#this community is so wonderful and amazing and sweet and you were all what got me through it!!!!
sexynetra · 4 months
hey, i'm so sorry this happened! similar thing happened to me a couple years ago and it was absolutely devastating. but it will pass, they'll get bored and move onto something else and probably forget about it before the month ends (which like... lol wish we could forget about it too!!) don't let this make you stop writing etc, after a break if you want to continue writing, you should. hope you're doing better 🩵🩵
I’m sorry you’re also a part of this shitty little club 😅 but it is/was very reassuring to realize how quick the cycle of twitter goes (honestly, drag me for this but mirage going home I think was the saving grace for my fic getting drowned and disappearing on drag race twitter so thank you mirage for saving my ass)
I wish I could forget about it and I know I’ll always be there in the back of my brain but I feel SO much better than I did when it was all fresh. I’ve gotten so many sweet wonderful messages of support and people telling me what this story has meant to them, and that’s so much more important than what a few people on twitter trying to be edgy who are insecure and feel the need to bully others about it have to say 🤷🏻‍♀️
I am glad to be back and move forward from all this (though I will probably forever be making snarky jokes and comments about it, what can I say, I love to hold a grudge 😂)
9 notes · View notes
dr0wnme0ut · 11 days
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𝕴 𝕭𝖊𝖌, 𝕾𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕸𝖊 Synopsis: After Lee Hee Heeseung got caught in a bit of a legal scandal he is summoned to community service thanks to his father's legal connections. Heeseung finds himself stuck for the next six weeks working at the local church, how lucky for him the pastors sweet daughter is there to keep him company.
Pairings: LeeHeeseung X Female!Virgin!Naive!Reader
Warnings: DARK CONTENT. Dubcon, manipulation, religious themes, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), thigh riding, creampie, cum eating, masturbation (male and female), sexual use of a rosary, sexual scenes in a church, fingering, cursing, dirty talk, corruption kink, oral (male and female), hair pulling, slight spanking, mentions of blood, slight choking, ??noncon?? (adding that trigger because there is a moment of hesitation that could be viewed as noncon)
*Though this isn't as dark as my normal content, I'm still marking it dark because of the manipulation, dark, and religious themes. People are sensitive to those topics so as a precautionary I marked this DARK.*
Word Count: 7.3k
Author Note: Does this look familiar? Yes! Have you read this before? Probably! This was previously posted on my old blog, "HH" (you might remember me as "Honey", "little ducklings") So sorry I left you so abruptly, but I needed a fresh start on a new space. I hope you all find your way to our new home! I had to re-upload this for you guys because it was my most popular fic, hitting over 2k notes! I hope you guys give it the same amount of love the second time around! PSA: This is the last fic from my old account I will be uploading onto this blog, everything else posted after this is all going to be new work!
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Lee Heeseung is well aware of what he is and what he isn't. He’s a liar, a manipulator, an unreliable friend, an average college student, but above everything, what he takes the most pride in, is that Heeseung is an amazing hookup. He knows he’s hot, he knows girls talk about how great he is in bed and how well endowed he is. 
He’s never had to fight for anything in his life, he’s always gotten what he wanted without hesitation, and yes, that includes women. 
He loves women, more notably he loves taken women. The rush of having someone’s girlfriend underneath him compares to nothing else, especially if they're hooking up with the boyfriend nearby. He can’t explain it, he loves the rush he gets knowing they picked him, they’re risking it all for him. 
And Watching that same girl go up to her loser boyfriend and kiss him with the same mouth Heeseung just had his dick in has his chest swelling with pride 
But you. Fuck. You were the ultimate prize, the forbidden fruit, the one. 
Six weeks of forced community service under the watchful eye of the most respected church pastor in town, your father. Heeseung was initially pissed knowing he’d be spending three days a week, including church service on Sundays, in a tiny stuffy room sorting through donations. But then the most wonderful "miracle" happened, you. 
He doesn’t know how it happened, you’re not the type of girl he goes for. You didn’t even spare him a second glance when he walked in on his first day. But fuck, your face, your modest clothing, your big doe eyes, everything he wouldn’t spare a glance at on a normal day had him aching to touch you. The silver cross necklace resting on your collarbones, the Bible you always had nearby with sticky notes and bookmarks sticking out, the white and silver rosary always nearby and that fucking ring…oh my god he almost lost all self control when he heard about it that first week of work.  
“Are you engaged? You’re still in college, why would you want to settle down already?” He asks, tapping the silver band on your left ring finger.
You giggle and swat his hand away, “no silly. It’s a purity ring.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “what’s that?”
“It’s a promise ring to God basically. Meaning I’ll remain pure until marriage.”
His eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
“So you’ve never…”
“Of course not!” You say, as if you’re offended by the assumption. 
“Have you ever kissed anyone?” His interest now fully peaked. 
“Nope,” you answer, popping the ‘p’ sound.
“So in a way you belong to God?” He questions licking his lips.
“Yeah..until I get married, I guess you could say that.” 
He barely made it outside to the church parking lot into his car with his hand wrapped around his cock jerking off to the mental image of your dainty hand wrapped around him instead, looking up at him with wide curious eyes like you usually do. The image of that little band on your finger had him spilling all over his hand in minutes, even managing to get some of his cum on the windshield.  
He hasn’t stopped thinking about it. He never had any desire for virgins, they were way too whiny and he didn’t like how clingy they were afterwards. 
But you. 
You were completely untouched, completely untainted, so pure, he wanted to devour you. He wanted to own every part of you. 
You were the grand prize..he loved fucking promised women, when you said you "belonged to God" that was it.
He was on a mission.
He had to take you from him.
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“What are you staring at?” You asked, breaking Heeseungs train of thoughts.
“Nothing..sorry angel, just spaced out.” He smiles watching you look up at him.
“Stop calling me that,” you mumbled at the nickname Heeseung bestowed to you since starting his community service at your fathers church. 
“You like it,” he teased, flashing his signature side smirk. You did, but a part of you also didn't know if he meant it in a condescending way.
“Come on, we'll be late for the service.” 
You clutched your bible and rosary to your chest and started to ascend the church steps with Heeseung trailing behind. You weren’t sure what exactly he did to end up here, but he’s been a big help to you with all the church donation organizing. 
And he hardly complained, it even seemed like he was starting to enjoy coming to Sunday services and sitting in the pew with your friends and family. Taking your usual spots on the pew, you open your Bible and wait for your father to start the service. 
Heeseung was so confused at what was happening, he couldn’t understand what your dad was preaching about, didn’t understand the songs, and didn’t know a single prayer. This whole thing was a fucking waste of his time. The only good thing about these Sunday services was being near you. Especially when you got on your knees during the service, when you would take the bread of Christ in your mouth and swallow it down with the sacramental wine, it had him imagining unspeakable things. The way you had your hands clasped together, looking up with big doe eyes as you took the offerings was such a sinful sight. 
After the service you stayed behind with Heeseung to put away any new donations made by the churchgoers. 
“Did you enjoy today's service?” You ask. 
“Yeah, I definitely learned a lot today,” a sheepish grin adorns his face. He doesn’t even remember half of it.
There wasn’t any denying Heeseung was attractive. Everything about him was inviting. Sometimes your hands would brush or he would accidentally press up against you to walk around in the small donation room and it had a flushing sensation on your body. 
You tried not to focus on it, you were also very well aware of the promiscuous reputation he carried on his back. 
“That’s good, I’m going to miss having you around here when you leave us,” you admit shyly.
“Don’t worry angel, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He smirked, leaning forward on the sorting table you both were working at. 
“You’re such a flirt,” You shake your head. He can see the smile you’re biting back and the tips of your ears redden.
“Can’t help It when I’m around a pretty girl,” he shrugs.
You roll your eyes and focus back on sorting through the small donation pile. He’s a player, he’s a player, you repeat to yourself in your head, he doesn’t like you in that way.
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Where am I? 
A floral field surrounds you, kneeling on a blanket, clad in a typical dress you normally wear for Sunday services with your rosary clutched in your hands. What’s going on?
“Hey angel..” that voice, ah that velvet smooth voice that has your heart in your throat.
He looks beautiful, of course he does, sitting on the blanket next to you. His dark messy hair falling in front of his doe eyes, he’s in white slacks and a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up.
He almost looks ethereal, “come closer to me.” 
Without hesitation you move to him. 
“Let me see,” he motions toward the beads in your hands. You hand them over and watch the mischievous smirk creep onto his face. He moves behind you on his knees and rubs his hands on your shoulders, massaging you. You hum feeling his large hands rub down your arms stopping at your wrists.
He wraps the beads around your wrists, binding them together behind your back. You look at him confused, but he just smiles and turns your body around to face him. He sits back on his bottom and pulls into his lap. Making sure to position you where you’re straddling his thigh, causing your dress to lift up slightly.
“H-Heeseung what are you-“
He stroked your cheek, cutting you off, “can you pray for me?”
He rubs his hands on your exposed thighs. “Let me hear you pray. Recite the all father, for me, angel.” The nickname only makes you shudder under his touch. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“Our Father, Who art in heaven,” 
You suddenly gasp, feeling him grab your hips and rock your body back and forth on his thigh. 
“Hall-hallowed be Thy N-n-name. Thy Kingdom co-come,” you gasp and try to move your hands from behind your back but he's restrained you tightly with your rosary. The friction from his pants against your drenched panties rubbing against your swollen clit is slowly becoming unbearable.  
“Thy Wi-will be do-done, On-on earth as it is-is in Heaven.”
You cry out as he starts flexing his thigh underneath you, desperate to touch him you fight against the rosary keeping your arms bound behind you. He pulls you down harder on his leg making you rock against him faster. This is how he wanted you, completely at his mercy.
“Keep going angel…” His lips were on your neck sucking the soft skin between his teeth.
“Give us-us this day, o-our daily br-bread,”
He grabs your throat making you look up at him and watches you intently as you rock against his thigh sloppily trying to desperately chase your high. You pant with your eyes wide and glassy, your moves becoming more erratic as you struggle against the rosary. 
“And for-forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who-who trespass ag-against us.”
You were soaking through his slacks. Your voice gets more breathy as you feel that knot in your lower belly ready to snap, closing your eyes trying to desperately keep the same pace against his flexed thigh. 
“Don’t you dare look away….” He growls gripping your chin, your eyes snap open and he stares right into your soul. “Make a mess, angel.” 
Your eyes stared into his dark ones and you moaned out loudly feeling yourself release onto his thigh. Your mouth dropped open but only choked noises were coming out, letting the blinding heat of your orgasm course through your veins. He lets you catch your breath while rubbing your trembling bottom lip, “finish it..”
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” you pant out staring at him still on your orgasmic high.
“Good fucking girl”
You shoot up from your bed, your body covered in a thin layer of sweat and a sticky feeling between your legs. Pulling the blanket off of you to try and let in cold air to your body you gasp at the sight of your gray sleep pants completely soaked through.
What the fuck..
Why did you just dream about Lee Heeseung..
And did you just cum completely untouched?.. 
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Swallowing thickly you walk through the church parking lot to your designated donation table by your fathers side. Today was the church food drive, lots of people were showing up to drop off their canned goods. It was also the first day seeing Heeseung since your dream. Since that night you’ve felt the dull uncomfortable ache between your legs, and a part of you knew only he could fix it. Which only had you feeling disgusting for having such thoughts. 
“Seungie!” A high pitched squeaky voice breaks you out of your thoughts and you see a girl running toward Heeseung. The girl, only clad in short shorts and a tank top, throws her arms around Heeseung giggling.
He’s smirking at her and obviously checking her out. An uncomfortable churn in your stomach makes you look away. 
Why do you care? You knew he had quite the reputation, lots of the girls around you whispered about his escapades and how they so badly wanted to experience it for themselves.Why were you jealous?
Heeseung sees you from the corner of his eye, how your body tensed up when he hugged Karina and how you immediately looked away.
Fuck, how is he supposed to get you to trust him when these stupid girls are acting this way in front of you. 
“Are you even listening to me, Seungie?” Karina’s shrill voice snaps him back to his reality. 
“Sorry, I’m just super busy right now. Can we talk later?”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes, “so what? Now that you fucked me you don’t want to talk to me now?”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend to worry about?” He glares.
“We broke up..you said I was special. I thought we could be tog-“
He raises his hand and shakes his head. “I’m gonna stop you right there Karina. You were fun, but that hookup was all we’re ever gonna have. I never told you to break up with him.”
“So that’s it? We’re over?”
He wants to laugh, “Karina we were never a thing.”
“Fuck you, Heeseung.” He watches her stomp away with tears in her eyes. 
He looks back at your table and sees your back is turned to him. 
Ah fuck, were you mad? He watches you grab a box of donated food and walk into the small donation building you two work out of. 
Perfect, he can talk to you alone. 
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“Are you mad at me?” Heeseung asks, walking into the donation room startling you. 
“Why do you ask that?” You mumble avoiding his gaze.
“You’ve won’t even look at me, angel.” He stands next to you as you place the food on the shelf. You look at him briefly and chew your bottom lip nervously.  
“I'm just busy Heeseung, we have a lot of food to sort through.”
“I don't care angel, what's wrong?” He moves closer to you, caging you against the shelf you’re working on. 
“Are you dating that girl that was all over you?” You blurt out before you realize. You feel the embarrassment wash over you. Way to keep it cool. 
He studies your face before breaking out into a smug grin. You weren’t mad at him, you were jealous of Karina. 
“Does that matter?” He asks, leaning toward you testing just to see how jealous you really were. 
“I guess not, what you do with easy girls is your business.” You bite. 
He barks a laugh, oh you were so fucking jealous and it was so fucking hot. He has never heard you talk bad about anyone before. But here you were, calling Karina easy because you liked him. He was already tainting you. 
“I’m not dating her, angel.”
“She was all over you,” you whisper. He watched your annoyed expression turn into a pout and your eyes avoided his nervously. 
Oh you poor sweet thing. If only you knew how much I wanted to fuck you, you wouldn’t be jealous of some slut. 
“Aw, did my angel not like that?”He says with faux sympathy, caressing your cheek. 
“Don’t make fun of me!” His touch only ignited that burning feeling in the pit of your belly.
“I’m not angel, you’re just so fucking cute when you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous!” You try not to melt into his touch but it’s hard. And he looks so inviting. 
He was standing so close to you. His cologne overwhelmed your senses, you could feel the warmth of his body heat. He watches your face and smiles, noticing how your eyes keep dropping to his lips, having a hard time on where to keep your focus. 
Time to test the waters a little further. 
“Am I making you nervous, angel?” 
“No,” you lie. He chuckles, he knows you’re lying, your body gives it away. He can see your pink cheeks, your clenched fists at your side and watches you rub your thighs together. He leans down and places his lips right on your earlobe and he inhales the scent of your floral shampoo. He feels you shudder against him.
“Does anyone else get your little body reacting this way?” His breath fans across your neck. You almost whine when he removes his face and stares down at you with hooded eyes. 
He pushes a piece of hair behind your ear and runs his thumb along your jaw. Stopping at your bottom lip he rubs it softly, of course it’s soft. 
