#this info will get added to my character page once i get around to making it
silencedrage · 1 year
Spoilers for the YJ S2 finale under the cut
As I've mentioned to a few people, I will not be having a "survival au" for Nat after what happens in the show. While there are probably ways to write around what happened, I choose not to do that for personal reasons. That said, I will have a ghost au for Natalie for interactions that take place after the S2 finale. I'm not going to get too much into how she's a ghost and why, but rather treat her like the hallucinations we see of Jackie at the beginning of S2, more like an omniscient narrator who is aware that she's dead and merely a figment of the other person's imagination. This is largely an experimental style of writing for me, so it might take me a hot second to figure out how exactly I want to play this out.
If you want ghost Nat, you must request her, otherwise I'll default to the 96 timeline or pre-2021. I will be selective with this verse and it's currently only open to canon YJ characters or characters with YJ verses who I've plotted with.
Again, this is not supposed to be a perfectly IC portrayal of Natalie, but my goal/hope is to write a version of Natalie that the specific person would envision. This will definitely carry traits of Natalie's character as a whole, but for instance, what this version will look like to Misty is probably different from how she would appear to Tai. She can also take the appearance of either teen or adult Nat, depending on the situation.
Like I said, this is very experimental and I'm not sure it'll pan out the way that I'm seeing it in my head but I figured it would be an interesting exercise to try and flex some different creative muscles.
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velnna · 1 year
This might sound like an odd question but I’m planning on making my own comic at some point and I was wondering if you had any advice? Specifically in making the plot, deciding what each character does and maybe panel/page composition and how to make harmonious colour palettes?
Also one more question but when you were at the beginning of developing Stray Souls did you post little lore/plot snippets and character doodles/info or did you mainly wait until the comic was out?
(Sorry I know this is a lot but I was just wondering sort of what your process is because everything seems so seamless and well-put-together :> )
Ehh first of all the seamless and put-togetherness is an illusion 🫠
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A lot of my work is built organically (fancy way of saying I just sorta wing it) and very dependent on what makes me excited at each given point. Generally, I come up with an idea for a character or a plot point and from there start branching out.
Say, I create character A. A needs a story so I create some beats for them, a beginning-middle-end type thing. While thinking of this, characters B, C, etc pop up as placeholders/devices for A's story, and the world gets shaped around it as well. Then suddenly something in the world gets decided that in turn changes A's story a little, and so on. Then I go into B, C, etc and do the same thing (build a story, let it bleed into the world and let the world bleed into it).
There's pros and cons to this sort of thing of course. Most of the time I over-develop characters or world bits that are completely unnecessary and clutter the narrative (especially when it's something like a comic, where things need to be explained visually and economically), and because of this sort of chaotic process I also tend to get entangled in my own concepts and lose track of my main threads. I don't dislike it entirely so it's just a matter of figuring out what works best for your own goals and processes.
Some general advice for comics that I've learned from trial and error: try stripping your story down to its bare bones and see what you absolutely need VS what's there for flavour or added context. Only add flavour once you're sure you can tackle the minimum, both in writing and artwise. Keep your character designs simple if you value your hands lol. It's fun to design complicated details but you WILL get tired of drawing them after a while. Sometimes it's ok to tell and not show 🤷‍♂️ if you're a one-man team sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet. Bear in mind that long stories will take YEARS to complete in comic format. Not an end all be all, but you do need to think about that. Also just go for it once you've got a structure you feel good about. I personally don't like over planning and don't even script things, so I don't think you need to have everything on paper before getting some chapters rolling. Most of what I've learned about comics has been making them, not thinking about making them. Oh, and readers tend to be more lenient than we give them credit for - if you're passionate enough about your world or characters, chances are at least some people will be interested regardless of whether you think art or writing are up to par
As for the other question, I spoiled the shit out of stray souls before launching it and still kinda do it for fun LMAO. Nothing too serious ofc but I've always loved giving people an insight into characters and world outside of the comic since the comic itself is a little peek into the whole thing. It also kinda serves to keep people interested imo
And I just can't keep my mouth shut about my stories lol
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cru5h-cascades · 4 months
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Decided to make a high quality reference sheet for my villain Agent 4, Winona for @lbodraws's V4 animatic contest (mainly 'cause the only art I have of Winnie is pretty abstract) (please vote for Winnie once voting for the contest starts!)
