#this is from a prompt i saw a looong time ago
regulusdays · 1 year
Home At Last
The warmth could be felt from miles away. Not from the many fireplaces that burned bright – which indeed they did, and there were certainly many. But from the love of the family that had just grown a bit larger. There were now two more children for the Potters to love and protect, and love and protect they did.
It was a few days prior that Sirius and his brother, Regulus, had run away from their house. Their parents got characteristically more cruel in the festive period, and would simply not have Sirius’ long hair and loud complaints. So they did the only thing they knew how to do, they educated. Which is short and the biggest euphemism for hurting and punishing and making sure their sons knew just how much they didn’t care.
Regulus had stayed quiet the entire time, not moving an inch. Terrified of his parents, sure, but mostly terrified of doing something that would make it worse for Sirius. He wanted to stand up for his brother, as Sirius always had for him, but he was just so, so scared. The wrath of their parents always made him sit straighter and hold still, hiding in on himself, waiting for the storm to pass. Whereas it always seemed to spread something in Sirius, making him burn brighter. 
Neither of them remembered much of that night, just flashes and general feelings, but they managed to get away to the Potter manor. James, Sirius’ best friend, had welcomed them both with open arms and an open heart. He had always wanted a brother, and having Sirius around would mean just that. A proper brother. 
Regulus came as a bonus, a little brother to mess with and to protect at the same time. They hadn’t talked much, Regulus being the timid, quiet boy he was – always a shadow of Sirius – but James was working on him; making sure he felt safe and comfortable to be open and a person of his own. Not for a long time, but James would still get to see Regulus as the star he was – letting him light his sky when it needed to be night, for the sun can’t shine all the time. 
But it was Christmas, and the Potters were gathered in the living room, by one of the fireplaces. Effy and Monty pouring all their love and affection into their boys. It was warm and cozy, and the Black brothers had never really felt quite good until now. Sitting by the fireplace, laughing and sharing presents and food.
Regulus was shy and quiet and mostly kept to himself, but he had never felt more at ease than he did then. He would laugh discreetly at his brother’s and James’ jokes and antics, and smile fondly at Effy and Monty when they weren’t looking. He still couldn’t talk much, from all the trauma of his last night with his parents, but he was, for some reason he couldn’t quite put his finger on, fine. He was definitely feeling the effect of being surrounded by people who loved him for no apparent reason. 
Monty had gotten him a Christmas present, an old copy of a book he had seen the boy glancing at in their library, and it touched Regulus in places he didn’t know adults could reach. To be perceived as someone worth knowing, someone worth paying attention to, someone worth thinking of and caring for. He hadn’t seen it coming. Monty’s thoughtfulness, that is. He expected to get a gift from James – something related to Quidditch, for the boy was obsessed –, and half expected a gift from Effy. Not from Monty, though. 
He hadn’t grown up around adults who cared, and to be cared for, with such attention and true fondness, caught him off guard. Especially considering he hadn’t gotten presents to anyone. He didn’t know it would be required and that other people had thought about him. He honestly had expected to be invisible during his stay at the Potters – a stay he didn’t think would last long. His parents were sure to come looking for him. War wasn’t over.
Sirius, on the other hand, having already spent Christmas at the Potter’s many times before, rapidly blended into their dynamic. He had already bought James a gift – had, in fact, done it before his birthday, so excited that he was. Something or other related to Quidditch, for he too was obsessed with it. 
So he had come prepared, unlike Regulus who was left with empty hands to return all the love and care he had been granted. Monty and Effy, however, assured him he needn’t return anything at all – he was only expected to do and to accept what he wanted and felt comfortable with. 
The feeling was, for both brothers, that they were safe and loved and happy. They were, in other words, home, at last.
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thewatermelloncat · 2 years
W.I.P Wednesday
Been a looong time since I’ve done one of these and I’ve missed it. This one is for a longer fic I’m working on. No idea when it will get done since the story has gaps and the formatting is tricky, but I’ll be posting more W.I.Ps of it later on.
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Six weeks was all it needed to be if she took it seriously and answered honestly. After that, if her counsellor saw her well enough to continue navigating life on her own, she could. Unless she wanted to continue with her sessions, which is something Rosé highly doubts she would want to do.
The system was supposed to be built of trust, which is why the school counsellor, Tamisha, had led in the introductions before letting Rosé follow. Except Rosé has never been good at talking about herself, so she took prompting to answer basic things like her age and the things she likes to do. Then she was asked whether she had been to a counsellor before, which she hadn’t. So, the rules of confidentiality and trust were explained to her before she was given a general timeline of what the sessions would look like.
“I see you’ve found your file” Tamisha follows Rosé’s gaze down to a folder on a low table beside a stuffed wombat. “I’m not supposed to tell you what is in there, but I’m a little unorthodox. What do you think it says?”
“Fights a lot, self-isolating and talks back at every opportunity” Rosé smirks a little.
“Nothing positive?” Tamisha inquires.
Rosé shakes her head.
“That’s what it did say” Tamisha confirms her answer. “Until about a year ago. Do you know what changed?”
“I uh… I made some new friends” Rosé answers slowly. “Doing all that stuff didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore.”
Tamisha smiles warmly at Rosé divulging further information on her own. “What do you think it says now?”
Rosé shrugs.
“It says that you’re intelligent but lack application beyond the subjects that you like” Tamisha begins. “But it also says that you’re resourceful and you show initiative, independence, and good leadership… There are also concerns about your homelife, but I don’t think I need to explain those to you.”
Rosé sighs deeply, shifting uncomfortably.
“I won’t lie to you, Rosé” Tamisha folds her hands, leaning forward in her chair. “From what I’ve read in this file, I don’t think it should be you sitting on that couch.”
“What do you mean?” Rosé asks before she can stop herself.
“A lot of this is speculation” Tamisha admits, tapping a finger against the folder on the table. “But from what it seems like, you’re not the one causing problems in your household.”
Rosé says nothing.
“I can’t promise you that after these sessions you’ll have a happy homelife” Tamisha confesses. “Though what I can do is help you find strategies to process and cope in uneasy situations. But I need you to trust me for us to do that.”
“I’m not a very trusting person” Rosé warns.
“That’s okay” Tamisha accepts. “We’ll start slow.”
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Help Please
It's been a looong time. Life keeps getting in the way.
Anyways, I like to write and 2 years ago I wrote a story called Chosen One from a writing prompt.
I posted it on here and then promptly forgot about it. Fortunately I also had it saved among all my other writing stuff and recently rediscovered it.
I was pleasantly surprised and shared it with my spawn (all young adults) and was then asked if I ripped the story from tumblr coz they were certain they'd seen it in a some kind of video about tumblr stuff...
So, I've proved to them that it is actually my creation and re-discovered tumblr.
Now I would love it if you could all help me find which video they saw it on coz, well, I'm curious.
It might have been one of PM Seymour's vids, but my spawn, well, they watch a lot of stuff from a lot of different people, so it might not have been...
And tho I am recovering from surgery and can't do much, I don't know that I have the mental capacity to trawl through that many hours of videos in the hopes of finding it...
So if anyone can help me find the location of this video that has a reading of Chosen One in it I would be extremely grateful.
Thanks so very much.
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archived-archivist · 10 months
ill just. write it im in the car.
tw: referenced death, referenced cannibalism(?). tell me if i missed anything.
also featuring; a small snippet! yeah i have characters for this lmao (hence the tws) also sorry if its bad i haven't writed in a looong while
No food. there was nothing left. the shelves were empty, with the rest having gone bad. there was nothing to eat. there was water- but that couldn't-- wouldn't --help. with nothing to eat, people got desperate. so, so desperate. so, what was the next best thing? what food source did they have left? oh. food objects. milk cartons, box lunches, bread, etc etc. they were right there! yeah sure- it was bad. it was literally murder! but what other choice do they have?
..besides, its not like they had anything else to eat. or drink. hopefully the food objects could understand.
“ugh! i quit!” The dusty object said, kicking their feet in the air as they lay on the wooden crate inside an ‘abandoned’ warehouse.
“we don't exactly have a choice to quit here, Fols.” The other object said as they scoured through another crate, searching.
“damn it.” ‘Fols’ got up from the crate, kicking a can instead. “you literally saw someone get eaten alive two days ago fym ‘damn it’” The other object stopped searching, peeking their head out of the crate to squit their eyes at Fols.
“did you just say ‘Ef why em’?? the individual letters??? you could've said ‘fuck you mean’, Spomi.” Fols squinted their eyes back at the other object, managing to get a glimpse of the mess the other one made. cans and bottles littered the floor- it was honestly surprising that they've been pretty quiet the whole time with all the opened metal cans.
‘Spomi’ rolled their eyes, whilst getting out of the crate, opening another one. they still had.. 5 more to go. okay, thats fine. as long as the hungry ones didn't find them, it'll be fine.
tl;dr theres no food, causing a little bit of cannibalism to happen with food and non-food objects! the goal/prize is survival. ‘the hungry ones’ are non-food objects. most food objects are ‘spoiled’ and/or ‘expired’. though the hungry ones dont really give a fck tbh they're hungry
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lancermylove · 4 years
Teenager MC 8: Dad’s Home! (Oneshot)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon Bros x gn!Reader, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Could you do a one-shot where Lucifer arrives home after a looong day and walks in on his brothers laughing up a storm because teen MC accidentally exclaimed "Dad's home!" when they saw him?
A/N: Anon, I am SO sorry for taking so long! >< I like to write one-shot in one go, and recently I’ve been very busy. I hope you like it! 
Word Count: 2,287
Everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. First, Lucifer stayed up all night to finish a report for the RAD council. Then in the morning, his brothers ended up arguing and got into a food fight, so he had to forgo breakfast. When he got to RAD, he learned that Diavolo ran away to escape his responsibilities, leaving Lucifer a tall stack of papers to read and sign. On top of that, since the butler was out searching for the prince, the Avatar of Pride had to take care of Barbatos's student council work as well. For this reason, he had to ignore his rumbling stomach and skip lunch.
Just when Lucifer thought he could rest, a fight broke out between two lesser demons. Then he got caught in the middle of a prank and got doused in water, followed by pink glitter. There went his new clothes. After he left RAD, the raven-haired man stopped to get a snack but got attacked by hungry Devildom birds and had to give up his food. When he decided to head home, Diavolo showed up and asked Lucifer to save him from Barbatos; instead of helping the prince, the Avatar of Pride gave him a lecture which drained the remaining energy from his exhausted body. So, by the time Lucifer reach the House of Lamentation, he had no strength left.
All he wanted to do was eat, go straight to his room, and drink wine while listening to his favorite CD. The demon expected all his brothers to be busy with school work, but instead, he found them in the living room in a rather chaotic state. Mammon was rolling on the ground, holding his stomach and laughing up a storm; Levi sat on one of the sofas with both hands over his mouth, trying to suppress his chuckles; Satan leaned against Asmo's shoulder, laughing and wiping his tears, while Asmo pressed the tips of his fingers to his lips and giggled; Beel held onto his stomach and repeatedly hit one of his large hands on the center table, laughing heartily; the youngest brother was curled up on the couch beside his twin, chuckling. You stood near the fireplace, biting down on your lower lip, but as soon as you saw Lucifer, you covered your mouth quickly, hoping he didn't hear your words. 
Seeing the state of his family, Lucifer felt like hitting his head on a wall. All eyes turned to him, expecting him to question them or cross his arms and frown at their behavior, but the eldest brother chose to turn on his heels and dragged his feet towards his bedroom.
Asmo and Satan stopped laughing and exchanged glances as soon as they saw him exit the room. Belphie saw his older brothers' reactions and wondered what happened. He tugged on Beel's shirt to get him to stop laughing. Levi blinked in confusion, questioning why his tyrant brother walked away without saying a word. Mammon didn't get the message and continued laughing until Satan threw a pillow at him.
"Hey, whatcha do that for?" The Avatar of Greed asked as he sat up and smoothed out his disheveled hair.
"Is Luci okay?" You questioned, not expecting him to give such an unusual reaction, "Should...we go check on him?"
Before anyone could reply to your question, a familiar voice interrupted, "Pardon my intrusion, but would Lucifer happen to be here?"
"He just came home," you replied, "hey, Barbatos, did something happen to Lucifer? He...didn't seem like himself."
"I thought that may be the case," the butler touched his chin and sighed before explaining the events that took place throughout Lucifer's day.
"You know, Luci always does so much for us," you mumbled and glanced at the ground, "we always cause trouble for him, but he still takes care of us. I think this time, we should do something for him!"
Your lips tugged into a smile as you held up your curled hands close to your face, "Let's turn his bad day into a good day."
The brothers pondered for a second, and Asmo was the first to speak, "I agree. Whenever I have fashion emergencies, I can always count on Lucifer to help me."
Beel nodded in agreement, "Whenever I ask him for his food, he gives it to me. Also...he took care of Lilith a lot."
Belphie's muscles momentarily stiffened at hearing his sister's name, but he regained his composure. "He locked me in the attic to protect me...even though I caused him trouble."
Levi twirled the cable of his headphone around his index finger while mumbling, "He always makes sure my bank account is full, so I can buy all the games I want."
"He takes Goldie away from me," Mammon sighed and averted his eyes, "but to keep me from running into debt."
All eyes turned to Satan, waiting for him to add his point to the conversation. The Avatar of Wrath crossed his arms as the corners of his lips turned down, "What? You really want me to say something nice about Lucifer?"
"Come on, Satan," you pouted, "you know he has done nice things for you. Admit it! It's not like Lucifer is around to hear you praising him."
After a moment of silence, the blond man shook his head and admitted defeat. "Fine, even though I always hated him, Lucifer still looked out for me."
"See, that wasn't hard, was it?" You chuckled, earning a deeper frown from him.
"Seems like all of you have the situation under control," Barbatos smiled, "Then I shall take my leave. If you require my aid, then do let me know. Please excuse me."
Asmo opened the door to his elder brother's room and peeked inside. "Luci? Sorry, to disturb you."
The Avatar of Pride sat on the chair next to the fireplace with his arms crossed over his chest and head thrown back. He didn't open his eyes but motioned his brother to come inside.
"What's wrong?" Luci asked in a sapped voice, slightly opening his eyes.
"I need you to come with me." Asmo took hold of his brother's hand and helped him to his feet before Lucifer could protest in any way.
"Can this wait?"
"No, sorry!" Asmo forced a small smile as he studied his sibling's lifeless face.
Upon reaching his room, the Avatar of Lust asked his sibling to lie on his bed faced down. At first, the elder brother looked at Asmo with a raised eyebrow, but lacking the strength to protest, he gave in. While the other brothers fulfilled their duties, Asmo kept Lucifer busy with a body and face massage.
"Asmo, what is going on?" The raven-haired man asked in a muffled voice.
"Shh, no talking allowed. Just relax." The Avatar of Lust cooed as he worked his fingers to break the pent-up tension in his brother's muscles. In the meantime, Belphie and Levi snuck into Luci's room to draw him a relaxing bath with candles and soothing music.
"D-Do you really think this will help?" Levi asked while lighting the silver-colored candles around the black bathtub.
"It will help. Besides, we need to give Asmo time to sneak out and buy Lucifer a new outfit. Levi, while I add the final touches, go tell Asmo we're done."
After Belphie added the remaining petals in the bathtub, he made his way to the kitchen to check on his twin and Mammon.
"Beel! Don't touch that," Mammon loudly said as he whacked the top of his younger brother's hand, "Remember, we are cookin' for Lucifer."
"Beel, are you hungry again?" Belphie chuckled, stepping into the kitchen to find his twin pouting. The Avatar of Gluttony touched his growling stomach and nodded once.
"How are ya still hungry? You ate everything we made just a few minutes ago," Mammon sighed and shook his head in disapproval, "Belphie, will ya make sure he doesn't eat any of Lucifer's food? We don't have enough ingredients to cook everything again."
"I p-promise I won't eat anything." The orange-haired demon lowered his head and looked at the older demon through his bangs.
"Don't gimme that look. We'll getcha somethin' to eat after, 'kay?"
Beel's eyes lit as he vigorously nodded, "Let me help you with the vegetables."
"So, how's everything goin' on your end?" Mammon asked as monitored the food on the stove.
"Lucifer got his massage and should be relaxing in the tub. Asmo will leave to buy his new outfit soon." Belphie leaned again the wall and watched Beel rhythmically chopping the red, green, and orange vegetables.
“What about Satan and (Y/N)? Did they message ya?” 
“Yeah, Satan said (Y/N) gave an earful to Diavolo for giving Lucifer and Barbatos a hard time,” Belphie smiled and rolled his long bang between his right thumb and index finger, “I wish I could’ve been there.” 
Meanwhile, you and Satan worked with the prince and his demon butler to finish some of Lucifer's student council work. 
"Prince Diavolo, I apologize for crossing my limits earlier, but you are the Ruler of Devildom. That means you have certain responsibilities to fulfill whether you like it or not," you huffed, "you can’t push those duties on others. Lucifer and Barbatos already do quite a lot for you, so please don't give them a difficult time. Promise me, you won't."
Satan pressed his lips into a firm line to hold back his laughter while Barbatos quietly chuckled to himself. Diavolo exhaled loudly and shook his head, feeling guilty for his actions. 
"I promise. Barbatos, deliver an apology gift basket to Lucifer on my behalf. Also, let him know that he has the day off tomorrow." 
"Of course, my lord." The green-haired butler glanced at you with a smile before exiting the room to purchase the present. 
An hour later, you and Satan return to the House of Lamentation to find Mammon and Beel heading to Lucifer's room with a tray in hand. As the four of you reached the Avatar of Pride's bedroom, you saw the remaining brothers waiting in front of the door.  
"Ah, seems like everyone is here," Asmo smiled and knocked on the door, "Lucifer, we are coming inside." 
The Avatar of Pride was stunned to see the group enter his room but stared wordlessly. He scanned all of your faces with unreadable eyes, waiting for one of you to speak. 
"Here," Mammon broke the silence as he set the food tray on the center table, followed by Beel. "We heard you haven't eaten today..." 