The vivid images of your dream flash across your brain and your eyes widen remembering him doing the same thing after your orgasm. He sees your panicked gaze and he can feel his cock throbbing in his jeans. His gaze darkens, “you’re so fucking pretty, angel.”
His touch made your skin feel warm, it sent little shockwaves throughout your body and was leaving an uncomfortable mess between your thighs. 
“I-um..have to go..” you push past him and quickly walk out of the little room. You needed to breathe, your body was going into overdrive and it felt like it was on fire. This wasn’t supposed to feel good. Your body isn’t supposed to react that way. These feelings..were sinful. 
The donation drive was still busy and you didn’t want to be seen. Spotting the empty church you decide its best to put distance between you and Heeseung and try to ground yourself from these overwhelming feelings. You run in and look around the familiar space, you need to pray. You needed to beg for forgiveness. You needed to do something to stop these feelings. 
Your eyes lock onto the confessional booth and you breathe a sigh of relief. That could work.
Shutting the door to the small confessional you sit on the wooden chair and try to calm your breathing. You never felt this out of control of your body before, with an uncomfortable tightening in your abdomen. 
You hear the door to the otherside of the confessional open and close, only able to see the silhouette of the person coming in because of the latticed divider providing anonymity for the people who are using it to confess their sins to your father. 
“Are you really hiding from me, in here?”
Of course it’s him. 
“What do you want, Heeseung?” You try your best to sound stable but your voice comes out shaky. 
“Why are you hiding from me angel?”
His voice was laced with more faux sympathy. He knows what he’s doing. He also knows you’re too naive to pick up on how he’s messing with you. 
“You..you make me feel weird..”
“In a bad way?” He can’t help the smile that creeps on his face. 
“In a way..I’ve never felt before..it scares me..I don’t know what to do..”
Fuck you sounded so good like this. So desperate, so ready to be molded into his little slut. 
“Are you wet..”
He was feeling bold now. 
He can hear the trembling in your voice. He lowers his voice and presses his lips against the lattice screen so you can hear him clearly. 
“Is your little pussy wet for me, angel?”
“H-Heeseung! We’re in the church! Don’t say things like that..”
He can hear the change in your breathing and whine in your tone. Oh, this was going to be a piece of cake. 
You hear him fiddle with the buckle of his belt. “Put your hand in your panties, angel..”
“I can-can’t do that..” You gasp, was he serious? Was he really going to do such immoral things in the confessional? 
“Yes you can angel, do it for me. It’ll make you feel good, baby girl, I promise.” 
As much as he wanted to degrade and ruin you, he couldn’t risk you running out of this booth and telling your father. He had to play with you a little to get you wanting more of him. 
“Touch yourself..tell me how it feels angel..”
His tone was soft and comforting, maybe..maybe just this once. And he was offering to help, you would be rude to not accept his help, right?
Slipping your shaking fingers into your skirt and into your panties you feel the amount of arousal that has leaked out of you. “Wh-what do you want me to do..”
He groans, throwing his head back on the confessional wall. The question alone was enough to tip him over the edge. You really were an innocent angel, he was going to mold you into the perfect plaything for him. 
“Rub your pussy baby, just keep rubbing it for me.”
He spits in his palm and starts rubbing his weeping cock. 
You slid your fingers between your slicked lips, lightly grazing your clit, making your hips buck in the air and a loud whimper escaping your lips before you could clamp your teeth on your bottom lip. You had never felt the need to masturbate before, this was all new to you. You find your clit again and rub your fingers faster against it, moaning out again, he presses his head against the lattice desperate to see you but can only make out the silhouette of your body and your arm moving. He fucks his fist faster to the sounds of your whimpers. 
“I can hear how wet you are angel, fuck I bet you’re dripping all over the chair. Don’t you dare go inside, I’m the only one going inside of that virgin pussy.” 
His dirty mouth only makes you whine and clench around nothing. You pressed your fingers to your entrance, you didn't slip inside, just teased the hole to get a feel for it, even more of your arousal was leaking out of you. You prop a leg on the chair giving you better access to your clit and your rub harder and faster against the swollen bundle. 
“Cum for me angel, let me hear my angel’s sweet voice when she cums.” His voice is husky and you replay the images of your dream, mixed with hearing the sounds of his groans and the squelching of his hand around his cock send you into overdrive moving your hand faster. Your vision goes spotty and you moan out in ecstasy as your orgasm hits you hard and fast. Your head hits the wall as you whine loudly, your toes curling in your shoes. The sound has Heeseung’s eyes rolling into his head and he chokes out a gasp as his cum shoots out in hot thick spurts and coats his hand and part of the confessional box. 
You sink into your chair and try to breathe, your body still convulsing from little aftershocks of your first ever orgasm. Coming down from your euphoric high you see the little cross above the door and feel the shame. 
What have you done? It’s bad enough to act on such desires..but in a confessional. This had to be unforgivable. 
Stepping out of the confessional box on shaky legs you look around the church and feel the shame overtake the high you were just on. 
You're in a church, in God's house, and you just masturbated in a confessional box. The reality of your actions repeating over and over in your head. 
Heeseung opens the door to his side of the box and immediately engulfs you in his arms, his mouth is in yours before you even have time to react; your first kiss.
It’s soft at first, both of his hands coming to cup your face but he gets hungrier by the second. Moving his soft lips against yours chasing every movement, you almost forget to breathe trying to pull away but his grip is tight on you. Sliding his tongue in between your lips and lightly massages your own causing a small groan to bubble within you. He smirks, feeling how cautious and uncertain your tongue moves against his. He pulls away, giving your bottom lip one last lick and pecking it one last time. 
“We should get back out there, angel.” 
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Sunday approached quicker than you would have liked. You spent days replaying the events of what happened with Heeseung over and over. A part of you felt saddened by the whole thing, he didn’t talk to you about it afterward and he didn’t call or text and it seemed like maybe he just wanted to add you to the long list of girls he had. But another part of you was desperate for more of him, wanting him to do more, and wanting to be enough so that he wouldn’t need those other girls. The conflicting sides of you causing inner turmoil and questioning your place in the world.
You spent your whole life with a moral code, you never let anyone challenge that or try and change who you were. And now, you didn’t know where you stood. Because if Heeseung didn’t want to be with you, and he was just using you, that would mean you changed your core values for someone who didn’t respect you. And what respectable man would want you after that? After you easily give up your innocence to someone with a questionable reputation. 
You shake the thoughts out of your head and wipe the tears on the back of your hand and continue to straighten up the church altar. Services ended an hour ago, everyone had gone home and you were left alone to clean up the altar and the mess of your life. Heeseung didn’t sit with you today like he usually did and it was his last Sunday of his community service sentence, he left right after service. So it’s safe to assume he's just gone and you were passing the time for him while he was here. 
“What are you doing in here?” Heeseung asks, startling you. You turn around and watch him walk down the aisle to the altar he sees you cleaning.
“Just putting some stuff away,” you mumbled wiping the rag across the marble altar table. 
“Where is your father?” He asks looking around making sure no one was in sight. 
“The clergy have a lunch meeting together this afternoon, I told my father I’d stay behind to clean so he can attend.”
He hears the sadness in your voice and bites back a smile. He saw you the entire service staring at him with hopeful eyes trying to get his attention. He wanted you to miss him, to want him, to need him. And judging by the sad tone and watery eyes, his plan had worked. He had you right where he wanted you. 
“Why are you still here? Isn’t today your last Sunday?” you ask, finally meeting his eyes.  
“Is that why you’re sad, angel? Because you think I’d leave without my girl?” He smiled, stopping in front of the altar. You roll your eyes and turn back around to finish what you were doing. 
“I’m not your girl Heeseung,” 
“You and I both know that’s a lie, angel. Careful, God doesn’t like liars.” He taunts coming up behind you and rubbing his hands down your arms. He feels you tense under his touch, the goosebumps evident on your skin. 
Dropping his face down to your shoulder he sighs softly, “you know, you look really angelic right now..standing here in this pretty white dress, all these candles lit, it's almost sinful how beautiful you look.” He whispers in your ear gently nipping at your earlobe. 
You grip the rag in your hand tightly. “What do you want from me, Heeseung?” 
“I want you,” He answers, kissing your shoulder. 
“I don’t..I don’t want to be like other girls..” you softly admit.
He smirks against your shoulder rubbing his hands on your hips and turning you around.
“Angel, you’re nothing like the other girls.”
“Really…?” You look up at him with your wide doe eyes and he smiles. 
Gotcha, angel. You’re mine now. 
“Trust me baby, they don’t compare to you..”
The innocent smile on your face was going straight to his cock. He needed to work fast. Rubbing your cheek tenderly he kisses your lips, letting his tongue work its way into your mouth. He grabs your hand in his larger one and guides it down to the front of his jeans placing it right over his hard on. You gasp and pull away confused, but he chases your mouth with his and continues to kiss you while he “whines” to you. 
“Angel..kiss..it hurts..kiss..it hurts so bad..kiss..please touch me angel..kiss..make it better..please..” The soft whine in his voice makes you want to help. You don’t want him to hurt, you have to help him. 
You were too fucking easy to mold. 
He unbuckles his jeans and lowers them just enough to release himself. Your hands are clumsy as you reach for him, he sees your nervousness and it only fuels the fire. Wrapping your small hand around his heavy length you look at him for guidance. He wraps his hand around yours and guides it up and down in a pumping motion. You watch his eyes close and hear him hiss, “Fuck…just like that angel..”
He lets you work on his length for a few seconds before he tests the waters again. 
“Angel..I need more..I need your mouth. Can you be a good girl and get on your knees for me?”
You stop pumping him and look at him for a few seconds. You nod, and drop to your knees on the wooden floor and you finally fully take the sight of him. He’s long and thick, it's two toned with an angry red tip and precum leaking from the slit. The sight had your mouth watering.
The sight of you finally on your knees in front of him was almost too much. He wasn’t going to last long. 
You look up at him and grab his cock and lick a circle around the mushroom tip, suckling the tip to drink in his precum. 
His knees almost give out instantly. This was definitely better than any prior sexual experience he had ever had. 
“Angel..” He breathes out and makes a makeshift ponytail out of your hair. You keep his eye contact and take his length slowly into your mouth hoping you're doing okay. Your tongue glides around his throbbing length and he moans again. 
“Do you want me to guide you angel..” 
You hum around him and the smug grin returns to his face. “Relax your jaw and let me take over.”
You obey and he hums stroking your cheek. The sweet affection only lasts for a second before he pulls your mouth further down his cock and you choke around him. The vibrations only added to his pleasure. Tears sting your eyes as he starts to fuck your face pushing your head down further and further on his cock. 
“That’s it angel..you’re doing so well for me..”
His praises only fuel you to try and be good for him. You let him continue to pound into your throat, the chocked sounds around his cock pushing him close to his release. 
Your teary eyes and mouth wrapped around him, have him seeing stars, he pulls out quickly. He was only going to cum in one hole today and it wasn’t going to be your mouth. He watches the spit and precum dribble down your chin and mix with your tears. 
Fuck. He was so close to losing all self control. 
“Fuck me angel, you look so good like this, what would God say of he saw you like this,” He teases wiping the mess off your chin.
“Don’t say that..”you frowned.
The pout..that fucking pout did it. It pushed him to the edge. 
“Fuck…I cant hold on anymore I have to fuck you.” His eyes narrowed as he gripped you by your hair to your feet.  
“Hee-Heeseung I can’t..” you shake your head and try to back away. 
“You can and you will, angel.”
You stare at him with a confused expression, was he serious? He doesn’t give you time to take in his words because he's picking you up and leaning you against the marble altar you just cleaned. He places you on the altar, discarding the large Bible, and other items to the floor before sitting you down and slotting himself between your legs. 
He grabbed the front of your dress and yanked it down with your bra exposing your bare tits to him, your nipples instantly harden from the cool air. 
You truly looked sinful. Sitting on the church altar, bible discarded on the floor, lit candles around the both of you, the sun shining in through the stained glass windows painting you in red hues, if there truly was a God Heeseung was going to hell for what he was about to do to God’s favorite angel.
Your doe eyes were wide with anticipation as you stared at him waiting for his next move. Everything around you seemed to have blur out, no longer caring where you were. All you could focus on was Heeseung. 
He takes one of your hardened nipples into his mouth and massages the other with his large hand, pinching the bud between his fingers. Your jaw goes slack at the feeling of his tongue, you arch into him at the new sensation. 
While you're distracted he slips his hand under your dress and skillfully tugs down your panties, of course noticing how the entire front of them are completely drenched in your arousal. He bites down harder on your nipple and sucks harshly causing you to arch your back again and lean your head back further and he carefully slots the ruined panties in his back pocket while you’re not looking. A perfect reminder of today. 
Pulling away he kisses your chest before standing up and looking down on you, he pushes you gently on your back, you shiver feeling the cold marble under your back. He pushes your knees up and places your feet flat on the altar displaying your leaking pussy to him. He licked his bottom dip, he wanted a taste of you, but time was a factor and he needed to get his dick in you fast before you got lost in your head and changed your mind. 
He ran his fingers over your slippery pussy gathering some of your moisture and rubbed around your entrance and slowly pushed one of his long fingers inside. He watched your eyes flutter shut and mouth drop open. Fuck, you were impossibly tight.
You felt your walls clenching around him and he shoved another finger in. You moaned out at the intrusion.
You pushed yourself up on your elbows as watched and he continued to scissor his two fingers inside of you to stretch you out.
“Does it feel good angel?” He whispers against your knee and kisses it. 
You nod cautiously, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. 
“Youre so fucking tight I don’t know if my cock will fit in this little pussy angel.” He smirks feeling how you clench around his fingers at his dirty talk. 
His long fingers explored you searching for that special spot. He taps a particular spongy spot and you drop back onto your back moaning loudly, and your hips buck into his hand. 
Found it. 
The amount of moisture leaking out of you was sinful, he dropped his head between your thighs and licked a stripe from his fingers to your clit to just get a taste of you. You jerked at the sensation and clenched harder around his fingers. 
Fuck, he usually couldn’t be bothered about going down on women, but you tasted so sweet he was definitely going to have to spend an hour or two later just devouring your leaking cunt. Kissing the inside of your thigh he fucks his fingers into you faster, making sure to hit that spongy spot.
“Come on angel..cum for me..”
He latches his mouth back onto your chest leaving purple bites in his path. You groan the feeling of that familiar knot in your abdomen is back. Running your fingers through his messy dark hair you arch into his mouth and you release all over his hand crying out. His fingers stayed inside of you working you through your orgasm.
Watching you come down from your high his dark eyes flicker to the large cross above you and he chuckles softly, maybe he should thank the heavens for bringing you to him. 
His smirk is devilish as he pulls his fingers from you and pumps himself a few times and pulls your body closer to his awaiting cock.
He sees the apprehension on your face and smiles. “Don’t worry angel, I’ll make it fit.”
You nervously try to close your legs but he slaps the outside of your thigh making you whine, “your pussy is mine, angel. Don’t you dare hide it from me.”
You whine and let him spread your legs. 
He grabbed his cock and spreads your release along his aching length. He pressed his tip to your folds and rubbed it back and forth, from clit to your entrance making you writhe in overstimulation.
