#this is half a joke and half me wanting to combust at how badly this guy wants to finish this story he's helped woven with his own hands
pestilight · 11 months
[sits upright in bed as though waking from some prophesied dream] rau.ru as flavour text
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Elorcan 1st time?
PART II of drabble prompt: "Playing 2 truths and a lie while tipsy for Elorcan please", which you can read here :)
This is obviously nsfw. Caution: dirty love making. “Cock” is used, along with other sexual words of vulgarity. Anyway. Enjoy. 
Written with @snelbz
Lorcan waited for Elide to come back, but she never did. Yeah, he was a little tipsy - okay, he was straddling the border of being completely drunk - but he had meant what he had said.
I am completely in love with you.
Should that have been how he told her? No. Probably not, and he knew it as soon as the words had left his mouth, but he couldn't help it. Ten years, holding in such overwhelming feelings and emotions...they eventually just had to fall out.
He was surprised he'd held it in for so long.
Now, he almost wished he'd held it in longer.
He wasn't drunk enough to not have seen the panic in her eyes as she stood and walked away, back toward her bedroom. Which is where she had been for the last twenty minutes.
Lorcan remained lying in the beanbag in the corner of the living room, watching everyone else dance and have a good time while he drank and drank and drank.
Until eventually he couldn't take it any longer.
He pushed himself up, and caught his balance, and made his way down the hall. Elide's door was shut, which he expected, but he hadn't expected it to be locked when he tried the knob.
With a sigh, he knocked. "Elide."
He knocked again, harder, and consistently, until it was cracked open. "Will you stop before my door breaks in half? Gods."
Lorcan rolled his eyes and pushed his way into Elide's room, not bothering to wait for permission. He had been in Elide's room a million times, and it had looked the exact same as it had every time. Nothing had changed.
Except for the lingering discomfort in the air.
Elide didn't look at him as she shut her door behind them, shutting out the noise of the party raging outside. When it was just the two of them, standing alone in the silence, Lorcan cleared his throat.
"Care to tell me what the hell that was about?" he asked.
When she swung around, he instantly knew she was pissed. "What the hell that was about? Lorcan! You just told me that you...." She shook her head, her face falling into her hands. "Seriously?"
"That I'm in love with you?" he asked, and took in the sight before him. She wouldn't even meet his eye, and it was clear that she'd come into her room to quickly make an escape from him, to get away from him. There was no emergency of any kind, nothing else that had stolen her away. It was him. He'd told her how he felt, and it had scared her away. So, he scratched the back of his neck and said, "No, I only said that because I was drunk. I thought it would be funny, and it obviously wasn't, so...I'm sorry."
She met his eyes then, and he couldn't quite pin the emotion in her eye. Was it relief? Or disappointment?
Elide swallowed as she nodded. "Well...that's good, because I was sitting here thinking about how I could never bear to lose you. You're my best friend, Lor, and if...you did have feelings for me, that could really complicate things. So."
"Yeah," Lorcan agreed, a little too quickly. "So, I'll leave you alone in here and go back out there and get a drink and feel like an asshole."
Elide chuckled, quietly. "Yeah, alright. Pour me one too while you're out there."
Lorcan nodded and walked past her, back toward her door, but when his hand touched the cool metal knob, he froze.
Then he slowly turned around and met Elide's gaze. "You know what? I'm not sorry." Elide opened her mouth, but Lorcan cut her off. "It wasn't a joke, I was deadass serious. El, I'm in love with you, and I have been...for years. If you don't feel the same way, that's fine, but I finally spoke my truth and I'm not going to pretend like it was some douchey prank. I love you. You're incredible, and if this ruins our friendship, then that's something I'll never forgive myself for, because your friendship is the most important thing in the world to me, but...I love you. I do. And I would be a fucking idiot to act like I don't."
The words rushed out of him so quickly he wasn't even sure if they were comprehensible. Elide didn't say a word. In fact, he wasn't even certain she was breathing, she just stared at him with those big, dark eyes.
Lorcan turned back around and threw open the door when it became clear that there would be no response, but the second he crossed the threshold, she was calling his name.
"Lor, wait."
He did.
He didn't want to, didn't want to get shot down by the person who had saved him in every possible way throughout the last decade, but he was weak when it came to her demands.
"Look at me," she pleaded.
He did that, too.
He turned, and met her eye. She was closer now, only a few feet away from where he stood, halfway in the hall.
"You think I don't feel the same?" she asked, quietly.
He blinked. "You just said-."
"I haven't told you how I felt because you're the most important person to me, too," she whispered, taking another step toward him. "If we...acted on this, and it ended badly, and I didn't have you in my life anymore..." She shook her head. "Lor, I couldn't handle that. I would rather have you as my friend than not at all."
He stared at her. It was the last thing he expected her to say after what she had said before. Now she was there, looking at him completely raw, telling him that she felt the same way.
Lorcan stepped back into the room and shut the door behind him. "You know what your problem is?"
She rolled her eyes. "Seriously? That's what you're going to lead with in this moment?"
"Your problem is," Lorcan went on, ignoring her question completely, "that you think too damn much."
She opened her mouth to speak, surely to protest, but Lorcan had closed the distance between them in one long stride, took her up into his arms, and kissed her, slowly.
Elide immediately melted into that kiss, her arms going around his neck as her feet were swept off the ground. As her legs wrapped around his waist, Lorcan turned and had her back pressed up against her bedroom door. Holding her up with his hips, he cupped her face, and when they finally broke apart, his hands remained on her cheeks, his forehead having fallen against hers as they both struggled to calm their breathing.
Their eyes met, and neither of them said a word as their lips touched again. The kiss was slow, sensual, full of endless longing.
Lorcan had spent long hours wondering how well Elide kissed, but his imagination hadn't even come close to the reality of the feeling of his mouth on hers.
Her tongue swept between his lips and brushed along his teeth. His hands fell from her face and down her body until he had the hem of her tank top in his fingers, and he was pulling it over her head. His eyes trailed down her body, and Elide took the opportunity to unhook the clasp of her bra and drop it to her carpet.
Gently, Lorcan cradled her full breast in the palm of his hand and brushed his thumb over her nipple as her chest rose and fell in quick, rapid motions.
"Now you."
Lorcan's eyes snapped to hers, and she gestured to his shirt. After setting her down on the floor, he pulled his tee over his head, and her fingers were instantly against his skin. She traced the lines of his muscles, and Lorcan didn't dare move. He stood perfectly still, perfectly quiet, while her fingers roamed his body. They trailed from his abdomen, up to his chest, then down his side, and the edge of the v that disappeared beneath his jeans.
She stopped at the band of his boxer-briefs that were peeking out above his jeans, and she looked up, her eyes meeting his, and she popped open his button, and slid his zipper down.
Lorcan still didn't move, was terrified to. Apparently, keeping still had it's advantages and he wasn't about to curse the situation.
He’d made the right decision, too, he’d decided, and Elide inched down Lorcan’s jeans until they were in a pile on the floor beside them. She palmed the hardened bulge in his boxer-briefs, and a soft groan left Lorcan’s lips.
The sound made Elide grin from pure satisfaction.
That grin only disappeared when she pulled those boxer-briefs down, and Lorcan’s cock sprung free, making Elide’s eyes widen and her mouth run dry. For a second, she didn’t move, and for Lorcan, that alone was agonizing.
Then, without a word, she dropped to her knees and met his gaze through her long, dark lashes as she slowly licked the tip. 
Lorcan cursed, the sight nearly making him combust. He brushed the hair out of her face so that he wouldn’t miss a damned second of what was about to take place, before letting his hands fall back to his sides.
Elide’s hands had other plans. They wrapped around his cock and began working the base as her mouth took him in. It was slow at first, then with each pass Elide took him in a little deeper, a little further, a little faster. He watched her head bob, watched as this woman he was so madly in love with sucked him dry. 
He forced his eyes not to shut, forced his head not to fall back, forced his hands to remain at his sides. It was an all new kind of torture, one he couldn’t endure as one hand, at last, came to rest on the back of Elide’s head, his fingers weaving through her hair with enough force to make Elide moan, softly, against his sensitive skin. 
That moan reverberated through his entire body, from his cock to his chest where a growl pulled from him. Elide’s slim hand tightened, working him harder, quicker, and it was something straight out a wet dream he’d had a million times.
He just never imagined it was something he’d experience in his waking moments.
She looked up at him, and he was frozen, chest heaving as he stared down into those big, dark eyes. Eyes that were as glazed with lust as they were the alcohol that flowed through both of their veins. But there was something else in them, something he hadn’t seen in a gaze in a long time.
Care and longing and…love.
She could tell him that she loved him until she was blue in the face, but there was no denying that those eyes were full of love as she looked up at him. It nearly brought him to his knees with her. 
That realization only brought him to his release quicker, and Elide’s head fell back as he came onto her breasts, her hands continuing to work him until there was nothing left. 
Lorcan’s hand remained on the back of her head, if only for balance as he swore, and closed his eyes. By the time he opened them again, Elide was rising and crossing her room for a towel that hung on a hook by her door, which she used to wipe his cum off her skin. 
Lorcan watched the entire thing attentively, and when she turned back around and met his stare with a sly smile, he asked, his voice low, “Why the hell aren’t you naked?”
It was unfair, really, to be completely nude while her jeans remained. Elide didn’t argue, and in answer, she slowly shimmied out of her jeans until she stood before him in a lacy, black thong.
Lorcan’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, and he had only taken one step toward her when she slipped that thong off, too. When she rose again, there was nothing hiding her beautiful body.
The next thing he did was something he swore he had absolutely no control of. He picked her up and threw her back onto the bed, before crawling up after her, his body covering hers. It was rough and primal and something he’d imagined doing but never thought he’d actually get to do. His lips wrapped around one of her nipples and she moaned as her hand dove into her hair.
Her legs were already parted to make room for his body, so he had easy access to slide a knuckle between her folds, surprised to find her already warm and wet for him. He pulled back to tease her, to say something that would no doubt cause the blush on her cheeks to deepen, but he was interrupted by a knocking on her door.
“Elide?” Aelin called, over the music still playing in the living room. “You okay in there? I haven’t seen in you in a while.”
Lorcan was about to holler back but Elide’s hand covered his mouth.
“I’m okay,” she replied. “Just wasn’t feeling great. Decided to lay down.”
The knob shook as she tried to open it and both Elide and Lorcan were extremely grateful Lorcan had thought to lock it when he’d closed it before.
There was a pause on the other end. “Okay, well, can I get you anything?”
“No, go have fun!” she called, and Lorcan snorted into the hand that was still covering his mouth. 
“Alright,” Aelin muttered, as she walked away.
They both remained still for a moment on the bed before Elide’s hand fell away and Lorcan slowly shook his head. “You didn’t want her to hear me pleasuring you?” he asked, a long finger slowly slipping up inside of her.
Elide’s lashes batted against her porcelain skin. “If you pleasure me as well as I think you will, the whole damn party just might hear.”
A soft growl escaped him as Lorcan leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was short, sweet, and then his mouth trailed across her cheek, and along her jaw, and down her neck where he stopped to suck that sensitive spot, just at its base. Then his lips fell to her breasts, once more, and he took her nipple between his lips, tugging on it with his teeth.
Elide hissed, her hands diving into his hair. Lorcan gave her breasts the attention they deserved before moving on, his lips trailing down her abdomen, and when he spread her legs open as wide as they could go, Elide’s eyes shut in preparation for the bliss that was about to occur. 
Lorcan leaned back to observe her sex, and took his time before sliding his tongue slowly between her folds. 
Elide muttered a curse that had Lorcan’s hands tightening around her ass. 
True to her words, the moan that Lorcan’s tongue wrung from Elide was far from quiet. If Aelin had still been on the other side of the door, she would have immediately known Elide had been lying, would have put two and two together when she noticed Lorcan’s absence as well, and would be banging on Elide’s door, demanding to know what the hell she thought she was doing.
Elide couldn’t find it within herself to care. Not as Lorcan’s lips wrapped around her clit and sucked gently. Something that sounded like his name tumbled from her lips, but she was far past coherent thoughts as she gripped her breast with one hand and Lorcan’s hair with the other.
That grip fueled Lorcan more and he sucked a little bit faster, a little bit harder, his tongue going wild as he feasted. Those moans from Elide grew louder, and the fact that she wasn’t a quiet lover had Lorcan feeling even more excited. She was wild, and she knew exactly what she liked - Lorcan admired that.
Elide’s back arched and her knees around Lorcan’s head tightened around him. She gasped between those moans, those delicate fingers woven into his hair gripping the strands to the point of pain. A delightful, wonderful, exhilarating pain. 
“I can’t,” she breathed, followed by a lovely string of curses. “I’m going to- Lorcan-.”
She came, and Lorcan held onto her ass, his tongue continuing to circle her clit as she did so. He didn’t lean back and look up until she was finished, and her body collapsed onto her blankets. And when he did, he climbed up her body, took her face into his hands, and kissed her. His chin was wet from her, but he didn’t care, and she didn’t seem to, either, as he sank down on top of her, hiking up one of her legs around his ass. 
“I want you,” he muttered, into her lips, as if it wasn’t obvious enough by now. “Gods, I want you.”
She kissed him again, roughly, her tongue exploring his mouth, tasting herself on him, and breathed, “Then take me.”
There was no hesitation after that, no lingering touches or kisses. Not as Lorcan reached between them, lining himself up with her entrance and sank into her warm wetness.
It wasn’t rough, he didn’t want to hurt her, but by no means was it gentle. He filled her with one, long stroke, while she gasped and clung to his back. Her nails sank into the muscles she’d lusted after for so long, his name falling from her lips with a string of curses behind it. He echoed the sentiment as he pulled back and pushed back into her, setting a strong, relentless pace.
Her eyes kept trying to flutter closed, barely able to endure the sensation of having him so deep inside of her, but she kept them firmly on his. She could watch as that cool, well-maintained demeanor began to fall to pieces, could feel it as his thrusts became harder and faster, until before she knew it the headboard was slamming against the wall.
Surely Aelin would hear that.
Neither of them cared.
Lorcan fucked her, unceasing and without abandon. Their eyes remained locked the entire time, although with great difficulty. They didn’t want to miss it, though, didn’t want to miss the reactions, the emotions, the realizations that after all that time had passed, they were finally there, together, in that moment, and no one would ever take that away from them. It was a memory, a part of their story, that would forever be cherished and never forgotten. 
Elide came, her knees shaking around Lorcan’s waist, and he only lasted a moment longer before he was pushed far over the edge. When they were done, they laid cuddled up together beneath her blankets, Lorcan’s arm draped around her bare waist as his face rested in the crook of her neck, and she ran her fingers through his long, messy hair. 
As they were beginning to drift off into a sound, dreamless sleep, Lorcan said, quietly, “I want it to be noted that I didn’t tell you that I love you to get you in bed.” 
Elide laughed, breathlessly, as she looked over at him. “No?”
He shook his head, knowing full well that she knew better. He explained himself, nonetheless. “No. I meant it, Elide. I love you. I have, for a long time, and I will, for a long time.”
Her eyes softened as she pressed her lips softly against his forehead. “I love you, too. Always have, always will.” 
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fangirlishing · 3 years
just for a laugh
fred weasley x fem!reader/oc extract from my fic just for a laugh
word count: 4k
content warning: 18+ ONLY; nsfw smut; unprotected sex; kissing; dom/sub vibe but they’re also switches; praise kink; begging;  teasing/a little derogatory fun; nipple play; penetration; its their first time <3; fingering; blowjob; this is just pure filth.
I pulled Fred down into me, showing him that I was here for him. With this action cementing my permission, he wasted no time in easily picking me up by my waist. I jumped on instinct, coiling my legs around his toned torso. Our lips remained tangled in a mess of emotions as Fred slowly walked us over to Percy’s bed.
He practically threw me down into the plush mattress and I released a nervous giggle as I bounced lightly upon my landing. Fred, however, wasted no time joking around as he crawled on top of me and brought our lips together again.
In this new position, his thigh pressed greedily into my core, shocking me back into a state of delirious pleasure. Laughter wiped from my face to be replaced with thundering desire.
I tried to control the urges that were building up inside of me but, as his hands snaked under my shirt, I knew it was a futile goal. I moaned pleasurably, the sound muffled by his mouth which openly kissed mine.
A filthy smirk coated his lips as he trailed his fingers further up my chest. My breath hitched slightly as his calloused touch inched close to my breasts and my body reacted on instinct, rolling upwards into his strong hands with pleasure. My body and mind working together in tandem as both craved more from him.
His lips detached smoothly from mine as he whispered close to my ear, “you wanna take this off for me?” His hot breath set my neck ablaze and I almost let a moan spring free at such intimacy.
My eyes were wide but maintained my feverish desire to please him as they became darkened with a lust deep enough to match his. Without thinking, I pulled the pyjama shirt over my head and chucked it across the room.
For the first time, Fred looked upon my naked torso. I writhed a little at his analytical gaze, even his eyes on me was enough to send me toppling under waves of pleasure. On some level, he knew I'd left myself naked for him. I'd hardly admit it to his face, but, his joking seduction at dinner had coerced me into leaving myself completely naked underneath my pyjamas as I hoped, a little romantically, that he might finally act upon the tension building between us for weeks.
“Good girl,” he hummed filthily, drawing me up by my neck to reconnect our lips as a frenzied reward.
As our lips entangled, his hands returned to my bare skin which glistened for him under the moonlight peeking through the dark we were engrossed within. I began to whine upon his lips as his fingers purposefully avoided the places he knew I needed him most, thrusting my chest into his touch to show my impatience.
With such a display, he bit my lip painfully, dragging it out teasingly as his sultry eyes met mine before letting my lip snap back into place.
“Do you need something, darling?” He asked innocently, but his eyes challenged me as they smirked whilst looking upon the lustful cracks his taunting fingers caused to spread across my skin.
I whined softly, hoping no one could hear me as pleading begs fell from my lips almost as if magically coaxed out by Fred. I wouldn't put it past him but I knew I was under my own spell, enchanted by the red-headed treat towering over me.
He cast a wordless charm around the room before he spoke again, “you want me that badly?” He snickered, eyes still focused on assessing my body as if it was a half unwrapped gift ready for his final, jarring tears to whisk away the wrapping that contained me.
All I could muster was a nod as his fingers tantalisingly stroked down my sides, “dirty girl,” he chuckled teasingly in my ear before placing his open lips on the hidden hickeys that dotted my neck and chest, courteously of our moments of previous frenzied pleasure at Hogwarts.
He bit a few of them, laughing more as he watched me jolt with pleasure. It felt wrong to hear Fred talk to me in such a way - like this was all just some fantasy I’d cooked up in my dreams but, as I felt his tongue drag across my skin, I knew how real this was and I could no longer deny the pleasure that shuddered up my spine.
My hand slid into his hair instinctively, gripping it softly as he travelled his way down my body. I relished at how close we were, I could almost feel his heartbeat racing alongside mine as his strong beater figure pressed against my perky, bare chest.
“How much have you imagined this, darling?” He quipped, drawing himself back up to drown me in another of his captivating kisses as I whined in his mouth.
“Too much,” I gasped, opening my eyes to watch him smirk down at me, “probably every night.”
He moved close to my mouth again, hovering over it as he whispered, “what do we do in your head?” His voice screamed control but it wavered as he, too, struggled with his pleasures.
I felt it grow below, undulating into my still clothed skin to remind me that I was not alone in this longing. We had indulged ourselves too quickly for Fred's liking and, so, he drew us out longer with such questions. Perhaps he wanted to avoid the conversation we were due for as long as possible but, with his hardness pulsing into my thigh, rubbing slightly, I didn't care.
I flushed excessively in the dark room, distracted by my racing thoughts. He chuckled throatily in my ear before kissing my neck once more. “Is it that dirty, love? So bad you can’t even tell me? I promise it’ll stay between us,” he pressed a soft kiss upon my lips, staring me down as he regained control, knowing that I was fully encased under him.
“Its…” my thoughts were interrupted as he tweaked one of my nipples teasingly, I glared down his innocent disguise as I continued, “it’s embarrassing.”
He laughed again, kissing the centre of my chest, right between my breasts which heaved with desire, “that’s cute, love. How ‘bout you tell me one thing we’ve done in your head and I’ll tell you something I’ve thought about in return?”
“You-you’ve-?” I stammered, causing him to smile more.
“Of course, but I won’t say anything until you speak up.”
A lump formed in my throat as I sifted through all the fantasies my brain had conjured throughout my infatuation with Fred. Some were innocent - like going on picnics or wading through a pond and splashing each other with water whilst we laughed - but some were disgustingly perverse. Some I could hardly voice to him because I knew they would grant him much too power over my body and mind.
“One time I-“ I began, clearing my throat before I darted my eyes away from him as embarrassment roared through my veins, “I imagined you rewarding me for doing well on an essay,” I mumbled, turning my face fully away from him and shutting my eyes so I didn’t have to watch his provocative gaze as I lay my mind bare alongside my body for him.
His mouth came to hover next to my ear, “and how exactly did I reward you?” A sly kiss was placed just behind my ear which curled my toes and fluttered my breath.
I whimpered, unable to utter the words to him.
“Alright, darling,” I could hear him smile softly, leaving behind our game for a moment, he continued, “no pressure, I promise,” his hands rest comfortably along my sides, “how can I make you feel better, you look like you’re about to combust.”
He altered his position slightly, no longer hovering over me and trapping me under his presence. His muscled thigh remained in place, pressing on my anguished core, but he allowed himself to sit up, releasing me from the invisible chains his dominance wracked over me.
“Tell me about what you’ve imagined,” I whispered, drawing my hands up his chest to grip softly at the loose fabric of his shirt, slowly pulling him back down over me to reinforce my comfort with his controlling presence. To show him I needed him there just as much as he needed me.
“Hard to pick just one, love,” he uttered causing me to let out a chuckle that sent a wave of relaxation hurtling through me.
“I suppose there is one fantasy I keep revisiting,” he trailed off and I looked upon him with anticipation and he was more than willing to satisfy my cravings, “you’re studying hard in the library and I whisk you away to the restricted section and give you a much-needed break.”
My breath hitched slightly, “what do we do on this break?” I asked innocently as Fred’s fingers trailed down my stomach absentmindedly.
“Do you want to have a guess, darling? Or should I just tell you?”
His hands rest at the waistband to my pyjama bottoms as I gasped, allowing two words, “tell me,” to fall from my lips in a breathy respite.
Dragging his fingers across the band he hummed, “I lie you down on one of the tables,” he lifted my waistband, “and I tell you that I want you to do one thing,” I felt his fingers hover over my dripping slit, teasing me both subconsciously and physically as I squirmed slightly. I tried to ignore the surprised look of pleasure that fleetingly appeared on his face when he discovered no trace of underwear on me.
“Wh-what did you tell me?” I asked, anticipation getting the better of me as his fingers worked fire into my veins.
“I wanted you to beg to cum for me,” he stated simply, plunging a finger inside of me to coax out a desperate moan from my throat.
He was drunk on the power he wielded over me, looking down at my lustful expression and relishing in knowing that he was the one causing it. His cocky attitude taunted me, smirking upon me while I uttered profanities as I delved deeper into my pleasure, my brain conjuring up images of being bent over that library table and how Fred, I knew, would feast upon my body.
He coiled his thrusting finger inside of me, pushing against my pleasure point and dragging me further into a state of ecstasy. Delirious from the pleasure, I began to grind along with him as I craved more of his touch. More of him, whatever he decided to give me I would lap up like a dog. With this movement from me, he slid his finger out, denying me the pleasure I had become captivated under.
He began to stroke a set of his fingers up and down my slick entrance, breathing a laugh when I jolted as his fingers struck my bundle of nerves.
You’re so desperate for this, aren’t you?” He whispered into my ear and I pathetically whimpered a reply before crying out in shock as he suddenly slammed three fingers inside of me, chuckling in my ear at my loud response which he knew he'd get once he left me distracted with his slippery, seductive words. “You’re doing so well, darling,” he bit my ear playfully as he thrust faster, drawing more sounds of desperation from me.
His wicked eyes met mine and I knew exactly what I wanted him to know, it was something I’d whispered to myself late at night when giving myself a release and, admittedly, something I wanted to say to him.
“I wanna cum for you, Freddie,” I whined, gasping as his fingers plunged far deeper inside of me, engulfing me in pleasure as a response to the filth my lips divulged.
He hummed musically, “you’re perfect,” his lips softly slid over mine, passionately reaching into my senses as his fingers continued to drive me closer to my edge.
“Freddie,” I gasped through the kiss, heavily breathing before his lips returned to mine, “I need you now… Will you- I mean, would you want to-?” I cut myself off, feeling awkwardly vulnerable.
He detached from me only to gaze upon me with a genuine smile, “of course, only if you’re sure,” he pecked my lips again, reassuring me before we went too far.
I nodded, eyes glistening with uncontrolled affection. At this moment, I didn’t care how far we went and what that meant for us - I felt an animalistic urge surge deep within me that craved him in his entirety, no matter the consequences.
His fingers left me with a swift moment and I felt an emptiness I knew would soon be satisfied as Fred threw his sweater across the room. My hands ran over his muscled back, pulling him down for another kiss as a hungry, lustful ball settled uncomfortably in my stomach at the sight of him, it begged for its obscene desires to be quenched. He detached again to focus on slipping his pyjama pants off and I followed suit, leaving us both vulnerably naked for the first time.
I looked upon his hard member that had teased me thus far, my breath catching as reality settled upon my shoulders. Of course, I was a little fearful for my first time with Fred, but, as I met his kind eyes, I knew it was all going to be okay. That it wasn't going to be like the sex I once knew.
“You ready?” He asked, his soft tone relaxing my breathing.
“Merlin, yes,” I breathed and he chuckled over my lips, passionately kissing me once again. His open mouth moved leisurely over mine, short gasps interrupting our entanglement once he began touching himself for the first time since we’d begun. He'd held out so long to focus on my pleasure and, as I watched him succumb, it only enhanced my drive.
“Godric, I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard,” he groaned, wincing with satisfaction as he stroked himself languidly.
“Let me,” I whispered, spitting into my hand and bringing it to stroke alongside him.
I watched as his hand fell lack, his eyes rolling back into his head as I continued my slackened strokes. He gave himself over to the pleasure, staggered breath holding back his desire to loudly groan as he fell under my seductive spell.
“Freddie?” I whispered, earning a dazed, mumbled acknowledgement as if he was both here and not, “get on your back for me.”
He obeyed immediately and without question, running a hand over his face as his mouth hung open in silent exertion.
Smirking, I brought my face closer to his length. My lips kissed his tip softly, evoking a drawn-out sizzled moan to fall loosely from his mouth. I slowly tested the waters, letting the salty taste of him coat my tongue before I plunged his hardness to the back of my throat. His gasping groan finally freed itself from his restrained voice as his fingers clutched my hair, guiding me up and down.
I pushed myself as far as I could go for his pleasure, the feeling of him hitting the back of my throat only stirring me on to be the best he’d ever had.
His breathing became more ragged as he submerged himself under my control, his grip relinquishing as he relished in the feeling of my tongue swirling around him, wanking him off with my lips.
“Love,” he strained through his teeth and I detached my lips, leaving a trail of spit attaching me to his member, “as much as I want my cum to drip from your lips, I’d like to be inside you much more.”
A smile spread across my face, “where would you like me then, Weasley?” A brave power had fallen upon me when I had him under my control but, now, I felt it would slip away from me once Fred's skilled mouth centred on me.
