#this is just aizawa being so done LOL
angels-fantasy · 6 months
Girl let me just say your fics are superb and thanks for the quirkless child one I requested with Bakugou! I promise I’ll leave you be for a bit in a second, but… post final war; everyone who has came out alive clearly is suffering from injuries, health issues, and trauma (both physical trauma and mental trauma) no? So how about a Bakugou x Reader with a reader who was essentially Bubbly, Firery and Energetic, to after the war who is exhausted, is often having nightmares over Bakugou cause well he nearly died, sleep deprived and basically depressed because I can guarantee nobody should be sane after a war, especially not children like our lovely highschoolers. Please make it angst to comfort, because seeing how Bakugou also has developed I’m sure as sad as he would be he would also be understanding and try to be comforting (despite his awkwardness). I’d appreciate if you could get this done to be as close as possible (and maybe just a little long than the one I requested last time- no pressure) BUT if anything you find in my request may be too triggering or something feel free to make it less triggering and change it, I just ask if you can keep the same vibe and theme with the reader who changed drastically after the wars and is getting comforted by Bakugou, Angst to comfort (duh), thank you so much, and I hope I’m not troubling you too much! — An anon who enjoys suffering, angst, and comfort ((SAC) Anon); (get it? Suffering, Angst, Comfort, SAC, wait that has a good ring to it, damn I have a new alias, I’ll shut up now)
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I'm Okay, As Long as He's Here (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details/Warnings: reader has a panic attack and nightmares!! pls be weary of this. angst to fluff, well, my attempt at angst lol
Word Count: 1k
thank you for your request and the support :D it means a lot to me 🩷 btw don't ever feel like you're bothering me or like you need to leave me alone! i like talking to everyone :) also this is a good little plot, but im not the best at writing angst but this is helping me improve i think, so please tell me how i did! i really hope you like it SAC anon hahah
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Before the war, you were a different person. Looking at you now, no one would ever guess you were once a bubbly, out going person. But Katsuki knew you were, and sometimes, he missed the old you.
It was hard to watch you wake up crying in the middle of the night from your horrible nightmares of the war. Some being about his near death experience, and others being about him dying in other ways.
Some nights, you didn't sleep at all, and it was really showing.
"Hey, keep your head up. I don't want you to fall asleep." Katsuki said. It was already months after the war, so you were all back at school, but you were one of the few students that was struggling the most.
He definitely has his struggles too, but he knew he had to be there for you, because yours were much worse.
You opened your eyes wider, trying your best to stay awake. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep last night."
"You havin' nightmares again?"
You nodded, he sighed.
"Come sleep in my dorm tonight. You sleep better with me and you know it."
You agreed and continued trying your best to stay awake for the rest of the day. Occasionally, Katsuki would have to wake you up or remind you to stay awake. The lack of sleep made it hard to focus, especially in Hero Training. Thankfully, Mr. Aizawa and the rest of the teachers were understanding of the students who were struggling.
Once school was over it felt like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You knew you had homework to do, but right now you'd rather sleep. Or at least attempt to. Since you were going to be with Katsuki tonight, you were probably only going to have one nightmare. Plus, he'd be there to comfort you.
Following your boyfriend to his dorm room, you immediately changed into some of your clothes that he had there for you, and then laid down on his bed.
For a while, you just silently watched him as he sat at his desk and did his homework, something you should also be doing.
"What're you starin' at?"
You smiled, but not as brightly as before, "I'm just admiring you."
He huffed, "Good, I'm awesome."
Rolling your eyes, you said, "And there he is."
He laughed and continued doing his homework. You just continued watching him, because it was something that comforted you. It was a reminder that he was okay and alive.
Knowing he was safe right in front of you, you fell asleep.
You didn't know what time it was, but it must've been late since the room you were in was dark.
You clutched your chest as you sat up in bed and breathed heavily, feeling tears prick your eyes.
Of course, you had another nightmare again. This one in particular was about Katsuki, and he was in the arms of Shigaraki. You saw the villain use his Decay quirk on him, and your boyfriend began to crumble away but you were paralyzed in your dream. There was nothing you could do.
The nightmare felt so real and so scary, like they usually do. You felt so helpless and scared. The evil that emitted from Shigaraki and All For One was something you'd always remember.
You subconsciously began to rock yourself back and forth and made self soothing noises as you continued to have a panic attack. They never got easier, or less scary as time went on. It always felt like you were going to die.
Your panic must've woke Katsuki up, because you suddenly heard his voice calling out to you.
"Hey, hey! Breathe baby, you gotta breathe." He said.
You shook your head, "I-I can't! It hurts. I'm scared, I'm gonna die!"
He carefully grabbed your hands and held them in his. He took one of them and brought it to his chest near his heart so you could feel it beat.
"What is my heart doing right now?" He asked. This was a method he used to ground you during these situations, especially because he knew how you felt about him and his safety.
You looked at his chest, "Beating. Your heart is beating."
"Right. Now what do you feel here?" He asked, now placing a hand on the blanket that was on top of you guys.
"The blanket."
"What does it feel like?"
"It's soft and fluffy."
As he continued distracting you from your panic, you eventually calmed down. You were still crying a bit, but he held you in his arms as you let it out.
"He killed you Katsuki. I was so scared, and I couldn't do anything!" You cried into his chest.
He rubbed your back, "You know that shit isn't real, no matter how real it feels. I'm right here living and breathing. I'm safe, okay?"
You nodded and sniffed, "Okay." You placed a hand on his chest over his heart and felt it beat, the steady rhythm of it comforting you.
Katsuki grabbed that hand and kissed the palm of it, "Love you. I'll be here all night, 'kay?"
"I love you too. Thank you."
"It's no problem."
The next morning, you felt more rested than usual. It must've been because you only had one nightmare, which was an improvement.
You noticed you woke up before your boyfriend, so you just let him sleep a little longer while you got on with your morning routine. You had a lot of your own things in his room, including an extra toothbrush which you were thankful for.
When he eventually woke up, he walked over to you and hugged you tightly.
"You feelin' okay?" He asked.
You nodded as best as you could in his tight grip, "Mhm."
"Be honest."
"I am! I feel a lot better than last night." You insisted as you pulled away slightly, still keeping your arms around him.
He hummed and kissed the top of your head, "Mkay. Wanna sleep with me again tonight?"
"Yeah, I'll bring more clothes later."
He smiled, "'Kay. Let's go to class." He said and threw an arm over your shoulder, making you smile up at him.
Yeah, you knew things would be okay as long as he was around.
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authors note
i hope you liked it! i'm sorry it was kinda short, i've been in a little writing stump but im trying to get out of it!
love ya 🩷
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot
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kywaslost · 2 years
Hello!! How are you? May I request headcannons for Aizawa with a student who tells him like very interesting stories everyday after school? Like she tells him stories while he’s like grading papers and stuff? Thank you so much!
Story Time - Aizawa
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A/N: Hi! I’m doing alright, still trying to recover from my illness. How are you? I love this idea! I do this a lot with my band director, especially during marching season! Hope you enjoy!
Ok so I came back to finish this story (cause I’m writing it over a span of 2 days) and I open my inbox to see that someone else asked almost the exact same thing just with more detail so if that was you, I saw your message lol and if it was another anon, you threw me for a loop!
You the quietest kid in the class, got all of your work done, and was one of the most responsible students Aizawa knew
So when you sat down next to Aizawa one night while he was grading papers in the common room, he didn’t mind it one bit
He was sitting on one of the couches tucked away in the corner of the first floor, far enough away for it to be quiet but close enough for him to keep an eye on his students for the time being
You sat beside him in silence, watching as he graded papers. He glanced up at you, catching your eye
“Did you need something?”
You just shook your head, turning you head to watch your classmates across the room
“Did you hear what happened during anatomy?”
Aizawa raised an eyebrow as he flipped to another page in the packet he was grading. “No. What happened in anatomy today?”
And that’s when it all started
Every day you’d join Aizawa on the couch in the common room and tell him about your day and funny things you had witnessed
He learned to expect your presence in the afternoons
You were also how he stayed caught up with 1-A’s drama and relationship status
Did he know that Mina had a crush on Denki but he liked Jirou? Nope!
Or that Bakugou can actually be a decent human being to a select few people? Absolutely not.
And on nights when you were doing your work studies? He’d expect to see you in his classroom before school started
You’d come in and tell him about the day before as you helped stack papers or staple packets for him
He enjoyed spending time with you, especially since you didn’t really ever speak in class and you were actually pleasant to be around
Please tell him everything, it’s his will to get out of bed in the mornings when he’s really having a tough time :)
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meggiesposts · 2 years
i love your monoma posts they give me reason to live 😭 if u get the time, i think a funny premise would be if the reader was thristing over monoma (to like… an unhealthy extent), and he just can’t pick up on it?? like he’s calling them and their friends 1-A losers n shit and the reader is giddy over the fact that he’s just talking to them lol. maybe kendo can break the news that the reader has a giant crush on him and he like… doesn’t know how to act at all. he can’t tell if he should give them mercy and be nicer to them or call them out and be a little bitch about it 🤭
WARNINGS ⚠️ : reader thirsting, Monoma (kidding I love him), kendo being done w Monoma, reader being kind of a pervert, tried to make reader gender-neutral, a kiss, delusional Monoma
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They are done.
Class 1-A is officially DONE.
Done with your bullshit.
Every time he comes around you go insane. So insane that you’ve said to his face that you would take him out on a date if he would let you.
His response? “Why would anyone go out on a date with a 1-A loser?”
They were done with listening to you thirst over the man that hates their guts. Mina was done listening to you choke over yourself with how much you want him.
Honestly she can’t listen to it anymore- listen… she loves you. More than anything in the world. But if you don’t stop- she’s going to burn your tongue off. She can’t hear your reasoning anymore either-
“But Mina- his arms-”
“I swEAR TO GO-”
She’s done.
She’s tried to talk to you about it too. What do you actually see in him, Ya’know? To be fair, you gave some valid reasons.
His eyes being the color of the ocean and his hair in line with the sand. His smile- taunting or not- was indeed- maybe, on some molecular level- attractive.
He also had potential to become a great hero! Seriously, he did! But oh- oh god his mouth. Every time he opened his mouth- all she saw was thousands of reasons why you shouldn’t like him.
