#this is also the real reason i have not changed my icon in forever. got scared about drawing :(
mollypaup · 6 months
what if i started making and posting art again. what then.
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paper-mario-wiki · 8 months
what's ur favorite erb?
i dont have "favorite" as much as i have "the ones i watch every now and again".
"Blackbeard vs Al Capone" i might just like the way EpicLloyd speaks as Capone, but i also cant help but be utterly entranced by a shouting match between to middle aged men who want the other one to be scared. Favorite verse: Capone 1 (of 2)
"Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder" although this one still has the signature simple and cheesy bar structure that ERB is known for, this is PEAK in terms of performers. nicepeter and epiclloyd (the main guys) are great, but after the first 30 videos it became very easy to detect their individual deliveries and cadences. t-pain is pretty iconic in his performance of stevie wonder. Favorite verse: Stevie 2 (of 3)
"Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe" watzky was unfortunately cursed by god to forever look like a little twerp, but he works with it really well and it fits very well for the real-life twerp that was Edgar Allan Poe. and zach sherwin is always a charismatic force to be reckoned with, his uniquely clever writing style and flow shining. Favorite verse: Stephen King 2 (of 2)
"Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock" this one's just good fun. its a little battle royale among a bunch of really famous pop directors. i know that the character-appropriate cgi background is a staple of post-season-one ERB, but i really appreciate these ones specifically for some reason. Favorite verse: Alfred Hitchcock
"Kryptonite" this isnt an ERB and is in fact a completely unrelated normal rap song but i was listening to this one today. my oldest brother listened to a lot of rap when i was young and this one was one of his favorites. i remember listening to it all the time when he would drive me to blockbuster to rent gamecube games. i didnt listen to it for a few decades, but i looked it up on youtube a few weeks ago on a whim and i really liked it a lot. it's all about smoking weed which i love doing, and the chorus is really catchy, plus the instrumental is one of my favorites. Favorite verse: Big Boi 1 (verse 3)
"The Joker vs Pennwise" both rappers somehow look like different versions of matpat in heavy makeup, and joker works in a natural "we live in a society" which i like. i think that's all i got for this one. Favorite verse: Joker 3 (of 3, because this is the one with the we live in a society bar, but all of his bars were actually really solid)
"Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky" another one for the "zach sherwin is one of the best thing ERB has" pile. he delivers in a quaint (if a bit cartoonish) canadian accent a scathing comparison between the actual real-life achievements and significance and skill between the two actual athletes. which i think is very spiritually fulfilling considering the name of the series. Favorite verse: Wayne Gretzky 2 (of 2)
"James Bond vs Austin Powers" might unfortunate austin only gets 1 verse because it's far and away the best part of this one. aside from a clever pussy eating joke near the end between the two feuding bonds. Favorite verse: Austin Powers
"Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD 2" this is an actual real-life catharsis event between the main two artists behind ERB who seemingly put very real and deep-seated creative and personal frustrations they have with each other into their verses, plus a very real burnout over this series that they put all their money on being The Big One, creating a legitimately tense feeling in watching their performances. for reference, Peter rips on how Lloyd is an alcoholic and is unwilling to let the channel grow or change, and Lloyd talks about how Peter is obsessive and manipulative, referencing a real life issue involving a friend they fucked over in the separate video he appeared in. Favorite verse: Lloyd 1 (of ??? this one is almost a duet at times really)
"Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong" this one is specifically here because babe's second verse goes extremely hard in an almost uncharacteristic way for a series with very middling raps in general. Favorite verse: Babe Ruth 2 (of 2)
i could keep going i think but i just scrolled to the top of the list and my face flushed with embarrassment at how long its getting so im gonna end it there. you get the idea.
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ramons-elevator · 10 months
I just wanna take the time to list the fucking bugs on the QSMP because they range from mildly inconvenient to this has changed history forever and they are the weirdest fucking bugs
Broken hearts: this is the bug of when people log in, it shows half of their hearts just being blacked out and it take someone smacking you to get them back. Its very funny when an egg or someone randomly goes "hey hit me". Honorary mention is when someone gets withered and the withered hearts stay. Very angsty I love.
Broken voice: this is many things, but mainly when someone has to deafen and undeafen when someone relogs. It was a big problem in early days because people didnt know and it was annoying, but now its just common knowledge.
Sweeping edge: Me and my homies hate this bug. Basically it was a line of code in one of the mods that got bugged and instead of sweeping edge dealing 0.5 of the damage of a hit, it would deal 5 time more. For example, when Etoiles and Bad were testing it out, Pomme hit Bad with a weapon and it killed Etoiles who was next to Bad. This is more than likely the cause of deaths for Tilin and Juanaflippa. Im glad it got fixed, but it still installs fear into OG islanders to this day.
Dorime bug: The funniest and stupidest bug of all. Dorime randomly playing out of nowhere and the only way to get it to stop is to turn musicbox noises on and off. It happens enough that people usually have their musicbox noises turned off at all times
Sound bug: Sounds be loud. Even from hundreds of blocks away. This is elevator sounds, monster/demon sounds, camera sounds, etc. Its normal at this point, but it sometimes freaks people out and think admins are fucking with them.
Dapper's flying hammer bug: A recent bug, but when Dapper and someone fight and Dapper hits them with their hammer, they start flying indefinitely or until they relog. The first time this happened was fucking insane because it was Dapper and Ramon doing their usual fighting and then Ramon started flying away. Fit, Bad, and Dapper all had no idea what to do and were all freaking out/crying laughing.
Ramon's duping bug: A bug that's been fixed, but Ramon figured out that if you sling shot something in a certain way (I think it was in the Copacabana ocean?) it would dupe a whole stack of whatever was shot. This also lead to Ramon and Fit figuring out that if you sling shot a waystone, it fucking crashes the server. Which led to a day where everyone was using that so they can keep doing Lucky Ducks.
Death bug: This is when someone has the visual of "0.0/100.0 Time left 00:00:00" stuck on their screen. Usually leads to someone BEGGING someone to let them kill them. Pretty funny and dumb.
Eggs being tall: Aka eggs models not loading for people. It usually makes people try to roleplay their way out and being scared of tall eggs. I.E. "Tall Richas isnt real" or Cellbit screaming in horror in purgatory when the lil eye guy model wasnt loading and saying the castle is haunted.
Teleport bug: Not very common, but some times if someone is trying to use their warpstone, they particles start to fly around them and they dont stop until the person lets go of the warpstone. This can make a wall of purple particles around someone.
Egg names: This is a very early "bug". In the beginning, in order for the parents to name their egg, they had to right click their eggs and name them. This made people accidentally name their eggs stuff like "eee" or "Wwww". Also other parents naming other eggs other names (Mariana named Leo "shit" and Foolish named Juana "Marianaisabitchjr"). On the first day, for some reason, everyone was named "TILIN" for like 5 minutes. This 'bug' also got the iconic clip of Phil right clicking on the OG code and he got a chance to name it and it freaked him out.
Im pretty sure there's a lot more, but I love how insanely modded server has the weirdest bugs known to man. Feel free to add any you remember.
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deadite-central · 4 months
I’ll probably repeat things people have already said considering how universally loved Ennies Lobby is but I still do also love it and I still do want to talk about it
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We're welcomed into a setting not quite like any other we've seen so far. Ennies Lobby resembles a court more than it resembles an actual island, and considering that Robin and Franky are in this court without any chances of being seen as innocent, it builds a sense of tension for the rescue mission
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I absolutely adore the brought back relevance of Dorry and Brogy. I already said I love Little Garden and seeing parts of their crew joining forces with us to help is such a delight to see. I also love that Usopp is the one that tells them the truth about this, considering how high he thinks of the giants
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The scene where the entire crew gets together to go against the entire world for Robin is iconic, and for a good reason. The composition is absolutely outstanding and the emotional weight of this moment gives me chills no matter how many times I see it
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And it's amplified when we see the horrible horrible trauma that Robin lived through. This child who simply wanted to learn about archeology just like her mom lost her entire island and everyone she ever had. She was left alone to fend for herself in a world that saw her as a monster. Not only does this flashback answer so many questions we've had since Alabasta, it's also a horrifyingly real potrayal of genocide at the hands of the goverment which considering the current world events, is gut wrenching to read
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Robin's backstory leads to another absoluetly unforgettable moment, but I'll let the panel speak for itself. It's great. We all know it's great
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To take a break from highly emotional moments; the reveal of Gear 2 and Gear 3 (which Oda teases us with before revealing it) is so hype despite knowing it's coming. I knew about Gear 5 when I first got into One Piece, but my brain didn't register there might be other Gears, so this brought me back to my excitement when I first got to this scene, great feeling
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I don't actually have anything to say about the Luffy vs Lucci fight, because I already mentioned everything I wanted while talking about the Gears, BUTTTT the Merry going (get it) to rescue the Straw Hats is a touching moment. Her final time where she could help her crew
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Ennies Lobby ends with her death. Many people bring up the "to be loved is to be changed" quote with Merry, and I couldn't agree with it's usage more. Merry wasn't just a ship, she was a crewmate, a part of the family, and despite meeting her end here, we know she loved them and was loved in return. She might be gone, but she'll be in their hearts. Forever smiling, because they cared about her
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mochalottie · 1 year
My thoughts on the RWRB movie trailer because I get feral about this book and am incredibly picky about details
i've been doubting the chemistry between Alex and Henry and the trailer has given me a tiny bit of hope for what we might get. their smiles, their little looks, the sex scenes (because it will be rated r so no fade to black scenes babes). they work, but it's not quite how I imagined it.
Uma's accent is actually pretty cool. being irish/british i read everything in my head without an accent, so hearing Ellen's 'voice' so to speak is really cool! but if she doesn't give Alex her patented powerpoint presentations i'm going to be upset.
the little look Alex does whilst waiting in line? it's so adorable/such a little shit mood it made me awe a little bit. but the 'how's it going?' with Henry just walking off? that put me off a little. just a tiny bit.
the music works i guess? i mean generic classical music is always going to either be Vivaldi or Handle and it's only the trailer, but i hope they actually get good music.
cakegate is going to be so fucking funny. i can already tell. they got that bit right.
i'm a sucker for small details. but the way that Henry actually turns up for the 'best friend meeting' in the book is so specific. the prince riding up on a horse fresh from a ride through the fields. it's like colin firth in pride and prejudice that's literally how i picture it every time i read it. to replace it with him in a suit driving an admittedly very nice car? with Alex wearing fucking jeans and not his iconic chinos? seriously? also is that shaan??? they haven't gotten rid of him thank god.
the 'my nda's bigger than yours' again is fine?? as a quip?? but the thing about Alex wearing lifts is a good poke at the height differences.
'the sun shine's out his ass and you have a vitamin d defficiancy' YES ZAHRA!!!! the first good quip that had me grinning.
THE CORNETTO SCENE!!! in the wrong clothing again because they're meant to be in cosy relaxing clothes but STILL!!!
Henry looks like he's in physical pain at the party, and also Alex's suit no ew where's June when you need her. oh yeah. not here. that's why the costumes are all off XDD
the first kiss scene is perfect. word for word i can't wait to squeal and cry and shriek the roof down.
yes we're getting the karaoke scene. but it won't be with their iconic kimonos. brb gonna go sob for the loss of hoe dameron and prince buttercup.
yes to Zahra and the closet scene. no to 'Brexit your head from your body' that's just...giving me the heebie jeebies for some reason. yes to 'your royal highness' XD
feel forever about him ughhhhhhhh lemme just sob for a sec
DAVID!!!! <33333 and Prince Henry belongs to England TTTT__TTTT
also I know they probably changed the queen to a king because it would have been in poor taste but now that charles is king that shot is giving off vibes of recent times that are just not good. they should've kept it as a queen and made her look completely different.
