#this is HILARIOUS to me because i was JUST talking with tk
swordsmans · 1 year
I am very, very curious about your opinions on ZoSanLu or ZoLawLu 👀
omg this is a deeply loaded question... partially because i have very specific dynamics that i like(???) for these ships that--now that i think about it, are actually the same dynamic. just.... zolu + a third pathetic man in love with luffy, basically. i don't really vibe with zosan in any serious shipping context, but i do love one-sided sanlu purely for the melodramatic potential of the world's most depressed rat pining after the monkey d. luffy. zolawlu has similar a foundation imo (zolu + loser), but i also could see that ship working as like a... friends with benefits thing. the in-universe politics of two captains in an actual relationship still makes lawlu pretty unbelievable for me, but again... one-sided pining? i'm absolutely here for that. i eat that shit up. my fave. incidentally, this is also the worst (funniest) possible context for sanlaw to happen. real pathetic4pathetic energy from two guys desperate for someone brilliant and unattainable.
in my beautiful world, everyone is a little bit in love with luffy and also a little bit heartbroken that he's sharing a brain with zoro 24/7. pretty much everything else revolves around that lol.
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How I Would Change 4x03
4x03 is my least favorite Lone Star episode. I struggle to enjoy any part of it because I think there were so many odd choices made, including places where, to me, Carlos seems wildly out of character. However, I don't think it's completely unsalvageable. In fact, I think the overall storyline is fine and some little adjustments would improve things immensely.
Here are the FOUR THINGS I would change about 4x03:
1.Give more context for why Carlos is upset
I think it makes a lot of sense for Carlos to be feeling intensely guilty about Iris in this episode. Presumably the main reason that Carlos went so long without contacting Iris was because he was afraid of upsetting her or setting back her progress. Then, when he finally does come back into her life, it's not for her benefit or to rekindle their friendship or to check up on her. Instead, it's because he needs something from her. Then, almost immediately, Iris goes missing again and is in danger. Carlos canonically blames himself for everything, so of course he would blame himself for this!
In that context, I can better understand why Carlos would react the way he did when he finds out that TK went to see Iris and potentially upset her enough to cause her to go missing again. But also, TK only did it because of Carlos' own failure to deal with the situation, and I think that's something Carlos would recognize. I think it makes sense for Carlos to be mostly angry with himself and feeling a lot of guilt, even though that may take the form of him lashing out a little at TK in a moment where he is very upset. Ultimately, I think it would have helped this episode out a lot if there had been a moment or two where it is made clear that Carlos is mostly angry at himself.
2. Fix Carlos in the cliff rescue scene
The cliff rescue scene, despite the hilarious moment of sex doll CPR, remains my absolute least favorite scene of the series. First, I hate the way Carlos uses his cop authority to intimidate a mentally ill man. To fix this, I would simply have the detective stop Carlos before he can really approach the man. She could tell Carlos that he's too close to the situation and to leave it to her.
Then I would also fix the way Carlos treats TK here. This is the most out of character moment to me. I understand that Carlos is very upset in this scene and thinking that Iris might be dead. It makes sense that he would be distant from TK. I'm ok with that. But when Carlos says the "can't let go of a bad relationship" line...I just hate it so much. Is Carlos supposed to be implying that his relationship with TK is a "bad relationship" here? If so, I do not for a second believe he really thinks that. Instead, he's just saying it to be a jerk to TK, which I do not like. TK is upset enough as it is! And I really don't think Carlos would act like that. Or is Carlos somehow talking about his relationship with Iris? That also doesn't make sense to me. At this moment, he thinks Iris might be dead. I don't think he'd reduce their history down to a "bad relationship." Ultimately, that line is terrible and confusing and I reject it. So what I would do with this scene would be to have Carlos just say nothing. He can be upset and anxious about Iris and distant from TK. That's enough.
3. Make the scene with Iris in the ambulance way less weird
I find this scene after Iris is rescued to be so strange. I think it's the lingering shots and the awkwardness, but I don't fully understand how I'm supposed to interpret what's going on. Is Carlos still really angry at TK? If so, why? It's clear now that someone abducted Iris and that TK wasn't the reason she went missing (and Carlos has not yet been given reason to doubt Iris's story). Is TK supposed to be jealous of Iris and Carlos? I'm not sure if that's what they're meaning to convey here, but the looks shared and the awkwardness just make it weird. Also, when Carlos tells Iris to "breathe," is that supposed to be a Tarlos Push reference? I don't think it was actually intended to be one, but I've seen many people interpret it that way.
To fix this scene, I would just remove the weird lingering awkwardness. Maybe let TK and Carlos share a worried look. Do they really need to be completely at odds here? I know they wanted to build the tension and raise the stakes for Carlos going missing in the next episode, but I truly don't feel like that was even necessary. The stakes are plenty high! And take out the "breathe" line...it's just confusing.
4. Have Carlos apologize (or at least start to apologize) during his phone call with TK
Finally, I think something that would go a long way towards improving the way I feel about this episode would be a bit of an apology to TK from Carlos. I already imagine all sorts of off-screen apologies happening in these first few season 4 episodes, but it would be so nice to actually see one! Even just a part of one! Maybe at the start of their phone conversation at the end of the episode. At this point, Carlos fully believes Iris, so he knows that TK wasn't the reason she went missing. He has absolutely no reason to still be mad at TK. He has also had enough time to reflect on his behavior and on how hurt and guilty TK is probably still feeling. Sure, Carlos has a lot of other things on his mind, including the stupid thing he's about to go do, but I think at least the beginning of an apology would fit into the phone call. Maybe TK would even cut him off and tell him he doesn't need to apologize. Ultimately, just the recognition from Carlos that he has something to apologize for here would do wonders for me.
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she-walked-away · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday Monday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
It took me nearly a week to get to it, but thanks Anne @thisbuildinghasfeelings for tagging me!!!
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
Funnily enough, I was watching the Super Bowl in 2020 and was folding laundry when they showed a promo from Lone Star and it was the part where they were talking to the old lady and I heard "Sure ma'am but just so you know I'm a homosexual" and I looked up because that was VERY random for a commercial to say and I the rest of the scene aired and I thought it was one of the best things I've ever seen lmao.
I actually did not start watching the show until 1x08 when TK got shot and I was HOOKED. I remember having to miss the season 1 finale to go to the grocery and checking my twitter account to see if Tarlos got together in the end ajkdhafdas
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3!
