#this image has been floating around in my head for like. MONTHS. it takes me out
the-valiant-valkyrie · 6 months
fact: ieytd takes place sometime within the mid-to-late 1960s fact: prism lives somewhere in some dry ass corner of california fact: disneyland opened july 17th, 1955, in california
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there is a universe in which this image is canon
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kiwiikato · 3 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Nine
note: so like i died.... IM SORRY EVERYONE, i have so many comments to read and respond to so i'm sorry for the disappearing. i just get so busy with my mental health and family. i don't have tumblr on my phone always, it's an on and off thing so thank you for the patience. this chapter is really choppy and maybe misspelling. sorry guys <3 :(
you sat cross legged on the floor at the hidden base under kenji's house. kenji and mina were with you as you stared at the baby kaiju who babbled and cooed at the cartoons that played for her.
you watched as kenji admired himself in the reflection of the containment unit, styling it for his public image. you couldn't help but to tag along in admiring him as well, it isn't everyday that you get to admire athletically attractive kenji sato! but it was not your everyday, for the past months it has been.
"mina, we got plenty of fish and pon de rings, right?" ken asked as he straightened out his coat. "yes ken, we're all stocked up." ken turned around, turning to the both of you. "now if she wakes up, put her show on. let her dance her little heart out to that stupid song. and if there's any trouble, you let y/n know. and if you need additional help, you ping me on this."
ken raised his arm, showing off his watch to you both. "ken, she's never been safer. have a good time." mina said reassuring him of the baby kaiju's safety. he smiled softly, turning to you as he crouched down to your level. "let me know if you need anything, okay? i'll drop everything and come back. i'll be back soon, don't worry that pretty little head of yours about this interview either, okay?"
you nodded, giving him a happy "okay!" to which he smiled back. "atta girl." his hands found your face as he pulled you in, placing a kiss on your lips and then another on your head. you blushed at his affectionate actions, still not so used to them. he smiled as he got up, walking away to the interview he had promised to ms. wakita.
you got rid of the containment unit that held your baby kaiju in, asking for help from mina to pull up a hologram of an area covered with trees. the reason why was to show the baby how to play a game of hide and seek.
she was getting restless and persistent asking for kenji to come back. none of the videos playing were enough to satisfy her so you took it upon yourself to distract her with a new game.
you showed her you hiding behind a tree or a bush of sorts, giving her time to mimic you. it didn't take long for her to get the movement down as she copied you. "good job girl! you got this." you said cheering her on.
it was then that an idea came into your head. "mina, can you help me with a demonstration?" mina floated down towards you. "yes y/n, what would you like me to do?" she asked as she hovered in front of you.
"can you do me the favor of counting to twenty, letting me hide in that duration of time like your typical game of hide and seek. i want to show the baby kaiju how to do it so we can both play." mina nodded in her own way, flying to a tree near by.
she 'closed' her eyes as she faced the tree and waiting for your signal. "okay baby, me and mina are gonna show you hide and seek. just sit and watch, okay?" you told her as she cooed. "okay, ready mina!"
you ran as you heard mina began to count down. your feet hit the floor as you ran through the trees, looking for one in a closed area to hide you better. diving into the area, you crouched down, pulling your body to your knees to make yourself look smaller, more hidden to mina.
mina soon hit twenty, moving away from the tree and began to look for you. the baby kaiju watched, wondering where you went. her eyes followed as mina searched for you, yelling your name out to lure you out. no response came from you, showing no signs of who she considered to be her parent.
it wasn't long before she panicked, her eyes began to glaze over with tears, bringing her to cry as she yelled out for you. your body that was hidden stiffened hearing her cry, instantly jumping away from the trees that blocked you from her view.
"mina! call the hologram off!" mina instantly stopped playing, returning the big room back into its metallic silver state. you turned into your ultra form, rushing to her as you picked her up. you held her to your chest, softly rubbing her back as you rocked her side to side. her head perched at your shoulder as her small hands wrapped around your neck and shoulder.
"there there. i'm here, everything's okay." you hummed softy, trying to soothe her. "would you like me to pull out the containment unit for her?" mina floated up to you asking. "yes please, that would be nice, thank you."
the containment unit rose from the ground, opening to allow you to put the baby kaiju inside the familiar area. she grabbed the crushed car, hugging it to her body. "do you want to see daddy?" mina asked her to which she cooed. you watched as her eyes lit up, having a soft spot for kenji.
"here you go." mina pulled out videos of kenji making her happily spin around to watch them all, forget in about the incident from earlier. "how about a snack while you watch?" mina asked as a small platform with a huge fish rose to her. "oooh look at the fishy, so yummy!" you cheered as she grabbed the fish and ate it happily.
her joyful expression didn't last long, changing into one of discomfort as her stomach grumbled from the fish she ate. she burped out, a green circle of gas leaving her lips as she looked at it weirdly.
"oh my! what you're experiencing is acid reflux. symptoms include heartburn, nausea-" mina was cut off by the baby opening her mouth, a nuclear burp of sorts shooting out a laser that burned through the glass of the containment unit.
you and mina panicked, as she escaped, pushing through the hole, letting her out into the open space. the whole room set off with alarms, flashing the room with red and sirens. mina ran to the side waving her robotic arms. "look over here. look at daddy. he's right here!" a inflatable figure of kenji grew from the ground, looking slightly disturbing at the way his face was plastered on.
you stared at it confused. "where did you even get this mina?" "please do not question." you laughed slightly, returning back to the situation as the baby kaiju ran up to the inflatable and hugged 'kenji'.
"y/n, go searching for kenji. he's not answering his watch and i'm worried we won't be able to fix this situation ourselves. he's at tonkatsu tonki."
you nodded your head, quickly running out of the place, not without hearing the pop of the inflatable. you ran into kenji's garage, taking one of his other motorcycles to reach him. 'sorry ken, hope you don't mind this.' you thought to yourself as you revved the engine and drove forward.
the wind fought against your body as you sped quickly off onto the bridge, stunned at how it grew over the body of water that separated you from the city. it wasn't long before you reached the main land, driving around in a hurry to where ken would be.
you had to stop at a red light, impatiently waiting for it to turn green. your eyes widened, watching a pink object jump over the city as it landed down and chased after something. "is that-" your phone rang, quickly answering it to mina.
"y/n, the baby is in daikanyama, i was able to contact ken, he is currently heading that way." "thank you mina." you hit the gas in the motocycle when the lights turned green, quickly cutting between traffic in a rush to reach the baby kaiju.
ken frantically drove through the roads, searching for the baby after his alarm had went off signaling him of the chaos that was happening at his house.
"ken, a disturbance has been reported in daikanyama. there seems to be a large, pink creature terrorizing the locals. i am sorry. i'm a terrible babysitter." mina told him over his helmet of his motorbike. "yes, yes you are! where is y/n?!" he yelled over to mina.
"she is currently searching the baby kaiju. i had sent her out to contact you since you had not been answering my alerts over your watch. in the short time that she was gone, the baby had escaped." he groaned, worried but glad to know that he wasn't the only one looking for her.
"ken, i have located her, she is not too far from you." "maybe i can get to her before-" he was cut off hearing the sound of the KDF drones fly over him. panic set over his as he watched them for the baby. "send the location to y/n!" he yelled out in fear.
"location has been sent, she will be there." mina responded back as ken zoomed through the colorful city. you, on the other hand, zapped into your ultra form, jumping into the sky as you flew quickly over the city. the motorbike had been set down on top of the roof of a building, trying to prevent it from being stolen.
your eyes landed on the baby kaiju who chased after some people. you recognized one of them as the reporter that ken had the interview with, as she ran with an older lady and a child in her arms. you landed roughly on the ground. you were started to see that kenji had arrived right after you.
the both of you made eye contact, focusing on the problem at hand. "hey! come on, come on." kenji yelled out to her, making the baby turn out at look at you both, jumping up at joy. "come to mommy and ...daddy." you heard as he hesitated to call himself that, not used to the idea of being a caregiver for something officially. "come here baby." you said as you crouched down, opening your arms for her to run into.
the crown around gasped, reminding you of being in public. you quickly stiffed up as kenji verbally panicked. "uh i- i mean, stop there, beast!" he posed dramatically, kneeling on one knee as he placed on hand on his hip and the other in front of him in a stop motion.
you snickered at him, until you heard the familiar rumbles. your eyes turned to see the babies eyes grow wide as she closed her mouth in a desperate motion. "no, no, no..." kenji mumbled watching as she look like she was about to barf. but she didn't, instead another laser shot out from her mouth, slamming against shields that the both of you had made in front of you to not get hurt.
the laser bounced off from your shields, knocking down a pac man statue that kenji picked up. "uh mina, we have a situation. baby just melted pack man." you got up from the kneeling position, "kenji!" you were calling out for him to turn, seeing the baby kaiju start to walk away.
leaving him in his conversation with mina, you chased after the baby. desperate to reach for her and to have her back in your arms. she bounced and jumped after people who sat in go carts, excited to catch what she thought was a toy that shined colors in the road. you fearfully moved around after her, scared of stepping on something or someone.
"hey! baby!" you yelled out for her to look back at you but instead she continued to run. you internally cussed, aggravated at the situation at hand. finally she stopped running, causing you to skid to a stop.
you looked up seeing her eyes on something. a sort of robotic machine, just like in the shape of mina floated around her. tiny coos of happiness came out from her, possibly confusing it for mina. her joy was gone as she watched it change shapes, making her turn her head to the side.
"baby, come to me, please." you took slow and quiet steps but the machine flew in front of her, right in between the both of you. "stupid KDF." you mumbled as you walked slower. the thing suddenly shot out a needle with green liquid at her leg, causing her to stumble.
you weren't that clothes, and you were still in the main street of people, so walking was becoming an issue. you watched with fear as she pulled out a street light pole, holding it up to her body as she whacked the robot towards you. you quickly caught it in your hands, squashing the machine and dropping the broken pieces of metal.
she happily jumped towards you, you went to grab at her. she was right there, in the grasp of your fingers, yet she slipped away. it felt like the world was against you. all you wanted more than ever was her in your arms.
she jumped high, highest you've ever seen as she's launched herself a metal tower. she was far from your reach again. you groaned as you ran through the street, hoping you hadn't stepped on anything.
you watched as she jumped up, climbing the tall structure. it was almost like the world held some pity for you as you saw kenji run up to her. "where's baby? there she is! come down! right now, be careful!" you watched him yell for her to return as you got closer. jumping, you were able to land next to him.
"she's not listening ultraman! she's not going to come back down. we have to go up." you said panting slightly. your hands found the bar of the tower, grabbing onto it as you climbed up in a hurry. you just wanted your baby. kenji took the hint and climbed up as well, jumping up farther, almost like a spider monkey.
a swarm of KDF jets and robots swarmed in at the both of you, surrounding the baby. you watched as they shot more of the similar needles from earlier ago, covering her back in multiple needles.
a shrill cry was heard from the baby kaiju, now slightly dangling at the attack she experienced. you quickly climbed up trying to get to her but a jet flew in front of you, trying to stop you from reaching them. kenji shot out a blast of energy, hitting al the small robots to get away from the baby kaiju.
the jet in front of you flew into your hair, shooting out a smoke bomb of sorts, blocking our your vision. you waved at the smoke, trying to get rid of it as you coughed. you heard kenji yell out. "hold on! i'm coming!" making you panic more since you couldn't see much.
you heard a cry from the baby kaiju, making you climb up in a hurry, unaware of your surroundings, just to reach her. "NO!" you heard kenji yell out, till a snap of sorts was heard. "y/n y/n, please help." you heard a voice call out to you in a soft whisper, laced with worry and panic.
"i can't see, fuck, where are you?" you called out. "climb higher, i'll be right here." you quickly climbed up till you could finally see. you stared at the baby kaiju who laid in kenji arms. "what happened??" you asked.
"she was right there - she was falling and i tried reaching but i just could barely reach and something snapped - she's hurt, fuck, she's hurt." he turned to look down at the baby while breathing heavily. "shh it's okay, you're gonna be okay, daddy's here." you went to reach out to him, to carry the baby, but before you could the jets of the KDF surrounded you.
"ultras! turn the infant over to the KDF and we will take no action against the both of you." kenji and you looked at each other. you felt your eyebrows furrow in anger at their offer while kenji growled to himself. he turned to you, giving an almost 'up' motion with his head. you knew what he meant.
the both of you blasted off into the air, flying away from the scene of the attack. "give her to me kenji, i'll make sure she's okay." kenji passed the baby kaiju to you. you held her to your body, your body wanting to protect her from any more pain.
"mina, she's hurt! prepare the base! we have to call him. call my dad." his voice sounded hurt, scared of what was to happen. you could only hold the baby closer than before, careful with her arm, as you floated to his house.
@ilovemyhusbandaaravos @miffysoo @ldykir4 @chaoticotaku @channit @shingsoluvely @m00nd0v3 @mixvchelle @ifharbingerbad--whyhot @dreamayy @justanotherkpopstanlol @bat1212 @angelitadiaz @snowbusiness @witcwitchy @mizzowizzo @buggs-1 @mmeerraa @everywonuu @nevermorekisses @f1uveryysblog @t4naiis @stxrrielle @ixqiix @arrozyfrijoles23 @sincerest-one @imsimping4life @sassy-cat-in-town @jack-of-all-trades-696 @flutterfly365 @eternalgoddessofart @hulyenl @leabrainrot @sunmigs @m3q3kic @lynbubble @leviannx @call-me-nyxx @gurofushi @ya-boi-v @im-sidney @haitani-zoe @mtheooo @chreiiii @secretlyapartofthisfandom @greenmanshoe @badbishsblog @reallysparklychaos @deimmortales99 @ashsallyblue2 @matchalatte06 @random-3455 @reivelmin @jennyfernan @solatiiium @liliabrary @maxi-ride @22carolina08 @coffetears @vyxnn-xage
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Tangerine x fem!reader
Summary: Tangerine accidentally hurts your feelings.
Prompt: friends to lovers - "oh shit, are you crying?"
~ here you go @yourlocalnegroko, i hope you like this 🤍 ~
The hum of conversations and the clinking of glasses dance around the small, dimly lit bar in south London. The warm lowlights cast a shimmer over the faces of the customers and in a corner booth, you, Lemon, and Tangerine sit like you do every other thursday. 
You swirl your straw in your glass, your eyes distant as you look at the lime floating in your drink. This afternoon had gone to absolute shit. The man who had hired you had snapped, abruptly ending the hit you'd spent months preparing, so by now you're a bundle of frustration and exhaustion.
Tangerine, always the more observant Twin, had caught on to your foul mood. He's known you since you were teenagers and it has always been easy to read the tension in your shoulders as well as the tightness in your smile.
He leans against his seat and drapes his arm behind where your head is as he looks at you with a hint of a smile. "Why don' we all get piss drunk and knock yer frown upside down," he says a little sarcastically as his voice takes on an overly cherry quality and he pushes his index into your skin. 
You smile weakly and Lemon, who is sitting across from you, joins in. "Psh, fuck sloshed, bruv," he grins and turns to you. "You, me, Tan, and some  'Bohemian Rhapsody.'" he asks and looks to the small Karaoke stage, wiggling his eyebrows.
Tangerine scoffs and sniffs, clearly hating Lemon's suggestion.
You chuckle a little. "No one in here needs us butchering Queen, Lem."
Tangerine nods in agreement with you as he sends his brother a stern, disapproving look. He looks at you again and still sees the sadness in your eyes, his heart clenching. 
"Bullocks, you're a bunch of pricks. Alright, fine, no singing," Lemon raises his hands in surrender and then takes a sip of his beer, looking suspicious. He leans forward and points his index at you. "But hey, how about ya tell us what happened, huh?"
"Nothing." You answer too quickly.
Tangerine crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "Nothin? Ya think we're stupid, Y/n/n?"
You hesitate, then sigh. "Fine. I lost that job—the one in Munich, y'know? The one that would pay thousands? The old prick said he wanted someone more experienced."
"What an arse," Lemon chimes in.
Tangerine nods, his eyes softer. "Yeah, seriously, what the fuck? The fucker needs to learn some fuckin' respect. You're an amazin' assassin and he's what, some dick who can't solve his own problems?" he huffs and sips his beer, "he the prick with that comb-over we saw last week? Who does he think he's foolin', huh?”
You laugh at the mental image, but then your smile falters.
Seeing your reaction, Tangerine pushed further, his tone careless as his anger and annoyance built. "Honestly, ya don't need a git like him— if he wants some arsehole to finish the job, let him finish it, perhaps it's for the best. If he thinks he can find someone better, let 'im,"
Tangerine means well. He always does but he's never been the best with words. You're a little confused by what he means and in your vulnerable state, everything sounds bad. Your expression shifts from amused to hurt.
"Someone better? Why would that be for the best?" you ask, misunderstanding him as your voice stays quiet, "This job meant something to me. I needed the money and it was humiliating that he made me feel inadequate in a field I've worked in for years."
Tangerine frowns, feeling defensive. "Pardon? I-I didn't mean it like that—"
But it was too late. The sting of his words, even if unintentional, had stung and you can't help that forming pit in your stomach. You turn away, warm tears falling down my cheeks as my mascara stains my cheeks.
Lemon, noticing the shift, opens his mouth to say something, but Tangerine beats him to it. He moves quickly, his heart hammering in his chest. "Shit, are ya crying?" he mumbles and wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. 
You stiffen for a moment, still hurt by the implications in his words. Finally, you relax against him and allow the tears to fall as they stain his shirt.
"Darlin', I didn't mean to make ya feel like you're somehow less good than us or any other man in the field—you're amazin', better than most," Tangerine whispers, his voice hoarse with sincerity. "I was tryin' to say that that absolute cock is gonna have a hard time findin' someone as qualified as ya—I, fuck, I just wanted to see you smile."
His confession causes a warmth in your stomach and you sniff, holding him tighter. You're quiet for a moment until you finally speak. "I do realize that now, Tan. I'm sorry I misunderstood. It's not your fault. It's just, everything feels so wrong now."
Tangerine continues to hold you. "Ya don't have to carry it all by yourself, ya know? We're here. I'm here. And I promise, you'll find a new job sooner rather than later."
"Ya can always work with us again," Lemon suggests nonchalantly, popping an olive into his mouth as he looks at you and his brother, a knowing look drawn across his features.
Tangerine brother nods, pulling away with his hands still near your hips. "Ya know we love when we work as a trio—like old times," he winks and he feels like he won when he finally sees you smile.
You sniff and wiping at your tears with your hand, feeling stupid for jumping to conclusions. Your smile widens as Tangerine wipes his thumb under your eyes.
"Can I drive the car?" you ask him cheekily, knowing how much Tangerine loves his car and how possessive he is over her.
Lemon barks a laugh as Tangerine's eyes narrow. However, Tangerine can't bring himself to deny you anything so he nods. "Of course," he whispers.
When you disappear into the bathroom to touch up your smeared makeup, Lemon turns to his brother and smirks.
"You're so fuckin' whipped."
Tangerine's cheeks turn crimson but he doesn't deny it.
tags: @tansgirlfriend, @brokeaesthetic, @earth-elemental18, @lqrlei, @princesssunderworld, @longlivedelusion, @thewinterv
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flowerbetweenfangs · 6 months
Marked By the Moon: Part One
CW: Dubcon due to heat/breeding. Originally posted on A03.
An oldie, but one of my favorites.
Buzzing shook the nightstand. Bluelight pierced through the blackness, making it impossible to ignore. 
Reaching forward, Carmen groped across the polished wood, then seized her phone. Sitting up on her bed, she pressed the glowing screen to her ear. Sleep clogged her throat and eyes as she grunted out a greeting. 
It was just after four in the morning. She knew better than to say “Someone better be dying”, because a call this early meant somebody probably was. 
“‘Lo?” She gurgled, blearily staring in the darkness. Sweat clung to her face and clothes in the summer heat. Her window was open, the breeze doing little to cool her off. 
“Carmen!” The voice on the other end was frantic. “You’re not going to believe this!” Several dogs barked and howled in the background. “I’m sorry for waking you up, but we’ve got an emergency surgery.” There were several grunts as her coworker pulled something. “I think some poachers got to him. It looks like he was torn open by a bear trap.” 
The words floated in the air, before bringing horrific images to mind. Carmen’s phone beeped, indicating there were messages sent, images attached to them. 
“I’ll be there soon,” Carmen was out of bed and throwing on her clothes. “Start prepping.” She pulled her dirty blonde hair back without brushing it, making sure it was secured in a knot at the back of her head. Squeezing into her jeans and a presentable shirt, she quickly grabbed her phone and quickly looked at the incoming messages. 
What followed were images of a male ginger wolf, with a large wound on his leg and shoulder. His fur was damp, having been cleaned up. There was a muzzle around his snout, but his eyes were open and alert. He looked directly at the camera with what could only be described as a lupine scowl. 
No matter how many injured animals she saw.  Carmen always sniffed and felt a pang of pity for them. From little Spot and Mittens getting into a spat to the various wildlife people brought in, every creature needed a caring touch. 
