#this is mostly about my comfort football show
pearlcaddy · 1 year
As someone with a very long queue, it's always awkward when a show takes a turn that makes me go completely off a character/plot/ship/the show as a whole. My innocent and dutiful queue will spend the next six-ish weeks posting about it like some sort of Weekend at Bernie's where the corpse is my love for the show.
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wileys-russo · 11 months
house wife II l.willamson x reader
for our charming LW6, yet another fixation of my blondie obsession.
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house wife II l.williamson x reader
if they said the way to someone's heart was through their stomach, one woman who would never disagree, was leah williamson. 
with no cooking ability of her own, life since living out of home had consisted of jumping from one team mates table to another when wanting a hot meal, or seemingly endless takeaway containers and microwave meals filling her yellow bins.
little did she know that was all to change, the day that leah met you.
for you, life growing up with three older brothers meant a childhood and early adolescence of rough housing, relentless teasing, and playing football with only boys. and as much as you were more than able to stand up for yourself physically when pushed around, all thanks to having three older brothers, you had always been a lover and not a fighter. 
choosing your words diplomatically and carefully even from a young age your brothers often teased that you were adopted or dropped off on the doorstep by the postman one morning, all of them preferring to settle things with fists than words. but as they soon found out just because you preferred to speak things out, you weren't above a swift kick to the groin or firm punch to the stomach at their teasings.
growing up around boys, playing football with boys, befriending boys, meant you craved feminine company and attention in other aspects of life. this lead to most of your free time on a weekend spent tucked away in the kitchen with your aunts, grandmother and mother, attentively watching and eagerly learning all of the little tips, tricks and secrets of cherished family recipes.
the older you got and the more serious your football career became, the more your passion for being in the kitchen grew, cooking becoming a somewhat therapeutic escape from the pressures of the pitch.
hosting dinner parties for loved ones, dropping off baked goods and flowers to friends on birthdays, your heart swelled to see people appreciate your laboured work. 
your favorite part about cooking being doing it for other people, your own little love language.
having grown up in the young lionesses playing alongside the likes of georgia stanway, alessia russo, ellie roebuck and ella toone, you had heard of leah in passing from your friends and team mates long before you actually met her. 
you should have met her during your senior call up for prep camp pre olympics, but unfortunately suffering a bad tackle in your early seasons playing for man city you'd missed out on your chance due to a knee reconstruction surgery. though an also injured alessia and yourself still made sure to watch every game together on the couch at home, screaming encouragement to your friends through the tv as if they could hear you. 
your confidence in your football ability took its first serious knock when you completed your post reconstruction rehab with flying colours and returned from injury, only to learn your man city contract was in fact not being renewed.
you admittedly shut down at the news, withdrawing into your shell and pushing away friends and family who attempted to console or support you .
you fell out of love with being in the kitchen, preferring instead to sit on the lounge and feel sorry for yourself as you spent time encompassed in all of the creature comforts you’d often forgo in order to be match fit and game day ready.
but all of this came to a screeching halt the day you got a call from your agent, well the day you answered a call from your agent. the older woman finishing telling you off for the days spent ignoring her, your stomach flipped as she then announced multiple clubs had been reaching out and showing interest in securing you before your man city contract was up within the week.
some of the figures and sums put forth to you that day had been more money than you ever knew.
you grew up mostly comfortable in a middle class family, but with four kids being raised by a single mum, times could be tight and often were full of over sized hand me downs and second hand boots.
there was one club offer however that peaked your interest far more than the others, which had absolutely nothing to do with money. it was the team you spent years secretly supporting behind closed doors, hiding jerseys and flags in a battered and beaten shoe box underneath your bed, lying about your whereabouts to sneak off to games.
your brothers all chelsea supporters you were sure you'd be disowned and thrown out on the streets had they discovered the arsenal merchandise squirreled away expertly all throughout your childhood bedroom.
but now all adults and very proud of you (and forever telling people they taught you all you know), you couldn't help but tease as all three of them proudly showed you the bright red shirts with your last name and number plastered across the back the day your signing with the club had been finally announced.
the sheer euphoria felt at this new opportunity meant you quickly readjusted back into life, calling and messaging friends and team mates you'd been icing out, offering sincere apologies and making plans to catch up. you returned to the kitchen, sending off cupcakes, cookies and brownies to your loved ones, cooking cosy home cooked meals for friends as they came over for dinner parties once again.
having been given a proper tour of the arsenal grounds and emirates stadium, and days spent full of media and interviews during the last of the off season, you didn't get a chance to meet your team mates until around a week and a half after news of your signing had gone public. though never being a particularly shy or outspoken individual, it didn't take long for you to get to know the team, and in turn for them to warm up to you. 
leah having been given a very stern warning from georgia to look after you, it was following a particularly brutal training session that the older girl properly sought you out, asking if you wanted to join her in the recovery pool.
only having encountered the defender briefly during your first few days you were quick to agree, relishing in the opportunity to get to know her a little better.
having been taken under the equally watchful as they were dangerous wings of katie mccabe, the irish woman had been whom you partnered up with for most drills and spent your off time hanging out with.
but needless to say after only a short twenty minutes speaking with you leah found herself absolutely enamored with your cheeky smile and quick wit, unknowingly setting into course the actions which would eventually flip her world upside down.
fast forward a few years and here you stood now as her girlfriend staring her down from the end of the lounge, having happily lived together in your shared flat for the past eighteen months.
"lee please!" you begged, stepping to the side to again block the tv with your body as the england captain tried to crane her neck to see past you, attention fixated on the arsenal mens match on the screen.
"babe they just scored and i missed it!" leah moaned in frustration as the crowd erupted behind you, the blonde dragging her hands slowly down her face. "they lost 4-2. you promised me you would do this while i'm recovering!" you now glared at her sternly as the blondes mouth formed a small o in shock. 
"and you said you didn't watch it without me!" leah huffed at the betrayal, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring right back at you, once again completely ignoring the rest of your sentence which had been your reason for interrupting her in the first place.
"leah." you warned as you continued to stare her down, free arm reaching to point away from the living room and into the kitchen, also known as your girlfriends least favorite room of the house. the blonde simply moaned louder at the silent request, throwing her head back and soppily sliding her body down the lounge like that of a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"or we could just order dinner?" she tried with a charming smile, holding up her phone and wiggling her eyebrows. "okay fine you win lee. i'll just continue to cook for us as always. but of course let me first just take my arm out of this sling and-" you began with a shrug, reaching out to undo the velcro strap hooked under your elbow, having dislocated your shoulder at last weeks game, nothing too serious but it meant needing to take a further 2 weeks off for rehab.
"don't you dare!" leahs eyes widened and she scrambled to grab at you, carefully tugging your free hand away from the sling and holding it firmly in her grip. "sling stays on." the defender commanded, determined both as your girlfriend and team mate for your recovery to be a smooth one so you could return to the pitch again as quickly as possible.
"then you cook dinner tonight." you retorted back in the same tone, staring her down stubbornly as the two of you stood locked eye to eye, neither wanting to be the first to back down. "kitchen, go!" you ordered firmly, pointing again in its direction as leah simply scoffed. "you know that sounded a bit sexist." the girl retorted as you raised your eyebrows in challenge.
"the other morning you quite literally woke up and the first words you said to me were 'well where's my breakfast then woman?'" you mocked your girlfriends MK accent, her unimpressed glare melting into an amused smile. "yeah that was a good one." she chuckled fondly to herself with a shake of her head, smile quickly dropping from her face when you continued to blankly stare her down.
"oh for fuck sakes fine!" leah gave in with a loud groan, dropping your hand as you smiled victoriously, leaning in to quickly press your lips to her own. "yeah yeah, just get on with it!" the blonde rolled her eyes moodily, pulling herself to her feet and trudging after you as you practically skipped off towards the kitchen.
for years you had happily cooked for and fed the english captain without any complaints, after all it was one of the main ways you showed your love.
but as time passed on you began to try to attempt to teach your girlfriend to fend for herself in the kitchen, but the defender would always insist she didn't need to know, and you were honestly worried that if anything should happen she would have no choice but to live her life off of 5p tesco ham sandwiches, with no mayo of course.
so as the weeks and months ticked on, determined no longer to let her be completely useless you began to request her help more and more frequently. knowing that with a bat of your eyelashes and a few sweet words you could get her chopping or prepping things for you, which though seemingly small was still a huge win in the long run.
now, with your arm needing to be in the sling for almost the entirety of your days, and very minimal things you could actually cook and prepare with only one good functioning arm, was your red hot chance to commence phase two of your master plan; teaching leah to actually cook something.
this of course was all heading up to the final hurdle. it was long overdue yours and leah's turn to host team game night, and with the hosting duties came the responsibility of feeding everyone. due to commitment clashes, family events, game days, early training's or just rotten luck, it had been rescheduled about 5 or 6 times now.
but it was locked in for the upcoming weekend, and as much as leah had begged you both reschedule and blame your injury, you were determined to avoid this at all costs. the backup option was of course to just order in some food, but following beth and vivs elaborate 3 course meal of the last game night, you figured the least you could do was teach leah to whip up an easy pasta and some garlic bread.
though this a seemingly simple task to you, it loomed over leah like her own personal everest. 
having talked her through the steps twice, and now supporting her to locate all necessary ingredients, you sat on a bar stool happily instructing from the island in the middle of the kitchen.
with your ongoing encouragement and praise at even the simplest of tasks, leahs competitive drive had kicked in and she found herself believing there was maybe a slim to slight chance she could pull this off.
"you know i don't like the look of this. i thought this was a pesto pasta!" things began to click for leah as she grabbed out the last of the things she needed from the freezer, peas. "i fink you'll find it is the same pasta i cook for you frequently babe, which you love." you replied, purposely mocking your girlfriends common tendency to replace her th's with f's.
"we agreed you would no longer mock my speech impediment." leah deadpanned at the comment, hands on hips as she glared toward you unimpressed. "you do not have a speech impediment, you're just from milton keynes." you continued to tease with a cheeky grin, loving nothing more than winding the older girl up when you had the chance, the shoe often on the other foot with her own relentlessly teasing of your habits and quirks.
"well the secret is now out. it is not a pesto pasta, the green sauce is made from blending peas, mint, olive oil, garlic and lemon juice. delicious!" you kissed the tips of your fingers before flicking them into the air, a look of bewilderment and disgust forming on leahs face as she registered the information. 
"but i hate peas." leah grimaced, glancing to the bag on the counter with utter contempt. "no, you think you hate peas. realistically, you've been enjoying them all along!" you smiled smugly, popping a strawberry segment into your mouth from the bowl on the counter, already having had leah cut them up for you as a refresher of her knife skills.
"right. so then our entire relationship is built on a foundation of lies!" leah yelled dramatically, throwing her hands into the air before smacking them back down on the counter and pointing a finger toward you threateningly. "what else have you been secretly feeding me then woman?" the girl asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion as your own practically rolled into the back of your head at her childish antics.
"those are secrets i will take to the grave williamson, you'll never know." you replied cryptically, popping another strawberry segment into your mouth before clapping and ordering her back to the task at hand. "so bossy." leah mumbled to herself, now her turn to roll her eyes as she busied herself prepping things, you ignoring her little comments about how she would never get over this pea related betrayal.
"ah! we're doing that from scratch." you tutted at her as she opened the freezer, reaching for a pack of pre made garlic bread. "what! need i reminder you i am a beginner." leah protested, crossing her arms over her chest with a pout. 
"oh i know, i don't think i've ever put anything as bland or unseasoned into my body as that sandwich you made me for lunch yesterday." you shook your head sadly, shuddering at the memory. "oi! how's that for gratitude then, should have just let you starve." leah huffed, shifting her concentration to dicing up the bacon she had just finished frying off.
"need i remind you again of the 'well where's my breakfast then woman?'" you cocked an eyebrow in her direction as her face again broke into a grin, the blonde once more chuckling to herself at the memory, never being someone afraid to laugh at her own jokes, especially if she was the only one laughing.
"i obviously meant to say where is my breakfast then my gorgeous, wonderful, lovely, lovely girl." the taller girl smiled charmingly, making her way around the island and slotting her body in between your legs as you spun around on your chair to face her. arms wrapping around you your back pressed against the edge of the cool granite countertop. "nice try." you hummed against her lips, pushing her away from you as her tongue ventured into your mouth.
"mmm not yet, littlee bit more." leah was careful of your injured arm and shoulder as she pressed you harder against the counter top and reconnecting your lips. quick to take advantage of a hitch in your breath as her cold hands wandered up the inside of your hoodie, which was technically her hoodie, easily dominating control of the kiss.
"no, you're cooking. focus!" you pulled your head from the cloud of pleasure it forever drifted to when consumed by leahs affections, once more shoving the taller girl away and smacking lightly at her chest as you panted, now slightly out of breath. "cock blocked by a bloody kitchen, typical." leah rolled her eyes, pushing herself off of the counter she had you trapped against and padding back towards the stove.
"i can't believe you won't just let me order pizza for the girls, they won't care!" leah whined as she stirred the sauce, glancing at you over her shoulder, bottom lip jutted out in a pout. "it's the principal of it baby. if only life was like ratatouille and i could sit on your shoulders, tugging on your hair and doing all the hard work for you." you pouted back at her, eyes twinkling as she shook her head, shoving her hair to the other side of her head with her spare hand, still stirring the rapidly thickening 'pesto'.
"well now my girl you know i would never say no to you practically sitting on my fac-" you cut off the girls cheeky remark before she could finish, calling out that her pasta water was over boiling, leah turning quickly and letting out a yelp of panic at the sight, looking to you with wide eyes for help.
talking her through what she needed to do to settle it again you watched on in amusement as she zoomed around the kitchen, focus heightened, multi tasking between watching the pasta and sauce both cooking on the stove and making sure not to burn the home made garlic bread baking away in the oven.
 and sure enough her focus paid off as a little while later she finished off the meal with a small sprinkle of grated parmesan into your serving, refusing to add the same into hers despite you pointing out you'd always done that for her anyway, another thing she hadn't picked up on.
"i'm so proud of you lee." you beamed, jaw almost hurting from the face splitting grin you sported as the two of you sat tucked up together on the lounge, bowls of pasta resting on your knees as leah browsed through the tv trying to find something to watch.
"yeah yeah, no biggie." the girl muttered dismissively, but you didn't miss the small smile of pride that flickered across her face at the praise, craning your head back to sweetly kiss her jaw. "oh no come on, leah!" you protested loudly as your girlfriend clicked in to watch a golf tournament repeat, full well knowing you absolutely detested the sport.
"ah ah ah. i cooked, i choose, isn't that right?" leah smirked down at you as she held the remote out of your reach, echoing back your own regular words as you huffed moodily, protests falling silent as you shoveled a mouthful of pasta into your mouth instead.
"good girl." leah whispered into your ear, kissing your cheek which had flushed bright red at her words, settling back into the lounge as the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound the clinking of your forks against your bowls and the droning on of the golf commentary on the tv.
"where you going?" leah asked a couple of hours later with a confused frown as you unwrapped her arms from around your mid section, carefully sliding your body out from where it laid between her legs.
“upstairs. it’s shower and movie time." you stretched your good arm, glaring down in annoyance at the one strapped to your chest, feeling pins and needles crawling around but unable to really do anything about it.
"where do you think you're going? you cooked, you clean. isn't that right?" you mocked her words from earlier as she stood to follow you, nodding to the small mountain of dirty cookware laying in the kitchen sink. "what!" leah spluttered out in shock, protesting that it wasn't fair.
"1, i can't help you clean even if i wanted to." you started, gesturing to your slinged up arm. "and 2, you never help me clean up after i cook unless your mums here to nag you about it!" you reminded with a shrug, turning back around and heading for the stairs, leah collapsing back onto the lounge with a loud and frustrated moan.
"better hurry babe, i think you forget i require your help to shower." you called downstairs, grinning as you heard leahs feet pound off into the kitchen, the obvious clanging of pots and pans signaling her frantic efforts to finish the task as quickly as possible.
game night.
