family.” 
You hugged the deed to your chest. 
“There’s one more thing.” Steve takes a deep breath to ready himself. “I’m officially retiring as Captain America.” 
You gasped at the news. There were no words to describe the myriad of emotions you were feeling. 
“I know it can’t be easy to accept but I think it’s a step in the right direction for our family.” 
You just stared at him with tear filled eyes. 
“Please say something. I know you were a part of the program and I don’t want to disappoint you but-“ 
“Disappoint? Steve this is the best news you could ever give me. Yes Captain America holds a special place in my heart but you’re more important to me than anything. You did your duty. You went through so much already, you deserve to rest. To enjoy time with your son.” 
“That’s all I want. I want to be by your side and not miss anything else with Jamie.” Steve replies, the tension in his shoulder melting away. “I’ll still help with recruits and if something major ever happens then of course but other than that I’m just going to have a desk job.” 
“That sounds wonderful. It’s the best gift you could’ve ever given me.” 
You grab the lapels of his tux and pull him down, connecting your lips with his in a sweet kiss. The volume of the music coming from inside gets your attention so you pull away. 
“Sorry guys, he kept asking for you.” Bucky says as Jamie walks out onto the balcony before heading back inside.
“What if we have another one?” You ask as you watch your son dancing his way towards you. 
“We should head out for our honeymoon so we can get started on baby number two then.” 
You laugh as Steve kisses your neck. This was perfect. Your family was perfect. From now on you would get to enjoy your life and watch your son grow up along with your husband. You were meant to be together no matter who or what tried to get in your way. 
The war was over.
Now there was only love in times of peace. 
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brights-place · 7 months
Synth x s/o with panick attacks comfort? Love your writing your actually amazing :3
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Synth comforting his S/o
Pairings: Synth X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Panic attacks, Anxiety
A/N: Synth is such an cutie I love him so much! GOD HE'S SUCH AN CUTE GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOY! I headcannon him with ADHD btw cause he shows some aspect and my friend also agreed on it
- You never cease to be surprised with synth with every day you spend together which is everyday as he discovers something new about you no matter how small and how you notice things about you too... even when how hard you try to hide your sadness and insecurities - Like I said Synth wasn’t the most emotionally aware troll so he finds it hard to understand your emotions sometimes
- It takes him awhile but he gets there just for you and just to see you smile again cause if your not smiling he wouldn’t know what to do. - Synth would stare at you confused as you were biting your lip while you both were at a rave - You weren't hyper or dancing with him so he noticed it quickly since you would always laugh with him dancing together but you weren't doing that - He just stared confused before taking your hand and pulling you away after nodding to trollex meaning Synth was gonna be helping you - He took you to an calmer area "(Name)- Uhm" He looked around nervously before making you sit down as you stared at the floor before tearing up "OH! I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Synth said excitedly when seeing you tear up he swam off and came right back with items in his hands - He placed an seaweed blanket over you and handed you some of your favourite food - He just sits beside you waiting patiently but he is hearing the loudness of teh rave so he bops his head and smiles at you as you sniffle - You knew that The reason Synth likes raves so much is because he feels like it's the only time he can let loose and be free without worrying about anything else. He can let go of all his fears and anxieties and just have fun, knowing that everyone around him is doing the same. - Yet you couldn't help but relax that he was with you atleast - Synth paused and leaned in to you "sooo..." Synth started "Wanna talk about it?" Synth said taking your hand and lifting it up to cup his face as you smiled softly "No it would be a bother Honey" You muttered as Synth hummed leaning into your hand and smiling at you - You couldn't help but admire your lover. Synth always has a big smile on his face, even when things are difficult, and he can often be the light in the darkness... He is the sun to your moon - He reminds you that things will get better and that everyone has their own strengths and talents.
- He can see the beauty in everyone and always tries to highlight the best parts of each person.
