#is kinda like ... well i would never get into a closed monogamous relationship so i wouldnt do it but i can certainly see why someone would
have i missed taika/rita drama or is it the same old shit rehashed?
(i say this as a person who had rita in her top 5 artists last year)
Oh no it's the other Marriage. His ex wife came out to say the same thing she's been saying this whole time (i.e. "Thor Ragnarok destroyed my marriage") but in a way that some people are taking to mean means Taika cheated on her even though she doesnt explicitly say that and you guys if she wanted us to know that that happened and be mad about it she would tell us she's had the opportunity. But people are drawing insane conclusions as usual. Rita's not involved at all unless you make some timeline bending assumptions in order to paint Taika Waititi uncharitably.
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rath00ker · 1 year
Okay I swear I did a post like this but I think o deleted it for some reason but
How the Octavinelle students handle
Being in love
(I did one for Kalim and Jamil in an older post idk if anyone remembers but I might do one of these for each student idk tell me what y’all want)
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul handles being in love like any former victim of bullying handles being in love. Not saying anything out of a deep and intense fear of being rejected. That’s how he handles it no joke
He would rather just memorize everything about his crushes life than actually say anything. Sure he’s written up a few long and drawn out plans to court his crush but he never really goes through with them. The only way Azul would confess is for two reasons, A, the tweels find out and decide to play match marker or B, He is 100 percent sure he crush won’t say no (be it through a contract or overhearing that they have feelings for him as well.)
If those two things don’t happen Azul is happy (mostly) to be in love from afar even if the idea of a relationship slowly eats away at him from the inside.
Jade Leech
Jade is a very interesting critter. It’s very hard to tell if he actually likes someone or he’s just playing with them for some reason or another. Jade is smart, he knows he’s good with words and that he’s very handsome. I also don’t believe he’s above using flirting or charming people into doing/giving him something he wants. He’s very good at worming his way into other people’s lives and hearts.
However when he’s REALLY in love with someone, oh they aren’t going anywhere. Jade has probably fallen in love maybe twice in life? But now that he’s older and grown out of puppy love he’s all over his crush. Being that he’s so good at making a hole for himself in other people’s lives, he’ll just do that to get close to his crush.
Jade has no doubt that he could make his crush like him back, he has such a way with words after all! Soon the two of them will be married and living together happily next to a mountain or maybe the beach. Can’t you just tell how excited he is? Floyd will even start to notice that Jade is smiling a lot more than he used too
Floyd Leech
Look honestly Floyd is more of a situationship than a relationship guy. He gets crushes and gets over said crushes very quickly. Basically he has a boyfriend of the week (if any guy is interesting enough to be his boyfriend of the week). Since his mood swings are so bad his situationships can last a week or a few months maybe a whole year if you can be so lucky (and if Floyd actually enjoys sending time with the guy).
I can’t really imagine Floyd ever being in an actual closed monogamous relationship with anyone since he doesn’t like rules and goes wherever the wind flows. He’s just a situationship kinda dude.
Sorry if you wanna put a ring on it cause Floyd is NOT your guy
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vacantgodling · 2 months
I somehow did not realize Red, Hel, and Arden were a polycule lmao but now I have to know even more
1 - How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flow chart. 6 - Where do each of the members land on the “solo poly” to “entwined” spectrum? 7 - Where do each of the members land on the “free agent” to “community oriented” spectrum? 18 - What are their “vetoes” for potential metamours? Do they have any at all? 20 - How do each of the members deal with jealousy? How intense is the feeling? 21 - How intense does each member feel compersion toward their partners and metamours?
~ @void-botanist
haha well, they are but they "aren't" ... mostly because of plot issues BUT technically speaking they are. its complicated lmao but basically they are but arden feels like they can't be because he's a prince. ANYWAY tho:
1 - How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flow chart.
their relationship dynamic kinda looks like this (sorry this is hard to read):
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6 - Where do each of the members land on the “solo poly” to “entwined” spectrum? && 7 - Where do each of the members land on the “free agent” to “community oriented” spectrum?
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18 - What are their “vetoes” for potential metamours? Do they have any at all? && 20 - How do each of the members deal with jealousy? How intense is the feeling?
red has no real hard vetoes for any metamours, the only requirement that she has is that whoever hel is with (because she's entirely closed on her side) that they make hel happy and that hel seeks to prtect his happiness. she's very protective of him and she will sack anyone who makes him feel like shit. however, this poses an issue because unlike hel's other fuck buddies or nebulous people but he's in love with arden and arden makes him happy but arden's struggles with duty, honor and his own feelings makes hel sad, but red knows that hel would be sadder if arden wasn't in his life so she kind of deals with him. she doesn't really get jealous in a traditional way? when things first begin plot wise she does have some minor feelings of jealousy towards arden bc of how hel looks for his validation (hel and arden have known each other for longer technically) BUT it usually manifests in a lot of red's self-hating tendencies. after she and hel kind of establish their main qpr, all that jealousy melts because she trusts him. but she's still not keen on hel dealing with someone that makes him feel a way.
hel feels a bit selfish but he's honestly glad that red doesn't have any interest in anyone else because he kind of wouldn't be able to handle the idea of red having metamours on her side. he definitely chases arden and others to get that sexual gratification and traditional romantic sentiment (mostly with arden) but frfr if red was a romantic/sexual person then they'd honestly probably be mainly monogamous with hel having a free pass or two. he absolutely adores red and wants to keep her to himself LMAO but he never says that aloud-even though red would absolutely be fine with that. on the side of arden, he does have a difficult time accepting that he probably won't ever be an important or fundamental fixture in his life. unfortunately for himself, he's deeply in love with arden (not as much as he is with red to be fair but still). the only thing that he can handle mentally is arden having a wife because of the whole prince duty thing, not that he'd be happy about it but he understands that that would be the best case scenario for their relationship. they've had a few arguments regarding arden musing about having different sexual partners or trying women out to get used to the idea of "his duty" but hel doesn't like the idea of arden doing this out of obligation and not because it makes him happy. though arden always tells him to fuck off because of his whole vibe of being a free agent etc etc. hel isn't really a "jealous" person, he's just always been a bit insecure about where he and arden stand regarding their relationship so he's clingier than perhaps is warranted.
and after that entire explanation you'd think i'd say that arden isn't a jealous person? INCORRECT. he's the most jealous one out of the three of them and he feels it the most intensely. despite his knowing hel for longer, the fact that hel went and established a primary relationship with red and not him does hurt (and not that hel didn't try mind you, arden is just so hot and cold) and for a long time he was sort of unfairly jealous of red who was literally just vibing. he's also generally jealous of the fact that hel has the ability and privilege to just focus on himself and his own happiness. he doesn't have to think about what would be best for their country and how the nobility want him to behave whether it be as their pawn or their ruler, and because of that, arden is constantly at a crossroads of what to do and kind of takes it out on hel. that's partially why i put "queer at night" on his side of things because the only time he's honest with himself and when he and hel are anything of a semblance of a couple is under the cover of darkness. he isn't really in love with the fact that hel fucks other people either, but he feels like he can't butt in because he's already told hel to fuck off about his own exploits so how can he expect any different from him? he does eventually warm up to red and begrudgingly agrees that red does make hel a better person and in a perfect world where he wasn't a prince, he'd probably want their relationship to just be the three of them. so he keeps his opinions to himself mostly and is just grumpy a lot of the time.
21 - How intense does each member feel compersion toward their partners and metamours?
red feels compersion pretty heavily whenever hel goes out on the town and fucks someone because whenever he's happy, she's happy. because she also does care for arden (kind of, when he's not being an ass) she is happy for him and hel as well because they do make each other happy when again. arden isn't being dumb and hel isn't being insecure.
hel WOULD feel compersion if arden did actually find a wife that made his princely duties bearable and if he actually sought out situations for his own happiness, but bc arden is mostly a man of self sabotage, he can't bring himself to be happy whenever arden is doing ridiculous shit.
arden feels it begrudgingly. he slowly warms up to hel being happy with red and red becomes important o him slowly. he actively hates whatever random people hel goes to fuck tho. they can die in a ditch for all he cares pff.
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dreamsndmadness · 6 months
In your fic at this point would Feyd have sex with someone besides Paul? He seems to get jealous of other people taking Paul’s attention from him(regardless of whether or not it’s sexual) but does he think it’s the same way for Paul? I was expecting him to show interest in other people besides Paul due to his hypersexual personality and seeming disregard for committed relationships but he seems very focused on just being with Paul.
I guess the core of what I’m asking is: How does Feyd view his relationship with Paul?
Or maybe he just doesn’t think about that stuff lol :)
Ahhhh I love that you asked this 😝. Cause actually in my first draft of the story I was considering having Feyd have sex with other people at a certain point in this story and not really think anything of it. But really, it just doesn’t fit with the story I’m trying to tell. So to kinda answer (one) of your questions, Feyd is definitely not a monogamous person. However, Paul is. So that’s going to be a thing. Later on in their marriage, Feyd is going to beg Paul to let them have threeways or orgies or something. And Paul is going to consider it! The act of it happening will probably be much later on in their marriage when their relationship has deepened and trust has been built more. But! Paul will pull out some dirty talk surrounding the concept as a compromise lol. At this point in the story, I don’t think Paul would be particularly phased by Feyd sleeping with other people. But it’s not going to happen in this story.
Also yes, Feyd has some misguided and confused jealousy surrounding Paul, mostly focused on Jessica. He has definite possessive feelings towards Paul. And he is very annoyed with how close Paul and Jessica are. He’s also got some confused feelings about Jessica as well.
How does he view their relationship? I am so excited to talk about this lol. I don’t think he’s ever had a ‘relationship’ quite like this, where it’s a person that he sees as an equal and is “his”. I think Feyd is used to viewing people that are not a part of his immediate family as not actual people but as things/objects. So he’s confusedly trying to work through that as Paul almost immediately got put in the “real person” category in his mind. But I also think he’s never had a friend before either. And he wants to be friends with Paul too. He thinks he’s cool and pretty and he has a cruuuuush lol.
I think Feyd has had a lot of sex. However, I don’t think Feyd has had a completely consensual sexual encounter in his life. I think he either has relations with his uncle. Or he goes through a series of male and female concubines that he has power over that can’t really consent. He doesn’t see those people as people and doesn’t care about their pleasure. When he starts having sex with Paul, it doesn’t fit into either category that he’s used to and we can see that confusion in him where he's struggling to find out what Paul wants or expects and is very confused by ALL of Paul’s reactions.
While Feyd is not an introspective person—certainly more of a reactive person— he is trying to navigate this completely new relationship as best as he can.
I hope that kinda answers your questions 😝. Sorry it was kinda long and rambly. I just have so many thoughts about him.
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moonyasnow · 4 hours
Additional thoughts about that Oiran!Irina AU
bc I know way too much about the lives of women in the red light districts of the Edo period of Japanese history (and I'm also close to falling asleep and that seems to be when all the motivation and good ideas come)
[ original post here. Would have just reblogged it with this new stuff but I'm about to go to bed and only have my phone and wrote this in drafts before I had that idea ]
First thing's first, I wanna educate some people bc this is a genuinely super fascinating topic to me:
Patrons were basically always LONG-TERM— at least if you were a courtesan and not the kind of sex-worker who was hired for one-time things
Because it wasn't only the obvious aspect that the men who were with courtesans were paying for; it was also basically a 'relationship' experience. They payed not only to sleep with the courtesan— and that usually didn't happen until at LEAST the 3d date— but also to come and basically have dates with them, spend time with them, flirt and stuff, and for them to listen to your troubles. It was also assumed to be monogamous— at least for the Patron. The courtesan was, of course, a courtesan, so it was literally her job to be with multiple people. But the Patron was only allowed to be seeing one courtesan at a time
And back to what I wanted to say
There was a thing where, a courtesan cutting off a lock of her hair to give to one of her patrons was seen as 'proof' of her love, since the hair was considered very valuable to a courtesan and to her beauty. (Some courtesans even payed someone to get a lock of hair from just— wherever, and pretended it was their own)
And I started thinking about Malleus, slightly misunderstanding the intricate, unwritten social rules of this whole thing— it was typically only the courtesan who did it— only seeing the 'a lock of your hair is a proof of love' part, and one day he cuts off a lock of his own hair and gives it to her, saying something about her now always having something to remind her of him, even when they can't always be near each other.
And, there was also a more extreme version of the hair thing, which involved the courtesan cutting off her pinky finger to give to her patron. This was most likely faked most of the time though, and it was more about the intent of it if I remember correctly— so it was normal, and actually expected, for a courtesan to make a big deal about how she was going to do it, maybe even taking out a knife, and the patron stopping her right before she actually did it.
And Irina, having grown up in this world* (I'll explain this more at the end of the post bc I caught myself infodumping again) has kinda come to romanticize this.