Taking control he wrapped his arms around my waist, flipping us over fluidly before he ran a hand through his hair to push it out of his face quickly. He dragged his thumb over my lips, a lingering touch to show how much he missed them upon him, before dipping his lips toward me. I readied myself to receive another of his long, emotive kisses but found his lips resting next to my ear to whisper a vulgar command, “you better get ready to beg.”
Without warning, he plunged himself into me. Our shared groans filled the air as we finally satisfied our deepest cravings. He rested one hand on my waist and the other reached over me to grip the headboard tightly.
Fred restrained from moving for a few moments to give us time to get used to the new feeling of each other, pulsing in unison from the sheer shock. I yelped once he began to move, causing him to pause a moment before I beckoned him to continue as I assured him it wasn't pain but pleasure that was rocking through my body.
He began to sloppily thrust inside of me, our inexperience shining bright but neither of us cared as we became wrapped in a euphoric cocoon. With every jolt of himself inside of me, he moaned at the sensation and I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming as I relished in the feeling of finally being full by someone I cared deeply for.
“Let me hear you,” Fred panted in my ear, moving both his hands to now rest on my waist to draw me further down onto him, sliding me up and down over and over.
I uncovered my mouth, “fucking he-ll, Fred,” I quipped, stammering as he quickened his pace. I allowed my body to fall under his control, my breasts bouncing as the mattress squeaked underneath us.
He felt so right inside of me and my body became consumed under his pleasurable grasp. His hands squeezed tighter and tighter around my waist, guiding my movements as he slid into me. For every impulsive, too-tight squeeze he littered across my body came the soft brushes of his fingers to ease the small spikes of pain he’d unintentionally brought upon me.
Soon, this pain turned to pleasure as he wrecked my warm core. His length charged hard and fast inside of me, so much so that I could barely keep up. I lost myself in his strokes, whimpering soft moans as my slack body allowed him to have his way with me. The soft slaps of our skin violently intersecting spread throughout the room and it started to drive me insane with animalistic pleasure.
Consumed by thoughts of him and a yearning for his length that slammed so hastily inside of me, my thoughts became hazy as they obsessed over Fred.
His name became a chant, dripping from my lips easier than breathing. I wanted him to hear my complete desire for him more than anything else. What had begun as a whisper, almost like a silent prayer, became a lewd, rhythmic reminder of who was giving me the pleasure I’d craved for so long. Longer than he knew.
Every time his name fell from my lips, his breathing staggered almost with disbelief that this was real - that he was hearing such vulgarity fall from the mouth of someone who, for many years, had been so reserved and shy.
It urged him on, too, the knowledge that my entire being had become fully dominated by him in body and soul, and caused him to show his appreciation for my devotion by slamming hard into me.
“Fu-uck,” he stammered, more profanities falling from his lips as our joint pleasure built more and more.
Lost under his control and the steady, rhythmic pumps of his cock inside of me left me little room to think of anything else. My entire being ached for him - craved his pleasure, wanted to show him how desperate I was. How desperate he made me.
My wet mouth came to absentmindedly swirl around my fingers, my lips hungrily coated in saliva. Moaning Fred’s name again, my fingers left my lips and quickly trailed down to my clit, beginning to steadily play with it to overwhelm myself with greater pleasure.
I perked for a moment at the new sensation but I quickly submitted as I felt intense waves of sensuality jolt through me. My stomach fluttered as, with Fred working in unison with my own fingers, I became overwhelmed with carnality and it transformed the ball in my lower stomach into a burning hot pit which grew with each flick I gratified myself with.
Fred’s breathing, matching mine, became staggered now as he filthily pumped himself into me, “I-Merlin, I’m close, love,” he groaned, straining as he held himself back from the edge we both climbed towards.
“I-I wanna feel you, Freddie,” I begged, “deep inside, I wanna feel you there.”
He smirked, his spare hand stroking down my neck to my chest and, for an agonising minute, all I wanted him to do was wrap his fingers around my throat and squeeze.
“Keep going,” he begged, pinching my erect nipple, grimacing as he held himself back from spilling too quickly over the edge.
I hissed as he pinched me hard before I whispered airy begs for his cum to fill the empty, burning chasm inside of me.
I almost choked on my breath as he slammed hard and slow into me, dragging it out further as he chuckled to himself; but it was obvious the thread he hung onto was loose and weakened under our intense passion.
He gritted his teeth with every elongated stroke as he held himself back, I hardly knew how he was handling this, “you’re so worked up all over me, such a little whore,” the venomous words dripped from his tongue easily as if he'd said them about me before in his fantasies.
Slamming into me again, he chuckled at my whimpers, “such an innocent little girl coming awfully undone - would you like to show me how you cum for me? I can tell you’ve done it for me before... I even heard you a couple of those times.”
I unlatched my eyes from his gaze, embarrassed at admitting what he already knew. Shying away from the desperation I craved, needed, in this moment.
His lips dropped, whispering seductively to me, “beg for it, darling. Beg for me.”
My wild, innocent eyes met his hedonistic, darkened ones and I knew then that I was dangerously enraptured under his spell.
It all came to a head, the feeling of being so full driving me so wild that it caused the heat spewing inside of me to bubble over. I didn't care if it made me weak, I wanted him to know that this weakness was all because of him.
I shamelessly began to beg, words falling from my lips quicker than I could control them, “I-I want you to show me what I do to you, wanna feel full of you. Please, Freddie,” I strained harder now, “please I need you. I-I-I,” I could barely hold myself back as his length slid so fluidly inside of me.
He angrily slammed himself as quick as he could inside of me and my eyes rolled back into my head as he pounded quickly.
“Such a good girl, fuck! Scream my name, love… scream it as you cum,” he stammered, finally releasing himself inside of me as pleasure undulated between us.
Overwhelmed with how this new sensation felt, I followed suit as I shrieked his name, my walls pulsating around his length which remained buried inside me as we both came down from our highs.
He remained inside of me as we both attempted to regulate our breathing. It was silent between us, only our ragged breaths and the sweet cream leaking from me remained as a memory of what had just happened.
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cafeacademia · 3 years
Laundry Day
Fred Weasley x Reader (SMUT)
Summary: After you accidentally catch your best friend and roommate, Fred doing his laundry in just his boxers, you turn into a flustered mess, but it’s when you make the next clothing slip that either of you act on your feelings.
Warnings: Straight up smut!!! Oral (female receiving), sex, a bucket load of fluff, quite a bit of embarrassment and awkwardness at the beginning.
Word count: Approx 3500
Please read the drabble that sparked the rest of this story (it doesn’t make a huge amount of sense otherwise!)
A/N: Hello my loves! My god was this fun to write! I love some Freddie smut and I hope you enjoy it too! This was inspired by my lovely friend, Holly’s made up title ask, which turned into a drabble and is now followed by this full fic! Enjoy 💖
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Fred was rather annoyed with himself. He’d been far too wrapped up in teasing you in your flustered state when he had been standing nearly naked in front of you, and yet he’d not taken a second to actually see if you felt the same way that he did. Albeit, was doing it mostly naked in front of your best friend a good idea? Fred thought, probably not.
But now, only a few hours later, Fred regretted it even more, because his poor roommate, his poor best friend couldn't even look at him without looking as if you were about to keel over in embarrassment.
And while Fred was annoyed with himself that he’d not done anything about months, years even of being completely and utterly in love with you, you on the other hand were reprimanding yourself in the other room over how you had blatantly drooled over the poor boy.
He probably thought you were creepy or weird. Or both. Both were definitely plausible, you thought as you climbed out of the shower, having taken one in the hopes of getting the embarrassing moment off your mind. Unfortunately for you though, it had only given your mind more time to replay and over exaggerate the interaction.
But as you dried yourself off and did your usual bathroom routine, you quickly realised that being so stuck in your own head had led you to a near similar situation that Fred had been in just mere hours ago. You were stuck in the bathroom with nothing but a small bath towel that barely covered you while you had forgotten your clothes. The worst part was you had walked into the bathroom naked while Fred had gone out for a little while and you just hoped to Merlin that he was still out of the apartment so you didn’t have to face him with embarrassment while being nearly naked.
Unlocking the door and opening it by just a slither, enough to see into the main room, you poked your head out for a second to survey and thankfully, to your relief, there was no Fred in sight and you let out the breath you had been holding on to as you pulled the door open fully and stepped out of the bathroom with the towel loosely wrapped around you.
“Alright there, love?” Fred’s voice came from behind you and your movements seized as you froze on the spot, eyes going wide. Shit. “Fred,” You practically squeaked his name out in shock before pausing, half turning towards him. Fred noticed you were still unable to look at him fully, as if meeting his eyes might vaporise you on the spot or turn you into a puddle.
If you hadn’t already felt rather exposed with just a towel on before, you felt as if you were completely naked and you swallowed thickly as he took a step closer to you. It wasn’t even that you didn’t like or want his attention, you craved Fred. You wanted him in every capacity possible, but this was not the way you had spent many nights and lonely showers and hours working imagining how it would go. And quite frankly, you were sure your cheeks were still as hot as they had been earlier that day when you had walked in on your best friend.
“That’s an awfully short towel, love.” Fred smirked and you managed a quick glance at his features before you shyly looked away again and you suddenly felt very aware of where the fabric fell against your skin. Did it hide you well enough? You supposed it was really a bit too late to be wondering that now, though.
“Sorry, I might’ve… Forgotten my clothes.” It came out quieter than you had meant it to and Fred could see how flustered you were. “I don’t mind.” Fred told you with a lopsided grin, using your own words on you. “Are you embarrassed, princess?” He questioned, taking another step closer and reached out, his fingers gently brushing the tip of your chin, lifting just enough to get you to meet his eyes. “There’s no reason to be, I promise.” Fred spoke softly, his grin dampening into a gentler smile, one that was reassuring. “Besides, I quite liked you seeing me earlier.” He added. “Can’t say I hadn’t thought about it before.”
“Thought about what?” You asked, your throat dry as you looked up at him, your eyes fixed on his now that he’d finally managed to get you to look at him. “Me seeing you… Like that?” You asked. “Well, sort of. I think about you a lot, sweetheart.” Fred replied, not really giving you a straight answer, but the answer he did give sent a shock through you, your stomach flipping in the most pleasant way and for a moment you just stared at him. “Do you think about me?” He asked, his fingers gently moving up from your chin, his thumb resting against your cheek, brushing your skin delicately with the pad of his thumb.
Of course you thought about Fred. Sometimes it felt like he was all you thought about. He was impossible not to think about, especially when he was the perfect mixture of charming gentleman and absolute rascal. But you supposed that was what attracted you so much to him, that and his tall stature, the way he looked at you sometimes making you weak at the knees. Merlin, you wanted him to absolutely ruin you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t ever done anything sexual yourself before, you had, but Fred and George had always had a running joke about your innocence, that you just seemed too pure, too much like a sweet princess with the way you always became so shy and giggly and flustered whenever they teased and joked around with you, especially Fred.
“Mhm.” You could only hum, your eyes looking away from him for a moment as you tried to gather yourself a bit more. “Is that so, princess?” Fred chuckled softly, watching you tug your lip lightly between your teeth and he almost groaned, already very riled up from earlier in the day.
“I do, I think about you all the time, Freddie.” You finally got yourself together, eyes doe like and sweet as you looked up at him. Fred smiled, his thumb gently caressing your cheek as he leaned in a little closer, his heart leaping when you leaned a little into him too, because besides from friendly hugs and leaning on one another, you’d never had much close contact with Fred and he wanted to hold you so badly. “Can I kiss you, love?” Fred asked, speaking so softly that it was barely above a whisper, his words brushing against you as he spoke and you nearly melted, nearly combusted because Fred Weasley had just asked you those words.
“Please, Freddie.” And your words were all he needed to close the gap between you and capture your lips with his in a loving, gentle kiss. He was slow at first, lips indulging in every feeling it sent through him to have your lips moving gently against his. Fred felt you press yourself up against his chest and his heart fluttered, unable to stop himself from smiling into the kiss as he his hands wandered, softly tracing over your skin and resting at your hip as he cradled your head with his other hand.
And as your hands found the nape of his neck, fingers dipping into his thick ginger hair, Fred groaned against you, deepening the kiss, his tongue finding yours. You felt warmth rush through you, the kiss pushing every thought, every lingering worry out of your head. Fred was not overconfident with his kiss, instead, he was gentle but still charming and you could just imagine the smile he was wearing as your lips moved against his, Fred’s tongue gently brushing yours.
Parting, Fred having kissed you breathless, you sighed softly as you pulled away. Your towel though, was forgotten and with your hands having rested over Fred’s shoulders, his chest no longer there to hold it up, the fabric fell into a pile on the floor. You glanced down, for a second to see it below you, shyly looking back up at Fred, who was fixed on you with a stunned look in his eyes. He made it quite clear, just from the way he was looking at you, keeping his eyes on yours that he wouldn’t look at your body unless you wanted him to.
But part of you wanted him to look, you wanted him to see you and your gaze softened from surprise to something almost lustful. “You can look, Freddie.” You whispered the words, Fred taking you permission, his lips parting as he finally looked down to admire you, his eyes wandering your figure as you stood in front of him. “You’re gorgeous, princess.” Fred complimented, his words making you smile shyly as he tentatively reached out for you, giving you ample time to tell him to stop. But you didn’t and you moved forwards into his touch, letting his fingers meet your bare skin, his fingertips gently brushing against your collarbone and Fred’s breath hitched in his throat for a moment as he took you all in, nothing but admiration and pure, sweet love in his eyes.
He looked at you as if you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, his eyes softened, he looked almost awestruck at the sight of you and his eyes slowly drew across you, unsure of where to look first. “I want you, love.” Fred spoke the words, eyes looking up to yours, waiting for permission. He was well and truly in love, he always had been, but seeing you like this, nude with that sweet, shy smile of his, he felt like he was really seeing you. Vulnerable, beautiful and Fred wanted to know if he could have you for himself like he had always dreamed. “Then take me, Fred.” The words passed your lips, Fred’s admission going straight to your belly, a little shiver of anticipation, of excitement rushed through you.
With your permission, Fred didn’t spare a moment longer, his hands gently smoothing over your skin to grip your hips as he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a slow, gentle kiss. Fred was in no rush as he kissed you, his fingers trailing upwards, thumbs gently brushing over your hardened nipples and he groaned as you moaned softly into the kiss at his actions.
“Let me take care of you.” He mumbled it softly against your lips, his warm touch gripping your sides and gliding lower until he reached the curve of your ass, squeezing gently. Moving lower still, Fred leaned down a little to pick you up and pull you into his arms, his eyes fixated on you as he carried you carefully to your bedroom and lay you down on the bed.
Beginning to remove his own clothing, Fred caught the way you looked at him the way you had earlier, lost in your own little dreamy haze as your gaze trailed over his bare torso as he let his shirt slip off his arms and fall to the floor. And as he pushed his trousers off, his boxers going with them, Fred was glad he caught the way you gently bit your lip at the sight of him, your reaction going straight to his hardened cock.
“Can I taste you, please princess?” Fred asked, gently pushing your legs upwards. “Please Freddie.” You nodded, lips parted as you let out a little breathy moan as he parted your legs, kneeling down between them. He held your gaze for a moment longer as he dipped low, close to your aching core as he parted your lips with his thumbs, watching as you gasped at his warm, gentle touch.
Swiping his thumb over your clit tentatively, he watched your reaction to the small touch and it made his length twitch as you watched him with pleading eyes. Finally, Fred leaned in, his thumbs exposing your bud for him as he pressed his tongue against you and began to work you up. “Oh fuck, Fred.” You whined out at the contact, your hand reaching down to hold him there, your fingers sliding into his hair as Fred circled your clit, building up his intensity as he played with you.
His gentle movements became a little faster and within moments Fred had you writhing and moaning at his touch. His tongue flicked against you and you shyly cast a glance down to him to see Fred looking up at you with hooded eyes, savouring every second of pleasuring you. “Is it good, princess? Am I making you feel good?” Fred asked, his thumb taking over and circling your clit as he spoke to you, making you whine at the difference in contact. “Freddie, god, you’re so good, please don’t stop.” You whined, too caught up in pleasure to worry about being shy with your words.
Smirking, Fred leaned back in, taking your soft bud between his lips and gently sucking, flicking his tongue over you. Your soft moans, the way you panted when he did something to make your knees quiver, it felt as if Fred could cum just at the sight of you blissed out with pleasure under his touch. Releasing you, he slid his tongue over you and flicked his tongue over your clit relentlessly, watching as your hands gripped the sheets in reaction.
Fred worked you up and up, so high that you lost yourself in the pleasure he was giving you. Looking up to watch you as you climbed, now teetering on the edge of your orgasm, Fred loved the way you looked like this, spread out for him and falling apart from his teasing, from his soft touches.
“Are you going to let go for me, princess?” Fred asked, his hot breath against your aching core before pulling you clit back between his lips and flicking his tongue quickly against you. “Yes Freddie, please.” You whined it out, panting and moaning as he brought you to the edge and saw you over into your euphoria, the orgasm pouring through you, trickling like warm honey through your senses as you came undone beneath his gentle touch. His name was a cry on your lips, eyes teary as the haze clouded over you, every muscle, every sense relaxing as you came down from your climb, Fred gently bringing you back down with soft touches.
It was the most beautiful thing he’d seen, watching you, his best friend orgasm from his touch. It was better than he had dreamed and he hoped as he slowly climbed up the bed, holding himself above you, capturing your lips with his for a slow kiss, that taking you, making you his would be as amazing as he had imagined. Fred couldn’t deny, he’d had vivid dreams about you, waking up in a flustered, panting state with beads of sweat on his forehead, George thinking he’d had a nightmare, when in reality it was the exact opposite. The sound of your moans, fabricated in his mind, he could have only imagined how you sounded when he teased you, but now that Fred had heard you, now that he’d seen the way you crumbled for him, he knew he’d never get enough of you.
“Make me yours, Freddie.” The words were sweet and almost melodic as you hummed them out in your gentle voice. The haze seemed to settle over Fred too, his eyes unable to leave yours, unable to look away, you were just so perfect to him and Fred was unsure he even deserved someone as absolutely wonderful as you, but he was grateful that you wanted him, that you needed him, because you were all he really needed too.
“I’ll make you mine, sweetheart.” He said it lovingly as he pressed hot, open mouthed kisses in a trail against the warmth of your neck. “My princess.” He hummed the words out, heavy in his throat but coming out as a light whisper, one that made you moan his name to him and Fred hoped he could always hear the way you said his name in the heavenly way that you did.
Gently, his length pressed against your core, allowing himself to slide through your folds, pressing against your sensitive clit and you gasped at the contact, lips parted and eyes sliding closed and Fred watched as your lashes fluttered against your skin so beautifully. Guiding himself into your entrance, your moans met the air together in a beautiful symphony, your eyes opening to look up at the man above you as he slowly pushed in until he was in as far as he could go. He met your eyes, his expression swimming with complete awe, the feeling was like no other, no one else felt as perfect as this and Fred swore on the spot that perhaps you were always meant to be.
After a moment, Fred began to move, his thrusts gentle and soft at first while you relaxed around his size. Leaning in, Fred left tender kisses against your skin, worshipping you as he pulled out nearly to the tip and allowed himself to sink back into you slowly, his head tipping back as he let out a low moan at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. “You’re so perfect, sweetheart.” He said the words only semi coherently as he began to move a little faster his thrusts slowly speeding up. “So perfect, you take me perfectly.” He mumbled, the words falling from his lips, his eyes closing as his hips met yours with a gentle slap of your skin against his, your moans filling his ears.
“Freddie,” You gasped his name out, his eyes opening at your voice to look you in the eyes. “I need you.” The words were desperate, but Fred knew what you needed. “I’m here, princess, I’ve got you.” Fred spoke softly, his hands pressing yours against the mattress, your fingers intertwining as he thrust heavily into you, pulling a whine from you as he positioned himself to best reach the spot that made you gasp. “Oh god, Freddie.” You gasped, closing your eyes for a moment as you basked in the pleasure of his thrusts, gentle but firm as he sped up, dragging moan after moan out of you with each stroke.
“Come on, darling, can you cum for me again?” Fred asked, working you up with his gentle words, contrasting so heavily with the way he was edging you closer, his length stroking you faster towards your release. “Please, yes Freddie.” You were lost in your own haze, barely able to string a sentence together as he worked you closer and closer, his thrusts speeding up more and more.
Fred held in his own orgasm as he drew closer, wanting to see the look of euphoria wash through you again, just once more for him and as he watched you, your hands gripping him tightly your moan higher pitched as you reached your peak and your orgasm rushed through you in a heavy warmth, your walls fluttering around Fred as you arched your back into him. He was sure he’d never see a more beautiful sight than you coming undone beneath him. “That’s it, sweetheart, there you go.” He whispered, your orgasm sending shockwaves through him as it brought Fred his own release, the feeling of you squeezing him, pulsing around his as you moaned his name out, fingers clinging onto him as you came down.
Looking into your eyes as he followed you, he saw the stars in your eyes, you looked at him as if he was everything to you, because to you, he was and for Fred, you were everything to him too. His thrusts stuttered as he came and his head tilted back, letting out low grunts as he worked himself through his orgasm, your gentle touch reaching up to cradle his face as he came down slowly, savouring every feeling, every moment spent with you.
You lay your head on Fred’s chest as you both came down from your orgasms, his chest rising and falling with each breath, his heart beat gentle as he calmed, his soft touch trailed over your delicate skin. “Please stay with me, Freddie.” You broke the silence and Fred clocked the worry in your voice, the worry that told him this all might have been a one time experience. But as he gently rolled over onto his side and reached up, brushing the backs of his fingers against your cheek, Fred smiled sweetly to you. “I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me, sweetheart.” He said, his smile growing as he watched you gave him a shy little giddy grin at his response.
“I love you, my sweet princess.” Fred hummed the words out softly, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. “I love you too, Freddie.”
And for once, you were both thankful for it being a laundry day.
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Taglist (OPEN):
@kitkatd7​ @paintballkid711​ @thesewaywardskies​ @coldlilheart​ @victorialynn7​ @pandaxnienke​ @megantje123​ @loving-life-my-way​ @chaotic-fae-queen​ @theweasleyslut​ @amourtentiaa​
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kakubun · 3 years
Seijoh With A TikToker! Manager
seijoh x gen!reader 
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you thirst trap, that’s it
it was supposed to be a joke with your older friend, ryan who thirst traps on occasion with you
but with a little bit of flashy editing and snazzy clothing, yall got thousands of people loving both of you
your fits on tik tok are 🔥🔥 in other words, cool asf 
from suits, way too much accesories (in a stylish way), fishnets to a thousand more clothing you bought online (with ryan’s money of course, since you’re broke af) 
your editing and transitions is crazy good, you were just chillling on tik tok and scrolling through the comments to see people thirsting and asking stuff like “how did you do that :00″, “tutorial!!!” and “behind the scenes?? this probably took a full day to edit!!” 
you were editing a new video, you were in a flowy sundress with a hat and you were twirling around, being so happy of how cute you looked and with a turn of your head, you were in a classy suit
tie, vest and chains around your fingers when you lean in the camera with half lidded eyes and a cocky smirk
you were happy that your thirst trap looked good so you sent it to ryan for her to inspect mistakes and imperfections
and to show how hot you are
you changed out your suit after doing a photoshoot, waiting for her response and wiping off your makeup adorned your features and waited for ryan's response
you opened up a choco pie and relaxed since being in the suit looked really cool but it made you sweat
a notification popped up so you opened up immediately after wiping some sweat off your shoulders
you: *sends video* ahah i look hot
🥛🍞: y/n-
you spat out your choco pie and hurriedly deleted the video
you sat, frozen
oh no no no no you sent it to the WRONG person infact not person, PEOPLE
you sent it to the team groupchat so you didn't know who sent it since you scrambled to delete it
hopefully it was just oikawa but at the same time with his big mouth and teasing nature, you dreaded going to school the next day
nobody texted after that, probably waiting for an answer the next day and you melted to jello on the ground
ryan🍰: darling, let's hope you don't die of embarassment the next day
you: 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
you avoided oikawa, you ran if you saw him and it was easy since his crowd of fans were there at times and you could see iwaizumi dragging him away
the only time you couldn't avoid him after school, you couldn't skip either since that's just irresponsible
breathing in, you entered the gym and you were thankful oikawa hasn't arrivrd yet and watari and kindaichi were there
watari waved to you and you waved back, jogging to the storage room to put up the nets
"looking for these, cutie~" you gasped, slapping a hand on your mouth, did he hid in here just to suprise you or sonething, oh wow why did he so badly want to see you😃
you wanted to 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
but you didn't move yet, standing in place, staring at the carts of volleyballs and fidgeted with your fingers
he rested his chin on your shoulder and whispered in your ear which made chills run down your spine
"where was the oh so confident y/n we saw yesterday?" we? 'we'???? who saw the video, w h o el s e
"w-who saw the video?" you met his satisfied grin as he rubbed your head like a cat and laughed
"makki, mattsun, iwa chan, yahaba, kunimi, kindaichi, mad dog chan, watari and me, everyone saw :))" oh. of course it took about 5 minutes for you to notice the notification and now you wanted someone to take you out
no, not oikawa, i mean a gun it looking kinda segsi tho ;))
you pushed oikawa back out to the gym and hung your head in embarassment and makki and mattsun won't miss the chance to bully you 😔
"y/n you were so cute yesterday, why are you so shy now??-" they ruffled your hair and you have to stop them but their smug ass grins made you flustered
kindaichi couldn't stop thinking about it, his heart was racing of how attractive you looked with a suit
kunimi thought you look neat in a suit since he could see your tik tok, he might stalk it out of boredom
yahaba already stalked it, you look so beatiful but ryan, oh how scandalous of a duo you both were
the tips of kyoutani's ears and cheeks wouldn't stop flushing red, he kept remembering that smirk you had and he served harder when he couldn't get it off his mind
watari was flustered, his face lit up pink, his expression was so adorable when he accidently didn't receive the ball just because you were on his mind
iwaizumi was embarassed for you, he knew you sent it to the wrong group chat, you look so.. suggestive with your expressions that you made in the video and when you run your fingers through your hair, he needed the hospital to check up on him
well as you can see, the rest of the third years didn't hesitate to bully you, they teased and poked fun at you all day
but it was all fun and giggles, they meant no harm
they were impressed with your editing that you had to show other videos so they could fanboy like little boys again as they won't stop bugging you to show yourself off again
y/n: so this is- *you licked your lips* nvm *swipes to next video*
meme team and oikawa: nooo come back!!!
iwaizumi: *has to be a metre away from them so he won't combust*
so at the end of the day, what did they do?
stalked your account.
they would comment in the group chat when it was nearing midnight
iwaizumi won't hesitate to kill anyone who didn't sleep
iwaizumi: sleep 🪓🪓
the rest of the team expect for the ones sleeping: 💫mute notifications💫
iwaizumi: that's not what i meant-
so probably after that, you didn't get shown off the internet but at school as well
ah yes the embarassment
well atleast you did show off your editing skills in presentations (the stuttering didn't helped honey)
ryan🍰: atleast we getting the views hun🤑🤑
y/n: ooo you're glad you don't go to school anymore 🔪🔪
but atleast you could see the team in suits at the school festival after what had happened, ig
(also sorry for the over using emojis, i- i just went crazy on it😔😔)
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graceslavenderhaze · 4 years
just wanna be with you; reggie x reader
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“are you okay?” that was the first question julie had asked you when she saw you the morning after you both had learned that the boys were planning on crossing over before the jolts that caleb had placed on them destroyed them. 
