#this is my first time doing a photo id i hope its alright
stuffedwithlove · 1 month
In the latest gamechanger episode, i'm not sure if anybody else noticed but when everybody was being introduced again- the players in the 2nd round earliest- but yeah when they were introduced again for a very short second their title cards displayed a pun on their name relating to the loop !! in case you guys need it i decided to grab pics and stuff !!
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[Photo ID: 7 images of contestants and guests of the episode's intro cards. Mike Trapp, Ify Nwadiwe, Siobhan Thompson, Sam Reich, Brian David Gilbert, Josh Ruben and Grant O'Brien. Except the names have been altered so that they reference the episode's 'time loop' theme and instead of their actual names they say 'Mike Trapped', 'Infinity Nwadiwe', 'Siobhan Thompsagain', 'Same Reich', 'Brian Déjà Gilbert', 'Josh Rewindben' and 'Grant O'Rerun'. Ify, Sam and Josh's cards are affected by visual effects like a glitched tv. End ID.]
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bridgyrose · 2 years
If you're still taking requests:
Ruby goes to get her very first tattoo at the new parlor in town, but finds something awakening within her due to the artist, a certain black haired cat faunus~
Ruby nervously walked into the tattoo parlor, the small bell above the door chimed softly as she made her way inside. The scent of vanilla and chamomile filled the room from the candles and teapot that sat on the front counter. As she looked around the small waiting room, she’d see photos of the tattoos the artist had worked on before, each one more intricate than the last. Finally, she heard the voice of the artist ring from the room she was in as the electronic whirring of the needle paused. 
“I’ll be right with you in a moment!” 
Ruby sat down and took a couple breaths as she pulled out her scroll to try to calm herself. Without her scythe, she felt vulnerable. Slowly, she found the picture she wanted to use as her tattoo and waited for the artist to finish. 
It wasnt long before Blake pulled out of the room she was in with a bull  faunus in tow, a fresh tattoo wrapped up to protect it. “Now remember, leave that on for a few days to let the ink dry.” 
“You know I will.” The faunus said as he kissed Blake’s cheek. “And we’re still on for later, right?” 
“Yes Adam, I’ll make sure to come around this time.” Blake waved him off and took a look at Ruby with a smile. “Here for a tattoo or a piercing?” 
“A uh… tattoo.” Ruby slowly stood up and made her way over to Blake. She quickly pulled out the ID she used for undercover work with a smile. “You’re pretty busy for having just opened.” 
Blake shrugged and took the ID to look it over before handing it back over. “When you’re one of the few faunus friendly places around, its easy for people to start making their way over.” She paused for a moment and looked Ruby over. “Though, you’re the first human to willingly come through those doors without the intent to hurt anyone.” 
“In the week that you’ve opened, I’ve heard great things about you and your work,” Ruby said as she rubbed the back of her neck, hoping Blake would believe the lie. Though, it wasnt a complete lie as she had heard good things about the place as she questioned around a bit, but it certainly wasnt the only reason. “And I figured that if I”m going to get a tattoo, I might as well get it done by someone who knows what they’re doing.” 
Blake nodded and motioned for Ruby to follow her to another room for a bit of privacy. “What exactly did you have in mind?” 
“Its an emblem I’ve been working on.” Ruby fumbled with her scroll and brought up a rough sketch of her rose emblem with a few variations of flames wrapped around it. “Something to help me have a piece of my family with me at all times.” 
Blake took Ruby’s scroll to look at the picture and frowned when she recognized the symbol. With a heavy sigh, she handed the scroll back and sat down on a chair and motioned for Ruby to sit next to her. “If you’re going to do something like that, you’ll want to make it a bit… simpler.” She picked up her digital tablet and started to draw Ruby’s emblem with small flames around it. “Something like this. It pops, its simple, and its still recognizably you.” 
Ruby nodded and looked over the picture of the tattoo. Before she knew it, she was pressed down to her back with Blake looking down at her. 
“So, ready for your tattoo?” Blake asked. 
Ruby nodded and took a deep breath. “Alright, I”m ready.” 
“And where did you want it?” 
“On my upper arm.” 
As the needle started to whir once more, Ruby closed her eyes and took in the smell of the room to distract herself as Blake rolled up her sleeve and the pain of the needle started to radiate through her arm. Her heart started to pound as she felt Blake’s breath against her neck. 
“This isnt too painful for you, is it?” 
“N-no, its not.” Ruby slowly opened her eyes and blushed when she realized just how close Blake was to her. She winced as the needle started to hit a sore spot in her arm. “I’m just trying to-” 
“Relax?” Blake pulled the needle back to give Ruby a small rest. “Dont worry, this wont take long at all. Mind if I light some incense to help you?” 
Ruby took another small breath as she tried to relax and look around the room. After all, she still had a mission to do and couldnt let herself get hung up on how pretty Blake was. She never realized her head started to spin as Blake let the incense burn, the smoke wafted around the room and almost seemed to collect right above her. 
Blake smiled a bit and went back to work on Ruby’s tattoo. “You know, you’re not the first huntress to come around here since I’ve opened. And I know you wont be the last either.” 
Ruby paused as she found it hard to focus, her words slurred as the smoke from the incense started to get to her. “But… I’m not…” 
“Please, I make sure to know who all the huntsmen in the kingdom are when I open shop.” Blake slowly put on a cloth mask with the White Fang insignia. “The only shame is that you’re not going to remember any of this when I’m done.” 
Ruby’s eyes finally shut as she dozed off, Blake’s name and face started to fade from her mind. “What… doing to… me?” 
“Nothing that’s going to matter in a few hours.” Blake let out a heavy sigh and continued to work on the tattoo that Ruby had paid for. Once she finished, she pulled out her own scroll and quickly dialed a familiar number. “Ilia? Yeah, I’ve got another one. Can you drop this one off in the forest this time? This one’s different and I need her alone. After I’m done talking to Adam.” 
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 3)
(part 1) (part 2) 
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 3k
chapter warnings: mention of past sexual harassment, very mature karaoke (lol), mention of pornography
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Day 63 and you still hadn’t talked about it.  He’d actually gotten to know you a lot better over the past two months, even almost confessing his feelings for you with that stupid half-asleep storybook thing he’d done way back when, but you still hadn’t talked about the night you saw him looking in the rearview mirror.
Tonight actually reminded him of that night; this time was a premiere, for a movie you hadn’t actually been in but apparently you were supposed to go anyways?  He didn’t get it but he figured he didn’t need to.  As long as you came back alone this time, he’d be happy.
Of course, when he saw you step out to the car to leave for the venue, he was confident that would be impossible— not that you ever looked bad on a red carpet or anything, but wow… this was different.
“It’s not too slutty, is it?” you asked him nervously, spinning around to show him the back.  Don’t look at her ass don’t look at her ass don’t look at her ass—   
“Just slutty enough,” he responded with a gloved thumbs up.
“Perfect,” you smiled, and he opened the door for you to get in the back.  He took a moment to catch his breath before circling around to the driver’s side.
You actually chatted with him on the way, which was a new thing you two had started doing when he drove you.  He looked forward to your talks a lot— especially the ones where you ranted about whatever was on your mind.  You would usually apologize for rambling but he liked it; and, you were cute when you got really worked up about something, even if he thought it was kind of trivial.
As he pulled up to the red carpet, with cameras flashing and the indistinguishable yelling of reporters and fans, you shot him a look as if you didn’t want to go.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah,” you shook your head incredulously, “I just… I wish you would’ve come and seen it.”
He recalled a few weeks back when you offered him a ticket to the premiere showing, but he’d insisted on just sticking to what he knew and letting your assistant have the spare ticket.  “I’ll catch it on Netflix,” he dismissed.
“No, I mean, I wish you were coming with me,” you explained.
Was it hot in here, all of a sudden?  Because his cheeks felt warm.  “Uh, you don’t want me in there.  I always fall asleep in theaters anyways.  Just go have fun and I’ll catch you after.”
“Okay,” you nodded with an adorable little smile.
So he waited, wondering if he should’ve taken you up on it all those weeks ago, but decided he probably made the right call.  He would just embarrass you in a place like that, more than likely, and you had enough to deal with already.  He felt more useful waiting in the wings than being in the spotlight, to use a fittingly-timed theater metaphor.
It was a few hours of him killing time in the car, but he got to relax a little more since the event already had pretty good security on its own.  You’d recommended a book called Flowers for Algernon to him, even lending him your copy for the time being, and so he leaned his seat back and picked up where he’d left off from this morning.  Of course, if he had known that you’d be gone long enough for him to finish, and that the ending was going to make him cry, he probably wouldn’t have read it.  WIth his luck, it was inevitable that he’d be all but sobbing when you texted him to pull the car around.
Wiping his tears and hoping his eyes wouldn’t be too red, he tossed the book into the glovebox and started the engine.  You waved cheerily when you saw him from the entrance, and he attempted to navigate through all the other cars pulling up so he could reach you.  Thankfully, you didn’t have a new friend with you this time— or an old friend.  Jealousy crisis averted, for now.
“How was it?” he asked with a smile as you opened the door and slipped in, unable to hide how happy he was to see you.
“The premiere itself was a lot of fun, I got to see some people I hadn’t seen in ages; the movie, though?  Sort of pretentious,” you admitted as you shut the door and he got the car moving again.  “And way too long!  I could watch movies all day, but that doesn’t mean I want to watch a movie all day!”
“Fair enough,” he laughed.
“What did you do?” you asked innocently.
“I finished your book,” he frowned, trying not to think about it so he wouldn’t get emotional again.  
“Ah, I can tell you’re still a little hurt about it,” you smiled mischievously.  “Should’ve warned you about the ending.”
“No, no,” he disagreed, “it’s not a bad ending just because it’s a sad one… it was a good book.”
You’d already been smiling, but your smile undeniably changed as he watched it in the rearview mirror.  Something softer, something more sensitive.  He liked this one better.  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
Just in time to interrupt the moment, you saw something on the passing street outside that caught your attention.
“Ooh, karaoke!” you piped up, pressing your face against the inside of the window excitedly.  “Pull over!”
He chuckled at how easily distracted you were, but did as you’d asked.  He barely found time to slow down to a stop before you were opening the door and running out, flashing your ID to get inside.
He groaned as he realized how completely unsafe it was for you to be in a bar… especially now, when you were at your most recognizable and literally still wearing what you’d had on at the premiere.  Thankfully, he managed to pull the car around and park in the closest spot he could find, jogging to join you inside the bar and hoping you hadn’t already made too much of a scene.  His hopes were dashed the moment he pushed through the door, however.
“Is she perverted like me?  Would she go down on you in a theater?” you sang along with the grungy backing track of Alanis Morrisette’s You Oughta Know; your lips were curled into a faux snarl as you stood on stage with your heels in one hand and the microphone in the other.
Bucky’s head fell into his hands, looking around to see hundreds of bar patrons, nearly all of them with their phones out filming you.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Bucky mumbled to himself, hoping you would somehow hear it and take his advice.  Instead, you pantomimed sucking a dick with a cute little wink and everyone cheered.  “Jesus fucking Christ.”
“And I’m here, to remind you,” you continued, jumping around wildly; you looked like you were having the time of your life, honestly.  If he wasn’t so worried about you, he would’ve let himself smile seeing you so happy.
During the bridge, you stole someone’s water off their table and poured a bit on your head, slicking your hair back and shivering from the cold.  There was something about the water dripping down your face, starting to soak your clothes and make your skin glisten...
Bucky glanced around to make sure no one was looking at him before subtly adjusting his jeans.
He watched you sing the entire song, making most of the notes and definitely capturing the anger of the original song— if clearly having a lot more fun with it than most would.  The entire bar cheered when you finished, and you took a moment to take some pictures with people and meet a few fans, which he thought was sweet even if his bodyguard instincts forced him to interrupt after a moment.
“Alright, that’s enough,” he guided you away gently.
“Goodnight!” you waved goodbye to someone who was already buried in her phone and posting the photo you’d taken with her.
“Have a good time?” he asked sarcastically as the two of you began to walk out together.
“Would’ve been better if you hadn’t been glaring at me the whole time,” you smirked.
“I wasn’t glaring, I was just… watching.  You have a good voice, you know.”
You seemed surprised by the compliment.  “Oh.  Thanks.”
“And your stage presence is certainly… energetic,” he grinned.  “I bet your little charade is already trending.”
“I checked, and it is,” you giggled, showing him your phone for a moment where Twitter was open and you were the #7 topic in the United States and climbing.  “And the part where I poured that water on myself is pretty gif-able, don’t you think?”
He raised a brow as he held the back door of the bar open as you slipped back on your heels and walked past him.  “Is that why you did it?  For the reaction?”
“I did it cause it was fun,” you corrected.  “You wouldn’t know anything about that.  And the water thing was just practical, I was getting hot in this dress.”
That didn’t seem to be a problem anymore with the way you shivered in the night air as he walked you through the parking lot.  “Want my jacket?” he offered.
“No,” you frowned, but you eyed the leather with a hungry stare.  He chuckled and took it off, draping it over your shoulders anyways.  “How far is the car?” 
“Uh, a block?  Not much parking this time of night,” he explained.
“Ugh, these heels,” you groaned, “they hurt so bad.  I don’t know if I can make it.”  You began to slip them off but he stopped you.
“You can’t go barefoot out here, god knows what’s on the ground,” he shuddered; what if there was broken glass or something?
“Well, I can’t wear these,” you frowned, “and I probably shouldn’t be walking on asphalt in red bottoms anyway…”
He probably should’ve warned you before he scooped you up into his arms, but it was sort of instinct and he kinda forgot to say anything first.  You squealed a little but then went lax in his grip.
“You’re gonna carry me the whole way?” you asked incredulously.
“It’s only a block,” he shrugged, adjusting you in his arms a bit before starting the walk. 
It got quiet after that, the cool night air rustling the trees and blowing through his hair— frankly, he was a little chilly without his jacket, but it looked better on you anyhow.  The drive home was quiet, too, or at least quieter than usual, but it didn’t feel awkward, necessarily.  It didn’t feel like a lull in the conversation; it felt more like the conversation had just changed from verbal to non-verbal.  You both looked around at the city lights surrounding you on the drive, silent because there was nothing that needed to be said.  It wasn’t nervous, or tense, or anxiety-inducing like most of his interactions with you (or with anyone) could be.
It felt like time spent with an old friend.  He hadn’t known you long enough for that to be accurate, but he was happy to think of you as a new friend.  He just hoped you thought the same.
Arriving at the house, he dropped you off at the front and watched you make a mad dash for the stairs and presumably your bedroom, smiling to himself as he parked the car and came in to follow you.  He saw his jacket tossed onto the couch and your expensive shoes discarded right by the door.  Going upstairs and peeking into your room, he saw your limp form flopped onto the bed, your back exposed from the low cut of the dress.
“You’d better not get comfortable, you’ll kill me if I let you fall asleep with all that makeup on,” he frowned, leaning against the doorway.
"I couldn't fall asleep yet, anyways.  I'm wired."
“Any plans to burn off all that energy?” he pressed.
You groaned a little as you sat up, starting to unclasp all the jewelry on your wrists, around your neck, and on your ears.  “It’ll take me a while to get out of all of this— but not as long as it took me to get into it,” you laughed.  “Then I’m thinking TV and beers.”
“Beers?” he questioned, emphasizing the plural.  “You plannin’ to get toasted right before you go to sleep?”
“No, it’s plural because there’s one beer for me and one beer for you,” you explained with the slightest air of condescension, but he couldn’t really think of it as rude since it was an invitation.
“I don’t want to intrude on your chill evening,” he refuted.
“No, really, you’re not intruding!” you insisted, standing up and setting the jewelry on a nightstand before approaching him and turning to face away from him.  “Will you unzip me please?”
He stammered a little.  “I don’t… see a zipper,” he admitted with a weak voice.
“It’s on the side here, see?” you lifted your arm a bit, and pointed to it.  
Reaching out to touch your zipper was reminiscent of that old boardgame Operation: he needed to touch the zipper and only the zipper, cause if he bumped into anything else nearby, he got the feeling he’d get zapped.
His breath caught a bit as he watched more and more of your skin become exposed, the zipper ending up so low that he could just barely see the top of something lacy around your hips— and he had to stop there because anything more could induce cardiac arrest.  
“Thanks!” you piped up happily, slipping away to your closet to do the rest in private.  “Will you get the beers while I take my makeup off?” you requested through the shut door.
“Sure,’ he replied, turning to leave but realizing he should ask first: “Shiner or Pabst?” 
“Don’t patronize me,” you grumbled, and he laughed because it was a stupid question.  Trodding downstairs, he grabbed the Shiners from the fridge, stopping to check his phone only to see that it had started to automatically send him headlines pertaining to you.
‘Touch of Blood’ star gives impromptu karaoke performance at Queens dive bar!
He laughed at the picture of you onstage, even though he thought it was kind of reductive to describe you by a movie you’d been in so long ago when you had so much great new stuff coming out.  Jumping back up the stairs, beers in hand, he found you makeup-free (aside from some leftover mascara and eyeliner that hadn’t really made it all the way off) and in a robe, laying on the bed as you pointed the remote at your TV.  He thought you looked almost more beautiful like this than you did on the red carpet; of course, objectively, everybody looks better when they’ve been painted to the point of perfection, but he liked the domesticity of this.  When you were casual and relaxed like this, he could almost, almost pretend you were his girlfriend or something.  And not, you know, a global superstar and his employer.
“Beer me,” you requested as he sat down next to you, handing you a bottle and trying to ignore the thorough view of your legs he was getting in that robe.
“Anything good on?” he prompted as he watched you scroll through the channels on the guide.
“Uh, not particularly,” you frowned.  
“They’re showing a game,” he pointed out as you passed the sports channels.
“I’d rather watch this pay-per-view porn,” you rolled your eyes.
He cleared his throat but said nothing because he was confident there was no good response to that.
“Hey, I’m in this!” you beamed, changing the channel quickly.  He nearly had a heart attack until he realized you weren’t scrolling through the porn channels anymore.
He recognized the film instantly as the one of yours that he’d seen the most, for one very embarrassing and slightly sinister reason; looking down to the corner, he saw the HBO logo and realized it wasn’t going to be edited.  His palms got a little clammy but he tried not to worry about it too much.
“Oh, this girl was super nice,” you remembered as you pointed to a character on-screen.  “She had a bigger role but most of it got edited out.”
“That must be a bummer,” he imagined.
“Eh, it happens,” you shrugged.  “Beats getting fired, or recast in the sequel.”
“Have you ever been fired during filming?” he pressed, morbidly curious.
“Once,” you nodded.  “We were only a few days into it so they had no trouble finding somebody new and redoing my scenes.  Just think: I could’ve been a Bond girl if I’d slept with that producer.”
“You— what?!” he squawked.  “You got fired because you wouldn’t have sex with a film exec?”
“I got fired because of ‘creative differences,’” you explained with exaggerated air quotes, “and, unrelatedly, those creative differences surfaced the morning after I refused to get down and dirty with the EP.”
“Jesus,” he shook his head, “that’s… I hope you told someone.”
“Yeah, anonymously.  Somebody will care someday, but not yet.  He’s still too profitable, and not enough people have come forward.”
He glanced over at you, admiring your profile as you kept your eyes on the TV and took a sip of your beer.  When you turned your head and looked back at him, he realized he’d been staring a bit too long.
“What?” you asked, quirking your brow a bit. 
“What?” he repeated.
“You’re staring at me,” you frowned.
“Sorry, I was just… sorry,” he shook his head and looked back ahead.  What he found there wasn’t much less embarrassing, though: he knew all too well that this was the scene right before THE scene.  The scene he’d watched over and over until his arousal overpowered his shame.  The scene that he’d used to try to satisfy his crush on you, but it only made it worse.  The scene that had burrowed into his mind and deepened his obsession even as he fought it with everything he had…
You know, that scene.  And he was about to watch it with you.  
Bucky was completely, entirely, and supremely fucked.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
fear itself.
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: part two of the 100 arc! this installment covers the events of faceless, nameless. i am living for the feedback! please keep it coming. i can’t wait to hear what you think as we go through this (very emotionally wrought) section.
an ajf fic arc that happily stands on its own! one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven
words: 4.5k warnings: canon-typical violence, language, hospital setting
summary: four hours of sleep and aaron’s missing. what else could go wrong?
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | requests closed!
4:02am “Just got home, so I’m calling like you asked. Shoot me a text when you get back to the apartment, if you aren’t already asleep. Call me when you’re up and we can work on that Nebraska consult, maybe in the early afternoon? Goodnight. Sleep well.”
8:13am “Hey, it’s me. I know I’m not supposed to be worried about you, but we were called in a half hour ago and you’re still not here...so...give me a call when you get this. Bye.”
