#this is like…. a thing I really hate about myself
fuxuannie · 1 day
❥﹒ken sato x gender neutral reader
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✦. synopsis — romantic headcanons about our favourite baseball player!
✦. love mail — i finished the movie and i loved his character development, simply the sweetest thing <3
✦. tags — SPOILERS, fluff, dadgirl kenji, kenji sato x reader, i have not written in several months, i wrote this w my brain off ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) aka i was just SPITTING whatever brain rot came to mind
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I imagine Kenji to be the clingy, but doesn’t want to be type. He loves you, so much, so dearly. But affection isn’t his strong suit, especially not after what happened with his family. He shut out emotions for years, at least towards others. So this feeling of love, a nostalgic one, tends to clash with the walls he’s put up. He’ll hold you in his arms, burying his face in your shoulder, only for hours later to cringe at himself. He’s talked to you about it a thousand times, and he’s listened to you reassure him twice as many. He adores your patience with him, it's something he’s never really had.. especially with so much pressure on his shoulders.
Explaining his identity was surely no easy feat, you thought dating the most iconic and popular baseball players was the hardest thing? Imagine dating Ultraman, who came home to you every other week with some new injury. You always wondered why the reason was so simple for such a complicated wound, “I spilled boiling water on myself,” He explains with burn marks that are far more severe than expected. “I fell down the stairs”, he’ll say after landing in the hospital.. It didn’t make sense. And now that it does and you know the true reasons, your concern is far worse. Though he doesn’t mind the extra attention you give. ;)
Meeting his dad for the first time was.. nerve-wracking. You know how Kenji talks about him, and you weren’t sure what kind of impression you’ll make. But here you were, sitting on a couch and fiddling with your thumbs until you hear a doorbell. Before Kenji could even stand, you rushed to your feet and practically sprinted for the door, only to open it slowly and gently to reveal the kind old man standing outside. “Hello.” Cut to maybe an hour later, you’re laughing at old pictures of Kenji as he sits next to you and an arm wrapped around your shoulder. The two had a long path of forgiveness and understanding ahead, but Kenji appreciated that you brought him and his father together.
Thought the dad was scary? Imagine his daughter. As expected, the moment you walk into the room - distress. Emi’s starting to cry, an unfamiliar presence is in the room and it scares her. You’ve done a few babysitting jobs here and there, and she was really just like a child. Kenji apologized for her outburst and transforms to calm her down, opening the lid and picking her up under her arms. “No no, don’t cry.” His voice soothes her, and almost immediately - she’s okay again. It’ll take a few minutes, it really isn’t long until she trusts too you. Kenji found it adorable, how you played with her so casually.. many would be terrified, and rightfully so - but to him? It just displays your kind heart. My God did he love you.
Remember first headcanon? Right, to add to that, he’s not very good at vulnerability either. He’ll love to comfort you when you cry, or hold you when you need him. But if the roles were reversed? Absolutely not. He’s uncomfortable and you can see it, one look into his eyes and it’s like looking through glass.. he hates being open about his true feelings. Even if it’s with you.. the walls he’s built for 20 years aren’t easy to break, you know? But if you’re patient, and you take your time and say the right words – he’ll crack. And like a dam breaking, the water flows in an uncontrollable wave of sadness. He’ll sob, he’ll break, and he’ll need you more than anything. He doesn’t know how to feel about breaking down, but the way you hold him in your arms and whisper sweet nothings to comfort him, he could get used to it.
But on a lighthearted note, he loves dates! Most have to be in his home, because Emi can be clingy (got it from his dad), but you don’t mind. It’s sweet, he’ll have you play baseball with her or all you do is cuddle ontop of her, it’s the cutest little thing. But other times, when you go out– it’s just the two of you. And upon special request from Kenji for Mina to babysit her while you're there, you two get alone time. and it’s everything to him. The smallest affection has his heart racing like a teenage boy again, wrapping your arm around his, holding his hand, kissing him? Goodness, you’ve got him wrapped around your finger and you don’t even know it. You and Emi are his world, and he’ll do everything to protect it. Other days, you, him, and and his father go out to the home in the woods for some personal time. You get to talk about his childhood with him and you talk about yours. There’s such a tender and unforgettable atmosphere when you’re with them. And you truly feel like you belong.
Overotectiveness, he was full of it. He’s lost so much, and all he wanted was for you to not go either. Nothing, nothing could stop his rage at the idea of you being hurt. You, Emi, anyone else important to him. He’ll take on the world for his family, and by the will of his parents he has. The pain he’s endured, the scars you scold him for so much are for you. If one threat escapes the city, that’s one likely chance he loses you. So he does everything he can to handle it. You’ve never gotten hurt, but the idea of it is enough for him to strive to be stronger.
While recovering from the explosion, you never left his side. It pained you to see him so still, lack of life. He’d usually be pacing back and forth in the room, rambling about something, and when you’d call him a nerd or dork, he'd run to you and playfully attack you with kisses. His arms around you tightly as you two would laugh your worries away, you didn’t have that privilege. You’d either laugh alone or not at all, the pain all too much. When he wakes up, best believe you’re there, and you just cry at the sight of his arms opening. You know his body is far too unstable for a hug, so you squeeze his hand. How grateful you are to feel him squeeze back.
With Mina and Emi gone, the house feels a little more lonely.. but Kenji’s adjusting. Especially because you moved in! He’s able to spend more time with you in bed since he didn’t have to tend to Emi, which was a nice plus. He woke up earlier than you (force of habit.) and he’d just.. stare. Maybe it was a little creepy, but seeing you sound asleep in his arms gave him such joy. He loved the little domestic moments he shared with you, it had him appreciating all the smaller things in life. Like sharing a meal with you, or watching movies together. You made him love the simpler aspects of living.
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canonkiller · 22 hours
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Hi, I'm Canon. I'm a disabled artist with some kind of gender and homosexual tendencies. You might have seen my usernames around in posts about loving OCs, or complaining about video game inaccessibility, or attached to one of the worm-centric comics I made, like these ones:
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I hate having to ask for help when there's already so much going on, but I am also At My Limit.
To make a long story short, I am very disabled in multiple ways and I am living in a very inaccessible (and often directly disability-hostile) home. While I live with family, they do not provide assistance (financial or otherwise) and our rural location and the glacial pace of Canada's social services have left me A Bit Fucked. (Whatever you think Canada's health care provides, either it doesn't, or it takes half a year to even book an appointment.)
I've asked for help in the past with smaller goals, but costs continue to add up - and this time, finally, I may be able to actually make permanent accessibility changes to the household... if I can fund it myself. On the amount I get from the disability support program in my province, I can't do that; I would have to stop eating for months to afford even one of the major renovations in that time, and, obviously, I can't do that.
What kind of accessibility updates would this be going towards?:
A wheelchair ramp at at least one exit of the house; there are four potential exits, and all of them are currently multiple sets of stairs without railings.
A stair lift (for upstairs access) or a walk in tub (for downstairs access), depending on what my family will agree to
Dressers / storage that I am physically capable of opening
HRT (guess what isn't covered by Canada's health care, apparently!)
A whole mess of medical appointments (vision, prescriptions, dental, infinite various symptom testings) and transportation to and from those appointments (guess what else isn't covered!!)
A functional freezer
Physiotherapy 👍
Food 👍👍👍
And how can you donate?:
Donate directly to my Ko-fi page
Pledge monthly to my Ko-fi membership tiers
Order a commission from me (you'll be added to a queue; I can't provide completion time estimates right now)
Buy my premade digital goods (TTRPG resources, bases, tattoo tickets, etc) through Ko-fi or itch.io
Buy my art on physical goods through Redbubble or INPRNT
Buy designs / adoptables I've made through Toyhouse
Buy things off of my Amazon accessibility wishlist
I'm trying to buy used and second-hand / go through free stuff groups where I can to save costs, so I don't have a fixed goal and genuinely every bit helps. I really want to be able to get back to functioning somewhat normally, and due to Circumstances - as embarrassing as it is - I can't do that on my own, and I can't keep struggling with it the way I have been.
Thank you for your time, and any help you're able to provide. Reblogs are welcome and appreciated.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 2 days
You Made A Mess Of Me
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
Warnings: mentions of sexual activities, angst, but happy ending. I actually love this sm I'm in my Lewis era and I can't stop myself
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The penultimate weekend in June meant only one thing, the Spanish GP. You've been thinking for days whether you should go, after all, too much time has passed since the last time.
You knew that your coming there would cause a huge public reaction and that some people might not be happy to see you, but you couldn't resist. Your curiosity was stronger than you and something you could never fight against.
The last time you attended the GP, you were in a slightly different role than you were now, some would say more important role. That was 2 years ago when you were reputed to be the most popular wag in the paddock. Lewis Hamilton's girlfriend. His greatest support and the woman who he dedicated every victory to.
To Lewis, you were the woman he loved more than life, his everything and more. He proudly presented you to everyone, always mentioned you in interviews, saying that you were his strength and motivation for all his success. When you couldn't attend his races, he was always in a hurry to come back to you, holding you like a drop of water in the palm of his hand.
His love for you could not be described in words. You were the "it couple". Lewis made it well known to everyone that you were his. He really was madly in love with you.
You loved him too. He taught you what love means, he taught you how to love, showed you what love really is. You felt safe next to him and you knew that with him you had everything a woman could want. When you cheered him on at the races, you were the loudest, his most faithful cheerleader who experienced every victory and every defeat together with him.
Everything was perfect until one day when Lewis started hinting that he wanted to take your relationship one step further. Given that you were 25 at the time and he was 37, you knew that he was at the age when he wanted a family and children and he let you know that he wanted that with you.
You panicked, inexplicable anxiety gripped you, you weren't ready to "grow up" completely. You loved him very much, but you also loved yourself and that's why you didn't wanna settle for something you weren't ready for.
You felt that you still wanted to develop yourself as a person before marrying someone, you still wanted to travel with your friends, have fun, enjoy life and youth. You knew you didn't want marriage then, but you also didn't want to make Lewis wait for you and suffer in some way. You wanted him to be happy and achieve everything he wanted, even if it wasn't with you.
And so your perfect three-year relationship came to an end. You moved to Spain, disappeared from Lewis's life overnight and he never heard from you again. Despite his best efforts to reach you and find you, he couldn't. You left him completely heartbroken, desperate, lost, he just wasn't the man he used to be. His world has changed since you left his life.
Later, all the pain and hurt he carried inside him turned into immense anger and rage towards you. You even thought he started to hate you. You knew about it because you heard that in one interview he said, when he was asked about y/n, that that name no longer exists for him.
That's why now that you were invited by Tommy Hilfiger as a special guest to the Spanish GP, you doubted whether it was wise to go.
You didn't really care about the public's reaction, but you were a little afraid of Lewis's reaction. You were afraid to see the contempt in his eyes for you. But still, above all, you were a determined, smart and self-confident girl who knew her values ​​and knew what she wanted. And that's why you accepted the invitation.
Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor when you stepped into the paddock wearing black sunglasses in a tight strapless black dress that perfectly accentuated your curves. You caught everyone's eyes.
As well as the eyes of a man who could not forget you.
"Lewis, I don't wanna upset you before the race, but..she's here." Bono said quietly.
"Who is here?" He asked cluelessly with furrowed eyebrows.
"I-I.." Bono stammered.
"Bono, who is here?"
"Y/n..She's in George's garage."
Lewis froze. His heart dropped and legs buckled when Bono said your name. He thought someone was playing a joke on him, so after a minute of standing still without blinking and the initial shock, he had to go see for himself what he heard.
"Lewis, I don't think it's a good idea to-" Bono tried to stop him, but there was no point in trying to do that. Lewis didn't think for a second, he just sprinted towards his teammate's garage, his racing suit half unbuttoned hanging behind him. He had to see you with his own eyes to believe that you were actually there.