I'll never forget the EXPERIENCE that Push was. I was on a whole rollercoaster of emotions and I remember watching the TK waking up and Grace giving birth montage live and when it went off, my husband sitting behind me and very quietly going "whoa." We were both SHOOK. And then the proposal happened in 3x18 and I slunk off my couch because I was dying happily.
I think my rank is 3, 4 bc of the wedding and SOULMATES!!!, 2, and then 1. I really did like season 2 but you can tell Tim kind of bum rushed the ending dalkhdf
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
TK and Carlos will always be number one and I cannot pick a favorite between them. They're both so complex and interesting.
I think my second favorite has got to be Tommy. She always just *fit* in the show better than Michelle and I think she's hilarious and smart and her friendship with Grace and Judd are my favorites. Plus, I love how she and Owen play off each other.
Top five episodes. Go!
Push - nothing will ever top this I'm afraid
Bad Call
Saving Grace
In Sickness and Health
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
After season 4- I kind of NEED a Carlos one. I always want one and I think we learned a lot about him last season, but 4x18 opened a lot more questions about his childhood for me. Especially since he genuinely doesn't seem to remember a lot of the good times with his dad and it makes me curious if there is some underlying reason why other than just distance as he grew up.
But also NANCY. What is her backstory?? Her dad told her to start saving when she was little and she has thousands of dollars that she can lend out?? I want to know if there is more to it! And how did she get her start? Was she with the original 126 paramedic squad?
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Obviously Gabriel's murder being solved and it would be great if Tarlos did it TOGETHER. And if one of them is in dangerous peril at the same time in front of the other- would not complain. I'm all for a "being threated and stalked" kind of storyline- I was thinking of along the lines of The Watcher by @ladytessa74 I want to be scared!! And to watch them be scared and IN LOVE AND A TEAM
I saw this earlier, but an episode from like B-shifts POV. You know that Owen and the firefam respond to the most INSANE calls, so I want to see what B shift and Captain Harper's POV is towards A shift. I think it would be hilarious.
Also- give me some silliness within the Catan Crew. Like maybe someone gets a little TOO into a game and then we have an episode of them all pranking each other or a little funny divide- similar to 4x16, but without them actually fighting.
What do you think is going on in this still?
It's Ghost face from Scream asking Carlos what his favorite scary movies are
I think it's either about Gabriel's murder or them finding out that Robert is dead. Rob Lowe said we'd see part of that day so I wonder if we will see the aftermath since I don't think Robert necessarily died within a week after the wedding.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I think it could DEF be some *spicy* shower sex. If TK get's injured in 504, Carlos should help make him feel all nice and healed in the SHOWER
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I think somewhere in Texas like Galveston. It's not too far away, but I think it's far enough to where TK and Carlos would feel okay leaving both their parents for a short trip. I headcanon that they spent A LOT of money on a quick 8 week wedding *cries in timeline* and so they'd have to save up for a bigger and longer honeymoon.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I HAVE SO MANY SO I AM SO SORRY IF I FORGET TO MENTION. It's hard to me to count my favorite stories beacuse I think this fandom has so many. I usually put them on my kindle when I'm traveling so I can reread on a long road trip and read in between the Pluto TV commercials during my long treadmill runs.
I just found my password for Ao3 that i created in 2015 (i was a fanfiction.net OG and live journal girly lol really dating myself) so I am currently making my way through reviewing @welcometololaland's ALTA and I have so many other ones to review as well! @strandnreyes, @reyesstrand, @paperstorm, @carlos-in-glasses, @ladytessa74, @rmd-writes , @goodways, @heartstringsduet , @liminalmemories21 , @lemonlyman-dotcom and literally so many more. I love going back and rereading fics on my work breaks now I'm back from leave and now that I have my password back, I plan on continuing that!!
I love gifsets by @guardian-angle22, @lutavero, @reasonandfaithinharmony, and more!
Also Anne's @thisbuildinghasfeelings cross-stitch!! Literally SO FREAKING COOL.
If I forgot you, I am so sorry. But if you write or make art or anything else in this fandom- just know that I am obsessed with everything you do :) I've just been silently stalking this fandom since like 2020
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come-see-our-show · 2 years
Now that it’s been a week since I've watched Roald Dahl's Matilda: The Musical, here are all my thoughts (as someone who loves the musical and played Bruce once):
The cast was INCREDIBLE!! Emma Thompson was terrifying! Stephen Graham and Andrea Riseborough were hilarious! Lashana Lynch was so endearing! AND I WANNA SEE ALISHA WEIR IN MORE STUFF BECAUSE SHE ATE IT UP
I want to give credit to the makeup team for Trunchbull's makeup because even though I knew it was Emma Thompson, they did such a good job of realistically transforming her into someone else. Her appearance wasn't a joke in the same way that it is in the musical. Her character in the stage version is definitely pretty misogynistic and transphobic because they play into her masculinity by having a man play her. Here, it's just a way of adding to her character, but it isn't what makes her scary.
All of the changes worked so well in adapting it for the screen. It wasn't just a copy-paste (couch cough everybody's talking about jamie) Examples of the changes that really worked:
Getting rid of Michael Wormwood. It makes sense since the Wormwoods clearly hate kids.
Giving Lavender a pet newt (very Chekhov's Guncore)
Including telekinesis throughout the whole story instead of just showing it a few times in the 3rd act. This includes Nigel asking Matilda if she has TK, Matilda messing with the doors in the cake scene, exploding the chokey, THE FUCKING CHAINS
Having the Spain news earlier in the story, causing a catalyst of events. Matilda is enraged, she sings I'm Here, she explodes the chokey (which was BONE-CHILLING), it gives Trunchbull a reason to make more chokies, and now Matilda is so emotional that she can take her powers to the extreme with the chalkboard and the chains and throwing Trunchbull out the window. All of this gave much better pacing in the story and made it all connected.
Having more scenes outside of the classroom (the cake scene and The Smell of Rebellion) and putting Ms. Phelps' library in her car. It's quirky and also gives them an excuse to put the storytelling scenes in pretty locations.
Giving Ms Honey a bike while her co-worker had a car, foreshadowing her being poor.
Putting Matilda's bedroom in the attic made so much sense because the Wormwoods obviously did the bare minimum for their child.