8:48am “Hey, it’s me, checking in again. You’re probably still asleep, but I’ve never known you to sleep more than seven hours...so if I don’t hear from you by eleven I’ll drag you out of bed myself.”
9:51am “We’re headed to the crime scene. Garcia’s sent you the address. I know JJ’s been calling you too, so just...I dunno? Call us back? Bye.”
10:20am “If you’re getting these and ignoring me, I hope you know you’re taking years off my life right now.”
11:08am “Um...Call me back. I’m starting to worry. Well...not starting. I’ve been worried. But I’m getting...really worried.” 
11:37am “Aaron please call me and let me know you’re alright. You’re scaring me.”
Needless to say, it’s been a weird day. Why you expected anything else after that wretched Canada case and four hours of sleep, you have no idea. 
You had a horrible dream last night, on top of everything else. The image of Aaron broken and bleeding beside you hadn’t left your mind since it first appeared in Foyet’s kitchen. You tried to shake it off every time, but it was persistent. 
We’ll worry about that later. 
You check the time again, trying to ignore the weird feeling in your gut. 
Where is he? 
Your phone rings and your heart leaps. Guilt (and a little bit of embarrassment) pricks at you when you’re disappointed to see Emily’s name on your phone. You answer. 
“You have to get down here.” Her voice isn’t frantic, per se, but the urgency is undeniable. 
“What’s going on?” 
She takes a breath. “I just got off the phone with Garcia - I have crime scene techs and SWAT on the way to Hotch’s apartment, and I need you here.” 
All the blood in your body seems to rush into your head, and you lean heavily on the nearest object - the dining room table. “What?”
“I - I don’t know. All his stuff is here and there's -” She stutters for a second. “There’s blood on the carpet, broken glass, and a bullet hole in the wall by the kitchen. No Hotch.” 
An eerie kind of calm washes over you, and you straighten, making eye contact with Derek. “Okay. Let me just -”
Derek gets a call, but keeps his eyes on you. “What’s goin’ on, Baby Girl?...What do you mean ‘Emily just called SWAT to Hotch’s apartment’ what -“
You break his gaze as he nods at you and turns to the rest of the team. “Emily, I’ll be right there. Don’t go anywhere.” 
You make it to the hospital with Emily. You flash your credentials and it gets you exactly where you want to go. 
When you see him, your breath catches. He looks awful - drawn and small and wrapped in what seems like miles of gauze. Emily grabs your arm, but you’re not sure if it's for her benefit or yours. 
This is, after all, your worst nightmare come to life. A little chill crawls up your spine. This whole thing has you feeling six different kinds of scared. 
The nurse lets you into his room, telling you he’ll be out for another hour, at least. “He needs the rest.”
Emily leaves you to retrieve coffee. You take the opportunity to sit beside him and slide your hand under his, careful not to disturb the IV. Your hand shakes - whether from anxiety, fear, fury, or all of the above, you’re not sure. 
“If you die, Aaron Hotchner, I’ll kill you.”
You hear a little laugh from the doorway and you pull your hand from him. Emily shakes her head, two cups of coffee in her hands. “You’re fine. I'm not going to tattle.”
You squint. “Tattle?”
She rolls her eyes. “You’re so clueless it’s almost cute, but he’s worse.” She throws her head toward Hotch with a fond smile, handing you your cup of coffee.
The rest of the team arrives in a flurry a little while later, and the nurse has to warn them off as Aaron starts to wake. 
They quiet down, surrounding his bedside. You haven’t moved, making it your mission to keep your eyes on him at all times. 
His eyes flutter before closing again. “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital,” you say, keeping your voice quiet and steady despite the tightness in your chest. 
“How did I get here?”
Derek gets that one. “Foyet drove you.” 
Aaron takes a breath. It’s shaky, and you imagine he’s in a lot of pain. Emily leans forward, looking for his eyes. “Can you remember what happened?”
He tells you, slowly, about how Foyet broke into the apartment, waited until he was home with his guard down, fired a shot, and then...He trails off. A heavy breath leaves him. “What did he take?”
You have an answer. “There was a page missing from your day planner, the Bs from the address section.” 
He closes his eyes and his breath grows faster, his heart rate increasing. After a moment, he collects himself and asks Emily, “What did he leave?”
“I don’t know.” 
“He also leaves something with his victims.”
Emily shakes her head. “I looked through your entire apartment. Nothing felt out of place.”
“Where are my clothes?”
“Right here.” You reach over, grabbing the bag and removing his bloody shirt with only the barest moment of hesitation. He reaches for the envelope of his personal effects and you press it into his hand, saving him the effort. 
Tears prick at your eyes as you watch his hands shake, opening his wallet. He’s eerily quiet, and you catch a glimpse of a photo, tucked into the fold. 
Haley and Jack. There’s blood on it. You recognize it from the desk in his home office space. 
Aaron’s come to the same conclusion, falling back on the pillows with a look you can only describe as defeated. It scares you. You swallow, pushing your tears back. 
That’s the last thing he needs right now. 
“Haley’s maiden name is Brooks. I always listed her in the Bs in my personal information in case it fell into the wrong hands.” Your hand, like JJ’s, has fallen over your mouth. 
Of course. 
Of course, he keeps her under Brooks. All he wants to do is keep her safe. 
You hope, one day, that someone will love you that much, will want to protect you with the same ferocity, will think of you before anything else. 
You could only be so lucky. 
He swallows and continues. “He knows where they live.”
Derek makes assignments. You’re to stay right where you are, while the rest focus on locating Haley and Jack. 
When it’s just the two of you, he closes his eyes again. “I don’t know what I’m going to do if -”
“They’ll find her. They’ll find Jack. They’ll be safe.”
You have to believe it, too. They’re too important to you, to central to your life, now 
He shakes his head, his eyes cracking open. “Why didn’t I just take the deal?” Clearing his throat, he continues, his voice a little stronger, but still rough. “He told me I should have. I never thought -” He cuts himself off.
You hand him a cup of water, and he takes it gratefully. Idly, you note he hasn’t looked you in the eye yet. 
“Do you want an answer to your question?”
He doesn’t answer you, looking across the room. 
You lean into his eye line. “You didn’t take the deal because you have the most integrity of anyone I’ve ever known. Anything he does is on him. It’s not on you.” 
“But,” his voice breaks and the smallest of tears falls out of his eye. It tracks down his temple until you gently wipe it away with your thumb. “But I could have stopped all of this.” 
“No,” you whisper. Your hand lingers on the side of his face. “No. He’ll be this way wherever he goes. The only way you change that is by catching him, Hotch.” 
He finally looks at you, his brown eyes exhausted, hurting, and bloodshot. You card your fingers through the hair at his temple, putting the oxygen cannula back over his ear. Soon, he closes his eyes again, his vitals evening out as he falls asleep. 
“We’ll get him, Aaron.”
A few tense minutes later, your phone buzzes in your pocket. When you see the caller ID, a shot of adrenaline zings around your body. “Haley?”
Your name is a sigh of relief in her mouth. “SWAT scared the hell out of me and I just - I don’t know.”
“Oh, Haley I’m so sorry. I should have gone over there with the team but -“ Derek knew my stress wouldn’t be useful. 
“No, no. It’s fine. They’re getting Jack from a friend’s house, but they told me what’s going on. I’ll see you when I get to the hospital. I just -“ She laughs, but there’s no humor in it. “I just freaked out.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
Your heart pulls. “I love you, too.” 
She hangs up, and you stuff your phone back in your pocket. 
Aaron wakes again when you pull a case file from your bag, but you’re not sure it’s your doing.
He looks around a little frantically for a moment, still disoriented. You rise and cross the room, finding one of his hands. 
“Hotch, it’s okay. You’re still in the hospital.” 
You nod. “They got her. She’s safe and she’s on her way with Jack.” 
He finally relaxes, sinking back down into the pillows. “Thank you.”
You nod and resume your place on the other side of the room, patting the back of his hand as you let him go. He’s quiet, if not a little fidgety. You look at him for a minute. He takes a talking breath. 
“After the first one, it kind of goes blank.” His breath is still a little unsteady, and you take your chair next to his bed again. “There were nine, apparently.” 
Your breath catches. It’s not new information, but it’s still raw, sharp-edged. 
He swallows. “He taunted me.” His eyes beg you to understand, to keep him from flying off the rails. 
“He’s a bastard, Aaron.”
He levels you with a withering stare. No shit. 
“I know you know that, but it’s worth repeating.”
“I don’t want -“
You interrupt him, knowing exactly where he’s going. “You’re not going to become a victim. You aren’t a victim.”
“I don’t want Haley to -“ 
You press a hand to his arm, mindful of his bandages. “One day at a time. They’re safe today.”
His lip quivers and his voice leaves him in a whisper. “That’s not good enough.”
Eventually, Haley arrives looking a little worse for wear. 
Her haircut’s really cute. 
The thought almost makes you laugh. 
Of all the things to notice...
You startle a little as you remember where you are and rise, ready to give them space. She waves you off, giving you permission to stay. 
“How do you feel?” She asks. 
Aaron sits up a little more, not without effort, and says, “I’m gonna be okay.” 
That’s not what she asked, stupid. 
He continues. “Did they explain to you what’s happening?”
She nods. “They said the marshal's service is taking us straight from here and putting us into protective custody.” Her eyes meet yours, and you dip your chin. She’s right. 
Aaron apologizes to Haley for the first of what you imagine will be many times. 
Her lower lip disappears between her teeth. “Do you know where they’re gonna take us?”
“No,” you answer. “We don’t. And that’s the point.” 
“I can’t know where you’re going,” Aaron adds. “If you have any contact with anyone, he can track you.”
That shocks her a little, and you can see she’s getting upset. “Jack has school. He has friends. I have a job now. I have -” She cuts herself off. 
“I know.” He levels a steady, solemn gaze upon her. “And I’m sorry. We will catch him and you’ll come back.”
She looks at you again. “Are you sure we’re in danger?” 
You nod, almost imperceptibly, and Hotch answers. “Yes.” 
“And what about you? Are you gonna be safe?”
There it is. 
She does love him. 
You knew that, of course. Seeing them together during visits at home or out to dinner or otherwise in the presence of that other, that was never in question.
Your heart tugs. 
Twenty-five years... 
“He wants to see me suffer. Knowing that my son is out there and that I can’t see him is better than killing me.”
Haley wets her lips and swallows. 
That’s her tell. 
You figure she’ll burst into tears pretty soon. It was only a matter of time, and you don’t blame her in the least. You’ve had tears threatening you all afternoon, and this wasn’t even happening to you. 
“Jack wants to see you.”
Aaron’s jaw gets a little tight. “I want to see him, too. I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
You hear what he can’t say, too. I don’t want to scare him. I don’t want him to see me like this. 
“Look,” she says, exasperated. “I know you’re trying to protect him, but you both need this. Please.”
He nods, resigned. “Okay.”
Haley looks over and offers you a shaky smile, trying to break the tension. “He also asked me if you’d be here. He’ll be thrilled.” 
That almost does you in. “So will I,” you tell her, meaning every syllable. 
With another brisk nod and wipe of her face, she leaves the room to retrieve Jack. Aaron sits up a little straighter and you help him. He tries to suppress his wince, but fails. 
“Do you need another round?” 
He shakes his head. “I’ll be fine.”
“Just let me know.” You settle back into the corner, the case file in your lap. 
Haley and Jack return, and she brings him to Aaron’s side, lifting him up onto the bed. 
Aaron meets his eyes and tells him that he’s okay, giving him a little preparing for what’s about to happen. “But, what do I tell you whenever I go away?”
“That you love me.” 
You hide your face, looking out the window as tears finally fall from your eyes. Haley’s eyes are on you and you know it. You wipe at your face and take a quiet breath before turning back, pretending to pay attention to the case in your lap. 
In your periphery, you can see Aaron looking over Jack’s face as if to memorize it, as if he doesn’t already know every plane, every curve, every angle of his son’s face. “More than anything in the world.” 
They exchange a few more words before he brings him close and kisses his forehead. You glance up, and they look so alike in their profiles it almost makes you smile. Haley’s crying, too, and she meets your eyes. 
Something passes between you, but you don’t have a name for it. 
You don’t need one. 
Haley takes a breath and tucks her hair behind her ears. She redirects Jack’s attention to you, and his eyes light up. She helps him scramble off the bed and he books it around the bed to you. 
You close the case file and open your arms to him. “Hi, bud.” It’s hard not to scare him with the feverish way you hold him close, your fingers wound in his hair. 
There’s a failed attempt to avoid thinking about the uncertainty of the future, when you’ll see him again. 
If ever.
The pair of you lean back for a minute, and you brush his hair away from his forehead. 
“Are you going away, too?” He asks. 
You shake your head. “I’m gonna stay here with your dad.” 
“Are you going to keep my dad safe? I’m going to keep Mom safe.”
It’s Aaron who looks away this time. 
“Of course, my love.” You offer him something you hope looks like a smile. “We always keep each other safe. We’re a team, like you and your momma. I’m so proud of you.” You check in with Haley, who’s looking away, the back of her hand swiping at her cheek. When she turns back to you, you tilt your head a little. 
Want a minute? 
She nods. 
You stand, Jack still tucked against your chest. “I think,” you say, as he sits back in your arms, “Miss Emily and Miss JJ are back and might have something fun for you over there.” You tip your head toward the waiting room. “Wanna go see?”
He nods, leaning back into you and playing with your collar. You pat Aaron’s knee and squeeze Haley’s shoulder with your free hand as you pass. 
Aaron watches you go, your low murmuring comforts to Jack lost in the ambient hospital noise. When you find JJ and look back, giving him a small (if not a little watery) smile, he looks over at Haley, guilt closing up his throat. 
“I’m so sorry, Haley. I promise, when this is all over, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.” 
She gives him a half-smile and sits on the edge of his bed. She reaches for him, and he takes both of her hands in his. There’s silence for a moment as they sit together. She studies him. 
While it doesn’t bother him (she has been looking at him for nearly twenty-five years, after all), he does feel more exposed under her gaze than he’s used to. 
“You should do something about that, one of these days,” she says, looking over her shoulder. You’re still visible in the window, talking to JJ while Jack is still glued to you. His little arms are tight around your neck, his head tucked under your chin.
Aaron’s brow furrows, but the EKG picks up the increase in his heart rate, much to his embarrassment. “What are you talking about?”
Haley laughs, a light, watery, delicate thing, and turns back to him. It almost brings a smile to his face. “Do you think I don’t know what you look like when you’re head over heels, Aaron Hotchner? After eighteen years of marriage and twenty-five years knowing you? Give me a break.”
His jaw grows tight, but he holds her gaze. 
“You used to look at me like that, you know.” A little smile plays at her lips and she looks down, almost shy. “Still do, sometimes.” 
“I love you, Haley.” 
She squeezes his hand. “I know you do.” A sigh leaves her and she looks over her shoulder again, just catching a glimpse of you and JJ out in the hall with Jack as you go scavenging for something sweet. There’s a little smile at the corner of her mouth when she turns back to him. “You are so loved, Aaron.” 
“I don't…” He huffs, frustrated. “I don’t feel -”
“I’m not saying you have to do anything, but it might do you some good to just…” She sighs, throwing a hand up in a kind of searching gesture. “I don’t know, be honest with yourself. Think for a minute.” 
His teeth worry the inside of his lower lip as he thinks about it. He does care about you. But love? 
He thinks of the way his chest feels too small whenever you laugh, the way he always goes above and beyond to make sure you’re safe in the field, how he looks for you when you’re out of the room, how he looks for you when you’re in the room. 
The way you are with Jack brings him to his knees every time. The sound of his son’s laughter under your tickling fingers never fails to bring a smile to his face. 
You’ve helped him heal what seemed like an insurmountable chasm between him and Haley, and though it’s not perfect, it’s better than it would ever be without you. 
You always take a second to straighten his tie and ensure his suit jacket lays flat across his shoulders before leaving the plane, just like he always takes time to count the rounds in your magazines or tuck your tag back into your shirt collar. 
He always feels so warm under your fond and attentive touch. With a little bit of alarm, he hopes you feel the same under his. Safe. Cared-for. 
Oh no.
He knows the realization is clear on his face when Haley laughs again, surprising them both. She swipes at her eyes again, clearing any remaining tears. “You know, I can’t say I’m surprised you didn’t know, but it’s still funny, even with all this.” She shakes her head. “You haven’t changed much, have you?”
His face breaks out into a little smile as he looks back at her. “Oh, quit.” 
“I’ll never quit giving you hell, as long as we live.” Haley reaches out, pushing gently against his shoulder. He takes the shove like a champ, even through the ache in his chest and abdomen, thankful she’s not treating him like he’s made of glass. 
“Don’t I know it.” 
They look at each other for a minute before Aaron sobers, the mirth evaporating between them. He already misses her. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for all of this. I’m hoping it’ll be...temporary.” 
“I do have a life, Aaron. And Jack…” She sighs and her eyes fill with tears again. 
“I know. I’m sorry. I wish there was another way to keep you safe, but -” He cuts himself off, knowing there’s nothing he can say. 
She swallows again. She already misses him. “How am I supposed to keep him safe when there’s nobody I know to help me?”
He sighs, but speaks with conviction. “Haley, you’re strong. You lived with me in this job and you’ve practically raised Jack all by yourself. You’re a great mother.” 
Haley’s actively crying now, trying to stem the tears with her fingers. It’s not working. After a moment, she collects herself. “Can you catch this man?”
“I will catch this man.”
When she leaves Aaron’s room, you bring Jack to her. You take a moment to lightly fuss over them both. 
Her blue eyes find yours. “Take care of him, please?”
You nod. “I will.” 
“He needs you.” 
She says it with a simple kind of conviction that makes your chest pull. You put a hand on her shoulder, trying to communicate everything you can’t say into your touch. “He needs you more.” 
“No, he doesn’t.” Her lips twist in an odd sort of smile and she wraps you in a hug and kisses your cheek. “I’ll see you soon.” 
You hold her tight, Jack trapped (and whining a little) between you. “See you soon, Hales.” You pull back, looking deeply into her eyes. “We’ll get him.” 
The U.S. Marshals arrive, and you have to let go of each other. You press a kiss to Jack’s forehead and tell him you love him one more time, and wait until they’re in the car and out of sight before you break down. 
You don’t know where he came from, but Derek wraps around you, catching you before your knees hit the ground. You don't know what you’re crying about, really. 
It could be the overwhelming task of catching Foyet.
It could be Hotch in the room down the hall with nine stab wounds to his chest and abdomen. 
It could be the indefinite absence of your dear friend and her son - a boy you love more than anyone except maybe -
Nope. Don’t go there. Not now. 
Sobs wrack your chest, and your head hurts and your throat is sore by the time your body lets you breathe. 
Derek’s there the whole time, rubbing your back and keeping your face hidden in the crook of his neck and shoulder. “It’s gonna be okay, kiddo. It’ll be okay. He’s okay. We’re gonna catch this son of a bitch.” 
“It’s just so much, Derek.” 
He sighs. “I know. I know.”
“Did you hear what happened this morning?”
You’re woken by Dave’s voice, coming from the doorway. Cramped and crunched into the corner of an uncomfortable chair, you stretch and what feels like every joint in your body cracks. 
When did Aaron wake up? 
You look over at him and he glances at you before returning to Dave, who’s leaning on the door frame. 
“We had a situation. Unsub had already killed two people. Said he was gonna keep killing unless a man used his son as bait.”
“What happened?”
Good question. 
Belatedly, you realize you’ve neglected your case duties all day in favor of holding vigil over Aaron’s bedside. The weirdest part about it? The rest of the team let you. 
“We kept the boy safe. Worked the profile. It was a happy ending.” 
That’s good, at least. One fucking happy ending today. 
It’s like Dave’s reading your mind as he asks Aaron, “Do you know why I’m telling you this?”
“Yes.” Aaron’s gaze is impassive, but there are universes behind his eyes. 
“No other group in the world could have pulled off what yours did in a matter of hours.” Dave checks in with you, and the corner of your mouth lifts. 
He shakes his head just a little. No sweat, kid. You did your job.
“I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Dave, but -”
Dave cuts him off. “We’ll get Foyet.”
“I promised Haley I would get him. But the truth is, if he stops killing we have no way of tracking him. He stopped killing for ten years just for the pleasure of watching Shaunessy’s life fall apart.” 
He’s crying again, and your heart breaks. You’re surprised Dave can’t hear it crack all the way across the room. 
“What’s Jack going to remember about me in ten years?”
“Hotch, look at me.” You rise from your chair and sit on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb his position. He turns his head just so, his brown eyes locking onto yours. “We’ll get him. We will get him.”
