#this is a psa for losers ! calling all losers !
yetdevout · 1 year
something that disturbs me the most about all of this is that most of you freaks are older than me. i’m very much a legal minor, and you all that find caelum sexually or romantically appealing are well above that. so tell me - what the fuck is so attractive about caelum?
no, because let’s actually talk about it, like what are you seeing that i’m not? what is it? because every single character who is NOT caelum that exists on the channel are explicitly adults, and you losers decide to choose caelum? HIM? so no, what is it?? we have this conversation every other month and no one has provided any answer, so what the fuck is it?
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joansblondells · 2 years
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would you hating little bitches fuck off out of the hellcheer / chrissy tag with your anti posts I beg. couldn’t actually care less who you ship or don’t or what you think JQ believes or what’s canon and what’s not bla bla because
1. am not 14 years old and so don’t care to police what ppl do on the internet for funsies
2. it’s fiction my angel 🫶 it’s not real 🫶 it’s pretend 🫶 it’s a tv show 🫶 take a deep breath
stop harshing the fucking vibe !! get out of my beloved tag !! I’m underneath your beds !!!!
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crazilust · 3 months
My thoughts on these placements
based on my last lover. PSA: this might be biased. don’t take it TOO seriously, it’s mostly for me to purge this relationship. LETS GOOOOOOO !!
1. Gemini rising
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Have you ever felt hella special to someone and then you see them interact with someone else and you’re like “oh. i’m… i’m just another one of their friends.” this is what it feels to be around a gemini rising sometimes. most of the ones I know, are either extremely popular, know alot of people or at the very least just hang out regularly with a bunch of people (might just be colleagues and not necessarily friends but they’re often surrounded). And they have this way of making you feel special, and funny and entertaining but most of the times, they’re the ones controlling the discussion and the flow of it.
when it came to my ex, he knew so many people and every person he was interacting with, he knew a little detail about them, and it made the person care so much about him. Even though he didn’t as much. Somewhat flimsy, it’s hard to know a Gemini rising’ true intentions with you.
2. Sagittarius sun
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Sags don’t have the best reputation in my book, and he certainly didn’t help the stereotypes. The thing with Sags sun that I find hard to understand is the constant lie they have between who they truly are and who they want to be. It’s a constant battle of “don’t look too hard into my flaws bc soon enough I’ll be this grandiose super star and therefore you can forget about the awkward nerd you have in front of you.” Most of them are nerds, truly. But they hate it. As opposed to Aquarius sun’s desire to be different and their ability to stand on their two feet even tho they’re being outcast, a Sag sun’s deepest fear is to be seen as the weirdo they are. (that unfortunately they associated with being a loser)
If you’ve never been close with a Sag, you’ll be the first to deny this claim. “What?? The Sag I met was THE life of the party! No weirdo here.” or “The Sag I met was a boss ass btch, she had everything under control and very educated!!”
And that, my friends, is what we call a front. Sure, they can be the life of the party, usually very keen on getting their diplomas, but if you don’t know them, that’s the only part of them you’ll get to see cause it’s the part they deem acceptable.
I’m not even gonna comment on the commitment issues, cause yall… you know it already lmao.
3. Virgo moon
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Nobody hates an underdeveloped virgo moon more than they hate themselves. So critical, judgemental and harsh. They notice absolutely everything that you do and instead of going to you and confront you about the issue, they’ll keep it in, and throw it back to your face the minute it’s convenient for them (when they effed up). Very hard to love because they simply can’t accept that you love and accept their own flaws. I remember my ex asking me litteraly all the time “How can you love me if I’m not as pretty as before” (it was in his head, he was just as cute) “How can you love me if I don’t have a job?” (He had lost his job for only 2 months at that point) No matter what I’d say, he couldn’t believe that I loved him wholeheartedly, no matter what.
Sometimes, when I look at a virgo moon, unevolved ofc, all I can see is pain. Virgo is an already hard sign to have imo (sorry!) but in the moon placement, it’s just sad. These natives are so harsh on themselves and accept no help whatsoever. And if you do try, they’ll do everything to push you away and trust me, one thing Virgos do is succeed.
4. Libra Mars
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As a scorpio mars, libra mars is not my favorite placement. But as I checked my vedic chart and I do, in fact, have a libra mars, I hate that I understand why they act the way they do.
They care so much about everything being perfect, everyone getting along and most importantly being at peace with the ones they love. The cliches are true for a reason, they dislike conflict and yes, are passive agressive but it’s because they don’t want to lose the people they love with petty drama.
So they don’t say anything, and they accomodate even tho that one thing irritated them and then when you confront them about something, they bring you everything you’ve done wrong for the past six months. That’s the part I hate, ofc, but I also hate that I get it.
I get it. They’re the biggest people pleasers and when they don’t say anything about something that upsets them, they actually think they’re doing it for the greater good. They obviously analyse everything you’re doing wrong, but they don’t mind not saying it cause they’d rather be at peace with you. So how dare you don’t do the same for them?
That’s the mentality. Unfortunately for them, it brings bigger conflict because then you feel betrayed they never said anything to begin with. UGH.
SPEAK YOUR MIND, Libras of any placements actually <3
5. Sagittarius Mercury
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If you consider yourself soft, delicate, sensitive, do not date a Sag mercury. These people are ruthless. As friends, I find them hilarious and fun to be around, but as lovers I would never do that to myself again. Just never <3. They are very blunt (which doesn’t mean they won’t lie! We’re talking about a Jupiter ruled sign here yall), but in a way that won’t make you feel good about yourself. They’ll often use humour to attack you and then use it as a shield the moment you call them out on it (i.e : It was just a jokeeeeee!)
