#this got long and rambly and might not make sense
orphiclovers · 2 days
Okay. Long incoherent rambling theory post ahead. Specifically, I want to talk about how the Han Sooyoung 'split' happened/how Han Sooyoung got the avatar skill, extrapolating from canon where I can and headcanoning the rest.
Let's start from what she herself says on the topic. 3rd rounds Han Sooyoung tells Kim Dokja, in a conversation about how 'Avatar' works, that the very first time she made an avatar, she gave it too many memories and it 'went out of control' and ran off. This was a friendly conversation and hsy brought it up herself, so there's not really a reason for her to lie here - this is probably close to how she actually remembers the situation.
Which is interesting because 1863rd rounds Han Sooyoung denies this fact and says SHE is the main body and that she left an avatar behind to act as her. Now 1863 could be lying here to unbalance kdj, they were having a battle of words at the time with lying being an explicit part of the game, but she could also be telling the truth and maybe 3rd just doesn't know she's an avatar (like 49%). we don't get a comfirmation either way so that is left ambigous. So. That's a dead end.
Then, how does the Avatar skill evolve in general?
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Kim Dokja says the requirements to evolve it is that you need to be in a creative field of some kind (so you have an 'Author' attribute) + under enough psychological distress for your mind to 'split' in a way that orv compares to DID (in not the most tactful way). It's a rare skill so I'm guessing it probably requires both of these to be true at the same time. A key hint is that we do actually get one other example of someone evolving the Avatar skill on screen. 1863rd rounds Yoo Joonghyuk. It goes like this:
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So...not exactly a fun time. But actually I'm sensing a pattern here. Both Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung, after evolving and using the avatar skill for the first time end up as two sepetate autonomous entities with their own free will - 1863rd!hsy and 3rd!hsy and white and black coat wearing yjh respectively (Kim Dokja too actually - with 49% 51%). So, I think this might be how the skill functions, spontaneously splitting you in half the first time and then both halves of you can make avatars at will after that. Let's assume this is true for the sake of the theory. This conflicts with the way both Han Sooyoungs describe it - they both say they 'created' an avatar the first time BUT I think neither of them were being entirely truthful.
Let's talk about that second parameter. 'Severe psychological distress' in a way similar to that of DID. How I interpret this, based on what we see of 1863rd!yjh, is that there needs to be some fundemental dissonance of core beliefs that cannot exist or be held at the same time, so requires the soul to split in half. For Yoo Joonghyuk it's 'I want to live/I want to die.' (Although Kim Dokja doesnt get the skill in the natural way, I think this concept still holds true. His dissonance is not so explicitly stated but maybe it's something along the lines of 'epilouge/eternity' i.e 'happily ever after OR atonement for his (percieved) sins'.)
But also there's an element of, how do I say this...'purifying self-destruction' to how we see our trio use Avatar. Yoo Joonghyuk takes the blackened and traumatized part of him that wants to die and kills it with a sword, leaving only the part of him that still has hope to regress to the 3rd round, free and unburdened by the weight of bad memories.
You could interpret 51%/49% this way too. The inherent act of Kim Dokja choosing to use this skill to split his soul in half means he did not see another way foward - that psychological distress and belief dissonance is an inherent part of this skill. 49%, the one who get's the 'happily ever after' does not remember needing Ways of Survival, maybe because Kim Dokja couldn't imagine himself having a happy ending with the weight of those specific memories.
But coming back to Han Sooyoung. Just look at the way she uses Avatar in kaizenix. She is a person who does not enjoy being emotionally vulnerable so in any heavy situation she clings to her dry and witty personality like a shield.
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Let's just fully realize what she's saying here. When she says she erased the memories of her life deliberately, what she means is that she created an avatar, a sort of 'black coat wearing han sooyoung' and killed it again and again, every year, so she could keep that sarcastic and light hearted attiude. Otherwise she would have become someone like 1863rd rounds Han Sooyoung - hardened and unhappy. And I mean that she literally was on the path of becoming her - she even got 1863rds skill.
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She deliberatley brushes off Kim Dokja and doesn't acknowledge the weight of her actions in kaizenix, both waiting for 50 years and killing parts of herself over and over.
And I think this is the sort of mindset she had while telling Kim Dokja about 'creating' an avatar for the first time. She doesn't see the point in potraying herself as vulnerable, so she probably would obscure some details of that story, for example if she was on her knees clutching her head a la 1863rd turns Yoo Joonghyuk at the time. This would seem like a pointless detail to add when the point of the story was that her avatar ran off.
So FINALLY, here's my headcanon on what I think the original belief dissonance was for Han Sooyoung and how she got the Avatar skill.
The split happened very early on in the scenarios. And well, there is one obvious Big Event that might cause someone to have a mental breakdown/identity crisis. The first scenario. I think whoever Han Sooyoung killed, she couldn't deal with the fact she had become a murderer and 'exorcised' those memories - and so 1863 was born, with blood on her hands, in an already destroyed world.
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myfairstarlight · 2 days
Good day friend! I've been really enjoying your takes for bridgerton this season :D Would love to hear your thoughts about part 2, particularly Colin's character portrayal if you're at all inclined!
Well hello there dear, thank you!
And what a coincidence, because Colin's portrayal, always the polarising topic in this fandom it seems, has been on my mind ever since I finished watching part 2... I shall ramble here then! I hope you do not mind a long answer, dear reader, for my last analysis post was not a quick read indeed. And I will now also stop trying to sound like Whistledown.
So, overall thoughts? I think he was handled mostly brilliantly, actually. And thus still despite the pacing issues (but that's an overall issue I have with the show, not specific to this season). Controversial take, already, so let's break it down a bit.
I will try to organise my rambling, but this is pretty much my immediate thoughts after watching the season. Perhaps I'll make a more organised and proper post later, adding Penelope's side, like my friends to lovers love letter, but we'll see! So:
Colin's journey to self-love
Because just like Penelope, though we arguably see it less, Colin has his own journey to loving himself because the thing with Colin is that he's still so insecure. Yes, he's more himself in part 2 now that he realised he's in love, he no longer tries to pretend to be someone he's not, but he still struggles to prove himself, and we see it in those last two episodes, when the truth is truly out. People are harsh on him for being so caught up in what Whistledown wrote and constantly celebrating the idea that LW might meet her demise, almost like a child who just got some sweets, but as we've seen in his discussion with Eloise after the reveal, it's because Whistledown calling him out at the beginning of the season for his new persona poked at his biggest insecurity, and he's still stuck on that, even more so now that he learns Penelope was behind the words, the one person who always made him feel seen and in this case, made him feel too seen. To me, him bringing up Marina so insistently was him grasping at straws, clinging to the one thing he knows for sure was unfair so he does not have to face the fact that what Penelope wrote was the truth (sidenote, was a little disappointed they did not have Penelope say she did try to talk to him about Marina but he literally did not listen and did not care that Marina loved another). He is still trying to find who he is and for a moment, he thought he had it, thanks to the very person now making him question everything all over again.
And oh boy does he not cope well.
Hero complex and what it means to be the man of the house
Colin has a hero complex. That's news to absolutely no one, unless you have not paid attention, so I won't make a list of the instances in previous seasons again. But we see it right away in e5 as he stands up for Penelope in front of Portia, then constantly shielding Penelope as soon as Cressida is involved. Penelope even thanks him for it, telling her no one has ever stood up for her of the sort, which fuels his hero complex. In fact, it is Colin's protectiveness that leads him to learn Penelope is Whistledown since he followed her out of worry, and that leads him to the realisation that she may not need him as much as he thought she did (and in his mind, perhaps she even just pretended to need him, to love him). And that, along with discovering that secret, shatters him. His whole sense of purpose, the one thing he thought he could for sure provide? Gone, just like that.
Even more so later when he learns she may be richer than him lol
So he overcompensates. When Cressida's blackmail is revealed, he does not listen, he jumps on the opportunity to prove himself, to protect his wife even if he's still mad at her, no one can disrespect her and his family so blatantly. As the man of the house, he needs to do what he must. And then he fucking fails and makes things far worse. And you know what? How satisfying it was that for once he failed, arguably when it was the most important for him, to remind him that hey, don't get on your high horse, listen to your wife and your family, don't try to handle everything on your own! (A lesson that Penelope also has to learn at the same time! That's marriage baby!) I like that he gets humbled twice, by Penelope and Cressida, the person he loves most and the one he despises so, yet they both throw the truth at him - he's privileged, as a man, and as a Bridgerton. He gets to question himself, travel to his whim, be even reckless like he just was because he will always have unconditional love from his family, but Penelope had to hide a part of herself to be able to do something she likes, meanwhile Cressida has to resort to questionable means to avoid getting married off to an old man. They do not have the luxury that Colin has to just do things. And it pains him to face that.
I've seen the sentiment that part 2 has Penelope be more assertive than Colin, with the dynamic shifting again when it should not, and while it is true she is the one who seeks him out more, it makes sense, she is seeking his forgiveness all throughout the last two episodes. I love her, but you cannot argue she is not at fault here and Colin deserves to be upset and a bit withdrawn as he deals with the conflicting feelings suddenly assaulting him. Yes the entrapment accusation hurt especially since he was the one who couldn't keep his hands to himself, but with his history after Marina, it makes sense that's what his hurt mind decides to focus on that, to justify the fact he's still so upset (It does bother me he never apologises for that comment though, at the same time Penelope doesn't hold it against him. They, or the writers, probably forgot about it.) But I would also argue that him being so troubled, is a proof of love, he even says so to Eloise "you are lucky you've never been in love" because if he wasn't, this would be much easier to deal with. Despite it all, he loves her, he chooses her, he will protect her, he must. He decides to sleep on the sofa to still stay close to Penelope despite the fact he could just sleep in one of the empty bedrooms. He still reassures her during their wedding, with one look encouraging her to walk more confidently down the aisle, and he holds her oh so tenderly when they dance at the wedding breakfast. He's so upset, but he's still so much in love. Of course, unlike part 1, there's no urgency or desperation on his part, there's no Debling threatening to take Penelope away, or him trying to earn back her favours so of course suddenly his displays of love feel less outward. But again, they're arguing, no he will not forgive her so easily, and that's a good thing, yet he's still here to support and protect her, and that says so much because again, he could just leave, that would have no consequence to him as a man. And in kind, Penelope makes an effort to do better as well, no longer witholding any secret from him, and he sees that.