We have to. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @hurricanejjareau @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pan-pride-12 @sunshine-em @word-scribbless​ @jdougl-love​ @sageellsworth05​ @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @buckybau @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @violentvulgarvolatile  @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @lcvischmitt @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @cevanswhre @qvid-pro-qvo @jeor @spencers-hoodrat @infinity1321 @zizzlekwum @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @this-broken-band-girl @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @winqhster @spencerelds
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lois-carroline · 3 years
Can you write a jake and fem (mc) fic where hannah is saved but mc gets kidnapped by mwaf and jake saves her😜?
• Episode 8 Spoiler
Hey, you guys may find something is not logical.👉🏻👈🏻 But still I hope you guys like it <3
I was sitting on the bed while hacking Hannah's cloud to find clues. My phone ringed in my hand, the caller ID shows 'Unknown'.
I recognised the person, it's Man Without Face. I sighed as I know he called me again to give empty threats.
I reluctantly attended the call and kept it in my ears. But this time, I heard a girl's voice. "Hello? Help me!" She said panicked.
I suddenly recognised the voice, it's Hannah! I heard her voice in the audio in which she had a conversation with Dr. Ulric Barret.
She spoke to me with full of panic in her voice. "Hannah!" I said after coming out of my thoughts. "How do you know me?" She asked with the same tone.
"We don't have time for that. First, calm down," I said as I tried my best not to panic. "Hannah, switch on the GPS in which phone you are talking to me, I will come soon there,"
I said as I took my car key and went to my car. "O-ok," she shuttered in panic. I tracked her phone, she is near Duskwood.
It will nearly take 2 hours to reach there from my place. "Hannah, don't worry, I promise I will save you," I said while driving.
She hummed in a weak voice. I heard a faint sound of a door opening on the other side. "He came!!" She panicked. "Calm down! End the call and remove it from call history, and go where you were before!" I shouted.
She understood and the call ended. I called Jake hurriedly, but he didn't answer. I tried again and again. But still, he didn't attend.
"Jake, attend the call!!!" I shouted, don't know what to do, I was driving as fast as I can. I must save her.
Should I inform my Duskwood friends? No, you should not MC. They will get worried, what if they took a wrong move?
I tried to speak to Jake, but he didn't attend my calls. After one and half hours, I arrived at Duskwood.
I drive the car to the place where the GPS showed. I came to that place, it is an old house. It looks big, but too old and damaged. There is also a bunker.
I slowly made my way inside the house, I saw a room. I entered the room hoping Hannah is there.
But to my surprise, I saw many raven feathers, Cleo's photo which took secretly in the woods, Hannah's photos which took in different places.
Looks like someone stalking her. Then I noticed the candles are lit.....LIT!! OMG! The man without face is somewhere near, he can come at any time!
I quickly went out of the room and made my way upstairs. I saw Hannah was tied to a chair, her eyes are blindfolded and her body is bruised so badly.
I quickly removed her blindfold, "It's me," I said. She recognised my voice, "quick, we should leave. He will come here at any time!" I said as I untied the ropes.
We ran down, Hannah tried her best to be fast as she is hurt badly. We were about to leave but we heard the front door open with the creaking sound.
Our eyes widened in shock, but quickly I made Hannah stand in a dark place and I stood opposite side of her. It is also a dark place.
I peeked a little, it is the Man Without Face, he is wearing his creepy mask. He peeked inside the room to which I first went.
He slowly made his way to where Hannah is hiding. OMG! Please don't get caught. I prayed, and that's when my phone rang.
I gasped as he made fast moves and attacked me, but I pressed the green button. The phone fell from my hand and landed on the ground.
I heard Hannah shout seeing the scene in front of her. The man without face is trying to choke me, his strong arms are pressing against my neck. I was trying to escape from him by scratching his mid-arm.
When he heard Hannah shout, he left me and about catching her. But I did my best to stop him, I buried my nails in his left arm with my right hand as my left hand and body pushing him against the opposite side.
I know I am not strong to stop him, "Hannah, run!" I said as I kicked my car key which fell down. She stood there terrified and shook her head as no. "WHAT THE HECK, HANNAH?! RUN!!" I yelled.
She understood that if she stayed here, we both will get caught. So she ran as tears flowing down her cheeks. The man without face slapped me on my cheek.
It is so hard that I fell down, he ran out to catch Hannah. The corner of my lip is bleeding, I remembered the phone. I turned towards it, the camera is facing me.
"Jake," I said as I tried to reach the phone. But the man without face came back angrily and kicked my tummy. "Aaaaaah!" I cried as I felt the pain. I held my tummy.
He grabbed my hair harshly and pulled me, I cried. "Jake," I whispered as everything went black when the man without face hit my head on the ground.
Jake's POV
I noticed that MC called me many times, she will never do that. I muted my phone 'cause no one will call me. I quickly called her.
When she attended, she didn't speak anything. But heard fast footsteps, and a girl shouts. Its Hannah! But what is happening there?!
I hacked her camera, but everything is black. So I turned on her back camera, I saw everything horizontally. I can only see their legs.
"Hannah, run!" I heard MC's Voice. And it looks like she is trying her best to stop another person, it's the man without face!
And there is a little silence and then "WHAT THE HECK, HANNAH?! RUN!!" MC yelled then I heard the footsteps which fainted slowly.
I heard a slapping sound and MC fell down, I can see her face now, her lips are bleeding! "MC!" I called but she didn't hear.
She turned at looked straight at the camera, "Jake," she said weakly as she tried to reach it. But suddenly he returned back and kicked her tummy!
She cried in pain, I felt my eyes become teary. "MC!" I said worriedly. He then harshly grabbed her hair which made her cry. He hit her head on the ground.
"Jake," she whispered which made my tears roll down my cheeks. She passed out after that, he dragged her upstairs.
I don't know what to do now, I was panicked now! My tears are rolling non-stop. I wiped my tears, and tracked her location.
She is in Duskwood, I am coming for you, MC.
I felt so weak, I can't move my hands or legs. I opened my eyes to see a weird place. I felt a sudden pain in my tummy where that bastard kicked me so hard.
My tears started to roll down my cheeks, because my whole body aches. I hope Hannah is safe now.
I heard the door creaking sound, that bastard entered with his creepy mask. I glared at him. He came near me with a knife.
He placed the knife on my jawline and slowly moved to my chin. "You want to die right?" He asked. His voice sounded creepy.
I didn't reply anything, I don't want to talk to this bastard. "Looks like you won't talk," he said as he injected something on my neck forcibly. It hurts.
Again everything went black.
Jake's POV
I tracked MC's phone and went to that place, it is an old house. It took near three hours to reach. I took a taser from my backpack for safety. I entered the old house slowly without making noise.
The first thing I saw is MC's phone which is in damaged condition. I saw a room there, but he dragged MC upstairs.
So I slowly made my way upstairs, when I was about to open the door. I felt someone is behind me, without wasting time I turned and used my taser on him.
After some seconds he fainted, I entered the room only to see MC without consciousness. I ran to her, "MC!" I said I removed her rope which tied her leg.
After removing her rope, I was kicked by her on my shoulder. I hissed in pain as I looked at her while sitting down.
"Don't touch me!" She shouted. "What are you doing? I am not the man without face!" I said as I went to untie her. "You think I can't recognise you without wearing that creepy mask?" She asked.
She is thinking that I am the man without face. I ignore her and untied her. She kept on punching my Shoulder, "what are you doing?!" I asked.
"W-wait, why is your voice different?" She asked. "Because I am not man without face!" I said to her again. "Then who are you?" She asked me.
"Who do you think?" I asked as I helped her to stand up.
"Who do you think?" The person asked me as he helped me to stand up. I looked at his eyes, and I only wanted to say one name. "Jake," I breathed.
He smiled. Is he Jake? He took the rope which he untied me and went to the door and tied a person.
I slowly peeked who is that, it's the man without face! He is unconscious now. After tying him Jake looked at me, "we should leave," he said.
I nodded, he came near me and put my hand around his shoulder, and helped me to walk.
He brought me to a hospital. "Jake, what about him?" I asked him. "I already called the police and informed," he told.
I frowned "what if the police wanted to meet you?!" I asked. He smiled "I won't get caught easily," he said.
"Oh, you saw your sister?" I asked. "No," he shook his head. "Then why don't you leave now?" I asked. "Do you want me to leave?" He asked with a frown.
"I didn't mean that! I just wanted you to meet your sister, she is hurt badly," I explained. Before he could speak my phone rang.
Yes, I took my damaged phone from there. It's Jessy who is calling. "Hello?" I said. "MC! Hannah was found!!" She said happily.
"But...she is hurt," she said sadly. "Don't worry she will get well soon," I said. "That's all your reaction? Hannah is found!" She said again.
I chuckled. "Yes, yes. Where is she now? Which hospital?" I asked. She replied, it's the same hospital in which I was admitted.
"What is the room number?" I asked. "216," she said. Wow, what a Coincidence. I am in room no.214.
"Alright," I said and ended the call. "Jake, let's go and meet your sister," I said. "What?" He asked. "Yeah, are you willing to come? She is near our room. There will be their friends too," I asked.
He shook his head, "I can't meet them all," he said. I understood him. I nodded, "I am gonna go," I said. "Be safe," he said.
I rolled my eyes and went to Hannah's room with my patient dress. "Hello," I said. They were all shocked to see me.
They stood stunned looking at me there. There was an awkward silence in the room.
"MC?!" Jessy asked as she came to me and hugged me tightly. "Aahh!" I hissed in pain as she touched my wound.
"What happened to you?" She asked worriedly. They all came to me and hugged me-no hurting me by pressing my wounds everywhere.
"Guys, you are hurting me," I whined. "Sorry," they said. I chuckled and looked at Hannah who is shocked. "Do you guys know her?" She asked.
"Yes," Dan replied. "She is the one who saved me from him!" Hannah said. They all again looked at me.
"So, you are hurt by helping her!?" Richy asked. I nodded, "yeah, but if the man without face didn't enter, we sure would have escaped," I said.
"How did you escape?" She asked me. "That....," I dragged. They all looked at me waiting for an answer. "The person who you guys think 'creepy' helped me," I said.
"Hacker man?!" Dan asked. I nodded. "OMG, I thought he is a bad guy," Jessy said. "Alright guys, I am tired," I said.
They nodded. "Go and take rest," Lily said. I nodded. "Hey Cleo, will you bring me your handmade cake?" I asked as I saw Cleo.
They all chuckled. "What?" I asked. They shook their head. "I will," Cleo said. "MC, thanks," Hannah said. I smiled at her and went back to my room.
"Ja-" I entered as I started to call his name. But he is not there anymore! I saw a note on the table near the bed.
I took it in hand, "Hey MC, I am sorry I can't bid a proper goodbye to you. Don't worry we will meet again soon after I got free from my pursuers :)"
I felt my eyes become teary, but he said he will come back. I smiled and kept the paper with me.
A/N (Please Read!)
Hey guys, I wanted to inform you guys that the updates will be slow, 'cause I have to study📚📚. Don't worry, I will write the Requests who asked. But you should wait for it, because I am writing in order.
Also, one Request guys, if you guys asked request in any chapter except "A/N" please write again in A/N. Because I can't search for it in these many chapters. I hope you guys won't get mad 👉🏻👈🏻
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
In A Week
Part 4/4 - This Feeling
(Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: With the wedding day finally here will your true feeling be revealed or will you leave the way you started? As nothing more than strangers.
Authors Notes: THE FINALE (for now??), this story was so nice to write and all y’all r angels for just reading it let alone liking/sharing it (really i could cry💕🌻💕) so thank you🥺🥺
Song used in Story: This feeling - Alabama Shakes (highly rec u listen!!)
Tw: swearing, drinking, allusions to sex and past toxic relationships.
Tagged: @agingerindenial @icanbeyourjedi
Words: 2.0k
Day 5
A thunk followed by the unmistakable beeping of the snowplows working hard at clearing away the snow from the roads and parking lots wake you. You let out a disappointed sigh when you notice the distinct lack of Frankie beneath you. Almost as if on cue he walks in with a bottle of champagne, orange juice and two glasses.
“Are you ready to get wasted?” he says, as you shift up in bed.
“On one condition.” you offer smacking your lips mouth tasting like morning.
“Which is?” He asks, tilting his head.
“We get fully dressed up for this wedding. I didn't spend hours contemplating outfits to not put one on.” you barter, prepared to fight with him to get what you wanted.
“Absolutely,” he agrees, much to your surprise “that tux was not cheap, and it was supposed to be back two days ago, so not getting that deposit back. Should we call the brides to be before we start drinking?”
“Probably a good call,” After multiple phone calls and various congratulations you found out they were going to be live streaming the ceremony for all the people stranded by the storm. You and Frankie have a lazy morning before it's finally time to get ready, you stand up swaying slightly from the few drinks you'd already downed. Frankie takes the suit into the bathroom giving you the room to change and to do your hair and makeup. You go to pull out your dress and as you do the lingerie you’d packed falls out onto the floor. Your heart drops for a moment before deciding to put it on, not for Jonathan, or even Frankie, but for yourself. You pull on the light pink velvet mini dress you’d settled on, and sling on the black open toe heels. Walking into the kitchen you pour yourself a glass of wine. You hear him clear his throat and you turn around. You're taken aback by how well Frankie cleaned up, no hat, hair styled and a perfectly fitted suit.
When Frankie enters the room, he stops in his tracks, continuing to stare when you turn to face him. If this had been at the wedding, he’s sure he’d have picked you out of the crowd instantly. He’d probably have spent the whole night hoping you'd talk to him only getting upset when you didn't even give him a second glance.
“Cat got your tongue?” he asks, breaking the silence first, beyond pleased at how he’d managed to impress you.
“Something like that” you offer, handing him a beer
“Well, we’re in luck because I was specifically told to provide drinking games for the reception, so” he says pulling out some red solo cups and ping pong balls from his bag.
“Who's bad with their hands now” he asks as he sinks another cup, winning 4 consecutive games.
“No fair! You’re cheating.” you say with a humph.
“I'm not, your technique’s just sloppy and lacking strategy” He mocks.
“I have a strategy” You state defensively, mouth open in faux anger.
“Flashing yourself in an attempt to distract me, isn't a strategy” he says licking his lips as his smile turns into a full blown smirk
“Excuse me.” you say, crossing your arms over your chest shifting your stance and arching an eyebrow, challenging him.
“Oh I'm sorry, is that not what you're doing?” he chides, smirk still prominent.
“Well it use to work” you mutter, embarrassed at having been called out
“Ya on idiots who can't control themselves come here, I'll show you to sink it everytime,” you walk over and he positions himself behind you, he's close enough that you can feel his chest heaving slowly behind you.
“Relax your arms” he says, shaking them out for you. “Okay this arm, drop it, keep it relaxed, only use it for balance if needed. This arm..” he says grabbing your wrist “ this is where the action is, alright keep your elbow locked, none of that wobbly shit I saw earlier. It's all about the flick and the follow through, keep it strong.” He watches as you repeat the motions without his hand guiding you and it goes in. You turn around and lift your arms up victoriously, they quickly find their way around Frankies neck and he lifts you up off the ground, faces dangerously close when he puts you back down on the ground.
“We should order a pizza, I think some places are open” you say quickly turning to your phone and ordering something from wherever it was open.
After watching the ceremony, you're sitting on the counter laughing as Frankie proves to you he can in fact eat an entire piece of pizza in three bites.
“Told you” he says
“Well consider me out witted” your phone beeps, you turn it over assuming its Stella or Santi or Gen but it's not. It's John the second you see his name pop up on your phone your stomach drops. Frankie sees the change in your demeanour, everything about you suddenly appearing small. Frankie grabs the phone from your hands “I swore an oath to prevent shitty guys from ruining the party tonight”
“How did you…? Whose orders? Did Santi tell you?”
“Maybe. Holy ….” Frankie says eyes wide when he accidentally sees the message that has been sent to you.
“What?” you ask, afraid at what he’d just seen.
“Nothing!” he lies, shaking his head blinking hard to get the image out of his head.
“Now you have to tell me!” you say hopping off from the counter and making your way towards him. Reaching for the phone which he's holding over his head. Your place you hand on his shoulder trying to balance yourself as you make another grab for it, but you're not even close. You plant a kiss on his cheek causing his arm to drop immediately allowing you to grab the phone.
“Ha!” you say, failing to notice the dejected look on Frankie's face.
You’re walking towards the counter to reply when something comes over you, maybe it was the way Frankie had made you feel these last few days, maybe it was finally coming to your senses, but you turn back to face him. You stare up at Frankie whose eyes are on the ceiling.
“Can you delete him, from all my shit, and block the number” you ask, offering him your phone.
“Really?” Frankie says
“Ya I can't do it but I want it done,” you say, pushing the phone towards him, more vigorously this time.
“Well it'd be my pleasure, guy sounds like a dick,” he says, taking the phone from you and scrolling through wiping away any remnants of the dude.
“Thanks” you say as he hands the phone back to you.
“What did you see in him? Well actually based on the photo he sent maybe I understand,” he murmurs.
“Francisco Morales” you say, mouth agape.
“I'm not the one who sent it!” he says lifting his hands up in defense.
“You wanna dance?’ he asks “I got the playlist from Pope, may as well have some fun, really forget about Jackson.”
“Jo.. you know it doesn't matter and you’re right,” the both of you dance like idiots for a while, twirling around the room in an embarrassingly cliche way that would be better suited to a John Hughes movie than a makeshift wedding reception. As the next song begins, the slow pacing shifts the tone.
I just kept hoping, I just kept hoping
The way would become clear
You stop your dancing, as does Frankie and a dread akin to that of being at your first middle school dance wondering if you'll be asked to dance or not comes over you. You both stare at each other for a second before Frankie offers you his hand, if he was waiting for a moment, this was it.
I spent all this time
Tryna play nice and fight my way here
See, I've been having me a real hard time
But it feels so nice to know I'm gonna be alright
He pulls you into him and you sway in time to the music. One hand on your lower back, the other one holding your hand as you rest your head against his shoulder. His thumb gently rubs over yours. The sensation comforts you causing a wave of relief which causes your eyes to water.
So, I just kept dreaming, yeah, I just kept dreamin'
It wasn't very hard
I spent all this time
Tryna figure out why
Nobody on my side
“You okay?” he asks, hearing you sniffle, you nod looking up at him and he briefly untangles his hand from yours to wipe away the tear that had fallen
“I'm sorry, if I...” he starts softly, thumb tracing gently over your cheekbone.
“No, it's not you, well it is, but it's not bad” you offer, satisfied with the response he takes your hand in his again and continues swaying.
See, I've been having me a real good time
And it feels so nice to know I'm gonna be alright
So please, don't take my feelings
I have found at last
So please, don't take my feelings
I have found at last
Yeah, if I wanted to, I'd be alright
“why'd you decide to delete him” Frankie whispers, barely audible
“Moment of clarity I suppose” you say into his shoulder.
“Which was?” he presses, not looking down to you.
“Just realized how I could have been being treated in a relationship.”
“Should have been being treated,” Frankie corrects.
“I can't believe I let him do that to me for so long, im so stupid” you mutter
“Blames not on you, blames on him for not realizing what he had, seriously if I had you id….” he stops himself not wanting to take advantage of a vulnerable situation.
So I just kept going, I just kept going
And hoping I'm growing near
Well this good and fine, I spent all this time
Tryna find my way here
And I've been having me a real fun time
And it feels so nice to know I'm gonna be alright
“You’d what” you ask, having mustered up enough courage to finally find out if what you were feeling was reciprocated.
“Id never let you go, at least i'd do everything in my power to make sure you’d want to stay with me”
Please, don't take this feeling
I have found at last
You reach your hands up to his face and pull it down to meet yours, lips colliding for the first time, but the sensation washing over you felt familiar. It felt like you’d finally come home.
Please, don't take my feeling
I have found at last
He slowly moves the two of you back towards the bed never departing from your lips for more than a moment.
“You uh..you sure you want to do this,” he asks, as you run your hands up and down his back.
“Ya, you?” you question looking up at him through your lashes.
“Yes, absolutely.”
If I wanted to, I'd be alright
Yeah, if I wanted to, I'd be alright
The sun from the blinds that had been accidentally left open seeps into the room. The warmth hitting your naked shoulder. You smile when you look down to see Frankies arm wrapped loosely around your waist.
“Well my long con worked, I finally got the side of the bed I wanted,” you tease.
“Mmm” he says as you shift round to come face to face with him kissing his nose. His eyes flutter awake and he smiles, kissing you on the forehead as you snuggle into his chest for a moment before moving to get ready for the day. His arms tighten around you trapping you against him.
“Frankie, we have to get moving” you giggle.
