#this is an old drawing but it’s pretty relevant rn..
yaolmao · 1 month
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ask-andante · 1 year
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Hi, I've decided to officially end this blog.
It took a lot of time thinking about it (tbh i was even thinking about it before the anon) and discussion with close friends and I think I am done.
This blog was used to help me get through various parts of my life, and it can no longer serve that purpose. It's done its job wonderfully and helped me cope and even make a friend circle after isolating myself for a few years. I never thought I'd ever have an actual friend group, but it's something that was made possible VIA this blog.
It hurts a lot to end it, I won't lie, I'm like actually mourning it rn but I've started to develop a sort of resentment towards the blog and plot askblogs due to Mental Illness and I think I just cannot keep holding onto this blog anymore. So, I decided it's best to let it go before I hate it. I doubt I'll come back to finishing it after posting the plot outline, seeing as it's all out in the open, but you never know.
The doc contains the outline with a header to jump to where this blog left off. I got pretty far in so I feel extra down about tossing in the towel here, but that's just how it is. I've tried many ways to salvage my motivation, lowering art quality being the main one as art is my job now and it's no longer the escape it used to be, but I don't think the workload itself is the issue.
If I move onto future projects, you will likely see me post them on @aibouart , so feel free to check the art blog out and follow if you'd like. I am not abandoning the characters here, I will continue to draw them likely and RP them and whatnot. You can send asks OOC anytime, just know I may not be very active~
Anyways, here's the plot outline. Some things are not included in it despite having been planned because they were either up in the air on their specifics, or were late additions not added in yet (nast stops appearing in the outline some ways into it as they were a new addition to help give Andan another person to have a better dynamic with. They were planned to become friends < 3 )
Thank you for reading and for your patience, as well as everyone's continued support over the years. This blog was great as a form of expression and art, and great to get me socialising. I discovered many things about myself over the course of being here on Tumblr and this blog was one of the starting points~
If you'd like some minor additional content, you can go and read over old memes: @andanteooc
Or the related blog: @andanterelated
The related blog consists of memes I've reblogged tagging relevant characters.
You can feel free to send me asks to talk about the plot outline or anything else. I won't post any spoilers until tomorrow, or I'll just tag them "andante spoilers///" if you were interested in the doc to read at a later date.
Please note it is missing quite a few details as I used to log the combat or speech sections separately before actually putting them in the doc (the og was pasted from a tumblr page). I can answer asks about things that weren't addressed because of its nature, but will not repeat myself if it's been asked haha.
Thank you again. I initially started this blog with a goal in mind and succeeded in it years ago, so I think I can be happy that it went above my original goals.
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theblackpromethean · 2 years
South node weird observation
Most of the people in the internet say that in some case luminaries or other planet conjunct south node is not good at all. I do personally agree in this but I think this is more than that. I think that u need to take the house.
For exemple I knew a Gemini NN I have my moon conjunct her SN and her NN conjunct my MC. My important house are the 8th, 3rd and 7th. When I interact with her she had all the negatives about sag despite being a Gemini stellium. I hate those negatives because I felt not that it is weird to not accept people reality or what they say. I’m a Virgo Rising at 15, Mercury at 15 in the 7th, 3rd house ruler in the 3rd and a Gemini Mc and Chiron in my 3rd. I think that despite having sag I have a Gemini/mercurial mindset about things in general and that’s why It counter balance this.
Also I do personally think that someone with a planet here will also trigger the problem of this person. Like you know that it is bad and you say it. I have a cousin with Aries SN and I do think that u can’t work with her and fill listen. In my case I have my 1st house ruler in the 7, the 10 also and I’m pluto/venus dom. So I know those Venusian traits very well. As I said it, it is about balance (Libra loves my Merc in the 7th 😭…).
So in conclusion, If someone don’t counter balance the energy. You will simply be in the negative side of those Karmic things. But the other one have the opposite energy he will probably feel something weird. Idk maybe I’m just to Plutonian for this world…
My last exemple is that I feel at ease with Capricorn (my SN) but I personnaly don’t like that as I go back to my old state (5th house activities). I like my music, sport etc. But I like to do it with like minded people and share it. You have to use your SN to fill your NN. As a Plutonian I hate go back to old state (partying to much, girls etc…). But that’s those quality (talent, cheerfulness, charism…) that well use can help you grow.
PS : It is alway weird to talk to cancer placement but I feel less concern my carrier rn. I just want to be happy and make something that make me happy and everyone also.
My dad was a Aquarius NN and he worked/still work for government or United Nation. He found is group and causes. He is also one of the only vegetarian in Africa. Pretty Aquarian… He was talent in drawing when he was kid but did not find his group as he grew up in Africa.
Tips : If you want to have relevant observation ask your parent question about their life and see how it evolve taking in consideration the NN. If they are during their SN as a starting point to their NN, I they made a significant shift like my dad or if they are stuck in the SN (can be good).
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sciolists-libellum · 5 months
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Haleth || 22 || tries to handle the tech side of things but Asra is better at it. I do the organising and handling of the admin.
BA || LLB || Undergrad. Send help
If you wanna partake in the shenanigans you can find me @rangerofthesouth
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Areas of Interest:
- Right now, a severe obsession with Greek Mythology because of the PJO series and I'm also reading the Iliad after reading Song of Achilles (no, i cannot under any circumstances be normal about him and Patroclus.)
- Classic literature and poetry : I wanna read as many classics as I can because why not and also school didn't allow me to read so I'm making up for lost time. (I'm still trying to finish Pride and Prejudice, but my adhd keeps saying noooo)
- Film : I watch a lot of films, movies and series, sometimes I watch mainstream stuff. Not just to space out, but because i enjoy complex storylines and excellent directing.
(currently watching Gossip Girl and... I have my reservations but..it's actually pretty interesting). I'm a fan of period dramas, fantasy and anything that has to do with magic, sci-fi and psychological thrillers.
- The Old Guard and books by Neil Gaiman : recently graphic novels have become something I'm completely obsessed with... I can't explain how much i love graphic novels and comics right now!!!! Just *high pitched scream*
- Also non-western literature:
I'm a firm believer in knowing where you came from in order to know where you're going.
gimme poetry about the indentured Indians, gimme stories about the poc who have had to fight to be seen, gimme gimme oral tales from ethic tribes, let me see the diaspora of your people around the globe
i wanna hear about everyone's history. Where you came from, why they chose to step onto the ship, whether they had a choice. Tell me about your aunty's recipe for a certain dish, i bet you there's a story behind it.
- I'm really into fashion rn after spending my entire adolescence wearing the same tshirt and jeans. will i be normal about it? Absolutely not.
- queer theory and history and law even if i don't wanna admit that out loud. But wow, is the law actually interesting...
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What else am i interested in??
- Food. Especially Asian foods and the absolute wonderful variety every culture has to offer. So far I've had a good intro to Korean foods such as gimpap and baobuns, I've tried Chinese oudon noodles which i would happily die for oh and i tried ramen too.. But i needa know more so please gimmmmme gimme your favourite Asian dishes, especially if they're spicy.
- Music : i play the guitar and piano and cannot be normal about jazz, blues or classics. Yes, Asra is right, Pop music is my area of expertise until you ask me about relevant songs. ( BUT classical music is Asra's area of utter and complete expertise. Seriously any questions on classical music and composition send it to Asra)
-Art: i freaking love art ( Van Gogh my love, Fauvism my detested, animation because of Abu (a friend not the monkey from Aladdin.) my painting skills are something to be worked on but i can draw!
- I'm very normal about Cate Blanchett in any of her films.
- i enjoy reading and listening to explanations on different beliefs, cultures and psychology, i really like understanding how the world works.
-physics even though I failed math and never did physics but wooow do i love applying it to Formula One.
- Oh yeah, formula one 🏎️
- i love animals, i will befriend your pets.
-Travel : honestly i wanna see every inch of the world and eat alllll kinds of foods and leave a footprint in a German forest. The ocean beckons, the sky will carry me gently, the mountains sing for me to join them.
My areas of Interest will change as i grow and my brain decides what my next hyperfixation will be. There's a good chance imma inflict it upon everyone here😗
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beautiful paragraph dividers are the works of @saradika
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inkats · 6 months
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
For both of em! (Also if u can pls tell me their names DX)
I like forgot how to draw them today so. ill put old doodles where relevant. thank you for not asking name origins they're embarrassing. Theyre named Rinnie and Minho and they're only still called that because. Minnie. rest under cut.
🌼 they are my little chew toys, so I draw them at literally every age ever. Usually though they're around 17-25? ish. few months age gap usually to like. 5 years sometimes. 👍
🥊 Minho hates. he hates. hes a little hater all he likes doing is sleeping and looking out the window and watching creatures when hes outside. He loves the whimsy but doesn't believe in it. Rinnie plays/ed hockey for a while thats sort of his thing, he has fun. He really doesn't hate anything, or more can't hate anything? He's very if I'm positive about it things'll work out! It has to happen anyway! That being said cooking is stressful scary dont like it.
