#this got out of hand so fast and went in like ten different directions
finalgilmoregirl · 11 months
thanks for all the love on my last two posts, here’s an idea i thought of the other day that i actually was able to fully flesh out
☆ a growing relationship between fnaf movie!mike x fem!mall worker!reader would include :
- pre fnaf movie events
a/n : i made this in head cannon form to save time but i might make a blurb series. ALSO IMPORTANT : i try to make the reader in my fics as physically non descriptive as possible which means i try to stay away from words like “tall, short, pale, thin” etc… if there is ever an explicit description, it’ll be in the title (like how i put “fem!” or “latina”) okay that being said, enjoy!
- movie takes place in 2000s so naturally reader would work in retail whilst in college (movie!mike is thought to be in his mid-20s so i’m also making reader around that age)
- i think the first interaction between the two would be at her place of work, on a particular slow morning
- he’s only had his security job at the mall for about a week, and his employers had him bouncing around different stores, trying to find his place in the building
- which is how he ended up standing at the front your store at 10am
- he’d spoken to the assistant manager for a moment right before opening but it wasn’t until almost an hour into his shift that he’d noticed you
- he’d just failed to stifle his tenth yawn in the last few minutes when he heard your voice, snapping his brain into high alert
- “excuse me?”
- he turned his head in your direction and widened his eyes a bit before trying to relax
- you were talking to him, and you were beautiful
- “uhm, yeah?” he replied, instantly cursing himself in his mind for not replying more politely
- you obviously didn’t mind his response as you smiled sweetly, reaching an arm out, which is what made mike take notice of the to-go cup in your hand
- “sorry, i just thought you could use this.”
- oh! this surprised the man, and you took notice of the look on his face.
- to be fair this was weird, at least a little bit. you’d never given the other security guards coffee. you were always polite to them of course, but you never went out of your way to try to make an impression ike this.
- but then again, none of the other security guards were this cute
- and you thought mike was very cute
- “i know, it’s a bit weird but i was over there stacking clothes and couldn’t help but notice how tired you seemed.” you pointed to where you were just a moment ago, before you’d gone to the back room to get mike his drink
- mike looked to the area you pointed out, taking notice of the pile of clothes you’d seemed to be in the process of organizing
- mike wanted to hit himself. he was so caught up in his own head and trying to force himself awake that he didn’t even notice that you had been a mere ten feet away this entire time.
- he then looked back at you and realized he hadn’t make a single coherent reply to anything you’d said so far
- he shook his head out of his thoughts and gave you a small smile
- “no no that’s not weird” he said, taking the coffee out of your hands and trying to ignore how soft they felt as his fingertips brushed against them, “that’s really nice of you, thank you.”
- you shrugged, playing with your now free hands while trying to ignore how your heartbeat had started to quicken
- “it’s no big deal, i just thought it’d be best if you were awake in case anyone tried to rob us” you joked, earning a chuckle from mike.
- “i’m y/n by the way” you held out your hand to him
- “i’m mike” he said as he took it, giving it a light shake and reluctantly letting go
- you looked into each others eyes for a moment, and warmth started to circulate your bodies
- unfortunately, the moment was gone too fast as one of your coworkers called you over, asking for your help in taking down some boxes
- you looked back at mike, who still held the smallest smile
- “i guess i’ll see you around.” you shrugged, walking away
- as the day went by and the store got increasingly busier, you and mike failed to have anymore interactions and soon, he had to leave, saddened by the fact that he couldn’t say goodbye but also hopeful at the thought that he might see you again
- it wasn’t until a week later that he did
- he unfortunately got stationed at a kiosk near the entrance of the mall, however that didn’t stop him from walking by your store on his breaks in hopes to catch another glimpse of you
- he did this for three days until this routine paid off.
- you were working the cash register, conversing with a young girl and her mother as you bagged their clothing
- “have a good one!” you smiled brightly at the pair as they walked out of store, which is when you saw mike approach the entrance
- he walked in shyly, hands in his pockets
- he’s wanted to see you… but what did he even plan to say?
- “hey mike!” you called out to the brunette as he walked in
- he responded with his own “hi” as he walked up to the counter
- “what are you doing here?”
- “you know, just…taking a walk”
- he looked down for a moment, nerves creeping up on him. well, he thought. i might as well take advantage of this moment. i mean, you’re right there.
- with a sudden surge of confidence (and despite the sweat now pooling down the back of his neck) he looked back up and said : “i actually just realized.”
- you looked back at him expectedly
- “i never got to repay you for that coffee.”
- when asked if you’d like to cash in that debt you replied a bit faster than you would like to admit, and a date was set for the same day
- where mike had four more hours to go after his break, you had three. which you thought was more than fine, just more time to prepare for this date
- you would meet at the coffee place across from the food court after both of your shifts
- and when you did, it was like something out of a movie
- mike of course, as guarded as he his, tried his best from dumping any trauma on you and steered clear from anything he thought was too personal in fear of scaring you away. however after picking up bits and piece from your life, he had a feeling you wouldn’t judge him
- despite you basically being a stranger, he felt more relaxed than he had in years, him learning about you was enough to distract him from whatever nightmares plagued him at all hours of the day, just for a little while
- as time went on and you both kept in touch after your first date, mike began to open up a bit more
- after the first few weeks he told you about abby, more so about their situation
- you sympathized with him a bit, offering advice if he needed it and a helping hand if any issues with their current babysitter came up
- your selflessness solidified his thought that this could be something good, which led to your first kiss after your fourth date
- you figured it would take a while, you sensed from the first date that he would be a tough book to crack open, but you really liked him and were more than happy to be patient.
- back to abby :
- as much as he was okay with talking to you about abby, he hadn’t planned to tell abby about you. not knowing how she would react to adding a random woman to possibly be a part of her life after their mother
- this of course became a small issue when she began to notice how much more time he spent on the phone
- phone bill be damned, he would still lean against the kitchen wall, twirling the phone cord around his finger for at least half an hour while he talked to you
- “who is it?” abby asked one late afternoon.
- where she was supposed to be in bed already, she came out to get a glass of water, catching her brother talking in a hushed voice.
- “don’t worry about it” mike would tell her.
- “what are they saying?”
- “abby can you please just go to your room”
- she would very soon find out about your existence when one evening mike put the phone down for a second to go look for a book he wanted to tell you about
- as soon as he walked out of the room, abby jumped from her place on the couch and snuck to the phone
- “hello?” she whispered, cupping her hand over the transmitter
- “hi” you smiled, picturing the young girl that mike had described to you before
- “who is this?” abby asked, almost aggressively, confused as to why her brother has been talking to a woman
- “i’m y/n” you told her, trying to suppress a laugh
- something clicked in the child then
- gasp “are you mikes girlfriend??”
- it was just then that mike had returned, and with a face of anger and horror her snatched the device from abby’s grasp and lightly shoved her away with a light scolding “abby what the hell did i say?”
- you laughed harder at his tone
- “i am so sorry about that. what did she say to you?”
- “oh nothing” you sighed, “she just asked me if i was your girlfriend.”
- he mouthed a god dammit as he looked to the ceiling
- he wasn’t embarrassed that abby had asked, he was embarrassed that he hadn’t asked you yet
- there’s no protocol to dating as an adult. “will you be my girlfriend?” sounds too childish and when that’s out of the question, where do you go from there?
- “well…” mike shut his eyes tightly as he asked, “what did you say?”
- “i didn’t get to answer. what do you think i should have said?” you said, lighthearted but pointedly.
- swallowing the bile he felt creeping up his throat at the nerves he rubbed his hand to his sweater clad chest
- “i mean…” you continued. “do you want me to be?”
- my god yes he desperately thought but tried his best to sound casual “yeah, i’d like that”
- “well then, i suppose i am your girlfriend. maybe i can actually tell her next time”
- he sensed the teasing in your voice and gave a mixed of a chuckle and a sigh at your answer, the weight the nerves left on his chest lifted.
- “next time” he said softly, “sounds good”
☆ might start planning a part two
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taffycandyqt · 7 months
Seeing someone who writes for the 03 characters beyond just the turtles is making me insane (/pos) like thank you for giving April and Casey some love! Wanted to say that first! But can I request fic where 03 Casey’s spouse (I’d prefer he/him or they/them be used for reader please!) gets kidnapped by the purple dragons or something and everyone’s like awww shit but actually reader comes back ten seconds later saying “I just taught those morons why they don’t mess with a jones” or something I’m sorry if this is formatted weird I’m just really excited to see someone writing for a character I’ve been obsessed since I was thirteen 😭
I'm so happy I write for a character you love!! Your so sweet this req got me giggling and kicking my feet!!
Don't Mess With A Jones
2003 Casey A. Jones x gn reader
Very slight angst, fluff, slight crack
Warnings: mentions of blood (like twice), angst if you squint
You and Casey have been married for a while now. In that time you both thought that the Purple Dragons were out of commission after the turtles took down not only Shredder but Hun as well. That was a stupid assumption apparently.
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You were missing. You were missing and the only thing in your place was a note from the Purple Dragons. And of course it was about the turtles. If he wanted you free the turtles and himself had to give themselves up to the purple dragons.
Yeeeeeah, no.
Instead of doing what they asked Casey went straight to the lair to formulate a rescue plan. Casey being Casey however, he did it... less than gracefully. Once he was lowered into the lair via ancient elevator he was yelling and effectively freaked out all the turtles there.
Everyone gathered at the entrance weapons bared and ready to fight off whatever unholy being just cursed their home. Upon seeing it was Casey though, they put their weapons away while Raph yelled at him to get it together.
"Cas- CASEY! CHILL OUT!" He shouted while gripping his shoulders. After he had calmed down he was able to ask, "What happened?"
"It- it's y/n. Look." Casey handed him the note. Before Raph could properly read anything important though, Leo took it and began reading it. This prompted an annoyed huff and arm cross from Raph.
"What's it say?" Asked Donny looking over Leo's shoulder with Mikey trying to get a better look. Emphasis on 'trying'.
"The Purple Dragons kidnapped y/n and the only way they'll set them free is if we all, including Casey, give ourselves up."
"That's lame. How dumb do they think we are?" Commented Mikey.
"Dumb as you apparently." Raph quipped in response.
"Does it say anything about where they took them?" Don asked.
Leo handed him the note, "They did give an address of where they want us to go. It's hard to say if y/n is there or not."
Donnie continued to study the note. Mikey made his way over to look too and Don moved it towards him a little to make it easier for him to read.
"So what are we gonna do? We can't exactly walk into an obvious trap." Raph directed his question towards Leo.
"I'm not sure yet. When we had run ins with the Purple Dragons in the past there wasn't the life of an innocent on the line. On top of that we know the Purple Dragons aren't exactly the patient type. So whatever we do come up with we're gonna have to act fast."
"Leo, I can't lose them. Kay'? I already lost too much to the Purple Dragons, I'm not losing y/n too."
"No one's losing anyone today Casey. Not in my watch." Leo looked around at everyone.
"Oh!" exclaimed Mikey, "What if we all went to one base of the purple dragons that we know about? We go stealth and look around for y/n!"
"That would be too risky Mikey, and it would take too long to. If none of us find y/n we could be waisting precious time." Leo told him, "I'm going to talk to Master Splinter. He might be able to see this from a different angle."
Grabbing Leo's shoulder Casey asked him, "Umm how long do you think that's gonna take. I'm kinda freaking out over here."
"Hey, Case, you need some water?" Raph offered, "Could help. At least a little."
Casey looked at Raph and then back at Leo.
"I'll be as quick as I can." Leo told him. And with that Casey was following Raph to the kitchen to get some water. Don went back to his lab to pack some equipment for some inconveniences that might present themselves during the rescue. While Mikey was back to reading comics on the couch.
After Casey had chugged his water he began to pace around the lair.
"Dude you gotta chill out. Y/n will be fine." Mikey smiled over the couch in hopes of getting Casey to sit down.
"I can't CHILL Mikey! I've got a real bad feeling and the longer I'm here the more I feel like I should be up there looking for them."
"Your anxiety is understandable but maybe you should rest had breath a little. Sharpen your mental focus a little for when we do go out to get them." Donny advised.
"I am mentally focused."
"Hey, maybe just let the guy be huh? Nothing we can say with calm him down anyways." Responded Raph.
Just then Leo came out of the dogo and with confidence stated, "I have a plan."
Everyone came from their respective areas and gathered around to hear what Leo had to say.
"First we are gonna need-" just then everyone heard the sound of "elevator" to the lair open. Then out stepped you. Bloody, battered, slightly limping, and a bat wrapped with barb wire in your hand.
"Y/N!", Casey ran to hug you. After giving you one big, slightly painful, squeeze he looked at you concerned, "What happened, what did they do to you? Oh I'll kill em' all of em'."
"Nothing much happened really," you responded and he looked at your face, "just taught them a lesson about messing with a Jones."
Casey had never felt so proud of you. Gosh he loved you so much. The pride that you were his, that you were so amazing and you were his. He hugged you again, softer this time, and buried his face in your hair. You were bloody, covered in wounds, and smelled like a combination of blood, sweat, and dust, but he didn't care. You were safe.
"Wait. Did you just... beat them all up then?" Asked Mikey.
------------------------------------------------------------Not gonna lie, figuring out how to write this one was a little challenging but in the end I can say I'm very happy with it!
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Hi, I was if you could write about Nick Wayne x Reader when reader is Nick Wayne Girlfriend maybe they have a kid and she and his kid are watching his AEW debut but then during the match Swerve Strickland gets in Reader face and intimidates her and Nick Wayne goes after Swerve for getting all in his girlfriend face and then gets all in Nick Wayne kids face as well? you can shorten this
We're Okay (Nick Wayne x Fem!Reader):
Word Count: 750
Supreme Speaks: thanks to @sunrise28sblog for requesting this and i'm so sorry that I didn't answer sooner (time is so random with me). also it's a little shorter than what i wanted but it flows better to me. i did not realize how behind I am on requests so imma try to upload twice daily. again, so sorry about that.
Warnings: cursing around a child, nothing else ig
Taglist: @sunrise28sblog @hooks-martin
Imma do a headcanon
You have always been supportive of Nick’s career choice as you’ve been dating for a while
At first, when you first met Nick, you didn't understand the appeal of wrestling and how serious for him
After getting to learn the different moves and how deep it runs in Nick's family, you grew to understand and love the sport
So when you and your son have the chance, you go to see him wrestle, you take it
Your son finds it so cool that his dad is a wrestler
To the point that he tries to bodyslam his pillow or tries to chokeslam his stuffed animals and your boyfriend
Even though you weren’t a wrestler, you were just as they come
You don't tolerate bullshit, you don’t take stupidity lightly, and you don’t get scared at anything
So you were able to get front-row seats as you really wanted to make sure Nick knows that his family supports him on his Rampage debut
He and Darby Allin were facing Swerve Strickland, one of his ultimate rivals, and Brian Cage
You and your son were cheering as loud as you could for your boyfriend as he made his way to you
He hugged the both of you before he gave you a kiss and his son a kiss on the forehead
You waved to Darby as they entered the ring
The match started with Darby and Nick having the upper hand until Brian just completely wrecked them
You flinched as Nick’s body hit the ground repeatedly as Brian tagged in Swerve
Strike 1
Swerve gave him a roundhouse kick with a smile before leaving the ring, walking in your direction
He walked up to your son, mocking him “Your dad’s a bum! He’s a bum!” Out of fear and intimidation, your son started to cry.
Strike 2
You pulled your son behind you, creating distance.
You cut your eyes at the man staSwerve darkly smiled at you, as he said “You’re dating a bum ass, broke ass, punk ass-“
Strike 3
You didn’t even allow him to finish as you delivered a slap to his face, making him fall to the floor
The crowd cheered as he looked up in shock. Nick got out of the ring and tackled Swerve while he was still on the ground
You cheered as Nick was throwing punches left and right; eventually throwing Swerve back into the ring
He quickly wobbled over to you and yalls son
“Are you okay?”
“We’re okay; go finish your match, baby.”
You just held your son and gave him juice as he quietly wiped his tears
Nick got back into the ring before the count of ten and it seemed like that one incident fired Nick up for the rest of the match as he needed both the ref and Darby to hold him back from injuring Swerve
A couple of more minutes went by before the bell rung and Darby and Nick held their hands up in victory. Your son was back to his bubbly self as he saw his dad stand tall and mighty.
At the end of the night, as he is driving with you in the front seat and your son is fast asleep in the back, you could see that he was still pissed, and he had every right to be
But on top, you knew he was deep in thought and was reflecting on what happened earlier
“Babe, everything is okay. We’re okay.”
“That bastard shouldn’t have been near you, let alone say those things in front of our son. What kind of man am I that I allowed-”
“Nick, stop. You don't control him, he was just trying to throw you off. And he didn’t scare me. Again, me and (Your/Son’s/Name) are fine. We know that those things aren’t true. You are a great father and significant other, I don’t care what Swerve says. I know the true you and I’m proud of you.”
Nick smiled as there were tears on the brims of his eyes, "You know, that was a great slap."
Giggling, you said, "Thanks. My hand kind of hurts from it still."
He chuckled, "Maybe you should join wrestling."
"Yeah, no. I'll leave that to you."
“I love you so much. I love our family so much.”
You leaned over the console and gave your boyfriend a kiss on his cheek as he continued to drive
“And we love you. I love you so much, Nick Wayne.”
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untitlednerd · 1 year
Sore Loser
Bradley Bradshaw x reader, Jake Seresin x reader (platonic) drabble/one-shot
Warnings: none, other than the fact that there was no spelling or grammar checks.
Though short and sweet, I thought the last one was a little depressing - so here! Coming up with this scenario in my head was fun :)
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“Draw four and change color to blue, my turn, skip you, and – four! I win!” You smiled innocently at Jake, as if you weren’t about to threaten him five minutes ago when you thought he was about to win. 
The two of you were sitting and playing Uno while Bradley watched. At first, you asked who wanted to play, and though Jake thought that Bradley would be the one to volunteer right away, he actually volunteered Jake instead. And with a smirk, he accepted. 
He was about to beat you, only having a yellow three and a red draw two left. Jake used the red draw two, and you got the cards you needed to win, and even though he drew a card after that, he still couldn’t go, which led you to make your winning move in the end.
“How the hell – you’re cheating!” Jake furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you, only glancing at Bradley when he heard a snicker from the direction he was in. “What are you laughing at, Bradshaw?”
“Nothing, nothing. Just enjoying the fact that there’s finally a game you can’t win at.” With a proud grin on his face, he walked over to you, leaning down and kissing you on the head. “That’s the third time you two have played now, isn’t it? I thought you said the third time’s a charm?”
“No one ever said that four wasn’t a lucky number.” Jake grumbled – well, it was more of a pout – as he shuffled the deck of Uno cards, dealing you and himself seven each. Then, he laid one facing up, a green six. “Me first.” He said as he placed his first card down.
“As you wish, your highness.” You said with a small chuckle, putting a card down after him. Bradley was smiling as he stood behind your chair, the whole ordeal amusing him. All he knew is that he hoped you would win this round as well. He knew that if you didn’t, then Hangman would brag about beating you one time before it could even be pointed out that you beat him three other times first.
The fourth game actually went on longer than your first three. Ten minutes later and you had two cards while Jake had one. It was your turn, and the color was red, the number being four. Jake couldn’t go, and so he drew another card, and got a blue four, placing it down. When it was your turn again, you decided to sigh, acting as if he had you stumped. This resulted in a big grin on his face before you eventually placed down your blue reverse, and your blue two. You had never seen a grin fall so fast on Jake’s face in all of the time you had known him. But knowing that you caused that by finally beating him in a game made you smile. He was always one to brag about how good he was at games. Whether it was a sport, a board game, or even a game like tic tac toe. He always seemed to win. You decided that sometime you would have to challenge him at rock paper scissors, considering the fact that the game is purely based on statistics and chance, and not skill. 
With a huff of annoyance mixed with pouting, Jake looked at you, and held his hand out for a handshake. You complied, and shook his hand. “Good game, Lieutenant.” You said with a small smile. Bradley was just grinning proudly in the background again. 
“What now, Bradshaw?” Hangman questioned, looking up at him from where he sat.
“Oh, nothing still. I’m happy to see you lost again, especially considering the fact that she is as competitive as you – if not more. The difference is that she doesn’t mind losing. But she’s very adorable when she is happy about winning.” Bradley replied, leaning down and capturing your lips in a soft kiss while you were still grinning from your victory. 
“And I thought being in planes almost daily would make me barf-” Jake gagged before shaking his head and standing up from the chair, heading to the front door.
“Leaving so soon? What, no five time’s a charm?” Bradley joked as he watched Hangman leave.
“Nope, but the idea of beating Coyote at darts is making me feel better already.” Jake said, tipping his non-existent hat to you as a goodbye before he left, closing the front door. Right as the door closed, Bradley let out a laugh.
“He is such a sore loser.”
“Do you want to play a round with me?” You asked, looking up at him.
“No-” He answered right away.
“Because I don’t want to lose.”
“Who’s the sore loser now?” You asked with a grin. Bradley only raised an eyebrow. “Uh Oh-” You said before getting up from your chair, and running out of the room, down the hall. 
“Get back here!” You laughed as he chased you throughout the house, back and forth between different rooms. 
“You’ll never catch me alive!” You ran into your shared bedroom, forgetting that there was only one way in and out. You looked like a deer in headlights when Bradley ran in, his arms folded with a smirk on his face as he looked over at you.
“Never say never, sweetheart.” He tackled you onto the bed, careful not to hurt you before he started tickling you, making you laugh. You sometimes hated how you were still ticklish, but Bradley loved it, especially when you had fun little moments like this. 
“You win, you win! You’re not a sore loser!” After that, he finally stopped tickling you, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek while using his fingers to brush through your hair, fixing it since tackling you messed it up a little. Not that he minded, but he knew you would. You laughed softly, your expression turning to relaxed as he did so. “Maybe next time, all of us should play. We could convince Nat and Bob to team up with us beforehand. If we convinced the others as well it would be suspicious.” You suggested, turning your head to look at him.
“I love your ideas, especially when they inevitably crush Hangman’s ego.” He replied with a proud smile before turning the TV on, the two of you deciding to relax for the rest of the day.
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outstandingblue · 2 years
Promises to Keep
Six - Meeting the Team
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recom!miles quaritch x fem!na'vi oc
part six is finally here! this part kinda really got away from me. i hope y'all enjoy!
| Masterlist | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine |  Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen |
Jiniraa never liked fighting. It wasn't in her nature, but violence was ingrained into the lives of the Recoms around her. Also - never threaten to take Mansk's sunglasses.
cross-posted on ao3 - find it here content warning: anxiety, blood, fighting word count: 3.4k
Jiniraa didn’t like fighting. She didn’t like anything that involved harm to another living being. Sure, her body had the potential to be one hell of a weapon if trained properly, but she never had the desire. One second of pain and she was already tapping out. 
When Neytiri and Jake went on their date nights, Jiniraa was often left in charge of babysitting duties. On numerous occasions, these babysitting adventures would turn into full on wrestling tournaments and she found herself rough housing with the Sully children and Spider. 
Neteyam and Lo’ak had been trying to make their father proud for years, trying to draw his attention with flashy fighting skills. Tuk was an absolute manic when it came to play-fighting. She was able to zip through legs and before you knew it, she’d have you flat on your back. In reality, she always felt her weakest around those kids; they were years younger than her, but knew more about self-defense and offensive fighting than she ever could. The fact that those kids had that knowledge at such a young age made her sick, especially because it was a necessity for survival when the Sky People returned. 
Time and time again, Jake attempted to instill the most basic of survival skills within the young woman. Jake tried for weeks to teach Jiniraa the most basic hand-to-hand skills. He saw the potential she had to become a great warrior. Her build was stockier than the Omaticaya woman, giving her a muscular upherhand. She was shorter, allowing her to move undetected through the forest and fast enough to evade incoming attacks. In the end, Jake’s attempts to train Jiniraa were a complete failure.
When it came to her own body, Jiniraa just didn’t have any sort of self-preservation. Frustrated with his failure, Jake gave up on Jiniraa’s training, moving onto a new, more promising student. While the disappointment on Jake’s face stung, she was relieved to not receive further instruction. 
Jiniraa didn’t particularly like the violent, fast paced hand-to-hand Jake attempted to teach her. Under the direction of the Tsahik, Jiniraa sought a different type of self-defense, one through exploitation of the body’s weakest points. Through years of trial and error, she was able to map out the vulnerable pressure points the Na’vi body hid within.
Most Na’vi warfare was through long-range bow targeting. She was a decent hunter, not the worst and certainly not the best - she was simply adequate. Those bow skills were not honed enough to ever save her life. Her pressure point skills were reserved for the most dire of situations.
She’d only actually used her skills in confrontation once; with a swift, targeted two-finger prod towards the lower side, Jiniraa was able to bring Ja to the ground. In all honesty, she didn’t even realize she did it. Her body acted on instinct as adrenaline coursed through her veins. 
So now that Jiniraa has found herself stuck in a room full of warriors trained in the art of killing and warfare? She was utterly helpless. These people probably know a hundred and one ways to kill me. And that’s probably just with their bare hands. She thought to herself, feeling her palms growing damp with sweat. 
Like the Sully children, Jiniraa enjoyed hearing stories of when Jake was a human on Earth, especially regarding his career as a Marine. Neytiri did not like Jake sharing these details of his human existence, so storytime was often kept a secret between Neteyam, Lo’ak, and Jiniraa. 
Jake’s most popular stories were about boot camp where recruits were taught more than a dozen fighting skills before graduation. His favorite story was how he almost got drowned in a river during a shallow water grappling exercise. From that day forth, his three audience members declared Jake insane. 
Jiniraa felt anxiety pulling at her stomach as more memories of Jake’s stories flashed through her mind. Since she was older than his children, she sometimes got a special insight into more explicit and damning stories. The amount of training he had was probably nothing compared to the Recoms standing in front of her, all hand-selected for this program to be the best killing machines imaginable. 
Miles watched with a careful eye, trying to see how far he could push the Na’vi in front of him. He wanted to use this day to demonstrate just how skilled the Recom unit was. A way to scare Spider and Jiniraa into obedience. 
Jiniraa let her eyes fall shut as she took a deep breath. It’s going to be fine. They wouldn’t kill us. The Colonel said he needed us for this mission. Her thoughts began to spiral. What if they only need one of us? What if that’s what today is? Is he going to use today to determine who lives and who dies? I can’t let them hurt Spider. The Colonel promised he wouldn’t hurt any of the kids. Does that mean I’m going to die today? I can’t leave Spider alone with them.
Jiniraa’s heart rate began to increase as her breathing became labored, she could feel the panic creeping up her spine as her hair stood on edge. It felt like her body was on fire and covered under a sheet of ice at the same time. Her thoughts became louder and flooded in faster. 
Miles could almost hear the pounding of her heart from across the room. His ears twitched in all directions, trying to focus on anything other than the woman who was clearly on the brink of an anxiety attack. He turned his shoulders, not expecting how seeing her current state would affect him. Her eyes were wide and afraid. Her chest was rapidly rising and falling, but it didn’t seem like she was receiving enough air.
Her mask dangled around her neck. He pursed his lips together - she needed to slip the mask on. His internal battle came to a halt as he watched her come to her senses. Jiniraa brought a palm up to her sternum, resting her hand there for the skin-to-skin comfort. Her self-soothing let her calm enough to realize to lift the mask to her lips, taking a few deep breaths. Miles' shoulders dropped as the tension resolved itself, relieved before turning back to his own task. 
A minute passed before Jiniraa realized they were supposed to be stretching. The Colonel’s vague directions didn’t help ease the pit of anxiety within Jiniraa’s stomach, the one she barely managed to control just now. 
She looked around for her human counterpart, only to find him awkwardly standing five or so meters away, awkwardly stretching his arms out and trying not to make eye contact. He was probably just as nervous as Jiniraa was, but doing his best not to show it. Spider was a decent fighter, his spirited heart carried his body through the air, but his body was his greatest weakness. At his full height, he was only two-thirds the height of other Na’vi. He was a weak little child in comparison.
You’d never expect how being locked up in a cold, stark-white, metal box for a few days could impact a person. Within the past week, Jiniraa hadn’t moved more than twenty feet at a time, the stagnant lifestyle taking a toll on her body. This was her opportunity to get around and move. She shook out her shoulders, attempting to shake her anxiety with it.
Reaching up, she pulled a bone hairpin out of her dark locks, letting the waves fall across her face, momentarily blocking her vision. She held the pin between her teeth as she pulled all her hair back, securing it with a bracelet. Pulling her hair off her neck improved her wellbeing instantaneously. There is something so soothing about a cool breeze against one’s neck. 
Reaching her hands up towards the ceiling, Jiniraa stretched out her body, mirroring the stretch she had in the holding cell. Her clothing shifted around her body, following the limbs underneath. 
The pants she wore were loose enough to cover her legs, but not hide the movement. The long slits running from ankle to hip allowed onlookers to almost completely see her legs. When she squatted down, her knees and thighs would reveal themselves to the world. Around her ankles and waist, the pants were tight to her body, but loose everywhere else. The garment wasn’t the best choice for a forest dweller, as she was reminded a hundred times over, but it’s what she liked.
Her tan macrame top offered more coverage and support than the traditional Na’vi chest pieces. It secured itself around her neck, and mid back, leaving her shoulders and upper back completely exposed. Like most Na’vi women, Jiniraa tended to leave her hair free flowing against her back, but she always secured the front sections of her hair backwards, hating when it fell in front of her face, hence the hand-carved bone hair pin, a gift from Kiri. 
Jiniraa glanced over to Spider who seemed even more out of place than a few minutes ago. She gave him a little nudge on the shoulder and smile, attempting to comfort him. He returned the smile and seemed to lighten up a little bit. 
Knowing Spider was watching out for the both of them, Jiniraa let her eyes flutter closed as she started stretching her stiff limbs. While the Recoms spent years molding their bodies to be killing machines and building muscles, Jiniraa spent countless hours working on her flexibility, applying her skill to maneuver and trek through the forest. The entire Recom unit would glance over to Jiniraa and Spider every once and a while. Some watched in awe, others in aversion as Jiniraa twisted and folded her body around itself. 
For a peaceful moment, she completely forgot where she was. She wasn’t a prisoner. She wasn’t in a foreign place. She was back home, surrounded by the people she loved. She was in her own world.
Miles’ skillful eye caught how distracted his unit was by Jiniraa. He grit his teeth together and clapped his hands together loudly, getting everyone's attention instantaneously. Of course, he watched as Jiniraa fell out of a backbend, head slamming into the floor, alarmed by the sudden noise. A small smirk pulled at his lips as he watched her revel in pain for a second. 
Big green eyes looked over to Miles as she stood up, rubbing the sore bump on her head. She muttered something under her breath, but he couldn’t hear it. 
“Fall in!” Miles yelled as everyone jogged over to the center of the room. Jiniraa and Spider walked. Their defiance annoyed Miles to no end.
“Let’s go ladies!” Lyle called out, causing the rest of the Recoms to increase their pace. As for the other two, they continued walking. Well, Spider was borderline speed-walking to keep up with Jiniraa’s long strides. 
Miles looked over to Jiniraa, crossing his arms and shifting his weight to one hip, annoyance and frustration spread across his face. She said nothing, only smirking in return before looking at Lyle. The bald Recom had his blue sunglasses on. Inside. Douchebag. 
Jiniraa and Spider surveyed the remaining Recoms as they circled around. The Recoms did the same to measure up the Na’vi and teen-Na’vi-wannabe. 
This was the first time since the forest incident almost a week ago the entirety of Deja Blue had gathered together, Miles felt a twitch in his stomach remembering the deaths of Walker, Brown, Warren, Fike, and Zhang whose bodies were left in the Pandorian forest. He didn’t even want to think about the animals who’d scavenge the meat off their bones before insects moved in to clean the rest. 
Miles’ thoughts drifted to how the same thing happened to his human body. Well, the Colonel’s body. It wasn’t technically his. Technically. 
“Everyone, this is Jiniraa and Spider. Spider and Jiniraa, this is everyone.” Miles talked down to the pair as if they were children, being introduced to their first grade class after moving to a new town. A town where the entire class were bullies. And knew how to kill without remorse. A thought that kept zipping through Jiniraa’s mind. 
Spider scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Jiniraa reached over and gave him a light tap on the back of his shoulder, dipping her chin in disappointment as if to say be nice or you’ll make it worse for us. He didn’t respond.
Jiniraa looked back at the group in front of her, taking a quick scan of everyone before offering a quick smile with soft eyes, “hello.”
Miles pointed to the members of Deja Blue one by one to introduce them. Even without hearing their voices, Jiniraa surveyed their physical characteristics.  
“Lopez.” Lots of tattoos. Wide set eyes.
“Prager.” He just looked lost. Weird hair on his chin.
“Mansk.” Long sleeved shirt. Dark sunglasses.
“Zdinarsk.��� She crossed her arms and blew a bubble. Pretty tattoos. Looked scary. She had 
Tuk in the forest. 
“Or Z-Dog.” She spoke sharply. 
“Corporal Wainfleet.” He was the only one Jiniraa had exposure to before. 
“Lyle is fine.” He brought a hand to his chest, feigning humility. Spider scoffed and rolled his eyes. She laughed lightly at his antics, causing his ears to perk up. Miles ground his teeth together even further, jaw clicking at the pressure. Corporal Wainfleet - Lyle - was quite the character. 
“And last is Ja.” Jiniraa turned to the last member of the unit - the one who held her by the queue in the forest, meaning he was the one she brought to the knees with a targeted pressure point strike. She averted her eyes to the ground, suddenly unable to look at the Recom in his eyes. He slightly narrowed his gaze at her, trying to overcome the embarrassment and borderline harassment he faced from Lopez and Prager over the fact he’d been bested by a Na’vi - a Na’vi woman nonetheless.
“Lopez. Mansk. You’re up first. Let’s go.” Jiniraa had no clue what was happening, but it seemed everyone else did. The woman with the tattoos - Zdinarsk - had a smile on her face as she rubbed her hands together, excitement etched on face. 
Miles stood between the two men, briefly reminding them of mat rules before stepping back. He held out his hands as both men took off their breathing apparatuses and handed them to their Colonel. 
Everyone watched as the two Recoms circled around each other, trying to see who would make the first move. Who would slip up first.
Lopez smiled at Mansk, flipping his hands in the air. He was baiting him.
“I’m gonna knock those ugly-ass sunglasses right off your face, Mansk.” 
There was no change on Mansk’s face.
“You might wanna take those glasses off, Mansk. Wouldn’t want them to get broken. There’s only so many shades on Pandora big enough for your fucking face-” he wasn’t able to finish before Mansk charged, leaning down as he sent his shoulder into Lopez’s abdomen. 
Lopez was ready for the charge, his wicked smile widened. Mansk sent him flying onto his back, but Lopez rolled over his own shoulder, landing with one knee to the ground. 
The Recoms continued to grow louder as the fighting continued, the energy in the room swelled. The men wrestled on the ground, fighting for dominance before Mansk was able to wrap around Lopez’s front and grab his wrist. 
Their fighting was relentless. It didn’t seem like a simple sparring exercise. It was life or death to them right now.
Mansk twisted Lopez’s arm around, forcing a gasp out before his face was shoved to the mat. Mansk held Lopez to the ground, a knee between his shoulder blades. Lopez thrashed for a few seconds, trying to get out of Mansk’s death hold. Giving up, he tapped the mat three times.
Miles walked up, slapping a hand on Mansk’s shoulder. Within seconds, the men were up on their feet, fighting personas completely gone as they returned to normal people as they laughed.
“Lopez, you can’t talk big game like that and then tap out like a little bitch.” Prager laughed as Lopez retreated to the circle.
“I fucking hate those sunglasses,” he muttered, wiping a trail blood from his nose.
Mansk’s mouth only twitched for a quick second, if you blinked you would’ve missed it. He revealed how butthurt his opponent was. 
Ja and Lyle were the next to go. Lyle already knew Ja’s ego was bruised from the forest and getting taken down by Jiniraa, but that didn’t mean he was going to go easy on him. It just made him more surprised when the moment the Colonel stepped back, a leg was already flying through the air at Lyle’s side. He pushed the foot away with ease, bouncing on light feet. 
The pair circled the entire perimeter of the map, sending punches to each other, but never making contact. 
“Just fucking go!” Zdinarsk screamed next to Jiniraa. The volume of her outburst was unexpected, causing Jiniraa to wince and cover her ears. 
Ja glanced over to Jiniraa momentarily, flashing a cocky smile before going in on Lyle. He punched the Corporal directly in the jaw, but he didn’t stumble at all. Lyle retaliated with a swift punch to Ja’s ribs. As he was knocked off balance, Lyle dropped down and swept Ja’s legs out from under him, robbing his lungs of air as he fell to the ground. 
Ja thought about kicking Lyle in the nuts for that shot. His better judgment warned him against it. A cheap shot like that? The Colonel would make him run with full gear till he threw up, started bleeding, or passed out. Maybe all three. 
They both knew the fight was over and Lyle reached down, offering Ja a hand. He reluctantly wrapped his arm around Lyle’s forearm. With a swift tug, Lyle launched Ja upright and gave him a firm slap on the back. 
Zdinarsk and Prager were next. Their fight was over the fastest. Within seconds, Zdinarsk had Prager on the ground as she wrapped her legs around his throat until he submitted. 
Jiniraa looked around, realizing all the Recoms had gone at this point. No one was moving, except Miles. He walked to the center of the mat and opened his arms. 
“Alright, sweetheart. It’s your turn.” He took a final sip of air before slipping his breathing apparatus off his torso, handing it over to his second in command. 
Jiniraa pointed a finger at herself, her mouth open in disbelief unable to produce a sound. 
He nodded, “Yup. You and me. Wanna know how you took that one down.” He pointed at Ja, more butthurt than ever. 
“Um - No. It’s okay. I don’t think I can.” She stuttered. 
“Not a question. Get over here. Now.”
Spider looked up at the Na’vi. He didn’t expect her to actually take a step forward, slowly walking towards the Colonel. The foam of the mat was soft under Jiniraa’s feet. It felt like a mossy clearing in the forest. 
She looked Miles up and down, sizing him up. Of course, he was faster, bigger, and stronger than she could ever be. There were no apparent weaknesses on his body. She noticed how he had his combat boots on. If he tried to kick her in the ribs like Ja did to Lyle, he’d break one. Maybe even two.