“He really tried to fight me when I put on the muzzle.”   Anna’s words read. “ But a good jab of sedatives has him going night night. He’ll be completely under when you get here.” 
“Sorry buddy,” Carmen said aloud to no one. “But your jaw could tear off our arms.” Shoving her phone back into her pocket, she started to psych herself up for the upcoming meeting with this new patient. There were several wolves in the area, but they tended to stay in the mountains and parks, away from the city. A local wildlife reserve rehabilitated them and worked closely with the clinic, taking on all sorts of feral creatures that didn’t belong in the city. 
The poor thing was probably all sorts of confused. 
Going to the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and sputtered, slapping her cheeks to wake herself up. Quickly, she brushed her teeth and let the rush of mint further energize her. This was going to be one for the books. 
Seizing a canned coffee from the fridge, Carmen grabbed her keys and stumbled out the door. Guzzling it down, she drove through the dark streets, slowing strategically at speed traps. The one good thing about her random late night trips, the normal people of the world were still asleep. Although it was nearing a full moon, so the crazies of the world would be out. 
Something dug into her hip. At first, she tried to ignore it, but it dug into the sensitive skin at every movement. It felt sharp. Adjusting how she sat, Carmen tried to keep her eyes on the road. She was waking up, but the risk wouldn’t be worth it. 
Once she pulled up to a stoplight, she looked down to see a flash of silver wrapped in a leather string. 
Reaching down, she fished it out and saw the trinket she’d bought a month ago, a piece of rose quartz with wire wrapped around it, a small crescent moon, tree, and wolf charm tied to the gemstone. It had been a weird impulse buy. She couldn’t help but think of how thematically appropriate it was. 
Ducking her head, Carmen slipped the leather over her head and tucked it under her shirt. The light turned green, and she floored it once she got on the highway. The night whipped by. Rolling down the windows, Carmen let out a scream to further wake herself up. It was going to be a long day. 
It was barely four thirty when she pulled into the animal hospital. 
Anna let her in before she reached for her badge. She looked frazzled, her eyes wide and bloodshot. There were small scratches covering her arms, but it was a side effect of the job they were more than used to. Passing off the coffee, Carmen took the clipboard and quickly skimmed the contents. They didn’t have a lot of time. 
“He’s completely out,” Anna said as they rushed to the surgery room. “I think he’s a juvenile. But it’s hard to tell.” 
“Then let’s make good use of the time,” Carmen stopped to wash her hands. Once she was certain they were sufficiently clean, she went through the door. 
On the metal table was the body of the wolf. His hind legs were being propped up by a stool. His paws and ears twitched in his sleep. Instead of chasing rabbits, he was probably thinking of chasing sheep. Or perhaps deer. Hell, he probably could take down a bear if he wanted to. 
“I knew wolves were massive, but this guy is just…” Carmen fanned herself with the clipboard, trying to wrap her head around the sight. 
“Huge?” Anna asked, arching a brow. “Even when I worked at the park as a teen, I don’t think the wolves there got this big.” She took a long drink from the coffee. “He’s bulky too. Nothing but muscle in there.” 
“Yeah.” Carmen rubbed her eyes. The sight of the patient had completely sobered her up and released sleep’s hold on her. “Alright. Let’s patch this guy up.” Approaching the table, she placed a hand on the wolf’s haunch. 
There was almost an audible snap as his jaw clenched, lips curling back to show his fangs. His whole body went rigid under her touch. Slowly, his upward eye opened and tracked, staring at her. 
Carmen’s stomach dropped and she sucked in a breath. His paw twitched, brushing against her thigh. His claws could easily tear open her clothing and skin if he so chose. Silvery drool dribbled from his mouth, hitting the floor with a wet smack. 
Blinking rapidly, Carmed put a hand to her chest and kept her breathing under control. The gemstone firm in her grip, she willed the wolf to go back under. Something tugged at her, and she smelled something… Musty. 
The wolf’s eye rolled back and slowly closed again, his body relaxing. The drooling stopped. When Carmed rubbed her eyes, the puddle of drool was gone.
She was more tired than she thought. But she needed to give this patient the best care. 
At least the sedatives were doing their work. Anna hadn’t seemed to notice the incident, having rushed to the front desk when the bell chimed, indicating they had another patient. No doubt this one would be making the rounds on social media, if not the local news. 
She washed off the wounds again, then made quick work of them. His skin and fur were so thick that her tools were warped and bent when she started. Putting away the tools, she went and found the newest set she’d managed to scrounge up the money for. 
 Sutures were simple. Once she’d pieced most of him together, she bandaged him up. It was almost comical to see an entire roll wrapped around his leg, tufts of fur peeking out between the cloth. His paw twitched when she touched it. 
Now she had to convince a wild animal to ignore his base instincts. With man’s best weapon. Painkillers and more sedatives. 
His eyes moved under the lid, his nostrils flaring and lips twitching. 
They didn’t have an Elizabethan collar big enough to put around his head. Carmen doubted it would stay on even if there was one. He would probably find some way to tear it off. 
Hurt, thrown into the hospital parking lot, muzzled, sedated, then probably going to wake up drugged out of his mind. 
“Don’t worry,” She said, patting the side of his head. “I’m sure the assholes who did this to you are going to get what’s coming to them.” His heartbeat thrummed under her fingers. Hands sinking into his fur, Carmen found it somewhat comforting. Warm. She found herself leaning down to rest her head on his side. Stopping herself, she pulled back. 
How tired was she? Maybe she should have drank the coffee instead of passing it off to Anna. 
Sighing, she rubbed her eyes. 
Then, there was a growl. 
Eyes opening, she saw the wolf staring at her again.
No, not staring. The light was gone from his eyes. His paws twitched, like he was running in place, but in his sleep. She debated on tying his paws, but knew the poor thing would only wake up more confused and scared. The sedatives would work on him for another couple hours. Moving the patient to another large kennel, she locked him inside. 
Exiting the room, Carmen went to the back room and sat down, curling up in a chair and closing her eyes. 
It felt like she’d only blinked when she opened them again. Her whole body was stiff and sore. Tilting her head back and forth, she heard her joints popping and cracking. Taking in a deep breath, she got up and went to check on the patient. 
He had been moved to the kennels, a private section to keep him away from the domestic pets. His head laid on a pillow, his whole body limp. The exhaustion came through the glass, his expression pitiful. 
“I called the Wildlife Reserve.” Anna said, coming in with a steaming mug. “They’ll be here to pick him up in half an hour. They had some… Colorful words for me when I told them we had already gone ahead and done surgery on him.” 
Carmen crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “I still want to know who the hell did this to him? Who sees an animal and thinks “You know what, I should hurt him?””
“I dunno. Crazy.” A buzzing rang through the room. Sighing, Anna turned on her heel and went to greet the customer who had just walked in. 
Walking up the glass, Carmen put her hand on it. The wolf tilted his head to look up at her, eyes looking sorrowful. His sides heaved, the barrier muffling the whines. 
Then, his head snapped to the area behind her. Looking back, Carmen saw uniformed men with a large cage. They towered over Carmen, their bodies thick with muscle. Their uniforms had the logo of the local wildlife reserve. 
“Oh. I thought you wouldn’t be here for a while.” Carmen straightened. 
“When we heard about the wolf, we had to make quick time.” One said, offering his hand. “Especially knowing he was injured.” The gloves were thick, ready to take on any bite. He was maybe mid thirties, with salt and pepper hair and dark eyes. 
Carmen took the hand, shaking it. She wasn’t even sure if  his fingers could move within the fabric. 
“Well, he seems to be responding well to the medication. Here’s what we dosed him with.” She found the chart and passed it over to the agent as the other moved to the wolf’s room. He was younger, maybe in his early twenties with dark hair pulled back into a tail. 
“Good. Thanks for taking care of him. We’ll try to see if he belongs to a pack not too far from here. If he doesn’t, then we’ll make sure to release him somewhere safe.” The man handed her a card. “If you want to visit him.” 
“Of course,” Carmen heard the sounds of a struggle. Whirling around, she saw the wolf snarling and growling, lunging at the Agent despite the muzzle. They had him in a hold with a catch pole. He went to try and paw it off, before collapsing with a yelp when he put weight on his injured legs. 
“Stand back, ma’am. I have to go help him.” The agent rushed into the room as the wolf continued to pull and twist, trying to get himself free. 
When he opened the door, the wolf suddenly shot forward, knocking him aside and heading straight for Carmen. 
“Shit!” Carmen didn’t have time to move as the wolf barreled into her. When she hit the ground, the Agents managed to get hold of him again. 
Then, he lifted up a massive paw and raked it across her arm. Two long crimson lines formed across the skin. Blood welled up, dripping onto the floor. 
“Carmen!” Anna shrieked, rushing over. “Oh my god, are you okay?” 
“It’s fine.” Carmen insisted, getting to her feet. Drops of crimson fell on the floor. The skin was already red and puffy. “Jesus.” She struggled to draw in breath, her heart leaping into her throat. 
The wolf continued to pull and tug at the Agents, but the second wind seemed to have gone out of him. Once they got him into the cage, the fight completely went out of him. With a metallic WHUMP, he collapsed, staring at Carmen through the bars. 
“You need to go to the hospital.” Anna insisted. “That looks bad.” 
“ER visit is not in the cards.” Carmen argued. “Can’t afford that.” She winced and cradled her arm. “How far away is the closest urgent care?” 
Walking to the desk, she pulled out a first aid kit, popping it open with one hand. At least they had plenty to handle small incidents. No way was she going to walk through the front lobby while bleeding like a stuck pig. Pulling out disinfectant, she went to the bathroom and applied it. 
The burning sensation nearly made her black out from the pain. Her head hit the wall, and she barely registered what Anna was saying. The other Agents were apologizing, or at least Carmen hoped so. 
“- about ten minutes?” Anna frowned. “I’ll fill out the incident report.” She looked Carmen up and down. “You don’t look so good, you should take the rest of the day off to rest. I’ll call someone from the other clinic and see if they can cover the surgeries. Thank God those guys knew the nearest Clinic offhand.” 
“Probably go there all the time themselves." Carmen shrugged. Anna reached over and helped hold her arm still. 
"Thanks, Doll.” Carmed winced again, seizing a roll of bandages and binding her arm the best she could. The Agents were gone, with the cage loaded in a trailer. “I’m not even mad. Poor boy was probably scared out of his mind.” 
The Urgent Care had just opened when she pulled up. Once admitted, she sat in the room, still cradling her arm. She didn’t dare unwrap the wound to get a better look at it. 
When the door opened, Carmen jerked her head up to look. 
The man who came through was older, maybe mid to late 40s. His hair was completely white, small bits of stubble on his face. Tired brown eyes looked her over, dark circles under them. A fatigue they both seemed to recognize and share a sympathetic half smile over. 
“Alright, tell me what happened.” His voice rumbled, still raspy from sleep. He held up a clipboard, clicking a pen to take notes. Old fashioned, then. She caught the name on his nametag, Esau Remington . 
“So, I’m a vet,” Carmen began, unwrapping her arm as she recounted what she thought was needed. He paid attention, unblinking and nodding. 
By the end, his brow was furrowed, the pen’s clicker tapping against his lips. 
“Are you sure it was a wolf and not a really big dog like a shepherd or a husky?” 
Fishing her phone out, Carmen showed him the pictures that Anna had sent her. His frown deepened, his brows rising to meet his hairline, the pen twirling back and forth between his fingers. The corner of his lip twitched, and he sucked in a sharp breath. 
“Well, I’ll be damned,” His cheeks flushed and he gave a nervous chuckle. 
“Sorry about the language. It’s not every day you see a wolf.” Clenching his jaw, he looked at the wound on her arm. “Just the scratch? He didn’t bite you anywhere?” 
Carmen shook her head. “No. They had a muzzle on him.” She winced as he rolled her arm between his fingers to look the gash over, making sure there was nothing inside it. The skin was more swollen, the congealing scabs weeping with clear fluid. “I’m up to date on my rabies shots and the like, unless you think I should take a booster?” 
Shaking his head, Dr. Remington sighed. “No, I think you do need sutures though. He did a number on you.” 
The pen scribbled as he took down a few notes. “I’m going to write you a prescription for some antibiotics and steroids. Take them all , even if you feel better.” The tone did not offer an argument. “And I’m going to recommend you take the next few days off. If you have a wily patient, you’re going to rip the sutures back open.” 
Carmen let a groan slip past her lips. The Doctor seemed taken aback, pen pausing mid scribble. Brow cocked, he looked her over. 
“I’ve got a lot of patients I need to look after.” She complained. “The wolf was a wild card, normally I just handle check ups.” 
“I’m sure your patients would appreciate you in a healthy state.” Remington argued back gently. “Take some time off, don’t strain yourself.”
  He looked over his shoulder, then back to her. “I know when I have some days cleared in my schedule, I like to go camping with some of my friends. We go hiking, swimming, and get to see nature.” Looking pointedly at her wound, he shrugged. “Although it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re a little sick of nature right now.” 
With a sigh, he began to prep her arm. Another round of disinfectant, making her hiss with pain. 
“I don’t mind nature.” Carmen shrugged, wincing as he began to apply the first suture. “Just don’t know if it’s a good idea to make a spontaneous trip into the woods with a messed up arm.” She tried to force a smile, but hissed when he pinched her wound closed. 
Dr. Remington tilted his head to the side with a grunt of agreement. “True. But it was just a suggestion.” His Adam’s Apple bobbed and he swallowed hard, his lips moist. “Not to mention the meds you’re on… Probably will make you too woozy to do anything strenuous.” He chuckled. “I got a little ahead of myself, sorry.” 
Carmen shrugged. “I get it. A little early, trying to wake yourself up.” 
"I find it hard to sleep some nights. Especially around this time of the  month. Always finding people doing stupid things. Must be the full moon." 
Once he’d finished stitching her up, he presented her with a prescription and doctor’s note. After calling the clinic back, Carmen assured Anna that she would be back as soon as possible. 
At home, she popped the first round of pills and collapsed onto her bed. 
When Carmen woke up next, sweat soaked her sheets. Panting, she pulled herself from her blanket cocoon. The cool air of the night was like ice. Shivering, she popped another round of meds, then  got into the shower, letting the water pour over her. 
The sweat and grime from sleep rolling down into the tub made her feel a little more like a human. Her phone was blowing up with texts from Anna and other coworkers. Pushing her phone aside, Carmen collapsed onto her bed again, shivering and trying to cover herself up enough to combat the shivers, but not feel overheated. 
Shaking, she tried to claim sleep, but it refused to come. Getting up, she began to pace back and forth across the floor, feet slapping loudly across the hardwood. The walls around her seemed to close tighter. 
Opening her window, she popped out the screen and leaned out. A spell of dizziness hit her. Head swimming, she nearly fell forward. Holding tightly to the sill, she yanked herself back in, rear slamming hard against the floor. Leaning against her bed, she took a few shaky breaths. 
Closing her eyes, she drug the sweat soaked blanket down from her bed and wrapped it around herself, falling into a fitful sleep. 
When the first rays of sun pierced the open window, chilly winds of dawn rolled over Carmen and made her hair stand on end. The necklace pressed into her hip, leaving red indents over her skin. Fishing it out, she simply tossed it aside, watching it skitter across the floor and come to a rest against her dresser. 
Crawling to the window, she pulled it closed and then collapsed under it. Curling into the fetal position, Carmen fell into another fitful sleep. 
She found herself standing next to a woman made of stone. A crescent moon covered her eyes like a mask, her mouth open in a howl. A silver wolf draped itself across her lap, head thrown back to mimic hers. Cracks and chipped off pieces had worn it down, but it still held a beauty to it. 
The grass around it was green and lush. Thick trees grew around the statue, the song of the forest crying out. Animals, insects, bubbling streams, wind, all of it calling out to something in her. Taking a few steps forward, she looked at the wolf. Its stone eye seemed to move, looking right at her. Even though she was clothed, it made her feel naked and nervous. Stomach flipping, she took a few steps back. 
“Come to me, my child.” A woman’s voice whispered in the wind. 
The golden sun had become the silvery moon when Carmen opened her eyes again. Her whole body ached. A throbbing in her head and arm helped drag her away from the land of sleep. She saw the necklace tightly clutched in her grip, leaving an impression of the moon in her palm. 
Every muscle protested when Carmen drug herself off the floor and took the meds. They went down hard, nearly making her throw it back up. 
Filling up a tall drink of water, she guzzled it down to fill her stomach. Hunger gnawed at her, staving off sleep. Breathing hard, she took another shower and let the hot water soothe her muscles. 
The strange fever and fatigue had worn off, replaced with an energy that she hadn’t felt in years. Blood sang in her veins, wanting to run. Even in the shower, she found herself shifting from one foot to the other, eager to start… Something. 
Stepping out of the shower, she found herself dressing quickly. Hair still damp, she pulled it back and mapped out a potential run she could do. She just had to go outside. Get away from the walls of plaster and sheetrock. 
A smell made her pause. It was buried under her smell. But she could still pick it up. Pulling out her pants from the other day, she pulled out the business card and sniffed it. A small drop of blood was on the corner. Hers? No. The scent drove her wild. She held it close and inhaled deeply, before pulling it back. 
“What the hell am I doing?” Setting it back down, Carmen rubbed her face, sweat pouring down her brow. She stared at the address, the image of the wolf coming to her mind. 
He stared at her, looking pitiful. Then, his claws flashed and raked across her arm. When she fell to the ground, she saw the statue. 
“ Come to me, my child .” The woman’s voice whispered in the wind again. “ Join the hunt. ” 
Walking outside, Carmen let the night air roll over her and went to the car, heart thrumming. Pulling out her phone, she punched the address of the wildlife reserve and then prepared to travel. 
Her drive was a blur. Tunnel vision made her unaware of how fast she arrived, or even if she was driving safely. Static crackled in her ears, making her hair stand on end. 
The mechanical voice telling her she’d arrived at her destination was what brought her back. She stared at the spot illuminated by her headlights. A line of trees, then a chain link fence. More foliage behind that, but it was too thick to see past. 
Getting out of the car, Carmen slammed the door and began to take a few steps toward the fence. The wind shifted, blowing a scent toward her. Wrapping her fingers around the links, Carmen inhaled.
  Closing her eyes, she let the smell wash over her. It caressed her very being, tugging at something within her. Dropping to her knees in front of the fence, she clenched the links tight enough for her knuckles to turn white and her injured arm to throb. Metal warped under her grip, the coppery scent of blood following. 
Bringing her hands down, Carmen saw crimson pooling in her palm. A laugh escaped her and she sat with her back to the fence. Lapping at the wound, shook her head. 
“What on earth am I doing?” She started to stand. Her body protested at the movement. The soreness was back with a vengeance. Closing her eyes, she pressed her bandaged hand to her face, pulling it away to see it soaked with sweat and grime. 
Staggering to her feet, she ignored the tantalizing scent as she headed back to her car. When Carmen put her hand on the roof, the smell hit her like a load of bricks. Opening her eyes wide, she turned back around to look at the line of trees. The area around her was tinted with a silvery-blue hue, but it was almost as bright as day. 
This had to be a dream. None of this made sense. Leaning down, she touched her forehead to the warm metal of the car. 
“Just wake up.” She urged herself. “You’re having a bad reaction to the medicine.” 
Slowly, she raised her head. 
Time seemed to slow down. Turning back toward the fence, she felt her feet moving on their own, dragging across the asphalt. 
Something glistened on the links in the silvery light. Reaching out, she brushed her knuckle to it. Once she touched the metal, it sent a jolt through her.  
Then, she saw the small gap in the links. Someone had cut through it with bolt cutters. But they’d put it back to where it was almost invisible to anyone far enough away. No wonder she had been able to bend the metal so easily.
 Clenching the fence, she pulled it back and crawled through, metal raking across her back. Wincing, she dropped to her stomach and drug herself through, feeling more tugs at her clothing. 
Once she stood up, her arm was throbbing, the pain making her head spin. Staggering, she sniffed the air. The scent was stronger than before. Her whole body ached, but she had to follow it. Cradling her arm, she began a slow walk. 
Cicadas cried, a creek flowed, and the wind continued to blow, stirring a few stray wisps of her hair out of its knot at the back of her head. 
Then, she came to a break in the trees, showing a sheer drop. In the meadow, a group of wolves ran around, wrestling and snapping at one another. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw one stop, then stand up on its hind legs and sniff the air. It turned a massive head around to look right at her. 
“I knew you’d come.” A voice called behind her. It was gruff, like it wasn’t used to speaking. As it rumbled through her ears, Carmen’s hair stood on end. 
Slowly, Carmen turned to see a bipedal wolf looking at her, its hindleg bandaged and stiff. Its shoulder was also wrapped up. 
The wolf took a few shaking steps toward her. Then, it dropped down onto all fours. Even then, it still looked her in the eye. Drool glistened on its teeth as it licked its muzzle. Then, she saw the same eyes, in what she recognized as a lupine scowl. 
Her ginger wolf from the clinic. 
