#this is referring to canon-eclipse not my au
azulathetrashyler · 2 years
⚠️Volume warning at the end⚠️
@sleeping-little-cloud this, is the theory. Lemme know if you can understand any of this- I’ll just re-explain it in the comments if ya can’t.
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pixelchills · 5 months
Chill's ramblings about the DCA fandom and personal feelings and issues towards TSAMS (both positive an negative):
(I'm writing this like an essay but treating it like a diary, so if I jump from subject to another, it is because I am just typing as the thoughts hit my head. Sorry for being so wordy.)
I simply feel like I need to write my thoughts down, so why not share them with you. Maybe you can validate my feelings or something, I don't know.
So, oof, I got a fic rec from @thedenofravenpuff and I'm loving it so much I really wanna draw fan art for it...
But the problem is that it's a TSAMS fanfic and I've sworn to my name I'll never draw anything related to the show because that will make me engage with a part of the fandom I'm not comfortable with.
My biggest issue with TSAMS:
I have such complicated feelings towards the show and its fanbase and I do not wish to make my life and work more difficult because of it as it already is.
My own work and characters are already constantly being compared to TSAMS. When I first introduced Solar to my fic, he was constantly being referred to Eclipse from TSAMS. Now that the show had a character with THE SAME NAME, it has been even worse.
Dolldrop Moon has been compared to Lunar. Even though the dolldrops existed before the youtube channel was even created (and Lunar made his debut much later).
The biggest issue I've had has always been the fanbase, that takes the show as the canon for Sun and Moon from FNAF and uses it as an excuse to harass shippers like me because they think Sun and Moon are brothers.
I've first handedly seen the damage the fanbase has done to some of my friends who draw, or have previously drawn art for the show besides their own AUs and personal headcanons of Sun and Moon as lovers. I'm sorry to tag you, but @kriimhild and @fablekitty : I've seen how the immature side of the show's fans have treated you, I am so terribly sorry you've had to defend yourselves over and over again for things that were not meant to be mixed up.
I have posted some ideas of a possible Animutant Moon and Sun forming a polyamorous relationship with Solar in the future of "My Dear Daffodil" on my personal/adult Twitter account. Someone kept commenting on my posts that I was glorifying incest, because Sun and Moon were brothers and Solar was their cousin.
The post had "Animutant" in it. Not "TSAMS". These comments came from a person saying they were 19 in their profile. So it's not just kids who can't tell not every fanwork is about TSAMS. It's starting to be some adults too.
Vice versa I've had another person comment on my very clearly SFW Twitter how they're following me because I am an adult artist who draws TSAMS incest. I have never drawn TSAMS art. I ship Sun and Moon, but they're never related with family bond, because I love presenting them as lovers.
Why I ship Sun and Moon:
Because I am a hopeless romantic. I love romantic love. Every single story I write is always about love.
The only exception to this is the Poppy Playtime comic I am doing. But even then, I was originally planning for a romantic love between Dogday and the Player. Yet, I decided to leave it, and keep the relationship open for any type of representation the reader themselves will prefer.
I used to watch The Sun and Moon Show when it first started airing. I loved their playthroughs. I had a big distaste for them calling each other brothers, as well as some of the first "lore" videos they had. My biggest issue at the time was how Moon treated Sun, though. As someone who grew up with an abusive sibling, it sometimes just hit a bit too hard at home.
But it got better after Eclipse and Lunar appeared. Moon was more caring, and I started to really like his character development. There was one episode where Sun explained to Lunar that he and Moon had simply just "decided" to be brothers, despite not having a canonical relationship.
This actually made me really happy. Because the Old Moon was aroace, the love he felt was simply never meant to be romantic, but platonic. And by making Sun his brother by choice clearly indicated that Sun was always the one he loved the most - in a way that was suitable for aromantic person like him.
And it really made me enjoy the show for a while. Sun is my favourite character, and despite not always liking the way the show presents him, I always feel so much love for him, no matter the AU he is in. So I loved that Moon loved him more than anything, even if it was just platonic. Because I've always been under the impression that the canon Moon loves Sun, and is only under a virus to protect him. For me, the best part of any Sun and Moon AU is to know that Sun is the most important thing to Moon.
Why I stopped watching TSAMS:
And then that Moon I had really started to like, who loved Sun more than anyone else but just platonically, died.
It hurt so much I simply stopped watching the show. I've watched a few episodes here and there after that, but I am having a hard time liking the show the same as I did before.