She was barefoot and in loose clothing. So much material he could grab and use against her. Only her top was smooth to her body. He could easily grasp her hair or queue and force her into submission in seconds. She’d tap within a moment of pain. 
Miles knew that. He recalled the day she was forced into the interrogation contraption and some white coat said she received pain much differently than other Na’vi - her pain was heightened. He was already planning on going easy on her, but this meant he had to keep her from hurting herself as well.
She gulped as she stopped, two arm lengths away from the Colonel. He didn’t say anything before he took a step back, bending himself at the knees and opening his arms to her, daring her to take the first move.
Next: Seven - A Winner and a Loser
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somekndofpeople · 4 months
@neverhangd LIKED FOR A STARTER —>
The voyage to the Republic of Pirates could have been nicer. Voyage was luckily covered for such an expedition, but only at average cost. When inquiring captains about the destination he frequently was turned away, gawked at, or met with an adjusted price that even he was unwilling to come to terms with. The only ship he could find willing to even get near the republic at a lower cost was a smaller fishing vessel that would get just outside the port and allow him to use a dingy to row alone the final length. Plenty of his cohorts believed that he should only attempt this travel with an armed guard or guide, but it too brought about the predicament of price, and reliability. He could request for more formal escort- but that presence he knew would stir more attention and trouble than needed. Anyone less and he runs the risk of rubbing elbows with any sort of criminal simply looking for passage the the Republic. Vasco went on alone, and could only hope he had enough street smarts and charm to find who he needed and get back inland with all his bits and pieces.
Asking pirates for the whereabouts of another pirate was apparently and unspoken faux pas. Especially when it came to the name Anne Bonny. Not long after arriving he dove right in. Trying his best to not draw attention to himself despite his arrival and unfamiliar wondering gaze. Asking a few fellows whom he profiled at a glance as 'safe-ish' bets. But it would seem 'safe-ish' still runs the risks. He'd gotten a couple of grunts, a honest "no", and enough people asking him too many questions and got too close in return to decide he needed a different approach. And soon. Word must travel fast of a newcomer looking for people he had no means in finding, because he was beginning to feel eyes on him. This, however, he could use to his advantage. Rather than putting his head low and moving out of this limelight he looks onto the faces who may look back. unafraid of the risk that follows looking an unfamiliar creature in the eye. Searching for any a gaze that may befall his. With a stroke of luck, his gaze settles on one shrunken soul. They avert their gaze in his approach. Not fast enough. He saw what he needed. He wastes no time in closing the distance between them. They shrink back, but he makes it to them before they could fold in on themselves. He speaks low to keep it between the two of them, "Two pounds to point me in her direction. Five to take me to her. A full Ten in the end for no bullshit..." He puts out a hand. The sorry soul shakes it.
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What feels like hours later, and too many turns to confidently say he could backtrack where they came from, his guide knocks on a door. At this point, it only just crosses his mind that he could have been guided into a trap. But he looks at his guide and remembers what he has seen in them, and his nerves quickly settled. However, They wont be paid until he knows for sure this is her. So he knocks on the door. Aware of this souls valuable time and how he'd like to send them on their way. Not for their own sake, but because he doesn't want to be around for it.
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alispangles · 7 days
The Adventures of Tiffany Faewyf
The Night
Tiffany shuddered as she took in her surroundings. She'd never stayed so late in the forest, it felt so different in the darkness. The willow trees seemed to loom over her and the stillness seemed so much more unsettling.
She felt her pulse quicken as she began thinking of every possible evil that could be waiting for her. Even worse, she couldn't get her bearings without the sun, she had almost no idea of the way to walk to get back home now.
Gathering up her things, placing her lute back in its box and stowing her now empty food bag, she picked up her cloak and shook it off. She shivered to hear the echo of the fabric bouncing around the glade. Slowly, tentatively, she put it round herself and fixed the clasp about her neck. Picking up her things, she walked off.
She knew the brook was on the far side from where she came in so, keeping it always behind her, she began to walk through the trees. High above, owls hooted and all around her she could hear scurrying and rustling in the brush. Minutes seemed to turn to hours as she made her way forwards. In time though, through the dullness, lit by the moonlight, she saw another clearing up ahead! She smiled.
She would be home soon, she could ... but no, this wasn't her home. In fact, this wasn't any home.
The break in the trees gave way to a road. Thick, course gravel set into the ground about ten feet across and disappearing off into the darkness in both directions. She must be on the market road. Though she seldom used it, she had been out this way before, meeting deliveries and sending her surplus off with the trade carts.
The sharp stones were tough under her feet and she stifled more than one squeak as she tried to walk on it in her bare feet. She gave up and stuck to the tree line beside it, looking back and forth as she went in case a rider or a cart might come by. At last she came to a trivia where the road, forking off in two other directions, was marked in its centre with a tall wooden signpost. She walked up to it and, going up on tiptoe and craning her neck, read the signs high above her.
She pouted, pulling her cloak tighter around her. She had been walking the wrong way, she needed to go back down the road she had just come up. She took a deep breath. Things weren't too bad and she seemed to be alone, she just needed to follow the road as far as ... she froze. Someone was laughing.
Keeping her back to the post, she looked around, the laughter seemed to echo wildly. No, it wasn't echoing, there was more than one voice. From each corner, men were stepping out of the darkness. They wore dark leather jerkins and wide tricorn hats. Their faces were covered and their hands were gloved. They each wore a pair of tall black boots and at their sides hung knives and daggers.
“What do we have here, then?“ One of them spoke. Tiffany shivered. “Why if it don't look like a frightened little rabbit. Got gold on you, have you, bunny girl?“ The men laughed.
“Please, no, I haven't ...“ she stuttered.
“Hey, boss, I know her!“ Another of the men shouted. “That's the one who lives in the farm by the wood. You know, plays with the fairies in the forest.“
The leader chuckled.
“Oh,“ he said mockingly, “we got ourselves a fairy-wife, have we? Lonely life, playing with folk tales and old wives stories, I bet you haven't been with a man in years, have you girlie?“ He stood over her, pulling down his mask to reveal a grin that glinted with the hint of gold in the moonlight.
“Please, I just want to ...“ She made to leave but was quickly blocked as he placed an arm around her waist.
“No, no, not so fast fairy-girl.“ He leered. “See, there's a toll for using this road at night. The lads and I have expenses, you see, we need money to cover costs.“
“I haven't got any ...“
“What about this?“ He fingered a necklace that hung at Tiffany's neck. Her hand came up quickly to cover it.
“No, please, not that. It's ... precious.“
The leader laughed a deep, mocking laugh. His men joined in.
“Girlie, that's why we're wanting it! We like precious things, they sell well. Still,“ he cocked his head to one side, “it doesn't do to upset a lady.“ His hand moved around her, his palm taking in her curves. “I'm sure we can work out a deal though. My boys and I have other needs.“
The men chuckled.
Tiffany pleaded as she was thrown and spun between the men. They grabbed at her and laughed, pulling her cloak from her and causing her to drop her things. At last she found herself back with the leader, his rough hands holding her tight at the waist as she struggled in vain to run away.
“Left your fairy prince behind, I see, Faewyf!“ He laughed. “Well, don't worry, we'll keep you warm til he comes back!“
He kissed her roughly, plunging his tongue against hers, then threw her down to the ground. Her palms ached as she tried to catch herself but scraped them on the gravel. Tears began to roll down her face as she closed her eyes tight and waited.
She listened as he unbuckled his belt.
Time seemed to stop.
She heard a gasp come from one of the other men though. Opening one eye slightly, she saw a bright light in the darkness. A burning torch, hurled from out the shadows, was spinning and arching its way between her and the leader of the ruffians. He shut his own eyes, blinded for a moment by the brightness of the flame as the torch bounced on the ground beside the sign-post. It lit the whole area and for a moment the man looked almost comical, standing there with his breeches halfway down his legs, hanging over the tops of his tall boots as he tried to shield his eyes.
“What's going on ... ?“ He started to say, but never finished his sentence. A fist came up hard and punched him squarely in the side of the head. The tall man fumbled and tripped, falling hard on the ground as a brown-booted foot kicked him hard on his naked arse, knocking him down onto his chest as he cursed.
Tiffany watched in amazement. A figure dressed in a long, green tunic and wearing tarnished steel armour, was fighting its way through the band of ruffians. The men all drew daggers from their belts as the newcomer whirled, pulling two swords from its belt and knocking several of their hands hard with the pommels sending their blades falling from their grips onto the gravel road by their feet.
The men didn't stop to think though. As one man they charged inwards towards the figure, fists raised, snarling. The stranger lowered onto bent knees, building energy as it then sprung up and spun in the air, the two swords whirring fast. There was a slashing noise and several of the men found their waistlines slacken as their belts split in two. Grabbing at their breeches, the men began to back away.
Again the swords spun, flashing in the torch-light, as the pommels were brought down hard on the heads of two of the nearest ruffians. They tumbled to the ground and began to crawl away. The others, seeing the way the wind was blowing, soon followed, half running, half stumbling into the darkness, clutching their slashed clothing as they went.
“Get up, boy.“ The stranger kicked the fallen leader. Tiffany almost laughed, the fallen man was shivering! She watched as another swift kick from behind brought him to attention. The stranger whispered something in the man's ear and he began to run along after his men.
Tiffany stayed where she was, sitting on the ground, as she watched the figure collect up two or three of the fallen weapons. Each was examined closely in the torch light. Each and every was then thrown away, discarded, into the foliage of the tree-line as one might a piece of rubbish,
Finally, the figure walked over to Tiffany. A gloved hand was extended to her. Trembling slightly, she took it and found herself lifted effortlessly back to standing. She looked up at the face of her rescuer. Long brown hair, tied at the back of a head, its face covered with a scarf of black silk. Tiffany lifted a hand to the material and lowered it.
“Thank you ... ma'am?“ She said in surprise as she found herself looking upon the face of a woman. The tall, athletic build gave way to a soft but weather-beaten face. Multiple small scars told a story of a life well-fought. Brown eyes looked on Tiffany kindly.
“Susan,“ the warrior said, bowing, “and you are ... Faewyf?“
“Tiffany.“ Tiffany curtsied. “Oh!“ She saw, as her head lowered, a patch of fresh blood on Susan's arm. “Did they ... ?“
Susan looked down at her own arm and laughed.
“One of the little wasps had a sting, it seems!“ She smiled at Tiffany. “Still, a wasp sting never worried me!“
Tiffany blushed. “Please,“ she said, “I have ... I could ... may I dress it for you? It's the least I could do really. My home isn't far from here.“
Susan looked Tiffany up and down. Such a small creature to be out alone. Delicate, slender, clever fingers, if anyone could patch her up round here then it was certainly her.
She bent down and picked up the torch, still burning with it's yellow-orange light.
“Please,“ she smiled, “show me the way!“
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malfoyscoffee · 6 months
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theodore nott ᯓᡣ𐭩 academic rivals to lovers
“ten points to slytherin.”
you smirked and held your head high, proud that professor slughorn had just gifted your house with points.
your eyes quickly went to the brunet who huffed and placed his arm down, not getting chosen to answer the question.
a tug hit your side, “(y/n), when will you admit that you fancy theo?”
pansy chuckled as you glared at her, rolling your eyes and diverting your attention to continue taking notes. “pansy, he is my biggest enemy. we have been competing against everything since first year. why in the bloody hell would you think i fancy that arse?”
ever since your first class in hogwarts, theodore nott has grown as your only rival. you both always fought to see who would answer the professor’s questions, who would receive the higher mark on exams, and who would be at the top of all classes.
even with the same slytherin friend group, everyone got used to the competitive nature that the two of you shared—non-slytherin students, professors, and maybe even headmaster dumbledore knew.
you started scribbling more words down while pansy shrugged her shoulders, “maybe because he’s all you ever talk about?” you stopped the quill you were using, glancing over at the boy sitting a few rows away.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“miss (y/l/n), since you’re distracted with miss parkinson, would you like to come up and smell this potion?”
suddenly your confidence shrunk as the entire classroom silently watched you. slowly you ascended from your seat, heading to the front. there was snickering from your slytherin friends—especially theodore.
professor slughorn pointed towards the cauldron next to him, signaling you to smell the potion.
you stepped impossibly close, taking a sniff of the smell. “i smell fresh mint and sweet fire whiskey.”
you take a step back and beam before looking straight at pansy, except she holds a horrified look. all your classmates silently watched you in horror and their mouths open.
professor slughorn coughed once next to you, “thank you miss (y/l/n), you may now go back to your seat.”
confusion filled your face as you walked back to your seat.
“that, class, was the power of amortentia.“
you stood clutching your black and green robes in fists, realizing why everyone was still staring at you.
“it smells different to each person according to what they find attractive. now this potion..”
you couldn’t believe what you had just heard, more importantly, you knew whose scent you smelled from the potion.
you turned around, ignoring the specific pair of eyes lingering on you, rushing to leave the classroom as fast as your legs could take you.
you could explain to professor slughorn tomorrow that you felt like vomiting, so you had to run outside.
it was only a five-minute distance from the classroom to your dorm. technically, you could skip dinner later and ask pansy to bring you food, so you wouldn’t have to see theodo-
“(y/n)! wait!”
no. this cannot be happening. 
you stopped in your tracks, slowly looking behind you.
theodore was running from the same direction you came from, catching up to you at a desperate pace.
“what nott? i don’t feel like arguing with you right now. not after.. that.” you hope he’s slow to realize that you smelled him in your amortentia.
“listen,” theodore caught up to you, standing in front of you now, “i know you smelled me in your amortentia just now.”
you groaned, “it’s not true. it can’t be. we hate each other.” you motioned between the two of you. “let’s just forget all this happened to save me from some humiliation.”
you turned to continue your journey back to your dorm when a hand grabbed your arm.
“no, listen to me.” theodore sounded sincere, his usual playful personality gone. “are you really that daft?”
you stared at the boy annoyed, “me? i’m as smart as you. we’re on top of our class, how would i be daft?”
“salazar, you’re in denial. you’re going to make me spell it out for you?”
annoyance was taking over you, shrugging your arm off of theodore’s grip. “if you don’t want to elaborate, i’ll be on my way.” you sighed and continued to walk down the empty corridors.
you don’t even turn around to the boy. “piss off, nott.”
“i fancy you.”
you made about ten steps away from theodore before you froze. did you just hear him correctly?
theodore continued, “i’ve fancied you since first year when we first met, i’ve competed against you in every class to get your attention, but now i think we should start over?”
your eyes widen and search for any signs of insincerity while he stands, waiting for your response. letting out a breath, you take a few steps back towards him.
“i’d like that.”
“by the way, i smelled you in my amortentia last year.”
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If the inspiration takes you, would you be able to write a lil something about a misunderstanding and miscommunication? Light angst ficlet with a happy ending? I love your fics, thank you for sharing your talent with us and choosing this fandom!
okay I had to think about this one for a second, because as y'all know I don't normally write angst, but here we are! also thank you for your kind words ;-; although I'm not really sure I chose spn I think I just got sucked into the vortex and here we are.
I hope you enjoy this ficlet! (also imagine this is a fake season 9. where dean doesn't kick cas from the bunker and they go on hunts <3) (also this got way out of hand I'm so sorry)
It was supposed to be a milk run.
Of course, half the time that they get a case that's "supposed to be a milk run," it ends with one of them almost dying, just for the hell of it, and today's no exception.
Sam's off on a different hunt in Colorado, so it's just Dean and Cas, which is no problem. Dean trusts Cas to watch his six, to watch everything.
Or, at least, it isn't a problem until their "milk run" turns into a really pissed-off poltergeist (to be fair, Dean'd be pretty pissed if someone was shooting at him), and then Dean gets hurled halfway back to Kansas, it feels like, and by the time he comes to with a pounding in his head and a searing pain in his shoulder, said poltergeist is gone and Cas is standing over him with a big, bleeding gash across his face.
Every time Cas gets hurt these days, it's like a fucking train wreck. He tries to heal himself, and then he can't, and he gets all moody and sullen, which, like, Dean can understand, but it doesn't make it any easier, and to make matters worse today Cas tried to heal Dean, and now they're sitting in the Impala in complete silence while Dean drives, trying to ignore his aching right shoulder.
"Where're we going?" Cas finally asks, picking at his sweater's sleeves. Dean's already mentally going over what might be best to get the blood out of it--lemon juice? Vinegar? He read in a magazine that hairspray is good for stains, oddly enough, but of course he doesn't own any--
"The hospital," Dean answers.
"So you can dump me there?"
"So I can--what?!" Dean takes his eyes off the road for a second to look at Cas, staring out the windshield. He's got one hand messing with his sweater and the other holding Dean's flannel over his still-bleeding face. "We're going 'cause if I try to stitch up that cut, I'm gonna end up stabbing you in the eye."
"You have very steady hands."
"Not when I'm worried. Let's go back to the dumping thing." Dean glances at Cas again. "Why would I leave you in a hospital?"
Cas shrugs. "I'm not useful anymore. Without my grace."
"That's a crock of shit, and you know it."
"Do I?"
Dean lets out a sigh and pulls the car over, trucks honking behind him. He doesn't think Cas is going to bleed out, and if this flannel gets soaked, there's another in the trunk.
"Look." Dean turns his body to completely face Cas, which crunches his legs, but this is important. "I know I'm shit with words, but you gotta hear me. First of all, I've been hunting since I was a kid, without an angel, and I'm still alive."
"Actually, you died and I--"
"Shut up. Second of all, I know in your head you're an angel first, but in my head, you're Cas first. You don't stop being Cas just because Metatron took your grace."
Cas doesn't respond, and it's actually kinda hard to tell what he's thinking when half of his face is covered in a bloody flannel, so Dean reaches out a hand to tug on Cas's wrist and pull the fabric off.
Okay, that's a lot of blood.
"You get me?" Dean asks, and Cas nods. Dean slides back to his seat and starts the car.
"What'd you mean about being worried?" Cas finally asks.
"What?" Dean turns to see if there are any cars coming and then pulls back onto the highway.
"You said you didn't have steady hands when you're worried."
"Put the flannel back on," Dean says. "I'm worried about you, dumbass."
"Because I'm--"
"Yes, because you're bleeding out of your face!" Dean curses and pulls over again. "For the love of god, Cas. What am I gonna have to do to convince you that I care about you?"
Before Dean even asks the question, though, he knows the answer. He's known the answer for a while, since last year in purgatory. Since he prayed to Cas for year, killed monsters to find him. Since Cas didn't make it out and Dean saw his face everywhere. Since Cas appeared behind him in a random motel, covered in dirt and grime.
Since he found Cas lying dead in an armchair, shirt ripped and stomach sliced open, since he lied to April to bring Cas back.
When humans want something really bad, we lie.
Well, Dean's gonna be truthful for a second. He's tried to say it before, in different words, words like that's the hardest I've laughed in a long time or I'd rather have you, cursed or not or nobody gets left behind or I need you.
He might as well say it straight.
"We're never going to get to the hospital if you keep doing this," Cas points out helpfully, and Dean just about rolls his eyes.
"Well then shut up and listen. I like myself, and the world, a whole lot better when you're around. And I like you."
"You like me."
"I love you."
Okay, he didn't mean to say that.
Cas's reaction happens slowly and then all at once. One second, he's staring at Dean, almost blankly (although it's hard to read his expression because, once again, flannel on his face), and then the next second he's dropped the fabric and is kissing Dean.
It's actually kinda gross, because of all the blood, but Dean's mind has also stopped working so he doesn't notice that much. There's been dozens of times over the years that he's wanted to do this, more than he can count, and the shock doesn't recede until Cas is pulling away.
"My head hurts," Cas finally says.
"Okay, we're going." Dean pulls back onto the highway for real this time, although he takes one hand off the wheel and finds Cas's free hand on the seat.
(Their second kiss, after Cas has gotten stitches and one of the other nurses at the emergency room helpfully relocates Dean's shoulder, is a lot less bloody.
The rest all run together.)
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anime-fan93 · 3 years
Camilo X Reader
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He/they for Camilo
They/them for Y/n
"Y/n's back, Y/n's back! Casita move faste-woah!" The house tripped Mirabel making her fall into Camilo. He groaned as Mirabel stood up, pushing her glasses.
"What are you in such a hurry for?" He asked as he smoothed out his rauna. "Y/n's back! Dolores heard it and is bringing them to casita!"
"Wait, what?? Y/n's here? I thought they moved?" He followed Mirabel as she started to run again. "Mirabel! Mira- are you listening to me-"
"Camilo! It's almost time for you to babysit, you need to come set up!" Camilo froze, looking back and forth between where their mom's voice had come from and where Mirabel had run off to.
'I'm sure she won't mind,' He started to run after Mirabel, but a hand grabbed his arm. "Come on, Camilo. Your mother is already in a bad mood, it'll be worse if you ignore her,"
"C'mon. Whatever you were doing isn't going anywhere," Camilo sighed as Felix pulled him, looking back in the direction Mirabel had run. "But they might... I don't know if they're staying..."
Camilo sighed as he looked down, rocking the crying baby. "C'mon, don't cry... You're never this much of a problem, c'mon,"
He closed his eyes, trying to think of a way, when Pepa walked up to him. "Why is that baby crying so much? What did you do to her?"
"I-I didn't do anything! I just fed her, her diaper is changed, but she's not going going sleep, I don't know what else to do," Pepa tilted her head, surprised. "You forgot? You usually do this, Camilo,"
"Just tell me what to do, Mami!" Pepa opened her mouth to speak, when they both heard another voice from the entrance.
"Try burping her! That could help!" He froze, turning around, only to see Isabela and Mirabel running outside. 'That wasn't either of them... Don't tell me...'
"M-Mami, who was that?" She looked at them with a confused expression. "That was Y/n? Why?"
He looked away from his mother, trying to hide the blush on his face. 'They sound like an angel... They sound so different, did they-'
"Camilo! It's almost time for her mother to come get her, burp the poor thing!" Pepa exclaimed, snapping them out of their thoughts. "S-Sorry, Mami," He muttered, gently starting to burp the baby.
'I wanna see them. I haven't seen them since we were ten... Why do I want to see them so bad?' Pepa walked away, meeting Felix in the kitchen, and she squealed quietly.
"What's got you so happy, Mi vida?" She sighed, holding her hands to her chest. "Camilo. He's been spacing out since he found out Y/n was here!"
"Do you think it's back?"
"Of course I do! He hasn't even seen them yet and he's awestruck. They're gonna be adorable!"
Camilo was in his room, laying down and staring at the ceiling. "How will I get to talk to them... No one knows where they went, and Dolores won't come out of her room..."
He closed his eyes, trying to get them off of his mind, when he heard footsteps outside of the hallway, and a knock on the door.
They jumped up, almost falling as they ran to the door, opening it with a hopeful expression, but they frowned when they saw who it was. "What is it, Mirabel?"
"Do you have any fabric? Like this color?" She grabbed his rauna, making him tilt his head. "Yeah...? Why, what do you need it for?"
"We're trying to make something with it, can I have the fabric?" He smirked softly, crossing his arms. "No, I don't think you can,"
Mirabel was about to fuss, when the door to her room peeked open. "Did you get the fabric, Mira? Could he not find it? I can go to the market real quick!"
Camilo's face turned pink, as they rushed back to their closet, digging through for it. "Here, here!" They handed her the fabric, making her smile. "Can I see th-"
"Thank you!" She ran off, grabbing Y/n's arm. "Hurry, hurry! We have to get this ready!" They started to run downstairs, and Camilo ran out of their room to the railing, watching them run downstairs.
Camilo frowned, he could barely see them with Mirabel covering them. He tried to say their name, but couldn't speak. He sighed, slumping as he watched them leave the house.
"Am I not meant to see them...?" He sighed, walking back into his room.
Camilo walked downstairs to the door, when Pepa called his name. He looked up to see her standing at the stop of the steps.
"Where are you going?" They shrugged their shoulders, looking at the window. "Out for some fresh air," She frowned softly, but she knew what was going going happen.
"How long are you going to be out?"
"Not long. I should be back before it gets dark," She stayed quiet, trying to keep herself from smiling. "Alright. I expect you to be back then,"
He smiled softly before walking outside, allowing Pepa to squeal.
Y/n buried their face in their hands, sitting down on a bench. "I can't do this,"
"Yes you can! You know you can! I know he'll love the outfit," Isabella sang. Y/n sighed, looking at the three. "I appreciate you spending this money to get this skirt custom made with the fabric... but what if they don't notice?"
"Oh, trust me, they'll notice," Dolores smirked and nudged their shoulder. Y/n looked down, fumbling with their skirt, before muttering something inaudible to Isabela and Mirabel but crystal clear to Dolores.
"I really like him... I haven't stopped liking him since I moved... But what if he's moved on? He wanted to ask me out before I left, but he didn't get to... what if his feelings have changed?" Dolores scoffed, taking their hand. "Moved on? Please, he hasn't even looked at anyone else the way he looks at you,"
"You've got this, Y/n. Just talk a little, catch up, then ask the question, alright?" Mirabel asked, and Y/n nodded.
"He's almost here, are you ready?" Y/n shook their head quickly, making the three smile. "You've got this. It'll be easy,"
Camilo sighed with his hands in his pockets as he kicked the rocks along the pathway. 'I didn't get to see them today... I hope they aren't leaving soon,"
He looked up and saw a bench, speeding up slightly so he could sit down. He stared at the floor, thinking of their voice and how they could have grown.
They smiled to themselves, closing their eyes. 'I'll be alright if they don't see me,'
"What has you smiling, Cami?" He opened his eyes, looking up, his cheeks slowly turning red.
There they were. Nothing extravagant. Just, them.
Just how Camilo loved them.
"W-Wow, Y/n..." He muttered, standing up, but feeling something in his hand and glancing down to see a f/c rose. "You look amazing, as usual,"
He handed them the rose, leaning down and looking up with a smirk, making them laugh as they took it from him, but made him stand up straight before hugging him.
Camilo's eyes widened as Y/n hugged him tightly. "I missed you, Cami..." He smiled, hugging them back. "I missed you, too, Y/n,"
The three girls squealed quietly from their hiding place, causing Dolores to shush them.
They eventually sat down, holding hands as Y/n placed the rose in their hair. "How have you been, y/n?" They shrugged, leaning back. "Pretty plain. Nowhere near as interesting as it is here. Is Bruno still the talk of the town?"
"We don't talk about Bruno, Y/n," They smirked and they rolled their eyes. "Yeah, yeah. What about you? Same as before I left?"
"The same, but different. One of the major things is, you weren't here," Y/n looked over to see Camilo looking at them with a grin. "Did you miss me that badly?"
"Of course, I did. You were my partner in crime," His smile faded slightly as he looked away. "But you won't be here for long, so..."
"Who told you that? I'm back for good, Cami," His face lit up and he jumped up, making them laugh. 'I missed that smile so much...'
"Yes! We can finally cause mischief again!" Y/n laughed seeing him celebrate. They looked over and saw the three girls mouthing, "Ask him," over and over.
They sighed, waiting for him to sit down. "I'm sleepy, Cami, I'm probably gonna head home-"
"I'll walk you!" Y/n jumped, but laughed seeing him get flustered. "We haven't seen each other in five years, and I just wanna talk a little longer,"
They nodded, standing up as they started to walk to their house, reminiscing.
Once they got to Y/n's house, Camilo was clearly stalling so he could stay longer, but Y/n caught on and took his hand.
"You probably didn't want me to know about this, but... the day I left... I know that was the day you were planning on asking me on a date,"
His face turned red, but he played it off. "Y-Yeah, just to eat and then to the mountains, nothing too special. That was a while ago, though-"
They took a deep breath before leaning in and kissing Camilo on the cheek, causing him to freeze. Y/n then bowed to hide their face, while Camilo was still stunned.
"Would you wanna go out with me tomorrow?" Camilo stood frozen for a few more seconds before lifting their chin with his finger and kissing their forehead.
They looked up with a shocked expression, making Camilo laugh. "Of course I will. I'll see you at 3:00?"
"S-See you at 3:00!" Y/n smiled, and Camilo started to walk off, but stopped. "Oh, and don't think I didn't notice,"
They tilted their head, and he pointed to their skirt. "So thats why you wanted the fabric. The color looks good on you, you should wear it more often,"
He tossed them his rauna before walking away, and Y/n sighed, jumping up and down, and soon after the three girls ran up the them.
"You girls have to help me tomorrow,"
"Oh, trust us, we know,"
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messers-moony · 3 years
Chaser at Heart | J.P
Paring: James Potter X Fem!Reader
Summary: Without realizing it James Potter has always been a Chaser regardless of his Quidditch position.
Everybody wondered where James Potter got his snitch that he played with. Rumors had been created, but only James and Y/n knew the real truth. The most common story was that James and his Marauders nicked it from a supply closet. The honest question was, why did James play with a snitch when he was a Chaser?
Y/n knew. James - even as a boy - had brilliant reflexes. They met in a field that was near both their houses. James went to the field to sit by the lake or even swim in the lake. Y/n climbed the trees and read books on the safety of the wooden bark. But one day, she wasn’t as lucky. Y/n fell from the branch she was sitting on, and James chased after her to catch her. 
Brilliant reflexes James had. At eight years old, he caught her and ran fast enough to do so. Y/n was waiting for impact, but she never felt it. Instead, two arms had been wrapped around her. One under her knees and one around her back. Instantly she was met with hazel eyes. 
They were beautiful. A gorgeous mix of green and brown. But it wasn’t mixed like paint - no - it was mixed like old and vinegar, separated but together. His hair was shaggy and a mess. It was a beautiful chocolate brown color to match the brown in his eyes. The grass could resemble the green in his eyes. Peonies represented the pink in his cheeks. 
The boy smiled, and Y/n smiled sheepishly back, “Afternoon.”
“Afternoon, sir.”
“Sir?” James repeated teasingly, “Do I look thirty?”
Y/n laughed, “Sorry. Force of habit.”
James set her on her own two feet, “Pureblood then too?”
“How did you know I was a witch?”
“Your scarf.”
She looked down to see the gold and maroon-colored scarf, “Oh. In that case, yes, I am a pureblood. You?”
“Me too.” James stated proudly, “Family of Gryffindors.”
“Me as well.”
James took her hand and kissed the back of it, “James Potter, at your service.”
Y/n blushed at his action, “Y/n L/n, at your service.”
From that point, Y/n and James became close friends. They’d switch between going to the lake or climbing trees. Thankfully their families knew each other, so becoming friends only brought them closer. In fact, Euphemia was so grateful to have Y/n’s mother closer now that their children were friends. Fleamont was delighted to be closer with Y/n’s father. 
Fleamont Potter delved in Potion making while his wife Euphemia worked at St. Mungo’s, helping wizards and witches all around London. Y/n’s father worked with magical creatures, and her mother worked with Euphemia. James and Y/n got extraordinarily lucky. They were together almost every day. 
Meeting at the age of eight gave them three years of being friends before going to Hogwarts. They were close by the age of eleven - really close. They stood side by side as they got on the Hogwarts Express and shared a compartment. James and Y/n talked animatedly until a knock at the container startled them. 
“Um- Hello, everywhere else is full. May I sit?” 
The boy had sandy hair and green eyes. Scars littered his body as far as the eye could see. He was rather tall for an eleven-year-old too, but he seemed nice enough. His voice had a thick welsh accent. It made his language a bit incoherent, but James and Y/n knew what he was trying to say. Nevertheless, James put on a bright smile. 
“Of course!”
He gave a nervous smile looking at Y/n, “Come on. We don’t bite. Although James gets pretty loud.” Y/n smiled.
The boy sat hesitantly beside Y/n, “I’m Remus, Remus Lupin.”
“Brilliant to meet you, Remus; I’m James Potter.”
“And I’m Y/n L/n.”
Another hour went by with James and Y/n starting to get to know Remus. They learned that he was a half-blood and that he thoroughly enjoyed books. Y/n and Remus bonded over that while James was listening aimlessly, just enjoying the sound of Y/n’s voice. But another knock interrupted the conversation. This time a more confident boy showed up. 
He was about the same height as James. He had dark brunet hair - darker than James’ - and blue-grey eyes. His smile was almost perfectly white and straight. His face structure was defined and chiseled. A cocky smiled grazed his features. 
“‘Ello!” He exclaimed, “I was wondering if I could sit here. I just got kicked out of every other compartment.”
Remus and Y/n shrugged; they looked at James, “Sure.” James replied, patting the seat beside him, “Come sit, uh….”
“Sirius, Sirius Black.” Sirius finished sitting beside James as both purebloods dropped their jaws. 
“Black? As in the Noble House of Black?” Y/n questioned, and Sirius nodded, “Indeed.”
James stuck out his hand, “James Potter.” Sirius shook his hand. 
“Y/n L/n.”
“You two are purebloods too. Gryffindor purebloods.” Sirius commented, “Yep!” They replied simultaneously. 
Sirius eyed the nervous-looking boy, “And you?”
“Rem- Remus Lupin.” 
The entire rest of the trip - seven hours - was spent talking—no more interruptions. Y/n, Remus, James, and Sirius all got to know each other. The four of them stayed together through everything until the sorting. They all stood near each other while Professor McGonagall began to call names. James was practically shaking in his boots. Y/n grasped his hand tightly. 
“You’ll be okay.” Y/n whispered, and James squeezed her hand thankfully, “Thanks, you too.”
Multiple names were called in alphabetical order of last name until finally B’s were beginning to get called, “Sirius Black!”
Y/n kissed his cheek, making Sirius blush profusely, “You’ll be fine.”
Sirius nodded as he pushed his way through the crowd of first years. Anybody in the wizarding world knew about the Noble House of Black. They were one of the most respected pureblood families. Most known for their line of Slytherins. Sirius Black sat on the stool and waited patiently as the hat spoke in his ear. His cousins watching eagerly from the Slytherin table. 
Silence cut through the crowd until, “GRYFFINDOR!”
The Great Hall was as quiet as a mouse. A Black in Gryffindor? The rival house to Slytherin, that was a no-go. James and Y/n exchanged nervous glances that said everything that needed to be - Sirius Black was going to be in big trouble. More names got called. Remus began to rock on his heels nervously. 
“Remus Lupin!”
Again, the process repeated itself. Remus took his seat on the stool, and the hat was placed upon his head, making its commented in the boy's ear. Remus’ hands wouldn’t stop moving, and it was making Y/n want to throw up. 
The Gryffindor table yelled and cheered. Sirius Black upon them as a blissful smile placed itself upon Remus’ features. He stepped off the stood giving James and Y/n a grateful smile before sitting beside Sirius at the Gryffindor table. A red and gold tie was placed around his shoulders. His green eyes crinkled due to the cheerful smile on his lips. 
Attendance seemed to be going slower - or so that’s how it felt - because of how close they were approached the P’s. James’ grip on Y/n’s hand began to get tighter, and his hand began to feel clammy. Y/n didn’t mind. 
“James Potter!”
“Oh, Merlin…” James muttered before squeezing Y/n’s hand one more time. 
Before stepping on the stool, he looked back at Y/n, who gave him a reassuring smile. James Potter sat upon the seat, and once again, the hat was placed above his hair. Within seconds the hat seemed to have made its decision. 
Y/n screamed loudly for him along with the Gryffindor table. James’ hazel eyes met her e/c ones, and he winked. The boy took his spot across from Sirius and watched eagerly at his best friend waiting to be sorted. Sirius snapped his fingers in James' face to get his attention. 
“How’d you meet?” Sirius inquired, “Mm?”
“How did you meet her?” 
“Oh, she fell out of a tree, and I caught her.” James replied distantly, still looking at his best friend left alone in the smaller crowd. 
“She’s nice.”
James nodded at Remus’ comment, “Definitely. She’s brilliant.”
Finally, they got to her last name. James was on his tipping point, and Sirius smiled reassuringly - like she had when he began to sit on the stood, “She’ll be fine. You know that.”
“I do, but still.”
Y/n couldn’t fathom her excitement yet nervousness. She was a walking contradiction. Carefully, not to step on her robes while her legs felt like jelly, she moved through the relatively small crowd. Only about ten kids remained now. Y/n sat on the stool and made direct eye contact with James, who threw her the most reassuring look possible. 
“Curious, very curious.” The hat spoke in her ear, “Loyal, hardworking yet courageous and stupidly brave.”
Y/n almost snickered, “What a brilliant Hufflepuff you’d make.”
“Please, Gryffindor. Please, Gryffindor.” 
“Gryffindor? Are you sure?” The hat queried, “Please.” Y/n begged. 
If the sorting hat could’ve shrugged, he would’ve, “If that’s what you think.”
James stumbled from the Gryffindor table as Y/n got off the stool with the same smile Remus had. The blissful, relaxed, and cheery smile. On his way out from the table, he almost fell, but he chased his way to her until Y/n was wrapped in his arms. Y/n placed her nose in the crook of his neck while James’ face was buried in her hair. They pulled away, and James led her to sit beside him. 
“Told you she’d be fine.” Sirius remarked, “I worry.” James retorted with a smile. 
Y/n fiend offense, “You were worried! Where’d you think I’d go? Slytherin?”
“Absolutely not!” James exclaimed, “Jus’ didn’t want to be separated from you.”
She nudged his shoulder with hers, “You aren’t getting rid of me.”
“Neither are you two.” Y/n pointed at the boys across from her, “Welcome to our group of four.”
“We’ve gotta come up with a better name for that.” Remus replied as the other three nodded, “Definitely.”
The boys and the girls had different dormitories. Y/n shared her dorm with three other girls named Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, and Lily Evans. Meanwhile, James, Remus, Sirius shared a dorm where they met a new boy with blond hair and blue eyes named Peter Pettigrew, who quickly was added to their group of four, which was now five. 
James and Y/n shared almost every class aside from History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Instead, Y/n had History of Magic with Remus and Lily. At the same time sharing Defense Against the Dark Arts with Remus as well. She also became quick friends with her roommate, Marlene, through Quidditch. Y/n always admired James while he practiced being Chaser, while Y/n was his fake Keeper. 
Throughout first year the new additions to their original duo learned how mischievous these two were. Y/n had an intelligent mind with practically foolproof plans, and James had the resources to make those plans work. Sirius was quick to join their prank-making wonders while Remus tended to stick with Y/n in making plans. Peter joined whenever he could. 