In a moment of slight panic realizing what was about to happen you bring your hands up to his chest to try and stop him and push him away. 
“Wait Heeseung..I don’t think I’m ready.”
“Stop thinking, angel, just let me think for you,” He smirks and you feel his mushroom tip stretching you as he pressed inside of you slowly. He lifted the bottom of your dress to your chest so he wouldn't miss the view.
You hissed and he went deeper, pushing a little at a time. He pushed your body down on the altar flat on your back as he pushed into your walls further. Your nails scraping the marble under you and tears filled your wide eyes as you felt him reach the thin barrier of your virginity. This was it, there wasn't any coming back from this.
You took a shaky breath, your body was trembling underneath him, he moaned loudly as he ripped right past it and you choked a sob when you felt it break.
God, forgive me.
You let out a small pained whimper as he continued stretching you to your limit, the further he pushed in the more painful it was. Finally, he reached the hilt inside your tight virgin hole. His pelvis pressed right against yours. 
He stayed buried inside your heat as he leaned down and placed a tender soft kiss on your lips. Nipping at your bottom lip and slithering past the barrier and exploring your mouth trying to distract you from the discomfort. Your mouth was slack against his, the stretch was too painful to focus on anything else.
Breaking the kiss, he looked down at you grinning at the sight of the small bulge under your belly button where his cock was. 
“You’re taking all of me so well angel,”
He pressed down on the bulge and watched you gasp out. “You feel that? God made you for me.” He whispered, wrapping his hand around your neck applying slight pressure. 
You were shaking, the tears never streaming down your reddened cheeks. He pulled out of you and you breathed a sigh of relief from the pain subsiding but he pushed back in you hard, causing another choked sob from your throat. He kept his thrusts steady at first, easing himself in and out as you whimpered and writhed under him. He took a second to admire the way your body twisted against him. The more his cock filled you, the better it started to feel, the dull pain between your legs starting to fade into bliss. 
He smiles proudly seeing you start to relax and let your body rock against his. 
“That’s it angel, fuck your little virgin pussy on me” He sped up his thrusts, moving his hand between the two of you and pressing his thumb down on your clit. Your back arches off the altar, “oh god!”
“Not God baby…say my name..scream it.”
You wrapped your thighs around him as he rocked into you. “Heeseung!”
Your eyes rolled back as your body was fully succumbing to the pleasure. You could barely feel any pain anymore as he fucked harder and faster into you. Your hands went straight to his shoulders for leverage, “M-more…Hee-Heeseung more..”
He groaned, watching you bounce against him. licking his lips, his pace picked up. “My angel wants more? You want me to fuck you harder baby?”
You nod, scraping your nails down his shoulders.
“Say it angel. Tell me what you want.”
He needed to hear it, he needed to hear the dirty words leave your mouth. He had to hear and see the vision of you he’s been so desperate to have. 
Your wide teary eyes stare up at him, the silver cross necklace bouncing on your chest with every harsh thrust he gives only adds to the sinful sight.
“Fuck me..please fuck me, Heeseung.”
The sight and sound was better than anything he could have ever imagined.
He plunged into you without any restraint, no more holding back. You were like his very own fuckdoll now, your body was at his mercy. His thumb kept rubbing your clit, The noises escaping him were feral. He was lost to his own pleasure.
His thrusts grew even more ferocious as he hammered into you relentlessly. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced your head to look down where he was entering you. 
“Do you see that angel? You’re mine now,” he growled.
You clenched your jaw as you looked at the sight of his cock entering you at a fast pace. His entire pelvis was coated with your arousal, you could see a small hint of your blood along his cock.
He noticed it too, it only made him want to fuck your harder.
“Say it, say you’re mine,”
"I-I'm y-yours!"
You hugged him with your legs, clinging to his shoulders as you came again. Your walls squeeze him tight as you released yourself on his cock. "I’m going to cum, angel,” He mumbled against your open mouth. He threw his head and you felt the spurts of warmth bloom within you. He let his head hang back for a few seconds, catching his breath. He slowly pushed your body back down onto the altar as he stayed buried inside of you, looking down at your fucked out body. His hand glided over your trembling thighs. Leaning down on top of you, he kisses along your collarbone as you continue to shake from your orgasm.
You both stayed in each other's arms panting for a few more minutes, his lips leaving soft kisses along your sweaty skin. He hears you sniffle and he pulls away to see the cause. Your face is tilted back as you stare at the large cross above the both of you as silent tears stream down your face. He only smirks, he won. 
Your arms are still wrapped around him, he takes your left arm and removes it from him, breaking you out of your trance. Gently grabbing your wrist he brings your hand to his mouth and slips your ring finger into his mouth and uses his tongue to aid him in removing the silver purity ring. He holds the once sacred jewelry between his teeth with a cocky grin and spits it out. You cringe hearing the metal clink and bounce off of the marble altar. “You definitely can’t wear that anymore, angel.” 
He rubs his large hands over your thighs and up your stomach. “You don’t belong to God anymore.” He pulls out of you and smiles watching the creamy mess leak out of you and fall onto the sacred altar. You whine loudly when he dips a finger into your sore hole, he scoops a small amount of both of your releases and taps your lips. You open obediently and let him slip the mixture into your mouth. “You belong to me now.”
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Every like/comment/re-blog gives church Heeseung a kiss!
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: You and Harry have a secret affair.
Pairings: Harry Styles x fem!Reader (cheating together) Main characters x original characters.
Word Count: 4.5kish
Warnings: Cheating (Harry and Reader together), raw sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, slight dirty talk, undertones of dom!Harry if you squint, anything else? Let me know!
A/N: I’ve had this idea brewing in my head for a while now, had about maybe 500 words written, and then decided to finish it last night. And I love the way it came out. Hopefully you do as well!! Song inspiration: “Illicit affairs” by Taylor Swift.
Also thank you for 500 followers. 🥹🫶🏻 Thank you all for showing me so much love!! 💓
All my mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other site nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
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You knew you shouldn’t have come. 
You fidgeted in your seat, trying not to overthink about the situation as you feel the back of your neck start to sweat, you mumble a cuss word as you take a peak at yourself in your compact mirror, and let out a stiff sigh. 
You adjust the top of your satin orange dress. You fell in love with this dress the moment you saw it at the shops. It was a different color than you were used to wearing, but it looked lovely on you. It had semi-thick straps to hold your breasts up nicely, a corset style on the waist that hugged your curves, it cut down up to your shin, and flowed beautifully. 
You admit you wanted to look good today. And you did. You felt stunning. 
You feel your fiancée’s arm wrap around your shoulders, trying your best not to flinch at his touch, because his touch isn’t the one you want. 
But you can’t have the other. 
“Geez, you’re freezing!” He exclaims in his full blown American accent, rubbing your shoulders with his warm hands as he places his lips on your forehead lightly.
You laugh, “Bloody church is so damn cold.” You give him a smile, leaning yourself into his embrace, as you both watch the people around you fill the seats. 
You look up at him, guilt pooling into your belly, and you give him a small smile. 
Feeling guilty for loving him and for loving Harry. For loving them both. 
Your fiancée isn’t a bad man. No, never bad. Has never been bad. You don’t think he has one bad bone in his body.
He was the sweet, golden, all American boy. He is a wonderful man and isn’t rough on the eyes either. 
He’s tall like Harry, maybe an inch or two shorter, bright ocean blue eyes, chiseled jawline, tanned skin from all your beach trips, blonde hair that is styled to his liking, but you love when it’s freshly washed and falls down his forehead. 
He’s a beautiful man. You loved him so much, you had been dating him for two years now, but yet… a part of you was in love with Harry. 
Your first love. You dated Harry before he went to X-Factor, way before that, you were in an established relationship with him. You both had kissed other people before you got together. But nothing ever went farther. 
You got together and it was as if the world suddenly made sense. You fell in love with Harry so fast and it was everything a teenage relationship could be. Then it grew into something stronger, more passionate, and stronger as you both got older. 
You were each other’s firsts, taking the time to find out what made you squirm, and what made you cum the hardest. 
You were with him through X-Factor, his one direction days, even during his first album. 
But then… things happened. Life changed between you two. You both had never been with anybody new. Nobody different. You had broken up on good terms back in 2017. You promised that if it didn’t work out with anybody else, you’d come back to each other somehow. 
That didn’t happen. 
You dated a few different people, some amazing, and some assholes. Harry did the same. You both kept communication with each other, that never faltered. 
Harry released his second album in 2019, a few songs about you that he never wanted to admit, and when you were both single at the same time… you’d end up in the same bed. 
Nothing more. 
2020 happened and you felt tired of the same routine. You wanted something more. You wanted a family. You were going to speak to Harry about what you felt and how you wanted this with him. 
Then… you met Asher. 
It was like a movie. You were texting Harry, walking down the NYC streets to your apartment, not paying attention to your surroundings, when you bumped into Asher, who caught you before you hit the floor, and you remember the feeling of when you first laid your eyes on him. 
You remember your heart fluttering in your chest at this blue eyed man with a wicked smile. He literally swept you off your feet. Long forgotten the text you were typing to Harry about meeting up the same day. 
Instead, you went for a coffee date with Asher. Your belly was hurting that night from all the laughter you shared together. 
He was amazing with a sense of humor so insane, he kept you laughing all day. You have been wrapped around his finger since day one. Now it’s been two wonderful years with him. 
That’s why when Harry reached out to you six months ago, while Asher was away on business, you hesitated. 
You remember staring at the phone, rereading his text message, and biting your lip in thought. 
“Can we meet up tonight? I really want to see you xx” said the text. You were already out and about in the London streets with your girlfriends. Having moved back to your home country with Asher. You were buzzing with liquid courage and replied, “Yeah. Where are you? xx” 
He had sent you the address to his secret London hotel and suddenly, there you were outside the baby blue door. 
Harry had opened the door, messy brown curls, a bewildered look on his face, and wearing only black shorts. 
You stared at each other. Hadn’t seen each other in almost a year. Not since you had dinner at some fancy restaurant in LA when you both had managed to be in the same city for once. There were a lot of lingering touches and twinkling eyes that night in a secluded booth. 
Nothing happened that night. But that was a year ago. 
You with Asher and him with Vivian. Vivian was a model, she was stunning, and you swore you weren’t jealous of her.
“I’m getting married,” he says, his eyes dropping to your lips. 
“Asher proposed,” you reply, your heart racing, and lips parting. 
His eyes leave your face, taking in your red mini dress, your bare thighs, and suddenly you’re in a passionate kiss. 
The night is filled with kissing, touching, fingers everywhere, tongue in places you love, positions he loves to see you in, and countless orgasms. 
That was six months ago and that night ran through your thoughts endlessly. The way his hands touched you that night made you feel on fire, the way his kisses felt as if it was what you had been missing, and the way he felt inside of you… it made you feel whole. 
You snap out of your thoughts when Asher pinches your exposed thigh. 
“It’s staring,” he whispers as you both stand up when the bridal music starts playing. Asher moves you to be in front of him to see the bride better and you instantly tear you when you see her. 
Your heart feels heavy as you watch Gemma walk down the aisle in her beautiful wedding dress with Harry walking beside her, her arm wrapped around his, and tears in her eyes as she watches all the people she loves here for her today. 
Her handsome husband to be, Michal, waiting for her at the end with a breathtaking smile and looking starstruck. 
Harry kisses her cheek as he hands her to Michal at the end, wiping a quick tear away from her cheeks, and you can see the whispered “I love you”. 
Harry moves to stand in the empty seat in the front row, a few rows in front of you, but across the aisle and Vivian wraps her arm around his. 
She looks beautiful. Her long blonde hair falling down her exposed back in ringlets, her tanned skin glimmering underneath the lights, and her perfect body in a long baby pink dress with a slit to show off her never ending legs. You hate the way your gut fills with jealousy. 
But Harry doesn’t look down at her. 
Instead, he slowly tilts his head to the side as the bride and groom exchange vows, while the whole crowd is watching them, and he’s looking for you. 
You glance up at Asher who’s staring at the couple with a big smile. You look back at Harry and his eyes are already on you. 
He smirks, his eyes taking in your outfit, and his expression darkens. He winks at you when you both make eye contact and you blush under his stare. 
You quickly look away from him when you feel Asher wrapping his arm around your waist, on instinct you lean your body back into his, and jump when you feel how hard he is against you. 
Your eyes go wide as he leans down to you and whispers, “I can’t wait to fuck you in your wedding dress.”
“Asher!” You whisper at him with a gaping mouth, but a smile nonetheless. 
Your sex life with Asher was anything but boring. It was never boring with him. 
He was just like Harry in the way that he was a giving lover. He’d rather give, give, give and then take. 
That’s why a part of you feels torn as to why you feel so happy with Asher. So content and lucky. But yet… when you’re with Harry, you feel whole. You feel as if he’s what you’re missing in your life. A part of you can’t let him go. 
You want to tear your heart out for feeling this way because it’s a constant battle with your brain. Because you know what you did was wrong. In so many ways. But somehow, you know you don’t regret what happened. 
You only wish for it to happen again. 
You proceed to sit down, crossing your leg over the other, and listen intently to the couple saying their vows. 
Your eyes glancing between the couple and to the back of the head of curls. The curls you love. The curls you can still feel underneath your fingertips when you’d tug on them. 
Your skin breaks out into goosebumps, Asher notices, and kisses your shoulder. “Gets you nervous too, huh?” He whispers into your ear. You nod without taking your eyes off the couple. He slips his hand into yours and you hold onto him to try to distract your mind from Harry. 
You have no idea how you’re going to make it through the night. 
It happened after midnight. 
You were already four drinks in, sipping on your fifth cocktail of the night, and standing up as you watched Asher dance with Anne with a big smile on your face. 
You feel someone pat your shoulder, you look over to see a young brunette waitress holding a folded up piece of paper, she hands it to you quickly with a smile, and goes back to serving drinks. 
You hum, holding your drink in your hand, and sprawling the note open. 
Meet me in the bridal room in 10 xx 
Your eyes widen as you crush the paper in your palm, eyes searching for him, and you still when you meet his own. 
Harry is standing across from you, one hand in his pocket, the other holding his drink, and he smirks at you. Vivian is at his side, laughing at something Gemma said, and without a single clue. 
You lick your lips, drown your drink in one gulp, and go to the dance floor to Asher. The song had just finished, Anne was laughing and waving at her face, and reached to you to kiss your cheek when she saw you. 
“He’s a gem, baby!” She says as she pinches Asher’s cheek and proceeds to walk away. 
You nod at her words, looking up at Asher, “I’m going to pop to the restroom, okay babe?“ 
He kisses your lips quickly, nodding, his eyes searching for something. “Go ahead, babe. Searching for my next dance victim.” 
You giggle as you watch him taunt off to one of Harry’s aunts, who immediately falls into Asher’s hold for the next song, and you search the room for Harry. 
Who had already left Vivian’s side. 
You start to walk off the dance floor when you feel someone catch your arm. 
You stop when you see Vivian holding onto you, you smile quickly, and she does the same. 
“You look beautiful, honey.” Her pink tinted lips expand to show her beautiful white teeth. Her posh southern English accent flowed out lavishly. 