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🎹 Minho makes music! I know very little about music so. I dont draw this a lot but it's a big thing for him :) And then Rinnie knits, but he's a very stressed out everything is hard any time not spent on the grind is time wasted kind of guy, which means. he doesn't hobby loads.
✂️ When I say they're my chew toys... in the zombie au which im like. really into rn. when it happens minho loses a lot of people fast which sucks ass for him. and then rinnie. when his love gets sick <3 oTL If you had a specific ver in mind. sorry.
🧠 This is a hard one I just love them oTL My favourite thing about Minho... hes. cute <3 hes pretty. and mean. love that in a man. Rinnie is just a very comforting figure hes like. everything. hes cozy and nice and warm <3
🎓 oh wait i think i still have my first drawings of them.
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uhm T.T this is. rinnie. i guess. from 2018 this was his birth. and then. agh the second one is only from 2020 ! ? Ive been on that grind huh. this is definitely not my first drawing of minho bc he was made in peak kpop era (2018-2019) but was all I could find 👍theyre. 5ish year old now god. but theyre barely the same people too.
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beepboop260 · 3 years
Waylon Thoughts
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I've talked it before but he's a sun mage which just means he gets his magical energy from sources of natural energy like sunlight, heat, and energy from things he eats. Caffeine is popular among sun mages for quick bursts of energy but they can crash pretty bad afterwards. Sugar is also popular with sun mages but they can also crash pretty bad off that. (I'm thinking sun mages can also draw the life energy out of living things but that's something an evildoing mage would do, perhaps that'd be an eclipse mage cause, still sun, but dark hehe)
Sun mages body temperature is usually a smidge higher than a normal human's but it also takes a lot more to get them to feel too hot for comfort. 90 degrees is pleasant for them. Though they get cold easily. The beginning of fall will have them already bundling up with multiple layers.
Also, the part that's most relevant to Waylon is that sun mages are usually fat. Most of them are at least 200lb+ while Waylon sits around 150lb. Because of this, he can't safely use a lot of magic at once cause he could hurt himself since his body doesn't have a lot of energy stored up for him to use. Him being underweight for a sun mage is also a problem when he gets sick, he gets more sick than he would if he was a proper weight for being a mage.
When I draw Waylon without facial hair I imagine him being younger, like around 24-27 years old and when I do draw him with facial hair he's like 30+.
For his personality he's pretty to himself for the most part. He's a bit awkward with socializing. He can be very warm with people he knows and is comfortable with but he can also be a bit of a grump.
For what he eats: He really likes anything warm. It's common for sun mages to like spicy foods and he is no exception. For desserts he loves anything freshly baked so its still nice and warm. He also drinks a lot of hot drinks like coffee, tea, and different kinds of hot chocolate.
Uhhh I can't think of anything else specific about him rn but if anyone wants to ask questions about him (or sort of a rp thingy where you ask the character a question yknow) I'd be happy to answer~
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Other fictional werewolves (let's not get into Meyer's 'they're shapeshifters' turnaround, yet) are treated as subhuman, too. Is it more of an issue in the twilight saga because SM reserved that exclusively for non-white, native americans who would have/do face that disregard by many people in real life? Whereas, with others (HP, for instance) it's...well, I don't know if it's across the race spec but it's not exclusive to marginalised people (then again, JKR was exclusionary in her attitude)
Okay so this app tells me that I have a certain amount of asks in my inbox; however, there's one less ask than what it's telling me I have, which leads me to believe that Tumblr may have trashed your other ask or just isn't showing it (if you sent another one, that is). So if you did, I'm really sorry about that and it wasn't my doing, so I'm just gonna work with this ask, okay? Just wanted to clarify that just in case!
So first things first. I haven't really watched enough shows about supernatural creatures, specifically shows with a vampire vs. werewolf element, to give a statement on whether the 'vampires are portrayed as more superior to werewolves/werewolves are treated as subhuman' bit is more /across the board/ in the supernatural genre like you say it is (although I think you make an interesting and legit point that I do want to hear more about). I've watched Twilight and True Blood(a while ago) and that's pretty much it.
In answer to your first question, yes. Meyer goes every which way to beastialize the Native Americans in her books, whom are the werewolves of the series (and like you said, we're ignoring her little "they're actually shapeshifters, here's a last minute mention about the Children of the Moon" from BD). She writes it so that specifically the Native American tribe turns into animals -> makes their actions violent and their control short enough to the point that a domestic violence situation goes down (we're coming back to this bit) -> draws up the racist parallel that Native ppl, and specifically the men, are more animalistic and predatorial. Not to mention that domestic and sexual violence against Indigenous women (as well as murder) is an ongoing genocidal epidemic, so Meyer including that bit that draws a parallel to what is happening irl is so... 'Inappropriate' doesn't do it and a lot of other shit she wrote justice. (Here's a link about MMIW.)
She shouldn't have written the Emily/Sam/Leah love triangle (and especially the incident between Sam and Emily where he scars her) PERIOD because 1. Meyer writes that Emily forgives Sam and that they have their romantic happily ever after, which trivializes what Indigenous women face and 2. portrays stereotypes of Native men being violent and 3. you can tell from how much unresolved drama she creates for her Native characters (Embry's father, the love triangle, killing Harry Clearwater and placing the blame on his daughter, killing Sarah Black off page and all the grief it causes Billy and their kids, Quil's dad dying in a boating accident when he was a kid, and Quil imprinting on a toddler which we are so getting to) that she's a sadist for Indigenous pain (which is a bit more in general with the series than just the love triangle but I'm in rant mode rn and it needed to be said!!!). Like, making Quil imprint on Claire, a 3 year-old - what was the point of that??? Meyer wrote a lot of fucked up shit in those books, but making Native men be violent toward women (Sam and Jake with Emily and Bella) and child groom (Jake and Quil with Renascence and Claire) is some of the absolute worst, despicable, racist ass shit!!
The anti-Native racism becomes even more apparent when you pay attention to the double standards that the Native characters face as opposed to the Cullens. Let's take several incidents into account. We are to view the werewolves as having a lack of control over their tempers and their phrasing, as well as being violent and dangerous. The e.g. was Sam and Emily (see above), as well as Jake's mood changes and shaking post-first phase. However, the Cullens are characterized by their self-control and focus over their thirst and their general feral nature as vampires (Carlisle's god-like control to the point that he can be a doctor, Edward not killing Bella in Twilight) DESPITE a clear example refuting this - the incident at Bella's birthday party in New Moon! Bella was all cut up by the end of the evening because Señor Slavery Is My State Right lost his shit at a paper cut and then Edweirdo didn't pay enough fucking attention to not throw Bella into a glass table when he was trying to push her out of the way, which he didn't even have to do!! Then in Eclipse, his hypocritical ass proceeded to tell Bella that he wasn't allowing her to go to La Push (god imagine if your man said he wasn't ALLOWING you to do something like I'd fucking kill the motherfucker with a flamethrower up the ass) because the wolf pack was dangerous despite why he left in the first place in New Moon! There are more occurrences of this hypocritical, racist bullshit, but this is the clearest example to point out.
I've seen greater in-depth discussions going around, as well as papers you can just google and read, that have analyzed how much anti-Native racism is steeped into the series, which I would highly recommend looking out for. Actually I may possibly go back and find a few that I read myself.
As for the JKR thing, she wrote lycanthropy as a metaphor for HIV/AIDS. Also, take notice to how the majority of the werewolves in HP were bad guys and sided with Lord Voldemort. These werewolves embraced their nature, eating (I'm pretty sure, it's been years since I've read it) and infecting ppl gleefully, which was basically a parallel to the idea that gay men were infecting ppl with AIDS, because Joanne is not only a transphobic bitch, she's homophobic as well. You wouldn't immediately think so because she made Dumbledore gay, but that was more for the ~drama~ rather than legitimate representation. (See: she released that detail after the books were published so that it wouldn't hurt sales/PR, she had him crush on the man he would have to defeat in battle for the ~drama~ b/c if there's one thing bigots love, it's inflicting pain on minority characters.)
Compare these violent werewolves in the Wizarding World vs. Remus Lupin, the werewolf who was forcefully turned by Fenrir Greyback, one of the pack leaders who sided with Voldermort, and is ~ashamed~ of his sickness.
Anyways, I think you may be onto something here, and I encourage everyone to add any other examples that are relevant and continue this conversation. I'm sure there are plenty that either have to do with Anon's point or with Stephenie Meyer being a racist.