Now she knew she was dreaming. 
It took another step toward her. She backed away, stopping when she felt the give of the ground, warning her of the drop below. Heart hammering in her throat, she could only stare at the wolf as it took a few steps closer to her.
Her stomach fluttered. Fear? No. Something else she couldn’t identify. Head swimming, she tried to string thoughts together to make a plan of escape. However, her vision began to blur. Daring to blink, she took in a shaking breath. 
Something tore through the grass. But she didn’t dare take her eyes off the creature approaching her. Caught between a rock and a hard place, she focused on the visible threat. 
“The Goddess has blessed you. And you’ve been marked by her hounds.” Ginger grumbled, nose nearly touching her. The inhales were strong, almost like a human. 
“You’ve gone into heat.” His tongue lolled out of his mouth, hot breath rolling over her skin. Something about it made the ache worse, spreading it through Carmen so fast she nearly screamed. “You’ll send the rest of the pack into rut.” 
Then, a large silver wolf slammed into the ginger, swatting him with a human shaped front paw. The action was so quick, Carmen could only gape. Her knees nearly gave out, but she managed to keep herself upright. If she went over the cliff, she’d drop and probably break below. But if this was a dream… 
Ginger flew back, screaming in pain. The noise shook her thoughts loose and she gasped, reaching out for him. Crimson blossomed on the bandaged haunch and shoulder. His back legs gave out as he struggled to get on all fours again.
“You bastard!” He barked at the silver wolf. “You broke my leg!” Yelping, he looked at Carmen with pleading eyes. “Help me!” 
Carmen took a step forward, only to feel a hand clamp on her shoulder. Claws dug into her skin, making her stand still. Then, she was whirled around to face the silver wolf, who towered over her. 
“You shouldn’t be out here.” The voice rasped. “Not without being taken into the pack first.” His nostrils flared, his pupils blowing all the way out as he stared at her. Brown eyes, glinting with the want for a hunt. His scent overpowered Carmen. 
Squeezing her eyes shut, she whispered to wake up over and over again. 
The fear held fast to her, not allowing her to move a muscle in fear of both wolves tearing her to shreds. 
Then, the hand on her shoulder went to her waist, picking her up. Before she could scream, it squeezed tight enough to push the air from her lungs. Finally, she opened her eyes to see that she was moving. Well, the wolf was walking, simply carrying her like a ragdoll. His massive paws had wrapped around her, although he’d taken care to not scratch her further with his claws. 
Ginger flew at them with a snarl, his back leg suddenly seeming to work perfectly. 
Silver swatted at him, then heaved. The wolf flew through the air, screaming as he went down into the meadow below. When he hit the ground, the crunch echoed through the night. Carmen felt sick, her stomach heaving. Covering her mouth, she squeezed her eyes shut again. 
There was a grunt. Air whipped around Carmen, stirring the scents again. An impact jostled her, and she opened her eyes. They’d landed in the meadow, the other wolves approaching, much more cautious in their steps. A few sniffed, inching closer with flared nostrils, but never close enough to touch. 
The smell made her mind swim. Heat flushed in her cheeks, and she shivered. All the eyes on her were like hands, caressing her very being. Each one hungrily taking her in, assessing her. 
The ruined pile of fur and bone groaned. 
“Your brother decided to go against the rules and try to bring another member into our ranks. Without permission. Or consent, for that matter.” Silver growled. “So now, he must put himself at the mercy of Diana.” He set Carmen down, setting his massive hand on her shoulder so she couldn’t run. His touch froze her further. Not even a breath passed her lips. 
The wolves sat or laid down in the grass, staring at the pair. They knew who the one in charge was. 
“What’s going on?” Carmen choked out, eyes watering. “Please. Tell me or let me wake up.” She slapped her cheeks, stopping when Silver’s hand wrapped around her entire uninjured forearm. It was a gentle, but firm grip. 
“No one touches her.” Silver insisted, before forcing her to face him. His eyes seemed to stare into her very being. They looked alert, but so tired. More fluid dribbled onto her legs and shoes. But she didn’t dare break the gaze. To assert dominance with a canine, you couldn’t be the first to break eye contact. 
Hopefully the same rules applied to lupines. Alpha and Omega only applied to captive and family packs, but this was all she knew to work with. 
As they stared at one another, Carmen felt the fear and desire to know more about everything warring with one another. Part of her wanted to escape the dream no matter how, the other part wanted to stay and listen. Sit on her haunches like the other wolves, watching him speak. 
His eyes explored hers, flicking over her form to take her appearance in. The gleam only added to his dangerous look. His pupils were slightly dilated, his muzzle twitching. His tongue tasted the air around her. 
Silver broke away first. A sigh of relief escaped her, and she dropped to her knees. Silver’s grip on her arm didn’t release. Closing her eyes, she urged herself to wake up. 
Then, she was being pulled back to her feet. Arms cradled her, twisted and alien enough to make her uneasy, despite the strength behind them. She tried to not shake, but her body refused to listen. 
“What do we do?” One of the wolves asked. “Her scent is going to roll on the wind. If she’s changed, there might be others we don’t know about.” 
“Guard the entrances. Make sure no one else gets in.” Silver rumbled, before he started to walk, each step jostling Carmen enough to nearly make her cry out. 
Then, he took her away from the meadow. There was a hole on the side of the cliff. Bowing his head, Silver brought her inside. Only then did he set her down on the stone floor. Once he’d done that, he went to the mouth of the cave and sat down. 
“Can you please tell me what’s going on?” Carmen begged, not daring to move from her spot. “Did… Did you kill that wolf?” She’d have to call the Wildlife reserve when she woke up to check on him. 
“No. If Diana is merciful, he will be healed when the moon and sun switch.” Silver didn’t look at her. “You care about the one who did this to you? Was he your mate?” 
The question made Carmen blush. “N… No. I just…” Her brain felt addled. Why was she getting flustered over a wolf? “I took care of him. He was already hurt.” 
Silver snorted. “We’re sturdy. Don’t worry.” He slammed his paw on the ground. The open palm slapped hard, the noise amplified in the cave. Carmen resisted the urge to clap her hands over her ears. “As you saw, he wasn’t nearly as injured as he pretended to be.” 
Still, getting flung over the side of the cliff… 
Carmen shuddered. “I just… I want to go home. Or wake up.” She scratched at the side of her head. The blood on her palm smeared on her cheek. 
Silver turned to look at her sideways. “You think this is a dream?” 
“Talking wolves, seeing them walk upright, it’s like a werewolf movie.” Swallowing, Carmen flinched when she felt the sting of pain, more blood dripping on her clothing. 
Standing upright, Silver approached her, taking her hand in his massive paws. Rolling it back and forth, he stared at it. Then, he slowly leaned down and ran a large pink tongue over the wound. The sensation sent a shiver up Carmen’s spine. 
The wound slowly began to shrink, before sealing itself closed. Carmen stared at it in awe. She flexed her fingers and brushed them against the twisted digits that now clutched her hand. Silver’s fur suddenly bristled, and he dropped her hand, turning away from her again. 
“You are werewolves, aren’t you?” Swallowing hard, Carmen tried to calm the roaring in her ears. 
“Correct.” Silver sighed. “We don’t bring pack members in willy nilly. It was supposed to be a tight ring.” He scratched at the ground, his claws bringing up grains of stone. “And not without my permission. Every werewolf in this pack is under my protection. They abide by my rules. In exchange, they are given this area to run every cycle.” 
“Why haven’t I changed?” The words were hard to force out. 
“You’re refusing to.” Silver turned to face her fully. “You’ve surely felt the way your body is hurting? How you need to do something, but you’re not sure what?” His nostrils flared, his pupils nearly overtaking his iris. “The Goddess has touched you. But you’ve managed to keep control, I’m impressed.” 
His hands shook as he reached for her. Claws traced her cheeks, making her hair stand on end. The scent of him was overpowering, making her mouth almost water. Something in her ached. 
“You are safe now. If you give into the change, you will not harm yourself or others.” He assured her. “I will take you into the pack. Every moon, we will come here. Once you are recognized as a member, we’ll do what we can to make sure that this is as painless as possible.” 
His hands on her, the rumbling of his voice, his scent, the way the air tasted around him drove Carmen crazy. Trembling, she felt herself nearly falling again. Why was she so weak in the knees? 
Something in her finally let go. The world exploded in silvery blue, the scents, sounds, and feelings overpowering her. Gasping, she felt her back arch. 
She suddenly jolted forward, slipping from the grip of Silver. He stared at her with wide eyes, flinching when she touched him. Burying her hands into his fur, inhaled his scent, listening to the rapidly increasing beat of his heart. 
The touch seemed to awaken something in him, his rapidly growing erection brushed against her midriff, pushing the hem of her shirt up. 
“N-no.” He weakly tried to push her away, nearly tripping over his feet as he tried to get away from her. “You can’t.” 
A fire formed in Carmen’s belly. She felt the emptiness inside her clawing up into her womb, begging to be filled. Dropping to her knees, she panted, sweat trickling down her brow and upper lip. 
“Please.” She said, her mouth dry. “Please. Help me.” Her eyes widened and she felt heat flash through her. The scent rolling off her mingled with the air. It was hard to resist the urge to tear off her clothes and start plunging fingers inside herself. 
Silver’s erection grew, beads of precum dribbling from the tip as he inhaled her scent, tasting it in the air. Silvery saliva drooled out of his mouth, and he stared at her. But he didn’t dare move. His hand gripped the mouth of the cave, looking ready to rip it down rather than come near her. 
“You must have your first change,” He urged her. “Please. Let the Wolf inside come out.” He flexed his free hand. “My fangs and claws would rip you to shreds.” His voice was growing more raspy, each word a chore to push past his teeth. 
Carmen’s body twisted as she cried out with a need she’d never felt the intensity of before. Her throat felt raw from the primal screams escaping her. She tried to find the part of her mind and push for the change to occur. Begging the wolf to come out. 
The other wolves were making their way over. Their scent made Carmen launch herself, only for Silver to clothesline her. With a grace that suggested practice, he managed to push her back into the cave. With his hand still tight around her waist, he laid Carmen on the floor. 
“Diana, forgive me for what I’m about to do.” He muttered, holding her to the ground. “You can’t scream like that. You’ll make every wolf in the area come running.” His cock brushed against Carmen’s clothed groin, the sensation sending another blast of lust through her. 
“Please.” Carmen panted, unable to catch her breath. “Help me.” Eyes watering, she reached for the Wolf’s arm, gripping it tightly enough she thought she might burst her stitches. 
“I could rip you in half.” He shook his head. “You’re not changed. You’re not made for it.” His nostrils flared, his hands shaking and gripping her tighter. 
“Help me change.” She urged him. “Please.” Why was she in so much pain if it was a dream? There was no way she’d been this horny in real life. Sure, she’d wanted sex before, but never this bad.
Sighing, he looked over his shoulder to the entrance of the cave. It was empty. But each movement and second he made her wait was agonizing. 
Slowly, he took his hand off her. With considerably less grace and control, he tore off her pants and underwear. The full scent of her arousal hit him. His hand slammed the open area above her head, his cock dribbling onto her thighs. A few drops landed on her exposed groin. Crying out, she bucked her hips up, reminding him what needed to be filled. 
Leaning down, he nuzzled against her neck, his nose cold. Fangs traced over her skin, making her gasp. Warmth followed as his tongue went across her neck, trailing to the collar of her shirt, leaving a large wet spot. Tensing, he ran his hand up her stomach, slipping it under the fabric of her top. 
It rested there, his open palm’s warmth mingling with her own. Slowly, he slipped it off her, taking care to not tug on the bandages on her injured arm. His claws tore through the cheap fabric of her sports bra, but the loss wasn’t going to break her heart. 
His eyes rested on the necklace now laying against her chest. 
“Diana forgive me,” He said again, before pushing her legs apart. His fur tickled her bare skin. It was softer than she thought it would be. Lowering his head, he lapped at the wetness forming between her legs and spilling out into the floor. 
The touch of his tongue made her cry out. Her legs locked around Silver’s head, forcing him to inhale her scent and arousal completely. Whether the motion or her cries finally made him let go, it seemed to awaken something in him. 
Growling, he sent a rumble through her that shook her very being. Breath escaped her, and she fell back flat, drowning in the pleasure. 
Grabbing Carmen’s thigh, Silver plunged his tongue in deep, rolling his head with each lick. She thought she would scream, but all that came out were quiet moans of satisfaction. Her hands tried to grab at something, to distract her from the sensation long enough to hold her rapidly approaching climax. She settled on resting her hand on his head, pushing him in further. 
Her legs went slack, shaking with desire. He gave a few more licks, before pulling back and running his tongue over her clit. Each movement sent a wave of pleasure over Carmen, making her cry out and arch her back, wanting to be filled again. 
Then, he pulled back, fur slick with her arousal. Breathing heavy, the Wolf stared at her entrance, his warm breath tickling her wet folds. Leaning down, he licked the ground and lapped up every drop of her that had spilled out. 
He picked her up off the ground, pressing her to the wall. Carmen’s legs snaked around his waist, barely able to hold herself up. Rocking his hips, Silver, growled in her ear. The breath tickled the curve of her neck, making her shiver. 
“Tell me you want it.” He rasped, the tip prodding against her. She could feel their fluids mixing together, dirtying the cave floor. 
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Carmen nodded. 
“P-Please.” She begged. 
Then, he entered her. She was so slick it slid right in. Once she’d wrapped around him, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down. Rolling his hips, he thrust up into her. Arms wrapped around Carmen’s body, he kept her from scraping against the stone of the cave. Cradling her head, he had her look at him. 
“Your pupils are so wide, I can’t see your iris anymore.” He growled, each thrust sending pleasure through Carmen. “I didn’t think my cock would fit, but you’re taking it so well.” The words weren’t teasing or hurtful, he seemed just as surprised as her. “It’s like you were made for me. There’s a little bit of the wolf getting teased out.” 
Carmen couldn’t deny the pleasure sweeping through her. She wriggled her hips and took him to the base, gripping him tighter. The growl that escaped him was one of pleasure. His thrusts were strong, each one filling her with white hot heat. Every moan and gasp that escaped her echoed loudly in the cave, no doubt funneling into the meadow. 
“Hold me tightly.” He encouraged her. “Scratch, bite, yell, let yourself fall to your base instincts.” His thrusts became almost vicious, impaling Carmen and reaching deeper than she thought possible. 
She screamed, tearing at his fur. The cries encouraged him further, and he bucked his hips hard, slamming into her. Bareback scraping against the wall, Carmen took it all in, pleasure building in her stomach and bringing her closer. 
There was no way she should have been able to take his cock. It was too big. The thought of it entering would have made her scoff, but now she was drawing it into her like it had always belonged. 
Then, she grew uncomfortably tight. Wincing, she dug her nails into his thick fur. Part of her was tempted to bite down on his shoulder, but the sensation would probably shock him into letting go of her. 
She grew more slick, wanting to take him all the way in, thicker cock be damned. It needed to be all the way inside when he came. Rolling her hips, she tried to press herself down against him when he thrust up. 
“Fuck… The knot.” Silver panted. “I’m about to-” 
He winced when she wrapped her legs tighter around him. “Wait, I’m going to-” His eyes were clouded with lust, his tongue lapping her neck. Words became grunts and growls 
Carmen’s body tensed. Throwing her head back, she nearly slammed it against the wall of the cave as the orgasm ripped through her. She clenched down onto the cock inside her. 
The pressure made Silver howl, and he erupted. Thick ropes of fluid filled Carmen, then dripped onto the floor. Two more aftershocks followed, although they paled in comparison to the first, merely spilling more onto the stone and Silver’s feet. 
Panting, Silver brought her down, collapsing onto the cave floor. His rapidly shrinking and softening cock was still slick with Carmen’s wetness. 
Carmen crawled over to him, falling onto his chest. His rapidly beating heart gradually slowed, his shallow breaths becoming deeper. Within moments, he was snoring. 
Closing her eyes, Carmen laid against his sleeping form. Even though he was a beast, it felt safe. His clawed hand rested against her thigh, the other encircling her chest and pulling her to him. 
Slants of light fell on Carmen. Groaning, she tried to move. Soreness filled her body, her joints and muscles straining against the movement as she tried to rouse herself. The floor underneath her was cold and hard. Hadn’t she closed the window last night? 
Looking down, she saw her naked body. Bruises traced up and down her hips and thighs. Stone was beneath her, scents of sex and animal mixing with her nose. 
Warm hands clutched her close. A half hard cock rubbed against her leg. 
“Mmm…” The person holding her groaned, pulling her back down to the ground. Stubble scraped against her bare shoulder, followed by a kiss. Squirming, she resisted the urge to twist away. 
“Morning.” The grogginess was clear in the voice. 
Carmen felt a familiar soreness between her legs. Panic seized her when she realized what had happened wasn’t a dream. 
Slowly, she turned to look down at her partner. 
And into the half asleep face of Doctor Remington. 
Next part here!
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bettyfrommars · 3 months
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Ring of Fire
a biker!Steve au
Part 3: The Runaway
18+Only, adult themes, mention of an abusive relationship, mention of cheating (not on reader), mention of violence, alcohol consumption, yearning, reader uses she/they pronouns, it's the late 90's, but also time doesn't really exist in Hawkeye. Platonic Stobin Forever, biker!Hopper, and biker!Eddie. Reader has very specific skills and backstory that verges on OC.
Word Count: 5.4k Playlist
A/N: I was going to call this a very self-indulgent chapter, but they all are, lmao. This is my love letter to biker Steve and my yearning to go to one of Hopper's barbecues with the rest of the gang. There will be a future wlw relationship for Robin with a woman worthy of her love, and we'll see more of Wayne in the next part. Trying to decide if I should give biker Eddie someone too, but for now, we have this. I love those of you who have decided to join me in this world, truly. Also, the playlist is a work in progress, and if you stumble upon a song that makes you think of biker Steve, or this story in general, please let me know!
Groaning as he rolled over in bed to face the green numbers on his digital alarm clock, Steve felt a strange satisfaction at the fact that he hadn't tossed and turned all night.  Thumbing sleep from his eyes, he felt around the nightstand, and cursed under his breath to note that it was barely daybreak, and he was out of smokes. He knew the gas station would be open, and then immediately wondered if you would be there.
He tried to blink the thought away, desperate not to make thinking about you first thing in the morning a habit.  Habits like that were hard for him to break once things inevitably went to shit.
On his back, he stared at the ceiling, recalling bits of a dream that were still floating behind his eyes.  The images of the family he kept having were so vivid, he expected to roll over and hold the woman next to him and call her his wife, but that side of the bed had not been warm in years. He’d never had the urge to marry, and he certainly didn’t have any children.  But when he slept? It was as if he lived a double life. Tears built on his lash line at the memory of one of the young girls holding his leg and calling him daddy, it made him shoot up into a sitting position with a jolt.  
“Shake it off, Harrington,” he mumbled to himself.  
Hissing at a sudden sharp pain in his knee, he made his way to the kitchen in his polka dot boxers, scratching his head with a yawn.  Robin had been staying with him for a few months after her breakup, and it was the happiest he’d been in a while. There used to be dishes piled up in the sink, but now there was nothing but a single Chinese takeout container on the kitchen table and a pot on the stove with Velveeta cheese caked to the insides.  
He’d thought about getting a smaller place or another roommate, but the rent Eddie was charging him was dirt cheap, and he’d surprised himself with how much he liked taking care of the yard and the domesticity of it all.  He only wished he had someone to share it with.
The first thing he did was turn on the tiny 6-inch, countertop television near the toaster so that there could be some noise; the early morning silence was deafening, it made him uneasy.  The only thing showing on all four channels was the news, announcing more rain over the weekend.  One newscaster was talking about a rash of women disappearing around Hawkeye, but the murmuring was low, and he was busy searching around for the sustenance he needed to start his day.   
He used the French press that was already there when he moved in to make coffee, and when he opened the fridge to get the milk, there was your dish of lasagna.  Clear blue Pyrex dish staring him in the face, just one more reminder. 
It made him feel warm for a second, as if you were also in the house somewhere.  Like maybe you’d come around the corner and slip your arms around him from behind.  
He pulled back the tin foil cover to be reminded that there was only a slice left in the corner since he’d been eating it for practically every meal the past three days.  
He hadn’t set eyes on you in just as long, since the protection run with the Kings got pushed back a day and he had to cancel on his plans to pick you up and go for a ride.  
It was all for the best, really.  He wondered if it was too soon to show you what he had in mind.
But he promised he’d return the dish to you, and he needed cigarettes.
Was there a way to ask for your schedule without sounding like a stalker?
Eh, probably not.
The wall phone rang and he scratched his balls through his boxers on his way over to answer it.  He’d shaved down there just to see what it would look like, but the new growth itched like a motherfucker.  Even though it did make his dick look bigger, he’d decided to never get a sharp object so close to his sack ever again.  Unless, maybe, you were into that sort of thing.  
“Yeah? This ‘s Steve.”
