#this is just a very tiny scattering of headcanons for him
just-some-user-hunny · 3 months
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Alucard headcanons...
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I loved @shinjisdone writing on this particular character, and I've just started watching Hellsing Ultimate and all the characters are so yummy to analyse, so that's brought me here...
Please go check out @shinjisdone ! they have lots of incredible stuff written up!
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✧ He responds so passionately to the sounds of your voice beckoning him by name. Alucard, Alucard?, Alucard!
No matter the tone; tender and gentle, curious and soft, fearful and timid. It makes his dead heart tremble. Fills him with fire. He's a rabid dog, your dog. Integra may hold the leash, hold command over him, but you have something else much more unnatainable and devoting. His love. No matter how twisted and dark it is, it's yours. Yours to burden. So please... Angel... Call for him again, won't you?
✧ There's always a part of him mindful of your whereabouts, the beat of your heart and the rush of blood in your veins, even your breath caught in your throat. He can sense every little tiny detail about you even if he's far far away. It always seems there's another presence in your shadow. It lurks behind you, your shadow dwarfing your actual size. Likes it's not really yours, like something is occupying it...
Even when he's not some lurking entity, and he's standing eerily tall and gaunt in the same room as you, his eyes are often focused on you. He observes you through the tinted coloured glass of his lenses, and if your eyes ever meet his, he smiles. He thinks your skittish curiosity of him is adorable. Endearing. He's found he likes your eyes on him. His are always on you, so would you grant him the pleasure of your reciprocation?
✧ Whenever you find yourself in danger, your shadow grows oppressive and dark. You feel it press into your back, clutching at you like a snarling creature. You're so fortunate to not be able to see the nightmarish visions that lurk right behind you, the jagged teeth and blood red eyes that stare from the abyss. You swear you can hear something growling and snarling, like a wild dog by your feet. The fearful entity pressed against you, pushing and pulling seemingly lulls you. Whatever is frightening you seems nothing like a scattering bug now, ready to be crushed and devoured by your devoted monster.
✧ You may also find that your time will be consumed by his presence. Whenever he is not beckoned to Integra's heel to go maim and kill whoever she desires, he finds himself by yours instead. He desires all of your attention, to be the audience of your mere existence- to engrave every part of you into him, so that he may not ever forget a single detail for when he inevitably keeps living and you are all but beneath the soil and lovingly cradled in soft silk and your favourite flowers. But let's not get ahead of that...
✧ As he becomes burdened with his growing infatuation with you, the more bothersome he'll make himself to you. Sweet soft coos of pet names are used often to refer to you, and he can never get enough of the way you fluster and fidget aimlessly. The rapid beat of your heart is a sweet melody to him, he loves hearing it sing whenever he unabashedly refers to you as his love. His beloved. His dear, his darling, his angel. His possessiveness is not kept quiet, as you can plainly see. There's no bashfulness to him either. No shame, no embarrassment. He will very proudly acclaim you as his beloved, no matter who is there to witness his devotions. He loves the drama, the pride, his own bragging.
✧ He'll always be nearby. By your bedside, watching you sleep. In your shadow, as you creep the dark hallways at night in search of a glass of water. He's in your footsteps, in the flicker of shadows by your candle-lit bedside, always ready to hear your call for him.
The most damning thing you can do is show him any type of love. Either it is meant to be taken in a heartfelt way, if you offer him a word of assurance or kindness, you're done for. Even if you just call for him if you're scared, it sets off this flame within him. One that'll soon turn into an uncontrollable blazing wildfire.
✧ Because now you've gone and done it. You've fed a starving dog, and now he's forever yours. Foolish. Stupid. You don't understand, do you? The weight of this ordeal? For you to refer to him so gently like he was something precious... Like he was something capable of loving... You've started something that you'll never be capable of finishing. So please... Keep giving him your goodness. Your gentleness and softness. He'll lap at it like a man dying of thirst, gulping it down and aching for more. Your voice, your breaths, your hands, your thoughts of him... He'll gulp it all down.
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Jungkook headcanons
Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, a lil suggestive, I think that's it
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, I've never written a list like this before so it's a little scattered, sorry. Anyway I'm very soft for this man now, goodbye.
Requests are open
Dating Jungkook is, for lack of a better word, messy. But like in all the best ways.
Late night hangouts when y'all can't sleep and you just end up at the local convenience store, eating snacks or whatever and talking until you notice the sun coming up.
I know I wrote a lil blurb abt it already, but karaoke dates are a regular occurrence. Doesn't matter if you can sing or not, y'all are just having a good time seeing who can hit the highest note(it's him, sorry)
He's one of those people whose friends probably tease cause he says "my s/o is my best friend". But he actually means it, you are his best friend.(I really feel like he would fall for a friend, but that's a discussion for a ot7 reaction I'm working on for next week👀)
Acts really cocky sometimes, but will fold like a house of cards(ha) into the softest boi at the slightest provocation from you.
He's fucking whipped for you, and he knows it.
Was so nervous to kiss you the first time that he legit backed out like three times before it finally happened.
Probably has some kind of nickname for you like "my light" or "my life."
But on the other hand, y'all also tease each other relentlessly, it's like a second love language with him.
Like he will sit there while you're trying to read or smth and poke your cheeks until he gets a reaction out of you.
Will make height jokes, even if you're only like 1in shorter than him.
"Tiny baby." He coos while patting your head. "I'm gonna climb up there and kill you." You warn. "So tiny, so precious."
But if he catches anyone else giving you a hard time about something, God help them.
Possessive(*cough perilla leaf debate)
Gives you his sweatshirts to wear because you look cute in them, but also loves that it's a subtle sign to anybody else that you're his.
This goes both ways though, he loves when you call him yours.
The first time you called him "your boyfriend", he legit short-circuited for a second.
Would probably have matching, macrame type couple bracelets that y'all made together for your second or third month anniversary.
Protective AF
Does that thing where he makes sure you walk on the inner half of the sidewalk when are you're out together, so you're protected from the street?
Not big on Pda exactly, but usually has an arm around you or is holding your hand. He doesn't even realize he's doing it sometimes, it's just kinda become a habit to have you close as much as possible.
He gets so little time with you as it is, so he just wants to make every second count.
When it's just the two of you though, he becomes a fucking koala and will NOT let you go.
Clings to you like his life depends on it.
Begs you to stay over all the time, swears that he can't sleep well unless you're next to him.
At this point, you might as well move in, half of your shit's at his place already anyway.
Looks at you like you're a literal dream.
Like some mornings when neither of you are really awake yet, you look over and he's just staring at you over your coffee mug like🥺
Loves to make you flustered tho
Like, if he notices you have a thing for his arms, he's gonna take every chance he can to roll his sleeves up in front of you just to see your face go red.
Randomly walks up to and gives you these deep, intense kisses and then? just fucking walks away as if nothing happened? Like, nuh-uh, get your ass back here and finish what you started sir!
Talks about your future together with such casual certainty. Like "when we get married, we should get a house like that".
Refers to Bam as your child.
Idk where I'm going with this or how to end it, so I'm just gonna stop here, but yeah. I just think he's neat lol.
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the-ace-with-spades · 6 months
Random headcanons for Ghost and Soap (and Ghostsoap) part 1
- Soap has the habit of placing his hand on the small of Ghost's back. It looks adorable because next to Ghost, everyone looks tiny and yet Soap oozes such confidence that Ghost feels small whenever he has Johnny's hand directing him by pressing into the small of his back, sometimes Johnny's thumb is rubbing little circles over his spine. He always blushes, too.
- On the other hand, Ghost has a habit of pulling Soap by the hip any time he's about to get himself in trouble. Someone says some shit, Soap turns to the side and opens his mouth and Ghost just reaches his arm across his back and with his fingers digging into the v curve of hip steering him away before he can open his big mouth and get himself in trouble. This is inspired by the Tom Holland&Zendaya photos
- Ghost is always cold, Soap is always hot. It looks absolutely comical during spring when they go out - Ghost has warm sweats and jacket and a hoodie and a hat/mask on and Soap is in shorts and a hoodie with cut-off sleeves. Gaz calls it Soap's slut behaviour
- This means Ghost is a blanket hog. They often sleep in the same bed but separately because Soap just feels too hot to cuddle up under the warmest duvet available in store which is Ghost's preferred one.
- They are decent cooks but Ghost is better at cooking and Soap is better at baking. They also have different cooking styles - Ghost cooks to relax and doesn't stress about the results and Soap takes cooking as a challenge.
- Ghost doesn't get jealous, really. He's too in control to get jealous and he's the ride or die kinda guy so he's put all of his trust into Soap and is used to Soap's overfriendly, borderline flirty personality. It's endearing to him.
- Soap, on the other hand, is a jealous beast. Recruits, other teams officers, strangers in a bar, anyone who gets Ghost's attention or tries to get Ghost's attention, Soap always struts in and stands way too close and asserts his position as soon as he notices. Ghost pretends it's annoying but he finds it cute (he's never had anyone get jealous over him).
- Soap never stops calling Ghost per sir. Not when they're on leave, not when they retire. Sometimes it happens in public and because Soap only calls him sir when he's feeling cheeky, he sounds really bratty and people make their (dirty) assumptions.
- Soap is not a fan of Valentine's Day. Ghost likes to pretend he isn't either, but in the week before the day, he'd do small romantic gifts/gestures every day.
- Soap is the 'leaves his dirty socks on the floor' kinda guy, meaning he never puts back stuff in its rightful place, has tons of dirty mugs lying around, piles of sketchbooks and books and about a dozen of pencil cases, he forgets to make the bed, doesn't fold the laundry for days after taking it out of the dryer, just leaving in the corner in the kitchen. Ghost feels tested when they move in together because he's a neat freak.
- Soap is a hairy beast. He's got dark thick hair everywhere - his chest, back, arms, the happy trail, the other happy trail that goes down his inner thighs. He'd have to shave twice a day if he had to keep a clean-shaven look.
- Ghost is not exactly hairy but also not hairless, it's just that the majority of his body hair is very pale.
- Ghost unironically likes Vimto. His favourite takeaway is Chinese and he actually likes beans on toast for breakfast and scotch eggs. He, however, can't understand how Soap can eat oats for breakfast every day.
- Ghost does, in fact, have a soft tum. Soap also has a healthy layer of fat over muscles but Ghost doesn't really have the abs shape - he's teddy bear shaped.
- Ghost feeds stray cats scraps of meat any time he cooks off base.
- Soap definitely has ADHD. He doesn't shut up and his mind is brilliant but very scattered.
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ozzgin · 10 months
hai,baby ...I know your request is closed now. And if you don't mind, can I leave my request when your blog is open? ( If no that's okay,you can delete this request) alright....So, I really like the butterfly demon that you made for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru on request.And I thought what if the fem s/o butterfly demon had met Sesshomaru and Inuyasha ( separate please) when they were little (the fem s/o butterfly demon was also still a child at that time) Dancing on a hill or mountain with the moonlight shining on her and her beautiful butterfly wings,Instead of being surprised by them Femin s/o elegantly stretches out her hand to invite them to play or dance in the middle of the forest . ( Headcannon)
Definitely! I’m very glad you enjoyed the idea, all of my requests are always so creative! I wouldn’t write so much if it wasn’t for all the vivid prompts. The whole atmosphere you described immediately reminded me, for some reason, of this song from 'A Troll's Fairy Tale' Otome game. It just set up the whole mood of the story.
