#this idea was inspired by a drabble I wrote where
spotinthespiral · 9 months
Griffin on the brain (Oc Lore Dump below the Cut!)
Griffin Wright. He was raised by a member of Markeybone's smuggling ring. Everyone on those ships was held to a high standard... besides him. Griffin was a daddy's boy, and rarely got disciplined for being lax and casual, even to the highest of officers. (Almost like Griffin was a stray mutt that his Father cherished.)
When he did get disciplined though, it was always serious. He was taught that, when it mattered, there was no time for goofing around. And it worked out for him. The moment he was old enough, he took up his duty, he took over his father's position, and he was great at it.
Imagine the surprise for his new smuggling crew when their happy-go-lucky and lax captain sees a ship on the horizon and immediately barks orders. When they go ignored at first, he fires his gun at the deck near slacking crew members abd swear the next one won't miss if they don't to their stations. He steers them narrowly out of the range if this Bounty Hunter vessel and books it to Skull Island to lay low.
He's scary when he needs to be, because that's how his father taught him to be. And any more? The crew doesn't play around when Griffin is serious about something.
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minisugakoobies · 5 months
It's You - Choi San | 3 AM
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Pairing: San x Reader Genre: smut, crack, fluff, angst, roommates to lovers, BFF’s Lil Bro!AU Series Rating: M (18+) Drabble Warnings: sneaking around, sloppy making out, lots of cuddling and kissing, honestly this is super soft, drunk San is a whole different type of menace, a little angst on OC's part, pet names deployed as weapons (baby) Word Count: 2.1k Disclaimers: SFW, obviously I don’t own ATZ - they just inspire me
Summary: He was only supposed to be a temporary roommate. Your best friend’s little brother, crashing on your couch for a few weeks. That’s it. How did this happen?
A/N: This started with talking about drunk San with @minttangerines and @kiestrokes, and then @moni-logues made me miss this couple, so boom! New vignette! I should warn you that I wrote this over the course of 2 days, entirely between the hours of midnight and 5 am because I've been staying up wayyyy too late to watch the Coachella livestreams (can we talk about Chellateez?! because holy shit!), so it's probably a mess and it's unbeta'd, so… blame any typos or incoherency on my fucked up sleep schedule! 🥱
Lyrics are from "Moondance" by Van Morrison, inspired by that one toktoq of San singing that song, which absolutely killed me.
Taglist is open! Reblog, comment, or send me an ask to be added! You can also send me any ideas/thoughts you might have for a future scenario - who knows, it might end up in a drabble! 💕
It’s You Masterlist 🐈‍⬛ ATZ Masterlist 🐈‍⬛ Main Masterlist
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It’s three in the morning, and you’re wide awake, at your desk, working frantically on an article whose deadline is mere hours away. For not the first time tonight, you curse your natural inclination towards procrastination and scrub your hand down your face, wishing you’d chosen a different career. 
There’s some noise outside your door and you realize San must be home. He’d been down at the Blue Bird with Hongjoong, drinking and hanging out with Wooyoung as he bartended. From the way San’s shuffling around, it sounds like Woo had been his typical kind self and given San more generous pours than he should have. A loud “oof” resonates, and you hear the armchair scrape the floor a bit, as if he were setting it back in its place. You wince, hoping he didn’t wake his sister, who has an early shift and needs to be up at dawn.
“Noona. Nooooooona.” Tap tap tappity tap. “Are you up? I can see - I can see your light.” 
San raps on your door, calling out to you in a voice that’s hushed but maybe not quite as quiet as he thinks it is. From his spot on your bed, Nero lifts his head off his paws at the sound, then blinks at you with his bright green eyes. 
“I know. He’s loud as fuck, isn’t he?” With a cluck of your tongue, you quickly hop up and open the door. San must’ve been leaning against it, because suddenly you’ve got a mountain on top of you, a loose-limbed one at that, eagerly but clumsily wrapping its arms around you. “San!” 
“Hiiiii,” San coos into your shoulder, where he’s buried his face. You shudder slightly as his breath tickles your skin exposed by the tank top you wear, and stagger away from the door enough to close it quietly as you can, not an easy task to do given the giant mass of man hanging his dead weight on you. 
“You know, your sister is sleeping just on the other side of this wall,” you remind him, but he doesn’t respond, too busy lathering the column of your neck with tiny kisses. “San. Come on, sit down.” 
With some stumbling from San and a not insignificant effort on your part, the two of you make it over to your bed. Your attempt at coaxing San into a sitting position fails miserably as he promptly splays on his back, pulling you on top of him. Nero hops off the bed in a huff. 
You go down like a sack of flour, not a gram of gracefulness in your fall, but San appears not to notice when your chin bounces off his sternum or your knee rams his thigh. He sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms around your back, tucking you against him.
“Mmmm. So nice,” he murmurs, resting his cheek against the top of your head. 
It’s three in the morning, and you need to finish this damn article. Except that right now, your body is telling you that what you really need is to stay exactly where you are. Because the minute the warmth of San’s embrace surrounded you, your stress melted away. The steady rise and fall of his chest calms you, makes your own breathing slow. You close your eyes, nestling closer to him, sliding your own arms around his waist. You could so easily fall asleep like this. 
But he can’t sleep here. 
“San. San, are you awake?” 
“I’m awake,” he replies, but with closed eyes, which doesn’t really give you a lot of confidence in his response. “I am,” he insists when you shake him, rolling his head away, but he still doesn’t look at you.
“Don’t fall asleep,” you warn him sternly. “I mean it!” 
San smiles, the one that tells you that he knows you’re going to give in to him, which is the smile you tend to see him flash the most often, because you’re weak for him and always giving in. But this isn’t one of those times when you can indulge him. No matter how much you want to. 
“Wish you’d come to the bar tonight. Wanted you there.” 
You knew that. He’d told you as much when he’d texted earlier. Unfortunately, you had to turn him down for the sake of remaining gainfully employed. He’d tried to convince you otherwise at first but finally said he understood. And then sent you a series of sad selfies, each one more pathetic than the last, lips puffing to an extreme. Because he understands the power that pout holds over you.
It’s embarrassing how bad you’re down for this man.
San’s fingers dance idly down your spine, and you sigh, eyes slipping shut again as you speak. “Believe me, I would’ve rather been there with you.” 
He hums, fingertips quickening their light minuet. He mumbles something into your hair, low and unintelligible from the way his lips are smushed against your head, so it takes you a few seconds to realize he’s not talking, he’s singing. 
“... marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars up above in your eyes…” 
“San,” you begin, but before you can warn him not to get any louder, he does so anyway, raising his beautiful voice a little, starting to get into it. 
“A fantabulous night to make romance, 'neath the cover of October skies…”
“Shhh!” Your shushing is cut short by your giggling, as you clap a hand over San’s mouth. “Oh my god, now is not the time for this!” 
This is one of San’s more notable habits - when a song gets stuck in his head, you’ll hear him singing it for days, just walking around the apartment humming the melody or, if he has an audience, belting out the lines. He knows how much you love his sweet tenor. Another fact about you he’s filed away to devastate you with at the most opportune times.
Like when you need to kick him out of your bed. 
He continues singing despite your hand pressing on his lips, slurring the words directly into your palm. His eyebrows are working overtime, top half of his face playfully conveying whatever lyrics are being smothered against your skin. He’s so ridiculous, so over-the-top, even at three in the morning when anyone else would be exhausted, like you felt before he walked into your room, since his energy is infectious and perked you up better than the multiple cups of coffee you downed in your desperate attempt to stay awake. That’s San for you - he’s always giving you something when you need it - his time, his help, his energy. 
So you decide to give him something back, and replace your hand with your mouth, drawing him into a tender kiss, imbuing it with all those things you feel but never say. His muffled singing becomes a hum becomes a moan, at first surprised, then pleased. One of his hands drops to your thigh and with a bit of urgent tugging, he maneuvers you on top of him, chest pressed to chest.
His kissing is only the slightest bit sloppier when he’s been drinking, wetter from his tongue caressing yours with somewhat less skill than usual, but it’s never bothered you. You like seeing this side of him, looser with his inhibitions, with whatever holds him in place - or holds him back. One day you’ll ask him to show you more, when you’re both sober. 
And when things are different. Less… ambiguous between the two of you. 
If you reach that point. 
“Noona.” San whispers, thankfully pulling you from the heavier thoughts threatening to sink you right out of the moment. You open your eyes to look at him as he pecks your cheeks.  “I like kissing you.” 
You grin, letting your forehead knock against his. “Yeah, I kinda noticed.” 
“Aren’t you going to say it back?” The look he gives you would melt the hardest of hearts. This is why you’re not afraid to be needy with San. There’s no reason to be, not when he’s just the same. 
“I like kissing you too,” you declare, kissing the tip of his nose, laughing at the way his eyes cross as he follows your lips. “But now’s not the time for that, either.” 
“Then what time is it?”
Laughing, you gently guide him into a sitting position, keeping your arms looped over his shoulders. His lust is morphing into sleepiness, eyelids drooping as he gazes at you, and your heart goes so soft at the sight of him. 
“It’s time for you to go to bed.” 
“Okay,” he chirps, immediately flopping onto his back again. 
“Ohhhh no, not here. You gotta go. I still have to finish my work, and you…” The words stick in your throat. You can’t be here. You don’t want to say them. You want him to be here. Tonight, and tomorrow, and on and on. 
But that’s a conversation for another time. Not three in the morning.
