#this could be a very hurt/comfort story or a very angst/comfort one depending on shit
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Got an Idea based off of our Reblogs of @radiance1 Danny Reincarnates as a Clone Prompt.
But. What if, it's in Flashpoint timeline. Now you might say, but wait, isn't that timeline destroyed? Actually there was a continuity where it didn't, and we got to see more of Batman Thomas Wayne. But that's not what I'm getting at Because more importantly? At least for this? Kal is stuck in a lab under Metropolis, treated as an experiment and specimen. Like literally known as Subject 1. He's been there since the ship crashed as a baby, never ended up with the Kents, has never seen the sun or anything. He's kept in a room with red sun lights and is visibly Not Healthy. So why not add in clones to this?
Now does Danny know why he reincarnated? No. He doesn't really remember. What he does know? Is that he's physically baby. And he thinks he might be sick?
He's not to sure what's happening at first, vision not the best while he adjusts to suddenly being aware and able to move. But he recognizes labs. He recognizes cold halls and is understandably upset.
He sees himself in the glass- a tiny toddler with black hair and inhumanely blue eyes wrapped in a blanket that feels scratchy against his skin. Then he's in a room- more akin to a box with a wall cot- too big for him- a desk, and toiletries. And then there's a face peering down at him, gaunt face of a teenager- maybe young adult- looking starved, the same inhumane blue eyes wide in near awe and perhaps a hint of panic as they let out a raspy chuff.
What the fuck kind of place is he at...?
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darkrpfinders · 1 month
🩸Hey all - 21+ looking for an oc mxm rp! I’ve recently sort of falling back into the Shameless rabbit hole and I still love Ian/Mickey so much, but right now I’d love to do something inspired by the show/those characters! So, just to clarify - ocs, not in that universe, not those canons. Just two guys in a really rough environment, from really rough backgrounds, dealing with a load of shit each but finding each other and falling in love. It’s not perfect, soft, and there’s huge ups and downs in their relationships; arguments, fights, breaking up, etc, but they always come back to one another and truly love each other.
I have a few muses I can offer depending on the dynamic, but one in mind specifically, and plotwise, I’d love to brainstorm together! Maybe we could start with our muses as teens, or maybe they meet when they’re older, whatever fits the vibe! I’d just love to see them find each other and their relationship grow over the years until they’re finally in a place to actually heal and grow together! Dark topics should be expected, but of course we can chat limits. Generally though, I’d imagine things like abuse, drug/alcohol addiction, poverty, neglect, grooming, mental health issues, gangs, jail, internalised/external homophobia, etc, to pop up, in their backstories or as passing events or graphic ones, but again we can discuss limits! I’m just looking for someone to throw me a messy, damaged, mildly (or very) toxic person my way so they can be messy together and then heal! I’m not looking for any soft, passive, subby, naive, damsel in distress characters. Give me people who can be bad and in the wrong at times! I want all the conflict, nuance, complexity so that we can have some sweet sweet hurt/comfort, angst, growth! I am open to nsfw where it serves the plot/our guy’s relationship, but I’m only looking for a switchxswitch dynamic. I like how we can play about with it in their relationship and don’t like restricting them to one role.
I write anywhere from 500-1500 words a reply usually 3 times a week, sometimes more if I’m free, or less if I’m busy - but I’ll always keep you in the loop! I love sending songs, aesthetics, etc, and am open to doing more threads if we get along and have a lot of muse! I write on discord and would just love someone who can throw some ideas my way and plot with me, flesh out this world and story, and offer a decent multi-para reply for me to work with! Ty for reading!
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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˚ * ˙ ⭒ ⊱ 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍.
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◈ what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?  ⋯  Alright, I got a list of four so be prepared. My first muse was Caitlyn, I absolutely fell head of heels in love with her because I understood her in so many ways. We were both in the police force, both know how to use weapons expertly (no I am not lying, I could do a 40 out of 40 shot with my M16 and perfect shots with my 9mm as well. I was an expert shot in the military) but also her empathy. So naturally, I was drawn to her and who she was. And don't get me started on the haters of Caitlyn (and Caitvi) that I am even more protective of this character. She's so badass and yet so full of compassion and heart. She's such a good soul and I love to write her for all for all of this and more.
Vi, I was going to write first, but for some reason I didn't. Don't ask, I don't know why, but then I got encourage to try. Vi is like other characters I've written: Kassandra, Eivor, and other very strong ladies. So it was easy to pick her up, but what was hard was my fear of just not really giving her the same devotion as I did Caitlyn and the worry of copying or just, being the 'same ol same ol'. But she's here now and she's definitely going no where XD
My newest edition is Karlach and Aylin (Don't make me chuckle because Aylin and Karlach make me think of Caitlyn and Vi)
Aylin, I could not deny wanting to write her. A paladin of Vengeance, a demigoddess of the moon, AND! AND! tons of angsty torment to write out? Okay, but besides that, Aylin is an amazing character. She's straight to the point, full of care for people, a giant heart, and will do whatever she needs to to root out evil. I already have so many headcanons for her and I've only had her for a few days now! I'm drawn to her heartbreaking story, because there is SO much we don't really know about. 100 years in the Shadowfell? That is a LOT of shit to go through, and we don't even know a sliver of it so I plan to really expand her story. But there is also before the shadowfell, who her father is, how was she raised. There is so much of her story I want to give justice to. Just, a great character to explore.
And Karlach, oh my heart, Karlach. A barbarian who loves  violence and yet is a complete teddy bear with a heart of gold? How could I not write her? Again, a great storyline, and so much to explore on that wasn't shown in the game. She's right up my alley as all my girls are strong, defiant, yet dealing with traumas of their own. I love writing characters like this who are so full of heart and love despite what they've been through. And Karlach, with ten years of imprisonment in hell serving a archdevil and experimented on? Yes, there's lots to play on here. ◈ is there anything you don’t like to write?  ⋯  hmmm, not really sure. It all depends really on comforts around. The only thing I won't write for sure is the death of my characters (unless its aylin, who can die and come right back cause she's immortal) but the others, death is finite there is no coming back. I refuse to write death for my muses, and I will not write lovers turning to enemies or lovers killing each other either. ◈ is there anything you really enjoy writing?  ⋯  I'm about telling a story, I WANT the depth in writing, to create immense feelings and connections. I want you to feel what my muse feels, to see what they see, experience it. If I can make you cry, that means I've done a good job, or if I make you laugh then I'm doing good. I very much lean into angst, I like heartbreaking stuff as well as the comfort that comes with it. Give me one charrie fighting for another, desperate to save them. Give me a muse breaking down and another comforting them. Give me a muse struggling with trauma, or trying to help another going through it. Let one muse watch their partner getting tortured and hurt and the feelings it brings up. Anything angsty like that. ◈ how do you come up with headcanons?  ⋯  There's multiple things that can stir a ehadcanon. One is looking at pictures and going 'oh OH!' cause something pops into my head, another is replaying a game or rewatching the show. A lot of it comes from talking with my friends and ideas popping into my head. My headcanons are often an explanation to their history or effects of history. My headcanons bring to light more of the history, personality, and design behind a character. If you want to see jsut how in depth my headcanons go, look up Caitlyn, she has over 60 headcanons. ◈ do you write in silence or do you play music?  ⋯  I need music, all the time. Silence is... unnerving, to say. I can't do it at night either, I have to put on some green sound or something that will help calm my mind. I am very hypersensitive in hearing, which is why I like green or brown sound. I tend to put on songs I like (I have a music repeat list) or I put on violin music. ◈ do you plan your replies or wing them?  ⋯  I'm not really sure? I mean, I like to plot things out, but this isn't a hard to do script (somethings the muse will decide to do something else). But when writing, I tend to let the muse flow. I don't really wing stuff, if I'm thinking of what you mean. I read a post, and then I take each paragraph and I react to that paragraph. ◈ do you enjoy shipping?  ⋯  I do! But I have come to be kind of... picky? Its hard to explain. Like I love shipping caitvi, but I don't care to ship caitlyn with anyone else (unless its BG3, then she will ship Karlach too XD) but yeha. I love romantic relationship, but I'm picky on who.
◈ what’s your alias/name?  ⋯  PANDA! That's about it XD ◈ age?  ⋯  35 going on 36 soon ◈ birthday?  ⋯  September 29th ◈ favorite color?  ⋯  Blue, Green, Silver, Teal ◈ favorite song?  ⋯  I don't really have a favorite, more a list of songs that maek me happy. If I hear it and like the tune, its a favorite. ◈ last movie you watched?  ⋯  Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among Thieves. ◈ last show you watched?  ⋯  Uhhh..... Probably Arcane or Bluey XD ◈ last song you listened to?  ⋯  No idea, the music is playing right now on random. ◈ favorite food?  ⋯  Anything Italian. My favorite has always been Lasagna. ◈ favorite season?  ⋯  Fall, I love the comfort of falling leaves and changing colors and the way it is just a comfortable time. Not too cold, not too hot. Just perfect and comfortable. ◈ do you have a Tumblr best friend?  ⋯  Well, I have a bit more then one? @shimmerbeasts & @jynxd I am really close to, we talk about everything all the time. I'm also close to @playgroundmonsters and @undercity-merc, I enjoy talking to them and they have similar interest with me ^^. I've also gotten to know @goldenfists really well and consider her close <3
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @piltover-sharpshooter ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ Anyone who wants to really, I'm not really sure who to tag for this.
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prpfz · 1 month
🩸Hey all - 21+ looking for an oc mxm rp! I’ve recently sort of falling back into the Shameless rabbit hole and I still love Ian/Mickey so much, but right now I’d love to do something inspired by the show/those characters! So, just to clarify - ocs, not in that universe, not those canons. Just two guys in a really rough environment, from really rough backgrounds, dealing with a load of shit each but finding each other and falling in love. It’s not perfect, soft, and there’s huge ups and downs in their relationships; arguments, fights, breaking up, etc, but they always come back to one another and truly love each other.
I have a few muses I can offer depending on the dynamic, but one in mind specifically, and plotwise, I’d love to brainstorm together! Maybe we could start with our muses as teens, or maybe they meet when they’re older, whatever fits the vibe! I’d just love to see them find each other and their relationship grow over the years until they’re finally in a place to actually heal and grow together! Dark topics should be expected, but of course we can chat limits. Generally though, I’d imagine things like abuse, drug/alcohol addiction, poverty, neglect, grooming, mental health issues, gangs, jail, internalised/external homophobia, etc, to pop up, in their backstories or as passing events or graphic ones, but again we can discuss limits! I’m just looking for someone to throw me a messy, damaged, mildly (or very) toxic person my way so they can be messy together and then heal! I’m not looking for any soft, passive, subby, naive, damsel in distress characters. Give me people who can be bad and in the wrong at times! I want all the conflict, nuance, complexity so that we can have some sweet sweet hurt/comfort, angst, growth! I am open to nsfw where it serves the plot/our guy’s relationship, but I’m only looking for a switchxswitch dynamic. I like how we can play about with it in their relationship and don’t like restricting them to one role.
I write anywhere from 500-1500 words a reply usually 3 times a week, sometimes more if I’m free, or less if I’m busy - but I’ll always keep you in the loop! I love sending songs, aesthetics, etc, and am open to doing more threads if we get along and have a lot of muse! I write on discord and would just love someone who can throw some ideas my way and plot with me, flesh out this world and story, and offer a decent multi-para reply for me to work with! Ty for reading!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
tagged by @exhuastedpigeon!!! <3
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded  0 - don’t care either way  +10 -> very enticed  nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.  Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -2
it's not that i have a particular objection to it on a moral/ethical level or anything, it's just generally not my preferred vibe
Codependency: 5
it is not healthy and that's what makes it entertaining XD
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +2
reeeaaaally depends, tbh, both on the execution of it and on my mood. and if it's a kink or not 😅 anything goes in kink fics lmao, but if i'm looking for a romance that's being taken seriously and being portrayed as a good (at least mostly) healthy thing, then i don't have a lot of patience or tolerance for it. i like seeing it addressed and worked through sometimes, though. idk, i'm picky about this one.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +4
stealing prev's: yes, but only if it's accurate to canon characterizations and isn't just shoving characters into trope boxes ✔
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
yeeeeaaaah that's the fun stuff
Friends with benefits: +7
promises good angst uwu, but also has the potential for miscommunication tropes that i have to be in the right mood for or else they get annoying and try my patience lol
Sex to feelings: +7
as distinct from friends with benefits?? 😂 i haven't heard of this one as a separate stand-alone trope, i don't think
Fake dating/relationship: +10
so much fun, so versatile, so many ways it can go
Friends to lovers: +6
still very good, but not as good as enemies to lovers. i also just really invest in strong friendships and am often would rather they stay like that rather than evolve into romance/sex. i'm a sucker for really really good friends 🥺
Found Family: +10
Hurt/Comfort: +10
literally 85% of my thoughts per day revolve around contrived and self-indulgent h/c scenarios, it's all i care about tbh
Love Triangle: -3
it's gotta really be done well and without obnoxious cliche shit, it's not that it can't be done effective but it's really not a promising trope
Poly, open relationships: +1
it's not something that i'll necessarily seek out on purpose, but i enjoy it well enough
Mistaken/hidden identity: +4
can be very fun if it's done well
Monsterfucking: +7
i go back and forth depending on my mood 😂 i go through phases of Fuck Yeah Smuuuuut, at which times i am all about it, and phases of Good God Sex Is So Boring What's The Point, at which times i could not give less of a fuck. but when i'm on board, the monsterfucking is definitely an incentivizing trope 👌🏻👌🏻
Pregnancy: -6
i'm with prev, pregnancy weirds me out, alkdfjgh. it weirds me out irl too, it's borderline body horror for me haha, i find it quite squicky, so i've gotta be in juuuust the right headspace to go in for reading about it specifically. like, the mere presence of it won't stop me from reading an otherwise promising story, and i'm fine to skim if it's not prominent, but i'm not gonna read a story about pregnancy, ya know? no thanks.
Second Chance: +5
if it's done really well, it's fantastic. if it's done halfheartedly, too quickly, or with a sense that the author doesn't really understand or respect why the character NEEDS a second chance (ie, what they did wrong in the first place), then it's awful lol. so. picky about it, but when it hits, it hits hard.