Inuyasha/Sesshomaru x Butterfly Demon! Reader Headcanons: First meeting
Featuring a young Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and their first encounter with the child demon.
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Inuyasha was never a child to cause trouble. He always clung to his mother's soft sleeves, quickly following behind her as his tiny footsteps barely made a sound against the polished tatami. So whatever possessed him that night is, to this day, beyond his understanding. Nonetheless, on a certain night with full moon, he snuck outside and ran across the tall grass and up the hill until he reached a glade.
It was almost as if someone had called him by his name, a mumbled, merely audible whisper echoing from the distance. He’d been to this place many times before with his mother, yet now it looked entirely different. His small body cowered before the crooked, swaying shadows of the tall trees and he wanted to run away, doubting his intentions. That’s when the clouds cleared and the patch of open greenery was once again bathed by pale light. He hadn’t noticed the other person. A child, like him, carelessly and effortlessly dancing around, indifferent to the world. Although it couldn’t have been a human. Inuyasha was very much familiar with demons given his own family, but he’d never seen one like this. Adorning her back, a pair of sheer, colorful wings fluttered gently in the wind.
He must’ve been staring rather intently, because the mysterious nocturnal artist finally noticed his presence. You seemed pleased by the idea of having company, so you enthusiastically skipped and twirled your way over, extending an inviting hand. He barely grazed his fingers against yours when the worried shouts of his mother startled him out of his trance. “I think I have to go back home”, he muttered apologetically. “Mom is looking for me.” And with that, he begun sprinting away, occasionally looking back to see if the butterfly girl would still be there.
Even as a child, Sesshomaru had always been aloof and independent. It wasn’t uncommon for him to disappear at random times, so no one would question it, especially given he’d always return safely. Sometimes he just needed time to himself and away from others, in order to gather his thoughts and also train, hoping to close the gap between him and his father. Other times he’d wander out of pure curiosity, out of the desire to explore.
It was during one of his nightly expeditions that he felt the sudden desire to follow along a certain path. He knew very well where it led, to one of the cozily hidden glades he’d visit for his sword training. Though he’d never been there after dark, so this was a first. Once he reached the forest clearing, he shuddered slightly at the cold wind. It was unexpectedly chilly for late spring and the cherry blossom branches creaked with the breeze, scattering clumps of petals. He surveyed the area with his big amber eyes and spotted some movement ahead. A girl his age. Or rather, a demon. He involuntarily reached for his sword, expectantly. You were too focused on your movements to realize his presence. A pirouette under the moonlight, and your wings spread open theatrically once you were finished. Sesshomaru was mesmerized.
You heard the quiet gasp and turned to your audience, chuckling at the young boy’s baffled expression. “You can join, too. I won’t mind.” You said reassuringly. Sesshomaru huffed, embarrassed to be caught so beguiled. “Why would I do something so silly?” He retorted, trying to play it cool. He folded his arms and looked away, uninterested. “You can just say you don’t know how to dance.” You teased, cheekily. This seemed to have hit a nerve, as the boy glared at you and answered with a puffed up chest, “S-so what about it, I’m a warrior, not a dancer!” You shrugged and hopped on a nearby rock for some elevation, continuing your little dance. As annoyed as he sounded, Sesshomaru continued to observe you, a faint blush warming his cheeks.
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daisygirlwrites · 2 years
Little Things (Simon "Ghost" Riley + Reader "Crash") Platonic Headcanons
Part Three to Rough Start & Olive Branch
a/n: hey hey! been a minute, sorry about that ;-; also sorry that this is a bit shorter than usual but i might write some small fics about a few of these headcanons in the future. should be posting again sometime soon though! thank you so much for reading!
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @itsscromp , @d4z01
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Being friends with Ghost is like putting a puzzle together except all of the pieces are scattered. Finding some of them would bring you delight and while others give you a better understanding of the man. Throughout your long years of friendship, you come to an understanding that there will be pieces of him that you will never get to see, some forever gone. And yet, even if the puzzle is incomplete, you had most of it together. You’d rather have that than nothing at all
That being said, your first year with the team was quite good, besides the constant threat of almost dying and a certain member of the team being mean for almost half of it
But after bonding over knife throwing and tea for the last couple months, you and Ghost have grown close. To him, at least. From your perspective, after getting your new callsign, you felt like your relationship with him hasn’t progressed much
However, it’s the little things that you’ve noticed with him:
Like making your tea in the early morning. Half of the time you would join him and other times when your nightmares don’t show up, he’d leave your mug in the microwave
Knowing that you were raised in the Rocky Mountains, it kind of surprised him to learn that you hate the cold. So during missions in colder climates, after watching you shiver like a wet cat, he’d give you his extra pair of balaclava and gloves.
“It’s a little big on me” “Fine, give it back then” “No >:( “ 
Another thing that he does for you is taking your first watch during missions. In the first couple months when you joined, Soap and Gaz had a list of “Rookie Responsibilities” and of course one of them was to take the first watch. It wasn’t really mandatory but being a people pleaser, you did it anyway. 
It went well at first but in the last couple months, Ghost noticed that you, in his words, looked like shit after missions. And of course, you’d volunteer for the first watch. Sometimes, when it was his turn, he’d find you somehow looking worse, giving him the frog blink and thumbs up, before watching you immediately pass out on the cot or couch. 
You’d make a fuss when he would take the first watch and he had to basically pull rank to force you to go to sleep
Still calls you Rook/Rookie besides your callsign. Would sometimes call you Tiny and Mini-Me just to piss you off
Isn’t a surprise but Ghost is really observant. Knows your nervous ticks and honestly reads your emotions well. He didn’t do it before but he does check up on you 
Head pats is a thing that he does. Used to do it to his nephew and Joseph would look up to him with his cheeks puffed and whining “Uncle Si!”. You’d have the same reaction except with calling him Uncle Si, you’d usually say “Ghost, what the fuck”
You find out that Ghost doesn’t like talking about family and Christmas. Hearing some bits of info from Price, it broke your heart to learn about the reasons why he’d always gone on missions during the holiday. But at the same time, you understood him
You kind of do the same thing, taking on missions instead of going on leave. Kind of surprised Ghost when hears that he’s going to get paired up and with you of all people
“I figured you’re the type to celebrate the holidays” “Oh, I am, Just didn’t want to see my dad, that’s all.”
He opens his mouth to comment but chooses to not say anything at all. He gives you a nod instead. Ghost understands your family dynamic, it mirrors his.
Would copy his accent to make fun of him over coms. Yes, it was very bad but it did make the team giggle. He hits you back with an equally horrible American accent that made you cry
He accidentally told you one of his favorite dishes during a stake out. He was listening to you talk on coms about how much you missed pizza and how you can’t wait to go back to base to make some, silently nodding in agreement. 
“I would kill for a bubble and squeak right about now,” he thinks out loud, not realizing that his coms were on He became slightly concerned when heard you stop talking for a moment, before repeating to him, “A bubble and squeak?!” Even without seeing you, he can tell you had a big grin on your face, “I’m gonna keep quiet.” “No no, LT. I’m not making fun of you,” you assured him, “Tell me, what’s a bubble and squeak?” Ghost lets out an audible sigh before he gives you an explanation, “Basically mix some leftover mash, vegetables and roast and then fry it up in a pan." "Holy shit , that sounds delicious.”
Taught him some gen z slang because you notice that he would eavesdrop during your conversations with Soap and Gaz sometimes
Share the same type of humor. When you, Soap and Ghost got separated in Las Almas, they would hear you cackle on coms
Both of you wear your balaclavas as a second skin and would forget to take it off sometimes. Would sit in silence together as the rest of the team roast you for getting your masks wet with tea
Crash : “I have no soul. Have a nice day! :) “ Ghost : “I don’t have one either.”
Honestly, he finds you annoying but in a good way. Having you talk to him gives him the comfort that the relationship is improving but at the same time, he wants to smack you upside the head
That’s when he realize how much you remind him of his brother
When the queen died, Ghost wasn’t too upset. That is until you reminded him that Charles is now king
Due to some previous events, you’re the one driving Ghost everywhere when you guys hang out. Is offended when you straight up tell him that he has shit driving skills. 
Calls him Passenger Princess as a joke
Ghost is more into books than movies. So it does come as a shock that he mentions that he hasn’t seen the LOTRs movies. You basically force him (and the rest of the team) into a movie marathon for a day. He grumbles about how some of the scenes are different from the book but he does get into it during the Mountains of Moria
Impressed with how you handle your liquor. Watched you beat Soap and Gaz in a drinking contest before drunkenly demanding chicken nuggets and then passing out
Ghost is surprisingly decent at video games. During game nights, he’d beat everyone at Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. You accuse him of cheating and of course, he denies it. Had to be held back by Price as you repeated “These hands are rated E for Everyone.”
Your face wasn’t a mystery to him or to anyone in the team. You took your mask off regularly around them. But like many others, you saw his face in Mexico. There was a greater sense of trust that you felt when you made eye contact with him. He gave you a soft smile and you returned it
"Huh, didn't think you'd be a blondie," You remarked as you both head towards the truck "Didn't think you'd be short but here we are," Ghost jokes back
He will never admit it in front of you that he's sees you as more than friends. That you have the best qualities from his family; his mother's compassion and his brother's humor and determination. Hell, at some points, you even resemble Joseph with your optimism.
He has someone to call family again
Bonus Memes:
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shockinglyangel · 6 months
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A = Aftercare: I'd stay Theo's quite good at aftercare, he totally found out what it was by one of the boys. He does have a lot of hookups so I doubt he does any aftercare with them due to how intimate it is. Much like Mattheo, he'd mainly only ever give aftercare if it's in a relationship and he loves that person.
B = Body part: He loves his jawline, he's so overly obsessed with it, definitely the type of guy to show it to literally everyone unintentionally, taking a picture? He's showing off his jawline, he wants a kiss on the cheek? 100% will stick out his jawline. Theodore loves boobs, he loves everything to do with boobs, definitely has some muggle magazines of ladies in tiny bikinis hiding in his dorm. Doesn't matter what size your boobs are, he loves them.
C = Cum: If he isn't finishing inside of you, he'll be finishing on your tits, and don't be surprised if he takes a picture of it afterwards. He definitely wants you to swallow when he cums in your mouth, most likely work it into dirty talk and tell you to swallow. Honestly wouldn't care if you wanted to kiss him after.
D = Dirty Secret: Back to the magazines, he gets off to them a lot, he didn't stop doing it until the start of your relationship, but still keeps them - they're just hidden in a place you won't find them ;)
E = Experience: I've said this before and I'll say it again, he is a manwhore, he's had A LOT of hookups and therefore has a lot of experience, he knows what he's doing due to trial and error. He's pretty advanced in his knowledge, and he knows what he wants so will most likely show you how he wants to be pleasured.
F = Favourite Position: He's a big fan of doggy since he can take you from behind, but he does like to see your face so he'll grab you by the neck and pull you up to his chest so he can kiss you while going at it! Missionary with your legs around his arms (kinda like child-pose) is his second favourite since he can see how your boobs jiggle around as he's fucking you.