Lucifer lifted the silver cloches to find three meals, an appetizer, main course, and dessert, messily arranged on fine china plates with intricate gold patterns. He examined the dishes but stopped to stare at the cake with a missing piece. 
"B-Beel, you promised you wouldn't eat anything," Mammon rested his hands on his hips and shot a glare towards his younger brother. 
"S-Sorry...I couldn't wait to eat," The Avatar of Gluttony innocently replied. 
To everyone's surprise, Lucifer started chuckling, "Thank you, Mammon, Beel." 
"Luci, I got you a new replacement outfit," Asmo chimed, "Though I must say, you looked quite good covered in pink glitter." 
"Oh, I also have something I would like to tell you," you chirped and clapped your hand together, "you have the day off tomorrow!" 
The raven-haired glanced at you with wide eyes, but before he could ask you why a loud knock echoed through the bedroom. All heads turned to see Barbatos stepping in with a large gift basket. "Pardon me, but Lucifer, Lord Diavolo asked me to deliver this on his behalf. He also wishes to apologize to you for causing you trouble today." 
For a while, the Avatar of Pride grew quiet as he pieced the events of the day together. His lips curled up into a rather soft smile, "Thank you, everyone, for turning my day around, but I advise you not to get used to this kinder side of mine. I am curious about one thing though, what were all of you laughing at earlier today?"  
"Oh dear, look at the time," Asmo gasped as he covered his cheeks,  "I need to go moisturize my bedroom." 
Mammon watched Asmo skip out of the room and quickly added, "Uh, I think I left the stove on. Lemme go turn it off before the house burns down."
Levi looked around the room nervously as Mammon ran out of the room. "Um, I w-will go get g-gasoline to put out the fire..." The Avatar of Envy stiffly walked out the room, nearly tripping over his feet. 
"I need to finish a report and pull an all-nighter," Belphie mumbled before turning on his heels and quickly sliding his feet across the hardwood floor. 
"I need to go burn my book," Satan said and power walked out, mentally beating himself for making a senseless excuse.
Beel tilted his head to one side and blinked, "Why did everyone leave?" 
"I should return to the castle to babysi- I mean to attend to Lord Diavolo," Barbatos chuckled and excused himself. 
"Uh, I need to...go summon the devil. See ya!" You flashed a toothy grin and raced out of the room. Lucifer watched all of you with one eyebrow tugged up. 
"Beel," he shifted his attention to the only remaining brother, "tell me, why was everyone laughing earlier?" 
The tall demon chuckled, remembering your word, and blurted, "When (Y/N) saw you at the front door, they ran into the living room and said 'dad's home'." 
"Dad...," Lucifer slumped on the sofa and touched his forehead with his thumb and index finger, "is that what (Y/N) thinks of me as? I suddenly don't feel well." 
➣ Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
➣ Teen MC Series: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
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magnoliasinbloom · 4 years
Say You Won’t Let Go
Inspired by James Arthur’s song, a brief retelling of a life well lived and loved.
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I met you in the dark, you lit me up You made me feel as though I was enough We danced the night away, we drank too much I held your hair back when You were throwing up
Jamie was elated. And very drunk. Claire had danced with him, then proceeded to drink all of their friends under the table. He was cautious to believe the tight grip she had on him as they had swayed to the music was anything other than the alcohol, but he could hope, could he not?
Invited by Geillis, his feisty neighbor, to try and distract him after the sudden death of his father a few months ago, he had accepted, knowing that Claire – Geillis’s equally feisty, curly-headed roommate, would be there too. His Sassenach… or at least, that’s how he referred to her privately, in the recesses of his mind, and his heart. Jamie had been hopelessly in love with her for a year now.
Celebrating the end of their medical school exams, the party raged on, growing louder and more raucous as the night wore on. Eventually, they were kicked out at closing time. Guiding Claire and Geillis to the street corner as he summoned an Uber on his phone, Geillis suddenly changed tack and declared she would be spending the night with her boyfriend, Arthur Duncan.
“Ye can manage, can’t ye, Jamie? Braw lad.” With a hearty slap on the back, Geillis tottered over to Arthur, who welcomed her with open arms as they tried repeatedly to hail a cab.
Of the two, Jamie was in better, slightly less drunk condition. Claire, completely sloshed, leaned heavily on Jamie, who felt his face redden as her breasts pressed against him. The Uber pulled up, and Jamie opened the door for her.
“Och, lass, in ye get, come on.” He supported her as she climbed into the passenger seat, averting his eyes as her dress rucked further up her legs. Claire slumped into the seat as he buckled her in.
“You…shhhmell good, Fraser.” Christ, she was properly sozzled, if she was calling him by his surname.
“Um, thank ye?” Jamie shook his head as he slid into the opposite side, and they were driven to their apartment building.
After helping an increasingly uncooperative Claire up the stairs (the lift conveniently out of service), finding the key in her purse, and leading her to her bedroom, she made a beeline for the bathroom instead, where he could hear her vomit.
“Oh God.” Jamie followed her into the bathroom and immediately reached down to hold her hair back. He thought of how tempted he had always been to touch the mad riot of her hair.  
Then you smiled over your shoulder For a minute, I was stone-cold sober I pulled you closer to my chest And you asked me to stay over I said, I already told ya I think that you should get some rest
Jamie helped her rinse her mouth out at the sink. Claire turned to him with a sweet, drunken smile that went straight to his wame. He managed to return it somewhat shakily as he led her to her bed.
“You should sh-shtay, Jamie,” she slurred, patting the space next to her. Jamie felt the last of the whisky fog leave him, and he felt quite awake and sober suddenly. She could not possibly be suggesting…
“No, Sassenach, ‘tis not proper, you’re not in yer right senses.” He tucked her in and fussed about with the blankets, that she might not see his face.
“Mebbe not, but I know what I want.” What was that saying, children and drunks always tell the truth? “An’ I want you, Jamie. Have for a looong time. Since we met, I think. Yeshhh, that’s right. You are pretty…” She batted at his face absently.
Jamie’s heart went into overdrive, pounding crazily, but he ignored it. She was out of it with drink. She would not remember this tomorrow. But perhaps she was right, and he should stay in case she was sick again or tried to walk and had an accident. He’d take the lumpy couch he’d helped haul up from the charity shop where Geillis had found it.
Claire’s eyes were already drifting shut. He would leave her to rest. As he made to leave, Jamie couldn’t resist smoothing the curls from her forehead.
As he did so, Claire’s eyes fluttered open one last time and she sighed, “I think I will marry you, Fraser. Cosss I love you.”
And with that, she finally passed out.
I knew I loved you then But you'd never know 'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go I know I needed you But I never showed But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old Just say you won't let go Just say you won't let go
“I like ye Claire. I’d like to ask ye on a date.”
Jamie wiped the sweat off his forehead and thought he looked feckin’ ridiculous, with his face aflame enough to match his hair as he practiced in front of the pub’s restroom mirror. It had been a week since the drunken flat encounter.
Claire had woken him up with the brightest smile this side of hung over and a cup of steaming coffee. That luminosity and that lazy curl playing on her forehead… Despite her declarations of love and the fact that she’d like to marry him (two thoughts that made his heart flip flop thrillingly in the vicinity of his throat), Jamie felt a date was in order first and foremost.
Jamie glanced once more at the graffiti surrounding his face in the mirror, took a deep breath, and stepped out back into the pub. Claire was at the bar, laughing at something Geillis had said (something dirty, no doubt).
With a deep breath, Jamie stepped closer to Claire and leaned in close so she could hear him over the din of the place.
“Claire, could I speak wi’ ye outside fer a minute?”
“Sure, Jamie. Hey Gee, order me another whisky?”
Outside in the warm June night, Jamie faced a quizzical-looking Claire. Her smile caused his heart to stutter and the following to tumble from his mouth:
“You date me, Claire and I’d ask to like ye on a – ah, mallaichte bas!”
Not at all how he’d imagined it going.
“What?” Claire’s cheeks turned rosy red as she laughed, reaching out to lay a hand on his arm. He ran his fingers through his flaming hair and chuckled.
“I apologize, I meant to say—”
“Oh, I know what you meant. I like you, and I’d love to go out on a date with you.”
I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head And I'll take the kids to school Wave them goodbye And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night
“Six bairns, you say.” Claire rolled the r like he did, endearing as ever.
“Aye, wi’ red hair, of course.”
“All of them?”
“Well, no, not necessarily, but I imagine it would be curly, like yers.” Jamie traced the spiraling locks down her back, stretching the curls and watching in fascination as they sprang back into place.
Their first date had gone smashingly well. They had shared dinner, then drinks, and hours and hours of laughter and jokes. This was a side of Claire Jamie had never seen, but suspected he wanted to be his forever. That date had led to another, and coffee in the morning or afternoons, depending on the schedule of Claire’s graduate entry program.
The more time they spent together, the more they realized the strength of the bond between them. Jamie spoke of when he first saw her, how he called her his Sassenach in his head and heart, and mo nighean donn for the first time out loud; Claire herself confessed that she had always found him attractive, and kindhearted, and amazingly available, despite the looks he commanded from the other girls in their social group. Their friendship had turned to that indefinable else – love, acknowledged and declared in a passionate kiss that had ended in them exploring each other’s bodies for the first time. There had been many other times since.
Jamie shifted in the bed, tracing tickling patterns on her back as she sighed contentedly. Her whisky eyes were barely discernible in the candlelit glow of his room, but he could see them open at half-mast; that glint of desire that matched his own and prompted their next words.
“Perhaps we should get started. Six is a lot of children.” Claire reached down to grasp him firmly, but Jamie shied away with a brief laugh, clasping her hand instead.
“I’d like to marry ye first, Sassenach.”
“Well, that could be some time from now, Jamie,” she pouted, still trying to touch him as he skirted her roving hands and pulled the nightstand drawer open.
“It could be weeks, or even days if ye wanted.” He produced a small black velvet box and knelt on the bed, where Claire went suddenly still with a small gasp.
“I believe ye had already decided ye wanted to marry me, that time you were fair gone with drink after yer exams, but I thought I’d ask properly.”
“Oh, I remember.” Claire smiled faintly, tears coursing down her face. “The occasion, not what I actually said. Remind me?”
“I ken what I want,” Jamie said, recalling her words. “I want ye, Claire. I have for a long time, ever since we met. Ye are beautiful, Sassenach, and I want to marry ye. Because I love ye. Will ye have me?”
When you looked over your shoulder For a minute, I forget that I'm older I wanna dance with you right now Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever And I swear that everyday'll get better You make me feel this way somehow
The church was lit with small votives that lent an understated glow to the stained-glass windows. Jamie thought his heart was going to burst as Claire walked towards him on the arm of her beloved Uncle Lamb.
She was beautiful, seeming to float in her gauzy wedding dress. The smile on her face, though – that was pure magic. Surrounded by their nearest and dearest—his godfather in representation of his late Mam and Da, his siblings, her medical school colleagues, her uncle standing in for her own departed parents—Claire and Jamie pledged their love for each other.
“Ye are blood of my blood,” Jamie said, voice trembling slightly, “and bone of my bone. I give ye my body, that we two may be one. I give ye my spirit, ‘til our life shall be done.” He placed a thin gold wedding band on Claire’s finger, and she clung to his hands tightly as she repeated the vow and slid a matching ring onto his.
They walked out of the small Scottish church to the applause and cheers of their friends waving sparklers in the Highland summer twilight. At the reception Claire felt shivers walk up her spine as Jamie traced her bare shoulders ever so gently while Uncle Lamb recited Burns.
Till a the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi the sun; I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o life shall run…
Jamie leaned in to whisper into Claire’s ear. “Yer face is my heart, Sassenach, and the love of ye is my soul.”
I'm so in love with you And I hope you know Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold We've come so far my dear Look how we've grown And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old Just say you won't let go Just say you won't let go
Jamie watched Claire sleeping on her side, hands tucked dreamily under her head. He traced the curve of her swelling belly with eyes, then tender hands, lightly so as not to wake his very pregnant wife.
He wondered if it would be a wee lad or lass. They had decided not to find out, and be properly surprised until the day. Their other child, Faith, was eagerly awaiting her baby brother or sister. He made a mental note to buy a couple of small gifts to give the ween, on behalf of the new bairn.
Claire stirred, shifting, and her golden eyes landed on him, smiling drowsily and patting the space next to her on the bed.
“What’re you doing? Watching me sleep again?”
“Aye, love. Ye ken me well.”
“Stalker.” She yawned and carefully turned, cradling the heft of her belly as she did so. He lay behind her, his chest to her back, and placed his hands on hers.
“Have ye thought more on names?” Jamie’s big hands caressed her gently, moving to press against her back as she moaned in relief.
“Oh, right there, yes… I have some ideas. Well, an idea. What do you think of Brian if it’s a boy, after your da? Or Brianna, if it’s a girl?”
Jamie’s breath caught in his throat, touched beyond words. A brief squeeze of her shoulder told her all he had to say about her suggestion.
“It’s settled then,” she murmured, half asleep again. Jamie let her go under, slipping carefully out of bed. He went about his nighttime routine: turning lights off, checking doors and windows to make sure they were locked, a final peek at Faith in her big-girl bed, clutching her worn lovey.
Finally, he climbed back into bed, facing Claire this time. He found himself drawn to her features again, in peaceful slumber, until he closed his eyes as he fell in love with her again.
I wanna live with you Even when we're ghosts 'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most
Jamie had Claire’s hands in a death grip as Dr. Rawlings waited quietly for them to process the news. He could feel the delicate tracery of veins in her hands, could recite them from memory, every mark, every spot, every loving wrinkle 76 years of life had wrought on her skin.
Breast cancer. Jamie’s stomach was lodged somewhere in his throat and Claire—his wife, life’s blood, his heart—sat next to him, stone still, her knuckles white with the strength of her control.
“Alright,” Claire finally broke the terrified silence. “Radiation, chemo, the usual, right?”
“We could start there. Another option you may want to consider is a double mastectomy, given we are at a stage two diagnosis. With radiation, your chances of cancer returning drop significantly.”
Jamie found his voice. “What are her chances of… of survival?”
“Each case is individual.” Dr. Rawlings cleared his throat. “Mrs. Fraser’s chances are extremely good, however. We’ve detected it relatively early, and with proper treatment, she has excellent chances. But as you know,” he said, addressing Claire directly now, “we cannot make any firm promises.”
“We understand.” Claire released Jamie’s hands and brushed her fingers lightly over her clavicle, no doubt thinking of the betrayal she felt her body had committed.
“Please take some time to discuss your options with your husband. I’ll give you some privacy.” The doctor stood and shut the door behind him.
The silence returned, deafening in Jamie’s ears and pounding inside his head, despite the multitude of thoughts and the paralyzing fear he felt. He turned to Claire, tears in his eyes; he found steely resolve in hers.
“Jamie, I want the mastectomy.” She swallowed hard and touched the tops of her breasts again. “I think it’s the surest way. I don’t want the chemo. I’ll have the radiation to be sure, but the children—”
“The children are grown, Sassenach. They have children of their own. I ken ye dinna want them to worry for ye, but they’ll want to help, they’ll want to be there with ye every step o’ the way. As do I, Claire.” He reached for her hand again and kissed it.
“So, you agree to the surgery? It means both my breasts will be removed. Jamie, my body—” Claire choked on the last word, tears finally streaming down her cheeks.
“Yer body is beautiful, Sassenach. It will always be beautiful to me, I will always love ye as ye are, no matter what.” He reached across his chair to envelop her in his arms, rubbing up and down her back while she went quietly to pieces.
“I can bear pain myself,” he said softly into her hair, “but I couldna bear yours. That would take more strength than I have.” Jamie pressed a kiss on her temple and leaned back to look Claire square in the eye. “But I will continue to learn from ye, and be yer strength when ye need it most, love. I will support yer choice.”
Claire took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. “The surgery. It’s early days, Jamie. I have a very good chance. But if you’d rather I go through chemo instead…”
“It’s yer mind, and yer good, good heart that I cherish, and I’ll always love and adore yer body no matter what.”
I'm gonna love you 'til My lungs give out I promise 'til death we part like in our vows So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows Finally it's just you and me 'til we're grey and old Just say you won't let go Just say you won't let go
Jamie was dreaming.
She walked across the field of heather at Lallybroch, wild dark hair dancing in the wind. Claire. His Sassenach.
He was dreaming because she looked young again, as she had when they had first met. He was dreaming because Claire had been gone for 2 years, passing away in her sleep after battling cancer. Taking his heart with her.
“Mo nighean donn.”
“Jamie.” She reached out and cradled his cheek in her hand. He covered her hand in his own and marveled at the feel of her, a dream or memory no longer, and he understood.
“Am I… dead?”
“You are, my love. In the general sense of the word.” A brief tinge of regret flashed in her amber eyes, to be replaced by fathomless love. “But you are also here with me.”
Jamie looked down and saw his own aged and careworn body, lying peacefully on its side near the broch where he had been walking. He looked like he was sleeping. He remembered stumbling suddenly, falling, and then no more. Despite his advanced age, despite his children’s words, he had refused to stop his morning strolls, and now…
“Will they find me?”
“Brianna sent Roger after you. He will be with her, don’t worry. And Faith has Robert, and they have their children. They will all be alright, after a while.”
“I dinna wish to cause our children pain.” Jamie slid his arms around Claire’s waist, burrowing into her neck and still marveling at the realness, the wonder of her again.
“Pain is a part of life. It is a testament to how much we have loved.”
Jamie pulled away from her, intense and tender at once. “I never stopped, Claire. Ye must ken that. Loving you. These past two years, I have existed, but not lived. For Faith and Brianna, the weans, I tried to go on.” It seemed important, somehow, for him to say this now. “I continued, for their sakes—though I would not have, for my own.”
That miraculous touch again. “They will take comfort in the knowledge that you and I are together again.”
Jamie took her face in his and kissed her mouth, warm honey as he’d always known it, as he remembered. “Forever?”
Claire smiled, luminous. “That amount of time does not exist.”
Hand in hand, they walked into the light.