It was Robin letting him know that she’d broken up with her live-in girlfriend yet again, and needed him to come and pick her up.
“You never should’ve gone and done that again, I told you,” he ran a rough hand down his face.
“I don’t need that from you right now,” she sniffed, speaking in a strained whisper.  Her voice was raspy, and she hiccupped to hold back a sob.  
This was the second time she’d tried to make things work with the newest one, Nicole or Nikelle or some shit.  They’d decided to move in together a week after they met, and the last few months had been emotional turmoil.  She hated her, she loved her, and then she hated her again.
Steve hoped that this time it stuck so that he could have his roommate back.  He got busy doing the dishes and cleaning up, whistling while he worked. 
“I’ll pull your sheets out of the closet,” he told her. “Be there to pick you up in twenty minutes.”
“Your precious Steve is here,” Nic spat, pushing the curtain back to eye the truck pulling up to the curb.  “I suppose you told him this was all my fault?”
“I haven’t told him anything,” Robin sighed, frowning into her bag, shoving her last few belongings in.  “But I’m not the one who cheated again, am I?”
She swallowed, aching to explode, but not wanting to give her newly appointed ex the satisfaction of another tear or argument.
“Hey,” Nic took hold of her elbow, pinning her with an earnest look.  Her complexion was olive, her thick black hair buzzed short, and the bright green of her irises had a long track record of melting Robin into submission.  “You can’t hold that against me, you know I can’t help it.”
Robin scoffed, jerking out of her grasp .  “You know, I can’t believe I fell for that a second time.”
Steve was halfway up the sidewalk when Robin shuffled out of the door wearing a backpack, and carrying too big duffle bags that had clothes spilling out of the open zippers.  
“Get me out of here, “ she groaned, letting him take one of the bags from her to help.  
He caught Nic’s stare through the kitchen window and she flipped him off.  He mirrored the gesture with a wide, fake grin, hoping he’d never have to see her face again.  
Robin slid the blue Pyrex dish over while she scooted in to throw her stuff behind the seat in the extended cab.
“What’s this?” 
Steve got behind the wheel and gave a curious grunt as if he wasn’t sure.  “That’s, um, you remember when she brought the lasagna.”
Robin’s tired, puffy eyes lit up for a second.  “Interesting. You finally going to ask her out when you give it back?”
“Was thinking about it,” he put it in gear and peeled away, tires spitting gravel and dust.  He pushed the sleeves of his flannel up.  “There’s that party at Hopper’s place tonight.”
Robin sat ridgid, but her shoulders started to relax the further they got down the road. She rolled her eyes. “You’re going to invite her to a biker party as a first date? I’m sure you could do better.  What about that Italian place?”
He agreed with the sentiment, but to be completely honest, he was nervous as shit to be alone with you.  He didn’t get that way with everyone, but his heart fell out his ass with nerves every time he imagined what he’d say when he had you all to himself.  
“I guess it’s not a bad idea,” she shrugged.  “Casual, no pressure.  Better than getting stuck on an awkward, uptight dinner date.”
“I really want to take her to the old Danvers place.”
Robin twisted in her seat to stare at his profile.  “You sure she could handle that?”
“Dunno,” he got on the ramp to the freeway, rolling down his window as he went.  “But I think she’s got secrets too.”
You stood behind the worn, yellowed countertop at work that morning selling smokes and gatorade and snacks for weary workers and travelers.  A woman brought a batch of fresh sandwiches wrapped in cellophane and chocolate chip cookies every day, and they always sold out fast, so you set a turkey on wheat aside for later.  
Earlier, you’d stood at the sink in your apartment with a razor in your hand, considering shaving all of the hair off of your head.  Once the moment passed, you just stared at the blade for a long while, turning it over in your hand, wondering about its other uses.
A group of teenagers on their high school lunch break came through buying chips and beef jerky and soda to the tune of The Plimsouls singing A Million Miles Away, and while you were busy counting the loose change they paid with, you didn’t look up when the bell over the door chimed.  
You were just closing the register after the last kid when your pyrex slid into view.
He thought about leaving it further down on the counter with a note for you to find later, but then he told himself to not act like a fourteen year old.  Would you like to go on a date with me? Please check yes or no.
He had his wayfarer sunglasses on, showcasing the simplicity of a white Hanes tee, fresh pack of cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve like an old-time greaser, and worn jeans with a hole in one knee. The rolled up sleeve revealed more of the tattoo on his bicep; it looked like traditional Sailor Jerry ink, but you couldn’t tell what.  He worked a piece of pink gum in his mouth, grinding it in his front teeth, but he didn’t say anything, he just moved the dish closer.
“Is this a robbery?” You adjusted your shirt, wondering if you looked okay.  
He cocked an eyebrow high and held it there.  “That’s right, put all the money in the dish and no one will get hurt.”
You gave a soft snort, tucking your chin to stifle a grin.
Pushing his sunglasses up into his hair to show that he had a clear sunburn line on his cheeks, he checked around the room as if it were illegal for the two of you to be talking.  Scratching his chest with the LOVE hand you noticed the motor oil stained in the creases of his knuckles.
“So, um, if you’re free tonight and you get bored or something, there’s a party, at a place out near the lake,” he paused, trying to gauge the blank expression on your face.  “I know the guy, he’s a friend of mine. Hopper, from the other night at the Blue Light.  There will be plenty of booze, he’s got a pool.  Burgers and shit.  Just a few friends but I dunno, it might be fun.”
He closed his eyes for a beat, worried he was talking way too fast.  He cupped his hands on the edge of the counter, exposing the muscles and veins on the underside of his forearms.  “Unless you have plans or something.  Thought I’d invite you cause you’re new in town and all, but if you’re busy, I get it.”
“I’m not busy,” you were quick to respond the second he gave you the chance. After he had to cancel the last time he wanted to take you somewhere, you wondered if he would ever try again.  A grandfatherly gentleman came through the door and you greeted him while he shuffled over to the coffee station.
 “Are you going?”
He made a fist and pounded the side of it lightly on the counter a few times.  “Yeah, I was thinking about stopping by to check it out.  If you want, you know, I could pick you up or something.”
Steve moved aside so that you could take the money for the older customer’s big styrofoam cup of cream and sugar coffee.
You put the quarters in the cash register with a metal clatter as you spoke.  “I think I might take my own car,” your eyes flicked to him and then down again.  “You know, just in case I hate it.”
“No, that's smart. I’lll take my own vehicle too, and then we can, you know, meet there.”
He heard how stupid the words were when they left his mouth, but it was too late.  He took the pack of reds out of his sleeve and squashed it open to pluck out a smoke to put between his lips.  
He didn’t light it, but he kept it pinned there, bobbing as he spoke. “You got a piece of paper?”
He took a pen from the collection at his elbow, and you ripped off a piece of cash register tape so that he could jot down the address to the place.
“It’s real easy.  Once you get to the end of the road, go left, and it will be about a mile down on your right.  Red mailbox, the house is tucked in the trees.” He straightened to look at what he’d written, and then bent down again to keep the pen going.  “This is my number just in case.”
The side of your mouth jerked up in a smile while you watched his profile.  “What time should I be there?”
He rolled the cigarette from one side of his mouth to the other and capped the pen.  “Whenever. Around 6 or 7 if you wanna eat, but I’m sure the party will go on until late.”
“You can bring a friend if you want,” he added, praying you didn’t show up with another dude.
“I don’t have any friends,” you kept your eyes on the paper as you pulled it toward you, chuckling softly.
“That’s not true,” he turned away as he said it.  “You’ve got me.”
You thought you were lost at one point, winding through the old highway through the cornfields, but the second you found the fork in the road, you knew exactly where you were.  You hated that you’d spent almost two hours throwing clothes around your apartment trying to decide what to wear.
“He’s just some dude,” you mumbled to yourself, fixing your hair in the mirror.  “It’s nothing to get all nervous about.”
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  “It’s just a lame barbecue, nothing to get worked up about.  He’s a friend from school, that’s all.”
But, was that all?  
You had a blue and green stained glass bird hanging in one of the small windows, right above a trio of succulents in various planters, and you made sure to sprinkle a rare dose of water on them before you left. 
You got all the way down to your car, realized you hated the shoes you had on, and went back up to change them.  Donna eventually came out to ask you where you were going, not that it was any of her business.
“To a friend's house,” is what  you appeased her with, feeling that it would be wrong to ignore your boss, even if she had no right to ask..  
Hopper’s place was a brown and tan double wide surrounded with trees with an above ground pool out back, through the carport.  The grill was back there too, and a bunch of friends downing beers in camp chairs.  He’d gone over to the motel to invite Lorelei, but she was leaving on an out of town date with a regular that night, and a part of him wished he’d never known that.  Now, he’d have to drink away how worried he’d be for her to make it home safe.  
Or maybe he’d stay relatively sober, just in case she called.
He turned from the grill to catch his reflection in the living room window, rubbing a hand over the short beard there under the smoldering cigarette between his lips.  He muttered out loud to himself that he needed to get a fucking haircut soon since it was long enough to tuck behind his ears.  
“Sorry man,” Steve brushed by on his way around the house again.
“Hey Taz,” Hopper called after him, making Steve spin around, the heel of his Converse digging into the grass.  “Why the hell are you so fidgety tonight? Have another beer, sit the fuck down.  I’m gonna shove this burger down your throat in a minute.”
Steve raked a hand through his hair a few times, exhaling a ragged breath.  This was only his third or fourth time going around front to see if he could get a view of your car coming down the road, but for some reason, Hopper was keeping track.  
Steve wondered if it was wrong that he wanted to hug you when you showed up.   
He moved his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing there.  “I told you I got that friend that might be coming. Wanted to make sure she didn’t miss the turn.”
Hopper brought his attention back to the food, letting the ash from his smoke dust the front of his Magnum P.I. tropical shirt as he spoke. “What if she doesn’t show, what then?”
“Won’t matter to me,” Steve shrugged, hooking his thumbs into his belt loops. “I need to get the other cooler out of my truck anyway.”  
He kept on his way before Hopper could say another word.  
An hour, a burger, some potato salad, and several beers later, there was still no sign of you.  A few people bobbed around in the pool as dusk bloomed on the horizon, while the rest settled in a circle around the campfire to the tune of Wild One by Thin Lizzy.
He was staring at the fire, thinking about getting up for a third beer, when he heard the distinct crunch of  tires rolling up to the gravel of the driveway from the main road.
You turned down the radio, taking a few calming breaths.
He’s just a stupid boy…you reminded yourself, pulling in near the red mailbox to park behind two Harley Davidson Fatboys.  Steve’s truck was parked further up the road, away from the house, to give others more room to park, you assumed.  Hopper drove a Bronco, as well as his Harley Softail, and there were two other vehicles you didn’t recognize. 
Several tiki torches lined the way to the back of the home while the sunset blazed tangerine.  You hadn’t even turned the engine off yet when you saw Steve appear at a slow jog, waving as if to assure you that you were at the right place.  
Your heart tripped over itself at the sight of him, and you gave a quick glance to the rearview mirror to check your face. He waited for you to open the door and step one foot out before he asked if you needed a hand.  
“I brought beer,” there was a 12 pack Schlitz on the front seat from the mini mart.  A last minute choice since you’d forgotten to ask if you needed to bring anything. Steve stood holding the door open while you stretched over to grab it.  He saw the way your shirt creeped up to show some skin on your hip, but then she quickly averted his eyes.
“Wasn’t sure you were gonna make it,” he took the case of beer from you as you stood.  “Saved you some food if you’re hungry.”
Shouts and splashes echoed from the pool after it sounded like someone did a belly flop.  Steve had on a nice, button down, grass green shirt with what looked like newer blue jeans.  Had he just bought them that day? You liked the way the shirt was unbuttoned a few so that his messy patch of chest hair was on full display.  That was the most “dressed up” you’d ever seen him.  
“Think you might want to go for a swim?” He carried the case under his arm like it didn’t weigh a thing.
The question flustered you.  “I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”
He smelled really good, not like strong cologne or anything but just clean and spicy and…soft.  Like maybe you could bite into his flesh and honey would come out. 
Most of the 12 or 14 other people at the party there were too tipsy and too busy deep in their own conversation to really care or notice when the two of you came around the corner.  Hopper looked up from his chair across the fire, exhaling smoke from his cigar.  It was a big, circular fire pit made of stone, and you had the feeling he made it himself.  
There was an empty seat you assumed was Steve’s, and next to it was a younger kid with thick sideburns and a PROSPECT insignia on the back of his Coffin King’s leather.  
Still holding the beer, Steve kicked the aluminum legs of the young man’s chair. “Get up.”
The guy snapped his head to see who it was and was quick to stand.  You had your mouth open to protest taking someone else’s seat, but the guy was already off to find another one.
“I’m gonna go put these in the fridge,” Steve said.  “You want beer or–?”
“Got any whiskey?” You could feel Hopper’s eyes on you.
“Coming right up,” he replied, squeezing your shoulder. 
The whiskey tamed your nerves, and he handed you his cigarette for a few drags.  He offered you one of your own, but you declined, citing that you didn’t want to get too comfortable with it.  But really, you just liked sharing his; to hold it in your lips right after him, teasing the tip of your tongue across the filter.  He introduced you to the ones around the fire, all members of the Coffin Kings, and a few of them had partners, or “old ladies” as they were affectionately called.  You listened to the conversations buzzing around, and every once in a while, you’d find yourself chuckling at some story Steve told.  What about the time he tried to steal a riding lawnmower from the hardware store, and four employees chased him through the parking lot?
“I was just a kid,” he leaned over to tell you so that you wouldn’t think it was something he did recently.  “Barely sixteen I think. One of the guys dared me, and I never say no to those for some reason.”
“You never say no to a dare?” 
He shook his head. “Nah, I figure if I’m not hurting anyone else, there’s nothing I won’t try once.”
You pondered that, wondering about the things you wouldn’t do if dared.  
You must’ve shivered, or maybe it was just his intuition, but he motioned to his leather jacket on the backseat of the chair. “You cold? Wanna wear this?”
“No I’m fine, thank you,” but then, “maybe later.”
“What about you,” Hopper said over the tips of the flames, looking in your direction.  “You got a story?”
For the first time all night, they all turned to you, expectantly, and your face began to sweat.
Steve’s hand found your knee. “You don’t have to,” he whispered.  
You thought about the stories you had, and wondered if you should tell the truth or make one up.
“Um,” by then, the others had lost interest. Steve and Hopper were the only ones looking at you. “Well, I ran away from home once and joined the circus.”
Sparks popped in the fire, and Hopper tilted his head to squint curiously.
Steve went along with it.  “Were you a dancer? Those women with the tassels on their—”
He was about to say nipples but stopped himself.
“I had a couple different jobs,” you took another sip.  “I sold cotton candy at one of the kiosks, did tarot readings and fortune telling.  The last job I had was as a magician’s assistant.”
“You serious?” Steve was fascinated.  “You mean you’re, like, psychic or something?”
You rubbed your lips together, thumbing the rim of your beverage.  “Not exactly, I’ve never been sure how it works, but I see things sometimes.”
“How old were you?” The woman with the bleached blonde hair next to you asked.  She wore an American flag bikini top with tattered denim Daisy Dukes.  
Steve had his chin pinned to his shoulder, searching your face with deepening interest.  
“That’s badass,” the Prospect that had once been in your chair said, but he was next to Hopper at that point.  He had a full head of wavy hair, feathered off his face with some type of gel.  come to find out, his name was Dino, as in short for Dinosaur.  “I’ve always wanted to join the circus.”
The rest of them gave low chuckles, and one mumbled, “there’s still time.”
“Why did you run away from home?” Steve whispered it, wondering if maybe you might not want to answer that in front of everyone.
Dino went on to expand on what a good circus barker he’d be while you spoke only to Steve.
“I didn’t really have, you know, the best childhood,” you mumbled. 
“Someone hurt you?” Just the thought made him upset.
You took another sip, and then raised your voice so the group could hear. “We had one of those big red and white tents, like in the movies. The Bearded Lady, Becky, she was one of the nicest people you’d ever meet.  The lions were my favorite.  The big one, his name was August, we’d go for walks together. I made friends with a trapeze artist, but one day she was up there doing a routine on the tightrope and she fell and there was a hole in the net.  She went right through.  Her name was Debbie.”
There was a hush, and then an older biker with a gray beard next to the blonde said, “that’s fucked up.”  
“How long were you with the circus?” Dino asked.
“Only a few months,” you cleared your throat.  “And then I was on the road for a while.”
“By yourself?” Steve’s voice was louder than he’d meant for it to be. 
You gave him a soft smile and a shrug.  “I’m always alone.”
What were the odds of two lonely fucks finding each other again the way you two had?  Steve was grateful for Robin and Eddie, they were his only constants.  
Robin had decided to stay home that night, to unpack some things and get her room situated again.  Steve made sure she bolted the door and told her to use his gun if Nic tried to come around.  
“She won’t,” Robin huffed, dumping the contents of her backpack onto the bed.  “That would imply she actually gave a shit about me.  She’ll have some new married woman from the bar in our bed by tonight, I’m sure of it.”
Back at the firepit, you got to your feet and Steve followed.  “Could you tell me where, um, the bathroom is?”
The bathroom wallpaper was blue and white striped with ducks in bow ties on the trim, something you imagined was there before Hopper moved in.  A mirrored medicine cabinet and a shower without a tub that had one of those frosted, glass front doors.  Besides some mustache/beard trimmings near the sink, it was a tidy place, and smelled of cleaning supplies.  You used the fairly new bar of green soap in the clear dish, and peeked around in the cabinet like any nosey person would.  
Steve was lingering in the carpeted hallway to hand you a fresh beer.  “Didn’t want you to get lost on the way back.”
There were photo collages in frames on the walls of what looked like Hopper’s extended family.  In one, he had his arms hooked over the shoulders of Steve and an older man in their Coffin Kings kuttes.  It might've been a decade old; Steve looked like a baby.
“How long have you and Hopper known each other?”
Steve let out a raspberry sound with his lips.  “Who knows, forever.  He’s been around since we were kids.”
He was just about to reach for the sliding door out to the back patio, when someone else pulled it open.  Shirtless in his boxers, with a yellow beach towel wrapped around his waist, stood the person you knew to be Eddie Munson.  Wet hair long over his shoulders with a handful of tattoos scattered over his torso, he was dripping wet, and in the middle of scowling about something you weren’t privy to.
“Hey man,” the two men bumped fists.  His eyes darted back and forth between the two of you.  “My beeper just went off, need to make a call real quick.”
Steve introduced you, praying to whatever god would listen that whatever Eddie had to do that night did not include needing his help.  
You saw the metaphorical lightbulb of recognition brighten above Eddie’s head.  “Oh shit yeah, I remember you.  You punched Danny Rogers right in the jaw once on the playground. Dude went down hard.”
Steve seemed to beam with pride at that, exposing his gold canine, but you shifted nervously.
“I don’t like violence,” you admitted.  “But he deserved it.”
Danny was one of those boys who liked to try and put his hand up girls shirts and make nasty rumors go around that one of them blew him in the supply closet.  They were only kids, and you didn’t even know what “to blow” someone meant at the time.  
Eddie shook his hair out like a dog. “Hey, I’ll catch you two out there in a minute, okay? Good to see you again, killer.”
It was dark enough that you could only see the shapes of the people in the pool, moonlight reflecting off the water, and felt the unmistakable weight of Steve leaning into you as you went through the door.  He slid it closed once you stepped onto the concrete slab, and then you turned, not realizing how close he was, and accidentally bumping chests with him.  
You didn’t move away, but you kept your head down until Steve put a finger under your chin to lift your gaze.  The porch light was out, allowing you an extra veil of privacy from the party, and you snaked a hand up over his ribs.
“Are you gonna run away this time?” He mumbled, staring at your mouth, his lashes fluttering.
He didn't know about your dream but somehow, he did.
“I thought we were going together?”
He wondered if you could feel him shaking. 
“I’m ready,” his mouth came down close enough to exchange oxygen with you.  You shifted closer, pulling him in.
But then he abruptly cleared his throat and turned his head.
“Not like this,” he rumbled, glancing at the rest of the party.  
“Not like what?”  You sought his hand and intertwined your fingers. 
He didn’t want to say out loud what he meant, that he wanted it to be special.  
He was revealing himself to you, these things he’d been taught to hide, the ways he daydreamed about how well he could love you, if only you’d let him.  If he could write for shit, he’d be one of those insufferable assholes scribbling out poetry in your honor.
He wasn’t like this with every woman he dated.
There was a special chemistry, something more spiritual than primal, that had only been activated in him a couple of times.  The last one was a while back and she took all of his trust; he was sure he’d never lean into that feeling ever again.  
Were the two of you dating? Is that what this was? Maybe the connection was all in his head and you were just going along for lack of things to do.
No, that wasn’t true.  He could tell you wanted that kiss.
He should’ve taken the chance…
But then you held his hand all the way back to the firepit, and that was something.  
Thank you for reading, I love you. Biker Steve will be back soon.