G = Goofy: In hookups he's not very humorous, but when having sex in a relationship he'll definitely crack a joke every once in while. He's the type to laugh it off if something embarrassing happens, but tries to keep it quite serious during.
H = Hair: He likes to keep himself well groomed for you but he honestly doesn't care if you shave or not, he'd still fuck you either way so it really doesn't bother him. He'd rather you were shaved if you wanted him to go down on you though.
I = Intimacy: He's not the most romantic during the moment, he uses sex to deal with pent up aggression mainly, so if you're having sex he's not the nicest. But if you're making love and it's purely just an intimate moment in between the two of you, then he is quite romantic, he'd definitely tell you how much he loves you over again, scatter you in love bites so you know how much he truly does care for you.
J = Jack Off: Does it whenever you're not available, has been caught jacking off before and will probably continue to be since he's not very discreet with his noises. Would prefer you to do it for him so normally he will wait aliens until you are no longer busy and can help with with his impending issue.
K = Kink: Definitely a spanker, whether he's slapping your butt or your tits, he loves the way your body reacts to him when he does it. Orgasm denial, enjoys watching you squirm when he pulls away when your legs are shaking and you're about to finish, likes the control he has over your bodily reactions to his touch.
L = Location: He'll pull you into an empty classroom or cupboard if he REALLY needs you. Really likes doing it late at night in the Slytherin common room on the couch when he knows no one else will be in there to find you both. He loves your bed and how comfortable it is so he loves doing it there, also likes how loud you can be when you're alone.
M = Motivation: If you wear a low cleavage shirt, or a shirt in which he can see your hardened nipples through, he's a big fan of boobs if I didn't already mention. When he hugs you and can feel your tits against his chest, anything to do with boobs really. If you place your hand on his thigh though, he will go wild.
N = NO: If you try to make him jealous, he doesn't like how jealousy makes him feel and he doesn't like when you actively try to make him feel that way.
O = Oral: He's pretty skilled at it, he likes giving it to you since he likes how much it pleasures you. He does truly believe that if he gives you something, you should give him something in return, so expect him to be asking you for head after. He LOVES head, it's one of his favourites, he does enjoy the control of it though so will shamelessly push your head further and watch you gag on him.
P = Pace: He's fast and rough, you have probably broken the bed a few times and had to fix it with a spell. He likes how going fast makes him feel and is rough with you since he knows you like it. If you told him to slow it down he would. Could speed it up even when you didn't think he could anymore.
Q = Quickie: He enjoys the time he gets to spend exploring your body when having sex, so quickies never come before actual sex. Only time you're having a quickie is if he really needs you and neither of you have much time. Otherwise he would happily whip you away and take you to his dorm for the next couple of hours.
R = Risk: He's a very experimental person and will try everything at least once. Will do anything you ask him to do in order to make you happy. Has and will do it in risky places, knowing there's a possibility of being caught. Likes the thought of being caught so everyone can see how well he pleasures you.
S = Stamina: He can go for a few rounds, probably a couple more than you could. He's the type of guy who would finish and then he completely fine for you to keep going. I'd say he could last maybe 3-5 on average, 5-6 on a good day. Will allow breaks if you need it.
T = Toy: Prefers if you didn't use toys, but will use them on you if you asked him to. Would be fine with you using toys on him as he's into trying anything that you like.
U = Unfair: He's a very unfair guy when it comes to teasing, like I've already mentioned, he has a thing for orgasm denial so will spend his damn time kissing every inch of your body before getting to where you need him most. Can hold on for quite a while before he feels as though he needs to be pleasured, so he will tease you endlessly until his patience wears thin.
V = Volume: He's a grunted/groaner, he's more of a deeper moaning type guy but is quite loud. Enjoys the noises you make so will always encourage you to be louder as it reminds him of how good he's making you feel.
W = Wild Card: Has tasted his own cum, did not like it, will probably never do it again.
X = X-Ray: He's big. Like very big. Only really wears black trousers so no one can see his print, has a bulge whether he's hard or not
Y = Yearning: Could go for sex every second of every day, not one to complain if you said that you wanted him even if he wasn't necessarily horny because he can get into the mood very quickly.
Z = ZZZ: Falls asleep so quickly afterwards, he'll give you the attention and aftercare that you need but after he's done with that, he'll be completely out of it until the next morning comes along, and then he'll do it all again.
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fatale-distraction · 3 months
Okay but bear with me tho cause I have Headcanons
The Dread Wolf prowled through the streets of Minrathous, careful to keep to the shadows, winding a convoluted path with unerring steps through the most obscure backstreets. Overhead, the sentinel towers floated, their lyrium-powered eyes scanning for his presence. They wouldn’t find him. His agents were scattered throughout the city, simultaneously sowing confusion and protecting the elven population of the city. The magisterium would see any elf breaking curfew as a threat, even the lowliest child slave wasn’t above suspicion. The innocent must be protected as much as possible.
He rounded a corner, and immediately stepped back behind the mortar wall as a spotlight swept by, clutching the final piece of his grand puzzle to his chest. The moment it passed, he hurried onward. An elderly elven man stumbled across his path, clinging to the hand of a young woman who froze at the sight of the mage before her.
“Go,” he hissed, gesturing behind him. “Quickly. Tell any others to get to their homes.”
“Thank you,” the girl stammered, staring up at him with large, luminous blue eyes. They weren’t the right color, but so similar it drove a knife into his side.
He pushed on.
“You are in violation of curfew—…”
A shadow flitted by on quiet feet and the scream of a guardsman was cut off with a barely perceptible snick of metal. Everything was going to plan.
“The Chargers have been spotted,” the shadow whispered as it followed his steps. “They’re guarding something, but our people haven’t been able to find out what. No sign of her.”
“She’s likely the very person they’re protecting,” Solas murmured back. “Keep eyes on them, but don’t interfere unless they move first.”
The agent hesitated. “I don’t think it is her. There’s a rumor she was seen on the other side of town. Same area the Blue Wraith report came from. It’s possible The Chargers are merely a distraction, but…”
“Just keep tabs on both of them,” snapped the Dread Wolf. “And get back to work.”
The shadow melted away and Solas picked up his pace again, tugging his hood down more firmly. It didn’t bode well that Cremisius had let the former Inquisitor out of his sight, even accompanied by the most famed Slaver Slayer of the current age. He needed to hurry.
As Solas rounded another labyrinthine corner, he nearly stumbled over a small, shivering bundle pressed against the crumbling brick and swore. The creature squealed in terror and scuttled away. There was a flash of wild reddish-brown curls and fearful violet eyes. The wrong color, both, yet the same. He skidded to a halt and stared. The little bundle pressed further into the shadows, its cloak pinned at the shoulder with an all too familiar golden eye.
Solas crept forward, heart in his throat, stashing the final artifact within the folds of his cloak. The tiny cloaked figure shied away and whimpered, trembling all over. He reached forward and pulled the hood back. His own eyes stared back at him, wider, wetter, and younger. Unruly curls he knew like the back of his hand, the same color his own hair had been so many centuries past. His nose. Her rose-bud lips. A perfect chimera of their shared features.
“No,” he whispered, narrowing his eyes. “No, that’s not—…” But it was possible. She’d tracked him down not long after the Exhalted Council, specifically to yell at him. There hadn’t been much yelling.
That was almost seven years ago. And this fearful little waif couldn’t be much younger than six. He reached for her again and she shrieked, covering her face with tiny, pale hands.
“No!” She squealed. “Please don’t eat me, Dread Wolf! I won’t run away anymore, please!”
His face fell. He could feel his heart shatter like glass, the icy shards dropping down through his stomach. “Oh,” he breathed, kneeling beside her. “No, no, no, please don’t cry…I won’t harm you, da’ean.”
The child continued whimpering, curling in on herself. Watching the terror in her eyes, his own face reflected in irises he’d never forget, the image distorted by tears, tore at him as truly as a wolf’s teeth. As gently as he knew how, Solas tentatively took her by the arms and helped her to stand. When she jerked away and stumbled into the wall behind her it was like a punch to the gut.
“Where is your mother?” Whispered Solas, reaching out to take her hand even more slowly. She eyed him with an all-too-familiar suspicion, but allowed the contact, though her fingers shook.
“She went with the glowing man,” the girl sniffed and squared her little shoulders in sudden defiance. “I wanted to go with, but my Krem said I had to stay. I don’t want to stay, I want to fight with mamae, I want to fight the Dread Wolf!”
Solas couldn’t help the devastated smile that pulled at his lips. “And, da’len? What do you think, now that you’ve found him?”
The child considered him, scrubbing her face with a grubby paw. She set her chin, the same way she always had. “I don’t think you’re very scary at all,” she insisted. “You’re just tall and bald.”
An ugly snort burst from him before he could stop it. “Well, you’re quite right,” he allowed. “What is your name?”
“Mahriel,” she replied. “I already know your name. It’s Fen’Harel.”
“Yes. And your mother? What is her name?”
“Her name, child, what is her given name?”
“Her name is Mamae,” insisted Mahriel in a tone that suggested she thought him to be terribly, regrettably stupid.
Solas sighed and stood, still holding onto the girl’s hand. She was so little he nearly had to bend at the waist. “I see. At any rate, it’s not safe for you to be wandering the streets alone. There are people much more scary than I who wouldn’t shy away from harming a child.”
“More dangerous than you?” She asked quietly.
Solas gave her a grim smile. “No.”
She considered this and seemed to come to the conclusion that as long as she had the more dangerous scary person on her side, the other scary people shouldn’t pose much of a problem. “Okay.” She lifted her arms and, clearly unaccustomed to being disobeyed, commanded him. “Up.”
“Yes, my lady,” the Dread Wolf replied soberly, lifting the child easily into his arms. “I’ll see you safely back to…”
“My Krem,” she supplied. The girl put her hand to his ear with a conspiratorial whisper. “I don’t want Mamae to know I escaped. She’ll be very angry at him.”
“I’m sure.”
Moving through the streets with a priceless artifact had been difficult enough. This precious package was far more nerve-wracking. Every sweep of the sentinel buildings sent a jolt through his heart, every sound was a potential threat. Where before the adrenaline had been an exhilaration, now just shook him down to his bones. One of his agents bolted by, skidded to a screeching halt, turned around and gaped openly. Solas scowled, made a violent gesture, and they scampered off, tossing a bewildered look over their shoulder.
He needed to hurry before word spread too far.
The last thing he needed just now was an ‘I told you so’ lecture from Merrill.
Who was in charge here, anyway?
“What the FUCK do you mean, she’s GONE?!”
The roof of the skeevy bar shook and glass bottles rattled on the shelves. Krem alone stood before the former Inquisitor, head bowed in shame.
“I don’t know how she escaped, one minute she was here, and then—…”
“You got outsmarted by a six-and-a-half year-old CHILD!” roared Ellana. Fenris leaned against the wall behind her, glowering.
“Grim and Stitches are already out looking for her—…”
The small elven woman grabbed her friend by the front of his armor and yanked him down to her height. “My daughter,” she enunciated through furious tears. “My precious elvhen daughter is wandering around the streets of Minrathous BY HERSELF, during a lockdown, with swarms of Fen’Harel’s agents and Venatori forces crawling about in the middle of the night. And you sent TWO men out after her?”
“Dalish and Skinner are out there, too.”