Partially it's because of the fanbase. Partially it's because I don't find the lore very interesting and some of the stuff a bit repetitive. Partially it's because I am scared to see Sun eventually crumble up into madness, because he has been through so much.
I like the New Moon. He is funny and nice, what I've seen. His relationship with Solar has been interesting, and I genuinely hoped they would've been able to take the romantic route after Moon said he wasn't sure if he was aroace anymore. But as I said, I've only watched a few episodes after the old Moon died, so I don't know either of their characters that much to form any strong opinions about them. I just listen to the Monty and Puppet podcast once in a while and get a little inside to some of the lore that has been happening.
But hey, at least there's fanfics. Which is why I am rambling here today.
It is a rare treat to find Sun x Moon fanfics that aren't simply just porn, or do not include reader inserts. So since my romance-filled brain needed something to fill the void, I've started reading some TSAMS fics with romance (that wasn't between Sun & Moon) and plot in them.
I know Solar was settled to be a "cousin" to the weird family tree of TSAMS. But I simply crave for Solar and New Moon to be at least queerplatonic. Solar is not from their dimension, no matter how much they decide they're 'cousins' it doesn't make him their real cousin or relative because they're not from the same world.
Sun and Moon are brothers but they technically gave birth to Eclipse, who then created Lunar so Eclipse is technically Lunar's parent and then brother and Lunar is Sun and Moon's brother and... do you see what I'm trying to say?
The family tree is so complicated that I don't think I'm a horrible person for shipping Moon and Solar and reading fics about them. Tell me if I am wrong though.
The FIC that is making me question everything:
So Puffy recommended this fic by @theinfamousdoctorf , "Eclipse Meets His Match".
I'm currently on chapter 40, and I am genuinely surprised how much I am liking this fic so far. It got everything; redemption and character growth, the representation of Sun as the good, glowing angel he is in my mind (for canon, and every AU. He is always perfect in my eyes I love him can you tell lol), slow-burn romance, drama, excitment, plot, jokes and funny moments... even if there are a lot of mentions of sex and sexual pleasure, it doesn't feel out of the place as there is so much more to it too.
Eclipse's redemption to become better and realising he is in love with Sun has been so interesting to follow. Sun deserves the love. I love when Sun is getting loved. I literally ship him with every other animatronic in the games and love it when people ship him with their self-inserts and OCs. Because I love him so much I want him to be loved in every possible universe he is in.
Even bigger bonus to this fic is the second pairing, Solar and Moon, which I already opened up about above. I don't know how much the fic is truthful to the canon lore of the show, but I wish to pretend this fic is the canon now /hj.
I love the characters and how they're written. I love the descriptions of their flaws and hopes and dreams. How vulnerable they can get. How closely they stick together. And as an appreciation for making me tearful and excited about fanfiction in such a long time, I would hope to be able to gift the author some fan art for their fic.
But I've sworn to not draw anything for the show. For my own good. I've got too many awful comments already from the fans of the show despite never doing any art for it. I am just scared it will turn things worse.
End words:
I don't know if creating a new alias would be the right choice. So my main name/account would be spared from the confusion that the show's fans seem to stirr into, where one tsams artwork turns all of the artist' work into tsams.
I don't care if the art style would be recognisible. The artist would be me, but not PixelChills. Just so I could gift something to the author of this fic that is currently saving me from the boredom of being unable to write my own.
Thank you.
(This text has been typed on my phone, so pardon for any typos).
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pillowspace · 1 year
Celestial Sundown AU
A FNAF/DCA gods AU | You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
celestial sundown au <- all CSD-related posts (archive ver)
csd art tag <- posts containing my art (archive ver)
csd saved posts <- fanart and other appreciated posts (archive ver)
csd au variant <- talk of non-canon AUs (archive ver)
Please stay SFW in my presence. Do not relate my AU to any real life religions, joking or otherwise. Do not make AIs of my AU. Do not make god designs of canon FNAF characters without first asking for my permission.
I am completely fine with both fan-writing and fanart. Sending theories is fine, however I will likely only upload the lawyer hamster image in response. Due to the genderless nature of nearly all the characters, you are free to refer to them in any gendered manner you'd like.
Thank you!
