#this is a wip and subject to change but im happy with it so far
celluzu · 1 year
QSMP as Warrior Cats
Thunderclan: Roier, Quackity, Vegetta, Baghera, Slime, Mariana, Etoiles, Leonarda, Juanaflippa, Tilin, Pomme.
Shadowclan: Badboyhalo, Cellbit, Jaiden, FitMC, Foolish, Dapper, Ramon.
Riverclan: Forever, Pac, Mike, Maxo, Aypierre, Trump, Richarlyson.
Windclan: Philza, Missa, Felps, Antoine, Tallulah, Chayanne.
Loner/Rouge: Wilbur, Spreen, Kameto.
Starclan: Luzu, DanTDM, Rubius, Tilin, Bobby, Trump, Juanaflippa.
Dark Forest: Cucurucho, Elquackity.
- All "eggs" were found at fourtrees on the same night, the clans believe the kits to be a sign from Starclan for more peaceful, united times. The kits were taken back to clan camps, and continue to aid in bringing them together. They'll soon have more dangerous forces to deal with than border disputes.
- Unfortunately for the clans, these kits only seem to draw those dangers closer to their home. They quickly find that something is targeting the "eggs" and are devastated and enraged when they lose three of them to the mysterious monsters.
- Felps, believing to be following a starclan cat was led into the old Windclan tunnels. If he didn't know any better, he might just think that the "starclan" cat was the one who made the only exit collapse.
- Quackity vanished on the way home from a gathering, returning the next moon to the clans suspicion.
- Elquackity possesses Quackity's body similarly to how Ashfur possesses Bramblestar in the recent arc
- Wilbur is a loner, who found Tallulah at the edge of the Windclan border, knowing he couldn't take care of her alone he brought her to Windclan. He visits frequently, and is seen as a friend of the clans.
- Spreen is considered a hostile rouge by Thunderclan after attacking their Warrior Roier.
- Jaiden was once a thunderclan cat, after being plagued with nightmares of the dark forest she sought refuge with Shadowclan. Thunderclan believes her to be dead.
- Pac was separated from his patrol while examining suspicious paw prints after the disappearance of a friendly kitty pet. He found himself at the river, where he was dragged into the water by a mysterious force.
- Mike refuses sleep after his disappearance, fearful that Pac may visit his dreams from Starclan and confirm his fears that his friend might truly be dead
- Richarlyson can often be found crossing the river onto Sunningrocks to play with with Bobby. Forever can often be found dragging him back.
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @lyntergalactic (like ten years ago, sorryyyy) and @spiritofthenortheners 💜💜💜
I played this back in December-ish, so some stuff hasn't changed but I'm happy to do it again!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 16! Which is twice as many as I had last time I played this, woohoo!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 254,307
3. What fandoms do you write for? So far, a couple different versions of Star Wars (mostly TCW) and also Stranger Things
Click to see the rest so I don't take over your dash!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe 10% Better (Stranger Things, Steddie)
Trying to Escape What You Can't Let Go (TCW, genfic)
Less Talk More Rokk (Stranger Things, Steddie)
Plans (Star Wars: Rebels, Kalluzeb)
TIED FOR FIFTH: A Flimsi Excuse (TCW, QuinFox) and Built on Bones and Middens (TCW, QuinFox)
5. Do you respond to comments? Hell yeah!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? A Mandalorian Comes Riding (TCW, Jangobi) is a pretty rough one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of them Let's say Picture (Im)perfect (TCW, Waxer/Boil)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet? 😬
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do! I really love to write smut that's fun and full of banter and a little bit of push-and-pull.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nah, not my thing
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet, but I'm open to the idea!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I don't know if I'd ever want to subject anyone to that 🤣
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I am a ship slut not the sort to get locked down, but Destiel held my singular attention for several years in a row.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? As I think I said last time, a Foxiyo fic that I accidentally outlined to death. I think if I let it breathe I may resurrect it one day.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, I think, but I may be biased because I also think that's the most fun to write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I think I often get too caught up in what a character is doing and don't spend enough time on what they're thinking and feeling.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done a bit of Mando'a but I think it should just be a smattering, if at all. Otherwise, just write it in English and say that it's in [whatever language]. Like in Hunt for Red October where they zoom in on that guy's face and then zoom back out and everyone is just speaking English with bad Russian accents.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars: Rebels
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? At the moment I'll say Built on Bones and Middens, the QuinFox mystery fic I wrote for the 2023 Clone Bang. It's my longest fic to date and I'm really pleased with how it turned out!
No pressure tags: @whiskygoldwings @hellsbelle8675
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amymel86 · 4 years
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Inspired by this post
A while ago I made @vivilove-jonsa​ a promise - that I wouldn’t post anything new (bar my drabble event entries) until I’d finished Redamancy. I could work on new things - but not post.
So here’s my chance to sort of cheat (Ssshhh! No one tell Vivi!)
This is a kind of modern post-apocalyptic ish au (and is currently untitled) - basically a couple of decades after a global pandemic, the majority of the world’s female population is left infertile and the government are providing incentives and schemes to try and boost the efforts to repopulate.
Guess which girl is left fertile?? (I know, I know, predictable, right? I don’t even care - I’m having fun) 
You’ll see this is very rough - there’s notes in there for myself where I’ve not made up my mind about stuff - even stuff that’s already there may well get changed. 
But I’d like to share some of what I have already if you guys don’t mind (and Vivi doesn’t kill me)...
I’d also like to invite other authors to share some of their WIP!
“They’re offering money now,” Anya’s plummy whisper carried through from the kitchen. Sansa paused. She’d been getting ready for hers and Harry’s night out - one of many, but she loved them. She adored the heady buzz of her dirty margaritas and the belly-warming glow she felt when Harry would keep her close, proud to have her on his arm. Sansa found that she craved distractions and her well-to-do boyfriend certainly was that. “There’s a whole package of incentives, Harry, you really should consider it.”
With fingers rolling the cut jet beads of her long-looped necklace, Sansa hovers between seconds, waiting to hear Harry’s answer. She’d asked him before; about having a baby. The new normal is not having to worry about all that – or worrying far too much.
Just over a decade ago, the highly contagious disease, [[NAME DISEASE]] spread its vicious reach throughout the population of Westeros; a disease that the infected had a coin’s toss chance of surviving, but left a staggering amount of surviving women barren. Left in the virus’s wake, there were also women like Sansa – anomalies. With seemingly no medical explanation, the [[disease name]] allowed them to keep hold of both their lives, and their ability to reproduce.  
Sansa had thought, what with her having the rare ability to give Harry children, he would have been enthused by the idea when she’d broached the subject. Instead, he’d brushed it aside, seemingly uninterested.
And now his mother is getting involved. Anya Waynwood; a greying woman whose age has left her no less formidable both on a personable level and on a business one. Sansa knows this since she works directly under her at Waynwood’s Estates and Lettings.
“Think of it,” Anya whispers, filling the silence, “a baby of your own, with beautiful sandy hair and chubby cheeks. Just like you. You were such a happy babe.”
“Mother,” Harry starts. Sansa can hear him place his beer bottle down on the polished marble kitchen island. She begins to worry her lip as she listens. “Just because Sansa’s a peach, it doesn’t mean we’re going to have a baby.” She winced at that. ‘A peach’ – it’s not quite a derogatory term for a woman like her – a fertile, but it’s not considered polite either. Still, it’s better than when creeps find out what she is and start to tell her she’s ‘ripe for the plucking’... she supposes. She’s a novelty to them – her and women like her. They’re the kind of guys that search that subsection of illegal porn dedicated to the genre of ‘peaches’ for filthy connoisseurs with a breeding kink.
Harry’s not like that. He’s always been careful when they were intimate... well... he’s always finished in a way that would be biologically impossible to result in a pregnancy anyway. And... he cares for her... doesn’t he?
The thing is, Sansa really would like to have a child. The gods allowed her that ability for some reason, surely? Having a child might bring a sorely missed smile to her mother’s face – a smile that hasn’t really appeared since the virus took father and Robb away. They could bundle up their precious babe and take a trip up north to Winterfell and-
“I don’t even like children,” Harry continued, making Sansa frown. “I can’t even remember the last time I saw anyone under the age of... I don’t know... sixteen? I wouldn’t know what to do with a baby.”
“Well, that’s what Sansa’s for.”
Sansa rolled her eyes so hard they hurt. She’s tempted to go out there and show her face so that this conversation can peter off into the silence that that particular comment deserves. She could picture Anya’s expression perfectly during her next words; brows raised in expectancy, a devious twinkle in her eye and her coral pink painted lips twitching upward in a smirk.
“The government are offering a 15k incentive for the first baby, and all medical bills taken care of. There’s even talk of a new housing development especially for breeders. Now doesn’t that sound like it’s worth considering?”
Urgh. ‘Breeders’. Sansa hates that one too. There’s been rumours of these ‘repopulation incentive packages’, but she hadn’t realised they’d be so... generous. If-... if Harry’s convinced then she could send some extra money up to her mother for Bran’s chair – might even be able to get some to Arya wherever she is, off backpacking, living from youth hostel to youth hostel.
“Mum,” Harry lowers his voice, the deep timbre of it only just making it to Sansa’s ears. She moves closer to the bedroom door, tilting her head as if that would help her hear better. “I... I can’t.”
“Nonsense, of course-“
“No, Mum. I can’t. I can’t have children. I’ve been tested.”
Sansa’s heart thumpity-thumped against her ribs. She’s not meant to be hearing this... and yet at the same time, she feels like she should be hearing this.
Anya sounded aghast. “What do you mean? Of course you can have children!”
“You remember Cissy and Saffron?”
Harry’s exes. But he’d said that Sansa was his first girlfriend who was also a fertile so why-
“Your other peaches? Yes.”
Oh.... Oh no.
“Well it wasn’t like I was careful with them. It never happened because it can’t. I can’t... It just... never happened and so I got tested and I’m... I’m okay with never having kids.”
Sansa’s gut started to roll.
Where was that damned dirty margarita?
“And what’s your marital status, dear?” the older woman asked over her wire-rimmed glasses.
Sansa swallowed. “Single.” It hadn’t taken long for her to come to the conclusion that Harry was no different than all the others. She, as ‘his peach’ was purely a status symbol to hang on his arm. Oh, she could kick herself now for all the times she enjoyed his attentions and how he loved to show her off. Why hadn’t she seen it sooner? Harry didn’t care about her. He didn’t see a future with her. All he cared about was his own significance and status. But, of course, as soon as she’d broken things off with her darling son, Anya had made her working life a living hell. Sansa needed more options but she knows Anya is loathed to give her a good job reference and she’s hardly qualified for anything above partying her life away to distract herself and minimum wage. She can’t afford to stop sending her mum money for her medication, and Bran needed his physiotherapy sessions and a new chair. All the equations point towards sticking it out at Waynwood Estates but -
“A pretty thing like you? That is surprising!” the woman – a Mrs S Mordane as per the name plate on her desk – says with a small smile.
Sansa shrugs, not wanting to get into the nitty-gritty of the failings of her love-life – and especially not with a stranger in a little cubicle at The Vale Council Offices. She clears her throat. “I-I heard there was some sort of matching service?”
The woman’s eyes light up behind her spectacles. “Oh, yes. Is that something you’re interested in?”
Well, she needed to do something.