“Oh, FOUR! That makes me feel so much better, Krem.” Ellana turned to speak to her body guard over her shoulder. “FOUR people out looking for my daughter, Fenris, whom I birthed from my own body at great expense to my health.”
The Blue Wraith snarled an oath. “Shall I go?”
“You’re supposed to be guarding Her Worship,” argued Krem.
“And you were supposed to guard a CHILD,” snapped Fenris, lips curling in rage as he pushed away from the wall and advanced.
“Stop it, both of you,” demanded Ellana, shouldering between the two men before it could come to blows. She raked trembling fingers through her bright red curls, then dropped her hand to rub at her left elbow. It had been almost eight years since the unexpected amputation, and it still ached sometimes. Particularly when emotions ran high. “I’ll go look for her myself. Fenris with me, Krem…”
He looked so thoroughly dejected it broke her heart. The mercenary loved that little girl like his own from the start. She sighed. “Stay here in case she turns up. She’ll be scared and she’ll need you.”
“Yes, Your Worship,” he choked out.
The door to the bar creaked open and all three adults whirled, two swords came unsheathed, and hand-held crossbow found its way into Ellana’s hand.
A small, reddish blur blasted into Ellana, nearly knocking her off her feet. “Mamae!”
“Mahriel!” Her mother cried out, scooping the child into her arms with a fresh burst of tears. Fenris and Krem exchanged relieved looks and sheathed their weapons. Krem slumped against the bar with a groan while the other man turned to secure the door. “What were you thinking, running away from your Krem?! Glowy Man nearly gutted him, and I hadn’t even decided on all the terrible things I was going to make him do!”
“Thanks,” Krem deadpanned from his slumped position.
“Stop calling me that,” Fenris grumbled from his post by the door. His eyes searched the darkness outside through the high peep-hole carved through the wood, but saw nothing but still shadows.
“I was even considering making Krem scrub my chamber pot,” scolded Ellana.
“No!” Her daughter wailed into her bosom, repentant tears streaming down her fat cheeks. “No, don’t make my Krem clean your stinky chamber pot! It was my fault! I tricked him! I’m so sorry, Krem!”
The mercenary just groaned, massaging his temples. “I’m never having kids…” he muttered to himself. “They’re too much trouble, and that one’s not even mine. No kids, not ever.”
His smile ached as the Dread Wolf perched on the roof of the reappropriated bar, listening to the litany of relieved admonishments. She hadn’t changed much, not where it counted. She was still patently incapable of being serious for longer than a moment, still full of kindness even when overcome by righteous fury. Still full of love, even for those who had let her down so terribly. Solas risked a small peek through a knot in the wooden roof. The little girl was now clutched in Cremisius’ strong arms and sobbing out her apologies while her mother recovered with an impressive swig from the first bottle she could get her hands on.
There would be discussions. Later. First he would string his spymaster up by their thumbs and demand to know just how in the ever-loving fuck they’d managed to overlook the existence of a whole entire child for nearly seven years. Then he’d find Ellana and if he could resist shaking her bodily, demand an explanation, regardless of whether he deserved one or not. If there was time, he’d ask Krem how a six year old had outsmarted him.
But for now…He double-checked that the artifact was still safely stowed in his cloak pocket. It was the last piece. Now all that remained was to return to Arlathan Forest and begin.
He had to move quickly.
The Dread Wolf took one last look. Ellana had wrestled her daughter back from her friend and was cradling her close, stroking her hair and murmuring softly. Krem stood at her side, his hand on the former Inquisitor’s shoulder. Fenris, however, stood protectively over all of them, staring straight up at the ceiling, eyes narrowed, his hand resting casually on the pommel of his sword.
The Dread Wolf fled.
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childofsardior · 21 days
What? Iggy's Headcanon from my AU? Here we gooo!
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↓↓↓ Read it all below! ↓↓↓
General Info:
Full name: Ignatius Koopa. Iggy was the very first victim of his mother’s realization that she was giving her children long names that could be easily shortened in popular Human's Dimension musicians. Since she already gave Lemmy and Roy longer names, she continued the trend of searching for something that could be compressed into Iggy to mention Iggy Pop. An old Latin name was the only thing she found. By the way, Iggy doesn't mind. He claims that, in reality, Ignatius sounds perfect for a mad scientist, but he's saving his full name for the time he'll be a famous and acclaimed researcher and inventor.
Gender and pronouns: Pronouns are he/him. He claims that "gender is way too complex to be compressed by a single label and even with a one-year-long accurate explanation about how I'm feeling right now could not bring justice to a person's fluidity during the time". If Lemmy asked him to bring a flag for a hypothetical Mushroom Pride, Iggy would probably take the Agender flag with him, even if it's just an "arid and inaccurate simplification and oversimplified approximation of the Koopas and other sentient creatures' complex nature".
Sexuality: He's aro/ace. Again, Iggy's love for accurate explanations will lead him to claim that, of course, one's sexuality is a lot more complex than a single word and the (potentially fluid) result of a mix of innate and cultural factors, educational background, personal experience(s), and even more. But he actually adopted these labels since he found out they are very convenient to quickly describe his lack of attraction - at least, physical and romantic - towards other people, especially if someone is trying to flirt with him and he's like "Oh no". Despite what his siblings think, tho, he would not refuse the idea of a platonic relationship in the (distant) future... if he'll ever find a genius brain that could match his love for science, of course.
Age: He's currently 16 (in calendar years), sharing his age with Roy and Wendy since their eggs were from the same clutch and hatched just a few hours away from each other. He's the one that hatched in the middle, the day after Roy and the day before Wendy. As Royal Koopas mature faster than Humans and such, Iggy could be compared to a 18/19 y.old Human. Just like Ludwig, tho, Iggy has always been even more precocious, being very intelligent and smart since he was a tiny hatchling - but curiously enough he didn't learn how to speak until 1.5 years old, later than all his siblings.
Species: Tarrasquin (also known as "Royal Koopas" or "Dragon-Turtles") - that happens to be a powerful and rare species related both to Koopas and Dragons. The lack of horns at a young age and the number of spikes on the shell may point to the subspecies known as Plains/Field Tarrasquin, while some other details could suggest a "mix" with the Vulcanic bloodline. In addition, all the Koopalings seem to share an innate inclination toward magic and some other unusual details never found before in Tarrasquins, such as tail feathers or natural armors protecting the limbs, along with peculiar tiny gem-like scales scattered around their bodies in different patterns.
Physical appearance: Iggy is a yellow-scaled Tarrasquin with some green accents scattered around his whole body, especially on his head and limbs. On his shoulders and joints, he got some harder, spikier scales. He has long, straight acid-green hair, and blue eyes with the iris detached from the pupils for an unknown mutation. Iggy's Royal Fangs follows a lateral quartet and curved pattern, a slightly rarer variant of the straight quartet one. Some tiny spikes sprouted recently on the top of his tail. He's the tallest among his siblings, and not only thanks to his usual hairstyle - even his green shell is oval-shaped instead of round. He's also very slim, and he looks quite frail for a dragon-turtle. Iggy is actually the most delicate of the family, talking about his resilience and health, and the fact that his body is incapable of digesting meat in the right way doesn't help it.
Personality: Iggy's known as the mad genius of the Royal Family, acting crazy all the time and all. If you meet him in person for the first time, you'll probably agree with the rumors. He often talks by himself, laughs crazily even during dangerous situations, and will always tell you what he's honestly thinking without even pondering his words. He's also easily excited and tends to act hyperactively while he's among other people, while sometimes becoming extremely annoying and even childish when he's hanging out with his siblings. But Iggy's crazed facade is just one side of the coin of his whole personality. He mostly adopts (unconsciously) his extremely mad behavior when he finds himself in new social situations, or between his whole bunch of siblings as a sort of coping mechanism to fight an overwhelming social anxiety. In his comfort zone - usually shared with Lemmy - he'll show a more tranquil and nerdy side, full of curiosity and random facts about whatever he's researching this month. He's also extremely clever and intelligent, mostly in a scientific and inventive way - always thinking about his next projects and mechanical inventions - but somehow a bit naive and usually not very wise. At the same time, he can't really understand most of the things that do not fall into his interests - he can't understand sports, he can't understand politics, he can't understand why Wendy likes so much spending hours at SPAs receiving massages from strangers?? - and nobody can really insult or joke with him, Iggy just won't acknowledge why you're trying to offend him, and will just laugh in response. On the other hand, he actually likes to joke by himself or about his rivals, and even insult his opponents in his own way, leading his siblings to believe he just pretends to not understand how irony works. Most of the time, you will find Iggy content about his next great idea, or way too busy working on his next super-duper-cool machine to worry about life at all, but from time to time even the most clever of the family gets blue. Sometimes he just feels lonely, especially during these days in which he suddenly finds it hard to communicate with others - and he will probably spend them working alone in his labs, talking to himself or even in a deep, thinking silence. He also strongly dislikes being touched without warning, an exception made only for Lemmy, and some days he will just... need a pause from social overstimulation. All of this usually leads to Iggy being one of the most reclusive brothers in the group. In these cases, he prefers to spend time with the weirdest insects in his terrariums or with his Chain Chomp pet instead of being around people. Last but not least, Iggy can usually manage his stress and anxiety when it's about people - he will just go somewhere more comfortable and quiet, be that his room or a lonely tower - but something that really breaks him down is losing or breaking his eyeglasses. It's probably one of the only times you can see him really panic or even cry in fear with wet eyes if that happens during a fight or at a bad moment in general.
Hobbies and passions: Iggy's passions are just a few, but he's extremely dedicated (and hyperfixed) about them. Mechanical arts, absurd weaponry and machines, and futuristic inventions are the first things he's usually focused on, but he loves doing his own research about uncommon flora and faunas, cataloging new animals and plants in his book and PCs. He even "collects" some of them in terrariums and pots, occasionally experimenting with some of his bugs' poison or some weird plant's leaves and lymph. He's also very into videogames since he could put his hands on one, and he's currently the second-best hardcore player of the whole house, just after Ludwig - but recently, Iggy's slowly overcoming him. It's not rare for the two "house geniuses" to compete or even resolve a conflict with a serious match of "Super Smash Siblings", and Iggy is the first one his siblings will ask for help to complete a hard level - since nobody wants to ask Ludwig for help unless it's the only solution left. Aside from video gaming only, Iggy's quite into programming, modding and even hacking. He usually assembles his own and his siblings' PCs and will crack all the games Larry wants in his free time, and while he's not programming some new AI for his latest robotic experiment, he will also spend some decent time on obscure science-related sub-Red.dot, as well on specific sites such as digibutter.nerr, talking with other nerds all around the world exchanging info and nerdy hacks.
With his siblings: Iggy can prove to be a very annoying company, and this is why not all of his sibs like to hang out with him, especially among the older. His younger brothers, instead, are often looking for him for help, to request him some new inventions or hack for their Swiitch or even to ask him to get some new movies and videogames in not-so-legal-ways. His very best pal is Lemmy and they often spend lots and lots of time together, but Iggy has a good relationship with Junior, Larry and Morton, too.