“You have to go,” you groan, sliding off the bed and grabbing his arms, less gentle and more insistent this time. “Come on, get up!” 
San lets out a whine of protest. “But baby, why can’t I stay here?” 
Oh, he would drop a ‘baby’ now, slipping it in so casually, so naturally, like there’s nothing unusual about him calling you that. As if it’s not something new he only started doing the other day, happening maybe a handful of times since. 
Since the two of you have been doing this undefined thing, there’s really only been one unspoken rule. You sleep in your bed, and he sleeps on the couch. Even on the nights when Haneul’s working the late shift, or she’s over at Jongho’s. You never know if she’ll come home early, so you don’t risk it. It’s just easier this way.
Doesn’t mean you like it, though. 
“Because. If Haneul catches you coming out of here - “
The sound of a door opening makes you freeze right down to your tongue, leaving your sentence unfinished. Your head swivels towards your own door. A pair of feet pad down the hall, getting closer, then fading away, until you hear another door being closed. The bathroom. 
You turn to find a sober-looking San staring at you. He reaches out, hands settling on your hips, holding on to you as you stand between his legs. Clinging again. 
“She’s in early today, right?” 
The two of you probably know Haneul’s schedule better than she does. You nod.
“Then I’ll just stay in here. She’ll think I never came home.” 
He makes it sound so simple. So reasonable. He’ll stay here until she leaves. Why didn’t you think of that? Is it because you don’t like thinking of San with someone else, even if said person is an imaginary person who exists solely to provide an excuse that will allow you to get what you want? And if you get what you want now, it’s only going to hurt more when you can’t have it anymore?
Yeah, that’s probably it. 
“I don’t know…” you bite your lip.
“Come on,” he wheedles, drawing you into his lap again, cupping your face with both hands. “Let me stay with you. Don’t you want me?” 
And there it goes, the last remaining bit of your resistance. 
San seems a little shocked, face lighting up in delight, and you wonder if it’s at how quickly you agreed, or that you agreed at all. Maybe both.
“But we have to be quiet. So, you know…” You trail off, gesturing wordlessly. 
“No moondancing?” He emphasizes the word heavily, lifting a brow, and you roll your eyes but grin as well.
“Right, none of that.”
“Just cuddles?” 
As if he needs to ask. You nod. “But I’m not coming to bed until I finish my work.” You reclaim your seat at your desk, folding your arms over the back of it, trying to give the appearance of someone with a solid backbone, since yours is apparently made of pudding. 
“That’s okay,” San says, already tugging his shirt off, then his pants, until he’s only in his boxer briefs. He peels back your comforter, sliding into the soft sheets, and again the action is so natural, so normal, like he does this every night, that something in your chest constricts. “I’ll just wait for you.” 
Your first thought is that you should inform him that he’s going to be waiting a while, but then again, maybe he won’t. 
You’re feeling suddenly inspired. 
(It’s three in the morning, and you’re falling in love.)
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If you liked this fic, please consider reblogging! Likes do not help it get seen by other readers. 💕
Taglist: @sweetnspicy-noona @krystal-a @jennylychee @hiefisch
© 2023-24 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my work.
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justporo · 1 year
Even more fluffy relationship headcanons for Astarion and Tav
Listen guys, I'm not done yet. For now, as soon as I get one idea out, three more pop up in my mind and since you guys seem to really like these (it's seriously and positively insane to me), I'll happily provide you more as long as I am able to. So, let's-a go: more headcanons and little ideas about them being together!
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(I formerly used an reuploaded and stolen version of this gif here - I didn't check where it came from and that wasn't right - I'm sorry!)
You love when Astarion smiles at you - just openly and full of joy; the sort of smile you've rarely seen from him during your adventures but they keep getting more and more, also they make him look just so young and carefree and beautiful and your heart just... melts
When Astarion quickly notices how you basically faint whenever he does this, he starts employing it to work his charms on you when he needs it - not the real big and joyous smiles though because they are so real and cherished to him he wouldn't dare use it to tease or manipulate you - they're only reserved to make you happy
Charming you is like breathing to Astarion though, you are just so helpless against his flattery and flirting because why would you resist if you could just give him everything that makes him happy?
When you mention once though that you'd hope to gain some immunity to it some time, Astarion is insulted: "No, love, making you blush is my favourite thing in the world. You are so beautiful with your cheeks all flushed. As long as I have a say in it, we will never stop!"
Tav likes teasing him just as much as Astarion enjoys it the other the way around: "You know if you would stop drawing your brows together all the time, it'd take fifty years off your face immediately." Moments of silence in which Astarion is just utterly shocked by your burn, then: "Who taught you to be this brutal, darling?" You raise an eyebrow at him, he helplessly lifts his arms: "Yeah right, I have only myself to blame."
Also, Astarion and Tav are definitely the kind of power couple that throw each other meaningful sassy looks when they're with other people and those are talking shit or something
Also, afterwards they will most definitely discuss and gossip over everything they experienced
Astarion is definitely the kind of man that would shower Tav with gifts, from coming home with a single beautiful flower that "reminded me of you, my beautiful blossom" ("How cheesy..." "Ah, so rather a gouda next time?") or a nice bottle of wine to share to bigger gestures like jewelry or expensive dresses ("When am I ever gonna wear this, Astarion?" "I don't know, we'll just make an opportunity!")
Tav loves all of his gifts but probably the small ones or the hand-crafted ones the most, she's happy with the little things but Astarion insists she deserves the big ones just as much
One time though, Astarion comes home with something else entirely; it's pouring outside and he's completely drenched and hiding something in his doublet jacket; "What do you have there, Astarion, a wheel of cheese?" Astarion carefully opens up his jacket to reveal a small white kitten that is just as drenched as him and is desperately trying to cling to the vampire's chest. "I found her all alone in a dark alleyway, cold and completely soaked, I thought maybe we could take care of her and she could be friends with Scratch?", he says while he carefully lifts up the small ball of fluff with an incredible softness in his eyes. Your heart is thoroughly melting as you walk over to them and you give Astarion the most loving of kisses
Well, the last one would almost be a drabble on it's own, I saw a similar post that made me think of this (I will find and tag them later!) Hope you enjoyed and I'm late for work now, whoops...
This is the post I mentioned before, by @mushy6902 (I hope it's okay I wrote a somewhat similar idea, thanks for inspiring me!)
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contentloadinggg · 7 months
Off The Path - Hozier Drabble
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Author’s Nota: Ughhh look at my hottie husband go, the hands, THE HANDS LOOK AT THEM. Anyways, fun little drabble for a fun little idea. Honestly, sometimes I think of things and wonder if I’m actually sane or not.
Summary: You ride Andrew in da woods, not far off the path hehehe. (God I really just wrote that.) (Gender-neutral! Reader)(~300 words)
Warnings: Smut, of course. Andrew’s ashamed with how turned on he is, uhh almost Exhibitionism? But they don’t actually get caught. Public Sex. (Help me, I’m getting ideas for a voyeur fic because he’d defo be into that.)
This is a work of fiction and is not a reflection of who Hozier is.
Inspired by:
Fic under the cut💚 18+ only, you’ve been warned.
“She turns my back to the earth and shows me that’s where I’m meant to be
I hear a chirp from the birds as if they heard somebody coming.”
“You really have the worst ideas- Jesus Christ!”
Andrew hissed, his hands gripping tightly at your hips. Like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to push you away or bring you closer. 
“Shhh, you’ve got to be quiet.”
You replied, pressing a finger to his lips. Andrew glared up at you. Something that quickly faded as your hips rocked on top of him. Forcing the man beneath you to take a sharp breath and bite his lip. Sharp white teeth piercing the soft flesh. His eyes shifted up to the sky in an attempt to focus on anything, quite literally anything else then the pleasure coursing right into his bones. The great branches of trees blocked out the sun casting light down from above. The leaves tremble in the breeze like his fingers that grasp at your legs.
Andrew wishes they’d gone further off the path while he pretends like the risk of someone catching them doesn’t make his nerves tingle with excitement. Heightening his adrenaline and arousal, causing his body to be all the more sensitive and aware.
You clench around his cock. Forcing Andrew’s attention back onto you.
“For fuck’s s-”
He’s cut off by your hand clasping over his mouth. The rocking of your hips becomes achingly more gentle in an attempt to quiet your movements. 
Voices drift through the trees. Andrew holds his breath. Praying to all and every God they don’t get caught. There’s no way to salvage this prone position if they do. At the same time his cock twitches inside your warm walls. You smile down at him like you know exactly what he’s thinking.
Andrew glares hotly. As hot as he is turned on.
You begin to ride him more vigorously once more.
More voices drift through the tree causing you to stop again. The shift in speeds made Andrew’s cock throb in need. He’s in for one long fucking ride.
And he’s praying to all and every God to thank them. 
This was a good time. almost as good as Andrew's having lol.
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calaisreno · 5 months
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May Prompts 2024
Dear Writers:
It's nearly May! The month of merry little thoughts, divine mistakes, and frivolous whims.
Time to set aside that fantasy trilogy that's been stuck in the mud all winter, the six-act tragedy in blank verse you've been labouring over--and write some random bits and bobs!
Visit your mind attic. Pull open the drawer where you hide your terrible ideas and scenes that are waiting for the right story. (I know you have such an attic and such a drawer because I do as well 🙄) Dig around— not with the idea of spring cleaning, which will only produce an empty drawer and a tidy attic— but because it's a treasure hunt.
Dust off the lawn furniture, put on your sandals, take your laptop outdoors. New environs, new inspirations.