Gives very good advice, I’ll give them that. I think sometimes I can have a little bit of tunnel vision and with Sag mercuries, they’re able to tap you on the shoulder and be like “Have you consider this tho?” in the most casual way and you’re like “oh.. no. yes. you’re right”
6. Aquarius Venus
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If you love the friends to lovers trope, you’ll just love dating an Aquarius venus because that friendship-like relationship will be the foundation of your dynamic. Everything feels fun, the complicity is at an all time high.
But the commitment.
Now, I’ve read multiple times here that Aquarius venus is actually very committed to the person they love when they like you. Well, I guess I wasn’t his person cause I only felt the commitment phobia.
Anyways, I still loved the dynamic of the relationship, but I can’t lie, it didn’t feel serious at all.
Well that’s all for me, today. Love yall!!
Remember, these are the big 6 of my ex so it is biased nothing to take too personal but if it applies and resonates, great💛
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s0fti3w1tch · 2 years
I've explained this in my reblog tags of this post, please keep the TMNT polls fun and please be sure that the AU/Iteration/Fic creators are actually okay with being part of them.
**Not about polls I've been added in, but polls I've seen, and growing trends me and others have noticed. As always, please don't harass anyone.
Specifically the more popularity-poll-ish ones, ones that teeter on or are straight up serious, it can be discouraging for those who didn't ask for it. Some may fear speaking up about it because other people are having fun despite how they themselves feel about it. Especially when polls specifically put one well-known fanwork over a smaller one. Worse yet when you're dropped into it without awareness from beforehand. Hell, even when the creators have a similar size, it can hurt.
I've recently gotten some anon messages like this. Though I haven't seen that attitude in response to my AU in polls, it's the type of attitude I've seen towards a couple other creators.
Being publicly compared to others by hundreds, sometimes up to thousands, can be anxiety-inducing. As easy as it is to say that "the unpopularity of your work should not discourage you," truth be told, there's truth to the saying "comparison kills creativity."
To have your work being used to put down someone else? Someone who's working just as hard? Who's just trying to share an idea just like you? Or to be dismissed?
As stated by the authors of MMC and OMO, while it may seem like you're uplifting your favorite in this, it's awkward. It can be stressful.
For those with less votes, it's hard not to think that yours is being called "less than." An "I've never heard of the other one lmao" can feel like a punch in the gut.
There's also animosity towards more bigger fanworks because of the pedestal they've been put on.
All that, and not even wanting to be there in there first place.
These things should and can encourage creativity and growth. AUs crossing over, banter, propaganda posts, etc.
Around the time Tumblr first rolled out the poll function, I was included in The Night AU creator's Sep AU polls. Me and the poll creator, Ray, both got last place in 2 respective polls, hence why we call TN!Leo/Green and TD!Leo/Trainee the "Losers Duo." Key part being: there was the awareness that this was simply in good fun. And I enjoyed being included.
Getting to know the creators of The Night, Red Rover, Life Mission, Blood Bath, and SLAU was and still is an amazing experience. The amount of crossover art we've made is evident of how much I've loved its turnout. I'm still planning on making more crossover work in the future.
It was some of the most actual fun I've had in fandom since I was 12. I'm 20 by the end of the year.
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Respect the boundaries of fanwork creators and don't be an asshole for fuck's sake.
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xdjville · 8 months
wayv as not-so-common romance tropes - hendery
description: on a thursday afternoon you get assigned to a patient who's undeniably very good looking, but, as it turns out, not that good at skateboarding
pairing: patient!hendery x gn!nurse!reader
cw: descriptions of being hospitalised (nothing too serious) and needles (iv), one curse word at the end
word count: ~1,660
author's note: the second part is out!! enjoy hendery being down bad (i promise not everyone in this series will be a complete loser). just a psa to anyone that knows sth about nursing - i don't, so even though i tried to do some research i have no idea if this is accurate, forgive me if it's not (i've also never been to the er with a physical injury so i really don't know what it looks like) 🙏
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"room two-o-six, an accident on a skateboard,"
thursday, a quarter past two in the afternoon, about an hour and a half into your shift. you had already made a round around the unit to check up on some of the patients and went through a chunk of paperwork that was starting to pile up on your desk, when you got called in to take care of a newly arrived patient.
"wong guanheng. male, twenty four years old, crashed while doing tricks," the head nurse explained briefly, pushing up her thin framed glasses as she looked on the paper in her hands. "probably just a sprained ankle and some nasty bruises, he should be out by the end of the day." after adding some final details, she finished, sending a quick glance and an encouraging smile your way before twirling around unceremoniously to continue her own duties.
you followed suit, making your way to the nearby room two-o-six. you scanned the inside as you entered in an attempt to find the man you were supposed to take care of, which turned out to be an easier task than you had expected. among all of the patients who were placed in that room, there was only one person around your age, and only one person with their hair in the color of bubblegum. it was probably safe to assume you had found your target.
wong guanheng, as the head nurse told you, was sitting on his bed with one leg - the injured one, you guessed - stretched out, bedsheets folded and placed underneath for support. he was leaning back on the elevated backrest, eyes focused on whatever he was watching on his phone that he propped against his healthy leg, bent in the knee.
although you wouldn't dare to admit it out loud, it was hard to look past the fact that he was a very attractive person. in fact, he was so attractive that, for the first time since your rookie days, you felt your insides tighten and tie themselves into a knot from nervousness. but you were nothing if not a professional - you reminded yourself of the mantra you said every time something made you feel the opposite way, as you cleared your throat and approached the patient.
the said man looked up from his phone when you were a few feet away from him, and as cliché as it might sound, he swore that for the next few, very long seconds, everything was happening in slow motion. you began by introducing yourself as friendly as you could - something you did to every patient to make their experience of being in the hospital at least a bit more comfortable. silence fell between the two of you as guanheng tried to overcome the sudden dryness in his throat, before finally murmuring a barely audible "hi", and shutting off the phone in his hands that he just realised was still playing the video he had been watching.
you smiled politely in response and proceeded to ask a few basic questions to get a hold of his current state. his answers to each of them were short and quiet, they gave you all the information you needed to move on, but nothing above that. although you had to fill in some blanks yourself because of his mumbling, you managed to grasp that he fell from a ramp in a skatepark and was in mild pain (he said it didn't hurt, but you noticed the way he winced while trying to reposition himself on the bed).
guanheng's eyes followed your every move as you made your way to the iv stand next to him to prepare some painkillers. "must have been a tough one, huh?" you spoke up again in an attempt to ease his tension a bit as you opened the packaged needles and drug bottles. he didn't respond, appearing slightly puzzled, so you continued. "that skateboard trick you were doing. must have been a tough one to get you here."
his mouth formed into an 'o' shape, before quickly transforming into a thin line as he looked down to his hands in embarrassment.