Now, for each relationship with the siblings:
Ludwig: They are rivals, always contending for the title of the real "family genius". But while Iggy just casually claims to be clever and able to do some cool stuff, Ludwig is extremely convinced of his own words and will get quite jealous when Iggy surpasses him - so it's more a very serious rivalry only from Ludwig's POV, while Iggy would be cool about the statement "there are two big-brained Koopas in this house" (three, if you count Wendy in it, but she doesn't have time for this childish type of squabbles). But even if Ludwig doesn't want to admit it, Iggy was the one who inspired him to discover some interest in projecting blueprints for his own war machines and such, and they do work together from time to time when the necessity asks for both points of view. Iggy is also the only one in the family that calls his blue-shelled brother"Luddy", and Ludwig hates it.
Lemmy:  Saying that Iggy and Lemmy are best friends would be reductive. They are basically twin-coded (even if Lemmy is a year and half older than Iggy) and probably the two form the strongest bond inside the whole bunch of Royal Koopa siblings. Since they were hatchlings they spent most of their time together. As kids they played together all day, they started to prank others together, they went on "adventures" together... they even tried out various dye colors for their hair together, always trying to match, and until puberty, they were both short enough to be easily mistaken for actual twins at a first glance - except made for Iggy's need for eyeglasses. Then, things started to change a bit. Iggy's growth sprout surprised everyone, and put a big difference between him and Lemmy's absurd shortness; at a certain point, Iggy started to look for his own identity, stopped dyeing his hair and looked for a peculiar hairstyle instead. Their passions differentiated a lot during their teen years, leaving both siblings with less to share. But even if Lemmy was (and secretly still is) afraid of this at first, in the end their bond didn't weaken. They are still both a little weird in their own ways, and they both follow their interests without caring about what others could think of them. They constantly support each other to the point they can finish each other's sentences, and they also confide only to each other. Iggy is actually a good listener to Lemmy's concerns, knowing them so well, and vice-versa. They would end up being the type of siblings that will just go to live together reaching adulthood... if it wasn't for Lemmy's visceral intolerance for the jungle's humidity and Iggy's impossibility of tolerating very cold climates.
Roy: Iggy is a bit afraid of Roy. Being the frail, nerdy one, Iggy has been an easy target for the family's pink-headed bully since he was a kid. If something in Iggy's inventions goes wrong during a mission, Roy will just beat him up without questions out of anger. They do not interact much, and the green-shelled Royal Koopa tries to simply avoid his one-day-older brother when he can.
Wendy: As with Roy, Iggy and Wendy do not interact much, unless forced by the circumstances. Roy and Wendy acting as twins since they were newborns and excluding him on purpose doesn't help. Wendy finds Iggy too frivolous and weird for her liking, and Iggy doesn't understand any of Wendy's hobbies, passions and tastes in general. Wendy would spend all her savings on new clothing and accessories...? "Why would you need them? We are dragon-turtles, not Humans! We do not *need* clothing!" Wendy would spend a whole day at her favorite SPA, letting strangers touch her with massages, wearing weird masks made of food and even taking Mud Baths?? "Is she crazy? Why would anyone like to be touched or even "beaten" on purpose? And wasn't she the super-clean one that hated dirt in all its form??" On the brighter side, Wendy, as opposed to Roy, never bullied Iggy for his behaviors when he was younger.
Morton: The two spend some nice time together, especially since Iggy started his "let's teach grammar and spelling to our big, dark-scaled bro!". Iggy's the only one who is actively trying to help Morton with his speech issue, and every week they are learning new conjunctions, verbs and words - Iggy's ultimate goal is to prove to his other siblings that Morton is not "just a dumb head" as they sometimes claim - even if they are not doing too much progresses by now. Iggy also allows Morton to keep him company during field research and asks for his help from time to time when he needs to assemble big and heavy pieces, counting on Morton's innate strength. Morton is also allowed to assist him during his "I need some silence, please" working moments, as long as he stays silent. Iggy is also trying to teach him how to catalog weird rocks, but Morton just seems to enjoy the pure act of collecting them and putting them in nice places around his room.
Larry: Iggy and Larry have a decent relationship overhaul. Larry LOVES Iggy, especially when he needs something. Iggy feels quite proud of it, feeling a bit like Ludwig in "big, responsible bro mode". They usually spend time playing videogames together or thinking about unofficial mods to apply to the boring Mushroom Kingdom's videogames (for example, modding their own stylized models in the game to be able to play as themselves instead of as a boring plumber in some popular platforms). Aside from that, Larry and Iggy's other interests don't match much, but Iggy is one of the few who can tolerate the younger for the most time.
Bowser Junior: The two have a good relationship, mostly because Junior loves Iggy's crazy "Bahahaha!"-style laugh and most of all his inventions - the Koopa Heir is even approaching the absurd world of (fantasy) mechanic thanks to Iggy, and is trying to learn how to do some projects himself. He always asks Iggy for some new upgrades to his Junior Clown Car, new pirated Swiitch games (when King Bowser refuses to buy him more), new cool toys (such as the Mechakoopas, that Iggy originally created as toys for tiny Larry and Junior) and some times even for super giant mecha to use against the annoying Mario Brothers. Iggy is also surprisingly protective of Bowser Junior when they are on missions together, maybe because the youngest of the family unconsciously remembers Iggy when he was small and frail himself, in need of Lemmy's protection.
* * *
With King Bowser: Iggy has a decent relationship with his adoptive father and King of the Koopas. He *does* see him as a parental figure, even if he doesn't often agree with his plans and can't really understand the way the King reasons. Bowser will frequently ask Iggy to create new anti-Mario weapons, for Iggy's pleasure, but aside from that the two don't interact very much - especially since Iggy is extremely honest with his opinions and Bowser doesn't really like when someone is questioning his Royal Authority. Iggy is also (currently) the only one who likes to jokingly call Bowser "daddy" or "royal daddy", something everyone in the family dislikes a lot.
With his Mother (OC): During the years the siblings used to live with their mother, Iggy was the curious boy of the house. He was always finding new things to show his mother, from funny-shaped leaves to colorful feathers to new books full of dinosaurs. He was a bit reclusive and shy too as a child, and their mother had to step in and protect him from Roy's arrogance or after a fight with Ludwig, a role that Lemmy took themselves when they started to be old enough. Being his mother and Iggy both a bit autistic and filled with social anxiety, too, they could easily understand each other about how stressful it was to stay among strangers and how stressful overstimulation could get.
With Charlie (his Chain Chomp): Iggy has a Chain Chomp pet named "Charlie". It is not the first one he gets, but it's actually the first one he is being responsible for. When he was younger, he had other Chain Chomp pets (he really likes them) but was too childish and irresponsible to properly take care of them, usually leading to the poor magical creatures to run away at some point. In recent years, tho, he's getting better at pet-sitting and caring, and Charlie seems grateful for that: he's probably the happier, more satisfied, polished, well-fed Chain Chomp of the whole Kingdom, and it's extremely loyal to Iggy - and Iggy only. Charlie would bite anyone that gets too close, except for Lemmy whom it now trusts enough to let him ride its back from time to time.
With the Mario Bros., Princess Peach and Mushroom Kingdom: Iggy doesn't really care about conquering, but he is very much interested in studying native creatures and plants of each Kingdom. During peacetime, he would gladly attend some nerd conventions in the Mushroom Kingdom, and he would literally love to meet Professor E.Gadd in person... if the Princess didn't blacklist him from entering the borders as she did with almost all the Royal Family and the Koopa Troop. Now Iggy would need to request a special permit weeks in advance with a lot of boring bureaucracy to fill and a valid motive to stay in the Kingdom for two days maximum, so... he doesn't really like the Princess for this reason. While with the Mario Bros., Iggy would usually be excited to see them - they are, after all, perfect punching balls for his newest battle machines, and his Chain Chomp loves running after them - but he actually dislikes them a lot since they broke his glasses once years ago, during one of their first fights.
Peculiarities & co.
Right-Handed: Iggy is naturally right-handed. Looking at Ludwig's confidence in using both hands for a long time, he tried to train himself to use his left hand as well, for a while... but then he just gave up, finding it too hard and tedious.
Senses: Iggy's biggest weakness, physically speaking, is probably related to his poor sight. Without his special glasses, he is almost blind - he hatched with a severe visual impairment and during his first years of life it just went worse. When he was around 3, his mother was lucky enough to meet a Magikoopa glassmaker who worked with special lenses and Iggy was able to see decently for the first time in his life. When he was later adopted at the castle, the royal eye doctor took him under his supervision. When Iggy was around 10, he started working on his own, personalized pair of eyeglasses, mixing actual glassmaking science with some Magikoopa's cultural knowledge and a tiny bit of adaptive magic to create the "Perfect Iggy's Glasses" (after a lot of trials and fails and prototypes); his last version mixes the best glass from the Sand Kingdom with some strengthen magic from the Red Robes' Magikoopa Order to make them unbreakable... after the various incidents during the years.
Autism: Iggy falls under the autism spectrum, with many traits close to IRL Asperger Syndrome to be more precise - (NOTE: I am sure a "SMB world" equivalent exists with a nicer name, I just don't know one yet-). To be honest, Iggy always suspected it way before being actually diagnosed with it by the Castle's doctors. He's mostly fine with it, accepting his autistic traits as part of his own uniqueness - and, if you ask him, as a part of his genius, too - but sometimes he would gladly take a break from it... especially when overwhelmed by too much noise or when stressed by social interactions. Iggy is also very much convinced that almost everyone in his family has some (sometimes prominent) autistic traits, but the others are not so willing to take tests or talk with doctors to find out, so we will probably never know for sure.
Vegetarian: Iggy is MOSTLY vegetarian. Not by choice, but thanks to his body being very bad at processing meat, for some reasons. "Mostly", because he actually *could* eat very small amounts of meat/fish from time to time without getting sick, but it happens so rarely that he usually even forgets about it. Luckily for him, he loves all types of vegetables, eats lots of fruit and likes eggs A LOT (probably his favorite meal after carrots and turnips); not very fond of dairy products, but he eats them during the week, and will probably only eat vegetables and fruit related cakes. Will also try to get as much protein as he can from legumes, but since Tarrasquins are considered mainly carnivores, he often needs nutritional supplements.
Fire: All the Koopalings have a peculiar "fire"; when fire-breathing, they all will breathe fire of the same color as their shells. Iggy's fire is currently the weakest of the whole family, but it tends to create a lot of green, urticant smoke that makes it hard to see. It's not too useful in actual fights, but can work as a great distraction in need of a quick escape from a bad situation.
Random Facts:
He's a germophobe, and will sanitize his tools, hands and workspace every time he starts and finishes working in his labs.
Iggy is not having a *real* shower in almost 3.5 years. Instead, he perfectly polishes himself from any type of dirt using his own invention, the "Sonic Shower Sound Waver Filth Remover". He also uses a special gel made by himself to treat and keep his hair up every morning.
Iggy doesn't have many friends, especially IRL. But he sometimes finds himself in a group chat or nerdy forums with the same people for enough time, and he'll start addressing them as his "online pals" or "online weirdos".
One of his "online weirdos" is a guy named Francis and obsessed with butterflies. They never saw each other in person nor via webcam, but Francis claims he's a Chameleon and has the hugest collections of comics, manga, action figures, and video games of all his other nerdy pals, probably of his whole dimension, too. 