Slowburn: +10
i am SO DOWN for a 200k story where they only kiss in the last chapter, if it's done well akldfjkdjgf
Soulmates: -4
the aro in me tends to be rubbed the wrong way by universes that are predicated on the assumption of an Other Half or fated romantic pairing. sometimes token efforts are made to worldbuild around it (i've written that myself tbh), but the whole concept is amatonormative enough to make me lowkey uncomfortable a lot of the time. doesn't mean i won't read or even enjoy them, but sometimes i reach my quota of romancey shit and decide FUCK THIS and can't stand to read them for a while 😂 gotta purge the yucky vibes before i can accept them again
and i'm taggingggg: @adamprrishcycle @fuck-isthatovid and @luulapants cuz that's all i can think of right now ily
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masivechaos · 2 years
16, 31 and 39 for the ask game love xx
just realized i talk so much i'm sorry
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
i would say sirius, i feel like there are more possibilities with him, i mostly have ideas with him because he's my comfort character as someone who doesn't necessarily have a good relationship with their parents.
and i can see more angst fic with him so it's more diversified. and i also see a lot of cute fluff fic with him where he goes from cocky to flustered.
and if we talk about a ship, wolfstar. do i really need to say why?
31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
it depends on what, for ships obviously not, i take every liberty possible (as long as it's legal obv!!). but for timeline, name and objects etc, i like to match canon.
for example, i realised boys can't go to the girls' dorms in Gryffindor and i felt all the inaccuracies in my fics but for the sake of the fics i will not care and ignore this information.
and i also try to be as canon as possible so the readers are not coming out of the story (it's late i don't know how to say that in English sorry) and are not disturbed by any inaccuracy.
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
i did once and cried lol. i think what hurt most was that they were right. i mean my grammar was shit but the way they said it when i put it everywhere i try my best as someone whose English is not their mother language.
and i also barely had 40 followers so in my head the more followers i'd have, the most haters i'd get. which is false for me because i didn't get any hate since this.
But if we want to be positive, since then I've been using Grammarly because i can't see every mistake (i still try to verify everything) and the more i use it the less i need it, so it's good ig.
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novella-writers · 1 month
🩸Hey all - 21+ looking for an oc mxm rp! I’ve recently sort of falling back into the Shameless rabbit hole and I still love Ian/Mickey so much, but right now I’d love to do something inspired by the show/those characters! So, just to clarify - ocs, not in that universe, not those canons. Just two guys in a really rough environment, from really rough backgrounds, dealing with a load of shit each but finding each other and falling in love. It’s not perfect, soft, and there’s huge ups and downs in their relationships; arguments, fights, breaking up, etc, but they always come back to one another and truly love each other.
I have a few muses I can offer depending on the dynamic, but one in mind specifically, and plotwise, I’d love to brainstorm together! Maybe we could start with our muses as teens, or maybe they meet when they’re older, whatever fits the vibe! I’d just love to see them find each other and their relationship grow over the years until they’re finally in a place to actually heal and grow together! Dark topics should be expected, but of course we can chat limits. Generally though, I’d imagine things like abuse, drug/alcohol addiction, poverty, neglect, grooming, mental health issues, gangs, jail, internalised/external homophobia, etc, to pop up, in their backstories or as passing events or graphic ones, but again we can discuss limits! I’m just looking for someone to throw me a messy, damaged, mildly (or very) toxic person my way so they can be messy together and then heal! I’m not looking for any soft, passive, subby, naive, damsel in distress characters. Give me people who can be bad and in the wrong at times! I want all the conflict, nuance, complexity so that we can have some sweet sweet hurt/comfort, angst, growth! I am open to nsfw where it serves the plot/our guy’s relationship, but I’m only looking for a switchxswitch dynamic. I like how we can play about with it in their relationship and don’t like restricting them to one role.
I write anywhere from 500-1500 words a reply usually 3 times a week, sometimes more if I’m free, or less if I’m busy - but I’ll always keep you in the loop! I love sending songs, aesthetics, etc, and am open to doing more threads if we get along and have a lot of muse! I write on discord and would just love someone who can throw some ideas my way and plot with me, flesh out this world and story, and offer a decent multi-para reply for me to work with! Ty for reading!
Like if interested!
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Do you have any tips on how to include fearplay without having to create a villain/downright evil character?
Oh sure, there's tons of ways to have fearplay with settings that are still primarily fluff or with good natured characters! The appeal is that one character (99% of the time being the tiny) is afraid, but that doesn't mean there has to be a legit threat to them.
You could have a borrower who was found by a human because they accidentally got gravely injured. The tiny is hurt and already afraid of succumbing to their wounds, now they have to worry about a giant grabbing them?? They'd fight tooth and nail, even at the risk of losing more blood. And sure, of course the giant wants to help and reassure them, but they literally do not have time to sit and coddle this poor tiny because it's literally life or death. Sorry buddy but it's time to be yoinked
You could have a language barrier in which actions that are normal to one of them do not come across that way to the other, and having a very difficult time trying to explain intentions. The giant was only trying to carry the tiny by their scruff, but all the tiny saw was an open mouth headed straight towards them.
You could have a giant who is part of an evil group/culture by nature, but is almost entirely against what they stand for. It makes no difference to the tiny, though, because as far as they're concerned ALL giants are like that, even while this specific one is desperately trying to hide them from the other giants to keep them safe.
You could even start out with a typical, established, fluffy relationship only for the giant to snap in a fit of anger and slam their fist down, or be forced to go absolutely feral to protect their tiny from a threat, anything to suddenly remind the tiny of just how powerful the giant truly is. No matter how soft and loving they may be 99% of the time, there's now this newly awakened fear that, holy shit, this giant could demolish me any time they want
And then there's just little things if you don't want a story to be too overwhelming with fearplay. A tiny who's simply anxious by nature, enemy species who have to call an uneasy truce because they're both in a fucked position and need each other's help, hell you can even have the giant be the one that a nervous wreck because oh my god?? tiny things exist??? what if I accidentally kill it holy shit???????
All of them have phenomenal angst and hurt/comfort potential depending on how you wanna steer the story. Have a natural build up of trust, have something happen that threatens to shatter that bond, have something that strengthens it, the world is your oyster (:
Or you can be like me and just make straight up murderous villains because that's hot and I'm a degenerate lmao
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lillian-nator · 4 years
Ranch AU
Or, as we all call it, The Cowboy AU 
Essentially, this was something that I created, and it’s gonna be purely fluffy, with a small bit of angst here and there. Any of the angst will be hurt/comfort. It’s meant to make us all feel better after those fucking harsh lore streams. I started it, based off of some shit in the Dad!Schlatt AU, and after that I honestly didn’t write most of it. It had really been a project in the discord, because we were all sad and shit, so if you have some fluff to offer, please do! I am happy to make almost anything canon - and we could always use more ideas. :)
I hope you enjoy some mindless farm boi fluff!
It's SBI's Ranch (Phil is Dadza, Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur are his sons)
Phil, sells to the local stores, and manages the crops. He doesn't do too much labor anymore. He hired his boys for that.
Dream, SapNap, Purpled, Tubbo, Callahan, and Punz are all hired farm hands
George, Niki, Ranboo, and Fundy work at the shop where they sell their products; Niki makes all of the dairy products, Fundy and Ranboo stock, label prices, and keeps track of sales, and George works customer service with his Gogy magic.
Wilbur works with the sheep, the goats, and he trains the dogs (Collies - they herd sheep), he also works with the crops a lot
Schlatt isn't hired but he might as well be. He can be found wherever Wilbur is, and is probably drinking a beer he stole from Phil. He doesn't get paid, but he eats all of their food.
Tommy works with the cows, the pigs, the chickens, the horses (sometimes), his goose, and the dogs / cats that they own
Tubbo works with Tommy. Essentially. But he also works on the crops, and the bee farm that they have set up.
Techno works with the horses, and is currently training to be a veterinarian.
Dream works on horses with Techno - they race the horses competitively - but otherwise, is where ever he is needed (usually crops)
Purpled works with Tommy and Tubbo. He mostly works with Tubbo on crops and his bee farm.
Punz and SapNap haul things. As your resident Chads, they are in-charge of moving heavy things and doing manual labor.
Callahan is their repair man. He fixes tractors, and machines on a daily basis.
HENRY, a saga:
that henry has a matching bandana to the one Tommy has so that everyone knows thats henry. Tommy doesn't like it when people touch henry so henry gets a bandana - Shark -
when Phil first started raising Tommy, he would've never guessed that he would turn out the way he did.
He was loud, and brash, and hit his brothers, and made fun of the neighbor's kids,  but then Tubbo became Tommy's best friend, and then Phil introduced Tommy to the cows.
The cows are Tommy's everything.
When a Bred Heifer is due, he sits with them everyday past their due date - he sat with Betty for 5 days when she wouldn't birth a calf. He was so fucking worried.
When one of his cows are sick, he sleeps in the barn until they get better. His last days with Harvey fucked him up.
Tubbo, Tommy, Purpled, and Ranboo spend long nights at the farm, and Tommy always leans against Henry as he stares up at the stars.
Henry who his best girl (all cows are girls and Tommy doesn't give a shit about gendered names). Henry who wears a matching bandana. Henry who is fluffy, and warm, and Tommy's everything. -
Sometimes when Tommy had a bad day, whether it’s stress, or school, or just whatever, Tommy sleeps in the Henry’s stall with her. Phil has so many pictures of Tommy curled up with Henry. From when she was first born to now. - Eye
Tommy hates winter because that’s the one time of year Phil won’t let him sleep in the barn. Even with the layers and heat lamps it’s too unsafe. Tommy always gets up extra early in the winter. Both because he has to check and break ice in the water troughs but also because he misses his girl - Eye -
Henry's mother, Betty, was the first Cow Tommy had helped during birth. He sat with her for 5 days when she hadn't gone into labor past her due date. It took 9 hours for Henry to be born, and Tommy was there through the entire thing -
Well, almost the entire thing. He was at school for the first hour of labor, and was so pissed at Phil when Phil knew and didn't immediately come get Tommy from School.
It always felt like Tommy and Henry had a special bond because Tommy literally raised Henry from birth. -
They didn't think Henry was gonna make it when she was first born, but Tommy was fucking determined, and bottle fed that cow every single day and night. When she was slowly weened off milk, Tommy got unironically sad that he didn't have to bottle feed her anymore.
He still visited her every morning, and milked her mother at dawn, right after he got eggs from his hens. -
Henry waits for Tommy at the end of their long ass drive way when he gets home from school. She knows that when the bus pulls up that her boy is back and so she’s always there waiting lazily for pets and a nice walk together back to the house. Even when it’s cold and someone is waiting for the kids to get home in an ATV or something Tommy always walks back to the house with Henry - Eye
Thinking about how long these fucking country roads are. And how Tommy and Tubbo have the same bus stop even though Tubbo and Tommy's houses are a couple of miles away. Tommy has to walk a mile to get to the beginning of his driveway, and seeing his favorite girl there is like a reward at the end of a journey. Tommy probably keeps a bag of feed in his backpack, which is just a mixture of grain, hay and corn, and gives Henry a handful to thank her for waiting for him.
Clementine, The Goose: 
Tommy has a goose, and names it Clementine. 
He found her in the woods one day, when she was very young, and he decided he was going to keep Clementine. 
Clementine is only ever nice to Schlatt and Tommy. No one knows why. 
Clementine follows Tommy around. Very endearing. 
Phil doesn’t question it at this point 
NEW MILO, the sequel:
OG Milo is a kitten that Wilbur found on the side of the road, in the rain, and he took the kitten in, trying to save him. Wilbur immediately got attached.
Techno pulled an all nighter, half spent  trying to save OG Milo and the other half comforting Wilbur. "You couldn't have helped, he was too starved and out in the rain for too long." Phil adds that if Techno can't save something, it can't be saved. - Ethan
Wilbur's next cat was named New Milo in honor - Ethan
Anyway, New Milo has three kittens. Blood God, Boots (given to Fundy), and Bumbles (given to Tubbo). They're called the Bees and they were born Christmas Eve - Ethan
BLOOD GOD, the pussy:
Blood God is Techno's cat. Its just a ferall little molly that loves techno too much. - M -
After Techno helped New Milo have her litter, he wasn't originally gonna keep any of the kittens, but he saw this tiny thing with the orange muzzle and just: stole her.
He is also nicknamed Blood God, for both his skill in hunting and healing
He originally named her Piglet because the orange spot looked like a pig snout [the main reason he chose her and not her stronger littermates] but called her Blood God teasingly when he first adopted her
Wilbur didn't realize he meant it as a nickname and told everyone her name was Blood God
Techno still calls her Piglet, but everyone else calls her Blood God because that's the name on her collar.
Most of their cats aren't collared, but Phil made her a custom collar because he was worried she'd get lost hunting with Techno and Dream - Ethan -
Blood God is such a batshit cat. She's a runt, really, oddly small compared to her siblings, and she's their best mouser
She's the cat that everyone leaves scraps for, but never tries to pet out of fear
Often she'll climb up people's legs and sit on their shoulders, and it's the only time you can pet her.
She is very, very affectionate with Techno and he loves her very much. He has her very well trained, and she comes with him and Dream when they go hunting sometimes alongside a terrier.
She's a little itty bitty calico molly and she has an orange patch right over her muzzle - Ethan
TOMMY'S HENS, the chicks:
He gets real defensive of his hens. They lay eggs for him. They deserve to be treated well. -
Tommy does in fact have an egg incubator; Sometimes it's just better. Tommy prefers letting his hens care for their own eggs, but he does still use the incubator - Ethan -
Some chickens enjoy being thrown so they can flap and shit. A few days after passing ownership of the hens to Tommy, Phil is going down to the crops and just sees Tommy chucking his hens and watching them rush back to be thrown again
he feels a hint of "what the hell" but he notes the gentleness tommy does it with and how the chickens seem to be enjoying it and he shrugs and keeps walking - Ethan -
Once Wilbur was helping Tommy with the chickens and he dropped an egg
Unfertilized, of course, but Tommy looked like you'd just punted a toddler
Three years later, Wilbur isn't allowed to touch the eggs anymore
Tommy's paranoid he'll hurt a live one
"Get out." "What - Tommy it was an accident, it was just one egg." "If you aren't gonna treat Phoebe's eggs with care; You can get the fuck out." "Tommy -" "Out." -
the quality chicken eggs depends usually on how the chicken feels. While under his care, the eggs the chickens produced were really good.
