#this is not me saying you cannot talk if you aren’t an expert on the matter of course im sorry if i come off that way..
cparti-mkiki · 2 years
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this is very petty so let me preface this by saying that of course asking questions is always great and we are all learning all the time etc etc,, BUT,,, the fact that this guy kept butting heads pretty rudely with 17th century experts and arguing that philip iv was so much worse and stupider and lamer than the great genius philip ii… and now we see that he doesn’t know who the empress maria anna is…… like the og tweet itself is telling you who this is and you still got it wrong josé miguel why do you feel that qualified to debate on 17th century matters 😭 at least everything confirms in what consideration your takes should be held
this is the guy who once responded to a user (pertinently and in no way pejoratively) mentioning philip ii’s height by unironically saying “well whatever you say but he had a huge dick” by the way lol
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chrome-barkz-aac · 1 month
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i made this instagram post !!! there isn't as big of a community of AAC users on instagram so I thought I would share this on my instagram (@cytochromesea).
EDIT: i got an ask that states that not everyone knows what AAC is which is an oversight on my part, it stands for alternative and augmentative communication!
Image ID:
A light blue background with a rainbow and a cloud and some stars. There is a blue border collie with wings holding an aac tablet that says I love you! Text reads: AAC etiquette. Do’s, Don’ts, and other stuff. By cytochrome sea.
The same background appears in every following slide. Text reads:
AAC is my voice! It is not a toy or accessory
Don’t touch my AAC without my permission
Don’t take my AAC away from me, for any reason (joke, punishment, etc)
Don’t press buttons randomly or flip through my communication cards without permission
How would you like it if I randomly poked you on the mouth and throat (or on your hands if you sign)? It would be unpleasant, so don’t do that to me
Some AAC users can speak sometimes. It is not your business why someone can or cannot talk
Don’t ask questions about why an AAC user cannot speak. 
Do let us communicate however is best for us in that moment
Don’t ask us if or when we will be able to speak verbally. It’s not your business 
Do not value verbal speech more highly than AAC. Any communication is good communication
Some of us never talk, either, and that’s ok! Those of us who can talk sometimes are not better than those of us who can’t. None of us owe you an explanation for our use of AAC.
Don’t look at my screen until I show you. It feels really invasive!
It feels like when someone is looking at your phone screen over your shoulder, so please don’t do this
This applies to low tech AAC as well, don’t look at someone’s cards or letter board until they show you
You have the dignity of forming your thoughts in your head before you say them, whereas my thoughts are all on display. Please afford me the same dignity that you get automatically.
Don’t shame someone for not being able to speak verbally. It makes us feel horrible
We are real people with thoughts and feelings. Please treat us with kindness. 
We are trying our best
Don’t shame someone if their device mispronounces a word. It’s quite literally out of our control.
Other Don’ts. Don’t
Don't Treat an AAC user as childish or stupid for not being able to speak. Our ability to speak does not define our worth
Don't Show frustration at the way someone communicates
Don't Make comments about how fast or slow we communicate
Also don’t…
don't Act surprised when we swear or talk about adult topics like sex, drugs, or violence. We are not pure uwu precious smol beans, we are normal fucking people
don't Assume what is “wrong” with us. There are about a hundred reasons for someone to use AAC and you probably aren’t the expert in any of them.
“OK, so what CAN i do?” im glad you asked! When interacting with an AAC user, DO…
Ask us how we prefer to communicate and support us as you are able
Assume that we are competent
Talk to us with the same respect, tone and vocabulary that you would for any one else
Give us money (this one is a joke)
Understand that AAC grammar isn’t perfect and we are doing our best
Is it rude if…
I can’t understand your device? Not rude! Misunderstandings happen all the time in any conversation, just be patient as you would normally. 
I want to complement your AAC? Not rude!
I ask to see your AAC and understand how it works? This isn’t rude if you are already talking about AAC, but don’t ask random strangers this. They don’t owe you an AAC tour. 
Thank you for listening! This post is for the community! If you are an AAC user, let me know if I missed something in the comments and I will pin it! I hope you are filled with peace and love and I hope something good happens to you today! End ID. 
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receival · 4 months
baldur’s gate 3 starters.
the following is a collection of sentence starters from larian’s baldur’s gate 3. part 2.
look at me - i’m not a monster.
stay back. i don’t want to hurt you, but i will.
no. you’re not one of them at all.
i was ready to run you through. my mistake, friend.
that’s far enough. what’s your business down here?
you revealed our location? that tongue gets any looser, (name), and i’ll cut it out.
reckon i might miss this place.
this place is more dangerous than i thought.
well, don’t you cut a fine figure.
sometimes i’m jealous of that girl. ugh - to feel so invincible again.
in your expert opinion, what’s the best way to kill a devil?
i’m certain there are answers out there. we’ll find them together.
there’s no story. none that you’re entitled to hear, anyway.
you can tolerate a great deal of suffering, so long as it has meaning.
until then, all i can do is endure.
please try to understand that it’s not something i can just talk about freely.
perhaps there’s potential in you.
honestly, your faith is your own concern. i won’t judge, one way or the other.
i think i did well by joining you.
you already know my biggest secrets. what more can you ask?
that wall’s an illusion! hiding what, i wonder …
sun, moon, and stars will still be there, waiting for us.
this place is pretty spectacular, isn’t it?
no book or painting could ever do its strange beauty justice.
a perfect ring of mushrooms … nature, or magic?
hmm. i thought that might’ve done something.
another illusion. is anything real down here?
i’m more concerned with this ‘twit’ who set a spectator on you.
a rival - a mere footnote to my legend. you should be more concerned with who i am.
the fools must have turned back. or, better yet, died in the search.
i need no more rivals. try to take this as a compliment, yes?
this presence … this magic is not divine, but fey.
little? i am a god! and i’m gonna rip you - tear you - wear you for a hat -
don’t do anything hasty, now.
i’ll just kill you and claim it for myself.
i’m the lord of murder - i’ll show you why.
if you’re expecting me to drop to my knees before you, forget it.
a wizard’s tower is his sanctum, a private place for research and respite. but as this wizard’s not home … i say we take a peek.
a strange place for a button. especially one that doesn’t work.
what good would it do for me to be troubled? we can’t save them all.
you’ll have to speak slowly. i find it quite difficult to concentrate with my condition gnawing at my insides like a teething displacer kitten.
the whole village is falling to pieces …
hey, maybe we can scare up a few dusty bottles of wine somewhere.
i like your way of thinking. split any takings we find?
what creatures live in water this dark?
i’m a rabid dirty dog. and i bite.
i could’ve killed you before you even noticed me, but i didn’t. stand down.
i can be discreet. no need for bloodshed.
share? you really are in the wrong place.
a bleeding heart, are you? reckon i’ll just roast and eat it.
what in the hells did you do to that corpse?
you do plenty for me, more than you realize. but this cannot be remedied.
are you alright? is there anything i can do to help you?
enough. bickering won’t save your friend.
run away, then.
(name) - i was so worried! did they hurt you?
who cares? we’re together now, thank gods!
i’m grateful, don’t mistake me, but … why help us?
freeze it, cock-stench. we aren’t done just yet.
pay up, and you get to skink away. resist, and i gut you.
drop it. i don’t owe you anything.
your incompetence has been my ruin.
stop! no more innocents will die today, (name).
you care for the weak. most curious.
you so much as touch me, and i’ll tear you from limb to limb.
ah - another treacherous soul walks among us.
i ain’t going down easy.
you been a shit since i laid eyes on you, (name).
strike him down. prove your faith.
your silence speaks to your heresy.
look, you have no idea what you’re dealing with …
it’s the whole damn reason we’re here, and i’m not leaving without it.
the mission comes first.
and i thought i’d heard it all. that’s some cambion-level deception.
i go where there’s shit to stir. and there’s no shortage of options.
i can’t remember much, truth be told.
centuries of torment will do that to you.
you’ve been naughty. and you know what happens when you’re naughty.
just who in the nine hells are you?
well, well. aren’t you a luscious thing?
been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that.
you have a manner of irresistible desperation about you. i like it.
you know, i’ve been thinking. and i think there’s something i should tell you. nothing big or terrible, just … a small little detail about me that hasn’t come up naturally.
i want to join you - to fight by your side.
i’m sorry for barging in like this, but i had to come find you.
i won’t let you down. i promise.
we all have our burdens, one way or the other.
i’m trying to say that you’ve earned my trust in a way very few ever have … i want that to mean something.
freedom - i’d forgotten how it felt. thank you.
if you have a moment, i’d like your opinion on something.
the problem is this: a preponderance of evidence that i am a terrible adventurer.
i can’t risk re-capture. i barely escaped last time.
it was a mistake. and not one we’ll repeat.
i don’t know. he was kind of fun.
we can’t just invite danger in to our hearth like that. we must be more careful.
most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me.
an old hunter’s trick - if you can’t mask your scent, spoil it.
i prefer a weapon to stench, thanks.
you’re a monster hunter? not what i imagined.
whatever you’re hunting, your stench alone will kill it.
a quick wit is rare indeed.
know how to ask, and they’ll share that knowledge. if you’re fool enough to pay their price.
speak plainly. what is she?
i think you’re mistaken - this place looks innocent enough.
truth is like a blade, my friend. we can arm ourselves with it - or just as easily find it pressed against our throat.
i would not put you in danger.
your coyness is getting boring. tell me.
you take insult where none is intended, my friend.
how thoroughly invigorating it is to stand by one’s friend in the face of danger.
you best have one hells of an apology for me.
you must have mistaken me for someone else.
that wriggler swimming in your brain juice is a bit of an inconvenience, isn’t it?
that’s none of your concern.
don’t change the subject.
keep that hole under your nose shut.
let’s not involve ourselves in this place any longer than is necessary.
you want to play the hero so badly? fine. let’s make this interesting.
gods, it’s hot in here.
i’ve had better days. and worse ones.
i am, after all, the villain of the tale.
you truly are a soul that steels my own.
you are as thick as they come.
even i am tired of the sound of my own voice.
i stand at a precipice, but if you do not give up hope, neither shall i.
all of this … it must feel like a betrayal.
you bastard! you ruined it, you ruined everything!
slow down - what did i do?
this is an interesting way of thanking me.
i don’t need this. good luck getting out of here on your own.
i know i should head home, but … i can’t bring myself to leave.
(are you alright?) / not even a little bit. but i will be.
she favored me like a child favors a captive pet.
i promise i will not betray your trust.
i cannot thank you enough.
you will face (name)’s judgement.
i wish you could have visited at a better time.
you had no right to intervene.
you’re not one of us.
copper for your thoughts?
always a delight to speak to you.
did i play games like this in my youth? was i sweet once?
what are you doing? i’m busy here!
nothing beats the taste of stolen beer.
come on, now. they’re just having a bit of fun.
let’s do what we have to do, then get out of here.
smell’s like burnt flesh.
hold out your arm so i can mark your flesh.
i’m here to spill your guts across the floor.
pain without purpose is a terrible thing, wouldn’t you agree?
i often feel i like raw pain too much. it scares me.
as long as the story ends in death, it’s all the same to me.
forgive me, but - that look in your eyes. something terrible has happened to you.
what i see in your eyes, in your soul, is only natural.
we’ve all suffered in these dark times. it is little wonder you hear scars of pain and anguish.
touch me and you’ll lose your hand.
the pain you suffer will cleanse you - do not fight it.
you look tired. should i take over?
welcome the pain. let it become part of you.
that looks like it’s going to bruise.
not that i’m suggesting we stop for a drink, of course.
i wouldn’t want to place all my faith in blind luck.
sympathies won’t help me to survive.
your life, much like your words, is meaningless. end the latter to save the former.
looks like the booze got the better of them. they’re practically unconscious.
they’re dying for me. all of them.
why don’t you take a closer look? i’ll observe from back here.
please don’t open the creepy book!
toddlers are easier to please than you lot.
you know, i never pictured myself as a hero.
all i want is a little fun. is that so much to ask?
having performance issues, (name)?
never have i met such troglodytes.
i was hoping you wouldn’t notice i was gone.
i suggest we admire it from afar.
it would be too much to hope that’s nothing to do with us, wouldn’t it?
i go my own way - alone.
i’ll feed your innards to the ants before i do that.