Hell- Aizawa had to tell you to knock it off a couple times- and god forbid that one time you got put in a sparing match with him. The collective number of groans that rang throughout class 1-A was comical.
You rode that high for weeks. Let alone the fact that you used it as a chance to get your hands on him. With the strength of your quirk that- unfortunately for him he could not copy- you sometimes just held him.
He of course didn’t notice- using bakugou’s quirk to fill the air with dust from exploded cement.
You even got to straddle him- to which you told him to yield. He didn’t.
But that knowledge was just for you.
Yet he remained oblivious.
The class can’t count how many times they had straight up watched you say he was hot and how many times you had asked him out- to his face- which he didn’t understand.
The people of UA didn’t know what was worse. Your blatant thirst for the man- of the fact that the man was such an idiot he didn’t see.
It was clearly starting to piss even you off.
So finally, Kendo had to take it into her own hands.
It was gruesome.
“Y/n likes you-”
“Of course they do- the 1-A’s should bow to us.”
“No- Monoma- y/n likes you like-”
“A god? I am one.”
She looked deep into the eyes of the disgruntled man as he rubbed the back of his head. The intensity of her silent stare man his shiver as he cowered back.
“Listen to me Monoma. I am being serious. Y/n likes you. Like a married couple. Like a significant other. They want you to be their boyfriend.”
“You serious?”
She’s done.
Now Monoma is hit with new information as he dwells in his dorm lair. He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he was stuck in his thoughts.
On one hand. Your pretty. Like- really pretty. Like walk into a pole on the street because he was starting at you busy. Your strong, fast, really smart… aaannnndddd you like him. A major plus if you will.
But- you were in class 1-A. Could he even date someone in class 1-A after trashing on them so much?
He couldn’t decide yet. So he let it sit.
Unfortunately for him, due to his new knowledge of you, he became hyper-aware of everything you did.
The comments, the touching, asking him out point blank.
Everyone saw the change in him too.
The way he suddenly got tongue tied when he stepped up to class 1-A and you made a comment on how he looked hot when he smirked.
How when paired together he was suddenly stiff and stopped communicating.
He was flustered.
Something that you realized. Something you were going to have fun with.
Oh and you did.
Any chance you got you touched him. Your hand flat on his chest or wrapping your arm around his waist, you did everything.
It builds and builds and builds of course. So the next time he sees you- he snaps.
You were just trying to get a drink after going to the bathroom. It was pure coincidence that he was out too.
To say you were shocked when you were suddenly body slammed into the corner was an understatement.
You stared, wide eyed at the boy in front of you at he fumed.
You stayed quiet, waiting for him to say something- anything really. But he doesn’t. Just holding you in place- breathing heavily with anger swirling in his eyes.
You couldn’t complain- no.
His face was so close to yours. His breath fanning your lips and his body continuously brushing against yours.
You finally broke.
“If you wanted me like this so bad, you could’ve just said so-”
Lips cut you off. Soft, warm- and you melt. Your arms instantly forcing him against you as you eagerly push against him. Your head is fuzzy, filled with him, everything is him.
His warmth, how soft he feels, his hair under your fingertips.
It’s driving him crazy how easily he drives you crazy.
When he finally manages to pull away, he’s disoriented. His hair is a mess, his eyes trained on your love-stuck eyes and your swollen lips.
It takes him a minute of the close proximity to get his head clear. He suddenly shoves you back against the wall again as he pulls a few steps back.
He swallows thickly as he tries to get his barring together. Straightening his uniform shirt he quickly points at you.
God that love-sick smile your wearing, it makes him sick. Sick in love- sick with vile he doesn’t know.
So he points at you and he says-
“Keep quiet about this. I-I can’t be seen with a 1-A loser.”
He doesn’t mean it. Not really.
But that’s okay.
You’ll steal these flustering moment alone where he moans into your mouth and clutches so tightly onto your hips while he lives in his beautiful delusion.
You’ll keep openly pining after him while he continues to hate on class 1-A.
It’s okay though. You know where you stand. So you’ll let him continue to loose his own mind figuring you out, not fully realizing the extent in which your all his.
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donutwatches · 2 months
MHA 3.3 - Kota - part 2/3
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Villain style debate go! It's form vs. function. Are you willing to be caught attacking a high school summer camp wearing that? Toga votes no.
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When the craziest looking bastard, calls you a crazy bastard.
I want to see their quirks!
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I love the snippets of Aizawa actually teaching. It is true that the best way to measure improvement is to remember where you started. Thanks for dropping wisdom, as always Sensei!
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"...why you're sweating" being literal in Bakugo's case, ha.
I like the advice here. When it gets tough remind yourself of your original motivation for working hard in the first place, and let it push you forward.
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It has special relevance to Deku, because where he came from is being quirkless. His starting point was a blank page compared to the others. His progress shows more clearly, but he has more work to do to fill the page up.
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If Bakugo were in a cooking show he could have been the Gordon Ramsey of anime. He is 2 seconds away from calling Uraraka an idiot sandwich, the poor girl was just trying to compliment him.
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Todoroki is being effortlessly funny yet again.
Yeah, it sure would be obnoxious if someone you barely knew rocked up and decided to try to solve your deepest trauma just like that. I mean, who would even dare do that? Surely not our chronic meddler Midoriya, lol.
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Speaking from personal experience, I see. I love that Midoriya asked Todoroki for advice, and he responded by reminding Midoriya that he has already done this exact thing for him.
Echoes of "It's your power, not his!" resounding in my brain. It is still the most moving moment of this show so far. Love the call back.
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There is so much good advice being dished out this episode. I am eating it up. Words are just words until they are backed up by action. I wonder how Midoriya is going to apply this to the Kota situation.
Part 3 is here
@bicheetopuff @champion-prism @blackaquokat @jessiedead
@setfiretotheshadows @hyperfixations-and-cringe @granny-griffin
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚒-𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚢𝚊 𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒
Summary: What are Touya’s kisses like when he’s in a relationship?
Warnings: Kinda heavy mentions of insecurities, some suggestive themes but nothing major
Pairing: Dabi (Touya Todoroki) x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 700+
This is a series of headcanons I’ve posted for multiple characters so far, feel free to check out other characters’ versions here and you’re welcome to send in a request if you want to see these headcanons done for a specific character: Shoto’s Version | Aizawa’s Version
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- I’m not gonna lie, your first few kisses with Touya were very messy and chaotic. I am a firm believer in the inexperienced Touya agenda, and because of his lack of experience, his kisses ended up being very needy, aggressive and sloppy until you showed him what you liked and helped him find better ways to kiss you
- This was not only because of his inexperience, but also because at first, Touya’s kisses weren’t loving like they are now. He still had his walls up when it came to you at first, and though he was starting to let them down, he was still guarded at the time and kissing was mostly a display of base-level attraction and neediness rather than the love and trust he now feels for you
- Now, however, every kiss you share with Touya feels as if he’s desparately, wordlessly pleading with you not to leave him, trying to prove his worth to you with every kiss. And that’s because he is, honestly
- Touya’s beyond petrified of you leaving him, and this is one of the only ways that he allows this insecurity that he typically keeps locked within him show through to you
- When Touya kisses you he also has a tendency to hold on to you really tight, like he’s afraid that somehow you’ll slip through his fingers if he lets go (because he kind of is, like I said before) 
- He typically prefers to have one hand cradling the side of your face and the other wrapped around your waist when he takes his time sharing passionate kisses with you, but as long as he’s holding you in some way, he’s typically not too picky
- Obviously his kisses are always very hot, and I mean that literally. Touya can’t really feel anything in the bottom half of his face, so when kisses start getting more intense he’s prone to getting warmer than usual in the bottom half of his face because he literally can’t feel his skin heating up and he just gets too into the moment
- If you have a problem with it just let him know and he’ll take a moment to regulate his temperature, but if you like it, just don’t say anything because he has no clue he does it until you tell him lol
- Touya’s kisses taste like mint most of the time, and that’s because whenever he goes to see you, he always pops a breath mint in his mouth just in case you two end up sharing a kiss (or many)
- His diet is pretty all over the place and mainly consists of whatever’s easiest for him to get ahold of and cook on the fly, so wants to make sure that his diet never gets in the way of you enjoying his kisses and he always keeps his breath nice and minty fresh for you :) (even though he secretly hates the taste of the breath mints lol, he only eats them for your sake)
- When he’s not kissing your lips, Touya’s usually kissing along your neck, or surprisingly your hand
- He thinks neck kisses are really hot, and he really enjoys both giving and receiving them. Whenever he has access to your neck he definitely takes advantage of it lol (and he always makes sure to wear clothes that give you access to his neck whenever you’d like for the same reason)
- Hand kisses are typically reserved for when he’s feeling incredibly soft and loving, the rare moments when Touya feels completely at peace
- Moments like when you help bathe him in the evening after returning from a long, brutal mission or when the two of you finally get a chance to sleep in and relax together on your rare day off, he’ll take your hand and gently press a kiss on the back of your palm or on your wrist as a sweet, loving gesture
- Touya will absolutely never admit this to you, but you make him the most flustered when you press kisses to his nose. It’s so gentle and pure and the gesture always catches him off guard and leaves him a flustered mess, sputtering and struggling to get words out, though he’d be beyond embarrassed if you ever called him out on it
- But in all honesty, Touya’s just happy whenever he receives kisses from you or gets the opportunity to kiss you in general. He still has no clue how he got so lucky to have someone as amazing as you in his life, and he cherishedsevery single kiss he shares with you in hopes that he’ll never have to say goodbye to the precious kisses you share together <3
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A/N: Y’all I swear I am working on requests I have in my inbox as well, I’ve just been super busy and life’s been really hectic recently! Somtimes the heart just wants what it wants, and in this case all my heart has wanted for the past few days is Touya Todoroki (and Rody Soul lol, so be on the lookout for some potential headcanons for him in the near future) so I just had to write these lol. I have a really busy week coming up, but after this week’s over I should have some more time to write, so hopefully I’ll be posting more often again after this week! But I am still writing when I can and my requests are open, so if you have a request, feel free to send it my way! :)
Taglist: @eunoiasa @applepie-macaroon @pink-lemonadae-san @shinsosmatcha
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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makeste · 2 years
hey guys, so I’ve finished reading BnHA 342 which was a delight to read, but my reaction post is very, very long and will take some time to edit, so in the meantime I’ve decided to make a separate post just to talk about this one character interaction which I am absolutely obsessed with!
let’s see how long of an analysis I can make about this ONE, SINGLE JOKING REMARK THAT KACCHAN MADE COMPLETELY OFFHANDEDLY.