The point is this: Last year* some of us wrote and shared a month of little daily fictions. There were drabbles and 221Bs and flash-fiction and mini-epics. There were prompts, which some of us used as a starting place, and sharing of minifics amongst ourselves, which led to more inspiration. 
Wanna see some more?
I've been hoarding ideas since last year and am now opening that drawer. I plan to write a short something every day in May, and will share my words with whoever wants to be tagged. If you'd like a daily prompt, I will be supplying that. 
No pressure. While some structure creates opportunity and creativity thrives within structure, this exercise is not meant to create anxiety or trigger your inner completionist. (My internal taskmaster is taking the month off.)
No judgement. No prizes for reaching 31, no awards for creativity, no certificates of participation. Just cheering one another on.
No rules. Use the prompt or don't. Write 100 words or 1000. Any fandom, any characters, any headcanon. Or your own original creation. Write every day or whenever an idea strikes. Share or don't. 
No guilt. Fail gleefully, write terribly, get out of the boat and swim.
Correction. One rule: write some words. 
*Credit goes to @notjustamumj for last year's inspiration. Eternal thanks for that idea!
Please reblog! I'm tagging a few people who participated last year or expressed interest, but I’m sure I’m leaving someone out. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for prompts and sharing.  
@raina_at @lisbeth-kk @keirgreeneyes @allsovacant @totallysilvergirl @meetinginsamarra @jrow @elwinglyre @bertytravelsfar @helloliriels @gregorovitchworld @peanitbear @mydogwatson
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sugalaritae · 2 years
the hat (m) - myg
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summary: Your world famous boyfriend has just worn his hat to your apartment. It starts things.
pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
genre: smut, fluff
au: idol, established relationship
rating: 18+
word count: 2,688 (unedited - i'm lazy, ok?)
warnings: yoongi's ridiculous and sexy hat is worn, yoongi is a bit of a silly man, penetrative sex occurs, lots of kissing, talk of being in "control", unprotected sex (wrap it up!), creampie
author's note: i'm not entirely sure what this is, sort of inspired by a line i wrote in this drabble and then the conversation that @minttangerines and i had about this scene. it's kind of chaos, completely unedited (so excuse the mistakes) ... happy birthday yoongi!
It all starts with the hat.
The wonderful and absurd hat.
The hat with its gray (polyester) outside that reminds you of pants you owned in the 90s, the kind that made a noise every time you took a step (you had loved that noise when you were younger and once, Yoongi mentioned that he had too). Then there is the white lining, not quite sherpa fleece but something close to it. 
He looks good in hats. 
He looks excellent in hats — the beanies he wears just slightly above his ears, the baseball caps that make him look simultaneously like a sexy father and the cool-as-shit rapper that he is, the bucket hats that he wears when he doesn’t want to be perceived but has to be — but he looks particularly excellent in this hat. 
It all starts with him coming into your apartment (after a long trip to the States) wearing that hat.
It’s not particularly cold out, but that isn’t what surprises you about it; it’s the fact that he’s wearing it in an apartment building that is not his own and it is … a very recognized hat. 
The hat! Known to be worn by Min Yoongi, Suga of BTS, Agust D. 
Sure, he’s wearing a hood overtop of the hat (you’re not entirely sure how it’s possible but it makes the hat look better), but still you stop a few feet away from the little area where shoes go. He stops too (shoe still on) and looks at you. 
Your gaze shoots to the hat. 
“You’re wearing the hat!” 
He reaches up and slips a finger under the strap of his mask and pulls it off with ease and grace (god! Why does he look good doing that?). 
“It’s supposed to be cold tomorrow, I wanted to wear it. What’s the problem?” he asks as he looks down and undoes the laces of his Nikes (his pure almost mint condition Jordan’s). 
The fact that he’s doing something else while asking the question means that he honestly has no idea what you’re thinking or worrying about. That’s something you’ve learned in the almost year of being in a relationship with him — If he’s doing something else when he’s asking questions it means that he hasn’t thought about it the way you’re thinking about it — and it has caused many a fight. Especially at the beginning. 
“What if someone recognized you?” 
You know that you might be a little too worried, obviously it’s not something he thought about and therefore it means that maybe you shouldn’t think about it too. 
He looks up from his shoes, moving his head in what must be an awkward position as he has to look out from under the brim of his hat that he has pushed up, but given his position of being hunched over, hand still on the laces, he smiles at you. 
“You worried?” 
You nod as a feeling of frustration bubbles up in your chest. Of course you’re worried. You’ve been with him long enough to know that you would like to spend the rest of your life with him but short enough to still be scared of someone finding out and your whole world shifting in a matter of seconds and thousands of tweets. 
“Yes,” you reply. 
You watch as his smile falls just a little with one corner of still meeting his eyes. You’ve seen that look before, the one that tells you he’s entertained by you. It’s a look that you sometimes think is annoying. 
Now, you’re not sure how you feel about it because it both makes you feel silly and makes you feel loved. 
Because oh! How he loves you. 
Finally he steps out of his shoes and into your apartment, walking toward you with his gaze locked on yours. 
Sometimes, when he looks at you, really looks at you, it takes your breath away. Knocks you on your metaphorical feet because he looks at you like you’re the only person he’s ever looked at (which you know to be not true given that he looks at literally thousands of people when he’s performing). 
With his gaze touching you first, his hands touch you second. Those fingers sliding up your bare arm and onto your biceps. The calluses on his fingers (he’s been playing guitar in an almost hyper-fixated way) meet the small little bumps and edges of your stretch marks that decorate your skin in a gentle reminder that you both are human beings (Something that some people forget). 
You look up at him. 
“Jagi,” he says softly. “Jagiya.” 
“You don’t have to worry. I’m not worried. I wouldn’t have worn it if I was,” he says, confirming that you are being foolish.  “Lots of people have this hat.” 
Your face squishes into a small pout and it makes him let out an entertained breath of air. 
“Lovely,” he whispers and then kisses you softly as his hands move up to your neck, one traveling further to your chin and jaw. 
You melt into the kiss. 
It’s chaste and gentle. You’ve learned he is often like this. His moods are like where the ocean meets the shore — sometimes hard, pushy, and demanding; sometimes gentle, calm, loving, moving with everything around him and then silly, playful, and foolish — he is ever changing. 
He breaks the kiss and his thumb moves over your cheek. 
For a moment he stays like this. Just watching you until your eyes flutter shut and all anxiety and worry slips down your spine, drips onto the floor, and disappears into the space between your apartment and your neighbors. 
Then, suddenly he clears his throat in a shocking noise that forces your eyes open with surprise, he drops his hands and walks around you, smacking your ass on the way.
“Now! What’s for dinner?” he asks. 
“You jerk!” you laugh as he opens one of your cupboards and looks inside for things he could make into something that resembles a meal. 
He peers out from behind the door for a moment and winks at you before his face disappears again. 
You shake your head with surprise, taking a moment to mix the feeling of being looked at and kissed with this one. Slowly, they settle into some sort of sweet and silly feeling that pools in your cheeks. 
You walk to him and wrap your hands around his waist and lean over his back to peek into your very empty cupboards. 
“We’re going to have to order in,” you say in a sly tone. 
“Was this your plan?” he asks. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” 
He moves his head to the side in a move of disappointment and clicks his tongue against his teeth. 
“What am I going to do with you?” he asks in his deep, dark, whiskey smooth voice. 
Your mind whirs at his tone. 
He knows it has an effect on you and will stop your brain. He knows this and while your brain short circuits he spins around and grabs you by your waist pulling a surprised shriek of delight out of you. 
He lifts you for a moment and wraps his arms around you to protect you as he guides you into your small living room (really the apartment is just one large room with a loft that looks over the rest). 
His fingers find your ticklish spot on your lower back and the room fills with your laughter and his breath. Which is hot against your neck. 
“Yoongi!!” you cry as you fall onto the couch with him on top of you. 
He is heavier than people might imagine (months at the gym and in pilates class) but he balances most of his weight on his knee that is pressed to the couch between your legs and onto his hand just above where his face presses into your neck. 
He stops tickling you and your breath moves from laughter into something more serious, determined, and lusty. 
“Jagi” he breathes against your neck and for a moment both of your bodies are completely still. 
Then, almost as if you can read each other’s minds, you are kissing, hands working and clashing together to undo each other’s jeans. 
He tastes like coffee. 
Your hands succeed and push the zipper down before you move both hands into his hair and push the hat off, it falls awkwardly against your head (breaking the kiss for a moment) and then onto the couch. 
He breaks the kiss then and pulls back. Your chest rises and falls, clothes pushed up and down on both your bodies, and you watch him with a slightly confused look. 
He looks at the hat and then at you and grins. 
“Come here,” he says and pat his leg before he moves to sit against the back of the couch. 
You move to straddle him but he stops you. 
“These need to come off,” he whispers (in that tone again) and points to your shirt (his, actually) and your jeans. 
With weak knees you stand and slowly slip your shirt over your head. You aren’t wearing a bra and his gaze lazily moves over how they rest against your body. He raises his hand and gestures for you to come closer. You do. Your hips swaying with each step all because of how he looks at you and how it makes you feel. 
Slowly (fucking painfully slowly) he reaches up and slips the very tips of his fingers down your collarbone, then sternum, until he meets the soft curve of your breast and he traces it; following the the movements of your body like they are notes he has played before and is hearing in a cleaner sound. 
“Fuck,” he whispers. 
You shiver. 