You hold her hands in yours, “Don’t flatter me! You look breathtaking.” 
“Harry went off for a smoke, yuck.” She says with a childish grin and sticking out her tongue in disgust. 
“Gross habit, huh?” You joke as you try not to show how awkward you feel. 
“Has he invited you to the wedding yet? We set the date for October.” 
You nod your head, “Of course! I can't wait!” You lie through your teeth as she sighs happily and hugs you unexpectedly. 
You stumble in your heels, hugging her back, and patting her shoulders slightly. 
She hums in content in your arms, “I’m so happy we can be so civil with each other.” She pulls away and holds onto your elbows. “Especially with you and Harry’s history,” she whispers as if it’s some secret. 
You laugh and wave your hands at her, “Nonsense! But I do have to run, Viv. I have to freshen up.” 
She immediately lets you go, smiling, and she waves you off. Then she continues to go back to speaking to another group of guests. 
You stare at her for a second, second guessing your upcoming actions, but then proceed to go down the long hallway towards the bathrooms. 
You had no idea how to get to the bridal suite. You fumble with a door in the back, which leads you to a stairwell, you shiver with nerves, and start walking up the secluded stairs. 
You manage to get to the second floor, the music sounded muffled up here, and the carpet hid the sound of your heels. You walk slowly as you peer into the doors down the hallway. 
You suddenly feel a hand on your wrist, pulling you into a dark room, you let out a low gasp, and the door shuts quietly behind you. 
You're pushed against the door, the light flickers on, and Harry’s standing in front of you. You hear the lock click behind you. 
“What took you so long?” He says breathlessly, his big  hands falling onto the curves of your waist, pressing his hips against you, and you can already feel how hard he is against you. 
His gaze fixed on you, green eyes piercing into yours, and his hands caress your waist. 
You bite your bottom lip as you take him in, “Your fiancée did,” you reply bluntly. The alcohol flowing in your system makes you feel brave. 
He hums in response, but doesn’t falter at your comment. His eyes taking you in. 
“You look bloody fantastic,” he says as he places his hands on your cheeks and pulls you into a rough kiss. His hands on your face making your skin feel as if it’s on fire. Goosebumps erupt over your skin and you feel flushed already. 
You immediately wrap your hands around his shoulders, pulling him into you, and opening your mouth for him. Your tongue fighting against his, moaning into each other's mouths, his hands bundling up your dress higher and higher. His hand moving down to your core, he gasps when he feels you bare against him, his fingers touch your smooth and soaked core and his knees weaken. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re not wearing any pantries?” He asks in shock, his mouth open in a pant, you’re sucking his bottom lip, shaking your head, and hitching your hips to him so he can touch you. You can feel yourself throbbing and aching for him already. 
He slips a finger into your drenched folds, you moan in pleasure, feeling his cold fingers against your hot skin, he starts peppering your neck with open mouthed kisses, leaving a trail of saliva and licks on you. 
“You’re fucking perfect,” he moans against your covered breasts, he slides down the straps of your dress, you help him, tugging down your dress to reveal your naked breasts, and he moans as he sees them. He immediately pulls one of your nipples into his mouth, his finger still working you open, he slips in a second finger, and you tilt your head back against the door in pleasure. 
“Fuck,” you mutter as your hands go into his gelled up hair, tugging at his curls knowing he loves it, and his fingers move faster in you. His thumb slips to touch your clit, you jump at the sensation, and he starts rubbing you. 
He slips another finger into you, curling them in, you let out a deep moan as he works up his speed, you move your leg to wrap around his waist to give him better access, and he continues to lick your breasts. Sucking each nipple into his mouth with pleasure. 
You’re already a panting mess underneath him as his fingers work you open, curling at the perfect angle, his thumb moving delicately at the right pace against your clit, getting you closer to your release, and he knows you're almost there. 
“Your pussy is fucking drenched for me,” he whispers, licking up your neck, pulling your lips into his as your leg thightens against him. 
You start moving your hips faster, knowing his cock must be aching right now, he hisses at the contact, increasing his speed, and you cry out in pleasure. 
“I’m close,” you say with a shaky breath. 
“Let go, baby. Come for me,” he growls into your ear, “Soak my fingers,” he demands. As soon as he speaks your body reacts to his words. Your entire body seizes with your release. 
You feel your entire body shaking against him, your wetness drenching his hand, down your thighs, and Harry continues to praise you. 
“That’s my good girl.” 
“So fucking good for me.” 
“You’re fucking mine.” 
“Such a good fucking girl,” he says as he manhandles your body towards the nearest surface. He slips his fingers out of you, you cry out at the emptiness, he shushes you, and lifts you up by your hips onto the bathroom countertop. 
He shoves your dress up to your waist as he starts unbuckling his belt. You take this time to admire him. His white button down shirt was buttoned down to reveal his butterfly tattoo, the sleeves were rolled up, his hair was disheveled by your touch, his skin was flushed, and his eyes were blown out in pleasure. 
You moan when you see him shove his pants down along with his underwear, his hard cock fumbling out, thick and throbbing. The tip of his cock red and angry, leaking precum. 
“I want you,” you moan at him with grabby hands. He pulls you into a kiss, licking the roof of your mouth, and he pulls away to align himself to your entrance. 
You both take a second to look at each other, staring into each other's eyes, and he enters you slowly. Your jaw falling slack as you feel him enter you. 
His cock spreads you open, slowly and tightly, never getting used to how huge he is. Your walls are burning around him, feeling him throbbing inside of you, you pull your legs to your side to allow him better access, one of his hands on your waist to hold you and the other against the bathroom mirror. 
He bottoms out inside of you, his public hair rubs against your bare core, you moan at feeling him so deep inside of you, and you wrap your arms around him. Pulling him closer to you as he starts to move. 
He starts off trusting into you slowly, letting you adjust to him, you can feel him so deep in you, both panting, he puts his free hand underneath your dress on your lower stomach, he moans when he feels himself there, “Fuck. Can you feel me here, baby?” 
His raspy breath is on you as you nod against him. You push your hips against his to show him how deep he is, his hand grips your naked thigh, “Fuck!” He curses out in a whisper. 
You clench your teeth together to stop yourself from being too loud, his thrusting becomes faster and more erratic, he allows himself to get lost in your pussy, feeling blissful and euphoric as he thrusts deeply into you. 
You kissed him frantically, savoring every second you have with him, his hands never stopped touching your skin, and he continued to thrust into you at a relentless pace. 
“Harry,” you moan out, “You’re so deep.” You cry out, your head tilting back against the mirror, and letting the feeling of pleasure overtake your body. 
“That’s it, sugar. Let the pleasure take over you,” Harry says slowly, letting his cock thrust into you, admiring the view underneath him, your chest heaving up and down, your nipples perked up and hard, and your skin flushed in a slight coat of sweat. 
You whine as you continue to roll your hips against him, “I’m close,” you whisper. Your hands moving to his shoulders, holding him in the right position, his hands moving down to grip your waist, allowing you to move on his cock as you wished. 
“Come with only my cock, Princess.” He demands, his lips swollen by your mouth, and you can only nod. Drunk off his cock. 
“I..” you start, feeling your release coming closer, “I’m almost there,” you whisper sweetly to him, you pull his face to yours, kissing him, and you feel yourself come undone underneath him. 
Your mouth falls open with moans, eyes squeezing shut, your walls clenching around his pulsating cock, and he continues to thrust into you. 
“That’s my good fucking girl,” Harry praises you as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm, he follows your release as he lets his orgasm take over him. He releases into you, his cock pumping his seed into you, your pussy clenching on him, and you both pull into each other. Lips wrapped together. 
“Fuck-such a good girl. Taking all of my babies,” he whispers into your mouth as your pussy continues to milk him dry. You both slow down, letting yourself come down your orgasms, and you smile when he peppers your face with kisses. 
He slips out of your sensitive pussy slowly, he walks over to the spare sink, wetting down a washcloth, he walks up to you, eyes never leaving yours, and he reaches down to clean you up slowly. 
You gasp at his touch, his finger slipping into your wet pussy, and he pushes in his sperm deeper inside of you. His eyes watching you drunkenly, “Filled to the brim with my babies.” 
You kiss his cheek when he pulls out, cleans you up nicely, and you slide off the counter. You adjust your dress, fixing your straps, and wiping away any makeup that got messed up. 
Harry is standing behind you as he watches your every move as he cleans himself up. He tucks himself back into his pants and zips himself up. He washes his hands, with a smirk on his lips, and you do the same. It’s quiet now. No more moans or cries or whines anymore. But it’s a calming silence around you. 
You both finish cleaning yourselves up. You turn to look at each other, eyes locking, hands intertwining, and you both lean into each other. His big palm on your cheek, lips brushing against yours, and he pulls your lips against his. 
Kissing slowly. 
His forehead leaning against yours, “Just say it.” 
The unspoken words he wants you to say. You know you can’t. Because you know the minute you say them, he'll do it. He'll leave Vivian without a second thought and you can’t bear the thought of you both breaking the hearts of people you love. 
But are you really doing any better? 
You’re still fucking Harry every chance you get. You just had sex with him with both of your fiancés downstairs.
“We can’t,” you whisper sadly, gripping his hand on your cheek, and you give him one last longing kiss. 
His lips reach for yours when you pull back, his thumb on your lips, his eyes open back up, and you give him a sad smile. 
“Let’s get back to them?” You ask. He nods and unlocks the door. 
“You go first,” he says. You can hear the hurt in his voice, but decide to not comment on it. Knowing what he will say. 
You grip his hand tightly then let go. You fix your dress one last time and give him one last look before heading back downstairs. 
You stop at the bar to get a drink to not look too suspicious before finding Asher. 
Your eyes move along the dance floor to see Vivian dancing with someone you don’t know and Asher is sitting at your table, talking to a friend, with a drink in his hand. 
He’s leaning against his chair, sipping his drink, and looking flushed from all his dancing. He notices you immediately and stands up when you reach him. 
His hands going to your shoulders, eyes worried, and you fake a pout. 
“You okay?” He asks, concerned. His puppy dog eyes wide with worry. 
You nod, kissing his cheek, and whisper,  “That lobster ravioli did not sit well with me.” He laughs at your comment and rubs your belly. 
This would be funny if it wasn’t so horrible. 
“Oh, baby.” He pouts at you and you both sit down. You sip on your drink as he continues his conversation with the person next to him. 
Your eyes catch Harry as he walks down the venue, buttoning his suit jacket in a swift motion, fixing his hair with his hand, and he cuts in with whoever is dancing with Vivian. He wraps his arms around her, her doing the same, and his eyes meet yours. 
He dances around the dance floor with her, but his beautiful green eyes never leave yours. 
You feel jealousy pull the pit of your stomach as you watch them. 
Asher notices the song playing, “Let’s dance, baby.” 
Before you can say anything, he’s pulling you up to your feet, you’d stumble to set your drink down, and you fall into his arms in a slow dance. 
His back is facing Harry, arms around each other, and you continue to dance together. 
But now in a slow song, your eyes never leave Harry’s. 
And you wish it was you in his arms. 
Harry wishes the same. 
But you both know it’ll never happen. No matter how badly you both want it. 
It’s an unspoken acknowledgement between you two. 
You wish things were different. 
You both do. 
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kingofbodyrolls · 11 months
BTS fic recs: June 2023
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I've finally gotten back to reading again, so I wanted to make a monthly rec list of my favorite readings for that given month 🥰 All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post ♥ 
BTS fic rec index → May |💜| Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
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⭐The Boy with Galaxies in His Eyes 💯 by @oddinary4bts​ // jjk x reader // idol!au + fwb2l // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 You had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. That is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. Will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours?
🗨️ It is a long one, but damn is it worth it! It will take you for the very best rollercoaster ride of your life. So if you haven’t read this yet, what are you honestly doing with your life? 
⭐The Boy with Galaxies in His Eyes: The First Time (drabble) by @oddinary4bts  // jjk x reader // idol!au + fwb2l // 🥵🥰
📝 Jeon Jungkook is an enigma of galaxies and black holes. When he texts you to hang out late at night, you can’t resist the gravity of him. After all, you’ve always been a sucker for outer space.
🗨️ This is a drabble of their first time together and if you read the parent fic, promise me you won’t sleep on this one! ✨
⭐I want to be with you 💯 by @oddinary4bts  // pjm x reader // idol!au + s2f2l (fan) // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 Moving to Seoul has always seemed like a good idea, until the bubble bursts when you realize your new neighbor is Park Jimin, and he’s not the sweet angel you’ve always imagined him to be. Will the reality of Park Jimin forever be a nightmare, or will he turn into a sweet dream?
🗨️ This was the first idol!au that I loved (and made me read the others). I adore this and I will read it again sometime 🥰
⭐Beneath the Water 💯 by @jungshookz  // pjm x reader // fantasy!au + mermaid!au // 🌩️🥵🥰😂
📝 His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck?
🗨️ This is just perfect; a tiny bit angst, gold certified comedy and fluff (with a sprinkle of smut). There’s also a bullet point drabble of this, so please check that out too (here).
⭐Failure to Communicate by @gukslut and @stutterfly​ // pjm x reader // college!au + r2l // 🌩️🥵😂
📝 Could either of you write an enemies to lover story about jimin and y/n set in college where he was her TA and got her kicked out of her major bc he didnt give her the grade she needed and was generally unhelpful?
🗨️ I don’t have much to say, just go read it - it speaks for itself ✨
⭐On Mute by @yoon-kooks​ // jjk x reader // office!au, coworkers!au, fuckboy!gamer!jjk + f2l // 🥵🥰
📝 You always assumed your handsome coworker was down to fuck anyone in the office except for you. He always assumed you weren’t interested in a guy like him. And both of you were content with never admitting your feelings… until he unknowingly confides in you in the realms of a certain tactical FPS game.
🗨️ It’s just so cute and wholesome 🥹
⭐Make Me 💯 by @jikookiekosmos​ // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After a bad breakup, you decide to go out one night and drink your sorrows away - that is, until you see your now ex-boyfriend there with someone clinging to his arm. To get your mind off of things, you go back to your job after hours; what you don’t expect is for your boss and CEO of the company, Park Jimin, to show up and offer you help in ways you didn’t know you needed.
🗨️ It has heavy dom/sub themes (which I’m normally not into, but imma switch for this one!). It is incredibly hot and so, so damn perfect 🥵
⭐Pay Attention 💯 by @jikookiekosmos​ // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰
📝 You’d mentioned it in passing once before, your fantasy about blowing your boss - and now boyfriend - under his desk during one of his important CEO business meetings. So what happens when you want to turn that fantasy into a reality, and he wants it just as much?
🗨️ This is a sequel to ‘Make Me’ (but can be read as a stand-alone) - and it is just pure dirty smut. The dynamic between reader and Jimin is just so good ✨
⭐On Call: part 1 & On Call: part 2 by @yoonjinkooked​ // jjk x reader // s2l + rom-com // 🥵😂
📝 After a catastrophic first date, you end up leaving the hospital angry, tired and date-less. Hoping to have a drink or five, you end up in a nearby bar, sitting next to the same doctor who caught your eye earlier. 