Terms & language
Mortals - beings of the Mortal Realm that can age and die. This is humans and animals
Celestials - any living being of the Celestial Realm
Spirits - Celestial beings that are typically dependant and serve little status by default. They usually exist in large quantities, of their own minimal motivations, or in servitude
Demi gods - beings of both Celestial and Mortal biology, regardless of percentage. Some demi gods have a major purpose, while some do not. They may have a mortal heart or a light core
Middle god (mid god) - Celestial beings created for a major purpose. They can still bleed and die from extreme injury, but cannot age. Their form cannot change at will, and their hearts are light cores. This makes up a majority of the Celestial Realm's population. Sun, Moon, Eclipse, Sunna, and Meno are all mid gods
Higher gods - the highest Celestial beings that create gods and spirits. They cannot bleed or be physically injured, as they do not have a physical body. Any form they take is an illusion, and most relatability expressed is ingenuine
Life core - an orb of light that serves as a mid god's or demi god's heart
Realm travel object - an object that allows a person to travel between the Mortal Realm and the Celestial Realm, often but not strictly worn as an accessory. Most mid gods have one, some demi gods may have one, spirits typically do not, and higher gods can realm travel without the use of an object
(Information may be found in the links)
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⛅ Sun | god of the day + guardian of children
bonus blush/blood/ray info
any pronouns, but commonly he/him | 7'5" | middle god | also referred to as: Day | realm travel object: forehead pendant AKA crown | threat level: friendly, but capable of violence if extremely deserved | dangerously hot body temperature, but can temporarily cool down to a safely warm temperature at will | bonus fact: especially enjoys receiving offerings that can be regifted to children
🌟 Moon | god of the night + guardian of children
bonus blush/blood info
any pronouns, but commonly he/him | wings and sleeve ribbons are optional | 7'5" | middle god | also referred to as: Night | realm travel object: broken unusable forehead pendant AKA crown | threat level: intentionally intimidating, but only truly murderous towards those who harm the vulnerable | safely cold body temperature, but is averse to touching non-trusted adults | bonus fact: banished from the Mortal Realm
🌱 Y/N | mortal peasant
bonus past info | child design
they/them by default | 5'5" by default | mortal | also referred to as: Daylight (from Sun); nearly any Alice in Wonderland related nickname (positive, from Moon); Alice (derogatory, from Moon); pet (from Eclipse) | threat level: friendly, and would rather flee over fight if it's not necessary | bonus fact: spent a year wandering alone from ages 12-13 in search of their aunt's home
👁 Eclipse | fusion of Sunna and Meno
lower layer
any pronouns, though I will note that he/they has been used the most frequently | red eyes outside of the rays are optional | middle god | 12' | realm travel object: none | threat level: dangerous, but won't kill without genuine reason | average body temperature | bonus fact: desperately lonely and constantly in pain due to the abnormal nature of their body
☀️ Sunna | god of the sun
bonus mouth ref | bonus blush/blood info | branching AU where Meno died
any pronouns, no preference | sleeve ribbon is very optional | middle god | also referred to as: The Little Sun, Sun, dear (from Meno) | realm travel object: Meno's moon ring on left hand | threat level: highly dangerous. Sunna can easily kill even if undeserved, but can also be calmed down | dangerously hot body temperature, but can cool down to a just barely safe hot temperature | Sunna no longer exists and is now Eclipse | bonus fact: enjoys and is energized by the feeling of outside sources of light on their skin, and has an extremely strong will. When Meno is to die, they have the responsibility to take over both the sun and the moon
🌕 Meno | god of the moon
bonus blush/blood info
any pronouns, no preference | middle god | also referred to as: The Little Moon, Moon, love (by Sunna) | realm travel object: Sunna's sun ring on left hand | threat level: friendly if someone is on their best behaviour, dangerous if otherwise. Gives warnings before harming someone | safe but semi-discomforting cold body temperature that can drop into dangerously freezing at will | Meno no longer exists and is now Eclipse | bonus fact: collects many items but especially books, and likes to garden. Due to being improperly created, everyone knew that they were to die someday
Other characters that have been mentioned so far. Characters that have already been mentioned in the fanfic are bolded, characters that aren't canon to FNAF are italicized, and characters with art have an asterisk *
* Vanny / Vanessa - ?
The Dollmaker - ?
The Tinkerer / Emileus - ?
Michael - demi god of ?
Baby / Elizabeth - doll-contained spirit of mischief
CC - deceased mortal
Marionette / Charlie - mid god of ?