Bonus resources (all the background info that I've written so far for Winnie, the chapters in Your Side of Order where she's doin' villain stuff, and Your Side of Order itself) (YSoO isn't finished yet, but it almost is and you can get the jist of the characters with all the chapters avaliable so far)
Background info (so far)
Winnie doin' villain stuff in chapter 10 & 11 of YSoO
Your Side of Order Main Page
Just one note: Winona is an angel clubhook squid-type inkling, so she can turn the tips of her tentacles into weapons by hardening the tips. After that, she can spin around and use her hair like mace to attack enemies if she doesn't have a weapon on hand (just wanted to explain the clubhook attack thing I added on the bottom of the ref sheet) (I just like giving my ocs certain abilities & traits based off of the species I base them off of :D)
Other piece of art I made of Winnie under cut (just one piece)
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viis-here-idk-why · 1 year
Say hello to Kingdom of the Local Anthill!
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Say hello as well to my first micronation oc post, hopefully of many hehe
Also if youre here from the poland tag, this is a polish micronation, so, feliks child feliks child
Sadly, i was only able to find information on this micronation through the microwiki page, since i couldnt find any other pages for it. Any help on finding out more would be very much appriciated!
So! About Pietr! Immediately i will say, i chose the name purely because it sounded nice, any input on better names would also very much be appriciated! But for this post, i'll be sticking with Pietr
Once again, since there isnt that much info i could find on the micronation, for his personality i kind of hima'd it (aka, just bullshitted it)
He's cheery, literally a one year old, as the micronation announced its independance only a little over a year ago, but he tries his hardest to seem older, and cant say his age without adding that technically the anthill has existed since the 1950s, so he'd be the oldest in the group (and then gets glared at by seborga)
He tries to be very formal in his way of speaking, but struggles a bit with that, as he tries to copy what the macronations around him say, and the main one is Feliks, so he's mistakingly integrated a lot of slang into his hyper-formal way of speaking. (Hutt River and Molossia help him with that)
He takes his role as a personification very seriously, so seriously that he often will point out if something around his house could hurt or bother the ants! He has made feliks "throw out" anything that has a scent that ants dont like (he still has everything, just doesnt use it in front of pietr) and acts offended and as if he dislikes the scent as well (he actually enjoys lots of the scents, but thinks he'd be bad at his job if he admitted it)
Of course, he will start telling ant facts to anyone that he sees, and talks a lot about them with the micronation group
In his little backpack (made by eduard, nobody can tell otherwise) he carries everything that his overly worried family makes him bring around: bandaids, disinfectant, a snack just in case, and of course, his Carpenter Ant Plushie(TM)
Onto how everyone around feels about him, his family loves him, he's the little baby, and they all try their best of raising him.
Feliks and Tolys are trying to parent, and doing fine somehow? They bring him everywhere, and listen to him ramble about ants for hours (Tolys asks enough questions to keep him going on and on)
Eduard is the cool older brother, he brings him places when tolys and feliks are busy, and makes him stuffed animals and wooden toys (i have a stupid little headcanon that eduard really likes sewing and just making stuff in general)
Raivis is,,,,trying? He's already friends with most of the micronations, so he often accompanies him to the meetings, but he doesnt really know how to act around him, so whenever they talk he doesnt really say much, and mostly listens. (Once again, i have a headcanon that raivis is trying to figure out how the aging process works, so he's probably waiting to see how quickly he ages and also praying that he doesnt become older than him one day)
His closest friends in the micronation group are probably Hutt River, as he looks to him for advice on how to be a proper prince, he would ask Seborga but my personal version of him is not the friendliest*, Republic of Toku, and Rose Island (other micronation ocs i might maybe talk about in the future, for now just know that one is a space nerd, and the other is a fish nerd)
*I have completely different characters for seborga and molossia, and might change hutt river a bit as well, i will make sure to share them in the future!
Outside of his family and the micronation group, he doesnt really know many other people, since he's just a toddler
Well, well, well, guess who actually reached the end! I dont have anything more to say currently! If i find more i will add!
For reaching the end of this stupid little ramble, have Pietr in timeout
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Also, here's the link to the microwiki page if you'd like to learn more!
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inquisitor-gayfax · 1 year
✨ Fic Planning and Outlining ✨
Outlining is a huge part of my writing process and something I love talking about, so since I’m currently suffering something of a writer’s block, I’ve put together a step-by-step explanation of my process below. It is important to note that there is no right answer or best way to outline; as with most things it’s just a matter of finding what works best for you!
I would love it if other folks chimed in and added to this with their own tips and tricks!
Let’s learn from each other!