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yhtaejoon · 4 years
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hi! this is chey, i was here close to opening with kim1 (kim joonwoo), but i got really busy with a new job and accidentally dipped. i’m so so sorry for that! anyway, here’s taejoon’s unfinished info page & his pinterest board. this is rushed so it’s probably gonna be messy??? idk. we’re all in this together. hmu on discord if that’s your thing --- pepper#4940
full name is kang taejoon, but he has no affiliation with the kang family. he’s actually filling the role of daebak8! i checked the last names to make sure he didn’t have the same one as one of the families but alas, my pea-brain still failed me.
on that note, he’s a tiktoker born in 2000. started on vine in 2012, but didn’t actually get serious about his online presence until 2014-ish and IMMEDIATELY started lying about his life because what else is a fourteen year old gonna do online?
lied about his age, his hobbies, his family, his experiences, etc. he just really, really wanted to seem interesting, and hey! it worked! he eventually fooled thousands of people into thinking he’s someone worth their time. chased trends like crazy, kept in close touch with his “fanbase”, picked up sponsorships all while keeping his ACTUAL life completely secret basically. got very comfortable with lying.
he was always pretty obsessed with the attention because he lost his popularity when he stopped playing soccer (f’s in the chat for the former athlete side of him) & getting money from promoting brands was good, too, bc while his family isn’t necessarily lower class, they could still use some help. plus he needed cash to buy anime merch.
flash forward to 2020. he graduated high school in early 2019, still has no desire to go to college or get a “real” job. he has it made rn living in the daebak house and creating online content still. living the life.
except not really because how fulfilling can it honestly be to watch thousands of people becoming fond of ur fake persona? he still lies a ton, has begun to feel like no one will ever like him for who he actually is bc it’s quite disappointing in comparison to the always ON persona he shows. 
his tiktok user name is “beetlejoon” which is a play on beetlejuice if you couldn’t tell dshbfvds.
he speaks english really well from a mix of classes when he was young, growing up online and trying to appeal to westerners, and watching a ton of western shows/films. he does kind of have an accent but for the most part.... a lot of ppl who only know him online assume he lives in america/is from america.
the rumor about him buying views/followers is definitely true. he’s not losing popularity or anything, he just wants to look even more relevant than he actually is.
cries himself to sleep like every night but you’d NEVER guess. he’s super funny when he’s around people, knows what people want and will do anything he can to blend in and make everyone like him. needs that validation so bad. life of the party.
flirts a lot for no other reason than he can and he likes the validation of people flirting back! but his love life is hectic and always disappointing. on one hand, he knows a ton of his followers are delusional w the idea that they can be with him and he doesn’t wanna lose followers by being Unavailable. on the other hand, can’t risk being too close with anyone and them finding out nothing he says is true. heehee.
he follows whatever trends are in at the moment, so he owns a ton of dumb shit that will never be practical/clothes he’ll never wear in public/probably has dumb tattoos he got impulsively.
his trademark thing (that he stole Obviously) is a broken heart that he draws on his cheekbone Every Single Day. probably claims that it’s a tattoo just to fuck with his followers but there’s those odd times when it’s not there and everyone’s confused.
wears all black usually, lots of chains, leather, platform boots, dangly earrings, but he’s not the kind of guy your parents worn you about. he couldn’t be scary if he tried. he’s CLEARLY just a tiktok e-boy. he’s more like the lowlife your parents compare you to to make you feel better about how slow your life is moving.
while we’re talking about parents.... his gave up on him when he moved into the daebak house. he tries to give them money and support them but they won’t have it. decline his calls. don’t write him back. they think he’s mad embarrassing which is... fair. his tiktok presence is definitely questionable
likes to be funny and make people laugh, but he actually cannot take anything seriously even if he tries. this definitely gets on peoples’ nerves, has probably ended some good friendships/relationships/whatever else. sometimes he can lighten the mood if it’s dark but most of the time it just pisses people off bc it seems like he doesn’t care/doesn’t understand.
idk what else to say but if you’ve read this far and you like music, two songs that i heavily associate with taejoon are cotton candy by yungblud and lowkey as hell by waterparks. listen to them if you want... or don’t.
i don’t have a plots page put together yet, but here are some vague ideas i have:
(0/2) --- past tinder dates whom he lied to about his age and it came out somehow </3 maybe he tried to take them to a bar and he got caught with a fake id. maybe they went snooping and found out none of his info adds up. either way, the dates were short-lived and they probably clowned him pretty hard.
(0/?) --- fans of his tiktok page.
(0/?) --- alternatively, people who know of his tiktok page and think it’s dumb.
(0/1) --- another influencer who is jealous of his following, thinks he doesn’t deserve it.
(0/1) --- another influencer who “beefs” with him online so they both get more views.
(0/1) --- another influencer he collabs with a lot, even if their content is completely different. they’re friends, so might as well piggyback of each other’s popularity!
(0/1) --- close friend who makes frequent appearances on his tiktok, usually for relationship trends bc he doesn’t have an actual partner to film them with. usually acting like clowns, clearly faking but his fans still think it might be real. 
(0/1) --- someone he hooked up with at one (or more) of the daebaek house parties and ghosted afterwards. completely acts like he doesn’t know them. oops.
(0/?) --- friends to do dumb shit with. he’s impulsive and just hates to be alone (especially when doing stuff that might get him in trouble) so you could say these are his accomplices. if he wants to do things he’ll regret, they’re always in!
(0/?) --- some mellow friends who balance out his chaos.
(0/1) --- the one (1) friend he got matching tattoos with on impulse. probably something really stupid. the one thread that holds their friendship together when they fight.
(0/1) --- someone who holds themselves to really high standards, takes life seriously. thinks they’re better than taejoon and doesn’t hesitate to show it.
(0/1) --- ex partner who broke up with taejoon because (1) he wouldn’t stop lying to them, (2) he still claimed to be single online and (3) he just cracked jokes when they tried to talk out their problems, wouldn’t really listen. probably hate him now but he’s really sorry. please accept these (cheap, probably wilting) apology flowers.
i want every plot. all of them. anything u can throw at me! but if i kept typing ideas out, i’d be at this forever and we really can’t have that. so just hit me up if any of these catch your attention or if you’ve got anything you think he’d fit! 
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faultlessfinish · 4 years
but yeah, “oops! we can’t do anything more than what we’ve done, so people who criticize how we’ve handled minors in the server are just being unfair!” well, nobody asked, but - They don’t have to have an official discord in the first place. Many podcasts don’t. - They don’t have to let minors sign up for their Patreon. 18+ Patreons are a thing. They would have to lose some of that sweet patreon income, though. - They could specifically mention that there are minors in the server in their rules, and say out loud, anywhere, even once, that it’s not appropriate to be sexually explicit around them. - They could actually enforce the “this is a PG-13 server/no NSFW” thing. I don’t know a ton of PG-13 movies that talk about c*m and cucking and p*rn but in fairness, I’m not in the industry like they are. - They could make an opt-in major/minor role thing, so people who don’t want to be talking directly to kids about this stuff would at least have a fighting chance of knowing when they were in a conversation with one. - They could give “MOMS” (as Freddie put it in the relevant conversation) who e-mail the podcast about whether it’s appropriate for their kids an actual answer, instead of sending them some boilerplate he came up with in five minutes by running it past whoever was handy in the discord. (before mocking them behind their backs for having the audacity to contact him and ask instead of listening to the entire thing themselves) - They could set up a mod team that’s adequate to notice and shut it down when people start talking about the sons or other minors sexually.  - They as a cast could set the tone by… well damn, this list got long. I’ll put it under a cut, so people who don’t want to read fucked-up nonconsensual and underage shit can give it a pass. And yeah, I can receipt every single one of these things, but the people who aren’t interested in taking this seriously won’t be convinced either way, and it’s a lot of effort to redact screencaps and provide image descriptions. 
They could get out of the habit of talking about stuff like whether or not Paeden will ever nut on the podcast or how Glenn would check out Nick’s porn history because it was probably “curated” for him. 
Beth could skip out on saying things about how Bella and Dr Cullen have mad sexual tension, or how Ron’s not into ageplay but she is. (And hey, it’s not about underage stuff, but it would also be neat if Anthony could have “and if you and Ron fucked, I’d watch and masturbate” as an inside his head thought.) Anthony, meanwhile, could not say stuff like “I ship the Mayor and Faith,” given that Faith is a teenager at the time and the Mayor is explicitly her father figure.  Anthony could drop the whole thing about how he loves it when people call him “daddy.” (Yeah, Anthony, we’re all pretty clear on your kinks at this point. Wish we weren’t. Sorry that you had to back off of making Darryl a literal cuck because you were attempting to look like a good feminist, and yeah, anybody who google image searches the name “Darnell” and sees the hits is pretty clear on which particular racist iteration of that “problematic” fetish he had in mind. It’s literally a name they use to test implicit racist bias in psych research.) If Anthony absolutely can’t stand that Dot, a literal baby, is getting more attention than him then at minimum he could find some other way to express than than calling her “fuck-ugly.”
Anthony could stop threatening to fuck user’s mothers if they disagree with him or inviting them to eat his ass. Particularly given that, like we’ve gone over, there’s no way to know whether he’s saying that to a thirteen year old.  He could not call people “eight year old perverts” like that’s an actual thing. 