And deep down, he understands Penelope, we see it when he confronts Cressida and perfectly described why Penelope became LW without her telling him in such words beforehand, because he's had similar struggles, he just needs to admit it, and be okay to show this vulnerability with her.
Colin's writer struggles and jealousy.
Now, I must admit, this was the weakest and a bit disappointing part of his arc to me, which is why I'm writing it last. I wish we could have had more time exploring that, and not just being told so (hopefully in s4? Assuming the writers won't pull a Kate and Anthony and constantly have them leave for no reason). This, however, adds to the previous part and Colin's struggle to provide, be the man of the house.
Here his wife is, an accomplished writer, even if under a pen name, who may be richer than he, oh how it must have deepened his insecurity. After all, if he cannot provide protection, or financial stability, then what good is he to her? What good are his silly journals when compared to that damn column that has all of Mayfair on a chokehold?
And yet.
Is it not telling and precious that he kept all of Penelope's letters? And that they're the catalyst of reminding him why he loves her so much, and how her love for writing and her cleverness shine through and that it is unfair of him to expect her to give it up when he himself aspires to be a writer? Writing is what brings them together truly, the same way writing letters to each other was the precursor for him realising his feelings as well. He is at peace then, Penelope is Whistledown, and she shines with her pen, and Colin fell in love with her quill, long ago, he was just overcome with grief to realise Whistledown held the same brilliance.
And sure, Penelope does not need him to provide, but she loves writing so much, and it inspires Colin in his own writing as well. And I also think it's super cute that he was going through a writer's block until Penelope told him she's loved him for years and suddenly the gates were opened (granted, this was before the reveal but now imagine post-reveal, as he struggles to edit and write, Penelope comes up beside him telling him he's doing well and boom, he's determined to write again).
But, back to the topic at hand, most importantly... he offers her love and support, even through all this battle, he unconsciously kept caring for her, and that's what Penelope craves, just someone there for her.
And that? That Colin can absolutely be, and he will proudly take on the role of her husband rather than "the man".
So I think this about wraps it up! Colin is the definition of a sensitive man trying his best to tough it up, a third son who struggles to find a place in this world. But he found a woman who does not need him to be what he is not, the one woman who will love him not for what he can provide, but for who he truly is, kind and incredibly empathetic. The one woman who fell in love with him because she made him fall off a horse and instead of yelling because of a bruised ego, he laughed at his own expense.
And I just think Colin Bridgerton is neat.
Also as I hit post it's 2AM for me so if some of this doesn't make sense, that's why, don't hold it against me, thank you dear one <3
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chromatic-lamina · 1 day
Chapter 1117 Spoilers
Ahhh. I'm quivering. We don't get Law, but we get!
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Bepo and Bepo is thinking about Captain (so he's not dead, and neither is Bepo...All patched up with his little bandage). Not too distraught, so I'm trusting the Hearts are okay, AND
Will of D. <3
The scans say that the Japanese ends with mo (も), which can be a conjunction similar to 'and' (or is it a particle? I don't know). BUT, could also be the beginning of a name or noun (Momonosuke). Or extra thing (more...)
BUT, it's interesting that all are named or shown, bar Law. Bepo of course is a representative, but where is Law? Also, I don't think the navy knows about Law's status (so I don't know if Vegapunk did), BUT intriguing. Where is Jaguar D. Saul? (maybe Oda forgot him, or there will be another reveal).
Honorable mention to this D. too!
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Vivi! Shown, but not named. (Interesting that the Wiki lists her as a D. by the way, but not Law's family. I think it's an oversight for Law).
Ah, Robin and Law must be champing at the bit. I'm hoping Law's not part of SWORD, but I'll roll with it if he is (just looking at those backgrounds). Bepo's is similar to the marines featured. Also, I hope that Law's listening in!
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Ay-oop! look who washed up on the soar! Heh-heh. Shore. Our favourite ancient zoan, Drake. So, he saved Garp and Co? I wasn't sure which Captain Kujaku was referring to here (below)).
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It doesn't seem very Garp-like to want space. I am betting that Hibari is Akainu's granddaughter rather than daughter in the way that Kujaku is Tsuru's granddaughter, and Luffy is Garp's grandson, because it makes sense (generation-wise), and ties into the "It's our turn to step up" line from Kujaku. Interesting!
Anyway, just popping in to drop a bit of excitement. It seems the iron giant got blitzed, but I'd say it's its own form of ancient weapon, so it might not be over and out yet. I wanted to repost what Sandman said on Twitter last week, and which I also thought:
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The Japanese has 'tanoshimi' (enjoy, fun, etc.) in quotation marks, which strikes me as maybe Rayleigh being sarcastic. For example, what knowledge has the older generation withheld from the younger? and is that withholding a benefit to them, or does it just make it that much harder for them to find the truth? (and increase their chances of being in danger?)
Speaking of which, do you think Rayleigh will survive? Does he know too much? Knowing Oda, he will, but it's curious that there are remnants of the crew out there with all the answers that others are seeking.
Of course, the true history and Will of D. and One Piece are not necessarily of equal weight, but man, Oda's not discounting any of them either!
Just rambling. Also, link to Sandman's post.
OOH, I almost forgot. Talk about gritty characters (even if they're made of smoke)
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Smoker!!! It's been too long. Good to see ya'! (where there's Smoke there's Law...maybe? Heh-heh. Just joshing. They look good together, though).
Another also bit! It's way at the end of my post but at the beginning of the manga: Pearl's look has always reminded me of the Pearl Diving bells (or the helmets divers wore), so I think it's clever of Oda to place him at the section where they're talking about exploring below the sea.
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dernhelmalso · 11 months
i really think that théoden, and éomer to some extent, discouraging éowyn from fighting is more complex than them being like "women can't and shouldn't fight." i don't think it's really even a matter of whether or not they think her a capable enough swordsman to hold her own in a fight. i believe that, at their core, her uncle and brother only want to keep éowyn safe, and keeping her out of the fight is the most efficient way of doing that.
because every time théoden and éomer leave éowyn behind, they also leave her in charge of rohan. the king (and the captain of his guard, háma, who suggests éowyn to sit on the throne in his stead in the books) trusts her to rule his kingdom wisely while he is away.
they don't necessarily mean for it to be an insult that she has to stay behind, but because it just isn't the kind of charge éowyn wants for herself, she obviously doesn't take it well. she rebels, dons a disguise and calls herself dernhelm as she rides to battle with the rohirrim.
all of which is just to say, i think keeping éowyn off the battlefield isn't exactly just a flat, flavorless "women no fight" sexism, but a more complex combination of the "classically male" desires to protect and venerate womanhood while forcing an alternative path said men perceive to be equivalent, to the detriment of said woman's agency.
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thewildeast · 4 months
hitting ceroba with the arospec beam..
ramblings below cut Please read it actually im kinda proud of it.
hear me out okok she only has romantic feelings rarely and she has trouble telling whether her feelings are romantic or platonic or something else. She feels very close to Starlo but she doesn’t know what those feelings are. she considered dating him but it wasn’t right both because of their different levels of maturity and the feelings confusion. Plus, he never confessed.
When she got close to Chujin her feelings felt more clearly romantic. But, she still wasn’t sure. How is romance supposed to feel? Is she doing something wrong? She loves Chujin, but does she love him “correctly”? Venting about this one night, he tells her that there isn’t a “correct” way to love. She can love him without it having to fit how she’s “supposed to feel”. They know how much they care about each other. Even if it looks just plain romantic to others, they know what they are to each other. She stands at his grave and wonders if she’ll ever feel that way about someone again.
After true pacifist, she’s reevaluating how she feels about Starlo. He’s more mature now and they’re closer than ever before. She wants to be with him, somehow, but she isn’t sure. The grief of losing Chujin, Kanako, and Clover still lingers. But he’s always been there for her, through all of those losses. She doesn’t know if she has platonic or romantic feelings for him, or something else, but she knows that her feelings are strong. If they get together, it’s not exactly romantic, even if there are romantic feelings there. It’s not exactly platonic either, even if those feelings are there as well. It’s their relationship, and they define it how they want to. They know how much they care about each other.
TL;DR: qpr staroba save me…save me qpr staroba
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infernaltenor · 1 year
am i trying my hand at a shitty fyodor analysis? yes. yes i am. this may be slightly deranged as it is also 3am where i live but i wanted to take a closer look into the similarities/asagiris line the fyodor is based on the joker. specifically, he mentions the dark knight joker, and imo this is where everything gets a little muddled.
personally i havent seen the joker (as in the movie) and i havent watched the dark knight in a while, but the difference between the imaginings is very focused in backstory. the dark knight features much more as a backstory for two face and not the joker, its just the joker who backs batman into a corner: either you make the city turn on the greatest politician its had, or you sacrifice yourself. from my understanding of the joker’s version, hes a much more anti-societal character, and while an argument can be made for fyodors dislike of abilities and wish to destroy them and the similarity there, i genuinely am not qualified enough to say.
but dark knight joker does make a good argument. for one, the introductory story of the joker changes every time. the repeat line of “do you want to know how i got these scars?” is the only part of his story that does not change. the only reason i point this out is because of the mystery behind fyodors backstory and his ability. this also ties into what i would argue to be the strongest point of fyodors inspiration by dark knight!joker; his introductory scene on ace’s ship and the ultimate killing of everyone on it.
why do i cite this scene in particular? routinely when joker shows up he tends to spin a small story about himself before killing everyone in the room, including allies. during fyodors introduction on ace’s ship he proceeds to follow this closely. spins a lie about his ability and kills every member on the ship, including karma, who’s pov we follow.
in relation to the most recent chapter, i think fyodor is hopping on this plan a bit as well. screw with sigma with some indication of himself (i.e., that of the split personalities) but ultimately he does plan on killing sigma and dazai, and (possibly?) chuuya as well.
but not only do i think this relates to fyodors introduction, oh no, i think this also sheds more light on nikolai and fyodors relationship, purely due to the fact that the dark knight is a movie which shows the origin of two face and how joker fits in. obviously i could go on with how dark knight!joker is much better of a manipulator than other characters (the use of harvey dent as two face, cornering batman, etc) but nikolai and fyodor are referenced to have a past together, and nikolai is flighty in an almost similar way!
without confirmation, i cant say for sure that nikolai and fyodors dynamic was 100% meant to be read as that dynamic from the movie, but i think it can shed light on the particular way the characters interact. of course nikolai comes to the conclusion of killing fyodor to release himself from his birdcage, whatever trap nikolai feels he is under could be implied to have been caused by fyodor, and i only say that due to the connection with the dark knight. harvey dent only becomes two face because his girlfriend gets literally blown up by the joker. so why does nikolai become, well, nikolai?