The moment he ran into the garage and saw you there, at first he couldn't believe his eyes, but when you took off your glasses and looked at him, everything came back to him in a second, all the memories, but also the anger.
Your legs went numb as well, your heart fluttered, but you didn't dare to approach him or say anything. The whole room fell silent as the two of you looked at each other. Everyone knew about the two of you and there was an awkward silence that was broken by Lewis himself when he left after half a minute of standing still.
It was minutes before Lewis was supposed to get into the car and he barely recovered from seeing you. He couldn't think straight, and the race was about to start. You here, was the last thing he needed.
At first he couldn't focus, all he thought about was you, but somehow he managed to shift his thoughts to the anger and rage he felt towards you and it woke up that beast in him that he was on the track and after a long long time Lewis finished as the winner of the race. And all thanks to you, although not because he was happy that you were there, but because he decided to take out his anger on the track.
You followed the race with folded hands hoping for the best result from Lewis and when you saw that he finished P1, you didn't show it too much, but there was no an end to your happiness. Your eyes watered and you proudly watched him celebrate. For a moment everything was like before, only in reality, nothing was like before.
In the evening you decided to go out with your friends and of course there were also F1 drivers in that same club, among them Lewis of course, who were celebrating his victory.
You wanted to, but you didn't approach him. You decided to have fun with your friends, you danced and basically acted like he wasn't even there even though you could feel his eyes on you the whole night following who was around you. And since this was Lewis' night he had too much to drink and decided to approach you himself the first moment he saw you headed for the toilet.
Before you stepped into the toilet, you felt a strong grip on your arm pulling you out. You turned around only to see Lewis' bloodshot eyes staring at you.
"Lewis? W-what are you doing?" You stammered.
"You better go outside with me if you don't want me to make a scene here in front of everyone." He said sternly through clenched teeth and that's why you decided not to resist. Attracting bad attention was the last thing you needed.
Of course all eyes were on the two of you as Lewis dragged you out of the club, you just couldn't avoid it. Once you stepped out he took you to the place behind the club where there were the fewest people.
"Did you come today to mess with my head or what?" He spat out.
"I was there on business, not because I wanted to" You half lied.
"Please" He scoffed. "How dare you show up after two years and just before the start of the race? How dare you play with my head like that?" He asked what you were most afraid of before coming.
You gulped before starting a sentence, but he cut you off "I-"
"You fucking put me through hell and back when you left and then one day you just decided to come as a guest out of nowhere?"
"Lewis, I-"
"And then you went out knowing that I'll be there, and you decide to dance and have fun with other guys in front of me as if I wasn't there? You have no fucking shame!" He growled. You understood his anger and it hurt you, it almost made you cry, but you knew this was the alcohol in his system talking.
"As far as I remember, we have not been together for two years" You say fighting to keep your voice from cracking.
"Oh yeah, and about that. Do you feel good knowing that you killed me when you left?" He asks. "You fucking disappeared for your own selfish reasons. Do you know what you did to me when you left my life? You fucking ruined me, y/n!" He screamed in your face and it hurt like hell. "How could you do that to me? I was ready to give you everything, I would've taken the stars out of the sky if you had asked me to, and you did what? You fucking left!"
"I am very well aware of what I did and why. You have no idea how hard it was for me to make that decision, but I wasn't ready to give you what you wanted."
"Yeah, you weren't ready because you still wanted to fuck other guys right?" He insulted, but you couldn't let him talk like that about you because that was far from the truth.
"Don't talk to me like that!" You threatened.
"And why not? Because the truth hurts you? Do you even realize that you were everything to me? I was ready to give it all for you, fuck, I lived for you, y/n! We had a perfect relationship, the kind of that many dreamed of and you ruined it all!"
"I knew what you wanted and I wasn't ready to give you that, Lewis! I was too young and I didn't want to make you wait because I saw in your eyes how much you wanted it!" You couldn't take it anymore. You broke into tears right in front of him. "I didn't leave because I stopped loving you, but quite the opposite because I loved you too much to deny you what you want"
"But I wanted it with you, fuck!!" He screamed clutching his head. "If you weren't ready then, I would have waited for you because I didn't want a family with anyone but you! But you didn't even let me explain it to you because you disappeared from the face of the earth!" He spoke breathlessly.
"I'm sorry..I don't know what else to tell you. Hurting you was the worst thing I could do, I realize that." You cried.
He stepped closer to you and put his cupped your cheeks. "I fucking lived for you, y/n, and you made me a mess of a man" He almost sobbed.
"I suffered too, don't think I didn't. Leaving you was the hardest decision I ever had to make."
"And yet you still did. Getting over you was by far the hardest thing ever. I'm Lewis fucking Hamilton. It's not in my mentality to break down over someone that much and let it completely take over my life and yet you managed to do that to me" He allowed his emotions to overwhelm him and now he was crying too while leaning his forehead against yours. "Please, leave. I don't ever wanna see you again."
His words broke you all over again although you could've expected it, somehow you hoped it wouldn't come to that. He released you from his grip, wiped his tears, composed himself and walked back to the club leaving you outside completely broken and in tears.
You had no choice but to go to the hotel where you were staying at. You didn't feel like having fun or anything anymore, you just wanted to get away from everything and cry your heart out in the silence of your room.
You cried quietly in the taxi all the way to the hotel then you continued in your room. It was already 3 in the morning when you found the strength to take off your makeup and lie down in bed.
All you could think about was did you really make such a mistake by leaving Lewis? You knew you hurt him, but you had no idea to what extent. You lay down in bed and prayed to God to take all your pain away because it was unbearable. The fact that it was your fault hurt even more.
After you left and Lewis returned to the club, he continued to drink and think of you. He knew you left crying and despite everything you did, knowing you were in pain made him hurt even more.
Lewis being Lewis, he found his sources and forced them to tell him which hotel you were staying at. He couldn't help himself, he needed to see you. After all, you were the love of his life. He knew there was no one else for him except for you and that's why he headed towards your hotel and after many threats at the reception he finally got your room number.
You weren't sleeping, you were lying and looking at the ceiling when you heard knocking on your door. At first you were scared, but approached the door anyway asking who it was.
"It's me. Open the door." Lewis said leaning his forehead against the door.
You opened the door not expecting him at all. You couldn't believe he was right there in front of you. You didn't know how he got to you, but at that moment you didn't even care. All you cared about was that he was there.
"Lewis?" You asked quietly as you opened the door. "What are you doing here?"
"To be completely honest, I have no fucking idea." He spoke. "I knew you left crying, and even though you didn't deserve it, I couldn't take it." He stepped in closing the door behind him. You smiled softly through your tears and he moved closer until your back touched the wall behind you.
"I'm here because I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're not mine" He said.
"If only you knew how much I'm still yours, Lewis"
"Well, unfortunately I don't know, because you haven't done anything for two years to show me that" He slurred putting your cheeks between his hands once again. "But I do know that you're gonna be the death of me" You squeezed your eyes shut at his words.
"Tell me if you have ever found someone who loved you more than me?" He asked.
"I haven't.." There was no point in lying to him. "I wasn't even looking for someone"
"Yeah you didn't and you know why? Because that's not fucking possible." He stated. "Nor have I found anyone who made me feel the things I felt with you. Remember how I always used to hold you close to me while I was fucking you? How I made you look me in the eyes when you were about to cum? How I used to hug your shaking body and press my head against your chest to feel your heartbeat? Do you?"
"I do." You nodded squeezing your thighs a little. Even though you were hurting you couldn't help but get turned on by the things he was saying. Your relationship was full of passion and the sex was the best you ever had. You missed it, you have to admit.
"I can't even call it fucking because I was making love to you." His lips were only inches away from yours and all your attention was focused on them. Your eyes begged him to kiss you.
"I thought I was over you and I could live without you, but then you came back into my life and you messed with my mind once again. You can't do that shit anymore, y/n" He said moving his hands from your face down to your hips tightly gripping them.
"You don't have to live without me anymore because I swear I'm ready to give you everything I couldn't before." You say wrapping your arms around his neck. "I was so wrong, Lew. I miss you. I miss your touch, I miss what we had"
He didn't say anything but finally connected his lips with yours. He kissed you so passionately, so eagerly it brought life back to both of you. He gripped your butt and made you jump up wrapping your arms around his torso. Without breaking the kiss he led you towards the bed gently lying you down, him being on top of you.
"Please, don't make me regret this" He said exhaling in short breaths.
"I'm yours, baby. I've always been." You said breathlessly. "It’s just the two of us I promise..”
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felassan · 2 days
From Game Informer:
Solas plays an important role in the game as a central figure and significant character, but the game is not about Solas, hence the title change
Rather than focusing on a specific individual, the focus and centerpiece of the game is Rook's team, stopping the end of the world with this group of specialists
"I think you could argue [these companions] are the best the franchise has ever seen". We will have the opportunity to interact with them in a way that both shapes their story and also influences the main story, including having the opportunity to impact their fate
"Arguably, this game has kind of, in a way, been called Dreadwolf to some degree since its earlier days"
"When I ask about Solas' role in the story after I learn his namesake is no longer in the game title, Darrah says Veilguard is still taking the Elven God's narrative in a good direction. He adds, "It allows us to, hopefully, give a good conclusion to all the varied attitudes toward Solas that are going to be coming from people who love Solas, who agree with Solas, who hate Solas, people who want to kick Solas off of a building – I think that we give you the opportunity to bring that to a close, but then tell a greater story about The Veilguard and about the world as a whole." Talking to Epler, I learn more about how Solas isn't exactly the big bad I expected before seeing the opening hours of Veilguard. There's a lot more nuance to everyone's favorite bald elf.  "The most interesting villains to myself, and honestly most people, are not just straight up, 'I want to end the world.' To them, they are the heroes of the story, and Solas is no exception," Epler tells me. "Solas always feels that he is a tragic hero but a hero nonetheless, so he's coming into this believing firmly that what he did, that which you stopped him from doing, was the right thing – that you made a mistake. But now he's trapped and can't reach out and actively affect [Thedas], so he needs to work with you. "That allows us to provide a lot of nuance to that relationship," Epler says."
Solas is literally trapped in the Fade after the game's prologue. Rook and co stop his attempt to destroy the Veil. Rook passes out and wakes up in a dream-like landscape to Solas' voice. He explains that he was trying to move Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain to a new prison because the old one wasn't containing them properly anymore. The two blighted gods are now free and roaming Thedas. Rook has to stop them, but it seems that they will have to work with Solas ("or at least listen to his guidance and advice") to do so
""So one of the principles we took to when we were building the story of The Veilguard early on was we wanted the beginning of the game to feel like the final chapter of an earlier story and you're coming in right at the end, you're coming in as if you've been chasing Solas – the [Solas at the end of Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC] who said he was going to end the world and tear down the Veil," Epler adds.  Epler says players will see early on (and as the narrative develops across Veilguard) that Solas sees much of himself in you, the player-controlled Rook, especially "the parts that maybe he doesn't like to face." As a result, there's an interesting push and pull between Solas and Rook. He says players can define the relationship between these two characters with their choices in dialogue.  "You can continue to be suspicious and hostile towards him, or you can start to see him and find that common ground, that connection between the two of you, and really develop a different relationship over the course of the story," Epler says."
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ao3commentoftheday · 3 days
Feel free to delete this, but: in light of all of the stuff about creative envy/jealousy lately, I'm wondering if you have any advice for a person whose creative self-esteem has been completely destroyed by negative fandom experiences. I greatly appreciate your blog and I'm not sure where else to turn at this point. I am an older person in fandom (I am nearly fifty) and in a conservative career path, and I have nobody IRL I can talk to about fandom-related business for fear of judgment, retaliation, or just "making things worse".