“I... I don’t know. Can you tell me more?”
A bundle of leaflets were handed over to Sansa before Mrs Mordane tap-tapped on her computer to print out even more information for her. “We have a whole host of potentially lucky fellas for you to choose from. They’ve all been extensively quizzed and along with the answers from your questionnaire –“ she paused, nodding her head towards the handful of papers now in Sansa’s grasp, “ – we’ll be able to narrow down who might be best suited for you.”
Sansa’s eyes fell to the leaflet on top. There was a photograph of a smiling, gummy baby. “A-and then what?”
“That fucking dipshit crook! I’m gonna fucking kill him the next time he’s at Hobb’s I’ll-“
Jon opened his trailer door with a creak and a slam to see what all the racket was about. It was Mance, of course. No one else ‘round here for miles anyhow. He squints his one good eye at the sun reflecting off the sandy dirt that led up to Mance’s farmhouse.
“I’ll kill ‘im, Jon! I will!” the man exclaimed when he’d caught sight of him, right before he kicked up some of the dust beneath his tattered leather boots.
Leaning his shoulder against the door frame, Jon smirked as his sight adjusted to the blinding sun. “Who you killin’ this time old man?”
“That damn bastard Slynt, that’s who!”
Jon straightened. Slynt owned a chain of used car lots in the area. His branches in the two nearest towns always sent cars for fixing straight to him and Mance. It was a slow but steady influx of work and meant that Mance could afford to keep his property and his land from falling into the hands of the tax man – which also meant Jon could continue to live there too; in his trailer parked up beside the farmhouse.
They really needed those cars to fix.
“Yeah. ‘Shit’ is ‘bout right, boy.”
It didn’t take too long for Mance to come and find him later that day. Normally, unless they’re working on a vehicle together, Mance leaves him well enough alone until dinner time which suits Jon just fine. But here he is peering into the old barn, finding Jon working on the project he has going for himself. The old man had told him not to purchase it – the broken down compact utility tractor – but they’d been visiting a farm closure auction for possible parts and Jon fancied himself to be able to fix up the piece of machinery and sell it on. Turns out, it needs more parts replacing to get it going than he’d originally anticipated, but Jon was nothing but determined to make this baby purr into life again. Jon straightened, wiping his oily hands in an old rag while his one good eye followed Mance as he approached.
“I been thinkin’.”
Jon snorted quietly.
Mance ignored him. “With what we got in the bank, those council folk will be sniffin’ ‘round here, comin’ to take my land from me in little more than 4 months – 6 tops.”
Fuck. OK, he knew they’d needed Slynt’s cars but he hadn’t known it was this dyer. He felt his tongue roll around his mouth as though he could find a solution between his teeth. “We need more cars to fix.” Mance pierced him with a ‘no shit, dumbass’ kind of look making Jon sigh. “We can go into town, post flyers, fix folk’s cars up ready for their M.O.Ts, fuckin’ clean and polish ‘em too if it comes to that.”
“[[INSERT NAME OF TOWN]] has a population of about 200, 202 if yer countin’ us. And half of ‘em are either poor as dirt or just as handy with a wrench as you an’ me. Ain’t nobody keepin’ us afloat from that town, boy.”
Jon’s gaze drifted around the dusty old barn. “We could go further afield, to [[INSERT TOWN]] or [[INSERT TOWN]], even go as far as [[INSERT TO----]]
“It’s not gonna work, Snow.”
“Well we gotta try somethin’!” Jon hollered, slamming the rusted hood of his tractor down with a loud clang. He paced away, dirty hand running through dirty hair. “What about the land?” he asked, staring at the ancient farming equipment abandoned in the corner of the barn, left unused for a few decades a least. “Your family used to farm the land. We could too.” He turned to look at Mance. Sure, they’d have to clear at least one field of decaying vehicle carcasses and other miscellaneous rusted objects, and the rest is currently being strangled by a carpet of brambles. But they could do it, couldn’t they? The Rayder’s used to be grain farmers before the land was handed down to Mance and he, already a mechanic by trade had had no love nor want to carry on the tradition.
Mance blinked at him, his lips twisting in consideration. “That would take a long time to get going, Snow. Longer than we can afford.”
Jon felt a prickle up his spine. The words ‘well have you got any smart ideas, then wise-ass?!’ right on the tip of his tongue when Mance interrupts.
“I’ve been on the phone with a woman. A woman at the council.”
Jon flung his arms into the air, giving his back to Mance while he shook his head in dismay. Great. Now they know we’re in trouble. They’ll be sniffin’ ‘round here sooner.
“She was talkin’ ‘bout a scheme,” the old man continued
“Financial aid?”
“Not exactly. You sign up for the scheme an’ if yer selected they... well, they go easy on yer for taxes an’ they give yer some money too.”
Jon turned to face him again, a furrow to his brow. “That don’t sound right. Why would they go easy on taxes and give us money? They ain’t gonna do that, old man.”
“They will if there’s gonna be a wee baby on the property.”
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i-love-your-light · 4 years
Author interview tag
I was tagged by @that-was-anticlimactic (thank u ! )
Name: My real name is Emily, my AO3 name is i_love_your_light
Fandom(s): Currently I write mostly for ATLA!  I’ve got some ideas for She-Ra too though that I’d like to write, and I used to write for a specific broadway show called Spring Awakening lmao
Where You Post: AO3!
Most Popular One-Shot: the honest answer to this question out of all my works is a nsfw one-shot from my broadway days which i will not link here.  My most popular ATLA one-shot so far tho is six of swords !  Incredibly fluffy modern!au Zukka boyfriends just being soft.  I’m love them.  
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Fic: beautiful things !!  the first multi-chapter fic i ever published and the first atla fic i ever published.  the love on this one makes me so so happy.  this one’s my version of how zuko and sokka get together in canon timeline while at ember island, where they bond over their artsy sides and generally get into shenanigans and nothing goes as planned but it’s all wonderful.
Favorite Story You’ve Written So Far: beautiful things :)
Fic You Were Nervous to Post:  i get nervous to post most things lmao but everyone has been so incredibly kind in comments and kudos so i am slowly gaining confidence
How You Chose Your Titles: honestly i don’t have a straightforward answer to this question lolol.  i like titles that don’t have any letters capitalized because i’m ~pretentious~ lol but otherwise it kind of just... comes to me?  sometimes i have a specific song in mind while i’m writing that I take lyrics from (like for my yueki sci fi au they will see us waving from such great heights) and other times it just comes from the summarizing the vibe of the subject matter.  Either way i try to consider titles from a reader perspective- something that would be simultaneously telling and intriguing enough to make me want to click on it.
Do You Outline?: yes!! i have lots of different scales of outlines- outlines for the general fic, and then outlines of scenes and moments and everything. they’re not super strict- if while im writing i realize i want to go a different direction then i’ll go back and edit my outline, but my adhd will not let me start something unless i can check it off a list or see a stopping point, and copious outlines let me do that :)  
Coming Soon: SO! MANY! currently the wips that are closest to being published are: a college!au zukka that’s Just Yearning and a Mailee retell of s2-3 from Mai’s perspective.
Do You Accept Prompts?: yeah!!!!  i used to do drabble prompts for my broadway ships all the time lol but i would gladly do that here!  ofc i reserve the right to not fill any prompt that like... makes me uncomfortable (i don’t do nsfw on tumblr and in general i don’t do xreader fics) and ive got a thousand wips rn so it might not be super quick but if you’d like me to write something for you, slide into that askbox i’d sincerely love to write oneshots and drabbles for people
Upcoming Story You’re Most Excited To Write?:  Ok i have two Long Fic ideas that i can’t wait to dive into.  One is a Zukka Amelie!AU (Amelie is one of my favorite movies of all time and the dynamic just works and getting to retell Zuko’s redemption arc in a modern context of like.. doing random vigilante acts of kindness is so exciting to me).  The other is Suki taking Zuko on a life-changing field trip to adopt Druk and Zuko struggling to be a caregiver and maybe probably it ends up being Zukki because i love them.  Again though i literally have a three page bulleted doc of ideas so.  i’m going to write so much and im excited for all of them.
Fic recs:  honestly i have a whole google doc with my roommate that’s full of fic recs that i will make a separate post for.  but the atla fandom is just chock full of incredible writers and im in awe of so many of them
Tagging: whoever reads this and wants to do it!! i dont want to annoy anybody by tagging them directly but if you see this you can absolutely say i tagged you and do this challenge! i love seeing people get excited about their own creations :)
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 166
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said: (past rape/noncon)
Hi! I'm looking for a fic in which Bucky hides his period from the team (once he is with the avengers) because Pierce made him believe that it meant he had lost a baby. There's at least mention of past rape and I remember reading it on ao3, but I haven't been able to find it -Thank you in advance for your help and making this archive!
Anon 2 said:
do you know the fic where steve got the serum but his body build didnt change and he never went down in the ice but he was also aging very slowly and that’s how he made it in the modern world. when he met bucky again, he prevented the events of cw from happening by telling tony about what really happened with his parents and stuff
darkphoenixrisingwrites said:
Hi, I am looking for a Stucky fic on Ao3. Bucky was captured and put into a safe house with Steve. Hr isn't allowed to leave the and isn't talking to Steve at first because he doesn't remember him. A government guy pays them regular visits. A female therapist comes to visit Bucky too. Nat and Sam were guests in the house. Steve manages to get Bucky to talk. Soon Bucky begins to remember stuff. He is sure that his memory of kissing Steve is real but Steve denies it. Steve orders stuff for the house via chat with some guy from the government. Thomas or so. Later Steve and Bucky sleep with each other and get almost caught by that government guy during a surprise visit. Nat, during one of her visits, figures out what's going on between them. If I remember correctly Bucky is on some kind if trial phase. If he behaves and if the therapist declares him not a threat, then he is free to go. If he breaks a rule he'll be tried for his crimes as the WS.
pendragonstar and dragonflybeach sent in We’ll Be Okay Someday* by arthurmarston (WIP | 105,982 | E) *implied/referenced rape/noncon, implied/referenced torture
Anon 3 said:
hi, hello, there’s a fic I’ve been looking for forever and I can’t seem to find... I don’t remember most of the details, but bucky was a merman. His tail was red and he had human legs as long as he didn’t touch any water? I think it was set in the war and it was very angsty. I remember a scene in which they’re being attacked and Bucky jumps off a cliff and into water, turns, and kills their enemies (hydra??)
herkharvey sent in Sharp Teeth and Bird Bones* by Shaish, Stringlish (restricted, complete | 32662 & E) *graphic violence 
musicforlife2000-blog said:
looked everywhere and I can't find this fic, its about Steve being able to teleport, and Peggy has kids with Gabe, and they find Bucky but he doesn't remember himself but makes the decision to trust Steve in the hospital when Steve promises him revenge on hydra their relationship develops while Bucky remembers more, and then something about Steve being able to teleport people in some void and depending on good or bad they see some awful stuff and at the end Becca and Bucky find Steve on a beach
ice-whisper, dragonflybeach, princessniitza, whyaretheycalledpancakes and Anon sent in cascades.* by orange_crushed (complete | 152,138 | M) *graphic violence
Anon 4 said:
Hi! Sorry this is a bit vague but i was looking for this fic about bucky's recovery where steve does a painting of bucky that becomes famous (there was a lot about how the painting evoked a sense of distance between the viewer and the subject and i think rothko was mentioned?) and later on he does another painting of bucky that shows how far they've come and how they're in a better place now? Thank you!! :)
amazonrhinos sent in Casual Encounters by MoreThanSlightly (cadignan) (complete | 66,593 | E)
Anon 5 said:
Hi! I've been going crazy looking for a fic and thought I'd try my luck here. I remember it was a journal/book written by one of the howling commandos, showing Steve and Bucky from an outsiders pov in the war. Bucky was kept out of history, he was never referred to by name and in the fic the nazis had a nickname for him that had something to do with skull, and parts of bucky's character was the 'bear jew' from inglorious bastards.