We're getting the rain scene!!!!!!! and the lake!!!!!!!!!!!
the ass grabbing? yes it's a very Alex move but mate there's people right behind you
okay but truthfully? seriously? i love this fucking book. i know to most readers it's a silly little romcom with some politics on the side. and that's what we should expect from the film. but to me? this is my favourite fucking book of all time. it was the one that if I became a film director or producer i would have adored to produce. both henry and alex are my comfort gays, but in ways that not many people realise or connect with.
alex realises he's bi in the book. i realised i was bi a few days before reading the book. everything he goes through i related to hard. and having that, that connection to someone who isn't real but very much could be was a godsend through a period of a lot of confusion.
henry lost his dad to pancreatic cancer a few years before the book. i lost my dad to a brain tumour when i was eleven. it will be ten years this year, and the movie comes out a week before his anniversary. that passage where Bea so beatifully describes his grief, the one that begins with 'it happens when you're young' made me sob so much because that's exactly what it feels like. i relate to these characters, i love their little quirks and details. and it's a bit disappointing the changes that have happened as it's adapted to film.
and i know it can't be directly faithful, that there are some things you can't fit in because you have a certain runtime. i know also that the executive producers and companies have a say in how it goes. but there were better ways to change it, better ways to do it rather than handing it over to a streaming service.
this book is so important to me, so i hope at least that when the film does come out on the 11th of August that i will at least kind of enjoy it. i know it won't be what i wished it would be, but at least it's being made.
and who knows, maybe no one will touch boyfriend material and i could make that instead XD
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brightblessed · 2 months
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! / @soulgathered / accepting.
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👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
Roi has yellow eyes. They are a kind of light brown that comes out an amber color. There really isn't anything special about them aside from the color. Though they do give away his emotions a lot of the time. You can always see a what he's hiding through them. Whether that is hurt, anger, or joy.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
It depends. Roi typically drinks water as a cold drink. So I would say he more commonly drinks and enjoys warm drinks. He HATES the cold and is rather sensitive to it. If it is at all chilly he will be drinking warm tea or coffee. Sometimes hot chocolate. He loves teas a lot. He enjoys chai and cinnamon teas. Anything spiced like that. He also likes coffee though he does like it with cream and sugar, he can drink it black if he has to. In terms of cold drinks, as I said it is usually water. He will sometimes try juices as well and iced teas. But he is more partial to warm drinks.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Any measure of weakness or vulnerability. He's gotten much better as the story has gone on. He doesn't like to appear like a real person because it's weak to him. He doesn't want to be hurt no matter what. This is why he hides even something like enjoying cooking or fishing. Because he doesn't like to be seen in any capacity outside of being a weapon or fighter. But he does slowly get past this. Very very slowly.
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
Prior to getting the kojin's blessing, Roi was afraid of deep water. Like he could and would swim, but it wasn't something he was terribly used to. He kind of had to learn how to swim more or less as an adventurer since he didn't really live near water at any point in his life. He was also incredibly nervous on the open sea. This still is a thing. He is less nervous about it now. But seeing nothing but deep water as far as the eye can see and having no control is really scary to him.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
It takes no effort at all to lure Roi into danger. It is honestly what he lives for. I would say someone he loves being in danger is a huge one. Knowing any people will be hurt and he could potentially stop it is one too. Roi will find any reason to go into danger because he secretly loves it and it makes him feel alive.
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
Hahaha. Roi would go in circles trying to find a way to save everyone because he cannot accept not being the one to die himself. He would be willing to try anything to save someone. At the end, he'd probably sacrifice the single person but he would never ever forgive himself for it no matter what.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
I never planned for Roi to be a Dark Knight. It just sort of happened. He was originally supposed to be an edgy black mage forever. But things changed as I played the game. Visually, I got rid of his red highlights which you can still see in a ton of my older icons. But at first Roi was supposed to be a bit more of an antihero (which is still is to an extent) but he changed a lot once I made dark knight canon for him. It took him down a different path. I did more or less totally form roi playing through msq starting with just his backstory.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Hard to say. I would say it's mostly acts of service (giving) as for receiving, who knows? Roi has no idea that people actually love him and is still learning to let people love him.
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irrigos · 2 years
this is only tangentially related to fl, but ive been thinking a lot about the genre of historical fiction where nobody is prejudiced ever (or if they are, it's in ways that aren't real, like being prejudiced against rubberies but not people of color, or are no longer relevant, like people in fl still being anti-catholic but not antisemitic. as far as we know anyway)
it's... interesting. it definitely has its pros, and i see why people would want to craft that kind of world to play in, but i also think it's worth acknowledging the downsides, too. also this post is really long but i couldn't find a good place to stick a readmore. look at my posts, boy
like, i get that nobody wants to write Period Accurate Racism Simulator, both for personal moral reasons (ie "I don't want to write racist texts") and for commercial reasons ("No person of color is going to want to buy Period Accurate Racism Simulator") but also... so much of society is structured around prejudice that historical stuff almost falls apart without it
i was in two Regency-era larps, and both of them were "no prejudice" alt history, one of which had a whole alternate timeline explaining why Britain was a global superpower even though colonialism didn't happen, and the other one... well never quite got around to explaining the worldbuilding. but both were in agreement that Queen Elizabeth I ended sexism forever (and also homophobia and transphobia i guess??)
but like... so much about what is iconic about the regency era (especially in regency romances) is the negotiation with extremely strict social rules, which were, at their core, about controlling women. a woman can't be alone with a man because that's improper! i mean... what if they fuck each other???? But if it's equally valid for this woman to be in a relationship with another woman, then... it would also be improper for her to be alone with other women? okay so she can't ever be alone... but if polyamory is a possibility, then i guess she can't be in groups, either, because they still might all fuck each other!!! so nobody can... ever be around anybody? of course, if we dont view a woman's assumed reproductive capability as a commodity that must be protected and secured, then we don't need to police who she is alone with, but then we remove the stuff that's fun and interesting about Regency romances! At this point, we're just writing regular fiction, but everyone's dresses are really high waisted.
And I mean, if we imagine a Regency era Britain where colonialism flat out did not happen... how are any of these characters this wealthy? How are they still using the products that were made accessible to Britain because of colonialism, like fabrics from India? If there were no colonies, then Britain didn't colonize North America, then there was no Revolutionary War, which means France didn't go into debt FUNDUNG the Revolutionary War, which means it wasn't in the dire financial straits that lead to the French Revolution, which means that Napoleon would not rise to power because of his military service DURING the French Revolution, which means the Napoleonic Wars aren't going to happen, but obviously we're still having the Napoleonic Wars because how are you gonna do Regency Era without its tentpole features, like people achieving upward mobility through exceptional military service against the dreaded Napoleon. And don't even get me started on how the history of Corsica would fit into all this!!!
People made the decisions they made because of the world they lived in, and if you change fundamental aspects of the world they lived in, its absurd to have them make the same decisions.
And on top of that, it actually ends up being kind of limiting for what kinds of stories you can tell. i mean, if no prejudice exists, then you can't have anyone interacting with it, internalizing it, or overcoming it. To have a character that, for example, is concerned about homophobia would be as bizarre in this setting as someone worrying about societal backlash because... idk their favorite color is red instead of blue. Who cares! Do you care? Clap if you care.
I know that's the fantasy some people like engaging with, and that's perfectly fine, but... well, it's not what I like writing.
I think Fallen London splits the difference pretty well- society still exists on the Surface as it always has (more or less), so you can still write characters engaging with it, but having London be it's own little pocket of equality has its own problems. I mean, if London was moved underground and the Masters granted everyone equal rights under the law, then that means no minority has ever campaigned for an expansion of their own rights and succeeded. There was no real Women's Sufferage movement in London, because there was no need. But there were Suffragettes who did cool stuff!! Stuff that might be interesting to engage with, but you can't, because of the setting. You have to overlook the accomplishments of real marginalized people, because the very premise of your story depends on the new government just... deciding to be nice.
Is this a problem that needs fixing? Nah, I don't think so. I think it was good when FBG went to remove some of the #problematic bits of text that still hung around (like changing the description of the Fourth City Airag so it's less... shitty, for example) because that doesn't fit with the tone they're setting. But I think it's fun and interesting to look at the opportunity costs of these decisions!!! im just having fun lol
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barb-l · 2 years
Hii there, I'm your anon from earlier, I hope you're having a lovely day. Also I rlly hope you don't mind these long ass messages I resorted to lately, believe me even I don't have a clue why I won't shut up sometimes. 😅 Anyway, just wanted to report back that I went to the costume party and it was so fun! I saw a Betelgeuse who looked like Lawrence Betelgeuse (intentionally or not) cause he had that spiky hair and a beard and I thought of you right away cause it was you and your blog that introduced him to me. Like I didn't know a Betelgeuse musical existed in the world before (uncultured much? 😄) but then you showed me and it enriched my life wonderfully which I'm so grateful for. Thank u so much, Barb. 😌💝 I got into other musicals as well and I just really really enjoy it.
Ahh I wished there was a Lydia too but I haven't met nor seen one. There were several Wednesdays though cause she is that iconic (and a relatively easy cosplay too pull off.)
As for me I had so much fun for real! I kept biting necks all night... cause ppl were asking for it for photos. I had this packet of fake blood pills with me that you pop into your mouth, bite down and then red food paint or sumn is leaking out. I did that to my friend I went with cause she asked me to for a photo of us in costumes (she was a bit of a slutty Sailor Moon) and it became a hit somehow. 😄
There's no need to apologize, I don't mind 😌
Also omg im sure they looked awesome. And wow im kinda touched to be the reason why you checked the musical out! It's so fun ain't it? I really love all the changes they made from the movie to make the play. No offense to the movie fans, but i highly prefer the play. That and Hairspray will forever be my favorite musicals I think. (That reminds me, i need to hunt down a bootleg cuz i wanna rewatch...)
Ahahaha of course there were lots of Wednesdays. Especially with all the hype for the show hehehehe
And wow, how daring! Good for you, mustering up the energy to go to the party, and I'm glad you didn't regret coming and even ended up enjoying it 😁👍
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weed-ols · 8 months
Reviewing Every UKISS Release: By Unpopular Demand ~ Bran New KISS
Oh my goodness I remember this because it came out right before my birthday, and at a pretty sensitive age too, this mini album has always been super special to me (let's ignore the fanwars). And this lineup is honestly so near and dear to my heart, like it really does just put a smile on my face.
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Bran New KISS | 5th Mini Album | 2011.03.30
Oh, the fanwars...if you watch any 2011 or earlier videos of them, there's bound to be people going at it in the comment section, what with the Xander/Kibum fighters and the Hoon/AJ defenders. It was really nasty too because NH gave some limp excuses for their departure, only to immediately be refuted by them, and it became really obvious that they were kicked out, rather than having voluntarily left.
I was personally a Hoon/AJ defender, not that I actively participated, but I was always liking comments about them. I wasn't one for any real reason, I just thought that AJ was really hot and Hoon quickly endeared himself by virtue of his singing and being funny.
AJ, or as I sometimes jokingly call him, NH's golden child, was put into UKISS because Paran was basically done, and NH probably still had his contract and wanted to make the most out of their investment. Plus, he was quite literally the right age for it since he's one of the many '91 liners.
Hoon was a ballad soloist who auditioned for NH and then got put in with the group, despite having never taken a dance class before and having to do like a 5-month crash course in it.
The way this lineup change was done is really foul and horrible of NH, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't push the group forward. I still don't think it was necessary to kick Xander and Kibum out, but AJ and Hoon were absolutely necessary. Hoon's addition basically changed most songs from Soohyun/Kevin duets to a trio now, and also opening up the possibilities of doing ballads and more vocal-heavy songs, while AJ was/is a better rapper than the others, plus he could double as a decent sub-vocalist.
As much as I hate NH and think they're stupid and useless and incompetent, they really did something when assembling this new vocal line for the group. All of their vocal tones work well together, and I honestly don't think there's a combination of Soohyun/Kevin/Hoon/Kiseop/AJ that could sound bad.
But yeah, I could go on forever about this, so I'll stop here and continue on afterward. Gone are the woman-hating bad boys in thick guyliner and complicated hairdos, our boys were back as nice sweet good boys in cute sweaters and argyle socks.
Intro (It's Time) | YouTube Music 21k | Spotify 11k
Vocal line intro!!!!