Under Tommy's care? Phil's eggs tasted like horseshit in comparison - Ethan -
They have their like, main barn and to the side of it is a little pond. The chicken coops are a little beside it, with the singular duck coop (he only has four ducks) closest. He calls the area the Business Bay
Tommy - 16 Tubbo - 16 Purpled - 17 Ranboo - 17
Techno - 19 Wilbur - 21 Schlatt - 19 Phil - idk like 45 or some dad shit
Fundy - 18 Niki - 19
SapNap - 18 Dream - 19 George - 20 Punz - 19 Callahan - 20
Tubbo, Niki, Ranboo, and Fundy are siblings. -
Whenever they eat meat they talk about who they're eating. 
They tell stories about their day and such but they always start dinner, when its meat, saying "rip lmao" and telling stories about them
...they don’t do it when they eat beef
Everyone sitting down with their plates of ham Wilbur: so who was it? Phil: Fern Tommy, already eating: rest in peace fern Techno: he shat on my boots once -
Each of the boys get a few animals that aren't allowed to be butchered.
Wilbur has Friend, Enemy, and Skit the Bull. (Wilbur wanted to name a Bull "Shit", but Phil said no because Tommy was 11 and already swearing too much for his liking)
Techno has none of the livestock. He only cares about Blood God, and his horses.
Tommy has a pig [currently unnamed], his Hens (6 or 7 of them, that lay eggs), and his dairy cows -
Phil is ALWAYS chewing on straw. -
Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur all call Phil "Pops" or "Pop". They all used to call him "Papa" though. It's like a coming of age thing for the three of them, when they stop calling him "Papa" and start calling him "Pop".
Phil may or may not have cried when Tommy started calling him "Pop" at the age of 12.
ALTHOUGH, all 3 boys know that if you want anything, you call Phil "Papa". Phil can't resist it. -
Techno and Tommy with starry eyes: pops Phil: no Wilbur: Papa Phil, with slightly less confidence: n-no   - Ethan -
Tommy holding a baby calf in his hands that he walls to bring inside for the night because hes in love with her: papa please!! Phil, practically in tears: fine.   - M
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giaourtopita · 3 years
Hoping this isn’t too dark, if it is feel free to ignore it, but: headcanons for bros + au where mc is a single parent and brought their child to the devildom with them, and, somehow, the child is the one that ends up hurt when belphegor finally escapes the attic. ofc like canon!mc the child survives fine, but oh boy. oh boy.
single parent mc
thank you for requesting!! also, i come from a single parent family and it was nice writing writing this!! i did levi and mammon together btw!
warnings; slight angst in lucifer's and belphie's part, no bad ending we avoid bad endings like the plague here, there isn't anything romantic but romantic stuff can be implied ig except for belphie's part maybe idk, gn mc.
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*when mc was first summoned at r.a.d. no one expected them to be carrying a child with them. it would be hard for them to attend r.a.d. classes since they would have to watch their child all the time.*
*mc didn't know what to do, they didn't have anyone that was willing to help them and they didn't really trust anyone around the kid. lord diavolo had to find some of the best babysitters in the human realm to get them to agree to stay in the devildom but even then they felt like it was risky being there even with all the safety the brothers and lord diavolo had provided them.*
*and that was proven to be true when belphegor left the attic and ended up hurting mc's child, not much but just enough for mc to lose their trust in him.*
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- in the beginning he didn't know what to think. he was confused. why didn't barbatos see this coming??
- even when his relationship with mc was rocky he couldn't help but feel protective over the little one.
- so when all was revealed and belphie hurt the kid he knew he had to protect them both, even if the youngest brother regretted his actions.
- he arranged for them to move into the castle with diavolo since that would probably be the safest place they could stay in.
- it pained him to see them leave the house of lamentation but since he goes to the castle all the time he would be able to see them daily.
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mammon & leviathan
- mammon was annoyed that he had to babysit not one but two(!!!) humans and one of them being an actual child!! he was so annoyed by lucifer but he couldn't really say anything and levi couldn't care less about them in the beginning.
- both mc and the child grew on both of them pretty fast though, especially the kid because they were the only person in the house where they didn't judge them for their habits.
- soon enough they both started spoiling them by buying them toys, talking to them, playing with them, buying them cosplay outfits and finding them anime appropriate for their age.
- so when belphie, their baby brother, tried to harm one of their favourite people in the house they got pissed off at him but of course they would never harm him.
- after that they would take mc's kid from them for even more than they used to with the excuse of "i'm just keeping them safe just like how you wanted mc". most of the time levi and mammon fight over the young one and usually end up hanging out together all three of them.
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- like levi, he didn't really care about mc and the child in the very beginning.
- after forming a pact with mc though, he started thinking that the kid could be fun to be around. so he started "babysitting" them to read them all those cat related children's stories that he bought because of the cover.
- so when belphie managed to harm them, even a little bit satan reacted badly. he didn't hurt belphie but he did take out all of his anger on belphie's bed and he did not hold back...
- of course satan and belphie eventually made up due to their weird relationship with lucifer but hurting an innocent kid was too much, especially since satan really liked that child.
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- he thought be would have to babysit the child so he stayed away from both mc and the child in the beginning, he even thought that he would have to stop going to the clubs because of them.
- after forming the pact he and mc got closer which also meant that he and mc's child got closer. this could only mean one thing, fashion shows!
- he started dressing them up and posting pictures of him and mc's child on devilgram and their photos were always a hit!
- so when shit went down with belphie he scolded him and started side eyeing him until belph had to apologise to mc (and asmo) again.
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- honestly in the beginning he got close with the child but not so much with mc. they got closer after they formed a pact though.
- if the child is old enough to run around and kick a ball he would start teaching them fungol.
- but when belphie tried to hurt them he didn't like it. he was glad his twin was back but that wasn't okay so he was conflicted.
- but since the twins are really close belph would know that beel obviously didn't like what happened so he apologised to him and to mc.
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- when he did it he clearly wasn't thinking straight and after seeing everyone's reactions he just had to apologise, especially to mc and the child.
- mc didn't trust him for a while not just around their child but also around them.
- mc started trusting belphie again when they formed a pact.
- still that wasn't enough though, he would have to try a lot harder to gain mc's trust by his actions and not just by his words.
- since the child, beel and mc he would have to try and spend time with them, he didn't try to force it though. little by little, even if it was for a few minutes he would try his best to show that he's sorry (and he really did his best!!) after a few months mc felt comfortable enough for him being around them and the child without beel having to supervise them anymore. so finally, it all depended on the child, as long as little one felt okay staying with him mc would allow it.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Zen w/ a blind MC [HCS]
request(s); No one request other things than idv or dr (or arcana but?) and this a a multi blog soo Zen (mm) w a blind MC nyoom
paring(s); zen x blind!gn!reader
warning(s); reader is gender-neutral, reader is blind, cussing, celebrity scandals, twinkle of angst, fluff, talks about celebrity reputation, tokenism, cringey pick up lines, the ‘beast’, implies that zen is a bit sadistic but it depends how you read it, 99.9999% sfw other than that.
note; sorry if i wrote too much!! i haven’t written for MM in a while so i just got- way too many ideas- hh
◊ When Zen first met you, he definitely, definitely used kid gloves on you. He’d pester you a lot, if he knew you were blind, he’d automatically assume you were much less capable than you were. He’d probably neutralize himself; so if Jumin were to ever provoke him or piss him off in any way, he’d kind of push his need to smack the guy down, because he didn’t want to scare you.
◊ Furthermore, he’s usually like this with everyone new, that he likes; but with you, it’s more... intense, as he now knows that you’re blind.
◊ it’s kind of like, his big strong man instinct kicks in whenever he sees you.
◊ However those are only first impressions! I promise he improves all throughout your relationship.
◊ Later on, — when he actually gets to know you better — he finds himself getting more comfortable with you; treating you less like a blind person, and more of a... ‘friend’. But he catches himself, and tries not to— which is obviously dumb, and he should’ve just stuck with the friend thing.
◊ Zen is helpful, yes. But sometimes it’s overbearing. He would do everything for you, to the point where you don’t even need to lift a finger, because he’ll be there lifting it for you. Sure, it’s nice; but he has to see that you’re very capable, just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you’re a child.
◊ You’re going to have to tell him that sometimes, you can do things for yourself, and that he should let you do your thang, chicken wang!(sorry)
◊ he’ll be confused at first; why didn’t you want his help? But he would respect your wishes, as a gentleman should. Though it would take some time.
◊ okay let’s be honest here, Zen loves that you’re blind. He has this built-in gentleman, charmer personality voodoo crap, so seeing as how you have more trouble doing things at cause to your sigh impairment, he’d definitely feel the huge ego boost every time he helps you. He loves feeling helpful to you, so praise him— but not too much.
◊ If word got out that he was dating, of course it’d be scandalous; but if word got out that he was dating someone blind?
◊ There would be ‘good’ benefits, that would only seem good if you were shallow.
◊ Zen would get ‘points’ and people would view you as a charity case that he either started dating because he would get a good reputation for it, or because he pitied you and accepted your confession — which is funny because Zen is the one who confessed to you first(that’s another story, I’ll get to it soon.)
◊ He’s a bit of a himbo sometimes; so he wouldn’t really realize that that was what was happening. It wasn’t until a fan or a news reporter/radio host confronted him about it, had realization finally dawned on him. He would be very quick to dismiss that horrible, horrible assumption. And he’d honestly lose respect for the person he was talking to.
◊ If a fan were ever to call you a charity case, he’d definitely get mad. To assume he would start dating you for his reputation...? That’s kind of... fucked up.
◊ If you asked him about it, he would definitely get upset, and honestly a little heart-broken. To assume that he would do something like that... he finds himself doubting if he was a good enough boyfriend.
◊ So let me paint a scenario and hand you the angst.
— Since you would probably have to use Voice-over for your phone, I think something that could happen as a result of it is, as you scroll through websites and articles about Zen through your phone, the phone voices over every single title. And one catches your attention, unfortunately, it also catches Zen’s.
“Zen’s charity case of a partner, S/o-“ he would hear it from the other room, despite it being extremely fast to almost not be able to. E heard, and he would immediately go to you, following the direction of the sound.
He’d find you with your phone off, eerily silent as you waited for him to speak, having been notified by his heavy footsteps. “S/o...” he’d soften his voice and make his way to you, gently seating himself opposite to where you sat, softly yet urgently grabbing your hand as he was afraid you’d storm off, or get mad.
“I swear I would never think that of you. Believe me, okay? Not those stupid articles, half the stuff they say is all made-up— I swear, they act more than me- Mph!?“ he’s all for drama and movies, but this was real life. You were real. And both of your feelings were real too. He rambled on, and before he could finish his rant, you already had your lips on his; to his surprise, and pleasure.
“... I- I know. Thank you, Zen.”
◊ okay but imagine the embarrassment when you turn on Voice-over and Zen sends you this, just, extremely cheesy line and everyone around you could hear it. The fucking humiliation, dude, I feel for you.
— “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Bec-“ with a face flushed a dark red for reasons more than one, you frantically tried to lower the volume. “N- no! Stop, phone stop!” You’d probably ‘accidentally’ destroy one of your phones just to save yourself from the sheer embarrassment.
◊ If Zen were ever to leave the country for a global concert, there would be tons of calls— so many to the point it was like he never left. You would hear his voice through the phone, and it would feel like he was there... though it’s still different.
◊ Something Zen likes to do, that probably irritates you, is scare the shit out of you and sneak up behind you. The fucker would scoop you up from behind, laughing as you shrieked from the top of your lungs. You insist that it’s sadistic, and he— he agrees, with a very, uh, strange look in his eyes.
◊ Zen can be very playful, so as soon as he comes back from a shoot; no matter how tired and exhausted he is, he is always willing to hug you with all the force he has, and it makes you wonder— how? How is this man still so strong after hours of working?
◊ You don’t seem to get the chance to ask as he stuffs your face into his chest, tightly wrapping his arms around the middle of your back, so you can’t escape. He wouldn’t hug too long though, because he needs to keep the beast calm; or so he says.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
Loyal here, and back from the dead! Had some health issues and family drama, but I should be completely back now! I hope this all makes sense, I had to take Benadryl so I’m kinda out of it at the moment.
For those who have been interested in the idea of a reader from Undertale, I’m so happy! Anon who went into detail with how y/n might be forced into bringing out their soul? *chefs kiss* I love it. And with Ranboo or Techno doing it on accident because of the voice(s)? Then, when they snap out of it and see y/n begging this ‘Frisk’ person for mercy? AAAAAAA YES P L E A S E. I live for the angst and that concept quenched my thirst for it. When it comes to the resets, I think that most of what happened during them felt like dejavú to y/n when going through the Underground, making them give reactions similar to the monsters who seem to recall certain things when you play the game again. However, when it comes to the genocide route, I feel like they don’t remember anything. At least...not until they’re put under extreme stress, panic, trauma, etc., or if they’re in an intense life or death situation. Only then would they remember. But it’s messy when they do. They get thrown into a memory and basically have a mental breakdown. Whether they remember it once they calm down or not...? Up to you. Anyway, here’s some of my own ideas based off all this!
- In Ranboo’s case, I feel like he’d know who Frisk is and quite a bit about y/n’s world. He just seems like the type of person you could tell anything to and he’d listen. Because of this factor, I can see y/n having either already shown him their SOUL, or having planned to in the near future. He’d recognize the situation—a panic attack—and do everything in his power to calm y/n down. He isn’t the type to pry, so he wouldn’t mention the reader’s SOUL unless it seemed to be in really bad condition. He’d rather y/n come to him and open up on their own.
- It’s a cry fest. They’re both tearing up and telling the other not to cry. Y/n knows it wasn’t Ranboo’s fault and doesn’t want him hurting himself over it, especially because his tears hurt him. They forgive him, it’s okay. Ranboo feels incredibly guilty for what he’s done. And seeing them crying over what he did and the trauma he accidentally brought onto them? He’s crushed. You know those sappy movies where the main characters are comforting each other, crying but letting out choked/hiccuping laughter? Not because they find the situation funny, but because they both react the same way and just want what’s best for each other and it’s all around adorable? That’s them.
- But, if it’s yandere Ranboo? He’d probably see this as proof that y/n is far too fragile for this world. Clearly, they need someone to protect them. He’d most certainly feel guilty about what he’d done, but he may play it up a bit to get as much attention/sympathy/whatever from them.
