#this is really rambly im so tired its like two am i was gonna write and i did not
the-kipsabian · 1 year
done with the second worst part of cleaning, i have vacuumed
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noah-be-silly · 10 months
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Some All-star Assistant Noah doodles ^^
Ramblings under the cut beware I am delusional :3 Also my grammar is atrocious-
Probably takes place after RR cuz I would of loved the reality TV pros last line to mean something we were R o b b e d
Noah takes up the offer to be Chris's assistant again and decides to start making his way up the Hollywood ladder :D. He's working hard and we love that for him.
After world tour Chris kinda forgot he put Alejandro in the Tdm so he was converted into a break room table :b. Noah's really busy and kinda needs his own assistant to keep on top of his assistance work, so he cleans him up for simple requests and stuff. He gets a star sticker if he's done a good job :D (WDYM Noah's totally not humanising the robot naurrrrr-) Surprisingly it's his most competent and friendly coworker :b
Noah then gets promoted to Assistant/director/animal handler/robot handler/host for the All-stars season, mostly because nobody is willing to work with Chris again after the last couple seasons (he is so overworked and tired he's in his natural habits,aka on the brink of collapse). I'm not gonna take away the interns tho we love the interns. MENTOR INTERN NOAH OMG THE INTERACTIONS IM INSANE IM GOING IN THE DOME.
But like seriously I want Al and Owen to bond over being younger brothers (hc Owen is a middle child with two older and younger brothers since both have been said in canon) like just let them talk about being left out and ignored but still having responsibility and expectations put on them. Give me Owen who went on TD so maybe his parents could just remember he existed. Give me Alejandro and him getting along ok it could be great I love hating but CMONNNNNNNN ajidjijsijs
I'll probably write more in another post but I'm drawing blanks rn so shuhushhshuhauuhshshsjis
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for the valorant agents: Gekko, Neon, Yoru, Phoenix with sova and chamber or whoever you feel with an s/o that when they’re in danger is able to kill whatever or whoever’s endangering them wether it’s like 15+ people or so (like Millie with moxie from helluva boss)
hi anon! tysm for the request!!!! this was a blast to write ahhh!!! :D (also i love helluva boss omg)
but i hope i wrote this right!!!
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the two of you were on a mission at bind, it was simple. you go difuse the spike while he was assigned to watch your back.
he had to walk a few feet away to pick up wingman for five minutes, you would be fine right?
once he picked up wingman, he heard a loud bang behind him and a loud celebratory woop
"oh fuck."
he turned around and saw the familar wild colours from raze's showstopper.
"no no no! shit you good?" he called through the smoke
he hated the silence he recieved back. as the smoke cleared he saw your paint covered and burnt body.
"...cariño?...shit, wingman, go get the others. i got these guys."
he pulled out his customized spectre as he prepared to fight. he detained as many as he could before swiftly wiping them out one by one.
when the team arrived with wingman, sage quickly rushed to your side to aid you.
once he finished taking care of the enemies, he ran to your side
"i am so sorry...i thought i could go grab wingman but you got hurt...i am really sorry.."
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a/n: this is small bc i wrote a whole ass essay for neon and it deleted....im so mad...im just trying to summarize it
that was the last thing before you felt a sharp pain in your stomach as your vision went black.
you don't know what happened, but somehow yoru had gotten behind you. it was supposed to be a quick and simple mission. neon took A-site and you took B-site. unfortunately, right when neon approached B-site to check on you. she saw it.
red. the snow was covered in a beautiful shade of red. and it wasn't from your attacked. neon could feel electricity enter her fingertips as she lost control of her abilities.
you felt neon carrying you before falling uncomcious.
neon carried you to the jet and brought you to sage.
"im sorry...when i saw them like that i just...lost control of my abilities.."
"its ok, you did it to protect them. you saved them."
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he was just returning from his "run it back" when he opened his eyes to see the enemy phoenix staring back at him, aiming his ghost at his own forehead.
he went to grab for his ghost but he found an empty holster.
"ah shit."
"you really thought i wouldn't just take your weapon? i'm not as foolish as you are."
phoenix braced for impact as he heard the gun fire, but the shot never came. he nervously opened his eyes to see you standing infront of him, a gunshot hole through your shoulder as you pushed the enemy phoenix away.
"dear?! what the-"
he watched as your limp body falls to the ground, feeling worry and rage overtake him.
"oh fam...your gonna regret that." he says to the opposite phoenix as the rest of his team approaches for backup.
when skye arrived at the site to treat you, she did not expect to see 5 charred bodies sprawled across the ground.
"mate...what happened?!"
"they ambushed us. (name) saved me cause i made a dumb mistake. go heal them, i am fine." he said with a dark tone to his voice
when skye healed you and you awoke, you were immediately greeted to the smell of burning. you turned your head towards phoenix as you saw him crouch beside you.
"thank god...why would you do that?! i'm sorry if i had checked my surroundings better you would have-" he rambles
you cut him off with a kiss as you feel his tired body begin to relax.
"no. i should have thought of a better plan. i am sorry i worried you."
for the next few days of your recovery, he will be by your side assisting you with anything you need. both of you content to try and ignore what happened that day.
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prior to meeting you, he was an extremely anger filled person. he still gets angry easy, but not as badly as before. you taught him how to control his emotions
but if he were to see you ganged up on in a mission, he would just lose control.
he was over at A-site at haven preparing to extract the radianite, before hearing your frantic voice shout through the comms for backup.
his heart dropped, he realized why his site was so empty along with the others. they had five-stacked onto one site. you had gone to C-site all alone. shit.
he immediately threw the spike towards Astra who had accompanied him to the A.
"stay here. i will go provide backup."
"alone? alright...stay safe."
he quickly teleported to your C-site to be met with a shocking sight. your battered and blood covered body lying down on the rough ground. burns and scratches littered your arms and legs. phoenix..
he looked up from your body to see the enemy phoenix, jett, chamber, astra, and skye staring at him with bloodthirsty gazes. they had teamed up on you because you were alone... how fucking sick could they be to attack a helpless sentienel.
he felt himself snap as he caught the enemy phoenix's cocky smirk. the cunt was proud of what he did.
when you regain conciousness, you are lying on the ground surrounded by the shredded corpses of the omega agents, a stained red yoru standing above them with his famous butterfly comb stained.
he turns around and immediately runs to your side.
"shit...thank god you are awake. don't move. help is coming ok?" he softly whispers while carressing your blood matted hair.
"are they...?"
"don't worry about them, you are safe now darling..."
when you make it back to base, you find out he took them all down on his own. when astra arrived at the site she had to practically tear yoru off of where he was mauling the corpses of the omega agents bodies.
he was ordered to talk to sage about his anger, but he never regretted what he did. he did it to save you and all that mattered was he had you back with him.
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he is used to killing to protect those he loves, this is nothing new to him.
he might be a cold killer, but you always knew he would never hurt you.
if someone was threatening you, he would keep them away using blackmail, but if it was more serious, he was prepared.
he sat waiting at the doors for the agents who had gone on your mission to come back. he was ready to greet you but he never thought he would have seen KA/YO holding you slung over his shoulder covered in blood.
he immediately freezes as he watches KA/YO rush to Sage's office. but he quickly recovers and follows quickly behind silently.
when sage caught sight of your body, she grimaced knowing it was bad. she ordered everyone out and allowed her space to work.
cypher was left with no answers as to what happened, as he sat anxiously outside Sage's office he hears KA/YO's robotic voice informing Viper of what happened.
"they went to go flank A alone, but their cypher must have seen her coming. when we arrived at A-site they were gone with the spike, they must have ambushed y/n and left her there for us to find...it was..bad. skye was able to help a little bit but...when we got there, they were missing their hand. im pretty sure they were awake when they did it."
cypher could feel his blood BOILING. it was one thing to knock someone out, it was another to mutilate someone while they were awake. that wasn't fighting, that was mere torture.
he knew in this job people would get hurt. but he never thought they would ever go this far.
he was greatful you had lived, but he felt a burning feeling in his body.
as viper walked by, she stoped and turned to simply say.
"i know she was special to you Cypher, but don't do anything stupid. we don't need two people to revive."
he stood in place before walking to his room, he would make sure they couldn't hurt you. EVER again.
at the peak of night, he slipped out of his room and headed towards the armoury. he grabbed a ghost and a phantom before quietly walking towards the loading dock. he would make them regret ever hurting you.
in the morning, you were awoken to a tired looking sage.
"welcome back my child. you sure gave us a scare there. how do you feel?" she smiled wistfully
as she filled you in, you couldn't help but wonder where your partner was. typically he was by your bedside until you woke up.
"Ling...where is Cy?" you softly asked
she grinned at the nickname "don't worry, he is in brimstones office. your little boyfriend pulled a stunt to avenge you."
"oh god, is he ok? what did he do?" you sigh
"oh don't worry, he is fine! the agents who ambushed you on the other hand.."
you and sage converse for a while, before you see cypher nervously walk into the room
"my darling! how are you feeling? do you need anything?" he asks worriedly
"i feel good amir. don't worry. sage is taking good care of me!" you chuckle
he sighs in relief, he may have gotten a lecture (and maybe some cleaning duty...) but it was all worth it to see your face again.
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☤ Sage ☤
full battle sage mode
she would grab an odin off her copies body and just start spraying.
"you will not kill my allies!"
the second the enemies were down, she rushes to your side to heal you.
she will work all night if she has to, as long as it brings you back to her
"please wake up dearest...i can't live without you."
sorry idk what to write for sage HELP
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a/n: aaa tysm for the support on my last posts!! im so glad that people are enjoying these! :) im currently working on some other requests so stay tuned ^^!!
also i apologize for the delay!! i have kinda had a lack of motivation lately so i struggled to finish it...