"well, i personally think a big congratulations are in order!" katie announced, standing to her feet and clapping to gain everyone's attention. the rest of your team mates sprawled around your living room quietened down, bowls of pasta in their laps and a large board of garlic bread sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the room.
"this should be good." leah quietly murmured in your ear, a smirk crossing her features as she readied herself for the praise coming her way from the irish woman for the meal she had cooked, mostly on her own.
your arm now out of its sling you had assisted her with prep but refused to do much more than that, blaming your shoulder was paining you with a pout as leah had rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at your bum as you left her alone in the kitchen.
"to y/n - for making none other that leah williamson into the little domestic house wife none of us thought was possible!" katie shouted proudly, raising a glass of wine into the air in a silent cheers as you suddenly burst into a fit of laughter at the unexpected toast, leah yelling out shocked protests toward your team mates cheers of agreements to katies statement.
"nah that's a violation!" leah huffed angrily, head shaking firmly and eyebrows knitted into a deep frown as she stabbed aggressively at her pasta, lia reminding her to lighten up with a laugh and a light shove from beside her.
some more light teasing and a few heated rounds of mario kart later, leah had downed a few drinks and indeed lightened up. "you all laugh now but once her shoulder heals up she'll be right back into her old position. attending to my every need like the well practiced little house wife she is." leah grinned, right arm wrapped around your neck as you laid against her chest, most of your team having slowly filtered into ubers, only the two of you and a few select others left.
"i'd love to deny it but this was truly a one off fluke, without me she's useless!" you slurred drunkenly, katie reaching over to swipe your glass of wine as you reached for it, pouting up at her as the older woman shook her head, downing it herself and handing you back the now empty glass with a wink.
"mccabe!" you gasped, flipping her off as she returned the gesture, glancing at her phone and announcing the final uber of the night had arrived to take the last of your team mates home.
wishing them all goodbye and making brief drunken plans for brunch tomorrow which none of you would likely remember, they headed off down the driveway and leah closed your front door.
just before making quick work to press your smaller frame against it as soon as she had.
"hi." "well hello."
you grinned as your lips met and the usual fireworks exploded in your stomach at the sensation. fueled by red wine and a few too many rum and cokes, the kiss quickly turned sloppy as leahs hands groped at you anywhere they could, a quiet moan leaving your mouth as her attention quickly turned to your neck, knowing exactly how you to send your body into overdrive.
"no we can't, i'm still a cripple!" you cried out both dramatically and drunkenly, pushing her away and stumbling at the sudden action, leah quick to dart in and catch you before you fell over entirely.
“okay bed time it is." the older girl chuckled, though drunk she was not quite as bad as you, the taller girl tossing you over her shoulder and heading for the stairs.
"it feels demeaning you can do this so easily." you slurred out, smacking at her bum as the two of you ascended towards your shared bedroom. "you look after me, i look after you. that's how this whole relationship thing works." leah gently placed you down onto the bed, stealing a kiss and making quick work of changing into something more comfortable as you did the same, though with a little more struggle.
flicking off the lights and climbing into bed beside you, leah clicking into netflix the two of you were quick to intertwine your bodies, your girlfriend selecting the first thing she saw knowing it was more so going to be white noise than something either of you paid attention to, already fast fading toward a good nights sleep.
"you did really good tonight baby, my house wife in training." you mumbled quietly, blindly reaching up and patting at leahs cheek, feeling her body gently vibrate with laughter underneath you. "don't get used to it, you deserve far better than a mediocre pasta every now and then." leah smiled, running a hand through your hair and placing a soft kiss to your warm forehead.
"now i know you're capable of washing dishes best believe i'm never doing them again." you muttered into her elbow, burying your head into the crook of the defenders arm. "you're lucky you're cute." leah smiled tiredly, eyes fluttering closed as both your breathing evened out, drifting off into a dreamless sleep as the office played quietly in the background.
no longer one but now two happily domesticated house wives.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 8 months
I have request for Spencer Reid x Plus size fem!reader. Maybe her and Spencer are good friends and she gets stood up on a date or her date leaves after seeing her and Spencer swoops in and love confession.
p.s I love you work. <3
༉‧₊˚. 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 || 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
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― pairing: spencer reid x plus size!reader
― summary: admitting that you got stood up on a date would be like admitting defeat, too bad spencer's too good of a best friend to let you go through this alone, even if he was the last person you wanted to see.
― warnings: best friends to lovers, getting stood up on dates, a red flag named chris (sorry to all the chris' out there), mutual pining, requited love, love confessions, and implied dates!
― wc: 1457
⋆ a/n: OH, MY GOODNESS IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE WRITTEN AN ACTUAL ONESHOT. i got hit with a random bout of inspiration out of nowhere and i have a bunch of fanfics that already have banners made but they're unwritten and rotting in my drafts so i'm trying to clean them out first. thank you for this and i hope you enjoy some best friend!spencer reid!!
masterlist | AO3
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Leave it up to you to be stood up on a date you didn’t even want to go on.
You were even looking for anything with anything else, you just needed a distraction, you needed anything that would help you move on from him. It wasn’t Spencer’s fault that you were in love with him – well, it actually kind of is – but that’s beside the point.
There was no way you could continue to sit there and allow yourself to wallow in self-pity over the fact that your feelings for your longtime best friend weren’t reciprocated. You were a grown woman for God’s sakes! And as a grown woman, it was up to you to make grown up decisions. One phone call to Derek was all it took for you to get hooked up with some dude that he knew.
“He’s a good guy,” He said.
Yeah, right. Good guy your ass.
Not only did you look stupid, but you were left stranded in a sports bar surrounded by a bunch of strangers – no, scratch that! Almost all of the patrons in this bar tonight were men, it was football season. You were practically asking to get murdered! What kind of FBI agent would you be if you allowed yourself to be murdered over the fact that some guy’s team lost.
With a sigh, you gazed at your chat between Chris and you. You had sent him a text thirty minutes ago asking where he was when he was ten minutes late, but even that message had been left unread.
The only reason why you were still here was because you were oh so painfully embarrassed, and you hoped that others around you couldn’t tell that there was supposed to be a second person joining you at your very barren booth that you had somehow managed to score.
Now that you think about it, how in the hell had you allowed this man to talk you into going to a sports bar instead of oh, I don’t know, a restraunt with a calm, and comfortable atmosphere?
Maybe it was the fact that the only person’s face you could see in your mind as you discussed where you were going to go together was Spencer’s. As ashamed as you were to admit, you mostly imagined a disappointed look on his face when he realized you were going out with someone else, but even you knew that was damn near impossible.
It wasn’t your failed date that was the shit show – even though it is a close second – it was you that was the main attraction. How could you have allowed yourself to be this childish? You weren’t in high school anymore, and you hadn’t been in some years, but old habits die hard, you guess?
It didn’t have to be common knowledge to tell that your romantic life when you were in school was very, very sad. You often found yourself alone on most weekends, ample amount of time to study right under your fingertips. You figured that when you had gotten older things would have gotten better but… nope.
You didn’t know who to call.
Would you call Derek and blame him? No, he couldn’t have known, but you could totally get him to beat Chris’ ass. The thought of your favorite and very muscular chocolate thunder roughing the piece of shit up helped to easy your nerves, badly enough. There was just one person you couldn’t bring yourself to call, and that was Spencer.
Calling Spencer meant that you were giving up, that you were waving the white flag, that you were still in love with him and no number of blind dates, good or bad, could change that.
You bit the inside of your cheek in thought, at least you had dressed up in something comfortable.
“Can I sit here?” You heard someone ask over the bustling noise of the bar.
“Honestly, you can just have the thi–” You spoke without looking up, but when you did, your words died in your throat.
There Spencer stood in his full glory; tall, lanky, nerdy, and extremely uncomfortable, but nonetheless, he slid into the sticky seat across from you with an awkward smile.
“Spence? What are you doing here?” You asked in shock, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“I uh- Morgan called me. He said that Chris told him to tell you something came up, but I uh- I figured that wasn’t true.” He explained sympathetically. You scoffed, your body slouching along with the noise. “Yeah, no shit.” Your words were bitter and harsh, which caused you to squeeze your eyes shut.
“Fuck, Spence. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to talk to you like that, I’m just… frustrated.”
He reached out his hand, albeit reluctantly seeing as though the table was in the same state as the seat, maybe even a bit worse. You looked down at it then at him before relenting, your full hand slipping into his lithe one perfectly, as if it belonged there.
The fact that this felt so right made your stomach twist sickeningly, fingerings twitching in desperation to pull away. You swallowed the lump in your throat and forced yourself to stay. You did not have the mental compacity to dig yourself out of another hole.
“No, it’s okay. I understand.” He reassured, his thumb caressing the back of your knuckles gently. “I came as soon as he called,” He then looked around, “Especially after he told me where you were.” You laughed a bit at his concern, your body feeling lighter as it finally straightened.
A soft grin graced your features.
“Thank you, Spence. Really. I know how uncomfortable these kinds of places make you. I just- I really thought tonight was going to go differently.” I thought that things between us were going to go differently, is what you really meant.
“I’m sorry, I know you liked him.”
You grimaced at the word ‘liked.’
“I think ‘liked’ would be the last word I would use to describe how I feel for Chris.”
It was his turn for his eyebrows to furrow. “What do you mean.”
You huffed. “What I meant was that I didn’t even want to go on this stupid fucking date anyways, but I had too… I had too…” You allowed your words to trail off when you had caught yourself about to admit something you had fought years to keep under wraps.
“You had to what?”
Goddamn him and his never-ending curiosity.
“Just leave it alone, please?” You pleaded. You looked up at him from beneath your eyelashes, your gaze soft and vulnerable. “Okay.”
A silence – what was an equivalent to silence – settled over the both of you. The air was thick with unspoken words and feelings, an invisible line was drawn that the two of you were too scared to cross.
“I would’ve never stood you up, you know.” Spencer piped up quietly, his grip that had gone limp in yours tightening. “What?” Your breath hitched. “And I would’ve taken you to someplace nicer than this.” His voice was shaky and forceful, as if he was forcing himself speak in fear that if he didn’t, he wouldn’t say anything at all.
“What are you saying?” You were breathless, the butterflies that fluttered around in your gut making you nauseous. Hope bloomed at a dangerous rate in your chest.
“What I’m saying is that if I were to take you out on a date, it would be a lot better than this.” He had finally gotten the courage to raise his gaze instead of focusing on where your hands were interlaced. “I would take you anywhere you wanted to go, then I would try my best to make it memorable for you because I…” He gulped. “Because I love you.”
Your ears were ringing. There was sweat beginning to form on your hairline.
“You’re being serious?” The question sounded more like a plea. “Because if you’re saying this because you feel bad, I-” He cut you off. “I don’t feel bad.” He lowered his head to where yours was in an attempt to connect your gazes deeper.
“I really do love you. I- I have for a long time.” Spencer confessed.
You breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank God.” You said through a wobbly smile. His smile matched yours. You could feel the fact that both of your hands were extremely clammy with nerves, but none of you could find it within yourself to care.
“Can I cash in that date now?”
“Now?” He asked incredulously, lifting his free arm to check the time on his wrist. “It’s pretty late.”
You gave his hand a squeeze.
“I’m pretty sure we can figure that out.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @hallecarey1 @zippertwat @alixwriter
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sanaxo-o · 1 month
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Back 2 You (Kim Sunwoo)
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Too @o-onikix : happiest birthday to my ride or die, my Monica to my Rachel, my everything 🥺. I love you so so much and even tho I was not able to write for Wonwoo or Seungcheol I hope you like this little something I wrote for Sunwoo (which is totally not based on your character. Nope 👎). Again thank you for always being there for, you were literally there through it all (the days I was down, the time I was balling my eyes out and also when I was the happiest girl. It was truly only possible to be that happy because you were there by my side and it means a lot to me). I love how you’re always so protective of me and taking care of me through out all that has been happening nowadays:( I will always love you and cherish you. Thank you for always listening to me rant on and on about Chanhee and the detective from Revenant. I am definitely NOT gonna stop doing that anytime soon haha. Again a happiest birthday babes <3
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Warnings/Genre: situationship to lovers, they make out even tho they’re ‘enemies’, Sunwoo is a football player (pls don’t make me say soccer. I will never say that) while the reader is a cheerleader, it is said that he is toxic but he didn’t really show it, reader very much day dreams about Sunwoo, fluff, mentions of alcohol, they make out in the night sky, angst (a bit), hurt comfort
Word count: 2,407
Sana: hellooooo, back with a Sunwoo fic because it’s my besties birthday. Wasn’t able to write much because of lack of motivation but got some energy on Friday and was able to finish it till Saturday so yay me lol. A huge thanks to @deobienthusiast @sohnric and @jinnieboosworld for beta reading (and thanks to bar for helping me with the grammar and stuff). Sincerely sorry to @from-izzy for not letting her beta 😂 but here it is <3
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu @a-dream-bookmark @deoboyznet
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It’s not like you hated Sunwoo (you did)–it’s just that most of the time that guy was just so full of himself, when in reality no one really cares about what he was saying (it was mostly him trying to flirt).
Sunwoo just had his own way of getting on your damn nerves just by a single smirk which makes its way to his face whenever he sees you in the hallways, in the class or even on the turf.
Typically, you wouldn’t mind his presence or anything. It wasn’t like you would be able to avoid him even if you wanted to.
Being the captain of the cheerleading team meant that you’d be practising on the ground while Sunwoo would be playing football (I mean, it’s not like you would steal secret yet frequent glances at him just to take a small look at him while he was busy playing. Of course not!).
I mean…of course, it’s kind of embarrassing (for you) if someone got to take a look inside your brain and all they would see are the fantasies you have about Sunwoo.
You find the fact that you’d like someone who’s just sooo cocky for their own sake that he just thinks that anyone who stares at him would go down on their knees, begging for attention or at least a glance from him, hilarious and hard to believe yourself.
But no, you were not like that. You were none of that, you were anything but that. You knew just how twisted Sunwoo was—I mean, of course you would… you were the one who was in the backseat of his car, making out with him when everyone was inside the house partying.
No matter how much you deny yourself, you cannot help but blush at the fact that you had made out with Sunwoo on numerous occasions.
Despite all of that you know that Sunwoo isn’t the one. Like the amount of times he had picked someone else over you made it clear that he is not someone who would be committed in a relationship (it’s not even like you were looking for a serious relationship yourself, but the thing is, deep down, you knew that whenever he would not prioritise you, you were of course hurt).
It's not even like you want to settle for the bare minimum, no! That is not who you are, but the times Sunwoo had taken care of you while you were drunk, the times he was there while you were at your lowest, really proved to you that he could be the one.
Only if you both were mature enough (and less egoistic) to realise your feelings for each other sooner, than maybe, maybe, you wouldn’t have been in this situation of push and pull anymore.
Heaving out a long sigh, you take your heels off as you sit on the footpath with regret and embarrassment.
Regret because you let some dumb fool take you out on a date a day before your birthday, and embarrassment for getting stood up like that.
If you would have known it would turn out like this, you wouldn’t have even agreed to this pathetic date. You knew he was just gonna use you like any other guy. That’s what guys do! But then again, you only agreed to this because your friends were forcing you to ‘live your life’ and to also move on from Sunwoo.
Their exact words would be: ‘Just get over Sunwoo.’ Like, when were you even under him to even get over him was the first thing to come to your mind; but then again…you did make out with him… maybe once? Or like twice (it was more than that for sure) but that’s not the case!
You were never even in love with Sunwoo to get over him or move on from him– they were just being ridiculous as always, was what you said to yourself.
But you knew better. You knew better than that, because of course, you always found yourself going back to him, no matter what the situation or state you were in.
And he was always there to cheer you up, or even just to make you laugh– even if it was just for a little while, that smile lasted you for a whole day.