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mamapyjama · 2 years
I’ve been rereading the current anime arc in the manga, and finally got to The Apology™️, and I wondered what words Katsuki used before translation.
Disclaimer: I’m sure others must have posted about this before but I couldn’t recall reading it myself. I do remember there was a lot of talk about the way he used “gomen” as the Japanese fandom were saying how cute and childlike it sounded, so I thought I’d see if there was anything else interesting there.
Oh, my sweet sweet baby boy…
So, just before he says ‘Sorry for everything’ (ima made gomen), he says:
“Itte dōnika naru mon ja nē kedo… Honne da…Izuku”
Which in the English translation, gave us:
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And “speak my truth” is lovely and all, but the word from the original that stuck out for me was ‘honne’.
I’m not sure how familiar most people are with honne–tatemae (I only know about it because I go way way too in-depth when researching for my fics lol), but it’s a concept that every Japanese person is deeply aware of, and underpins much of their society.
Here’s the Wikipedia intro:
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Ohhh, that is some extra juicy context for Kacchan’s speech. Essentially, he is saying that everything up until now has been his tatemae, a public façade to protect his own position (strong, powerful hero etc), but that he can’t keep that up and he wants Izuku to see his honne, his true, private self.
Excuse me while I melt from the cuteness.
But WAIT! There’s more!
How much do you know about second-person pronouns in Japanese? (Nope, this isn’t about ‘kare’ again this time hehe).
You’ve probably noticed in the anime that Kacchan says “Temee” a lot, and you may have also noticed that it tends to get translated as cursing. So it actually just means ‘you,’ but like a really rude way of saying it, such that the only way of reflecting that in English is to replace ‘you’ with something like Bastard or Asshole.
Again, have an expert explain:
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This and the below are from a very excellent article about second-person pronouns and how they are used for context and drama in anime specifically. I’d recommend reading it as the context is really interesting!
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So although pronouns aren’t actually commonly used or necessary in much spoken Japanese, when they are used, it’s a deliberate way to tell you about the relationship dynamic between two characters.
But why, you may ask, am I talking about pronouns again?!
Because, dear friends, throughout the first half of his speech, Kacchan uses ‘temee’ as usual to describe his past with Izuku. I’ve highlighted it below, and pls also note the shaky speech bubble showing his nerves during the ‘honne’ section. 🥺
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HOWEVER, straight after he says he wants Izuku to see his Honne, Katsuki switches pronouns from ‘Temee’ (v rude), to ‘Omae’ (very casual/familiar). Below is the page after the apology.
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Considering we now know pronouns are not necessary to convey meaning, that’s a hell of a lot of omaes on one page!! Boy cannot get enough of saying it.
If you want more about the different pronouns, see below for a helpful table of common uses for both. And please indulge my shippy heart for highlighting the second usage (but, like ‘kare’, you never know)…
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Katsuki is showing Izuku immediately and repeatedly that this is who he wants to be to him and how he wants the world to see them. His honne, his inner desire, is to be close to Izuku, to treat him as an equal.
He’s not just saying sorry, he’s showing that—at least from his perspective—things are going to be different from now on. But, like, also, that this was how he felt about him in private the whole time?! GAHHHH.
So there you go, the apology that was already a massive turning point in their story/relationship was actually even deeper and more beautiful than we all thought. Yet again, Japanese conveys nuance and intention far beyond what can be translated. 😭💕
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industrations · 10 months
Hi, may I ask you a question? I know this is probably kind of an unusual ask so feel free to ignore this! But you seem so nice and kind so I thought I might ask you about this...
So lately I keep thinking a lot about gender things. Oh and I am a girl (maybe (as in afab)) and until recently I was convinced that I am very comfortable in my gender. And the thing is, I did think about it. I knew about my sexuality since I was a teenager and I remember thinking about my gender on many occasions and always feeling so sure about it and so comfortable in my body. But also... I've always been kinda scrawny (my friends keep joking that oversized clothes make me look like a 14 year old boy) and then someone told me people go through second puberty and I might get bigger hips in the next years and I would hate that. And then I wondered why, is it just the change or would I genuinely be uncomfortable in a more feminine body?
And now I'm wondering, because why would that come up now?? I mean I am in my early twenties now and I've known about my sexuality for years. But I've also kind of ignored that after realizing it for a while whoops. So it might be happening again. Or maybe it's really just a bit of gender envy and not all that serious?
I think I'm just trying to ask you if you think it's possible that I realize some things late? I'm just so unsure lately and I feel like I can't really ask anyone about this...
So yeah, apologies for sending you that paragraph and I hope you have a nice day!!
Alright so first of I want to say that I am in no means an expert at this. I’m not a therapist and I can’t tell you what you are or what you aren’t feeling. But I can speak from my own experience that things like this are by no means tied to a specific period of time in your life. There’s people that are well into their adult years (and i’m talking 60-70) that are still discovering things about themselves
I’ve spend a long time around people who were telling me what I can and cannot be or what i should be. I was "comfortable" in my gender because I was thought that I should be. And until I actually started talking to people who were going through similar things, I didn’t quite understand that it was not the norm feeling this way about yourself.
Again speaking from my own experience because never let anyone tell you what’s right or wrong for you. There is certain things about being afab i embrace and appreciate even. Things i would miss was i born differently. I love having a softer voice, and more feminine features because those are things that make me me.
But then I have cis girl friends who tell me "oh I wish I had your chest" or "you should be grateful you don’t have as little as me" and I just rather die that having this part of my body be perceived at all. I have my top surgery very soon which i’m extremely excited for but why do I have to defend myself for wanting something that’ll make me happier just because people don’t understand the feeling.
Sorry this has become quite personal and rambly somehow but apparently i have many feelings about this and if they can help anyone in any way then that would he the best outcome. I guess what i’m trying to say is try to let go of whatever you think other people want you to be and be kind and gentle with yourself. You don’t HAVE to be anything the only thing you should be is comfortable in your own skin
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 year
Fuck it, I’m seeing a lot of talk about Echo being a picky eater recently and I think I want to add my two neurodivergent cents to it lol
Firstly, I think it’s important to note that Echo is autistic. I know this hasn’t been stated anywhere or anything, but listing out his character quirks makes it pretty clear.
He repeats orders, arguing with his batch when they don’t follow them, and worries about doing things wrong. This feels like a safety thing to me, almost like telling kids in class to be quiet when the teacher is talking for no other reason than it feels right and them breaking rules is stressful. (can you tell I’m speaking from experience cause this whole post will be me speaking from experience bkshsjsks)
He reads and memorizes the reg manuals, liking to be caught up on the latest versions. Again, this feels like a safety thing; him wanting to know how things will work ahead of time so he can be prepared in every situation.
He doesn’t like being wrong, like when we see him refusing to back down on thinking the Seperatists Senator’s distress call is a trap (Avi Singh I think?). Even when the evidence starts poking holes in his theory, he doesn’t want to let it go. I’m not sure how to explain how this relates to autism other than that fact that autistic people just don’t like being wrong? Like it’s just hard to admit that and it’s almost scary to change your mind like that sometimes? Idrk honestly, I’m DEFINITELY not an expert lol, just saying my piece
So many of Echo’s character quirks relate directly to autism, and all of them are things I strongly relate to. (yes this is why he’s my favorite shush)
But most of all is his picky eating. And uh, this might actually get a tad heavy here but I hope this can maybe share an accurate perspective on it?
Many autistic people are fairly picky eaters, something I’ve definitely struggled with since I was born. We see Echo being skeptical of food multiple times, especially when they’re new to him. We see him eating rations bars, which would be familiar, without a second thought, but new things he’s extremely hesitant to try.
With that in mind and the headcanon (kinda) that he’s autistic, this sounds a lot like ARFID to me.
ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) is tricky to describe since there’s nothing conscious to it, its just somewhat of a mental hurdle? Like there’s a point you just can’t cross no matter what, a bit like ADHD and executive dysfunction, expect a lot stronger lol. It’s pretty much just picky eating to the extreme that a person cannot control and just makes your choices extremely limited when it comes to food.
This makes it difficult (ahem, impossible) to do seemingly basic things like trying absolutely any new foods. There are a few safe ones, maybe even a category of foods that are almost completely safe (for me: most deserts or fruits), but anything outside of that is different, it’s new, and it does not feel safe. When I say picky eating to the extreme, I mean extreme. If I’m literally starving, haven’t eaten in way too long, but the only things available aren’t safe foods? Well too bad guess I’m not eating today 🤷 It’s not much of a choice, it’s just being trapped by your own neurodivergent brain 🫠🫠🫠
It can feel childish and incredibly alienating to constantly turn down new foods or restaurants, or to order the same thing every time from a restaurant, off the kids menu or with special requests, and I just think that piece is being missed in Echo’s picky eating. Now I’m not telling anyone to stop making it a humorous thing cause it totally is in the show, but hey, I’m always here for the angst potential :)
Like what if the reason Echo still looks malnourished after joining the batch is because his safe foods like typical rations just aren’t readily available after the Empire springs up? What if the batch is on shore leave and decide to go to a restaurant and Echo has to either turn them down and explain, or force himself to go and try to tough it out? What if one of the batch makes a joke about Echo’s picky eating, just trying to make conversation or something, but Echo just fully shuts down? Maybe even Domino would joke about it at first, until Fives learned better and started helping Echo, but uhoh now he’s gone and Echo has to figure things out all over again with a new batch 🥲
Is this a fictional character that was grossed out by foods like two times and I’m just heavily projecting onto? Yeah, sure, but hey, I’d love to see more people recognizing this side of it and maybe connecting with it too :)
@gentle-hero-blog thanks for letting me sob abt this literally the minute u got home bkshsjskk <3333
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twilightmalachite · 9 months
2×2 - Children on the Streets 11
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata, Shinobu, Nagisa
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I, I bet I got a stomach ulcer stemming from the stress of all of Aniki’s bullshit."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: Back Alley in Downtown
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Yuuta: Hm~… What’s the point of saying all this, Aniki?
Hinata: Hehe, just to tell you that you seem to feel inferior to me, Yuuta-kun, and that there’s no need for that. ♪
Apart from that, it’s to leave you wide open! Die, fool!
Yuuta: Ahh, shoot!! So you were talking all deep so you could catch me off guard?! Damnit~, shitty Aniki, how cowardly can you be!?
Hinata: Fuhaha~, howl, howl louder! It’s nothing but the bark of a losing dog!
Yuuta: Just what kind of character is this anyways!?
Hinata: I was thinking I need to look back a lot on my past, reevaluate it, and establish a new character for myself—
And not just as an indicator of how much Yuuta-kun has changed from what “we” were before. I have to establish my own character, too.
Otherwise, we’re just lacking something. As the two-in-one strongest and unbeatable individual, we were missing only the element of Yuuta-kun.
No, not that; we are going to get bigger and stronger!
Let’s show the world that we’re doing just that! My brother!
Yuuta: Right! I don’t get what you’re saying, but I know what you’re doing!
You’re talking about intriguing things like that again, waiting for me to lean in close to listen better, aren’t you!?