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oukabarsburgblr · 4 months
PLSSS ramble about something interesting about your course, like I'm very invested as someone who sucks at math and chemistry, but also cuz word is that engineering is no joke so I'm curious about how you're handling that
But anyways, goodluck and stay safeee🫶🫶
Oh my u just allowed my nerd side to come out HAHAH TQ FOR ASKING 💋💋
Engineering is definitely not a course u can joke about as in if youre having doubts for taking engineering, immediately dropout or discuss w ur advisor/counsellor. As soon as u sunk urself into the field, you'll find yourself drowning if you arent able to keep up.
Applies to other fields as well but engineering is a pretty tight leeway education-wise. I can only yap about chemical engineering since thats the one im taking.
Backstory about my place of education: 1 semester equals to 4 months meaning 1 year have 3 semesters which is considered very fast since we have to cram assignments, two tests, multiple quiz and final exams for multiple subjects all in 3 months (1 month for sembreak). Its a very famous uni (if you know pls keep quiet and dont doxx me) and is known for producing top-notch engineers since its related to an engineering company so competition here is high and is very costly to pay (for subjects not food or hostel)
Foundation year i took : chemistry (1&2), physics (1&2), mathematics (1&2), moral/religion, english yada yada. Its just basic stuff and if u find urself struggling in this year, ure gonna die in the next.
First year, still covering basics of chemical engineering, still share same subjects as other courses such as engineering mathematics yada yada and minor subjects. Low amount of core subjects (2) for each sem
Second year (current), deep dive into chemical engineering, lots of lab stuff. Ive crystallized sum stuff hoho and i got a taste of what the industry is like
Supposedly after that during my third year i will be going for an internship and a final year (fourth year) where ill be making a fyp (final year project) and graduate!
Chemical engineering covers a lot of the engineering field. U can literally steal another course's job (except for computer and electrical) because the subjects that you're taking is very heavy and broad.
Hence, why chemical engineers are very sought after and why it is such a hard course to deliver.
Now from the subjects themselves, i would say CE covers a lot of chemistry, mathematics and physics. Biology is GONE. language you just gotta focus on ur wording for reports but theres also minor subjects to polish ur soft skills (professional communication skills, academic writing, work ethics, etc etc)
Can u believe i got a B+ for academic writing???💀 with the shit i wrote here HAHA maybe i deserved it.
Its quite a shocker since i score my core subjects really well until the minor ones come kick u in the ass.
Although i have to say that theres no use in having a flawless GPA if u have zero skills or achievement out of a test room. I have three clubs and joined 4 events so far. (I am tired of being the head of department for sponsorship) and am currently the vice president for my club etc etc. People will probably be interested in u for a bit if they find out u got 4 flat GPA but the second u show that u have an empty slate, goodbye.
As i said, competition in my uni is very high so i have never received an achievement in my department/university for like best student award or wtv. Kinda grinds on my inferiority complex ARGH
If ure not interested in chemistry nor mathematics, i really dont suggest u join engineering. Unless its electrical/computer.
Mechanical is hard too, covers a lot of physics but the most physic ish one is definitely civil engineering where you'll play w cement a lot.
If ure interested in chemistry but not engineering, try applied chemistry. You'll sit in a lab 24/7
U can definitely switch courses in my uni but its gonna be a waste of money since its very costly or a hassle to transfer credit so i suggest u talk with a professional regarding these things.
How i manage my studies, club activities, tumblr while maintaining a 3.89 GPA?
The week before a test, study. Two weeks before exam, study. The day before a quiz, study. Read thru lectures. Make notes from lectures. Do the example from lectures. Do tutorials from lectures. Do past year questions.
Every single one of my slide lectures i have rewritten in my notes. (My way of studying)
Club activities is a number two but its a great way for me to polish my leadership yada yada and its just a great way for me to peek into an office-work environment (my club is the university's support unit)
Tumblr- whenever im horny, i write that shit down on how a man would handle me and finger my ass. Today, i wrote two drafts and jerked off so hard my legs were shaking and i swore to never masturbate again.
Feel free to ask for more LMAO
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official-osha · 7 months
alright, so im gonna continue to be less active on here for a while - probably. we'll see. explanation of things below the cut. its long and rambly im typing this up at midnight in between discussing saw with someone sorry
im at a crossroads with this blog. i feel an expectation to live up to the OSHA thing, and i want to, but also... i want to continue offy's story, and roleplay.
theoretically, both could coexist, but i know the larger part of you all dont care about offy very much, and i feel deeply embarrassed when i do roleplay because of this. i appreciate the following i've amassed, but it's... a lot. and i'm tired and busy.
i haven't felt motivated to roleplay like i used to here for pretty much almost two years. the OSHAverse is pretty inactive these days. and i don't know how i want to close out offy's character arc.
diving into the roleplay thing more - i started this blog when i was a mentally ill 14 year old going into public school for the first time since the first grade. a lot of offy's earlier interactions and behavior reflects this, because i projected onto them and used them as a way to vent. i'm deeply unhappy with how i used to write them. if i could, i'd reboot them, but with the OSHAverse being the way it is... that's not easy. i'd have a hell of a lot of people to have discussions with, some of whom i haven't seen roleplaying in a year or more. and because the organizational system on my blog is a fucking nightmare, that adds another layer to the mess.
so im faced with a few decisions: keep going even though i really am unsure, move offy and their roleplaying onto another blog, or just do a mass retcon on this blog.
as to why i havent made another blog for roleplay in the first place - tldr i like attention. longer version is this has always been a roleplay blog so if you remove that its like. alright. what am i doing with myself now. i have all my followers here and shit, and i also value audience participation in offys story [even if i uh ... dont make it easy for you guys to participate]. but at the same time, i know you people arent here for roleplay. also im unfortunately deeply aware that a large part of the site considers the OSHAverse cringe
ill probably make a poll sometime in the future to see what the people want, if anyone has input they want to offer now itd be appreciated. no matter what though, the blog will stay up if i dont get any copyright infringement notices or anything. if anyone has a link to one of those mass taggers that would allow me to tag a post that comes from a specific date or earlier itd be appreciated so i can tag older posts.
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lyxvija · 3 months
heard you wanna ramble about our bug bf huh? GO AHEAD!! make it angsty.... here's my suggestion HUEHEUEHUE im feeling evil.
s/o sees him getting touchy with the twins, its just his nature, but they're jealous, they try to get at him, fail miserably. and when they confront each other He's already in a pissy mood after a long day of work, maybe he yells at them, maybe tries to dismiss them, they're not communicating, throwing accusations at each other.
OR MAYBE! he's gone too long and been too busy at work and can't spend much time with his s/o and so they try to discuss it with him but he's too tired and grumpy to hear it.
OR EVEN THIS!!! The twins or someone get into his head, telling him that s/o only wnats him for his money
or maybe even get a lil
iykwim 👀
ramble to us pookie wookie 🤭🫶🏻 /pos /gen /friendly
i think ill go with being the 🪐 anon just future reference 🫶🏻
Okay powerful magic spaceball floating in the universe Anon...
HEAR ME OUT. I already had a similar scenario like that in mind one month ago and PLANNED to write a one-shot about something like that! >: D If it's okay, I´d like to do that one now. <3You get:
Mammon x Gen! Neutral Reader TAGS: Cheating, kinda break-up, ANGST
Mam and Reader have a fight, Mammon makes a horrible mistake and now has to pay the price.
Edit: I went overboard...accidentally wrote half of a one-shot. XD
So this is part one.. hahahahah
Mammon and you were a thing now. Well, for quite some time. You were overjoyed when the King of Greed seemed to get interested in you. It wasn't easy, not gonna lie, but you two managed. Mammon wasn't the easiest to be around, but somehow, you still loved him regardless. Despite what your friends told you, it felt genuine. Like he really meant it and didn't see you as some kind of arm candy or pet to keep just for fun. Your heart told you that, so you simply ignored everyone's remarks.
Mammon was extremely jealous and possessive. There was hardly any moment when you interacted with somebody else, where he didn't feel the need to step in and show the other that you were his. At home (well his home since the mighty king would never spend any second in your shitty apartment so he just took you with him) he often made nasty remarks of how dude A surely had the hots for you or that gal B was just after you to get closer to him. It was absolutely ridiculous! Every time you told him that this was not true, that you only have eyes for him, even if somebody else WOULD have a crush on you. In some way you even felt flattered that a Deadly Sin would be so protective over an unimportant hellborn like you.
But GOSH, one day he even went wild because you talked to the Glam sister. For real?! Yes, Glitz had been frisky, but hell! They are flirty and cocky with everyone! No matter how much you tried to ensure him that you DID NOT have a thing for them and that they were in no way any danger to you and him, Mammon´s jealousy and anger never seemed to fade.
"Yeah? If ya really aint fallin for their jiggly boobs, why did you smile at them and oh bring them some fucking coffee?! And by the way, I SAW HOW YOU LOOKED AT GLAM´S FAT ASS!!"
You stared at him for a second. "Excuse me??"
Again, you stared at him in disbelief. "Wtf? First, I smile at them because I am just being nice to them! Second, where the hell am I supposed to look when they ask me which of their butts are bigger? And third-"
"THEY FUCKING ASKED WHAT?!" Mammon screamed in his demonic voice, steam pouring out of his mouth with every breath. He pinned you against the wall. Eight eyes of glowing green bore down onto you.
