#this got way too long - big gomen
what if January 17th diner divorce scene between ford and fiddleford went the way s2e6 of gomens went. what then
so i tried writing the whole drabble but it turns out im farrrr too rusty for it right now. so, here's some of the before and my thoughts on how the Monologue would go:
we're looking in from the window of greasy's diner. ford awaits fiddleford's arrival, writing down his latests jounal entry with fervor. there is a light rain pattering the glass, and the sky is a dark gray. we slowly pan inside as the bell above the door rings, signalling fiddleford's arrival. he looks like a mess--eyebags, messy hair, mising tie, all the shebang.
we follow him until he sits down, and he fidgets with his sleeves as ford puts down his prn and grins brightly. before he can speak, however, fiddleford says...
"look, i, uh... got somethin' t' say. i know we outta talk about it, an' it's prob'y best if i start of doin' all the talkin', 'cause if i don't start talkin' now, i won't ever start talkin'. so--"
"hold that thought!" ford is smiling so big that almost nothing could ruin this for him. "there's no need to be so worried, fiddleford. we did it! tomorrow, our dreams and coming true. i hope you know that."
fiddleford just looks even more miserable. "right."
"We've known each other a long time" - self explanitory"
I could always rely on you. You could always rely on me" - also self explanitory
"We're a team, a group. Group of the two of us" - they always saw themselves as the outsiders. the hillbilly and the freak, matchmade in heaven, and they are Allergic to words. this seems like something ford would say but as you can see, i see fiddleford as crowley in this scenario, for OBVIOUS REASON <3
"And we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't" - pretending that wasnt our reality. pretending to go along as normal, falling behind, putting up walls, getting married--drifting apart.
"I mean, the last few years, not really. And I would like to spend... [looks away]" - THIS CANT END. FIDDLEFORD CHOSE TO COME UP HERE, TO STOP PRETENDING. but they cant keep going. he would like to spend....
"Just the two of us. We don't need Heaven, we don't need Hell, they're toxic. We need to get away from them, just be an us" - we dont need the world!!! we dont need the rewards!!! publish this goddamn thesis and LET THE PORTAL GO!!!!! UGHHHHHHH IM SO UNWELL
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contritecactite · 11 months
hi elle it’s theparanoidandroid on ao3 (biggest fan)
i’m here because i have no one to ramble to about good omens, but this question has been eating at me all day: who does aziracrow main in mario kart?
i think the obvious choice for aziraphale is peach, since she’s been an honorary gay icon since the 80s. she’s also soft, blonde, and perceived as a little ditzy, but can totally fucking WRECK SHOP and Kick Your Ass with a golf club or umbrella or literally just a frying pan.
crowley, though…i think adam invites him to play games with him (he pretends he’s never played mario kart before, but is actually cracked) and he insists he plays bowser—big scary fire-breathing lizard and all that. but in reality, he’s absolutely a rosalina main—tall awesome space lady whose duty is to protect the cosmos and the stars.
idk i need them to play video games! ty for listening and stoking the flames of my gomens fixation
p.s. muriel mains toad
Bahaha hello! I was thinking not too long ago that I wish I had a good excuse to make them play games, so this is perfect. Unfortunately, I can't remember what game I was thinking of at the time.
OK, first, this is all so so valid, but I must beg you to consider Crowley and the tire iron, which means they fight over who gets to be Peach before Rosalina shows up (and sometimes after, too, just for tradition's sake). Crowley has more fun coming up with reasons why Aziraphale should feel connected to all of the other characters ("I'm just saying, angel, Wario's mustache looks awfully familiar—") than he does actually playing. This is partially because if there's a way to cheat, Aziraphale's doing it and saying annoying things like "evil always sows the seeds of its own destruction" as if he didn't just use a minor miracle to get a perfect run.
Hard agree that Crowley will lie and say, "Bowser, duh" if ever asked by anyone else. Also, Aziraphale will say things ranging from "I've never even heard of such a thing as a video game. What did you expect?" to "I simply cannot get used to these new controllers. You'll have to be patient with me" if he actually abides by the rules and loses.
I buy "Muriel mains Toad" but only in the sense that Toad's their default choice if someone starts putting pressure on them to "pick a character already!!" I think they like to make sure every character gets chosen in equal amounts and spend a lot of time quietly trying to prove that everyone "has been resting on Dry Bones. Is that the right phrase?"
Also not that anyone asked but I think Aziraphale's pathway to this might have been: correspondence chess, then online tournaments, then other simple games with PvP or tournament aspects (he likes to win especially if it means someone else loses OK alskjdf), and then Crowley got tired of him devastating humans and then feeling bad about it ("I didn't know their perfect record mattered for their scholarship!! What am I supposed to do now? Start losing on purpose? That's dishonest.") and introduced him to tactics games. Then tactics games started having too much plot and dialogue and character development ("This is not how the written word was meant to be displayed."), so they ended up with games where Crowley gets to Go Very Fast and Aziraphale gets to win and it works for them.
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poesmascarade · 1 year
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Hi! So, I have been in this side of the internet for a long while, and on the request of one of my mutuals, I've made what I call THE Vocaloid playlist (In my opinion!!)
This is separated in two categories; CLASSICS that everyone should/does know, and BANGERS, that for some reason or another didn't make the classics.
There are some additional categories that I've added, those being: weird songs I really like in some way or another, and songs that are technically UTAU or derivatives.
They are also separated by language and grouped by producers (and credited, hopefully all correctly) but there is no general order to them - important noting here as well that some of the producers might nowadays not be the best people around, but I didn't take that into account.
Please enjoy this!! I put a lot of effort, so I'd love to see any opinions or additions!
Now let's get started!
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The World Is Mine - Ryo
Black★Rock Shooter - Ryo
Romeo and Cinderella - Ryo
Look This Way Baby - Ryo
Love Is War! - Ryo
Ievan Polkka - Otomania
Rolling Girl - Wowaka
Worlds End's DanceHall - Wowaka
Unknown Mother Goose - Wowaka
Two Faced Lovers - Wowaka
Unhappy Refrain - Wowaka
The Disappearance Of Hatsune Miku - cosMo
The Real End Of Hatsune Miku - cosMo
Deep Sea Girl - Yuuyu P
Magnet - Minato
Po Pi Po - Lamaze-P
Bacterial Contamination - Kanimiso P
Dancing Samurai - Kanimiso P
Useless Child - Kikou
Gomene Gomene - Kikou
Coin Locker Baby - MARETU
Last One’s Weeping - Neru
GHOST RULE - Deco* 27
AI KOTOBA - Deco * 27
Remote Controller - 2hihagi
Luka Luka Night Fever - SamFree (bonus: Tako Tako Maguro Fever - Samfree)
Viva Happy - Mitchie M
KOKORO - Toraboruta - P
Electric Angel - Yasou
Senbonzakura - Kurousa P
DECORATOR - KZ, Taiji Okuda, Circus P
Madness of Duke Venomania - mothy
Story Of Evil - Mothy
Night ∞ Series - Hitoshizuku P, Yama△, Suzunosuke, TSO, VAVA Hidari
Meltdown - iroha, kuma, nagimiso, Shirow Miwa, URAHANABI
Matryoska - Hachi
Common World Domination - Pinnocchio P
The Fox's Weeding - MASA Works
Heat-Haze Days - Jin
Game Of Life - Yuzuhiko
Solitary Hide And Seek - Koyori
Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru - Ika
Envy Cat Walk - Tohma
White Letter - GonGoss (one of her first songs, besides her software preview!)
Last Night, Good Night - Kz
Karakuri Pierrot - 40meterP
Go google it! - ggrks
Snowman - halyosy
Paired Wintry Wind - Shigotoshite
Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya! - daniwellP
Colorful X Melody - Team MOER
2 fanclub - mikito
Miku - Anamanaguchi (there is a Japanese version, however this one is more iconic!)
Dark Wood Circus - Circus P
Copy Cat - Circus P
Wildfire - Circrush
Last Of Me - VocaCircus
Lie - VocaCircus
ECHO - Crusher - P
Just be friends - Dixie Flatline
Teto Territory - Oxi, ZUN (OG)
Stop Nagging Me! - Owata - P
anything by x髥莏
Fukkireta- LazameP
Triple Baka - Lamaze -P
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This post got too big for tumblr! T~T
Here's a link to part two (general bangers and weird picks!)
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haru-poooog · 2 years
Characters: Fulgur Ovid, Uki Violeta, Elira Pendora, Finana Ryugu, Selen Tatsuki, Millie Parfait, Enna Alouette, Alban Knox, Sonny Brisko, Vox Akuma, Nina Kosaka
Relationships: Psyborg(Fulgur x Uki), OceanLaw (Finana x Selen), CalamityBird (Enna x Millie), SonnyBan (Sonny x Alban)
T/W: Death, Main character death,
A/N: Please, this is just a random fanfic I thought of, this ain’t beta read either, I wrote this after doing pre-calc, if ever I got some stuff wrong here gomen :prayinghands:, ANYWAYS. ANGST. PSYBORG. If you’re asking why Psyborg, then… well... why not HAHAHAHAHA. ANYWAYS I HOPE CHU LIKE IT >//<(also I posted this on my twitter I just wanted to post it her too)
“In every universe, I’ll find you”
By: ハル (Haru)
It’s 9PM at night, the city is still up and loud, the night is high, probably a good time to get up on the roofs of the buildings and look up in the sky to watch the stars twinkling like diamonds, or maybe… just the city view perhaps. Fulgur is up on top of a hotel building, looking at the city with a straight face, hearing nothing but silence.
‘It.. looks so pretty..’ was all Fulgur could think of, it’s all so colorful in his eyes, red, blue, yellow, green, pink, purple, name any color, you can see it, he can see it. All he could feel were the railings of the rooftop, the air, and himself, well… until Alban interrupted him from his shoulder that is.
“Hey Fulgur! Time to go, the gang is waiting!” he said with a cheerful tone, looks like they’re going somewhere for tonight, probably like a party or something. Fulgur chuckled a little, then put Alban’s hand off of his shoulder, “Alright, let’s go Albanyan”.
He turned around to walk back inside along with Alban, Alban and Fulgur were friends since Senior High, introduced by Sonny, sadly Sonny couldn’t come because he’s busy with his work at the VSF, sudden calls. As they went down through the elevator, again, there was silence, but it was a comfortable one, nothing but two friends getting back to their group for the meantime.
As they arrived back to the room, all you can see is chaos of a pillow fight between the four girls namely Elira, Selen, Millie, and Enna, Finana trying to cover herself behind a pillow to protect herself from the other 4 girls, Nina and Vox watching over the girls just in case things go wrong, kind of like 2 parents watching over their kids, and… his starlight, Uki, just leaning against the desk of the room, laughing at Finana. ‘Such a beautiful laugh’ he thought to himself.
“Hm? Fufu-chan, Alban, you���re back!” Uki smiled, Fulgur could only smile back at his face, “Yes I am back my little starlight..” he chuckled and kissed him on his forehead, “HAHAHAHA! GET THAT BITCH!” Enna laughed, clearly enjoying the fight a bit way too much, “Honeys, Fulgur is back, it's time to go!” Nina called them as loud as she could, afterall, they were very loud.
“Fuu-chan?!” Millie looked at Fulgur as if she hasn’t seen him in a long time and hugged him, “Ack! Hi Millie..” he said in a light soft tone as he pats her head, just like how a big brother speaks to their little sibling, despite being childhood friends, Fulgur sees Millie as his imouto despite her being a little older than him.
“Is everyone ready?” Nina asked before getting her bag, everyone shouted a loud ‘yeah!’ before leaving, “Alright, to the bar we go!” Vox shouted and then led them to the door, they chatter as they walked back to the elevator to the bar, and for the whole duration of that, Uki was clinging onto his fufu-chan. They really are that lovey-dovey.
As they arrived at the bar, they looked around to see a couple of people playing billiards and cards on the tables, drinking on some sofa tables, with some jazz music maybe as a background, feels pretty nice, the group might as well be the reason why the bar is gonna be more loud. Starting with the two girls, Millie and Enna.
Of course, both of them get to be loud, but maybe add some moments where Millie would often speak in Filipino as she takes a sip of cocktail. Next goes Selen and Finana that are just right beside the two girls, they are still loud, but not as loud as the two, spewing out some jokes here and there, majority of the laughs are coming from them, well.. mostly on Selen actually. Vox and Nina, who are together with Fulgur, Uki, and Alban, are just chattering as they drink wine and maybe some beer for Fulgur and Vox.
“Sonny really isn’t coming huh, Alban?” Nina asked, looking a little worried for Alban since she knows he really wanted Sonny to come over, “Yeah…” He sighed, “It’s okay Alban, maybe next time, he’ll be able to join”, Fulgur patted his back trying to lighten up Alban, suddenly, the elevator opens and a man wearing a long sleeved white polo with bright yellow hair quickly goes out, panting, probably came from running from work. Of course, it was nobody but Sonny Brisko himself.
Alban gasps for a bit, “Sonnyyy!!!” Sonny looked at the direction to where he heard his name, he smiled as he saw his Alban. “Albaaann!!!” He then heads to their seat and sits beside him. “Theres the man” Selen said as she takes another sip, “Yeah… we were able to catch the culprit quickly, which was some good luck, so I ran quickly to catch up” Sonny placed his arm around Alban and scratched his head a little, “Well… you made it, now let’s chill”, Fulgur sat back on his seat while holding his mug of beer.
Everything is all fine, Nina being a wine mom, Vox being well.. Vox, the two girl couples doing their own thing(being chaotic), Sonny and Alban talking with Nina, Vox, Fulgur, and Uki, all is good! Well.. for the most part. As for Fulgur, he had… a small feeling, that something is going to happen, he doesn’t know what, it could be something good, it could be something bad, but this feeling… it’s– in Fulgur’s words maybe, weird. He didn’t want to think about it, so he just drank it off and tried to enjoy his time with everyone, after all… his starlight is here beside him. What could possibly go wrong when he is with him? Surely nothing right?
Again– at least for the meantime, everything is all fine.
Hours go by and some of them have already left the hotel, Elira went back to their room alongside the other girls except Nina, Nina has some work to do so she had to go home, Sonny and Alban went home as well, Sonny had to carry Alban back home ‘cause he kinda blacked out. Vox left as well because of a collab for the next day. Then… lastly… Fulgur and Uki.
Their apartment was not that far from the hotel, it’s somewhere around the city so it’ll take a while. They just walked back home, holding hands, having their little moment. They’re a little sober now since they know they also have a collab and they have to be careful going back home. “Did you have fun, starlight?” Fulgur asked while smiling, Uki nodded before replying, “Of course, it was the best night” He said softly, leaning onto him.
“I’m glad..” Fulgur chuckles a little before leaning back onto him. They both have their moment of silence while walking, and for a while… all Fulgur could feel are the cold air, his starlight, and himself.. It’s comfortable. He loves the feeling, whenever it’s with Uki, he will always feel comfortable, it’s his safe space, and so does Uki’s. After being together for so long, I don’t think they’ll be able to handle it if one of them disappeared out of existence. They have been there for each other, for their highs and lows, they’re there whenever they need it.
“Hey Uki…” Fulgur lightly spoke, “Yes Fufu-chan?” Uki answered as he looked up at him. He went silent for a little before answering back, “I know I said this multiple times but…–” a sudden hit from him made him widen his eyes, it’s the feeling again, but it was sudden. It’s here, but where? Where is it? What is it? Why now of all time? Out of everything it had to be the moment where he and Uki are alone, he looks around, but he can’t see it.
“Fufu-chan?” Uki asked worriedly, Fulgur holds Uki tight just in case that thing goes out of nowhere. “Uki I think we need to go” He runs with Uki along the streets until the feeling stops, the question of where is still not gone, he doesn’t feel watched, he doesn’t feel any pain, he just knows there is something, something that made him feel it.
Now they turned to a different way, and when that happened, it disappeared. They both panted as they stopped there, “What was that about?” Uki asked while panting, Fulgur paused a little before answering, “I don’t know starlight… a feeling just came over me and it felt like something wrong was going to happen…” , he doesn’t know what this means, he doesn’t know how to explain it to Uki either, that’s the only thing he could think of to tell him about it.
“I don’t know, I just feel a little off today, I’m sorry..” Fulgur apologized, Uki hugged him in an attempt to ease him from what he is going through at the moment, “It’s alright, you just feel a little stressed maybe, and a little bit from the amount of beer you had is still not gone” he chuckled a little, “Haha… maybe… I love you starlight…” Fulgur hugged back, “I love you too Fufu-chan..”, “Let’s go home now shall we?” Uki nods, the two then go back to where they should be heading to…, home.