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
The more chapters of Was Born To Lead I write, the more I realize there more likely will be no “The History of the History Man” chapter.
#Personal#Was Born To Lead#It’s not like that I just erased Valerio’s backstory it just… doesn’t seem to be fitting to the context anymore?#Valerio was supposed to TELL his story and now I just can’t imagine him rambling about his entire life starting with how his parents met#It just really makes no sense not to mention how long it will turn out#It’s not one or even not two chapters of my usual length#Which also means there will be no Gabe and it obviously sucks#Besides it’s not really reasonable to drop all facts about his life at once?#I mean the next chapter also reveals a huge chunk of his backstory so the chapter ALL about his past might turn out repetitive#So for now I think I’ll limit it by telling the core part aka the one what happened after he got his scars#It’s gonna be a flashback chapter like the thirteenth one about young Valerio#(which means I have so much unused material for writing a separate novel about Valerio)#Honestly I just have strange feelings about it because#I started babbling about the chapter all about Valerio’s past as soon as I introduced him XD#This is one of the oldest chapter concepts I came up with and now I’m just turning away from it aakjsndk#But this is for the better really#And you can’t imagine how many other ideas I abandoned as I kept writing the fic so this is not such a big deal#Especially since I’m not abandoning everything I created for him I abandoned the chapter#All the ideas are still alive and I can come up with another way of how to bring them to life#Upd: hehe okay I think I actually know how to transfer Valerio’s backstory into another chapter#I love my brain
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girlkomaeda · 2 months
thinking about replaying all the danganronpa games and reading more of the novels and spin offs n stuff…
#I’m always thinking about komahina and komaeda but it’s been a while since I was actively into danganronpa itself… I’m feeling the urge now#honestly I never finished dr3 anime because I didn’t like it 😭😭😭I know everything that happens in it I just never finished the last 4 episo#bc I got ultra depression and couldn’t watch anything for a while when I was 15#I did actually like most of dr3 but there were like just a few things I didn’t like#I don’t remember why so I’m curious if I’ll feel differently about it now. I also didn’t like some of komaedas characterization#I liked most of komaedas characterization but I also felt like they used him for fan service too much. not talking about the shower scene#that was just funny and awesome. I love komaeda sexualization#I remember not liking him blowing the gym up or whatever bc I felt like it was more fan service than anything. but that’s just my opinion#and it’s been so long so maybe when I rewatch it I’ll feel differently who knows#I just felt like thag part was kind of silly and didn’t make much sense. it felt like just fanswrbeice like here’s Komaeda blowing somethin#up like ok thanks. I guess. like it’s not even completely out of character really I just didn’t like it#also honestly I got so into komaeda at some point that seeing him made me feel ill I can’t explain it. like I got sick seeing people talk#about him or make videos about him or mention him… it was crazy#even now I still get stressed out to an unreasonable degree when people from my pov mischaracterize him or stray too far from my specific#headcanons like it’s not super healthy LOL but I think I’m allowed to be super insane about at least one gay anime boy ok#I’m better at recognizing when I’m being unreasonable now though… I respect some different interpretations… sometimes#damn this ramble paragraph might be proof that i should not get actively back into danganronpa itself
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Horrible realization that if I go through with recollecting all the oni logs then I'll have to actually find out how to get "a seed is planted" like for realsies this time. Maybe I should just cheat them all in actually. <3.
#rat rambles#oni posting#a seed is planted sucks so bad its like my second favorite log and its been such a pain in the fucking ass to find#appearing then dissapearing so thourougly that I thought I might have made it up somehow making me learn to look into the god damn code to#find out if Im crazy or not only to find it along side all the story trait logs despite it being in the research notes section and Then I#open oni again to chech smth completely different and it fucking reapears out of nowhere and then the game updates and all my logs explode#this fucker has tormented me for so long and Ive seen no one else talk abt it so Im still not 100% convinced it wasnt a glitch somehow#it probably is a real log thats in the game and it disappearing is the glitch but boy do I have no way of knowing#if that is the case I can only imagine it relates to it seemingly having been intended as a story trait log#I assume it was moved to research notes because of how long it is but idk#anyways nails you motherfucker why must you have recorded one of the more lore heavy logs in the game and then made it a bitch to find#like genuinely I think its one of like 3 max logs that directly mention duplicants by name#ok ok there might be 4 I dont remember exactly#but two of those would be by jackie and one by probably nikola so nails mentioning them by name is a pretty big deal#and thats if Im remembering those logs correctly which I am likely not lol#its like 3 am ok#a seed is planted also just gives us some juicy lore relating to the actual tech we see in game#along with. that whole unnamed human subject thing. that still haunts me.#who are you subject whatever your number was and are you olivia specifically to spite me#if it wasnt for the b111-1 thing I wouldn't consider her that strong a canidate but it is a thing so she is#not only is she a strong candidate but shes like. one of like 3 real candidates we have for that#it's a weird case because it could very easily be a complete rando especially given the subject number instead of a work id being given#but also given its relation to dupes itd be weird if it wasnt someone who either worked at gravitas or otherwise got duped#which thankfully does free olivia of some possibility since as far as we know there are no olivia dupes lol#jorge and dr.holland are the other two main options in my minds eye but thats based on very little#dr.holland in particular would kind of vaguely make sense given hes mentioned in that story trait's artifact reward#but ofc given that nails does not choose to elaborate on that whole thing all I can do is blindly speculate#they also mention a name which is fun because its one of our rare complete randos in oni lore#now. he could easily be revealed to be some dupe but Im pretty sure the name was like bruce or smth so I dont consider it likely#also I am deeply curious of what this bruce guy was to nails given nails calls him 'my darling bruce'
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mymanymerrymuses · 5 months
Here's we go I am talking about Kagari. I'm putting this under a read more because he's had a bad life, and I'm likely to say a LOT here so, read it if you want to, it contains some important information about my takes on him as a character. Mostly...it's just me ranting about bad things he went through and why I like him so much.
Here is my biggest thing about Kagari. I have seen people in the fandom say that he's clearly a psychopath, and that makes me very angry. He is definitely NOT a psychopath.
Here's what he is.
-He's curious. Kagari, to me, has always been the kid that would open drawers and snoop through them. Not to steal, just to see what was in there. He would open doors just to see if they were locked. When he's older, isolated, often shut into his flat, it switches up a little. He likes to watch movies with explosions in, and he likes to know how they made those explosions look good. He likes to play video games and find all the way the player can die, just so he knows. He does NOT then kill the player character over and over again because it's funny to watch, he just wants to know the boundaries!
-He's good at his job. Now part of this is his nature, (he DOES think the same way some criminals do, though for him it's mostly his curiousity and nothing malicious), and part of it is how hard he worked when he found out that he could be an enforcer. Kagari was put into isolation when he was FIVE YEARS OLD. He spent his formative years alone, in a cell. Being an enforcer is not a nice job. They get sent out after criminals the police couldn't find, or that seem too dangerous. Being an enforcer means being disposable. The world doesn't care if Kagari gets killed on duty - in fact, the handlers are MEANT to shoot him if he steps out of line. But that is still better than spending the rest of his life in a prison cell. At least as an enforcer, he gets to interact with people. So when he found out that he could get that chance, he worked his ass off to get it, proving he could follow orders flawlessly, and get the work done. And he DOES get the work done. Kagari can and does accurately predict where criminals will be and what they will do.
-He's NICE. ....but, he isn't a pushover. At his core, Kagari is friendly. He's missed out on human interaction for most of his life, and he wants to make up for that. When Akane arrive, Kagari wants to talk to her right away, and he's very open with her when they do talk. When she decides to get to know the enforcers better, he cooks her a lovely meal (which is partly because he hasn't had chance to cook for people and he is proud of his skills, but it's also to be nice), shares wine with her, and they have a good time. He likes to play with the other enforcers, and joke around - extending that to the handlers too - because even if they're technically colleagues, he wants to be friends. But he's not afraid to tell those same people when he thinks they're being dumb. He wants to be friends with Akane, but also tells her he'll hate her if she takes her freedom for granted. That sounds fair to me. He's being a little harsh, but honestly, that's his boundary. He cannot be around people who act like their freedom means nothing, or that making a decision is such a hardship. (Of course, sometimes it IS hard to make decisions, but when Kagari has never been allowed to make ANY choices about his life, it's understandable that he'd be annoyed when people complain about it).
-HE DOESN'T WANT TO HURT PEOPLE. Until he DOES. See, this is where I've seen people talking about Kagari being a psychopath, and it really annoys me. Kagari says himself that he's never wanted to hurt anyone, at all. He has never, once in his life, wanted to commit a crime, especially a violent one. That, nobody can really argue, it's right there, he spells it out very clearly. And also spells out that he's happy the people who made the system that damned him are killing each other. I don't think that's just for some sense of revenge. They took his life. They RUINED it, when he was five years old and totally innocent. They've done that to other people too. He's seen it, he's met some of them. He wants the system gone, because it hurts people. Not because he wants to be free to do whatever evil comes to him. In the first episode he's the one to find the criminal, a man who has kidnapped a woman. I have seen people saying that because Kagari didn't immediately rush in and stop the kidnapper from assaulting his victim, CLEARLY he didn't care at all. He 'wasn't affected by it', so he must be a psychopath.
