#this is in honor of an anniversary that is not happening today
litany-writes · 9 months
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untitled - in honor of an anniversary.
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skullfragments · 3 months
in honor of the official 10th anniversary of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, i present to you this very accurate self-portrait i sketched in… (checks notes) 2019, of how i spent the first week of that particular summer break from college
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robsheridan · 4 months
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Hard to believe Nine Inch Nails' classic The Downward Spiral is 30 years old today! Here is some detail photography I took of the original album cover painting by Russell Mills for the 10th anniversary deluxe edition release, which I had the unique honor of designing, and somehow that is now 20 year old.
Everyone has that one album that hit at just the right moment of adolescence to change their perspective on music and get them through their teenage angst. The Downward Spiral was that album for me, released as it was in 1994, when I was a freshman in high school (and an absolute banner year for music/films/games all around). I must have stared at the artwork for hours over those years, without even much detail to draw from on its tiny 5” CD slip case. So five years later, when I found myself inexplicably working for Nine Inch Nails, it was surreal to see the actual original painting in the flesh, hanging as it was at the time in Trent Reznor’s office at Nothing Studios, New Orleans.
I was struck by how much dimension and texture there was in the artwork that never translated on that tiny slipcase printing, how much detail was happening in the physical materials of the art: Flies, moths, wires, blood… I had been staring at this “painting” for so long, yet suddenly it was like I had never seen it before. I also noticed that it had aged - the wires had wilted over the years, drooping down from their original position as captured in the original album cover (interestingly, judging by the photo posted today by NIN, the piece has since been restored); a tooth was missing from the other main piece.
That experience stuck with me and it was the first thing I thought about when the task of re-imagining the album package fell upon me in 2004. I wanted to re-photograph the artwork, subtly updating the cover to show that ten years had changed it physically, much like our perceptions of art and music and memories change over time with perspective. I also wanted to dig into the previously unseen details of the work and explore it with my macro lens, so that fans like me, old and new, could have new layers of texture to pore over for hours while listening to a legendary album.
Happy birthday, old friend.
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southislandwren · 1 year
I saw pillars and ribbons with my naked eye tonight and I’m supposed to just be normal now? I just lived through a 7.67 KP solar storm and I have to wake up in 6 hours for school? And all this on the second anniversary of one of the most traumatic days of my life. I bet he’s up in the sky and that’s why it was so good tonight
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itadorey · 9 months
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pairing: neuvillette x f!reader summary: being married to neuvillette always feels like you're living in a fairytale. notes: just fluff, you're married, anniversary dinner, neuvillette gifts you a bracelet and helps you put it on, thank you to the anon who sent this in! wc: ~1.2k
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A smile spreads across your face as you look out the window, the sun shining down on the Court of Fontaine and making it seem livelier than usual.
You mentally thank the Archons, happy that even though there was a trial happening today, the usual accompanying rain was nowhere to be seen.
A quick glance at the clock has you rushing through your home, and you hop into the shower in order to start getting ready for your evening. Neuvillette is home by the time you step out of the shower, and he's greeted by the sight of you as he walks into your shared bedroom, wrapped in a towel as steam clings to your skin.
"My apologies," he says, respectfully averting his eyes as you approach him. "I didn't mean to barge in."
"Welcome home," you say, a smile on your face as you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. He leans into the action, and you can't help but laugh softly at his refusal to look at you. "You know I don't mind it when you see me like this. We're married, and besides I feel comfortable around you."
"I know, and I am very honored that you feel that way," Neuvillette says softly, a smile pulling at his lips as he thinks about your words. "But there is another reason."
At your curious look, he clears his throat, looking away to hide the blush tinting his cheeks.
"I seem to find myself— what's the word?— ah yes, flustered when I see you like this," Neuvillette admits, causing a large smile to break out on your face.
"If it makes you feel any better," you start, walking into the closet to slip on a robe. "I feel quite flustered around you more often than not."
Neuvillette remains silent as you step back out into the room, approaching him slowly before reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. He lets his hands rest gently on your waist, dipping his head down to press a chaste kiss against your lips when you tilt your face toward him. He stays quiet as you pull away, watching the way your eyelashes flutter as you sigh softly. There's a twisting in his stomach— one he's gotten intimately familiar with since marrying you— as he takes in your starry eyes and soft smile, and he wonders if this is what he looks like when he looks at you in return (it is).
"You should go shower while I get ready," you say quietly, your hands still wrapped around him. He hums in response, pulling you into a tight embrace as he rests his head on top of yours.
"I will," Neuvillette promises, his arms encircling you as he presses a kiss to the top of your head. "But first, let me indulge in your company for a few minutes."
The two of you stay like that for a while before you begrudgingly pull away, your hands resting on his chest as you glance at the clock. "If we don't start getting ready, we'll miss our dinner reservation."
"We can always stay in and celebrate our anniversary at home," Neuvillette says persuasively, earning a disapproving look from you.
"You know why we can't," you chide, patting his chest once before separating yourself fully from him. "Now go, let me finish getting ready."
Neuvillette sighs deeply before listening to you, heading towards the shower as you head towards your vanity. Your dinner reservation had been a surprise anniversary gift from the Melusines, and you had nearly been moved to tears when Sedene and Liath had pulled you aside before bashfully presenting you with the news. Neuvillette had smiled softly at them, patting their heads before the two of you proceeded to find every Melusine you could in order to personally thank them.
By the time Neuvillette has stepped back out into the room, he sees you sitting on the bed, fully clothed as you tug on your shoes before reaching for the jewelry box on your nightstand. He smiles to himself as he slips into the closet, getting dressed quickly before peeking his head out to look at you. The fond smile on your face lets him know that you had indeed liked the bracelet he had gifted you that morning, and he walks across the room casually as you try to loop it around your wrist.
"Neuvillette?" you say softly, drawing a hum of acknowledgement from the man. "Thank you."
"Would it be bold of me to assume that you like the gift I got for you?" he asks amusedly, reaching for his own shoes. His eyebrows furrow when you don't answer his question, and he turns around to see you fiddling with the piece of jewelry before huffing softly. He watches as you place one end of the bracelet in between your teeth, holding it in place as you use your other hand to try and clasp it around your wrist.
A soft laugh gets caught in his throat when you tug too hard, causing you to pull the chain out of your mouth before you can actually secure it. He makes his way towards you, coming to a stop in front of you and holding his hand out.
"Would you like some assistance?" he asks, fighting back a smile when you shake your head stubbornly.
"No, I can do this," you say, determination on your face as you attempt a new method. You rest your wrist on your thigh, putting one end of the chain on top of your wrist before bring the other end around. There's a victorious smile on your face when the clasp grazes the chain, only for it to drop when it falls onto your thigh.
A resigned sigh leaves your lips as you place the bracelet in Neuvillette's hand, raising your arm in defeat as a pout forms on your lips. His fingers brush against your skin as he easily secures the bracelet, and he twists it around afterwards do that you can admire the way it looks.
"You need just ask for me to do something, darling," he murmurs, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You melt at the action, giving him a thankful smile as he pulls you up to stand. "I'd do anything for you."
"And I would do anything for you," you reply without hesitation, squeezing his hand softly before tugging him towards the door. "Now let's go or we'll actually be late."
Neuvillette smiles as he follows after you, taking in your full appearance before he offers his arm for you to take. You loop your arm through his with a bashful smile, gently playing with the bracelet on your wrist as he leads you out the door and through the city streets of Fontaine.
And if Neuvillette chose that bracelet because he knew you'd need help to put it on, well that's no one's business but his own.
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rbs are appreciated <3 ty for reading!!
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chlorinecake · 9 months
“I cherish you” | N.RK ff ༄
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༄ Last year’s Valentine’s Day marked the day you and your boyfriend Riki first starting dating. Ever since then, he spoils you on the 14th day of every month in honor of your love story…
🍒 pairing bf!nishimura riki x fem!reader genre romance, fluff 🍒
༄ wc 1.1k ~ written with black reader in mind ~ requested !
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You found your boyfriend in your shared apartment bathroom doing his typical morning routine. You walked up behind him, snaking your hands beneath his shirt to pull him closer. Pressing your cheek against his back, you could smell a new body wash he must’ve used. Or maybe it was cologne?
“Morning,” Riki mumbled through a mouthful of minty foam, wiping his mouth before turning to kiss the top of your head.
“Good morning,” you returned warmly.
He ran a clawed hand through your hair before his fingers got caught in your curls. You winced at the sudden tug before giggling at the worried expression that waved over Riki’s face.
“Sorry, baby! Did I hurt you?”
“No, Riki, but you did remind me that I need to comb my hair,” you smiled, freeing him from your clingy grasp.