It’s… again.. back to normal. It all seems fine, they’re going home where they should be. A place where they can be truly alone, a place where they cuddle comfortably as they always do, a place… where everything is okay. ‘Everything is going to be okay’ Fulgur thinks, he will be okay, Uki will be okay, they will be okay, … won’t they?
All of the sudden, Fulgur could hear a loud horn from a truck on his left side, it was heading for them, and there he realized… this was the one. The ‘wrong feeling’ that was with him all along, it all felt so slow, but it’s there right in front of him, it’s all so slow, but he never felt so fast to push Uki out of his reach, and there they are, slowly separating, and now it all fades to black…
For Fulgur.
Hours later, Uki is outside the ER waiting for the results for Fulgur’s status. Millie, Enna, Elira, Sonny, and Alban arrived later and saw Uki crying alone on his seat, “Uki…” Elira could only look at him worriedly, and then looks at the door, wondering what is happening now. They try not to ask too many questions from Uki since it could overwhelm him, it happened, it was all so sudden. He didn’t see it coming, no one did, but it happened, and it was all too much for Uki’s heart.
Suddenly, someone came out of the room, it was a doctor. Sonny asked for Uki since Uki is slightly feeling too tired from crying. They could barely hear them, but after Sonny talked to the doctor, he turned to them and said, “10 minutes”, looks like they have 10 minutes to see Fulgur. They were then led to the room where Fulgur is lying down, and as they entered, he was right there, looking up at the ceiling, looking a little lifeless despite opening his eyes.
“Fuu-chan..?” Millie softly spoke, trying not to cry in front of her childhood friend, but it seems she’s failing to do so coming from the tone and expression she is showing, “Hello Millie…” Fulgur tiredly spoke, he then looked at everyone, especially Uki, “Hello everyone” he greeted, Uki went beside him along with Millie.
“I don’t have much time according to them… I’m sorry..” Fulgur apologized, “Don’t apologize Fuu-chan… there’s nothing to be sorry for..” Elira said, trying not to eat her words from crying a little,“Fufu-chan… please… don’t leave me…” Uki feels so heavy, he’s scared, he’s scared that he’ll be left again, especially since it’s his lover that he is losing, a fate worse than dying. “I won’t starlight… no matter what universe, I’ll find you, just like how you found me…”, he then looks at everyone,
“Everyone, thank you… so much… You are all part of my family, and I’m very proud to call everyone that…'' Fulgur tears up a little, but even from the pain he is feeling, he still smiles, just like the Fulgur that everyone and his comfidants see. “Me too Fulgur…” Alban stutters from sobbing, “I’m glad…” He chuckled, and for the last time… he smiles, right there, on his deathbed. Lifelessly, as the electrocardiographic heart monitor now goes into a long beep.
Uki broke down, Millie cried loudly as she could, even more than the tears she could let out in her entire life. Alban hugged Sonny since he is the closest to him, Sonny did so as well, Elira and Enna hugged Millie, Enna tried not to cry, but she failed in doing so. It was a day where everyone was in despair. The day where everyone lost someone very dearly, and a day.. Where Uki could not handle the pain at all.
If there is one thing Uki could ask from the universe, instead of asking him to replace it, making him being the one who died instead, and if it is hypothetically possible, it would be finding him someday, in the hopes of them being together, no matter how long it takes, all he wants is his Fufu-chan, even if it means that he will need to start over.
“In every universe… I’ll try to find you Fufu-chan… I promise…”.
And that was the promise he made, for himself.
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
Watching “Scooby Doo, Where Are You?” (1969-1970 CBS) + Thoughts
Episode 19: Mystery Mask Mix Up
Is it me or is the typeface for the episode card different?
Why are the subtitles not working?
When Daphne expressed interest in buying the mask that totally has nothing to do with the creepy guys earlier wanting to search for a particular mask: “Looks like Daphne wants to scare off a couple of new boyfriends 😜” You wish that were true Shaggy 😚 sorry its the Shaphne in me.
Store owner I know these goons caught you by surprise and are intimidating, but why would you say to whom you sold the mask to?
Daphne’s pink tights apparently glow in the dark.
It would appear that not only is Velma one of the strongest members of the Scooby Gang, she’s also the most physically imposing by the way everyone hides behind her. No wonder she joins Shaggy in the MultiVersus Game.
“Quick Scooby! Make like a Watchdog!” Well, he’s trying, but not everyone is afraid of a large, 120lb Great Dane.
Apparently Scooby speaks Mandarin or Cantonese,…or whatever the writers though that dialogue sounded remotely like any of the Chinese languages (I cannot speak any of the languages, but I heard “gomen” thrown in by Scooby, which sounds more like the short version of the Japanese “gomennasai”)
Scooby uses Shirt Presser. It’s super effective!
Mr. Fong, the Art Dealer, warns that as long as Daphne keeps the mask, she will be in great danger. A genuine precaution, or a warning by one of the three culprits (the supposed ghost of this mask + his two henchmen)?
Fraphne? (Daphne holding on Fred’s arm in worry; then again, both Freddy and Velma are holding her defensively, so it might just be platonic protectiveness)
Daphne too stubborn to hold onto the mask she bought rather than hand it over to the police or Mr. Fong for safekeeping (tbf it probably costed her a pretty penny.)
“I didn’t know that zombies could ride cars.”
Second time we hear an upbeat song playing for a chase scene. Also, Fred’s a reckless driver.
The girls are holding onto Shaggy for dear life during this car chase. Smart, as he’s probably powerful enough to deflect potential damage from car crashes. (Also mini Shelma since she’s the closest to him)
Mystery Van is able to smash through a hotel entrance, go through lobby, and up the stairs. I call shenanigans on both this logic and that none of the Scooby Gang will be charge for disturbing the peace. (Mini Fraphne again: she’s holding onto him for dear life while she and the rest of the gang almost fall out their seats from Fred’s crazy driving.)
Hilariously, the Zombie henchmen weren’t dumb enough to follow the Mystery Van into the hotel, so patiently waited for it to come out to resume chase.
How did you guys get on top of a building?! Freddy don’t cover your eyes with the rest of the gang YOU’RE THE ONE THAT GOT THEM INTO THIS SITUATION OWN UP TO IT!!!
Parkour: Mystery Van Style.
Oh, so driving into hotels is too extreme for Zombies, but driving onto and off of buildings isn’t?!
Mystery Van drops down and crashes through a glass ceiling without any scratches. SHENANIGANS, I tell ya!!
I forgot to mention this in the previous episode, but the Mystery Van’s interiors changes more than my mental health status on a day to day basis.
Have they not learned last episode’s lesson of locking the doors to the back of their car?? You left your dog behind again!! (See episode
Dear 70s: why are cheesy love songs the go-to-music for chase scenes????
Scooby uses bike; it was ineffective.
Because a big car slipping on a banana peel makes sense.
My sis: why does the weird cartoon logic bug you so much?? ; Me: I DON’T KNOW IT’S NEVER BUGGED ME BEFORE BUT IT DOES NOW!!!
Animation Goof: Scooby’s arm momentarily turns green as he tries to unearth Shaggy from the pile of spilled fishes from a boat Fred crashes into. (Funny Frelma moment as they exchange quips.)
Of course the Zombies immediately capture, bind, and gag Daphne and have her in their car offscreen without anyone noticing.
Secret message that can be read via reflections.
Of course the temple doors they sneak through aren’t locked.
Good news: Fred and Velma immediately find Daphne after splitting up with Shaggy and Scooby. Bad news: t’was a trap.
“What you can’t see can’t hurt ya!” *proceeds to crash as soon as he enters the mysterious room with his eyes covered.*
“I dare you to cross this line! >:D” Bad guy: *crosses line like a boss.* “D:”
Question: is it possible to ride Great Danes like horses in real life?
Shaggy and Scooby disguise themselves and speak like racist caricatures. (Did Scooby technically dress like a racist caricature of a Native American last episode?)
Sitting on a lit fuse of dynamite stops the flame but burns your seat.
Accidental rescue! The Scooby Gang’s reunited.
Pigeon Coop. Daphne has a princess moment and lovingly cuddles a pigeon/dove(?) while Velma reads a suspicious message it had tied to its leg.
First time we hear that Shaggy has a model train set, and Fred wants to use it for a trap. Break your own toys, Freddy!
“I sure hope this crazy contraption works.” “Sure it will!” Me: *checks the score between Fred’s successful vs unsuccessful traps* 😬
Poor Scooby isn’t able to finish setting up his part of the traps in time, so winds up caught in it along with the criminals.
Useful policemen/sheriffs/detectives yet again! And yes, Mr. Fong was one of the bad guys.
Day 19 of no “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!” For being one of the most well known catchphrases of this entire franchise, it surprisingly took a while for it to actually be a thing. *sees there are only 6 episodes left this season.* 😐
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mommyashtoreth · 4 months
do you have any fic recs (besides your own, ik theyre good) because i know you surely have impeccable taste
GREAT question I've actually been hoping to get an ask like this recently lol. Uhh full disclosure most of the fic I read is porn, most of it being Weird Porn, mostly bc gomens is just So fucking popular that finding fic for it is kind of a slog and I can only find manageable amounts of fic to work through by looking for weird porn. I'm gonna try to NOT post just nsfw art also I can actually read I'll give you words
Okay this is SO basic I'm sure all of you are huge oopsieheads but like this was The First Fan Thing I actually got invested in which is a big deal for me because I got shit to do in my life. I have just, like, massive appreciation for how so much of the dialogue is carried over. Angelcrowley WOULD still say Well that went down like a lead balloon. And no one seems to realize this but this comic does. Big fan
Alright I've lulled you in far enough this one is porn. And it is REALLY good porn like mindblowingly good porn. I love when people work within the fantasy setting and actually do something interesting with it, and having them throw each other across the room for sex purposes is awesome I mean it. Also long live male pussy
Gotta log in for these sorry but this is a series I've become kind of obsessed with oops. I cannot get ENOUGH of "what if Aziraphale was also girlmoding at the Dowling residence" it's what we should've had all along I'm sorry. I love you women, I love you lesbians, I love you Nanny Ashtoreth always and forever. Also like these are FUNNY which is weirdly hard for me to find? Like lest you forget gomens is a comedy and these are comedy characters. There's just a lot of fun cute and yeah hot sexy stuff in these. I haven't finished the second part of the series yet but I Do think Crowley gets clocked which DOES suck and IS bad but also is extremely funny I'm sorry. Everyone hated her for being a clocky broad it's inescapable. I need to have straight-passing nonbinary sex with her so bad
HERE is the like "weirdest" porn I'll share in this post. It is, yet again, "what if Aziraphale was also in girlmode and then she and Crowley had a bunch of freaknasty sex." Every work in the series also comes with art, which contains, if I may be so blunt, some of the most lusciously rendered angel pussy I have ever come across in my travels. If you're into any of the kinks listed (mostly discipline stuff) it's good. It's really good. I'm sure no one knows this about me but vaguely "domestic," disciplinary dom girlcrowley? Very good. Huge fan
Aaaand that's my library for now unfortunately. Can't really think of anything else rn sorry </3 I am always open to fic recs btw, like I said it's hard for me to find stuff on my own. I'm especially partial to well-written girlmode stuff (not too much cisgender nonsense, basically) and stuff that's like actually funny. I love banter, I love jokes, I think that's like the number one way to show understanding of the source material. Also it's fun for me. So if anyone has any recs u know where to find me
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taigertea · 2 years
mental vs physical conflict
I noticed and thought was interesting was how the main conflict for Kotetsu and Barnaby seem to contrast, Barnaby having more explicitly mental conflicts and issues while Kotetsu’s primarily is more physical.
The crux of Barnaby main conflict in the series comes from Barnaby unable to let go of the mystery of who murdered his parents and the memory manipulation by Maverick. Even in Rising, we see his past history called back and referred to by Lunatic, to which Kotetsu needs to explain that Barnaby isn’t just magically healed, it’s a conflict he’s still healing from and that the death of his parents’ murderer isn’t going to fix that, especially considering how deep that betrayal goes. Further emphasized in season 2 in a more progressive/healing way when we see Barnaby picking up hobbies and making friends, especially a friend who comes from a time before everything upended itself in his life.
What’s even more interesting is that Barnaby’s conflict is always much more explicitly stated. It’s basically the main conflict of season 1. As mentioned, Rising has Lunatic calling it out and Virgil as a direct parallel. Then season 2 has the whole Subaru and Yuri scenes. Not to mention how it became something forcibly aired out to the public during the Jake fights. It ties in an interesting way to me that Barnaby is more open about verbally showing his inner heart to Kotetsu than Kotetsu is to Barnaby, and is more emotional too. I think he’s even more open to his friends than Kotetsu is. We actually see him hanging out and talking to Mattia and asking for help quite a bit, like with asking to bring Kaede over to show the lab and asking for advice on Thomas. Kotetsu and Antonio as a parallel, we don’t see them having as deep conversations. We get Kotetsu lending an ear to Antonio and the reference to Tomoe, but they’ve known each other for so long that lots of words don’t seem necessary and their friendship works in a different way it feels like.
Moving on to Kotetsu, of course, there’s definitely a heavy mental toll placed on him, but his main conflicts are expressed in the series as being too old and washed up starting as early as season 1 (honestly, probably as a result of mental strain brought on by the loss of his wife and inability to juggle his work and family) and an even greater emphasis on potentially being unable to keep up physically with the loss of his powers. Rising also puts this front and center of Kotetsu not being worth keeping in Schneider’s eyes. Part of the resolution of Kotetsu’s conflict comes from figuring out that he should be learning how to time his abilities better, saving it until the final moment with Virgil. Season 2 in how it shows more of how Kotetsu’s become physically capable with some direct parallels to Season 1 (saving Kaede). Even in private, we see Kotetsu “practicing” yoga. In general, we don’t see him flubbing around much if at all, leaving out what happens in the opening of the first episode.
In the opposite way of how Barnaby was more open in explaining his past to Kotetsu, you gotta pry shit out of Kotetsu with a crowbar. Which is fitting when most of his conflict deals more with the physical compared to the mental. Kotetsu never super willingly offers up information about himself in the series. No one knows Kotetsu has a family until the mayor’s kid. Barnaby and Kotetsu fight because Kotetsu didn’t trust him to restrain himself against Jake. The ironic bit is that Kotetsu needs to tell a lie to defeat Jake (even though it was all hinged on trust). S1 part 2, Kotetsu not explaining that his powers were declining (that one fun fact about Muramasa having to distract Kotetsu to get him to talk because Kotetsu’s so LIKE THAT). Not telling Kaede that he’s a hero. Rising where he doesn’t tell Barnaby that Schneider fired him. Even S2 we have him trying to reassure others when Barnaby’s in a coma! (God Kotetsu having secrets has so much evidence, wtf).
Honestly, not sure how to conclude this since it was more just a theme than something I can really put significant meaning to. I think it’s an interesting story telling method to watch unfold, because you almost have to switch your brain a bit looking at Barnaby’s development versus Kotetsu’s. We hear a lot of Barnaby’s changes through dialogue while we almost are shown Kotetsu’s (which is another funny layer when you consider Barnaby having shit eyesight and Kotetsu using 100 power to enhance his hearing). Just think it’s neat how their conflicts contrast and if we’ll be seeing more of this in the second cour or get a sudden reversal.
Disclaimer: And of course, not saying that Barnaby doesn’t have physical conflicts or that Kotetsu doesn’t have mental ones, but just that the big overarching stuff seems to have a focus.
Side note: I wrote all the examples of Kotetsu like not spilling his heart out unless it’s talking about hero things and he’s basically -
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missallsundayyy · 3 years
"You're just saying that"
ANOTHER LAWBIN DUMP BECAUSE I SHIP THEM LIKE A MAD WOMAN ITS INSANE! here is just Law being a simp for our fave straw hat archeologist, Nico Robin <3
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“You’re beautiful”
“You’re just saying that”
“No Im not”
Law crawled towards Robin who was fully naked and tangled in between the sheets and smiled at her. He had a goddess on his bed and today was the last day she was going to be on his ship before she had to return to the strawhats. His head bowed and his lips connected to her long slender soft legs, he peppered kisses in a straight line and went towards her thick thighs. “You’re going back to your ship tomorrow Robin-ya” he muttered in between kisses. Robin had her head thrown back against the soft pillows with a contented sigh “Yes i do”
When it comes to pleasure build-up, there was no one better than Trafalgar Law, he made her horny beyond words and he could go for hours and hours just making sure that she was satisfied and pleasured magically. Since he was a doctor, on god he knew where all the good spots were and fuck did he rub, kiss, touch and reach all these area well. All her weak spots were mentally printed in his brain and he touched her so well because he knew her body like the back of his hand.
