#this is basically how it went down right?
lilacgaby · 18 hours
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prohero!katsuki, who has the biggest crush ever on his kid's nanny.
he saw you again today, cooling down in the kitchen with a coffee already on the pot for him as you scrolled on your phone. he was exhausted from the late night patrol, his mask serving as a headband as his combat boots clinked on the ground.
it was midnight, your skin illuminated from the sunroof adorning his big house he chose after he won custody. you looked gorgeous, the moonlight hitting your skin just right, your t-shirt going off your shoulder, a random band on its center.
you finally noticed him, smiling softly. "hey katsuki, your coffee's almost done."
"yeah, take your time don't worry." he sat on the chair at the island of the kitchen, hand supporting his head as he eyed you.
"they drew us a picture today." you said, out of the blue.
"us?" he questioned, cheeks flushing at his minds automatic assumptions.
"yes. look, isn't it so cute?" you handed him a picture, four figures stood holding hands with hearts placed in between them all. katsuki's hair was drawn explosively, and it was obvious they drew you with care.
a small smirk came over his face, he took off his gloves as to not dirty it with the ash of his explosions. he noticed how they put you and him right next to eachother. "real cute."
"right? let's put it on the fridge." he handed it back to you, watching as you carefully put it between the other pictures they'd drawn.
he loved how you truely cared for them all. you basically lived here now, him giving you a room bigger than your entire old apartment.
he remembered clearly how you hugged him tightly that day, inciting his kids to help you tackle him.
you prepared his coffee, black, just how he liked it. you set it down, with a small "good night" as you went to your room. leaving him with his thoughts.
from that night youd grown closer. real close. you cried over his wounds once, his heart clenched at the memory of you stiching him up while stifiling your sobs, you hugging him tightly in his bed as you both fell asleep.
he didn't know when, but suddenly his kids became ours. his room became yours too, your other room going empty most nights.
he didn't know when the line between small gestures of affection went to hand holding and kisses. all of those suddenly began to blur together, but it's not like he minded.
he definitely didn't mind, he thought as he played games with his toddler daughter and son, and you, kissing him on the cheek and making your kids say 'ewww'!
as your kids yelled about 'cooties' in unison, he could only focus on how full his heart felt.
you were his missing piece.
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longer drabbles?? lmk if it was cool ok bye
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fallbhind · 1 day
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WARNINGS ✶ suggestive. mentions of drinking. implied drinking. loser!chris. chris gets a boner, only mentions it a few times. some jock named josh dragged reader over to a group of peope (not forcefully). ⭒ @55sturn for their version of loser!chris, as well as the original idea.
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you couldn't fathom the fact your friend couldn't come to a fraternity party, she'd always went to the other ones, so you didn't understand why she couldn't come to this one, what was so different? sure, you could talk to literally anyone, practically everyone was there, but it wouldn't be the same. you found yourself plopping down on a couch, without acknowledging the awkward looking boy beside you as you took sips out of your most likely alcoholic punch beverage.
the boy shifted away from you, which of course, it kinda offended you. being the popular girl and all, most boys wouldn't shy away from you, gosh—he really was a loser. the awkward boy was wearing black dirty converses, jeans that had holes at the knee caps, and an overly big hoodie, the seam at the arm holes falling apart from how much he'd chewed at it, mostly during moments of distress or nervousness.
he wasn't your typical boy you'd hang out with, but there’s no harm in socializing with different people, instead of straight jocks. "hi." you blurted out, brushing off your skirt.
"hello." he mumbled, his knees pulled to his chest (take note of the loser behavior). "i'm—" he took a gentle breath before continuing, "—i'm chris." he picked at the torn up seams were his arm holes were, making the seams messier than before.
chris shifted his legs further away from you, being this close in proximity to a girl made him oh so nervous. his heart was practically pounding out of his chest as he let his curly-ish hair fall back in his face. worst of all? he felt himself slowly tighten from the short skirt you were wearing, along with that oh so pretty pink varsity shirt you was wearing (so he's a bit of a perv to!).
he knew later that night he'd be back home, searching up anything he could find about you, because he was just an awkward little loser. he'd probably try the basics first, snapchat. if not there? maybe he'd venture onto insta and x to find you. maybe even shoot his shot and get risky by sending a dm. it wouldn't necessarily be the first time he went all staked mode for a girl, he was just a loser like that. maybe his brain might need some re-wiring, but save that for later!
"nice to meet you chris." you said gently, maybe just a little (a lot) bit giddy that he said something back to you. if being all honest, you thought he was going to ignore you, he didn't have a big following group, nor did he follow a certain group he followed, he was in his own bubble, we’re he minded his own business and didn't converse himself around pretty looking girls.
he nodded nervously, "you too— uh, kid." chris' words came out awkwardly, almost sounded like he forced them out as he gripped his jeans, his hands balling into fists as his hands slowly became more clammy. and the fact you knew he was getting clammy made him ten times just as nervous, he really, really wanted to just crawl in a hole and never leave because a girl never made him feel the things he was feeling in the exact moment. his mouth was watering faster then he could swallow when you tilted your head in confusion.
"kid?" you asked voice laced with confusion, "i've been called all kinds of names but never kid." you started to ramble off about all the pet names you'd been called by new people, from going to sweetheart all the way to an actual animal name. but there was on that stuck out the most, seemed right for you. puppy. it fit you, in a sense. wether it ranged from your sense of style to your personality, it suit you. weirdly enough. "but anyways—" you huffed, "that's enough about me. tell me about yourself."
as if the sight of you wasn't enough to give him a boner, you asked him about himself. as a person, him, what he does— who he was. you were likely going to be the cause of his death. he shifted in his seat slightly, "well— uh." he stuttered over his words, fingers going to push his hair out his face to get a better looking at you as your lips pressed against the red-solo cup, taking a sip of the punch, which had to have been spiked, you'd never felt so dizzy, it could've been. "i have two brothers, triplets, actually." he whispered, "we kinda do our own thing."
you chewed endlessly at your raw, lip-gloss covered lips, listening to him explain, which really put him on spot, nobody ever really just sat and listen to him before, made him feel all giddy. you nodded along with every word, your eye's dilating over him. "nice." you whispered, watching chris' every move.
it was bound to be a long, akward night if you kept asking questions like that. he fell quiet, not sure what else to say, after that, so he just nodded slowly, hoping you'd say something.
after a few minutes of waiting, his fears were definitely confirmed. a jock, josh, walked up to you, "baby c'mon let's go." you nodded, standing up, brushing off your skirt as you walked with the jock. josh gave a gentle pat on your ass, you letting put a giggle-like squeal as you slapped his arm playfully. chris shook his head, knowing damn well it was to good to be true that a pretty girl would be single and not taken by a football player. chris watched you converse with a group of sorority girls, probably talking about boys, that weren't close to him.
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sgtpeppers · 2 days
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Okay so the quick version of this is: saw Two Of Us today, adored it even more than I adore the film, the choice to keep them in John's building worked really well to further highlight the mental health message the director talks about in his little note in the programme, the rooftop scene is somehow even more intimate and lovely in this version and the ending is even more painful! I'm gonna write down more under the cut about it all:
Playlist: The playlist before the show/during the interval is everything you would want it to be and it includes Monkberry Moon Delight which I feel like I never hear in public! 
The overall experience was also just super wholesome, one thing I always love about Beatles events is the range of people there it just makes you feel like your part of such a special thing, so shout out to all the old women talking about Paul near me, the middle aged men in their Beatles shirts, and the girl behind me who was sooo excited to be there and I hope she got to meet the cast after like she wanted to! ALSO the Beatles drinks are so funny, idk why Ringo’s is just earl grey tea 😭
Performances: OKAY let’s get into it. So one of my only real complaints about the film is that although I think overall Jared Harris and Aiden Quinn do an amazing job but I do find the quality a little inconsistent (especially the accents) but Richard Short and Barry Sloane are soooo so good, the accents, the little verbal quirks (which also, kudos to the writer as well) and the physicalities are jarringly good at points, especially Barry Sloane’s John. I also feel like a lot of Get Back was watched in preparation because there were so many little things, like the way John plays with his hair that just took me right back to that. Sometimes with fictional Beatles things I’m constantly thinking about how you’re watching two people try to portray these real people, but I definitely found that they were convincing enough that I wasn’t thinking about it too much. 
Outfits: I did find it kinda weird they went for the Get Back looks rather than how they looked in 76, I feel robbed of the New York City vest tbh but they did look great 
Changes from the film: basically they cut out them going for the walk to the park and to Luigi’s and instead John sets up the table for them like they’re in a restaurant in his kitchen. I think it works really well because they play into John not wanting to leave the building, which just adds into that whole mental health thing, and I think it actually makes the rooftop scene more poignant when they get there, because it feels more like Paul has broken through a bit and coaxed him outside, even if it’s baby steps. Anyway, they still have all the same conversations really the script is just chopped up a bit. 
One interesting thing is that the conversation that happens with the fan in Luigi’s still happens, but John sort of pesters Paul about whether he really thinks silly love songs should be number one, and it’s a nice extra layer to Paul’s insecurity which I enjoyed 
Mental health conversations: I think going into it knowing that the director wanted to make this because of the mental health themes, specifically men’s mental health and how having someone to reach out to is so important, is really interesting. They definitely amped up John’s anxiety from the film, his fidgeting and little moments to himself where he’s trying to get himself together were just so palpable, and Paul talking about his depression after the Beatles broke up was even more raw and upsetting seeing it in front of you. My absolute favourite line in the film is ‘I’m thirty-five years old and I still feel like I’ve done something wrong’ and god, my heart just broke seeing it on stage, I think that’s such a common feeling, just that sense that you’re in trouble for something but you’re not really sure what? Anyway, I just loved Sloane’s delivery of it. 
The Kiss: Okay, look I actually don’t care that much about the kiss in the film, I’m glad it’s in there as a little nod to John’s queerness but it really isn’t anything imo, but I liked it a lot more in this! For one thing rather than coming after a little play fight (which is still cute, don’t get me wrong) they do one of their silly dances where they’re spinning each other round etc, so the scene already feels more tender, and then John just kinda grabs him and it goes on a little longer than in the film. I still think it’s far from one of the most intimate moments in the show, but I do think they made it into something more here. 
Rooftop scene: It’s just. It’s everything. They sit right at the front of the stage, facing each other, cross legged and Paul gives him the whole ‘I see a beautiful baby boy speech’ and it’s PERFECT, this was the moment I was most worried about them screwing up and it was perfectly delivered and they have this lovely big hug after it and it made my heart ache in the best way. And idk, if seeing some guy dressed up as Paul McCartney saying that we should focus on fun and get out our own heads and how we don’t have to stay stuck as the kids who were just scared and trying to survive, doesn’t do something for you, then we’re just very different people. 
SNL scene: okay it’s pretty much the same but the way John is sleeping on Paul was everything, it wasn’t just a head on the shoulder he was fully laying back against Paul!! 
The ending: this is just so brutal because Paul doesn’t leave the flat to get his guitar, he borrows one of John’s and so when Yoko calls and John starts doing the whole ‘I wish you were here, you’re the only one who stops me disappearing’ it’s literally…. In Paul’s face. And it hurts. Then at the very end they cut between John on the phone to Yoko and Paul on the phone to Linda, and so Paul says ‘I love you’ to Linda, then John says ‘I love you too’ to Yoko but it sounds like they said it to each other, and then Here Today plays. The fact most people didn’t appear to be crying baffled me quite frankly. 
Yoko: They decided to have Yoko be the one who actually invited Paul, which felt like an odd choice and didn’t really add anything for me, but there we go 
Okay I’m gonna shut up there because this is way too long and I doubt anyone’s read it but ahhhhhhhhh it was so good and you’re just all lucky I can’t text you because my friends have had much more incoherent versions of all this
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cy-lindric · 1 day
Dude!!! You costumes r so incredible!!! You make 'em mostly by yourself right??? Do you also make the patterns yourself or do you rely on pre-existing patterns? (Be it historical or reproduction?) do you also use period accurate materials?
Oh!!! As for making the clothes, how closely do you stick to historically accurate sewing methods? Considering how low making a whole garment can take by hand, do you kinda cheat a little by using a sewing machine??? (Which is fair tbh)
Sry if these r too many questions ;w; ur clothes r just soooo cool
Hello ! Thanks a lot ! Yes I do pretty much everything by myself, except for things made with leather. I sometimes start off with printable patterns from historical costuming stores like Reconstructing History, Laughing Moon Mercantile, Blacksnail Patterns and others to use as a base, but recently I've been drafting my own patterns more. I've no formal education in that so it's very trial-and-error, but I use books like The Medieval Tailor's Assistant or Patterns of Fashion as references and it helps a lot.
I sometimes do costumes all in period-accurate materials like for my landsknecht costume (I used only pure wool, linen and linen thread with wax, and I braided the lacing cords with wool yarn), but sometimes I don't ; for the gamurra I used reproduction brocade and duchesse satin that are only part silk. It really comes down to budget and occasion. I'm glad I didn't use super expensive period accurate pure silk for the gamurra because I wore it outside all day for two days and went dancing with it (and I couldn't afford it anyway). Also, that project was less made out of historical curiosity and more so for fun and flamboyance.
When it comes to sewing methods, out of preference I only use the machine for very long seams that won't show on the outside. I enjoy hand sewing a lot and I'm not very straight and precise with the machine so a lot of the time, I only do the most basic and discreet things with it. Then, I'll sometimes go full historical and research proper interlining methods and seam types, and sometimes speedrun a project and skip some of the steps when I feel like I can find another solution. It really depends. The research itself is a lot of the fun so I do tend to try and follow historical construction, but I'm also not a dress historical or a reenactor so I'll usually adapt to the current situation because there's no pressure to go either way.
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stanpinesdykewife · 2 days
Drabble request: stan/ female reader
Stan showing the reader how to pool at a bar or the shack. Reader may already know and just wants to put on the act just so she can have Stan be ever so conveniently close to her, they way he guides her leaning in his whole body into hers just to get the aim right on the cue ball.
i had to look up the rules of pool for this HAHAHA but here you go! this one takes place in a bar and for horny reasons (no matter the gender) reader is wearing shorts. thank you so much for the ask i went cross-eyed writing this because i was thinking so hard in my head!! enjoy!!
pool stan/reader (gender-neutral) pre/during/post-canon/unspecified suggestive, 852 words
You're tipsy enough to admit you like the attention when a man much older than you swaggers over from across the bar and starts mansplaining the rules of pool. It helps that he's handsome, his button-up shirt opened low, a thick gold medallion hanging over his chest, his jaw nice and square and strong.