That’s how Sunwoo was to you. Yes, he was an annoying jerk who was always full of himself and very much selfish, yet, he was also the one who was there for you when you needed him, no? I mean, yeah, he might have ditched you a couple of times, but what’s that gonna do when the amount of times he showed his support to you weighed more than the times he was being ignorant?
As a human, of course you would rather look at the bright side and the times where it was better than the ones in which you felt heartbroken or just…unwanted.
Now, that was also the exact reason why your fingers were automatically dialling Sunwoo’s number. Were you scared that he wouldn't pick up? Yes, but you knew he would. Because it was a rare occurrence for you to call him at this time of the day so he always made sure to pick up the call no matter what– that’s what you observed from him.
It was like an unspoken rule he had for you and only you. Maybe in that way you felt like you were special to him, because you both knew that he wouldn’t come running like that in the middle of the night for anyone but you.
“Can you come and pick me up? I will send you my location,” was all you said as you hung up on the call and sent him your current location.
You did not have to listen to his answer to know that he’s gonna come and get you, because you were more than sure that he will. That’s just how he is.
You stop looking down when you feel a presence standing in front of you. Slowly lifting your head up, you sniffle when your eyes make contact with the one who was standing in front of you, almost breathless.
“What’s wrong, hmm?” He asks gently while kneeling down, taking out a handkerchief from his back pocket and gently wiping the tears which were unknowingly flowing down your cheeks.
The tears were not there because of being stood up, but because of the fact that only now did you realise that you love him.
“Why are you so nice to me but you’re the same person whom I hate from the bottom of my heart?” You mumble quietly as you get up from the floor and hand your heels and purse over to Sunwoo, who held them without asking any questions.
Leaving him behind, you walk towards his car which was parked hastily, maybe because he was bad at parking (that’s a lie and even you knew that.). Entering the passenger seat, you look ahead with no certain thoughts circling your mind.
You just waited for Sunwoo to come in and drive away from here– and that’s exactly what he did, no questions asked. He knew better than to ask you anything about what happened.
With silence engulfing the two of you, you stare outside the window with some soft music playing in the background.
You could see Sunwoo’s reflection through the window– the way the night sky was shining its bright light on him andhis oh so fluffy hair which was a bit messy giving you the slightest urge to fix it for him, but you stopped yourself from doing so.
You stay quiet when Sunwoo stops the car by a small convenience store and leaves you by yourself to get something from there. You didn’t havethe slightest bit of energy in your body to even ask him what he was doing, so you just waited for him to come back.
The only thing which was on your mind right now was to go back to the comforts of your house with your favourite tub of ice cream (and a warm cup of coffee), laying in your bed as you watch your comfort film to ease your mind.
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear the door opening and see Sunwoo getting back into his seat with a plastic bag in his hand. You don’t pay much attention to him and just continue spacing out when you hear his soft, honey like voice again.
“Here.” That was when you realised Sunwoo was handing you chocolate ice cream.
Unknowingly, a small smile creeps up your face as you happily accept it with no further questions asked.
Just like that, Sunwoo started the car again as he drove off from there.
“You’re not in a hurry to go back home, are you?” He asks with his eyes solely focused on the road (with the occasional glances he was stealing at you, but we don’t talk about that).
“Why? You wanna take me out?” You ask teasingly as you take a bite out of your ice cream happily.
“Something like that… I wanna show you something.” You just stare at him when he says that and slowly nod your head. You trusted Sunwoo enough to know that he won’t do anything wrong, especially if you were there with him.
“Lead the way then, I guess.” You reply softly while finishing the rest of your ice cream.
“We’re already there, actually. Come out,” he says excitedly as he gets out of the car and goes to the front., Standing there, he waits for you to join him as he stares up at the night sky.
“The night sky is beautiful…” you say with amusement lacing your voice as you look up in awe.
“Right?” He replies back with a small laugh as he steals a small glance at you, “Do you… want to sit on the hood of the car? I can help you,” he questions softly while turning back to look at you.
Giving him a small nod, you yelp in surprise when Sunwoo lifts you up effortlessly and places you on top of the car.
After a moment of silence, you open your mouth to speak only to close it again, not knowing how to form the right words.
“Say what you want to say. I am all ears,” was all you hear from him as he keeps on contently staring up at the sky.
“Why are you doing all this?” You finally find the courage to ask him as you look down at your fingers, too afraid to look at the expressions he had on his face.
“Doing what? Being nice to you and only you?” He questions you back. There was no hint of teasing or mockery in his tone, yet, you kept on shyly playing with your fingers.
You stop playing with your fingers when Sunwoo gently grabs a hold of them. Looking up at him, you could feel your heart taking a small leap at the way he was so close, yet so far away from you.
He immediately turns around and points up at the sky, “You notice that one star over there? The most still and the clear one?” He asks before looking back at you. When you slowly shake your head, he looks back up again and continues. “That’s a North Pole star. It’s called Polaris and it’s known to be the constant star. It was used in navigation in old times,” he tells you before he hops on top of the car and sits beside you.
“What do you wanna say?” You ask softly as you stare at him in confusion. You did not know why he was talking in riddles like that, but it slightly amused you .
“I don’t want to be someone who is only there when you need me I want to be there when you’re happy, sad, or just… there. I want to be as constant as that star, Y/N. I might be ready to commit again,” he says softly as he takes your hand in his and kisses the back of your hand.
“What if you leave me?” You question him back. You were afraid that he might get bored of you and leave you– maybe that was one of the reasons which was stopping you from expressing yourself fully to him.
“What if I don't? I have been there for you even when we were sworn enemies… but then what if I am there for you not as your enemy, but as your boyfriend?” He explains himself before slowly inching closer towards you. “I want to be there for you Y/N, as your boyfriend and not just some guy you call when you’re in need.”
He says that as he slowly grabs a hold of your jawline,caressing it gently with his fingers while staring into your eyes. “Can I be your boyfriend?” He asks softly while stealing a small glance at your lips before quickly locking his eyes with yours.
When he sees the small glimpse of you nodding your head, he wastes no time and pulls you closer towards him, one hand still caressing your jaw while the other slowly creeps its way up your cheek.
You smile in the kiss when you sense the way he was being soft and gentle– unlike the times when you both had kissed before. This was different.
This kiss held everything which the others lacked– the soft, yet slow movements of his lips against yours as you slowly bring your hand up to his hair to entangle your fingers with the strands.
Pulling away from you, Sunwoo looks at you with a huge smile creeping up to his cheekbones. He goes back to his original position, licking his lips.
“You know what, Sunwoo?” You ask softly while your hands find his bigger ones to hold onto them.
Moving closer towards him, you place your head on his shoulder as you both look up at the sky, “I somehow always seem to find my way back to you,” you tell him with a gentle sigh escaping your lips.
You could hear a soft chuckle escaping his lips, which made you smile in return. “We are both on the same boat, then,” he whispers while placing his own head on top of yours.
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mitskijamie · 4 months
What would jamie in therapy look like?
Jamie really enjoys talking about things he likes and is interested in, and he's drawn to therapy by the idea that he would have someone to talk at about his day-to-day woes, so I think his first couple of sessions would mostly just be him talking about football and complaining about the problems he's having at Richmond (ie everyone hating him.)
Sharon suggests trying to show his teammates that he's sorry and open to changing through day-to-day actions instead of words/gifts, and it totally works, which builds a good rapport and makes him more willing to open up
After a few sessions of successfully working through some of the surface-level issues he has with the team and Roy and all that, Jamie feels more comfortable with Sharon and mentions that he's nervous about playing City in the semi-finals. And of course she's like "that's understandable, the stakes are high" and whatnot but he's like "no, I'm nervous because my dad will be there, and he's going to be a dick."
So they start scratching the surface of the abuse and enmeshment and setting boundaries and all that (very vaguely - "he's a prick," "he drinks," "he's on my ass all the time," "I take care of him," etc) which is where you get "I'd rather them not" and "Don't speak to me like that." But once Jamie's comfortable breeching the subject of his dad, it's like the floodgates open and they talk about his parents almost every day
They mostly talk about James and PTSD management, but they also talk a lot about Georgie and Simon, and sometimes Keeley and Roy and Ted
Jamie tells Sharon about the time James took him to Amsterdam as like. A positive memory, because his dad showed up for him and did something nice for him for once even if it "ended bad," and she honors his feelings about what happened but also tries to help him understand that what he experienced was rape & covert incest and shouldn't have happened
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peapodbond · 2 months
A (Mostly) Accurate Timeline of Tommy Kinard
Referencing Lou’s interview with Tommy’s Backstory, his actual age, the dates in Chimney Begins and Bobby Begins Again (with rough estimates of Hen Begins because those cute fuckers didn’t give me a date title card), and the ways that the characters interact with him.
(Lou's) Date of Birth: November 10, 1984.
1984 - 2001: Tommy was an awkward, overweight kid when he was younger. He flourished in classes such as shop, where he could use his hands and create things and didn't necessarily need to talk to anyone. Then he hit a growth spurt, got taller, and joined the football team. Tommy quickly becomes an all star football guy who stands up for any kids who were like him when he was younger.
Tommy says in 7x04 that he flew helicopters for the army before he was a firefighter.
2001 - 2005: In 2001, Tommy would have been seventeen. September 11th was likely the impetus for joining the army, which he could have done as soon as it was his birthday. Basic training is ten weeks for the army, slightly longer if he was aiming for a specialized group. Army tours of duty are between six and twelve months. He could very easily have gone through basic, done between two and four tours in the Middle East, and still joined the fire academy so that he has just finished his probationary year when Chimney comes to the 118.
(updated April 26th: I've been reliably informed by multiple sources that a pilot would have to spend a minimum of five years with the army, and to that I can only say that the writers must be blamed for their timeline. ;) let us assume that there was a reason (good or bad) that Tommy only served four years and I will not speculate as to which in this post because that crosses over from a timeline to headcanons and I want everyone to be able to use this if they want. please see this post for slightly more detail on my reasoning)
2006: 22 years old.
Chimney spends between ten and twenty-four weeks at the fire academy, so Chimney comes into the station in 2006/2007, depending on the time of year (c’mon guys give me something it’s LA and you don’t really have weather out there) and the episode covers most of his probationary year. Most likely it is two years from start to finish, as Chimney does spend part of the episode doing things other than starting at the fire academy.
Tommy is probably the probie who came in just before Chimney, and would have just finished his probationary year. There is a scene in the early part of the episode where Gerrard asks when Tommy’s girlfriend is coming by to cook dinner, but there’s also an offhand comment that she’s never been by the house before so who really knows if there was a girlfriend at all.
Sal DeLuca seems to be Tommy’s senior partner, the same way that Eli is Chimney’s senior partner, so they were probably paired up to show him the ropes when he showed up at the firehouse. Tommy definitely takes his cues from Sal, who takes his cues from Gerrard. Tommy is a bit of a bully because of who he is modeling himself after and the culture that he feels he has to assimilate into but he also does look uncomfortable at a lot of the jokes directed towards Chimney, and you catch him throwing a look to check on Chimney at the funeral in the flashback. After Chimney saves his life Tommy does reach out – awkwardly, but he still reaches out, and even asks Eli about him at the end of the episode.
2010: 26 years old. 
Hen has just arrived at the 118. These dates are based on the Twilight movie joke about being Team Jacob and the fact that Taylor Lautner was 18 when Eclipse came out (2010) and most of us agreed during the first two movies that we would not make gross jokes about minors, right guys? Right Sal? Tommy doesn’t react violently to the gay joke which could be proof that he’s comfortable with who he is even if he hasn’t told anyone. If he’d been truly insulted or grossed out by the joke it’s more likely he would have protested rather than blowing a kiss at Sal. (update May 6th: In 6x01, canonically 2022, Hen tells Bobby that she has been a firefighter for twelve years, so your girl nailed this timing and she's very proud of herself.)
Tommy is splitting his time between Sal and Chimney — we see them sitting together at the dinner table in a similar formation to the way that Hen, Buck and Chim sit together in the current 118 — but still lets himself take cues from the way that Gerrard treats Hen at the beginning of the episode. He is less of a bully than he was in Chimney Begins but still going along with the crowd because he doesn’t want to rock the boat. Saying that the east coast vibes means she was being called a bitch isn’t great, but that entire scene does play into generally accepted stereotypes about the east and west coast in the states and it is perhaps a bad attempt at explaining that to Hen, rather than bullying – but it comes off badly so it doesn’t really matter what the intent was. Chimney looks very disappointed in him for this. (Tommy talks in 7x05 about not being out but knowing that he wasn’t straight when he was in the 118, and we can only assume that showing up to the 118 and meeting Sal and Gerrard in 2005 made it very clear right away that he should toe the line of the rest of the house or find a new job.) The look on his face when Hen does her speech on the fire truck is definitely a realization of who he’s become and it doesn’t appear that he likes who he is.
He is one of the firefighters who is impressed by Hen’s idea about the firehose in the mudslide and he and Sal make a point to come to Hen before she gets called upstairs to see Captain Cook and tell her that she was right about the call and that she is a good firefighter. In the captain’s office Hen is told that a few firefighters made reports – given that in this episode we are mostly focused on Chimney, Tommy, and Sal as her teammates, and they’re the only three that talk to her before this revelation, I believe the storytelling wants us to assume that those three were definitely some of the firefighters who made a report against Gerrard, though we can also safely assume that the entire house reported him.
2014: Bobby is in Minnesota.
Late 2014/early 2015: Bobby moves to LA. Tommy is 30/31.
Based on the montages, this episode covers more time than the other two episodes (both between a year and a half to two years long) and ends with Tommy leaving and Buck coming in. Buck is just finishing his probationary year in 2018, so it follows that Bobby Begins Again covers the three years between 2014 and 2017, with most of Buck’s probationary year happening off screen before the pilot.
We are told during the betting scene that pre-Bobby’s arrival there have been two years of captains switching in and out. Gerrard was kicked out pretty early in Hen’s career at the 118 and Captain Cook came in (but was close to retirement) so it tracks that he was their captain between 2010 and 2012 and then left. 
You’ll notice that during the betting scene and a lot of the fire house montages, Hen is no longer the only woman in the house or on their shift — the higher ups were serious about changing the culture in the LAFD and they did in fact put their money where their mouths were.
As of Bobby’s arrival to LA, Tommy is the third part of the Chimney and Hen trio – they get drinks together, they shit talk work (and Sal), they lend each other money, they talk about how scars get you the girls. (Tommy is obviously still not out at work, but he could be dating someone, it's hard to know.) This is the 118 mirror of Hen’s support group with Athena, and they would not be spending time with each other outside of work if they didn’t like each other. At this point Tommy and Chimney have been working together for eight years! Between Chimney and Hen they have worn off most of the asshole edges that Tommy had in the first two flashback episodes. Chimney, Hen and Tommy sit together at family dinner and Hen arranges a cake and a party for Tommy — something that she wouldn’t have done if she didn’t like him at that point — when he gets his transfer to the 217 and starts flying again. (This is also the first instance of Hen getting a cake to celebrate things happening at the 118.)
Tommy has been at the 118 for twelve years. Chimney and Tommy have worked together for eleven years. Hen and Tommy have worked together for seven years. Bobby and Tommy have worked together for three years.
2019: 35 years old
Tommy has been at the 217 for two years and redirects a flight of their water plane to the subdivision when Chimney calls him. Chim says “Hey it’s Howie,” and still has Tommy’s number saved in his phone. We can assume that they are at least in sporadic contact and have been since Tommy left. We’ll call the odds 50/50 on the chance that Tommy has told Chimney (and perhaps Hen) that he is not straight at this point. Everyone says the Chimney can’t keep a secret but both he and Hen know that there is a difference between a secret and outing someone. (update May 6th: based on the lack of total surprise from both of them that it was Tommy that Buck decided to kiss so hard he got soot beard, I am even more confident now that at some point between leaving the 118 and season seven Tommy did in fact tell both of his friends that he wasn't straight. How and when he did is something I will let y'all decide in fanfic! Still trying to keep this post to things that can be canonically backed up.