Except, here's the thing. Kagari, at this point, has been an enforcer for three years. Odds are, he's seen scenarios like this before. He is, at this point, mentally equipped to deal with these things. Like a paramedic arriving on scene to find somebody's been attacked and has major wounds, he can put himself in 'work mode' and deal with it, without any big reactions like yelling or crying about it. Kagari HAS to stay calm, because if he doesn't, very bad things happen. First of all, he could ruin the entire job and they wouldn't actually stop the criminal they're after. Secondly, part of the handlers' job is to keep the enforcers in line. They are literally called HOUNDS, Kagari is HOUND 4, they follow orders and that's that. If they don't, the dominators get turned on them, and they are, at BEST, temporarily paralysed.
And Kagari ASKS if he can stop the assualt. He ASKS if he can shoot the guy (with the dominator, which would have, at that point, paralyse him so he could be taken in and contained safely) and his handler says NO. Kagari doesn't let the assualt continue because he's happy to let it happen. He has to follow orders. He does not have a choice. He WANTS to stop the guy, even if that comes at the cost of hurting him, but he can't. I could keep going, but this is already VERY long so I'm going to wrap it up and say that yes, Kagari could put the skills he's learned as an enforcer to use in committing crimes. But he doesn't want to. He wants to be free. That's it. He wants the freedome to go to the shop and buy what he needs to make nice food. He wants to flirt with cute people and watch action moves. He wants to live in a flat that doesn't have cameras in every room.
And I don't think any of that makes him a bad person, let alone a freaking psychopath.
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silkythewriter · 5 months
I had an idea for a few headcanons you could do if ya want—
Maybe Sir Pentious with a reader who is so obviously in love with him, and keeps pining over him while literally everyone else but Sir Pentious himself can tell they like him? Like he's just really oblivous until reader finally straight up tells him.
Sir Pentious with a clearly in love reader!(●’◡’●)❤︎︎
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Warnings!: Non!
Fandoms!:Hazbin hotel!
Summary!: reader who’s clearly in love with our favorite snake demon
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! ❤️
“Call me, you can call me
Boy, just call me (call me, call me)
While you stalling, I'm evolving
I'd give all me”
!🐍✨Sir Pentious✨🐍!
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First of all, just to get out of the way, THIS MAN IS OBLIVIOUS!!!!, Autism be damned my boy can pull without even telling!!!!!
No but in all seriousness he is oblivious to your obvious longing for him.
Everyone can see you giving him shy longing stares only for him to be ranting about his latest invention. Not only would he not be able to tell but he’d always think your just being nice!
Of course he’s crushing hard behind his bedroom door to his little eggs. Happily stating and going on rambles of how gorgeous you looked today. He’d state everything! From the new hair style you tried to the new piece of clothing you bought and wore. When I mean he notices everything I mean it, but for some reason he can’t pick up on your obvious love for him.
The way he could stare in your eye as you tell him he looks breathtaking and still think you mean it just to be nice is astonishing. OF COURSE HES BLUSHING AND KICKING HIS TAIL, but he can’t bring himself to think you like him anymore than just friends!
He’d go to his egg boys and sadly rant on how you’ll only see him as friend. And the egg boys all share one Brain cell so they can’t tell you like him aswell!, maybe they might accidentally spill, or almost spill the secret of him liking you but he quickly knocks them away before you can make sense of what their saying.
All the residents watch as you do your best to drop hints only for him to complete miss it. Even angel cringes as he watches him completely be oblivious to the obvious flirting, it’s take Charlie and Vaggie to stop him from pointing out the obvious.
Husk almost always gives Sir Pentious as gaze of just utter confusion and tiredness.
He’d gladly take flowers from you that you gifted him and take care of it for weeks on end without realizing the romantic gesture!
Alastor, as always finds it humorous, although he usually doesn’t indulge himself in romantic like things he’s find it hilarious. “Even with three eyes he still can’t see the obvious! Ha!”
Charlie tries to help to the best of her ability to help guid him the right direction but it’s just end up with him more confused. Vaggie just face slaps internally,
honestly the whole crew wasn’t having high hopes for him as dim as that is. , look! He ain’t bad looking, but not many people would prefer his clumsy self, so they were honestly hoping he’d figure it out before you possibly moved on.
Even when your upset at the obvious frustrating situation he’s still be confused while trying to do his best to comfort you.
“Well I think the man isss clearly as dumb as a rock!”
It took you starring dead in his eyes for him to question if you were alright. Before you stated it was him
The way he just stood staring at you in pure disbelief, before snapping out of it and embarrassed as his previous words. But after the said embarrassment he’s full with giddy, why of course you love him!, he’s the great sir pentious!
Yea his embarrassment would quickly turn into pride, considering he got someone as beautiful as you to fall for him.
Definition of a clumsy gentlemen, he’d open doors so fast it’d smack him in the face, or pull when it’s a push door and be confused why it’s not opening.(´ω`💧)
He’s just a silly lil guy! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
I feel like the crew in the hotel would be relief to find he finally figured out.
At the end of the night he’s squealing like a high school girl as he rambles to his egg boys about you in a new light!.
He’s gift you small little trinkets or happily spend hours with you talking!
He’s as lovesick as your are! He’s just a bit dense when it comes to accepting the fact you love.
It’s like the roles switched! Now he’s daydreaming-ly staring at you happy to have you as his, and him a yours.
Like I’ve said before! He’s a total drama queen, he can’t help it!, deny him a kiss teasingly? He’s crumbling down to the ground and holding his chest as if he just had a heart attack! (¬_¬)
He’s not at all secretive of his love for you, even if he wants to, to keep his image “professional”, he just can’t help and dote on you!
overall he’s a big dote and softy even if he tries to hide it, loves you with his whole being! ( ˘ω˘ ) He can a be a bit over the top sometimes but you’ll come to accept it! And hey who wouldn’t want a silly snake demons who’s tripping over their tail for you. Yea you got him in and over his head but he wouldn’t have it any other way. The roles have truly reversed(≖ᴗ≖✿)
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
Demon brothers x Reader (Separately)
You’ve had an awful day, and you ask him if you can ride him until you feel better. How does he react?
Reader is gender neutral 
Content/Warnings: Riding, mentions of cockwarming, pre established relationships
like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and it really helps me out 
When you first sulked into the room, clearly unhappy, he admittedly was a bit annoyed 
But instead of whining to him like his brothers would, you walked over to his desk and crouched beside him, resting your chin on his knee
“Yes, darling?” 
“Lucifer, I had a bad day…” 
“I could pick up on that.” 
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
He froze immediately 
At first he thought it was some weird joke, but when you didn’t laugh he realized you were very serious. 
He could feel his face go hot, but he tried to keep himself calm and collected 
He thought for a moment, then sighed, scooting back from his desk just enough to make room for you and patted his lap 
“Alright, my love. But I hope you know I’m not going to be taking a break from my work, which means you’ll have to do the heavy lifting.”
And if you’re okay with that, feel free to ride him for as long as you’d like 
And when you’re done, stay on his lap for a bit longer and keep his cock warm for him 
If you do, he might just reward you when he’s done working 
“What d’ya want, human?!” 
He was certainly not in the mood to be barged in on. He was trying to look through a catalogue, this was very important! 
But when you flopped down onto the bed with a whine, he could tell you felt bad
“Hey, what’s the matter, doll face? Ya look down.” 
“Bad day…” 
“Ah, I see. So you want The Great Mammon’s help, huh?”
He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in close, allowing you to whisper in his ear
“I wanna ride you ‘til I feel better…”
His eyes went wide, and his brain might’ve shut down for a second 
Soon, his flabbergasted expression is replaced with a sly smirk as he pulls you into his lap. 
“Of course you can, babes! The Great Mammon is always here to help.”
He was playing a video game in his room when you knocked on his door. He was at first annoyed at the disturbance, but when he realized it was you he was ecstatic 
“Hello my player two! I’ve been waiting for you, I…hey, what’s wrong?”
“Had a bad day…” 
“Oh no! C’mere, sit with me! I’ll make you feel better.”
He pat the bed next to him before returning his attention to his game, rambling about the current storyline or side quest he was one 
But he was promptly cut short when you put a hand on his chest 
“Levi, can I ride you until I feel better?”
Levi.EXE has stopped working 
Red in the face, sweating buckets, heartbeat in his ears
“Uh…Haha! That’s a funny joke, player two! Haha..hah…wait, are you serious?!”
“If you don’t want to, Levi—“
“NO! I-I mean—no, I want to!” 
He’ll try to focus on his game at first, but he gives in so easily 
By the end of it his controller will be discarded on the floor while he whines into the crook of your neck 
He was reading a book in his room when you came in 
He immediately sensed something was off, even before you flopped face first down onto his bed with a groan 
”What’s the matter, dear?”
”Today was awful…” 
“Aw, I’m sorry, love. Can I help?” 
You didn’t reply at first as you snuggled up next to him, making him chuckle under his breath. 
“Mm…can I ride you until I feel better?” 
He’s taken aback by the request at first, wondering for a moment if you really said that, but once he processes the words he merely gives you a smile 
“Is that what you need, dear?” He coos as he pulls you in close. 
“Alright then, come on, I’m all yours.” 
He was doing his makeup when you entered his room, and he saw you behind him in the mirror 
“Oh hello, sweetheart! Finally back, I see. Hey, what’s with the face? Frowning will give you wrinkles!” 
He got up to wrap you in a hug, stroking your hair and inquiring about your problem
“I had a bad day…”
“Aww, baby, c’mere.”
He leads you to the bed and is already sitting you on his lap
Just when you go to ask him, he beats you to the punch 
Thats the best thing about dating Asmo; he always knows exactly what you need
“Wanna ride me? It’ll make you feel better.”
Your answer is a resounding yes 
And Asmodeus isn’t stopping until you’ve forgotten all your worries
He was munching on whatever he dug out of the fridge when you came into he and Belphie’s shared room 
Luckily Belphie was out at the time—probably napping in the living room or the attic—which meant you could be alone with your boyfriend 
“Today was terrible, Beel…” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Wanna bite?” 
