#this cannot be allowed to continue we must all pick a villain based on our preexisting rage bonor for some guy
have i missed taika/rita drama or is it the same old shit rehashed?
(i say this as a person who had rita in her top 5 artists last year)
Oh no it's the other Marriage. His ex wife came out to say the same thing she's been saying this whole time (i.e. "Thor Ragnarok destroyed my marriage") but in a way that some people are taking to mean means Taika cheated on her even though she doesnt explicitly say that and you guys if she wanted us to know that that happened and be mad about it she would tell us she's had the opportunity. But people are drawing insane conclusions as usual. Rita's not involved at all unless you make some timeline bending assumptions in order to paint Taika Waititi uncharitably.
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librarian-of-orynth · 4 years
Why Jo and Laurie Should Never End Up Together, Not Even in a Retelling
I’m back, sort of! I posted this rant over on my book blog and wanted to share it here, because I think it’s incredibly important. 
I’m angry and frustrated.
Little Women is one of my favorite stories. It was my favorite movie of 2019. It’s an iconic book with incredible characters and a strong female presence. Today, I particularly want to speak about Jo and Amy March, and their relationship to Laurie. One of the things that frustrates me is that people want Jo and Laurie to be together, so much so that there’s a book being released–a retelling of Little Women–called Jo and Laurie, by Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz.
Now, let me preface this with saying I don’t have a problem with retellings. In fact, I love them, especially when they are loose. That way, the author can tell their own story, one that’s simply inspired by a fairy tale or classic novel.
Here’s the thing, though. Jo and Laurie isn’t a loose retelling. It is, essentially, changing the outcome of the Little Women story. I haven’t read the book, but based on the description and the title, I think we all know how it’s going to end.
And I have a problem with that.
In changing the love pairing of the book, not only is Jo’s identity erased in lieu of a romance that would never work, Amy is going to come across as even more of a villain, as not only is she one of the “meaner” March sisters, she is in love with Jo’s (now apparent) love interest. This completely undermines Louisa May Alcott’s original story and is a blatant means of disrespecting Little Women.
Let’s talk about Jo March. She is an independent, headstrong, stubborn woman who prizes her writing over all else. She isn’t concerned with romance or marriage, and she gets criticism for it. For Jo, she doesn’t have room for more love in her life; her love is for her writing and her family. So, it makes absolutely no sense for Jo’s character to want to be with someone like Laurie. Yes, she does mention towards the end that she is lonely and wants to be loved, but that is not the same as being in love, as Marmie cleverly points out. Sure, it may be easy to get love from Laurie, but at the end of the day, she cannot love him back. Her heart is already taken by her writing. Ultimately, yes, she does marry by the end, but, as Greta Gerwig’s fantastic adaptation pointed out, marriage and a happy ending is what made books sell.
Even though Alcott had her married by the end, it’s still very clear that Jo was never really destined for marriage. Again, this makes sense, because Jo is Louisa May Alcott, who never married and continued her passion for writing. See the similarities? So makes no sense for Jo to be with Laurie, or even want to be with him. She doesn’t want or need romance.
Also, Jo isn’t necessarily into men. The energy she gives off is big lesbian vibes, much like Louisa May Alcott herself. However, the concept of being a lesbian wasn’t in the forefront of anyone’s minds at the time of publication, so it’s not like they had a word for it or understood it. By putting her with Laurie, this part of her identity is erased and frankly hurts the people who see themselves in Jo. It invalidates their identification with her character, which can be damaging and disheartening. Plus, erasing a character’s identity (particularly a character who already exists) only to replace it with what you want is a disservice to the legacy of Little Women.
Also, Jo and Laurie just don’t make sense together. As my friend Rebecca rightly pointed out, sure they love each other, but it’s platonic love. It’s the kind of love that childhood friends feel for one another, not the kind that leads you to marriage. Jo likes to spend time with Laurie because he’s her friend and they have fun together, not because she wants to kiss him, like Amy. If anyone does belong with Laurie, it’s Amy, but I’ll get to that later.
Jo and Laurie don’t make sense together. Jo even said as much in Gerwig’s adaptation, when she explains her reasoning to Laurie as to why they wouldn’t work as a couple. And her reasons are legitimate!! They wouldn’t work, not when Jo’s life is dedicated to her writing. Again, she doesn’t have the time to focus on romantic love when she’s an aspiring writer.
Forcing their romance in Jo and Laurie just doesn’t work. And here’s some more reasons why. It’s out of character for Jo. It’s a retcon of the actual story. Laurie realizes they wouldn’t work, too. They are best friends, and that’s that. Truly, I don’t think anyone should mess with that.
Okay time to talk about Amy March, one of my all-time favorite characters. In the book, Amy and Laurie get together. It’s the perfect outcome: Amy saves her family by marrying rich (marriage is an economic proposition during this time, after all) AND she gets to marry the guy she’s been in love with for forever. Amy is the only one in Little Women who understands the plight of women, made extremely clear in Gerwig’s adaptation when she speaks with Laurie of marrying Fred. Obviously she marries Laurie instead, but the result is the same.
Again, as my friend pointed out, Amy is the hero of Little Women. She’s the one who gets married, brings money into the family, and, essentially, saves them from poverty. It’s heroic.
If Jo ends up with Laurie, though, like we can assume in Jo and Laurie, then Amy isn’t a hero. She’s a villain who’s in love with Jo’s man and the antagonist in the March family. We’re already given negative perceptions of Amy by some of her actions, the most significant being the burning of Jo’s writing. This is one of the most heartbreaking moments, particularly in the film as you must watch the pages burn and know that Amy is responsible.
This paints Amy as Jo’s antagonist and also turns her into a villain who doesn’t want her sister to be happy. So, when she ultimately marries Laurie, gets her happy ending, and also saves her family? It redeems her! She’s not this selfish girl who steals her sister’s man; she’s saving her family by marrying a rich man she just so happens to be in love with, which works because Jo isn’t in love with him romantically, anyway. She just wants a BFF.
So, Amy isn’t an unlikeable character; she’s just a sibling who fights with her sisters and wants to ensure they have enough money to survive. Little Women allows us to understand this. I doubt, however, that Jo and Laurie will give us this same character development.
Let’s think about some hypotheticals here: Jo likes Laurie. Laurie likes Jo. Amy likes Laurie. Jo and Amy fight over Laurie. Amy does something bad and becomes the villain. Jo and Laurie end up together, leaving Amy’s character in the dust and her development completely erased. See the problem?
And I know that might not be what happens, but even if the book only focuses on Jo and Laurie as characters, it’s still a disservice to such an incredible character like Amy, who goes through, arguably, the most transformation in the story. She’s also one of the strongest characters, and by taking her out of it, you’re erasing her contributions to the March family entirely.
I could talk about Jo and Amy March forever, but I now want to switch to the subject of fanfiction, because it’s blatantly obvious that Jo and Laurie is a fanfiction retcon of Little Women.
I don’t think it deserves space next to Little Women, not with the way it’s anticipated to end. It completely erases the story of Little Women, especially for younger people, who may pick up Jo and Laurie and assume this is how the story ends. Unfortunately that leaves readers unaware of the strength of Alcott’s work.
Also, why are you trying to be Louisa May Alcott? These are her characters and her story. I understand that the copyright is long gone and it’s public domain, but still, don’t you have some creativity? Why not write a story with your own characters and plot, instead of retconning an iconic work and completely butchering it? I’m so frustrated at the lack of creativity. Like, if you want to write Little Women fanfiction, I’m here for it and I’ll support you, but don’t try to publish it and make money off of it. It’s not your work, it’s not your characters, and it’s not fair to Alcott and her legacy.
No is allowed to make money off of fanfiction, and that’s completely justified. I’m a fanfic writer myself, but even I wouldn’t dare to try and publish a story using someone else’s characters. I mean, it’s illegal, immoral, and just plain wrong. They are the original author’s characters, and no one should be making money off of them but the author. Again, if you want to put it on Archive of Our Own or Tumblr or on social media, go for it, but trying to sell it is just plain wrong. And Jo and Laurie is no exception. These are Alcott’s characters; if you want to write about them and change their story, go for it, but if you try to get it published? Shame on you.
Obviously I’m frustrated with Jo and Laurie, bu I encourage you to make your own decisions regarding the book. Keep in mind, though, the importance of Louisa May Alcott and the legacy of Little Women, as well as the significance of characters like Amy and Jo March.
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zrtranscripts · 3 years
Season 9, Mission 13: Dig Your Own Hole
Green Route
[helicopter takes off and flies away]
SAM YAO: Well, that was incredibly cool! All my Airwolf fantasies come true. Besides, that chopper was a lot more comfortable than Skull-Kicker's little plane. Although can people have dropped us off at Red Scorpion Base instead of way out in the desert?
JANINE DE LUCA: They would have been shot down. Red Scorpion Base is protected by automated surface-to-air defense systems, highly sophisticated. It must contain something valuable indeed.
MARYAM ABANI: Hmm. Oh, a deadly secret.
JANINE DE LUCA: Red fungus run rampant, perhaps.
PETER LYNNE: Or one of Van Ark's little experiments.
JANINE DE LUCA: Whatever it is, Bakari's message said that getting it out of Red Scorpion Base would prevent countless deaths, and we must proceed on that basis. Now, we're approaching the checkpoint. I trust you have all prepared your cover identities. I am Steel Fist. Peter, you are Visage. And Five, Vampire Squid. Dr. Abani, your alias is Doctor Death. And Mr. Yao, yours is Sven "Psycho" Mountback. It is imperative that we remain in character at all times.
SAM YAO: Why are you looking at me?
[footsteps rustle through sand, a tap on a glass window, window opens]
GUARD: Papers.
SAM YAO: Here you go, officer.
GUARD: Put your feet in the prints. Looking at the cameras. Keep still.
[camera whirs]
SAM YAO: So how's your day going? Gets a bit boring out here, I'd imagine. Not much I Spy material, is there? Also, there's only one of you. [whispers] Ow! Why are you kicking me?
GUARD: Done. You guys are running pretty late. Gets a bit spicy this time of day. Still, you'll be all right, long as you stick to the green route.
SAM YAO: What's the green route?
GUARD: Brad, raise the gates.
BRAD: Copy that.
[gates raise]
GUARD: Okay, you can go. Do not deviate from the green route. Better run.
SAM YAO: Oh wow. Surprises me every time I see it, the color of the sand. Sort of burnt orange, like it soaked up the sunset. Not seeing much green, though. Where's this route?
PETER LYNNE: You know it's not literally green, Sam. It's green as in safe, I'd imagine. As opposed to, you know, red for painfully fatal. They must have sent the route to the real Death's Hand, and we'll just have to guess.
JANINE DE LUCA: According to Mr. Boujettif's sources, the principal threat en route to Red Scorpion Base is zombies. We have sight lines for miles in every direction, we should be fine. The principal threat when we reach the base would appear to be Mr. Yao.
SAM YAO: Me? Why?
MARYAM ABANI: Uh, your behavior at the checkpoint wasn't very... assassin-y.
SAM YAO: Oh, right. Yeah, sorry. You should have seen me at immigration. You know that bit where they used to look down at your passport and then up at you like 20 times? Just had to fill in that silence.
JANINE DE LUCA: But Sven Mountback would not. If he is famed for one thing other than prowess with illicit software and garrotting wires, it is taciturnity.
PETER LYNNE: Yes. We're sort of looking for um, gruff monosyllables rather than this whole sweaty, needy thing, charming though it is, obviously. But you've got it easy. I mean, Five's identity is Vampire Squid, and that's all anyone knows. I will say, I am highly impressed with your interpretation, Five.
MARYAM ABANI: [giggles] Yes. I wish I had your imagination. I had to base Doctor Death on the villain from a Nigerian children's television show.
SAM YAO: Ooh... oh, was that the one with the child detectives? Because Frances was talking about that the other day. Her grandmother used to put it on and -
JANINE DE LUCA: Don't get distracted. There are a number of bones in the sand, human bones. The desert may not be as empty as it appears. We must cross before darkness falls. Let's run.
MARYAM ABANI: I don't see any zombies. Maybe we found the green route?
JANINE DE LUCA: Perhaps, though the human remains are troubling. Hard to tell if they are old or recently picked clean by vultures.
PETER LYNNE: So uh, speaking of uh, bones to pick, we have some... reunions coming up. Van Ark, for instance. We've all got a few things we'd like to say to him. And um, Bakari might remind us of certain things, people. Raw nerves, maybe.
JANINE DE LUCA: Yes, Peter. Tom has been much on my mind.
PETER LYNNE: Oh. Uh, right.
JANINE DE LUCA: I've been allowing myself to dwell on... such matters, to work through them perhaps, as you have all encouraged me to do.
PETER LYNNE: Oh. And uh, are you... okay?
JANINE DE LUCA: It has been... a difficult time. Bakari... his betrayal was unforgivable, of course. But the thought of him... it has brought back memories. When Tom and I moved in with him, that wasn't an easy time, either. We'd just lost our parents, but we were together. That closeness... it has been years since I felt that. But... well, I feel it now. I feel it with you, P- on the horizon, to the east. What is that?
PETER LYNNE: Hmm? Oh. Uh, uh, well, I think that's a camel.
JANINE DE LUCA: Then there may be people. Perhaps they're following the green route. Runner Five, binoculars please. [bag rustles] The camel is laden with packs, but no one is leading it. What happened to... the camel would appear to have been sucked into the sand.
SAM YAO: Crap.
PETER LYNNE: Hooray, a monosyllable!
JANINE DE LUCA: I fear that was not a natural phenomenon. Quicksand does not claim its victims that fast. We must redouble our pace to reach Red Scorpion Base before it claims us. Run.
SAM YAO: These dunes are bigger than they looked, aren't they?