Just say you won't let go Oh, just say you won't let go
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bekaroth-reads · 4 years
[Okay, while it was trying to plot this out the only way I could really picture him being outwardly soft(fluffy) affectionate was if he was high, so that’s what I went with. A bit out of character, but it was a lot of fun to write :) ]
There was no way you were going to get over this. When you saw Wesker stumble into the room, you had thought he was injured. When you rushed to him and looked him over you didn't see anything. Despite this he eventually slumped over and fell down, knocking his glasses off in the process. After he was face-first on the floor is when you were finally able to see the culprits of his problems were. There were two decent-sized vials stuck into his back. You were unsure what to do with this whole situation, so all you were able to do was sit there and stare at his limp body on the floor. Eventually, you decided there was only one way to get those things out of his back. "Sorry about this..." you offered the apology as a slight way to comfort him before yanking the syringes out as quickly as you could. The pained groans that came from Wesker let you know that he was still alive at least. With a bit of effort, you were able to flip him over onto his back.
You were in for the biggest shock of your life. Wesker's pupils which were usually thin slits in his yellow irises were blown out so much where they almost blacked out the irises completely. You also noticed that the whites of his eye were slightly red and his eyelids looked sort of swollen. "Wesker, what happened?" By this point, you were more confused rather than concerned. He gave you a confused look like he just now realized that you were there and then took a moment to process your question. "They... finally...... they found me... and.... when did I get to my offish?" he slurred. "You, uh, you just got here. Do we need to leave?" If he was right and people were coming after him then it would be a bad idea to stick around. "Wha- Noooooo, I lost them a looong time ago." He slurred as his head flopped over to the side to look at you better.
"Hey, you're here!" Albert exclaimed in a very uncharacteristically chipper voice. "Um, yeah, I am.." You stared almost in horror at the doped up man on the floor. The most you could think to do was to get one of those vials and hope there was something there to test and make an antidote or something. When you started to leave there was a vice grip on your arm. "Hey, don't go! You just get here." Albert whined as he pulled you down on top of him. "Albert, you're not yourself right now." He pulled you closer and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "And, you're cute." He almost giggled. As much as you wanted to be upset this was actually hilarious. You also knew there was no way that you would ever get to see him like again. "So, you think I'm cute?" You teased back, accepting that this was you lot in life for the moment. "Of course I do! But... I would neeeeeever tell you to your face. It would make me seem... foolish." You laughed at his now serious expression. "Oh, well, we wouldn't want that, now would we?"
As much as you wanted to see where this was going, you knew that whenever Wesker did sober up he'd be pretty pissed of you didn't at least attempt to get him back to his room. Thankfully there was a secret way there through the office, so you didn't have too far to go. "Alright, we've got to get you out of here." You prompted as you were thankfully able to stand up and braced yourself to try to hoist Wesker off of the floor. While you were able to get him to his feet initially, he quickly leaned most of his body weight on you making the two of you almost fall back onto the floor. After a moment of gaining your balance, you started your way to his room. Wesker was oddly quiet the whole way there; you could tell that he was looking at you the entire time
. When you got to the room you sat, well, more so flopped him down onto the bed with a relieved huff. Your shoulders were definitely going to feel this in the morning. You still felt Wesker's eyes on you, but you couldn't quite pinpoint the feeling behind it. The only thing that you could think to do was to excuse yourself, let him sleep off whatever was in his system right now, and check on him in the morning. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." There was an awkward air in the room as you tried to turn toward the door. You suddenly felt a grip on the back of your shirt. "Where are you going?" There was even more of a slur to his voice, so he must be getting drowsy. That fact didn't change the fact that he was strong enough that if you tried to walk away now his hold would easily rip your shirt. "I'm going to bed." At this point, you were exhausted and you knew that he had to be as well after all that he's been though.
"There's a bed right here." Wesker almost crooned as he patted the spot next to him with his empty hand. "Yes, but you're in that bed." You placed your hand on his to try to get it to loosen on your shirt. "Well, yeah. I don't want you to get lonely." He chuckled as he pulled you into a vice grip. "Wesker, you're being impossible." You laughed and decided to just snuggle up to him for the night. "I love you too." He sighed contently. "Wait, what?!" You did almost yelled. The only answer you got, however, was his deep, rhythmic breathing indicating he had finally fallen asleep.
The next morning bonus: Wesker-"Oh, christ, my head! I- wait, what are you doing here? What happened last night?!"
You- "God, where do I even start..."
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Sonic getting winter clothes for the first tome with Maddie because she isn’t going to let him freeze.
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I’m going to be combining these two asks together since they both take place in winter anyway.
Ok Hoo boy this took a looong time to write. But i hope you guys enjoy it! I'm gonna make this one a sequel to the previous prompt I did since that took place in the fall and this one in the winter~.
This Definitely Beats the Cave.
I feel so cold.....
Why is it so cold.....?
I haven’t felt cold this intense since.....
The cave.
The cave was always this cold during this time of year.
But I’m not in the cave anymore....
Feeling a brisk chill in the room woke Sonic from his dreamless sleep, looking around squinting at the light peeking through his curtains.
“Oh, I’m in my room.” He assured himself as he suddenly shivered as curled his body in.
“Why is it so cold in here?” He thought as he tried to find a warm spot under the covers.
He pulled the thick covers closer to his head and curled up underneath to hide away from the cold and try to go back to sleep until he heard the faint voices of Tom and Maddie coming from the kitchen downstairs.
“Typical Saturday” he thought as he slowly woke from his drowsy state. Tom usually had Saturday’s off while Maddie had to work at the veterinary. Since she was still here, she must’ve taken off as well.
“Tom always makes pancakes his ‘famous’ banana pancakes on Saturday.” He smiled slightly as his ear flicked towards the sound of sizzling from the frying pan downstairs.
It’s weird to think that only 7 months ago, he had his heroic battle with the eccentric scientist, Dr. Eggman or more formally known as Dr. Robotnik, but also with it being 6 1/2 months since the day he was taken in by the Wachowski’s, becoming an official member of their family.
Groaning, Sonic pushed the comforter off him as he quickly grabbed a smaller blanket from the corner of his bed and wrapped it around his tiny body. Making his way to the headboard of his race car bed, he wiped away the fog in his window to look outside.
As he went to look, he squinted his eyes against the morning rays coming through his window.
“Geez why is it so bright out today? It’s only 7:15.”
Rubbing his eyes, he looked out again to see frost patterns on the window and snow.....falling?
“It’s snowing?”
Sonic’s face lit up with excitement as he felt his little tails wag back and forth. Actual snow!
It’s been so long since he’s seen this much snow in Green Hills, during this time of year, it was just freezing outside but this year must be different. It must be a new-
His train of thought stopped as he suddenly realized what month it was. The young hedgehog jumped off his bed and zoomed over to his calendar to where the date was circled and words were in red ink.
Christmas Eve
“Oh my gosh” he said shocked as he went to put on his slippers and open the attic door. “I can’t believe I forgot what today is!” As he open up the door, he quickly rolled down the steps in his ball form to the first floor.
Once he got to the bottom, he uncurled and rubbed his head in annoyance. “We really need to get those stairs carpeted.”
Standing up to find his slipper, which had fallen off when he rolled down the stairs, he heard someone calling from the kitchen.
“Sonic?” Maddie called over the volume of the radio. “You okay sweetie?”
“Yeah I’m ok! You gotta tell Tom that he really needs to make these stairs carpeted!”
Tom’s voice cuts in immediately afterwards. “I kept telling you not to roll down them like that Sonic! They’re not designed for stuff like that.”
“Well someone needs to change that rule.” Grudgingly he sprinted over to the table where Maddie was sitting, who was writing out an email for work while Tom was flipping the pancakes on the stove, humming along to the Christmas music on the radio. The newly decorated tree tucked in the corner of the living room, filled with ornaments and family trinkets as the lights dimly glowed.
Maddie smiled and rubbed his head as he sat down next to him before going back to her computer, continuing to talk as she typed.
“So how you feeling knowing what today is?”
Swinging his legs, he looked at her with excitement. “It’s pretty exciting! I’ve never celebrated a holiday like this before.” Pausing as he petted Ozzie’s head as he made his way over to the table.
“I mean yeah I’ve heard about it so many times before from overhearing other people but actually getting that chance to celebrate it? I’m all for it!”
Maddie smiled as she continued to listen to the young teen’s ramblings of how the kids at the school told him about the traditions they’re families do to leaving out milk and cookies for an elderly man that breaks into your house through the chimney to leave presents underneath your tree.
“I mean I don’t get why he comes into people’s house while they’re sleeping, gives us so much gifts but instead of maybe, I don’t know ARREST HIM? all we give him in return is milk and cookies?”
As Maddie went to answer, but Tom beat her to it as he entered the room carry a plate full of banana pancakes and a pitcher of orange juice.
“I mean I guess that’s why he wears a red suit all the time.” He pauses as he sets the food down on the table. “Once he’s caught, he’ll be caught red handed.”
Pausing from her typing, Maddie looked up with a smile and shook her head while Sonic just looked on with a disgusted look straight at Tom.
“Why? Why must you always be so into the puns?”
Pouring the orange juice into Sonic’s cup, he simply shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I’m just a real punny guy.” He replied as he looked up with sly grin.
Sonic threw back his head, grabbing his ears as he groaned. “UGH MADDIE PLEASE MAKE HIM STOP!”
Tom cracked up with laughter at Sonic’s reaction while Maddie placed her head in her hands, her head shaking but laughing silently as well.
Ozzie looked on at them from the corner of the room, tilting his head in curiosity.
Once the dishes were cleaned up, Tom and Maddie went back upstairs while Sonic zipped over towards the window as he dried his still damp hands, watching the snow falling gently outside. “Man i can’t wait to get out there.” he said quietly as he placed his hand under his chin, arm resting on the windowsill.
“I know what you’re thinking but you’re not going outside just yet.” Maddie’s voice coming from behind him, sounding stern.
Turning around, he saw her with her kneeling against the counter, hands behind her back but her face was filled with seriousness.
“Aww why not yet? I helped clean up and i did my chores yesterday so I didn’t have to do them today!” He pressed, walking towards her.
She tapped her fingers against the counter, tilting her head in surprise at his outburst. “Well probably it’s because you don’t have a warm coat on?”
He went to respond back, but paused in realizing that she was right. Other than that nice red scarf he got back in the fall from his cousin Jojo, he didn’t have any actual winter wear for the snow.
Going outside during this time of year was always difficult when he lived in his cave, but due to his speed, he was always in and out before the cold would really get to him. Even when the cave was colder than usual, he would simply roll in a ball and burrow into layers of clothes that he found during he year until the morning.
Looking up at Maddie, he sighed in defeat. “Ok yeah I don’t have any warm clothes, it just never seemed like an issue until now.“ He mumbled as he stared down at the floor, crossing his arms and rubbing them with his hands.
Maddie, kneeling down placed and hand on his shoulder, the other hand still behind her back. “Well we can start now.” She said with a smile as she revealed a neatly wrapped package from behind her back.
Sonic looked on in shock at the package, taking gently from her hands, sitting down and eagerly ripping into the paper.
Once he opened it, what he saw brought the biggest smile on his face. Inside was a zippered lavender puffer with dark orange snow pants that was just about his size. He quickly grabbed the coat and zipped it up around his body while struggling to put on the pants and walk at the same time.
Moving his arms around, he looked at himself in the reflection of the hallway mirror, marveling at the warmth he was feeling from the material of the outfit.
In the reflection, he could see Maddie smiling at him and he turned around, grinning at her.
“I love it! It’s so warm makes funny noises when I move my arms!” He says as he demonstrates with said promised noise.
Laughing softly, she kneels down to his height and adjusts his coat.
“That’s good to hear. You can consider this an early Christmas present since you can’t wait to get outside.” She looked down at the box on the floor.
“Oh! You almost forgot about this.” She reaches inside to pull out a dark blue beanie winter hat.
“I wanted to get you a hat that’ll stay on your head when you run and due to the quills on your head being really big.” She jokingly said as she snapped the buckle under his chin.
Noticing his silence, she glances at his face, seeing his eyes well up before he quickly wipes them away to smile at her again. “Thank you” his voice cracked with emotion. Maddie smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek caressing it, causing him to close his eyes as he leans into her gentle touch.
“It’s no problem, sweetie.”
Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, the two looked up to see Tom in full snow gear complete with goggles and mask.
“Alright!” His voice muffled by the scarf around his face. “Let’s brave this weather!”
Clapping his hands together, Tom walked down the driveway with Sonic and Maddie close behind him while Ozzie was jumping around in the blankets of snow on the lawn.
Other than the sound of their feet crunching against the snow, the whole woods felt so quiet. Barely any birds chirping, no sounds of cars driving on the roads in the distance, heck they wasn’t even any snow tracks of the raccoons near the garbage cans.
Turing around to face the two, Tom slapped his arms to his side, putting on a goofy sergeant-esque voice. “All right troopers, our main objective right now is to clear this driveway till there’s no more speck on snow on it. Do I make myself clear?”
Maddie looked at him with one eyebrow raised, hands on her hips while Sonic wasn’t paying him no mind, staring up at the sky and trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue.
Clearing his throat, he repeated it again but this time raising his voice louder.
“Yes Thomas!” “Geez we heard you donut lord!”
“Good, now let’s get to work soldiers!” Watching him as he marched towards the end of the driveway, Maddie turned to see Sonic kneeling down near a fresh pile of snow.
He seemed to be placing handprints in the snow, making each one till they all formed a circle with the palms facing the center and the fingers facing outward.
Walking over and kneeling down, she watched as he then drew a circle in the center and used his pointer finger to place holes in the center of it.
Once he finished his new art piece, he kneeled back on his knees smiling fondly at it before his face dropped and his mouth became a tight line. Maddie, noticing this placed a hand on his back.
“You ok?”
He looked up, face never changing as he gazed out onto the snow covered lawn.
“I....used to do this during the winters when I lived in my cave, before I met you and Tom.” He let out a heavy sigh as he looked down at the hand prints. “It would remind me of the flowers that grew in my old home.” He paused, making his hands on his knees into fists, a few blue sparks started flickering from his hat. “They remind me of the flower I last gave to....her.” Maddie felt her heart skip a beat as she well knew who he was talking about.
After Sonic came to live with them. She quickly learned from Tom of the other world where the young teen had originally came from, why he had to leave and who he had to leave behind in order to be safe from harm.
Pulling him into a side hug, she heard Tom’s footsteps crunching against the snow before feeling his arm wrap around her back and seeing him kneel next to Sonic. He lifted his chin to meet Sonic’s eye. “I know Longcalw would be happy for where you are now bud. I sure know we both are.”
Sonic gave a small grin as closed his eyes and melted into their embrace, the sparks quickly fading away.
The three stayed in silence for awhile before the sound of Ozzie’s barking caught they’re attention, as he was trying to chase a squirrel up a tree but only to end up on his back in the snow.
Shaking his head at the dog, Tom stood up to go back shoveling the driveway when he looked down at the hand prints again.
After a second, a thought popped into his mind. “Hey Sonic? You still up on adding something to your bucket list?”
Sonic perked up looking up at him with interest. “You know I’m always up for that challenge.”
Nodding in agreement, he walked out into the part of the lawn where no prints were visible with Sonic walking a foot behind him. Maddie brushing off the snow from her pants and headed back inside the house, calling Ozzie to come inside.
“Ok so this is something I used to do with all the kids when it would snow.”
Crossing his arms, Sonic looked on in confusion as Tom raised his arms....onlu to fall straight back in the snow.
Alarmed he quickly ran to his side, only to see that he started to move his arms and legs back and forth. “We call these snow angels!” He yelled over the sound of his coat against the snow.
Intrigued, he began to sit in the snow, copying Tom’s movements and staring up in the cloudy sky.
“Ok we’re done, here what do you think?” He helped Sonic to his feet as they looked down at the new creations.
“Hmm, It’s fine I guess.” He backed up slightly to get a better angle. “They do kinda look like angels.”
Tilting his head to see the size difference. “Mines looks so small compared to yours”
“Well you are a small fry”
He snapped his head, looking offended “Ok first of all, I’m not that small from before! Second of all, I’m only fourteen so I’m not fully grown yet and Maddie said I’m gonna have a growth spurt soon anyway!”
“Yeah more like fourteen inches.” Tom mumbled under his breath. Unfortunately Sonic had heard that comment and bent down silently to grab a handful of snow.
“Hey Tom?”
“Wh-” *SPLAT*
Tom staggered back as he got a face full of snow, spluttering as he wiped it off his face.
Sonic fell onto his back, holding his stomach as he laughed at the man’s reaction.
“HAHAHA! Oh my god your face was so priceless! Oh man I wish I had a camera.”
Wiping the last of the snow off his face, he looked down at the laughing hedgehog. “Yeah yeah laugh it up, you think you’re so hilarious don’t you?”
He sat up, rubbing tears from his eyes. “I know I’m hilarious” he said with a sly grin.
Tom stared at him with a blank face before an evil grin appeared on his face. “Oh ok.” He said as he started to approach him.
“Uhhh why are you looking at me like th-AUUGH!” He yelped in surprise as Tom grabbed both his legs and swung him over his shoulder, dangling him upside down on the human’s back
“Not by a long shot, you caught me off guard so I’m simply returning the favor.” He replied as he started to purposely move his body, causing the hedgehog’s body to move back and forth.
“Ok you can stop now, you’re making me sick.” He tried to sound annoyed but was failing as a few giggles slipped out.
“Well whose fault is that?” He chuckled as he started to gallop his legs, earning more laughs out of Sonic. Hearing the sound of the front door opening (Still at an upside down perspective), he turned his head to see Maddie standing on the porch.
“Maddie! Help! He won’t put me down!”
Kneeling over the railing, she laughed at the sight of her boys playing in the yard. “Thomas Wachowski put him down now before you make him sick!”
“He assaulted a sheriff officer! He made the crime he’s doing the time for it!” He yelled as he continued to run around the yard with Sonic hanging off his back.
Rolling her eyes, she looked at her husband as face became serious.
Knowing better than to ignore his wife’s orders a second time, he swung Sonic around and placed him right side up with a look of satisfaction.
With wobbly legs, Sonic struggled to keep his balance, giggling slightly while trying to his distance from Tom just in case he tried to grab him again.