Law didn’t just wanted to please the historian but he worshipped the fuck out of Robin’s body. She was the definition of beauty and his ideal woman. Her hourglass figure, her large bust, her porcelain skin, her long luscious raven hair, her waist that was meant for his hands, her scent when she was turned on...oh how fucking addictive she was. He could go down on her for hours craving for more and more even when the historian was sore but no he could never get enough of her. “You make me so hard Robin-ya, you look so fucking absolutely mouth watering.” he grunt out licking her soft thick thighs in long strokes. His hands were already parting her legs wide, giving the sight he’s been craving to see. She was already dripping wet for him.
“La..law-kun...please…” Robin moaned softly, her hands reached out for his head and gripping his hair ushering his face forward to her wet core. He smirked and licked her pussy with one long and teasingly slow stroke. Her head dived deeper onto the pillow at the contact even though it was minimal. “You’re already looking so fucked out my love, did i keep you waiting that long?” He teased her by bringing one digit and plunging it into her hole without warning and going at a rough pace.
“A..ahh!” she moaned and fisted his hair roughly. Law was unrelenting; he added the second...third...and fourth digits into her wet hole that was gladly accepting his intrusion. He fucked her with his fingers hard and fast never stopping to let her adjust or catch her breath. He pulled out JUST for a second much to her dismay, her blue orbs adjusted its vision to see what her lover was doing, and his actions made her whine in lust, this man was so sexy. The feral demeanor he had and the way he was enjoying pleasuring her turned her on to the point she could feel more juices dripping out from her cunt. “Fuck.., you’re dripping onto my bedsheet and soaking it baby” he groaned and admired how wet she was for him. Law gathered his saliva in his mouth and spit it directly onto her soaking cunt “Let me make it even wetter Robin-ya” he said. He shifted his position so fast that even she didn’t see this coming, he plunged his hard cock into her with no warning again. “Ohhh my god!” Robin screamed, he filled her up so good and there was no way in hell she was going to feel this type of way with anyone else. Law was not only long but his cock was so very very big and the first time they ever did this, she was taken aback like taken aback would have been an understatement.
“Gomen I cant control my...oh fuckkk you’re so tight R-robin-ya.” Law grunted aloud, he didn’t go slow nor did he held back this time, he was going to fuck her hard and long and make sure she felt him for weeks and months until they had the opportunity to meet again. He was going to wear her out and that's exactly what he was now doing.
“La...law..please..more! I-its so so so so gooood! Ahhh ah ah” whatever words she could muster out was no incoherent, she couldn't even form any proper sentence with how good he was fucking her. His length was impressive, it hit deep and reached everything that she couldn't satisfy herself and the width...mmm she worships this man’s cock. How good his dick was and how amazing the person was as well. “C’mon use your words my love, i’m going to miss you so much and i- ergh fuck!” his hands had a tight hold on her legs, spreading as wide as he could while he fuck her into oblivion. Her large breast was now being kneaded by her hands trying to maximize her pleasure even more.
“You’re so..ahhh fucking hell….sexy. Look at you right now, i could fuck you for hours and prolong this as long as I could my love” he looked down at their connection, what an erotic sight and sound. She was squelching around him and her pussy wasn’t even trying to milk him with everything he got, their juices were mixed and was dripping out of her wet hole and cum was splashed everywhere on his sheets. Oh how he would love nothing more than to capture this image and frame it in his cabin room.
His cock went in and out of hole at a vicious pace, never giving Robin a chance at catching her breath. Everything that came out from her mouth was vulgar and sinful and only her moans and his grunts echoed throughout the bedroom. “Fuck fuck fuck you feel so good around me, gripping my cock like that...so tight like- ahhh…” he brought himself down to her chest and buried his head into her giant globes and grunt out in pleasure of her soft skin and the way her pussy was sucking his cock in.
Robin had one hand gripping his sheets and one hand clawing his back trying to hold onto him to be in sync in his monstrous pace all while he was comfortably sandwiched in between the valley of her breasts. He brought his face back up and tongued her nipples that were basically calling out for his mouth, his large hands palmed the right side of her breast while he was basically making out with the other side.
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“La..law….kun...ahhh its too much...im g-gonna… ah ah ahhhh..” she screamed and clawed his back drawing blood, the pleasure he was bestowing upon her has become overwhelming. Law ceased all his actions and brought one hand and took both her arms, pinning them above her head and his other hand found her throat and gripped at it hard; now this was how he could get Robin to cum so hard because this has always been her kink, almost cutting off her oxygen intake brought her euphoric pleasure. “You cum only when I say you can love, are you forgetting that?” Law whispered in her ears, giving her a long teasing lick at her lobes.
Robin whined at the loss of his movements, his cock was still yet buried so deep in her hole and she was rocking back and forth trying to get some friction but his body weight kept her in check and she knew better in strength that she could never outmatch his strength especially in bed. “La..w….please please please please...ne-need to cu..cum!” she begged him desperately, her eyes were half lidded and both corners of her eyes were filled with tears of pleasure and desperation.  He brought his face down to hers and their forehead rested against each other and he locked eyes with hers, souls intertwined and orbs connected and both of them read each other like an open book.
“You look so beautiful baby, you look so good like this…” he whispered to her, face evident with pure lust and adoration. He loved this woman and he fucking knew it, there was nobody he wanted to share such passion and connection with. He wanted to pleasure her to the point of no return, making her the happiest woman alive and he relishes in her existence. “You're gonna cum so good I promise you baby” he grunt out. With that he resumed his thrust but it was even more powerful, dominant and oh so impressive. He pounded her hard and fast fucking her stupid and passionately, he gave his 1000 percent when he do her and right now he was treating her hole unforgivingly and no mercy and she was definitely going to feel him inside her everyday. He printed and branded his cock in her pussy and there will be no other man that could be compared. She whined and moaned hotly, tongue sticking out with a string of drool at the corner of her mouth, the bed shook with the rhythm of their fuck pace. The atmosphere was hot, the air was bathed in redolence of sex and passion. Sounds of his dick going in and out of her wet hole immited sloppy wet sounds that was the focus of their hearing and the unison of their sinful moans. His grip on her throat tightened and he moaned out loud at the sight and took her mouth in his and gave her an open kiss, it was sloppy and hot, their tongues fought each other and both of them were moaning in each other’s mouth.
“Cmon, cum now baby, i can feel you squeezing me so hard, you’re so good for me”
“Law...law! Law! I ahh...ahh im go..gonn! gonna cum”
“Cum for me my love” he’s raspy voice commanded her and if she was grenade, his voice was the trigger. She was sent over the edge and everything in her felt awakened and she exploded with a scream. With his hands on her neck her voice was semi blocked but this kind of orgasm remains unmatched. Robin heard Law muttering strings of curses and swears at her orgasm, she tightened and her insides was trying to milk the fuck out of his cock.
She was sent over the edge and everything in her was awakened and she exploded with a scream. With his hands on her neck her voice was semi blocked but this kinky action always had her fucked out. She saw stars and her body was instantly taken into another universe. Her legs tightened around him and were now trembling, her body still rocking with his  rampaging thrusts both rocking to the rhythm of her high.
“F-ff--fucking hell.” He grunt against her collar bones.
“La--law…” Robin whimpered softly, “Do it in me...please...i want you to cum in me and fill me up please please ple-- AHHH!” He didn’t need to be told twice, her filthy words spurred him on more and she swore he felt him getting harder.
“Fuck i- gonn...a fill you in so good..” he groaned and she captured his mouth with her open ones and their moans and grunts were drowned in the messy and sloppy wet kiss.
“Mmhmm!” Strings and strings of his load was pumping into her hole as he came the moment Robin kissed him with so much need and to simplify it….she was so fucking sexy and was the hottest woman in this god damn planet; he thought.
“Sss--so full!” she whimpered in his mouth.
Her facial expression drove him crazy, she was in a state of bliss and she was on cloud 9, only he could do her like this.
Both of them rode each other, absorbed in their high and lived for each others’ touch.
Law tossed the towel that he had used to clean Robin up into the laundry basket in his bathroom and came out to the sight of his goddess laying down peacefully. She was now looking at Law who only had a towel hugging his lower regions and she smiled, admiring his body. He was so handsome, his body was lean with the right muscles everywhere.
“You’re so handsome”
“You’re just saying that”
“No I’m not” he laughed, they were having the same conversation before their love making. He loves her. Trafalgar Law loves Nico Robin so damned much.
THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE AND READING MY FIC. DO LIKE AND REBLOG, ask me if there is anything you guys want me to write! I'm currently working on more LAWBIN. I know I've been writing them like crazy but that's because the internet doesn't have enough Lawbin and idc I will write till i'm satiated.
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
How to Find Love
Summary: Iwaizumi is on a quest to find love with an old friend. What can he do to get there?
Iwaizumi x fem!reader/Oc || Read it on A03
Genre : romance, friends to lovers
Hajime Iwaizumi ran into the cafe, eyes wide and panicky. “I’m already twenty minutes late for the date.”
As he composed himself before he entered the place, he took a deep breath. He was determined to enjoy this date because it might be their last. Hiromi had never taken lateness kindly.
“Gomen, the meeting ran longer than expected,“ he said, nodding his head into a bow, too embarrassed to meet her eyes, “I’m so sorry.”
She looked up from her books with a weary smile. Beside her was a pile of four or five books, some of which were beginning to yellow, meticulously tabbed with colorful post-its.
“You still made it,” she said, closing her book “I usually walk out if my date was a full hour late.”
It was a Thursday. She had an afternoon at the library while he had an early off (if it wasn’t for his work meeting). Neither of them worked traditional 9 to5 jobs. He began to wonder if seeing each other would be easier if they did. Iwa was leaving on a Friday for Osaka for the rest of the weekend. He was a physical trainer for a professional volleyball team, which meant that he travelled with them during their season.
They called for a menu and began to order what would be their dinner.
“How’s work?” he asked, surveying her through the menu.
“It’s a lot of reading,” she gestured towards her stack of books, “But we’re at the beginning of a new research-heavy campaign so it’s normal. How about you?"
“Mmm…it’s still the start of the season so most of the team is quite healthy. Some of them are a little excited so we’re just trying to reign them in to keep them from straining themselves.” he said, thumbing through the pages.
He had settled for a hamburg curry rice while she had gone for a bowl of tuna pasta. She looked distracted.
“What’s up?” he asked, leaning into the table now that the niceties were done with.
“I like my job. I like my team. But why do I feel like I’m just grinding day in and day out." she sighed, resting her chin on her books, “There’s got to be more in adult life than this."
“You’ve got to find the reason out on your own because your employer won’t do it for you. Not that I’m qualified to give advice or anything.” he said, looking up from his drink.
“I know,” she murmured, her head rested between her folded arms “It’s just so difficult to find the energy for it sometimes.”
Iwaizumi nodded. He knew what she meant. No one job could fulfill all his desires for accomplishment. He liked his job, but it wasn’t a perfect job. He wished that he didn’t need to spend so many weekends away from home.
Man, this date was sobering.
“You sound burnt out. Maybe take it slower at work?” he quirked his head to match the angle of hers.
“What is it that you want to do that you’re not doing for work?” he asked. Despite less than a year in the workforce, she already looked so glum.
She pulled herself up and swept her books aside, “I don’t know to be honest. Within the next two years, I just want to be published in other big publications. It doesn’t have to be necessarily on food, more like the stuff I write for fun. The stuff I’m willing to freelance while I have a day job, y’know?”
“Like what?”
Their order had arrived. She stabbed her fork into her pasta and gently twirled it around.
“The New York Times has a column called Modern Love where you write a long essay about some type of love. It doesn’t have to be romantic. It can be platonic, familial, or even failed love as long as it is set in modern day. I’ve been meaning to write about my failed relationships.” she said thoughtfully.
Iwa choked on his first spoonful.
“Well, if this doesn’t work out, I can at least write about it. Get three hundred dollars and buy you dinner to thank you for the experience.” she laughed drily.
“Are you always this pessimistic on your first dates?” he coughed, taking a sip of water “Either ways, I’m glad to be of help.”
She perked up a bit and grinned. Her whole face lit up when she smiled. A wave of warmth washed over him.
“Send me a copy when you get published.” he added, “I want to see what you write about me.”
“I’m definitely going to writet that you were late on the first date.” she said without skipping a beat. She was grateful that they had chosen this cafe. There were not too many people even if it was dinner time, yet the ambient noise that filled the air kept their pauses from being too silent.
Iwa stopped eating and squinted his eyes at her, “You are not gonna let me live this down, huh?" She winked at him with a glint in her eye. He smiled in response.
He couldn’t care less about what the New York Times was but she was evidently fascinated by it. He wasn’t going to own up to uncultured swine he was on a first date. He had already been late.
“Anyways tell me more about this Modern Love.” he settled back into his dinner.
She pulled out her phone and began typing, “The Modern Love column came out with questions to help get to know someone. This could be a fun date activity.”
“Sure, you want to give it a go?”
She shoved the phone in his face and scrolled through the questions. “There are three sets of questions. Each set more intimate than the last. You can choose from the first set.”
Iwa lightly held the phone, his fingertips grazing the back of her hand. He chose the first question that caught his eye.
“Number 4. What would constitute a ‘perfect’ day for you?” he read out loud. Hiromi took her phone back and read the question to herself.
“What’s your answer?” she asked.
“I just got back, I hadn’t figured out what a perfect day would be like here.” he shrugged sincerely.
She snorted loudly, “What a cop out answer!”
Iwa looked up and thought for a bit, “A day spent walking around in the city…maybe a day that starts with a morning jog and a hot unrushed breakfast after. Catching up with friends sounds good too.”
Hiromi nodded. She was fully absorbed as he talked. It was like she was going through the scenes of his day in his mind as he described them.
“What about you?” he asked, snapping out of her out of her reverie.
“A day at the market,” she said quietly. ”Any market day is a good day really.”
“To be honest, it doesn’t depend on the activities so much at times. The people you’re with is definitely important. A day at the market can still be terrible with the wrong company.” she added.
“I wasn’t subpar last weekend, was I?” he asked.
“No...you weren’t.” she replied a little more shyly than usual.
They moved onto the next question.
“What roles do love and affection play in your life?” she read out loud, “Doesn’t have to be romantic again.”
Iwaizumi inhaled sharply. That was such a loaded question.
“If you’ll use this for an article and it gets published, you better buy me dinner someplace nice.” he tutted.
“Then make this one good.” she smirked.
Iwaizumi stopped eating for a few minutes to think through the question. Before he answered, he closed his eyes and breathed out slowly.
“It defined my entire career in volleyball. My best friend and I watched a game and we kind of chose to go into the same school team after that because we were both so obsessed with the sport. Our connection was almost telepathic. We barely used signals when it was just the two of us. We basically ran off instinct.” said he softly, his eyes reminiscing a different time.
“Although we went our separate ways after high school, I spent so much time in volleyball that it defined a huge part of who I was too. I mean, if I didn’t play volleyball, I would probably be in another sport, but I’d still think I’d be different, y’know?”
You could tell he was avoiding the word “love.” Iwa was not one to be vulnerable.
“In college when I was in my first serious relationship, it was the type of love that gave me confidence and assurance. But I guess it wasn’t enough…for me to say it deeply impacted my later choices on career and other decisions, unlike volleyball.”
“I can’t help but feel that any defining…relationship I have romantically will be weighed against with my time with volleyball…my first real love…" he tried to laugh it off, but you felt the weight off his words, “And I’ve been lucky enough to have enough love in my life that I don’t need to constantly be in a relationship to feel complete.”
A moment of silence fell in between the two.
“That’s a lot to heap on a relationship.” she whispered in contemplation.
Iwa awkwardly scrambled for damage control, “…no pressure.” was all he managed to say.
“So why try to date? When it’s so tough to find someone who can match up with volleyball?” she asked.
“Companionship?” he shrugged, “It’s still nice to date around.”
“And you’re…nice. I’ve been wanting to date you since we were in college. I’ve liked you for a long time…” his entire face flushed pink.
Her eyes fluttered wide open. Since college? Is he serious?
“Our friends were right,” she said in a hush, “You did have a thing for me. I thought they were just teasing us.”