You searched through the bathroom drawer for a few products to style your hair. In the meantime, your boyfriend was busy lathering his face with shaving cream.
“Uh,” you started confused, “what’re you doing?”
“Prepping to shave my beard.”
You snorted, “Your what?”
“I’m not as young as I was when we first met, y’know? This is what men do.”
“Mhm, and who told you that?”
“Heeseung-hyung. He’s one of the best people I can go to for advice. Especially with girls.”
“Oh, so you’re a man and I’m just a girl?”
“For now, yes. Though, maybe in a few years I’ll make you my woman if you stick around long enough,” he winked, making you cringe but in a loving way.
“Hey, I wanna try,” you chirped, snatching the razor from his hand.
“Woah, ____! Did you forget there’s a sharp blade on that thing?”
“Oh, c’mon! You’re a man now, remember? Don’t tell me you’re scared of your girlfriend.”
He shook his head at your teasing, “only when she’s on her period… that’s when she get's really crazy.”
You nudged him in the shoulder, making him giggle.
“Okay, now hold still,” you said, guiding him by his chin as you slid the razor against his face, checking after each stroke for any access hair. “Riki, there’s nothing on here!”
“Gimme that,” he said, taking the razor from your hand to examine it for himself. And to no one’s surprise, there wasn’t any hair on it.
“Ugh, this is useless,” he whined, wiping his face before leaving the bathroom.
You followed after him, “Riki, is everything okay? Why’re you putting so much stress into getting ready today?”
He looked at you with offended eyes, “Don’t tell me you forgot today marks our 14th month anniversary.”
Suddenly, everything started to make sense.
“Riki, you don’t have to try and impress me. I love you just the way you are like I always have,” you smiled, holding his hands in yours.
“I love you too, ____, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna spoil you on our anniversary.”
Riki was never one to consider gift-giving to be one of his love languages. Not until he asked you to be his girlfriend on Valentine's Day over a year ago.
The day started with him showering you with gifts and praise as an attempt to earn your love which he already had. These days, your romantic boyfriend can't help but to celebrate the day he won you, even though his friends call him a simp for it.
And in perfect cliche fashion, your anniversary happens to fall on the 14th day of every month, which is what brings you here today.
“Spoil me, huh?” You grinned, “so what do you have planned? I mean, sometimes I feel like we’ve done everything already.”
“You know I'll always think of something new. But for now, it's a surprise. You’ll find out after we finished getting ready.”
You and your boyfriend shared the bathroom for the next 25 minutes as you two got dressed together, wearing the cutest matching red outfits that he picked out a whole week prior to today.
“You look absolutely stunning, ____,” he marveled, taking in your frame like a work of art.
Your stomach fluttered at his remark, “Oh please, you’re just proud of your work.”
“Maybe,” he smirked, pulling a large bouquet of red roses from behind his back.
“Riki,” you began before he took your hand, interlacing your fingers around the flower stems.
“I wanna get a picture of you like this,” he smiled, counting down from three before snapping a quick picture, “Don’t worry, I won’t post it anywhere,” he said, noticing that you seemed a bit awkward.
You walked outside with his arm linked in yours, still holding the rose bouquet. You two made your way past the familiar shops that lined the city streets beyond your apartment, taking in the beautiful early morning scenery.
That’s when you two spotted a band of instrumentalists, harmonizing to a romantic tune. You looked up at Riki with playful eyes, communicating to him that you wanted to dance.
Knowing your boyfriend, he would happily oblige to any opportunity to dance, especially with the love of his life.
“May I,” he asked cornily, bowing before you.
“Yes, Riki, you may.”
He took the bouquet from your grasp, placing it on a nearby coffee table before tucking a rose behind your ear.
“And for you,” you smiled, placing one of the roses between his teeth.
He took your hand in his, pulling you close before guiding you across the floor along with the music, bracing your lower back.
Your hands sat at his shoulders before getting lost in his hair, staring into his piercing eyes as the heart-warming melody came to a sudden stop.
It was starting to rain.
The band busied themselves with packing up their instruments before fleeing the moist environment.
"Welp, that was fun while it lasted," Riki chimed, grabbing the bouquet before walking back in the direction of your apartment.
"Hey, I thought we were gonna spend the day out," you pouted confused.
"I know, but I had a picnic date planned in the park, which I doubt would be much fun in this weather."
He held the flowers over your two heads as a way to shield yourselves from the down pour.
"Sooo, what do we do, now?"
"Hmm," he hummed in thought, "we could always just run around the city and hope we don't get struck by lightening. Orrrrr, we could have a dance off in the rain! First one to slip loses."
"What? That's better than me sulking over how a few grey clouds ruined our anniversary."
You looked at his face which fell from its original enthusiasm, trying to think of something to cheer him up.
You smacked the bouquet out of his hand, running ahead of him.
"Yah, ____! I paid good money for these!"
"Last one to the apartment's a rotten egg," you giggled, hardly getting far with your high heels against the rain.
Riki counted from five, giving you a few more seconds to get ahead before sprinting ahead of you, laughing as you pouted in defeat.
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🌹 Special thanks to @microwvdstrawb3rri3s for requesting this piece! This was my first time writing an established relationship fic so I hope you guys enjoyed it!
🌹 Taglist (open) — @fanficfactoryfoxxx @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @kaykay11sworld @rickysblkgf @4imhry @yngwife @bambangan @microwvdstrawb3rri3s @nikipedia07 @naddii @beomgyusonlywife @rickysblkgf @nikiiitties @03sunoos
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john-get-the-salt · 10 months
Winter Cold (w/spencer reid)
Imagine: A run-of-the-mill winter cold becomes the thing that finally reveals your secret to the team.
Contains: sick reader and sick Spencer taking care of each other, usual bau team shenanigans, a setting where Morgan and Emily are on the team together because that was peak time (imo)
Warnings: None
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Snow, thick sweaters, warm drinks-there were countless reasons why you adored the Winter season.
Spending a Sunday morning curled up under a blanket with a hot chocolate in hand while it snowed outside was your love language.
Your body, however, did not thrive under such conditions. You had a terrible immune system so you were extremely susceptible to getting sick. Every winter you had at least one or two boughts of whatever nasty illness was going around that season, be it the flu, strep, etc.
So as winter came around and you got sick like usual, nothing should have been different. Except this year something was different. This winter you had Spencer Reid.
Suddenly you had someone to bring you ginger ale and saltines when your stomach was upset, to make you soup and tea when your throat hurt, to make sure you kept up with your meds and always carried around cough drops for you.
Spencer and yourself had started out as awkward co-workers before slowly becoming friends, which eventually blossomed into something romantic. You told him you loved him about 2 months in after a scare during a case, and he had returned the sentiment when it felt right.
You'd just recently celebrated your 6th month anniversary and everything was going so well except for one teeny tiny minuscule detail....the team didn't know.
You had hoped to gently ease them into the news, but any hope of that got dashed rather quickly on one particular winters day.
It was early January and you were fighting off your annual post-Christmas cold. All of the traveling and visiting family had caught up to you and you were suffering the consequences. Your pockets were constantly stuffed full of tissues and you had a permanent stash of cough drops in your desk at the office.
Spencer, the fantastic boyfriend he was, had been taking exceptionally good care of you. You found it slightly annoying that the genius himself hardly ever got sick but you couldn't find yourself mad for long when he was constantly doting on you.
He never fussed about keeping you on track with your antibiotics, never complained when you asked him for a refill of tea, or another box of tissues, etc. But one thing he absolutely loathed was the fact that you wouldn't let him kiss you. On the cheek you allowed, along with the forehead or chin or pretty much anywhere else that wasn't your lips.
You were determined not to pass along the illness to him, so no matter how much he pleaded for just a quick peck you refused. Which, mind you, was no easy feat. 
You stood firm on your ‘no lip to lip contact’ rule for about 3 days which was as long as your self control could hold out before you caved and let your boyfriend give you a firm kiss.
The two of you thought it was fine, no harm done, until 2 days later Spencer woke up with a racketing cough.
As you awoke that morning to a coughing Spencer in bed beside you, you sighed. "Don't tell me I finally you got sick too."
He merely groaned in response, and you pulled yourself out of bed so you could start coffee and fetch medicine for the both of you.
"I knew this was going to happen, I just knew you would get sick," you chided as if you hadn't played a significant role in the passing of said illness.
Spencer took the cold medicine you handed him without a roll of his eyes. "It's really nothing, just a runny nose and a bit of a cough."
"Work is going to be hell today. The team has been giving me grief about coughing, just imagine the ruckus when both of us are hacking our lungs up."
"Well," Spencer leaned down to plant a kiss on your warm cheek. "I consider it an honor to have the ability to kiss you-and then catch your cold. No one else on the team has that, so they can deal. And hey, now that we're both sick we can kiss as much as we want."