🗨️ Both parts are really, really good!
⭐Shake Shack 💯 by @kth1​ // pjm x reader // s2l (though they went to the same high school) // 🥵🥰
📝 Crushing on a man ever since high school, you failed time and time again to actively talk to him. Until one sweaty summer day, you finally developed the courage to ask him out on a date.
🗨️ The story is so good, perfect amounts of sweet, a bit fluffy and then downright saucy!
⭐A Night at the Mall by @bunnybubae​ // jjk x reader // f2l // 🥵🥰
📝 Your best friend Jungkook works as a security guard at the mall and everything takes an interesting twist when you go to visit him during his shift on a friday night.
🗨️ Jungkook is so sweet and funny in this, ahh.
⭐Backtrack 💯 by @mapofthesea​ // myg x pjm x reader // producers!yoonmin, assistant!reader, bi!yoongi // 🥵🥰
📝 There’s no telling just how long you’d been stuck in the windowless studio, and you’re just about ready to walk out and forfeit your paycheck for the week, until your bosses strike up an interesting bargain.
🗨️ Holy fuck 🥵 I feel like I need to take a very long shower now 🫣🫣🫣 this is probably one of the dirtiest fics I’ve read. It’s so good 🤤
⭐The Forgotten Spaces [completed series] 💯 by @oddinary4bts​ // jjk x reader // college!au, dancer!au + e2l // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 you’ve been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
🗨️ This is truly a masterpiece! The writing is perfection and the characters have so much soul, dimension, hurt and love. It is exceptional 👏🏾♥️ you just have to read this gem 💎
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Thank you so much for going through my recommendations! I hope you find something that you like and show it some love. All of these fics and writers have inspired me to write again, so I'm finally working on my own stuff again (it’s been like 7+ years, yikes 🙈). Hopefully I'll actually finish something this time 😂 but damn it feels good to write again ♥ 
If you should be interested in more BTS fic recs please find more here 😀
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For Spencer Reid x reader request (if u still want)
What about reader has to give a speech or something for the press (for some reason JJ couldn't, maybe it was meant for the unsub or something and reader fits his type or whatever) and she's like really nervous because she hates talking to such a large public. Spencer comforts her but when she stood in front of all those people she just frooze and got a meltdown. Just Spencer comforting reader (maybe autistic reader but doesn't have to) :)
Thank u in advance!
public speaking. s.r.
summary : in an especially difficult case , you are asked to hold a press conference. having to face your fear of public speaking , spencer helps encourage you. (could be read as platonic , as well as autistic reader if you like !)
word count : 2022
warnings : anxiety attack , overstimulation (could also be read as autistic overstimulation , i wanted to include themes of both), mentions of feeling sick (vomit) , extreme fear , descriptions of panic
a/n : hello guys ! oh my gosh thank you so much for sending in a request ! they are so much fun to do , and i am so grateful that you all like my work enough to want me to write something for you. it really means a lot to me. i’ve been really in the mood for writing lately , so i will be getting around to putting more out , so please send requests if you have any ! you guys have been so wonderful to me i really am so grateful for the treatment that i have received from you all , you are so sweet ! have an amazing incredibly wonderful day ! love you guys !
when jj left for maternity leave, you were more than happy to step in for her. a good friend and a good coworker, you wanted to make her proud.
you were great at your job, more organized and efficient than anyone at the bureau on most occasions. case files would fly in and out of your office on the daily, stacks forming and diminishing with each passing hour that you worked.
you were praised by your superiors often, making everyone’s taks easier for them with just how skilled of a liaison you were.
when it came to conferences, or communicating with large groups of press, you struggled. the idea of standing in front of dozens of bright, flashing cameras, men and women barking at you from all angles with questions and accusations, and having to make sure you speak to the public in a matter that satisfies them, all while not revealing more than allowed, petrified you.
your body shook at the possibility of getting tongue-tied in front of everyone, messing up, tripping over your words, or misspeaking and costing yourself a career. the very thought of walking up to a podium to make an announcement for a case detrimental to someone’s livelihood made you freeze up and panic.
when jj had returned, your mind was at peace knowing that you weren’t going to have to hold down vomit in front of a meeting hall of untamed journalists again. or so you thought.
“look, i know that this isn’t ideal. but you fit the type that this guy is after,” jj spoke sincerely, “i talked with hotch, and we both agree that we think that it’s best if you hold the conference. it may draw him out”.
all oxygen had left your body. an icy chill shuttered down the length of your spine, your fingers and toes falling numb. the way the hairs stood on the back of your neck was sickening, making you feel like prey being hunted for sport.
“jj, i-” you started, preparing yourself to turn her down in a professional manner.
“trust me, i know how scary it is,” she stroked your arm, “but if we don’t do this now, this case is just gonna drag on and we are going to continue to lose more people”.
weeks into a gruesome case, everyone was exhausted and worn thin. you all wanted to put a criminal behind bars and return everyone home safely, but you felt miles away from that possibility.
the police station you had been working at was overflowing with officers, everyone flying in and out of rooms, falling all over each other with stacks of paper and coffee cups in hand, anxious to get this case solved.
“okay,” your hands shook, “i’ll do it”.
you and jj spoke for hours. she coached you on what to say, how to act, and what to do if things went awry. you two wrote and rewrote outlines for your very public announcement.
what was supposed to make you feel more prepared for the meeting later, ended up sinking fear and doubt deeper into your skin.
the team was waiting in an empty classroom at the local elementary school. heat radiated through the windows under the mercy of the summer sun, journalists and reporters flooded into the gymnasium in hopes to get a seat to witness the fbi’s latest statement.
you sat on one of the desks in the small, uncomfortably warm classroom. your mind was racing, your heart beating in competition to keep up with it. you tried to breathe deep, to fill your lungs with confidence and release the doubt that plagued your thoughts. but the more you inhaled and exhaled, the more you found yourself coming up short of breath.
the thick air of the classroom laced itself around you, pulling itself tighter until it suffocated you. beads of sweat threatened to form on your forehead as you felt your vision tunneling. you hopped up off the desk, shaking your hands out as you hurried into the empty hallway.
the sound of your heels clacking on the floor reverberated off the walls as you paced. the pattern on the linoleum was dizzying as it moved beneath your feet.
“are you alright?”
your head turned. spencer approached you from the end of the hallway, his tall, lean figure highlighted by the obnoxiously fluorescent lights above you.
“spencer, what do i do?” your voice teetered on cracking as you slid down the wall next to you, your back brushing against the lockers as you pressed your face to your knees.
“may i ask what you’re afraid of?” he spoke genuinely, taking a seat next to you.
“i’m afraid of messing up and saying something stupid, or forgetting what i’m supposed to say and sounding stupid,” you ran your fingers through your hair, gently tugging at the roots, “i’m afraid of saying the wrong thing and getting another young woman killed. i’m afraid of this guy coming after me. i’m afraid someone is gonna ask a question i have no idea how to answer. i’m afraid of freaking out and embarrassing myself in front of all of those people”.
“hey, he’s not gonna go after you,” spencer stopped you from pulling at your scalp, “and you’ll do great. you know more about this case than anyone else, you’ve been reciting information about it to the precinct for weeks. you shouldn’t worry about stumbling over a word, you’re an eloquent speaker. and if this does add another victim to our board, you know it won’t be your fault”.
you lifted your head to look at spencer, your hands still in his. his big, brown eyes bore into yours. a painting of worry, and sickening sweetness, framed his face. care and kindness poured from his soul in a way that almost made you nauseous to think about.
you groaned, throwing your head back against the lockers behind you, “stop making me believe in myself. it’s corny”.
spencer laughed, feigning disbelief, “i just gave you an uplifting speech!”
a door at the end of the hallway creaked open, hotch peaked his head out and called to you, “it’s time for you to go”.
you pressed your forehead to spencer’s shoulder, “you’re sure i’ve got this?”
he smiled, “i’m sure”.
“thank you,” you sighed deeply, “i feel like i’m gonna throw up all over your shoes”.
“come on,” spencer stood up, reaching his hands out to pull you to your feet, “we’ll walk you in there”.
the elementary school gym was filled to the brim, guests overflowing through the doors into the parking lot. loud chatter occupied the space, the air buzzing with heat and anticipation.
you took a deep breath, entering the double doors to stand behind the podium.
shouts erupted from the audience. people struggling to refrain from jumping out of their seats, cameras flashing, shuttering, spewing clacking sounds that mocked their owner. the already loud room grew with noise, voices climbing up walls and swinging from the ceiling, pummeling your sensitive eardrums.
a wave of cold rushed over you, your body tensing as you stood behind the small black microphone. a small yelp of feedback echoed as you placed your hands on the sealed wood of the podium. you tried to control the fear in your eyes, needing to put a mask of professionalism on in front of a crowd of animals.
“good afternoon,” you started, “as of 5:00pm today, we are still looking for the subject that has committed these heinous acts”.
the crowd erupted once again. insults were thrown at you, and you wouldn’t be surprised if chairs were to join that mix soon.
“we have been utilizing every force of manpower we have for several weeks now. our officers are spread thin, but we are working overtime to make sure this we can get this case closed and bring everyone home safely,” your hands were shaking in front of you. a sense of false confidence had gotten you this far, but as the atmosphere of the gymnasium started to sink in, your breath caught up with you.
“we have no further updates at this time,” you cleared your throat, trying to remain unbothered by the incessant yelling and flashing lights, “but we are continuing our search”.
a queasy feeling started to overtake you as the volume of the crowd became unbearable. shouts became deafening, camera clicks echoed the kickback of a gun, and you had to blink to make sure the walls weren’t actually closing in around you.
you knew that your silence had gone on for too long now, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a tightening rope around your neck. your mind went blank in a white, hot explosion of panic.
“we,” you tried to breathe deep, but it came out sounding more like a hiccup, “we will not be taking”.
you cleared your throat again, feeling like the floor had just opened up beneath you, “we will not be taking any questions at this time”.
you rushed yourself off of the stage, bursting through the double doors again, pulling at the ends of your hair as you choked on hot tears.
the fabric of your blouse fluttered at the pace of the rising and falling of your chest. you unbuttoned it slightly, tearing off your blazer as you practically fell into the nearest classroom.
your ears burned, your face burned, everything burned and stung and started to shut down as you stumbled your way through the room, catching yourself on a desk.
you hunched over, panting, trying to pull your mind from the depths of the sea of thoughts it was drowning in, but no amount of deep breathing was going to keep it afloat.
“hey,” spencer hurried in after you, running over to hold you up, “are you okay?”
“i screwed up,” you gasped, his touch the only thing reminding you you’re still alive.
“breathe,” he ordered, turning to face you, “breathe with me”.
you gripped his forearms tightly, locking eyes. he was worried, but his gaze remained calm, grounded here with you. he slowly breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth, keeping a steady pace that didn’t feel as much like a wild animal thrashing around as before.
the room around you began to return, no longer as dark and blurry as before. you felt real in your skin again, the sensation of spencer’s pulse beneath your fingertips gluing you in reality. the fear of looming unconsciousness escaped you as oxygen filled your lungs once again.
as you came back to yourself, the guilt and embarrassment set in. you fought the tears welling in your eyes.
“i messed up, spencer,” you choked back a whine, looking to the floor in shame.
“it really wasn’t as bad as you think,” spencer leaned in, pulling you to his chest, gently, “towards the end you froze up a little, but i don’t think anyone would have noticed”.
“i forgot like half of what jj instructed me to say,” you sniffled, “that girl could die because i didn’t inform the public of necessary information”.
spencer ran his fingers through your hair, “you told the public all the information that could be potentially helpful. there’s not all that much we can go on, and that’s not your fault”.
you swore under your breath, feeling yourself breaking in his arms, “i feel awful”.
the tears flowed as fast as they came, hot and ugly and full of embarrassment.
spencer’s hand rubbed soft circles on your back, “i don’t want to tell you how to feel, but it shouldn’t be awful. regardless of how you think you did, i’m proud of you for getting up there and doing it. so, please, don’t beat yourself up over it”.
“we both know that’s a promise i can’t keep,” you tearfully chuckled, looking up at spencer, “thank you. for those few seconds that i felt like i stood a chance, that confidence came from you”.
“so my uplifting speech was uplifting?” he asked, smiling bashfully.
you jokingly smacked his chest, “i guess you could say that”.
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itsticklishme23 · 18 days
🌸 NEST post incoming… 🌸
“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” ✨
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Wow… I don’t even have the words to express the gratitude, bliss, and surreal feeling i have to have met all of the wonderful people at NEST. Thank you to everyone for the best time and for making my first NEST so unforgettable! I’m so sad I had to leave early, but the time I did get with everyone was BEYOND beautiful!! I met so many amazing loving people, the respectfulness and kindness (and bullying AHEM 🙄😜) I experienced from you all is just absolutely special and beyond any group/community I’ve been apart of. A HUUUGE thank you to the incredible organizers for creating such an amazing event. To my old and new friends: I LOVE YOU BIG!!
I know this is a kinda late NEST post hahah and I’m sure one day I’ll make a post of all the fun stuff that happened, or maybe I’ll keep some of it as memories between us, but I just absolutely had to make an appreciation post for the people that made it so special because that’s what it’s all about for me 🥰
~ firstly a huge thank you to @spiffytickler for being an amazing friend and the whole reason I even made it to NEST in the first place!! Seriously wouldn’t have even been there without you, and I’m so grateful to you, my dear friend ☺️ plus your pep talks and protector/“mother hen” energy was so appreciated, and I adore you ❤️
~ and of course the beautiful and sweet @yourlittlettoy with your illuminating presence and your sweet lil gifts just make my whole heart smile!! How did I get so lucky to know you let alone have a bestie in you!! ❤️❤️ I love you forever!
~ getting to meet and spend time with @kusugurihime was an absolute pleasure and joy, you’re such a sweetie pie! I can’t wait for us to reunite 🥹❣️
~ a huge thank you to @mister-ttt for being the sweetest friend, the best bidder HEHEH and just having a heart of gold, and being an amazing protector. Even though we met at NEST you’ve already easily become one of my favorite people and I see a sweet friendship blooming 🥰
~ getting to finally meet @toadallytickles was also a cherry on top!! Your kindness and attentiveness to your friends helps me see the sweetness in your soul and I’m grateful you extended that same sweetness to me, and I can’t wait to see you again ☺️
~ @puzz-ler we finally got to actually hug and have an amazing time after years of being friends, and you’re easily cementing your bestie status too 😂🫶🏾 as sassy as you can be 🙄 lol but you’re still great and so generous with your kindness, which I forever appreciate 🖤
~ and meeting @ticklita literally made my whole weekend that much better bc you’re such a sweet, kind, precious lil strawberry 🍓 and I can’t wait to visit you and see you again!! 🥰
Plus many, many, many more that would probably take up your whole page for miles hahah i wish I could tag every single person who made nest special! But I promise if I didn’t tag you, you still mean a lot to me. And simply put, I’m already dreaming of reuniting again with you all with massive hugs and cheek kissies soon 😘💋 I can’t wait to see you all again, and I hope everyone who went had a truly amazing experience. If we met and didn’t get each other’s info to keep in touch, please feel free to message me and connect! The giggles, laughter, teasing, bratiness, jokes, silliness, love, and just the right amount of “mean-ness” were perfect hehe. My lil subby lee heart is full and missing you all already ❤️
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rukia-writes · 6 months
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Hercules x (fem) reader
Author’s note: Er… I noticed the phones the god had and thought of Hercules tattoos..🫨🫢 so now y/n has a modern phone in ancient times.