“ i feel like i should be asking you that.” you said bluntly as you let your best friend into your house which was empty other than you at the moment. you both trailed into your kitchen. ripped pages of your journal laid in crumpled balls, a mug of hot chocolate which was half drank was next to your song journal. you wrote your best songs when you were emotional and last night was definitely emotional. 
you picked up your mug and went to refill it as well as make one for julie. she sat herself down at the table, her wondering eyes drawn to the journal. she knew a love song when she saw one. 
“did you write this?” julie asked pointing at the song labeled ‘just wanna be with you’. you placed both of your mugs back on the table and sat down. you bit your bottom lip as you took a deep breath. 
“yeah, i wrote it about or i guess for reggie.” you blurted out to your best friend. she placed her hand onto your outstretched one, comforting you. you felt all of your emotions crash down onto you like a tidal wave. 
“i’ve never felt this way about anyone ever not even carrie, i’ve never been so- i’ve never written a song about someone i like. ever! and then he just comes out of nowhere the afterlife and everything and for the first time since carrie broke up with me, i felt. i can’t even compare it to carrie but he makes me feel like there’s nothing we can’t do if we’re together, and no matter what happens i know he’ll be there. i just wanna be with him, jules.” your voice was raw as a few loose tears escaped your eyes. 
“that’s love, if i know anything from how my parents looked at each other and every stupid rom com that we’ve watched with flynn. you’re in love with him.” julie said to you as she wiped the tears off of your cheeks. you let what she said sink in, love. you were in love with reggie. 
“fuck flynn’s never gonna let me live this down!” you joked to your best friend. she broke a smile. she stood up and held her hand out for you. you gave her a confused look. she pulled you up from your seat.
“you’re getting dressed, meeting up with reggie before we play the orpheum and giving him this song. life is too short for you to just sit back and not tell people how you feel about them. you have to live in the moment, and even if you lose him. you’ll always have the memories.” handing you the journal that laid on the table, you both rushed upstairs to your bedroom not before you muttered “i hate how you’re always right.”
it had been at least an hour since you got ready. julie had picked out a cute outfit consisting of your favorite pieces of clothing that you owned, insisting that flynn says that the more comfortable you are in your skin, the more comfortable you’ll be laying your heart out. you also had your backpack slung over your shoulder with your clothes for later tonight when the band plays the orpheum and then, clothes for a sleepover with julie later on. neither of you wanted to be alone after the guys crossed over. 
“stop worrying you look fantastic.” julie said to you. you found it ironic. your best friend was playing one of the most iconic clubs in all of Los Angeles tonight and here she was calming you down over telling reggie how you feel. you played with the bracelets on your wrists, more specifically the red and black one that had a small bass charm in the middle. julie smirked when she noticed the small charm but opted not to say anything. 
“i’m gonna go pick out my outfit for tonight, and i’ll rangle dumb and dumber out so you can be alone with reggie. you got this!” julie said to you before walking into the studio to say some half true lie to get alex and luke out so you could be alone with reggie. after standing alone for five minutes and convincing yourself while it seemed convenient, running from your issues wouldn’t solve anything. 
“hey.” you mentally face palmed. hey thats the best you had? reggie looked up from the grand piano he had been fiddling with the keys of. a smile came across his face when he saw you. his smile was one of your favorites. 
“hey, shouldn’t you be helping julie?” he asked confused being as mere minutes ago julie had brought luke and alex up to her room to help wrap last minute details up for the orpheum show. you placed your backpack down and fished out your journal. your heart was beating in your chest like thunder, as if it was going to just combust out. 
“yeah, but first i wanted to show you this song that i wrote.” you stumbled on your words a little and after getting the sentence out your mouth had never felt drier. reggie looked bewildered, normally you shared your songs with julie and flynn. this was the first time you’d ever wanted to show him a song of yours and also the last. 
“i thought that’s something that you and julie do with flynn?” you approached the grand piano and sat next to him. it was now or never at this point. you pushed the knowing that by tonight after they opened, him and the guys would be gone. 
“yeah but it’s something special that i think would just be better if you were the one to hear it. is that okay?” your voice was soft and you’d never been this close to reggie before. the past few days you’d been avoiding being alone with him to see if you could try to resolve your crush on your own. it was impossible.
“yeah, no totally, that’s rad.” he said nervously starting to fiddle with his rings. you let out a soft laugh. you opened the page that the song was on and placed your hands on the keys.
 “ I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions But whatever happens I know I've got you
You're on my mind you're in my heart It doesn't matter where we are It'll be alright Even if we're miles apart
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know its true I just wanna be with you
You know how life can be It changes over night It's sunny then raining, but it's alright A friend like you Always makes it easy I know that your kidding me every time
Through every up through every down You know I'll always be around Through anything you can count on me
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know it's true I just wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you” 
 you felt a weight life off your shoulders when you finished and you wondered why you’d been so nervous, then you remembered that reggie was still sitting next to your and your nerves came swinging right back. you turned to him and for once staring into his eyes didn’t comfort you, it scared you. 
“i know that after tonight you’re gone but i’d be an idiot if i didn’t tell you how i felt before you left. i’ve never wrote a song for anyone i’ve lov-like liked.” the words tumbled out of your mouth uncontrollable. reggie smiled. he wanted to kiss you and in that moment he regretted everything. had they focused on the band instead of being so hellbent on getting revenge against bobby, then they wouldn’t have gotten stamped and wouldn’t be crossing over at all. 
“you have no idea how much i want to kiss you. ” he said softly. you smiled, you wanted to kiss him so badly. 
“i’m gonna miss you, so much.” you admitted. you knew he couldn’t stay but you wanted him to. 
“you are unlike any girl i’ve ever met or have like liked either, y/n y/l/n. i wish we had more time.” he said coming closer to you. your eyes closed for a moment and you forgot just what was happening. he wouldn’t be able to kiss you. you’d go straight through him. 
“we can’t, i want to but you know we can’t.” your words were soft and quiet but loud enough to break both of your hearts. you both wanted this so badly but the universe wouldn’t allow it. you merely coexisted together, you were still from two seperate worlds. 
“your favorite flowers are forget me nots right?” he asked you after the two of you had pulled away. you nodded and almost as a reflex played with the bracelet on your wrist with a forget me not charm. he removed his necklace from around his neck, with the blue beads and silver bar at the middle. the entire time you’d known reggie he’d never been seen without it. 
“then consider this a forget me not.” he then took the necklace and placed it around your neck. you removed the red and black bracelet with the bass charm. you placed it around his wrist. 
“only if you consider this a forget me not as well.” “ forever.” your phone beeped interrupting the moment. 
julie: i love you but i’m going to find a way to rekill these himbos soon. 
“i should go actually help julie now. i really don’t wanna say goodbye.” this was probably the last moment you had with reggie and you never wanted it to end. 
“so don’t say goodbye just say i’ll see you around.” he said jokingly. you nodded as a few tears made their way out of your eyes. you stood up from the grand piano grabbing your journal, you walked over to your backpack and turned around, your fingers fiddling with your forget me not token. 
“see you around guitar cutie.” you said before walking out of the studio. 
“not if i see you first!” he yelled back. you smiled and continued to walked up to julie’s room. closing the door and then sliding down against it once you’d entered. 
“i fell in love with a ghost. full teasing rights once my heart heals, let flynn know.” you stated as you slumped on the floor in a slightly love struck daze.
“no shit!”
“is this suppose to be new news?”
“shut up shes in loveeee.”
“yeah and i’ve come to take your spot as julie’s fashion stylists.” you joked as you got up. alex and luke poofed out after a few more side comments. julie smirked. 
“nice necklace you got there.” she winked before the two of you got to work. 
flashing forward to two hours later, flynn and you stood on the side wings of the stage clutching onto each other, both of you dressed in your concert outfits . julie, alone center stage with only her keyboard, microphone and a dahlia with her. you were all on edge, the guys wouldn’t bail again. there’s no way. so there was only one other explanation. the jolts destroyed them before they got to crossover. 
as julie started playing stand tall, the song you had heard so many times from sitting in on the practices, you thought you were imagining hearing alex’s drums until you and flynn both saw him with your own eyes. 
“holy shit.” then reggie appeared next to julie, causing you and flynn to jump with excitement. they were still here, they were going to crossover. you noticed how the charm from the bracelet reggie was still wearing had twinkled under stage lights and him looking back up and you and winking. 
“it’s your lover boy!” flynn teased. you couldn’t deny it because at this moment you were to happy to even bother. 
“c’mon luke.” you had started to muttered noticing that he was flickering onstage causing both of the present phantoms to give you a worried glance. after a few tries he managed to stay solid onstage. 
“yes!” you and flynn both cheered on the sidelines. dancing and singing to the song that you knew would be stuck in your head by tomorrow. you were all happy in this moment. 
when the song ended reggie looked back at you and mouthed very clear words. “i love you.” before you could say it back the boys disappeared. you placed the silver bar of the necklace to your lips and kissed it muttered “i love you too” before. joining flynn in cheering for julie. everything was over, but you left nothing unsaid. 
“so y/n, spill the details about your out of this world love affair.” julie joked as the three of you were in the dressing room changing into your street outfits. you laughed. folding the clothes you wore and putting them back into your backpack before looking in the mirror to check over last time. 
“wait is that reggie’s?” flynn asked pointing at the necklace you wore all night. you blushed slightly. then julie noticed the missing red and black bracelet. 
“yeah it’s a forget me not. something to remember him by. i’ll explain it all tomorrow i’m still processing it honestly.” you said turning around to her. flynn hugged you. you were happy you had your friends. 
“i’m gonna go make us popcorn and pick a movie.” you said once julie and you had gotten back to her house for the night. you knew she wanted a moment alone in the garage to thank her mom for bringing the guys to her and music back into her life. 
once you had the popcorn in julie’s bed and were picking out a movie on her laptop she texted you a 911, code red, and a bunch of other phrases for her saying you needed to get into the garage asap. 
“hey jules what do half of these codes even mean?” you asked as you walked into the garage. “what the fuck, you guys crossed over. you shouldn’t be here.” you said when you saw your favorite ghosts standing in a group hug with julie. they looked like they were dying twice all over.
“come here!” julie said grabbing you and pulling you into the hug. the guys all started to glow a golden color and the stamps caleb had put on them dissolved.
“what do you think that means?” julie asked. you shrugged, up until like a month ago you didn’t even think ghosts actually existed.
“i think it means the bands back.” luke said causing the group hug to jump up and down in a fit of happiness over playing the orpheum. once the group hug broke up, you launched yourself forwards towards reggie.
“i love you too.” he smiled. 
“kiss her!” julie coughed trying to be subtle. luke and alex both nodded encouraging their friend. 
“yeah kiss me guitar cutie.” you said with confidence causing him to do so. you could hear the hollers of your best friends in the background losing their minds which made the moment better for you.
“so what do i tell flynn?” julie asked once you pulled away for air. 
“we’ll tell her tomorrow, she’s probably still reeling from tonight.” you said. julie nodded then had another outburst excitement over the fact that they just played the orpheum. 
reggie picked you up and swung you around before kissing you again. “i don’t know what’s better playing the orpheum or kissing you.” he said. 
“also which one of you is responsible for carlos knowing?” julie asked in the middle of the moment. the guys faces all became panicked.
“busted!” you said holding a hand for your best friend to high five.
this is the first thing i’ve ever wrote to post publicly and idk if i like it or not but just wanna be with you lives in my head rent free so i saw my opportunity and i took it honestly. let me know if you guys like this those maybe i’ll start posting again. <3
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A Small Price to Pay
doing this thing | day 1 - makeshift gag
"I cannot and will not." Jaskier puts his foot down - literally and metaphorically - and crosses his arms in Geralt's direction. Geralt just rolls his eyes and sighs at him.
"Then how do you propose we get past half the Nilfgaardian army?"
He's being ridiculous, of course; a few dozen men hardly constitute half their army, but he does have a point - Jaskier is disappointingly low on ideas. But the idea of being bound and gagged is just... well, it's not detestable but he'd prefer it under very, very different circumstances.
"We'll just go back. Or wait for them to move on." Geralt glances over to where three men are setting up a tent and quirks an eyebrow at Jaskier. "Oh, I don't know! There has to be something else we can do? Surely we can go around, through-"
"We've been delayed enough already. If we don't make it to Vengerberg in the next three days Yen and Ciri will leave without us."
Jaskier frowns. He does so enjoy travelling with Ciri, but the entire trip to Kaer Morhen without Yen sounds like a dream come true if he's honest. He wants to say as much, but he suspects it won't be taken well. Instead, he just continues to frown at the grass beneath his feet.
Truthfully, Geralt has a very good reason for not wanting to upset Yen - or to confront the army, to be fair - but has failed to take into account that Jaskier also has a very good reason for not wanting to be tied up. Nor does he seem to care as he rifles through his pack and produces a length of rope short enough to bind Jaskier's hands behind his back.
"But why does it have to be me? They're looking for you! I could just say I'm bringing you to them!" He takes a step back as Geralt moves into his space and the look he gets is incredulous.
"And risk both of us getting killed because I can't use my swords? I don't think so." Geralt reaches out to him and Jaskier takes another step back, promptly hitting the trunk of a badly placed tree.
Realizing he's trapped and Geralt is smiling about it, Jaskier sighs and relents. He turns around reluctantly and Geralt takes his hands, placing one wrist over the other. Under other circumstances, he would revel in this much contact, but right now he just feels defeated and apprehensive.
It takes all his concentration not to think while Geralt binds his hands. It's bad enough that Geralt is practically holding his hand, rough, calloused fingers curled around his own to steady him, but the rope. He doesn't know where it came from, but it's surprisingly smooth against his skin without even the reliably scratchy bits to distract him from the feeling of, well, being entirely at Geralt's mercy. And that- that is something he really can't focus on right now.
"Is it too tight?" Geralt asks and Jaskier doesn't trust himself to speak so he just shakes his head. "Your heart is beating too quickly, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," he mutters, staring too hard at his boots. "Nervous," he adds as an afterthought; Geralt won't shut up about it until he gets an answer that satisfies him and sometimes it's better just to lie.
"Do you trust me?"
Fuck, what kind of question is that? Trust is not at all the problem here. "Of course," Jaskier whispers and his voice comes out light and wispy, not at all what he was hoping for. But Geralt seems unfazed.
He finishes his task and returns to their packs. When he returns, he's got a scrap of fabric in his hand and if Jaskier's heart was beating quickly before, it's outright pounding now. Because Jaskier would recognize that fabric anywhere. He's the one who washes and mends their clothes and that right there is a piece of Geralt's unsalvagable shirt and it's not going anywhere near his face - not in a million years.
He opens his mouth to tell Geralt as much, but he just splutters indignantly as Geralt slips the material between his lips. With his hands bound behind him, Jaskier is helpless to resist.
"Surely, you've had worse," Geralt mutters and Jaskier doesn't know if he's referring to traumatizing experiences, embarrassment, or bondage but the answer is no almost straight across the board.
Because this smells like Geralt. And Jaskier doesn't know what he tastes like, but this is probably as close as he'll get, tasting the soap he uses to wash it and something he can't place but feels remarkably like Geralt. A sharp stab of want breaks through his composure and for a horrifying moment, Jaskier wishes the gag was covered in dirt or blood or monster innards.
"Ready?" Geralt asks and Jaskier just groans. He most certainly is not ready and if he thought pushing down his arousal was hard with his hands bound, it's ten times worse with Geralt's scent flooding his senses.
Geralt steps away to collect Roach and Jaskier takes a moment to try to breathe and compose. It works for the briefest of moments before Geralt appears out of nowhere, wrapping a firm hand around his bicep and hauling him forward. Heat spreads through Jaskier's entire body and he stumbles to catch up.
Either he's going to blow it for them because the guard will take one look at him and realize he is in no way a prisoner against his will, or they'll make it through and he'll be horrifically embarrassed for the rest of his life. It's not that he's ashamed of his sexual preferences, he'd just rather not share them quite so blatantly with Geralt.
As expected, a soldier stops them just as soon as they step out of the trees. Geralt's hand tightens a little around his arm and Jaskier tries to keep as close as he can to him without seeming suspicious. Geralt speaks before the Nilfgaardian even has a chance.
"I need to speak to your commander," he growls, low and commanding, "this man claims to have knowledge of princess Cirilla's whereabouts."
He isn't even questioned, the guard just mutters something and Geralt grunts a response and hauls Jaskier forward a little more roughly than necessary. Jaskier's cock twitches and he pretends not to notice as Geralt makes a self-satisfied noise at him. So he was right then. There'll be no living with him after this.
They make it to the opposite side of the Nilfgaardian camp, a safe distance away and Geralt finally released him, but it's too late for that now. Jaskier's cock has taken a distinct interest, what with the growling and manhandling and bondage that fucking smells like Geralt and is now pressed firmly against the front of his trousers, unmistakable in his current position.
Jaskier angles himself away from Geralt, and Geralt naturally reads him wrong and slips up behind him to untie the gag. Which is little relief at this point and then, as Geralt presses up against his back, actually so much worse than just keeping it on. Because Jaskier can feel the heat radiating off his body, can imagine what it would feel like if Geralt just took one more step forward and slotted their bodies together. Jaskier bites back a moan, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to think of anything else, but then Geralt's hands are on him.
And who touches someone this much just to untie a gag? Someone who seeks Jaskier's imminent death via spontaneous combustion - or, apparently, Geralt. His fingers slip up the back of his neck, press lightly against his head. And if it's not bad enough that he spends an eternity untying the damn thing, he pushes his fingers through Jaskier's hair after before finally stepping away.
Which, Jaskier quickly discovers, is only because they've been followed. He drops to his knees to further hide his... situation and peers over his shoulder as Geralt strides toward the soldier, apparently unconcerned.
"What are you doing here?" the Nilfgaardian asks. Geralt cocks his head to one side.
"Nothing. And you're going to go back to your camp and forget you ever saw us here. In fact, you're going to tell your commanding officer the surrounding area is clear, no reason to send out scouts."
Jaskier just sits and gawks, horrified and betrayed, as the man nods and echoes Geralt's words back to him before turning away.
"Are you-" he splutters when the soldier is a safe distance away, "are you telling me you could have just done that the whole time!?" The faintest smile tugs at the corner of Geralt's lips and Jaskier could kill him. Might, even, if he wasn't still bound.
Geralt casts a final look to make sure the soldier is gone and crosses over to him. Jaskier shifts, but his mobility is limited without his arms to balance and Geralt crouches down in front of him, clearly pleased with himself.
"Maybe," he shrugs, reaching up to tip Jaskier's chin up. Jaskier's heart is in his throat and he can't fucking believe this is happening to him. Either Geralt has some very surprising feelings about humiliation or he's a grade-A dick. "But then I wouldn't get to see you like this." His voice goes very soft at the end and Jaskier shuts his eyes, biting down on a groan.
Either Geralt is a very cruel man or somewhere along the way Jaskier passed out from the lack of blood to his brain and he's dreaming. But Geralt's fingers feel solid and real where they slide against his jaw and he's close enough now that Jaskier can feel his breath on his face and oh-
Geralt's hand settles on his thigh and Jakier's eyes flash open, searching Geralt's for any sign of hesitation but there's nothing. If he doesn't do something soon, Jaskier's going to do something incredibly stupid that he'll probably regret. He sits back on his heels, pulling out of Geralt's touch and looks up at him.
"You knew?" he asks.
"No. I was joking when I said I could tie you up and take you through the camp, but the way you reacted-" he hums and Jaskier's resistance fails him.
Geralt shifts toward him, dropping to one knee as he reaches out, running his fingers down Jaskier's chest. And Jaskier is weak to resist him. He presses up into the touch, only barely conscious of how needy he must look and Geralt huffs a soft laugh.
"I wanted to see how far you'd let me go," he breathes, "I didn't think you'd actually let me do it."
"You're an arse," Jaskier huffs and Geralt grins at him.
Jaskier doesn't know what he's supposed to do here. This is a side of Geralt he's never seen before and he's not sure how far he'd actually take it. Geralt moves closer, kneeling between Jaskier's thighs and it's all Jaskier can do not to lose control right there. Geralt's breath dusts over his jaw and Jaskier lets a soft moan slip out as he shuts his eyes.
"You didn't think I'd just leave you like this, did you?"
Everything in Jaskier's head comes to a screeching halt and before he can even consider whether or not that means what it sounds like it means, Geralt's hands are on his trousers, working them open and slipping inside. Steady fingers curl slowly around him and Jaskier loses control of his body in an instant. A sharp whine slips, unbidden, from his throat and his hips snap forward against Geralt's hand.
Fuck, he doesn't even remember the last time he was this turned on.
"What was it," Geralt asks, sliding his hand maddeningly slowly against Jaskier's cock, "that got you so worked up - the rope or the gag?"
"Both," he whimpers, "and the uh- manhandling."
"Hmm. I was just trying to make it seem realistic."
"Mission- ah!accomplished."
Geralt shifts to sit on the grass and with one quick motion gets both arms around Jaskier's waist and tugs him into his lap. Jaskier shuffles forward, encouraged by the way Geralt's hands slip to his ass, squeezing almost playfully. Jaskier tips his head up and Geralt catches his mouth in a rough kiss, nearly dislodging him in his enthusiasm.
Jaskier's head swims. He's never known Geralt to be so forward with anyone, much less with him, and the thought of it makes him impossibly harder. He aches for Geralt's touch again, rolls his hips forward encouragingly but Geralt's hands remain firmly in place, pulling him in closer. Here, Jaskier is pressed right against him, can feel the firm lines of his chest and the surprising press of Geralt's cock, thick and hard where it fits up against his own.
"And what about you?" Jaskier tries, feeling much more suave than he sounds, "what's got you so hot and bothered."
One of Geralt's hands slips up his back, right up his neck and into his hair, pulling his face right up against his own. Their noses bump together and Jaskier can feel Geralt's breath against hi, and then they're falling, dropping back into the grass beneath them.
"Just you," he breathes and Jaskier feels like he could combust. Geralt keeps a hand on him, rocking up against him and gods, he feels incredible. Geralt mumbles something against his lips that Jaskier doesn't quite catch and then Geralt is reaching between them, tugging his trousers open and pushing them down.
Jaskier rises up as his cock slips free and he finds himself staring, unable to look away. His lip is trapped between his teeth and Geralt reaches up, gently freeing it and running his thumb along the sensitive flesh. Geralt tugs him forward, grinding up against him and Jaskier drops his head against his shoulder, hips shifting quickly.
"Should I untie you?" Geralt breathes and Jaskier nods enthusiastically, pressing his forehead into Geralt's skin.
"Please," he groans, "I want to touch you."
Geralt doesn't move, but reaches around, fumbling with the rope as Jaskier kisses him again. As soon as he's free, he gets one hand on Geralt's face, sliding the other up through his hair, groaning as Geralt rolls him onto his back.
He should probably be more concerned about the Nilfgaardian camp only a few hundred meters away, but all he can think about is Geralt's cock against his own, his hands, his mouth.
Jaskier comes with his legs wrapped around Geralt's hips, completely entangled and the sky darkens above them. He doesn't move for a long time afterward and Geralt kisses his neck, slides a hand up under his shirt to brush his fingers over Jaskier's skin.
When he finally settles, he rolls onto his back, tugging Jaskier up against his side.
"Yen's gonna be pissed," he mumbles, tipping his head to press a kiss to Jaskier's temple.
"A small price to pay."
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babykatsu · 3 years
REVERSE UNO— 02 focus in class
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continues below
Somehow you managed to refocus for the rest of the lesson, putting your phone aside. You knew what was coming after class and it honestly had you slightly nervous. Not that you liked Bakugou or anything, but you two have never had a proper conversation in person before. It was only natural you felt a slight nervous rush coarse through your body.
Gently, you shut your textbook and tucked it away in your bag, stealing another glance at your crush, Shouto. Oh how badly you wanted it to be him you were meeting after class but instead it was that angry gremlin. Reality sunk in again and you dreaded the interaction that was inching closer. Every step leading you closer to the wrong person. One more look, you took one more look at Shouto behind your shoulder before exiting the room.
“You’re late”
His voice took you by surprise, his stern tone drummed in your head. He was an earache to say the least.
“How? Class finished legit two seconds ago” You crossed your arms in defence, scrunching your face at the boy in front of you.
It was only then that you finally took in his features: his tan skin, oddly smooth with zero imperfections in sight, his eyes crimson red with a tinge of orange floating around, his jaw sharp and narrow. He wasn’t half bad looking up close you thought. Regardless, his personality was ass mixed with boiled eggs. Just an over all awful encounter.
“You had me waiting for way longer than I should have”
“Well sorry boss, i had my textbooks to put away”
“Or maybe you had your eyes to put away. Staring at half and half” He rolled his eyes at you, flicking your forehead.
He was painfully observant. You felt your insides get hot in embarrassment, wishing u could just stop existing.
“Shut up” you managed to say, averting ur gaze from his.
“Whatever. Here’s the notes, dumbass”
In his hand he held the notes and you couldn’t help but analyse his handwriting and presentation. Neat, very neat. Not something you expected from him, having witnessed his brash personality.
“right, thanks!”
You reached for the notes, grabbing them from his hand before tucking them away with the rest of your stuff.
“Mhm” Bakugou just hummed a response, shoving his hands in his pockets nonchalantly.
“So do you wanna just separate who does what for the assignment or do you wanna do it together?” He finally asked.
You didn’t know what exactly you wanted. On one end, it would be easier for you to just avoid him and his weird attentiveness. But you knew getting to know him better could help you get closer with Shouto, and he clearly already knew you at least were somewhat interested in Shou.
“We could call or meet to do it together” You smiled at him. “It’s more fun together”, finally deciding on the second option.
Opportunities like these don’t come around often.
He didn’t reply right away, a blank expression plastered on his face. Oddly enough, making you more anxious by the second as you awaited his response.
You watch his eyes suddenly avert to something behind you. You followed his stare, leading you to Shouto. SHOUTO.
“Enjoy your study date, Bakugou” Shouto smiled politely at him, then you.
You flustered under his gaze. There was no way he just smiled at you. HE SMILED AT YOU. You internally combusted as you returned your view to the ogre. Wait- did he just say study DATE?
Bakugou was just as flustered as you, his shoulders stiff and cheeks sprinkled a rosy pink.
“It’s not a fucking date, shit face” He barked, flipping his friend off only to receive a giggle from him in return.
Wow, his giggle was to die for.You both watched Shouto walk away, you being more entranced by him than humanly acceptable.
“There’s no way he thinks this is a date” You say in defeat as you turned back to Bakugou. You didn’t mean to say it aloud, but somehow you did.
“Ah- sorry. I didn’t mean it like that”
“It fine. He’s just joking”
Bakugou shrugged in return but there was something off about his demeanour, you just couldn’t quite tell what exactly it was.
“Well, text me when you get home. We’ll arrange when we’re going to do this assignment stuff then” He flicked your forehead one last time, before walking past you not even awaiting your response.
What just happened? You stood dumbfounded as you tried to process everything. All you knew was that you had to get Bakugou to be your wingman as soon as possible. There’s no way you were going to lose your chance with Shouto because he is getting the wrong idea. No way.
And did Bakugou just ask you to text him when you got home?