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1. so first off, let’s just cut straight to the heart of the matter: this. is. friendship. no more denial. no more HAH, NO WAY, OF COURSE WE AREN’T FRIENDS NOW WALK BEHIND ME!!! the Kacchan who was too embarrassed and too chuuni to admit that he was friends with Shouto died at Jakku. and the Kacchan who’s been running the show ever since then is someone who openly worries about Shouto (asking about him immediately after waking up in the hospital), unabashedly provides him with emotional support (hand on the shoulder when class 1-A confronted Endeavor), and hangs out with him in his room because he doesn’t want Shouto to be going through all this shit alone.
2. speaking as someone whose own #1 love language is using humor to try and relax people and make them feel comfortable and safe and welcomed and at ease, the fact that Katsuki used a joke as his chosen method of support here brought me SO MUCH JOY I can barely even begin to express it. and it’s not even the first time he’s done this! never forget that one time after Kamino where class 1-A was all bummed after Aizawa told them off for coming to save him, and so he grabbed Kaminari and dragged him into the bushes and made him activate his derp mode in order to ease the tension! and also to distract them so he could quietly pay Kirishima back for the night vision goggles, because that is his OTHER love language (cold hard cash!! nah lol I’m referring to the act of physically, tangibly paying him back; showing his gratitude not just with words but with actions), but yeah. 
my point is, for someone who always seems to be so angry and serious, Kacchan has a sharp sense of humor that he apparently just keeps tucked away under wraps, and dusts off only for rare special occasions like these, and I absolutely LOVE it and I need it to happen WAY MORE OFTEN. there is a very real possibility of me making a compilation post of every single time Kacchan has made a joke and/or actually laughed about something, just because I’m that desperate to know more about this expertly dry wit of his now.
3. getting back to his friendship with Shouto, this next talking point is the one that’s already been done to death (because you know I went and looked up all those 342 tumblr reactions and metas after I read this chapter because I needed to soak up that analysis asap), but nonetheless this post would not be complete without it! so this is very obviously a commentary on the fact that Shouto’s favorite food is cold soba! a fact which is known to every single citizen of the world! in fact this joke even takes that last part into account, since it relies on that fact being common knowledge in order to stick the landing! in a way it’s partially a friendly little dig at Shouto for making his favorite food such an important part of his personality! like, “hmm, so what would be the worst case scenario for Touya. well obviously it would be him liking something other than soba, since we all know that’s a deal-breaker.” basically this joke derives a good 60% of its humor from the fact that Shouto just loves soba THAT damn much. and Kacchan is obviously WELL aware of this fact because, as we all know, he and Shouto are actually best friends.
4. quick side note, this is also a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it callback to chapter 164, which featured this hilarious interchange between Shouto and his OTHER best friend.
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thus adding the additional meta layer that Shouto actually does canonically consider people who like udon to be FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPATIBLE WITH HIM AS PEOPLE lmao. and Katsuki knows this because he was listening in on that whole conversation and bitching about the two of them being total weirdos! but ALSO he was apparently filing notes away in the back of his big hero brain because he loves Todo actually, so yeah. love it when a scene in a newer chapter retroactively makes a scene from an old chapter even better.
5. lest you worry that Kacchan is back to his OLD VILLAINOUS BULLYING WAYS by poking fun at poor sweet innocent Shouto here, let’s now talk about the ways in which this joke is also a sick burn on Touya! because that of course is the other 40% of the joke! if Shouto’s favorite food is soba, then OBVIOUSLY Touya’s favorite food is going to be the complete opposite of that, because Touya is the worst! just the absolute worst. man fuck that guy!
so there are a couple of additional layers to this part. the first is that Katsuki is very much aware of the delicate balance that needs to be struck here. because he genuinely, unironically DOES know Shouto pretty damn well by now, and so he understands how conflicted Shouto is about his brother. and because he’s a good friend, he’s supportive of Shouto’s desire to somehow redeem Touya if at all possible. and so instead of going all in on how Touya is a founding member of the final villains club WHO BRAGGED ABOUT KILLING THIRTY PEOPLE and who also KIDNAPPED HIM THAT ONE TIME, the worst thing that Kacchan accuses him of here is... having a different favorite food than Shouto. this is basically the gentlest, mildest “fuck that guy” that anyone could have possibly given here.
and then the second bonus layer is that Katsuki is very clearly taking Shouto’s side here. that’s the only possible way for this joke to land. the humor works because Katsuki takes the mundane accusation of liking hot udon, and twists it into a sick fucking burn, because ONLY AN UNHINGED LUNATIC WOULD DARE TO LIKE SUCH A COMPLETELY OPPOSITE FOOD FROM COLD SOBA, THE BELOVED FAVORITE FOOD OF TODOROKI SHOUTO. in other words, if you don’t like Todoroki Shouto’s favorite food, then FUCK YOU! Team Soba all the way! so yeah, it has that connotation too, which is actually very sweet.
6. last but not least, I just want to take a moment to gush about how this was all just perfectly executed and timed. Shouto sets him up for it, and Kacchan pounces on the opportunity without hesitation and delivers the perfect response, which immediately relieves some of the quiet tension in the room, and honest to god actually makes Shouto laugh.
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sort of! that was a chuckle at least! it counts!! anyways the point is, Katsuki read the room perfectly and understood that Shouto was trying to lighten the mood and didn’t want to have a heavy conversation about all of his feelings right now (which is something that Katsuki understands very well), so he followed Shouto’s lead and met him at that level, while still managing to communicate (1) “I know how conflicted you are about all of this”, (2) “I’ve got your back”, and most importantly, (3) “we are friends, and I care about you and support you in all things, you big soba loving freak.” it’s affectionate, it’s heartwarming, and it’s genuinely funny as hell.
anyway so yeah, that’s my RIDICULOUSLY, UNJUSTIFIABLY LONG post about what has instantly become one of my all time favorite little throwaway BnHA moments, right up there with the legendary “hey Kacchan!” scene. Kacchan being friends with people. Shouto getting some much-deserved love. Iida and Kirishima being there too, and presumably smiling and taking notes and maybe one day they can tell their children about this. that’s what it’s all about folks.
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sadbigemini · 4 months
So, to start off, Happy Pride! And I'm here with more MHA shit. We have ourselves a long one today. I have nothing else to say, let's get into it!
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First, Just Some Tidbits You Can Add To Fics
Midnight's persona is so ingrained in her that she forgot and didn't think of how that would affect her students or how they would feel about it
The class is super close and trauma bonded. They find comfort in each other after nightmares, they help each other with panic attacks, with flashbacks, etc. Aizawa lets them break the not staying in each other's dorms rule bc of it
Dadzawa offers his capture weapon to comfort his kids/students like a weighted blanket
Where Aizawa was a vigilante before he got into the hero course
Dadzawa sees the Three Dumbingos in Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki or Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima or a combination of the two lol
Quirk accidents are a common occurrence, especially In stressful or highly emotional situations. Regardless of age, though probably more common in children
Roki has a slight phobia of fire
Midoriya Hisashi as a good dad bc their isn't enough fics with it that way
A Whole Lotta Smallish Fic Prompts
Villain/Vigilante EraserMic(Cloud?) ‘adopting’ a bunch of kiddos that need homes. And creating an army against the HPSC. They'll be like the mob lol
MHA group home AU ran by you guessed it EraserMic or by Nezu and they're just caretakers
Todoroki Shouto gets OFA and is mentored by Good!All Might. It's mostly to piss off his sperm-donor but also because he is a secret AM fanboy
Sentient quirks, whether that's expanding on Tokoyami and Dark Shadow or giving someone else a sentient quirk too
Jirou knows about OFA. She overheard the knowledge of All Might's no might form and OFA, his quirk, with her own quirk. Not purposely ofc
Mido with a pyrokinesis quirk! Which has been done before but not enough! Mido's kinda a pyromaniac... Was he born with it? Did it manifest when he was four? Did it manifest much later and he was thought to be quirkless?
Sero with a cartoon physics quirk. Vigilante. Named Toons? He also listens to some tunes on patrol lol I think he'd love puns ngl. Pranks, an ungodly amount of pranks. So bad endeawhore will be sobbing in the aftermath. SeroRoki besties.
Chisaki Izuku. Mido as Chisaki Kai’s younger brother. Has an Activation and Deactivation quirk (Superpower wiki for more info). Anything he touches that can turn on and off he can turn them on and off, quirks to bodily functions (kinda the same thing I think lol) to technology. He defies Overhaul at every turn bc of Eri. He escapes with Eri and is found by Aizawa. Dadzawa, PapaMic
Shirakumo Oboro is reincarnated into one Toogata Mirio. Shirakumo Oboro died on July 15th (I think he died around this time but the timeline isn't that clear) and on the same day Toogata Mirio was born. Okay, but if I remember correctly Shirakumo was made to give Aizawa a friend like Mirio is to Amajiki. So, like it's literally perfect lol– ah! But the ages, he died 13/14 years ago and Mirio is like 18. Sooo???
Someone give Sero, our resident tape dispenser, OFA, so he can have Danger Spidey Sense. Ig there's Black Whip too, which would help with mobility. A bit like Spider-Man’s Iron Spider Armor/Suit. Sero would be living his little Spider-Man fanboy dream!
Hatsume Mei being Nezu's only personal student. The chaos– the shenanigans, the hijinks they would get into! This could just be pure crack but I think some of you could put a serious spin on this.