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“Did it hurt?”
Hercules had returned to Thebes, his hometown, completing his twelve labors, after some years had passed with a red fire like tattoo that went from across his torso from his right shoulder to the lower left side of his abdomen.
“Not for me, I have a high tolerance to pain.”
Smiling Hercules gladly showed his tattoo to his childhood crush as she slowly made her way over to the now tall and muscular who was known as one time as Alcides feeling his muscles and getting a close up of his tattoo.
“Well, I think they look…”
Between the muscles, the red hair, with the design of the tattoo (Name) couldn’t help but smile and fangirl inside. Hercules could pick up on the fact that she liked his supposed make over and couldn’t help but blush a little as he did like the attention that stroked his tiny ego a bit.
“…Amazing. How far does the tattoo go?”
“Hm, pardon?”
Due to the excitement Hercules’ childhood crush kindly asked a personal question, that surprised Hercules at first but he quickly got over his shock and answered her question.
“The tattoo stops at my hips. However, the more labors I use the more my tattoos spread…”
Kindly lifting his lion fur kilt exposing his upper thigh making (Name) eyes widen in surprise, eyes not taking off Hercules well toned thigh as he pointed to his upper thigh.
“…I think it stops here. I think. I’m not sure.”
“Hmm… interesting-“
“Hey! If you two are going to be doing that get a room!”
Both Heracles and (Name) kindly jumped a bit at hearing a voice unexpectedly and even worse at recognizing it to be Castor. From behind a tree, a sly smile and pretending to cover his eyes knowing full well the two weren’t doing anything naughty.
But it did look like it from Castor’s point of view.
“We weren’t doing anything! I was just showing (Name) my tattoos.”
The nervous tone in Heracles’ voice made Castor all the more convinced Heracles was shy about being caught. Add in the fact, that (Name) also stuttered over her words just made Castor all the more convinced the two could have been one step from something.
“Nothing goes better together than tattoos and muscles.”
- Unknown.
“How did you do that?”
“I think it was this-Ah!”
A few weeks later, Heracles returned to (Name) back in Thebes to show her a strange device. A device that seemingly captured moments, a cellular phone in modern times. After pressing the screen and capturing Heracles looking at the device in a confused manner the two were surprised.
“Oh, look. That’s me.”
Going from confused to a bright smile Heracles looked at himself on the screen with (Name) also smiling as well. Thinking to herself how wonderful it was to capture moments.
“Okay! Stand right there and pose.”
“Right here?”
“Yeah, yeah. Right there.”
Before long the two were taking pictures all over Thebes, most were relaxed and fun pictures. Some were sneaky pictures of Heracles muscles and tattoos.
The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day, why wouldn’t one capture the loveliness of Heracles smile , muscles and tattoos. While (Name) thought she was sneaky taking the pictures Heracles was aware she was taking pictures and of course made sure to pose when she asked him to do so.
Weeks later.
“It went thru? Oh, Hello (Name)! I can see you!”
“You can?! I can see you too!”
A sweet moment as the two were able to see each other thru two way communication, using the same device Heracles gave her weeks ago. The two talked back and forth, catching up what happened to the in the following.
Ares would catch Hercules sometimes talking on the phone with a smile on his face while seemingly vacuuming the wall, Ares was beyond confused until he realized that Hercules was talking to his crush…
Which seemed to happen a lot.
Hercules vacuuming the wall one day, or the ceiling,walking around his home, changing a completely fine light bulb.
Completely normal.
“You changed your wallpaper again?”
“I did. Isn’t she pretty?”
Not one for shying away Hercules kindly showed off his new wallpaper of him and (Name). Making an “awe” sound Ares smiled at the cute photo, then once the phone received a video call from a familiar woman and wasting no time Hercules quickly snatched his phone away and began talking to the woman on the phone with a smile.
Minding his own business Ares kindly made his way to the door to leave until Ares heard (Name)’s, “What are you wearing.” Proceeded by Hercules becoming flustered as he quickly changed the video call to a phone call. Face as red as his hair Hercules kindly pushed Ares out of the room, Ares’ face was also red.
Hercules tried to come up with an excuse but Ares was able to get the message.
“She wants to see my tattoos-“
“I’ll come back in a hour?”
“An hour is fine.”
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fable-and-folly · 10 months
fic recs
Novel length fics I love and wish were real books :)
The Curse of Anteros -- @danpuff-ao3 -- Snarry, 52k, E
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
Kept in Cages -- @sweet-s0rr0w -- Drarry, 76k, E
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all. Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
A Lick and a Promise -- @tackytigerfic -- Drarry, 55k, E
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts! When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help. Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea. Things are complicated between them—what’s new?—but they know they have to learn to work together (and keep their hands off each other in the corridors) in order to solve this case. Luckily for them, Hogwarts itself wants to lend a hand. A tale of love, lessons, and learning to really live.
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things -- @writcraft -- Drarry, 63k, E
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts. When Draco Malfoy is arrested for gross indecency, Harry’s comfortable life begins to unravel. He’s forced to decide if it’s worth risking everything for love in a world where following his heart is a criminal offence.
Nocturne -- @necromanticnoir -- Snarry, E, 54k
A Gothic Snarry version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, inspired by the dark and sensual tale from the Czech film version, ‘Panna a Netvor’. I follow some of the plot, but then diverge and do my own thing. Got to make it even weirder, right? An eerie, erotic, brooding, bloody, batty, haunting fairytale. ‘Underneath my skin there’s a human. Buried deep within there’s a human. Despite everything, I’m still human.’ - ‘Human’ by Daughter
A Guide to the Morphology of Magic -- orphaned -- Drarry, 64k, E
When Draco Malfoy is hand picked to investigate a string of curses cropping up in Muggle communities in North America, the last person he wanted to be traveling with was Harry Potter. Still, duty calls, and the two set off on an adventure chasing down mysterious curses, sleeping in cramped hotel rooms, and trying to navigate their newly formed post-War selves as they make their way through small towns and long, dark stretches of highway.
Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm -- SquadofCats -- Drarry, 104k, E
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Star Quality -- who_la_hoop -- Drarry, 118k, E
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
By the Grace -- @letteredlettered -- Drarry, 139k, T
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
On the Deficiency of Translation Spells -- @liladiurne -- Snarry, 41k, E
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Wild -- orphaned -- Drarry, 92k, E
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
Tapestry -- @kbrick -- Drarry, 91k, E
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna's beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim. In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy's mother's ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter. This is a love story that isn't perfect, about two people whose timing is never quite right, and all the moments that come together to make something extraordinarily beautiful anyway.
The Secret of the Philosopher Stone -- @yletylyf -- Snoldemort, 115k, E
Voldemort gets the Philosopher's Stone, but finds himself trapped at Hogwarts and in need of rescue. Loyal Death Eater Severus Snape is on the job, but even he is not quite prepared for Lord Voldemort to return as Tom Riddle with a patched-up soul and no interest in war. And as for Tom? Well, it's not so easy to stop being a domestic terrorist.
The Left Words -- authoresswithoutwords -- Tomarrymort, 234k, E
Harry has some weird words on his left wrist. That must be one of those strange things that Aunt Petunia hates so much. But it's okay! He likes them. Then, it all turns even weirder. Hogwarts, magic, a Headmaster and a Dark Lord await Harry - he would prefer if they all just left him alone, thank you very much. But when has it ever mattered what Harry wants?
When the Rose and the Fire Are One -- @perverse-idyll -- Snarry, 81k, E
Harry's haunted by guilt. Snape's warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
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kzpearce · 1 year
i like you more this way. xiao x reader
after disappearing for a few days, i'm finally back again! i'm finally back <3 i hope this is okay since i haven't written for so long and i'm not confident how this went. thank you everyone for reading my one-shots >3
i wrote this because it was requested! so here are some disclaimers and a must-know before reading: the reader was abandoned. gender neutral. and they have a mask of xiao.
YOUR LIPS GRINNED, but you were sure that he didn’t notice it. How could he notice it when your face was hiding beneath his mask?
“You’re wearing my mask again,” Xiao’s voice was softer than when you first met him. He’s staring at you as if he’s trying to decipher your expression underneath his mask.
“It’s not yours, it’s mine.” You rolled your eyes, didn’t bother to remove your mask on your face.
“The idea of the mask is mine, mortal,” there he was again, using his signature name for you. Xiao scoffed, yet he never removed his eyes on you.
There was something in his eyes sparkling at the sight of you. The people may consider him as an Adeptus who hated communicating with humans or a human near his presence. Yet you’re here, talking to him as if he wasn’t an Adeptus.
You’re different, after all. Perhaps, pushing yourself in his presence (even though he may or may not like your presence), made himself quit from pushing you out of his life (he can’t leave too because he would be lying if he didn’t enjoy having you around).
“That’s because your fans adored you and created a mask so that everyone will know the Conqueror of Demons.” You chuckled, finally moving your mask away from your face.
His eyes were glued to you, and you can see his eyes lit up after showing an expression. Xiao was so used to your noise but he still found himself fond of your laughs. He found them adorable and pretty.
Yet Xiao looked away.
“Don’t worry. I’m a fan of the Conqueror of Demons too, that’s why I made sure to work hard so that I’ll get enough money to buy your mask too, Xiao.” Your lips curved into a sweet smile.
Your mind flashed back at the time where Xiao first saved you after you were left somewhere on the road. It was a terrifying memory, and you had nothing with you but yourself.
It didn’t take long when you found out that numerous hilichurls were going after you. You were helpless. You never had a vision once in your life. The feeling of death was near, and you couldn’t help but give up, letting them conquer you mercilessly.
Of course, it wouldn’t be a surprise that you were saved by Xiao after all. It was around the Guili plains, and he could see you helplessly crying for help. He stopped them before they even touched you. Your little you was mesmerized, and you wanted to express your gratitude to him.
“This was where I saw you on that day,” You remembered him taking you to the top of the Wangshu Inn — allowing you to see the wonderful view of Guili Plains. “You were there,” he pointed to your north, “Far from there, actually.”
Your eyes widened, surprised. “You saw me there? I know where you are pointing to — because I was there — but how did you manage to see me from here?”
“It was your cries,” he answered, staring where you were. “It was a painful cry. A cry I’ve heard familiarly before.”
That was the time where you got so interested to be with Xiao more. You were glad that he found you, and he continued to rescue you at the times where you needed him the most (even if you’re far from the Guili Plains). You were amazed at the fate where you had decided to stay in the Wangshu Inn, finding the Adeptus Xiao you were looking for.
“Are you okay?” Xiao asked with worriedness in his tone. “You’ve spaced out.”
You shook your head. “Nothing much. I just remembered how time flies.”
His eyebrows furrowed at your comment, yet he suddenly knew what you were talking about.
“Come here,” he demanded, gesturing to you to come beside him. You followed without second thoughts, yet you’re admittedly confused.
You sat beside him, awaiting what he would do.
“Why?” Your eyes met his deep amber orbs.
He suddenly averted his gaze. He must have been waiting for something, and he was flustered to admit it. You skimmed at him, looking suspiciously as you were somehow aware of his actions.
“Um,” Xiao paused. “Do you..”
He stopped. It was embarrassing to suddenly tell it, truthfully. However, you knew he wanted to do something. You had been with Xiao for years, and you knew how to handle him already.
You laughed. “If you wanted to comfort me, you can just hugged me already,”
His plump cheeks reddened at your remark. This proved that your assumptions were correct. However, you didn’t expect him to suddenly feel his arms wrapped around you (because it was you who usually moves after you bluntly confessed what he wanted to confess).
Your lips cheekily grinned at his gesture, accepting his hug as you wrapped your arms around his torso. “Aw Xiao, you’re sweeter now, did you know that?”
He snorted at your tease, yet he didn’t let it go.
“It’s okay,” you chuckled, hugging him tightly. “I like you more this way — just not used to it.”
You felt his lips on the top of your head, catching you off guard. Your eyes expanded, glancing at him. “That was you kissing my head?”
Xiao didn’t respond, but his sight remained on you. His eyes softened, enjoying the sight hugging you under him. His heart continued to race, adoring your face.
“Yup,” you giggled. “I like you more this way.”
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hiimgin · 6 months
Merry Christmas, everyone!
How are you? How was your year? I hope all is well or getting better.
I'd like to tag the people who are especially important to me. Those who have become incredibly important to me in such a short period of time. Those who continue to make me happy.
@almost-an-artist . Lily, my beautiful Lily! I am very glad that we have started communicating with you. It seems like we've been in touch for no more than three months.... But I feel like we've been talking forever. And, oh... Your work continues to shock me to the core. Did I mention that I'm genuinely in love with your artwork?
@whyoneartheven. Oh, Evie! You were literally my third followers and, damn. You're so wonderful. You're a pleasure to hang out with, even though we don't do it too often. You're really cool, and your artwork..... I truly love your style. I hope you're doing well
@kiwi-der-vogel . You know how much I love your work. It's just beautiful. Beautiful in every way. And you yourself... Kiwi, you're wonderful. Yes, we've barely spoken, but I'm truly glad to have you. Thank you
@prince-of-red-lions . Oh, great Windy! You don't know how impressed I am with you. You're very sweet. And you're a pleasure to talk to. I'm really glad I got to know you. And, oh, my goddesses. Windy, I love your art!
@akchimp75 . You're precious. I'm sorry we're not communicating right now. I really hope we can fix this. I really, truly consider you my friend and I want to apologize to you for being very passive lately.
@undertheopensky. A wonderful person. I don't know what else to say. You're beautiful. I'm really glad we're in touch, even if not as often.
@turdofanerd. I'm sorry, I can't say much. You are awesome! Your style is very cool and your support is very, very strong. Thanks for everything!
@blakesoul16. My darling, you're adorable. And so is your art. Please keep it up! I really like your art a lot
@gia-d. This is when I want to apologize. I remember what you said about being able to text you anytime, but, uh. I'm just embarrassed to do it. And I want to apologize for that.
You're amazing. Very nice to talk to, and... I truly love your art.
@raven8224. Ooh, I couldn't forget you. Do you know how cool you are? You're so cool! Just-- Wow.
@la-sera. Honestly, I've been thinking about this for a long time. But... I'm truly glad I found out about you. I am truly grateful to the Goddesses that you exist. Your artwork is magical. You are an incredible person yourself! Thank you. For everything.
You have all become incredibly important rays of light in my life. I didn't think, coming into July, that I would have even one friend..... Thank you all!
I apologize that the post came out a bit rambling..... It was a little difficult to put my thoughts and words together
But remember, I love everyone. Absolutely everyone. You are all beautiful and hold a special place in my heart. I love you all so much.
Peace, everyone!
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 5 months
Happy New Year!!!
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I know it’s a little late, but I wanted to take my time to write this out.