Soon enough, the group was known as the pranksters around Hogwarts. Surprisingly enough, they were proud of their newfound title. They were all sitting in the boys' dorms. James, Y/n, and Sirius were talking about Quidditch. Peter was practicing the new incantation that Professor Flitwick had taught them, and Remus was reading. When out of nowhere, Remus exclaimed. 
“I got it!”
“Got what, mate?” James questioned as the chatter stopped, and they all looked at the sandy-haired male, “Our group name!”
Y/n perked up, “Whatcha got, Remmy?”
“The Marauders!”
“Marauders?” Sirius repeated, confused, “What does that mean?”
Remus sighed, and Y/n giggled, “Marauders is another word for raiders, you idiot.”
“I like it.” Sirius commented, “I do too!” Peter interject. 
The three looked at the original duo; Y/n shrugged, “Good call, Rem.”
“How about it, James?” 
“I think it’s excellent! The Marauders it is!” 
Henceforth, their legacy grew and were now known as the five Marauders. They were all known for something. James, good at getting resources. Sirius, good at persuading. Peter, the most logical. Remus, the brains of every mission. Finally, Y/n, the most reckless. Y/n is the one who’d go in first always; she was also the one with the most detentions. 
In the second year, Y/n became more intuitive, observant, and curious about Remus. She noticed in the first year a pattern of when he’d get sick or his mother's sudden illness once a month. She was no stranger to these creatures as her father had worked with them for years. So before the first full moon of the new term, Y/n pulled Remus aside. 
“You said you wanted to speak with me?” Remus inquired, and Y/n nodded, “I know.”
“Know about what?”
“I know.” 
Remus rocked on his heels, “O- Oh….”
“Don’t worry, nobody else knows. Although they may have or will find out.” Y/n assured, but Remus still looked nervous, “Remus.”
She placed her hands on his taller shoulders, “You aren’t a monster. I’ve seen werewolves before.”
“You- You have?”
“My father works with magical creatures.” Y/n answered, “Werewolves are included.”
“Personally, I think they’re beautiful.” She stated, and tears grew in Remus’ eyes, “You do?”
“Of course, I do.” Y/n smiled, and Remus pulled her in for a hug, “Thank you.”
“Anytime and if you need anything. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.”
Eventually, Sirius found out next, which quite honestly baffled Remus. Then James and then finally Peter, who was definitely the most oblivious of the Marauders. But to Remus’ astonishment, they were all accepting. They loved Remus as much as his mom, which - in reality - was quite a lot. Every night after full moons, he’d find all four of them sitting beside him. 
James would bring games to play for when he felt up for it. Peter got his books and set them on the table beside him. Sirius brought sweets and his stupidly funny jokes. Y/n held his hand and comforted him the best he could. Honestly, Y/n gave the best head scratches, and he definitely took advantage of it. 
Second-year was also the time for new Quidditch players to join the team. James and Sirius were about to try out but were undeniably nervous. The morning of, neither of them ate, too worried to think about eating, scared of throwing it up later on the pitch. 
“You both are tossers.” Y/n suddenly stated, “You’ll both make the team, and then we’ll celebrate it later, yeah?”
They nodded, “Good. Now get yourselves outta this funk. It’s annoying.”
It was unavoidable. They didn’t just get out of their funk until they got on the pitch. Before James and Y/n separated - her to the seats and him to the pitch - he took ahold of her hand. Squeezing it tightly with his eyes closed. His broom in his other hand that was trembling slightly. Y/n took her hand from his and placed her hands on his cheeks. 
“You’ll be fine. I promise.”
“Promise promise?” James asked, “Promise promise.” Y/n confirmed. 
She let go of his face and began to run off to catch up with Remus, “Good luck!” 
“Thanks.” James murmured to himself, “I’ll need it.”
Without a doubt, James was the best Chaser the Gryffindor had ever seen. Sirius was one hell of a beater too. Marlene even tried out for the new Beater position too. Four parts needed to be filled due to seventh-years leaving. Two Beaters, one Chaser, and one Keeper. Y/n and Remus were crossing their fingers that they all got the positions they wanted. 
The following week the results were posted. James, Sirius, and Marlene made the team! Y/n would never forget the gleeful smile that passed its way onto James’ face or the way Sirius laughed. She’d never seen them so happy before. Remus and her stood feet away from their little party, his arm thrown around her shoulders. 
“It’s nice to see them this way.”
“It is.”
Remus teasingly nudged her hip, “Seems like James has always been a Chaser.”
“What's that suppose to mean?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the lycanthrope, “You’ll see it eventually.”
Y/n didn’t pry. It wasn’t worth it, especially when it’s with Remus. Remus was the ultimate secret keeper and cynical. He said things that made you think but would never tell you what they mean. Eventually, more years passed and they were in the summer going into their seventh year. 
James invited Y/n to stay the summer at the Potter manor, and she did. It was possibly one of the best summers he’s ever had with her being so close. Mrs. Potter seemed to know what Remus was talking about when she threw looks at her husband when the two best friends were together. But it was one evening that they were all watching a movie when someone came through the Floo Network. 
They jumped up from the couch to see a roughed-up Sirius Black, “Sirius!” 
James was frozen along with his two parents, but Y/n wasn’t. She was haste to get Sirius up from the floor to help him stand. He had a nasty cut below his right eye and what seemed to be more all across his body which his mother could only do. But instantly, Y/n had been ordering James around while Sirius laid on his back on the couch. 
Thankfully, Y/n knew what to do and Euphemia, but she was frozen, still watching her son's best friend take care of their other best friend. James set everything she needed beside her as she began to work quickly. James sat next to her in case she needed anything else. Y/n tore off his shirt and lifted his pants to right over the edge of his boxers. 
“James, hold his hand.” Y/n ordered, and he did it, “I’m so sorry, Sirius, but this’ll sting.”
And it did. Sirius groaned and constantly hissed as Y/n helped his wounds, the muggle way. Euphemia stared in shock, no longer frozen, but it was evident that Y/n had complete control over the situation and needed no extra help. Within an hour, Sirius was brand new. Y/n had carefully used potions and other bandages to help. 
“What happened, Sirius?” 
He chuckled bitterly, “My mother.”
“No shit.” James retorted, “Why?”
“I’ve been burned off the tapestry. I’m not aloud back because I denied them.”
“Denied them?” Y/n inquired. 
“Of you know what.”
“Oh…” Y/n whispered. 
“Yeah, oh.” Sirius chuckled again - venom lacing. 
Euphemia exchanged looks with her husband, “You’re welcome to stay here.”
“No, I couldn’t ask that of you guys.” Sirius denied hesitantly, and Fleamont shrugged, “Where else are you going to go?”
Sirius stayed silent, “We don’t mind, Sirius. You’ve stayed here before. Euphemia loves having you around just as much as I do.”
“You may not be our son biologically.” Euphemia began as she knelt in front of Sirius, “But you’ll always be our son.”
A single tear fell from Sirius’ eye, “Thank you.”
“Anytime, dear.”
James and Y/n exchanged looks of pure glee, but Euphemia caught their eye, “No mischief, you two.”
They sighed, “Fine.”
The duo pulled Sirius up from the couch and led him to his new bedroom. Euphemia watched Y/n and James work in perfect symphony as if they were a made team from the start. Fleamont pulled his wife to his side, watching them both as well. How perfectly his son worked with her. How amazingly gentle he was with her. 
“He may not know it yet, but he loves her.” Euphemia broke the silence, “Reminds me of us.”
Fleamont quirked an eyebrow, “How so?”
“You always had this dopey grin on your face. The same one James has when Y/n’s around. It’s been that way since they met. When he first mentioned her name, he had that grin. He’s chased her all these years.” 
“Perhaps our son has always been a Chaser at heart.” Fleamont commented, “Perhaps.”
It wasn’t until the first Quidditch match he realized. When he was chasing Y/n around to try and hug her after the game they had won against Ravenclaw. Y/n prohibited hugs after Quidditch matches. Yet here James was chasing her around the pitch with her a screaming mess. 
Lily, Marlene, and Remus were laughing loudly at him, “Y/n! Y/n come on!” 
“Absolutely not!” Y/n yelled while running, “I told you no hugs after matches.”
She spoke too soon because while she was talking, she had slowed down without noticing. Leaving James to wrap his arms around her from behind. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck while she leaned back into him. 
“See! You love my hugs.” James exclaimed, “Whatever.” Y/n retorted. 
Remus chuckled at them from afar, “They’re definitely in love.” 
“How hasn’t she seen it yet?” Lily chuckled, “Oh, he’s been chasing her for years. Since before Hogwarts.” Remus replied. 
“Chaser at heart that one,” Sirius stated putting his arm around the lycanthrope. 
James realized it then and there. With her in his arms. He was sweaty and full of joy. She was wholly melted into his embrace. His arms around her neck and her arms on top of his biceps. James realized there was nowhere else he’d rather be than with her at this moment. So he pulled her around, facing her. 
Without a second thought, he pulled her in and kissed her. His arms were moving down to her waist and hers around his shoulders. He was so gentle and soft with her. As if she was the finest China he’d ever owned. Godric James was so soft and so sweet. Y/n’s hands went through his sweaty hair. 
The whistles and cheers are what pulled them apart, “Finally!”
“It’s about time you realized!” Remus exclaimed happily, “He’s been chasing you for years!”
Y/n smiled at him, and James put his arm around her shoulder, “My chaser.” 
“I’ll always chase you, love.”
Years later, that snitch James always played with would be the same one McGonagall had taken from him one day in the seventh year. It was the same snitch that Harry had almost swallowed in his first year. The same snitch that Dumbledore returned to Harry in his seventh year. 
The snitch? It was given to James from Y/n when they were nine. It was an honorary friendship gift. The snitch wasn’t stolen. The snitch wasn’t nicked. The snitch was a gift to a chaser who never stopped chasing till the very end. 
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“Seth? Right? C’mon in. Your brother told you who I am? Good. Want a beer?... Here you go. Let’s go out to the back deck. The sun went down, and the cool evening air is starting to kick in. Have a seat…. Ok. Seth, do you know why you are here? Let me be blunt. Your brother David owes me a lot of money. A lot. He’s been doing jobs for me that I need someone I can trust to do. But that’s barely covering the interest. I told him he needs to start working down the principal. So, he offered me… you….
“That’s right he sold you to me. You are going to whore off his debt…. Shut the fuck up. The deal is set. Have some more beer; it will help you to deal with what I need to go over with you….
“Your brother probably told you that I am a powerful man. Hopefully he didn’t tell you what I did. I will share with you one part of my business that you will be a part of. I have several whore agencies across several states. They ain’t like the whorehouses in the movies. The girls never see money; they show up at a set time and do whatever the man wants. They do not say no. They get to live in city, and they show their clients the best the city has to offer. They have everything paid for and get a nice credit card too.
“A few years ago—hell it’s more like ten or so, —I was convinced to do the same but on the fag side. Now, I knew nothing about fag sex, and it disgusted me. Once I got over the visuals, the business was just like the girls. The difference I found out was that I had to have two sets of whores—fag boys like yourself, and men old enough to be your father.
“It was Frankie, one of my goons, who told me that there is a lot money to be made by men taking the dominant role. I didn’t believe it. So, he arranged for me to watch him from a distance him work over this faggot. He didn’t tell me how much he was earning. When I saw this fag hand over three hundred bucks, I knew I needed to get into this. I mean my guy did barely anything other than smack the fag around, call him names, and sit on the faggot’s face at the end. That fag ate that fat ass while pounding its pud. Frankie even went over to the fag’s wallet and took an additional hundred out of it. And wouldn’t you know, that fag boy was loving life.
“Needless to say, that was how I got into the fag whoring business. I had Frankie lead it; he even got somewhat in shape, and now he’s my most popular whore men. Wait a minute, you know him. He fucked you behind a dumpster in the alley behind that fag bar a couple weeks ago. When I saw you at David’s birthday partner at my tavern and he told me that you were his sperm burping brother, I sent Frankie to find out more about you. I know that you can take a good pounding, face slaps, rough housing. Frankie also told me that you cleaned off his cock after we was done and that you drank his piss. You even begged him for more as he walked away from you, naked covered in piss behind the dumpster. That’s all I needed to hear.
“After meeting with your brother, all I had to do was press the massive debt. I knew how self-serving he was. He sold you out so fucking fast. And now I own you. Now strip faggot….
“You do realize who I am? No one ever disobeys one of my direct commands. Now think about your next move real carefully. STRIP YOU FUCKING FAGGOT. Take your time standing up. That drug I put in your beer will make you kinda dizzy if you stand too fast. Yeah, I didn’t want you to run back to your car. Kid, when you came in that door, you were mine. That’s it. Accept your fate. Good boy.
“Yeah, after Frankie roughed up that fag, I was curious. He arranged for me to use one of his regulars who was blindfolded. It was so much fun to kick and punch that faggot only to have him crawl to me, begging for more. With each time, I got more wicked, and they wanted more. I had a few fags over the years locked up and had the best of all worlds. My wife provides me with companionship. My girlfriend offers sensual making love and snuggling. And my faggot takes all my rage filled abuse.
“Underwear needs to go too. Let’s see what you have. Not bad. Looks like you are excited about being naked in front of me. That’s a lot of pre-cum. Decent sized balls. I’d say you are about six inches long. The shaft is a bit thin, but the head is good size. Your foreskin is not too long. That’s good. If there’s going to be one sweaty stinky dick around here, it will be mine. If yours becomes a problem, we’ll get you circumcised.
“What? Faggot, you are nothing more to me than my pickup. If I want to modify you out, I sure as hell am going to. I modify all my property. Tattoos, piercing, permanent hair removal, castration, branding, and so on. But actually, I am a bit cautious. I made the mistake of castrating a fag and regretted it afterwards. He just didn’t seem right to me. The cutter I went to tried to put in fake balls, but it still didn’t seem right. I ended up replacing that fag with another.
“I am looking for my perfect fag. I’m planning on letting my girlfriend go, but sometimes I need that close touch. Not going to do that with my wife. Every day now I realize that I want to be with faggots over women. Faggots are so much easier to mold into what I want. And every now and then I might snuggle with one.
“I like what I see. I want to see your cumload. Jerk off for me. I’ll give you a few minutes to do so. When you do, shoot in your spare hand. I want to see the quantity. I’m going to get your collar; it’s probably done charging. I’m also going to take your car keys. You ain’t going anywhere. Continue jacking….
“….Did you cum? You did! Good fag. When was the last time you came? Yesterday morning? Well that’s a good load. Here, lock this collar around your neck. Ok, so here’s the deal. You can jack off as often as you like, whenever you like as long as I am not using you. If I catch you jacking off, don’t stop. If you are watching porn, continue. But know this, no matter if you haven’t cum in days or you just had a massive orgasm, should I require your use, I fully expect 100% horniness and enthusiasm.
“This remote is hooked up to your collar. With this button… you fall to the floor just like that. Hurt’s like a mother fucker hunh? That’s on low. Remember that. It is also set up to shock you should you cross a 20-foot perimeter of the house. I am notified by an app on my phone when you do something that stupid. Also, the garage and my office on the third floor are completely off limits. You will not fare well should you cross that threshold without me.
“Bring your cock over here. Is your dick head sensitive. It is! Fuck yes! As you get soft, it’s driving you crazy. Good. Good. I see a problem here. Your pubic hair is all over the place. You shouldn’t have hair down here. Look how long this hair is. There’s enough so that I can twirl a bunch around my finger. With a firm yank,… it comes out in one clump. Aww shut the fuck up. Most of the time your screams of pain will turn me on, but now it’s just annoying. Another clump on the other side, and it doesn’t even look like you lost any.
“Look at me faggot. Say ‘Thank you.’ Good fag. Open your mouth. Here eat your pubic hair. Go on chew it. Nasty? I know, now swallow. And here’s… another bunch. Swallow these…. And these… And these… You’ll be permanently shaved in the near future so you won’t have to do much pubic hair eating.
“While you finish your snack, let me take you around the place and show you your duties. This is the kitchen. David told me that you went to culinary school but then dropped out. Well, you will be doing all the cooking here. Cleaning too.
“Let’s go downstairs…. This is your room, although you really don’t have privacy. Over there is your cot. Next to it is the plug you will put into your collar every night. I am notified on my app should the power level drop below 75%. That’s equivalent for not charging for a full week. Unless I just slam you with shocks, I should never get one of those notifications.
“You have a wash basin there, and your toilet is there. There’s your douche hose over there in the shower. No, I haven’t gotten around to buying it a toilet seat; the cold porcelain is fine. And I haven’t hooked up the hot water down here.
“Let’s go up to the Master bedroom…. You never climb into my bed unless I invite you in. In fact no non-sexual furniture for you either without permission. Through that door is the master bath. You will keep this place spotless. That includes licking clean my toilet. The rimseat next to it is when I want to make you toilet paper or a full toilet.
“And here’s the playroom. It’s totally soundproofed. You are going to suffer a lot in here. Screaming is encouraged. In fact, what time is it? Seven. Well we might as well start now. Get on all fours—knees and elbows. Spread those knees wide. Every night you will present yourself in this position, as you will every morning.
“Don’t get too excited. I am going to fuck you good, long, and deep. But that won’t until the end. We got a long way to go. You see, the only people who knows my affinity for preferring the boys to the girls are Frankie, me, and now you. Your brother thinks I’m adding you to my harem of fags. This is something that cannot get out. And if it does, I will know it came from you, and I want you to know the perpetual hell that will come your way.
“Tonight is a test of what you can expect, but keep in mind, tonight’s suffering will be only five hours long, much shorter than what will be if my preference is ever widely known.
“And after the paddling your ass to a welted mess, whipping your back until it turns to bloody hamburger, kicking your balls until they are swollen to twice their size, bruising up your face, and fucking you with very little lube, I may feel the need to snuggle up with you afterwards.
“But first, there’s a lot to do before we do that. Oh look your balls are just ripe for a good old fashioned full-force kick. Every night and every morning you will get one to always remind you what you are.
“Faggot right now with this kick your hell begins.”
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sehunniepotwrites · 4 years
if we were a movie | j.jh
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for @nctsworld’s first writing challenge
SYNOPSIS. For someone who was always the understudy and never the lead, scoring this role was huge for you. All you had to do was pretend to be in love with your best friend. No big deal, right? Wrong. It was the biggest deal because, for the past four years, you had been hiding your feelings for Jung Jaehyun.
If this were a movie, he would be your perfect match and the story would end happily with the credits rolling to a perfectly timed soundtrack. Too bad this wasn’t a movie— this was real life and life came with complications.
GENRE. childhood friends to lovers!au, college!au, drama school!au, slow burn, angst, humor, mutual pining, fluff (loosely based on the Filipino rom-com Must Be Love and If We Were a Movie by Hannah Montana) PAIRING. theatre major!Jaehyun x  theatre major!reader WORD COUNT. 14+ k
WARNINGS. point of view switches from first (”I”) to second (”you”); self-doubt, insecurities, mutual pining, cursing, lots of references and direct quotes from musicals such as Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Disney’s Newsies, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Shrek the Musical, and Wicked (edited but i might’ve missed some mistakes; bare with me!)
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There are moments where time flows as normal, where people carry on with their days as they usually do. Then, there are moments people experience in slow-motion, where the world just stops spinning and all the background noise just fades away. These are the moments people look forward to. They’re the breathtaking ones, the ones that capture your heart and soul. After those moments, people are never the same. 
The first time I experienced something in slow motion was when I made my stage debut at a small talent show. There was thunderous applause after my performance and while my heart thumped against my chest, the world seemed to come to a stop. That’s when I knew my heart belonged to the stage or rather, the stage belonged to me. 
Some of these slo-mo moments are the ones where people fall in love. 
My father said that’s how he knew my mother was the one for him: he experienced it all at a slowed rate, everything fading into black and she was the only thing he saw. She was his brightest star and he was the one who reached for the sky to bring her down to Earth. 
When I was younger, I always dreamed about my “falling in love” slow-mo moment. I pictured a grandiose event with large actions and sweet words.  For it to actually happen at theatre camp during the initial dress rehearsal for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast J.R.— well, that was far from what I hoped for. 
And yet, it was just as special as I thought it would be. 
I was in my obnoxious fork costume, waiting for my best friend to leave the boy’s dressing room. 
Jung Jaehyun had been my best friend since the beginning, otherwise known as my first year at theatre camp. Only ten years old at the time, we both were cast as two of the three blind mice in Shrek the Musical and had been inseparable ever since. Although we attended different middle schools, our friendship grew from our shared vocal and dance lessons as well as our summers at camp. You know how it is; those who end up in the ensemble together stay together. 
Going over the dance moves in my head, I didn’t hear my friend’s voice calling my name. He gripped my shoulder, the action surprising me to the point where I lost my balance. I yelped and shut my eyes, expecting to fall onto the hard ground but a hand grabbing onto my wrist prevented my doom. With an arm around my waist, I barely missed the ground.
Slowly opening my eyes, I glanced up to see Jung Jaehyun looking down at me with a worried gaze. He was just a sixteen-year-old boy dressed as a spoon and yet, the world around us came to a halt. Gone were the other frantic theatre kids and the backstage messes. The couple playing Belle and the Beast was no longer sitting across from us, running through their lines. No hustle and bustle of the crew and the props masters.
It was just me dressed as a fork, falling down while my spoon for a best friend caught me in his arms. 
“We make quite a pair, don’t we, Forky?” he chuckled lowly, hitting the top of his costume to mine. It was a ridiculous sight— a pair of oversized cutlery in a crowded dressing room.
A burning hot sensation crept its way up to my face as he gently pulled me up. “I guess we do.”
Since then, my life has never been the same. I was in love with my best friend, Jung Jaehyun. I fell for him when the world stopped spinning beneath my feet while his world, unfortunately, kept on turning.
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I remember each and every slowed-down moment in life —the good, the bad, and the absolute worst. I never thought a bad slo-mo moment existed, I simply didn’t think it was possible. 
I was young and naive then and I was so incredibly wrong.
The moment that hurt me most took place in my senior year of high school. The final callbacks for our community’s production of Disney’s Newsies were in order. The role of Jack Kelly, the headstrong and flirty newsboy, was easily given to the ever-so-charming Jung Jaehyun. He was not only my best friend at the time but he was the it-boy of our small theatre. People were either in love with him or wanted to be him— his talent matched his insane looks. His kind personality made him all the more lovable.
Jaehyun had his two fatal flaws, though. Everyone knew them but still saw him in such a bright light.
One: the boy was extremely clumsy. Jaehyun was often called “magic hands,” constantly ruining his props. It was a running gag in the theatre but the props committee never minded; one smile was all it took for them to forgive him and his cursed hands. 
That was his first flaw. And his second? Jaehyun fell in love way too easily and way too fast. 
How exactly did I find this out? Well, I was there to witness the scene that lifted his heart to the highest of levels while mine dropped straight to the ground.
I was in the running for the stubbornly intelligent female lead named Katherine Plumber. My opponent was the confident and radiant Son Wendy. She always played the lead in her high school productions but this was a community musical and I was determined to claim that part as my own. 
I went first, entering the audition room with a smile with the script gripped tightly in my palm. Performing alongside my best friend was easy. The romantic scene was a piece of cake, not because the lines were a breeze. That wasn’t it at all. It wasn’t because I memorized the Newsies script as a child either. It was because, at that moment, Jung Jaehyun was in love with me as much as I was in love with him. It was a moment I wanted to cherish forever: the way he looked at me was something I had never experienced before. It was so full of emotion and passion, like he had me within his grasp and never wanted to let me go.
“You got this. I believe in you,” he whispered in my ear, squeezing my hand in support. His breath tickled my skin and sent shivers down my spine. The nerves were back, not because of the audition, but because of him. 
“You’re just saying that because it’s the scene we’re about to act out, Jae,” I hissed. The sheet music for the duet, Something to Believe In, wrinkled in my free palm. 
His warm, comforting hand pressed harder against my own. “No, it’s not that. If you need someone to believe in you, I’m right here. I’ve got you, Forky. Always.”
The director cleared his throat from his seat, his scrutinizing eyes watching us closely as we got into position, just like we rehearsed a thousand times. “Whenever you’re ready.”
I watched as Jaehyun took a deep breath to get into character. He closed his eyes, rolled his broad shoulders back, and then his lids snapped open. His brown-eyed gaze aimed straight at me, with a vulnerable expression taking over his features. He was no longer Jung Jaehyun— he was Jack Kelly, a scared newsboy who was in love with a newspaper company heiress. 
The line came pouring out of his mouth with the utmost sincerity, the confusion and affection seeping through his words, “Just standing here tonight, looking at you, I’m scared tomorrow is gonna come and change everything.”
 Jaehyun took a step forward towards me, an unsure smile curling on his lips. “If there was a way I could just grab hold of something to make time stop just so I could keep looking at you.”
His body stops right in front of mine, keeping a clear distance but enough to feel the passion radiating off of his words and actions. For once in my young life, my best friend looked at me with a different kind of love in his eyes and I returned it, my genuine feelings seeping through my words. 
Biting my lip, I replied coyly, “You snuck up on me, Jack Kelly, I never even saw it coming.”
“For sure?” he stage-whispered. His upstage hand unexpectedly reached up to caress my cheek. The action was unrehearsed, almost catching me off guard. It was a different take on the scene. The characters were supposed to be shy, their thoughts wavering on their own feelings for each other and the impending strike that was to come the day after; yet, Jaehyun played Jack as someone certain of his feelings.
“For sure,” I answered back at the same volume, my hand cupping his own to follow along with his direction. It felt as if he was searching my soul for my thoughts and I could not let him in. The opening bars of the romantic duet echoed throughout the room and after taking a breath, I began to sing. Jaehyun joined in on the second verse and instantly, our voices blended together in a beautiful harmony, one that beat our Newsies karaoke sessions in his car. 
The scene ended as quickly as it began. The director hummed before jotting notes down and whispering to his casting assistants for a few seconds. I thought they were the longest seconds of my life. Jaehyun nodded his head to reassure me. “You did well, Forky.”
“Of course I did, it’s me we’re talking about here,” I nudged him back. “I can do no wrong, Jae!” 
“Thank you,” the director finally spoke, “you may go. Jaehyun, if you could escort her out and fetch Wendy for me?”
“Of course,” your friend nodded. The feeling of his large hand on my back slowly guided me out of the room. The spot he touched me burned but my cheeks were burning even more. Why was it that every little touch drove me to the brink of insanity?
“You’re so going to land this part,” I remember him saying as he squeezed my waist. My heart was beating erratically against my ribcage, the butterflies in my stomach threatening to fly their way up my throat.
“You think so?”
“Oh definitely,” Jaehyun stressed with a wink. 
He said it too soon. 
Because the minute he locked gazes with Son Wendy, I just knew he had found his leading lady. 
“S-Son Wendy?” he stuttered as he caught sight of the pretty girl in the waiting room. Her hair was styled similarly to a young maiden from the turn of the century, perfectly curled and out of her face. 
“Yes?” she smiled back.
It seemed like the words were caught in my best friend’s throat. Sneaking a glance at Jaehyun’s ears, they burned a bright red. “We’re, um, we’re ready for you.”
I watched as Jaehyun nervously offered his arm to her, his eyes never leaving her face. It was like he was her own personal spotlight, the way his eyes shone just for the girl in front of him. The boy was completely enamored and I was instantly in the shadows. The sweet smile that was reserved for me was directed towards another and it sparkled in a way it never did before.
The world around me moved incredibly slow as they passed me by. With everything frozen, all I saw was the gorgeous couple headed to the audition room with hushed exchanges. Jaehyun took his time heading to the private room to spend more time with the girl while Son Wendy steadily made her way into my friend’s fragile heart. My own heart clenched at the sight. It was breaking ever so slowly and I felt every little crack and tear. 
Even with the role of the understudy, it was as if I never even had a chance at winning his heart over. If Wendy wasn’t present for one rehearsal, Jaehyun didn’t even see me— his own best friend since our ensemble days. He was way too deep into his “showmance.” It was like I never even existed. It wasn’t long before he called Wendy his girlfriend and then, I was invisible. Cast aside. Ignored.
Needless to say, my heart broke in slow-motion as Jaehyun’s pounded rapidly for a girl that took two parts I desperately ached for: Katherine Plumber and the girl who held Jaehyun’s heart. 
But this was just the first time his heart was stolen by his opposite. The first of many.
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The first two years of university passed me by like a summer breeze. Constantly busy with general education and introductory drama courses, I was constantly flitting around from building to building. My hands were usually occupied by my laptop, a blazing cup of caffeinated tea, and a worn out script while my mind was filled with jumbled up lines and the dramatic cries of an overwhelmed university student. I probably wouldn’t have made it this far if it wasn’t for Jaehyun and Xiao Dejun, another theatre major we had met during orientation, by my side.
Fast forward to my third year and the three of us were headed to the office of the theatre department. It was posting day for the spring musical— the day the cast list was revealed. This year’s musical spectacular was Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. The play itself was a modern classic and it was also my dream come true.
This day, just like any posting day of the drama department, was nerve-racking. Everyone was anxious to find out what parts they were given and how the fairytale would play out. The part of the brave and kind Ella was always on my list of roles I wanted to fill. As much as I thought I did well on my final callback, I didn’t want to set my hopes too high.
“Are you nervous?” Jaehyun asked while draping an arm over my shoulder. He playfully put all his weight onto his right side to throw me off balance. 
“Nervous? Me? Why would I be nervous if I’m like 95% sure  I’m going to get the understudy again?” I chuckled sarcastically. Bitterly. It happened every year, so why get my hopes up now?
“Yeah but—”
“No buts, I’ve accepted the title of the Wonderstudy! I think you should too, Jae,” I slapped his shoulder before quickly slipping out of his hold before linking arms with Dejun. My best friend let out a yelp, almost tripping over his own two feet as we continued down the hallway. “I’m mediocre at best.”
The Wonderstudy: it was the nickname the other students in the department gave me because I was always the understudy. I was never the star of the show. It said that I was good but not good enough. 
Dejun leaned in and whispered, “You do know that you’re more than just that, right? You’re an actor. A phenomenal one. You weren’t accepted to this drama program by just being mediocre at best.”
I ignored my friend’s comment, eyes zoned in at the other end of the building. The crowd of usual theatre students crowded around the bulletin board, curious heads popping up and down trying to take a peek at the list. Some buzzed with excitement, happy they got a major part while others groaned in disappointment. You were most likely going to be with the later group. 
Once the cluster of students caught sight of Jaehyun, they parted like the red sea to let him through. It wasn’t really necessary, though, everyone knew the it-boy of the drama department was cast as the role of the misguided prince, Topher. 
The only question was: who was cast as his princess? Who was this year’s Ella?
I fought my way through the bunch with Dejun following behind me as our best friend was showered with congratulations. Jaehyun was all smiles, dimples prominent as he was lavished by the mass. Dejun made it to the list first. His finger dragged along the thin paper until he found his name. He cheered, pumping his fist up in joy. “I got the part I wanted! I’m Jean-Michel!”
Grinning at my friend, I sincerely congratulated him. He got the second lead: the feisty peasant looking for change. Turning again, his eyes grazed the list until Dejun found my name. His smile dropped ever so slightly and that was when I knew: I was beaten once again. 
“What part did I get?”
“Gabrielle,” he answered. Ah, the outwardly abrasive but quietly empathetic sister. The second lead, love interest of Jean-Michel. At least I was playing Dejun’s opposite. 
I took a step closer, wondering who took the part of the kind princess. Squinting at the small print, my eyes scanned the jumble of words until I saw it.
Ella……………………….Lee Naeun Ella u/s………………….Y/N
I scoffed. Forever the understudy. The Wonderstudy of the Theatre Department indeed.
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The first rehearsal, otherwise known as the read-through, took a toll on me. It was usually a two to three hour long session, filled with loud chatter, crazy introductions, and a variety of crazy theatre games to break the ice. When the niceties ended, everyone took their seats in their plastic chairs that were arranged in a huge circle. Bae Joohyun, the head stage manager began reading the stage directions aloud as the table read began. The production’s director, Professor O’Hare, sat alongside Joohyun, jotting down notes and giving out commentary when needed. 
Amongst the reading of lines were tiny whispers, the sound of highlighters and pencils marking the paper, and the simultaneous turning of pages. The music director, Professor Lau sat at the piano bench and sight-read the music to give the cast a taste of the songs. Being the first rehearsal, the few who knew of the songs sang along to the accompaniment with joyous smiles, myself and Dejun included.
When Professor Lau played the first romantic duet between the leads, all heads turned to Jaehyun and Naeun who sat side-by-side. With it being their first time together, the performance was far from perfect but it was still something. His lower tone blended nicely with her softer voice and the shy glances they exchanged made their duet quite a sight. 
As Jaehyun and Naeun read the last lines for Act One, I noticed the way Jaehyun’s gaze kept flittering back to Naeun’s pretty face. The girl was focused on her lines, head down and hair blocking her gorgeous features, but he still kept looking at her and only her. I could imagine how the scene was playing out in his head, the world slowing down until Naeun was the only one moving.  He was infatuated. Twitterpated. 
And it hurt. It hurt more than reading the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet or listening to Elphaba’s desperate cry she lets out when she loses Fiyero. Call me dramatic but that was how I felt. 
It wasn’t like I tried getting over him. It wasn’t like I tried dating other people before; I had many, many times but my mind always drifted back to my best friend. He was the boy with the richest brown eyes, the perfectly dimpled smile, and the lowest laugh that set my heart aflame. Without even knowing it, Jaehyun had this incredible hold on my broken heart and he would not let me out of his grip. 
The green-eyed monster inside me resurfaced and I hated it. I absolutely hated it— why was I so pathetically in love with my best friend? 
 “Here we go again,” I said before dropping my head onto the table. 
“You say that every time and you keep running back to him at the end of the day,” Dejun whispered before looking back down at his script. His hand continued to jet across the page, his highlighter marking his many lines. 
Rolling up the script in my hand, I whacked his side. The action caused his hand to jerk the bright marker in another direction, striking a distorted line on his page. “Look what you did, twerp!” he hissed.
“Your fault, Eyebrows!”
“Stop calling me that, you fork!”
“Hey, only I can call her fork!” Jaehyun appeared out of nowhere, plopping alongside me. His voice snapped us out of our little argument, making us realize that the director called for a fifteen. 
“That’s only because you’re a dumb spoon,” I stuck my tongue out at him. Jaehyun pretended to reach for it and I blew a raspberry at him to retaliate. 
“You two idiots are my favorite cutlery set,” Dejun shook his head with a laugh. He was probably wondering why he stuck around us the majority of the time. 
“Let off it, Dejun,” Jaehyun said with the roll of his brown orbs. 
“Only if you let me be the knife to your set.”
“As if, dumbass,” I countered with a laugh. 
“Okay but you guys, can we stop fighting for a sec and talk about how I got her number?” Jaehyun beamed, throwing his arms over both our shoulders. He pulled us closer to his body and the faint smell of his musky cologne hit my nose. I held back a sigh as it filled my senses. Oh, to be drowned in his scent. 
“I got Naeun’s number!” he repeated excitedly, his strong arms shaking us. I held back my abrupt want to push him off. I wasn’t in a celebrating mood. My heart was too broken to care.
“Of course you did, when do you not get a girl’s number?” I answered a bit too bitterly. Raising a brow at him, I added, “Are we supposed to be surprised?”
“Listen,” Jaehyun countered, pulling back from me. “I don’t like that attitude, Forky.”
I scoffed, “Never stopped you from being my friend before, Jae.”
Jaehyun didn’t answer; he was too busy clutching his phone. His pretty brown eyes were fixed on Naeun’s contact page like it was the world’s greatest treasure. His eyes were sparkling in admiration before his gaze turned to the girl across the room. The look my best friend wore on his face was soft, the smile on his lips light. “I think she could be the one.”
Some thought him to be a player but I never thought of him that way. He might have had the looks of a heartbreaker but he had the purest heart of gold. The boy with the dimpled smile, porcelain skin, and cheeks as red as roses was a hopeless romantic to his very core. He was simply looking for his other half. 
“I think she could be the one.” His words repeated in my head, his voice pestering me. My heart lurched at them despite hearing them each semester. 
Jaehyun said this every year, with every girl. He said this when he crushed on Son Wendy, Kim Chungha, and so many more. His infatuations and crushes ended just as easily as they started. The boy was more than disappointed when the initial spark with each girl ended after a show’s run ended. When the musical closed, so did his feelings for each opposite. 
I never got stage fright; I was usually the one who said what was on her mind without a moment’s hesitation. So why was I hesitating to tell him my feelings?
Why was I hesitating to say that the one Jaehyun could be looking for was standing right next to him?
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Just another rehearsal at the auditorium. 
Just another day watching my best friend fall for his leading lady.
Jaehyun and Naeun were standing in the middle of the stage, the ensemble surrounding them. He stood behind her, his hands gently placed on her waist while she leaned back into his touch. Naeun was wearing a fluffy tulle skirt, a mock-up of her ballgown. Park Sooyoung, the resident fashion major and lead costume designer, pushed her to wear it so she could get used to the estimated size of her dress. Even in a mere tank top and tulle skirt, Lee Naeun looked like a princess.
Professor Kwon, the choreographer of the production, stood at the end with a watchful eye. She counted them off, walking them through the routine while the rest of us practiced our steps off to the sidelines. 
Once the two main characters got the hang of their steps, Professor Kwon motioned for Professor Lau to play the songs from the beginning. As much as I tried to focus on my own dance moves, my mind kept wandering back to Jaehyun. 
Imagining him under the spotlight in a perfectly tailored suit, a crown sitting on his head, extending his arm out not to Naeun but to me. It was one of those movie moments where the characters and the audience watching fell in love. 
If life was like a movie, things would be so much easier. 
So lost in my thoughts, I missed a count and stepped on my partner’s foot. Muttering a quiet sorry to him, we continued on with the routine. As my partner swirled me around the dance floor, I drifted back into my daydream.
My utterly impossible daydream where I was the girl Jung Jaehyun was infatuated with. Although this play talked about impossible things happening everyday, I couldn’t imagine this ever happening. 
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The terrible thing about being a theatre major in university was being a theatre major with midterms. Not only did I have to deal with hours of my back hunched over a desk and scattered study materials, I had to spend half of my days in the school’s theatre rehearsing. 
If I was not in class scribbling down last minute notes in notebooks,  I was learning dance routines or running lines on and off stage alongside Dejun. The days were long and the nights were even longer. Sometimes, the cast fell asleep in the seats of the auditorium while rehearsals were going on. We were all losing sleep. Some of us were losing our sanity but hey, welcome to the theatre. 