"yeah, i tried... i was learning a new one," he stumbled on his words, trying to come up with something - preferably a full sentence this time - that wouldn't make him seem pathetic.
"i'm usually really good at this..."
if guanheng didn't feel stupid before, then after your chuckle and the disbelieving glance you sent his way, he certainly would.
done with the preparations, you informed him that you were going to insert the iv with painkillers, to which he didn't protest, fully aware that nothing sensible would come out of his mouth at that moment. and although that saved him some embarrassment, he knew you noticed the way he flinched at your touch when you took his hand to sanitise the area.
with that thought, he lowered his head to hide behind his bright colored bangs, face stained deep red from the nose to the tips of his ears. the warmth on his skin was so intense and overbearing that he didn't even feel the needle piercing through the skin of his palm, nor did he acknowledge the fact that it had been a good minute since you finished, and you were staring at him, amused.
"press that button if you need anything," you finally said, partially because you wanted to give him a break and let him actually rest, and partially because you knew you had to go on to your next errands. "you shouldn't walk untill you get a brace, so if you need to go somewhere just let me know."
having said that, you turned around on your heel, leaving guanheng in shambles, alone with his flushed face and rambling thoughts.
he was hopeless.
almost the whole day passed just like that. you met him another few times, either because he had called (though the first time it took him an hour of contemplating the pros and cons of going to the bathroom on his own and risking making his injury worse), or because you had to take him to the examination room to run some tests. every time, you would try to intiate a casual conversation, and at first he would reply with single words or nods of his head.
you caught on what was happening rather quickly - you weren't that oblivious. you saw him talk to the doctors without stuttering or his face turning all red, so you knew he felt the same clasp in his stomach at the sight of you that he made you experience. but in your head, it just didn't seem right to ask a patient out. and even though you were glad someone like him had interest in you, your ego getting a boost from seeing him getting shy at anything you say, you couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of anxiety that, although you thought the probability was small, your instincts might turn out to be completely wrong. you would simply never recover from the shame if any of the other nurses, let alone the head nurse, found out.
but as he seemed to get a bit more relaxed after a few times you came to check up on him, his scarce responses slowly turned into whole sences, untill he would not only engage in the conversations, but even start them.
"just so you know, i lied," he said one time, turning his head as much as he could to look at you as you pushed his temporary wheelchair from behind. you answered by shooting him a questioning glance and waited for him to clarify, "about the skateboarding thing, i'm not that good at it."
you giggled, stopping the mobility aid near the door to the doctor's office you had been heading to. you turned to face him, arms crossed at your chest, smile never leaving your face.
"yeah, i figured."
near nine thirty in the evening, guanheng was finally being discharged. all his tests came out good, the head nurse's prediction about a sprained ankle being correct. he had a brace put on, so he was standing on his own in front of you in the hallway as you were handing him the documents and intructions for a fast recovery.
"that's all, i hope you get well soon." you said, butterflies erupting in your stomach once again because of how close you were. you didn't let the small smile on your face disappear when you cursed them out in your head. the man thanked you, nodding his head as he briefly scanned the papers. you found yourself in silence - just like during your first meeting earlier that day, albeit nearly not as awkward. his eyes flickered between the prescriptions and your face before he sighed,
"it might be a weird thing to ask but..." he breathed out while his fingers played with the corner of the plastic sleeve that you had put the documents in, "would you mind giving me your number? you... you seem really nice and, like, i know it's technically your job and uh- wait, there's no, like, policy against it, is there?"
your couldn't stop your smile from growing even bigger as he hurried and stumbled on his words, his ears gaining the familiar, dark shade, that you had already seen several times that day.
fuck being professional, you thought, reaching for the pen you kept in the pocket of your uniform while looking around to see if anyone was paying attention, before taking the papers back into your hands. you quickly scribbled your phone number onto the backside of the top sheet, and passed them to him once again.
"nope, not that i know about."
and with that, guanheng left the hospital while clutching the records to his chest, grateful that he never got himself to practice skateboarding more often.
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jujuberii · 3 months
main 4 music headcanons :)
psa these are mostly stan and kyle lol
stan playlist:
kyle playlist:
kenny playlist (wip):
specifics under the cut!
'heh... you ever heard of a band called... radiohead.? yeah... they're pretty niche..'
listens to music on one of those portable record players his mom got him
collects records but never actually uses them to listen to music
teenage dirtbag music but not in a cool way
listens to 'face down' by red jumpsuit apparatus and 'gets it'
90's alternative divorced dad rock typa
doesnt like to listen to ac/dc because randy would play it all the time
'yeah, im kind of an old soul... i bet you don't even know nirvana....'