Okay I'll be fair, it's mostly Soohyun and Kevin with a verse from Hoon, and a couple lines of Kiseop
I love the Kevin to Hoon verse when they get to sing like that, their voices are like disgustingly sweet when heard back-to-back
I also love the build from Kevin -> Hoon -> Soohyun -> Kevin -> Soohyun with the swelling music
And Kiseop finishing off the song with his delicate little voice
Going from Shut Up!! to this is honestly so jarring
The autotune and music really took away the power in Soohyun's and Kevin's voices in previous releases, but you can hear them very clearly here
8.5/10 I kinda wish there was an extra 10-15 seconds to let the music hit its peak, coast a bit, then fall because it feels a little abrupt right now
0330 (Audio) | YouTube Music 37M | Spotify 3.5M
Can we talk about the song being 0330, releasing on 03.30 and being a 3:30 song?
"MORDNY PRESENT" you know it's a banger (also yes, I finally figured out what it is, I think)
Hoon starting their title track as a brand new member after such a contentious lineup change is kinda iconic
Followed immediately by AJ's rap, which is almost too aggressive for this song
Didn't he write the raps for this? Or did he just write his own part? Anyway, his first release with UKISS and he gets a songwriting credit
I always thought there was more singing in this, but it's really just 4 choruses interwoven with 3 raps
You know they didn't know where to give Kiseop his singular line, and that's why they dragged it out to be sung with the first half of Eli's rap
Having the choruses go from Hoon -> Soohyun -> Kevin -> vocal troika is pretty interesting
Weep a little bit with Hoon, get bitter with Soohyun, weep again with Kevin, then feel confused because all of them are singing together
"Don’t deny our r²π" care to explain this, AJ? I don't actually know if he wrote this, but I'm gonna say it's him
Nah I'm joking I get the meaning of it, but it's still a hilarious line to have in a ballad, and he always raps it with such conviction
It's timeless it's iconic it has an urbandictionary entry, which is pretty much how I think UKISS deserves to be immortalized
That last chorus where Soohyun's just belting his little heart out and adlibbing to hell and back while Hoon and Kevin have to sadly sing? Incredible
Peak crying in the club music - it's a nice mid-tempo ballad with ultra weepy romantic lyrics
So what I'm saying is this is the predecessor of Fall in Love
I was also so obsessed with the piano sheet and so mad I never asked my parents for piano lessons
Can I just say I thought this was soooo deep when it came out, it was on all of my sad playlists? This is peak moody tween girl music (affectionate)
It went platinum in my room, what can I say?
Also this just solidifies my hypothesis that UKISS is at their best when they're desperate and begging
9/10 an absolute iconic piece of history. To not only completely switch genres and images, but also have controversial member changes, this was incredible.
0330 (MV) | Official upload 19M
The days of boy group cinema, huh
Going back to their roots, they have now returned the concept of plot to their MV, rather than have the super low budget dance and brooding solo shots
We got multiple sets, dramatic confrontation, piano in the forest, and most importantly, rotary phone
We also got them in school uniforms, which is actually like the only time they've worn them outside of a couple of gag sketches
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Eli, doing normal people things and watching Dongho sleep
It's okay it was just practice for Stalker
Also this was such a bad hairstyle for him like whyyyy is it so choppy??
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Gone is the warehouse, they're now in The Loft!!!
Sorry Kiseop but they cut you out of the frame here because the piano is extremely important
Also is Kevin leaning on the piano keys? That must've so annoying
I like the random ladder thing AJ's sitting on like where does it go?
The way that this is set up looks like they're staging an intervention for Dongho
I like the casual outfits here, they all look cute and friendly and like they're not gonna shout "bad girl" at me
Hoon is probably the standout here, his shirt really suits him and those jeans are really nice
Kevin's cardigan looks warm I want it
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"Two grown adults violently jump teenager"
Wait are those the uniforms they wore for that one JP fanclub event? Or are these just like the number one rental school uniforms for idols?
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It's such a meet cute aww
Caught in the rain at the bus stop, gets wet, and offers her a towel
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The dance parts feel so out of place but also super iconic too
Some more casual looks, I like the black/white/grey scheme going on here
Soohyun's jacket is really nice
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Better shot of their intervention, and of the random lamp in the background
Yeah they all look like nice good boys your parents would approve of, except maybe for Kiseop's hair
Eli kinda looks like the guy who dresses rough but is still very nice
Oh no I assigned them school romcom personalities
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This was and still is so stinking cute
And the way she just looks at him afterward cracks me up
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AJ and Eli, third-wheeling their date
Why is Eli just holding his laptop like that? Why do they look like disappointed parents? Why is AJ patting him on the shoulder with his furthest hand?
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Piano date in The Loft while the two oldest look on in vague disappointment
The way Soohyun just leaves and we cut to a very disappointed Hoon watching by the window
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You walk into a cafe and see 6 vaguely disappointed guys watching their friend on the rotary phone, what you do?
The rotary phone is so funny like this is 2011 nobody's used a rotary phone in years, and even corded home phones were becoming old-fashioned
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There's an energy to this screencap that I can't quite describe
I also feel like the dynamic is usually the other way around, and Kevin trying to stop Soohyun from doing something
Also lol the way he dramatically pulls his earbuds out
Look, I really love my wireless earbuds, but there's something so extra about the corded ones, it's like flicking shut a flip phone
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Eli!!! Has!!! Had!! It!!! He's gonna go confront the little twerp!!!!
Let him go, Kevin!!!! Eli has words to say!!!
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And there was nobody on the phone
Intervention pt. 2 featuring Eli and Kiseop speaking some sense into this boy
And we're given the implication that she's dead
Honestly, this was high art for little tweenie me. This was a cinematic experience in 4 minutes
So yeah poor baby Dongho breaks down, while we're treated to shots of his very concerned-looking buddies
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The rooftop shots are so funny they're so dramatic
I wish we had more time of Dongho's breakdown and recovery, but yeah he recovers pretty fast from that traumatic realization
9/10 I don't know what else to say, it's cinema. We had a whole story told, some great supporting actors in the furniture, no horrific styling, it was great
0330 (Stages) | Highest viewed 580k (Fan upload)
Highest official is 319k Inkigayo. so let's watch that
Oh my god all those Korean comments from a few years ago that's so cute
Actually, scrolling through the comments, I think most the views and comments are from 2020+?
The piano miming at the start had me in a chokehold as a kid, and I still think it's really cute now
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Once again, I love a good circle moment
And the cute little hop when they get in position
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So simple but so cool to look at
Kinda reminds me of how kids play that security guard game on the playground where they all bunch around and protect one of them
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Love this little walking bit. Another really simple but really cool to look at bit of choreo
The hands as the raindrops hitting the window? Beautiful
Love the different levels used too makes it much more interesting
The shoulder shimmies!!! I wish we got a better shot of it here
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So outfit-wise, not much to say
The simple black/grey clothes fit the nice friendly boy next door vibe well, and work for the more subdued concept
The makeup is 'natural', and the hair for the most part is okay, very 2010-2011 pretty boy hair
We're no longer in the pasty lipstick days, but we're now in 'let's just slap some lipbalm/literal nude lipstick on and call it a day'
I just think that they should all be showing a little forehead like they all have nice high foreheads, so show it off a little!!!
Maybe it's just a cultural thing for me I was always told having a high forehead was attractive, and I kinda agree so long as it doesn't veer past fivehead territory
Again, I like Soohyun's jacket very chic
And the beginning of the super tight pants are here
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This part always makes me giggle a little like what are you guys doing
AJ's doing the most for his little solo bit and I kinda love that for him
Dunno much about his Paran days, but according to the comments, he was usually given the fewest parts
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I was so obsessed with this part as a kid
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I don't remember this part of the choreo but I kinda love it
Look at Soohyun giving it his all
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I love the way that when Eli and AJ do their rap together, it looks like they're just swatting the other members aside lol
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Look at the conviction in that single pointed finger
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So iconic
Soohyun put all his acting chops into that one belt
It's a much softer and simpler dance compared to their other comebacks, but it fits with the more subdued and vocal-heavy song
I also wonder if it's because Hoon had only been dancing for like half a year so they didn't want to have him visibly struggle
Hoon and AJ both stuck out the most to me
AJ has a very distinct quality to his movements, like they're not bad, but they definitely seem...sharper? Maybe more aggressive?
Hoon has, for the lack of a better descriptor, a very theatrical way of moving? It's not super noticeable here (but still definitely present), but you really see it later on
He also seems less sure of his dancing than the others, and he's not fully projecting outward, but again, he hadn't been dancing very long at this time, so it's completely understandable
The other 5 were very good, as always now
Dongho is the absolute star of this for me, his charisma is insane
8/10 it's a simple dance with a simple stage, but very enjoyable to watch with a lot of nice moments. It's a good stage, and while it stands out compared to their others just because of its subdued vibe, it's not huge a stand-out on its own (I say, as a 0330-lover)
Some other 0330 looks from their long promotional period
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I wanna know what was going through the designer's head while making these
Could never conceptualize this, and I'm torn between thinking these are incredible and that these are horrific
Like not even the colour-blocking I'm fascinated by the cuts of these
I do like the red/white/pink colour scheme, and that shade of pink is really pretty
Eli and Hoon have me asking the most questions like what are those tops
I think Kiseop and Soohyun got off the easiest here
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Another incredibly puzzling set of looks
I like the grey/white and the more formal jacket idea
I even like the colour blocks for the most part
But AJ looks like a chef, and Soohyun's....wannabe-tailcoat is confusing me
I also don't like how Hoon and Eli have blazers with white lapels like the lapels are almost unnoticeable
I like Kiseop's look the best his jacket is nice and I like his hair
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These outfits are actually pretty nice
The light blue/dark blue is pretty, and I don't really hate any of these jackets
Soohyun's outfit is my personal favourite it looks really good on him
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I'm conflicted on these black/white suits because they're accented with purple
Okay I'll be honest I can't tell if it's supposed to be black, dark grey, or a dark brown because the purple is really throwing me off
I love half these outfits and kinda hate the others
The white jackets all look good
Torn between liking the cut of Kiseop's jacket and hating the penguin-esque look of it
Don't love whatever's going on with Kevin and Dongho
Not loving Eli's jacket either
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A lot going on with these two-toned purple and white outfits
The light purple parts are all made of some kind of satin, and so are Hoon's lapels
Hoon and AJ both have these random bits of satin-like fabric hanging from their jackets and it looks very funny when they do the shoulder shimmies
I actually like most of these, but I'm also very confused by them
I wish there were better shots of the outfits
Words That Hurt Me... | YouTube Music 218k | Spotify 31k
So this is a Kevin song I guess
Featuring the entire rap line, Soohyun, and allegedly Hoon, while Kiseop is nowhere to be found
It's another mid-paced weepy love song with a lot of begging and pining and "baby I love you please come back"
Dongho gets a surprisingly lengthy rap, I guess his voice was done giving him grief
I like the prechorus with Soohyun helping to build up Kevin's voice
AJ's rap is one of my favourite parts in this song, but I still don't get the "so please be my Wendy" bit
I get what it's meant to be, but I just don't think it fits this song
Even though it's a Kevin song, I'd say Soohyun steals the spotlight by the end while he's belting his little heart out
"Mordny present" love that so true
Also, apparently AJ and Dongho both have songwriting credits here? Who's responsible for the Wendy line?
8.25/10 it's a weepy love ballad, something Kevin is very good at, I just wish the song built more, if that makes sense.