“Like this?” you say airily, leaning over the pool table just slightly, planting your non-dominant hand on the baize. The man chuckles beside you, but his eyes rove over your body with an intensity that makes you blush.
“You're gonna wanna lean all the way over it, sweetheart. Real low. So you can aim.” He says it through a cocksure grin, nodding at the edge of the pool table. You stifle a laugh at the blatant flirt, then readjust your footing.
“Right. Like this?” You bend over the pool table, reaching one arm out in front of you with the end of the cue stick above your thumb. Your dominant hand rears back, holding it loosely. You grin freely, out of sight, when the man comes closer to you.
“Getting there,” he says, encouraging. His hand touches your elbow, raising it higher so your cue is at a better angle. Then he leans over you slightly, his body warm behind yours as he touches your dominant hand next. “Hold this a little tighter for me. There we go.”
You adjust your grip, tightening your hand on the cue, then shift your weight so you're leaning comfortably on the pool table. It's hard against your hips, but your new friend's touch distracts you from that, drowns out the music of the bar, the chatter of the other patrons surrounding you. All you can focus on is him.
“Now, this arm,” he says, slowly sliding a large hand down your non-dominant arm in front of you, “this arm doesn't move. Only thing you gotta worry about is keeping it steady.”
“Keep it steady. Got it,” you say, your eyes flickering to the side. His hand almost completely covers your own, the warm weight of it sending electricity through your arm. He has to lean over you slightly to reach, not quite on top of you, but close enough that the warmth from his chest crawls up your spine, slow and intense, like lava flowing upwards over your body. You lower your chest slightly, arching your back, and your breath hitches when your ass lightly touches the front of his pants. “And then I just hit the white ball?”
“Right. Remember now, you're sinking the stripes,” he says, voice low. He draws his hand back, gliding up to your elbow as his other one floats to your hip. He smells expensive, his cologne spicy and woody, his clothes marked with the smoky scent of cigars. You take a slow breath in, savoring it, and when you breathe out, your hips shift back to meet his. He's warm, or maybe it's the booze, or maybe it's the intoxicating feeling that rushes into you when you feel him press closer. “Got it?”
“Got it,” you repeat. But your voice is hazy and unfocused as the man squeezes your hip, almost pulls you further into him. He's half-hard, that has to be what you’re feeling, and it hits you suddenly that you're basically grinding on a stranger in a dimly-lit bar. You tilt your head, addressing him as his large hand creeps up beneath your shirt, teasing the skin beneath. “Hey. What's your name, anyway?”
“Stan,” he says, a smile in his voice. You hum. Then you shoot. The cue ball hits a striped ball straight-on, right in line with another one near the edge of a side pocket. Both of them sink, the cue ball bouncing gently against the rail. Stan's hand freezes. Behind you, he rises to his full height. You push off the pool table enough to turn around, your knees knocking against his, and you laugh at the stunned expression on his face as he stares at the pocket.
“Hey,” you say, drawing his attention to you. You grin at him, holding your cue stick loosely in one hand as you bring the other to his front. Your fingertips dip over the fabric of his shirt, touching the exposed skin of his hairy chest. The medallion glimmers in the bar's low light, and your gaze flickers to Stan's chain, his lips, his deep brown eyes. You slide your hand up, tugging gently at his chain. “You wanna get out of here?”
Stan blinks at you, and for a second he looks like a dumb, handsome idiot, a flush on his face, his hands floating in the air near your hips. But then he chuckles. He hooks a finger in one of your belt loops and tugs your hips to his. This time, you know for sure: he's half-hard, and he's shameless about it.
“You tell me,” Stan says, a sharpness to his charismatic grin. Heat flutters in your stomach.
You both leave so quickly, neither of you realize you're still holding the pool cue until you're halfway into his car.
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unknownperson246 · 1 day
a/n: could you make a fic where you’ve basically grew up best friends with izzy and he’s like 17 and you’ve just only developed your body later than the other girls, you hang out at your house eating chips and watching a film and he notices your cleavage when you’re sat down n he gets all flustered n horny 😭😭
Sure thing ❤️
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Words: 728
Warnings: *smut* *p in v* *losing virginity* *fluff* *mentions of masturbating* *cussing* *come play?*
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:*
It was the year 1979. You just turned 17. You were a young and smart kid. At least that is what you have been told your whole life. You wanted to break free. You wanted to rebel as a teenager would. You loved driving your parents and other adults insane. You were a quiet kid and you had a quiet best friend. You both grew up together and he did almost everything with you. When you didn’t want to talk to anyone he was there to help you. You were at home one summer afternoon. Your mom and dad weren’t at home. They were both stuck at work. Your body just developed 3 months ago during Junior year. You were snacking on chips that you had dumped in a bowl for you and Izzy. You were watching a sex scene with amazement. You were talking to Izzy about the sexy scene that was unraveling in front of the small box.  Izzy was smiling trying to hide his dirty thoughts about you while you were watching the sex scene. Izzy dropped something from his pocket on the ground trying to hide the bulge that grew underneath his pants. He picked it up and he noticed your tits at the angle his head was at. He got flustered seeing your cleavage. He was getting so horny watching your tits perk up and down. Izzy couldn't handle it anymore; he needed you. He was really needy for your pussy. He was so attracted to your body. He got closer to you and he went straight to your chest. You paused the movie. You were flustered. Izzy was just as horny as you were now. You were shocked but you liked how he kissed you. You put the chips on the side and you got on his lap. You could feel his bulge touching your leg. 
“Someone’s hard” You giggle like the immature teenager you were.
“So so hard Y/N” Small bits of laughter were coming out of his mouth. 
Izzy smiled as your face got closer to his. You let yourself put your lips on his. Soon you both would be making out with your tongues. You felt yourself getting wet from his touch. You undid your pants and threw them off.  You repeated this process with both of your and Izzy’s clothes. You discarded them on the floor. It was both of your guys' first time. You didn't really have any experience in this department. You went with whatever felt right. You felt your pussy pulsing for him to be inside of you. You grabbed Izzy’s dick stroking it a couple of times and then you placed it on your entrance. Chills went down both of your spines. Your pussy and his dick finally got the attention they both craved for. You felt your pussy quivering as soon as Izzy slipped inside of you. Your mind went blank not caring for anything around you. You started to bounce up and down in his lap creating that magical friction that you both always wonder what it felt like. You both always masturbated but it was nothing compared to feeling someone against you and thrusting inside of you as fast as lightning. His member kept moving fast inside of you. 
“Oh fuck” You moan. 
Instinctively your arms wrapped around him trying to get him to stay inside of you for longer. 
“Ke- keep going Iz,” You said out of breath. 
You could feel his thrusts getting sloppy and sluggish. You started to bounce up and down more trying to get your orgasm quicker. You felt this feeling for the first time. You felt your stomach knot up and you felt your legs shaking. Your head went back involuntarily. Your back Soon you felt some icky substance leave your body.
“Fuck. Fuck” Izzy groaned. He finally came but once he recognized he did he withdrew. He came all over the top of your thighs. 
You both smiled as you both realized you finally came for the first time. Best of all you both did it together. You had feelings for your best friend Izzy for a long time. You wanted to show him how much you appreciate him. He felt the same way towards you. Soon after being best friends, you both started to see each other as something more than that.
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 22 hours
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𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 | 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐙𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐥
paring: colin zabel x virgin!fem!reader
cw: nsfw, smut with little plot, gentle sex, dom!colin, basically just him guiding you through sex, not proofread (i apologize if this is poorly written, i’m trying to power through and push stuff out for you guys)
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“Yep, you’re okay,” Colin chuckled, making sure you were comfortable as he removed the last article of your clothing. His arm was on the small of your back, his other hand on the back of your head as he laid you down gently against the mattress.
You lay naked on his bed, sighing shakily. When you’d told your boyfriend that you were a virgin, he was..shocked to say the least. But nevertheless, was willing to help. After a long day at work, he was pretty tired, even while you begged him to teach you. Reluctantly, he gave in, still trying to make your first time ‘magical’.
Colin sighed, breathing out slowly, as if trying to ready himself instead of you. His cock wasn’t exactly aching or throbbing, it was more or less just..hard. That was, until it made contact with outside of your sex, a small throb moving through his length.
“It moved-!” You squeak nervously, looking up at him. “Why’s it moving-?!”
“Means i’m turned on by you,” He chuckled tiredly, the same little awkward noise coming from his throat as he brushed some hair out of your face before moving his hand down to your chest. His large hand sat on your skin, his thumb moving gently over the warm flesh, moving up and down as you took in breath and released it.
“Breathe, okay? We don’t even know if it’ll hurt,” He smiled down at you, placing a small, chaste kiss on your lips. His hand moved to one of your, both of your sets of fingers intertwining as he pinned your hand down to the bed.
“Ready?” He asked softly. You nod back, taking a deep breath, trying to relax your body. Your relaxation was cut off when you felt his tip inside of you. You let out a small squeak, feeling something being stretched the further he went in. You didn’t know your own anatomy at this point. Right now, you only knew panic.
“Colin, Colin-“ You whimper, squeezing his hand. You could tell he panicked the moment he heard the nervousness in your voice. He held your hand tightly, looking down at you for further instruction.
“You okay? Hey, are you okay?” He asked gently, not moving his hips just yet. He wanted you to get used to the feeling of being full. You slowed your breathing, nodding as you looked down between your legs. The poor guy wasn’t even fully in yet, most of his length just sitting out in the open.
“Keep going..” You say softly. He nods, leaning down more over you.
Colin’s lips met your neck, pressing soft kisses against the warm flesh of your neck, leading up to your ear. He finally pushed himself all the way in, leaving you to let out a breathless moan. You felt something inside of you, sort of like a pop, or a break. Not a painful one, just a feeling in the slightest that you barely even noticed. He pulled out with a soft sigh, preparing to go back in, when you stopped him the moment you saw blood. It was only a slight bit, and you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t in panic mode, but it was enough to trigger responses in your brain.
Colin furrowed his brows in confusion, looking down at your face. “What is it?”
“Blood..” You mewl softly.
Colin’s eyes widen before he finally sighed. He stroked your hair with one hand, kissing your forehead. “You’re not broken or anything, don’t worry. I just popped your cherry,” He chuckled, smiling against your skin.
You let out a small sigh, looking up at him. You lay your head back, closing your eyes once again, feeling his hand squeeze yours as he started to move again. You open your eyes in the slightest, feeling a knot forming in the pit of your stomach. You’d never had an orgasm, not even a self induced one. And you could tell how hard Colin was trying to get himself there too.
His eyes were squeezed almost shut, his eyebrows furrowed as he clenched his jaw. Colin sped up his pace a little, taking sharp inhales through his teeth. He chuckled softly when he noticed he hit your g-spot, watching your whole body jolt for a second as a surprised moan escaped your mouth. He sped up his pace further, feeling your body tensing.
You gripped his hand tightly, your hips bucking as small sounds of pleasure fell from your lips. Your cunt clenched around him periodically, trying to grab at his shaft, not wanting to let him go. You tilt your head back, screaming and howling in pleasure. Your eyes roll back as you grab at your surroundings, panting sharply as you felt your orgasm wash over you. Colin didn’t finish, but he smiled softly as he heard the sounds you were making. The sounds he caused you to make.
He pulled back, planting soft kisses to your face in an effort to comfort you, to bring you back down to earth from your first orgasm.
“Felt good, right?” He smiled, kissing your cheek gently.
You nod, whimpering softly. “Agh— Again- w-wanna go again-“
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taglist: @fear-is-truth @dangeroustaintedflawed @newwavesylviaplath @coentinim @lacucarachapisser @evansonlylove @dearlizzies @oceanblvd111 @foreverviolets @emmasshitblog @jazz-berry @xrag-dollx @taintandviolent @colinzabelswife @marchsfreakshow @evanpeterspeter @whosbloom @redroses07 @lemoniiiiiii @partypoisxn @evanpetersbf @ultraviolamb
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flownwrong · 2 days
chaotic ckr c6d squee propaganda (?) post
This, started half a year ago for @ds30below, was initially a general c6d short reviews post but kinda skewed majorly towards CKR's repertoire and wasn't too review-y. So I gave up on making sense and on including the non-CKR works. I don't know who the audience for this is, because I never give basic details for people who don't know about this stuff but say too much for those who do. I giffed what I could and tried to avoid what I know a lot about but haven't actually seen. Here goes.
Frank's Cock (1993)
Not much to say. It's only 8 minutes, it's beautiful and you should see it if you haven't. I won't spoil the subject, but you can likely guess. Watch it, cry a little. Then go watch some more of Mike Hoolboom's stuff, the vimeo link above is from his channel.
Two X-Files episodes (1994 – 1995)
Well, I haven't actually seen X-files since I was about fifteen and watched the like two seasons, and I remember none of it. I rewatched the two early episodes CKR appears in and they were fun. I did not watch the, the movie or whatever where he's doing the evil gay thing. But really, this one is on the list so I can show you this self-indulgent gif of him being Very Long:
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Double Happiness (1994)
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You shouldn't watch this one for CKR. I mean, you absolutely should see him here, looking like he's barely out of his teens and playing up the insecure act and having devastating chemistry with devastatingly beautiful Sandra Oh, but this is not why it's great. And it's really, really great. It's touching and funny and sincere. If you wanna have some feels about complicated family relationships and identity and growing up (at any point in life), you'll find them here.
Curtis's Charm (1995)
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Don't regret watching it, can't recommend. Not gonna lie, I was emotionally affected. But I usually am by things as in-your-face bleak as this. Mostly, it's trying very hard to be smarter than it is, I think.
However: CKR's One Wild Curl is everything to me (see above, on the right. It was, like, actually curly. I was rendered speechless). And like two seconds of Hugh Dillon made me do a double-take, lol. Incredibly weird knowing this was shot like half a year before HCL began shooting. Feels like it must've been a decade earlier.
Hard Core Logo (1996)
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I could make three separate posts about this one, so of course I have no idea what to say.
This one, you should watch for CKR, actually, he's something, but so is every single other aspect of this film. I wouldn't change a thing about it. It hits you like a 16 wheeler. Perfectly cast, unimaginably beautiful, hysterical and melancholy and disgusting and compelling.
Related recs:
A wonderfully fun article/retrospective/interview for its 20th anniversary a while back.