So I imagine that she actually tells him that she'll give him her pinky finger— just because she'd have grown up with that being what was expected to do to show your devotion to someone— but instead of the response she expected he looks really sad. And he kisses her fingers and tells her that he would never want her to hurt herself for his sake, and that it broke his heart to hear she would even think of doing something like that to herself. And also that it will always be infinitely more beautiful still attached to her.
Irina, having grown up with all these weird social rules (that were ONLY 'the norm' in the red light districts— and most of the really out-there stuff more in Yoshiwara) and— she, at least, given her mental state— seeing them as the norm, as 'just what one does' felt a bit confused by his actions.
She's the kind of person who would genuinely buy into the 'proof of love' stuff, especially if it was just a thing in the culture she grew up in, so she sees it for exactly the gesture he meant it as. And she's never been the one who had someone wanting to show proof of their love to her.
So it kinda made her go
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Irina ended up cutting a big lock of her own hair to give to him, as well— not bc it was expected of her, but because of his own sentiment, of having something of the others for when they missed each other
Oh oh also—
A thing that could add angst in this AU is that, in general, a courtesan wasn't actually allowed to fall in love, even with one of her own patrons, bc it might risk her wanting to run away with that person or refusing to see her other patrons entirely. A courtesan's job was to pretend to be in love, but never actually be in love
But maybe one day she'd lament how she wished she could be with only him
And then Malleus says he'll just double whatever the combined sum all her other patrons are paying is so it wouldn't be something her Madame could complain about
Irina, probably not realizing he's actually being 100% serious, would say it would be nice if he could
Then the literal next day she finds out he actually fckn did it
*Women who went on to become high-rank courtesans were almost always purchased by brothels from starving or sick or indebted or otherwise not well off families when they were still very young, between the ages of 5-9. At first they were made basically the 'little sister' of a woman who was already a courtesan. So the girl's big sister would care for her, feed her, clothe her, etc. And the girl would basically be her way of communicating with people. Because a courtesan couldn't just DIRECTLY go up to a patron she liked and ask him to spend more time with her bc of a bunch of those aforementioned unwritten social rules. So instead, the little sister would find him and ask him to come see her big sister.
They also did things like run errands, accept gifts on their big sister's behalf, and tell their sister about any news or gossip they heard
Courtesans usually had one or two little sisters. And I don't remember exactly when, but at some point, if one of them showed promise in music or some other art, was particularly pretty, and socially skilled, she began to be considered a courtesan-in-training herself, until she was considered old enough to become a fully-fledged courtesan (which was usually still very young by today's standards— I've heard around 14-15 was a common age— though I could be wrong, it's been a lil while)
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legacyshenanigans · 9 months
I was bored and I found a
"Questions nobody asks"
Thing on the Internet, and I wanna do it 🤣 could consider it as a "get to know me" thing, I guess, haha. Gonna undercut though, because its kinda long. 🤍
Who the fuck goes to sleep with their closet doors open?! 🤣
Ew no haha, because they tend to be shitty shampoos and conditioners. I'm very particular with what I put on my hair.
Out, I would feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable if my sheets were tucked in, I move around a lot in bed hahaha.
Not a street sign no, I stole one of those big umbrellas from outside a pub once though🤣
Not really. No reason to.
I'm terrified of bees and wasps and shit like that hahaha, but I reckon my chance of survival would be higher with a swarm of bees?
I do, under my makeup haha.
Nope. 🤣
People trying to talk to me when I have earphones in. A VERY quick way to get on my fuckin nerves.
No? 🤣
Yes. 🤣
.....Yes. 😅 (while camping in the middle of nowhere, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go)
All the time. 🤣
I used to. Not so much these days.
Well, I'm in a monogamous relationship, sooooo. One, lol.
Helicopter Girl - Satan's Seventh Bride.
Yeah? Sure? Why not?
I can't even remember the name of it! Me and my mum are big horror fans, and we hunt for horror films together, and it was your standard, stereotypical folk move into a house. House is spooky. Spooky things happen ect. ect. ect. But it was FUCKING SHITE! 🤣 So THAT hahaha.
Near a tree in a woods, then I'd leave a vague note just saying "Its under a tree in *name of woods* " 🤣 That's ALOT of ground to search, hahaha.
Depends on what I'm eating.
I'm a Tommy K gal. 🤣
I fucking LOVE Kinder Buenos.
The HP films.
My fella.
I went to Rainbows when I was a little kid, then I went to Brownies (similar kinda thing as Scouts) but I ended up leaving brownies after only going twice because I HATED one of the brownie leader women 🤣
Sure, why not? Haha.
It's been a lonnnnng time since I've written a letter to someone. Phones exist now, haha.
Sandwiches in general are top tier scran, but I like meaty big ones 🤣
A can of redbull and a cigarette. 🤣
Depends on my sleeping pattern, sometimes a good 10/11pm sometimes 5/6am. 🤣🤣
Yes. Ain't even gonna lie lmao.
I mentioned above that my mum likes horror, so she would dress me as things like Vampires, Werewolves, The Devil, general monsters haha, which is funny to me because we'd usually all go trick or treating together with my friends and their mums, and my friends would always be things like princess's lmao.
Is that the same as Zodiac? I believe I'm the Rooster.
In 2023? No lol.
Wtf are lincoln logs?! Hahaha. Legos.
Nah I'm pretty good with heights.
Every damn time. 🤣
I don't actually haha, hum maybe, but not sing.
As a passenger, yeah, sometimes.
At my last day of HS party (Prom basically)
I just HATE musicals tbh. 🤣
Not really.
What? 🤣
Honestly, I can't remember 😅
100%, I've seen one, don't expect people to believe me, but I know what I saw.
All the time!!
No, but I probably should lmao.
Fuckin love a good pair of slippers.
Depends on the weather.
Nickelback 😅 (DON'T JUDGE ME!)
Well, can't lie, 2 outta 3 of those we don't have in my country haha.
Cheetos because I dunno wtf Fritos are haha.
It was never something I thought about, infact when I first met my fella I had no idea what he did for work, and never asked because it wasn't important to me 🤣 turned out he had a very good job and I was just like "Oh OK cool" haha.
I've never competed in one.
Yessss 🤣
Like Vinyl? I do actually haha, some Iron Maiden ones.
My mum and Dad did. I don't.
Yeah, daily, I love that shit haha.
Yeah :)
Honestly, I don't really know, too many haha.
It's been a while, but I went to a rock and blues weekend festival thing last year.
Don't know what either of those are 🤣 but Snickerdoodles sound DELICIOUS haha.
Yeah I'm pretty decent.
Yeah a few in my time haha.
Define plastic surgery haha. I've had lip fillers a few times? Nothing crazy. Is that classed as PS though?
I used to be able to, been a long time since I have.
The living room.
Yeeeeah one day, but we're chill. I'm engaged.
I'm not, yet.
Oh my god, there was this lad called Jordan in my HS...He would like, tease me all the time though, I would call it "Soft bullying" 🤣 and I LOVED him LMFAO! 😅 I think thats why I like guys who can be abit of a bastard haha.
Not really. But I'm a very "Babyyyyyyy? Can I get this?" Kinda gal, to get what I want 😅😅
Not yet.
I'd like to yeah.
Not really.
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lesbianneopolitan · 2 years
I’m sure you’ve answered this before but tumblrs tagging system sucks. What are your sexuality head canons for neo and cinder?
My brain's mush atm because it's 2am but, I think I actually didn't write down too much about their sexualities?? In reality I just, made them both lesbians because I'm simple, because, well, I'm a lesbian myself, whatever floats the boats of people!
On a side note, I have a somewhat extensive headcanon on my Neo discovering her sexuality and it not being a thing she just realized/accepted when earlier in her life, alongside her somewhat complicated relationship with developing romantic feelings, so lemme copy/paste those- keep in mind these all are my personal headcanons, obvs!
Before she was sent to Lady Browning’s Preparatory Academy For Girls, she would’ve already experimented with herself, in the sense that she technically lost her virginity to herself, or at that moment, to Neo, her ‘imaginary friend’. It couldn’t get sadder because that moment was simply born out of the desperation of her loneliness- being so isolated from the world makes one do crazy things sometimes.
But that didn’t mean that Trivia knew who she was attracted to, it was a one-time thing, and her next stop would be the Academy.
I can say for certain that she had her gay awakening at the Academy, even if it was in a subconscious manner. She hated basically every single girl in the damned school because no one treated her right, so she never had the chance of getting close to any of them, nor she wanted to, so despite there being something at the back of her mind that made her find many of the girls attractive and interesting, she didn’t think at the moment that it meant she was a lesbian.
She got back at the Malachite twins once, though, she decided to fuck up with Miltia by turning into her lover -another girl of the Academy- and took their place, so when they started getting into the heat of the moment, Neo turned back to be herself in the middle of it to send the major ‘fuck you’ to Miltia she could. Even when she was doing that out of spite and revenge to their bullying, there was still something at the back of her mind that made her enjoy kissing and getting naughty with another girl, but she still denied it.
After the Academy, all she had was Roman, and for a time, Neo was actually pretty convinced that she felt attraction for him, but any show of affection that ended crossing into romantic/sexual territory is something that didn’t feel right for her, so it’s after spending like a year with him, that she finally accepted she was simply attracted to women.
Since then, she has been rather proud and open about it- definitely nothing she’s ashamed of.
Back when she lived with Roman, the platonic relationship she had with him filled the wholesome moments she needed, but Neo was prone to go out at night after a heist to flirt with women at the club.
There was always an attempt to try and find romantic feelings in those one-night stands, but she never found it, despite not minding filling her need for sexual encounters that way.
It got to a point in which she started to believe she would never be able to develop those kinds of feelings for another woman, and even if that's far from the truth, it's true she has it hard to fall for someone, romantically speaking, even if she can feel sexual attraction way earlier.
On a side note, when she gets to fall in love she's monogamous, thinking that social relationships are already hard enough to maintain to get into more than one.
She is definitely not used to have prolonged friendships with other people that aren't Roman, so she's not only kinda lonely, but she also falls being rather dependent of the person she clings onto. Girl has issues.
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(hi ^_^ i dont know if these are closed but i'd like to request a romantic matchup with the twst boys (no staff preferably). call me lee by the way! or 💥
im an introvert. mellow, light-hearted, down-to-earth and a bit assertive when i can be and i have tendencies to be passive-aggressive when provoked. i think i'd say i'm kinda stubborn as well and i don't like to cause trouble for myself for no good reason. i tend to be rational almost all the time since it helps me find common ground on things so it's easier to cater for ppl whilst trying to conclude together. i go with the flow most of the time and i'm quite unshaken to setbacks and try not to dwell on them. i also observant and catch onto small details and remember the small things abt ppl easily. i get along with most people really since i don't have strong feelings of hate for the people around me. im also naturally intelligent but the lack of motivation kinda throws me off (lazy bum). when im around people, i tend to be corny as hell with my jokes and they are almost always a hit or miss. im also sarcastic and offbeat in terms of my humor. people have told me im quite warm-hearted, loyal and considerate. a friend of mine also told me they felt like they could be themself in my presence. im also quite comical (in terms of my facial expressions). i give advice rather than comfort or just silent comfort.
as for hobbies i really love drawing and im into videogames (mostly horror games) and tv series/movies. honestly whatever catches my attention. i also want to play the guitar and garden soon.
i look for someone who i can spend time with.. i like to take things slow, so i guess something casual then turns serious. it takes a while to bare myself to other people so i think i need someone who wont go yapping off my personal problems to anyone else. also i have a hard time expressing how i feel so i tend to use more actions that words. id also like someone who can motivate me cuz im quite the lazy person. knowing that someone has my back is something i deeply appreciate. also someone honest please. other than that, the bare minimum wins. you love me, i love you. bonus if you match my energy or play along wither whatever gimmick i have in store.
i cant deal with people who cant alk things through. i also dont like people who tend to go out of their way to purposefully harm reps/relationships etc. holier-art-thou personalities are also a turn off. also know-it-alls who can actually never back up anything they say. and the usual.
i give quality time, parallel play and acts of services. i like to receive words of affirmation the most and any other one that i give.
typology: istp sp9w8 973 (or 953 im not sure) zodiac: aries sun, capricorn moon, aquarius rising, mercury pisces, venus taurus
im unlabeled with a masc preference. im monogamous. in relationships, i think i may be clingy but i prefer if we respect when we need a little space every now and then. im not too sure how id be in one overall. theres a first for everything
i'm 5'4, warm-toned brown skin and 4B curly black hair (in braids) with two moles on each side of my face. i also have dimples and on the chubbier side. severe case of resting bitch face that everyone seems to think im an unfriendly grump (im not im nice). people say my smile is akin to :3 i tend to present neutrally but more on the feminine side i suppose. i really love rings as well and wear them whenever.
i also love strangers to lovers trope or opposites attract (not necessarily stark opposites like sun and moon, but the way they think and act, you wouldn't think they would end up together but they do somehow.)
thank you!