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pencilpat · 5 months
In Any Form You Take - dukeceit
Scar positivity, mostly made for the purpose of comforting myself, but I wanted to share it as well. I hardly see media involving people with scars as gnarly as mine, so hopefully this can bring others comfort as well. The title is a reference to this song.
Read on Ao3 here
[Content warning for implied past self harm and current body image issues.]
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Remus sits splayed out on its bed, trying to act like it isn't waiting for something. Janus has, for the first time in the months they've been dating, agreed to stay the night in its room. He disappeared into the bathroom to change almost 30 minutes ago, and Remus would be lying if it said it wasn't worried. It turns over to look at the ceiling, making bored popping noises with its lips.
It doesn't blame Janus for any nervousness there may be, Janus hasn't been naked around... well, any of the sides for as long as it can remember. Remus can't place when it happened, but as Thomas grew up and Janus became more engrossed in his role, he started to cover up everything. Literally and metaphorically. Long sleeves and even gloves, at one point when they were a teen he even had a half mask on his face before everyone discovered his snake-like features.
Remus knows Janus must be getting into pyjamas, and the sound of shuffling indicates it doesn't have to speculate for very much longer. Janus cracks open the door slightly, just enough to see his face, his long hair down and swaying by his chin. "Remus?"
"Yeah, Janus? Everything okay in there?"
"Yes. I'm okay. I- I just need you to not act weird, okay? Can you promise?"
Remus sits up cross-legged, face scrunched up in confusion. It chuckles slightly, rolling its eyes. "All I ever do is act weird, but I can tone it down for ya."
"Remus, I'm serious."
It takes pause, blinking and tilting its head to the side softly. Janus's tone of voice is heavily somber and almost nervous, and it's not one that Remus hears often. "Uh, okay. I promise, no weirdness."
Janus takes in a deep breath, and the door opens. His hand falls from the knob and holds his own wrist anxiously, eyes refusing to make contact with a nervous attempt at a coy smile filling his features. "I- I know it's a lot, feel free to stare and ogle as long as you'd like." Janus's biting sarcasm feels completely toothless, and he can't quite make himself look at Remus's face. So, when its suddenly right in front of him, he startles and gasps quietly. But as he's pulling away, Remus is reaching towards him.
"Stare and act weird at you about this? What? Why would I be that mean?" Remus lets its hand hover between them as it waits for a sign that it's okay to touch. It tries not to look outwardly fascinated by the scars that cover its boyfriend's arms almost entirely, all thick and bumpy in varying shades of purple and white. Old, but definitely some nasty keloids.
"Remus you've done meaner things in your sleep, don't play with me." Janus laughs and it comes out strained. Cringing at himself, he barely feels present all of a sudden. Like he's floating. Dizzy, lightheaded. "I know you've seen scars before, though you only seem to have them for a short time when you do get them, but they... stayed on me." Janus rubs his own arm, horrifically textured no matter what he does, breathing out shakily. Remus is observing him silently, and Remus is never silent. It makes him terrified. "Sorry, I know they're gross, this was probably overstepping. It was wrong to assume you'd be okay with it, I can go back to my own-"
Remus's hands close the gap, and rests right there, directly touching his scars. "Nah, you assumed right, I don't mind one bit!" It smiles, sharp teeth gleaming at him. "The shit you've seen me touch and you thought I'd find you gross? Jan, that's so unintelligent that I barely recognize you." Janus is frozen in place, his eyes watching Remus's face as it touches his arm, running its hands over even the ones Janus won't let himself touch. A gentle smile fills its face, and it leans in to plant a kiss on Janus's cheek. "Certainly adds a bit of dramatic flair to one's body, huh?"
Janus feels tears in his eyes, glancing to the side as Remus kisses his scales. He can't seem to make words come out of his mouth, because if they did it would just be bashful apologies and humiliated proclamations of how ugly he is.
"Did someone tell you you were gross?" Remus asks, bizarrely quiet and soft compared to its usual self.
"God no, I'd rather die than show any of the others this. No, I did all the name calling myself, thank you very much."
Remus's arms wrap around him in a hug, gripping him tightly. "Well then tell that asshole to shut up for once, why don't you?" It buries its face into Janus's shoulder. "I will hunt down and eat anyone who ever says those things to you, and that includes you yourself!"
"Remus..." Janus can't help a light, comforted chuckle at the expression of violence. "You won't be eating anyone, down boy," he jokes, laughing even as he's sniffling.
Remus pulls back, gazing at him fondly. "You're really pretty, Janus. Scars included." Its eyes darken playfully. "And when I see a pretty boy I want him in my bed!" Remus suddenly swoops Janus up over its shoulder like a sack, making the smaller side yelp and cling to it upside down. Without time to adjust he's chucked haphazardly into a pile of pillows, wheezing out a laugh and covering his face.
"My god, you're so dumb. Fine then, bed me Mr. Duke," Janus dramatically throws a hand against his forehead and lays back as though on a fainting couch.
Remus cackles and throws itself on the pillows right beside him. "No offense, babe, but I'm exhausted and I'd rather just cuddle and feel up your sick ass battle wounds, if you'd let me. I can even scream dramatically and act like I stepped in horse shit if that'll validate your self flagellation!"
"Oh, how caring and noble an offer," Janus quips, rolling his eyes and cuddling against Remus's chest. They both laugh, and then go quiet, staring across at each other.
"Love you," Remus offers up.
"Love you too," Janus accepts, the room darkening as Remus wills it to and settling them into darkness for sleep.
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ontherocks21 · 4 months
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Someday I'll Write It:
Lady Vader Part IX
The summons comes at an obscene hour of the morning with Anakin still away on assignment. That should have been her first warning. Even as Dormé works her handmaiden magic, Padmé is still hard-pressed to get her late-term self presentable in a timely fashion. Her gait weighed down by creeping dread as much as her large abdomen, she arrives, winded, at the former Supreme Chancellor's office.
Eerie disquiet shakes her palm stretching out for the access panel until cold trepidation freezes all of fear's motion from her entirely when she enters the room.
The goosebumps erupting all along her skin and the hair on the back of her neck standing on end are her second warning. Fully heeding it, her heart rate doubles, then triples when Anakin doesn't seem surprised.
She hadn't even known he was home.
"I hear congratulations are in order. How is the mother to be?" The slippery voice of Palpatine sounds fraught with disdain.
Forcing pleasantness to her face, Padmé smiles tightly. "Well, your Excellency." She almost gags. "Did Lord Vader tell you?"
"No." The reply is sharp, angry, cutting. "But he should have. For his fault in loyalty, I have asked you here to witness his punishment so that you may both understand my mercy."
Behind her, the door hisses and Galen Erso is brought in in binders. The moment he spots his allies is the moment he forgets he has them. "You promised me we would be safe! You lying sack of-"
The Red Guards shut his mouth for him with a brutal jab of their pikes. She watches, hand covering her mouth in horror, as Galen falls to the floor, gasping air for the both of them.
Immune to the misery on display or perhaps feeding on its panic, Palpatine reclines, comfortable on his throne.
"Two versions of events have floated around these chambers for far too long, each naming one of the individuals before you an enemy to the Empire. I trust you to eliminate the traitor, Lord Vader.""
Bile roils in the back of her throat but it looks like Anakin is going to be the one to throw up. He won't even acknowledge her as he moves past, igniting his lightsaber with unmistakable intent.
"Ani, don't," she whispers, her voice disappearing in an irony of breath-taking when she sees the ruby red color to his normally brilliant blue eyes. Even horrified at the unnatural hue, she can't stop herself from trying to stop him.
Her fingers barely snag his ebony sleeve when the coarse fibers wrench away from her grip. She doesn't understand at first, an invisible force yanking her off her feet, the leaden weight in her limbs suddenly gone. Impossibly, she's flying, lighter than her body's felt in months, but her trajectory is all wrong. She only vaguely comprehends when her spine slams into the wall, a sickening crunch rivaling the echoes of her screamed name.
Her vision spirals, and it's hard to hear what's happening past the agony roaring in her head, her veins, her womb. Her hands slipping across inexplicably wet and warm fabric. She can't see why, just like she can't see the source of all the shouting and noise - is that Obi-Wan's voice?! Are those more lightsabers?!- but it sounds like all hell is breaking loose.
Louder than the rest, one voice carries over the chaos around her.
"Padmé!" Anakin screams.
"Anakin..." she tries to answer.
But the world goes black.
Image Credit: Eli Hyder
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to-myalphonse · 8 months
Sentient Chapter 3: Disdain
Long time no see! Happy New years Everyone.
It took me so long to figure out the ending to this Chapter, but I figured it out.
Sentient is supposed to be a wacky Self Aware! AU type of series, so I try to maintain that sillyness.
New Team comp: Scara. Nahida, Kokomi and Kuki Reminder: Masha is the name I chose for Scara
I was rushing to just get this out, so expect me to re edit or take some things out ^^.
3k+ (tried to make it long, to make up for my abscence and how long it's gonna take for me to think up the next chapter.
Hope you enjoy :3
Disdain- a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior.
A/N: After this chapter, I will not be tagging you individually for this series.
If you want to be tagged, follow here
First Chapter is Here
“Your eyes are like topaz, pure, precious, and lovely; I like them.”
4.0 came with the release of a blonde magician who has been stealing everyone’s hearts by the name of Lyney.
He works as a magician part-time alongside his assistant and twin sister Lynette. After taking a break for months from playing Genshin, you heard a small commercial of him and his sister advertised on the new region trailer.
“Ladies and gentlemen, she did it. This has been Lyney and Lynette’s magic show!” His cheerful voice reverberated from the speaker on your phone.
You could not help but smile at the way his art looked and how much energy he gave off.
He resembled Joker from the Black Butler Circus arc and Kagamine Len, two of your favorite characters.
The trailer continues as you see the Fatui harbinger of this new region, who also piques your interest. The black and white hair and attitude resembling Cruella Devil.
‘What role would she play as someone who is connected to Lyney and Lynette?’
‘Also,what is the Traveler going to get into this time?’
You ponder, not expecting the answer that would soon come with that.
Not too soon after the trailer dropped, the chapter and the Archon Quest came out. You boot up the game on your PlayStation, only to groan at seeing the update sign. You press X as you wait for it to download.
A ping comes from your phone as you pick it up.
Them: Hey.
You glance at the number for a moment before locking the phone once more. You shake of the negative emotion, as your head excitedly, grabbing one of your anime plushies.
“I’m so excited.” You cheer, grabbing one of the plush toys in your room and dancing around. Her aroma catches your nostrils as you spin with the plushie. You lean into the plush unconsciously.
“Hey, F/N, what are you excited about?” Your smile drops as you put the plushie back down. Grabbing your phone, you check the text again before going through the other contacts.
Friend’s Name
You stop as you get to a name that’s not on the top. “Aisha?” You click the name while going through the text messages. The name clicks as you scroll up further.
It has been a while since you last saw her, huh? You click on a message and send her a small text.
“Hey.” Sent at 17:30
You turn off your phone as your PlayStation dings and loads the game. A picture of Scara and his team from your photos is shown as the advertisement image. Scara glares at Childe, who winks at the camera, gripping the shorter man’s hat. Nahida, Kazuha, and Kuki remain in the background, watching the situation ahead.
The image remains as the promotional photo, unlike last time, as the screen goes black.
The game loads through quickly as the door appears. You click it as the game loads through.
“Welcome back (player name)!” Green text floats on screen as the background changes to Vanessa’s tree.
‘Wait, where were you last time?’
Your answer gets solved as the camera moves up the tree, stopping just directly in front of a certain bard. He stops playing the game theme as the camera zooms in on him.
His teal eyes met yours as a small smile grew on his face.
“Hey (player name)!” He gives you a small wave, greeting you. Small wind chimes sound from the speakers of your television.
The anemo archon was one of your characters that you traveled with, but only rarely. You were too busy trying to build your beloved Masha so that he could one-shot enemies.
“Hello Venny.” A small smile appears on his face.
“Where have you been? We’ve all been worried about you.”
“I was busy with work and home stuff.” He nods in an understanding manner.
“You know that’s interesting, because I heard from a small pigeon that you had free time as of recently.” You froze in place, causing his cheerful expression to grow.
“I was so worried about you. I think Masha was as well.” Your ears perk up upon hearing the blue-haired man’s name.
“Yeah, he sometimes stands by the entrance of Mondstadt city, just waiting.” He lets out a small laugh as he dodges an incoming sandal thrown.
You hear Masha’s flying sound as he comes into the cut scene from the bottom of the screen. The scene looked similar to people in a co-op jumping in the background of a cut scene.
“Shut up, bard.” He becomes part of the cutscene before turning to you.
“Come on, let’s go.” The camera pans towards him as he leads the way.
After teleporting, you both make it to the cliff that overlooks Fontaine.
The city sits almost floating from the distance that you both stood. You could hear the music change as you both grew closer.
“The fishes!’’ You stop along the way looking at the design changes in the new region.
He rolls his eyes at your excitement, continuing forward.
“Hey!” He ignores you as he flies forward, reaching the dock in the area. You could see an albino-haired girl, whom you assume is Lynette, standing near the edge of the dock, watching for something.
You were about to approach when, Paimon dragged you both into a scene. She walks over to the girl and begins her dialogue as you watch it play out.
The camera pans back to where the traveler is supposed to be; instead, it is Masha. The screen blacks out for a momentarily.
“Ah! When did you get there?” She looks back at the Traveler to see Masha in her place. He raises an eyebrow at her and continues the dialogue that the traveler is supposed to have.
“Hey, Paimon is talking to you!” She stomps her foot in the air. The girl glances at her before explaining herself. Paimon is cut off when a blonde-haired man entered the conversation, calling to the girl.
“I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting; are you Lynette’s new friends?” He takes his place next to his sister. He glances at Masha and towards the white-haired pixie floating in front of him.
“Thanks for looking after my sister. Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I am Lyney, and this is my sister Lynette.” He paused mid-dialogue at the sound of screaming. He looked around, concerned, before glancing towards where the imaginary camera would be.
“He’s here!’’
He gives a small smile towards your direction further, causing your cheers to gain traction from the others.
Masha sighs. tipping his hat down, trying to pretend you weren’t traveling with him. He waits for a few minutes before continuing the dialogue as Lyney follows his queue, ignoring you as background noise. Before their conversation continues, the archon comes into view.
Everyone claps as she does a small curtsey, going into her speech.
Masha tunes out her speech, resembling that of the girl and that bird illusion he met a long time ago.
His left eye twitches slightly as she takes a long time to get to the point.
“As the Hydro Archon, I Focalors, welcome you to Fontaine.” You clap at her introduction along with the characters.
Compared to the past three archon quests after Venti, it’s been awhile since an archon and their people have welcomed Traveler.
She’s number one on the welcoming committee of Genshin, compared to Amber’s cut scene from the beginning of the game.
“Now if you have no objections, then in the name of the Hydro Archon, I order your arrest.”
“Wait what?”
The scene changes to the teleportation ping as Masha takes you back to Mondstadt.
“How Irritating.” The speech bubble pops up on screen before disappearing.
You tried teleporting back to Fontaine, but every time you click on the teleporter there, it says access denied. You roll your eyes, pulling up the wish menu for Lyney’s banner. At least you could travel with the cute blonde in the meantime.
After 36 pulls, the star turned goldish-red as Lyney appeared on screen. You stare at it before checking his character, before checking the splash art once more.
Going into characters, you click on his hello line.
“This is no mere illusion, tis I, Lyney! The greatest magician in all Teyvat!”
“Oh, it’s you again. You left abruptly last time, and Lady Furina was so in shock that she left immediately, thinking that you went further into the city.” The message ended after that, as he moves in his voice over menu tipping his hat towards you with a wink.
You change back to Masha, who goes back to his idle position as you click back to him.
It’s time to go farming, it seems.
Atk, Pyro Dmg goblet, Crit Dmg.
It was easier to build Lyney than Masha. Masha’s artifacts took months to farm, whereas Lyney’s required only a few weeks.
His Maurchausse Hunter set was more difficult to get items from, so in the meantime, you give him Masha’s flower and feather. After farming for him for a month, he was at a high enough level to rival Masha as the strongest character.
“Good morning, Lyney.”
You remove the mismatched artifacts from him, fixing his build. 2 pc Shim and 2 pc Wanderer’s Trope, and an off-piece crit DMG circlet.
You let out a small hum, looking over the stats of his shim flower and feather comparing it to Masha’s. Masha’s has more crit DMG, which Lyney needs. Shrugging, you swap Masha’s flower and feather for Lyney’s.
As you exit the main screen, Masha is standing there, glaring up at you.
“Give it back.”
“Did you think I didn’t notice my power draining?” He pulls up the menu to his character screen. He stops mid-idle to turn to the stats.
“My atk and crit went down.” He points out the lower-crit DMG. Instead of being 60/130, it went down to 100, which is fine, but he doesn’t crit as often at 100.
“I was doing some tasks for the radish when I saw my DMG going down.” You notice a bruise on his arm. It looked fresh, tainting his pale skin.
“Sorry. I was testing Lyney’s dmg.” He sighs, pulling up the menu once more.
“Ever since you got the Knave’s brat, he’s been taking my shit.”
“Give him something else.” He glares off screen like Lyney would pop up around the corner.
You wouldn’t be surprised at this point if he did do that.
The characters have begun to gain more power over the game. Mainly Wanderer, who would take you out of bounds areas.
The paimon menu pops up again, changing to the character menu and Lyney. They switch back to his original set, as the menu exits back to the game.
“Don’t move them again.” He sighs, getting back into his idle pose. His fake smile rises on his face as he stares ahead blankly.
You stared him down for a good minute, waiting for him to say something else. His eyes only glance at you and back ahead, giving the indication for you to move.
“Okay, let’s travel shall we?”
The abyss lights up as the scenery changes from the out-of-bounds room to the nameless crescent island. Moving forward, Masha presses the button as you enter the menu.
“Plunging dmg and normal atk damage increased.”
Scara. Nahida, Kokomi, and Kuki enter the room as the challenge begins. A group of enemies from Nahida’s nation popped up surrounding the group. Some are working quickly to attack you while you are charged. Pulling out Nahida, she uses her E and does her dance as they fade as quickly as they spawned.
Things began to tighten as more enemies were dropped in.
“Everybody hold hands.” Nahida points her fingers towards the enemies as they disappear in a cloud.
Mitachurrls approach as Nahida dodges on time. Sprinting around, things are thrown at her. She pauses, pulling out her chain, when she gets hit head-on.
“Owchie.” She mutters, rubbing her head. She does her little dance as Dendro hits the mitachurrls, burning them quickly. Darkness surrounds the room as she teleports to the waiting room.
“Is it our turn next?”
Lyney asks as he and his team prepare for the next session. The abyss music plays softly in the background, like elevator music.
When off screen, the characters remain in a small lobby in between matches to get themselves together.
“Yes, (player name) is waiting for you.” Lyney and his crew gather their things as they make their way to the exit she came from.
“Is everyone prepared?” Lyney asks before opening the door. “His team checked before nodding.
“Let’s go.”
The door closed as they were teleported into the next match. A small monitor above the lobby played as the match began.
“It looks a bit rough this time.” Masha comments as they watch Bennett flinging around. A mitachurrl is flung back from Lyney’s burst in retaliation.
The battle continues smoothly for everyone on the team except Lyney. Bennett successfully kills his enemies, continuing on to the new ones. Thoma, providing shields for his teammates.
“It’s Showtime!” Lyney transformed himself as he hit the enemy, doing a small 25k at best. They advance through the last few as the stage changes.
Kokomi stands, approaching them with a small medical kit. Being in the spiral abyss prevented her from healing the majority of their injuries.
Smaller ones, however, could be wrapped up or healed with bandages.
Kokomi, Nahida, and Thoma helped the injured teammates while Masha remains seated.
A small menu pops up in front of Lyney as he uses his good hand to navigate through it. He checks his artifacts and finds two pieces missing from his set.
“Masha, did you happen to take my artifacts?” He smiles at the raven-haired man with a feral grin.
“No, I have all my artifacts here.” He displays the slots where the artifacts he is wearing are. Lyney clicks on the flower and feather.
“Last time I checked, our dear (player name) gave those to me.” He clicks on the feather and flower and exchanges them for his own. He has them returned to his missing slots as his DMG goes back up to 230 crit DMG.
“You need to get your own.” He takes those back artifacts as the next floor loads out. Him and his team exit into the domain.
“Break a leg.”
“Ah!” Kokomi Is hit repeatdly by the hilichurrls that spawn in the room. As you got to dodge it, your phone rings distracting you.
You see your Friend’s name pop up on the screen as Kokomi eventually dies. The next character spawns in moving the controller to dodge and aim. You look back to see Masha with a pissed off look dodging the characters and killing them all.
As the next wave pops in, you take control dodging clumsily at the last moment causing him major damage.
“You can’t aim for shit. Give me this!” He takes control again not letting them land a single hit on him.
The floor changes again as Lyney and his team get you to the last floor of the current level. Not distracted by her, the gameplay goes smoothly as the characters crit and do major damage. Lyney jumps out of his hat as the stage changes.