The students' drawings in Ms Honey's cottage
All of the kids were so adorable (and ridiculously talented!)
The storytelling sequences!!! Interweaving it with the real world worked so well, like Matilda making it a real story for school but also clearly using it to cope. And putting them in a real circus made me more empathy for the Honeys, which lacked in the stage version because it always felt very thrown-in to me. Like, I genuinely got nervous during the stunt with the dynamite. It also made "I'm Here" even more emotional. Carl Spencer was amazing as Magnus and I teared up a bit. Also the parallels of I'm Here vs My House, helping Matilda put the pieces together.
The new song wasn't my favorite but it was a really nice finishing touch. Even though the circus at the school didn't logically make sense it was so fun
The only things I disliked: I wanted more of the already incredible stuff. More of the Wormwoods, who were absolutely hilarious, especially Mrs Wormwood. I really missed "Loud" (though removing it helped with the pacing). I wanted a bit more of Bruce (they didn’t give him the high note in Revolting Children 😭), and I would've liked Ms Honey to be a bit more affectionate with Matilda.
Anywho I want snort this movie like cocaine
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 months
The Notorious C-I-G
💌 🍄 📚 🏜️ 🐝 (you don’t have to answer this one if you don’t want, I already know it’s me 🤭)
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?
Darn you for making me look! 248!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Answered this one here and here but here is another: After Andrea met TK and really started opening up her heart and mind to Carlos being gay and in love with another man, she began seeking out queer art, books, shows, so she could learn more about the community her son is a part of. Carlos recommends and lends her things! I touch on this in my fic Wrestling Angels.
📚 ⇢ what’s the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
I didn't have to say anything. He knew I was shaking.
🏜️ ⇢ what’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love it when an aspect or overall theme leads a reader to discuss something and it gets a bit more personal and chatty. Fire Island and Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines led to comments in which people shared their memories and feelings about the AIDS crisis and about 9/11 respectively. I guess it makes it seem like the fic has a bit more 'social impact' in a way. It's quite amazing when that happens.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Haha @lemonlyman-dotcom... right? You have been so supportive and friendly from the beginning - the beginning being pre-tumblr when you were leaving such lovely comments on my fics. When I saw you'd set up your tumblr I was so happy to be able to interact with you on here too. And now look!
And @thisbuildinghasfeelings - you were one of the first people I spoke to on here and your kindness and enthusiasm not just towards my writing is just incredible and I feel very lucky you're here.
@heartstringsduet your comment on Afterglow of a Supernova basically changed my life in that it made me instantly more confident in my writing, like it represented a turning point in how I felt about it, and you've always been in my corner. And you've made art for my fics???!!!
@goodways you have been so lovely about my fics I feel like I can never thank you enough and your comments always make me laugh and make me think. Your feedback always means the world to me.
@herefortarlos your enthusiasm for my fics, all fics and this fandom is a thing of beauty and so inspiring.
@welcometololaland you were one of the first people to ever tag me in anything and I remember it vividly because I couldn't believe it haha. Your comments are always so hilarious and make me feel like I've done something right, and without you I wouldn't have written I Was Thinking About Your Mouth, so I am forever grateful for that and for you being such a good sounding board when I complain about work!
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut mate, you are divine and the fact that you spend any time beta'ing my fics when they are still kinda hot messes is wild to me. Thank you as well for your kindness and generosity!
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad you are a delight and your comments are like a balm to my soul!
@reyesstrand Also from really early on you were leaving such encouraging comments on my fics and including me in WIP tags and things and I'm so grateful and forever awestruck.
@paperstorm I always cherish in particular how incredible you were about Fire Island (and When Soulmates Swim recently!), and how you helped so much in my hour of need when the whole scary situation around Afterglow of a Supernova happened. Thank you!
There are other people too of course but I worry I'm banging on a bit too much like I'm at the Oscars and the music is going to play over me talking so I just want to wrap up by saying thank you to everyone who has read my fics and commented and left kudos - I've said it before and I'll say it again, it really does blow me away that you're giving your precious free time to my stories in that way.
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Ep. 12 "Juggernaut" Review
This episode was certainly fast paced. I wished it was a teensy bit longer because I want more of my boys. That being said, the juggernaut sequences were absolutely fantastic. Everything from Hunter's crazy maneuvers to the TK troopers actually being competent were phenomenal. I loved seeing the crazy ride that our boys took as they raced against the Empire's forces and the lack of road. It reminded me of the tank chase in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Thankfully, both Indy and the Batch make it out (thank you Phee).
Also, shoutout to that one Steve Blum voice cameo for random imperial. He's awesome.
As usual, spoilers below
My discord friend and I both theorized that Rampart would return as a prisoner with information and boy, were we right. I'm just gonna say it, Rampart is hot with the scruffy look. Yes, I still hate his guts and he's still an ahole. But I have a thing for the scruffy look. This is because James Norrington was one of my crushes in Pirates of the Caribbean. I don't make the rules, ok?
Ngl, it was cool to see him return. Prison hasn't been kind to him, but it's clear he hasn't changed one bit. He might give up info out of spite, but his views on others he perceives as lesser haven't changed. I wasn't surprised when he had no clue what an Ugnaught was nor when he referred to Crosshair by his number. Unlike Kallus or Cross, who both learned from their mistakes (and obviously had honor), Rampart remains greedy. Although he offers information, he could sell the Batch out in exchange for freedom. We'll see how well that goes. Crosshair was right to be wary.
Side note: seeing Rampart being thrown around like luggage when he was stunned was hilarious. He deserved it though.
Speaking of Cross, his snark was golden. You tell them Cross. Snark aside, Crosshair is not ok. Even mentioning Tantiss is a trigger for him. He doesn't want to go back nor think about anything related to the place. But we all know he will because Omega needs him. She saved his life and he loves her dearly. But I'm glad Hunter and Wrecker didn't hold it against him. Although, I wished we got more dialogue on that whole situation. At least both of his brothers know that Cross didn't hand her over willingly or what not. And Cross trusts that Omega's choice wasn't without reason. Also, Cross' theme kicks in after his hand starts trembling and he needs a hug. He's been through so much.
The interaction with Phee was also really sweet. Crosshair finally got to hear the iconic "Brown Eyes." And the fact that Tech clearly talked about Crosshair in a positive light to Phee makes my heart melt. Tech doesn't know how much Crosshair has changed, but that love he had for him never went away. I am in tears. I also have no doubt that Tech would be impressed with Phee's stealthy drop off of the boys.