Every Day | YouTube Music 356k | Spotify 48k
This is such a banger because it's a Soohyun song
Well okay, he's very prominent in this song, but everyone else gets a decent share of lines
So it's Soohyun featuring Kevin, Hoon, and then everyone else because it's a vocal-heavy song
I love that first verse with Kevin and Kiseop, followed by Hoon's verse
Their voices work so well together and they all sound so sweet it's a shame we never got a subunit of them
Hoon and AJ splitting that verse after the chorus is interesting too
They both have a similar kind of theatrical feel to their voices
Soohyun and Hoon doing the bridge? Goated
Soohyun belting the chorus in the background while also doing his own adlibbing is so funny and so extra and so very him
It's such a cute mushy love song, very good sweet boys who respect all women, but also a really fun upbeat song
Also, I'm not reviewing it here but maybe later, I love the dance for this it's so fun and unserious except when they do body rolls because that's always super serious business
8.5/10 I think it's super catchy, and I love the the vocal pairings we got for some of the verses, and of course, I love Soohyun in this it's like you can hear his smile
I Don't Understand | YouTube Music 216k | Spotify 57k
I was gonna say this is a vocal line song, but Kiseop only gets 2 lines so that's a lie
But yeah this is basically Soohyun, Kevin, AJ, and Hoon, featuring Dongho, Eli, and Kiseop
I'll forgive the many AJ lines he was one of the lyricists
Soohyun/Kevin/Hoon chorus? Goated we're getting a full emotional range here
AJ/Kiseop/Soohyun prechorus is super interesting. You don't really get that combo often
Eli and Dongho both get a rap verse each, and personally I preferred Dongho's
Hoon's bridge part is pretty, but I always think about that one radio live they did where his voice cracked while singing like that's super embarrassing I'm sorry you went through that
Another upbeat-sounding song with sad "baby I love you let's not break up" lyrics, but with a twist!!!
The twist being it sounds like there's no infidelity just a couple growing apart
8.25/10 I kinda wish the song was a bit longer so we could squeeze in another verse, rather than have like 70% of the song be the prechorus and chorus
Miracle | YouTube Music 187k | Spotify 21k
Another banger for SWIN, who by the way, also wrote the intro and I Don't Understand (plus other later songs)
There's always interesting vocal arrangements and mushy good boy lyrics with SWIN
This is another one just for the vocalists - Kevin and Hoon sing the bulk of the song, with Soohyun, Kiseop, and AJ making up the rest of it. Eli gets the "to the left/to the right" part, and Dongho gets nothing lol
Honestly, I'm pretty sure Kiseop gets more lines in this song than all previous releases combined
As he should, his voice is fairly sweet and fits the cute plucky feel of the song
Kevin and Hoon taking the lion's share of singing is also absolutely the right choice because they both sound like diabetes, especially Kevin
"Let me show you fantasy" something about the way Kevin sings it
Also, the short AJ/Kevin lines? I wish we got more of those I like how their voices sound together
Hoon/Kiseop prechorus is super sweet, and Soohyun just busting in the middle lol
AJ/Kiseop/Hoon/Kevin second verse? I wanted a unit song with them sooo badly, both because a) they were my favourites, and b) I think their voices work super well together
Believe it or not, there's no yearning, no pining, and no woman-hating in this song - it's just pure cutesy fluff that also conveniently doubles as perfect fanservice
8.5/10 it's cute, it's fun, it's got interesting vocal arrangements, and it gave my boy Kiseop more lines. Not much to complain about
So yeah, after doing their promotional rounds (which were crazy long, I think the last music stage I saw for this was mid-May 2011), they were immediately shuttled off to Japan. I think they said they actually didn't really know why they were there, and they were just told to live in the dorms, practice, and study Japanese, which you know, I think is believable for NH.
Not really a fun fact, but just some things I wanted to get off my chest, and that's subunits I wished actually happened/got more of instead of uBEAT:
Soohyun/Hoon - well, I guess it's already a thing, but I still want more
Soohyun/Kevin - again, technically already kind of a thing, but I wanna see those guys promote together because one minute they'll be all friendly and lovey-dovey then the next they're super passive-aggressive
Hoon/Kevin - they really gave us one of the saddest songs in their catalogue, and then just never did anything else together ever again
Hoon/Kiseop - technically also a thing, and I really like their voices together, and I also wanna see them promote together again
Platonic Roommates For Life Kevin/Kiseop - literally how have they never done a duet together? I only noticed this during Kevin's Graduation DVD where he has duets with everyone but Kiseop, and I think that's a travesty
Vocal Troika Soohyun/Hoon/Kevin - obviously. Think about how many power ballads they could do together
Sex Kitten Trio Hoon/Kevin/Kiseop - I only thought of this after a serendipitous music shuffle put Lights Out and Don't Act Innocent back-to-back, and I thought that they all sounded a little different. Let their voices build off of each other, and suddenly they sound like they're doing one of those boyfriend audios
Trot Trio Soohyun/Hoon/Kiseop - Soohyun and Hoon can obviously sing it, but Kiseop was a real surprise
Cute Pop Trio Kevin/Kiseop/AJ - look it might be a little messy, but I think it would've been great in terms of music, and I think it would've been a real visual treat for us
Hot Mess Express Trio Soohyun/Kevin/AJ - I don't have any other reason I genuinely do think this trio would've been hilarious to watch pre-2016 like there's passive-aggressiveness and blatant awkwardness it would've been a hot mess
Someone May Die Trio Kevin/Hoon/AJ - again, this would've been so funny pre-2016, but especially around 2012-2014. Do I think they'd make it out in one piece? Probably not
I really love this mini album, it's a no-skip for me. I like that they really shed the bad boy image and went all-in with the good boy next door vibe, and gave us those sad love songs that are literally made to cry in the club to.
We're entering NEVERLAND next, and boy that is banger after banger, and that leads us right into their honestly crazy hectic 2011-2014 period where I'm very distressed because there's so much music to cover.
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Can I overanalyze our fandom's reaction?
First of all I'm incredibly proud of us because take a look at 75 pages and then look at TS pages. The difference in maturity is EVIDENT!
I think we all know that while this relationship, if real, will be iconic, it's likely not going to last. Not just because they are both on tour. Both of their personalities match but they also clash. I don't know them and this is all speculation, but the minute Matty says something slightly wrong - his hobby at this point -, Taylor will start a fight - she is the one who has admitted to not be afraid to start arguments and that's fine. Go off sis. She is opinionative and again: GOOD FOR HER!!! But so is Matty. They will clash. I've seen this before. One of the reasons why Taylor and Joe lasted so long was because Joe is VERY calm and according to Taylor herself, he handled Taylor's turbulent and explosive moments like a pro. I love Matty with all my heart but he has days when he is the most insufferable being alive and you can tell he's ready to pick a fight - very similar to Taylor - and I don't see this ending well.
They'll eventually break up and everyone is going to take her side. It's bad for us now and what's really affecting a lot of people is the knowledge that it's only going to get worse and Matty's name will forever be tied to this entire mess which is disappointing because he deserves attention for the lovely, beautiful and talented person he is.
True. The 1975 fandom is a lot of things but it’s never immature. Truly. Idk if it’s because it takes a certain kind of taste and mindset to, like, “get” the 1975 or what but that’s the truth. This fandom is so good.
And I agree with you that our concern about this relationship, is not about “omg Matty is dating someone and she’s not good enough for him” or whatever. It’s mainly about how he’s being treated publicly and will continue to be treated.
That said, Matty knows exactly what Taylor’s fandom is capable of. And he chose to do this knowing what would happen. So he must have thought about it and has his own reasons? Also, and this breaks my heart to say as someone who literally got obsessed with 75 records overnight, the sad truth of the matter is that Matty has always been known (like outside the fandom; not amongst us) for stuff other than his music. Whether he’s the racist guy on Twitter or the homophobe or the guy saluting hitler onstage or the guy who went on that podcast and talked about vaginas drying up and did a Japanese accent or whatever the fuck it is, outside of the fandom, I don’t think people mainly thought of him as “guy who makes music in a band.” So, it would seem to me (and like you said we don’t know them and don’t know what they’re thinking) that he’s made the decision that his art is his art and that’s never gonna change, but he’s kind sorta done with people talking about him every other day. Whatever his mindset and his decision, I hope he’s made it carefully. And no matter which way this goes, he will always have us and he will always make the kind of music that he wants to make, and when it’s objectively fresh and special and phenomenal (like BFIAFL has been) the world will have to hear it. If anyone hears the music and is like “yeah but he’s Taylor’s problematic ex” or whatever, then you know what? They don’t deserve the 1975 in their life anyway. Like, Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Hiddleston are still making movies. John Mayer still makes music (though for the life of me I don’t know why lmao). Swifties wanna end them, but outside of that, they have their fans and their careers and their professional reputations. It’s just that everyone knows about the scarf now.
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catboii · 2 years
(( hi to anyone who forgot they were following this DEADass blog!!
I've obviously not been on here, or on any RP blog at all, in forever. I'm gonna put this weird update(? more like a note to myself) under a cut, in case it gets kinda long... I might add updates to it later because there's alot I want to say. but I doubt anyone who would've been interested back when I was active, is still around (not to be negative! I don't expect them to be, I hope everyone I hung out with is living their best life!!) but I don't really know where else to collect my mess of thoughts on this character (I only sort of use twitter atm? and char limit lol), so for now, I'll post it here, and if I ever wanna link back to it, it's all neat and together...
if you've forgotten what this blog used to be since I changed URL and icons etc the last couple times it was active, it was Catboii, then before that SolicitorC. I have no idea if this character is actually dead, or if it is still out there somewhere, living it's best life (hopefully) maybe one day I'll tie up the loose ends, and finally set it free.... who knows
the reason I'm here, thinking about this character so fondly again, is I've actually been tentatively thinking about. writing things. again. I've been reading Homestuck fanfics again recently (i know right? in 2023?? what the shit) I doubt anyone who followed me on this blog knew me back on my other RP blogs, where I occasionally mentioned my fanfics (from 10 years ago aparently, mostly 2013 wow)..... most of which I'm embaressed about today so some I've orphaned, but the experience and practice was good in the long run
but the point is I've been thinking about writing something in my spare time (which I don't have much of, and I have multiple mental things that mean I have to re-read and correct and rearrange things I write like a million times. so far I've taken nearly 2 hours <now nearly 4 including eating and moving from upstairs to downstairs back upstairs...> to write and re-read this post, and I'm nowhere near done yet.... I'm gonna try to not be so anal about how this lays out because I've moved some paragraphs around and it sometimes doesn't make sense, but it literally doesn't matter! this is mostly just so I can look back on it in the future and be like, "oh yeah, I did that...")
I was thinking about trying to write some original fiction about one particular set of fantasy characters I have, and I like to remember the inspiration for their origins, so here we are.....
people who actually know me know I'm a HUGE slut for recycling characters. I have OCs who've been in literal hundreds of AUs, with either the same characters as always, or some different ones. and alot of my OCs, surprise surprise, started off as Tumblr RP muses.
I actually have a new version of this character, completely off tumblr or any other platform as of yet. although now he's completely diverged and I've created an entirely new timeline, new history, some actual lore of where he's come from and WHAT HE IS (finally) and how some of my other characters fit into the "universe". and I'll be honest, I did take some inspiration from some chatacters we met along the way. they have different names, I've changed their personalities somewhat, some are just loosely based off of the "concept" of a character we met, or the kind of relationship or interactions they had with my/other characters around,,, and they may not fit together with each other in this universe the way they did on Tumblr because they're not them, but the inspiration that I got from the interactions our characters had, had a big impact on the way this character has evetually turned out. I have BPD and "favourite people" reaches to more than just actual real life people for me, it reaches to characters, and I did have some "favourite muses" that really stuck with me, even if my muse wasn't a fan or they didn't really interact. there were also characters that my muse was really into, that I personally wasn't a fan of, but still mean alot to me and our progression
I obviously don't wanna just straight up plagierise someone else's character, and that wouldn't make sense anyway.... I can't copy someone else's character, and even if I COULD, they were probably fandom muses, which wouldn't work here in our new world. I can make up new characters, self indulge for the purposes of progressing my other character's stories... but that feels empty and pointless. these characters STILL hold a special place in my heart? and so some kind of weird tribute, without actually telling the person who made them, just makes sense to me I guess.... I wasn't gonna out mysef like this tbh, because to some people it might sound bad, I have alot of other characters who I've basically done the same thing with, took some loose inspiration from some OCs/fandom muses someone else made, and put some bits and pieces of them together in a completely different character of my own. I have a couple who are still mildly reminiscent of the originals, or are a very close paralell (with my own quirks), which I actually did get permission from the original creators to use and change... sometimes I think about actual TV or book characters who these smaller characters remind me of, and other RP blog characters or OCs, put bits of these characters together, then pick them apart, thinking about how they grew up, their family, friends, how that would've formed them as a person... frankensteining them together into some kind of guilt-free brain baby. this is essentially how you make characters, right? they're even initially inspired by real people, or real people's traits or personalities... then you squish them up and mould them into something else? it's not like I'm profiting off someone else's hard work and creativity... idk I don't really know how I feel about it.
for me, making characters is more than just "welp I need someone to be this guy's friend for a few chapters", they're a big part of the story, each one of my characters need to have some kind of background. even if that background is that we don't know anything about them for whatever reason.
anyway... back to the point I was getting to.