I've been writing fanfiction for around fifteen years, mostly in several video game fandoms. In 2022 I started writing for a smaller fandom (like, <1000 works on AO3 kind of small), which is what got me to finally join Tumblr. Right away, I realized it was the same three people (over and over) in this fandom who seemed to organize all collaborative projects and just sort of "hovered around" everyone. One of them was a very popular author, and they both wrote a popular ship (we'll call them "X/Y"), whereas I preferred to ship X with Z. I generally kept to myself and did my own thing. I occasionally wrote smut with these characters, but mostly just supernatural dramas and humor rated M or below.
My writing, of course, was not popular (because of the ship, I'd presume - which, mind you, was two consenting adults), and the lack of engagement/feedback was really shitty (but manageable to a degree). But then these people who seemed to hold all the social capital in this fandom started coming after me. It started with passive-aggressive vagueposting, and it ended with one of them messaging me out of nowhere (while I was at work) to tell me I was not allowed to submit any work to an "anthology" they were curating because my work made them all feel "icky", while one of the others refused to interact with me at all despite not even knowing me (which another person told me was over shipping, too). I was also told nobody wanted to do fic trades/prompts with me because my work was "too out there" and was "causing discomfort". My work isn't kink/fetish, gore, pro-bigotry or anything like that - it's just a minor-character ship that people got their undies wadded up over for a reason I still don't understand.
I ended up so crushed by this backlash that I stopped writing anything to do with that game and unfollowed/blocked most content related to it as well. And now I want to write something new, and share something new on AO3, and I just...can't. I'm so scared that this will just happen to me again, I'm convinced the problem is me, that I'm a terrible writer, that I'm a reject and a freak, that I brought all of this on myself by doing something unpopular/different, and I'm just...not sure how to abort this creative self-hate spiral I've gotten stuck in, and I'd appreciate any thoughts you could give me, because time and space and touching grass aren't fixing it.
Oh anon, I'm so sorry you went through that 💗 None of that was your fault, and none of it was deserved. You were being bullied by a group of mean-minded individuals who decided to target you over, presumably, which two dolls you liked to make kiss.
None of their behaviour was actually about you. Nothing you did was actually wrong. You're not a terrible writer or a reject or a freak. You're a human being who was treated horribly by others. Those fans who were bullying you have a lot more to be ashamed of than you do.
I totally understand why you'd feel the way you do, anon. The tactics that they used convinced you that you were the problem instead of them. But bullying is always about the issues that the bully isn't dealing with. Their ego, their insecurities, their need for power or control.
I'm sorry that you don't have a support system you can talk to, and I'm glad you reached out. If you have the ability to, I'd recommend seeking a counsellor or therapist that you can talk to about it more. People in those roles shouldn't be judgmental in the way you're fearing, and they might be able to give you that support that you don't have anywhere else.
I hope you do continue writing, since it's something that brings you joy. And when you're ready to post on AO3 again, make sure you use the tools available to protect you from bullying again. You can restrict comments to just registered (logged-in) users, and if someone starts harassing you, report it to the Policy & Abuse team. Restrict asks on tumblr so that you don't allow anons - or even turn your ask box off altogether.
I can't tell you with 100% certainty that this won't happen again, unfortunately. But what I can tell you is that people like that are a tiny minority in fandom. While they might end up accruing power sometimes and even become BNFs, there will always be people who see them for who they really are.
In the end, whether you write and post again or not, I just want you to know that you're not a horrible person, and you're not a freak. You're a fan who was writing about something you love, and you didn't deserve to be treated like that. 💗
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jsprnt · 3 days
Americano PT. 13 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: took me so so long, but I think the wait was worth it. 😭 let me know what you think, love u!😉
W/C: 4.072
part twelve
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"Okay, is there anything left for me to do?"
I raise my head, looking up at my dad from my phone. The stack of papers on the dining table immediately giving me a headache.
"Are you asking me, dad? Or are you talking to yourself?" I ask, getting up from my position on the couch to see what his mid-life crisis is about.
"Myself.." He replies, bringing the ugly ceramic mug I’d decorated at the age of five up to his mouth.
The blue cursed-looking unicorn, with the biggest red eyes staring back at me, makes me clear my throat.
I mean, even I would have thrown that thing away after my child forgot about it.
"What are you doing?" I ask, leaning forward to flip through the stacks of paper.
Poor trees...
"Stop messing with them, y/n. They are important documents for work.."
I hum in understanding, holding my hands up in surrender.
"You're really killing off nature with these.." I add, scratching my itchy nose.
"Will you please go and do something useful, sweetheart?"
I sigh, instead of walking away, I sit down next to him. Turning to him with a smile on my face.
"Give me something useful I can do.." I ask, giving him a sickly sweet smile.
I hear him chuckle, his hand coming to rub my shoulder, before he points to the stack of papers on his left.
"The other documents I’d rather not have you go through.."
He reaches for the papers, placing them in front of me.
"Can you sort these in chronological order? It's images of camera footage, date and time are on the top right."
"Sure, dad.." I agree, flipping through the black-and-white printed images. Curiosity raised at what I'm seeing.
An individual, with more of a masculine frame standing outside of a huge, luxurious house.
Dressed in- from what I can make out to be, a black t-shirt, along with the ugliest pair of jorts I have ever seen.
"Where is this from? New case?"
"Bellingham's case." He replies curtly, writing something down on his notepad.
It was astonishing how anyone could read his handwriting.
Were lawyers second in 'the most unreadable handwriting' competition, next to doctors?
I raise my brows at his answer, interest peaked suddenly. I look around the house, as if Jude would pop up like some ‘Bloody Mary’ game if called out for three times- but I remember he is out tonight, enjoying his break from training at fuck-knows-where.
"Footage from the break-in?"
"Yes, honey- any more questions?" He glances at me for a moment, raising a single brow in question.
"No, not really..." I say, eyes flying to the date and time.
I only recognize the date as the first match we played in the Champions League this season, back in September at Bernabéu.
The dates do match up, and when I continue flipping through the images. Seeing more and more images of different dates, with more damage done to the home, makes me gasp.
How did Jude and his mom even live here for many more months after the first incident?
I feel goosebumps rise up on my skin at the thought of feeling unsafe in my own home. Had I known how terrifying the things that happened to Jude were, I wouldn’t have been such an asshole when he first arrived.
My stupid mouth and I...
I shake my head as if to remove my thoughts, taking a deep breath before quickly sorting and stacking the images correctly.
If I had known sooner, maybe I could have been more civil towards my unwanted roommate..
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"Girl, turn the lights on. I literally cannot see a single thing." Amira complains, smacking her bubblegum in the loudest way possible.
"I hate winter. Seriously, why does it get dark so early?.." I complain, hurrying over to switch the light on in my bedroom.
"Stop complaining and do a twirl for me.." She says, placing her phone against something stable, so she can see me properly.
"Oh, sure your majesty.." I mock, chuckling at her, before doing a 360.
"You look so damn good. I swear, if you don't take a man home-"
"It's a party- or event , full of my colleagues. I can't be a hoe tomorrow night.."
"If you wanted, you would.." I watch her smirk, before she runs a hand down her dark locs.
"We can do that when you're visiting next time.."
"Can't- I have a man." I hear her chuckle, and definitely don't miss the sound of another, deeper laugh in the background.
"Oh, great thanks for reminding me. Hey Trent, stop listening in on us.." I say sternly, leaning in towards the screen.
"He's not listening in. He is on the phone with Jude.."
Oh, fuck, great.
I turn towards my door, praying Jude or Trent wouldn't be too loud on the phone.
At this point, I was surprised that the jig wasn't up yet.
Amira already knew about it, of course. I just hoped Trent didn't.
I mean, it would be foolish to think that Jude and I could keep our secret to ourselves. But for once, I trusted he would keep his mouth shut about us living together.
Everyone knows that men gossip more than women. They could know the most intricate details of the juiciest drama you'll ever come across, and never utter a single word about it until you ask about it directly.
"Trent's gone, now speak. Why do you look like you're sweating buckets?"
"I feel sick, like- my stomach hurts.." I begin, struggling to take my dress off.
"Maybe you got your period?" She suggests, using the screen to watch herself dot the pinkest liquid blush on her cheekbones.
"No, my Clue app says I'm getting my period in six days.." I reply, hanging my dress back into the closet. Then, I grab my pajama set, pulling the comfy clothes on quickly.
"You're probably nervous about tomorrow.." She mumbles, fidgeting with the lamp next to her, before blending the blush seamlessly into her foundation.
"What could I possibly be nervous about? I've been going for like two years, since I became eighteen.." I flop onto my bed, cuddling my soft pillow against my body.
My thoughts wander for a moment, something close to déjà vu washing over me.
"It's the butterflies.."
I snap my head back towards my phone, pulling a confused face.
"For Jude- You have butterflies in your stomach for Jude!" She screams unnecessarily loudly, making me drop my phone onto my bed.
I gasp, retrieving my phone from the mattress, looking back at her with wide eyes.
"Are you crazy?! Dude, he's literally across the hallway!" I exclaim, burying my head into my pillows.
"He probably heard you!" I cry out, giving her a middle finger.
"Exactly my intentions! I swear, everybody in the fucking world knows he wants you at this point. I've never seen two people in this much denial before."
"I literally don't know what to do with myself, thanks for emphasizing that.."
"How long is it going to take for you to be honest with yourself? Another six months, yeah? You like him, come on. You like him.."
"I haven't liked anyone since high school.."
"Let's not bring high school love into this. You were sixteen, should’ve been worried about GCSE's instead..."
"Okay, let me do a little magazine quiz for you.." I watch her spray her fixing spray onto her face.
She dries her face with a small fan, before leaning in and looking at me with a serious expression.
"Go ahead.." I groan, sitting up properly.
"What do you think of when you see him?"
"I don't know? 'There he is again'?" I answer stupidly, looking at her. I watch her cover her mouth, probably disappointed with my reply.
"Okay- let's try this. Imagine, tomorrow, you see him in a suit, tie all of that-  dresssed up nicely, with his hair freshly cut. He smells like the sexiest cologne you have ever smelled. No 'Doir, Sauvage' shit- think 'Tom Ford, Oud Wood'.."
The rest of whatever the fuck she says doesn't register in my brain, but the heat slowly pooling into my body, down my stomach and thighs, tells me enough.
It tells me too much.
I’m fucked, done for.
A lost cause.
I need an exorcism..
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"I'm ready!" I shout, taking one quick look in the mirror, before grabbing my handbag off my bed.
I stuff a powderpuff, some lip products, and my phone into my bag and rush down the stairs.
"Come on, honey. It's one thing to be late- another thing for me to be late to the event I'm co-hosting.." My dad says, already standing at the front door, navy blue suit making him look handsome.
"Ready! What do you think?" I ask him, pointing to my dress and heels.
"You look very beautiful. I did not think you'd wear such a daring colour.."
I know what he wants to say. ‘You look just like your mother’, but ignore those thoughts.
I shrug at him, glancing in the mirror again. The scarlet-red dress clinging to my skin is just the right amount of sexy and chic.
Of course, I had to go for a mini dress, ignoring my dad's wishes, because I could and I'm an adult.
I adjust my silver necklace, watching it glisten in the overhead light.
"Come on, y/n. Enough admiring.."
I nod, quickly walking behind him into the car.
I buckle my seatbelt, the mix of my dad's cologne and my perfume overwhelming me for a second.
"Wait? Where's Jude? Is he not attending?" I look at my dad, watching him pull out of the driveway.
"He will attend, but he said he would arrive with his teammates. He didn’t want to inconvenience us."
What did he mean with that?
I mean, we had not spoken properly for days- but inconvenience?
Am I overthinking things?
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"Come and grab a drink with me.." Lina says, grabbing my wirst to pull me towards the cocktail- or in this case, mocktail bar.
Due to the discouragement of the players drinking alcohol, mid-season- it was the upmost important for this party to only offer non-alcoholic drinks.
And considering what had happened last time I was drunk- I wasn't complaining, at all..