It was a poor attempt at comfort, but the fact that he was trying made you smile 
“No thank you, Beel. I want something else…” 
He had just shoved the rest of his snack into his mouth when you climbed on top of him 
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
He almost choked 
But when he realized you were serious, he couldn’t refuse 
“If that’s what you want, but…why not let me do the work? It’ll help you relax more, I think.” 
He was roused from his nap when he heard you coming up the attic stairs 
Normally he would sleep through the noise, but for some reason you always managed to wake him 
“Belphie, are you asleep?” You whispered as you creaked the door open 
He was, in fact, not asleep 
“What’s up?” 
“I…had a bad day today…” 
That was all the explanation he needed before he was making room for you to lay beside him
You snuggled in close, letting him wrap his arms around you before you whispered your request in his ear
“Belphie, can I ride you until I feel better?” 
Belphegor loves when you ride him; he doesn’t have to do any work! He’s totally on board 
He’s not doing anything more than he already is besides turning over onto his back though 
Don’t worry, he’ll still get the job done 
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jaebeomsbitch · 1 year
Best Friend's Kisses (E.M.)
Summary: After seventeen long years of friendship Eddie decides to fulfill a ten year old promise. Something whispered in the middle of the night. He gives you the best gift of all.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem! reader, really only mentioned like two or three times
Mid-twenties Eddie and reader. Mechanic! Eddie
Warning: Slight smut at the end, talks of insecurity, making out, flirting, swearing, and melancholy reader. MINORS DNI!
AN: This is only my third fic on here. I'm still trying to understand the formatting.
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Eddie Munson had been your friend since you met him on the playground in third grade. He had defended you against some asshole kid who tried to take away your toy. Pushed him to the ground and yelled at him, you’d been inseparable since then. You saw each other through the awkward phases of becoming teenagers, watched him struggle through high school, and then eventually graduate.
Now you were both in your mid twenties, still having movie nights at the Munson’s every Friday after your shift at the record shop. You had a chance to leave, to go to college in New York but you turned it down. Not that you told Eddie, you didn’t want him to feel guilty. Truthfully you did stay for him, afraid that he might break without you but, did he really need you?
Eddie was an incredible sweetheart, making friends left and right with whoever would listen to him. It seemed like anyone that had a chance to really talk to him could see beyond the rumor around him. He was surrounded by people who loved him. Sometimes you regret staying, maybe you could’ve become something. Maybe you could’ve gotten a good degree, move your parents out of this shitty town but you were afraid.
The truth being you use Eddie as a crutch, you always had. Hiding behind him, gripping onto the back of his shirt as he yelled at another person for you, cleaning him up after he fought with a guy for groping you, Eddie was your protector in a sense. So you stay, stay in the shitty down you despise, wallow in self pity for being a fucking coward like you always are, and spending your days drinking or getting high with Eddie and his friends.
Today was a special day, Eddie had gotten a job at a mechanic shop. He always said that when he got his first paycheck he’d buy you something really special. He’d jump around from job to job until he found Earl. Earl was the only person who truly gave Eddie a chance.
“Honey, I’m home,” He jokes, walking into the trailer. Already expecting you to be lying on his bed when he comes home like you always are. He walks in shoulders hunched, face covered in grease stains, and hair knotted. “Gonna take a shower, then’ll be back. Got something exciting for you sweetheart,” He smiles, grabbing the pile of clothes you left on the foot of his bed ready for him. “Toodaloo,” he wags his fingers behind him as he exits the room.
Oh god what did he get you? Eddie had a reputation for going overboard, always saying he had to spoil his ‘princess’ because you were his longest friend. Always rambling about how you deserved the world for sticking by his side. Steve and Robin like to tease him, poking fun at your friendship. Always whispering, “you’ve never thought ‘bout it?” with their questioning gazes. It didn’t matter what either of you said, they never believed you. They could see the way the tips of your ears turned red or the way Eddie silently threatened Steve.
“I feel so much better,” He sighs, throwing himself next to you. He cuddles into the pillow, throwing the sheets over himself. “You forgetting something?” You laugh.
“Oh shit, sorry. M’tired,” He mumbles, eyes open wide. “Just go to sleep, Eds. You can give me whatever it is tomorrow,” You whisper. Trying to lull him back to sleep as you massage his scalp. “No, been waiting forever,” He murmurs, eyes blinking slowly. He must’ve been really tired for him to forget dinner. Eddie was never one to skip meals, always saying they were his favorite part of his day. You watch him sleep, he looks so peaceful with his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted. It isn’t until you hear the phone ring that you move your hand from his curls.
“Hello?” You whisper trying not to wake him up. “Oh hey! I was expecting Eddie,” Steve says on the line. “He got home and fell asleep immediately, I was just about to make dinner. What’s up?” You ask.
“You sound so domestic, like a housewife,” Steve chuckles.
“Yeah, yeah. Hardy har har.” You roll your eyes leaning against the wall.
“H-has he given you the present yet?” He asks out of nowhere.
“No, he just said he had something for me then fell asleep two seconds later. I don’t know what he did today but he skipped lunch. You know how unusual that is for him,” you say slightly concerned.
“It’s just… he loves you a lot you know?” Steve says, his voice sounding a little weird.
“Yeah and I love him too,” You reply quickly, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Just… keep that in mind, I’ll see you tomorrow,” He says.
“What wh-” He hangs up. What the fuck was that about? Of course you’d see Steve and the gang tomorrow, it was your weekly get together with the adults of the group but this felt weird. It almost felt like something monumental was supposed to happen today.
You try to shake away the feeling, looking through the fridge to see what they have. Cheese and tortillas, the ones you brought from home because you ‘accidentally’ bought two packs. You make quesadillas like you’ve made all your childhood, they were quick to make and easy for Eddie to eat while he’s half asleep. He had this miraculous way of waking up, eating, and forgetting that he even ate when he woke up.
“Eds… Teddie,” you whisper, gently shaking his shoulder until he groans. He gained the nickname after a long night of calling each other annoying nicknames, you saw your childhood teddy bear and instantly thought of Eddie. Just like it, he brought you comfort and he was also the person to give it to you. Claimed he won it in a claw machine for twenty five cents but you knew he had saved his money for weeks to buy it for you. You'd seen it at the store when your mom dragged you shopping for your sister's new clothes.
“I know, I know, baby. Just eat and you can go back to sleep okay,” You whisper, sitting on the ledge of the bed next to him. He slowly blinks, turning toward you as he scratches his neck languidly.
“Come on, eat,” You show him the plate but he still blinks at you not understanding. So you feed him like a sick child, watching as he takes little bites and tilting his head forward when he needs a drink. “Go back to sleep,” You whisper, kissing him on the forehead as his eyes close again.
Steve was right, it all felt entirely domestic. You’d never treat him, Robin, or any of your other friends like this but Eddie, he was special. Your heart clenches at the idea, always longing for Eddie in a way you know is not possible. Always afraid you’d ruin your seventeen years of friendship, afraid you’d lose the one person who made you feel comfortable. You’d always cuddled with him, he was overly touchy with you to the point that everyone thought you were together. You were always off limits to the other guys in Hawkins, only ever catching the eye of passersby. You fall asleep, thinking about all the should haves and could haves.
The sun filters through the small crack in the curtains hitting you straight in the face. You look around the room, remembering you fell asleep next to Eddie. His arm is around your waist, head buried in your neck, hair tickling your nose. You try to stretch as much as you can while being basically pinned down by Eddie.
“Ten more minutes,” he mumbles, pulling you closer.
“You slept for sixteen hours already,” you snort.
“Not enough,” He nuzzles into your neck.
“You gotta stop that or I’m gonna piss myself,” You say, trying to pry his arm off of you.
“Do it, you wouldn’t dare,” He challenges.
“No I wouldn’t but seriously, I gotta go!” you say more urgently.
“Fine, but you jump right back in bed the minute you finish,” He bargains.
“It’s almost one o’clock, I am not staying in bed,” You protest, still pulling at his arm.
“Either way you still owe me a present,” You say.
“Oh shit, I forgot,” He says, finally letting you go. You run to the bathroom to take care of yourself, peeing and brushing your teeth. You’d had a toothbrush right next to Eddie’s since your first sleepover, he always took charge of changing it out every couple of months.
“So what’s the plan for today?” You ask, rummaging through his closet.
“Eat, present, meet Robin and Nance and 'em,” He says, standing up from the bed to join you. He picks up a pair of black jeans, his favorite because “they fit him the best and they make his ass look good,” according to Eddie. It was warm out, you could already tell by the heat in the trailer so he picks out a cutoff tee that shows off the sides of his ribs if he moves a certain way. He didn’t know this was your favorite shirt of his. He always looked so fucking hot with it on, his tattoos peaking through the side, his midriff exposed at the corner of your eye. Well if he was going to play that game you needed a better outfit, no band tee for you.
You search through your overnight bag for the black lacy cami top that usually leaves him speechless and a pair of shorts. He looks at the outfit in your hand and gulps.
“Great, I’m starving,” You wink at him as you walk by. What the fuck were you doing? What has gotten into you? He might’ve just been thirsty or something. There was no guarantee he even noticed what you grabbed or even cared. When you come out dressed you hear Wayne’s voice to the right of you talking to Eddie about his job.
“Good…afternoon!” You greet them.
“Finally decided to wake up I see,” Wayne says, eyebrow raised. He wasn’t judging you, he liked to tease but he knew how hard Eddie and you worked. He always treated you like a dad, more than your own father. He was protective and caring in his own way.
“Blame Teddie,” You nudge Eds in the ribs.
“You know I need my beauty rest,” He says, flicking his hair.
“Maybe you need to sleep longer,” Wayne’s eyes light up, teasing Eddie.
“Some sleep would do you good,” Eddie says, tone more serious. Wayne had been picking up more shifts lately, you had hardly seen him the last three weeks.
“I’m already as pretty as I’ll get,” Wayne grumbles, not liking Eddie’s concern.
“Weren’t y’all ‘bout to get food, c’mon get,” Wayne pushes you both out, slamming the door behind you two.
“He really is overworking himself,” You sigh as you climb into Eddie’s van.