“Ok boys time to come in! It’s getting cold and I got another surprise waiting for you!”
Sonic, shaking off the last of the dizziness, zoomed up the stairs past Maddie into the house while Tom collected the shovels and looked back at the still snow covered driveway. “I guess there’s always tomorrow.”
After hanging up his wet clothes and hat, Sonic took off his shoes and headed towards the couch in the living room where on the coffee table, where 3 large mugs filled with a dark liquid, steam slowly rising from each of them.
“Hey Maddie? Why’d you make us coffee this late? I thought I wasn’t allowed to drink that anymore?”
“Oh you most definitely aren’t allowed to drink it.” Sitting down next to him and opening a bag of marshmallows, putting two in each cup. “And it’s not coffee, this is called hot chocolate”
Watching as she shook a can of whipped cream, Tom entered the room with Ozzie following close behind, finding a spot on the couch next to Sonic to sit. “You guys really love spoiling me don’t you?”
“Don’t get used to it” Tom grunted as he sat in his arm chair, clutching his cup. “By tomorrow morning, things will be hectic again. It’s rare that it’s this quiet.”
Passing a cup to Sonic, Maddie scoffed as she made her cup. “Uh what about the times from before when you’d randomly invite Wade over and watch all those crazy Christmas movies with the volume blaring through the house?”
“Hey How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a classic! It deserves to be watched in its original sound ratio. I’m just ashamed that he doesn’t feel the same way.”
“It’s probably because of how the actor is”
“What’s wrong with the actor?”
“He’s too...eccentric.”
“How is that a bad thing Maddie? It brings more comedic effect.”
“But he kinda goes overboard at times.”
“Hmm why does the sound similar to eggman?” He thought as the two continued their ‘discussion’ about certain actors who are still beloved for being ‘too eccentric.’
The young hedgehog sipped his warm drink as he watched them talk, petting Ozzie on the back as he took a breath, turning around to look out the window into the yard and up to the clear night sky.
He smiled as he took another sip before sitting back down on the couch laying up against the dog, no longer full of doubt.
“I gotta say, This definitely beats the cave”
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bre-meister · 4 years
Hi! i loved your drabbles, can you do the greens with the prompt “she doesn’t know how much he loves her, he doesn’t know she feels the same” and a confession?
It took me a looong time to write this (and I feel kinda bad because I could never find any inspiration to write your other ask) so I hope this super long post makes up for it
“This is bullshit.” 
Boomer, turned to his girlfriend, eyes wide. Bubbles almost never swore. It was something that happened, sure, but not very often and only when what she was referencing was completely serious. Boomer looked around, confused. There was nothing in their immediate area to warrant such a reaction from Bubbles. 
The two were sitting in a booth in a niche dinner that they had been coming to for years, even before they officially began dating. They had silently been watching Buttercup say goodbye to her...date? Honestly, Boomer didn’t know how to categorize it - they had, in all sense of the words, been on a double date with his girlfriend’s sister and her newest fling but it didn’t really seem to him that Buttercup was fully there the whole time.
“What do you mean?” he finally asked, “What’s bullshit?”
“That” she gestured wildly at her sister who was now standing alone on the street, her date having departed. Bubbles’ gesture turned into a friendly wave when Buttercup turned to look over her shoulder at the two still situated in the dinner. Boomer snorted at her silly antics. 
Buttercup returned the wave with a smile that didn’t seem to reach her eyes before taking off to the sky, presumably home but Boomer had a feeling she’d be making a stop along the way. Bubbles let out a deep breath, turning away from the window to face him fully.
“She should be with Butch. Those two are totally meant to be! Instead, she’s wasting her time on these random guys trying to deny her feelings. Would it be so bad if she just accepted them? If they tried to be more than just friends?”
Boomer hummed in thought. He wasn’t blind to the way that Butch felt about BC. In fact, he was pretty sure Buttercup was the only one who hadn’t realized it. 
“She doesn’t know how much he loves her. I mean, honestly, I don’t know how she hasn’t realized it yet but she hasn’t.”
“Yeah but he doesn’t know that she feels the same either and for a guy who talks as much game as Butch he’s being a real scardey cat about asking her out.” Boomer laughed at that. Butch was the dictionary definition of male posturing with only one exception - Buttercup. When it came to her, he was terrified about messing anything up.
“I’ve been left no choice.” Seeing where this was going, Boomer tried to interject.
“Sweetie I don’t think -” 
“No, I’ve given them ample time, and yet here we are.” She was already pushing past him, all but climbing over him to get out of the booth and on with her plans.
“Clearly, Butch isn’t going to make a move anytime soon and if I know Buttercup, which I do, she won’t either. “ At this point Bubbles was shrugging on her jacket, preparing to walk out the door. Boomer jumped up quickly, shoving his arms into his own jacket while nearly tripping over himself to catch up with her - she was moving quickly and the look in her eyes before she left did not bode well for their siblings.
“Bubs, what exactly are you going to do?”
She stopped abruptly, the blue of the sky meeting the deepest color of the ocean as she looked intently into his eyes. At that moment, he knew that she wouldn’t be swayed from whatever it was that she was planning.
“They’re miserable tiptoeing around each other; making one another jealous both intentionally and unintentionally. You said it yourself, Butch was going crazy about Buttercup going out with someone else tonight. If they won’t get together for their own sake I’m going to ger them together for everyone else’s sanity!”
Bommer couldn’t deny she had a point. Dealing with a jealous raging Butch gets old fast and he knew Brick had even less patience for this than he did.
“Well, when you put it that way, “ he sighed “how can I help?”
“So I take it the date didn’t go very well?”
Buttercup sighed. She knew she shouldn’t have come here, knew she should have gone straight home but she couldn’t help it. She needed to see him, touch him. Apparently, she was a masochist now - torturing herself with the one thing she wants more than anything yet knows she can’t have.
“He took one look at the way Bubbles and Boomer were acting. Like even though we were on a double date they were the only ones around for miles.” She explained at his confused expression. “So he said that I’d never shown that much interest in him and he didn’t see it happening anytime soon, so he ended it.” She trailed off slightly at the end, not that it really mattered, she knew he could hear every single word with his superhearing - what she didn’t know was how desperately he clung to every word she said, every sound she made, every laugh, every sigh, everything.
“That’s the saddest part about it though, I wasn’t upset. Well, I was just not at him.”
 “Then at what?” Butch was studious when it came to Buttercup. He wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to know her deepest dreams, her heart’s greatest desire, and he wanted to make those happen for her - he wanted to give her everything.
“At Bubbly and Little Boy Blue I guess, at Leader Girl and Cap boy, at Robin and Mike and Mitch and Pablo and just...everyone who seems to be able to find that type of love.” They sat in silence for a bit, each hoping the other would say something but neither being brave enough to do so. Eventually, Buttercup broke the silence.
“Maybe I just need to accept that I’ll never have that.”
“Don’t say that Butterfly,” she smiled at her and lifted her face until they were looking into each other’s eyes. For a moment he lost his train of thought, lost as he was in her green eyes - green like acid, a warning to all those who would underestimate her but he would never; he knew the power held inside her small body, knew that she could end him without much effort and he loved that about her 
No, he silently scolded himself. You’re not allowed to love things you can’t have. He shook his head imperceptibly before continuing.
“ You’ll find that. I don’t believe there’s no one out there who wouldn’t want that with you. I - “ 
I want that with you. I want it more than anything in the world. I want it so much it hurts. How have I been this blind this whole time? 
“I’m your best friend. I should know better than anyone right?” He told himself that it wasn’t disappointment he saw in her face - crushed that hope just as violently as he had all the others. It couldn’t be and he wouldn’t ruin their relationship on hope. He’d rather be just friends and be able to keep her close than not have her in his life at all.
“Best friend.” She repeated. 
Standing up she let go of his hand - something she hadn’t realized she had grabbed and was loathed to let go of - so she could prepare to leave. She shouldn’t have come. It always hurt more to leave than it did before she came yet she couldn’t stay away. Masochist.
“Bye Butch. Thanks for everything.”
Everything. There was that word again. He wanted to tell her that he would give her everything she was looking for, treat her like she was everything because she was. Instead, he simply told her goodbye. 
Buttercup hesitated at the door. She would have liked to hug him, friends hug right? She decided against it though knowing that after the night she’d have she wouldn’t be able to let go. So, instead, she went back home to her empty apartment and presented that he was there, holding her the way she wished he would. In turn, as he lay in bed just a few miles away, he held tightly to his extra pillow wishing it was her and he could hold her the way he so desperately wanted to.
she doesn’t know how much he loves her, he doesn’t know she feels the same. So naturally, their siblings conspire to change that.
Brick thought this was dumb. Who were they to meddle in the lives of their siblings? In his mind, If the two idiots couldn’t figure this shit out on their own, then they deserve the literal nonsense they are imparting upon themselves. He checked his watch before looking around the room again. Blossom was sitting next to him, tapping away at her phone - no doubt checking her emails. Bubbles and Boomer were whispering, probably conspiring, together in the kitchen. Everyone was in the same place they were five minutes ago when he’d last checked - five minutes ago when this little shindig was supposed to start. Brick Jojo was many things and patience was not one of them.
“How are you sure they're even going to show up considering they’re already late and all.”
“That’s not fair Brick, Buttercup and Butch are perpetually late to everything.” Blossom reminded him without even looking up from her phone.
“I know they are going to show up because I told Buttercup that I needed her help and Buttercup never stands me up when I need her help.” Bubbles looked very proud of herself.
“She’s right, Buttercup would drop everything if Bubbles said she needed help.” Blossom supported Bubbles whose proud look turned to a smug one.
“And I told Butch I needed his help - “
“Butch would stand your ass up in a heartbeat and you know that.” Boomer glared at his brother but didn’t try to denounce the statement.
“I told him I needed his help with a surprise for Buttercup.”
“Butch would drop anything for Buttercup.” There goes Blossom, yet again defending this plan that he oh so detested.
“Brick please just try, for me?” Blossom finally looked up from her phone only to give him the biggest puppy dog eyes in the world. He hated when she did that - she knew he couldn’t say no to those big, gorgeous pink eyes. He let out a sigh and the others took it as a sign.
Exactly ten minutes from when this shindig was supposed to start, the two greens showed up, both equally as confused as the other.
“Bubbs? I thought you said you needed help with cooking a...what was it? A ‘super special top-secret dinner’ - this doesn't seem like a secret to me.” BC voiced her confusion while taking her coat off. She eyed each person in the room and lingered just a tad longer than she perhaps should have on her counterpart.
“Boom told me he and Bubbly needed help with a surprise for you.”
“Me?” Butch nodded.
“Well, I guess you could say this is a surprise.” Boomer began nervously, rubbing at the back of his neck - a nervous tick from childhood he hadn’t seemed to shake.
“A surprise for both of you!” Came Bubbles' overly enthusiastic response.
The two greens turned to their redheaded leaders for some guidance. Surely they wouldn’t have allowed Boomer and Bubbles to rope them into this nonsense. Brick just shrugged as if to say don’t look at me. I don’t want to be here any more than you do. Blossom seemed to take pity on them.
“Look, we’ve all been talking and it seems that we’ve all noticed a running thread with the two of you and we think it’s time to address it.”
“So this is an intervention then?” Buttercup seemed tickled at the idea
“Of sorts,” said Blossom.
“Ok if this is an intervention, then what are you intervening in because last time I checked I haven't smoked since high school, and Butterfly and I don’t drink any more than any of you.”
“See? That right there! That’s why we’re here!” Bubbles was just met with more confusion. She sighed,
“The pet name, Butch.”
“What about it?” The green-eyed man was suddenly very defensive. “It’s just a nickname. We all have nicknames for each other that’s just the kind of shit that happens when you work together all the time.”
“Ya but, Butch, you’re the only one that calls me Butterfly.” 
Buttercup was pretty sure she had never seen Butch’s face that red before. Brick, who had been sitting so silently up until now, seemed to have reached his breaking point.
“Look, we’re here because, apparently, the two of you are just so blind that you can’t see you’re in love with each other.” The sentence came out so casual as if he were just stating that the sky was blue.
The greens turned to each other, mouths gaping.
“Brick!” Both Bubbles and Blossom were not happy.
“What? If you thought that I was going to sit here and play ring around the Rosie with all of you then you thought wrong. The whole point of this was to get these two idiots so they would quit complaining to us! Clearly none of you we’re willing to do it so there, you’re welcome.”
Slowly all eyes turned towards Butch and Buttercup who had closed their mouths but were still staring at one another. 
Buttercup didn’t know what to say. She should feel overjoyed right? The man she had been pinning after all this time loved her back. But there was a small part of her brain that she couldn’t ignore and it was saying that it had to be a lie - it had to be or Butch would have said something to her before then...right?
“I - you love me?” It took a moment for her to realize that the words had come from her mouth.
“I guess there's no reason to deny it at this point huh?” Butch twitched - his own nervous tick he hadn’t had any luck in shaking.
“I um,” he paused, nervously looking around at their siblings, “I don’t really want to do this here. Can we, you know, go somewhere more… private?”
Buttercup swallowed nervously before offering up her apartment as a rendezvous since it was closer than his. The two departed without goodbyes, taking off as fast as they could to reach their destination.
“Well, I thought that went well.” Brick was smirking. The three glares he received indicated that the others did not share the same feeling.
“Would you just say something?” Butch sat nervously on Buttercup’s couch as she paced in front of him.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you love me too. Say that you want to be with me before I go insane about how much of an idiot I sound like right now.”
Buttercup stopped.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Mean what?”
“Do you really love me? Would you really look at me the way Boomer looks at Bubbles? Would you treat me with the same respect Brick treats Blossom? Would you miss me so much when I’m not around that you complain like Mike does about Robin?” She had worked herself up into a frenzy by the end of her rant.
“Buttercup, I already do those things, you’ve just never noticed.” His quiet reply broke something in her - those walls she had been building up for years and years to keep these feelings down. Now, they were all coming to the surface at full force.
She wasn’t sure who made the first move, him or her, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered is that they were together and he was kissing her as if she were air and he was suffocating. She’d never been kissed like this before and she finally understood what it meant to feel those fireworks that her sisters and friends always waxed poetic about.
“Wait.” It took all the power she had to pull away.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” He seemed scared- more scared than she had ever seen him the whole time they’d known each other.
“No. I just needed to tell you, before I forgot. I love you, Butch.”
As if a spark went off the two crashed back together. This time, instead of sleeping alone and wishing, the two lay - naked, sated, happy - in each other's arms. Whispered confessions of love and wanting shared between them until sleep finally took over. Nothing would ever be the same again, but maybe that was for the best.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
For the kiss prompts can I beg for 12 with Axel please 🖤
(A/N): Hey guys!
I am very very sorry, but I accidentally forgot to mention that I took the inspiration of Axel having a dog from the EXTREMELY TALENTED @emmyrosee from this drabble! (sorry for not mentioning it before I am just... dead in the mind lately).
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
WARNINGS: Slight Mention of Violence Against Animals.
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He’ll make a fine addiction to the house’ you had mumbled when your boyfriend had come back from a pouring night with a small dog hidden under his left arm.
The small beauty was shivering and scared, enough that as you first attempted to collect him from Alex’ hold, he growled at you, trying to appear threateningly and Axel had just backed off, shushing the dog gently, as he had mumbled softly in his ear:
‘Hey, don’t scream at a pretty lady’ and then as soon as the dog had quieted ‘… we don’t catcall in this house’.
You had then simply smirked, as the dog had indeed shushed, but still he had remained attacked to Axel and in the end your man had moved to bathe the little boy, as you moved to look around the room, searching what was better to give to eat to scared dogs and what you could have in your kitchen that fit those criteria.
Setting up a small dinner for your new guest, you welcomed a rather ‘splashed’ Axel, setting up the dog’s dinner, on a chair beside him, so that the small doggy could eat sitting comfortably on Axel’s lap.
Something that definitely won the small doggy over, making him lick a few of your fingers, as you smirked at him, even being allowed to caress his face, and able to take a small look at his face, you saw that he was missing an eye.
And that he was definitely a small stray.
Axel had indeed a pendant for strays.
Maybe because he had been one a long time ago.
“Some guys were tormenting him” Axel finally spoke, after he had basically inhaled half of his dinner.
He came home from a tough shift at work, since lately everybody seemed to need their cars fixed.
You missed him, waking up to an empty bed and going to sleep in the same one, but you knew that Axel without his work he would have gone mad, even more since you had come in his life and moved in with him.
Although you also worked and reassured him constantly, Axel felt this need of having to provide for you, almost like the breadwinner of your small family, which made you laugh, but also worry, because you didn’t want him to overwork himself.
“… poor sweetie” you mumbled, softly caressing the dog’s ears “… bet that you made the ‘knight in shining armor’ move also on him”.
“It always works” he replied, as he gently raised your chin to kiss your lips.
But you were promptly interrupted by the dog that tried to steal Axel’s dinner, being immediately reprimanded jokingly by your boyfriend, who brought him closer to himself, gently roughing up the dog’s mantle, as the puppy immediately was ready to play with you again.
Something that kept you up for quite a long time, because the dog would start wailing as soon as either you or Axel stopped playing with him, showing that he had probably been abandoned by a family that had gotten tired of him, since he seemed used to human attention.
And he had been subjected to the cruelty of some street things, probably just playing around with the poor dog, who trembled sourly as Axel tried to get a closer look to his missing eye, eventually declaring that you’d have to take him to the vet.
“I have an hour free tomorrow” you proposed softly “… I can bring to work and then bring him to the vet”.
The words had been natural as the puppy had finally settled himself on your thighs, happy of getting his ears scratched, as Axel was a bit taken aback by your swift answer, eventually settling back on the sofa where you were both sat, meanwhile you waited for the small dog to sleep so that you could both move to your own bed.
“… we don’t have to keep him” mumbled Axel, as if he himself didn’t want it with all his heart “… I just wanted this little buddy to have a night of softness and…”.
“As if you can now pry him away from my hands” you replied, making your dork smirk lightly, as he leaned in closer to you, till your noses were close.