Anon sent in Jacob (I Have Loved) by Lasgalendil (restricted, WIP | 109,472| M) *graphic violence, rape/noncon, major character death
whyaretheycalledpancakes sent in The Night War: 60th Anniversary Edition* by praximeter (Zimario) (complete | 109,105 | T ) */others or Brothers by bloodbuzzedohio (complete | 49,821 | E)
Anon 6 said:
Hi, ages ago I read a fic that was Steve and Bucky pre-war, it was basically a PWP where Bucky and Steve would have sex, but the whole tone was kinda: Bucky isn't looking Steve in the eyes, so he can pretend he's a dame, lots of denial, etc., but at the end, Bucky is being all gentle to Steve and says something like "I don't want to pretend you're a dame anymore" to Steve. I searched so much for that fic, so i was hoping that maybe someone could help? :)
Anon 7 said:
I was reading this very long post WWII AU fic, but didn’t bookmark it. Can you help me find it? Steve fought WWII, but in Pacific. Arnie died in Guadalcanal. Peggy was nurse. Steve got blue ticked. Bucky is sixteenish twink and met S in gay bar. S has storage chest and B finds sketchbooks there. S+B move together to 2 bedroom apartment. S feels guilty for making B live in shadows as a gay man. 
herkharvey, princessniitza and allegra-dreams sent in Civilian* by alby_mangroves, CoraRochester (complete | 71,880 | E) *underage
trash-bih said:
Hi... I’m looking for a fic where Steve and Bucky are in Paris during/after the war and it starts off with them at like a party. Steve and Bucky are talking to different women. The woman talking to Steve knew he is in love with Bucky and pulls him off to the side to speak with him. She introduces Steve to her girlfriend. The women, Steve, and Bucky then leave for a hotel. At the hotel, Steve blindfolds Bucky but inadvertently triggers Bucky’s PTSD from his captivity/experimentation at Azzano.
Anon 8 said:
i've sent this ask before, but i think it got lost among the others. i'm looking for an abo fic, where bucky is an alpha and steve is an omega. it's in the 1940s. bucky goes to war and comes back from it alive. steve doesn't get the serum, so it's a pre-serum one. they have bunch of kids, i think it was around 7-8 (might be even more). they move somewhere else and bucky starts working as a mechanic with the romanoffs. thank you!!!
currently-recharging sent in Like Rahab* by moonythejedi394 (complete | 131,789| E) *rape/noncon
Anon 9 said:
Thanks for this blog! I'm looking for a fit that's an AU where they are both agents and Bucky gets kidnapped and Steve finds him by listening to background noise recording. Also he helps buck recover. Thanks again!
scriggle-scraggle sent in When the Sun Sets on Dark Silhouettes by caughtinanocean (oneshot | 8,283 | T)
Anon 10 said:
can you help me find this fic?? basically bucky goes to steve's house in the middle of the night and talks about how he was fucked by someone else at a party but he wasn't as good, so he has steve fuck him instead, but then they become boyfriends, and i remember that bucky had this like 'sweet space' where he basically drops really hard. thank you so much!!
theheartofmaria sent in No One Else by howdoyousleep (complete | 12,577 | E)
Anon 11 said:
hi im really desperate to find this fic im wondering if you could help me? basically its post tws and buckys running from steve and sam, but he goes to the museum’s exhibit on him and steals a boys phone in the bathroom to research himself more before returning the phone. steve catches up to him but bucky knocks him out to escape before eventually going to the tower with him and in the end he dyes his hair blue. does this ring any bells? thank uuuuu
Anon 12 said:
I'm looking for this fic where Steve&Bucky were fucking, but Bucky always had his mask on and refused to tell Steve his name. Steve got sick or smthn and Bucky came to visit him in the hospital and they fucked and I think Steve begged either for Bucky's name or for him to take off the mask? I think Bucky was a temporary avenger bc someone was sick maybe?? So they fuck for the last time bc Bucky's contract is up and so he tells Steve who he really is. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
allegra-dreams and Anon sent in a blade with no handle by ftmsteverogers (oneshot | 13,351 | E)
amazonrhinos sent in Happy Accidents by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) (restricted, complete | 29,777 | E)
40 notes · View notes
bangtanxm · 4 years
Bookclub; March Highlight
This month’s theme was “The Darkness Within” asking for our bookclub members to find the most angstiest and darkest stories to recommend for this month. These are our our monthly fanfic recommendations from our bangtanxm; bookclub!
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In the following you find a list of fics we recommend and reviewed this month. Please support these amazing authors! With every monthly recommendation, there is also a drabble game that everyone can participate in. You’ll find the masterlist at the end of the reviews. Happy Reading!
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BOOKCLUB; recommendations
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PS. As this theme involves a lot of triggering topics, we’d like to emphasize to thoroughly read the disclaimers on each story. Thank you.
TEMPTATION written by linzeigh
— Summary; Yoongi and Jimin are priests. Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook are hungry. — Disclaimer; pwp, demons, nsfw-content
bookclub; review
“AAAAARRHHHHH. This was so incredible. I feel like no matter what I say, it will not do this masterpiece justice. It's so sinful and forbidden, but oh how it feels so right! The gradual revelation of Jimin and Yoongi’s mutual lust for each other was masterfully written. And fuck, I love the demon trio of Jin, JK and Tae. Their interactions and teasing brought a surprisingly bright mood to the fic, and I giggled several times at JK and Tae’s bickering. The concept of them feeding of sexual tension and being able to read Jimin and Yoongi’s mind was really interesting. The blasphemy was so shocking (and surprisingly intriguing), and I kept thinking damn how far is the author gonna take it, and oh lord very very far indeed. This is a must-read for anyone who likes explicit and dark fics!!” [@tinysweetscrown]
“This fic is so good. It is lengthy, for one, which is so admirable and amazing considering it’s largely smut. Smut can be so hard to write such big fics of and keep it fresh and interesting, but this author was able to do so. They were able to really take their time with each character and it felt fresh and interesting, without being slow or repetitive which is such an awesome accomplishment. I love the small details that were added in, the fact that they didn’t bleed, probably didn’t need to breathe, were super strong, etc. – it really added to the depth of the characters themselves, which is something that is often left out of smut fics. Also the entire subject/plot. Though blasphemous in some ways, it was handled really really well and I think kind of brushed on some very important topics (like being gay and religious). Overall just a stunning piece of fiction that I will be coming back to again and again for a reread.” [anon]
THE PERFECT ILLUSION written by @softjeon​ & @cassiavioletblue​
— Summary; He was the perfect illusion. The getaway for anyone who didn’t want to face reality. And yet, there was something in his eyes, something vulnerable and hopeful as if he was dying for someone to see through him, to care for him enough to look behind the mask and draw out the real Jimin. And Namjoon couldn’t wait to do exactly that. — Disclaimer; mentioning of abusive behavior
bookclub; review
“this is...just wow.... the story is so interesting and unique, the writing is beautiful, the characters are so on point. Ive only read the first chapter so far and i just know this is going to be one of my classics. The universe is so well constructed, the characters very nuanced in such a short amount of time... You can see the research that went into the geisha world, and it's paying off into what i feel is a masterpiece.” [anon]
"I already had an admiration and love for geisha culture and craft so seeing this story come out the first time just made me so excited!! Granted it has darker thematic tones to it, I loved how Jimins character was so well embodied that it stuck with me even after I read it. Also Jungkook as the maiko liSTEN I GREW SO PROTECTIVE OF HIM THROUGHOUT THE STORY. That build up of his mizuage made me want to take him away to somewhere and Namjoon and Yoongi were just the best, most complimentary characters to each of them. Jimin needed someone soft and kind like Namjoon while Jungkook needed someone sort of protective and a little cheeky like Yoongi. Their dynamics just worked so freaking well and you can always count on Jey and Cat to have just the right amount of angst mixed with fluff cause damn it HURT for a while reading this but the relief of it all was so welcoming. I can't rec this fic enough honestly, the characters, the settings in the teahouse are so beautiful and I LOVE authors who aren't scared to make a member into an antagonistic character cause it added so much flavour to the chemistry OOF just well done it was so nice reminiscing with this fic again!!!” [anon]
“I read The Perfect Illusion originally as it came out. It is just as enjoyable the second time through. It was such an interesting and stunning piece, I felt. The real shining star was the slow burn aspect of it, I think, even more so than the angst or abuse aspects. The slow sort of build of romance between Joon and Jimin was really beautiful, especially with the constant looming danger of what they were doing. The gravity of it was revealed in a really slow, measured manner that I think really helped the reader feel that sense of urgency as the fic went on and we – like Namjoon, learned more and more about the situation than we’d known before. The disgust of what was being done to Jimin and JK and the other dancers was enough to roll one’s stomach, but it was done in such a way that it worked well with the fic. It wasn’t there just for shock value; everything seemed to have a purpose and a point and it wove together in a really fitting and gorgeously heartbreaking and bittersweet tale overall.”  [anon] 
SING FOR ME written by Trilluvium
— Summary; When Jimin set out to find Earthshine in order to save his mother, he’d been ready to give up his life. Earthshine’s keeper, however, was interested in taking more from Jimin than just his life. — Disclaimer; non-con, tentacles, rape
bookclub; review
“Just wow. Okay, so this fic is so beautifully done. There is nonconsent, yes, it’s dark, yes, but it’s so much more than that. Particularly because of the ending, which is so bittersweet – Jimin’s choice. But my thinking is, vaguely hopeful? Maybe things will turn around? But that’s just me. Either way – the real shining star in this fic is the descriptive writing. The author does such a good job of writing in a very clear and detailed manner that a lot of folks just can’t accomplish without it dragging the fic down. It feels far heavier in description than dialogue, which I think fits it perfectly. The author was able to perfectly describe this absolutely beautiful fantasy realm in which the characters are, as well as the inhuman aspects of the characters. The description left me breathless – I wasn’t distracted, struggling to imagine what a, b, or c looked like – the author painted this amazing, film quality scene in my head. And because of that, I was able to focus fully on the dialogue and action of the characters.”  [anon]
WHISPERING SHADOWS written by @jooniesmind​
— Summary; It’s an already tough ability, that becomes borderline impossible, when you’re scared of ghosts. And Jimin was like that. — Disclaimer; angst, ghosts, mentioning of death
bookclub; review
“This is an excellent start to what could be a really sad, beautiful fic! The descriptions used are really stunning, painting a lovely picture (and a sad one). I’d love to see what would happen if JK came back, or even just following poor terrified-of-ghosts Jimin through his life, doing his job in whatever way he can manage. I’d love to learn more about how it works, what he does (and doesn’t do) and meet other ghosts he’s had to tangle with. And other whisperers! How it works and what makes them have the ability, etcetera. There’s such a whole rich world here that I think the author really began to develop in a beautiful way.” [anon]
“this story just hits you right in the feels. the author does a great job of putting so much emotion in a little one-shot that i’m just in awe at how they’ve done it. it is perfect!” [anon]
The Chaos Theory (Love Me Now) written by leanmeancuisine