Matt could stop joking about how Darryl studies Grant’s p*rn history to do “research” on being gay, or how Darryl cleans Grant’s bathroom all the time to prevent him from masturbating.
Anthony could roll up to the live listens with something other than “ah, just in time for my cucksmanship.” The community manager of the “PG-13, no NSFW” server could respond to that with something besides a big-eyed blushing face emoji.
The whole cast could stop jumping on every potential innuendo and double entendre that goes past regardless of whether the subject is a kid. (And speaking of the double entendre thing, do they realize they did the “Darryl becomes a barbarian when he comes…” “AHAHA CUMS” joke two episode intros in a row? Doesn’t it hurt when they crack their skulls together like Looney Tunes characters all diving for the lowest-hanging fruit at the same time? Is there a coconut sound effect that Freddie has to edit out in post?) In stuff like the first full ep of the Lord of Chaos arc, where Matt tries repeatedly to get the dads their clothes back so that they can stop being fully dicks out around a little crying girl and two middle-school boys, Anthony could use that much-vaunted “yes, and” to let them get dressed instead of shutting him down on four separate occasions. Count em! [Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg voice: not one, not two, not three, but FOUR!] Anthony could not go into detail about how if Yeet’s skateboard was biological, it would mean that he really enjoys the sensation of rolling and grinding very much [italics and line breaks from the original] You know, like how you talk about a child?
If Freddie isn’t clear on how pegging works, he could google it instead of asking the all-ages live listen to explain it to him.
Will could not make jokes about how if he catches his child with bootlegged porn, he’ll make them finish it all. They could not use “consent” and “non-consensually” as joke terms all the time in and out of the show, or diminish the impact of words like that by applying them to stuff like punching each other or drawing from the deck of many things. It’s like they figured out how to stop using “r*pe” as a word in r*pe jokes but figured out a loophole. 
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mallowstep · 3 years
talking about my oc because i want to
so my blood sugar is doing a Thing and while i wait for that to regulate itself, i figured i'd ramble about my boy mallowstep for a while!
mallowstep, i.e. the title of this blog, is my warriors...oc? he's...not quite a self-insert, but he was the oc i made as a child, altho his backstory has been reworked many, many times, including very recently with inclusion of lore from the sisters.
i figure if i type out some words i'll be distracted while i wait for the Good Food to sort itself out. (i'm fine btw. i don't talk about Personal Stuff here mostly but rest assured, i'm fine. just a lil shakey until i eat.)
on that note, my spellchecker is off because hands shakey means i do not want to navigate any way but typing.
right. mallowstep. key points:
he's got a white front left leg. i change the side a lot when i draw him but it's supposed to be left, and all of his paws are white.
i don't want to rework him bc i love him but also his whole deal is very much Impossible i was like eight when i thought of all of this
his vision is shit. he's not blind, but uh, somewhere around 20/400 vision. roughly. he can't see shit, is what i'm saying, he can't see shit.
or okay, so he's blind but in the sense of being "legally blind," not what people think of as blind.
this is because cats don't have opthamalogists. eye doctors. he has no glasses.
he's got a younger brother named deerpaw. same mother, different father. their mother is not around, so mallowstep is stepping in somewhat as a parental figure for deerpaw, but not fully.
he's a medicine cat? did i mention that? by choice. he chose this.
he sees the Ghosts. it's a whole thing with his backstory. but he sees the Ghosts.
his best friend is named kestrelwing (altho i'm considering kestrelsong), and her mate is mossytail. they've got three kits: eaglekit, kitekit, and dawnkit. (whose eventual warrior names are eagleclaw, kiteflower, and dawnstorm. i change those a lot rn tho it's just what i'm feeling at the moment.)
they're skyclan cats.
uhh there's a running joke about how mallowstep could have sired kestrelwing's kits and no one would know.
(he did not.)
deerpaw's eventual warrior name is deerleap.
okay, so...uh, idk?
mallow is born to the sisters, probably in a litter but his story Begins when he's left. he's not born with as bad of vision as he ends up with, so he does okay at first. he meets a cat named jag, who he grows close with.
(this is also in my about page, btw.)
jag and mallow are around the same age, and they're...they've got tallstar/jake vibes, is what i'm saying. (i'm not avoiding saying they're gay, here, but that's the vibe. tallstar and jake are gay in a different way to ravenpaw and barley, is what i'm saying.)
right, so anyway. jag is...fuck i forget his backstory, but he ends up meeting a different traveling group of cats. he falls for a she-cat named violet, and when her group gets ready to leave, he follows.
mallow is pissed. mallow basically writes off jag immediately. his vision is getting worse and worse, and he's pretty convinced he's going to end up blind. jag is like, "but i said you could come with us!" and mallow is like "bruh! i can't! for a very clear and obvious reason, i need to stay in an environment i know!"
so they part ways. they never meet again, this is all like, exposition.
mallow is pissed, but he also is kind of convinced jag is going to come back for him. so he stays where he is, because he just...in a way, he needs to believe that jag will be coming back for him.
the ghosts start talkin' to him, being like, "you should move on," and he's like "fuck no," but eventually they persuade him.
in part because it's becoming obvious he can't take care of himself.
(before you @ me, the most self-insert-y part of this is mallow's disabilities, and i'm not really listing what's wrong with him, because part of his story is figuring out his own limitations.)
anyway, he's a trash hunter, and he's got problems, and the ghosts are like! you know! there's some other cats you can live with. go live with them.
and because this takes place in a weird combination of canon and noncanon lore (the ghosts thing always was a part of his backstory, but when i discovered the sisters, i reframed it as that, and so on. basically, his backstory has been tweaked many, many times, so parts of it don't line up with canon and parts do. just keep that in mind.)
right because this takes place in a weird combo of canon and noncanon lore, mallow ends up w/ skyclan but a completely different set of skyclan cats than canon. i think the leader is dovestar? or rosestar? i don't remember, they're not super important.
so mallow shows up, like, hi! i can see ghosts, and passes out. the medicine cat, oakfrost, takes care of him, he meets kestrelpaw, mossypaw, aspenpaw, and birchpaw (i liked tree names okay?), and they're all good friends.
(aspenpaw and kestrelpaw are littermates, mossypaw and birchpaw are adoptive littermates. aspenpaw and birchpaw don't have much relevance in the story, because they don't.)
okay, mallow agrees to train as a medicine cat, he resolves some ghost issues, he's about a year and a half old, and deer shows up and oh i forgot to explain something, mallow leaves trail markers in case jag follows him back. it's four white stones bc mallow can see white p well and he has four white paws.
right, so deer doesn't know this, but he does know where mallow was left, and he actually is young, he runs away from the sisters because they're moving on, and he wants to find his brother. he's like four moons old. in an mostly unexplained manner, deer figures out the trail, and yeah.
this happens maybe like, two weeks after mallow becomes mallowstep. and the clan is kind of like...another one? but they take him in because well they don't really approve of the sisters and at least deer (now deerkit) is not blind.
(they don't say that part but it's on their mind.)
deer btw is adorable he looks kind of like a fawn. he's a dilute chocolate (which is called fawn but i didn't know that when i named him) ticked tabby, and he's got a white underside, and a white tail tip. they both have that, actually, but mallow doesn't care about his.
(mallow is a silver tabby? did i ever say that part. you can get an idea by looking at my icon, but he also has a lot of browm markings that aren't really shown.
woof okay sorry, you guys can't tell but i can i had to remind someone that no, i very much Need to Eat and you cannot unexpectly change dinner times on me.
right. but i am running out of time, so i'll wrap this up.
deer comes, and becomes deerpaw, we have a bit of a timeskip, kestrelwing is in the nursery, etc...
skyclan needs to leave. the villain was never specified, it can be darktail. the important thing is! they send a scouting party. the plan is, crew one will go, and the rest will leave in three moons. that gives crew one enough time to turn around. they leave a trail behind them a la mallowstep (who doesn't go with them, because, blind. oakfrost goes, she dies before the groups reunite, mallowstep is very sad.)
right, deerpaw goes! he leaves, it's all very symbolic, bc this time mallowstep does follow the trail and he does come back to the one he loves. with also a cute scene in between when skyclan is on its way and mossytail, mallowstep, and kestrelwing are each carrying a kit.
alright, and that's pretty much that. lots of me rambling for no reason. there's a lot of other stuff that happens, kestrelwing is a fun character, etc., but that's the main body of it.
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princeanxious · 4 years
Hey! What Aus are u right now working on? And which are finished / but be continued on the near future? As an example: Accidentally Alpha AU, Moon and sun AU (sry I forgot the name) coma Au, little hooves AU. Sorry if I am annoying!