And then you’ll shoot me, right~? I’m not going to fall for that!
Hinata: Ahaha, not falling for it this time, huh~? See, Yuuta-kun? You’re learning and getting stronger and stronger! That’s why you’re my lifelong nemesis, fuhahaha! ☆
Yuuta: Seriously, what kind of character is this—
Hinata: ? What’s up, Yuuta-kun? Is there trouble?
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Yuuta: Urgh~… M-my stomach hurts.
I, I bet I got a stomach ulcer stemming from the stress of all of Aniki’s bullshit.
Hinata: Whaa!? A-Are you okay? I’m coming, Yuuta-kun~! Onii-chan will gently rub where it hurts!
Shinobu: Y-You mustn’t be fooled de gozaru, Hinata-kun! Although I did fall for the same! It’s possible that Yuuta-kun’s pretending to have a stomachache to make you worry and come out—
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Yuuta: Oh come on, whose side are you on, Shinobu-kun?
Shinobu: H-Huh? But right now, I’ve turned into a zombie, which makes me Hinata-kun’s ally…!?
Yuuta: Right! But you are naive, did you think I simply would just mimic Aniki?
I’ve passed that point a long time ago, you know!
Shinobu: Huh? Huh? What do you mean by that…?
Yuuta: Ran-senpai! Now!
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Nagisa: …Right. As everyone knows, this type of melee is Ran-senpai’s specialty.[1]
Shinobu: This is the first I’ve heard of that de goza-mphh! Uu, I’ve been shot in the face…!
It doesn’t hurt because it’s a water gun, but, my eyes! My eeeeyes~!
Nagisa: …S-Sorry? I’m shooting from a higher vantage point, so I’m at an angle where I can only aim for the head…
Shinobu: Heheh♪ You’ve got me de gozaru, but it is ninjas who are the experts of sophistry in the first place! It is a common practice for us to deceive others, there is no such thing as bushido when it comes to ninjas…☆
Yaay! I’m properly acting like a ninja~! ♪
Hinata: Bakyuu~n! Bakyuu~n!
Nagisa: …Ah, h-he got me. I’ve been shot.
…I see. Shinobu-kun got me to lean out by making me worry.
Shinobu: Because there’s no other way for us to aim at you from our position, with you hidden somewhere so high up! ♪
Nagisa: …Right. Amazing. I’ve been beaten flawlessly.
…All the kids at ES are amazing. They are always learning and growing more and more.
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Yuuta: However! We cannot allow justice to be defeated by evil! That would be a huge bummer for the program!
So, I’m gonna shoot and bring down Aniki who went after Ran-senpai!
This is game over, Hinata-kun!
This marks the end of this ridiculous game…!
[ ☆ ]
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Melee in Japanese is 乱戦 (ransen). It’s the same kanji used for Nagisa’s last name, too! (乱)
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kmenkea · 11 months
Bloodlust - Part 5
Summary: After their big night together, Astarion is left on the forest floor to think, reminiscing the last few days, whilst disgusts curls his viscera. His only gratitude is that he is finally free from his master.
AN: I tried to expand on both Leeith's and Astarion's character in this chapter, between the pillow talk and the exploration that comes later, as their relationship starts to grow.
w/c: 5.3k
Read on AO3
I started this WIP months ago and I'm posting it now in this chapter because I thought it fit very well with the "like juicy autumn grapes" comment in this chapter.
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They laid under the night sky, neither of them uttering a word, just admiring the stars. They were still sharing their arms in place of pillows. 
The only thing bad about casual sex, thought Leeith, were the moments afterwards, unsure of what to do. Neither of them were the type to cuddle with a stranger, but the vampire and the drow were just friendly enough that it would have been weird to stand up and leave. She scavenged her mind for a conversation topic, but only one thing troubled her at that moment. 
“So, I assume vampires are sterile… right?” He didn’t turn around, just hummed affirmatively in response. “Another one of the many things Cazador took away from me.” He sighed, spitting the name of his old master. “At least there aren’t chances of finding more little Astarions in Baldur’s gate.” 
“As if I would go and be so careless as to sire a bunch of mutts.” He said in a snobbish tone.
“Well, you really strike me as a Don Giovanni; there’s no way in hell you didn’t spend the past centuries sleeping around. In my experience, men like you tend to be very careless.” For some reason, the comment really irked the elf, who glared at her with a grimace. 
“Like me? What do you mean like me?” He raised his voice, bearing his fangs. 
“I’m sorry, I really don’t mean it in a bad way. I’ve had my fun too in the years. But, the things you say and do and say… you’re an expert, is what I mean.” The vampire was still weary, but his expression relaxed just enough to calm the drow. 
“You’re speaking of things you know nothing about.” His tone was plain, but it was clearly a hurtful spot for him. She wanted to excuse herself again, but the vampire returned to his smug and grandiose self. "Just be glad I’m such a consummate lover.” 
“Oh absolutely, few things are worse than a man who can’t even please.” she chuckled, wanting to divert the conversation. “I’m just distraught that I’ll never get to meet an Astarionette in my lifetime.” 
“Darling, are you so infatuated with me that you’d have me even as a woman? I’m flattered.” 
“Oh no, darling, you got it wrong.” The drow glanced at her nails having grown pretty long. “I would prefer it if you were a woman. Sure men have the advantage of a built-in tool, but they're only good when they know how to submit.”
“Ha-ha, and still, I'm here. And my undying charm has got you pleading my name.” His face was extremely content and cocky, somehow more than normal. The drow roller her eyes, unpleased and humiliated. 
“Tks, you’re an exception. Consider yourself fortunate I’m not… I don’t know, whatever you darthiir - surface elves and traitors - think drow do after sex. Decapitate our male partners and feast on their guts.” She stopped to consider her words a moment. “Not that it doesn’t happen, but you know, it’s less common than you might think.” 
“And I assume the women get to survive your mantis mating rituals?” 
“Sometimes, yes. Why would I waste a true lover? There’s nothing better there’s than to lose oneself in someone that understands you completely. There’s a connection that I cannot experience with normal men. An instinctual knowledge, as if we’re both one and the same; the warmth of her body, her soft skin, the way even her ears reddened-” She stopped to consider her words, having found herself trailing off into the past. “Or maybe I don’t prefer women, I just want back those whom I’ve loved.” Leeith wasn’t going to have anything like that back. She didn’t want to have it back. 
“How quaint. I’ve never thought I’d see a spiderling in love. Let me guess, they grew some sense, escaped the underdark and left you there?” She faced the vampire: this time it was her sporting a pained grimace. She wanted to punch him in the face and leave him there after that comment. But it probably hurt her as much as the Don Giovanni comparison hurt him. 
“It ended like many other relationships in the underdark end: a dagger at the throat, hate sex and a corpse in the place you used to make love.” The drow looked back at the moon extending her fingers towards it, a simple gesture, as she relieved her memories. She caressed her wet, crying cheek for one last time, forever engraving in her memory how soft it was. How her lips were salty from tears. How her lover's hands trembled, while she pointed a blade at her chest, biting her skin, hesitating. Leeith couldn’t even feel that pain. “Dolor.” A mist of blood and brain matter rained upon her. Upon the bed where they used to adore each other. 
It had happened already more than once in her life, the details of each event twisting and mingling into each other. Did they use a dagger in the night or did they fight in the centre of a tavern? Did they laugh at their pain or cried together while hugging one last time in a muddy hallway? Was she the one that had been ordered to kill or her lover? It was fine now: none of that was ever going to happen again. She could have sex without sharing her soul, so why bother? 
“I love the underdark. I feel at home there. Baldur’s gate is probably as foul and bloody, but doesn’t its splendour shine brighter thanks to its darkness?” 
“Monsters like me thrive in the city. I suppose it does have its charm then.” He said with a shrug.  
“Do you consider me a monster, being a Lolth servant and all?” Leeith’s voice was starting to get heavy, as more memories flooded her mind and she was called to her trance. 
“Oh please, a bit of violence and religious fervour has never made anyone a monster. Sure your culture can be a bit - how can I best put this - intense, but I like your thirst for blood.” he licked his lips at the mention of blood.
“Then you aren’t a monster either. You just have very picky tastes.” She yawned, fully closing her eyes. “Glad I’m not alone up here on the surface. Good night, elf.” 
A cold shiver ran down his spine. The air of the night hit his body, still damp with sweat, but that wasn’t the source of his discomfort. As he laid on the grass, surrounded by trees and the calls of critters, he kept waiting and waiting. Soon, the spawn would hear those steps, coming from the long corridor behind the bedroom door. Then the click of the lock and faint torchlight invading his eyes. He flinched.  He was still alone. The breeze hit his nude body again, and he shivered. 
The drow was still beside him. She didn’t disappear; no hands fell upon her and whisked her away. She was the first person he had slept with in years not being taken away crying and pleading. Yes, right, he was free now. His lips curled up and he closed his eyes, basking in newfound bliss. No matter how much his mind dragged him to that damned mansion, with its dark corners and red carpets, his body firmly rested on the grass, lit up by the moon and the stars. The night could have been cold, but never as much as those four walls that imprisoned him for centuries. 
And it wasn’t all too bad. Astarion could feel the warmth radiating from where his skin touched Leeith’s.  Maybe he should have got closer? She was already protecting him, using their bodies to shield themselves from the elements wasn’t going to be that problematic of a request. He turned to the side, softly, knowing full well how light a trance could be. Maybe it was better not to push his luck. The vampire was free to walk in the sunlight thanks to her protection, guarded from the swords of monster hunters and possible mercenaries sent directly from his dear master Cazador. She had pledged to kill the bastard too: surely a naïve expectation, but it still sparked an inkling of hope in him. 
All of this at a modest price, something he had done for two hundred years to stay alive. He stared down at his bare skin, shame and disgust wrenching and twisting his guts. At least the prostitutes in Sharess's Caress were living in the lap of luxury, not fighting for their life and tortured for the smallest mistake. He wanted to puke, and had to cover his mouth to stop himself. He felt so foul, covered in sweat, both his and hers. His left hand reached up, clawing at his throat and chest: maybe if he peeled his skin off, he would finally feel clean. Something got caught under his nails and the smell of copper hit his nostril, entrancing him.
If there was one saving grace out of all this act, it was the blood. He still smelled it in her neck, now drying up. Some was still on his chin and chest, but had dried up too much to be edible. Not that he needed it since, for the first time in two centuries, he was actually satiated, happy, and his veins saturated with fresh, sentient blood. It felt so good to sink his fangs in warm flesh and to be met with the soul of the person he was drinking. Her joy, her excitement and her warmth, all laid out for him, ripe for the taking like juicy autumn grapes. It was almost worth the disgust that curled his viscera. Again the smile returned on him and the vampire relaxed, closing his eyes and calling upon the memories of what he had just experienced. Maybe this night he was going to dream about that, without Cazador interrupting it to punish him. He was free now. Astarion was just going to dream about Leeith’s elegant neck, searching for her pulsating artery, puncturing her skin, savouring her and at the end… his own pleasure. Countless people had given themselves to him, few able to grant him that moment where everything was void, and he didn't even remember them. But this wasn’t about his climax. Something stirred differently in him this time around, yanking his guts towards a different direction than simple shame. 
The memories of the past days returned to him. That rude awakening on a cliff, where he was sure he was going to die, incinerated by the sun. Fear gripped his heart when he walked out of the pod, but death was probably preferable than living life as a slave. Then relief and the warmth of the sun on his skin, gentle and assuring; his clinginess to life returned now that he experienced a morsel of freedom. The arrival to an old temple where he expected a fight, just for the new leader to lie and intimidate her way in and then, when other bandits attacked, she smiled and laughed at their pain. Maybe the drow wasn't too stupid and useless. The first time he had to give in to his hunger and the drow was alone near the campfire, but she woke, just to laugh in his face at the revelation he was a vampire, as if it wasn’t obvious from the start. So if it was so obvious, why didn’t she curse him and stab him? Why wouldn’t she chase him away instead of letting him feed? 