You should have been afraid, but couldn't help to feel another thing:
You felt offended.
Baring your in comparison way smaller teeth, you hissed at him. "For hell´s sake! Get your shit together Mammon! Fuking belive me when I tell you that nothing happened!" Your sudden outburst seemed to have startled him. Never had you snapped at him like that.
"Why would you even believe I would do such a thing?! Don't you trust me??"
The big Jester fumbled with his words, but managed to grumble under his breath: "How the fuck am I supposed to know.. I mean-"
"How are you supposed to know? Are you serious?? Gosh! Because I tell you every god damn day! Maybe that´s how!"
Now he just stood there, clenching his fists and facing the floor. His expression sour. "I jus´ don't like sharing you with others... okay?"
Your posture softens and you put your hand on one of his lower arms.
"It´s okay. I know you have difficulties with that, Babe. I am sure we can work this out. Okay?" <3
He was quiet for a few seconds but then answered: "Yeah...but could you please talk less to them? You know... it is making me angry."
You inhaled and held your breath, trying to hold back your frustration. It was obvious it wouldn't be easy with him, but you honestly would expect a bit more from an immortal entity than acting like a damn man-child. A Mam-child. Oh dear...
"No, sorry can not do. I work with them. I have to at least talk to them. Besides, you have to learn to trust me. You can't force me to keep away from people only because you want me to. This is not how it works!"
Mammon huffed, gripped your shoulders and drew your face close to his. "Listen, you little brat, I am really trying here! So cut me some slack and get your cute little ass off and away from them." His voice was low and threatening. This was in no way a suggestion. This was a demand.
"No." you said firmly and looked him deep in the eyes.
"No?" he repeated. Sparks danced around his features. Mammon tried to intimidate you just like he did with all of his employees and servants. But you were no servant. While the tone and his looming presence made your heart race and your knees weak, you still refused to give it. While it was true that you were just a measly hellborn in comparison to a mighty entity like him, but last time you checked you were his lover. His little gold nugget.
"I said no! You cannot tell me what to do and who to stay away from...just like I could never tell you to stay off the Glam sisters. I saw how they try to get in the sheets with you! But do I make a fuss about it? No!"
Mammon started to laugh. "Ya think I can´t tell you what to do? Pleeeaaase. I am your boss AND your king! If I tell you to get me some coffee, you bring me some coffee, If I tell you to hold my golden staff while I take a shit, you better do so and if I tell you to not get anywhere near those slutty cunts, you better do!"
He painfully clenched your cheeks between his thumb and index finger. You stared at him wide-eyed, trying to pry his hand off you.
"Did I make myself clear or do I have to repeat?"
It was the first time you had ever felt afraid of him. With his smirk twisted into a sadistic grin and his green glowing eyes staring down at you, there was no trace of your sweet boyfriend. The intensity of his glare was too much for you to handle
With panic growing inside your chest, you yelled at him. "Let me go! NOW!"
"As you wish." Mammon released you at once, making you fall down to the floor.
You rubbed your behind and looked up at him. Tears started to well in your eyes. His words and the way he treated you, shocked you.
Mammon huffed offended and frowned. "Tsk! Come on! Now that didn't hurt."
"You... You can't treat me like this! You are my boyfriend, remember? You can´t treat me like some sort of...like.." you stuttered, holding back your tears. What hurt the most the disinterested look he gave you. How he dismissed your feelings. Somehow it scared you even more that he didn't even give a shit of the effect he had on you right now.
"Now listen here, cunt! I can do whatever I want and with whoever I want! What do you think? That you have some kind of power over me? is that what you´re thinking? Is that what gets you off?? Hah! is that why you spend your fucking breaks with these other vermin instead of coming to my office? Oh yeah! You must feel so fucking powerful making ol´ Mammon pissed-"
"THAT IS NOT TRUE! THAT IS NOT TRUE!" You shouted, tears still streaming down your cheeks. You were disturbed of the absolute paranoia, the things he told himself, the way he thought about you. It was like someone put a knife in your heart and stirred it.
Your heart almost stopped hearing insult after insult. He was out of his mind. You couldn't even comprehend what he was saying. What is happening here?! How did things escalate so quickly??
"Okay... I am going home.. and you.. you.. calm down." You tried so hard to sound steady but failed miserably. Your sobbing kept on interrupting. "W-We talk.. tomorrow."
With that, you turned around and left. You didn't even try to hide your pathetic crying.
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marcusdoodlesalot · 1 month
Really sorry I keep bothering you with asks about Good Enough and the au surrounding that (the positive brainworms are persistent and I read that fic for comfort)
But in one of the final chapters of the fic, when the gays visit Ordon, Ilia mentions that she plans on moving to Castle Town and hints at bisexuality. Do you plan on her joining the main group? Is she gonna be shipped with anyone in the group? Because a pairing of her and maybe Ashei might be funny, like they're both fairly assertive and blunt people so even just talking it'd be interesting to see how they interact.
And also, she'd be seeing Twi open up and probably be more comfortable and open than he'd been in Ordon, and maybe she'd feel guilty and feel like she should've been able to provide that safe space? And also, there's the question of how she'd act in a place where she doesn't have the reputation of 'Major's daughter', whether she'd take pride in that or feel freed.
Idk, I'm just tired rambling, please don't feel forced to actually write all these ideas, I'm just in love with your fic and think too much-
Listen, I NEVER mind answering Good Enough questions, you think you have brain worms for that AU? I think about it all the time, so I will rant about it forever.
Also, yes! Ilia has some unrealized feelings about girls she doesn't realize is Not Straight. As for her and Ashei, that is, in fact, the plan! I love pairing those two up, especially in a relationship of like "Are they best friends? Enemies? Or in love with each other?" I plan on writing a short little fic of Ilia moving to Castle Town and realizing many things as she tries to not to get a crush on all the hot women that her gay best friend hangs out with.
Honestly, when it comes to Ilia not being the Mayor's daughter, its kinda weird. Like, shes a bit unsure of her place in the place she lives now and who she meets to be her friends, but that uncertainty is what makes her excited. She's nervous, yes, when she gets added into the group (what, you think Twi, much less SHAD will let her be isolated in the same city they live in? Fat chance.) but she also doesn't have the expectation of being "perfect".
And, yeah, she does feel kinda guilty but also a little salty. She's his supposed best friend (or at least, he's hers) and he didn't feel comfortable being himself around her? It hurts. She's salty but she also kinda gets it, so she doesn't mention it or let it control her emotions.
But, yeah! I have big plans or this AU, and im still having a lot of fun writing it! Right now I'm writing a fic where Shad tries to control two kittens and is, ultimently, failing. Have a little sneak peak:
“I am-” “MEOW!” “Just give me-” “MEOW!” “Would you calm down? I am-” “MEOW!” “-trying to get you-” “MEEEOOOOWWWW!!!” “-your food!” But Banjo listened not, circling around and around, screaming louder than Shad thought a cat could, getting up on her hind legs and trying to reach for them. Baby spade was not behaving much better, jumping up on the counter and getting a huge chomp of food before being dropped off of it over and over again, forcing Shad to hold the cat in one hand as he tried to portion out their food in the other. It didn’t help that Link insisted on only getting the best food with supplements and organs and toppers. Shad had agreed, after listening to the twenty three minute (he had timed it) lecture about house cat nutrition in the pet food aisle while shopping after Shad had asked why they couldn’t just do one big bowl of kibble that they would only have to refill every other day. Apparently, he was wrong and he did not know enough about cats to call the shots on this one.  But right now? Trying to rangle two hyper and wiggly cats as he tried to make their dinner? Shad was a little upset he didn’t try to push harder for the bowl and kibble. They could have just gotten high quality kibble but noooooooo, cats do better on wet food diets and don’t get enough hydration and all that.  “Ow, fuck!” He jerked his leg, glancing down to see the orange menace clawing her way up his leg. Clearly, her patience for his fumbling with both the food and her sister has run dry, now taking matters into her own hands to get her claws on some good chow.  He reached down, trying to gently extract her from his leg, hissing a bit to  himself as the claws dug deeper past the pant’s material and into his legs. He felt Baby Spade wiggle free onto the counter from his arm, getting in one, two, three big chomps before he picked her up. He picked them both up from their scruffs, cradling them in his arms with a sigh, trying hard to keep them from wiggling out, both now yelling in a chorus of meows.  He turned and headed to the bedroom, plopping them both down before hastily shutting the door, standing there for a moment to gather his thoughts and cool himself down. The sister protested, screaming and clawing at the door, little fluffy paws poking out from under it.  Right, okay, just keep them in there and finish getting the food ready. Goddesses, why didn’t he think of that before?  He walked back to the counter, finishing portioning and topping, even taking time to make them look nice as the two kitties screamed from under the door.  He set the bowls down and swifty walked down the hallway to release the problem children to their dinners.  Banjo hopped down the hallway as Baby Spade sprinted out, her paws sliding on the floor for a minute before she found her traction and shooting off to her dinner.  He blinked in shock for a moment before bursting out laughing.
Hell yeah, cats! Again, ask me about anything any time, I love answering questions about this and just talking in general, I'm quite the yapper, you see.
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icey--stars · 1 year
*loud panting* ive written over 8k words in the past two days and i am TIRED why WHYYY did i write chapt 18-19 of born for tragedy so long??? i can't wait to finish the story tho (tho, technically is finished, but i want an epilogue sort of thing like stbt)
its high time i finish this story tho. really. like- probably not gonna start posting a new one for a while cus am tired. (i told myself im going to fully write Memento Vivere, the lucien angsty healing story, before posting.) i also have a still unnamed eris x reader story (twist being that she's short asf and a VET. AH YES, COME TO ME CHILDHOOD DREAMS OF MINE-) but alas, BFT had to come first despite my excitement lmao
anyway im just rambling so love u all <3 drink your water.