You should also absolutely read Hard Core Roadshow if you enjoyed the film. It's a book documenting the whole thing from conception to release. It touched me for its own sake, not just a backstage glance, full of love for the craft and the people and carrying this tangible bittersweetness about the heightened and fleeting nature of this kind of work.
(here, I feel compelled to include a quote from another c6d-related interview on Slings & Arrows, which I read after the book and went like man, it's really a universal experience isn't it.
Coyne: <...> But I also think, and this is my experience, what we were all experiencing, because we were all talking about our lives, our life in the arts — there’s something very melancholy about doing something you love, because it will never be good enough, it will always break your heart.
McKinney: Or it will be fleeting.
Coyne: It’ll be fleeting. You come together with people you feel passionately connected to and two weeks later they’re tearing down the sets.)
Quotes from the article and the book respectively include:
McDonald: So there was a kind of mutual dependency society with Hugh telling Callum, “Don’t worry, man, I got your back, I’ll tell you how high or low to wear your guitar, I’ll tell you how you should dress, I’ll tell you what you should drink…” and Callum was like, “I’ll tell you what hitting your mark is, I’ll tell you why they pull out fucking tape measures, I’ll tell you why you have to do it again, I’ll tell you about not overlapping dialogue..” and you know they clung to each other, like the other one was gonna fucking save them.
A final gathering at the back of the tour bus with Bruce, Callum, Hugh, Bernie. We listen to the tape of HCL songs, all the way through, one last time. And we belt the words out. Bernie sings loudest, performing for Salerno's camera. Hugh and Callum sit back, looks of sadness. I get the sense that if they could do it, they'd chuck their lives and be Joe Dick and Billy Tallent forever. Callum leans to Bruce and says exactly what everyone else is thinking: "I don't want it to end."
There's much more to both texts than *gestures* the whatever those two had, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
And Xeriscape is the best HCL fic I've read. Granted, I read very few because it's not a source that creates in me a craving for fic. But this one perfectly matches the film's fucked up beauty with its language while also adding a quieter, more fraught layer of humanity that we only get glimpses of in canon and that perfectly fits John. 10/10, would recommend.
Anyway. Watch it. Read it. If you haven't. Otherwise, come scream with meeee! And go reblog my gifs or something. Idk.
Letters From Home (1996)
Mike Hoolboom strikes again, with another short. This goes into the "don't watch it for CKR, watch it because it's great" box. Yes, you will cry.
For Those Who Hunt The Wounded Down (1996)
Another bleak one! It sucked to watch, I mean, on purpose. There were a couple of very effective scenes. I really enjoyed the opening. They say the book is decent too, I haven't checked that out.
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Actually, let's just switch back from coherent thought to undignified staring at his mouth with this one. What the fuck is that cigarette thing. I couldn't help myself.
Last Night (1998)
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These gifs are not representative of the whole movie. There is more happening than CKR kissing or hugging people. He's also doing more than just kissing and hugging. It's all very... impressive.
Guess who's also here again? Sandra Oh! And say hi to Don McKellar, who is an absolute champion for writing/directing/starring. You'll be seeing more of him.
Another one for the "watch it for its own sake" box. Seriously, that late 90s indie stuff is banger after banger. It's so beautiful! Look at those colours! Look at those shots! It's very uneasy and charming and melanchioly and itself in the best way.
Twitch City (1998 – 2000)
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Don McKellar is back to murder you with discomfort! Bruce McDonald lends a hand. Molly Parker is also here. And Daniel McIvor, who'd go on to direct, for example, Wilby Wonderful. It's a party. If you watched some stuff from above (or below) on this list, most faces and names will be familiar to you, tbh (another Hugh Dillon double-take happens).
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If you liked Spaced, you'll love this. You might also love it because it commits to its weirdness with an admirable resolve and is genuinely hilarious. (Honestly, CKR's outfits alone warrant a watch.) The idiosyncrasy is definitely Don McKellar's doing 200%. It couldn't be more different from Last Night, but if you've seen one, you'll recognise the other.
Battlestar Galactica (2003 – 2009)
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I don't think a person should be allowed to look this pretty in the sweaty-and-dying makeup in that light (this sentence probably looks very weird to those not under the CKR magic spell).
I don't know what to say about BSG because I really, really enjoyed early it initially, but by the middle of S2 it got... well, whatever that was. If you know you know, if you don't, still give it a go. You might get invested enough to suffer through it all, as I have been, slowly.
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The unfortunate thing is that CKR got to be there mostly in the "what the fuck" years and not the "wow that's so cool" years. That, as you might be aware, is a pattern with him. But! When he was here, he was so genuinely, wonderfully creepy not in the typecast-baddy way, but in this slow, half-absent way, which really worked. You can also see him tortured a little, as a treat!! <3
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Also, a wild John Pyper-Ferguson appears! If you're looking at him thinking you know him from somewhere but not immediately remembering, you'll figure it out, I believe in you. I was very happy to see him.
Wilby Wonderful (2004)
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Another win for the put CKR in more good shit team!!! Guess who's here again? Sandra Oh! Also, Paul Gross. Don't watch it for him either though haha.
Another one for whoever wants to look at pushing against the weight of others' (or your own) expectations and growing into who you are or reconsidering who you are or finding meaningful connections with others even when you're kind of a mess and they are too.
Not nearly the first time CKR's gotten to play a queer character, but man, this one really is the heart of the in-universe community, and, through that, of the film. A rare chance to see him so far out of the prickly persona! He's just so solid and calm and there for others in this one and, and soft, ough. It's awesome.
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By the way, if any of you have the commentary track or know someone who has, please drop me a line here or on discord (emotionalrisotto), I really wanna hear that.
Supernatural (2005)
I love Supernatural a lot. It was a formative experiences (albeit a very late one) and I owe a lot of my favourite stuff about fandom-ing to the buddies I met through it. I can't believe I'm telling you this (because who hasn't seen it, not because I'm reccing it), but you should really try it if you haven't. It's pretty rad.
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I had no idea who this guy was when I saw that episode (the second ever one!), though. I simply cannot fathom what @nigeltde-fic felt when she first saw it. I think I personally got very lucky she didn't combust on the spot. It would've been unfortunate.
On a sillier note, CKR's character has weird tension with both Sam and Dean in this episode, which is par for the course. I personally think they should've... no, I shan't say it. You can probably imagine.
Californication (2008 – 2013)
I haven't actually seen it, lol (and I suspect I won't enjoy it, but I'm very curious and also CKR looks really really good).
The real reason for this one on the list is to share a fic rec. Really, it's a due South F/K fic featuring Lew Ashby. It's ridiculously hot and very satisfying in its romantic resolution, too (but then, I'm kind of big on selfcest. And consensual voyeurism. And pretend relationships when done like this. And sublimated yearning. Erm.)
Shattered (2010 – 2011)
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I wish this never happened. I badly, badly wish this never happened. I can't turn back time, but I can warn those luckier than me: do not go there. Yes, even for this dude. You'll sleep better not knowing just what it is he was the EP on. And the only important part — the mascara — can be seen above (yes, the show does look that bad, it's not just the gifs).
Just kidding — I watched it, didn't I? You'll have fun hating it! Just prepare for industrial grade cringe, lower your expectations (No, lower. No, still lower than that. And just a bit more.) and you'll have a great time!
Star trek: Discovery (2024)
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Or, as I call it, Star Trek: The Mediocre Show. Discovery S5 was... what it was, but it was a wonderful viewing experience — mostly thanks to the gang (@kittkatk and @feroxargentea especially!)
What a joy it is, to follow a show week by week, yelling and laughing and discussing the whole time. And giffing, too. I was very happy to contribute to the Disco fandom from my own little obsessive corner, and I was glad to see people adoring Rayner, haha.
He's a pretty neat character — very much a stereotype, yes, but with CKR's usual twist of odd vulnerability and weirdness. Also, I loved the ears. I miss the ears. The ears were great.
I even wrote a fic! Although it's not within my usual range to write for canons and universes I don't know well — and back then, I'd only seen S5 of Disco. It was a lot of suffering, and a lot of fun.
Closing thoughts
I'd really love the dude to get a better agent. And possibly better taste, but I realise that's a tougher ask. Seriously, it's been too long since he was in something majorly cool. I'm grateful to him, at least, for not making terrible music on the side. And I still have a lot of his back catalogue to get through, some of it even good, so there will be more insanity. Until then!
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fuji-sen · 15 hours
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 1: Sunsettias.
[ masterlist ] || [ part 2 ]
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⌞Forest of Color: ⌝
⌞A salad made from fresh fruit and vegetables. Blanch the Grainfruit, chop the other ingredients, drizzle over the sauce, then stir until evenly mixed. Extremely simple to make, but even more importantly, it's so healthy that no matter how much you eat, you won't feel stressed!⌝
You stared at the in-game meal right in front of you, it was a late friday night and you were wasting the hours away curiously reading and looking through the official page that contained all of the food and drinks that could be found in your comfort game, Genshin Impact.
As a student in the culinary course and a rather enthusiastic foodie, one of the factors you always looked for when playing or finding a certain game or watching a particular show was their cuisine!
Just staring at the delicious looking, not-real, food always got your appetite running. Part of your little hobby was trying to even recreate certain dishes like those foodtubers did in youtube! Right now while mentally eating the pixelated dish in your mind, you were also picking the next food you'd try to recreate.
'Perhaps I should pick from star rail, none of the food here has picked my fancy. .' you thought to yourself while leaning back on your chair and making a point to stroke your chin with a thoughtful expression. 'Ah! how about the Mondstadt hash browns, I could even try to make Razor's variant dish!'
Snapping your fingers you immediately went to the kitchens, mentally patting yourself on the back for going grocery shopping the day before. So like usual, in the comfort of your own apartment, you began to cook, then eat and clean up, before retiring to your bedroom, dozing off with a full stomach and a lazy smile.
Z z z. . .
"Huh?" You swat at your face before sneezing, immediately standing up as you felt something tickling your face, what fell from your face and onto your lap was a pristine white feather.
Immediately standing up, finding yourself out of bed, no, out of your own room and seemingly not even in your fucking city as you started at the environment before you. Lush, verdant grass that swayed with the winds. Birds chirping as they flew high and above your form, some scattering the same feathers that made you sneeze.
A wave of fear and confusion washed over you, you were afraid as you began to realize this wasn't a dream when you ran, and ran, and tripped. Part of your pajama pants had been ruined and vaguely you can feel the blood dripped down on your leg from your fresh injury.
Wincing you stand up, not bothering to look as it as you cried out, wondering, where the hell were you?
. . .
It probably took you a few hours to get your bearings, sitting by a tree as you hugged your knees and contemplated your existence, did you screw with some God or Rich Asshole and they decided to kidnap you and dump you in the middle of nowhere as revenge?
Nah, you were antisocial, so screwing with some rich guy was highly unlike with your lack of a social life. You bit your nails, was it God? "At least give me a sign of where I am!" you shout frustrated as you pulled at your locks.
"Ouch!" Wincing, you rubbed the top part of your head as something fell on it, the perpetrator was round, yellow and orange in color. Your eyes widened, silently grabbing it as you ignored the now dulling pain in your head. .
It was plump, fragrant. .
you bit it.
It tasted sweet.
you ignored the juice that dribbled down you chin as you nodded, yes, this was how you imagined Sunsettia's would taste like base on it's description.
you blinked, jaw dropping.
Sunsettias. .
fuck you were in Teyvat, basically Genshin Impact.
A part of you felt like you were screwed, considering how all of your worldly possessions were gone, and you were here in nothing but your pockets. One hand went to pat the pockets of your pajamas. .
Eyes lighting up as you felt something, pulling that item out, you were speechless as your hand simply held an old expired coupon for some ramen. . .
screwed it is then.
I need to find a banner to use for the series, also also although I put in Baker, the reader will also make dishes, both from in-game and in real lifeee so if you want a particular dish featured in a future chapter, add the recommended dish in my ASKS so it can be a surprise for other readers! Please also add information about that dish since I may most likely not be familiar with themm
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pricegouge · 2 days
Alone, Together
alone x reader | on AO3
cw: male reader. dubcon/noncon/coercion. pseudo-tentacles, ghost has two (or more, depending on how you count 'em) dicks. ass eating, oral, overstimulation, anal sex, frotting/handjobs, a small smackeral of cbt, slapping, degradation, exhibitionism, breathplay. implied character death. MDNI
if you need a good visual aid for what i have in mind for the cocks situation, see my ramble here
divider by @/cafekitsune
Taglist @pricegouged
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You're helping them. You have to remember you're helping them.
There's some method to it, some reason. Pseudoscience and technobabble bullshit that went far over your head even as Reynolds yammered on over the coms. It didn't matter, not really. Not when your entire team is - 
"And how will this help?"
Reynold's voice is croaky in your ear - probably burnt out the long string of five syllable words he'd just thrown at you. It's a struggle to hear him over all the commotion in the room next door, the deep groans of pain and frustration. Confusion. "They way he - it -."
They, you decide, trying to remember that's your team in there, somehow.
"- absorbs people… I think it's a defense mechanism. So you gotta make yourself as inoffensive as possible."
A hard feat, carrying forty kilos of weaponry and tac gear. Removing the most egregious pieces had seemed logical enough when Reynolds suggested it, plates and straps falling away with an odd sense of relief and dread. No one ever relished keeping a full kit on another minute, but to take it off when you knew the next room held a potential hostile went against everything you'd learned since your very first days in basic. Taking it off when you knew the thing in the next room was fuck off big, fuck off angry, and had access to the weaponry of four S.A.S. officers, if not also the capabilities, was downright untenable.
Still, when your boots crunch over the broken glass of the window which separates you from your target, your tread is that much lighter. And when they turn, they do not find you armed to the teeth as they had with all the people who went in before you. It's hard to tell if this pleases them, the whole team having been dressed for a ghost mission meant each head now wore an obfuscating mask. Further, the cold eyes that stare back at you are decidedly not the varied eyes of the men you'd expected to see, each head somehow having adopted Soap's pale gaze. It lends a sense of lifelessness to them, each eye matching the cataract-cloudy irises of the head on the end. They each look like corpses, but the animated way they move toward you reminds you they are something much worse.
They - Simon. The heads - cannot move independently, which renders their necks a bit obsolete. When they turn toward you, their whole, immense chest follows suit. One of the arms toward the back dangles limply, perhaps genuinely dead. You try to clock the equipment which adorns it, hoping against hope it doesn't mean one of them is dead in there. 
"Easy," you try as it barrels closer, stumbling backwards before you can even think it through. 