“You had a boyfriend back then and when you broke up with him, I was seeing someone else.” he exhaled, looking her earnestly in the eye, “Wasn’t it obvious to you?”
Iwaizumi couldn’t tell if Hiromi just didn’t want to speak or was too busy contemplating. She was too stunned to speak.
“It felt like fate seeing you on the plane.”
A million things were going through her mind, she slowly opened her mouth, “Now that we’ve been on two half dates, what’s it like? Is this what you’d thought it would be?”
“College is very different from now, but the short answer is yes.” he nodded, rolling his shoulders back. “Everything just clicks. I’m so comfortable with you. It’s so easy for us to talk. I like you just as much as I did in college…I just really like you. Time hasn’t changed that at all.”
Hiromi looked overwhelmed. She was unable to look him in the eye. She was barely getting to know him romantically and he had long been decided about his feelings for her.
“Do you wanna ask if they sell alcohol here? You look like you need a drink.” he joked. Hiromi didn’t look like she heard him.
"This is so intense for a first date.” she shook her head in what seemed like regret.
“We can stop,” he gently interjected, “We can talk about something else.”
She finally looked up to him and whispered, “Hajime, you’ve just dumped a lot of pressure on me.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to do that,” he smiled apologetically, “Anyways, I’m aware that we’re both at different…stages of attraction. Besides, I think this would be way more awkward if we both were pining.”
“Wouldn’t that be sweeter?” she asked.
“Way too sappy for me.” he waved with his hand. Hiromi let out a small chuckle. Iwa secretly sighed in relief.
——————————————————————————— After dinner, they headed to the arcade to blow off some steam. Iwaizumi offered to carry some of her books to which he somewhat regretted. Her books were like rocks. How the hell was she lugging them on her own in the city?
“I could carry them on my own if it’s too heavy.” she offered.
Iwaizumi looked at her incredulously. She was at least half a foot shorter and much smaller in build. His biceps weren’t going to buck in front of her.
They wandered around the arcade for a bit, unsure what to do first. Iwa silently prayed they didn’t have to do any dancing. Just when they were about to decide on the claw machine, Hiromi pointed towards a small karaoke booth at the corner of her eye.
“Let’s go in there.” she tugged at his jacket.
Iwaizumi flipped through the songs. None of them seemed to be in Japanese. All of them were in English.
“Did you pick up a default english karaoke song?” she asked, browsing through the catalogue. The room was clearly designed for kids. It was so small their knees touched and Iwa could barely sit up without hitting his head on the ceiling.
“Nah,” he shook his head, “I don’t really sing…in English. Any suggestions?”
Hiromi typed in the number of a song.
“I’m about to introduce you to your first usable English karaoke song.” she grinned at him mischievously. Iwa looked at her suspiciously.
The opening notes started to play—some acoustic guitar and a trumpet. The song sounded…Mexican? For the longest time there were no lyrics on the screen. Hiromi swayed to beat as her eyes were glued to the screen. When the song finally began to hit what sounded like the chorus, the music paused for a second.
“TEQUILA!” she yelled into the mic.
Iwaizumi was so startled he jumped up and hit his head on the ceiling. Hiromi was giggling uncontrollably.
“That’s it?!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah,” she laughed, pressing the mic towards him, “You try on the next chorus.”
When the trumpets began playing, Iwa readied himself. The song hits its familiar pause soon enough and he pulls the mic closer to his lips.
“Tequila?” he said tentatively.
“With more conviction, Hajime!” she urged, taking back the mic. On the third chorus, she moved closer to him so they could share the mic.
The music hits its third pause, they looked at each other and yelled, “TEQUILA!”
They both grinned and laughed, almost as if the act of singing about alcohol was like a drink in itself. He could feel her shins pressed against him as she continued to sway for the music. A glint in her eye flickered as she nudged him to dance along with her.
Iwaizumi wasn’t going to refuse. Especially not on their first date. He swayed what he could on the tiny box while the song lasted.
————————————————————————— At the end of the night, they both sat in the train waiting to get off on their respective stops. The carriage shuttled back and forth, pushing and pulling their bodies back and forth into each other.
“Hajime,” she tapped him on his shoulder, “We didn’t finish the last set. Let’s do a quick one before I get off.”
He nodded, “Pick one we can answer with just one word.”
Hiromi swiftly browsed the list, before looking up.
“Finish the sentence, ‘Right now, we are both feeling…’"
Their faces were both so close they could feel the heat of each other’s breath. The back of their hands were touching, but neither dared to reach out or pull away.
“Hopeful.” whispered Hiromi, an evident earnestness in her voice. She was fighting off her shyness just long enough to look him in the eye when she talked.
Iwa smiled, “Smitten.”
Before she could react, the train jolted as it shuffled towards her station.The train stopped at Hiromi’s station and she got up from her seat, taking the books from Iwa’s arms.
He followed her to the exit and watched her as she got off. She gave a small wave from the platform while she watched the doors closed.
Iwa was tempted to press his hands onto the window, unwilling to end their time for the evening. His last sight of her was her smile when the train plunged itself into the night.
“Did he start out his day at the market with a morning jog?” she asked herself, watching the train swiftly pull away.
Iwaizumi took a deep breath. The night had gone differently from how he thought the date would proceed. For one thing, he didn’t expect to confess so early into the relationship.
He took his phone and curiously googled the questions she mentioned.
It turns out the title of the New York Times article was not “Questions to Get to Know Your Date” as Hiromi had led him to believe. Instead, it was titled, “Thirty Six Questions That Lead to Love”.
“Huh,” he said to himself. He shut off the screen to his phone.
36 was too much. In his opinion 3 was enough.
This is part 3 of a series on Iwa living in Tokyo after he moves back from California. Comment or message to be added to the taglist. 
Also, I’ve been feeling quite down lately, so say some nice things if you feel like it in the comments 😬✌️
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Series taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan
46 notes · View notes
powerful ~ 10k;z nation
word count: 1465
request?: yes!
@sweetheartreader27​ “Um Hi can I request 10k x female reader, they are together, when the group found out that the reader is a nine tailed fox because the reader unleash her power to kill the Z's around them, they found a shelter to stay for a while and she start to distance herself to them and to 10k,she saw 10k laying at the ground, she was about to leave but 10k just grab her arm and pulled her till until she was sitting at 10k's lap, the reader just look down and then she look up, 10k got this chance to kiss her and she kissed back they confess to each other and somehow 10k bury himself at the Reader's big soft boobs as a pillow while his arms around her waist, he looked up to the reader, she blushed at the sec but smiled and start to play with his hair, telling sweet compliments to each other and then the group just smirk and leave the lovers alone, please 👉👈💖💖 Gomen if my English is sooo awful and I really really really love your works it's so awesome!💖 More love comes to your work senpai!”
description: in which she unleashes the powers no one knew she had, and she feels as though she has to leave to keep everyone safe
pairing: 10k x female!readers
warnings: swearing
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The whole thing was a blur. The last thing I remembered was the warm of Zs. There were too many for us to fight and they were advancing quickly. We were sure this was the end, but we weren’t going down without a fight.
That’s when I blacked out. I came to what I assumed was a few moments later, except the sea of Zs were now completely wiped out. Everyone was looking at me in shock.
“What the fuck was that?” Murphy asked.
My body was aching and I could feel sweat forming on my brow. I lowed my head to try and hide the fear I was definitely showing on my face. I hadn’t meant for them to find out this way...or at all really.
“Let’s get out of here before another herd finds us,” Warren decided. “(Y/N), can you walk?”
“You want to take her with us after what she did?!” Murphy asked in shock.
“Shut it Murphy!” Warren snapped. “10k, help her up.”
10k appeared at my side in near seconds. He carefully wrapped an arm around my waist and put one of my arms around his shoulders. He helped guide me for a while before I felt okay enough to walk. It didn’t take long for us to find a place to take shelter for the night.
I set up my sleeping spot a fair ways away from everyone. I could see the looks they were still giving me, and I could tell they were feeling uncomfortable around me.
This was the last way I wanted them to find out about me, although I wasn’t sure how else I expected them to find out. I always knew that when I was in too much danger or under duress that my powers were uncontrollable.
I was what was known as a Nine Tailed Fox. They were originally thought to be a myth, but it turns out it ran in my dad’s family for generations. According to dad, the oldest daughter of each generation had the powers of a Nine Tailed Fox. It skipped his generation because my grandparents only had three sons.
Bet you can guess which of them had a daughter first.
My powers were a blessing and a curse. During the zombie apocalypse it was definitely a blessing to be one of the most powerful beings in the world. However, after being brought into the group, the threat of unleashing my powers at the wrong time became a terrifying curse. I didn’t want the people I viewed as my family to fear me, but I was sure that’s how they were feeling in that moment.
I couldn’t sleep. Long after everyone else had called it a night, I was still tossing and turning. I didn’t want to dace everyone in the morning. I didn’t want to face them at all, and I’m sure they didn’t want to see me either.
They’re gonna be afraid of you. They should be afraid. You’re gonna get them killed.
No. No, I won’t, becaue I won’t be around for much longer.
I looked over to where everyone was sleeping to make sure no one would wake up. I quickly shoved my sleeping stuff into a bag and stood. I looked over at my friends one last time, silently wishing them a safe travel.
I hadn’t gotten very face when I heard someone following me. I tensed up and reached for my gun, expecting to be followed by a Z. I spun around and aimed my gun, ready to fire, to find it was just 10k.
“Jesus, 10k,” I breathed. “Warn a girl next time you sneak up on her, especially during the zombie apocalypse.”
“Where are you going?” he asked, his eyes flicking to my bag briefly.
I looked down at the ground and shuffled my feet awkwardly. “I’m leaving.”
“But why? Is it because of what happened today? (Y/N), no one cares about that. We just want to know what happened, we don’t think any different of you.”
“Speak for yourself,” I scoffed. “10k, I haven’t been treated normal since it happened. Everyone is keeping their distance and looking at me differently. They’re all on high alert, as if they’re afraid I’ll do it again. It’s better for all of us if I’m not around to potentially hurt you guys.”
“But you didn’t hurt anyone.”
“But what if I do?!” I turned away from him so he couldn’t see the flustered look on my face. “What if you guys aren’t as luck next time? What if you’re not as lucky? And how do you know I didn’t do that on purpose? That I’ve been hiding this secret from you guys just so I can strike at the right time and take Murphy?”
“I...I guess I don’t know. I just have to trust you.”
I shook my head, tears starting to form in my eyes. “I have to go, 10k. I can’t put anyone in danger anymore.”
He reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me from going. “Please don’t.”
“I have to,” I repeated, trying to pull my arm away.
His grip tightened and he pulled me to look at him. “Then I’m going with you.”
“No you’re not,” I argued. “10k, let me go. This is for your own good.”
“How is it for my own good if you leaving is gonna hurt me more than your powers ever could?”
I tried to pull my arm away again, but 10k retaliated by pulling me towards him. Before I could comprehend what was happening, he took my face in his hands and started kissing me deeply.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t know 10k had a bit of a crush on me. He was as easy to read as a kid’s pop up book, and not exactly the most subtle person. I always kept my distance because of my powers. I didn’t want to accidentally lash out with him too near and hurt him.
I wanted to push him away in that moment, but it was something I had wanted ever since I had first met 10k. To finally feel his lips against mine, especially knowing this may be the last time I would ever get this opportunity. I felt like I couldn’t go anywhere. I just wanted to be there with him, to kiss him forever, to be in his arms forever.
He pulled away from me first, taking my arms in his hands again and pulled me down till we were both sat on the ground - 10k with his back against a tree and me on his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and rested his head on my chest, holding me as if he were afraid I’d disappear if he let me go.
“Please don’t go,” he whispered. “Or let me come with you if you do. As cliché as it is to say, I don’t want to be without you.”
“But what if I hurt you?” I asked.
He shook his head. “I know you won’t. I don’t know what you are, and it really doesn’t matter to me, but I know you’d never hurt anyone intentionally. Especially not one of us.”
I wrapped my arms around him and began running my hands through his hair. His grip would squeeze me every so often, as if making sure I was still there. I could feel him starting to lull in my arms. Without disrupting our position too much, I reached into my bag and pulled out my sleeping stuff, laying it on the ground beside us and guiding 10k to lay down. We remained in the same position, with him laying on top of me and his head on my chest.
“Get some sleep,” I told him. “I know you’re exhausted from being the look out the past few nights.”
“Will you be here when I wake up?”
I placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head. “Yeah, I will be.”
“Will you stay?”
I turned my head slightly to look back at where the others had set up camp. I know 10k said they didn’t care about what had happened, but I still wasn’t sure how much I believed him. Still, I knew they wouldn’t want me to leave. Murphy maybe, but no one ever listened to what Murphy wanted.
“I will,” I told him. “As long as you all want me to.”
He settled himself against me, effectively pinning me to the ground. “You can’t go anyways, you’ll just wake me if you do.”
I giggled and started playing with his hair again. “I promise I won’t leave, 10k. Go to sleep, I’ll keep a look out for a while.”
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
“Goodnight Tommy.”
166 notes · View notes
shewillreadyou · 3 years
Being: Chapter 2-Back at one
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As always. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
A/N: This is the answer to my very FIRST ASK!!!
Also, this is the long awaited 2nd chapter to my new TRR series “Being” it will follow Liam and Karis on their adventures as monarchs and new parents. I think it should be sweet. Thank you to @secretaryunpaid for pre-reading part of this chapter and being a HUGE inspiration.
Disclaimers: Most characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: If you are under 18 please, just don’t. Language, adult content and some NSFW.
Word Count: 4100 ish
Catch up: Chapter 1
Pairings: Liam x MC (Queen Karis Rose Vasquez-Rhys)
Song inspiration: Back at One- Brian McKnight
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy.
Months had passed since their fairytale wedding and romantic honeymoon. They had returned to face the music concerning their pregnancy. Ana De Luca, a long time acquaintance of the crown had paid a paparazzi for private photos of Karis laying on the beach with her growing bump exposed. Adonis agreed to give her the exclusive in return for the pictures and a bit more time to announce their big news on their own terms. 
The day had come for the press conference. The PR team for the royals only told the press that their monarchs had big news to share. Security at Valtoria was so airtight that only people on a short list were allowed on the grounds. The press was only allowed for the announcement and had a short time thereafter to vacate the premises. Adonis arranged for a team of stylists to make sure his queen was presentable for this potentially stressful day. Karis was carrying their heir in her hips. Her bump was still modest for someone 8 months along. Perez, the designer responsible for her wedding dress and his seamstress Enoch, dressed her in an off the shoulder, floor length, royal blue gown that hugged her curves. 
Adonis was sure his heart skipped a beat when he laid eyes on his bride. She was sitting at the vanity inside their bedroom putting on the blue sapphire and diamond earrings he gifted her for Christmas. “Love, I have no words,” he said as he kissed her cheek, not daring to ruin the makeup that had taken nearly an hour to perfect. “It’s time,” he announced as he took her hand. “Both Kenyon and I will be by your side the entire time. I will make the announcement and we will take a few questions from the press before the celebration.” 
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Kenyon was posted outside her door. He smiled at Karis before clearing his throat. “Your maaajesty! You look--“ Liam scowled at Kenyon who immediately trained his eyes forward. “Appropriate for the occasion. You look very appropriate.” Karis laughed as Adonis brooded. They headed down to the grand ballroom, where they had a photo shoot with Ana, capturing the momentous occasion. When they were done they joined the press on the east lawn. 
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Royal trumpeters played before the royal crier announced, “Their Majesties, King Liam and Queen Karis Rhys of Cordonia.” Karis’ hand rested in the crook of his arm as he escorted her to the podium. He looked deeply into her eyes, and her nerves seemed to settle. “People of Cordonia, before I took our queen as my bride, she was made aware of her responsibilities as she serves in this role. She has humbly trained under Queen mother Regina not only soaking up her role and responsibilities, but our culture. I had no doubt that she would be the queen that Cordonia needed. She had, even during our engagement, stepped up to the plate and excelled far beyond what I could have hoped or asked of her. 
I am aware that some have noticed that her majesty has been missing from the public as of late. Today, we have gathered here on the same grounds where my parents made this same announcement many years ago. Without further ado, Queen Karis and I would like to announce the coming of the royal heir to the throne of Cordonia.” Karis stepped from behind the podium resting her left hand on her bump to wave at the crowd. The news was met with a rapturous applause, whistling and cheers.   