'name 3 songs'
used to be really into death metal (would compare how heavy his music is to other peoples) but he calmed down abt it after middle school
plays acoustic
'you know, i can play this song on acoustic.... (rizz)'
the cure enjoyer (not goth tho)
music taste is varied, he mainly listens to whatever he finds on tiktok
Tyler, the Creator was his #1 artist
got Stan into the cure and the smiths
listens to full albums
would complain about Stan's music taste back in middle school
gorillaz fan but doesn't care abt the lore
has Tyler merch
listens to literally anything and everything
does not gaf
playlist goes from the offspring to britney spears in 5 songs
would love cupcakke but hasn't discovered her
Stan and him share a similar music taste lowkey
designated aux because eric likes how some of the songs on his playlist annoy kyle but stan can stand the other songs
'the bad touch' by bloodhound gang was his favorite song in middle school (overplayed it)
doesn't have spotify premium so he sends his playlists to kyle so they don't have to deal with ads when he's on aux
doesnt listen to his freaky songs when karen is in the house
can play bass if he cared enough to keep playing after elementary
Descendants was his #1 artist
(just like me fr)
literally only listens to music that's annoying
really bad soundcloud rap, shitty meme songs etc.
NEVER put him on aux
(he will beg to be put on aux)
in secret he listens to a lot of 2000's pop
its canon he likes britney spears and justin timberlake so
lady gaga is his idol
calls stans music emo
kenny is the only one who knows his real music taste
has gaslighted kyle into thinking that he legitimately likes the shitty soundcloud rap he plays
2014 boom clap songs are his go to at parties
compares kyle to ed sheeran
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engelsherz · 2 months
⋅ʚ get in, loser we're gonna have fun ɞ⋅
➴"a loser's guide to loser summer!" ༉‧₊
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ೃ⁀➷ introduction ༉‧₊
I’m on a mission to make my life a little more enjoyable, not to the point of romanticizing it but at least end with my cycle of bed rotting. This are just some silly ideas to spicy the day and stuff for when you are on your own and so, let’s begin.
just to clarify: this things can be easy or not depending if you consider yourself an introvert o have social anxiety, in that case don’t take this as a task to finish but more like a suggestion!
psa: i’m not a minor so some of the stuff on this list will probably be outside the possibilities for some people, also since i live in a big city things can be different but surely you’ll be able to adapt it well.
ೃ⁀➷ first, the boring ༉‧₊
do a little list of things that you find interest and imply being outside at least 50% of the time, write on your phone or notebook a SIMPLE schedule with basics.
put your phone on not disturb and only allow messages and calls from people like your mom / best friend, try to stay away from the screen.
make a playlist, it can be chill jazz to clear your mind or your personal list of bangers for the summer and make sure that you have them for offline listening!
you can make a shared calendar with your friends or even a google map list with cool places to visit!
check your local government site for free activities, you can also look for workshops or fairs in your neighborhood.
keep essentials on hand, things that you wanna keep in your bag or tote, do a check list if you have your mind in the sky and forget everything like me.
Do a reset the first week of summer, clean a little bit just to not feel guilt when you make a mess later.
ೃ⁀➷ indoor activities ༉‧₊
Make yourself an iced coffee, it can be just instant coffee and some milk in a mason jar, doesn’t have to be fancy (prepare too a water bottle for outside activities).
play pretend: put some music and act like you are filming a grwm or a vogue what’s in my bag while your pack things.
try to learn something new, put some video essays on youtube or a podcast and allow yourself to lay on the floor with the fan on and maybe even a face mask!
organize your calendar (hear me out, i know it sound boring af but making it pretty even when you’re gonna use it just one week it’s entertaining too!).
make a little place hunting on google maps: find some cafes, public libraries, tourist spots, art galleries, farm markets o museums and keep them on a google maps custom list.
declutter your phone with the wifi off, delete screenshots and unnecessary cache, you can even change the wallpaper and clean it.
make a pile of clothes that you don’t won’t use anymore and donate it to a local charity! You can stick around and thrift some goodies while you’re in there too.
do a personal archive, write your thoughts and organize photos on notion or here on tumblr (maybe a dump blog)
organize a old lore or a new story if you’re a writer, and even if you don’t consider yourself one, try to write down something interesting.
try new recipes and write down your favorites! it’s time to use all the tiktok bookmarks.
ೃ⁀➷ outdoor activities ༉‧₊
visiting museums and pretending to be a tourist is cool, like you were a secret agent on a mission or a tortured artist looking for a muse, everything counts!
take yourself on a date, you can go to a park and bring a blanket, eating chips and reading its relaxing.
make your journaling in a cafe or at the park to add some spice to the day.
start taking pictures of small things even if you don’t consider good with that (you can even open an account for that).
find a class of something interesting and allow yourself to be “the new” to people or new experiences.
host a dinner (or convince one of your friends to do it) you can make it with a theme and even send some invitations that you design with canva.
start a commonplace journal or a dump notebook, just write and draw there whatever you please when you are outside.
do a little road-trip to somewhere cool, even a small city next to yours and document it (keep in mind to take the necessary precautions for your safety)
go to the beach and bring something to play in the sand, sounds childish and embarrassing but nobody gives a shit anyways and you will have fun i promise.
find yourself a third place that is not your school/work or home, it can be anywhere but you need it.
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[ little note i guess: this is not groundbreaking i know, but i think it might help people like me that are way too much time on their phones. So yeah, that’s it]
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 2 years
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Part 17 - Definitions
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Series Masterlist
Part 16 -- Part 18
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Summary: A very important house meeting at 179th Crescent Street
Warnings: None! (Although this chapter does feature small people rage)
Word count: 3k
A/N: So this is a little different, I guess? Anyway... It's out there now. PSA: The 'wokeness' only goes so far as I reasonably assumed from a bunch of horny college dudes, okay?
@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @summersong69 @peaches1958 @fvckinghenrycavill @keanureevesisbae
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"Alright, mother Leon, you have the floor," Charles said as he lifted a beer to his lips. 
"Mike isn't here yet, should we wait?" Leon asked - they always asked. The reaction was no different this time than all the other times: laughter. 