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 years
Like i wanna ramble on and on but its gonna be  risk of spoilers for the Magolor epilogue from RtDl deluxe (and probably everything that wasn’t in the base game)
A/N: Sooo i’ve almost finished my 1rst save file 100% and i’ll wanna ramble about the game + how Shard & Buddy think of it. (in order, its first my reaction [the anon], after its Shard and the last will be Buddy [+ some reactions from Crowny])
A/N: Im just really happy that Magolor Soul is considered canon now. Since the first cinematic depict the end of the fight against Magolors segond phase and its not that red and blue (and really boringly bad) version from the base game, its my boy from the extra mode and im happy for that, im just sufering for the platinium medals now...also i thinks Magolor Souls 2 eyes are glowing a bit and its pretty.
Shard: i sadly had to play the Strawberry kid (Kirby), but at least i get to bludoze throught the main game + extra and the arenas with the new Meca hability. And about the past of Pop Star, even when i now know how the Lost Heros looked before their death, theres still some things that remained unclear. But the 2 most hillarious things about that, is when Buddy saw the “past” himself in-game... hes still in denial bein’ prouven that he was officialy a smoll potato sized cat before the whole thing; and the fact that we fight the most dangerous Wispy Wood in the serie. (i got hit by a wing after writing that, Crowny didn’t like the fact her canon version was that goofy in his last fight) Buddy: ...Im still a bit, hum... confused about how small and cat-like i looked before i had Crowny, i really don’t remember anything before the part that i was ...”ruling Pop Stars” so its a bit unerving to say the least (even more so at the end, i got shivers when i saw “myself” in the final fight... I am still practicing the “Ultra hability” ones, its really tires me but im geting the hang of it). I mostly played “Bandana dee”...i think its their name? He is one of the less ...reckless spirits in the castle (i think Shard told me about the fact that hes one of the two that just want that the rest passes safely). I’m honestly still geting a chuckle out of the final boss of the epilogue...poor Crowny. She had the short end of the stick in this game. (Im still the one who has a headache since shes in a bad mood now, im used to that kind of small headache its more annoying than anything).
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Hello!! i really hope i'm doing this right :]
Id like to request an omori pairing!!
My name is Raymond, and Im 14!! I'm a trans male, use he/him/it/its pronouns, and am (questioning) Pansexual, so feel free to match me w/ anyone!! I'm also an intp. I have adhd so please don't mind if anything i say conflicts itself (I tend to be SUPER different at certain times for no reason due to my impulsivity)
My interests are writing, drawing, generally being artsy, volleyball, videogames, reading, and dancing! I tend to change interests often, but those are the ones that usually stay the same!
I typically bounce from one interest to the next, and usually get very angry at myself for losing said interest.
As for personality, i'm usually quite moody, but am typically tired/upset/angry. I'm shy around people I don't know, but i basically consider my friends family. I usually don't make friends easily, so i just stick to my small group.
When i'm upset with someone, i'll usually make it known by either lashing out at them, or just being petty. I hold grudges easily, and have a VERY strong sense of justice.
When in public I tend to be very loud. Most of my classmates who aren't close to me would describe me as annoying. Others may see me as violent, or as constantly mad for no reason (this is the truest thing anyone has said about me). When I am with friends, I tend to be less "annoying" and more like them. I can adapt to fit others personalities and interests. When it comes to social situations, I usually have a "fake it till' you make it" mentality. I typically act childishly, but when I need to do something, I can totally be serious about it.
I tend to space out WAY to often, leading me to missing most important things, so I may seem airheaded/dumb, but i'm not. I'm very clever, and can usually work out most problems on my own.
As for romance, I'm typically awkward with that kind of stuff. It's easy to tell when I have a "crush" from the outside, but those feelings are always platonic. I feel the need to love somebody, but I don't feel attraction to anyone.
I try my best to hide most of my more spontaneous moods/emotions as to not be seen as weird by others.
A/N: don't worry about it!! i actually quite enjoy when people get to talk about themselves and it also helps me make a more accurate matchup so dont sweat it <3 also sorry if this is written weirdly or sometjing i weote this on the toilet and i don't act right wuen im shittinf.
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now i'm gonna be honest i was reminded a lot of aubrey so my first instinct was to match you with kim but i dont want to be lazy
again, i'm getting some sun & moon vibes
KEL really doesn't mind your moodiness. he might get a little insecure if you lash out at him or act uninterested, so it'll help if you reassure him every now and then that it's not his fault
if you're feeling down, he tries to cheer you up, and i feel like as time goes on you two would kinda,,, help heal each other?? like his sunshiney would rub off on you sometimes
alas, you two grow closer and closer and both of you might start to let your walls down. KEL begins opening up sometimes about his trauma and how he feels bad about himself, and you might talk about your emotions and what's hurting you, and perhaps even get a little soft
more specifically, you get a soft spot for KEL. it becomes a little difficult to be angry when a literal ball of sunshine is around
seeing KEL be so vulnerable to you makes you do it too, and you become more honest about how you might be feeling (and he really appreciates it!!)
when it comes to new people, he'll often do most of the talking as he knows it might not be your thing
KEL spaces out a lot too, and is easily distracted, but similar to you he isn't actually stupid.
in KEL's world, he finds it easier to let on the appearance that he might be a little stupid. and, maybe 4 years ago maybe he really was air-headed. but, things have changes, but he's always found that people are less disappointed when he fucks up if he acts stupider. so, that's what he does.
honestly? KEL doesn't really mind if your attraction to him is romantic or platonic. he feels the same way too, not really sure what he's feeling, but either way he knows that he wants to be with you, and he doesn't really care for any labels or anything. so, if you don't want to, there's no need to label your relationship as partners, or just friends!! all that matters to him is that you're together.
sometimes if you push him away or tug on his ear in annoyance, he'll just walk it off and not retaliate or anything. he isn't like... socially submissive or anything he just doesn't care for revenge
like you, he also has a strong sense of justice, and will strive for whatever he thinks is right, even if sometimes he misses the point and does something wrong (when this happens, it often makes him feel really bad about himself)
volleyball? basketball?? they both have ball at the end, so same thing, right? he teaches you basketball, and you try to get him to play volleyball, but he fucking sucks at it
he likes your creativity! always inspecting your drawings and writing, always calling it the best he's ever seen (even if it's dog shit. he's not saying it to make you feel better, he's saying it because he believes it)
you beat him in every video game and he sulks in the corner
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@aguilillacolaroja tagged me to post excerpts of things ive posted over the past year? and im not gonna do everything i posted because. uh. thats an excessive amount of voltron my dudes nobody needs that and I kind of wish I had other stuff to put here? But I do not i spent a lot of time being very very invested shwoopsies uh here we go i guess i’ll tag @decembercamiecherries, @smallest-turtle, and @identityconstellations if u wanna do it but dont feel obligated just u do u my lads
the will which says hold on
It was supposed to be relatively simple: the boss was out of country, and his second in command was just a little too lax on security, so it had been no big feat for Angus to sneak in and find the appropriate files the police needed to legally incriminate the whole gang—documents and photographs proving their involvement in illegal drug distribution and dozens of murders over the past five years. The issue had arisen when Angus had found himself trapped in a storage cabinet set into the wall, while the boss-for-now held a conference right outside in his office with at least a dozen henchmen. Angus had waited, uncomfortable and panicked, for hours, until it sounded like everyone had left, and he had opened the door to get out to find the man in charge talking to one of his lackeys, and Angus had bolted. It was sheer luck he got out of the building at all.
A force of their security had chased him, and although he had managed to shake most of them, he hadn’t quite managed to get away, and now he’s trapped in an alley with three men on his right and two on his left, and he is quite alone.
And so, Angus mentally narrates, that brings us to our current predicament, where our protagonist is, in fact, trying to stall for as long as possible.
It was hard to pick an excerpt for this? Mostly because it’s very short and pretty chronological so it’s just....pretty much the beginning, my dudes. I just wanted feel-good Ango-trusts-his-family idk what else to tell you
pang after pang
Shiro closes his eyes and just feels—the cool glass sticking to his forehead, the rumbling of the train over the tracks, the faint headache creeping up at the edges of his head, his heartbeat that’s just a few beats too fast (a remnant of the past month of over caffeination and stress and not enough sleep), his tense shoulders.
He’s so tired.
He dozes, for the rest of the ride home. It’s not the most restful sleep, but it’s a solid five hours—it’s more than he’s had in the past week, so he wakes up at his stop feeling more coherent than he has in what feels like forever.
Walking back from the train stop, his bag swung over his shoulder, Takashi Shirogane is going home, and he’s so glad. He’s missed these familiar streets, these comfortable patterns of life. It’s peaceful.
(Well, it is until he turns the corner.)
Shiro’s parents live on a corner, but he walks up along the side and turns to get to the front yard, where there’s a sturdy, tall tree in the front. When he was younger, he loved to climb it—and apparently Keith’s learned to do the same thing.
He turns, and it’s like a slow-motion crash.
I don’t like most of my fics from this time period anymore bc they were excessively angst but this one wasn’t bad so it’s fine. I liked writing this it was fun. Also, I was super stressed about school and Projecting(tm) onto Shiro. Whoops, I guess? Admittedly, this is part of my larger brogane-verse, as are the next few, but honestly the order for that...isn’t important. I just like these ones the best
rage against the dying of the light
And then one day, a ship crashes not from the Garrison, and you have a feeling about it. You set off the distractions, ignoring the way the explosions (still) feel like each heartbeat.