- He never judges anyone for their past failures or mistakes, and he always seems to have the right thing to say to comfort them... and thats what he is doing right now trying his best to comfort you - You let out a sigh as synth cuddled you and join you in the seaweed blanket "I dont know... I just feel overwhelmed... you know?" Synth stared listening the best he could even with His ADHD you knew he was doing his best - His large doe eyes stared at you like an golden retriever smiling up at their owner - Synth stared listening as you ranted to him about how you were feeling this whole week. You felt drained and tired and you weren't feeling good yet you didn't know why you felt drained and tired - Synth is always there for you aka lover when you needed someone to talk to or to comfort them. He listens without judgment and provides support, understanding, and affection for you - he just nodded listening as you relaxed as he cuddled into you and kissed your lips for an moment which relaxed you as he pulled away "I understand that!" you smiled "You do?" Synth nodded "I mean I'm hyper 34/7 365 days every year but there's always one day or some longer that makes me feel tired! but I always get back up! and so will you!" Synth said happily as you sighed - He nuzzled into you and kissed your cheek as you cupped your cheek that he kissed before giggling and turning to Synth peppering his face with kisses as he smiled happily
- He makes sure to treat your feelings as seriously as he would want his to he treated so he makes sure that you are pampered with kisses
- He is always willing to go out of his way to make you happy as he makes sure you are relaxed and calm
- Synth is also very sweet and affectionate and always makes sure to tell you how much he loves and appreciates you for dating him and how he appreciates you opening up to him
- As the rave music in the background was soft and quiet Synth stood up and sticked out his hand towards you "You may feel down but you know what makes me happy? and I think the same would work for you" Synth said as you laughed "Dancing to the beats in the background" You replied raising an brow chuckling as Synth nodded quickly - You took his hand as he smiled bopping up and down as you giggled joining him dancing to the techno music and vibing together as you smiled at how he was hyper and always made sure to kiss your cheek when you were close beside each other while dancing - You knew synth isn't that great with emotions but he was doing his best and cared for you and you wouldn't change it at all. - Him just being there with you and smiling while making sure your hyped up with the music is enough for you too know that he loves you and wants you to fight of these feelings with something he knew that could make you feel better.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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stupendousghostswan · 2 months
EDIT : I leant of the ship they pushed upon the fans. I am not laughing anymore. FUCK CANON. Arf, I really think it but will need some time. Emotions are high. (respect to their shippers. Ship and let ship. It's that they pulled it in canon like that that bothers me.)
Gonna be honest : that tua has such a bad ending is a relief in a way. It really finally not just takes the show down from its pedestal but burries it deeeeep down. And it makes it so much easier to say "fuck canon". I was stressed before this s4 , if it was good I would have struggled with saying fuck canon and dare to finally post things. Cause it means that I would have faced backlash and had to potentially face pple and get into arguments. Which with my social anxiety and extreme fatigue I just didn't feel like doing. Maybe it's a poor excuse to some but I struggle a lot with social interactions...
Now I just don't care. (I am sorry though for the people that still really cared about the show. For me this show sinked in s2. It fell out of its pedestal back then for me x). So I made my peace with the disappointment... mostly.)
And... I've been eating at myself since I fell into Fiveya/Vanya and it became my main special interest -which any other autistic I think will understand what being THE special interest means.-. I was struggling, terrified of potential backlash and thinking I'd never get to post and share anything, also that this side of the fandom was dead or dormant forever and would always stay so. I felt very alone, I really felt like I couldn't share, due to the fear of backlash. I couldn't even bring myself to try to give a bit to the fandom myself. (I know a big big big part of it was my own imposed limitations. Also I could have maybe dmed the pple I guessed where still in this ship, etc. But I have very bad social anxiety and extreme fatigue and other things so I can't fight the very bad social anxiety for this on top of... dealing with the rest of my life.)
But now I feel such relief and freedom suddenly. I care but also I don't... idk.
So me laughing at this shit ending - as I've been doing for a few hours now - is half a laugh of relief and... bc seriously to beat both GOT and supernatural?!
Now I am not saying I am actually gonna post anything anytime soon. I am excited and under lots of endorphins and dopamine here. But my social anxiety and lack of confidence might catch up very soon 🙈 (spoiler: THEY DID). Plus, I still find my ideas pretty uninteresting and still struggle to finish stuff and struggles a lot with confidence sooo... (and still scared of backlash).
ok also sorry but not posting this on main. I don't have this courage. This is a side account (not side blog, but full on account. I set it up months ago, waiting to either become brave or for the general fandom to die.)