One day Iggy and Larry decided to create a videogame together with an easy game maker on PC. Larry wanted to be the protagonist, but couldn't decide about a genre for the game. It ended up looking like a horror-action-but-also-dating-sim game with a cooler and older version of Larry fighting horrible un-deads while also trying to flirt with the cute ones. It was meant as an inside joke between the two brothers and they got bored after three days. One year later, tho, Iggy secretly started to work on it again out of boredom and actually finished "developing" it, even publishing it on an obscure forum of free-to-play games. It now exists in the world under the name of "Larry Koopa: Zombie Heartbreaker".
Francis, Iggy's Chameleon online pal, is the only person who completed said game 100%. Iggy sent him an exclusive physical copy as a joke after learning about this.
Larry won't like finding out his game has been "published" without his consent - and most of all, for free. He will force Iggy to work on a sequel with an even cooler and adult version of Larry as the protagonist in the future, known as "Larry Koopa the Heartbreaker and The Revenge of the Dry Bones Queen". They will get royalties from that one, this time.
Some years ago Iggy started gifting tiny plants for every birthday he attends - usually, his siblings'. They can be flowers, succulent plants, carnivorous plants and even the equivalent of the SMB world of... weed (probably, some tiny variant of Wonder Flowers... we'll call it "Wonder Weed" lel) - but the vulcanic climate and his siblings' negligence will let the poor plants dry in a few days. Roy is the only one who is still happily cultivating his tiny Wonder Weed pots after three years.
Recently Iggy found out about TTRPG games; he tried to involve his sibs in it, convincing Lemmy and Ludwig at first, Roy after a while and Larry just recently. Iggy is currently mastering his first campaign of Thousand Years & Doors, with a party made of Ludwig (High Elf, Wizard), Lemmy (Firbolg, Druid), Roy (Half-Orc, Barbarian) and Larry (Dragonborn, Bard). Junior wants to play with them but knowing his bratty attitude they send him away claiming the game is for "Larry's age and up" only. 
Despite this, they are regretting letting Larry play, too. He's the classic "I only use Vicious Mockery! I'll destroy all my enemies INSULTING their parents and siblings and cousins in a *magical" way! Can I try to open the door exploding it with a bad joke?". Iggy is at least grateful that Larry is still too young, naive and not very into *adult jokes* yet, because as a deeply asexual Game Master he couldn't bear the even more stereotypical.... "18+ annoying bard attitude" (if you know a bit of IRL D&D classes stereotypes, you got what I mean.)
One of Iggy's biggest pet peeves revolves around "adult *spicy* jokes", especially when too explicit. He can't stand them. He hates them with all his heart and spirit. He just cringes so much hearing them that he would prefer sinking into the ground and disappearing instead.
He doesn't like bunnies much - herbivorous animals in general make him nervous, especially small ones. Maybe this is due to Roy always joking about Iggy looking like a carrot and that he could be in serious danger among a rabbit warren…
He's probably the only one in the family who, despite his name and all, can't sing or play any instrument. Ludwig could play a whole orchestra by himself and even more, Lemmy can play the electric guitar & bass, Roy can play the drums and the violin, Wendy can sing and loves to, Morton can kinda play the bass drum and has perfect timing with the triangle, Larry is learning how to play the electric keyboard and the Otamatone and is quite good at mixing and remixing music from his PC... and even Junior is starting to learn something about the transverse flute and the piano.
Once, Iggy tried to work on his own AI that could "create" music for him, of course using others' works as a "base" to train it. His siblings - especially Ludwig - basically threatened Iggy of unaliving him in response. "Go on. Try to put my music inside that bot. Then you'll enjoy eternity as a Dry Iggy, I can assure you". -Lud 
Rumors say that Iggy can instead dance quite well (in his own unique style), and even perform a perfect moonwalk. But nobody knows for sure...
His IQ score beats Ludwig's by a few points. Iggy is extremely satisfied by it, while Ludwig is trying to forget this information every day of his life.
When he was a kid, he created a "Time Machine" way before Professor E.Gadd himself. Iggy really wanted to see dinosaurs, and traveled "back in time" to observe them in their natural habitat. Then one way during his dino-watching, a random dude dressed with modern clothing passed by selling some "Yoshi-to-Fungi" dictionary, and Iggy understood that his "Time Machine" was actually working as a "quite normal, quite boring" teleporter to the Dinosaur Islands instead.
Bowser seized the opportunity using the fast-travel to get his army there, trying to conquest the Islands. But Mario was having a vacantion there and... it... didn't end well.
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soupbabe · 1 year
Hey there! I was hoping to request how the Hewitts (Monty, Hoyt, Luda, and Tommy) react to Thomas' s/o saving their lives after a medical emergency, like a heart attack or seizure or something. Maybe the reader was a nurse/doctor before coming down to texas and it being pretty early on in Thomas and the reader's relationship, saving their lives kind of cements them as part of the family. male reader, if you don't mind
The Hewitt Family reacting to Thomas's Male! Doctor! S/o
I love love loved this prompt!! My mind was scattered so I hope you're alright with headcanons 😅 this is def more Hoyt and Monty focussed so I hope you don't mind
Tagging: @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @devil-doll13
Warnings: not a lot, just like some aspects of homophobia mentioned for like 2 bullet points
- I think you were a saving grace to this family, truly
- we've all seen them play doctor at home and it never ends well
- Especially for Monty
- But you weren't kept around for your medical advice, you were spared because you thought Thomas was handsome
- I think Luda Mae might've been the only one to welcome you so quickly, just because you mattered so much to Thomas
- He was so nervous about it, especially since Hoyt and Monty have been less than kind about you and him
- Their lack of respect definitely stems from some level of homophobia- they definitely view gay men as people who are inherently less masculine and therefore have to prove themselves in order to stick around
- How they treat you is dependent on your worth and work as a man and what you can serve to them
- Though I think everything changes once Hoyt suffers a heart attack
- The Hewitts were all in disarray- it was very sudden and they didn't know what to do (not to mention Hoyt would've been still agitated about the whole thing and how people were acting)
- Until you came in, took control of the situation, and mentioned you were a doctor
- It was all a matter of luck honestly- you were lucky to have a bottle of aspirin in your bag when you first arrived and an AED put in at the old police station
- You had to stay with Hoyt, Monty, and Luda Mae while Thomas ran out and get it
- While your boyfriend was away, you were dealing with making sure Hoyt stays conscious, listening to Monty telling you to hurry up and reminding you to not call 911, and explaining to Luda what was happening
- It was all very hectic and you handled it like a champ tbh
- Afterwards was a very tense couple of days
- I think Hoyt does have a little bit of appreciation of what you've done, he's a tiny tiny miniscule bit of honorable in that regard
- Definitely solidified your place in the family no matter what happens between you and Thomas
- Hoyt and Monty still poke fun and ridicule you from time to time, but it's a lot less harsh
- They recognize the effort you put in to the family and taking care of everyone
- Hell any man is respectable if you willingly volunteer to change Monty's old ass bandages
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dr-docktor · 5 months
Ok I have an outline for a swap au/curt falls au
I've had this SaF au rotating in my head for a hot minute and I got some details down and I want to write it all down somewhere so here! Fair warning: it’s pretty underdeveloped but as I get suggestions and stuff I hope to develop it more:-)
Quick thanks to @randeeznuts for letting me yell at him about this in Discord <3
Its a Curt Falls au where, of course, Curt is the one to fall instead of Owen. It's still Curt's banana peel, however.
After the incident, Owen retires. Mourning the fact that he and Curt never got to run off together. Instead he picks up what little he has left of that fantasy and tries to pull it together.
A tiny cottage on a lake, a hairless cat named Penelope, a vegetable garden... You get the idea.
And all things considered, he could be doing so much worse. Penelope is spoiled rotten and the vegetable garden looks gorgeous no matter the time of year. Ignore the thousands of abandoned hobbies scattered across the coffee table and carpet. Ignore how he hasn't cut his hair since he chopped most of it off in some grief-driven rage 3 years ago. Ignore how his back porch reeks of cigarettes as his smoking habit has gotten so much worse. Ignore the fact that all he can think about some days is how efficient the little pronged rake in his hand is just as efficient at tearing up weeds as it is tearing through flesh.
Admittedly, I'm not 1000% sure how or why he decides to go back into the field for this one mission. My best guess is Cynthia finds his ass and is like "Hey bestie, I need a huge favor." I will expand on that later, I swear.
I imagine the main plot points of the show continue. You got Tatiana, the casino, etc. etc. etc. (once again I will expand on specific changes later) I also imagine most of the comedy with Owen comes from him being the sort of straight-man (haha) in most situations.
Being able to bounce off of whatever insane event is happening around him with utter seriousness and sarcasm. Because he just wants to get through this and get back to his cat. (the cat-sitter doesn't even know her favorite food! Much less her routine oh how will she live happily???).
He also never clarifies to anyone if Penelope is an animal or human so people are just consistently arguing about if he's talking about a child or a cat. Tatiana and DMA keep interrupting BVN's speech to debate this. Tatiana claims that its clearly a child, that Owen's eyebags and stubble indicate a stressed-out single father while DMA firmly thinks she is a cat for reasons he will not explain.
SPEAKING OF DMA :-) I think the guy needs no further introduction. There's still a lot of gaps in development, specifically centered on why Curt would ever join Chimera. I very firmly believe that they didn't torture Owen. But given how loyal and stubborn Curt is, I don't think they'd be exactly gentle while trying to persuade him. This might change later on, who knows.
Curt's version of the DMA is so interesting to me because I think he'd be a lot more reactive than the Owen DMA if that makes sense? Like very quick to explode with anger. Like he acts all smug while insisting Penelope is, in fact, a cat and not a human child. But as soon as he's asked why he thinks this, he fires back with a "Because I can just tell, okay?!?!??!" and then awkwardly trying to redirect the conversation.
I also think Curt's DMA accent would be along the lines of New Jersey or Boston. Mainly because it's an accent he can mimic SUPER well (thanks Ms Mega!). I've always had the headcanon that Curt is really good with languages and accents which sort of contributes to this.
In terms of physical appearance I don't imagine this DMA to look like Joe Walker. But I don't really have a solid grasp on what he does look like. However, I really like the idea of him wearing these black goggles on his head that he finally puts over his eyes during the torture tango.
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Just imagine the light of electricity getting reflected in these bad boys during the torture tango. While Curt's got this massive grin that, in any other context, would come off as friendly and dorky (if not a little bit smug). Scary!
Also, because it's Curt, I imagine he fidgets a lot. Maybe in the background of scenes where he's not doing things he'd be practicing tricks with a butterfly knife or cracking his joints.
Ok back to plot stuff.
I like to think Owen figures out the identity of the DMA at some point shortly before the reveal. There's a clear moment where the clues click together (Like those jigsaw puzzles sitting abandoned on his coffee table). But Owen sort of shrugs it off just out of sheer denial. He knows its true, but it's not until the reveal where he's forced to confront it.
I know realistically this would end in only one of them walking out of the staircase scene alive (I couldn't even tell you which one). But my heart really wants for there to be a happy ending. Like most of this, I'll figure it out eventually.
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riddles-n-games · 9 months
Remembered one of @cherryschaos' posts about Grayson basically being a pen addict some time back so here’s an entire headcanon about just that.