- For Techno, unless he was there when y/n initially woke up in the SMP, I don’t think he’d believe them. So he probably doesn’t know shit (or, he at least knows the basics), unless he found out from someone else. That’s just my opinion tho. Either way, I believe he’d think it’s all bullshit. However, he wouldn’t force an encounter to prove his point. He has at least some decency. No he doesn’t. I feel like he’d remind y/n of just how hostile monsters Underground were in the beginning, so they’d be weary around him. (I’m doing flat out yandere for him from now on bc that’s all I can think of rn)
- If he doesn’t know who Frisk is, I see him being slightly insulted that they think of some random stranger—as far as he’s aware—who clearly hurt them. He’d never do that! He—oh shit, he kinda sorta did do that...
- If he does know who Frisk is and is romantically interested in y/n, he’d probably be peeved that they’re basically referring to him as their sibling. He gets that they’re going through a traumatic episode but c’mon! He’d end up pushing the thought aside to help them. However, he may be slightly petty for the next few days.
- Keeping on the romantic yandere side, I see him possibly making the situation worse even if it isn’t his intention to. Whether he’s told by y/n or someone else, he at least knows what their SOUL is and what it stands for (even if he didn’t believe it till now). So here’s his little darling, all curled up and clutching their SOUL to their chest like it’s their lifeline. Oh, wait, it is. Sure, he’s surprised that it’s real, but any shock he would’ve felt is replaced by awe and he can’t help but notice how mesmerizing it is. So, he forcefully gently pulls their arms away from their chest, cooing at them and saying that everything’s fine, and removes their hands from the entity so he can get a better look at it. He watches as the (color) heart bobs slightly up and down, and can’t help but be surprised by how warm it feels against the palms of his calloused hands when he cups it. Any whimpers and pleas from y/n begging for their soul to be returned are blocked out. All he can focus on is the SOUL in front of him, the very culmination of their being, and how small it is. This little thing, that takes damage whenever their body does, that physically appears whenever they are in a fight, is what keeps them alive? That won’t do. Not at all. This land is far too dangerous for them! They better get used to his cabin, for as far as Techno’s concerned, it’s their new world home.
And Tommy forcing them into an encounter because he thinks it’s all bullshit? That would definitely happen. He’d feel so guilty once he sees the look of betrayal in y/n’s eyes and the disappointment that shows on the faces of anyone who had seen the forced encounter. As if they too weren’t curious. He noticed that no one stopped him. Let’s be honest. Most would be too curious to interfere.
- Y/n probably falls to their knees, cupping their SOUL in the palms of their hands. They know that Tommy wouldn’t actually hurt them, but they can’t help but feel as though their boundaries have been pushed aside, as though one of their only requests meant nothing to everyone. Tears slip and it takes watching the glowing heart, being lost in their own world as they mentally count every rhythmic bob to ground them. Once their breathing calms and their sobs turn into hushed whimpers, they push their SOUL back into their chest and stare at the ground, unsure of what to do next.
- Tommy definitely acts a hundred times more mature in the following moments. Depending on when in the DSMP timeline this occurs, he’d either be confident—and rightfully so—in his ability to help someone during a panic attack, or be hesitant, unsure of what to do, fumbling with his words and motions, but trying his damn hardest to help nonetheless. Either way, I see y/n appreciating it. Y/n literally come from a world where they would befriend creatures ten seconds after they genuinely tried to kill them and their sibling. I don’t see them holding a grudge. They’d most likely be slightly weary in the following twenty to thirty minutes, but get over it. After all, they’ve always chosen MERCY. Can’t say the same for their sibling, though. Tommy’s extra cautious about what he says or does around them after that.
- I feel like after a few weeks or months, y/n may bond enough with Tommy to want to show how much they trust him by bringing out their SOUL. Especially if they’re there through all the hell that Tommy goes through story-wise. To them, it’d probably be their way of telling him that they trust him with their life, and that they’ll always be on his side.
- Yandere or not, he does everything in his power to protect y/n if they remain weary of encounters. He’ll either find a way to avoid a fight, not wanting to hurt y/n by doing anything that would make him gain this supposed LOVE that comes from their world, or he’d do enough damage to allow them to escape without anyone or anything dying.
- If y/n discovers that they’re able to befriend the monsters of this world like they could their own, regular Tommy would respect that. He may be a bit antsy if the encounter drags on or if y/n sustains some damage, but he knows that they know what they’re doing. As previously mentioned, he’ll get involved if things go south, but he won’t kill anything. At least, not in front of them. Gotta get bones, blaze powder, and spider eyes somehow. But even then, he does it sparingly out of respect for y/n’s wishes. That, or he’ll have someone else get materials for him.
- Yandere Tommy wouldn’t risk shit. You can’t just talk to mobs, you idiot! You’ll die if you do that! And you’ve only got one life! He’d threaten to kill mobs right in front of y/n if it’d get them to stop trying to play house with disgusting monsters. That, or he may force y/n into killing. Their HP, AT, and DF increase when their LOVE increases, right? So they have to if they want to survive!
I agree with the anon that Dream and Vilbur would definitely force y/n into an encounter. Yandere or not. If yandere, they’d probably become obsessed with the concept of SOULS and constantly pressure them into bringing it out. They use it as a nightlight JKJKJK.
- Ya know how in Deltarune, Kris yeets their SOUL into a cage? Well, imagine that, but it’s forcefully taken by Dream. He’d put it in a glass container and show it off like some damn trophy. That, or he hides it away where no one can find it. Vilbur would do the same but keep the SOUL on his person at all times. That way no one forgets who y/n belongs to. To him, it’d show power and ownership. Much to his pleasure and mostly everyone else’s disgust.
- I’d also add Schlatt to the list of people that force an encounter, as well as yandere Sam. Schlatt would pull it out in front of everyone to show how much power he can hold ever someone, or, to use as a shield when he thinks Pogtopia will attack. They wouldn’t want to hurt an innocent person who’s got a little sibling waiting for them at home, would they? With Sam, he’d do it to make sure that y/n is in perfect health. Can’t risk there being any cracks or the SOUL being dim! Following Tommy’s death and revival, he’d probably do the same as Vilbur, keeping their SOUL with him and never letting it out of his sight. However, instead of doing it out of a show of power like Vilbur, it’s out of paranoia. He can’t lose you too. He has to know that you’re okay!
For some fluff, here’s who I think y/n would eventually trust enough to show their SOUL:
- Tommy (as mentioned earlier)
- Ranboo (also mentioned earlier)
- Tubbo (he reminds them too much of Asriel to not trust him with their SOUL)
- Captain Puffy (same as Tubbo, but for Toriel)
- Ghostbur (he’s just so nice!! How could they not? Besides, he sometimes reminds them of Napstablook! They probably call Ghostbur Blooky a lot on accident and the ghost just learns to roll with it LOL)
- Karl! (After hearing about this person who comes from a world with timelines and basically time travel, he can’t help but be interested. He’s losing so much, he needs someone who might possibly understand. They both share a similar hatred towards the concept of time travel/resets and the amount of pressure it puts on a person’s shoulders. That, and the lack of memories, even if they‘be both been effected by this in different ways)
- Bad (before he’s corrupted by the egg, of course. He’s so sweet omg. Besides, his personality gives me Toriel vibes)
I personally don’t see them trusting Philza enough, no matter how much he reminds them of Asgore. Then again, the King of Monsters is the one who basically put a bounty on their SOUL. He also refused their MERCY and forced them to FIGHT. Besides, when they hear from others—or see it for themself—that Philza kills his own son? I don’t think they’d ever forgive that. No matter what happens. You should refuse death, because there’s always another option. They’d know first hand, after all. With having their SOUL broken in half and pieced back together thanks to their own sheer will to live. To protect their sibling and save their friends. The battle against Asriel taught them so much, and they’d never take life for granted again thanks to it. “Asgore, though I may not stand by his methods of taking the SOULS of innocents—children, no less—I understand why he did it. He lost both of his children, his pride and joy, at the hands of humans. The real monsters of this w—of my world. He would have given anything to get them back. And you, you just throw your son’s life away? How could you?! Do you know how many beings, Monsters and humans alike, would sacrifice everything just to see their loved ones one more time? To take their place? To save them from a brutal death by the hands of those who want your SOULS? To see their small body covered in blood and burns or spears. Only for their death to have been meaningless, for their SOUL had shattered before it could be collected and used? When it should have been you, their big sibling, to take their place?” Yeah... they’ve definitely got some issues they need to deal with LOL. I personally headcanon that even if Frisk wasn’t able to reset, their soul would have been useless when it came to breaking the barrier because that thing shattered into PIECES. What would the monsters do? Use gorilla glue and hope the damn thing stays together?
Imagine how different characters, Yandere or not, would react to y/n’s soul shattering. Especially if it’s because y/n took a hit for them.
Omg that’s so much. It’s all so fucking good but I am just overwhelmed by how much is here because I want to answer it all but,,,
Also putting the soul in cages? YES THAT’S SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT TO BRING UP!!! Vilbur wanting to own while Sam wants to protect. Both lead to a similar end. An emotionless reader with no care for themselves or others. Just a rogue being. A zombie, I’d you will. But not dumb. Oh not dumb at all.
Also putting the soul in a jar??? I ca see DreamXD doing the same, if not similar. Ooo maybe he wears their souls on him? Trapping it in a piece of jewelry to display your “loyalty” and “love” to him.
I’m sorry I’m just not feelin too good.
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow
Minghao: Chapter 3 (Beautifully Unfinished)
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Characters: Minghao x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, angst, blood mentions, runaways, domestic violence (I mean not really because she doesn’t really want to hurt him she’s just sad and lashing out), sleep seducing (If that’s a thing?), sleep/entranced fucking, blood mentions, death mentions, suggestive/slight smutty content, violence. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: Have any of y’all seen American Horror Story Roanoke? Well, that’s where I got the inspiration for this chapter. You didn’t ACTUALLY think I’d have a story with a fully happy couple with no tragedies or drama did you? But, if you want a song to listen to, I recommend Beautifully Unfinished by Ella Henderson and I recommend listening to it started at the point where they go to sleep. It’s perfect for the mood the Main Character’s feeling
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow Master List
Chapter 3: Beautifully Unfinished
It had been a few days since the Siren incident. You hadn’t heard anything since. So, of course like the fucking dumbasses you all were, you all began to forget about it and let your guards down. You all carried on like everything was normal, but everything was far from it.
You had all a long day of shopping at the market. You really just wanted to go back home and fall asleep to recover some of your energy. But when you got back, you had bigger things to worry about.
See, both Junhui and Minghao were in rut. Typically, before you came along, their ruts were always at the same time so they both… helped each other out a bit until it passed. But now that you were in the picture, Minghao had you to help him get through it. It left Jun a mess, he wasn’t upset that he didn’t have anyone to help him out or anything, he was glad Hao had finally found you. But he was struggling to… keep himself in check. And while the other wolves just kept their respective mates away from him during his rut, Minghao didn’t really see the point of trying to keep you away from him. You were just as strong as him after all, you could handle yourself and he knew you’d never do anything with him, some part of him always knew that.
But Hao was acting… off. Like even more so than he usually did. Typically, your mate was very reserved and mostly just kept to himself when the others were around and he’d be personable with you behind closed doors. Lately though, he’d been more distant, even with you. Which everyone found odd. Especially during his rut. He should only want you around him during it, but he hadn’t touched you since that day. It confused you a great deal. It was like he was a different person, half the time when you woke up now, he was already gone from bed.
Part of you attributed it to his mating season, but you were still worried about him. He was much more aggressive than usual. Again, that could’ve just been attributed to his sudden hormone change. But when Jun had got a little too close to you, he snapped.
You were in the kitchen with Jun just cleaning up after dinner, everyone took turns and it was now the both of yours. You didn’t mind, you actually liked cleaning and helping out. It made you feel like you were contributing to the pack. Jun however, was getting very bored and very distracted by you.
He couldn’t help it, you were a very attractive girl and he was going through mating season. He was trying his best to maintain his control. He’d NEVER actually act on his need to mate with you of all people, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t still suggestively flirt with you. It was just in his nature at the moment. You both knew that, so you didn’t particularly care.
While scrubbing the dishes, he blew some soapy bubbles at you playfully, so you of course blew some right back at him. It soon turned into an all out bubble fight and ended up with the both of your shirts soaked. You had been wearing a pretty thin T-Shirt and the water had made it start to stick to your bra. Junhui realized this and at first, he tried not to stare. He really did try not to. But, eventually his hormones took over and he caught a glimpse and made a stupid joke about how much better you’d probably look with your shirt off. Again, you just brushed it off and snorted a laugh, because you knew he didn’t mean any harm in it.
But Minghao, who had been sitting on the couch in the living room that was visible from the kitchen, had seen and heard the whole thing and darted to the kitchen. He quickly shoved the older wolf away from you and you watched as his yellow eyes turned red.
“Dont ever fucking speak to her like that again.” He snarled at his brother, leaving you both momentarily stunned.
“Hao, look I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m going through rut and you know how I get and the dumb shit I say-” Junhui tried to defend himself calmly, thinking that Minghao would forgive him if he apologized for his words. Boy, was he wrong.
“I don’t give a shit. Don’t fucking say shit like that to MY mate ever again!” Minghao’s breathing was becoming unstable due to his anger.
“She’s MINE. Don’t try it again.” He growled, grabbing his brother by the collar of his shirt.
“God would you calm down. I’d never try anything with your mate Hao. It was a joke. Besides, she could use some action…” Jun trailed, implying that the older wolf hadn’t slept with you in some time.
“Even if it’s just a dumb joke, seems like it’s the closest thing she’s getting to sex anytime soon.” He chuckled darkly, his testosterone started to soar from the annoyance that was bubbling inside of him at his brother’s possessiveness.
“I’ll fucking kill you.” Minghao all but screamed, shifting right there in the kitchen and pouncing on Jun.
The rest of the pack heard the whole commotion from upstairs and knew that it wasn’t gonna end well. So, by the time Minghao had phased, five boys were already down the stairs pushing him off of Jun and shoving him outside before he could do any long term damage. You just stood there in complete shock. He was always so good at controlling his emotions, even during rut according to the other boys. What the actual FUCK was his problem?
“Hao, what the hell was that?” You shouted at your mate, who seemed completely blindsided by the situation.