The afternoon was filled with congratulatory fluff, indulgent food, and schmoozing with Cordonia’s upper crust. As promised, Kenyon didn’t leave Karis’ side. When she had her fill, per usual, Adonis was nowhere to be found. After fruitlessly searching the estate for her King, Kenyon escorted Karis to the master suite. She rested her swollen feet on the chaise lounge. “Is there anything I can get for you or help you with, ma’am?” Karis shook her head. “Kenyon, I have told you a million times, you can call me Karis in private. And since you asked, yes. Can you please help me out of these heels? They are pretty but they stopped being comfy hours ago.” Kenyon hesitantly approached. 
He gently pulled her swollen feet into his lap. After removing one sandal, Karis noticed a bulge in his pants. She didn’t think much of it, he had never said or done anything inappropriate, as his large hands fumbled with the buckle on the second one. The door opened and Adonis entered the room; his eye immediately fell upon Kenyon kneeling in front of Karis. “There you a-- what is the meaning of this?” Kenyon stood abruptly, Karis’ foot falling to the floor, but before he could speak, “I couldn’t find you love, and my feet are killing me. Kenyon was just being helpful.” Adonis looked between Kenyon and his very pregnant wife. “Thank you for your-- help, Kenyon but I got it from here,” Adonis said dismissively. “Of course, sir, I’ll be right outside if you need me, Karis,” Kenyon said as he exited the room. 
Adonis gathered some pillows that were arranged on the bench at the foot of their bed. “Fuck you mean? And just why would she need you? I’m here,” he mumbled under his breath. “What’s that love?” she asked as he propped her feet on the pillows. “Nothing, the next time your feet hurt, call me,” he instructed as he poured himself a bourbon. She laughed. “Promise.” He put the tumbler down and disappeared into the closet. “I was just saying good evening to some of our guests, you know?” 
When he returned he was carrying her favorite nightgown. He walked into the master ensuite before Karis heard bath water running. “Helpful my ass,” he muttered as he removed his cufflinks, placing them on the dresser. Karis watched as he undressed in the midst of his tantrum. His shirt fell off of his muscular shoulders and Karis’ breath hitched. Her eyes widened when his trousers fell to the floor. He approached her wearing nothing but his boxer briefs.He extended his hand, “come love, it’s bath time.” 
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He led her into the ensuite where he unzipped her gown, cursing quietly as it pooled on the marble floor. “Karis, you are a whole lotta woman,” he whispered in her ear as he unhooked her bra. Her full perky breast sprung free as he watched in the mirror. She shimmied out of her panties before he helped her into the full tub. She looked at him with hooded eyes. “Is there something on your mind, Adonis?” He slipped out of his underwear and into the tub. “I’m just thinking, maybe we should restructure the guards. Maybe, I can put Mara on you and maybe Kenyon would do better with Regina.” 
“Wait, Mara the one who was supposed to be guarding Regina when she was kidnapped? Where did these thoughts come from?” Adonis pulled her foot out of the water as he began to massage her. “I think he is too comfortable with you, too familiar. Since when did he start calling you Karis?” She knitted her eyebrows together. “When I asked him to call me Karis. I spend a lot of time with him. It’s weird for him to call me Ma’am. Tell me you’re not jealous?” Adonis smiled smugly, “Of your guard? Ha!” he threw his head back in laughter. “Well, it seems that way.” She bit her lip, and batted her eyelashes as he took her big toe into his mouth circling it with his tongue before releasing it with a pop. “I am the KING of Cordonia, I have my health, wealth, and the finest woman walking this earth carrying my heir. Remind me again why I would be jealous of your guard?” She smirked. “Exactly,” she said as she attempted and failed miserably at getting out of the tub on her own.
Adonis grabbed her wrist pulling her soapy body down into his lap. “Hey, you know what? I’m sorry, I was out of line,” he swept her hair to the side exposing her neck before kissing it gently. “Do you forgive me?” His husky voice, his breath tickling her neck and the way his chest vibrated as he was pressed up against her back made it all but impossible to say no. “No,” she said it anyway. “Please,” he pleaded in a sensual whisper. “Forgive me Karis,” he growled. She bit her bottom lip and shook her head, no before she shifted in his lap. She felt his erection nearly impale her. She couldn’t help but think how easy it would be to get into reverse cowgirl right there in the tub. He started to roll his hips slowly as he apologized in different languages. “Scusa...Es tut uns leid...Pardon...Gomen’ nasai… Joesonghabnida...Lo siento,” he whispered into her hair.   
His large hands began to knead her shoulders. Her eyes closed and her head fell back to rest on his shoulder. It felt heavenly, her soft mewing encouraged him. “I don’t get it, you are always so confident in everything you do,” she panted. He kissed her exposed neck gently as his hand moved down her torso and around her swollen belly into the water. “You still don’t get it, do you? I found my kryptonite,” he said as he cupped warm water in his hand and poured it over her belly. “You’re my kryptonite, Karis Rhys. The thought of some other man touching you, even looking at you, if only to help remove your shoe; it drives me to distraction. It certainly cracks my unyielding confidence.” She smiled, flattered by his words. 
Her life to this point still seems like a dream. From meeting him at work, to spending that first night at her place with him. Losing him as suddenly as they connected. Reconnecting in Paris. The first time they made love, him buying the house in DC. The proposal in Paris, and their fairytale wedding. They have certainly had a whirlwind romance. He had been perfect, except she knew that no one is perfect. He was close. His hand gently slid across her thigh and found her center. He caressed her bundle of nerves before sliding into her as much as she could take. He tried his best to remind her with every thrust who she belonged to, her whimpers confirmed that she was fully aware.   
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The next few weeks seemed to fly by, Karis could be found putting away freshly laundered baby clothes, arranging diapers and wipes into the basket below the changing table, or fussing over the crib bedding. Adonis did everything in his power to keep her off her feet. She usually waited until he was in his morning meetings before heading into the nursery. She had scrubbed the kitchen, in their quarters, and dusted the newly decorated living, dining area.
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When he returned from his meeting with the counsel, he found her vacuuming their bedroom. “Babygirl, what are you doing?” His voice boomed over the sound of the vacuum. She jumped before turning it off. “Karis, baby, my queen. We have talked about this. We have staff that can do this for you. You are supposed to be resting.” She waddled over to him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “I am tired of lying in bed. I was trying to kill time before the new chapter of Foreign Affairs releases on the Choices app. Blaine is so hot,” she giggled as she fanned herself. 
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“I’m hotter,” he said as he walked his wife over to the bed. Instead of helping her lay down, his large hand splayed across her back gently bending her over the plush bedding. His other hand traveled up the soft smooth skin of her leg. Her silk nightgown gathered at her waist as he freed himself from his trousers. Just when she took a deep breath anticipating him entering her, he dropped to his knees to taste her. Within minutes her orgasm was within reach. “Adonis, I’m close,” she panted. His long digit joined his tongue in pursuit of her pleasure. She gasped before her body started to gently shake. He waited patiently as she rode out her first of three orgasms she would experience that afternoon. 
When they were done, she was exhausted. His mission was accomplished. He hoped that she would sleep until he returned from his afternoon meeting in Fydelia. Kenyon was posted outside of her door. He had just returned from lunch when the King departed. It was like any other afternoon. Kenyon always took his lunch when he saw Liam “checking in” on Karis. It was always hard to look either of them in the eye afterward. Karis woke a couple hours after Adonis left with mild stomach discomfort. She drank the water that he had sent to her side table and turned on her side, which was the advice from Dr. Dameron the last time this happened.
She felt better a short time later. She smiled at Kenyon sheepishly as he shook his head. She was creeping down to the nursery. She wanted to make sure that the new packages that arrived had been put away. She didn’t think much of it, she would be back in bed before Adonis returned. Kenyon sat in the recliner on her insistence that he took a load off. She dropped a pair of baby socks that rolled under the chaise lounge. “I’ll get that,” he offered. “No, I can pick up a pair of socks,” she insisted. When she reached for the socks she didn’t feel anything. She got on her knees feeling triumphant when she located them under the lounge. She held the tiny grey socks in her hand as she attempted to get up from the floor. “See! I’m not helpless!” She stood proud of herself, while Kenyon chuckled at her theatrics. 
Suddenly, a gush of warm fluid rushed down her leg. She looked at Kenyon with a look of horror on her face. “This can’t be happening. Adonis is not here. It’s a few weeks too soon.” Kenyon immediately stood taking control of the situation. “What happened?” She clutched her belly, taking a deep cleansing breath, “my water broke.” Once the initial shock wore off, Kenyon called the doctor  as they rehearsed, before calling Liam. The phone went straight to voicemail. “Sir, this is Kenyon. It’s time. Dr. Dameron instructed us to head to the hospital immediately. I will try calling back once we are in route.” His next call was to Alexsei, Karis’ driver. “Alpha Rabbit has commenced. Meet me out front in 3 minutes.”  He ended the call and turned to Karis, “look at me. We have gone over this. You are ready. Your bag is already in the truck.” 
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He moved to her side and she wrapped her arm around his shoulder for support. He flung the strap to her purse over his shoulder as they headed towards the stairs. She struggled to walk, stopping every few yards for a contraction. “If I’m not being too forward Ma’am, may I?” She nodded her head and Kenyon swept her into his arms, carrying her bridal style out to the truck. 
“Where is Adonis?” she asked as she riffled through her purse with tears running down her face. “He’s at a meeting in Fydelia. His phone went to voicemail when I called. I left a message. I will try calling again.” 
Karis took deep breaths like they taught her in the private child birthing lessons Adonis insisted on her attending. The pains had begun to come closer together and stronger with each instance. In between contractions she fruitlessly attempted to reach her husband. She wiped the tears from her eyes before Kenyon turned to her. “Everything is going to be ok, Ma’am.” She reached across the seat and patted the top of Kenyon’s hand flashing him a strained smile that didn’t reach her eyes. 
21 minutes later they still hadn’t heard from Adonis. They were met at the private entrance of the hospital by a team of nurses who helped her into a wheelchair, and took her inside to the grand nursing suite where Liam was born 31 years earlier. Kenyon stood watch at the door while Karis gave a urine sample and changed into a silk hospital gown. They got her settled into bed and asked her if they could get her anything. Karis was terrified and alone. She kept thinking about how Adonis scolded her for allowing Kenyon to help her when she couldn’t find him. 
There was a knock at the door that tore her from her thoughts. “Come in.” Kenyon entered the room with his hands over his eyes which were clenched tightly closed. “Good news Karis, I was able to get in touch with King Liam. He’s on the way.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Kenyon. You can uncover your eyes. I am covered.” He dropped his hand and slowly opened his eyes. “Are you, uhh comfortable? Did they do the back thing?” She looked at him, confused. “You mean an epidural?” He smiled sheepishly. “Yes, that’s what it’s called. It made my sister feel a lot better when my niece was born.” Just then another contraction started and she reached for his hand. He nervously looked over to the door before offering his hand. She squeezed his hand while breathing through the momentary pain. “I guess this means you didn’t get the drugs?” 
When it was done she looked at him. “How long before Liam gets here? I’m scared, Kenyon. The contractions are getting closer and closer. I don’t want to have this baby alone.” His heart sank. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he was over an hour away in Fydelia. His eyes must have given it away, her eyes went from sad to panicked. “Kenyon, I know this is a lot to ask, but if he doesn’t make it here on time, will you stay with me?” He swallowed thickly considering what she just asked. He reached over and offered her tissue to dry her eyes. “Aww, come on Karis, don’t cry again, you’re killing me. He’s gonna be here.” he lied. He knew that there was the possibility that he wouldn’t make it. “But if not, of course, I’ll stay with you. But he’s gonna be here soon.”  
Just then her purse fell to the floor from the chair. When Kenyon went to pick it up he discovered that it likely fell because of her phone violently vibrating from inside. “Oh, it’s your phone,” he announced. She extended her arm. “Well, pass it to me.” He instead passed her the entire purse. She looked at him with her brows knitted together. “What? My mom told me to never go in a woman’s purse.” She smiled as she pulled her phone from her purse. Another contraction came as she took deep breaths. When it passed she called Adonis back. 
“Hey babe, it’s me.”
His voice was sorrowful. 
“Babygirl, I’m so sorry. I never should have left you alone. Howard is driving as fast as he can to get me there. Just try to hold on.”
“Babe, don’t apologize, you had no way of knowing that this would happen today. Just get here safely. I’m scared.” 
“I’m sorry you are there going through this alone. We are still about 35 miles out.” 
“I’m not alone. Kenyon is here with me.” 
Liam cleared his throat, “yeah, well, I will be there soon.” 
“Adonis, I don’t know if I can do this. I’m not as strong as I thought. I’m kind of freaking out over here.” 
“Karis, listen to me my Queen. You are so much stronger than you think. You are brave, and courageous. You can do anything. Don’t think too much. Just take it one contraction at a time. Remember your breathing.”
“What would I do without you?” 
“Heh, I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out.” 
“Another contraction is coming.” 
‘Baby, focus on my voice. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.”
“Ok, it passed. Thank you. Kenyon just brought me some ice chips. I’m going to get on the birthing ball. I’ll see you soon?”
“Yes love, we are only 17 miles out now.”
“Yes love?”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” 
They end the call as the nurse and the doula enter the hospital suite. Once Karis was out of the bed and onto the birthing ball she became even more uncomfortable. She was in active labor. Her pains were hard and closer together. She was getting tired. 
“Hazel, will you help me? I think I need to use the restroom.”
“No ma’am, we are going to get you back into bed so that nurse Emilia can give us the go ahead to start pushing.”
“Pushing? But Adonis… my husband isn’t here.”
Hazel grabbed her hand and said, “Yes pushing, we want to make sure we don't put baby in danger by holding off too long. I’m sure Adonis will be here soon so he can help you with your breathing as you begin to push.” Her Calm demeanor and comforting words consoled Karis in that moment. 
After a vaginal exam, the nurse confirmed that she was indeed ready to start pushing. 
“Unfortunately, your baby didn’t get the memo,” Hazel quipped. 
A team of nurses swarmed the suite getting things set up for the birth of her baby, Cordonia’s heir. The tears started to pour again. Kenyon stood helplessly before, “I’ll just wait outside,” he said quietly. “But Kenyon, you promised,” she sobbed. “That was before they pulled your covers off.” She pouted and gave him the most ridiculous puppy dog eyes. “Ok, I’ll stay. But only until King Liam arrives.” he looked at Hazel, the doula and asked, “how can I be helpful?”
“I am going to stand on the left and empower Mom, and you stand on the right and help hold her thigh.” Kenyon’s eyes went wide. “Forget it. If you are going to be all weird, then just go,” Karis chided. “I promised I would and I will.” He swallowed thickly before placing his large hand on the joint behind her knee mirroring what he saw Hazel doing. “Am I doing this right Ms. Hazel?” She smiled and  nodded her head reassuringly.  
“Now Mom, on the next contraction, take a deep breath and push.” 
Karis could feel her abdomen tightening. When the next contraction came she took a deep breath and pushed. It felt like she was constipated and needed to relieve herself. On the next contraction, it burned like nothing she had ever experienced. “You’re doing so well Mom, a few more pushes and you get to meet your baby.” 
Tired and in pain Karis looked at the nurse and said, “Oh, screw you! This hurts!!”
“Karis!” Kenyon blurted. “Oh, screw you too! You try pushing a watermelon out of a lemon.” 
Then came another contraction, but this time instead of focusing on her breathing, she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Adonis!!!! I hate you! You did this to me.” Just then the door flew open. “You called for me, love?” He smiled at her and she melted like she always had. 
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His presence was a momentary distraction from the insurmountable pain. He had finally made it. He wasn’t going to miss the birth after all. When she laid eyes on him she began to sob. “I don’t really hate yooooou.” One of the nurses helped him scrub up and get into a gown. He gave Kenyon an appreciative elbow dap. 
“Adonis, how nice of you to join us. Get over here. Are you ready to meet your baby?” Dr. Dameron asked. 
“Yes, of course,” he said before kissing Karis sweetly on the forehead. 
“Good because on this next contraction she will deliver the head.” 
On the next contraction, Karis seemed more focused than ever. Kenyon wiped the sweat from her brow before she closed her eyes. “I’m here with you now, baby. You are doing amazing. You can do anything.” His confidence in her gave her just the strength she needed to champion through. Quietly, she took a deep breath, tucked her chin into her chest  and pushed as hard as she could. “That’s it baby, you’re doing it. I can see the head.” 