“… it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to keep him” he mumbled, brushing softly his nose against yours “… you’d have somebody who can keep you company on these hard, looong nights, without me”.
“As if I miss you” you pouted turning away from him, but still catching a smirk on Axel’s face.
He knew all too well that you missed him, that smooth-talking bastard.
“Whatever you want, babygirl” he retorted, but soon his hands, found themselves lightly wrapped around your neck to push you to turn your face to him, as he moved closer, joining your hands over the dog, who had finally fell in a small slumber, probably as tired as Axel.
But you were very much active.
With the promise of Axel’s lips so close, how could you not be.
“If you don’t miss me then you don’t want my kisses” he pouted and dared to lightly push himself away from you, as you immediately reached out for his shirt, dirtied and broken, making him turn to you.
And he had that idiotic smirk.
But you knew that it was all a front, to avoid showing how much he also missed you.
“Just kiss me, stupid” you whispered hoarsely.
And although he had acted all tough, just a few minutes before, he didn’t hesitate to satisfy your request, leaning in for a rather lasting kiss, as he left you breathless and wanting more.
Wanting to feel him against you, as he pressed you down the mattress and took you till…
And then the small dog growled in your laps, making you both detach yourself from the kiss, as you laughed at the funny interruption, calming him down softly with a few caresses, as Axel just sent him a fake annoyed glare.
“… buddy you aren’t helping me out in convincing her to make you stay”
But you had already fallen in love with the small dog.
And your loving boyfriend.
“We should call him ‘nosy’ “you proposed as Axel quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Ok, you aren’t in charge of our future sons and daughters’ name”.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
you get a prompt or have an idea and then you write it? how do you do it? is it magic? teach me, please, your mind amazes me
Stop it, anon! You’re making me blush! hahaha 
So...! I can do both! hahaha
Do you see how much I write here? This is around half the “work” because I’m constantly daydreaming, thinking about the content that was given to us (clips, social media content, drama in the fandom, gif edits, fan art, other people’s headcanon etc). And then I start having so many ideas. (usually at once, which pisses me off because I’m about to sleep and then I had to run down to write three ideas - for a different remake, different ships - before they’re gone from my brain).
Once I have the ideas, I go around my ask box (that has around 80 prompts that I still need to write), looking where I can fit this idea into. If I find a prompt that someone sent me that I can fit the idea into, perfect! If not, I write the idea anyway and post it. (like it happened with the ABO! AUs, the time travel AU, etc)
No, it’s not magic!! Sadly. I wish I could just picture the idea in my head and it would instantly be written in perfect English, with perfectly written descriptions and dialogues. 
During my good old days (around the time when Skam France season 3 was airing), I would write around 3 prompts a day, post 4 (the last one would be quickly written at the top of my head), and already start writing the next day prompts. 
This week I’m feeling extra inspired, which hasn’t happened in a looong time. So I’m back to writing around 2 prompts a day, posting both of them and moving on to writing tomorrow’s prompts right after posting today’s. On the weekends I tend to work slower because you know, I need some time away from the computer some days. 
When I’m not feeling inspired, it sucks, not gonna lie to you. My main hobby is writing, daydreaming hahaha so when I can’t seem to work, it bothers me like you have no idea. 
I feed off of people liking, commenting, sharing their opinions, talking to me in my askbox, so maybe the last couple of months were bad (creatively speaking) for me because I saw my notes going fast and only downhill - never came back up -, I got my first few hate comments - or people upset that I had not written their ideas yet or that what I wrote wasn’t how they expected the story to go - and so I didn’t see much of a point in writing if I was bothering so many people. But I feel like I’m growing a thicker skin by now and so maybe that is helping me write as I used to a year or so ago. 
It’s a lot of work, work that I like doing, I looove imagining scenarios, creating more content, fix-it fics, etc. And I love it when people love (or just like, it’s okay) what I write. 
So yeah...long answer, but this is my process, sweet, cute anon <3 
I truly hope this helps you in some way. 
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Ezio Auditore x Reader
From my Tumblr writing prompt list: 13.  “Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” == “House sitting in the next town over, didn’t you read the note I left you?”
Ezio sighed forlornly as he sat on his bed this was the fifth day he's returned to an empty house, what happened where was his wife? was she kidnapped? Lost?...did she get sick of him humoring the women who were flirting with him? 
Their marriage wasn't well known within the creed for safety reasons, He's told Y/n time and time again; that those woman met nothing to him! Y/n was the only woman for him! He's always assured her of that, Hasn't he? Maybe...Maybe, She saw that blond Novice force her tongue down his throat?!
Ezio felt ill as he recalled hearing a gasp and seeing a flash of a familiar f/c dress quickly move out of sight, as he pushed the young assassin off of him immediately as soon as he realized what was going on, and demanded to know what in fresh hell She thought she was doing?! 
She blushed and started going on about how she was in love with him and noticed how he would always praise her, and noticed the little looks he'd been giving her when no one was watching,  just knew he felt same way! She tried to kiss him again only for her face drop when she saw the vexed expression on his face. 
Ezio looked at the blond woman like she'd grown three heads before harshly and firmly informed her that:He had no idea what she was talking about?! He treats her the same way he would treat any novice, like a younger sibling! and finally. 
Ezio was yelling at this point he told her, that he was a happily married man! and it would be a cold day in hell before he let another person come between him and his wife! 
There was tense silence as the other assassin's gawked at the scene some stunned or jealous and heartbroken, He pretty much told his admires they had no chance, as the blond novice's lip quivered before accusing him of leading her on and with that she ran away crying. 
While Ezio shook his head and went searching for his wife, hours turned into days...but the master assassin couldn't find hide nor hair of the h/c woman around the city or at their home... it was starting to scare him!
 the Italian knew he had enemies scattered around and if any one of them has found out about his cara moglie ,he wouldn't know what to do! Just as he was going out search again, the frontdoor unlock and loudly open.
 "I'M HOME!" Ezio jumped to his feet when he heard that voice, Y/n's voice!! he ran out of their bedroom, looked over the second floor railing and saw a y/ht and Y/wt woman closing the door her tired but warm e/c looked up at him with before she could ask how he was? 
Ezio vaulted over the railing and landed a few feet from her, he gave her a heated looked Y/n felt a chill go down her back last time her husband gave her that look was when they were teens, she'd taken a punch meant for Ezio; courtesy of a jealous man who accused the then playboy of stealing his girlfriend. That was the first time Ezio had ever raised his voice at her and kissed her...
The h/c swallowed wondering what she'd done? as he rose from the floor went up and trapped her between himself and the door she noticed his eyes had their odd glow to them as he kept a calculating gaze on her as he wasn't sure it was her? Ezio blinked and his eyes returned to normal with his lips twitched into a snarl as she looked at him warily.
"Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” he demanded as his wife flinched at his tone Y/n licked her lips as she found her voice "h-House sitting in the next town over..." his brows furrowed at her next words "Didn’t you read the note I left you?” Note? he never saw any...his caught something in his peripheral; moving away from Y/n, he walked into the den to the small dresser next to a bookshelf.
Ezio crouched down and slipped his hand between the furniture his brows furrowed he pulled a piece of dusty paper from the space, Y/n winced it must of blown under the dresser when she opened the door! Ezio's eyes scanned the paper.
[Ezio, My brother contacted me and asked to watch his home while he goes to fetch his wife at his mother in laws, will be gone for a few days, Sorry for not telling you in person. PS: We have a niece!] 
The Italian assassin let out a breath of relief she was tell the truth...thank god. as Y/n cautiously came up behind him. "What did you think happened to me?" she asked softly as she stared at him concerned.
"I...saw you in the bureau when that blond...I thought you ran away."
"Ezio, I trust you and I know you would never break that trust..."
"Dare I ask, however?"
"However seeing that blond putana kiss you...I...*sigh* I left because I was scared, That I might say or do something I might regret." 
The y/wt woman's cheeks felt hot feeling silly being jealous over a love struck teenager who obviously misunderstood Ezio's friendly guidance for romantic interest, she felt something grasp her wrist; Y/n was pulled to the floor pinned under her husband who captured her lips in a heated kiss, Ezio pulled away with lust clouded eyes.
 " Va bene mia cara." He muttered huskily as he undid the front her shirt. "I'm sure we can make it up to each other.~" she moaned as he nibbled on her collarbone. "...and maybe give our new niece a little cugino to play with, hm?~" he purred in her ear Y/n's eyes widened as she looked up at Ezio if he was serious... He was! 
The assassin yelped when his wife pulled in into one of the deepest hottest kisses he ever gotten from her, if he knew she'd react like this! Ezio would've suggested children a looong time ago!~   
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baronccorbin · 5 years
Paring: Prompt: Reader had left Dean for good, realizing that there was not going back to him, and maybe there was certain angel right beside her just waiting for a chance to be with her, whether he realized it or not. My summaries suck. Part 1 Part 2 Word count: 3,783 Warnings: Smut, 18+
Author’s note: This are NOT new stories, i’m not writing again and i probably won’t be doing it for a looong time. I’m simply re-uploading the ones that tumblr deleted bc of the gifs they had. 
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Soap and foam covered her hands as Y/N rubbed the soap bar between them, the hot water hitting her already rosy skin as she keeps rubbing herself to ‘clean’ her skin. She kept rubbing the bar along her neck, stomach and legs, trying desperately to erase the memories from a few hours before.
Trying to forget begin zapped out of her apartment by a troubled looking Castiel, trying to forget the look in Sam’s face as he begged her to talk to his brother. But most importantly; trying to forget Dean.
She didn’t remember why she kissed him, maybe his words were too painful and the only way to shut him up was with a kiss, or at least that’s what she kept repeating on her head. But in reality she wanted to show him, she wanted to let him see what he threw away, she wanted to claim him just like he had done all those nights they had spent together in the past. She wanted him to admit he was hers.
But the moment he wrapped himself around her after they were done, the moment he repeated those sweet words he always used she realized the great mistake she had made. Because there, on his arms, she found herself consumed by the sadness, the sadness of knowing that she didn’t belong in those arms, of knowing that the man beside her wasn’t the one she fell in love with.
And on that moment she realized that there was no going back to him, she couldn’t forgive and forget what he had done, how he made her feel. So she left the bed as soon as he fell asleep, quickly leaving him a note to let him know that it was over, feeling the tears running down her eyes as she dressed herself quietly. Not looking at Sam’s face as she asked Castiel to take her back to her home.
So now she found herself on her shower, the water set on high temperature as she cleaned herself from his scent, finally crying her little broken heart out. Realizing that all the rage had left her body, leaving her with an immense sadness instead.  
Six months later…
“Sam” Castiel called as soon as he appeared on the bunker’s library
“Jesus” he younger hunter exclaimed as he almost let the book hi was reading drop “when am I going to get used to this?” he muttered to himself as he sat straight to greet the angel of the lord standing at the other side of the table.
“I apologize if I startle you” the angel gave him a somehow apologetic smile
“It’s fine… do you need anything?”
“Yes…” the blue-eyed man looked around “where’s Dean?”
“Out” Sam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers “went to a bar… you know how it is, won’t be back until tomorrow… I hope”
“Good” the angel breathed out before sitting on the chair in front of him “I need your help”
“… Okay”
“Remember a few months ago when Dean was acting strange and putting himself in danger…” the hazel eyed hunter grunted in response “well… I need you to do the same… for Y/N”
“Is she okay?” Sam almost jumped, ready to aid Y/N if she was in any danger
“She’s… not taking it so well” the angel tilted his head trying to find the right words to explain the situation. “She’s fine, safety-wise. She has been on a few minor hunts; they went well I made sure of that. But she’s being acting so different from herself”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s been… drinking a lot, and having… sex, with an alarming number of partners, I know that is not unusual but for Y/N…”
“Oh… Wow” Sam muttered, not believing what Castiel had said. He remembered Y/N being shy and reserved, he knew she wasn’t a prude or anything, she was with Dean after all, but being with different guys… it didn’t sound like the Y/N he knew “How do you know all of this?” he gave the angel a narrowed glare
Sam could have sworn Castiel blushed a little bit before answering his question, not really looking him in the eye.
“I’ve been worried about her… She is my friend and after I left her on her apartment… she didn’t look good. So I kept going back there a few times a week, and there’s when I saw her”
“So… you want me to do an intervention or something?”
“I want you to go with me and talk to her, she lost a lot when she left Sam, she lost a home, and the only two friends she had at the moment. It’s not her fault” the angel exclaimed defensibly, making Sam look at him with shock written all over his face
“O-okay. Let’s go”
Y/N sighed as she parked her car in front of the little apartment she owned, the hunt had been easy but tiring, the demon gave her some pretty good punches before being killed and the only thing she wanted was a hot shower, some alcohol and her bed.
All her plans were thrown out the window when she entered her apartment though, as she heard voices coming from the living room; she tensed, taking the angel blade from her boot, ready to attract.  
But as soon as she entered the room she stopped, rolling her eyes and placing the blade inside of her boot again. Looking at the two big men sitting on her really tiny couch and discussing something on a hushed tone. She rolled her eyes before clearing her throat loudly, making them jump a little before looking at her with wide eyes.
“What’s going on?” she asked, but didn’t give the time to respond before speaking again “What are you doing here? How did you got in… you know what that’s a stupid question” she shook her head before looking at Sam and smiling a little “Hey Sammy”
Sam got up from the couch and walked the two steps towards her before wrapping his big arms around her and pressing her tightly against his chest, realizing how much he had missed her in those months he had not been able to see her.
“Can’t… Breathe!” she gasped out, feeling her lungs struggling to get air in
“Sorry” the tall man said before letting her go, a big smile on his beautiful face, showing that dimple she missed so much
“It’s okay” she smiled before turning to look at the angel, still awkwardly sitting on the couch “What about you?” she asked before walking around the coffee table to stand in front of him, she tugged his hand to ‘help’ him stand up and her arms were quickly wrapped around his waist, making him smile before slowly wrapping his arms around her as well
“Hey” she whispered against his shirt
“Hello Y/N” he smiled, making her remember about the first time they meet
“What do you mean with ‘An angel saved me’?” she asked looking at Dean and Sam like they had grown another head
“That’s what happened… we’ve been working with him for a few weeks, didn’t want you to meet him until we knew it was safe” Dean explained, taking a big gulp of his beer before shrugging “just if you want to meet him, though”
“He’s a freaking angel! Of course I want to meet him” she looked at him like he was crazy, making him smile a little
Dean closed his eyes to awkwardly start praying for the angel put as soon as his name left his lips, Castiel was beside Y/N, making her jump and let out a little yelp
“Apologies” the blue eyed man nodded his head towards her, apologetically. His bright blue eyes fixed intensely on her duller ones
“It’s okay” she smiled before looking at the brothers with wide eyes “you are the angel that saved Dean, right?” she asked just to make sure this wasn’t a joke or something
“Yes” was the only thing that Castiel could say before Y/N wrapped her arms around him, taking him by surprise and leaving him with no idea of what to do
“Castiel…” Dean started, laughing at the angel’s expression “this is Y/N”
“Hello Y/N” he muttered
A loud cough made them break the embrace to look at a really uncomfortable Sam, standing across the room
“Sorry” Y/N mumbled before getting some distance from the angel and her “so…” she rubbed the back of her neck before looking at Sam “not to be rude or anything… but, what are you doing here?”
“Castiel here…” Sam started, nodding towards the angel “is worried about you”
Y/N looked at the man on the trench coat with her brows furrowed
“Worried about what?” she tilted her head to the side, with the confused expression the angel wore all the time
“He said that you aren’t taking it so well… the break up and all” the younger Winchester started making her look at him again “he said you’ve been drinking a lot… and” he took a deep breath before finish his sentence “having a lot of casual sex” he said quickly, trying to get it all out and not repeat it again
Y/N looking at him wide-eyes, blinking a few times and letting her brain process everything. Maybe she started drinking way more than she used to when she was with them, and maybe the first month after her last encounter with Dean she wasn’t in a really good state, both physically and mentally, but she got better, she learnt to forgive him, not enough to go back to him but enough to stop hating him, she started realizing that it wasn’t her fault, that she wasn’t worthless like she thought, she healed.  Castiel had nothing to be worried about, especially…
“I’ve slept with two guys since I left the bunker six months ago” she blurted out before she could stop herself, feeling the heat on her cheeks after “I mean… yeah” she cleared her throat “I don’t know what he said or saw, but I have not been fucking around”
Sam looked at Castiel with wide eyes, feeling embarrassed of his accusations when what the angel had said was a lie
“What the fuck Cas!” he exclaimed “you told me she was a mess, you told me she had being with, and I quote, ‘an alarming number of partners’ and now here I am, making a fool of myself because what you said wasn’t true”
“You said that?” Y/N asked looking at the now blushing angel, he nodded slowly, looking everywhere but her “why?”
“You were drinking too much, Y/N” the angel started now looking at her with a pained expression “you didn’t drink before, and when I came to see you a few weeks ago you had a man here, and then I came back again and there was a different one” he looked down “I thought it was a regular thing, and I didn’t come back again, not to your house at least… but I knew this wasn’t like you and…” he took a deep breath “I didn’t like it, to think you were with some guy… it was bad enough to see you with Dean”
The room got quiet for a few minutes, letting Y/N understand Castiel’s words she was about to say something but Sam seemed to react quicker than her.
“So you brought me here because you’re jealous?” he accused, all the anger leaving his face, being replaced by… amusement? There were so many emotions on his face that Y/N had a hard time keeping up with them “that’s why you got some distance when she and Dean started dating?” realization was written all over his face, and then he looked like he was remembering something.
Sam and Cas were worried the second they saw Dean on the ground outside the bunker, they were coming home from a long hunt and the last thing they expect was that, especially when they saw him shaking and loud sobs left his mouth
“Dean?” the younger hunter whispered, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder “what are you doing here?” he looked around “did something happen?”
“She left” his brother grunted, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands
“Y/N” Dean exclaimed, standing from the ground “she left, Sam! She found out and left! She didn’t let me explain, she didn’t let me make it up to her. She left!” by the end of the sentence he was yelling, using his hands to do sings that Sam didn’t understand
“She found out what?” he asked, not having an idea of what his brother was talking about.