What a weirdo.
chapter end
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not me making a love triangle🥰🥰🥰🥰 now imagine what would happen if y/n just so happened to ask bakugou for his help getting her with shouto. TEA.
@avatarayeaye @hikari-writes @mirakeul @queenexplosionmurderr13 @kageyamasbabygorl @shiotaley @neoxprout @bokutosworld @bakugous-mamas @thesleepysphinx @iamagalaxy @gazelle-des-pres @akai-joou @mybigredclifforddick @boosyboo9206 @allhailthewxtcher @katsuk1tty @drapetomaniac @pokesosa
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denimbex1986 · 3 years
“...I was actually in LA and it was April 1st...it was April Fools Day and...I was on set working on something, and then, and then this - this unknown number called me...I kept shooting and then, and then an hour or two later, I finally looked at my voicemail and I saw there was a voicemail there...I clicked on it and it was Kevin...he was like: “Hey Sebastian, we were trying to reach you. Just wanted to let you know we’d love, you know, we’d love to do this with you, we’d love you to play James Bucky Barnes...”...it was a really crazy day - it was a really, really crazy day...it was a really nice call.”
“...I knew going into it, you know, that it was gonna be a show that was gonna really double down on the relationship with Anthony and the dynamic that we sort of started to establish...and a different sort of path for this character than we’ve seen so far, and I just  - I just to get there in an, in an organic way that felt earned...it wasn’t, to me, a journey that we could just immediately *snaps fingers* overnight just get him to be all all free and open and cracking jokes...the humour about Bucky came out of this, you know like - he’s like an old guy  trapped in a world that’s moving very fast...and with Anthony too, they just really were an odd couple...but it was nice to get him to that place for sure...”
“...When I signed on for the role...Marvel was very new...nobody was saying like, “By the way, for the next ten years of your life, you’re gonna just be doing it.”..it was just sort of like “Hey, this is an interesting character that’s going - that’s the path, and wouldn’t it be great if maybe we get to do that? But anyway, we gotta start here, so it’s a day at a time.””
“...we just sort of clicked and kind of spent time together, and then we had done the press tour for The Winter Soldier movie - spent a lot of time together - and so, it just kind of evolved. I, I, I mean that scene was written as is - and we got in the car and we said the lines as they were written on the page, and then I guess the rest is what came out of - (laughs) his, his take on it and my take on it...”
“...we’re very different I think as people in a lot of ways, like, but like, but like, we want the same things and...we approach things the same way and we care the same...we are odd in, in a lot of ways...there’s a natural combustion that comes from that, because - and I play into it, and he plays into it and we have a lot of fun...I remember like being on that press tour with him and going: ‘Oh my God, like, I gotta hang on - I’m on a rollercoaster with this fucking lunatic...’...and then I got better at it and I was like, ‘Okay, like, we’re gonna have fun...’...he broke me out of my shell in a lot of ways, you know, made me a lot more comfortable in, in I guess taking things not so seriously all the time...”
“...I’m just happy that the relationship is embraced, and it should be embraced in whatever way, fashion, in any way that people decide that they want it to be. That’s what - that’s what I love about movies, and, and tv shows and the theatre and this - this form of expression, right - is that, that, that you can have; you know, someone can see the same movie or the same thing as you and have an entirely different experience, and find something within themselves that’s true and honest and relatable. I think, you know, my goal has always been to, to, to do, to, you know with this role, with that relationship, with anything I’ve approached, to, to just try and find - be as honest as I possibly can-  and, and then the rest is not up to me...I don’t strive to put some, you know, mark on, on that, it isn’t my mark - I’m just the actor, the; I’m not the writer, you know, I - I’m not - and I’m certainly not the creator here, you know - I’m sort of the messenger, if you will...I’ve always approached that relationship as, as being very close and, and one of family, you know - that was my take to it, you know, but - and, and those characters are very interlinked because they are the only thing they have to remind them of a past that no longer exists...these guys are actually experiencing something extremely traumatic - if you’re actually looking at the truth of their experience...you’re talking about two people that are like entirely ripped from the world, thrown into another and are just doing their best to make the right decisions - and all they have is each other; to look to each other and that journey is what it is, you know, but is it love? For sure it’s love - however you want to define that love is up to you...”
“...you should be asking the fans, and you know,  everyone's got different interpretations; well, let them have it.”
“...when the job is over, like, I’m out...I don’t care how you view it, like, it’s yours; it belongs to you now...I don’t actually spend time like, thinking like, you know, ‘What - what, how’s it gonna be taken?’ or whatever, because I have no control over that...let it be what it is, you know, and let it, let it be - let it be all these things...the magic of it to me is that it can be anything you want it to be...let’s live it - let it live as it will and how you want it...”
“...I don’t understand why like people are so obsessed with like, spoiling things now...it used to be fun when you didn’t know what was gonna happen...I still believe in that beauty of the - of the mystery of, of something, you know, and, and, and, and sometimes it’s the emotional reaction to it rather than the, the you know, the analytical, like, analysis of it that’s more impactful.”
“...I remember I sent that photo to Craig - Gillespie, our director, months ago, when - after I found out about the role...I was like; ’This is what we’re heading into’, and - and it just sort of stuck...it’s such a wild picture...we were doing the screen test and...we just did it and, and then, suddenly that was the picture that was (laughs) out there.”
“...this is what’s required, and that’s what you do...the goal is always to, you know, approach everything as honest as possible...as actors, yeah, you’ve gotta, you’ve gotta, I don’t know, you gotta keep being scared and afraid of things; you gotta keep doing things that are not  - you know, that are gonna take you out of your comfort zone and sort of, you know, push you further...that’s sort of what I’m trying to do, I guess; that’s kind of what I gravitate to more and more, especially as I get older...you’re always learning, you’re always trying to - you’re always kind of a detective of life and of characters and people.., it becomes bigger than just like you and, you know, what you look like and stuff....my favourite actors that I always see, you know, like are just always doing very kind of scary things; they’re always just challenging and pushing themselves...it’s much better to be scared than to sort of just know what you’re getting into day after day...”
“...it was freeing to, to like, it was nice because I was walking around in these hoodies and like, kind of like hats...I was like paranoid of being, you know, I couldn’t even, like, even do these interviews, like just paranoid of being seen in this thing, and I was like: ‘God I finally hope that they’re gonna finally release something that, that we can be like: ‘’Okay, now you see what - what this is looking; you know, what we look like so we can keep - keep going with out lives’, you know, but, but yeah, it was nice to see the reception, for sure.”
“...as long as they’ll keep calling, I’m there...I’m just like going for the ride, you know?”
“...you get to go and play a character for such a long period of time...it’s like gaining a family member...like a brother or something, you know, in this case like for me, because you get to see this character again and again, and then you’re always like growing up as - and they’re sort of growing up with you...”
“...it’s taxing...it’s part of like staying in shape I guess for these things...something that looks very effortless and cool probably took about a month of work - it’s never like you see it...”
“...on the FIRST day, we, we shot episode 5 at the very beginning of the shoot, and that’s the boat, you know when - when I go and I help him on the boat, and day 1, the first day on set, I’m like jumping off this dock onto the boat to help him, and I just landed and twisted my ankle so badly that I thought it was broken, like, I actually couldn’t walk on it...that took about a week and a half to two weeks of, of sort of like, masking this limp that I had...towards Christmas, I ended up breaking my toe, like the little toe...episode 3 has this whole sequence where I’m, you know, in Madripoor, with Daniel Bruhl and, and Mackie...I’m like pretending to be the Winter Soldier...I had to do that whole action sequence, and, my toe - you can’t do anything with a broken toe...I did that whole thing with a broken toe and I was dying. And of course, the entire time, you know, keeping the best stoic looking face ever.”
“...how it happened was as classically human as it all comes...I’m going to pee in the middle of the night...on my way back, of course I’m just like closer to the wall, you know, looking for the bed, basically almost there and just ram it right into the corner of the wall, And I’m like ‘Oh my God’ and of course too tired to even realise that; I’m like ‘Ah  that’s gonna be fine tomorrow’ - and the next day I woke up and I couldn’t walk. So that’s how that happened - not a cool superhero way to do it...”
“...I would basically like, run upstairs and then like, two people would help me out of this boot and then I’d just take my foot and just put it in - in a bucket of ice basically and just ice it the entire time until they were setting up the next shot, and then quickly take it out, put the boot back on, go out there, kick someone through a - the wooden table and then, and then, you know, repeat the cycle...”
“...I might have used the other foot, I can’t remember...it was on my left foot, which is my actually my stronger foot; like I’m more of a leftie when it comes to, I guess, legs and kicks...people have gone through a lot worse, you know, so it’s, it’s like not something to cry about; you just cry later when you’re alone.” (laughs)
“...you end up in that thing of like “Really, like why?” Like, it, it just becomes that - it just becomes that sort of like, “Why is this happening?” kind of thing...”
“...The only person I told was my good friend and stunt man John Nania - like, I - that’s - that’s who I told. I said to him, like in between, I was like: “Dude, just so you know, like, I can barely walk.” And like, he was like, “Just keep going, don’t worry about it.” I’m like: “I’m not telling anybody because they’re gonna freak out and they’re gonna take me out of the - the whole sequence, and then you’re never gonna think it’s me.” But they let me do, they - they actually let, let me do quite a bit which was really nice...it’s long hours, and, and, and it’s true - there’s a lot of preparation...you just have to kind of laugh about it a little bit, you have to find the humour in it...things don’t always go as planned and, and sometimes like there’s like weird godsends with that...”
“...Wyatt Russell is such a good actor...he’s maybe one of the best human beings I’ve ever met. I mean, I just, honestly like, he became a friend and, and I just champion him...he took this character and to me it’s just like one of the most interesting performances that I feel like I’ve seen...he would sort of take him in all these different places, and like - so in that sequence, it really felt earned, you know, that like John Walker was finally gonna get it, you know, and, and he - and he was really gonna be out of his element and, and way out of his field, and, and that we were gonna get to enjoy that happening...”
“...it worked like, like a magic trick...we had this crazy arm that was beautifully constructed...I sort of wrapped mine around and, and they were like, ‘Yeah, you just take it and you know, like, you just put it in there’...I actually had my arm like, in the arm...I took the prop arm and just put it and then kind of twisted and just dropped it and then just kind of pulled mine back around...it was really much more sort of a Texas switch than anything...in the comic books actually, he does, he - he can take his arm out and just, you know, he sometimes he tosses it out like a shield and it comes back, and like attaches like immediately right back into place...”
“...I think honestly about five months later I almost had the same thing happen to the other foot. And I was like ‘No’...it lasts - it lasts for a while...I had that over Christmas, New Year’s...I think it like a good was a good six weeks where I was still feeling that little toe, and I’m like ‘Damn, man - can’t do anything.’”
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imagineitup · 4 years
lavender daze: regulus black x reader
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request: Hey! I don’t remember if you still do requests or not just ignore this if you aren’t lol but if you are, are you able to make a Regulus Black x reader and she’s James Potters little sister and a Hufflepuff? You can just make the settings and everything up it doesn’t really matter to me. I just think that would be a sweet oneshot. Thanks!
a/n: of course i can!! i LOVE YOU also regulus is the loml now i don’t make the rules
- - 
As the cloying scent of lavender ghosts through the corridors of Hogwarts, you easily remember a memory of Regulus Black telling you, not without a faint smile, that this was all Helena Ravenclaw’s doing.  It made sense, after all, considering lavenders were her favorite flower.  
You remember the first time you met him, too.  It was a day just like this, so quiet in the castle that footsteps were easily heard echoing through the turrets, with sunlight streaming through arched windows to cast an amber glow against faded limestone walls.  Sleep might have caused your particular mistake that day, but all you remembered was that when you saw someone with black hair and a familiar, lanky posture strolling around the corridors, you just knew.  James had Sirius over all the time, and the three of you had your full share of inside jokes.  It sucked that you were in a different house, but that didn’t seem to matter too much.  And while maybe Sirius wouldn’t have been the type to scuffle at stone with his feet, you’re glad you didn’t take the time to notice.  
“Tag!  Try to catch me now, loser!”  You had jumped up on the person, laughing as you kicked them in the leg as you dropped back to the floor.
“Ouch?” The person turned, irritated, albeit very amused.  One thing was for sure, as you felt your gut drop to the floor, was that this was definitely not Sirius.  Oh no.  It was Regulus, the supposed “mommy’s boy” Black, as dubbed by Sirius.
Despite all this, Regulus had been really nice about the whole incident.  And now the two of you were best friends.  Even closer than you and Sirius, and Sirius was over practically all the time.
Now, as you follow the scent of lavender, you turn the corner and nearly run into the one-and-only, your face breaking out into a relieved smile.  “Aha!  I was looking for you, dummy.”
Regulus looks at you and raises an eyebrow.  “And I, you.  You do realize you’re ten minutes late, right?”
“It’s not my fault the staircases decided to strand me on the seventh floor!”
“Ah, the good old staircase excuse.”
You laugh, nudging him with your elbow.  “Rude.”
“Were you watering your succulents again?”
“Am I right?”
You sigh, unable to stop the smile spreading across your face.  “Yes.”
Regulus shakes his head and regards you with amusement.  There’s something else there, fondness, and it changes something within him.  This fondness turns him softer around the edges, makes him more vulnerable, maybe, and you find yourself leaning closer to him.  Wisps of his hair frame the side of his face, and you wonder if maybe Regulus wouldn’t mind if you were to run your hands through it --
“I don’t mind waiting,” Regulus says.  “Your succulents are pretty tolerable.”
You stifle a laugh, thinking about all the times Regulus has rolled his eyes when Sirius takes ten minutes to emerge from the Hogwarts Express, and how he looks like he’s going to actually combust when the Hogwarts Sorting takes a few minutes longer than usual.  Sure.  “The Regulus Black doesn’t mind waiting?  Pssh, bullshit.  That’s cause you love me,” you tease.
Regulus smiles to himself, dropping his gaze.  “Everyone loves you.”
You look up, startled.  He meets your gaze, and an uncertain smile softly tugs at his lips.  You’re unable to stare at him for too long, and you flush, taking a deep breath as you try to gather your words.  “You smell the lavender?”
Regulus smirks.  You watch out of the corner of your eye as he nods, the jut of his chin dipping and slowly returning to the same at-ease position.
“No response?  Wow, Reg, cold stuff.”
His chest heaves with amusement.  “What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know, maybe something like, ‘oh, yeah, it’s because of Helena Ravenclaw.’’
“But you know that.”
You laugh.  “Yeah, because you told me.”
Regulus’s smirk grows more prominent.
You’re about to open your mouth when his smirk turns into a grin, and he reaches out to gently touch his finger to your lips.  “And now you want me to say, with mock surprise, ‘you remembered’?”
You stare at Regulus amusedly and fervently hope he can’t tell how hopelessly gone you are for him.  
“I’m glad you remembered,” Regulus says, and he’s honest, now.  “I’m really glad you remembered.”  He gazes at you for a moment, his eyes drifting to your lips, and then he lets his hand fall back to his side.
“You wanna know what else I remember?”
“Not really.”  Regulus says, sarcastically.
You jab your elbow into his side, and he somehow manages to elegantly wrap his arms around you and drop his head to nestle between your shoulders.  His warm breath ghosts against your neck, and his lips are so close that you might, maybe, feel their proximity from your ear.  “I’m just kidding,” he says. “Tell me.  What is it?”
You can’t help the shiver that runs through your body, and you scowl as he grins.  Evil, evil, evil.
“Remember when I randomly attacked you in the hall that day?”
Regulus snickers.  His eyes wrinkle, and he pulls away to cross his arms.  “Yeah.  Imagine some weirdo jump-scaring you and calling you a ‘loser’.  So sweet.”
“Oh, please.  That was the best moment in your Hogwarts career.”
“Maybe so,” Regulus says, and his eyes soften.  He turns away, scuffing his shoes at the ground, and maybe his voice is a little too casual when he says, “I also remember you wouldn’t say ‘hello’ to me for the next two weeks.”
You fold your face in your hands, still pouting from the loss of warmth.  Because it doesn’t look it, but Regulus is so warm, and having his arms around you felt so right;  “I didn’t think you wanted to be friends,” is what you say, flushing.  “I was so embarrassed.  Regulus, you don’t even know --”
“I didn’t.”
You blink, jolting out of your thoughts, confused.  “Huh?”
Regulus shrugs, looking down to tap his fingers against his leg.  “You were right.  I didn’t want to be friends.”
“That’s so mean,” you whine.  “You’re so rude today, oh my god.”
Regulus meets your gaze slowly, softly, almost begging you to understand something.  He doesn’t move from where he stands, leaning against the wall.
He just regards you quietly, his familiar closed-off expression starting to fold across his features.  Suddenly he’s not soft anymore, just cold, all cool edges, and you feel your vibrance start to fade.  “You don’t … Do you still feel that way?”
Regulus sighs, running a hand through his hair.  He looks up to the ceiling as if he’s thinking, considering, and then lets his hooded gaze fall back to you.  He’s exactly the same, all serious and Regulus-like, and you’re starting to get really afraid to why he looks so unapproachable and unfazed by this whole conversation.  “Yeah.”
“Oh.”  You unconsciously start stepping backwards, wrapping your arms around yourself.  “Is that why you wanted to talk?  I mean, if I did something then I want to fix it.”
Regulus half-smiles, and a little of the familiarity softens his face.  He stretches out his arms, shifting his weight so he leans against the wall, a little more casually.  “Hm ... no.”
“Reg,” you say, searching for words and coming up with nothing, “I’m so confused right now.  You’re acting insane, and I know I didn’t do anything to you.  Now you’re saying you don’t want to be friends?  I mean, what --”
Regulus shakes his head, making you pause.  “Yeah.  I don’t.”
You feel your world start to crumble, and somehow it feels cold all over.  Cold, cold, cold.
Then it’s like a light switch clicks, a beat, and there’s something flickering across Regulus’ face.  The sides of his face start twitching, a smile hinting at the corner of his lips.  “Not just friends.”
So that’s where this is going.  Your world starts to spin, and you’re all out of sorts, off-balance and unable to believe that you’re really hearing this.  Your smile starts to grow, and you step closer to Regulus with your heart flipping around in your chest.
But … Regulus has also been an absolute prick for making you think he was going to platonically break up with you.
“Okay,” you end up saying, “I guess I’ll leave you alone to brood now.  Your loss.”
Regulus looks at you, barely able to suppress his laughter and the smile’s now fully formed across his face.  You know him well enough to know he sees straight through your act; he knows you well enough, by now, to know that you feel the same exact way.
He reaches for your hand, pulling you closer in one, swift motion.  “Nope.”
You roll your eyes, letting your hands fall against his chest.  “No?”
“I don’t want to brood.  And I don’t want to be friends.”  He sighs frustratedly, looking at you with a million different emotions at once.  “I want to be so much more than friends.”  
You’re speechless, hanging on to his every word like it’s all you can do to not fall apart.
“(Y/N),” Regulus whispers, “you’re turning me into a walking cliché.  Please say something.”
You stumble and lean into him, inhaling.  He smells like lavender, and you suppose you do, too.  “Well, I feel the same.”
Regulus freezes for a moment, and you can see the exact moment the words register in his brain, and you watch as he takes in the weight of your words.  His expression softens, and he cradles your face in his hands, his thumb tracing against your cheek.  There’s so much adoration in his eyes that he finally lets surface, and you feel yourself melt against him.  “I want to kiss you so badly.”
“Then do it.”  Your eyes flutter.  “Loser.”
Regulus hums as he laughs, breaking the gap between you to press his lips against yours.  His lips are warm, and when he kisses you softly you can’t seem to stand right, your hands fisting against his robes as he turns to lightly back you against the wall.  He kisses you fiercer, then gently pulls back to murmur against your lips; “I’m not a loser.”
You’re breathless, staring up at him in a daze.  “My loser?”
Regulus smiles, wrapping his arms around you to pull you closer to his chest.  He’s smiling so much you can just feel it, and he shrugs contentedly.  “Okay.  I can live with that.”
“I lied,” you murmur, pressing a quick kiss to his chin, “you’re beautiful, and now you’re gonna be stuck with me forever.  Boyfriend.”
“Okay,” Regulus whispers, grinning dumbly.  “I like that much better.”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 17
Chapter 17 for you all.
It's finally moving in day and they have some fun and their relationships takes another step forward.
Rowan gets into an accident and he finds himself married :)
I hope you will enjoy this.
Moving day had arrived and gone. Aelin had been sad about leaving her house but the idea of living with Rowan was far more exciting. In the end they did manage to move everything on the Saturday. After Lysandra had gone back to London, Aelin had asked her to ship all of her boxes there and that felt like the final step. She was definitely not going back. This was it. This was her new life. Hopefully with Rowan in it. Moving boxed had been exhausting and now it was Sunday and she was staring at the mess that was her bedroom and was trying to decide where to start to tackle the indecent amount of boxes.
Luckily Rowan had solved the book problem for her. Her thirty five boxes of books had joined his extra book storage in the attic. He had joked that he might eventually turn the place in a library and Aelin had responded telling him that it was a brilliant idea. She was busy unpacking her clothes when Rowan’s head popped in her room announcing that lunch was ready. “You are wonderful.” She joined him in the kitchen isle and was ready to tuck in in another one of his wonderful meals. “Did your aunt teach you to cook?” “She did.” He answered without elaborating any further. He had briefly mentioned once that he had lost his parents but never expanded on the subject and she was not going to press him on a topic that was clearly going to cause him pain. She ate the food with a happy face and Rowan thought he would be happy to cook for her forever just to watch the smile of satisfaction painted on her face. After they polished their meal, Aelin offered to help clean. It seemed only fair. Once done she went back to her room and deal with the boxes that were still staring at her. All of her clothes were spread on the bed and she was trying to divide them into categories. At the bottom of a box she had also found a couple of her old scrubs and nostalgia had hit her hard. One box was full of knick knacks and she pushed it aside. Definitely low priority. One last box had pictures frames to be hanged on the walls. Most of them were of her and Lysandra but at the bottom she had found one of her and Chaol that had survived the purge. She threw the thing on the bed and went back to her mission: organise her wardrobe. A few hours later she was half way through her boxes and she had not noticed Rowan leaning against the door staring at her with a half smile. Aelin was sitting on the floor and seemed defeated. “Unpacking not going well?” “I hate it. I never realised how much stuff I had. When I packed everything I had Aedion and Lysandra and all we did was just dump stuff in boxes. They were trying to get me out of that house as soon as possible. Rowan sat on the edge of the bed. His eyes caught the photo abandoned on it. He took it “Is this him?” “We took that the night we got engaged. I have scrubs on because he proposed at the hospital where we met. That photo survived the purge. It needs to be destroyed.” Rowan noticed the pain in her eyes. No matter how much she hated her ex husband, he could tell that whatever they had it had mattered to her and she was still hurting about it. He put the photo down and noticed a black dress. He leaned forward and grabbed it out of curiosity. “I bought for a charity event. Wore it once and never had the chance to use it again.” She explained when she saw him staring at it in curiosity. In reality Rowan was imagining her in that dress. All of a sudden he was glad he was sitting down. Aelin saw his stare and grabbed the dress from his hands, a wicked smile on her face “Stay there,” she told him, leaving him alone in the bedroom. When she came back ten minutes later Rowan noticed her and almost had a heart attack. She was stunning. The dress hugged her curves perfectly, it had a cut on one side exposing her leg up to the knee. It was sleeveless and the top of the corset reached just under her collarbone. She turned around and showed him the whole thing and Aelin noticed desire burning in his eyes. “What do you think?” He took a step to her and his hands were on her waist “That I don’t want you to wear this dress outside. I want this view all for myself.” His voice was rough and a bit breathless. Aelin laughed and kissed him and Rowan pushed her against the wardrobe and pinned her there. Her hands went to his butt and pushed him closer to her body. His hand sneaked through the cut of the dress and cupped her butt and gasped when he realised she was not wearing anything underneath. “You will be the death of me.” He breathed against her neck where he was depositing hot kisses making her shiver. “Against a wall is another one of my fantasies…” she whispered in his ear and she felt his hand move in between her legs. “Good.” He added locking his mouth on her “it’s another one of my special skills.” Rowan deepened the kiss, her mouth opening to him. Her tongue gently brushing against his. His fingers slipped between her legs and gently brushed her sensitive spot. Aelin moaned and arched her back against him. Then all of a sudden the magic broke as he pulled away from her, kissed her forehead and walked away. Aelin’s growl of frustration was loud “Whitethorn!” Aelin shouted following to the living room “You can’t.” She groaned, frustration now rising high. What was his problem? “You always do that, you tease me, you get me all hot and then you leave.” Rowan gave her a tight smile and took a step closer, his mouth to her ear “So that when I can finally have you it will be amazing.” “And very short.” She lashed back “Because I will be so horny that I will have an orgasm at your first touch and it will last seconds.” Her eyes now fixed on his. “Who said that we can’t have a second a third and why not a fourth time? I have stamina.” Aelin growled and ran back to her room and slammed the door quite hard. She groaned for another few minutes while she changed back in her comfortable clothes. “Damn he is infuriating.” She threw the dress in one of the drawers and lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. She wanted him so badly that she was sure she was going to combust very soon. She took a deep breath and then got up again and finished to tidy up everything. An hour later the boxes were finally gone and she had finished decorating it with her stuff and the pictures and eventually it started to feel like her place. She looked at the place and smiled happily at the final job. She picked up the flattened boxes and left the room. Rowan was in the living room reading a book on the sofa and she ignored him as she passed behind him and headed outside to bin the boxes. When she came back Rowan was looking at her. “All done?” She stormed to her bedroom and slammed the door again. Later on when she was sitting on her bed reading, she heard a knock on the door and Rowan’s voice telling her that dinner was ready. She gave in and joined him in the kitchen not without giving him a cold stare. “I am sorry,” he said. She sighed “it’s okay.” He gave offered her a plate with some food “I didn’t mean to piss you off this much.” “I am not.” He scoffed “Yes, you are.” She slammed the fork on the table “Fine. I am. I am, because damn it but I want you, okay? It’s been driving me nuts.” She finally let out her frustration “And I get it, we have a promise and I will wait but this is new. Chaol never made me feel like this. None of the guys before him did. You do. You set my body on fire with just a touch and all I want is for you to slam me against a wall and fuck me so hard that I forget my name.” “I am really good at that…” he smirked and Aelin’s heart lightened. She could not be mad at him. Not when he smiled at her like that. “Someone has a high opinion of himself.” “I definitely can make you forget your name. To be honest, I am positive I can do that just with a kiss.” He kept eating never averting his gaze from her. “You can do that by just be beside me sometimes.” She admitted. That’s how mad about him she was. “Dinner is lovely, by the way. Thank you.” She finally conceded. He smiled at her warmly. And like that their little fight was over. “So, what do you do in the evening?” “Read mostly. As you can see I don’t have a tv.” “I have a laptop with Netflix.” Explained Aelin and he looked at her with confusion. “Netflix is a website where you can watch movies and series. I pay a small amount every month. They add loads of content very regularly.” She took a bite of the chocolate cake she was sure came from his aunt. “We can watch something together.” “I guess we can do that.” “Perfect.”