The party had started two hours ago, though a little formal. We made the most out of it, while dancing along with the beautiful live music. The clock would strike twelve in a little, indicating the beginning of a new year.
Something about New Year’s Eve made me incredibly emotional at times. Maybe, it was the realization of life going faster than I thought- or maybe, it was some resentment I held against the negative things that happened in the year.
Even so, I tried to make the most of this party every year. Dancing wholeheartedly, tasting the food the chefs had worked so hard on, drinking the delicious drinks made by the bartenders.
"I'm going to get a Negroni- How about you?" Lina asks, wrapping her arm around mine as we walk towards the bar.
"I don't know- maybe I’ll just ask for a recommendation.." I speak, looking over at her. Her black dress hugging her figure as our high heels click against the floor.
"Oh, look who's here too.." She says, motioning ahead with her eyes and chin.
I follow her gaze, furrowing my brows in confusion. My eyes land on a couple of the football team players, all looking happy as they order their drinks one by one.
"Oh.." I mouth, lips pulling back into a straight line as I spot Jude next to them.
And of course, just like my dear best friend had described last night. He is dressed in a sleek, black suit matched with a crispy white shirt.
I watch him interact with his teammates, unconsciously staring at him as we near the bar.
His pearly white teeth show as the corners of his eyes crinkle, probably laughing at something funny one of the guys said.
I almost gasp out loud when he turns around, my eyes moving down to see the deep red handkerchief, placed neatly in the pocket of his suit.
Why in heaven's name- did we match?
I lean against the bar by instinct, drawing my attention back to the bartender who's standing in front of me. Eyes darting to the menu, of course- to only see non-alcoholic options.
Maybe, I did need a different type of drink.
'I'll have a Negroni, please.." I hear Lina say, and look at her for a moment before turning back to the bartender. Trying to ignore the fact that I can feel a pair of eyes burning holes into the back of my head. 
What was that called again?
Whatever it's called, there should be a name for someone's warmth too- because Jude probably could feel the heat radiating off my body at this point, even if he isn’t standing that close to me..
"And what would this beauty like?”
I stand up straight at the words, looking at the smiling bartender.
I give him a soft, appreciative smile back, enjoying his non-creepy way of delivering a compliment, and quickly ask for a recommendation.
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As y/n speaks to the bartender, he laughs back, leaning in to whisper something into her ear. It earns a chuckle from her, making her lean against the bar again.
Unaware of his own body language, Jude tightens his grip on his glass. His jaw twitches, and he turns away from the scene, scoffing to himself before taking a gulp of his drink.
His body tensing up does not go unnoticed by his friends slash teammates. He gets a pat on the shoulder from Dani, making him relax for a moment.
"Loosen up, brother. Have some fun.." Eduardo speaks, giving him his signature smile while clinking his full glass with Jude's.
Jude nods, walking closer towards the crowd of his teammates, trying his absolute best to remove his brown eyes from the girl.
The girl his brain has not stopped thinking about, ever since that drunken night..
From the way she looked, spoke, dressed- he was infatuated with her.
And tonight?
The sexy red dress, hugging her body- showing skin-
He is fucked, absolutely fucked, especially when he realizes how clammy his hands are.
The normally confident and playful Jude vanishes for a moment. He's acting like a lovesick teenage boy, too nervous to ask his crush out for prom.
The hour passes painfully slow, with the both of them sneaking glances at each other every other minute. Their friends notice, of course, smirks on their faces as they realize how clueless they are.
Young love shouldn't be this complicated, they think, wanting to push them towards each other already. Tired of the back and forth they were a part of these past months. The patience they had was running low, even though it wasn't anything harming or hurting them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please!" A sharp, ear-piercing sound echos from the microphone, booming out of the speakers.
The speaker is none other than a Real Madrid executive, standing next to the chic, wealthy woman, is y/n’s father.
The entire venue’s attention turns to the two individuals, conversations and laughter cut off immediately.
"Just like every year since our successful partnership with Mr. l/n. We thank you for being here at our annual New Year's event!"
The room answers with happy and loud cheers, some clapping along in agreement. An interesting mix of almost all the athletes signed to Real Madrid, their hardworking staff, and not to forget, esteemed lawyers from the law firm.
"We will enter the new year in ten minutes! Please enjoy the rest of your night!"
As if on cue, the room goes back to their own conversation. And the restless, nervous wreck y/n immediately turns around to visit the bar again, asking the bartender for another one of the drinks he'd made for her earlier.
She didn't even remember what it was called. All she tasted and saw were strawberries- which meant that the bright pink, iced drink was good enough.
She grabs the drink off the counter, thanking the bartender, before turning around to return to her friends.
She looks down to watch her step, high heels starting to hurt her feet, as she tries to walk without tripping, making her forget to watch where she’s going.
Before the girl is aware of it, her body collides with a harder one. Glass in her han, tipping over, the pink drink splashing all over a white, crispy shirt.
y/n gasps, eyes widening in horror. Looking up from the disaster, she makes eye contact with a shell-shocked Jude. His own, brown eyes widening impossibly wider than hers.
Covering her mouth, she places the glass on a small, round bar table next to her, turning to him wordlessly.
"Oh- I, umh.." She stutters, sweat practically visible on her temples at this point.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She thinks, multiple thoughts running through her head like Usain-fucking-Bolt..
With only one brain-cell working in between them, and their hearts beating like crazy. She grabs his hand, pulling him off the dance floor- into a small closet, behind the stage. Away from the peering eyes and cameras at the event.
She turns away from him, closing the door, before locking it. Ensuring no one would walk into this disaster of a sight.
"Take it off.." She begins, speaking without thought. Reaching for a roll of paper towels, ripping off a stack of them before starting to dab away the moisture from his now pink-stained-shirt.
Her eyes dart up, lips parting slightly as Jude shrugs off his jacket, throwing it to the side.
The dim light flickers in the small, suffocating room. She halts the hurried dabbing, making eye contact with an equally entranced Jude.
"Sorry.." y/n whispers, breath hitting his plump lips. Her hand moves up again, rolling some more of the paper towel around her hand, before wiping off the excess moisture again.
Jude's body stiffens, particularly his abdomen. He takes a sharp breath, looking down at the flustered girl.
For some reason, a sudden switch flips inside of him. He sighs, eyes roaming up and down her form, a warm, but burning feeling settling in his stomach.
He decides to move for a moment, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, and rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. It causes y/n to freeze up this time, her body going rigid as she watches him expose his arms.
Even in the dim light, his muscles protrude, along with the bulging veins running down his forearms.
"Fucking hell.." He says in a low voice, unbuttoning the top buttons of his ruined shirt, making the girl’s eyes widen again.
"What- What are you doing?" She asks, heart almost exploding due to the pace it’s beating at.
"I'm burning up in this room.." He replies, making direct eye contact with her, as he fidgets with the white buttons.
Revealing more, and more skin..
It's like he's dropped the nervousness within seconds. Looking into her eyes while fixing the collar of his shirt.
Even though it takes him approximately ten seconds, to the girl in front of him- the moment is dragged out horribly long and in slow motion.
Her breath hitches at the delicious sight, and she gulps while looking up at him.
Deeply entranced in the tension filled- sensual moment, she drops the wet, used paper towels mindlessly onto the floor.
The lights flicker once again, making her eyes squint as she takes him in.
No doubt, the image will be burned into her infatuated mind from now on. Gnawing at her sanity and logical thinking.
Of course, he smells good. So damn good, the perfect mix of musk and powdery cologne.
Not only is the sight delicious, but the smell is too.
The loud music outside of the small enclosed space continues, the crowd singing along to the chorus of a well-known song.
She looks down for a second, trying to collect her thoughts before she says something completely unhinged.
"Jude.." She whispers, heart beating erratically in his chest. y/n can feel her hands shake, her legs trembling in her high heels.
Their breaths mingle as they look into each other's eyes. A silence settling in between them after she says his name.
Jude's veins practically burst at the sound of his name leaving her lips. His eyes dart to the perfectly glossed lips that say his name so sweetly, so softly..
His mind goes dizzy at the sound. Wanting to hear it over, and over again. Loving the sound most ardently..
A soft groan leaves his mouth, and he traces her beautiful features with his eyes, until he makes eye contact with her, again.
"We should leave this place. The countdown is about to begin.." She whispers the only words she can think of saying, breath shaky and faint.
Jude does not answer with words, but his eyes do dart towards the door. Ears perking up as he hears the familiar countdown begin.
"Twenty!" The crowd exclaims, happiness and excitement buzzing throughout the venue- except in the small room they are in.
"Jude!" She says again, voice a little more stable than before. She raises her left hand, pulling on the hem of his now- untucked shirt.
He snaps his head back at her, watching the soft skin in between her brows pinch together in frustration.
"y/n.." He whispers back, head leaning closer against hers. Making her grip on his shirt grow tighter. Skin on her knuckles tightening from the strength she's using.
"What?" She asks, voice fiery sharp, and impatient. Emotions making her eyes glisten, along with the jewelry adorning her neck and ears in the light.
Though, the tension is high and suffocating- Jude grins suddenly, plump lips stretching as he leans in closer. His own eyes, now with a hint of playfulness in them, roaming around her face.
"Ten!" They hear the crowd exclaim, continuing to cheer and laugh together.
"What?" She says again, lifting her chin up to look him in the eyes. Her breath hitches at the playful expression on his face, like he's an imminent danger to her heart and lungs.
"You're the most annoying fucking person I have ever met.." He speaks, with no real malice in his tone. A chuckle leaves his mouth, soft breaths hitting her lips.
y/n's heart stutters at his words, and the change of emotion in her eyes makes him go absolutely crazy.
"Fuck, and I love that. I love you, y/n.." He breathes, his hand cupping her jaw.
He watches her face intently, watching her blink multiple times, before her hand travels from the hem of his shirt to his unbuttoned collar.
She wraps her hand around the fabric, pulling him closer with a small jank. Wetting her lips with her tongue, she speaks again.
"Then fucking kiss me, you annoying douche bag.."
The words leave her mouth in a fluid, rehearsed way, and she loses herself in his deep eyes.
"Fucking gladly.." He mutters, both of their eyes fluttering shut as his hand moves over to the small of her back impatiently.
"Happy New Year!"
Their lips brush against each other, her hands gripping onto his shirt with a vice-like grip.
Her breath hitches at first, making him chuckle cockily against her lips. His hand supporting her jaw in the most tender way possible, as his thumb rubs against the softness of her cheek.
The soft press of their lips touching make their hearts flutter.
Realizing there is no point of return from this, the feathery touches turn into heated, greedy ones.
The rush of adrenaline makes them lose their self-control, an unstoppable, alluring feeling injected into their veins as they continue soaking in the moment, until they part for air.
Their ragged pants brush against each other's faces, a small smile pulling at her lips. Eyes finding each other again, as their hearts beat in unison.
Jude stares into her eyes, thumb running down her jaw, as he smiles back at her.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful.."
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hoodedjelly · 3 days
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Nicktoons unite main 4 in their respected styles ( minus jimmy neutron i'll explain more below)
i feel very mixed about these but it was still fun either way studying all of these cartoons respected styles. the final does make me happy, seeing all of them together ^__^ 💞
below i will explain my thought process working with each style so get ready for a wall of text:
first before anything you may be asking: why no jimmy neutron style!? it's because i tried and gave up! i was starting the rendering process for timmy and i hated it so i just didn't continue! no point of making myself miserable for something thats harmless fun style studies. but have these as a little treat:
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Fairly Oddparents style: the easiest style to work on and research for, fop style is not that complex. i should also add i didn't draw each style in one sitting i drew each character together and then edited them all, so that might be the reason why some look better then others, i just got good. but i'm saying that because the character i started with was spongebob! specifically because i was tired of ppl thinking dp style and fop style are the same and how spongebob would look the same in both styles, just a flat square. which is wrong! fop style is very different! i would prob describe it as a flat paper style. has sharp and rounded thick lines. the main source of research i used for it was the designer for fop was Ernie Gilbert. he has designed a lot of iconic characters for the show and i highly would check out his work, this is his website
Danny phantom style: now this one was tricky, prob the hardest one to figure out and i honestly don't think i really DID figure it out. the possible reason is i am still trying to go through the show atm myself, but i'd doubt it. they all just look off to me, just a little. which no need for me to work myself in a circle trying to make it "perfect". im no professional character designer! especially not Stephen Silver.