MHA/Soul Eater crossover. Think more MHA and heroes than Soul Eater or finding a way to mesh the lore well enough
Aizawa infiltrates the LOV and redeems them
More class B and Shiketsu fics
Shiketsu AU. Quirkless Midoriya accepted? Monoma will be there and his class B is better shtick, now Shiketsu is better shtick. Shinsou there too?? Camie helps them find their class on the first day
Jirou as MC with medical training and a quirk called Body Manipulation (look on Superpower wiki for more info). Vigilante armed with a Monster High metal bat (I think Jirou, Mina, and Toga would love Monster High). Operator is her vigilante name. Fellow vigilante and partner in crime Toga Himiko. Toga has a blood portal quirk. Vigilante name Transfusion. The two act as paramedics for an underground hospital. Future Proteges of Recovery Girl. And it's pride month so maybe you can do a rare pair with those two, Jirou/Toga
Aizawa is practically adopted by the Midoriyas! All the Midoriyas either see him at the park, cat cafe, or they share the same train sometimes. Quirkless Midoriya Izuku or he helps him with OFA. Aizawa teaches Bakugou how to control his anger and that quirkless doesn't mean useless. So, no bullying! Pining EraserMic! Aizawa kinda becomes like the Midoriya adults’ younger brother while he's like an uncle to the youngest
Twice-Centric fic. Twice is Mic's CI (and friend) who infiltrates the LOV for him
Technomancer. Mido has a technopathy and mental continuation quirk (again Superpower wiki). Mido commits sewerslide and gets this quirk (they are mixed into one). He is a tech/electro ghost, he's kinda like an AI. Now he helps different heroes especially his favorites like Eraserhead and Present Mic. But also his favorite vigilante Kaminari?? Tokoyami?? Tokage?? Roki??? His hero and vigilante name is Technomancer. Takes over the HPSC?? Nezu is intrigued by him immediately ofc. Our beloved Power Loader loves him. Absolutely loves him they work on support gear projects together. Hatsume and Power Loader can make him a robot body to possess basically!!!
Oh, How The Tables Have Turned (and how you have turned on each other): This AU(?) is lots of world building fun. A fic about how the quirked were first oppressed heavily by the quirkless and how the roles swapped. How there still is quirk discrimination but now it's more the quirked against each other than another oppressor. How quirks are everything in society now.
A Couple Quirk Ideas
Add Insult To Injury. Insult Empowerment. The quirk allows the user to get stronger when insulted. Talk shit, get hit
True Self Recognition Quirk (again Superpower wiki for both)
One Big One For The Road (Midoriya Tears™ is a quirk)
Midoriya can manipulate them from the volume to the strength to where they go. He needs to drink lots of water and will get dehydrated with quirk overuse
Mido thought he was quirkless because his mom has a secondary passive quirk that's very similar to him. That many other family members have possessed. Hence the Midoriya Tears term. And maybe he is a false negative for quirklessness
–because everyone heard quirkless and that's all they paid attention to. Also the Midoriya Tears are very much a reoccurring trait with various power levels. The person who originally had the quirk was from ages ago– maybe at the dawn of quirks? And it steadily appeared or didn't and was still passed on to the next regardless.
Obviously our Mido’s quirk is the strongest version yet bc MC privilege lmao. And no one knew bc he obviously never trained it. Why would he when he thinks he's quirkless? And it's just a ‘Midoriya thing’. ALSO plot armor lol
Maybe Bakugou guesses but everyone is like, 'your delusional.' and then he's like, ‘Deku is still delusional even if he has a quirk!’?
Or good Bakugou from the start who is driven crazy trying to convince his best friend he has a quirk while scaring his bullies away as he tries to get him to stand up for himself too??
In this fic please give Sero, our beloved tape dispenser, OFA, so he can live his truth and have his little Spider-Man fanboy dream!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I have an idea! I have really bad food issues and a lot of times eating at certain restaurants makes me sick, so there's like a 60% chance I'll be throwing up in a restaurant every time. So how about headcannons or maybe a short drabble for different bnha characters who knew their boyfriend had food issues but didn't realize how bad it was until they went to check on him?
Some of the character I really want are iida, hizashi, Aizawa, Monoma, and Shoji. If you want to add more or don't want to do any of these go ahead and change up the list ^^
Iida, Present Mic, Aizawa, Monoma, and Shoji with a reader who has some food issues
notes - HI! Sorry this took some time but I was finally able to get to it! I already let you know how I changed it up a bit, so I hope you don't mind that they decide to cook for the reader instead!!! I hope you have a super day and stay super hydrated! <3
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this man would make sure you are fed the way you need to be
if he were to ever take you on a date, he would ask exactly what you would want to eat at a restaurant and research until he finds the perfect one
usually though, he prefers to cook for you
at first, you were a little nervous to tell him about the situation and kind of just avoided eating when he would take you out to somewhere to eat
but being the loving bf he is, he asked exactly what was going on and you were honest, as you could trust him
from then on, he kept record of your favorite foods and made sure that what he was making you was exactly what you enjoyed!
he wants you to stay healthy and happy and will do anything to make that happen <3
Present Mic
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im sorry but this man cannot cook for the life of him
i mean he definitely tried to learn once he heard about your problem
know that he's trying <3
but at the end of the day, he will have you pick the place that you go eat or will eat what you cook if that's what you like to do!
but I think he stresses that he's going to be doing the wrong thing if he takes you out, just assure him that he's doing alright <3
he just loves you so much and wants to make you happy and make sure you're healthy, so he'll do anything for you <3
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this man will take care of you TO THE EXTREME
he will learn to cook anything for you and even bake if you have a sweet tooth
i feel like he had to cook for himself at a very young age and I see him as a pretty picky eater, so he can definitely help make you something that will help you out
he doesnt often take you out to eat just because that isn't super his jam
he made a love language out of cooking for you and just loves to see the smile on your face after you eat something
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he will treat you like the most important thing in his life
so yes
that means with food too
he definitely had to learn how to cook or get some friends to help, but know that he's putting in the effort
he feels like that isn't his best way of showing you his love since he's still trying, but know he will put in the effort!!!!!
teach him if you can because he is willing to learn, even if he is embarrassed that he has to ask for help lol
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a man of many talents
i feel like this man can cook like no other
so if you tell him what you love, expect it to be there for you as a breakfast in bed, or a surprise lunch <3
he wants to make sure you are well fed especially with your problem and he will do anything to make sure that is done
he will try new things or even ask you to teach him what you like to eat
he just cares about you a lot and knows how important food is, so he will do anything <3
mha masterlist (2) | pinned post
2023@tonberry-yoda– do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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scarletsky153 · 23 days
got some plot bunny inspired by a fuckton lot of dabihawks/dabishig/dabihawkshig/erasershig fic on ao3 lol
so like dabishig has this fwb things going on until probs after kamino in which shig is becoming more frantic bcs he has to be a leader for his league yknow and then hawks has his infiltration mission and shig saw how much dabihawks has the 'Tension' so he's kinda fine dabi u can deal w him however u like and they stopped being a fwb even tho there's some feelings between them but like BOTH are oblivious mofo
and then there's some canon divergence, something something happened to the league, shig found out afo def manipulate him from the beginning what with his quirk being forced upon him so shig be like fuck it i'll tear both afo and the corrupted hero esp hspc (bcs hawks slowly but surely becoming one of his people so he def need to claim hawks from hspc)
somehow someway hawks got hurt while they're in a middle of Turf War against the heroes, re-destro, and some up and coming yakuza and shig kinda gone wild and decided u know what we need help and look ua is def a institution independent from hspc i'll give everything to them as long as they help hawks and them
and like in the beginning the other league didn't want to go to the heroes at ua but their condition got worse and shig kinda fuck it i'll go to them myself if they didnt agree just get the fuck out of the country (which dabihawks got Angry and argumentative about this) and so shig met w aizawa and after a long talk they agree to some deal
and so there's some villain and vigilante rehab program and the league are one of the ppl first trying it and like they stay at ua and dabihawks (who both admitted to eo they have feelings for each others but ALSO AT THEIR BOSS) becoming more possessive w shig esp when they saw how much shig got along w aizawa which makes them both possessive and jealous while shig somehow befriended aizawa and after they slept w eo to release the tension shig kinda complain a lot about dabihawks and his (perceived) one sided attraction and aizawa is very much done w everything
and so like dabihawks plot w eo about how they're going to seduce their boss meanwhile shig in a fwb w aizawa and both complain about their one sided love (shig w dabihawks and aizawa w all might) and then after the war against both afo and hspc dabihawks kinda explode w jealousy and kinda blurted out about their feelings to shig and yeah HAPPY ENDING while aizawa laughing in the background but then shig kinda 'look you're single again now go seduce all might' while all might was there and so after a lot of drama erasermight is a go
SO thats something ive thought about a fuckton LOT but idk if i would write them lmao (((anyone who wants to write about it or tweaked it PLEASE DO and tag me i wanna read them)))
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spaceisout · 1 year
sweet + sour
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Pairing: Dabi x F!Reader
Words: 1.9k ish
A/n: I honestly do not know what the plot is I just decided to write it and finally finish it. I hope you like lol any feedback is appreciated! 🌷
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It was complicated to say the least.
You somehow ended up being friends with a villain that had attacked your friends not once but three times. Were you insane? Maybe, it all depends on how people actually take time to think things through.
Of course you don't condone what the villains have done to innocent people. And you also clearly aren't siding with them either. But knowing how you have such a soft heart, more or else you somehow understood why he was the way he was.
"Hey, (last name)!" Midoriya yelled as he caught up with you.
You stopped and looked over your shoulder. Softly smiling you said, "Hey, Midoriya. What's up?"
"The others and I were talking about going to a karaoke near the school." He explained, "Would you like to come along?"
He nodded. "It's when everyone is mostly free and since midterms are over we thought it'd be a nice way to unwind and relax."
"I actually have to do something first back at the dorms." You said, "Would you mind sending me the address so I can meet up with you guys later?"
"Sure." Midoriya took out his phone and quickly messaged you the name and address. "Do you want me to wait for you―?"
Shaking your head you checked your phone seeing the text had gone through.
"No worries, I won't be long." You assured him, "I should be there in about 10 minutes."
"Well, alright then. Let me know if you need anything."
You softly smiled, "I will!"
After parting ways with your friend you made your way towards the dorms alone. In all honesty it felt kinda nice, arriving back by yourself without any yelling for once. You did appreciate your friends a lot and were thankful, but sometimes with all the chaos around you it always felt nice to have some quiet time.
As you entered the building you saw someone standing there looking at the picture frames that were hung up on the huge green wall.
You immediately stopped moving as panic began to course through your veins.
"I didn't realize you were this close to them." They said, "I admit I'm kinda jealous that we don't have even one photo together."