Tii, or Kiity, started off as... sort of a weird social experiment (at least that's what I'm calling it as a joke) on how out of character I can make a "normal" homestuck AU character, and not feel even the slightest bit bad about it. until I did.
the full timeline from when I was actually active is here but if you're not into long rambling explanations, here's, something..... (spoiler this turned into way longer than the timeline page, but this one has actual me in it, and my thoughts, rather than a sorta,,, emotionless list) if you DON'T wanna read the full timeline, but would like to read about my NEW character, I'll put this between these squigglies, and you can just skip it
homestuck stuff (so if you don't get HS then I'm sorry!): he started as just a normal post-game Sollux but he was god tier, didn't remember anything from the game or where his friends were, but couldn't die! fun! while he'd had the blog he got one of those pesky magin anons which turned him into a literal catboy, which he was actually really into bc people gave him alot of attention, so we made it permanent, there was some stuff with an Alternian uprising, human troll experimentation, he had his own lab, did experiments with parasites, especially brain worm type deals, I think this Sollux (I've had a few) didn't have Psionics? bc I'm a sucker for broken bois, it's been such a long time that I don't remember much myself. there was a phase with quadrant prostitution, hence the blog title "Solicitor". the first URL is where the nickname Lit came from. totally accidental but "it's Lit" was a great tag line. there was alot of memory loss in here, a universe's Signless manipulating Lit's memories to his own advantage... I have a terrible memory myself, and forgetting important things is a big fear of mine, so I thought I'd vent it out as a plot point, again, fun! it was also a handy plot ploint to let Lit forget muses who went inactive, rather than waiting around for them to return (since he was clingy but I'm realistic and have no problem if someone has a real life)
no more homestuck: there's a climax point where Lit was manipulated by a demonic creature called Kreed, which mostly happened off-blog. partially because I was too cringe thinking "lol demons" to actually go very far with it publicly. but in the end it worked out in my favour, because the story was getting REALLY DEPRESSING, and it was sorta going stale... this is where I dropped fandom and made Tii an OC, I was sort of feeling weird about the whole fandom thing since the character didn't feel like the actual canon character at all, with the memory loss and the manipulation. it was totally in character and it was story/character progression, but it didn't feel right calling it Sollux anymore, and honestly it was a little restricting.... it wasn't out of place though, because other people were making their fandom characters OCs around this time, rather than just starting up a whole new blog for the OC, having to get followers/interaction from scratch... you know, the grind.
there was a while at this point where Tii thought it was happy? but honestly no, it wasn't, and it was dragging me down a bit, which is why I kept dipping out, and I made a couple of ther blogs around this point. in general the blog experience was good, most of the interactions were great, but I'd put too much,,,,, brain? into emotions and the afterthoughts. I got too in my head, and in Tii's head, about the past. there were toxic muses that Tii dwelled on, and even if I tried to erase the memories, they would still pop up on it's dash and it would start a spiral, there would be posts on the vent blog regarding these people and Tii would be like "WHO DIS??" which was partially funny, but in the end exhausting.... it turned out, what I was *hoping* would be a superpower (forgetting traumatic events) turned out to be Tii's downfall.... I decided to go no-contact with my own character at some point. mostly I was just genuinely too busy, but I started to pop back on every now and again on mobile to see how things were going, say hi to a couple people, but eventually it would all start spiralling again, and it just wasn't enjoyable. I tried making another blog for an OC, which I don't think I even finished setting up before I decided I just didn't have the time or energy to start up.... but that's not Tii stuff, so nevermind that
today, Furui is a Nekomata (with some shapeshifting abilities), in a world where maybe 2% of the population is some kind of fantasy creature, living in hiding. most can blend in with general society, so humans think it's WAY less than that, although they know they're around...
I have a few "main characters", including Keisuke, who was a boy who grew up at the family temple/shrine (I'm not too familiar with Japanese culture, and I'm not about to pretend I am, so I forget which it is) where Furui lived back when he was an actual, literal cat. he frequented the site, even though his family told him not to go alone as the ghost of a black cat haunted it. it was actually just a Yokai. so much better... the Yokai grew quite fond of Keisuke, and hung around him, let him put a handmade collar on him so he could hear the tinkling bell when he was around. although Keisuke moved abroad to study when he was older, and when he returned after several years, the cat was gone. at some point, Furui, not understanding human language, so thinking Keisuke had just forgetten about him (even though he did try multiple times to say he was leaving,,, )and other humans pestering him and trying to chase him out, had gotten fed up, and turned into a malevolent spirit, burning down the temple/shrine, and killing several humans who'd tried to harm him
on a lighter note, fast farward a couple years, there's some goofy intro where Keisuke meets Furui in a human form, but he's an absolutely terrible human impersonator. they somehow end up being buddies and Keisuke teaches him how to person etc etc story things.
there are other main characters like Lyric the sweet but secretly manipulative Siren, or "Lyra" to humans. then there's Denali the reluctant Werewolf who I've actually toyed with being the protagonist. they have a complicated relationship where Lyric doesn't want Denali to be so self destructive (drinking and sleeping around), and doesnt actually know that he's a literal werewolf. because he won't tell her. he's worried she'll absolutely freak out about him getting hurt or hurting people... what he doesn't realise is she's just using him and has got him wrapped around her little finger, because she thinks he's just another stupid human. he, of course knows she's NOT a human, but think he's special, and she would NEVER use her powers on him.
Furui and Keisuke move abroad to [wherever I decide this takes place] where Lyric, Denali, and a bunch of other characters live. Furui quickly befriends Lyric because he can smell non-humans, being a cat and all, meets Denali and finds out he hasn't told Lyric his secret, so (as he's not a human, so doesn't have human values of trust and camaraderie, and is... not a nice person in general) threatens to out him if he doesn't play along with his games.. those games, being he's been the dark creature slowly picking off the werewolf packs roaming the streets killing people. one of those packs, being Denali's own. Furui takes great pleasure in making the guy choose between his relationship with Lyric, who he thinks he feels more than just platonically for, or his pack. this of course has alot of ways it could go, and I haven't fully decided.... but it's fun to theorise.
originally, Furui had a huge crush on Denali (which was gonna end in some kinda violent throwndown between him and Lyric), because in my mind he started out as this huge confident wolf boy, and who doesn't wanna fuck a werewolf, but as time's been going, he's been showing his vulnerabilities, and Furui will absolutely not be into anyone who is scared of anything, especially if it's not tangible... he's a ilteral spirit, he can't die or be killed. he toys with death on the daily, and I have a couple of quick little drabble scenes written up already (to get it out of my system) of him being absolutely annihilated, only to grotesquely and noisily pull his dislocated/broken limbs back into their sockets, and raise up from the ground gushing blood and bits of his insides all over the pavement.... you can't be second guessing your words in case you hurt someone's feelings around someone like that, if you want them to respect your physical prowess. on one hand, I like big confident scary Denali, but I also like confidence being a front, and secretly vulnerable doggo boi. it's a hard life.
anyway I'm just ranting now, and it's been.... like literally over 5 hours. I started writing this at half 4ish? and it's 10pm now. I feel better though, like I got something out of my system, and I got some of my story thoughts down, instead of just letting them swim around in my head then be forgotten.
if anyone did read all this for whatever reason, then I hope you have a great day, and thankyou for sharing this with me ...
0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
RM afraid of Barca?! Bestie... pls 😭 I don't think so, but they need to get their shit together for sure, invest in younger players, because Benzema won't be there forever. Their recent season was 👌🏻 let's keep it up. Lmao not the Sheikhs buying all the top football stars? And for what 💀 for more money obviously, but that's just ridiculous. Kaka let the devil on his shoulder win 👀
You can try searching the basement, good luck, there are spiders in there! Maybe even snakes who knows 😉
I'm gonna watch one of those "I read Harry's book so you don't have to videos" to see what's going on there
Waiting for old Exo to come back, their last comeback was so-so, but hoping for the best! Can't believe Shinee and Exo will be coming back again <3 Shinee world tour... I think it's safe to say their world is very limited lmao. Okay but wtf was that GOT song, slightly better than Step Back cause the bar is in hell, but it felt so long and chaotic yet I felt like nothing happened 😭 and the MV? So unoriginal it's so sad, free these women! I haven't checked the mini yet, cause I don't feel motivated
That manhwa might be nothing special, but it's pulling at my heart strings. They're both whipped I'm afraid lovesick boys... oh yes, pls do start reading it's a slow burn and the beginning is frustrating for a few reasons, but it's fun. Also I realised something about my boy Eunhyuk and it's devastating, I feel so bad for him 💔
That bathroom scene in HP, iconic dare I say, yes! I was shaking for real lmao
Omg yes, young Jude had this Italian or French feel to him, a few British actors had that thing to them when they werw younger.
With the way some fansites act I'd not trust them around Seonghwa I think we should be present as well to make sure they're not acting up. Seonghwa bodyguard team! And I can take pictures, I'm better than some of those glorified paparazzi
Usually coloured ink is a bit more invasive(?) let's say, it depends of course. Actually snake's skin is very soft, I was truly surprised. A few people who were always against snakes kinda changed their minds once they felt the skin, but obviously bigger snakes look very intimidating
STOPBTHAY VIDEOOSOOSOOKAJJSJSJHAHAHA Seonghwa's smile is so sweet, the way his whole face lits up and his eyes 😢
The fact some stupid men and simp girls call Shakira crazy, I mean she's doing a lot lol, but he deserves it! Shakira Isabel Mebarak Holmes. Oh god I'd just move out tbh, but this is much funnier
I'll re-read model ONE DAY okay...
San was channeling his inner Loid Forger in that suit
I have to be honest I only found out like a week ago what rizz means, I'm a boomer <3
Sugar baby Hwa? That's my material baby girl
This whole thread 🧎🏻‍♀️and truth
I love him but this is fucked up, I won't tolerate this, I bet his alarm wakes everyone but him 💀
Did you see Jeonghan and Ten at YSL? And where the fuck is Seonghwa?! These stupid brands are useless!!!
Oh about Varanassi, it was years ago so I can't tell exactly, but I don't think so? I don't believe in spiritual things so I wouldn't really know sjhsuaajsjshbabshs I only feel weird in big empty Catholic churches (maybe because I'm not baptised and the devil inside me is trying to jump out 😆), because they're just too quiet and weird in general - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
RM afraid of Barca?! Bestie... pls 😭 I don't think so, but they need to get their shit together for sure, invest in younger players, because Benzema won't be there forever. Their recent season was 👌🏻 let's keep it up. Lmao not the Sheikhs buying all the top football stars? And for what 💀 for more money obviously, but that's just ridiculous. Kaka let the devil on his shoulder win 👀
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come on anon let’s be real here bestie we both know the truth 🤚🏻🤚🏻with none of their players batting an inch against the 18yo, almost reminded me of that one special 19yo boy with long hair 😮‍💨 afraid is just a small word 🤚🏻defeat is best served when barca does it <3 rm rarely wins by a lot when versing barca, while barca can do 5-0 and u know that’s true too, rm fans agree too 😭😭😭 main reason for a mid rm season is: ancelotti 🔫 he changed the positions and playing style a lot tbh
mancity took this to heart
and the match today! ronaldo punched, got a free penalty, did a siu on a friendly 😭😭 got tackled by ramos, neymar missed pen, and then ALL of them being subbed off 😭😭
im convinced messi’s some secret comedian bc ain’t no way this man is just losing his shit like this
You can try searching the basement, good luck, there are spiders in there! Maybe even snakes who knows 😉 /// I'm gonna watch one of those "I read Harry's book so you don't have to videos" to see what's going on there
WELL IM GONNA TAKE U WITH FOR THAT PART, YOU ARE OLDER AND IT IS UR DUTY ACTUALLY TO LOOK OVER THE YOUNGER ONES 🤨 RULES ARE RULES ACTUALLY 🤚🏻 id rec this one person partially bc her voice is so nice & from an eye of a brit 😭😭 & this one does a pretty good job at it!