After dinner Aelin had offered to clean up the kitchen since he had cooked. Once she was done she joined him in the living room and brought her laptop with her. She sat beside him, a blanket on their legs and the pc on it. She snuggled close and started browsing Netflix. “We can watch Brooklyn nine nine. It’s one of my favourites. It’s a bunch of detectives in New York. It’s hilarious but has some great storylines as well.” “We can watch something new. You don’t have to rewatch it just for me.” Aelin turned to him “I rewatch it regularly. I love it so much.” “Okay.” He said kissing her head. Ten minutes later she noticed that Rowan was actually quite involved “I like her.” He said pointing at Detective Santiago. “She is awesome.” “Those two are ending up together. I bet on it.” He commented pointing at Santiago and Peralta and Aelin squeezed his hand. “I like the new captain.” Aelin looked at him but his stare was fixed on the screen and she loved his relaxed face. Her hand caressed his hair and his eyes closed at the contact. Then trailed down and traced his ear and finally placed a very brief kiss on his neck. “She is hot. Santiago I mean.” And Aelin laughed. They binged watched the first season that Aelin decided to call it a night. She was tired from all the moving. “We can continue tomorrow.” He nodded happily. “Good night, my heart.” She said kissing him.
Their home arrangements slowly set into a regular rhythm and Aelin adapted to his way of living. She still felt like a guest and she wanted to make sure she was not disrupting his life too much. He would cook and she would clean the kitchen. She would help him with chores around the house. In their free time Rowan took upon him the task of teaching her to cook. They began with something very simple. Aelin was a quick learner and she also managed to prepare lunch a couple of times without burning down the house.
One night he was in bed and sleep was evading her. She tossed a few times and then her arm extended to the empty side of her bed. She sighed. Since she and Rowan had gotten back from their little holiday she had missed his presence at her side at night. His arms around her and his warmth. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep.. “Damn,” she groaned in frustration throwing the sheets at the bottom of the bed. She sat up and decided to get up. After pacing for a few minutes in her bedroom she walked out of the room and reached his. “Rowan?” “Are you okay?” He asked switching the light on and sitting up in his bed. His hair was tousled from sleep and she thought he looked sexy. “I can’t sleep.” She said not moving from her spot on the doorstep. She would not move until he gave her permission. “Come here.” He said patting the bed beside him. She smiled and joined him. He lay down again and she snuggled against him and smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her, one around her chest and the other lower around the waist. His head tucked in the crook of her neck. She turned to face him “Since our trip I miss not having you beside me at night.” “Do you now?” He huffed against her skin. Aelin nodded and squeezed closer. Gods it felt so good to be in his arms. Rowan sighed “Do you want to sleep with me?” Then he heard how his sentenced sounded like “I mean you can stay in my bed and sleep in here if you like it.” Aelin looked up at him and smiled “I’d love to.” A kiss on his nose “But I am leaving my stuff in my room. I can’t move my things again.” “It sounds like a plan.”
From that night Aelin had officially moved in his bedroom. She had finally started sleeping soundly again. They had added another milestone in their relationship.
It was of the weekly mornings when Rowan had gone to teach his swimming classes and she was in charge of the bookshop and she was loving it. Aelin looked at her watch for the billionth time in the past ten minutes. Rowan was late. He would always come back at the same time but that day he was late. Over an hour late now and panic began to settle in her. He hadn’t texted her and that was unusual as well. He had always texted even if he was going to be five minutes late to open the shop. Which he knew it was not going to be an issue since he had given her a set of keys a while ago. She paced and could not concentrate on anything. In the end she caved and phoned him. The phone rang a few times. She was about to hang up when he answered. “Rowan Whitethorn, were the fuck are you?” A woman’s voice replied at the other end and Aelin’s heart started racing. Why was another woman answering his phone? He would not cheat on her. “Hello?” Said the voice on the other side and Aelin woke up. “Yes, who are you? Where is Rowan?” “My name is Dr Jamieson. Are you a relative of Mr Whitethorn?” And she almost felt sick. She had done plenty of those phone calls to know that it was not a good sign. She sat down on the chair behind the counter and placed her free hand on her knee to stop it from shaking. “Mr Whitethorn has been admitted to the hospital following a car accident.” Aelin’s brain stopped working. She could not think and definitely she could not breath. “Is… he…” “We should discuss it here at the hospital. Are you a relative?” Aelin froze. She knew hospital policy and they were not allowed to disclose the situation of the patient to someone who was not family. And they weren’t and a roommate was not in the list of the people allowed. Fuck. Her brain was too shocked to think properly. “I am his wife.” Her mouth uttered and she froze “I am on my way there. Is he still in the A&E?” “He has been taken for a CT scan. When you arrive ask for me.” Aelin thanked the woman and took a deep breath and coerced her brain to start working again. Quickly she closed the shop and went back home to get her car. Within ten minutes she was at the hospital, dropped the car at the parking and ran as fast as she could to the A&E. At the reception she asked for Dr. Jamieson and to tell the woman that Mrs Whitethorn was here. She had to remember her act. Five minutes later the doctor arrived and shook her hand. “How is he? Can I see him? Is he out of the CT?” “Mrs Whitethorn, your husband will be back from the CT exam quite soon. He was involved in a frontal crash. The paramedics found him unconscious and his head took a hit. We believe it was from rebound from the seat belts. Very likely his head hit the window pretty hard, that’s why the CT scan. He has few bruises on his ribs and torso due to the seat belts. Nothing is broken but he will be sore for a while.” “Have you checked his abdomen for internal injuries? Are his legs fine?” Her A&E training kicked in and she went through all the possible injuries from such an accident. The woman in front of her looked at her with the type of look that Aelin used to give to family members that tried to tell her how to do her job. Aelin sighed “I am a cardio thoracic surgeon. I have worked in an A&E long enough and seen enough accidents…” “I had a feeling. You did not ask the usual questions family members ask.” The doctor gave her a faint smile “I guess he will be in his room by now. If the CT comes back clear you will be able to take him home tonight but he will need to be at rest for a while.” “Thank you.” The doctor accompanied her to his room and she stopped outside for a moment. She took a deep breath and finally opened the door of his room. A sigh of relief left her when she saw him awake. “Hey…” she ran to him and kissed him while tears ran down her cheeks. She had been terrified. He tried to hug her back but his body protested at the idea of him moving. “Don’t move. You bruised your chest and your ribs.” Then she looked at the cut on his head and noted that luckily was not deep enough to require stitches. Gently she kissed it “No stitches.” And she sat down on the bed beside him and took his hand in hers. Dr Jamieson entered the room while she was kissing his forehead. “Mrs Whitethorn, your husband’s CT is clear. He has a very mild concussion and might experience some headache. If…” “If he gets dizzy, has double vision, gets confused or struggles to stay awake bring him back to the A&E. I know the drill.” The woman smiled and nodded “I will have your discharge paper ready in an hour.” And she left and Rowan was staring at her with wide eyes. “I can explain,” she said knowing full well the reason of that stare “Hospital policy is that they can’t disclose information to non family members. So I had to lie. I couldn’t say I was your sister because well, it was not believable so… my only option was to say that I was your wife. I am sorry.” Rowan started laughing but he stopped when his ribs caused him pain “It’s fine, I think it’s cute.” “I think it’s the concussion speaking.” And she kissed him again “I was terrified.” She took a deep breath “although before that I was mad at you for being late and not telling me anything. Then I phoned you and a woman picked up. Until she told she was a doctor I thought you were cheating on me.” He leaned his forehead against hers “Never. I would never do such a horrible thing to you.” “We are going home soon, and once we do, you will have to listen to me.” He tried to reply but she put a finger on his lips “No. I don’t care. I am the doctor and you will do as I say. You will stay at home and rest. I will look after the bookshop. And this is not open for debate.” “Looks like I got myself a very stern wife.” He kissed her. “Jokes aside, how do you feel?” “A bit of a headache and very sore.” He leaned back on the pillow. “How did you get in an accident. You are such a careful driver.” He flinched “I left the school, at a roundabout an idiot with a van did not respect his turn and I drove straight into him. The car—” “Shh… we’ll deal with the car later.” An hour later the doctor came back with the discharge paper “I prescribed some painkillers. He will need rest. No work for at least three days.” “Thank you doctor.” And the woman left again. “Come, let’s get you back in your clothes.” Rowan pushed his legs off the bed and Aelin helped him remove his hospital gown. Of course he was naked under it and she almost gasped at his bare body. “Dear wife, never seen your husband naked?” He joked and she tried to keep her eyes up. As a doctor she had seen naked men plenty of times, but seeing him was different. “Ok, let’s try to put the t-shirt on. This may hurt.” And it did. Because of his bruises he was in pain and lifting his arms was not an easy task. “Slowly…” they finally managed and he decided to ignore the hoodie. It was not cold outside. Then she helped him with his underwear and trousers. He leaned against her and she tried to hide her massive blush when she caught a peek by mistake. Gods, the man was perfect. “How is your shoulder?” “It’s fine.” Aelin looked at him with the expression of a doctor who caught his patient lie. “Look.” He moved it in circles and she noticed that he was moving it easily and without discomfort. “If you are lying, your are dead, dear husband.” He kissed her “I love you, my dear wife.” Before heading home Aelin stopped at the pharmacy and got the medicines the doctor had prescribed. Once at home, she pushed Rowan to the bedroom. He protested saying that it was day and he could stay on the sofa but he discovered very quickly that Aelin in doctor mode was a bit of a despot. “Just for today. Tomorrow we’ll organise the living room so you can camp there during the day but today I am home and you will stay in bed.” “Fine.” He yielded. She went to his drawer and got some clean bed clothes. “Not again.” “You are not coming to bed with that t-shirt. First, there is blood on it. Second it’s dirty and I changed the sheets this morning.” “You are so mean.” He complained. Aelin grabbed a tube “wait.” She told him when she noticed he was about to try and put the t-shirt back on “This gel will help reduce the bruises and reduce the inflammation.” She spread a bit of the gel on his chest with circular motions being very careful not to cause any more pain. Once she was done she helped him put the t-shirt back on “We’ll put a bit more tonight before bed.” “I have my very own sexy personal nurse.” She grinned in response “Yes, and you’d better listen to her.” She helped him to get into bed and then left the room and came back with a glass of water and some pills “Take these, they will help the headache and reduce the pain in general.” Rowan followed orders and she then sat happily beside him on the bed. “Do you want me to get you a book?” Rowan shook his head “I don’t feel too great to read just now.” She caressed his head and kissed his forehead “just sleep a bit, then.” “We can watch one of your shows.” She grinned. Rowan did not have a tv but she had Netflix on her laptop so she had introduced him to some of her favourite series. At the moment they were to season two of Brooklyn nine nine and Rowan seemed to love it. “I’ll be back.” When she did she had a bed tray and her laptop. She made sure Rowan was comfortable and not in a position that would cause him pain. Then she placed the tray on the bed and her laptop on it. She put her pyjama on and snuggled under the blankets with him and curled up to his chest, and her arm around his waist. “Are you okay?” “Perfect.” He kissed the top of her head. “Are we continuing with Brooklyn nine nine?” He nodded and she started Netflix. A few hours later Aelin woke up and noticed they had both fallen asleep. She closed her laptop and placed on the floor on her side of her bed. Rowan woke in that instant. “Shhh go back to sleep.” She soothed. He lay down again and she snuggled against him. Her hand went gently on his chest and brushed it gently. She had been terrified when she was told he had been in an accident. Until she saw him in his room awake she could not push away the terror in her heart. She felt his heart beat steadily and she finally relaxed and eventually fell asleep as well.
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
A/N: Hello, magical tumblr beings. First of all, I can't to thank you enough for all your love and support on my very first imagine ever (you can check it out here). I wrote yet another fluffy, sickly-sweet, absolutely self indulgent imagine. I hope you like this one as well! 
Draco Malfoy x reader (she/her pronouns). 
Words: 1689 
Summary: the reader has insomnia and decides to roam the castle in the middle of the night. Fluff ensues. 
Disclaimers: so Draco’s characterization here was a bit of a problem. It still bothers me a bit. This is fluffy and a bit pointless. Mentions of Dolores Umbridge. 
(Y/N) got tired of tossing and turning in bed. The soft snoring of her roommates only made things worse. She peaked through the curtains of her four-poster bed and saw Hermione sleeping. Her best friend had fallen in the arms of Morpheus a while ago.  And there she was, unable to close her eyes as the night seemed to stretch infinitely.
(Y/N) couldn’t remember a time in her life when she hadn’t suffered from insomnia. Usually, the sleeping draught helped her, but these days the stress around her was so overpowering she hadn’t even ventured into Madam Pomfrey’s realm for a small dose.
This year things were agitated to say the least. Pained by the tragedy at the Triwizard Tournament, Harry insisted that Voldemort was back. People were harsh. They mocked him, spread rumours about how he had lost his mind, accused him of lying. Some even claimed that he had murdered Cedric Diggory. She was one of Harry’s closest friends and she had her own reasons to believe him, which meant she was also a member of Dumbledore’s Army.
If the strain of running an underground society wasn’t enough, the fact that Dolores Umbridge had taken over the school gave plenty of reasons to drive anyone mad. The sickly-sweet pink lady was one of the most hateful people (Y/N) had ever met. She seemed to have taken a bow to make students’ lives miserable. She was dead set against Harry and the three people she, rather contemptuously, referred to as his “dream team”, which, of course, included her, along with Hermione and Ron.
The icing on the cake? (Y/N) had a crush. An annoying, deeply confusing crush on the one boy she definitely shouldn’t be ogling at. She blamed Snape for this. Hadn’t he decided that (Y/N) and Hermione had to be separated in his class, she wouldn’t have to seat next to the most hands...stupid and obnoxious Slytherin in the whole school. She wouldn’t have to talk to him every day, notice the little gestures that made him seem so vulnerable, so human. How his big grey eyes could hold so much emotion. How he had expressive eyebrows. How the corners of his lips curled just slightly in an awkward attempt to the friendly to her. How he’d fumble with his family ring and pout when he was confused. How he had this one single curl that wouldn’t be tamed regardless of how he combed his blond hair. How he would always treat her with kindness, albeit with a bit of playful cockiness, even when he was horrible to her friends.
Yes, it was totally Snape’s fault. Now, she not only had to deal with the butterflies and the blushing, the typical embarrassment of such situations, but also the guilt of liking a guy who’d call her best friends horrible slurs and created elaborate campaigns to discredit and embarrass them. What was wrong with her? She felt like a traitor.
If Ron thought Cho Chang could explode from an emotional overload, (Y/N) felt she could combust then and there.
Tired of being in bed, she pushed her covers and stood up. She slid into her linen night robe and slippers and left the room, swiftly and silently as a cat. It was not the first time (Y/N) roamed through the castle late at night. Walking helped to ease her mind and she found that the castle seemed more beautiful and enthralling the darker and lonelier it was.
(Y/N) was so distracted she didn’t realize she had unconsciously walked all the way to the astronomy tower. She decided to climb up, something she had never done in all of her nightly rounds. Once she walked through the door, (Y/N)’s gaze met those stormy grey eyes that gave her both butterflies and heartache at the same time. She gulped and took a few steps back. If she could’ve guessed, she probably looked terrified at the moment; he was, after all, part of Umbridge’s inquisitors.
“(Y/N) wait,” he said softly.
“Will you report me with Umbridge?” she asked, panicky.
“What? No. I just… what are you doing here?”
“I can’t sleep,” she shrugged.
She turned around to leave when she heard him whisper a “me neither” that sounded a bit desperate. She pictured his lips curled down ever just slightly and, finding the image adorable, decided to turn around. (Y/N) found him fiddling with his ring, which made her smile. He looked so shy and a cute that she couldn’t believe it was the same guy who could make her knees buckle with one of his infamous cocky smirks. She walked towards him while crossing her arms, suddenly self-conscious of her choice of outfit.
“Why so shy?” he asked, trying to go back to his cocky, confident persona, complete with checking her out. He thought he had nailed it until she raised an eyebrow in response, which made him cringe at his choice of words.
Draco Malfoy was used to having his walls so frighteningly high it was conflicting for him to interact with someone he actually wanted to let in. With her, her smart questions, her kind smile, the way he treated him as an equal and how she seemed to be interested in what he actually had to say, he felt the façade crumbling to bits. With his walls down, though, his “suave” persona turned a bit to dust. Around her, he felt dorky. Draco Malfoy dorky? Merlin, if his father knew this.
“Why can’t you sleep?” she asked absentmindedly, completely disregarding his last question. He noticed how her gaze shifted to the sky, her face full of wonder. He looked back at the stars as well and spotted Orion immediately.
“I have a lot in my mind,” he answered, “what about you?”
“Me too,” she answered.
“That’s Taurus, right?” she asked, pointing at the wrong constellation.
Draco smiled. Whenever they finished their work with a few minutes to spare, they would seat down and talk about their interests. Astronomy and Greek mythology were amongst the many topics they covered. He shared his knowledge on the first and learned about the later.  
The conversation then changed topics and they found themselves sitting on the floor, backs against the railing, sharing laughs and jokes and experiences. It was the first time they had the chance to have a full-on conversation, to ramble, laugh and be unapologetically friendly. Usually, their conversations ended after the bell rang. Tonight, they could talk for as long as they wanted to. Make each other blush as many times as they wanted to. Seat as incredibly close to each other as they wanted to. No one was waiting for the outside of the classroom, nobody would judge or mock them for being friendly with the other. Suddenly, (Y/N) was not mad that the night seemed to stretch infinitively.
“So, you believe Potter,” Draco pointed out.  
There was a bit of fake annoyance in his voice.  The conversation taken a more serious tone when she mentioned something about his inquisitorial squad.
“He is my best friend,” (Y/N) answered, shrugging once again.
“Pansy is my best friend and I don’t believe half of the things she says,” Draco stated, trying to light up the mood once again. He mentally patted his back when (Y/N) laughed.
“If there is one person that truly knows Harry is not lying it’s you, Draco”.
She said this without a trace of malice in her voice. She was merely stating a fact. Draco could’ve pretended he was offended, he could’ve scoffed and stormed off, how dare she imply he and his family had something to do with the Dark L Volde You Know Who? He could use that to stand up, close that door and never see her again, not have to deal with the terrible crush he had on her. But here’s the thing, he didn’t want to do any of that. He wanted to keep talking to her now and every single day. He wanted to see if she felt that same tickling in his stomach whenever he was around. And he wanted to kiss her. So so badly.
Besides, everybody knew his parents had connections to the Dark Lord. And his father…his father had been acting rather strangely when he got back home from his fourth year. He had talked nonsense all summer. It hadn’t taken him too long to connect the dots. He knew Voldemort was back. There was no doubt about it. But until he decided to reveal himself, he had to play his part. And thus, the whole Potter stinks campaign had started.
“(Y/N/N)…” he looked down, sad and ashamed.
She put her hand on his arm and their eyes met again. Draco was transfixed. (Y/N)’s heart was pounding hard on her chest. She leaned in slowly, trying to catch a glimpse of his reaction. Their noses were almost touching. She put one of her hands gently on Draco’s cheek and he leaned into her touch. The both closed their eyes as their lips finally touched. The kiss was slow at first, a bit shy even. But then they got comfortable with each other, his hands travelled to her waist, the hand that wasn’t on his cheek tangled in his blond hair. The kiss became hungrier. He bit her lip, she slithered her tongue into his mouth.
When they finally pulled away, Draco looked at (Y/N)’s flushed face and found himself absolutely smitten.
“I fancy you, Draco” she blurted out.
Draco gave her a huge, wholehearted smile. She smiled back.
“I fancy you too, (Y/N/N),” he said as he caressed her hair softly.
The kissed again and again, sweet chaste kisses and pecks that made them both erupt in giggles. Draco felt on cloud nine. (Y/N) couldn’t believe what was happening. That night, they didn’t speak of every possible way in which things could possibly go wrong. They didn’t talk about Draco’s concerns and certainties, about the war to come. They didn’t talk about (Y/N)’s guilt about her friends. They just kissed and talked and held each other all night.
And it was a beautiful night.
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Feeling As Good As Love
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Emma is excited about this weekend.
It's always good — this thing they do, with the house and the ocean and the friendship that seems to stand the test of time. But now, there's an added bonus. Because this year she and Killian aren't just coming to the house on the beach with that friendship moniker hanging over them. They're coming as a couple.
A real couple. That kisses. Regularly. And Emma's excited about that too.
She just didn't expect her friends not to believe her.
Rating: Teen, with kissing and some friendship-type swearing Word Count: 5.8 K AN: Listen, this is absolutely the fault of @shireness-says​​ who I realize I keep blaming for things, but she keeps sending me prompts and like...it’s her fault. So basically the prompt was “Okay but like what about a reverse fake dating trope? Like, two people who are together and go home to their families at Christmas but can’t convince anyone that they’re really a couple & everyone thinks it’s a joke.” It’s not Christmas, because it is May right now, but no one believes Emma and Killian want to kiss each other right on the mouth. At all times. I’m me, so naturally they set out to prove otherwise. 
And I think this puts Panic! At the Disco in the lead for lyrics as titles. 
Also on Ao3 if that’s how you roll
“You know, you don’t actually have to do this.”
Emma doesn’t let go of the plate in her hand, but her eyebrows furrow slightly and Mary Margaret actually has the gall to blush. There are soap suds on her elbow. “Wash the dishes?” Emma quips. “Nuh uh, I’m totally doing this, then I won’t have to do it the rest of the weekend.”
It’s a thing, this annual thing they do — renting a house out East, after Memorial Day, but a few weeks before the tourists descend on the Hamptons and the beaches and the vineyards on the North Fork. And it’s fun, it’s always been fun, college friends and an almost ridiculous amount of alcohol, although none of it ever comes from those vineyards on the North Fork because they’re not actually made of money. 
It’s also the first time Emma has brought someone with her. 
Kind of. 
Killian always comes with them, has been part of the group for as long as she can remember, because he’s been friends with David for as long as she can remember, but this not-so-annual thing the two of them are doing, is pretty new and even more exciting and she might actually be in—
They’ll get there, she’s sure. Presumably after she finishes washing the dishes. 
And once Mary Margaret stops staring at her like that.
“Ok,” Emma sighs, shaking her hair off her shoulder for fear of her own issues with soap suds. “What’s your damage?” “Are you quoting things at me?” “Yes, because I don’t understand what’s happening and when I am confused I fall back on tried and true movie quotes. So, c’mon Winona Ryder, what’s your damage?” “Her name wasn’t actually Winona Ryder in the movie,” Mary Margaret points out. 
Emma rolls her eyes. With her whole head. “I know you’re not drunk yet,” she says, “because Scarlet and Phillip aren’t back from the liquor store yet—” “—Them having to go to the liquor store at all seems to suggest that we’ve already blasted through our liquor supply. Which, you know, that’s kind of troubling. For us, as people.” “Did you say blasted?” Emma asks, and whatever sound she makes is less a laugh and more like general misunderstanding. Maybe Mary Margaret has been body-snatched. “Like that’s a genuine word you used in this real-life conversation. That the two of us are having.” “Yeah, speaking of two of us…” “Were we?” Mary Margaret grabs a glass. With maybe a bit more force than absolutely necessary, all but yanking the towel off her shoulder, and Emma’s not moving so it’s almost impressive when it feels like her mind trips over itself a bit. While trying to figure out what the hell is going on. 
There are footsteps coming towards them. 
“Ah,” Ruby says, leaning against the kitchen door frame. “Are we doing this then?”
Emma’s jaw cracks when it drops open. 
Mary Margaret grits her teeth. 
She’s totally going to break that glass. 
And that will inevitably piss off Regina. She’s the one who booked this house. AirBnB, whatever. All Emma knows is that she made sure both her and Killian’s payments were Venmo’ed to Regina almost on time and that her nearly-serious boyfriend who she might genuinely be in—whatever with has a habit of over packing socks. 
Killian brought no less than twenty-four pairs of socks with him. For one weekend. Four days, three nights. With her. In one room. 
It’s the first time they’ve ever been away together. And now this is happening. Whatever this is.
“That’s not an answer,” Ruby continues, five steps  and one jump until she’s perched on the edge of what may actually be a marble counter. “He’s playing some stupid video game with David, anyway, so it’s not like we’re going to be interrupted.” “What video game?” Mary Margaret asks. Neither she nor Ruby flinch when Emma throws her hands in the air. 
Soap suds land on several different cabinet doors. 
There are an obscene number of cabinets in his house. 
“They’re really serious about Mario Party,” Emma says, like it’s obvious. It kind of is. She knows for a fact that David had texted Killian about bringing his DS with him that weekend, mostly because she was lying next to him when he got the text. “And seriously—what is going on with you guys? Was this conversation preordained?” Ruby clicks her teeth. “More like a discussion was had in passing, but—” She cuts herself off when Mary Margaret’s cheeks flames. “Look at you,” Ruby accuses, “you’re not helping at all. Emma is going to think we were gossiping.” “Weren’t we?” Mary Margaret counters. 
“I mean—well, gossip is such a dirty word and this...Em, you don’t have to fake on our behalf.”
Emma blinks. Once. Then does it again. She flutters her fingers, which only leaves a bit of moisture clinging to her pants, and that’s a little annoying. Not as annoying as the prospect of her two best friends gossiping about something she still doesn’t understand, but that’s neither here nor there. 
“Say words,” she demands. “In something vaguely resembling a sentence.”
Ruby squeezes one eye shut. “It’s just—ok, we know that there are couples up here and Regina and Locksley are in the middle of full-on wedding plans, which is—you know, it’s annoying and opulent. Is that a good word?” Emma lifts her eyebrows. 
Mary Margaret’s cheeks look like they’re half a second from combusting, they’re that red. 
And Ruby isn’t done. 
“Plus, y’know me and Dor are obviously pretty fucking cute and M’s and David stare longingly at each other every moment of every day.” “That’s not true,” Mary Margaret objects, but both Ruby and Emma make near-identical sounds of disagreement and she suddenly seems very preoccupied with her feet. 
“All we’re saying,” Ruby adds, “is that we get it if you felt like you had to show up with—you know, someone special. But...this is—” “—Silly,” Mary Margaret finishes. 
Emma can’t move her eyebrows any more. If she does her actual eyes are liable to fall out, and then Regina won’t get her deposit back and that will only end badly. 
Eyeballs on the kitchen floor presumably aren’t covered in incidentals. 
“What” Emma breathes, “are you talking about?”
Ruby scrunches her nose that time. “It’s just—you and Jones? Really? Like, c’mon, if you were going to pick someone to play boyfriend, there had to be someone better.” Emma is going to have to write Regina a check for damages done to this house. Whatever rushes down her spine is a mix of sudden and rather jarring anger and complete disbelief at what she’s just heard, the words bouncing around her brain like they’ll be able to find a more legitimate order that way. 
Head on a swivel, Emma gapes at the two other people in the kitchen, dimly aware of what sounds like an exceptionally competitive round of Mario Party. 
“You can’t be serious,” Emma says, voice low and, she hopes, as threatening as possible. 
Ruby shrugs. She’s running the gamut of bodily-movement reactions, it seems. “You guys have known each other forever and now you’re going to date? You hated each other when you first met. When’s the last time you and Jones spent time together alone?” “When I spend the night at his apartment. Like last night.”
“Nah, c’mon, who do you think we are, Em? Idiots?” “Apparently,” she shouts, and there goes any sense of threat. Now she just sounds a little unhinged, the word practically snapping out of her and Mary Margaret visibly recoils. Emma pinches the bridge of her nose. “So, wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight. The two of you,” she waves an aggressive hand between them, “legitimately believe that Killian and I are faking our relationship because I feel bad that Robin and Regina are disgustingly in love?”