Masha loads in with half damage. You got to control him, when nothing happens. He glances back at you with an annoyed look.
“Don’t even try it.”
He presses okay on the menu as he begins the trial. You watch as he quickly clears through the damage of the current boss for the spiral abyss. He switches control to his other team mates not even allowing you to control.
Your phone dings again with a small hum.
Missed Calls (10) from Friend’s Name. You sigh, getting up and exiting the room.
10-3 Cleared
Next Level?
Friend name is Tying.
*’Hey (*Friend).*’
*’How are you?*’
Read @8:36
Name is Typing.
*’Well I guess.*’
You weren’t exactly sure what she wants, considering last time she broke off your friendship.
*’Do you have time right now?*’
You glance back towards Lyney’s team who were glancing at you. They stood attentive at the domain symbol waiting for you to get off the phone.
*’Yeah, I can drive over to see you.*’
*’Great, meet me at the café near the library.”
You exit the room to change clothes. You turn on soothing music to calm your nerves as you change. You grab an outfit that resembled something she would wear, and tie your hair up in a cute ponytail.
“(Player name)?” You whip your head around looking for the person who called you. Checking every corner, you calm down and continue getting dressed.
“(Player name) can you hear me?” You hear the voice again. You slowly and sees Nahida’s face on the screen of your phone.
“This is new.” She lets out a small laugh as your other characters came into view, in a storage room you assumed.
“It’s a rest room that we stay in, between matches.” She corrects you.
“Lyney and his team left the Abyss. They said that you were unresponsive.” Your heart squeezed as a small smile lifted on your lips.
“That’s sweet of you Nahida. I have to go somewhere for a while.” She pauses listening before nodding.
“Alright then, we’ll return home.” You could hear talking in the background as they move out the door. Whatever device Nahida was holding was moving as she walked.
You saw the room turn into the bright sky of Teyvat. You see the abyssal portal as they exit the domain. Nahida presses on something that you couldn’t see, as the teleportation screen was shown.
Your device turns back to the regular wallpaper as the game exits itself. You decide to head out to see what she wanted to get out the way.
The restaurant was an expensive one, that was a bit out of your budget. The interior seemed like it was a place usually occupied by influencers or other bougie people.
“Reservation for (Name)?” The waitress nods leading you to the table in the back where your Friend is.
“You’re here!” She cheers, waving towards you. You grimace taking a seat across from her. She looks towards the man in the back not even sparing you a glance.
“So what did you want to talk about?” She turns towards you excited.
“Isn’t that man attractive?” You glance at the man with a blank stare.
“I guess?” She looks at you blankly, muttering something rude under her breath.
“So, what have you been up to?” You listen to her as she tells you her current troubles. You frown hearing that things have been going down hill for her. You pat her on the shoulder and promise her that she can vent to you anytime if it helps.
“What about you?” She remains engaged in your conversation. You smile, hoping that things remain positive like this.
“So there was a new episode of my favorite series that came out the other day.” You pause before continuing. You hesitate to bring uo Genshin, in case she would call you out for being weird.
“So there’s a new episode next week if you want to watch.” You look up only to see her focusing on her phone.
“Hey, did you hear me?” She shushes you, focusing on her task. She gets up approaching the man that she kept glancing at. She has a conversation with you that you can barely hear. They both glance at you, before he lets out a small laugh. They continue talking as he exchanges phone numbers with her before walking off again.
She walks back over with a sad look. “He says he doesn’t like you like that.” You look at her confused expecting her to explain. She continues texting, not even glancing at you.
“Can you come hang with me and my friends next week if you have time?”
You leave money on the table exiting the restaurant. Merting her after that fight you had last time was a terrible idea. You make your way to your car, when the phone pings again.
What more does she want? You glare at your phone as you check your text messages
Aisha:*’ Long time no see, how are you?” 🥰’
Previous Chapter
A/N :This is the last time, i'll be tagging you individually @reblogs-of-selfawareaus @thedevioussmirk @endlessmari @iruiji @the-psychotic-blueberry @genshinings @yuumaofc
Not too many of you on this list, but ye.
As always ty for your continued support.
I have a discord if ya wanna chat!
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theking-mustdie · 1 month
pairing: background Scott McCall x Isaac Lahey
warnings: claustrophobia, panic attacks, mentions of feeling nauseous, PTSD, child abuse, mentioned scratching at own skin
a/n: i am on a mission to bring back claustrophobic isaac. this is my first work ever im open to constructive criticism!! ooc? maybe? i have no idea.
word count: 2,040
Isaac has coasted through his time in the pack without his claustrophobia, or its symptoms, being discussed at all. To be fair, there was hardly a lull in monsters-of-the-week to ever walk up to someone like Scott or Stiles and randomly throw out: ‘Hey! Did you know that my father locking me in a freezer in our basement did irreversible and unspeakable damage to my mental and physical health?’ So he wouldn’t say he minded the lack of communication. He preferred no one pry into his weaknesses or his business that they had no interest in knowing about.
However, there were some times where his panic was simply unavoidable.
From experience, Isaac consciously made sure to avoid his claustrophobia getting the best of him, usually stood next to exits or windows in any room he’s in. He’s not too fond of the unknown.
So when Scott suggested taking a day-trip somewhere after the insane, durach-filled month they had, Isaac reveled in the idea of a break and eagerly agreed.
“Where do you want to go?” Scott asked Isaac one afternoon, spread out on the couch.
“I haven’t exactly ventured outside of Beacon Hills so I wouldn’t even begin to know where to go,” Isaac replied from the other couch, half-asleep. With no threat looming overhead, Isaac hadn’t been as distracted, meaning that his nightmares had come back full force. He tried to keep himself awake to avoid the flashbacks he’d rather forget, but it was only delaying the inevitable. He’d rather not have indulged anyone else with his issues because it’s his burden to bear, and he’s almost positive that Scott couldn’t care less about his personal problems when he had a whole town to protect.
“We could always borrow Roscoe and drive down to the beach. I could use some time outside,” Scott replied after a beat, thinking.
“How far away is the beach?” Isaac asked, unfamiliar with any nearby beaches.
“Um probably about an hour and a half?” Scott guessed.
“That’s fine with me, but don’t expect me to go splashing around in the water like a dog.” Isaac crossed his arms and glanced over to Scott.
Scott laughed, rolled his eyes, and said “we’ll leave tomorrow morning” definitively.
That night Isaac was able to catch thirty minutes of sleep until he was plagued with images of bleeding nails, metal chains, and impeding darkness before he startled awake. He decided it was a lost cause and tiptoed downstairs to grab himself a glass of water as he tried not to disturb Scott or Melissa. He returned to the McCall guest bedroom and settled on chipping away at his mountain of late work for school.
The night prior Isaac and Scott agreed on leaving at nine o’clock in the morning, so as the clock struck eight Isaac packed up his school work, hopped in the shower, and threw on some athletic shorts that could pass as swim trunks. As he left his room to head to the kitchen and find breakfast, Scott stepped out into the hallway and gave Isaac a small smile in greeting.
If Isaac’s gaze lingered on Scott’s bare chest, no one was there to witness it.
They both ate breakfast while talking about their plans for the day. Scott wanted float in the ocean and relax while Isaac wanted nothing more than to lay on the sand and read whatever crappy books the McCall’s had tucked away in their guest bedroom bookshelf. He needed a good distraction.
As they gathered the needed towels, sunscreen, and other beach items, Isaac began packing Stiles’ jeep that he had left outside Scott’s house the night before. But not without an intimidating threat of death if anything were to happen to it.
After a heated argument about who should get the aux, Scott was playing his music and they were off.
Isaac loved scenic car rides. He loved looking at the trees, houses, people, and anything that caught his eye. He leaned his head against the window and silently tried to fight sleep but eventually dozed off with the roaring of the engine and the rocking of the car acting as a lullaby.
Isaac slowly regained consciousness, unaware of his surroundings nor how long he had been out for. The first thing he had registered when he woke up was the car right in front of them. He tried to put the confusing, weird feeling that washed over him aside and turned to ask Scott how long he had been asleep.
"About half an hour. We were driving pretty smoothly until we hit the morning rush." he answered. He spared a glance at Isaac and saw the confused look adorning his face. "What's wrong, dude?"
Isaac whipped his head up to look at Scott and offered him a tight smile. "Nothing, just a little tired. I'm fine."
Isaac knew Scott could tell he was lying, but dropped in favor of looking at the road.
As he got a hold of his bearings, Isaac realized that they were sitting in the middle of bumper-to-bumper traffic. He tried to discreetly glance behind the Jeep, to the left, to the right, and ahead without alerting Scott, but a feeling of panic rose in his chest. There was maybe five feet of space between Stiles' car and others at all times.
Isaac began to understand what was wrong with him.
His heart started beating faster and his breathing started to quicken. He attempted to focus on anything else, the radio, the honking in the distance, even Scott, but nothing was working. His anxiety began to rise, and with it, the desperation to get the hell out of the car and off the highway.
Scott let out a frustrated groan, unaware of what was happening in the seat next to him. "We're stuck in here. The people ahead of us won't move," he said, his hand came down on the top of the steering wheel to emphasize his point. Scott turned to look at Isaac and saw that he was slumped over in his seat. Isaac yanked at his seatbelt with one hand, fully shifted, and clawed at the door of the Jeep with the other.
He was officially freaking out.
His exhaustion, bottled up emotions, and PTSD were all fighting a losing battle in his head. Usually simple things like traffic wouldn't set him into a panic attack, but it seemed all forces were working against him. His seatbelt felt like it was suffocating him, the walls of the Jeep were smaller than he remembered, and his werewolf senses were dialed up to ten.
Isaac stopped clawing at the door and frantically looked around the car to find anything that could help put him at ease, but came up short. The cars that surrounded the Jeep started getting closer and closer and Isaac started to use his free hand to claw at his chest, willing his heart and lungs to slow down.
However, before he could do any real damage, he felt his wrist being yanked away from his skin. More terror coursed through him at the confining grip until he realized that it was Scott holding him. His eyes found Scott's and Isaac let out a small, barely audible whimper.
Scott, however, heard it and jumped to do something to help Isaac. They wouldn't get anywhere if they stayed on the highway where Scott had to split his attention between Isaac and the road, so Scott shifted his hand to hold Isaac's as he moved to pull off the closest exit. In about five minutes, they were parked in the nearest diner and the driver's side door was thrown open.
Isaac's state had not improved in those five minutes. He was in dizzying state between reality and that damn freezer. His surroundings were disorienting and he couldn't make out what was real and what his panic-ridden brain was feeding to him. The only thing he could feel was the cold hand that once held Scott's.
He distantly heard the sound of the passenger door being thrown open and his seatbelt unbuckled. Suddenly, someone's hands were on his face as they said his name over and over again.
Isaac's brain cleared enough to register that Scott kneeled in front of him, hands on his cheeks, and repeated his name in hopes of garnering his attention.
Isaac locked eyes with Scott. Before Scott could acknowledge what was happening, Isaac threw himself out of the car and ran to the middle of the deserted parking lot. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the bile creeping up his throat to return from where it came. The next time he opened his eyes he took a deep, albeit stuttered, breath and looked around. The only person he could see was Scott and the closest object to him was at least fifty feet away.
He collapsed on the concrete and spread his arms and legs out as far as they went. Scott slowly made his way to Isaac, sitting on the ground next to him, but allowing him space.
The pair sat in silence for a while, the seconds ticking by as Isaac closed his eyes and focused on taking deep breaths.
Isaac was the first one to break the silence and turned his head towards Scott.
"I used to be in that freezer until I no longer knew what day it was." Isaac closed his eyes and took another steadying breath. "It didn't matter what I did, because to him, I always deserved it. I thought that by becoming a werewolf all these stupid feelings in me would have stopped. It only made it worse." Isaac talked slowly as he came to terms with his situation alongside Scott. "I don't remember how it started, but I remember every single time. I remember the bandages I wore on my fingernails because I pried them all off at some point or another. I remember the hours convincing myself that I deserved every second I spent in that fucking freezer. I remember the sound of my Dad coming down the basement steps, praying that he was going to let me out before he turned around and went right back up the stairs. I remember him letting me out of that box and hugging me tight, convincing me that he loved me and only wanted the best for me. Sometimes it worked. Most of the time it worked. I didn't know how to run away. I didn't know how to leave because he was all I had. I stayed because I was scared he was all I'd ever have. I didn't want to take the chance that he was right. That I'd be nothing without him."
After Isaac's confession they sat in silence. Isaac eventually sat up to match Scott's position.
"I- I don't know what to say." Scott confessed.
"It's alright," Isaac reassured, "I thought you deserved an explanation in exchange for dealing with me," he breathed out.
"God, Isaac, you don't owe me anything. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier, I could have helped you!"
"It didn't matter earlier. What were you going to do, add my shit on top of the shit you already had to deal with?"
"Of course it matters that you're dealing with this! And alone?" Scott emphasized before taking a deep breath, "I'm not really good at giving words of wisdom, or any advice really, but I'm here, always. I know it sounds hollow, but I'm around whenever you need to talk or rant or, who knows, punch. You don't have to keep going through this alone. That's what a pack is for." Scott reached his hand over to the boy's and clasped it around Isaac's.
Isaac lifted his eyes to meet Scott's and squeezed the his hand in lieu of thanking him, not knowing if he had the capacity to talk yet.
"You hungry?" Scott asked after a while. He released Isaac's hand and got up off the cement, reaching his hand out to help the other boy up.
"Is this place even running?" Isaac asked disgusted, looking at the not-so-nice exterior of the run-down diner.
"Only one way to find out!" Scott shouted, already on his way inside.
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caityjay13 · 9 days
First, Best
I want @orchisailsa to know I am sharing this explicitly because of her tags on that post where I mentioned I was writing this but this bit has been scrapped (along with the first 2k of words that fell out of my brain when I was first gripped by the Urge of this particular wip) but I really like it so I wanted to share it. Will probably throw it up on AO3 eventually, but for now, have a random SNW-based, ADHD Jim snippet.
Ficlet beneath the cut!
When Captain Pike accepted a position with the admiralty, everyone expected that his first officer would take command of the Enterprise. No one could have been more surprised than James Kirk himself to receive the offer.
“Sir,” he began, still trying to school his features from whatever gobsmacked expression they must have taken. Jim had been finalizing the next month’s duty rosters in his quarters on the Farragut when Pike had called. He glanced down at the PADDs strewn across his desk and tried to wrap his mind around how drastically his life was about to change. Maybe. Probably? Again. He cleared his throat and looked back up at the man on the screen, waiting patiently with an amused quirk to his mouth that Jim entirely failed to notice. “Don’t get me wrong,” he continued, “I would be… hugely honored—thrilled, really—but…”
“You’re gonna ask about Una,” Pike interrupted, saving Jim from his uncharacteristic scramble for words. “Don’t worry. We talked about it, and she agrees with me. She’s actually planning on taking command of the La Palma—said she liked whipping cadets and hopeful up-and-coming XOs into shape, wanted a change of pace from deep space missions.” Pike’s smirk spread into a grin as he watched Jim’s forehead crease with the effort of processing this information. “And I’ve already floated the idea past your captain, who would be sorry to lose you, but agreed that you’d be a great fit for the position.”
Jim blinked. Looked back down at the PADDs on his desk. When had all this communication happened? He’d only been First Officer of the Farragut for five years—six? six years, wow—and now… Jim had dreamed of commanding the flagship, certainly, but his first command? He’s not even thirty-five! Sam would have a field day. Oh, shit, would he have to be his brother’s commanding officer? Sam had been thinking about settling down somewhere, so that might not be a problem—
Jim’s head jerked up. He tugged at his uniform and smoothed out his face, which had flushed with embarrassment at being caught spiraling. “Sorry, sir. Thank you, sir. I would be. I think. I mean, yes. I would be honored.”
Pike chuckled in that disarming way he had. “At ease, Commander. You deserve it. Besides,” he continued, “it’s not like the change will happen overnight.”
“Of course, sir,” Jim nodded. He was still running through scenarios and possibilities in his head.
“Jim,” Pike’s expression had sobered somewhat. Jim focused on him intently, trying to shut out the noise in his mind. “Do you believe in fate?”
The unexpected question brought all the spinning gears in Jim’s head to an abrupt halt. Though he gave it due consideration, he didn’t have to think long before knowing his answer.
“In all honestly, no, sir, I do not.”
The image of Captain Pike in the viewscreen gave an enigmatic smile. “Neither do I,” he said. “Though I think, if you don’t mind my saying so, that this may be your destiny.”
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nessieart · 1 year
Teeth pt. 8
Tumblr media
|| Before the Fall pt. 1 ||
WC: 3.7K
AN: Thought I'd post this for Steve's birthday today! its been sitting in my drafts for a few days. its fitting i think! Thanks for coming along with me on this journey! it means a lot to me.
Warnings: Canon level violence, made up fantasy elements prob’ly, cursing, no y/n used.
Eventual Tony x Reader
Summary: You meet up with an old friend and then travel to see a very familiar face you haven't seen in almost a year.
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It’s been a week since Christmas Eve. A week since that horrible man put that chemical in your body. A week since you’ve seen hide or hair of Tony Stark or Pepper Potts. Tony had told you that your scent was off, like charcoal and dried flowers. It sent you into a panic and you left as soon as the two of you returned to California.
You’ve shifted a few times since Christmas, your normal oversized coyote form a balm to your wounds. You thought constant Shifting would get rid of Extremis, and it seems you were right. It’s all but gone now, and New Year’s Eve is tomorrow.
You haven’t been home in a couple decades, the snow is fresh and more than you’ve seen fall in a long time. The Grand Canyon was always your siblings favorite place to stay growing up. It reminds you of simpler times; chasing hares, terrorizing the locals and tourists alike, the clearest nights’ sky filled with billions of stars. You won’t let anyone tell you there’s more beautiful places on earth, because for you, it’s right here.
The Canyons are painted in purples, oranges and yellows as the sunsets. Reflecting the image of the sky back to the earth. The snow reflects the shimmer from the setting sun as it gets blown from the wind, and you can’t tell the difference between stars in the valley below or the night sky that’s breaking through.
“Thought it’d be another age a’fore I saw your tail again,” a voice says from behind you. You smile to yourself, but don’t turn to greet the newcomer.
You sigh, your breath floating away in the wind, “Didn’t think I’d ever come back.” The figure steps up to stand next to you, you both overlooking the Canyon. You glance at him, he looks taller than the last time you saw him. “What are you doin’ here, Leon?”
Your twin turns to you, a sad smile on his handsome face, “Felt it. Whatever happened to you,” he reaches his hand out and you take it, twining your fingers together and holding tightly. “What the hell happened to you, Flowers?”
His childhood nickname for you made tears spring to your eyes. So you tell him. Leon waits for you to finish your story, from the months leading up to you being in New York, to you being here with him. You can tell he’s holding back his anger as you tell him about last week. Being a twin, and a supernatural one at that, you two have always been able to feel the strongest emotions and pain in each other.
His eyes are glowing amber when you finish your story, there’s a low growl rippling through his chest as he heaves in a few steadying breaths.
“I’ll kill him,” he growls out, his lips pulling back from his teeth in a snarl.
“He’s dead, Lee. Everything’s fine now,” you assure him. He looks down at you, his eyebrows furrowing. You bring your finger up to smooth the crease between his brows and he sighs.
“Poppy…?” He flicks the loose collar around your neck, his head tilting to the side.
You may have left out some important information. Like finding your mate, and said mate being in a relationship already. “It’s…complicated,” you say, he raises his eyebrows at you. “My, uh, mate,” you cringe when he squeaks.
“I always thought we smelled similar,” he’s grinning. Leon’s face gets serious after a moment, “What happened that you aren’t with them now - your mate?”
You look out at the Canyon again and sigh, “He’s with someone. And he told me my scent has changed - since Extremis. I didn’t want to be around him and his girlfriend while they sort their life out now that their house was destroyed.” You look back at your twin, tears welling up in your eyes, “Like charcoal and dried out flowers. Like death.” You whisper the the last of your sentence.
Leon hushes you and pulls you in for a hug, resting his head on top of yours. His large hands rub up and down your back, trying to soothe you.
“Well, you smell fine to me,” he mumbles in your hair. You both chuckle a little. You missed your brother so much, and you always forget it used to be you and him against the world.
You inhale his scent, he still smells like wild flowers, pine, and summer sun. “I missed you so much, Sunny,” you mumble the nickname into his chest, you both hug each other a little tighter.
You stayed with Leon well into Spring. He lived in a small cabin not too far from the Grand Canyon. It reminded you of the house you all grew up in, too small for the litter of pups your parents had, but also homey and well lived in.
You spent the last few full moons running around the Canyon with our brother. You felt more free running with him than you have in a long time. And you wonder why you ever left his side to begin with.
One evening, while you wait for Leon to return home, there’s a small ding that comes from your collar.
Miss Poppy JARVIS is speaking quietly, the blue light glowing in the dark and pulsing with every word he says.