(Holy fuck.)
Your world is righted, again.
(Holy fuck.)
Not even the gaggle of hangers-on can really diminish your disbelief. Who cares if you’re going over a cliff with a too heavy load? Shiro’s alive!
(Shiro’s alive, and you don’t know if you can breathe. Somewhere along the lines, you got used to rage instead of oxygen, and now it seems like your lungs are unprepared for anything else.)
The writing in this is...not great, in part because it was the first thing I’d written in months and I’d never tried anything for these characters before and I wrote it in like an hour but the last line from the excerpt is my favorite out of everything I’ve ever written so....there is that
made up for things this world lacked
“Come on, she made that weird Jello thing you like for dessert.”
You see him waver for a moment, open up just the tiniest bit—but then he shuts up faster than those shrinking ferns, and it seems like he’ll stay there the whole night if you let him.
(It’s just a park. You can take him back the next day, if he really likes it so much. Why’s he being so stubborn about it now? It’s Friday. You had a stupidly long week at school, with essays and exams, and even after all that you still took your ungrateful little brother to the park, and now all you want to do is go home, eat dinner, and sleep for fourteen straight hours. Why is Keith being so stubborn.)
You sigh, rubbing out the crease between your eyebrows with your fingers.
“Whatever, Keith. I’m going home. If you really wanna stay here overnight, then go ahead.” You turn and start walking down the street. A couple of steps later, when Keith hasn’t moved to follow, you pause for a moment, squishing down the intense desire to grin. You shoot over your shoulder, “Just remember that if you see a chupacabra, climb high. Fast. Good luck!”
You start to whistle, hands in your pockets as you stroll out of the carefully-maintained city park and start down the long road back home.
(If this doesn’t work, Mom is gonna be so pissed at you, but there’s an eighty-five percent chance of success. After all, you really aren’t sure what made Keith so stubborn about not leaving the park this evening.)
sadfhfdsa this is the “keith is totally into cryptids and it’s shiro’s fault” and honestly? one of the best things to come from this particular writing spree. this was good, quality fluff. i dont know why i wrote this entire series in second person since i both hate writing it and reading it but it was also easiest for this so i did and i still don’t think i regret it so thats...fun?
so near to home and yet so far
Lance’s chest aches, in a way he hasn’t felt since he first realized everyone at home was gone, that he’d been asleep long enough for an entire civilization to grow up around his cryopod, buried deep underground. He’s standing in his home, walking down halls he knows like the back of his hand, moving as if it’s against a current—
He’s terrified of what they’ll find.
All too soon, they’ve arrived in the cryostasis room—Lance isn’t sure why they came here, but he doesn’t have enough air in his lungs to protest.
The Castle scans them and in the letters in the air—Lance hasn’t read Altean in so long he’s missed it—the Castle identifies him as Prince and the others as Allies and the cryopods active and out into Shiro’s arms tumble Allura and behind her, Coran stumbles out but Allura she’s here she’s alive his sister is a l i v e—Lance stumbles back against the console, automatically hiding behind Hunk as Allura pushes past them all and activates the console and this is the first time Lance learns exactly how long it’s been since he fell asleep and ten thousand years, he can’t even process thatand he watches as Allura forces herself together, pushes down her grief and loss and pain and hides it.
this is one of the most popular things i’ve written and i don’t like that bc frankly the other stuff is better but this is altean lance so like i see why but cmon dudes leave it be. that aside it was fun to write bc i like making ppl be siblings bc romance is dumb and overrated and id like that good good gen fics please and thank
just leave me your wake to remember you by
When the Kerberos mission failed, Colleen mourned her husband and son. She mourned her past, and she mourned the future, for herself and for her daughter. (Her wonderful, precocious, incredible daughter, who had just turned fourteen, and would never see her father or brother ever again. Who would never see her best friend ever again.)
Colleen Holt grieved.
When Katie did not grieve, Colleen worried, but let it be. Katie was freshly fourteen, and grieving would mean accepting that two of the most important people in her life were gone forever. Just because this was true didn’t mean Colleen wanted it to be. She had never wanted this for her daughter. How could she? All she had ever wanted for her children was that they would grow up happy and loved, not grieving and dead.
(Now Matt was gone, lost somewhere to the cold expanse of space, with his father and friend, never to come home and tease his sister or make inappropriate jokes or forget to clean his room or make faces at those damn peas ever again.)
Colleen forced herself through her grief, locking it up tight, hiding it far, far away. She couldn’t afford to wallow—there was a young girl who depended on her, and after everything Colleen couldn’t afford to disappear on Katie now. It would not be Colleen’s fault that Katie lost anyone else.
But Katie did not grieve.
(Did not or would not? Did it even make a difference?)
oh, here’s one of the Holt Family fics! this was a good one i liked this one tbh it’s Colleen, waiting for her daughter to start grieving for her brother and her father except...she doesn’t. and then she disappears. And Colleen? is ready for someone to Tell Her Some Shit. I’m a fan of Mrs Holt and also I would like to know more about how she feels about the fact that she lost her entire family in a year and still doesn’t know they’re okay
birthday surprises
“Matt, you are the worst I can’t believe you. Mom. Mom look what he’s done now.” Katie grinned up at her mother from where she was sitting on the floor. “He’s awful can we get a refund on him?”
Colleen Holt sighed deeply. “Sweetpea…”
Katie cleared her throat. “Sorry. Matt, brother mine, light of my life, thank you for your incredibly thoughtful gift. I love it so much that I’m going to put it on right now.”
Matt smiled. “No problems, sister dearest. I do hope it fits, you know. It would be such a shame for it to be the wrong size, you know.”
Colleen looked at her husband, who looked right back at her, as their youngest left the room to the sound of her brother outright giggling like a four-year-old who farted in the bathtub.
“Sam, where did we go wrong?”
Her husband smiled at her, patting her gently on the shoulder. “Well, at least the two of them are amused.”
back at it again with the Holt Family fics, this time starring W E E D M A N  H O L T asjdkfla this was a crack fic. a hundred percent a crack fic i wrote to make my friend smile. thats literally it. im absurdly proud of the “four-year-old who farted in the bathtub” bit i think i’m so funny
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
— wayv reaction to you getting upset on their behalf
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p : wayv × fem!reader | g : fluff, humor, established relationship!au | w : none but it starts off with the members being distressed + I swore in like every other sentence oml
requested by anon here
[★] kun
he'd insist he's okay
definitely wouldn't show that he's tired or going through a hard time
but you can see the tiredness in his expression you're not stupid ಠಗಠ
so, as its natural, you got upset seeing him like that
you'd try to make him some tea, but the way you're making it just gives it away
woman stop smacking the pots and pans (╯_╰)
he'd laugh tbh
tiredly pull you into a back hug as you pour the tea into a mug and grumble under your breath
He knew you loved him but watching you get this angry really made his lil wil heart go (。・ω・。)ノ♡
EHE it was so cute HEHEHSKDHJ
he'd convince you to cuddle with him, and in return you wouldn't be mad anymore bc then he's happy :D
a cutie tbh
husband material right there ladies and gentlemen I sense a marriage coming up
[★] ten
OKAY so ten
I see ten as someone who doesn't really show how tired he is either
but maybe this time, he enters the house REALLY late
and you're falling in and out of sleep and you hear the door so
You get up and walk out to see him barely carrying himself (。•́︿•̀。)
so over angry, you're more worried
you go and place an arm around him to help his balance and try to loosen the layers on him as you move him towards the bedroom
He'd keep mumbling what happened and why he's tired and that he wishes he could fall asleep oml my heart hurts writing this :(
so you hum and tuck him under the covers and go and get some hot instant soup (ノ゚0゚)ノ
soup always makes everything feel better (◡ ω ◡)
once he's safe in the bed and you give him the soup, you skip over and slide underneath the covers with him
you watch him explain everything as he sips
you encourage him to sleep and pat his forehead (so there's this thing our grandparents did, they'd keep their hands on our foreheads and pat it lightly and magically you'd start feeling sleepy so same concept here)
but as he notices, he bursts out sleepy smiling
"you're so cute omg"
probably would end up falling asleep with the soup bowl in his hands as he mutters "when I wake up, let's get married"
[★] winwin
Okay so
I see this guy getting angry outwardly
He'd show it
and that's probably how YOU noticed too
I see him angry over sad typa dude
So when he sees you getting angry with him, he's low-key all smiles but inside
I think he'd most probably say something like "cmere, lean on my shoulder and tell me how much you'll fuck em up for making me feel this way"
let's get angry together type shit
Oml I live for this
At some point he'd even forget about the problem itself bc he's sO ABSORBED in listening to you ramble with the cutest pout on your lips
probably steal a kiss or two
so you'd be sounding like "so so so then, I'll *pause bc kith* I'll get em bc how dare they do *pause bc kith* this to you, don't they see how *pause bc kith* how hardworking you are >:(((("
AHEJWGJDB in the end he'd just pat ur head like ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
[★] lucas
can I just mention that I've never seen this 6ft tall bb mad
so I guess he'll just be all :(((
when his knight in shining armor aka, u, come walking into the room humming
And see uR bb sad :(
so ur like >:OOOOO
"WHO DID THIS TO YOU? *slams hands on table* TELL ME RIGHT NOW YUKHEI"
AND YOU'RE GENUINELY MAD it's not like you're acting or some shit YOURE ABOUT TO BLOW
but he smiles so big when he sees you react like that like AWEEEEEEEEEEEE :( for :( me :((
so he just grabs you and cuddles you close to him (*´ω`*)
"I feel much better now that you're here"
"no but I'm serious who made you upset"
"shut up lemme be sappy and dramatic first"
INSISTS you don't kill the person(s) who did this bc he doesn't wanna have to see you in jail
so you agree, ONLY FOR HIM OKAY if he said go kill, yOUD GO KILL
Protect this bb at all costs
[★] xiaojun
he'd watch you silently
this is after the discussion happened
like drinking water while you stir something in a stove aggressively
Like >:(((( "and you just lET THEM DEAL WITH YOU THAT WAY?"
he'd get that you're just worried for him so he'd just smile at you real bright
hug u too and kithes
"forgive 🥺 me 🥺 baby 🥺"
He's melting at your reaction JAJAVSJDVDJ SAVE ME HES PRECIOUS
[★] hendery
hendery's usually very loud and poppy
but when he's quite and not smiling u know something's up
so you're wary about it, curious and ready to look for solutions!
you squeeze next to him as he's scrolling through the rows of movies on the tv
"hey," you whisper, "What's wrong, love?"