“Nope, I was serious last night. I'm not planning on letting you go”
“So I’m trapped here forever?” you laugh
“Would that be so bad?” he wonders, and you settle back into him knowing that nothing would be better than spending the rest of your days here with him.
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floatinginwords · 3 years
Saved by the Devil (13/?) - Thomas Shelby
Summary: Its time for Epsom, what could go wrong? (Sorry about my summaries they are terrible) 
Paring: Tommy Shelby x Fem!reader (romantic) 
Warning: S*xual Assault  There is a  scene where the reader is put in uncomfortable position with the general. Reader takes the place of Lizzie in luring the General. And stuff does go down but i was not graphic in writing it cause i was a bit uncomfortable writing anything beyond what i did write and i didn't want to trigger anyone. When the scene does come up i will put a another warning to let you know. 
A/N: Hello, this chapter was so so so fun to write. I am so excited for all of you to read and hopefully tell me what you think cause i think this just might be one of my favorite chapters so far... Have a lovely night and see you soon :)
It was time. And for the first moment in your life you were beyond scared. It didn’t show as you got into the back seat the Shelby boys, Arthur and John, in front. No sign of Thomas Shelby anywhere.
“Boys, its good to see you.” You say genuinely. You hadn’t seen them since the last little mission at the horse auction. This time though will be different, you had a lovely knife strapped to your thigh. All your injuries healed and you were beyond prepared for this. You liked the brothers, though you didn’t know them too well. They seemed to take kindly to you too as they nodded at your statement and asked how you were.
The ride felt short. Though it had to have been longer since you were far from London. You didn’t even know what you were thinking about the entire time. You knew that Thomas was waiting for the three of you and more. You weren’t sure if you were ready to face him. The other night when you guys had almost-
You shake your head of the memory. Remembering that you were just a second choice in all this. Grace had rejected him. Then he called you and like a dog you came running. You didn’t know what was wrong with you. But never again would that happen. He didn’t want you and neither did you. And after all this was done, you would never have to see each other again.
 You already had word with Trinity, you were leaving tomorrow. Everything was planned and ready to go. Thomas never told you about a new passport or id, you had requested. But you couldn’t wait for him. The nightmares were getting worse and you swore that when you talked on the phone the past week, you could hear breathing on the other line. There was no time to waste, it was time to go.
 The two brothers and you head up to the front of the Epsom gates, there you see Tommy Shelby and the rest of the gang. His aunt Polly in attendance eyeing you up and down but no saying a word. Her stare this time not making you nervous, instead you see it filled with curiosity.
 “Alright everyone’s, here,” Thomas says not making eye contact with you as he claps his hands together, “here’s the agenda.”
 And he takes everyone down to the plan, leaving out of course the part of the assassination of the general. All he says is that he will provide a distraction for everyone in order to take Sabini racetrack licenses. No one asks questions as he finishes the meeting. Everyone scatters to different parts as they enter the races.
 “(Y/n)” you hear your name fall out of his mouth. You look at each other and theres a pause. There’s million things unsaid at this moment that you both want to say. But don’t.
 “Keep an eye out.” He finally says moving past you, disappearing in the crowd.
 And that’s what you do. You keep an eye out. You thought you might have more significance on this day but maybe not. Maybe this is all you get to do. You remember back then when you had worked for your father. The man had always let you in on the action, no matter how dangerous. You didn’t care either because that was life, it was normal for you. Your mother, rest her soul, was the only one who had ever fought for you to stay home, go to school, date and live normal. But she never got her way.
 You watched some of the peaky blinder, the ones that you could pin point walk around the arena. They all were tailing some of Sabini’s men which you have seen maybe one or twice. You tried to keep an eye out for Sabini but couldn’t find the man anywhere. You did see an inspector Campbell, the man who had brutally beat you not too long ago. You stare hard at him remembering the moments as if it was yesterday.
 “Got a vendetta against the man?”
 You turn around and come face to face with Polly, she smokes a cigarette like a royalty into the air. Her eyes never leave the inspectors either. You can see the pain and rage in her eyes. You don’t pry.
 You turn your gaze back on the filthy man who walks with his cane, laughing and smiling with the people in the crowd.
 “Men like that shouldn’t be allowed to walk on this earth.” You say.
 She nods and for a split second there seems to be a connection between the two of you with your shared pain and hatred for the man. You both don’t say anything else as the man leaves out of your views.
Polly leaves first, without saying any other words. You stay in you spot scanning the crowd. Probably taking your job a bit too serious.
You can hear the laughter and cheerful cries of everyone. The experiment in the arena could be felt by everyone. You spot military men in a group together laughing and talking. You know that the tallest one is the general from the photos Thomas had showed you.
You also see a blonde curls and pink hat looking lost among the sea of people. It was a face you had only recently come to known. Grace. You leave your spot feeling the embarrassment from the other night all over again. You wonder around the place feeling bored and just wanting to leave.
“(y/n)?” a tall man who looked to be a preacher came toward you. You had never met him before.
 “yes?” you say cautiously, remembering your in a public space, no ones gonna do anything.
 “Tommy’s looking for you.” He says.
 “what does he want?” you ask. The man just shrugs. And you sigh and follow him through the crowd.
 Thomas stands on top of the staircase, looking anxious and pale.
 “Found her boss.” The man says leaving you with him.
 “Alright, good. (Y/n) come on. And unbutton the first two buttons.” He demands flicking the end of his cigarette he had just finished.
 “Excuse me?” you say crossing your arms and standing still.
 Thomas stares at you and looks baffled at your disobedience as if this was his first time meeting you.
 “Please, (Y/n). I’ll explain inside.” His tone quitter and pleading.
 You follow him but don’t unbutton anything of yours. He leads you into a room that looks like only the rich and royalty would eat here. You felt out of place immediately. You both don’t talk as you sit across from one another. You watch him put another cigarette in his mouth. He doesn’t meet your eyes as he talks.
 “Look, I didn’t want to ask you this…”
 “Just tell me, no need to prolong it.”
 “I need you to get him isolated.”  You hear his words and double meaning behind them. You can feel your stomach turning in disgust of what’s he asking you. Your face is kept neutral as you talk.
 “What happened to following him till he was alone to piss?” You ask
 “Doesn’t matter.”
 “Look, I’m not-“
 He grabs your hand across the table and holds it tightly. It burns but you don’t let go. You stare at your intertwined hands.
 “I don’t want you to do this. I don’t want to think of you anywhere alone with him. But right now, I trust you and only you to do this. Please. Or else I’m fucked.”
You wanted to be snarky and petty. You wanted to say “Ask Grace”. You wanted to say screw you and leave. You wanted to slap him or kick him. But you saw the sincerity in his voice. You saw the fear in his eyes that he always seemed to hide.
 “okay fine. Ill do it.” You say.
 His grip doesn’t soften as he continues to hold you. “Thank you.” He says softly.
 Thomas leaves you in the fancy room by yourself. He went over details of where to lure over the general. It was a place that would be very private, no witnesses. Thomas said that he would be there in 15 minutes, he promised that nothing would happen to you. You could tell he wanted to keep that promise but you weren’t sure if he could.
You saw the general at another table with other military men. He noticed you right away. His eye never leaves your figure as you sat by yourself.
 ‘too easy’ you thought to yourself as the general himself came over to you.
 He introduced himself, kissed your hand like a gentleman might, and sat where Thomas was not minutes ago. It was light conversation before you decide to break it. There was no other way to lure him, other than sex. And that what you did. Pretending to be a prostitute wasn't hard. You had been around some your whole life. You knew the lingo and prices and tricks. But not everyone could do it. You knew that. As you took the mans wandering hand off your knee from under the table and guided him away from the fancy room. You took him down hallways and corridors, trying to properly remember the map Thomas had shown you.
“Where are you taking me?” The general asks flirtatiously.
 “Somewhere private.” You answer.
 Finally you found the spot of no witness and people. It was quite and literally no one around. You feel the Generals hot mouth on your neck, biting at you. You fake a giggle at the action but your stomach was turning in disgust. You took a quick glance at your watch. You got here too early. 5 more minutes until Thomas was here.
 You can feel the generals fingers wander to the hem of your dress, rushing to pull it up. You push it down and step away from him, laughing a bit nervously at the contact.
 “Don’t be a tease now, love.” He says
 “I just us to take our time.” You lie and smile sweetly. You had never been in this position before and you were very nervous. You could feel your hands shaking as you tried to gain control hoping to stop  it.
“I don’t have time.” The general says grabbing you harshly and turning you around.
 “Wait, wait.” You say feeling violated like never before.
 You kick him hard in the stomach, causing him to step backward from you. You run to the other wall, wanting nothing but distance from the guy.
 “You bitch.” He sneers coming toward you with an ugly smile.
 You pull you knife out of your thigh holster and point it toward him. He stops upon seeing a weapon. And then he laughs.
 “How adorable.” He says
 You glance at your watch again. Its past the time Thomas should have been here. You feel a bit of dread poor over you. You don’t know how you were gonna fight off some military man. Your skills weren’t up to par on his, you knew that. Maybe enough to cause damage and run. Maybe.
 He stalks toward you with all the confidence in the world. His face gives it off like this a game for him, he likes that you’re not giving in, that you’re fighting against him. It’s an inconvenience but he likes a challenge.
 You step forward, slashing him across the cheek. He doesn’t react to it as he grabs your wrist. His giant hand pushing it back at an odd angle. You try to use your other hand to hit him but it does nothing. You’re forced to drop the knife. He pushes you against the wall. His eyes animalistic and you cry in pain as your head makes contact, hard with the wood.
 You see black spots around your vision as you hear the man say something to you, you don’t know what. His hands roam around your body but you focus on anything but. You hear the zipping of pants and your hearts begins to race at the thought of whats to come next.  Tears slip down your eyes as you think of no one coming to save you.
 “Russell!” You hear a familiar voice yell.
 The general leans off your body, you slide down on the wall looking up to see Thomas with his pistol pointed at the general. The gun clicks.
 Nothing happens.
 “Fuck!” Thomas yells as the General rushes over to Thomas, the pair beginning to fight each other.
 You scramble to your feet, feeling awfully dizzy. You see Thomas gun on the floor. The men continue fighting each other. The general trying to reach his gun on his hip.
 You take Thomas’s gun aiming it, but nothing was coming out. It was jammed.
 You see the general push his finger into Thomas eye, you can see the gun finally in his hand. Thomas knows it too as he grabs at that arm hoping to take it from him. You think fast kicking the general’s legs, making him fall.  The gun that was in his hand now on the floor. Which Thomas quickly grabs aiming it right under the generals chin and shooting without hesitation.
 The two of you pant heavily as it finally is over. Thomas looks over at you and his shoulder slump.
 “Are you okay?” he asks.
 “I’m fine,” you say, forgetting how badly you must look with your tear stained face, “Where were you?”
 He shakes his head, “I’m sorry,” He reaches a hand toward you wiping away the tears that were still falling, “You’re crying.”
You didn’t know what to say as he strokes your cheek, catching runaway tears that you had no control over. You try to steady your breathing, staring into his steel blue eyes.
 “I will never ask you to do anything like that again.” He says.
 You nod at his words, touching the hand that’s on your face and gently pulling it away.
 “We need to go separate ways. Or else we’re suspects.” You say.
 “Meet me by the where- where they take the bets ay?”
 He stares at you like he wants to say more but again, he doesn’t. You both walk separate directions. You pick up your knife on the way out, leaving the rest of the crime scene alone.
  You walk down the way to the betting place. You can see all the police and military men rushing to where you had just come from. You know the peaky blinders, now, were threatening Sabinis men, burning the licenses at this moment.
 You stand by yourself, waiting until you see a familiar face once again. This time she notices you too. The beautiful blonde walks toward you.
 “Hello.” She says.
 “Hi,” You say, “is youre looking for-“
 “I’m not. I’m just here to place my own bet.” She says holding a ticket up.
 You both stand in uncomfortable silence.
 “I did see him earlier,” She says eyeing you from the side. You look forward as she speaks, “I professed my love, told him I would leave my husband for him and everything.”
 You swallow a huge lump in your throat that you didn’t even realize was there. She continues speaking.
 “He told me no,” You turn to her baffled as you always assumed, he was head over heels in love with the beautiful Grace, “I mean I known for awhile what his answer would be but I had to give it one last try. Oh don’t look surprised.”
 “I- “
 “You should count yourself lucky. He doesn’t love too often but when he does,” She takes a pause and her eyes though are focused on you don’t seem to be looking at you. Almost as it she’s lost in a memory. She sighs, “He just really does.”
 Before you can say anything else to the woman, she leaves with a smile. A headache begins to form on the back of your head where you had hit your head earlier. You leave the crowded betting room, the noise and smoky air becoming too much for you.
 You’ll find Mr. Shelby later. With all that has happened today, it was becoming a lot and you needed a moment to just process it all. As you walk alone you spot two men holding a man by his two arms. He had a cap on like the other peaky blinders. You follow them Noticing another man leading them. You finally see his face.
 Your mouth talks before your you can think.
 “Thomas!” You cry out.
 His head jolts up looking for the source of your voice. The men bring his neck down, keeping his face looking at the ground. All of the worst things begin to swirl around your mind. The plan didn’t work, they caught him, the inspector double crossed him, Sabini had men ready to take him out. As well as moments, the two of you had shared that now were going to be just past memories of what ifs and unsaid words that should have been spoken.
You follow them as best as you can, watch them as they put him in the back of some car, a gun pointed towards him as they close the doors. You couldn’t help him. You watched the car drive away feeling useless and guilty. Wishing to have done more. You see his cap on the ground and pick it up. You look around for someone who could save the day but everyone was in their own happy world. And you were holding on to a hat feeling a loss like never before.  
read pt.13b
@babylooneytoonz @captivatedbycillianmurphy @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @evelyn-4034  @ms-dont-care  @owenniasstars @shikin83 @lauren-raines-x @cactisjuice
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crowtrinkets · 3 years
Your Weary Widow Marches
A Gender Neutral MCxFelix fic in which our dear barista educates their teacher and shows him some music from their home.
I’ve never really written fanfiction before but I thought Id give it a shot. The formatting looks weird on my end so if it looks weird after posting I apologize I couldn’t figure it out. Hope you enjoy!
The crackling fire and pages being turned were the only sounds heard for the past few hours. Felix and I sat on either side of a couch placed in Anisa’s office silently reading our respective books. I’ve been in Astraea for nearly a week and had I known that Felix’s teaching method would be done via reading books the size of an encyclopedia I probably would have chosen Sage or Anisa instead... probably
I glance up at Felix, he’s sitting with legs crossed slouching on the arm rest of the couch, glasses on and enthralled in his book. I'm leaning with my back against the arm rest facing Felix, peering at him from behind my knees. I watch as his eyes scan the pages, partially hiding behind my book so he doesn’t notice me stare. I rub my eyes, dry from the endless reading of Astraean history. I know plenty of history and lore from this world thanks to countless hours of playing Last Legacy and stalking forums, but I don’t think I could’ve convinced Felix of that without having to explain what video games are let alone the internet. He thought if I were to learn magic I should at least know part of its history and it’s contribution to their society. 
Despite spending some time with Felix I'm still amazed at the attention span he has for reading. I scan the room trying not to move too much lest I be scolded by the warden. I glance over at the high back chair across the room. The one Anisa sat me in after my jaunt through Felix’s portal and painfully onto Anisa's desk. My mind begins to wander. 
I’ve only been here a short time but I feel like I’ve adjusted well. I wonder what's happening on Earth. Does time pass the same at home like how it does in this realm? World? Alternate universe? I still don’t exactly know how to explain my predicament. Has anyone noticed I'm gone yet? I wonder if I’m on the missing persons list, someone at work will have noticed I didn’t show up for my shifts. I cringe slightly at that last thought, my open book now resting on my chest. Ah damn it, I’m definitely fired aren’t I. How am I gonna pay my bills.... and my home, I miss my bed....my plants. SHIT MY PLANTS. I bring my hand to my face and cringe, my beloved house plants they’re going to wither away in my absence. Fate is such a cruel mistress.
“Bored of reading are we?” I slightly jump at Felix’s comment. I bring my hand down and look at him. Staring at me through his glasses a smirk on his lips. I flush slightly and close my book.
“No I just, got to thinking about Earth, and my life, I guess I’m just a little home sick,” I mumble out those last words. I want to be honest with Felix but I don’t want him beating himself up for my situation. I mean yes he is the reason I’m stuck here but I don't hate him for it. Felix frowns and closes his own book.
“Ah... I am sorry about that, I-“ I sit up interrupting him.
“No no no, I'm not mad at you, I’m actually quite enjoying my time here. I mean I don’t have to make drinks for annoying customers everyday here,” I force a laugh but it comes out awkwardly. Felix gives me a quizzical look. I then realize, with the amount of times he calls “dear barista” I just assumed he knew what it meant. “Yknow, my job? A barista?” Felix flushes and avoids looking at me.
“I must admit.. I do not actually know what that is,” I cant help but chuckle, the great necromancer Felix, is embarrassed to not know something.
“Well my dear teacher," I emphasize the word teacher mimicking the way he calls me, "allow me to educate you on some Earth information,” I sit cross legged and scoot closer to him book in my lap. Felix adjusts to face me properly and removes his glasses. I clear my throat and smile at him. “My part time occupation of being a Barista, requires me to make drinks for customers and sell them, more often I make coffee but sometimes people order tea. We sell pastries as well,” Felix gives me yet another confused look.
“All you do is prepare drinks and flakey confectioneries?” I nod in response with a smile, I can only imagine what he assumed a Barista was. Felix chuckles and runs a hand through his hair, “All this time I thought it was something more complicated, you described your customers as being annoying? I am assuming you do not like this particular job?”
“Well, I don't hate it but the customers can get a little rude and for the dumbest reasons too. One time a woman threw her drink at me claiming I added 3 1/2 shots of espresso and rather than 3,” I laugh to my self looking back at the memory, chuckling more when I see Felix’s horrified expression.
“A woman... threw a drink at you? Because she deemed it made incorrectly? I did not except Earth customs to be so. . . Barbaric,” Felix looks at me astonished and confused but all I can do is laugh. “And why are you laughing? Are you alright did she hit your head when she assaulted you with a beverage?” Felix is now standing while I clutch my stomach in pain, the combination of the story and Felix’s confusion is too much to bare. After a minute I manage to calm down enough to speak.
“No no, she did not hit me in the head, I’m just laughing cause it was funny, well at the time it wasn’t but my co workers took pictures and I looked ridiculous. I can laugh about it now,” I wipe a stray tear from my eye as I recount the experience. Thank god her drink was iced. 
“Picture?” Felix chimes in. I try to think of how to explain how photography works but I come up with an idea.
“Why don’t I show you?” I stand handing Felix my book and I jaunt over to Anisa’s desk. I let her peruse my backpack because she seemed so interested in my “Earthly items” as she called them. I walked back over and sit on the floor, patting the ground next to me so Felix can join. 
“You known there is a perfectly good sofa right next to you, I don’t understand why you wish to sit on the ground like we are mere children,” but despite his protests Felix sits next to me still clutching our books. I rummage through my back tossing the other items to the side. My wallet, a flyer, a jacket, that granola bar which has definitely crumbled to pieces in its package. Until I finally find it, my phone. My first night here I instinctively tried to use it, forgetting I am now stuck in a world without wifi or cell towers. In an effort to hopefully conserve its battery I hard shut off my phone I did not think I would need it but now is an opportunity for me to educate Felix about my world rather than his and tell him a little about myself. Really I just want a reason to prolong my time from reading anymore history. I hold the power button and silently pray. Please have some battery left, please please. Felix is leaning towards me, his face inching closer to mine, I glance at him studying his expression. He looks confused, and curious at the same time, there's a slight scrunch in his brow like he’s trying to seem like he understands what I’m doing, but I know he doesn’t. In that moment his eyes meet mine, I turn my head to fully face him, a blush creeps up his face and I can feel mine begin to warm as well. “Felix-“
We both jump at the sound of my phone turning on. Damn phone, well I guess I kinda asked for that. Felix sits back and clears his throat.
“Um, what, what is that?” His voice wavers slightly but I choose to ignore it to save him some dignity.
“Its my phone, on Earth nearly everyone has one of these. You can use it to communicate with other people, take pictures, look things up, and listen to music.” I begin to unlock it and open my photo album.
“You can communicate with other people? On this... this flat brick?” Felix points accusatory at my phone the scrunch in his eyebrows have intensified creating deep crevices on his forehead. I nod while I scroll through trying to find the photo. 
“Yup and take pictures, such as this one,” I turn my phone to face Felix revealing the image documenting the after affects of being assaulted with coffee. He leans over to get a better look. In the picture I'm standing by the cash register, soaked through my clothes in an extra large coffee's amount of liquid. The brown liquid stains my apron and the parts on my white shirt poking out from underneath. There's smeared whipped cream going across my shoulder up my neck and partially along my jaw, and the scowl on my face could kill a man. The instant I show the picture to Felix he plants a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. He turns away in an attempt to hide his amusement but I know he wont last.