He has a whole collection of them; ball pens, fountain pens, quill pens; you name it, he's got it. Certainly, some are limited editions, exclusively made, custom created, basically just summarizing here that he has really expensive ones but also has some really basic, cheap ones. Shocking, right? Well, to be fair, of the brothers, he has the most paperwork and that’s one of his de-stressors, if you’ll believe. He can use up several pens in a month, that’s how much he writes. Gray also loves getting his frustration out by writing in cursive until he feels calm again to continue his task. He will also watch YouTube videos to see what other cursive fonts professionals can do and if he likes a particular one, he will be at it for hours till he gets it right. That’s when those fountain pens come in. 
Xander sometimes steals his more expensive pens, the nice fountain pens, more specifically (yeah, Xan just has a bad habit of sneaking in and taking stuff from his brothers’ rooms), when he’s working on plans for future projects. He just really likes the feel of those in hand and since they are rarely used by his older brother, he snatches his chances very carefully. Although, he’s a bit suspicious that Grayson does know something because he gifted him two fountain pens from his own collection one Christmas (he’s been on his guard ever since; Gray never says a word regarding it). But also, if he’s running low on his own pens, he always gets a bunch of the ones from Gray’s office because he always has so many on hand (okay, so admittedly, Gray might be a little bit of a hoarder, just a teeny tiny bit). 
Of his personal collection, Grayson loves the quill pens most. There are times when he will secretly pretend that he’s in a scene where the hooded figure is writing an important letter about the enemy’s whereabouts at night by candlelight with a quill pen in hand. It sometimes helps him get through his stuff faster and even lets himself feel giddy (yes, you read that right; Grayson Hawthorne gets giddy about pens). His favorite quill pen is one made with a beautiful gray-blue feather that was a gift from his aunt for his twelfth birthday. 
Though you would find his pens scattered everywhere, Gray has a specific area in his closet dedicated to the more special pens he owns and they are literally encased in glass paneling with him as the only one having the key to it (this Xander doesn’t know about…yet). But, in true Hawthorne fashion, there’s still a little more to that than just having a lock as it has secret compartments and other hinges to it, inspired by the Davenport desk itself. In there, he has some of the most expensive pen models ever designed made of gold and other expensive metals alongside being encrusted with precious gemstones. It’s a pen treasury to say the least. As a side note, his grandfather never officially wrote it in his will but he did leave Grayson the whole collection of vintage pens he amassed over the years and it’s something that Gray continues to grow to this day from collectors, private auctions and sales, and from charity events.
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
(tiny headcanon that rly won't have a big effect on plot or anything, but i feel like it just fits very well with john/his character in leaving– dude's got madddd undiagnosed adhd. he's written off as a loud mouth/troublemaker in his childhood, but he wants to be a good kid, his mind is just always going too fast and sitting still is torture and his parents get frustrated and don't look into the root of the problem, trying to discipline it out of him instead. i will heal my inner child by healing him alright)
OMG THIS THIS THIS. because now i’m thinking about gale healing bucky’s inner child in this au :( like i have soooo many thoughts. bucky opening up to him about his parents harsh and strict approach to dealing with his ADHD. the fact that they thought they could discipline it out of him :( ugh that kills me. orrrr imagine gale or one of his friends makes an offhand comment one day about bucky being unable to focus or sit still and it’s a joke but it just sends bucky back to his childhood and he and gale have a long talk it’s fine i’m fine
referenced post | yes!!! in healing john's inner child gale would also be healing his as well because he gets to give john the stability he never had (and in turn finds stability through john <3)
i imagine john's parents would not even register it as adhd and would just blame it all on bad behaviour, it's such a common thing when kids go undiagnosed, especially with neglectful parents. that, or they'd suspect something is up but just not care/have the resources to deal with it, so instead they get frustrated with him and try to discipline it out or bury it.
i think john would genuinely grow up thinking he is a bad kid and being so confused because he doesn't want to be reactive and scattered, he wants to be good and to be liked (also would tie into him being into praise and all that with gale lol). it's not until he's older that maybe he starts to look into it, or maybe he meets someone who points things out to him and is like hey you should get this checked out, or maybe gale's even the one to sit down and do some research and help john make some appointments after john breaks down in tears in front of him one day because he's so frustrated with himself and his brain.
maybe before that outburst john has mentioned little things about how his parents would deal with the behaviours they didn't like, or gale would just pick up on it with the way john apologizes for certain things or gets touchy at certain jokes, etc, and he'd connect the rest of the dots on his own since he knows by that point what john's relationship with his parents is like.
and yowch that scenario :( </3 it would be something so lighthearted that john would feel silly for being affected by it; maybe gale's had a long day and wants to sit down and watch tv together, and john's feeling keyed up but he wants to help gale relax and he's missed him, so of course he joins him. but his leg won't stop going and he's absentmindedly fidgeting and gale puts a hand on his knee and says "do you ever stop moving?"
and gale means it as a light tease, because it's not bothering him; it's more so him opening a conversation for john to tell him "oh, i'm just restless" or "this show is boring" or whatever reason he might be antsy for. but word for word the question is all too familiar to john (even if his dad would say it with a lot more malice) and he abruptly stops moving and gale feels him go rigid under his hand and turns to look at john in confusion when he hears him apologize quietly and finds his face flushed in embarrassment/nervousness.
obviously the tv gets paused and gale asks what's wrong and assures john he's not upset in the slightest, that he was just joking, he's genuinely baffled at what set john off. and so john opens up a little and gale feels terrible, both for unknowingly making john feel for even a second that he was mad, and for john having to walk on eggshells at home over something he can't control (something gale is starting to have a sneaking suspicion he might know the name for.)
i'm not sure i'll go into detail on this in the fic or not, depends on whether it flows because sometimes mental health talk in fics can feel forced if it doesn't fit in naturally yk, but as someone who had these behaviours shrugged off until i got older and got diagnosed and realized it wasn't just a me thing lol, i see so many emotional habits/behaviours with john in this au that could stem from being undiagnosed (among the familial issues).
it would be interesting to pick it apart and see how he and gale would tackle it, especially because adhd is still so commonly viewed as some # quirky silly thing and i don't often see the heavier consequences/affects of it on the person dealing with it/on their relationships written about in the same way say anxiety or depression might be written about. either way, thx for giving me an excuse to delve into it a little here! i feel strongly ab it clearly LOL <33
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scented-morker · 2 years
Meet Cutes (or uglies) with Enha
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stranger enha x f!reader, fluff, lots of different lengths, not proof read
It was one of the first days that it had really felt like fall, low seventies and no humidity
So you were taking a walk (way to get those steps in icon) to celebrate being able to go outside without melting onto the sidewalk
Eventually you hit one side street that must have been ahead of all the rest because there were already brown leaves scattered all across the sidewalk
Upon further inspection, you realized just how crunchy the leaves were… which obviously set you off on a leaf crunching spree, looking at your feet to find the biggest, crunchiest looking leaves
The sounds were happily itching your brain until you rammed straight into someone, having been too focused on your feet to notice Heeseung walking straight at you
You profusely apologize, but he just thinks it’s cute— he asks the expert to show him which leaves are crunchy so he can join you
You hated going places by yourself, being alone always felt awkward and you ended up staring at your phone the whole time trying to look busy
So you challenged yourself to go out alone and not look at your phone— personal growth and such
Which leads you to a dressing room, the little black dress you tried in looking very not little as it gapes open on your back
If only you had brought literally anyone with you to zip you up
But no, you just had to make yourself a more rounded person smh
But Jay being the Angel that he is notices your pouting in the mirror and the way you continuously wriggle to try and reach the zipper behind you
(If you’ve ever had to do this ik yk what I mean 😭 that’s mega embarrassing for us)
So, ever the gentleman, he approaches and asks if you want help.
Normally you’d be like ew no creep, but he’s really pretty and looks nice and you really wanna see what the dress looks like, so you give him permission
No way he even brushes your back, mans is mega respectful with his hands
He steps back once you’re all zipped up and watches as you try and decide how you feel about it
“It looks good.”
You hadn’t realized he was still there, but you meet his eyes in the reflection of the mirror, immediately going red and looking away when he says his next words.
“Maybe you can wear it, say, this Friday night? 7?”
Stupid awkward wedding receptions (ik weddings are different in different cultures so I’m sorry for whitewashing this headcanon, toss the bouquet and garter are probably very USA)
Some random girl from your work was getting married, and she invited the whole office.
Obviously you weren’t going to be rude (or pass up free food) so you put on one of your old dresses and sat through the whole hour long ceremony
Then came the part you were actually waiting for: the reception 🎉🎉
All the fun stuff happens, you get free food and drinks and the couple does their first dance (which you admit was cute even if she’s your least favorite coworker)
And then you’re getting drug onto the floor because she’s about to toss the bouquet and knows you’re painfully single
You swear she was aiming right at you, because you didn’t even move— hoping other girls would be risking it all for the daisies
But OF COURSE it ends up in your hands, and you’re forced to sit awkwardly at the side while her husband does the same thing with her garter
You didn’t expect the guys to try too hard, but Jake did not come to play, especially after seeing the pretty girl that caught the bouquet
So he knocks Jay over to catch the small piece of cloth, and then gets to dance with you ( W for Jake)
The song is good, just fast enough that it doesn’t feel overly romantic, but slow enough that you two end up slow dancing
At first you were terrified that it would be awkward, but Jake is cute and talkative and you don’t even realize it when the song is over.
“How about another one?”
Listen, you knew studying wasn’t your thing.
But a tiny part in your brain thought for see if you went to a cute little cafe and got a coffee , your frontal lobe would be forced to do its job
Which apparently, everyone else at your school also thought. Because when you get to the coffeehouse it’s packed.
Students everywhere, coffees and computers set up and not a single free table.
There’s only one spot that includes a free seat and is close enough to an outlet because you forgot to charge your laptop again
And it’s right across from Sunghoon, an intimidatingly handsome guy your age who looks to have just gotten to the shop as well
You approach him, quietly asking if you can take the chair across from him— to which he doesn’t even look up, just nods his head and continues writing
So flash forward, you’ve ordered your coffee and are midway through the first chapter of your reading when the waiter brings the cup over
You mumble a thank you, reaching out to grab it without looking up
You take a sip, immediately shooting your eyes away from the text to see the cup in your hand, a deep black color
You make eye contact with the boy across from you, who’s trying to hold in a laugh
“I think you grabbed the wrong drink”
You look back down at the cup, embarrassed out of your mind
“I’m so sorry, I’ll buy you a new one”
You stand up and he quickly grabs your wrist. “Do you even know what it is?”
“Based off of what it tasted like, I was gonna order you a large battery acid latte”
He just shakes his head, letting out an airy chuckle before standing up and going with you to the counter
“I’m glad I was able to introduce you to real coffee.”
Cue the fighting about the best drinks and health benefits of drinking battery acid vs straight sugar, which leads to no homework getting done and a date at the same place the next day
You were out doing some research for your school assignment
Somehow your teacher decided it would be smart to make her students interview strangers to collect data
“Yes, hello, do you know anything about space?”
Most of the people you’d asked were boring, giving you the bare minimum (except the one lady who talked for twenty minutes and the old man who yelled at you )
Until you stopped Sunoo, appearing excitedly in front of him and asking if he knew the difference between a comet and an asteroid
You were so cute, and he wanted to impress you so bad ‼️
So he stood there for a while, going “it’s right on the tip of my tongue, I’m not stupid, I swear I know it!” (He did not know it)
Eventually you move on, continuing to ask him more opinion based questions before deciding to be bold because when else would you ever see the extremely cute guy again
“Last question: are you single?”