He takes your jeans off of your body. Those callused hands moving gently over marked skin, and then as he pulls the denim down, onto the floor, he presses a kiss to your stomach. 
You shiver and slip your hands into his hair again, down his neck and back until you reach the hem of his sweater and pull on it. 
He undresses as you stand watching. Your gaze drifts over how each muscle group moves and works with the others as he pulls off sweater, then shirt, and throws them aside. He arches up on the couch (slightly awkwardly) as he pushes his jeans down and you watch, amused, as he struggles with them until he lifts his legs and nods at them with a playful smile. 
You laugh as you step back to grab and tug them off him. 
Finally you move to his lap and sit down. He kisses you again, fingers dragging over your neck, then shoulders, and down your back. 
“Yoongi,” you whisper against his lips.
“Fuck me, please.” 
He smiles against your lips before he bites your bottom lip. 
“You started this,” you whisper. 
He lets out another entertained scoff and pulls back to look at you. He studies you for a moment and you can feel the frustrated heat grow in your chest as your excitement slips down your lips and onto your thigh. You push against him, rubbing yourself against his clothed erection (wait! Why the fuck is he still wearing his boxers?). 
He moans.
“Something is off,” he says, still studying you.
“Yoongi, if you make me move because you forgot to take your boxers off, I am going to go into that bedroom and make you listen to me finish myself off.” 
He smirks at this and then shakes his head. 
“The hat.” 
“The hat. You should wear the hat.” 
He says it so casually before he reaches over to grab the hat and plops it down on your head. 
He nods. “Yup, much better.” 
You frown. 
“Take it off and I stop.” 
You stick your tongue out at him and he leans forward and kisses the tip gently which makes you sputter and laugh. 
He moves his hands between your bodies.
“Mmmm,” he moans. “No need for lube this time?” he asks.
“Don’t question it, hat man,” you say as you pull him into a kiss. 
He smiles into the kiss and his fingers dance over your thrumming clit. He moves his finger over it in the way he knows you like it and your body reacts. This is what you want from him but it’s not enough. Your body is screaming more, more, more, more!
“I need you,” you whisper against his lips and he nods, separating his hand from you and you feel him pull the materials of his underpants down his thighs. You shift to help him and then you feel him against your wet folds. 
He moans deep in his throat as he moves the head of his dick along you, gathering as much of your excitement on himself before he slowly (and carefully) pushes in. 
(He stops for a moment as you wince and then with a nod from you, he continues.) 
“Fuck,” you both breathe out and swallow the other’s word. 
You begin to ride him, taking your time, adjusting. His hands roam your body. His mouth falls from your lips to your breast and licks and kisses your nipples. He moves to look at you and laughs. 
“The hat!” 
You slap his chest, trying desperately to hold in your own laugh, before he pushes into you. 
It goes like that for a few moments, laughter mixed with the moans, rising in the apartment like heat in an oven. 
Until finally, the two of you slip back into the feel of each other’s bodies. He presses his thumb to your clit and moves it with you. You ride him fast then slow until he pushes back into you in a sign that he’s desperate for you.
“Stop torturing me,” he says against your neck. 
“I’m wearing the hat, it means I’m in control.” 
He chuckles.
“Oh is that what it means?” he asks as he pushes into you causing you to moan loudly. “That’s what I thought.” 
You slap his chest again and before you can get your bearings he wraps his arm around your waist and guides the two of you down onto the floor. He towers above you, taking in the surprised look on your face. 
“If you think this means you’re in charge then give it back to me” he says as he grabs the hat off your head and pulls it onto his. He smirks (bastard looks so good in that fucking hat, with that fucking smirk) and pushes back into you. 
“Oh! Fuck!” 
He is in charge and he is desperate. His movements are quick and deep. You can feel the stretch around him as you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer to you. He groans at this slight change and thrusts faster, almost relentlessly so, until you can feel the build. 
“I’m —” 
“Come,” he commands, then kisses you. 
He kisses hard, your eyes shut tight as you concentrate on the feeling in your core, the ache in your legs, the rug under your back. Then you come. He doesn’t stop, only encourages you to be louder (which you do), and then he comes moments after you. You feel him twitch inside and against your walls. 
For a moment your breaths sync, his head resting against your chest as you hold him against you. 
“So,” he says as he separates from you and leans against the couch, fixing his boxers (you’ll shower soon). “Chicken for dinner?” 
You shake your head, “I want bulgogi gimbap.” 
He sighs and shrugs, “I’m wearing the hat.” 
You exhale with feigned anger and move, only to feel the mess he left inside you slip out of you. 
“You jerk! I can’t move without making a mess and I want gimbap!” 
He smirks. Shrugs. 
“I’m wearing the hat, means I’m in control,” he says. 
(He buys you gimbap.)
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petrichorca · 6 months
Hello, I am slowly figuring out how to use tumblr effectively. I thought I'd give an update on fics I've written in 2024, but keep forgetting to talk about here in a meaningful way.
As We Go Hand in Hand (explicit, gentlebeard, 7100 words) follows Ed as he processes the past few months while living on the island with Stede, massively in love but struggling with himself. I wrote it while feeling a lot of delayed grief around the (confirmed) s2 cancellation, and while it's sad at points it's also quite romantic I think. I really love this story.
Behind Closed Eyes All I See is You (explicit, gentlebeard, 5300 words) is a smutty PWP my dear friend @chaoticturtleturtle invited me to write with her. Stede lets Ed take the lead in a scene with some sensory deprivation, pwp, and aftercare.
like sugar to my heart (mature, gentlebeard, 4200 words) is a silly fic I wrote for my Animorphs OFMD AU co-writer as a birthday gift. Our blue four-legged four-eyed mouthless alien Stedeth gets foiled by a vending machine (based on the tumblr art of the giraffe centaur), and Ed consoles him.
like a bird (teen, gentlebeard, 3700 words) with @ghostalservice gives some backstory about Stedeth's life prior to the events of our 177k fic and features some very cute art of Mary and Stede's children (as Andalites, of course) by @theogem
Stede’s Cursed Red Suit as a Metaphor for Grief and Moving On (teen, stede + izzy, 1717 words) explores the squishy time of season 2, episode 5, and the dynamic between Stede and Izzy in season 2 overall. I am also obsessed with how Stede acts in the cursed suit. I find their s2 relationship really interesting so this is me looking a bit at that via a missing scene starting with Stede yelling OH FUCK OFF.
Calypso’s Dawn (explicit, gentlebeard, 1800 words) centers around how Ed made his boyfriend blush the morning after Calypso's birthday and how Ed feels about it. I love this fic. I've been trying to challenge myself to write more self-contained, shorter stories and this one turned out really well imo.
Life as a Series of Forward Rolls (teen, gentlebeard, 9900 words) features Stede running into his teenhood crush, the gold medalist in men's gymnastics from the 1996 Olympics. This fic also centers around a Barbie doll in Ed Teach's likeness, which @swashbuckling-sweethearts made an INCREDIBLE art of (embedded at the end of the story), inspired by my own 1996 Olympics Barbie. Silly and light modern AU!
Did you mean to do that? (teen, gentlebeard, 700 words) explores Stede's grief around Ed dying, even when he knows Ed is alive. I had no idea I would be so interested in writing missing scenes, but long conversations with friends have really ignited me in exploring these. (The length - I was trying to channel @brigdh, whose ability to write devastatingly brilliant drabbles inspires me, and I'm pleased with this one!)
Perfectly Ordinary Tuesday (mature, gentlebeard, 4900 words) with @ferventrabbit follows Stede and Ed deciding to get married on a perfectly ordinary Tuesday, and drag their inn guest Dave along for the ride. We split up writing the vows, and I balled my eyes out writing mine and then reading em's. This story is fluffy and fun, and it was a great way to start 2024. :)
What's next: I'm working on or noodling a lot of projects, solo and with different collaborators. Imminently, I've got a fic with @veeagainsttheday coming for AUpril on April 1st. Hoping to get something else out in April for @ofmdjanuaury's AUpril 2024 event, which I highly encourage folks to check out - it's for all sorts of creators!
@ghostalservice and I continue to think about our blue alien Stede and his human boyfriend Ed. Wanna Fly Away was such an important project to me while we were writing, and it's become even more special as folks find it. WFA now has art embedded in most of the 15 chapters, so if you haven't seen those check it out. More to come in that space.
Where was I going with this? Well, I suppose I want to say I'm still here. OFMD changed my life, and the OFMD fandom community is deeply important to me. I still hold out hope for a third season, or a follow-up that brings us more closure, but no matter what I'm still thinking about our pirates and will for a long time. If you read this far, thanks for being part of my community. <3
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s1m0nth3swag · 4 months
Thinking about Domestic Leon, if he was able to retire sometime after Re4, reasons unknown. Somewhat also inspired by my brainrot of that one Drabble I wrote where Leon totally didn't want a cat.
Just him enjoying his free time, spending most of it doing chores while you work, or forcing you to cuddle with him while you're supposed to be working from home.
The thing is, he gets lonely, alright? You're at work for so long, and chores get boring for him fast. So, best idea is a pet. Some strong dog he can play with in your small garden - wrong. Raccoon City and Valdelobos were full of dogs that traumatised him, even though he still likes them, the thought of having to raise one and accidentally having it be aggressive all of a sudden sounds like a nightmare to him.
What do you two get instead? A kitten, obviously. A small little ball of fur that clings to him, sitting on his shoulders at all times (it likes how high up above everything it makes her), and he definitely spoils her. Pets at all times, genuinely pouts when she doesn't want to cuddle, she gets all the treats she wants (like 60% of your paycheck go towards cat treats at this point, it feels like).