Spring 2024: 39 years old
Steals a helicopter for Hen when Chimney calls, flies them to a capsized cruise ship in the middle of a hurricane, makes friends with Eddie and kisses Buck. Gets invited to Chimney and Maddie’s wedding as Buck’s date. (There is a higher than zero chance that he has already been invited by Chimney since they’re friends and he’s just shocked Buck considers that a good third date.)
**updated April 26th with some extra references and a little explanation as to why the timeline is off (hint: it's the writer's fault ;) )
**updated May 6th with even more information (and now I kind of want to do Chim and Hen too)
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scarisd3ad · 3 months
Superstar | football player!Joel miller x popstar!reader
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Chapter six - obsessed
Previous >> next
Warnings - mentions of sex, cursing, body image talk, insecurity
Summary - when you find out about a certain football player showing up at your tour you decide to reach out just because of all the dating rumors, but what if thoughs rumors turn into reality?
A/N - it’s finally here, sorry for it being so late! But now that I’ve gotten this out of the way I’m aiming for the first chapter of jump then fall to be out sometime next week!
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the next day i wake up with an empty imprint of where ollie was sleeping, joels arms wrapped around me in a comforting hold, and about 5 million notifications. mostly notifications from being tagged in posts and storys but theres some from friends in family too. like one from tara with a screen shot of a tmz artical titled 'popstar y/n l/n photographed with new boyfriend dallas cowboys star football player joel miller on a post game drive' paired with a dramatic open mouthed emoji. i roll my eyes and send back a stfu before dropping my phone back onto the mattress.
i turn hearing the bed frame creak quietly as i admired joel sleeping figure. he was laying on his stomach with one arm lazily wrapped around me. his hair was messy but he still somehow looked flawless. joel stirs as his phone which laid on the night stand ontop of his wireless charger began to ring. it flashed a few times showing off a picture of his mother and him paired with the contact name momma. unfortunately the phone stops ringing before joels able to fully wake up letting him fall back into sleep.
"joel" i whisper as i took my hand that wasnt tucked undernieth me to shake him. he groans eyes not even opening as he hummed a quiet "what?" as his arm that was once lazily wrapped around me pulled me closer. "when's your mom 'sposed to drop the girls off?" i whisper as his head ducked into the crook of my neck pressing lazy kisses to the length of it. "dunno, she has a key. she'll let them in when they get here" his voice is muffled by my neck as he takes a small chunk of neck flesh into his mouth and begins to suck at it. "joel" i giggled as i pushed him away "cant leave marks cant have any of that at any of my shows" he roll his eyes as he presses his lips to mine.
were inturupted by the sound of childlike giggles running up the stairs. "speak of the devil" joel chuckles as he sits up preparing to greet his girls. the door is thrown open revealing sarah and ellie. "daddy!" both squeal as they launched themselves into the bed. "we had pancake for dinner last night!" sarah says as she leans her head agaisnt her fathers chest. both girls excitedly tell their father what they had done with their grandparents the following night as he took turns pressing kisses to each ones forehead. i feel like i dont belong during moments like this, family bonding. im not their mother who can sit back fondly watching with a small smile, im just some stranger laying in their fathers bed. they hardly know me, and i hardly know them. thankfully a call from my mother is able to whisk me away.
"hi mom" i say standing in the bathroom, phone pressed to my ear as i stare into the mirror. "how are you doing?" she asks voice low as if shes trying not to wake someone. "fine...im doing fine" i have another 3 shows in houston next weekend so this weekend and this whole week is just about relaxation and mentally preparing for my next 3 shows which her very physically and mentally demanding sometimes. "your dad saw you on tv last night . he got real excited seein' you" i wish ever older man in his 50's felt like that about me right now. almost every man from the age's of 16 to 70 is pissed off at me cause they 'saw me too much' last night.
i wish i didnt let it get to me but it does. i put up this strong front like no ones able to hurt my feelings but everything they're saying about me does because for some odd reason men think not liking me means theyre allowed to call me a slut and threaten to kill me if i showed up the next game. im just glad joel hasnt seen them yet. "yeah?" i let out an awkward cough "yeah...your dad and i are trying to make it up to houston next weekend dad wants to see you preform again" i smile, though my father never understood one thing about my intrest in music and songwriting he was always my biggest supporter. "really?"
"y/n can you hurry up ive really got to pee!" i hear ellie shout from outside the door as my mother asks "where are you?" i sigh unlocking the door and letting ellie rush in as i rushed out. "Um joels house...but ive gotta go alright? love you."
i walk back into joels bedroom. both girls now gone leaving their father alone to scroll twitter and find out for himself what was the trending hashtag of the day. #fucky/n. how original. how old were they really because this was all really immature coming from men mostly over the age of 20. he's looking down at his phone brows furrowed in a scowl, finger still swiping. he hears my footsteps and looks up letting out a quiet "oh." i sigh arms wrapping around my body "who was that?" he asks. "my mom" i replied as i walked over to the bed and took a seat. "you dont have to go to any of my games again...if you dont want to" he whispers. he head cocks to the side as my brows furrowed. he takes my sense of confusion as an answer "y/n youre getting death threats."
i shrug my shoulders "ive been getting them for the last 5 years. i normally just ignore them." he sighs loudly as if he didnt understand my way of thinking, before changing the subject. "you staying for breakfast?" i shake my head "no. gotta studio session this morning..." joel nods. "can you keep ollie for a few hours? the session is early and im not gonna have enough time to drop him off at home."
im in my car driving down the freeway when i get a call from will. one of the first people i met in the music industry and a very acompished song writer himself. for years now will and i have been writing music together for his albums or mine, sometimes even a duet hear and there.
"you're late" he says voice almost drowned out by the sound of a few people in the back ground. "i know sorry. got held up at joels" i can almost hear the eyeroll through the phone. will wasnt the biggest fan of my past boyfriends. it started with will hating andy, he mustve saw the red flags before i did, then he hated harry because of his reputation of being a 'womanizer', then there was tom who he hated simply because he could practically see through him, and now the tradition has gone onto joel. he doesnt have a reason to hate joel yet but he'll find one eventually, he always does. "i know, i know alright. i'll be there in like 5 minutes okay?"
"alright okay see you in 5" he hangs up the phone leaving me to drive the rest of the way to the studio in silence.
when i get there theres a crowd of paps outside the studio, and wills standing by the door holding it open for me. wills got long floppy brown hair that comes into vague curls at the ends, and a pair of glasses that are almost too big for his face, that sometimes makes him look a bit goofy. his voice is deep with a heavy british accent that somehow doesnt pair well with his face. "morning" he says with a nod as i walked into the studio letting the door slam shut behind me. "got anything prepard?" he asks as we walk down to the studio that we had booked for the day. "a little thought you could me finish the rest." i say as will pushed the door open letting me walk in first before he did.
"alright let me hear it" he says as he takes a seat next to a bunch of sound equipment. i unlock my phone and open the 'voice memo's' app before playing the most recent voice memo from a few nights ago titled 'sparks fly?'
the voice memo starts off with me playing guitar before i start the first lyric "the way you move is like a full on rainstorm, and im a house of card. youre the kind of reckless that should send me running but i kinda know that i wont get far" will nods as he pauses the memo before un pausing it and letting it play the rest through "and you stood there in front of me, just close enough to touch. close enough to hope you couldnt see what i was thinking of, drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain. kiss me on the side walk, take away the pain. 'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile. get me with those brown eyes, baby, as the lights go down. give me something that'll haunt me when youre not around. cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile" the memo ends and will looks over at me.
"kay i like it. what were the cords you were playing?" shit, i hadnt written them down like i usually did before studio sessions. "um fuck, i dont know...i think it was a,f,c, and g? maybe those." he picks up his guitar that had be discarded beside him and begins to play almost identically to how i was in the memo. "aright was that end the chorus?" i nod a quiet "mhm."
"alright you got anything else?" i nod before saying "yeah keep on playing" i say and he continues to play his guitar trying to fill in the missing pieces to continue on the instrumental part of the song. "my mind forgets to remind me, youre bad idea. you touch me onces and its, really something. you find that im even better than you imagined i would be. im on guard for the rest of world but with you i know its no good."
we finish off the rest of the song, tweaking some lyrics here and there, and even recording the song before our we decided to head out. I'm in my car driving by 11:30 when i get a call. the caller id shows up on the screen on my dashboard. joel <33. i answer the phone call and joel imediatly starts talking. "hey baby, what you doin'?" he asks, i can hear the sound of him inhaling and puffing out air letting me know he's probably out on his back porch smoking a ciggarette. "driving. whatcha need?" he sighs out "nothin' really. just wanted to know if you want to stay for dinner t'night" i laugh as my car comes to a slow stop at a red light. "yeah sure, what you guys havin' tonight?"
"probably pizza dont feel like cooking. the girls will be happy with that." he says punchuating his sentence with an loud inhale before matching exhale a few seconds later. "so how long you think you'll be?" i hum pondering a bit as i hit the gas following after the car infront of me "maybe 7 minutes? im a few lights away" i say. i hear him slide open his sliding glass door and presumebly walking inside. "alright i'll let you go, rangle up these kids before you get here. see ya in a bit" the sound of the almost piercing beeps as he hangs up fills my ears before my phone begins playing the song it had been playing before joels call.
7 minutes later im pulling up infront of joels house to see him sat on the porch ciggarette hanging from his mouth, while the girls sat on the driveway drawing with chalk. i chose to park on the street so i wouldnt desturb sarah, and ellie. i step out the car shoving my phone into one pocket. "y/n!" sarah leaps up from the pavemet dropping the stick of chalk that was in her hand before running towards me. tiny arms wrap around my body as she hugs me. "are you staying for dinner? daddy ordered pizza" she says excitedly as joel walked up behind her. "go on and play with youre sister babygirl let me and y/n talk alright?" sarah pulls away nodding before running back towards her sister.
"hey sweetheart" he says before pressing a short, but sweet kiss to my lips. "pizza'll be here in bout 10 minutes ordered it right after i hung up with you" he says a he places the ciggarette he had pulled from his lips a few seconds ago back slotting it against his upper and low lip. i nod as i lean into his body "how was youre studio thing" he asks arm wrapping around my waist as we both begin to walk back towards his front porch. "good" i reply simply as he unwraps his arm from around my waist and sits down. somehow being in a relationship with joel miller was so easy i forgot how my life used to be. my entire world now revolved around football games, tours, joel, and his girls that i almost forget that 3 months ago i was still rotting my bed sobbing over the ending of a relationship i thought was going to be forever. the moment i took one step into joels life i was sucked in and hoped to god i'd never be pushed out.
"y/n! can you come draw with us?" sarah asks from her spot on the pavement. i look at joel giving him a look that almosts asks 'is that okay?' he nods saying "go, we'll talk later" i walk over and take a seat next to sarah on the somehow still hot texas pavement. ellies sat across from us, so deep into her drawing that she doesnt even look up to greet me. her knees are scratched up, probably from the pavement, and her fourarms, and hands are covered in a mix of different dusty chalk colors.
"look at my drawing" sarah says pointing at a larger drawing to her right. 4 stick figured people 3 female, one male, and one stick figured cat drawn to the left of the smaller stick figured humans. each one is labled 'daddy', 'y/n', 'sarah', 'ellie', 'ollie'. i almost want to cry at how adorable it is. she smiles up at me so proud of her work. i almost want to take a picture of it, but decide to take one later.
i want to stay here forever, or atleast have something similar to this forever. joel sat puffing on his ciggarette a few inches away, admiring from a far as i interacted with his children. interactions that make him wish he could have met me first. before the barbaras, or annas. interactions that make me wish he was the man i met 7 years ago on a red carpet, wishing i hadnt spent 7 years delusionally praying for a ring from a man who fell less and less in love with me every day.
a car with a bright red and white papa johns logo attached to the top of it pulls into the driveway. its almost like the girls have a routine for pizza nights. they both jump up leaving the chalk on the sidewalk and run into the house squealling "pizza!!" as joel snuffed out his ciggarette against the porch before walking up the young brunnette man with a wad of cash in his hand. i similarly to the girls dicard the chalk on the pavement and walk inside. i wash my hands before meeting the two girls at the table. their father already passing out slices.
"cheese or peperoni ellie?" joel asks, ellie who sat up on her knees in the chair says "both!" he shakes his head "nope you wont eat it all one or none el's pick one" she pouts as her arms cross over her chest "peperoni" she mumbles under her breath as she sit back down on her butt. joel nods before placing a slice of peperoni pizza onto a red plastic plate and sliding it over to her. "cheese" sarah says before her father can even ask her.
my elbows are sat on the table, a piece of cheese pizza half eaten sit infront of me. this all seems like something taken straight out of a movie, family sitting at the table casually talking about each others days. sarah telling her dad about the funny joke her grandfather had told her last night, joel chuckling recalling the same joke being told to him more than 20 years ago when he was her age.
it all felt so sureal, like how could i be apart of this? i met these people less than 3 months ago and im somehow already at family dinners. sometimes it makes me feel insecure, at moments the thought of feeling so left out because this is not my family even though im sat at their family dinner. he's my boyfriend but these are his children not mine, ive known these people for less than 3 months and only been actually dating joel for one of those months.
three loud sharp knocks that the front door pull me from my thoughts. joel sighs dropping his slice of pizza before getting up mumbling about how he'd 'be right back'. the dining room is silent as we listen to joels hushed voice whispering to whoever is on the other side of the door. sarah stands up slowly walking over to the doorway so she could get a look at whoever was at the door. ellie follows as usual. monkey see monkey do. a loud squel like shout makes me get up just in time to see sarah running to the woman stood at the door. "mommy!"
she looks like sarah, with the similar but tighter dark curls, and similar dark complection. she beautiful. her hair is pulled up in a ponytail, and though shes only wearing a tee-shirt and jeans she pulls it off fabulously. though there seems to be not even one wrinkle on her face i can tell she's closer in age to joel than i'll ever be. joels stood at the door uncomfortably as sarah hugs her mother. she's tall and thin, thinner than id ever thought about being, i could tell she was a model not only from her statcure but because i'd seen her only. probably an instagram account though i cant recall what platform i saw her on. "how've you been sarbear?" she asks as she hugs her daughter tightly. "good" sarah giggles as she steps away from her mother. the womans eyes now fall to ellie whos somehow now pushed herself behind me. "hey ellie how have you been" ellie shrugs from behind me.
joel tilts his head almost as if he's saying 'come here' i comply walking over to him with ellie trailing close behind. joel wraps his arm around my waist as the womans eyes fall to me. she looks me up and down about 2 times before smiling "and you must be..." she drags out the 'e' sound of be until i answer back meekly "y/n..im y/n" she nods a genuine smile on her face. "nice to meet you y/n. im barbara but you can just call be barb" i nod smiling. "how long have you two been together?" she asks eyes flicking up to joels "um bout 3 months right honey?" he says fake smile gracing his lips as he leans his head down a bit to press a kiss to my temple. "yeah about that" i say with a forced giggle as i lean into joel a little more. right in this moment my insecurities flood back in realizing i look nothing like her. she's thin, her body is fills out right where it needs to, she has no hip dips, no scars, no stretchmarks. she was perfect. if this was his ex was i not his type or was she not? i feel like i already know the answer to that question.