But Castiel was a different story, he didn’t know, of course he didn’t, but it wasn’t hard for him to take a look on Dean’s mind to know what was he talking about, an inexplicable anger boiled his blood as soon as he read Dean’s thoughts
“How could you be so stupid?!” the angel exclaimed, making the brothers look at him with wide eyes “how could you do that to her? Is that a human thing? To have everything and then throw it away?” he asked shaking his head and before Dean could say anything Castiel was gone
“You were in love with her” Sam blurted out after a few seconds, making Y/N look at him and then at Castiel “you are in love with her”
“This was a bad idea” Castiel said, avoiding her eyes and taking a hold of Sam’s arm
“Wait…” Y/N said but it was too late, they were gone. Leaving her confused and feeling… hopeful?  Man, I only wanted to sleep, she thought guess I am having none of that tonight
Y/N signed for what it felt like the 100th time on the night, using her hand to wipe the fogged mirror and look at herself. She picked the comb from the sink and ran it throw her head to de-tangle her wet hair, her mind however kept repeating Sam’s words over and over again. Is Castiel really in love with me? She kept asking herself, but shaking her head after a few minutes, realizing how ridiculous it was for her to think about an angel of the Lord being interested in anybody.
She wrapped herself with a towel before leaving the bathroom and walk through the little hall towards her bedroom, she opened the door and was about the remove the towel when she looked up to the bed, she froze instantly when he was Castiel sitting on his bed, momentarily looking at the floor but as soon as he heard her gasp he looked up, his intense gaze meeting hers.
“Y/N” he said after a few minutes of silence “I came here to apologize” he added before she could say anything “my actions were wrong and Sam also said that I could have offended you by my accusations , also I have no right to be ‘jealous’ as Sam said an-“
“Were you, though?” she asked, not letting him finish “were you jealous?” she asked again as she closed the door behind her.
“I… I suppose I was” Castiel looked down again “I had never felt anything like that before; I was not familiarized with the feeling, I felt anger every time Dean took you into his arms, I felt… envy, because he was able to kiss you or hug you and I wasn't”
“Castiel…” she started, walking closer towards him, it only took her three long steps to be in front of him
“I didn’t understand, Y/N…” he shook his head before looking up at you “I still don’t understand how he could do something so stupid, he had the most beautiful creature all for himself and yet he managed to ruin it”
Y/N felt tears forming on her eyes, her heart was beating faster with each word that left his mouth and an inexplicable wave of happiness washed over her body, she had never felt so beautiful than under Castiel’s gaze. No one had ever made her feel so special or wanted
She couldn’t find the right words to express her feelings, she knew that she would start crying the moment she’d let a few words out. So she decided that it was better if she just showed him how she felt.
She cupped his face with both hands, caressing his cheeks with the pads of her thumbs, smiling sweetly at him before lowering herself until her lips were an inch apart from his, letting him decide if he really wanted her or not.
Castiel froze for a few seconds, but when he understood what was happening he quickly acted, pressing his lips to hers and molding them slowly together, trying to savor the feeling of her plump, soft lips against his slight chap ones. Y/N smiled against his lips before removing her hands from his face, opting for wrapping them around his neck as she moved to straddle his hips.
“Too much?” she asked against his lips as he grunted
“Not enough” he answered before tilting his head to kiss her deeply, his hands resting on her hips as he brought her closer to his body, soft moans leaving her mouth when his tongue teased her bottom lip
Y/N opened her mouth, letting him taste her minty breath as his tongue danced with hers, she let herself lose on the kiss, only enjoying the feeling of her hot mouth against hers and his hands roaming the sides of her body.
Castiel moaned as she rocked herself forward, rubbing his erection with his naked core, he broke the kiss, letting her catch her breath as his lips explored the soft skin of her neck, kissing and nipping his way towards the center of her chest. He grabbed the hem of the towel and looked at her like he was asking for permission.
Y/N nodded, biting her bottom lips as she watched him remove the towel from her naked body, smiling when she heard him mutter the word ‘perfect’ under his breath as his eyes roamed her naked form, from her neck to her breasts, then he let his gaze linger for a minute on her erected nipples before looking at her stomach and lastly her core pressed against his covered cock.
He looked at her on the eyes again before repeating the word ‘perfect’ before lowering his face towards her chest, leaving a few wet kisses on the valley between her breasts, his hands roaming her back softly making her arch towards him. Castiel smiled against her skin, leaving a last kiss in the middle of her chest before moving her mouth towards one hardened nipple, blowing air on the skin to see if he could get a reaction from that.
His smile widened when she let out a soft moan, encoring him to take the nipple inside of his mouth, making her moan loudly this time as he sucked it softly, lapping the skin wet skin with his tongue
“Castiel…” she breathed out, feeling every tug of her nipple going straight to her core, making her walls clench in need
“Mmm” he hummed against her flesh, making her eyes roll back in pleasure as the vibration hit her. Y/N mewled; running her fingers through his hair and tugging his head towards her other nipple, making Castiel letting go of her with a loud ‘pop’ before giving the other the same treatment.
Once he was done with her breasts his lips returned towards hers, kissing her deeply as his hands roamed her ass, groping her cheeks softly making her moan against his lips.
“Castiel, please” she breathed out against the angel’s lips, and that was everything Castiel needed before turning her around and let her fall softly on the bed, he waved his hand to get rid of his clothes before hovering her, his hot skin pressed deliciously against hers
She quickly wrapped her legs around his waist, meaning as she felt his hardened length rubbing against her wet folds. Castiel kissed her once more, before grabbing his cock and position it against her wanting entrance
“Will you let me have you?” he asked, making her smile brightly
“You already do” she whispered and now was his turn to smile
Castiel began thrusting his hips, letting his cock enter her slowly, both of the moaning at the feeling, he kept thrusting until he was fully inside of her, stopping to let her adjust to his size. His hands roamed the sides of her body, enjoying the feeling of her curves against his palm and her hot walls around his cock. She cupped his face again and brought his lips towards hers, kissing him sloppy until she felt it was time to let him move.
Y/N nodded, letting him know it was okay for him to move. He started pulling out of her, loving the little gasps that escaped from her mouth as he began to thrust into her again. Her fingers grabbed his shoulders as she moaned loudly, feeling the tip of his cock hitting the spot within her that made her see white.
Castiel noticed, and he grabbed her legs, unwrapping them from his waist and lifting them just enough to make his cock hit the same spot every time his cock entered her.  
“Castiel” she moaned loudly when he hit the spot over and over again, her walls clenching around his cock, dragging loud grunts from the back of his throat as he felt his orgasm approaching him
Y/N used her hands to press his lower back, making his pelvis rub against her swollen clit with each one of his thrust. Castiel’s lips crashed against hers once more, kissing her hard as they both felt ready to explode.
“Y/N…” Castiel moaned as he felt her walls clenching around him, her hot cum coating his cock as she arched her back and yelled his name over and over again, he felt himself twitch inside of her before hastily join her in the orgasmic bliss, shooting his hot side deep inside of her, both looking at each other with clouded eyes and open mouths.
Castiel kept thrusting into her, softly just to get as much of her orgasm as he could before pulling his soft cock out of her, falling on the free spot on the bed. He smiled as Y/N rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him
“That was…” she started but lost her words as she looked up to him
“Perfect” he smiled down, dropping a little kiss on her nose
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paradoxpig · 4 years
Welcome to the semi-annual “Evan rambles around some weird nonsensical dream she had for a looong time.” 
This one is the most interesting one I’ve had in a while though. I think.
A dimly lit bookstore. That’s all I could see for miles around. Shelves upon shelves stacked against ash colored walls, under flickering white lights that were very few and far in-between. The place was familiar. The layout faintly resembles the last standing bookstore in my state, but it feels even more familiar than that. My dreams have taken place here before. I’ve died in this place before.
I was wandering down the hall slowly, scanning every shelf for something that might catch my eye. There was an occasional interesting spine that I would pluck out from the tightly fit rows. I’d scan the cover, maybe flip it open to a random page and see what was inside, but time and time again, I would just shake my head and stuff it back from which it came. It took a while, but then, I finally got a good idea of what exactly I wanted. An interactive book. Something I could perhaps write in to make my own. The portal for a truly unique experience.
That’s when I saw it. A shelf propped up against the opposite wall with one light fixture centered perfectly above it. That light wasn’t flickering either. It’s almost as if it was luring me toward it the entire time. Low and behold, it was nothing but interactive books. Puzzles in some, writing prompts in others. I’d open a book full of blank lines and my heart would pound in my chest with excitement. But that excitement was short lived. I suppose none of the writing prompts were worth it. Nothing stayed in my hand for more than thirty seconds before getting returned to it’s slot. Finally, I came to a curiously thick book. One only comparable in size to the Lord of the Rings book, which is a whole 1,178 pages long. Where the rest books were mostly paperback, this one had hard covers freezing to the touch. I slumped down against the shelf as I stared at the front for far too long. It was a picture of smoke clouds with red smudged text layered ontop. I couldn’t make out what the text read- at least, not that I remember.
I opened it to the first page this time. Inside was a warning.
“Before you read this book, consider the sacrifice you are about to make. Above you there is a manhole.” I turned my head to the ceiling. There was. “By the time you reach the last page, an army of gunman will come raining down and flood the bookstore. If they succeed, everyone will be killed.” I could see it. A vision of a line of men standing infant of me, opening fire. But who’s lives? I thought I was alone this whole time.
I looked up and stared across the room. There were other people wandering around. I didn’t notice them at all. An older woman with long, frizzy blonde hair with a collection already in her hands, still looking for more. A young man crouched infant of a magazine stand. A dozen or so more, all alone. I wondered if they could see each other, or if they were just as blind as I was until moments ago.
“You are the only one capable of stopping the flood and saving their lives. By reading this book, you accept those terms.” Maybe it was morbid curiosity. Maybe I was looking for any excuse to be a hero. Either way, it wasn’t a tough decision for me. I turned the page and sealed my supposed fate. The next page began with the life story of the old woman. I don’t remember a lot of the details, only that it filled my heart with dread. Following suit was the life story of the young man. By then I knew what was going on. It wanted me to know who I was dying for. It wanted me to sympathize with them, learn from them. See why their life held value worth protecting.
And unfortunately, that’s where the dream ends. The last thing I remember is being a third or so into the book and gripping onto every page. I felt so strongly that I would finish it and fulfill my role as the sacrifice.  How, I’m not sure. Maybe I would find that, in the end, there was never a threat, but that I learned to see the world through other struggling people aside my own. Maybe I’ll see the end sometime.
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darveymficprompts · 7 years
Harvey and Donna go on a proper first date, but cut it short cause they’ve waited for so looong
All of this silence and patience pining and anticipation, my hands are shaking from holding back from you
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee awakens her senses, the familiar bittersweet smell bringing a smile to her lips. The gesture makes her cheeks ache- she’s been doing that a lot lately, smiling. Before her arms reach out in habit, she knows he’s not there, the empty space beside her feeling cold to the touch. He must’ve woken up a while ago, she thinks. Stretching, Donna lets out a content sigh. The aches she hasn’t felt in a long time bringing about a warmth to her cheeks.  
In the single week since they consummated their relationship, they’ve been rather- inseparable. Following Mike and Rachel’s wedding, she had flown back to Chicago, Harvey in tow- much to his insistence, and they had packed up her things, which hadn’t taken long considering most had still been in boxes. It was a good thing too, since they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and proceeded to christen every room in her small new apartment.
“This is what happens when we wait thirteen goddamn years, Donna.” Harvey had joked, sliding out of her with a sigh as he pulled her closer to him. They lay on the floor of her living room, giggles and sighs of pleasure filling the small space while they were surrounded by boxes of her belongings.
Eventually, after they had summoned as much control as possible, they gathered her possessions and flew back to New York with an unbridled eagerness to start their new life together. Donna had yet to sell her apartment back home, so settling back into the familiar space hadn’t been a difficult undertaking. Still, she had worried that leaving her new job with Jessica would’ve required a more grueling process, but luckily the older woman had merely smiled, understanding covering her features as she reassured Donna.
“I had a feeling this was coming… After all, I saw the way you two snuck out of the wedding the other day. Don’t think I don’t have eyes, Donna.”
She had yet to settle back into Specter Litt, however. Her position as COO would be waiting for her as soon as she was moved in again in her apartment, giving her ample time to- reconnect with her new boyfriend.
Donna shook her head, feet landing on the cold wood-tiled floor of his bedroom as she made her way to the bathroom, her lips quirking at the thought. Harvey Specter. Name partner. Best friend. Boyfriend. She briefly worried how their new status would carry over to work, seeing as how she had implanted her rule all those years ago within reason. But as she stepped into his shower, the hot water cascading down her body, she lets those fears wash away- the memories of his lips on her skin igniting a joy she never thought would come to fruition.
They would make it work.
“Those for me?” She greets him when she steps into the living space, watching as he s flips a set of pancakes, the batter sizzling when it meets the hot skillet.
His smile turns into a frown when he finally looks up to meet her, “You’re dressed.”
Donna smirks, “Keen observational skills, Harvey.” She makes her way round the kitchen island, a pleased smile on her lips when she noticeably eyes his attire- his usual black vest and matching tie against his crips white dress shirt… and boxers.
His lips thin, placing the pancakes on top of a plate before he turns to look at her again. “I thought you would be staying in today,” he murmurs, cornering her against the counter, eyeing the sight of her in a casual black and white dress.
“I told you I wanted to go back to my apartment and finish unpacking today, I’m starting to run out of clothes here.”
“You know, you don’t need clothes,” he reasons, shifting to stand closer to her.
She tilts her head in response, humor etched on her face as she watches him pouting. She had spent the better part of the week staying at his apartment, greeting him with one of his dress shirts which only prompted another morning round before he had to leave for work.
“You’re dressed right now,” she counters, playing with the tie around his neck, using it to tug him closer to her because she was a tease, and took pleasure in the way his eyes dilated at the bold move.
“Half dressed,” he corrects, a smirk on his lips.
“You can’t keep showing up to work late, Harvey,” she turns around then, reaching to grab the blue mug she had already claimed as her own and pours herself a helping of coffee. She hums in approval when the vanilla flavor meets her tastebuds. He’s good.
“It’s a good thing I’m my own boss,” he moves his lips to land on her exposed neck, taking advantage of his current stance to kiss her skin, tracing the visible freckles with his tongue.
“Harvey,” his girlfriend warns him. It comes out half-assed, however, when her head tilts to the side on reflex and a low whine escapes her.
“Yes, dear?” His hands land on her waist, keeping her in place as he continues his ministrations.
She somehow manages to muster up enough courage and shakes him off, moving around him to stand near his island. “You’re insatiable, you know that?” Donna laughs, serving herself a modest amount of pancakes along with the bacon he had fried earlier, and sits down on one of the stools.
Harvey sighs, grabbing a plate as he resigns to follow her into eating breakfast. “Thirteen years, Donna,” he mutters, eyeing her playfully as he stacks his own plate with pancakes.
“So you keep reminding me,” she quirks an eyebrow at him, stabbing a piece of pancake. A moan of satisfaction leaves her when the sugary delight meets her taste buds. “Do you have any more whipped cream?”
His eyes darken at her words, head tilting to the side as he watches her hiding behind a wicked smile, “No, we rant out.”
“Oh, right,” she laughs, a crimson shade creeping onto her face as memories of their night before cloud her mind. She reaches out to grab the maple syrup, settling for the other topping instead.
“We can pick some up when we go grocery shopping tomorrow.” He smirks at her, taking a bite of bacon.
Her eyebrows perk up, “How domestic.” 
He shrugs, “I just figure since you’ll be spending more time here,” they share a smile before he continues, “then I better stock up on more…”
“Whipped cream?” She smirks.
“Food.” He corrects, his lips quirking in response.
Donna nods, drowning the last of her pancakes in more syrup. “Okay, well,” she takes one last bite before standing up, “I’m gonna start heading out now, let you finish getting dressed without any distractions.”
He can’t help the sigh of disappointment that leaves his lips, nodding in resignation all the same. Donna shakes her head in response, a smile on her lips as she gathers her purse and walks toward his door, Harvey in tow. The man was whipped.
She turns to him when she opens the door, her hand coming up to fix his tie out of habit, “So, I’ll come by later after you get out of work?”
Harvey waits for a beat, forehead creased in deep thought, “No,” he finally responds.
Her hand slides down his tie then, face falling in confusion, “No?”
“I’ll pick you up,” his hands find their way to her waist, thumbs playing with the material of her dress, “Take you out on a date.”
Donna raises her eyebrows, “A date?”
Harvey nods, a slow twitch of his lips mirroring her’s, “Yeah, we’ve been- kind of busy, this past week, and I don’t know,” he shrugs, a sudden shyness to him, “I wanted to take you out on a proper date.”
She eyes him warily, a warmth settling in her chest then. Despite already being with him, in every possible and unimaginable way all the same, Harvey Specter asking her out on a date still brought about unexpected butterflies to her stomach, like a girl with her first crush.
“Okay,” she agrees softly, teeth biting her lower lip.
“Yeah?” His sudden giddiness was infectious and she let out a laugh, bringing her hands up to cradle his face.
“I’m expecting the full Harvey Specter first date experience,” she demands.
He hums in response, the wheels in his mind already turning with ideas, “Expect to be completely wooed, Paulsen.”
Donna snorts, “I’ll be the judge of that,” she lifts a perfectly arched eyebrow at him, “Okay, Specter, I’ll see you tonight,” she leans up to give him a kiss, laughing when he reels her back in to peck her lips one more time.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he gives her a final wave goodbye, a boyish glee filling him when she returns the gesture, closing the door with a smile that matches his own.
Yeah, he was ruined.
Donna smoothes a few creases on her dress, twirling in front of her full length mirror one last time.
“Damn, I’m good,” She compliments herself, eyeing herself from the four inch black stilettos she wears to the way her hair was donned in lose waves.