What a weird woman. But one that could help him. And so it started, his ploy to conquer her favour, met with very little resistance. It was so easy to be with Leeith and it wasn’t just for the fact the drow flirted back. She seemed nice to him, like a friend, someone that wanted to help him. She… had her quirks and surely made hurtful comments, but he couldn’t expect much more from someone whose favourite activity was spilling blood and laughing at people’s fear. Fierce and rich: like a pepper infused chocolate, the spiciness was part of the experience. 
Well, some of her kinks did worry him, but she didn’t seem too focused on trying them out if that night was anything to go by. Along the spiciness, came a soft calming warmth: her fingers tracing the wrinkles of his palm, while she asked him what he wanted for the second time that night. Her hand reaching up to his cheek, bringing him back to ask if it was all fine. And now her arm under his head, as he came back to the present again, in a cold, still night. 
Tonight did feel different. He couldn’t just forget that warmth. And suddenly his gut got yanked again and he realised what was tugging it sideways, away from disgust. Fear. Along came the answer to the question: why was he so worried about her falling in battle today? 
For the first time he was simply… accepted. Whatever he was, it didn’t matter to her. Or at least, even if she got a kick out of being his blood bag, he was more than a monster, more than his condition. Yet today he had been on the cusp of losing the only person who had shown him any amount of warmth in two hundred years. 
Sweet hells, blood was one hell of a drug. 
The only problem now was how to keep Leeith on his side. The sour taste returned to his mouth: to have that, it probably meant more nights like this. 
Leeith’s last dream, before opening her eyes, was of a spider biting her under the watchful eyes of the great matron. The memory of her new life began her day, calming her fears. A wave of peace rushed down her body, waking it. The pleasure was soon replaced by the frigid air of the morning and soreness in most of her muscles, especially her back, which felt stiff like a tree trunk. Her neck hurt so much it was hard to move her head and, just to add insult to injury, her whole shoulder was dark red. Getting up nude on the forest floor was a new experience for her: one could say, there weren’t many trees and grass back in the underdark. 
She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. The morning was still young, enough not to hurt her eyes. And how could the light do it, when the vampire was in front of her, hogging it all, basking under a ray of sun. His porcelain skin almost reflected it, giving him an angelic glow. He kept his arms spread, as if he was just waiting to sprout feathered wings and fly off, so unbothered by anything “earthly” that he didn’t even notice her waking up. It would be such a  perfect vision, if it wasn't for an ugly circle scarred into his flesh, surrounded by weird glyphs: its aura was evil. That must have been what she felt under her hands the night before. 
“Not staying in for a cuddle?” She called, surprising the vampire. 
“Mh, I expected you to sleep light, but I thought you’d be exhausted after last night.” He only turned his head, preferring to enjoy the sun on his chest. The drow scoffed at his ego. It’s not like she didn’t enjoy yesterday night, but she did have better in her life, partners enough into it to go for hours. In comparison, Astarion seemed a bit less interested. 
“Did you enjoy it? It felt like you weren’t fully there.” If she had to take a  guess, sleeping around as often as he did, probably stunned his enjoyment of sex. 
“I was holding back a little, it’s true. I didn’t want to lose control. Delicious as you were, I didn’t want to go too far.” Something was off about his tone, but he kept speaking before she could dwell on it. “Shall we get on? I want to go before anyone else thanks me for saving their tails.” The drow didn’t move and returned to look at the scar, admiring the craftsmanship. 
“I want to ask about your scars first. Where did you get them?” She was sure she had seen something similar before. The vampire flinched.
“It’s a poem. A gift from Cazador. He considered himself quite the artist and used his slaves as a canvas. He composed and carved that one over the course of a night… He made a lot of revisions as he went.” His voice broke down on that last sentence, re-experiencing the agony. Leeith stood up, squinting her eyes. She got close to the vampire and one finger was about to touch the symbol, when the vampire turned around, lowering his arms. A flash of recognition flared her mind.
“Why did he write it in infernal?” Astarion’s eyes shot open and he looked over his shoulder for a moment. 
“Infernal? I… Who knows. The bastard was insane.” His face turned ugly in a frown. “Now let's go. We’ve wasted enough time already.” He walked off, collecting his shirt from the ground. 
The drow looked around for her clothing, but other than a necklace that broke during the act, she didn’t find anything. Something soft hit her in the face and she saw black. In her hands she found the cape, the only article of clothing that she got with her. Astarion was standing proudly farther along on the path. 
“Wouldn’t you prefer seeing my ass while I walk?” She threw the cloak around her shoulders, keeping it closed with one hand. 
“I got my fill last night. It’s better we concentrate on our duties today.” The vampire seemed distant: both his tone of voice and his expressions were cold and uncaring. The drow rolled her eyes and walked behind him without one more word. 
When they arrived in camp, only Lae’zel was awake, busy with her morning exercises. She shot a glance at both of them, returning together from the forest. The Gith spat something in her language and returned to her one-handed push ups. The githyanki had proposed a little rendezvous of their own before with words that were poetic, unexpected coming from an alien warrior. It wasn’t just the old regurgitated, albeit funny, lines of the vampire, nor the pompous and totally stereotypical flare Gale used in his speeches. It was hard to turn down her proposal, however, it had only been a few days since they had met and the drow was still weary of her companions. Judging by Lae’zel expression, she still held a grudge. It didn’t matter, the drow had some fun with Astarion.
Leeith shrugged and went towards a water barrel, throwing the cloak on a rock, uncaring of any peering eyes resting on her nude figure; Lae’zel could admire her body now, if she so wished, as she showered. The barrel was mostly empty, but it would be a waste of time to fetch more water now that they had to dismantle the camp. She dipped a rag into it and carefully cleaned up her blood and sweat. The water in the barrel turned murky as she dipped and washed the cloth. She wondered if Astarion could drink that and be satiated, especially since she wasn’t planning on feeding him for the next few days, to recuperate her energy after almost three days straight of blood loss. She was also going to need a strong coffee and hearty breakfast to make her head stop spinning. 
It took about an hour for everyone to awake and get ready. The plan for the day was that of dispatching the goblins from the village. Everyone was ok with a surprise attack, except the vampire. who would have preferred avoiding a fight completely.
“I’m glad you’re smarter than proudly marching in.” He sighed, already feeling spent. 
“Come on, Astarion, at least you will get to see some blood today.” Said Shadowheart, fixing her braid. 
“Ugh, goblin blood. Hardly anything to cherish. Besides, I’ve already had my fill for today.” He looked down at his nails. “Sure one more little nibble wouldn’t hurt, but I’ve learnt not to be too greedy.” He seemed to have cheered up again, enough to glance at the drow with a raised eyebrow.  
���Spicy.” Said Karlach. Some of the party’s member eyes fell on Leeith after this, but she chose to ignore the comment.
“Karlach, Shadowheart and Astarion, you’ll come. Karlach, I want to test you.” The drow spoke in a commanding tone. “I do not need weaklings with me, so don’t fail me.” She stared at the wizard, who turned his eyes away from her, scowling. 
“And what about me?” Said the Gith. 
“Another day, Lae’zel. We need people who can walk without making noises. Your armour is the opposite of that, unfortunately. Understand me.” The drow’s voice was sweeter now, soothing. The gith still rolled her eyes, but didn’t press the matter further. 
Leeith was on edge, not knowing what to expect. Were they going to get swarmed with beasts and vermin? She was sure she could take a few goblins even alone, the problem was just the amount of enemies who could be around. They attacked from the side, Astarion took out one of the sentinels on the roof and then… What a let down. There were barely any goblins around. Even the big ogres, who they surprised from the roof of a house, were easily killed by their spells and arrows - and left a most precious crown for the drow. Among all the rubble and gore, Karlach was showing off her lifting skills to a smiling Shadowheart, while the vampire piled more stuff over her back. Leeith thought that they wouldn’t notice as she put on the crown, since they were so busy having fun. When that gold headband touched her skin, she was cast into a deep colourful void. She probably stared off into the distance for a moment too long, listening to the chant deep in her psyche. 
“Are you good? What’s with the crown?” Karlach let go of all the stuff she was holding, in a large rumble of wood.
“It’s as if someone whispered the secrets of the universe in my mind. It’s great.” The drow’s  smile reached her ears. 
“Are you sure that thing isn’t cursed, darling? It might explode that pretty head of yours.” Said Astarion, rolling the r in pretty. Leeith took it off to study it and, upon sensing emptiness in her head, promptly put it back on.
“It’s just an intelligence boosting enchantment, no curses or anything, other than - well, it feels bad to take it off and feel normal again. I’ll take this for myself.” 
“I’m sorry, but we fought just as hard. How come you decide who gets the reward?” Shadowheart sounded pretty annoyed.
"Excuse me? I’ve been dividing weapons, armour and items to everyone equally. You get what fits you best. And since I’m the one doing the talking, I would assume having a little extra knowledge would help.” She tapped her temple.
“I’m pretty sure any of us would be able to talk, it’s not some remarkable drow ability.” Continued Shadowheart, looking at the vampire for support.
“I kind of agree, darling. I can stab with my words just like I can with my sword.” He raised his chin in an air of superiority. Leeith waited for Karlach to also talk against her, but the tiefling just wanted everyone to calm down. The drow breathed in deep, relaxed the muscles of her face. She sauntered towards Astarion, her hips swaying elegantly, like a panther on the prowl. She pointed one index at his chest, brushing against his clothes, and circled around him. “Look at me. Tell me, how can you stare into my eyes and refuse me? I will stay by your side and sing your praises forever in your ear.” Her voice was quiet and warm, melodious like a siren deceiving her next prey. Her visage was pure, not betraying any of her intention; unlike the vampire’s smile, too perfect and composed, hers looked as natural as the sun - she even summoned a faint red glow to her cheeks. Ambrosia couldn’t have been sweeter than her appearance. Astarion wanted to pull away from her, but the drow noticed how his eyes flared up in hunger and his tongue licked his fangs. 
She whipped away, facing the cleric once again. All the gentleness and admiration was washed away from her face. Her features were twisted, sneering in disgust and loathing. Her right hand glowed green and purple with a spell.
“Now, dare defy me again, surface dweller, and you will come to know what true fear and pain is like.” Though her eyes were aflame, her voice was like still water. The cleric tensed up, almost trembling under her fervour. The drow let go of the act an instant later, returning to a grin. 
“Karlach, sorry I can’t put up a little show for you, but I hope now you get why I’m the one doing the talking. As a reminder, you don’t get my kind of powers without being able to deceive or entice your patron. If I can do that to a creature much more mighty than all of us together, imagine how a lowly vermin can react.” She smiled again.
Her companion’s eyes darted between one another, until Karlach herself broke the silence. “Well, that’s nice, but can you do this?” She grinned and lifted up a chiselled wardrobe over her head, holding it up like it was just a small wood plank. 
“Yes… If I can threaten it to fly.” 
“Wait- I’m not done.” With a roar, the tiefling launched the wardrobe across the room, flying over Shadowheart and Astarion. They both ducked, the rogue even rolled away in an excess of carefulness. 
“Sweet hells, devil, first my nose and now this?” He screeched, still ready to jump away. 
“Hehe, It’s your fault fangs: you're just too sneaky and I can’t see you.” She placed her fists on her hips and pushed her chest up, looking down at everyone with an aura of grandness. 