"He'll get here when he gets here," Marshall said. They weren't mad about it - genuinely. Mike knew he was like this, he never asked them to wait, and he usually accepted whatever decision was made for the house in his absence. 
"On to our first - incredibly important - order of business." Leon's tone was such that Sherlock already sank back in his chair, looking embarrassed. "Sherlock, she stayed the night. Is the bet settled?" 
"Leon," Geralt warned. 
"I know you're in on that bet, Geralt, don't bother pretending," Sherlock muttered. 
"Oh, I'm not referring to the fact he brought it up," Geralt stated point blank, "he was just planning on being a dick about it. He shouldn't." His next glance in Leon's - and Charles' - direction was a warning shot. 
"Ah," Sherlock replied, "well. In any case, I don't know if it's settled. Personally, I find myself hung up on definitions." 
"'Are you still a virgin?' sounds simple enough, right?" Sy asked, looking amused and confused at the same time.
"On the surface, yes," Sherlock mused. In between sentences he wondered why it was so difficult for him to discuss the emotional side of these things, yet so incredibly simple to argue the semantics. Geralt looked amused by the turn this conversation was taking, as did Marshall and August. "I simply cannot accept the definition of the word 'virgin' as 'someone who has not had sex'." 
"Well, what's the problem, then?" Charles demanded. 
"The first problem with it would be the definition of the word 'sex'." 
"Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?" Charles scoffed. 
"That might just be why I've come to the conclusions I have come to, and you haven't." It wasn’t much like Sherlock to say things like that, but the others had noticed the growing animosity between him and Charles, and they’d all been waiting for it to come to a head. 
"Are you calling me daft, Holmes?"
"I'm surprised you managed to work that out, Brandon." That was certainly enough to piss off Charles - thoroughly. He opened his mouth to say something when August put a hand on his shoulder. 
"I'm going to recommend backing off, Charles," he said with a smirk on his face that clearly showed he was impressed with Sherlock, "when it comes to a battle of wits, Sherlock has all of us outgunned." Sherlock nodded at him, appreciative of the acknowledgment - and the help in keeping Charles' fists away from his face. Charles didn't have a terrible temper, but he was generally a sore loser, which made him unpredictable at times. 
"The question?" Leon said to bring them back to the conversation. 
"Right," Charles said, "the widely accepted definition would be... How do I put this?" They all knew what he meant, but this was a particularly uncomfortable one to say out loud. You bet they were going to make him. They waited nearly half a minute before Geralt had had enough. 
"For god's sake, man, are you twelve? The widely accepted definition would be 'penis in vagina'. That's what you're trying to say, right?"
"Yes," Charles answered curtly. 
"I don't think I agree with that definition, either." Sherlock said. 
"You can't just disagree with definitions because they don't suit you, Holmes."
"I disagree with them because they make no sense, Solo."
"I have to say I'm with Sherlock on this one," August said. Marshall and Geralt nodded in agreement. Charles, Leon and Sy formed the other side. 
"Sorry I'm late!" Mike stepped into the kitchen with his coat still on. 
"Perfect timing. We're in need of a tie-breaker," Marshall said. "What's sex?" 
"I feel someone should have told you that by now, Marshall..."
"Very funny, we're serious. It's a fifty-fifty split on the…” Now it was Marshall’s turn to feel flustered over having to say that. Luckily,  Geralt wasn’t prepared to wait around for another thirty seconds, and offered up the same description he had before. 
“Yeah, well… that,” Marshall continued, “versus 'not quite sure, but not just that', what do you say?" 
"I say; give a man some time to step inside the goddamn house before hitting him with your little existential crisis."
"Mike," August laughed, "answer the damn question." 
"I'm with the side that says dicking a girl down isn't all there is to it." 
"Subtle," Marshall said. Apart from the obvious amusement at his wording, most people seemed surprised at the side Mike chose in the debate.
"Always," Mike replied with a big smile. "Besides, because I see you guys looking surprised, it's literally called 'oral sex'. I feel that that should say something." 
"Thank you, Mike." Sherlock grinned.
"Alright, but I'm gonna need a better argument. Exactly how does the traditional definition not make sense?" Sy weighed in. 
"I don't need to convince you," Sherlock said. 
"Let's make it interesting," Charles chimed in, "sway any of us three, you win the bet yourself?" He looked at the others, who all agreed to the idea. Sherlock needed to consider it only for a moment. With the seven of them in on it, that was quite a bit of money. 
"Alright, first off, by that definition, lesbians can't have sex. Typically. Neither can gay men. Again, typically."
"Correct," Charles replied, "but has it somehow escaped your attention that you are neither a gay man nor a lesbian?" 
"It hasn't, thank you for your concern, but the fact of the matter is that the definition of ‘sex’ we have established as ‘widely accepted’ functions only where heterosexual relationships are concerned. Now I would personally find it preposterous to propose that physical intimacy can only be considered sex in situations involving a cisgender woman and a cisgender man, and to suggest that any physical intimacy that does not fit the aforementioned heteronormative definition is a ‘different kind’ of sex would be a particularly outdated take on the matter. 
“If one wishes so desperately to warp the definition of sex in such a way that it encompasses all kinds of physical intimacy that could possibly be defined as sex, in any and all possible configurations of relationships, it quickly becomes a matter of where you draw the line. The argument of oral sex that Mike pointed out earlier, really makes itself. And even then, why would that be the threshold? 
"And lastly I..." There was a short silence as Sherlock tried to come up with the words he needed to express the thought he was having. 
"Please keep talking, before one of them opens their mouth," August said. Much like Geralt, he'd been enjoying watching Charles and Leon get obliterated by Sherlock's solid logic. 
"I refuse to think of the things that don't fit the traditional definition of the word as 'other' or 'less than', because it would discredit the experience and everything surrounding it, and I cannot bring myself to do that." His voice was soft as he said it, and he couldn't seem to peel his gaze away from his hands, which rested in his lap. He noticed his fingers trembled slightly, though he couldn’t say he was so nervous that it was to be expected. 