Waiting for old Exo to come back, their last comeback was so-so, but hoping for the best! Can't believe Shinee and Exo will be coming back again <3 Shinee world tour... I think it's safe to say their world is very limited lmao. Okay but wtf was that GOT song, slightly better than Step Back cause the bar is in hell, but it felt so long and chaotic yet I felt like nothing happened 😭 and the MV? So unoriginal it's so sad, free these women! I haven't checked the mini yet, cause I don't feel motivated
how many days left till baekhyun 😭😭😭??? 15 DAYS 😭😭 15 DAYS 😭😭😭 THEY ARE COMING BACK OUR SAVIOURS BACK TO BACK !!!!! bro raised sm’s stock by 30% by breathing, he’s actually bigger than sm 🤚🏻the last cb, def on the lower end with their insane title track history, considering that we’re all used to do much, this one def was more of a bside material! (prob the only title track by then that i do not indulge in that much)
BUT U BEST BELIEVE IM DONT FIGHT THE FEELING SCREAMING WHEN IT COMES ON but the bsides i don’t think i listened THIS much to some bsides, they were funky dancy and really good!!,, BUT LAY 😭😭🤚🏻 SHINEE EXO TOUR IS COMING TO SAVE SM FROM ITS BANKRUPTCY !!! WE BETTER !!!!! GET !!!!! BUG BUDGET !!!!! watch shinee just do a sk, jpn tour 🔫🔫
YEAH SLIGHTLY BETTER THAN THE LAST ONE FOR SURE! the gugugugu part is catchy but also annoying, ur right it felt like nothing happened, no hype, no promo?? did not find the songs on the album that good! but a few of them are okay! mala is good! but it’s very,,, similar to the tittle itself, one of them almost felt like an extension to it actually
That manhwa might be nothing special, but it's pulling at my heart strings. They're both whipped I'm afraid lovesick boys... oh yes, pls do start reading it's a slow burn and the beginning is frustrating for a few reasons, but it's fun. Also I realised something about my boy Eunhyuk and it's devastating, I feel so bad for him 💔
ITS PULLING AT UR HEART STRINGS !!!!! anon ur whipped by this webtoon 😭😭 STOP THATS SO CUTE BUT THE BLACK HAIRED ONE 😭😭😭🤚🏻 his is a little too soft 🥰 i will begin to read it <3 TELL US GIVE US THE PAIN
That bathroom scene in HP, iconic dare I say, yes! I was shaking for real lmao //// Omg yes, young Jude had this Italian or French feel to him, a few British actors had that thing to them when they werw younger.
tbh the half blood prince movie set itself 🤚🏻 iconic as hell,,, snape dying 😭😭 RIGHT HE HAD THAT AURA, it was very old money vibes! quite a lot of british actors have that vibe, cillian is one of them.
With the way some fansites act I'd not trust them around Seonghwa I think we should be present as well to make sure they're not acting up. Seonghwa bodyguard team! And I can take pictures, I'm better than some of those glorified paparazzi
ur right, we are his assistant, pr and bodyguard team. 3 in 1 🤚🏻we monitor EVERYTHING and i think we have experience as we are avid followers of football and can catch bs on the field right away 🔫 catch us giving red cards to fansites
Usually coloured ink is a bit more invasive(?) let's say, it depends of course. Actually snake's skin is very soft, I was truly surprised. A few people who were always against snakes kinda changed their minds once they felt the skin, but obviously bigger snakes look very intimidating
u touched a snake.
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STOPBTHAY VIDEOOSOOSOOKAJJSJSJHAHAHA Seonghwa's smile is so sweet, the way his whole face lits up and his eyes 😢
RIGHT 😭😭 his ENTIRE face just blooms when he smiles
and then he does this
The fact some stupid men and simp girls call Shakira crazy, I mean she's doing a lot lol, but he deserves it! Shakira Isabel Mebarak Holmes. Oh god I'd just move out tbh, but this is much funnier
NAHHHH I SEE COMMENTS LIKE “shakira this is not good, ur feelings should not be out”??? oh and he can??? bro played the song in front of his kid and roasted THEIR mother WHEN THAT MF CHEATED how low can u drop tbh I LOVE HER PLS THE PETTINESS IS ON PAR, THE GOVERNMENT NAME DBDB
the internet is so funny 😭😭😭 love how viral it is becoming <3 her and miley’s song
I'll re-read model ONE DAY okay... //// San was channeling his inner Loid Forger in that suit //// I have to be honest I only found out like a week ago what rizz means, I'm a boomer <3 /// Sugar baby Hwa? That's my material baby girl
JEBWKDHSK BOOMER 😭😭😭 san’s a different breed, i do not know how i survive this man
This whole thread 🧎🏻‍♀️and truth //// I love him but this is fucked up, I won't tolerate this, I bet his alarm wakes everyone but him 💀
this man is so dramatic, i do not know how hongjoong tolerates him, im convinced they all throw hands at least once a month 🤚🏻 bc i def would, he’s asking for it too
MY ROCKSTAR BABY /// Did you see Jeonghan and Ten at YSL? And where the fuck is Seonghwa?! These stupid brands are useless!!!
GIRL I DID BRWKFHKWHDKW TEN IS MAD. THIS BRO IS SO INSANELY ATTRACTIVE!!!! WHERE IS SEONGHWA??? HE’S THE AMBASSADOR???? WHYS HE NOT THERE,, in the wake of everyone being a ambassador, i need him to be one too he is always representing them
but those photos dropped so im ok <3 a little <3 he looks so nice in the middle one!
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Oh about Varanassi, it was years ago so I can't tell exactly, but I don't think so? I don't believe in spiritual things so I wouldn't really know sjhsuaajsjshbabshs I only feel weird in big empty Catholic churches (maybe because I'm not baptised and the devil inside me is trying to jump out 😆), because they're just too quiet and weird in general - DV 💖
LMFAOOOO 😭😭 ive always heard churches have this strange aura inside, kind of uptight and all,,, right! ive also heard that varanasi has this strange feeling to its environment bc it’s so heavily religious so i wondered if u had felt the same! FBWMFHWK MAYBE THE DEMON IS TRYING TO JUMP OUT 😭😭
two worlds colliding ayo
uh ,,, double uh
day 49 of me convincing u should come here, we unlock this very magical place in summer
0 notes
Why isn't Nightwing a bigger deal? He has all of Batman's skills and Superman's faith in humanity and is arguably the most beloved hero in the DCU, but most people seem to know him either as the leader of the N̶o̶t̶ ̶J̶L̶ Teen Ttians or just Robin.
Thank you for asking me about Nightwing, I've been wanting to write a piece about him for a while now. The short version is that everyone who claims Dick becoming Nightwing was him "moving out of Batman's shadow and becoming his own man" is completely wrong.
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Dick Grayson is a fantastic character, someone who saved Bruce Wayne in-universe both by forcing Batman to grow up a bit, and the countless times he saved Batman's life as his partner whether as Robin or Nightwing. Dick saved Batman in the real world as well, hard to believe but Batman was actually in danger of being cancelled due to poor sales early on. Enter Robin, a young daredevil audience stand in the creators hoped would get kids interested in reading Batman. And it worked! Sales on Batman doubled once Robin showed up which is crazy to think about, but Dick Grayson has always been a popular character. Cartoons like Teen Titans, Batman: The Animated Series, and The Batman only helped grow his audience.
Character-wise, Dick Grayson really does fill a number of crucial roles in the DCU. For Batman, Dick is proof that Batman is a positive force. Meeting Batman helped change Dick for the better, helped him heal after his parents died. With Dick, Batman can take comfort in knowing that yes, he has made a difference in the world for at least one orphan boy, which is all he wanted when he lost his parents himself. To the wider DCU, Dick is a friendly face who convinces others that Batman is competent and not a complete asshole. He took this kid in, trained him to be one of the best heroes the DCU has seen, and did it all out of the kindness of his heart. That someone like Dick can confront the evils of Gotham and not break means there's still hope for that city. As Robin, Dick has led the Titans and is an icon in his own right as The Sidekick, the original, the one every other Robin is built around copying or contrasting. The one all other superhero sidekicks are drawing on as a basis. As Robin Dick Grayson is very much on Batman's level.
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Just not as Nightwing. As Nightwing, Dick has been a second rate Daredevil which means he's a third rate Batman (fully prepared to get hate for this but I've read and enjoyed the Miller and Bendis DD runs so I feel entitled to my opinion). A typical Nightwing run tends to go like this: Moving to Bludhaven (which is Gotham... but WORSE!), Dick Grayson usually enrolls in a pointless job we don't care about in order to provide some meaningless soap opera drama that doesn't go anywhere. Patrolling the city as Nightwing, he fights a variety of bad guys who are usually rather lame and unthreatening, with his big bad being a Kingpin knockoff called Blockbuster. Villains are fought, long running plotlines are set up, then everything is abandoned because it's Batfamily event time, and Dick has to run back to Gotham in order to play sidekick again. Usually his involvement is completely superfluous and it would've been better if the writer had gotten to opt out. By the time we finally get back to Nightwing's solo plotlines, the audience has usually ceased to care and the run gets cut short.
That's how Nightwing has been since the New 52 at least. Anyone who thinks that's "becoming their own man" is out of their mind. Dick is so thoroughly in Batman's shadow that he got shot in the head and spent a longer time as "Ric" which everyone fucking hated and sold like shit, than he did as Agent Grayson which was extremely well-received. Reiterating: Ric went on longer than Grayson because of a fucking Batman plotpoint Tom King wanted where Bruce was sad and cut off from the Batfamily because of Dick getting shot. Not just calling out King either, how many times was Kyle Higgins Nightwing run derailed because of Scott Snyder's crossovers? Or how about that entire run getting dumped to the side because Johns wanted to out Dick during Forever Evil, a Justice League/Lex Luthor story? DC has repeatedly made their contempt for Nightwing clear, he's Batman's sidekick still in their eyes, and he serves whatever story role the Batman writer wants.
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Hell his best stories tend to have been the ones where he's not Nightwing. He was Robin in a good chunk of the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans run. Morrison really showcased his depth as a character when they wrote him as Batman, their time with Dick under the cowl was actually one of the first Batman runs I ever read, and no Nightwing run has ever matched it in terms of quality in my humble opinion. Scott Snyder's work with DickBats also was a high point for the character, showing Dick as competent and examining his relationship with Gotham and the Gordons. King and Seeley gave him one of the best comic runs with Grayson, a series where he wasn't even a "superhero" technically! When it comes to actual pre-New 52 Nightwing runs that are highly recommended where he *is* Nightwing, there's Chuck Dixon and uhhhhhhh... Tomasi's brief run before Dick became Batman? It's not exactly an overwhelming list.
Look there has been good work done with Nightwing, I'm not claiming there hasn't been. Tim Seeley wrote a great run with Nightwing Rebirth. Seeley fleshed out Dick's Rogues Gallery with cool new ones like Raptor, he brought back old foes like Dr. Hurt (why oh why couldn't you have brought back Flamingo too?), he gave Dick's world some character it solely needed. Bludhaven under Seeley is pretty much the only time I've really felt like it lived up to being Dick's city.