Your head immediately turned in all directions, hoping there wasn't a single soul around. Especially not Mr. Aizawa who was known to appear and disappear in an instant.
"What are you doing here?" You whispered quickly walking over to him. "How did you even get in?!"
He turned around with one hand behind his head smiling at you.
"I was able to sneak in through your window. Also you really need a new door, it keeps creaking when you open it."
"Dabi…" You sighed, "I told you that you can't show up just like this… anyone could have walked in and see you."
"Don't worry, I overheard you and that Midoriya kid talking about everyone going to karaoke." He explained, "I doubt anyone else is left in the building."
"Well yeah― that doesn't mean that my teacher is gone though."
"Come on, (name) you're over worrying about nothing."
Dabi walked closer to you and opened his arms. "Is it a crime to want and see my favorite doll?"
You knew he meant well still the feeling of someone walking in and seeing you both together did not sit well.
But you couldn't resist, walking closer to him you wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. A smile rested on his face as he wrapped his arms around your figure, inhaling your scent.
"These class 1-A idiots are stealing you away from me." He said, "I haven't even been able to see you in almost a month because of them."
"That's not true," you muttered closing your eyes and enjoying his warmth. "You also have been busy and have been gone weeks on trips without talking to me either."
"Because I can't risk your safety." Dabi petted the top of your head. "You know they're already on to me thinking I have a girlfriend and all that crap."
Chuckling you looked up at him, "I mean it wouldn't surprise me if you do end up finding one later on."
"Why go looking when she might be standing in front of me?" He teased.
Blushing you looked away, "You're unbelievable."
"Hey, (last name)!"
Your body froze.
"Shit…" Dabi cursed under his breath as he realized you two have been caught.
"Deku keeps asking about you idiot! How much longer―" Bakugo's eyes glared at the mysterious figure. "What the― who the hell is this?"
Thankful that Dabi's back was facing him, you pulled away and stepped forward.
"He's just… an old friend who came by for a visit." You nervously spoke.
"Does Mr. Aizawa know?" He questioned not believing anything you were saying.
"O―Of course!" You quickly said. "My friend was actually about to leave, he was just passing by since he has stuff to do."
Bakugo's gaze focused on him, still feeling hesitant. "He can't talk or what?"
"Well… he tends to be a bit shy is all." You answered looking away, "But once he gets to know someone he doesn't stop talking at all!"
You saw the way he was looking at Dabi, his glare became intense.
"What did Midoriya want by the way?" you asked, shifting his focus back on to you.
"That bastard won't shut up about you." He rolled his eyes, "Can you fucking hurry up and go?! I don't want to keep hearing him complaining."
"I'll be right there―"
"Whatever." Bakugo grumbled and stomped out of the dorms already feeling too annoyed to even stay any longer.
Breathing a sigh of relief you said, "Why don't we meet up afterwards instead?" You suggested. "That way they won't keep wondering where I am―"
"Can't you just make up an excuse?"
Turning your head you looked at him, his eyes were casted down. A look of sadness formed in those bright blue orbs.
"Dabi… did you want to hangout today?"
He looked off to the side, feeling himself turning red for admitting that he did not want them stealing your attention.
"Why didn't you say anything? You know I like spending time with you too."
"It seems like you enjoy spending time with them more."
"Well they're my friends." You said getting closer to him hoping he'll look at you. "Of course I like hanging out with them and you. You're one of my best friends, Dabi."
"I'm your best friend?…"
You nodded, "Well yeah… I mean unless you don't see me like someone close―"
Dabi sighed tilting his head back to the ceiling, "You're an idiot." He mumbled.
Tilting your head to the side you asked him confused, "What?"
He turned to look at you, "I never said I didn't consider you someone close to me. If that was true I wouldn't insist on seeing you."
"True…" you muttered looking down at your feet in shame. "I―I shouldn't have… second guessed anything…"
"No you shouldn't have." Dabi took a step forward, surprising you as he held your cheeks with both of his hands. "I like being around you doll, as embarrassed as I am to say this but… I miss you when you're not next to me."
Slowly you looked up at him, "You― wait really?… I mean I'm not going to you know― doubt what you're saying… but you usually seem like you're comfortable being with Toga too."
"She's someone I have to work with, she's a colleague. Of course she is somewhat tolerable though." He explained, however the way he looked at you said something else. "Believe me if you were the one in her place instead I wouldn't hesitate to go to work everyday if it meant seeing you."
Your heart started to flutter, you felt it could fly away any second as you heard him speak. Never did you realize that maybe Dabi would feel that way about you. Of course your friendship started in such a random way, in your mind you thought it would disappear one day but you were taught wrong as the days passed by.
"You're making me feel like an idiot here… the least you can do is respond, you know?"
"R―Right, well I… I actually do not know what to say." You admitted looking away from him, "You are usually self reserved, hearing you talk like that… it's a surprise… but it feels comforting. It's nice to hear you say what you feel."
Dabi's face flushed a dark red, yet it made him feel happy that you were comfortable with him being more open.
"Why don't we go and hangout in your room?" He suggested moving his hand to hold the back of your neck gently as his thumb brushed across your cheek bone. "That way you won't feel as anxious in case someone comes in."
Y―Yeah." You stuttered, feeling nervous about being alone with him.
Before it was a normal occurrence, he used to always come see you at night. Whether it was during your studying time or when you were about to sleep, you never denied him to come inside.
But with all the things he said, it made it feel even more intimate. Dabi was someone you could always count on and trust, yet somehow your heart was beating rapidly than it normally would.
As quickly as you could you unlocked your dorm room and walked inside. You breathed a sigh of relief feeling safe knowing no one would see you two.
As he walked into your room he noticed a picture hanging above your desk. Squinting his eyes, he got closer and realized it was taken during your first time you hung out together.
You decided to change out of your uniform and into some more comfier clothes in the bathroom. When you walked out you saw him still standing in front of your desk.
"Hey, everything alright?" you asked walking over to him.
"I didn't know you had taken a photo that day." He spoke not moving from his spot.
"Oh," you blushed. "I―I was going to tell you but I did not want to make you feel weird since it was the first time we hung out when I was in Kyoto for the weekend."
"You should have told me," he said turning around to face you and took a step forward towards you. "Here I was acting jealous when I shouldn't of have to begin with."
You played with your fingers, "Dabi you shouldn't feel jealous… I treasure our friendship a lot. I do not wish… to think that one day it might end."
"Doll," he sat down at the edge of your bed. "My life expectancy is low you know that with the type of work I do."
"I know…" You mumbled, "But you always come back no matter what happens. I―I mean you said it and you have kept that promise since the beginning."
A faint smile rested on his lips, extending his hand out to you. You took the signal and walked over to him, holding his hand.
"I actually said it as a more of a comfort for me." He admitted as you sat down next to him. "I didn't use to care about staying alive but knowing that you're counting on me and I have someone like you… it has been the source that makes me come back."
"Dabi…" you softly said as you held his cheek carefully, being afraid of hurting him more than he already was. "If you need to have a reason then use me as it, I want you to keep living. No matter what happens I know that one day you will be able to live the life you want."
"How can you have such high hopes for me?"
Smiling small you leaned in and kissed his cheek, his eyes closed feeling your lips against his burned flesh. "Because you are still human and someone who has been through so much still deserves to have their good ending."
Dabi's heart began to pick up its rhythm. Having you this close to him was something he's wanted for a long time. He was hesitant to say anything to ruin the friendship he had built with you. You meant everything to him but it was difficult to stop himself from admitting his feelings to you.
"Do you have any work you need to get done?" He asked.
"I managed to finish everything, I only one thing to do but it's not urgent." You answered, "Do you want to watch a movie? I can order us some food."
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "That sounds nice actually. You don't mind if I stay late tonight?"
"Not at all." You smiled looking at him, "I was going to head home until tomorrow morning."
"Finally," he threw his head back looking up at the ceiling then back at you. "We can stay up late."
"Hey, I like getting my hours of sleep in."
"Still, there's nothing bad about staying up late once in awhile you know."
You rolled your eyes playfully, "Yeah yeah."
"Is the food almost here?" Dabi asked as he looked over your shoulder at your phone.
"It should be here…." you mumbled looking at the info shown on the screen. "In a minute, it's actually around the corner."
"Finally… I was starving." He whined, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Don't be impatient." You chuckled, "I'll go get it now."
"Don't leave me yet," Dabi muttered as he hugged you tighter around your waist.
You turned your head to look at him. "I won't be long," gently you ran your fingers through his hair. "I'll be quick."
"Mhmm." He closed his eyes enjoying the way your fingers easily glide through his black locks.
After a minute of peaceful silence and sound approvals from him he reluctantly let you go because he was hungry.
Quietly you walked out of your room and headed towards the entrance to the pick up the food from the delivery driver.
"Thank you." You said taking the bag of food and turning back to head inside.
"(name)!" Mina exclaimed.
"Crap…" you muttered to yourself and looked to your left to see everyone making their way towards the dorms.
"We missed you!" Hagakure said as she hugged you tightly.
"We were waiting on you but Bakugo said you had a friend over." Sero said.
"oh uh ha ha y―yeah." You chuckled awkwardly.
Mina furrowed her eyebrows looking at you intently.
Your averted her gaze knowing she was trying to read you.
"You have a boyfriend don't you?!" She accused.
"W―well… he is a boy and he is as friend―"
"You're telling me someone already got to you first before I had a chance?!" Kaminari yelled, "I'll kill him!"
"Who are you going to tell, Kaminari?" Sero questioned, crossing his arms in front of his chest, not believing what he was saying.. "You easily get scared when someone talks to you when you're not paying attention."
"T―that is not true!"
"Is it that idiot from earlier?" Bakugo spoke.
"You saw him?!" Mina yelled, shaking him back and forth by his collared shirt.
"Get the hell off of me you alien eyes!"
The bakusquad gathered around him, questioning him about everything and anything that had to do with your secret mysterious boyfriend.
Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu walked over to you not wanting to do anything with what was going on behind them.
"Do you really have… a boyfriend?" Midoriya asked.
You shook your head, "No no no, he isn't my boyfriend I swear!"
"We believe you, it's just…" Uraraka paused trying to think of a way to say what she wanted to without doubting you. "You look a bit flustered."
"I'm flustered b―because I'm embarrassed."