“I know, that’s why I’ve been taking longer hours at the shop. Just want to take some burden off the old man,” He says, eyes focused on the road. You both sit in silence on the drive to Benny’s, thinking about how stuck you felt.
You wanted to help Wayne in any way you could but you still weren’t making enough money. You rented out a room from your parents because according to them the second you turn eighteen they weren’t supposed to help you anymore. Even if you wanted to leave you couldn’t afford the lease. You remember all those nights with Eddie, dreaming of the day you finally became adults so you could become independent.
“We’re here,” Eddie says, snapping his finger in front of your face.
“Fuck, you scared the shit out of me,” You jump, hand clutching your chest.
“What’s got you so spaced out?” Eddie asks, during the short walk into the diner and into your “designated” booth.
“Nothin’” you say, playing with the salt and pepper shakers.
“C’mon tell me what’s on your mind,” He pushes.
“I just wish I could do something to help Wayne out,” You sigh, not looking up at him.
“Me too,” He says, taking the pepper from your hand and playing with it. You didn’t expect the heavy atmosphere but thankfully it's broken when Doris comes over with your drinks. You always ordered the same thing, every week.
“Here’s your cola’s, just put in your order,” She smiles.
“Thank you!” you beam at the sugary beverage.
“There’s something magical in these sodas I swear,” You moan, as you gulp it down.
Eddie’s looking at you through his eyelashes, tongue swiping at his bottom lip.
“Yeah tastes pretty good,” He observes, voice deeper than normal and pupil’s slightly blown out. You make conversation over your pancake breakfasts, talking about shitty customers and bonding over telling them to fuck off. The tension from earlier is gone as Eddie promises he can scarf down his food in less than ten minutes.
“I never said you couldn’t do it, I just said it wasn’t worth the upset stomach I know you’re gonna have,” You say, walking toward his van.
“Well it was worth it,” He gives you a toothy smile.
“Now for the big event,” He says, as you both get in the van.
“Big event?” You question.
“Got you a surprise, something I promised you a long time ago,” He says, staring into your eyes. There’s something there you don’t recognize, his gaze looking different. You wrack your brain trying to decipher his riddle. What did he promise you? He had made so many promises over the years, pinkies intertwining each other as Gareth made fun of your childish ways.
“Okay…” You look at him suspiciously.
“But, I’m gonna need to blindfold you,” He says, eyes full of mischief.
“Ooh kinky,” you wag your eyebrows at him. His eyes slightly widen before he snaps out of it and grabs a scrap of fabric from his door.
“Turn around for me sweetheart,” He mumbles. You can’t help but slightly shake as he places the opaque fabric over your eyes, his hand brushing the back of your head as he knots it in place. The entire act felt all too intimate, your heavy breaths in the silent van weren’t helping either.
“Can you see anything?” He asks, presumably waving a hand in your face as you turn to sit straight.
“Nothing, scouts honor,” You say, raising two fingers.
“You weren’t even in the scouts,” He laughs, turning the key in the ignition. You don’t know what direction you’re heading in.
“Oh my god are you gonna murder me? Been playing the long con? Get me comfortable so I go without protest,” You tease.
“Oh yeah, gonna chop you up in the forest in the name of satan,” He says dramatically.
“Sounds ‘bout right,” You laugh, as he pulls to a stop.
“We’re here, just give me a second” He says, opening the door and rounding the car to open yours less than a second later.
“Wrap your arms around my neck princess,” He says, carrying you out of the van and placing you on your feet.
“Woah,” You grab onto his arm as the dizziness sets in.
“You alright?” He asks, concerned laced in his voice.
“Yeah just give me a second. M’dizzy” You say, gripping harder onto his bicep.
“Take your time,” He says.
“I’m ready,” You say after a minute. “Okay, just follow my voice. It’s a trust exercise,” you can hear the smile in his voice as he leads you. “There’s like three steps, just take ‘em slow. Here’s the first one,” He says, stopping so you can get your footing. He leads you up the last two, “Before you take your blindfold off… just, I don’t know. J-just I don’t even know how to explain it,” He says, voice full of nervousness.
“Eds, I feel like I've been blindfolded for an hour. If this is another prank I will fucking kill you,” You threaten.
“Not a joke, promise,” He says, “Ready?”
“Been ready,” You answer. He takes your hand putting something cold in it and leaning over your shoulder to see the knot. You blink at the sudden light, trying to grab your bearings.
“W-what?” You asked confused. He’d placed a key in your hand, you were standing in front of a house.
“We always promised we’d move out together, it was time for me to bank it in,” He smiles.
“Wait, what?” You still couldn’t believe it. It had to be some sort of joke, he probably found this key on the floor.
“C’mon open the door,” He nods his head in the direction of the lock.
“You’re serious?” You ask, eyes wide in shock.
“As a heart attack. C’mon! I’ve been waiting for months to show you it,” He says, pressing you to open the lock. Your hands shake as you approach the door, the key surprisingly sliding in and turning. Oh no he wasn’t lying, this wasn’t an epic prank. You open the door to an empty living room, his hand guiding you inside.
“I haven’t picked out the furniture yet, thought you’d want to do it together,” He stammers, as you silently scan over the room. It was nice, the entrance opened to the living room, to the left was an open floor plan kitchen, and to the right a bedroom.
“T-together?” You stutter. You were speechless.
“I know how much you hate living at your folks home and you know we made that promise that we’d move out together when we had the money,” He says scratching the back of his neck. He was nervous at your lack of response, did you hate the house? Maybe he should have consulted you first.
“So you and me, living together?” You question, taking in every single detail.
“Yes, just you and me. Maybe Wayne but I doubt he’ll leave the trailer. He’ll finally have a bedroom again though,” He trails off.
“Holy shit, this is for real?” You ask again, walking around the living room toward the kitchen.
“Oh my god how many times do I have to say yes. Did I tie that blindfold too tight? Not enough oxygen in your brain” he chuckles at his joke. You jump into his arms, legs straddling his waist. You hold onto him like a monkey as he grabs your thighs.
“This is the best present ever! Holy shit, Eddie,” You say hugging him close.
“Least I can do for your long years of serving me loyally,” He laughs, walking deeper into the house. You slide down his body as he pulls you through, giving you the grand tour. The house had three bedrooms total, apparently he got an insane deal on the property. Someone from the shop got a huge opportunity in Indianapolis and was trying to get rid of it. They passed down the title to Eddie instead of going through a broker.
“Now this, I think may be your favorite part,” He says, pulling you toward the back door. Your hands entwined, which was not unusual for you both. He opens the door to a beautiful garden, the previous owners must’ve loved this place. It was full of flowers and fruit trees.
“There’s a perfect shady spot to read your books, we could put a table out there and have breakfast together,” He says.
“Holy shit Eddie, it’s perfect,” You say, pulling him in for another hug. He’s bent at an awkward angle to meet your height. Without thinking you peck him on the lips before letting him go and walking down the steps to the garden. You look back at him still frozen in that weird position.
“What’s wrong?” You ask oblivious to what you had just done.
“D-did you just kiss me?” He asks, running down the stairs to meet you halfway down the yard.
“T-that was-” You stutter, realizing what happened. He towers over you, hand tilting your face upward as he kisses you again.
“This okay?” he mumbles into your lips. You move your hands to his shoulders, nails digging into the skin. “Mhm,” You agree, trying to pull him closer. His tongue swipes against your bottom lip with a groan, his kisses becoming more desperate. You open your mouth inviting him in, his tongue mapping out your mouth as you moan. “F-fuck,” You breathe out as he pulls away, kissing down your neck. You’d never been touched like this by Eddie, his hands running all over you anguished for a piece of skin to grab onto. He leans his forehead against yours, as you both catch your breath, his hands under your shirt on your hips.
“W-what was that,” You stammer.
“Been wanting to do that since middle school,” His breath ghosts over your face as he leans back to look at you, skin flushed and chest rising rapidly.
“Since fourth grade,” You laugh, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him down to your level.
“That long?” He says incredulously.
“You were my first crush,” You admit, face flushing at the confession.
“You were mine!” He says, voice raising in astonishment.
“So we could’ve been doing that for fuckin’ years?” He says more to himself than you.
“Guess so,” You shrug your shoulders.
“No wonder everyone thought we were dating. You made the goo goo eyes at me I made the goo goo eyes at you,” He laughs.
“That was your fault! You always had an arm around my shoulder or were holding my hand. Anyone would’ve thought we were together!” You reply.
“As if you didn’t love it. Don’t think I didn’t see the way you look at me when I wear this shirt,” He teases.
“So you admit you did it on purpose?” You ask, smacking his chest.
“Course gotta make you all nervous,” He pecks you on the lips.
“Well don’t think I don’t notice all the times you stare at my boobs especially when I wear this,” You motion to your outfit.
“I fucking knew it! You’re a temptress y’know that?” He growls, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Anyway, I was always touching you because I didn’t want anyone hanging around my girl,” He mumbles at his admission, neck and cheeks flushed.
“Your girl?” You question, eyebrow raised.
“Always have been, always will be,” He reveals.
“You don’t know how many girls I had to fight off,” You chuckle.
“No way! I had to fight off half the town. You don’t even know how many fist fights I got into because of you,” he says.
“Girls are a lot more vicious. You know there was always a rumor going around about you,” You divulge.
“Oh yeah?” He motions for you to go on. “Always heard you had a big dick,” You reveal before hiding in his chest. You feel his chest vibrate as he laughs, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He teases.
“Yes I would,” You say, gaining confidence. You look up at him, the way his chocolate brown eyes are swallowed by his pupils. He pulls you in for another kiss, this one faster and more aggressive, it almost felt primal.
“Finally!” Robin cheers from the door, Eddie groans at the sound. He forgot he called them while you were changing. Steve, Robin, and Nancy scramble down the stairs giving you both congratulations. Gareth, Jeff, and, Grant arriving a few minutes later. Eddie’s annoyance dies down when he sees your face loving the way you laugh around your friends. You spend the rest of the afternoon drinking and eating take out with them. Nancy had brought a board game, this felt like home. Having them all here, Eddie's arm wrapped around you as he kisses your temple. You were finally home.