“Hi there, JARVIS, it’s been a while,” you respond. Subconsciously thumbing over the grooves of the name tag.
Indeed it has. How are you doing, if I may ask? Always so polite. You wonder if Tony really made the AI or if JARVIS just picked a personality all his own.
“I’m doing a lot better since the last time we spoke,” you sigh. “Can we cut to the chase, J? What did you need me for?”
He doesn’t respond right away, and you wonder if he’s trying to think of the right thing to say.
It’s to do with Sir and Miss Potts. He stops again, and you hum in acknowledgment. They are no longer in a relationship. Hope beats in your chest for a moment, you could go to him, and everything would be great. Or amazing. Everything you’ve ever wanted. Or…
“Why are you telling me this, J?”
I thought you would like to know. Given your feelings toward Mr Stark. And his feelings for you. Oh you cheeky AI.
“I don’t think it’s that simple anymore, is it?” You’re both silent for a moment. You think he might have gone but then the light comes back on your collar.
“Poppy?” You inhale sharply. Tony. He clears his throat, “I, uh, sorry about JARVIS. Meddlesome AI. What’s a genius to do?” You think you can hear a smirk in his voice. It’s been almost 5 months since you’ve heard his voice.
“How are you, Tony?” You ask, because you genuinely want to know. Want to know if he’s feels as empty as you have since Christmas.
There’s an audible sigh over the comms, “Oh you know,” you think you can picture him waving his hands about, feigning nonchalance and you smile to yourself. “Keeping busy. Trying to keep this teenage menace out of trouble.”
“Oh. Are- are you back in New York?” You cringe a little at your question, don’t be stupid.
“Yep,” he pops the ‘p’ at the end, “Settled in a few months ago. Y’know, if you want-“
Your name is called from behind you. Seems like Leon’s home. “What are you doin’ out here, Flowers?” He’s walked over to you, you’re sitting in the backyard on a rock. The sky above is cloudless and the stars look like they go on forever. He notices the light on your collar, and tilts his head, his eyebrows furrow. “Everything ok?” You nod, eyes wide as you look at him. He hums. “Well, I brought dinner home, whenever you’re ready. I’ll be inside.” He turns around and begins to walk back towards the house.
You sigh, “Sorry about that. I’ve been stay-“
“It’s fine,” Tony cuts you off. His tone clipped short. Was he upset? “I need to go, Bruce just walked in,” he says your name and the light goes out on your collar.
“Tony? Wait! Ugh! JARVIS?” There’s no reply and the light doesn’t come back on. You groan and put your head in your hands. “What the fuck was that?”
Back inside the house, your shoulders are slumped and you huff when you sit at the small table in the kitchen with Leon.
His smile is small as he looks at you, “What was that all about?”
You take the collar off and place it on the table, “Tony. His AI contacted me and wanted me to know that Tony and his girlfriend broke up.” You sigh and put your forehead on the table.
“Well, that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Now you won’t seem like a homewrecker if you pursue your mate,” he grins at you when you lift your head to glare at him. He chuckles, “What? I’m just saying.” He shrugs his shoulders.
After dinner, you and Leon are sitting in his living room, the fireplace doesn't get much attention now that it's warming up outside.
Leon turns to you, his eyes big and bright. "Come to D.C. with me," he says.
You furrow your eyebrows at him, "what?"
"I have a job that needs seeing to," he rubs the back of his neck and looks around the small living space. "My boss called me in for something. It's a small thing. No need to worry. But, I think getting back into actual civilization would be good for you."
He shrugs a little bit, giving you a hopeful smile. "I also hear they have a Captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian."
Your face heats up. Of course he'd use your childhood crush of Steve to get your attention.
"I've met him, y'know," you tell him, smugly. Leon's jaw drops as he stares at you.
He tosses a pillow at your head, "No way! I don't believe you!"
For the last 2 weeks you've tried to get in touch with JARVIS and Tony, but every time you try, there's no response. You decide to turn the collar into a bracelet, cutting and sewing the fabric to fit your wrist perfectly. You even added elastic to it so the material could stretch with you when you Shift.
You accompany Leon to Washington, D.C. He told you his boss needed him to "show up for once", and he decided to take you with him. Leon has always been good at distracting you when you get too lost in your own head.
It's nearly sun up one morning while you explore the quiet of D.C.
"I don't think I've been here since the late 70s," you tell him while you walk around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. "Not much has changed has it?"
Leon hums, "Maybe not a whole lot." He then points to a figure jogging around the Pool, and another one with ungodly speed. Your eyes widen as the taller figure comes into view and he's gone just as fast.
"Steve?" You say, it's barely above a whisper and you notice his feet falter and he looks over his shoulder and sees you.
Steve's jogging backwards when he lifts a hand in playful salute to you, giving you a wink, he turns around and continues his sprint.
Your brother nudges you with his elbow, "no way that just happened!" He's starstruck as he looks off to where Steve is running.
"I'll introduce you when he stops. If he stops," you grin. The man that Steve has passed comes jogging by you both and he nods his head in greeting.
It’s about an hour later you see Steve talking to the man that was also jogging around the Memorial. Steve looks like he hasn’t even broken a sweat, whereas the man on the ground is covered in it.
As you make your way closer, Steve glances over at you and smiles, his hands on his hips. He calls your name with a little wave. When you near him, he spreads his arms out and you walk into him and hug him. He hums. How is it that he smells nice after running for so long? A throat clears behind you and Steve steps back, his cheeks and the tips of his ears pink.
Steve holds his hand out to your brother, “Steve Rogers,” he offers his name.
“Oh! This is Leon,” you say as the two shake hands, “my brother.” Steve’s eyes widen ever so slightly and he glances at you, and you give him a smile.
“Pleased to meet you,” Steve says as he retracts his hand and gives Leon a nod.
Leon is grinning as he puts his hands in his pockets, “Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Captain.” He winks and you elbow him in the side.
You look at the man who has been watching the whole interaction with an amused expression on his face and you wave at him and offer him your name.
The dark skinned man turns to you, he has a flirty smile on his lips, he extends a hand, “Sam Wilson,” he nods to your brother and then turns to Steve. “You must miss the good ole days, huh?”
Steve tilts his head to the side slightly, thinking. He looks far more relaxed since the last time you saw him. “Well, things aren’t so bad,” he smirks. “Food’s a lot better - we used to boil everything,” you and Leon chuckle a little. “No polio is good. Internet - so helpful - been reading that a lot, trying to catch up.”
It’s then you realize that you forgot that Steve hasn’t lived through the turn of the century like you and your brothers have. You kind of feel bad that he’s had to figure out all this mostly by himself. Leon must sense your distress, he puts an arm around your shoulders and brings you into his side. You give him a small smile in return.
“Marvin Gaye, 1972 - Trouble Man soundtrack,” Sam says, “everything you missed, jammed into one album.” As he’s speaking you notice Steve pulling out a little notebook.
“I’ll put it on The List,” Steve says as he jots the information down Sam gave him. You wonder what else he has written down.
Leon’s phone chimes with a notification and you feel him tense. And not even 5 seconds later Steve’s phone chimes as well. Your eyebrows furrow, as Leon pulls away to check his phone.
“Alright, Sam,” Steve says as he shakes the man's hand, “duty calls. Thanks for the run - if that’s what you call running.” He smirks.
Sam scoffs, “Oh, that’s how it is?” They’re both chuckling at each other, conversing as you turn back towards Leon.
“I’m sorry, Flowers,” Leon says to you as he puts his phone away, “Bossman needs me earlier than I thought.” He puts a hand on your shoulder and gives you a sad smile. “I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can, ok?” He waves goodbye to Sam and Steve and jogs off down the road.
Steve comes over to you, “Flowers, huh? I thought that’s what I could smell on you.” Your eyes widen and lips part as you look up at him, and before you can respond the rev of an engine meets your ears as a sleek black Corvette pulls up to the curb near you all. The window on the passenger side rolls down and you see a beautiful woman with fiery red hair in the driver's seat.
She leans forward, “Hey, any of you know where the Smithsonian is? I’m here to pick up a fossil,” she smirks.
“That’s hilarious,” Steve deadpans. He brings his forefinger to your chin and tips it up, gives you a wink and walks towards the car. When he’s seated in the passenger seat he looks back at Sam, “can’t run everywhere.”
You stand next to Sam as he crouches down, “No you can’t.” He grins up at you and you smirk back at him. You wave goodbye to Steve and he gives you a soft smile, and the car speeds away.
“It was nice to meet you, Sam,” you say as you step away from him. You had to remember where your brother's apartment was now that you’re alone. You look around, eyebrows furrowed.
Sam stands up and crosses his arms over his chest, “You and Captain America a thing, or can I ask you out for breakfast?” He smirks at you and you scoff.
“Doesn’t every girl have a thing for Captain America?” He raises an eyebrow at you, “no uh, Steve’s just a friend. And I- well it’s complicated I guess,” you run the tips of your fingers against the fabric of the wristband on your arm.
Sam brings his hands up, “Hey, it was an innocent joke. I didn’t mean anything by it,” he gives you a soft smile, which you return. He waves it off, “but seriously, let me take you out to breakfast. You look a little lost.” He shrugs when you give him a look.
You nod your head, you were pretty hungry, and you won’t say no to a free meal.
You had a great morning with Sam. He was funny and could keep a conversation going, even if you didn’t have much to say. You told him how you met Steve, but not the circumstances, just that you met him in New York last Fall and got to know him and a few of the other Avengers. You also told him about Peter, how you and him became fast friends in the short amount of time you knew him.
You left out what you are and your weird relationship with Tony. Instead telling Sam about your brother Leon and how close you two are. Sam had asked if you and Leon had “that weird twin thing going on”. You laughed and said you did. Something you couldn’t really explain unless you’d give away your secret of being a Shifter, and exposing Supernaturals in general. But there was something about Sam that made you want to tell him all your secrets - maybe his kind eyes and gentle demeanor.
It was early afternoon the next day when your phone chimed with a message. Leon still wasn’t back from work and you were getting antsy. He did send you a message in the middle of the night saying he wasn’t sure when he would be back.
You checked your phone and it was a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hello, it’s Steve. Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the Air and Space museum?
You smiled, and typed a reply.
You: Sure, Steve! I’d love to go.
Steve: Great, I can pick you up.
You give Steve the address to your brother’s apartment, and go get ready. As you’re waiting for him to arrive you notice the light on your wristband is blinking. Your brow furrows and you press it. A small projection of Tony pops up and your heart flutters.
There’s a small smile on your face as you take in the sight of him. The blue holo-image is from his chest up, it looks like he’s sitting at a desk and the camera is just off to the side. Tony’s tinkering with a repulsor from an Iron Man hand, goggles over his eyes, his tongue peaks out from between his lips. You can hear the faint rhythm of music in the background.
“Tony?” You say softly. He jumps, dropping the screwdriver-like device from his hand to the table top with a clang.
He tears the goggles off his eyes and they sit on his head, his eyes are wide as they look towards the camera.
Tony inhales sharply, “Poppy…?” He says softly. “JARVIS!” He yells after a few seconds of staring at you.
The music cuts out and the AI replies, Sir?
“Don’t you ‘Sir’ me, JARVIS!” Tony goes off for a minute on the AI and you’re giggling at him. He seems to notice after a minute and turns back to you. You can only assume he can also see you, a soft expression on his face at your quiet giggling.
“How are you, Tony?”
Tony places his head in his hand as he stares at you, and your cheeks burn at the attention. “Better now,” he says. The look on his face sobers and he clears his throat. “I’m sorry, about before. A few weeks ago,” he rubs the back of his neck with his other hand, “I didn’t mean to sound so, y’know,” he waves his hand in the air, and you smile at him.
“It’s okay, I would have acted the same way. That was my brother, Leon,” you clarify. And he hums in response. There’s a far off look in his eyes and he sighs deeply. You chuckle a little, “You listening, Tony?”
“Wh-? Of course I am,” he straightens up and drops his hand back to the table. The blue of his holo-self flickers a bit, “Where are you now?”
“D.C.” you say, your phone dings and you pick it up. Steve says he’s outside your building and you turn your attention back to Tony. “Hey, I’d love to catch up later. If you’re free - I uh, promised Steve I’d go to his exhibit with him.”
Tony has a smirk on his face, “A date with Capsicle, eh?” You roll your eyes, heat going to your ears. “Tap the receiver twice and JARVIS will notify me and I’ll call you. It’s good to see you, Poppy.”
You smile at him, the blue hologram flickering again. “It’s really good to see you too, love.” Tony smiles and you think he blushes because his hand covers his mouth and he looks away from you for a second.
“See you later,” he raises a hand, like he's going to turn off the call, “sweetheart.” And the call ends. The apartment is quiet again, and you sigh deeply. You missed him, and you almost forgot how much until you saw and heard him again.
Your phone chimes again, and you shake off your daze,
You: I’m on my way down!
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Thanks for reading!! Happy Birthday, Steve!
like, comment, rb! <3
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nvrcmplt · 2 months
[text]: There is an odd comfort in how these messages remain on the screen, even though I... know that there isn't anyone on the other side. I wish to tell you about my day, not that... it has been intriguing in any specific way, but I did witness this intriguing character in the dreamscape today. They had a mask of Clockie on their head.
[text]: I do wonder who made up masks. 0:)
There is a moment of silence between the messages, the next one ticking in a few minutes later (there's a knot in the halovian's stomach, fingers returning to the keys on his phone).
[text]: I should stop texting you... but if I do, there won't be anyone left. Robin has left Penacony, I am on my own now, taught under the guidance of my... master.
[text]: Do you remember when we were younger?
[text]: It is not often dreammaster allows me to ponder on the past, but in moments where I find myself in my own company in reality I do allow myself to look back on days where burdens and concerns seemed so... irrelevant.
[text]: I do quite miss those days, Cyan.
[text]: I wish I had more time with you and Robin.
It was always there, watching the red screen flicker upon the companion cubes face. The scythe it carried no long felt like a noose around his neck, nor was it's black casing void like in pulling his mind and body to its empty lull. Cyan didn't understand the thing really, in all honesty - but he felt it was different now. Since Penacony was a mess of something and someone behind the scenes, of everything he knew being a lie and fabricated for him to hate, a place where he doesn't even know what up and down are any more. He sat in the dark, locked away by his own choice. To follow the Hound, to run to the stars, to another place - to learn himself and understanding what his fragments meant… Cyan was still scared.
An emotion he hadn't felt since that day of kissing Sunday and being painfully compromised.
Staring now however, Cyan wasn't sure what he pressed for the message to appear, or if the Cube just knew what he needed at that moment. Or maybe it was a subconscious thing for him to select the folder of saved conversations. This technology wasn't normal, it was a phone but not, a camera but not, an earpiece but not. It did confuse him, but Gallagher had spoke of its creation after Cyan blasted it with his rifles. It was harmless now. Something upon it's remaking was removed and no longer would it behead him if he dared do something against his orders.
Now, his gaze remained of their messages, a finger trailing down the surface of the image… Sunday, he remembered him. This message was old, 2 months in fact - long gone was his regime, his orders, his training and surveillance. Just this room, this new path Gallagher was taking him on it seemed for as long as the Hound could tolerate him it seemed.
[text]: Do you remember when we were younger?
Always, it was a burned memory in his mind. No matter of brainwashing would remove those smiles and golden stages made from yellow crayons and borrows trophies from the halls of the Oak family. He remembers the shared treats, the giggles in the night when sleepovers were permitted, he remembers, he remembers.
[text]: I do quite miss those days, Cyan.
Oh, he did too. He did with every fibre of his being but no matter what they do, they'll never get that time back. It hurt like static in his joints, his knees adjusting themselves to be held in his arms. The cube pushed aside, floating on its own accord but still displaying what he wanted to see. To read, that Sunday wanted that time to be more. Longer, to never end with a childish dream of being happy without worries…
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So, when Cyan's hand rose and rested upon the panel with time, he didn't hide his voice.
[ text]: Me too… I miss you both. I want to go home. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
Though as his head remained low, his lashes wet and his crown hurting with a migraine that came with suppressed emotions, he didn't at all notice how the device replied to the 2-month-old message. Sent across the stars, sent across the oceans of space to finally, finally, respond to a lonely man with the words of a lonely heart.
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Wangxian mermay 2023
Day VI: Courtship. (And crows)
The bell went off halfway through shufu’s lecture.
Lan Wangji struggled to keep still, his frequent fidiging didn’t go unnoticed. Xiongzhang glanced at him several times. He never drew attention to Lan Wangji’s distraction and didn’t ask any follow up questions, though Lan Wangji was sure he had many, as he did himself. Mostly the ones around ‘procreation’ but when the hour concluded he could barely control himself enough to depart orderly let alone stay and ask Shufu questions about children.
Once he was clear of the lecture hall, he discarded any notions of ‘orderly’ or ‘controlled’ and swam faster than was permitted towards the surface.
The floating dock had been constructed two short months after their meeting. Though it could hardly be called a dock. It was more a section of dock that had been anchored so it wouldn’t drift during the tides.
The sun was hot, hardly any wind to break the stagnant heat rising from the limp waves of the afternoon tide.
The crow was asleep on the floating dock, the bell bolted to the wood silent beside it.
Lan Wangji swam up to the dock, knocking twice on the wood.
The crow jumped awake, hopping over to him, rubbing its beak and head against his.
Affectionate, just like her creator.
"All right." Lan Wangji kissed the top of her head, "What do you have for me?"
The crow nipped at his finger. Unfolding her wing a small box covered in soft light blue fabric, wrapped in a darker blue silk ribbon.
He thanked the crow with a tiny herring and a shiny stone, as well as a return gift.
The crow nipped his finger one more time before flying away, vanishing beyond where he could see into the clouds above him.
Lan Wangji opened the gift carefully.
Resting inside on white silk was a ribbon.
Not his.
This one was red and black. The main body of it was red, the clouds were black, and the phoenix motif in center was a mix of reds, black, and gold's. But this one had been made with soft golden eyes.
The note under the ribbon read: jiejie says I should tell you to try not to defile this one as I've most certainly done to yours. (though I will deny it to anyone but you.) How is Lan-laoshi? Still lecturing you on 'proper' sex? Jiejie has supplied me with several books, enough oils to last us a lifetime, (or a few months depending on how determined we are to see if one of us can have kids) and strict instructions to come to her if I have questions. (I have so many. My delayed education takes up a good portion of her day now.)
I miss you.
Yanli-jie made her courtship look so easy. How has it only been six weeks since we last spoke? I miss your voice, the feel of your lips, the way you hold me so tight, like I'm your world.
I love you. I cannot wait to see you again.
It's only ten more months.
(The gods must hate us.)
I am yours, as you are mine
-Wei Ying.
His ears were burning, as was his face, by the end of the letter. His mind (unhelpfully) conjuring images of how Wei Ying's 'defiled' his sacred ribbon.
Bringing the red one to his nose, he breathed in the smell of ion, thunder, and phoenix ash before looping it around his wrist and tying it off.
Wei Ying was not wrong. The waiting was intolerable. It had been too long since their engagement had been announced, the Lan and Wen's jumping ahead to ensure a proper union of their Sect Heirs was made in the face of everything that had upended their world in the last few years.
They were frequently told their union would be good for the Jianghu. A celebration after so many decades in stalemating war.
Lan Wangji took several stabilizing breaths, inhaling the humid summer air, his heart racing so face he felt it could be seen through his skin.
He stared at the sky.
So brazenly blue, clouds drifting across the endless expanse.
Somewhere up there was his lover. Attending to his own education for their marriage, and thinking of him too.
Lan Wangji let his decorum enough to sigh.
How would they wait ten months indeed?
Wei Wuxian<adopted into the Phoniex Wen Sect, Wen Qing is Sect Leader.
Lan Wangji< Jiaoren Gusu Lan Sect.
So I wanted to do the first half of mermay from WWX's POV, and the last half from LWJ's, but this prompt gave me so much hassle. I tried everything for this one before the this one. It's shorter than the others, so hopefully still just as good.
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pandalorian36 · 1 year
Loki x Reader (genderneautral)
This is a backstory to my Loki x reader prompt. Masterlist here.
After years apart the only contact through letters and gifts. You and Loki finally meet face to face where true feelings finally come to light.
Warnings: None Word count: 2496
Your P/O/V:
I skim through my wardrobe scowling. How can I own so many clothes and not have anything to wear. "Y/N?" I sigh "In the wardrobe." Sorin, my best friend walks in grinning "What happened in here?" I wave my arms around "I don't know what to wear." he chuckles looking around my wardrobe "Nothing?" I sigh flopping onto the floor dramatically "Okay so I'm overthing." he chuckles rolling his eyes "Honestly the prince has really got you all in twist hasn't he?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." he grins leaning over me hands on his hips "Of course you don't. Now get up we are going to make you look fabulous. I knew you would be stressing and you are going to look amazing." he steps to the back of the wardrobe taking out a beautiful green outfit with flowers and leaves embroided all over. He also selects a pair of shoes to match and a gold leaf crown that rests around my forhead. "Thats perfect." Sorin grins "I know, what would you do without me. I'm amazing. Now change."