“Im-I must apologize I did not mean to laugh but, but the look on your face is hilarious,” Felix faces me again trying to hide his smile with the back of his hand. I start to chuckle, I turn the phone back to me and swipe to the next picture. Its a similar picture but in this one my co worker put whipped cream on top of my head, something about it “completing the look”. When I show this picture to Felix it breaks his terrible attempt of remaining poise. He laughs loudly, and it’s extremely contagious. I laugh along with him reminiscing in his beautiful laugh. Every once in a while we calm down until we look at the picture and we start up again. After a bit I’m able to calm down enough to speak.
“Don’t feel bad for laughing, at the time I was pissed but my co workers cheered me up and now I have these memories to laugh at,” I start to look through my album again as Felix calms down from his laughing high. I find more pictures to show him. Some are of me at work with my co workers, one picture of me laughing as I held a dog that jumped through the drive through window. I show him more pictures, some are of earth sunsets which Felix claimed to look like they belong in a painting. I also show him a picture of some Geese I saw while on a walk, and then a picture of said Geese chasing me. This gets Felix to laugh again but not as hard.
“You lead an interesting life on Earth, it seems similar to Sage you are also prone to provoke others into attacking you,” I roll my eyes at Felix’s joke and give him a friendly shoulder bump. Its at this moment I realize how close he’s sitting. Our books set aside and Felix is leaning on one arm politely looking over my shoulder at my phone, I can tell he doesn’t really understand how it works but it seems he’s enjoying this moment to much to ask. In an attempt to keep the sweet moment I change the subject.
“Hey do you want to listen to some Earth music?” With a nod from Felix I close the app and instinctively go to press my streaming app. Damn no Internet. I think for a second and remember I have some music I bought in times before streaming apps existed. I find the app and open it. Dear god my taste was cringey. I scroll through the songs until I stumble across a less than embarrassing song. “This is a classic where I come from, everyone has heard this song at least once. I lay back onto the floor so I can properly listen to the music. Felix looks at me and awkwardly lays down as well, I click on the song allowing it to play.
Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Felix gives me a puzzled look but I just shrug and look up at the ceiling. I close my eyes and take in the song as it plays. If I concentrate hard enough I can imagine my self back on Earth. Sitting in my room listening to 80s music while I do laundry or cook my dinner. I start to feel nostalgic again but I try not let my emotions take over. The song ends and I pause it before it plays the next song. I roll onto my side and rest my head on my hand.
“So what’d you think?” I beam at Felix, I genuinely want to know what he thinks of Earth music, and more specifically a song that I am quite fond of. Felix is laying flat on his back, he ankles crossed and his hands laying on his chest. He looks nervous to be laying on the ground next to me but has made no attempts to leave.
“I thought it was... interesting to say the least. It had quite a captivating story although I was confused when the subject changed multiple times, and what exactly are they trying to “not stop believing” in” Felix does air quotes and seems genuinely enthralled in the “story” of the song. I smile and start to look for another song. 
“How about you choose the next one?” I tilt my phone towards him. Felix sits up at my question.
“I dont feel very well versed in Earth music though,” He mumbles. I shrug at his comment.
“Just pick one with a name that sounds interesting to you” I show Felix how to use the phone and hand it to him laying back down. I peek at Felix, he’s holding the phone in one hand and is scrolling with the other, he’s holding it like an old man. I watch his face, he’s thoroughly looking at every single song title and determining whether they are interesting or not. I find it... cute, his concentration face is cute. Oh if he caught me staring I know he would become a blubbering blushing mess, I mean I would be too. I close my eyes again as I wait for him to pick. 
“This one seems interesting,” I hum in response, but when Felix says the title out-loud and panic seizes through me. I sit up and shout WAIT but I'm too late. He already pressed it. And then I hear it.
That dreaded, infamous G note. Felix turns towards me surprised and hastily hands the phone to me, I pause it before another note can play.
“Hells MC what will that song make my head explode or something??? You nearly made my heart stop.” Felix takes a deep breath with his hand on his chest.
“I'm sorry, that song its kind of embarrassing actually,” I can feel myself flushing, I look away in embarrassment at the fact that I had that song downloaded and the fact that I nearly sent my teacher into cardiac arrest.
“Embarrassing how?” Felix looks at me puzzled. I open my mouth to speak but then stop. Hold on a second, Felix doesn’t know this band, let alone what an emo phase is. Well judging by his raven skull necklace he does but not in the way I do. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if we listened to it. I do still like their music. But god did it HAVE to be this song. I clear my throat and look back at Felix.
“Nothing, it’s nothing I was just being dramatic,” I stifle a laugh. “We can listen to it, I actually quite like this band,” Felix nods and turns to face my direction, were now both sitting cross legged and I press play on the song. I smile a little as the song plays and close my eyes again. I cant even remember the last time I listened to this song. My mind begins to wander again, to my younger years when I first heard this song.
 I was such a try hard back then, wanting so badly to “be different” but also to mend the emotional pain I was going through, and this band really helped me through it. This song is a little more narrative than the last one so I hope Felix would like it. I can’t believe I freaked out like I did god he must think I'm crazy, or maybe that lady really did hit my head when she threw that drink at me. As the song plays I silently hum to it, quiet enough so that Felix might not hear. I drink in the lyrics and instruments and it feels like I'm listening to it again for the first time. 
The song ends and I open my eyes again to pause the music before it plays another one.
“So what did you think of tha-“ before I can continue I'm stopped by the sight of Felix’s face. His eyes are misty and his nose is colored pink. Was he... was he crying? Felix looks at me and his eyes go wide. He quickly turns away and rubs at his face.
“There-there is quite a lot of dust on this floor, honestly you would think Annie would have any sense to clean in here every once in a while,” I cant help but smile, wow he really is a goth child. 
“It’s ok Felix, this song makes me cry sometimes too,” Felix side eyes me and sniffles.
“I-I was not crying, yes I admit the song was... moving to say the least…. But, but I will not be mocked by you for my emotions,” Felix turns to face me again refusing to meet my eyes, his voice turning accusatory. I scoot closer to Felix and place a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me astonished and slightly flushed, either from the contact or the crying, I mean dust, I will never know.
“Congratulations” I say with a smile. Felix’s puzzled look twists even more.
“What ever are you talking about,” Felix questions.
“You’re emo now,”
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
The Arrangement Chapter 8
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Series Summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter Summary: First day on the job.
Previous chapter here
------------------------ You received a text message at around 8 am telling you the car had arrived to take you to BigHit. Your aunt had already left for work and took your sister and niece along with her. Your brother had left hours ago so there was no big “goodbye” or anything. You took a look around the small apartment and sighed. It had been really nice of your aunt to take the three of you in. You hoped that you had made the right decision. You put on your backpack, grabbed your suitcases, and headed out the door.
The car was easy to spot. Your apartment complex was not fancy so there weren’t usually vehicles with chauffeurs waiting out front. The tall man waved at you, “ Ms. [Y/L/N]?’ he asked.
You nodded and he walked over to take your bags. “You don’t have to do that,” you politely declined.
“I insist ma’am.” He responded and put the suitcases in the trunk. He moved over and opened the door for you. Fancy. 
“Thank you,” you said as you sat your backpack down on the seat and slid in. This was a definite improvement over the bus or walking, you thought as the car began to head towards the middle of the city.  After a short drive the car pulled into what you assumed was the back entrance of the building and down a ramp into an underground garage. The driver scanned a badge at an outer gate and then had to show an id card at a second guard station a few meters further. Wow, security around here was tight, you thought. Good. 
The driver pulled up next to an elevator and got your bags out. “Alright miss, I assume you’ll have messages about where to go next. Take care.”
“Thank you!” You awkwardly waved as you rolled your bags next to the elevator and took out your phone.
NJ: When you get here, head to the 18th floor and someone will assist you.
Ok. You stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button. Your breathing had started to increase. You found yourself suddenly nervous, remembering that you were starting a new job today, and moving in somewhere new, and you were supposed to marry some basically random dude. Deep breaths. You should have refilled your prescription, you found yourself thinking as you started to become dizzy. Fortunately for you, the doors to the elevator opened and a person got on, pulling you out of your panic attack. 
“Hey! Moving in?” The voice was clear and cute. You looked up. It belonged to a girl either younger than you or with a better skin care routine.
“Oh, yeah. It’s my first day.” You added shyly.
“Nice to meet you!” She bowed politely. “My name is Alice. I moved in last year around this time.” She smiled. 
“[Y/N], it’s nice to meet you as well,” you returned.
“I’m a make-up artist.” She added.
“Oh, how fun. I suck at make-up.” You said before you could stop yourself. 
She laughed. “I don’t know, I think you did a pretty good job for a more natural look,” She said while assessing your face. The elevator dinged at the 14th floor. “This is me. I hope I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, thanks!” You said, grateful for the distraction. A few seconds later, you arrived at your floor.  You stepped off and found yourself in a very fancy hallway.  It looked like it belonged in a luxury hotel.It was very different from the floors you had seen so far. You scanned the hallway and saw a man in a checkered suit sitting on a chair, leaned over and looking at his phone. You checked your phone again, no new messages. You cleared your throat slightly, unsure if maybe Namjoon had mis-typed the floor or something.
The man in the chair looked up, “Oh. Hello there,” he smiled and stood up. “Jung Hoseok at your service.” He quickly walked over and put out his hand. His suit was quite loud, but it worked on him. 
“Hi. [Y/N]. Nice to meet you.”
“Oh. This will be fantastic. Come with me.” He turned before you could ask him what he was talking about. You grabbed your bags and followed.  He walked quickly as though he was on a mission. You didn’t see any other doors as you followed him.
“Alright, you are in unit 1802. Here is your key card.” He stopped in front of a door and handed you a key fob. “Get settled in. Get cleaned up. The rest of your schedule should be in the App. Security is expecting you in 45 minutes to get your badge. Good luck!” He smiled and turned away quickly, chuckling to himself.
You stood there confused for a minute. What the hell kind of dorms were these? You shook your head and swiped the card. You were expecting a small foyer that would be covered in other people’s shoes. Instead you immediately noticed how quiet the space was and were greeted by a large sunken room with benches lining the perimeter. You stepped down into it, pulling your suitcases behind you. There were a few pairs of shoes neatly stored under the seats. You slipped yours off as well and left your two large bags in the foyer. As you walked further into the apartment,  it quickly became clear to you this was no ordinary dorm. 
The place was massive with gleaming marble floors and glass windows running along the entire length of the large living room. On the left side of the living room was a fireplace, situated next to a large staircase heading up to a loft area. A kitchen was to your right. A few bowls and cups sat in a drying rack. A rice cooker was on. Other than that, there were no indications that people actually lived here.
"Hello?" you called into the space. The living room was sparsely furnished with a couch, coffee table, and TV. You walked through the living room and down a hallway. You found a bathroom, an empty room, and a bedroom. The bedroom had nothing other than a bed, night stand, and wardrobe. You furrowed your brow. Was this your room? Was the empty one yours? Ugh. You imagined Namjoon smirking at you as you walked back into the living room. 
You were looking down at your phone as you entered and paused only because you heard a slight dragging sound. You looked up and saw Mr. Min wearing only grey boxer shorts and shuffling towards the kitchen. His body was lean and pale and he had the tiniest bit of a tummy and wow you felt like a pervert all of a sudden. 
Your face grew red and you didn't know if you should say something or slowly back down the hallway or run for the exit to never return. Unfortunately you didn't get a chance to decide. Yoongi looked over at you. He slowly blinked his eyes as though trying to assess if you were really there or not. "Why the hell are you here?" he asked, his voice deep and gravelly like he had just woken up. 
Your mouth gaped open as though speaking was a new skill. "Umm… I am. I am so sorry. Mr Jung gave me a key and told me I would be staying here." You averted your eyes from his half-naked body, slightly surprised that he didn't seem to be bothered by that at all. 
Yoongi scratched his head, fluffing his hair and let out something like a growling sound. He picked up a remote from the kitchen counter and hit a button, causing the curtains to close halfway and darken the living room. 
"I'm sorry if there's been some sort or mix-up." You tried not to stare. "I'm supposed to get down to security for my badge. I'll talk to Namjoon and get this straightened out, ok?"  You heard a noncommittal grunt and the refrigerator open and a drink tab being popped. You looked over to see Yoongi pounding an iced coffee. He sat it down on the counter and looked at you. You did your best to maintain eye contact. 
"Want one? " He asked. 
'Uh yeah sure." you walked closer still trying to not check him out. 
He pulled another drink out of the fridge and handed it to you. It had a picture of V on it, causing you to laugh. These fucking models were everywhere. 
"Don't worry. I'll kill Namjoon and Hobi myself. You can leave your bags here for now." He said, grabbing his can of coffee he headed out of the kitchen and up the staircase. You stared at him the entire time while sipping the coffee. There's no harm in looking at your future husband you laughed at yourself at how weird this fucking thing was. 
You refreshed your make-up in the bathroom before leaving the apartment and then opened the BigHit App to see where the security office was. The building was massive and had its own gym and grocery store. Jesus.  
You exited the elevator and saw Namjoon waiting in a chair. "Oh, so you're still alive?" you asked. 
"Funny. I was going to say the same thing to you." He countered, standing up. "Are your new living quarters acceptable?" 
Your jaw dropped. "It seems like you dropped me into Mr. Mins house" you whispered, looking around. "I don't see how that's very discreet at all. And it seemed like he was surprised by it as well." 
Namjoon shrugged. "Eh it can't be helped. You two will eventually live together anyways right? Why make you move twice? And besides, only Jin lives on that floor and he thinks it's hilarious. He doesn't know about the dating thing but he does think having Yoongi live with his assistant is some kdrama level shit."
You rolled your eyes. *Yeah well Yoongi hates it. You should have told him first." 
"Yoongi hates everything I do so I don't really care. Let's get your badge ready and then you have to start posting. First day on the job selfie, tweet, whatever it is you kids do these days." 
You rolled your eyes at him, "I'm older than you." 
"To the security office Noona! Jesus why didn't you do your make-up? This badge has to be worn at all times." 
"I did do my make-up today, asshole," you responded as the two of you walked around the corner to the security office. He opened the door and ushered you in. 
"Gentleman, here is Ms. [Y/L/N] ready for her badge and photo." Namjoon plastered on his smile, causing you to scowl. 
The men walked you through another set of paperwork, fingerprints, and a photo. Twenty minutes later you had a fancy security badge clipped to your skirt. 
"Stay out of trouble. Stay on top of the App. If you need anything text Jimin. And start posting" Namjoon said, exiting the security office. He headed in front of you and around the corner,suddenly stopping. 
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You heard Yoongi's voice. It sounded like his voice but you hadn't heard him get angry yet. 
"Not now Yoongi, I have a meeting in 15 minutes." Namjoon sighed. 
"You just dropped a girl into my house without telling me and think I'm not going to have something to say about it?" 
"You knew she was starting today. You agreed that the two of you were going through with all of this. What did you think that meant? Huh?" Namjoon said, almost bored.
"Why don't I get a say in any of this?" Yoongi raised his voice, exasperated. 
"You did. You picked her." Namjoon said calmly as he pushed the up button on the elevator. 
"This is such bullshit!" he yelled. You walked around the corner, surprising him. 
The elevator for Namjoon arrived and he got on it, not bothering to look back. 
You walked closer to Yoongi. "Hey. I'm sorry this was a surprise for you. It was to me too. I thought I would be in a dorm with a bunch of other girls." You gave him a sympathetic look. 
He took off his hat and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry it's not you. It's just...ughhh…" He put the hat back on.
"Really. It's fine. It seems like Namjoon isn't interested in our opinions though, huh? I'm a good roommate. I'm quiet and I clean up after myself. And I can cook." 
Yoongi wasn’t angry at you, so his feelings had morphed into pouting at this point. "It's fine I put your bags in the guest bedroom." He pushed a button on the elevator. He sighed 
"Thanks Yoongi." you said, standing next to him. 
“And I can cook too. So don’t think that’s part of your job or anything.”
“Now what kind of wife would I be if I didn’t cook for you,” You teased as the doors opened up. You were surprised to see him blushing. He hit the button for the 12th floor, keeping his head down the entire way.  NEXT CHAPTER
@lidda  @anpanman-sonyeondan  @firefairy1  @cuteipat  @sugaslittlekookies  @janeelizabeth1216 @deeepvibes @gxldenhunny
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sunflowervolvimp3 · 4 years
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Warnings: None
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Alright, so this is my first fic on this new account!! I also write marvel fanfiction at another blog called @astronomyparkers​, but I haven’t written harry styles fic since I was 15 and I miss him :(( so here is a very soft domestic oneshot (hence the title) and I hope you really like it!! Please let me know if you do, and follow me for more!!  Enjoy!!
Unsurprisingly, the bed was cold when you woke up.
You knew it would be. When you fell asleep the night before, you had done so in Harry’s arms, his warm chest moving beneath your head, and his heartbeat in your ears.  Those were your favourite nights, when you could count his breaths instead of sheep, and listen to the rumbling of his chest instead of a white noise machine. Your favourite mornings were when you woke up in the same way, tangled in his arms, him still asleep beside you.
You loved waking up before him.  He was gone too often and too early for your tastes, so on the odd morning when he was still in bed when you woke up, still asleep, you watched him.  You watched his chest rise and fall, your fingers tracing up his muscles to his collar bones, following the path up his neck and jaw.  You always paused at his lips before continuing up his cheek bones, touching over his eyebrow, and finally stopping in his soft, sleep mussed curls.
When you confessed this to Harry one morning, he had giggled, his voice still deep from slumber. “Y’like to watch me sleep?” He murmured, eyes sparkling.
You had blushed, but kept your voice defensive. “It’s nice.  You look relaxed.”
“Course I’m relaxed, I’m asleep.” He rubbed your warm cheeks as he spoke. “You’re like Edward, m’love. Watching me like a stalker.”
“Okay, now you’re going a bit far.” You rolled your eyes as you scoffed. “I’m not standing in the corner of your bedroom! I’m in our bed!”
He had giggled more, kissing over your cheeks as he murmured apologies to you.  Yes, mornings like those were your favourite, where you had him to tease and cuddle before you had to face the day.
A morning like this, while the usual, was the complete opposite.  Harry had disappeared in the early hours of the morning, leaving only a faint smell of cologne on the sheets.  You sighed, picking up his pillow and hugging it to your chest as you closed your eyes again.  Yes, mornings like these were your least favourites.  It was much harder to face the day when you had to do it alone.
Still, it had to be done, and you pulled the sheets off as you climbed out of bed.  You straightened the blankets and pillows before walking over to the curtains, pulling them open to let the sunlight filter into the room. Then you walked to the attached en suite, showering quickly before returning to the bedroom.
You inhaled deeply as you picked out clothes from your dresser.  Every morning, Harry left the diffuser on for you, filling the bedroom with a sweet scent.  And, on some days, if he wasn’t already running behind, he scribbled a quick note to you.
You smiled as you picked up the scrap of paper he had left that morning, half ripped from whatever notebook he had pulled it out of.  
Good morning, my love.  Have a good day at class.  Call you later. -H xx.
You folded the note up and walked to the closet, forgetting about getting dressed for a moment as you walked inside.  You pushed past racks of clothes until you reached a little corner in the back, holding a small wooden chest.  The lid of the chest had a wood burned sunflower on it, and you ran your hand over the marking before unlatching it and lifting it open.
The chest was filled with different bits and pieces of your relationship with Harry.  There were ticket stubs from concerts and movies, a receipt from the restaurant Harry took you to for your first date, and a handful of polaroid photos of the two of you.  There were loose beads at the bottom of the chest, remnants of a beaded bracelet you’d made for him that broke, and specks of glitter from various valentine’s day cards stuck to the papers.  You added the note to the stack of notes just like it, all from mornings where he took a moment to think of you.  You knew it was silly to keep them, but you couldn’t bring yourself to throw them away.
Once you tucked the chest back into its corner, you carried on with the rest of your day.  You finished dressing and getting ready before making it out the door to go to your classes.  Like most mornings, Harry had e-transferred you five dollars for you to get coffee on your way to school.  For the longest time, you had protested it, insisting that “I’m a big girl, Styles.  I can buy myself a latte.”
Harry had laughed over the phone when you called him to lecture him. “I know you are.  But I like buying you coffee.  It’s supposed to be romantic.”
You smiled at the memory as you walked through your campus, latte in hand.  Even while he was away, he tried his best to do things for you.