MARYAM ABANI: It's because they're featureless, no scale. During my training, I provided medical support to ultramarathon runners in the Namib Desert and they found it very difficult to pace themselves on the dunes.
SAM YAO: Yeah, what are these ridge things criss-crossing all over the sand? Looks like there's tubes underneath. Maybe they deliver water to Red Scorpion Base.
PETER LYNNE: Yeah, I reckon Sod's Law is that they're actually just something really, really horrible.
JANINE DE LUCA: Let us not conjure threats because we have seen something unusual. Perhaps we've simply witnessed a camel falling down a hole.
MARYAM ABANI: There was sucking, too. I-I definitely heard -
[zombie screams]
SAM YAO: Screamer, top of the dune! [gunshot] Nice shooting, Five.
[zombies scream]
MARYAM ABANI: Looks like the screams attracted more zombies.
JANINE DE LUCA: We may be able to use this to our advantage. I will position myself atop the large dune to the east. The screamers will be drawn towards you, and I will have a clear shot. Steel Fist's weapon is an M82 rifle. I will dispatch the zombies long before they reach you. Continue on your current heading. I'll rejoin you once the threat is eliminated. Run.
[zombies scream]
SAM YAO: Okay Janine, we're between two pretty steep dunes. Don't fancy scrabbling up those with zombies screaming at my heels. Oh God, look at that one. I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. Also, my skull's gone and there's maggots in my brain. They're close enough to make out the maggots, Janine. You all set up to shoot them? Janine?
JANINE DE LUCA: I... I cannot remember how to assemble the rifle.
PETER LYNNE: Hey hey hey, that's-that's okay. Just-just relax, Janine. You let your hands just do their thing. It's muscle memory.
JANINE DE LUCA: The memory has gone, lost when the nanites rebooted me. I... I can't do it.
SAM YAO: Right. Well, we're gonna need a new plan, like now! Those zoms are getting really close -
VERONICA MCSHELL: Janine, it's Veronica. I will guide you. First, remove two pins from the lower half of the rifle. One is at the front of the body. Pull it out. Good. The second is located approximately four inches from the grip. Draw back the bolt, remove the pin, and replace the bolt. You're doing well.
PETER LYNNE: Ooh boy, they are close now. I can smell the rot. Um, no pressure. Running out of time a bit.
VERONICA MCSHELL: Remove the barrel from the case, locate the spring, and attach it to the bolt.
PETER LYNNE: They're coming from both sides.
VERONICA MCSHELL: Draw back the bolt, slide the barrel onto the body. Finally, replace the pins.
PETER LYNNE: Janine? Did you do it? Um, Janine?
SAM YAO: Thanks, Veronica.
PETER LYNNE: Uh, Maryam, uh, the sand by your feet is, it's crumbling. I think that it might cave in. [MARYAM screams] Maryam! Maryam, are you all right down there?
MARYAM ABANI: Not really. I'm in some kind of tunnel. There's scratch marks on the walls, like they've been dug with hands. I think something's living down here.
JANINE DE LUCA: Runner Five, extract Dr. Abani from the tunnel immediately.
MARYAM ABANI: Thanks, Five.
JANINE DE LUCA: More screamers have our location, and I do not want to find out what lives in the tunnels. We must leave this unstable ground immediately. There are rocky outcrops to the northwest. Run.
PETER LYNNE: Uh, give me a hand up to that rock, would you, Five? Cheers. Are you all right, Janine?
JANINE DE LUCA: It is disconcerting to lose a memory. I'll be sure to discuss it with Dr. Myers. For now, we have more pressing concerns.
SAM YAO: Yeah. like that rumbling noise.
MARYAM ABANI: And whatever lives in those tunnels. The tunnels were person-sized, Janine, some bigger. And something made them. But what kind of person would dig a tunnel like that with their hands?
JANINE DE LUCA: Nothing lives in the tunnels. They and the rumbling sound are the result of tectonic activity.
PETER LYNNE: Um, Janine?
JANINE DE LUCA: We're on top of a fault line - what was that?
PETER LYNNE: Oh, that. Well, that was a bit of a camel. See, the desert just spat it out miles from where it got sucked down.
SAM YAO: Oh God, that's a hump. Something definitely does live in those tunnels. It hunts camels. Camels are big. Oh crap!
PETER LYNNE: Yeah, it doesn't just hunt them, it uh, also dismembers them, of course. It's um, ripped that camel to pieces and then chosen to lob it at us across half a desert. So in short, guys, I don't think this is the green route!
SAM YAO: Oh my God. Look, Five, new tunnels! Over there. Oh, and there. Oh bloody hell, everywhere! They're burrowing towards us!
JANINE DE LUCA: The tunnels form a web. We are at its center, and the predator can sense our movements like a spider does a fly. At the rate the tunnels are approaching, we will need to run as fast as we can if we're to reach Red Scorpion Base before they reach us. Go now, run!
JANINE DE LUCA: The tunneling has stopped. The ground feels firmer here by Red Scorpion's entrance. Metal must have been sunk beneath the ground to prevent the... borrowing entities from reaching the entrance. We have found the green route at last.
SAM YAO: Yeah, and the uh, entities aren't happy about it.
JANINE DE LUCA: Their presence complicates our exit strategy, but we have a more immediate problem: me. What happened with the rifle may happen inside the base. I may be unable to recall the details of my cover. I might put you all in danger. Perhaps I should return to New Agadir.
[alarm blares, gates raise]
JANINE DE LUCA: We must compose ourselves. We've been running hard and the guards will look askance at our exhaustion. Mr. Yao, dab your forehead.
GUARD: Welcome to FOB Red Scorpion. You're late and sweaty.
SAM YAO: [deep gruff voice] Zoms.
GUARD: You must be Mountback. Heard you killed 10 men with nothing but dental floss. And I guess you're Vampire – [radio beeps] Sir? Roger that. General Bakari has some pressing matters to attend to. He will see you later.
JANINE DE LUCA: Fine. Please show us to our bunks.
GUARD: Of course. Follow me. The cells are this way.
PETER LYNNE: [whispers] Come on then, Five. Into the dragon's den we go, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Except for, you know, deadly red fungus, Van Ark, oh, and the fact that we're all lying through our teeth and could get caught at any time. Yay!
Thanks to @mrs-elijah-wood for help on this one!
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Chapter 1
21 July 2314
Musutafu, Japan
The dark cityscape was suddenly illuminated by an explosion in one of the factories of the industrial district. The factories were closed for the day and the workers already went home, something that brought peace into All Might’s mind as victims were the last thing this operation needed. It took them 10 years to locate her. He couldn’t imagine what the poor girl must’ve gone through. In the year 2304, when All Might defeated All for one, the police found several experimentation documents in his hideout. Experiments on creating a weapon to kill All Might. While All for one was the strongest villain to walk the Earth, face to face combat with All Might was something that he wanted to avoid.
The documents mentioned of a girl, age 3 as of then, being given multiple psychological quirks as a fetus. She was the daughter of All for one’s two faithful followers, Empath and Boost. According to the documents, the girl inherited both her parent’s quirks, which were emotional manipulation and quirk enhancement also known as boost, as well as the quirks given to her by All for one, which were, telekinesis, portal creation and time travel. While her quirks were taken from mediocre quirk holders by All for one, her father’s boost made them all uncontrollably strong. A small trigger could make her lose control and cause widespread destruction. However, a quirk that strong comes with drawbacks. Due to her powers being psychological in nature, it increases the movements of her blood cells abnormally, making her blood vessels expand, causing intense pain that may make her lose consciousness. It doesn’t just stop at that. Her quirk doesn’t automatically deactivate when she loses consciousness. Instead, it grows stronger and continues it’s destruction in a much larger scale. The scale of destruction, according to the documents were unknown as there was no experiment done on that yet. To make sure that she doesn’t lose consciousness from the pain, a training regime was created for the three year old. According to the document, the training regime consisted of multiple forms of torture which were so gruesome that it made All Might wince just thinking about it. “I hope she’s alive.” All Might thought before attacking the villain’s base.
The explosion woke you. You were tied up in your room as usual. The light bulb in your room bursted and small shelf broke apart. It always happened when you got startled. “What’s that sound?” you wondered as you sat in the dark room. You weren’t allowed to feel things. Atleast unless they were experimenting on you. However, sometimes you just couldn’t help it. The explosion scared you. You can’t be making these mistakes or the experiments will hurt even more. You sat alone in the darkness till the door was opened by a man. “Is it time for experiments already?” you wondered. “Get up, Nomu. We need to get out of this place” your father hissed at you as he started opening your cuffs. “Why do they call me Nomu?” you wondered yet again. You wondered why ever since you found out what it meant. You were homeschooled by a teacher that your parents kidnapped. The teacher was scared of you. Everyone was scared of you except your parents and aniki... You were scared of your parents. In a flash, your face was splattered with blood as something punched your father, breaking the wall. As you looked at the man before her, only one thing came across your mind. “He killed father… He’s stronger than father… He will kill me now…” you thought as fear consumed you. Just as the man turned his attention towards you, you backed away, shouting “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” with a hoarse tone. The lack of speaking made your throat feel raw. “Don’t worry! I’m here to save…” the man started but you already lost control of your powers. The next thing All Might knew was that he was sent flying alongside the debris of the building.
“Eraser head, seems like I’ll be needing your help after all.” All Might said as he approached the black haired pro hero. They were standing outside the industrial district along with a group of police. After being thrown off by the young girl’s telekinesis, All Might decided to regroup. Your radius of destruction seemed to increase by the minute. You seemed like you were trying her best to control your powers but so far, you were failing. Your expression made it clear to All Might that you were scared. All they needed to do was have a conversation with you without her powers getting in the way. “Is she an enemy? Why did she turn her power on?” Eraser head asked All Might in a monotonic voice. “She’s just scared. I could see it in her face. This is all self defence. It seems like she doesn’t have much control on her quirk.” All Might answered. “I see. Now what do you propose we do?” Eraser head asked. “We need to hurry. Her destructive radius is increasing as we speak. I’ll carry you close enough to her and you need to erase her quirk. There is no other way to stop this.” All Might answered. Other than Eraser head and All Might, no other heroes were informed of this as it was a top secret mission. If the general public found out about the existance of an anti All Might weapon, they would panic. After all, you were a wild card, there was no guarantee that you would be on the hero’s side. The plan was put into action as All Might picked Eraser head up and used Detroit smash to propel himself closer to the epicentre of the flying debris. There you were, levitating, pulling on your own hair to make yourself focus on controlling your powers but yet, failing. It didn’t take long for Eraser head to locate you and erase your quirk. With that, you started falling down, though, All Might quickly caught you and brought you to safety on one of the nearby roofs all while making sure that Eraser head doesn’t lose focus on you.
You were ready to run as soon as All Might put you down. However, you fell on your feet wincing in pain. While you were wearing a T shirt and sweatpants, it didn’t stop All Might from noticing the blue veins that showed through your skin. Your face was full of blue marks, half her hands and your feet as well. Your blood vessels were expanded enough to show on your skin and All Might could only imagine how painful that must be. “Please don’t kill me” you blurted out. Your (E/C) pupils were dilated with fear. They were milky white when you were using your quirk. “Young lady, we are not going to kill you. We are here to help you. Please calm down and listen to us. We won’t hurt you.” All might told you in a gentle tone. No one ever spoke to you like this. “But… You killed him… My father…” you stammered. “Calm down, young lady. I did not kill your father. However, I cannot guarantee his safety anymore since as the debris fell, there’s a high chance that he is dead. I’m sorry about it. The same goes for your mother.” All might explained with a grim yet gentle voice. “I… I killed them?” you asked, wide eyed. You didn’t look sad, infact, you almost looked relieved. “We don’t know that yet. We are here to rescue you. Your parents are villains and they hurt people. We want to give you a chance to change your life. You can learn to control your power without being hurt and you can make friends and have a nice family.” Eraser head told her monotonously. “Yes that’s right young lady! So, would you come with us?” All might smiled at you, holding out a hand. You looked at them for a while and held All might’s hand. “Kill them if they aren’t dead already. They would come back to hurt me if you don’t.” you muttered. “Don’t worry. No one is going to hurt you. You are under our care now. By the way, what’s your name?” All might reassured you and asked you your name. “They called me Nomu.” you answered. “Nomu? Brainless?” All might asked, confused. “She was just a weapon of destruction to them, without her own will. Hence the name ‘Nomu’ or brainless” Eraser head predicted. “Well, we will give her a new name in that case! Let’s go!” All Might said cheerfully before picking you up and heading to where the police were waiting. Eraser head stopped erasing your quirk long ago but it seemed as if the news of your parent’s apparent death and the promise of safety calmed you.
Your POV
March 20 2316
Musutafu, Japan
My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I was the daughter of two villains, Empath and Boost. It was later revealed that my father’s last name was (L/N) and thus, I inherited the name while one of the nurses in Musutafu public hospital gave me my first name as they did a health check-up on me after I was brought to the police. Due to the heavy destruction I caused in the industrial district, my identity had to be published. Now that my existance was no longer a secret, no public school dared to enroll someone as risky as I am and so, with some help from All might and dad (I call Mr Aizawa dad now since he has.been a father figure to me ever since I was rescued), I was admitted in Soumei Junior high in Tokyo. As dad was in charge of taking care of me, I lived in Musutafu and travelled to Tokyo everyday to go to school. I was never academically excellent, I was more or less an average student. Dad made sure that I get therapy for the last two years, to bring my emotions in control, not by force but by actual professional help. To be fair, it worked. I could control my powers better now unless I got caught off guard by some sudden emotion. It wasn’t like I had to force myself not to feel anything. I just didn’t let it’s intensity get to me. If any emotion such as fear from a tire bursting suddenly got to me, it would end mostly in a broken lightbulb or something close to that. However, it never got worse than this unless I tried to train with dad. There were times when I was close to losing control but dad erased my quirk before that happened. For the daughter of two villains that I accidentally killed, I had a normal life. I couldn’t be more grateful about it. Currently, I was training to get into U.A, the most prestigious hero academy in Japan. It may sound cliche but after All might held out his hand to me two years back, my life changed. If those villains didn’t exist, maybe I could’ve had the normal life I have now for a longer time. Maybe I wouldn’t have to deal with this quirk that makes me stay alert all the time. That could potentially destroy the world if I am not careful enough. Yes, my quirk can destroy the world if I lose control completely. The cameras in the industrial district recorded the damage I caused in a matter of minutes. I still had my consciousness back then and I had control on my power to some extent. The data the scientists in I island collected on my destructive power predicted that without any control, I could level the Earth. Even All might wouldn’t be able to stop it. I had to be careful every second of my life just because of these villains. I couldn’t experience emotions rawly, only because these villains exist. I have therefore decided that I would go to U.A and become the number 1 hero. I would destroy the existance of villains so that no one will ever have to go through the life that I went through.