Mary Margaret lets out a breath, even as her eyes flit towards Ruby. “Not just them,” she reasons. “Everyone’s always kind of paired off here and you’re…” “Oh my God.” “We’re not trying to be insulting.” “And yet,” Emma grumbles, tugging her hands down either one of her cheeks and no doubt leaving angry red streaks in her wake. That’s good. She’s angry. And confused. And angry. And she’d kind of like to make out with her boyfriend. 
This was supposed to be the weekend she got to make out with her boyfriend. And tell her friends that she and Killian had been dating for months. 
There’d been a plan. 
They'd talked about it. 
Nowhere in that plan did either one of them expect their friends to think they were lying. 
That’s a confusing sentence. Emma is very confused. 
Maybe she’d been onto something with the body-snatching idea before. 
“This is insane,” she mutters, mostly to herself and at some point she’s started pacing. “This is—you know Killian and I have been dating for like..a really long time. It’s not like we’ve tried to hide it. You guys are just unobservant.” Ruby doesn’t look convinced. “Name one date you have been on.” “Excuse me?” “One date. Name one date that you have been on with Killian.” “I don’t have to prove myself to you! Or my relationship.” “And yet,” Ruby echoes, expression turning particularly pleased. Emma resists the very real urge to knock her off the counter. 
Emma screws her mouth shut, mind racing to find something really good, but she hadn’t been entirely prepared for show-and-tell and the noises in the living room are actually starting to get very loud. 
Ruby makes a pitying noise in the back of her throat. 
“No, no, no,” Emma stammers, gaping at her and a still-flushed Mary Margaret. “I just—ok, ok, I had that police officer’s dinner. Two weekends ago. Fancy dress and ties were required and all that? Killian came with me.” “As a date?” Mary Margaret asks. “What else would he come as?” “Your friend,” she suggests. “Like he’s done for the last three years.” “Yeah, but there was no ripping off of each other’s clothes those other years! It was—passionate! Heated, even. No, God—Ruby stop laughing, this isn’t funny.”
Ruby holds up a hand in what Emma can only assume is surrender, but then she notices just how much her shoulders are shaking and she’s definitely trying not to laugh so, like, game on or whatever. “No, no, definitely not funny,” Ruby agrees. The words wobble out of her. “But like—heated, honestly. You and Jones?” “We can be heated! We can be hot! For each other, specifically.” “Em, this is almost getting embarrassing.”
“I will kick you,” Emma warns. “Like, really hard.” Mary Margaret rests a hand on Emma’s shoulder before she can take another step forward, an expression that’s in the realm of motherly and comforting and it might be the worst thing in the world. At least on Long Island. Possibly the Tri-State area. 
“This is not embarrassing,” Mary Margaret promises. “That’s not a word we agreed on.” Emma growls. “So it was preordained?” “We just want to make sure you’re happy. And that you and Killian don’t feel like you need to—” Another shrug. One of them is going to dislocate a shoulder sooner or later. “Put on airs for us. It’s just us. No judging.” “Say that again,” Emma challenges.
Mary Margaret exhales. “We’re not judging. We only have your best interests at heart, both of you. And it’s not as if you two have ever really showed you were interested.” Of all the things that could possibly be the last straw in this conversation, Emma is almost pleasantly surprised to realize it’s that particular sentence. 
She rolls Mary Margaret’s hand off her. 
“We are constantly touching each other,” she hisses, a little concerned by the red that’s started to cloud the edge of her vision. “He is always putting his arm around me. I sat on his leg when we were drinking before!” “But that’s just normal,” Ruby argues, and Emma genuinely has no idea what she does at that. It hurts, at least, the sound that races out of her and the burst of heat in her chest, which can’t be healthy and presumably is what, finally, draws Killian to the kitchen. 
His eyes sweep the scene as soon as he steps on the linoleum floor, one side of his mouth ticking up when he meets Emma’s gaze. 
“You ok, love?” “No,” she sneers. “Can you tell these idiots that we’re into each other?” “Wait, what?” Emma waves both her hands again, snarling at her friends. Ruby barely blinks. “We were only telling Emma that we, uh—” “—They don’t think we’re dating,” Emma finishes. Killian freezes. From the top of his head to his obviously sock-covered feet. 
He stops and stares and stares some more and then—
He laughs. Loudly. Uproariously. Head thrown back and shoulders heaving, desperately trying to catch his breath while the laughter bounces off the kitchen walls and settles into Emma’s soul, which is admittedly a little melodramatic, but this has been the strangest fifteen minutes of her life and she still really wants to kiss her boyfriend. 
It’s nice to know she still has her priorities straight, at least. 
“What is happening right now?” Mary Margaret murmurs, as Killian wipes away the tears that have fallen on his cheeks. 
“Sucks not to know, doesn’t it?” Emma snaps. “Wait, wait,” Ruby says quickly, “is this laughter at our question or at the prospect of dating Emma, because if it's the second one, that kind of seems like a dick move, Jones.” Killian scoffs, and it only takes three more steps for him to be in Emma’s space with his arm around her shoulder and his lips ghosting over the top of her hair. She widens her eyes at Ruby. “It is not laughter at the prospect of dating my girlfriend, no,” Killian drawls. “Are you double checking on us, Lucas?” “You guys can’t be dating.” “Says who?” “Us,” Ruby cries, nearly falling off the counter when her limbs flail several different directions. “That’s—M’s you’ve got to back me up on this! It’s weird.” “Weird,” Killian echoes. “That I’m dating the person I like?” “When did you start liking Emma?” “I don’t think I have to tell you that.” Ruby lets out a triumphant sound, like she’s won something and Emma can’t imagine what the prize is in this situation, but it might be the genuinely ridiculous amount of alcohol Will and Phillip have seemingly just gotten back with. 
“Where is everyone?” Will yells, what looks like an actual crate propped up on his hip. He narrows his eyes when he takes in the kitchen and the half-finished dishes, gaze darting Ruby’s direction. 
She curses. Loudly. 
“Not exactly subtle, is he?” Killian mutters, mostly to Emma. She turns into his side, curling both arms around his middle, so he’ll kiss the top of her hair again, but maybe to prove a point and Mary Margaret may never stop looking at her feet. 
“You guys going to be weird about this?” Will asks. “Now that we know you’re faking?” “No one is faking anything,” Emma objects. “Sure you’re not. Did you come up with a relationship backstory on your way up her? That’s kind of rom-com, don’t you think, Em?” “We didn’t have to come up with anything! We are living the rom-com.” “You and Jones?” “Me and Killian.” “You know you guys only have one bed in your room,” Ruby chips in, apparently missing some form of self-preservation. “Is that going to be a problem?” Killian shakes his head. “We’re definitely going to use that one bed. Thoroughly.” “My brother is here,” Emma mumbles. He smirks at her. “But,” she adds, “we’re definitely going to use that bed. With the condoms that we brought.” Mary Margaret makes a strangled noise, Will chuckling while Ruby continues to curse and David demands to know why isn’t anyone giving me something to drink so I can fuck up Wario right now?  
“He brings up a very good point, Swan,” Killian grins, and Mary Margaret sounds like she’s choking now. Serves her right. 
Emma hums. “Is that even how the game works?” “Only one way to find out, right?” “Something like that, for sure.” He flashes another smile, eyes bright enough that for half a second Emma forgets everything that’s happened in that kitchen and she still has dishes to watch, pressing up on her toes as soon as Killian ducks his head. 
Their friends boo. 
She flips them all off. 
And it’s honestly not bad for the rest of the night — there are more discussions of how to properly play Mario Party and an almost alarming amount of alcohol, most of it horribly mixed by Aurora and Ruby, but no one mentions fake dating again, and Emma’s grateful for that. Until they all traipse upstairs to go to bed and there’s really only one bed and both Regina and Mary Margaret stare just a little too long before Emma closes the door behind her. 
It takes her about fourteen seconds to get mad again. “Go ahead,” Killian chuckles, dropping onto the edge of that one bed so he can tug off his socks. She seriously cannot cope with his socks. 
“I’m sorry, what?” “I know you’ve been waiting to curse them up one side and down the other, so let’s have your worst.” “It’s stupid that you know that.” 
He nods, lips pursed as he crooks a finger at her. Emma huffs, but moves into the space between his legs almost immediately, Killian’s hands on her hips and hers on his shoulders and she takes far too much joy in how quickly his eyelashes start to flutter. His head falls to her stomach. Top-tier, peak relationship status. 
“I know everything,” Killian mumbles, mostly into her shirt. “And I know that it’s ridiculous they think we aren’t in—” She doesn’t dare breathe when he cuts himself off, both of them dancing around something big and important and it’s almost an appropriate amount of time, but Emma is Emma and she doesn’t want to fuck this up and maybe that was why she’d been so nervous to admit that Killian Jones is ridiculously good looking. 
Like almost painfully good looking. 
She cards her fingers through his hair. 
“I have an idea,” he says. 
“Yeah?” “I think we should go all in. All those romantic comedy tropes Scarlet was talking about. Lean in to every single one of them.” “How many tropes could there possibly be?” Killian makes a noncommittal noise, glancing up which is really unfair because his eyelashes are almost offensively long. “We’ll make a list.” “Just like that?” “Just like that,” he repeats. “Why? You have other things to do tonight?” “Oh, you’re a menace.” He nips at her hip, Emma jumping and possibly giggling. Killian’s eyes are definitely getting bluer. Maybe it’s the lighting in that room. Their room. Together. 
She can’t believe he brought so many socks. 
“That will be thing number one, I think,” Killian said. “Blatant and obvious flirting.” “You don’t think we flirt enough?” “Not constantly because we’re not animals, but—you know, could probably do with a bit more. Tell you that I think you’re stunning? Regularly?” Emma gags. Killian keeps going. “Bewitching? That I’m fairly certain your hair has magical properties? Regarding its ability to reflect light?” “Oh, yeah, use that one,” she laughs, and it’s not very hard to get him to lay next to her on the bed. Which may actually be made of feathers, if its overall level of comfort is any indication. “What else, then?” “Endearments, naturally.” “Naturally.” “And, uh—” He clicks his tongue, eyebrows shifting in a way that undoubtedly defies the laws of gravity. “PDA.”
“Say PDA again,” Emma challenges. Killian blushes better than Mary Margaret, she thinks. Presumably because she wants to kiss Killian more than she wants to kiss Mary Margaret. 
There’s been a disappointing lack of kissing so far. 
“Public displays of affection,” Killian says, pausing between every word until Emma’s whole body shakes with the force of her laughter. “I’m going to constantly touch you.” “Could be worse.” “Oh yeah?” “I mean—” Emma drags her fingers up his side, shifting his shirt until she reaches skin and the plane of his stomach and— “Shit, stop that,” Killian grumbles. “It tickles.” Emma’s eyes widen. In perfect tandem with what feels like a rather large expansion of her heart, another burst of heat that isn’t quite as jarring as it was in the kitchen. And Killian shifts half an inch backwards. “Don’t,” he warns, but Emma swipes her tongue across her teeth. “Swan, c’mon, that’s—” Pouncing is a very ugly word, but Emma is way too busy discovering other areas of her boyfriend's body and Killian stops talking rather quickly. As soon as her tongue is in his mouth. 
And they do make a list. An actual physical list, with bullet points and a plan, that Killian keeps in his pocket because Emma doesn’t have pockets in her dresses and it’s easier for his hand to squeeze her knee if she wears dresses. 
That’s bullet point number six. 
There are seventeen. 
It becomes something of a game for them — Killian making sure to call Emma love at the end of what seems like every sentence, while she alternates between babe and sweetheart, but that second one kind of sets her teeth on edge and, one time, on Saturday afternoon while they’re picking badminton teams because that’s something they do on this weekend, he calls her—
“C’mon, darling,” Killian says, slinging an arm around Emma’s shoulders. “We’re going to absolutely destroy Nolan and Nolan.”
Every one of their friends groan. 
Emma very nearly passes out. 
The word ricochets off her soul, or something less ridiculous. Even after Killian and David finish debating the proper terminology for the shuttle-thing. She’s never been a darling before. Darling is for committed relationships and longevity and happily ever after and her racquet nearly flies out of her hand when she tries to return Mary Margaret’s serve. 
“You ok, Swan?” Killian asks, and good that’s good. A much-needed return to normal. 
Emma nods. She can’t seem to do much else. 
Somehow they win the match. David decrees it’s called a match. 
And Killian seems to take the public displays of affection fairly seriously — pulling Emma onto his legs when they sit around the fire on Saturday night, nosing at the back of her neck or that one spot just above her shoulder blade that makes her shiver. She almost constantly has her fingers in his hair, tracing idle patterns with her nails. There are absent-minded kisses and kisses that make her toes curl, standing on sand or in the hallway or...well, anywhere really.
It’s something almost close to wonderful, which isn’t really a change of pace for Emma and Killian as a couple, but this level of couple’dom is—
“You’re laughing,” he accuses, but the words get lost between their mouths and there's not much space between their mouths. 
Emma shakes her head. “I’m having fun.” “That was the point of this weekend. It always is.”
“Yeah, but I mean—” She grits her teeth, neves creeping up her spine and taking root in the back of her skull, and she hates that it happens. Emma is the worst kind of pessimist. Or, rather the best kind, depending on how you look at it. 
“I like you too,” Killian says.
“Presumptuous.” “Tell me that’s now how the sentence was going to end, then.” “Well, ok yeah, but—this is just...being full-on relationship, it’s been good, right?” “Are you double checking?” “A little,” Emma admits. “I—this was the plan, and I know it was the plan. That we were going to stop trying to hide and—”
“—I really don’t think we were ever good at hiding it.” “Tell that to the rest of our friends. Mary Margaret and Ruby staged an intervention. It’s...I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m glad you were willing to prove how stupid into me you are.”
Killian barks out a laugh, tongue finding the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, that’s totally what I am.” “I knew it.”
Those same friends, however, don’t seem to get the memo. 
Maybe they need new friends. 
“I don’t know,” Will says, halfway through a Sunday afternoon BBQ that could feed a small army. “I’m still calling shenanigans.” “Shenanigans,” Emma echoes. 
“You heard me the first time. It seems like you’re trying too hard.” “To be in a relationship?” “Yuh huh,” Will nods, flipping more than one burgers at the same time. “You see that? That was impressive as fuck.” “You’re a poet,” Killian mutters. He must have some kind of Emma-focused sixth sense too, because she feels an arm curl around her middle before she can get into any sort of pacing groove, grunting when he pulls her back against his chest. 
And kisses behind her ear. 
Regina quirks an eyebrow. “I don’t know, actually. There has been a pretty good amount of eye making, even before we got here.”
“I don’t make eyes,” Emma argues. “No, but he does.” Killian’s cheek brushes the side of Emma’s head when he nods. “That’s true, I’ve been making eyes for quite some time.”
“See,” Regina says, “This is—if this is fake, it’s a serious commitment to the cause.” “The cause of kissing my boyfriend?” Emma challenges.
“Yeah, that one. Ok, pop quiz. Killian, when was your first kiss with Emma?” He doesn’t tense. He doesn’t flinch. His hand might tighten a little, but Emma chooses to believe that’s actually a positive and she’s very glad for it. If only because that’s the main reason she stays upright. 
“Junior year of college,” Killian replies.
Will drops the tongs. It’s patently absurd. 
“Hold on, when?” David demands. He’s already half standing when Mary Margaret levels him with a look, flopping back into the plastic chair with enough force it nearly breaks. “Junior year of college. I thought you started dating a few months ago.” “Yeah, we did.” “And?”
“And,” Killian repeats. “We’d gone out, you and Mary Margaret left early. So I walked Emma back to her apartment, it was raining. We hit all of those rom-com tropes. She even had my jacket on.” Emma can’t catch her breath. Which is really ridiculous since she’s not moving, but she was always fairly positive she was the only one counting this as their first kiss and—
“You were drunk,” she cries. “You can’t possibly remember this!” Mary Margaret audibly gasps. That’s more ridiculous than Emma’s breathing issues. 
She twists against Killian’s chest, meeting his steady gaze with something that can only be described as ever-increasing and seemingly inevitable insanity. He smirks. 
The bastard. 
“Trust me,” he says, “I’ve spent way longer than I’d be willing to admit remembering just that. You took your shoes off as soon as we got into the lobby.” “Because they hurt my feet.” “Mmhm.” “What happened after that?” Aurora asks sharply, elbows on her knees and chin on her hands and no one has noticed that some of the hot dogs are starting to burn. 
“She’s a very good kisser,” Killian replies. Easy as that. Emma’s back to not breathing. “Told me it was nice that I walked her home, I said I probably deserved some kind of reward, she glared at me, I waited very patiently and she—” Emma remembers the rest. She doesn't need to hear it. She reenacts it, instead. Her hands fly to his shirt, fingers curling into fabric that’s different than it was when they were twenty and buzzed on alcohol that was only marginally worse than what they’ve spent all weekend drinking and Killian is absolutely smiling when she kisses him.
The bastard. 
Part two. 
And she resolutely refuses to acknowledge any sounds from the peanut gallery, pushing up on bare feet so it’s easier to sling an arm over his shoulder and push her fingers into his hair. He tilts his head, lets his tongue sweep along her lips and she might sigh, but he might also groan and he definitely closes his eyes. 
Emma’s always liked that about him. Killian closes his eyes when he kisses her — like he’s uninterested in anything else, like anything else means less than nothing when he can nose at Emma’s cheek or drop his mouth along the curve of her jaw. It also gives her half a second to stare at the overall length of his eyelashes, so it’s kind of a win-win for her. 
He’s just as out of breath as she is when they pull apart, color in his cheeks and Emma’s heart threatens to burst out of her ribcage. 
That’s probably not covered under incidentals either. 
She’s got to stop thinking so violently. Especially about her own body. 
Will whistles. 
“You guys suck,” Emma announces, and that’s not the first thing she planned on saying, but nothing has really gone according to plan that weekend and she has thoughts on that. 
Patent pending. 
“First of all,” she says, holding up one finger. Will is trying very hard not to laugh. Ruby isn’t trying. “Killian and I have been dating for months. Genuinely months. And, ok, yeah we kissed one time in college, but we didn’t start dating for awhile, and that—” 
Emma is still holding up her finger when she turns again. Killian’s smirk is going to stay permanently etched on his face. “That was kind of stupid, wasn’t it?” “Your words, not mine,” he chuckles. 
“I definitely thought you were good looking in college.” “I desperately wanted to date you in college.” “No shit.” “What is happening right now?” Phillip yells. Emma doesn’t have an answer for that. It’s less disappointing than it was on Friday night. 
“No shit,” Killian repeats. “You were—I don’t know, this force of nature. But you were also David’s sister and—” “—She’s still my sister,” David interrupts. Regina throws something at him. It might honestly be her sandal.
Emma doesn’t bother double checking. She’s rather busy swooning, after all.
Killian kisses the bridge of her nose before he continues. “You never take anyone’s garbage, love. Mine included and that wasn’t really why I was stupid into you, but it was a big part at the start, and then we kept hanging out and you’re—” She doesn’t mind when he shrugs. Probably because of the previously discussed swooning. Honestly, Emma is swooning so bad. “You’re the smartest person I know. And stronger than anyone else, on some existential level.” God, she hopes she doesn’t start to cry. 
That’d be kind of lame. 
And, somehow, there is more. 
“I worry about you, you know. Every time you leave my apartment and go save someone. It’s—I count minutes from when you text me that you’re on the train until I hear the lock click. It’s insane. Might be affecting my blood pressure, really.” “She has a key,” Ruby whispers. Not very well, but something about the thought Emma assumes. “She really has a key?” “I really have a key,” Emma answers. “I wasn’t kidding about spending multiple nights a week at his apartment.” “We could probably do something about that,” Killian adds. Will whistles again. 
Emma’s jaw drops. That’s kind of disappointing, really. She wishes she had some kind of sweeping something to respond with — romance on another level of romantic-type expectations, but she’s still her and she’s still a little pissed they haven’t been dating since their junior year in college. 
“Em, Em,” Ruby presses, “I’m pretty sure he’s asking you to move in with him.” Killian hums. “She’s annoying, but she’s right.” Ruby sticks her tongue out. “But, but,” Emma stammers, “that wasn’t on the list.” “You guys made a list?” Regina balks. “None of you believed us! Which, honestly friendship demerits. Negative friendship standing. We are a good couple, and we like hanging out and we’d been hanging out forever, and this just kind of...happened. It should have happened before, maybe, but our first date was getting ice cream in the Village because none of you will go to the Village with me and I—Killian always will.” “That’s kind of how boyfriend’ing works,” he chuckles. “Is that a word?” “Absolutely not,” Mary Margaret says. “Should we apologize now?” “Probably,” Emma sighs. “Because it’s—none of this has been fake, and we’ve been on relationship overdrive for the last forty-eight hours and I mean...is it so shocking that we could be in a relationship?”
None of them answer, and Killian is still staring at Emma because, she realizes rather belatedly, she hasn’t actually told him she wants to move into his apartment with a bed that’s even more comfortable than the one here or that she also counts down the minutes because she sleeps better with him than she has in years, so naturally she tilts her head up and—
“I love you,” Emma says. Killian’s eyes bug. “And I think I have for a really long time, but we were always friends and—” “—That’s not going to change, love.” “Well, yeah, that’s how good relationships work. Are you just going to gloss over the sentiment?” “Absolutely not,” Killian mumbles, gruffer than usual. And probably because half of the letters get lost in more kissing, a distinct arch to Emma’s back when he actually dips her like some goddamn romantic comedy. 
Mary Margaret might take a picture. 
Emma kind of hopes she does. It’d look good in a frame on the wall. Their wall. 
“I’d like to move into your apartment,” Emma says, and she definitely giggles that time. There’s no way around it, not when Killian’s lips drag along the side of her neck and pepper every inch of her face. 
Several people awwww out loud. 
As they should, really. 
“I love you too,” Killian says. 
“Ok, good.” “Good.”
There’s more kissing after that. As there should be, really. Part two. “So, uh,” Will says, and he’s picked up the tongs at some point, “you guys want celebratory hamburgers or…” “If you don’t put cheese on my burger, I’ll throw your fucking tongues in the ocean,” Emma guarantees. 
Killian crows. Or something. It’s nice, and that’s really all she cares about. “That’s my girlfriend.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ruby groans. “We’ve heard. Do we toast to the happy couple?” “Absolutely,” David says, reaching into the cooler to grab wine coolers. Like they’re juniors in college. They toast several times. 
And Emma doesn’t sleep much that night, but that’s something she’s willing to concede. Especially when Killian lets her pick the music on the drive back the next morning. 
Like any good relationship. 
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wandas-sunshine · 4 years
The Muse’s Dance - Part 3
Summary: Steve is a fine arts major, (Y/N) is a dance major. Their meeting wasn’t supposed to be anything big, but Steve is sure he’s found his new muse, and (Y/N) is suddenly convinced that maybe she doesn’t have to choose between her career and a relationship.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 7,466
Warnings: Smut, dubcon at first glance, fluff
A/N: The song in the chapter is The Lady Is A Tramp by Frank Sinatra. This chapter connects directly to the previous one, so hopefully the flow isn’t off. Enjoy!
Part 2 | Series Masterlist
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The two stood in front of a cute little diner with a bright sign over the door. It read ‘Uncle Ben’s’ in shining letters. The sign in the window said they were open, and Steve held the door open for her. Inside, everything was cheery and safe. The black and white tile, the red seats that matched the jukebox by the counter. The walls were covered with pictures of actors and celebrities from the 50s, and various records. One wall in particular caught her eye, the one behind the counter. It had a collage of pictures surrounding a framed one of a man. She assumed that was Uncle Ben.
“Welcome to Uncle Ben’s diner. What do you think?” Steve had let his arm slide away from her shoulders as she looked around. She seemed a bit brighter now, a smile blossoming onto her face.
“This place is incredible, I love it.” She turned to look at him before hugging his waist tightly. “Thank you, Steve.”
Her fingers reached up, brushing across his cheek. Her eyes danced across his face, landing on his lips for a split second. She wanted to say thank you, maybe not in the best way, but she just wanted to kiss him so badly. She glanced away, and so did he.
“Go ahead, pick any seat you’d like. I’ll grab a menu for you.” Steve suggested, and she nodded, happily making herself comfortable in one of the red booths. She watched Steve lean himself against the counter until a pretty middle aged woman came out. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her smile lit up her face. Whoever she was, she seemed to know Steve well enough. She reached up and ruffled his already messy hair, saying something to earn one of those brilliant sunshine smiles of his.
“You brought a girl,” May pointed out quietly. Steve dropped his head for a second before glancing over towards (Y/N). She looked better than she had when he’d picked her up. The red around her eyes had faded, and the frown that had been etched onto her face had turned into a content smile as she looked around. “You never bring anyone but James and Natasha. She must be something special.”
Steve blushed an even darker shade. Of course she was special. If only he could convince her of that.
“Yeah, she’s real special. But we’re just friends.” He shrugged and took the menu that May had passed across the bar to him. The woman lifted a curious eyebrow and glanced past him at the girl. She was watching on with a dreamy smile that May recognized all too well.
“I don’t think she knows that.” The woman patted his hand affectionately before letting him head for his seat. He shook his head a little. He hadn’t expected that sort of thing from Aunt May, but he probably should have. He slid into the booth and passed (Y/N) the menu. She wiggled in her seat excitedly and he practically felt his heart combust in his chest.
“What were you two talking about?” She asked, looking up at him through her eyelashes. He rolled his eyes at her.
“We were just catching up. She’s surprised I brought someone new.” Steve waved his hand dismissively, but she wasn’t about to let it go so easily. She propped her chin in her hands and stared at him until he went on. “May’s known me for a few years now. I moved in a few blocks down. Me and Buck found the place that night. I don’t really bring anyone around here. Only the special ones.”
Her hand reached up and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Steve considered her special. Special enough to go out of his way to comfort her over something as stupid as her parents coming to support her. Special enough to bring her to his secret place. Special enough to call her his muse.
“Good to know you think so highly of me. Even after everything.” She playfully nudged her leg against his under the table. “So, the burgers here any good?”
“Best in town if I do say so myself.” Their little bit of banter was interrupted by the same smiling woman. Something about her felt safe, familiar. “May Parker. But these guys call me Aunt May.”
She stuck out a hand, and the young dancer took it politely. The handshake didn’t last long as Aunt May placed her hands on her hips.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N). I’m Steve’s —” There was a breath of hesitation. She was so much more than his friend, and both of them felt it. But lingering touches and longing glances, painting company and rehearsal feedback didn’t mean a thing if neither of them trusted themselves to make it something more. “—friend.”
“A pleasure to meet you, sweetheart. Now, what can I get for you two?” If she noticed the awkward moment (and how could she have not?) she didn’t say anything. She simply produced a notepad from her apron pocket, and took the pencil from behind her ear. The two placed their orders, and (Y/N) wondered what exactly Steve’s ‘usual’ was. She wondered how long he’d explored the menu before he settled on it, and how often he strayed from it. She took May’s advice, a bacon cheeseburger with fries. With a promise that their food would be out soon, May hurried out of their way.
Once the two of them were alone again, they fell back into their comfortable quiet. They sipped their water and shared little smiles. It was a silence that both of them could happily stay in all night. The soft music that played eased the awkwardness that may have tried to build.
“Hey, how’s your piece coming?” Her hand brushed against his to draw his attention, not that he’d ever taken it away from her. Her hand lingered there, and Steve so easily could have held it...and Steve so badly wanted to hold it.