Hi, Lee [you can also be 💥 anon if you want]! Seems like you’re the apple of someone’s eye!
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Epel Felmier
How I would imagine you two meeting; You would have a meet-cute moment where you bump into each other while in the gardening section. “Ah, pardon me,” he would say and then noticed that you had a book on gardening. “I’d recommend this variety-” From there you would become friends and then a couple, it would be pretty seamless too. “Yer pretty sweet, ya know? I think we make a good pair.”
Even before you two even got together, you would bicker with each other playfully. Epel would just roll his eyes if you brought up the height difference. Only you get a free pass on that. In turn, he would also playfully tease you back.
Epel really appreciates that you’re down-to-earth and that you have a good head on your shoulders; that you’re loyal and considerate. But he also understands that you do struggle with motivation at times, and he’s there to cheer you on, to lift you up. “Darlin’, would you like some help there? It’s okay to fall off the horse, as long as you get back up.” But he doesn’t nag you about it.
He loves seeing your goofy side, and you can either have him cracking up so hard that he’s crying, or he gets sighs and shakes his head. He can match this energy though and send you some awful apple jokes. The victor is only declared when either you or him laughs.
He appreciates that you’re interested in wanting to start gardening, and can help you if you wanted him to; spending quality time covered in mud while planting seeds. Watching movies, and playing horror games are also common, and he won’t go easy on you either… he might be a tad of a sore loser… “You only beat me cuz you’re better at it,” it has no bite though. He also really likes your drawings and might replicate them in his apple carvings.
Epel keeps everything that you reveal to him confidential. You trusted him with that information, and he’ll take it with him to the grave. He’ll also talk things over with you, and take any advice that you give to heart.
He finds your dimples endearing and will tell you so. He holds a similar softness for your moles too. And the :3 smile, and he understands the RBF, so the :3 smile is even better when considering that.
“Hey, darlin’? You’re the only apple in my eye. Ugh, that was cheesy.”
I hope you enjoy your match-up, Lee! I also got the extra info you provided too and tried to add that in.
Epel would also learn how to braid, so if you wanted, he could braid your hair; but he wouldn't push it. He would also get you two matching rings, representing both of you they're apples. Hope you enjoy the Southern drawl!
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angeltism · 5 months
What the fuck even is this. Massive ass idfk-what ramble under the cut. Warning for me briefly-ish mentioning my abuse but in no detail. Hooray!
Whenever I think about my jealousy, I often think about being told as a suuuper young child during a conversation about polyamory that if your partner is only with you, you get their entire heart. If your partner is with other people as well, you get half, a third, whatever amount of their heart. And this meant that they loved you, and all their other partners less than they would if they were in a monogamous relationship. This implied that polyamorous relationships were less loving, and therefore inferior to monogamous relationships.
At the time I knew it felt wrong, disappointing, but I mean I was a tiny child with no relationship experience and who had never actually met anyone in a polyamorous relationship, so I kinda just. Accepted it? And that kinda just. Stuck with me, I think. And in general, I've always been told that polyamory just complicates things, makes it easier to get your heart broken, all that kind of stuff. I think hearing all of this, as well as having my abandonment issues, kinda drilled the idea of viewing other people as a threat when I like someone. To me, it.. kinda set me up to be horrendously jealous, in a way? I don't fully blame it because yes, I've generally been in a lot of situations where people I loved did not love me the same, and instead loved others much much more. But that has happened whether or not I was dating someone who was polyamorous, whether I was dating someone who wasn't poly but still was close to others in other ways, or even just if I was merely friends with someone who just.. had other friends they placed above me. The person being poly or not wasn't the problem, and it definitely was not the source of my unhappiness (and in the case of the one person I dated who did have other partners, it was not the main source of my unhappiness, and was really just. uncomfortable. any genuine distress he caused me was, well, the fucking abuse and neglect and love bombing, not just him having other partners.)
Love isn't a finite thing, it's not like a cake that you cut into slices to be able to give some to everyone, but the less people there are the bigger the portion everyone else gets. Love, and I should clarify I mean all forms — not just romantic, is something that most are able to give and give and give and not have to ration or portion between those they want to give it to. I say most people, as I imagine this is not a universal experience, and I myself have times where I put lots of effort into a specific someone and then am less able to be there with others I know, but I always make it up and it does not mean I love them any less. Our time and energy are finite, to varying degrees, but I think when we really love someone we're able to trust that they love us even if they've been busy and/or tired and less able to express it.
What matters isn't the type of relationship, or how many people are involved, but the people the relationship is between. People who are less affectionate will simply be less affectionate, people who are neglectful and don't care about the needs of others will be that way in a monogamous relationship just as they'd be in a polyamorous one.
Example, the abuse I faced was not because my abuser was polyamorous, he didn't cheat because he was poly, he didn't make me jealous on purpose because he was poly. Everything he did, even in terms of his other partners, and especially the things unrelated to that and him outright cheating on me happen all the time in monogamous relationships. The horrendous distress and trauma I faced wasn't because he was poly, and I find that blaming it on that minimizes the things he did.
Having this weird realization kinda? Shook me? Because I've always had thoughts like "ah, this person is interacting with someone else, this means they love me less. I must mean nothing to them." but I realized. When I talk to others, I don't love other people I know any less. I love two people deeply, with vaguely the same kind of love, and I also am horrendously head over heels for someone else romantically. I love them all so much, and none of them subtract from the amount that I care for the others. I've.. kinda gained a bit more understanding for polyamorous people, I think, because my brain has finally stopped with the whole "ranking people by importance and how much I love them because I surely cannot love too many people this much at once" thing it did for so long. And that it assumed every other human on planet earth was hardwired to do. The thing that caused me so much distress and jealousy and possessiveness.
All of this isn't to say people won't have favorites, or people they're closer to than others. Those I've known for longer are more likely to be the ones I think about, tell things about myself to, what have you, but again, none of this means I love others any less. I dunno, all of this seems really obvious now but it really wasn't for my entire life up until like, two hours ago. I don't even know if this is legible or if I made grammar mistakes or whatever the hell, but uh. I don't really care ?? This was first and foremost for me, more on the "using tumblr as a digital diary" end of the "things I post on here" spectrum. If you read all of this, wow. That sure is something.
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hiriajuu-suffering · 9 months
LF an additional LTR
Yeah, I let you live rent-free in my head. Not because it's naive to be vulnerable at all, but feeling love is only worth if it gets you to be vulnerable. When something cuts deep, that means you lived: you let something affect you. To live is to suffer, to suffer is to be human.
Every point in time within a life is an opportunity to feel most like yourself, and letting something pan out, collide, be messy and complicated is how you get the realest snapshots of yourself. Am I okay with not always being able to slot in the perfect place? I kinda have to be.
One of my biggest irks when I was first learning love was using timing as an excuse: fitting into another's box is the way I'm not subjected to that timing. We didn't quite work because not everything about me just fell into place to the exact standard, despite there probably was a lot more good than bad.
We put so much selection pressure on ourselves, at times, we forget to live. All I'm seeking out is feeling in life, not trying to just be someone's fix. I'm doing about that, but it's tough to know if I'll ever land on any of the non-normative morally inconvenient relationship potentials I've been gravitating towards. I don't need it to feel easy, just not constantly being under threat of having something to prove lest I lost it altogether lets me stay in the moment so much better.
All I notice on a macro-level is men are made to compete while women being courted set demands until someone comes along and checks all the boxes. No matter how well I can play, I'll never be the type of person than tick everything off. Relationships take work, they take compromise: not summoning a manifestation of things you've convinced yourself you wanted but probably aren't as close to exactly what you need as they should be.
So the unfairness gets to me. If I was just monogamous, the ownership factor would be enough of a settlement to prompt some level of emotional investment. Yet somehow all straight-leaning men are amatonormatively perceived as worthy of any level of dedication until it's earned. Like it's another capitalist labor trap for us, except it's having to play a part until the other person is willing to submit the constant evaluation and let themself go.
The journey's been rough so far, but my faith tells me something will come along and make it all make sense. Right now, I'm still learning how to cut the mononormative strings that forsake the little opportunity I get, and I've been thinking in terms of polyamory for a little over half a decade at this point.
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moisummertime · 2 years
This week I've been reflecting a lot, trying to figure out things that I should have been done in the past few weeks. I mean, I appreciate, I feel grateful, and content for whatever things that have happened but there are few things that I def would like to make sure that I learn from what I did. I don't want to feel like Im victim in this situation, it takes two to tango so whatever I do take parts in how things went. 1. Pace. Although it's expected that men take the responsibility of setting the pace, I think it's definitely important that I also take time. There were times where I kinda feel lost in the fast pace and just feeling like I neglect my job, my passions, and everything I do is just super invested in the relation that was built overnight. This is why I need to take time to meditate and take some space from what I feel and how it made me feel. I need to contribute to setting the pace. 2. Distance. One point I kinda feel like it was suffocating but at the same time addicting. Which both also alarming reactions to such situation. Space, so many space def needed. And I think I need to communicate it extra as well. I mean saying no to some offer is good. My people pleasing ass should be more aware of my own need. 3. Clarity. Clarity can be very helpful in defining boundaries. How far I can go, how jealous I can be, I think it's should be done in beginning. Jealousy is very cultural, and as an Indonesian, growing up in a monogamous society. I don't take it very well lol And that much intensity that was built made me forgot that I was not in relationship with anyone. Im a complete single woman and the other party is pretty much a public property as he wanted it to be. It was finally clear and I finally sober. I might exclusively seeing one person but it's not always same case for another person before you make it clear ;) 4. Community. One thing that Im very much lacking of here is community. Most of friends I got usually just traveler so barely can do anything about it. I def need to see how they are in my circle and how my circle react to it. Although I know how my circle would react so I kinda feel like I should keep him away from them lol. I can't handle criticism. But the polish girls gave me a very good judgement for the man. So yep I know, they'd never approve. I kinda feel like this is something that is grow in sisterhood bond. No man will be good enough for your female friends even though they like them very much. 5. Crisis of Desire. This one linked to distance. While intimacy and closeness build love, it also create a boredom. Distance create desire. It made you anticipate the meetings while you are in distance. The longing for that person and it builds desire. 6. Emotional Unavailability. I feel like Im ready, like you know all those things they said "You hate stuff about that person and yet you choose to stay." Like in someways I can do that but I have to admit that Im so scared of commitment. Like I was running around, knowing that it wasn't gonna last, and still happy about it and committed to that thing even though at one point it was turning me off like crazy. Maybe my stupid ass still not ready for commitment... I know it's not gonna last and it's not gonna hurt me that much... Although I did hope that it turned out differently and end up hurting me even more because whatever. Im all in. Or maybe I'm half ready so I think it's best for me to go home, and learn to settle down maybe in Jakarta. I need to stay in one place.
It's mad to realize that Relationship is hard, complex, and so confusing that bitch! I can't even grasp all the informations from podcasts, books, social media that I got this week. Am I scared of getting hurt? I don't think so. I mean I loved him, what he did hurt me like crazy, but that's the price Im willing to pay. So anyway, love isn't enough. Relationship is a whole different spectrum. I fucking need to learn more. I don't care even if I get hurt in the process, Im moving forward and Im ready! SpongeBob level of "I'm ready!"
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rendaze · 3 years
triads and tribulations (m)
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+ featuring . . . jimin x reader x taehyung
+ summary . . . if your best friend asks you to fuck his boyfriend, who are you to say no?
+ genre . . . pwp, smut
+ wordcount . . . 8.4k
+ warnings . . . rough sex, sub!reader, a lot dirty talk, heavy degradation (use of ‘slut’, 'whore', etc.), dumbification, breeding kink, impreg kink, use of toys, cumplay, cum swallowing (!!!), spit play, reader gets tied up
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When your best friend, Park Jimin, arrives at your doorstep rain-soaked, you’re only half-surprised when he asks you to fuck his boyfriend. Not that he’d ever made the request before (theirs being a monogamous, loving relationship), but Jimin was always doing out of pocket shit. You shouldn’t have been even the half-surprised that you were, to be honest.
“And why would I do that?” you replied, voice as dry as the argyle carpet had been before Jimin’s Chelsea boots stepped on it.
“Because you’re the bestest friend a dude could have and you love me?” He hugged your arm to his chest, tugging you back-and-forth. The rain droplets that shifted to your skin were glacial. “Also, I paid for dinner last week.”
You jostled him away before your pajamas dampened any further. “That was ten dollars.”
“You’re pimping me out to Taehyung for ten dollars.”