Outlining Tools & Overall Organization
To start with, I use OneNote to organize everything, but there are a ton of programs out there, and you could even do this with different .txt/word files! The main reasons I like OneNote: (1) oo pretty colored tabs (2) tab folders for making sense of the giant pile of WIPs:
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So, I have all the things I’m “actively” working on out in the open, then squirrel away everything else in one of five categories: completed (yay!), short, medium, and long WIPs, then a catch-all category for everything that doesn’t really fit anywhere else.
The Outlining Process
To demonstrate and (hopefully) have a little fun, I’m going to pick a half-baked idea from the “WTF – Miscellany” category and create a new tab as if I’m actually going to write it! So, without further ado, let’s dive in and begin outlining for a multi-chapter AU fic wherein Rogal Dorn and Perturabo are high school girls’ volleyball coaches!
First Page: Tags ‘n Such
I often hear that tags can be the hardest part for writers, which is interesting because this is usually where I start! Something about seeing my fic in the summary format it will eventually appear in on AO3 is very motivating to me, and helps guide my writing. You can always add/change later.
Here is the template I use for easy copy/pasting!
Title: Fandom(s): Rating: Category: Archive Warnings: Relationship(s): Character Tags: Other tags: Summary:
And here’s a screenshot of my first pass for this WIP:
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This gives me a chance to talk about one of my FAVORITE writing hacks, which is… [BRACKET TEXT].
I don’t know about everyone else, but my brain consistently feels the need to get everything perfect on the first try, which is very unhelpful and actively counter-productive! I’ve found that when I can’t get the phrasing of something just right, or I’m still not sure what I’m going for, putting some brackets around the text in question and just scribbling whatever’s in my mind at the moment allows me to move on without getting bogged down.
If it’s in brackets, I give myself permission to be silly, OOC, anachronistic, or messy, and boy is it a lifesaver sometimes.
Once I have the AO3 info fields done, I draw a little line below the summary and start filling in what I call the “brainstorm space” (that inevitable turns into a mini-outline I need to move over to another page at some point). This is another place I allow myself to be messy. I scribble down thoughts on narrative structure, inspirations, setting, key moments/scenes, themes, motifs, stuff I absolutely need to include, and any overarching things that will be helpful to have before planning in earnest.
Here’s what it looks like for this fic:
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Not much there now, but it’s a start, and that’s what outlining is all about!
Second Page: Detailed Outline
A bit of a note here – I used to have a separate page for a “mini-outline,” i.e. a less detailed version, but the brainstorm space basically serves this purpose now, so it’s less common.
This is where the actual structural planning starts to take place. I’ve gotten into the habit of using bracket text here, too, to serve as shorthand summaries of each point. For a multi-chapter fic, I’ll also make sure to note where I think the chapter boundaries will fall, though obviously this is subject to change.
So, a barebones one for this fic might look something like this:
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There’s not much there right now, but that’s fine, because (1) it’s in bracket text and (2) this is just the skeletal structure for what comes next: filling it in as you get inspiration.
My brain tends to want to write longfics, but never linearly, of course. Sometimes I get raw bursts of inspiration for scenes, so the way I work with this is to scribble (on my phone, on the computer, in a physical notebook) whatever it is down at the moment I get it, then plug it in to the existing outline later. This way, I end up building a pretty comprehensive plan for the fic before I even open a word document, and it’s easier to make big choices like chapter contents, scene order, and story progression without feeling like I need to tear apart something that’s already fairly set in stone.
Here's an example of what a partially filled-in outline looks like, from my Celefax Gothic Mystery AU WIP:
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Note that this one is in chart form, which is what I usually go with for longfics for better separation of scenes and ideas.
Pagestravaganza: Additional Pages for Longfics
For one-shots and shorter multi-chapter fics, typically the Tags/Brainstorming and Detailed Outline pages are enough to get me ready to write, but for longfics, there’s a lot more to think about, and additional places to take notes can be helpful.
Here’s an example of all the pages in the tab for that Celefax AU I mentioned above, which has a lot of characters and worldbuilding and all sorts of things that would be difficult to encapsulate in an outline alone:
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For one of my other longfic WIPs, I also have a page where I write down revision notes for the parts I’ve already written as they come to me, so it’s easy to refer back to during the editing process (which I could write a whole other post about).
Another thing I sometimes like to do, especially for one-shots or fics that are from only one character’s POV, is write out a paragraph or two about character emotional arcs. Plot is great, but it can be hard to know where that takes you if you don’t know where each character is starting out and where they end up.