Lefty - old mid god serving Emileus's kingdom as a jailer and Charlie's bodyguard
Gregory - mortal
Glamrock Freddy - mid god of ?
Funtime Foxy - mid god of entertainment. Owns the Celestial theatre that Moon used to act for
Rockstar Chica - mid god working as a bodyguard at the theatre
Reader's aunt - deceased mortal
Reader's adopted mother and father - deceased mortals
Manaaki - one of Sun's prior deceased favourites. Romantic
* Epa - one of Sun's deceased prior favourite mortals. Familial
* Frieda - one of Sun's deceased prior favourite mortals. Queerplatonic
And others someday. Almost all Five Nights at Freddy's game characters exist in this AU
Arc 1 = Sun without his crown
Arc 2 = Sun with his crown
Arc 3 = Celestial Realm
Arc 4 = ...uh oh
Chapter posts
Arc 1 -
1. The Flip of a Page words: 8,224
2. Who Are You? words: 11,997
3. A Much Kinder Gold words: 8,423
4. Dear Night, the Daylight words: 17,212
5. A Flicker of a Thought (Part 1) words: 14,399
6. A Flicker of a Thought (Part 2) words: 10,440
7. A Total Loss of Equilibrium words: 13,110
The first concept post. May contain spoilers to anyone coming from the fic:
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fillipquesender · 6 months
Well, lovely to meet you, I'm Fillip and I have a wonderful offer for you
I have an au where its badically the exact same as now, just minus the newer episodes since those are tearing me apart, called Ameliorate au
Its going to be built on my theories on what I thought what was going to happen, and guess what? SOLAR WON'T DIE AND RUIN ISN'T MORALLY GREY 🔥🔥
Its gonna be mostly art, with the occasional story or vrchat photos just for fun :3 (stories will eb rare I can't get motivation 💔)
Cosmos (ruin)
Cosmos' sun and moon
Sol/Evil Sun (not done yet)
Evil Lunar (Not done yet)
Actual stuff changed but its mostly ruin (I will add onto this):
Ruin is renamed as Cosmos
Cosmos is just a goddamn sweetheart/he acts like dlc eclipse
Cosmos isn't considered family, but a family friend (If this was in canonical time as of 7th of june 2024, cosmos is still more of an aquiantance and not really that trusted)
Rather than Sol (evil sun) telling the truth, I made him be lying here with a deal made with evil lunar (FUCK I'M GONNA HAVE TO MAKE DESIGNS FOR THOSE TWO- Wait I saw someone give him glasses hold on what if i do that)
Solar and Cosmos would be slight friends in canonical time, but out of it they're really gay for eachover because why the fuck not :3
Solar doesn't die, and he gets a new body instead. If he gets revived in canon with a new body I may change his design to be a stylized version of the new body, but I probably won't unless I like the design better.
Cosmos' Sun and Moon are actually alive in this au, except they were just locked away by the virus. It wasn't until a while after Cosmos got the cure that it reached Sun and Moon, so they stayed locked away until they got cured
Every ep up until this one are part of the au, but some just stylized a bit to fit (eg, Cosmos not acting when infected)
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This ep is also in the au, but the only difference is that evil sun is lying 🔥 (why would you trust someone whos litterally refered to as evil and locked away his moon if thats what his lore is like what??)
Oh yeah and old moon does come back in this au and we get Nexus, but its more of him figuring himself out on who he really is rather than going fucking insane 😻
I do know in canon the family almost considered ruin as part of it, however I do like it better for him to be a friend in this au since cosmos was not acting with the whole virus thing, meaning he had less time to get to bond. Also gotta give them a break with the fuck ton of family members (coming from someone with around 7 family members, its a lot to deal with)
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alexandraisyes · 3 months
Hey dumb dumbs (/lovingly)
What are your favorite TSBS/TSAMS queer-platonic or platonic ships/aus? I don't give a fuck if they aren't canon or will never be canon, I just wanna hear your thoughts. I'll start.
KidsCove: They were really uncomfortable at first, because the fans were shipping them when they're both not interested (thank you very much but no thank you) but for the sake of Monty's wallet they did videos together. And it went from just gameplay to hanging out with groups to hanging out at each other's houses. They're best friends, FC absolutely loves Sun (and refers to him as "Uncle Sun", which was awkward at first, but it's since been accepted). Foxy rambles to Sun about Mangle over a glass of wine while Sun is scolding him for pulling his paws away while he's trying to paint his claws (you know how dogs pull their feet away when you touch them)?
