#this is my hot take
lunityviruz · 6 months
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Okay this is literally my issue with white queers and their use of slurs. I’ve been looking for ways to explain it (it definitely has something to do with race💀) but it just makes me so uncomfortable as a black queer person seeing people throw around slurs all willy-nilly like and getting very aggressive and defensive to people who feel uncomfortable by it. Like why do you even want to reclaim these words and how is using it in a derogatory reclaiming it? I really feel like a lot of y’all have superiority complexes when it comes to this, even with the word queer y’all get upset over people being uncomfortable by it, like it’s not just a reclaimed slur, like it’s not being used in a derogatory manner in 2023 by cishets.
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boysborntodie · 4 months
Does Johnny/Dally have issues as a relationship (like Johnny’s rejection of violence while violence is all Dally knows)? Yes. Are they both flawed, imperfect people who will inevitably hurt each other each other at some point? Yes. Are they codependent and have the potential to be toxic? Also yes. Are they the best outcome for each other? Absolutely fucking yes. Do I think they could make it, genuinely be ‘it’ for each other? 100% yes
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uraandri · 3 months
airplane crash investigation are the civilized version of true crime documentaries
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slime-crafters · 9 days
Out of all the people to hate in Pelican Town (cough pierre cough), hating Demetrius seems like a wild choice
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lily061208 · 1 month
if call yourself an AM fan but you haven’t watched the: why’d you only call me when you’re high?, r u mine?, cornerstone, sculptures of anything goes or four out of five music videos then you can’t really say you are a fan.
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the-paris-of-people · 5 months
Am I the only one who still hates Poseidon
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in-tua-deep · 9 months
Okay I understand that people wanted to keep the “f” theme with fight, flight, freeze, fawn
But if I were I charge we would be following the rhyming scheme!!
Fight flight
Freeze appease
This makes it just so much nicer to say for me
(This may or may not be related to the fact that I have to pick what accent to use to say fawn rip)
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art-crumbs-main · 7 months
Trace me!
Maybe this is a hot take, but I don't care if people trace, reference, copy or repost my art, as long as they credit me properly for anything derivative that they're taking credit for.
*I support young artists' journeys on principle.*
That goes for anyone else, too. Creativity is derivative in nature, but as with anything, ever, it is so, so important that you cite your sources. Now, this doesn't mean encroach on people's boundaries if they have a strict rule against any of these things. But if you ask permission, and give proper credit, you'd be surprised how encouraging some people will be.
Good artists borrow, great artists steal, the best artists give credit.
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tea-nblankets · 11 months
chetney is short for chetnifer
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might get canceled for this, but idc!!! my hot take is that tenzin legit left lin because she *couldn't* have kids
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fauvester · 3 months
i do think that of the mxtx love interests LBH would win in a fight. might be a near run thing with hua cheng but he is, canonically, the baddest bitch in any room he steps into, maybe with the exception of his human weeaboo dad. binghe will be crying the whole time but he will starch hua cheng like shizun's collars
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leighistired · 1 month
Astarion is exothermic
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abcmuushroom · 2 months
I feel that Harold Lowe would do numbers here. this is the guy who told his boss- nay, his boss's boss- to go to hell. this is the guy who told a rich man to chase himself around the deck or he was gonna shoot him. this is the guy who absolutely did NOT cooperate with authority during the inquiries. just. this guy. he would be all for "eat the rich"
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theglarethatobscures · 11 months
The thing that gets me about good omens season 2 its that Crowley ends up losing the faith that he has in Aziraphale and himself as a team.
Despite being a demon and all Crowley believes™: in himself ( "because underneath it all Crowley was an optimist, if there was one rock-hard certainty that has sustained him throught the bad times then it was utter surety that he would came out on top"), in the universe, in humanity to some degree, he even talks/monologues to god in season one. He is certain of his relationship with Aziraphale ("Friends? We are not friends, I dont even like you" "You do"), he "saves" him (and yes we know Aziraphale could have saved himself but he makes the point of not to) and comes back everytime, even when he says he is going to Alpha Centauri, because to Anthony "we are on our side" Crowley its not a question of "if" its a question of "when".
But, but in this season, in this last episode, he is desperate, he isn't sure about Aziraphale wanting him, or choosing him. He tought Aziraphale at last (with him being all touchy and domestic) loved him, Crowley the demon, not the angel, and then Aziraphale tells him Metratron offer ("you said no, right? Tell me you said no"). He needs the confirmation, he needs to hear that Aziraphale rejected it (because to me, seeing Gabriel and Beelzebub and how seemingly easy it's for them it's making him doubt) .
When he says "we could have been an us" in my opinion, he though, at least in the past, that they were already, maybe not a couple but a team. And when he realizes that he is loosing Aziraphale he kisses him, because really, what more could he do? He has done everything but that, it is all he has left to do and maybe it will work as a last resort, it certainly isn't going to scare Aziraphale off when he is already going.
And when Aziraphale says "I forgive you" I think that to Crowley it means something along the lines of "I forgive you for not being capable of stepping up and being a angel again, for thinking that i could love this version of you (his true version really)" and it hurts, it hurts so much. And even then Crowley waits outside until Aziraphale leaves, only then he drives away, without hope. And it breaks my heart in tiny tiny pieces.
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i don’t get the argument of “will never hated himself,” or “will only hated himself for liking mike, not being gay.” um. did we forget about lonnie? y’know, the guy that made will feel like shit and called him slurs. you’re telling me will never hated the fact that he liked boys when he thought back on everything lonnie said to him??
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eternal-wint · 1 year
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i don't enjoy this piece much but i wasted so much time on it, i'm not gonna hide it. and some parts are very nice, if you ask me
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