"Steady," Reynolds warns - must have a good view through the lab cameras - and you cringe when you see he has the right of it, your falter acting as blood in the water. 
Their steps come heavy and hard. Quicker than you'd expect them to move. The rhythm of their steps strike you as odd and when you glance down, you're shocked to find one leg is nearly double the size of the other, an extra shin and foot spliced into the side of their right leg. The boot there has movement, but doesn't quite reach the ground beside the odd tap of thick tread off the tile. Whoever's that was - is -, they're not quite as tall as Simon, it seems.
Despite your backpedaling, it doesn't take long for them to overtake you. Gloved fingers wrap around your wrist, yanking you closer and you can't help the yelp that escapes you, rubbery black tendrils which burst through the seams of your captain's glove brushing against the hair of your forearm unexpectedly. It's sticky, almost, and you can't help but think of this being the end; you've seen how quickly the stuff grows, drags bigger men than you into its collection. If they wanted you, this brief contact would likely be enough and suddenly it doesn't matter that you promised Reynolds you'd be as friendly and approachable as you could manage because this thing has you, and you're going to be taken in, lost amongst them, just another set of useless arms it can hang from its armpits like trophies -
And then the touch is gone, the tendrils with it. You inspect your skin for damage, feel premature relief flood you when you find none. It's not a guarantee that you're safe, ofcourse, but it's further than the others made. 
"Holy shit, it's working," Reynolds breathes, and then his voice is ripped unceremoniously from your ear when another gloved hand lashes out like a viper and yanks the cord that runs up your neck right out.
"Okay! Okay, sorry," you stammer, hands coming up in that oddly placating gesture you know would never work on any of them, least of all from you. "Just you and me, yeah? Is that what you want?"
You're not sure why you don't expect an answer. Perhaps it's the way the visible jaw of the middle head bleeds ominously, lined with more black growth than proper gum tissue at this point. Maybe it's because the one on the left has been eaten away to bone, hanging precariously. Or perhaps it's because the one on the right - somehow the most human of them despite the eye currently trying to escape the confines of its face - looks so twisted in pain and anguish you don't imagine it's capable of thought, much less speech. But they do speak, a low growl which sounds like none of and all of them at once, and the dread you feel when they bend to tilt toward you, talk down at you like your captain was wont to do is a cold, physical thing. 
"No," they drawl, their voice echoing in their own throat like layered vocal tracks, "just want you and us."
The jump from one life altering event to the next moves quickly, the way things often do in the field. You'd long ago stopped measuring events in time stamps, the markers ultimately meaningless when they flow like a river, here white water and rapid, there a slow meander. It's usually much more meaningful to chronicle missions by snap decisions - which choices led where, when things started to go pear shaped. When you decided to help your team, and when they decided what that help would look like.
It's all very concise on paper, when viewed as such. They say they need help and you say that's why you're there, sent to take them back to base where a specialized team can start the process of reversing the damage. They scoff, say you all know there will be no recovery. When they say you can help them in another way, you balk. They say they can just absorb you if you refuse and you concede, rationalizing that you are still helping them, in a way. They've already stopped screaming in pain, at least.
So it's not a very wide web of possible outcomes, all told. A concise, logical statement of events you'd feel no shame in returning to your superior at time of debrief. Even if it's landed you here, grinding your ass back onto the skeletal remains of one head's jaw while they work you open with the long, surprisingly prehensile black growth which you had originally mistaken for a vein of sorts running down their thickly corded neck. It seeped through their skin at their jaw, twined and morphed their tongue into something much longer, harder. It still leaked spit like that was its job, soaking your thoroughly in drool as it wedged itself ever deeper.
They had requested comfort, something to take their mind off the pain, but so far you're the only one being touched. Not that you're complaining. As good as the slimy appendage feels inside you, you're not exactly eager to touch them - so much melty, dead-looking flesh triggering the base parts of your lizard brain which still feared things like communicable, flesh eating diseases on a cellular level. There may be some selfish, brazen part of you that wants more of them, but it's the same part of you that can't look away from a car crash or a fallen soldier - a part that revels in the fear and revulsion, mistakes the stomach churn for an excitable swoop. It's not an instinct you want to be listening to now, considering you're riding a razor's edge of being merged forever with this thing but there's no ignoring it, and there's no stopping yourself from thrusting forward into the wet heat of the middle mouth when prompted, your own hardness surprising you when they note it, encouraging you forward with a twined hand at your back. And there's no stopping the whine of frustration when they slacken their tongue, let the base curl back into their mouth to keep you rocking on just the tip. It's no use correcting your movements to compensate, much as you try. The angle's all wrong, your thighs planted above their heads on one side and positioned firmly on their sturdy chest on the other. With your legs spread so wide, you cannot gain enough leverage to thrust properly and even when you do, the black growth moves nimbly with you, never letting you take it any deeper than a few frustrating inches. 
The far head, the only mouth unoccupied, laughs when you groan impatiently. They tell you to beg but you're not far enough gone yet to oblige so instead, a thick arm is propped up behind you, Price's gloved hand sliding up your front to palm your belly. They take over your pace, rocking you back and forth with more speed than you'd been able to manage on your own. But they keep you raised too high above them, your cock barely reaching their tongue no, and when they keep you like that, just there, it would be understimulating enough to let you flag considering the circumstances and the feeling of raw mandible rubbing up against your balls, if not for the free mouth which suddenly won't shut up, prattling on about how good you taste on their tongue, how hot and tight your hole is for them. How much they want you to take their entire length, want you to swallow them whole while they do the same to you.
You tell yourself you're being demanding when you ask why they don't, know you land somewhere closer to whiney. They don't entertain you either way.
"Told you to beg."
And so you do, quiet and shameful, until they stop altogether and suddenly you're calling for them - for their mouth, their strange hot tongue, their fingers, anything. You even beg for their cock when they order you to, a desperate little whore for the hot, wet tendril they slide back into you, so far you nearly convince yourself you can feel it in your diaphragm. This time when they tilt you forward and take you into their mouth all the way to the root, the appendage stays put, rooted deep. And when it begins to pulsate, sliding a knobby bend of itself which may have once been a hyoid bone back and forth against your prostate with a rhythmic series of contractions, the shudder that wracks you nearly knocks their hands from you. 
"Fuck," you hiss, somehow shimmying your hips even lower, reveling in the tight heat which which engulfs you. The unused mouth hums in agreement between gasps for air. When you realize it's probably breathing for all of them in that moment, you lean forward to plant your hands on the ground and fuck into the middle mouth for all you're able, aided by a hand on your hip when your legs go shaky and weak with the work the tendril is putting on you. 
And when they tell you they can feel your pulse in their throat, you cum so hard your vision whites out. They're relentless, the grip on your hip turning iron strong when you try to flinch away from them, the tongue in your hole never once stopping until you're wrung out and crying, too overstimulated to care about the noises you're making other than to worry you're being understood. Small miracle perhaps, given you're too fucked out to grasp the names they call you, or how they tease you for getting off to an abomination like them. If you were present enough to comprehend them, the shame would have overwhelmed you. Good thing your ears are still ringing too hard for that. You're still floaty when they jostle you into position, get you straddling their considerable hips. Two hands hold you high above them while the other works their belt and fly, and you come back to yourself with a cold jolt when their cock springs free, an incomprehensible meld of two genitals which makes you cringe in pain just to behold. 
At the center, Gaz's cock stands high and proud, relatively normal looking all things considered. But around it, split up the center like some kind of perverse flower, a thicker, shorter dicck wraps itself in two branches around the inner stamen, leaking trace amounts of precum from the seams where it clings. 
It makes your stomach roll.
It makes your mouth water.
"Just as ugly as the rest of us, is it?" the middle head growls. They do their best to coordinate a peak down, but the head on the right seems cemented too stiffly to account for the movement. You don't think they can see it at all, though you wonder if that's for the better. You suppose if you saw your cock split up the middle one day, you'd never be able to get it hard again.
For the better? 
You're surprised when they laugh, though you suppose you shouldn't be. You know the men trapped in there, even if they don't seem very familiar anymore. But then, as if to prove you wrong, an alien hand grips your ass cheek hard while another set of fingers prod your hole to make sure you are indeed stretched enough for them. And then, when they lower you on to their cock, any sense of familiarity leaves you.
The stretch is not unmanageable at first, Kyle's pretty head notching deliciously within you. But the further you sink onto him, the more that second head prods at your hole and you hiss in warning, not trusting the quick preparation you'd received. They tell you to relax, rock you shallowly on the tip until the second head grows wet with precum and when you reach below yourself to spread it over the shaft, you're surprised to find it already slicked. 
They don't stop you when you pull back enough to get a proper look at them, inspecting the shaft and your own hand to find it covered in pre. Curiosity takes over and you drag your fingers along the shaft, ignoring their shiver in favor of tracing the slick back to its source, the seam where the two cocks splice together. The more your fingers explore, the twitchier they get beneath you until you can't help but tease them, ignoring your baseline revulsion in favor of running your thumb over the split head. "Hurt?" you ask, tone indicating you know full well it doesn't.
"Fuckin' -!" This time when they pull you onto them, they do not heed your protests.
You know tensing up will only make it worse but it's an instinct you can't fight, shrieking when they bully their way inside, the flare of the second head becoming soaked when you squeeze against the intrusion. They gasp, throats working around thick swallows while they keep you anchored to them, aborted little thrusts jostling you just enough to keep you  off balance. Keep you from adjusting properly. It fucking hurts, but the surprising amount of pre and spit helps to ease your grip on them eventually, especially when their weak little grinds begin to work the slick into you, their movements coming deeper and quicker the more you let them in.
They know when they've found your sweet spot by the embarrassingly garbled mewl you emit. 
"That's it," one of them growls, the hand on your left hip squeezing impossibly tighter. On the other side, the one in the balaklava calls you a sweetheart, tells you you're taking them so well.
You can't manage much beyond a bobble headed nod in response, but they don't seem to require one, three arms now working to keep you bouncing on their cock at a quick, deep pace which has your breath catching in your throat, embarrassing little punched out sounds bubbling up each time they bottom out. So overwhelmed, you don't even notice your cock stirring back to life until it begins bobbing uselessly, slapping against their marbled belly and leaving pathetic little dribbles of cum to catch in the thatch of hair there. Even the brief touch makes you whine, makes you grab yourself by the base to keep your twitchy length from grinding too hard against the coarse pelt. Except they don't like that, one hand from the seeming never ending supply snaking up to grab your wrist, holding  it behind your back. 
"Useless little thing, ain't you? Can't even properly take us without crying about it."
You don't think that's fair, but you suppose they don't want to hear how this wasn't what you had signed up for, nor would they likely wish to know that no human could probably take them anymore.
But they seem to realize that anyway. "Maybe we should eat you up? Take you in and make you part of something strong for once? They can't expect us to find any real satisfaction in you, can they?"
And something about the way they say it cuts through your addled thoughts, makes your blood run cold. "Reynolds. He said -?"
"Peace offering," middle head clarifies. 
"Not a very good one," righty adds.
The mix of emotions their words bring is concerning, not least because the pre-existing shame you'd felt for even being in this situation now combines with a deeply confusing feeling of being not good enough and the deep seated need to prove yourself to your superiors rears its ugly head. This time, when you work yourself back down onto them, they let you take the lead, dead eyes adopting as near an expression of smugness as they can manage. 
"Better do a good job, sweetheart. Hate to have to merge you with that backstabbing Reynolds just to get a decent play thing."
"Oh, fuck you," you hiss, wires crossing now as you try to figure out if you want their approval or their apology.
You get neither. "That's the plan."
Maybe it's a bad idea. Probably, you'll get your fingers bit off and then you'll sink so far into their chest you'll come out the other side and they'll wear you like a backpack until your cells all melt into an unrecognizable puddle. They'll call you Six despite the fact you'll never watch it for them, just waiting to die every minute.
None of it stops you from sticking your fingers into the offending mouth. "Shut the fuck up."
Your stunt earns you peace for all of three seconds before you remember which mouth you've chosen to take your frustration out on when that same dark, prehensile tongue wraps itself around your wrist, drawing your fingers down its throat eagerly. The shudder it earns isn't entirely disgusted and the other heads laugh at you, insultingly amused. 
You'd almost rather be Six. Especially when the slimy drool begins to coat your wrist, the weird tendril working itself across your skin as if it could wring more pleasure from the appendage while they groan in apparent pleasure, breaths coming slightly quicker.
"Feels so good," one of them confesses, their hips beginning to piston up into you. Sensitive, must be. Fresh new tissue despite its leathery texture. It would explain the way they stroke the skin of your hairy forearm at least. Your frustration grows when you realize that not only have you failed to shut them up, but you've also managed to give them even more satisfaction, somehow. 
Well, maybe they won't kill you at least.
But the hope dies in your chest when they grab your cock in their meaty fist, squeezing until you flinch and cry out in pain. They tut at you condescendingly, continue to work your length with far too much aggression. You're prevented from curling in on yourself by the broad hands at your waist and the hand currently being held hostage by a concerningly strong tongue. All the while they rumble about how useless you are to them, how they'll have to make you into something that suits their needs if you can't please them. It's a bad enough threat, as is, but when they start talking about alpha team like just more meat for the grinder, more limbs with which to combine you, the sob that wracks you isn't solely rooted in pain and overstimulation.
Somewhere, in some base part of your brain which still craves the approval of the men beneath you, you spare a thought for how badly you will have failed your mission if the amalgamation you'd been sent to wrangle, in an attempt to split them back up, ended with you earning the merge of your entire team. Probably, you shouldn't be worried about it right now, but the way they ramble about you being a disappointment to them has already turned you into a needy little thing, so you've just been set up for failure, really. So when they tell you you'll have to do better, you try; and when they prompt you to shove your fingers further down their throat, you do. And when they say you're much too pathetic to please them if you can't even take their smallest cock without crying, you falter, apprehensive.
They're mean, your open fear making them shutter beneath you. Their cum is so hot it nearly burns, leaking from you in a frothy ring as they continue to pump into you for a minute longer, working themselves back from the edge before pulling you off their length, Gaz's cock still hard at the center despite the way the split cock still dribbles weakly. They keep you raised high enough you can see when they reach down, one set of thick fingers working their fly looser. In retrospect, you're not entirely certain how you never felt it beneath you. Likely just assumed it was another strange black growth, like the kind that corded him all over, pulsing strangely with angry-looking veins. What he pulls out of his pants next isn't too dissimilar, a thick, angry-looking shaft which splits toward the tip, the pulsing blue vein which runs along the bottom branching into two merged heads, each of which look plenty formidable on its own. The end result is a frankly terrifying behemoth, its head the thickest part except perhaps its belly which looks swollen with whatever that blue vein carries. It leaks in some places, the familiar pearl of precum collecting at its heads and a darker, thinner substance which seems to ooze from the strange veins. It's… pretty, in its own way. At the very least, far more human than the one which now rests against their belly, too heavy to stand tall now that the outer cock is no longer hard. Still…
"That's not gonna fit."