You giggled, annoyance vanishing as you leaned down and kissed your boyfriend. He attempted to wrap his arms around you and pull you back into bed but you slapped his hands away.
"As much as I love you and your kisses we do still have to work, Supervisory Special Agent Reid."
He sighed dreamily, a dopey smile on his face, "I love it when you talk FBI to me."
His smile quickly dropped as you whacked him over the head with a pillow.
Just as you predicted, the team had groaned as it quickly became apparent that Spencer had caught whatever cold was going around the building.
You and Spence arrived to work together, as you always did, on your very best behavior. After learning you both lived in the same apartment building not long after you joined the team, you started carpooling to work every single day. You had those car rides to thank for your friendship and eventual relationship, though the team did not know that.
But what the team did know, was that you and Spencer could not stop coughing. To make matters worse it was a paperwork day without a case in sight, so the team was stuck listening to the two of you. You apologized profusely, nursing a steaming cup of tea and a bag of cough drops. But it got to the point where everybody-minus you and Spence- voted to seclude you both in the conference room. They insisted it was for your own good, but you were pretty sure they had just gotten tired of listening to the sniffling and coughing.
So you two spent the day sitting in the conference room, talking and attempting to get paperwork done while members of the team popped their head in every so often to check-in and replenish your tea and tissues.
Before you knew it, the day was nearly over. There were still 2 hours left yet to the surprise of no one Spence had finished his paperwork already. Thankfully, he hung around and kept you company while you tried to finish yours.
"I really should have seen this cold coming. You know according to researchers, as many as 80 million bacteria can be exchanged in just one 10 second kiss," Spencer rattled off.
You nodded and hummed, as you always did when your boyfriend rattled off some rare knowledge he likely learned from a book he read once 6 years. You were pretty engrossed in the current paperwork you were filling out, so the insinuation of what Spencer was saying and the environment in which he was saying it didn't really catch up to you until it was too late.
"What are you trying to say pretty boy? You two locking lips?"
Finally remembering where you two currently were, work, you looked up from your papers. Spencer sat frozen in his chair beside you as Morgan and Emily stood in the doorway of the conference room with teasing looks on their faces.
All it took was the slight hesitation for Emily's joking smile to drop and her eyebrows to shoot so far up their nearly disappeared into her bangs.
"No way!"
"My man!" Morgan exclaimed, clapping as he walked into the room.
Emily followed, practically skipping towards you. "Wait til we tell the rest of the team. Damn, I owe Rossi $50 though. I thought it'd take til Valentines day."
Your jaw dropped as the shock of your friends knowing began to fade and was replaced with confusion.
"You guys bet on us? On whether or not we were together?"
"Oh no, we knew you two lovebirds were gonna get together. We bet on when you were gonna get together and then tell us." Derek clarified. "I bet Garcia $100 you two would wait until Summer to break the news.
Spencer, despite the situation, laughed. "Well, this isn't quite the way we imagined telling the team, but I guess this is it."
Thinking, you glanced at your two friends, who looked as happy as clams.
"We’ll wait to tell the rest of the team if you cut us into the winnings."
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derfpossessions · 4 months
Rented You Out - Part 5
Denholm and Markus were on their way to their client when they discovered a bodysuit of a man who disappeared a year ago. They decided to keep the suit and see what happened to the man and how he ended up being a lifeless suit in a box from a strange janitor.
“So, what are we gonna do with him?” Markus said.
“I think I should wear him.” Denholm said.
“What?? But.. that wouldn’t make sense.. A suit cannot wear another one! You might risk yourself getting hurt!”
“But I’m not fully a suit! I want to live this man’s life to give it proper closure!” Denholm argued and grabbed the suit’s legs.
“Well.. here goes nothing.” He starts putting on the suit by opening the back zipper. There, the deflated biceps of the guy became chiseled, the veins in his arms bulged out, and the legs became more bolder. As he puts on the mask, his chest started puffing out, and the perfect jawline appeared out of the face.
Sweating, he pants and turns around to Markus, and Markus was in awe.
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“Did it.. did it worked?” Denholm said in a new sexy Vietnamese accent.
“Damn your voice… it’s so baritone and suave!!” Markus’ sex drive was driving him insane.
“Well he is ripped. I’m sure he spent a lot of time building this perfect bod.” Denholm said as he looked at himself in the mirror. His now black hair, brown eyes, piercings and earrings, and tattoos gleamed out.
“Ok then, you do what you gonna do to that body, I’ll just take over your student council duties for today.” Markus said as he left.
“What’s this?” Denholm noticed Markus dropped a bag with panties in it.
“But I thought he was gay…” He added while looking confused.
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Denholm scourged through the guy’s memories to see what his past life had looked like. His name was Vince Long, a Vietnamese-American who was born from a wealthy family, and an alumni from the same high school as him. Vince was a top-tier student with straight-As, and to top it off, he had a hot girlfriend. They were the perfect couple, and the happiest one, until Vince suddenly disappeared.
One night after their 2nd year anniversary, Vince and his girlfriend Aurora left the restaurant at night to head home, when suddenly a white van appeared from the dark and took Vince and Aurora in. To her surprise, Aurora was spared by the men and left alone, she was left scarred and in pain to this day.
As for what happened with Vince next, Denholm couldn’t dig into any more memories, as the load must have stopped once he was turned into a full bodysuit.
“Could Aurora been also spared and left as a half-bodysuit like me?”, Denholm questioned as he looked through the pictures in Vince’s home.
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It’s been a year since Vince’s disappearance , and his flat has been maintained by his family’s staff in honor of him. Denholm puts down his bag on Vince’s bed and looks in the mirror.
“You know what… maybe I should have a little bit of fun first”, Denholm says as he takes off his shirt and starts squeezing Vince’s hardening cock.
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“Oohh… haven’t tried this in a while to be honest..” Denholm whispers as Vince’s sexy deep tones come out of his mouth.
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“Ahh yes.. I’m Vince the engineer.. come here baby.. the fuckboy’s gonna unleash all his cum to you..” Denholm was shocked that even the way he speaks resembled very closely to Vince’s. The months long abandoned bedroom of Vince has been blessed not by holy water, but with his fresh loaded cum that hasn’t been released since 2022. Denholm lies down in bed in satisfaction as he tastes Vince’s long-expired cum.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Denholm got dressed and answered it, and to his surprise, it was Vince’s parents, Mr and Mrs Long waiting for him. They held tight his son while they burst into tears.
“We’ve looked for you everywhere! We miss you so much!” Mrs Long said as she hugged her son.
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The parents took him back to their family mansion where they had a Thanksgiving Prayer with a reading on the Prodigal Son, to celebrate’s Vince’s homecoming.
Then, Denholm filed an official statement regarding Vince’s kidnapping to help solve the people responsible for the his kidnapping and the others as well. A joint investigation took place while Denholm gave the police more details about a “bodysuit factory”.
After the party was over, Denholm went home to Vince’s place, where he saw Aurora.
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“Babe… babe is that you?!?” Aurora started tearing up and ran up to him.
“I missed you so much…” ‘Vince’ said in shock while he hugged his girlfriend.
The two shared a romantic kiss and embraced each other with the reunion. For Denholm it felt like he gave Vince the closure he needed, but he cannot live as Vince forever.
Aurora made the next move. She dragged Vince up the stairs and the two started undressing.
Excited, Aurora undresses herself and undresses Vince’s long sleeve, and his tank top.
He revealed his white Calvin Klein boxers while his cock barks back at her as he starts to get very horny.
“This is… wrong.” Denholm whispered as he started grabbing the sheets. “Babe.. what do you mean? I missed you so much!!” Aurora was biting her lips.
“Your breath… your armpit hairs… your leg hairs… your Amazon rainforest in your cock… every single inch of you I am craving right now.” Aurora was starting up the engine.
“Oh I miss doing this.” Aurora said while she touches Vince’s abs. “Babe.. maybe we should slow down.” Vince tried resisting. “Oh fuck this. give me that!” Aurora ripped his boxers wide and revealed the arching cock that she’s been craving for.
Aurora then starts teasing his manhood until it did a standing ovation. They then started kissing mouth to mouth and rolled on the bed, knocking over the bed sheets.
Vince’s mouth started watering as he grabbed Aurora’s breasts to drink her milkshake. He gave her clitties a blessful kiss, and he started inserting it in. The hole kept declining though, like a debit card refusing to be read by an ATM.
She then licked his ass, with the expired butt hairs electrifying out like that one Nair video.
“Why not repair my ass? Civil engineering? Fuck that.. engineer this pussy.” She started cracking up.
“What the fuck is this woman on?” Vince started to get so scared. She then resisted him pulling away and she bited his pecs. He screamed faintly like a little girl but felt delighted and rubbed her back again.