It’s been just over a year since I started this blog!! That’s crazy… For the last twelve or so months, I have had a blast with so many amazing and wonderful people. I am truly so grateful to have found the brilliant community that I have on here. And I cannot wait to see what the new year brings!
Thank you everyone for all your lovely interactions and support!! I have loved connecting with you! I love writing on here. So thank you for reading and supporting me as well!!
Here are some specific shout outs to some very amazing people:
@daydream-cement For all the Gwen (especially Larissa content) you’ve made, Darling. You were my role model when I first got on tumblr for writing. Love you dearly, and we are all blessed to have you <33
@suckerforcate One of the first blogs that I interacted with as a writer on here. I loved reading your content, and you made me feel extremely welcomed on here.
@sevsnapes The whole reason I started writing on tumblr was because of you and your Snape content. My deepest gratitude. I hope you’re doing well!!
@littledollll I was so excited when I found you and your Gwen content! You are such a talented writer, love. I hope to have more conversations with you in the new year!!
@rrcenic My love, my bitch, my home. I love you dearly. And I miss you every second we’re apart. Sending love <33
@chaoticstateofaffairs We meet in my comments sections, and have been practically inseparable since. I am so grateful to you, Cat and Cal, you are fucking amazing.
@scream-queenlover Such a marvelous and beautiful soul and writer! Had so much fun writing collabs with you, and I can’t wait for our next adventure.
@weemssapphic My love, I am so grateful to know you!! You are a shining light in this world, and I couldn’t imagine tumblr without you.
@v3nusxsky We’ve shared some lovely conversations over the last months, talking and asking advice. Plus we wrote that really fun collab together! It’s been a treat to know you.
@pro-weems-places /@anti-bright-places You are such a sweetheart, and your blogs are so lovely. I totally have dm’d you on both accidentally multiple times, but alas, you are marvelous nonetheless!!
@storiesofsvu For tagging and inviting me to participate in your holiday 2023 bingo!! Thanks love! Hope to cross paths more often in the new year!!
@athenodora-sulpicia-writer I have loved our talks and your asks!! And you give the best recommendations. Hope you have a wonderful New Year!
@milfdilflover Sugar, you have given me unconditional love and I deeply thank you for that. You are a pure soul, and tumblr is so lucky to have you.
@neuroprincess I have loved all our conversations over the past few months!! You are so pleasant to converse with, sweetness. Hope the new year brings only more connecting between us!
@vioartemis My lovely, French girlie. I hope you’re well, and had a lovely New Years. Let’s talk more in the New Year!!
@la-muertas-lover Proud to have known you before you were la-muerta, as I have watched your blog blossom. Will always be here for you if you have questions or need advice, sweetheart!!
@inlovewithgreta My fellow MILF enthusiast, our hearts are both claimed by beautiful women… Honored to be on your New Years Post, that I couldn’t not put you on mine 🥰
@muffintopxs You, Darling, reached out to me, and I can’t get enough of your blog. Such great content. Hope to talk to you even more in the new year!
@clarkiewrites I have been honored to guide you and answer your questions this past year, love. You are so bright and tumblr is lucky to have you.
@agnessharknes Had a couple of conversations, mainly know you in passing, but your writing smashes. Hope you’re well, and sending love!!
And there are so so so many others!!! I’m sorry that I couldn’t mention everybody, but wishing you all a Happy New Years!! 💞💞💞
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c-m-stuff · 6 months
Santa Claus
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are married. You two have a beautiful son, who experience Christmas.
-Warnings: Fluffiness, having a child
-Word count: 901
-Note: Merry Christmas, everyone! It's my favorite holiday of the year, and I love it! I hope, you all are with your loved ones, with delicious food, and awesome presents. Celebrate this amazing holiday with much love.🎄
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Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. The beautiful, shining tree, the many decorations and the love and company of friends and family. I mean, how could you not love Christmas?
My husband, our 5 year old son, and me, just came back from David's. It became a tradition, having a nice dinner with the rest of the BAU and their loved ones at Christmas Eve. I looked at the clock, seeing it was past (Y/S/N) his bedtime.
'It's bedtime, honey. Do you want daddy to read a story?'
'But, I don't wanna sleep. I want to wait for Santa!' he exclaimed, enthusiastically.
'Buddy, you know he only comes when you're asleep.' Spencer squatted down to be on his eye level, smiling sweetly.
'Why?' the young boy asked, eyes filled with curiosity.
'What about, I'll tell you in bed? Then you can lie down comfortably, and then I will answer all your questions about Santa Claus. Sounds good?' he nodded, in a much happier state now. My heart melted at how Spencer communicated with our son.
'Alright, let's first set the milk and cookies ready for Santa.'
I took the supplies and gave them to (Y/S/N). He carefully placed them by the fireplace, contently looking at it. After that, I changed him in his pajamas and did his night routine. It was only moments later, and our son was laying in bed, ready for his daddy. As soon as Spencer came joining us, he blurred out his first question.
'Why does Santa only come when we're asleep?'
'Because he don't want you to see him. He want the presents to be a surprise.' my husband answered, sitting down on the little bed.
'How can Santa bring presents to everyone in only one night?'
'Well, there are around 2 billion children all over the world. Because there are so many kids, and he only has one night, he needs to deliver 6,100 presens in a second. Luckily, children happen to be spread across a wide range of time zones, buying Santa extra time.' the little one looked with pure confusion to his dad, however, I wasn't even surprised anymore how much he searched up to be able to answer our son's questions.
'It's because, Santa has magic.' he added, receiving now an understanding nod.
'How do the reindeer fly? They don't have wings.'
'They are magic reindeer.'
After asking a few more questions, (Y/S/N) got really tired, giving how late it actually already was, and fell asleep. We made it quietly out of his room, closing the door, gently.
We began placing all the presents under the Christmas tree. When we were done, we stood in front of the illuminated tree, while admiring it.
'You know, I love you everyday more and more.' the genius confessed, smiling sweetly at me.
'Getting clingy on me, Reid?' I joked, receiving a chuckle from him.
'Doctor Reid.' he slightly warned.
'Don't make me put you on the naughty list.' he continued, unable to hide his grin.
'You wouldn't dare.'
'Not if you kiss me right now.'
'Well, I guess, I don't have a choice.' I placed my hands on his cheeks, letting my lips found its way to his. We shared a sweet, loving kiss.
'I love you, Santa.' he smiled at the new nickname, placing his arm over my shoulders.
'I love you, Mrs. Claus.' I placed a kiss on his cheek, before yawning.
'Let's get some sleep. I think, we need it.'
'We definitely need it. He'll probably be up at 5 a.m.
The next morning:
'MOMMY! DADDY! WAKE UP, WAKE UP!' we could feel a litte person crawling between us, trying to wake us up. Or at least get a reaction out of us. I could see my husband lying down by my side, pretending to sleep.
'Good morning, sweety.' I yawned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
'Mommy, why isn't daddy waking up?'
And, just at that moment, the genius grabbed (Y/S/N) and tickled him. The room was filled with laughter of our son, a sound I never get tired hearing.
'SANTA CLAUS CAME! SANTA CLAUS CAME!' he exclaimed, before running to the living room.
'Merry Christmas, darling.'
'Merry Christmas, genius.' I pecked his lips, before we both got out of bed, following (Y/S/N) towards the Christmas tree.
'Can I open a present? Please?'
'Of course, you can.' I answered, Spencer and I, both smiling.
He immediately took one of the presents his name was written on. He tore the wrapping paper off, revealing a box with a racing car on it. There was a whole race track in it, with two cars to race against each other. It's something, he wished for.
'SO COOL! Look what Santa brought me! Daddy, do you want to race with me?'
'Yeah, of course! Let's build it.' I watched my husband squatting down, building together with our son the race track.
Yes, I'd love Christmas.
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makothegayyburrito · 10 months
Happy Vore Day to the community!!!
𝚃𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗
CW: Safe vore and all that good stuff Word Count: 837
If you were to ask the average person how they would react to being eaten, I can’t imagine it being a positive response. Although, for some who don’t mind, it can be the most comforting and wonderful thing you could experience. Yet the way you treat me always makes me feel so special. Special that I have someone like you to to do it with. The strongest bond of trust and reliance you can have with someone else. Sure, some may not see it the way I do but the way you treat me makes me feel so special
There I am, cupped in your grasp. Your hands around me, securing me close to you. Safe and sound for anything that could ever harm me, just me and you. We’ve known each other long enough for me to know how you start
You usually start off with complements. You’ll softly tell me sweet nothings as your finger strokes over my head, ruffling up my hair. You draw closer to me, practically rubbing your nose into my body. I take a moment to appreciate how big you are compared to me, how small I really am next to you. Regardless of my size, you always manage to make me feel loved beyond belief
You bring me closer up to you, I can see that look in your eyes and I know what it means. You always ask for my permission first and I oblige. I see that smile spread across your face, it’s adorable to see how excited you get over this. Though your excited, you never forget to be gentle with me
You raise me higher and you thank me once before before opening your maw wide, ready to take me in. I do my part and crawl in as you help to fully have me in
I lay on your tongue and settle in, I’ve been here before and still I’m amazed every time. Your teeth are sharp but you keep the edges of your tongue curled to protect me in case. You past now time in getting to work with coating me in saliva, slicking me down for my journey. I can hear your soft hums, I know you enjoy it just as much as I do. I’ve got no clue what I taste like to you but by your reactions every time, I must be pretty good
I give you a reassuring pat and you push me further back. One last look at your mouth and with a glk, I’m gulped down. Strong throat muscles push me down, it doesn’t take long for me to pass your heart. The loud organ beating in a steady rhythmic pattern, I can feel the vibration of every beat. The lungs inhaling and exhaling every breath you take
The closer I get to your stomach the louder it seems to growl. Waiting impatiently for its favourite snack to drop in. I soon slip into your stomach and I hear you softly sigh in relief. The walls surrounding me slowly and gently turn and sway, as if it’s rocking me. I completely melt into you warmth as it claims every inch of me
I can hear your voice call for me, it’s a bit muffled but I can still understand every word. You never fail to ask me how I’m doing and I reply. I can feel you rubbing your belly, trying you make me feel as comfortable as possible. I try to return the favour and massage your stomach from the inside as well. Your stomach lets out content growls knowing that I came back to visit
I lay back and allow myself to fully relax within you. I fit nicely in your stomach with some extra room to move and stretch out a bit. You praise me for being so tasty and I don’t even have to see your face to know your smiling right now.
The soft gurgles and growls of your stomach start to make me feel tired. I can hear you yawn and settle down yourself. You lay down while I settle in myself and get comfortable. You curl up into a ball, placing a protect hand over your abdomen, right above me, happy that I’m this close to you once again.
We say our good nights to each other and both of us relax, knowing the other is a close as possible to them
Just as my eyes start to close I think to myself. Most would be scared out of their mind to be sitting where I am, but not me. I know I’m safe within you and you’d protect me no matter what. It makes me feel like I’m the only other person in the world to you. Just me and you sharing this peaceful moment. With the cafe you give me, who wouldn’t want to be eaten?
My eyes get heavy and I give you one more pat before we both drift off into sleep, just the two of us…
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soft-mafia · 2 years
The Other Woman
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Warnings: fem y/n, oc insert, angst, soft Hisoka, Hisoka using someone else to get over someone, ooc probably
I’ve realized I’ve been making too much smut lately, so I decided to make something heart wrenching and sweet. :3 Buttttt I feel like this is going to flop hard😬
“It’s either her or me, you can’t pick both.” Y/n stated firmly. That was 3 weeks ago, Hisoka had left her text on read, there was no witty comeback, not even his silly emoticon. Usually he would tease her when it came to jealousy but now he just went cold. Y/n hasn’t seen or spoken to him ever since.
It was common that they went through periods where they needed space, sure, but they would always make sure to communicate through call and text, or schedule a meet up in the area the other was in if there was any free time. Hisoka and Y/n weren’t lovers, but they sure behaved like it sometimes. It was very odd for them to have this strange attachment to each other, yet alone for Y/n to give him a choice over herself, and a woman Hisoka supposedly was in love with. The Phantom Troupe’s medic, a woman with pink hair, slightly taller than Y/n. She was unimportant to Y/n in all areas except her relationship with Hisoka.
Across the tall Heaven’s Arena tower, Y/n stood on the ledge of a building, looking through the large window of Hisoka’s suite. It was a view into the main room, Hisoka was standing there, across from the other woman. It suddenly dawned on Y/n, That’s why he stopped talking to me.. he made his choice. She was one of the few people who knew Hisoka’s true intentions with the troupe, but has he changed? Because of his love for that woman?
Y/n watched with watery eyes as Hisoka slowly wrapped her hands around the woman, bringing her in for a hug. Y/n grimaced internally, chewing on the inside of her lip as she couldn’t get herself to look away. Her index finger picked at her thumb anxiously at her side. She always imagined she would get unbelievably angry if she had ever caught the two like this. Imagining that she would waste no time with the barbarics, but this wasn’t a false scenario anymore, it was real life and she was.. broken, confused, angry but too distraught to do anything.
All of the playful flirting, the hugging, squeezing, the time spent together. Y/n knew that Hisoka was a terrible person, a liar, an overall evil man and maybe he was just stringing her along but it all felt real to her. Why? What did Hisoka get from her? The only reason he ever played with somebody was if he got something out of it, she didn’t know what Hisoka was using her for.. if he was using her he did an amazing job at hiding it.
Y/n’s eyes suddenly widened when Hisoka turned his head, looking out of the window, still holding the woman in his arms as he looked in Y/n’s direction. Y/n felt sick as she expected an evil grin from Hisoka to add salt to the wound but.. something on his face. His eyes were slightly widened as well as if he didn’t expect to see her, his gaze softened somberly, an unknown emotion hidden in his gaze that didn’t sense like it held any malice or trickery.
The red headed man closed his eyes, putting his hand on the back of the woman’s pink hair, holding her close to his chest while the tears started to stream down Y/n’s cheeks, a soft sob escaping her lips finally after holding it in for so long.
Once Hisoka looked back up to look at her one last time, Y/n was gone.
That was two months ago. And now, Y/n was in Hisoka’s suite, sitting comfortably under his arm on the couch, a throw blanket splayed over their bodies. “He’s not using gyo. And he’s exposing himself too much.” Hisoka sighed, commenting on the armature arena fight they were watching on TV, “Sometimes I wonder how these people even make it to the 200th floor..” with his other hand, he put a hand over his forehead, sighing before brushing his bangs back only for a few strands of hair to fall back down again.
“Paid actors.” Y/n joked, her legs were hooked around Hisoka’s thigh as she snuggled into his side, she then looked up at the large magician, looking at him for a moment, admiring how attractive he looked in the lamp light, truly a beautiful man. “Can I ask you something?” She asked.
Hisoka turned his head, tilting it downwards, meeting Y/n’s gaze. There was always a softness in his eyes when he looked at her, combined with a hint of lust and desire, he smiled at her, “Mm, you know you can ask me anything.” He whispered, Y/n’s eyes flickered down to his lips for a moment, her mouth watered when she looked at his sharp cupid’s bow. She quickly returned her gaze to his eyes, “Remember that girl you liked? From the Phantom Troupe?” Hisoka’s smile dropped slightly, “Feeling insecure again?” He assumed, there was a small pout in his voice, not being condescending; just feeling pity. Y/n scoffed and gently nudged him, “No!! I just- I just wanna know why you ignored me then.. got with her.”