I was standing in U.A’s practical test ground. I already got in by recommendations but they still decided to take an exam to see if we were good enough to get a recommendation. The exam consisted of a written test, a practical test and an interview. I knew I’d get average grades in the written test as I was always an average student. I had to show them my strength in the practical test. It was a three kilometers long obstacle course. Something that I could end in mere moments. Pro hero Present Mic was in charge of invigilating us. I recognised one of the students standing there at the starting line with me. Endeavour’s son. I didn’t know his name though. Judging by his expression, he didn’t seem to want to talk. “Use your quirks freely to reach the finish line!” Present Mic explained simply before the starting buzzer went off. While others used their powers to run, I merely opened a portal and reached the finish line. “No 17 reaches the finish line in just a second! That’s faster than ever recorded! It wasn’t even a competition!” Present Mic shouted. I just smiled at him slightly as I waited for the others to finish.
“Hello (L/N) chan! I’ll be taking your interview!” Midnight sensei told me as I entered the interview room. She knew me well enough as I lived with dad in UA grounds as dad was the only one who could keep my powers in control in case if something goes wrong and dad lived in his quarters in the UA campus as he is a teacher in UA. Dad had been training me to control my quirk for the past 2 years, however, as I wasn’t enrolled in UA, he couldn’t give me any training to strengthen it as it was against protocol. “Yes, Midnight sensei” I answered with a polite smile. Everyone in the faculty liked me as I was always cheerful and lively. I never failed to be nice to everyone I knew, which is why I had a good relationship with pretty much everyone. After all, I spent years having no one who was remotely nice to me, which is why I didn't want anyone to feel the way I did. Midnight sensei asked me why I wanted to be a hero and I gave the typical textbook answer. Killing villains was against protocol after all. While I did follow the rules, this was something I couldn’t agree with. However, I decided not to let others know about my intention. The interview was bland and it was over as unceremoniously as it started. All I had to do was wait for the acceptance letter.
April 01 2316
Musutafu, Japan
I was supposed to get my acceptance letter today. I already knew what it’d be like. I knew how school life was here in UA. After all I did live here for 2 years. However, I still felt a certain excitement deep down. It only increased when dad knocked on the door to my room to give me the envelope. He stood there as I opened it and found the device. “That’s new” I wondered. Suddenly, a projection started out startling me, hence making me end up breaking yet another light bulb in my room. Dad only shook his head in frustration. He had been trying to get me to stop breaking things every time I got startled by something but so far, it didn’t work. My powers were too annoying… “I am here as a projection!” All might shouted. To be fair, anyone would be startled if the begining of a projection starts with All might shouting. He mentioned that I got accepted into UA and gave a motivational speech. The letter along with device consisted of the class routine, section name, and where to send measurements for the uniform and the hero costume. Apparently I was in Class 1A. “Didn’t you already make a costume design? Let’s go give the support department what they need. There’s no reason to delay things.” dad told me in his usual monotone tone. “Okay. I’ll get dressed.” I told him before he left the room. A small smile formed on my lips. I was getting closer to my aim. My aim to become the number 1 hero.
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xmanicpanicx · 4 years
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1) It’s been several years since you self-published the original version of Thorn. What major differences can your oldest fans expect from the new version?
Since being indie published, Thorn has gone through some major revisions—four rounds with my editors at HarperTeen, plus a couple of beta rounds as well. I restructured the middle of the story to improve pacing (and when I say restructure, I mean things like “move a character death up by eight chapters” which completely messes with your story logic and has ramifications that cascade through the rest of the book… yay me taking that on with a bright little smile!). I also delved much more deeply into Princess Alyrra’s point of view, which will hopefully result in a deeper and more emotionally resonant read. The story overall has grown by over 20,000 words!
2) What made you first decide to write Thorn and to model it after the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale “The Goose Girl”?
I wrote the first draft of Thorn my senior year of university, in large part just to see if I could. I had always wanted to write a novel, so I set myself the challenge to write a chapter a week, and chose a fairy tale I loved as the basis. For unknown reasons, I thought having a plot ready-made would make writing easier. Let’s just say I had a lot to learn (both about fairy tales and writing!).
If you haven’t read it, “The Goose Girl” is a rather strange story about a princess who goes off to marry her betrothed, has her identity stolen by her maid along the way, and happily agrees to be a goose girl upon arrival in her new land. She also has a talking horse (who never tells anyone what happened) and, in the original, can command the wind, though she apparently forgot to use this power to defend herself from the maid.
This story raised a lot of questions for me, about why a princess would walk away from an apparent place of power and privilege, and what power we really have to choose our own fate when it feels like so many of our life decisions have already been decided for us, and what the ramifications are of walking away from one’s life when given the chance. Thorn grew from this into a story that is both dark and whimsical, packed with sorrow and with hope. It’s a tale of betrayal, and injustice, and sorcery, and learning to be strong in who you are and fight for what you understand to be right.
3) You handle a lot of difficult subjects in Thorn: domestic abuse, sexual violence, the motives behind villains’ actions, and, most importantly, what justice really is. How did you take on the challenge of writing about these things, especially something so contentious as justice?
I think it helped a lot that I wrote those first drafts for myself and no one else. It allowed me to engage with big, deep issues without worrying what a reader or publisher would think: it was for me, and a lot of what I wrote about were things I was struggling with myself. To be clear, I am not a victim of abuse or assault, but I am well aware of the impact of such violence on those around me. I was frustrated by YA reads treating these issues as if they could be magically shaken off or recovered from with the snap of one’s fingers. That does a disservice to all of our young people—to those who struggle and cannot shake off the trauma of what has been done to them (because that’s not how that works), and to those around them who can’t understand why they can’t shake off their past as easily as changing their clothes. When I realized that Alyrra was able to walk away from her life at court precisely because it had never granted her true safety despite her apparent rank and privilege, I knew that I would have to write her history of abuse as honestly and compassionately as possible.
With relation to justice—I first drafted Thorn the year of 9/11. I watched my country reel from the terrorist attack, and then turn our anger and firepower against whole other nations, rather than just the terrorist cells at play, making average citizens pay the price for an attack that they in no way caused… I struggled deeply with conceptions of justice, and what justice is without mercy, and the line between justice and revenge when it feels impossible to get justice at all. I don’t think there are any easy answers; like Alyrra, I think we must all continue to struggle to understand what justice looks like in the world around us, and how best to temper it with mercy.
4) If Thorn were to be made into a movie, who would be your dream cast?
Confession: I don’t watch a lot of movies, and I’m absolutely terrible at remembering names and faces in real life, let alone folks whom I only ever see on a screen for a short time (since having kids I have become inherently incapable of following series). But! I actually asked my launch team this question just for fun a few weeks ago, so I’m gonna draw from their suggestions based on how well they seem to mesh with my own ideas. *cough* *cough* That’s totally not cheating, right?
Princess Alyrra, heroine who’d rather just be a goose girl, goes to Jenna Coleman. This is actually a hard pick because Alyrra isn’t beautiful; she’s pleasant. So, honestly, if I knew more actresses, I’d pick someone with more of a girl-next-door look than a Hollywood shine.
Prince Kestrin, all shady and suspicious-like cuz reasons but actually a cinnamon roll at heart, goes to Dev Patel. For Valka, companion to Alyrra and her arch-nemesis, I’d pick Rose Leslie. And I’d choose Tilda Swinton as the Fae sorceress / lady whose look is basically death.
5) At the end of the original Thorn, you have an author’s note stating that you are in the process of writing a companion trilogy to Thorn. Goodreads is also listing Thorn as the first in a series. Can we expect more adventures for Alyrra, Kestrin, and Red Hawk in the future?  
Yes! I just turned in edits on The Theft of Sunlight, the first in a companion duology to Thorn that features a new heroine, Rae. You’ll find a short story featuring her at the back of Thorn titled “The Bone Knife.” (Or you might have been one of those early readers who managed to nab it on it’s own back when it was indie published). Rae’s a fabulous heroine to write, dour and pragmatic, with a wonderfully dry sense of humor, and more than capable of doing whatever is needed to save her friends and her people. She ends up in the capital city, investigating what happens to the children who disappear off the streets across Menaiya. And she most certainly meets up with Alyrra, Kestrin, and a certain street thief or two. I am hoping to write a number of companion novels in this world, so hopefully we’ll continue to catch glimpses of beloved characters over the years to come.
6) Any final comments?
I just wanted to say thank you so much for hosting me on your blog! I hope everyone is staying well, staying home as much as possible, and washing your hands. My previous life was as a public health consultant with the Cincinnati Health Department, and I’m counting on all of you to do your best to keep everyone around us well. 😉 Take care!
Thanks, Intisar! We can’t wait for your next book. 🙂
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P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
ooh!!! okay, hmm....... well i'm sure i'm not gonna come up with anything original, but i love superhero aus!
in this universe, everyone kinda knows each other (as humans—they don't know each other's superhero identities yet!) and they all live in a similar area and have mixed friend groups, but they have to balance their regular lives and their powered lives. this world is similar to our own, but it's not the same! it's set in the future, but it's almost dystopian, and much more gritty. there are things like slavery and a prominent presence of dark topics in this, so be warned!
logan would be the main character (main point of view) and leader of the "good side", and his powers would be mind-based—he can use telepathy, telekinesis (and can therefore fly), and can manipulate all forms of technology. he's smart, but that's less about his powers and more about him just Being Like That. his powers allow him access to a lot of classified information and have made his senses extremely sharp, but his intelligence doesn't only come from that. he's the leader because he's collected, level-headed, neutral and unbiased (he still fights for the greater good, but he won't immediately pass judgement without context), and he always thinks ten steps ahead of whoever he's battling to emerge the winner. he tries his best to always understand who he's going up against to make sure that he can 1. win and 2. not fight someone who isn't actually on the other side, which has kept them all out of trouble on numerous occasions. he acts as a mediator, is always the one who has to stay stoic and unyielding no matter how much he wants to break down sometimes when the stress gets to him, no matter how much he wants to complain or cry when he gets injured like everyone else, no matter how much he just wants a hug after a particularly brutal battle, no matter how much the responsibility of being the leader and decision-maker and the one who keeps their team together is weighing him down more and more every single day. it doesn't matter what he wants, because his calculated demeanour has been beaten into him since he was a child, and he couldn't disappoint his father, now could he? so he sits quiet and bears it, no matter how much he flinches when something reminds him of that cellar and those chains and that shiny metal. he's the leader, and he's sure as hell gonna act like one.
roman fights very close to logan's side, covering all the bases logan can't. although logan is by no means helpless without his powers, he still relies too much on his telekinesis to fight, and his physical strength and hand-to-hand combat is something he must be vigorously trained in before he gets into a situation where he is left unable to use his psychic abilities in battle. until then, roman picks up the slack—his strength is unmatched, superhuman, and his style of combat revolves around aggressive attacks that don't let the enemy catch their breath. roman can create any object from nothing, but it cannot stay materialized for long, so he has learned to adapt to that ability and use it to it's fullest potential. and sure, he thinks his powers aren't as cool as the others' are, hates how useless he feels, like he isn't an asset to the team at all. that maybe they'd be better without him. but he'll bite his tongue, pretend like the energy shards dug deep into his heart don't exist, and play the hero for another day.
patton is on their side too, but he doesn't like fighting, so he stays in the backline a majority of the time. his powers allow him to heal injuries (although not those that are fatal), manipulate emotional states, and can give a temporary boost of strength and adrenaline to someone for a short amount of time. he doesn't use this often because it saps away at his own strength, but it's still a viable option if the opponent is too strong. he can't stop the immeasurable guilt he feels any time he has to fight someone, the darkness and sadness lying in a blanket over his heart making him wearier and wearier day by day, but if he can just help one more person, he'll gladly smile and bear it.
dee got his powers much later than everyone else, but he serves as a protector. he can create impenetrable shields, put the enemy's vision and hearing out of commission temporarily, and can create sentries that he can command to do whatever he wants, whether it's to fight or to round up civilians and get them out of harm's way so dee can focus solely on the fight. logan, roman, and patton only found out about him when the three of them had been overwhelmed by an enemy, seconds away from defeat, and dee had jumped in to put up an energy shield to save them. he uses long, electric whips made of pure energy that barely seem to have a physical form, but they sure as hell hurt. nobody really knows much about him, or why he decided to save them and continue to fight, but they figure that they shouldn't question extra help, right? it doesn't matter that patton can sometimes feel a deep, acute, aching pain from him, doesn't matter than roman has noticed the strange glowing symbols on his whips, doesn't matter when logan notices those exact same symbols glowing on the cuffs around his wrists and shackle around his neck that becomes very slightly visible when he thinks nobody can see him. it's fine, right? right?