That's your BOYFIE OKAY >:((
Hendery usually talked to you about his issues at work but when he's completely ignoring it, you decide to give him time
quiet hendery is scary
so you'd sit next to him and watch him silently grumble and put his head in your lap angrily (≧▽≦)
"I demand you play with my hair >:("
he loves your fingers just massage all the pain away
slowly, you'd move your hands down to the back of his neck (psst! He's ticklish!)
he'd YELP!
it'll turn into something way cuter soon
hed forget all about it bc he's too busy tickling u
later when you both are too tired of laughing, you'd sit down panting next to each other and be like
"omg I forgot I was angry lmfao"
[★] yangyang
Another one of them angry >>> sad bois
he'd get quiet
but he's trying not to show his anger bc if he does, it'll bLOW
So he just angrily does his normal yangyang boi things
and you notice he's clutching things way to harder than normal
Mister sir why are your knuckles so mf white ಠಿ_ಠ
so eventually, you'd ask and end up getting yangyang spilling everything to you
How precious oml yangyang my boyfie
he'd notice you upset with him bc you're sympathetic
he'd appreciate that a lot
It's not that he'd start cuddling you or making out on the spot
But more of sitting together and just absorbing the comfy silence with each other's presence
He'd like that
In the end after a while, he'll be folding his laundry and his mind would just be "oml oml oml oml oml oml so sos SOSKSOSOSOOSOSOSO THOUGHTFUL HELP"
might or might not have to suffocate a scream bc HOW CUTE
after his laundry is folded, he'd be on his way with take out!
Late night chicken bb >:33
I guess he'd react way less outwardly
But his affection is still there, you can see my mans is showing it
Just differently
I think that's very cute
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main taglist (hmu to get added) : @wonciel-main @kisshim @allegxdly @stayctday  @yunntext  @neotism  @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3  @bluejaem  @leetaeyonglover  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou  @coffeevddict @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @reinjunn @sicluvz @hyuckefi
I'd appreciate if you'd give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it's an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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tommysparker · 3 years
Never Forget You [Chapter 4]
A/N: hey y’all. just wanna say sorry for the posting schedule change. life is about to get hella hectic with school and the move sooo yeah. every second Saturday I will be posting! it’ll defiantly give me a chance to write more as well so im not rushing out chapters. anyways ive rambled long enough, enjoy :) 
Warnings: angst. theres fluff too but its fluffy angst?? im not sorry hehe. long italic paragraphs = flashbacks. 
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From an outside perspective, one would assume the four of them were deep in thought, perhaps even communicating telepathically via the Force. They would only be half correct, as all of the Jedi were indeed thinking, but none of their trains of thought overlapped.  
Anakin and Ahoska were in the pilot seats, glancing at each other every other minute or so. They could feel the tension build thicker with every passing planet. The only sound filling the room was the faint running of the engine that kept the ship moving. 
You and Obi-Wan sat across from each other, neither one daring to make eye contact. Apparently, he was quite serious about the “not speaking from now on” agreement. It’s for the best, you kept telling yourself. However, the awkward silence that filled the ship made it harder to believe that. 
Out of all the things that could happen to you at the moment, this was by far the worst. 
On Gyfil, you had grown quite used to the sound of silence. In fact, over time you began to prefer it as opposed to the buzz of the towns. However, this was a different type of silence, one that had you bouncing your knee in anticipation for Anakin to announce you finally landed. 
Master Yoda had called you all for a mission briefing. There was a supposed Separatist group meeting on Ostor, given the intel you received from a client on your previous mission. The four of you were sent to listen in on it. 
“Young Skywalker and Padawan Tano, back up you will be. Great risks on Ostor, there are. Careful, you must be.” He turned to Obi-Wan and You. “Master Y/l/n, guide them you must do. In charge of the mission, I am putting you.” 
A sense of pride filled your body but you quickly humbled yourself. “Thank you Master.” 
Master Yoda smiled and turned to Obi-Wan. “Infiltrate the meeting, you and Master Y/l/n will. Stay together, you must.” 
Obi-Wan would have laughed at the irony. Mentally he still is. Stay together, you must. After the last conversation between the two of you, he had doubts about how that plan would go. However, for the sake of the mission he was willing to lift the deal made. 
You stood quietly, not being able to handle the loud silence any longer. “I’ll be in my quarters until we land,” you announced, making a point not to look at Obi-Wan and keep all attention to Anakin and Ahsoka. 
You left without sparing a glance back. 
He waited until you were out of view to let out a long sigh, running a hand over his beard and hunching forward. 
Anakin was the first to speak. “That was the worst thing I’ve ever had to endure.” His shoulders shook as he made a disgusted sound. “Glad it’s finally over.” 
“Just focus on getting us there in one piece, Anakin,” Obi-Wan snapped, immediately followed by, “apologizes, I didn’t mean to sound so...aggressive.” 
“So much for being able to hide stress, huh?” 
He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Some things are harder to deal with than others.” 
“Is Master Y/l/n ‘some things’?” Ahoska asked innocently. 
Obi-Wan pondered for a minute, deciding the best way to answer. “Master Y/l/n is...many things.” 
“Like what?” 
Gorgeous. Strong. Kind. Perfect in every way. “They are highly skilled, almost as well as I am, if not better. A fine Jedi and a valuable member to the Order.” He stopped there before he’d say something he’d come to regret. Best to keep professional thoughts. 
“I still don’t understand why the Council sent them away like that. Surely there were other Jedi that could have completed the mission,” Anakin commented. He knew his former Master wasn’t satisfied with the answer they were all given but would never admit it. He had to push him to find the truth. 
“Whatever reasons Master Yoda and Master Windu had for picking Y/n are between them. You must stop questioning the Council’s intentions, Anakin. It will land you in very big trouble one day.” Obi-Wan says as if he hasn’t second guessed the Order as a whole before. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. The less you question things, the easier life is. 
“That’s why I keep you around, old man,” Anakin said in a teasing manner. Hearing Obi-Wan let out a light chuckle made him feel a bit better as they settled into silence once more, this time more comfortable and light-hearted. 
A bit more time had passed before Ahsoka spoke up. “Why don’t you ask Master Y/l/n what really happened?” 
Obi-Wan sighed. He should have known better than to believe she would drop the topic. Like Master, like Padawan. “It’s none of my business. Frankly, it’s none of ours so I suggest we leave the subject alone.” 
His answer, apparently, wasn’t good enough. “I’m gonna go ask them.” Ahsoka stands up to leave but is stopped mid-movement by Obi-Wan’s protests. 
“No!” He looked at Ahsoka’s slightly stunned face, and chose to ignore Anakin’s smug look. “Fine, I’ll ask them. But only once, and if they don’t want to indulge me then that is the end of it. Do I make myself clear?” 
Meanwhile, you sat alone on the bed in your chosen quarters. It made you feel relaxed, in a way. Before leaving, you were extremely extraverted, always going out of your way to make acquaintances with everyone around you. The life forces around you at night kept you alive, it gave a sense of warmth and comfort to lull you to slumber. On Gyfil, there was none of that. You had to rely on your own warmth to comfort yourself to sleep. No lush trees or animals to provide even the smallest bit of connection. It was just You and the Force. Sleeping for the first time in the Jedi Temple after returning felt like a sensory overload. Everything was loud, and rough. You could feel it coursing through your veins at the speed of light. No matter what you did, it was too much. 
You didn’t sleep the first few days. Eventually you got used to the noise, but not enough to get a decent amount of rest at night. There was one sound that sometimes made it impossible to sleep, one Force signature that kept trying to break through the walls you put up to protect yourself when you’re most vulnerable. What scared you the most was the fact your own signature subconsciously fought back against the walls you put. You refused to acknowledge it, choosing to fall into a deep meditative slumber and stay alert as opposed to any actual sleep. Whoever it was would not get into your head so easily. 
Knock knock. Obi-Wan stepped into the room once his presence was made known, gently shutting the door behind him. “Y/n…” 
You looked up and squinted at him. “I thought we agreed to not speak?” 
“Yes, well, that proves to be a bit tricky now doesn’t it?” He smiled tightly and crossed his arms over his chest. 
You huffed out air in a sorry attempt at a sarcastic laugh, shaking your head a little. “What do you want, Obi-Wan?” 