Homeboy was a tomato, nervous giggling and all.
“I am for now…are you busy after this?”
You hated your best friend.
Okay not really, she was your best friend— but right now you hated her
There was no hesitation in your mind when she asked you to come to her Winter Formal dance— hee boyfriend dumped her the week before and she needed a last minute date
So there you were, at a school you’ve never been to before in your nicest dress while loud pop music blares into your ears
The only issue was that suddenly your friends ex had decided he wanted her back, and now you were stuck third wheeling as they danced a little too close to each other for your comfort
Which was bad enough when a fun song was on, but when the dj started a love song, sending it out to “all the lovers out there” that was your last straw
You ignore their kissing as you try to navigate between all the dancing couples to get to a table to sit at until either the song was over or you called your mom to rescue you
Unfortunately for you, the floor was very crowded, and you ended up bumping into someone
When you turned to apologize, you came face to face with the cutest boy you’ve ever seen, his dimples flashing as he gave you a reassuring smile “don’t worry about it, are you okay?”
You nod your head, still too enamored to respond, but soon his friends start bumping him, and you’re back to looking for an escape, convinced they all think your weird
Instead, the boy looks at his feet, avoiding your eyes as he says “would you maybe want to dance? I think you’re really pretty.”
You stare blankly for a minute, to which he quickly adds “unless you’re here with someone I’m sorry for asking,” but you quickly cut him off, offering him your hand
“I’d love to!”
And your best friend was once again your favorite person because you got to dance with Jungwon all night
Listen, you’re not a child anymore so you’re totally allowed to go to the grocery store at any time that you want
Which includes ten pm(22:00)
So there you were, standing in the candy aisle, contemplating if you really needed the family sized bag of Sour Patch Kids
When this giant comes running through the aisle next to you
You collide, and he’s at least nice enough to help you up, giving you his hand and making sure you’re stable again before tearing off in the opposite direction
He turns back almost as fast as he left, running up to you and staring into your eyes
“Will you cover me up with toilet paper?”
You stare at him in bewilderment. You were worried about meeting crazy people this late at night, but the seven foot tall kid your age was not the kind of evil you were picturing
“I’m sorry what?”
“The next aisle over is toilet paper and stuff and me and my friends are playing hide and seek. If I crawl on the shelf can you cover me back up?”
You stare for another moment, realizing how childish this is, but you quickly realize that you basically are children and say yes
You’ve barely hidden Riki from sight by the time another boy is racing past you, quickly double taking when he sees you standing there
You worry he’s got you figured out, you knew it was unrealistic for you to be thinking so hard about toilet paper brands, but the boy just stands next to you.
“Hi, I’m Jake”
“Yn” you respond, confused why he’s speaking to you if he didn’t know you helped his friend
It isn’t until a minute later when he asks for your number that you realize he was trying to flirt with you
Although it seems to be the same time Riki does, because suddenly there’s toilet paper flying off the shelves and he’s yelling at his hyung.
You try not to laugh at Jake’s squeal when Riki popped out, but soon they’re both running out of the aisle, Riki yelling back to you
“I’ll be back for your number, just give me one second to murder my hyung”
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scarlet-cookie · 3 days
BATDR : Memory Joey and the Soulless Theory/Headcanons
Bendyposting time, headcanon/theory(ies..) : Memory Joey, soulless ink creatures, etc.
Thank you ORV for this. Thank you ORV for everything I’m about to do and say and for teaching me so many things. So you know how the basic principle of the ink/dark puddles is kinda “you need a soul to create a living thing”, but that seemed oddly retconned in batdr? I have a proposal of a headcanon- what if you don’t need a whole soul to create an ink creature? What if you can break apart, dissect a soul, sacrificing bits of personality or memories, and that would suffice enough to create a living ink being? Think of it like a plant’s budding, except the plant has to sacrifice a part of itself to generate the bud. This would explain why Joey’s personality would become more calm and tame if he kept expelling pieces of himself to create numerous ink children. And perhaps the dark puddles could do the same thing. Since it houses hundreds, thousands, who knows how many souls, maybe over time, the souls could lose just tiny pieces of itself (not enough to completely lose their identity), and those tiny pieces could construct beings with relatively low intelligence (like the spider looking venom things I forgot what they’re called). There is saying that’s very accurate to what I’m trying to say “Every artist leaves a piece of their soul in their work” by George Gershwin.
This brings me to Memory Joey. I know there’s a bit of debate over whether he’s lying or not, but how about this : what if memory Joey really isn’t sure whether or not to call himself the real Joey? Let’s say this : the “real” Joey died, but due to decades of working with the ink, “Joey” had been well incorporated into it. Something not like souls, but more like memories. His “soul”, if we choose to believe in the first theory/headcanon present above, was also scattered throughout the ink. In a way, Joey is in the ink, but it may or may not be everything Joey was, who can really tell? And if someone comes in, and reconstructs him, out of all those memories, those pieces and bits of his soul, would whatever come out still qualify as “Joey Drew”? Ship of Theseus sort of thing. If all the components of an object is replaced, is it still the same object? How would such a being answer that question? Especially someone like Joey Drew? I would imagine he’d initially call himself “Joey Drew” but eventually start calling himself “the memory of Joey Drew” because he doesn’t feel 100% complete and maybe need some verbal reassurance to detach himself from the lingering question of “is he Joey Drew”
But that’s just a theory! A bendy theory! Until next time! :]
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sunflowerrosewood · 7 months
Zorua as a Partner Pokemon Headcanon
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
On to the headcanon!
This is a headcanon on what it would be like to have Unova! Zorua as your main partner pokemon in the pokemon universe. These types of headcanons focus on a unique pokemon and how your story would progress.
~Zorua became your partner when it was being chased by a horde of Tranquills
~He was a smaller Zorua than most
~But just as mischievous as any Zorua 
~You jumped behind Zorua as it was running to scare the Tranquills away
~He was a little surprised that you did jump in front as the Tranquills scattered
~So he followed you home 
~But you did not know 
~So you would just see random other Pokémon on your doorstep
~There was a Vulpix, a Pikachu, a Gastly
~Till you saw Zorua’s snicker as he sat outside your window 
~You ended up setting food out for him
~He became your partner when you caught him eating the food
~And invited the fox in
~Zorua was known to play tricks
~Turning into other Pokémon 
~Sometimes even people
~But was also very in tune with you 
~Like your rival said you could never amount to anything 
~And as soon as you felt sad, Zorua chased your rival away and bit his ankles
~Immediately protective of you
~And immediately tried to play jokes just to make you laugh
~Even to the extent of tripping your rival while being transformed as the rival
~That was what Zorua seemed to think to do
~Even if the jokes sometimes drove you nuts
~Some pranks went too far and you would snap or take time away
~But when it became too much, Zorua would find ways to apologize 
~Even if it was bringing a sitrus berry 
~Zorua would never evolve either
~The tiny fox would stay with your growing team
~When you fully evolved other teammates 
~Zorua would watch and cheer
~And wouldn’t let anyone upset you
~Zorua would end up being your closest friend and strongest teammate 
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delopsia · 1 year
I usually don’t send in requests cause I don’t want to be a bother but I saw your post about you wanting requests so I was wondering if you have any Rhett Abbott headcanons? Like just in general of what he likes or certain habits he has. I really loved what you wrote about him loving to snack and Bob loving chicken sandwiches lol. You write both Rhett and Bob really well so I’m always interested to hear your takes on either one of them! 💕
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aaaa hello lovely! :D I absolutely have some headcanons for ol' Rhett 💃💕I had to limit myself because otherwise, the list would roll right out the damn door.
✧˖° General Rhett Headcanons
Rhett has a hard time sleeping alone. No matter how exhausting the day has been or how long he's been awake when his head hits the pillow at night, nothing happens.
Late-night drives are one of his go-to cures for those sleepless nights. Hell, half of the time, he doesn't even try to get in bed; he just grabs his keys and hits the road. It's hard telling where the road will take him, but he'll be out there until he's either low on gas or the road has finally lulled him into sweet, sweet drowsiness.
On the rare occasion his drives don't work, he takes a blanket and lays on the haystack outside his horse's stall. Company is company, and sometimes a little shut-eye is worth the ache in his neck when he wakes up in the morning.
But the moment his significant other is in the room with him? He's out cold. He's out cold. He can spend an entire night struggling to sleep, only to fall asleep the moment he knows they're in the room.
That being said, it also works if he's not even in bed. One moment he's leaned against the fridge sipping his coffee, then you walk in, and he's sleeping standing up. He will stay like that if you let him.
Royal got Rhett into using tobacco when he was around fourteen, and Cecelia hated it so much that she offered to help Rhett buy the horse he had his heart set on in exchange for him quitting.
Now, he has a nervous habit of taking invisible dip out of his lip. It's the only thing he never broke himself out of doing, primarily because he hardly realizes he's doing it.
Rhett's got a sweet tooth bigger than he is. From sweet tea to just straight-up eating packets of sugar when he can't scavenge anything out of the pantry if it's sweet, he loves it. Royal and Perry give him hell for it, but Rhett drinks his coffee just as sweet as his tea.
He still has most of his childhood toys and stuffed animals. There's a box of toys beneath his bed, and those old, dusty plushies reside on the high shelf of his closet.
When he's drunk, Rhett gets his heart set on things. Sometimes he just wants a particular food; others, he wants a certain object. A rock he found on the floor, that obscurely tiny pen on the end of the table, the keychain he saw in the store two-weeks ago.
Once, he drunkenly wobbled all the way up the stairs and practically crawled under his bed because a conversation had reminded him of those old Power Rangers he used to play with.
May or may not have fallen asleep on the floor, with the toys scattered next to him and one clutched in his hand.
Doesn't speak unless you directly address him, especially in group settings. Sometimes Rhett gets so content with listening that he just...forgets that he can contribute to the conversation.
It's relatively easy to bring Rhett to tears; he's the first to get glassy-eyed during a sad movie, and his heart breaks a little when it comes time to send the cattle off to market. But it takes years of trust for him to let you see those tears, and even then, he tries to deny it.
Secretly very talented in welding. He took the classes as a high school elective, and it's a skill that's morphed into a hobby. On the rare instance that he has free time, Rhett's busy welding scrap metal together. The attic is filled with boxes upon boxes of trinkets he's made; do you want a tractor made out of a bunch of junk nuts and bolts? He's got plenty.
Sometimes? He just? Winds up on the floor? One minute he's supposed to be working, the next, he's lying on your kitchen floor. He usually doesn't know why, either; he just felt like being there.
Chews on the inside of his cheek when he's nervous. If it's quiet enough, you can usually hear the soft clicking of his teeth as he does it.
Confident when he's out in the country, shy puppy dog anywhere else. He's oozing confidence when he's out in those old fields, from tagging calves to dodging their pissed-off mommas, but the moment you take him away from what he's familiar with? His tail is between his legs. Quiet, glued to your side, and following your lead.
Always does this thing where he crouches and gets surprised when the spurs on his boots dig into his ass. Twenty years of wearing them, and he still hasn't learned.
Absolutely got in trouble for not taking his spurs off when he was in high school. He just forgets they're there until someone makes a comment.
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