“It’s finished actually. Just put the final touches on it today. I can’t wait for you to see it.” He grinned at her, and everything else faded to mere background noise. The way he looked at her was the only thing that mattered anymore.
“Two more days. Are you gonna make it to see me dance?” She asked with a hopeful gleam in her eye. Performing with her parents in the crowd would have her on edge, but if Steve was there, she knew she’d be more than okay.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I promise you I’ll be there.” He crossed his heart with one hand and squeezed hers with the other. The two of them shared a look, emotion clouded eyes meeting and begging one another to say something, to do something to break the building tension between them. Their moment was once more cut short, this time by the arrival of their food. A couple burgers were sat down with two orders of fries, and a chocolate milkshake that made Steve grin. (Y/N) popped a fry into her mouth and hummed appreciatively as it scalded her in that way that french fries tend to do.
“Go on, try the burger! Bucky barely eats anyone else’s. Only the Parkers and the cook know the secret to making them so good.” Steve urged excitedly. She straightened up and picked up the sandwich, making sure to put on a show. She glanced up with a smirk, then took a bite. Her eyes fluttered shut, and the noise she made was practically sinful, a soft moan that had Steve flushing.
“This is the best burger I’ve had in my life.” She announced after a long moment of savoring the bite. “I officially refuse to eat anywhere else. Only here.”
He chuckled, taking a bite out of his own sandwich. The first half of their meal was spent absorbed in their food, only stopping to exchange praise for it. But as their stomachs were filled, slow conversation picked up.
“How did you get into dance?” Steve had asked. (Y/N) finished her fry and sipped at her water before answering.
“When I was little my friends started ballet. So I begged and begged my parents to let me do it too. Ballet turned into tap. Then jazz, ballroom, contemporary. It never stopped.” As she talked about her past dance experiences, her face lit up with an excited smile. “It kind of took over my life. My parents made me stop for a bit when I was 10, but it sort of made me really depressed. My grades slipped, I stopped talking to my friends. So they put me back in, and voila!”
Steve let out an impressed whistle, and she tipped her head curiously.
“All of that, and my grandma taught me to dance in her kitchen.” He laughed without a thought, but (Y/N)’s eyes lit up.
“You dance?” She leaned forward and propped her elbows against the table. No matter how simply adorable the smile on her lips was, Steve recognized the danger in it.
“Only a little. Just some slow dancing. Prom style, you know? She tried to teach me swing dancing, but I just don’t have the coordination for that.” He rambled, sheepishly scratching at the back of his neck as she continued to grin at him. “I don’t wanna know what you’re thinking, do I?”
Steve took another sip from his shake. She simply shrugged and dug through her bag for her wallet. Then she slipped from their booth and practically skipped over to where Aunt May was wiping down the tables.
“Aunt May, you wouldn’t mind if me and Stevie have a little dance, would you?” She asked sweetly. Steve shot up from his spot and shook his head frantically. He wasn’t a good dancer to begin with, but if he tried dancing with her pressed against his chest? That would just be idiotic, he’d make a total fool of himself.
“Oh, why not? Nobody to bother with it.” She joked with a knowing smile. The young dancer squealed and clapped excitedly. Her hand found Steve’s and she tugged him to the jukebox. She pressed the money into his hand and nodded towards the machine.
“Pick your poison.” She giggled, practically bouncing. Steve was nervous, but how could he argue when she was looking at him with such wide, hopeful eyes? And so he scanned the songs before picking. Sinatra’s voice filled the room, and she tugged him a few steps back until they had enough space. She looked up at him, settling his hand on her waist and slipping hers into his other properly. She gave a nod, a silent promise that they’d be just fine.
He allowed himself to relax, giving in to the music and leading her in a dance. On occasion she’d giggle, she’d guide him into spinning her, or she’d add a playful dramatic flair. Every laugh that passed her lips relaxed him more, shattering his nerves piece by piece. They gravitated closer, squeezing out the polite distance they’d begun with until she was pressed firm and safe against his chest. His hand splayed against the small of her back, and her head had found its way to his shoulder as their dance slowed to a sort of intimate sway.
Steve hummed along to the end of the song, and (Y/N) closed her eyes, just taking in the feeling of being held by him once more. She would never get enough of it. And as the music stopped, she expected his grip to loosen, but it didn’t. He kept her snug there, his cheek pressed to the side of her head. Slowly, she opened her eyes. She wasn’t ready for her little piece of paradise to slip away.
He reached up and let his fingers dance over her cheek, brushing his thumb ever so lightly over her bottom lip. She held her breath, eyes locked onto his. There was something different in them now. Something deeper that she couldn’t decipher.
“I think I’m gonna kiss you now.” His voice was hardly above a whisper, and it sent a shiver down her spine.
“Please kiss me now.” She closed her eyes and tipped her head up. There wasn’t a moment for her to pray that it wasn’t some cruel dream that she was about to awaken from. His lips met hers, so softly at first that she wondered if they were really even touching. Then harder, more desperate. He pulled her tighter to him, and her arms snaked up to let her fingers run through still damp blonde locks. The kiss was slow, and sweet, and tasted a bit of the chocolate still lingering on his tongue as he swiped it across her lips.
When they did finally separate, everything around them flickered back into reality. They were alone now, neither of them had noticed Aunt May disappear into the back. Steve made a mental note to thank her later. When their eyes met again, the both of them had the sweetest smiles on their lips.
“We should probably go. It’s getting late.” (Y/N) whispered, letting her hands slide to rest against his chest. A glance at the neon clock on the wall confirmed that it was nearing 10pm. So Steve nodded and pecked her lips once more, just because he could. Then he let her slip out of his arms.
“Think we’re ready for the bill, Aunt May.” He called, peeking towards the back. A second passed before the woman came out again, this time with a grin that had the artist blushing again.
“This one’s on the house. Call it an early wedding gift.” She teased quietly, then winked before Steve could properly form a reply. And just like that, she left the two alone up front again. He rolled his eyes at her antics. That was just Aunt May, and everyone loved her for that. It kept everyone on their toes.
He returned to their booth and scooped (Y/N)’s bag up. He left ten dollars on the table for May, he knew she could use it.
“Ready?” He asked. She stood up again, and she seemed to have a new glow about her. It didn’t matter that she was exhausted, or that her muscles were overworked. She seemed to be refreshed, more like the girl he’d met that first day a month ago. She nodded and slipped her hand into his, hugging his arm close to her with her other hand.
The two stepped out into the cool night air and began their walk back towards the dorms, quietly enjoying each other’s company. But after a moment, the realization that Steve would simply take her home hit her hard. She slowed, gently tugging at his arm. She didn’t want to go back to her dorm and lay awake in her bed worrying until she managed to slip into a fitful sleep. No, she wanted to stay wrapped up in him until her worries washed themselves away.
“You alright, darlin?” Steve asked, turning to look at her as he noticed her sudden stop. She bit her lip and stepped closer. She didn’t like the way his concern for her made his expression harden. She reached up, gently running her fingers over the crease between his eyebrows to ease it out.
“I’m okay. I just...do you think I can come back to your place tonight?” Her hand slipped down to rest against his chest again. It was a loaded question, one that in her normal state of mind she never would have asked. No, that was Steve’s place to invite her in. Nevertheless, Steve hesitated. Of course he knew exactly what she was implying, the tension between the two of them was palpable. Of course he wanted to take her home with him, he wanted anything she would give to him. But he hated to think of the ways it could backfire. What if she simply wasn’t thinking properly?
“Come on, please.” She practically whined, nuzzling into his neck and pressing a tiny kiss there. “I just need a distraction tonight. Please distract me, Steve.”
He bit his lip, but it wasn’t enough to hide the way he shivered when she dragged her lips over that spot by his jaw, or the little groan that slipped out as he tugged her closer by her hips.
“Wait, (Y/N), wait.” He mumbled, pulling his hands away from her entirely. She instantly stepped back, her chest tightening at the idea that she had pushed too hard, that she’d crossed a line. She looked up with wide, terrified eyes.
“Steve, I’m so sorry.” She whispered. She’d ruined it, ruined whatever had been building between the two of them. He was going to hate her forever.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s fine.” He reached out and slipped his hand into hers. “I want to take you back to my place, I want to do anything you want me to. But what if you regret it? If I do something that makes you hate me when you calm down from all this anxiety?”
There was a beat of silence, then another. He was beginning to worry until he felt her squeeze his hand. Then she laughed, a sound of nothing but relief. He was too good to be true. Chivalry was most definitely not dead, she thought, it was alive and well, and its name was Steve Rogers.
“Steven Grant Rogers, there isn’t a thing in this world I could regret doing as long as I do it with you.” She leaned closer and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “Please, I want you. I won’t regret this, I promise.”
And those words were really all it took. All of Steve’s worries were gone, and the only thing bothering him was the walk standing between them and the privacy of his apartment. Only a few blocks, but it was too far.
The walk, though not particularly long, was excruciating. They could be kissing, he could be touching her, admiring her the way she deserved. But instead, they were stuck half clinging to each other and stealing too-short kisses.
Finally the two made it into his building, and Steve led her to the elevator. (Y/N) impatiently tugged him into a heated kiss as the doors dinged shut. Their lips moved slow and needy against each other, and their tongues danced together until the doors slid open again.
She pouted when Steve pulled away, but his hands stayed on her, gently pulling her along down the hallway. She tugged him in and pressed another teasing kiss to his lips through her giggles. He laughed along, easily spinning her to face away from him. His arms snaked around her waist and pressed her securely to his chest as he walked them towards his door. She stayed obediently nestled there as Steve fished his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.
Once it was open, (Y/N) wiggled from his grip and slipped into his apartment. It wasn’t exactly how she’d imagined (not that she had spent much time imagining what his home was like), but it was so very...Steve.
There were half finished sketches spread out on the coffee table, and paint bottles spread out on the counter. For the most part, it was clean and fairly neat. There was a fluffy blanket tossed over the back of his dark brown couch, and an easel settled by the big window in his living room. The kitchen was practically spotless aside from a few paintbrushes laid out to dry.
Steve’s arms wrapped around her waist again like they knew that was exactly where they belonged. She hummed and melted back into his warmth. His lips scattered gentle kisses along her jaw.
“I know it’s not much,” He mumbled against her neck. A smile stretched on her lips, and she reached up to run her fingers through his hair.
“No, it’s perfect. I love it here.” She turned her head to guide their lips together. She nipped lightly at his bottom lip. The kiss wasn’t wild or fast, just slow, and deep, and effortlessly setting her skin alight. He drew away from her lips and pulled a tiny whine from the back of her throat with him.
“Come on,” He stepped away and tugged at her hand. His voice had a new tone to it, something dark and rich that had her soaking through her panties. She followed his lead, refusing to let him get too far away from her. He led her down the hall and pushed the door to his bedroom open.
A confident smirk tugged at the corners of her lips, and she slipped from his grip once again. He let out a soft groan, hating the loss of contact. But he watched with a twinkle of lust in his darkening blue eyes as she sauntered to his bed. She sprawled there, taking in the scent of his room and the feeling of his soft blankets beneath her. Then she propped herself up on her elbows to look at her.
He leaned in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest forcing his biceps to bulge. She was half convinced they’d tear right through his shirt. His eyes raked over her entirely clothed form. He wasn’t looking at her hungrily, despite the dark swirl of lust in his eyes. There was nothing in his gaze but pure passionate admiration.
“Are you just gonna stand and stare, Rogers?” She questioned playfully. That was all it took for him to snap out of his stupor. He tugged his shirt off and discarded it as he stalked towards the bed. She watched as he crawled closer to her, admiring the Adonis before her. Tanned skin stretched over rippling muscle, his gaze locking with her own. She dragged her hands down his chest and hummed.
“You are...so ripped.” She giggled, drawing a bright laugh from Steve as he kissed her quickly.
“And you’re stunningly beautiful.” He responded after a moment. She shivered as he moved to nuzzle against her neck. He kissed and nipped at sensitive skin, earning quiet hums and sighs of approval. All the while, his hands crept under her sweater. He mapped out every inch of skin, bunching the fabric under her breasts. He needed to remember this, who knew if he’d ever get another chance to be with her this way? Finally, he got tired of fighting with the fabric. He sat back and helped her out of it, whipping it across the room and out of his way.
His eyes took in the newly exposed skin. He stayed put, fingers dancing against her hip bones as he committed this heavenly sight to memory. God knew he’d never ever be able to forget the most beautiful view he ever had the honor to see.
She began to squirm under his adoring gaze, feeling her insecurities creep in. Almost as if he could sense it, Steve grinned and peppered her shoulders with kisses. His fingers pushed her bra straps down her arms. His worship of her continued, warm wet kisses and playful nibbles being strewn across her chest.
“Steve,” She murmured, fingers twirling through the hair at the nape of his neck. “You’re making me wait.”
He chuckled at the huff she let out, and the little pout that settled on her lips with it. He stretched up to press a searing kiss to her lips, letting his tongue dip just a bit past her lips before he decided to pull away. She lay there, breathless and staring up at him with wide, lust blown eyes.
“Patience. Just let me show you how much I appreciate you.” He brushed some hair from her cheek. With the tiny nod she gave him in reply, he set back to work. His mouth moved over her chest, tongue and teeth teasing along the edge of her bra. When he was finally satisfied with his teasing, he slipped his hand behind her back and popped the hooks of her bra. She wiggled it off and tossed it aside to worry about later.
An appreciative groan rumbled in his chest. She was absolutely stunning. He cupped her breasts gently in large hands, kneading at them, circling his thumbs around her nipples. She arched into his touch and gasped. The sharp sound in his otherwise silent room earned a proud smirk from him.
“So pretty,” He cooed, tweaking both of the hardening nubs and absolutely reveling in the soft moan she let out. He leaned down, sucking one of the peaks into his mouth. He listened closely to her gasps and whines, tugging and twisting at the other. He made sure to commit those sounds to memory, already imagining himself getting off to these memories in the middle of the night. Then he switched sides and patiently repeated the process.
“Stevie, please.” She gasped out, damn near trembling beneath him. He could swear it was the prettiest thing he’d ever heard, the way she said his name so desperately. But he gave in, flicking her nipples one more time before trailing his hands down her stomach. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her leggings and tugged them swiftly down her legs.
“You’re so beautiful. Like a fucking goddess.” He praised, kissing his way up one of her legs, stopping at her hip. He sucked and nibbled until a mark blossomed there. He left a matching one on the opposite him, then continued to kiss and tease his way down her other leg.
(Y/N) writhed and huffed, arousal pooling between her thighs as he took his time worshipping the rest of her. Every touch was setting her on fire, filling her with an intense need that she had never experienced before. Steve could tell, it was easy with the way she gravitated towards his touch. The desperate whines, the way she worked so hard to press her thighs together and get even a little bit of friction.
He nudged her legs open wider, trailing his hands up them. He licked his lips and eyed the dampness that made her core glisten for him. He brushed his fingertips against the spot, and she released a breathy moan. Her head tipped back and her hands clenched for a moment. She looked fucking exquisite. So he teased his fingers against her entrance again, catching another small noise of pleasure and grinning to himself.
“Steve, please. Please, please, please,” She chanted in a breathless whisper. He wanted to tease her, to draw things out even further. He wanted to see just how she reacted when she was denied in favor of admiring her just a tiny bit more, but how was he supposed to resist when she begged for him that way?
His hips ground desperately against the bed in an attempt to ease the ache of his hardness. He glanced at her through long eyelashes, watching as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth. He dragged his finger through her lower lips, collecting her arousal on his fingertip and swirling it around her clit. The soft ‘oh’ that fell from her lips brought even more confidence to his actions.
He rubbed tight circles against the little bundle of nerves, taking in the way she turned her head from side to side, and how she’d keen for him if he pressed just that little bit harder. He finally sunk one long finger into her readily waiting hole. A sharp moan filled the room as he curled it, pumping it into her a few times before pulling it out and slipping it into his mouth. He made a show of sucking it clean.
“Shit, baby, you taste almost as good as you look right now.” He smirked. She started to speak, to argue he imagined, but her voice caught in her throat. He dove straight into her, his tongue running bold stripes up her pussy and around her clit, then back again. She cried out, his name on her lips becoming the prettiest sound in the universe. Neither of them cared just how many of his neighbors would complain later on. He wrapped his lips around the sensitive bud and suckled, carefully working two fingers into her and coaxing her towards the edge. With every curl and twist of his fingers, every determined flick of his tongue, she trashed, aching to let the burning coil twisting in her stomach snap.
“Stevie,” She gasped out, fingers curling tight into his hair and giving it a soft tug. He pressed his forearm to her hips, holding her firmly in lace. He didn’t answer really, just mumbled praise into her dripping core, telling her how perfect his name sounded coming from her lips in such a state of ecstasy.
He pulled away, kissing her thighs and hips as his fingers fucked steadily into her, his thumb working tight strokes against her clit.
“Fuck, I’m so close. So so close.” She warned. Her moans were nearly pornagraphic. He watched close, watched the way her back arched from the bed, the way her nose scrunched and her eyes squeezed shut.
“Come on, beautiful. Cum for me.” He pressed, hungrily latching his mouth back to her slick lips. She cried out and writhed under him. Her walls clenched around his fingers as she let herself tip over the edge into pure bliss. He slowed his pace, dragging out the agonizing pleasure until she gently nudged his head away from her sensitive core.
He sat back with a genuine smile on his lips. He wiped the wetness from his chin, letting his hands return to run up her sides. She was stunning there, sprawled out and flushed as she tried to catch her breath, her face clouded with a blissful expression that he’d kill to see every day.
“You did so good for me, doll.” He promised. He kissed his way back up her body, meeting her lips in a soft kiss as he tried to ground her again. “So amazing.”
She grinned against his lips, tugging him closer until his chest was pressed to hers. He kissed her again, slowly now, and she clung to him, content to follow his lead.
“I want you,” She purred and nuzzled against his neck. He groaned and brought his hand down to shed the rest of his clothes. He nearly moaned just at the feeling of freeing his painfully hard length. Her hand wandered down, brushing against his cock and earning a hushed hiss from the man. She curled her fingers around him, marveling at his size. He was just so damn big. She’d never taken anything like him before. He moaned into her neck as she stroked him slowly. “Please, Steve. I need you to fuck me.”
Her desperate request was all it took. He nudged her hand out of the way, stretching for a condom from his stand and opening it in a millisecond. He slid it on, giving himself a few harsh tugs before lining up with her dripping entrance. She rocked her hips impatiently and huffed, making Steve chuckle affectionately.
He pressed into her slow and steady, watching her face for any sign of discomfort. Her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth gaped at the delicious stretch, her walls fluttering around him as she tried to adjust to the sheer size. She groaned, her hand flying to grip at his bicep. She was already aching in the best possible way, and he was hardly half way in. A look of worry crossed Steve’s face. He stilled his hips and brushed his knuckles against her cheek.
“Are you alright? Should I stop?” He asked quietly. She shook her head frantically and hooked her legs around his hips.
“Please don’t stop.” She dragged her nails gently down his arm and let herself get used to the searing pleasure of being filled by him. “You’re just...fuck, just so big. Just need a second.”
She could practically see him swell with pride at her words. She rolled her hips, a surprised groan falling from his lips.
“Come on, Steve. Please move, I can take it.” She begged, gaining the courage to swivel her hips. He gripped them tightly, pulling nearly all the way out of her. Her breathy moan was followed up quickly by a whine of his name. It was absolutely sinful, Steve was positive he’d never be the same.
He pushed slowly back into her heavenly warmth, sinking himself entirely into her this time. The painfully slow pace continued until he was able to fuck into her with ease. Then, the pounding of his hips against hers picked up to a nearly brutal speed.
She writhed underneath him, crying out in a sort of pleasure she’d never felt before. It was like she was simply made to be taking him. He watched through lustfully hooded eyes, examining the way her breasts bounced with every thrust, the way her hands searched constantly for something to cling to. He grit his teeth, flicking his thumb against her clit. The senseless noises from her mouth were like a drug.
“You look so damn good like this,” He bit his lip as he drilled into her. He could feel her second orgasm coming, her walls gripping him tighter by the second. “So pretty taking my cock. Gonna paint you like this. Make sure you know how fucking pretty you are when you’re about to cum.”
“Steve,” She warned him, her nails carving marks against his skin as she clung to him. Her words only spurred him on.
“Come on, baby. You’ll feel so good cumming on my cock.” He coaxed. And it was more than enough to push her over the edge. She came with a shriek, trembling in his arms. He dipped his head against her shoulder and nuzzled into her neck, muffling his noises against her skin. A few more thrusts and he was spilling his release into the condom.
He slipped out of her, and she let out a soft hum, shifting to curl into herself. She watched with heavy eyes as he climbed off the bed and took off the condom. He glanced towards her, his lips curling into a smile. She looked like a slice of heaven there on his bed.
Her own smile grew on her lips. She’d just slept with Steve Rogers of all people. She was so entirely lost in her bliss, and come morning she wasn’t sure she’d been able to handle it. He turned towards the door and she whined out a small protest.
“Where are you going?” She mumbled, nuzzling into his pillow. He grinned fondly and shook his head.
“I’ll be right back, love. Just relax,” He promised. “I’ll be right back.”
She nodded and let her eyes fall shut. She hadn’t noticed the moments passing, or the door clicking shut again. She only opened her eyes when the bed dipped again. Steve gently nudged her legs back open. He carefully cleaned her up, praising her quietly. He shushed her back to sleep, tossing the washcloth into the laundry bin.
The exhaustion from her day washed through her. The ache from the rehearsal, the panic from the fall with her mother, the high from the incredible night with Steve, it all ran through her in the form of insistent sleepiness. She was half out already when Steve climbed into the bed beside her. His arm curled carefully around her and gently tugged her back against his chest. She wiggled until she’d practically molded herself perfectly into him.
Next thing she knew, she was waking up to the dull warmth of sunshine on her bare skin. She groaned quietly, rubbing her eyes and looking around. It took a moment for her sleep fogged brain to process her surroundings. She wasn’t in her bed, she’d gone home with Steve. And oh, god they’d slept together. She closed her eyes, flashes of the night before washing through her and settling her nerves alight again. But she was curled up in his bed, under his ridiculously fluffy blankets, surrounded by his scent. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
She sat up and found her clothes neatly folded and stacked at the end of his bed. She pulled on her panties and her sweater. She glanced in the mirror on the back of his door and deemed the coverage satisfactory. She smoothed her hair out before venturing back into the rest of the apartment. As soon as the door was opened, she was met by the most tantalizing scent, and her stomach rumbled obnoxiously.
Steve was there in the kitchen, his back turned as he worked over the stove. He’d pulled on a pair of black sweatpants, but his top half was still bare. She let her eyes wander over him soaking in the sight once more.
She was sort of expecting the situation to be awkward. She had never been one to sleep with just anyone. But this wasn’t just anyone. This was Steve. He wouldn’t lead her on, or play with her emotions. If it was a one time thing, he’d make that clear. If he just wanted her to leave, he’d say so.
“Morning,” She said finally. Steve looked over his shoulder, a bright smile bloomed on his lips and made her tummy flip.
“Well good morning, sleeping beauty.” He looked back to the pancakes he was working on. And maybe it was just an excuse to not stare at how lovely she looked in the morning light filtering through his front window. “Did you sleep alright, doll?”
The name made her stomach flutter more than ever. She hummed and padded closer, bare feet meeting cold linoleum.
“Yeah, I did. Your bed is so much more comfortable than mine.” She answered. The little moment felt far too intimate. He was making her breakfast the morning after. But truthfully she shouldn’t have expected anything less from him. He was like a real life Disney prince.
“Good. You’re welcome to use it whenever you’d like.” The words caught her off guard, and for a second she was convinced he was teasing, but there was no laughter afterwards. “There’s coffee if you want. Cups are there in the cupboard, cream in the fridge, sugar on the counter there. There should be tea up there too, make yourself at home.”
“Coffee is perfect. Thank you.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and reached to grab a cup for each of them. “How do you take yours?”
Steve gave her a quick glance. He would’ve been more than happy to spend the rest of his mornings that way with her. Pancakes stacking on a platter, bacon and eggs sizzling in the pan, and her making them their morning coffees. Maybe a few kisses, or a chat about their plans for the day.
“Black,” He answered finally. She nodded and busied herself filling their cups. She leaned onto the counter and held his cup out for him.
“You know, you didn’t have to make breakfast.” She sipped from her cup and wandered into the connected living room. There was a nice window that peeked out over the skyline. The sky was only just fading into blue, her favorite time of day.
“I know, but I wanted to. You had a rough day yesterday. I thought maybe this would help make today a little better.” As sweet as it was, it was absurd to think that anything could top the night they’d just shared, She’d had Steve, even just for a moment. “I hope you don’t mind pancakes. I was gonna ask, but I didn’t want to wake you up.”
She turned to take a seat at the small table Steve had laid the food out on. He nudged a plate towards her, and she took the lead in fixing it. It had been some time since she’d had a real breakfast. The dining hall breakfasts didn’t count.
“Thank you for everything.” She said quietly, popping a bite of her syrup-logged pancakes into her mouth. Not to self: Make Steve cook breakfast more often. He gave a little nod and took a bite of his own food. It was quiet for a long moment, just silverware against plates and soft jazz that (Y/N) hadn’t noticed before. The quiet was safe and comfortable, the way it always had been for the two of them. She thanked whatever god may be for that. However, the peaceful breakfast was cut short by the ring of her phone.
“Oh, that’s me.” She stood up, looking around for the device. But she hadn’t even remembered having it, her mind had been somewhere much more important.
“In the living room. I plugged it in last night.” Steve answered her unspoken question. She flashed him a grateful smile and pushed down the buzzing in her chest. He’d thought to plug in her phone. Could he be any more precious if he tried?
She sat down, looking over the notifications on her phone. She had a ridiculous amount of texts, two missed calls from Natasha, seven from Wanda, and even Pietro had tried her. So maybe it would have been a good idea to let Wanda know she wasn’t going to be home.
Hey I’m home. Got takeout!
Its late, are you still rehearsing?
Nat says she hasn’t seen you today. Please pick up
Did you get kidnapped?
So help me god (Y/N) pick up your damn phone
At least tell me you aren’t dead
You will be dead if you don’t have a good excuse
Can’t believe you’re disappearing on us the night before the showcase
It’s 3am if you aren’t here in an hour I’m calling the cops
Okay I didn’t call the cops but I did call Natasha
I think she hates me
Please call me
She felt a wave of guilt. Wanda always worried too much. (Y/N) said it was in her nature as a drama major. There were a few texts from Natasha too.
Hey, you okay?
Wanda’s worried, give us a call
If you don’t come back soon I’m killing your roommate
And one from Pietro.
Please help me, my sister is going crazy
“Everything alright?” Steve asked, peeking in at her. She nodded and waved her phone at him.
“Yeah, just forgot to tell Wanda that I wasn’t coming back. I should give her a call before she calls the cops.” She motioned towards his room before slipping away. She pressed the call button, and the phone didn’t even ring completely before Wanda picked up.
“Where are you? I was worried sick. You didn’t come home, you didn’t answer your phone, I thought you’d been kidnapped or something.” She rambled loud enough to make (Y/N) hold her phone away from her ear.
“Hey, Wan.”
“Don’t ‘hey, Wan’ me! Where are you?” Her best friend huffed from the other end.