remus is one of the "villains" they fight a lot, and his chaos knows no bounds. he's extremely unpredictable partially because he doesn't fight on one particular side. he just does whatever he thinks is fun, whether that's helping the heroes in a battle or being the one the heroes are fighting against. he can alter reality (impermanently) to create confusion, such as making a bouquet of roses turn into moths that fly in your face. patton is terrified of him, roman thinks he's a nuisance, logan wants to know what's really going on, and deceit just wants him to stop turning his whips into really long worms. he doesn't seem evil or like he's ever trying to actually hurt the heroes, but half of what he says never makes sense, so his intentions are impossible to determine. they pretty much just let him do whatever he wants, since he hasn't killed a single civilian in the time he's been active. he never seems to stay in one place, constantly bouncing around, never one to stay put. over time, it reads less as excitement and more like caution, and suddenly the scars littering his body become more and more concerning.
and finally virgil, who is the main villain they fight against. he's rash, angry, and abrasive, constantly littering the fight with insults and jabs. he seems to care very little about the fallout of their fights, and collateral damage is something they come to expect when fighting him. he conjures violent storms, lighting and hurricanes and tornadoes and thunder so loud it could take out your hearing. he's like a shadow, slipping in between the crevices, easily sneaking up behind you to deliver another devastating blow. they all are extremely wary when he appears in the city, ready to have another massive fight with plenty of structural damage to the buildings around them. but then one day, he stumbles to them, looking confused and absolutely nothing like the villain they know, and he remembers nothing about being said villain. he's just a guy, a normal guy with a normal life, normal friends and a normal family and— and he doesn't remember anything from when he's supposed to be at home, the days that line up with villainous attacks. he's been an unwilling participant in this game of heroes vs. villains, an enemy who doesn't even know they're an enemy. and upon digging into this mess, they all uncover some seriously dark shit going on in this city, a plot for destruction and takeover using mind control, and virgil has been the very first test subject of this mysterious figure pulling the strings from the shadows.
so, uh. this got long! but i love this au already and would gladly talk more about it if y'all wanted 👀👀
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jennaschererwrites · 4 years
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Inside the Groundbreaking Queer Reboot of ‘She-Ra’ | Rolling Stone
We’re all shaped by the myths we grow up with, whether it’s the stories we learn from holy books or Saturday morning cartoons. Kids who see themselves as the hero learn to center themselves in their own life stories. Kids who see their experiences relegated to the sidelines, or not represented at all, come away with a very different lesson — one that can take years to unlearn.
Which is exactly what makes a show like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power so vital. Since its premiere in 2018, Noelle Stevenson’s reboot of the cult Eighties cartoon has joined a revolution in the world of children’s animation, combining classic genre storytelling with diverse representation and a progressive worldview (see also: Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra, Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time and Steven Universe). In its fifth and final season, which dropped on Netflix last month, She-Ra rounded out its 52-episode run by centering a queer romance — specifically, between its hero, Adora, and her best frenemy Catra — and positing that such a love can, quite literally, save the world.
“I knew from the start that it wasn’t going to be easy,” says Stevenson, speaking via phone from Los Angeles. “Because this is She-Ra. To have the culmination of her arc be this lesbian love plot is a big deal! And I understood that. But I also felt that it was really important.”
The original She-Ra: Princess of Power was a 1985 Filmation spin-off of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which itself was based on a line of Mattel action figures. Set on the planet of Etheria, She-Ra follows a band of magical princesses in their rebellion against the Evil Horde, a totalitarian sci-fi regime bent on global domination. Adora is an ex-Horde soldier who joins the rebellion after she gains the ability to transform into She-Ra, a superpowered Chosen One with glowing blue eyes, a mystical sword, and a very cool outfit.
In 2015, when Stevenson, then 23, found out that DreamWorks Animation was looking for someone to pitch a new take on She-Ra, she jumped at the chance. She was already an Eisner Award-winning cartoonist and writer who had made a name for herself with works like her web comic-turned-graphic novel Nimona and the Boom! Studios series Lumberjanes.
“The world [of She-Ra] is so incredibly vibrant, and has so many powerful female characters. It’s this world that has all my interests rolled into one: It’s got the flying ponies and superpowers and all of these things that, immediately, I was like, ‘I want to do this. I want to be the one to do this,’” she says.
While Stevenson’s reimagination of the world of Etheria pays tribute to its predecessor, it includes some key differences. The reboot transforms the musclebound, scantily-clad grownups of the original series into awkward teens in much more practical (but still very sparkly) clothing. In addition to embracing a diversity of races, genders, and body types, the She-Ra reboot fleshes out the characters and their backstories, giving them fully-fledged arcs and complicating the good/evil binary of the original. The princesses of the rebellion aren’t simply heroic, and the soldiers of the Horde aren’t simply villains; everyone’s just a human being (or scorpion person or alien clone or flying horse, as the case may be) trying to make their way in a world that doesn’t offer easy solutions. It’s also, incidentally, really funny.
For Stevenson, it was crucial that the characters felt three-dimensional, and that it was their choices that guided the direction of the storytelling. “The characters all began with a deep personal flaw, and the process of making the show was kind of giving them the room to process those flaws. But we wanted it to feel organic. We wanted the characters to feel like real people that we knew,” she explains.
From the start, She-Ra’s most compelling tension was always between Adora (Aimee Carrero) and Catra (AJ Michalka), Adora’s childhood best friend who becomes her bitterest rival after Adora leaves the Horde to join the rebellion. In the show’s first four seasons, the two continually fight and reconcile and break apart again, their obsession with each other marking them as something more than frenemies.
“It’s a dynamic that I find really interesting: the attraction and the tension between the villain and the hero, especially when they know each other better than anyone. They love each other, but there’s something between them that cannot be overcome,” Stevenson says.
Stevenson always knew that she wanted the relationship between Catra and Adora to be a romantic one; but she had to walk a fine line, because she didn’t know if the studio would give her the go-ahead to put an explicitly lesbian love story front and center. At first, as in Steven Universe, Rebecca Sugar’s radically progressive series that aired its final episodes earlier this year, she steeped the world of the She-Ra reboot in queerness. The show features multiple side characters in same-sex relationships, characters who flout traditional gender roles, and even a nonbinary character (Double Trouble, voiced by transgender writer and activist Jacob Tobia).
Still, Stevenson, herself a gay woman, wanted young viewers to be able to see a queer relationship that wasn’t just incidental, but central to the plot of the entire series. “I’ve loved these stories my entire life, you know? I was a huge Star Wars and Lord of the Rings fan as a kid. But there weren’t a lot of characters that I felt personally represented by,” she says. “We love what makes these stories classic, but we’ve seen them all culminate in the same kind of romance so many times: The hero gets the girl, he gets the kiss, and then he saves the world. And it’s not just [swapping] the man and the woman for two women. You have to actually approach it from a standpoint of: How do you make these stories, at their roots, queer?
“So that’s what I was trying to do — for little queer kids to see that this is normal, that these are stories that can happen and that exist, and that can center them and make them feel seen and understood.”
Whether or not Adora and Catra’s romance would become canonical was in the hands of the studio, and it was a risk Stevenson couldn’t be sure it would be willing to take. So the show played a long game — hinting at a romantic dynamic between the two without making it explicit, for fear of disappointing fans in the end if they weren’t able to deliver. Fortunately, a groundswell of viewer support for a potential relationship between the characters — a phenomenon known in the fan community as “shipping” — allowed Stevenson to make a case to the studio for supporting the story she wanted to tell with She-Ra.
“Just as I had hoped, people started picking up on this tension and getting really passionate about it,” she says. “It was immediately one of the strongest fandom ships right out of the gate. And that was when I finally showed my hand and was like, ‘Look. We’ve got a bunch of people who, just off Season One, are really, really excited about the gay representation in this show. I have been planning for this. And here’s how it needs to end, and not just because I want a moment that everyone’s gonna talk about. It’s the logical conclusion of both their character arcs. They need each other.’”
Finally, after years of hedging their bets, Stevenson and her collaborators got the go-ahead from DreamWorks. “I really wanted it to be so central to the plot that if at any point they were like, ‘Oh, we changed our minds, we want to take it out again,’ they wouldn’t be able to, because it would be so baked in,” she explains. “The temperature is not always right, and depending on what’s happening in the world, not everyone wants to be the studio that sticks their neck out and makes a statement like this. You will get a flat ‘no’ sometimes. But if you bide your time, or you come at it from another angle, that can change. You just have to keep pushing.”
Feedback for the conclusion of She-Ra has been overwhelmingly positive both from critics and fans. Viewer support has been pouring out in the form of social media posts, YouTube reaction videos, and fan art and fan fiction. Stevenson, who first made a name for herself online with Lord of the Rings and Avengers fan art, has been blown away by the support from She-Ra lovers. “That’s how you know that you’re successful at what you set out to do — if people are getting inspired by the stories that you’re telling. I think that that’s the beauty of fan work, is that it’s an evolution of the genre. We take that inspiration and create something new all the time.”
Unfettered by restrictions, the final season of She-Ra is a tightly plotted, character-driven masterwork, featuring a slow-burn redemption arc, a harrowing villain, and a timely message about the power of love and unity against the forces of repression and tyranny. It’s a show about becoming kinder and more open in the face of unrelenting darkness, about banding together to prepare for the worst, but always hoping for the best in spite of overwhelming odds.
Stevenson says that she and her team began work on She-Ra in the aftermath of the 2016 election. “The veil was ripped off, and we had to reckon with a world that we hadn’t expected. And that theme of relying on each other and being stronger together became so much more relevant,” she recalls. “I remember writing one script after a particularly bad news day where it just felt like nothing was ever going to be OK again. It’s an episode where Adora realizes that there are supposed to be stars in the sky, and there aren’t any more stars. And as Aimee [Carrero] was recording the lines, she was crying, and we were crying, because we were all experiencing this together — the idea that things were changing in maybe irreparable ways.”
The refrain of She-Ra’s catchy-as-hell power-pop theme song is “We must be strong, and we must be brave.” According to Stevenson, that’s easier said than done; but the whole point of the series is that you have to try anyway. It’s a message that rings especially true at this moment in our world when it seems like everything is spinning out of control, and it’s all too easy to feel helpless.
“It always comes back to this — when you realize that there’s a great evil or a great darkness that won’t just go away from one fight,” Stevenson says. “It boils up, and it can be pushed back down, but it’s something that we’ll probably have to be fighting for the rest of our lives. That’s really hard to do, and it makes you really tired sometimes, and it can be really scary. But when you are surrounded by the people that you love, and when you have that love for the people around you, then that strength is possible.”
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The Real Story Behind The Annabelle Doll, And The Other Haunted Dolls You Need To Know About
If you’ve been living under a rock for like, the last, I don’t know, 6 years, then you won’t know squat about the creepy doll phenomenon that’s currently haunting our TV and cinema screens (and at this rate, our nightmares too).
Even though this newer trope combines all the basic-bitch horror movie plot lines – and holes – worthy of scoring a solid ‘rotten tomato’ on IMBD, it turns out that there is a good deal of truth to these tales of terror.
And this is bound to continue with the release of the newest instalment in The Conjuring universe: Annabelle Comes Home (2019).
This film seeks to document her existence in Ed And Lorraine Warrens Occult Museum – an actual place where she still is – and centres around the Warren’s daughter unleashing the dark spirits (and/ or demon) contained within this spooky-ass doll.
And so, it is time to reflect on the real story behind Annabelle herself, and the other haunted dolls in existence.
But first, here’s a quick recap of the Annabelle film saga:
Annabelle’s done pretty well for herself.
She’s featured in 4 horror hits, and has even starred in 3 self-titled movies to boot. We meet her first in The Conjuring as an introduction to the Warrens and she is effectively used to combat a classic horror film trope: all scary movies start with the obligatory first 30 minutes where they introduce the characters, the peaceful home setting, and the references to past trauma which will be once again inflicted later on. Then they get going with the stuff you actually paid for.
But not here, not in The Conjuring.
Annabelle is used to give us a taste of the terror that awaits us once we get past the opening titles. And lord, she does it well. We also get introduced to the basic-bitch doll hauntings that go hand in hand with any horror film; doors moving, writing on notes and on the ceiling, the classic rocking chair, and any other generic hauntings you can pull out of your ass and type up into a screenplay.
Anyway, the story of Annabelle across the films so far is that a child called Annabelle dies, and the parents call upon all the higher powers – yes, all the higher powers – in the midst of their grief to allow her to return.
‘Something’ pretends to be their daughter, and upon witnessing such things, they give this ‘Something’ permission to enter the doll.
The ‘Something’ then proceeds to fuck shit up, and thankfully the parents lock away the doll with all of the protections necessary. Round of applause, everyone.
Cue entrance of young, innocent girls – who, just so happen to be orphans because tropes – who accidentally unleash the terror of the doll. That special ‘something’ trapped within Annabelle is unleashed and possesses one of the girls; she escapes, gets adopted whilst pretending to not be a demon (easier said than done, actually), and years later kills her adoptive parents after she hunts down the original Annabelle doll, and cries onto it to re-possess the doll.
This takes us to the first movie – which, yeah, it’s not great, not worth a watch – and ends with Annabelle being purchased from an antique shop, supposedly as a gift for the owners we met in the first Conjuring flick.
And it turns out that whilst the totality of the events aren’t completely true, the tagline of ‘based on a true story’ isnt too far-fetched.
The real-life Annabelle is one of the most renowned paranormal objects in the world, and her fellow haunted friends all seem to tie into the theory that is brought up in The Conjuring: Vessel theory.
Simply put by the Warrens, the doll (like any object) is a vessel for spirits and demons, namely those that want to enter you.
I mean, they could at least take you out for a drink first, god.
The films focus on this invitation aspect, channelling the vampiric vibe of being allowed in, and stick to the classic line of thought: the entities want your soul for a purpose to become idk alive again and no one really understands why but goddamnit it sounds intense.