The rest of your day was a blur of lectures and studying.  By the time you walked out of your last lecture, you were exhausted both mentally and physically.  Once you made it back to your flat, it was even worse.  You gave yourself a couple hours to unwind and relax before beginning dinner, but just as you were sautéing peppers and onions for your fajitas, your phone rang.
“Hello?” You answered absentmindedly, not looking at the caller ID.
“Hello, sweetheart.” Harry’s familiar low voice echoed in your ear. “How was your day?”
You couldn’t help the smile that came to your face. “Hey, baby.  It was alright, just busy.  How was yours? Is everything going well in the studio?”
Harry sighed loudly into the phone. “Yeah.  It’s been alright.”
“H…” You trailed off, pausing your cooking and leaning back against the counter. “C’mon.  Be honest.  How’s it going?”
“It’s been…slow.” You could hear the frustration in Harry’s voice. “There’s harmonies in the second verse that I can’t seem to get right, and something in the bridge’s harmonic progressions isn’t sitting right…”
You sighed, glancing over at your cooking. “You’re going to be working late, aren’t you?”
“No, I—” He huffed, and you could practically picture him playing with his hair and biting his lip. “No.  I’ll be home.”
“No, you won’t.  You’re going to stay until you get it done.” You smiled a bit as you resumed cooking. “If you don’t fix it now, then it’ll keep you up all night.”
“I just—I know you’re making dinner—”
“It’ll still be here when you get home.” You laughed a bit. “I’m hungry, but not that hungry.  I’ll save you some.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind, love?” He asked after a moment. “I don’t want to stand you up…”
“You’re not.” You assured him. “Go.  Finish the song.  Don’t stress yourself out over it.”
Harry sighed again, but this time, the relief was apparent in his voice. “Alright.  I love you.”
“I love you too.” You said with a smile. “See you later.”
True to your word, you packed up the fajita leftovers and left them on the counter for him.  You waited in the living room, enjoying a glass of wine as you did, but by the time midnight rolled around, you knew you had to get ready for bed.  You quickly scribbled a note and left it with the container of leftovers before heading to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.  Within twenty minutes, you were tucked in bed with a book.
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but when you woke up, the clock next to your bed read 1A.M. You felt a rustling next to you in bed, and you turned over, still half asleep.
“Sorry, love.” Harry’s voice was apologetic as he climbed under the covers, pulling you into his chest. “Tried not to wake you.”
“S’alright.” You mumbled back, kissing his cheek and closing your eyes again. “Did you eat?”
“I did.  It was delicious.” He began to play with your hair, closing his own eyes. “Y’take such good care of me.”
“You don’t eat enough.” Even half asleep, you chastised him. “Get too into recording…” You shifted against his chest. “Did you finish the song?”
“We did, yeah.  All done.”
“Is it good?”
He chuckled. “I think so, yeah.  ‘S decent, anyways.”
“It’ll be better than decent.  Going to win you a Grammy.” Your voice became more and more unclear as you drifted closer to unconsciousness.
Harry smiled and rubbed your back. “Mhmm.  Now sleep, love.”
“Are you home tomorrow?” You tucked your face into his neck, whispering the words into his skin.
“Mmm, I am.” Harry hummed. He couldn’t stop himself from tracing the words of his new song onto your back. “’M gonna make you breakfast in the morning.”
“Sounds nice…” Your voice trailed off as you fell asleep, quickly lulled by the sound of his heartbeat.
Harry pressed a kiss to your head before allowing himself to drift off, eager to awake beside you the next morning.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
I'm alive I'm back OK TRAILER GO GO GO
i'm not using photos because i wouldn't be able to contain myself but this is in order of events in the trailer so like tee hee
ok so starting off, it looks like luz still has access to her phone, maybe it's still sending things, but i think camila might start to get an idea of what's going on pretty early in the season plus we still get to see her so like YES
the first shot with lilith and luz with lilith carrying hooty is definitely from echoes of the past, guess we found out that hooty does actually leave the house, even if it is in the form of a slightly smaller house backpack? yknow what good for him but the contents of the door where he was will haunt my dreams. thanks. and also lilith's palisman can fly!
the one with the "forbidden stacks" and luz and amity in front of the door is from through the looking glass ruins, PLEASE give me some alice in wonderland references i'm begging. along with that shot, i'm assuming the later ones with amity having her hair down and her employee id badge, both scenes with gus casting with what looks to be a fire glyph (those two are the same scene split in two i think), and the one with the creepy thing with the lantern are both from that episode as well.
there are three different scenes that are from the same episode as each other, possibly one that hasn't been announced yet because i can't place it, but the one with luz walking along the statues, the one with her and king where a hand shoots out and opens, and the one with some beasty climbing up the wall all look to be from the same one and that's terrifying.
now for separate tides, there's a bunch, anything with luz in the pirate outfit is probably from that, her casting the ice glyphs, her tied up, you get it.
i'm getting to belos, r, and camila just hold your horses. hold them.
ok owl mask, a bunch. my thing is that we see the one with luz jumping up onto a building, she has his staff, and a little cardinal on her shoulder which i think is cute, i don't think it's her palisman but that's up for debate. but she somehow got his staff, and that worries me deeply.
NOW NOW NOW OWL BEAST LILITH. ok so we don't see any owl beast eda in the trailer, but owl beast lilith, yes yes we do. not only do we see her like partially transformed and like dying on the ground, but the owl beast we do see greatly resembles a hoot owl. why does that matter? i will talk to you for hours about character names, but basically some translations of lilith's name are hoot owl and screech owl, and i am so unbelievably excited for this i'm shitting my pants but on the inside.
time to talk about r. if you don't know who r is, most people think their name is rayne? rain? i don't actually know but from what i've heard they're a confirmed non binary character? girl idek anyways the important part is that they were the person who had their face obscured in the photo of eda in her scrapbook from wilw, and they're now the bard coven leader. i'm just gonna say it, they are way too ominous and apparent in the trailer to not be important so do with that what you will but remember kids, in the scrapbook they signed their name with belos' mask on the end of the r. beware.
gwendolyyynnnnn ok so there's a bunch about her, first of all she's a cute little old lady so she's probably evil, from what we see of her she's totally a clawthorne, but she's a beast keeper, keeping in mind the age that eda got cursed that can be kind of yikes but yknow. she has what looks to be an eagle? falcon? idk if it's even a palisman but a bird is a bird and that's good enough for me. she has the same nails as lilith, and her boots resemble eda's, plus she has the gold jewlery and wild hair so like she's their mom alright. the thing that worries me the most about her is one of the flashbacks we saw, eda hiding from someone yelling, it could very well be gwen and i will in fact fight a bitch. that is all.
ok girl- what is up with the blights? i'm not even going to lie, odalia is kind of a baddie. all villains are hot she's no exception. but blight industries? we knew they had money and power but this kind of is different, and she seems to use the gun she had to cast an abomination monster that we see chasing luz around?
the coven leaders, why are they so attractive? and the plant lady seems like a older version of perfuma so like do with that what you will but like the abomination dude, is his hair an abomination? anyways, why is he hot? r is also a sight love that for them. though them like burning away while menacingly playing the violin has me............concerned.
break to talk about eda, we don't see a lot of her current self in the trailer, we see more of her in the past, and i am scared? where she at? shawty? but her with a pony tail and her with short hair? sheeesh.
there's a lot more glyph magic, a lot more exploration of if, but one of the scenes where lilith is casting the three ice glyphs and like drags them out is very similar to the way luz casts in the opening for season two. also someone said lilith looks like dying, her cheekbones are way more defined, more than they should be, like hey queen you good? it also looks like she has more of a presence this season and i'm here for it.
there are also two scenes where like everything is on fire, one with hooty and one with lilith, um- its fine ok everything is probably fine although i do hope lilith smacks a bitch with that stick.
ok nowwww i can talk about belos.
we have that one scene with owl mask, is that belos' shadow like morphing? god i hope so. those are his mask horns. he's an old man so he's got gray hair but i didn't expect it to be that long, you do you. with the portal he clearly has rebuilt it, but i think it's interesting how he mad his own key and luz still has the original one, it's kind of fu
WIAT OK I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT IF IN ECHOES Of th e past the shot with eda and her short hair is from hooty's pov and that's how they met
back to belos, there's so much happening in the trailer but like what if we see his face, and did the titan like explode?
i cannot do this anymore it's too late for this but leikIHJBEKJSFDKNFALKNLKNDFNOKNKEFAINOK
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'Family support's just so wholesome, i can't! Your writing's great 💙 i have a request (tho it's more than fine if you're not taking them/ don't feel like doing this one): bau!reader losing a loved one, not telling anyone and throwing themselves into work but masking it up pretty well so no one notices how broken they are until after a though case reader falls asleep on the jet and has a nightmare, reid puts 2 & 2 together and comforts them.. idk just feeling a bit moody today, hope u r fine 😊
Hold you in my arms
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A/N: hey! I'm glad you enjoyed family support! Im glad you also enjoy my writing thank you so much! im sorry I took forever to write this one up! Hopefully its what you wanted. I did kinda rush the case so we could have Spencer and reader content, so sorry if it is rushed and bad. hope you enjoy this one!
TW: family member going through cancer.
things to know: the italics in the beginning are going through the death of the brother, and near the end is the dream. regular font is what happened or is happening how ever you want to put it.
You were a really private person, for the most part, but with your team, they knew mostly everything about you. Which knowing them for years was okay with you. As long as they didn’t know any more details you were fine with that. Your family meant everything to you and you wanted them safe. You never wanted to be the reason they were tortured or even killed.
However some things that caused death weren't your fault completely. Your brother was getting near to death. He’s been fighting leukemia since he was 15 and recently it's been getting worse. You stayed with him the days you didn’t work or didn’t get called in. Lucky the last few days you had with him you only had paperwork to finish.
The team noticed how fast you would complete them and how detailed and well written they were so they thought nothing of it. Spencer though he noticed despair and worry, but he didn’t say anything since you two were only friends and if you had something to tell him you would reach out.
“Is she okay?” Prentiss asked as the team shrugged. “Yeah Spence is she alright seems like something is up?” Rossi said as Spencer shrugged not knowing what was wrong with his best friend and “secret” crush. “She hasn’t said anything or talked to me, she’ll probably talk when she’s ready” he said as that left the team with that and spending their own free time the way they do.
You would walk into the hospital with two thoughts in your mind. “He’s alright he’s okay, he’s fighting” or “it’s too late you work too much and now he’s gone” and when you would enter the room relief was hit and you saw him eating or watching tv.  
You two would talk and spend time with one another, but he would beg you to go back to work and not worry. “Matt, no I'm staying until they call alright? You said as he held your hand. “Please go back to work I’m fine, I know you’ll make it in time once my monitor goes crazy” he said as you glared at him. “Don’t say that, I’m staying.” You said as he gave you the look your mother gave you. “Ugh fine I’ll go, but you need to call me if anything happens.
Like that you would go back to work and finish even more paperwork. Like nothing was wrong. You were sad inside but you didn’t show. You were strong, well you had to be, your brother was told he was gonna live for 2 months and he just passed his 1 month, this scared you. You couldn’t lose him now. He was your other half considering how young he was. Why do good people die young and terribly?
When that day came, you were called by your mom. You were home so you quickly left your home not even worrying if you left something on, your main focus was your brother. Seeing him alive when you go there.
Once you got to the hospital you arrived and saw them resuscitate him. They gave you a look that said, he wasn’t gonna make it and you needed to say goodbye. Your parents were sitting in chairs while you held your brother in your arms like the first time you met him. He was just your little baby brother and you knew he was gonna do great things.
Memories of you and him passed through your brain like one of those movies. The good and the bad. As the monitor went flat he was gone, your baby brother was gone. Tears just flushed through your eyes not caring if some got onto him. All you could do was hug him and let him rest the way he wanted to. In your arms.
“It’s okay, it’s time for you to rest.” You said as you kissed his head and held on for a while longer.
That was the last time you saw him. You currently got back from the funeral, and you changed so the team didn’t notice anything. As you walked over to your desk you got a new picture frame out with a picture of you and your brother when you were 10 and he was about 3. You smiled at the way your brother smiled.
“Y/n” someone said. “Y/n? You alright?” Spencer said as you looked at him. “Yeah Spence sorry I was just thinking. What’s up?” You asked as he smiled. “Well we have a case, so let’s go?” He said as you smiled back and headed to the conference room.
The case introduced was about an unsub killing young 20 year old males. Most of them were either in college or working for their families. They were good people but they were just killed for no reason. Which made you think of Matt. What if….no stop it.
As you debriefed the case you were headed to New Orleans. As you got your go bag you were met by spencer who was waiting for you per usual, spencer noticed something stopped you. “y/n? You okay?” he asked as he startled you and you blinked many times not knowing he was there. “Yeah im okay, uh just thinking.” you said as he hummed. “Alright..oh is that a new picture?” he asked as he grabbed the new frame with your picture. “Actually it's an old one, i just thought i could have another picture you know.” you said as he nodded. “Yeah, i do, is this your brother?” he asked as you nodded. “Yeah i was 10 and he was about 3 years old in that photo, it was the first day of school for the both of us, he was going to preschool and i was going into the fourth grade” you said as he noticed your sincere smile. “Is he doing okay?” he asked as your heart stopped, but you knew you had to lie, you didn't want to bother him. “He's fine, going into his fourth year of college,” you said as he nodded, but he read through your lie, you thought your heart stopped internally, but your whole body shifted and he knew something happened. you then were interrupted by a hotch. “Guys we should get going, seems like they need us earlier than i thought.” he said as you nodded heading over to the jet.
As you read through the file you were still thinking about Matt, you knew he wanted you to work instead of grieving for him, and you were gonna do that until it was gonna finally break you. You just kept thinking about getting privacy to let the tears to come out.
As you landed, you had to talk to the family of the recent victim. As you got there you saw them break down, not only did you lose someone, they did too. As if your instincts were nagging at you, you walked in to talk to the family, understanding completely what they were going through.
After talking to the parents, they told you Jerry was sick. He had been going through some type of chemotherapy and he didn't go to his last one days before getting kidnapped. That was weird, maybe the unsub knew who they were. But you didn't really know how to back that up with so you called garcia.
“Hello my beautiful princess, how may i serve you today?” she asked as you smiled. “God pen, never change,” you said as she hummed. “Not in any world my love.” she said as you looked down at your file. “Hey can you see if any of our victims was going through some type of therapy, like chemo?” you asked as she typed away and you waited.
Maybe this was some type of coincidence, like god was giving you a chance to save someone, after losing someone.
“Woah, uhh, our first victim, David, had thyroid cancer, and our other two victim, had leukemia. How does this connect?” she asked as you sighed. “Our latest victim had some type of cancer and was going through, chemotherapy.” you said as she sighed. “God why would someone kill someone who is going through a hard time?” she said as you sighed as well. “I don't know love, that's what I'm gonna figure out.” you said as she hung up leaving you to tell the team. You walked over to where everyone was standing and they seemed to pay attention before you began to talk.
“So all of our victims went through some type of sickness that involved them to get chemotherapy, what if our unsub is going through that and by killing them they are taking their place by getting some chemotherapy.” you said as they all shuffled looking through.
“That could explain why they didn't have certain belongings with them. And could explain why some didn't have their id.” Morgan said as you nodded. “Alright well call garcia to widen her search, good job y/n” hotch said as you nodded. “And this person might be working near any of the hospitals, our victims went to.” you said as they all nodded and you were getting ready to deliver the profile.
While this happened you got a call from your mother. You quickly picked it up leaving the room. “I'm sorry I have to take this.” you said as hotch nodded and you went into a hallway.
“Hey mom? Everything okay?” you asked as she hummed  “i am, its just i really hate to bother you, but i can afford the funeral i only paid half of it... And i don't wanna ask you for money-” she said, stumbling over her words as you cut her off. “Mom hey, dont worry about that, let me give you my credit card information all right? Tell them to send me the bill to my apartment. You don't have to worry about it alright?” you said as she sighed and sobbed. “Okay, im sorry...its just i saved up money for college but it wasn't enough and i know you do-” she said as you cut her off again. “Mom don't worry about it. I had some money saved up for him too in case he needed something. It's fine mom.” you said as you kept reassuring her. You then met the team again as they had a lead.
“Hey sorry it was my mom.” you said as they found a guy who lost his family because his wife had left him for his best friend, he was then told he had lung cancer and didn't have insurance or enough money to pay for his treatment. He was recently seen at the same hospital all the victims were at, and that meant he was getting ready for his next victim. He also worked as a janitor at the hospitals, which explained how he got the information from them.
You and Reid were sent to his house as the rest of the team was sent to the hospital. As you got there you noticed the lights were on. “You check the front while i check the back.” he said as you nodded. You had a police officer behind you as you cleared the house. Everything seemed clear, but the odd things was why were the lights on. He probably left in a rush.
You both checked everything as found and he had schedules of the patients. He also worked in many hospitals which explained how he met the other two victims. Reid called hotch and gave him the address to the hospital next on the list. It was most likely he was just living here because you didn't find any bodies in the house, but you still searched outside his house.
You were walking around the back as you noticed humps in the ground...oh no. “reid! I think i've got bodies” you said as reid came along with a dog and they were sniffing and barking. “Yeah he definitely killed them here. Morgan and prentiss just found a shack a couple miles away from here and all their clothes and stuff are. Where is he though?” he said as you nodded.
You ended up finding him in the hospital reid found next on the list. They ended up getting the guy and taking him to the station. He was in the interrogation room and hotch let you take him. Reid was with you and you just stared at the unsub.
“You ready?” he asked as you nodded. He walked over to the door entering the room as the unsub looked at both of you as you sat down. “So uh mark? Right?” reid said as the unsub nodded. “Yeah, can you tell me why I'm here?” he said as you looked at Reid and he let you take the lead. “Well mark, your property is filled with missing people who were filled missing, you know, because their family cares about them. Why did you kill them?” you asked as he scoffed. “Please my family cares about me.” he said as you glared at him.
“Really mark, they do? Then why aren't they here? We know your wife left you for your best friend and he matched all the victims appearances. You killed innocent boys who were just starting their life. You're just mad that their lives were settled and not yours.” you said as the unsub felt uncomfortable that you knew all that.
“Mark, we know you killed them because you were eventually gonna kill your own friend.” reid said as he just shook his head as if he was going crazy.
You two were just throwing the truth at him as he exploded.
“I had to do it! They were gonna ruin someone else’s life too! I couldn't let them go through that.” he said as you too got your confession, not that you needed it.
“Look mark, we didn't need this but we got what we need and i hope you get what you deserve.” you said as he yelled, “you don't even know what they felt. Why do you care so much!” he said as you stopped in your tracks and turned around. “You know what i do, i know what it's like to lose someone, they were already suffering so much, and you ruined it more for them. They had more time, but you didn't care. If you really care, family is important, and losing one is even worse, especially from sickness. Knowing that i couldn't do anything hurts. You're the one who doesn't know. You only know what it felt like to kill them knowing you were gonna live and they were gonna die.” you said leaving as reid and everyone behind that mirror just heard what you said.
As you got back on the jet, you were so tired you fell asleep right away. You were just so tired you didn't know what to do.
You were running through the unsubs home and noticed a body that looked familiar. It was matt. You quickly ran over to him and saw his face. He was already dead. You then were tied up seeing the unsub shoot him over and over. “NO! Matt, no! You had more time! Why!” you said.
“You had more time….why did you kill him…” you mumbled as you were moving around a lot and crying. Reid noticed and he quickly put his book down as he shook you up. “y/n...hey it's just a dream...y/n'' he said as you woke up with tears falling out of your eyes. “Im sorry, sorry.” you said as you wiped your own tears away. You sat there in complete silence. You were comfortable so it wasn't awkward.
You then saw the way Reid looked at you, which was the look that told you he knew what was wrong. You sighed in defeat as you asked him. “How do you know?” you asked as he half smiled. “Well today when you mentioned Matt, your mood changed, and I knew something was wrong, and you also wanted to comfort the victims family. You seemed like you knew what they were going through. And when you told us about the victims being sick, you seemed really sad for them more than a regular person would be and when you talked about losing family, I knew something was up.” he said as you nodded. “So you profiled me huh?” you said as he nodded and gave you a sincere smile
He was waiting, but he spoke first. “y/n i'm here for you, just know that, even if you feel alone i'm here for you always.” he said as you nodded.
He was about to get up as you spoke. “Matt died...two days ago...and the funeral was today, and i'm not okay.” you said as your tears fell out. Spencer held you as he wiped your tears away. “I'm so sorry, y/n.” he said as you shook your head. “spence its fine.” you said as he nodded, but he knew it wasn't fine. “Its just...when he died, i held him in my hands. I was there when it happened.” you said as he felt very sorry that you had to go through that.