I am already feeling anxiety coming back and itching to write a 3 thousand words disclaimer and explanation of certain things 😭 So i will force myself to do it quickly : I love Viktor (and fiktor) but also love fiveya and Vanya. For me they are separate paper dolls. When taking the Viktor paper doll, that is a trans man, it means obviously taking the trans experience. aka he was always there, etc. But the "existence" of his doll for me doesn't negate the "existence" of the Vanya doll. They don't really exist. It's fiction. Purely fiction. It's not one real person. The Vanya doll was used then they decided to create and use the Viktor doll.
Ok I stop there. I do not come back to edit. I do not come back to edit and/or delete. I post it and not let it lie in my drafts and have eternal regrets. Go on. Be brave. Be brave. Be brave.
(I have already spent at least two hours typing and editing before getting the courage to post it...)
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kvthgok · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR FICS SO MUCH THEY’RE SO GOOD😭❤️ I was wondering if you could write about father figure Miguel O’Hara x young teen!Spider!Reader cuddles because I absolutely love him and need to be held by him before he goes absolutely rabid and try’s to attack Miles💀❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Safe With Him | Miguel O'Hara x Young Teen!Spider!Reader (Platonic)
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Warnings- none
Summary- Miguel is a father figure to you! You had a lash out episode and Miguel cuddled with you while calming down.
Side note- Ommggg literally thank youuuu soo sooo much 😭🫶! Also not proofread cuz I'm lazy 💪
Miguel is like a father to you. He'd treat you like his own daughter. However in the past two weeks Miguel noticed that you've looked super stressed out, sometimes having lash out episodes.
You couldn’t even focus when training. Until he saw you having an episode. "Hey, calm down.." he said in a concerned tone. Miguel has never seen me actually have an episode. It was the others that would see me, they would tell him.
I ignored him, still being mad at was upsetting me.
Miguel was concerned, "Hey, come sit down." He tried to get me to calm down and to sit down.
I was so mad in the moment that I didn't even hear him.
Miguel grabbed my shoulders and got me to face him. Miguel had a stern expression on. He said in a stern tone, "Hey, calm down. Stop being so hard on yourself. Look at me."I shook my head no, not making eye contact, my nostrils were flared.
Miguel was getting even more concerned with me. He’s never seen me like this. Miguel's tone turned from stern, to more of a concerned and worried tone. He said, "Hey, please. Look at me." I could tell he was worried for me, and wanted to help me. I looked at him. He could still see that I was clearly mad but not as much anymore. Miguel saw my eyes were full of sadness
Miguel felt a little better, with knowing I wasn't as mad as before. He could tell that I looked sad. Miguel said to me, "Please come sit down. I don't like seeing you like this." He really didn't like seeing me upset, and I could tell. He didn't want me to look sad, and to be upset. He said to me, "Please come sit down. I don't like seeing you like this." I started to move toward him, so I can sit down and talk to Miguel.
Sitting down with Miguel, Miguel looks at me with a concerned face. He says to me, "What's going on? You've looked stressed these past two weeks."
He noticed that I stayed silent, and that there's something wrong. With how I was acting.
"Please tell me. I want to help with whatever is wrong."
I shook my head no.
Miguel didn't want to push me to talk, if I didn't want to. He didn't want to make me upset again. My episodes were happening too often , he didn't want me to have another one. Miguel's first priority was making sure I was okay.
He moved some my hair strands from my face.
He told me, in a quiet but sweet tone, "It's okay. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you."
I broke down crying hugged him.
Crying, I hugged him tightly. My episodes didn't bother Miguel, even though he didn’t understand what I was going through right now. He hugged me back tightly, telling me, "It's okay. You're safe with me."
Miguel kept me in a tight hug. He was so comforting and caring. He said in an understanding tone, "I don't mind at all. You're safe with me. Let it out. I promise that I won't leave. "
After a few minutes you could hear my sniffles I looked exhausted.
Miguel didn't try to make me talk. He let me be if I didn't want to. He still was hugging me, and now I was calm.