I just love the idea of Leon and a kitty snuggling up together because uhm yes please.
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basu-shokikita · 1 month
Skwisgaar Skwigelf can f🎸ck with your head
Inspired by @mirrorshards's suggestion to make a certain video I showed her about Skwisgaar and Toki, I’m posting this silly drabble I wrote. Original will be linked after the drabble ‘cause I don’t wanna spoil.
Thank you @triplefaggot for the screenshot edit 😚
Have some Scandinavian shenanigans!
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“Stops, just stops.” Skwisgaar said without any emotion in his voice. “Comes here.”
Toki swallowed heavily, releasing the grip on his guitar. With insecure steps, he walked out of the booth, where Skwisgaar was waiting for him on the couch. As well as the rest of the band…and Knubbler.
They were in the middle of recording a new album and this week, especially, was dedicated to the rhythms section. After watching Murderface get chewed out for not learning his parts, Toki had spent the whole night practicing in panic. At the very least he couldn’t afford to be as pathetic as Murderface, who most of the time didn’t even know where the chords were. 
He had to do better.
Problem is, he had no idea if his efforts had given any fruit as Skwisgaar’s expression was more inscrutable than the guitar resting on his lap. Nathan and Pickles had adopted a completely laissez-faire attitude. As far as they were concerned, Toki was Skwisgaar’s responsibility and they didn’t want anything to do with it. Knubbler looked almost bored, his face resting on his hand, awaiting for Skwisgaar’s verdict. 
With deliberate slowness, Skwisgaar folded his hands in front of his face, as in deep thought. His eyes bore into Toki’s and it felt like they were piercing his soul. He would’ve felt naked standing there for Skwisgaar to watch, if it wasn’t for his guitar shielding him.
“You says you prackstickeds last nites, ja?”
A few seconds of silence.
“Amazings.” Skwisgaar mumbled and Toki wasn’t sure he had heard him right, though he didn’t dare to ask him to repeat. 
Weakly, he cleared his throat. “Um…?”
“Toki,” Skwisgaar put his hands down. “I has a massive problemks with yous playingks today.”
Feeling like someone had thrown a rock down his stomach, Toki looked down and braced himself.
“And its dat I wish you playeds like dis before.” 
Toki raised his eyes, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth. “Skwisgaar!”
“Because if you hads,” Skwisgaar continued. “Dens I would knows yous playingks ams gonna be mines cause of deaths.”
“Oh…” Toki lowered his eyes again. “Sorries…”
“And by cause of deaths, ams talkingks abouts Obituaries’ Cause of Deaths.” Skwisgaar said. 
Obituary, the band? Like, the ones that made the classic death metal album Cause of Death? Was Skwisgaar praising him?!
Toki couldn’t help the excitement drumming in his chest, that Skwisgaar had compared his playing to such a quintessential part of death metal history. “Thank y-”
“You knows how the bassists’ cause of death was cancers?!” Skwisgaar interrupted him.
Okay, now he really was lost. “Skwisgaar,” He scratched his head in confusion. “I don’ts knows if you ams insultingks me or nots.”
“Oh you don’ts?” Skwisgaar stood up, seemingly infuriated. “Okej, den lets puts it simples and easies: packs your shits, dildos, yous off de bands!”
“Whats?!” Toki squeaked, feeling a rush of blood to his head.
“Whoa!” Nathan was just as shocked.
“Skwisgaar, th’ts a bit too much…” Pickles tried to calm him down.
Skwisgaar ignored his bandmates and kept talking. “Because you shoulds be playingks in de best bands in de worlds!” He opened his arms effusively.
Although still recovering from the previous shock, the words moved Toki. “Oh, Skwisgaars, dat ams…”
“Aren’t we the bescht band in the world?” Murderface intervened.
“Quiet, Willy.” Knubbler silenced him.
“Just nots any worlds dat ams in.” Skwisgaar crossed his arms, staring down at Toki. 
“Am really confused here, dood.”
“Yeah, me too.”
It was comforting in a way for Toki to know the others were just as puzzled as him, but he was still on the receiving end of the lecture. “Alls do betters…” He muttered with closed eyes.
“Because, honestlies, Tokes, ams jealous of you.” Skwisgaar said.
Toki’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “You ams?!”
“And yours totals refusals to cares abouts yous playingks.” He took a step closer towards Toki. “Dis ams not fits for humans ears, noes, dis shoulds be listeneds by gods what has mores sophistikateds ears and infinites kindness to save humans from playingks likes dis!”
Toki was barely registering the words anymore, his head was spinning, he felt dizzy, like he was caught somewhere between a dream and a nightmare. Well, maybe it was the fact that he stayed overnight practicing so he had had little rest. Maybe he had fallen asleep mid practicing and this was nothing but an illusion? Maybe he never left his bed this morning? Maybe this wasn’t happening?
“If you dieds now, dens you wouldnts has to lives a lives whats you never does betters dan todays.” Skwisgaar said, though none of those words made any goddamn sense.
“T-Thanks you, Skwisgaar…” Toki managed to stutter before collapsing on the floor.
The rest of the band watched his unconscious body as a less than impressed Knubbler went to get the Klokateers. Their faces denoted something between slight concern and total indifference.
“Well, you knocked the kid out, Skwisgaar.” Pickles finally spoke. “Ya happy now?”
“Uh, he looks dead.” Nathan commented with a grimace.
“He ams gonna be fines.” Skwisgaar waved a dismissive hand before letting his weight flop back on the couch.
“I’m gonna draw dicksch on hisch fasche.” Murderface announced, producing a sharpie out of his pockets.
“Will ya stop thinkin’ about dicks for a second?” Pickles gestured at Nathan to help him get Toki off the floor. 
“What? He totally did the schame thing to me lascht time I pasched out!”
“That was different.” Nathan argued. “You deserved it.”
“Whet were ya tryin’ to tell him, anyway?” Pickles stared at Skwisgaar in exasperation.
Skwisgaar, who had started fretting from boredom, stopped. “I thoughts it ams was obviousk.”
Pickles and Nathan gave each other glances before looking back at Skwisgaar. “No?” They said in unison.
Skwisgaar shrugged, fingers back on the strings. “It was just okejs.”
If you recognized the skit this is from, bless your heart, and if not, here you go:
Congratulations, now you understand my elaborated shitpost
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: @stevesbipanic! They have fourteen works under the Stranger Things tag and thirteen of those works are under the Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson tag over on Archive of our Own!!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following of their works by stevesbipanic:
Stevie's Time Loop
Home For Christmas
Remember Me
The Clothes That Make Us
Boy for All Seasons
She's an amazing writer that's able to make you feel connected to the characters, especially Steve. She's able to make me both cry and laugh in the same fic which is a feat to do well. She's also an amazing friend. Stevie's Time Loop is one of my favourite as it's a really unique way of writing a timeloop with large time jumps and most loops focusing on Steve and his trauma rather than finding a solution. - anonymous
Below the cut, @stevesbipanic answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Steddie was the first ship that ever drove me to write fanfiction. I think the fact that I see myself a lot in both of them, especially Steve makes them so enjoyable to write for me. I think they’re also such moldable characters that you can write them into a lot of different stories quite easily and I love exploring their personalities and dynamics.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Soulmate AUs because I’m a sucker for true love.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Angst with a happy ending, I love making both these boys and my readers cry but also want them to be happy and in love in the end.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
This is such a hard question, there are so many talented writers and amazing fics, but if I had to choose one I’d have to say “The One in Which a Time Loop is Fucking Exhausting” by badpancake, it was one of the first time loop fics I read and really inspired my own time loop fic.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’d love to explore a fantasy AU in the future, I know many talented authors writing dragon!eddie and King Steve or knight and bard steddie and it is one of my favourite genres of fics that are outside of Hawkins.
What is your writing process like?
A mess, most of my works on Tumblr are spur of the moment ideas that will come to me and I immediately need to write them down. It’s actually the longer slower projects that are hardest for me since they require a lot more planning and editing, I really admire the authors consistently putting out those big fics.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I’d say my most noticeable one is how I write dialogue, I really don’t like writing steve said eddie said etc etc. I usually write each thing said on it’s own line and it’s clear who’s speaking by what they say or how they say it, I think it breaks up the story nicely too since you feel you’re seeing the conversation rather than reading it.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
As soon as I finish writing I want people to see it, I kinda hate sometimes when I’m doing a project and have to wait for a specific time to post but the anticipation can be fun too.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Honestly, I’m most proud of my latest fic “Home for Christmas” it was the first time I’d ever participated in a bang and the project felt huge, it felt like a big achievement getting it all out in the end and it’s the longest fic I’ve ever written as a bonus.
How did you get the idea for Remember Me?
I think I’d been reading a fic where Steve got a concussion and had a bit of temporary memory loss and I just thought what if all those concussions had long lasting effects on Steve’s brain when he grew older. I’ve also experienced a love one going through long term memory loss and how hard it is to watch that.
When writing Stevie's Time Loop, what was something you didn’t expect?
I didn’t expect it to become a whole fic! It started off as one little off hand drabble I wrote that alluded to a lot of loops surrounding the scene of Steve and Robin discussing how Robin had a bad feeling about this and just thought well what if this is like time loop deja vu.
What inspired The Clothes That Make Us?
Exploring why Steve dresses how he does and how he likes the things he does and how there’s an emotional reason behind some of the fans favourite outfits was something I wanted to explore more and this was my very first fic I wrote for ao3 so it was a bit daunting but also very exciting.