“I’m not pimping you out,” he said. “Because I’d be there too.”
You scoffed. Jimin’s plans were always one of two options: laughable or inconceivably ridiculous. “Excuse me?”
Jimin walked to the drawers where you kept your towels with the ease of one who’d made a home in a place not their own. He threw himself on the couch without a care that the red turned dark with moisture, feet on the glass coffee table, flipping through your mail with vague interest –‘We forgot to pay this’, he would say, as if your bills were his business. Not that he would ever pay—rent or dinner plans—without expecting something in return. In the past, that had been accompanying him to his dance recitals as his personal photographer, or (pre-Taehyung era) being his wingwoman and inciting jealousy to bitter exes. Clearly, the extent to which you’d go as his best friend had evolved in his mind since.
“Okay, let me explain,” he pouted, patting the cushion beside him. Reluctantly, you sat. “You remember how Taehyung lost his virginity to me ages ago?” ‘Ages ago’ meaning ‘two years’ in Jimin-speak. “Well, he’s been curious about what it’d be like to sleep with a woman because he never has, and well… you’re a woman.”
“Wow, I’m so thankful that I was the first coochie-owner to come to mind.”
“Actually, the first was Seulgi but-” You smacked his arm. “Kidding!”
“Does your proposition not sound like the most awkward fucking thing ever?”
“He has a big dick, I’m just saying.” Jimin dodged your next attack. “Also, he’s always thought you were really cute.”
“Do you not hear the words coming out of your mouth, right now? That’s your boyfriend.”
“A boyfriend who mentioned that he wanted to fuck you.”
It was easy to surmise that Jimin was lying. One, you’d be lying if you were to say that Jimin didn’t have a slight proclivity for falsifying truth to get what he wanted like a petulant child, and two, Taehyung had never shown signs of ever having been attracted to you.
You groaned, sinking further into the cushions. “And what about you? Does that not bother you?”
He hummed. “I actually think it would be kinda hot.”
Your back straightened as you turned to him, aghast. Your friendship had never been permeated with ‘what-ifs’ or any sort of tension. You’d even say he was like a brother to you if you hadn’t made out with him at Kim Seokjin’s party in freshman year. Drunken mistakes were drunken mistakes… surely, he didn’t remember it.
But the way he glanced at your lips as you struggled to respond made you think otherwise.
“No pressure,” Jimin smiled. “I know you find Taehyung attractive, I’m not blind.”
“I never said…”
He leaned in, close enough that his breath tickled your skin. “I know you find me attractive, too.” You pushed at his shoulder half-heartedly. He didn’t budge. “So, what’d you say? You in?”
“You’re being way too casual about all of this.” Because if you didn’t fight back then you’d have to admit to yourself that a part of you had thought of Jimin during lone nights, fingers between your legs and guilt in the back of your mind.
“Because it’s just sex,” he said. And when he stated it like that it didn’t sound like a big deal. Because it was just sex. Or, rather, sex-based curiosity on Taehyung’s part. Sex that Jimin would just happen to watch.
Your thighs rubbed together as you squirmed in your seat. It was despicable how easily persuadable you were as someone who’d been on a four-month dry spell.
You let Jimin stir in waiting for a few moments before grumbling your answer: “Fine.”
“I didn’t hear you,” he teased. He threw a leg over your lap, playfully leaning in. “Can you repeat that?”
You shoved him off as he laughed. “I said ‘fine’, but if it becomes awkward, I’m dipping.”
“Oh, thank god, because I might have told him that you already agreed, and he might already be on his way here.”
“Might?!” You grabbed the throw pillow and smacked him with it until his forearms lifted to shield his oh, so precious face. “And what if I said no?”
“Then we’d have a very lovely, very platonic dinner.”
Park Jimin was a handful, and you wondered why you went with all of his dumb plans. Maybe, you thought, because they always end up working out.
You weren’t sure if this one would.
Twenty minutes of ‘Desperate Housewives’ later, the buzzer sounded. You’d never seen Jimin more excited to open the door in your life, metaphorical tail wagging as he bounced off the couch and jumped over the coffee table in his rush to answer it.
From where you sat, Taehyung’s baritone voice echoed in the hallway. The sentences were difficult to decipher, but you vaguely heard: ‘yeah, I brought it’.
As dizzy as you were with nerves, the hint of excitement that rose to the surface was undeniable.
You stood as they approached. To sit felt vulnerable, letting their tall figures hover over you with the promise of what you were about to do hanging in the air. Instead, you gestured to the kitchen. “Anyone want wine?”
Taehyung chuckled, scratching his nape.
You were reminded of his attractiveness with the new development, having viewed him as an unattainable figure during the length of his relationship with Jimin. His hair fell down his chiseled features in damp curls, likely having just showered after the gym – evident by the sports bag in his right fist. The kind of appearance that would cause anyone to stop and stare regardless of what they were doing.
His eyes darted around your living room as if it were his first time there. It wasn’t. You were as close to him as one would expect: one-on-one conversations only revolving around Jimin. You knew more about him through second-hand information rather than from the man himself. Like how he was a business major who liked art and lived alone with a Pomeranian named ‘Yeontan’.
“We’re good,” Jimin declined, grinning in a way that sent signals to your synapses warning: ‘DANGER!’
You knew he had something up his sleeve (for when did he not?) So it shouldn’t have come as a shock when he sat you down between the two of them and pressed play on the remote, continuing where you left off on the episode you had been watching prior to Taehyung’s arrival.
Your brows furrowed.
Jimin ignored your attempts to garner his attention, focused on the pixelated catfight unfolding on screen.
Pressed to your left, Taehyung readjusted every few moments. Unlike his boyfriend, he didn’t look so invested in the show, but neither was he invested in you, the person he had supposedly come here to fuck.
“C’mon, isn’t this fun?” Jimin pouted, throwing an arm around your waist and snuggling into your neck. He peppered small kisses against the skin as if it were normal behaviour, as if this was what he always did when you two cuddled. It wasn’t. “I missed hanging out with my boyfriend and best friend together.”
The hand on your waist slowly slipped underneath your shirt and stayed there. Jimin’s fingers were soft against you, pressing circles against your ribs. He would just barely graze against the bottom of your chest, pushing the weight upward, before sliding back down to your stomach.
Your nipples ached, your lower stomach tensed, and your core throbbed.
Besides the accidental graze, Jimin had only ever touched you once in such a manner. It was foreign. He felt foreign. Unlike the man you’d grown up with. The familiar teasing glint in his gaze didn’t do much to dispel the permeating darkness. This was the Jimin you imagined Taehyung was all too familiar with; the Jimin you imagined when you pressed desperate circles into your clit late at night. You never thought you’d meet him.
Encouraged by Jimin’s movement, Taehyung placed his arm around your shoulder. From the window behind the couch, the setting sun painted the living room in apricot shades. Mood lighting.
Taehyung met your eyes to ask a silent question.
You nodded.
The hand resting on your shoulder inched down to your chest, ever so slightly pressing on its softness. You adjusted upwards until Taehyung’s fingers reached your nipples, the above-fabric touch doing nothing to quell your addled mind.
You bit your lip when he began to tweak the hardening bud, barely able to suppress your moans. Your cheeks heated. It was humiliating to be affected by a touch so juvenile, and yet there you were, thighs rubbing against one another desperate for a source of friction.
“Is something wrong?” Jimin taunted, as if his eyes hadn’t been glued to his boyfriend’s hand on your tit for the past minute.
You glared at him, whispering: “You guys have done this before, haven’t you?” ‘This’ being the addition of another party in their sexual ventures. Despite Taehyung’s hesitant advances, Jimin’s nymph-like teasing affirmed your assumption.
“Maybe,” he hummed. “But we’ve never fucked a woman together before. And we’ve definitely never fucked someone we’re close to.”
“Am I supposed to feel special?”
“You’re supposed to feel a lot of things.”
Jimin retreated to allow Taehyung more space to explore your body. He was most enamored by your tits. He lifted the soft flesh, tugging it by the nipple as high as he could, before dropping it in a jiggle.
Contrarily, Jimin went back to pretending that what the three of you were doing was nothing more than an innocent boyfriend-bestfriend bonding activity, offering offhand comments and quips of what was going on on screen.
As Jimin began his third (fourth?) rant about how the TV show should have progressed, Taehyung left wet kisses on your neck, breathing heavily into your skin. His grip on you tightened.
“I’m so hard right now,” he whimpered into your ear as if it were a confession. “You’re too pretty. Everything about you is so pretty. Your cute face trying to hide that I’m affecting you, your nipples poking through your shirt, your soft thighs. I don’t know how Jimin can handle being around you all the time without bending you over and fucking you until you can’t walk.”
You stifled your gasp by biting your palm. The deep timber of his voice rattled your bones beneath your goosebumped skin. This was the most you’d ever heard Taehyung speak to you in a single go and it just had to be this.
“Be quiet, we don’t want to bother Jimin.” Taehyung grinned, winking.
You were certain it was killing Jimin to act so nonchalant. If there was one thing he whined about the most it was this: being left out.
The notion of him sulking lifted the corners of your lips. “Oh, we definitely wouldn’t want that.”
With the previously apprehensive air dissipated, you stretched your neck to give more space to Taehyung’s nibbling. In a manner most teasing, he dipped his hand between your inner thighs but backed away before you got any sort of pleasure. He avoided your nipples as well, tracing along the circumference of it but never going past.
“You’re breathing so heavily,” Taehyung noted, focused on the way your chest expanded and deflated. “Jimin didn’t warn me that you were greedy. Thought you’d be desperate for any kind of touch. This isn’t enough for you?” His fingers barely brushed against the bud before retreating to the same circular motion outside of it.
You cursed your best friend internally. Leave it to him to make you out to be some kind of sex-deprived lunatic. “Aren’t you supposed to be the desperate one here?”
His brow raised. “Is that what you want?”
Before you could blink, he went back to being the shyer boy you’d first met. Only his words were anything but.
“Can I please suck your tits? Please? Need them in my mouth so bad.”
He twisted so that he could hump his crotch against your hip, panting and licking at your ear like a dog in heat.
So, this was the duality Jimin had told you about. Fucking hell.
Dumbfounded, you could only look at him.
“Y/N’s so mean, you don’t even know how fucking difficult it is for us to stop staring at your tits,” he pouted. “I’ve wanted you in my mouth since the first day I met you. I used to feel so guilty about it, like I was cheating on Jimin, until I caught him staring at you the same way he stares at me when he wants me on my knees.”
How romantic, you thought.
Taehyung’s incessant circles against your chest distracted you from further rumination. He was relentless waves against the shore of your body. Pushing and pulling, back and forth. You likened Jimin to the moon that controlled the tide, far away and untouching yet desideratum to the movement.
Jimin’s eyes rolled skywards, as if he were asking heaven for the strength to get through this without interjecting himself into the situation.
The next five minutes passed similarly. Taehyung continued to touch you, teasing just enough to keep you in a constant state of unsatiated lust. His whispers grew dirtier, your underwear dampened further. Still, he avoided your cunt.
When the ending credits rolled, you could no longer take it.
Taehyung startled out of his nymphic act when you grabbed the front of his shirt. Your brow raised. “You wanted to fuck me, right?”
“I- um-” He gulped, panicked eyes hinting at his boyfriend for help. Jimin only chuckled, familiar with your abrasive attitude. It wasn’t a question of if you’d crack, but when.
“Yes,” Jimin intervened. “He does.”
“Then, touch me,” you said. “Properly.”
The silence hung heavy as if it were a string pulled taut. The playful teasing had been one thing, but fucking you was another. And you were past the point of denying how desperately you needed him to. So much so that you could barely give thought as to how it would happen, as long as it did; regardless of whether Jimin stood on the sidelines or not.
Taehyung’s hand went to rest on your cheek. Soft. Delicate. Like you were a porcelain vase he feared fracturing. His thoughtfulness would have been saccharine in any other circumstance – circumstances which didn’t include him having purred in your ear all the nasty shit he’d been dreaming of for the past half-hour. Instead, it was cruel. The prolonging of torture you thought you’d been done with the moment the screen turned black.
You pushed forward before hesitation struck.
His lips were plush against yours, betraying his grip on your thigh. It was as if he were concentrating all his strength into that one area so that your kisses could remain chaste, not wanting to overwhelm you.
But Jimin knew that that was exactly what you wanted.
“She needs it rougher than that, Tae.”
You broke apart, spit dangling between your cherry-blushed lips.
Taehyung leaned back. “Do you want to show me how?”
Jimin turned your head, caressing the plum marks dotting your neck. “Only if you’re okay with it.”
“This wouldn’t be our first time,” you replied.
With Taehyung’s hands still resting on your inner thighs, Jimin’s wrapped around your waist, tugging you closer against his figure.