“I think maybe it’s best we get going before more goblins show up, with the mayhem we’ve caused.” Said the cleric. The rest agreed and moved along.
With newfound confidence in herself and the group, Leeith went to talk to some goblins who were having fun with a deep gnome. They scattered off after being glared at by the drow. The deep gnome instead, had the good sense to thank her, be grateful for his life and run away. 
They went around the village, pillaging what was left. Most houses were empty and broken down, the only point of interest being a well, smith workshop and across from it an alchemist's shop, all dilapidated. While searching for ingredients for her own potions, Shadowheart found a hatch leading down in a basement full of coffins. The skeletons protecting it, proved themselves a more dangerous foe, but they were all crushed by the barbarian’s raw strength: she swung that sword like it was a hammer, breaking bones and throwing them far. Each slice or arrow that hit her, only served to grow her rage. She was unstoppable and powerful, but lacked the precision and technique of the Gith. 
After exploring around, finding only some rotten food and weird books from a certain Ilyn Toth. The group were ready to leave, generally disappointed with how the day went. The only last thing of note was a giant ornate mirror. It was weird for such an object to be mounted on a wall in a gloomy, humid basement. The guy owning the shop was probably just a madman with even madder interior design, but she still checked it out. At first the only thing she saw was her reflection and that of her companions, minus the vampire. She turned around, raising her eyebrow. 
“I guess the tadpole doesn’t solve this pr-” 
“Spea-k your name.” A face appeared in the mirror, startling Leeith. 
“Ilyn Toth.”  She said, after thinking for a few seconds.
“My master was human. True and pure. You are not Ilyn Toth. If you are his ally, ste-p forward and declare it.” The drow breathed out harshly, too tired to put up with fucking mirror riddles. She could have tried passing off as an ally of whoever this guy was, but didn't want alliances with people she didn't know.
“Open or I'll smash you to pieces - bad luck be damned.” She pointed her thumb at the big fiery tiefling behind her. The mirror’s face disappeared and, with a rumble, it slid away. 
“I think that crown is already working its magic.” Said Astarion, walking past her into the room. The place was fairly big, with books scattered on the floor and on the two large desks facing eachother. The walls were lined with bookshelves and two corners of the room housed small alcoves, with chests and more books. One even had a stuffed bear. As they explored the room, pocketing anything of worth, Shadowheart found a way back to the first room of the basement. Both Astarion and Leeith were much more curious about a little gated room.  
“Someone left a surprise for us.” Announced the vampire, pointing towards a mechanism. 
“Can you do something about it?” Leeith leaned in to look at it better. She could have maybe tried disarming it - she had come across tons of traps in a hundred years working as a criminal - but her fingers weren’t as nimble as the rogue’s. 
“Mhh, maybe. Maybe I could have a little nibble first, for good luck?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“No way in hell, blood-sucker.” She slapped a Guidance on him. “This is all you’re getting until I've had a few days of rest and my blood back.” He rolled his eyes in disappointment and sighed, muttering something about ungratefulness. In a few clicks, the trap was disarmed and the gate opened safely. 
The only thing inside was a pedestal, with a demonic book resting on it. Leeith was about to pick it up, but the vampire stopped her. 
“Wait, it’s trapped. You should really get glasses, darling.” He took out his tools again. 
“Why would I, when I have your perfect eyes around?”
“Because maybe one day I’ll let you walk on a trap to have a laugh.” Another mechanism clicked. Shadowheart and Karlach came over, curious of what was going on. 
“The Necromancy of Thay. Sounds ominous.” Read the drow, picking the tome up. A face with a large open mouth was facing it and the cover felt like being bound in raw skin. Darkness radiated from it, calling to the drow within its folds and pages.
“Please don’t touch the big scary book!” Said Karlach, with a tone halfway between annoyed and scared. 
“Yes, it looks heavy. Give it to me.” Astarion instead was way too eager to have it. The drow turned the tome over, but the lock holding it close didn’t seem to have a key. She shrugged and stuffed it down her backpack, ignoring both of them for the time being. Maybe she would let the vampire have it: he was already cursed with undeath, more necromancy magic through his body couldn't hurt. 
“First we need to find whatever opens this thing. No one’s found a key around here, right?” They shook their heads. “I think it’s best we make it to camp for today, then. We can stay in the town now that it’s safe and sleep with a roof over our head for once. Maybe even a bed and I'll have a warm bath.” With a vision of all these comforts, they left the alchemists’ cellar.
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dreamtydraw · 5 months
Glub Glub
HAHA I’ve made it back home to my fishbowl!!! And guess what~ I played through all of your games! (I finished at.. 2 AM fishy time… I’m very sleepy lmao) I have oh so many thoughts about them all… >:) Ramble incoming! Apologies for the atrociously long ask and grammatical errors-
I played the games in order of release so first up was Night Shift, which was such a fun and quick play!! I loved how it sorta just throws you into this confusing supernatural world and is just like “You’re stuck in a time loop, good luck!”. I tend to go into video games expecting them to be super difficult for me, especially when they involve choice, so at the start I was listening to Françoise’s instructions like a hawk 👁️👁️, the atmosphere of the game was so cool too, the little inconsistencies in logic was so cool to watch unfold (I vividly remember reading the bit where the MC picks up the axe and flipping out cause “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT!! THE GAME SAID DON’T DO THAT YOU IDIOT!!”) I forget the actual word for it but the entire setting really gave of the feeling of being in a huge place that’s typically filled with people but is for some reason deserted.. well except for Sam. Speaking of! Sammy’s fun I loved them! I was so intrigued as to what their whole deal was, like how did they get there? Why are they there? Whats up with them and Françoise and the whole “Deary” thing?? Overall it was such a short but sweet experience and a very nice introduction into the Paranormal Club world
Next was Apple Bag! I was actually originally going to play this last cause of its open ending, but I figured since it came out directly after Nightshift, I might as well just play it right then and there. This was also tons of fun! I actually really liked the MC’s personality a lot, I dunno why but their dialogue and thoughts were just fun to read through. I played through the mystery strangers route (I swear to god their name was said somewhere but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was) and it was a good time! I love their design a whole lot and it was funny seeing them get introduced as this terrifying menacing stranger to chill and sleepy customer, funnily enough when the MC kept describing them as really scary I was pretty confused as to why, then I realized that I kinda tend to act a lot like the stranger when I’m going out sooooo.. no wonder I didn’t find them all too spooky. The mystery of the literal apple bag and Sammy’s disappearance was also really fun to see, I wonder if it’s talking about Nightshift? Idk, I’m not a theory making expert so who knows! I’m just eager to watch the story unfold!
Next up Tulipe! The creation of this game was when I really first started seeing your Paranormal Club stuff so needless to say I was really excited to finally play it, and boy was I not disappointed!! Getting to see Achik in action was so so nice considering he’s the one that really got me into Paranormal Club. The game overall just had this constant feeling of fleeting bittersweetness? If that makes sense? And I mean that in a good way, I loved how the story (when doing the good endings) were sweet overall but kind of had this melancholic tint to it that I couldn’t ignore, kinda reminded me of my time playing blooming panic if that makes sense. I played through every single ending cause they were easy and quick enough to get and every single one of them was great! The good ending where you tell Achik the truth about why you approached him was, predictably, my favourite ending, I actually liked how you don’t really become besties by the end of it and remain as friends who are close but ultimately aren’t ever gonna deepen the relationship. The other good ending was also very nice but man did I feel awful telling Achik I only pursued him for his looks, it made me feel so bad I for the poor guy. And getting the bad endings? Man. Being generally mean in games already makes me feel terrible, so in Tulipe where I flat out have to use manipulation and spike someone’s drink???? YIKES. All I have to say to that is thank god I can consider it wildly non canon! (I didn’t know where to say it, but Achik’s sunglasses make me giggle, they look so goofy in a good way!)
And lastly, I played 21 Questions…. *sob* Clem… love of my life… I finally got to be with you like I always dreamt!!!! Yeah, jokes aside as you can probably tell Clem’s become my #1 fav of Paranormal Club. He’s just so cute and lovable and relatable! I could rant about my love for them for hours. I adored how down to earth the story and its characters were, and my heart goes out to everyone on the dev team for breathing so much life into the game. Clem and Aurore are such fun characters to watch interact and I never doubted for a second that they were best friends! The duo also really remind me of myself and people I know irl so I was like “Yeah I’d fit right in with these too if they were real” the whole time. Speaking of relatability, boy did Clem’s vent scene hit so hard- it feels weird to say but I just adored how depressing that scene was, not to get personal but Clem’s entire vent just reminded me exactly of myself, like I’ve had the exact thoughts that they had, so the entire time I was ugly sobbing right there with Clem, it felt nice, cathartic too. I always really appreciate any piece of media that’s able to do that, so Clem’s kinda become pretty special to my heart <3
Every single one of these games was an absolute delight to play through, they’re all filled with so much love and care that I can’t help but admire each and every one of them. I hope you and everyone you’ve worked with on your games are proud of what you’ve made and know that they’re all such amazing experiences :) Whenever you decide to make your next project (after a nice and healthy break), know that your fish anon will be right here in my fishbowl ready to support you!
And with that I must take my leave and turn in for the night, I’m so ready to knock out. Goodnight!
First off… OH MY GOD
Your ask has been screened and sent to the other teams member + added to my personal gallery to remember because oh my 😭😭😭
I can’t put words on how much this ask feels to me, like, this is the reason i want to make art it’s for people to enjoy but i always doubt myself and like having point blank long comments about enjoying the biggest projects i worked on in my life so far is like- so important to me thanks you so much fish anon thank you !!! ( this is all i’ll be seing when i goes to sleep )
I’m really glad you liked the game, even nighshift ! This games is in my standard bad and i aim to remake it one day but i’m glad you add fun.
Answering some of the questions :
Yes Sam from nighshift and Sam from apple bag are the same person ! That why you meet erinna in both game. The events also happen at the same période.
The stranger’s name is Leila and they go by they/them.
The canon ending of tulipe is the first good ending :}
I will be taking a break as a dev yeah disidod need some rest.
Hope you’re also resting well !!!