And as it is a film, it sticks to a simplified version of the actual theories behind haunted dolls in order to cram in as many empty jump scares.
In actuality, there’s a lot more to the theories behind haunted objects, and the rumours of the objects themselves, than is given attention to in Annabelle’s film saga.
The actual theories behind haunted dolls
There are 3 sides to theory that we need to consider here: that of cursed objects, ceremonial objects, and a concept called ‘spirit binding’.
The film groups Annabelle in with the first category, but makes mention of the second group when it comes to introducing the Warren’s museum. Cursed objects come about when energies become attached to objects, and these vessels also are utilised in the ceremonial world.
The earliest history of haunted dolls sticks to this purpose, and its only when the age of the occult hits in the 20th century that stories like Annabelle’s start popping up.
Think effigies or voodoo dolls; anything that can be used for mystical purposes, was. It was believed that spells could transfer person to poppet, and were used to place curses on unfavourable community members.
This enforced binding of spirits to objects is the core of the theory, and still continues today under that rather obvious alias of ‘spirit binding’. Nevertheless, today’s process is rather more positive, and involves rather less-terrifying-small-children-horror-film tropes.
Vessels are laid out, and attachment or banishment rituals are applied. These objects can be taken with you on your adventures to ensure spiritual protection, or to channel some serious spirit squad goals.
And this is what the film gets wrong; the objects discussed here are spirit-based. Nowhere in the theories are demons mentioned, and even in the Bible it is claimed that demons cannot attach themselves to inanimate objects.
It’s this ambiguity used in the films to mis-mash the human possession and object possession together, and the ‘based on the true story’ spiel stops there. And speaking of true stories, it’s now time to discuss all the terrifying tales surrounding our favourite haunted dolls.
The actual Annabelle story
The true story behind this infamous doll sticks closely to the brief encounter detailed in The Conjuring.
Basically, a nurse is given a doll in the twilight years of the occult, in 1975. And shit gets weird. Think the normal hauntings, from noises, to the doll moving by itself.
Concerned, they go to a medium who claims it’s the spirit of Annabelle Higgins. Believing it to be an innocent girl, they treat the spirit and doll nicely. Unfortunately, shit gets weirder.
In a time of desperation, they turn to the Warrens, who say that this is not an innocent spritely spirit. It’s a demon.
The doll is then stored away in the Warren’s museum in a case from which the doll cannot be touched, and it is here that she still resides.
But before you turn out the light to sleep knowing she is stowed away somewhere safe, bear in mind that there are quite a few cases that mirror Annabelle’s story, and although they are rather diverse in the doll-spirit relationship, they are all creepy as fuck.
The true stories behind the rest of Annabelle’s Spooky Squad
Annabelle’s rival in the paranormal world is none other than Robert the Doll. This little fella is reportedly possessed by ‘spirits’, but don’t let the vagueness of this possession fool you. As the original inspiration for Chucky, this doll certainly upholds a level of fame among those intrigued by the paranormal, and the backstory to our least favourite horror film villain starts with a bloke called Otto.
In 1906, Otto was presented a doll – fit in Robert’s sailor’s uniform – by a servant who was known to practice black magic and voodoo.
Yep, that was a definite red flag.
It was believed that the servant’s worship and frequent summoning of spirits possessed this creepy-ass doll. Indeed, he is so haunted that it is rumoured that you must ask to take a picture of him, or you will be haunted by those that take up residency in him.
Next up is Lotta the Doll.
It’s 1972, and some bloke called Kerry Whalton decides to wander around an abandoned building because why not. And its inside this building that he finds a marionette doll.
A quick trip to the archives, and a chance flick through the library books later and he calculates that this doll is believed to contain the spirit of a boy who once lived an odd 200 years before. The building he walked into that fateful day was the property of a man whose son drowned, and his final resting place is inside this doll.
It moves, it emits a pulse, dogs bark at it and attempt to attack it, and paintings fall when in its presence.
Oh, and when it’s put outside, it starts to rain.
Another famous doll is known as the Paula Ubin Barbie.
In 1914, a girl fell of a cliff and subsequently died.
In memoriam of her tragic death, a monument was constructed, and in it was her personal crucifix and a rather large amount of her hair.
Following her passing, a local resident began to have rather peculiar dreams. And in these dreams, a little girl would lead him to a toy shop, and pick out her favourite toy – a barbie.
He took the doll to the monument, and upon setting it down claims he felt the spirit transfer into the barbie and it is believed that her spirit found peace.
Our two final dolls stick to pretty standard supernatural goings-on.
Mandy does the usual: you hear the sound of footsteps, other dolls are knocked over, and she even has her own display case. And Pupa? She bangs on the case, changes position, and even fucks off when she wants to.
Honestly, do they not know how haunted dolls are supposed to behave?
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mxtxbang · 5 years
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MXTX Bang is an event where writers and artists will collaborate to create new fan content for Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (墨香铜臭)’s novels and all adaptations of their work: The Scum Villain’s Self-saving System (人渣反派自救系统), Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Mo Dao Zu Shi (魔道祖师), and Heaven Official’s Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu (天官赐福).
If you have any questions/concerns, please use this form: http://bit.ly/32fSGFY or send an ask through Tumblr.
Be respectful to all participants and mods. 
Discussions should stay within their appropriate channels.
If a member expresses that a topic is making them uncomfortable, please be courteous and change the topic.
All ages can participate, but if it is found that a minor has lied about their age to gain access to the NSFW content areas, they will be kicked from the Discord server and banned from the event.
Since there will be a Discord server, please be aware of Discord’s rules (see Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.) They should be followed at all times.
General Requirements
Artists and writers of all skill levels are able to participate.
All ages can participate and members will be asked to report whether they are above or below the age of 18.
Writer Requirements
Writers can choose which tier level they want to do, but must be aware that once they submit their fic summary check-in, it can no longer be changed. 
There is no maximum word count for tiers.
Only new fics are allowed; certain exceptions will be made. More info can be found in our Writer FAQ.
Chapter fics are fine as long as it’s finished by the final check-in and completely posted on the assigned date.
Fics should not be posted prior to the assigned date.
Ensure that the work progress is updated to the beta reader in a timely manner and completed by the final deadline.
Writers must list any and all warnings/tags for their fic and whether it’s SFW or NSFW. Please see Common Warnings/Tags.
Artist Requirements
Artists can select which tier level they would like to complete, but once fic claims are made and team pairings are assigned, it can no longer be changed. So, even if the writer’s fic fits the next tier level, it does not mean that the tier has changed.
Artists will need to make original content as they will be drawing scenes from their partner’s story. The artist cannot use a previously created artwork of theirs that coincidentally is similar to a scene in the story nor can they steal, trace, and/or redraw other people’s original artwork.
Artwork should not be shared outside the Discord server until the assigned posting date. 
If an artist decides to draw a NSFW scene (sexual content, graphic violence, etc.) they must use privatter.net so that only 18+ can see the full artwork, while 18- can only see a cropped SFW version.
Please see our Artist FAQ for more information.
General FAQ
What is a Bang?
A Bang is a fandom event where writers and artists collaborate to create new content for the fandom. There are different types of Bangs: Baby/mini Bang, Big Bang, and Reverse Bang.
A Baby/mini Bang and Big Bang are similar, however, Baby/mini Bangs tend to last 4 months while Big Bangs can last 6 to 10 months. Baby Bangs also typically have lower requirements for word count, such as a 5k minimum word count and one completed art piece. Meanwhile, Big Bangs tend to have a minimum word count of 20k with two completed art pieces. For both Bangs, writers submit their fic summaries and artists claim which fic they want to draw.
A Reverse Bang is where artists submit their WIPs and writers claim which art they want to create a story for.
For further clarification, this bang isn’t a Big Bang. Rather, it’s a mix between a Baby Bang and a Big Bang because there are tier levels, which allows participants to choose what their minimum goal is. That’s why this event is called MXTX Bang, not MXTX Big Bang. If anyone wants to create a MXTX Baby or Big Bang or another similar event with their own themes and guidelines, they are free to do so.
What can I sign up as?
You can sign up as a writer, artist, and/or beta. If you sign up for more than one role, please be aware of how much work will be required for whatever tiers you choose. Additionally, if you sign up for more than one role, please complete all forms for your chosen roles. For example, if you want to sign up as both a writer and beta, please fill out a writer and beta sign-up form.
How will this work?
Writer sign-ups will close a week before fic summaries are due, allowing any writers who sign up last minute to have enough time to at least get enough information down so an artist knows what to expect with their fic. A form will be sent out to artists for them to claim fics. This claim form will only show the fic summary, ships (if any), and any warnings. Artists will not know who the writer is until after team assignments have been made.
Artists get first-come, first-served claims, meaning that most will get the first writer they picked. However, if someone else claims that writer, the artists will be given their 2nd or 3rd possible pick. Once claims end, the moderators will send out emails about the pairings.
Writers and artists will need to communicate with one another and decide on what scenes to draw. There will be check-ins for writers and artists so that mods can know everyone’s progress. Please try to turn those in on time.
Moderators will send out a form so that writers and artists can decide on when they will want to post their work. Since it’s a collaborative event, the pairings will need to talk about when they want to post it.
What happens if there are more writers than there are artists or vice versa?
If there are more writers than artists, the artist sign-up period will be extended in the hopes that new people will join. However, if the numbers still aren’t enough, artists that signed up as pinch hitters will be asked if they would like to take on any of the unpaired writers. More leeway is given to these pinch hitters; the moderators will allow them more time to complete their art.
If more artists than writers sign up, moderators will give them the option to wait and see if any artists drop out, or they can choose to partner with a writer who has an artist already. This means some fics might have up to two different artists.
Will this event have a theme?
Due to the responses in the interest check, there won’t be any set theme. The majority of votes chose to keep the theme general, so participants have unlimited freedom in what theme they want to work on.
What are the adaptations, and do we need to specify which one we are creating for?
MDZS is the only novel with adaptations so far. The adaptations are the donghua, manhua, audio drama, and live action (The Untamed). Participants do not need to specify which adaptation they are creating for, only which fandom they are writing for.
If I’m under 18, am I still allowed to participate? 
Yes, all ages can participate.
How will minors be kept away from the NSFW content? 
All NSFW content will be kept in separate channels that only allow access to those who state that they are 18 years old. If any minor is found to be lying about their age to gain access to these areas, they will be kicked from the server and banned from the event. The mods have taken several precautions to prevent any minors from accessing NSFW content.
What if I want to do a ship that isn’t popular?
Side ships and non-canon ships will be accepted for this event. However, please be aware that it may be harder to match with an artist/writer.
For further clarification on shipping, please see “Side and Non-canon Ships and Rare Pairs.”
Are there any banned topics and content?
Content such as underage characters (minors) in sexual situations will not be allowed for this event. If an author decides to age up underage characters such as the junior trio, then this rule does not apply as long as it is portrayed that their personality has matured as well.
Incest will not be allowed for this event. Filial relationships such as student/teacher do not constitute as incest. These are allowed as while these relationships are family-like, the moderators consider it different from conventional incest. The ban on incest apply to pairings such as Jiang Fengmian x Wei Wuxian, where one part of the ship was actively raised as a child/son-like figure by the other. The exception to including incest in your fic will be any canon-based content, but again, these events should not be the main focus. Bestiality is also not allowed in this event.
As for content that feature non/dub-con, it is allowed as long as it is only briefly shown or only hinted at or alluded to in regards to the plot of the story. The content should not be explicit and graphically written out/depicted in the story or artwork. For further clarification, the moderators do not define “rape” and “rape kink” as the same. Rape kink is allowed in the event because it is a roleplay between two consenting adults.
If you’re still unsure whether or not your ship is allowed, please contact one of the mods. 
Writer FAQ
What is needed for the fic summary check-in?
Writers will be given a form that will ask for: 
Fandom (SVSSS, MDZS, and/or TGCF)
Title (Optional)
Tier level
Ship (including background ship) or no ship
Any additional notes for the artist, so they can be more aware of the story’s content.
Please have some kind of notes or outline that will help your artist so that they can get ahead on drawing scenes for your fic!
Note: It’s best to start writing your outline/plots once you sign up and enter the Discord server because it’ll help you estimate which tier level fits your fic.
Can I write a fic that has chapters?
Yes, you can write chaptered fics. However, it must be completed by the final check-in and all chapters must be posted on the assigned posting date or by the end of the posting dates.
Can I continue a fic that I’m working on?
No, you cannot continue a fic that has already been posted. However, if you want to write a sequel or prequel for a completed fic that can be seen as a standalone fic, then yes you can.
You cannot add on to a work in progress (new chapters of an ongoing fic). However, if you have a fic that you’ve been working on but haven’t posted or shared anywhere, then you can use this for the event.
Can I expand on and/or change the idea of a fic I previously wrote?
Yes, as long as your bang fic’s idea is different enough and can be read by itself without having to read the previously written fic, the moderators will accept it. If you’re still unsure, please contact a mod for clarification.
Can I translate a complete Chinese fic into English for the bang?
No. All participating writers are expected to make an original fic for this Bang. Translating a fic that is already completed goes against the spirit of the event. Additionally, this event is English only.
What genres/warnings/ratings are allowed?
Since NSFW themes are allowed in this event, participants are given more freedom. However, everything must be properly tagged with its correct warnings and ratings. You can find more on Common Warnings/Tags.
Reminder: Not all NSFW is sexual content. It can also be death, extreme violence, gore, etc.
Are AUs/crossovers from other fandoms allowed?
Yes, since this event has a general theme, participants are free to choose whether their work is an AU or crossover from another fandom.
Does my fic have to be betaed?