It was neither hostile nor endearing. It was simply his first name. To him you sounded tired, and judging by the way you sat on the cot, leaning back against the cold metal wall with your eyes half opened, he presumed his assumption was correct. He spoke gently, “Anakin estimates we should be coming out of hyperspace and landing soon.” 
“I figured.” It wasn’t your intention to be stoic but that's how you’ve been training yourself to speak to the man in front of you. The faster the conversation ends, the faster he leaves. 
Obi-Wan, however, was not having it. “How are you feeling? I know it hasn’t been that long since you returned from your previous assignment.” 
You shrugged, staring up at the ceiling. “I’m fine.” 
“No one who says that is ever truly ‘fine’ Y/n/n,” he says, taking a step closer to the bed. “I know you. What’s on your mind, darling?” 
You slowly met his gaze, debating whether to open up or keep yourself closed off. On one hand, the idea of exposing your anxieties to someone didn’t feel right to you, letting someone know about your weaknesses and insecurities. However, you knew in order for the mission to succeed you would have to be willing to work with Obi-Wan and to do that a sense of trust had to be built. Rebuilt, technically. 
“If you wish not to speak, I understand.” He hesitated turning his back to you, “excuse me.” He was about to make his leave before you interrupted. 
“Obi-Wan, wait,” You sighed, shifting so there was room for him to sit on the bed. “Sit.” 
He did as he was told, eyeing you carefully. “Honestly, I don’t mean to pry.” 
“It’s fine.” You knew his intentions and as pure as they were you cannot bring yourself to tell him the truth. “I admit that I...am slightly concerned about the mission.” 
It wasn’t the answer Obi-Wan was hoping for, but he was willing to hear anything he could get out of you. “You have nothing to be worried about Y/n/n. You’re an extremely capable Jedi and I have no doubt in my mind you will lead us through it.” 
You smiled, only slightly but a smile nonetheless. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” He smiled back. 
Your eyes locked tight with each other, and everything around you became emptiness. A void surrounded you both and the presence of the other was all that could be felt. 
“Staring competitions are pointless.” You rolled your eyes, sitting up straight and attempting to return your meditative state. 
“No they aren’t!: Obi-Wan argued from his spot across from you. 
“All you do is stare at each other until someone blinks. Waste of time.” 
“Nuh uh. Master Qui-Gon told me that--” Obi-Wan stood up, “--‘The eyes are a window to the soul’--” you laughed at the bad attempt he made to mimic his Master;s voice, “--therefore staring competitions can be a very good battle tactic.” 
“Jedi don’t do battles, remember? We’re peacekeepers.” You looked up at your friend. “Besides, you just want an excuse to get lost in my eyes.” 
Obi-Wan grinned. “You know me so well.” 
So much has changed about the man in front of you, you could hardly recognize him. You never allowed yourself the pleasure to examine what you missed out on. One moment he was a young man who looked like he could take on the universe, and now all you could see was one tired man doing his best. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, is what the old You would have teased. But post-living-ten-years-by-yourself You was different. In a way, you understood. Although you didn’t fight any life-threatening battles and put yourself in the line of fire every week, you have worked tirelessly towards the same goal. 
Like this moment. 
For once, it was quiet. You felt yourself relax slowly, focusing on the one noise that soothed your anxious mind. It felt warm and...close. Something you haven’t felt in a long, long time. 
Obi-Wan leaned closer, his heart reacting faster than his brain. He felt a warmth he had been longing for over a decade. When he reached out, he no longer felt desolate. He wanted to hold on to the feeling and never let go. 
But alas in time of war, small moments of peace only last for so long. 
“Hey! We’re here.”  
reblog and comment what will happen on the mission  👀👀
taglist; @queenariesofnarnia  @katsukink @blondekel77 @generousrunawaydonut @fandomtrashwhore @fortheloveofaqueenfan @mrskenobi19 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @hotleaf-juice @emiijemii @neji85 @doctor-warthrop @ayamenimthiriel @lizzy-95 @lovelylostminds @badbatch-simp24
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thcweasley · 4 years
PAIRING : George Weasley X Y/N
SUMMARY : George getting jealous of his twin brother for being closer to you .
WARNINGS : none? Make out? implying things? hehe
WORDS : 1.7k
A/N: lol this hits too close to home, growing up i was shadowed by heather sister :(  I was going to turn this into smut but im not sure.. cos i never wrote a smut before lol.
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“Focus on your work Weasley” Snape smacked George Weasley’s head with the book he was holding, causing the whole class to look at his direction.
George was already an easily distracted person to begin with. but today especially, he got his mind somewhere else.
He was looking at you and his twin brother Fred, giggling while trying to figure out snape’s task. All of his life he never thought that he would feel this much jealously towards the older twin. Sure, sometimes it bothers him a bit that people pay more attention to him, or the fact that people always refers them as “Fred & George”, not “George & Fred”. But he knew it’s a silly thing to be bothered about so he always managed to brush it off.
But not today, Fred had been assigned with you. The girl George met on his last solo trip to honeydukes. It shocked him how he never saw you around before, despite being in the same house and grade. But hes glad that he met you. George didn’t like to be cheesy, but he was so sure that you were made for him. Whenever youre around, he just felt so happy. You’re funny, kind, and on top of all you’re prettiest thing he ever seen. Sadly, for him, other people seems to think that way about you.
He introduced you 2 weeks ago to his brother and friends. You seem to get along great with everyone. He liked that, his brother and friends is everything for him. But he cant help it but feeling a little bit jealous. He didn’t wanna admit it but this jealously is most probably because he was insecure about his feeling for you. Before everything he was sure that you fancy him the same way he fancies you. But now, hes not sure. And he hated it, youre supposed to be his girl.
The class that felt so long was finally over. George quickly stood up, walking towards the common room. he just want to burry his face onto his bed now. He felt an arm linking his. “Hey you” it was you. He let out a big sigh, not knowing how to feel right now.
“Hey, did you have a good time today?” He hated how catty he sounded. Knowing you, he knew you wouldn’t able to tell.
“Yeah it was fun. Your brother is hilarious you know that?” He rolled his eyes, feeling his face getting hot.
“Well yeah hes a clown” George answered shortly. Wanting you both could just drop this conversation. He didn’t like this, being jealous of his twin brother.
“ahah yeah true, youre also funny too you know” You leaned your head onto Georges arm. At this point it was hard for him to not just pulls you into a big hug. “Whats your plan for the rest of the day?” You asked looking up on him.
“Im not sure, probably just sleep” George answered looking down to you. You looked so cute leaning on to him.
“Wanna have a study date? Snape’s test tomorrow right?” George’s ears perked up at the word date.
A smile creeps on his face. “Yeah sure”
“Brilliant! I’ll see you in 2 hours then!” You gave his arm a squeeze before you go. Leaving George all smiley by himself.
2 hours later, George found himself getting ready for his study date. He finally going to make a move on you. Its obvious that you fancy him now right? At least you were the one who refers their study session as a study date.
He tried to look around for Fred but he was nowhere to be found. He feels weird do anything without asking for the older brother’s advice. But it was time to go to meet you at the Library and he didn’t want to make you wait, so he just decided to cross his fingers and hope for the best.
“Hey” George greeted you, big smile on his face. You look up at him from the book you were reading, smiling back at him. “You got a lot of stuff here” He sat down beside you, looking at paper and pens in front of him.
“Oh its not mine” You answered. “So, do you have anything you’re particularly struggling with?”
Whilst you tried your best to explain the things that he was struggling with. George was doing his best to stay focus on what youre saying instead of you. He cant help but admire your face, your cheeks, your lips. He wonders how would it feel like you press his lips against yours.
“Are you listening to me George?” You asked, knowing the answer pretty well.
“Uh yeah, im sorry I got distracted” he blinked.
You brought your hand on to his head, messing with his red hair. “you’ve been a bit distracted these days. didn’t you got smacked on your head earlier today by Snape?” you chuckled a bit running your fingers on the back of his head. “Did it hurt?” You tilted her head closer to him, rubbing the back of his head.
He couldn’t seem to think straight at this point. The fact that youre so close to him right now, he could smell your scent. He took a deep breath trying to be brave and make a move. He put his hand on top of yours, pulling it away from his head. “Y/N..” He started, linking his fingers with yours. “I think I like you”
“Yeah?” You chuckled feeling. your cheeks starting to get warm. “Whats going on George? Why are you suddenly so serious?”
“Well, Im not sure how you feel about me. But I got nothing to lose so here I am. I like you” Surprised by his words, you didn’t say anything. So he thought he could just make a move then. He leaned in closer to you getting you lips closer to each other. Not knowing what to do you just close your eyes. He smiled, taking this as a greenlight to proceed his act. Until all of the sudden-
“Your tea is here!!” Fred walked in, causing them to pull away from each other. “Hey that’s my seat George, do you not see the stuffs on the table?” He said as he sat down filling the gap between You and George.
“Fred what are you doing here?” George asked, clearly  frustrated with the situation.
“That’s not how you greet people, my dear brother” He said handing you the tea he was talking about. “Besides, youre not the only one who got invited to this study group. Right Y/N?” You just nod at him feeling flustered, thinking about what could’ve happened if Fred didn’t just walk in.
The next day, George has been avoiding you since last night. He thought you guys shared the same feeling. But yesterday proved him wrong. He was just another friend to you
Snape’s exam was a group work, being Fred’s partner obviously made you work with him for the exam. You looked so happy, George wishes it was him working with you instead of his twin brother. He hated this so much, it’s ridiculous how jealous he felt towards his twin brother right now.