“You know what…? Let me fold you like a fucking pretzel.” Vince grinned. She screamed out loud as he bent her back and put the funnel into the bottle opening. She screamed and screamed and screamed. They were both suffocating in each other’s saliva, cum and seemingly piss. They were banging the walls and even squeezed themselves in the closet. She was freaking out as he chased him down the halls, both naked.
They Netflix and chilled, he pulled her many times to kiss her, and she rubbed his pubic hairs like petting their Shih Tzu Tracy. It was a very immaculate and blessed moment.
They did various poses! Doggy, cowboy, missionary, and our favorite, 69. They did it and did it until they got sweaty and started panting.
Aurora slurps out Vince’s loaded manhood like she’s slurping out a big bowl of ramen. She giggles as his load explodes out of her face, and she kneels down as he starts inserting his rubbery dick into her rubbery pussy. (Hold on… rubbery pussy..?, We’ll get there later on.)
Vince was making sure the zipper at the back of his neck wasn’t opening out as he exerts extra pressure against Aurora in bed. They both giggle as Aurora licks Vince’s smooth sweaty abs and she starts biting them. Vince screamed out but it didn’t hurt as much as he expected, it felt like he got bit by a dog while wearing a silicone rubber pants.
“Let’s do it again.” Aurora said while running out of breath. They initiated their sacred rituals again and again throughout the whole night. Fuck me ‘til up daylight indeed.
As Vince and Aurora finally covered themselves under the sheets, they both rest and as they cuddle each other, not knowing something behind there was opening up. Let me turn it into a saying, Don’t leave the fridge open at night.
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Both drenched in sweat, Vince goes to the bathroom to get toilet paper to clean up the exploded fluids in his room. But something was wrong. The zipper opened a little bit, and was stuck.
Aurora then discovered this and just stood there as if she knew this whole time that he was a bodysuit.
“Babe.. it’s not what it looks like.. I promise.” Vince was in shock and started shaking.
“I- um.. I no… no..” Aurora was also nervous. she turned around to look away, but then it was another jaw-dropping moment: her zipper was also opened, she thought it wouldn’t get exposed but the bra she had just put on wasn’t enough to conceal it.
“What…?? WHAT?!?” Vince tried grabbing Aurora’s arm but she ran as fast as she could and fled the scene.
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Denholm chased her down to the garage, but the bodysuit was starting to melt as the zipper had been exposed. He tried unzipping himself a few more tries, and managed to get out of Vince’s body.
Denholm now ran to the garage door but Aurora had locked it. Denholm tried breaking in, using everything he had on the house to reach the inside.
Denholm figured out that he could simply open the front garage doors and catch her in the act, so he pushed the button and the front garage lifted upward and he rushed inside, but it wasn’t what he was expecting, never at all expected what it was.
He took a step closer but to his surprise, Markus was there, seemingly apprehending the now-empty Aurora suit.
“Markus what the fuck are you doing here?!??” Denholm freaked out.
“I.. I don’t know! I just found this body snatcher somewhere and I followed her to this home! I didn’t know this was your bodysuit’s home!” Markus said.
“Dang it. FUCKKKKK!!!!!” Denholm let out a very loud scream as he started kicking the nearby objects. He was angry. He was FURIOUS.
“I think this suit is also like you, Denholm. I think she was also spared because she’s not hollow right now, she has a pulse.” Markus said.
“Well we better drive her home safely then. I’ll also take home Vince and keep it in our property.” Denholm said as he started the car to head home.
As he headed out, a nervous grin and a blush came out of Markus.
“I wonder if he’ll ever know…”
(17 Hours earlier…)
Aurora: “Yes, yes that would be 45.99 for the jeans.”
Customer: “Ok, I’m paying by credit. I really love your local boutique!”
Aurora: “Thank for you shopping here! This boutique means a lot to me as me and my late boyfriend invested a lot on it!”
Markus then walks in while wearing a face mask and sunglasses.
Aurora: Hi welcome to Beautiful Botanica Boutique— AHHHHHH!!!
Aurora let out a loud scream and passed out.
Markus: Welcome.. and goodbye bitch.
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Markus laughed maniacally as he lifted Aurora and unzipped her back, which transformed her into a bodysuit.
He then started sliding his legs into her more smaller ones, causing a huge stretch on the suit. Her body also expanded wide as Markus’ masculine torso squished in to fill in the void. Soon once Markus put on the mask, the suit realigned and formed itself: The legs started to shrink into a more feminine physique, and the waist significantly decreased and compressed Markus’ body. It was uncomfortable for him but it was all worth it. His new breasts also grew out to his desire. Markus looks into the store’s mirror.
“Hi welcome to Beautiful Botanica Boutique!” He said in a new feminine high-pitched voice.
“Hey Vince.. hey baby… hey… Denholm.”
She said while she seductively stares into her reflection, and giggled. She packed up her stuff and left to go to Vince’s place.
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totaly-obsessed · 7 months
hey i couldn’t find a rules list of what to ask so feel free to ignore this if it’s outside your comfort zone!! could you do a mary x reader where an anniversary of reader losing someone (or just anything bad that could’ve happened if you don’t want to write about that) and they are feeling kinda numb and just need mary to comfort them, which of course she goes above and beyond to make them feel as loved and safe as possible
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Mary Earps x reader request
-> Mary helps Reader get through the anniversary of her mother's death
-> Talk of death and grieving
-> I hope this is okay, @ anon!
➳ Masterlist
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Mary knew that today would be hard. A heavy red ‘x’ in the calendar marks the day. It had been one year since your Mum had tragically passed. She had been healthy, some would even call her active or fit for her age. She had been fine – until she wasn’t. A stroke during which she fell down the stairs.
You were the one to find her – picking her up for your usual Saturday stroll around the market in the town square.
It wasn’t even needed to step in – she was just lying there in the middle of the hallway when you opened the front door. Shocked you called an ambulance after checking for breathing. There was none, also no heartbeat. She was cold, her skin a pale blueish color.
You still couldn’t get the picture out of your head.
It had been a hard year. The middle of November, being very close to Christmas, meant that the first holiday without her came fast. Your birthday was just as hard – a usually loved day by you, passing like any other.
But today marked one year without her. And while you thought of her every day, today was especially hard. Mary knew that you would put on a brave face, trying to force yourself through the day – but she wouldn’t allow you to do that, knowing that you would hate yourself for it later.
She truly was a saint. Mary – your Mary. The goalkeeper had been your rock through the incredibly tough grieving process. She never got frustrated with your way of coping but she tried to help you do it in a healthy way instead of ignoring your own health.
Your girlfriend had taken the day off from training, even though you had told her not to. She wanted to be there for you – she needed to be.
Working in a good environment meant that your boss insisted that you had some time off, ignoring your pleas to let you work.
The morning was weird. While Mary was usually the first one up and starting the day, she couldn’t find you anywhere – your side of the bed was already cold. But it didn’t take the blonde long to find you on the couch. You weren’t doing anything, you just sat there, staring at a dark TV.
A gentle kiss to your forehead ripped you out of your daze. “Good morning my love, let’s make some breakfast, huh?” She pulled you up by your hands as gently as she could, nudging you into the kitchen. Mary handed you an assortment of fruits, gesturing for you to wash and cut them, while she made pancakes.
Your Mum’s favorite breakfast.
After your very controlling dad had left the family when you were younger, your mother enjoyed her newfound freedom and meal choices, opting for pancakes with tonnes of sirup and fruits every Sunday. It had become your little tradition over the years, and Mary understood that. She understood that it was your thing so she usually made oatmeal for breakfast.
But today was different. Today was already emotional and in honor of your mother and her rituals, she made pancakes – even using the recipe that your mum had given her when you started dating. It brought tears to your eyes, seeing your favorite football player taking such care of you.
Breakfast was spent in silence but you could feel her concerned eyes burning a hole into your head. You knew that she was just concerned, but it was still unnerving, being watched like this. There was barely a dent in your pancakes but Mary coaxed you into eating a little more – rewarding every bite with a gentle kiss to the side of your head.
Usually joined showers were giggly with Mary spraying water into your mouth whenever you wanted to speak, making her laugh so hard that she could barely breathe while you pouted, trying to get all the shampoo out of your hair. But as with many things, today was different. Your girlfriend took her time, gently massaging your head as you stood in the water stream with closed eyes. It was as if your body was there, but your mind was not – it complied with moving however Mary wanted you to, but you didn’t really notice anything.
By noon both of you were dressed in warm clothes, ready to go on a walk that would ultimately lead you to the cemetery your mother was buried in. You stood on the porch for a second, waiting for Mary to join you when a bouquet was extended towards you. “Oh Mary….”