Her plans of unpacking had been postponed again when Harvey had announced that he wanted to take her out on a date. Taking a detour after leaving his condo, she had found herself in Saks, milling through rows of dresses, trying to filter out the perfect one for tonight, for their date. The idea still brought on a giddiness in her, and she had tried to tamper down the irrational nerves that kept bubbling up to the surface. It wasn’t like they hadn’t already taken the plunge, they’d had sex in about every room and surface imaginable in the past week. Still, it was a nice concept- getting dolled up, being taken out and shown off by her new boyfriend. It almost felt odd, considering she’s had twelve plus years of experience in going out with Harvey. They’d gone out for celebratory drinks, anniversary dinners to commemorate the day she had gone to work with him… but tonight- it was the start of something new.
A familiar knock shakes her out of her reverie, and she takes one final look at herself in the mirror, grabbing her purse before making her way out. She pauses at her door, heaving out a breath in preparation, reminding herself it was just Harvey.
“Hey,” she greets him with a smile, eyes bright as his chocolate brown ones widen. His mouth hangs open as he takes all of her in, emerald green dress hugging her skin, a daring slit coming up to rest just below her left thigh. He swallows when he notices the plunging neckline, exposing a constellation of freckles between the valley of her breasts.
His eyes finally meet her face, a smirk adorning her red-tinted lips. “New dress?” He croaks out.
Donna bites her lip, preventing a laugh from escaping her. “Yeah, you like?”
Harvey bobs his head, jamming his hands in his pockets, as he tries to avoid gawking at her from the neck down. “It’s… nice.”
She tilts her head, watching as he shifts in his place right outside her door. “Nice?”
“Yeah, you know, I uh, I like the color.” He gives her a sheepish grin and she rolls her eyes, an amused smile on her own. She closes her door then, locking it before turning to face him again. “Insatiable.” She whispers against him.
His arm drapes around her waist, drawing her closer to him as they walk toward the elevators. “You look beautiful.” He places a kiss on top of her head, grinning when she sends him a pleased look.
“So,” Donna clears her throat as they enter the elevator, “Where are you whisking me off to?”
“It’s a surprise,” he turns to her when the metal doors close in front of them.
“Uh huh,” she narrows her eyes.
He shakes his head, “Ye of little faith,” he playfully taunts her, pecking her on the lips before the doors open again, leading her out into the night with his hand firmly clasped onto hers.
“This isn’t Del Posto,” Donna frowns once she steps out of his car, eyeing the little hole in the wall restaurant he had taken her to.
“It’s not Carbone either.” He affirms, walking around his car to stand next her.
“Good,” she mutters, eyes rolling. The restaurant she had once mentioned to his ex was now forever ruined in her mind.
“Did you expect something more…?” He motions his hands, looking from the restaurant to his date.
Harvey smirks, stepping behind her to loop his arms around her form, “So I did surprise you,” he smirks, breathing into her ear.
She shivers against his touch, the thin material of her dress doing little to mask the heat emitting from his hands.
Her lips quirk, “Maybe.”
“Stubborn woman,” he whispers, planting a kiss to her temple.
“What did you just say?”
“Nothing.” He gives her his best innocent smile which falls short when she sends him a glare.
Donna eyes the place skeptically then. Brick walls adorned the outside, giving it a rustic feel. A green neon sign was plastered above the door reading De Angelo’s. She bites her lip in uncertainty, taking hold of the hand her boyfriend reaches out for her to take. Taking one glance in his direction, lips wide with unsaturated excitement, she feels herself relaxing, choosing to trust his choice for the night.
“Impressed?” He smirks.
She shrugs nonchalantly, a smile playing on her lips as the maître d' begins to lead them to their table. The little hole in the wall had been given a full Narnia effect- while the outside was rustic and slightly eclectic, the inside was nothing short of a fairy tale venue. While it wasn’t as elegant as Del Posto, its intimate setting made their usual place of choice pale in comparison.
Donna felt a shiver creep up her spine the moment Harvey placed his hand strategically low on her back, guiding her deeper into the restaurant. She side eyes him for a moment, watching the ghost of a playful smirk on his face. One week in, and she’s barely gotten accustomed to his touch, not when they had spent the better part of the last decade avoiding any kind of physical contact.
Her eyes roam the area once more, golden lamps that adorned each table lit their path, offsetting the dimmed room with a warm glow. A mixture of red and magenta rose petals aligned each small rounded table, the only pop of color against white linen. The soft jazz that met her ears made her smile widen then, the sultry sounds reminding her of times she spent in Harvey’s office late at night, listening to his father’s records as they joked and reminisced.
They’re led to a table on the far left side of the room, giving them ample of privacy even within the small space. What the restaurant lacked in square footage, it made up in the level of intimacy.
“So,” Donna begins when they’re finally left alone, menus for them to sift through sitting in front of them, “You ever going to explain how you managed to find this diamond in a rough?”
Harvey chuckles at her expected look, “Well, that’s for me to know…”
She lifts an eyebrow in his direction, “And for me to pry it out of you? Because we both know that’s what’s going to happen here.”
“Oh, really? And how exactly do you plan on… prying it out of me?” He inquires in a voice half an octave lower.
They were venturing onto dangerous territory then, she knew. It hadn’t taken long for them to realize that any type of vocalized tease between them now would only land them on the nearest horizontal surface.
And yet, as she discreetly slips off one Louis Vuitton heel, letting her foot grace the edge of his leg, inching higher in time, she couldn’t find it in her to care.
“Donna,” he warns, watching her eyes brighten with a hint of mischief and purpose.
Before her foot can meet the apex of his thigh, they’re interrupted by their waiter. She eyes Harvey with amusement, watching his subtle attempt to shift uncomfortably in his seat, accepting the waiter’s suggestion of wine for the evening with a mere nod.
“You’re cruel, you know that?” Harvey declares when they’re left alone once again, glasses now filled with a deep red Chateau Mouton.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she quips, lifting her wine glass.
He shakes his head, lips quirking at his girlfriend’s playful and teasing nature. Following her gesture, he lifts his own glass of red then, “Here’s to- us.”
Her eyes soften at his words, swallowing back an unexpected lump, “To us,” she echoes.
Their glasses meet in a soft clink, eyes never leaving each other’s as they take short sip.
“So, what’s good here?” Donna wonders, glancing down to look at her menu.
“Hmm, I have no idea.” Harvey responds, his own eyes studying the array of meals before him.
Her head shoots up then, “You mean you’ve never actually been here before?”
Harvey shakes his head, “I wanted to go somewhere neither of us have been to, I wanted tonight to be… special. Del Posto will always be our place, but I wanted to go somewhere that could mark the start of something new.” He reaches out for her hand, intertwining his fingers through hers.
“You’re something else, Specter, you know that?” She breathes out, trying to tamper down as much emotion in her voice as possible. She’s quickly come to realize just how sweet and considerate he could be in the past week. Sure, thirteen years of friendship has already led her to that conclusion, but Harvey Specter, her friend and Harvey Specter, her boyfriend were almost two different entities all together.
The hand that lay on her own starts a slow caress on the inside of her wrist, fingers gliding in a feather light touch. Donna feels her eyes closing out of her own volition then. It was something he had gotten accustomed doing after one of their rounds of lovemaking- he would curl into her, resting his head in the crook of her neck as his hand would glide down her arm, resting on her wrist.
“You okay?” He murmurs knowingly, watching her sudden shift in focus, crossing and uncrossing her legs as he continued a slow pattern on her skin.
Meeting his eyes, dilated in the soft illumination of the room, she finds herself growing hot under the intensity of his gaze.
Two can play that game.
Following her earlier intentions, she lifts her foot again, teasing the length of his leg in a slowed pace before resting on his thigh, smirking at his sudden labored breathing.
“Donna,” he warns her again, eyes growing darker before her.
“Harvey,” she counters in that low timbre she had reserved for their most private moments. In a daring move, she lets her leg drift higher, before snaking down again, repeating the gesture in a torturous pace.
“Donna, we have to… order,” he nearly squeaks out when her foot lands an inch away from his growing desire.
She hums in response, repeating a pattern of letting her leg drift down before roaming dangerously close to the inside of his of thigh, “Do we?”
“Aren’t you, uh, hungry?” Harvey stutters, mentally cursing himself for succumbing to her touches easily.
She leans over the table then, letting her plunging neckline come into full view. He swallows when the soft glow of the lamp illuminates her skin, a honey glaze radiating between her breasts. “For food?” Her tongue peaks out between her teeth, gliding it over her crimson lips before disappearing into her mouth again.
“Okay, we’re done,” Harvey announces, pulling out a couple of bills from his pocket and throwing them haphazardly on top of the table. He pushes himself off his chair, coming round to lend his date a hand. She takes it with no hesitation, eyes wide in a pleased surprise that only makes his pants feel a size or two tighter.
She tries to hide her smirk when he leads her out of the restaurant in a near rush, lip caught in between her teeth as her own arousal pools low in her stomach. She nearly squeals when he backs her up against his black Lexus, body a mere inch away from her as he breathes into her.
“You’re playing with fire, you know that?”
“I like to live on the edge,” she tries for a casual facade, failing when she swallows back a whine under his gaze. And she was, on the edge of fully coming undone as he takes one step closer to her, one leg coming to rest between her own.
“So do I,” he whispers hotly into her ear, stepping back just as quickly as he opens the passenger door for her. She gives him a half-ass glare that was ninety percent arousal, before taking a seat inside. He swerves into motion then, closing the door before rushing to the other side. He settles in front of the wheel, giving his date one last heated look before merging into traffic, speeding in the direction of his apartment.
Her back meets the cold metal walls of the elevator as soon as its doors close, a groan of surprise and pleasure escaping her.
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” He sighs against her, taking her lower lip between his teeth, tugging the flesh in a gentle pull.
“Do what?” Donna pants innocently. Her eyes close when his lips meet the exposed area of her neck, moaning when his tongue peaks out to suck on her skin. She rakes her hands over the short strands of his hair, keeping him in place.
“Wear this damn dress,” he retorts, utilizing the hand that wasn’t resting on her waist to reach the slit of the green material.
Her chuckles quickly turns into a moan when his hand inches higher, taking advantage of the opening of her dress to pull the silk higher until his hand comes to land on her ass, squeezing her flesh in the process.
“Shit, Harvey,” she groans when the move pulls her flush against him, feeling his hardness pressing into her.
His lips make their way back to her lips and he angles her head with his left hand, deepening their kiss. A deep desire to have him pulls at her seams, she sucks his tongue with a fervent need and hitches her leg around his back, making him grind into her.
Their lips glide over one another with purpose, teeth coming out to tug and play before their tongues meet again, dueling for some kind of dominance over the other. Sucking on her lower lip, Harvey snakes his hand around, caressing the smooth skin of her thigh before inching it upwards, smirking against her lips when she shudders in response.
A calloused finger finally glides over her underwear, eliciting a low whine from her now parted lips.
“You’re wet,” he keens proudly, his lips meeting the curve of her mandible.
“No shit, Sherlock,” she grounds out, annoyed. She mentally curses his current living arrangement, their ascent to condo taking considerably long. He just had to live in the goddamn penthouse.
He grins against her, slanting his lips over hers again. His hand continues a slow torture, gliding his fingers over her soaked lace, matching the rhythm along with the tongue he slipped against hers.
Donna mewls into his mouth when his pace quickens, feeling herself beginning to fall under his ministrations. She uses the hand on the back of his neck to pull him closer against her still, urging him on.
The distinctive ding of the elevator makes his lips part from hers, provoking a whine of protest to fall from her lips. She sends him a glare when he chuckles in response, taking her hand in his to lead her out into the hallway.
Harvey makes quick work of unlocking his door then, half distracted by her lips tugging on his earlobe. By miraculous standards, he manages to pry the door open in under a minute, pulling her inside and closing said door with her body. Her arms wind around his neck in an instant, letting her purse fall to the floor with a low thud. His hands hoists her up, making sure her slim legs are securely wrapped around him before he blindly guides them over to his bedroom, their lips remaining locked in the process.
A throaty chuckle escapes her when he accidentally bumps into his couch, nearing toppling them over. “Be careful, mister, you’re carrying precious goods here.”
“Trust me, I know,” he breathes into her, lifting her up an inch higher, drawing out a gasp from her. Making sure they don’t risk another near fall, he keeps his eyes open the rest of the way, depositing her on his bed with an opposing gentleness.
“Hey,” he speaks softly as he looms over her, his hand coming up to lock a strand of auburn hair behind her ear.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, you better finish what you started in that elevator unless you want me to finish it myself,” she scolds him, her hands shaking as she reaches up to begin tugging on his tie, flinging it across the room when she manages to loosen the knot.
Harvey growls in response, lowering himself to her, “As tempting as that would be to watch, I’d rather have you right now.”
“Then prove it,” she orders, fingers fumbling with the buttons of his dress shirt in the dim light of his room.
Never one to back off from a challenge, he pulls her up then, making them both stand at the foot of his bed. She makes quick work of his pants as he kicks off his shoes to the side, shuffling out of the black slacks in record time. Her hand comes to stroke him through his boxers, lips landing on his neck to suck on the skin there.
“Fuck, Donna,” he groans, his eyes closing over her caresses.
“That’s the idea,” she reminds him.
Before she can continue her slow torture, he turns her body around in a flash, lips landing on her clavicle as his hand finds the zipper of her dress.
“You know,” he begins, sucking on her pulse point while he tugs on the zipper in a slow decent, “I could barely concentrate tonight, watching you in this dress,” his hand snakes inside the material, landing on her waist where the zipper comes to a rest, “I just kept picturing it on the floor.”
Tilting her head to the side, she allows him better access, her eyes closing when he finally peels the material off of her, letting the emerald pool at her feet, “That was my intention,” she confesses into the dark.
Harvey growls against her, turning her around to deposit her on the bed again. He stops her when she reaches down for her heels, “No, keep them on.”
Her eyes darken at his words, the ache between her legs growing ten-fold. She pulls him down for a searing kiss, finally removing the dress shirt that hung loosely over him.
His lips begin a slow decent, trailing them from her neck to the valley between her breasts, tongue snaking out to tease her over the the black lace of her bra. He gently pulls on a covered nipple, tugging it between his teeth in time to hear a low hiss leave her lips.
Grinning against her, he continues a torturous path down her body, mesmerized by her silky smooth skin, quivering against his touch. When he reaches the waistband of her underwear, he comes to kneel at the foot of the bed, pausing momentarily to look up at her.
“You good?” He whispers, caressing his hands up and down her legs, taking a moment to lean forward and kiss her inner thigh.
She only nods in response, chest heaving with unbridled anticipation. A pool of desire settles low in her stomach as she watches him- the view of him nestled between her legs almost making her come undone.
Leaning forward, he presses a light kiss against her covered center, his eyes never leaving hers. A pleased smile graces his features when he sees her eyes closing, lip caught between her teeth as her back arches in ecstasy.
Taking his time, he peels off the soaked material then, lips kissing the apex of her thighs, taking turns to pay attention to each one, never venturing to where she needs him the most.
“Harvey,” she drawls out his name in a pleading whine, her hands bunching the silk sheets below her.
“Yes?” He croons, sucking on her hip, right over her birth mark.
“I hate you,” she breathes out, hooded eyes falling on his own smug ones.
“No you don’t,” he chuckles, kissing her an inch closer to her center.
“Shut up and put your mouth to better use already, Specter.” Her demand only makes his grin widen, his mouth finally landing on her.
A low shriek meets his ears, and he watches her body bending against the slow lick of his tongue against her. He carefully avoids touching her where he knows she wants him to, taking his time to taste and tease every inch of her. He hisses in surprise when her legs tighten around him, feeling the heels of her Louis Vuittons digging into his lower back, keeping him in place.
He brings his hands up to hold her down, watching as she squirms under his ministrations, copper hair splayed against his gray sheets, mouth open in a soundless moan. Detaching his lips from her, he wastes no time to slide a finger into her, groaning when he feels her contracting around him. On his slide out, he sinks two into her then, making sure to watch her face as he does so.
“God, Harvey,” she groans, trying her best to grind into his hand when he stills his movements.
“Easy, Donna,” he breathes against her, kissing her lower abdomen as he tries to calm her. She tries breathing through the sensations, the rapid beating of her heart dulling out the rest of her sensations for a hot second.
“That’s it,” he encourages, starting to pump his fingers in and out of her in time with her breathing. “This good for you?” While he knew she was never one for heavy dirty talk during sex, he had quickly come to realize that his voice was the one thing that would help push her over the edge.
Donna nods in response, her eyes screwed shut, small moans leaving her lips every time his fingers curved into her just so.
When he feels her muscles starting to contract further, he pulls out, lips quirking at the low whine that escapes her.
“Harvey, I swear to God…”
By way of responding, his mouth is on her again, his tongue snaking out to the hood of her clit, running slow tiny circles around the area. He knew she was close then, by the way her moans turned into gasps and her pelvis bucked into his mouth, trying to guide him closer. He slides his fingers into her once more, rocking them slightly, curling into her as his lips wrap around her clit fully then, sucking the bundle of nerves with renewed vigor.
Her hands find their place on his head, pulling at the short strands as she lets out a strangled cry, body doubling over as her orgasm rocks through her in waves.
His fingers slow their pace, letting her ride out her euphoria. When he notices her breathing slowing down, he pulls out of her, shifting on on his knees and ignoring the pain that shoots through his joints. Harvey watches her coming down from her high for a few more seconds, his chest swelling with pride and love for this woman strewn across his bed.
“You asshole,” she breathes out when she gains some semblance of reality again. Lifting himself up, he chuckles, his bare chest reverberating with the vibrations. He leans over her, hand coming up to part a few loose waves that had stuck to her forehead.
“You’re welcome,” he tells in that gloating voice that always makes her roll her eyes. Instead, she pulls him down for a kiss, groaning when she tastes herself on his tongue. Her hands reach over his back, landing where her heels left an indentation.
“Still glad I kept these on?”
His lips quirk at the mention of her stilettos, a weakness he won’t ever deny owns him, “Hell yeah.”
She shakes her head at his fetish, her own lips turning up out of her own volition. “Okay, hot shot, what else you got?” Her eyebrows raise in challenge, bringing a hand to slide under his boxers, stroking his hardness in a teasing pace.