To summarize: The sky’s the limit here. Whatever you need to do to make sure everything comes together, however you need to organize it, however little makes it into the final draft, your outlining/planning document is for you, and you shouldn’t get too bogged down into what needs to be there or whether it’s clean and pretty. As long as it’s helpful to you, it is serving its purpose admirably, and even if it isn’t you’re still learning what does and doesn’t work for you. The way I outline is a constantly evolving process, and different things work for different fics. Feel free to play around!
Writing the Dang Thing
This is the end result, the task for which all your outlining has (hopefully) prepared you!
I’ll be honest: I loathe first drafts. (See above comment about everything needing to be perfect the first time around.)
It’s probably for this reason that I outline so fastidiously, because when I plop my bracket text outline and any pre-written snippets into my first draft, it feels so much less daunting than staring at a blank page.
I can start to fill in the pieces I neglected (scene setting, always), figure out where there might be a need for more connective tissue, and tackle the bite-sized chunks my bracket text outline has created one at a time.
I keep doing that until, ta da! A workable first draft emerges, and we move on to editing, my beloved.
Hopefully this has been interesting/helpful, and please please pleeeeease feel free share your own methods and thoughts and funny bracket text!
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byoldervine · 1 month
What's the issue with the one shots?
Summary at the bottom
To be honest, I think I overestimated my motivation and mental energy for the one-shots
We did the weekly polls for character info pages and that went quite well, but I think that success came down to two factors; it was a very structured thing where I was just filling out a sheet with info I already mostly had, and it was actually serving a purpose for my writing since it helped me keep track of the characters
Another thing that’s making it hard for me to keep up is related to the time I spend writing; by now most people here will know that I have a writing goal set to 1000 words per week, and that’s been working for me with my book. This week I got my total word count to 88K which I’m super happy about. But by adding in one-shots rather than just filling out that form again, it feels like I’m adding more writing on top of that goal, and since I’ve settled on 1K per week as my sustainable goal, it feels more difficult to keep up with
My initial plans with the one-shots was to provide a bunch of options when we started out, then as they were used up I only keep providing two of my own and then people can suggest additional options that will be added to the polls separately to the two options I’ll always provide myself
At this point, however, I’m starting to consider finishing the options we’ve currently got and calling it quits, because I think I’ve definitely underestimated how much it’ll take out of me, especially on a deadline; by the time the results actually come out, which is usually around 7-8am for me, I try to get the one-shot out by 3pm, and I’ve been missing that with these one-shots when I almost never did with the info pages
But at the same time, I really love doing these and I love having the weekly polls; I don’t want to stop doing it just because it’s a little bit more work. I think maybe narrowing it down to the two options might be more doable so maybe I’ll give that a go once or twice when we reach that point
Another factor in it, and I know that this one isn’t really a legitimate problem but it’s still a little demotivating, is the lack of engagement on the one-shots. The polls themselves get a lot of votes on them, but then the actual one-shots aren’t getting much interaction. I’m not surprised by it, I know that by the nature of the formats the polls will get more engagement than people sitting and reading something that isn’t related to a fandom they’re already part of, but it’s still a little disheartening when I try super hard to get everything figured out and written in time, only to not get any responses on it, when comparatively I can spend five minutes rambling about some sort of writing tip and I get a bunch more engagement for less of a struggle - and I can churn out a lot of those in quite a small amount of time once I know what point I want to make
I know this was a long one, so I’ll summarise the options going forward here; I don’t think that I can continue on this road for longer than it takes us to finish the existing poll options, and unless people are wanting to call it quits here and now then I’m happy to keep it up for a few more weeks. If things get easier with just the two options (plus any scenario requests) then I'll happily keep that up, but if not then I'll call it off at that point
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violetganache42 · 6 months
Hey, it’s Psychid! I actually got a new Discord because mine got hacked, and I couldn’t help but notice yours wasn’t loading anything. Did it get hacked, too? 😨
Hi, Psychid! I'm sorry to hear your Discord account got hacked; I assumed you were hard at work with your fic over the past several days.
Don't worry. My account thankfully wasn't hacked. Was it one of these types of scams going around recently? Because I had gotten a couple of those throughout the week.