My schedule was filled to the brim and I wasn’t even the main character of the show. On top of that, I had to memorize the part of Ella. Not that it was really needed in the first place. 
No one ever stepped down from a lead role while I was their backup. It just didn’t happen.
Despite the hectic lives of belonging to the theatre department, the musical was two months into production and everything was running smoothly. With a month and a left until opening night, everyone was off-book and the initial stage blocking was done. The costuming and makeup committee were finishing up their mock-up designs and the student orchestra sounded divine. 
I saw more of Dejun than Jaehyun lately, my best friend being preoccupied with his new love interest before, during, and after rehearsals. I was cast aside once again.
Was it something out of the ordinary? No.
Did it still hurt? Yes.
Did I do anything about it? Absolutely not. I didn’t want to ruin his happiness. I rather suffer than see him as nothing but joyous, even if the happiness was temporary. The grin he wore when he was in love was too beautiful to rip away. Jaehyun shined like the light from the sun. I could never bring myself to do it. 
It was week eight of rehearsals when I stepped out of my last midterm, my head absolutely empty after reading small text for over an hour. Reaching into my backpack’s front pocket, I pulled out my cell phone and quickly turned it on. My screen was flooded with missed calls and texts from Professor O’Hare, Joohyun, Jaehyun, and Dejun, the notification numbers reaching over a hundred total. 
Something must have happened. Talk about a theatre emergency. Knowing our kind, they were probably being overdramatic. 
Just as I was about to unlock my phone, a video call went through. It was Dejun. Rolling my eyes, I slid my finger across the screen to answer it. “Jeez, I know you love me but give a girl a break, Eyebrows!”
“God, you’re so conceited sometimes. Why didn’t you answer my calls?!” He shouted, face close to the phone. I winced at the volume, immediately lowering the level as I slipped on my wireless earbuds. “There are important matters to discuss here!”
“What happened this time? Did someone say Macbeth in the theatre again? You know I don’t believe in that shit,” I said sarcastically.
“Oh my god. This is not the time for jokes! Everyone’s been trying to reach you!” Xiaojun yelled once more. “Where are you?!”
“I just got out of my musical history midterm in Maple Hall. Heading to the theatre right now. Why?” I never received an answer; Dejun hung up the call. Giving my phone a weird look, I shoved it in my pocket before continuing on my way. A light push on my back prevented me from going too far. 
“Twerp!” Xiao Dejun’s voice came from behind me, yanking me by the straps of my backpack. He was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. “Oh my god, we’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he said in between heavy breaths. 
Crossing my arms, I cocked a brow at him. “Why’s that?”
Dejun placed a hand on my shoulder for support. The words came flying out of his mouth, I almost couldn’t catch what he was saying. So much for being a theatre major. 
“Speak clearly, Dejun. Enunciate, articulate, exaggerate, remember? We are thespians and thespians do not mumble!”
The exhausted boy ignored my theatricals. “Naeun didn’t land a switch leap right and she rolled her ankle during advanced ballet. She’s going to be out for at least three to four weeks,” my friend replied breathily, his words a lot clearer than before.
The news shocked me to the core, my feet suddenly planted to the ground. It sounded like he said Naeun was out of commission. “What?” 
“She’s out for three to four weeks! I mean sucks for her, I wish her a speedy recovery but do you know what this means?”
The lack of response from me urged him to continue, “Sweetheart, she’s out. You’re in!”
Oh shit. I was in.
The part I had always dreamed of was mine. The lead role was finally mine.
I was now Ella and Jung Jaehyun was my Prince Topher.
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Having an understudy step up to their role halfway through production was always something to get used to. It was a setback, a minor one, but still a setback. Just as Jaehyun finally settled into his role and built an unshakeable bond with Lee Naeun as his opposite, the accident happened. His potential girlfriend was now out of the show and off her feet in order to push for a speedy recovery.
The lovesick boy couldn’t even be there for her because his rehearsal times increased in order to get his best friend adjusted to your new role. There he was, leaning against the piano while waiting for you to arrive.
Professor Lau sat at the bench, flipping through his sheet music until he found the song he was looking for. 
The door slammed open and you stumbled in. “Am I late? I’m sorry, I just heard the news.”
“No, not at all. You’re right on time,” the professor smiled at you. “The situation’s weird, I know but congratulations on getting Ella.”
“Thanks, Professor. That means a lot,” you grinned back. 
Dropping your bag by the piano, you swiftly pulled out the script. You glanced at Jaehyun’s opened book for the page number before hastily flipping through the pages. Jaehyun nudged your side. “Hey, Forky.”
“Hey yourself,” you elbowed him back, biting your bottom lip.
“Congrats, bubs. You did it,” he pulled you into a side hug before ruffling your hair with pride. You had finally gotten a part you wanted. It was your time to shine. As your best friend for many years, Jaehyun had been waiting for the day you could show the crowds your full potential.  
“Did I really do it or did your girlfriend just get injured? How is she, by the way?” 
As much as you tried to play the overdramatic, conceited girl, you never believed in yourself but Jaehyun always did. You deserve the spotlight; your talent was out of this world and the masses were finally granted a chance to see you for what you were— a star.
“You did this. You were made for this part as much as she was,” Jaehyun reassured his best friend with a smile. He tapped your nose. “And she’s not my girlfriend but she’s doing alright. Just in a little bit of pain. I’m going to see her after we finish.”
“Give her some well wishes for me,” you answered. Jaehyun didn’t notice your smile dropping into a small frown.
“You ready to act like you’re in love with me?”
“I was born ready, you doof.” There was something weird in your voice when those words left your lips but Jaehyun didn’t have time to process it.
Professor Lau guided the students through a series of warm-ups before asking, “Shall we start with Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful today? We’ll do a couple of run-throughs before Jaehyun teaches you the blocking.” His fingers played the beginning notes of the song, the light melody drifting to their ears. 
Already off book at this point, Jaehyun closed his eyes and began to sing.
Do I love you because you’re beautiful? Or are you beautiful because I love you?
Am I making believe I see in you A girl too lovely to be really true?
Do I want you because you’re wonderful? Or are you wonderful because I want you?
Are you the sweet invention of a lover’s dream? Or are you really as wonderful as you seem?
When his eyes fluttered open, Jaehyun found himself facing you with a script in hand. Your face wore the softest look as you stared back at him. His breath almost caught in his throat at the gentle smile you wore. You played the part differently from Naeun and it was a refreshing sight to behold. You were playing a confused peasant but your eyes still sparkled with the gleam of a thousand suns. 
There was a flush of heat that started from his cheeks and extended to his reddening ears. His heart was doing its best to break out of his ribcage and the star of the show wasn’t sure if his chest could keep it in for very much longer.
When singing with him, Naeun was a pretty princess.
But when he sang with you, the girl in front of him? Jaehyun thought you were absolutely breathtaking.
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Two hours later, we were finally free of rehearsals. My first rehearsal as Ella. My throat was a bit parched from all the singing and projecting I was doing but I felt lighter than air. Singing with Jaehyun made me feel lighter than air. I was weightless, nothing could hold me down.
“Forky, you’re really good,” he said to me as we walked to our cars. I tried to fight the sudden heat making its way to my face. Lately, compliments from him were hard to come by.
 It was already late when O’Hare and Lau finally let us out, the moon sitting high in the sky. The night breeze crept its way into my thin jacket, causing me to hug myself to retain some warmth. Noticing my struggle with the cold, Jaehyun quickly draped his jacket over my shoulders. I was immediately hit with his familiar scent, it was almost overwhelming. I should be used to this, his action of sharing his clothes with me was nothing new but I was weak. It affected me every single time. I guess I was that head over heels for him. 
Head over glass heels, one could even say.
“You’ve seen me in action before and I mean, I was chosen to be the understudy for a reason,” I gave him a shrug. 
“Yeah but I’ve never seen you act and sing like that. Just...wow.” Stealing a glance at him, Jaehyun almost looked enamored with me. He was giving me a look that was usually reserved for someone else. I felt my heartbeat pick up in my chest and flutters in my stomach.
“Stop that,” I blushed, pinching his skin through the thin material of his long-sleeved shirt. A satisfying buzz ran through my body. Was he really looking at me like that? I was probably reading too much into it.
“No, but it seemed so real. Like you weren’t pretending.”
“That’s because I wasn’t,” I whispered under my breath as we arrived at our cars. 
“Hmm, you say something?” Jaehyun asked, leaning closer to hear me. 
Shaking my feelings away, I ignored the dull ache in my chest and acted through the tears I was desperately holding in. I wrinkled my nose at him playfully, secretly pushing the pain down my throat. “You really don’t listen to a word I say, do you, Jae? I said, I’ll see you later.”
“See ya, Forky! Get home safely!”
Scoffing to myself, I realized how much of a great actor I was. I deserved an Oscar or a Tony for the scenes I played out, the ones where I pretended to be okay when I was far from it. 
What award do you ask? Best Actress in a Supporting Role— the best friend to Jung Jaehyun but never the love of his life.
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Wardrobe fittings for productions were always an exciting day for the whole cast and crew. It was one step closer to putting on a show. Jaehyun was already dressed in one of his many costumes, a white suit with golden trimmings. It fit him for the most part, only tiny adjustments were needed. Members of the wardrobe department quickly pinned his neatly pressed jacket before taking it off his hands. Since he was the main character, Jaehyun was one of the first ones done. He was simply waiting for you to come out in your first dress— the white gown for the ball scene in Act One.
When you finally did all those minutes ago, Jaehyun swore his heart stopped. 
Ten minutes ago, Jaehyun saw his best friend walk through the curtains. Your face was bare, hair still in that lazy style you always sported but your clothes. The comfy clothing you usually rehearsed in was gone and replaced by a beautiful ball gown. Despite the pins that scattered throughout the material to fit your form, it still appeared majestic. There you were, standing before him and the rest of the cast, and you were the loveliest you had ever been.
Ten minutes ago, you walked in and his head was reeling. Time slowed down as you tentatively made your way towards him. You did not meet his eyes but Jaehyun was dying to catch your gaze. He never wanted to let you out of his sight. The picture of his best friend in white was something he wanted to treasure and suddenly, the slowness around him stopped. The cast’s cheers and squeals disappeared. There was only you in that beautiful ball gown. 
Was this the slow-motion moment you always talked about? The one you always dreamed about experiencing? Jaehyun could see why people thought it to be magic. It was almost like a movie, movie magic if you will. 
Another look at you and then Jaehyun was in the future, watching you make her way down the aisle. A thin veil covered your face and he was so tempted to push it away from concealing your dazzling smile. His heart was fighting its way out of his chest, wanting to head down the path straight to you. How he wanted to reach out and touch you, cradle you in his arms. 
You were truly an angel in white. A princess. A queen.
The mere sight of you took him to the skies, the one place he was sure you were from. Although Jaehyun would never admit it, he always thought you to be beautiful. Throughout the many years of being best friends, he would find his gaze subconsciously drifting to you. He would rip it away before you would ever notice him doing so, knowing you would tease the hell out of him for it— it was his own little secret tucked away into the corners of his beating heart. 
“How do I look?” Your question snapped him out of his daydream and back to reality. Back down to earth. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” 
“Oh my god, you stupid spoon! I said, how do I look?”
“Lovely,” he answered sincerely, his brown eyes digging into your own. “You look absolutely lovely.”
Ten minutes ago, you simply murmured a question while Jung Jaehyun came to a realization. The realization that he might’ve fallen for you: his Forky, his best friend.
The loveliest girl he had ever seen.
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With Cinderella’s opening night being only a few weeks out, you and Jaehyun decided to fit in extra time together to run lines and songs outside of scheduled rehearsals. That was the plan for every weekend and that particular Saturday was no exception to this plan. When his doorbell rang frantically, Jaehyun groaned loudly before getting up to answer the door. Did you always have to be so obnoxious?
Just as the door swung open, your loud voice boomed into his apartment, “‘Sup, ho! Ready to rehearse the hell out of this show or what?”
He stepped aside to let you in and you immediately made yourself comfortable in his humble abode. Jaehyun almost laughed as he watched you. There was a particular routine you stuck to when visiting his place. First, you would take off your shoes, slip on your personal pair of slippers you left at his house, drop your bag on the kitchen counter, and then open his fridge to raid his food supply.
Precisely as Jaehyun predicted, you waddled to the fridge in your memory-foam duck slippers and stole one of his yakults. He loved how comfortable you were in his home. It was truly a heart-warming sight.  The act itself was extremely domestic and he quite liked the domesticity when it was with you. That flash of you in a wedding gown came back to him and he blushed at the thought. The idea of spending a future together was flooding his brain recently and he didn’t know what to do. 
You weren’t the one he liked. Naeun was but why were you the only person on his mind? Was it wrong to have you in his mind? Naeun wasn’t his girlfriend— they were still getting to know each other. His time with her decreased over time since you had stepped into the role of Ella. He was very fond of you. He always had been. There was this little piece of his heart that was reserved for you but was it because you were his best friend or was it more?
Jaehyun quickly snapped himself out of it. 
“First of all, I’m not a ho,” he said before grabbing a yakult of his own. He poked the straw through the foil a bit too harshly, the liquid splashing over the top. Damn his strength— now half of his drink was gone. “Second, stop slut-shaming me for my dating choices. It’s 2021. If I wanted to be a ho, I could be a ho.”
You rolled your eyes as you took a sip of your drink. “God, I hate you sometimes.”
“You need to stop lying to yourself, I know you’re hopelessly in love with me,” Jaehyun said, pointing his drink towards you. He caught you rolling your eyes at his answer.
“Oh, you’re absolutely right. I am irrevocably in love with you, Jung Jaehyun,” you said sarcastically, dramatically batting your eyelashes his way. Your confession, despite being a sarcastic statement, left his heart racing against time. 
“Alexa, play Hopelessly Devoted to You!” you yelled ironically. 
“Now playing Hopelessly Devoted to You by Olivia Newton-John,” an electronic voice boomed across his living room before the opening notes of the ballad began to play. 
“Shit! I forgot you actually had an Echo,” you jumped, not expecting that at all. Jaehyun chuckled at your reaction, loving how easily you scare. He always thought it was one of your cuter traits. 
“Alexa, stop!” he called. 
Jaehyun ran a hand through his hair. He dragged his feet to his bedroom, knowing you would follow without a word. “I can’t rehearse today, I have to write this damned analysis paper for a class. It’s due in two days.”
“I’m sorry, is that paper more important than your best friend in the entire world?” you pushed from behind him.
“Yes,” he deadpanned, taking a seat at his desk. Jaehyun’s study area was an absolute mess. His notebooks were scattered around the floor, textbooks opened to random pages, and his laptop opened to a google document.  
“That’s a motherfucking lie and you know it.”
“I really can’t rehearse now, Forky,” he sighed.
He glared at you as you theatrically fell onto his bed. The notes spread out on his bed flying to the floor. “Oh, woe is me! Jung Jaehyun cannot give me the time of day to rehearse. What am I to do?”
“Why are you like this?” 
“I’m a theatre student, I’m wired to be this obnoxious,” you said with a straight face. 
He stared at you through narrowed eyes. “I really hate you right now.”
“I know,” you countered with a flat tone. “But in all seriousness, Jaehyun. I won’t take too much of your time. I just wanted to practice our duets a couple of times and then I’ll be out of your hair. Plus, you look like you need a break.”
One look at you and he was a goner. How could he ever say no to his best friend?
“Ugh, fine.”
“Ha, I knew you would cave.”
“Shut up.”
The next hour with you was spent rehearsing the numbers. During the last run-through, Jaehyun suggested going over the blocking and putting their all in it. To act like it was opening night. You swiftly agreed and he played the music from the top.
Jaehyun led you around his room, spinning you across the floor as you sang. The smile on your face was so lovely, he could not take his eyes off your lips. His eyes fluttered to a close and he imagined you in your full costume, downed in your gown, as dainty as a daisy and as graceful as a bird. The thought of you dressed like a princess drove him crazy.
He never thought of Naeun this way. This was different. You were different but why?
Jaehyun opened his eyes to see you smiling so gracefully at him as the song was coming to an end. Just as planned in the show, your gaze flitted to his lips. You leaned closer and he followed, dipping his head to meet you halfway. His heart was skipping to its own beat as he inched down. Your soft lips brushed against his oh-so-gently as he held you in his arms but before the boy could press back, the door to his room swung open.
You broke away from him, shocked at the sudden arrival to see your other friend and Jaehyun’s roommate, Dejun. “Oops, was I interrupting something?” 
“I, uh, I gotta go.” Before you could even stop him, Jaehyun grabbed his wallet and phone off his desk and ran out his room. 
Confusion clouded his senses. Why did he feel empty after you pulled away? Why did he want to kiss you so badly? It was just a stage kiss.
Was it not?
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Jaehyun’s door slammed shut behind him, leaving me and Dejun in his room. It wasn’t long before we heard the front door close, too. “Well, that was something,” Dejun said after his roommate shuffled out of the apartment.
“Shut up, Xiao Dejun,” I replied, smacking his arm. 
My friend lifted his arms up in defense before he gave me a pointed stare. “I’m just saying, the two of you looked really into it. It looked great, to be honest with you. No notes to give here— I’m sure O’Hare and Lau would say the same.”
“It’s just acting,” I tried to shrug it off. 
“Stop lying to yourself.”
“I’m not!”
“Bulltshit. I saw the way he looked at you— that’s not acting, twerp,” Dejun declared, his voice dropping. His voice never dipped in tone unless he was serious and in that moment, he was dead serious. My friend sounded like a frustrated tutor deliberately explaining a concept for the fifth time and I was the stubborn student who just didn’t understand.
“Yes, yes it is!”
“No, it’s not because that’s how he always looked at you!” 
“Lies!” I yelled accusingly, “We got Liza Minnelli over here!” 
“God, you’re so annoying sometimes! Why won’t you confess? Cat got your tongue? Nothing’s really stopped your sharp tongue before,” Dejun groaned at my stubbornness. He slapped a hand onto my shoulder. I tried to shrug him off but his grip was too strong. Maybe it was him trying to help me get a grip. Who knew? I honestly didn’t. 
“It’s not like I haven’t tried, you know?” An exasperated answer left my lips. I was tired. So ridiculously tired of dealing with these feelings for my best friend. It had been four years since I fell for him. Four years of trying to see other people, four years of trying to confess, and four long years of failing every time.  “I just freeze up like a deer in headlights or like you did when you performed that one monologue sophomore year in voice and movement class. Remember that, Jun?”
I felt his sharp glare burning a hole in my back. “You promised to never talk about that moment, you traitor,” he hissed, his hand squeezing the hell out of my shoulder. 
“Okay yeah but you get the point, right?” My nails dug into his skin, leaving little indents onto his hand. He yelped, finally jerking his hand back to examine it. Shaking my head, I added, “Plus, he’s my best friend. I just can’t do it!”
“So, what you’re saying is that you choose friendship over the possibility of him loving you?” 
“It’s just...I don’t know—” I started, shifting my body to face him, “—choosing friendship means that I’ll only lose love. But if I chose to confess and put my feelings out there, I could lose him as a potential lover and my best friend. I’m not prepared for that. I don’t think I ever will be.”
And there it was again. The self-doubt hit me, imposter syndrome resurfacing at an all time high, bringing me to the lowest of lows. 
The feeling of being a fraud, of being not good enough. 
For Jaehyun. For any love interest for that matter. For the role of Ella. For taking my place under the spotlight. 
“Am I—am I good enough?”
“I—I don’t know—” I stuttered as my mind was consumed by my own crippling thoughts. I tried to stay strong but the crack in my voice gave me away, “—for anything? Everything?” 
“Oh, twerp,” Dejun said in that particular voice and then that was when the floodgates opened. The tears just came pouring down with no sign of stopping. My friend gently pulled me into his comforting arms. They were snug and I felt safe but not as safe as I did in Jaehyun’s hold.
“You, my darling, are definitely good enough. Don’t let your thoughts tell you otherwise.” Although his voice was comforting, it did not help the unhinged thoughts running through my brain. 
“Then, why does it always hurt when I don’t get the role of the leading lady? Of his leading lady? I always get so far and then, at the end of the day, I’m just not what they’re looking for. What he’s looking for.” Pining for something so unimaginable was too taxing. Having the lead role in a play and having Jung Jaehyun wear his heart on his sleeve just for me. 
“Sometimes, the roles aren’t made for you and that’s okay.”
“But what about this one?”
“This one, twerp, this one is a little different.” 
“And why’s that?”
“Because there is music in you; it goes hand in hand with Jaehyun, like a melody to his harmony. You are his Ella and he’s your Topher,” Dejun urged. It was like he was begging me to not give up hope. 
“You’re just saying that.”
“I’m really not. You just gotta do what the theatre gods tell us to do: just trust the process.” 
How could I trust the process when all it did was hurt me by allowing me to have a glimpse of a love and a life that would never be mine? 
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Opening night finally arrived. Everyone was called to the theatre for a full run through in the afternoon: the final dress rehearsal hours before the doors opened and the curtains were drawn. I had gotten there earlier to soak in the calmness of the empty auditorium before the chaos began.
I heard heavy footsteps come from behind me. Even without turning around, I knew it to be Jaehyun. The boy took a seat next to me on the wooden prop walls that were locked into the ground. If the stage managers and props committee saw us, they would’ve definitely ripped our heads off but they weren’t— it was just us.  
“Penny for your thoughts, my dear Ella?”
“Topher,” I answered, playing along with his game. “Lovely to see you here bright at early.”
“I knew you would be here and I wanted to be here with you,” he said, pulling me into a side hug. Jaehyun knew me well but did he know me well enough? “Spill it, Forky. What’s wrong?”
“Sometimes I still doubt myself,” I said a little too fast. A loud sigh followed my reveal. The crippling doubt was always there, haunting me. Let me tell you, it was not the best thing in the world to have during an opening for a new production. 
“Oh yeah?” Jaehyun asked, pushing me to continue. I felt the soft brush of his palm against my hand. His fingers grabbed hold of my wrist before fighting their way to tangle with my own fingers. The sensation tickled, taking me away from my thoughts for a fraction of a second. I played with his fingers, watching the way his pinkish hand fit with mine. 
I refused to look at him; I was too afraid of breaking down.“Doubting myself, my abilities. Always the understudy, never the star, remember?”
Jaehyun hummed. He rested his chin on my shoulder. “Did something change?”
“Yeah, I finally realized that maybe it wasn’t that I wasn’t right for the part; the part wasn’t right for me,” I laughed a bit dryly. “Does that make any sense?” 
“Weirdly, yes,” he replied, his breath blowing against my neck. I tried to ignore the tickling sensation and the way it made me feel. 
“But this is different— I feel like I was made to play Ella. Made to play her even though I got the part in this odd, unconventional way,” I turned my head to the side to avoid eye contact. “The girl who sees the good in everything despite the hardships and suffering she went through.”
“Without a doubt, I believe that you belong on stage with me,” Jaehyun answered sincerely, “and I’m glad we have the chance to finally play opposites.” 
He squeezed my smaller palm in support. I appreciated the reassurance; the action slightly calmed me down before she took the next step. Possibly the biggest step of my entire life. “There’s something else I realized, too.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” Jaehyun asked softly. 
Taking a deep breath, I said, “I realized that I could be right for you.” 
It took him a minute, a long solid minute before Jaehyun could bring himself to respond to my confession. I wondered what he was thinking at that moment, when those words left my mouth. “Right for me?” came his tentative reply. A quick glimpse at his ears and I saw the burst of red. He was caught off guard, embarrassed. 
“Yeah,” I said almost shamefully. Was I ashamed of my feelings? I never was ashamed before. Maybe it was because Jaehyun finally saw me for who I truly was— his highly dramatic best friend that was head over glass heels for him. 
“How long— how long have you felt this way?” The red of his ears seeped to his rosy cheeks. 
“Ever since we were a dumb pair of utensils,” I replied sincerely, my voice wavering at the truth, “a set of ridiculous tableware.”
There was an awkward chuckle that left his drying lips. I heard him click his tongue, a habit he did when Jaehyun never knew what to say. It seemed like I rendered him speechless. “Since we were sixteen? That long and you didn’t say anything?”
“You’re really asking me that?”
“Yes, I really am!”
“Jaehyun, c’mon. Use your brain! How was I supposed to? You’re my best friend and when you’re not my best friend, you’re out there chasing other girls,” I stopped to lick my drying lips. There was another inkling of silence and I gulped at how tense the atmosphere was. “And I thought maybe once, just once, you would chase after me, too.” 
I almost laughed; my greatest desire was finally out in the world and it was greeted by silence. 
“But what if I’m wrong for you?” 
And there it was. The rejection I was preparing for. Giving him a pained smile that failed to meet my ears, I said, “Then that’s life, I guess.”
“You guess?” 
“Well, I can’t make you act like you’re in love with me, can I?” I snapped, my pain taking the best of me. It clouded my brain, blocking off all rational thoughts out of my head. “This isn’t a play or a movie with a script, Jaehyun. This is real fucking life.” 
Hurt. I was being overwhelmed with a wave of hurt and anguish. My body was trembling as much as my eyes were. I felt them growing wet and I shut them closed. My hands curled into fists, nails digging into my skin. It stung but not as much as being rejected by the one you loved most. The lead of the movie in your mind. 
“Wait, no, that’s not what I meant,” Jaehyun tried to stop me from getting off the stage. I pulled away from him, quickly snatching my belongings before heading to the nearest exit. Turning back around before I left the empty auditorium, I experienced another moment in slow-motion. 
There Jaehyun was in all his glory— denim jacket slipping over his broad shoulders, dark brown hair sticking up in all directions and a confused look on his face. He looked like a mess under the spotlight of my mind but nevertheless, he was my mess of a best friend.
He was my mess of a best friend and that was all he was going to be. That fact hurt more than being the forever understudy. 
Why couldn’t I fast forward this portion of my life? Why must I suffer this much?
Why couldn’t I escape the role of being second best?
If only my life was a movie, then maybe I wouldn’t be everyone’s second choice. His second choice.
If we were in a movie, Jung Jaehyun would be my best friend and my perfect match. Our story would be the typical friends-to-lovers saga that every girl dreams of. It would end happily with the credits rolling to a perfectly timed soundtrack. 
Too bad this wasn’t a movie— this was real life and life came with complications.
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After that confrontation, you and Jaehyun were off and not off the charts— just off. The directors noticed it. The stage hands noticed. The cast noticed it. The final run-through before the curtains opened just finished and it was an absolute disaster because of the way you acted with Jaehyun. Every time he opened up his body to you, the response you gave him was closed off. Cold. 
To the rest of the cast and crew, the prince and princess didn’t seem very much in love that day— they didn’t even seem friendly. You and Jaehyun seemed like two strangers trying to work their way across a stage. There was no connection. There was nothing else there. 
Now, if only you would let Jaehyun talk to you, maybe something would change but you didn’t. You ran away every chance you could. It was like Cinderella, but you didn’t leave a glass slipper behind. You didn’t leave anything behind. 
Less than an hour before showtime and he couldn’t even talk to you. Let alone look at you. He sighed into his hand, palms applying pressure to his eyes. Jaehyun cursed under his breath, forgetting that he had a heavy amount of stage makeup on his face. Looking into the mirror, he saw his makeup was still intact. Thank the theatre gods for the Ben Nye Final Seal Setter. It seemed like that it was the only thing set in stone at that moment. 
The door to Jaehyun’s dressing room slammed open and Dejun waltzed in, fully dressed in his costume.“Dude, what was up with you and the twerp during that dress rehearsal? You were so off!”
He received no reply, Jaehyun was too zoned out to hear. Dejun hopped onto the counter of Jaehyun’s dresser. Usually, the action would shock the main lead but Jaehyun was too lost in thought.“Well, you know what they say about a bad dress rehearsal. That means we’ll have a good opening night,” Dejun said, eyeing his friend for his lack of response.
Finally looking away from his reflection, Jaehyun glanced up at Dejun with a look of disbelief. “She likes me?”
His friend jumped off the counter with widened eyes.“Oh my god, did she finally confess? Was that why you were acting weird?”
“Dejun, you knew?” Jaehyun slammed his palms on his dresser. The makeup products on the tabletop shook, leaving the other guy to wince at the show of strength. 
“Honestly for being the ace of the theatre department, you sure are dumb,” Dejun replied a bit too casually as he leaned into the mirror to examine his appearance. He clicked his tongue upon realizing his cheeks didn’t have enough color. The stage lights would wash him out. The boy reached for Jaehyun’s pink blush and a clean wedge before applying it onto the apples of his cheeks.
“What should I do?”
“Well, Jaehyun, what do you want to do?” Dejun asked, turning side to side to double-check his reflection. 
“I don’t know that’s why I’m asking you!” Jaehyun fired back with vigor, hating how casual his best friend was acting. He was having a before-show crisis and his best friend was calmly stealing his bottle of Ben Nye, spraying his beautifully sculpted face with the setting spray.
“Well, do you like her more than a friend? And what about Naeun?”
“Yes? No? I don’t know! But—”
“But?” His friend asked before hopping onto the countertop. The actor raised his perfectly shaped eyebrows at his friend and Jaehyun had the sudden urge to pluck the beauties they were until Dejun had no eyebrow hair left. When Jaehyun didn’t reply, Dejun repeated his question.
Dropping his head in his hands, Jaehyun hesitantly replied, “There was this moment when I saw her and it was like that thing she always said? The slo-mo thing?”
Dejun’s head perked up. “You saw her in slow motion?” 
“Yeah, it was like time stopped. All I saw was her and then…” Jaehyun thought back to seeing you in a wedding dress. He changed his mind; he didn’t want to talk about his feelings. All he wanted to do was make sure opening night ran as smoothly as possible. Grabbing his white suit jacket for the top of Act One, the boy stood up in an attempt to escape his friend’s sudden peak in curiosity. “Never mind, this is ridiculous. I gotta go, Dejun.” 
“No, you’re not going anywhere until you actually confront your damn feelings,” Dejun said, shoving his friend back in his chair. “Do you like Naeun?”
There was a pause before he answered truthfully: “Yes.”
“Okay, and are your feelings for Naeun stronger than what you have for your best friend?” 
“No,” Jaehyun released another sigh as he leaned back in his chair. A hand reached up to brush through his hair before he remembered that it was gelled back in place. He dropped his hand to rub the back of his neck, not wanting to mess with his looks before places. “I was infatuated with Naeun but with her, god, she’s something else and it took me this long to realize it.”
“How do I know you’re not just saying that?” Dejun questioned, squeezing his friend’s shoulders a bit too tightly. Jaehyun thought his friend was testing him and for a good reason. If he was in Dejun’s position, Jaehyun would’ve grilled his friend, too. “How do I know you’re actually in love with her? Yes, you’re my roommate and best friend but she’s my best friend, too. I can’t let you hurt her if all you feel is something temporary. I can’t let you treat her like those other girls.”
“Because she’s The One, Dejun. I’m certain of it,” Jaehyun snapped back. “When I look at her, I see everything I’ve been searching for. It’s like I was blind for the longest time, you know? She was always just Forky to me back when I didn’t know any better. But now I see and all I see is her— her, with all her flaws. The way she hides her insecurities with her dramatic outbursts. How she picks at her cuticles when she’s nervous or how she always steals my food at home. And the way she just fits with me. I can’t explain it.”
Jaehyun didn’t even give his friend a chance to butt in. He was still rambling on with a fond smile, his mouth running a mile. “She’s been there with me since the beginning, Jun. Before I was this prince of the theatre department, she was there. She’s been there since the beginning and even when I was chasing after girls, she was there at the middle of it all, and fuck, I want to go all the way to the end with her.”
Dejun released his hold on his friend and rolled his eyes. The boy made his way to the door of the dressing room before mumbling under his breath, “God, what is with you two and giving out monologues? I swear, when this is all over, you should become playwrights.”
“Never mind me, Jaehyun,” Dejun opened the door and gestured for Jaehyun to follow the path— the path down the hall that led to you. “What are you waiting for? Go get her, we have 30 until Joohyun calls for places!”
“Dejun, it’s much more complicated than that.”
“It’s only as complicated as you make it out to be. Just— just go and talk to her, yeah?”
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Jaehyun sighed deeply as he reached your dressing room door. He knocked lightly, running through the lines he wanted to say in his head before you shouted a faint “come in.” The door squeaked open to reveal you, his best friend in the whole entire world, touching up your makeup. The best friend that he was inescapably in love with. You watched him through the mirror as he leaned against the frame with crossed arms. 
“Can we talk after the show? There’s something I need to tell you— it’s important. I don’t think I—um, I have enough time to tell you now,” Jaehyun asked, stuttering through his words. Gone was the confidence he usually bared. The only thing left in him was a scared little boy, afraid of the problem his words may cause. 
The smile he received from you did not reach your ears. “Of course,” you replied curtly before turning away from him. He noted how you were over applying your blush and fidgeting with your costume. You were doing everything in your power to avoid him. 
The tugging of your ear, the biting of your lip, the picking of your cuticles. He saw all your bad habits. You were a ball of nerves and the speaker announced it was ten minutes before places.
“Hey, Forky?”
“Yes, Jaehyun?”
“You know that I believe in you, right? Always?”
There was a twitch at the corner of your lips. “I do.”
“Good,” Jaehyun approached you with caution. You watched him from your mirror, never making direct eye contact as he came closer. He dropped a kiss on the crown on your head, relishing in the way his plush lips against your torn bandana and the lace front wig. “Break a leg, my Ella.”
He observed you through your reflection and took in how beautiful you looked in your rags. You made the rags the costume department designed for you look like riches. 
“Same goes to you, my prince,” he heard you answer in that soft tone.  Again, you had sent him to the skies and the boy was struggling to find his way back down.
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When it was time to draw the curtains and light the lights for the first performance of Cinderella, it seemed like everything fell into place.  Jaehyun stared at you across the stage, falling for the way the lights illuminated your figure in that white ball gown. The bright glow brought his attention to your bright grin, that beautiful and radiant smile of yours, that shocked him to his core. 
Jaehyun locked eyes with you and suddenly, he was drowning. He was drowning in your expressive eyes. He was drowning in your overflowing love. 
It was different being across from you in front of a full audience. There was a rush that took over him whenever he saw you and it beat the flurries his heart experienced with his other leading ladies. As you said your lines with that bewitching sparkle in your eye, Jaehyun hated himself for not realizing how much he loved you sooner or how you were never playing pretend. 
But that was okay because Jung Jaehyun loved you now. He loved you in the world you made believe on stage, where he was Prince Topher and you were his Ella, and he loved you in reality where you would always be the fork to his spoon. 
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Opening night went smoothly and the roaring applause I received during my final bow sent me to the moon. The way Jaehyun looked at me across the stage with eyes filled with pride and joy blasted me to places I had never been before. I became high on this feeling of being under the burning spotlights. The feeling of wearing the most intricate costume and the way his hand slid into mine for the last bow before the curtains were drawn; it was something I wanted to treasure for the rest of my life.
But with every high came a low— my low hit me when I ran into Jaehyun’s dressing room. I caught him in an embrace with Naeun who gifted my best friend with a rose. She placed a kiss on his cheek, causing his white ears to flush a deep red that rivaled the flower he held. The girl gave him a quick shove of the shoulder before heading to me. 
Her congratulatory statement went in one ear and out the other. I could barely process Naeun handing me a rose of my own before she walked out of the room, the sweet scent of her perfume lingering in her wake. She gave my best friend one more lingering look as she left and it hurt me in so many ways.
“Ready to go?” Jaehyun said, clearing his throat. “Wanna stop by the stage first? Soak in your first opening night as a lead?”
“Why the hell not?” The walk back to the stage was short. It felt different somehow.
“We did it,” I whispered.
“That we did,” he answered back. 
We walked onto the stage together and I could still hear the crowds cheering for me, giving me the standing ovation I earned. It was electrifying, the way the sparks ran through my body. It ran from the top of my head to the tips of my fingers and toes. 
Glancing around the empty auditorium, I pondered aloud, “But do you know what sucks about it all, Jaehyun?”
“There’s nothing worse than the feeling of not being chosen and it still hurts that I wasn’t the first choice,” I replied truthfully, “Not as much as before. But I’m learning to get over it. The casting directors saw potential in me.”
“That’s because you do have the potential to be a star. You’re practically glowing right now.” I felt his eyes trained on me, just like they were the entire time we shared the stage. 
Turning abruptly to face him, I said, “You really can’t say that to me, you know?”
“And why’s that?”
“Because it makes my heart beat against my chest and these stupid butterflies come around before I remember that you have never chosen me to be your first choice,” I glared. 
“But I do choose you,” Jaehyun pushed, his voice laced with desperation, “That’s what I was trying to tell you before you stormed off on me earlier!”
“Are you really choosing me, Jaehyun? The real me? The me that has been your best friend for years? Or are you choosing the me that shares a stage with you every night? The me that could potentially be your next whirlwind romance?” No matter how desperate he sounded, he couldn’t beat the hopelessness that was dripping from my own voice. 
“No, that’s not it at all!” his voice boomed, the sound echoing throughout the empty auditorium. 
“Then, what is it, Jung Jaehyun? Because I am tired of being second best and I’m tired of not being chosen,” I almost cried. The anguish was just taking over my body and I couldn’t make it stop. “Yes, I know some parts are not right for me but I can’t help but be hurt. And then you say that you’re choosing me? Of course, I’m going to think of it being because I’m your newest love interest on stage.”
“If you could just listen—”
Unable to stop the words from coming out, I just kept running off at the mouth. Everything I wanted to say to Jaehyun was flying out of my lips at rapid speed; I couldn’t even stop it. “I have seen you in slow motion so many times and I want to just fast forward from those moments. To speed past them so I can move on from the idea of not being yours. I refuse to be a temporary love that you lose interest in. I just want you to pick me, to choose me, and to love me, damn it— is that too fucking much to ask for? To be chosen and loved?”
While I was taking a breath to continue with my rant, Jaehyun cut me off and the words he said rattled the stage, the ground beneath my feet, and my whole entire world.“No, it’s not and you are way fucking more than that, if you just take a moment out of your godforsaken monologue and listen to me! I choose you not because you’re my leading lady but because you’re you. You’ve always been this— this incredible, breathtaking you.” 
He took one step closer and I took one step back. “And you’ve the person at my side when no one else is.” 