"barb why are you here?" joel asks, she looks at him and just laughs his words off. "im here to see my daughter" she says with a scoff as both her hands place on her hips. joel rolls his eyes "its not like you wanted to for the last 2 years" i know this is my cue to take the girls and let them have their 'adult conversation' so i pull away from joel and say "common girls lets go play with ollie?" both girl excitedly race up stairs towards joels room, where we had put ollie while we ate.
i sit on the bed with the girls my anxiety, and insecurities festering inside of me as the girls swooned over my cat. would barbara reappearing randomly rekindle their relationship? would i just be left in the dust? i know he was acting like he was annoyed with her downstairs but i bet if she tried he'd get back with her right? he'd probably rather be with the mother of one of his children than me. sarah deserved a perfect family, a mom, a dad, a little sister. she didnt deserve whatever she had right now, and i know joel knew that. and i know he didnt want it to be this way. from what i heard it seemed like she's not around alot and that why he's so uncomfortable with her being here, but if she preposed to start their relationship again i'd bet he'd agree.
her having him would mean she'd stay. even if it wasnt for sarah she'd stay, and sarah would have her mom back for good. there would be no need for some 'pretend mom' anymore. no more revolving door of girlfriends, though i despretly didnt want to be apart of that revolving door.
joel barges into the room, instructing both his daughter to get ready for bed before slamming the door shut behind him. leaving just him and i in the bedroom, alone. "she's staying the night." he grumbles arms wrapping around my waist as he pulled me close. i dont ask why feeling as though it none of my buisness. i hum with a small nod. "i was just bout to head out then" i say pressing my head into his shoulder.
our 'sleepovers' if you even can call them that normally only lasted one night maybe till dinner the next night but definetely not a second night. "you're leaving?" i can almost hear the frown on his lips. my brow furrow in confusion, normally he wouldnt budge when i said i was leaving. a few kisses and im normally off but not tonight. his arms instictivly wrap tighter around my waist as if to say 'dont go'. but his ex is here, sarahs mother, wouldnt that be a little awkward?
"thought i'd just go...cause she-she's here. but if you dont want me to leave i can stay" i whisper pressing a few soft kisses to joels exposed neck. "yeah" he mutters with a nod.
barbara is on the couch downstairs, both girls are fast asleep in their beds, and im still awake scrolling mindlessly though barbaras instagram. she's got millions of pictures posted dating all the way back to 2014. she's nice, and i really like her i do but i cant help but feel jealous of her when i get posts from 2015. most with joel who looks so much younger, i can tell she's pregnant in most of them. i cant help but obbsess over every part of her body that doesnt look like mine, wonder if he prefers her body over mine.
i wonder how she was during their relationship. was she good in bed? better than me? did he prefer sleeping with her? did he ever think about her? was she still friends with his friends? did his mom like her better than me? and it doesnt make this any easier on me knowing he's got a kid with her and not with me. she's forever attached to him because of sarah but me im disposable. his children arent my blood, they arent from my womb he can forget me easily if he really wanted too. he cant forget her because he see's her every time he looks at his daughter.
im trying to pick out something for me to hate her, and the only reason ive come up with is cause she's basically abandoned sarah. the only photos posted of sarah was 8 years ago on her birthday july 20th 2015 baby sarah all swadled up being held by barbara who laid in a hospital bed, joel stood next to her admiration and joy gleeming in his eyes. then 2 months later sarah being help by joel with the caption 'favorite people'. then after than nothing radio silent its like the baby disappears. people in the comments mustve thought that too because every comment for the next few months of posts are along the lines of 'wheres the baby?'. im guessing thats when she left.
i know joel loves me, and that im probably going crazy but i cant help but obbsess over her. "you're still awake?" joel slurs, voice deep from sleep. i turn off my phone immediately and turn so im facing him. one of his arms wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him. "cant sleep" i mutter as he pressees open mouthed kisses to my neck and jawline. even as he's practically sucking hickeys into my neck all i can think about is that he's probably done this to her, while she was laying on the same side i was as he whispered quiet 'i love you's into her neck. i cant help it as tears form in my eyes that are quickly blinked back. i cant let him know how insecure i actually am. i dont want him to know how isecure ive gotten in the last few hours because i know theres a chance i could get hurt.
"wha's wrong? youre tense" he says pulling away from me. i freeze staring him in the eyes as his brows curl into a furrow. "whats wrong?" his left hand reaches from my cheek caressing it softly. "nothing" i mutter leaning into his soft touch. he hums questionably like he doesnt believe me but goes onto press his lips against my none the less.
im so obssessed that once joel goes back to sleep i cant help but scroll her page. i dont even know why im so obsessed, its not like im ugly im just not anything like her.
@taylarxse @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @ktheunready @camixkami @skysmiller @mars743 @tylrswftss @alyhull @jenna-mcgraw19 @h4teh3x @lexloon @greensabereyesforcevictim @cozylibraries @celebrities-imagines @nezukos-number1fan @abbysgirll @marispunk @hopelessromantic727 @fairyain @joeldjarin
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orchidniins · 3 months
thanks for clarifying if you wrote for a male reader, not many do so i always ask first lmao
if it's not too hard, could you try some headcannons for m reader dating chrismd? if not then gender neutral is fine haha
Dating Headcanons | Chris Dixon
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A/N: I tried a ChrisMD x Male Reader (Though other than the first few points, the rest are mostly gender neutral) and I hope I did your request justice, especially with my writers block this week. Like I really tried and this was my first attempt at writing headcanons. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: ChrisMD x Male!Reader Word Count: 700+
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Your first date started off a bit awkwardly, with nervous laughter and hesitant conversation. "Well, this is going swimmingly," he quipped, breaking some of that tension and drawing a genuine laugh from you. From that moment on, it felt like you two had known each other your whole lives.
Chris embodies the golden retriever energy in your relationship - always eager, affectionate, and loyal.
The sweetest boyfriend.
As confident as he seems at first glance, if you flirt with him or make a cheeky comment, he's easily get flustered and you think it's the cutest thing ever.
Always goofing around.
He’s definitely the playful type and always lightens the mood. His humor and playful banter keep things fun and lively. There’s never a dull moment in your relationship.
You can't help but adore him for his genuine and caring nature.
Chris is always there for you in serious moments as well, ready to offer support and comfort. He'll drop everything to listen to you and provide you the comfort that you need.
Chris loved to surprise you with thoughtful little gestures, especially if you were having a stressful week at work.
Whether it's planning a romantic dinner, arranging a surprise weekend getaway, or surprising you with tickets to events or shows that you loved, he always treated you well.
He absolutely loved the sight of your genuine surprise and happiness whenever he did something thoughtful for you. Seeing your smile light up your face made every effort worth it.
When Chris told his friends about you, they were thrilled to see him so happy and excited that he found someone he liked as much as he liked you.
His friends always joke about how they prefer to hang out with you instead.
You get along well with his friends, so you know his viewers absolutely love seeing you on screen and enjoy the banter you have with everyone.
If you play football, he'll beg you to be in his football videos just to show off how cool his boyfriend is.
He'll playfully tease you on screen, and you're always ready to fire back with your own witty comebacks.
His love languages are definitely physical touch and quality time.
Despite his busy schedule, he always made time for you. Whether it's binge-watching shows, cooking together, or just enjoying each other's company.
Cute clingy boyfriend who wants to be around you always. From hugs and kisses to cuddling on the couch, he craves your touch and affection.
While he may hold back on public displays of affection knowing you're not too keen on it, Chris can't help but entice you with subtle gestures like brushing your hand against his or putting his arm around your shoulder when you are sitting down.
However when you're around people you know, Chris is glued to your side, holding your hand or wrapping his arm around your waist. 
He loves to be close to you, his hand always finds its place on your thigh when you two are sitting.
He's also a bit possessive and can be jealous, especially when he sees someone else showing interest in you.
If he senses someone flirting with you or getting too close, he subtly asserts his presence. You'll feel him wrap his arm around you a little tighter or pull you even closer to him.
It's endearing to see him protective of you.
He loves classic nicknames, often calling you "handsome", "love", or "darling".
His kisses are perfect perfection...a blend of sweetness and passion. There's an undeniable intensity beneath the surface.
He also loves to pepper kisses all over your face and neck, his lips lingering on every sensitive spot.
He wants to make sure that you know how much he loves you. And is always saying "I love you."
Absolutely the bestest boyfriend.
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A/N: Thanks again to everyone who sends in requests. I appreciate all of you so much. Check out my other fics here.Requests are open…or just drop in for a chat! 😊
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i9messi · 1 year
To the stars — Erling Haaland
You are reading a book and your boyfriend just wants to spend time with you.
word count - 802
erling's masterlist
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You were obsessed with the book in your hands. Time was basically flying for you, and with every word you were more and more interested in the pages. Just like that, you were avoiding giving attention to your boyfriend.
And Erling wanted attention. Your attention.
At the beginning, he was watching TV. But with every breath, every minute, the blonde was fascinated with you and your reactions. He loved spending time with you, he loved to see you and he adored you. He was a lucky man to have met you. Erling was so used to focusing only on football and he never believed that in his life a person like you would appear. You've changed everything, you were his everything.
"Hey, babe."
You completely ignored him, "Shh, I'm reading. I need silence."
"Is the book more interesting than me?"
You didn't answer.
Haaland looked at you, trying to do something to catch your attention. His big hand touched your leg, then your arm. His hand was everywhere, with silly touches at his trace. You were focused on the damn book. You used to love his hands, why were you acting like the book was more important than him?
"Oh, Rhysand. I swear I love you." you said your thoughts out loud.
Erling was not cool about that.
"Who's Rhysand? You love me."
You looked away from the book and the only thing you did was smile. Erling was quite jealous of your fictional boyfriends, because he felt they were something like a competition. You constantly told him about them, so he slowly tried to adopt certain attitudes that you liked about them. A character did something amazing for the protagonist? Erling was probably going to do the same for you. He wanted to show you that you didn’t need to daydream with other men, you had him.
"Rhysand is the man of my dreams, you are the love of my life. It's different."
He took your book in his hands.
"Babe, what the hell are you reading?"
You understood what he was implying, the book was… quite graphic.
"Is really good and has some good quotes. See. To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered."
You took your book out of his big hands and kept reading. You settled more comfortably on the couch, laying your head on his chest. Regardless of your height and size, Erling was huge and it was very comfortable to lie on top of him. You read in silence, and because he was below you and he could see the book, Haaland also began to read.
Suddenly, he started kissing your neck and caressing your hair. They were your weak spots.
"Erling, you're being mean."
"I need you, I want to spend time with my girlfriend. I want to kiss you and hug you. You have been reading for the last three hours, it is not good for your health."
Haaland was always concerned about your health, and your hobby involved spending a lot of time forcing your eyes too much.
"Okay, just a page more and I'll be all yours."
That was a lie. Ten pages later and you were still reading the damn book.
Erling started bothering you more, this time being less loving and a little more annoying. He pulled your hair and he even started singing a Norwegian song out loud. You knew he was doing it on purpose, so you ignored it even more.
Erling Haaland speaking or in this case singing, in Norwegian was something that made your knees tremble. You loved his native language but mostly, you loved him.
"Okay, let's make a deal." Haaland said, accepting that no amount of his energy would make you stop reading the book.
"I'm all ears."
"Stop reading the book and I'll let you do whatever you want with my hair."
You drop the book away. Forgot about Rhys and everything. Erling was very careful with his hair and very occasionally left you free to do anything. You wanted to do braids, buns, any hairstyle.
"Whatever I want?"
"Whatever you want."
He smiled. He had your attention after all, he had only needed to say his magic words.
Twenty minutes later and both of you were in your shared bedroom, you put a skin care mask on his face, while you braid his hair.
"It was just my hair, Elsklingen min."
Anyways, he let you do your skin care routine on him. You stopped in front of him, realizing your own work in his hair. Your gaze met his.
"Remember, Erling, next time you watch a game or a movie, I’m going to bother you too for attention."
"No need to bother me, love. You always have my attention."
Bye fictional characters, your boyfriend was superior and he was only yours.
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player1064 · 3 months
back again with more carraville brain rot 😃 already out and very whipped carraville dealing with open homophobia from their own fans for the first time since coming out knowing it would happen eventually but not being as prepared as they’d thought they were, whether it’s just one or both of them up to you, lots of comfort of course and defense from either people at sky/class of 92 and extended mates etc. :)))))
had a hard time trying to work out the Vibe for this one bc like tbh I can't imagine fans being that bad like surely SURELY in 2024 they've moved on from the classic football homophobia... but then I remembered that people LOVE to hate Gary so of course they would. And Gary doesn't care about people hating him but Jamie is fussy and protective so he's getting all angry on Gary's behalf meanwhile he's out too and everyone is still lovely to him kdsgfjhkdsds.....
Gary’s not exactly a stranger to getting abuse from the stands. It sort of comes with the job – his name has always been and will continue to be attached to his club, and for every football fan he meets that supports United he’s going to meet another five who hate his guts.
Besides, he was at one point the proud holder of the title ‘most hated footballer in England’. Any cruel chants people can come up with, he’s probably heard it before.
So the first time it happens, he doesn’t even notice.
He’s pitch-side for Monday Night Football, chatting about the upcoming game, when he sees a producer behind the camera shoot a worried look towards the stands before giving him the ‘cut’ gesture.
He’d thought he still had a couple of minutes, was only just getting into the swing of it, but he’s a professional so he winds it up quickly and lets them cut back to studio.
Once the light’s off on the camera, he takes his earpiece out and asks “what was’at about?”
The producer just stares at him for a second, astounded. She blinks, then says “the audio – the mics keep picking up noise from the stands, and obviously – we can’t air that sort of thing.”
With a while to go before kick-off, the stands are still only half-full, and for the first time all evening Gary takes a moment to actually listen to what the home supporters are chanting.
He’s not sure what he’s expecting, maybe to be called a cunt (which he’s always rather enjoyed), but this –
He turns to the producer but she’s on the phone, speaking in harsh whispers. After a minute or two, she strides over to Gary and holds the phone out, scowling.
“Carragher’s threatening to walk off set,” she tells him. “You try talk some sense into him.”
Gary takes the phone, walks a few steps away from the camera set-up and says “Carra, you muppet, what’s this I hear about you walking out mid-show?”
“Someone ‘as to do somethin’,” Jamie says, “Show the fans it’s not okay to –”
“Christ alive, ‘s hardly the first time in my life I’ve been called a fag, now, is it?” Gary says with a strained chuckle, though when he tries to think back he’s not entirely sure that’s true. Still, first time for everything. “An’ what’s you havin’ a hissy fit gonna achieve? It’s Leeds, Jamie, you know they like to try rile me up ‘ere. And you’re a five hour drive away, what exactly d’you think you can do right now, idiot?”
He hears Jamie’s breathing start to slow down. “’s not right, though.”
“Eh, maybe not. But I’ve had worse, and Sky’s not payin’ you a million a year to yell at rowdy fans, are they? So go park yer bum, apologise to David for your tantrum, and get on wit’ show. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
He hangs up, and hands the phone back to the producer with a nod.
“We’re good?” she asks, eyeing him carefully.
“We’re good.” There’s a dull ache starting to build at his temples. This, too, he’s pretty good at ignoring. He smiles. “About time to head up to commentary box, in’t it?”
Jamie wants to talk about it on the podcast the next day. Gary tells him to stop being so dramatic.
Except, turns out it wasn’t a one-time thing.
It’s funny, the fans mostly leave Jamie alone. It’s Gary they seem to have a problem with, like he, personally, is everything wrong with the world of football. It comes from both sides, too, the small minority who hate him for being gay and the so-called allies who criticise him for daring to come out when he should have known that it’d only aggravate the existing problems in football culture.
Again, Jamie gets none of this. Gary suspects this is because Liverpool is leading the league while United are still stuck mid-table.
He goes out to a pub with his friends one Saturday after Salford’s lost their latest fixture, and he leaves with a black eye.
That’s new.
“Put all the make-up on it you want,” Jamie complains while they’re getting set up for the next Stick to Football, “don’t hide the fact that yer eye looks half the size it’s meant to be.”
It’s really not that bad. Gary ignores him and lets the make-up lady continue to work her magic.
“Thoughtful of them to hit the side that’s faced away from camera, wouldn’t you say? ‘sides, it’s not even that bad.” He looks across the table and shrugs. “Is it, Roy?”
Roy’s glare is all the reply he needs.
“This doesn’t feel right, Gal,” says Wrighty, reaching out to touch Gary’s hand. “Are you sure you don’t want to – we’ve got a good audience, here, maybe talking about it would help.”