The first time I got the scam back on Monday, I actually thought it was one of my friends telling me that I was at risk of getting banned from Discord, and it gave me a bad panic attack. Fortunately, I was able to save myself from falling further for the scam before it was too late thanks to the following:
"Adding the support" (via a friend request) made no damn sense, especially since Googling it only brought up links to official Discord Support pages
I know for a damn fact that I've been abiding by Discord's ToS and Community Guidelines; if I was getting banned, they most likely would've emailed me about it, but there was no email from Discord at all
The second I received a DM from a "Discord Support member" (alec_yans in my case) and read their message asking for my account info, something told me to block them because it wasn't formatted like a genuine message from a Discord support member, which is exactly what I did
I checked my friend's Twitter and saw that they had to make a new Discord account because their previous one had gotten hacked, which is how I got the scam in the first place
I then promptly called the hacker out for scaring me like that, reported the account as hacked, and blocked them. At first, I was deeply embarrassed and upset at myself for almost falling for the scam because the thought of getting banned, especially when you haven't done anything wrong, is scary. The reassurance I got from my friends over on the Duckblr Movie Nights! server helped alleviate those feelings, and I'm at least glad I didn't give the hacker neither my account nor personal info.
The next day, another one of my friends got their account hacked. It was the same scam too because their first message was them saying they have something important to tell me. I immediately told them I know what game they're playing and how it wasn't going to work. They almost fooled me once, there is no way they're gonna try and fool me a second time.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Why I'm so … away lately:
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Spending my freet time with my Info PDFs on Vijay and Ryder.
This project is somewhat insane and ate already a lot of free time (doing all the casual outfit shots alone). I know I do not need to present it in this way, but as the graphic designer who I am, I enjoy doing this way too much! I just love to create layouts and in this way I also make use of my own VP pics as well in a secondary usage. It is something I cannot life out in my daily job. I've always wanted to create some sort of a guideline. And my ocs are just perfect for that. I wanna do Thyjs and Jaysen as well ofc but I won't start with them for a while. Ry and V need to be done first, then I 'll look into other priorities (e.g. roleplay story -> + turn it into fanfic, get more creative in VP, help some modders maybe) for a while and then I go back to getting this done for Thyjs and Jaysen as well. <3
So what about these documents?
of all they provide some huge help for me to have the best overview possible on their main mods and clothes I use for them. Once this is done, I can just open the PDFs and click onto the links that bring me to the mod page of a specific mod. I've been asked a few times what I used so this will help me find it within no time. Searching on nexus is sometimes a whole pain for me when you do not know the title of the mods. And I don't want to keep everything in "tracked mods" either except for the core mods such as CET, archive XL etc. needed for the game.
it hopefully does a good service to the lovely @gloryride who's going to turn both, Vijay and Ryder, into NPVs soon <3 I want her to have it as easy as I can make it (hopefully it works how I imagined it). So she's got everything neately sorted to look up in lists — especially for the outfits I want to include — even though I'm going to send over all the needed stuff. But if there's need to look it up you can just simply klick on the link that brings you to the nexus page that has the usual additional info, original mods (since my are renamed with prefixes) and who it belongs to.
it also will serve for everyone who wants to take pics of my boys in the future. Because I do love to share them and I wanna see how they look through other VPer's eyes! Therefore I added a short backstory, character dates and inspiration, likes and dislikes so you can imagine them better plus every up to this date outfit I've got for them so far. A bunch of outfits will be included to their NPVs but not all since both have already something between 15-20 outfits and some mods require permission for NPV (it takes ags for me to ask permission). I assume people love more to take pics with NPV rather than having to install all their mods (tho Ry's and V's are okayish; Thyjs on the contrary has like approx. 50 main mods alone lol) but I'll still provide both once I'm done. Dunno how often I'll update these docs since there will always be new outfits for them.
If you read all through to the bottom: please feel free to send me a dm or write me on discord if you think about wanting to VP my boys some day! <3 Once I'm done and NPVs are there I'm more than happy to share.
Once this massive main project of mine is done for the time being, I may reach out to some of you in the future asking if I can VP your ocs as well and I'm always happy to see my ocs making new friends too! I'm just very bad at doing all at once, so I never came around asking – I need to finish one thing first, before I can take on antoher or I'll get completely lost, :,D I've already got a list of stuff I have to/wanna do. So everything I've promised some time back will be still done at some point!
Thanks for reading <3
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hello hello! The name’s Tulsa and I’m 25 years old and searching for some new writing partners! I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well. As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends. I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time.
Just a few quick rules that are important are as follows:
All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance. I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal. I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs. Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
Onto what I’m looking for would be someone willing to play M fandom characters against my F ones in romantic and angsty pairings! Below you’ll find the list of pairings I’m currently looking for :).