Their laugh is slightly breathless, chest still heaving from their sudden orgasm. "You'd best make it. Told you what would happen if you couldn't please us."
For a moment, you think to call their bluff, your self-preservation instinct finally outweighing your loyalty. Your team isn't here, surely it wouldn't be as easy as they say to turn everyone? But ultimately, they do not need the rest of the team to turn you into something you do not want to be and you decide not to try your luck.
There's no easy way to take the heads all at once so you reach back to stretch yourself on your fingers, surprised at how easily three slip in among the spit and cum. A tendril of shame winds up your spine, the way you've so easily accepted them settling uneasily. Your expression must be telling because they laugh at you, swat your hand away so they can properly assess your stretch. 
"Christ, what a slag. Already dripping with it and wanting more?" The hand they're using is ungloved, but the texture of the skin is all wrong anyway, and the way it twitches and shakes makes it hard to close your eyes and just forget what's working you open on thick, probing fingers, much as you try. It's bad, uncomfortable, makes your skin crawl. Worse even than that, however, is knowing that they're right.
Slick with spend, the noise their fingers make within you is inescapable, a lewd sound you've been conditioned to appreciate since you even knew what getting your dick wet entailed. Despite yourself, it's not long before you're rocking back onto the alien fingers, your head thrown back as they tear breathy little gasps and curses from you. A proper moan when they hook the forefinger of another hand in against your rim and pull.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you pant, unable to get away from the middle finger which slides in against this new intrusion with little preamble due to the way the remaining arms hold you in place. 
"Shut up and take it," they order, fingers now holding you open like a pair of forceps as they wrangle you into position above their second cock. "Should be thankful we even bothered stretching you out."
But despite their words, sliding down onto the double heads makes it feel like they haven't bothered to at all. Their fingers keep you spread until you're notched over the flare, the stretch of their fingers and their cock bringing tears to your eyes which they quickly wipe away with that long prehensile tongue. You hadn't even noticed when your fingers had slid from their mouth, both hands now braced against their chest as you try to keep yourself from sliding down their length before you've had time to adjust. It's a worthless attempt of course, all hands now gripping your waist, hips, thighs, shoulders, and dragging you down centimeter by relentless centimeter. They chatter all the while, degrading words somehow keeping you grounded if only because it gives you something to focus on other than the unpleasant stretch of your ass.
"Ungrateful, that's what you are. Worked you open on fingers and tongue. Slicked that hole right up when we came in you, didn't we? And all you do is whine -."
The slap to your ass isn't too surprising, but the gloved hand striking hard against your cheek with the strength of the two combined arms that wield it, is.
Barely audible over the ringing in your ears, you hear them demand you thank them and you do so, stuttering. "Th-thank you!"
You're not sure if it's your cry that gets them, or their patience finally snapping. You see the cords of their neck flex beneath a ridden-up balaklava when they groan and then their hips are working up beneath you, burying themselves to the root within you. They lay there panting for a moment, collecting themselves. You take advantage of it as best you can as well, wriggling your hips against theirs in an attempt to adjust, feeling the slick leaking from your hole as you do so. 
Overflowing. Fucking slag, indeed.
They want you to ride them again but you can't, legs too far spread and sore to be much use. They roll you over with minimal complaint after a few failed attempts, their grumbling getting lost in the rush of your ears when they pin one leg to your chest and lean heavily against it. Gravity lets their first cock flop onto yours, hot length sliding against your flagging erection while you try to ignore their comments about how tiny you are beneath them.
It doesn't work, and the fact it only makes you harder makes your shame burn hotter.
"Pretty little thing, though," they mutter, one heavy hand cradling your jaw to keep you looking at them. They're the stuff of nightmares, looming over you as they are, but your cock twitches anyway because you've always been so desperate for their approval.
Another fist finds yours, wraps your hands around your frotting cocks as best it can. Combined like this, your fingers are barely able to encase even half of it, your grip not nearly tight enough to do either of you any good despite the way he tells you to give him something to fuck. He hisses in frustration when you're unable, one hand slapping the back of your thigh as he bullies it off to the side, his own hand twining with yours and squeezing much too hard as he begins to fuck up into you, his slick cock moving against yours as the other notches against your prostate when he withdraws, earning a ragged moan from you.
"There?" he asks, pistoning hard enough into you you'd go shuttling across the ground if not for the grip he still has on your hip, or the immense weight he leans on to you. You nod, throat and tongue working uselessly. One hand remains locked in his grasp but the other scrabbles up his chest, catching on some PALS webbing and holding on for dear life. 
"Fuck yeah, squeeze me just like that, love," he pants. You're unsure if he means the way your walls clamp down around him or your fist, currently gripping too tight to be comfortable. You remain tense in both anyway, suddenly desperate to hear more of his labored breaths. It's an instinct you do not want to analyze. Can't, given how suddenly your every thought is occupied by the way the heads of his cock scrapes against your sweet spot, has your mouth hanging open uselessly. 
The grip on your jaw shifts, palm laying heavy and flat against the column of your throat. They don't squeeze, waiting until you whine in want to duck closer, long tongue sliding against your lips as drool drips down on to you. The middle head hums, pale eyes heavy on your pathetic display. "Still need more, honey? Is that it? Need something to suck on too?"
"Knew 'e was a fuckin' slag," the last head mutters, and the tongue slips into your mouth before you can respond - not that you could've, brain sent skipping by the relentless pace he's set. The tendril in your mouth swells, fills the area between your teeth until your jaw aches with the stretch. It thins out some as it creeps down your throat, the very tip of it a thin little column which it eases past your gag reflex. You'd think they were trying to be nice if not for the way it immediately swelled again, your breaths coming hard through your nose as it continued, threatening to cut off your air from within. 
"Needy," the head on the end gripes, but the one in the middle is nicer. "Deep breath, sweetheart."
But nice as the sentiment is, the tongue in your throat doesn't actually give you enough time to abide, forcing its way deeper as the middle head does nothing more than tut disapprovingly. The hand around your throat flexes, all three heads groaning in unison as you tense up tighter on reflex, panic beginning to climb up your throat - only made worse by the knowledge you can't express it for the intrusion blocking your airways.
Within you, the tendril pulses once. The hand around your throat flexes with it, a pressure from within and without which feels like it might tear your delicate skin apart - and then they both relent, pulling away from you altogether until only their thick heads remain notched within you. They watch you splutter and cough, vaguely sympathetic noises cooing down at you while heavy hands trace over your body, too rough to be soothing. After a moment, one of them asks if you're ready, but again they do not wait for a response before filling you completely, hips bucking into you as they make you gag on their tongue. They stay there longer this time, cock twitching against yours when your throat works around the intrusion. 
"Again," they hiss, but you gag and cough, eyes growing swollen and leaky in your panic and they relent, panting nearly as much as you as they wait for you to collect yourself.
They don't even bother to ask if you're ready this time, their hips fucking up into yours the only warning you get before the hand around your throat tilts your face just so, the slimy tendril slipping down your raw throat nearly familiar. "Breathe," they warn, and this time they give you enough time to comply before slipping past your reflex, their fingers drumming off the column of your neck as they sigh into it, curling around you as their hips keep working. You whimper when their grip tightens around your cocks, but it just comes out as a snotty sound.
"Swallow, sweetheart," the far head whispers, breath hot against your ear even as it's filtered through the mask. You blink a few times, confused as to how you can manage that, and then the tongue in your throat pulses and it's automatic, reflex, the mouth at your ear groaning as the hand against your throat tightens. 
"Can feel ourselves," the middle head admits, flexing their grip again. "Here."
This time, when they grip your throat, their fingers dig into your pulse points and your vision tunnels, sensory input narrowing down to each place they touch you - the way they occupy your throat, control your breathing, your very pulse, the way their cock slides hot and wet against your own, grip so tight it would be painful if not for the way their twin heads keep notching against and framing that spot deep within you on each pass.
They only make it worse when you cum, tongue thickening in your throat as their grip tightens. They relent when you gag, the relief of your first breath only heightening your release until your back arches and you're cumming up to your chin. They hiss at the way you clench around them but their hips work even harder, balls slapping against your ass as they bury themselves into you until they're cumming so deep you think you can feel them in your stomach. 
Panting, you feel them pull out and the flood of cum that follows. You grimace, your leg lowering as you try to regain some semblance of pride. You have no clue how you're ever going to look any of them in the eye again, if they're ever successfully split. Despite your lethargy, your body spent after two rounds with a literal monster, your brain is finally coming back online, conveniently choosing now to remind you that Reynolds definitely saw all that from his end of the security feed. You roll onto your stomach when they pull away from you, desperate to bury your head in the ground while you collect yourself -.
But then a firm grip around each ankle makes your blood run cold, and you yelp when they pull you close again, leaning forward until they hover over you ominously, the length they slide into you slipping past your rim with ease.
The first cock. Gaz's. He still hasn't finished.
"Not going anywhere, are ya luv? Thought you could handle all of us?"
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moist-for-xavier · 7 hours
NSFW Alphabet for Charles Xavier
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a/n: I did Charles before he got in the wheelchair as well as after (sort of as how things changed) but then I included Charles from Days of future past as well just as another comparison
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
❥ before wheelchair
He was the king of aftercare. Brings you glass of water, wipes you down even picks you up to use the toilet. Usually, after getting enough strength you two take a shower and then cuddle while he drones on about some topic
❥ in a wheelchair
He has now become the pillow princess he always took care of before. Unable to get up, it’s up to you to clean him up, give him a drink and take care of yourself. But you don’t mind. Not when he looks at you like you hung the stars on the sky
❥ days of future past
The aftercare went downhill from that point. Sure, he wipes you down and gives you some water, but the cuddling depends on the situation. Most of the time, he will leave. Cuddling is too much emotional vulnerability. He’ll up and leave, expecting you to leave soon as well.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His were always his hands. Just because he notices just how much your eyes linger on his long, veiny hands when he reaches for his temple or twirling a pen when unsure what to write
On you, it was hips. He loves watching you walk ahead of him. He loves when he sits in a wheelchair or just a normal chair and you stand between his spread legs. Just how beautiful they fit into his hands, especially if you have hip dips
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Before he got in the wheelchair, he liked seeing it on your face or in your mouth. But one time when he finished in a condom inside you he pulled out and noticed the condom was broken and his cum leisurely leaked out of your abused hole. Since then he could only accept his cum in you or on your cunt
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He keeps your used panties around in his pocket somewhere. As a sort of souvenir or a reminder that you love him even if he’s in a wheelchair
Another dirty secret is that he used to listen to you touch yourself. He’d enter your mind and witness the same fantasies you did so he could jerk off as well. He never told you, never will. But you know, you could feel him probing your mind
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He wasn’t all that experienced when he first got with you before the Cuba accident. Sure, he had couple girls, maybe a guy or two, but he wasn’t a fuck boy. So you guys were pretty even
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
❥ before wheelchair
Missionary or mating press. He likes to see your face as he fucks you. Just to see your eyes roll back as he projects more filthy images right into your mind
❥ in a wheelchair
Cowgirl or reverse cowgirl. There isn’t much of a choice if we’re honest with each other. Or face sitting. He’ll die a happy man between your legs
❥ days of future past
Usually doggy or against the wall if he’s too impatient to get you into a bed or a couch. Anything facing away from him so you don’t have to look at the mess of a man he is
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
❥ before and in a wheelchair
He’s very lighthearted. It’s all about being comfortable with each other. If it means joking, then so be it. He loves seeing genuine joy on your face and under no circumstance will it ever be a boner killer for him
❥ days of future past
Very serious, very frustrated. His mood is hanging on a thread and just a small giggle for you could kill his mood
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
❥ before and in a wheelchair
Not stripped clean. Just nicely trimmed with the cutest thin happy trail up to his navel. The colour matches, just a bit darker. And you always help him trim up, it’s a binding activity at this point
❥ days of future past
It’s a jungle down there. He can’t be bothered to wash his hair more than once a week. You really think he’ll care for the carpet?