Dr. Dameron checked for the cord around the baby’s neck as the nurse suctioned it’s airways. On the next push Dr Dameron moved behind Liam positioning his hands to catch the baby. 
Karis pushed one final time and the heir to the crown of Cordonia was born. “Oh my God, Karis, love! You did it! He’s beautiful.” 
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She looked up through the tears, “he? It’s a boy?” The King began to sob and he shook his head confirming. Dr Dameron looked at the clock, “12:09” she told the nurse. Congratulations, your majesties, “It’s a boy.” 
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kookie-doughs · 4 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 11: Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double
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In a way, it's nice to know there are Greek gods out there, because you have somebody to blame when things go wrong. For instance, when you're walking away from a bus that's just been attacked by monster hags and blown up by lightning, and it's raining on top of everything else, most people might think that's just really bad luck; when you're a half-blood, you understand that some divine force really is trying to mess up your day. Which was actually what's happening. So there we were, Annabeth, Percy, Grover and I, walking through the woods along the New Jersey riverbank, the glow of New York City making the night sky yellow behind us, and the smell of the Hudson reeking in our noses. Percy and I walked side by side with our hand still connected. Grover was shivering and braying, his big goat eyes turned slit-pupiled and full of terror. "Three Kindly Ones. All three at once. I was pretty much in shock myself. The explosion of bus windows still rang in my ears. But Annabeth kept pulling us along, saying: "Come on! The farther away we get, the better. "All our money was back there," Percy reminded her. "Our food and clothes. Everything." "Well, maybe if you hadn't decided to jump into the fight—" "What did you want me to do? Let you guys get killed? I was not going to leave Y/N." "You didn't need to protect me, Percy. I would've been fine." "Sliced like sandwich bread," Grover put in, "but fine." "Shut up, goat boy," I said. Grover brayed mournfully. "Tin cans... a perfectly good bag of tin cans." We sloshed across mushy ground, through nasty twisted trees that smelled like sour laundry. After a few minutes, Annabeth fell into line next to Percy. "Look, I..." Her voice faltered. "I appreciate your coming back for us, okay? That was really brave." "We're a team, right?" She was silent for a few more steps. "It's just that if you died... aside from the fact that it would really suck for you, it would mean the quest was over. This may be my only chance to see the real world." The thunderstorm had finally let up. The city glow faded behind us, leaving us in almost total darkness. Do you want to see?
Yeah that would be nice.
It was as if it was morning, I could see everything clearly. I wandered my head to make sure I could see everything. This is cool. "You okay?" Percy asked. "Yeah," Not really a fan of the current silence I turned to Annabeth. "You haven't left Camp Half-Blood since you were seven?" I asked her. "No... only short field trips. My dad—" "The history professor." "Yeah. It didn't work out for me living at home. I mean, Camp Half-Blood is my home." She was rushing her words out now, as if she were afraid somebody might try to stop her. "At camp you train and train. And that's all cool and everything, but the real world is where the monsters are. That's where you learn whether you're any good or not." If I didn't know better, I could've sworn I heard doubt in her voice. "You're pretty good with that knife," I said. "You think so?" "Yeah maybe you can teach me some tricks. "Anybody who can piggyback-ride a Fury is okay by me." Percy smiled. I couldn't really see, but I thought she might've smiled. "You know," she said, "maybe I should tell you... Something funny back on the but..." Whatever she wanted to say was interrupted by a shrill toot-toot-toot, like the sound of an owl being tortured. "Hey, my reed pipes still work!" Grover cried. "If I could just remember a 'find path' song, we could get out of these woods!" He puffed out a few notes, but the tune still sounded suspiciously like Hilary Duff. Seeing a tree coming up I tried to pull Percy to avoid it but Percy immediately slammed into a tree and got a nice-size knot on his head. I suppressed my laugh by covering my mouth which made Percy glare at me. After tripping and cursing and generally feeling miserable for another mile or so, I started to see light up ahead: the colors of a neon sign. I could smell food. Fried, greasy, excellent food. I realized I hadn't eaten anything unhealthy since I'd arrived at Half-Blood Hill, where we lived on grapes, bread, cheese, and extra-lean-cut nymph-prepared barbecue. This kid needed a double cheeseburger. >We kept walking until I saw a deserted two-lane road through the trees. On the other side was a closed-down gas station, a tattered billboard for a 1990s movie, and one open business, which was the source of the neon light and the good smell. It wasn't a fast-food restaurant like I'd hoped. It was one of those weird roadside curio shops that sell lawn flamingos and wooden Indians and cement grizzly bears and stuff like that. The main building was a long, low warehouse, surrounded by acres of statuary. The neon sign above the gate was impossible for me to read, because if there's anything worse for my dyslexia than regular English, it's red cursive neon English. To me, it looked like: ATNYU MES GDERAN GOMEN MEPROUIM. "What the heck does that say?" I asked. "I don't know," Annabeth said. She loved reading so much, I'd forgotten she was dyslexic, too. Grover translated: "Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium." Flanking the entrance, as advertised, were two cement garden gnomes, ugly bearded little runts, smiling and waving, as if they were about to get their picture taken. I crossed the street, following the smell of the hamburgers. "Hey..." Grover warned. "The lights are on inside," Annabeth said. "Maybe it's open." "Snack bar," I said wistfully. "Snack bar," Percy agreed. "Snack bar," Annabeth joined. "Are you three crazy?" Grover said. "This place is weird." We ignored him. The front lot was a forest of statues: cement animals, cement children, even a cement satyr playing the pipes, which gave Grover the creeps. "Bla-ha-ha!" he bleated. "Looks like my Uncle Ferdinand!" We stopped at the warehouse door. "Don't knock," Grover pleaded. "I smell monsters." I turned to look at my knife. It had a light glow emitting from it. Probably because it was sheathed. "I think there's monsters." I was now reluctant and sided with Grover. "Grover's nose is clogged up from the Furies," Annabeth told him. "All I smell is burgers. Aren't you hungry?" "Meat!" he said scornfully. "I'm a vegetarian." "You eat cheese enchiladas and aluminum cans," Percy reminded him.. "Those are vegetables. Come on. Let's leave. These statues are... looking at me."
"Percy, I don't think---"
"It'll be fine." Percy took my hand and went in. Be careful and don't look. Then the door creaked open, and standing in front of us was a tall Middle Eastern woman—at least, I assumed she was Middle Eastern, because she wore a long black gown that covered everything but her hands, and her head was completely veiled. Her eyes glinted behind a curtain of black gauze, but that was about all I could make out. Her coffee-colored hands looked old, but well-manicured and elegant, so I imagined she was a grandmother who had once been a beautiful lady. >Her accent sounded vaguely Middle Eastern, too. She said, "Children, it is too late to be out all alone. Where are your parents?" "They're... um..." Annabeth started to say. "We're orphans," I said. "Orphans?" the woman said. The word sounded alien in her mouth. "But, my dears! Surely not!" "We got separated from our caravan," Percy said. "Our circus caravan. The ringmaster told us to meet him at the gas station if we got lost, but he may have forgotten, or maybe he meant a different gas station. Anyway, we're lost. Is that food I smell?" "Oh, my dears," the woman said. "You must come in, poor children. I am Aunty Em. Go straight through to the back of the warehouse, please. There is a dining area. We thanked her and went inside. Annabeth muttered to Percy, "Circus caravan?" "Always have a strategy, right?" "Your head is full of kelp." The warehouse was filled with more statues—people in all different poses, wearing all different outfits and with different expressions on their faces. I was thinking you'd have to have a pretty huge garden to fit even one of these statues, because they were all life-size. I was anxious so I tighten my grip on Percy.  It's stupid for walking into a strange lady's shop like that just because we were hungry. For a child of Athena, Annabeth sure isn't making wise decisions. I mean yeah I agree, you've never smelled Aunty Em's burgers. The aroma was like laughing gas in the dentist's chair—it made everything else go away.  But Grover's nervous whimpers, and the way the statues' eyes seemed to follow me, to add the fact that Aunty Em had locked the door behind us. Made me more cautious. Sure enough, there it was at the back of the warehouse, a fast-food counter with a grill, a soda fountain, a pretzel heater, and a nacho cheese dispenser. Everything you could want, plus a few steel picnic tables out front. "Please, sit down," Aunty Em said "Awesome," Percy said. "Um," Grover said reluctantly, "we don't have any money, ma'am." Aunty Em said, "No, no, children. No money. This is a special case, yes? It is my treat, for such nice orphans." "Thank you, ma'am," Annabeth said. Aunty Em stiffened, as if Annabeth had done something wrong, but then the old woman relaxed just as quickly, I had to turn to Annabeth to check if there was something wrong with her.. Quite all right, Annabeth," she said. "You have such beautiful gray eyes, child."  I wonder how she knew Annabeth's name, even though we had never introduced ourselves. "Percy, I want to leave..." I whispered. "Just a few bites Y/N. Don't worry." He gave me a reassuring pat. Our hostess disappeared behind the snack counter and started cooking. Before we knew it, she'd brought us plastic trays heaped with double cheeseburgers, vanilla shakes, and XXL servings of French fries. I wasn't gulfing down my food like Percy was.  Grover picked at the fries, and eyed the tray's waxed paper liner as if he might go for that, but he still looked too nervous to eat. Annabeth slurped her shake. "What's that hissing noise?" he asked. I listened, but didn't hear anything. Annabeth shook her head. "Hissing?" Aunty Em asked. "Perhaps you hear the deep-fryer oil. You have keen ears, Grover." "I take vitamins. For my ears." "That's admirable," she said. "But please, relax." I don't like it here. I'm scared. Be wary of all things. Aunty Em ate nothing. She hadn't taken off her headdress, even to cook, and now she sat forward and interlaced her fingers and watched us eat. It was a little unsettling, having someone stare at me when I couldn't see her face, and I figured the least I could do was try to make small talk with our hostess. "So, you sell gnomes," I said, trying to sound interested. "Oh, yes," Aunty Em said. "And animals. And people. Anything for the garden. Custom orders. Statuary is very popular, you know." "A lot of business on this road?" "Not so much, no. Since the highway was built... most cars, they do not go this way now. I must cherish every customer I get. My neck tingled, as if somebody else was looking at me. I turned, but it was just a statue of a young girl holding an Easter basket. The detail was incredible, much better than you see in most garden statues. But something was wrong with her face. It looked as if she were startled, or even terrified."Ah," Aunty Em said sadly. "You notice some of my creations do not turn out well. They are marred. They do not sell. The face is the hardest to get right. Always the face." "You make these statues yourself?" Percy asked. "Oh, yes. Once upon a time, I had two sisters to help me in the business, but they have passed on, and Aunty Em is alone. I have only my statues. This is why I make them, you see. They are my company." The sadness in her voice sounded so deep and so real that I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. Annabeth had stopped eating. She sat forward and said, "Two sisters?" "It's a terrible story," Aunty Em said. "Not one for children, really. You see, Annabeth, a bad woman was jealous of me, long ago, when I was young. I had a... a boyfriend, you know, and this bad woman was determined to break us apart. She caused a terrible accident. My sisters stayed by me. They shared my bad fortune as long as they could, but eventually they passed on. They faded away. I alone have survived, but at a price. Such a price." Annabeth gave me a look of worry. I knew she realized something. "Percy?" I shook him to get his attention. "Maybe we should go. I mean, the ringmaster will be waiting." Grover was eating the waxed paper off the tray now, but if Aunty Em found that strange, she didn't say anything. "Such beautiful gray eyes," Aunty Em told Annabeth again. "My, yes, it has been a long time since I've seen gray eyes like those." She reached out as if to stroke Annabeth's cheek, but Annabeth stood up abruptly. "We really should go." "Yes!" Grover swallowed his waxed paper and stood up. "The ringmaster is waiting! Right!" "Please, dears," Aunty Em pleaded. "I so rarely get to be with children. Before you go, won't you at least sit for a pose?" "A pose?" Annabeth asked warily. "A photograph. I will use it to model a new statue set. Children are so popular, you see. Everyone loves children." Annabeth shifted her weight from foot to foot. "I don't think we can, ma'am. Come on, Percy—" "Sure we can," Percy said. "It's just a photo, Annabeth. What's the harm?" "Percy, I don't want to..."  "It's just a photo guys." "Indeed it is just a photo Y/N," the woman purred. "No harm." I could tell Annabeth didn't like it as well, but she allowed Aunty Em to lead us back out the front door, into the garden of statues. Aunty Em directed us to a park bench next to the stone satyr. "Now," she said, "I'll just position you correctly. The young girls in the middle, I think, and the two young gentlemen on either side." "Not much light for a photo," I remarked. But joke's on her I could see quite clearly. Don't look. "Oh, enough," Aunty Em said. "Enough for us to see each other, yes?" "Where's your camera?" Grover asked. Aunty Em stepped back, as if to admire the shot. "Now, the face is the most difficult. Can you smile for me please, everyone? A large smile?" Grover glanced at the cement satyr next to him, and mumbled, "That sure does look like Uncle Ferdinand." "Grover," Aunty Em chastised, "look this way, dear." She still had no camera in her hands. "Percy—" Annabeth said. "I will just be a moment," Aunty Em said. "You know, I can't see you very well in this cursed veil...." "Percy, something's wrong," I insisted. "Wrong?" Aunty Em said, reaching up to undo the wrap around her head. "Not at all, dear. I have such noble company tonight. What could be wrong?" "That is Uncle Ferdinand!" Grover gasped. DON'T LOOK. Annabeth turned to my direction, "Look away from her!" she then shouted. She whipped her Yankees cap onto her head and vanished. Her invisible hands pushed Grover and and I pulled Percy with me. We were on the ground, looking at Aunt Em's sandaled feet. I could hear Grover scrambling off in one direction, Annabeth in another. "Percy, we have to move!" I shook him. But he was too dazed to move. Then I heard a strange, rasping sound above me. My eyes rose to Aunty Em's hands, which had turned gnarled and warty, with sharp bronze talons for fingernails. Percy was about to look higher then her hands and I instinctively covered his eyes. "Don't look!" More rasping—the sound of tiny snakes, right above me, from... from about where Aunty Em's head would be. "Run!" Grover bleated. I heard him racing across the gravel, yelling, "Maia!" to kick-start his flying sneakers. "Percy we have to move please!" "Such a pity to destroy a handsome young face," she said soothingly. "Stay with me, Percy. All you have to do is look up." "Percy please!" Percy pushed my hand away and looked to one side. I turned to look as well and saw one of those glass spheres people put in gardens— a gazing ball. I could see Aunty Em's dark reflection in the orange glass; her headdress was gone, revealing her face as a shimmering pale circle. Her hair was moving, writhing like serpents. Aunty Em. Aunty "M." How did Medusa die in the myth? But I couldn't think. Something told me that in the myth Medusa had been asleep when she was attacked by my namesake, Perseus. She wasn't anywhere near asleep now. If she wanted, she could take those talons right now and rake open my face. "The Gray-Eyed One did this to me," Medusa said, and she didn't sound anything like a monster. Her voice invited me to look up, to sympathize with a poor old grandmother. "Annabeth's mother, the cursed Athena, turned me from a beautiful woman into this." "Don't listen to her!" Annabeth's voice shouted, somewhere in the statuary. "Y/N carry Percy!" "Silence!" Medusa snarled. Then her voice modulated back to a comforting purr. "You see why I must destroy the girl, Percy. She is my enemy's daughter. I shall crush her statue to dust. But you, dear Percy, you need not suffer. We won't even hurt, Y/N." I swung Percy's arm around my shoulder. But he was too heavy.  "No," he muttered trying to make his legs move... "Do you really want to help the gods?" Medusa asked. "Do you understand what awaits you on this foolish quest? What will happen if you reach the Underworld? Do not be a pawn of the Olympians, my dear. You would be better off as a statue. Less pain. Less pain." "Y/N!" Behind me, I heard a buzzing sound, like a two-hundred-pound hummingbird in a nosedive. Grover yelled, "Duck!" I turned, and there he was in the night sky, flying in from twelve o'clock with his winged shoes fluttering, Grover, holding a tree branch the size of a baseball bat. His eyes were shut tight, his head twitched from side to side. He was navigating by ears and nose alone. "Duck!" he yelled again. "I'll get her!" I tackled Percy to the other side. Thwack! Then Medusa roared with rage. "You miserable satyr," she snarled. "I'll add you to my collection!" "That was for Uncle Ferdinand!" Grover yelled back. Pulling along an out of a dazed Percy we scrambled away and hid in the statuary while Grover swooped down for another pass. Ker-whack! "Arrgh!" Medusa yelled, her snake-hair hissing and spitting. Right next to me, Annabeth's voice said, "Y/N! Percy!" Percy jumped so high his feet nearly cleared a garden gnome. "Jeez! Don't do that!" Annabeth took off her Yankees cap and became visible. 'You have to cut her head off." "What? Are you crazy? Let's get out of here." "Medusa is a menace. She's evil. I'd kill her myself, but..." Annabeth swallowed, as if she were about to make a difficult admission. "But you've got the better weapon. Besides, I'd never get close to her. She'd slice me to bits because of my mother. You—you've got a chance." "What? I can't—" "Look, do you want her turning more innocent people into statues?" She pointed to a pair of statue lovers, a man and a woman with their arms around each other, turned to stone by the monster. Annabeth grabbed a green gazing ball from a nearby pedestal. "A polished shield would be better." She studied the sphere critically. "The convexity will cause some distortion. The reflection's size should be off by a factor of—" "Would you speak English?" "I am!" She tossed him the glass ball. "Just look at her in the glass. Never look at her directly." "Hey, guys!" Grover yelled somewhere above us. "I think she's unconscious!" "Roooaaarrr!" "Maybe not," Grover corrected. He went in for another pass with the tree branch. "Hurry," Annabeth told him. "Grover's got a great nose, but he'll eventually crash." Percy took out his pen and uncapped it. The bronze blade of Riptide showed. He turned to me and gave the glass then offered a hand. "Percy you can't be seriously bring her along!?" "I'll go with him." Taking his hand, we followed the hissing and spitting sounds of Medusa's hair. I raised the glass so I could guide us. I kept my eyes locked on the gazing ball so I would only glimpse Medusa's reflection, not the real thing. Then, in the green tinted glass, I saw her. Grover was coming in for another turn at bat, but this time he flew a little too low. Medusa grabbed the stick and pulled him off course. He tumbled through the air and crashed into the arms of a stone grizzly bear with a painful "Ummphh!" Medusa was about to lunge at him when I yelled, "Hey!" We advanced on her. I had let go of Percy's hand to bring out my knife. So if she charged, I could help Percy. But she let us approach—twenty feet, ten feet. I could see the reflection of her face now. Surely it wasn't really that ugly. The green swirls of the gazing ball must be distorting it, making it look worse. "You wouldn't harm an old woman, Percy," she crooned. "I know you wouldn't." I could tell he hesitated. From the cement grizzly, Grover moaned, "Percy, don't listen to her!" Medusa cackled. "Too late." She lunged at him with her talons. I ran and raised my knife to block her talons, Percy then swung his sword, then we heard a sickening shlock!, then a hiss like wind rushing out of a cavern—the sound of a monster disintegrating. Something fell to the ground next to my foot. It took all my willpower not to look. I could feel warm ooze soaking into my sock, little dying snake heads tugging at my shoelaces. "Oh, yuck," Percy said. His eyes were still tightly closed, but I guess he could hear the thing gurgling and steaming. "Mega-yuck." Annabeth came up next to us, her eyes fixed on the sky. She was holding Medusa's black veil. She said, "Don't move." >Very, very carefully, without looking down, she knelt and draped the monster's head in black cloth, then picked it up. It was still dripping green juice. "Are you okay?" Percy asked me, his voice trembling. "Yeah," I decided. "Why didn't... why didn't the head evaporate?" "Once you sever it, it becomes a spoil of war," she said. "Same as your minotaur horn. But don't unwrap the head. It can still petrify you." Grover moaned as he climbed down from the grizzly statue. He had a big welt on his forehead. His green rasta cap hung from one of his little goat horns, and his fake feet had been knocked off his hooves. The magic sneakers were flying aimlessly around his head. "The Red Baron," Percy said. "Good job, man." He managed a bashful grin. "That really was not fun, though. Well, the hitting-her-with-a-stick part, that was fun. But crashing into a concrete bear? Not fun." He snatched his shoes out of the air. "I didn't know Grover got Luke's shoes."  Percy recapped his sword. "I can't fly." He shrugged.  Together, the four of us stumbled back to the warehouse We found some old plastic grocery bags behind the snack counter and double-wrapped Medusa's head. We plopped it on the table where we'd eaten dinner and sat around it, too exhausted to speak. Finally Percy said, "So we have Athena to thank for this monster?" Annabeth flashed me an irritated look. "Your dad, actually. Don't you remember? Medusa was Poseidon's girlfriend. They decided to meet in my mother's temple. That's why Athena turned her into a monster. Medusa and her two sisters who had helped her get into the temple, they became the three gorgons. That's why Medusa wanted to slice me up, but she wanted to preserve you as a nice statue. She's still sweet on your dad. You probably reminded her of him." "Oh, so now it's my fault we met Medusa." Annabeth straightened. In a bad imitation of my voice, she said: "'It's just a photo, Annabeth. What's the harm?'" "Forget it," I said. "You're impossible." "You're insufferable." "You're—" "You're both loud and stupid." I growled. "Yeah!" Grover interrupted. "You two are giving me a migraine, and satyrs don't even get migraines. What are we going to do with the head?" I stared at the thing. One little snake was hanging out of a hole in the plastic. The words printed on the side of the bag said: WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! I was angry, not just with Annabeth or her mom, but with all the gods for this whole quest, for getting us blown off the road and in two major fights the very first day out from camp. At this rate, we'd never make it to L.A. alive, much less before the summer solstice. What had Medusa said? Do not be a pawn of the Olympians, my dear. You would be better off as a statue. Percy and I shared a look. We got up. "I'll be back." "Percy, Y/N," Annabeth called after me. "What are you—" We searched the back of the warehouse until I found Medusa's office. Her account book showed her six most recent sales, all shipments to the Underworld to decorate Hades and Persephone's garden. According to one freight bill, the Underworld's billing address was DOA Recording Studios, West Hollywood, California. I folded up the bill and stuffed it in my pocket. In the cash register I found twenty dollars, a few golden drachmas, and some packing slips for Hermes Overnight Express, each with a little leather bag attached for coins.  "Found one." Percy called. We went back to the picnic table, packed up Medusa's head, and filled out a delivery slip: The Gods >Mount Olympus 600th Floor, >Empire State Building New York, NY With best wishes, PERCY JACKSON <3 Y/N L/N "They're not going to like that," Grover warned. "They'll think you're impertinent." I poured some golden drachmas in the pouch. As soon as I closed it, there was a sound like a cash register. The package floated off the table and disappeared with a pop! "I am impertinent," Percy said. I looked at Annabeth, daring her to criticize. She didn't. She seemed resigned to the fact that we had a major talent for ticking off the gods. "Great, well Fred and George," she muttered. "We need a new plan."
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UwU bb I'm just licherali rippin off now srry -kookie-doughs
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
Idk if you’ve ever talked about it before, but how does Mammon speak in Japanese? In the translation, he speaks kinda rough and casual (maybe a bit of a southern USA flair? he uses y’all once or twice iirc) Does he have a particular accent or dialect in the OG text?
Oh, Mammon might be hard to break down, but I’ll see what I can do!
So I don’t think Mammon has any particular accent, per se?  I think he’s just very informal.
From what I’ve noticed, Mammon’s speech is characterized by informal phrasing and some phonetic changes.  I don’t think it goes into any actual ヤンキー (”delinquent youth”) territory, but I might be wrong as I don’t have any experience with that subculture.  Regardless, it’s pretty rough, and very informal.
The following example sentences all come from the phone call where he cancels your plans (I think it’s intimacy 25?), his home screen dialogue, and the current Halloween event.
And this time more than any before, Japanese is not my first language and I have never lived in Japan, so if you find anything incorrect about the content below, please let me know so I can fix it.
---Informal Phrasing---
Japanese has lot of different ways to say the same thing with varying levels of politeness.  Mammon tends to use (one of) the most direct ways of saying things.
It’s important to remember though that a lot of these “direct” things are characteristic of male speech in general, and I won’t go over those.  Mammon says やつ (guy, basically) to refer to others sometimes, but so does Lucifer.  Likewise, it’d be weirder if he didn’t use the dictionary verb form most of the time.  There might be some that I describe even though they aren’t particularly unique to Mammon, because I’m not an expert on masc-coded Japanese.
悪い!! (warui)
(Phone call) This literally means “bad,” but in this context it’s “my bad” or “sorry.”  It’s a rough way to say it, rougher than ごめん (gomen), which I know Levi says off the top of my head, and すまない (sumanai), which I know Lucifer says.
If you need to apologize in Japanese, I think it’s best to stick to すみません (sumimasen) or ごめなさい (gomenasai) to avoid accidentally coming off as too rude or too stiff.
許せ!! (yuruse)
(Phone call) This means “forgive me,” but like.  As a command.  A pretty demanding one at that.  An example you’ve probably heard is when a man yells やめろ (yamero) to make someone stop what they’re doing.
その時は何があっても予定を空けろよ! (sono ji wa nani ga attemo yotei wo akero yo)
(Phone call) Here’s the imperative again.  空けろ (akero) is the command form of 空ける (akeru), which here means to clear your schedule (予定 is schedule).  The よ (yo) at the end softens the command a little. The sentence means “At that time, no matter what you’ve got going on, clear your schedule!”
A softer way to say it would be 空けて (akete), and even softer would be 空けてください (akete kudasai).  I’m pretty sure Mammon isn’t the only character to use the imperative like this, but he’s certainly uses it a lot.
館中の掃除を言いつけてきやがって…… (yakatachuu no souji wo ii tsuketeki yagatte)
(Phone call) You can tag やがる (yagaru) onto a verb to show your contempt for someone’s actions.  You hate that they did something.  Like most of these, it’s pretty harsh. The sentence means “He had the nerve to order me to clean the house,” but with the strength of やがって, “He fucking ordered me to” might be closer in attitude.
近いうちにまた誘ってやるから (chikaiuchi ni mata sasotte yaru kara)
(Phone call) If you read the Levi post, you might remember that やる (yaru) is a more colloquial way to say “to do” than する (suru).  It’s also a more colloquial way to say あげる (ageru), “to give.”  It used to imply that the recipient was on equal or lower standing with you, but I don’t think that’s really the case anymore except for how it’s not really a polite phrasing.  Attached to a verb, both あげる and やる imply a favor is being done. This means “I’ll invite you out again soon before long, so”
---Phonetic Shift---
In general, the most common phoneme shifts in Mammon’s lines are cutting the middle and monophthongization.  Cutting the middle is a term I’m making up for the sake of this post and is exactly what it sounds like: lengthening the first syllable in place of the next ones.  Monophthongization is when a vowel made of two sounds (diphthong) is pronounced as one sound (monophthong).  In the case of rough Japanese that we’re working with, that usually means <ai> and <oi> turning into <ee>.
そのなんつーか…… (Sono nan tsuuka......)
(Phone call) つーか (tsuuka) is short for というか (to iu ka).  You can see how “to iu” assimilates to “tsuu,” especially if you say というか a few times fast. なんつーか/何というか means “How should I put it?”
だぁっ!わーったよ!! (Da-!  waatta yo)
(A Devildom Halloween, 1-3) わーった (waatta) is from わかった (wakatta), which means “I get it.”
そりゃ傑作だぜ! (sorya kessaku daze)
(A Devildom Halloween, 2-16) そりゃ (sorya) is a shortened それは (sore wa), “that is.”  Also, I’m not sure where else to put this, but ぜ (ze) is a very strong assertive particle that I don’t think many people actually use anymore irl. The line is “That’s a great joke!”
すっげースピードで鞭とんでくるんだけど! (suggee supiido de muchi tondekurun dakedo)
(Phone call) Here we start the examples of monophthongization, which is probably the worst word you’ve had to read in a while but I promise is the easiest phonetic concept to understand here.
すっげー (suggee) comes from すっごい (suggoi), which means either amazing or terrible, depending on the context.  Like I said before, <oi> often simplifies to <ee> (the second “e” is written either ー or え). The line means “The whip’s gonna come down real fast.”  すっげー is emphasizing the speed.
By the way, やばい (yabai) also means amazing or terrible, based on context, and can be changed to やべー (yabee) in the same way.  Mammon’s said that before too, but I don’t think it’s in my example pool.
あー…金降ってこねえかなー (Aa... kane futte konee kanaa)
(Home screen) This time, the negative こない (konai) turns into こねえ (konee), with the same <ai> --> <ee> shift.  This time, it got written as ねえ instead of ねー. This is his “wish it’d rain money” line, and the translation is basically the same.
うるせぇ…… (urusee)
(A Devildom Halloween, 2-13) うるせぇ is from うるさい (urusai), which means “shut up.”  This time the second え is the smaller ぇ!
おっせえよ。俺を待たすんじゃねえ (ossee yo.  ore wo matasunjanee)
(Home screen) We’ve got two here, with 遅い (osoi), late, turning into おっせえ (ossee), and 待たすな (matasu na) becoming 待たすんじゃねえ (matasunjanee).  Putting んじゃない where a な would normally be makes it a rough-sounding command.  And then the ない turned into ねえ like tends to happen with Mammon.
The line is “You’re late.  Don’t keep me waiting.”
気安くさわんな! (kiyasuku sawanna)
(Home screen, UR+ animation) This could possibly be in the first section too, idk, but.  The general way to say “don’t touch me” is 触らないで (sawaranaide), and a more casual way to say it is 触るな (sawaru na).  Mammon takes it a step further, and drops the る to say さわんな (sawanna).  Levi uses the 触るな style, so I assume Mammon’s style is pretty noticeably informal.
他人の為に何か買ってヤンなきゃならねぇんだ! (tanin no tame ni nanka katte yannakya naraneenda)
(A Devildom Halloween, 2-13) やらなきゃならない (yaranakya naranai), is already a pretty casual way to say “have to.”  Mammon’s version uses the same んな as the last line, turning やらなきゃ into ヤンなきゃ (yannakya).  Also notice the switch from hiragana to katakana, which is often used to convey the conversational tone.  And then ない once again becomes ねぇ! The line is “Why do I have to buy something for someone else?!”
And last but not least... そうだ、殿下。 言い忘れてた (souda, denka. ii wasureteta)
(A Devildom Halloween, 2-23) This line means, “that’s right, your highness.  We forgot to say.” Why is this one last?  Mammon says this line to Diavolo.  From what I’ve seen it’s about the same level of politeness that Lucifer uses when talking to Diavolo.
It’s worth noting though that Lucifer and Mammon both speak casually to Diavolo.
So this isn’t organized at all, but I hope this gave you an idea of how Mammon’s idiolect ended up giving him a distinct one in the localization!
This is always a hot topic with Mammon’s portrayal as a POC character, so I need to say that I don’t know enough about Japanese subculture and language codes to say anything for sure about whether this makes him sound “uneducated.”  Impolite, definitely, but “uneducated,” I don’t know.  Regardless, the connotation definitely exists in how he’s written in English.  And with that I’d like to remind everyone that your idiolect says nothing about your intelligence.  Don’t judge a person’s worth by how many big words they use.
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writingssummit · 4 years
a yamaguchi x reader oneshot.
contains: fluff, fluff, and more fluff. yams + reader are pining idiots and tsuki is over it. confession, a word loving reader.
wordcount: 1,482
a/n: i really hope i did yams some good here! and remember, asks are open! just check my yay’s and nay’s! enjoy ~
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Words are beautiful things. They were your escape, your hope; and on top of those reasons why you loved them, words were the foundation of communication. They were how you expressed yourself, a feeling, a sight, anything. You took pride in knowing and learning new ones, your vocabulary was growing everyday it seemed.
You were sitting at your desk, tapping your fingers as you skimmed through a book. The one that you were reading was decently thick, thick enough to scare away others, but not thick enough that it would take forever to finish. You were so immersed in it, the plot, the characters. ‘He stood on the top, and plunged-’
“L/N-chan, h-hey!” A chair and a person slid over in front of you, snapping you out of your trance. You were about to complain before you saw that it was your best friend. With butterflies in your stomach, you smiled back at him, taking quick note of the page number as you closed it. 
“Yama-kun. What’s up?” You would always make time to talk with him. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
“Ah, not much, really. Tsuki and I were just getting ready to head out.” You must’ve looked confused at that moment, because he rushed to elaborate. “F-For lunch! He’s waiting outside the door for us, if you maybe want to come.” How could you say no to that? You couldn’t, you were weak for the freckled boy. With a squeezing heart, you nodded.