“This one weren’t even about the gay thing!” he argues. The other four around the table give him disbelieving looks. “It weren’t. It was just post-match frustrations, these things ‘appen.”
“But nobody ever tried to hit you before the fuckin’ gay thing, did they?” Roy says.
Gary sighs, exasperated. “I don’t want it to start a whole conversation, though, do I? Just want things to go back to normal.”
“I, uh,” Jill says, clearing her throat awkwardly. “I don’t think this one’s gonna just ‘go back to normal’, to be fair.”
Well, never let it be said that Gary can’t tell when he’s outnumbered.
“Fine,” he says, raising his hands in surrender. “Fine, we’ll talk about it. But I’m tellin’ you, it won’t change anythin’”
“No match commentary, for rest of season. Me as well. Studio only.”
“That’s a nonsense, Jamie, I can try talk them ‘round –”
“It were my idea.”
Jamie’s looking at him, face set, stubborn as always. And he’s so stupid, sometimes, so naïve. Ready to go to war over something that Gary’s been treating like nothing more than a minor nuisance.
“You want things to go back to normal?” Jamie argues, voice steady. “Doesn’t get much more normal than me ‘n’ you in studio on a Monday night, does it? It’ll be like old times.”
God, but Gary loves this man.
“Thought they’ve been tryin’ to keep us apart, on screen,” he says lightly, trying for a smirk. His way of telling Jamie fine, you win this one. “Keep us from getting handsy, like.”
Jamie’s face breaks into a grin, his shoulders relaxing. “Speak for yerself, lad, I’m a professional. Think I can keep me hands to meself for an hour or two.”
“Professional my arse,” Gary says, taking a step towards Jamie. “I’d bet you couldn’t last ten minutes.”
Jamie, as if this somehow helps his case, places his hands on Gary’s hips and pulls him closer. Gary, who’s made no such promises of keeping his hands to himself, loops his arms around Jamie’s shoulders and uses one hand to gently bash the back of his head.
Jamie rolls his eyes with a fond smile and leans in to kiss him.
“Uh uh uh,” Gary says, leaning away from him. “Thought you were a professional, like, can’t go kissin’ your co-pundit where anyone might see.”
“You are such a bloody nightmare,” Jamie grumbles, and goes to kiss him again.
This time, Gary lets him.
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i’m not sure if you’re comfortable doing this, but would you do like- someone who sees darry as an older brother figure?
A/N: Oh yeah, way comfortable with this! Here you go Non! Hope you enjoy!
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Now I don’t think Darry would be too caught off guard if you told him that he was like a big brother to him
I think everyone in the gang looks at him like a big brother, even Two-Bit!
So don’t expect special treatment? Like he’s not gonna be easy on you
You’re another head to watch over, another mouth to feed when you show up at his door, another person who wants to sleep on the couch
Another little sibling to watch over and care for
And he really does care for you, I promise!!
Yeah, you’re another sibling, but he really does love you a lot and look at you like you’re his little sibling
He wants to hear about your days, about your problems, about the good things that happened and the bad things too
If you’re in trouble? Call him
He’ll show up to bail you out, fight for you, and drive you home, I promise you with all of my soul and being that Darry will never leave you hanging
That being said, if you’re his little sibling, you will not be spared from his endless chastising
If you do something wrong, you’re gonna hear about it and you’re gonna hear about it for a long while
It’s best to tell him if you mess up like right when you do it because chances are, he won’t be as mad then!
If you lie about it? Or try to hide it? Good luck with surviving!
He makes sure you’re doing good in school and have enough to eat every night, offering you a spot at the table even when he knows they’re gonna be tight on food
You’re his kid sibling, y’know?
He’d do the same for the rest of the boys, why wouldn’t he do it for you? 
Also, you’re definitely invited to the lot football games and to rumbles when they happen
You’re good when you’re on Darry’s team, but he likes tackling and roughhousing when you’re on the other team too
He’s just a college kid, alright? Yeah, he works hard and brings home a paycheck to support his little family, but he’s just a kid
He likes to hang around and goof off sometimes and I think the more little siblings he collects for himself, the more he actually has time to
You might think that’s backward, but I seriously believe Darry does better when there are more people around him
Maybe it’s more people to watch over, but they’re his people and he knows they love him just like he loves them
And speaking of love, I think Darry would be really flattered if you told him that you looked up to him! That he was like you’re big brother!
I think he takes a lot of pride in being a big brother!
More of a character analysis than a headcanon, just really fast, but Darry seems to thrive a little when he’s got people dependent on him?
Like he works so hard, he puts everything he has into taking care of his brothers and making sure all of their needs are met before he even thinks about himself
Ponyboy talks about this!! About how Darry doesn’t do anything for himself!!
But yeah!
That’s it! Those are the opinions and headcanons!
I’ve got a few more pieces featuring a big brother Darry, mostly just headcanons, and you can find them here, here, and here!
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some small details of my sp designs that are important to me (+explanations)
kenny always having bruises of some kind
clyde wearing a bandaid over his nose (he gets hurt playing football often)
stan's healed cuts
^ him mostly wearing t-shirts (he's not insecure about the cuts showing)
jimmy's crutches full of stickers
timmy's wheelchair & AAC full of them too :)
butters' dyed hair (to show he doesn't care about his parents' opinions anymore)
kyle's stretch marks
kyle's tiny fangs
cartman keeping his childhood style for the longest time (he's scared of growing up)
karen wearing kenny's parka
craig still wearing his hat (comfort item for him)
tweek's pupils being smaller than anyone's (constant state of panic)
cartman's look subtly changing to show who's fronting (example: heart-shaped pupils + :3 mouth when sunny's fronting)
wendy's short hair
idk there's probably more. but yeah these are some silly things i add to my drawings of the guys :) some aren't in all of my drawings tho but ye
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polybiusplayer · 8 months
i am once again thinking about ninejuice (for the first time in a whole month wow)
thats all! have a nice rest of your day
Oh boy I’m gonna take this opportunity to rant about them.
Nine Juice rant below, read at your own risk.
I’m thinking about them so often…. ITS LIKE!!! I can totally understand people seeing them as only platonic!! And I’ve always actually felt kinda nervous to ship them for some reason… the 17776 enjoyers haven’t been much to do shipping, especially since romance is not really the point of the story, at all. but I just really believe they have a bond that just, is a lot.
There is a level of understanding and compassion that Juice shows to Nine in his own ways, he knows exactly how to help Nine cope after the intermission, he knows what they’re thinking when their communications fuck up. (Nine was indeed cussing him out, they said “fuck you.”) He is teasing as always, but not hesitant to reassure them afterwards.
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Nine is very observant. They make note of Juices usage of grammar, how he capitalizes thing that are important to him. I can’t remember exactly which chapter that’s in, but I’m like 100% sure Nine pointed this out. Obviously, Nines name is almost always capitalized . This is a notable exception
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Has he EVER used this many exclamation points?!
I also love the way the infodump to each other. Ten by this point has heard Juices rants a billion times before, she loves him, but is sick of them! Of course he sees no problem in that. But then suddenly there’s a new listener who is intensely eager and interested in what he has to say! It feels special, because Nine never seems to get bored of it. They love to hear him talk, about anything really, but especially what he’s passionate about. -
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Which is mostly football. Football is how he processes the world. With sports and all the things that come with it he was able to come to terms with reality. He looks at it through such a unique lense in order to make sense of it all. Even his own football game is not just insane rules strung together all willy nilly, it’s truly a work of art with a deeper meaning. It’s like he’s painting with the fields, you know?
Nine understands this, and if they don’t, they WANT to. In my mind, Juices voice and rambles about lunchables or whatever start off confusing to them, but once they understand where it comes from and why and what Juice is trying to attempt with all this, they understand a lot.
Nine copes with history, they look into the past for comfort and familiarity. they feel so intensely behind, at first it started as a way to catch up and feel up to date with their friends, but then they discovered that the history of this world was just sort of a safe space for them. Juice loves to hear Nine talk about stuff even he never knew about. Nine is quite the researcher, and is always able to pull up SOMETHING. He is too, but not to this level. They share facts and information back and forth, intently listening to each other and trying to understand. Always.
Juice knows what Nines going through, it’s quite obvious with what he says here.
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They ground each other in this reality, they give each other a person to talk about football with. Someone to try and not think about things too hard with. And then when things DO get hard? And the thoughts are too much? They’ll always be there for each other to help.
An underrated aspect about Juices character is how intelligent he is. SURE, he spends a lot of time joking around, that’s just his thing!!! But he is by no means stupid, he’s a little silly, but so so much more than that. He also cares, a lot! He is lonely, he loves his friends so dearly although he doesn’t express it nearly as much as Nine.
Nine is also a lot more than their troubles. A lot of their arc has to do with coming to terms with the state of existence, but they’re also incredibly compassionate and loving. SO SO loving. They’re blindly trusting, showing no hesitation with their love for everyone. They’re observant, and also a bit of a jokerster! They got that from Juice.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, I just really like the two of them, I love their dynamic. I feel like if they could, they would hug for a real long time. Unfortunately they’re way too far apart and made of nuts and bolts. But they still love each other, nothing changes that, not in a billion years
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Lilac - Jamie Tartt x F!OFC
Lilac (Syringa) - Meaning: First Love, Reminiscence
Summary: Jamie Tartt and Katie Archer were childhood best friends and had planned their futures together, but what happens when childhood ends and it's time to face reality?
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!OFC Katie Archer (NO physical description other than a name)
Word Count: 1371
Warnings: Language, takes place mostly pre-show, childhood idealism gets shattered, Jamie's anxious/angry reaction is slightly violent (NOT against reader), mention of Jamie's dad being a crap parent, enduring childhood love
Day 3 of the In Bloom Writing Challenge! I originally wanted this to be a whole series, but couldn't find the right way into it so I condensed it into a short fic. Also, this is my first ever Ted Lasso fic! That show is pure dopamine, I swear. Perhaps a teammate or coach of Jamie's will appear in his own fic later this month? Who knows? Oh wait, I do :D
In Bloom Masterlist
Comments, Likes, Reblogs are always appreciated! Thanks for reading! <3
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9 May, 2009
Jamie Tartt and Katie Archer’s Unbreakable Life Plan To Remain Friends Forever
Become pro footballers (in the same city but not on rival teams or they’ll make us stop being friends)
Marry the fittest people we know (models, actors, or royalty ONELY)
Have neighboring houses with a pool that goes across both our backyards and a football pitch
Katie can have as many cats and dogs as she wants and Jamie can’t say anything
Jamie can wear whatever he likes and Katie can’t make fun of him
Our partners have to be best friends too
Our mums will live in our pool houses when they get old
And, the most important rule of all!!!! 
8. Any changes to this life plan MUST be discussed with your best friend, OR ELSE!!!
Jamie Tartt 
Emily Archer
21 March, 2014
“Who is this? And what has she done to kick Renaldo off the wall?” Katie asked, holding the corners of the poster while Jamie taped them. 
“This,” he said, rolling the poster down to reveal the blonde girl holding two footballs in front of her bare chest, “is me future wife, Keely Jones.” 
“But I thought you were going to marry Heidi Klum and I would marry Orlando Bloom? That way we’d be the Klum-and-Blooms,” she joked, referring to their life plan since they were eleven. 
“‘Course I remember, babes, but I think Keely here is more of a sure thing. ‘Sides, she’s closer to our age.” He taped the bottom corners to the wall and stood back, admiring the poster while Katie flopped onto his bed. 
“As long as you’re sure,” she shrugged, opening her maths book. 
A football materialized and Jamie started dribbling, “Wanna go kick the ball ‘round?” 
“No, big test tomorrow, remember?” 
“Dunno why you’re bothering with that,” Jamie fell on his back on his bed next to her, “Don’t need school if you’re gonna be a footballer, yeah?” 
“Even if I played half as well as you, we both know I’d get less than half what you’d make as a footballer,” she said, rolling her eyes at the injustice of unequal pay. 
He rolled over and flipped around so they were parallel to each other and threw his arm over her shoulders, “Don’t worry, babes, I’ll loan ya cash if ya need it.” 
She giggled and shoved him off her, “Well how will you know how much I end up owing you if you won’t study your maths?”
“Fine! Five minutes to study, then we go work on your football skills. Maybe you’ll get so good you can play for a men’s team and get paid what you’re worth.” He smiled at her and she rolled her eyes at him. He was too charming for his own good sometimes. 
5 August 2016 
Jamie perched on the edge of her mattress, absolutely gobsmacked at the news she just shared. “You’re fuckin with me, right? You…you’re just messing with me.” 
“No, ‘m not. I’m going to university,” she confessed, squeezing his hand that she held in both of hers to try and comfort him.
Instead, Jamie looked at her like she’d just confessed to being Jack the Ripper. “But, we were…what about the scouts from City?”
“I turned them down.” 
Jamie exploded then, yanking his hand out of hers, shooting up from where he sat next to her and began pacing. He crossed and uncrossed his arms, ran a hand through his hair, pulled at the strings of his hoodie. His limbs felt like they were too full of electricity.
“So what, all these years, all the plans we made, just fuckin’...don’t matter to ya anymore?” 
“You mean the completely unrealistic plans we made when we were kids? Become top footballers, marry some fit fuckin’ models, have adjoining houses with a pool going across both backyards? Come on!” 
That was the twist of the knife. 
“Fuck you, ya know that? I’ve wanted that all this time, believed in it! It’s all I’ve been workin’ toward since we came up with it! And you just go and fuck up your half…how’m I gonna do it without ya?” 
She reached out for him again but he backed as far away as he could in her small bedroom. “You’re incredible, Jamie, you’re so talented and you’re gonna go far. But it’s not for me.” 
“You mean I’m not for you.” 
“What? Jamie, you’re my best friend!”
“That’s not…we were…fucking FUCK!” Jamie’s brain felt like it was full of fire ants and his stomach lurched. He kicked a hole in the drywall before slamming her bedroom door on his way out.
The very fabric of their friendship had torn and there was no going back. If she didn’t care about him the way he cared about her, then fuck it. He didn’t need her, he would be the best fuckin’ footballer Man City had ever seen and she’d have to watch from wherever it was she ended up, hopefully somewhere miserable. 
He didn’t speak to her for the rest of their break. He didn’t see her off when she moved her things into the dorms. He never responded to her ‘Congratulations!’ text after his first game with Man City. 
The only response she ever got were three dots, appearing and disappearing. 
And then, nothing.
August 5, 2021
Slipping off his jersey, Jamie couldn’t help but think about her. After all this time, he still remembered why he’d chosen 9 as his number. It was hers, her lucky number, her birthday in November, only 20 days after his. 
They’d grown up together, their mums having met at work and becoming best friends. He sometimes heard about Katie’s life on his phone calls with his mum but he hadn’t really listened to any since Katie had decided to give up on their friendship, on their life plan — the one they had come up with together when they were eleven so they’d never have to be apart.
Katie had seen how difficult it was for him to deal with his dad’s frequent appearances and disappearances and wanted him to know she would always be there for him. At the time Jamie had only gone along with it because she insisted that he could have whatever he liked in their future — it wasn’t until she’d announced that she was going to Uni that he realized the only thing he truly wanted from that list was their future. 
He didn’t care much what it looked like, as long as it was theirs. As long as she was there at the end of every day. Which is why it devastated him when she left. Why he’d thrown himself into training and took his new life as a football star for granted as much as he had. 
Now that he was back at Richmond and apologized for his behavior, she’d been on his mind more and more.
Did he pop into her mind ever? Had she been following his career? Seen him embarrass himself on that stupid fucking dating show? 
It had only been five years but if he ran into her now, would they even recognize each other? 
It was a sad thought to have about someone he was once so close to — someone he, deep down, knew he had loved, and even deeper down, knew he still loved. It wasn’t like the love he had for Keely, his only long-term relationship amongst the revolving door of fit women he’d dated.