Spongebob Squarepants style: this one was tricky but in the opposite way to dp style, where i didn't know what to reference! to start off the show is mainly nonhuman characters, so finding character refs were hard. the refs i did use were the mermaids and the superheros, so i used that for timmy. but in the middle of working on jimmys i was watching a video of someone ranking every single spongebob ep and TURNS OUT in the later seasons, i think season 13, there were human designs! (technically elfs but whatever).
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and weirder thing is how they draw patchy but im not going to get into that. i am assuming that style is for characters that are supposed to be real life humans up on land in that universe (but why not just use real life humans? idk, maybe tom kenny is getting to old for the role). BUT ANYWAY, i used the elfs for a main source for jimmy and danny, they turned out a lot better then the timmy in my eyes. i wanted at least one of them to have the black eyes but they all have bright blue eyes and the show usually always colors blue eyes. i get ahead of myself cause there was a lot more factors i still had to figure out. like the line art. the show doesn't have a clear line style like dp or fop, its just relatively consistent medium lines. so i just went with more recent show stuff then older stuff since it's HD.
ok but thats basically it, i can prob go on more but i'd feel no one gaf. i made these for fun and it was fun making them! i love all of these shows a ton so it was nice looking up the designers and artist for these shows. support the artists!!! fuck bitch fartman!!!!!
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ponderingmoonlight · 21 hours
Hashira reader smacking Zenitsu and sending him to her crush Iguro to teach him a lesson
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original idea and inspiration by none other than queen @sitarawrites and this post right here
Pairing: Obanai x fem!hashira! reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Warnings: Zenitsu being a creep and getting payback for it
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„Please, you have to give me a chance!“
„Zenitsu, I think that’s enough-„
„You have to be the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen! Let’s marry as long as we’re still alive!”
“Why can’t you just leave me alone, you creep?”
“I’m so so sorry for his behavior-“
“What’s going on here?”, you interrupt the little chit chat in front of you sharply.
You sign to yourself. Just like you expected, another wave of losers that just arrived. 2 girls, a few of those basic guys and…
You furrow your eyebrows, a wave of nauseous disgust getting a hold of you the second you see him. That blonde haired guy who looks at you as if you’re a piece of meat.
“Oh, who are-“
Without even allowing him so finish his sentence, you grab his blonde hair with one hand while smacking him flat-palmed with the other.
“Just let me make a few things clear before we’re even starting”, you hiss, mindlessly dropping his crying figure to the ground.
“If you didn’t catch it already, I’m a hashira and you are here to train under me. But I’m not like Mitsuri or my former master Himejima-sama. We won’t pray around here, we won’t laugh. But most important of all, don’t you dare to piss me off by disregarding me in some sort of way. Got it, Blondie?”
“I think he understood, (y/n)-san!”, the red-haired boy next to him shouts immediately while throwing his unconscious body over his shoulder.
“I know you’re still listening. If I catch you hitting on a corps member like that one more time, I’ll burry you under rocks before sending you over to Igoro-san”, you bark at the boy who again, screams out in sheer fright.
Apparently, his horrible behavior towards females isn’t the only annoying thing about that guy named Zenitsu. If it wasn’t for Kamado, he’d hide inside his room the whole day while crying his eyes out.
“I promise he acts different when he’s unconscious!”
“Do I have to slap him again, then?”
Urgh. If it wasn’t for that crow sent by Ubayishiki-sama himself, you would have drowned that boy in the river nearby immediately. And that nice little interactions with a certain someone.
“If he doesn’t treat you right, send him my way. I’ll make sure he’ll never cry again.”
“Nice try Iguro-san. But Ubayishiki-sama forbid me to hurt him and I’m sure the same goes for you, unfortunately.”
“Is he still looking at you all the time? Then it might be worth it.”
“Don’t worry, he doesn’t. But if I catch him crying around like a baby one last time, I’ll send him to you personally.”
“I’ll take that as a promise, then.”
You smile to yourself while reading those well-written lines. Igoru-san…truth is, you definitely kept an eye open for him these past months. Out of all the hashira, he’s the only one you’re really keen to talk to.
“Ahhh, it’s so cold!”
“Zentisu, calm down. Don’t you remember what (y/n)-san told you about-“
“Please calm down-“
“You’re not going anywhere, you fool. I’m having enough of your bullshit”, you interrupt his pity party along with a harsh bow into his stomach that surely makes him see stars.
“I’m sending you to Iguro myself.”
Another well-placed hit, a passed out Zenitsu before you even get the chance to hit him.
“Please, allow me to go with you, (y/n)-san. I don’t think Zenitsu will survive the training of the serpent hashira on his own”, a gently voice speaks out next to you.
Urgh. You hate to even consider Tanjiro’s words. But there’s nothing you’re able to teach him anyway. No matter how much you hate to admit it, but that Kamado boy definitely is something special.
“Fine”, you grumble.
“But only because I want to get rid of you.”
“That’s totally fine! Thank you for teaching me hand to hand combat anyway!”
“Yeah, whatever. Just carry that prick and follow me.”
Your heart beats a little faster with every step you come nearer to the serpent hashira’s estate. How is he doing? Is he excited to see you, what will he say? You haven’t seen each other since the last hashira meeting, didn’t have the chance to speak properly since forever as it seems.
But now is your chance. When it means seeing Iguro-san, that douchebag did have a purpose after all.
“Did you take out the trash, (y/n)?”
Your breath gets stuck in your throat. You didn’t even sense him until he stands in front of you, both eyes set on you with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“I can’t take that whining baby anymore. Make sure to treat him right”, you explain briefly.
“Oh, and I took Kamado with me.”
“Tanjiro Kamado”, Iguro-san hisses, his eyes shooting pure venom Tanjiro’s way.
“Bring that useless boy inside and get some rest yourself, Kamado”, you instruct the boy next to you who springs into action immediately.
“He’s doing pretty well”, you mumble more to yourself than actually talking to Iguro-san.
“Doing pretty well?”
Faster than you’re able to react, you find yourself breathlessly pinned against a nearby tree with his eyes almost piercing trough you.
“I mean…yeah”, you breathe out.
“But I actually came here because I missed you”, you add with unusual low voice.
Is that blush creeping up your cheeks? The serpent hashira almost doesn’t believe his ears. You, missing him? He never thought you’d actually like him, that feelings like missing someone like him could actually exist. But you hold his gaze with reddened cheeks. And you’re here, between his arms.
He kind find the words. In fact, it seems like his mind and body aren’t able to function normally anymore.
“I need to go”, he presses out.
“But Iguro-san, I-“
He’s gone as fast as he came, leaving yourself leaning against the tree like an idiot.
What was that?
“I’ll let you suffer for making (y/n) uncomfortable. Did you flirt with her?”
“W-what? Me? I’d never d-do that!”
“I’ll kill you-“
“Please don’t kill him Iguro-san!”
“I’ll kill you as well. You made eyes at (y/n)-san.”
“We’re so screwed”, Zenitsu hisses through gritted teeth.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls (your fic will be next) @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine
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pickingupmymercedes · 24 hours
Lewis Masterlist
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Not just a pretty face p.1
"You know, I've always been serious about us." "I know. But you're a f1 driver, Lewis"
Maybe in another life - p.1 / p.2 / p.3
"A what-if that will forever linger in the quiet corners of my mind."
She’s here and she’s ours - p.1 / p.2 / p.3 / p.4
You couldn’t really tell if he was telling you or himself that. "How you feeling dad?" "Amazed, hopeful, scared... in love"
Get me out of here p.1 / p.2
“Why are you defending him?” “Because we need to think this through, babe. Toto’s not one of us anymore, you saw it.”
Your future was Ferrari - p.1 / p.2
Surely, it meant nothing for Lewis and you would probably never see him again. Your future was at Ferrari, somewhere he would never step foot in. Or would he?!
Ways to say “I love you” p.1 / p.2 / p.3(NSFW)
All these little things p.1 / p.2
Small firsts p.1
An impossible dream - "Don't you ever wonder what could have been?"
I didn't get scared. I'm always scared - “Do you even understand what it’s like for me? To love someone who lives every day like it might be their last?”
Not now, not ever - "You don't have to go through this alone, you know"
I'll come find you - “I’m scared… of how things have been, of how things are going to be.”
If these wings could fly - “I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like Sunday. It’s been so long and everyone’s worked so hard for that”
And just like the sun, we will rise - “I can’t promise to have all the answers, but please let me in”
R for Roscoe, C for Coco - "You went through all this trouble just for Father's Day with Roscoe?"
Whispered fairytale - "The point is in the surprise. The joy of meeting them, whoever they are, for the very first time."
A thousand times over - "Since I still don’t believe it’s true… would you marry me, again?"
It sounds silly - "I'm a grown woman who’s achieved success in life, yet… I find myself comparing to those other women."
NSFW (+18 only)
Improvised Compensation - "My plans definitely involve you" he continued, "but they can be done anywhere"
As good as chocolate - "That's a new way to claim your share"
I'm yours, only yours - Vegas special - “You really thought she was any match for you?”
It always points South - “Your compass tattoo, huh?”
My Venus - MET special - "I can actually feel your eyes searing holes in my dress, Lewis."
I want South - "Hello, miss explorer”
You only need to ask - "Seems like someone's forgotten how we got here in the first place"
It's Mrs. Hamilton - “Mark me, show me who I belong to”
The things we do for fashion - "Like what you see?" "More than you'll ever know."
Show me you care - “I’m asking you to, show me how much you want this, because I know you do”
My mark - “I’m not one to leave things unfinished”
NSFW alphabet
Senna!Reader x Lewis Hamilton
Thank you for everything - "It doesn't matter how long it's been" "Grief doesn't have a deadline."
Under an Ipê tree - “He would’ve liked you I think… would’ve hated to race you, for sure."
Do not under any circumstance plagarize, edit, repurpose, or repost any of my original work. this includes all of my works.
copyright © 2024 pickingupmymercedes all right reserved.
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006. how many things
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pairings: paige bueckers x fem singer!reader
word count: 231
warnings: shouting and yelling, cursing (like once or twice)
su’s notes: i actually hate this chapter so much what the fjck can we just forget this exists HELP anyways next chapter is another flashback THEN WERE FINALLY GONNA BE THRIVING!! 🙏 hope u enjoy this filler chapter
series masterlist
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and i still make excuses for you constantly
“Y/N.” Azzi says sternly as she held your notebook full of songs.
“This song.” She places the open notebook on your desk. “You can’t seriously still be in love with Paige.”
“It’s been three months!” She exclaims. “After everything she’s done?”
You stand up to face her. “Azzi, stop!”
“She cheated on you!” She says, her voice getting louder. “She basically used you to get over her ex!”
“You don’t know shit about our relationship!”
“What relationship?!” She scoffs. “Tell me, Y/N. What relationship did you two have? The one where she takes advantage of you because she knows she has you wrapped around her finger?”
You take a deep breath, trying to collect yourself. “She cared for me. I know it didn’t seem like it, but we were there for each other.” A tear drips down your cheek. “And I just can’t help but remember how we were. She was so good to me, Az!”
Azzi doesn’t say a word and brings you into a hug as you sob into her shoulders.
“I’m just trying to look out for you.” She sighs, rubbing circles on your back. “I’m really worried about you.”
“Everything just reminds me of her.” You pull away, locking eyes with her.
She wipes off the tears on your cheeks with her thumb. “You don’t know how much I hate her right now.”