The familiarity of his movement knocked the memory to the surface.
Your freshman year had been a blur of parties, studies, and readjustments. The only connecting thread had been Jimin: holding you as you cried in the bathroom after being sent a break-up text; waiting outside your lecture with bagels in hand after you’d almost failed your finals; brushing your hair back after you’d puked on your neighbor’s azaleas; pressing you against the wall after you’d jokingly grinded against his crotch during a party – you recalled how he tasted of cigarettes and vodka but smelled like the cologne you had picked for him for his eighteenth birthday. He was rough. Just as you’d told him you’d liked it. He knew you best, after all.
“Except this time we’re sober,” he said, and moved to kiss you.
Your lips met in thunderous silence, entangling to an unheard rhythm. His cello upper lip parted your mouth, slipping his tongue in. No explosions. No fireworks. Only him, him, him.
That softness only lasted for half a minute.
A moment of clarity struck as you belatedly realized whose tongue entwined your own. You wondered if you’d regret this night more than you had then. But your body was a beast whose yearning had reached its peak. All those nights where your thoughts would drift to that kiss culminated to this: your hands desperately clawing at his arms, not wanting the moment to end.
On your other side, Taehyung pressed wet kisses to your neck, pulling your collar to the side to trail his lips to the top of your breasts.
Their hands roamed your body, an article of clothing falling off every half-minute. It was only when you felt the comforter beneath your bareness that you realized you’d moved to your bedroom.
Jimin pulled your back to his chest as he sat against the headboard. He spread your legs open to Taehyung. “Do you want to see my best friend’s cunt, Tae?’
“Fuck,” Taehyung groaned, as Jimin split you farther apart until your whole pussy was on display for Taehyung’s eyes to consume. “She looks so pretty.”
There was a delicious humiliation in them talking about you as if you weren’t there. As if you were nothing but a source of entertainment for them to play with.
Jimin looked down, fingers teasing your inner thighs. “Huh… I can’t believe you’ve been hiding this from me for so long, Y/N. Let’s do a little recap for Tae, shall we?” He tugged your chin to face him. “Can you point out your clit for me?”
You swallowed, eyes glancing nervously between Taehyung and Jimin. Your hand slowly reached down to press against the swollen bud. “Um, here,” you said.
“Good girl,” Jimin patted your head. “Now, can you point out the hole you want fucked?”
You stammered, face heating up.
“Or holes.” He corrected.
You’d never felt so shy in front of him, and it was killing you.
Again, your hand dipped to your pussy, shallowly inserting a finger.
Jimin gave you a pointed stare. “And the other one?”
You blanked.
“Dumb little girl, you need me to point it out for you?” Jimin reached around you to circle the rim of your asshole with the rough pad of his index finger. “Have you ever been fucked here, baby?” He laughed at your shocked expression. “Maybe we can do that next time, hm?”
Next time?
“Tae,” Jimin called the attention of his dazed boyfriend, distracting you from his prior words. “Have you ever fingered a girl before?”
His mouth sputtered open and closed before he shook his head. You wondered if you and he shared the same heated expression.
“You wanna show him how?” Jimin licked a long line from your neck to your ear. “Show us how you play with your pretty cunny when you think about us fucking you.” He smirked at your silence. “Dumb baby can’t do anything without our help, huh?”
“Do you need Jimin to tell you what to do?” Taehyung hummed, scooting closer to you.
You didn’t need Jimin to tell you how to do anything… was what you would have said if your pussy wasn’t leaking rivers onto your bedsheets. The bastard had left you in a foggy mental state with just a few touches and now you could barely tell left from right.
Jimin took your lack of response as a confirmation of your ineptitude. “Tease yourself first,” he commanded, placing his hands on your waist.
Your fingers dragged around the outside of your labia and inner thighs, dipping so close yet so far to where you needed stimulation most. The electric rush sent shivers down your arms and gush leaked from your pussy straight to your ass. You turned your head to Jimin as if to ask him if you could finally move past the torture.
“One finger first without touching your clit,” he said. “Don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
You hid your scoff but followed. You gathered the spilled juices around your lips then inserted a finger into the warm crevice. Your muscles wrapped around it, sucking it in deeper, wanting more than only you could ever give it. Stubborn as you were, you heeded his patronizing words: building up your slow pace to a more moderate one.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Taehyung mindlessly whispered, palming himself. “I can’t believe we’re only doing this now. I’ve been thinking about this forever.”
The wet sounds of your fingers slamming into your pussy echoed in the small room. You curled them upwards, finding the spot that made your back arch and breath halt.
“Lie down,” Jimin interrupted.
You groaned when he moved your fingers from your cunt. You imagined them forcing you to keep a vibrator in your needy cunt everytime they were too busy to fuck you, if only so that you could never be tormented with that feeling of emptiness ever again.
Instead, they smirked at your wanton whines as you clawed for them to fill you.
They worshipped your body with kitten licks, peppering you with hickeys and spit. So entranced were you in their touch that you didn’t notice Jimin tying your arms above the headboard until you felt the burn of the rope on your wrists when you tugged too hard.
Taehyung grinned, fingering the small gap between your skin and his boyfriend’s expert ties, making sure there was enough space so as to not hurt you. “Jimin told me you liked being tied up.” His other hand swiped your mound. “He didn’t tell me how much.”
You glared at the offending snitch who only shrugged. “We tell each other everything,” he explained, as if that made it any better. “Like, how you also enjoy being teased.”
Jimin moved to your feet, spreading your legs wide enough for Taehyung to sit between them. In his hands were a roll of tape and an assortment of lipstick-small vibrators that made your cunt clench at the thought of them being used on you. Jimin leaned in to leave gentle licks over your skin. Everywhere he kissed, Taehyung would tape a vibrator to: your inner thighs, above your clit, and to your nipples. Your body thrummed as your best friend's boyfriend teased you with the wireless remote, leaving you anxious about when he’d turn it on.
“Please,” you begged, your pride lying tattered on the floor alongside your clothes. You nudged Jimin to do something other than watch you with hooded eyes as he caressed himself over his pants.
“What do you think we should do with her?” Taehyung said.
Jimin smirked before pressing the button underneath his thumb.
A humming noise filled the room. Taehyung held down your hips as your back thrashed, feeling desperate over the vibrations being so close to where you actually wanted them to be.
He crawled over your whining figure to place his lips on yours.
“I want you,” Taehyung admitted in between kisses. On your other side, Jimin’s rough fingers kneaded your thighs, causing the vibrations to spike closer to your mound.
Jimin moved from the bed and took his place leant against your desk, content to watch from a distance.
You felt like a child whose toy was being kept from her. “You’re not going to join us?”
His eyes wrinkled in a smile. “You want me to?”
You didn’t know what to say; not with Taehyung’s hands running over your tits, his lips suctioned to your neck. Jimin was your best friend, and yet your body called to him the way a siren’s song drew sailors to their death. It was greedy, how you wanted his hands to bring you to ecstasy alongside Taehyung’s.
Taehyung’s habits of impatience carried to the bedroom, his fingers slipping into your cunt without warning. He experimentally twisted and tugged at your insides, watching to see what made you scream the loudest. They curled so roughly, so deliciously into you, that your back arched uncontrollably. Jimin’s eyes stayed on yours.
“Fuck,” Taehyung panted, his eyes blown out dark. He pumped, and pumped: it filled the room with sticky, wet noises. “You’re so tight, I don’t know how I’m going to fit my cock in you.” You recalled Jimin’s warning about his length, and it only made your pussy clamp even tighter against his pounding digits.
“You want my cock first as prep for Tae, baby?” Jimin’s voice was as sensual as it was comforting, even in the strange circumstance. So comforting, that you didn’t even flinch from the pet name.
“Yes, please,” you whined.
Expletives fell from Taehyung’s lips as he stared at your pussy in awe, surprised at the gushing wetness that leaked from you with every loud stroke. “Do you think she can squirt, Jimin?” Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes.
“Only one way to find out, hm?” Jimin finally got the clue that you didn’t want him to just watch and began pressing the vibrators attached to your nipples, amplifying the feeling to your sensitive buds. You moaned. “Do you like being slutty for both of us?”
Your head nodded rapidly, eyes ping ponging from Taehyung to Jimin, unsure who to watch. Jimin grabbed your chest and redirected your focus to his boyfriend, whose head began to dip into your folds. You gasped at the first contact.
He slobbered over your pussy, jaw widening to swallow you whole. His tongue dragged against your folds and swiped through them in a zig-zag pattern. He didn’t give you time to rest, forcing you to adjust to his fast pace. “Am I doing good?” He looked up at you to gauge your reaction. Spit dribbled onto his chin alongside your wetness. He looked like a mess, a tantalizing one.
Jimin answered for you. “Give her more.”
Your head shook, feeling that anticipatory knot in your stomach, but Taehyung had already gone back in, now with the help of his fingers. As his tongue began fucking into you, his fingers pressed tight circles against your clit. You weren’t sure if this was his first time eating a girl out, but it was the most ecstasy you’d felt in years.
Jimin must’ve read the look on your face as he leaned in to press wet kisses against your ear and whispered: “How many times do you think we can get you to cum tonight, princess?”
“I’ll take everything you give me.” Your eyes tightened shut. “Please, I just need something in me.”
Jimin’s eyes sparkled. “Something?”
“You- I need you-”
But Jimin had already gone to Taehyung’s sports bag on the floor, pulling out a bright purple dildo.
You whined when Taehyung lifted his head from your cunt, your orgasm receding. He gave space for Jimin to sit beside him as the shorter man began to tease the object around your folds, spreading Tae’s saliva.
Without warning, Jimin shoved the entire length of the dildo in one quick stroke.
You saw white as your eyes rolled upwards, pleasure overtaking you.
“Do you even need our cocks? Seems like you’re having fun with just this. We could probably just leave you with this and go,” Jimin said.
Your eyes widened. “No! I need both of you in me, please.”
Jimin’s smile was much too innocent than the situation called for. “We’ll fuck you if you can stay quiet and not move for five minutes. Think you can handle that, princess?”
Taehyung, who had been much quieter since you had left the couch, had finally found his bearings much to your detriment. He adjusted the vibrators to be directly against your most sensitive spots and you could do nothing but thrash against the binds that confined you. The buzzing against your clit and nipples coupled with the fat dildo submerged in your warmth left you drunk.
“Oh, she’s such a pretty slut,” Taehyung grinned at how your eyes shot to him at the degrading name. Your head shook in denial, unable to defend yourself with words when your brain was fried. “Of course you’re a slut. You sound like one, look like one, and act like one. Look, even your pussy agrees with me.” He motioned to your clenching slit that held the toy firmly in place.
“So close to cumming already?” Jimin spat on your cunt before shoving the fake cock in and out of you at lightning speed. “You really are a pillow princess, having us do all the work.”
“Please, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whined. “I need to cum. I’m so close, I don’t care anymore, just please let me cum.”
Jimin tsked. “Ungrateful, good-for-nothing whore. I ask you to do one thing, and you can’t even do that? You really can’t control yourself. You say you aren’t a slut yet just a few toys are enough to turn you into a braindead cum dump?” Considering that you hadn’t lost your shit despite how long they’d been teasing you, you thought that you were one of god’s strongest soldiers, but you bit back your retort.
You sighed in relief when Jimin slowed down his pumping and lowered the setting on the vibrators. But what seemed to be an act of kindness turned to an even more despicable torture. The five minutes had felt like twenty, which you realized could’ve been possible considering that neither of them had started a timer.
Your body continued to twitch as they moved around you, removing the small vibratators once they deemed your punishment sufficit.
“You look like a perfectly fucked out slut,” Taehyung nudged his nose against your thigh, slowly removing the dildo from your leaking cunt. “You’re our little porn star, right? You’re ours?”
You would’ve nodded regardless of what question he asked. Your brain functions had shut down after the first several minutes.
He tossed the toy to the side of the bed and Jimin replaced his spot in front of you, hand dipping into his pants to free himself.
Jimin’s cock was as pretty as he was. He pumped the length in his fist before dragging it across your pussy lips, teasing you with it. Taehyung tossed a condom his way with a pout.
“Have you ever thought about this?” Jimin asked.
You blinked. “What?”
A cocky grin settled on his face at your dazed countenance. “About me fucking you?”
You guiltily turned to face Taehyung only to find that he wasn’t even waiting for your answer. His eyes were blown out, breaths leaving his body heavily as he focused on Jimin’s ministrations against your lower lips.
“Maybe,” you said.
“I’m gonna need details if you want my cock in your cunt.”
You cursed, clenching around him. “Sometimes–only sometimes–I think about you when I masterbate.”
He raised his brow as if to say that he wanted to know more than that. On the side, Taehyung was still palming his crotch.