Derek Hale x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
Kol Mikaelson x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
Loki Laufeyson x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon - AHS: Murder House
Billy Hargrove x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
Spencer Reid x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
Draco Malfoy x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. The following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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tormentum-ab-intra · 3 months
Hey, I'm Tormie!
You can also call me Tor. Whichever. It's only Tormentum if we're being formal ;) I'm an artist! I also write. I've been putting off making this info post for a hot minute, but here we are, finally!
Here there be whump. You can expect to see general oc content, gore, whump, nsfw (or as nsfw as tumblr will let me get away with, at least,) nsfwhump, and a fuckton of monster ocs. I'm Tall Giant Longlegged Monster OCs McGee, baybey. (I have a fandom blog, mainly for One Piece stuff, @tormie-tormie-chopper if that's more your speed! I post there once in a blue moon.)
I don't have any masterlists yet, but hopefully I'll get around to making those soon!
Here there be freaks, and here freaks are welcome. Let's be weird and fucked up and into weird and fucked up things together <3 (This should go without saying but I'm gonna say it anyway: Me writing about, talking about, or drawing something does not mean I endorse it in real life. Cool? Cool 😂) My blog is not intended for minors.
My pronouns are it/its. However, both gender neutral and masculine gendered terms are welcome! Feminine gendered terms are also fine but better saved for silly or joking contexts.
Bigotry, hate speech, and so on are NOT welcome. TERFS are not welcome. I'm not interested in starting or engaging in discourse, so racists, homophobes, transphobes, bigots, zionists, and the like will be blocked expeditiously. Like just be chill and I'll be chill back.
Commissions: open! Take a look at my info post for those here, or visit my Ko-fi page here!
Look below the cut for askbox info and info on my tagging system.
Some common general tags I'll be using: -#tor draws for anything with my own artwork in it -#tor animates for anything with my own animations in it -#tor thinks for posts containing thoughts or rambles. -#tor's corner is basically the #tor thinks tag but like. for really brief and/or asinine stuff that doesn't have anything insightful or interesting in it. me sitting in a corner talking to myself basically -#tor answers for answered asks. -#tor speaks for announcements. -#tor writes for posts of my own writing, e.g. drabbles and such. -#torque for queued posts. (get it? because tor...queue? torqueue? torque? ahaha....hahaha........ah. I'll see myself out.) -oc: [character name] to indicate which ocs are in a post -I will usually tag tropes where applicable, characters in the post, ships in the post, and any other relevant aspects.
Some common CW tags to look out for or block according to need: -#nsft for explicitly nsfw posts and artwork, or for posts with links to explicitly nsfw fics or artwork (because I know tumblr won't let me post certain things and I may have to share links to those things instead.) This doesn't include nonsexual nudity though. -#suggestive for posts and artwork that are risque or mildly nsfw in nature but don't describe or depict anything explicit. somewhat hit or miss whether i actually use this one ngl -#nsfwhump for posts and artwork that are nsfw and depict noncon -#gore for all posts and artwork with excessive amounts of blood or graphic depictions of severe injuries -#body horror for posts and artwork with body horror, particularly when depicted in intense or grotesque ways. -#blood for posts and artwork with excessive amounts of blood in them. I probably won't use this tag for posts that only have small amounts of blood in them unless the blood is somehow the focus or part of the focus. -#eyestrain for posts and artwork with intensely bright and saturated colors, flashing effects, and so on. -Additional tags for relevant triggering subjects will be added when applicable. I will always try to tag my posts and artwork accurately, especially when it comes to potentially triggering subjects, but if I've missed something, feel free to let me know!
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findroleplay · 3 months
Hello hello! The name’s Tulsa and I’m 25 years old and searching for some new writing partners! I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well. As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends. I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time.
Just a few quick rules that are important are as follows:
All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance. I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal. I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs. Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
Onto what I’m looking for would be someone willing to play M fandom characters against my F ones in romantic and angsty pairings! Below you’ll find the list of pairings I’m currently looking for :).