Every single time I would retreat, Jaehyun would follow. The boy was persistent, his brown eyes trained on me. “The one who figured out you loved me first while I was too blind to see it. You’re the fork to my spoon. We’re a set, we go together. And I was too dumb to figure out that at the end of the day, I always think about you and how no one I’ve ever been with compares to you.”
 When my back hit the wall, I was trapped. Trapped in between his arms and the way they propped themselves on either side of my face. Trapped in the haze of his brown eyes and how they dug deep into my soul. 
 “I don’t see you in slow motion— I see you in fast forward. I see you in the future, my future, walking down the aisle in white and I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. All I know is that I choose you. I will always choose you.”  
I was trapped by Jung Jaehyun and there was no escape for me. Judging by the way his eyes never let me out of his sight, there was a chance my friend didn’t want to let me go either. He wanted me to stay. 
“Jaehyun, what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I love you. You’re my beginning, middle, and my end.”
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“You love me? Like you’re in love with me?” Jaehyun heard you ask, like the possibility of being loved by him was so impossible. You were searching for any inkling of doubt but he made sure you couldn’t find any because you were the only thing he could see. 
Jaehyun brought a hand near your cheek. It hovered there as he hesitated to touch it to your skin until you leaned into his touch. Your cheek felt so warm in his palm and it was so comforting to have you in his hold. “I wanted to say it earlier but I was just so scared of losing you as both a lover and a friend because what if it all goes to shit? What if we go to shit and things hit the fan? I can’t lose you.” 
“But you, Jung Jaehyun, are in love with me?” you repeated as your hand cupped his own. The smile you gave him was bright enough to light up the stage. 
“Yeah, I thought I made that clear. I’m sorry, did I mumble that line?” he teased playfully, trying to coerce a giggle out of you. “Should I start the scene over?”
“No, no. I’m just—” you paused and he watched you recollect your thoughts. His glittering brown eyes were trained on you as the words processed in your head. “You love me,” you laughed in disbelief. 
Jaehyun took a step closer, his hand tentatively reaching out to stroke your face. He sighed in relief as you relaxed into his touch. “You’re my number one girl. I choose you.” 
“Well, it’s a good thing that even after all this time, I’ve always chosen you, too.”
Once those words left your lips, he couldn’t hold himself back. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Jaehyun pulled you against his chest and smashed his lips against yours. Yes, he had kissed you on multiple occasions prior to this— onstage and off— but this time was different than the rest.
 This was the first time he really kissed you after your feelings were out in the open.
The first time he kissed you and finally felt the love you harbored for so many years. Jaehyun just hoped you could sense the love he was pouring out for you, too. 
He did not want to let you go but he was struggling to breathe. You were so lovely, everything about you was so incredibly lovely, and to have you in his arms was the best feeling in the universe. Everything around him turned dark and he felt the warmth of a spotlight and the flush of your body against him. The entire world was spinning beneath his feet, his heart racing, and his lips chasing you and only you. 
Jaehyun did not understand why people did drugs— the high of being so ardently in love with another person, with you, gave him the high that he needed. 
He felt you hit his chest in an attempt to end the kiss but Jaehyun did not want to stop. A light shove to his shoulders was enough to separate his lips from yours and what a sight you were— chest panting heavily for air, lips plumped and swollen, and the prettiest set of eyes widened in shock.
“You kissed me!” you said in between pants. “Like not a stage kiss but you actually kissed me!”
“That I did, love,” Jaehyun replied cheekily, taking another step towards you. You stepped back to lean against the wall but did nothing to stop him from coming forward. “Are you gonna do something about it?” 
The look in your eyes changed after you heard his new nickname for you. It was coy. Flirty. Challenging. “Do it again, I dare you,” you whispered a bit too loudly. 
Before Jaehyun closed the distance, his eyebrow perked up at the challenge. “Gladly.”
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Senior year was there before we knew it. 
Another year, another posting day. 
Dejun, Jaehyun, and I swiftly made our way down the hall to the front of the theatre department, curious to find out which roles we were given. The spring production and the final musical of our college career was Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. 
Callbacks for Belle went as smooth as ever— the chemistry between Jaehyun and I were off the charts. But why wouldn’t they be? We were together now. 
Just like any other time, the crowds gathering around the cast list and bulletin board parted immediately once they caught a glimpse of Jaehyun approaching. The only difference was that this time, he was tightly clutching my hand. 
When we arrived in front of the board, I shut my eyes before I could read the cast list. An anxious buzz flowed through my veins, tickling the tips of my fingers and toes. My boyfriend must’ve felt the twitching of my fingers or the sweat dripping off my palms. 
I felt his body shift towards me. “Want me to take a peek first, love?” Jaehyun asked as he pressed his plump lips onto the crown of my head. He nuzzled his nose into my hair, a small but sweet action that always comforted me. 
Shaking my head, I looked at him and said, “No, why don’t we look together?”
“On three?” he grinned lovingly.
“On three, you dumb spoon.”
The countdown was quick but the glance I took at the cast list was even quicker. It was so quick, I almost didn’t catch who was put into the role of Belle. Taking a double take, I let go of Jaehyun’s hand as my eyes zeroed in onto the tiny print. 
Everything around me came to a stop as I read and re-read the cast list. Everyone around me was celebrating their parts but I couldn’t hear them, they were all muted in my mind. All I could hear was the sound of my own breaths  and all I could see my name on the top of the page. 
Belle……………..Y/N The Beast……..Jung Jaehyun
“Oh my god, I got the part,” I whispered to no one in particular. Backing away from the board, I repeated the same words a little louder and it got the attention of everyone surrounding me. Before I knew it, everyone threw a congratulations my way. The cheers were loud and obnoxious but they were for me because I did it. I finally did it.
Feeling a little overwhelmed, I backed away from the blustering crowd before bumping into my boyfriend’s firm chest. Jaehyun caught me in his hold, his arms circling around my waist. He dropped his chin on my shoulder and placed a tender kiss on my temple. “Would you look at that? We’re not a ridiculous set of tableware this time.”
“No disrespect to those parts, they were awesome, but I think I like this a lot more,” I giggled, turning in his hold. 
As I circled my arms around his neck, he whispered, “Same here.”
I yanked him down into an earth-shattering kiss that sent the world spinning beneath my feet. It slowed down, speeded up, and it did everything in between. I saw flashes of yellow ball gowns, royal blue coats, and Jaehyun smiling at me gracefully across the stage. 
Jaehyun staring me down from the other end of an altar. 
I saw it all. 
If my life was a movie, then this would be the time that the screen would fade to black and show the names. Some overly poppy song would resonate through the speakers and everyone would get up from their seats and gush over the happy ending.
But it wasn’t. My life was as real as it could be and it was even better than any romantic-comedy that would ever grace the screen. 
This wasn’t the ending. 
This was the perfect beginning. 
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. hello, my darling readers! you really didn’t have to wait that long for this release, did you? a big thank you to several people: @johtenrecs for always being my beta and for the helpful feedback, to my chaotic gc ( @smoll-tangerine, @ppangjae, @jaedore​, and @jeongvision) for listening to me complain about how i was losing it while writing this fic, to @suhpressed​ for helping me with brainstorm, and lastly, to my lovely @notnctu bc without her and our crazy idea of hosting a hannah montana collab, i wouldn’t have gotten this idea! love y’all! hope you enjoyed this and please leave feedback! uwu
TAGLIST. @yasmini24 @jaehyunnie77 @emmybyeakitty @fluffyjaes @aevizen @dearjaehyxn @yourmagnanimousholiness @jaehyvnsvalentine @keemburley @softieus @lanadreamie @lebrookestore  @notmangojuice @felixn-recs @captainsjoongs @anotherfullsun @ukiyoneo @kunrengui​ @babyyynatty​ 
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2021
1K notes · View notes
mint-yooxgi · 4 years
Gilded Gold - Yandere!Vampire Prince!Jaehyun X Reader
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Yandere AU, Vampire AU, & Prince AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Smut (Someone goes a little feral at the end there)
Pairing: Jaehyun X Reader
Words: 22,845
Warnings: Jaehyun is pretty sadistic and manipulative in this one, as such there is a lot of violence and gore mentioned. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: It’s finally here! Omg, after months (again) of nothing, I'm really happy with the length of this one and how it turned out. Certain scenes are really good in my opinion, so hopefully you enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoyed writing them. I’ve nearly had this idea planned out for almost a year, so I'm happy that I've finally finished writing it all out. Tbh, certain scenes are pretty self indulgent... Anyways, I do really hope you enjoy this one, please do let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated!
“Is everything prepped and ready for tomorrow?” He asks, expression stern as he looks towards his adviser. 
“Yes, my Prince,” with a nod from the adviser, a smirk begins to slowly spread itself across Jaehyun’s lips.
“Perfect,” a dark look takes over his features, smirk now fully formed as he thinks over his plan once more.
Tomorrow will change everything, and he can hardly wait. For too long he’s waited, watching in the shadows until this day would come. Until finally, he can have everything that he’s ever wanted. Tomorrow, he’ll finally have you.
From the first moment he saw you all those months ago, he knew he had to have you. The way you so willingly went out of your way to help your neighbours with their little market stand only confirmed to Jaehyun that you’re a kindhearted individual. However, if it weren’t for the way you cussed out an older man for attempting to hit on your younger sister, he would have assumed you to be too soft. That is what intrigued him: that you could look so innocent on the outside, but on the inside, contain a strong, level-head, is what drew him to you.
Since then, he’s been sneaking out of the castle at least five times a week to find you, and once he did, he couldn’t stop himself from simply observing you. He became another shadow in the night, and you were none the wiser as to the monster lurking just outside of your window.
The day he learnt that you had no potential suitors, he swears he had never been happier in all his long years of living. It took him a bit of persuading, but he eventually convinced his mother to let himself actively pursue you. She was a bit wary at first, having never met you, nor even having heard of you before. The fact that you’re a mere human, and a commoner, no less, concerned her greatly. However, he made sure to take care of everything before your arrival. After all, you’re his responsibility now, and he’ll make sure to take care of you in any and every way that he can. 
Soon, the whole kingdom will know that you are meant to be his, the Crown Prince’s very own betrothed. The announcement might turn some heads, considering everyone is aware of the vampire society, and how the creatures of the night reign over them, but he’s counting on the support from those whom support interspecies relationships. It will be a huge step in a positive direction for his family to bring a common human into their inner circle. Not that you would have a choice, whether you know it or not.
That night, he barely gets any rest, too excited for what is to come tomorrow. He has it all planned out, the outfit he’s going to wear, how he’s going to make a grand entrance when meeting you for the first time, as well as the first thing he’s going to say to you once he sees you. 
His eyes flash red. Fuck, he finally gets to see you in person with you actually aware of his presence this time. Oh, how he can hardly wait to see your reaction when you gaze upon him for the first time. A smirk slowly tugs at his lips as he envisions the scene in his head, your awestruck face, the wonder shining in your eyes, and the way you’ll bite your lip as you take him in with the realization that he’s all yours.
Tomorrow cannot come fast enough.
That next morning you are awoken by the sound of your mother answering the front door. Muffled voices reach your ears as you bury yourself deeper into the warmth of your comforter. The sound of your door creaking has your eyes flinging open as your mother storms into your room.
“Get up! There’s a royal advisor at our front door asking for you, personally,” she tears your blankets off of you before moving over to your dresser to pull out some of your nicest clothes. “Apparently he has a message from the Prince. For you.”
“For me?” Your head is reeling at the thought of a royal advisor visiting you with a personal message from the Prince himself. What would the Prince want with you? You have no idea.
“Yes, you,” your mother tuts at your confused look as you clamber out of bed. “Now hurry up and get dressed. Don’t keep him waiting.”
Without another word, your mother leaves your room, heading back downstairs so as not to keep the advisor alone for too long. She would have made your sister keep him company, but she had to go to work this morning.
Squinting at your now closed door, you shift your gaze over to the outfit she has so meticulously picked out for you to wear. The clothes are quite literally the nicest ones you own, and your frown deepens. What message could possibly warrant you wearing your nicest clothes?
Yawning, you rub at the sleep still in your eyes. Screw formalities, it’s just a message, it can’t be that serious. Forgoing the outfit, you quickly head to the bathroom to freshen up and at least make yourself look presentable. No matter what this message turns out to be, you’re going to hop right back into bed afterwards anyways, so you see no point in getting dressed.
Making your way downstairs, you hear soft chatter coming from the front room, and as soon as you enter you can feel your mother’s scrutinizing gaze on you for not changing. You briefly make eye contact with her before turning your attention to the unfamiliar man standing across from her. You can already tell from his proper stature and from the royal emblem hanging proudly on the left side of his uniform that he’s the advisor.
“Ah, good, you must be Miss (Y/n), it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he bows to you. ���My name is Minho, and I come bearing a message from Prince Jaehyun himself.”
You bow back respectfully, nodding for him to continue as your mother smiles almost nervously from the side of the room.
“You are to be moved to the castle immediately,” he says as your eyes go wide. “You are to be betrothed to Prince Jaehyun effective immediately.”
“Excuse me?” Your jaw has dropped, disbelief clear on your face.
“You are to be moved-“
“No, no, I heard you,” you cut him off, “I meant, what the actual fuck?”
“(Y/n)!” Your mother scolds.
“What? You’re telling me that this completely unprompted visit is to tell me I am to become the prince’s fiancée without any say in the matter?” You ask, incredulously.
“I apologize, I should have been clearer,” Minho clears his throat. “You do get a choice, as it is the Prince’s intention to court you first. However, in doing so, it requires you to come stay at the palace for the time being.”
“I-“ your mouth gapes like a fish out of water, “do I have a choice in this?”
“Of course!” Minho immediately responds. “I understand this is very sudden, and probably very confusing, but the Prince promised to explain everything once you have arrived to the palace for the day. We really shouldn’t keep him waiting too long.”
“I-“ you’re about to object once more when your mother cuts you off.
“Go with him, sweetie,” you frown at the look she’s giving you. You don’t think you’ve ever heard her voice sound so tense, completely different to how she looked when she first entered your room not ten minutes ago. “He told me you would have to leave immediately, so I’ll send a few bags with your stuff later this week.”
“But mom-“
“No buts,” she smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the Prince chose you, no less. Please be on your best behaviour.”
“Great, then it’s settled!” Minho smiles, beginning to exit the room in order to walk towards the front door. He places a hand at the small of your back and guides you along with him, with you too stunned to say much else. “Thank you for your hospitality,” he bows to your mother once at the door, “we’ll be in touch.”
With those words, he is leading you out of the front and to the car that awaits at the end of the driveway. By now, a few of your neighbours have stepped outside their homes to view what is going on, and you can see them whispering to themselves as you are ushered into the back seat. You only wish you got to say goodbye to your sister before you had to leave.
“Guess leaving is so urgent that I can’t change out of my pyjamas, huh?” You joke, a hint of seriousness to your tone as you cross your arms. 
Minho soon slides into the front seat beside the driver whom has been waiting in the car this whole time.
“I’m afraid not, Miss,” he replies, pulling out his phone. “We’re on a tight schedule today.”
You sigh, leaning your head on your hand as you look out of the window. You see more neighbours watching the car go down the road as you drive off, and you begin to wonder how you even got into this mess. Though you will admit, a part of you is intrigued. To catch the eye of the Prince, the Vampire Prince, no less, is causing your heart to race. 
You’ve seen a few photos of the Prince before in passing, and he does look very handsome, so a part of you is curious to see if that’s actually true. Another part of you feels excitement at the thought of being sought after by the prince himself. Maybe that’s why you’re not putting up more of a fuss at this matter. A sigh escapes your lips at the thought, and you begin to wonder what exactly is in store for you once you arrive at the castle.
About forty-five minutes later, you arrive at the palace. Your breath is quite literally stolen away as you gaze upon the fortress in awe, taking in the arches and crevices in the architecture, along with its massive size.
“If you think the outside is grand, just wait until you see the inside,” Minho chuckles, noting your gaze of wonderment.
His words manage to pull you out of your admiration of the palace and back to the steps in front of you which lead up to the front doors. Shaking your head slightly, you clear your thoughts. You’re sure you’ll have plenty of time to admire and explore the castle once you get settled inside.
“So, uh…“ you trail off, following Minho up the steps, not knowing what to ask first.
“I’ll be leading you to your personal chambers while you’re going to be staying here, then some servants will be coming to prepare you for lunch with the Prince,” Minho explains, and you nod along absentmindedly, still too distracted by the grand stonework of the building, of which is much more intricate on the inside. “I’m sure His Royal Highness would gladly take you on a tour of the premisses, given how intrigued you seem to be by the grounds already.”
At this you can feel your face heat up in slight embarrassment, “sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologize, Miss,” Minho smiles at you assuringly. “It’s quite nice to see someone admiring the architecture once more.”
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head slightly in curiosity.
“Oh, it’s just been quite a while since we’ve had a new guest who’s admired the detailing as you are,” he says.
“Must not get many new guests then,” you mutter, but he still manages to hear you.
“No, not really,” he sighs, eyes soon going wide as he’s come to realize what he’s just said, clearing his throat in the next moment. “I mean, I’ve said enough already.”
You simply hum in response as he leads you through some side corridors and up another set of stairs. You can feel your legs burning at the amount of flights you’ve climbed, not used to the amount of steps yet. Once you reach the tops of the stairs, you find yourself resting your hands on your knees in order to catch you breath.
“One second,” you hold up a finger, indicating to Minho to stop and let you catch your breath.
“Alright, but we really mustn’t delay, Miss,” he says, worry flashing briefly in his eyes, but it passes so quickly that you do not see it.
After a few moments, you right yourself, taking a deep breath before nodding at him to continue. He nearly breathes a sigh of relief as he continues to lead you down the hallway you’re now in, checking his watch on the way and noticing he’ll make it just in time. It’s important for everything to go according to schedule today, or so the Prince has reminded him countless times, along with the other staff. Everything has to be perfect.
Leading you to a set of doors near the end of the hallway, Minho pushes them both open to reveal a large room full of everything you could possibly think of. You’re pretty sure this room is the size of your entire main floor of your house, complete with a four post king sized bed, privacy screen which looks like it leads to another part of the room, along with various shelves, desks, and cabinets spread throughout. To say you are awestruck would be an understatement.
You take your time wandering around the room, opening one of the side doors to find an adjacent bathroom built for the gods. A large tub rests on one side, along with a set of double sinks, a large mirror that takes up the entire wall, along with a huge shower which you believe also works as a sauna. You are hardly able to believe what you’re seeing, this is all so unbelievable. To think, your lifestyle quite literally has changed in the blink of an eye. 
Now, if only you could see what rests behind the privacy screen. You’ve avoided opening the doors so far due to the fact that you’re unsure what’s waiting for you on the other side. In the back of your mind, you hope it’s not another room. More particularly, that it’s not the Prince’s room.
The whole time that you spend exploring your new room, Jaehyun stands just off to the side beside the privacy screen where you cannot see him. A smirk is ever present on his face. He could smell your scent getting closer with every step you took down the hallway, only serving to make his dead heart race in his chest. He cannot help how his mouth salivates at the thought of you now only being one room away, nothing more than a thin set of doors standing between your bodies. He can hardly wait to meet you.
After a few more moments of you taking in your new room, you turn to look at Minho, “so, uh, am I allowed to see what’s behind those privacy doors,” you motion to them with your head, “or is that part off-limits?”
Your attempt at a joke earns a small chuckle from him, “actually, I believe the Prince should be joining us soon.”
“Is that the Prince’s room?” Your eyes widen as your suspicion is all but confirmed. You know you’re expected to become close with him, but you aren’t expecting to be literally sharing a room.
“Oh, no!” Minho is quick to answer, to which you breathe a small sigh of relief. “I believe His Highness went to inspect the second portion of your room earlier, before your arrival, in order to make sure everything is up to his standards.”
“Ah, I see,” you nod in understanding. “Glad to know he’s taking such precautions for me.”
Of course! He wants nothing but the best for you, after all. It’s what you deserve. Jaehyun’s smirk only grows, and he takes your words as his cue to finally make his presence known, and finally enter the room.
Ever so slowly, you notice a shadow forming behind the semi-transparent screen. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, racing at the prospect of finally being able to meet the Prince in person. Little do you know, that this is not the first time that the Prince will be seeing you.
Just like a scene from a movie, the doors part, Prince Jaehyun stepping through the threshold. His gaze lingers on the ground briefly before finally looking upwards to lock gazes with you. Your breath hitches, and you can feel your heart skipping a beat, all of which does not go unheard by Jaehyun, only serving to make him more smug during this time. Besides, the smirk resting on his features only adds to his charming good looks as he takes a confident step forwards, slowly making his way over to you.
The whole time, your eyes never leave his. Again, to say you’re stunned would be an understatement. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a finer looking specimen in your entire life, and from the looks of things, he can read your expression like an open book. 
For a brief moment, your gaze rakes over his entire body, and you have to stop yourself from inhaling sharply once more. He’s wearing the finest embroidered suit that you’ve ever seen in your life, the sharp gold thread contrasting with the black fabric. You know the suit must have cost a fortune, just from the design alone, not to mention the materials. The detailing of the floral design, combined with the surrounding leaves is stunning, but what catches your attention the most is the fact that he’s not wearing a shirt beneath the suit jacket. You can see the smooth skin of his chest on display, only serving to make you lick your lips in admiration, anticipation lingering in your chest. For what, you aren’t quite sure, but fuck, you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t think he was extremely attractive.
His chest swells with pride. He knew you would react like this, only confirming to him that you also find him as attractive as he finds you. Well, considering all the peasants you had to endure back in your hometown, he’s not surprised. As if any of them ever stood a chance with you. Well, not if he had anything to say about it.
So far, everything is going exactly how he has planned it to, and he couldn’t be more happier in this moment. Minho was on time and everything, though Jaehyun worried at one point that you were running behind schedule. He cannot let that happen, everything needs to run like clockwork in order for things to be perfect.
The one thing that he wishes more than anything that he could do right now would be to take you into his arms, but he knows that would be overstepping boundaries at the moment. The last thing he wants to do is scare you off on the first day. After all, since you’re going to be spending eternity together, he doesn’t want to push you away now.
You don’t mean to stare as you have been, but you cannot help it. With wide eyes and slightly parted lips, you continue to stand there, almost dumbfounded by the current events. By now, you are most certainly regretting not listening to your mother to change into your nicest clothes. Meeting the Prince while still in your pyjamas is making you feel a bit self-conscious. How embarrassing, to meet him while you’re still in your sleep clothes.
On the other hand, Jaehyun thinks that it’s so endearing that you’re still dressed in your pyjamas. Were you that excited to meet him that you couldn’t even wait to leave, meaning you forwent changing? How adorable.
“Miss (Y/n), may I formally introduce you to Prince-“
“Jung Jaehyun,” he cuts Minho off, taking your hand into his own in order to bring it to his lips and kiss the back of it tenderly. Oh, how soft your skin feels against his own. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Introducing yourself, your voice is a bit airy, still breathless due to everything that you’ve encountered so far. You’re especially impressed with the way he’s held himself, “the pleasure is all mine, Your Highness.”
“Please,” he smiles, running his thumb over the skin on the back of your hand before releasing his hold on you and returning his hands to his sides, “call me Jaehyun.”
You smile back politely, thoughts running through your head a mile a minute. All the while, your nerves begin to grow, and you begin to ponder why exactly it was you that he chose. You don’t necessarily think you’re anything special, but Jaehyun would beg to differ.
“Um, I was told that we were going to be dining soon?” You ask, shifting slightly from foot to foot as you attempt to break the small silence that has settled over the three of you. You figure Minho is probably avoiding saying anything right now out of respect for you and the Prince.
“Ah, yes,” Jaehyun nods once in confirmation. “That is, if you’re willing to join me for lunch. Of course, I’ll let you change first, unless you’d prefer to stay in those.”
At the motion of his head towards your choice in outfit, you can feel your cheeks heating up once more in embarrassment.
“Oh, uh…” you avoid his gaze for the first time today, and he can’t help but be reminded of how cute you are as you add quietly, “I don’t have anything else to wear.”
He simply quirks a brow in response, “has Minho not shown you your wardrobe yet?”
“No, I-“ you smile sheepishly, “I didn’t get a chance to pack any of my own clothes before I left. I mean, I didn’t even have a chance to change.”
He chuckles this time in response, “come with me, Princess.”
You cannot deny the way your heart positively flutters when he calls you that. A fact which only makes him smile subtly. You haven’t even known him for more than fifteen minutes and he already sets your heart racing. A fact which only serves to stroke his ego even further. This is going even better than anything he could have ever planned.
Leading you over to a side door that resides in the second half of your room, of which you notice is a lavish seating area complete with a chaise, he opens it. A grandiose closet is revealed to you, filled with the most lavish pieces of clothing you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Dresses, shirts, skirts, you name it, line the shelves. Rows upon rows of accessories cause your eyes to widen even further than they already have. You cannot help the surprised gasp that escapes your lips as you take it all in.
“Is this-“ you blink, attempting to wrap your head around everything as you try to get the words out, “is this-“
“It’s all for you, Princess,” Jaehyun smiles at your wide eyed expression.
“I-“ you turn to him, “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he assures you.
“Honestly, I’m torn,” you bite your lip nervously.
He simply quirks a brow at you to continue, despite the fact a frown wants to pull onto his features.
“I’m torn between ‘I can’t accept this’, and ‘thank you so much’,” you admit, and you hear him chuckle once more. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Minho tense.
“Always so humble,” he hums. “Don’t worry about it, it’s a gift.”
“I-“ you take a deep breath, “thank you.”
He smiles, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants, “just promise me that you’ll use it.”
You notice how he motions to the closet with his head, and you immediately nod, “of course.”
“Good,” he nods once. “Well, I’ll let you get ready. Maria and Greta should be arriving soon to prepare you for lunch.”
As soon as he finishes speaking, a soft knock sounds at your bedroom door, signifying the arrival of the two aforementioned women. He could hear them walking down the hallway and figured now would be as good a time as ever to take his leave, even if it will be momentarily.
“I’ll see you soon, Princess,” with those words, he walks out of your room. 
The two women whom have been patiently waiting in the hallway to come in now step inside as Minho steps out of the room following Jaehyun. You notice that they look somewhat nervous, approaching you carefully as if you’re someone to be cautious of. You send them a reassuring smile, introducing yourself shortly after.
“It’s nice to finally meet the woman the Prince has been talking non-stop about,” Maria admits, seeming to relax more now that you’ve talked to the two of them.
“Maria,” Greta hisses while elbowing her partner. Your brow furrows, it seems as if they’re not allowed to talk about that in front of you.
“He’s talked about me?” You question as they move you into the closet to pick out an outfit for the day.
“Oh yes,” Maria nods. “He’s been very… excited for you to come visit the palace.”
“I won’t warn you again,” Greta narrows her eyes at Maria disapprovingly.
“Am I not allowed to ask about it then?” You frown.
“Oh, you can ask any and all the questions you’d like,” Greta answers, pulling a simple gown down from the racks. “We’re just not supposed to talk about certain things.”
“Like the Prince?”
“Listen dearie,” Greta sighs. “If you knew what’s best for you, you’d run, and run far.”
Her words only serve to confuse you even more, especially at the nervous expression Maria now wears on her face.
“Is there something I should know?” You ask as they help you into the dress.
“Don’t listen to Greta, dear,” Maria pats your arm gently once the dress is secure. “The Prince is a wonderful gentleman, and from the looks of things, he’s completely smitten with you.”
“But he hardly even knows me,” you mumble as they start to work on your hair.
“He knows you better than you think,” Greta’s voice is barely above a whisper. In fact, it’s so faint, you don’t catch all of what she says.
“Pardon me?” You catch her gaze in the mirror they have you sitting in front of now.
“All the more reason for you to get to know him better,” she corrects herself with a smile, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
Maria manages to change the subject shortly after by asking you questions about yourself, and her telling you small stories about her life. The two of you are able to connect well quickly, and you know that if she continues to look after you while you’re here, you will have a friend in her. Greta, on the other hand, you’re not so sure about.
Not only does she continuously look at you with worry in her eyes, she scolds Maria any time she thinks Maria has overstepped any sort of boundary. The amount of times Maria has begun to tell you about the Prince, only for her to be cut off by Greta soon after is astounding. Hopefully you can get some answers from the Prince himself. After all, you are going to lunch together.
“There, all finished,” Maria smiles warmly at you as she helps you stand up.
“Thank you,” you smile back, smoothing out the front of your gown subconsciously.
“Come now,” Greta says, checking her watch, “or else we’ll be late.”
“Oh dear, we wouldn’t want that,” Maria suddenly looks worried. “We’ll lead you to the dining room. His Highness should already be waiting.”
“I guess I shouldn’t keep him waiting, then,” you joke as you three move to exit the room.
You fail to notice the brief glance the two of them share as Greta says, “no, you really shouldn’t.”
Without another word, you all make your way down the hallway, them leading you to where Jaehyun has instructed them to meet him. As he hears you approaching, a small smile tugs at his lips. He can’t wait to start his forever with you, and today is day one.
“Ready for lunch?” He asks, turning around just as you walk up to him.
You nod, humming your eagerness. You can’t wait to see what they decide to serve to eat, you are in a palace after all. Besides, the company is wonderful so far, and you really want to get to know him better.
Lunch with Jaehyun passes by far too quickly for either of your likings, and before you know it, you’re both finished. To say that you enjoy your time with him would be an understatement. Not only was the food delicious, but you also got to do what you wanted and get to know him better. One thing you know for sure, is that he has a beautiful smile, of which you hope to see more of. Plus, he’s got the cutest dimples you’ve ever seen.
After lunch, he gives you a tour of the castle, and once again, your breath is stolen from your lungs. The whole time you spend admiring the architecture, Jaehyun spends admiring you. His dead heart races in his chest every time he looks over to see that awestruck expression on your face. You’re so beautiful, and the fact that you’re admiring everything he shows you so far, along with how grateful you’ve been towards him, assures him that he’s made the best choice in choosing you as his fiancée.
Every so often, his hand will brush against your own as he walks with you through the castle. You cannot help the rush you feel each time he does this, his touch both innocent and teasing at the same time. Each brush only makes a subtle smirk pull at his own lips, knowing he already has such an effect on you.
All too soon, the afternoon comes to an end and he’s leading you back to your room for the evening. He’s told you that you’ll more than likely be meeting his mother tomorrow, so you should get as much rest as you can, considering how hectic the day has been for you.
“If you ever need me, I’m just down the hallway to your left,” he tells you, of which you find yourself nodding in response. “If an emergency ever arises, come and get me. No matter the time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you say, lips twitching upwards in a half smile. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” he returns your smile. “I’ll always be here for you.”
By now, the two of you have stopped just outside of your bedroom door. You stare deeply into his eyes, and you can see the sincerity reflected in them. Your lips part slightly as you take a small step backwards as he continues to stare intensely at you, almost as if he’s in a daze.
Before you know it, he’s blinking as if to clear his head while clearing his throat, “well, I’ve got a few things to attend to before dinner. I’ll have someone bring you something to eat for then. In the meantime, feel free to do whatever you’d like, just let Maria know where you’ll be.”
“Sounds good,” you smile once more.
“See you later, Princess,” he grins, grabbing your hand in order to place a gentle kiss onto the back of it, successfully making your face warm. Without another word, he takes his leave. 
Watching his figure disappear down the hallway, you let out a blissful sigh. Lunch was enjoyable, and you can’t wait to see what else he has in store for you. Not only that, but you can’t wait to further explore the castle and find your favourite spots. Hopefully you can find a little nook to read some of the books from the massive library that caught your eye while you explored with Jaehyun.
Entering your room, you bite your lip. The only thing you’re particularly nervous about would be meeting his mother. Based off of what he’s told you about her so far, she can be very picky about mannerisms, and it can be difficult for anyone new to impress her. Maybe that’s what Minho meant by no one new has come to the palace for a long time. You just hope you can make a good impression, or at least good enough for her to at least tolerate you. After all, if you’re to marry her son, having her like you would be a huge success.
“You okay there?” Maria’s voice manages to pull you out of your own thoughts.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” you reply absentmindedly, walking further into the room as the door falls shut. Your brow furrows slightly as you notice Greta isn’t with her this time. “Where’s Greta?”
Maria stiffens ever so slightly, “she has this afternoon and evening off.”
“Ah, makes sense,” you nod, moving to sit on your bed.
“Is there anything I can get for you, Miss?” She asks politely.
“Not at the moment, thank you,” you shoot her a grateful smile. “I think I might just nap, I am a bit sleepy.”
“Alright, well, I’ll help you change,” 
“No need, I can do it myself,”
“No, please, I insist,” she’s already begun to move around your room and grabs a fresh set of clothes for you to change into. “After all, it’s what I’m here for.”
“Well, okay,” you sigh softly, allowing Maria to help you change.
Once done, the two of you just sit together in your room talking about anything and everything. She tells you that her family has always served the Jung’s for as long as she can remember, but she doesn’t mind it here. Apparently, the job pays really well, and they get ample time off.
Before you know it, there is a knock on your door and another servant is there holding a tray for you piled high with plates containing your evening meal. You thank them and move to take the tray from their hands, but they insist on putting it down for you. They set everything up for you on the table in your room before bowing respectively and leaving you to your own with Maria still patiently standing off to the side.
Sitting back down, your eyes rake over the food now resting in front of you. This is one of your favourite meals, but Jaehyun couldn’t possibly know that. Could he?
“The Prince made special preparations for you before you came,” Maria says, noticing your stare.
“This is my favourite dish,” you comment.
“I take it everything is to your liking, then?” She smiles.
“Of course, but I still don’t understand how he knows this is my favourite dish,” you say.
“If I’m not mistaken, I believe he was informed by your mother,”
“He’s talked with my mom?” Your eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Oh, I mean, Minho was told by your mother, who in turn told Prince Jaehyun when he got back to the palace today,” Maria is quick to correct herself.
“Ah, I see,” you turn back to the food spread out in front of you. “Oh my! Where are my manners? Would you like anything?”
Maria almost looks caught off guard by your offer of sharing your food with her, “oh, no, thank you! I couldn’t.”
“Nonsense,” you shake your head, pushing one of the many side dishes over to her. “I don’t like eating alone, anyways.”
“Are you sure?” Her voice is hesitant, gnawing her bottom lip in worry.
“Of course,” you confirm. “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”
“Thank you, Miss,” she graciously accepts the dish, grabbing a set of utensils to join you in eating.
You simply smile at her in response, happy to be sharing your favourite meal with someone else. Her presence brings you comfort in this still unfamiliar place, of which you know will take some getting used to, despite the tour you took today. After all, you are alone, and far from home.
Meanwhile, Jaehyun paces in his study. He sent Minho to gather Greta for him just before you came to meet him downstairs for lunch that day. He overheard what she told you, and to say he was not impressed would be an understatement. Is she trying to make him look bad in front of you? No matter, he’ll dispose of the problem soon enough.
“Minho, I still don’t understand what’s going on-“ Greta’s voice gets caught in her throat once she is escorted inside the study to see Jaehyun now leaning against his desk with his arms crossed.
“Your Highness,” she bows respectively. “How may I be of service to you?”
“I have a favour to ask of you, Greta,” the way he says her name sends a shiver of fear running down her spine: full of venom and malice.
“Y-yes, sir, what is it?” Her blood is rushing through her. She’s heard of the Prince’s famous glare but never having been on the receiving end, there’s nothing that could have prepared her for the look of bloodlust in his eyes that came about so suddenly.
“I want you to run, Greta,” he pushes himself off the edge the desk, staring directly into her eyes, “and run far.”
A gasp escapes her lips. He heard.
“Well?” He hums, tauntingly, amusement shining in his eyes as he stares at her now trembling form. “What are you waiting for? That’s an order.”
With a shaky nod from her, she’s bustling out of the room and down the hallway. He can still hear the sound of her racing heart even after she makes it to the floor below him.
The malicious grin never leaves his lips as he begins to make his way out of his study. Currently, he is a predator stalking their prey. This’ll be fun, he hasn’t had to chase his prey in a while, and he cannot wait to tear into her throat. How dare she even suggest that you run from him. He would never hurt you. 
Anyone else, on the other hand? Fair game.
“Are you really sure this is necessary, my Prince?” Minho nervously watches Jaehyun as he passes through the doorway into the hall.
“Of course,” Jaehyun smiles, but it only serves to unnerve Minho as Jaehyun’s eyes flash red in the next moment. “She nearly lost me what is mine.”
In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun is gone from his sight, and Minho can only breathe a sigh of relief that he’s left unharmed this evening. Once Jaehyun sets his mind to something, there is no changing it. No one can stop him when he’s on a warpath, and Minho is just glad that he isn’t on the receiving end of one of the Prince’s violent episodes.
It takes Jaehyun mere seconds to catch up with Greta, who has been able to make it into the grand foyer before the main doors. He slams her against the wall, hearing a few of her bones fracture due to the impact. Her whimpers and pleas for her own life fall on deaf ears, even as more servants shuffle passed. They all know not to get involved, lest they want to suffer the same fate as Greta. Too many have learned that the hard way.
The last thing she sees is Jaehyun’s malicious smirk, fangs on full display as he tears into her throat. Once he’s sure she’s dead, he tosses her body aside, letting the blood spill over the floor. He spits the chunk of her neck he has in his mouth onto her body, a look of pure disgust on his face as he glares down at her corpse.
“Somebody clean this mess up,” he snarls out as he turns his back to her body. The others are frozen in fear, but his growl manages to have a few snapping immediately to their senses and rushing over to Greta’s dead body. “Now!”
He doesn’t stick around to see if they remove her or not, opting to head straight to his room for the evening. He wants to see you again, but he knows that it might be too soon. Besides, with his emotions heightened at the moment, he would potentially be putting you in danger. At least he’ll still be able to smell your scent, and hear whatever it is that you’re doing. That’s enough for him, for now.
A smile tugs at his lips as he faintly hears you conversing with Maria about something that happened to you during your childhood. He knew placing Maria with you as your personal assistant would be a good idea. Greta was his mother’s choice, and he had a feeling she was going to be nothing but a nuisance for him. Nothing is going to get in his way of winning your heart. Nothing. Everything has to go according to plan.
The following morning, he does a brief check of the front foyer to make sure everything has been cleaned properly, and that nothing remains of the events of that previous evening. The last thing he wants is for you to see something like that. Seeing that it’s been cleared of any evidence, he smiles, making his way back upstairs to finally greet you for the day.