He noticed how exhausted I was, as he could hear me sniffling. He still kept me in a tight hug, comforting me. He suggested to go to a extra bedroom and get some rest. Telling how exhausted I was after my episode.
Miguel walked me to the room.
"Rest for now. I'll come check up on you after I finish some stuff." He wanted to make sure I get some rest after everything that happened.
I grabbed his arm, "Can you stay with me.." I said in a quiet voice.
Miguel stopped and turned to look down at me. He heard what I said. He knew how drained I was. Miguel was glad that I asked him that.
Miguel said in a loving tone, "Of course I can."
He was glad that I asked him to stay with me, even if I didn't tell him what was wrong with me.
Miguel walked me inside the room, and sat down next to me. Miguel wrapped his arms around me, and stayed with me.
With me being in Miguel arms, I felt at ease, and at peace.
I felt Safe With Him.
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angelicrin · 3 months
Genshin men as ghostface AND GIMME SPICE!
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spice will be givin! on it boss!!
✚ small mentions of blood , light choking , degrading / dirty , umm etc cuz’ i’m writing along the way so i do apologize eek eek!!
✚ charas ; childe , diluc
✚ NOTE ! sorry it’s sooo small! I got lazy ^_^”
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·  𓏏𓏏  ˳ 𝜗  CHILDE
So, you’re tellin’ me that sweet neighbor everyone is talking about is that crazy, psycho freak? No way! You could admit that he was pretty good looking, and he looked so cute it was almost misleading. . sadly, though everyone was right.
You always kept getting weird calls at night that no one else had, answering them to only hear heavy breathing or innocent little laughs. Just to one day find yourself pressed against the marble kitchen counter at past midnight, Ajax covered in another human’s blood while his cock was completely ruining your poor hole. “jax’ don’t kill me next, please..” You pleaded with a small voice crack which only ran even more embarrassment throughout your body, feeling the tears swell up and your throat tighten from how you were about to cry, poor baby.
Only just to get mindlessly laughed at, a crimson red hand gripping your throat while his eyes just stared at the back of your head. It bothered you so much that you can just feel his empty, yet filthy doll eyes judging ya’ somehow or in someway. “don’t worry, i’m not gonna kill you.”
“unless you fail at satisfying me.”
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·  𓏏𓏏  ˳ 𝜗  DILUC
That red-head everyone always talks about whenever you wander around, the one with the dad-bod? yeah, you’ve totally had your eye on him for a while. Though, you could never really have a proper conversation with him since you were so head in heels with his brother.
You never told any lies, really! Diluc was intimidating to you to be fair, the way some days you would find him covered in blood as if it was normal around such a small town! Like, everyone knew what he did for a living and no one cared, it only drove you to think, what the hell? . .
Of course, it wasn’t gonna slide and you were pretty curious. . So you totally followed Diluc but you failed to be discreet about it, watching him mindlessly kill such a “worthless fool” but you didn’t understand the situation. The way he came up to you as you swore and begged you wouldn’t tell anyone, nervous laughing and giggling. “M’ not a snitch, I swear it! I’ll do anything!”
Anything?. . . That definitely stood out the most, you felt a little tiny regret about saying random words but you were scared, right? Your lips were wrapped around his cock within minutes, the colors almost contrasting— pinkish-red lips an’ a cute peach colored cock. Your eyes trailing up to Diluc’s happy trail n’ stomach only made you get even more flustered! His hand just planted on your head as if it was his way of speaking to you, like. .
“you’re doing good.”
“just take your time”
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erabu-san · 4 months
HI ERABU!! FREMILLEI ANON HERE!! (Not here to talk about fremillei ironically lol)
Sorry about your trouble with Cyno and Tighnari :( I totally get the frustration of just seeing something as a cute friendship and having 90% of the fandom see them as romantic.
We live in a society (the genshin fandom). Us platonic Cyno and Tighnari enjoyers have to stick together✊
With that being said, I've been kinda on a Collei and Tighnari brainrot the past few weeks sooo, hope you don't mind if I ramble about them👀
Can I just say, how much I adore their dynamic. Whether it's father/daughter or big brother/little sister, they're so sweet and care about each other so much🥹 On Collei's side, besides Amber, Tighnari was one of the first people she's ever opened up to, or has felt comfortable around. He's so kind and patient with her and she's really grateful for it!! (Her relationship with Cyno is similar but I do think it was a little awkward at first since Cyno reminded her of her past...)