Uhhhhhhhh okay so like technically none of my aus are finished, theres a few fics that I have tho that are one-offs tho that I guess count as finished if you wanna ask for those in a different ask? But uh. I have a good handful of aus that I work on periodically, so heres a general list??? Sorta Starting from aus that generally hold more importance to me in finishing, down to aus i’m not strictly driven to finish but do touch on occassionally, especially if asked about:
-The Lost Guardian au (all content of which can be found on @thelostguardianau blog, it’s a fic i’ve been writing for 2 years now, and personally it holds the highest importance and intention of being finished. I’ve been working on it for so long, i’m not giving up now!)
-My Coma Au where Virgil experiences out of body angst while his body is stuck in a coma, a v angsty set of comic strips found on @tss-coma-au )
-Gods of the Sky au (another au i’ve been working on for at least a year, though I have tons of plans for this au, inspiration is hit or miss to actually follow through w/ those plans, but gid knows I want to finish it and write out the story as intended. You can find all content for this au on @godsoftheskyau
-my Pastel x Punk Loceit au, were Janus is pastel and Logan is punk, its a very art driven au though I do want to write a fic or two for it! Found under the ‘#pastelxpunk au’ tag on my blog
-my newer The Royal Librarian analogical au fic where Virgil is a new Librarian for the kingdom’s royal castle, and Logan is the crowned prince. Virgil is content w/ working himself half to death to get approval and everyone else is worried and waiting for the moment Virgil drops just so they can force him to rest. Logan gets attached, Virgil is very confused, gay panic ensues. Found under ‘#the royal librarian au’
-an au absolutely no one remembers bc i’ve purposefully been very quiet about it bc I’m rewriting the whole plotline, but it’s pretty much a soulmate au where one can find their soulmate by the sound of one’s voice. It’s a LAMP au, virgil centric. Very angsty. Virgil is mute on purpose from a suffered trauma, and the others are his soulmates too but have no idea bc virgil’s dealing w/ alot and choses not to reveal himself or talk. I may very well change it to be DLAMP and Janus-centric because the original idea was um. Very, very fcking dark. Might still go w/ the original idea though, i don’t know yet. Don’t go looking for the original posted idea on here, simply bc thats far different from what i have planned to happen at this point. Calling it ‘A Voice Unheard.’
-my ‘A Wounded Snake Lies Still’ fic series, Janus-centric, based on the idea that Virgil and Janus had been together and inlove before Virgil became a light side, crossing ‘The Line’ and losing all of his memories. Thomas has finally started accepting Janus and Remus, and The Line is nolonger a threat to cross for periods of time, but that doesn’t mean everythings fine and dandy. Only Remus remembers what Janus and Virgil had aside from Janus himself, and they’d agreed to keep it a secret. Janus deals with the concequences of lying to himself about his trauma and supression while watching Virgil be happily inlove with Logan, Remus makes a slip up, and suddenly Janus’s lies aren’t quite working like they used to. Fall out ensues. Endgoal analoceit.
-Cracked Ribs and Old Promises- an analogince superhero/vigilante fic i’m in the middle of writing and will eventually finish.
- my Accidentally Alpha au, a Logicality and Prixiety led au that came from random inspiration of Patton ‘dad talked’ his way into accidentally becoming the alpha of a werewolf pack, virgil is his close friend and sort of adoptive dad, Logan was the original alpha before submitting to Patton’s dissapointed lecture, Roman was Logan’s second in command sort of? Things work out. Found under the ‘#accidentally alpha au’ tag!
-my Shapeshifter Twins au which is moxiety and logince lead, started from a comic inspired by an idea that spiraled into a full au soon after! found under the ‘#shapeshifter twins au’ tag!
-my little hooves au that stemmed from a fic and has some art, i plan to write more but i’m in no rush?? Found under the ‘#little hooves au’ tag!
- @smolintentsandpurposes-au is sort of on pause atm, because I’m planning to start over with a fic from the top, bc the originsl comic strip story telling style was unsustainable for my creative process.
-my small Famous Au moceit fic and art where Patton is a versatile actor and Janus is a popular talented makeup effects artist on youtube?? Found under the ‘#famous au’ tag
-my Merray and Biomer merman au, primarily art based w/ little story atm. Made before remus was revealed, so i plan to add remus as an octomer alongside octomer! Janus bc I can. The tags are a little scarred for these posts tho, so i’m sorry.
-theres probably more tiny aus that i’m forgetting about/leaving out like my Chaptic Height Differences au and my Fantasy Dragon au, my prinxiety Lady and the Tramp au, my dark world au, ect. but thats what i can find rn
- honestly just keep scrolling through any tag thats ‘#luka writes’ ‘#luka draws’ ‘#luka’s au’ or ‘#luka’s fics’ or just send me another ask and i’ll see if I can finally get myself to compile a fic exclusive masterlist bc theres more unmentioned that are finished oneoffs but, uh. Yeah. Thats the gist of all my big to semi-big aus that are still even remotely relevant to me??
-...yes. I’m aware I have a slight problem.
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merinnan · 4 years
DMBJ Explore with the Note Ep 4
Explore with the Note Ep 4 watch thread! 
 Since Ep 3 had no updates to any of the counts, we start ep 4 off with the following:
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 2 
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6 
- Now that I have some idea of the colour schemes, I can identify which opening credits shots are from flashback scenes and which are from Wu Xie era scenes 
- Ah yes, the snek fishies. A clue to consider, then forget about while we look at other things.
- Aww, he's so happy to see the baby corpse vase 
- And the paintings are far more interesting than whatever might be inside the vase. Although he's moving it around far too easily for the baby corpse to still be in there, I think
- Poor confused Wu Xie. I don't blame him. The stuff in this tomb and its design apparently places it in two different time periods which are like 1000 years apart 
- Oooh, bubbles 
- Good move on the jumping back, turning off your torch, and getting a knife ready
- Although there appears to now be light coming from the water itself 
- Hahah, it's Pangzi and Xiaoge 
- Oh, nice, this time they're not subbing Men Youping as Pokerface.
- And of course Xiaoge is the first one he asks if he's alright, and goes to help out of the water XD 
- lol, even Pangzi calling him out on that 
- Aww, he's so worried about the mark on Xiaoge's arm
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- "What happened?!" 
"Oh nothing, just a demon" 
- Ah, Pangzi knows what that is 
- ...and ofc Wu Xie only knows what it is from classic poetry texts 
 - *googles ptomaine gas* 
- Ugh, yeah, you don't want to be breathing that. Sounds unpleasant
- Wu Xie is so over everything rn 
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- Except Xiaoge, anyway
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- I really like S2 Pangzi. He's got the right blend of competence and humour. Comic relief without being just a caricature like S1 Pangzi 
- And Wu Xie showing off his smarts, which is cute. It's moments like these that reminds me he's got an architecture degree
- I think this is the first time we've heard Wang Zanghai's name in the dramas so far 
- And Xiaoge seems to certainly know the name and not be happy about it
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- Oh, this looks like a Xiaoge flashback? 
- More fucking swimming, of course 
- But without a diving suit this time - And that's all it was. So interesting. So groundbreaking. I've never seen anyone swimming through dark murky water in this show before
- This Wu Xie is a much more expressive Wu Xie than S1. So many smiles! 
- And such a brilliant little shit 
- I'm really liking the Wu Xie/Pangzi interactions so far. Well, all of them, but these moments are so good. They're reminding me of the Chongqi interactions
- Oh, more bubbles, I'm sure this will be FINE 
- Oh, it's just the water draining out
- Pangzi complaining he can't see because of the fog, but really, I'd think the darkness would be the bigger problem. 
 - They've only got a couple of torches, and this is a large room and even larger pit that that staircase is going down into
- Wu Xie, what did you expect, asking if he can read something from such a distance? 
- And then looking at Xiaoge to see if it's going to be okay to do this 
- These steps & the twig-things on them are remarkably dry for having been submerged in water only a couple of minutes ago
- OK, now that I'm not distracted by speaking or, like, plot (or pingxie), the bgm is actually drawing my attention and dear god, yes, it really is awful and annoying 
- Hahah, dunking on both Sanshu's and Pangzi's English skills in one go
- This Wu Xie is a lovely chaos gremlin 
- Who hasn't completely lost all sense of caution yet, it seems 
- I mean, Pangzi, I'm not sure you'd be saying those things if you heard the kinds of stories Sanshu was telling bby!Wu Xie in those flashbacks 
- Then again, you probably would
- "Besides, I can't leave Xiaoge" ❤️
 - So Xiaoge probably left those marks 
- This look on Pangzi's face as Wu Xie just throws away all the caution he'd been arguing with Pangzi with to go chasing after Xiaoge XD
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- I have to say, S1 was far superior in terms of set lighting. Most of the time it's so hard to make out anything. Like, I know they're meant to be in a tomb, but would it have killed them to add more set lighting so we could actually see what's going on more consistently?
- I do love this Xiaoge's unimpressed looks. 
- Oh, it's the mirror 
- Again, everything down here is so remarkably dry 
 - Dry enough to have got dusty in mere minutes!
- Intense Xiaoge Stares! All the stares, all the time, all at Wu Xie
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- Ooh, old diving equipment. Well spotted. 