She could see the thankfulness in your eyes as they teared up once again, struggling to get the words out. “They were her favorite.” She had remembered how you insisted on getting Asters instead of Lillies for the funeral because your mom loved them so much – so here she was, with a pretty blue and purple Aster bouquet.
Quiet conversation occupied most of the walk, Mary telling you a story of something that had happened at an England camp not so long ago to lift the spirit when you got closer and closer to your destination.
The gates of the Manchester southern cemetery seemed daunting as you stood in front of them. “When do you want me to join you?” A couple of weeks ago, when you were still able to cope, Mary made a deal with you – you would enter alone, do your thing, and after that, she would join you. “Maybe ten minutes?” With a soft kiss and a squeeze of your gloved hands, she lets you go – flowers in hand.
Ten cold minutes later, your girlfriend started her walk to your mother’s grave, finding you kneeling in front of it. With gentle hands she helped you up, dusting off some loose stones from your hands.
While this wasn’t the first time being here, as you took care of the grave every two weeks, it was very different. It was like you could feel your mother watching over you as you cried.
“M’sorry baby, I can’t stay.” Your girlfriend understood as you left her standing, making your way back to the gate.
It took her a couple of minutes to gather the courage and sit down on the ground as she pulled out a little box out of her jacket pocket. “I’m gonna ask your daughter to marry me. I know I already asked you last year, but I figured I would just do it again. You mean everything to her and-“ Now she started to tear up as well, trying to be strong for you when she was sad as well, was hard. “And I just wanted to make sure, that you knew. I wanna ask her in March – she loves spring, you know?”
The footballer felt a little crazy talking to a grave – but she wanted to make sure that your mother was okay with the two of you marrying, even if she had given her (very happy) okay before she passed.
Walking back to your joined home was a slow process, stopping every now and then to hug Mary, who tried her best to wipe the never-ending tears that streamed down your face.
The rest of the day was spent in bed, watching you and your mother's favorite films, while Mary went above and beyond to make the day go by as well as possible but all you really needed was her and her cuddles.
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otakusparkle · 2 months
Identity V Chinese 6th Anniversary Character Congratulations Messages (Part 3)
Part 1
Part 2
Little Girl : Thank you for your hospitality. The truffle cake here is delicious! Hmm, can I have another piece?
Nightmare : It's another grand banquet, but don't get too absorbed in it, or you might fall into a beautiful dream from which you won't wake up.
Novelist : I can find new inspiration every time I come here, it's a very good experience.
Weeping Clown : Wh-what? You asked me to come here for a performance? Are these delicious foods for me... Thank you very much and I wish you a happy 6th anniversary!
Clerk : Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to be entrusted with the important task of delivering a speech in front of this long table. On the occasion of the 6th anniversary of Oletus Manor, let us raise a toast and celebrate!
Professor : Hello, happy 6th birthday. Thanks for the invitation. A birthday is a year of time. We have crossed new boundaries and we will also transform into new ones.
Antiquarian : Happy anniversary, and hope you are well. What a great feast! I may be able to find out about her by taking this opportunity.
Hermit : Happy Birthday, thank you for your invitation. On the way here, I saw a lot of old machineries, the electrical circuit doesn’t seem too safe, to avoid accidents from happening, I’ve asked them to finish repairing. Oh? It’s what should be done, no need to thank me.
Composer : I’m honored to be participating in this grand celebratory. For everyone I have sent my newest works, I also welcome you to exchange words of your thoughts with me.
Night Watch : The moonlight is beautiful today. It seems a bit of a waste to hold a party in a closed building. Do you want to go out and have a look? Come with me.
Journalist : Thank you for the invitation. I have heard that the Oletus Manor holds a grand anniversary party every year. I have to record it in detail this time. I have work to do later, so I will not drink this cup. Please allow me to take this camera around and take some souvenirs.
Opera Singer : Thank you for the invitation. This is my first time to attend such a banquet. Piano, violin, and... Hehe, is the solo position reserved for me?
Aeroplanist : Thank you for the treat. Such a feast is really an eye-opener. Hey? Whose balloon is hanging on the ceiling? There is a cat on it... I'll be back soon.
Cheerleader : I'm Lily, hello! I heard there's a BIG party going to be held here, is it a sports meeting!? Can I join in!?
Fool's Gold : Thank you for your invitation. What a bounty, a room full of white bread, pastries, beverages. How good-natured..
Puppeteer : Thanks for having me, and happy 6th Anniversary! This puppet? Um...
The Shadow : Nice to meet you, happy 6th anniversary! It's surprising that there are so many people here already.
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9w1ft · 2 months
fam…. wow, what a year.
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in the summer, i went to karlie’s birthday show, and on the way back i stopped through santa monica and pacific palisades just to soak in the rich kid ambiance, and well, no, actually, i wanted to check out jennifer meyer! because, well, idk. inspiration struck. it’s such a fun kaylorverse brand! and i thought, if enamored enough, i might be convinced into buying a tiny heart ring or charm or something, but they had just gotten in one of something recently and when i saw it i immediately knew i would be talked into it.
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…so i picked up this tiny necklace from jen meyer. for obvious reasons.. i couldn’t help it! it spoke to me!!
fast forward to a handful of weeks later and taylor is… wearing evil eye jewelry! several pieces! more than several pieces!! even an evil eye stud!! and i come to deduce later on that the first time she wore the bracelet was the day before karlie’s birthday concert. which is a true coincidence that i love, because, it’s the day @taylorrepdetective and i happened to arrive in LA. and so today, reflecting on the eye theory as i do, i was thinking today about how my life changed shape, because of all of these things.
for april 18th is, as you may know, eye theory day! the day @swift-79 and i finalized and i posted the og eye theory post, back in 2019. also known as the eyepocalypse, discovereye, the start of many things.
today marks the four five year anniversary. it’s pretty wild that we’re still kickin it five years in! and it’s become a sort of tradition for me where i like to post a little something personal in honor of the day. so allow me to continue this one gratis.
second part of my story is that a little over a year ago now, i went to opening night of the eras tour with @theprologues and the day after the concert, on my way back, i stopped through scottsdale and walked through all the boutique shops and souvenir shops and picked up a trinket. a ring that called out to me, for…obvious reasons.
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i mean, how could i not?? to commemorate a wonderful trip to meet a dear friend, and for all the eye theory things that happened on opening night!
and it’s been a year since then and i’m one of those people that just doesn’t take jewelry off, so it’s been on my finger for all this time. it was a snug fit, and silver, so it both wasn’t coming off easily and wouldn’t be leaving a green ring on my hand or anything, so i have kept it there. for a little over a year now.
but the other day someone was asking me about it. and i was like oh, i got this in arizona and so i went to adjust it to show it off because the center stone was off to the side and when i twisted it i noticed a mark on my finger, an indent, for having worn it so long.. and i sorta laughed to myself because, you know, there is an indentation. in the shape of an eye.
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so i decided to take the thing off for a sec and let my finger breathe and so i take off the ring and notice— the shape of the ring has changed.
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what once was centered, has now fully to morphed and warped the right side. 🙈🙈 c’est la vie.
i only write this out to say that, it had me thinking. about all the fun we had for this fourth fifth (!) turn around the theory, all the dear friends i have met, all the tour outfits, the accessories and merch?!… all of the little connections we have made over this… thing 😆 it had me thinking about how there are always going to be these fun little moments in life where the universe winks at you and, and how if you can manage it, it’s a charmed way to live, really. reminded me of the time i lost karlie’s gem on my swarovski evil eye bracelet at rep tour tokyo! that is to say, when the going gets tough, it can still be fun. if you work to give yourself permission. as one might say…there are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see 🥴
it didn’t really occur to me until this week just how close the release date is to the eye theory anniversareye ☺️ and i’m not sure what this countdown is for but it’s running out so close to when the op was posted five years ago so i decided to post around now :) not to say any of it was anything more than accidental. but hey, laughter is the best medicine, is it not?
so omnom, i say! omnom!
and so today, on ts11 album release eve,
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i implore all of you (and myself) to open our hearts juuust a crack,
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and keep on the lookout for the gold nuggets that are going to be there. assume taylor will perjure herself a bit during this trial, relax, allow yourself the enjoy what we get, like nobody else truly can.
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and so eye enter into evidence…
literally a bajillion things let’s be real like oh my god
our tarnished post of eyes, my indentations, shaped like…occulations,
our talismans and charms.
the tap, tap, tap of me selecting bert memes, my veins of bloodshot pink.
all’s fair in love and…
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soft-girl-musings · 5 months
Burn (MK Spring Bingo #2)
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Jake Lockley & GN!Reader
cross-posted to ao3
tags: breakup/gender neutral ex mention, fire safety? we don't know her. no use of y/n
wc: 1,347
fic summary: what's a few burnt mementos between friends?