“All things considered, one might come to the conclusion that there is something inherently flawed about any concept that depends so heavily on the definition of something that is so exceptionally difficult to define.” 
"So," Leon asked curiously, "what definitions would you suggest, instead?"
"None. I would sooner come to the conclusion that the concept of virginity is, to put it plainly - and pardon my French - fucking ridiculous, completely unnecessary and nothing other than a falsely attributed currency of virtue used as a tool to impose outdated patriarchal values and the notion of commodity on women while simultaneously serving to emasculate and ridicule men who haven't rid themselves of it soon enough by anyone's personal and completely arbitrary standards. As for the definition of sex… I genuinely don’t think I care." 
"Hand the man his money," Sy said with a sigh. Napoleon pulled the cash out of his wallet and tossed it on the table while grinning widely. 
Charles shook his head in disbelief. “Bastard,” he muttered under his breath. The look on his face clearly showed he was impressed. 
“Charles, I’d like for you to take a moment to consider the following: In what universe was it a good idea to make a bet that depends heavily on the other person’s ability to present a logical argument,” August said, “with the genius law and philosophy student?” His tone was amused and only slightly derisive.  
“Now that this is settled,” Napoleon continued, “we have serious matters to discu-” He was interrupted by the door opening and a whole lot of noise in the hall. 
“What are the girls doing here?” Charles asked. 
“We were already here.” Elena appeared in the doorway. “Because, as Leon so kindly pointed out, I did spend the night here. Nice speech, by the way, Sherlock.” She walked around the table and stood next to him, an arm around her shoulder. To her surprise - and perhaps everyone else’s - he pulled her into his lap. 
“And so did we.” Anjelica looked over her shoulder to Danielle and Solveig, who were laughing about a joke she hadn’t heard. “We went out to get some groceries.” 
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‘Some groceries’ was apparently a new way to describe three whole bags, completely full of food. 
“Do we have rabbits I don’t know about?” Mike ducked when he saw Marshall’s hand swinging for the back of his head, only to get hit by Geralt when he came back up. “Guys, come on, that’s more vegetables than we’ve seen in this house in at least a year!” 
“The three of us,” Solveig gestured to Ange, Dani and herself, “talked about cooking for our guys yesterday, so we asked Elena to join, and she was on board.” 
“But we figured we couldn’t punish the rest of the house for being single, so we’ll feed all of you, if you ask nicely.” Dani leaned her head against Charles’ shoulder and then gave him a sweet smile. He shot a suggestive look in Mike’s direction just to get a rise out of him, but Mikey was Mikey, and therefore wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings at all. Not the part he should have been paying attention to, at least.
“Free food, and I don’t gotta make it?” Sy said with a massive grin on his face. “Count me in!” The other three didn’t complain, either. 
Leon called for everyone’s attention again, and this time he wasn’t interrupted by everyone and everything, which was nice. The plan itself was simple: New Year’s party. 
“You’re not planning a party two days in advance?” Dani looked like her head was going to explode. That was just not possible… The other girls seemed to agree. 
“Worry not, ladies,” Charles interrupted. He put an arm around Solveig’s shoulder, but a simple look from Geralt told him that if he wanted to keep all the equipment he planned on using during that party he was planning, he’d better stop touching his girl. Charles and Leon talked everyone through the plans they’d been making for weeks. As it turns out, the girls didn’t know about this thing, because the guys had just not told them. Mike couldn’t use the others’ excuse that it didn’t come up, and had to go with the truth that he’d simply forgotten to mention it when he and Dani had discussed it. Luckily, Sloane and Ari were on board - especially now that the guys they’d been going out with had made different plans, involving different girls. Even through text, Slo couldn’t exactly hide her excitement about the fact that she was: A. Finally getting to meet Mike, whom Dani had hidden from them purposely and quite successfully, and B. getting to meet the others in the house, first and foremost: Sy. 
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The girls chased everyone out of the kitchen when it was a little past two. Cooking for a grand total of twelve people was a massive chore in and of itself, that always took longer than initially expected, and some of these guys got serious attitudes when they weren’t properly fed on time. And ‘some of these guys’ could definitely be interpreted as ‘all of them’. They figured it was probably best to start early. 
“Geralt, if you do not get out of this kitchen at once, I’m not responsible for what happens!” It was a very intimidating thing to hear from the nearly 6ft. tall Scandinavian, especially since she was holding a very sharp knife. 
“Just came to check on you,” Geralt said. He was actually brave enough to walk up to her and wrap his arms around her. “If now were the time for jokes, I’d say something about your cooking skills making you wife material.”
“Ah, I see,” Sol snapped, “and in response to that, I wouldn’t laugh, and I’d tell you to cook for me sometime. So I can see if you’re husband material. Now, get out.”
“Do I need to fetch you some painkillers?” She responded with a nod and a ‘yes’ in the softest voice. 
“There’s some in my bag,” Ange said, saving Geralt a trip upstairs before kicking him out of the kitchen herself. They continued working on dinner, hoping none of the other guys would decide to come sneak a peek at dinner. 
"Period?" Elena asked Sol casually while cutting a whole load of tomatoes. Mike could just about have been right when he made his rabbit joke.
"From hell," Sol confirmed as she took the pills from Ange, "and he always knows, and he's so sweet about it, but I just yell at him." 
"Blowjobs make for fantastic apologies," Ange said and both she and Sol laughed. 
"Now I feel sad Dani has nothing to apologize for." It was Mikey's signature tone, the one where you could just hear the grin seeping through. 
“Mike! Leave!” Anjelica was scary - all 4’11” of her. 
"Drink and hug, then I'm gone," he said as he wrapped his arms around Dani, who had been tasked with peeling and mincing enough garlic to fend off a small army of vampires. 