You chuckle. “Please don’t. I can’t even hate her myself.”
your corner in my mind is well established.
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starlightkun · 3 days
filler episodes ⏯ teaser [sungchan]
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⏯ teaser word count: 1458 | full fic: 16.6k ⏯ warnings: general angst around not knowing what you’re doing with your life, the usual cursing ⏯ genre: fluff, suggestive/steamy but no actual smut, strangers to lovers, band au, punk drummer!sungchan, office worker!reader, not really badboy x good girl trope, more like sungchan has tattoos and reader is… a bit boring and hates her job. but she’s trying!, reader is having a quarter life crisis, ft. shotaro/eunseok/wonbin as sungchan’s bandmates, and nct dream 00 line as reader’s normal friends™ ⏯ estimated release: saturday, june 29, 2024 3:00 p.m. eastern time
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Clutching your tote bag strap tighter to your body, you turned onto a street, trying to ignore the sun that was getting lower in the sky. Surely this way would lead towards your apartment. You’d lived in this city your whole life, you could walk from your work to your home, two places that you went to every single day.
There was a tall man outside one of the shops on this street, and you went to skirt around him on the sidewalk as he swept a few stray leaves and dirt out of a bookstore. Other than him, the street was fairly quiet, many of the stores having already closed up for the day.
“What are you doing?” The young man called out to you before you could fully pass him by.
You pivoted around on your heel, quickly looking around to see if there was anybody else that he could possibly be talking to. But it was definitely just you and him.
He looked about your age, wearing a cream pink long-sleeve button down presumably as part of the store uniform, though you weren’t sure if he really needed to have it buttoned all the way to the top button. It seemed a bit too warm out for that.
“Walking. Why?”
“This is the fourth time you’ve walked by here.” He did a sweeping point to the sidewalk in front of the shop, then leaned against the broom he had been cleaning with. “Wasn’t sure if you might have a particular destination in mind.”
“Fuck! I knew I was going in circles!”
“You’re lost.”
“Yeah, this isn’t my normal way home…”
“And your phone died?” He cocked his head curiously.
“No, I’m trying to get home without using my phone map,” you admitted, looking around for any familiar landmarks.
“Why? That’s what it’s for.”
“It’s… You’ll think it’s stupid. My friends did.”
He shrugged. “Probably. But why does that matter to you? I’m just some guy.”
“I’ve been doing something new every day. Just small things. But if I change enough little things, then everything will have changed.”
The guy was quiet for a beat, looking altogether unimpressed, then asked, “Where do you live?”
“General area, see if I can give you directions from here.”
“Oh, uhm, if you can get me to the tea shop on Magnolia, I can get myself home from there.”
“Jade Gardens, I know it,” he nodded, then pointed left down the street, in the same direction that you had just come from. “That way, left onto North Oak, right onto Foxtail, another right onto Broad Street, it’ll eventually dead end into Magnolia, keep going until you see the tea shop.”
“Left onto North Oak, right onto Foxtail, right onto Broad,” you recited. “Got it, thank you!”
“Stay safe.” He waved you off, returning to sweeping without seeing if you had gone the way he’d pointed you.
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It was Monday that you got lost and were given directions home by the questionably friendly but overall helpful bookstore worker, and the tea shop on Magnolia had been on your mind since. So on Thursday, you decided to stop by after work. You were running low on the green tea that you usually kept in stock at home, and thought that you might pick up something new for yourself.
Opening the door to Jade Gardens that Thursday, you were enveloped by the familiar aromatic smells wafting around the small shop. When you didn’t hear the usual kind voice of the owner, Mrs. Choi, greeting you, you peered around the aisle that you were in to look for her.
“Mrs. Choi?” You called out, also not hearing her TV show that she usually was watching behind the counter between helping customers. You were by the black teas anyway, so you didn’t mind wandering into the next aisle as you looked for any other sign of life in the shop.
“She’s not in,” a voice that was definitely not Mrs. Choi informed you right as you turned the corner into the beginning of the green teas. You could see enough of the man’s profile to recognize him as he stood by some of the shelves in the store. The worker from the bookstore. He was standing over an open cardboard box, a couple tins of tea in his hands.
“Uhm…” You trailed off, blinking at him as you weren’t sure exactly what to say. He placed the tins on the shelf.
“You think I’m stalking you, don’t you?” He said flatly, turning to show you the name badge on his longsleeve teal shirt. It was metallic gold, with the name SUNGCHAN engraved into it. “I work here too. For the past six months.”
“Oh, right.” You relaxed, flashing him a smile. As he went back to restocking and you went back to looking at the tea on the shelves that he wasn’t currently stocking, you commented lightly, “I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I work Tuesdays and Thursdays. You ever been here on a Tuesday or a Thursday?”
“No. I always come on Sundays.”
“There you go.” He had emptied the box of product he was restocking from, and carried it into the back. When he reemerged, he stopped behind the register, but engaged you in conversation again, “So is this your new thing for today? Coming on a Thursday instead of Sunday?”
“And? Is your whole life different yet?”
“I’ve only been doing this for two weeks…” You replied defensively, looking over at him from the two kinds of green tea that you were debating between.
“Have you done anything new yet?” Sungchan asked, arching an eyebrow.
“That’s the whole point—”
“From what I know, as some guy who doesn’t even know your name, is that you have walked home from work without using the maps on your phone—something you would have done anyway—and gone to a shop that you go to regularly, just on a different day of the week. Have you done anything that you’ve never done before at all?”
“My name is Y/N, by the way.” You bit the inside of your cheek, and grabbed your tea selection. “Ordering a drink I’ve never tried at my usual boba place doesn’t count, does it?”
“You already know the answer, Y/N.”
“The point isn’t to quit my job and travel the world and completely overhaul my life—”
“I thought it was to change everything?”
“If I change enough little things, then—”
“—everything will have changed.” “—everything will have changed.” The two of you finished at the same time, Sungchan putting more emphasis on ‘everything,’ a pointed look on his face.
“I just don’t get how everything is supposed to change by you coming to a tea shop on a different day one time, but still working the same job you hate,” he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“How do you know I hate my job?!” You retorted, bringing your selections up to the counter.
“If you loved it, you wouldn’t be in a crisis about changing your whole life.”
“Do you like your two jobs?”
“They’re fine.” He shrugged, ringing up your purchases.
You handed him your card. “Fine?”
“They’re just my day jobs.”
“And what’s your night job then?”
A smirk grew on his face as he bagged your tins of tea. “Nah.”
“‘Nah?’” You repeated incredulously.
“You’re not doing anything new. No point telling you.”
“If it’s stand-up, I don’t want to know,” you snorted.
“It’s not stand-up.”
“Mm, I don’t know, you’re giving me real stand-up energy right now,” you snipped, gesturing to his entire demeanor. “I’m really glad you haven’t told me, actually, because I can’t control my face when I’m told bad jokes.”
“I don’t do stand-up comedy,” he reiterated with the same calm, self-assured tone, handing you your bag of tea and receipt.
“Considering you’re refusing to tell me, I’m convinced it’s like, open mic nights. Tight fives, not even a full—”
“Not stand-up,” he said again. “But considering how badly you’re begging me to tell you—”
“Pretty sure you’re the one desperately trying to convince me you don’t do stand-up, but—”
“If you really want to do something brand new…” He took your receipt out of your hand, writing on the back of it with a pen that was on the counter. “Make this your thing for tomorrow.”
You accepted the receipt when he held it back out to you. “You still haven’t told me what you do.”
“Live a little. And bring some friends, yeah? Don’t want you getting lonely in the mosh pit.”
Your eyes scanned the address and time he had scrawled on your receipt. “Mosh pit?”
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⤷ masterlist
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bite me(part 5) matt sturniolo
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
summary: matt hates your guts but all of that changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains: vampire!matt x reader, highschool au! (18 years old), dark themes, death, smut (not in this part)
matts pov.
"okay, you guys should feel different any minute now" Madi says before giving me a look. a look that says what I am doing is stupid. judging by the sadness that's roaming in my chest, I'm guessing y/n thinks its stupid too. why does she care, its not like she likes me, I think to myself. but even as I think it, I can't help but cringe at the loss of emotions I would have from getting rid of the bond. sure, it was annoying sometimes, but hell, Iife gets a little boring when you've been living for so long. its easy to go numb and become desensitized, and that's what made y/n an anomaly. even before the mating bond, she made me feel things. even things I didn't want to feel like annoyance and anger.
I look over at her and I can't help but stare. she's so pretty, I think even as the bond fades into a dull nothing.
"quite staring, your freaking me out" she says looking at me. I can see the tears in her eyes, and ,even though the bonds gone, I know she wishes there weren't any. I knew her and I knew that she didn't like to feel like others had power to make her sad or upset. she never wanted to lose control. I can't help but note how much I know about her. more than I thought I knew.
I look away and grab her arm and sigh at the fact that there are no tingles or heat that flash through me this time. "I'll take you home, it's been a long night." and so from there we head back to the car. shit, I almost forgot about chris. I open my phone to call him, but I see a text notification from him instead. "I'm going to stay, the spell could take all night for me" it says. I can't help but wonder how someone can take away the pain of losing a mate, but shrug it off. if I knew I'd be a magic user, not a vampire. and I wouldn't be standing here awkwardly with a girl I hated two days ago. a girl I wish I could comfort, but don't know how too. we climb in the van and I turn on the car. the hiss of the ac and the quiet hum of the radio are the only sounds in the car. she opens her mouth and closes it again. "what? what is it?" i sigh because the tension is killing me.
"if the bond is gone then why am I still sad?" she says quietly. I note the fact that this is the most vulnerable I've ever seen her. she's always had a strong front, and always had something smart to say. but now in the quiet that is my van, I feel like I see her, the real her.
"I don't know why." I say honestly, but cringe at the monotone way I say it. like I didn't care to know why she was upset, and right then I knew her walls were going to come back up before they even do. she shrugs and wipes her face once. "can I play music then, I don't like moping around." she sighs, grounding herself again. "I know you don't" I say softly "and yes you can, as long as you don't have shit music taste" I smirk at the end. teasing her is so much easier and more natural then whatever we've been doing the past 15 minutes. "Oh it's amazing, you're gonna wanna add my songs to your playlist when I'm done. " she takes the mood change and runs with it. she even laughs and I don't even try to stop myself from admiring her smile.
I pull into her house and all the lights are on and there are clanging noises coming from the inside of her home. its damn near 5 am and no one should be up that early on a Sunday morning. we were just having a good time, surprisingly, listening to music with each other. we both like the same kind of music and even though I acted like I hated her singing I didn't mind. but she wasn't singing now, she actually looked really scared.
"my dads home" she whispers and looks at me with wide glossy eyes. worry flutters in my chest at the sight of her being afraid. this guy must be bad news. "he rarely ever comes home" she says in the same quiet tone her eyes widening even further before she turns to me. "I thought Madi said she put a protection spell on me." she runs her hands through her hair and her breathing is picking up. if she keeps this up, she's going to have a panic attack.
" she did, okay, so you have nothing to worry about!" the words sound all wrong coming out of my mouth. I meant for them to come out comforting but instead they sound a bit like I just want her to shut up and get out of my car. why do I always have to sound so mean.
her breathing picks up more and she's crying now. "you don't know what he's like, matt! you've never met the guy. he doesn't want anything to do with me! and when he comes home, he's always drunk" she pauses and closes her eyes gasping for breath. "and he's mean!" she sobs. before I can stop myself I grab her face and guide her gaze away from the house to me. if she hadn't told me this, I would have never known she'd been hurt this way. I couldn't help but wonder how many times she came home to find a nightmare in her house.
"you don't have to be with that guy" I say slowly and nod my head before continuing
"just stay with me" I whisper.