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The problem with fictional cities is you have to put in the work to give them the character of real cities. You have to make the cities feel like characters in their own right. Gotham is the best example of this, it's a character all it's own, one that tells you a lot about Batman and his cast. In contrast Bludhaven is usually one of the worst. Any place that wants to claim to be worse than the city that is built over the gate to hell and gets wrecked every other month by the Arkham freaks has to really put in the work to compete. Simply put, Bludhaven typically fails utterly. There's nothing about it that makes you really buy it's worse than Gotham, I mean does anyone really think Nightwing's Rogues wouldn't get their lunches eaten by Batman's? No, no one genuinely buys that. When Bludhaven claims to be worse, it just comes across as tryhard, an attribute that does end up telling you about Nightwing in unintentional ways.
So Seeley didn't do that. Instead he created a city built for a hero like Dick Grayson. Someone who is bright and flashy, but does have an element of darkness to him. Someone who loves the spotlight, but often uses it to obscure. Seeley turned Bludhaven into Las Vegas, and that was the fucking best concept for Bludhaven I have ever seen, it makes so much sense. Las Vegas is the "Entertainment Capital of the World" and isn't that the perfect city for a hero who got their start working in the circus? Isn't the aesthetics of the gleaming casinos, the glamorous sex appeal of the performers, and the spectacle of the shows, all being used to cover up the seediness of mob bosses meeting backstage perfect for Nightwing? It's so utterly unlike New York City, yet Las Vegas is still dangerous, it's got a crime culture all it's own. Seeley used it to great effect, as did Humphries during his brief run, and I will always be pissed that DC didn't continue to use it. That should have stuck around and been the definitive look for Bludhaven.
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How Seeley's take on Bludhaven was treated feels like a small scale version of how Nightwing in general gets treated. Whenever creators pitched ideas for him, if editorial thought there was potential to break big, they asked for those ideas to be repurposed for Batman instead. Anything big or good gets repurposed for Batman or tossed to the side so Nightwing can go back to his default: having irrelevant adventures in a city that is supposedly worse than Gotham but can't live up to it. Just like how Nightwing is supposedly better than Batman but never gets to show it. Goddamn it's so frustrating seeing his potential get wasted like that.
The Nightwing book should be one of DC's most ambitious books in terms of storytelling. You can go from traditional superhero stories, to romantic soap opera, to spy stories, to crime noir, to horror, to cosmic adventures, and ALL of them would fit because Nightwing is someone who has a foot in both Gotham and Metropolis. He's got friends everywhere on every team, and has been a hero longer than most Leaguers have at this point. No reason DC should still be afraid to let him loose and insisting on hewing close to what Dixon established almost over 30 years ago is only holding him back. At the very least get him some better Rogues, why the hell didn't he get to keep Professor Pyg? That's Dick's villain not Bruce's! Bullshit that they didn't let Dick keep him. Hopefully Flamingo comes back, with a slight revamp I think he'd make a great reoccurring Nightwing Rogue.
Luckily it does look somewhat like Nightwing fans have reason to be optimistic. While Taylor isn't to my taste, DC clearly views him as a "big" writer, and that they put him on Nightwing says a lot. Taylor has been selling well so far, so hopefully he gets to tell his story, hilarious that even he lampshaded having to write Dick running over to Gotham for another tie-in after Taylor's big opening arc was all about Dick committing himself and his money to Bludhaven. Scott Snyder is apparently working on a Black Label Nightwing book which will explore how he's a different detective than Bruce. The Gotham Knights video game has him as one of the main stars, and while Titans is... controversial, it's one of the most popular streaming shows and Dick is the main character. There's a lot of content coming that features him in the starring role, and that will only help his star rise further.
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For the first time in, well, ever it feels like DC may be serious about elevating him. Time will tell if it pays off, but I for one choose to be optimistic that the 2020s will be a turning point for Dick Grayson where Nightwing becomes hugely popular in his own right. Not just as Batman's sidekick.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
So my birthday is on April Fools, (how deserving 🤪) and I decided to be self indulgent again and write something! These are short and reader is gender neutral!
WARNING: Lesson 16 spoilers in Beel and Belphie’s part (nothing too heavy but read their sections at your own risks)
The Brothers Celebrating your Birthday!
Expect the most grandest/high class celebration you’ve ever seen MC!
As much as he’s not a morning demon, he’s got a noticeable pep in his step this morning because it’s your special day
Expect him to be one of the first people to text you at midnight because he’s still up doing paperwork
But don’t worry, he won’t be doing any work when it’s time to celebrate
Little messages throughout the day, hinting at something big to come along with small gifts (atleast to him) such as: new outfits, lunch at Ristorante Six with him, basically stuff that he pleases you both and that he would love to see you in (not that he would ever tell you)
Expect his gifts to be high quality too (ie. very expensive)
You expected a huge party, but you didn’t expect him to get so sentimental
After everything ended, you ended up in his room, with him just holding you in his lap, unconsciously caressing you with his mind deep in thought
The impact that you made on his brothers- the impact that you made just on him- it’s far bigger than you could imagine. And that scares him
He’s gotten so close to you that he forgot that you can’t stay here forever, both in the Devildom and mortality. What would he do when you have to leave his brothers? When you have to leave him? It makes his chest pang with pain every time the thought crosses his mind, but he refuses to let it ruin the moments he does get to spend with you
You’ll never know how grateful he is for deep down, and he never wants to lose you. Who would have thought that the mighty firstborn would fall so deep for a mere human?
Get ready to have the best birthday ever with no one other than the Great Mammon!
Tries to be the first one to tell you, fell asleep and immediately felt bad
Celebrates your birthday like a national holiday but is still somehow tsundere about it. He’s only being like this because you don’t know how to party, and he doesn’t want to hear you complain later, got it?!
Has his crows bring you small gifts leading up to the big party. Bracelets, candy, mini love letters that he swore that he threw away...
Definitely snuck off during your party, because he wanted to hand you his gift personally (and he didn’t want to hear his brothers say anything about it). Prays (how ironic) that you don’t hate it, tears up when you say that you love it
Definitely got some kisses as thanks and can expect some more later
He just really appreciates and loves you okay? You’re important to him, and today’s the day that you were brought into the world, the reason that he’s able to look forward to something everyday. You’ve made a change in everyone’s lives, even that grouch Lucifer, and he has to say thanks somehow
Plus, you’re important to him- so he does see this as a special day regardless of what comes out of his mouth. He still gets embarrassed about being emotional, but he makes sure that you know that he loves you
He always will
It’s just another day normie, nothing special...
Hey quit trying to figure out what he’s hiding behind his back! He doesn’t have anything okay?! It’s nothing! And ignore that he called you, he just butt dialed you and didn’t expect you to answer! And he just decided to say happy birthday because everyone else was, not because he actually cares!
He is so stumped on how he’s going to celebrate your birthday, he hasn’t stressed about something non-otaku like this in decades. He’s so anxious that he’ll ruin your big day. What if he gets you something and you hate it and then hate him?!!
This day is making him more nervous than it should, but he can’t help it! You’re his best friend, a person that he can confidently say that he’s fortunate enough to know and that he loves-
OKAY he can’t exactly say it out loud yet without turning 50 shades of red, but he really does. He just needs a way to show it
Believe it or not, he was too excited to wait to tell you his gift after the party, so he told you after he said happy birthday. Free range to his manga collection??? What could be better than that?! The perfect gift if you asked him
Plus he rather you be holed up with him in his room than being anywhere else. That’s how it should be: just his Henry, his anime/manga/game collection, and Henry 2.0
It’s the least that he can do for how much you’ve been there for him, and even though he still has a hard time saying how he really feels, he hopes that this atleast gives you a glimpse into his true feelings
Ugh this feels like he’s a love interest in an otome game or something...
Honestly is the chillest of them all
Don’t get me wrong he’s super excited like everyone else, but he has a very detailed itinerary that you both need to follow for today, starting with breakfast.
Get down here before Beel eats your breakfast!
He made it with all of your favorite activities and places, along with things that he just knew you’ll love (and him too, but seeing you smiling is more than enough to make him content). He put a lot of effort into this whole day, especially with your gift
He put thought into it (no surprise there), he didn’t want to give you just anything and he has to one-up Lucifer and he needed to give you something to show you how much of a change you’ve been in his life. How much you influenced him to make better choices when it comes to channeling his anger and rage
He got you a magic photo album last year, and the way that you reacted to that (which was obviously positive), the pressure is on this year to impress you even more
Which he ended up doing! But he won’t lie, he was just a tad bit nervous in disappointing you, but everything worked out well, so you didn’t need to know!
Although, he did feel a bit shy in handing you his gift, he felt relieved in seeing you accept it so quickly
Also invited you to read any of his books, and even offered to teach you some spells, both safe and simple enough to where it won’t cause any real damage to anyone. Might teach you a spell to spite Lucifer to make the LYS club proud
You don’t know how much you mean to his brothers, how much you mean to him. You’ve made a bigger impact that you think, and while he knows that nothing he does will ever show you how eternally thankful he is for your presence, he at least wants to show you a sliver of his appreciation. What better way than the day you came into the world?
Also expect him to try and fluster you the whole day. You’re too cute for him to leave you alone, and your reactions are better than that brand new cat cafe
Actually he might have to test that theory, and the only way to do that is if you both visit the cafe. Either way he’s not complaining! Cats and you? A match to die for
You’re the only reason he’ll interrupt his beauty sleep
Wants bragging rights to say that he told you happy birthday first
Today is a big day after all! It’s the day that you came into the world, and that you’re able to even be down here with him- I mean them!
Will be your designated fashion designer. All your outfits already have to not only be on point, but they have to be iconic. No exceptions! Doesn’t matter if you’re just going to Purgatory Hall, you’re going there in style!
Gifts are in style too! He got you stuff that you would absolutely fall in love with. He’s not that self centered, give him some credit MC!
After the big celebration with everyone, of course you’re going out to The Fall! He has to show you off of course, it would be a crime if he didn’t
But once everything is over and you guys are home, he takes his time in doing his nightly routine on you both. Honestly just basking in your glow and just enjoying you. No sharing, no interruptions, just you and him
He catches himself thinking that there’s no way he can love someone more than he can love himself, it’s impossible, it has to be
But he loves you so much that he’s starting to doubt that theory
But would that really be a problem?
He’s so excited! And he takes today VERY seriously
He’s gonna make sure you eat SO GOOD today that Lord Diavolo would be jealous
As soon as you get up you guys are hitting every restaurant and I mean EVERY
You’re getting the best of the best because you deserve the best
And as a gift he got you so much food that you’ll probably have enough to last you both for the rest of the year...if he doesn’t eat it all
He knows that food is his thing, but he got you so much because he knows that it makes him happy, and he wants you to feel the same way. It makes him feel all warm inside, and when you’re with him it’s like he’s eating all of his favorites at once, but even better
And you guys eating food together?? It makes him feel like he’s back in the Celestial Realm again
But I feel like with Beel, another way he shows love is through acts of service and quality time. For him, even if you guys are doing absolutely nothing, he’s 100% in bliss
So his gift to you was in the way of snacks to share and having him at your mercy (not that you would ever take advantage of him like that). Also promising to take you wherever you want, it’s your day!
You see past his sin, and enjoy Beel for Beel. You don’t just see him as Gluttony, you helped bring his twin back to him, you even sleep and listen to him after his nightmares of Lilith. It’s only right to show gratitude for all that you’ve done on your birthday
And all of his brothers love you, especially him. You’re basically family at this point, and no takebacks either
Just don’t leave him MC, you’ve became a big part of his life now, and he honestly would be very sad without you
There’s no way that this sleepy king can stay up until midnight so you’ll get your happy birthday when he sees you in the morning (if he’s up)
No but fr in the game he DOES NOT CALL YOU OR EVEN TEXT!!! LIKE I STAYED UP THINKING HE FELL ASLEEP AND HE JUST STRAIGHT UP- okay sorry back to the headcannons 😭
He’s very optimistic on the inside trust me, he just doesn’t show it very well on the outside, but he’s trying!