What was your favorite part to write from Boy for All Seasons?
My favourite part was definitely thinking of all the silly costumes Eddie would come up with as well as flirty Steve is so fun to write.
How do/did you feel writing The Clothes That Make Us?
I felt nervous since it was the first fic I ever wrote but excited since I felt really proud writing something that long and the feedback I got was so heartwarming.
What was the most difficult part of writing Remember Me?
Omg just getting to the end without crying so hard, after I posted it so many people messaged me about how they cried through it, just know I was writing that through tears too!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
"Thank you for giving me a life worth remembering.” in “Remember Me” makes me want to cry everytime and really shows what we want for our favourite characters is to have a happy life however long they get.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’ll be posting my fic in the upcoming Reverse Bang in March which is exciting and I’ve got a secret project coming up later this year that people can follow @steddielycrying.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
I’d just like to thank everyone who’s supported me through writing, whether it be a random comment on a fic or my lovely mutuals that get me through hard days, this has been an amazing fandom to be apart of and I can’t wait to write more!
Thank you to our author, @stevesbipanic , and our nominator! See more of @stevesbipanic's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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blue-slxt · 1 year
It Can Be Fun
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: I wrote this in like 30-40 minutes at like 2am because I got randomly inspired and had to get this down while the motivation was still fresh lol. I have a ton of little smut drabble ideas in my notes and this just happened to be the one my brain chose for tonight. I hope you enjoy it! All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Ao'nung x Fem!Human!Reader
Warnings: Pre-established Relationship, Smut, Sex toy, Oral (M receiving), Overstimulation (kinda but not really), I think that's it
Word Count: 800+
Summary: Ao'nung is not pleased when he finds your vibrator.
“What is this thing?” your mate asks holding up your bright pink wand from its hiding spot between your mattresses. He turns it around in his hands examining the completely foreign object.
“That would be a vibrator, darling.” You say taking it from Ao’nung’s hands. “I use it when I need a little…relief, you know?” His eyebrows knit together listening to your explanation. Once it clicks for him, he crosses his arms over his chest and crosses legs on your bed that was way too small for him to properly fit on. He huffs out an annoyed breath, “Why would you need such a thing? I keep you plenty satisfied, do I not?”
You giggle a little at his slightly childish pouting. “Of course, you do, Ma’Nung. However, you are not with me every waking second of every day. What am I supposed to do while you’re out doing your hunting or training?”
“You could come find me. You should not need to have that thing to please you. That is my job.”
You know that he’s a little irritated, but you can’t help but find his petulant attitude about the whole thing a little adorable. You walk over to him and use your hand to make him look at you.
“They’re not all bad. How about you let me show you how much fun it can be?”
He notices the mischievous glint in your eye and raises an eyebrow at you waiting for you to elaborate. Instead of simply explaining it to him, you let your actions speak for you as you untie his loincloth from around his waist. He may still be confused on what you were planning to do, but he still uncrosses his legs to make room for you.
His dick springs up when you free it and he’s already leaking precum over his tip. You smile a bit to yourself loving the effect you had on this man that was easily two or three times your size.
You grab him and your hand can barely wrap fully around him, but the pressure of your fingers made up for it. When you push his tip past the plush of your lips, he lets out a low grown. You’ve always felt a little insecure about the fact that you couldn’t fit his full length into your mouth, but with this idea, this should help take it to the next level.
He still wasn’t sure what you were planning to do, but he can’t even care about that with you swirling your tongue around his dick right now.
You bob your head up and down a few times watching his face. When he lets his head fall back, you push the button to turn your vibrator on and his face shoots up to look at you. You slide your mouth up to wrap around just the head of his dick and hollow out your cheeks sucking on it and press the vibrator to your cheek so that it vibrates right against where he was being held in your mouth.
“Haah…” he breathes out a shaky breath. “f-fuck”.
If you could right now, you would be grinning from ear to ear. You keep the vibrator held against your hollowed cheeks while you continue moving your head up and down his length. His fingers grip tightly onto your bed sheets while his hips start to buck up into your mouth trying to chase his release.
“Oh, Eywa, woman. You are going to be the death of me, you know that?” his words come out through gritted teeth.
You decide to push the envelope a little bit and click the button on your toy one more time to set it to a faster setting. Clearly your mate wasn’t prepared for that as he starts letting little whimpers and whines slip. Ao’nung’s head is spinning from all the stimulation. He didn’t think it could get any better, but upping the speed proved him wrong. He has never been happier to be wrong.
It becomes apparent that all your efforts are paying off when you feel him twitch in your mouth. He was so close. You give it your all to make him give you what you want. When you drag your mouth all the way up to the tip and drag your tongue back and forth over his slit with the vibrator against your face, it proves to be the perfect combo to get him there.
“Ah…I—I’m go—” he doesn’t even get to finish his thought before he’s spilling his seed into your throat. Thanks to the huge size difference between you, his release is too much for you to completely hold in your mouth and some spills out the corners of your mouth and around his dick as he keeps pumping into your mouth riding out his high. The new sensation of the vibrator while he cums prolongs his orgasm and his eyes roll nearing overstimulation.
You finally pull off him and watch his heaving chest while he slumps back on your bed.
“See? It can be pretty fun, right?” you ask teasingly turning off the toy.
“I guess it’s not so bad.” He says breathlessly smiling to himself.
Taglist: @soleilmoon @netemoon @fifia-writes @strangersav11
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
*clears throat*
Ahem. So, I kinda wrote a tiny little Seams drabble, if anyone is interested? It's an idea I've been 'saving' because I didn't think it fit into the arc of the series, but I'm in my idgaf era, so I let inspiration take me and I banged it out faster than I have anything for a long time.
Yes, I'm shamelessly seeking validation because I'm still feeling fragile 🥺 Also I hate to disappoint, but it's not a sexy drabble. On the contrary, it's super wholesome and it's an important part of the story (to me).
P.S. Just managing expectations - I'm not 'back' yet. I haven't thought about the next Seams at all, but I'm at a place where I won't resist if an idea calls out to me. Taking it one impulsive idea at a time ❤️
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campfam4lyfe · 4 months
Got any campfam aus or ideas in the works?
hey anon! I wouldn’t say I have any ideas in the works, because I have what I like to call commitment issues when it comes to writing fic.
This means that while I have an abundance of ideas, outlines, and wips in my Google docs for the fandoms I’ve been in. I’ve never actually finished a fic and posted it.
In fact, the only single time I have, (diff fandom!) I am not counting properly, because it was a collab with a close mutual, and a lot of the legwork was them. I had the initial plot bunny and was going to leave it as a one off tumblr post, but my mutual rlly liked the idea and we bounced drabbles and such back and forth. We wrote a bunch of snippets and put them together in a doc, until we had cohesive chapters, as we filled the empty spaces with more and more work, ending up to a total of 18 chapters. It took us a year and a half to post it, and that was mostly my fault, as where my mutual had finished most of their allotted sections, different hyperfixations kept pulling me to other unfinished works. This is why I won’t promise anything—I don’t want to disappoint anyone.
But, that being said. I do have ideas, hcs, and aus! One that is currently consuming me, was actually inspired by this one other post I saw recently. (When I find the post ima link it dw!) OP of the post was saying that there should be a Carmen Sandiego au for CC and I jumped on that SO fucking fast anon. I LOVE Carmen Sandiego, and have since it first aired when I was in HS.
So. Here’s some of the Carmen Sandiego au thoughts copy/pasted from my Google docs. (Yes I do always write out my outlines as if I’m taking to someone but that’s bc i sometimes end up sharing the doc link with some friends)
JWCC Carmen Sandiego AU:
Y’all know Kenlynn is my JAM and so is RedCrackle. So obvi I thought of mixing the two right? But here’s the thing. While I love Carmen/Gray, I am also in love with Carmen/Ivy and Carmen/Julia.
So with that in mind. Kenlynn is going to take a backseat for a second (meaning tho they'll become a thing and obvi they will bc they are a constant to me, theyre not the center of this), and my fave girls YASAMMY will be at the forefront of this au.
I’m thinking. Carmen Sammy. But I’m not entirely sure about whether or not that’s what I want? It could be argued that Sammy’s love for her family is a core driving force in her character, and Carmen doesn’t KNOW her family. But also—a huge plot point is that she’s looking for her mom. So. Tentative Carmen Sammy.
So I figure not everything is going to be one-to-one. This means I am placing Kenji in the role of Gray/Crackle. His story is going to be different tho, bc whereas Gray was a recruit, with MANTAH CORP AS V.I.L.E that means Daniel is already on the board. So kenji trying to make his dad proud? More likely than you think.
(I just wanted my Sammy&Kenji besties. Bestie betrayal can be just as good as romantic betrayal)
I’m sure you know where I’m going with this if we’re not going the redcrackle route. Thats right. YASMINA JULIA.
I considered at first, YASMINA CARMEN and SAMMY IVY, but in the end the need for Sammy Carmen was too great.
So I also considered Dave and Roxxie as Chase and Julia but, I decided to scrap that idea for now. You know me, at some point I might revamp most of the au anyways lol, now is not a time for fine tuning it’s just a tentative starting point.
Torn between DARIUS as Player or Brooklynn as Player. I considered Ben of course, but I think we need to put him on an island at some point—he needs a Bumpy, no matter the universe.
WAIT. REVISITING BEN AS PLAYER. BECAUSE DARIUS AND BRAND AS ZACK AND IVY. This means no Carmen/Ivy vibes but since we ditched the Gray/Carmen as well in this au I think it’s fine.