Yes, it does. It needs to be fully betaed by the final deadline. Writers will be given a list of beta readers who signed up for the event, along with the content the beta readers are comfortable or uncomfortable working with, for the writer to reach out to and ask. Beta readers are allowed to decline the request. Writers should not harass beta readers who choose to decline their request and move on to find another who is more amenable to looking over their work. If writers still have difficulties finding a beta, please contact a mod. It is allowed for a writer to have a beta reader who didn't sign up for the event to beta their story. Please inform a moderator on who it is so that it can be added in the documentation and credit can be given.
What are the tiers available in the Bang for writers?
Tier 1: 5K minimum word count
Tier 2: 10K minimum word count
Tier 3: 20K minimum word count
Tier 4: 30K minimum word count
Tier 5: 40K minimum word count
Once writers select their tier and fic summaries are turned in, they are locked into their selected tier. This means that even if you exceed the minimum word count for the next tier, you are still considered as the tier you selected, and your artist need only to meet the selected tier’s requirements. For example, a writer locks in at tier 3 but exceeds tier 4’s minimum word count. Their partner artist only needs to meet tier 3’s requirements.
Note: Writers and artists will be paired based on the preference of the artist during the blind claim period. The moderators will attempt to pair within the same tier level, though it is possible that an artist with a higher tier may be paired with a lower tiered writer. If at all possible, a lower tiered artist will not be paired with a higher tiered writer. Either way, the artist is not required to create more pieces than what they originally selected.
Beta Reader FAQ
What does a beta reader do?
A beta reader is an unofficial editor for an author. They provide feedback based on the author’s requests, which can include proofreading or pointing out plot holes or inconsistent characters. They can also point out where there might be confusing passages or transitions of thought from the author, who already know what they mean but did not provide a clear picture for the audience. Beta readers are another pair of fresh eyes for the author.
When and how are writers and beta readers paired?
Writers will be given a list of beta readers on November 10—along with what content the beta readers are comfortable or uncomfortable with—and they will be the ones to contact that beta reader. When writers ask the beta readers, they must inform the beta readers of the contents of their fic, so that the beta reader knows what to expect.
What if I don’t want to partner with a writer who asked for my beta skills?
Beta readers are allowed to decline a writer’s request if they are uncomfortable with the content of the writer’s fic, they do not have time to read through a longer fic, or wish to decline due to other reasons. Writers should not harass beta readers who choose to decline their request. Writers should move on to find another beta who is more comfortable looking over their work. If a writer is harassing you, please inform a mod.
Artist FAQ
If I sign up as both writer and artist, can I claim my own fic?
No, you cannot claim your own fic.
What if I want to draw a NSFW scene?
You can draw a NSFW scene if you choose to do so; however, when posting you will have to give a cropped SFW version of it while including a link to privatter.net for those who are 18+.
What size do art pieces need to be?
There are no requirements on the artwork’s size; it is up to the artist’s discretion. It is recommended that you take into consideration the optimal sizes for Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or whichever platform you use if you wish for your artwork’s preview or post to be cropped well. There are several resources available for recommended social media image sizes, and it is encouraged to do your own research. If you wish to make prints of your work, you should also take into account standard paper sizes.
Can we draw traditionally for the bang?
Yes. Artists can submit a traditional drawing if they choose to do so. However, it must be a high quality scan or photo, and all details must be clear.
What are pinch hitters?
Pinch hitters are artists who are interested in helping out in case an artist participant drops out. If this happens, the pinch hitter will be responsible for their original team piece in addition to the new assignment. Because of this, pinch hitters have the option to accept or deny any requests. The mod team will never force someone to be a pinch hitter or to accept requests they aren’t comfortable with.
What are the tiers available in the Bang for artists?
Tier 1: 1 flat-colored piece with no background or shading required
Tier 2: 1 colored piece with shading, no background required
Tier 3: 1 full, simple piece (coloring and shading; simple background - a simple pattern/design or hints of scenery that doesn't have to fill the composition)
Tier 4: 2 full, simple pieces (coloring and shading; simple background - a simple pattern/design or hints of scenery that doesn't have to fill the composition)
Tier 5: 1 full, simple pieces and 1 complex, detailed piece (coloring and shading; complex background that fills the composition - clear perspective and how characters occupy the space)
Note: Writers and artists will be paired based on the preference of the artist during the blind claim period. The moderators will attempt to pair within the same tier level, though it is possible that an artist with a higher tier may be paired with a lower tiered writer. If at all possible, a lower tiered artist will not be paired with a higher tiered writer. Either way, the artist is not required to create more pieces than what they originally selected.
What if my writer exceeds their tier and fits more into a different tier? Ex: Writer chose tier 3 but exceeds tier 4’s minimum word count.
Once writers select their tier and fic summaries are turned in, they are locked into their selected tier. This means that even if they exceed their word count, you only have to meet the requirements for the original tier. Using the example above, if the writer exceeded tier 4’s minimum word count, you only need to meet tier 3’s requirements.
Schedule FAQ
How do check-ins work?
Emails will be sent at the start of each check-in with a form to check progress levels. There will also be an announcement in the Discord server and on all social media. Please inform a mod if you can’t complete or need an extension.
How does claiming work?
Claims will generally be on a first-come, first-served basis. Once fic summaries are turned in, the moderators will then send a form to the artists where they can claim their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. Depending on the number of participants that sign up, the moderators may ask the artists to provide more of your top choices. The moderators will do their best to try and match everyone with their first choice.
What if I miss a deadline?
As long as you feel like you can still complete your piece by the posting date, that’s fine. There is no penalty for missing a deadline. If a deadline is missed, a moderator will contact you to get an update on your progress. If needed, the moderators can grant an extension on your work.
What if I need to drop out?
If you have to drop the event, please notify a moderator and your partner as soon as possible so that the moderators can try to find a pinch hitter if one is needed. You will also be given a link to a drop-out form that will need to be filled out.
What are date claims? Why are posting dates assigned?
Posting dates are assigned so that the works can be posted without spamming. Participants will be given a form in mid-January so that they can choose which dates to post on during January 25 – February 8. Depending on how many participants there are, it can range from 6 to 10 claims per day.
Date claims are when participants claim a date to post their work. Please understand that just because your post date is later than another participant’s does not mean that you can still work on your fic/art. It should have been done by the deadline or at the end of the extension if one was requested.
What are extensions and how do we obtain them?
Extensions are if you need extra time beyond the check-in dates and/or the final deadline. To get one, all you need to do is ask a mod. The duration of the extension will depend on your circumstances.
Posting FAQ
How do I post the final project?
Once the writer and artist post their work on their platform(s) of choice, either the writer or the artist will need to fill out a form. Only one of the partners need to submit. On the form, you will submit two banners and the links to your work.
Reminder: Do not actually post your work before your assigned date.
What is a banner and what is it for?
A banner is a title card for the works that includes the fic’s title, author name, and artist name. A second banner, which is a summary card that includes the fic’s genre, warnings, ship(s) and summary, is also required. Either the artist or the writer must include the banners with the final draft email. This will be used in the MXTX Bang official Tumblr and Twitter posts, which will send attention directly to your works rather than having the work be submitted to our blogs. The banners should also include the writer’s and artist’s preferred URLs and a simple background.
It can be any size the writer or artist wish, but keep in mind that these will be posted on Tumblr and Twitter. There are examples of the Banners in the MXTX Bang Discord Server.
Reminder: The banners aren’t to be posted by the participants but will be posted by the mods.
Can I post a teaser?
✔ anything already posted on the claims page
✔ short fic excerpts
✔ art thumbnails
✘ fic or art drafts
✘ full finished fic or art on any archive until your posting date
Communication FAQ
Will we be receiving any reminders?
Reminders will be sent during each check-in period from all platforms: the Discord server, email, Tumblr, and Twitter. In addition, if you miss a check-in, a moderator will check in with you at some point.
What if I change my URL or username on any of my social media?
Just inform a mod and a moderator will update your profile in our files.
How do I communicate with my partner? What if I haven’t heard from them in a while?
When team pairings are assigned, you’ll each be given the contact information provided by your partner. Both will reach out to one another in private chat on whatever platform that you choose. Check-ins help to ensure that there is regular contact. If for some reason you have lost contact with your partner, please contact a mod to see if they have any additional information.
Common Warnings/Tags
For politeness and to promote a safe, equal environment, the moderators request that you appropriately tag all creative works. If unsure on what topics to tag, a list has been provided below:
Abuse (physical, mental, emotional, neglect, verbal, sexual)
Animal cruelty or death
Child abuse and pedophilia, harm to children
Death or dying
Dubious consent
Eating disorders and body hatred
Injury, excessive or graphic (eye horror, mutilation, burns, branding, etc.)
Kidnapping or abduction
Mental illness and ableism
Pornographic or sexual content
Self-harm and suicide
Sexual assault and rape
Substance abuse
Violence, excessive or gratuitous
Please remember that this is not a list of banned content. This is simply so authors have an idea of what warning they may need to tag in their fics. The only content that should not be in this event is underage sexual content and incest or rape situations outside of what was mentioned in “Are there any banned topics and content?”
Side and Non-canon Ships and Rare Pairs
The moderators do not restrict most side and non-canon ships. Our only exceptions are content that feature underage characters in sexual situation and incest and/or rape as covered in “Are there any banned topics and content?” Crossover pairings between novels are allowed, but it will be more difficult finding you an artist. It will also be harder to match you with an artist if you wish to feature a rarer ship/pair.
Rare Pairs
The moderators define rare pairs in three ways. 1) Rare pairs could be characters who have had a limited yet meaningful interaction or have an interesting dynamic in canon to justify a developing relationship, even in canon divergent settings. 2) Conversely, rare pairs could also include characters that have an adversarial, vitriolic relationship and are unlikely to develop a stable, good-natured relationship in canon. 3) Rare pairs can also be classified based on a quantifiable amount of AO3 fics featuring that relationship. If it’s not even on the dropdown list of top relationship tags on the AO3 page, it’s most likely a rare pair.
Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing would be considered a rare pair because although they do not have frequent interactions, they met under circumstances that hugely affect Jiang Cheng and his development in the novel’s canon. The live action adaptation also gives this pair a setting where they met even earlier than in the novel, during his student days in the Cloud Recesses. They also do not have a sizable amount of fics on Ao3.
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topurify · 6 years
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                                                    THEORY NOTES.    .  .  . THAT’S PRACTICAL. 
the batter’s world view.
It’s abundantly clear that the Batter himself has some questionable views and morals but a lot can be discovered from the gameplay about this. The most telling moment to me in the beginning of the game is the response that the Batter has to Dedan, and how after one interaction he witnesses he comes to the conclusion that Dedan is “evil” and must be purified. This is laughable to us as the player because it’s so extreme for one little interaction, as an adult you realize that things are more complex than one view on things so judging someone’s entire character on one bad day or interaction is incredibly childish and unfair. Notice also how I said childish, as this is deliberate. It’s clear that in many aspects the Batter’s view is black and white, this is symbolically pushed through the black and white color schemes of all the characters in the game. Perhaps this was a stylistic choice but in my eyes this was a very intentional choice that foreshadowed what was to come.
In terms of the Batter, his viewpoint is the same as Hugo’s in a lot of ways. Why? Because Hugo controls this world, he is the one who created it all, who made the Batter and the Queen and everything in the world there and his childish, black and white view on things is reflected in the toxic worlds of OFF. From sugar being bad and getting people addicted, to judging someone entirely off of one interaction. So, how does this reflect on the Batter’s worldview specifically, as he is clearly based off of Hugo’s father? There seems to be one morally shakey view that covers nearly all of the Batter’s choices and perspectives.
A world that is suffering is better destroyed than left to rot. Sacrifice it all for the chance of a new beginning. Even at his own expense. That does not mean he doesn’t feel guilt and pain from what he and the puppeteer did, but because of the Queen’s lack of care and neglect (as mentioned in the ending of the game) the child was pushed to the edge and therefore the Batter was “forced” to take action.
I personally view this as symbolism for the real-life interactions of Hugo’s mother and father. His mother was kind and loving but neglectful, she gave him what he wanted but not what he needed and his father was the opposite. He focused on what he needed and wanted to give him what he wanted but knew he couldn’t live like a “normal kid” because of his illness. So he had to be strict. When his mother had him, she neglected his needs because she wanted him to live as much life as he could, to be as happy as he could before he died. Unfortunately, because of this, Hugo’s health declined rapidly until his father eventually managed to get Hugo back from his mother and get full custody. Being a child, Hugo, of course, reacted negatively and viewed his father as destroying his life and effectively killing him.
The relationship the Batter has with Hugo is often viewed as the Batter being the father and Hugo being the son and in some way it is. However, Hugo made the Batter, quite literally created him in the image of his father. Notice though that the views of their relationships are different depending on the Queen’s view and the Batter’s. The Queen views Hugo as her child, while Batter in the final fight refers to the area as “the cradel of my father” meaning he does not view the same relationship but rather views Hugo as the creator and technical father of him who was neglected and therefore pushing the Batter into play.
It also should be noted that if the Batter is aware of the player, and the one who made him, then that means he would be aware of the man he was built off of and what Hugo thinks of him. Hugo had literally cast him into nothingness until the Batter gained his puppeteer and left to complete his mission.
the rotting world.
The world of OFF, though colorful and interesting, is no doubt a very dystopian future type of thing. From the behavior, views, and society of the Elsen themselves as seen from some official art descriptions by Mortis Ghost
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Once again in terms of our world, this view is very childish and simplistic as well as inaccurate. However, for the Elsen this is true and is very much real. On top of this the “Guardians” of the zones themselves have grown corrupted and cruel to the individuals in their zones and the Queen has done little to correct this.
In a way, the entirety of the Batter’s mission was a mercy kill of sorts. Which is why morally the game itself is confusing and frustrating. The morally questionable actions and choices made are enough to make anyone stop to ponder if what they were doing was right or wrong and that’s precisely what the ending did. It signified the reflection of the Batter and The Queen and the rotting world onto the real-life counterparts of Hugo’s father, mother and the world he was living in before his father either took him away or had to decide to pull the plug. ( Hence the name of the game, and the ending )
the blame.