Eddie was finally yours and you were finally his. All your internal struggles and insecurities paid off. You had won the big prize at the fair! You spend the night on a blow up mattress with Eddie, eventually popping it because he has no control. After years of waiting you both felt more than desperate, clawing at each other's clothes.
“Shit- shit shit! M’close,” You moan.
“Fuck me too!” his eyes roll to the back of his head, thrusting in and out at a brutal pace.
“Say you’re mine, wanna hear it,” He begs.
“M’yours, always yours,” You claw at his back. “Yes yes yes yes,” He rambles until you’re both seeing stars. He pulls out of you, pulling you to his sweaty chest.
“This has to be a dream,” He exhales, staring at the ceiling. You kiss his chest in response. It was all too real. Your dreams had become reality. You finally had Eddie in your arms. You were his and he was yours just like you both promised when you were children.
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genshin-scenarios · 8 months
android au - companions droids
Summary: In a modern-futuristic world, it is possible to create androids that are so advanced, they’re more or less human! There will be 5 android au posts total, each focusing on a different group.
They don’t produce more than a handful of copies of each model, meaning that each android is quite unique (with a matching price tag, too...)
The Anemo collection has companion androids who can pass off the easiest as people, each with their own notable personalities. 
Characters: Xiao, Wanderer, Venti, Kazuha, Heizou
More like this: Anemo androids who lost their previous user
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Leaning more towards a protective role, Xiao is an android targeted towards users living alone or often traveling around at night. He’s a relatively quiet companion, happy to just listen to your rambling while you walk on the streets—Xiao mostly asks questions at the start, about how you’re feeling, what else is on the schedule… He first tries to learn more about you, and figures things out from there.
It’s nice, but he’s not as expressive as others, so at some point you wondered if he was happy with your current arrangements. Xiao actually did start to open up more after you asked that. It’s gradual, but he starts telling you about the cats that approach him when he’s outside, and other things he notices might be to your interest.
You like teasing Xiao about the people that admire him from a distance (whether or not they could tell he was an android, it was undeniable that he was handsome). He’d simply huff and say they were probably looking at something else, humble as he was, before training his eyes back on you. ‘After all, I’m here for you. So even if those people did approach me, I’d have no reason to find an interest in them.’
You start to wonder if ‘boyfriend material’ was also part of Xiao’s profile, after you realized how much comfort you found in the ways he’d walk you home or shopped for groceries together. Cafe orders? Consider them memorized. No need to even ask him about accompanying you to places
You’re not sure if he’s aware of how much of a romantic he is, from the things he says to the way he acts. He’s definitely a source of comfort after a long, stressful day. Xiao responds to your energy levels quite effectively, and seeing as he’s not the type that has to fill in the air when no one is talking, spending time together in relaxed silence was a nice way to end the day.
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As a model who was supposed to be part of an Inazuman security line, then pushed towards the Fatui collection before finally ending up as an Anemo droid… one could say that Wanderer’s specialty is a little unclear. It shows in his personality, too—a little blunt and snappy at times, but ultimately still protective of you and attentive of what’s going on around him. 
In that sense, you could still see traces of some security-line functions in him despite his strong personality that could be hard to get along with. He seems more cynical about the producers that designed him more than anything else; he’s not effective enough at any particular skill to call it at specialization, instead being a jack of all trades who learns quickly. You call that a talent in itself. He says you’re giving them too much credit.
‘Did they run out of ideas or something?’ After living with you though, Wanderer’s cynicism doesn’t show itself as often. He starts to become more involved in the act of, well—actually being your companion, getting used to your routines and finding a place within it. 
If he had one pet peeve though, you’d say it was whenever you got sick or injured. He would get the most annoyed (worried) when that happened, reminding you that while he couldn’t get hurt physically, that didn’t mean it was the same for you. 
He masks these otherwise caring sentiments under insults though, so you suppose that Wanderer really was good for people that needed to push back against life more, making sure your spark is still there. He prefers it when you’re expressing yourself. You’re not a ‘doll’ after all, and who was he going to gossip about you to? The electronics in your home?
If there was one thing about Wanderer, it’s how he’d never turn on you. …Well, and he does ask for the same. Don’t go searching for new androids when you already have him, alright?
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If you ever needed a presence to brighten your days, Venti is always up to the task. Not to mention he’s quite good for users with trouble sleeping. With a musical inclination like his and such a wonderful voice, you’ll surely doze away with sweet dreams.
He’s not the best at household chores, so for the most part Venti’s there for the companion part of the deal. He’s wonderful on shopping trips and mingling with strangers, even befriending people on his own if you were busy with something else. He likes meeting all sorts of people, though behind his friendly smile is always the security measure of how much they’d be a compliment or threat to you—if someone gave off the wrong vibes, Venti had enough of a silver tongue to redirect them somewhere else.
In another life, you’re quite sure Venti would’ve been an idol android. He particularly likes to write stories and poems, some of which are inspired by the things that happen in your everyday lives. Part of it is also because it’s a nice collection to have on the side, so that if anything happened and he wasn’t there, you could always hear his voice in those notes and feel his presence with you.
…Not that Venti had any plans of going independent anytime soon. He absolutely adores having your attention and hanging off of you, showing off how close you are to people (and also how cute he is, when he dresses up). He likes pulling compliments from you in particular, seeing how your eyes light up when he enters the room. You’re someone that he’s genuinely interested in and admires; from the way you push on despite the circumstances to the little efforts you put in that you think no one notices, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Venti was a fan of yours as much as you were his.
So… if it’s not too much to ask, please keep looking at him, alright? Even at times you’re too tired to smile, he can do the heavy lifting for you.
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With a soft and considerate personality, Kazuha is naturally popular with those that like how approachable he is. He listens to your worries and enjoys going out to places to sightsee. Sometimes Kazuha finds hidden gems around the area and surprises you by bringing you there. 
To call him an ‘explorer’ might be the most accurate—his favorite thing is seeing your eyes light up in wonder at whatever new experiences he can find. He’s most fascinated by nature, so going to parks or any scenic place would definitely catch his interest (and maybe he’ll write a few poems about it too). 
He’s a great traveling companion, considering how adaptable he is and the um, protective measures that are in his system. Most androids have this too of course, but you’ll never forget the time Kazuha had a thief in a headlock after they’d tried to steal something from an old lady on the street. It might’ve been one of the few times you saw Kazuha so intimidating (and dare you say it, it was kind of cool).
When you’re tired from work and just want to sleep in during the weekends, you’ll wake up to Kazuha’s cooking. He claims it was just a nice morning, so he went out to buy some groceries and made something simple. He’s not the most advanced cook, but Kazuha’s meals always have a homey feel to them, with light flavors that won’t be too rough on your stomach if you weren’t feeling well.
The one time you let Kazuha borrow your motorcycle… Well, let’s just say that you never took him for someone that liked thrill-rides until that day. He’s always careful not to get your vehicle damaged, and if you were with him he’d of course refrain from going fast—but you’ve seen the smile on Kazuha’s face when the wind was rushing past him. It made you want to go on trips more often, now that Kazuha was there to keep you company. His presence is something that helps you recharge when you’re emotionally exhausted from everyday things. 
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Heizou’s also a protection-type android! However his charming personality means that most people wouldn’t suspect a thing, making it easier for him to mingle with people without seeming intimidating. His pet peeve would be conniving people trying to get close to you with a smile on their face, though he’s a little meaner than Venti in terms of driving them away from you, hidden beneath his own charismatic smile. 
Naturally, Heizou really enjoys mysteries and detective genres! Once he planned out a whole mystery for you and led you through the clues he carefully prepared. It was probably during one of those days where you finally had a week off and just wanted to relax, so Heizou made a stay-at-home activity out of it. Suffice to say it was probably one of the most fun you’ve had in a while, laughing and thoroughly engrossed in the storyline.
Another time, you were attending a festival of some sort and got lost in the crowd. It was stressful to say the least and your phone was out of battery. You think your heart skipped a beat for more than one reason when Heizou finally found you, giving you a reassuring smile; ‘I’d never let you go missing like that. Have more faith in my detective skills!’
He’s helpful by nature, and that extends to strangers that may need advice or assistance at some point in passing, so long as it didn’t hinder anything to do with you. As a result Heizou has done a number of random tasks and even given romantic advice (via an art of deduction, of course), and it’s gotten him quite a number of confessions from both girls and guys. It’s normal to admire a personality like his, and Heizou is always flattered but kindly rejects them.
The next day, while you’re working on your laptop, he peeks over your shoulder with as casual of a tone he can muster, asking how you would confess to someone you like. From the smile on his face, it seems that Heizou wasn’t planning to keep his intentions a mystery for very long. (No one can blame him, though. He has to make a move before you’re snatched away!)
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thelov3lybookworm · 8 months
I Didn't Ask For This (part twelve)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Summary: Marriage had always been something sacred to little Y/n, something dream like, where her husband would come and whisk her away to a fairyland. At least, that's what she had always thought.
All her dreams would be shattered.
But maybe she can salvage them?
Tw: none that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: you did not think I would forget about my baby, did you? Yes, I am in fact, not dead. And yes, I didn't write anything for this fic for a long time because I had no idea what to do 😌
Also, thank you for all the love that you gave this one. I am soo glad I was able to write something for you to love. 🥹❣️
This is the last part in this series. But if there is something you want to see in a possible epilogue, please send in an ask or comment.
A loud knock on the door startled Y/n, who was trying not to get caught reading the very... not child friendly stuff Nesta had given her. Cauldron knew what else Nesta had in store for Y/n.
The knock was a little too loud to be Azriel, because most of the time Y/n didn't even realise someone had knocked when Azriel knocked. So it was definitely most probably Cassian, who was probably excited about something.
She got up to open the door, wondering if she should hide the book she was reading in case Cassian decided to barge in. For Cassian, it wouldn't be anything new.
She felt like it was the biggest shock in her life when she found Azriel standing outside the door, his hand poised to knock again as he grinned widely at her, panting.
Because, first of all, Azriel was a quiet person. Hell, even his wings made no sound when flying. If he knocked so loud, it was probably something huge. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not.