After a brief moment of silence, Hisoka looked down, then turned his head back in the direction of the television. Y/n nudged him again, “Can you answer me?”
Hisoka just hummed in a response, and after a few more minutes of silence he spoke up, “I don’t see why it matters, we’re together now aren’t we?” He looked down at her, “I won’t ignore you again, promise.” He smiled at her. “I just wanna know why? Like, you ignore me, get with her then just suddenly show back up in my life?”
Y/n sat up, the blanket fell off of her as she looked at Hisoka, brows furrowed. Hisoka put a hand over his forehead and screwed his eyes shut, sighing, “You still resent me over that?”
“I don’t!! Just tell me why!!” Y/n growled at him, god she hated how difficult he was sometimes. Hisoka sighed and tilted his head back, “I’m going to be honest I-..” he started, then cleared his throat after covering his mouth with a knuckle, “I.. stopped liking her after a while. Every time I was with her I-.. it felt wrong.” He sighed again, sounding annoyed, kind of angry. He shook his head, “It doesn’t matter.”
“Ok you stopped liking her, so you’re using me as a rebound-”
“No!!” Hisoka snapped and put his elbow down on the armrest, “No. Damnit..”
Y/n fell silent, it was rare he actually yelled like that; honestly she never remembered a time where she saw him this upset. She looked at him, not knowing if he was going to continue or not. Hisoka glanced at her from the side, then looked away, “Ok, I thought that.. maybe if I started something with Machi and cut you out. I would, forget about you. Because I thought.. the way things were going, if I got too attached.” Hisoka furrowed his brows and put a hand on his chin, trying to collect his words, “I would hurt you.”
Y/n’s gaze softened, “Really?” She scooted closer to him, then put a hand on his back. “When you sent me that offer.. telling me to choose between the both of you, I felt conflicted for the first time.” Hisoka shook his head, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“Ok..” Y/n leaned back into his side, and he wrapped his arm back around her, his hand rubbed up and down her body in a soft motion, rubbing up to her rib then back down to her upper thigh. Y/n pulled the blanket back over herself, kissing Hisoka on the cheek. She knew he was a bad man, she could feel it in his aura because it was naturally so disturbing and uncanny to be around. But he wasn’t a bad lover. She looked back up at him and without saying anything, she kissed him on the cheek, watching as his expression remained unchanged, eyes locked to the television, but a small hue of pink dusted over his pale cheeks.
“You’re blushing.” Y/n smiled and poked him.
Hisoka cracked a smirk, “Your fault.” He turned his head and leaned into her, stealing a kiss on the lips.
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themotherofhorses · 2 months
I was wondering if you were going to finish any of your aemond fics??? No rush or hate just curious :)
Hello, sweetheart! I’m so terribly sorry for being super duper late at answering this question. I’ve been completely AWOL for months; y’all deserve an explanation why.
Explanation below the cut (mentions of an ED (one word), racism, and death threats):
To answer your question — I would LOVE to finish my Aemond fanfics; however, it probably won’t happen until much later (maybe when S2 is released).
The reason? Around late 2023, I decided to take a step away from the HOTD fandom. The reasons were pretty mundane, if I’m honest:
— I became gradually disinterested in the show.
— Academics took over my priorities.
— My attention shifted to different topics; for example, the Call of Duty franchise and personal OCs of mine.
However. HOWEVER, in wake of certain (and VERY tragic) circumstances, I would also like to share my personal experiences with the racism plaguing the community.
As you all know, I’m a mixed Indigenous and Hispanic woman; this isn’t a surprise. I’m very proud of my heritage. But, around April 2023, I began receiving an incredible amount of racially-motivated hate. Over the span of months, anonymous slurs clogged up my inbox (e.g., “squaw,” “reservation indian,” “beaner,” and “mojado”) while other anons sent me a slew of death threats and other ill-mannered comments, especially involving my anorexia.
In fact—around September of 2023–I was actually told to “unalive myself” because my OC’s (Balenyra Red Rivers) main nickname (baby bal) was similar to another fandom writer’s nickname. Now, allow me to explain:
the reasoning for the nickname “baby bal” is because my Bal’s characterization included being introverted and sweet. Think of her like Fluttershy from MLP (perhaps a random comparison but it’s the truth! Ask @chainsawsangel. She’s like Bal’s other mother).
I also call my Bal “babybal cheese,” even though she’s lactose intolerant like me.
Anyways. That’s off topic. Receiving racist messages like that truly dampens a person’s mood. What is the point of writing if every time you open this app, you’re met face-to-face with such racism?
Because of such, I decided to go on a HOTD-hiatus, and focus my energy on other things.
As long as the river flows and the grass grows, I will have deep love for my fanfics, as well as all my beloved mutuals.
Truth be told, the HOTD fandom does possess an exceptional amount of talented and amazing writers, many of whom I’ve been blessed to meet. While the fandom isn’t calling my name back right now, I hope to return in the future, to finish all my work.
Ahé'hee to everyone who had supported me in this journey, in both the HOTD and CoD worlds! 🫶🏼
EDIT: I accidentally got a date wrong in the post. Fixed it. It was meant to say ”2023” — I said “2024”.
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experimentfae · 8 months
Halloween Party
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(Welcome home Halloween special)
You were excited for Halloween party this year it was going to be thrown at home as it always each year, you rummaged around you’re closet to find you’re costume.
“Maybe it’s- no or maybe it’s over there… nope.” You huffed in frustration “I better have not permanently lost it.” Your eyes wonder around the closet until you found one spot you haven’t gotten to yet “it must be there.” Thankfully this time you were right.
“Yes! Now I can finally get ready I think I’m already running a little late.” You immediately got dressed in your costume and started to head there until you remembered “wow almost forgot about the dessert I was supposed to bring in.” You chuckled to yourself as you quickly went to the kitchen and got the dessert.
You closed the door behind as you walked towards home, the good thing about having a small community is that you didn’t have to walk far at all.
Home seemed very happy to see you and waved it’s door window at you “hi home guessing you already know why I’m here he creaked for yes and opened the door for you “thanks home.” You walked in to see everyone there looking to be enjoying themselves.
“(Y/n) you made it.” Spoke wally who seemed happy that you got here “yeah wouldn’t miss it for the world, I got the desserts.” His eyes gone wide seeing the skeleton cookies “they look great (y/n) thank you for bringing the cookies.”
He then grabs your hand and dragged you to the kitchen, you looked to see other Halloween themed food “place it with the others.”
You nodded and placed your dessert between the snack and drinks. “I love your costume Wally you look great as a demon.” Wally blushed “thank you neighbor you look the most in your costume.” “Aw Wally, you’re too sweet.” You smiled feeling good on your costume choice.
“Is (y/n) here?!” You heard Julie yelled trying to look for you and you smiled “I guess that’s my cue I’ll see you in a bit Wally.” You waved bye which he did in return and you walked around to find Julie, but you bumped into someone.
“Oh dear I’m so sorry.” You looked to see Eddie in a Frankenstein costume and behind was frank who was a vampire “wow both of you look amazing!” You complimented which made this blush “you look great as well, oh did you try my pepper mummy’s they are delicious.” Eddie stated in confidence “oh I haven’t I must try it later and I’m guessing that you frank, made the bats brew.” You questioned.
Frank rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly “you got me there (y/n) I guess it’s pretty obvious though isn’t it.” He laughed, you nodded your head “yeah but they look good I’ll have to try them later as well.” “Thank you (y/n) oh I almost forgot Julie is looking for you, I’ll take you to her.” He walked down towards the living room.
“Oh I guess I’ll go and try the desserts that (y/n) brought.” Eddie said while walking towards the kitchen, you followed frank and you saw the rest of the you’re neighbors costumes “wow all of you look awesome.” They all thanked you and then Julie jumped in excitement “ now that you’re here (y/n) we can start the games!” Julie didn’t hide that she was dying for this part.
“Sounds exciting.” You admitted waiting to see what you and the others would play “oh wait here I’m gonna get it.” Julie then left to get the game of choice.
“You look marvelous! what was the inspiration.” You looked over to see sally smiling at you anticipating your answer and you answered “wow I wouldn’t think you be you’re answer but you’re always are full of surprises (y/n).”
Julie then came back with a game called zombie eyeball tossed “I just know we will have so much fun.” Julie squealed while setting up the game.
“Can I start looks fun.” Asked Howdy “of course howdy.” Julie agreed stepping out of the way.
You guys continued to play games and Wally and Eddie joined in “this was a great idea Jules.” Spoke Sally “aw thanks Sal.” You then felt someone poke your shoulder you looked over to see howdy.
“Oh howdy how are you?” “I’m great but I’m here to ask if you liked the Halloween themed mugs you got?” This made you smile “of course howdy they are lovely perfect for this time of month.” This made him swell with pride “well I’m glad ya liked it anything for my second favorite customer.” This made you chuckle “who’s the first?” “Why of course Barnaby he’s there for a hotdog everyday, keeps businesses booming.”
“Did I hear someone call my name?” Speak of the devil also coincidentally Wally was right behind barnaby following behind. “There’s my number one customer, yeah we were just talking about how much you love hotdogs.”
“That’s a fact.” Admitted barnaby “well I came here you tell you guys a couple jokes, I think they will tickle both yas funny bones.” This made the four of you laugh.
He kept telling his jokes “oh this last one I swear guys.” You were able to calm down you’re laughing and then asked “ok, ok what the joke.” He smiled “how do you fix a broken pumpkin?” “How?” Asked Howdy “A PUMPKIN PATCH.” This made all of you laugh.
Barnaby was laughing at his own joke until he made himself stop laughing “ok a reason I made it the last was because we are doing pumpkin carvings right now!” This made you guys stop laughing “what’s pumpkin carving?” Replied Wally “no worry little bud we will teach you.” Replied Barnaby.
“Good thing I brought a lot of pumpkin carving tools.” Spoke Howdy “that’s good let head to the kitchen everyone.” Stated Wally has he was heading there, you all followed.
You saw that there was nine pumpkins for each neighbor. “Pumpkin carving is so fun!” Shouted Julie was jumping in joy she ran to a pumpkin of her choice “oh (y/n) sit by me! We need to catch up more!” She yelled you sat beside her and Wally sat by you’re left side.
“(Y/n) what carving are you gonna do?” Asked Wally “hmm I might do (your choice).” “that’s a great one I’m gonna do a cat.” Added Julie as she was beginning her carving.
“So what about you Wally?” You asked “well… I need don’t know… maybe the neighbors will know.” He then turned towards the wall of his kitchen “do you neighbors, know what I should carve on my pumpkin?”
It always confused when he did that but of course you got used to it quickly, Wally was always a quirky guy. “I wonder who he sees when he does that.” You questioned Julie could only shrug “no clue but (y/n), you must play business with me next time with Eddie as well, it’s starting to get stale with just the two of us.” Admitted Julie.
“I don’t see why not.” You agreed this made Julie giddy “oh (y/n) you’re not gonna regret it!” Julie assured going back to her pumpkin.
“Good job neighbor I will do that.” Spoke Wally as he turned his back to the wall again “the neighbors said that we should make a zombie.” Stated Wally as he asked you and barnaby to help him carve.
“Um ok.” “Alright pal.” You both begin helping him “that’s good now let’s add this.” “Let’s try this?” So what you think Wally?” You asked “I love it neighbors, this going to the best Halloween yet.” Announced Wally as he seemed very pleased by his pumpkin.
“Glad to hear it bud.” Spoke Barnaby, you and him finally begin your pumpkins and didn’t take long thankfully. “They all look lovely.” You looked up to see Poppy.” “Thank you poppy” you all said at the same time, which in return made everyone laugh.
“No problems dears, it’s time to put the candles in.” Stated poppy as she begin taking out candles and as matchmaker box. “Right almost forgot that part.” Said Wally as he went to grab a candle and a match “be careful how to use these they aren’t safe for little ones.” Spoke Wally as he looked at the wall again.
So he sees kids when he does this? Weird but why kids? He then begin lighting his match and the candle, he then put into the pumpkin. “That’s how it’s done remember let adult do this only for your safety.” Wally then turned his face towards us “so what’s next?”
“Um well we take them outside or inside the house and place them were all can see your artwork.” Explain Sally as she shows hers that was just her face on the pumpkin, made sense she has a lot of self love, poppy was a simple pumpkin face, barnaby was a bone, howdy was a butterfly and funny enough so was Frank’s and finally Eddie was a ghost one.
You all placed your pumpkins outside for you all to enjoy and maybe take home later, “For the last event we must tell scary stories.” Demanded Sally “of course it’s crucial thing to do on Halloween.” Agreed frank who sat down on Wally’s couch. “Yes Frank’s right we must.” Stated Julie as she sat beside him.
You all eventually joined around the circle you sat and listened tell their stories one by one, the one that made you laugh of Wally’s he didn’t get scary stories yet. “Ok (y/n) it’s your turn.” Spoke Eddie as now everyone had their eyes on you.
“I don’t if I would be any good.” You admitted feeling nervous of potential embarrassment you could face “come on it won’t be bad and besides you’re with your friend’s.” Advised poppy you knew she was right so your pushed you’re anxiety aside and begin telling you’re story.
As you told you’re story you noticed that some puppet genuinely seemed scared of the story, by the end of you’re story everyone was silent until you heard Sally “Bravo (y/n) bravo! You’re a marvelous storyteller!” “She’s right that was good.” Agreed howdy as he applaud me they all begin to applaud “wow thank’s guy’s I didn’t think I wouldn’t be good at all.” You replied sitting back down beginning to eat the food and drinks.
“Well you proved you’re self otherwise kid.” Barnaby added while he took some food as well everyone being eat some food while they talked about they will do for the holidays.
“Oh we need to do a Christmas party at my place this time, after all I am a star.” Announced Sally “that would be a great idea ma’am.” Agreed Eddie “the mailman got the spirit.” Sally replied seeming to be happy by that answer of course the others agreed to that idea.
“It’s getting late guys, I should start heading home.” You spoke as you got up ready to head home “yeah (y/n) I’m- then Barney yawned interrupting us own sentence “starting to get tired.” He got up as well. Everyone agreed it’s time to head out everyone said their byes to Wally and home.
You were the last one there about to say goodbye until Wally interrupted “wait before you go home neighbor I want you to have this.” He then reached for his cardigan pocket and game you a Halloween key chain “I thought of making something for you.” He smiled wider this made you blush a little “t-thank you Wally, but why only I got one?”
“Well I think you’re just the most.” “That’s very sweet of you, you’re the most too Wally.” You hugged him which made him go limp “bye Wally hope to see you tomorrow.” you let go of him “and goodbye home see you tomorrow as well.” Home creaked in return which you knew meant goodbye.
As you left threw the door you looked backed threw the window one last time and saw him talking towards the wall again seeming to say goodbye to his “audience” “weird guy but my favorite weird guy.” You picked up your pumpkin and walked home.
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