(Images found on pinterest) masc:
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Exiting the wardrobe Sorin grins clapping his hands together "Oh I'm good. Now sit." I sit at my desk while he styles my hair just the way I like setting the crown on top "Thank you Sorin. You are a life saver." He grins wrapping his arms around my shoulders and squeezing gently "Well Loki won't be able to keep his eyes of you." I smack his arm "Will you stop. We haven't seen each other in years."
Sorin rolls his eyes "You've written letters pretty much every day. He has sent you some beautiful gifts and you to him. You talk about him all the time and I don't have to be a mind reader to know all the times you are spacing out you are thinking about him." Lyan sculks into the room stretching out and shaking all the snow from his fur I told you it was obvious. I glare at the wolf who flops down onto my bed getting water droplets everywhere You are in love. I stand rolling my eyes "The both of you need to stop. Lyan you are soaked get of the bed!"
I'm cold. "You have fur you are a wolf. How can you be cold?" Sorin chuckles "It is freezing outside. Though the snow is beautiful." Lyan nods stretching back out on the bed while I roll my eyes "Its warm in the palace."
Lyan rolls onto his back while Sorin laughs smoothing down the front of his suit "Right lets go, can't have you arriving late for your first ball back on Keboria." He holds out his arm which I loop my mine through laughing "What would I do without you?" he sighs dramatically "How you managed before you met me we will never know."
Nerves start fluttering in my stomach the closer we get to the ballroom. What if Loki doesn't recognise me? What if he doesn't turn up? What if he's with someone? Sorins magic floats over me like a calming blanket "Calm down its going to be fine." I smile "Thanks." he grins "Pathokinesis is a very handy thing."
The doors to the ballroom are thrown wide a steady stream of people trikling in. Sorin squeezes my arm gently half pulling me up the stairs music is floating through the doors surrounding us. At the top of the steps we pause and look out over the room, it is adorned with strings of lights and garlands of moons and stars.
My eldest brothers are stood at the bottom of the steps speaking with a familiar man with flowing blond hair. Thor but no sign of his brother. Sorin and I skim the edge of the room stopping in one of the window alcloves grabbing drinks of a passing waiter "I have no idea what this man looks like, can you see him?" I shake my head craining my neck to look around "No."
Sorin starts fidgiting and I follow his gaze over to the man he has been crushing on for the last few months. I grin giving him a shove "Go talk to him, I'll be fine." he doesn't take much prompting and heads over I watch him go grinning, jumping about a foot in the air when a cool voice comes from behind "Who are you looking for?" I swivel around heart pounding in my chest as my eyes meet with a pair of emerald green.
"Loki." he bows his head "Y/N." I smile brightly "Its so good to see you. Your taller. Your hairs grown, it suits you. Your eyes haven't changed though. I'll stop talking now." His lips twitch slightly into half a smile "Its good to see you as well. I am glad too see you recieved my gifts."
I smile running my thumb over the necklace he gifted me. A simple gold pendant containing a star petal, from the plant I healed the first time we met, set in clear resin. I never take it off. "Yes, I love it and those seeds you gave me are growing well. The flowers are stunning."
"I am glad. I greatly enjoyed the books you sent. How was your time travelling?"
"Oh it was excellent. I found some amazing plants, made some good friends. I spent most of my time on Midguard actually some of the plant life there is beautiful, though Ociana was my favourite planet its stunning. How have you been? From your letters your time away from home has been far more exciting than looking at plants." he chuckles turning to face the ballroom "I suppose, my brother is still hotheaded as ever. His friends are insufferable. But I have proggressed with my magic."
I tilt my head slightly "Loki are you alright?" he nods once though his posture remains ridgid "Forgive me, I am not overly comfortable around crowds." I smile slightly "Follow me." I start walking only checking once to make sure he is following leading him to a smaller room attached to the main hall the entrance covered by a low curtain. It is empty inside but the music still drifts through.
He relaxes a little though still does not seem overly comfortable "Is that any better?"
"Yes, thank you." he smiles softly "I apologise for my coldness. I do not know how to act after so long apart." I chuckle crossing my arms "I stand by what I said the first time we met. You can act how ever you wish around me." his smile warms reaching his eyes "Thank you, I do not know what I would have done without your letters. They have been a great comfort recently."
"Well I am glad." A different song starts up and Loki holds out a hand "Would you like to dance?" I take his hand bowing "I would love too." he pulls me in close begining to lead the way around the room in a slow waltz. I loose myself in his eyes the music flowing through the room and wrapping around us.
"You look stunning by the way. Green suits you." I blush slightly but don't drop his gaze despite the heat filling my cheeks "Thank you." Someone enters the room and Loki pauses our movements I spin around almost toppling over if it weren't for Loki's hand on the base of my spine I would have. The man who just entered smirks arms crossed behind his back "What do we have here?"
I frown "What do you want Kilian?" he shrugs taking a step closer "I noticed you had left the party and merely wished to see where you had dissapered too." I don't bother to hide the coldness in my tone as I cross my arms hardening my gaze "I believe my brothers and myself made it perfectly clear you are not welcome here."
He feigns shock a hand to his chest "My mistake, I must have missed a message. But now I am here perhaps you would reconsider my proposal?" I take a deep breath to calm the magic raging beneath my skin "Kilian either you leave now or I call the guards and you spend a night in a jail cell."
Loki's hand remains on the small of my back which is an anchor. A flash of green and a leathal looking dagger appears in his hand the handle hanging from the tips of his fingers so it is only vaguly threatening. Kilian eyes the dagger he talks big but he is no good at hand to hand combat or any type of confrontation. "Perhaps your highness we should talk somewhere in private away from," he glances at Loki again disgust clear on his face "Unwanted attention."
My magic flares slightly sending out a signal to my mother and (need to find brothers name). "I am not going with you. I have refused you twice, you have insulted my family, attemted to assult my sister and have been banished from the palace. Why do you still insist on coming back?"
"Because I know you return my love."
"You do not love me. You love the power and wealth of my family that is all. And I certainly do not love you." he steps closer and Lokis arm slides around my waist pulling me gently into his side "My family are very wealthy. We are second only to yours, my parents advisors to the King. It should be an honour to marry me." I attempt to keep a straight face but scrunch my nose in disgust, Kilian sighs and draws out of his jacket a blaster "I didn't wish to resort to this."
My magic flares once more this time lashing out at Kilian who merely chuckles his own, a shield, blocking my strike. "Now, now that is no way to treat your future husband."
Finally four guards enter the room my brother leading the way a hard glare set into his features "Harris you are not welcome here. Escort this man of the premises." Kilian turns facing them grinning "I do not think so." He shoots twice though they both miss by a wide mark while he takes of disappering down a corridor "Did he hurt you?"
I shake my head Calen sighing deeply "I'll be having words with the front guards. How he got in... Still you are safe." he nods once too Loki before taking off after the guards. "Well he seemed lovely." I smack his chest while he chuckles "I apologise, I thought it may lighten your mood."
"I need some air." Loki smiles understandingly "I can leave?" I shake my head "No, its alright. I'd like the company." Starting to walk I lead the way out the hall and towards my rooms where there is a large glass door leading out into the gardens all coated in a thick white blanket of snow. I push open the doors and take a deep breath the cool air washing over my senses. "Are you alright?"
I nod taking several more breaths the magic flaring begining to calm down. "Yes thank you." I turn to face him finding him still standing in the warm light of the palace while I have taken several steps out into the gardens a light snow begining to flutter down. "Are you not coming outside?" he shakes his head slightly while I tilt my own to one side "Do you not like the snow?" he shrugs slightly "It is complicated."
Loki P/O/V:
Y/N looks stunning with the moonlight and snow fluttering around them. Complicated. The soft expression on their face makes my heart flutter. I can't show them, can I? Would they see past the monster? I frown and lean against the door frame while they tilt their head up to the sky snowflakes landing on their skin.
Their letters have been the only good thing these past few years. I am not sure when friendship turned to love but I do love them, that is why they cannot know about the monster beneath my skin. Becasuse I do not know what I would do if they looked at me with fear and hatred. My original plan was to cut them out of my life, allow them to get on with their life without me but when I saw them in that ballroom I lost all thought of that.
I forgot how... how. They make my heart flutter, my brain loose all function. All I wish to do is take them in my arms and show them how they deserve to be treated. Nothing like that asshole Kilian I believe was his name. I would worship them, they deserve nothing less.
"Loki?" I crash back to reality, Y/N has snow stuck in their hair and a bright smile on their face "Come and dance with me." they hold out their hands and I take a step forward before remembering myself "Please?" I inwardly groan I wish to take their hands. "Come on its fun."
I take another step. Watching as the blue begins to creep up my skin starting from the finger tips and spreading. Usually my magic can hide it but a small part of me doesn't want too. A small part of me does want them to see. I want to show them all of me. Grinning they step closer and grab my hand pulling me out into the snow.
I shut my eyes not ready to see their reaction trying to memorise the smile they always give me worried I may never see it again. Fingertips brush my cheek before their whole hand cups my cheek "Loki please open your eyes." Slowly I do so knowing they are now red not the green they like.
They smile slightly "Is this why you were so out of sorts?" I nod once trying to gage their reaction "You're beautiful. Blue suits you." I must look shocked because their smile grows a small laugh escaping their lips "I meant every word I wrote to you. You never have to worry about how you act around me. I... I love you Loki. Every part."
They lean in their lips pressing against mine gently. I feel frozen their last words clanging around my head and heart. After a moment they go to move away and I finally regain my movement arms wrapping around their waist and chest pulling them closer. Their lips are soft and warm as I try to pour all my feelings into the kiss.
"I love you Y/N." cheeks flushed and eyes wide they loop their arms around my neck the two of us remaining in the snow covered garden, quite music drifting out from the ballroom "Thank you, for trusting me with your secret." I smile pressing my forehead against theirs "I trust you with my life."
"And you with mine."
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kyugens · 2 years
Being inside his brother's apartment and preparing dinner is as normal as breathing. It should feel as normal as breathing, he's done this for years, but it doesn't.
The reason he's here isn't like the many times before. His brother confided in him on his new relationship status several weeks ago. His reaction can't be labeled as anything other than angry and slightly volatile. Yeah yeah, he's trying to work on that...
Now he's trying to mend the distance he created, apologize without having to say it's an apology. Though he's prepared in case he'll have to say the words. He's beat down his pride in the last few days for the possibility.
"I can't take this anymore," he announces, breaking the mundane silence. He sets down his knife and stares down his brother. "So why Kakashi," he voices, "out all of people." Fuck it, he'll just be straight with it.
unprompted – always accepting!
Patience is a virtue – one Itachi does not possess and, quite frankly, has refused to work on for most of his life. The prospect of waiting for things to work themselves out is absurd to him, or even to let blatant disrespect slide? He's done it before, it sat heavily on his stomach, and his tongue bled with the sharp words he had to keep behind the teeth he couldn't bare. He hates it, and the world he grew up in hated it too – that's why they'd teach their children how to hone their skills from a young age. So they could shape the perfect moment to strike with their two hands. Waiting meant getting killed more times than not. This time, waiting meant the feeling of a dull knife ripping through his heart lasted longer, and the bitter taste in his mouth wouldn't ease no matter how much honey he added to his tea. He couldn't rush his brother, he couldn't rush this – his acceptance of his relationship with Kakashi. In fact, after so many years of watching Sasuke grow into his own person, he learned there was hardly anything he could push the younger Uchiha into doing. So for the last month, Itachi was forced to sit on this and wait. The image of Sasuke storming out of his apartment replayed on a loop in his mind, as did his own voice asking Kakashi to leave right after that. Now, though, he was at the kitchen table with a warm cup of tea in his hands, watching the tiny particles of herbs floating around in a beautiful and hypnotizing dance as he, once again, waited. The question caught him off guard, and dark-brown irises rose in search of Sasuke's face and any confirmation that he hadn't heard him wrong. “  Why, you ask...  ”  The realization that he never spared a moment to think about why or how he had feelings for his partner... It hit him like a train. He pondered, trying to think back to the moment he realized he loved Kakashi, but his head was empty, and it felt like thoughts were purposefully escaping his grasp. Itachi continued to look at Sasuke for a while longer. A thick silence hung over their heads before his eyes roamed the room until they stopped at the sink, where he found Kakashi's mug – a smile pulling his lips.  “  Would you believe me if I told you it snuck up on us?  ”  Us – because he was fairly certain Kakashi hadn't planned this either. Them – because he understood Kakashi's struggles with loss and resentment. Because Kakashi wasn't big enough to fill the holes in Itachi's soul, but when they were together, he didn't feel like he was missing anything. And he knew it was the same for Kakashi. “  Kakashi... He sees me for what I am. No matter how hard I try to bury my ugliest parts, to paint them with a pretty color, he recognizes brokenness, and he's not put off by it. He accepts it, but furthermore, he helps me embrace my flaws wholeheartedly as well.  ”  He knew this could be a difficult concept for Sasuke to understand. Itachi had been his role model for most of their lives, after all, but it wasn't blind bias anymore, he hoped.  “  We are very similar people, Sasuke, and yet... We couldn't be more different. Every day I learn something new about him, and while discovering who that man is, I also learn more and more about myself. Things I never thought I could be or feel.  ” With a sigh and a faint feeling of warmth spreading across his face, Itachi looks at Sasuke again. There was nothing he wouldn't do for Sasuke – nothing.  “  If this is going to be a problem between us, Sasuke... I will stop seeing him. I will. You are my brother, and you are my most precious thing. I don't need any of that at the expanse of having you in my life. All I ask is that you consider it carefully.  ”
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mjohnso · 2 months
Quarterly Debut Review: Q2 2024
Quarterly Debut Reviews are a supplementary series to my biannual Periodic Rookie Group Reports, which are published quarterly. Each installment covers three rookie groups that debuted over the past three months. For the sixth installment, I covered Triple iz (April), TOZ (May), and Crystal (Future Idol Asia) (June).
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April / Triple iz Debut: April 8, 2024 Debut Song: “Halla”
Call me Lettuce90. That is what ifland, SK Telecom’s social metaverse application, dubbed my avatar, a guy sporting a gray overcoat and gray pants with a gray beard and gray undercut. Although I could have changed both, as avatar customization is billed as a “feature, I did neither. I had not downloaded the app to talk to other users’ avatars or decorate the customizable 3d virtual space which in the parlance of the app is called a “room” or participate in k-pop karaoke or any of the other activities, but in the name of research. I wanted to get to know the self-described multinational metaverse girl group Triple iz and considering that they had been formed to promote the app, this seemed like a good place to start.
That I had to download the app to get to know the group is by design. Triple Iz’s whole raison d’etre is to attract new users through incentives and promotions tied to ifland. As of now, this has meant a pre-debut reality show Road to Debut, which although promoted on their official YouTube and Instagram, was only available on the app.[1] The same goes for their debut XR showcase, Global Fan Live show, and weekly news show “Weekly Izland News”, which takes place every Thursday in their official room.
I dropped into one of these weekly shows on a Thursday in early May, my avatar materializing on a bench on a peachy pink island, floating in a purple and pink sky dotted with puffy clouds, the planet Saturn, and rainbow tracks. Navigating around oversized candy pieces, scaled-down windmills, and banners with the group’s images, I joined the dozen other attendees including two whose outfits identified themselves as staff from the English language news site kpopmap (their website describes them as Triple iz’s Official Media Partner).[2][3] We stood in front of a large screen where the two MCs, RaRa and Serri, who wore tops that said ‘Triple iz,’ used to host the show. As their voices were piped in, the screen changed in tandem with the segments, including a quiz. Attendees could answer questions through the chat function, their answers appearing over their avatars’ heads, who are otherwise stationary.
In Kpopmap’s words, the show was supposed to be a “hangout sesh” but felt more like an awkward school assembly, lasting around a half hour. After that, the crowd thinned out as people moved to other “rooms” or onto other activities, like using their avatar to cover the choreography of the group’s song, or like me, logged off. I never went to another of their Weekly Shows and not long ago I deleted the app off my phone. While Triple Iz may have convinced me to try out the app, no virtual fan cafe, contest, or giveaway (all offered through the app) offered a compelling reason to stay.
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May / TOZ Debut: September 27, 2023 / May 2, 2024 Debut Song: “Magic Hour”/ “Nu Shoes”
Whether or not my choosing the boy group TOZ for my May blurb violates the spirit of this series hinges on one date – that of their debut. I considered their official debut to be September 27, 2023, when they simultaneously released their mini album Flare in Japan and Korea. My belief in this date is not entirely unwarranted. A Korea JoongAng Daily article published on September 7, 2023, titled “Boys Planet's four contestants to debut as TOZ with 'Flare'” explicitly describes the release as their debut,
The four-member band will make its debut under YY Entertainment on Sept. 27 with the album "Flare," a title "symbolizing the flare to mark the beginning of TOZ," according to the agency.
YY Entertainment would beg to differ. When teasing TOZ’s new mini album TO MY NEW FRIENDS, they announced that as their first Korean mini album, it would mark their Korean debut. This implies that their previous debut referred solely to their debut in Japan and that their debut date, according to their label, is May 4, 2024.[4]
In my ten-plus years of tracking Rookies, this is not the first time I have encountered the problem of determining a debut, but it has become more common in the last few years. Previously, a debut date corresponded to a group’s first release or initial music show appearance, usually in Korea, that no longer holds. Now, between extended pre-debut rollouts that can last months, previously debuted and independent groups “re-debuting” under labels, individual units of larger groups promoting independently, and international promotions a debut date is a moving target, one untethered from a group’s history.
In other words, entertainment agencies stretched the concept of the debut until it broke. Today, freed from any pretense of convention, if an agency chooses, a group could have multiple debuts like TOZ.  unlike TOZ, whose double debut is a strategic move. With the group’s initial introduction, less than four months after Haruto and Anthonny had joined the label, YY Entertainment tried to capitalize on the member’s association with Mnet’s Boy’s Planet, in which all four members had participated and concluded five months before their debut. Then, marketing their first Korean mini album as a “debut,” not a comeback, lends it the sheen of a traditional debut when the audience’s lack of familiarity with a group is not yet a detriment but an opportunity, a chance for a group to make themselves known.
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June / Crystal Debut: June 14, 2024 Debut Song: “Dreams Come True”
Rainbow E&M fell one group short of their ambitious goal to debut one new group a month for the first six months of the year. While they debuted at least one new group in January (Flora), February (Bluebell), and April and two groups in March (Heimish and Pearlys) and June (Ivory and Crystal), they did not debut a new group in May.
This gap in an otherwise prodigious six months could result from their focus being elsewhere, like their third annual showcase. Held on June 10th at the World K-Pop Center in Seoul, the showcase, as I have written before, is the fulcrum of the project, the point around which the endeavor is organized. Rainbow E&M recruits participants, organizes them into groups, and gives them a “debut” song and video so that they can perform them at their showcase.
Alternatively, or perhaps simultaneously, this gap may also indicate a problem I began to suspect last year when they debuted multiple groups of members from other previously debuted Future Idol Asia groups. That is the project has been struggling to recruit new participants, a problem not unique to them. An August 2023 Korea JoongAng Daily article reported that entertainment agencies are struggling to find trainees. Data backs up this finding. According to Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)’s 2023 Pop Culture & Arts Industry Survey, the number of trainees working for agencies decreased between 2020 and 2022, going from 1,895 to 1,170.
This presents a catch-22 for Rainbow E&M. While such a shortage would make their service all the more indispensable to agencies, they would have to be able to find potential trainees, which would be difficult due to the shortage. Without participants for their project, the primary means of promoting their project, like debuting new groups and their showcase, also become more difficult, further exacerbating their recruitment challenge.
It makes sense then that Future Idol Asia has resorted to some creative accounting to pad their numbers. For example, at their recent showcase, most of the groups were not those they had debuted between their third and fourth showcase but “trainee” groups. Unlike the typical Future Idol Asia group, these groups perform not original songs but covers. Their introductions are rougher, and their performances are less polished. They are far from showcase-ready, but at the same time, they are necessary components for its success. Without them, the showcase would be noticeably shorter and smaller, signaling to the audience and potential recruits that the project is struggling. By including these groups though in a bid to reverse their struggle, they can at least create the illusion that the opposite is true.
[1] Post-debut, full episodes from the group's pre-debut reality show were uploaded to their official YouTube page.
[2] Not long after I attended “Weekly Izland News”, Kpopmap instituted a subscription model, hiding most of their articles behind a paywall. As a result, I cannot link to many of their articles on the group and ifland I used for research while writing this blurb.
[3] According to an article on Kpopmap (again, accessed pre-subscription change), members of Kpopmap’s staff join the show every week to “hang out with fans, take ideas and suggestions for future contents, ask for fans’ opinions, swoon over Triple iz, and more.”
[4] For my own purposes, TOZ will be considered a 2023 Rookie Group Debut. This will be reflected in the numbers for Rookie Reports No. 22 through No. 24.
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