He wished he could describe it better than ‘a love I grew up with,’ or ‘love I didn’t even know was love at the time,’ but alas, Jaime Tartt was no poet.
He finished his post-training routine and made his way out into the summer night. On a whim, he decided to walk home. He needed time to think. About a block away from his house, he pulled out his phone and let his finger hover over ‘Contacts’ but he thought better of it and tucked his phone away. 
Only to pull it out again a few steps later and press her contact before he could chicken out. 
“Here goes nothin',” he said to himself as the phone rang.
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earlgreydream · 2 years
𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥. || 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
Eddie comfort because we all need it <3
cw: bullying, mention of violence
a/n: for my baby bex 🖤 @creme-bruhlee
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You tapped your pen against your lips, longingly looking at the group of girls crowded around a station wagon. They were squealing in excitement, chattering about gossip and gushing with their friends.
They were popular — mostly cheerleaders dating football players. You envied them, wanting to be friends with the other girls, going to the drive in and the roller rink and the mall with them. You wanted to be one of the girls kicking her feet at sleepovers while they talked about who was kissing in the locker rooms.
You weren’t one of them though — you lived in the dirty trailer park on the rough side of town — shunned socially. You kept to yourself mostly, keeping your head down and going home to an empty house to study — keeping your grades up so you could go to college and get out of Hawkins.
"What are you staring at, freak?" the blonde girl barked at you, her friends erupting in laughter.
You shoved your books into your bag, scrambling up from the picnic table in the schoolyard as they neared you. You weren't fast enough, her hands connecting with your shoulders as you were shoved backwards into the dirty, crunchy autumn leaves hardly breaking your fall.
"I asked what you were staring at!" she laughed as she kicked you hard in the ribcage before you could pull yourself back to your feet.
"I-I wasn't-" you stammered, putting your hand out as you coughed, trying to escape the bullying of the other girls.
"Stay on your side of town, trailer park trash."
You covered your head as she dumped a coffee from 7-11 on you, still painfully hot and staining through your yellow sundress. You whimpered, trying to get out from under them as three more girls followed suit, pouring the coffee over your hair and clothes.
"Get the fuck back!"
You flinched at the loud shout, the other girls jumping in fright. Eddie Munson thundered up to them, shouting and waving a pocketknife in his hand.
"Leave her the hell alone!"
The girls scattered, leaving you shaking in the dirt, your knees skinned and your skin tender from being burnt with the hot coffee, and clothes ruined. Tears poured down your cheeks, embarrassment overwhelming you, worsening as your gorgeous-eyed knelt down in front of you.
"Come here," he breathed, reaching for your hand and helping you up.
"I'm fine, I've got to get to class," you mumbled, trying to pull out of his grip once you were on your feet.
"Hey, you're not fine. And you can't go to class in this condition," Eddie argued sternly, his brow furrowing as he squeezed your wrist.
"I don't want you to see me like this," you sobbed, covering your face to avoid his gaze.
"It's alright, let's just get out of here," he pulled you away from the eyes of others, bringing you to his bike.
"Please, just let me help you," Eddie begged softly, his heart breaking as he watched you cry.
He'd been in love with you since the first time he saw you, his shy, sweet little neighbor. He believed you deserved so much better than what you had, Eddie couldn't stand the thought of watching you go home to an empty trailer one more night.
Your hand trembled as you allowed Eddie to help you onto the bike, his body slotting behind you before speeding out of town. He kept an arm around your waist, driving until the two of you reached his shoddy little trailer. The entire way, he could feel your body shaking against his chest. Eddie’s thumb rubbed gently over your rib cage, an unconscious action to soothe you.
“I don’t want you to be alone,” he murmured as you turned to your trailer when he pulled in front of his.
“I’m sorry,” you sniffled, rubbing your eyes.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’ve got hot water, let’s clean up.”
You followed him inside, slightly surprised at how neat the inside was. He reached into a closet and pulled down a towel before showing you to the bathroom, telling you to take your time.
He leaned against the wall when he heard the shower turn on, the sound of running water muffling your sobs. Eddie dug through his drawers, finding his hellfire shirt and setting it on the bathroom counter before leaving you in privacy, thinking of how to get revenge on the girls who terrorized you at school.
You emerged from his bathroom, his shirt hanging down to your mid thighs, your hair dripping around your face. You looked beautiful, even more innocent than usual.
“Feel any better?” Eddie opened his arms, scooting to the edge of his mattress to make room for you.
With a nod, you crawled beside him and let your head rest on his chest as his arms draped around you. His shirt was soft and smelled like him, and it was Eddie’s favorite, making it extra special that he let you wear it. His heavy quilt draped over you, shielding you from the cold outside as soft rain began to come down.
“You don’t deserve any of this,” he whispered into your hair, feeling another round of tears soak his tee.
“You’re so much more than them. I wish you could see it, I wish you wouldn’t long to be with people who are so beneath you,” Eddie’s voice was strong with conviction.
You sat up, straddling his lap so you could look him in the eyes. Eddie’s hands came to rest on your thighs, gazing up at you with love in his gentle brown eyes.
“Nobody sees me. What they say about me, that’s what everyone thinks-” you began.
“No. That isn’t true, I see you. I see how wonderful you are.”
A knot caught in your throat, and you slowly leaned forward, your fingers on his cheeks as you kissed him. Eddie's hands slid from your thighs to your waist, pulling you even tighter to his body.
"It's okay, it's just us," Eddie whispered when you shuddered at the boom of thunder outside, breaking the kiss after several passionate minutes.
"Do you mean it, Eddie?" you questioned.
"I have never meant anything more than when I say you are the most wonderful person I have ever met," he promised before kissing your throat, a soft sigh tumbling from your lips.
He carefully laid you back on his mattress, taking care to place a pillow under your head. You watched as his hands gently bunched the hem of his shirt — his lips following the curve of your hip bones and up to your navel. His soft curls tickled the skin of your tummy, involuntarily making your hips squirm beneath him.
“Eager, princess?” Eddie teased with a smirk before gently nipping at the skin under your ribs.
“Eddie, please touch me,” you begged, wanting to get lost in him and forget all of the pain of earlier.
His soft lips wrapped around your tit, those sweet eyes gazing up into yours, sparkling with desire. His fingers ghosted down your front before finding your sex, dripping from the sensual way he was touching you. Eddie grinned as you arched your back as he pushed two of his long fingers into your cunt, curling them forward to find the soft spot.
“Oh—” you whimpered, silenced as his mouth reconnected with your own.
His tongue invaded your mouth as you moaned, Eddie finding your clit and gently rubbing circles with his thumb, his fingers still lewdly stroking your g-spot.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, fingers pulling hard on his hair. His mouth moved to your throat, tongue soothing the bite left on the spot that had you moaning.
“Gonna mark you up, princess, so they all know who you belong to,” he groaned, rutting his hips against the bed, his cock painfully hard.
“Get inside of me, Eddie. I need you to fuck me,” your hand snaked down to palm him, stroking slowly.
He swore, hardly able to believe you weren’t just a fantasy. His fingers pulled out of you, the cheeky bastard licking them clean with his signature grin.
“Christ, princess, I’m getting to it,” he laughed before kissing your lips, pushing your knees wide apart so his hips could fit between yours.
His hand wrapped around your throat, barely squeezing, just enough to hold you still as his tip glided over your entrance. As bad as he was dying to feel you, Eddie loved to tease, watching you grow close to tears as you pled for him.
Eddie rolled his hips forward, filling up your sopping cunt until his pelvis was nestled against your ass. The vulgar moan that ripped from your lips made his cock throb, the outline of it distending in your belly.
“Fuck, Eddie,” you whined, nails digging into his shoulders.
“I know, m’so deep inside you hm?” His tone was softly degrading as he fucked into you with slow strokes.
You gasped as Eddie moved your knees to be bent over his shoulders, somehow fucking you impossibly deeper. His thrusts picked up pace, the sound of your skin slapping mixing with the wet sounds of him fucking you. It was better than any music Eddie heard on any of the tapes in his trailer, wishing he could burn the sound of your moans into his mind.
He squeezed your throat before continuing his assault on your clit, an orgasm crashing over you within seconds. You screamed his name, shuddering underneath him as your walks throbbed around him. Eddie was quick to follow, only needing a few more thrusts before he was painting your insides. The overstimulation and fullness had your eyes rolling back, exhausted underneath him.
“Easy, easy,” Eddie hushed your distressed whine as he pulled out, unable to tear his eyes away from the mess leaking from you.
“Don’t go,” you murmured as he stood, earning a small kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Im just getting something to clean you up,” he promised to return quickly.
He returned with a warm washcloth in hand, apologizing as you winced when he touched your sensitive skin.
“You did so well, princess. And now you look all gorgeous,” Eddie praised, making your tummy do little flips.
“Stop that,” you giggled shyly.
Eddie pulled you into his lap, kissing you silly between fits of giggles. You relaxed against his chest, tracing the tiny bats on his forearm as he snuggled in bed with you.
“I’m never going to let anything bad happen to you again. I promise, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you,” he breathed into your hair.
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itslottiehere · 2 years
the one that could have been — (h.s)
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hello beautiful people 🤍 welcome back! this is inspired by one on my favourite ‘friends’ episode — season 6 episodes 15 and 16 — named, as you can see from the title, “the one that could have been”. i had so much fun writing this, and i hope you all enjoy it. please, do let me know what you think! and if you have any requests, don’t be afraid of leaving them in my asks, i’ll look through them as soon as possible. if you wish to read something else from me, you can check the tag “my writing” on my blog (i still need to make a masterlist). thank you for reading! please like, reblog and let me know what you think! it really helps me a lot <3
tw: swearing, fluff, angst (?) a tiiiiny bit of smut (?)
word count: 5.1k
masterlist | let me know what you think here
he tried his best not to look so shocked, but the red on her cheeks told him he wasn’t doing a great job at hiding his surprise.
“stop looking at me like i’m some freak show! not everyone got to be the captain of the football team, someone had to be the loser in band.”
“you weren’t a loser, you were just quiet and-“
“harry, i was in band and i played the big ass drum in costume. it’s okay to say that i wasn’t the coolest person in school.”
“i thought you were cool.”
“you thought i was nice enough to let you copy my homework, which i was. but yeah, you must’ve found something in me if you stuck around even after high school.”
“hey! i talked to you because i thought you were nice, and cool and funny. and perhaps it had to do a little with the homework stuff, but mostly the other things!”
you threw him your napkin and laughed at how silly he was.
“but you can’t blame me for being a little surprised.”
and, here it was.
“i knew i shouldn’t have told you anything! now you think i’m weird and now everything between us is going to be weird and fuck, you’re a shit friend sometimes.”
“hey! i’m not! and i’m sorry for how i reacted, it’s just that i wasn’t expecting for this date to be your first... date. nothing wrong with that though! it’s perfectly fine!”
so, the thing is she was a virgin. she was 25 and hadn’t had a date yet, which isn’t something she was embarrassed about, she was waiting for the right person. but the look on harry’s face, who was staring at her with a “oh my god you have two heads” look, made her feel a little embarrassed. she knew who she was talking to, and having known him since high school meant that he told her all about his excapades, while she quietly listened to him and never said anything else. he was always so open about all his experiences, and he just figured she was more closed off, which was totally fine, and he wouldn’t pry informations about that part of her life: if she wanted to let him know, he would gladly listen, but whenever she is comfortable enough to do so.
though, if harry had to be totally honest, her not sharing that part of her life with him — until recently, that is — was maybe for the best: he doesn’t like it, but he can be of the jealous kind. and to think about anyone getting that close with his best friend, who was basically the best person walking on earth, made him feel something in his chest, something he couldn’t quite put a finger on.
“so, where’s this james guy taking you?”
“uhm, actually he’s coming over, i’m going to cook him dinner.”
“oh, that’s nice! your cooking is amazing, he’s going to love it.”
“yeah, i hope so.” she nibbled on her lip.
“hey, come here.” he held out his hands for her, waiting for her to take them. “if he’s not a total idiot, he will love it. and if he doesn’t, then he doesn’t deserve you. please, please don’t settle for someone who isn’t worthy of you. especially for something so important to you.”
she knew harry was a sweet person, who cared about her feelings, but it still shocked her a little bit, because he had such a serious look in his eyes.
“yeah, i know H, thank you for worrying.” she gave him a tight-lipped smile. “but now, leave.”
“excuse me? are you kicking me out?”
“yeah, i am.”
“but whyyy?” he whined like a grumpy child. all that was missing was him stomping his foot on the ground, to complete the picture.
“have you already forgotten that i have a date tonight for which i have to get ready?”
“yeah but i can still stay here a while, can’t i?” he was giving her those puppy eyes, that menace. she knew what he was doing.
“no! stop looking at me with those eyes.” she laughed. “i’m so sorry, i wish you could but i have to get dinner ready and get ready myself, and i feel like i’m already running behind.”
“alright, alright.. i’m leaving... all alone... by myself... kicked out by my own best friend... in the whole world...” he dragged every word, dragging his feet on the ground.
good god, he was such a man child at times.
“i promise i’ll text you if something weird happens and i feel uncomfortable. or else, you’ll be hearing from me tomorrow morning.” she really wished she was going to text him the following morning.
“alright angel, let me know if everything is okay. i’ll be over in a heartbeat if it isn’t. and remember: don’t overthink too much, try to enjoy your date.” he put his hands on her shoulder and looked into her eyes, because this was important and he wanted her to know she really had to enjoy tonight.
“i will, thanks H.” she ushered him towards the door, and opened it, basically shoving him out of her home.
“byeeeee. oh wait-“ he was almost out of the door. “please send me a pic of your outfit, i’m curious.” he said, raising his eyebrows in a teasing manner.
“yeah yeah, bye now.” she closed the door behind him, put her back against it, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
now it was time to get everything ready.
she decided to prepare dinner and set the table first, before getting ready herself, so she went to the kitchen and started making her famous lasagna. harry went crazy for it, he always asked her to prepare it for his birthday dinner.
“it can count as my present! i won’t ask for anything else, i promise!”
she knew it was really good, it was her nonna’s recipe, so of course it was delicious. she grew up eating it, and whenever she cooked it, it was like she was brought back into that small kitchen, in the italian countryside, her nonna and nonno smiling at her because she had sauce all over her mouth. maybe it was stupid, but cooking this for someone held a level of intimacy that for now she only shared with harry. she told him the story about her grandparents and he listened to her, giving her his undivided attention. at the end, he just told her “i wish i could taste the one your nonna used to make.”
so, preparing this for james, already set the mood for tonight, how serious it was for her. she went out with him a couple times, just simple lunch dates — both cut short because he was called back to the hospital — but he was nice, albeit a bit boring at times, and she was kinda growing tired of not being intimate, so she thought he could be “the one”.
after putting the lasagna in the oven, she set up the table and went to take a shower, that kind of showers that consist on three different hair masks, face and body creams, serums and all that. after that, she went to check in on dinner, but it still wasn’t ready, so she went back to do her makeup and dress up. she put on a simple dress, her favourite one: it was of a dark red colour, with a bit of lace on the back, long enough to keep her comfortable but still not too long.
she snapped a picture for harry, just a simple mirror selfie with her hand up in a peace sign and sent it to him. it took him no more that 4 seconds to text her back.
“you look absolutely gorgeous. he’s going to love you. x”
she smiled, put her phone away and finally went to take the lasagna out of the oven, proceeded to put it on the counter to let it cool a little.
james should have been on his way now, so she decided to tidy up the last things. then, she heard the doorbell.
game time.
she was giddy, scared and over all a bit overwhelmed. this night meant so much to her, she just wanted it to be good.
she walked to the door and greeted him with a big smile.
“hello, you.” he said, smiling as well.
“this is for you.” he gave her a bottle of wine, one she liked a lot as well.
“oh my, that’s so nice of you, thank you. please, come in, make yourself at home.” she said, walking further into her flat, going to the kitchen to fetch a couple of glasses for the wine.