“I think about that time when we were in a hot tub and I had to sit on you because there wasn’t any space,” you exhaled, the memory combined with his soft strokes leaving you fuzzy. “And I felt you getting hard under me, and thought about how easy it would’ve been for you to just cockwarm me in front of all our friends.”
“Nasty girl,” he said, though it sounded like a compliment coming from him. “I would’ve, you know. You looked like such a little slut in your red two-piece. Your ass and tits were basically bursting out of the fabric – didn’t help that you were jumping around too. I took a shit ton of pictures and videos and sent it to my friends. You’re their favorite spank bank whore. You probably like the attention, huh? Knowing everyone wants to fuck you?”
Never have you regretted divulging your biggest kinks to Jimin more than tonight.
He laughed. “You love being called a slut. Because sluts like you want to be put in their place.”
“And don’t think that I forgot about your degrading kink,” you said.
“It’s almost like we’re perfect for each other,” Jimin whispered.
“I’m starting to think your proposition was more for you than Taehyung.”
“Nah, he loves watching me turn sluts like you into braindead whores.”
You gulped, watching as the head of his cock dipped in and out of you. “Oh, is that what you’re gonna do?”
“You mean, that’s what I already did. And will do again.”
Then he forced his cock into your tight snatch.
The dildo they’d used beforehand was incomparable to how perfectly his shaft fit. He kissed your temple as he waited for you to adjust to his length. “I know, baby, I know,” he said. “You feel so good.”
He licked the tear that fell from your shut eyes.
“You both look so hot,” Taehyung groaned. “Fill her up, I want to see our whore full of your seed until she’s bursting.” He leaned in closer to sniff at your neck. “Imagine how big her tits would be if we got her pregnant. God… I’d spend all day drinking her milk. We’d take such good care of her.”
He was no poet nor pastor, but his words could’ve come out of the bible for how persuasive they were to your sex-addled mind.
“Fuck the condoms,” you decided. “I’m on the pill anyway, and I’m clean.”
Their eyes met in shock.
“We’re clean too,” Taehyung piped up, bouncing excitedly in place. “Are you sure?”
“Listen, princess.” Jimin gripped your tied wrists. “I’m gonna tell you what’ll happen next. I'm going to shove my cock back into your pussy, bottom out, and drain every drop of my cum into your womb. Would you like that?"
You nodded, face burning at your submission.
He didn’t waste another second before slipping his cock out, tearing the condom off, and sinking back into your warmth. “This is so much better, holy shit. Such a good pussy, and it’s all for us.”
Without protection, you could feel the veins of his shaft drag against the sides of your inner walls. His pace was relentless, tiring you down until you were nothing but a broken ragdoll, going along with however he wanted to fuck you – whether he was jackhammering into your puffy pussy, or teasing you with long, slow strokes, pulling out until only the tip of his head remained before slamming the entirety of his length back in.
If you turned your head to the side, you’d be face-to-face with Taehyung’s tented jeans (the size of which scared and aroused you). His precum left darkened stains on the fabric, and you could only imagine the monster that lay throbbing beneath. He watched the scene unfolding between your thighs, fixated on the point where Jimin’s cock plunged into you.
“So pretty,” Taehyung sighed. “Do you like the thought of being our personal cumdump?”
Your voice came out whiney and garbled as you were bounced against Jimin’s cock. “Y-yes, it’s so hot. I really fucking hate you guys for awakening a new kink for me.”
Jimin’s brow raised. “No one’s ever cum in this pussy before?” Your hips jumped when he slapped your clit. “This slutty hole was meant to be taken raw.”
“Well, I never wanted to risk it.” Someone seriously needed to hand you an award for being able to properly formulate two sentences in a row despite being in the middle of the hottest fuck of your life.
Jimin seemed to come to the same conclusion, quickening his pace. Expletives fell from his lips as quickly as hips pounded against yours. ‘Whore’, ‘slut’, ‘bitch’: he had a whole arsenal of words to press against your skin as he lost himself to the sensation of your tight pussy wrapped around him.
“You’re such a disgusting slut liking this depraved shit.” Jimin grabbed the back of your head and spat on your face. He rubbed it on your skin, ruining your already ruined makeup. “You’re really getting off to your best friend fucking you in front of his boyfriend, huh?”
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you moaned. “Feels so fucking good.”
Jimin’s hips stilled. “Cockwhores like you aren’t allowed to cum until you get your dose of seed, understand?”
“Such a good obedient girl for us,” Taehyung patted your head, cooing as if you were a dog.
Jimin adjusted his hips, pressing even harder against your g-spot. “Tell us how disgusting you are, whore.”
You didn’t care anymore. Your pride had been discarded an hour ago. “I’m a stupid, disgusting slut who likes to be watched as she’s turned into a cum urinal. P-please just fuck your semen into me already, please.”
“Only because you want it so bad.”
The staccato rhythm of his thrusts began to stutter. With one last jerk, he came. His sticky, white cum filled your insides, leaking around the sides of his length as he drew out only to shove back in. Just as you’d requested, he continued to pound into you. That was your tipping point.
Feeling you clench against him, he smirked. "We’re gonna condition your brain until you can only cum if you’re filled with seed, you got that?”
As if his words were a trigger, you came. Your body convulsed as pleasure overtook you. In that moment, you were in a blank state of being, not a single thought occupying your mind other than how good it felt to worship and be worshipped by cock.
“That’s it. Good girl. Come for us, baby.” His words carried you back to reality. He licked the sweat that dripped down your forehead as Taehyung sucked at your tits softly, licking over the hickeys. He rubbed his face against the flesh the way a cat would, marking his territory.
After Jimin pulled out, he was quick to shove the dildo back into your snatch, successfully keeping his cum contained in your womb. “That’s the only lube sluts need.”
Taehyung swapped places with him, eagerly removing his clothes as his eyes kept to your plugged cunt.
You’d already had high expectations from Jimin’s constant appraisal, but nothing could have prepared you for the real thing. Taehyung wasn’t only generous in length, but ginormous in girth. Veins crept across the skin until the head of his cock, which pulsed a violent reddish tone.
Jimin wrapped his hands around it. His delicate fingers only made the taller man’s cock seem even larger in comparison. He twisted his grip around the length, precum leaking onto the back of his hand. Jimin moved in to lick at the droplets, watching Taehyung groan with a heated stare. You would’ve been on your knees beside him if your restrictions weren’t in the way.
There was just something so unfathomably hot about watching your best friend choke on cock. Jimin’s soft lips wrapped around the length, expertly taking him all the way to the back of his throat.
Deeming him hard enough, Jimin released him, leaving it covered in spit.
Taehyung sat in front of your spread legs, stroking your inner thighs. With one hand, he twisted the dildo, rubbing the base deeper into you. His cock twitched when the motion caused a bit of Jimin’s cum to leak outside the rubber.
“Please fuck me already,” you whined, voice weak.
Taehyung was much too hard now to tease you. He pumped the dildo into your warmth a few more times before tossing it to the side of the bed and slotting himself between your legs. The head of his cock rubbed against you. Each time it catched on your clit, you moaned, head thrashing back and forth in desperation to be filled up once more.
He kept glancing back and forth between your eyes and his head entering your pussy.
Jimin giggled. “Are you nervous?”
Taehyung’s baritone voice was soft. “I’m scared I might hurt her.”
“She’s a big girl, she can take it,” Jimin said, pressing a kiss against Taehyung’s shoulder.
You gasped as his thick length slowly entered you. He felt larger than he looked, and the first initial strokes were painful until pleasure overtook it.
“You’re so warm. Feels so fucking good. Such a perfect pussy.” Taehyung groaned, barely able to hold himself up over you. Your walls wrapped around him so tightly that he could barely move, let alone insert the rest of his length in you.
“Just double-checking but…” he groaned in between strokes. “Is it really okay that I’m not wearing protection right now?”
“If you don’t breed me full of your cum, I might just kill you.”
His eyes blew out and his hips stuttered. “You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever met. So fucking perfect for me. The best cunt.”
“How does your first pussy feel, Tae?” Jimin sloppily kissed you, coating your lips and chin in his spit.
“So fucking tight. And wet.”
He pushed your thighs up, moving you into a mating press; a missionary-adjacent sex position you’d only learned when Jimin had drunkenly rambled about it one night.
“Am I too thick for your tight little hole, baby?”
“So big, so good,” you babbled. He made you feel so tiny, tits bouncing as his cock fucked you back and forth.
“Our perfect dumb baby,” Jimin praised, kissing your forehead. His tongue dragged across your cheeks, collecting the tears that rained down your face.
“Want to be my little breeding bitch?”
“Please,” you begged.
The two of them worked to untie you. Kneeling on the bed, Taehyung pulled your hips up until your body formed a 45 degree angle, your head still resting on a pillow. You supported yourself on your forearms, while he kept his grip on your waist so that you didn’t fall.
“Fuck, this way when I cum it immediately shoots down into your womb and won’t leak out.” Taehyung’s cock pounded back into you relentlessly. “Gonna turn you into a pregnant slut, have everyone know you got knocked up by two cocks. You’ll be walking proof of how much of a whore you are, but you’d love that, wouldn’t you? Your tits would be so full, it’d be such a waste for you to wear bras. It’d be so much nicer for you to walk around, milk-filled udders bouncing around.”
The thought of it, though impossible, pushed you closer to climax.
Taehyung’s every thrust fully bottomed out, his heavy balls slapping against you.. “Do you feel me in your tummy, baby? That's your womb. That's where the baby's gonna go, okay?"
Jimin teased his finger around where Taehyung pounded into you. He laughed. “You’re so much sluttier than I would’ve thought. Even my boyfriend’s ramblings have you gushing. Tell us how good you feel.”
You struggled to speak past your moans, neither your head nor mouth working to cooperate with you.
Taehyung pouted. “Aw, you can’t talk like this, can you? I thought you were my good little pet. I’m a bit disappointed.”
You whined, the only sound a braindead slut like you was capable of making.
“Don’t worry, baby, it’s okay. Pets like you have their purpose. I’ll just have to make sure not to ask you questions that are too hard for your little brain to handle.”
Jimin’s reply was characteristically rougher. “Taehyung’s right. We can’t expect stupid sluts like you to be capable of doing the same things we can. Since we’re so good to you, we’ll treat you the way you need to be treated. Maybe we’ll leave you tied to the bed all day while we’re in class?”
“We’ll keep your pretty head empty.” Taehyung kissed your forehead. “The only thing you need to know is that your only purpose in life is to be our precious little cum slut.”
The muscles in your body tensed, heightening towards that release of pressure. Your fingers threaded through his dark locks, coaxing him to fuck you harder as you began lifting your hips to meet his heavy thrusts.
Taehyung’s veins dragged deliciously against your walls. "Gonna cum so deep into your fertile womb. Turn you into a little housewife, good for nothing but keeping our cocks wet.”
Jimin sucked your ear lobe. “We're gonna train you to be our good, perfect slut until you're begging us to always fill you up with semen. You'll realize that your only worth is your whore holes.”
“You want my cum so badly, don’t you, baby? You want my cum right here?” Taehyung pressed against your stomach, able to feel his cock pounding into you under his fingers.
“Yes, please, y-yes.” Your face twisted, tongue lolling out of your mouth. Your drool leaked down the side of your lips, gathering onto the sheets. As if it were his duty, Jimin moved to lick it.
“Fuck, shit.” Taehyung threw his head back, whining as if he were in pain. He came with one final, deep thrust. Strings of his white, creamy cum shot directly into your womb, joining Jimin’s mess. It felt as if it had filled past your cervix, leaving you a bloated mess. He deliriously rotated his hips, ensuring that all his cum was deep, deep inside you.
After regaining his sanity, he began to rub your clit, his sensitive cock still buried deep in your clenched core. “I’m going to need you to cum now, baby. Can you do that for me?”
His point and index finger rubbed your clit in fast circular motions, the pad of his thumb occasionally brushing against your asshole. Your back arched as the direct pleasure built in your gut. Jimin, noticing how close you were, aided him by pinching and nibbling your sensitive nipples. The wet muscle left purpled bruises around the nub as if they were marks of ownership.
Your orgasm came in the form of writhing and convulsing, that tripled pleasure overwhelming your mind until you were but a shell of the person you’d been that afternoon. You babbled mindlessly, pleads of sensitivity causing Jimin and Taehyung to finally detach themselves from your aching vessel.
You felt as if your soul had left your body, watching in third person as Taehyung’s hand stayed clamped to your pussy as they moved you to stand beside the bed. Jimin, without warning, bolted from the room. A moment later, he arrived with a drinking glass in hand. It was only when he began to push on your shoulders, forcing you into a slightly squatted position, that you realized that the glass was empty.