— Summary; Jeon Jungkook, Prince of the South Korean Royal Pack and CEO of the largest conglomerate in the world, was thought to be following his father’s footsteps in becoming a Purebred Alpha. Oh, how wrong was that. Freshly presented at 18, Jungkook is discovered to be a Genus—a rare and one of a kind type of wolf that has more than one special gene. — Disclaimer; ABO Dynamics, mentioning of suicide, depression, kidnapping, poly-relationship
bookclub; review
“So I read this entire wip in one sitting. And then had to lay down and sleep on it before writing this. That’s how damn good this fic is. I was absolutely blown away. The style of writing is unbelievably well done. The author was able to really create this whole world and species, essentially, borrowing from some of the more traditional tropes but changing it into something very unique and creative. It feels so entirely fresh and interesting, weaving both very well handled traumas and angst in with softer, gentler bits that give the fic a level of depth and beauty that I haven’t seen in a very long time. All of the characters are so beautifully developed; I honestly can’t think of one I prefer more than the other of the ones that we have met so far. I’m so incredibly curious about the remaining members, as well as how Jin will blend with the rest of the group as things progress. I look forward to many updates!” [anon]
“ALRIGHT DAMN what a ride and im only prologue + 1st ch in! the introduction to jungkook's is honestly so good, and the author describes the scenes so perfectly its like we're there with jungkook, annoyed at the world. These two chapters definitely got my attention and i have a feeling ill be binging this in a near future. I can't wait to see how the author develop the other boys, how they'll introduce them... im getting excited now” [anon]
MONSTER UNDER THE BED written by Born2beSad
— Summary; Namjoon’s new apartment came with a little more than he was expecting… …luckily for him and his nighttime visitor, he’s into it. — Disclaimer; tentacles pwp, monsters,
bookclub; review
“This is such an interesting twist on the tentacle genre! I loved jimin and Joon's dynamic, although definitely wrong...but in a universe with monster under the beds i don't think that matters. Jimin as a character was weirdly endearing, and you can't help yourself from feeling sorry for him and his loneliness, and relieved he found Joon. And well, Joon is leaving his best life, so props to him for sticking around. The writing was impeccable, will definitely be going through the authors fics in a near future” [anon]
“I'm a lil bit of a newbie with tentacle porn reading wise and def haven't tried it writing wise but THIS WAS THE SHIIITTTT I LOVED IT SO MUCH (and lowkey highkey brought out a small tentacle porn interest of mine i didn't know i had oop) just the way Namjoon loved it and wanted it I could feel it in my freaking bones and maybe even related to him a littejnerighs i mean it was JIMIN HOW COULD YOU NOT and i loved the sprinkles of fluff in there it really brought a nice relief from the hot, heavy and body tingling smut embedded into it gdfoegg this was so good, such a hot way to depict a monster under the bed concept and the author did it so well also really inspired to dive into this territory of storytelling cause i'm 0.0 intrGUED” [anon]
“So, so good. Many of your general tentacle fics tie so deeply with nonconsent or dubious consent at best. Which is entirely fine, but sometimes it’s so nice to see something refreshing and new, and this fits the bill. While still brimming with great imagery and really well written smut, it also injects a supply of sweet fluff and near domesticity to the situation. Rather than being the ‘boy gets taken against his will by sex crazed monster’ – the relationship is symbiotic, allowing a give and take; even if it is largely physical in nature. I think that sheds such a fun light on the tentacle monster trope. This is one of those fics that I would really enjoy seeing another chapter or two, additional shenanigans that the two get up to with or without smut. Further, I love the descriptors used in the fic, I feel like it painted a really lovely visual that helped the reader really dive into it.” [anon]
“This fic....whew! It is really something! I don't read tentacle stuff and I'm not a fan of bottom!Namjoon but I wanted to read something different for this month. It's a great balance of fluff and smut with how the ending turns out; it's not rape or non-con either, since Namjoon is a huge monster lover lol I can just imagine him with a whole collection of monster dildos. The writing is wonderful too. The way the author set up the beginning without giving things away until maybe halfway through is really well done. Like, you already know Namjoon's going to consent but (at least for me) not in a way you expected. Jimin being a cute, friendly monster who isn't afraid to show his devilish side too <3 I seriously reccomend this to people who like tentacle porn. Maybe even people who don't read it often like me” [anon]
“This was such a surprisingly sweet and fluffy tentacle fic. I love the author's description of Jimin’s duality; the mixture between his sweet pretty features and his black demon tentacles, really feels so believe haha. The ending was so lovely and really put a smile on my face!” [@tinysweetscrown​]
INTO THE WOODS written by bugarungus
— Summary; Seokjin wakes up to find he’s been kidnapped by some nature nymphs and their pet. — Disclaimer; tentacle pwp, fae & farieis, dubious consent
bookclub; review
“Oh my, I was completely immersed in this beautiful little universe, the author created. Everything about this fic is so lovely and stunning - from the descriptions of Jin’s everyday life before he meets the nymphs to the actual smut. I loved the bickering between Jimin, Tae and Yoongi, because it truly felt like a “brotherly” relationship. Also the fact that they each were a different “type” of nymph, and especially Tae’s protectiveness of LeeAnn, was so interesting and funny to read. This fic really strikes a perfect balance between a dirty smutty plot with dubious consent without it being too vulgar and uncomfortable to read!” [@tinysweetscrown]
“Wowowowow. Honestly this fic blew me away. There was so much going on but it was all so clear and well written, just… Perfection. The descriptions were so clean and clear and visually stimulating, it was easy to picture exactly what was happening. This is something so hard to do sometimes, especially in smut with more than two people, and this one was four and a plant! I wanted to know more about the nymphs, and their plant – the backstory bet would be so fascinating and amazing. There was so much subtle romance between the nymphs, and even being dubious consent, I feel like that oozed into Jin as well – opening up the idea that the future isn’t going to be questionable. Kind of a happy ending even with a smidge of the darker/dubious consent that laced through it. I think also, the relationship between the nymphs was just really fun. Despite the alternate universe, the characters felt really true to the actual group members. Their personalities matched up great and I didn’t find myself wondering if x would actually say that, do that, etcetera. It’s amazing when you can keep things true to ‘life’ but put them into this awesome fantasy world. Just so, so well done.” [anon]
NICE THINGS written by @kimlinebiased​
— Summary; Namjoon is clumsy, even with others’ hearts. — Disclaimer; smut
bookclub; review
“This was such a sweet and wholesome fic! I especially enjoyed Namjoon's letter to Yoongi. I felt like the description of how Namjoon and Yoongi are different really fit so well with at least how I see them irl! Also the call back in the end to "this is why we can't have nice things" tied the whole fic so nicely together and left me all warm and fuzzy :)" [@tinysweetscrown]
“Nice things is such a sweet story, even with the angst thrown into it, you can feel the love yoongi and namjoon have for each other. It make the angst hurt even more, and wraps things up in cute ending. The smut if soft and just right for the story, and you just find yourself rooting for the characters to make it work, and also to pls wrap namjoon in bubble wrap...”[anon]
“A blend of angst and smut, it's really well done. I don't read a lot of canon/idol stuff nor do I write it much, but I decided I'd give it a read. Considering it's Dean writing, I wasn't disappointed haha Namjoon and Yoongi have a really nice relationship and Yoongi's reluctance to get back with Namjoon makes sense given how Namjoon broke his heart. The smut at the end is A+ too.” [anon]
DEVILS HAND by @softjeon​ & @cassiavioletblue​
— Summary; There had been rumors, but in the end it was not really a secret that Namjoon loved delicate and beautiful things. Especially when it came down to his lovers and his castle. It was decorated with lot of flowing, long blue curtains, colorful paintings in every room, rows of marble columns leading along every aisle. There was a large garden surrounding the palace, which was by far Jungkook’s favorite place to be – next to the king’s bedroom. — Disclaimer; alcohol, abusive relationships, abusive behavior, (sexual) violence, major character death
bookclub; review
“This fic….. ruined me… When I first started reading it, I was immediately intrigued, because I had no idea where the fic was going! I was so captivated by it, and I HAD TO finish it, but holy fuck I needed like a good day to digest it. The universe the authors created was absolutely beautiful and so well-described that I feel like I, days later, still have a clear image in my head of what the scenes look like - as if I’d seen a movie. The ending was absolutely devastating and painful and awful (but like in a good way) and im so conflicted about the whole thing…………” [@tinysweetscrown]
“alright so another masterpiece by the incredible duo! The dynamic in this story are amazingly complex and layered, the characters interesting and their motives are well thought out.. You can't help but have your stomach tied in a knot after the first chapter, anticipation making you nervous. There's this general feeling that shit will hit the fan and it won't be pretty... beautifully written, bravo!” [anon]
“How. Dare. You. Omg, I just reread this fic and ughhhh the ending breaks my heart every time! I've never hated Namjoon in a fic before. Even when I've made him an asshole, I didn't hate him. But here...he's just such a dick and Jungkook is such a sweetheart looking to please the man he loves. It's such a sad story because Jungkook is a rabbit surrounded by vipers (Taehyung being the only good one imo). I definitely rec it to anyone who wants a good angsty read. I do say mind the triggers though, since it's not for everyone. The writing is beautiful, sets a good pace, and gives detail without going overboard. Jey and Cat really get you inside the character's feelings while delivering really steamy smut scenes.” [anon]
“The Devil’s Hand was such a sad, dark story for all involved. I don’t often read major character death because it makes me so sad, but I think it was really fitting for this fic. There was no winning for JK, and the end really solidified that lesson of not knowing what you have until it’s gone. The relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook was one of my favorite parts of the entire fic. They had such a well-developed friendship and I think that Tae really embodied the person that JK deserved, in a weird way. Though they were only friends, he was loving and trusting and would do anything for JK, even at the risk of his own life. The contrast between how Tae treated him versus Namjoon, even versus Hoseok – it was so stark and telling in terms of the fic and the deeper meanings. I think overall the fic was heart wrenching and so, so sad, but such an excellent piece that really cuts the reader to the bone. “ [anon]
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The Drabble-Game; MASTERLIST
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— prompt; “Sometimes the darkness is too big to keep inside.”  
Thank you to everyone who participated! Stay tuned for the next theme of the month to participate! 
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THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENED written by @chimknj​
— summary; Jimin was in the room when Hoseok walked in. Only one of them would get out of it alive.
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— summary; Jungkook had a mission. That mission may involve killing people and burying the bodies. It’s going great… Until the bodies go missing.
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— Join the Bookclub here! — official post — faq
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Evil Author Day! 2020
I decided to contribute some wips to this beautiful day! 