“Yeah, of course. C’mon then, we shouldn’t keep glasses waiting.” You both chuckled at the small jab at their tall blonde friend. Yamaguchi wouldn’t poke fun at Tsukishima, but you for sure would. With your stuff all gathered and ready to go, you slung your bag over one shoulder with your book against your chest, and walked out of the classroom with him. Tsukishima was indeed waiting outside, and he looked down at you both with a slightly annoyed expression. 
“That took a little too long. I was about to leave you here.” You rolled your eyes with a grin. The three of you were walking down the hallway now.
“Tsuki, chill. I was just reading. Besides, you shouldn’t leave your friends behind!” He smirked.
“Reading again? How nerdy of you.” He hummed. 
“It’s hardly nerdy- you’re the one with the best grades out of us three anyways, so who’s really the nerd?” You stuck out your tongue at him, but you knew he wouldn’t give any reaction back. Yamaguchi fiddled with his bag strap. 
“What book is it, by the way? You seemed really into it.” 
“Ahh, I thought you’d never ask!” You showed him the cover, and he looked it over. 
“You sure your small brain can handle a big book like that?” You smacked Tsuki with the book for that one. And Yamaguchi, your beloved friend, had come to your defense. “Tsuki, she can read really quickly, remember when-” 
“Shut up.” 
“Gomen, Tsuki.” 
Darn. So much for defending. But he had at least tried, and that was enough. You smiled softly at the ground. “It’s really good, you know. The use of words in here is amazing, I had to look up a few of them here and there.” You continued to ramble about the words you hadn’t known, what you’ve read so far (you didn’t have to worry about spoilers. Tsukishima wouldn’t bother to read it, and Yamaguchi liked to hear about the plots anyways), while Yamaguchi listened eagerly, and Tsukishima looked bored out of his mind.
You really liked words.
“L/N-chan, do you have a favorite?” You paused for a moment to think it over. 
“I like the word wonderwall.” You had finally been able to settle on it after debating in your head. “Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time. That someone being who you really do like. Like um..infatuation.” He nodded, clueless to what you were trying so desperately to imply.
“I think it’s nice. Do you, Tsuki?” 
“I don’t really care.”
A typical response. You sighed.
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Yamaguchi would be lying if he said he didn’t think of you all the time. You consumed his thoughts. You’d known each other for awhile, so he was very familiar with you.He’d be lying if he said he didn;t have a crush on you. The feeling was always there, in the back of his head when you talked.
 He loved to listen to you when you got super passionate about something, the way your eyes would light up were precious. He wished you would look at him with that same look; he knew it wouldn’t be possible, since you both were just friends, right? He didn’t have any chance, and the thought of ruining your friendship loomed over him like a heavy cloud. It made him anxious, it made him worry-
“Yamaguchi.” Tsukishima’s voice snapped him out of his spiral right away. He jumped a little.
“Um, yes, Tsuki?” He twirled a string around his finger. 
“When are you going to just come out with it? It’s annoying watching you both tip toe around each other.”
He gulped. “I-I don’t know what you mean, Tsuki-” 
“You know full well what I mean.”
Yamaguchi lowered his head, looking down. Something switched. “It’s not like..” He muttered. “I have a chance, y’know?” He was just saying the truth; he honestly thought there was zero possibility for it to work out. He was awkward, and a mess, he worried too much, and there you were- smart, beautiful, amazing. The complete opposite of himself..
“Fine. Whatever. Just don’t get all sulky if you’re too late.” Tsukishima sighed. So, he’d have to succumb to more of the awkward stumbling of two pining idiots for the rest of his life. Wonderful.
But Yamaguchi was at least thinking about it now.
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You stopped at your locker the next morning, since you had to grab one of your textbooks. You tilted your head when you saw a slip of paper sticking out of it. “Hm? I wonder what this is.” You opened the paper, only to find writing on the inside. 
‘My word for you today is serendipity. That’s what you were like for me.’ 
The paper wasn’t signed. You glanced around you from all angles, trying to see if you could find out who had stuck it there. But you brought your eyes back to the note. It was charming, and dorky- who could have written it?
Later, when you were with your friends again, you brought it up.
“I found this in my locker today..pretty strange, huh? I don’t even know who wrote it!” You didn’t notice how one of the boys beside you tensed.
“O-Oh, really? That’s strange.” Yamaguchi agreed.
“Stange.” Tsukishima raised an eyebrow at the freckled boy. 
“Yeah, I don’t really recognize the writing..but then again, I’m not good at that.” 
“I-I hope you can find out who it is!” You melted at Yamaguchi, hiding a small blush behind your hand.
“I hope so too.”
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It had been going on for 6 days now. Everyday was a new word written on a paper, and stuck in your locker. It was like a small game for you now. Figure out the person! You’d read them with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima during lunch hour, trying to figure it out.
The words were amazing to you, though. They were beautiful. 
‘Today’s word is Lucent. Like your smile.’
‘Logophile. Which is what you are, I looked it up.’
‘Every day with you is like Nirvana.’
‘ Eesome.’
They were compliments, little notes that were just for you. You’d never recieved anything like them. You kept asking Yamaguchi his opinion about it all, but he’d always say that he had to go somewhere. Tsukishima, when asked, told you to leave him alone. Which meant that the mystery was up to you to figure out.
But it seems like you wouldn’t have to. Because you had just walked into Yamaguchi himself, slipping a paper into your locker. You blinked, staring at him. When he noticed you, his eyes widened, and his cheeks flushed.
“U-um, L/N-” He laughed awkwardly.
“It was you?” You murmured, looking up at him. Your own face felt warm. 
Is this..a confession? From Yamaguchi? Your best friend who you’ve been in love with since you could remember? 
He nodded quickly. You didn’t know, but he was scared of how you might react. “Th-the last one was this one..wonderwall. The one you s-said during lunch a while ago.” He remembered?
You reached out to grab his hand, waiting for an okay. He reluctantly let you take it, and you gave it a squeeze. “I liked the words.” You whispered. His eyes lit up a little.
“I..I like you.”
Needless to say, Tsukishima was relieved to find out that you both finally told each other. It was about damn time.
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angstyaches · 4 years
Little Brother
Since requests and planned-out fics seem to be a no-go for my brain lately, I’m gonna just write out a short fic to get things going again. I’m just going to sit down and write this until it’s finished, because honestly, it’s Chronic Editing and Overthinking that’s been getting me down lately. So apologies if it’s not the most polished.
Just for clarity’s sake, Kazu’s family are all wolfish shapeshifters; he is a fox shapeshifter. 
CW: alcohol, emeto, (slight) shapeshifting
Mitsuko ran out of the first bedroom to meet him as soon as he stepped inside, dropping his key in the genkan and staring at it as though it had leapt of its own volition. Her eyes widened, glancing towards the door of the second bedroom, before she rushed forward and began to whisper frantically.
“Kazu! Yumi was so angry,” she told him. “Did you forget it was your turn to cook dinner tonight? She said she was going to -”
“Hello, Little S-Sister.” Kazu smiled, eyes half-lidded, and leaned his head against the wall as he looked at his youngest sibling. She didn’t correct him as she often did, didn’t remind him that she was a year and a half older than him. Part of him had always viewed her as a little sister, picturing himself as much more mature than her.
After all, he was the one stumbling home at midnight, wearing shades on his head (propped behind fluffy white fox ears, if one knew how to look) despite it being dark, and drunk to the point of feeling cool. Kazu had already experienced many types of drunk, but this was definitely his favourite. He’d always fancied learning to play the guitar, but had never gotten around to it, yet when he tipped over to this level of intoxication, he felt as though he could be a rock star without ever picking up an instrument.
“Kazuhito!” Mitsuko hissed, leaning in to get a good look at his eyes. “How much did you have to drink? You have classes tomorrow morning!”
“I’m proud of you, Mitsu-chan,” he chuckled, laying a hand on her shoulder. “You complain almost as well as Yumi now. You could be the next alpha...”
Mitsuko pouted like a seven-year-old, despite being thirteen years older than one. “Take your shoes off. Hurry. Maybe Yumi won’t wake up.”
Kazu mumbled unhappily to himself as he kicked off his shoes, spotting his key still sitting in the floor of the genkan. It seemed to bob about, darting back and forth to avoid his fingers and he leaned over and grasped for it. Damn thing. He gave up after his hand brushed against the floor three times, missing the key with each attempt. He straightened up and leaned his head against the wall again, feeling the abundance of miso ramen swirling in his belly. 
He and Kota had both skipped dinner in favour of stumbling from convenience store to convenience store for cans of beer, slurping them in parks and on street corners. By the time they’d begun to make their way to a train station, the smell from a weekends-only food truck had been too tantalising for either of them to resist. 
Kota had called it after one bowl, and headed for his train, but Kazu had still felt impossibly hungry (and brave), and had ordered himself a second. He could barely remember eating it, and even slipped into a half-fox state now that he was alone and indulging. He’d almost been asleep standing up by the time he’d gulped it all down, broth included.
“Kazu,” Mitsuko whispered, shaking his shoulder and making the fluffy white ears on top of his head twitch. “Are you okay?”
“Mmm...” Kazu realised he was still lying against the wall, still no closer to his futon. One hand was pressed to his stomach, while the other hung limply by his side. His sister’s face was swimming about like the key had been. 
Oh, he’d felt so good, so powerful, for a moment. A silver fox who owned every street he turned down, moving with grace and beauty. A rock star who was chosen by the fox god themself.
And now he felt so, so terrible.
“M-Mitsuko,” he said, raising a hand to his mouth as a sputtering belch rose up from the churning mass of noodles and liquid in his stomach. 
Mitsuko gasped softly, eyes widening again. “Hurry - hurry, it’s okay, come on.”
She pulled him by the arm and he almost tripped twice - once on his own shoes, once while stepping out of the genkan - before they made it to the bathroom. Kazu lunged for the toilet bowl, the first wave of vomit arriving with a wretched cough behind it. His belly ached horrendously, and he wanted to wrap his arms around it and let out low, wounded-sounding whimpers; instead, his fingers gripped the toilet seat as his entire body heaved, ejected a stream of sick so long that he lost his breath and ended up gasping by the time it ended.
“It’s okay,” Mitsuko whispered, gently rubbing his back through the jacket he hadn’t had a chance to take off. He didn’t know why she was whispering; if Yumi hadn’t already woken up at the sound of Kazu stumbling into the apartment, she’d certainly be woken by the sound of his body trying to expel his entire stomach in as few attempts as possible. Rei would be fine; the middle sister could sleep through an earthquake. 
As he was given a short break from the retching, Kazu’s vision blurred and he felt himself slump to the side, heard his sunglasses finally clatter to the floor. He began to shiver on the floor, and the intensity of his drunken bliss flipped, so that it felt like an unbearable weight suddenly pressed down on him. He was almost twenty and he should have felt like he knew where he was going in life, yet he felt more lost now than he had when he was in elementary school. Why all of this was surfacing now, he couldn’t tell, but it made sobs catch in his throat along with the shivers of nausea.
He pawed miserably at the toilet seat to pull himself back up, and the rest of his drunken indulgence spewed out a little more weakly, his stomach clenching with a slower, more deliberate force. 
He lifted his head at one point to glance gratefully at Mitsuko, whose hand he could still feel on his back. His heart sank into his tormented gut when he saw Yumi looking back instead, eyes glossed over and mouth set into a straight line. 
In his muddled state, Kazu felt caught between crying and laughing, neither of which were an ideal response to the disapproving looks of an alpha.
Instead, his lips trembled, his ears pulled back in a silent admission of inferiority, and he managed a hoarse, pathetic, “Gomen...” Sorry.
Yumi sighed deeply and rubbed his back a little harder. “Baka.” Idiot. “I should scold you right now, and tell you that one day, you’re going to have to work harder and take more responsibility and think of other people besides yourself.”
Kazu’s stomach flipped, and he thought there was more sick coming, but instead it was a weak, nauseated burp. Shame crawled along his shoulders and neck and made his hair stand up.
“But I’ll wait until tomorrow,” Yumi sighed. “So I can be sure you won’t pass out and forget what I said.”
Yumi didn’t smile, but she did gently lend Kazu her arms and help him to his feet.
He stumbled in her grasp and groaned; he felt impossibly heavy, considering he’d completely emptied out his insides. The bathroom was spinning and lights were exploding behind his eyes, and the alcohol was making his cheeks flush with heat. Or maybe it was all of the attention, topped off with embarrassment.
Mitsuko took hold of his arm in the hallway, where she’d been waiting; the bathroom was far too small for all three of them to hang out in. 
“Come on, ototo,” she teased with a smile. Little brother. “Your big sisters have got you now. Aren’t you lucky?”
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missvioletscrumbs · 3 years
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ: #𝙴𝚛𝚎𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊 𝚊𝚞, 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍.
𝙸 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚏 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎 ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
"Eren, for wrapping this scarf around me... thank you..."
The loud sound of alarm clock woke Mikaela up.
Weird, she thought.
Well... she'll be late for school so she stood up and started doing her morning routines.
"Mikaela, are you sure you don't want to ride a bus to your school? I mean it is your 'new school.'" Her mom worriedly said. Mikaela gulp the last water from her drinking glass and smiled.
"I'm fine mom, it's not that far. I also want to walk anyway." Her mom sighed in defeat.
"Just be careful." Her mom kissed her head before she went out on her way to school.
Mikaela is uneasy. She doesn't know why.
or more like excited?
"Who would want to walk under this hot shining ball?" She asked herself. She doesn't know the answer either.
She just feels like something is important today, that's why she should walk.
Mikaela is a provincial girl, they just moved in the city after her father got a job offer from his doctor friend.
And now she's gonna be studying at a new school, with a new environment.
"E̸̷̸͍͙̘̋́̀̕͟͝͞r̵̴̛͚̟ͨ́́͘͜͟͟͟͡e̴̛͖̟̳̅̇͟͟҉̵̴̷͘͜͝͝n͖̲͓̬̄̊̍̎̃̑, for wrapping this scarf around me... thank you..."
"What was the name again?" She asked herself.
She thinks of her dream earlier. She's bothered. Why did she dreamt something like that?
It's not like it's the first time. The other dream was like full of gigantic monsters and many people are screaming, then three kids playing together. A black haired boy, a blonde boy and black haired girl.
And the latest is where a girl is standing under a tree and looking to a bird.
"Oh." Mikaela suddenly stopped, feeling thirsty. Then she looked around her.
There are few people with the same uniform as her.
"I'm thirsty." She then looked for her tumbler but to her surprise she does not have it.
She looked for vending machine around her when she realized she's standing infront of a café.
"Eh? What a coincidence." She looked at her wristwatch and smiled. "It's still early." She entered the cafe and admired the inside of it.
It looks cozy. She thought.
There are few students and non-students inside the cafe. Sitting quietly while enjoying their food.
"OI! YOU ANIMAL! GET BACK HERE!" Mikaela looked at the guy who shouted. He's glaring at the girl outside of the cafe.
"GOMENE NIKO! I JUSHT ROVE YOUR COOKUNG SHO MUCH!" Then she ran away while biting a big cookie.
Mikaela felt something towards the girl, could it be joy? She's happy too see her, yet she doesn't know her. How weird.
Then she looked at the guy who shouted, she was suprised when she saw that 'Niko' blushing.
"Tch. Atleast learn to eat properly." He bashfuly said and went inside of the pantry.
Hmm? Mikaela was confused. He was just shouting angrily at her earlier  then suddenly he's blushing?
"Irrashaimase~" the counter staff greeted her with a smile.
She had her shoulder lenght black hair in a loose ponytail and her sweet smile is very welcoming.
Mikaela's eyes went to her name plate.
Mikaela then looked at the menu.
"Strawberry shake please."
"Hai, strawberry shake coming up~."
Wow, even her voice is sweet. Mikaela admired Paige silently.
Mikaela didn't wait for so long.
"Thank you..."
"Have a good day, please come again~" She looked again at Paige, that sweet smile still plastered on her face.
Mikaela smiled.
As she was about to push the door a guy pulled it from the outside and bumped into Mikaela. He just glanced at her for a second and didn't even apologize to her.
"Oh." Was all Mikaela could say. She followed him with her deadly eyes.
What a jerk.
Eh? She's talking to Paige? She didn't look like a working student tho.
"Ahaha ohayou Porter."
Mikaela just shrugged and went out of the café.
Just when she step her foot out of the café, the wind blows and her eyes widened.
She's looking at the crossroad.
Her chest tightened, she felt like 'that' part of her that's lost has now been found.
She can't understand. Why is she feeling this?
Her eyes are fixated to the guy at the crossroad and so he is to her.
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