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
❥ before and in wheelchair
Very romantic. The first time you had sex he had flowers, nice dinner, calming scent and candles. He can be beautifully romantic but also nasty. Depends on what you want
❥ days of future past
No romance. He doesn’t want to waste that much energy on someone who will inevitably leave. It’s very transactional even if you’re dating. Just something to take out both of your frustrations and move on. Doesn’t want to get attached because he’s sure you’ll leave him like everyone else
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Very much. Often. Loves to listen to you when you do it. Mutual masturbation is a common occurrence. The problem lays in the fact that after getting in the wheelchair, he’s unable to make himself cum. So it’s just a whole lot of edging until you finish him off. But during days of future past, not so much. He was way too disgusted with himself to touch himself like that. He didn’t deserve it. But then fucking you into the mattress is okay
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Professor kink, praise, face sitting, breeding, pegging, voyeurism, exhibitionism
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His study or the bedroom. Especially now that he’s in a wheelchair, he plays it safe
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you call him Professor in a sultry way, ask him to guess what panties you have on or just showing him and then later giving them to him while walking away letting him know you’re bare under the pants or skirt. Telling him what you think about or just asking him to read your mind
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Complete mind control. He doesn’t want a doll to fuck, he wants you, fully conscious, able to do things on your own
Pain. He would never hurt you. Sure, a light smack on the butt when you walk past or are riding him. But anything that will bruise is a no
Pee. No.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Will always prefer giving. He always loved the taste of your arousal, how it would drip down his chin in a stringy, sticky mess. He wants you to sit on his face every chance possible, but not just hover over, but sit properly like a chair. If he were to suffocate and die, he’d die the happiest man on earth
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
❥ before wheelchair
Slow and sensual all the way. If you ask very nicely he will go faster or harder, it’s all up to you
❥ in a wheelchair
Pretty slow as well. It’s all up to you again, but this time literally. Sure, he can rub your clit, but hips down, it’s on you. So usually it’s just nasty, slick, sticky grinding your clit into his pubes, squeezing him inside and fondling his balls
❥ days of future past
Fast and hard. Your face usually pushed into the sheets, body just a tool for him to abuse and let out all his frustrations
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
❥ before wheelchair
Yes. Absolutely. Whenever chance possible. He’s a young man with a raging libido, he’ll take every chance he could get to rearrange your insides
❥ in a wheelchair
No. Having sex in this stage is a process. Just getting it up takes a while and getting off takes even longer
❥ days of future past
Most of these encounters are quick. Just a quick transaction so he can let you go as soon as possible. In his head, you don’t want to see him after, so he makes it quick and then vanishes somewhere again to sulk and drink some more, leaving you to tend to yourself
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
❥ before wheelchair
Yes. He’ll take whatever chance you’re offering. You want to have sex in the class before he has to teach? Okay, but make it quick
❥ in a wheelchair
No. Everything has been significantly slowed down with his disability. And it would be quite difficult to execute the same rendezvouses he used to have with you, but he misses them every day
❥ days of future past
Depends. Usually not. He’d wait until Hank would leave or shut himself into his room to have his way with you. It happened once that Hank walked in on you two and since then Charles took great care to never allow that to happen again
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
❥ before wheelchair
Whole lot of stamina. Able to go for about 4 rounds, even if the last two are a bit sloppy or rushed. He can hold his orgasm for a long time the first two-three rounds, mostly focused on paying attention to your pleasure instead
❥ in a wheelchair
He can go for about 5 rounds. All of them long since he can keep himself from orgasming for a while. Unfortunately, not by choice. But since you’re the one on top and your energy isn’t endless, your thighs usually giving out before the 3rd round. You usually lay together, his hand playing with your clit and you jerking him off just until/if you get more energy to continue riding him
❥ days of future past
His stamina has been greatly deteriorated from his younger days by his alcohol abuse. He can keep up for good 2 rounds, but they don’t last long since he can’t hold his orgasm for too long
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
❥ before wheelchair
Yes. The most common one is slipping a little vibrator in and having you walk around with it buzzing softly only your clit and in you to make you nice and wet for later. Sometimes he lets you use a strap on him and peg him instead. It requires a lot of trust from him, so expect it to be brought up at least a good year into the relationship
❥ in a wheelchair
The vibrator is still someone that stuck to him. He still uses it sometimes, just not as often as before
❥ days of future past
Not really. Not much to say there, he’s too afraid to do anything in case he scares you away
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
❥ before and in wheelchair
Yes. Loves it. Loves to play with the vibrator settings. He loves projecting the nastiest sex images of you and him right into your brain. Loves to watch you squirm and face grow hot
❥ days of future past
Not really. He wants it to be over to let you go. Again, too scared he’ll drive you away by being himself
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
❥ before and in a wheelchair
Whimpers. Panting and whimpering like a dog. He’s pretty loud, it’s not usual for you to cover his mouth or kiss him to silence him
❥ days of future past
Groans and pants. He doesn’t make much noise, choosing to keep it inside. Too much vulnerability again, too worried his noises will weird you out and you’ll leave as well
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He is a closet pervert. He will use his telepathy to project his nasty thoughts into your mind. He loves to do it while in the presence of other people, maybe some unfortunate soul that has a crush on you. He’s also willing to have sex in front of other people only to later erase their memory of it. Also likes to look up your skirts
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Average, but very beautiful. Good length with a perfect thickness. Beautiful pale with a cute pink tip and a nice thick vein on the bottom that makes him whimper like a dog
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
❥ before wheelchair
High. Extremely high. Maybe not for sex entirely, but extremely dirty minded, all the time. And loves to show you what he’s thinking about. And it usually leads to sex
❥ in a wheelchair
It lowered down with the amount of work he has as well as the fact he can’t get it up as easy. But with enough help from you, he will deliver
❥ days of future past
Low. Really low if you’re casual. Just once a month just to get his mind off of everything is enough. But his high libido from his youth is still present. The problem comes from being too worried that he’d scare you away with it
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
❥ before and in wheelchair
He doesn’t fall asleep until you’re safely tucked into his side and asleep. It’s normal for him to stay awake reading aloud to you to help you relax before he allows himself to relax as well
❥ days of future past
He doesn’t fall asleep. You can take a nap in his bed but he won’t stay with you. He might take a nap on his own in his study
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a/n: Let me know if you find any mistakes and thank you for reading <3
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Hi :)) idk if you’re accepting requests but I was just thinking…
I remembered that Hook canonically went to Eaton College, which is a pretty prestigious university, so he must actually be really fricking smart. I wish I knew what he studied tho :/ So anyway, I was hoping maybe you would write something (preferably x reader?) where he surprises everyone with his intelligence? I feel like the other VKs probably don’t actually know just how clever he is and would be taken off guard to realise it. I don’t have any specific situations in mind but I’d really like to see maybe reader acknowledge and recognise him as more than the pretty rebel he lets everyone see him as
I’m always accepting requests, it’s so fun getting to make things for someone, and it’s great writing practice. I’m almost done with all the ones I have, keep them coming 🩵
I love secretly smart characters, making a right old Evie out of him right now. I love him. (I had so many tabs open to get this right, so so many. I did Chemistry for the gag but it wasn’t worth the gag.)
James Hook x VK!Reader
Pronouns used: they/them/theirs
Summary: If it means that much to his partner, Hook can be a bit of a tutor
Warnings: pet names, swearing, sexual references, high school chemistry (Like the actual class that made me cry when I was a student), does sword fighting need a trigger warning?, Or fake moaning? Hook's partner making a joke about him having a thing for Morgie, Uliana almost makes a potion explode
Word Count: 3.5K
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      Nervous fingers are shuffling through flashcards as the pirate walks into their dorm. His smirk being accompanied by raised eyebrows as he leans on the door frame, taking in the sight. They have their textbook and notebook spread out across the floor, sitting cross legged between the two. Pens and highlighters strewn around them and an empty notebook and study guide directly before them. (Y/n) is staring at them with a pout and wide eyes, huffing as they drop the flash cards beside them. “This is fucking ridiculous,” the words are barely a mumble, popping the knuckles on stressed hands as they say it. They stretch their shoulders back as well before reaching back down for the collection of brightly colored cardstock. 
   “Since when do you have to study, wizkid?” The words make their head shoot up, staring at the boy they hadn’t noticed had entered. “Since Chemistry is kicking my ass, I have to pass this exam or I’m going to fail the class again. If I fail it twice this year I won’t have enough credits to be a senior next year,” their voice is far too fast, rambling on as they reach back down for their study guide. “I thought you exempted all your exams,” he tilts his head as he speaks, watching them shuffle their cards for the third time since he made his way into the room. “Yeah, well I bombed my last two tests -like fifty-two and thirty-five level bombed- and all the As and Bs I have on experiments can’t save me there. So either I make an A on this exam or I fail the entire class for the second time. I am so royally screwed.” With a sigh, Hook makes his way over to the villain on the floor, falling to sit before them with crossed legs and an outstretched hand. “Give me the cards.” “No, I seriously need to study, James. I cannot go do whatever Uli sent you in here  for right now.” 
   He scoffs, leaning forward to snatch the cards from their loose grip on them. “I can come see my partner just because I want to be around them, you know. I don’t always have to be doing something for the group. I do enjoy your company, wouldn't be your boyfriend otherwise.” Dark eyes widen mockingly with raised brows as he finished the sentiment, head shaking in a near-bratty manner. He flips through the cards, letting his eyes ghost over the words and formulas. This was basic chemistry. He did this his sophomore year, he could probably do it in his sleep. “Even then, James, I really need to study. I cannot fail this again.” He lets his eyes cut up to them, a smirk still present across his pouty lips. “Oh of course you do, I can’t have my partner as a super senior. That’s just embarrassing for us both,” he drops the cards into his lap, reaching over for their study guide. He flips it over a time or two, barely reading it. 
  “Okay,” they draw out the word, reaching out to snatch their cards back from where they rest on his thigh, “Then let me study. Really, Honey, can’t you go harass Morgie or Bridget or something?” “Why harass them when my favorite person is right here struggling with the easiest subject ever? That’s much better material.”  (Y/n) scoffs, looking up at him from their flashcards. James is too busy looking over the back of their study guide to give them so much as a second glance, but his face holds this cocky expression. As if the boy is challenging them to snap back. “The easiest subject ever? As if. I bet you got a B in there at absolute best. I need more than a B on this to pass.” “I actually finished Chemistry One with a perfect score and finished AP Chemistry Two with a ninety-nine percent, since you’re asking.” He drops the papers into his lap, raising an eyebrow with the same challenging look in his eye as when he’s sparring against them. His hand shoots out for the cards again, flipping it from the one that they had been looking at and giving it a sparing glance. Eyes cutting back up to his partner just as quickly as they cut down, “Now, what is the definition of an intensive property?” 
    So they’re really doing this? (Y/n) guesses they shouldn’t argue, they do need the help. And if James is anywhere near as good as he says, this might be their best bet. “An intensive property is,” they let their eyes dart around the room, as if the decor on their walls would hold the answer. “Come on now, Love. Don’t draw it out. What’s an intensive property?” They bite their lip, looking down to their empty lap, “An intensive property is a property which does not rely on the amount of matter present.” A golden hook comes into their line of sight, tucking under their chin to lift their head up. When they look at Hook, he’s inches away from them, “Okay, and what are examples of an intensive property?” The hook beneath their chin moves, the sharp edge barely hovering below their skin. No looking away this time, that was a silent command for their eyes on him. “Boiling and melting points, density, and,” they snap their fingers, dragging out the one syllable word as they think. “And? Come on now, you know this.” “And,” they lock eyes with him, by god those brown eyes were captivating. It was like they were electric, sparking with some sense of excitement and pride that they couldn’t understand. Electric, that’s something right? Electricity isn’t a property of something though, but it seemed right. Why does it seem right? What did electricity have to do with intensive properties? “Conductivity,” they subconsciously cross the fingers on their right hand, staring into their boyfriend’s eyes with a longing to be correct. He nods, pulling them forward slightly. James kisses them with a feather light touch, smiling against their lips as they attempt to draw him closer. “See, I knew you knew it.” 
   They don’t get to respond before he’s drawing back, completely withdrawing his touch as he flips to the next card, dropping “intensive properties” to his lap. “What’s an atomic number?”  “What? No, what was that? You barely kissed me,” they’re pouting, reaching out for a jaw that’s pulling away from them. “What’s an atomic number?” He raises his eyebrows as he speaks, pulling further away as they get on their knees to chase his fleeting lips, “If you want to kiss me you have to answer the question.” “The number of neutrons in an atom's nucleus. Now kiss me again,” they’re fully perched on their knees now, leaning over him as he leans back to get away. James makes a loud noise similar to the sound of a buzzer going off, dropping the card in his hand and using them to cover his mouth. “What is an isotope?” (Y/n) falls back with a huff, completely discouraged as they stare with gaped lips, “What? Where’s my kiss?” 
     He pulls the cards down to smirk over the neon green paper, “I don’t reward wrong answers.” “I wasn’t wrong!” “You were, it’s not the neutrons in the nucleus but what?” A frown crosses the villain’s lips, shoulders slumping as they realize what they’d done. “Protons.” He nods, humming as he raises his brows, “Okay, new question, what’s an isotope?” “You’re awful, this is awful.”  “What’s an isotope?” They rise back up on their knees with a smirk, “What about, one kiss when I correct myself, two kisses when I’m right the first time?” He shakes his head, rolling his eyes as he does, “How about you tell me what an isotope is?” “Oh come on,” they’re whining, a hand wrapping around his hook. “Come on and answer the question.” His brows are raised, watching them pout. With wide eyes and batted lashes they let a hand trail up from metal to leather, slowly making its way up to his shoulder. “Captain, won’t you please give me a kiss? I want one so bad. I need your lips.” In any other circumstance that would work, it always worked. But James was already glowing as he looked over notecards, shaking his head with his smirk far more of a smile than normal. “That’s not going to work this time, Love. Now answer the question.” This might just be his new torture method, and by god is it working. (Y/n) was going to go crazy if they didn’t get what they wanted soon. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
   As a pirate, Hook was no stranger to drawing out torture, but he couldn’t stand to sit still for long. His love of chemistry and watching the gorgeous villain in front of him squirm could only keep him bound to one place for so long until he felt as if he might be going stir crazy. Which is how they ended up in a clearing in the woods, standing in a wide stance with swords balanced in their hands. Iron making a sharp “X” between them as they press against one another.  The ravenous look in (Y/n)’s eyes surely matched the crazed look in his, smirks present on either villain’s lips. They made one hell of a sparring partner, he’d learned that the day they met. Never took much to get the two of them alone like this either, the boy longed for the other villain’s sportsmanship. A worthy opponent was hard to come by outside of Neverland, and his lover looked so good while sword fighting that he struggled to focus. Now though, as he spits out questions they struggle to follow, it seems like they knew how he normally felt. 
    They might have quick feet and strong arms, but their pretty mind is making them lag behind. Each time their swords would cross, he’d spurt out a new question, holding them hostage until they could find an answer he saw as fitting. Each wrong answer was met with a strike to their left, correct answers with a strike to their right. They’d start a new battle, clashing metal and devious laughter until one of them could find the other pinned once again. It was the most fun he’d had in years, that annoyed little pout on their face with each new question seemed to only make the game all the more fun. “What’s the atomic number of gold?” “Hook,” despite their tense body language, the name comes out on a whine, pout growing more than the boy thought was possible. “It is gold, yes, now what would its atomic number be?” He’s chuckling to himself and he awaits their response. Their eyes flicker around him, lip between their teeth. “Seventy-nine.” He jumps back from them, sword striking out at their right side. The motion is caught by their own sword while (Y/n) lets out a giggle. 
   “I got it right!” They use their sword to force the tip of his away, turning their body to the left as they strike out above his left shoulder. “That you did, Love,” he swings to the right with a smile, bringing his sword up to push against theirs. He twists his body, gaining the upper hand as he pushes against them. (Y/n) is cringing, realizing how close they were to being cornered by him again. How could they let themself get so distracted? He’s pushing them back, and though they push forward, their sword slides down again, both villains ending up eye to eye with a new iron cross section between them. “You made that too easy,” James smirks, looking them up and down. “I didn’t, you just, that question threw me off. I don’t even know how I knew the answer.” He shakes his head, “You can’t let yourself get thrown off in a sword fight love. Your other opponents might not be as forgiving as me.” He leans over the swords for a moment, pecking their lips before he squares his shoulders back. 