Tons of love fish anon and again multiples thank you for not only playing my games but taking the time to writte all of this. It warms my heart and i’m grateful for your message. ❤️
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rhaenyradelights · 2 years
do you think rhaenyra has been softened by the show? people talk about how she and alicent have less initiative than in f&b (alicent not scheming, rhaenyra not killing vaemond herself, etc) and have been whitewashed in a way. i personally was expecting more crimes but also i didn't read it so idk. in my mind you are a rhaenyra expert so i wanted to hear your thoughts ❤️
okay here’s where i’m at. i think it is by and large not useful especially from a character perspective to continually judge the show against the book. we have established that this is not a traditional adaptation, that f&b is a textbook full of propaganda, and that the show is more than happy to diverge and expand as necessary. and i don’t know why this is SO difficult for people to do, but these are not people whose True Selves are recorded in f&b and then the show is mutating or taking away their feminism or whatever. the rhaenyra onscreen is not the rhaenyra in the book, and we have to find a way to engage with what we’re watching without using fidelity to the book.
people are currently OBSESSED with saying that the show is “taking away” alicent and rhaenyra’s “agency” but these are not real women!!!!!!! why is the only power some fans are capable of recognizing the power of being the one saying “yes kill them”. it’s utterly strange to me that humanizing these characters and placing them in a larger narrative context is making so many people regress into middle schoolers. the show is about gendered power and ruination, and the different forms battle and control pressed upon women based on station and circumstance, and the tragedy of looking for love in places where it cannot be given. showing rhaenyra and alicent strive for peace while amongst men who are thirsting for war isn’t whitewashing them, it’s giving added pathos and context so that when things change and they DO call for violence, there’s an understanding that there were other choices that could’ve been made, and other paths that weren’t taken. it’s storytelling 101. did people want rhaenyra to go from a young girl to a bloodthirsty killer at the first opportunity????? we’ve set the stage for future crimes and like….. a good narrative…. by showing how these women got to be where they are and how they feel about it… and they’re already complicit and responsible for so much wrongdoing, just bc we don’t see rhaenyra screaming “GO DOG GO” at daemon in the throne room doesn’t mean the show didn’t communicate that she approved of his actions (and maybe did so beforehand).
like not to be a cunt (and this isn’t directed at you) but grounding action in a story by expanding character motivation and having them work within an existing patriarchal framework in order to make a cohesive narrative and communicate the core themes of the story…… is just basic television storytelling. people complaining about “weakness” being “antifeminist” because these two women are clinging to the love they share DURING SEASON ONE OF THE STORY instead of jumping directly into a war they will be leading for the next three seasons…. is. stupid. just absolutely braindead and really hard to critique justly bc i have so much contempt for 90% of the fan engagement 😭
i’m looking forward to way more expansion of nyra’s character next episode and next season, i do think she’s had less to work with because the majority of the focus has been on the necessary work of centering alicent so the next three years aren’t just people cheering for violence with no thought. she’s definitely had weaker development so far but that’s not because she’s Weak. there are just far more subtle things going on with rhaenyra, who is a very internal character, and i think we’ll be laughing at having this conversation when she snaps and the war starts.
tldr crime is coming, it will be numerous, and in the meantime we’ve been given a season of character development and worldbuilding that will allow us to sympathize and empathize with these women, who DO exist in a reality where men control everything. that’s the point. it doesn’t make them weak or mean that they won’t show traditional power during the war.
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90363462 · 2 years
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Here's How To Have More Intense Orgasms During Sex, According To Experts
Arousal is a major key.
Kiarra Sylvester
Jun. 10, 2022 05:05PM EST
In addition to getting to the bag, the girlies want to know how to get to the orgasm – the intense ones that make you feel like you have superpowers. The topic of women and orgasm is often discussed and it’s mostly because they don’t happen often when, in reality, they should be! However, many factors work against women including society’s centering on male pleasure and penis people with antiquated rhetoric that implies women are meant to provide pleasure – not to receive it.
And even when men don’t think about this we’ve spent so many centuries discussing male pleasure–from the biblical to the pornographic that even the most well-meaning men can’t or don’t know how to deliver. This is not to say that there aren’t men out there who have an attitude that says “girl, fuck you” but that there’s lots of wiggle room for learning. As is the case for anyone.
In the words of one of my favorite TikToks (yes, my ability to speak TikTok is now a prerequisite of writing): prepare to be sick of me. Why? Because I’m that girl, the one willing to talk to you until you’re blue in the face (and maybe elsewhere) on this subject matter. I want you and your partner to be able to read the room, and while communication will play a large role in that, so will knowledge which comes in various forms (communication included).
However, today – here and now – we asked 3 experts about the best ways to reach uber-intense orgasms with your partner. Here’s what they had to say. 
Add More Clitoral Stimulation Before & During Penetration
“There are two major reasons why people with vulvas get the short end of the orgasm gap: penetration, especially intercourse, often doesn't stimulate the clitoris enough to help the person get to orgasm (the clit is the homolog to the penis and tends to be the center of sexual sensation for those who have one); and also, stimulation often doesn't go on long enough to help a person get to orgasm. This doesn't mean you should believe what you read in your spam–that a person with a penis needs to last all night. But, it does mean that the duration and focus of stimulation usually matters.
"So it will help to make sure the partner with the vulva is fully aroused when penetration intercourse begins. Often that is also sidelined--but what some call foreplay and I call arousal activities is what's missing in many couples' sex lives. Longer-duration intercourse can be great too–but only if the person being penetrated is fully turned on when it commences. Thrusting does not generally turn on a not-yet-turned-on person. It can even feel irritating, painful, or worse.
"From this, you may have noticed that I am advocating for high arousal. You pretty much cannot have amazing orgasms (or most orgasms) without it. From there, duration may make the orgasm even more amazing. But being turned on first is key. And of course, more clitoral stimulation (whether it is either partner adding pleasurable stimulation to the clit; oral sex; or playing with a vibrator before or during intercourse) are other ways to make this magic happen.” - Carol Queen, Ph.D., Good Vibrations Staff Sexologist
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Experiment With Learning How to Have a Cervical Orgasm
"What you probably haven’t heard of is the cervical orgasm. But don’t fret, that’s only because there’s little research to confirm or deny its existence. The cervical orgasm concept is potentially authentic, but I personally question whether this is more of a whole-body experience that’s producing a releasing effect. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The cervix is a donut-shaped portion of the uterus that’s made entirely of cartilage. Located at the lower end of the uterus, the cervix prevents whatever enters the vagina from going deeper than it should. 
"The center of this inch-long tube is said to be highly sensitive. When stimulated, it produces a strong orgasmic reaction that runs through the body, though its power is entirely dependent on the individual. The issue with orgasms stemming from the cervix is that, unlike the vagina and clitoris, there aren’t many nerve endings in the area, which is why a cervical orgasm is actually the result of other nerves–like the clitoris–being stimulated. It’s quite possible that some women do have innervation or nerve conduction, and therefore experience sensation at the cervix or near the cervix. But it’s not a common place for women to report orgasmic responses.
"However, there is indeed a sacred or goddess spot located just under the cervix that promotes an ecstatic orgasmic response. The best way to encourage cervical orgasms is through deep penetration. And fret not, men with 'below-average penises,' because deep penetration can be achieved through toys as well. Because no one orgasm is alike, the best way to find out how deep penetration works for you is through regular experimentation. In this case, gauge which speed and depth feel best for your partner.
"Additionally, I recommend experimenting with cervical orgasm when the woman is already aroused, as the flood of chemicals makes the deep thrusting sensations feel more amazing than painful. I also believe the best odds at attaining a cervical orgasm is to attempt it during or close to ovulation as the cervix is lower and easier to reach. Do not continue if it’s painful. Instead, keep her aroused. Lube helps. Cervical orgasms are easiest to achieve when women are close to orgasm. 
"But most of all, it’s important to note that you must be gentle when experimenting with the cervix as it is an entirely new sensation that can cause pain. Let her lead the way. This is for her benefit, after all.” - Dr. Mike Anderson, Ph.D., Sex & Relationship Expert
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Give the Body Ample Time To Be Efficiently Aroused
“It's true that a lot of women aren't reaching their full orgasmic potential. If a vagina owner is not efficiently aroused before starting penetration or clit stimulation, it’s not going to result in the orgasm of their fullest potential. Don't skip the build-up. It's a major factor that determines how intense your orgasm is. Get aroused, build it up to the heavens, and then get into direct stimulation! Edging might be a great way to reach intensified orgasm quickly or try simultaneous stimulation for an intense blended orgasm.
"It's all about arousal level and build-up time. To really get the most out of penetration or any kind of vulvic stimulation, you need to be efficiently aroused. Getting to that point may look different for everyone. But if you can spend ample time teasing, touching, or talking (whatever floats your boat), your orgasm will thank you. [When you] give your body time to respond to the stimulus the vulva and vagina will fill with blood making every touch that much more blissful.” - Lauren Johnson, co-founder of sexual wellness & sex education brand Berry Lemon
The one thing that stands out from each expert is that there are two keys when providing a more intense orgasm for your partner which require arousal and stimulation. Though each expert provided various ways to achieve a more intense orgasm, the recipe begins and ends with these two things. In my opinion, it translates to attentiveness – requiring selflessness and time – so do be sure that you’re able to provide your partner with these things when pleasure is on the table. 
That's the tried and true recipe for a more intense orgasm with your partner.
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This Viral Sex Toy Changed The Way I Look At Vibrators ›
I Tried A Vagina Personal Training Device And I Am Having The ... ›
Orgasms: Who has them most, least -- and why | CNN ›
How To Have Multiple Orgasms: 9 Tips For Women | HuffPost UK Life ›
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hedgethemaze · 7 months
So, Netflix's adaptation of ATLA...
I’ve only seen the first episode so far…
It was quite alright. Visually, I think it couldn’t look better, even if they tried – the environments especially looked incredible - I loved the Southern Air Temple locations the most, but also Wolf Cove.
I won’t comment much on the bending, except that it worried me for sec how slow earthbending seemed, however little we got of it, but take this phrase with a grain of salt as I’m no expert on the matter… that, and I’m probably more used to earthbending being more dynamic because of The Legend of Korra, oops!​😆
The main cast is nicely portrayed for the most part, imho.
No one is as goofy as their animated counterparts but that was expected and not at all unpleasant – I’m talking, mainly about Iroh… as toned down as he ended up, I quite liked his persona. Tho, I think Monk Gyatso was my favorite...
Oh, and I live for Appa! 🤍​💞​ That flying hairball is everything I hoped and I’m greatly pleased they didn’t mess him up😃
Overall, and I'm just saying this about the first episode only, this live action adaptation is worth every penny they put into this projec​t 👍
There were minor details I’m not 100% okay with but I’ll wait to watch more episodes to see if that changes as the show moves forward. (Suki, King Bumi, Master Pakku and Yue are the ones I’m looking forward to watch the most ​👀)
That said, the one thing I am not fine with is Zuko’s excuse of a scar – it barely passes as a black eye, imo – If that's the best they could do, they really dropped the ball with that one🤦‍♂️
What’s worse, it greatly downgrades Ozai’s character, if you think about it.
And I know the characters aren’t a carbon copy of their animated counterparts, nor should they, but c’mon, this is one of the main antagonists – THE main antagonist.
It is safe to say, at this point, many a people know the terrible acts and unscrupulousness Ozai is capable of. A man amoral enough to scorch half of his son’s face, which includes, disfiguring/melting his left ear…and all the live action does is to put a splash of dark color around the boy’s eye that resembles a slap on the cheek more than the cruel unforgivable way he actively chose to punish a thirteen y/o...
I’m willing to predict this detail as the shows biggest pity 👎​ – ofc, that alone cannot doom the entire thing and that’s a fact but… idk, it sort of diminishes a pivotal aspect of this father and son terrifying dynamic for me.
Foot note:
I'm not crazy about the show, I mean, I never thought Avatar needed a live action adaptation to begin with but it certainly looks stunning🙂
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eclipshift · 2 years
Thoughts about Hamilton Hamburg (in no specific order)
Alright bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes
I saw Hamilton in Hamburg and I have SO MANY THOUGHTS
First of all if you aren’t aware, The Hamburg performance is in German, and the show opened this Thursday (the first week of October)
my German level is very low… so if you’ve seen it or have thoughts about the lyrics I want to HEAR
But there were some things that I noticed with this cast that have me vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass:
First off the cast was incredible and now I need a cast recording or I will explode I need it NOW they are my new favorite cast I’m screaming and crying and throwing up
Hamiltons actor (Benet) is very goofy and young and makes for a GREAT act 1 Hamilton. (Act 2 as well, but his personality, look, and voice were particularly amazing for younger Alex)
He was also very sweet, I told him I was from the US and he got super excited, even asked ME for a picture on HIS phone before proceeding to introduce me to Lafayette/Jefferson’s actor and telling him I’m American
Laf/Jefferson's actor was also very enthusiastic and wanted to give me a hug :3
Lyrical stuff
Put a pencil to his brain, connected it to his heart
fucking lyrical genius
"Talk less, smile more" stayed in english :3
Instead of "you can't be serious" when Burr says "talk less, smile more", Ham say "in german please?" because it was in english
heehee fnunny
"And if you don't know, now you know, Mr. President"
"George Washington's going home" was kept in English. very special.