And on Tighnari's side, well, at first he saw her as a student. But he immediately felt this...urge to help her. Like she had been through so much, and he felt like he had to try and help her in some way. (You brother comes in at the middle of the night asking you to take care of this random traumatized child wyd). He enjoyed getting to know her, and teaching her. And he felt such a strong sense of pride when she gets a good grade in a test, or is able to write something coherently. Overtime, he got to see more of her, more of her personality and quirks, and he developed so much affection for her, treating her like he would a little sister💞
I do think that maybe Collei has trouble talking to him about things. Maybe since she's scared of being judged (she knows he wouldn't, but the feeling is still there). So she ended venting to trees. I like to imagine one day, Tighnari was looking for her when he overheard her talking to a tree. At first he was like "why is she doing that??" But decided to leave since he didn't wanna eavesdrop. But then, he caught her talking about HIM.
"Master Tighnari is so patient and kind with me... I know he would never judge me, or make me feel bad. But...I still find it hard to talk to him. He's usually busy...I don't wanna bother him."
And that just broke his heart :( He wanted Collei to feel comfortable talking to him, he WANTED her to come to him whenever she had a problem. He left, but after that, he would subtly encourage her to talk to him if she needed to, reminding her that she wasn't a bother or anything like that, and that he cared about her. And it made her happy to hear!! And she slowly started coming to him more often!!
Also SLIGHT fremillei (I'm sorry I can't escape the chokehold they have on me) I picture this scene, where after Collei finds out about Freminet being apart of the Fatui, Collei immediately runs home, so many emotions going through her head. Hurt, fear, guilt- she's so overwhelmed. She arrives back and while she's passing by Tighnari's house (house? Cottage?? What do you call those?😭) he calls out to her, noticing something's wrong. She stops, and looks at Tighnari, breathing heavy from running. She doesn't know where to begin, what she should tell him, IF she should tell him. But, she looks at him, looks at the concern on his face, and runs towards him and hugs him tightly, sobbing into his chest. Tighnari is confused, but he doesn't question it, and immediately wraps his arms around her.
"It's okay...I'm here."
I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK BUT THEY'VE BEEN ON MY BRAIN. I feel like not a lot of people talk about them alone, which kinda sucks since their relationship is so sweet :(
Again, sorry to bombarde you with the long ask😭 You art is beautiful, and I love hearing your genshin Sumeru headcanons. Thank you for listening to my rambles. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself!! <3
Anon you have such a big brain and I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT 🫵
Oh the part when Collei hugs Tighnari and he is just saying that he is here
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spiriteddreams · 2 years
Whirling of Leaves and Petals
The Fine Line: Act I (masterlist) Background Information + Hypothesis Pairing: Al-Haitham x Reader Warnings: none in this part Word Count: 2.1k A/N: sooo i'm finding that writing for al-haitham is rather fun lol
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I. Background Information Grand scribe Al-Haitham is positive he hates you. There is no other possible reason for the jumble of thoughts that fill his head whenever he sees you or when he hears your name in conversation. He's a rational man, and rationality is telling him that he dislikes you. You’re simply an acquaintance of his, an old friend from his days as a student at the Akademiya who somehow wormed their way into his life and refused to let go. He can’t imagine why you keep trying to pull him to all sorts of events. From open Akademiya lectures to showing up at his place claiming to have been invited by Kaveh to join them for dinner. He ignores the way his roommate makes sly comments under his breath about how you’re both rather close. No, Al-Haitham is positive that he hates you. 
Why else would he hesitate when having to reach out to you, his hand hovering when he has to knock on your door to your office with an extra pastry from your favourite bakery in your hand. It’s not like he can’t not be aware of how much you adore this bakery. 
You had dragged him to it on their opening day when you were both still students. Your lecture had been released early, and without giving him a chance to make the excuse that he needed to return home to study, you had already looped one arm through his, unaware of the blush that had risen on his cheeks as you forced him to try all the cute desserts. 
