#this fit? slaps
gampix · 24 days
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beroebluejeans · 10 months
I love how Tamsyn Muir was like, in this world everybody’s totally cool about gender and sexuality, but there’s a new invented binary that’s culturally and religiously defining and dictates who people are allowed to love and/or fuck and the roles they play in society.
They’ve written volumes and volumes of religious texts about how to conform to these sacred binary roles and filthy porn about people fulfilling or breaking the stereotypes of these roles. The role a person fulfills is determined before they’re born and dictates every aspect of their life. Once in a while someone who’s supposed to be on one side of the socioreligious binary is born more suited to the other side and has to hide it all their life (Coronabeth). Sometimes people fall in love in a way the socioreligious binary declares blasphemous and they decide to love each other openly anyway, and it shocks and scandalizes people no matter how wholesome and lovely and mundane their relationship is (Abigail and Magnus).
And these sacred binary roles are not equal, oh no, as much as the religious doctrine crows the importance of both roles, one is supposed to sacrifice endlessly and unquestioningly for the other, body, mind, and soul. And these binary roles have existed for ten thousand years and were created by God and underlie the whole structure of the universe! But here’s the secret: there was a time before this sacred binary existed, and God is just Some Guy who made this shit up.
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missmisnomer · 3 months
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They're my little guys. My good time pals. Just a couple of goobers.
They are also menaces to society, but that's besides the point 😁
More Rise silliness [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
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brbarou · 8 months
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living war crime
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hinamie · 3 months
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theyre soft your honour
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emkini · 2 years
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Guileless son, I'll shape your belief And you'll always know that your father's a thief And you won't understand the cause of your grief But you'll always follow the voices beneath
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ultimatedirk · 1 year
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put on the mask link
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teaweltzer · 8 months
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follow up to this post! (Dorian & Ashton arm wrestling)
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parallelpie · 8 months
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It's shocking at how many versions of this bot can fit this motto to a T.
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lomakes · 4 months
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They’re supposed to be leading a team meeting right now
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Aww... Pokey is getting into the weeb spirit of this blog.
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braxiatel · 10 months
Looking at Mumbo’s inherent distrust of yellow names, as proven by him telling Pearl that Joel - their ally - can’t really be trusted because he’s yellow. Thinking back to who it was that permakilled him in last life: his closest ally, Grian, on yellow
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thinking about how Murderbot is still haunted by flashbacks to the Ganaka Pit incident despite the company trying to purge its memory. how it spends a whole book figuring out what actually happened there and whether it had killed all of those people on purpose, because it doesn't remember. how when it had a catastrophic failure in Exit Strategy it prioritized rebuilding its memory over everything else to the point that it fell over when it tried to walk around bc it hadn't rebuilt the processes for standing up. how when ART showed up in Network Effect, Murderbot immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was experiencing a memory failure (again) and asked Amena to read the logo on ART's EVAC suits to make sure it wasn't hallucinating.
thinking about how Murderbot keeps a diary. an account of everything that it does, in a text-based format that probably means the files are small enough to hide easily. maybe even small enough to survive a memory purge, if the company got their hands on it again.
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magpie-trinkets · 5 months
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how is her computer still alive
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crowzirawho · 3 months
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local angel finds out repressing your emotions for 6000 years might cause you to break (good thing there was a demon nearby)
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yeehawpim · 5 months
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extra: the video that got me to do baking🍞
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