“What are you doing?” You stuttered, but it was too late. Taehyung removed his hand and all of their cum mixed with your juices spilled from your lips and collected into the glass. The thick white seed filled the bottom.
“We’re just being economical,” Jimin grinned. “You’re probably thirsty after all that hard work, right?”
“Now drink your milk, pretty slut,” Taehyung baby-talked.
Though your mind was foggy from post-orgasm, you had enough sense to look shocked. “Drink it? Like, actually swallow it?”
“Do you need help, stupid whore?” Jimin pinched your nipple, causing you to gasp. He was quick to shove his fingers in before your mouth closed. He opened your mouth wide and pressed the rim of the glass to your lips, tipping the viscous goo onto your tongue.
It was both bitter and salty as it slowly glided down your throat.
“I can’t,” you gasped after another mouthful.
“Too thick for our baby to swallow?” Jimin patronizingly pouted. “Need something to help it go down?”
He pried your jaw open as Taehyung leaned over your face. He gathered his spit in his mouth before dripping it into your open mouth. “Don’t swallow yet,” Taehyung warned, and moved to give Jimin space. Your best friend did the same, giving you a generous amount of his spit before forcing you to swallow by pinching your nose and covering your mouth with his palm.
“Want another drink, baby?” Taehyung laughed at your vehement refusal.
“Please, I really can’t,” you whined, weakly pushing the glass away.
“Fine,” Jimin sighed. “At least let us help you clean up.”
He dipped two fingers into the glass then lathered the seed around your lips as if it were lip balm.
Your tainted body was the canvas in which they painted themselves on. Taehyung rubbed the white cum against your nipples, lathering your most sensitive erogenous zones in the liquid. As it dripped down your chest you belatedly realized it looked as if you were lactating.
They threw you back onto the bed, each grabbing the back of your knees and lifting your hips. The remaining bit of cum in the glass was poured onto your cunt, which they fingered back into your winking hole. You were so sensitive that even the shallow fingering caused the most delicious spikes of pain.
“Do you like feeling our cum all over you?” Jimin gently circled the outside of your clit.
You tiredly nodded, seconds away from dozing off.
“That was so fucking good.” Taehyung flopped onto the bed beside you, cuddling into your neck. "You were such a good girl for us."
Jimin reached over to your side-table and grabbed the wet-wipes, cleaning you up as much as he could. Taehyung worked to adjust you into a comfortable position, pressing soft kisses against your skin as he tucked you beneath the blanket.
Deeming you clean enough for the meantime, Jimin tucked the three of you underneath a new blanket, kissing both of your foreheads before turning off the lamp. He rolled over to face you with a grin. “I told you my plans always work out.”
You hated to admit that he was right.
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thank u for reading!! <3 if u liked it pls let me know !! : ✉
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© rendaze 2022. all rights reserved. copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is NOT permitted.
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magicalink · 2 years
I just read the xiao x reader purification bj and now i kinda wanna know your thoughts on xiaoven x reader since you mentioned it (if you wanna ofc :))
Thank you for your ask! Actually I have a wip of a Xiaoven x reader smut that I'm close to finishing!😁 It's a bit long, I'll post it when I manage to give it an ending.
I love Xiaoven x reader! 😍 Very self indulgent since they're my top 2 favorite husbandos, so it ended up being the main love interest of "Y/N's marvelous adventure in Teyvat" and it's fighting its way to prevail in "Catboys in the house" which was supposed to be a harem 😅 Honestly I love the dynamic between the characters personalities! I love Xiaoven too, and I share rhe image most of the fandom has about Xiao being super protective and super simp of Venti. But when it comes to Xiao x Venti x reader I headcannon that he would be like that towars Y/N and will act tsundere towards Venti, always crabby and flustered by his shameless reasings, pretending he doesn't like him, but in fact he sweeps him off his feet🤭
The only thing I don't like about most of the xiaoven's fandom is that they always make Xiao look tall and big and kinda infantilize Venti. I like how Xiao is shorter than Venti and enjoy seeing them interact as the tired adults, milennary beings putting up with their traumas they are. They face life and their griefs with such different attitudes yet they go so well with each other! 💚
In "Y/N's marvelous adventure in Teyvat" Xiao goes trough a lot of changes! Before meeting Venti and reader, he thought that things like sex were just filthy, low mortal needs, and he would have never indulged into it. But he ends up heing sooo thirsty for Y/N that he gives it a try! And Archons did he love it! Had very demure ideas about sex and lots of taboos that will slowly break with the help of Y/N: for example, he thought oral sex was dirty and felt bad for desiring it. Y/N indulges him very often and takes advantage of this to purify him! Y/N always comforts him and tells him there's nothing dirty anout him. He enjoys it but he's still shy.
Also in this story there are specific cultural diferences between nations. For example, Xiao adopted Liyue's traditional views on love and couples, so he wanted a monogamous couple. He couldn't understand Mondstat's idea of free love and was extremely jealous whenever he knew Y/N smashed someone during her travels. While she was away in Inazuma, he met a little green bard who dramatically changed the gameboard for him, getting on his nerves every day 🤭 Xiao never thought it was possible to have sex with another man or that he could be in a relationship with two people. But here he is now🤭
I love the dynamic, Venti and Y/N met before meeting Xiao, and they have a very mischievous complicity. They always work together to bring down Xiao's walls, tease him and drive him mad from pleasure. They also pamper him and take care of him. They force him to rest and they cuddle him to sleep. They are very happy in the Serenitea Pot💚 (I have wips of these chapters and will be posted when finished, also I'm building a masterlist)
Dang I could talk about this all day long, but let's cut it here for today or I'll end spoiling everything😅 I think my next post will also be from "Y/N's marvelous adventure in Teyvat" but this time things will happen with Kazuha 👀
See you then! I hope you like it and soon I will post that Xiaoven x reader! Thank you so much for your comment 💕
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However, even to this day I think taekook spend time apart from each other and that their relationship, particularly in a conservative country like South Korea, is very nuanced.
Can you please talk about this in more detail?
OK I was going to put this in a separate post, but because of the recent interest I'll just post everything here...
A Little Context first (and a little theory of mine)…
Until early 2018, JK and Tae have been living together and working without many breaks or holidays 24/7 365 days a year. All they've known is that life up until that point. I think they knew in 2018 that that situation couldn't continue, and so they planned accordingly. I think in 2018 the company allowed Tae and JK to live together alone in the dorm prior to the last one, for a short time. There's clear evidence that this was the case, look at Bon Voyage 3 (Malta) where Tae and JK rooms don't match the very limited 3-bedroom apartment that was the Hannam Hill, they even acknowledge it in the commentary video.
I think the Taekook (and the members), knowing that MOTS7 was gonna be the last album/tour before solo projects (and possible enlistment), as well as them as group not living together in a dorm any more, they needed to plan for the future. Even more so because of the conservative country they live in, they needed to create a way of being together with some level of anonymity after the group went into in solo project mode, mostly likely by 2021.
Okay so that's out of the way, on to what I think they did and how they are now…
Living Apart Together (LAT)…
Their plan, was to create their own version of what is a growing phenomenon with couples, the notion that you're together, but live separately. However, this is not a long distance thing in the main, the idea is you live close enough to each other that you are able to see each other if you want too.
Note: I think this was all part of the contract negotiations that took place in 2018 and the BigHit have been working with JK and Tae on the since then. Also, I do not profess to the notion that BigHit are the big bad in all of this, and they truly do try their best for their artists.
Here is an article about some famous celeb couples who are already in, or have been, in this situation:
LAT can be structured however the couple wants, some of the arrangements that couples have are:
Strict times together: i.e. Mon to Thurs live separately, Fri to Sat together
Spend nights apart: you meet and do things together whenever you want (including sex, of course), but you never spend the the together except for designated nights/holidays. I know one gay couple who kinda follows this routine, and they've been together monogamously for nearly 6 years.
No plan: you live apart, but if you want to spend a night or a couple of days together, you can.
So I think this was what they were working towards, but there were a few they needed to do beforehand to get there.
The 2 and half year transition…
Before figuring out if they could live in a LAT relationship, they needed to discover if they could live apart and still work as a couple. Also, considering they probably missed what most couples go through in the early part of any relationship, i.e. dating and courting each other, they could almost do that during this period.
So in 2019, when Tae moved to Apelbaum and JK to Yongsan, and outside of tours and BTS engagements, I don't think they spent time together (note when touring or doing promo, they probably share hotel rooms).
It would almost be like they were a new couple going on dates (Busan cinema date), but going on holidays apart. I think for JK this was easier, as an introvert he actually doesn't mind being alone, although I do think he had his brother. For Tae, from around July 2020 to May 2020, it's clear he was suffering from some form of depression (though I think the separation was a factor, there were likely other things in play too). This "separation" I think worked because phase two was to address public interactions with each other…
More openness and content around Taekook...
Note: I think this part of the plan was supposed to play out during the course of the MOTS7 tour, Run BTS and the inevitable Bon Voyage 5 (that turned into In the Soop), but with the pandemic that was changed and possibly brought forward.
Up until In the Soop, non-taekooker ARMY have got this impression that Tae and JK were not close, and between 2017 and 2019 in official content because of the way BigHit present the members interactions with each other. Also, outside of tours, the amount of fan-service/skin ship we saw from Taekook was minimal.
That started to change in 2020, as there was a clear shift toward Taekook
It started with the Golden Disk Awards where fans filmed the back hug and intimate interactions, followed up with the Grammy's red carpet when everyone assumed they were a couple and then the MOTS7 US promo where we saw them be more physical and playful with each other.
Then also in official BTS content we start to see more Taekook...
First, the Winter package that came out in early 2020, which had the whole JK making Tae a snow globe and cuddling in the streets. Then in April 2020 we started seeing Run BTS they showed us more Taekook, so that by the end of the year Taekook would feature in some way in each episode.
Then, after Festa 2020, there was almost like a switch had been turned off and BTS started doing less traditional fan service, and Taekook were preceptively closer than ever. To me (and some others), there was a perception that BigHit were building up to something.
Then In the Soop happened...
We should look at In the Soop as Taekook before and after date night in Episode 6. In episodes 1-5, Taekook had little interactions apart from the silent making lunch together moment. Post the start of episode 6, we go, JK sitting in-between Tae's legs, Tae Back hug and possible kiss his shoulder, them cuddling/sharing a bed for nearly 3 hours, a mysterious Tae Ghost leave JK's room in the early hours, before having a sunrise walk with a very, very tired Hobi chaperone.
It was like a flip of a switch and Taekook were everywhere. Japanese content, memories, army.zip content, Life Goes On MV, Dynamite performances etc.
The ultimate goal for this change in official content was so that when we see Taekook interact as solo artists, or they were seen out and about in public, it wouldn't look strange.
Image if this hadn't happened and Taekook were perceived to not be close and then suddenly they were spotted out together more, it would seem strange. This shift in public opinion, affords them the illusion of friendship that's been reconnected, after the 2017-2019 wilderness.
Implementing the plan...
So, they've lived to overcome the two main issues (living apart and changing how people see them), they needed to get to the point we're at now.
Living arrangements that allow secrecy...
They needed security that allows them to not risk being caught. Initially, Tae's Apelbaum Apartment does this, each apartment is the only apartment on that floor (I believe there are 14 apartment on 14 floors) and with private car park access. JK's current apartment is similar (unlike the Yongsan Apartment), there are only 8 apartments each with its own entrance and with private underground car park access. This limits who can see them coming and going, and the close location to each other means they can see each other more easily (5min drive), as opposed to travelling to JK's old apartment (30min drive).
A protocol team that is primarily just for them...
More recently we've also seen that Taekook appear to be using the same car, manager, and security detail recently. If this is the case, that limits exposure, particularly if that team has been fully vetted.
Pre-planned time together...
We've seen hints of this, remember when JK mentioned during the VMinKook VLive how the next night he was going to stay in Tae's room, also the secret holiday, and the clear time the JK was with Tae visiting Tae's birthday displays in Seoul, the possible sightings of them with the Wooga squad in Busan. I think they manage their time to show they are perceptively single (Tae's Hawaii trip, JK going out with friends etc). But it's clear they spend private time together.
I think as time goes on, we'll see this and hear them being together out and about doing things that wouldn't look like a couple, going for meals, holidays/trips, shopping etc, whilst also spending days and maybe weeks not seeing each other. And because of how they've presented themselves publicly over the last 4-5 years, it won't arouse suspicion, and will allow them a sense of anonymity in a very conservative country like South Korea.
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
not a request...i've seen many blogs doing the jealous brothers thing, i'm not sure if your blog is included as well...just wanted to get this off my chest kinda? like, they do an EXCELLENT job of potraying their feral side, but it kinda bugs me sometimes, yk? bc yes, they are demons, and yes, they are territorial by nature - but i personally find it hard to believe that the bros in obey me in particular would do that. i would LOVE if they would, but dont think so. what are your thoughts?