And second and more concerning thing was that Azriel was grinning. This was a man who would glare at people just for smiling in his direction.
Now she wondered if she really should have hidden the book.
"Azriel? Is everything alright?"
Impossibly, he somehow managed to grin wider. Once he had gained some semblance of control over his breathing, he spoke.
"Everything's fine. Perfect even."
Now Y/n was seriously concerned.
"Why are you grinning?"
"I need to show you something."
He offered her his hand, which she eyed suspiciously before taking. "What is it?"
"It wouldn't be fun if I told you about it." He pointed out, leading her to a nearby balcony.
That made sense.
He picked her up and began flying, the setting sun making the atmosphere beautiful. That was all Y/n tried to think about because if she didn't, she would continue to hound Azriel for answers, and he was too stubborn for his own good. He wouldn't tell her what it was, no matter what.
Soon, he was landing in front of a beautiful house, a beautiful lawn surrounding it. The area was quiet. There were similar looking houses nearby, a few shops. They were near the center of Velaris, but the pace was still quiet, tranquil even. Just like Azriel.
Y/n thought she knew what was going on, but still she asked. "Why are we here?"
Azriel grinned, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "I wanted to show you this place. Do you like it?"
"It's beautiful." She stretched out the word, searching his face.
"I brought that home. I thought now that we are... getting to know each other again and are comfortable, we might as well live somewhere far from Cassian and Nesta. Figured you might be just as tired of them as I am. Of course, I'm not saying you should live with me if you don't want to, but one day... maybe?" He looked at her when he finished rambling, his eyes hopeful.
She smiled. "I would love to live with you Azriel. So, when are we going to move in?"
Azriel's face lit up like a child who had recieved a gift on solstice. "As soon as possible. If you're okay with it." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Do you want to take a look inside?"
Azriel led her inside the mostly empty but clean house, a little jump in his steps. Y/n smiled and shook her head as he walked in front of her, opening all the doors and cupboards, a small grin on his blushing face.
Azriel was cooking, having forced Y/n to sit and watch. Since there weren't many things in the house except for a couch, bed and a few cupboards, Azriel had flown back to the house of wind to get items for their dinner.
She had offered to cook, but he had refused. And since then, Y/n could tell he was trying really hard to impress her with his cooking skills.
They kept talking throughout, his focus equally divided.
Right now, he was seemingly about to flip the food in the pan, and he turned to her.
"Watch this." But then he realised she was already watching, and he faltered.
Unfortunately, he had already begun to move the pan. And because he wasn't paying attentiont to the pan, the food items in the pan scattered all around the kitchen, and Y/n hid her smile behind a hand.
Cauldron, Azriel was adorable.
He stared at the mess, his shoulders slumping. Y/n hopped down from the counter she was siting on and moved closer to him. "Go. Sit. I'll make us something."
Azriel shook his head. "No."
Y/n cocked her head. "Why not? I cooked all the time by myself before."
"I'll get something from a restaurant."
Her brows furrowed. "But why?"
"Because I want to treat you better than you have been treated before." He mumbled under his breath, barely audible. Maybe he was trying to not let her hear, but she did.
Her heart swelled, as if it tripped fell down the stairs and now had to rest in bed for its whole life.
"You are treating me good." She smiled at him when he looked at her with wide eyes. He blushed furiously when she placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
"What– what would you like to eat?"
Y/n sighed. "Anything. I don't really have something in mind."
Azriel nodded. "I'll be back soon."
And with that, he bounded off towards the door, leaving his shadows behind to clean up the mess he had made.
Y/n watched as her husband moved his hand animatedly, his face filled with excitement.
The two of them sat on the couch, knees touching. Y/n wondered if in a few moments she'd be on his lap.
It had started out with her on the couch and him on the armchair near the fire, having finished their dinner sitting on the kitchen counter top because there was no table or chairs. After that, they had moved to hear the fireplace.
They had sat in silence, contemplating what to talk about when she found Azriel grinning.
When she asked him about it, he told her about how his shadows loved to be nosy and knew almost everyone's secret. How they had been telling him about the secret of the little boy passing by the house. It was that he had stolen a cookie without his mother's knowledge, and how he prayed to the cauldron that she never found out.
Since then, he had begun telling her of all the juicy secrets he gathered over the years, his shadows occasionally chiming in to add to the information. He had slowly begun shifting towards her as he spoke.
It wasn't long before he settled on the opposite end of the couch, a huge smile on his face as he told her of one of his favourite secrets that he found out, his body seemingly moving of its own accord.
Throughout the night after that, he had shifted closer anytime he got a little more excited, her scooting closer when she got more and more intrested in the story he was telling.
He finally stopped speaking, taking a deep breath, his cheeks flushed and a wide grinon his face.
Y/n sighed. "Well... that was a journey."
"I have better stories than that." He smirked smugly when her eyes widened in disbelief.
"Liar. I don't believe you. Even Nesta's books have less dramatic plot lines."
He grinned, shaking his head. "Speaking of Nesta's books... did you enjoy the book that you were you reading today?"
Y/n immediately tensed. "What do you mean?"
He gave her a sly smirk. "I'm the spymaster of the night court, Y/n, and I've been married to you for almost six months now. Do you really think I don't know what conspires between you and Nesta when me and Cassian aren't looking?"
A blush climbed up Y/n's neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure. Let me help you with that–" And then, as if the damn book had been next to him this whole time, he pulled it out of between his shadows and flipped open to where she had been reading when he interrupted her that morning. She knew that because she found the candy wrapper she placed in between the pages to mark the her progress.
She gasped, but he was already beginning to read. "Where were you? I think it was here? He grinned up at her from between her thighs..." He paused for a moment, reading, before he clicked his tongue. "You are really interested in this?"
He was busy reading, and so he didn't see her reaching out to snatch the book until she had a firm grasp on the book. He looked at her in surprise, but she began tugging. Of course, he didn't let her pull it too far before he himself started tugging at it.
"Let go Azriel."
He gave a harsh tug, and Y/n was no match for his strength. She lurched forward, her hand landing on his shoulder. Her face was mere inches from his and he grinned up at her.
"Really? You like this–" He shook the book near her face. "–this thing so much? Honestly, you could choose better."
Her whole face flushed as she tried to keep herself from glancing at his lips. "Don't be mean. It's rude to judge people."
"Hard not to when you read childish things like these." She scowled at him, and he leaned closer to her as he whispered, "Honestly, I could show you better things. The male here is like a newborn child compared to me."
Y/n blinked in shock, his closeness doing nothing to help her slow brain. He huffed a laugh at her reaction, and the air on her face finally pulled her from her daze. She began to pull back, trying to retreat back into her original position, but he caught hold of the hand on his shoulder, his expression serious.
Azriel's eyes trailed down to her mouth, and his tongue flicked out to lick his lips. He glanced up at her eyes, his eyes swimming with question.
Y/n knew it would be pointless and stupid to pretend she didn't want what he was offering. She could not keep lying to herself when this was all she wanted since the two of them began spending more time together.
So she simply leaned back in, her eyes fluttering shut when his breath caressed her features again.
Azriel didn't need anymore confirmation.
He was tired of waiting, and now that she was so close, it was too hard not to sink his teeth into her. Into those beautiful lips, that beautiful body.
So he surged up, and caught his lips with hers.
In that moment, it felt like he had found peace. Something he had been searching his whole life for. Like he had found the home he never had.
Not the house he was currently in, but home in her.
And when she gasped, he realised there were multiple reasons responsible for that feeling.
First obviously being that he loved her.
Second, she loved him.
And how did he know?
He felt it coming at him in waves.
Through the newly found golden string connecting their souls.
I love you. The emotions he felt from her seemed to tell him.
I love you more. The emotions he sent back to her.
And there, on that couch in their new house, tangled in each other's arms...
Azriel and Y/n were finally home.
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loveinhawkins · 2 months
Ficlet prompt: Lighter
Truly will enjoy whatever that might inspire for you, but I do especially love all your steddie work that takes place between scenes of s4!
thank you for the perfect excuse to think about another before the battle scene. (also i hope i’m recognising your username correctly & if so i love your video analyses 💕) •one word ficlet prompts
Eddie throws the lighter with no warning. It soars in an arc across the field, a glint of silver in the sun, and Steve catches it with one hand, of course he does. Eddie remembers the running joke in the true basketball glory days, Steve Harrington, an excellent catch: in every sense.
Eddie would always act like the whole thing annoyed him, but now, as he watches Steve grin smugly, he can only be fond.
“Figured you’d need it when you’re, uh, flambéing.”
Steve’s smile fades, just a little; Eddie wonders if the terror he’s feeling is obvious, even from a distance.
“Like, it’s my uncle’s, so be careful,” he adds, rambling. “I’ll want it back, man.”
Steve considers him. Pats a patch of grass, come here.
Eddie does.
He sits down as Steve flicks the lighter a couple of times, the flame winking in and out of existence. It’s a soothing sight, almost makes him forget that they’ve spent most of the day fashioning weapons—like so long as Steve’s got a light in his hand, things are gonna be all right.
It’s a child’s logic. Eddie can’t help it; he never could.
There’s a soft click as Steve shuts the lighter. He puts it in his jacket pocket with unnecessary care. A gentleness.
Eddie knows he’ll keep it safe.
And then Steve’s twisting round to reach another pocket, brings out another glint of silver.
He flicks it up in the air, catches it before dropping it into Eddie’s palm.
“This is my lucky quarter,” Steve says with uncharacteristic solemnity, but his lips are quirking in amusement and—
“You’re so full of shit,” Eddie says through a laugh, “you literally just bought that jacket.”
His fingers curl over the coin anyway. He feels the warmth leftover from Steve’s touch. Wonders if Steve felt something similar with the lighter—if he can lend their improvised charms some power through sheer force of will.
He slips the coin into his pocket.
“I’ll kinda want it back,” Steve says pointedly.
Eddie smiles. “I’ll take care of it,” he says.
He doesn’t want to sound afraid, but he can’t promise anything. Can only think of Steve carrying the lighter and hope that it holds: an amulet, guiding him home.
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