To be quite honest, he is a little nervous himself for you to meet his mother. She didn’t exactly approve of him essentially stalking you, what he just calls taking a keen interest in making sure you’re doing alright. If Greta was any indication of how his mother will act, he knows she’ll probably devise a plan to take you away from him, or worse, make you afraid of him. After all, she knows exactly how her son can be.
Knocking gently on your door, he can hear your soft footfalls as you walk closer to him. He can’t wait to see you, and when you open the door to reveal yourself he most certainly is not disappointed with what he sees. How you look more beautiful every time he sees you is a mystery to him. One thing he knows for sure though, is that you’ve enchanted him since the moment he first laid eyes on you.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he smiles, noticing how you react positively to his words.
“Good morning,” you greet back politely, a small smile gracing your own features.
“Did you sleep well?” He asks, noticing Maria has already remade your bed.
“Quite,” you nod, smile only widening as you look at him. “Did you?”
“I did indeed,” he hums in response, though he would have slept better if you were in his arms. “Are you ready for today?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you let out a nervous chuckle as you step into the hallway, closing the door gently behind you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the whole time,” he assures you, extending his arm out for you to loop yours with his. “Let’s get going.”
“Yes, let’s,” you hum back, taking his arm as you begin to walk down the hallway. “Any advice for me before we meet you mother?”
“Just be your usual charming self, and I’m sure you’ll be fine,” he squeezes your arm slightly, causing you to look over to already see him smiling at you.
You say nothing but choose to nod in understanding. You just hope your usual charming self doesn’t do or say anything that might embarrass you.
The two of you make idle chat as you make your way to the throne room to meet his mother. He manages to make you laugh, loosening your tense shoulders slightly as you relax the more he’s able to distract you. The whole time, he observes you fondly, glad to know that he can ease your nerves slightly, even if you’ve only officially known each other for a day. If only he could help you to relax in any and every other way he knows how.
All too soon, you’ve arrived just outside the doors to the throne room. Minho already stands waiting outside the grand set of double doors for the two of you, announcing your arrival to the queen as the doors part for you to walk through. 
Your heart races in your chest, nerves momentarily returning as you’re faced with the task at hand. This is one of the most important moments in your mind, for if his mother doesn’t approve of you, you do not know what will happen. That being said, you want to make sure to make the best impression you can on his mother, no matter what happens.
Walking into the room, you see his mother already sitting on her throne, watching the two of you as you approach where she is seated. Her gaze is scrutinizing, though it seems as if she’s watching he son more closely than she’s watching you. A fact which confuses you slightly since you would have assumed she would be more interested in how you hold yourself around her son rather than how her son holds himself around you. However this may be, you’re only grateful for the momentary relief you feel as you finally stop just before her throne.
“Mother, I’d like to formally introduce you to the woman whom I’d like to become my betrothed,” Jaehyun introduces you, telling her your name shortly after.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty,” you say, bowing politely in introduction to the queen.
“Please, Your Majesty sounds so formal,” the queen waves her hand slightly in the air as if dismissing the remark before leaning forwards slightly in her throne, “call me Cathy.”
“Huh,” you muse, “like mother, like son.”
“Oh?” Cathy’s amusement is clear on her face as she looks from Jaehyun over to you.
“Yes,” you confirm. “It seems not liking titles runs in the family. Jaehyun’s also told me to call him by his name instead of his title.”
“Has he now?” Cathy leans back, eyeing her son suspiciously. That’s very unlike her son, as he only ever allows people to call him by his title, no matter who they may be. You must be important to him then, a fact which only causes her worry for you to grow. None of her son’s other playthings ever got to address him by his first name. “And has he been treating you alright so far?”
Jaehyun’s eyes narrow ever so subtly at his mother, for he knows what game she’s playing. Like hell she’ll catch him slipping up.
“He’s been nothing but a gentleman since I’ve arrived,” you respond, and if your words don’t fill his chest with pride, nothing else will. He can hardly wait for you to see what else he has in store for you.
“I see,” she hums, placing her hands gracefully in her lap.
“I’d also just like to thank you very much for your hospitality, and for letting me stay at the palace during this time,” you bow deeply once more. “Thank you.”
“Of course, sweetie,” she smiles. “Anything for the one my little Jaehyunnie has been so obsessed with lately.”
“Mother,” Jaehyun’s reaction is a warning to her, but to you it just sounds like a boy being embarrassed by his mom.
You giggle, and normally he would think it’s the sweetest sound, if not for the circumstances. “So I’ve heard.”
“Ah, I see,” Cathy grins. “He’s already told you all about how he-“
“Are you quite content, mother?” Jaehyun interrupts, eyes flashing his warning towards Cathy who only appears to be amused at his antics.
“Oh, indeed,” she smiles back, though you fail to register the malice hidden behind her lips. “I was only hoping to be joined by Miss (Y/n) here for some morning beverages. I’d love to get to know her better, if she’s alright with that, of course.”
Before Jaehyun can even respond, you’re already speaking, “I’d love that.”
“Excellent!” His mother stands, descending the stairs and coming to stand before you. Having her this close really makes you realize the amount of power and regality she possesses. She extends her hand out for you to take. “If you’d be so kind as to join me.”
“Of course! Thank you,” you take her hand, allowing her to lead you out of the throne room as your arm slips out of Jaehyun’s grasp. With one final glance back, you see Jaehyun already staring after you, an unreadable expression on his face.
Turning back around, you notice Cathy leading you towards the gardens. Once outside, you see a nice table already set up facing the fountain, some of the finest cups and plates already set on top. Letting go of your hand, she motions for you to sit with her, a servant already pouring what looks like a steaming cup of tea for each of you.
“Thank you,” you repeat your words from earlier once you’re seated, graciously accepting the cup that is handed to you.
“I’m so glad you could join me this morning for a little girl talk,” she smiles, tilting her own cup in your direction in a mock ‘cheers’ gesture, of which you mirror.
“It’s nice to be invited,” you reply, taking a sip of your drink.
“I want you to know that you can come to me for anything, dear,” she says, looking you directly in your eyes and you’re momentarily stunned by how sincere she looks. “Absolutely anything.”
“Oh my,” you blink a few times in surprise, “that’s awfully kind of you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good,” her gaze lessens in intensity, allowing for your shoulders to relax slightly, not that you had even been aware of tensing them. “I know how my son can be, so your safety and happiness is my number one priority.”
“Thank you,” is all you can say, and you’re starting to feel like a broken record, but you truly are grateful for her words. Though, you don’t quite know exactly what she means by her most recent ones. Jaehyun, to you, seems like a really nice, caring guy, so the knowing look she sends you when she says that only serves to confuse you. Besides, she seems a lot nicer than what Jaehyun had made her out to be, of which you find a bit strange. Perhaps she’s just putting up a nice front for your sake at the moment. Either way, you’ll make sure not to do anything that would warrant her to dislike you.
“So, tell me about yourself,” Cathy sips her tea, leaning back in her seat to get comfortable as she watches you.
The rest of the morning is spent with the queen, getting a feel for each other and learning all about the other. She listens intently to everything you have to say and she looks genuinely so intrigued by you. The more time you spend with her, the more you seem to relax around her. She’s nothing like how Jaehyun described, which only makes you believe that that’s his familial side talking. Perhaps they’re not as close as the media makes them out to be.
By the time lunch rolls around, you find yourself eating alongside the Queen in the dining room, Jaehyun nowhere to be seen. Noticing your curious gaze, she mentions that he has some diplomatic council meeting to attend to, but he’ll probably be joining you for dinner that evening. You simply nod in response, continuing on with your conversation with the Queen.
Another hour passes with you spending time with Cathy, and the both of you enjoy this so much that you plan to make your little girl talk a weekly thing. You end up leaving with a smile on your face, as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders as you head back to your room. Honestly, you cannot wait for next week to be able to spend more time with the Queen, as she’s nothing at all like you were expecting. It’ll be nice to have another person that you can consider a friend while you’re staying here.
Making it back to your room, you’re greeted by Maria who seems to have been patiently waiting for your return. She asks you how your day has been so far, and you tell her honestly that you had a lovely morning with the Queen. 
“I’m a little surprised though,” you admit.
“Why’s that?” She asks, brow furrowing in slight concern.
“Jaehyun told me that she was a hard woman to please,”
“Really?” Her voice comes out in mild disbelief. From what she knows of the Queen, she’s a lovely person through and through. The Prince on the other hand… though she would never tell you that. Not that she could without risk of losing her life and everything she holds dear.
“Still, I’m glad we made such a connection today,” you smile. “That’s good, right? Getting his mom to like me is a step in a positive direction.”
“Of course, Miss,” Maria returns your smile, though it seems a bit forced. She has to be extra careful around you now with how she acts and what she says, after all, by now, every servant in the castle has heard of what happened to Greta last night.
“By the way, how’s Greta doing? I haven’t seen her since yesterday,” you wonder aloud, almost missing the way Maria’s shoulders seem to tense at the inquiry.
“Oh, uh, about that,” Maria says, eyes shifting nervously around the room. She’s just grateful she’s facing away from you at the moment. “Greta took a vacation to go visit her family, so she won’t be back for a while.”
“Ah, I see,” you hum. “That’s nice, hopefully she has a lovely time with her family.”
If only you knew what kind of condition she was in when her body was sent back to her family. Maybe then you would have heeded her warnings.
“Yeah,” Maria replies, somewhat breathless. “Hopefully.”
The next few weeks pass by in a blur for you, each day bringing about a new adventure with Jaehyun. So far, he makes you very happy, and you’re beginning to settle into things at the castle. You especially look forward to the weekly girl talk dates with Cathy, of which she’s asked you to start calling her ‘mom’. Each time she does, you smile shyly and your heart warms, though when you told Jaehyun, he seemed quite shocked.
You’ve also discovered that some of the servants are humans and others are vampires, which was a bit of a surprise to you since you thought all of the servants were humans. At least most of the one’s you’ve encountered so far are. They’ve all been super nice to you, except for the odd one that either looks at you with pity or worry in their eyes. A few even go so far as to attempt to warn you against something, but Jaehyun always appears before they can finish whatever it is that they have to tell you. Whenever this happens, you can never understand the fear that seems to take hold of their body, eyes pleadingly looking towards Jaehyun. Oddly enough, you usually never encounter them again, only hearing brief mention of their names from passing servants.
Of course Jaehyun won’t tell you the amount of teeth he’s pulled, eyes he’s gouged out, or even tongues he’s cut off because of this. No, never. He always has to be the perfect prince in your eyes, keeping you blind to everything that might scare you away from him.
What really sets him off one day is when the two of you had just come back from riding your horses through the grounds. The stable hand, Shotaro, had given you a hand helping you off of your horse. Instead of Jaehyun being the one to help you, he was forced to watch as another male held your hand delicately and smiled at you softly.
Having had a few previous interactions with the vampiric stable hand, you thought nothing of this. A simple friendly gesture to you was near treason in Jaehyun’s eyes. Only he should be able to touch you like that. How else is he supposed to charm you and show you how much of a gentleman he can be towards you? How he can provide for you, even in the most basic of ways?
Luckily, Maria was waiting to lead you back to the castle in order for your weekly girl talk with the Queen. Using this opportunity as you’re walking away, Jaehyun rounds on Shotaro, already seeing the vampire visibly stiffen at the deathly gaze that is sent his way. In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun is in front of him, grasping the same hand Shotaro used to help you down from the horse.
“Scream, and I will end you,” Jaehyun seethes, not giving a second thought as he crushes Shotaro’s hand in his grip, hearing the bones snapping beneath the pressure. The tears he sees threatening to fall from this pest’s eyes only serve to widen the sadistic smile on Jaehyun’s face. “If you ever touch what’s mine again, your hand won’t be the only part of you I shatter. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-yes, my Prince,” Shotaro stutters out, fear pouring off of him from every angle.
“Now, you better go get that hand of yours fixed up,” Jaehyun tilts his head slightly, a malicious gleam in his eyes. “We wouldn’t want any bones to set and start healing in the wrong place, now would we?”
“N-no, my Prince,” he shakes his head, clutching his broken hand to his chest as soon as Jaehyun releases his grip.
“Good,” Jaehyun hums, a dark expression taking over his features. “Now, get out of my sight.”
Immediately, Shotaro flees the scene, fearing the Prince might inflict more of his wrath upon him. How you haven’t noticed Jaehyun’s eccentric behaviour yet is a mystery. Then again, he purposely keeps you blind to everything bad about his personality, only willing to show you the good parts. Those good parts which are only reserved for you.
Meanwhile, you have just been softly conversing with Maria as she walks with you back up to the castle from the stables. It’s then that you realize that you’ve been walking alone with her for the past two minutes, causing your brow to furrow slightly.
“Where’s Jaehyun?” You verbalize your thoughts, and just as you’re about to turn around to look for him, you feel his comforting hand on the small of your back.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to check up on something back at the stables,” his smile is dazzling and you can’t help but nod your head in understanding as you smile back at him.
Naturally, your arm slides around his, the two of you walking comfortably back into the castle with Maria at your heels. Soon enough, the two of you enter the throne room, a large smile breaking out onto your features as you greet the Queen. A smile which Jaehyun wants only for himself.
“Are you finally going to join us today, Jaehyunnie?” Cathy asks, standing from her seat and making her way towards the two of you.
“Oh, I’d love that,” you look towards him with a hopeful expression, eyes wide.
“Not today, unfortunately,” the look you’re giving him almost makes him change his mind immediately, the pout causing him to gently cup your cheek in his hand, running his thumb over your skin. “Maybe next time.”
“Alright,” you sigh, slightly disappointed. You love spending time with him, almost as much as he does with you. “You promise?”
“I promise,” he smiles, placing a gentle kiss onto your forehead as he reluctantly steps aways from you, only to see his mother observing him carefully. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Okay,” you respond, eyes following his figure as he turns and walks out of the room, gaze lingering ever so slightly on the doors even after they’ve closed behind him.
“Ready to go, dear?” Cathy’s voice manages to pull you out of your daze, you nodding in the next moment and following her out into the gardens for your weekly girl talk session.
The afternoon passes with the two of you conversing about how you’re liking staying at the palace so far. You tell her honestly that you’re having a wonderful time, and that everyone seems so nice, except for the odd few who seem to avoid you like the plague. She seemed to only hum in response at that, though you’re not quite sure why.
“How’s your family? Have you been writing to them like I suggested?” Cathy sips her drink, looking at you expectantly.
“Oh, I completely forgot,” you meant to send them a letter last week after she had suggested it, but you got caught up in the plans Jaehyun had made in the afternoon that you forgot all about it. Besides, he didn’t quite look too enthused when you mentioned writing to them, but that could just be your faulty memory. “I should write them today, I do miss them greatly.”
“Would you like to visit them?”
“I’d love to,” you smile softly, not believing it to be possible. “But-“
“Excellent! I’ll make arrangements for you to visit them tomorrow,” Cathy interjects, a chipper expression on her face.
“I don’t know how to thank you enough,” at this point you know not to question her decisions.
“Nonsense,” she places her hand gently on top of yours which has been resting on the table between the two of you. “It’s the least I can do. After all, with how much you talk about your family, I can tell they’re important to you.”
“They are,” you confirm, looking over to meet her fond gaze.
“You have a kind heart, (Y/n),” she hums, shifting her gaze to look out over the garden. “Guard it well.”
You can only smile in return, thoughts running wild as to you finally being able to go visit your mother and your sister since you first arrived at the palace two months ago. Finally, you’ll be able to catch up with them and tell them all about what’s been going on in your life. Maybe if you’re lucky, you can introduce Jaehyun to them as well.
That evening, after Jaehyun has bid you a goodnight, he storms into his mother’s chambers. Throwing the doors open, a loud bang reverberates throughout the room, a few passing servants looking on in fear. Sending a dangerous look their way, Jaehyun manages to scare them off before rounding on his mother.
“You promised to let her see her family tomorrow?” He seethes, voice booming as there’s no fear you may overhear. After all, your room is all the way on the opposite side of the castle.
“Oh, Jaehyunnie, what a pleasant surprise for you to drop by to finally come visit your dear mother,” she feigns interest, sparing him a side glance before going back to her nightly routine.
“Spare the small talk, mother,” he spits, brows furrowed in anger. “Why would you do something like this?”
“Are you that obsessed with isolating the poor girl?” Cathy hums, tilting her head questioningly at her son. “She needs to socialize with other people, she can’t just stay around you the whole time.”
“I’m the only one she needs,” his voice is low, a growl threatening to rise up his throat. “The only one she’ll ever need.”
“You do not own her,”
“I know,” he snaps. “I’ve worked too damn hard to let her go now.”
“You have a lot to realize before you should even think about calling her yours,” Cathy states, hearing her son let out the growl that he had been holding back this whole time. She only looks amused by his reaction. “You cannot control her.”
“Everything’s gone according to plan thus far,” he retorts, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Besides a few minor set backs which have been disposed of.”
“Ah, yes,” she muses. “I’d appreciate if you stopped mutilating my servants, let alone killing them.”
“It’s no less than they deserve,” he counters.
“And what does your beloved think about that side of you?”
A brief moment of silence settles around the room, speaking volumes in Cathy’s eyes, until he breaks it.
“She doesn’t know,” Jaehyun watches his mother move around her room carefully, eyes narrowed in distaste. “She never will."
“My child, there will come a day when her eyes are opened to see your true colours,” Cathy warns, pausing in her step to turn and look down upon Jaehyun with her nose upturned. 
“Is that a threat, mother?” His eyes hold a crazed look in them at the mere idea of you finding out the truth. Hell, even the thought of you being taken away from him sets his instincts into overdrive, causing his eyes to bleed red and another growl to escape his throat.
“It’s not a threat if I only speak the truth,” she replies calmly, only causing his anger to flare more than it already has. “Do not expect her to return with you after visiting her family tomorrow. I have been keeping in touch with them regarding this entire situation and they know the lengths you are willing to go to ensnare her. The lengths you have already gone. I don’t know what you told Minho to tell her mother that first day that has her so terrified of the consequences, but her sister, Lori, was it? She seems to have a level head on her shoulders.”
Jaehyun’s blood boils, eyes filling with fury as they remain red, “you’ve been doing what?”
“Warning them about you and devising a plan to free the lovely Miss (Y/n) from your clutches,” her brow quirks as she watches her son fume before her very eyes. 
“I’ll kill them if they so much as even try,” he hisses, chest heaving with every breath as he is thrown into this situation. He’s come this far, there’s no way he’s letting you go now.
“Not if I have anything to do with it,” Cathy’s voice is steady, firm in her command of the room. “Enough blood has already been spilt on your account.”
“Clearly, there hasn’t been enough,” Jaehyun growls, eye flashing once more at his mother.
Rising to her full height, the Queen does not take the underlying threat from her son lightly, “you dare threaten me? Let’s not forget who brought you into this world and who taught you all that you know. Be careful, boy, lest your ambitious lust go to your head.”
“I don’t care who you may be to me, mother,” he seethes, straightening his back and matching her ferocity with his own, “but if you so much as even attempt to take what’s mine away from me, I’ll kill you.”
Without another word between them, Jaehyun is storming out of his mother’s room, leaving her standing with a shocked expression on her face. Never, in all of her long years of putting up with his antics has she ever seen him look this serious, this deadly about something in her life. Her worry only grows for you as she thinks of what he may have in store for you in the future. Going forward, she’ll have to be extra cautious, preparing herself for whatever her son has planned to come.
The next morning, you wake up bright and early, excited to finally go visit your family again after being away from them for so long. You hardly got any sleep at all last night, considering how excited you are. Being able to catch them up to everything going on in your life will be like a dream come true, and besides, you never did get your clothes from your mom that she promised to send to the palace, and you really miss your favourite sweater.
“You’re awfully happy this morning,” Maria comments as she does your hair for the day.
“I am,” you agree. “I haven’t seen my family in months and I can’t wait to introduce them to Jaehyun.”
“That’ll be lovely!” Maria replies, though you catch her grimace in the mirror.
“What is it?” You question, eyes wide with concern.
“Nothing to worry yourself about,” she tells you, shrugging off your inquiries.
“Clearly it’s something,” you counter, to which she sighs.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Prince will not be joining you right away this morning,” Maria admits, to which your expression drops slightly.
“But don’t worry! He told me to tell you that he’d be along as soon as he can,” Maria continues, giving your shoulders a quick rub in encouragement. “He just has a few things to tend to first. You know, political duties and such.”
“I understand,” you nod, still visibly disappointed you won’t be arriving at the same time, nor travelling together this morning.
“Come on, dear, let’s get you changed,” she gives your shoulders one final pat before leading you to the closet to finish getting you ready for the day.
After a quick breakfast with the Queen, you’re being ushered into the back of a car to head back home for the day. The whole car ride over feels like an eternity, the scenery not being able to distract you one bit. 
Restless wouldn’t even begin to be able to describe you, your eyes flitting everywhere inside the car, then out the window, only to repeat the same process over and over again. Even your leg hasn’t stopped bouncing in anticipation, fingers toying with the edge of your shirt just to have something to do.
Eventually, after what feels like hours to you, you arrive in a familiar neighbourhood. Once the car is parked, you step out onto a familiar driveway, a smile gracing your features as you breathe in the fresh air. The driver has only been instructed to drop you off since Jaehyun will be by later, accompanied by Minho to take you back to the palace. Once he sees you’re safe, he’s starting the engine once more and pulling out of the driveway. This way you can have some privacy before the Prince arrives. Cathy made sure of that.
Making your way up your front porch, there’s a slight spring to your step, pushing open the front door in the next moment and calling out a cheerful ‘I’m home’! Oh, how good it feels, too.
“(Y/n)?” You hear your mother’s voice sound from the kitchen before her head is peeking out from the doorway, eyes wide with disbelief. “Is that you?”
“Hey, mom,” you greet, kicking off your shoes and running over to embrace her, her arms already spread open in anticipation.
“It’s so good to see you again, sweetie,” she says, hugging you even closer than before, almost as if she’s afraid you’ll disappear in a moment’s notice. “When the queen sent notice last night of you coming to visit this morning, I could hardly believe it.”
“More like you couldn’t believe it,” Lori’s voice sounds from the entranceway behind you, causing a large grin to spread on your face as you turn around to face your younger sister. “Where’s the Prince? I’m surprised you two aren’t joined at the hip.”
You roll you eyes at this, “it’s lovely to see you, too, Lori. I’ve missed you so much.”
She merely sticks her tongue out at you in response, coming over to squish you in a hug in the next second. “Yeah, yeah, I missed you, too.”
Despite her grumbling, you can tell she means what she says, if the tightness of her hug is anything to go by. You can tell she’s also missed teasing you, just as you’ve missed teasing her.
“If you must know,” you say, pulling away from Lori after a long hug. “Jaehyun will be coming by later, he’s just got a few things to attend to first. He sends his regards, though, for the time being.”
“Wow, first name basis with the Prince,” Lori whistles lowly. “That’s a shocker considering I’ve heard that he doesn’t let just anyone call him that.”
“Lori,” your mother shoots a warning look at your sister.
“What? It’s the truth,” she shrugs, only causing you to chuckle.
“Well, we are pretty close,”
“I’ll say,” Lori hums. “Speaking of, has he ever told you why he chose you, or how he even found out about you in the first place?”
“Lori, my word,” your mother shoots her another look, as if to tell her to quit while she’s ahead.
“Mom, it’s okay,” you chuckle, voice nothing but reassuring. “I always knew my little sister was concerned for me, no matter how badly she tries to hide it. As a matter of fact, yes. I have asked him before.”
“And?” She motions with her hand for you to continue.
“He told me that one day while he was out he saw me and overheard the conversation I was having with Jaemin - remember how we always banter back and forth?” Seeing her nod, you continue, “anyways, he apparently appreciated my wit and humour and decided to learn more about me. Well, here we are.”
The smile you send your mother and sister only serves to unnerve them slightly. They’ve been told not to tell you that Jaemin has gone missing since you’ve left for the palace.
“You believe him?” Lori gives you a ‘really’ look, brow quirked in disbelief.
“I have no reason not to,” you shrug.
By now, the two of you have sat down at the kitchen table, your mother busy with preparing lunch for all of you.
“You know how crazy that sounds, though, right?” She goes on to say. “After eavesdropping on your conversation he suddenly wants you to move to the palace so he can make you his wife? That’s very strange.”
“I mean, I was a little weirded out at first, but after he explained himself I felt better,” you say, leaning back slightly in your chair in order to relax. “I trust him.”
At your words, Lori only seems even more suspicious, your mother distracting you long enough for her to hide her concern.
“That’s nice, dear,” she smiles at you. “You must really like him, then.”
You hum in agreement, “I really do.”
“So,” your mother begins, sitting down to join you two at the table as the food heats up on the stove, “tell us everything.”
It takes you about an hour and a half to explain everything that’s happened to you since your arrival at the castle all those weeks ago. The whole while, your mother and sister listen patiently to what you have to say, chiming in here and there with little comments of their own. Your mother seems happy for you, but you can tell your sister isn’t all that convinced. Her comment about the Prince not being everything he seems to be certainly is enough to rub you the wrong way, putting a slight damper on your mood the longer you spend at home.
“All I’m just saying is that he seems too nice, from what you’re telling me,” her eyes hold the same suspicion you can hear clearly in her voice.
“He’s given me no reason to suspect otherwise,” you counter, a slight furrow to your brows.
“Yet he’s never once suggested visiting us, and when you do, he’s nowhere to be found,” Lori quirks a brow at you.
“It’s not his fault he has duties to attend to,” you defend him, upset that your sister doesn’t seem nearly as happy for you as you thought she’d be.
“Does he always have ‘duties’ to attend to when there’s something you want to do?” A knowing look is sent your way, as if she already knows how you’re going to answer. “If you’re always alone there, then why don’t you just come home? It sounds to me like you’d be better off that way, anyways.”
“No!” You immediately counter, crossing your arms in front of your chest, hurt that your own sister would even suggest something like this. “That’s not the case. He’s been nothing but caring and respectful towards me since I got there. I don’t expect him to wait on me hand and foot all the goddamn time. It’s nice having some space every once in a while, too.” You can tell you’ve momentarily stunned her with your answer as she looks at you, dumbfounded. Taking this opportunity, you continue, “if all you’re going to do is shit on my happiness, then I won’t bother to come home at all. I care about him and I know he cares about me, and all you’re doing is making your jealousy clear. I don’t want to move back home, I want to stay with him. I-“ you swallow, gathering your courage to utter your next words, “I’m in love with him.”
A soft gasp leaves your mother’s lips, “sweetie.”
“What?” You turn your attention to look at her, noticing how she’s already staring at you with an unreadable expression on her face, your sister sitting frozen in her spot at your admission.
“You love him,” comes your sister’s voice. Not a question, but a mere statement of facts, of which causes you to gape slightly before closing your mouth and steadying yourself. You let out a breath that you didn’t realize you’d been holding.
“I do,” you confirm, staring both women down as they stare back at you. Your mother with a dumbfounded expression, your sister with a stern gaze that feels as if it’s boring into your soul.
A moment of silence passes over the three of you as they let your confession sink in, only interrupted by a soft knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” your mother sighs, heading towards the front door to see who it could be.
“He has you wrapped around his finger, doesn’t he?” Lori sighs, causing whatever last thread of patience you had to snap at her remark.
Your snappy retort dies in your throat as soon as you hear a familiar masculine voice coming from the front door, Jaehyun politely introducing himself to your mother after being invited inside.
“Speak of the devil, and he shall appear,” Lori mutters, shaking her head.
In an instant, you’re standing, the scraping of your chair against the floor enough to cause Lori to look up at you in surprise at the sudden action. You say nothing as you head out of the kitchen and towards the front door, Lori following shortly afterwards with a frown prominent on her face.
To everyone’s surprise, you start to slip on your shoes. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Minho shoot you a worried look while your mother and sister share a glance. However, none look as concerned as Jaehyun does right now.
“Is everything alright?” He asks lowly, hand finding purchase on your lower back as you right yourself after fixing your one shoe.
“Fine,” you respond shortly, to the surprise of everyone in the room. “Thanks for lunch, mom. It was really nice seeing you again.”
You move over to give her a brief hug. It takes her a moment to return it, unsure of what exactly has transpired in the past minute to have you rushing out of the door so soon. You seemed so excited for them to meet the Prince earlier, so this only serves to increase her worry.
“Of course, dear,” she answers. “Is everything okay?”
You pull away, giving her a tight smile, “just a bad headache, is all.”
“Are you sure you don’t just want to lie down for a bit? You just got here,” she frowns, worry evident on her features along with a hint of what looks like sadness.
“I’m sure,” you reply, sending her a weak smile in return. 
One thing you’ve always been horrible at is hiding your emotions. Anyone can read them clear as day on your face, especially right now. That’s one thing Jaehyun has learned about you during your stay at the palace, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t find out what happened. For now, he’ll simply go along with your wishes, playing the part of the concerned lover. Good thing, too, otherwise if a moment longer had passed, he probably would have torn Lori’s head from her shoulders for causing you such distress.
Even though he’s only just entered the house, he’s been outside far longer than any of you have suspected. Of course he overheard what the three of you had been talking about, and your family’s attitudes certainly rubbed him the wrong way. He knows his own mother definitely has something to do with the way Lori is acting. Thank fuck she won’t be a problem any more.
The only good thing his mind has latched onto at the moment is your loving confession. He has to remind himself to stay in control of his emotions for the time being, lest he want his plans to be ruined. After all, things are going far better than he could have ever hoped on this end.
“Okay, sweetie, if you’re sure,” even though she doesn’t look convinced, she doesn’t push the issue. “Come and visit again soon!”
“We will,” you give her another small smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
Giving one final nod to your mother, you hardly even spare Lori a final glance as you bid her farewell, the both of them waving goodbye to you from the front porch. Once seated in the backseat of the car beside Jaehyun, you let out a sigh.
“Is everything okay, Princess?” His voice holds nothing but concern as he motions for Minho to raise the privacy screen.
You finally meet his gaze, and he curses whoever was the one to cause you pain, “honestly, not really.”
He shifts closer, placing a comforting hand on your knee, “did you want to talk about it?”
A few moments pass by in silence as you attempt to calm yourself down. Taking a deep breath, you meet his gaze once more.
“She called you a devil,” he inhales sharply at your words, feigning shock. “And I know how much you hate that word, let alone being called such a thing. I just couldn’t sit there and listen to any more of Lori’s bullshit slander of you.”
“I see,” he says, lips tugging downwards in a frown. On the inside though, he’s surprised that you even remembered him telling you that offhandedly one of the first times you went horseback riding together. It warms his heart that you would remember a detail like that of himself. Though, this only serves to confirm to him even further that you’re perfect for each other.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize for your family’s behaviour. “I just couldn’t stand how she was talking about you, or the fact that I felt like they were invalidating my feelings.”
“It’s not your fault,” he assures you, shifting so that his hand can now gently stroke your back as you lean forward to rest your elbows on your knees.
“I was looking forward to you meeting them, too,” you pout, disappointment clear in your voice. “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s alright, Darling,” he sends you a reassuring smile. “If I’m being completely honest, I’m kind of glad we left early. I don’t think I would have had the heart to be proper company to your loved ones.”
This time, it’s your turn to look at him in concern, “is everything okay?”
“Not really,” he shoots you a weak smile, his facade cracking just as he had planned from the moment you decided to leave your house as soon as he had arrived. “No.”
“What’s wrong?” You cup his cheek tenderly, and he leans into your touch, briefly closing his eyes as he revels in the way your skin feels against his, though you take it as him seeking comfort for whatever it is he’s about to tell you.
“It’s my mother,” he pauses, swallowing a fake lump in his throat. “She’s been murdered.”
“Oh my god,” a gasp escapes your lips, a hand coming up to cover your mouth in shock.
“I was only just informed minutes before I arrived at your house,”
“Oh, Jaehyun,” your eyes hold nothing but sorrow as you embrace him, “I’m so sorry.”
“You’re doing an awful lot of apologizing today for things that aren’t your fault,” he comments, wrapping his arms securely around your waist as he pulls you closer into his chest.
“Still,” you whisper into his neck, “I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother was a wonderful person.”
A hum is all you receive in response, his grip tightening ever so subtly around you as he feels you start to shake slightly. He knew the two of you were close, but he wasn’t expecting you to shed actual tears when you learnt his mother had passed. Perhaps it’s the combination of emotions from your family mixed with this sudden news that has you curled up in his arms, seeking his comfort as much as you are comforting him. Either way, he’ll use this to his advantage, loving the feeling of having you pressed so close to him, clinging onto him like he’s the only one you’ll ever need.
Quietly, he shushes you, telling you that it’ll be alright. You’re quite surprised at how well he’s taking all of this, though you can tell he’s glad for the comfort you provide him during this time. However, what you fail to see is Jaehyun glancing briefly towards the window, eyes flashing as he catches his reflection in the glass. A look of smug content resides on his features as he continues to stroke your back in comforting circles.
You manage to fall asleep about halfway through the car ride back to the castle. Your head is resting on Jaehyun’s lap as he gently strokes his hand over your hair. A smile pulls at his lips when he hears you hum in content, shifting yourself closer to him in response.
Growing up the way he did, getting everything he ever wanted or could ever ask for, and hardly ever receiving punishments for his actions, he’s used to others shouting and crying about how unfair he can be. The amount of people he’s seen beg for their life with tears in their eyes has never made him blink one time. However, seeing you this upset, with tears in your eyes has made him promise himself to never see you cry again. You’re the only person in this universe he cannot stand to see in pain, and he will do anything and everything in his power to make sure that this never happens again. You deserve nothing but happiness, of which he knows only he can give you.
The news of the Queen’s death spreads throughout the nation like wildfire. Many demand answers as to how something like this could have happened, as well as who would do such a thing. Luckily, Jaehyun had prepared for this. A few servants, both human and vampire alike, that had tested his patience for far too long took the fall, information leaking that the murder was an inside job long planned out by said servants.
Jaehyun played his part well, condemning the criminals for their vile acts and taking his precious mother away from him, as well as the precious matriarch away from the citizens. The best part is that you were there the whole time comforting him and making sure he was okay. 
Those were some of the best days for him, being able to stay by your side nearly twenty-four seven, being able to hold you in his arms as you slept beside him. Fuck, he can never get enough of you: your soft skin beneath his fingertips, the way your body feels pressed against his own, the way you stood by him and offered him condolence when he needed it, and especially the way you smell. There were a few times he nearly went feral during the night due to your scent spiking with arousal. He could tell you were having some pretty nice dreams about him, for the one time you moaned his name in your sleep, nearly driving him insane.
He only wishes he had done this sooner, maybe then your sister wouldn’t be even more suspicious towards him. The letters from her only seemed to increase after his mother’s death, but he has no time for them, nor does he even want to entertain them. Maybe then he can finally have you all to himself without worrying about what your stupid brat of a younger sister might do to take you away from him. No matter, he’ll make sure to dispose of her soon, if she doesn’t stay in line.
Approximately two weeks after his mother’s funeral, Jaehyun takes you on a small picnic beneath the willow tree that overlooks the gardens. The place is secluded enough that you know you won’t be disturbed. After all, after the commotion of the past few weeks, it’s nice to just get away for a while, especially with just the two of you.
Currently, his head is resting in your lap, the two of you finally able to relax and enjoy each other’s company without interruptions. Glancing down, Jaehyun catches your gaze.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today yet?” He smiles softly up at you as he watches the evening sun kiss your skin.
“Hmm,” you pretend to ponder his question, gazing out over the gardens as you teasingly tap your chin. “I don’t think you have.”
“It’s a shame, then,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head slightly. “All the stars in both heaven and on earth could never compare to your beauty.”
The way he looks at you, like you’re his entire world, sets your heart racing in your chest. You bite your lip, looking away bashfully.
Sitting up, he lets out a small chuckle at your reaction. How can you be so cute?
“Don’t hide that pretty face from me, Darling,” cupping your chin gently in his hand, he turns your head to face him, noticing how you avert your gaze slightly in embarrassment. Pride swells in his chest as he knows only he can get a reaction like this out of you. Only he can make you feel this way. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me.”
“Jae,” the whisper of his name from your lips sends a shiver down his spine.
“Getting to know you over these past few months has only confirmed my first thought I had of you,” he tells you, stroking his thumb slowly over your bottom lip as you watch him carefully.
“Oh?” Your gaze becomes hooded as you watch him, his own eyes focussed on the way his thumb is caressing your lip. “What might that be?”
“You’re perfect,” his voice is low, seductive, as he moves his hand to the back of your neck, thumb now stroking the nape.
“You must not have met many good people, then,” you lightly joke, the corner of your lip twitching upwards as your eyes flick to his lips, noticing how the space between the two of you grows ever smaller by the second.
“No,” he replies softly, “I haven’t.”
Your hand comes up to cup the side of his face, thumb rubbing his cheek tenderly as the two of you continue to stare into each other’s eyes. A moment of silence passes between the two of you before Jaehyun is breaking it.
“Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask,”
You barely have time to finish your words when his lips are on yours, the hand he has placed on the back of your neck pulling you in closer. His touch is soft, lips delicate over your own, as if you’re the finest piece of glass that needs to be handled with the utmost care. Your eyes flutter shut.
This tender moment is enough to steal your breath away, something that Jaehyun never fails to do when you’re alone with him. How you got him of all people to fall for you is still a wonder, of which everyday you’re thankful for. Ever since he’s come into your life, you’ve never been happier. Each day with him is another where he makes you feel special. He cherishes you, just as you have come to cherish him, but more than all of that, he makes you feel loved.
Pulling away, he rests his forehead on yours, the hand on the back of your neck holding you in place as your eyes open to see him already gazing at you fondly.
“Like I said,” he breathes. “Perfect.”
“I could say the same about you,” you hum, pecking his lips once more and causing him to smile.
He hums back, content with how this evening is going so far, and with one final lingering kiss to your lips, he pulls away from you, albeit a bit reluctantly. If he’s honest with himself, he’s a bit nervous. The question he’s been meaning to ask you this entire evening sits at the tip of his tongue, unwilling to actually be formed into the proper words.
“I love you,” this is not the first time he’s told you this, but it still sets your heart aflutter. Maybe this time will be the time you say it back.
“I know,” you hum, lips tugging upwards as your eyes reflect the same love and want shining in his own.