He can’t help it that he’s sleepy but...you put some energy back into him, and he is ecstatic about celebrating with you, he just has a hard time showing it
His brothers were a little peeved about his nonchalant attitude AND not getting you a gift, but Beel already knows what his twin is doing, he just didn’t want anyone else to know because he wanted everything to be perfect
After the party, he snuck you away to the planetarium, which is designated as your sacred spot. This was nothing new, but you still laid in awe cuddled with Belphie looking up at the sky
But tonight was different, as the stars up above spelled out...your name? And did that star basically let out miniature fireworks? And are those stars over there shaped as a cow and mooing?
Seeing your eyes light up meant that it was worth it to skip out on some of his naps to talk to Solomon and practice out some new spells (but you won’t ever know that)
Belphie really cares about you. Really cares about you. No matter how much he may be sarcastic or act like things aren’t a big deal, they are to him, especially when it comes to you. After the ill-fated events in the attic, he would have not been surprised if you hated him and want nothing to do with him ever again; it was his fault after all, he couldn’t be upset with you. But you were willing to forgive him, and start over
MC, you will never know how much indebted he is to you. You’re the reason that he’s out of the attic and reconnected with his twins again, the reason that he’s apart of the family and not separated. Yes, he still has some issues that he may need to work on for himself, but he’s able to take the right step because of you
He doesn’t really have a choice in celebrating your birthday (at least to him but he’s gonna celebrate either way), because without you, he doesn’t know where he would end up at, he would be lost. He owes you enough to see you safe and happy, and he swears that he will keep you that way. A happy and safe MC means a satisfied Belphie
And having you curled up in his side, going on about the show he planned, has him feeling very light, and he can’t help but wonder if this is how his sister felt
If it is, he can’t help but start to see everything a little clearer now
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mythoughtsxxblog · 3 years
My Top TV Show Female Characters
I made a male version of this that some people actually read (thanks!!) So I thought it's time to make my female version! I'm sure there's more that I adore, but these are the ones that immediately came to mind. *In no particular order*
Haley James Scott (One Tree Hill)
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Bethany Joy Lenz was one of the best actors on this show, and she brought so much to this character that I'm sure was only initially supposed to be your typical best friend to the main character. Haley James Scott was more than that. She is a wonderful wife (Naley forever, my #1 otp and simply iconic) and mother. Not only that, but she's talented and funny af. Her humor is so underrated, especially during her pregnancies, lol. Not only that but never mess with her family cause she will quite literally fuck you up (*cough* see Rachel Gatina) 💀
Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
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1/2 the reason why I even bothered with Gossip Girl to begin with. Takeaway that God awful relationship with the wannabe Batman voiced man, she is a literal queen that deserved better!! Leighton Meester's acting so underrated it annoys me that her career didn't skyrocket after this (there's still time though 🙏). Blair had her flaws, but was shown to be quite the good person despite everything. She is not only intelligent, but she's witty af and I love every bit of her sass. If only she had ended up with someone on her level mentally and spiritually.
Manny Santos (Degrassi TNG)
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A whole ass trendsetting queen!!! Manuela Santos walked so that so many other bad ass tv women could run. The very first time I watched this show I instantly fell in love with her. She was honestly a good ass friend that dealt with so much shit that she didn't deserve. The abortion storyline was simply great because I'm almost positive girls watching the show felt safe knowing they had options when it comes to unplanned pregnancies. Her style? Immaculate. Her ability to change a once bad boy to an actual good guy? Iconic. Love her forever.
Stephanie Tanner (Full House)
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This show was the very first sitcom I fell in love with as a little girl. I remember loving Stephanie. To the point where I wanted to join dance classes to be like her lol. I always was more invested in her storylines and I thought she was extremely relatable. Her catchphrases >>>> and the episode where she drove the car into the kitchen? Forever iconic. I haven't seen enough of Fuller House to give an opinion, but I'm sure she was just as iconic on there.
Jen Lindley (Dawsons Creek)
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My sweet precious muffin. My cinnamon apple. Jen brought so much to this show. An iconic friendship (her and Jack 😭😍), amazing character development, and a lovable personality. I truly love her so much and I cannot believe the way her story ended. She deserved so much more. She was a beautiful person inside and out and Michelle Williams did such an amazing job. Especially when she was the youngest amongst the cast.
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
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My favorite banshee ❤ I seem to love characters with amazing character developments because here's yet another character that had amazing development. Lydia literally went from typical mean girl to an actual badass superhero. She was so real and so complicated (in a good way). I loved the depth to her character and forever happy they didn't keep her as the mean girl with no personality. Lydia Martin is a powerful woman. Also, her and Stiles forever have my heart.
Lois Lane (Smallville)
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I love this show and the minute she came on I personally believe the show got better. Lois and Clark are legendary especially on Smallville. I know a lot of people preferred Lana and at first I was all Lana/Clark. But once Lois came on, I was like Lana who? Lois was more interesting and had better chemistry with Clark imo. I think my love for this character stems mainly from Erica Durance. She brought such a light and lovable vibe to this Lois.
April Kepner (Grey's Anatomy)
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A strong ass woman. She faced so much hardship, but never ever gave up. Like the amount of shit this woman had to deal with?? It's always the characters that I love that have to deal with a lot and quite often never get the happiness they deserve. I'm so happy they brought her back and gave her a better and more proper ending with Jackson aka who she deserved to be endgame with. April could be quite neurotic to the point where it got annoying. But I still loved her and her flaws. She was extremely relatable. Also let's take a second to recognize how amazing Sarah Drew is.....the shooting episode and scene with the shooter??? ICONIC.
Tia and Tamera (Sister Sister)
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Another sitcom I absolutely adore. Tia and Tamera are forever iconic queens in the show and in real life. I'll admit, Tia was favorite as a kid. I resonated with her more, but during my last rewatch as an adult I enjoyed the two of them and now I can't really choose a favorite. These two are my childhood ❤
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roooxaanne8 · 2 years
My Favourite Drarry Fics: A Rec (mostly based on feels and amount of rereads).
1). Through His Teeth (2.8k, dicta_contrion): this is such a good example of Draco being a slithering slytherin and doing anything he can to get himself that pardon ;).bittersweet/open ending.
2). Crowning Glory (5.5k, LowerEastSide): my bookmark notes just say “YES”, and it’s a yes indeed! long-haired Draco comes back in Harry’s life, so now Harry has to deal with his newfound attraction for Draco and his instinctual recoil at Draco’s hair, that reminds Harry of Lucius’. + emotional smut that made me cry (lmao).
3). Close to the Truth (6.3k, josephinestone,orphan_account): to keep his parents safe, Draco has to make a quick decision, and ends up changing his and Harry’s life forever. They do fall for eachother, even if a little weirdly. I adored how Harry was completely without inhibitions regarding his longing and love for Draco, and I loved the ending.
4). Blow by Blow (7k, calrissian18): this made me feel so much. Harry’s enraged with Draco, Draco’s furious at Harry, but still they’re forced to interact while trying (and failing) to get over their respective anger and hurt. first person pov, but it’s so fitting you don’t even notice. (cw for mpreg and infedelity.)
5). Of Apathetic Twinges (8.9k, frostywonder): such a wonderful tale about Draco coming back to life from the bleak void of apathy and depression, and a Harry a little out of his depth but ready to help nonetheless. (cw for dubcon and mpreg.)
6). Current Mood: Enraged (11.2k, Cassiopeias_shadow): i love every single one of this author’s works, but this particular one just stole my heart. a story that features Draco exploring his real self and his sexuality, while being completely oblivious about Harry’s growing devotion and attraction. extra kudos for all the Tedward interactions and Andromeda + Narcissa subterfuges. this little family just makes you feel all the good stuff.
7). Ship Of Theseus (18.2k, GallaPlacidia): a fic that destroyed me completely and then put me back together. Harry’s character growth was truly amazing to witness, and Draco’s longing, anguish and grace always bring me back for a reread. and no, it doesn’t get less impactful. not even if you read it twenty times. (cw for kidnapping and memory loss.) i have also reread Cassiopeia Lily Malfoy, Lessons in Grace and Decorum and The Bucket List more times than i can count, so i must include them.
8). House Proud (23.1k, astolat): this author has blessed the fandom with many amazing works through the years, and i would gladly read their grocery list, but of all of them House Proud is my favorite. Draco helps Harry restore 12 Grimmauld Place to its old glory after the house locks them inside. Draco’s excellence and Harry’s possessiveness really sealed the deal for me.
9). Stain Of Silence (28.3k, brummel): my bookmark notes > “talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same — you get the drift.” so…… yeah. just do yourself a favour and read this amazing piece of writing. (cw for light crossdressing and some messed up power dynamics.)
10). Waiting By An Open Door (29.5k, Femme, noeon): the pining! the owls! this fic just hit all the right spots for me. Draco’s longing was so real, and i really liked reading how Harry got there too with time. + extra kudos for Slytherin friendships and scorching hot smut!
11.) Bite Me, Hate Memes (44.3k, pir8fancier): this one i consider a classic. haven’t reread in a while, but i just remembered it to be so snarky and soft at the same time for some reason. the love Draco, Pansy and Blaise have for one another blew me away and i absolutely a d o r e d Draco unapologetically being the bisexual icon he is and how he encouraged Harry to explore his sexuality. by the end, they hate eachother more than ever ;)
11). Heaven Through a Window (81.2k, JocundaSykes): oh, how i love this one. it has it all. memory loss, pining, slow burn, Albus and Scorpius being besties. all the hurt but also all the comfort. Narcissa as a morning angel, and a mini rebellion against the ministry. cats, ghosts and hidden grandparents. dreamed kisses that end up being real. so, so good.
12). this spot was supposed to go to (strangle with the) Hands of Lust, an historical fic that i have recently discovered and adore immensely. i can’t find it anymore, so i suppose it’s been deleted. i am absolutely destroyed about this because it was truly, truly excellent. if you’re crying about it too lmk.
13.) Such Great Heights (93.3k, aideomai): every single aideomai work is magnificent, but this one i must have read six, seven times ??? it’s just THAT good. Harry is living at Grimmauld Place with all of his friends, and finds an impoverished Draco, who’s taking care of the Gringotts dragon (MONSTER 😭😭😭). i just fell in love with the boys’ domesticity and with the way that Harry’s feelings for Draco slowly sneaked on him until they were totally unavoidable.
14.) Chaos Theory (102.7k, tessacrowley): this fic’s tags intimidated me so much i postponed reading it for a while, but when i finally did the suffering was well worth it! Draco’s genius, the affection he and Harry share from their first year on, and their relationship with Severus made me shine with happiness. they do suffer, and they do hurt a lot, but do not fret! love is the strongest magic out there for a reason, eheh. (READ THE TAGS!!)
15.) Grounds For Divorce (122.2k, Tepre): AHHHHHHHH. let me try to find words for this one. i started reading Grounds For Divorce one year ago, at 2am, sleepy as heck, and thinking: “lemme just skim thru and maybe i’ll finish in the morning.” yo, that is NOT what happened. i finished the whole thing in one sitting. i felt all the feelings, i cried all the tears, i took the final boss UST like a champ and i think about that freaking lemon tree almost daily. i can ask myself, how does one recover from this masterpiece ??? one simply does not.
16). It Started in the Shower series (124.k for 9 works, chickenlivesinpumkin): this started as pwp and became like the most impactful Draco redemption arc ever. that last installment completely blew my mind. just go into this blind and be prepared for one of the best rides ever !!! + extra kudos for the amazing Draco, Neville and Ginny trio.
17.) By the Grace (139.8k, lettered): i find myself thinking about this fic often. i do think about the epic character arcs, friendships and politics, but mostly i reminisce about that one line “We will find grace.” i guess it’s because it’s something i too have to find in my everyday life. overall, this work brings me a lot of joy.
18.) Men Who Love Dragons Too Much (500k+, fencer_x): this is my Deathly Hallows canon. changing my mind is thoroughly impossible. Draco spends his sixth year trying to become a dragon animagus instead of fixing the Cabinet, and he ends up joining the Golden Trio in their Horcrux hunt. a truly epic read that made me wish those thousands of words would never end.
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Turn, my very first Drarry fic; Down in the Blood, the a/b/o wip of my dreams and Running on Air (yes i know this is everyone’s fave but it’s just so evocative. IN INCEPTUM FINIS EST.)
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