Reminder that they may never be finished :)
Here are my humble offerings:
Batman fandom
Warnings for dark themes, swearing, creepiness, inapropriate humor, sarcasm
1.Au "With This Ring"
Nightwing is closest when Babs issues the notice. 20 minutes after they lost contact with Red Robin, he arrives at the scene. Dresses thrown around like confetti, suspicious tears and stains on them. He carefully makes his way inside, noting the signs of forced entry. Inside the shop, a chaos of mannequins parts and broken furnitures greet Nightwing but what makes his heart drop is a single mannequin on the pedestal in front of the mirrors, Red Robin's cape messily draped over it. It is visibly damaged and worst, dripping in fresh paint of familiar garish colors with a piece of paper pinned with a knife through the neck. N doesn't register himself moving until he has the paper in his hands. A message written in a too familiar and hated script. Joker. Joker has his baby brother and he is going… He's gonna…
"-twing! Respond! Nightwing answer me!"
Footsteps coming from the back.
"Oracle, I'm at the location. Whoever was here, they escaped through the sewers. There's footprints leading to the basement. Found one of Red's gloves. Access the plans and possible- I have visual on Nightwing."
2. Animal transformation au
A not so abandoned part of a factory on the edge of an old industrial zone. Creepy, a health and safety hazard, there's even a couple of traps! How lovely! Reminds me of my childhood home… oopsy there Ader! Shoulda watch where you walk! Hehe… Oh, somebody shut him up! We're on a schedule here! If the Doc's here, he knows we coming now. Bah! One surprise ruined, lots more to come! 
"You! Take a camera and film around the place! Such opportunities!! The angles. Don't forget the angles! Dolly Sisters, go with him. And be discreet. We don't want bats in our belfry too soon, do we? Hehehe"
"The brat's still out? Good. Okie doo. Let's meet the maker!"
"Good evening Doc! We rang."
"I heard. Interesting doorbell… Like a dying man..."
"Why! Thank you! Now. We don't have an appointment, tight schedule and all. But I'm sure you can squeeze us in."
The doc look at the group, spotting what appears to be the Robin bound and unconscious in one of the thugs arms.
"You brought your own subject for my studies?"
"Of course we came with presents! What kind of maniac do you take me for?"
Going to a file cabinet, taking out a binder with the list of choices available and putting it on a rickety table with a flickering old lamp, the man motion them to come take a look.
"Hmm. Do you have a preference?"
Joker make a show of looking at the pages, fussing here, cooing there, until, grin widening, he puts his finger on a line.
"You know what Doc? The brat's a bore, worse than his babysitter! Never heard him laugh! It's heartbreaking."
"Oh yes yes. I have something you might like. Please, follow me this way."
They follow the doc into another crumbly room, repurposed into a makeshift lab with a refrigerated cabinet full of vials, a sturdy table with straps and a reinforced large animal carrier in close to it. Further, through door shaped hole in the far wall, glimpses of cages shining dully in the dim light. It looks like veterinarian kennels, mostly large ones, some were even on wheels.  They could see fingers and what looks like claws peeking through the wiring.
"Got lots of guinea pigs there Doc?"
"The change cause less stress and has more survival chances if the subject is young. Of course it depends of the size and animal wanted." Eyeing one of the bulkier thugs. "I haven't try the… bigger ones yet. Cow, rhino...maybe walrus."
3. Semi immortal Jason au "The Lives Of Jay"
Hood walk back to his safe house, because his motorbike ain't where he stashed it, after a rough night in the Narrows. No hood or mask on his face, but with the amount of ashes he's covered in, there's almost no risk of exposures. Clothes singed, burn to a crisp in certain places, he mourns the lost of his weapons, his boots and his favorite jacket. Finally arrived at his safe house, making a beeline for the bathroom. Shower time! Sweet hot water washing away the grime. 
It's after his shower, with a towel around his waist, that Jason realize the state of the safe house, there's dust on certain places and a couple dirty take outs boxes on the kitchen counter, with the coffee machine almost shining out of the mess.
Fuck, did it happened again? How long has it been? Maybe he can play it off, say he had an urgence with the Outlaws?
A beep/alarm from his laptop on the coffee table (that he did not left there) caught his attention.
"Hood?" Even with the electronic filter, Jason could pick up that Babs was shaken and hesitant? Shit. He must have triggered a sensor they put there. Okay, play it cool.
"O. What's up?" Now that sounds just like an idiot.
"Heard rumors there was a big building fire in your neck of the woods. With you in it."
"Just some trigger happy idiots in a room with explosives. Big company with no scrupules likely. Families were in the building. Hey, I must have been knocked out by a beam or something, are the families ok?"
"Yeah, Hood, the Wayne foundations took care of them, they're ok." 
There's at least that. 
That's not good.
"Spill, what's going on?"
"The fire had been really bad. We looked for you. All B found was blood, lots of blood and  your helmet, melted. And before you lie to me, your friends haven't seen you in months. Care to explain what happened?" 
Oh shit-fuck. Oh this was bad. He had to get out of Gotham, right now.
Quick before- How long has he been talking to Babs? Crap. He doesn't want to, but Jason will run with just the damn towel on him if he has to.
"Jay?" Oh not Babybird, but better than the Bat, or Grayson.
Turning to the window with the fire escape outside, he sees Red Robin climbing in.
"Uhm. Hey Red."
The glare he received gives him an idea of how much shit he's in.
"First off, go put some clothes on. And please don't try to run away. The others have been notified, I was closest."
"Ok ok, while I change, can you explain to me why my place looks like a dumpster?"
"Yeah, I'm working a case, or half a dozen, trying to cover your territory. It's been a rough couple of months, you know?"
That has Jason freeze. "Months? Really?"
"Yeah man. So, as much as you don't want to, we are going to the Manor."
"Whoa wait a min-"
"No, Jason. We're going. And if you try to run, remember, we all have supers and speedsters on call. Come on man, there's something going on with you and we need to know what."
"Dude I just got home after climbing out of burned ruins and walking in disintegrated boots. I'm tired, hungry and not in the mood to see B or Dick right now."
"That's good then, because Bruce is out with the JL and Dick's in 'haven, Damian with him, O made sure the alarm didn't reach them."
"You're welcome" The computer chirps. 
"Come on Jay. Alfred needs to see you."
Cheater, taking him by the sentiment.
"Low blow. But alright. How we go?"
"My bike's not far, yours at the Cave."
"Bruce has trouble letting go, you know?"
"I'd prefer it if had been stolen instead."
4."The Distraction"
Assassins surrounding Tim, being less and less subtle, encircling their prey as the bird is making his way through less populated areas.
"The Master is demanding your presence."
"How can he be so interested in an american?" 
"One as bothersome as him?"
"Hey! I'm not happy by the situation either, ok?"
"You know better than question the will of The Demon."
"Didn't I kicked your asses before?"
"The Cradle."
"So mixing business and pleasure then."
The Master orders are to bring you to him. He did not specified the condition he wants you in. 
"Wow. This is getting a bit serious. And my communications are blocked, of course." 
Of course. You understand how we operate. Now, will you accompany us without resistance or will you have us dragging your broken corpse to the Master?
5. "Magic gives Batman a headache"
"B. We have a situation"
"What happened?"
"Well, Im hoping for an hallucination but I got evidences of it actually happening."
"Okay, here goes: Hood and Red have been kidnapped by a magic user in a Disney princess costume."
"Red Hood and Red Robin have been kidnapped? By a magic user?... Dressed in a princess costume?"
"Yup. Come to think of it, I think the guy was dress as Snow White."
"A man in a Snow White costume has kidnapped your brothers?"
"Yup. I got video footage"
"Come back to the Cave, I'll contact Zatanna. Alfred? I'm gonna need something stronger than coffee"
30 notes · View notes
olliethealright · 4 years
Three Steps From Home - Update #1
trigger warnings: religious content, abusive relationship, mental health, slight self harm implications, conversion therapy 
disclaimer: these are my own words and ideas, please do not use my words or ideas without permission from me.
Hi everyone! Today I’m going to do a lil update on one of my current WIPs, Three Steps From Home. I’m going to be talking about the first four chapters, aka the first 4500ish words. If you want a more detailed description of the book or the characters, my last post is the introduction to this project, so you can find more details there.
chapter one - casual acquaintances - 969 words
theme song - like or like like, by miniature tigers 
In this chapter, we meet the point of view character, Jude, as well as his love interest, Aaron. This chapter is mainly to introduce Jude’s voice and worldview, as well as how he sees Aaron without really knowing him. The inciting incident comes near the end of the chapter, when Aaron sits down to talk to Jude for the first time and the two strike up a conversation and Jude tries (and fails) to make a move.
“Even my mother’s Saturday night bingo group, who hated outsiders like they hated blasphemy, wouldn’t stop talking about you, or ‘that boy Aaron from the coffee shop,’ as they called you. ‘The cute one with the accent’. On those nights, I sipped spiked lemonade and passed out homemade cookies and tried not to hang onto their every word whenever you came into conversation”
“I supposedly worked from home, but I couldn’t stand home, so I worked from your coffee shop and pretended I wasn’t just another kid with a pile of student debt and a semi-failing career, living with his mother like an absolute loser. I pretended I didn’t watch you every time the production line of presentations got dull, every time the words swam from the page and my brain turned the texture of the dollops of whipped cream you put in hot chocolate”
chapter two - microwave dinners - 1347 words
theme song - untitled, by EDEN
This is the chapter where we meet Jude’s mom, who is honestly a piece of work. Jude is 21 at the start of the story, living with his mother as he saves money and continues to take computer science classes. His mother’s religion is a big source of tension in the story, and their unhealthy relationship is the centerpiece of this chapter. Jude comes home to find his mother watching a televangelist program, which eventually leads them to a fight, implying his mother’s wish to send him to conversion therapy, as well as alluding to Jude’s dad, who is not present in the story for unknown reasons.
“It was my dad who insisted on naming me Jude. He said it was biblical, but not overly so, not like the names my mother had picked. He always told me I was named for the book of Jude so I would remember what would happen if I lost my faith. Really, he named me Jude because it was near impossible for my mother’s native Spanish tongue to get right, and he liked watching her frustrated, he liked helping her get there”
“As it was, we walked on eggshells. My dad was no longer there to be a buffer between her anger and me. His name hovered in the air between us like a bomb, every time I brought him up, she would cross herself and mutter something like a prayer and get angrier by the second. I made myself scarce in hopes she would forget that her no longer perfect child still lurked under her roof like an unwanted animal, taking up the space the man she once loved did not”
chapter three - tea at midnight - 1042 words
theme song - perfume, by mehro
This chapter is very cute and wholesome, it balances out the sad feels you get from chapter two. In this chapter, Jude asks Aaron to hang out, and the two end up at a 24 hour tea shop, where they stay and talk until they have to get ready for work the next morning. There’s not much to this chapter events wise, but it does mark their first dateish thing, and it develops their characters a lot. It’s definitely one of my favorite chapters because of how light and dreamy it is.
“Maybe it was because I picked up a Mandarin-to-English dictionary to prove my point, but you obviously didn’t buy my story. You watched me over the corner of your fourth novel-in-progress, eyebrows raised so high they disappeared behind the rims of your glasses.
You glanced at your watch and sighed. ‘You know I’m going to have to kick you out in four minutes, yeah? Is there something I can get you?’”