Derek Hale x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
Kol Mikaelson x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
Loki Laufeyson x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon - AHS: Murder House
Billy Hargrove x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
Spencer Reid x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
Draco Malfoy x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. The following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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elliepassmore · 1 year
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedie of Faeries review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: cozy fantasy, epistolary narrative, fairies, early 1900s, autistic MCs I've been meaning to get around to this one for a while and finally did. I'm really liking the cozy fantasy genre (and cozy sci-fi) and this is no exception. There was a plot but it was slow paced and fit well into Emily's daily life and academics. There were high stakes at the end, but overall this is a relatively low stakes story. I liked how dryadology was depicted as a legitimate academic discipline with methods, conferences, and its own scandals. As someone who is involved in academics and will likely pursue a career in research/academia, it felt very realistic. A lot of the methods Emily and Wendell use are legitimate methods we use in anthropology and linguistics and I really enjoyed seeing them put to use in a fantasy field of research. The scandals of extrapolating too much info or faking research are also very reminisce of early-20th century academic scandals that we see in real-life disciplines. I very much appreciated Fawcett's attention to detail here and I really think it helped create a realistic, engrossing world. The faeries themselves were interesting too. There are a bunch of different kinds and subtypes of those kinds that vary across regions. We get to meet a few of these during the course of the book, and it was interesting to see their mannerisms and looks. I also like that our narrator is an expert in the field and so we get additional information about the faeries we meet as well as similar faeries from other locations. I like this style of diary narration too. It reminds me a bit of how the Beka Cooper series is written. Both are supposed to be diaries/journals, but other than mentioning writing or the date, the book generally reads as traditional narration rather than epistolary (which has its place in my heart too). In this particular case, I definitely think it added to the story since we are made to understand that Emily is trying to be objective, but there are times when she recognizes that she's not and, in turn, we are able to recognize moments when she deviates from a strictly academic viewpoint into the more personal. Speaking of Emily, I enjoyed her narration and reading about her (mis)adventures. Emily reads as autistic to me (someone who is also autistic) and I liked that that was just presented as who she was. Wendell does poke fun at her a little for some of her social missteps, but there's no malice behind it and no one pressures Emily to mask or change who she is. She can come across as blunt and isn't always able to read social cues, but she clearly has a big heart and once you're in, you're in. She's also pretty accepting of things, which is probably one of the reasons she does so well as a draydologist, and is able to roll with the punches fairly well. I also liked Emily's dog, Shadow, and thought he had some funny moments in the story. Wendell is an interesting character, and he and Emily make an even more interesting friendship. He's very outgoing and personable, able to charm just about anyone, but he's also generally pretty aloof. As extroverted as he is, he doesn't seem to connect with people too deeply, but when he does, like with Emily, he's pretty ride or die about it. I enjoyed Wendell's character and thought he brought a lot of humor to the pages with his little quirks. The side characters were also all pretty enjoyable. They all felt distinct, both human and faerie, and I enjoyed getting to know them individually. It was also interesting to see how Emily's perceptions and relationships with them change as she settles more into life in the village. One note I have is that some of the side characters have very similar names and it makes it somewhat difficult to tell them apart in a group setting. Overall I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to seeing what Emily, Wendell, and Shadow get up to next!
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purringfayestudio · 2 years
Future Commissions
I get the occasional question/comment about commissions, so I wanted to lay out my plans.
Probably second half of 2023.
Frequency will depend on how the first opening goes.
Announcements will go up on all my social media sites and I'll accept requests for 1-2 weeks. (I will post more info beforehand to give people time to prep though.)
Quotes will be open only during that time. I'll have a page that lists examples and prices available beforehand.
I'll post a Google Form (or equivalent) for you to fill out to submit your request, attach reference photos, etc.
Base prices will be listed but there will be a spot to enter higher offers; no guarantee but it might give your submission a higher chance of being selected if I have several that I really want to make.
No IP or licensed work. Only real animals or original characters/species you own.
Unfortunately I will probably only open within the US at first due to international shipping headaches. But I will still consider some countries on a case-by-case basis. (I'm only a part-time artist; my full-time job eats my brain so not much is left for international law nonsense.)
From the submitted requests, I'll choose 1-3 requests that use patterns I've already designed that I am interested in making. (All available designs will be listed on the Google Form for reference.)
I may take 1 request for a new pattern which will have a much longer turn-around time and higher price. FYI I probably won't take original species or unique character builds unless the offer is high since I won't have much (if any) other use for that pattern.
I'll email those I've selected and confirm design and price.
Via PayPal invoice.
Generic animals or non-OC designs can be paid after it's made. Earlier payment accepted of course. If you have to back out I can still easily refund and sell it as a premade.
OCs/OS's: must be paid in full up front, no returns or refunds once completed and only partial refunds once work has started unless we agree on reasonable design modifications for public sale (NOT guaranteed).