Literally just Hercules Mulligan
Farmer refuted???? My dog speaks more eloquently than thee??? THE MAN FUCJIGN BARKED
like full on bark bark grrr
Mans was off the shits
Also he had a tendency to stare wide-eyed at others and at the audience and it was very unsettling and very in-character and now that is just how I expect Hercules Mulligan to be
the switch to Madison was silly goofy because He went from crazy tailor to Quiet Sick Man and my brain could not comprehend why he was suddenly Normal™ and not barking at me
Just generally the Alex/John/Laf/Herc group had GREAT chemistry and it was very evident in their performance
Laurens did a lil "got your nose" thing with Ham in story of tonight
I can't pick up on accents in german but my expert sources (german friend) told me that Laf indeed spoke with a french accent
he was so bouncy and sassy he could have done a bend and snap and I would agree
The girls <3
Opted up at the end of satisfied, I nearly fell out of my seat and died
Eliza has a very gentle voice and it goes very well with the Angelica.
Peggyyyyy was so prettyyyyyyyyy
she had pigtailsssss
very sassy gurl
also her wig for Maria? I need it in the Louvre it was so nice
Mamma mia
He had a voice
so good so nice
OPTED UP AT THE END OF WAIT FOR IT, I nearly fell out of my seat Pt. 2
Dear theodosia orz
My mother cried
so good, very genuine
my father had very high expectations because he loves Tamar Greene with a burning passion
his expectations were exceeded
holy butts
One last time?? Again the fact that they kept the "George Washigton's going home" lyric in english??? It made it very emotional as an anglophone
I cried a little
All in all 11/10 I will fight god to see it again
OK THIS GOT VERY LONG I will probably think of more thoughts bout Blease i am Begging if you have thoughts please tell them to me my life will never be the same
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yardsards · 2 years
being trans makes you lgbt. But being aspec doesn’t. If you were cis, straight, and not dating someone who’s trans or otherwise lgbt, you wouldn’t be part of lgbt. It’s more of a descriptor like calling yourself a girl or a boy, not that you would. Being ace and trans or ace and bi or ace and gay would keep you in lgbt. But being just ace or aro isn’t quite as qualifying as a lot of aspec think it is. Unfortunately We’ve seen a lot of aspec people say things against trans and gay from perspective that cannot truly give them say. Unfortunately we’ve seen aspec admit to believing in “drop the t” while screaming acecourse and wanting to stop feeling oppression. A lot of the problems with acecourse are that aspec still receive worlds more respect and validity from outside communities because from those outside perspectives at least they aren’t gay or trans degenerates and perverts. We believe this is the true reason acecourse garnered a cringe history, because it was playing with the fact that straight people were identifying themselves as ace to put themselves within the community because it was in fact trendy and all of a sudden they could reap the benefits of attention coming with being seen as valid by a large part of the tumblr community, while also spreading hate and opression and preaching drop the t or claiming transmed arguments against a community that actually deserves support. Read or don’t it’s all good, but have a nice day regardless
i'm probably wasting my time replying to this but i'm gonna go over some of your points in case you're actually willing to learn. i may come across as angry at times, but i am just so tired of this kind of thing and i struggle to express myself with complete calmness and patience in regard to this kind of thing:
"being trans makes you lgbt. But being aspec doesn’t."
you don't get to tell me which parts of my identity are queer and which ones aren't. i have the lived experience of being trans. i have the lived experience of being aroace. using that knowledge and those experiences, i can wholeheartedly tell you that they are equally queer identities. i identified as aroace before i identified as trans, and i was just as queer in that period as i was after i realized i was also trans.
"If you were cis, straight, and not dating someone who’s trans or otherwise lgbt, you wouldn’t be part of lgbt."
okay this is gonna veer off topic from the ace thing but I just gotta say: WHAT??? you think dating a trans person makes you part of the lgbt community??? if a completely straight man dated a trans woman, that would not inherently make him lgbt: to say otherwise is to imply that his girlfriend is not a real woman and that is, y'know, pretty transphobic. jesus christ.
"But being just ace or aro isn’t quite as qualifying as a lot of aspec think it is."
who are you to come up to me and say you know our experiences better than we do??? who made you the expert on what it's like to live as an aspec person???
it's very ironic that you are talking about what you think our experiences are without actually having the perspective of what it's like to be us, immediately before claiming that we do that to the rest of the queer community.
"Unfortunately We’ve seen a lot of aspec people say things against trans and gay from perspective that cannot truly give them say."
this is not unique to aspecs; unless you are somehow every single lgbtq+ identity all at once, there are gonna be some experiences you don't understand and can't speak on. like, cis gays say shit about trans people despite not knowing what it's like to be trans all the fucking time. and some of them are, in fact, extremely fucking transphobic! you would (hopefully!!!) not say that all lesbians should be kicked out of the queer community just because some individual lesbians are terfs; after all, why should an entire orientation be kicked out the community just because a few assholes happen to also use that label?
"Unfortunately we’ve seen aspec admit to believing in “drop the t” while screaming acecourse and wanting to stop feeling oppression."
again, a few shitty individuals does not mean an entire orientation is bad. and honestly i saw A LOT less transphobia from the ace and aro community than i did from cis gay men and lesbians. and many of those shitty "ace people" were very obvious troll blogs but yinz were too blinded by your search for reasons to hate us that you missed it. this is not to say there weren't ANY shitty ace people, because every label with more than a few dozen people using it is gonna have some horrible people, but this problem was not uniquely bad in the aspec community.
"preaching drop the t or claiming transmed arguments against a community that actually deserves support."
(lumping this one in with the previous two) again, in my anecdotal experience, the aspec community actually tended to be more accepting about that kind of shit than a lot of the general lgbt community was. a lot of cis gay people were transphobic and a lot of binary trans people were transmeds/hated nonbinaries (and again! this does not mean that gay ppl and binary trans people are bad! a few assholes does not make an identity bad!). asexuals, aromantics, nonbinaries, (and sometimes bi/pan/etc. people) were often all lumped together as cringy trendy tumblr identities and spat on by the rest of the community. i, in my anecdotal experience, saw very few ace inclusionists (let alone actual asexuals) be shitty about nonbinary people. almost all of the transmedicalists i have come across have also been exclusionsists.
"A lot of the problems with acecourse are that aspec still receive worlds more respect and validity from outside communities because from those outside perspectives at least they aren’t gay or trans degenerates and perverts."
show me where the fuck that respect and validity is. cuz i sure as hell haven't received it. i've been told i was going to hell for "ignoring gods plan" because i didn't plan to get straight married and produce children (and this was before i realized i was trans!). i tend to hide my sexuality from bigots just like i hide my gender, but sometimes i bare myself to the wrong people and i get backlash for BOTH of those things, treated like i'm broken or a freak or degenerate. and you might say "but doesn't the bible encourage celibacy?" but the thing is, most bigots don't actually care about what their holy text says and really just use it as an excuse to persecute minorities that they already find repulsive.
"because it was playing with the fact that straight people were identifying themselves as ace to put themselves within the community because it was in fact trendy and all of a sudden they could reap the benefits of attention coming with being seen as valid by a large part of the tumblr community, while also spreading hate and opression"
straight people can also just straightup lie. like, a cishet girl could log on here and pretend to be a bisexual trans woman and no one could prove that wrong. it's the internet. lying like that to spread hate would actually be A LOT easier than claiming to be an identity that was already facing scrutiny. like, asexuality is not the only orientation a cishet person could call themself online.
not to mention how similar a lot of your sentence sounds to the shit people have said about nonbinaries. i lived through the "nonbinaries are just cis girls lying for attention" era on here. this is a recycled argument.
read this and take it to heart. then read some of the notes of that post and listen to the aspecs there talk about the bigotry they have faced, both offline and online, from lgbt+ people and from cishets. don't act like you know our experiences better than we do.
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lordfreg · 2 years
So like- I've been wondering this after I found out about Runna... How did she and Donnie meet?
Also, when did they get married and decide to have their lil baby?I JUST WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS CUTE LIL FAM😭😭
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU THANK YOUU OMGGG‼️‼️‼️‼️BRO ALSO SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING I SAVED IT AS A DRAFT AND FORGOT ABOUT IT 🙇🙇🙇VERY SORRY okay so rn runa is going through a HUGE character redesign and species change because……….. impulsive behavior and also it was getting difficult to draw her, BUT‼️, i will answer those questions …
IINNNNN AN UPCOMING FIC— I’ve been planning on how they meet for a while but I can give you more information about Runa, like a wiki article or something 💀, I hope that helps a lil cause i cannot start answering questions or else I’ll spill the entire story line💔 (im sorry I’m so mean😔)
Runa O’Crest comes from a powerful Yokai family that married into wealth, making her family name lower then royalty but still higher than a Duke/Duchess. She prides herself on her name and wealth, because that’s the core value that her mother, Princess Toriki, and her father, Prince Synson. -They aren’t Queens and Kings yet, because Synson’s father hasn’t given him the throne yet; So Toriki isn’t a real princess (a fact she refuses to address), making her a princess consort.
Runa’s parents are overly protective of their youngest daughter and only heir after their eldest daughter, “Tawny Owl,” abdicated. This causes them to almost pressure Runa into being a “perfect” princess, she feels like her life revolves around trying to impress her parents. Still, Runa sees that her parents favor Tawny over her, which causes her to feel like she’s not good enough.
(I should say that I barely have a timeline scratched together so this is really funky💀 this, currently, isn’t my biggest priority atm, so I haven’t really put a lot of time into this💔)
After her parents decided that she’s finally ready to go to the outside world, they let her go to April O’Neil’s high school/college(???), and that’s where she meets the Turtles. The Ninjas were investigating a strange uprising of mystic mumbo-jumbo on school property and April called the experts.
Donnie was quick to jump on this opportunity as he investigated the mysterious happenings and quickly found the cause; Yokai taking the forms of humans and attending school!
But before the Mad Dogs came to the conclusion that there is more then one Yokai going to this school, Donnie tracks a trail of magic to the punk-rock girl, Tawny. And subsequently her sister, Runa. 
April and Tawny have met before, just under harsh circumstances and thus ended up not really approving of each other. 
Donnie followed the trail of mystical residue with his magic-seeking googles; and ends up at the feet of Tawny O’Crest, the “rebel with a plan.”
After a brief introduction, Runa stomps over to her sister and demands to know what April is doing talking to her sister.
“Hey, Runa,” April called, “Why don’t you make like a tree and leave?” April hissed, getting closer to the mean girl’s face trying to intimate her.
“Why don’t you make like an overactive sebaceous oil gland cell, and get out of my face.” Runa hissed back.
“Did you just… reference human biology down to its microscopic exocrine glands?” Donnie said, scooting April out of the way and behind him, “To insult me?” He asked, angry, but mostly confused fascination.
“Yeah, what about it? You’re just jealous because I won first place in the Science fair!” Runa pouted back.
At this point Donatello was stunned. This-This total wet towel had won over his brilliant and ground breaking tech?! He would not stand for this!
“Excuse me,” he said softly, “WHAT?!” He shouted so loudly that Jersey could hear him. 
“That’s right, Grinchie,” Runa said, eyeing him up and down, “I won.”
“oKAY THAT’S IT!!” Donnie shouted, pulling a dramatic anime pose while pointing to the girl, “YOU. ME. RIVALS FROM NOW ON! Any objections?”
“Well, I think-.”
“GOOD!” Don shouted, “We are now rivals!!”