   Hook’s resistance was always strong and unforgiving in a fight, even when he allowed himself a moment of calm in the storm he created. The boy pushes harder on their swords, smirking at his lover as he raises an eyebrow. “What’s a homogeneous mixture?” There’s this flicker of something in his partner’s eyes. A giggle escaping their lips as they smile at him, head tilting to the side. “Isn’t that what you and Morgie are?” He pushes rougher against them, feeling the way their laughter shakes the sword in their iron grip. “Very funny, Darling. Now answer the question, unless you want to walk the plank,” he’s stepping closer, their swords sliding ever so slightly straighter against each other. “You wouldn’t dare, you love me too much.” He hums, shaking his head, “Positive? According to you, I love Morgie, so which is it?” 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
     “You two are late,” she doesn’t look up from her cauldron as she speaks, Uliana automatically knows who’s wandering in by their footsteps. The sounds are perfectly in sync, heavy pairs of boots falling in time as if they moved as one. When the two become visible in the hideout, their faces are red with a sweat sheen across their foreheads. Hook’s arm adoringly around (Y/n)’s waist as they lean against him,  the clothing of both teens ruffled from the movements they’d made while jousting. It’s cozy, needy, and the couple’s appearance quickly attracts the attention of Morgie and Hades. Both boys look to their friends with a smirk, cutting each other a sparing glance before turning back. “What have you two been up to?” Hades gives them a once over taking in how Hook’s shirt had come untucked and the wrinkles in the hem of (Y/n)’s top. “Been helping (Y/n) study for chemistry,” Hook shrugs, falling into a chair and pulling his partner down into his lap. Warm arms encapsulate the villain as they lean into his touch, smiling as his head settles on their left shoulder. A kiss being pressed to the shell of their ear earning the boy a hum.
     The sound of Hades laughing fills the room, his eyes rolling in their sockets, “Yeah, I’m sure you have been.” Hook can tell where this is going from a mile away, especially with the gorgeous look of exhaustion taking over his lover’s face. Relaxed muscles that are hidden behind heat blushed flesh. Sweat shines on their forehead and neck while their eyelids hang lower than normal. (Y/n) always looked tired and blissed out after a good duel, smiling lazily as they cling to him. He knew how they looked, and with the genuine topic at hand it definitely seemed like Hook had done nothing more than making an innuendo. If he was honest, part of him hoped that the boys thought it was an innuendo, tutoring just wasn’t his style. “We were, Hades. Excellent study session, actually. Of course, (Y/n) has always been the smartest person I know.” The god raises his brows, smirk growing as he turns to Morgie, “You don’t say. Morgie, I bet you overhear a lot of those study sessions, don’t you?” The sorcerer smirks right back, an evil glint resting in his eyes, “Oh yeah, I think the last one was English though. Studying a poem maybe?” 
    (Y/n) feels Hook’s hand sneak onto their thigh as the boys talk, an amused smirk resting on their face. He lets his fingers spread, taking up as much of the plush part of their leg as he can. “Really, Morgie? Why would you say that?” Hades is letting his eyes flicker between the overly cozy couple and Morgie as he speaks, watching for tell-tale signs that the villains were flustered. “Oh you know, I just recognized the opening line,” his finger taps his chin as he speaks, “What was it again? Oh yeah!” Morgie’s face falls to mimic a blissed out expression, hand gripping on his chest as he speaks on a nearly pornographic moan, “Oh Captain, my Captain!” Hades and Morgie fall into each other’s sides laughing, the noise they’re making earning an annoyed scoff from a preoccupied Uliana. “If you two idiots could make yourself useful, that would be great,” she’s turning, grabbing a vial of rattlesnake venom from a shelf. 
   “Study session isn’t over, Love,” Hook’s voice is soft, plush lips moving against the shell of their ear as he whispers. His words lead to them whining, head falling back against his shoulder as they pout. “My head is too full, Baby. I’ve had enough.” He chuckles, kissing their cheek as his finger moves across their thigh in an “S” shape. “Tell me the element,” he whispers, repeating the shape across their leg. “Sulfur,” they mumble, eyes focusing in on the way Uliana moves. He kisses their shoulder, “Good job.” He draws a circle next. “Oxygen.” Another kiss falls on their shoulder. It becomes a pattern. He’d draw the symbol of an element on their thigh, they would tell him the name of it. The shape repeats until they get it right, ones they got correct on the first try lead to them being rewarded with a kiss to the shoulder or neck. 
    Somewhere, though it’s partially tuned out by the pirate and his lover, Morgie is explaining what Uliana is up to.  Something about making a potion to sneak into Charming’s food, apparently he spilt Uliana’s drink all over her when she was leaving a coffee shop. Some sort of spell to make the boy clumsy enough to spill everything on himself for twenty four hours. (Y/n) can’t focus on that, not with the way that James is tracing a “Y” on their inner thigh. What element’s symbol was “Y”? “You’re making that up,” they mumble and he shakes his head against them in response. “Think harder.” “It’s too hard to think when you’re doing it there,” the words come out in a hiss, eyes cutting over their shoulder to see the smirk on his face. “Try harder then, Love.” 
   Maleficent makes her way past them, holding a little vial of something as she does. “It took forever to find this shit in the AP Chem room, just so you know. Better be worth the trouble.” Uliana scoffs, reaching an arm out for it, “It will be.” Hades and Morgie stand up to follow the dark pixie, the god cutting James and (Y/n) a look. His eyes zero in on Hook’s hand, laughing softly, “God, Hook, you are just insatiable.” The pirate winks at him over (Y/n)’s shoulder, kissing their shoulder as they softly mumble, “Yttrium.” “Good job,” he coos, letting his eyes follow the other villains. Maleficent said she’d taken something from the chem room, what is it?     “What you got there, Mali?” She turns to smirk at Hook, “Finishing ingredient to the potion. Though, it looks like we could have just got it off of (Y/n). What have you been doing to them to have them sweating like that, Hook?” His brows furrow, looking at the vial of powder in Uliana’s hand as she stands dangerously close to the fire-heated cauldron. They could get it from (Y/n)’s sweat? What could she be- his blood runs cold as Uliana goes to pull the stopper out of the bottle.
  “Uliana, don’t!” He’s throwing a very startled (Y/n) off of his lap as he jumps up, running towards the group. “What, you have a soft spot for Charming now?” He’s shaking his head furiously as he reaches out for the vial. “You can’t put that in there right now. It needs to cool.” Her  arms cross, holding the vial away from his panicked hand. “What are you talking about?”  Dark eyes stay trained on the vial, shaking his head as he speaks, “That’s sodium, right? That’s what the joke about the sweat means?” She nods, a brow raised as she waves a hand for him to hurry up and explain himself. “So, you cannot add heat to sodium.” “People add heat to salt all the time, Hook. We’ll be fine.”  She’s not listening, she never listens.
   “It’s not salt, Uli. Sodium is only half of salt.” “The other half is chlorine,” (Y/n) calls out from the other side of the room. And Hook smiles slightly, giving them a thumbs up behind his back. “So what, you’re saying that I can’t use it?” Uliana is obviously growing tired of him, but there seems to be a gear turning in Maleficent's head. “Not with heat, unless you don’t like having eyebrows,” Hook shakes his head, an arm once again reaching out for the vial. “Are you threatening me?” He groans, dragging his hand down his face, “Fine Uliana, add heat to Sodium and make it explode. Explode with it for all I care. It’s your funeral.”  Hades looks between the two, watching Hook storm away from them as he extinguishes the fire under the cauldron. “Uliana, just let it cool. Hook, you two were actually studying chemistry?” He scoffs, waving him off, “I am more than a pretty face, Hades.” “But, you were all tired and sweaty?” “Made me answer questions while we were sword fighting,” (Y/n) shrugs. “But, his hand moving on your inner thigh?” “Tracing atomic symbols on their thigh,” Hook shrugs, reaching out for his partner who walks into his arms with a giggle. They were actually studying? Who in their right mind studies like that? Not that Hades has ever thought the couple were in their right mind.
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ellecdc · 6 hours
hello to elle from me at 2 in the morning AND CONGRATS ON 4k !!!
i’ve got an exam in t minus 6 hours so you probably won’t see this until then, but i’ve been studying like crazy all semester and cramming as much as i can tn but this class is so hard and i’ve pretty much faced the fact that im gonna bomb it soooo….
i’m here for the drinks!!
studying has put me in a remus mood so i’m thinking of reader pretty much just overworking her brain and getting upset and teary eyed abt a big assignment (so basically me rn el oh el) and remus being just so lovely about it
much love <3
hope your exam went well!! thanks for the love and for playing <3
so I have a hard time imagining Remus allowing you to get to the point of flustered tears, simply because he would have been on you to take breaks and such right from the get-go
I think he'd be surprised/startled at first because he'd be cataloguing all of his and your interactions over the last little while to a) make sure he hadn't done something to upset you and b) trying to figure out how he allowed you to get this upset
"Dovey..." he'd coo as he quickly sat in the chair beside you, closing your laptop quietly and pushing your work away from in front of you so you couldn't even look at it. "what's going on?"
"I'm so stupid." you nearly sob. he has a hard time not laughing at you simply because that's not true and you sound so petulant
"you're not stupid, you're tired."
"I'm a failure. I'm going to fail." - "that's quite enough out of you." he'd simply admonish, pulling you into his chest as he rocked you back and forth until you calmed down a bit
he'd convince you to take a shower or, better yet, a bath, maybe even doing your hair for you or just reading you a novel/chatting with you as you relaxed, making sure you have a good meal or your favourite snack and just snuggling/cuddling all night, ensuring you stay away from any school/work talk so as not to remind you of your anxiety
you'd wake up the next morning a bit embarrassed about your temper tantrum, but he'd have the good graces to pretend nothing had happened and simply ask if you'd like help studying/working today (his company, really, so that he can make sure you don't feel so overwhelmed)
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iisocore · 8 hours
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| pairing : non-idol!kim minji x famous!fem reader
| summary: minji misses you and gets horny
| warnings: g!p minji, smut, jerking off using panties, lowercase, not proofread, more but i can’t think of them 😭
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minji let out a heavy sigh as she entered her dorm and locked the door. it’s been 2 days since you left korea and went to paris for fashion week, and she missed you soo much.
she tried to take her mind off missing you by studying. but no matter how hard she tried to focus on her school work, her thoughts kept drifting back to you. she longed for the comfort of your embrace, the sound of your voice, and the feeling of your lips on hers. despite her best efforts, her heart ached with the loneliness of missing you.
eventually minji shut her book and leaned back in her chair, letting out a groan. thinking of a different way to get her mind off you, the kim picked up her phone and decided to scroll on random apps.
after scrolling for a while, her thoughts eventually drifted away from you. she continued mindlessly scrolled through her feed, when suddenly a post caught her attention, reading “OMG YN AT FASHION WEEK” her finger paused for a moment on the screen, mentally cursing her internet for not loading the content fast enough.
after a couple of seconds, the videos finished loading and she found herself unable to look away from the sight of you. the more she watched, the more her heart ached with longing and the more her cock started reacting.
minji lightly bit her lip as she scanned her eyes across the outfit you were wearing. the tight Chanel dress that hugged your curves in all the right places. the dress was a classic black and white houndstooth print, with a tight bodice that accentuated your small waist and full hips, and a skirt that flared out at the knees, giving it a retro yet sophisticated vibe. your hair was in a high ponytail with a side part, the style was basic yet you made it look amazing.
palming her cock while scrolling through your hashtag, the dark haired girl felt dirty and embarrassed for being so horny. turning off and putting her phone on the table, she pulled her pajamas pants and boxers down.
wrapping her hand around her hard dick, she slowly started pumping it. closing her eyes shut and letting out light sighs, minji moved her hand faster, trying her hardest to get off.
“obviously this isn’t working..” she mumbled to herself, feeling more frustrated and out of control than before. she clenched her jaw and let out a frustrated huff, knowing that she needed something more intense to finally find the release she so desperately craved.
giving up, she stands up out of her chair and makes her way to the bathroom to clean herself up. throwing her boxers in the dirty clothes bin, she catches a glimpse of the small pile of your dirty laundry that you left.
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“this is sick…” she thinks to herself as she searches through the pile and finds a pair of your victoria secret panties. she picks them up and brings it to her nose, inhaling your scent deeply. as your familiar smell fills her senses, she closes her eyes and lets out a soft sigh.
immediately running back to her chair she picks up her phone and opens the same photo of you. setting her phone up on her books she sniffs your panties again while jerking her cock faster, staring at the picture. letting out moans and whimpers as she imagines pulling at your ponytail while your on your knees looking up at her with her cock in your mouth.
she abruptly stops everything. standing up, laying your underwear on her table, and picking up her phone while opening the camera app. she presses record with her left hand and starts pumping her dick again with her right. putting her shirt in her mouth so you can get a clear view of her abdomen, and so she doesn’t ruin her favorite shirt with cum, she lets out muffled whimpers.
finally reaching her peak, her shirt drops out her mouth, and whiny moans of your name spill out of her lips. as her nut spirts all over your panties, the desk, and the floor.
after squeezing out every last drop of cum on your underwear, her left hand shakily zooms in on her fingers spreading out her semen on them.
“i-i’m sorry for ruining your panties princess, this is what happens when i miss you.” she says, the pout evident in her voice. minji stops the video and doesn’t waste any time going to your contact and sending it, typing a “wish you were here to clean me up :(((“ after.
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have you guys realized how ass i am at making titles 😭anyways we’re so back 🙂‍↕️ also sorry for the awkward ending i literally did not know how to end ts 😭😭 just use ur imagination for yns reply 🙏 REQUEST ARE OPEN OH YEAHHH KEEP ME BOOKED AND BUSY
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nottsbitch · 1 day
You Know - L.B.
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summary: Finally confronting Enzo
contains smut
It had been a week since you found out about Enzo, and that was the last time that he had visited you.
You figured it was because he was busy or maybe he realized what he was doing was weird. But in reality, he knew that you knew, as soon as he caught you staring at him he knew. You never gave him the time of day now he felt your eyes on him every time you were in the same room which could only mean one thing. You knew.
He took that as his sign to back off until things blew over. So now as he sat in the back corner of the library he couldn't help himself as his thoughts drifted to you. He missed seeing you of course but didn't want to risk things.
As he sat in his daydream about you, he was completely oblivious to you talking to his friends.
"I just need to know where he is Riddle." You rolled your eyes realizing that your conversation with Matteo and Theo was currently going nowhere.