"Not to over ask but isn't that a big bag of food for two people?" Todoroki asked.
"She's probably under fed and needed some extra food." Iida answered for you, feeling relief he at least wasn't doubting what you were saying.
"R―Right of course!' Yaoyorozu agreed. "I have to do the same because of my quirk.
And to add more fuel to the fire your phone rang and the screen lit up with a single letter, D <;3.
It caught everyone's attention, including the bakusquad.
"Sorry guys…" you apologized and answered the phone. "Hey…"
"Hey, what's taking you so long?"
"Oh hey, no I'm just talking with some of my friends. And you?"
Dabi walked over to your window and slightly peeked from behind the curtains to see you surrounded by all of your classmates. An idea popped into his head.
"Do you need me to get you out of there?" Dabi couldn't help but smile at how nervous and cute you looked.
"No not at all, I'm fine… really." You assured him smiling as you looked at your friends.
"Put me on speaker, I'm sure they're dying to hear from me." He suggested, "I can help you get away."
"It's fine."
"Put him on speaker!" Mina exclaimed.
Dabi breathed out a laugh, amused by your friends persistence. "Come on doll."
"Okay." You moved your phone away from your ear and pressed on the button. "You're on speaker―"
"Are you really her boyfriend?!" Kaminari yelled out hiding slightly behind Kirishima.
"Hey, well to be honest I have made anything official yet."
Dabi had changed his voice, it didn't sound anything like him, it felt you were talking to someone different.
"No surprise there." Bakugo spoke.
"I will soon though I doubt you'll be able to beat me though."
"What the hell did you say?!" Bakugo got pulled back by Kirishima and Kaminari. "I'll beat your ass you―"
"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled, "Calm down."
"Are you serious about her or are you two just friends?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"We are friends, I have known her for a while but can't deny she makes my heart go crazy when I see her." Dabi answered.
The back of your eyes turned red, along with your cheeks.
"You shouldn't say those things…" You said.
"I'm not lying when I say that you are special, (name)."
"Okay that is kinda cute." Tsu said.
"Sounds to me like it won't be long before you make a move." Mina teased looking at you.
"Maybe." Dabi chuckled. "It was nice talking to you guys, but I have to go."
"Awe! so soon mysterious boyfriend?" Hagakure pouted.
"I'll make sure to let (name) pass the phone to speak to you guys again."
"You wish!" Bakugo exclaimed.
"For sure, maybe next time we can have a longer conversation." Kirishima spoke.
"Take care of her for me alright ladies?" Dabi asked, "I know the guys will do as well."
"We will make sure your little flower is taken care of." Mina smiled.
"Fore sure!" Uraraka chimed in, "We promise."
"Ribbit!" Tsu said.
"You guys make me feel reassured, I'll talk to you guys next time!"
Everyone bit him goodbye, you put him off speaker and walked inside with everyone following you.
Quickly you made your way towards your room hoping to avoid any questions your classmates might have.
"Did that help?" He walked away from the window and sat down on the bed.
"You made me turn red, Dabi." you whispered. "I almost did not recognize your voice."
"I had to change it given that they already know who I am."
"I know… I just did not expect it. I'm almost at my room, I'll see you in a sec."
Hanging up you opened your door and walked inside, Dabi took the bag from your hands and put it on your desk.
"Did you like my voice?"
You shook your head, "I… like your normal voice."
"Really?" he bit his bottom lip smiling.
"It suits you better."
He couldn't help but wrap his arms around your waist from behind, you could feel his breath tickling your neck. ''Being your boyfriend… would that suit me better too?"
Your face turned beet red, you covered your face with your hands feeling your heart beating out of your chest.
"You're cute when you blush."
"Y―you shouldn't say stuff like that…" you muttered.
"Why not?"
"B―because…" you stuttered getting out of his hold. "You only say those words when you mean them n―not just to joke around."
Dabi then moved to stand in front of you, blocking your way. You were too shy to look at him in the eyes. However he did not back own and took your hands.
"Who said I was joking around, doll?"
"You always say stuff like that…" you mumbled, "And laugh every time I get beet red by your comments."
"Have you noticed that you are the only constant female in my life?"
"Well yeah... doesn't mean you might fall for someone in the future―"
"If that had been the case I would be with them and not with you right now." He pointed out, "Look at me doll."
You felt hesitation, deep down you hoped your feelings would be reciprocated. Then again if he did and your relationship failed you would also lose a dear friend in the process, something you did not want to face.
With those simple letters you were always a sucker for him.
Giving in, you tilted your head to look at him in the eyes. His blue orbs shining brightly as he looked down into your beautiful (eye color) orbs.
"I really do, like you (name)."
Your eyes widened at his confession, you were too stunned to speak.
"I do not want you think that I'm joking around and only hope to get something from you because that isn't what I want." He sincerely spoke, bringing your face closer to yours. "I want to be with you― even if it means sneaking around and visiting you until midnight when everyone else is asleep."
"I―I like you too... I have for awhile now but I-I don't want our friendship to end if it doesn't turn out to be like how we hoped it would―"
"No relationship is going to be perfect, doll." His eyes scanned all your beautiful features from the way your dimples that rested on your cheeks when you smiled to the beauty mark you have on your (your face feature) that complimented your (color skin) skin. "I won't lie and say that I will be perfect for you because hell― I'm not! I think you deserve better than me but I don't want to keep pretending like I don't have feelings for you."
"Honestly..." a faint smile rested on your lips, "Even if others confess to me I would tell them no... because you are the only one I want to sneak around with in the middle of the night."
"Are we... giving this a chance then?..."
You nodded, "I want to."
You never thought that it would be possible to see Dabi smile so big. It wasn't the same smile he gave you whenever he saw you, it was different. This smile actually reached his eyes.
He demonstrated actual happiness.
With wide smiles you both leaned in, feeling your noses bump against each other before your lips finally connected as one.
Your eyes closed trying to remember this moment, your first time kissing one another with no intention of it going over board. It was a kiss between two people that cared deeply about each other.
Dabi could feel his heart racing rapidly, feeling it thump against his rib cage. It was scary to him, knowing he now had someone important in his life that he knew he needed to protect at all costs. Without a doubt it may bring chaos and put him in danger but that didn't matter to him. All that mattered was that he had you, you were finally his.
After a minute of slow kissing you both pulled away, resting against each other's forehead with heavy breathing.
He smiled widely and pecked your lips, "You're so damn beautiful."
A villain and a hero in training, who would have thought.
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chainslobber · 2 months
i really love basically everything you do with chisaki.... when you draw him with aizawa or eri or dabi or anyone i love the dynamics. how do you lug your brain around with so many good ideas in it does it never get heavy.....
Hello there!
He's my second favorite character, and he had so much potential. Now that his story is done and I was left with JUST enough puzzle pieces for my grubby paws, I decided to just go ham with him. Mayeb not make him 'happy' per se but anything was better than what we got. Because unlike most, I don't see just a villain. I see everything he could've been, I see the personality, and I see where he fits perfectly.
As a Dabihaul, that's easy. There's so much. You got the power dynamics, you got the master/servant, you got the doomed yaoi, you got the canon narrative where, if you wanted, could be the best damn betrayal AU of your life.
For Eri, I think it's a little bit of a weird place because even though I see them as 'tolerable' of each other's presences, it depends on the AU. For Plague AU, he gives her up when he realizes her worth because he knows that no matter what, she'll be hunted down. It's to save her. But for something like my CWS fic, she's still around him but in a more estranged family kinda way. She doesn't need to be supervised around him, but she is, and he's fine with it.
And for Aizawa, that's just my own special hell. People have definitely been vocal about how evil I've been slapping them together--mainly because of Eri--and they don't like to separate her from Kai. If the fandom did that, I think we'd all be happier/smarter but alas lol. To be honest, shipping has always been fast and loose with me. It's just difficult with Kai since I don't see him as a romantic/dating type, so at least with kaizawa it's more like 'being alone together', whereas with Dabi it's 'you're annoying; if we have sex will you shut up?' type deal.
But I'm rambling. I'm actually pretty stupid, I've just learned that people will always hate what I do when it comes to him so I may as well have fun while the fandom is slowly petering out. I'm here forever.
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mollyrolls · 2 months
ignore that this is an ask and not a text i wanna see the tags u accompany this with but now that ur halfway-ish done with mha what r ur top 5 moments/arcs
tumblr my no 1 op bc i wrote a whole ass thing on my phone and then it just would not post! so trying again
hawks intro bc im a slut
eri and everything that had to do w eri. the overhaul fight was easily my favorite arc and fight so far it was just so good. she is simply a girl who likes candy apples and i would DIE FOR HER
izukus first training arc. i love him as a mc he is winning the fight against main character being overshadowed in an anime. maybe this is a boring take but man it was just really good! i like seeing mcs fail and struggle ( a theme you might notice in my fics lmao)
moving into dorms, for many reasons. aizawa in a suit.
im jk but that episode was just so good in my opinion? like esp after the all for one fight they needed a way to return to normal and i think they did such a good job. it was really endearing to all the characters and i was like 'oh my god they really are just kids'
5. bakugo ochaco sports fest fight. idk if i liked the whole thing enough for it to be a favorite arc but yeah i liked that fight a lot. i love ocacho and it was so good to see her be a character before she got reduced to just liking izuku
honorable mentions
jiros song for the festival bc she is number one babygirl and the english VA absolutely devoured that
todoroki origins bc he is also babygirl
licensing exams
i feel like this is a kinda mundane list but i dont really care. i like the slice of life aspect as much as the fighting and the sol is what i remember more. i didnt like the internships and i didnt like stain, so thats all of szn 2 out of the picture lol
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mhacentral · 2 months
14 Days of MHA - Day 14 (August 5th): Anything you want
So my thoughts on MHA..... yeah this series had its good points, but there was also a lot of garbage and the rushed ending really hit this into the ground. Honestly from the get go of this series, I was worried how Horikoshi would meld a Hero Story and a School Story together.... it COULD have worked, but Horikoshi is not a good writers, sorry but he isn't. I kept reading cause I was hopeful it could work but also because I fell in love with a few characters..... sadly everything ended in disappointment. Honestly I did this 14 days thing like a month ago EXCEPT for this one post, had I waited until now, I wouldn't have wasted my time.