"Hi," Dani said before turning her head for a quick kiss, "go grab a drink." She really wanted to finish this task with the same amount of fingers she'd started with. 
"Thank you," Mike said suddenly, "I've never had a girlfriend cook for me before. It's nice." He grabbed a beer from the fridge and disappeared. 
"He is so cute," Elena said. 
"Hey!" Of course Sherlock walked in at exactly that moment. Ange was just about boiling over with rage at this point. 
"Out! Holmes, get out! God is there no place where a couple of girls can talk without being interrupted every twenty-five seconds?" 
"I thin women fought long and hard for years just to make it so that the kitchen was no longer that place," August answered as he stepped into the kitchen. Funnily enough, Anjelica's anger disappeared miraculously. 
"Hey baby," she said with a sweet smile as August walked over to her. 
"Aren't you supposed to try and scare me out of your kitchen?" He sounded amused, which was an interesting new mood for most of the girls to experience. 
"August, darling," Anjelica said sweetly, "did I mention I used the money my parents gave me for Christmas to treat myself to a new set of lingerie?" Sherlock almost choked on the piece of bell pepper he had stolen from the container next to Elena's cutting board, which caused her to elbow him in the ribs.
"You didn't," August answered, clearly not liking where this was going. 
"Well you won't get to see it if you don't fuck off." 
"Simple but effective," August said before giving her a quick kiss and walking away. 
"If all of you don't fuck off, August." 
"Holmes get the fuck out of that kitchen," August yelled, and then he turned his attention to Sy, who was apparently also on his way to the kitchen: "Syverson, don't even think about it." The boys laughed - and so did the girls. 
"We need a girl's night," Dani said impulsively. She shocked herself; she wasn't usually so outgoing, and she was very glad that the others were quick to agree. 
"I live with mostly guys, and three of them are on teams with guys from here," Ange said, "my place is out." 
"I couldn't fit all of us in my room if I tried," Elena added.
"I don't even have the keys to my place yet," Sol said with a smile. Something told the others that she would be a bit uncomfortable having the three of them over, too. Not that the others were any better acquainted.
"Well, Ari and Slo wouldn't mind having everyone over at ours, and I'm pretty sure after the party we'll have intel on most of the house…" Dani grinned. 
"Marshall, Leon, Charles and Sy are missing, right?" Anjelica's tone was devious. Heat rose to Dani's cheeks.
"Marshall, Leon and Charles," she corrected. The others looked at her wide-eyed. 
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Solveig whispered. 
"I-" Dani started, but she was quickly interrupted by Charles. 
"OUT!" All four of them yelled at the same time, which had the desired effect and terrified Charles as a lovely bonus. 
"I'm making a group chat now," Anjelica said with another curious glance in Dani's direction, "girl's night is on." 
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thegreatbuttoneer · 1 month
so of course here’s mine :3
PSA: I’m all kinds of fucked up, silly, and perchance a bit rabid, so don’t take anything I say personally or to heart :)
Names: Call me Max, Buttons, Fool, That Guy, Him over there Officer, He’s the one who robbed the bookstore, etc, etc, you get the idea.
Age: I amn’t an adult, so uhhh no fucking weirdos, amirite? Unless you’re a fun weirdo.
Pronouns: He/Him’s a safe bet. I don’t mind being referred to as ‘they’ either, though.
I’m the dumbest ‘smart guy’ you will ever meet
Nationality: this shit 🍁🇨🇦🍁 (gfy its colour not color) (MY TIMEZONE’s AST BTW FOLKS)
I like words, words are fun, and sometimes I make up words or use ‘not real’ words. The most common of which being:
Amn’t (am not)
Mkay (okay but softer)
Aight (alright)
Pft (my version of ‘lol’. It’s just onomatopoeia)
S’all (it’s all)
There’s a shitton more but you get the gist. Guess who usually gets bonus points for ‘voice’ in English class? (This guy.)
I’d list my hyperfixations but they change so often idefk anymore-
Still gonna try though 🤷
-Newsies (hence ‘Buttons’ as a nickname)
-The Outsiders (I was dragged into this but it’s still pretty cool)
-Smiling Friends (the sillies)
-Card games too, I don’t go anywheres without a deck of cards
-DND my beloved
Anywho that’s all I have the patience for rn. Ask me shit, I love yapping. Yapping is my passion.
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
This is the first time in 1 month Harry and Taylor is seen together lol last time was OCT 7…… he was completely MIA, no photos, not seen with her once after that play ended and now they are again???? and hey we even got told in September this would happen regarding Vancouver. Try tell me this isnt fake and PR :D
PSA stop being a loser and projecting your fantasies on these two they are boring and lame and taylor is just anoher jobless loser using him to become relevant olivia and holivia 0.2 ✨
um…i really don’t appreciate these kinds of asks, i think we can all enjoy and be excited about our own things…? i love harry and i love taylor separately, i think whatever they have is great…im just enjoying they’re both back in canada…
i don’t think that makes me a loser but okay…i’ve never even talked another them before on here…i’d appreciate if you didn’t call me names and assume i’m ’projecting fantasies’ when i’m not…it’s very uncalled for
i also don’t think it’s kind to target taylor russell for no reason other than her association with harry…
please don’t come to my page and be rude towards me for no reason, i don’t think i deserve it..
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Chapter 10: The Players Are Thinking
Reki sends Balmung a warning email that Kamui is in town...and snitches that she called him "Balmung's little add-on".
At Naval Monte, Balmung informs Wiseman that the Cobalt Knights have their sights set on Shugo. Balmung can keep Kamui in check for now but have the same amount of influence in the company so...there's only so much he can do and only for so long. Wiseman comments that Balmung is talking like an actual responsible employee, remarking on how much he grew up....