So when he goes to your office now, it's courtesy, he tells himself, to be bringing you this snack solely because he happened to be passing by the bakery. And it's not because he wants to see the way your eyes light up and you mumble out a thank you while excitedly taking a bite. 
He clears his throat as he places a folder on the table, already filled with notes taken from library books and whatever material you could get your hands on within the House of Daena. Embossed in gold with the symbol of the Akademiya staring up at the ceiling, he doesn’t bother to match your excitement when he informs you that your joint project had been approved by the Akademiya. It was petty work, having to speak to the sages about the project that you had approached him with: investigating one of the ancient languages of the desert. 
If he had it his way, Al-Haitham would have tackled the project himself, conducting extensive in person research and analyzing the data alone, without help, because that was what he did best, working alone. Yet he couldn't find himself turning you away with a door to your face when you had come to his office just as he was about to leave for the day. He had taken in your tired eyes and drooping shoulders, paired the lackluster greeting you had given him and decided that he could be late to his weekly roommate dinner. (He won't admit he missed the way you would usually say his name with a warm smile).
“The sages will trust your judgement more than mine.” You had sighed, mumbling a string of unflattering words about the Grand Sage himself as Al-Haitham stared at you in amusement. He wasn’t going to lie and say he was relishing in the fact that you had to come to him for help. That didn’t mean he really wanted to conduct this research. He worked best alone, and yet, a small part of him felt some sort of thrill rush through him at the prospect of working with you. More importantly, he disliked the frown on your features.
“Finally admitting that I’m a better scholar?” He couldn’t help but tease you. Despite the tired look on your face, you still managed to scrunch up your face in annoyance and poke at his chest. 
“I’m simply taking advantage of my resources.” You replied snarkily, “You happen to be on good terms with them. And as I am your oldest friend, you’ll help me, right?” He can hear the uncertainty in your tone even if you’ve done a wonderful job at masking most of it. 
You hadn’t given him a chance to reply, softly adding, “Please.” Al-Haitham stared at you. One moment, you were ready to tease him and indulge in mindless banter, the next you let him see the waver in your confidence.
Hence he found himself talking to the sages and pulling strings in the background just so he could place one folder on your desk. He tells himself that it’s just him giving back for all the times you’ve put up with his sarcastic comments and crude remarks. You’re a brilliant researcher, there’s no doubt about it, so perhaps there’s a little piece inside him that’s simply curious to see your research process. But by all means, that doesn’t mean he’s excited to work with you. 
“You did it!” Al-Haitham nearly flinches at the way you practically throw yourself forward, eyes flickering jumping between the folder and his crossed arms. The small vase of dried flowers teeters dangerously at the edge and the Scribe has half a mind to chide you for not being careful. He lets his eyes linger on the dried flowers for a second longer than he intends to, noting that it’s the same one he had given you during your first day officially working at the Akademiya. It had been a gag gift, the Scribe bluntly saying how he was considering getting you real flowers as a welcome gift, but had been reminded that you couldn’t keep plants alive. Of course he wasn’t actually planning to get you flowers, but still, his point stood. Instead, he relished in the offended expression that came across your face as you grumbled about tossing away his “stupid and unwanted” gift. Yet here it is, sitting at the corner of your desk. He shakes himself from his thoughts and goes to open his mouth to speak but you’ve already launched into your thought out plan for carrying out research.
“—and we can conduct data collection together! We haven’t done that since we were students in that one hundred person lecture, do you remember that?” Al-Haitham wants to roll his eyes, tuning out your mindless chapter as he flips the folder open to look at the packet of pages that make up your project proposal. On the front page, printed in neat typing is both yours and his names, side by side, separated by a tiny cursive-like figure. His lips tug up. It looks quite nice, doesn’t it?
He comes to the conclusion that he doesn't hate you then. He simply finds you annoying. (For now.)