- That airtank being crushed like that does not seem to be a good sign 
- I'm with Pangzi. What sounds? The bgm was drowning out everything except speech
- Hahahah. Pangzi all like, no, we don't need to go up, it's not that dangerous, you're just scaring yourself. Then one mention of the Drought Demon and he's like y'know, on second thoughts.... 
- Xiaoge does like his disappearing tricks 
- And reappearing ones
- This is a good shot for a vague creepiness factor
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- Baby is so worried
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- Oooh, time for dramatic music while we look at dramatic skyscapes and seascapes 
- Wait, is all that water running backward? 
- I have no idea how that is meant to symbolise remembering things, but apparently it does 
- And now, a Xiaoge flashback
- The vases in the tomb 20 years ago were amazingly clean. Somehow they went somewhere between 500-1500 years staying as clean as if new, then in 20 years they got covered in waterscum.
- I am impressed at the seals on their equipment, if dude was able to bring a sketchpad along on a dive and have it be perfectly dry when he took it out to draw on. 
- And all those notebooks, too 
- The flashbacks get MUCH better set lighting
- Boys, boys, don't fight over the priceless antique porcelain like that. You're gonna drop it and break it. 
- Hahah, Xiaoge's trying so hard to ignore this girl 
- Even when she does give him something interesting to look at
- Well, that explains why all the vases were over there and in that order 20 years later for Wu Xie to find
- This kind of chatter is exactly the kind of chatter I'd expect on an excursion to look at things, or a group project. A little bit is relevant, most is just random chatter, and some might actually eventually mean something once they talk it out. It's great
- Oh, if only you knew, Wenjin. If only you knew 
- Hahah, Wenjin yelling at everyone and telling them to stay put, while Xiaoge just calmly ignores her while he puts his backpack on and walks off 
- lol, and then he just staaaaares at her until she lets him go
- Ah, she knows Sanshu so well 
- She's trying to be the grownup here 
- Poor Wenjin. She really can't win either was when she was stuck on an expedition with both Sanshu and Xiaoge
- Apparently these guys all managed to make it through the hallway without any of them triggering the traps 
- Well done, kiddos 
- Poor Wenjin playing babysitter to all these kids, though
- At least 20 years ago the stonework stayed wet after the water receding instead of mysteriously drying off 
- Well. Most of it, anyway 
- The floor, at least 
- I mean, like, kids. You didn't have to follow him. He didn't ask you to. 
- You just decided to
- Well, they were right, Sanshu was there 
- Just not the one they thought he was 
- Oh, that's a door there 
- I love the way Wu Xie and Pangzi in this tend to shine their flashlights in each other's faces to indicate "I think you're full of shit"
- Oh, clever Wenjin, the first one to figure it out 
- So much staring at each other
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- Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 3 
- Though so far it's just sneaking down to tickle Wenjin's neck 
- And they go from perfectly dry corridor to wet-floored room 
- For no discernable reason
- And we end the episode mid-flashback, with them gushing over how pretty the Heavenly Palace is 
- And it really is quite pretty 
- No updates to either the Rescue Count or the Swoon Count, and only the single last-minute update to the Evil Hair Count
So, we end with:
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 3
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
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Novel Prep Tag Game: Deity Complex
My main was tagged by @captainrynna!!! I’m a couple days late, but thank you!!! I’m doing it over my secondary WIP, because I already had a drawing of the protag prepared and I wasn’t emotionally ready to commit to a design for Ember from Firebreathers. Because that’s how my brain chooses to do things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Putting a quick read more link because:
TW: death/car crash for questions 1 and 11. I’ll tag the post for it, as well.
First Look:
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences. There’s too much fucking corn in America.
More seriously, though: 19-year-old bus crash survivor tries to keep as far away as possible from the government that wants to use their mutation to commit war crimes.They do so by hitch hiking, stealing cars, and navigating the endless highways of the USA.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? Probably just one book, around 100k words. It’s not the most thought-out of ideas yet.
3. What’s your novel’s aesthetic? I made a board for it on my pinterest, but there’s like. 4 pins. It’s hard to pin down (no pun intended), and the images on question 5 are also relevant to it, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. What other stories have inspired your novel? This will sound weird, considering the lack of context for this WIP, but Captain America: Civil War comes to mind, as well as the Percy Jackson series.
5. 3 images that get the feel of your novel.
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(Photo by Nextvoyage from Pexels)
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(Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels)
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(this one didn’t have a credit link, but it’s also from Pexels)
Main Characters:
6. Who is your protagonist? Hunter Carrol, a 19-year-old ‘’’convict’’’ running from government research facilities whose experiments on them may or may not have eventually resulted in the deadliest weapon of war to date, if they had stayed.
7. Who is their closest ally? Viola Waters, once Hunter starts opening up to her.
8. Who is their enemy? Agent Markus Rutherford of the Federal Bureau of Switched Activity. He’s the agent who first brought Hunter to the FBSA research facilities, and he’s been on their tail since they escaped.
9. What do they want more than anything? They just want to see their parents, man. It’s been like, nine months, and shit’s been pretty traumatic. Mom’s cookies would be a real pick-me-up, y’know?
10. Why can’t they have it? The government has deemed Hunter too much of a danger to the public/asset to their research to let them go easily. So they’ve been endlessly following the signs of where Hunter has been to get them back.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves? That they’re the sole reason 20 of their classmates died in a bus crash. I know, it’s dark.
12. Draw your character. I did this a while ago, and it’s actually also on my youtube channel, with a bit of a haphazard intro to them! The info in that vid is a little outdated, though. This is a zoomed in screenshot, cause I did it on a too-big canvas and never cropped it LOL:
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13. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protag? Being brought back to the research labs again, with an even lower chance of being able to get out and see their parents.
Plot Points:
14. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story? Hunter will find out that they weren’t the only kid with a Deity Complex being detained in the FBSA research labs, and they’ll immediately want to get the others out, too.
15. Do you know how it ends? Not yet LOL, the story is barely developed further than two (2) plot points so far.
16. What is the theme? I know I want to explore the ideas of bodily autonomy/consent (if one can save thousands of others by sacrificing themselves, is it ethical to force them to?) and whether there’s ever a good reason to go to war.
17. What is a recurring symbol? I don’t really have a symbol in mind, right now... unless the smell of campfires and the appearance of white animals counts as, like, a symbolic representation of the two main characters.
18. Where is the story set? Mainly on the highways and backroads of the U.S., but general region depends on when in the story.
19. Do you have images and scenes in mind already? A couple, but nothing too specific, yet. I’m only like, 4.5k into writing it, and it’s the first time I’ve actually tried to pin down the idea. So I’m excited to see where it goes!
20. What excited you about this story? Being able to explore the Switched Universe, and also confronting themes that are integral to my view on activism!
21. What is your usual writing method? For this story, I only really write in it when I’m a.) stuck in Firebreathers, and b.) motivated to work on the next scene. So I don’t have a great method for this one yet, as it’s technically a side project.
Tagging: @lemon-writings​, @keen2meecha​, and anyone else who wants to! also sorry if either of you have done it already, i cant remember seeing it on my dash and im too tired to search blogs rn
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spacejew · 5 years
oops accidental personal post I guess
It's weird that I almost feel the need to go here to personal blog again because of a handful of irl friends following what was supposed to be a private personal Twitter in theory, just for like, idk, internet strangers and friends I made online not those imported from meatspace. Also those character limits... Suffocating.
Anyways yeah things are kinda stable but dissapointing lifewise? I'm definitely in a rut and stuck somewhere I'm desperately trying to get out of. Also like. idk. Gender shit. I think I really fucked myself over hard when I made the decision a few years back to conviously bottle up all my dysphoria and trans feelings and bury them and repress them hard and just live as a very gay and feminine bi boy and like. hm. I think I've been happy since? But im thinking now that maybe. Because that's still a part of my psyche that haunts me every day. I might actually have been mildly depressed this whole time and like, still struggling to make important life decisions because of the anxiety of that. Idk. Maybe if I got a therapist and realistic attention to that all those years ago and it turned out to be very real n legit and i got to make tough choices and live my truth, I would be equipped now to actually be joyful and able to fully focus on hard work and taking risks and putting myself out there and being successful and shit. Idk idk idk. I just have to wonder if all this time I've actually been quite unhappy and filling the void with dumb shit and a good deal of dissociation and complacency. Idk. what I'm saying is maybe I made a big mistake there lmao and could've started transitioning, if that's right for me, 4-7 years ago maybe, who knows. Haha so fun. Fuck me. Big Regrets, lads. But also I still don't know if that's right. Which probs means it is who am I kidding. Oof. But it's ok life is a journey I'm full of wise shit and I know it's not the end of the world. It just kinda. Makes me so sad on behalf of the old me who would cry so much because of dysphoria and living in this body in this life. She knew. I don't know why I buried her alive like that. Anyways.