“Even though we haven’t know each other all that long, no one makes me feel the way that you do,” he begins, again, somewhat nervously. You take his one hand into yours, letting him know he can take all the time he needs to in order to form the words he wants to say to you. “You mean the world to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. I know it sounds ridiculous, but my life changed the day you stepped through those palace doors, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. You’ve changed my life for the better; you make me want to be a better man.”
“Jaehyun,” his name is but a whisper on your lips as he pulls out a ring from his pocket.
“Will you do me the honour of becoming mine?” He asks, gaze locking on yours as your hands come up to cover your mouth in shock. 
All you can do at the moment is nod your head, a large smile breaking out onto your face before it morphs into a slight smirk as he slides the ring on your finger. “Does this mean I get to call you mine?”
“You can call me whatever you’d like,” he grins, eyes hooded as he pulls you onto his lap to admire the ring now glinting on your finger. “My perfect bride.”
Your giggle is like music to his ears as he pulls you in for another kiss. This one is more heated, full of passion and longing with an undertone of a promise of what is still yet to come. 
Jaehyun could not be happier than he is in this moment with you. Everything has gone according to plan, and soon, he’ll get to call you his wife. Not that you would have had a choice in the matter, even if you had denied him. Now, you’re his, indefinitely, and nothing can change that. Now, he’s never letting you go.
As the sun begins to set in the distance, it’s your turn to rest your head on his thigh. He’s currently feeding you some red grapes, of which he’s been told are your favourite.
“What else we got?” You ask after a having a few more grapes.
“Hmm, let’s see,” he digs through the basket, pulling out and listing the different food options. “Why, do you not like the grapes?”
“I do, don’t get me wrong,” you smile reassuringly at him. “I’m just not the biggest fan of red grapes.”
“I thought they were your favourite,” Jaehyun replies, a small frown pulling at his features. Who was it again that told him that red grapes were your favourite? Ah, that’s right, Ben. If he had known they weren’t your favourite he would have never even dreamed of having them packed for you.
“Nah,” you scrunch your nose slightly while shaking your head. Jaehyun would think it’s cute were not for the situation he finds himself in. “Green grapes are where it’s at.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiles, though you don’t registered how it looks slightly forced.
Shooting him a smile back, the two of you turn your attention back to the sunset before you, making small comments here and there about the way the light reflects off of the surrounding areas. You feel completely at peace. Jaehyun on the other hand, is suffering from inner turmoil at this mistake. Something that is so small could have meant a world of difference to you, and the last thing he wants is to screw things up this far into your relationship. How is he supposed to be the perfect lover if he can’t even get your favourite foods correct?
The moment he bids you a goodnight and your door shuts behind him that evening, he’s speeding to the kitchen. The staff, whom had been finishing up for the day are startled by his sudden appearance. Immediately, they bow in respect, a few of the cook’s nerves spiking in fear that what they had prepared this evening did not please him.
“Where’s Ben?” His voice booms throughout the room, eyes deadly as they scan the area for the aforementioned man. 
“He’s just gone to dispose of the trash, Your Highness,” one of the cooks tells him.
“How fitting,” he muses, already thumbing the coin in his pocket which he had grabbed from the cellar on the way here.
The side door to the kitchen creaks slightly when it opens, a lanky man walking through in the next moment. Sensing the tension in the kitchen, he freezes, the door falling shut behind him. Noticing Jaehyun standing at the opposite end of the counter, he immediately bows.
“Your Highness,” 
“Red grapes, huh, Ben?” At Jaehyun’s words, Ben stiffens, already knowing something must have gone wrong for the Prince to be in the kitchen this late.
The rest of the staff share brief glances towards one another in confusion as they watch the scene before them play out. None are willing enough to move for fear of the Prince’s wrath.
“Do you know what this is?” Though his voice is calm, Jaehyun is far from it, only able to maintain his composure due to the fear radiating off of everyone in this room. He loves knowing the power he holds over each one of their insignificant little lives.
Ben eyes the coin now poised in Jaehyun’s hand warily, the metal glinting ever so slightly in the light of the kitchen.
“A coin, Your Highness,” Ben answers as Jaehyun looks at him expectantly, obviously wanting more than just that as his answer. “The ones which you use to pay us.”
“Very good,” he feigns amusement, eyes narrowing harshly in the next moment. “Now tell me, what’s the point in paying you when you provide me with the wrong information?”
Ben looks stunned momentarily, “I’m sorry, I don’t follow.
“Red grapes, Ben,” Jaehyun tuts. “Red. Grapes.”
It seems as if something clicks in his mind, “oh, yes, (Y/n)’s fav-“
“You dare speak her name in my presence?” Jaehyun’s voice booms, a few of the younger staff now visibly shaking in fear at his outburst. “Do not taint my love’s name with your tongue.”
“My apologies-“
“Silence, you scum,” he hisses between clenched teeth. Jaehyun’s anger currently knows no bounds, only serving to worsen the longer he has to deal with this situation. Taking a breath, he seems to visibly calm down slightly before speaking once more. “Did you know, Ben, that she prefers green grapes over red ones?”
It is then that Ben realizes his mistake. The information he had gathered proving insufficient and false. He starts to shake, unsure of what is to become of him now.
“I’m sorry, my Prince, it will not happen again,”
“You’re right,” Jaehyun smirks. “It won’t. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an engagement party to plan,” he turns to leave the kitchen, tossing the coin he’s holding in his hand in the air once before catching it between his fingers. “Oh, and somebody clean this mess up.”
In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun has flung the coin through Ben’s head, a dull thunk being the only sound heard as his now lifeless body falls to the floor. The whole kitchen remains silent, no one daring to even move a single muscle until Jaehyun has turned the corner, nothing but the coin embedded in the wall serving as a reminder of his presence mere moments ago.
The following week passes by in a blur to you, the whole castle bustling from the news of your confirmed engagement to the Prince. Now, there is cause for celebration instead of remaining in the period of mourning that had plagued the nation previously. You only wish his mother was still here to see it all.
You’ve planned to host an engagement party this coming Friday evening, and you can hardly wait. The two of you have been discussing plans for the event, and you don’t think you’ve smiled brighter than you have been these past few days. Jaehyun has been with you every step of the way, sharing in your excitement at the date grows near.
All too soon, the night of the party arrives and you’re dressed in the finest materials you’ve ever worn. Quite a few diplomats and vampires from surrounding kingdoms are coming to wish you a congratulations on your engagement to the Prince, and to say you’re nervous would be an understatement. You just hope you don’t make a fool of yourself in front of so many important people.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, cannot wait to show you off. Finally, he gets to profess his love for you in front of so many others, finally letting everyone know that you’re his and his alone. If anyone so much as dares to take you away from him, he’s prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you and make sure you never leave his side. Nothing, in all of the world, could tear the two of you apart.
Luckily, the evening goes by without a hitch, passing by much quicker than either of you two expect. Though, you have to say, you’re glad. With the way he’s been looking at you all night, the end of the party could not have come sooner.
Making your way back to your room, you think back to the events of the evening. A smile tugs at your lips as you recall the way the two of you danced, the way he held you close in his arms and made you feel loved. You couldn’t ask for a better man to have come to sweep you off of your feet. You only hope that the night doesn’t end here, and from the dark look you still see swimming in his eyes, you have a feeling that it’s only just begun.
With the way Jaehyun has been looking at you this entire evening, you swear he wants to eat you whole. His eyes are dark, a smirk on his lips as he backs you into the wall of your room, hands finding purchase on your hips as he leans into your neck, inhaling deeply.
“Fuck, you smell so good,” he breathes, eyes fluttering closed in bliss as he allows your scent to cloud his mind. A growl escapes him, finally allowing himself to indulge his fantasies, revelling in everything you. “All mine.”
You cannot deny the way your heart positively flutters at his words, and from the way his grip tightens, you can tell he is enjoying each and every one of your reactions. After weeks of tensions rising, interrupted moments and longing glances sent each other’s way, you know what you want, and you what you want, is him. Badly. 
“I hope you don’t mind, Princess,” his voice is low, nose ghosting over the skin of your neck until his lips come to rest right beside your ear, “but tonight,” he hisses as you pull him closer, “tonight, I’m going to make you mine.”
Bringing his lips to yours, he steals a kiss, loving the way you hum approvingly in response. He loves all the reactions you’re giving him, he thinks they’re so cute. The way your heart is racing in your chest, excitement rolling off of you in waves, sets his own dead heart racing. He can smell your arousal building, a fact which only makes his chest swell, a growl of approval building from deep within.
He could get lost in you. The feeling of your lips on his, your scent, your touch. Everything about you drives him wild, and tonight, he finally gets to show you exactly what you mean to him. He’ll treat you like the royalty you are; whom you are meant to be.
Breaking the kiss, he leans back slightly to rest his forehead on yours, staring deeply into your eyes. You can see the love he has for you shining in them, along with the lust and desire swirling within his irises.
“I’m addicted to you,” voice nothing but a whisper, he cups your cheeks in his hands, “I can never get enough.”
“Then don’t,” your soft reply has his eyes widening slightly. “Because I don’t think I could ever love another as much as I love you.”
He swears his dead heart has once again stopped beating in his chest as he lets your words sink in. You love him. You finally told him that you love him.
A smile breaks out onto his face as he claims your lips with his own. You love him, and that’s all he’s ever wanted. Everything he could have ever asked for has just been granted to him. You’ve fulfilled his every wish, and tonight, he’s going to finally make you his, in every meaning of the word. Tonight, you’re his Queen, and his alone.
“Fuck, you don’t know how happy you’ve just made me, hearing you say that,” he says against your lips, needing to feel every inch of your skin beneath him soon, or he might just go crazy. Your giggle is music to his ears as he litters your face with kisses, “I love you.” He hums contently. “My Queen.”
Your breath hitches as you hear him call you that for the first time. You cannot deny the way your stomach clenches at hearing him call you that, and from the slight upturn of his lips, you know he heard your reaction loud and clear.
Feeling a surge of confidence wash over you, you look into his eyes once more, smirk dancing across your own lips. 
“Then fulfill your promise and make me yours,” you purr. “My King.”
A shiver runs down his spine at your words, and he cannot help the snarl that escapes him, “with pleasure.”
In the blink of an eye, he has you pinned on the bed, hovering over top of you as he trails his lips over the skin of your neck. Pinning your hands at the side of your head by your wrists, he takes this opportunity to start sucking marks into your skin, biting down occasionally. Although he doesn’t let his fangs out yet, he makes sure to leave his marks. He wants everyone in the kingdom to know that you’re his, that he’s finally claimed you for all to see.
The sound of tearing fabric registers in your mind, and you glance down to see that Jaehyun has torn both your dress and his shirt from this evening from your bodies, eyes drinking in every curve of your figure beneath him. His hands come up to cup your breasts, thumbs brushing over your nipples as they harden from his touch.
“Beautiful,” he hums.
Giving your chest a slight squeeze, he emphasizes his approval, only serving to make you become bashful. In the next moment, you attempt to cover yourself with your arms, but he’s quicker. Grabbing your wrists, he pins them beside your head once more.
“Ah-ah,” he tuts, a gleam to his eyes, “don’t you dare hide from me.”
Before you can say anything in response, his lips are on yours as he successfully steals your breath away for the nth time that night. Ever so slowly, he parts from you, trailing kisses down your neck and to your chest, where his hands have returned to cupping your breasts gently. 
A shiver runs down your spine once you feel him take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking lightly as his tongue flicks over the pert bud. His opposite hand works at the other, making sure neither goes untouched. Your satisfied hum is all he needs to hear to know you’re enjoying yourself so far. Smirking against your skin, he trails kisses from one breast to the other as he takes his time to make sure each gets the attention you deserve. By the time he’s done with you, you’ll be screaming his name in ecstasy all night long.
A hand in his hair catches his attention as you guide his head back up to yours, lips meeting in a heated kiss. He can never get enough of you: your taste, your touch, your everything, and he’ll take everything you’re willing to give him, and then some.
Slowly, he grinds himself into you, your legs parting naturally for him to fit between them. The gasp you let out when you feel his hard cock rubbing against your core is music to his ears.
“Feel that, baby?” He hums, nuzzling his nose against your neck and scenting you once more. “That’s all because of you. You have no idea what you do to me.”
The breathless whisper of his name you let out sends a shiver of pleasure down his spine. His one hand grips your thigh, pulling you against him as your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling him in to kiss you again as he continues to grind himself into you.
Breaking away, he nips at the skin of your neck, trailing kisses down your body. The whole time, he mumbles against your skin about how he just needs to taste you, your panties being ripped off of your body not even a second later.
The full force of the scent of your arousal hits him as he settles between your legs, a pleased growl echoing from within his chest. He can already tell his eyes have bled red, your slight gasp confirming it when you meet his gaze.
Trailing kisses up your thighs, he notices how your chest rises and falls with each breath in anticipation. A smirk dances at his lips as he sees you close your eyes momentarily the closer to your entrance his mouth gets. 
Testing the waters, he licks a tentative strip up your core, watching your every reaction and drinking it in. Fuck, if you aren’t the best thing he’s ever tasted in his life, and he’s sure to let you know.
At his words, you cover your face in slight embarrassment, feeling every breath he makes hit your core and send little jolts throughout your entire body. From the chuckle you hear him let out, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“No, no, no, none of that,” he reaches up and pulls your arm down so you’re no longer covering your face. You meet his gaze once more, and your heart nearly stops at the carnal hunger you can see shining within them. “I want you to watch me as I devour you.”
A moan slips passed your lips as you watch him bring a hand up to spread your lower lips, tongue slowly dragging through your folds all the while he stares deeply into your eyes. Every sound you make, every reaction, is his tonight, and his alone.
Wrapping his lips around your clit, he sucks a few times before flicking the sensitive nub with the tip of his tongue. He alternates between this and bringing his tongue down to circle your entrance before thrusting it in to collect your juices, massaging your inner walls at the same time. Like hell he’s going to let anything go to waste, not after he’s waited this long to finally have you all to himself.
Your hips start to move in time with his tongue, and he lets out a snarl as your hand comes to tangle in his hair, only serving to pull him closer into you. His tongue continues to work you up in every way he knows how, wanting you to know that only he can please you like this. Only he can make you feel this good.
His eyes never leave yours the whole time, even when he starts to pick up the pace. Every twitch of your inner walls lets him know he’s doing something right, taking the opportunity to slide a finger in using his free hand. Now, he focusses his tongue on your clit, licking and sucking as his finger massages your inner walls. The way you’re clenching around him only makes him that much more eager to finally be inside you after all this time.
By now, multiple curses and moans of his name have slipped past your lips, whines only serving to becoming louder as he adds a second finger. Each movement he makes is precise, and you can feel the pressure building with each moment that passes by. With each flick of his tongue, you swear it will be the push you need to fall over the edge, but he purposely slows his movements, wanting to keep you on the brink for as long as possible and prolong your pleasure. By the time he adds a third finger, you feel as if you’re just about ready to fall apart.
“That’s it, darling,” he coaxes, moving his fingers along your inner walls in time with each flick of his tongue, the pressure within you about to snap. “Let yourself go.”
His words are all you need to hear in order to feel yourself falling over the edge, your orgasm crashing into you as a scream of his name tears from your throat. A smirk on his lips is the first thing you see once your vision clears, chest heaving with each breath you take as he laps up every last drop of your essence with his tongue.
“Such a good girl for me,” he hums, removing his fingers in order to crawl up your body and place them at your lips. “Suck.”
Immediately, you part your lips, taking his fingers into your mouth and tasting yourself on them. A moan bubbles in your throat as your tongue swirls around his digits, echoed only by his own groan as he sees the blissful expression on your features.
Taking his fingers out of your mouth, he kisses you once more, pulling your body impossibly closer to his own. He needs to feel every inch of you pressed against him, not wanting to leave any part of your body unexplored this evening.
“Jaehyun,” his name falling from your lips is one of the best sounds he’s ever heard in his life, and he could never tire of it. “Please, I need you.”
Those words are all it takes for him to be ripping off his pants and lining himself up with your entrance. He can’t help but tease you a bit, dipping the head of his cock into your folds to collect your wetness before pulling back out again just to hear you whine. You’re so cute when you’re needy for him.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make you feel so good,” his voice is a low drawl that sounds right beside your ear.
Your arms are already wrapped around his torso, nails digging into the skin of his back as you feel the need to bring him closer. The next thing you hear is him let out a small chuckle, feeling him beginning to stretch you out in the next second as he begins to push into you.
Your mouth falls open in a soundless gasp as you feel him stretching you out. His own breath falters as he feels your walls pulsing around him, the soft warmth of your flesh feeling as if it were made for him. Considering the fact that you two fit perfectly together, he swears that’s the case.
He has to remind himself not to move before you’re okay, every instinct in his body screaming at him to ravish you as soon as he’s seated in you fully. However, he’s in no rush tonight, wanting to take his time in order to make the sweetest love to your body. Something only he can do.
As soon as he sees you nod, he’s resting his forehead against yours as he pulls out slightly and gives a shallow thrust to start. His movements are slow, precise, each movement of his hips a sensual grind to make you feel every inch of him buried within you.
“I fucking love you, you know that?” His voice is rough, strained as he attempts to control himself for the time being. This is your first time together, and he wants to make sure it’s special for the both of you, something neither of you will forget. 
You let out a gasp at a particularly sharp thrust, “I love you.”
This is all he could have ever wanted, and more, as he begins to pick up his pace. His lips meet yours once more in a searing kiss, all of his passion, love, lust, and want for you being conveyed wordlessly through every movement he makes.
When his lips aren’t on yours, they’re sucking marks into the skin of your neck, teeth nipping at the skin shortly after. As he increases his pace, his one hand comes up to grab yours, fingers intertwining as the other grips your waist, holding you to him as close as possible. The way your free hand drags down his back, nails biting into his skin lets him know he’s doing all the right things. Your legs wrapping around his waist only serve to pull him that much closer into you, a pleased rumble escaping his chest.
Shifting slightly, he adjusts the angle he’s hitting you at, hearing your sharp intake of breath as he hits a specific spot inside you.
“Fuck, my King, right there,” your voice is desperate as it comes out, eyes closing in bliss as your head is thrown back.
The snarl that tears from his throat is feral, your words snapping any last bits of sanity he had left in his body as his hips snap into yours. 
“That’s it, Darling,” he growls, eyes bleeding red once more as he takes in the beautiful expressions you’re making for him, “let your King take care of his Queen.”
The hitch in your breath at his own words causes a tightening in his abdomen, and he knows he’s getting close. He has to remind himself that you’re still only human as his grip tightens on your hand and waist, not wanting to hurt you, but needing you to feel just how desperate he is for you. Everything about you drives him insane, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t treat you like the Queen you are.
With each thrust, he can feel your walls twitching around him, signalling that you’re getting closer to your second release of the night. Bringing his one hand down from your waist, he uses his thumb to circle your clit, feeling your whole body shudder beneath him as you near the edge.
“Come on, my Queen,” his chest rumbles in content each time he says those words, voice dangerously low. “Come with me. Come for your King.”
The way his thumb flicks at your clit, combined with his words and the angle he’s hitting inside of you is enough to push you over the edge for the second time that night. Seeing you shake beneath him in ecstasy, combined with the sinful way you’re moaning his name has him following shortly after, a loud cry of your own name escaping his lips.
Lazily thrusting into you a few more times as you both come down from your highs, he makes sure you’re okay before pulling out of you. In the blink of an eye, he’s got a damp washcloth ready in his hand, wiping you down gently while whispering soft praises in your ear, telling you how good you are for him, and how much he loves you. You can only smile softly in return, finally able to catch your breath once he returns from disposing of the washcloth.
Crawling into the bed, he tucks you both under the covers, pulling you close into his chest in the next moment. His hand strokes over your back gently as he places a tender kiss to your forehead.
“I love you,” he whispers. “My Queen.”
“And I love you,” you hum. “My King.”
Silence settles over the two of you as you each take comfort in the other’s embrace. Eventually, sleep overtakes you, leaving Jaehyun to watch over your sleeping figure with a smile on his face.
“Always and forever,” he whispers, allowing his eyes to close and his whole body to relax as he succumbs to his own darkness.
Dawn comes and Jaehyun manages to wake before you do, appreciating the way the morning light cascades over your naked form, painting you in golden hues for him to adore. His eyes trail over your back, tracing the curve of your spine as he remembers the events of last night. Licking his lips, he inhales the scents of the morning deeply, positively growling at the way you’re now covered in his scent.
As it should be. As it will always be. From this point onwards, you’re his and he’s yours, and last night serves as a confirmation of that fact. Now, you’ve given yourselves to each other, and all that’s left to do is set the date for the wedding.
A few minutes pass by with Jaehyun simply admiring you. Very lightly he traces his hand over your back, loving the way you shiver underneath his fingertips, for it only makes him recall how you were trembling beneath him in bliss merely hours before. He could stay like this with you forever, but unfortunately, he needs to attend to some final arrangements for the royal announcement of your wedding ceremony.
Letting out a small sigh, disappointed he has to leave you for the time being, he slides out of bed. The glint of the ring on your left hand in the morning light catches his gaze, only causing a small smile to form at his lips. Last night could not have been more perfect.
Moving as silently as he can so as not to disturb you, he exits your room.
It takes him longer than he would have liked to get ready that morning, his movements feeling a bit sluggish the more he has to move around. It’s almost as if his senses have dulled slightly for the time being, for his hearing isn’t as sharp as it usually is, nor his sense of smell. Perhaps these are simply side effects of his mood, for he knows when he’s overcome with emotions he can never think straight, let alone react in an orderly manner.
Making his way through the castle, he finally enters the throne room, having requested to meet Minho there to discuss everything that still needs to be done for the upcoming ceremonies. However, what he isn’t expecting to see is another person standing with their arms crossed in front of their chest beside a very nervous looking Minho.
“What is the meaning of this?” Jaehyun’s voice practically booms across the room, demanding their attention.
“Your Highness, I’ve been attempting to escort Miss Lori out of the castle and back to her home, but she simply will not go until she speaks with her older sister,” Minho explains, words coming out rushed as he looks towards Jaehyun frantically.
“Is there anything I can help you with? Your sister is currently still resting in her chambers,” Jaehyun continues to play the nice card. He’s gotten this far despite not needing anyone’s approval, but that still doesn’t mean he won’t try for you.
“Cut the bullshit, you’re not fooling me,” Lori narrows her eyes at him, only causing Jaehyun to raise his brows amusedly.
“Is there a reason that you’ve come to talk with your sister then?” Jaehyun asks, already bored with this conversation, yet still feigning interest and concern. Again, he’d do anything for you, even if it means something as trivial as this.
“I’ve come to collect my sister and take her back home,” Lori answers. “Away from you.”
Jaehyun’s expression falls, immediately darkening at the threat apparent in her voice, “I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in here.”
“No, I don’t think you understand your situation,” Lori counters, causing Minho to send her a look filled with nothing but distress. “I’ve seen through your little ‘nice guy’ act long ago thanks to your mother, and I’ve finally come to save my sister from whatever you plan to do to her. She’ll listen to me this time, she always has. I’m taking my sister back home with me, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
The confidence in which she says those words irritate Jaehyun to no end. Though, he supposes he finds this situation rather ironic, causing him to let out a few laughs in disbelief. How dare Lori threaten him of all people. Like she could ever do anything to tear the two of you apart now, considering what occurred last night. After all, the two of you are to be bonded for life.
“You came all this way to threaten me? Me, of all people?” He chuckles maliciously, shaking his head in disbelief. “You think I’m just going to let you waltz in here and steal what rightfully belongs to me? That I’d even let you near what’s mine?”
“Your threats don’t scare me, I know you won’t do anything to me,” Lori raises her chin in the air in defiance, a smug look resting on her face. Clearly the letters his mother had sent her are still giving her a false confidence on this matter.
In a flash, he’s in front of her, holding her in the air by her neck. The hold his hand has around her throat is firm enough for it to be a threat, but not hard enough to completely block her airway just yet. “You underestimate the lengths I am willing to go to keep what is mine. I’ve spent too long planning everything out and making sure things run smoothly in order for things to get where they are now. I’m not giving my love up so easily.”
“Then, obviously you wouldn’t harm her own sister!” She manages to choke out, gaze darting off to his right as if something, or someone has caught her eye. His grip only serves to tighten ever so slightly as his eyes flash red.
“Wouldn’t I?” He hums, tilting his head in false sympathy. “I mean, considering I disposed of my own mother who got in the way, what’s a measly little human girl compared to that?”
Minho can do nothing but watch as this event unfolds before his very eyes, taking a few steps back in order to give the Prince space to do what he has to. His own heart is pounding in his chest out of fear, so he can only imagine how Lori feels in this very moment.
“It’d be so easy for me to cover up your death, so don’t flatter yourself,” Jaehyun seethes, eyes crazed as he stares into hers. “I’ve done everything I can to rid myself of nuisances in my way. So, what’s one more?”
Shifting his predatory gaze, he locks eyes with Minho, waiting for the advisor to speak and confirm his words.
“Yes, Your highness, you’re correct,” Minho swallows nervously, he’s never seen Jaehyun like this before. The intense insanity in his eyes nearly has Minho stumbling over his own feet despite standing perfectly still. He knows something must have happened last night after the engagement party, otherwise there’s no way he would be looking like that right now.
“You’re nothing,” he hisses. “A measly little human whose life will end at the flick of my wrist, worth no more that the servants I’ve killed beneath my feet. Poor Greta, only wanted to warn the love of my life about me, and look what that got her,” he feigns a pout, “only her throat ripped out.”
Lori gasps, remembering how you mentioned to her that one of the servants you met on one of your first days here seemed to have suddenly disappeared, never to be seen again.
“Not to mention the countless other lives I’ve taken for even looking at my love the wrong way. Or maybe, perhaps I should say poor Ben, who only got his skull run through for providing the wrong information about my love’s favourite foods,” Jaehyun tuts, shaking his head. “Bastard could have ruined everything. Just as you are trying to do.”
Lori can feel the breath being squeezed out of her lungs as Jaehyun slowly crushes her airway. She attempts to claw at the hands around her neck to no avail, legs kicking out uselessly beneath her. 
“Don’t you ever think for one second I’d let you take away what I’ve worked so hard to achieve,” he spits, venom dripping from every syllable as he crushes her throat, bringing his other hand up and tearing her head off in the next moment in his anger. “Worthless scum.”
Lori’s head hits the floor with a loud thump, her blood pooling around her now discarded body as lifeless eyes stare up at Jaehyun in fear. He shakes his head in disgust, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood that had managed to get on his hands. 
“Clean this up,” he orders, turning to Minho to see him nod once in understanding.
Closing his eyes, he shakes his head. So much for his pleasant morning. 
Turning around, Jaehyun sighs, eyes still closed. His face is still contorted into an expression of annoyance, brow furrowed as he takes a deep breath. He can feel his whole body tense as he recognizes a familiar faint scent in the air.
Slowly, he opens his eyes, realizing in horror that you stand in the open doorway of the throne room. Your hands are both raised over your mouth, as if to cover a silent scream as tears stream down your face. He can feel his dead heart falter in his chest as he watches you. The fear you look at him with is something he never ever wanted to see from you, especially directed towards himself.
A few moments pass by with the two of you just silently observing the other. Jaehyun hates how it’s only now that he can seemingly hear the loudness of your racing heart, your scent becoming stronger the more time you spend staring at one another. All that he had worked so hard to create, everything he’s done to impress you, to woo you and make you fall in love with him, is now ruined. It’s only all confirmed when he sees you turn and attempt to run away from him.
In an instant, he’s run to you, caging you in his arms and holding you tightly. Your screams and protests are falling on deaf ears as he holds you to his chest. His attempts to quietly shush you and calm you down are not working, with you only seeming to struggle harder against him, spouting insults and curses at him. 
“Sweetheart, please,” he sighs, “I need you to calm down.”
“Calm down?” You’re hysterical at this point. “Calm down? You just murdered my little sister in front of my very eyes and you have the audacity to tell me to calm down?”
“I did it for us,” he replies calmly, voice sounding completely opposite to how he really feels inside at the moment. “She would have only gotten in the way.”
He’s not entirely sure how you managed to sneak up on him, but he assumes that he didn’t hear you due to his dull senses this morning. The fact that you’re covered in his scent is probably why he didn’t smell you right away, too. Either way, he’ll do his best to steer the conversation in a direction which suits him, considering he doesn’t exactly know how long you had been standing there for. However, your next words only serve to confirm just how long you had.
“And I suppose your mother, Greta, Ben, and who knows who else were all collateral, too?” You retort, anger and disgust shining in your eyes which only causes his grip to tighten ever so slightly around you.
“Yes,” he answers, but he isn’t stupid enough to believe you’ll willingly accept his reasonings. “They were. I don’t expect you to understand why I’ve done what I have yet, but if you think I’m ever going to let you go, you’re mistaken. And before you say you hate me, I just want you to think back on everything I’ve ever done for you since you’ve been here. I want you to remember all the moments we’ve shared together, especially the good ones. Especially last night,” a shiver runs down your spine as he whispers those words lowly in your ear before trailing his lips down your neck, pressing them against the same spot he did the previous evening. Your struggling lessens as he continues, “I’d never do anything to harm you, I think my actions towards you have shown that. I never wanted you to be scared of me. Why do you think I never showed you this side of me yet?”
“You really are a devil,” you spit, finally giving up your attempts to escape his hold for you know that it’s futile at this point. You’ve long been trapped in his clutches, you just only wish you’d realized it sooner.
“A devil who loves you,” he hums, nuzzling his face deeper into your neck and breathing in your combined scents. A shiver goes down his spine. At least now he doesn’t have to worry about hiding this side of himself from you any longer. Plus, you now know what he’s capable of; what he’s willing to do for you. What he’s always been willing to do for you. “I always get what I want, so don’t even think about leaving me. You sealed your fate the moment you agreed to become mine.”
“I hate you,”
He simply chuckles, “that’s not what you were saying last night.”
“Yeah, well, things change,” you reply, refusing to so much as look in his direction as he holds you from behind.
“That they do,” he hums once more, clearly amused by your stubbornness. In the next moment, his eyes are going dark, expression deadly serious as he turns you around to stare deeply into your eyes. A shiver goes down your spine. “One thing that hasn’t changed though, is the fact that whether you like it or not, you can never escape me. I love you, and I will always love you, so you better get used to that. After all, a King should never be without his Queen.”
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1kook · 4 years
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— jjk x (f) reader
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summary; But for Jungkook to initiate some sexting, nevertheless sexting at 1pm on a Saturday, when you were at work and you were almost positive he was supposed to be on stream right now? Unheard of, you had to mark this down somewhere. warnings; sexting, dick pics, dirty talk?, phone sex, vivid depictions of jungkook being just so sexy bc its true, rating; mature (18+) misc; mentions of youtuber kook 🥰, he’s just horny, stupid selfie trends (see here), he’s a little whiny but so hot v.v  wc; 4.6k 
notes; I've had this in my drafts since april 😐 n then i was like maybe we should actually finish this so i started n then last night i hit another follower milestone!!! so then i rlly forced myself to finish this bc i was so 🥺🖤👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 anyway enjoy lmk what u think its not proofread bc uhhhhh yeah 🤩
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You’re at work when it happens.
It’s sometime between your usual listless thoughts of what to write for your weekly reflection papers for some course, and your trip to your store’s pharmacy to bother a coworker. Your phone vibrates in the pocket of your work apron. You’re normally pretty good at ignoring the sound, most of the times it’s just a classmate asking for help on homework or Jimin lamenting his love life, so you’ve grown used to ignoring the tiny vibrations, stocking a quarter shelf of different cooking oils before something in your brain tells you to check your phone.
You already know it’s not something grave, but that thought alone means nothing at the sight of the tiny jungkook♡ that appears at the very top of the list of notifications. Your boyfriend’s texts tended to be wildcards, never following a certain routine or alluding to any specifics. He could send you a long paragraph on how much he misses the scent of that one shampoo, the one you’d briefly run through last year because your usual brand was out of stock, with a ten point explanation on why you should switch back to it. Or two word, caveman sentences that drove you crazy because you never understood what exactly he wanted when he’d send those nondescript “munchies dip” texts.
You unlock your phone, clicking to the messenger app instead of directly on the notification. Hopefully the preview will give some warning on whether you should invest in this conversation or not. You hated the read receipts on messages, choosing to ghost conversations as you pleased, but Jungkook had wiggled his way into your phone one afternoon and specifically turned them on for his chat with you, and you’d never turned them off since. So he knows if you choose to ignore Attachment: 1 Image at 1:43pm exactly, and he'll pester you about it until you respond.
You contemplate it all for twenty seconds. It could be a variety of things, you guess, but the only way to find out is to actually see with your own eyes what he’s up to this time. He knows better than to distract you at work, is usually really good at waiting until your shift is over to spam you with messages. For him to send you something now, only a few hours into your shift, is uncharacteristic of him.
But you glance down the aisle anyway, taking note of some elderly woman you’d helped a few minutes prior and another teenager aimlessly walking around, probably looking for the snack aisle. You inhale and press down on your chat with Jungkook.
It takes you a moment to make out exactly what the image is, twisting and turning your phone around as you fight to see it without raising the brightness. It’s only when your eyes finally adjust to the dark screen, the faint beeping of the check-out registers fading into the distance, that you realize it’s a shot of the front of his sweatpants.
“Hm?” you murmur, getting brave enough to pinch the image between two fingers, zooming in until you’re able to decipher a multitude of details. For one, there’s a Flaming Hot Cheeto stain on the hem of his sweatpants, the same one you’d accidentally put on there a few weeks back and haven’t been able to wash out since. Then there’s that huge palm of his, tattoos and all, rested carefully against his thigh. It’s veiny and thick in all the right places, bringing all the attention to his knuckles, which you guess is what he was going for when you consider the centerpiece of the image—his hardened dick straining against the grey material.
There’s no text attached to the message, no snapchat font slapped over the image, so you wonder what exactly he wanted you to do with this information mid-shift. Well, realistically, you know exactly what he wants, but that doesn’t mean you won’t clown him before getting there. After all, Jungkook was seldom the naughty texter; sexting annoyed him, he would whine, because he would do all that and not even get to feel the true pleasure of sex, of being inside you. You’ve dabbled in it here and there, but it never went as perfectly as it did in pornos. He’d drop his phone and forget it, or you would straight up ignore the damn device as you went all in on yourself.
But for Jungkook to initiate some sexting, nevertheless sexting at 1pm on a Saturday, when you were at work and you were almost positive he was supposed to be on stream right now? Unheard of, you had to mark this down somewhere.
you what’s this about?
You decide to play it safe, because as exciting as the image of Jungkook at his computer chair, cock hard and angry at the thought of you, fluffy hair ruffled in that way you adored, jaw twitching and tightening as he touched himself, moaned deep and rough and just how you liked and—
As nice as that image was, for all you knew this vague message was Jungkook sending you a picture from a week ago to purposefully fuck with you at work.
jungkook♡ what time u get off? jungkook♡ miss you bad baby
Your stomach flips, and it takes everything in you to not squeal and bounce between the shelves like a toddler on a sugar rush. Here was your boyfriend, the cutest, sweetest boy, sending you dirty pictures of himself and telling you how much he needed you. Yes, YOU, not some random on the street, or someone else in a club, Jungkook needed pleasure and that pleasure could only come from you.
You glance back down the aisle again, checking your surroundings for the second time that day. You’ve been standing here, stock cart empty for a little over five minutes now, so it’s probably best to change location lest your manager come barking down your neck. You send one quick text before heading off for stock again.
you 4pm :(
Your phone dings again just as you’re leaving the stockroom, but you decide to check it once you get to the hygiene aisle you need to work on next. Still, the prospect of Jungkook having texted you has you walking with a skip in your step, one your coworker teases you about when you pass by her.
jungkook♡ fuck jungkook♡ tell me what panties youre wearing jungkook♡ please ?
You bite your lip, stopping yourself from smiling at the tone you’d picked up from his message. There was no doubt he’d been riled up for a while now, and you wonder if he sat through his usual Saturday morning streams with his cock hard, pushed against the edge of his desk like you knew he did when such things happened. The thought has you nearly fumbling with a bottle of aloe vera.
you seamless black thong you the one you bought me at the last vs sale
Briefly, you wonder if you should have lied and told him you were wearing that red lace set he’d given you last Valentine’s Day, the one he’d bought with his first big YouTube check. But the beauty of being in a relationship with someone like Jungkook is that you could have told him you were wearing grandma undies and he’d still think you were the most beautiful person to grace the planet.
jungkook♡ mm jungkook♡ tiny ones u ruined last time?
You set your phone down, speed stock a row of sunscreen like you’re on some shelf stocking national competition, before daring to text Jungkook again. Your cheeks are still warm, and your hand tightens dangerously around a bottle of shaving cream.
Before you can formulate some response, he’s sending another one in.
jungkook♡ u soaked those jungkook♡ came fast that day jungkook♡ want u so bad
Your cheeks burn, a little embarrassed that he remembers such details. As with all Victoria’s Secret panties, they were, like Jungkook said, extremely thin. You pause, shift your stance just barely, but you’re definitely wet. Not terribly so, but with this fabric, you’d start to notice it sooner than with others.
you mm you makin me wet bunny
It’s not a complete lie, but knowing Jungkook this is exactly what he needs to hear to get that competitive streak going. You shake your head to clear your thoughts, stocking another section of men’s shaving cream. It takes longer for him to message you back, and you wonder if he got off fine on his own. If it’s over now, at least he provided you with some distraction midway into your shift.
When he texts you again, you’ve almost completely convinced yourself he’s finished, so the Attachment: 1 Video that appears on your lock screen throws you for a loop.
It’s a short clip, no longer than ten seconds, but it has you scrambling to lower the volume on your device as some unsuspecting mother of two wanders past. You flash her your practiced smile, the same one you give all the store’s customers. Not like your boyfriend is jacking it off on your phone, shallow pants filtering out from the speakers.
You turn your phone over carefully after she leaves, try to at least pretend you’re still doing your job as you play the video again.
Sweats are gone, but boxers remain. Legs deliciously exposed, thick thighs with muscles that ripple when he moves. Shirt pulled up just slightly to showcase that broad expanse of tummy, cute belly button and defined abs that tighten with each glide of his palm over the outline of his cock. Your mouth fills with drool at the sight. He was so hot.
Your brain hasn’t even processed it yet, all your energy directed towards your clenched pussy, when he shoots another text.
jungkook♡ im so fckin hard jungkook♡ wanna kiss yuo every where baby jungkook♡ come ove r soon ??