“We sat in the cafe until we had created an impressive mound of dirty tea cups and the morning sun kissed our cheeks. We only left when we had to get ready for work. I was exhausted, an important afternoon meeting I had neglected to prepare for loomed like a distant storm cloud, but for the first time in a long while, I was happy, and I think you were too”
chapter four - circles - 1155 words
theme song - they’ll like me when im sick, by flatsound
This is my least favorite chapter in the book so far, and I’ll probably rework it, so everything in this part is subject to massive change (even more than the rest of this post). Basically, this is the chapter where both Jude and the reader get the sense that Aaron has problems he doesn’t talk about. Jude comes into Aaron’s coffee shop at his usual time and notices that Aaron is kind of out of it. Aaron’s coworker eventually convinces Jude to take Aaron home, and Jude spends the rest of the day trying to figure out what's wrong (spoiler, he doesn’t figure it out). This chapter also has a bit of a reflective aspect, as Jude criticizes himself for the things he should have done better. 
Again, this chapter is a mess and I don’t know how to explain what happens well. Sorry about that lol.
 “When I opened the door, your coworker’s eyes widened in a look that demanded attention. She jerked her head at you twice, a spectacularly unsubtle gesture, and then pointed out the door and in the direction of your apartment” 
“Fifteen minutes later, you slipped into the booth next to me instead of across the table, breaking our little routine for the second time that day. You pressed your back into my shoulder and brought one knee to your chest, your other foot dangling over the edge of the seat. I squeezed your hand under the table (always under the table) and tried not to worry”
Well, there it is! I hope you enjoyed this update if you’ve made it this far! As always, let me know if you have any questions about the story. I hope you have a nice day!
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pens-swords-stuff · 6 years
WAIT WAIT WAIT please PLEASE TELL ME MORE ABOUT VANESSA!!!! do you have like a mood board or anything for her? like----- where can i get a description of what she looks like/read about her bc i just saw the last ask you did and read abt vanessa and i LOVE HER i think i got a crush immediately.................... im fr gonna Sob omg.
OKAY FIRST OF ALL @yeraswifey!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I wasn’t actually sure whether people read these ask games, and Vanessa is one of my newer characters that I’m sometimes concerned about so this?? honestly made my day!! this is one of the nicest things people have said to me and I’M THE ONE GOING TO CRY
So to answer some of your questions… Here’s what she looks like! Her face claim is Kassi Smith. The only other detail I would mention about her looks is that she’s about 5′7″, but she’s always wearing heels so she can look taller.
She does have an aesthetic board on pinterest here. I have to warn you though, it’s a really bad aesthetic board — one of my worst ones. I know exactly what her aesthetic is, but I haven’t managed to find the right search terms for it yet. Her pinterest board is in dire need of reconstruction, and it’ll happen at some point, so everything here is subject to change.
She also has a playlist!
So I’m really sorry in advance, because this post is going to end up long. It’s not very often I get asked to talk about an OC, and I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth. Also, she’s a part of two main WIPs I have right now, and she definitely differs in them so I’m just going to give you a rundown of both if that’s ok!
Of course, if you have any questions about her, definitely let me know! I’ll be happy to answer them.
General Vanessa facts
Here’s a couple personality paragraphs I wrote for her when I first conceptualized her:
Fiercely independent and ultimately self-serving, Vanessa exists on her own terms no matter what anyone else tells her. She breezes in and out of everything as she pleases, often finding a person or a hobby of the month due to her fickle nature. Commitment is an unfamiliar concept to her, and there is very little that she returns to regularly — feeling trapped or obligated is not something she takes to kindly. She’s power-hungry and ambitious, Notoriously shallow and indulgent, Vanessa can often be found partaking in activities that shouldn’t be mentioned in respectable conversations. She’s rather flirtatious, though she’s very careful to not reveal too much or let people in too close. Aside from a few exceptions Vanessa is very guarded, preferring the casual relationships that she’s not expected to maintain. As much as Vanessa pretends to not care, pretends that life right now is exactly what she wants, she wants to care and there’s something missing. After five centuries or so of immortality, she’s far too jaded to become involved in anything temporary — romantic or otherwise.
So that was the very first draft of her personality. She largely hasn’t changed, except I would say that she’s even more confident in herself than before, she’s more capable, and is perfectly content with her fickle lifestyle — in the newer versions of For Queen and Country, she does have a purpose and isn’t just aimlessly wandering like she was originally.
Vanessa is characterized by her utter confidence in herself, her mastery at manipulation, playful-but-deadly personality, and her intense avoidance of commitment.
She’s a very social person who can fit in anywhere, so she has a very wide network of friends and acquaintances, but she is very careful about not revealing too much about herself to people. As a general rule, she’s very independent and dislikes being tied down by anything, including romantic partners or friends. The only person she’s consistently there for and relies on is her adopted brother, Alistair (written by the amazing @decantae). He’s her best friend and confidant, and they make a fantastic team.
For Queen and Country is an urban fantasy story about how the existence of supernatural creatures exist, and what happens when the human public finds out.
So in For Queen and Country, Vanessa is a vampire. She was born in Scotland several centuries ago, and was turned when she was about 34-ish to fight in a vampire war at the time. That was where she met Alistair, and when he offered her an out from the life of an immortal soldier, she took it without hesitation and they’ve been together ever since. Additionally, her surname Queen comes from Alistair as well. Although they’re close, Vanessa gets bored really easily, so while Alistair has settled down in London, Vanessa is off doing who-knows-what all over the world. She comes back to visit every 5-200 years or so though, to stay with Alistair for a while.
Her original plot in FQAC was that she was traumatized from falling in love with a human who died from disease during an epidemic. This was the cause of her commitment-phobia, and her preference for casual, physical relationships over close intimate ones. When she meets a lady fae, she would have to learn how to deal with romantic feelings that went deeper than just sexual attraction, and her subplot was mainly her freaking out and being in denial about feelings.
Now that FQAC’s plot is more focused on how Alistair’s relationship with Blake develops (his love interest, and another OC of mine) and how they work together to fight for the rights of the supernatural, her current plot is now a bit different. Here, rather than just vacationing and running away from her problems, Vanessa is actively networking with and investigating vampire societies and other supernatural creature societies all over the world. This might include a lot of shady underground stuff. Her role in the plot is now providing valuable global intel, and being an annoying sister. Although I know in my heart that if Vanessa ever does end up with anyone, it’ll be with a woman, at this point I’m not sure if she’ll have a romantic subplot because I feel like she’s completely content with being single forever.
So Post-Script is another story about Alistair and Blake — this time in a Harry Potter AU where Voldemort succeeded in killing Harry and never died.
In this WIP, Vanessa is Alistair’s adopted sister once again, except this time Alistair is a pureblood from a notable family, while Vanessa is muggleborn. She essentially plays the part of a pureblood extremely well, and if people dare to point it out, she has enough blackmail material on them to ruin them. In this universe, Vanessa is a natural legilimens. Not only is she adept at the spell of delving into someone’s mind, she’s a natural mind reader (who cannot turn it off, mind you). So she knows a lot of dirty secrets.
In Post-Script, Vanessa’s outward job is a socialite who is on the Death Eater’s sdie, but she’s actually a spy actively working against Voldemort. She’s also involved in the criminal underworld of the Wizarding Society. She doesn’t actively do traditional criminal things, but she has a lot of shady contacts, and enough blackmail material and insider knowledge to effectively navigate her way.
So yeah, if I had to sum up Vanessa:
If she had to be summarized in a trope, it would be femme fatale
She doesn’t trust anyone but Alistair, and has considerable leverage with people she suspects might turn against her via information she’s gained in various ways.
She’s easily bored, so to fix that she plays with fire.
She may seem like an out-of-control slut, but reality is she is a slut that is very under control.
She’s confident and knows exactly who she is, and can utilize that to a deadly degree.
She hates commitment and refuses to get into any serious relationships.
Vanessa likes playing with her food, so to speak. She really enjoys messing with people and getting into their heads — especially if it’s an enemy.
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jewishangus · 7 years
(I'm not even sure if this is the place to ask, sorry if this is a weird question haha) I'm a fanfiction writer and now that angus has been confirmed jewish I don't want to ignore that part of him in my future works. But I know literally nothing about what it means to be jewish. As a jewish fanfiction writer yourself, do you have any advice about how I could respectfully write a jewish angus?
no its a great question!!!! dont worry about asking - if anything, im super glad you’re looking to create good representation!! (and humbled that you’re here asking me? fuck)
tl;dr: being respectful really just means putting thought into your character, and treating judaism like you would any other facet of someone’s personality. most of the time, it won’t be that prominent! but if you don’t think about it, you’re going to end up writing it badly.
under the readmore, however: how to approach thinking about judaism and working it into a character.
ok first of all, if you’re not jewish and know nothing about judaism, there’s a couple of things you should get.
first: ethnicity is key.i’ll leave you to do the googling on the terms - the key to all good representation is research - but if youre european/american, you most likely adhere to a denomination (which, for the numerical majority of jews, is either orthodox, conservative, or reform), if you’re from the middle east/north africa/actual real africa/far east, or live in israel now, you’re likely not to. 
second: surprisingly, politics dont matter. tradition, however, does.you can be liberal and orthodox and conservative and reform, even though orthodox judaism is the more traditional/patriarchal in nature of the two denominations. but you’ve probably heard of if not seen fiddler on the roof - its incredibly hard to stray against what you’ve been raised when youre jewish, mostly because most of your jewish identity comes from your parents and your history! a lot of people do, especially on the political front. but even if people differ from their parents politically, they might not do so jewishly.
third: jews are a nation as well as a religion.jewish culture exists (though it’s different for people of different ethnicities), a jewish language exists, a jewish history exists (even though schools suck at teaching all of it), and jewish national sovereignty also exists and is important - hence, israel. at the same time, a jewish biblical canon exists, and jewish books of law exist, and those two have to coexist together. for some jews, both are equally important. some prioritize one over the other, and do so in different ways.
last: stereotypes are…. actually kind of important.jews love to argue. true. jewish overbearing moms exist. also true. jews control all the money in the world? actually, we joke about that a lot, but sadly that isn’t true. however, for a nation with only ~15 million people, you’ll find us in a lot of high places; we’ll attribute that mostly to our brains, though.when you’re writing stereotypes, think about them. every jewish person thinks about them differently and treats them differently. people who grew up in more of a jewish bubble tend to be more comfortable with them than those who arent.whatever you do, though, dont avoid them like the plague. a lot of them are true, and cute, and a lot of them are something id love to see in fic! as an example, take a line from one of my wips: “So, deep down, Davenport knew it wasn’t a coincidence that when he collected the seven, they all turned out to be Jewish. It’s the Jew-dar, Merle jokes sometimes, or the “you were looking for smart people, what’d you expect?” that Taako said once, but their captain’s more serious than that. He thinks it’s destiny.”
there’s two different stereotypes in there: jews are smart, and the jew-dar, which is more a pun off of the gay-dar than anything. and yet, they’re used light-heartedly, for a laugh that doesn’t poke fun! kind of in the same way angus was confirmed to be jewish.
ok, now that that’s done with, a disclaimer that i implied heavily in the last bit but is very worthy to say outright:
every jew is different! 
when you’re writing a jewish character, this is the most important thing to keep in mind. a person can’t be just jewish, they’re jewish and [insert race/ethnicity] and [insert gender] and [insert age] and [insert socio-economic status] and [insert sexuality] and i can just go on and on and on, because even the men in black hats in nyc’s diamond district have a story and other facets of their personality.
so the key to write a jewish character is not to throw everything else in the garbage - in fact do exactly the opposite. decide everything else first, and then use that to reverse-engineer their judaism.now, this is true even for people who see judaism as their salient identity, like me! even if judaism is the most important thing in their lives, it’s that along with everything else that builds character.
let’s try it with angus, shall we?
okay, so who is angus?