“What was what (Y/N)?” He sighed, running his hand through his hair while pushing the sheets and comforter of your bed over so he could get on the mattress.
“You know what Hao. What the hell did you attack Jun for? He’s one of your best friends and you went and wolfed out on him over a dumbass joke?” You screeched while throwing your hands on your hips and tipping your head to the side to show your frustration.
“You’re my mate. He shouldn’t say shit like that to you. That’s my job. Plus I’m going through rut, he should’ve know better.” Minghao just shrugged before he laid down with his hands behind his head on the pillow underneath him.
“Oh rut huh? Is that what you’re gonna blame it on? Could’ve fucking fooled me” you scoffed, laying down on your side of the bed, turned away from him.
“What’s THAT supposed to mean?” He questioned, pulling you to lay flat on your back so he could see your face.
“It means you hardly act like you’re going through rut right now. You’re supposed to be a sex monster and all needy and whiney and shit. But the only reason I’d believe you were in rut right now would be your anger. You haven’t touched me in almost a week but this is your first time going through rut with a mate. You should be completely insatiable right now but you aren’t. So using that as an excuse really doesn’t fucking cut it Hao.” You declared, rolling your eyes at him.
“So you’re pissed because I haven’t fucked you?” He laughed dryly as he threw his head back in the process.
“No. I’m not mad you haven’t had sex with me Hao. I’m upset because you’re acting weird and you won’t tell me what’s wrong or what I’ve done.” You say softly while looking down to avoid his sharp gaze.
Minghao felt a twitch in his heart. He had made you sad and he wasn’t even sure why himself. He never wanted you to be upset with him or yourself. He let out a loud sigh.
“I’m- I’m sorry baby. It’s not you. Or anyone for that matter. I’ve just been struggling. I don’t even know why. I just wake up and feel completely exhausted, then I get up and get angry because I don’t want anyone around you, but Then again I also don’t feel the need to be pounding you into the mattress right now. I’m just… I’m just a mess and I’m not sure what’s happening with me. I’ll work on it.” He stroked your cheek causing you to look into his eyes with your watery ones.
“Do you promise?” You whispered aloud, blinking back any tears that ha began to form and looking up at him sweetly.
“I promise, I’ll try to get my shit together.” He assured you, pecking the tip of your nose to seal the deal.
“And that you’ll actually be here when I wake up tomorrow?” You whimpered while bringing your own hand up to hold the one he had resting on your face.
“Yes baby, I promise.” He rested his forehead against yours before connecting your lips to his for a tender kiss.
“Good,” you say, breaking the kiss after a few seconds to regain some air, “now cuddle me so I can sleep.” You giggled and began situating yourself in his arms.
“With pleasure my love” He smiled, holding you to him like his life depended on it.
You awoke in the middle of the night to an angelic humming sound. You fluttered your eyes a bit before you turned in your spot. You reached for you mate and quickly realized he wasn’t next to you anymore. You darted up in bed immediately. You had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You had to find him.
So you got out of bed, throwing one of his large sweaters over your head before you went to sniff him out. His scent lead you outside into the dark forest, the sound had also been coming from the same way. Wolves could see almost just as good at night as they could during the daytime thankfully, otherwise you surely would’ve ended up breaking something as you made your way through the woods. His scent was getting stronger, so was the humming. You went deeper and deeper into the woods before you saw some smog floating just above the ground.
Your mate’s scent lead you further into the smog and closer to the song. You soon came upon a small clearing, a dull light had begun to rise from within the tree branches. You knew he was there. And you knew he wasn’t alone. Your heart was now pounding out of your chest. Fuck.
You pushed past the last of the trees and bushes before you found yourself in the middle of the clearing. What you saw made you sick to your stomach.
It was Minghao, he had his sleep pants pulled down slightly and had a woman’s legs wrapped around his waist. From the angle you had, you could see that the beautiful blonde woman he was with was laying on a tree stump as he plowed into her, her melodious song still drifting through the air. Tears sprung to your eyes and you fell to your knees.
“Minghao?” You sobbed loud enough for the both of them to hear as you began all but hyperventilating on the ground.
It all made sense now: Why he didn’t want to be with you during rut, he had her. Why he was so tired, he was up all night with her. Why he was always gone when you woke up, he was with her. He was fucking a siren behind your back and you were too stupid to even realize it.
Hearing his mate sound so broken while crying out his name helped shake him out of his trance. It was his instinct to always comfort you, even if he was in a dead sleep, he’d wake up to make sure you were alright. His movements halted and he blinked his eyes continuously, trying to force himself awake so that he could get a better gist of his surroundings.
He could see the trees and brush all around him, he could see the moonlight glistening in the sky above him. But why was he outside? And why were you crying for him?
That’s when he found himself deep inside another woman, who was staring back at him fondly and singing, raising her hand up to his face to try and lure him back to her. He knew what he was doing with the woman was wrong, but her song was so enchanting, he almost kept going with his actions.
But he could hear you bawling your eyes out not too far away from him. It brought him to his senses and he quickly withdrew from the woman, pushing her away and growling at her, warning her to stay away from him. She just sat up and looked at him with a smirk on her face.
“What the fuck??” Was all he could muster out, pulling you out of sobbing into your hands to look up at him.
You sniffled, catching his attention and making him attempt to come over to your aid, it was his instinct as your mate to put you first after all. Which only made you back up with a scowl on your face. He hadn’t even… pulled up his pants yet. How DARE he come near you with himself still exposed after he had been inside another woman?
Once he realized why you were inching away from him after a small gust of air hit him, he turned around quickly and positioned himself back into his sweats.
The Siren looked over at both your torn expressions with her blood red eyes and laughed, amused by the predicament that she had purposely created.
“Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag now huh?” She seductively said, finally sitting all the way up and standing on her two heeled feet.
She started getting closer to Minghao, who snarled at her to stay away from him. She just darkly chuckled.
“Oh relax baby. We had quite a bit of fun these last few days. I already got what I wanted from you so I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore…” she tsked while rubbing over her stomach tenderly, indicating that she already had fertilized eggs she would be laying soon.
“I just kept coming back for more. You were the best I’ve ever had and expecting just makes me so… horny sometimes, I’m not really sure why, so I kept going with it and kept coming back to you.”
You wanted to throw up. You wanted to rip her to shreds. You wanted to beat Minghao to death. You wanted to run away as fast as you could. But you were frozen, too traumatized by the whole situation to even move. You just went back to crying silently.
“I wouldn’t do that. I couldn’t! I have a mate!” He yelled at her, in complete disbelief of the entire situation.
He loved you, more than life itself. Why would he risk what he had with you to be with her? She was lying. She HAD to have been lying… right?
“Yes, you would. Yes, you could. Yes, you did. Mates don’t really matter when it comes to sex. Me and you- We’re both just primal beings, we want to reproduce. You know, I almost moved on to the next town, but then I saw you. I could sense your need to procreate. And now, thanks to you and your willingness, I’m going to.” She devilishly smiled as she came up and began running her hand through his hair.
He jerked his head away and gritted his teeth, eyes already spotting red in anger at the woman.
“Dont fucking touch me!” He lowly let out, his fingers curling into fists and his knuckles turning white from the pressure of how tight his hand was closing.
He was yours. How dare she fucking touch him? Especially when you were right there? Who the fuck did she think she was?
“Why not baby? You’ve already touched me. And now, your mate knows it too.” The Siren fake pouted, swaying her hips from side to side.
“Fuck you! Don’t call me that! I didn’t know what I was doing!” He declared as his claws started to elongate due to the woman’s lack of respect for the both of you.
“Of course you did. My song has you follow me sure. But It doesn’t MAKE you want to fuck me. Sure you may have thought it was a dream, but you still kept coming back. Pun intended.” She taunted in your direction, clearly trying to get under your skin. Of course, it was working.
“You didn’t tell her about the ‘dreams’ you were having either. You wanted it to be a secret. You wanted THIS to be kept a secret. You didn’t want to get caught so we could keep going because you loved it so much. She must not be taking care of your needs too well…” She smirked at you while running her finger up and down his chest, making you cry even harder at her words.
Was it true? Did he really know what he was doing? Did he… want her? More than he wanted you? Did he get with a siren because his instincts told him it was time to mate and he knew you weren’t ready to have a child? Were you really not enough for your own fucking mate?
“Stop fucking talking!” He shouted at the woman as he pushed her back after hearing your sobs worsen at her continuous talking.
“Now Now Minghao. Is that any way to speak to the mother of your children?” She tilted her head and looked at him as if she won, waltzing her way backwards so he could get a better view of her.
She was pregnant. Pregnant with his offspring. The thought made some part of you break, a part that you had already thought broken after having caught them. The part of you that craved him was now… damaged? It felt like there was a hole in the part of you that could sense him, you weren’t sure how to explain it. You just knew that it hurt like hell and you wanted it to stop.
You thought he would care, hell, even he thought he probably should’ve cared a little, but honestly, He didn’t give a shit. She wasn’t really human. THEY wouldn’t be human. She was soulless. THEY would be soulless too. They were evil and he couldn’t care less about what happened to manipulative dark creatures. Those THINGS wouldn’t really be his. They would be hers. They would be sirens that preyed on innocent people the same way she did. She just used him to create more demons.
He had a mate. A mate he loved more than anything. He had you, at least he was still hoping he did. He wanted you to have his children. He wanted to watch your belly grow and wanted to hold your hand while you had his babies. He wanted to raise them to be loving happy good people just like you were.
But here you were, crying over something this evil… thing had started. He refused to allow her to speak anymore, you didn’t deserve to have to sit here and listen to her lies and torments. You didn’t deserve and of this.
“You’re talking about them like they’d be real children, like they’d be real people. They wouldn’t be. They would be pure evil. Just like you. None of you are human.” Minghao sneered, shoving her to the ground in anger and allowing his claws to fully come out. You watched as he got closer to her and you could hear his heart rate excel in furry.
“You hurt my mate. You’ve ruined everything. I’ll fucking kill you for what you’ve done!” He said, tears burning at his eyes as he knew full well things would probably never be the same with you ever again.
She just chuckled at his threat. She figured he wouldn’t let her live when they got caught, but she was glad it all happened. Sirens weren’t afraid of death, their lack of souls made it impossible for them to really be remotely remorseful or human. But at least now, she made you hate him. At least she caused the havoc she craved so deeply on yet another unsuspecting couple. She had no regrets.
You had passed out from exhaustion. Shedding so many tears really took a lot out of you. You thought that you had dreamed it all for a second. God, you hoped it was all just a dream. But, when you awoke to a very tired and worn out looking Minghao sitting next to you holding your hand, you knew it wasn’t. He had blood on his cheeks and on his sweats, he must’ve made good on his promise to kill the sadistic creature that ruined your lives.
Tears started streaming down your cheeks again at the remembrance of the woman, you pulled you hand away from his in disgust. It made his heart ache to think about everything that had happened. That he was now trying to touch you with the hands he touched her with. You couldn’t believe him. You didn’t want to even look at him.
“(Y/N), please. Let me explain.” He pleaded, pulling your hand back to his and placing a chaste kiss to it.
You started to roar from the hurt he caused you. He wanted to help you, he couldn’t just have you sit there crying and not at least try to comfort you. He brought your weakened form into his chest and shushed you. You began hitting him with what little energy and strength you had. He just let you, knowing full well you couldn’t really harm him, even if you wanted to hurt him the way you were hurting. You still loved him. And you fucking hated yourself for it.
You smacking his body again and again while he just rubbed your back in response, tears threatening to spill from his own eyes. You were so mad. You wanted to kill him. He could see it written all over your face. The absolute devastation and betrayal had turned all your love for him into bitterness. How could it not? You trusted him and he turned around and slapped you in the face with the faith and trust you had given him.
You held your eyes shut as you continued pounding at his chest, trying to hit as much of his skin as you could so you could express the pain you felt inside. Feeling all the heartache hit you like a bullet straight through your heart. Angry tears had started falling from your eyes at a gut wrenching pace.
You sobbed as you finally stopped hitting him and just went back to burying you head in his torso to vent out all your frustration and anger. Why did this have to happen?
“I fucking hate you.”
You blubbered, bringing your hands to your eyes in an attempt to muffle your howls of agony. You were sure by this point you had woken up the rest of the pack with your screams, but you didn’t care. All you could think about was the stinging feeling in your chest. How could he do this to you? How could he be so disloyal when all you had ever done was love him with your whole soul?
“I know.” He stated, kissing the top of your head as tears began to fall from his eyes and onto you.
You hated how you wanted nothing more than to cry all your pain away into his chest. You hated that you still craved his skin touching yours. You hated that his voice brought you so much comfort and security. You wanted to hate him, but you couldn’t. Even if he did what he did, he was still your mate.
Another Author’s Note: Before anyone comes for me and says shit about me having him “kill a pregnant woman” please actually READ the siren description. You’ll see that they aren’t people. They’re literally demons. She would’ve hatched ACTUAL DEMONS, even if they looked human, they wouldn’t ACTUALLY be. So he didn’t really kill anything but evil creatures which happens all the time in these aus. Also, I made this where, while he doesn’t necessarily know what he’s doing while he’s… well you know, doing her, he does have to be okay with it deep down for the sirens song to work. Meaning some part of him was actually complicit with it. It’s complicated. I’ll explain better during his next chapter. It just felt like a “every bitch and their mother’s gonna cheat” kinda day you know? But yeah, hope you guys enjoyed the third chapter of the day!
(Updated 9/24)
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lieuwrites · 4 years
A Story Told In Gems | Hwang Hyunjin | Oneshot
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Title: A Story Told in Gems
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
Synopsis: Star tears (tears of unrequited love) have different qualities and minerals which can change the colour of the tears depending on the emotion being experienced in the moment. The minerals in the tears can be collected and pressed into beautiful gemstones. Hyunjin had taken an interest in the different kinds of gems and had tasked himself to learn all he could about them from the store owner of Stardust Jewelers.
Genre/Warnings: Angst, fluff, seemingly (?) unrequited love, hurt/comfort, swearing (i use shit like once), skz side character/s (Minho, Chan), non-idol!AU
Words: 4.8k
Requested: No
A/N: i hope y’all like this one !! i liked the concept of ‘star tears’ and wanted to do something a bit different with it and badabing badaboom here is my attempt at stepping out of my comfort zone :-D do i understand how gems are made ?? not at all, but i wrote it in anyways so who cares lmao
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It was quite beautiful the first time you saw your mom cry. She argued with your dad in the kitchen for what felt like ages until she fell to her knees and broke down in tears. Oh how her tears sparkled. The sobs wracked through her body; but her tears, they jingled hypnotically. From the young age of 4 you’d hoped that you too would one day be able to cry such beautiful tears like her when you were older. You never really understood how much it hurt to produce such beauty.