A/N: i was cold so i finally wrote this lol
This stinks.
Literally, this whole setup stinks. Lighting a fire always seems so appealing until you remember how the stench of it clings to your body and clothes, head to toe. You’ll carry it with you until you can rid yourself of everything imbued with smoke and dive through the shower.
As you glance toward the box at your feet, the irony doesn’t escape you: lighting a fire to forget while it refuses to let you. What’s one more memory scorched into your person?
A familiar voice snaps you back to the present. In the dim light you see the outline of your friend, bundled up as he walks toward you.
“Hey yourself.” Jake has an open invitation to swing by anytime, but you had forgotten to text him and ask for some privacy tonight. You kick the box beneath your seat. Jake pretends not to notice.
Instead, he hands you a thermos. “Bit cold to be outside, don’t you think?”
“I’m staying warm out of spite.” You open the thermos and nearly melt as the smell of your favorite hot beverage wafts up from the canister. At least he never comes empty handed.
A gloved hand gestures for you to pass the thermos back as Jake takes the seat next to you. The light of the fire dances across his features, the tired look in his eyes more prominent in the orange glow. He pours a steaming mug from the canister and passes it to you, capping it and pulling out a flask for himself.
You sip your drink as you continue to examine him. This must not be a social visit.
Finally you clear your throat. “Do you want to talk about it, or do you want a distraction?”
He smirks, shaking his head. “Distraction, if you’re game.”
“Sure… yeah, okay.” The mug is a welcome comfort to your frigid hands, but you part with it to drag the box back out. “Guess what today is?”
You can see the wheels turning in his mind as he runs through every significant date possible. His eyes widen when he spies the corner of something poking out from the box. “Your anniversary,” he winces.
“Ugh, don’t call it that.” You set the box on the seat between you. “But yes, technically. One year since… you know. I ended things.”
Jake nods sagely, putting his flask back in his coat pocket. He remembers what happened a year ago. 
It was a gnarly breakup. He was proud of you for ending things with your ex, and he made sure to tell you every time doubt began to creep into your mind. But even now, he knew you could be triggered by the smallest things. You’d avoid certain phrases when you spoke; you couldn’t stand the smell of the places you frequented on your dates; you hadn’t touched the book series you both had bonded over since they stopped being part of your life.
Jake’s attention falls back on the box. “And how are we celebrating tonight?”
You laugh, sharp and bitter. “Yeah, it’s a real party.” Still, you open the box to give him a better look at its contents. To anyone else, it’d look like a pile of junk. And technically, to you, it is junk: odds and ends, trinkets and notes are piled inside. On top sits a book, decently sized and paperback with worn pages.
You shrug. “Figured tonight was as good a time as any to bury the hatchet. Or burn it.”
Jake looks at you quizzically. “Then why haven’t you?” He scoots his seat closer to yours, a small grin playing on his lips. “I mean, I’m honored if you were waiting for little ol’ me, but I get the feeling you wanted to do this alone.” He nudges your foot with his own. “What’s the holdup?”
You stare down at the box, then at the fire. “It just… I don’t know. It feels mean. Like, I could just stick this stuff back in my closet and it’d basically be the same thing.”
Jake shakes his head. “If that was the case, you wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of lighting this thing and sat here freezing your ass off for so long.” When this draws a small smile from you, he continues. “You’re not going to hurt anyone if you get rid of these things once and for all. Not if it’s what you really want to do. But…” he sighs, picking up the paperback and flipping through it. “If you want to keep ‘em a while longer, nobody’s gonna get hurt from that, either.” He closes the book and looks you in the eye. “It’s up to you.”
You’re focused on the book in his hands as he talks. After a moment, your voice is soft. “They never even read it. That book, I loaned it to them. It wasn’t my favorite, but I figured we could bond over the author or something. Do you know where they put it as soon as I handed it over?” Your face scrunches in disgust. “Their fucking gym bag. They gave it back a month later, never even opened it.” 
You haven’t thought about that moment since you shoved the novel in the reject pile ages ago. It wasn’t even the fact that your ex had put something of yours in the same bag as their used socks and God knows what else. When they gave it back to you, unread, it felt tainted in more ways than one. Tainted with neglect. One of the first red flags you’ve beaten yourself up over not recognizing sooner. Your eyes sting with tears– whether from sadness, frustration, or the smoke blowing your way, you can’t tell. All you know is that you can’t stand to look at the thing anymore.
Jake reads you loud and clear. He stands up, crosses to the other side of the fire, and opens the book in the middle. “Well, this thing does not spark joy.” With a flourish, he takes one page in hand, and tears it from the book with a decided riiiiiip.
You watch with wide eyes as he holds the page over the flames. As if waiting for your approval (not that you fancied taping a page back into the gym bag book either way). You nod, and Jake shouts, “En el fuego te vas!” before crumpling the page and dropping it into the fire pit.
You laugh for the first time all evening. Jake continues, tearing page after page from the novel and ceremoniously dropping them into the fire. A weight seems to have been lifted from him, as well, as he gets louder and more energized with every offering.
Finally you stand up and take the book from his hands. “Can’t let you have all the fun, Lockley.” You grab a fistful of the remaining pages and scatter them into the fire pit, then chuck the rest of the book into the makeshift inferno.
Plumes of smoke rise as sparks fly out from the force of your enthusiasm. Jake wraps his arms around you and turns your body away, shielding you from the brunt of the embers. “Easy, cariño.”
“You made it look fun,” you say breathlessly. The cold and adrenaline catch up to you, and you’re practically buzzing. Jake rubs his hands along your shoulders to steady you.
“Want to keep going, then?”
You smile wide. “Hell yeah.”
The two of you spend the next half hour sorting through the box, bidding each item farewell before dropping it into the fire pit. You’re convinced dumping the whole thing in at once would be the perfect catharsis, but Jake convinces you to take your time (and avoid calling the fire department).
Later, as the flames cool and every memento has been reduced to ash, you sit with Jake in the fading glow of the fire, his arm around you as you sip from the thermos.
“Jake?” you ask quietly, face flush against his chest as you watch the light leave each ember.
“Happy anniversary.”
A/N: ladies if he sticks a novel you loaned him in his goddamn duffel bag, kick 'em to the curb
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anyway this was fun. excited to continue with my planned bingo entries!!
ty for reading babes <3
event tags: @moonknight-events @spacecowboyhotch @juneknight
addtl tags: @mrs-lockley @lunar-ghoulie @shadystarlightgentlemen @casa-boiardi @nerdieforpedro @queerponcho (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
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angstysebfan · 11 months
Was It A Mistake - Fin
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Bucky x Nat Chapter Summary: The happy ending we deserve. Epilogue. We jump through time here. Warnings: Fluffy Fluff
Series Masterlist
Life was definitely different after the confrontation with Nat in the theater room. Nat went off to a safe house and stayed there for 9 months. She was suspended from the Avengers until she could pass a psych evaluation and be cleared. While she was away, she started seeing a therapist, and was able to figure out that while she cared for Bucky, she didn't actually love him. She had become obsessed because of trauma from a particular mission right before Bucky came to tower. When she returned to the tower, she still went to therapy almost daily for awhile, and eventually became the Nat everyone knew and loved again. She continues to be on probation and needs to have frequent check ins with Fury, Tony, and Steve.
Bucky still can't forgive her, which everyone understood; you had a hard time also. While you were somewhat ok with working with her (though you tried not to be on missions with her due to the lack of trust), you knew that you would never be able to be friends again. Eventually Nat started dating Bruce Banner, which made you feel better about her never coming after Bucky again. 
After Nat had initially left the tower, you and Bucky decided to try your relationship again, but you made him work for it. You went out on dates, and after a few you allowed him to kiss you. You held out about 2 months before you slept together again. You wanted to go slow, cause though you were both manipulated, you still had a hard time letting go what he and Nat did to you while they were together. Bucky was patient and completely understood.
After 8 months you both finally moved back in together in an apartment near Steve's in Brooklyn, and Bucky wanted to propose immediately, but held off another 4 months and proposed on your 1 year anniversary of getting back together. You cried and immediately said yes, as you wanted to spend the rest of your life with this man. The man you loved despite everything that happened.
Now here you are, after a short 6 month engagement, having a small intimate wedding with your Avengers family. You didn’t care that it was a small wedding, in fact you preferred it that way, because the only thing that mattered to you was the man at the end the aisle, waiting for you. When Tony and you walked into the room, the look on his face told you everything. You saw all the love and compassion he had for you through the tears in his eyes, the big softy. You knew that no one else would ever love you the way Bucky Barnes does and no one would ever love him like you do. You were more than ready to start your life as Mrs. Y/N Barnes. 