Harvey growls in response, standing to pull the last barrier between them down his legs. He reaches over to peel off her black heels, smirking when he watches her eyes hungrily raking over his naked body. “Like what you see?”
Licking her lips in a way that only makes his eyes darken further, she motions for him to come closer again. “I’d like it more if you would hurry the hell up and fuck me already,” she breathes into him, pulling his earlobe between her teeth and tugging the flesh hard enough for him to hiss out in a mixture between pain and pleasure.
His lips slant over hers in a bruising kiss, using his hands to guide her up the bed, settling over her when her head meets the pillows. He blindly reaches behind her, finally ridding her off her black laced bra. Her eyes close before his mouth lands on her, teeth pulling on her nipple before soothing her with his tongue. He follows the same routine on the other one, kneading her abandoned breast with his hand, playfully tugging on her nipple as he slides a leg between her, alleviating only some of her ever-growing ache.
Before he can think twice of finally sinking into her, she wraps her slim legs around him, flipping him over in one fell swoop.
“My turn,” she announces, inching down his body with a purpose and a glint in her eyes.
“What?” She claims innocently, wrapping her hand around his erection. The cool touch of her hand on his heated flesh makes him jerk in response, his eyes growing to slits as he glares at her.
“Don’t,” his warning comes out half-assed, a sigh leaving him as she begins a slow trail over him.
“Come on, let me have my fun,” she pouts, the gesture only making him groan in response.
“Promise?” She smirks, already moving up to settle over him.
“Yes, just-”
“Just what?” Donna breathes, watching him carefully as she takes him in her hand again, teasing her entrance with the head of his penis.
“Just- move. Please.”
She resigns at his plead, finally sinking down on him with a low groan.
“Oh, God.” Her eyes close when he’s fully sheathed, biting her lip as she gets accustomed to his girth.
“‘Harvey’ is just fine, thank you.” Her eyes narrow down at him, watching him trying to hold onto his smug look behind the resolve that threatens to slip. Deliberately holding his gaze, she begins a slow rock against him, hands planted on his chest to steady her.
Her recent orgasm did nothing to dilute her need for him, that familiar pleasure building up within her all over again as her movements begin to quicken, little sighs leaving her with each downward thrust.
“You gonna leave me to do all the work here?” She moans on a particular hard thrust.
His hands land on her waist, thumb caressing her sweat soaked skin, “I’m just enjoying the view,” he confesses softly. He watches her breasts bouncing slightly with each move, the soft light from the moon outside casting her body in a silver glow. Her mouth is parted with the low sighs and gasps that escape her, and he tries not to lose it when she brings a hand up to rake her hand through her hair, riding him in a slow tortured pace.
“Harvey…” she whispers, her breathing coming out shorter and he knows she’s close when she begins to clench around him, her movements over him becoming sloppy. He grabs a tighter hold on her, beckoning her to lean over him, claiming her lips when she’s within reach. He begins to thrust into her then, slowly at first and then faster, repeating the pattern until she starts to quiver in his arms.
“Fuck, Harvey, harder,” she moans into him. She tries to keep their lips attached, but oxygen becomes too much of a necessity and she resorts to resting her forehead against his, biting her lip when she meets his heated gaze in the dark.
His hips begin to quicken at her request, thrusting up into her, meeting her own downward force.
“Come on, Donna, you can do it. Come for me,” his low encouragement is enough to send her over the edge, a loud cry that sounds a lot like his name leaving her lips.
He continues to thrust into her, barely giving her enough time to come down from her high before his pace continues to quicken. She sucks on the skin of his jaw, spurring him on to meet his own bliss. Three more thrusts, and he’s emptying himself into her, a slow mantra of “Donna” and “I love you” leaving his lips.
She collapses on top of him with a sigh as her third orgasm of the night rocks through her, her body feeling limp on top of his own hardened one.
“I think you killed me,” she admits, feeling the rapid beat of his heart against his chest, matching her own.
His chuckle reverberates through her, wrapping his arms securely around her, “That makes two of us, babe.”
Her head shoots up, “Babe?”
“What?” He shrugs, locking a strand of hair behind her ear, “You don’t like it?”
Donna bites her lip in thought, “It has potential,” she finally accepts.
His grin meets her own then, their teeth nearly clashing in the process.
She grimaces when they pull apart, shifting uncomfortably on top of him suddenly.
“What?” Harvey frowns, watching her look of semi-disgust.
“I’m all sticky and sweaty, I need a shower.”
He chuckles in response, “You know, I have a better idea,” he croons, caressing her bare back as he looks up at her with playful mischief.
She narrows her eyes at him, “What the hell could be better than a shower?”
“Okay,” Donna concedes, a girlish giggle escaping her as she settles back against him, “This is better than a shower.”
“Told you,” he gloats, nuzzling her neck. The water sloshes around them when she reaches over to the side, picking up her glass of the white wine Harvey had poured for them earlier. He had slipped out of bed, not even bothering to put on his boxers- much to her amusement and appreciation- and ventured into his ensuite, the sound of running water finally peaking her interest enough to follow him.
“A bath?” She had perplexed.
“A bubble bath.” He had corrected, a shit-eating grin on his face as he poured a decent amount of body wash into the tub. He’d scurried out of the bathroom then, scrounging through his fridge for a bottle of her favorite Riesling.
“So, you do this often?” She raises her eyebrows, turning to face him as she takes a couple of sips of her wine.
“Do what?”
“Soak in your tub, surround yourself with… bubbles,” she scoops a helping of the scented suds, placing them on his chin and smoothing it out alongside his jaw.
“No,” Harvey takes her own glass from her hands, smirking when she frowns.
“That’s mine,” she points out.
“And what’s yours is mine,” he shrugs, handing her the glass again.
“You have your own, you know,” she quirks at him.
“Sharing is caring,” his signature Cheshire Cat smile sends her heart racing again and she mentally curses the effect he has on her even when she’s only half annoyed with him.
“I don’t like sharing,” she huffs.
He leans over to press a kiss to her pouting lips, laughing when the bubbles she had placed on his jaw smears her own.
“What?” She giggles.
“Nothing, you just have,” Harvey lifts his hand then, but instead of wiping away the soap, he playfully smudges her nose with a heap of the slippery substance, “-a little something.” He grins.
A joyous cackle leaves her suddenly, taking in the ridiculousness of them, “Oh yeah?” Donna scoops another helping of the bubbles that surround them, placing them on his head, laughing when they slide down his hair, masking his face with it.
“You sure you want to do this?” He playfully warns her, the little she could see of his eyes through the bubbles glinting with a plan.
“Harvey,” she warns, knowing the look on his face held more than amusement.
He scoops a handful of frothy water and lightly throws it in her direction. In an attempt to avoid the splash, Donna turns her head, her body moving with her in the process, and causing a third of her wine to spill into the tub.
“Harvey!” She squeaks. The noise meant to come out in annoyance, but the arm that’s around her reels her back in, and he places a wet kiss onto her sudsy cheek, bringing about another set of giggles from her lips. “You’re drunk,” she breathes out, her eyes bright when she meets his gaze again.
“Would it be too cheesy to say, drunk on you?”
She scoffs, “Yes.”
He hums in response, nodding before he attacks her neck, nuzzling the area with kisses, the bubbles still adorning his jaw tickling her skin. She squirms at his actions, her body alighting over his mere touch and kisses, heart swelling at the still foreign giddiness that bubbles up in her.
When his fingers decide to come into play and tickle her side, she nearly jumps, causing more wine to spill over.
“Okay, that’s it,” Donna reaches behind her, playfully slapping his cheek to gain his attention. When he ceases his movements, she leans over to deposit her wine glass on top of the small table next to the tub. Turning around in his arms, she straddles his lab, smirking when the movement causes his pupils to dilate, “You, mister, need to behave.”
Harvey swallows back, placing his hands on her waist, “Or what?” He challenges.
She raises or eyebrows at him, “That’s a pretty ballsy response considering I’m currently in a position of power right now.” Donna grinds down against him for emphasis.
“You’ve made your point,” he groans out.
“Hmm, good,” she leans over, pecking his lips with a slide of her tongue against them.
“You’re a tease, you know that?” He hums against her, nuzzling her nose with his own.
“How so?” She asks, eyes wide in faux innocence.
“Earlier, for starters,” he begins, trailing his hand up and down her bare back, “You made a bet with yourself to see how long I’d last through dinner, didn’t you?”
She bites her lip, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He growls in response, his teeth landing on her neck, nipping at the skin just below her pulse. “Green, Donna, you know what seeing you in green does to me.”
“So it had nothing to do with the high slit or the plunging neckline?” She quips, a gasp leaving her when he sucks on her skin.
He pulls back from her then, his eyes meeting her own, now hooded with desire. “While those didn’t help,” he playfully pokes her side, laughing when she jumps in response, “You could wear a goddamn garbage bag and I’d still want you,” he finishes quietly.
Her hazel eyes soften at his words, a sigh escaping her as she leans forward, her fingers raking through the short strands of his hair at the nape of his neck. “You can be sickly sweet sometimes, you know that?”
His lips quirk at her words, before turning serious again, “I’m just- trying to make up for time lost, is all.”
Her heart stutters against her chest, still not believing any of this was really happening, that this was now her life- taking bubble baths with Harvey Specter. Boss turned friend turned… everything.
“We have plenty of time for that, Harvey,” she brings her hand up to caress his cheek, removing some of the remaining bubbles that reside.
“Like the rest of our lives?” He surmises, a sudden shyness to him as he lightly scratches at her skin below the water.
Donna bites her lip in an attempt to tamper some of her emotions. The man really knew how to render her speechless these days. “Yeah,” she finally speaks out, voice hoarse with sentiment.
He gives her a soft smile, pulling her toward him to slant his lips over hers.
“You know,” she breathes into him, “I’m actually… really… hungry… right now,” she asserts between kisses.
“For me?” He grins against her, sucking on her top lip before focusing on her other one.
“No,” Donna parts from him then, earning her a pout from him, “For food,” she laughs.
His chest vibrates with mirth, realization hitting him. “Right, we skipped out on dinner to-”
“-have dessert?” She smirks.
“One of our better decisions as COO and managing parter,” he states proudly.
She shakes her head at his antics, “Speaking of, we’re going to have to set some ground rules before work on Monday.”
His smile fades only slightly then, “Now?”
Donna bites her lip in thought for a moment, “No, it can wait ’till after you get me some food.”
He quirks his lips, “I’ll go fetch us some snacks.” He plants a kiss on the corner of mouth, being careful to move slowly as to not slosh the water around them too much.
She grins when he steps out of the bathtub, his bare ass coming into full view before he wraps a towel around his mid section. He sends her a knowing grin in return before disappearing out of the bathroom.
Lifting the wine glass to her lips again, she lets herself settle further into the tub, eyes closing as the past month’s events flash through her eyes. The idea of spending a day at home, relaxing with Harvey, making love to him, taking a bubble bath with him, and every other moment they had shared in between had been nothing but a mere fantasy weeks ago. She had long suppressed those feelings, swept them under a rug and went on with her life trying to convince herself it wasn’t something she needed or wanted…
…until she had kissed him. And then everything went to shit when he blamed her, they argued, she left… She had given up full hope of having any kind of future with him, any kind of happiness, for that matter. And now, while the concerns of how they were going to juggle their new status with their professional life still gnawed at her, she couldn’t seem to let it reside in the forefront of her mind.
Not when her best friend was half naked in his kitchen, clattering around whilst humming a ridiculous tune to himself- just loud enough for her to hear- trying to find them midnight snacks after they missed their dinner just because they couldn’t wait to fulfill a greater need.
“…so this is really all I had, and I know it’s not a lot, but it’s edible, I think,” his laugh makes her look up then, watching as he saunters in with a tray filled with an assortment of cheese, fruit, crackers, and some chocolate. He stops in front of the tub when he catches her steady gaze on him, a crooked smile on her lips, “What?” He wonders, amused.
Donna shakes her head, “I’m just- happy.”
His whole demeanor softens then, a deeper smile setting roots on his face, “Me too, Donna. Me too.”
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend, only bought this dress so you could take it off
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All from A to Z :)
Oh my Lanta. Really? I mean, I’ll do it, but wowza. Thank you, anon. :D
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m not honestly a huge shipper. I prefer bromance to romance... if I HAD to pick a ship or two? Demitri/Anastasia from “Anastasia”, and Mr. Darcy/Elizabeth Bennet from “Pride and Prejudice”. Always get me every time.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Mmm... Spirk (Star Trek) and McKirk (Star Trek). Damnit, I didn’t want to get sucked into this hell hole, but here I am.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Sherlock/Anyone. I just don’t see romantic relationships there. I mean I can see how people get the Johnlock thing going, but honestly... I don’t ship him with anyone. Again, bromance before romance for this one.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Dean Winchester/Lisa (Supernatural). But that might be because that storyline was pretty weak.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Some of you may well remember that there is a little known one-shot lurking out there inspired by @faragonart‘s Hiccup in Aperture Science drawings from... Jeez, like a year and a half ago? Not sure. But it’s out there. It’s cracky as hell.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Been in the Teen Titans fandom for... jeez uh... 13 years? Harry Potter is closely behind at 12.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Again, not super shippy. When I was a wee tot I adored Robin/Starfire on Teen Titans, but the older I got the more I was like “I just don’t see it.” I do love me some Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter).
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Usually tv shows. Almost always. Sometimes movies. Rarely books.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Tumblr has turned me off of so many fandoms before I ever even saw the show, because I was sick of it before I ever got a chance to enjoy it, including but not limited to: Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Voltron, Troll Hunters, Hannibal, etc.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Supernatural. Honestly had no idea what it even was before I saw it on here, and then of course I got obsessed.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Ooohhh. Sherlock is one of my faves, just watching him become more.. human, is great. Jesse Pinkman and Walter White (Breaking Bad)... there are so MANY.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
John Winchester has a pleasant sounding voice when he isn’t screaming at his children? Does that count?
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls). I want to be her.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Jesse Pinkman character analysis and canon compliant Harry Potter learning to deal with his upbringing.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
“Reflecting Light” by Sam Phillips- Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I actually developed a relatively in depth baby bots AU for Portal in one of @faragonart‘s streams. The idea was more or less that in an effort to tame Glad0s, they scientists desperately tried to bring the human part of her (whatever was left of Caroline) back into control by appealing to her maternal instinct with android baby bots, creating first Virgil (who was too soft spoken and non-assertive, and brushed aside before being reassigned to maintenance) then Wheatley (who was too curious and outgoing, and caused her to become increasingly hostile against him to the point that his memory of it was wiped, and he was left with nothing more than an inherent fear of her), and finally having no choice but to bring in Caroline’s actual daughter: Chel. If anyone wants more than that, I have it all written down somewhere and I’ll hunt it down and share.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Ooooh. LOST. Too weird, my dudes. Far too weird. And Grey’s Anatomy.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Merlin/Arthur, Sherlock/John, Harry/Hermione, this is a looong list.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Hmm... alright, so @orhowfar and I were watching Anastasia a few weeks back and I went dark af and just proclaimed that I think Dimitri was abused by the staff of the palace. He very clearly gets manhandled rather aggressively on a fairly frequent basis, and his self esteem is virtually nothing. So we came up with this whole big thing where his favorite of the nobility was always Vlad, who had kind eyes and a big belly and would sneak him sweets when he assisted, and after helping the princess escape and being knocked unconscious (by a blow to the head from a gun which 100% broke his nose btw have you ever noticed?) He finds himself with nowhere to go. He runs into Vlad and there’s a moment of pure panic because Vlad knows how bad things are right then, but they both just nod, and wind up taking care of each other. Vlad becomes something of a father figure to Dimitri. He notices pretty early on that Dimitri doesn’t like contact unless he’s initiated it, something that carries over into adulthood, despite his best efforts, but it does get better. Vlad just makes sure to let Dimitri come to him as often as possible instead of reaching out first. Etc. etc. it was a LONG thing.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Hiccup’s hair looks the way it does because he won’t sit still for a haircut- he’s always off doing something or other- so his father will just randomly grab a handful of his hair and slice through it with his knife to keep it manageable. Hiccup barely notices until after Stoick’s death when his hair is suddenly longer than it’s been in years and then he remembers and ouch.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Merlin- self sacrificing, intelligent, lovable little dork with immense power.
Dean Winchester- self sacrificing, intelligent, lovable little dork with virtually no self esteem or self preservation skills.
Jesse Pinkman- self sacrificing, intelligent, lovable little dork with virtually no self esteem or self preservation skills who is far too broken and has seen far too much but is desperate for love.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
It varies... I related to Jesse Pinkman more than I probably should have but... given current circumstances.. yeah. I understand Lorelai Gilmore on a spiritual level as well.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
“Bad guy is reformed and becomes besties with the gang”. Get away from meeeeeeeee.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
One character slowly humanizes another through little acts of affection and teaching and both learn from the other and become best friends in the process.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Hmmm... does The Office count? I see a lot of The Office second hand.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
They have never once cast a decent Dick Grayson (Batman) and let me tell you why because when a child is of Romani descent they are not some little pale white boy with dark hair. They have a very specific look and I have yet to see it. Not to mention they never pick the right body type. Dick is an acrobat first and foremost; he just learned to adapt that into a fighting style. He would not be some top heavy bulky af ripped dude with giant shoulders and biceps and thighs as wide as a tire, he’d be lean and wiry and small. He needs to be fast, be able to get and keep himself airborne, and fold into all sorts of weird shapes (the kid is basically a damn contortionist). He’s strong as hell, but it’s not just big ass muscles, it’s... *deep breath* he’s not the body type they keep casting. Furthermore, that kid is definitely his own special brand of damaged and I get very tired of seeing the “so sarcastic and carefree” attitude given to him in movies and tv shows, but I also can’t stand the other extreme: the cold, clinical, calculating, trying to be Batman nonsense. That’s not who he is. He’s smart and capable, and certainly can be serious, he’s been playing a part in public for most of his life, just as Bruce does, but he’s also very careful not to become what Bruce has... I could go on about this for a long time... @cinemamind, help me? 
Thanks for the request, anon, sorry this is SO long...
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