II. Hypothesis He's sure it’s that same feeling of annoyance when you burst into his office a month later, greeting him warmly as you place a cup of warm coffee on his desk. He doesn't need to take a sip to know it's his favourite, after all, you've never failed to bring him his favourite drink during your weekly meetings. Weekly meetings for research he reminds himself quickly, for a research project that the two of you have been working collaboratively on. Once a week, you find yourself walking through the quiet Akademiya, a bag hanging from your shoulders as you navigate the large building to the double-door office with a plaque reading “Scribe Al-Haitham” at the front. His office is large, much larger than your own, yet minimalistically decorated and you make the quiet assumption that it’s solely because Al-Haitham has no sense of interior decorum and can’t be bothered to make his office feel more homely. You’ve never failed to point it out, commenting that his office reminds you of Grand Sage Azar. And with every backhand comment you give him, paired with that teasing smile of yours, Al-Haitham levels you with an unamused look. Yet he can’t help but wonder, he isn’t that uptight, is he?
“I was reading through some books that Kaveh had let me borrow and came across some information about an ancient temple, which last time it’s been researched, is half buried in the sand!” You’re rather enthusiastic about something in the desert, and while Al-Haitham can’t quite understand why, he finds that he likes the way your eyes light up at the prospect of going on an expedition. He watches as you laugh to yourself about certain findings, filling his usually quiet office with chatter whilst you pull items out of your bag and place them on his desk.
So perhaps he finds he doesn't mind your presence in his office. You brighten up his space, always barging in at a time where he’s already hard at work. Perhaps ‘barging in’ isn’t the right term. He’s well aware of what time it is whenever you walk in, but he likes to believe that you always arrange these meetings at times when you know he has things to do. That doesn’t mean he won’t pause from his work 5 minutes before you’re scheduled to waltz in and ensure his office is clean. It’s so you won’t complain, he tells himself. Nothing more, nothing less.
He thinks you’re still annoying of course, already talking about that most recent finding with this sparkle in your eyes that he can't help but get lost in. You’re speaking so excitedly, hands moving around as you explain the conclusion you had come to. You laugh under your breath when you stumble over your words and his heart skips. No, he curses himself, that was simply a reaction to you not letting him speak. But he doesn't interrupt you.
"Are you listening to me?" You sound almost offended as you lean forward, one hand splayed out on his desk as you narrow your eyes, searching his face for any sign that he might be feeling ill. It’s unlike Al-Haitham to be so distracted, and since the moment you started talking, you couldn't help but notice his blank stare fixed on you. You’re not even that close to him and yet he freezes. he can see the way your eyes shift and that cute little furrow of your brows when you hold his stare. He needs distance, quickly.
He scoffs and shifts in his seat, "Of course I am. You were talking about a new conclusion. I hope you've written it down so we can go over it again. The next time we go to the desert we can verify the information too." You roll your eyes at his words, pulling away and Al-Haitham feels like he can breathe again. You fall into the chair across from him, pulling our books from your bag and laying them out in front of him. Pages flip by as you thumb through pages full of mixed handwriting, shared notes passed between the two of you. It’s easy to determine who’s written what, with his typical neat handwriting and yours ranging from pretty practiced letters to sharp scrawls when you come across something exciting. Your voice blankets over him, and he finds himself distracted with simply hearing your voice, rather than what you actually have to say.
“—so if we explore this area first, it’ll set us up on a direct path for a quick expedition.” You circle a location on the map with the pen in your hand, drawing Al-Haitham’s attention to the desk. His gaze drifts from where you point on the map to the bracelet wrapped around your wrist. It’s not usual for many in Sumeru to wear jewelry, but it’s the sight of this bracelet in particular that holds his attention. Glinting back at him is a beaded bracelet of noctilucous jade that pokes out from beneath your sleeves. He wants to scowl at the sight of it yet it retains his gaze longer than he would like to admit. It was a birthday gift from his roommate the year prior, and Al-Haitham remembers the way you had excitedly wrapped your arms around Kaveh in gratitude for his thoughtfulness. But if his roommate was more perceptive, he would’ve known that cor lapis compliments you better. 
“Does that sound good to you?” You tilt your head slightly, nervous eyes betraying the confidence in your tone. Al-Haitham curses himself for getting distracted. He clears his throat and leans back in his chair, pretending to be considering your words even when he has no idea what you’ve just said. Regardless, he has no doubt in his mind that you’ve been able to come up with a solid plan.