After the ceremony, everyone hung out in the common room for a small party. You and Bucky danced the night away in each others arms, the smiles never leaving your faces. Steve was the best man and Wanda was your maid of honor, and both gave great speeches that made everyone laugh. You couldn't imagine this day to be any better than it was. You kept looking at Bucky and saw how happy he was. It warmed your heart to be able to give him all the happiness he deserved. It might have taken you some time, with a rather large bump in the road, but you are finally here. You are both finally in your happily ever after.
While the “party” was still going on in the common room, you took Bucky out onto the balcony. You needed a little bit of alone time with your new husband. (you still can't believe he is your husband!) You walked hand in hand to the railing, and looked over New York City. Bucky draped his flesh arm around you and kissed the top of your head, sighing in happiness.
“Today was the happiest day of my life, doll. Thank you for being my wife,” he said against your temple then kissed it softly.
You smile and looked up at him. “Well I am more than happy to be your wife and make all your dreams come true. Our dreams come true," you said, turning toward him and grabbing his hands giving them a squeeze.
"In fact, not only am I happy to be your wife…” you give him a peck on the lips, “I'm happy and proud to be the mother of your child,” you say softly. 
Bucky stares at you, trying to comprehend what you just said. You look at him, slightly nervous for his reaction, hoping he is ok with this happening so soon. You both talked about it, but not this soon.
“You….. You’re pregnant?” he gasps.
You slowly nod at him, cupping his face to ground him. You see a wide smile slowly appear on his face, and you release the breath you were holding. He was happy!
“I’m going to be a dad?” he asks, excitement evident in his voice as he holds your hands tighter without hurting you.
“Yes, baby. You're going to be daddy!” you say, tears coming to your eyes. Bucky laughs as he lifts you up in his arms and spins you around. Both of your a mix of laughs and tears. Could this day get any better?
“I can’t believe it! I’m going to be a dad!" he says before pulling you in to a breathtaking kiss.
He pulls away and both of you are panting. He leans his forehead against yours and quietly says, "You really are the most amazing person in the whole world. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
He pulls you closer, if thats possibly, wrapping his arms around you. “I love you with my entire being. I'm nothing without you, and never want to be without you.” He presses another passionate kiss to your lips.
You pull away even more breathless, as tears fall from your face. “I love you too, Bucky. More than you'll ever know.” You kiss again softly.
"Come on," he says, taking you by the hand to head back in.
When you walk back into the common room Bucky announces that he is going to be a daddy! Everyone in the room cheers for the happy expecting newlywed couple. That night no one on Earth was as happy as you and your new husband.
Part 6
There you go! Tell what you think? Feedback is appreciated. Thank you for all the support.
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ciaomarie · 2 months
Part 5: What Then?
It's finally Sydney's one year work anniversary! A little slice of fluff to tide us over. Quick summary of the last 4 parts- Its been about 5-6 months since The Bear opened, the slowburn is slowburning,, and Carmy wants to make Syd an shareholder. Please excuse grammar/spelling. My contacts are fizzling out.
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Sydney woke up with cheerful expectation before her alarm rang. Today was her work anniversary or “workversary”. A year ago, she strode into The Beef praying that this was her chance to make something great with one of the best chefs in the industry. Then in a couple short months The Beef had closed, the process of The Bear began, and since it’s opening her hopes of creating lifelong memories for people and of obtaining a star seemed possible. The dream was becoming more concrete every day.
She got ready eagerly and grabbed the garment bag with her freshly dry-cleaned custom chef’s coat. More than just the significance of the day, Syd felt like something special was going to happen. Carmy had brought up this anniversary almost every day for the past week. Obviously, he was hiding something, and she was ravenous to know what it was. She tried every truth extraction tactic she could think of, from feigning nonchalance to making him a gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwich, to shameless pouting. The last almost worked, but Richie walked by interrupting her performance. Carm snapped out of her spell and from that moment refused to hint about today. Richie teased her ever since and even last night he left a voice note impersonating her honeyed murmur “Carmy, pleasssseee tell me…I’d wouldn’t hide anything from you” followed by retching noises.
Oh, well. She liked good surprises.  
The morning was uneventful, but during staff lunch Carmy announced that it was Sydney’s work anniversary and Marcus brought out a sublime vertical carrot cake for everyone. He even made an additional small cake for her to take home and share with her father. It was so divine that if the cake was all she got, she would have been thankful, and she told him as much.
“Marcus, you are incredible! If you ever need a kidney, just make me this,” she moaned.
“I’ll remember that chef” he answered scratching his neck and bashfully ducking back into the kitchen. His crush on her was mostly snuffed out the night of Friends and Family, but occasionally those old feelings resurfaced.
As Sydney reached the peak of a blissful sugar high Carm asked her to join him in Natalie’s office. First a cake and now the mystery reveal!
They asked her to take the seat of honor, aka the comfortable chair, behind the desk. Nat looked pleased and relaxed, while Carmy was harder to read. His expression was a mixture of agitation and gladness as he drummed his fingers on his knee. For a moment they sat in silence.
“What is it?” Sydney blurted.
“Carm, tell her!” Natalie ordered with an exasperated smile.  
Taking a deep breath Carmen gushed forth,
“Sydney, I don’t even know where I’d be, where The Bear would be, without you. You put in a crap ton of hours without pay during the reno, you kill it in the kitchen every day, we created the menu together, the staff respects you, you kept everything running when I was sick and…and…we want to give you a share in the restaurant.”
Sydney slumped back in the chair, speechless and gazed at them her pupils dilated like saucers.
Natalie went on to explain further, handing her a contract.
“If you accept, your share would be equivalent to Carm and I. Of ‘course none of us will see additional income until we pay back Uncle Cicero, but we didn’t want to wait to make it clear that you are essential to The Bear, to our family.”
Carmy held his breath. He had been elated about this for days, but now he doubted. Yes, Sydney wanted a star, and she loved the work, but would she want to be tied to The Bear, and by extension to him?
Sydney sat up, clutching the contract, and shook her head in amazement.
“You’re serious? A share? An equal share?”
“Yeah, of ‘course” Carmy replied, his ocean tinted eyes imploring her to believe it.
“Okay” she conceded softly, her vision blurred with tears, and she stood up to embrace her now legal partners.
Natalie swooped in first with one of her famous hugs and whispered, “Thank you.”
Then Carm overwhelmed with relief pulled her close, his lips slightly brushing her cheek.
Just then someone tapped on the door and Natalie opened it. It was Uncle Cicero eating a slice of Marcus’s cake.
“Hey, Uncle Cicero, to what do we owe this pleasure?” Natalie enquired.
“Well, my lawyer said he sent the contract over this morning, so I just wanted to officially welcome our new partner to the business and to the family! Sydney you’re a class act and this one couldn’t have picked better,” Uncle Cicero answered with a wink at Carmy. Then he beckoned for Syd to give him a hug, which she did her face hot with a mixture of happiness and self-consciousness. She felt like she was an honorary Berzatto.
“Well, I got to head out. We’ll talk again soon Sydney,” Cicero said warmly and beckoned Carm to follow him.
As they walked through the restaurant and out to his car, Cicero praised his nephew for making The Bear a success so far, raved about the cake and most importantly for making their monthly installments. Then he said something very strange.
“Carmen, you’re doing this right with that girl. Wise to get the business side squared away first. Oh, and I got a ring guy, he could get you a good deal.”
Carmy was jolted from the hazy cloud of contentment that enveloped him since Sydney accepted the offer.
“Why would I need a ring guy?”
“Hey, I know young people do things differently these days. Some wait for years, but when you’re ready to get engaged I got a connect.” Cicero explained.
 “Well, uh, Sydney and I aren’t dating,” Carmy responded with a shade of longing in his voice.
“You broke up!?”
“We’ve never dated.”
“Then who were you seeing right before the restaurant opened?”
“Who’s Claire?”
“She was from our old neighborhood; It didn’t work out. I was Alex Gonzalez during a lot of the reno. Why did you think I was dating Sydney?”
Cicero cocked his head, scrutinizing Carm with the intensity of an owl. That look would make Mike Tyson falter.
“Why do you think I thought you two were dating?”
Carmy blushed with a crooked smile, rubbing his chin.
Cicero sighed, got into his car, and rolled down the window.
“Don’t overthink it nephew. I could’ve been married to the love of my life if I wasn’t such a know-it-all manichino (dummy) in my youth.”
Carmy blinked, confused.
“But you are married.”
“Yeah, and she’s great. Not the love of my life though.”
With those words Cicero waved and took off.
Carmy stood for a minute to clear his mind before heading back inside. He knew Sydney was probably recovered from shock and waiting for him with dozens of questions about their new arrangement.
Also, would another hug be out of order?