ALL THREE major villains die and the three heroes trying to saved them failed.... wtf kind of ending is that. I don't care if you are someone like positivity nanny.... THIS IS BAD STORYTELLING TO HAVE YOUR MAIN HEROES FAIL. And one of them made NO FUCKING SENSE even in anime logic.... Bakugo lives after being struck in the heart, but Toga dies from Blood Loss
See the last chapter with Aizawa and Deku's talk about strictness with students, along with the kid Dai... The "NEW" ranking system is still shit as before, as Popularity and Strength are still all people are focused on, which of course isn't going to cause future problems...............
Shoji getting an award for being a good Heteromorph - this plotline got like maybe 2 chapters worth in the entire series.....
Deku gets a support item to help be a hero, but it takes 8 years..... like drama for nothing at the end
Then over the course of the series there were some MAJOR downfalls
Lack of planning - this is a major downfall of many shonen series due to the insane work schedule and forcing authors to write certain things in certain ways so its super popular, such as shortening the training camp arc, cause Japanese fans didn't want to see more villains, thus screwing up the traitor plotline
Introspection - the series did START off with this and it was well done, but then Horikoshi just stopped doing this and it really made character development take a huge hit
Character Dynamics - this goes in both good and bad, cause it did START OFF really well done, but after Kamino….. many interactions just felt short or didn't happen. One major interaction we didn't get in the main series was a scene with Shoto and Rei….. like how did we not ever get a scene with these two in the main series (there is one in the light novel)
Students were stuck in school and were only allowed out for the war, this caused a major issue, with not being able to explore a lot of themes
The middle of the story was meh and there were TOO MANY characters for Horikoshi too handle. We didn't didn't need three villain groups either
The Overhaul Arc - yep gets a special mention. This arc pulled focus away from the main cast, instead focusing on more new students and a new villain group. Even Oda mentioned in an interview about him having too many characters lol. Then to top this off, the arc was very rushed towards the end. Also the theme of the Yakuza felt old school and didnt fit with MHA, would have loved the MLA to be here at this time instead
Meta Liberation Army - Cmon don't tell me there wasn't supposed to be a MAJOR storyline after the Endeavor internship arc with focus on the MLA, cause 110% something was supposed to happen but got cut and War #1 happened and the MLA may as well never have existed just like the Yakuza... oh yeah next points:
Lets end with some of the good:
Characters and characterization- all very unique in personality and design and made you want to follow them
Character Dynamics - like relationships between characters. Absue, bullying, friendship, romance.... though this could have been done better with some more introspection and interactions between characters
The beginning arcs
Quirks and power system - each power is very unique and really compliments the character well
Superheroes and Villain society - we've had stories with these, but this is in present time where almost everyone has a power, so powers really arent as "special" as in another series and creates a new dynamic of sorts
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kingshimura4872 · 1 year
Don't you Remember?
A/N: Howdy chitlinsss
This ones a couple hours late but I forgot I snoozed my alarm lmao. Anyways, enjoy whatever I actually ended up writing this week lol.
Word count : 1.2k
Warnings: None rlly, just Mic being annoyingly loud and bestie status
“Alright, kiddos! Today we’re gonna play a little game of tag!” Present Mic was as loud as ever, sunlight reflecting off the edge of his sunglasses and slightly blinding some of the students.
It’d been two weeks since you joined class 2-A and for the most part, you couldn’t complain about much. Everyone had their own personalities and apart from Ashido slowly trying to pull you into her social clique, everyone left you alone unless they needed to do otherwise. Your class and class and class 2-B had paired up again for the day. Vlad King, class B’s teacher stood idly by with your own as the loud blonde continued to explain today’s training activity.
   “We’ll have two taggers each round, and all the rest of ya’s will be the tagees. The taggers will have twenty-five minutes to tag as many people as possible. If you’ve been tagged, which we will see so don’t try and sneak out of it - you’ll head to the out area. If you can’t find it immediately, there are painted trails all over the training course to help you in the right direction. The taggers are drawn at random from the box Aizawa’s holding over there. Any questions?”
One student from class B raised their hand to which Mic nodded in his direction.
   “What happens if someone gets caught trying to go back into the game after being tagged?”
   “That’s for your teacher to decide, but just know there will be one. Anything else?” 
Everyone else in the large group shook their heads and Aizawa took it as his cue to step up.
   “The first tagger of this round is…” He reached his hand into the box and took out a small folded paper slip, glancing down at it. “Pony.” 
A shorter girl from B class cheered out in excitement. You took it as she was Pony. 
   Interesting name. You thought to yourself.
   “The second tagger of this round is…Shinsou. Everyone get to the starting line. You’ll have sixty seconds to get running and find a place to evade. If you’re not tagged by the end of the timer, you’ll get an extra free period with the other winners in Mic’s class sometime later this week. He’ll have something for you all.” Aizawa explained, stepping back and waiting for the unnamed students as they lined up on the thick yellow line stretching across the concrete. You took the time you had before running to inspect your terrain. There were large pipes and cement blocks winding every which way in an arena bigger than a sports stadium. You took it as an easy win since you knew you were versatile enough to slide past your opponent. 
   “Ready!” Aizawa shouted, holding up his arm. Everyone got into their own running position, as did you.
   “GO!” Mic finished, all three teachers and your taggers watched as everyone scattered like flies into the area. You took off straight, climbing over pipes and around blocks like it was nothing. The deep blue training uniform every student had definitely made you stand out in the monochrome gray scene, but you could make it work.
   Twenty-Five minutes. That’s it. Just stay around their vision and you’re done. You said to yourself. 
You ducked behind a large pair of pipes, listening silently for indications of life close to you. You heard footsteps from a few separate individuals going different directions around you, but one thing caught the corner of your eye. A spark of red and black landed against another pair of pipes a few feet away from you and let out a sigh. 
He took a moment to catch his breath before checking his surroundings and inevitably noticing you as well. He shot you a friendly smile and after once again checking around him, ran over to you.
   “Hey.” He greeted, voice hushed.
   “Stay quiet. I need to hear.” You hushed him, holding a hand to his mouth and once again listening in to the area around the both of you. He nodded, staying still minus the glances at the places behind you.
I’m more vulnerable with him around, but he can at least check my back while he’s here. You thought to yourself.
You perked up at the sound of light tapping against the metal above you a couple yards away. You swiftly gazed downward to look for a better place to hide, spotting a small crevice with pipes encompassing it. 
   “Hurry, get down.” You ordered, pulling his wrist to the spot and ducking in. He followed without objection, looking around for the threat you sensed.
   “Who is it?”
   “Pony’s.” You hummed, looking all around for her to pass.
   “How can you tell?”
   “Footsteps. Now hush.”
He did as told, pulling you a bit further back into the space to hide the both of you better. And just as you predicted, you both watched as Pony jumped from an overhead pipe right where you originally were.
   “Gosh, where did they go? I could have sworn I saw someone go this way.” She sighed, looking around and running off in a different direction. Kirishima opened his mouth to speak but you immediately placed your hand over his mouth again, shaking your head at him. 
Just as quickly as it had started, the first round ended and of course you and Kirishima were part of the small group that won, the other students consisting of Bakugou, Kendo, Iida, Tsu, and Tetsutetsu. Apparently, according to you accidentally overhearing, Tetsutetsu winning was purely a fluke due to Pony letting him get away just before the timer ended. She felt bad for him since it was only a few seconds away so she turned around and reached out for another student.
You all got a few minutes to recuperate before the second pair of taggers were pulled.
   “Our first tagger is….Monoma.” Aizawa called.
   “Ah, yes! Of course, this match will be over quickly then.” The rowdy blonde of class 2-B laughed heartily. Everyone rolled their eyes at his outburst and began lining up.
   “Second is…. Sero.”
   “Yeah! This’ll be so fun!” Sero, your class’ resident comedian cheered, jogging off to stand beside his teacher. Everyone got into their positions and raced off again at the sound of Present Mic’s shout.
And so for the next two and a half hours, six more rounds came and went. Everyone was spent and thanks to some hand of fate, Kirishima somehow kept finding you and you would use him as an extra pair of admittedly unneeded eyes. And each time, the both of you came out victorious.
One detail Aizawa left out for what you believed to be purposeful, in order to be in this small group of winners, you had to win every round. So, at the end of the very last round, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Bakugou, and yourself were given small slips of yellow paper to give when the elusive free period was scheduled. Everyone else were left with nothing but fun laughs between one another over certain things that happened during each round and you were all sent back to change and go back to your dorms. 
You walked behind everyone, changing as fast as you could when you got into the changing rooms and leaving first as everyone chatted away. Walking down the hallway, you trudged in silence. You glanced down at the slip. 
Do I really need this? Maybe I can just give it to someone else. You wondered.
   “Hey, Kid!”
You looked up slowly, a small groan escaping from between your lips. A small brush of bright red feathers enveloped you and you couldn’t help but relax in their breeze.
   “Hey, Hawks.”
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
What do you think the end game for Kurogiri will be? I mean like post saving/fighting. I don't think he will be killed during the battle or anything but do you think he will live at the end of the series? I feel like that is a little weird just cause he is technically a corpse lol. I feel like he could pass on his caregiver role of Shigaraki to Aizawa.
Well, I think he will be around by the end, alive as he currently is.
I used to think he’d die, die trying to save Tomura from AFO. Back when I thought it’d be a massive team effort to do so.
I don’t think that anymore, the more deeply I’ve read into Tomura and seeing how things have played out over time. In my head I have a clearer idea of what saving him looks like and ShiraGiri isn’t in the messy part of it with Izuku like I used to think he’d be.
I think he’ll be alive because I just see it in the manga, that it’s pitting people from opposing sides against each other. But not just any random people—people with connections, whether they be new ones fostered throughout the manga or old ones left behind (Aizawa and Shouto fall into this category). I don’t see any of the characters carrying this aspect of the manga out will die in the process, mostly because I feel like it’s going for a very togetherness ending. The only exception is Twice, but his and Hawks’s dynamic is a different meta that’s too much to add into this answer.
I think Aizawa will get his friend back. He lost him once already, and then he lost Midnight. I know he’s technically a corpse, but if Shirakumo is in there (and he is) then what’s the difference? That’s how I see it. It’s not like Twice’s situation where his biggest fear has no come true (he could disappear at any moment because he’s not himself). It’s not like that, it’s not NEARLY as uhh dark as that.