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mattybsgroupie · 3 days
ex’s and tattoos | matt sturniolo
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contents: cursing; fighting; (kinda) toxic relationship; oral (m receiving); fingering (f receiving); use of “y/n”; switch!matt
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notes: 400 million followers but been flopping these last weeks do you guys hate me or what??? lol jk, as usual thank you so much for the love and special thanks to my loyal readers (@thepubeburgler my girl!) i always keep an eye on you guys <3 sorry for not being as active here but now im in my break so every week new story! as usual not proofread so i apologize in advance for any mistakes, hope you enjoy this one!!!
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it had been two and a half weeks since matt and i broke up. for the third time.
i had no reason to be there other than respect for matts and i mutual friends. they knew, of course, we were no longer together - but that didn’t mean we could be at the same place, acting like civilized adults.
i rested my lower back against the countertop, quietly sipping the drink in my hand as i nodded to the ones that’d greet me.
i noticed him from miles away. the familiar laugh made my stomach flutter while i watched him from a distance, hoping he wouldn’t notice me there. i didn’t have the energy to fight him, nor work things out.
he, however, felt as my eyes pierced through his back and soon looked at me, blue eyes scanning my body before locking his orbs to my own.
“having fun?” matt asked, coming in my direction and mimicking my position.
“always a blast” i responded, not daring to move one bit.
“enjoying the guys checking you out?” he teased, trying to piss me off. “not one of them is gonna hit on you. they know you’re mine, y/n”.
“you must enjoy making my life way harder than it should be don’t you, matt?”
“it’s my favorite thing to do” he giggled, sincerely this time. i could tell the difference without even looking at him. “you know what else is hard? me”
“that’s not my problem. you should ask if some girl is willing to jack off this tiny dick of yours” i rolled my eyes, moving to face him.
“yeah? same dick that fucked you dumb… how many times?” matt whispered in my ear, leaning closer to my face. the warmth of his body made me feel safe again, the usual feeling of being around matt slowly taking over me. i had to get myself together before speaking up again, “i have no idea what you’re talking about”.
“now you don’t?” he leaned against the countertop once again, crossing his arms as he tilted his head. “i must have forgotten how stupid you are”
“i must be if im still talking to you”
“yeah y/n, keep on talking like this and we’re gonna have another problem other than fixing what happened” matt said, traveling his eyes through my body before landing back at his pants, bulge tenting under the jeans.
“oh, i couldn’t care less about this” i said, clearly referring to his cock when, in fact, i was dying to jerk him off right there.
“do you really wanna have this conversation now?” he misunderstood, thinking i was talking about whatever our relationship meant at this point.
“i never wanted to talked to you in the first place” my hands gave up on holding the plastic cup, putting it away before resting my palm on his shoulder. i trailed down his neck, stopping by the sweater strings and playing with them. “you’re the one who came here.”
“cant help it when you look this good, mamas” he confessed, breathing heavily as his chest gradually filled in more air.
“oh fuck you matthew” it was a low blow. i knew he was gonna try to get me back tonight, and i also knew i would give in anytime he asked me to.
“you’d love that wouldn’t you?” i had to walk away, leaving a giggling matt behind who soon took my cup and drank from it before going back to his friends.
- ♡ -
nothing was fun without him. i tried my best to have a good time and distract myself from the growing heat inside my panties, but knowing matt was around, checking every movement of mine was starting to drive my crazy. i told my friends i’d leave, thanked them for the invitation and quickly made my way to the bathroom to wash my hands and check my makeup and hair before calling an uber.
i heard three knocks on the door. “it’s open” i said allowing anyone to come in because i wasn’t really doing anything private. it slowly opened, revealing a smiling matt coming inside.
“before you say anything” he started. “check this out!” matt said, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up, sweater nowhere to be found. he had a new tattoo on his shoulder, showing a sunflower garden painted across his skin.
“it’s really pretty, matt” i smiled.
“it’s for you” i rolled my eyes and looked away, not believing any of his words before resting my back against the sink. “look at me” he called, and my body instantly reacted by doing what he told me to. we kept starring at each other for a few seconds, not really sure of what to say.
“can i kiss you?” matt finally asked, leaning over me and holding my face with both hands as i nodded frantically. he could do whatever he wanted with me.
his lips touched mine and my stomach dropped, as if it was the first time we’d kissed. i was incredibly sensitive to matt’s touch, my breath getting heavier as he deepened the kiss. one of his hands traveled down my body, stopping by my waist and holding it tightly while his thumb caressed my cheek.
matt licked my lower lip, silently asking if he could go further. i opened my mouth and allowed his tongue to slide in, the lewd sounds getting louder. i moved my hand to the back of his head, groping his hair strongly before pulling away in order to get some air back. “fuck, matt” i whispered, not being able to take my eyes of his swollen pout.
now i was the one who took control of the situation, pushing him against the wall of the tiny bathroom and and trailing kisses all the way down his neck, making sure i’d leave marks for him to see the next morning. matt whined as i positioned myself between his legs, letting him joint his hips forward. i could feel matt’s bulge rutting against me, hard cock begging to be touched.
“you… you look so good today” he breathed out, hands moving to my ass, bringing our bodies even closer, almost humping each other.
i was dripping wet.
as i kept on kissing him, my fingers quickly made their way to his waistband, receiving a gasp from matt. i smiled before palming him through his jeans, grabbing his cock and he responded by placing his hands on my breasts, massaging it over my clothes. i unintentionally let a moan escape when his thumb brushed over my nipples, matt’s eyes finally opening.
he placed his palm under my shirt, pressuring against my skin. i nodded once again, letting him remove my outfit and expose my underwear. “who’s that pretty lingerie for?” he asked before moving his lips to my shoulders, slowly making his way to my boobs.
“no one” i answered, fingers tangling in his brown locks. matt giggled, muffling against my skin. “good thing i’m the one taking it off” he said, quickly untying my bra and making my breasts fall over his face. matt licked my hardened nub, swirling his tongue around before sucking it. i whined as his index and thumb pinched my other nipple.
“i fucking- hate you!” i complained, pretending not to enjoy when he was rough. matt slapped the boob he was pinching before, free hand moving to my jaw and holding it tightly, making me look at him.
“already know that babe, but you love my fingers don’t you?” he teased and i slightly opened my mouth, letting him place his digits on my tongue. i wrapped my lips around them and started to suck hungrily, putting on a show for him. matt’s grin grew bigger, and so did the tent on his pants. poor thing, holding himself to not bend me over and fuck me without asking, knowing he’d be punished when doing something without permission.
“take this off for me hm?” matt whispered, already removing my shorts. i didn’t notice he had pulled my panties down as well, goosebumps taking over my body as i felt his fingers brush against my lower lips.
“open up” he said moving our bodies further, picking me up by my waist and making me sit on the sink’s counter, the cold material in contrast with my heat making me gasp.
i opened my legs and wrapped my arms around matt's neck, resting in each side of his shoulder as he kept running his fingers through my folds. his thumb soon met my swollen clit, circling over it before moving to my entrance. he teased me a bit, letting the tip of his digits rest in my wet hole. my shaky breathes turned to whimpers as he slid in, making me bite my own lips to cover my moans.
“you’re all tight” matt said as he pushed it inside, stretching my cunt. after three weeks without him, of course i was tight again. his fingers used to fit me so well, but now it felt like the first time again. the burning sensation of my walls clenching against matt's hand made me throw my head back, not being able to speak as he kept on rubbing my clit, trying to slid a second finger in.
“haven’t found anyone to fuck you as good as i do?” he asked, noticing my struggle. “tell me who fucks you the best?”
“you matt- fuck!” i whined while matt kissed my neck, finally pushing his index and filling me up completely.
“and you take me so well don’t you? how many fingers do i have to put in until you get used back to the size of my cock?” each word that came out his mouth made me throb, feeling my orgasm approaching when his fingers curled inside of me. i'd tell matt to shut up, but i wanted - i needed - him more than ever.
“wanna cum” i cried, loud moans taking over the the place “matthew babe, fuck, please”.
“when did i ever made you beg?” he giggled at my desperation, pounding deeper into me. “show me how much you missed me, princess... need to see you coming to me” he pleaded and soon my orgasm crashed down on me, making me arch my back and wrap his waist with my trembeling legs. i sinked my teeth in his exposed skin, trying to not make a sound as i leaked onto matt's fingers.
i opened my eyes as i came back to my senses, my forehead resting on matt's shoulder while he carressed my back. when he kissed the top of my head, i realized he was about to burst on his pants. he did me so good and i knew he missed me as well, so i quickly moved my hands to his belt and unzipped his jeans.
“oh- you’re taking care of me?” his eyes widened as we exchanged positions and i kneeled on the floor, not expecting to get any reward today.
i pulled his underwear down, finally freeing his aching cock. i wrapped my hand around his shaft, pumping him quickly and spreading his pre cum downards. matt groaned when i licked his tip, tilting his head back, “fuck y/n your mouth is so fucking g-good”.
my lips swalloed his tip, his dick twitching my hand as i lowered myself on his length “please, please don’t tease” he begged.
his left hand went to my hair, bobbing my head up and down, trying to fasten my pace.
“shit ma, i’m not gonna last long” matt whined, bucking his hips forward in order to get more friction as i lazily dragged my tongue through his cock. “gonna c-cum” he warned, not really trying to stop himself. his legs struggled to keep standing, heavy breathing turned to whimpers as he finally released, sticky spurt filling my mouth.
“why are you so good?” he asked jokingly, coming from his high. he pulled out after realizing i couldn’t speak while still blowing him off, giggling as i got up and nestled myself on his chest.
“here” he said, putting his hand under my chin. “you don’t have to swallow this” matt smiled, letting me spit his load on his palm. after doing so, i licked again, swallowing both his cum and my spit. “fuck, you’re so hot”.
i wasn’t sure what had just happened and what we would do afterwards. however, i giggled as i rolled my eyes, realizing i’d love him no matter how many times we’d break up.
“next thing i’m getting tattooed is your name” matt said, helping me put my bra and fix my hair.
“fuck, you’re not” i said in disbelief, giving him a peck on the lips before opening the door.
“you don’t get a saying on that, sweetheart” he answered, zipping his pants up and following me outside. “so, wanna a ride home?”
- ♡ -
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darqx · 11 hours
Some MORE BP/HH asks
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Yes there are! The Battle Monks deal with those ones.
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Yes it is! Or at least will be ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ I've been doing a lot of thumbnailing and once i finish this chapter i can possibly start actually making some pages lol.
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His name is Zeke and he's a big (~6'8") demon softy who likes cooking :D And bacon 🥓
Is this chicken predominately supposed to be a pet or not cos BP!Zeke could very well just cook it.
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Of course you can (please give credit for BP and say its an OC tho)! I'm honored that you want to :D However until i get BP out and about i probably can't interact with any art/info of BP OCs because this could be a problem if they turn out to be similar to any of my planned events/characters.
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I kinda had no ideas for a doodle (sacrilege i know lol) but then remembered i had one doodle that I'm p sure never got put here.
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I used this pic to reply to a friend once and it became one of our chat emotes lol.
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He has a like...chateau/manor/whatever in the region that he rules over -nods- He doesn't live on Earth he just visits.
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If i were to put it succinctly lol:
The main gang are/become friends, Caleb p much dislikes/is indifferent to everyone but particularly hates Izm and vice versa, the demons generally try to avoid Rire if they realise who he is, and Rire finds at least two people rather interesting.
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Anon I'm also very confused about why you think bots(??) are a credible source of information |D; But to answer your question no he's not a demon.
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I hate to say this but the demons already have marks indicative of themselves so, those for them XD
.D would maybe have something like the BP logo, Wei Ren a book, and Marcus could have a heart of embers or something 🤔
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The demons I decided could hybridize with humans is actually somewhat random and based entirely on gut feeling lol. Half-breeds take more after the demon parent (as the genetics is stronger) but would have a lot less power than a full-fledged demon (and might be infertile, I haven't really thought about that aspect yet). Yes an abortion is possible.