I spent all year struggling to make an animated short (which ended up being kinda long tbh like 10 minutes?) by myself mostly, just me and my mental blocks and executive dysfunction and shit, but I was v passionate about it and worked hard and got to actually bring a whole vision to life, with basically nobody to tell me what to do, just give me feedback that I wasn't obligated to follow. It came out pretty nice and I'm very happy that I got to tell exactly the story I wanted and try a cool new look and I just wish I gave myself more time to work on the actual animation part but I put my heart and endless weeks and months of refinement into the storyboarding and script and every little detail and I really feel accomplished and like it paid off -- and I even got to do a private screening at my summer camp job that I was called in to do one more time at the last minute right when I finished my film, it was a miracle and so perfect, everyone cried and truly loved it and felt touched by it. And then I went to animation festivals! And all this cool shit! But... I haven't been able to figure out a public screening thing yet. And I feel like all my excitement is gone now. And I really wanted to polish the look and some backgrounds a little, just some very quick rerendering and comp, but. I feel like too much time has passed, i just feel dissapointed. I haven't put it online yet cause I haven't done my public screening, cause of my stupid anxiety about little details and overall idk imposter syndrome I guwss I feel more ashamed of it than proud of it even tho it's probably good, and like I feel that everyone was excited to support me but probably nobody cares anymore.
Basically I had all the wind taken out of my sails. Oh and right when I was trying to get it off the ground I guess and push through, my grandma died. I'm so heartbroken I loved her so fucking much and. She never got to see the film cause of my stupid bullshit. I feel so bad about that. So so bad. Ugh. And it's a film very very hilariously blatantly directly based on me and my feelings and my real family history, ultimately besides other main themes it's about talking to your grandparents and family about the past and your current feelings. And in it the main character, a girl, cough cough even though it's basically me, cough cough go figure, gender shit, anyways the climax is her going back in time to talk to her great grandma, and it's very emotional and my best friend of like almost 10 years now composed and recording a music for that scene for me. And now when I eventually screen this, my entire family and also myself is gonna get torn to shreds by this scene more than intended because my own fucking grandma, who I was excited to show this film to more than anyone on earth, passed so unexpectedly without seeing it. Fuck. Why didn't I send it to her when she was in the hospital? Obviously cause if I did that that would make it real and she wouldn't get better and all I do is live in denial. Ugh. Anyways yeah. The point is I'm stagnant and in a rut right now and just want to move forward and focus on making new work and just get a real career relevant job already. Tough year hit a well needed high and now petering off back into misery. Not to be dramatic. I'm ok tbh I have a part time I'm slowly getting sick of and a loving supportive partner and some very good friends, tho not as many as I used to see regularly and that's kinda sad too. That's your 20s babey.
I just need to move on and make big changes. My pattern rn is like. Work fri-sun, if I'm lucky I get to hang out with friends or lovers, usually at least with my partner. on monday I recover from working. on tuesday I have dnd and usually get some stuff done but honestly just catch up on warframe with my clan friends. wednesday my partner and I got to the park and library for half the day and eat and draw and talk. on thursday I mentally prepare for work again and usually we go out to play another roleplaying game with her roommates friends. a lot of that free time that's been left unmentioned is spent being over at bae's sometimes so I don't have the ability to get much work done. Lately I've spent most of my time planning a dnd campaign which is fun but also too stressful on account of obviously I'm not playing it yet so like what's the point, sorry friends who have patiently waited for months for me to be ready to start the game for them. And also like. Yeah idk. just sad and confused and resting my weary heart and body after a very rough month after my grandma passed. But! I did accomplish a very crazy deep cleaning of my room. I threw out 14 bags of shit at the least. I wish I weighed it all, it was a lot. I feel so much more organized and cleansed from that. For the record I didn't have any trash in my room, nor was it every a mess. Just every single cabinet and drawer was crammed full of stuff and I guess I hoarded a lot of shit. I was able to throw away a lot of things I held on to be cause of sentimentality and I'm proud of myself for growing that way. So like. Idk. It's not all bad, baby steps. I still feel like I'm constantly improving as a person! I'm positive, optimistic. Just tired, anxious, and feel bad.
Also I finally got a new phone and because of my hubris I dropped it without a case and it shattered only two weeks in. The day I was gonna buy a case. But it's ok. Story of my life I guess. I can't keep everything pristine and polished forever, one day shit falls and breaks but it's still usable. It has character.
I wasn't expecting to dump everything like this, sorry yall. Thanks for reading I guess. Also I forgot how to do a read more on mobile lol sorry
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ask-shakespearehigh · 5 years
Q&A post with the Mods!!!!
This is going to be a long one oh boy
How strict is the delineation of creative control vis-a-vis characters/plays between the mods? (@pedanticlecturer)
We generally have the plays split up along lines of “what we know”— we have a list at the very beginning of the blog. Sometimes we’ll draw the others’ characters (mostly me drawing some of Star’s…) but even then the final say on characterization is up to the “main” mod for that play — mod aster
what aster said -- mod star
What is your favorite play? What is your favorite character in terms of how they were written in the source material? (@pedanticlecturer)
I think my favorite play overall is Macbeth, just because I like the vibes (and the fact that I too could kill Macbeth), the fact that you don’t say it’s name in theatres, and the fact that it’s a play I did a full read through and analysis of in class. Favorite character? Puck from Midsummer. — mod aster
uhhhh,, hmm. ive always had a soft spot for midsummer since i saw it with aster esp bc of how fun the costumes were. of the comedies it has the largest potential to be the most visually pleasing bc of the concept of fairies,,,and im gay and dramatic so i love that. id die if i got to costume design for midsummer,,,or be in it,,,yeah. fav character. hmm. probably mercutio?? i recently saw a version of romeo and juliet where mercutio was played by a woman and oh my god it was amazing!!! not to mention mercutio’s portrayal in baz luhrmann's INCREDIBLE version of r n j!!! (I based my mercutio design on him) he just spends the entire time making dick jokes. love that. -- mod star
How do you answer asks so fast? I mean it's great but I'm impressed 😂 (Anon)
Personally, it’s a mix of: notifications on, quick drawing speed, and using the blog to avoid my class work — mod aster
aster is fast and (as you can see from all of my answers) im lazey -- mod star
Are there any elements/characters of the plays you're covering that you would have liked to work into this blog's plot, but couldn't due to the constraints of the setting or the synthetic nature of the blog? (@pedanticlecturer)
I wanted to make everyone gay but unfortunately due to plot constraints we have to have some hets but that wont stop me from making it lgbt as possible. -- mod star
I did want to make The Tempest more of a central play, but it just didn’t translate well. Similarly, other supernatural elements like the witches in Macbeth. This isn’t so much a constraint mentioned, but my own time/energy means that I want to show the Macbeth backstory, in a specific format, but I can’t right now— mod aster
Is there a hierarchy of import when it comes to each play's individualized impact on shakespeare high's general arc? If so, what plays are crucial to the foundation of the story? Which ones did you do mostly for shits and giggles? (@pedanticlecturer)
This is phrased like an ACT question and i might not answer it right so sorry in advance but: mod aster and i only selected a few plays for each of us to do given we dont know all of shakespeare’s works, but we tend to put more emphasis on the the more well known. But it also comes down to 1. How much we have plotted out for each play and 2. What the followers ask about most. Our two most popular are hamlet and macbeth bc people are familiar w those but around march caesar always becomes relevant again. I didnt even have designs for some of the characters until someone asked about them. -- mod star
I would say the same as star— it generally comes down to what people ask about. I will say that the overall plot is sort of separated into “has happened” and “is happening”. Like, the human potion of Midsummer, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth are all in the “aftermath” portion, while Twelfth Night, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet, among others, are happening. We’re trying to incorporate as much as we can, and I don’t think any of them were really put in without some thought.— mod aster
What personal significance does shakespeare hold in ur guys' lives? (@pedanticlecturer)
I go to a theater school rn and so ive dealt w shakespeare (although not all of them) it also helps that i was in loves labours lost last year as moth and that i read hamlet and r n j. Theres also a theater in my state that always does One Big Shakespeare per season and they always do them super well!!! My love for shakespeare probably started w seeing midsummer at that theater w mod aster!!! So. Theater kid rights!! -- mod star
To be honest, I got back into Shakespeare Because of the blog. I’ve been friends with some people that got really Pretentious about Shakespeare, and it kinda put me off of it. I did have a book of abridged plays (the plays’ plots written out in prose, basically) that I read as a kid, which is what got me into not only the plots of a lot of the plays, but also the idea of having them illustrated. And, same as star, the theater in state does the One Big Shakespeare— and they tend to do some really cool things with the costumes, setting them in diff time periods. I haven’t been able to see any lately since I’ve moved, but they still slap. — mod aster