-he’s a boy-he’s 11-he is, for whatever reason, mostly disconnected from his birth family-he loves to learn - an academic at heart-he’s fancy - his birth family was probably rich, or at least he knows his manners.
and if you wanna do some world-building you can - how do jews in faerun deal with magic/other gods/the astral plane/etc? thats a whole other post, but it’s interesting to think about in regards to angus’s psyche.
okay, let’s do this:
we don’t know angus’s race. if he’s white, what denomination does he slide into, if any? if he’s black, he’s either ethiopian or his family converted at some point in his history or he’s an extremely rare character. either way, his generation is probably like. one of the first to integrate into modern judaism. what’s that like? 
he’s a kid. his judaism is going to change over time! how serious is he about it now? is it a source of fun for him, a source of serious learning, or a mix of both? does he make sure to follow the laws, clearing his dorm of bread on passover or fasting on yom kippur or keeping shabbat/kosher, or does he just light candles for hanukkah and eat dairy on midsummer?
where is his family, and why would they have left him? the days of ditching your kid in fear of him growing up bad have been behind us for millennia. if his family is shitty or dead, where’s the extensive community that usually backs up kids of his character? does he still have a network? does he go back and visit?
he found a new family in the bureau and the ipre - are they jewish? do they support him or just leave him be?
he is a boy genius, in most understandings of the term. does he speak hebrew? know torah trope or prayer or jewish law? or is he more of a jewish history buff? or does he like secular subjects better, struggling over yet appreciating the old text yet turning his attention to something else? judaism seriously endorses academia - is that where he got his love for it from?
if he’s fancy, is he traditional? does he wear tzizit under his clothes or was his family not that jewish when they got rich?
the answers to all of these questions are going to create the kind of jew you want angus to be!
and yet - 
you can incorporate all of this character-building into angus and end up writing him the same way as you have this whole time - it all depends on the scene you’re writing him in.
your angus could be the same except he interrupts to ask a question about a religion/custom that’s different than his own. he could be the same except fixing the tzizit under his clothes is a fidget of his. you know what? his judaism is probably only going to come up in little snippets anyway - he could be asking taako which ones are the meat forks and which are the dairy ones, or magnus could play keep-away with his kippah, or lucretia could find him in his room studying torah. or maybe it comes up in conversation? maybe someone calls him a genius and he blushes and says he kinda struggles with his hebrew homework sometimes, and then the conversation moves on as if he hadn’t mentioned judaism at all.
so what do these questions answer, exactly? whether those snippets, those pieces of judaism that work his way into his daily life, are even there to begin with. 
does it come up in conversation? does he spend his free time studying torah? does he wear a kippah or tzizit? does he care about meat and dairy forks? does he end up going on an extreme teen adventure and ask a bunch of questions or is he worried about merle preaching? 
those are up to you, and those decisions are what im working to educate on in this post.
anyways, that’s about all i got! if you wanna find out more about judaism, feel free to ask - i was trying to avoid giving you a crash course on my religion and more focusing on how to incorporate it into a character, but if the former was what you were looking for, hit me up and ill write another 1500 words for you!
hope i could help, and happy writing!
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lyricalt · 7 years
2017 fic round up + annual fic meme
It’s that time again, folks. Let’s see the damage.
*drabble/stuff under 1k words +wip
Boku No Hero Academia
Tell - inatodo
hardcase* - implied andal brask/cayde-6
a code of you - original character: sol-6
Gamble* - andal brask/Cayde-6
got a feel for you* - post-canon seep - pre-canon
feel something*
Fourth Date Stuff
Prompt: cut*
a priori - time travel, Reaper&Gabriel Reyes
gift for gift - gen - Reaper, Widowmaker, Ana Amari, Jack Morrison (mentioned)
all his cards you want to touch - Jesse McCree (Vigilante)/Jesse McCree (Riverboat)
cross your heart and hope - Destiny AU: has mcgenji, implied r76. Too lazy to link to individual pieces on ao3, so I only linked the ones only on tumblr.
Trigger happy
of all just fools - Destiny 2 AU
not far from home vantage make you sway Prompt: rainy day* Prompt: surprise* must be love cut* devil gave me a crooked start down and doubt - (background implied r76) on your mark+ - AU where genji is a motorcycle and mccree is a mechanic. serial never had much faith (in love or miracles)* Carry case of six wake up calls: 1, 2, 3 Beach drabbles: 1, 2, 3 like you would to a point, to your knees damned if you do - incubus mccree/oni genji sun steel / soul intersect count to three triple threat+ Prompt: kiss on the back of the hand* 
Total number of completed stories: 33, excluding drabbles and some prompts. 
Total word count: AO3 stats say around 56,500. I’ll ballpark it 60,000.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? 
 I wrote more words and more fic this year, but a bunch of it were very short stories! Shorter than my usual, I think. I am also very in love with the Destiny AU so I think that had a lot to do with my high word count. I also wrote a lot on the side I never posted, ahaha. I think I was very distracted this year by too many fandoms/ideas. Ah well.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? 
Nah. I’m predictable. I’m still side-eyeing the genji-as-a-motorcycle AU though. I did that?
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? 
 CARRY. It was Carry. I loved writing that stupid fic. It was so dumb but I feel so vindictive and about it because I wrote it to have fun and also to express some exasperation about a couple of mcgnj tropes I felt were kinda not-my-thing. BUT!! it makes me happy that a lot of other people enjoyed it too and also @vfordii drew THIS.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? 
 I don’t feel like I took any huge risks. I am pretty comfortable with the subject matter I write (--though I think it’s more of a matter of motivation and sticking to it). I, uh, did write some bottom/sub mccree which is somehow not all that popular within the mcgenji fandom and let me tell you this was hugely a case of “if no one will write it then I will but I will complain about it for the entire time”. I wouldn’t consider it a risk though, but I did learn a bit about how to comfortably write dirty talk without needing it to be explicitly written. I don’t think it shows up a lot in my current fics but I’ve been taking note of what sounds right to me vs how much I want to write, if that makes sense.
Also for the record all my mcgnj fic is implied sexual dynamic sub/bottom mccree, like, in the case it ever happens. (I’m kidding. Or am I. I am. (Not really.) No, I’m dead serious.)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? 
 Finish the damn fics I start, why don’t I!!!!! (This is a constant goal.)
I do want to write some fandom stories for original characters. I also want to write more explicit fic without shaming myself out of it. What are the nastywords all the hip young adults are using nowadays? I don’t know and I get conflicting reports, but by god I will try to learn.
My best story of this year 
Hardcase, which is admittedly a small drabble but I think.. it holds very well under Destiny 2, despite my frustration with how Cayde is portrayed in comparison to the Destiny 1. I’ve always had this specific opinion about Cayde and his mysterious (and not so mysterious) agendas. Dude definitely has a hero complex and this fic sorta toes into it. Plus, I like any Cayde angst related to Andal.
I feel like, out of all my fics this felt the most complete, and one that I was most satisfied with what I wanted to convey with a limited amount of words. I’m aware that I’m not… really made for longer stories, so I guess… I like to play to my strengths? And this was it.
My most popular story 
 According to AO3 hits and kudos, it was make you sway, another mcgenji fic that started with the same motivation as carry. I think.. it’s obvious… that I, uh, like writing a specific brand of Horny McCree, in that he’s not so much embarrassed by his attraction to Genji but just slightly exasperated by it (and his timing). And, haha, also Genji not being 100% on top of his libido is a nice change of pace too. I remember having fun with this!!
Story of mine most under-appreciated, in my opinion
feel something is one I’m super fond of. It’s very short, but I feel like it’s my best r76 fic in terms of the relationship I want to portray, especially post-Overwatch. I like the way I wrote it; in my opinion it was very to-the-point, and doesn’t have the happy ending they don’t quite deserve (yet) but in my mind it’s still a very positive fic without being too idealistic? Not that either way is bad, it was just something different for me, personally.
Most fun story to write
devil gave me a crooked start was a fic I pulled right outta my ass but wrote it all in one sitting after I came up with a couple of lines of dialogue; “So I’m stuck in the future,” “Would you like to know the future you?”, etc etc. It helped that Blizzard had just released McCree’s Blackwatch skin (WITH THE BLACK LEATHER CHAPS!!!!) and while I wasn’t comfortable about Blackwatch Genji having any sort of romantic relationship with Blackwatch McCree, I was sure as heck willing for Present-Day!Genji having some good nasty fun with a younger McCree.
Also I had a stupid amount of fun writing triple threat: genji/genji/genji, and I’m now just seeing a pattern that I enjoy writing characters being humorously turned on and having fun getting their rocks off, so there’s that. What a revelation.
Most Sexy Story 
God im sorry but I wrote a mcgenji week drabble about blackwatch genji and mccree beating the shit out of each other and it’s the opposite of romantic and definitely not meant to BE romantic, but fighting can be sexy without being horny, right?? RIGHT???
Story with the single sexiest moment 
to a point, to your knees.  
It takes a huge effort for McCree to sit still after that, spine tingling and heat crawling over his body. The switchblade knife in Genji’s hand spins once in a little flourish, drawing McCree’s gaze to it. 
 His attention caught, Genji places the blade at his thumb and forefinger. He slides the knife between them once to no effect, then another time. McCree can hear the grating metal against each other and then the hiss of steam, knife edge still wet with spit from when McCree had held it on his tongue. 
 “Shall we see how sharp your mouth is now?” Genji asks, running the knife through his fingers once last time.
Genji sharpening McCree’s knife with his fingers and McCree getting hot (literally, metaphorically) and bothered by it is a personal achievement. For me or McCree, that’s up for debate.
Though I have to admit I’m absolutely still pissed about not titling the fic “cut to the feeling” instead because that’s a far better name for a knife kink fic an also my third favorite carly rae jepsen song.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story 
 I don’t think anyone was surprised about even my most wildest fic. I think a friend of mine was initially disappointed that the knife kink fic was tagged for “mild blood” instead of straight up bloodplay. I’m sorry.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters
I never quite like this question because I always have a good idea of how I want to portray a character in fic since most of my fics tend to lean on the introspective side of things. down and doubt is a very McCree-centered fic that deals with Gabriel, as well as Genji in relation to Gabriel. I wanted to show a lot of things about how McCree and Genji fight together, and what each of them thinks about the whole Gabriel Reyes = Reaper thing. I didn’t hit all the points, and I unfortunately had to scrub a scene off that I definitely want to rework in another fic, but I think I had the basics… present in the fic. I guess what did surprise me was touching on Soldier: 76, though the dynamics between him and McCree is another thing I want to write about for a later fic.
Hardest story to write 
  Intersect , mostly because the later half was such a visual story I had wanted to tell in a form that wasn’t all writing. I think It would have done better as a comic but what can u do? I still very much like the first half, which I had rattling in my head for the last year and a half, really.
I was aiming to write about McCree having hang-ups about Genji, and how he views himself—a washed out mercenary with no clear goals, in comparison to Genji, who’s off in a better headspace than him but still interested in McCree anyway. And it’s not so much a reunion fic I wanted to show but a story where it’s just ok to try and reacquaint yourselves with someone who might be a new person to you. I think. I very much did not want it to be a reunion fic.