“I’m sorry, I really am. I just got wrapped up, and I guess I just didn’t think to call you and tell you I wasn’t gonna be home.” She sat herself down at the edge of his bed. “I’m safe, I’ve been at Steve’s all night.”
“At Steve’s? Your boyfriend Steve?” It was easy to hear the anger in her voice give way to curious amusement.
“Yeah, okay. First of all, not exactly my boyfriend I don’t think. But yeah. I had a bit of a freakout last night. He came and calmed me down. We were out late, so we just came back to his place.” It wasn’t the whole truth, but it was hardly a lie.
“Oh my god,” Wanda shrieked and (Y/N) flinched, holding the phone at arms length again. “Oh my god, oh my — you guys had sex!”
Wanda giggled as her best friend stammered in a hopeless attempt to deny the accusations. Finally, she took a deep breath.
“Okay, okay. Yes, we slept together. And it was amazing. And then he plugged my phone in and he made breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, an entire meal.” She confessed quietly, glancing towards the door as if he’d be there eavesdropping.
“And you’re still talking to me because?” Wanda trailed off, and the look on her face was impossible to picture.
“Right, sorry. Home later, I love you.” She said her goodbye quickly before ending the call. She flopped back onto the bed with a quiet groan. This was all too good to be true, so she had to make it last just a moment longer.
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
A Boy Like You Preview | Yoongi
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→ summary: for whenever you are feeling low, always remember that there is a boy you know who would lift the sky for you.
{or alternatively: Min Yoongi loves you, though he never says it. He’s always been a firm believer that actions speak louder than any words ever could.}
→ genre: coworker!au, f2l, fluff → warnings: an overabundance of shy!yoongi to the point where you’ll want to squish his cheeks; kinda ooc but it is what it is don’t murder me!!! → words: anticipated 15k (?) → a/n: it’s like so fucking late rn and i have a midterm to study for but you know what....... you know what....... sometimes you gotta write blushy yoongi to make yourself forget that you are a poor college student whose boss just cut your work hours in half, so yea!!!!!! here’s whatever this is
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There is a boy you know who likes to show his kindness quietly. It would go something like this:
The air is thick with static; your hair stands up on end: a warning. The scent of raindrops hitting hot pavement graces your nostrils as a waterfall drops from the sky. You see the sea of heads begin to disappear under a canopy of multi-colored umbrellas. You, the lone ranger, rush back into the building from whence you came, dragging puddles and annoyance with you.
You should have anticipated it, should have thought to check the weather app before scrolling through dull social media posts when you left your house that morning. Instead, your fingers are cold and umbrella-less.
You tilt your head upwards, watching as gallon upon gallon fell from the sky in an endless cycle. The watch on your wrist reads 5 PM, but the sky says it is 9 PM. The dark, swirling mass of clouds above you will continue on its thunderous parade, pausing for no one, especially not for you.
Your work bag is practically weightless, devoid of anything that might protect you from the onslaught of rain. The only thing inside is a small wallet that holds nothing more than dust and a loose promise of a paycheck. There is no way you can call a taxi like this, and the nearest bus stop is at least two blocks away. You are starting to think that your childhood dreams of becoming a mermaid hadn't been so ridiculous after all.
Then comes the hand of God. It touches your shoulder gently, hesitantly. You turn around to face a stranger, a boy with shaggy black hair and pale moonlight skin. It is not God, but he comes close.
In his other hand is your salvation wrapped in Kumamon print nylon. It is proffered to you with a silent nod, his gaze fixed somewhere behind you as he waits for you to take it. The tips of his ears begin to redden the longer it takes for you to respond. Eventually, your brain connects with your muscles as you robotically pluck the umbrella from his grasp, a stuttered "thanks" leaving your lips.
He nods stiffly once more, removing his palm from your shoulder as though he had been burned. He shuffles for a moment, mouth opening and closing as he struggles to find the words to say. You wait, patience never waning for the strange boy that you have come to know as your salvation.
He doesn't find the words, after all. You aren't too offended by his silence, but he appears to be mortified. And so, he leaves just as quickly as he had appeared, like a whirlwind dressed in an oversized blazer flapping behind him like wings. He runs through the rain without another thought, an arm raised above his head in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
You try calling out to him, wanting to thank him once more and maybe to ask how you could return his umbrella, but he is long gone. A speck of black dashing through the gray.
You clutch the umbrella closer to you, a feeling of something new growing inside of you. It is too small to call anything, but it is warm. 
Umbrella boy has a name, and he happens to work on the same floor as you. You know this because he is standing right in front of you in all his bespectacled glory.
He ducks out of view the moment your eyes meet his. There is a stack of folders in his arms, and he bows his head until his nose touches manila. It's too late––he knows you caught him staring. He scurries behind walls of filing cabinets and desk cubicles, desperate to get back to his desk where he hopes you'll never find him.
The office floor is large, but it is not large enough to hide in. It takes only a few minutes until you find him hunched over his desk, every inch of space taken by enough towers of paper to cover a forest. It is no wonder that you never encountered your mysterious umbrella boy; he does a wonderful job of blending in. 
Your eyes trail his form, not out of any perverse intent, but just out of curiosity. You never would have guessed from his unassuming and meek nature, but the boy is devastatingly beautiful. The devil is in the details: you admire the soft slope of his nose to the adorable pout of his lips. His eyelids are charmingly mismatched and his cheeks are begging to be pinched. It takes a year’s worth of self-restraint to keep your hands at your sides, if only so you don’t scare him away before you can even introduce yourself. 
(You can already imagine your HR department contacting you about nonconsensual manhandling... You admit that you tend to get overzealous with your affection, especially when confronted with cute things. This boy would definitely need to watch out for you if he knows what’s best for him.)
((Also note to self: Stop having these psychopathic conversations with yourself. Being stuck inside the cage which is your brain is torture enough, so let’s not encourage it to get worse.))
There is a lanyard laced around his neck, the gaudy orange color of your company’s logo emblazoned across the thin material. And just out of your line of sight, you catch a glimpse of his ID. His name is––
“Y-Y/N?” He stutters out–no–he squeaks. Ah, so he’s noticed you. The folder in his hand slips out of his grasp, an avalanche of white tumbling all over his lap. He curses loudly, frantically sweeping away the mess under his desk, as if he could somehow magically make them disappear if he just kicked them hard enough. Unfortunately, the papers stay stubbornly tangible, and he is left with a halo of accounting reports around his workspace.
“Are you… umm…” You hesitate with your words, fearing that any sudden movement on your part might cause umbrella boy to combust on the spot. “Do you need help… picking those up?”
“I–Well, no–Yes, but–” His sentences are stilted, his brain struggling to catch up with his tongue. He clamps his mouth shut, then shakes his head like he’s trying to reboot himself. Finally, after a few more deep breaths, he goes, “No. I’m fine. Thank you for offering.” He says that, but he appears awfully content with staring holes into the keyboard of his laptop when he is speaking to you though. 
“Still… I’m terribly sorry for startling you,” you say, lips tugging downwards into a frown. You should have guessed he was skittish from how he had acted yesterday, but it’s quite a surprise to see one man so… disastrous, for lack of a better term. It’s awfully cute. “I just wanted to properly introduce myself and thank you for lending me your umbrella yesterday, but it seems like you already knew who I was.”
His face does a weird thing then and there. It almost appears like he was caught in a time loop, like someone was manually reversing and replaying his facial expressions like a video. It takes a few minutes for his little stroke to settle down, but even then, his cheeks remain a rosy pink. “I–I just… remembered your name during the company retreat the other month. I’m not weird or anything, I swear!”
“Well luckily, I was never going to accuse you of being weird anyway!” You laugh, trying to ease the perpetual look of anxiety on his face. However, it only seems to worsen his nerves with how quickly his skin starts to redden. “In fact, I should be apologizing for not remembering your name, Mister..?”
“Min Yoongi,” he replies, pausing for a second too long. He must have realized his delay because he coughs awkwardly into his forearm, averting his face away from you in a futile attempt to become nothing more than an abstract thought. 
He must be equipped with some sort of superpower, because you’re starting to feel his secondhand embarrassment flood through you like a tsunami. Are you that difficult to converse with? Does he want to be left alone so badly that he’s trying to subtlely tell you to fuck off? 
You’re about to start apologizing and scurry off back to your desk in barely concealed mortification when Yoongi clears his throat, his gaze fixed somewhere to your right. Whatever caught his attention must have been revolutionary with how large his eyes are, although last you remember is that the wall behind you is the same dull jailcell gray that you have come to know and hate. 
“I just… I’m sorry if I’m acting odd right now. I just wasn’t expecting you to come to my cubicle and I would’ve... I don’t know, tidied up? If I knew you were coming,” he mutters, propping his glasses back up when they start sliding down his nose. They make their slow descent back down immediately after, forever on an endless cycle of up and down his face. 
“You don’t have to clean up just for me! I’m not your manager or anything,” you say, surveying the absolute disaster zone that is his workspace. For his benefit, you sure hope that he has a map of his desk and filing cabinets, as it would have been a miracle otherwise if he memorized where anything was located in his personal office sty. “Though, it would be nice if you could see the bottom of your desk every once in a while.”
To your immense surprise, Yoongi lets out a resounding laugh at your quip. Though Yoongi isn’t a mute by any means, it isn’t like he spoke with much volume either. You hadn’t even thought your joke was funny enough to deserve a strained Caucasian™️ smile, so you appreciate that he had considered that you were even slightly funny. You love the pleasant tinkling of his laughter, so genuinely joyous that you can’t help but want to make a fool of yourself just so you can hear it again and again. 
When Yoongi stops, the familiar reddish hue that has made a home on his cheeks resurfaces, though it’s less from embarrassment now. His shoulders are more relaxed, and he doesn’t look like he wants to crawl out of his skin as much. He still has eyes averted away from you, however. “Sorry. I don’t know why I laughed too hard at that. I’m normally not this weird… I think it’s just the nerves.”
You cock your head to the side. “Nerves? From what?”
Yoongi freezes, mouth gaping open slightly. “I, umm…” He coughs into his white button-up sleeve, pupils shaking as he formulates a response. “Just from… work. Yeah, I just have a lot of paperwork to do this week and I’ve been, er, having difficulty relaxing.”
Yoongi visibly relaxes when you accept his flimsy excuse, not really lingering on the validity of his statement. “Oh, sure! Don’t overwork yourself too much, okay?” you say, smiling sweetly back at him. He stares, wide-eyed, not really sure how to go on with his life after he’d been blasted by the full force of your grin. 
God, you hope you remembered to use a toothpick during lunch. Was there spinach in your teeth? Oh fuck.
“Gah,” he intones, his brain not fully cooperating with his mouth just yet. If you were any more socially inept, you’d probably be doing the same. Eventually, he clears his throat and tries again. “Uh. Yes. I’ll try to do better next time.”
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
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Mark Tuan x Reader
Word Count: 4.1K
Genre: Angst, Cheating, Fluff at the end
Warning: If you bias Yugyeom, please don’t read this. I’m sorry I had to do this to him. 
A/N: I do not condone cheating and I absolutely hate cheaters but I tend to listen to songs and get inspired so this was the product. Please enjoy! (This gif is going to be the death of me)
“I’m outside.” 
You knew this was wrong, but you’ve been doing this for the last few months that you no longer felt remorse. Growing up, you hated cheaters. How could someone hurt the person they claim to love by having an affair with someone else? The thought made you angry, but here you were. Sneaking out to see someone who wasn’t your boyfriend. As much as you loved Yugyeom or at least thought you did, he never truly gave you what you wanted in bed and sometimes he was too pure for you. He was a soft and very innocent boy and the vanilla sex the two of you would relinquish in wasn’t enough for you. That’s why Mark Tuan came in to the picture. 
Mark Tuan was your school’s bad boy. He drank, smoked, ditched class almost every day, had multiple piercings and tattoos and even owned a motorcycle. Yet, this didn’t stop all the girls from drooling over him and wanting to be with him. He was bad news. He was known to sleep around but he never had sex with the same girl twice, until he encountered you. 
The two of you were at a party that was being thrown by your mutual friend JB. You knew who Mark was and you knew of his reputation, that’s why you tried your best to stay away from him. The two of you were actually rivals. You made it known to JB that you didn’t approve of his friendship with the older boy and Mark wouldn’t hesitate to complain about how much of a goody two shoes you were. You were the teacher’s pet and one of the top students on the dean’s list. You didn’t have time to waste getting your heart broken by someone like Mark nor did you believe in frat parties and getting drunk everyday. However, JB begged you to go, repeatedly telling you that he wanted his “best friend” to experience at least one college party throughout your college career.
 As much as you wish you could say you were drunk, you were completely sober when tumbling in to bed with him. The two of you got in to an argument as you normally do over something unimportant, but one thing led to another and his lips were kissing all around your neck while his hands found their place in your hair. You weren’t going to lie, as much as you hated Mark Tuan, he was hot. Yugyeom was sweet, patient and kind, but he didn’t set fire to your bones like Mark did. He would take you out on cute little dates, prepared baths for you and called you pet names. But he treated you as if you were a kid. He would order things that he liked for you at restaurants and he would buy you clothes he thought would look nice on you even if it wasn’t your style. 
Mark was dominant and rough. He made you feel naughty and free, which is why you pushed the thought of having a boyfriend to the back of your mind while riding him like a horse in his bedroom. He was an amazing lover. Mark knew exactly how to make you scream and squirm and he was also very generous. He never came before you and always made sure you were having a good time. He made you feel wanted. Like you were the sexiest woman he’s ever laid his eyes on. His tongue mapped your entire body and his fingers traced every curve and beauty mark you had. You thought the first time was the last time and you begged him not to say anything to Yugyeom in which he kept his promise to. You knew about the way he would only have one night stands, which is why you were confused when he asked to meet with you a couple days later. 
A part of you felt like you should’ve said no, especially because your boyfriend was waiting for you back at his place. But you wanted to see what Mark wanted to talk about. However, the only talking that happened between the two of you once you reached his apartment consisted of dirty words in your ear while he plunged in and out of you at a rapid pace. Meeting up to have sex with Mark became a frequent thing. Sometimes you would even leave your boyfriend to go over to Mark’s place. As bad as you felt for doing this to someone as sweet and caring as Yugyeom, you couldn’t help yourself. Mark Tuan was a drug and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t addicted. 
What you didn’t know was that Mark had caught feelings for you. He actually had a crush on you for the longest time, but because of the way you acted as if you hated him, he tried his best to stay away from you. However, seeing as how you both had the same friends, it was inevitable that the two of you were going to interact. Mark had a problem, he was falling for you. But he knew you weren’t going to leave Yugyeom for him. Yugyeom was the definition of boyfriend material. He was willing to do any and everything for you. Mark wasn’t like that. But he was willing to change his ways for you. He didn’t know what it was about you that captivated him. Sure, the sex between the two of you was amazing. Hell, you were the best he’s ever had. But whenever he slept with anyone else, no matter how good it was, it didn’t make him gain feelings for them. 
There were so many things about you that he was in love with. Not only were you extremely beautiful, but you were very generous and had the warmest heart. You also never failed to make him laugh and smile with your lame jokes that he found hilarious. You genuinely cared about him and his well being. You made him feel things he’s never felt before and he was almost regretting sleeping with you in the first place because now he was screwed. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were falling for him just as quickly as he was for you. But Mark Tuan wasn’t one to get in to relationships. Even if it sounded bad, you didn’t want to lose Yugyeom if you and Mark didn’t work out. You’d rather continue just having sex with Mark than to attempt to have a relationship with him that would end badly with you being alone. Yugyeom was your safety blanket and even if you weren’t in love with him, he took such good care of you and you were afraid no one else would even do half the things he does for you.
It was getting harder and harder for you to make excuses for leaving his place so early. There were times where you thought about ending things with Mark, but every time you met up with him and built up the courage to do so, you’d always find him between your thighs, bringing you to heaven multiple times that night. Over the last few weeks, something in Mark changed. He’s been asking you to leave Yugyeom for him and you’d always laugh and not take him seriously. But who could blame you? He portrayed himself to everyone as a rolling stone. He never settled down and as much as you liked him, you needed something constant. You wanted something stable, an actual relationship and you knew Mark couldn’t give that to you. You snuck outside to his car and your breath hitched when you saw him leaning against it looking like the Greek God he is. 
“Hey baby. How was your day?” You bit your lip and internally screamed at the pet name. It wasn’t the first time Mark called you a term of endearment, yet you were never prepared every time he did so and it would always send shivers down your spine. Whenever Yugyeom called you a nickname, it never really got a reaction out of you. But whenever something sweet left Mark’s mouth, you wanted nothing more than to attach your lips to his and show him the effect it had on you. 
“Mmm, it was good. How was yours?” He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to his chest while finally connecting his lips to yours. “Better now that you’re here. I’ve missed you. It’s been three days since I’ve seen you.” It was weird seeing him so soft for you and you refused to fall for his charm but it was inevitable to do so. “Come on, I wanna show you something.” He helped you buckle your seat belt and rushed over to his side. The car ride was quiet, but a calm and peaceful kind of quiet. You could feel his eyes on you every so often and your cheeks warmed up at the thought of him looking at you. His hand found yours after a while and at a few stop lights, he left gentle kisses on your cheek. “Everything okay?” He gave you a smirk and nodded. His thumb grazed your wrist ever so gently and you could feel your heart combusting.
“Wonderful. You look beautiful as always baby. I can’t keep my eyes off of you.” You sighed and gave him a knowing look. He would always do this, but you always thought he was joking. That’s why you would get irritated. You wished his words were true, but you couldn’t believe anything that came from his mouth. “Mark-“ He put his hands up in surrender and shrugged. “I know. I’m sorry.” He slowly pulled his hand away earning himself a quiet whimper from you. You reached for his hand and placed it back on your lap. You could see him grin in the rear view mirror and you took a breath of relief. You didn’t want to start something just as the two of you started hanging out. 
Once Mark parked and turned off the car, it was then that you realized where he took you. He walked over to your side and took his jacket off before handing it to you. His hand absentmindedly found yours as he led you down the beach. Once he led you to where he planned the two of you to get settled at, he sat down and pulled you on to his lap. As he wrapped his arms around your waist, you leaned back in to his chest and he hid his face in the crook of your neck. “Why’d you bring me here Mark? We can’t have sex on the beach as much as I know you’d love to.” He snickered while rolling his eyes. “It’s not always about sex when it comes to us y/n. I always come here whenever I need space and time to think. I thought you’d might like it.” You were about to retaliate but you decided to let things be before starting unnecessary drama. 
The two of you sat there in silence, watching the waves crash on to the shore. “It’s beautiful here. Thank you for bringing me.” He nodded while placing a soft kiss on your cheek. “There’s a lot of places I want to take you to, but I can’t. Unless-“ you squeezed his hand as a way to let him know you didn’t want to start this conversation here, but he brought you to the beach for a reason. He was going to confess his love for you and prayed for things to go the way he wanted them to. “Mark. Please. Don’t. We can’t. You and I-“ He retracted his hands from around your waist and crossed his arms in frustration. You knew this was going to end badly and you were upset because everything was going good up until now. 
“Why not y/n? And don’t you dare say it’s because of that stupid little boyfriend of yours. I know you don’t love him. If you did, then you wouldn’t be fucking around with me but here we are! It’s been 8 months since we started this thing between us. You leave him for me. You lie to him for me. You come up with excuses not to go over to his house in order to come and see me. You haven’t slept with him since we started fucking because you know you don’t want anyone other than me touching you. And like I said earlier, it’s not even about the sex anymore. We cuddle, watch movies, bake cookies, sing karaoke and go grocery shopping. Hell, there are days where you come over and we don’t even have sex y/n! If you loved him or had any sort of feelings for him, you wouldn’t have let me fuck your brains out the way I have hundreds of times. You wouldn’t have let me hold you all those times you cried over how hard school is, you wouldn’t have asked me to pick up your little sister from school because your parents weren’t able to and you wouldn’t have stayed over that one night to console me when I found out my grandmother passed away if you loved him. I know you love me y/n. I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking. You call and text me when you’re bored or when we don’t get to meet up and I know it’s because you miss me because God y/n, I’m always missing you. Even when we’re together, I miss you. Because you’re not mine and I want nothing more than to be the one you call yours. I want to be the one who gets to hold you at night. The one who gets to compliment you on not only your beauty, but your personality, your intelligence and everything else that I love about you. I want to take you out on dates and meet your family as your boyfriend, not just some random friend of JB’s. I want to kiss you and let everyone know you’re mine. I want to be there for you y/n. Who did you call when you got piss drunk that one time and didn’t want to go home? Who held you as you cried over the toilet bowl and helped you take a shower afterwards? Who helped you change in to comfy clothes and cuddled you as you slept? It wasn’t JB, Yugyeom, Jinyoung or Jackson. It was me. I stayed up for three hours just to make sure you didn’t throw up or went to the bathroom on your own. I’ve been holding this back because I didn’t want you to end things if I were to tell you what you said, but I can’t keep pretending like nothings wrong. I can’t keep living like this y/n. When you’re not with me, I know you’re with him and I hate the thought of you spending time with him when you should be with me. That night, you were too drunk to remember, but you told me you loved me. You don’t have to believe me, but I remember it clearly. You called me at two in the morning, obviously drunk off your ass begging me to come pick you up in which I didn’t hesitate to do so. When I found you, you were passed out on the front lawn. I was so pissed. What if something bad were to happen to you? I picked you up and took you back to my place and you started crying but you refused to tell me why. Then you threw up multiple times and I helped you get cleaned up. When I carried you and placed you in bed, you begged me not to leave and before you could fall asleep, that’s when you said those three words I’ve been dying to hear you say again. I don’t care if you were drunk. I don’t need to hear you say it, as much as I want to. But I can feel it and I can see it in your actions. You buy things for my apartment that you know I need because I refuse to buy them myself. You always ask me when I get to and from my destination when I use my motorcycle because of how dangerous it is and how much you get worried when you don’t hear from me. You cook for me, learned to play video games because of how much I love them and you’re even close with my family. If this was just sex to you y/n, you wouldn’t be doing things like that but here we are. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything, but I’m madly in love with you. Why won’t you let us happen?” 
You didn’t take your eyes off of him the minute he poured his heart out to you. He told you he was in love with you. Everything he said after that was a blur. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be with him. Hell, you were willing to drop anyone and anything in order to call him yours. You knew you were in love with him too, but you couldn’t help the doubt and the fear that came with the possibility of dating him. Seeing him so upset and on the verge of tears broke your heart. Although he tried to put on this rough and angry facade in order to make people afraid of him, he was so soft and kind towards you. You were one of the only people who knew how he genuine was. There were multiple times you’ve seen him cry, but seeing him cry over you was a completely different story. “Mark..”
Tears started falling from your eyes and he took this as a bad sign. “I can’t..I’m sorry..No matter how much I’d love to be with you, it doesn’t change who you are. You’re not able to be in love. You’re right. I don’t love Yugyeom and the only reason why I’m still with him is because I hate being alone. What happens when you realize that this isn’t what you wanted and you leave me? I’ll be left with no one. And I know it’s bad to do this to him, but I know he genuinely cares about me so he’ll always stick around. But you..your presence in my life isn’t promised. I don’t want to look stupid for falling for you when you finally leave me. I’ve heard the rumors and I’m surprised you’ve been with me for so long but-“ The sound that came from the back of his throat intimidated you. You haven’t seen him this angry since the time he found out Jackson almost crashed his motorcycle. You wanted to give in to him so badly and you craved his touch more than anything, but things were being thrown out of proportion.
“Don’t give me that shit y/n. I haven’t touched, kissed or even talked to a girl since we started sleeping together. It’s always been you and it’s always going to be you. I tried to talk to one of my classmates when I realized I was developing feelings for you but I couldn’t. I hated the thought of doing that to you. But I don’t know why it bothered me so much. We’re not dating. I have every right to do so. But it just felt wrong. Nobody makes me feel the way you do y/n. I hate that you see me as this player. I mean, I can’t blame you. But if I didn’t care about you, I wouldn’t still be here. I’ve never been in love before and it scares me. However, I’m not afraid anymore. I want to be with you. I’ve accepted the fact that I’m in love with you and honestly I had no plans on trying to stop it. I’ll do anything for you, be anything you want me to be. So please y/n. Let me be yours. Tell me you don’t love me and that you don’t feel the same. Tell me you don’t want to be with me and I’ll let you go. I can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. But I need you to know that I want you. For as long as I can have you. If you don’t love me, then I’ll leave you alone. I just want you happy y/n. Even if it’s not with me.” 
Seeing tears build up at the brim of his eyes made you want the ground to swallow you whole. You hated that you were the cause of his tears. Mark treated you like a queen. It took you so long to realize it, but he never failed to take care of you whenever you needed him. You hated yourself for hurting him. He dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around your waist while hiding his face in your stomach. Your hands found purchase in his hair and you slowly ran your fingers through it before sinking down to his level. You shocked both yourself and Mark when you connected your lips together and your heart swelled when you felt him smile into the kiss. 
“I can’t tell you that I’m not in love with you. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t in love with you. I love you by the way. And I’m madly in love with you. I’m sorry Mark. I think majority of the reason why I was always so mean to you was because I didn’t want to get close to you and fall for you. So many girls would talk about developing feelings for you and end up heart broken after you’d leave them like it was nothing. That first night we slept together, I was giving in to you because I wanted to. I knew it was wrong. But I couldn’t help myself. And once I had you, I knew I fucked up. One night was never going to be enough for me and when you came back to me a few days later, I knew this was going to be a reoccurring thing. This may sound so stupid because I’m cheating on my boyfriend, but I didn’t want to end up hurt. I didn’t think you were the type to want to be with and settle down with one person. That’s why I would laugh every time you brought up being together. I couldn’t take you seriously. But what happens when you realize that you don’t want-“ 
He brought his lips back to yours in order to silence you. He knew what you were going to say and he didn’t want to hear it. That was the old him. The him before you. Before you brought color back in to his dull life. You made him want to be a better man. “I want you. All of you. Only you. You’re all I want and all I need y/n. I’ve been changing my ways in order to become someone you’d be proud of. I want to make you happy baby. Please let me love you y/n. I’ll promise to give you the world you deserve. I can’t stand the thought of losing you. I love you.” 
Hearing him say those three little words made your entire body warm. There was no point in hiding it anymore. His words were so sincere and genuine and you couldn’t keep lying to yourself by staying with Yugyeom just so you had someone to love and care for you. Mark was willing to be that for you. You wrapped your arms around his waist while crawling on to his lap and your head found its place in the crook of his neck. You nodded in to his chest while placing a soft kiss on his jaw. “Okay.” His eyes widened and his smile grew, causing butterflies to swarm in your stomach. “Really?” You nodded in agreement. “I want to be with you too. I’m in love with you too. I can’t keep lying to myself. I’ve wanted to hear you say those words for the longest time and I knew how you felt about relationships. So that’s why I would get rid of the thought of getting in to a relationship with you. You make my heart really happy Mark Tuan. Please don’t break it. You’re all it craves and all it knows.” He ran his thumb across your bottom lip and you playfully brought it between your teeth. “Say it again.” You knew what he was talking about but you wanted to mess around with him. “Say what?” He gave you the cutest little pout and whined. “Babeeee-“ You rolled your eyes and started leaving kisses along his face. “I love you. I love you. I love you. There. Happy?” He shook his head and gave you a knowing look. “I think it’s time we relinquish in our love. You’re mine now by the way. Come on babe, you need to show me just how much you love me.”
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