Ben still has to end up with Bumpy somehow tho? Original Ben plan, when Darius was a Player candidate, was Ben is also a V.I.L.E recruit.
V.I.L.E having a faction that deals with genetics and cloning (in addition to like. Kash and his robots) and ending up with a dinosaur—Bumpy! And that being Ben’s flip to the other side/Team Sammy. He defects and steals Bumpy on his way out.
Okay I’m a little too attached to that, so yeah. V.I.L.E recruit Ben, so Brooklynn as player??
Oh! She doesn’t have!!! IRL friends!! Brooklynn being an Internet famous vlogger as in canon. So we get that running gag of Sammy and Brooklynn always being in contact and Brooklynn being a big part of the heists through investigative work and such, yet she’s constantly on the other side of the globe? Sammy needs to be in Sydney but Brooklynn is in New Orleans. That kinda stuff.
Works with Brooklynn having traveled all over the world, she can also do those factoids player does—she’s got the deets.
Oh!???? THATS HOW WE GET MY FAVE DUO OF DINOSTAR BESTIES!!! They both love their facts. They’re nerds.
Mae as shadowsan? Tentatively?
Okay. Player Brooklynn. Except instead of being home most of the time, she’s usually on the go. She’s talked to kenji a few times during Sammy and Kenji’s V.I.L.E recruit era.
Kenji as the Gray of this au. he’s a V.I.L.E legacy. he became friends with sammy his recruitment year, and he'd talked to brooklynn a few times, due to sammy introducing them because kenji was curious about whether or not sammy has friends in the outside world, and sammy noticing brooklynn feeling a little left out/jealous that sammy had friends she was hanging with in person rather than over a phone call.
kenlynn kenlynn kenlynn
does he recognize her voice from her vlogs? does he even watch them? i dont think hed be a brooklander, guys got a lot on his plate and thats impressing his dad
ben is a V.I.L.E. recruit. maybe a bit of mime bomb, in that he was. not as close? with the other recruits. i do think having ben come in as a recruit the year sammy defects would be cool tho. so he doesn't know her as "black sheep" or whatever code name V.I.L.E refers to her as. he'll first meet her as Sammy.
yaz as JULIA!!!!! a junior agent? a former athlete. trying to make it make sense, but i think it fits.
omg. yaz. is alex rider basically holy shit
was thinking of dave as chase, and decided that i was going to keep it.
roxxie as the Chief.
mae as shadowsan.
yes. it IS because i want a roxxie/mae/dave love triangle and that need's final form was ot3
DARIUS AND BRAND AS ZACK AND IVY. i dont want their mom to be dead. but i dont know WHAT happened to her and why theyre involved in this life of crime? i love the og carmen&ivy&zack meeting. and i love that they were involved with racing. trying to find a way to incorporate it and make it make sense
important question.....is darius and his dad's great shared love still dinosaurs?
okay so carmen's dad was a former V.I.L.E. agent who left it all behind for the woman he fell in love with right? well. obvi this au isnt a one to one. like there clearly have been changes in characters and dynamics. but i think involving elements from this could work. lemme map it out to make sense
okay so in cc sammy spies for mantah corp despite her parents not wanting her to. meanwhie carmen's dad defects from V.I.L.E., i think shadowsan was there and so was the chief and he dies.
okay so--sammy's dad was a V.I.L.E. agent, fell in love, defected. V.I.L.E. catches up with him, and does A.C.M.E. and in the fallout, the house collapses. A fire? an explosion? they think sammy died. (im not killing off sammy's dad bc damnit she needs a happy ending)
yaz losing faith in the system and having her hot girl summer being romanced by the pretty thief she's supposed to be catching
ben ditches VILE/Mantah Corp with Bumpy and meets Darius at some point--oh!!!
mae/shadowsan joins Team Sammy at the end of s1 i think? okay, so, when she joins, she brings ben, a fresh defector with her.
obvi ben left after he stole bumpy from them
at some point during their occasional talks, kenlynn became friendly with each other. then The Train scene happens. and kenji is promptly deemed a disappointment and dealt with the way gray is.
brooklynn ends up coming across a memory-wiped kenji during one of her vlogs. he doesnt know he knows her, just that something about her voice seems familiar.
brooklynn brings it up and the other are Concerned but also have a lot on their plate rn/dont truly trust him again or are unclear on whether or not they should. darius/brand bc their experiences havent been good so far, and sammy doesnt want to risk them. but he was still one of her first friends. shes torn
brooklynn making contact with him. smth smth she ends up needing a camera man for one of her vlogs and kenji volunteers. they grow closer during her sporadic visits. he asks her out.
Meanwhile, that entire interactive ep??? of carmen sandiego with the julia/carmen??? THAT. THAT HAPPENS. YASAMMY DANCE AND WE GET THAT SCENE YOU KNOW THE ONE
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sminny-wew · 1 year
Idk why but I really like the idea of Eddie specifically being a former human who somehow got turned into a puppet. I’m not holding my breath for it to ever be canon, but something about his design just strikes me as more human-looking than the rest of the cast (Poppy, Barnaby, and Howdy are all animals, Sally’s a star, Julie’s a monster, Frank has a tube head, Wally doesn’t have a nose or eyebrows) so I wrote up a quick drabble about it inspired by these doodles by @sweetest-honeybee
[NOTE: I used he/they pronouns for Frank here]
Eddie stopped and looked back at Frank. “Yeah?”
“I...” Frank began to speak, but trailed off. “No, nothing.”
Eddie smiled and began to turn away.
Eddie turned back around. He looked at Frank, whose arm was outstretched to him. Frank’s arm pulled back slightly, and his face scrunched into a mix of sadness and nervousness.
“I...I can’t leave your side!” said Frank. “Not now, not after everything!”
Eddie’s brows raised in genuine confusion. “Huh? But I thought you said it was better for you to stay behind with the others, while I go back where I came from by myself?” Eddie asked.
Frank brought their hands to his chest and looked down, fingers nervously intertwined with each other.
“Eddie...” Frank began, “The truth is...I do want to follow you! I can’t bear the thought of being that far from you!! But I also know you have to go back, b-because that’s where you belong!!! B-b-but without you I--I-I don’t--I--!!!!”
Suddenly, Frank’s head began to spin in a dizzy blur of emotions. Eddie had seen this before: whenever Frank got too angry or too nervous, their head would begin to spin like crazy. Luckily, Eddie also knew how to stop it.
With careful timing, Eddie gently brought Frank’s head to a stop by cupping it in his large, warm hands. Frank’s head went completely still, his mind focused only on the touch of Eddie’s hands. They felt like warm, cozy mittens.
“Easy there, love,” said Eddie. “I’m here, I got you. Now I want you to tell me, as calmly as you can, why you think you can’t go with me. You think you can do that?”
With his jumbled mind beginning to settle down, Frank nodded slowly. “Y-yes, I think so.”
Eddie began to remove his hands, but Frank’s own quickly clamped down onto them, pressing them back into place on their head. They looked into Eddie’s eyes pleadingly.
“P-please, don’t let go yet,” said Frank. “I’m afraid I might lose my head again.”
At that, Eddie smiled warmly and said, “I won’t.”
Frank’s fingers relaxed and curled over Eddie’s, grounding him to the reality of the moment. He and Eddie never stopped looking at each other.
“Eddie,” Frank finally explained, “Wherever you’re from, you’re not a puppet there. You only turned into one when you came to Home. Logically speaking, if you were to leave Home, you should turn back into...well, whatever your original self was. But, if I go with you--if I even can go with you--there’s no telling what could happen to me. Would I change like you? Would I stay a puppet? Would I even still be alive? Would we remember each other?”
Eddie’s brows furrowed. He hadn’t even considered any of that. It was already overwhelming enough for him to finally remember where he came from: a place so far removed from Home and the rest of the neighbors that the people there didn’t even look like his neighbors. There, Eddie was taller, softer, and hairier. He had extra fingers and needed to breathe all the time, or else he’d die. His people died. They aged, always in a constant state of changing, never in a fixed form like his neighbors. Like Frank said, Eddie wasn’t a puppet; he was something else. He was like the strange, unknown, five-fingered creatures that lurked below. He was like You.
“I...I’m scared, Eddie,” Frank continued. “Scared of...of change, and...of holding you back...”
Eddie raised his brows.
“Holding me back?” he asked. “From what?”
Frank’s eyes looked down gloomily. “From the life you deserve.”
Eddie’s heart--that was right, he had a real, beating, blood-pumping heart amid all that felt--sank and ached in his chest. Everything about Eddie’s being, physical and emotional, hurt right now. But the sight before him? Frank’s sad and fearful face? That hurt Eddie worse than anything else.
“Now listen here,” said Eddie, and he began to gently rub his thumbs against the side of Frank’s head, where their temples would be if he were...whatever Eddie was. “You ain’t holding me back from nothing, you hear?”
Eddie carefully slipped his left hand away from Frank’s head, but kept it within Frank’s line of sight. His right hand continued to cradle Frank’s head.
“You see this here ring?” Eddie asked, gesturing with his head to the ring that sat comfortably on his middlemost finger. “This ain’t no pity ring. I made a promise to love you, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health. That’s why I married you: because I love you, love. And puppet or not, I want to be your husband for the rest of my life, even if I never see you again. Because when I wear this ring, it says, ‘sorry, folks, but I belong to Frank Frankly.’”
Frank trembled slightly, and Eddie returned his left hand to its spot on their head.