Most disappointing 
 Intersect!!!!!!!! It was so jumpy!!!! I had a lot of expectations for it!!!! I wanted it to be so much!!!! In the end I just gave up trying to make the words all fit and banged out the rest of the story and let it go. I’m still upset it didn’t come out the way I wanted it but I think it was better to just post the damn thing rather than let it rot in my drive forever. I felt better for posting it but I don’t think I can reread it anytime soon.
Easiest story to write 
 I lot of fics that fall into this category were the drabbles like Wake Up Calls. I really like writing about mundane moments and little glimpses of a developing relationship, especially for mcgenji, because my headcanon of them consists of a bunch of little moments that somehow build up into a rolling romance that sneaks up on both of them. I think it’s why I have such a hard time writing one long cohesive fic about them. There just isn’t a Big Ah-Ha Moment for them to me? I guess? I guess. I’m rambling!!
Biggest surprise 
 That I continued the mcgenji motorcycle AU, honestly. I love it to pieces and it’s fun but god do I think it’s such a chore writing the build up leading to the parts I WANT to write in the first place!!!!!
Most unintentionally telling story 
  gift for gift started out as a very Gabriel Reyes-centric story but somehow I got passionate about Widowmaker and so it’s also very much about her as well and how she functions within her lack of autonomy. I wanted to explore Gabriel’s motivations/drive to push forward without mentioning just what, exactly, he was going for, which was surprisingly very easy.
Story I’d like to revise
Intersect, not so much revising it but revisiting some of the themes and concepts, especially about McCree. I’ve talked enough about this fic. Anyway.
Story I didn’t write but will at some point, I swear 
 Well. It’s more of a WIP at this stage but I want to write my epic 100k, 50 chaptered Guardian/Fallen romance fic for Destiny but we’ll see how that goes? Mostly I’m waiting on Bungie because I’m so dry on Bungie lore and I have no idea what the House of Dusk is up to and that’s kinda important to my story—which is, not really at all, but I would LIKE to make sure.
Anyway, that’s a wrap for my 2017 fics. Thanks for reading and all the encouragement! I hope to write more entertaining stories for 2018!! :’)
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robertisbisexual · 7 years
Hey omg I'm loving ur new racing wip! It's really good! Can you rec me any other good AU's? So far I've only tried yours and the amazing Dales United. I need a big distraction from canon right now lol
Aww thank you anon im so happy you’re liking it, that means so much to me as for fic recs these are my faves but also no post cuts, we fic rec list like men.
you put that magic in my bones - from @capseycartwright and one of the reasons I wake up in the morning. anyway its a beautiful magic au series and i would die for it. this series doesnt get talked about enough and its a tragedy tbh
a different language- the deaf au the world doesn’t deserve but gets from @sapphicsugden because shes wonderful.
What Lies Underneath- the parent/teacher au from @escapingreality51 that i reread all the time because its my jammy jam.
take my sinsby the satanic and mean @sugdensquad its nearly 250k of PAIN but its the aaron used to be a rent boy and roberts a fucking mess of a human and they heal and HURT AND PAIN au of my dreams.
a matter of pride by lorna again because one time she posted surprise smut and ruined my life [its not an au but it needed to be named bye]
Need You NowRobert’s a like painter redoing a house and Aaron’s trapped in an abusive situation with Gordon and Robert wants to help. its from @turquoiseterrier but warning for some tough subject matter and its a WIP but it deserves love and attention tbh
It can’t be unlearnedby @portinastorm 20 years after they break up aaron and robert circle each other again and ITS ALSO PAIN AND SUFFERING but it hurts so good ok.
By Your Sidethe bodyguard au you didnt know you needed but never wanna let go from @snarfettelove
Unsinkableaka the titanic AU [and i hate titanic and id fight someone for this fic tbh] from @converseandglitteryboots [pls write more fic]
For You, I Could Change if you dont know I love me a parent/teacher au and this is so good so like … read this right now. its a wip from @tazza1993
nobody said it was easyonly read this if you feel like crying and dying basically your soul dies with robert so thanks for that you monster @littlelooneyluna
I’ll build you a boat darling, so you can float haha look its a 3rd parent/teacher au whoops buT READ IT its from @victoriasugden and id kill a man for this fic. two men even.
put a bullet in me real talk here anon this fic? its perfection. true art. the post apocalyptic zombie like au from @vckaarrob and the crazy thing anon is vic doesnt even realize HOW GOOD IT IS. deadass she should be getting paid for this content. someone get her a book deal thanks.
“Speak softly, but carry a big can of paint" aarons an artist and robs a business man and there’s a lot of fuckin emotions in this 4 chapter fic. like… what a ride. and im sad because I don’t know who they are on tumblr so I cant tell them this fic changed my life.
Teach Me what’s this? ANOTHER parent/teacher au and again from ameila? life is blessed anon honestly life is blessed
It’s All Greek To Methis is new and im OBSESSED and I believe its from @dorsetti on tumblr [if their a03 user is the same as here] but its a greek life au and i wanna throw myself at their feet and beg for chapter 2
M_au pair from @veryveryverytemporarily which I honestly couldnt possibly say enough wonderful things about
and Big spenderalso from Sabrina because what could have just been a silly sugardaddy au is honestly? so emotional? and wonderful and anways read this right now thanks.
Eventually @aarobron tennis au will go here ok thanks.
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anzwrites · 6 years
ive been tagged in so many tag games that i haven’t gotten around to doing them so i’m just gonna do them all in one post
5 Facts Tag Game
The aim of the game is simple; list at least 5 lesser known facts about your WIP and/or the OC of your choosing!
1. As of right now all of my wips are in the same universe. So there will probably be subtle nods to the bands of The Reckless in Chaos.
2. In the very first version of Chaos I decided to include a battle of the bands storyline for some reason?? but it’s been scraped since. 
3. Originally Chaos was going to be a long series but I shortened it to one book and now two (the second being more focused on Kelsey’s younger brother and his friend group.) The series was going to follow Ryker and Kelsey into adulthood while Ryker pursued a career as a cop.
4. I chose San Francisco as the setting because I’ve always wanted to go to San Francisco/move there. 
5. Chaos is basically a mix of all of my favorite parts of my favorite movies & tv shows. Examples are, We Need To Talk About Kevin, Skins, The Breakfast Club, etc.
WIP Questions Tag Game
1. Describe the plot in one sentence.
Shane writes letters to Kelsey to cope with the things he’s done.
2. Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel and taste to describe the aesthetic for your novel.
this was hard cause theres so many different aspects?? to this story
Sight - seeing people who were once your closest friends seemingly better off without you. 
Smell - cigarette smoke??
Sound - crackling fire
Feel - hugging someone you love after not seeing them for a long time
Taste - pizza
3. Which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for the novel?
i have an entire playlist here but heres three of the songs from that playlist
popular - nada surf
reaper - have mercy
ghost - sky ferreira 
4. What’s the time period and location in which the novel takes place?
it takes place in san francisco, a fictional suburb called “ridgeview” and some of the surrounding area, in 2013 and up to september 2018
5. Are there any former titles you’ve considered but discarded?
originally it was titled “oh kelsey” but after major changes in the plot i realized the name didn’t fit the feel of the story anymore so i changed it 
6. What’s the first line of your novel?
im most likely going to change it later but for right now its, “In the mailbox there was a manila envelope with letters inside.”
7. What’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
so far in this draft nothing super interesting has happened so i don’t have any lines in proud of yet 
8. Which line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
uhhh maybe, “...she had to know what became of the boy she cared for so deeply and how he became the monster who did such heinous things.“
9. Who are you character faceclaims?
for the main three
Kelsey York - Kaya Scodelario
Ryker Kennedy - Devon Bostick
Shane Blanchard - Ezra Miller
the rest are on the character page if you’re curious
10. Sort your characters into Hogwarts houses.
i know very little about harry potter but from what i know Ryker gives me hufflepuff vibes, Magnolia is probably a griffindor, Odessa would be a ravenclaw and Hunter, Meredith & Shane might be slytherin. im too lazy to try and think of anyone else’s.  
11. Which character’s name do you like the most?
Probably Magnolia
12. Describe each character’s daily outfit.
Kelsey: plain tee, cardigan, skinny jeans & converse.
Ryker: emo band tee, blue hoodie, skinny jeans, & red converse.
Shane: punk band tee, leather jacket, black ripped skinny jeans & boots.
13. Do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
During the novel Kelsey gets a scar on her cheek, Shane probably has various scars from abuse and fights, Felix’s nose is crooked from all the times he’s been punched in the face, Myranda has self harm scars, & Blair has cigarette burns.
14. Which character most fits a character trope?
I feel like Meredith fits the mean girl trope pretty well.
15. Which character is the best writer? Worst?
Josie is the best and Pierce is the worst.
16. Which character is the best liar? Worst?
Nigel is the best and Alan is the worst.
17. Which character swears the most? Least?
Felix swears the most and Josie swears the least.
18. Which character has the best handwriting? Worst?
Best is Melaina and worst is Jared. 
19. Which character is most like you? Least like you?
I think maybe Kelsey is the most like me?? i dunno, Least like me is probably Shane.
20. Which character would you most like to be?
Tiffany, objectively I think she suffers the least trauma. 
Oc Tag Game
i’ll do this one for shane
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? it was his style. i always knew he was gonna dress a bit edgy, when i first created him he was a little bit more emo though.
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? no, he was very different from the characters i created before.
3. How did you choose their name? at first his name was jason, i think? i honestly don’t know why i named him that??? eventually i changed to to shane because it felt more like him. there was a period in time when his name was seth but i changed it back.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? because the story is set in san francisco which is known for their large punk scene, i decided he was going to spend a lot of his time in that scene so i created “nigel’s tavern” and the staff of said club.  this really played a huge part in the rest of his development.
5.6.7) Is there any significance behind their hair colour/eye colour/height? not really. but originally he had red patches in his hair because edgy but i scrapped that.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? i don’t think there’s really anything about him that i can relate to,, that’s probably for the best
9. Are they based off of you, in some way? ^^
10. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? no,, and i still don’t think it do. all i can concretely say is he definitely likes girls and has probably kissed a few guys. so maybe he’s bicurious 
11. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: Writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? his aesthetic comes very easily to me so edits and drawing him are easy-ish (i haven’t drawn something in like 2 years tho) so i guess writing him
12. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? no
13. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
how easily he’s feelings toward Kelsey (or anyone really) can switch and 
14. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
how far he’ll go to subtly piss someone off
15. What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
literally everything tbh
16. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
not that i can think off
17. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
that he was raised catholic by his mother 
18. What is your favourite fact about your OC?
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
not really but i have the same middle name as my grandma
2. When was the last time you cried?
maybe a few days ago
3. Do you have/want kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeee boii
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their hair
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
happy ending!! i lowkey hate scary movies
8. Any special talents?
i literally don’t think i have any talents
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
i guess writing and making awful youtube videos
11. Do you have any pets?
yes! i have a dog named bella and she’s the love of my life
12. What sports do you/have you played?
im terrible at sports so none
13. How tall are you?
5′4 i think
14. Favorite subject in school?
umm none? lmao
15. Dream job?
i guess writer or youtuber cause im a basic bitchhh
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