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“I promise you, the gems we sell at this store are made of 100% genuine solaris minerals,” you spoke to the customers, as you carefully removed the necklace from the display case. “As you can see, the necklace is a gold singapore chain paired with a blue solaris gem. It also comes with a pair of teardrop earrings if you decided to take the whole set.” The couple inspected the necklace, feeling the quality of the chain and holding it up to their necks. It took the two women a while to pick a necklace, but after scouring the whole shop, they decided on the one they were currently debating.
“Did you say it comes with a certificate of authenticity?” The first woman asked, holding up the necklace delicately in her palm.
You nodded in affirmation and went to grab the papers from underneath the counter. “Not only does it come with a certificate, but almost all of our products come with a story of their origin,” you placed the necklace’s folder onto the counter and slid it over to them, “these gems came from a man named Minho. He had fallen in love with a work colleague who he would spend every single working hour with. What the poor guy didn’t know was that she was already with someone. The tears used for this set specifically were cried on the night of the girl’s wedding.”
The customers sighed in sympathy from the story. It was sad to know what pain this man went through. He came in quite a few times, his first tears producing light blue gems. Each time he came in, the gems would become a deeper shade of blue as his emotions became heavier. The very last time he came in, his tears produced royal blue solaris gems.
Minho yielded 5 different sets of jewelry.
“We’ll take the whole set.”
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The next day was slow. You were able to make two small sales but other than that, there didn’t seem to be any sign of more customers. As you tried to busy yourself by wiping down the already clean display cases, the entrance bell rang, signalling a customer. You looked through the glass from your crouched position behind the counter to see a young man walk in. He stepped around the store hesitantly and his eyes scanned the jewels as he moved. You stood up from your place and greeted him, “good afternoon, welcome to Stardust Jewelers; the place where we turn tears into treasures. How can I help you today?” He jumped slightly at your voice and his expression warped into one of surprise. 
“Oh uh, sorry. I’m just here to look around,” he spoke quickly and turned around towards the shelves closer to the entrance. His shifty attitude didn’t sit right with you so you walked nearer to where he stood. The cases were secured with a key that was only handled by staff but you knew some people were able to get really creative with their shoplifting. 
You followed his gaze to the various bracelets but you were sure he wasn’t interested in those. He seemed to lick his lips nervously as his eyes flicked to you and back to the jewelry. You took in his appearance; his blonde hair was quite long, passing his chin, and his side profile was quite defined. You studied his features quite quickly until you noticed the earrings he wore. 
Simple studs.
The gems looked to be diamond but after working at the store for almost your whole life you could tell from the way they sparkled in the light, to the way the metal was designed, those were solaris gems. As you moved closer, the guy stepped away from you.
“Listen man,” you started, “I can tell those studs you’re wearing are solaris gems and judging from the craftsmanship, they were made in this store. I don’t know if you stole those and you’re coming back for seconds-”
“Woah woah woah, I didn’t steal anything from here. I was gifted these,” he held his hands up in surrender before quickly adding, “from a friend.
A quick pause happened before he hesitantly spoke up again,
“I’m Hyunjin… Hwang Hyunjin,” You raised a brow at him and he held his hand out for you to shake. You reciprocated his handshake and also introduced yourself.
“(Y/n). I’m a co-owner of this store.”
He smiled kindly at you and went back to looking at the bracelets. A silence fell over the both of you and you turned to look at the clock hung behind the counter.
’12 minutes until close. There’s no way I’m going to make this sale.’
“Um, sorry I know the store is closing soon but I just want to ask, can I hear the story of that bracelet over there?” Hyunjin pointed to a bracelet with small green solaris gems held together with a gold chain.
“Hmm,” you paused to think, “those were made from the tears of a young woman; tears of envy they were. Her best friend had ended up dating the guy she’d been crushing on. She cried to me, telling me how sad she was about losing the guy of her dreams, but I’m 100% sure she was more envious of their relationship,” You looked up to see Hyunjin listening attentively. 
“Green for envy, huh? I guess that one seems pretty obvious.”
You nodded and looked back at the time. 
“It seems I’m going to have to pack up shop. Thank you for stopping by and feel free to come by tomorrow.” You held the door open for him and he walked out with a quick goodbye and a quiet ‘nice meeting you.’
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Your newest client wasn’t here to buy jewelry; instead, the man who went by ‘Christopher’ sat in the back room. He entered the store donning sunglasses and you knew immediately why he was here. The client walked up to the counter with his head down and you moved to serve him.
“Good morning, welcome to Stardust Jewelers; the place where we turn tears into treasures. How can I help you today?” The guy cleared his throat once and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. You slowly reached your hand out to reassuringly pat his shoulder before grabbing a small jar from beneath the counter. You asked his name and scribbled it on the jar in sharpie.
“Follow me.”
You walked to the back room and motioned for him to sit on the couch. You then passed him the jar and went to leave the room. “The room is soundproof so don’t be afraid to let it out.” 
You then left to go back to your post behind the counter, readying the paperwork for his tears. As you sorted through a new folder, the entrance bell rang. 
“Good morning, welcome to Stardust Jewelers; the place where we turn tears into– Oh, you’re back?” The same guy from yesterday walked in with a sheepish smile on his face. 
“Yeah… You did say to come by tomorrow. I’m just really curious about the store.” 
He came up to the counter and looked at the blank forms you were sorting through. You could tell he was curious as to what was on them so you turned the papers to face him. 
“We prepare them each time we have a new client–” you motioned towards the back room with your head– “so we can gather the information and signatures we need for the certificate of authenticity and the jewelry’s backstory.” Hyunjin nodded along to the explanation. He was quite a curious person, asking questions wherever possible and listening attentively to your responses.
“So do crying these gems hurt?” Hyunjin asked.
“Not that I know of. I’m pretty sure the minerals that produce the gems are too small to cause too much damage. I have heard cases where people go colour blind from crying too many star tears though. Some people can even lose memories. My mother told me it’s to protect the heart from further heartbreak.”
At that moment, Christopher walked out; sunglasses on and jar in hand. The contents sparkled a beautiful golden topaz and your heart skipped a beat. You could barely hold back the smile on your face as you took the paperwork back from Hyunjin. 
“Sorry Hyunjin, I’m going to need a bit of privacy between the client and myself. Feel free to look around the store.” Hyunjin smiled and instead waved a goodbye, mouthing ‘see you tomorrow’ before walking out the door.
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“Do you enjoy working here?” Hyunjin asked whilst chewing on the straw of his empty iced coffee. 
“Of course I do. Does it not seem like it?” You pulled out different necklaces from the display to switch around the store’s look.
“Well judging from the way you smiled at the miserable customer yesterday, I’d say you enjoy this job too much.” He raised a brow at you and you laughed at his statement.
“Trust me, I feel like every sad client that comes in to sell their tears weighs on my soul heavily; but every once in a while, you get a client who can cry tears that produce these rare gems,” you turned to pick up a pair of earrings from the shelf behind you and carefully handed them to Hyunjin. He placed his cup onto the counter and held them, inspecting the golden-yellow gems.
“What kind of tears can produce this sort of gem?”
A small smile made its way onto your face as you thought about the woman who produced the earrings.
“Tears of happiness. You see, solaris gems can only be produced from the minerals in star tears, tears that are cried during unrequited love. If the person you love doesn’t love you back, but you’re still able to be happy for them, I just think that’s a sort of purity that needs to be preserved.”
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Another new day rolled by and Hyunjin had once again made his way back to your store.
“So what’s the story behind the ring?” Hyunjin motioned to the one held gently in your palm, freshly unpackaged from the warehouse. The clean gem was pure like diamond and had no pigment to it. “These ones are quite the mystery. They look almost like normal tears from how they are cried without pigment but instead they sparkle beautifully, just as all other star tears do. These clear gems are made from tears of the unaware. Sometimes people will cry and produce star tears without knowing that they were ever in love in the first place so they usually don’t come with a story.” The idea of those gems made you sad and you quickly put it away on the shelf.
“Does the same go for my earrings?” He asked, motioning to the studs he always wore. 
“I guess so. Did you not get the information folder when you bought those?”
He shook his head and knocked on yours lightly with his hand, bringing himself to your level, “I got these as a gift, remember?”
“Ahh right. Well maybe your friend should’ve given you the info folder. How are you supposed to know if they’re real or not,” you huffed.
“Easy. I’ve got you to verify them for me.”
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It had been a few weeks since Hyunjin started popping into the store and making conversation.
Hyunjin stood behind you toying with the necklace around your neck while you sat at the counter filling out paperwork for the batch of tears that needed to be sent out that afternoon. He watched over your shoulder as you sorted through all the information and vials diligently ensuring everything was correct. He couldn’t help but admire how particular and concise you were with your work.
What he couldn’t tell was how flustered you were in the moment. The close proximity between the two of you made your heart race and every time his fingers would absentmindedly brush against the nape of your neck you would try your hardest to hide the shivers that ran up through your spine. 
You put down your pen and replaced his hand on the clasp of your necklace, removing it and turning to dangle it before him. “Here, play with this while I do my work,” you told him, waiting for the guy to take hold of it. 
Hyunjin held his palm out and you placed the jewelry into his grasp. He knew it was important to you with the way you would fidget with the pendant out of habit, move the clasp back to its place behind your neck when displaced and even just because of the fact he never saw you without it until now. Although he knew the jewel held significance to you, it was a mystery as to why. He’d always wanted to know the story behind it but never knew how to bring it up.
The large, emerald cut gem was a deep shade of red, mounted to a golden pendant and looped onto a thin, simple, gold box chain. “Red for anger is it?” Hyunjin started, his eyes shifting from the necklace to the owner.
You looked back at him, catching his eyes quickly before turning back to your work.
“Uh, yeah. Red for anger,” your voice was tentative, knowing what he really wanted to know. After a moment of hesitation, you continued to speak, “It’s from my mom, you know, the ‘big boss’. That is her first ever gem she made… out of her own tears.” You put your pen down and spun around on the stool you were sitting on to face Hyunjin.
He faced you, eyes unsure where to look. After a second of inner conflict he decided looking into yours was the best place to direct his gaze. He could read a variation of emotions; confusion, anxiousness, rage and guilt but the most prevalent one he could see was pain.
“They were the tears she cried when my dad told her he was leaving us. It happened so long ago but sometimes it still gets to me,” you let out a shaky breath and forced a smile, “I guess I should be thankful. That moment was basically the catalyst for this whole business my mom started. She said she wanted to make something beautiful and worthwhile out of painful and vulnerable moments, just to remind people that there’s always a shining light at the end of a dark tunnel.”
Suddenly, you were gently pulled into Hyunjin’s embrace, an arm around your shoulders and the other pulling your head to his shoulder. It wasn’t until then you realised you were crying. Quiet sobs escaped your body and you wrapped your arms around his waist looking for comfort.
Hyunjin stayed silent and stroked your hair in reassurance.
No words needed to be spoken. All that mattered was that Hyunjin was there in the moment, allowing you to let it all out.
And you did, crying tears that sparkled orange.
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It became a routine that Hyunjin would come and visit a few times a week. He came in so often he’d somehow weaseled his way into having his own spot behind the counter. A customer walked in and you greeted them with Hyunjin chorusing along. 
“Good morning, welcome to Stardust Jewelers; the place where we turn tears into treasures. How can I help you today?”
The girl came up to the counter and flashed a beautiful smile. “Hi, I’m here looking for something specific. Have you got any jewelry from someone named Minho?” You assumed she was friends with the couple from a few weeks prior so you nodded and brought her over to where the last of Minho’s jewelry was kept. The first ever set he was able to produce was all that was left and it was a mere ring. The gem on the thin band was a small light blue jewel. 
“Would you like to hear the story behind it?” you offered.
“Don’t worry, she knows it already,” a familiar voice cut in. Without you noticing, Minho had entered the shop. 
“No. Way. Minho, I haven’t seen you in ages! What’s it been? 3? 4 years?” You walked out from behind the counter and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged you back, “4 years and 7 months if we’re being precise.”
Minho walked over to the woman and gently pulled her over, holding her hand. “I want you to meet my girlfriend. We’ve been dating for a couple of years now.”
Minho pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and turned back to you. “We’re here to see what’s left of my gems.” His girlfriend pulled him over to where the ring was while you made your way to the back room. For each client that came to sell their tears, you decided to keep gems for them, just in case they ever came back --a situation you thought would never happen-- and for the first time, someone did.
You found Minho’s section, pulled out a small box and brought it out to the couple. Somehow, Hyunjin had gotten the key and opened the display to show them the ring in the display case.
“Since when did you hire new staff? I thought this was a family business?” Minho asked.
“I didn’t. This guy just has nothing better to do.”
Hyunjin stuck his tongue out and tossed the keys back to you.
You placed the box down in front of them and pulled out 5 small jewelry boxes, each dated with when the tears were collected. You opened them to reveal the gems within, creating a beautiful gradient of blues as the dates became more recent. 
“These are all gems created from Minho’s star tears. I save gems for each client that comes in, just in case they come back one day. I’ve left them completely untampered with so that you can choose what sort of jewelry you want to make them into.”
The two teared up looking at the jewels and you could feel the warmth radiating from the two of them. 
“How much for them?” Minho asked and you shook your head. 
“They’re free. There’s no way I’d make someone pay for their own tears,” you scoffed jokingly and closed the boxes to be packaged. You looked for the info folders until you realised you must’ve left them in the back room in your excitement. As you turned to go collect them, They suddenly appeared in front of you.
“Oh, thank you Hyunjin. I swear you know your way around here too well, I’m going to have to start restricting store access to you,” you joked.
“Hyunjin?” Minho’s voice travelled over the counter and you looked over at Minho’s confused face.
“Do you guys know each other?” You questioned.
Hyunjin shook his head, seeming just as confused.
Minho continued, “Is this the Hyunjin that you cried star tears over?”
From there, Hyunjin’s eyes widened in shock. He looked at you but you didn’t know what Minho was talking about.
“What do you mean? I’ve never known any other Hyunjin, and I met him a couple months ago.”