Shutting your eyes and counting to ten doesn’t help ward off the sudden wave of horniness that consumes you, but it does remind you of the job you’re supposed to be doing now. You shake your head, as if the image of Jungkook’s dick throbbing beneath his boxers, low voice in your ear, will magically disappear. It doesn’t, and it plagues you even more when you begin stocking a section of sunscreen, numbly instructing yourself on what to do next. Shaving cream, sunscreen, lotion next, you repeat.
It doesn’t help.
Two minutes later and you’re scrambling for the phone you’d hastily tucked into your apron pocket, tapping your passcode in until your messages with Jungkook are pulled up again.
you after work you promise
Your head is absolutely spinning, the coil in your stomach too tight for you to try and be a functioning member of society. Something in you says to sneak off to the bathroom and call him, but your boss is a little bit of a prick when he wants to be, thinks you take too many bathroom breaks as is.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. A curt call of your name has you whirling to face your shelves again, phone tightly pressed against your ribs like maybe it’ll melt into your skin and he won’t see it. At the same time, your sudden fright has you scrambling to turn it off, fingers sloppily pressing against the buttons, hitting the volume like seven times before you eventually feel the familiar click that signals it’s off.
Your boss disappears shortly after, and with his sudden appearance having made every hair on your body stand, you find yourself now slumping against your stock cart. Jesus, that man was a handful to deal with.
The paranoia sticks for a little bit, has you stocking shelf after shelf like a robot until you finish the entire row of hygiene products, back stiff from bending over so much. It’s only when you return to the stockroom ten minutes later that you dare take your phone out again.
A pleasant surprise awaits.
It would appear that during your haste to hide your phone from your boss— Jungkook’s scandalous messages and all —your frantic hands had done something else. A fuzzy picture on your end, a blurry display of lotion bottles you had stacked just before your boss’s impromptu appearance, with no words to accompany them. Normally Jungkook would have ignored that; you frequently sent accidental messages like this, butt texted him, he says.
But there’s something about Jungkook’s horny brain that makes him do stupid things, makes him blow up your phone with a series of question marks, call you four times, whine and fuss in your message thread, and eventually, send you probably the oddest image to date.
jungkook♡ ??? jungkook♡ ????what is that jungkook♡ baby please jungkook♡ I don’t get it ??
jungkook♡ Missed Call (4)
jungkook♡ baby jungkook♡ what does it mean jungkook♡ please ur drivign me insane jungkook♡ jsut wanna hear yuor voice jungkook♡ fuck please just
And then, there’s another one of those cursed Attachment: 1 Image messages.
You shouldn’t be as surprised as you are. You’ve been dating Jungkook for a few months now, know he had that sort of unique personality most college dropouts turned YouTubers do. But every now and then the absurdity of his actions makes you question him still, makes you wonder what exactly goes on in that pretty head of his to warrant such ideas, makes him balance a bottle of body lotion on the thick outline of his cock like this.
Unlike the first few images, this one was taken in front of a mirror. The blinding fluorescent light in his bathroom paints him in a stark color, has every inch of his pretty face on display for you. Rosy cheeks, dewy skin. Perfectly swollen cock straining beneath his grey boxers, curved up against his hip. Shirt pulled up, finally freeing that expanse of muscles on his abdomen, cute little belly button on display once again. The red material is pulled up to his mouth, pearly white teeth biting down on the fabric, and he’s got this flushed expression on his face.
But the real star of the show isn’t his chiseled abdomen or sexy expression, but the sheer hardness of his dick that lets him balance a bottle of body lotion over it, like a fuckin’ shelf or something. He’s so hard, dick so full beneath his boxers. So big too, the little boxers pulled taught around said engorged cock and thick thighs.
Your brain says to laugh, to tease him for being such a clown even when he’s horny as hell. He won’t take it to heart, will probably laugh along with you and you’ll add it to your still growing list of funny memories.
But your caveman libido says call him, so that’s what you do, ducking down behind a new shipment pallet with a squeak as the phone rings. It only lasts four seconds before he picks up, voice breathy and low, but it sounds so loud in the silence of the stockroom.
He doesn’t even let you get a greeting in. “You like my picture, baby?” he husks. It sounds like he’s right there, right beside you, speaking into your ear. Your pussy throbs at the way he sounds. Paired with the picture from before, it has your body tingling all over.
“What the fuck is that?” you hiss, trying to not let the sudden overflow of arousal leak into your words. Jungkook chuckles.
“What?” he huffs. There’s the brief sound of shuffling, the scratchy noise of his phone presumably being pressed against his shoulder. “I’m so hard, baby,” he sighs before you can pretend to reprimand him any further. “Fuck— you, can you just talk to me?” he groans, and the disgusting sound of him spitting into his palm fills your ear.
Your face feels warm, eyes nervously peering across the stockroom like your boss will suddenly appear now of all times to rip you from this important phone call. The anxiety and arousal mix weirdly, have your leg bouncing but every new movement sends a shock up your aching cunt to your chest, and then out to the tips of your fingers.
“You shouldn’t be doing that when I’m at work,” you murmur hurriedly, moving to nervously bite at your finger. Jungkook moans softly.
“Uh huh,” he says.
The air conditioning turns on and you nearly jump out of your own skin. “Kook,” you stress, frazzled by your own burning arousal and the fear of being caught. Like you said. Weird mix. “I— not when I can’t respond.”
He shudders on the line. “You’re responding now,” he points out. You hate when he’s right. Before you can defend yourself, define what a proper response is in this scenario, he’s beating you to the punch. “Baby,” he whimpers, voice so airy yet low, makes your eyes roll into the back of your head, back unconsciously arching. “Couldn’t stop— fuck.”
Your mouth feels dry, all and any form of lecturing fading from your thoughts as you become consumed in Jungkook’s little whines and whimpers. He talks smoothly, a modern day Casanova, and it’s certainly because of that cult-like harem he’s gathered on YouTube. Teenage girls who kiss his ass, tell him he’s cute and dreamy. Make his ego so big.
But then he gets horny and can barely contain that lisp you tease him about, shivers and melts when you put his cock in your mouth. “Couldn't what, bunny?” you mumble, voice drawn tight because now you were really horny, and it was all his fault.
The nickname makes him mewl prettily, your speaker suddenly going scratchy as he fumbles with his phone. “C- Couldn't stop thinking about you— your mouth,” he admits, and now you’re certain he’d sat through that Saturday morning stream like this. “T- Tits,” he adds, lisp slipping through. “Fuck.”
You bite your lip, eyes fluttering shut as you remind yourself now was not the time or place to get yourself off. But, well. That didn’t mean you couldn’t get him off. “Sat through your stream like this?” you murmur, circling your kneecap with a trembling finger as if it’ll ward away the raging lust in your abdomen. Jungkook confirms with a breathy moan. “Had all your little fans wondering why you ended so early.”
He groans. “No,” he chokes, voice hot from how much it wavers. “They— I lied,” he confesses out of nowhere, “s- said I had a doctor’s appointment.”
You muffle a giggle into your palm. “Naughty,” you tease. “Too hard to do your job.”
“Just,” he cuts off, voice feathery. He sounds so close and you haven’t even said anything of substantial value yet. “Tell me,” he says quietly, “what to— mmh, what to do.”
A smirk consumes your features. You try to hide it, but there’s no one here anyway so you’re left grinning at an unpacked box of dental floss like a madwoman. “Why?” you inquire playfully, bask in the sad little whimper he responds with. “Shouldn’t you know how to make yourself cum?”
Another groan of frustration, desperation seeping into his tone when he speaks again. “Baby, please,” he begs, and it feels good. Feels nice to have this big YouTuber begging for you like this, whimpering your name like his doesn’t appear on the top 25 most viewed. “Like when you— ah — when you tell me… what to do.”
Your body feels hot, thighs pressing together with each whimper that falls from his lips. “Okay,” you concede, and he audibly moans in relief. “Tip first,” you instruct softly, eyes defocusing as your brain slowly starts to manifest the image of Jungkook spread out on his bed. Thick thighs, grey boxers pulled taught around them, fat cock between his pretty hands, inked knuckles squeezing around his member. You swallow. You can tell exactly when Jungkook does as you say because another muffled moan fills the speaker. “One finger,” you remind him quickly, head spinning from the mere memory of his dick. “Run it… run it over the slit, bunny.”
“Nngh—“ Jungkook sputters. You can only imagine the face he’s making now, the bottom lip he’s bitten raw by now. He does it a lot; it’s a nervous habit. But as sexy as it looks when you’re in bed, you know he has sensitive lips because of it, bleeds easily if he’s too harsh. You have half the mind to remind him about it now, but then he’s hurriedly gasping out for more. “And, and then? Wha— what then, baby?”
He sounds so sweet, melodic voice dripping with honey. “Touch your balls,” you say a little breathlessly. “Don’t squeeze,” you add, “just roll your palm over them.” Your palm squeezes against your thigh, as if it’s remembering the feel of his body, the soft skin between his thighs when you’re down there. He gets so jittery, thick thighs nearly crushing you if you drag him along too much. “O- Other hand on your cock,” you stumble, thighs squeezed together. “Stroke yourself just like I do, bunny.”
Jungkook complies. “Just like you?” he mumbles, suddenly sounds farther away. As if he’s dropped his phone off to the side. “Fffuck,” he grunts, “m- mouth is so pretty.”
“Hm?” you inquire, so consumed with tampering down your growing arousal for a second that you miss his sentence.
Jungkook’s breath stutters, and for a moment you’re met with the wet squelch of his cock in his hand. And then, “pretty mouth… make me— make me wanna see you cry.”
You bite your lip. “Why,” you say tentatively, finally caving in with a hand fluttering over the front seam of your jeans. Not a question, more of a gentle nudge for him to spill his thoughts.
“Be- Because,” he cries, fucking into his hand. He sounds closer and closer. You have to wonder just how long he had been riled up. It’s been a while since his first message, he was probably desperate by now. “Y- You’re so nice,” he cries, and the sentiment, though oddly out of place, makes your heart squeeze with adoration for the boy on the line. “Wanna be,” he groans, “wanna be so fucking mean to you, baby.”
The sudden change of tone makes you choke on a moan, hand pressing against your mound like it’ll somehow penetrate the thick material of your jeans and give you the sensations you crave. As it stands, it’s a muted feeling you get instead. When your hands fail, his voice compensates. “Fffuck, don’t you— don’t you think about it too?”
Admittedly, no.
Jungkook had always been a gentleman in bed. Always cared for your needs before his own, went out of his way to make you feel pampered and adored during your most vulnerable moments. Contrary to what his online persona might say, he was a good boy. Sweetest boy you knew, touched you like you were made of glass.
So to suddenly learn of this dream— fantasy? kink? —of his that you would certainly enjoy equally as much, well. It made you whimper into your palm, eyes worriedly flickering toward the stockroom’s entrance.
“Why?” you whisper, feeling like a broken doll repeating the same phrase over and over again. You’re suddenly aware of how hot everything was. Your polo felt sticky against your spine, apron too tight, jeans too stuffy. How long had you been hiding in here for? You don’t even know. Hopefully your absence on the floor had gone unnoticed.
Jungkook pants into the line; everything sounds so sticky and wet on his end, hand undoubtedly working away at his cock. “Shit,” he curses, doesn’t really answer your question until you prod a second time. “I- I like it,” he stammers. “When you… fuck, when you look small.” He elaborates before you can even ask, breath heavy and drawn out. He was so close. “When your mouth… when it hurts,” he says, thoughts a scrambled mess. “Like when you— when you cry because my cock is— it’s too big for you.”
A blatant ego boost you’ll ignore for now. Not like you can focus on too many things right now anyway. “Your cock is big, bunny,” you agree softly instead. Your legs feel cramped from crouching so long, so you push yourself to your feet. Except then you’re made aware of how fucking wet you are, panties soaked from the phone call with your boyfriend. You shift and they stick to your folds, make you release a shaky exhale that Jungkook doesn’t miss.
“I— you’re wet,” he says boldly, and this time your meek confirmation isn’t a lie. Jungkook grunts. “Fuck, baby, I—“ cut off by his own whiny cry, probably bucking into his hand like a madman by now. “Wanna, wanna kiss you everywhere,” he says, a call back to his earlier message. Your legs feel like jello. You want him to kiss you everywhere too— lips, tits, cunt that is dripping for him now.
“I- I’ll be over soon,” you stammer, feeling like you’ll pass out if he carries on any further. He sounds so good on the line, soft pants, rough growls. You can’t possibly listen anymore, not when you’re so wet and horny in the middle of your shift. “Just,” you pause, can’t get the image of his pretty cock out of your mind. Every blink makes it more vivid, reminds you of the vein on the underside, the exact shade of the tip.
“What?” Jungkook hisses, voice higher than usual, parts of it lost under the rapid movements of his hand. “Tell me, baby, tell me what to do,” he begs hoarsely, “I’ll do it.” Sounds so desperate and needy, two seconds away from busting all over his hand.
You have to lean against the wall of the stockroom to ground yourself, remind yourself you’re not in the same situation as Jungkook and can’t cum in your pants like a teenager. “J- Just cum,” you choke, eyes fluttering shut.
He must’ve been waiting for that command, because the second the words leave your throat he’s filling the line with breathy groans and cries as he comes all over himself, probably ruins his t-shirt. The sounds have your hips unconsciously bucking forward into nothingness, the frustration of not being able to cum with him manifesting in the form of a tiny little sob. Luckily, he doesn’t catch it.
When it’s all said and done, he’s left panting into the receiver, flooding your speaker with breathy sighs that only make you more and more aroused.
“You’re terrible,” you frown, cheeks flushed, body tingling. You flip your wrist over and check the time; it’s been about sixteen minutes since you disappeared from outside. Sixteen minutes of listening to Jungkook touch himself and moan and whine and whimper. Tease you with new possibilities you had never considered before. And now he’s satisfied and you’re not.
Jungkook chuckles, low and tired. The sound shoots straight to your cunt. “Come over after you shift,” he says, as if you’re not planning to fake a severe case of the flu right now in order to get off early and run to his bed. You only had a little less than two hours of your shift left anyway. Not like they paid you well to begin with. Jungkook shifts, releases one of those saccharine groans as he probably snuggles into his bed, all sweaty and worn out. “Want you to fuck my face, baby.”
You frown, counting to ten to calm yourself down. Another few minutes of listless conversation, and you hang up. Your body feels featherlight, a little woozy as you make your way back out into the floor.
Nothing has changed. Customers pour in and out, your boss scolds you for a display you didn’t do, and life inside the store drags on. No one knows that you’re soaking your panties to hell and back, Jungkook’s soothing moans in your ear. Life goes on.
you shift ends in 20
jungkook♡ sweet jungkook♡ got your seat ready jungkook♡ Attachment: 1 Image
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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sierraraeck · 3 years
How to Apologize
Spencer x Luke x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You can’t believe that for the four months since you’ve joined the team, and have been relentlessly flirting with the two hot agents, no one thought to tell you that they were together. Luke and Spencer decide they should apologize to you with an impromptu, late-night visit.
Category: Smut. Essentially pwp. A little fluff and a dash of angst if you squint.
Warnings: Cussing. Alcohol mentioned. Fingering (vaginal and anal), oral (male and female receiving), protected penetration, double penetration. Use of condoms and lube.
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: Welcome back to episode three of me being in love with Ralvez. I’ve just really been in a mood for them lately, so I hope you enjoy what my mind comes up with when I just keep thinking about them ;)
You’ve got to be shitting me.
You couldn’t believe it. Luke and Spencer were together, and had been for over a year now. You’d only been on the team for about four months, all of which you spent unabashedly flirting with both of them.
Everyone knew it, too. It wasn’t like you were particularly quiet about expressing how much you enjoyed their company, and how easy they were on the eyes. It was fun for you, and you thought it was fun for them. They both seemed kind of into it, and the team found it a little funny.
Now you’re understanding why they found it funny. Because the whole time, you’d been embarrassing yourself by flirting with taken men. And they weren’t just taken. They were dating each other.
“You’re joking,” you said, with absolutely no humor. You were sitting on a barstool looking around at the shit-eating grins around you. They all shook their heads.
Your mouth was agape, “You’re fucking joking. You all saw this happening and not one of you had the decency to tell me!? This is bullshit!”
This just caused more laughter to erupt around you. Luckily, the bar you were at was pretty noisy, so not too much attention was drawn to your group.
“Honestly?” Emily started, “We just wanted to see, you know, as a profiler, how long it’d take you to figure it out.”
“And we,” Luke hopped in, gesturing to him and Spencer, “Wanted to see how well we could control our microexpressions.”
“This is some shit,” you mumbled to yourself, still wrapping your head around what was being said. You were trying to be light-hearted about it, and you had to admit it was a pretty good one they pulled on you, but you still felt a little insulted. And embarrassed. Oh god, you felt really embarrassed. Especially now that you knew they were ‘testing your skills’ or something, and you weren’t good enough to pick up on their relationship. You offered a disbelieving smile and shook your head. “You know what? I’m disinviting myself from this, and I’m going to go home, because otherwise… Actually let’s not talk about what would be happening otherwise.” The whole team gave you some strange looks at that comment, and you just took a deep breath and said, “Okay, I’m just gonna go.”
“Hey, Y/N, wait!” Tara called after you. You turned to face her. “We meant no harm by it!”
You laughed and acknowledged, “Oh, I know! I just think that maybe I should do a little mental detox now that I know I need to cool it.” You winked, trying to make everything calm and casual so that there would be no weird feelings when you returned to work on Monday.
But you definitely had weird feelings. About the deliberate joke that led you down a very deep rabbit hole, about the fact that you couldn’t just ‘detox’ the two men from your mind, and about how long they let the joke mess with your feelings.
It didn’t matter, though, because Spencer and Luke were together, and the last thing you wanted to do was make things complicated.
You were seated on your couch with a glass of wine watching reruns of your favorite show when you heard a knock at the door. You were in your pajamas, a navy tank top with matching shorts, and had been home for nearly two hours. It was a little past midnight, and you were actually about to go to bed. You couldn’t figure out who was at your door, and why the hell they’d be there past midnight, but one look through the peephole gave you clarity.
Two tall, handsome, nervous figures stood, waiting for you to answer. You sighed, unlocking the bolt and pulling the door open. You had the slightest idea to grab a jacket or something to throw on over your pajamas, but you were no longer trying to impress the agents before you.
“Hey guys,” you croaked, voice sounding tired.
Spencer and Luke were still acting a bit nervous, but Luke gave you a small smile. “Hey Y/N. May we come in?”
You gave them a once over, realizing they were both in large, matching, burgundy robes. You were confused, and gave them a strange look, but stepped to the side regardless. They quickly scampered into your apartment.
Once inside, Luke shut and locked the door, standing in front of it. You waited for them to say something.
Instead, they looked at each other, took a deep breath, then undid their robes, dropping them to the floor. They were completely and utterly naked.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered, unable to peel your eyes away from the two of them.
They both smirked slightly at your reaction, and Spencer brought your attention back to his eyes when he said, “We figured we needed to apologize.”
All you could manage was a weak ‘uh-huh.’
“As long as you were serious about some of the things you said-” Luke started.
“And were actually flirting with us because you liked us-” Spencer continued.
“We wanted to show you that we were serious and flirting with you, too,” Luke concluded.
Again, all you got out was an ‘uh-huh.’ They looked at you expectantly, so you picked your jaw up off the floor and forced your brain to say something more helpful. “Yes, I was dead serious, yes, I was actually flirting with you, and, to answer your next question, yes.”
“The last yes was for what?” Luke half-teased.
“Whatever the fuck is happening right now,” you gestured to their bare forms, “yes.” They both laughed slightly, and just as Spencer was about to take a step toward you, you held up your hand. “Hold on, wait. I know you said you were serious, but is this something the two of you actually want, or is this just out of pity?” you asked skeptically.
Luke’s eyes went wide, “We actually want this.”
At the same time, Spencer said, “This is not out of pity.”
They seemed sincere, and that was good enough for you.
This time when Spencer stepped toward you, you didn’t stop him. His lips latched on to yours, and you immediately sank into his warmth. His lips were soft and his tongue was energetic, searching every part of your mouth it could reach. Luckily for you, he was already stark naked, giving you free reign to explore his bare chest.
As Spencer was exploring your mouth, Luke came up behind you and started lifting your shirt off your frame. His hands felt nice, just barely brushing up against your cold sides. You and Spencer had to part, but only for a moment, as Luke pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it to the side.
You already felt like you couldn’t breathe, but when Luke seductively trailed his fingers up your sides and around between you and Spencer to start toying with your nipples, you thought you might never breathe again. Spencer started kissing down the column of your throat, sucking slightly at each point. Without Spencer’s mouth to absorb the sound, they could both hear the small gasps and whimpers you made at each touch.
Luke was firmly at your back, his hot chest pressed up against your shoulder blades, or maybe the fire radiating from them was all in your head, you couldn’t quite tell. Spencer wrapped his arms around your back, and pulled you all the way to him, leaving barely any room for Luke’s fingers to continue their ministrations. You made a snarky remark in your head about how you weren’t surprised about Spencer’s possessiveness, until he reached behind you. Luke groaned in your ear shortly after Spencer squeezed your ass and continued his trail to the growing bulge behind you. Spencer was quite good at multitasking. Kissing, sucking, stroking… That didn’t surprise you, however. You knew how fast his mind could work, and how it always seemed to be thinking about multiple things at once.
It didn’t really surprise you either that Luke was less good at multitasking. Still amazing, but not like Spencer. With that in mind, you decided to turn the attention of the group a little bit. You turned in Luke’s now still arms, back against Spencer’s chest. You gave Spencer enough room to continue massaging Luke, but you did lean forward enough to plant your lips on his.
Luke’s kiss was different from Spencer’s. His lips were plump and captivating, and his tongue was a bit more languid than Spencer’s, granted that could’ve been because most of his attention was being drawn elsewhere.
“Wait,” Luke panted, pulling away from you. You and Spencer both immediately stopped what you were doing and looked up at him. “Bedroom?”
You tilted your head in the direction of the door down hall, and the three of you moved like it was a mad dash to get there first.
Once inside, Luke’s lips reattached themselves to yours, and he walked you backwards toward the bed, hands on your waist. They traveled lower, over your still-clothed ass, and spread flat on the back of your thighs. Somehow, you knew what he wanted, lacing your fingers together behind his neck and jumping into his sculpted arms. He swiftly strode the rest of the way to the mattress and plopped you down, following quickly with his own body. Your legs were partially wrapped around his middle and his hands were back on your waist again, this time toying with the waistband of your pajama shorts. You had a fleeting thought about how you wished you were wearing any of the cute lingerie pieces in your drawer, but before ten minutes ago, you never thought the situation you were currently in would even be possible, let alone happen. It wouldn’t matter much longer anyways, as Luke’s fingers were pulling away the remaining garments.
Now, completely bare in front of him, Luke pulled back to admire you. Spencer was at his side, also eyeing you, but wasn’t quite as patient. He crawled up the bed, looking you straight in the eye. You nodded to him, your silent consent for him to lower his head, placing delicate kisses all around your neck and chest. He was back to doing what he had only moments ago, only this time he travelled farther down, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth. You took a shuddering breath, weaving your fingers into his shaggy curls.
Luke stood, admiring the sight. His boyfriend was hunched over their mutual crush, drawing the most arousing whines from your mouth. It went straight to his cock. But, while this was definitely a mutual pleasure situation, it was also a way to make it up to you. He wanted to make sure you got all the attention first before going any further.
With that in mind, Luke joined the two of you, his focus a little farther south than Spencer’s. You’d been so caught up in the feeling of Spencer’s tongue and teeth nipping at your peaks that the feeling of Luke’s fingers circling your clit drew a dramatic gasp from your lungs. You tugged a little harder on Spencer’s locks, causing him to moan into your skin. You made a side note to yourself about hair pulling for Spencer for future reference. You were optimistic that you’d need it.
Luke started gradually picking up the pace on your clit as Spencer switched his attention to the neglected breast. You knew that you were already pooling, and despite not being able to see anything past Spencer’s mess of hair, you could tell that Luke was pleased. His index finger circled around your entrance, one, two, three times before pushing in. Your back arched off the sheets, pushing your nipples further into Spencer’s mouth and palm. Your jaw hung open in a silent moan.
Spencer noticed, and teased, “Come on, you’re usually not this quiet when it comes to expressing how much you enjoy our company.”
Luke leaned up, finger still pushing in and out of you, to see your face. He barely caught what Spencer was referencing, as you were trying to snap your jaw shut, and smirked down at you. He turned his head to the side and started kissing up the side of Spencer’s neck, who habitually craned it to the side, providing more access. Luke added a second digit, scissoring them inside you. Spencer hummed happily at the little hickies Luke was scattering all over his neck, and you felt the heat in your belly start to burn. God, it was so fucking hot, in every sense of the word.
Luke curled both of his fingers upwards, hitting that perfect spot, as he latched his lips to Spencer’s. With the combination of the sight and both men’s ministrations, you fell over the edge.
You squeezed your eyes shut, only a little disappointed that you couldn’t continue looking at them, as your lungs expelled any air you had in your chest.
When the waves of pleasure had mostly subsided, you managed to lift your eyelids, peering up at the sight above you. Luke and Spencer were still attached at the mouth, but they pulled away, Spencer laughing a little while Luke just grinned.
“Remind me to always kiss you like that when we have guests,” Luke said to Spencer, then winked at you. You gave a weak shrug, still too blissed out to form coherent sentences. It wasn’t your fault that the two people you’d been fantasizing about kissing on top of you turned you on. No way in hell you were ashamed about it, either.
Still laying there a bit dazed, the fluffy haired boys rolled over, taking all the heat with them. Spencer was hovering over Luke, tracing his tongue down Luke’s defined muscles before reaching his destination.
Spencer wasted no time running his flattened tongue up and down Luke’s length before sucking at the tip. Luke ran his fingers through Spencer’s hair, and both seemed to relax into each other. Despite the explicit sight in front of you, everything about the two of them, clearly starting to drift into their own world, was domestic. Caring and filled with love. You almost didn’t want to disrupt them, but the overpowering need to be near them won out.
Spencer’s lower half was over the edge of the bed, his toes being the only thing holding him up and giving him a vantage point. You slid off the bed yourself and tried to soundlessly move behind the younger man, coming to rest in a squat.
Spencer was getting Luke all worked up, raspy grunts mixing with satisfied hums as Spencer bobbed his head up and down. His movements came to a screeching halt when you leaned up against the foot of your bed and swiped your tongue quickly over Spencer’s tip. He let out a soft whine, muffled by Luke’s skin, who took a sharp inhale at the vibration.
Spencer’s dick was hard and spilling precum as you worked it into your mouth. His hips started moving of their own accord, forcing you to take him deeper, faster. The three of you started a steady rhythm that was already faltering. Both men were getting close.
Propped up only on your toes, you almost lost your balance once, digging your nails into Spencer’s side for support. He growled, and just because you could, you dragged your nails down the rest of his backside. All of the muscles tensed at once, and you smiled as best you could with your mouth full, moving your hands back to work what your tongue couldn’t.
Abruptly, Spencer pulled his hips back from you, and crawled further up the bed. You followed, getting up from your spot on the ground. Your toes, on the brink of cramping, weren’t complaining.
You realized why Spencer had pulled away so quickly, catching Luke coaxing Spencer into his lap. Even though they were in a slightly different position, it didn't stop you from what you’d been doing before.
Right as Spencer got situated on Luke’s cock, just starting to roll his hips, you took Spencer back in your mouth. You had one foot on the ground, the other knee next to Luke’s torso. Spencer was louder than you’d expected, letting curses and praises fly past his lips as if they were statistics of the utmost importance.
Luke was less vocal, but he seemed more coherent. Barely.
“Come here, baby,” Luke panted. Pulling off Spencer for a moment, you looked back at Luke. His face was already glistening, and he was gesturing toward your legs. You lifted the one closest to him, and he eased it over his head. Straddling his face, he pulled you down to him, licking a clean stripe up your slit. You moaned his name, letting your head hang.
He was just so warm. Everything about Luke was warm. His personality, his face, his tongue and mouth and literal body temperature. It made you feel safe. Thinking that, you realized just how perfect he was for Spencer. You could tell Spencer wasn’t someone who experienced warmth very frequently, you’d heard about his cold past, but you were happy that there was finally someone to show him some. It made you feel even more embarrassed that you hadn’t noticed their relationship sooner.
Lost in thought, you’d stopped doing anything besides feeling Luke’s tongue alternate between pushing into you and swirling around your clit, something Spencer was less excited about. His large hand cupped your face, causing you to look up into his pleading eyes. You stifled a giggle at the sight, quickly figuring out why he was looking at you like that. You returned to tracing your tongue up and down his cock, but it was becoming much harder to focus.
Luckily, you could feel how close Spencer was to finishing, and gave him the silent ‘okay’ to finish in your mouth.
Hot ropes of cum filled your throat, and tears pricked the corners of your eyes when Spencer pushed all the way into your mouth. You were gasping for air when Spencer leaned back from you, and so was Luke as he desperately called Spencer’s name. He must’ve been close when Spencer momentarily stopped moving to find his own release.
The pressure between your hips was building as you continued to watch Luke disappear inside Spencer. You started wriggling your hips for more friction against Luke’s mouth and slight scruff, but Luke wouldn’t let you. He wrapped his arms almost completely around your waist, and pulled you down like an anchor. No matter how much moving you did, there would be no getting out of his grasp, not like you really wanted to anyway.
You couldn’t tell which one of you finished first, but your collective moans filled the air all the same. You whined at Luke who continued to lick up every ounce of moisture from you, the sensations starting to become a little too much.
He let you go, and you took a moment or two to deep breathe, forcing oxygen back into your lungs. Once Spencer thought you’d gotten sufficient air, he took it all away from you again, leaning down to kiss you. He tasted himself on your tongue, which only made him relive the fresh memory over again.
He peppered little kisses down your neck and side, which was a tad ticklish. Spencer caught on despite you trying to keep yourself together, noticing the slight flinching in your muscles. He spent extra time working you up until you were laughing and begging him to stop.
Spencer was working his way down to Luke, who’d been absentmindedly massaging your cheeks for no other reason than he wanted to touch your tush.
You weren't sure how, but the two tall men were able to kiss each other around you, Luke sitting up and Spencer leaning forward. He got to taste you off of Luke’s lips, and was almost jealous that he didn’t decide to take Luke’s spot instead.
You leaned into Luke’s chest, resting your head on his shoulder and reaching behind you to thread your fingers through his soft curls, much shorter than Spencer’s but fun to play with nonetheless. They kissed each other with more passion than you’d really ever seen before, one hand touching the other man, their other hand tracing the curves of your body. You felt like you could fall asleep in the exact position you were in, half on Luke’s lap, half on Spencer’s.
But alas, there was still plenty of night to fill. Spencer asked if you had any lube and condoms, and you were about to get up and get them, but both men kept you where you were. You started wondering how much the two of them talked about or planned before showing up at your door, but decided those were questions for a later hour.
You directed Spencer to where both were kept while Luke turned you around to face him. You had a very quick discussion about cleanliness, something you were relieved to find out wasn’t an issue for any party, and Luke was sliding on a condom and pushing into you before you knew it. Pregnancy wasn’t something you were looking for at the moment.
Luke had been doing most of the work up until Spencer returned, his presence really only being a shifting of air behind you. Your eyes were locked on Luke’s eyes which were flicking between you and the man behind you.
It took you all the way up until Spencer’s hip bones came in contact with your ass that you realized what Spencer wanted the lube for. That and the guttural groan that ripped itself from Luke’s chest. At that point, Luke had stilled his thrusts up into you, so you decided to keep the pace, bouncing up and down on Luke’s ever-hardening dick. You braced yourself with a hand on his chest, his skin feeling like it might melt your fingertips.
Spencer snaked his hands around your body, cupping your breast in his hands and rolling your nipples around between his fingers. Spencer, you were convinced, had bad circulation, feeling colder than you and Luke. You arched your back into him regardless, giving him full access to nip down your neck as he continued to pound into Luke. You had barely noticed the slowing of your hips atop Luke’s until Spencer placed his hands on your waist with a bruising grip. He set a much faster pace for you and Luke than either of you had set before, but you couldn’t be mad. Each thrust pushed you further and further toward the edge.
That all stopped when Spencer lightly leaned you over Luke’s body, Luke gladly accepting by pulling you even closer, wrapping his arms around your back. The three of you were still moving, but only in the slightest way you could from your positions.
With your face buried in Luke’s neck, reveling in the momentary reprieve of a slower pace, Luke must’ve been looking at Spencer who was tracing all sorts of patterns on your ass. You felt like there was a silent conversation you were being left out of.
You were clued in when Spencer traced a single finger right over your puckered hole, all the muscles contracting at the sudden contact. Luke whined at the tension, as he was still completely sheathed inside you.
Spencer lightly continued his tracing, close but not too close, as he leaned over your back and asked, “Is it okay if I touch you here?” He emphasized his words with another swipe over your hole. This time, you were a bit more prepared.
You twisted your neck around to look at Spencer’s face. It was soft and questioning, showing you that, while he was interested, he clearly wasn’t going to do anything you didn’t want to. But you were intrigued. You’d only ever tried it once before with a definitely straight man, and it was just medium. Nothing you had really considered doing again until now, but you trusted Spencer. And honestly, who better to give it a second chance with than someone who knew what he was doing? Not only that, but frequently participated in it with his boyfriend?
You nodded, looking him straight in the eyes. “Yes.”
“Let us know if you are ever uncomfortable or need us to stop,” Luke reminded.
You turned your attention back to him and nodded again. “I will.”
Now with confirmation from you, Spencer dripped some of your lube at the top of your ass, watching it roll all the way down to where you and Luke were connected. Luke had stopped moving completely, and you were staying still enough for Spencer to slowly push a finger into you. He confirmed with you one more time that you were okay, which you assured him you were, before he started moving.
He was nice and slow to start, allowing you time to adjust to the feeling. As Luke started rocking back and forth with his hips, Spencer added a second finger, scissoring them to help stretch you out. You hissed at the added pressure.
Both men started moving a bit faster, pulling gasps out of you faster than you could bring air back in. You were surprised that you whined when Spencer removed his fingers, not realizing how much you were actually enjoying yourself. You felt empty with the loss of contact, but didn’t have to worry for long when the familiar ‘pop’ of the lube cap let you know it had been opened.
A few moments later and Spencer was filling you up at a tantalizing pace. Luke slowed again, allowing you time to adjust to the new sensations. The man at your back pulled clean out of you, drawing yet another whimper, as the one below you placed his firm hands on you back and rolled the two of you to the side.
Spencer was at your back again, already pushing back into you as Luke pulled your top leg over his hips, giving both men better access.
It started out slow and sensual, but gradually turned into something desperate and frantic. Hands were groping over bodies, mouths were attaching themselves to any lips or skin available. Spencer was massaging your tits from behind and Luke hand his arms draped over your hips to bring you closer to him with each thrust by your ass. The three of you were a mess of limbs and moans, each trying to meet your end.
Spencer came first, sloppy thrusts coming to a halt behind you, and tried to muffle his groans in the flesh of the base of your neck. It didn’t help much. You were right behind him, the brutal pace they had been pounding into you becoming too much. You were worried you might have blown Luke’s eardrum out with how closely you were screaming next to him, a sound your neighbor was sure to mention when filing a complaint you couldn’t care to feel guilty about.
You and Spencer were floating down from your highs, but Luke wasn’t as satisfied. He pulled out of you, cold air hitting your body and sending a shock through your system. His lips were on yours quickly, which had you melting again.
He growled in that deep voice of his about turning you around, which made you feel all tingly until he actually did it. It took more effort than you care to admit to simply change sides, facing Spencer now. It was good to look at his face again. You had absolutely no problem with Luke’s (who would?), but you wanted to look at them equally. Unfortunately, you weren’t born with eyes in the back of your head.
You were back in the same position you’d been in, just this time your other leg was propped up on Spencer’s more pronounced hip bones and not Luke’s. Spencer quickly took advantage of getting to see your face head on, capturing your lips with his. His tongue slid into your mouth when you gasped at the feeling of Luke entering you from behind. It was a bit easier for him to slide in, Spencer having already stretched you out. Luke joined Spencer as they both kissed down your neck, only stopping briefly to kiss each other.
The slightly younger man trailed all the way down to your breasts, taking your nubs in his mouth or fingers. Luke was still marking up your neck, brushing his fingers down your sides. With each of his thrusts, your heat was grinding against Spencer’s length, which you felt continually get harder. He looked into your eyes and you whispered the few words of your consent, not being able to get anything else out.
He bucked his hips up into yours, having no trouble as you were still wet from your previous orgasm and your impending one. The feeling of the two of them pushing and pulling inside you, hitting different spots from different angles, you knew you weren’t going to last long. It just felt so good to be completely filled up to the hilt.
Needing something to grasp on to, your fingers immediately found Spencer’s curls. You remembered from earlier he seemed to like it, so you tugged, pulling a delicious groan from his pink and puffy lips. You felt Luke’s labored breath on your ear, and with the few brain cells that were still working, you could tell that the three of you were very, very close.
You snapped first, clawing your nails down Spencer’s back, and the feeling seemed to be enough for him. The sound of his love and his crush moaning in harmony pushed Luke over the edge, joining your symphony.
The three of you laid there panting before both men got up to remove their condoms. Luke came back with a towel to wipe you clean of yourself, Spencer putting the lube back where he found it. Luke tossed the towel to the side, laying down next to you. Spencer walked back into your room on slightly shaky legs, which made you smile just a bit. He, too, collapsed next to you. You were able to see all the red marks on his back and thighs from your nails, and you almost felt bad for not spreading the wealth around a little more, only Spencer’s skin receiving the assault.
Soon, all of your breathing reached a normal level, and Spencer pulled the sheets up over his body, Luke helping him get you under, then sliding under himself.
You sighed with content, then laughed, drawing both men’s attention to you, as if it weren’t already. “Wow. You sure know how to apologize.”
They both chuckled with you, cuddling even closer now.
“So was it worth it?” Luke half-teased.
You pretended to think about it, but replied, cheeky, “I mean, you could have told me sooner, but I guess I don’t mind the two of you needing to apologize.” And to be honest, you hoped there’d be more reasons for apologies in the future.
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