“Im so sorry. Here come here.” he said as he opened his arms so he could hold you. You were thankful for Spencer, he was always there for you and you were glad he was there for you for this. It made being able to grieve much easier.
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warmau · 4 years
★ donation request: rich kid!au hongseok
judging by the huge amount of applause that’s just come from outside of the gym
you assume that means that the star of this show has just arrived
other volunteers start running around, frazzled and worried
this one - yang hongseok - is known to be a bit of a,,,,,,,,handful
which you don’t understand 
the guys just another athlete like everyone else 
granted he has won an insane amount of titles in such a short amount of time
and is currently the world champion of his boxing class
(oh -  you know - is well on his way to being a self-made millionaire)
you just ,,,,, don’t get it
how can you be moody and snappy when your life revolves around punching people - like get your anger out in the ring, dude.
either way, scoring such a huge star for your charity work is amazing 
so you’re going to bend to his every will, even if you spend the majority of the time hating it
hongseok strolls in, followed by his manager - kino - who you spent most of your time talking to on the phone in order to set this up
you introduce yourself to him and shake his hand, he’s been nothing but nice 
your worry is all but focused on hongseok
your charity is all about working with kids and helping them get into free sports programs
which means a lot of the people in attendance are innocent children 
so you hope hongseok keeps it ,,,,,, together
he shakes your hand - but seems almost annoyed by it - taking the glasses he’s wearing off and chucking them toward kino
“how long is this gonna take?”
is the first thing he asks and you’re already gritting your teeth
“only half an hour, we want you to talk to the kids about how you got into boxing and then take some photo-”
“kino, did they say photo-op? i never agreed to that.”
kino looks like he’s gritting his teeth too, but he’s probably so used to the treatment that he just pats hongseok’s shoulder
“it’s only two or three photos. it’ll look so good for your publicity hong”
hongseok shrugs his hand off, but veers off toward the table where your volunteers have set up drinks
kino gives you an apologetic smile as he follows suit and you just stand there gripping the clipboard in your hands so hard you think you might break it
it’s only been 5 seconds and i already know - i hate him.
you turn you attention away from hongseok though, you’ve got to make sure the gym is prepped and the kids who’ve come out to hear hongseok speak are all here
as you pass by, you hear hongseok mutter something about how this place is subpar and hot 
you wish you could tell him to shut it, he’s an athlete - a little sweat won’t hurt him
but instead you remind yourself: you need this, and the kids need this.
when you’re done and you’re ready to introduce hongseok to the eager crowd
you walk over to let him know, he has his glasses on again and when you tell him everything is ready 
he barely reacts - just stands up and takes off the denim jacket he’s wearing
it’s hard not to stare - the shirt is black and tight, and he’s a boxer so his body looks like its been carved from marble
but you make a point to focus your eyes on your clipboard and not on his dumb, beautiful face
hongseok notes that you aren’t oggling like just about everyone else 
as you lead him toward the gym, you have the urge to say something - to beg him not to put on that bravado hes known for when hes both out of the ring and in it
sometimes, he gets a little scary and mean, and these are kids so -
you skid to a stop and turn, hongseok raises an eyebrow and an annoyed look paints his otherwise (stupid, but godly) face
“um,,,,,,just so you know - the kids out there respect you, and they all think you’re cool so im hoping you can just,,,,,be professional?”
his mouth thins into a line
“oh, so you think im going to go out there and act like a jackass?”
yes, that’s what im worried about genius.
“no, im just - theyre all young so-”
he doesn’t bother to let you finish, instead he walks right on past you and out into the gym
the kids roar into applause and you pale - you were supposed to go out there and introduce him!!!!
but its too late, and you swallow the horror that building up in your stomach 
because you feel like you just made everything so much worse-
“hi kids, im hongseok and im here to teach you that everyone in this room can follow their dreams! i followed mine and now im a?”
he points the microphone toward the crowd as everyone cheers out the words “world champion”
hongseok laughs, a big and warm smile on his face
and you blink in surprise because
oh my god, he’s doing really well actually?!!??!
the whole event goes so smoothly that you almost dont believe its happening
hongseok not only connects with the kids and plays with them well, but the photo-op he was dreading so much - is so sweet
hongseok is letting kids hang off his bicepes, he’s picking kids up on his shoulders, he’s letting them play with his boxing gloves and even has kino bring out some merch he has signed to give out
you’re in awe - this is not the snooty, flashy dude you saw half an hour ago
and whose been splayed across online news pages since he debuted in the boxing scene
he’s just,,,,,,,,,,,,nice
but then again - you remember what kino had said:this is good publicity
it could all just be an act
one of your volunteers, tall and often lost looking yuto, taps your shoulder and asks if you can go get some supplies from the charity van you guys have out back
you agree, rushing over to get the things and as you’re piling out the boxes full of tshirts and applications packets
you hear the back door open
you’re half hidden by the car, but you immediately recognize kino’s voice and ,,,,,,, hongseoks?
“i want to sponsor all of the kids.”
“hongseok, that’s gonna be a hefty check you know?”
“doesn’t matter, but don’t put my name on it - just make sure the charity people know those kids are all going to be able to pick whatever program they want and ill pay for uniforms or baseball bats or whatever they need.”
“alright, ill go find the manager.”
you almost drop the box you’re holding - there are over fifty kids in there and he’s going to sponsor all of them?!?!?! and not for the free publicity?!?!?
you rush back inside, dropping the boxes in yuto’s hands who gives you a confused look as soon as you ask where hongseok is
he tilts his head and you turn toward the gym, through the door you see hongseok is taking a couple of more photos and waving goodbye to the kids
kino finds you, and asks if you two can talk for a moment, but you shake your head
“i need to talk to hongseok.”
standing out back in the parking lot, you thank him - embarrassed about how you had acted before
“i heard you say you wanted to sponsor all the kids, and im going to be honest i -”
“you thought i was an asshole, just the way i am when im boxing or on a late night tv show right?”
you kind of give him a - can you blame me? kind of look and hongseok laughs again
up close, its brighter and more comforting then you imagined
“being a ‘softie’ doesnt get you far in my sport - so i act out, everyones like if you have abs like that whyd you ever be humble you know?”
you try not to giggle, but hongseok says its true 
“well thanks again, and i know it was rude of me to tell you to ‘act professional’ you-”
“listen, id do the same thing. plus, you are probably the first person with the balls to say it to me - you do know im a boxer right?”
you kind of fumble a little, because you dont know what to say
his tone is kinda flirty, but you’re trying not to think to much into it 
kino suddenly appears, reminding hongseok of another event he has to get to
he smiles and says another goodbye to you, before you have to ask
“wait- why don’t you want people to know you donated so much to us?”
“ah, same reason. the guys arent going to let me live it down when these photos of me letting kids crawl me like a tree get out so i cant imagine what theyd say if they know i spent most of my championship money to help out these kids and not buy like....a yacht.”
he waves again and you cant believe it but you feel something in your heart twinge
that night you get a voicemail from the number you’d used when talking to kino
you assume its a message from him about the event, but you’re surprised to hear hongseok’s voice when you play it
‘aside from the fact i donated a buttload to your charity - do you wanna have dinner sometime? i actually have enough money left over for that?’
you don’t believe your ears and play it back one million or so times
in the morning you drag yuto into a corner and play it for him
“do you thin its a prank?”
yuto scratches his head, “no - i think yang hongseok is interested in you.”
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lochrannn · 3 years
Warnings: Sexual Content (M Rating)
Characters: Lila Pitts; Diego Hargreeves; Allison Hargreeves; Klaus Hargreeves; Hargreeves Siblings (background)
Relationship: Lila Pitts/Diego Hargreeves
Roommates AU; Fake Marriage; Slow Burn; Mutual Pining; Emotional H/C
Chapter 6/?
Lila picks up the letter with the marriage license from the letterbox when she comes home from running some errands only a few days after they applied for it. She recognises that it’s from city hall and hesitates for a moment as it’s addressed to Diego and could honestly be anything, how would she know, but she’s desperately impatient so she decides to open the letter and just give it a cursory look and apologise for snooping through his mail later if it turns out to be something else.
As it is, in fact, the marriage license, Lila gets on the phone right away and books an appointment at the courthouse for a wedding in a week’s time, apparently managing to get a slot that just opened up again earlier in the morning, as the waiting time would otherwise have been a couple more weeks. The clerk at city hall had very kindly explained to them how to go about booking a courthouse wedding and what that would entail, otherwise Lila would have been back at square one again even with the license.
All they need to bring is their necessary documentation and a single witness. Lila really hopes Diego has someone he can ask, because she doesn’t want to get one of her coworkers to come along.
She explains this to Diego when he turns up in the evening and he doesn’t even blink at the fact that she opened the letter addressed to him and then suggests he could ask Klaus to be their witness.
“I can ask my brother to take some pictures as well, so we have them as proof for the visa proceedings.” Diego muses.
“Who, Klaus?” Lila asks a bit confused why Diego wouldn’t just refer to him by name, seeing as she’s already met him.
“No, Ben.” Diego says, a bit distracted, as he reads through the letter that she handed him.
“You have another brother?” Lila asks, surprised.
Diego gives her a blank look for a second, then says, “Uh, I have four brothers…”
“And a sister?” Lila puts together, her voice a little high in disbelief.
“Two sisters, actually… all adopted.” Diego shrugs noncommittally, “I guess we’ll have to go through all of that before the interview process.”
Lila could kick herself, because she forgot to ask him exactly what the interview could possibly entail as she’d not heard of it before Diego mentioned it back at city hall. She’s relatively certain that the image that pops into her head of her pretending to be some kind of nineteen fifties housewife in a hoop skirt and delicate curls, who has to fawn over her breadwinner husband while a government agent takes notes, is probably not exactly what they are in for.
But before she can ask about the interview this time, Diego asks tentatively, “Uhm, have you thought about what you’re gonna wear?”
Lila is sitting on the arm of the couch, Diego standing not too far away from her, very strenuously looking down at the letter in his hand. Lila crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, but says nothing, and after a moment Diego does look at her and is immediately flustered.
“I’m not— It’s not… It’s just, if we’re taking pictures, we can’t look too shabby, but it’s also just a courthouse wedding, so we can’t look too fancy either.”
“You think I might turn up to my wedding looking shabby?” Lila asks in an even tone, but she tries very hard to give it an edge and tries even harder not to start laughing out loud at the look of panic that makes its way onto Diego’s face.
“That’s not… I didn’t mean…” he stammers, but Lila takes sympathy and interrupts him to say, not unkindly, “I have a dress I can wear.”
“Ok,” Diego says, clearly relieved that she didn’t end up getting annoyed at him again, and a tiny part of Lila is filled with a little bit of guilty regret for making him feel like he can’t say anything to her without the danger of her blowing up at him. He’s doing her a massive favour, apparently despite the fact he seems to think of her as some kind of raging bitch. It’s not like she can entirely blame him, but for some reason that thought really twists something in the pit of her stomach.
Which is odd, because she usually couldn’t give a flying toss about what people think of her.
In the end the day somehow arrives much sooner than she expected and Lila finds herself stepping out of her room in a short red cotton dress that hangs a little loosely off the thin straps across her shoulder but is cinched at the waist with a drawstring with a bow, and she’s put on a pair of black high heel sandals.
She hears Diego in the kitchen, so she makes her way over and when she finds him she is hit by the view of Diego in a pair of very nicely fitted grey suit trousers, a matching jacket, and what must be a black t-shirt underneath as he’s pouring himself a cup of coffee. For a second Lila can’t work out if she’s completely underdressed by comparison, or whether Diego is just wearing the heck out of his clothes, but then he notices her and gives her a once over with a strange expression.
“You look… uh… really, uhm, cute,” he says, a bit hesitantly.
“Ah shit,” Lila says, a bit frustrated, “this is way too casual… Hold on, I can take another look in my cupboard…” but Diego interrupts her. “No, Lila, honestly, you look lovely! You’re perf— It’s perfect! Not too flashy, but you look very nice, really!” Diego says in a reassuring tone and despite the fact she doesn’t quite feel like she’s actually struck the balance, she’s finding it hard not to believe him, he does sound awfully sincere.
Diego drives them to the courthouse and Lila is very intrigued by his car. It's classic Chevy and it’s a bit of a banger of a thing, but inside it smells of leather seats and very faintly of Diego’s aftershave, and Lila is weirdly comforted by that, considering her stomach is rolling with nerves. She’s not even sure why. This means nothing, they are doing this so she can get a visa and yet Lila wonders whether she’d honestly be significantly more nervous if this was her real wedding.
On their way they pick up Klaus, who is wearing a sarong and a tie dye crop top and Lila is interested to see that Diego doesn’t comment at all on the outfit, so neither does she. Then they pick up Diego’s other brother, Ben, who’s wearing a leather jacket over a hoodie, Lila can see as he approaches the car. A lot more sensibly dressed than Klaus, but still a little casual for a wedding. Then again, Lila thinks, he’s mostly only there to take the photos, so it doesn’t actually matter.
The first thing Ben does, as he climbs into the car, is make a snide comment at Klaus’s attire and Klaus shoots back with something equally insulting and after a short back and forth Diego interrupts them in annoyance, “Shut the fuck up back there, or I swear, I’m gonna pull someone off the sidewalk to be the witness, and I’m sure we can get the officiant to take a couple of pictures!”
The two brothers in the backseat take that as an invitation to have an argument amongst themselves about the ungratefulness they have to deal with and Diego rolls his eyes at them in the rearview mirror, but Lila catches the fond smile that etches it’s way across his lips and she’s quite certain that she wasn’t meant to see that. She’s glad she did.
She’s also glad that Diego has apparently told his brothers the purpose of their wedding, which means they don’t have to pretend in front of them and only need to start acting like a couple as they are called into the ceremonial office twenty minutes after their actual appointment.
The officiating judge seems harassed and in a hurry and just makes a grabbing motion as they enter. Diego catches on right away. Maybe, Lila muses, he deals with people like this all the time in his job, so he hands over all of their documents that they have compiled in one file.
The judge gives the paperwork a very thorough look, while Lila and Diego stand a little awkwardly in front of her desk.
“Okay, this all seems fine. Can I see the witness’s ID?” she says looking over the rim of her glasses at Ben.
“Oh, that’s me!” chirps Klaus and flounces over to the desk and hands the judge a passport that Lila doesn’t want to think about where he’d been keeping it on his person.
“Alright!” Says the judge and pulls a form out of a tray and starts writing their names on it in what looks, from where Lila can see it, like remarkably tidy cursive.
“Well then, are you, Diego Hargreeves, free lawfully to marry Lila Pitts?” she asks in a very official sounding voice.
Diego, much like Lila herself, must be a bit taken aback at how quickly they got to this part but rallies and says, in an unwavering voice, “I am!”
The judge turns to her and Lila swallows hard as she hears, “Are you, Lila Pitts, free lawfully to marry Diego Hargreeves?”
“I am!” Lila answers without hesitation, maybe she even sounds a bit rushed, but she hasn’t got the time to think about whether that is in any way embarrassing, because the judge just plows on, “Ok, then you sign here and here,” she points at the two gaps and Diego lets Lila go first. Then the judge says quite impatiently, “Witness?” and Klaus hurries over to put down his own name.
“Great! Then, by the power vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife!” the judge says, reaching for a stamp and then distractedly adding, “You may kiss the bride.”
Lila watches as Diego’s eyes go wide, and she can’t blame him for that. For some incomprehensible reason she had also not thought about the fact that this might come up.
Diego looks at the judge for a second, but she’s busy sorting out their paperwork, then he looks at Lila and she gives him a half smile and a tiny shrug, because they can hardly just back out of this part now and Ben is just there with his camera at the ready, so Lila feels emboldened by the thought that this is probably really useful evidence for the immigration file, and she’s just about to reach for Diego, as his hand gently lands on the side of her face and in surprise she covers it with her own, and then his lips are softly pressing against her mouth.
She doesn’t even notice that she’s closed her eyes, but for a moment all she can focus on is the warmth of Diego’s hand on her face, the gentle breath that ghost across her cheek as he slowly breaths out of his nose, and the tension in his lips as they move gently against hers. Then he starts pulling away and a deep sense of loss settles into a spot just behind her breast bone just before Diego ever so slightly brushes his lips against hers for one more moment and then he’s gone and Lila almost over balances. She just about manages not to fall forwards and hopes nobody noticed that for a beat she turned into a swooning damsel.
Things turn into a blur then. They are dismissed hastily by the judge and then find themselves outside the courthouse. Klaus has produced a bottle of champagne and some paper cups from somewhere and Ben encourages them to pose for a few pictures in which they are toasting their newly established matrimony.
Lila downs the first cup of champagne she’s handed and immediately asks for a second and Diego gives her a slightly bewildered look, but at this point the day has been too much for her already and she no longer has the energy to feel embarrassed.
“C’mon!” Klaus then says clapping his hands together decisively, “We need to get a few more pictures of the happy couple,” and adds in a loud stage whisper, “for the whole visa things.”
Lila catches a glimpse of how Diego’s jaw tightens in response and when she looks back at Klaus there is decidedly a glint in his eye, and Lila is relatively certain that they are having some kind of unspoken communication literally over the top of her head.
Klaus glides over to stand beside Ben and in the meantime Lila suddenly feels Diego’s arm coming around the back of her and landing on her waist. But his grip is loose and he doesn’t pull her in and she’s unsure of how to go about this herself, so she fusses for a moment before putting her arm around his waist as well and then leaning into him just a bit and putting her other hand against his side.
Apparently encouraged by the fact that she’s not pulled away, Diego’s grip on her tightens and Lila makes the mistake of looking up at him, and their eyes meet and she freezes.
Diego’s eyes are impossibly soft as he’s looking back at her and for a moment Lila wonders whether that means anything. Then she slowly starts panicking as she thinks about whether she wants it to mean anything and just as Diego clears his throat and it almost seems like he wants to say something, Klaus shouts, “Lovely! And now kiss!”
Both Lila and Diego swivel round to look at Klaus but he just gives them an encouraging hand gesture, so they turn back to each other and this time a bit awkwardly press their lips against each other, noses bumping a bit uncomfortably.
It’s not a terrible kiss, Lila has had worse, but it certainly has nowhere near the effect on her that the one in the judge's office did. As she makes a little displeased noise in the back of her throat and Diego pulls away instantly with an expression that looks about as frustrated as she feels, Lila is suddently completely off kilter. In one instant she feels like she might get lost in his eyes and the next they can’t even manage an even slightly romantic kiss despite the fact they have already done so much more together.
Apparently Klaus is also not particularly impressed by their display because he says, irritation in his voice, “Are you kidding me? What was that? Come on you guys, you’re young and hot and… well… not so much unattached, but you know what I mean, you should manage a more passionate kiss than that even if it’s just for the camera! Stop kissing like you would your grandma!”
“Shut the fuck up, Klaus!” Diego growls and Lila can feel him tense next to her, but she’s too busy gaping at Klaus and asks at the same time as Diego speaks, “How the fuck do you kiss your grandma?”
“Never you mind!” Klaus grins at her with a little flick of the hand, “Anyway, we need more passion, right Benny?” he adds, elbowing his brother enthusiastically.
“I’m just the photograoher!” Ben says, raising his hands in defense, one of them still holding his camera, “But yeah that was pretty lame.”
“Fuck you both!” Diego says angrily and Lila definitely shares the sentiment but doesn’t get a chance to voice it, because all of a sudden, she’s vertical, with Diego’s arm firmly behind her back pressing her up against his chest, his other hand at the back of her knee pulling it up against his hip and he is properly kissing her this time.
Almost on autopilot, as her brain has momentarily stopped working, Lila wraps one arm around Diego’s neck, threads her other hand into his hair, and when his tongue runs along the seam of her lips, she opens her mouth and licks into his before he even gets any further. Diego makes a tiny whining noise and Lila automatically presses herself harder against him, even though she’s basically suspended in mid air with only one foot on the ground.
Then there’s a loud whoop from somewhere off to the side and as suddenly as she was tipped backwards, Diego pulls her back upright and then she’s standing unsteadily on her own, already desperately missing the sensation of pressing up against Diego’s warm, solid body and the wet heat of his mouth on hers.
It’s become a habit by now.
Diego will go to bed and then lie awake staring up at the ceiling for hours, trying to sort out his thoughts.
But today is particularly bad. It’s past two in the morning and he’s not slept a single minute, despite the fact he didn’t get in that late.
After the ceremony, he invited Lila, Klaus, and Ben out for lunch, mostly to thank his brothers for their help and because his stepmom had taught him how to be at least somewhat classy, so he wasn’t going to marry a girl and then not at least take her out to dinner – or lunch in this case – even if it was a sham wedding. Then he’d driven them all home and as he couldn’t afford to take a full day off, made his way back to his office in a daze.