Something else I enjoyed was seeing the brothers work together like to good ol' days. It really reminded me of the earlier seasons and CW and just how much I missed it. Season 3 has been so heavy and dark that moments like these make me happy. Cross and Wrecker using battle plans while Hunter drives was so much fun to watch.
And then there's Hemlock. I can't wait for him to fall off Tantiss and die. He's so creepy and gross. I cringe whenever I see his stupid face. The way he showed Omega the children and was like "this is your new home" just made me want to hate him more.
And Emerie! She feels so trapped between her duties and affection for Omega. But she will choose a side in the end and I have a feeling it'll be Omega. My theory is that Omega will encourage her to help her and the children escape. Emerie will provide assistance and probably be killed by Hemlock.
someone please tell me how Echo is doing off screen. I love you sweet Echo; just stay off screen and you'll be safe. but also come back bc i miss your presence
Anyways, that's all for now. We're in the endgame now fellas. 3 more episodes. I will post some theories. Until next time, take care!
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paperstorm · 4 months
there are some rumours going around that we're going to see enzo in the new season bc one of the guest stars in the new season is playing a character named enzo and there is a chance that it's going to be some random dude who says one sentence and is gone again but if its really THE enzo and they actually remembered his existence what do you think could the storyline be? 🤔 the whole talk about tarlos' story this season being a rollercoaster makes me think maybe the fanfiction idea that some had where either something happens with enzo or he has some project and needs someone to take care of jonah for a bit and asks tk to do it might be a thing? bc carlos obviously said he doesn't think he wants kids so them being asked to care of a kid would be a challenge for the couple plus ronen said in a recent interview again that he would love for them to have a kid plus rafa said that a storyline is happening that he is excited for and even though it could be carlos finally dying (just kidding) if i remember correctly rafa actually once said that he would love to see them have a kid (that was before carlos said he doesn't think he wants kids) so...a lot of thoughts happening here right now. but i really would love to see enzo and see his dynamic with tk but also with owen. i feel like that could be hilarious.
If it's true I am SO excited to meet Enzo and potentially Jonah, almost just entirely for the proof that the writers/Tim haven't forgotten they exist 😂 I don't need them to become super big characters who come back all the time but just give us SOME indication that TK hasn't completely abandoned the little baby brother he was so concerned about in 3x08 and then never mentioned again lmao. I hope we do get to meet them.
But tbh I have to say as much as I am usually on board for whatever this crazy show wants to do, one thing I would absolutely hate to see happen is a kid being forced on Tarlos by some kind of circumstance. Idk I think truly I would just hate that, I guess it would depend on how it was done but. The way that discussion was handled in season 4 I thought was so good, I despise plotlines like the one in Brooklyn 99 where Jake had valid reasons to not want to be a father and then was essentially shamed into it. Carlos's choice to not want to have kids is SO valid and I want it to be treated as valid. Even if he does change his mind later, I want it to be because he has actually changed his mind, not because he's pressured into it or does it to make someone else happy or a kid is forced on him by circumstance. The idea that you have to be a parent to be a whole person is so toxic and heteronormative even when we're talking about queer people, and there are so many humans in this world who only exist because their parents felt societally pressured and then weren't good parents because they never wanted to be in the first place. Idk I do kind of assume that if we get more seasons they will have kids at some point just because that's the world we live in. But I just want Carlos's feelings and choices to be respected, and I feel like forcing Jonah on him is the exact opposite of the writers respecting his very valid feelings.
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xolliwritez · 2 years
hiiii natalie<3 could you write something for lee!rui and ler!tsukasa? i love them so much and i love your writing style! could it be maybe where rui is playing the villain in a performance, and tsukasa (the hero) takes him down with tickles? i think that’d be so cute!! love uuu
Knight in Shining Armour || PjSekai Tk Fic
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A/N: hello lynn!! it's such an honor to write for you!! it's all over the place but still, i really hope this fic is to your liking!! enjoy!!
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"Aha! You dare defy me, the 'grand scheme' you're blubbering all about is outrageously offensive to me!" Rui had scoffed, placing his gloved hand against his chest. He was currently playing as the villain in this play they were doing, and he was absolutely thrilled to finally be the villain again. Tsukasa, being the lovely theater boy the whole world knew, had planned out this play, it was an old western one, which was out of his style, but they agreed nonetheless. Rui was excited to finally be the bad guy, and also because he could be a little silly too, and Tsukasa had chose to be the Sheriff.
"You had snuck inside in that horrendous disguise, it's absolutely tacky!" Tsukasa had pointed towards the long dress, the wig and heels he had to use as his 'cover', in all fairness, it was rather hilarious to see Rui in such an attire, but he shook off the memory. "Anywho - confess, or I'll have to resort to drastic measures to make. you. talk." He inched closer to his face with each second, he couldn't help the urge to kiss this smug man right infront of him, but he simply resisted for practice was more important than that right now.
... That was until Rui had gone off the script, "Do whatever you like, sheriff, I won't talk unless I get a kiss." Teased the purple haired male, laughing at the red colour that took over Tsukasa's face, his movements completely all over the place, as he went to go grab the hem of his shirt, he had, by a long shot, missed and hooked his hand under his arm, making the other gasp and straighten, his cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk. Tsukasa's look was completely puzzled at first, and the fact ge was clueless only made Rui whine as Tsukasa's finger's twitched there out of curiosity, piecing everything he had gathered from his movement's and expressions, before a sly look took over.
"Oh really? You never told me you were ticklish, huh there, criminal?" He chuckled as Rui simply gasped and whimpered as Tsukasa's fingers came down to his side's, sliding painfully slowly down his ribs as they made their way, before digging his thumbs into the area just under his ribs and above his side's, making him arch as he tried to dig his heels against the ground to try and resist the urge to laugh.
"Come on, criminal, you know you're going to crack eventually!" He poked at his tummy, making him gasp out breathy giggles, Tsukasa had been rating how bad each spot was in his mind, as he saw his reactions, he made out in his mind that this must be, at least one, of his worst spots. He scribbled gently against the area, unable to help but laugh along with Rui as he cracked, "Ah!? Ahahah! T-Tsuhukaha-" He was cut off by a shriek as Tsukasa switched to making his other hand focus on his hip, watching him thrash as he squeezed there, "I don't know who Tsukasa is, but he sounds like a nice, lovely guy who'd do anything to keep his love smiling forever." He grinned as Rui's face flushed a bit more.