“Do you mean that?” asked Frank.
Eddie nodded. “I do.”
Frank’s tense unibrow softened, and his frown shifted into a small smile. “It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve said those words to me, my dear.”
Eddie suddenly broke into a big, goofy laugh. His big, strong, warm mitten hands left Frank’s head and lifted them off of their feet. Eddie began to twirl Frank around in the air, and the sudden gesture, combined with Eddie’s heartfelt words, caused Frank’s smile to grow as well, leaving them both laughing happily.
The two continued to laugh gaily, even after Eddie set Frank down. Both kept their arms embraced within each other’s, the intimate moment lasting even as their laughter died down. They both stood like that for what felt like a good, long while. Eddie kept his eyes on Frank’s smile, while Frank kept his eyes closed and took in the sound of Eddie’s breathing.
Eventually, Eddie shifted his hands away from Frank’s arms to hold his hands. Frank opened their eyes, giving Eddie their full attention.
“Now I’ll tell you what, love,” Eddie said, “I don’t know if...whatever brought me to Home will let me leave, or if it’ll let us all leave together, but I ain’t leaving without you, neither, Frank. Not if I can help it. And like I said before: puppet or not...”
Eddie pulled a single hand away to tip his postman hat.
“...I’d be plumb honored to live out the rest of my days with my partner by my side.”
Frank’s eyes swelled with emotion. “Oh, Dearest!”
Frank pulled Eddie back into an embrace, Eddie following suit, and the two continued to stand there, felt arm in loving felt arm, foreheads resting comfortably against each other. They almost looked like they were dancing.
Maybe the pain would never stop hurting. But as long as Frank Frankly and Eddie Dear had each other, they both knew everything would be okay. They would make sure of it.
Because no script could rewrite a love like that.
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Field Guide to Forestry
We just hit another follower milestone, so since there are way too many of you around for me to put this off any longer, how about I officially let everyone know who I am and what you'll find around here...
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CHIEF FORESTER: ASPEN Elder Millennial/upper 30s, she/her
THINGS ASPEN KNOWS WAY TOO MUCH ABOUT Trader Joe's, Disney Parks, the Great British Bake Off, CBS Survivor, Houseplants
↠ Maps & Masterlists: my writing ↠ Forest Rules & Regulations: my guidelines and boundaries ↠ Visitors to the Forest: my approach to asks, requests, and tagging ↠ Upcoming Expeditions: projects I'm working on ↠ Tree Classification: my current tags ↠ Tales of the Teller: more about me and my writing
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↠ I do not interact with minors. It's not safe for anyone under 18 in these woods, and I'm honestly more comfortable knowing folks are over 21 because of the nature of things around here.
↠ I do not consent to having my works translated or posted to other platforms. If I wanted to, I would.
↠ I will block at my own discretion. This is my forest, and I set the boundaries. Underage? Blocked. Pornbot pigeon? Blocked. Bigotted? Blocked. Rude? Blocked. Just be a reasonable human over the age of 18, and you'll be free to roam the woods.
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↠ ASKS Always open. I adore asks! Send thoughts, thots, questions, gifs, pics... Asks are NEVER a bother and you can ask about anything - questions about my existing works, stuff I'm working on, fandom things, my life... I'll answer within reason (no spoilers, I'm semi-open about my life but do keep some things private, etc). FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm not always prompt with answering them. Some have inspired fic or drabble ideas, and sometimes that writing goes fast, sometimes it goes slow, and there are a few that are sitting in my box that are "future" parts of current WIPs. But the hope is to always get to everything eventually.
↠ REQUESTS The only thing I'm actively entertaining requests for is my Cedar Trees Royal AU collection - but even these will be fulfilled subjectively and only as I have time and muse cooperation. Periodically I may host a request fest (as I did for my 300 follower celebration or for other occasions in the future).
↠ TAGLIST At this point in the growing season, I'm not maintaining an official taglist. In the future I will probably set up a secondary/library blog as many other authors have done where you can follow and turn on the notifications. There are only so many hours in the day, explorers.
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↠ HOT BUCKY SUMMER 2024: thirteen weeks of prompts ↠ BUILD-A-BUCKY BINGO: twelve months of prompts ↠ THE GREAT BUCKY BAKE OFF: a Bucky x Reader episodic story with a Great British Bake Off format (coming fall 2024) ↠ ASPEN'S HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA 2024: eight days of fics followed by one day of many, many fics (coming December 2024)
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↠ FOREST NAVIGATION: field guide, masterlists, story collections ↠ AN ASPEN THING: when I post something more to do with me than anything fandom ↠ ASPEN MILESTONES: ONLY YOU CAN CREATE THESE FOREST FIRES ↠ ASKpen: responses to things from my ask box ↠ ASPEN IS WRITING: any commentary, sneak peaks, progress posts ↠ ASPEN WROTE SOMETHING: new writing post (fic, drabble, chapter) ↠ WRITER COMMENTARY: commentary either as a response to an ask or in a reblog ↠ OMG REBLOGGED THANK YOU: responding to or thanking people for reblogging my fics ↠ FIC READING: my reblogs of other people's fics ↠ MY MOOTS: flailing about or responding to one of my mutual friends
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↠ HISTORY OF ASPEN I grew up in a family that was steeped in all things stories: grandparents, aunts and uncles always telling stories at family gatherings; parents read to me before bed; watching too many movies and cartoons; staying up way past my bedtime trying to sneakily keep the light on to read and read and read; playing elaborate imagination games after school with my best friends (house, princesses, orphans, dance coaches, etc). I wrote my first story in my eighth grade English class where one day in the computer lab we were assigned to write a mystery that was at least one page. I loved it. My teacher said it was good...
That summer our family moved - mere days before I started my freshman year of high school - so that fall before I made friend friends, I read a lot and I started writing. I was desperate for the next Harry Potter book to come out, so I started writing my own... the next year I learned about fan fiction on the internet and that it was a thing. I was drawn into Lord of the Rings fanfic, then I wrote a Pirates of the Caribbean fanfic, and then I went back to Harry Potter and actively wrote in that fandom for around six years.
In college I majored in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing because while I was writing fan fiction, I was also occasionally dabbling with original fiction... the dream was to be a famous writer.
↠ WHY BUCKETS-AND-TREES Buckets because I thought I'd be writing almost exclusively Bucky and Trees because Aspen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
↠ ASPEN NOW In summer of 2022 I aggressively reclaimed HAVING hobbies in an effort to re-establish Aspen having a life outside of work. I love my career and I've worked incredibly hard to establish myself in the professional world, but... I needed to be more than just my work again.
So, again I write.
Throughout 2023 I started venturing out and participated in A LOT of challenges, which was so much fun in pushing my creative boat out into new waters. In 2024 I plan to DO THE DAMN THING and write a novel. I've always intended to, but 2024 will be the year. ↠ MY WORK Primarily I'm writing MCU fan fiction - typically Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers; I have written some pieces with Sam, Natasha, Matt Murdock, Namor, and Wanda; I have some ideas for Thor, Carol, and M'Baku that I may or may not get around to. I've written for a slew of Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans characters and that's mostly where my muse lives.
I write a range of fluff, smut, and dark. Nearly all of my work has mature elements whether that's stronger language, sexual situations, or mature themes. HEED THE WARNINGS FOR EACH WORK AND DO NOT READ IT IF IT'S SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE. If I miss tagging something properly in the content warnings, please send me a message or an anonymous ask and let me know.
Most of my stories feature a reader insert. Reader is typically female, but when the reader is gender neutral I will designate accordingly! Striving to write an inclusive reader as much as possible, but if I stumble, please send me a message or an anonymous ask and let me know how I can grow.
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asliceofzosan · 9 months
So I have a bunch of ideas for long fics because my goal this year is to deliver longer quality fics over short speedy drabbles and one-shots. I have three options that I very much want to make long fics (like ,, 20k - 40k words). I will put the summaries below to help! Two of these are inspired by movies I watched over the holidays where I went "this is so zosan coded."
Eventually I will post all of these but whichever one gets the most votes will be my priority. Reblogs would be nice as well to get more people to vote ! Love yall mwah happy new year 🎊
Fic 1: Three Pirates and a Princess
A baby was mysteriously placed on the doorstep of Ace, Zoro, and Luffy's shared home five years ago. The little girl, who was a result of a one night stand between Ace and Sanji, is now happily being raised by all 4 of them. Throughout the years, Sanji started to fall for Zoro and vice versa but neither have had the courage to face their feelings head-on. When an opportunity arrives for Sanji to further his career in a different country, he is now faced with a conflict between his growing feelings for Zoro and what is truly best for his daughter.
Fic 2: Mr. Prince Diaries
In order to win the hearts of the people in the Kingdom of Kuraigana, Roronoa Zoro must marry a local noble in order to cement his claim to Dracule Mihawk's throne. However, the Vinsmoke family claimed to have the perfect heir to their throne — the third son Sanji. Zoro must juggle between his responsibilities to the people of Kuraigana and his adoptive father and his rapidly growing distaste (and perhaps fondness) for the blonde bastard who wants to take his crown.
Fic 3: Letters to Baratie
Zeff doesn't hear from Sanji often after he left the Baratie to study abroad in Japan. Zeff hasn't ever gotten the hang of cellphones or computers, so his son sends him letters, detailing everything he's done since the last time he wrote. No letter is the same — except for the increasingly growing paragraphs about a certain green-haired swordsman who seemingly drives Sanji up the wall. Until he doesn't.
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