All of my demon species have specific phenotypes. Eg Caleb's species has several different eye colours they can have, Caleb's happens to be green. If/when I make enough demon species I did have a tentative plan to make a field guide about them \o/
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HH only ever existed as random one shots and stuff on my DA so if you were looking for like a webcomic you would be sorely disappointed lol.
To be fair to myself it DID actually have somewhat of a storyline but i never actually got around to it |D
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LMAO XDD Ok, ok but listen if this happened it would only ever happen ONCE because omg have you ever had hair caught in your mouth? It is, the worst XD
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Nope it is an all boys boarding school
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It is a generally normal high school so normal high school subjects would apply haha, you know, things like English, Science, Maths, Art, Sport, Languages and various sub catergories etc.
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eukarisparadise · 21 hours
I don't think you know why problematic tropes are problematic
This opinion may make me eaten and torn apart (in particular, by the BSD fandom, since I will use them as an example) but I will nevertheless say what I thought for a long time: media literacy is truly dead. Of course, it's useless to say this on Tumblr, where every second person apparently has a degree in literature, but most of the people who make up the fandoms, unfortunately, don't live here, but on Pinterest and TikTok. And their attention span is so short that it becomes even funny.
People see the word «proship», see the examples of these same proships, make their own analogies and go on, branding any pairing that they don't like as a proship – without understanding, at the same time, what makes a proship such.
Let's take as an example the absolutely harmless «mentor-mentee» trope, which in the eyes of the fandom somehow ALWAYS transforms into «teacher-student», which indeed very often turns out to be problematic (in fact, I can’t even think of a single example where this would be even ethical). I don't know what people are thinking about when they say there's some element of imbalance in a relationship like this – the thought process is probably: «one character is smarter/knows more than the other/can influence the other somehow» -> «the second character, accordingly, automatically becomes stupid, gullible, naive and helpless because of this, and the first one will inevitably use their knowledge to... uh... manipulate them? Something like that». When in reality, not only is this not a bad thing in itself – but it is also not the main reason why «teacher-student» is (let's be real, effectively always) a problematic trope.
I can't believe that I need to spell it out, but apparently it needs to be said: the real reason as to why relationships between students and teachers are considered unethical, is because most often they can be found, well, in educational institutions – in schools and universities. And if with the first everything is already clear – adults creeping on children is gross and illegal – then with the second, although both parties are usually adults, the problem doesn't magically go away.
Professors have power over the students – and this power has an unhealthy imbalance when the student’s education and career directly depend on the will, assessment and, more often than not, the whim of the professor. For this very reason, the relationship between a boss and a subordinate is also considered dangerous – the subordinate simply does not have the power to balance the influence of their superior on their life. This, and not the magical excuse «well, he's much more experienced, and so will probably RUIN him», is the main reason why the teacher-student relationship is toxic and wrong.
But let's be honest, the real reason for labeling certain pairings as proships isn't that people don't understand why certain tropes are problematic – it's just a fancy word to label your least favorite pairings and justify your hate towards them. I said I'll provide an example from the BSD fandom, and I give it: Soukoku shippers most often do this to others, and I admit this, despite the fact that I myself am one of them.
I am absolutely not ashamed to admit that, although Soukoku is my №1 ship, the fandom absolutely unfairly treats other pairings with Dazai – and in particular, Dazatsu. This pairing never really been to me, but I acknowledge its existence and genuinely don't see anything even remotely unethical or wrong in it – in fact, it seems a lot more healthy than whatever we are in rn – which leads me to conclusion, that people only pick on it to make themselves feel better about their respective pairings. Or maybe I'm just tone deaf and don't understand something (I have suspected autism so I apologize if I'm not reading the room or seeing the bigger picture).
It's just... another argument people like to throw at this pairing is the «age gap», and please don't even start with this – the age gap would be uncomfortably weird if Dazai was closer to 30 or older, but he's effectively Atsushi's and everyone else's peer. Or maybe I'm just biased, because I have an anecdotal experience of dating a 22 year old guy when I was 18 (I'm now 20) from my university (but we were from different faculties). It wouldn't, of course, match with everyone's experience, but to me it was just a normal healthy relationship like with any guy exactly my age. I was close-ish to 19 though, and already finished my first year of uni when we met, but idk – the interactions were absolutely equal and we felt no difference between each other at all. Which leads me to another take: a 4 year old age gap between an adult Atsushi and adult Dazai IS NOT THE SAME as 4 year old age gap between Atsushi and Kyoka 💀 Not only is it illegal, but even the mental development of a 14 year old child is much lower than that of an adult. And I know, there are people who ship them – why not keep the same energy for them? You know, for the actual proship?
And a separate topic is to label their relationship as «father and son». Dazai can be Atsushi's father figure no more than, let's say, Kunikida or anyone else. The same people who mold Dazai into an intelligent and adult, emotionally mature and responsible individual then turn away at the official art and laugh at how he is so «silly goofy, he’s such a menace to society lmao🤪» The fandom is well aware that this person (at least at this stage of his life) can hardly be left responsible for even a goldfish, much less raise someone, but this standard doesn't apply to everyone else except Chuuya. Why? Because Soukoku is the dominant pairing in the fandom. And although I personally like it, that doesn't mean this treatment is fair.
And sometimes people’s desperate attempts to draw at least some kind of problematic nature to this pairing begin to look really silly:
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Idk, I think it's much more weird if people wish THIS to be a portrayal of father-son relationship...
As I said earlier, for the majority of the fandom that lives on TikTok, age and type of relationship are absolutely not a reason to ship something or not: otherwise the Sigma/Dazai pairing wouldn't have become so popular in the same TikTok. I understand that Sigma was «created» by the book as an adult (even though we don't know his exact origins), but technically he's only been in this world for five years – but no one had a problem with that. Why? Just because Sigma is pretty (but don't get me wrong, he really is pretty).
The age gap between them doesn't seem to be an issue, as well as their relationship status «the newbie to the Agency and the one that brought them there». Leaves a room for a thought.
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bro-atz · 3 days
dahlia [flower garden — san]
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in which: san is your perfect man, but he's also the perfect man for others.
pair: non-idol!san/fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
content: suggestive, kissing, slightly romance, angst, technically reader is gn but implied fem, violence (not towards each other), screaming, fighting, may or may not be based off a true story
rating: PG-13 | safe for work!
flower garden masterlist
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It had been two years. You really weren’t expecting to run into him, but you did, and you instantly felt your heart drop.
He looked the exact same. God, you hated that he looked the same, because even after things ended so horribly between the two of you, you still loved him, and you knew for a fact that you still loved him with the two of you locked eyes.
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“Hey, there’s a cute guy checking you out,” your friend told you.
The two of you were dancing on the floor without a care in the world— except for the fact that your friend was busy checking out the people around the two of you.
“Yeah, he’s at the booth. Maybe you should talk to him.”
“Maybe… We’ll see.”
You went another couple of songs before deciding that you wanted another drink. You made your way to the bar, and as you waited for the bartender to get you your drink, someone entered the space next to you.
“Hey there,” he said.
You were about to tell him you weren’t interested, but then you realized that the person who was talking to you was the guy who was checking you out earlier.
“Hi,” you responded.
“I’m San.”
You introduced yourself, and you immediately got sucked into a conversation with him. The longer you talked to him, the more you realized that you had the potential to fall hard for him. That realization only hit harder when you felt him subtly move his hand to the small of your back and stand the tiniest bit closer to you. You finished about half of your drink when you realized you left your friend alone on the dance floor for too long.
“Hey, do you want to dance?” you asked as you nodded your head towards the floor.
“Oh, I don’t dance,” San shook his head.
“Alright… I gotta go back to my friend, so I guess I’ll see you later then.”
You waved to him and got back to your friend. You knew you didn’t get his number, but you also knew that he would definitely not let you leave without it. You resumed dancing with your friend for half a song when they nodded their head and widened their eyes.
You turned around, and there San was making his way onto the dance floor. He closed the distance between you, the space charged with an energy that ran from your head to your toes. He pulled you close, the movement leaps and bounds more bold from earlier, and he was definitely a little more possessive of you as his arms slid around your waist.
“Thought you didn’t dance,” you teased him, your warm breath a ghost against his lips.
A cocky smile graced his lips as he gazed at you, his eyes narrowing and darkening. “Changed my mind.”
"You did, did you?"
"Couldn't help myself... You smell so good..."
Your hand slid around his neck, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Your eyes flickered to his lips and back up, and he didn’t hesitate for a second. He kissed you passionately and urgently, a lot less gentle than you expected your first kiss with him to be and far more desperate. Your fingers tightened in his hair, and your body tingled with excitement when he pulled you harder against him, your body yielding under his hands.
You definitely fell hard for San.
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San was so literally perfect for you. You thought that he would have some sort of sleazy personality since you met him at a club of all places, but no. He was the perfect gentleman. On your very first date, he brought you a bouquet of white dahlias. Somehow, he guessed that those were your favorite flowers, and it just made you fall even more in love with him.
It felt like he was in your head. He guessed everything single thing that you wanted when you wanted it— dare you say it, he was your soulmate. You were hopelessly in love with him, and you'd like to think he was hopelessly in love with you, too.
The problems only started when you introduced him to all of your friends. Most of them were really supportive of your relationship with him, but one in particular decided that he shouldn’t be yours— he should be hers.
Over the remaining months of your relationship, you noticed that San was talking to her a little more whenever your friend group and his friend group would hang out, and you would see her whispering things to him.
Then, you would see him on his phone more often. He would interact with her posts on social media more frequently, and he was definitely, definitely, texting her. You never checked San’s phone— you weren’t one to do that— but whenever you would ask him who he was talking to, he would brush it off and say it was no one or that it was nothing.
One day, though, San snapped.
“Why don’t you like it when I hold your hand in public? Why don’t you like it when I give you a hug, or even a kiss on the forehead?! It’s not PDA, or at least not that bad, so what the hell?!”
San grabbed the vase of now dead, black dahlias and smashed it on the ground making you flinch and start crying— he was livid, and it was hurting you deeply.
When you first met him, he always respected your personal boundaries, and if you got too overstimulated or overwhelmed in public, he would lay off. Now, he was completely different.
“What do you mean? I don’t mind when you do those things, San! I just… Sometimes, it’s a little too much—”
“How? It’s literally me holding your fucking hand!” San rarely ever cursed, and he never cursed at you. “How the fuck is that too much?!”
“San, wh—”
“Is it because you think I’m too much? That you’re embarrassed to be with me in public? You don’t want people knowing we’re in a relationship?!”
“What are you talking about?!” you were in tears. “Why would you ever think something like that?!”
“That’s what all your friends seem to think when I talk to them about it! Just admit it— you’re embarrassed that you’re dating someone like me. You don’t love me, and you never did.”
You completely broke at that point. He was baselessly accusing you of things, and you had no idea why.
San didn’t hear you out. He broke up with you, blocked you on everything, and left you brokenhearted and confused as hell. It wasn’t until months later did you and your friends piece everything together— San ended up dating the girl who had her eyes set on him from the moment you introduced him to everyone, and the only way that happened was because she kept telling him lie after lie just to be the one to comfort him and ultimately be the one to date him.
You managed to move on after months of reassurance from your friends and even San’s friends, and just when you finally recovered, you had to run into him.
You had to run into San and the bitch who stole him from you.
Fine, it’s years later, right? You both could be mature adults and just go about your day acting as if you have no prior affiliation with each other; and you chose to be the adult while San looked at you with disdain. Your heart sunk to your feet, and you immediately turned around and left the store before he could undo months worth of healing.
But that one look was enough to unravel you.
If only things hadn’t turned out that way. If only he was still yours. If only he didn’t hate you.
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flower garden masterlist
flower garden taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @k-hotchoisan @khjoongie98
networks: @atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet
@san-network @newworldnet @wonderlandnet
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