"Well then? Are you just going to laugh at me or will you spill?" He acted as if this was all in the script, which only made Rui more flustered, "PUAHAH!? NO! NEHE- EHEP! NEHEVER!" Tsukasa couldn't help but almost weep in awe as Rui's famous laughing hiccups appeared, his airy laughter being mixed with his cute hiccups only made Tsukasa want to continue this furthermore, so, he did. He reached down and gently dragged his fingertips at his calves, a spot no one else knew about except for Tsukasa himself, and he loved to see him like this each time. He glanced up at this 'villain' and had been in almost a trance as the other's eye's squinted shut, his leg quivering as he did his best to not move, as this was also somewhat a comfort spot for him, the way he whimpered and hiccuped between each laugh could put anyone in a hypnotic state.
"IHI'LL TAHALK, SHEHEHERIFF!" He threw his head back, his voice breaking a bit, which was Tsukasa's time to stop, and he did as he got up and pulled Rui immediately into a passionate kiss, the hiccups and giggles always made it all the more sweeter and more enjoyable, in Tsukasa's point of view.
"I have to change some of the lines, that was rather fun." He said as he helped clean him up, going to grab him some apple juice, the other favoured the taste of it as he quickly gulped it down, punching Tsukasa on the shoulder, "That's for screwing with me, bully!" He huffed playfully, making the other laugh as he rubbed his arm.
Changes will be made, alright.
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dilf-in-peril · 10 months
⭐⭐⭐ if you’re still doing the thing
Sure! So let's talk about "Lip Service", my least popular Punk fic. I really don't understand what's so unappealing about TK licking Punk's feet and all of that interwoven with shoot drama? Weird...
I wrote this because I wanted to try something new and out of my comfort zone for kinktober and because we were talking about Punk's amazing wikifeet rating for some reason... don't even recall how we got there?? Also because I think diva Punk having TK pussy-whipped while also being completely repulsed by him is just fucking hilarious. Absolutely no basis in reality of course.
In general I really like writing femdom tropes with men because it's just hotter to me than the usual "I am stronger than you and therefore you must follow thine nature and receive mine penis" you often get with maledom content. But the guy has to be pretty too. Anyway, I've said too much.
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sheinthatfandom · 4 months
It’s Double or Nothing weekend and you know what that means……. MY PPV HOPES AND PREDICTIONS!!!! Cause you know I’m super fair impartial and unbiased just like our wonderful EVPs😇
Under the cut cause it’s a lot
Yellow is who I want green is who I think will be booked to win
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Now for the buy in they only added this photo
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Which is beautiful and Imma share it so
Thunder Vs Deonna: I got no clue honestly. I’ve missed the build up to this. If this is an ongoing feud give it to deonna with shenanigans if this is gonna pave the way for a title end run than give it to thunder
Orange vs Trent: I want orange to win he’s lost everything in his mind doesn’t see that he still has people around him who cares to him he lost Chuck and so he’s lost it all. This is his widowers arc and with callis pushing him a win can make Don act as though he’s the reason for the win and get in oranges head even more. Trent has been winning and this could be another mail in the pushing Trent coffin to aim him toward eventual gold.
Iwgp championship- Mox vs takesita: I do not know the new Japan rules I know many fans are angry but I also know many fans just hate aew so I can not take what’s said in good faith. Also kayfabe is still alive and well so even the stuff wrestlers say I’m like…. Your company did this books this and signs off on it so I’m gonna assume this is kayfabe world building. That said this isn’t for the belt but for a future opportunity for it against whoever is champion after moxs next title defense. So I’d love for it to be Takeshita one the loss won’t hurt mox 2 Takeshita was with ddt not new Japan but callis was and possible is still working with new Japan so more possible story lines and opens up konosuke to start feuding with new Japan guys who are now angry at this opportunity and give him feuds for forbidden door and rebuild him as a powerhouse for when he gets aew gold.
Aew/roh tríos championship- Bang bang gang va death triangle: I know I know okay aew loves death triangle lenta and fénix are an incredible team and pac is a beloved monster I get that. I see the vision aew wants me to see BUT bang bang gang is fun and they’re my silly little gremlin guys and they just beat the acclaimed to get all these belts and now they use the little wagon to wheel it all down to the ring it’s hilarious it’s fun and I need more fun in my wrestling. Plus the boys are doing so well in their promos now like no let them keep cooking. They can even win by shenanigans I’m FINE with that. In fact I’d prefer it. Let my goofy guys win PLEASE.
Ftw championship- Hook vs Chris vs shibata: I want shibata but wil also take hook. I hate that an I hate the learning tree gimmick he needs to go home for 6 months and give me a fucking break. Shibata should never lose he is literally THAT wrestler THAT mf! Matter fact let Joe interrupt and take the Ftw belt. Now no one gets it.
Tnt championship- cope vs black: between the misting the blood cope becoming more and more unhinged he’s gonna win this and idk if he’ll join job/take it over if black doesn’t resign OR and this is my hope he makes his own spooky group pr does his own spooky thing and be a fucking nightmare to the “normal people” roster and the house can win just by him and his spooky existing again kinda like skye
Aew international championship: strong vs Ospreay: did you see that promo? The only way he doesn’t win (and I say this because I am traumatized by the fed) is if it’s to punish him for talking bout/defending ricochet. But tk has never given me a reason to think he’s that damn petty and if anything he’s proven unable to pivot from his original plans.
Aew women’s world championship- Toni vs deeb: she’s got no character, she’s wishy washy on the character she does have, she has no crowd support, she’s got no charisma, and every time she mentions having a fucking dojo I fear what her husband is doing to any young girls she brings around him. This Toni’s it’s not even a question. And instead of these useless boring feuds they need to bring back Toni’s movies and build Mariah up as a serious contender if we really aren’t gonna have hayter come back before all out. And build up both thunder and deonna over again and show them on dynamite and collision cause I don’t watch rampage. Also it’s the women’s world championship and it’s not even in the triple main events
Anarchy in the arena- elite vs team aew? I see the vision I know what they were going for I appreciate the Jackson’s and tk for always trying to see the best in people but the moment ftr was the chosen first members of team aew they lost me. They got me back with Bryan (creator of bcc and part of the committee who freed up from the punk fuckery) and then eddie ( who I wonder if he actually knows wrestling isn’t real sometimes) but now idk someone said if Andrade and Cody were available they woulda been added to team aew and honestly I see it. The legitimacy lost with ftr is staggering. It’s probably gonna be ftr but I really hope the elite win and clean that loss from all out.