For Tomura’s arc, I don’t think ShiraGiri will die because that’d just be more loss and, idk. This late in the game so close to the end, it feels pointless to do that. We still haven’t even GOTTEN to the Aizawa/Shirakumo stuff, and we’re so close to being done. I don’t see him being thrown out at the end after such a short time lived with his friend and reunited with Tomura (who also isn’t fully his own person again yet either).
And then a more cynical take on it, but the stakes are uhhhh kinda low at this point lol. More like, I just feel like it’s very obvious every protagonist will get what they want—which is good for the villains because that’s what they want. It’s not a complaint, but there isn’t anything making me super worried for anybody. I think all the questionable suspense was left behind in the first war arc, now it’s just about getting shit done and getting to the end.
Also, I still think everyone in this spread will be around at the end, and he’s in there.
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Of course this is just what I think. I’m optimistic he’ll stick around. I hope he does. I want to see him, Aizawa, and Tomura all three interact. Tomura with the only found family member he’s ever had and the pro-hero he thought was cool?? Those two adults in his life being friends should blow his mind lol. I see potential fun in that. Also yeah…both of them being there for him, I see that and want that badly.
I hope it goes this way, I don’t feel like ShiraGiri needs to disappear for the story to be good.
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shxtodxroki · 2 years
𝟸00 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙼𝙷𝙰 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌���𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎
Summary: What’s it like having a sleepover with various MHA characters (as their s/o)?
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of anxiety, mentions of food
Characters: Shota Aizawa, Tamaki Amajiki, Ochaco Uraraka
Word Count: 1.7k
These headcanons are part of my 200 Followers “Ice Cream Parlor” event which is still open for requests, so please feel free to read the event rules here and send in your own event headcanon request! :)
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♡ Shota Aizawa ♡
- Oooooh boy, when you’re with Aizawa you should expect a lot of sleepovers because that man will suggest you come over to his house, like, pretty much every night lol
- If he could he would honestly just suggest you move in with him so that you could sleep over every night, but he doesn’t wanna push you or move too fast so he settles for just inviting you over all the time
- A lot of the time you two don’t even get to spend a ton of time actually doing things together, but even just having you in the room with him doing your own thing as he grades his students’ work is something he enjoys. Just your presence is enough for him, he finds you very comforting and he’s always happy to have you around
- He does enjoy making dinner together when you two have time for it, though. Aizawa’s actually a pretty decent cook, and he likes to try out new/elaborate recipes when you’re with him so that the two of you can work on them together
- It takes much less time with the two of you working together, and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor together once you’re done with a (typically) delicious meal as you chat about how each of your days went
- Aizawa’s also very casually touchy, he doesn’t enjoy PDA or anything like that very much so he’s not really touchy in public, but when you stay the night at his place, he’ll be holding your hand a lot of the time or have an arm wrapped around your shoulder when you’re watching TV together, and any time he walks by as you cook dinner with him he presses a kiss to your cheek or shoulder or forehead, wherever’s easiest for him to reach. It’s a mindless habit at this point honestly
- Aizawa really enjoys reading in his free time, so a lot of the time when you guys are settling down for bed, he’ll ask if you want to read something with him. He’s happy to let you choose a book that you enjoy, and he’ll just read it out loud in his soothing voice as you begin to drift off beside him
- And once you fall asleep, tucked under one of his arms as his free hand holds the book he was reading, he’ll shut off the bedside lamp and set the book down, now wrapping both of his arms around you as he closes his tired eyes and finally allows himself to put his mind at ease and rest with you by his side
- He acts like a bit of a little shit sometimes without meaning to, though, and has a habit of scaring you in the middle of the night
- Despite being quite the heavy sleeper usually, being a hero means that he’s acutely aware of any signs of someone being in danger. And that especially applies to you, as you’re the person he cares about most, so he immediately wakes up whenever his body senses that you’re no longer in bed because he instinctually worries that something might have happened to you
- This leads him to go searching for you, but he moves so quietly that you never notice him creeping up. So when you leave the bathroom only to find your boyfriend’s figure waiting for you outside the door, or feel a pair of arms wrap around you and a chin rest itself on your shoulder as you grab yourself a glass of water, you nearly jump out of your skin at the surprise before you realize who it is and calm yourself, gently chastising him for scaring you as you lead the already sleep-deprived man back to bed with you
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♡ Tamaki Amajiki ♡
- Tamaki still gets a bit shy at the thought of having you sleep over with him even now, he knows you’re not going to judge him but he can’t help feeling some nerves at the idea as he worries that he alone won’t be enough to keep you happy and entertained all night
- Eventually he realizes, though, as you tell him over and over, that just being around him is enough to make you perfectly happy. You could sit there in silence for hours and you’d still have a smile on your face as long as you got to cuddle with your boyfriend. You chose to be with him for a reason, and you’ve never regretted that decision even once, so you’re happy just being around him
- Tamaki still enjoys doing things with you beyond just cuddling though lol, and one of his favorite things to do is include you in his evening routine
- Tamaki’s actually quite the fan of skincare and other similar self-care practices, they soothe his anxiety and nerves and make him feel the tiniest bit more refreshed and confident in himself, and having you join in makes him enjoy it all even more
- He enjoys pampering you, it makes him feel like a useful, good boyfriend and he loves how excited you get over doing such mundane routines with him
- He always saves his best face masks and other beauty products of all kinds for when you come over, too, so the two of you can enjoy them together
- Sometimes he even lets you do his make-up before you guys start the skincare, if that’s something you’re interested in/good at. He enjoys feeling pretty and made-up every once in a while (even though it does make him very shy, and you’re the only one he’s ever willing to let see him like that because he feels like it draws too much attention to him otherwise) and getting to clean it all off afterwards as you proceed with his skincare feels very rejuvenating
- You think he looks so cute with a sheet mask on his face and a nail separator between his toes as you give one another manicures and pedicures, and you always tell him how endearing he looks and giggle as a bright blush spreads across your boyfriend’s adorable face, head turned down in embarrassment as he quietly stutters out an awkward “thank you, love…”. (And he will melt if you take a picture of the two of you like this, both from embarrassment and from his heart absolutely imploding over how endearing you are and how much you care for him)
- Other than that, the two of you enjoy watching TV shows together when you decide to stay over
- He rarely starts new shows without you at this point, he prefers picking a new show to start with you and listening to your commentary as both of you enjoy it together, a lovestruck smile making its way across his face every time you gasp in surprise and turn to him in shock at a twist in the plot
- And Tamaki loves cuddling with you, even if he’s still kind of shy to initiate it himself. He’s getting better, though, as you’ve reassured him countless times that you enjoy cuddling with him and will reciprocate his affection if he does initiate
- So most sleepovers end off with one of your favorite shows softly playing in the background, the two of you cuddled up together with content smiles on both of your sleeping faces. 
- Tamaki’s head usually winds up tucked into your chest as he breathes softly for once in his life, feeling a foreign (for him at least) sense of peace at getting to rest in the arms of the person he adores and trusts most of all :>
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♡ Ochaco Uraraka ♡
- Obviously you’ve slept over at Ochaco’s dorm before, living in the same dorms has lots of benefits when you’re heroes-in-training with little free time to spend with your partners and you take whatever chances you can get to see one another outside of class
- You don’t get to stay over at each other’s dorms too often, as a lot of the time you come back from training too exhausted to really have any time to spend together, or enjoy that time at the very least
- So when you do get to have sleepovers at one of your dorms, you always make sure to have tons of fun together
- Both of you like to stock up on snacks in your dorms for exactly this occasion, so sleepovers are filled with delicious ramen, chips, cookies, and any other snacks you love as you pull out your stashes you keep hidden away to share with one another
- You two love to mess around and try to toss snacks into one anothers mouths, though you usually have to “ban” Ochaco pretty quickly for “cheating” by using her quirk to get the food to land in your mouth lol (It’s probably for the best anyways, as you have to throw away any food that lands on the ground, and even if you’re both pretty good at the game you don’t want to be wasteful with your food)
- Ochaco’s also a big fan of board games, growing up her family was much bigger on board games than technology or video games or anything like that so they have a decent board game collection they built up over her childhood
- And her parents were happy to let her take some of her favorites with her when she moved into her dorm, so whenever you stay over at her dorm she pulls out her board game stash and the both of you play late into the night (Be warned, though, that she takes the integrity of her childhood games very seriously, so don’t even think about cheating with her around lol)
- If you have longer hair, Ochaco also really enjoys brushing and styling it. She loves trying out all the fun styles she sees online on you if that’s something you’re willing to let her do, and she always takes a picture once she’s done (both because she wants to track her progress and because she loves having as many pictures as possible of you in her phone lol)
- She also really enjoys having her hair brushed and played with, so you like to do her hair too, whether it’s something you’re skilled at or not. She doesn’t care if it turns out looking beautiful or like a total hot mess, the feeling of her lover gently running a brush through her hair always just leaves her feeling so content and bubbly
- And if you do each other’s hair then she absolutely takes a selfie of the two of you together at the end of your styling and makes it her lock screen because she just finds it too cute to resist :]
- And Ochaco’s big on being the little spoon, so pretty much every sleepover ends with her in your arms as you drift off to sleep together, happy to find time together amongst your busy training schedules
- She just enjoys being held by you, as it makes her feel safe and protected amidst the chaos she often has to go through as a UA student, and you’re happy to oblige her wishes if it makes your precious girlfriend happy :)
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Request - Anonymous said: Congrats for the 200 followers!!! I’d love to join your event♡♡♡♡ I choose Vanilla, Matcha, Cookie Dough + Oreos 🥰 Thank you sooooo much <3
A/N: First of all I’d like to apologize for Tamaki’s being longer than the others lol, I definitely have a bit of a bias since he’s my favorite character and I haven’t gotten any requests for him yet so I may have gone a little overboard, but I’m happy with it! I think this turned out really cute and I’m really proud of all three of these actually lol, and I’m having a lot of fun with every request for this event so far, so please feel free to send in a request for this event before it closes if you haven’t already! :D
Taglist: @eunoiasa​ @applepie-macaroon​ @papijean​ @trashy-bowtie​ @thekaylahub​ @pasteldaze​ @palenightmarepersona​ @lady-juliette​
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