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milaisreading · 1 year
Wedding nightmare
Itoshi Rin x Reader (hint of Itoshi Sae)
Warnings ⚠️: characters are aged up. Reader uses she/her, there is angst but read till the end, it doesn't end sad! Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Rin for a long time didn't know what exactly his dream was. At first both him and Sae dreamed of becoming the World's number 1 and number 2 players. Slowly, after Sae left for Spain, that dream dissipated and the silly childhood promises turned into nothing. He wanted to crush his brother after he humiliated him at the playground, for stealing the childhood dreams they had and for... for just not being the big brother he knew and loved. Now, at the age of 24 Rin pretty much forgot all the resentment he held for Sae. He had accomplished a lot ever since he entered Blue Lock at the age of 16. From becoming one of the World's best strikers, to playing for a well-known French club, to winning the World Cup, Rin had it all. The fame never got much to his head and he pretty much stayed the same, stoic and somewhat sarcastic man he used to be in his teenage years. Well, he was like that towards the outside world, to his beloved girlfriend it was a whole other story. As much as Rin didn't want to admit that Blue Lock changed him as a person, it was the truth. He entered the project and boom fell hard for the manager. (L/n) (Y/n), Rin sighed dreamily as he remembered the day they met. Just after the 2nd selection started he met her in the hallway as she was helping one of the players. And boy was he whipped! From her looks to her caring personality, everything drew him in and he was determined to get to know her better. At first it was hard, with (Y/n) having a close bond with the players of Wing 5, to them also liking her and to his standoffish personality. But he somehow made it work, he somehow got her to agree to go out with him and here he was. After 3 years of dating, he was getting married. Rin chuckled a little as a blush made it on his face as he remembered the day he proposed to (Y/n). It was a intimate proposal, in the safety of their shared apartment on their anniversary day. He still remembered the happiness he felt when she said yes, hugging and kissing him. Rin was finally at peace. And today was finally the day Rin had waited for so long. The wedding ceremony itself was a pretty small one, only family members and a few close friends.
"Ahhh~ my baby is getting married! I never thought of seeing this day!" Rin smiled as his mother shed a few tears. His father fixed up his tie as Sae stood coldly to the side, glaring at Rin from time to time.
"I honestly didn't think that either of you would get married, with how obsessed with football you are. But it's finally happening!" His mom hugged Rin as his father tried to calm her down.
"Honey, you are being a little dramatic. Both Rin and Sae are pretty young. Who knows, maybe next thing we know Sae will surprise us with a girlfriend he kept hidden." The father teased as they looked at the said redhead.
"You are in a really foul mood today, Sae." His mom noted, wiping a few tears away.
"Yeah, cheer up or else you might scare (Y/n) away." Rin teased, satisfied that Sae never got and never will get the chance to know (Y/n) the same way he did. Sae let out a sigh and looked at the trio.
"I just didn't sleep enough. After all, it's not everyday Rinnie gets married." Sae said, faking a smile. Rin frowned at the nickname, he didn't like it when Sae used it.
"Besides, it's not everyday that a girl like (Y/n) is joining the family, am I right?" Sae asked again, directing the question to the youngest.
"Yeah, true." Rin gave a fake smile back as the parents stayed oblivious to their rivalry over the girl. There was a knock on the door and the maid of honor peeked into the room, nervously looking at Rin.
"Rin-san? Could you come with me?"
"What is it? Weren't you with (Y/n)?"
"I... it is about (Y/n), she has been crying for the past hour or so." She answered back. This caused Rin and Sae to look at her in panic while the parents gave her a worried look.
"What?! Why didn't you call me an hour ago?!" Rin yelled in worry as he walked towards the door.
"Rin, please calm down!" His mom tried to argue and Sae watched him storm out.
"I will go and take some fresh air. All this wedding stuff is ticking me off." Sae sighed and walked out, ignoring his father's calls.
Rin stormed towards the room (Y/n) was in, worry written all over his face.
"Ah! Rin-san, good that you are here! She doesn't want to talk with us." Her step-brother said as he and his wife were waiting in front of the door. Rin nodded his head and told them to go freshen up while he deals with it.
"(Y/n), baby what's wrong?" The teal-eyed man asked as he walked into the room, his heart breaking when he saw her crying. She looked up and flinched when she saw Rin.
"Rin... I am so sorry..." The woman cried out, getting up from her chair as Rin ran over to her.
"What are you apologizing for? Come here." The teal-eyed man said trying to hug her, but to his surprise she rejected the idea.
"No... Rin, I can't marry you. God I should have said something earlier..." Rin felt his knees shake at that, but spoke up.
"Haha... (Y/n), don't joke like that-"
"It's not a joke! I can't marry you... I love someone else, Rin."
The football player felt his heart shatter when she cried out those words.
'No no no... this can't be real. She loves me, she told me that last night.'
"(Y/n), you can't be for real. You told me last night that you loved me." The woman let out another sob and shook her head.
"No Rin, I lied. Truth is, I am in love with someone else, have been for 2 years and he knows it." (Y/n) admitted. Rin felt like he couldn't breath, this couldn't be real! They were supposed to get married, have a family and live a happy life! What was this?!
"And... and who? How did you fall for him?" Rin asked, although he wasn't really sure if he wanted to know her answer. After all, his world was falling apart because of him.
(Y/n) glanced at the person standing behind him and sighed, wiping her tears away.
"You remember the time you couldn't come to Madrid with me?" Rin thought for a moment, then his eyes widened in realization as to who the man was.
"Sae... You fell in love with him?!" Rin yelled in disbelief.
"Don't blame her, little brother. After all, it was you prioritizing your career over (Y/n)'s feelings." Sae spoke up as he walked past him and to where (Y/n) was, giving her tight hug.
"You... you bastard! How could you do this to me?! And let her go!" Rin yelled in anger.
"Rin, it's my fault, don't be mad at Sae. Back then, you just barely ever made time for me and just talked about football. You acted like I was am afterthought, Sae on the other hand... he really made time for me, made me feel special and we kind of hit it off." (Y/n) said, burying her face into Sae's chest.
"(Y/n)..." Rin muttered as he watched the two, realizing what she meant.
'Why can't I move? I want to punch Sae so bad! But my feet won't listen to me.'
"Sorry Rin, but it looks like you will forever be the 2nd best." Sae chuckled, kissing (Y/n)'s forehead.
'No way... not (Y/n)! He can take my fame and talent for all I care, but not her!'
"(Y/n)? Please don't, I will do better, but please don't go for Sae! Please!" Rin begged as tears started sliding down his cheeks.
"It's too late, Rin..." (Y/n) shook her head.
"No! It's not! Please (Y/n)!" The room started spinning and Rin felt like he was about to lose consciousness any time.
"Please!" Rin cried out and sat up on his bed, panting and sweating as he looked around.
"What was... where am I?" The teal-eyed boy thought as he frantically looked around the room.
'This is my room? Was that a dream?' Rin thought as he took his phone from the nightstand. Unlocking it, he quickly dialed a number and waited for an answer. After about a minute, a voice spoke up from the other side and Rin felt a few tear drops fall down his face.
"Hello, Rinnie? Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked, clearly startled from his call at 4 in the morning.
"(Y/n)?! Thank God... how long have we been dating?" He asked, trying to calm his racing heart down.
"What... like a year? Rin, why are you asking me that now?" (Y/n) asked in worry as Rin laid down again.
"No reason... say, did you make any plans for next week?"
"I thought I told you... but we made those plans for Spain, but I have to cancel them tomorrow, since you have to prepare for the championship." (Y/n) yawned.
"Why would you cancel? You told me you wanted to visit Spain, my championship has nothing to do with it." Rin raised an eyebrow.
"I am not going alone there. I want to spend time with you." Rin wanted to say it was stupid and to go without him, but then remembered the dream he had a stopped himself.
'This is my chance... the dream was like a warning.'
"You are not canceling anything! I am taking next week off and we are focusing all our energy on Spain and going wherever you planed." Rin said sternly.
"But the champion-"
"Screw that! We are going there next week and the championship is in like a month anyways. That can wait."
"O-ok..." Rin could clearly hear how startled she was, making him realize just how much he put his work before her. He will need a balance, he will make this work.
'I will be the only one to make you feel special. I promise.' Rin nodded to himself as they spoke on the phone for the next hour. Slowly Rin forgot about the nightmare and he became calmer, enjoying his conversation.
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romancemedia · 4 months
Just a funny coincidence or did they do it on purpose. The Netflix Avatar series is going to be released tomorrow on February 22nd, while today February 21st happens to mark the anniversary of the day the original animated series aired all those years ago?
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Anyway like I said. Just a coincidence or did they do on purpose? Either way, it's a great way to honor such a magnificence series/franchise.
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