Tbs championship- willow vs mone: I get it Mercedes is the bigger star hell she’s one of the biggest stars in the world so why wouldn’t you put the belt on her? Especially the tv title and have her on screens every week and too busy to go after the main title. But… I like willow better and I’d like for her to be able to say to Mercedes I beat you twice now bitch and stokely to try and do the nana dance before kris hits her with the belt. And then Mercedes can go be ceo with the elite.
Aew world championship- swerve vs Christian: my champion is black and that ain’t changing!
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Missing Moments I Want to Know About in 1x09/1x10
The show leaves us to fill in a lot of blanks for TK and Carlos during season 1. I always want to know more, but I think the blanks I want filled in most are the ones that occur in 1x09 and 1x10. Here are the ones I think about the most:
1.How does Carlos find out that TK is awake?
Does he find out through the first responder grapevine that the firefighter who was shot is going to be ok? Does someone from the 126 (Paul maybe?) call him? Does TK call or text him himself?
If I had to guess, I'd go with Paul letting Carlos know. Maybe before Carlos leaves the hospital he gives Paul his number and asks him to update him if anything happens.
2. What is TK told about Carlos after he wakes up and how does he feel about it?
We see TK's reaction to Owen asking about how long he's "been seeing the cop," but we don't see any further than that. I think TK can assume from Owen's comment that Carlos was at the hospital...otherwise how would Owen know about them? But does anyone say anything more to TK? Does Owen/Paul/Marjan/Mateo/Judd mention how upset and worried Carlos was or ask TK if he wants them to call Carlos to let him know he's ok? How does TK feel once it sinks in that Carlos, his "boyfriend who he doesn't even really know is his boyfriend boyfriend" was sitting by his hospital bed?
I see TK in this post-coma moment as being very much in crisis, and not just about the question of his relationship with Carlos. TK feels lost and confused about where his place is and what he wants to do with his life. I like to believe (though we don't actually have much evidence of this since there's no Tarlos interaction between 1x05 and 1x10) that TK was starting to come around and let his walls down a bit more in the time leading up to him getting shot, but then, post-coma, his crisis makes him take a step back from all that until he figures out where he's supposed to be. I think TK probably felt things when he found out that Carlos sat by his hospital bed, but I think he shoved those feelings down while he dealt with the crisis at hand.
3. What led them to the juice bar in 1x10 and how did they both see the situation at the time?
Whose idea was it to go there? Did TK call or text Carlos or was it the other way around? Had they been texting or talking back and forth at all since TK woke up or was this their first contact? What was said in the conversation that led them there? What were their expectations?
TK seems to be the one most passionate about boba so that makes me think he chose where to go. Or maybe it was a place they were planning on going together before he got shot, like TK had mentioned it in passing weeks ago and Carlos remembered and suggested that as the place they could go.
I wonder if TK thought from the beginning that he'd be essentially breaking things off with Carlos. Perhaps that perceived inevitability was why he filibustered a solid 6 minutes on boba? I get the impression that they both knew there would be a conversation about their relationship because when Carlos brought up the "elephant in the juice bar," TK immediately knew what he meant. Also, in hindsight, it is HILARIOUS that Carlos calls TK out here for avoiding talking about something. Oh, Carlos.
Side note: I wonder what Carlos' reaction would have been if TK had said that he liked Carlos and wanted to continue hooking up but still didn't want anything more. Would Carlos have said that wouldn't work for him? Because I really think at that point it wouldn't have. After the strong feelings he felt while sitting beside TK's hospital bed, could Carlos have continued being casual? Or would he have agreed to it just to keep TK (HIS SOULMATE) in his life even if it would have caused him pain?
4. What happened between the juice bar and the firehouse hug?
I feel like it's obvious that we're missing a pretty big conversation in there. The best evidence for this is the way Carlos goes face first into TK's neck when he shows up at the firehouse. That is not a man who isn't sure if they're even a "we" or who is solemnly accepting that they might not be meant to be. So what happened?? There's some great fic exploring this moment (SEE BELOW), which is where a majority of my headcanons on it come from.
I think it's clear that TK had to reach out first here. Both from Carlos' attitude at the end of the juice bar scene and from what we know about Carlos in general, there's no way Carlos was going to push any further without TK making it clear that's what he wanted. HOWEVER I could possibly see Carlos going to the hospital to check up on TK as he got his stitches fixed. I don't think he would go with any motive of getting TK to agree to a relationship with him. It would solely be about making sure that TK was alright. Even then, I'm not sure if he would do it. He certainly would have wanted to, but he might have held back based on TK's attitude at the juice bar. Carlos likely would have felt that TK might not want him there. I've definitely enjoyed fic that has him doing this, though.
Probably the most likely possibility is that Carlos simply went home after the juice bar/solar storm incident. His heart was surely shattered after being essentially rejected by his soulmate after putting his feelings out there in the most direct way he'd done so far. We know so much more about Carlos now and it just makes it even more apparent how much it took for him to sit there in front of TK and tell him how he was feeling like that when he thought it might not be reciprocated! And then, when it wasn't (at least from Carlos' perspective in that moment)...HEARTBREAKING.
Ultimately, I believe that TK had his epiphany and reached out to Carlos wherever he was (either at the hospital with him or Carlos' house or somewhere else). The conversation they had is something that I would like to see more than perhaps any missing moment in the entire series. Imagine the look on Carlos' face when he realizes what TK is telling him! As his previously-shattered heart is mended in an instant 😭 I want to see it so bad! Thankfully I have fic to fill the void. Speaking of, here are just a few excellent examples of fic that fills in this and some of the other moments I've discussed here:
silver in the night by @reyesstrand
the elephant in the juice bar by @taralaurel
Simple and Plain and Not Much to Ask from Somebody by @howtosingit
Steady up ahead by @paperstorm
Still Waters Run Deep by @welcometololaland
Just Let Me Hold You by tkstrands (is this writer on tumblr?? If so let me know and I'll @ them!!)