The exam’s finally over, George saw you coming up to him from the corner of his eyes. “Hey” you greeted him. “Wanna go to Three Broomstick later? I haven’t really seen you all week”
“Who’s coming?” He asked, hoping this time its just the two of you. And everything that he thought about last night wasn’t true.
“Uh everyone. Fred, Lee, Angelina and others im not sure” George snickered. How stupid of him to think that you wanna be alone with him. How stupid of him to think he got a chance with you.
“I think im gonna pass on that” he took a deep breath. “Im tired. Ill see you around” He left you dumb folded, walking away towards his room.
The night comes around. The common room feels empty, his friends had left him for Three Broomstick. George just chilling alone on his bed when he heard someone opened the door.
“George?” You walked towards him, sitting at the end of his bed “Hey, im just.. I just wanna make sure everything is okay”
“Why you here” George answered bitterly. “Arent you suppose to be out with your friends, with my brother?”
“Well yeah but I wanna check up on you. And talk about last night..”
“What do you wanna talk about Y/N?” He took a deep breath. “I already get it, you see me as a friend. If anything, you like Fred more than me. I get it don’t worry. Everyone always picks him over me, im used to it”
“George…” you scotched in closer too him, trying to stop him from rambling all these nonsenses.
“Im not even sure why I thought you like me, he is the better twin. Im just me. I just thought I have a chance with you. Throughout my life, ive always get hands down from my siblings, share with my siblings.” He realised how ridiculous he sounded but it didn’t stop him. “I love how you get along with my friends. But, i just thought, I thought youre my person. Finally someone I can proudly say mine. I thought you feel the same way as I do…” Georges voice was getting quitter when he felt your hand grabbing his. “I like you a lot and I get that you don’t feel the same way. So if youre coming here to explain that i-“
His words were cut off by your lips crashing to his. “You never let me speak Georgie”  You murmured against his lips “I don’t know how you got it all wrong” you kissed his cheek lightly. “I didn’t know you felt that way. George. I like you, im your person. Ive always been“
With a big smile he pulled in for another kiss. He held on to your waist pulling you closer to him, positioning you onto his lap. You threw your and around his neck, deepening the kiss whilst his hands lazily griped your waist.
You can feel something poking between the inner part of your legs. With a slight smile you press your legs more on to him, grinding it against him. Earning a low groan from him.
He held your hips down on him, so both of you can feel more of the friction. His lips travelled to your jaw and to the back of your neck. You could feel his hot breath, sending shivers down your spine as he moved his lips closer to your ears. “Prove it” OKAY SO Let me know if you want a part 2 smut off of this HAHAH.
hehe part 2
this was quite hard to write cos i feel bad for him ahaha. this is loosely based on a true story. but i never got my Y/N :’)
MY OTHER WORKS follow me / send request / talk to me! im lonely (if u send me anonymously maybe click here) my collaborative ford anglia playlist Christmas with the Weasley playlist
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bokutobaes · 4 years
I loved the bad day hc it was so gooood🥺 can I get a hc (w the same boys👀) of ur first night over their house?? Bet Atsumu snores like a freight train lmao😭😭😭
first night at the inarizaki boys house :p
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- with: suna, atsumu, kita
☆- no warnings!
☆- a/n: this request was soo cute i had so much fun writing this🥺thank u for requesting i really hope you like it <33 and im so happy u enjoyed the bad day headcanons
authors: lu and sen <3
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- suna:
-you were in fact enjoying a nice saturday in your room, pixie lights strung, your favourite show playing and you in a warm fuzzy blanket. it was bliss
-until.. the vibration of your phone shook you from the scene you were watching, and who else would call you on a saturday at 1am
-“uh whats up”
-“wanna come over.. to sleep”
-“suna- it’s one o clock in the morning”
-“so why would i-”
-“i miss you..”
-your heart just exploded from the fact he just said that
-“say no more okay i’ll be there in 10”
-“okay :)” you could hear suna’s smirk from his voice
-you’d snuck out before in your first year of high school just to hangout with some friends so you knew the basics
-you left a note to your parent(s) saying that you went to a friends house early in the morning because she had a boyfriend emergency
-the things u do for suna🙄
-the way to sunas wasn’t long, he only lived a few streets away so you packed a bag, threw on your comfiest cutest sweats and headed on down
-when you got there suna was already at the door leaning against the frame with his hands stuffed in his black hoodie
-“hi.” he hugged you, “come on it’s cold out” then he grabbed your wrist and with a finger on his lips telling u to tip toe and whisper you headed to his bedroom
-now, you’d definitely been to sunas bedroom before to hangout after school and study and whatnot
-but it now dawned on you that you’ve never stayed the night
-heat rushed to your cheeks
-“so where am I gonna sleep”
-“here?” he said
-“in my bed. you’re sleeping in my bed.”
-“suit yourself, but I kick people in my sleep”
-he scoffed, “and I’ll kick you back tf”
-you guys hopped in the bed and just immediately went on your phones
-but you were in one of those close ass positions where you could see what was on eachothers screens
-so you exchanged tik toks and tweets
-the night was filled with you both trying so hard not to laugh out loud
-you guys rambled on for a long time after seeing a post about astrology
-“i don’t get it.. your saying i’ll be in a bad mood on the 5th of next month because mercury is in gatorade.?”
-did he really just disrespect retrograde like that
-once it was getting really late your eyes started feeling heavy
-you switched your phone off and snuggled deeper into suna’s chest
-you were basically hugging eachother
-suna yawned
-“goodnight y/n”
-“goodnight rin”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- atsumu:
-you were already at atsumu’s house, you’d walked there together after school to spend the friday together
-currently you were in osamu’s room with the twins playing “winning eleven”
-why they were so obsessed with this game? you do not know
-but right now you were being betrayed by atsumu
-he told you he’d “go easy on you” since you’ve never played before
-then just abandoned that idea
-“atsumu wtf your not even going a smidge easy on me”
-“hey it’s not my fault yer skills are lacking baby”
-ur about to punch him
-“ok then here” you hand your remote to osamu and cross ur arms scooching away from atsumu
-“wait heyyy hey don’t be like that I was joking” he paused the game
-osamu was literally on his phone at this point
-he smushed your cheeks and you rolled your eyes
-“what time even is it?”
-“10:43” osamu drawled
-“omg it’s late i have to go soon”
-atsumu got up and told you to come his room so you waved to osamu and headed out
-“stay the night”
-“yes really please i don’t want you to leave yet”
-“awww tsumu”
-“SHUTUP! are you gonna stay”
-“yes I’ll stay” <3
-he took your face in his hands and kissed you all over
-you shot your parent a text saying you were sleeping at your friends house and then sat on the bed where atsumu was already sprawled out watching something on his phone
-“i don’t have a toothbrush”
-“there’s an extra in the bathroom babe”
-“i don’t have clothes”
-he looked at you
-“i have clothes”
-“aww are you gonna give me your hoo-“
-“nvm go home now”
-it was already almost midnight after you had watched some movies on his bed
-you guys got up and brushed ur teeth together
-“next time you’re gonna sleep at my house instead and we’re gonna do face masks”
-you though about tsumu in a panda sheet mask and laughed to yourself
-when you were done washing your face he asked if he could put the moisturizer on for you
-so you sat up on the counter and he was being so gentle🥺 just looking at you
-your cheeks starting feeling hot and atsumu noticed
-“oh embarrassed now are we?” his stupid smirk plastered on his face
-“shutup tsumu” you looked down smiling
-it was half past 12 when you guys finally got in bed and you were honestly tired since it was the end of the week
-atsumu squeezed you tightly from behind and was playing with your hair
-it knocked you out
-“g’night baby”
-“goodnignt tsum”
-(you were not prepared for the snoring that came out of him at 2am but you loved him anyways)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- kita:
-this sleepover with kita was actually planned by the two of you
-you wanted to spend time together outside of school and you thought this was a nice idea
-you came over a little before dinner and he was cooking when you got there
-“hi!” you said walking in through the kitchen door
-“hi love” he stopped stirring a pot on the stove and came over to hug you
-he kissed your forehead and asked how you are
-(like he didn’t ask you 1 hour again when you were texting)
-you ate dinner with kita and his grandma, she told stories about kita when he was younger embarrassing him but making you awww out loud
-after dinner you headed to his room, you’d put on something to watch but it ended up just being background noise in a conversation you were having
-“y/n.. did you wanna sleep in the spare bedroom? i want to make sure you’re comfortable”
-“its okay babe i don’t mind sleeping with you”
-so you both were on his bed just looking out the window together, now that it was later you’d switched from watching tv to sharing earphones and looking out the window at the stars
-a song came on, something soft and gentle playing through your ears
-“wanna dance?” kita said looking at you with a smile
-heart combusted
-“of course”
-you got up and he grabbed your hip, hand in hand you two just swayed slowly looking at eachother
-both your cheeks burned but you were so happy that you were here with him right now
-now you’d been dancing for a few minutes and your face was in the crook of his neck
-you were both starting to get a bit tired but then you remembered the face masks you’d brought in your bag
-“kita..! we should do face masks”
-“face masks?”
-“yep! i brought some. let’s go”
-leading him to the bathroom you started to put the sheet mask on him
-the fox imprint on the mask made you laugh being on kitas face
-you two looked so silly, a fox and a panda in pyjamas on a saturday night
-after taking a few photos the masks were done and you washed up for bed together
-it felt like taking a look into the future
-soo domestic
-sleep came really easy that night, you lay on kitas chest and rambled for a bit before you noticed he had fallen asleep
-poor bb probably tired from volleyball practice
-you fell asleep soon after right after kissing him on the cheek
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