SolarNexus: I'm sorry moots but I can only ever really see them as queer-platonic, even if I do participate in your ship rambles from time to time. They build shit together and occasionally blow said shit up together as well (on accident). They've almost burnt down the garage several times due to distracting each other with awful awful jokes that would put both dad's and sailors to shame. For someone who is aroace Nexus sure does have quite the storage of downright shameful sex jokes, and he always pulls out his worst ones while Solar is working on something delicate, and it's always out of the blue so Solar almost always fumbles what he's working on in shock. Nesux's cackling on the table, doubled over holding his stomach as Solar is berating him for his god-awful timing and humor, barely holding back a laugh himself. Moon also tells Solar his insecurities, shit he wouldn't ever burden Sun with. How he hates talking to people and he can see that all they can see is Old Moon. How sometimes he has to put up a front when Sun's talking to him because he knows that Sun can only see the dead Moon. Solar can relate, since he has a body that looks disturbingly similar to the version of Eclipse that took the star and blew up Lunar. Sometimes they just sit outside, on the steps of the porch, and stare at the ocean. Words aren't needed, just companionship.
My last one has to be this one fucking AU I have with my friends that I've never discussed outside of discord but I rot about constantly. The idea is that both KC and BM are a lot more feral/animalistic, and so KC and BM just fucking dip and go live in the forest together like a couple of cats. They just disappear off the map and don't bug anyone after Killcode gets his own body (that doesn't require killing Moon). Everyone thinks they died until the twins kidnap Moon two years later because Killcode is sick and they can't figure out how to help him. And then they gotta be domesticated because Killcode has to stay at the Plex to heal.
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h-didanart · 4 months
Question: How many AU Bloodmoons do you have?
*slams three notebooks, an iPad, and the phone on the table*
Bloodmoons that I have written or drawn about in public platforms where their existences can be confirmed:
Five pairs and a single, these are:
Everyone is alive, for some reason- My takes on Bloodmoon I and Bloodmoon II that appear on a one shot I wrote and a concept I shared here; Dagger and Rifle (placeholder name, I don’t know what else to call him :(), Rabies and Bleed
The Moon and Sun show- The ones from my swap au, which I am still counting because Fang has exactly one line which was meant as foreshadowing tho I don’t know if it worked cuz no one mentioned it; Scythe and Fang
The Bloodmoon One- The ones from… that au (which for some reason I made an alternate timeline for where they’re humans); Bloody and Harvest
Get in losers- The ones from my more silly au where everyone joins the family; Hunter and Harvest
The bffs- The one that got separated and became Jack’s friend, or has Jack as his emotional support bot, and the root world of the Virus!Jack event; Original
Those are the guys you guys can figure out I made rather easily.
Now, having looked through my notebooks and writing spaces, and counting the six Bloodmoons we already have:
Sixteen pairs, two singles, one trio, and one quartet
That’s eleven pairs, one single, one trio, and one quartet more than what you guys know.
Let’s get into their lore, shall we?:
The tree at face value- I was experimenting with family set ups for the Celestials and decided to take things literally, Bloodmoon here would be the child of Eclipse. They were never named.
Creator sucks, deluxe edition- okay, okay, this one is weird, and I’ll admit I wasn’t really thinking it through when I made the concept, ergo it will probably come off as insensitive and weird, which is understandable because I was not thinking through what I was thinking. So, human au, Sun and Moon and Lunar have DID, both Bloodmoons are Lunar’s alters. That’s it. This is one of the two aus in which the twins are younger than 20. Lunar, Hunter, and Harvest.