Hmm, not exactly sure what scenarios you are referring to in particular, but regarding the brothers being overtly jealous/territorial ... yeah, we don't think they actually would be, at least to any kind of overbearing extent?
Of course, the brothers do show some jealousy - with running into the room shouting "PDA police" and things like that, it'd be a little silly to say they're never jealous. However, these are pretty mild, and they seem generally more about not wanting others to be closer with MC than they themselves are, rather than trying to say that MC isn't allowed to be close to anyone else.
There are various explanations for this, but most importantly let's not forget, these are demons. Norms for them can be very different than what we might be used to! Monogamy in our current human society is often associated with morality, and polyamory sometimes gets judged as "bad" or "cheating," but if this is a society that doesn't care about these human societal "morals" in the first place, it'd be perfectly reasonable to assume polyamory is not unusual in the Devildom. In such a case, being overly jealous or possessive over you would actually be out of place. Of course, they each want to be your #1 beau, but it isn't something they'd actually hurt you or others over. They're just going to be really annoying and cockblock-y about it, in pretty harmless ways.
In terms of them being territorial, they're not even necessarily going to be that. The brothers especially all share their home, and the only "private" spaces they have are their rooms -- everything else is shared. And even with their rooms, they do invite the others into their spaces from time to time. They just don't want Mammon breaking in to steal their shit.
Finally, on a more meta level, we also expect we're never going to see that kind of behavior from the brothers actually in the game, because at the end of the day, this is a dating sim -- one which lets you simultaneously date as many or few of them as you like. This means that the game makes more money from people having multiple favorites, and more to the point, none of them can be outright possessive because that would imply a monogamous relationship with an MC that might not necessarily want one with them. At most, they might show more jealousy in their individual cards' Devilgrams, but even then, the game doesn't want to discourage players from imagining multiple relationships for themselves. Which is good, because we definitely have several.
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may i ask for some poly relationship w larry & sal x male reader hcs?
Ah! Of course! :) Sorry I've been taking so long school is getting to me cause of finals;-;
Warnings: Noncannon compliant (their parents aren't together, no one dies, etc), NSFW (implied teen NSFW otherwise they're out of highschool), no weird cult stuff but they still ghost hunt, more modernish (?) phones and stuff
Sal x Male Reader x Larry hcs
I think that Sal and Larry would have gotten together before you got there
Like, I say gotten together but the way they started it was literally best friends that were super hornknee and decided to have sex together
They started then developing romantic feelings for each other though
And although the sex dynamic wasn't perfect (refer to my Sal x reader NSFW fic) it was good and they loved each other
It became an on and off thing until they actually worked it out
they talked about it and decided that it was better that they stay friends until they can sort out their own sexual desires and endeavors
Sal didn't even know he could do both as a switch and verse so he wanted to just re-examine his sexual self
And Larry was okay with that
So they decided to date but just without sex for a while
Then you moved to Nockfell their sophomore year
and god were you cool
Sal was the first one to see you in the hallway
It wasn't love at first sight really
He thought you were cool and he wanted to talk to you
Then that same day he told Larry about you during lunch
"I want to talk to him I just don't know how to approach him"
"Oh, well who is it?"
Ngl Larry was kinda jealous about how flustered Sal was getting at the prospect of a new friend but then Sal pointed at you and Larry was like "Oh, okay, I get it."
So Larry just approaches you
It was kinda to tease Sal about how shy he was being
Also kinda because you looked rad as fuck
So Larry approaches you sitting at a table alone
You were actually quite chill
You were happy since no one was approaching you
You guys hit it off and ended up becoming really good friends!
So for the duration of your sophomore year and the summer of your junior year, you guys were really good pals and hung out a lot
Then Larry started developing feelings first
And he was super confused since he knew he still liked Sal, no doubt about it
So he was just super confused and conflicted because he didn’t want to break up with Sal
So during, about the first half, of all of your junior year he kept this to himself and tried to keep himself from feeling for you
Sal on the other hand already accepted his feelings, he realized it later than Larry
And he read yp on what being polygamous meant
So although there was a lot of confusion at first he figured it's no different from people in love triangles
He realizes it a couple weeks after Larry and decides to bring this up to Larry during winter break
The conversation pretty much just went like Sal explaining polyamory to Larry for an hour
They end up deciding to just wait a bit and try to flirt with you individually
you know,
because they don't remember that you don't know they're attracted to you at this point
So basically you think that they're both trying to cheat on each other for the week they're flirting with you
At the end of that week, you tell them to meet you together
And they don't know any better than to meet you
And then you come to them, don't let them explain, and cry because you don't want two of your best friends to cheat on each other like this even though you like them
And then they realize why you're saying this
So although this was not the time they expected to confess to you they told you what they were trying to do
So you just sat there
With these two idiots
and told them "No guys, cause I was literally having a breakdown about losing my two best friends."
And they confess to you
and everything is emotional and raw and you accept
Your guys' dynamic doesn't change because you’re dating now
The only difference is you guys make out together and show lots more pda
although you always bring up what they did when they were trying to give you hints
"We just really wanted to flirt with you okay??? Is it such a crime to want your crush to fall for you???"
"When you guys don't explain you're looking to expand your relationship, yes. Yes, it is Larry."
"He's kind of right babe-"
Y'all spend a lot of time communicating with each other on stuff like that now
Your senior year goes without any bumps between all of you and you then graduate
College Dynamic
so you and the gang (except Ash, she moves to the city of course) goes and makes a college house
once you all move in together there it's a new routine
You all agreed and talked about the move together and what it would entail
And then you all finally realized how different it was from a monogamous relationship it was
But you all had your learning curves within the relationship
You find out more about their dynamic as a couple
For example, Larry and Sal never liked to fall asleep without you anymore
They had trouble sleeping without you beforehand and the first time you all slept in the same bed together it was just... so... peaceful
They'll spoon and cuddle without you individually (Sal is always the big spoon with Larry)
but they just love falling asleep next to you
They also refuse to do homework without you there
Even if it's just the simplest this they're just gonna need to have you in the room to finish it
Sal likes to make songs about you guys
He records them and edits some but he never lets you two listen to them
"It's just embarrassing if you two were to listen to it. It's like confessing my love for you guys all over again except I can't hide behind the mask."
So until he decides to release his songs online or plays those at gigs he's never going to let you listen to them
Larry likes to paint you guys
His paintings of you before the "disaster confession" were okay, it just looked like he was making a painting of a friend, except for the occasional rose
But now he paints you and draws you two whenever he can
He finds it funny how flustered you and Sal get whenever he makes suggestive paintings or sketches of you two
One time he painted a whole sex portrait of you and Sal together (A 12 by 28 specifically) hung it upright in front of the door to your rooms and didn't tell anyone
So after you and Sal got home that day you were welcomed with Larry lounging on your bed with the giant picture of you fucking Sal next to him
It was definitely beautiful though, even if it's hard to call your nudes beautiful
"Larry Johnson, this painting, as always, masterful. Beautiful craftsmanship but please-" "-we mean this in the most loving way possible Larry-" "-STOP PAINTING OUR NUDES BABE"
He put it away to be hung up in your apartment for when you all move out
Non-College Life
Once you all finish college you guys move into an apartment outside of Nockfell
The minute after you and Sal leave to get food Larry puts up all his private paintings of you guys
It's funny to him
I imagine you guys moving to a really populated city
Somewhere where it's a good place for people wanting to have creative jobs but still close to Nockfell
Maybe not back to New Jersey but probably not as far as New York or LA
you guys do all the cute stuff you never got to in Nockfell together
It's not like the majority of Nockfell was homophobic, mostly just the people who went to the church
But a lot more of them didn't think that polyamory was possible
So now it's easier
It's not like you never experience any polyphobia anymore but it's easier because you're in a more open-minded place
Sal's favorite thing is to go to concerts now
And pride
He also likes coffee house dates too
Larry gets hit on a lot though whenever you guys go out anywhere though
He finds it funny how jealous you both get
Sometimes if he wants Sal to get really mad he'll play along
But most of the time he shuts it down before it begins
Sal gets hit on a lot at concerts the most though
He gets kind of awkward about it, he's not going to edge them on but he gets uncomfortable enough to just not know how to shut them down
Usually, you and Larry will just appear behind him and whisk him away
Larry likes to use it as teasing leverage for a good rough one that night but you usually make sure he's okay with it before Larry does anything
You get hit on the most casually
Here and there but there aren't really specific places
It just sort of happens
You mostly shut them down alone
But occasionally you'll have to go to Sal and Larry if they're persistent
And they'll be mean too
One of the first times you saw Sal and Larry ever legitimately get that mean was when you got hit on in a club and they both just pulled you behind them and absolutely ripped the person a new one
You guys really like to stay at home if you guys have dates though that way everyone feels included
But when you all do go around together it's always specifically for three people you never tell anyone it's a date for dinner reservations, you always make sure you go on rides everyone wants to go on at amusement parks, and hey if worse comes to worst smoking is a group activity (if you have asthma or any other breathing condition Larry makes you edibles if you really wanna do edibles with them)
Starting jobs there are tough and all but you make it off your feet
Sal ends up booking a lot of gigs and Larry's commission request skyrocket when he moves to the city and makes a blog about his art
You all get an apartment with affordable rent and one that allows Gizmo
I hc that Gizmo is an esp but I don't know if that's real
So regardless you'll still be able to have room for him
Sal proposes to both of you
You guys talked about marriage and decided that it would be easier legally to just not get married through a court
So you guys have a friends wedding and Gizmo is the ring bearer
You guys don't get a fancy venue or anything
You guys all just have a city wedding
So, the first time you all decide to hook up it's mostly just very communicative rules beforehand
Sal is more comfortable with being fucked than fucking someone else at most times but "It's not like I never want to stick my dick in you two" as he puts it
He also likes background music on most of the time
It's kinda weird if there isn't just a little bit of music
It isn't really bothersome, you guys keep it below 20 at most times
Sal's also super submissive
He liked it rough, make him cry out for you two
A bit of a pillow prince
Especially enjoys being tied up by you two
gags and blindfolds are on the table
Although whenever he does feel up to fucking you and Larry he'll usually end up having you two ride him because he gets to be such a mess with you two unless he's jealous or upset
Usually, when he's upset he's gonna lift you two up and fuck you against the headboard or wherever you two are if he's impatient enough
One time you were chilling with Larry in your bedroom and he was painting over his easel
Sal burst through the door where it slammed back on itself and closed itself
He then tracks his eyes on you
immediately asks you "Can I please fuck you right now"
and as soon as your safe word and consent comes out of your mouth he's holding you down on the bed and fucking into you so hard you can barely breath
Larry doesn't mind it and just continues painting with you moaning and being so pathetic in the background of his music
He kinda finds it funny because before you all got together and he and Larry would angry fuck it never worked out
Sal was just being a brat most of the time because Larry still wouldn't let him fuck him submissively
Speaking of which, Larry's more comfortable with being dominant, he'll bottom but only if he can still be dominant otherwise forget it
Larry's just a rough fucker anyway
He really likes pushing and holding you two up against walls when he fucks you guys
He likes showing off the muscles he got helping his mom with handy work and stuff like that
The first time he did this was to Sal when you were studying in your guy's room
You said you didn't really wanna participate today so they fucked like they would without you
And so they're talking back and forth, teasing each other
and Larry corners him
And just
lifts him up
It looked like he was just lifting a bag of sugar up
Sal seemed weightless as Larry just rocks into him
It was one of the hottest things you'd seen at the time so you joined them
You do that a couple more times but then it just becomes normal and you decide you need to start finishing all those assignments
Larry does that to you one on one as well without Sal but it happens to Sal a lot more spontaneously
Larry though is kinkier than Sal in some respects
He'll try anything at least once "Lisa didn't raise no bitch-"
He's really into breeding and long fucking sessions though
Like, lowkey he has omegaverse fantasies
Not because of the weird stuff just because a lot of the time..... they have breeding written in
He'll never admit to reading any of it but you know he has at least once
Super into dirty talk
And he's really good at it
He also had a praise kink and a degradation kin
He likes degrading you and you telling him thank you and how good he's treating a filthy little brat like you
"What're my filthy little brats good for other than sucking my dick so well. Taking me so well like the dirty little whores you are?"
"Yes sir-" "-we're made for your big cock-" "-thank you for fucking us like this-"
He especially likes breeding you and having Sal suck you off while he does it, he finds your crying cute
And an added bonus is rewarding Sal after for it
You guys talk about long-term consent and all that and decide that it's a good idea, you all trust and love each other so there isn't a problem
lol this kinda went to shit at the end but I still like it enough! Thanks for the Sally Face request I really like this game and the dynamic between a poly reader hc :)
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