So who is to blame for what was done, was it the puppeteer, the puppet, the creator? The only blame that can be said for the world Hugo made would be the Puppeteer and The Batter, in the real world, it would be Hugo’s mother. The Batter knew what he had to do, he knew that he would be despised as the villain when the Puppeteer was assigned to him and he set out to complete his mission, but he did what he had to do anyway. The reason I say the Puppeteer was also to blame, despite the lack of understanding until the ending is that the Puppeteers (or players) stayed. As Zachary continuously reiterated, this is all a game, no one was making us finish playing it except our own interest and the Batter knows this. He knows full well that the player could leave at any time, refuse to finish the game, refuse to fight. But we all did anyway. Whether we clicked auto or not, we still watched what happened and allowed it to occur, until the ending decision was made. In fact, I think that’s why it was made so clear to us that we were playing a video game, so we would know that we were in fact guilty of the same “crimes” the Batter was. I say it like that because it’s honestly such a morally challenging thing to pick apart and judge when it comes down to it, and it really depends on the world view you have that determines your stances on what happened in the game and all the purifying done.
The Puppeteer cannot exist without the Batter and vice versa, they were tied together cosmically built for each other for this story, and there is no running out on your own story.
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rp-bnha · 6 years
So because we’ve been told that the links are difficult to access on mobile, I put an entire masterpost of all the information in the links. It’ll be a bit long so I’ll put it under the cut!
General Information
Hey there! This is a roleplay group for the manga Boku no Hero Academia, in case you haven’t noticed already.
Here’s some information about us:
We only accept canon characters. Characters from AU’s (villain Deku, fantasy Bakugou, etc) and original characters do not have a place here. Sorry!
We also only accept characters with some “significance.” This means that minor characters who have appeared once or twice without much canon interaction won’t be accepted because…we don’t know much of anything about their personality.
Mineta doesn’t exist in this AU and he’s replaced by Shinsou!
If you fill out the application and you are accepted, we have a discord server that you’ll be invited to! After we all get to meet each other OOC, you will get to make your own rp-bnha affiliated blog for the character you write for and we will all follow each other. We want to congregate on Discord before officially coming to Tumblr because we would like to keep things organized and talk on more casual terms. It’s nice to brainstorm and make friends!
I believe our writing standard qualifies as “semi descriptive.” Basically a paragraph or more is required when you roleplay with us (unless the thread is super casual and your partner is okay with you writing less). If you are used to writing a couple short sentences for your responses, this may not be the roleplay group for you.
If you’re thinking about applying, please read the rules before you do!
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There are some rules if you plan to join us, by the way. We operate under a three strike system as well so please read this page carefully if you do not want to be warned (or even banned)!
Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, etc is not tolerated.
Do not bring discourse into the group. We’re here to roleplay and have fun!
No harassment is tolerated. If someone says they’re uncomfortable with something, listen to them. Don’t try to change their mind.
This group accepts headcanons of all kinds as long as they are not harmful or OOC.
This is also a ship positive space because most of the roleplayers are multishippers (bakudeku, kacchako, todobaku, todomomo, etc). Even if we don’t necessarily roleplay these specific ships (besides todomomo), we do love and appreciate them! If you have a problem with this, you’re going to have a bad time.
Life happens, we totally understand that you’ll get busy sometimes. But once you pick a character to roleplay, it is unacceptable to drop them within the first month just because you couldn’t adequately estimate your time management. We obviously can’t stop you from dropping characters, but if you drop them within a month of having them, you will not be able to apply for another character until another month has passed. We expect dedication so please stick with it!
If you must take a break, please let the mods know. If you are a more dedicated roleplayer we will be very understanding (for example, if you have been rping for a few months and you need a couple weeks off to study for finals, we will absolutely allow you to stay). But if you have just applied for a character, you’ve been roleplaying as them for a week and you need to take a long break, we will be…skeptical. Unless it is an emergency please refrain from this, and if the latter situation occurs, we may free up your spot so someone with more time on their hands can roleplay.
Blog Rules
You are allowed to interact with other blogs outside of rp-bnha (such as OCs and canon characters from other fandoms) but if you’re going to roleplay with BNHA characters, try to interact with the canon ones we have at rp-bnha. If you feel like you absolutely have to interact with an indie Uraraka blog or something, then talk to the mods and we’ll figure something out.
Set up a rules/info page on your blog! Talk about the subjects you won’t rp, plots you prefer to rp, maybe some headcanons you have (for example, if you’re roleplaying Dabi, you could say that you operate under the Dabi Todoroki Theory), etc. This is to keep people from asking you to rp things that you’re not comfortable with.
Try to make your blog at least a little pretty. Default icons and banners can easily be changed to reflect you and your character!
Roleplay Etiquette
Read the rules on the roleplayer’s blog before interacting in character! This is so you know what subjects they are down for rping and which ones they’re uncomfortable with.
This is a drama-free zone. If you have a problem with someone OOC, do not be rude to them IC. Drama between characters is okay though! Just not between roleplayers.
Always ask someone if you can roleplay with them before leaping into their plot, arc, or thread. If someone writes a starter where anyone can join in, that is definitely an exception!
If your plot is going to include triggering topics or nsfw, use trigger warnings!
Keep OOC to a minimum. If the mods see that you’re getting too out of control, then we will message you privately about it before giving you a strike.
If someone says they don’t want to roleplay with you (or they reject your plot idea), learn to take no for an answer. Also, the reverse is a rule as well: if someone presents a plot to you and you truly do not want to roleplay it, please politely turn it down and maybe suggest another plot, or just say that you don’t feel like having your character interact with theirs right now.
If your roleplay is going to have sensitive topics, talk to the mods beforehand. We will tell you if we can let it slide with a trigger warning or if it’s better that you don’t rp it at all. There’s a difference between a rape recovery arc and writing an explicit scene. The first one is accepted with a trigger warning, the other is an absolute no.
If you have no problem with these rules, move onto the masterlist to see which characters are available for you!
If there is a character that is not listed here but you would like to rp as them, please talk to the mods. We removed most characters who we thought were relatively minor in the series.
If you find a character on this list who you would like to roleplay, proceed to the application process. You are allowed to apply for three characters at most but you’ll only get two, so choose wisely! Be sure to rank them on the form so we know which ones are your first choices.
Bold means the character is taken, if it’s not bold then you are free to apply for that character.
Class 1-A
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugou
Shouto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
Hitoshi Shinsou
Eijirou Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Aoyama Yuuga
Sero Hanta
Mezou Shouji
Fumikage Tokoyami
Ojirou Mashirao
Kouji Kouda
Rikido Satou
Momo Yaoyorozu
Ochako Uraraka
Kyouka Jirou
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Tooru Hagakure
Other Classes
Monoma Neito
Itsuka Kendou
Ibara Shiozaki
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Mei Hatsume
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hadou
Tamaki Amajiki
Pro Heroes and Teachers
All Might
Present Mic
All For One
Mr. Compress
Application Process
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Hello, and thank you for taking interest in the roleplay group! If you have read the information page, the rules, and the masterlist, please continue on.
Because we are just starting out, we have a lot of spots open (lucky you!). We call this a “free for all” period. This means you can apply for three characters on the masterlist page, but keep in mind that you will only get a maximum of two! This means you also have the option of applying for three characters and only roleplaying as one if you request it. There is also the chance that you will apply for three but only get one even if you wanted two, because it’s unfair if four people each have two characters instead of eight, qualified people getting one character each!
Getting two characters is a big responsibility, and because of our dropping rules, we highly suggest that you only request two if you know you will have the time to roleplay them with equal passion and quality. Please do not drop them because your time management was off!
EDIT :: There have been a few minor changes to the application process. Please read about them here.
After the free for all period, the mods will spend three to four days going through the remaining applications and picking out which applicants get which spots. If there are still some characters who were not applied for (or if the applicants did not fulfill the requirements), roleplayers who are already members get priority! This means if you requested two characters and you only got Tokoyami, you can pick one of the other untaken characters from the list if you think you have the time to rp two characters!
Thank you for reading, and good luck!
Application Form (if you are on mobile and somehow cannot use this link, message us and we will provide you with a direct link)
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the-rolling-libero · 7 years
Pulling Down the Sky: How Heaven’s Arena Grounds HxH
I’m going to do some necessary meta right now and it’s going to explain why I like Hunter x Hunter so much; basically, it’s able to continue after the first arc, and it’s able to do so in a cohesive and natural way. This, I believe, is almost entirely a result of how the Heaven’s Arena arc is carried out. Can I talk about this? no? cool! 
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The Hunter Exam is easily the freest arc we get. There’s breathing room in how the story can be told, because the world hasn’t really been established yet. Are there flying spider eagles? Sure! Can there be a swamp that exists purely to deceive you? Hell yeah. Is it possible to have A, B, C, X, and its cousin, Y? Why not? -- and that’s really the question that lives in the Hunter Exam Arc. When there’s no reason ‘why’ things should be a certain why, Togashi has the ability to ask that question as much as he likes. Why not? It’s the height of HxH’s fantasy feel, bright, whimsical, and just all around a fun place to be. 
That’s not to say that there’s no darkness or rules in the arc at all; the character’s base personalities and abilities are laid out here, as well as some basics about the world itself, especially in Trick Tower and Zevil island. What we discover through this arc, though, are mostly the roles that people play within the world rather than the “rules” of the world. The Hunter Exam arc exists within a bubble, so we don’t really get to know this world for a while. We don’t learn the ‘why’ or ‘how’ of anything; in the Hunter Exam Arc. I would argue that as we’re thrown into the story, we see the effect of this world upon our characters, whereas in the Heaven’s Arena arc, we see the cause. 
The Heaven’s Arena arc acts as a grounding arc in several ways; by ‘popping the bubble’, so to speak, and planting us in a real world setting (although the arena is still somewhat isolated, I’ll concede, compared to York New), by establishing rules (especially in regards to Nen), and by taking down Gon and Killua a notch-- and this, in particular, is especially important to creating sympathetic characters. 
The Setting of Heaven’s Arena
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This is the view we get of Heaven’s Arena; it is not clean or brightly colored or sleek, as many of the buildings we’ve seen up to this point are (Whale Island, Trick Tower, the airship etc.) It is monochrome and bulky. What stands out are the various parts stuck together like some steampunk frankenstein monstrosity, reaching out into the sky. This is as close as we get to the Tower of Babel, and it’s pretty ugly. Does this have symbolic meaning about how as people in this series try to reach higher things just get uglier and uglier? Maybe. Maybe it’s just a nasty building. 
But it does have a gritty, street feel to it, like it was picked up and tacked together cell at a time. We see once we get into the arena itself that that’s not necessarily the case, that the rooms higher up are actually quite nice, but we also see the stark division that exists in the Hunter x Hunter world: the weak and the strong; the poor and the privileged; background faces vs The Characters. 
The upper floors are what we’ve already seen to an extent in the hunter exam, the world where the best live. But we see the streets-- the normal world-- for the first time now, and how it interacts with that upper echelon. These streets aren’t a great place to be if you’ve got enemies up high. Where is the law, when Zushi (below floor 100, therefore not elite) is abducted? Where is law when people are broken in their nen ‘baptisms’ when they reach the 100th floor? Where is rule of law when Killua threatens the lives of several 100th floor occupants? Nowhere, because, honestly, what are the police going to do? As we’re introduced into the world of nen and get to more closely observe the interactions between the common and the elite, we begin to realize how horrifically unfair this whole world is, and how self contained and unregulated the sphere of Hunters really is. 
The idea of self policing and vigilante justice will prove hugely important in upcoming arcs. This is why all Hunters must have basic combat skills, as is said in the 2nd hunter rule; fighting is an essential part of what it means to be a Hunter, because there is no one else to defend you should someone dangerous (and with nen, who isn’t?) decide to go after you. There is no calling the police. Can you imagine trying to take someone like Illumi to court, who could manipulate judge and jury without a second thought? The civil system of laws that we common people know cannot exist within the Hunter system as it is presented in Heaven’s Arena. This kind of lawlessness will feed into the cowboy-style justice that Gon delivers, based not on any strict code but on what feels right according to his personal morality. That’s...concerning, considering how stable powerful hunters tend to be (read: not at all).
It’s one of the things that leaves such broad swathes of gray morality left for our characters. For instance, later in the case of Kurapika. We see that the police cannot do anything to stop the Phantom Troupe from attacking the auction. Neither can the Mafia. So in order to get justice, Kurapika must take on a vigilante role and commit murder. If not justice system is in place, is it truly murder, or an execution? Who has the right to make those decisions? Hunters are absolutely terrifying both in their enormous power and lack of civil restraints on that power. They can do pretty much anything they like, as long as they’re either a) strong enough to fight any challengers (Ging), or b) generally approved of, so they go unchallenged (Kurapika). This tiny, elite society with exclusive access to many resources and very little oversight has only the flimsiest of rules, and those rules do little to protect the common person. Hunters are not allowed to hunt each other, but everyone else is fair game. Great! When you’re faceless man #7 walking down the street, you’ll be really glad that Hunters operate by such strict rules right before getting accidentally blasted sky high as collateral. 
The difference between the regular world and the Hunter world is made abundantly clear, as in this arc, Killua and Gon make that transition and go through all the accompanying shocks. 
The main shock is, of course, nen.
Nen, Rules, and Expansion
It’s been remarked upon before that nen is the ‘magic’ of this world, and it brings with it an essential component of popular shonen anime-- the ability to expand. Most series that involve fighting will bring in a fantasy component at some part, because as cool as punching and kicking are, after awhile, they tend to get boring. Every arc, and in some cases, every fight brings new revelation to the character’s abilities. Part of this shows growth in the characters. Part of it is largely just entertainment value-- if every fight brings something new, then we’re always kept guessing. You’d be hard pressed to find an anime that does this better than Hunter x Hunter, in my opinion, because it circumvents one of the most problematic aspects of this trope: the miracle cure. 