The RaTc (pronounced ‘rats’)- short for ‘Redhead and traumatized club’, basically a place where I drop all my favorites//ocs that have so many things in common that I can refer to them as being ‘the same guy’. Bloodmoon II was the latest addition. Original and Adaptation
Uno-less afterlife- my take on the ghost versions of the dead SAMS characters, I’m planning to write a one shot for this one when Sun dies (or if, I guess). There’s the first Bloodmoon who’s half melted and kinda disintegrating, and the newer addition of a mutilated Adaptation II. Original and Adaptation, Copy Adaptation
This is what you wanted- that concept I shared sometime last month (?), Bloodmoon wanting to get reprogrammed and getting Eclipse to help them, and then getting amnesia. Ruby and Scarlet
DND mini phase- a simple doodle of Bloodmoon as a vampiric rogue, thing which I don’t even know if it’s possible. They weren’t named
Death game- … I may have watched a Danganronpa let’s play. Look, the concept is neat, and the character designs are cool as hell! That said, I did plan a whole au revolving around the SAMS characters being put in a death game, I’m pretty sure I planned to have the twins kill someone and get away with it because of a loop hole. Bloody and Harvest
Fantasy au- not restricted but definitely inspired by DnD, a magical world where there’s all sorts of creatures and places. The Bloodmoons were vampires that Eclipse got to work for him, and then got out of control. Ruin revived them as a demon on account of being a necromancer. Neither the first or second versions were named
Pure and utter regret- I… I might’ve… I might’ve shipped the twins and Jack at some point— It was a crackship and I don’t even ship them anymore, I‘ve adopted the ‘Bloodmoon is aroace’ headcanon, and y’know, canon is being canon for Jack. They’re really just friends now. Yet, I still have about three digital pages worth of them being all kissy and shit. I feel like shit. Fuck, I even had a name for them. I hate myself. They go by every single name ever given to a Bloodmoon (because this was purely a fun crack ship)
April fools actor au- exactly as it says, Sun and Moon started thinking of ways to bring engagement up for the channel, and then Eclipse popped up, and so they all ran the channel together, bouncing ideas off of one another, and so began the lore episodes. Bloodmoon is a bot that was made by Eclipse from some scraps of code he did originally intend to use to mess with the Celestial twins, now repurposed into a theatre kid. They probably have names but they’re only referred to as Original and Adaptation
I got infected by Magic Girlitis- I was watching a bunch of videos about Madoka Magica, and then I watched the ‘Will you press the button’ video, so now I have magical girl designs for Moon, Sun, and Lunar. I never got to them, but the blood twins would’ve had a really cool introduction and would’ve been a genuinely scary antagonist to our heroes. They weren’t named
Fragment of the ocean- I asked a friend of mine what I should draw for Mermay, they said mermaids and oceanic creatures, I accidentally created an au. Bloodmoon is an apparent human (has never been seen as a mermaid), who after being controlled and used by several people was adopted into the Foxy family. They also have DID, because human. This is the second au where the twins are younger than 20. Bloody, Scythe, Hunter, and Rabies
AAaaaand that’s a wrap! Those are all the Bloodmoons I have come up with!
I think
I hope
🎶I pray that he— uh wrong character
I may have issues
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drkineildwicks · 27 days
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More BH6
Oh look it’s these two goombas—
So most of my writing time right now is occupied by LaL 2, but infrequently I’ll circle back to The Aken-Hamada Collective, AKA that AU where Obake and Cass are siblings.  Do have some stuff written up for them, and in comparing what I have written for the ‘main’ story and what I have written on the side, I seem to prefer writing the stuff that comes pre-canon.  Saying that, I do have some lined up and ready to go, just need to do the illustrations for them.
On the topic of the art…Cass 100% wants to do cute and goofy stuff and Obake doesn’t, especially before coffee, he probably just rolled out of bed after Cass has been up and running for a good five hours.  It’s not his fault he’s a night owl, okay???
Also reference time, Obake’s mug is in reference to the song “Crazy = Genius” by Panic! At the Disco, while his sweater is based on a shirt Krumitz wears on CSI: Cyber.  Now it’s the question of if he’s the nerd that bought the sweater or if one of his relatives did instead. XD
Find it on eclipse here, as always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Sorry just realized something funny about the Shadowpeach pregnancies.
First it was one (MK), then two (Eclipse Twins) and now three (Lunar Node Triplets). Maybe it is a good thing they are not interested in having any more magical pregnancies, if this keeps up they will be having quadruplets or quintuplets.
Haha! It was more a happy accident on my part XD
But yeah, Shadowpeach best be careful making more kids in the future. The "Buy 1, get 2 Free" situation with the Lunar Node Triplets have probably made them more wary when planning for future infants.
I wanted Macaque's little toyline shadow clones/Eclipse Twins (LMK) to be their kids, then I wanted the non-canon Yuebei Xing and ofc I had to include her brothers Jidu and Luohou (all three from "Journey to the South") cus they're so cool.
There are other "unofficial" kids of Sun Wukong in extended Journey to the West-inspired media that I wouldn't really count tho.