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welcometololaland · 2 years
Ok so you were talking about TK and his driving skills the other day and it sparked a discussion in my discord. And I didn’t go back to check but I don’t think we see TK drive in season one. So I said he probably got his license really late in life to which my friend replied:
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Which, would be absolutely hilarious to me.
So I thought I share with the class haha, since you sparked this head canon.
omg salty!!!! i bloody love this from you and your gang of hilarious friends!!!
i feel like i have to call up @goodwaysihope because we have spiralled for a week at least about the tk driving headcanon and i honestly cannot get it out of my head.
this would just be the icing on the cake (although i do like to imagine that gwyn at least tried to teach tk how to drive and that's why tk has just a tiny but of road rage).
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The Brothers Sun e3
For a sec I thought that Mama Sun was also a maid in her off time before I realized it was a way for her to break into Giant guy's room
The way she stood on a bucket to reach the key's hiding spot just reminded me of short she actually is
Ooo, did the guy have a cat? I hope it's ok
Well shit, there's an angry guy about to try and kill her👀
Are we finally gonna get to see her fight?!👀
No, she's just screaming to get the neighbors attention, that's so clever and hilarious 😂
Oh, Charles is trying to make churros 😂 I thought he was boiling fingers or something
Oh wow
He boiled Giant guy's head👀
Love how he's flirting with Alexis😂
Charles definitely can't handle spicy food 😂
Oh, she's a prosecutor not a detective
"I also don't work with people who work with cops."😂
Mama Sun: "I don't baby him"
Charles: "You literally carry baby pictures of him in your purse."
Mama Sun: "Because he's my baby."
I love that Alexis is pointing out whenever a mom says she doesn't need help with something, it means she actually does😂
Charles is a chef truly
The moms face when Grace came up to then saying that Bruce might've mentioned her😂
The way Charles could tell that Bruce is gonna be in trouble when he's safe because he lied to his mom about the improv thing
Poor Bruce and his friend
Oh no, someone's gonna lose their fingers
Oh May was her sister, uh oh they're totally fucked.
The passive aggressiveness of Charles and his mom switching the air and music in the car is fantastic 😂
I love that the mom is explaining how the women's network works
Damn, he's her nephew now😂
Ouch, her sick nephew 😂
I love that they're not talking about ulcerative colitis but they're talking about a collapsed butt😂
The way everyone is telling Charles what his mom wants him to do😂
"tell me where your brother is?"
"Can't I tell you anything besides that?"
Damn, Bruce definitely won't get picked up by any medical practices with a penis tattooed on his face😂
The way the mom keeps mocking Charles is hilarious 😂
"Cocaine makes me kooky." I love her so much
I'm willing to bet Charles hasn't gotten as much information as she has😂
The driver outside just being all confused as he says Hi
That poor guy and the other guys that Charles is beating up while his mom is peacefully getting the information 😂
The way she's stalling the guy so her son can leave safely 😂
Cool, she got a lobster 😂
I do have to say, I sympathize with Charles, because it's gotta be hard doing all this shit for a mom, trying to do everything right, but she still loves the son that hasn't done any of that
Rip to TK's thumbs but he was a snitch so no sympathy
Yeah, I doubt that they're gonna get the door open by kicking it from their seats in chairs
May's sister is awesome and I love her
Love that it was a Chick fil a that he sent her to😂
Charles saying she can keep TK is a mood😂
Bruce running with a chair stuck to him so he can get between May's sister and Charles is cool
Charles saying that May's sister helped him get a new record because people are attempting to kill him 5 days in a row.
TK being scolded by the mom for getting his thumbs cut off is great😂
Damn, poor Charles. 🥺 He has to watch his brother get all the love and care he never did🥺
I hope nothing happens to June
Mama Sun is being a bit of a dick to Charles(but I love Michelle Yeoh)
Oh shit! The police officer who's in charge of bagging up the sea food guy is the dude from the beginning of the episode who tried to attack the mom!
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday
Thank you for the tag @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @catanisspicy @largepeachicedtea @reyesstrand @firstprince-history-huh ❤️
This week's theme: Rec a 'gateway' fic - a fic that you read and it was so good it lead you to read multiple works by the same writer. The rules: Tag a fic and explain why it was a gateway fic / what you liked about it. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Please tag @ / welcometololaland or #fic rec friday so Lola can compile the masterlist!
Gold Name and Number @goodways In which the author celebrates TK's softball outfit from Red vs. Blue and how Carlos needed to have sex with him immediately. It's hot, it's hilarious, and it's adorable - which I think is the golden trio description for all of Shannon's work. I'd actually say it's impossible to read a fic of Shannon's for the first time and not think of it as a gateway - once you enter her world and characterisation of TK and Carlos, you don't want to leave.
like water in your hands by @reyesstrand A 4x01 coda and spec fic that was written in only three hours(!!!) and with such elegance and beauty I was blown away, and have been blown away ever since - including by all shared portions of WIPs. Uniquely beautiful, romantic writing that goes deep and stays with you forever after. You feel what the characters are feeling with all senses. If TK is folding a sheet (as in this fic), you as a reader feel the folding of that sheet. It's amazing. Maddie, I have your entire Tarlos back catalogue to read, and I'm determined to start soon!
To Build a Home by @freneticfloetry - We are blessed that this wonderful writer has entered the Tarlos fanfic community with such a stunning debut - a three parter, mapping Carlos' life. It's full of detail, fantastic dialogue and spot-on characterisations. I'm so charmed and moved by it and can't wait for chapter 3. If there are more Tarlos fics to come, then this is the grandest of gateways. So brilliant.
I told myself I'd limit this to three even though it's meant to be just one but I have to add a fourth sorry!
Danger Zone by @heartstringsduet - Right, what happened was: I'm sitting in my office and quickly checking my emails at lunch break and find a comment on one of my fics from EnchantedToReadYou that made me fight back actual tears at work because it was so lovely and so unexpected. Then I went 'wait a minute! I recognise that name - people are talking about one of this author's fics called Danger Zone and how good it is!' So off I go to read it and fell completely in love. Michelle's writing has this ethereal, otherworldly quality to it that is truly captivating - there's such magic and beauty and poetry woven through everything. No line is wasted in any of her fics (I believe that to be true of the three other authors mentioned too!) and it feels like such love and care goes into every word.