🥰😘💙🥰🥰💜💟🥰I 😍💗💚😍😍LOVE🖤🖤 YALL ♥️♥️🧡💛💚💝❣️💕💘💖💗💓💞💝❤️💛💜 okay now i have a question i swear— how long have the two of you been doing art??? and what were your first shakespeare plays??? (@hellaghosts)
Uhh i started drawing when i was like idk 12 and i have the giant boxes of sketchbooks to prove it!!! I moved to digital art at abt 14-15 but mostly stayed traditional until this yr when i got a Neat New Tablet so some of my sketchbooks are sitting abandoned rip. My first shakespeare was either romeo and juliet or midsummer nights dream and i love both of them v much!!! I have a very old piece of art that i did for r n j for my freshman class assignment on it and it hasnt aged well alsdjfjafd circa 2016 i think??? -- mod star
Tumblr media
Oh man. I started drawing when I was about 10, but it was Bad. I don’t think I got much into drawing again until I was about 14? Sometime around the end of middle school/beginning of high school. I would say I started getting into drawing as more than doodling/coloring edits sometime around 2015-16? I would draw on my iPad with my finger, then I got a tablet for my computer, and now I pretty much stick to my iPad with an Apple Pencil. My first Shakespeare play was….. uh…… probably Midsummer???? I have No idea. We would go to plays when I was little, so I honestly don’t remember if I saw others before. It may have been Romeo and Juliet— I had that book where it was the original and the “modernized” with the little dog that explained things— which, if you know it makes sense, but if you don’t is probably a bonkers answer. — mod aster
Do you think this blog has like? An overarching thesis (be it b/c intentionally or simply b/c ur own take on the world has bled thru to the point where u believe it’s central to the piece at this point)? (@pedanticlecturer)
Not gonna lie, I had to read that like three times AND dm you to figure out what you were asking from us and all I have is “be gay, respect women, write your own happy endings”. — mod aster
This blog started with an ides of march shitpost and you think we have enough brain energy to write a whole thesis? I projected feelings of found family onto my half of the blog but idk if that counts. Be gay do crime 420 69 -- mod star
What’s the nature/rough dynamic of ur relationship? How do y’all know each other? (@pedanticlecturer)
Met mod aster when i was like 4 and even tho we didnt live close we became like, best friends although the Best part didnt start until we were like 13-ish and eventually we talked like non stop (about anime and homestuck. Yknow. 13 year old kid things) and we didnt see each other a lot bc of Distance and now its even worse bc aster is in colleg.,e but we consider each other siblings regardless of family bc we’re adopted into our own respective families so that bled over into our friendship and it would feel weird calling him anything other than my brother now. We’ve seen each other at our best and worst and if you really want a good insight on what we’re like as siblings watch griffin and justin mcelroy’s overview video of catlateral damage wherein i am griffin and he is the long suffering justin. -- mod star
Star is basically my long distance sibling and functionally the only cousin I recognize bc like their parents are basically an aunt and uncle and like our dads look enough alike that we’ve both accidentally gotten the wrong dad for a hug or similar so like. Anyways yeah Star is the Griffin to my Justin, complete with our absent middle brother who we love dearly— mod aster
Dubiously relevant q but what kind of music do y’all listen to when u do art (if that is indeed a habit either of u partake in) (@pedanticlecturer)
It can depend on the piece? I was working on some (unrelated) oc prints that were song-focused, and for those I just listened to said song on loop. Sometimes I have playlists. Sometimes I’ll just be in a Mood and throw a song on loop. But a lot of time for the blog, I’ll listen to The Adventure Zone for the billionth time, because I have Too Much Attention. I’ve also, on request from Star, linked the most recent “loop song”.— mod aster
I tend to obsess over the same like 3 songs every few weeks so those get listened to on repeat but it also depends on the tone of what im drawing or who im drawing i might genre switch bc of that. If im drawing ophelia i stick to lana del rey and if im drawing hamlet its the neighborhood, horatio is sufjan stevens etc. i have categorized,. Most of the characters i draw into different songs/genres/energies of music but not like i ever follow that. Sometimes i just pull up a really long nonsense video and forget to draw. Essentially: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -- mod star
How’d y’all come up with ur pseudonyms? (@pedanticlecturer)
I love space so much and my main blog is starryeydsailor space gay rights!! Im also tiny and full of energy and bright so basically i;m star -- mod star
Uhhhh i was like “hey i want to do uhhhhhh flower?” And then I google searched flower names until I found one I liked —- mod aster
How did you end up deciding the rough timeline of events in canon? (@pedanticlecturer)
It’s mostly determined by like. How we choose per story? If that makes sense. Like, we just take story by story, and decide “is it happening, has it happened, and when?” And then we fit them together in relation to each other just by dint of. All existing at once. Like, I knew I wanted Macbeth to be in aftermath, because like, even though there’s no murder, the way I’ve translated it to the AU is still kinda heavy, and it’s something that I don’t know that I could do properly if it were happening right now. Also, it’s more interesting IMO to have them at different times. Tl;dr we wing it per story and slot them together— mod aster (mod star agrees I just can word better, in theory)
If you could tell the story of shakespeare high in a different format than an ask blog, would you? Obviously y'all are making very good use of the format, but would you want to write this as a animated series or like? a comic book? or is the form inseparable from the story? (@pedanticlecturer)
I kinda wanted to do a webcomic or maybe to plot develop through like, animatics but the element of surprise comes from the asks we get and really makes us think so the blog is a good start. We didnt think we’d get this far -- mod star
Pretty much what Star said— there are certain elements where it’d be neat to do as a comic or as an animatic. Like, the fantasy dream is like, an anthology webcomic of each story, where you can like, see other characters in the background and stuff. But to be honest, we develop a lot by what we’re asked— there was a post about developing worldbuilding by being asked questions and then pretending you’ve thought about the answer, and it’s not far off. Personally, it’s hard to just lay out a story, because I have a whole WORLD and what’s relevant? What are people interested in? It’s by getting questions that I can then focus in on an area to develop. And yeah, we Super didn’t think we’d get this far lmao — mod aster
Any headcanons about your characters that you don't think will ever come up on the blog through asks or plot posts? (@pedanticlecturer)
I could make a whole separate post for this!!!!! Mostly its voice headcanons (and by mostly i mean like 1 or 2) or relationship hcs!!!! -- mod star
Honestly same. I don’t think I have voice headcanons for mine, though I bet I could find some. I’ve got a bunch of miscellaneous headcanons that just kinda float around, but like they’re scattered, too numerous for this post, and also not always things I’m sure are canon yet.— mod aster
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dicepools · 6 years
// some deegan headcanons because they’re relevant in a (non-tumblr) thread i’m doing rn
- late 30s when jack hired him, putting him in his 50s when the bombs fell - irish heritage, at least on his dad’s side. never knew his mom, grew up in boston metro area (haven’t decided specifically where he grew up yet) - his dad worked as a handyman, struggling to make ends meet - once edward was old enough (and i mean old enough to like, walk, talk, and do what he’s told), his dad started taking him along to jobs in lieu of paying for a babysitter - also helped once he was old enough, so he knew how to take the kitchen sink apart by the time he was like. eight - when edward was in his early teens, his dad lost his job. the economy was not in a good way, so when his attempts to get a new one failed, he fell into drinking - ... and edward fell into gang activity as an option to keep them from becoming homeless - edward was a Shit™ from his middle school through high school years
- muffled abstract details that haven’t been figured out yet - edward ends up with mafia contacts, and though he never actually joins himself (not even as an associate; he ain’t italian, so), he does run some jobs for them - never actually knew eddie winter but knew people in circles who did - eventually decides he wants out of the crime lifestyle (after his dad dies?), hears about the cabots hiring via his network of connections, decides that would be a good chance, so he applies with no real expectations of getting hired - but his life had given him the skillset (including social skills) required to make him appealing to jack, so................ he’s hired in late 2058 (jack’s terminal mentioning this is dated nov 22 2058, and he’d been brought in to meet the family by that point) - the rest is history
reasons for these bg decisions: - he obv does the regular upkeep around cabot house, and is stated to be really good at finding really good shit, has the mindset of being able to cache shit really well and plan ahead for the future in a practical way, has them automatic and heavy weapon skills, has a vibe like he has a network post-war that he can draw off of - but also has the social skills to do well both with the upper class (cabots) and the working mercenary class - a background with experience in handyman work as well as gang/mafia jobs pretty much provides him all of the above - pre-war and pre-cabots, edward was the kind of guy who knew people, and knew people who knew people, and could fix everything from your motorcycle to your sink to your house’s electrical wiring problems, and could have your back on dangerous runs against enemy gangs... if the price was right for all of it, of course
- his official job title post-war is household steward btw....... it didnt start out that way but as he proved how proficient and professional he was, he was assigned more and more tasks - didn’t actually live at cabot house until after the war, but he was at the house when the bombs fell - doesn’t spend much time in his room which is why it’s so sparse and more run down than the rest of cabot house; basically just in there to sleep and change clothes - favors heavier weapons (/eyes that fat man in his room) and rifles (src: his assault rifle he’s auto-equipped with)
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