“No, the third time I came in, you told me you started crying star tears but you didn’t know why and by the fourth time I came around, you told me you realised it was for your friend Hyunjin.” Minho was sure of it, it was the most vulnerable he’d ever seen you. You would comfort him everytime he came by, but once, and only once, he ended up being the one to comfort you.
You could only shake your head at Minho. “I’ve never cried star tears in my life. I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” You looked back at Hyunjin and then at the gems. “Now back to the topic at hand–” you pulled forms from below the counter– “how would you like these gems styled?”
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You hadn’t spoken a word to Hyunjin since Minho left. There was this uncomfortable tension in the air that just wouldn't dissipate no matter how hard you tried to ignore it. Hyunjin knew it was there, and he knew it had to be him to make the first move, but the glass counter had this spot that just wouldn't disappear no matter how hard he scrubbed.
He watched as you counted the day’s earnings intently, eyes not daring to look away from the notes and coins in front of you. There was a voice inside of him that screamed at him to go up to you and explain everything but there was also a feeling of shame that held him back. He was so ashamed of deceiving you and that alone was eating away at him.
When Hyunjin halted his attempts at scrubbing away the nonexistent spot on the glass and turned to face you, you had already made your way to the back room to put away the money. 
He argued with himself, ’maybe I should run for it while they aren’t here. Or maybe I should follow them and fess up’, but the internal monologue had only caused him even more distress.
You on the other hand had decided to completely forget that encounter with Minho, maybe you could forget that the day had ever happened, or even better, maybe you could forget that Hyunjin had ever decided to come into your store. It wasn’t hard to piece everything together, you were smart.
The door creaked behind you, signalling Hyunjin’s entry into the back room with you. He placed the window cleaner and rag back into their rightful place on the shelf while he waited for you to lock up the safe, hidden on the floor in the back of the room, just like routine. When you got up and looked at him, he stood there with a look on his face that told you he was trying to find the words to say.
His mind blanked as you strode towards him, there was no sign of what you were feeling in the moment. As you arrived at the spot right in front of the man, you reached your hand up to gently grasp his chin and move his head to the side.
There, in the shitty back room lighting, shined the clear and clean cut solaris gems. The memory of a forgotten feeling had welled up in your chest, as if you were feeling just a tinge of the heartbreak you once experienced. 
“Do you want them back?” Hyunjin’s voice broke the silence.
You shook your head and let go of his chin, walking past him to finally lock up and leave. 
“Keep them, they look good on you.” 
And those were the last words you spoke to him before he followed you out and you locked up.
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It had been a few months after that incident. You were able to forget the whole scenario ever happened --assuming that ignoring the situation was synonymous with forgetting-- and kept conducting business as usual. Hyunjin had barely crossed your mind since you last saw him that night and you were thankful. The whole thing had completely left your system… until now.
The store bell rang and you looked up to greet the customer, words getting caught in your throat. 
His hair was no longer blonde but a deep brown, almost black. It had also grown to touch just past his shoulders. As you locked eyes, a soft smile made its way onto his face as he approached you.
After all this time, Hyunjin was the same.
“No ’welcome to Stardust Jewelers’ for your best customer?” He attempted to joke.
“Well you never actually bought anything.” Your voice was flat, an attempt at hiding what you really felt. The same pain you had tried to forget was bubbling back up in your chest and Hyunjin could see it through your facade. Whilst giving you time to collect yourself, Hyunjin inspected you further. You were the same as he remembered. The same as back when you went to school together, the same as when he met you again at your store after years away at college, just... the same. You were the same in the way your presence comforted him and raised his mood, but he knew you held different feelings towards him.
And then something caught his attention.
Ruby red emerald cut earrings. 
They matched the pendant around your neck and Hyunjin was filled with the same regret.
“Hyunjin, I’ll be honest, I’m not really comfortable with you coming back here. I don’t think we can just ‘hang’ like we used to.”
A sadness washed over him as he shook his head and chuckled bitterly. 
“I know. I’m actually just here as a client. That is, if you’ll have me?”
There was a second of hesitance before you reached under the counter to grab a jar, scribbling his name onto it, and handing it over to him. You motioned towards the back room and allowed him to make his own way there, closing the door behind him. 
Filling out his papers occupied you while you continued to try and pull yourself together. You understood why you had forgotten Hyunjin the first time, the way your mind tried to protect your heart with the star tears you cried. The pain you felt around Hyunjin stung. It made your chest hurt and your mind muddled. Most significantly, it made your eyes burn. The tears you attempted to hold back eventually fell freely, falling onto the paper and staining it with small, orange splatters.
A hand reached out to wipe them away and it was only then you realised that Hyunjin had made his way back.
You stepped back away from him and scrambled to wipe your tears with your sleeve. Hyunjin looked down at the paper, the deep orange tinge seeping into the print. It brought him back to the day he comforted you as you cried into his sweater. He went home that day with the same shiny orange stain on his shirt.
“What do orange tears signify?”
As you wiped away your ever falling tears, your voice came out low and strangled.
Hyunjin couldn’t bear the idea of being the cause of your pain. Not only once or twice, but three times. He wanted to jump the counter and hug you, comfort you just as he had before and apologise until his voice grew weak, but instead he reached into his pocket and produced the small jar with his name on it.
The clink of the jar on the glass counter caught your attention and you inspected the contents from where you stood. A brilliant shade of indigo sparkled within the jar.
“Tears of regret,” you mumbled, “what are you feeling regretful about Hyunjin?”
He breathed out a hopeless laugh and walked around the counter and towards you. As you looked up at his face you could see the same purple tears, sparkling as they ran down his cheeks.
It was then that you embraced him. His head had fallen to your shoulder and he wept, repeating a string of apologies to you.
Sorry for leaving you.
Sorry for deceiving you.
Sorry for never telling you how he truly felt.
You shushed him gently and rubbed his back reassuringly. That was enough. His apology was enough for you and you didn’t need to hear anymore. 
Neither of you knew how long you stood there crying, basking in the embrace and comfort of each other, but as the sobs died down and your arms grew weaker, your hearts only grew fuller. The feelings you two had for each other were different from before. Not quite love but it could be one day. And today was a step towards repairing those past emotions.
You pulled away and held Hyunjins shoulders at arms length as you studied his face. His eyes were swollen and pink, his lips quivered, daring to let out another sob. You could only imagine how you looked.
“I’m glad you came back,” your voice hoarse from crying. 
“I’m glad to see you again.”
After looking into his eyes a few moments more, you turned towards the papers on the counter. 
“I guess we should commemorate this moment with some purple solari gems, no?”
Hyunjin could only let out a hearty laugh, picking up a pen to help with the papers.
Despite the drama happening just a moment ago, having Hyunjin back at the store felt normal. Everything felt just the same and thankfully, it could only go up from here.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
Wonderwall- part 4
Summary: The ultrasound and talk of things starts to raise some questions
Pairing: Tony stark x reader x bucky barnes/ with a tiny slice of stucky x reader (really tiny)
Warnings: Angst, talk of emotional/ physical abuse, lot of fucked up shit but not much else triggering i don't believe, Swearing,
Notes: This chapter is pretty fucked but uh it's got some fluff pfft (also ignore my random yeehawness coming out when i say y'all, k? thanks)
Wonderwall masterlist
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You awoke to the feeling of warmth all around you. Opening your eyes you saw bucky in front of you his arm over your waist you smile but you see another arm. you look over your shoulder seeing steve and you give a soft smile. guess he fell asleep. you see him move a little before his eyes flutter open. he looks at you and then around. you turn slowly trying not to awaken bucky. “hi” you whisper. steve removes his arm from you and rubs his face “hey” he whispers back. “guess i fell asleep here” he said with a small smile. His blonde hair was messy and his eyes were half asleep. “come on” you whisper and get out of bed.
Stever follows after and you two walk outside. you sit on the steps and inhale the cold air. It was really late, or early depends how you look at it. Steve sat next to you “figured we could talk more out here without waking up buck” you said. steve nodded “makes sense to me” he said looking you over. you were curled into a ball rubbing your arms for warmth. “here” he said taking off his long sleeve shirt handing it to you. you smiled “thanks” you put it on inhaling the smell of him which was like soap honestly. 
You closed your eyes putting your head on steve's shoulder “you ok there?” steve asked. you shrugged “i dont know i’m pregnant and not with my boyfriends kid and i slightly worry what's going to happen to them.” you say opening your eyes and looking down while messing with your fingers.”What do you mean?’ steve asked. you thought over what you wanted to say. what could you say? you had no clue if this kid would have powers because you technically were born this way? That your father injected your pregnant mom with serums to save her and you and it only broke your life forever and didn't even save your mother. “y/n?” steve asked. you lifted your head looking over steves face. he was concerned and confused. 
He wanted to make sure you were ok but he also needed to know what you meant. you opened your mouth but then the door opened. “there you are” bucky said. you turned your head and smiled “hi sweetheart.” you say standing up with a smile.Steve was still confused as hell. “you ok there steveo?” buck asked. steve blinked looking at where you were clinging to bucky's side as steve held you close. It was like a complete 180 from how you were 5 seconds ago. “always buckeroo” steve said with a smile. “go back to sleep doll ill be in, in a few”  buck said to you. you looked at steve then buck and nodded slowly.
“whats up?” bucky asked steve. “I dont know...she...bucky what do you know of her y'know past like before nick fury got her?” steve asked. bucky shifted his weight from foot to foot. He knew everything, he had found you one night having a panic attack. You told him everything in a panic and he understood what it was like. It was how you two became so close. “why?” bucky asked. “she said she worry for what's going to happen to the baby. I don't know if she means raising them but from the sound of it and how nervous she was i assume that wasn't it.” steve said still concerned. Bucky nodded he knew what you meant. He pulled steve in for a hug “thanks for tell me steve” he said pulling away “don't worry about it i got it handled” bucky said patting steves cheek and walking in. steve sighed and walked to his room. 
You sat on the chair as the ultrasound transducer rubbed over your stomach “well it seems you are about a month pregnant. the baby is very healthy everything seems to be good so keep doing whatever your doing” she said putting up the wand “which of you is the father?” she asked and tony raised his hand. “but i'm the boyfriend” bucky said. the doctor nodded slowly “oh ok” she said “well uh you know just help her with the symptoms and everything but yall are good” she said with a smile. “uhm i do have one small question” she said. “there was something...strange i've never seen it before. It was like...an aura  around the baby” she said confused. you gulped looking up at the boys. they looked back at you. she wiped the gel off of you and with that y'all left in a rush
you slammed the car door and started to panic. once home you ran to your room “I’ll deal with it” bucky said. Tony grabbed bucky's wrist “you gotta tell me what's going on.” tony said. bucky nodded “I will, we will.” and with that bucky walked off after you.
He walked into the room seeing you sitting on the edge of the bed staring down at the floor. “I can't have a child turn out.....be me” you said messing with your hands. “Y/n.... you are not your father if this baby is like you it dosent mean you’ll be like him” bucky said sitting next to you. 
“I don't want my child to have powers i don't want them to be a god damn avenger spending everyday wondering if their going to die or wondering if this is the day they snap.” you said feeling your breathing get shaky and tears build up in your eyes. The last thing you wanted the last thing you needed was for your baby to have to be trained to control such powers. “tony asking?” you ask turning to bucky.
he nods “yea” he whispers. “My father forced me to be this way he saw it as saving me, saving my mother, in the end i came out with powers that i had no control over till i was 17 and didn't even know i had till i was 5 and still didn't have a mother.” you said wiping the tears from your face. 
“but you know your baby will, you now know how to control it and can teach them, it won't be the same you know not to do those things to your child” bucky said. you nodded bucky sighed and walked out the room.
At some point you fell asleep. Waking in the middle of the night you felt bucky holding you close. you turned kissing his cheek before sliding out of his grasp. you walked to the kitchen getting a glass of water before seeing a person sat out on the porch outside. 
You walk outside and sit next to him. “hey” tony said softly “how are you?” he asked. you nodded softly. “you probably have questions” you said looking at the porch floor. “I do but that's your story, your life, you'll tell me when you feel comfortable” tony said looking at you.
you gulped. you knew you owed it to him to tell him, after all you were having his child. “When my mom was pregnant, well it was like a ticking time bomb. Doctors said my life would be the end of hers. My father was not pleased with this development and decided him, as a scientist, could make a serum to stop that. He injected my mother with so many things and in the end i was born and she still died.” you started with sigh still looking at the floor “you don't have to” tony said. you shook your head “I want to” you replied. 
“when i was 5 my powers came to, couldn't control them soon as i touched my dad he'd do as i pleased. i asked for a teddy bear, threw a fit over it grabbed my dad's arm and all the sudden i got it. he was so confused as why he did that but nonetheless he couldn't stop. he started doing test on me, testing my blood, my saliva, my skin. saw the serum in my blood but not just in my blood in me all of me. then his goal was to make me as powerful as possible. He tried to make me be able to self heal. would cut me and shoot me. would torture me for days on end testing serum after serum on me. Was that way till fury took me in. They went to arrest him for abuse and neglect but he was gone lord knows where he is now. anyways it wasn't ever for sure if i was born this way not 100% but now...” you trailed off. tony looked you over seeing you holding in tears. he pulled you into a hug.
“It wasn't your fault.” tony said rubbing your arm. you pulled away shaking your head. tony grabbed your chin making you look at him “It was not your fault” he said more firmly. tears fell down your face. “thank you” you whispered. tony pulled you into another hug. 
he let go and stood up pulling you up. “you are an amazing and strong women you hear me? What he did to you is...I will kill him if i ever see him no correction not kill him but hurt him in ways he never imagined. what he did is not your fault.” he said and your turned away “y/n” he said and you turned back to him “your mothers death is not your fault.” he said. you nodded looking at the floor. “y/n look at me and say none of it is your fault” he said. you looked at him “i cant” you whispered. tony held your face in his hands “say it sweetheart” he said. “I cant” you said crying tears streaming down your face. “shhh its ok” he said hugging you.
You cried into his arms. he rubbed your back “some day you will” he said. you pulled away “i should...” you trailed off. he nodded “come on” he said putting his hand on the small of your back as you two walked in and to the hallway. “thank you” you said. tony gave a small smile “of course” he said and you looked around before walking back to your room.
Tony went to his room and layed in bed playing over the event of the night until he launched up from bed. He had come to one conclusion of himself. “shit” he mumbled. “i'm falling for her” he said falling back and rubbing his face groaning.