Tagging @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @bonheur-cafe @thisbuildinghasfeelings @lightningboltreader @reasonandfaithinharmony (I actually don't know if you read fic but you might want to play if you do!) @lutavero @irispurpurea @ladytessa74 @alrightbuckaroo @chicgeekgirl89 @chaotictarlos @hoko-onchi-writes @noxsoulmate @liminalmemories21 @howlingsaturn @lemonlyman-dotcom @danieljradcliffe if you want to do this/haven't already, no pressure ever! ❤️❤️❤️
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
Episode 4x07 “Tommy Dearest” thoughts
-This Owen/Paul scene is great – I love this Owen
Most people planning a wedding are rookies
-That centerpiece is actually really tame compared to what I would have expected from Owen
-This is actually good relationship advice from Owen – If someone lights you up like that – make it happen.
This upside-down thing is nuts & a nightmare situation for me
Dude your wife keeps dying – just say you were having sex when she started dying
I am glad it was a pacemaker thing and not a neurological one  
Why does everyone look so good this episode? (not that they don’t in every episode – but this episode was particularly full of adorable hotness)
That would be a firetruck ride that would be hard to forget
Tommy in particular is trying to kill me with her looks
Tommy and Trevor are cute & their chemistry is amazing
So, is Melody older than Evie & Izzy or are they the same age?
A little lasagna baby – lol
The “What about Julius” was just as hilarious the second time as it was the 1st.
This kid – she is one devious tween
“Inside there lurks a heart of darkness” – man I love Judd Ryder
I figured that the issue Melody had was because of it being the first relationship for her parent’s divorce – I think this is something that is fairly normal for a kid that age – but she is a bit hardcore in her efforts.
I love Mateo – “Oh great the HR lady again.”
Their attempt to blackmail was ridiculous to begin with
Paul has zero chill
I love the way Nancy & TK just pick up on it & Mateo is like “Huh?” “Do HR ladies actually date?”
So many quotable moments in this episode
I agree with Nancy & TK
“You should totally take her out for some nut-free coffee.” Mateo Chavez
I love all the callbacks they make in this show – more than any other show I can think of
I can’t believe that the delivery drivers don’t have to dress in medieval clothing (like the knight & maiden from season 3)
This call is a bit of a callback to 1x08 with 2 calls from the same house.
An online CPR class? I thought you needed some hands on for that.
TNT is far too cute this episode
Mushroom & Fennel?
It’s totally cool you jolted me – I don’t care. I love you anyways
Damn that dress
Like really
Babysitter Grace – who is watching the twins? I am just so confused on why a 12-year-old needs a babysitter.
I think that dress was a great idea
“YOU LIED!” another season 1 callback
This episode has so much humor
But – Asha – not a yearbook from Chicago
Brian really killed this episode – you could feel his feelings
This kid is so hardcore in her efforts to break up her father & Tommy
But Tommy is just as hardcore
That is the most disgusting drink possible – and this kid just takes it (props to her for fully committing to her game)
“You’re a lunatic” Melody Parks
Tommy talking out of her ass about the nasty drink is just so funny
I say all the time that this cast has the best facial expressions – and once again they proved it. Grace’s faces while Melody drinks that thing are hilarious
TK in the sweats & Nancy in the leggings are equally hot
This is the best Owen – the one that is a Captain, a leader. Someone that genuinely cares about his crew/family
I love this storyline for Paul & that they aren’t rushing it. I love that they are giving him a chance to show us what life is like for him – that we are getting more insight to what goes on in his head.
I hadn’t thought about how Asha knew him in the past/had seen behind the doors – but, wow that makes so much sense to why he is struggling.
I love the Judd/Tommy friendship just as much as I do the Grace/Tommy friendship
I mean – I don’t blame her for not wanting another drink from Tommy, but at least she recognizes that she was not playing against a novice
Uncle Julius – I kinda love how this kid manipulates Tommy into admitting about Julius – I knew it would come up again – they like parallels & callbacks way too much not to take advantage of it.
“Why am I picturing a prison yard” Tommy Vega
“Brother-in-law” Tommy Vega yells throughout the firehouse
Grace’s face over the Julius confession
Tommy & Judd both have this way of answering a question without answering a question.
“How was it?” Grace “Kind of mind blowing” Tommy – these two are hilarious
Grace just keeps giving Tommy her very tried and true “what the actual fuck” face when Tommy is telling her about her TikTok blackmail. Just like in the 4x02 surprise double date
Cramps are a bitch
I love how Trevor is trying to piece it all together
“I can’t believe this is going to be the rest of my life” – yeah – it really fucking sucks
“Maybe undump him?”
I love the basketball scene – it was something that Paul needed & something that Owen could give him.
Owen acknowledging his failings during TK’s childhood gives me hope for the conversation between him and TK in 4x08 that Ronen keeps talking about
Do they have a new probie or are they just still referring to Mateo as probie?
I agree with Melody & Trevor about the Mango & Cookies and cream – not a mix for me
I wonder how much of next week will be Marjan or if her stuff will come closer to the end to lead into 4x09 “Road Kill”
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ninacarstairss · 2 years
*knock knock* no wait—barges your door the way TK did in the latest episode.
I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY MADE MY BABY CARLOS SUFFER LIKE THAT 😭😭😭😭 he was so scared, unable to do anything, knowing that tk was looking for him but not knowing if he would have found him alive 😭😭
i know i wanted this, i wanted carlos to be so close to death like tk has been so many times and it was hilarious when tk told him you just died and carlos replied with look who’s talking *plus the smirk* BUT STILL HE HAD TO SUFFER SO MUCH OMG I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS
it was really a nightmare scenario being in the house of a serial killer, with his mum who looked straight out of a 60s show and knowing everyone was outside looking for him but being unable to scream loud enough. also the way he made sure tk was safe and far from the scene before screaming at the top of his lungs for help 🥺🥺 i’m not strong enough for this
and the way carlos talks about tk. when he says he’s not sure tk’s mum won’t be at the wedding because sometimes he feels like she must be putting all her love for tk in him because he has so very much love for him it feels unreal— I AM SO NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THIS
there’s a little sadistic part of me who wishes they’d let this serial killer/kidnapped carlos go on for at least two episodes, leaving us with a hell of a cliffhanger now and a shattered heart, but also i’m not sure i would have kept enough sanity for a whole week in that case kansksnkss
what did you think eeshu???
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