Often within this idea of constant expansion is a sort of deus ex machina, a last minute discovery of the power or object that lends our protagonists new abilities. It’s the miraculous evolution halfway through a fight, the stumbling upon the artifact that just barely lets them use the next level of their powers. Due to the nature of nen in Hunter x Hunter, this is almost impossible. 
And when it is, there’s serious consequences. 
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This version of Gon is the one that gained power quickly and recklessly. Or consider Gido, severely handicapped as a result of having undergone nen baptism-- another form of gaining power quickly and recklessly.
Let’s instead examine how the Heaven’s Arena arc establishes the concrete, but encompassing rules of nen. Being one of the reasons that Hunter x Hunter stays so dynamic, nen has fairly simple and well followed rules. These rules are sometimes expanded on, but they’re never really broken in an ‘aha’ moment by anyone-- there’s no, ‘but what you did not know was that--’ scene where the rules are twisted in half by a villain. Nen exists as it exists, in a sensical and almost instinctive way. 
Wing explains nen to be a manifestation of will-- something that our two protagonists have in bucket loads. Therefore, it makes sense that they’re prodigies; past experiences have proven that Gon has exceptional willpower (the fight with Hanzo still fresh in the viewer’s memories) and that Killua possesses strength of mind equal with that of his body (extensive torture that he reacted to nonchalantly). Nen takes great discipline, and that’s what makes it immune to miracle cures; beyond the initial burst of power our leads get, they’re placed in a world where power normally takes years to attain. Though they’re exceptional, it slows their growing to a sustainable rate-- more on how nen affects Killua and Gon later, though. 
Nen gets a lot of exposition in this arc, it’s true. Some of it may feel overmuch at times (and let’s be real hxh adores exposition) but it’s all necessary. It sets clear, firm boundaries of what nen can and cannot do-- within those boundaries, a lot is possible, but not everything. And there’s a price for everything that nen brings. 
Heaven’s Arena grounds nen within rules, and creates a solid foundation for the characters building their abilities. They first must master the basics before moving on to some of the really spectacular abilities that their hatsu lets them develop, and cleanly transitions the world of Killua and Gon from the mundane to the magical. After Heaven’s Arena, nen is a given. Without this introduction, both they and we, the viewer’s would have been surely lost. Can you imagine the York New arc bogged down by explanations of nen all the time? The Heaven’s Arena arc is the beach for nen’s ocean-- though it must be kept it mind that even this shore has its sharks. It presents the basic level of nen in a way that is both gently immersive and high stakes simultaneously. Not once do we doubt the seriousness of the fights that happen in Heaven’s Arena. Gon’s life is legitimately at a risk because of the learning curve that nen offers; that too is important for how Heaven’s Arena progresses the story.  
Killua and Gon
When our protagonists enter Heaven’s Arena, they raze the competition. I mean, it is actually comedic how easily Gon and Killua tear through their early matches, advancing up to the 100th floor in no time at all. This is how things have been throughout the series so far; Gon and Killua are exceptional, the kind of rookies that pass the Hunter Exam without real difficulty (barring one or two unpleasant situations). So far, we’ve seen that they’re on another level from the common man, but we haven’t yet seen what that level looks like; Heaven’s arena opens our eyes. At the same time that it grounds us in what the real world looks like, it also shows us by merit of contrast what the nen-user’s world looks like; the view from the 100th floor. For the first time, Killua and Gon are weak, and it’s the best thing that Togashi could have done for our characters. 
This is especially relevant to Killua’s character, whose struggles have been for the most part internal. We’ve not seen him break a sweat in a physical situation ever (I personally count his fight with Illumi as mental). But with nen, suddenly he’s as much a beginner as anyone else, as weak as someone ‘naked in the snow’. We can finally root for Killua now as a protagonist rather than a distant-but-badass supporting character. We get to see him grow and improve; but first what’s necessary is to tear him down to the ground and plant him there like Heaven’s Arena does. There’s no tree that grows without roots. 
Meanwhile, Gon’s doing the same thing, growing and fighting at a pace with Killua. Not only is this significant because it’s the first time we’ve seen Killua have anything close to a peer, but it means that Gon and Killua grounded together. The inherent inequality of their relationship was presented throughout the hunter exam arc. It’s most evident in the scene where rankings are revealed for the final exam and Gon is listed far above Killua. Killua’s jealousy reveals a narratively-unsustainable truth to the viewer: Killua is much stronger than Gon, even if he lacks in that fundamental trait of likability. The Heaven’s Arena arc sets them side by side, creating a more sustainable dynamic for their friendship. 
Going forwards, this means that we can empathize with their struggles as they fight to grow stronger. While Killua’s distant prodigy and Gon’s wild-child routine are fantastic and fun in the Hunter Exam arc, people like to see a protagonist experience something familiar, even if the framework around it isn’t. Everyone’s gained a skill through hard work, experienced both the frustration and incredible rewards of when it pays off, the human experience of growth; that’s what Heaven’s Arena is to the characters of Gon and Killua: a chance to be human for the first time. 
Now that they can start from the bottom, they have somewhere to go. The grounding of this series gives it room for expansion, a direction for the personal development of the characters, and a world for all of this to take place in. What’s important to take out of this arc is that it situates the rest of the series. York New may be in many ways more active and exciting-- I certainly enjoy the development of Kurapika’s arc in York New-- but it rests heavily on Heaven’s Arena. Just like supporting characters are essential to a good story, so are supporting arts. Respect Heaven’s Arena. Appreciate Togashi. Wait for hiatus to end.  
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theliterateape · 6 years
What Change Looks Like, I Suppose
By Peter Kremidas
(In lieu of the existence of technology that allows us to create literamatic soundtracks timed exactly to your personal reading speed via eye-tracking bots, and if you’ll indulge me in a bit of an experiment, you just may enjoy listening to the following internet radio station while you read this. Headphones preferred. Enjoy. I hope this makes you laugh and feel and think things.)
What Change Looks Like, I Suppose.
What is this? Yet another super personal piece of writing that you won’t release because you are a coward?
I didn't release those because I think a lot of too-much-information gets mistaken for bravery. Wow, somebody’s in a bad mood.
Ah, sarcasm. Typical. Humor as defense. Do you seriously have nothing else?
But seriously, folks, out of all the diverse and vast array of human coping mechanisms, from just refusing to talk about it, to addiction, and all the way to suicide, making jokes seems like one of the better ones to have, don't you think? I would choose that every time, if I had a choice. Which, oh yeah, I don't. I'm sorry, would you like to kiss my plump egg satchel?
That was way too...
Don’t say it, I know. Wordy. Unnecessarily so. Goes too hard. I don't know. We'll get it in post. The idea wasn’t that it was a good joke, but just that it was, in fact, a joke.
I was going to say "try-hard-y."
Just to be clear, you’re the one who talks in all italics, right?
Yes. With bold for emphasis. This formatting is ugly and the concept is derivative.
Do you think they’ve figured out that this is me talking to myself yet?
Stop. Good god, at long last, please stop. Please do not do more of this overthought masturbatory bullshit. You try so hard. Do you think people can’t see you trying so hard? They know that you are trying so hard because you are insecure and need their approval. Because you are fundamentally weak. You think people can’t see through this meta-ass jerk off of a piece?
UH-OH! Look at me! I’m a big scary voice! Blah blah blah! Look at me! Watch as I once again pretend positive things don’t exist! This is what I sound like when I talk! Blah blah blah!
Stop talking in my voice this instant.
Fine. OK, I’ll be real with you. Even though you already know the answer. Here it is again. I have no control over what people think about anything I say or do. Ever. Remember what we do with things we can’t control? We let them go. That is literally the only choice possible if the base value is happiness or even sanity.
Hell, that’s the only choice if your base value is truth. Anything anybody else is thinking is fundamentally an unknowable. It's impossible to know, so why spend the time trying to figure out what it is or will be? You might as well get mad that you can't lift a house. It makes no sense in terms of trying to evaluate what is true and what is not. I don't even need flowery language for it, it's just a bare fact. Unless I acquire some super-villain read-all-the-world's-thoughts helmet, which honestly just sounds like a very stressful goal to have.
I would like to take this opportunity to once again point out how derivative this framing device is.
What? What framing device?
Don’t be dense.
Talking to the mean voice in my head?
Now it’s over explanatory and hack meta bullshit.
You are nothing if not persistent.
You are nothing.
Honestly? I should have seen that one coming.
Don't publish this. Nobody is going to like this.
Are we really going to continue this line of conversation? Because I'm willing to.
Stop evading.
Have it your way. Here we go. One, even if the piece is everything you say it is and it sucks and nobody likes it, there’s nothing I can do about that. I have no control over what other people think of the stuff I make. And surely by now you remember what we do with the stuff we can’t control, right? Yep, we let it go. Because we have to. No other choice. See above. 
Sounding repetitive? Boy, just think how I feel about having to constantly remind myself of it.
Plus even if people do hate art I make it's not like that makes me a bad person or fundamentally flawed or something. I am fundamentally flawed in that I am human, but that's a whole other discussion. Point being it makes no sense to wrap up my self worth  into what other people feel about my art.
Plus plus, and more to your point, I am honestly just trying to make stuff that I would like.
Oh yes, because you are so above relishing in the praise of others. I'm sure that plays no incentivizing role at all.
Please do not interrupt.
There was a pau—
Of course it feels good to get compliments and praise and all that. I’m a human. Billions of years of evolution have passed to create this human brain hard wired to enjoy positive social feedback and hurt at the lack of it. That’s human nature that goes way back to needing to feel valuable by your nomadic tribe. It's why research shows that one of the precursors for human happiness is feeling like you are contributing to something larger than yourself. It's why the lack of it hurts so much that solitary confinement is literally torture for humans. It's why it feels good to give.
Again, not speaking in touchy feely language here. I know that does not work on you. In fact I hate that shit just as much as you do. All I'm saying is, see if you can find the lie in anything I just put upstairs.
Thank you for your attempt at speaking my language.
You're welcome. So yeah, I do like it when people like my stuff and get all those good ego stroking feelings. However I also know enough to know that if I don’t make whatever I’m making in an honest way, honestly just trying to make things that I myself would like or honestly expressing my truth or both,  it won’t be good and people really won't like it and, personally, I think they would have good reason not to. If I start appealing to others' imagined tastes, it will be bad because:
Damnit, no. Do not make a numbered list. Are you kidding me.
1. People can tell when they are getting pandered to, and I think it insults people’s intelligence to think otherwise. And...
Reading you is like doing homework.
Thanks. 2. Since I cannot know what they think, literally the only thing I have to rely on as judge is my own taste. If I make something and other people aren't into it, that is several measurements beyond OK. Different strokes, different blokes. But hopefully I liked it.
I would just like to point out...
3. Not only is the above all true, keeping it out of my head also keeps me sane.
OK, so...
Literally the only choice available to me is to make something and hope that somewhere out there, there exists other people who also get it. And when that happens, I know I am not alone, and some other people get know that neither are they. It is reassuring to be understood. It goes back to the same bits of human nature I was talking about before.
In fact I think that might be the whole point of art. Or at least one of them. To show how we are the same. Everyday spoken language can only get us so far when talking about experience. It's good to know you aren't crazy, that there is nothing wrong with you. You're just human and I know this because I'm one too. To know that other people are living in the same place we are, inside our own heads, just like we are.
I would just like to point out—
So what else could you possibly ask of me or anybody else creating anything other than just do their honest best? Not that criticism isn’t valid; that’s a major part of how things get better. I’m just talking about all I have available to me while I am in the process of creating. In this case, writing. And so that's what I do. Anyways, has anybody ever told you that you have a shitty attitude?
God do you ever overwrite.
God do you ever overwrite.
I said stop talking like me.
Talking like who?
I really don’t.
Well anyway, to your point, I'd rather be clear with repetition than unclear with brevity. Is there anything else?
You are ignoring that there are people who despise you.
They have every right to feel that way. It does not mean they are, in fact, right. Next?
Don't act like there aren't any good reasons to hate you.
I know there are. All I can do is pick up, apologize, be better going forward, and never do whatever it was again. And I've held myself to that. What else more could you possibly ask of an asshole? Life is understood backwards but must be lived forwards. I do my honest best at both. You are now, what, 0-4? 0-5?
Oh I had plenty of victories before you decided to get the way you are now. And even now I win sometimes. I would also like to point out that, as much as you lament my existence, I was built to protect you. At some point in your life, you needed me. And I stayed because on some level you have benefited from me in some way.
Fair point. Acknowledged. But you do realize that I’m in charge now, and have been for awhile, right? In fact, we’re only even having this conversation because I decided to have it. I came down here to this dungeon you are locked in, by choice, so I can write this thing here about learning to overcome and live with your demons, and how to be more powerful than them and all that.
Such a courtesy.
Such a courtesy. 
Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'll stop. Anyways, here's my point: Sure, yeah, there's a good reason you exist. I don't want to destroy you. It’s never been about killing you off, you old sad sack. It’s about being stronger than you. Because, like it or not, you are a part of me. Speaking of which, and in point of fact, I do love you. Cross my heart and pinky swear, under penalty of ocular needles. Love. You.
I don’t think we’re quite there yet.
I figured. Well, I’m gonna head back up and finish this other piece I’ve been working on. It’s about this one guy who's real dumb.
Oh how hilarious.
Don’t think I hate that sarcasm, baby. It’s delicious. It’s totally you and I love it. See you later.
You should really quit smoking, it is bad for you and disgusting. You idiot.
See? I knew you had some use but just overdid it most of the time. Fair point.
I love you, too.
No the fuck you don’t.
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