“this is a nice place, thank you for having me over.” he said from the living room, while taking a seat on her couch.
“oh thank you! and of course, it’s my pleasure.”
she walked back into the living area with two glasses, and set on the couch with james.
he was talking about some case he had at work, and she was half listening, half pretending to.
she could do this, couldn’t she? this was going well, they were drinking wine on her couch, making a bit of small talk, dinner was waiting for them in the kitchen... all was going to be fine.
her thoughts were interrupted when james took the glass from her hands and put it on the tiny table in front of her sofa.
what was he doing?
“you look beautiful tonight.”
oh, that was what he was doing.
“oh, uhm, thank you.” she smiled shyly. “you look handsome as well.”
“well, thank you.”
he inched closer, putting a hand on her thigh, the other stroking her cheek. she felt her breath hitch, how long has it been since she had been kissed? probably years. god.
his face came closer and closer, and when he closed his eyes, she did the same, preparing herself for what was going to happen next.
and when his lips touched hers, she felt... okay. nothing weird. no fireworks, no butterflies. it was a normal kiss.
she can’t say she wasn’t a bit disappointed. wasn’t this moment meant to have her feel like she was walking on air? head and body all floaty and tingly, stomach filled with butterflies? she always thought it was going to feel like this. she daydreamed every time she read about it in her books, how even the tiniest touch could bring up the biggest spark between two lovers.
but this wasn’t it.
this was okay, really, it was a good kiss. he was touching her not too roughly, and it wasn’t making her uncomfortable. it was just not what she thought it was going to be like.
“maybe those were all just fantasies, maybe the real thing is supposed to feel like this.” she thought. so she decided to suck it up, and just let herself enjoy this moment.
she had one of her hands on his chest, the other around his neck, playing with his hair.
and when she heard a small moan from him, she thought she was doing a good job. he was enjoying it!
but soon, it got her to overthink about how she didn’t make any noises: was she supposed to? was he expecting them? was she weird for not making any?
her interior freak out was cut short by a phone ringing.
“shit.” james said, disconnecting their lips.
oh no, not again. it’s the third time this has happened; although, the other times it happened she didn’t really care all that much, because their lunch was almost over, so it wasn’t really cut all that short.
he checked his phone and sighed.
“i’m sorry, i have to take this.”
“yeah, yeah, of course.”
he gave her a tight-lipped smile, apologised again, and got up to answer the call.
she sighed and slouched on the couch. maybe it was a friend just wanting to say hi? maybe they could still have dinner and a nice night.
“i’m sorry, i really am, but i have to go back to the hospital, they need me.”
of course not.
“oh.” she stood up, straightening her dress and looking down. she was disappointed of course, but it wasn’t his fault, wasn’t it? the hospital needed him so he had to go.
“i’m sorry, maybe i can get off early and-“
“oh no, don’t worry! do what you have to do, don’t worry about me.”
“we’ll do this another time, yeah?”
“yeah, of course. let me walk you to the door.”
after bidding goodbye, she closed the door.
“yeah, this night blows.”
she decided to put some more comfortable clothes on, and also took her makeup off, so she could enjoy her — now, solo — dinner.
there was going to be so much leftovers, she thought. so, why not ask someone if they wanted some?
harry was at home, fresh out of the shower, thinking about what to do for dinner. having cereal and milk again didn’t sound too appealing.
when he heard a ding from his phone, he thought it was from the guys, asking him to go out.
but when he heard a second and then a third ding, he actually went to check who the texts were from.
and when he saw his best friend’s name pop up, his heart skipped a beat. she said she would’ve texted him only if something bad was happening, so what happened?
“hey, date finished early. pretty bummed tbh.”
“did you already have dinner?”
“because i have leftovers. want to keep me company?”
as if he could ever say no, both to her and to her home cooked meals.
“yeah of course! i’m on my way. x”
he put on the first sweatshirt he found, and he was out the door.
when the doorbell rang, she just answered with a loud “it’s open”.
harry let himself in, took off his shoes and looked around to see where she was. when he saw her in the kitchen, his heart acted all weird.
he couldn’t understand if it was from seeing her in sweats and his old fleetwood mac shirt, feeling warm at the sight of her wearing his clothes, or if it was by seeing that she wasn’t in the dress she was wearing in the picture he received before, meaning that her date didn’t go as planned, which made him a bit sad. he doesn’t know much about this james, but from what she’d told him he seemed like a nice guy. so why didn’t the date go through?
“hi, angel.”
“hey.” she answered, with a somber tone.
“is everything okay?”
“are you ready to eat? i made lasagna.”
that struck harry. she made her date one of her (and his) favourite home cooked meals, he knew how much it meant to her.
“yeah, of course. but you still have to answer my question.”
“can we eat first? then we can talk about how miserable my love life is.”
he chucked a bit. “of course, let me help you with the plates.”
they ate almost in silence, the only sounds you could hear were harry’s praises about her cooking.
“angel, you should be a chef.”
“if i pay you, can you cook me meals for dinner everyday? i’m tired of having milk and cereal five days a week.”
“harry, you can’t have milk and cereal for dinner everyday!”
“i know! that’s why i’m asking you this!”
after they finished eating, she took the plates to the sink, and he followed her.
she started washing their plates, when harry cleared his throat.
“what are you not telling me?”
she sighed. “the date was cut short. james was called by the hospital, and he had to leave, exactly like the two times before tonight.”
“oh.” he didn’t know what to say.
“i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay, it wasn’t meant to be, i guess.”
“you really liked him, huh?” he said, and why was it so hard for him to get these words out of his mouth?
“i mean, i wasn’t in love with the guy, he was okay. i don’t know, we kissed for a bit, i didn’t feel anything, and now that i think about it i probably wouldn’t even have gone all the way.” she said all in one breath.
harry listened closely to what she said, and he had one single thought.
“can i just ask you something?”
“yeah, sure, go for it.”
“why haven’t you ever asked me?”
she dropped the plate she was drying in the sink. did she heard right?
“uh- uhm, what?”
“why haven’t you asked me to help you out with.. that?”
she couldn’t bear how weird the situation was. so, naturally, she laughed it off.
“you’re so funny H, always said you should be a comedian.” she dried off her hands and made her way to the living room.
Harry followed her, gently grabbing her wrist to stop her from running away, putting his chest to her back.
“i’m not kidding. i’m genuinely asking you why, in over 10 years of being best friends, you’ve never asked me.” his hands started travelling from her wrist to her waist.
“isn’t it obvious? you’ve just said it: we’re best friends. doing that would make everything weird and complicated, and i don’t want that.”
“are you sure that that’s it?”
“yeah, of course it is.”
“angel, i can’t even see your face right now and i know you’re lying: you’re a shit liar, you know that. and i’d like to think that i know my best friend a little too well to not know when they’re lying.”
she huffed, she hated that she couldn’t lie to him, ever. but she hated more that she had to come clean now, so she tried convincing him one last time that there was nothing more.
“i’m not lying. that’s the only reason.”
he sighed, and turned her around.
“now look me in the eyes, and say that.”
the fucker. he knew for a fact that she wasn’t able to lie, especially if she looked in the eyes of the person she was trying to lie to.
“alright, fuck, you win. it’s not the only reason.”
“and do you mind telling me what is it?”
she took a deep breath, she really doesn’t want to, because she knows for a fact it’s going to make her sound like an idiot.
“it’s just.. i know that you don’t like me that way, and that you never did, back in high school or college. i’m not your type and that’s fine! i don’t blame you for it, everyone can have a preference.”
he was stunned. she took his silence as a way to tell her to go on.
“and so, i’ve never asked you any “help” because of that. i didn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position, of having to tell me the ‘no’ i already knew was coming, and ruining our friendship. never in a million years i would want that, so i never did.”
she released a breath, and looked up at him.
he was looking at her with wide eyes, that held a certain softness.
“and now i’ve made it weird all the same, fucking hell, i told you i wasn’t supposed to-“
“no angel, no, it’s okay. i just.. i don’t understand. have i made you feel ugly? is that it?”
“no H, no, it’s just that i saw the girls you went out with and we aren’t the same. they were gorgeous, like drop dead gorgeous, and so sweet and just incredible. some were even wayyyy out of your league, but you charmed them all the same.” she laughed, and it made him laugh as well.
“heyyy, that’s rude.” he whined, making her roll her eyes.
“but i am sorry, if i ever made you feel this way. i‘ve never wanted to. i think you’re beautiful, breathtakingly so.”
“oh stop it, that’s not true.” she tried to leave his grasp, but it only tightened on her waist.
“no, i’m serious. i think you are probably the most beautiful person i know, and not just on the outside. you’re a beautiful person all over, you look great and your soul is beautiful. you’re sweet and caring and just amazing, and i can’t believe you think i didn’t think this about you.”
she looked up at him and couldn’t believe how sweet he was being. was he saying all this out of pity?
“i can see the wheels turning in your head, what are you thinking about?”
“i was just thinking that maybe you’re being so sweet out of pity. because my night didn’t go the way it was supposed to.”
he scoffed. “you’re just so dense sometimes. i’m telling you this because i really do think those things. why can’t you just accept that?”
“uhm, okay then.. thank you H, for saying all of this.”
“you’re welcome, angel. now... would you want to?”
“would you want me to kiss you?”
what the actual hell was happening. was he actually asking her this? her best friend of ten years was asking her if he could kiss her. harry. her harry. her best friend harry. no way.
“we don’t have to, angel. just... if you want, i could kiss you and we can see if it feels good for you, and if you feel comfortable with that. i just want to make you feel good, and i hope you know you’re safe with me. i don’t expect anything to happen, nothing more than a kiss, if you even want that.”
“uhm. i-“ she was afraid of what was going to happen to them, but she so wanted to be selfish. just this one time. one kiss, that’s it.
“i think i’d like that. i feel safe with you.”
“yeah? you do?” he looked down at her, and a sheepish smile spread across his face.
“yeah, i really do. but do you?”
he could swear his heart was about to jump out of his chest. how cute was she? he was the one who proposed the whole ordeal, but she still wanted to make sure he felt comfortable.
“of course angel, it’s you. i always feel safe with you.”
they couldn’t lie to themselves, they both thought about this moment from time to time. 
the first time harry wanted to kiss her was at their junior prom, when he saw her in that long, beautiful dress, but didn’t because she had a date — and so did he —, especially when he saw she was having so much fun with aaron (her date), dancing around the school gym and laughing, and he thought he wanted to be the one who made her laugh like this forever. but he was late, and aaron already filled that position. so he made his peace with it, and spent prom night with his date, a lovely girl of course, but she wasn’t her.
and the first time she really, really wanted to kiss him was during a football game. it was their first year of college, and she was busy with finals, but harry begged her to come because he was the quarterback and promised her his team would win if she was there. so, when his team scored the winning touchdown, before even celebrating with his teammates, he looked for her in the bleachers and when he found her he had the biggest smile on his face, running towards her shouting “it’s because of you! it’s you!”. she never wanted to kiss someone that badly ever in her life. thankfully, when she came down from the high of his victory, she just hugged him tight, while he picked her up and spun her around. no kiss.
but now, how could she turn him down? how can she not kiss those lips? they seems so soft, like soft pink pillows.
harry couldn’t wait for it anymore. ever since he was a teen, he asked himself what it’d feel like kissing her, tasting her lips. he got close to do that too many drunken nights, but never did because either both of them were intoxicated or because he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
but now? they were both trembling with anticipation. so, he put his hands on her face, and slightly turned it upwards, looking deep into her eyes.
“are you sure?”
“yes, i am.”
“swear on your mum?”
“would you kiss me already?”
he didn’t have to be asked twice. he leaned in and softly touched her lips. the kiss started slow, like they wanted to test the water first, make sure nothing felt wrong.
‘wrong’ was the last word she would use to describe this kiss.
this is what a kiss should feel like: all the butterflies she didn’t feel before with james, here they were, batting their wings away in her stomach, making her feel like she could fly away.
harry’s hands travelled down her waist, one towards her bottom, and he broke the kiss for just a second.
“is this okay?” he asked.
she nodded, but clearly that wasn’t enough for harry.
“angel, i need words. is me touching you okay?”
“yes, harry, please.”
hearing her begging him made him groan in pleasure. he wanted to stay in this moment till the end of time.
he left his hands wandering on her waist, and a little lower, and brought his lips to hers once again, this time more purposefully. he licked her bottom lip, silently asking her to open up for him, and she happily obliged. her hands travelled up his shoulder, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, tugging lightly on the curls, making harry moan a bit.
and fuck, was it hot to hear.
she kept playing with his hair when harry pulled his lips from hers, a small whimper leaving her mouth.
she fucking whimpered. he was going to heaven, that was the only explanation.
he brought his lips on her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses and sucking here and there, making her unconsciously moan softly at his actions.
“does this feel nice, angel?”
“yeah.” she said in a breathy voice.
he could not get enough of her.
his lips reluctantly left her neck and he decided to sit on the couch, looking up at her.
he didn’t even have to say anything, because she gladly climbed on top of him, straddling him, and connecting their lips once again.
she wasn’t sure if a kiss ever felt like this. she didn’t know if it was because of how safe she felt with harry, or if he was just really good at kissing, but never in her life has she been kissed like this. it felt too good to be true.
his hands travelled to her hips, holding and squeezing her love handles, which made her a little uncomfortable, and she didn’t know if she made a sound or if harry could just read her mind, but he stopped kissing her.
“is everything okay?”
“yeah, yeah, everything’s good.” she went in to kiss him again, but he turned his head.
“you have to be honest with me. is it the position? does it weird you out?”
“no, no H, the position is great, it’s just... your hands squeezed my hips, and i don’t feel very comfortable with that, because i don’t like how squishy they are. it makes me a bit self conscious. i’m sorry.”
“hey, no need to apologise. if anything, i’m sorry. but angel, just know that there’s nothing wrong with them, i fucking love them. but i won’t squeeze them anymore now, alright? i want you to feel good and safe.”
“yes, thank you.”
he started kissing her again, softly at first but it soon became more heated, tongues touching and hands roaming over each other’s bodies; soft moans and the wet sounds of their lips connecting were all one could hear.
unconsciously, she started grinding her hips on him, making a deeper moan leave his mouth.
“angel, fuck.”
“i’m sorry, did i do something?”
“no no, fuck, it felt great. but are you sure?”
she didn’t answer him this time, she just kept kissing him and grinding on him, feeling him buck his hips to match her movements. she hoped this was enough of an answer for him.
“dear god, why didn’t we do this before?”
she let out a breathy laugh. “i was thinking the same thing.”
“what are you doing to me, angel?” she felt his hand on her hair, brushing them out of her face. she felt the coldness of his rings on her cheek, it all felt so real. almost, too real.
“angel.” her pet name sounded a bit more distant, and she felt a stronger hand on her shoulder.
“angel.” the voice was getting closer, she thought. but how could it be closer if she was kissing the source of that voice right now?
“angel, wake up.” wake up?
she opened her eyes and the soft light from the tv burned her sleepy eyes. through her blurry vision, she could make out a figure, a curly headed man with green eyes was looking at her, smiling softly.
“hey angel, welcome back to planet earth.” he chuckled. “i woke you up because one of your favourite episodes of friends is coming up.”
“uh, what?” she was still a bit confused from her sleeping state. when did she fall asleep?
“yeah, season 6, episode 15? “the one that could have been”, i think that’s what it’s called, it’s one of your favourites. i would’ve let you sleep but i know you like it.”
“thank you, H. it’s one of my favourites, indeed.”
“no problem, angel. so, did you have a nice dream?”
boy, did she.
“yeah, it was good, i think, i can’t remember it right now.”
“mmh, i’ll try to believe that.” he looked at her as if he knew what she was just dreaming about. oh my god, she didn’t say anything out loud, did she? the embarrassment.
“so, where’s this james guy taking you?”
oh fuck.
so here it is!! i hope you all enjoyed it <3 love yaaaaaa
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