Payment plans accepted, but shipping (for generic) or work (originals) is held until full payment is complete. No longer than 90 days.
All communications will go through email. It must be the email connected to your PayPal. Social media isn't reliable and things get easily buried, so no DMs.
Commissions will be added to my Trello. I love updating it so it'll be an easy place to check on status.
Because art is a part-time thing after my full-time job, progress will be slow. While I plan to punch out commissions in a row, it still may take a few months to get through all of them. I'll send out email updates every couple weeks, and more often once I begin work on your commission.
Progress will also be posted to my social media sites. You can choose whether you want to be tagged or anonymous.
Ghosting for over a set number of days (such as 7 days for selection confirmation/questions/approvals, or 30 for invoicing, etc.) will have the commission dropped and refunds issued as described above. (Unless pre-warned, like if you're going on vacation or something.)
All of this will be posted again before my openings. I'll also post the full terms and policies closer to opening. I just wanted to give a general idea of what to expect since I've been getting some inquiries.
There will also be premades available through various means (shop, auction, etc.) which I'll share once closer.
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
Hello hello!  The name’s Tulsa and I’m 25 years old and searching for some new writing partners!  I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well.  As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends.  I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time. 
  Just a few quick rules that are important are as follows: 
  All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance.  I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal.  I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs.  Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
  Onto what I’m looking for would be someone willing to play M fandom characters against my F ones in romantic and angsty pairings!  Below you’ll find the list of pairings I’m currently looking for :).
  Derek Hale x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
  Kol Mikaelson x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
  Loki Laufeyson x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
  Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon - AHS: Murder House
  Billy Hargrove x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
  Spencer Reid x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
  Draco Malfoy x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
  Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  The following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all!
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darkrpfinders · 2 months
Hello hello! The name’s Tulsa and I’m 25 years old and searching for some new writing partners! I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well. As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends. I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time.
Just a few quick rules that are important are as follows:
All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance. I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal. I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs. Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
Onto what I’m looking for would be someone willing to play M fandom characters against my F ones in romantic and angsty pairings! Below you’ll find the list of pairings I’m currently looking for :).
Derek Hale x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
Kol Mikaelson x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
Loki Laufeyson x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon - AHS: Murder House
Billy Hargrove x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
Spencer Reid x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
Draco Malfoy x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. The following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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livewiregoth · 3 months
Tamagotchi Ps Places Part2
Here's part 2 of my Tamagotchi Ps places, part 1 has info at the beginning if you're curious about what's going on.
Once again mentioning how many tamatomo* are needed & will mention changes cause of Mr.Blinky's English patch too.
*4 puzzle pieces gotten by 1 tamagotchi each time you use their favorite items for the first time then 48 hours making 1 tamatomo
Part 1 | You are here | Part 3(Part A)(Part B)(Part C)
Keep reading added due to it getting long
This post talks about dream beach & wishing fountain
Dream Beach
Here's the dream beach or beach as the patch calls it. You need 10 tamatomo for this.
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I forgot that this is one of the only places besides eco town or have Yumemitchi(who rides a limo everywhere) were you ride a vehicle. You're on an interesting looking bus to get here.
When you get here you'll play a mini game were you race to the flag(spam the A button for a certain amount of time when everyone starts running) & at the end you get a random item.
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You will get either a hanabi set*, a beach ball or watermelon
*I only went to the beach twice & didn't get this, looking around hanabi means fireworks which means you're either getting sparklers since those look like mini fireworks or you're getting a fireworks kit to setup fireworks
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I show the watermelon at the top(it's in your fridge) & here's the beach ball which I've had for a while. It's a recolor of the ball you can get from the store/Tama Depa(shown below) but it's still really nice.
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Wishing Fountain
Here's the wishing fountain or the fountain as the patch calls it due to limitations. You need 15 tamatomo to unlock this.
You end up at a hidden away cave were a fountain is & a character called Yumegamitchi shows up.
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You can toss some gotchi points in if you want
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According to the wiki this changes your tama's personality, I'm guessing they mean the personality traits you get depending on what your tama eats/plays with & is needed to get certain characters when you're raising kids/teens.
The page for Yumegamitchi mentions that sometimes instead of changing your tama's personality you can toss an item in & she'll fish two items out of her fountain. If you choose the item you tossed in you supposedly get a reward. I only went here once so don't know how this works.
I'm at work so can't try this out but I will update this post when I get home & test some things out.
I think I have room for the last one but I'm not sure so one last post for locations will be made.
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