Wiseman then adds that Kamui and her group are employees too so they probably wouldn't do anything that would risk their jobs. Balmungs counters that Kamui would fuck over another administrator in a second if she could get what she wants. Wiseman counters that with the accusation that Balmung used to be the same way...an accusation that Balmung doesn't deny. What Balmung absolutely can't fucking stand is that Kamui snitches directly to the CC's top brass. That's why he needs Wiseman's help. Some shit is off limits when you're on the inside...
Back to the gang! Shugo is still asking around about Vagrant AIs. Nobody knows anything so Bummer City. It's around then that Shugo asks Zafie how old she is. She answers she doesn't know her physical age but she came into being three days ago. All of her other data just tells her that Aura is her mom, that's all. Shugo quietly (and hopefully to himself) muses out loud that it's like Zafie was born just to get lost.
He gets a message from Rena and the rest and sets off to their location. Sadly, he is being watched by an insanely jealous Kamiya who is besides himself with rage that Shugo has found yet another girl to hang out with. Still pissed at his loss at the world event, he decides to embark on a plan of vague revenge. Then he will have Rena all to himself! That's totally how romance works (then again, given the "main couple" of the series, what the hell do I know...)
Mireille discusses the clues (Four Years Ago, Net Slums) with the others when they team up. Mireille has to explain cheaters to Shugo and Hotaru (language barrier; ignore it) and Ouka gives a PSA on how cheating is for losers. True strength can only come from persistent training! So it's off to to the Net Slums...except, not yet. They have no way of getting there without hacking which goody two shoes like them are reluctant to do (and it's not like they're technically literate enough to do it anyway). Shugo gripes that they have a major lead and they can't even use it but Mireille points out they can investigate the Four Years thing instead. But then everyone has to log on because they've been on for fucking hours at this point.
It's then that Rena randomly brings up a kid named Kazu (not Kazuya). He apparently used to live in their neighborhood with his sister and played with the twins a lot. Apparently, he plays World too so Rena suggests that Shugo get in touch with him, both to catch up and to see if he knows anything about the Event (because he's been playing longer than any of them). They're about to log off but Zafie's still there...are they just gonna leave her by herself? Shugo elects to stay behind and, given it's summer vacation, Rena leaves grumpily. Shugo then heads back to the City of Water with Zafie.
Shugo is about to pass out but Zafie is remembering what Shugo said about her birth (which he apparently blurted out like an asshole). She then gets back at him by asking him why he was born. He flips out, thinking she was asking about the birds and the bees before she takes his hand and notices he was born (re: his account was created) four months ago. Zafie then has a full on existential crisis as she points out if this world has a perfect system that should naturally include having a security system to deal with glitches and bugs, an unknown element like a lost child should be easy to deal with. Shugo's too dumb to keep up with any of that but he assures her with the fact that if there were no "mistakes" like her, then life wouldn't be any fun. Essentially:
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(If you think Steven Universe is cringe, why are you reading someone curse about .hack? smh)
Shugo continues on his point and, satisfied, Zafie flops her head on his lap. The two play a word game before they go to sleep.
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Kamui is pulling yet another all-nighter. Magi tries to tell her to take a break but Kamui shouts at her, demanding today's report. Magi reports nothing major but Kamui notices a message, ordering Magi to trace it. Someone answers when Magi connects them to chat. The person sounds desperate for help and Kamui calmly offers to meet them in person to help more directly.
That person? Strongly implied to be Kamiya...and the chapter ends with the implication the rat bitch just sold out Shugo.
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Great job on the less incest, more intrigue, guys. Legitimately excited to be reading this series now. Also, while I love an intimidating villain, you gotta have the weaselly fuckers too which Kamiya is perfect for. Of course he winds up being the one to fuck over the group at the halfway point. Will Shugo defeat Kamui? What happened Four Years ago? Where is Aura? At least one of these will be alluded to in the next chapter.
0 notes
trashthemouth · 5 years
ooc tags!
ooc.  ↬  unironic it musical stan.
asks.  ↬  the man of a thousand voices.
starter call.  ↬  getting off a good one.
askbox meme.  ↬  i don’t write my own material.
self promo.  ↬  i’ll go fuck myself.
promo.  ↬  welcome to the losers club.
saved.  ↬  you gotta remember this summer.
music.  ↬  richie tozier’s ‘‘all-dead’’ rock show.
psa.  ↬  in case shit gets bad again one day.
queue.  ↬  can only virgins see this stuff?
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rocknsatan · 5 years
tag dump
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mvncesa · 6 years
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tag dump pt. one / ooc tag dump (watch as I forget a bunch of tags)
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acvitas · 4 years
tag drop   ( ooc )
* functioning on my last brain cell / ooc.
* this is gonna be all i talk about / save.
* the empire are weak lil bitches / psa.
* pulls out a history book of receipts / starter call.
* the lord yeeteth and the lord yoinketh away / closed starter.
* it’s all fun and games / inbox.
* but the fun stops when you’re a sore loser / answered.
* support the kita brand / self promo.
* in this house we stan / promo.
* local knife lesbian / kita.
* hand in marrIAGE/ iconning.
* screaming in photoshop / edits.
* ah shit here we go again / self reblog.
0 notes
inferneres · 4 years
tag drop   ( ooc )
* functioning on my last brain cell / ooc.
* this is gonna be all i talk about / save.
* charmed canon is not real it cannot hurt you / psa.
* get in losers we’re overthrowing heaven / starter call.
* the lord yeeteth and the lord yoinketh away / closed starter.
* i mixed some herbs and now my cat says fuck / inbox.
* shit we nearly ended the world again / answered.
* support the kita brand / self promo.
* in this house we stan / promo.
* local knife lesbian / kita.
* thATS MY GIRL THATS MY GIRL/ iconning.
* screaming in photoshop / edits.
* ah shit here we go again / self reblog.
* a thousand faces pass by and how many do you truly affect / npcs.
0 notes