When he got back in the evening, the apartment was already dark and he couldn’t hear any sounds coming from Lila’s room, so he assumed she’d gone to bed and almost felt guilty at how relieved he was not to bump into her.
Fuck, here he is, lying awake in bed, his wife in the other room—Jesus Christ, his wife!—and he can’t even face her.
But he just can’t work out how to be around her, now.
He has no doubt anymore about the fact that he’s in love with Lila but that realisation has almost made things worse.
For a moment, when he stupidly let himself be goaded into kissing her for the photos, he started imagining that she was kissing him back with the same fervor as he was feeling. It felt so real, he’s not even entirely sure he imagined it, but he worries that he’s just seeing what he wants to see.
He even contemplated telling her about how he feels, but that just wouldn’t be fair, even if a tiny part of him hopes that maybe there is a remote chance that she could at least feel something for him beyond friendship. But it would be so unfair on her if she didn’t reciprocate his feelings. They entered their deal under very specific terms and he can’t just go and make things awkward for her, just because he can’t handle being close to Lila without wanting to pull her in and kiss her senseless. He does wonder, though, if he maybe could talk to her about it once she has her visa, once she has options. She wouldn’t be stuck with him then and wouldn’t have to continue pretending to be in a relationship any longer.
Fuck, this is all so messed up, Diego thinks, angry with himself for not being able to keep his feelings under control better. But who is he kidding, that’s never been his strong suit.
He abandons the idea of getting any sleep, so he rolls out of bed and pulls on a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt and hopes that a run around the neighborhood might tire him out enough that he can maybe catch at least a little bit of sleep.
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Campus Memories (part 1)
Notes: Hi! I’ve never written on Tumblr before but I’m hoping someone might enjoy my series that I’m starting. This is only part one so there’s not gonna be much romance or anything yet, just an introduction to our reader and the first boy we meet.
Word count: 1495 words
Looking back on the day, it really wasn’t anything special funny enough, just a few bumps in the road along the way. Overall just a normal day of work at Coffee Cart, the café itself wasn’t overly fancy looking, but had a warm atmosphere inside. More well-known for our extensive types of coffee beans, assortment of drinks and freshly made baked goods than anything else. I emerged from the backroom where I had been on my break, making my way over to cover who was next while tying my apron behind my back. I take up the drink station, taking over making the café au lait that had just been ordered and grabbing the to-go cup. I’ve never really understood why the owner had chosen this symbol for the logo, the face looking a bit off to me. But whenever questioned on it she would always reply “I see myself in it somehow.” She's a bit weird but I respect her since she is very passionate about coffee and her shop. As odd as she may seem to others she is very kind.
I’m taken out of my thoughts when I place the cup on the ledge and get a “Thank you” from the man waiting, and look over to see what drink to make next and notice the man standing at the till is still deciding. The man in question looks quite confused as he stares up at our menu boards, occasionally he glances from the boards to my coworker waiting for his order, his green eyes appearing slightly panicked. He doesn’t seem like the typical type of customers we get here, given he is wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans with his longer brunette hair pulled into what looks like a hastily done up bun. I hear him give a small sigh before moving his right hand to scratch nervously behind his neck “Uh, would I be able to get a” he pauses to look up, I’m assuming he’s seeing if we have any fancy names for our sizing, his expression looks relieved when he looks back down and continues “medium coffee, with two milk and two sugars, to go please.” I hear his order and turn back to the machines in front of me and start making his coffee as he pays and moves over to the counter to wait. As I go to place the coffee in front of him I clear my throat for him to look up from his phone and grab his cup. He gives me a soft “Thanks” as he moves over to sit by the window, I find myself drawn to him for some reason. Maybe it’s the way the sunlight reflects off his verdant eyes highlighting the different hues within them.
 I turned back to the station in front of me, not wanting to freak him out by staring at him, continuing to make the orders that were placed after him. The cafe’s line had started to slow down by the time my other coworker had returned from their break, so I decided to go out and wipe down the tables various customers had been sitting at. I pick up one of the clothes and a spray bottle and place them into one of the bussing trays and make my way towards one of the tables in the corner to wipe it down and take away the dirty plates and cups, slowly making my way around the café. Occasionally I stop to bring the tray back into the kitchen to place the plates and mugs into the sink and throw out any empty paper cups that were left behind. I head back out to wipe down the last few tables without anything on them or customers sitting around them, finding myself at the table right behind the brunette man next to the window. I notice him occasionally looking up from his phone to glance outside or towards the door. He must be waiting for someone, I wonder who he’s waiting for.
 He is rather good looking so he could be waiting for a date, considering this doesn’t seem like his type of place to go to whoever it is must’ve chosen the location. I take my time wiping down the table behind him, closing the blinds next to the window by the table slightly, considering the sun shining directly through the window. I glance up at the clock and notice it’s now two in the afternoon, meaning I only have an hour left on my shift before I can go back home and finish my paper due next week. I take a quick glance back in the man’s direction when I hear him let out what seems like an irritated sigh before he smacks his phone down on the table. He goes to run a hand through his hair before seemingly remembering his hair is tied back and pauses before picking back up his phone and moving it to his ear. I finish tending to the table I was at as I hear his irritated voice to whoever he had called “Seriously Zeke? You told me to meet you here, and now you say I have to meet up at your classroom. I was already on campus before I headed over here! Now I have to head over to the damn science building.” He lets out another angry sigh and hurriedly starts to gather his belongings that he had tossed on the table like his keys and wallet.
 I see him take a sip from his cup before I turn to bring the cloth and spray bottle back with me behind the counter, making my way past his table before I feel something or I should say someone smack into my side and almost knock me off of my feet. He places his hands onto my sides to grab me before I fall over, so I only slightly stumble backwards and drop the spray bottle. After he steadied me he opened his mouth to say “Uh, sorry I didn’t see you there, are you alright?” I nod my head slowly a bit dazed after him bumping into me “Yeah, I’m fine don’t worry about it” I smile slightly, noticing the panicked look in his eyes begin to disappear. “Okay, cool. Sorry again.” He nervously chuckled as he released his hold on me, rubbing the back of his neck before looking to the side. I watch as he gives me an awkward smile before moving to throw out his cup and hurrying outside the door, signaled by the little chime hanging on it.
 I bend down to pick up the spray bottle I had dropped and notice a wallet next to it, he must’ve dropped it when he bumped into me. I picked it up along with the bottle and shoved the bottle under my arm, remembering him mentioning campus on the phone with whoever “Zeke” was, maybe he went to the same university as me? He must have since this café is a few blocks away from the main building. I made my way behind the counter to place the spray bottle back in its proper place before opening the wallet. I looked over the pockets of the wallet to see if there’s any form of ID in it to make sure it was his wallet. Noticing a card the same colour as my own school ID I pull it up slightly to see the name of the university along the top, so he does go to the same university I do. That makes things a little easier for me, I glance down to see his name “Eren Jaeger.” 
He looked as uninterested in his photo as he did when he first entered the café, seeming to not have cared how he looked in the photo. His hair is down making me wonder if they made him have it like that or if he chose to. I look up when I hear my name be called out by my supervisor, raising a brow I call back “Yes?” Heading towards them, wallet still in hand I begin to move it to my apron pocket. “It’s already five after three, your shift is over for the day.” I glance up at the clock when they finish speaking, feeling my face heat up slightly. I returned my gaze to them “Oh, sorry. I’ll be heading out now.” I head over to where the aprons sit on a hook and remove mine, not forgetting to take Eren’s wallet out of my pocket. He had mentioned the science building when he was on the phone, maybe I can catch him if I head over there now? I unlock my locker in the back room, pulling out my bag and putting on my jacket. Punching out at the clock I toss my bag over my shoulder and start making my way to the science building to find this “Eren Jaeger.”
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
I, Alone (Part 8)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Wanna start from the beginning? Here is the Masterlist!
Warnings: more mutual pining, more angst. . . Maybe a dash of fluff. A tear might be shed who knows.
Summary: With the reader continuously trying to leave the bunker, Dean decides it time to try and get some answers.
A/n: Its finally here babes! Thank you all for being so patient as I write this, the final chapter should be up next week. I hope you enjoy and feedback is appreciated. (gif made by hunenka)
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“Are you sure?”
“Yes Sam! Of course I’m sure!” Dean snapped, slightly throwing his arms up as he stopped his pacing to look up with wide eyes. “It’s her, I know it is.”
“Dean, as much as I want to believe you-“ Sam began, taking a deep breath before looking to his side at Cas. “We have to be careful. . . I mean, she attacked you.”
“I was keeping her from leaving.”
“And since then she’s tried to get out three more times. She’s insistent on getting out of here.”
Dean chewed on his upper lip, before looking towards the hallway. Your muffled yells and sounds of banging fists echoing through the space. After having passed out in his arms, you woke up and immediately tried to leave. Again. . And again- up until the point where Cas had to knock you out and lock you in one of the spare rooms.
Cas and Sam turned their heads in unison towards where Dean had chosen to cast his gaze. “I’m kinda surprised she hasn’t ripped that door off it’s hinges yet.”
“Yeah, well it’s probably only a matter of time. Chicks strong as hell. Knocked me flat on my ass the first time she tried to leave.”
“And you still don’t know who she is?” Cas spoke up, eyebrow raised as he turned back to look at the older Winchester.
“For the millionth time, no. All I know is that she’s the person I’ve been missing.” Dean sighed. He resumed his pacing, but only for a moment before sucking in a breath. “I’m gonna go try talking to her.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? You literally just admitted she’s super strong.”
“Yeah, but she also still hasn’t eaten anything. She’s still recovering from whatever the hell happened to her before you brought her here, Cas.” Already making his way across the room, he didn’t bother looking back at his brother and friend. “I’ll be fine.”
Your yelling only got louder the closer he got the room, along with the clear sound of your fists striking the door, the wood rattling with every impact. On the other side you were a panting and rage filled mess. Your fists tender from hitting the solid wood so many times. You had to get out of here. You had to keep them safe. Keep Dean safe.
“Fucking- let me-OUT!” You growled, stepping back and readying yourself to slam your shoulder into the door. Maybe you could bust it open that way. “Fucking- Winchesters-“ you panted, taking a running start. Unfortunately you were only a step away from the door before it swung open and you were skidding on your feet before colliding with a solid figure.
Dean let out a light oof as you connected with him, stumbling back a step. And as quickly as you collided with him, you were scuttling back, taking quick steps backwards with wide eyes until the backs of your knees hit the bed and you fell.
Dean froze in the doorway once he re stabled himself, the look of fear on your features confusing him more than anything. He attempted to take a step in but stopped when you shuffled back further onto the bed. Holding up both hands to show you he meant no harm, he took a deep breath.
“Woah, hey. I’m not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk.”
“I know.”
You weren't afraid of Dean. That was impossible. You just needed to put distance between you. If the deal went sour because of you being here- god you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself.
“Just let me leave. That’s all I want.”
“Okay, I get that. I know- but we can’t just yet.”
“Why not?”
“Well for one, your still pretty busted up from when Cas found you- and two, we have some questions.” Dean tried, this time successfully taking a step into the room when he saw you slowly relax. You couldn’t stop your eyes from glancing towards the open door, which Dean backtracked to shut for good measure.
“Well. . . More like I. But that’s not the point.”
Narrowing your eyes in confusion, you leaned back against the headboard. What types of questions could they possibly have for you? They didn’t have a clue as to who you were. There was a foreign look in all their eyes when they looked at you. . . Except Deans was less. Every once and awhile you would see a glint of familiarity in his eyes. But it was gone as quick as it had come.
The words left your mouth before you could stop them. “Do you know who I am?”
The hunter paused in his steps, pursing his lips slightly before answering. “No. . . But I think I’m supposed to.” He breathed, finding it to be increasingly difficult to tear his eyes away from you.
You were so familiar. He felt it in every fiber of his being, every nerve and cell. He didn’t know how to explain it, but just being near you brought him a sense of easiness. Calm. Like when two sides of a magnet are finally reunited. No tension. Just connection.
“What’s your name?”
Instead of an answer, he only saw you turn away from him. You were trying to hide the tears in your eyes, any sliver of hope you might have had before that he know you was now gone. For a moment all you wanted was to go home, and then you realized you were there and it still didn’t feel right.
Lost. That was what you felt.
“Doesn’t matter.” You breathed, directing your attention towards your hands. Look at anything but him, Y/N. “You should go. I’d like to be alone.”
All Dean did was nod. His shoulders dropping slightly before backing out of the room and closing the door behind him. A moment later there was a soft click, telling you he had locked you in again.
Home sweet home. . . If only.
*. *. *. *. *. *.
The bunker had grown quieter since Deans sudden visit to see you. Your banging and yelling had stopped, drowning the three in a sudden silence as they sat in the kitchen, Dean occupied at the stove.
“She didn’t even give you a name?”
“Nope. It was like she actively avoided it. I don’t know what to tell you man.” Dean shrugged,his back still turned to his brother. “All I know is she clearly wants to get out of here. . . And no, I don’t know why either.”
Glancing over at the clock on the wall, Dean debated whether or not to check in on you again. When he had last gone to see you it was barely noon. Now it was almost ten at night.
“Maybe we just need to give her some space.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Letting out another sigh, Dean pulled open the fridge, clearly in search of something. “But I don’t think that’s it. She may have told me she wanted to be alone, but I don’t think that’s true. If anything I think she just needs someone to talk to- hey do we have any tomatoes?”
Not giving it too much attention, the younger Winchester shrugged. “I don’t know. Anyways, how could you possibly know that?”
“I don’t know, Sam! Okay?” Throwing his hands up once more, Dean continued to finish his task at hand. “Call it a gut feeling? I know her. . . I mean I don’t know her- but you get my point.”
This time Sam turned towards the angel besides him. “You didn’t find any ID or anything on her when you found her?”
“No. Only her and the clothes on her back.” Cas shook his head. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. Don’t worry about —“ Sam trailed off, looking around Cas to see Dean disappearing around the corner. “Where the hell is he going now?”
Dean was in front of the door to your room once again before he even realized it. Only catching his action after knocking on the wooden frame. The brass numbers staring him down like so many times before. He waited a good ten seconds before unlocking it and slowly easing it open.
You hadn’t moved from your spot since he had last come in, your back still resting against the wooden headboard. When the door eased open, it was only then did you look up. It was refreshing to see him actually there, and not just in photos.
Hesitantly stepping into the room, the hunter suddenly handed over a plate. “I know you haven’t eaten in awhile, so I made something to help fill you up.” Taking in your confused eyes he sucked in a breath. “But you don’t have to eat it if you don’t want. I’m not sure it’s something you’d even like.”
“No- it’s okay.” You butted in, leaning foreword on your knees to take the plate. “. . .You can sit down if you want.” You waved towards your desk seat. For a moment Dean was frozen and then he was pulling out the chair and sinking down into it.
“It’s uh- it’s grilled cheese. Nothing fancy.”
That was the first time Dean saw you smile. It wasn’t a big toothy one by any means. It was closed lipped and soft, but nevertheless beautiful.
Looking down at the plate, you peeled apart the two halves of the sandwich. “Dark rye and muenster-“
“With tomatoes.” Dean added, the two of you speaking in unison. Your words died quickly on your lips as you looked up to meet his gaze, the two of you clearly startled.
How could he have possibly known you liked this?
“Sorry. If you want something else I can go-“
“No! No, that’s okay. It’s just- this is one of my favorites.” You smiled again, and out of sheer habit you were pulling apart the sandwich and passing half of it over to him before you could even register what you were doing. There was a slight hesitation from him before he reached out and accepted it, his eyes staying glued to you.
“We know each other, don't we?”
You paused to swallow your first bite before slowly nodding. The one small action making Deans heart do a back flip. He was right. It was you. He wasn't going crazy.
“And are we-“
“Friends? Yes.” You nodded, brushing a crumb off your lip.
Okay, so maybe his heart didn’t do a back flip at that. With everything he was feeling when he looked at you, he didn’t understand how the two of you could just be friends.Maybe you didn't like him like that.
“We’re best friends, actually.” You breathed, suddenly finding the crust of your sandwich much more interesting than the jade eyed Winchester. Everything in you wanted to blurt it all out. Tell him how you were head over heels for him- but you kept it reined in.You didn't need to make this more complicated and heart breaking than it already was.
“What happened? Why’d you leave? Why don’t I remember you?” The words came falling out of his mouth at a rapid pace as he leaned forward in the chair, desperate for answers.
“Woah, slow down. I never said I was gonna fill you in on my grand adventures.” You swallowed again, dropping the small portion of your sandwich that was left back onto the plate. Brushing the crumbs off your hands, you immediately found them moving to your pockets out of habit. . . only to pause when you realized you didn’t have your jacket.
Dean noticed your change in demeanor immediately, your hands patting down your sides as your eyes frantically bounced around the bare room.
“You okay?”
“My jacket. Where’s my jacket?” You quickly asked. How had you not noticed until now that your jacket was not with you? You had been here almost two days. “I need my jacket.”
“Okay, okay. Calm down.” Dean spoke softly, rising from his seat before setting down his half of uneaten grilled cheese. “I think it’s in the war room. I can go get it.”
As Dean left the room, you sucked in a breath. You didn’t care about all your other belongings that were probably still sitting in that bed in breakfast in Spain. It was the jacket that you cared about, and what it held.
Dean came back a moment later, the hunter handing it over to you silently. Quickly snatching it away, you brought it close. The canvas material was a deep green, and it had been a gift from Dean for your birthday years ago. Flipping it over in your lap, you quickly let your hand feel the inside before finding the well hidden pocket you had sewn into it and tearing it open.
Dean stood at the foot of the bed, watching you curiously as you dove your hands into the fabric of the jacket. A moment later you let out a sigh of relief, your hand pulling out what looked like a bunch of photographs. You flipped through the stack to make sure there was no damage. Once you were satisfied you let yourself take another breath.
“You mind telling me what going on?”
You had almost forgotten he was there. His voice making your head snap up. Everything in your better judgement was telling you not to say or do anything- but your heart took control and before you could stop yourself you were extending your hand and the photographs clutched within. They were your most prized possession these past two years, it’s why you had kept them so close- but now it was time to give them back to their rightful owner.
Dean was cautious as he reached forward, taking the photos from your hand. “What’s this?”
Taking his eyes away from your he looked down at the photo at the top of the stack. It was of you, him, and Sam. The three of you leaning against the side of the impala, wide grins and all covered in dirt. It felt familiar.
He went through the stack slowly, eyes taking in every inch of inked paper and the memories they held. Some made him chuckle while others for some reason made his eyes sting with unshed tears.
But it was the last picture that made his breath catch in his throat. He wasn’t in it, and neither was Sam or Cas. It was just a side profile of you. Your hair was scattered across your face, clearly telling Dean it was windy on the day it was taken. Your eyes squeezed shut to block out the sunlight as you laughed. Out of everything in the stack, that one had to be his favorite.
And then it hit him like a truck. A wave of pain ripped through his skull and he found himself dropping the pictures, the hunter stumbling back out the open door way as his hands went to his head. A clip show of images flashing through his head as he slammed into the wall of the hallway.
And then Sam was there, Cas close behind as he rushed to his brothers aid, his hands going to his shoulders. “Dean!”
It was as if the photographs were conduits for his memories, because they all came back at once. Everything about you came back at once, like a tidal wave bearing down on him. After a moment, the pain slipped away and the hunter was gasping in air, not knowing he had been holding his breath.
“Dean?” Sam spoke up again, eyes filled with worry as he took in his brother. Dean only batted his hand away, his back still leaning against the wall as he looked through the open doorway with glassy eyes to find you standing at the foot of the bed, your expression similar to that of Sams and Cas’s.
There you were. His missing person. His-
SPN Taglist: (Still Open)
@familybusinesswritingbro@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti @callmekda​ @jordangdelacruz​ @orphiceseum​ @andthatsmyworld​ @marvelfangirllll​ @fandomnerdespressourself​ @gladiosamicitias @castielsangelsx​ @lxstgxrl-ck​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff​ @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl​  @totallyluciferr​ @supernaturalenchanted​ @dolanfivsosxox@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts​ @akshi8278 @defenderrosetyler​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​ @supernaturalenchanted@emptycanvasposts @vicmc624 @all-will-be-well-love@busy-bee-angel-misska @starsandmidnightblue​ @lilulo-12fanfiction @beanie-beebo​ @xoxoaudreymarie​ @greenarrowhead​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​  @mysticalfuncollectorus​ @brebolin​ @biahblue​ @noahandthegiraffe​ @hhiggs​ @mila-dans​ @mrsmaybankhere​ @malindacath​  @littleagxs​ @deanwanddamons​ @idksupernatural​​
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