"What could you possibly want with our sweet little Enzo?" This came from Theo.
Both of the men in front of you were shocked that you were looking for Enzo. To their knowledge, the two of you had never spoken a word to each other and now you were basically begging for his location.
"I need to talk to him" They could tell you were getting more and more annoyed the longer you stood there.
"Last time I saw him he was going to the library. Don't sneak up on him he might faint when he realizes it's you." Both boys had known about their friend's longtime crush on you and smirked as you stomped away from them.
You were quick in the halls not giving yourself any time to think about what you were going to say when you reached him, which was quicker than you thought.
Before you knew it you were stopped in front of him "What is wrong with you?"
Enzo stuck in his own thoughts didn't notice you until you opened your mouth "Excuse me?" You could see the twinkle in his eye as he held back his smirk.
"I know what you were doing, all of a sudden I catch you in the act then you disappear. You are nowhere to be found, won't even look in my direction, and I feel like I'm losing my mind." At this point, he couldn't hold back the smile on his face.
"I don't know what you're talking about." The fake curiosity was genuine in his voice.
At this moment it felt like your body and your mind were wanting two different things, and before you even realized you had moved you were in the seat so close to the man next to you he could feel your breath on his cheek.
Leaning into his ear you whispered "Cut the bullshit, Enzo"
"All I'm hearing right now is that you're desperate for attention." If he wanted to play this game you weren't going to make it easy on him.
You put on your most innocent face before looking him in the eyes "Only if it's coming from you."
Though he thought he was doing a good job at keeping his poker face you could see right through him. You knew you were effecting him as much as he was effecting you making it just as easy for you to get into his head.
"So this is okay?" He whispered as his hand found its way to your thigh, causing you to momentarily forget why this conversation even started.
As his hand moved up your thigh you were confused by the fact that his head went back down to his book pretending to focus on whatever he was doing before you got there. With an innocent look on his face, it contrasted the fact that things didn't stay innocent for long.
He leaned into you, his other arm tightening on your waist as he used you to pull your chair closer to his.
You still hadn't responded to him instead choosing silence waiting to see how far this would actually go. You leaned your head back against his shoulder, letting your eyelids flutter as he brought his lips to your neck.
"Lost your words?" He paused his assault on your neck to whisper in your ear, Causing you to move your hand to his thigh giving it a warning squeeze.
You still felt his breath on your skin causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body. Enzo knew what he was doing of course and he was loving the reaction he was getting.
You felt your walls coming down by each second the teasing continued. You chose this. moment to look into his eyes noticing how dark they had gotten. You were fucked.
He smirked, his lips finding their way back to your ear "You gotta stay quiet."
His words sent shivers down your spine, as his hand started to massage your inner thigh, his fingertips getting awfully close to where you wanted them most but not giving you that satisfaction.
You let out a breath and adjust yourself, spreading your legs even wider. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Enzo smirk as he squeezed your thigh hard, before finally moving his hand. He started off slow, his hands teasing you over your underwear.
At this point, you had forgotten where you were. Enzo had snuck his fingers underneath your underwear now and was circling them on your clit. You were biting down on your lip trying to hold back a moan at the sudden wave of pleasure, of course Enzo noticed.
"Not a sound." He whispered making you even more aroused. He started increasing his pace, making your hips start to grind softly against him. You were soaked now and this was only more encouragement for Enzo.
You had dug your nails into his thigh and buried your head in his shoulder, hoping it would muffle the sounds you couldn't hold in any longer. His head had leaned against yours, and at the same time, he pushed a finger inside of you, curving it up to hit your g-spot.
Your mouth fell open, and you groaned against his neck as he slid his finger in and out of you. The rush of being caught was turning you on even more. You felt another wave of pleasure run through you that only intensified as he added another finger.
His eyes had not left your face once, enjoying the effect he was having on you. He watched as your eyes closed when he pushed even deeper inside of you.
Your legs had started to twitch and you were biting your tongue hoping to stay quiet on the brink of your orgasm. He brought his ear down your face so he could hear you say the words.
"I'm close." He pulled his face away and looked into your eyes, a smug look on his face as he slowed down his fingers until he came to a complete stop.
"Remember who has the upper hand here."
You couldn't stop your jaw from dropping as you watched him pack up his things as if nothing had happened.
"I'll see you soon." Turning and leaving before you could get a single word out.
"What just happened?" You said to no one except yourself trying to wrap your head around if this was a dream or not, but the wetness in your underwear told you everything you needed to know.
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captain-mj · 1 day
I’m gonna need Roacj to come and sweep Simon off his feet and Soap to be heart broken and full of regret. He doesn’t deserve Ghost
Why not!! Previous part for my folks interested
Ghost had listened to Price for once and he hadn't touched Soap's messages. Eventually, they slowed down, but eight days after the incident and he still received one each morning and each night. They ran into each other a few times, but Ghost would simply walk right past him.
Price managed to get Ghost permission to use his flat, due to how close base was, for the next little while which was a huge relief for him.
It had gotten late at night and Ghost had taken another "special cigar" from Price and he checked the most recent message from Soap. Just the most recent one.
"Please, Si, talk to me. It won't happen again." From two hours ago.
Ghost thought it over and then texted back. "Soap, we're not going to work out. Easier for us both to cut our losses."
"That's all you have to say? We exchanged I love you's. I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life."
"And how many people this week have you given that line too, huh? Either zip it or get blocked."
When another message came through, he went to his most recent messages with Price. "I want to go on that date. With Bug or whatever his name is."
"Roach, but yeah. I can make it happen." Price answered a little too fast and Ghost decided he didn't want to know why he was still up at this hour. He blocked Soap for the time being and enjoyed the rest of his high until he managed to fall asleep.
By morning, he had received the information for a reservation at 7 pm at a restaurant he liked well enough. A little more formal than he'd choose for a first date, but he planned to use Price's card for it anyway. Ever since Graves started funding the man, he had more money than he really needed and Ghost was more than happy to help him with the problem.
He didn't unblock Soap to see how many new messages he sent. He simply left his phone on his dresser and went about his day until 6. Only then did he check his phone to see a message from a new number. "Hey, Ghost! This is Roach (or Bug lol). I wanted to text you before we went on our date."
Ghost winced when he saw the poor guy had sent that message had been sent hours ago. "Left my phone in my room."
It took a few minutes before he heard the little ding of his phone. "That's alright. I know you're a busy man. Are you planning on wearing your mask tonight?"
Then a selfie came and Ghost regretted not taking Price up on this blind date sooner. Roach had his mask on, but his eyes and hair were free. He was so cute. Ghost didn't usually use that word to describe men, but that's what Roach was.
Big brown eyes and the hint of freckles. Soft looking hair that curled and stuck up everywhere. "I wanted to make sure you knew what I looked like."
Ghost hesitated before sending a picture of himself, just a medical mask on so they were on semi equal footing.
"You're just as handsome as Laswell said you would be."
His heart did something weird. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. "Thanks. You're not bad yourself."
"You flatter me, Ghost. I do need to talk to you about something before we go tonight."
Ghost gritted his teeth. "Alright."
"I'm mute. I carn hear just fine and I'm willing to text or write things down."
"Do you know BSL?"
"The basics. I mostly use ASL."
"We'll use BSL until I'm better ASL then. I'll meet you tonight, I'm going to get dressed before I'm late. It would be a horrible first impression."
Roach responded with a thumbs up. Unknown to Ghost, Roach was glad for the reprieve because Ghost casually letting him know he'd just learn a language for him before they even went on a first date (as well as letting him know they had an easy way to communicate until he finished learning the language) had his own heart doing palpitations. And that was before he even thought of Ghost's picture again.
Handsome had been understating it. He had wanted to actually ask Ghost if he wanted a new dog because he could be a really good one. But Laswell and Price had let him on the fact that Ghost's last relationship hadn't ended very well and that he'd need to be eased into it a little. So he pulled himself back and gave a much more calm response.
Both of them met each other in the front of the restaurant while waiting for host to seat them. The sparks were immediate, Ghost finding himself having a hard time looking away from Roach's eyes.
Roach pulled out Ghost's seat which surprised him a little. He still sat down though and hummed his appreciation. "Also, I'll be paying. More accurately, Price will be paying."
Even with only half of his face showing and no voice, Roach was easily the most expressive person Ghost had ever seen. They found ASL and BSL had more common signs than they first thought, but occasionally they'd run into signs with different or even contradictory meanings that would make them bring out their phones to compare.
"Oh, do you want me to order for ya? I can't imagine it's that easy ordering." While Ghost was sure that the staff would try to be accommodating, if Roach didn't want to deal with it, he'd be happy to help.
Roach immediately looked relieved and nodded, showing Ghost what he wanted. He was leaning forward and Ghost could see the start of the scar at the base of his throat that led underneath the mask.
Roach was incredibly smart. Not that Soap wasn't, he was mad at him, but he didn't think he was stupid as some people joked. But Roach had such in depth knowledge about a long, long list of topics and he didn't shy away from learning more about any gaps.
Occasionally Roach would single for Ghost to pull his mask down. He almost managed to keep the waitstaff from seeing his face at all, though there were a few times Roach had visibly been too wrapped up in what he was saying to notice when one of them was coming. He was less shy about showing his face than Ghost, though he clearly didn't like it.
They spent so much time talking, about how different insects are classified and the differences between British and American branches and what it's like being mute in the military, especially since his muteness was caused by an injury from the military, that the waitress had to not so subtly interrupt to ask if there was two bills or one.
Ghost told her one and gave her Price's card, eyes never leaving Roach's. He didn't want the night to end. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"
Roach signed back. "Want to get milkshakes and walk around somewhere?"
Ghost thought that was a very bizarre thing to do. "Yeah. Why not."
So they left. They hired an uber and kept talking, switching to only sign language so the poor driver wouldn't hear them arguing over the superior breakfast food. Ghost didn't actually believe it was beans on toast, but he knew he drove any not from Britain crazy. Roach was insisting it was biscuits and gravy. Eventually, the bug brushed him off and said he'd make them for him in the morning.
"Oh? That convinced we'll go home together?"
Roach glanced at him. "If it's not moving too fast for you."
Ghost blinked at him, stopping and actually thinking about it. "Yeah. I'd like to take you home."
Roach smiled. "You owe me a milkshake first though."
Ghost did in fact buy him a milkshake, with his own card even, before they walked around a park. At one point, Roach motioned at Ghost's milkshake a few times and Ghost offered him a taste. Roach tried his chocolate malt and nodded appreciatively. He offered his banana milkshake for Ghost to try. They didn't break eye contact as he tried it.
"It's good."
Roach smiled at him and moved a little closer. He used just one of his hands, but he signed it real slow. "Want to see what they taste like together?"
Ghost was kissing him before he even finished.
They did, in fact, go back to Ghost's flat and got very acquainted with his bed specifically.
And Roach did make him biscuits and gravy in the morning. Ghost reluctantly admitted that it beat beans on toast. Then, he admitted he didn't actually like beans on toast.
Roach hit his shoulder rather hard and ate with a little faux anger until that got boring and he was back to talking. Well, in between bites of food.
When the doorbell rang, Ghost's heart sank. "Not many people have my address." He grabbed a gun.
Roach looked a little amused at the weapon but nodded and made a motion for his own. Ghost did indeed provide one to him before pullling on a mask and answering the door.
Johnny was there. He was only Johnny cause he was out of uniform. "Hey."
"Hi." Simon felt disillusioned. The past 12 or so hours had honestly been perfect. With Soap, he had always had to explain things. Push back. There was always an effort on both parts to make the other feel comfortable. And while Roach seemed more than willing to put in effort and Ghost definitely felt he would, it didn't feel necessary to. They just kinda... fit in a way Ghost was realizing that he never did with Soap.
It was a weird thought. When he found out about Soap's casual fucking of half the base, he prepared himself to spiral. And he had even started. But now that he had a very successful date, and the most mind blowing night of his life cause Roach knew how to do things with his tongue, he felt like he had very suddenly just moved on. He didn't even notice it had happened. During his whole date, Soap hadn't crossed his mind at all.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine." Ghost responded, cause it was. While the memory still hurt and he wasn't sure he could work with Soap any time soon, it took more energy at this point to keep thinking about it. Energy he didn't want to keep spending on MacTavish. "Listen, I'm busy."
"Going somewhere? I can walk with you. I would like to... talk..." Soap was looking past Ghost now and directly at Roach.
"Ah. This is Sergeant Sanderson. He's American, visiting in the area for a mission Laswell sent him on."
"And he's wearing your clothes?"
"We also slept together."
Soap's face went through a range of emotions. Jealousy, guilt, a strange tinge of relief that Ghost didn't want to unpack, then anger that didn't fit the situation in Ghost's opinion. He didn't respond. It felt like they just ran out of things to say. "Simon."
Roach used the butt of the gun, tapping it against the wall. His eyes narrowed at Soap with a strangely dangerous look.
Another tap against the wall.
"Lieutenant Riley." Soap hissed through his teeth.
Roach seemed satisfied with that, grabbing Ghost's arm and leaning against his side. He tugged his sleeve to get his attention and jerked his head back to show he wanted to get back to eating with him.
"Sorry, bug. If you want to go sit down, I'll only be another minute."
Roach didn't look sure but nodded. He grabbed Ghost's hand and gave it a small kiss through the fabric of his mask. Ghost wasn't sure he even knew when he put it back on, but he looked just as lovely either way.
Only when Roach was clearly gone, did Soap speak back up. "Replace me that fast huh?"
"At least I made it clear we were through before fucking him."
"No." Ghost cut him off and shook his head. "I don't want to fight. Truly, I don't. We're done. I don't want this. I don't want you."
Soap frowned more and there was clearly hesitation. "Si."
"I never liked that nickname. My brother used it when we were little. I realized last night you never asked. First thing Roach did was ask if I had any family left. He's incredibly considerate. He's so nice to me. Last night, he did things while we were out that I couldn't remember anyone doing for me before. The man made me breakfast for fuck's sake."
"I could've made you breakfast." It sounded vaguely petulant. A last plea of some sorts that fell flat before it even left his tongue.
"Yeah. You could've."
Roach had finished his plate and looked a little upset. He signed at him. "I didn't like how he talked to you."
"I saw. Don't like people calling me Simon."
Roach shook his head. "You're a lieutenant. They should call you that."
"They? You not included in that Sergeant?"
"I get special privileges."
"Cause you're pretty?"
"Cause I'm yours."
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