Tag list :)
@vicmc624​ @mylifeispainandiloveit​ @frostay​ 
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cellophanejpeg · 4 years
calamitous love and insurmountable grief - part ii
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Pairing: Ezra x female!reader
a/n: this has no summary, but trust me, okay? if you read part one then you’re good!!
warnings:  angst, sexual themes (+18), miscarriage mentions, nightmares, kisses (is that a warning?), this is all over the place, plot????? we don’t have one just fluff and hurt/comfort, goodbye
word count: 3.0k
part i | masterlist
What wakes you in the dead of night isn't the summer heat or the chill night breeze. It isn't the agonizing feeling of sweat dripping down your back, making your nightgown sticky against your skin like most summer nights. What wakes you is the whimper Ezra lets out in his sleep. What wakes you are the cries and whimpers as the calls for your name in a desperate voice. When you look at him, moonlight brightening his face, he's covered in a cold sweat, a crease between his brows, pale skin and an tormenting expression on his face.
“Hey”, you mumble gently, a hand reaching to cup his cheek, “Ez, wake up.”
He shudders in his sleep, the frown on his forehead deepening.
“You're okay”, you whisper. He mumbles your name, “I'm right here, my moon and stars. I'm right beside you.”
When he snaps his eyes open, you see the pain in them for a split of a second before grief takes over them. His hand immediately finds your waist as he pulls you closer, burying his face on your chest. The sobs shake your body as well as his when he cries, tears wetting your nightgown, but you don't mind. You really don’t.
“Shh, you're okay", you coo at him, scratching his scalp slightly, “It’s over now, it was just a dream. You're here with me.”
Ezra clutches your clothes tightly, searching for support, something that will always keep him in the present. It's you he searches every time. He spends several minutes weeping on you, holding your warm body close to him. When his sobs turn into silent tears, you still hold him like your life depends on it. A few moments later, he pulls away, eyes red and watery, face scrunched in sadness.
“Forgive me, Moonlight,” his voice is rough as he says, “I must look like a child.”
You smile at him, “Don't apologize. You're no child.”
He closes his eyes, shaking his head, “I feel like one. Having terrible nightmares just to wake up and cry on the breast of a woman.”
A soft laugh escapes your lips, but his expression remains the same. You know he wants to talk about it, he does every night. And every night, it's the same dream.
“The usual?” You ask hesitantly, afraid he’ll crumble again.
“Yes,” He breathes, “But– But this time I– I couldn’t– I didn’t return and–” You see tears watering his eyes once more. His voice breaks when he speaks, weak and tired, “Moonlight, please forgive me for leaving, I– I shouldn't have... I'm so sorry.”
“Ezra,” you call him softly, “You're already forgiven.” You grab his hands and press your lips on his knuckles, “There's no remorse. There never was.”
He looks at you with a frown between his brows and let's a breath escape his lips, “But… If I hadn't–”
“No what ifs.” You interrupt him, knowing where this conversation is going, “It would have happened if you stayed too.”
“How can you know that?”
“How can you not?” You smile, “Ez, everything happens the way it's supposed to happen. No use to keep thinking about different outcomes, right? You're here now and that's all that matters to me.”
Ezra blames himself for your miscarriage, claiming that if he had stayed, if he hadn’t left to the Green Moon, he would’ve taken care of you and you wouldn’t have lost his child. Despite assuring him you didn’t think he was to blame for it and telling him he couldn’t possibly know what was going to happen, sometimes you still catch him by the kid’s grave. Sometimes he just stands there, staring at the flowers and the rocks and the little cross you put up there. Sometimes he’s in silence, sometimes you hear him mumbling incoherently. Apologizing to his son. Either way, you know he’s still grieving. Somehow, so are you.
The decision of not having any more children came from you, even though you know he wanted to try again. He mentioned the night he came back, but you told him you didn’t want it. Truth be told, you’re scared. You’re scared of losing a child again, and you’re scared of having one. If it happens, it happens, but it’s not in your plans. Ezra on the other hand… Sometimes you wonder if you’re too much of a coward, or if you’re too cruel to your boyfriend. Ezra always makes sure you know the decision is yours, but seeing him blaming himself makes you feel a little guilty.
“What would I do without you, Stardust?” He whispers, nestling himself against your neck like a stray cat experiencing affection for the first time.
“You’d be lost.” You tease, feeling his smile on your skin, “Go back to sleep, my moon and stars. I'll be right here.”
Despite the hot summer night, you both fall asleep in each other’s arms, not minding the heat and the sweat on your bodies.
Before Cee left to pursue her writer career, she asked how you and Ezra met. You remember that cold night, she was helping you to make the soup you were preparing for dinner. Ezra was cutting some bread to make toast and laughed when the question was voiced.
“Just like you, Little Bird,” he said, “this one tried to kill me.”
“Hey!” You exclaim, but smile at his reply, “That’s not how I remember it.”
“Oh?” He raised his eyebrows and nodded so you would tell the story.
“Alright, yes, I tried to kill him.” You admit as you looked back at Cee, “But to be fair, it was only after shit hit the fan.” A shrug of a shoulder made her laugh softly, encouraging you to keep telling her the tale, “I was recruited as an engineer to an expedition to a godforsaken planet, along with several miners–”
“Prospectors.” Ezra interrupted you.
“Prospectors.” You repeated, rolling your eyes, but mouthed the word ‘miners’ to Cee, making her smile as she leaned on the counter, “Anyway, I was told I was hired as an emergency mechanic, as in someone to fix the drop pod if something went wrong with it. So I didn’t have to do much except keep an eye on it. The trip was fairly okay in the first few days. But you know how men and their greed are. Someone” You looked back at Ezra, giving him a knowing look, “found a whole mine of Akagartite - a very rare mineral at the time - and kept it a secret and then someone else found out about it and then words flew and throwers were drawn and people were killed, and I had to run. As the only woman at the camp, I had to protect myself. So I hid in the woods for days, until he found me and immediately pulled his knife out.”
“Only because you pulled yours first!” He argued, laughing at your offended tone.
“I was scared!” You argued harder as he approached you, adoring eyes set on you.
“Yeah, you were.” His voice was softer now, his hand searched yours to pull it towards him and press his lips against the back of it, “I never did you any harm, as I promised.”
You smiled at him, ready to give him another comeback, but Cee spoke first. She was quiet as you told the story, deep in her own thoughts.
“Wait, so you’re not a prospector?”
“I was for a moment. Ez taught me everything I know, but in the end I’m just a mechanical engineer.”
She nodded, seeming to think for a minute, but didn’t ask further. At the time, you had shrugged it off, but a few days later, she came to you, showing an ad on her datapad.
“I just bought this,” she told you, “Can you fix it?”
You looked at it and then back at her. A moment of silence hung in the air until you realized what she meant.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “It could take a while, but… yeah, I can.”
When Cee was accepted to study in one of the best universities on the planet of Argo, you beamed with happiness for her. You still remember the night she told you about it, reluctant to tell Ezra, reluctant to leave him. To leave you both. But he laughed in joy when she told him, hugged her tight, telling her he knew she would go far.
The day she left, your heart clenched with sadness at the look they shared. It was after you hugged her tight, begging for her to visit when she could. Ezra hugged her as well, although their hug lasted longer, and they looked at each other as if they were sharing an inside joke. After that, she gave you a knowing look, which you returned with a nod.
You would keep your promise.
Ezra finds you sitting at the kitchen table when he returns from a grocery shop run one evening. Something is wrapped in a silk fabric, but he only looks at your concerned face as he approaches you carefully.
“Moonlight?” He calls you by the nickname he gave you so long ago, “What’s wrong?”
You hesitate. Admitting it to yourself is something. But to him? Harder than you thought.
“I haven’t been honest with you,” you finally whisper, voice full of reluctancy. You wait for him to put the groceries on the counter and sit across you to continue, “I, uh… I know I said I didn’t want to try for another baby, but… I-I– The truth is that I– I’m just scared…” Tears start to roll down your cheeks, “I'm scared of losing it and– I'm scared of having it. And I– I know how much you want a child, don't deny it. I'm sorry, Ezra, I'm sorry I'm a coward and I'm– I'm sorry for not giving you what you want.”
Ezra immediately stands up and falls to his knees, taking your hand in his with a strong grip, “My moonlight, you don't have to apologize–”
“But I do,” you argue, “You’ve been through hell and back only to come home to a coward woman who's afraid of having a fucking child.”
At that, he lets go of your hand and cups the side of your neck firmly, standing up to stay at your eye level.
“Listen to me, stardust,” he says, firmly, “You are the bravest woman I’ve ever met. And I know this because I know you better than anyone else. Don’t talk about yourself like that.” Ezra touches his forehead to yours, closing his eyes and letting a shaky breath out, “And if you’re not ready, my moonlight, I will wait. I will wait months and years for the day you realize you’re not scared anymore.”
“And what if that day never comes?” The tremble in your voice lets him know you’re still crying.
“If it never comes, I will still be the happiest man in the universe.” He pulls away, smiling at you, “For I’ll always have you.”
At his words, your heart warms and all of fears are dissolved as you press your lips against his, the warmth of his embrace comforting you, giving you a familiar sensation only Ezra gives. You both stay like that for a moment before you let out a deep sigh, feeling lighter with your confession.
“I have something for you,” you say, gently backing away from him, and pushing the package towards him as he sits beside you.
Ezra releases your hand and carefully pulls at the fabric, revealing a bionic arm. His eyes widen at what he sees, the orbs dancing over the arm as if registering every detail of it in his memory. The arm is a dark grey, colored yellow on its knuckles. It doesn't have a strap to go around his shoulder, so he assumes it's one of those who have to fit perfectly to work.
“I’ve been working on it for quite some time and I-I wanted it to be a surprise, but–” you pause to breathe, watching his expression as he takes the arm and tests its weight on his hand, “We-we need to test it and–”
“How long have you been–” He breathes out and then looks at you, admiration all over on his face.
You hesitate, “Since before Cee left. She was the one who bought it, actually, in an online junkyard. She… She made me promise I’d fix it after she’d leave for school.”
“Moonlight, I–” Ezra tries to speak, but chokes on the lump that forms in his throat, his eyes watering.
Cee must've felt as guilty as him, after all, she was the one who shot him, which led to him losing his arm. But Ezra didn't blame her. He knew she was just a kid in the Green, trying to do her best to protect herself. He was just unfortunate to get in her way. Seeing the bionic arm and thinking about how much money the girl must have spent on it makes his heart warm, filled with tenderness.
Ezra breathes, wipes his eyes with the back of his hand as you stand up and approach him.
“Here.” You pull the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing his stump. Before you touch him further, you lean in and press a kiss on his cheek, “May I?”
He laughs softly, through tears, and nods. Watching you take the arm and observe it, looking for the on button, he smiles softly. A beautiful feeling grows inside his chest, filled with endearment and devotion for you. He watches as you frown slightly at the bionic arm, biting your lower lip, like you do when you're focused on something. Ezra loves you so much, sometimes he wonders how a man like him found someone like you. Even after everything you've been through, you never stopped loving him. Even after everything he's done, his worst sins confessed to you, you still love him with all your heart and soul.
“I tried my best to fix it,” you mumble, turning the arm on with a smile, “but I want to see if it'll fit on you.”
You fidget with the arm and try your best to fit it on his stump, your nervous fingers trembling a little as you slide it on him. The bionic arm lights to life and immediately you see its fingers move; the arm fits perfectly on Ezra, like it was meant to be.
“Moonlight–” Ezra says, moving the arm like it's his own, bending the elbow, wiggling the fingers, doing each and every movement he can.
“How do you feel?” 
“Strange…” He says, standing up and taking a look at himself through the living room mirror. The arm moves as he does like it was always there, like he never lost his own arm, “I can feel it… It’s like it’s a part of me.”
A smile splits your features as you watch him move around, testing it. Ezra starts touching things with it, taking the decorations from the room and holding it in the air, testing their weight and rubbing the robotic thumb over it. He smiles, laughing through unshed tears, his white teeth showing all the time.
You love that smile. Your heart warms with the sight and you can’t help to think Cee hit the bullseye, right on spot. You don't know how, but she knew exactly which size and kind of bionic arm to buy. Which reminds you that you have to send her a message, telling her plan was successful.
“Stardust.” Ezra’s beautiful voice interrupts your thoughts as he approaches you, “I think this might be the best thing that’s happened since I came back to you. You have my eternal gratitude.” He raises his bionic arm and hesitates to touch your cheek, but you encourage him with a nod. When you feel the fingertips on your skin, shivers run down your spine and you tremble a bit, laughing softly.
“It was all Cee.” Your voice is nothing but a whisper.
“But it was you as well,” he murmurs, looking at you through hooded eyes. You know that look very well. He hooks the hand on the back of your neck and pulls you closer, pressing his lips on yours and cupping your other cheek with his other hand.
Closing your eyes, you sigh on his lips, melting into his touch. Ezra starts walking you to the nearest surface, deepening the kiss and moaning on your mouth. When your lower back touches the dinner table, he helps you to sit on it, pulling at the hem of your dress until it’s bunched up on the apex of your tights.
“Ezra…” You whimper when he starts trailing open mouthed kisses on your jawline and neck, his – now – hands squeezing the flesh of your hips so hard you know you’ll have bruises in the morning, but you don’t care. Not when he’s pressing himself against you, making that delicious friction between your legs and relieving a bit of the heat down there. It’s not enough, of course, so your hands fly to unbuckle his belt, shaking with excitement.
“My moonlight,” Ezra whispers all of a sudden, pulling away for a moment to look into your eyes, “Have I told you how much I love you?”
Affection flourishes in your chest and you give him a soft smile, cupping his cheeks and pressing a delicate kiss on his lips.
“Yes, my moon and stars,” you respond, “But you can tell me again.”
The smile he gives you is so beautiful it almost brings tears to your eyes.
“The biggest galaxy in the universe would be microscopic compared to my love for you,” he says softly, rubbing his thumbs on your cheeks, “I'm such a lucky man to have you by my side, sometimes I wonder if I’m dreaming you.”
“You’re not.” You smile at him, “I’m right here, Ezra. And I’m not going anywhere.”
Ezra brings his lips to yours once more, pulling your body even closer to his.
“Me neither, my sweet moonlight,” he mumbles on your skin, “Me neither.”
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