And with that, the Mad Dogs left and the rest is history. As you can see, Runa was very prissy and quite obnoxious. But after meeting the turtles and challenging them, competing with them, and ever befriending them, she starts to let her inner self shine.
She becomes more helpful and affectionate towards the Mad Dogs, and realizes how messed up her relationship with her parents is. And the scheme that was running along just beneath the surface.
You see, Runa’s parents had invested a lot of money into the Battle Nexes, only to have their only source of income and entertainment slaughter by a creature they told her to get rid of.
“What a fitting end.” Toriki hissed, “She did always like to keep pets.”
So, Toriki was like, “oh shoot😨 we need more money🧐 how will this happen🤔 I know!🤩 the Battle Nexes 2: electric boogaloo 🤩🤩”
And Toriki sends her beloved children into the human world to get the best fighters they know of (this is a post-cannon fic btw so after the movie), and force them to fight in the Battle until they die or find a better fighter.
They have their sights set on Leo.
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Owl and Rabbit hybrid because I’m indecisive af
tw/////dark subjects like sh and ed 🦋 SO; getting into Alexander’s trauma here, he’s very insecure about his plastron because it resembles Leo’s too much, making him feel kinda guilty for just,,,looking like donnie’s twin the slightest bit. He’s tried to smooth it out with filers (the nail things to sand your nails idk) and even sand paper, it’s kinda like self harm because it hurt really bad. And he was too scared to go to his parents so he went to April instead who told him that that wasn’t okay and his parents loved him no matter what. There’s still marks and scrapes but it’s mostly healed. (Originally drawing Alex with Leo’s plastron was a slight mistake but over time it kinda stuck and now you get lore) 
he was also getting bullied at the Hidden City school for being half mutant and half yokai, something he still refuses to tell people until he has confirmation that they will accept him in any way, but as he grew up it only got worse. They wrote it on his lockers and backpacks, they even drew it on his face when he fell asleep in class once! He never told donnie, (but his father figured it out pretty quick), because he knew donnie would obliterate the school if he found out. So he told runa who,,,,handled it a-prop-et-ly. After that he trusts people more easily and gets betrayed yadah, yadah, yadah…
And Alex has always felt he was different from everyone else, mostly because of his strong mystic energy, but I digress.
He felt extremely thin with his plastron and resorted to eating a lot, so much so that he would get sick. He would just eat random shiz too, but that’s more of a inherited trait because he used to just eat random stuff as a baby. 
But overall, he’s a happy kid, a little naïve, but mostly sweet. 
the only notes that I have on him are these ones ;
because donnie doesn’t like physical touch that much in his teen years and never really allowed himself to be all soft and affectionate towards his family and friends, when he’s an adult (future au with alex) he’s very cuddly and venerable. (not to his family but only to Runa and maybe alex if it calls for it) and that’s why future donnie doesn’t really wear his battle shell around the house
And that’s about it for Donnie since his personality doesn’t change that much.👁👁
Anyway, here’s some fun trivia facts because I need some way to end this ;
-Runa and Donnie are very similar yet different at the same time. Runa is mean because everyone told her she cared too much so she stopped caring completely. Donnie was just born like that and he’s just naturally defensive as a safety precaution.
-They argue a lot over who’s right, sometimes they seem to argue for fun. But they will never admit if one of them is wrong until they’re proven right. Then neither of them will bring it up ever again. Sometimes Donnie will let Runa prove she’s right just to see her smile and laugh. 
-When they game, don will let her win (rarely) just to see Runa’s dorky victory dance. Then it just turns into a dance party for everyone. 
-When in her Yokai form, she accidentally hits people with her tail feathers.
-Runa listens to Shake Your Tail Feathers from Chicken Little unironically. 
-Donnie makes dirty science jokes when he’s hormonal🫣. I.E. “Much like warm air molecules, I never stay on the bottom.” 
-Donnie learns what every single coo, chirp, squak and screech means in owl language. Runa and Donnie usually talk to each other like that so Donnie doesn’t have to admit how mushy he can get around his brothers. 
-They say a lot of things at the same time. Runa thinks a lot like donnie so she knows what a lot of complex abbreviations for blueprints are.
(I should mention the fun facts take place after they had Alex) SO, that is all I have about this family!! Sorry if it’s long it’s just I have SO much to talk about with them, and don’t even get me started on NEXT GEN au (it’s future au with the kraang and Alex and his friends and all that stuff). I’m just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SO, SO very happy you asked!!
Planning to write more in the future, so stay tuned ~~
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myimaginedcorner · 2 years
“Ah, Fate’s favourite children.”
Lights flicker. Golden shades rest on the woman’s skin, her ginger locks carefully scattered over her slim shoulders.
“You’re a rare encounter around here,” she laughs softly, pulling out a jar with blue and silver battling inside. “Alas, I presume Destiny monitors you much more carefully.”
A hoarse voice intervenes, a voice of a respectful age. Behind me, a creature hidden under a shapeless cloak rests their drink on the table, loud knock echoing through the chamber. Their eyes have no particular tone, years of exhaustion fading all prior colours away. A pair of wise, sharp pupils pierce through you like two spears, their attitude, however, leaving the barwoman unbothered.
“What do you mean, Ralph?” she asks, reading up a new glass for the brewage.
“I mean what I say,” scoffing, Ralph turns around so you can see their temples flash in silver. “Fate’s just bullshit. They’re trapped in that goddamn place, they all are.”
“Ah, Ralph, but aren’t you a bit too judgemental? Our guest here just arrived,” with nothing but a smile, the barwoman gives you a quick nod. “We cannot debate on matters so philosophical without an expert’s opinion.”
“As if,” Ralph’s eyes roll slightly up, snake gaze almost disappearing under heavy eyelids.
“Yes, Ralph, that would be just rude. We must take care of our customer first, and then we can express opinions. After all, we haven’t even heard them out yet.”
You’re served a cup of an uncommon shape: it represents a scale of crystal purity, rivets with pan-holders symmetrically attached to both sides of the beam. Through, you can see the twisted light of candles, bottles of wrong shapes, and the reflection of two emerald eyes, patiently waiting for your evaluation. On it, two different liquids lay within the vessels: right from you, blue smoke raises from an ocean deep to sight, silver floating beneath its surface in swirls of mysterious nature; left, white waits for you, a blizzard climbing up the strings, mist hiding shadows in its diffused realm.
“I’ve tried to replicate your signature beverage,” leaning upon the table, the server’s smile grows wider. “Heard it was made for the peace treaty of the millennia.”
It’s the first time they hear your voice. A bit shy, slightly unused to being put to work. Quiet, dry throat preventing you from being more confident. You weren’t expecting to use it so soon – however, you’ve encountered a dilemma. You’ve never heard of that treaty.
“And here you’ve scolded me for being too straightforward…” mutters Ralph behind my back.
“I’m not straightforward, Ralph. I’m realistic!” she shrugs shoulders. “Beings never survive without peace. Somewhere, someone has definitely declared a peace treaty, and we’re celebrating that.”
“You haven’t even asked them when they’re from.”
“Does it matter? It all comes to peace or war. And war eventually comes to peace,” her smile shines. “So, I’m correct no matter their answer.”
You sigh, shaking your head. Their talk confuses you, your mind still not recovered from the ever-present darkness. You still feel void’s touch on your skin – it sends you into shivers.
“Ah, darling, here I am again, losing the conversation!”
Giving it a dramatic sneer, you are once more centre to her attention.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t leave my customer so lost when they’ve just arrived. You’re so beautiful, honey – what’s your style called? Or is it a specific creature that you’re portraying?”
Human – You're one, aren't you? Well, if you're not, I'm surprised: humans are one of the most widely spread species in the entire Universe. With their origins traced as far as Earth itself, humans are highly adaptable to any kind of environment. They survive in any habitable planet, and are inclined to quickly acquire the most profitable resources to help them in their settling. They're smart, cunning, and versatile: despite their weaker anatomy, they compensate it by having the most advanced defensive and offensive technology in the entire Cosmos. In worlds as magically charged as Therania, humans quickly became skilled mages and healers, building their first cities in lands deemed impossible to prosper in.
Satyr – Nature's guardians. Satyrs aren't that widely spread across the Universe, requiring of specific habitats to live in: they're strongly dependent of an abundant source of magic present in the world's layers, as well as they require of big forests to protect and settle. In most cases, they also need a divine patron that would imbue them with power and immortality - that makes the satyrs some of the innately strongest species on Therania's grounds, but also, some of the most limited ones. They never leave their forests if they're bound to Nature. Otherwise, they are stripped of all their privileges, and become as weak as humans, with their agility being the sole perk that makes them more flexible in their movements. They also get subjected to the 'golden fever': those that experienced true power once, become thirsty for more, and search for new ways - sometimes, illegal ones - to bring that feeling back.
Elf – Scholars. While there are as many approaches to elves as there are Authors on Earth, Therania's elves claim to have one of the oldest ancestries within this species' history. Born as a native race to this magical planet, the elves are creatures of a long lifespan, obsessed with knowledge and research. Most of them spend their entire lives exploring one single topic, learning all what they can about a certain field, and writing papers for future generations. Some have more practical professions, however, they approach them with the same amount of dedication. The amount of time an elf has given to a certain topic can be seen reflected in their appearance: the bigger grows the percentage of their lifespan sacrificed to a certain matter, the more their skin, eyes, hair and even shapes mimic what they have been researching. And yet, despite their drive for progress, the slow, and often eccentric nature of elven research doesn't help Therania's stagnant scientific and magical progress, with little difference brought by the last generation of elven scholars, engineers, or even adventurers.
Berserk – also known as 'the humans from the Battle Lands', little is known of the berserk's actualy history. With no writing tradition present in their culture, various are the legends surrounding these warmongering species, whose mentality is set on constant struggle against each other. Strong, resistant, berserks are split into two factions bound by eternal war: children of Amtell, who believe in magical enhancement of their abilities, and children of Galtris, whose sole path in life is the constant breakthrough for their physical capacities. Both blame each other for the conflict, yet both believe that conflict is the only stage in which their species can exist. Followers of the Old Gods, they grow and live to be a weapon, fight bringing balance to their meaning.
Dryad - if satyrs are Nature's guardians, then dryads are Nature's spawns. They're products of a heavy magical presence within a forest: when energy exceeds a certain level, tree souls are able to acquire a shape, a so, a dryad's born. Bound to their trees at first, dryads live and die with their parent plant, their lives consisting of a carefree existence in the woods' most profound thicket. Often they're seen near lakes and rivers, for their own bathing keeps their trees refreshed in the driest times. Usually, no dryad leaves the forest where they have been born, unless their tree has moved locations. However, everywhere exceptions are to prove the rule. Some dryads, losing their tree, don't disappear immediately, but can live up to what is half of a human lifespan. What happens to them, is unknown: one cannot even imagine what is for a soul to lose its heart and body.
Honsa - In caves far from any sight, in labyrinths so old they were still carved beneath Therania's soil, a species known to barely anyone exists. They spend their time between two worlds, their eyes used to both light and darkness. With settlements built where sun isn't welcomed, they often walk between the other creatures, their presence, nonetheless, unnoticed to unknowing eyes. They're shifters - their true appearance hasn't been recorded by a scholar yet. Often, they choose to look like some exotic angel, and so, it is considered that their real body has its wings. They tend to also be quite big and high, their necks only slightly longer than the rest of species. Their image changes according to the situation, and their adaptability knows no bounds: their wings can be as soft as fluff or as hard as the strongest metal; their breathing can be air sucked into lungs, or water passed through gills. They can survive even the most extreme situations, and so, killing them is extremely hard. They do, however, never show their real face, and that points to a major weakness.
Skazka - Hello.
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