“Yes, of course it does.” He meets your eyes and hesitates before speaking again. “I’m surprised you managed to come up with this.” He expects you to scoff and tell him off, yet instead you grin brightly at him and lean closer once more.
“There’s more to me than you think!”
Archons, you’re going to be the death of him.
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! <3 A/N: sooo how are we feeling about al-haitham :)) sexy cocky prideful man makes me want to strangle him and kiss him at the same time also if you want to be tagged in "the fine line" send me an ask!
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sweetheartmotives · 1 year
°♡Yandere Cupid♡°
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Desc and possible Tw: Nsfw mentioned and hinted at, Kidnapping, yandere themes, Getting dumped, Jaakobah having murderous and possessive tendencies.
Let me know if I missed any! :)
Ah yes, Cupid, An emblem of love! Orrrr At least, that is what people perceive this Cupid to be.
Welcome Jaakobah, the evil Cupid! Jaako is a master of deception, They say they will make relationships better, promising affection from both sides... Did you fall for it? Surprise! That is a Big lie! They are to blame for unhealthy partnerships, toxic partners.. icky people in general! So if you ever had a toxic partner, Blame Jaakobah!!
Jaakobah has never felt love for anyone before, but oh when they did, It brought a new feeling. A horrible one that felt.. so.. Painfully Good.
• Yandere Cupid who… was doing their usual rounds, But then noticed somebody in the park all alone.
• Yandere Cupid who… came closer and found lil ol you! They were originally planning to play with ur feelings for a lil bit, but…
• Yandere Cupid who… falls in love with you. You're all alone on Valentine's Day? How sad~
Poor little human, you must be so.. lonely~
• Yandere Cupid who… knew you can't hear them, But still talked to you that day.
Awhhh what happened you poor thing.. Did you get dumped?
• Yandere Cupid who… stalked you ever since that day. They couldn't resist! Can you blame them?~
• Yandere Cupid who… watched you get dumped, 15 times! They laugh a little harder each time. Jaakobah knows they are to blame for it, They just can't help it! You're made for them, so why are you resisting?
Oh, Darling.. Stop trying to make me jealous! It's seriously, making me all hot inside..~
Yandere Cupid who… always got so... turned on by your constant teasing...
• Yandere Cupid who… decides they've had enough of your games and reveals themself.
Hello, Darling~
• Yandere Cupid who… is very flirty, and smug. They can be so mean sometimes.
Oh no.. did you get dumped again? How sad~ Do I have to remind you again? No one will ever date you, You wanna know why? Because You are my soulmate, You belong to me. :)
• Yandere Cupid who… flashes you their signature smug smile whenever you get dumped.
• Yandere Cupid who… finally kidnaps you. You are locked in your own home. You might be thinking, "Wait, my house?" Yeah, that's right, Jaako seriously locked you in your own house. He didn't wanna go through all that trouble… so he opted for breaking your phone and chaining you to your bed! This is sooo much better… Now be a good little spouse and sit here like a pretty lil doll!
• Yandere Cupid who… didn't hesitate to lock you at home. You were their darling! Plus.. You were seriously making them even more hot and bothered After all those petty dates..
Darling stop squirming.. Your attempts at making me jealous worked! So I assumed you were wanting a little more than a hot make-out sesh… so stop squirming and let me have my fill of the fun~
• Yandere Cupid who… gives you big puppy dog eyes and lays on ur lay to try and convince you to come cuddle with them.
Darling Pleaseeeeee enough teasing, Just let me hold you already, or better yet I'll let you hold me~
• Yandere Cupid who… pleads and begs for affection, Only to be smug afterward.
Awhhhh honey, You just missed me so much, huh?~
• Yandere Cupid who… loves and adores you. They keep their Murderous and possessive side away from ur pretty lil eyes.
I'm home darling… come give me a kiss..~
• Yandere Cupid who… in the end, expects you to be a good spouse. Loyal to them and only them. But they don't mind a brat, after all.. they love taming naughty darlings~
Oh, darling.. don't look away from the mirror, Look at yourself! You were so high and mighty.. what happened to that?~
Is it obvious I'm bad at writing smut? It probably is but pay no mind! I hope you enjoyed reading, as I enjoyed writing it!
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