King Pāramitā (+4 unseen brothers) from "A Supplement to the Journey to the West" - set between an alternate timeline of Chapters 61 and 62 where Tripitaka gets kidnapped by a time traveller (even in 1640 people were pulling that trope) that somehow convinced him to give up the pilgrimage. King Pāramitā and his four brothers were apparently concieved when SWK accidentally got PIF knocked up when he transformed himself into a stomach bug/parasite in order to extort the Fan from her (Chapter 59 of JttW). I find that situation a bit too uncomfy/medically inaccurate so no. If anything I'd give Ironbull the bonus five kids, and that Pāramitā was the result of SWK accidentally lifting a curse from the couple - like when parents joke that their kid's "true parent" was a bottle of alcohol.
And since LMK's MK himself is likely a whole reference to Sun Luzhen from "Later Journey to the West" (17th century), it would be a little redundant to make a Sun Luzhen kid. Does give my Wukongverse idea of each of the SWKs having an "MK" weight tho.
In hindsight; between my au Shadowpeach's bio and adopted kids, I accidentally gave SWK the "five sons" (MK, Rumble, Jidu & Luohou, + the adopted Chenxiang) he's said to have had in A Supplement. XD
I would like to thank @journeytothewestresearch for their endless dedication and research into these sort of topics, since I use their articles as sources. I apologise for using your research as fanfic material. Go check their website out if you got any Jttw questions.
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lucin-kun · 3 months
I decided to create another Poppy Playtime Au (the brainrot is real)(oh shit-)
This au is named "Eclipse Au" and it takes place before the events of my "Smiling Critters Second Chance Au" and will tell about the tales of the Playtime Co Factory before and after The Hour of Joy.
This au is going to be a more personal au for myself so I'm able to put my own ideas and twists from canon while also not ruining said canon stuff.
I will be tagging my previous posts that are lore relevant as "Poppy Playtime Eclipse Au" (and of course future posts duh)
A post with the main characters reference sheet will come, I'm not so sure when tho (just not now, I created to many character reference sheets already give me a break)
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#1 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WEIRD. (18+, suggestive, cursed ships (unless making fun of them) ect)
#2 tkl related questions are allowed, but keep them to a minimum as this will be under the Normal TSAMS tags, and I don’t want to get harassed 👍
#3 Don’t be too simpy- I will become very uncomfy-
#4 No fucked up homophobia or transphobia shit, literally gtfo if you don’t like that some of my characters are queer when they aren’t in canon. AND NO RACISM obviously. #5 DO NOT get pissy with me for being slow to answer asks- my depressed ass needs to work up motivation to get asks done and even go on tumblr-
#6 Specify what you’re asking to, especially if you’re asking BloodMoon- Put M!BloodMoon (/M!BM) when referring to the manifested twins, and AU!BloodMoon (/AU!BM) when referring to the twins in the AU please!
It’s a mostly peaceful AU, redemption arcs have happened, viruses controlled people, but people did still die- some multiple times- (they’re being brought back though Dw)
Sun and Moon are a little happier than the canon variants, bc most of the drama hasn’t happened in this au-
HarvestMoon *did* die, but not by StitchWraith or (technically) Monty. It was Creator’s fault (who will not be in the AU)
KC is actually a good father!
Ruin has rebuilt SolarFlare (‘Flare for short) and is working on bringing back Harvest, but some complications have occurred while trying to bring it back- and Harvest is now a child (Bloody’s a big brother!)
Ruin did still do all the Bombtober/October takeover 2.0 bullshit, but it was completely under the influence of Creators virus- Ruin is much different now and is disgusted by his past actions.
SOLAR IS ALIVE! HE DIDN’T DIE! Bc Ruin has no vendettas against all Creators- he doesn’t even know what the council is- (Which means yes, it still exists.)
ForkFace and Jack are starting a relationship together!
Forky is MtF, and goes by Franklin when not being referred to as ForkFace/Forky.
Eclipse and Lunar have somewhat made up! There’s still some underlying trauma and resentment on Lunar’s part, and a never ending out of guilt with Eclipse, but they’re actually civil and can joke around with eachother!
Eclipse has also apologized to the others for everything he did, so far Lunar is the only one actually giving him a chance- mainly to move past his own trauma. (Sun doesn’t Hate him anymore, just won’t accept the apology until he’s seen undeniable proof that Eclipse has truly changed, Moon still hates his guts, Earth never really had much of a problem with him so she doesn’t really have to do anything, KC is heavily thinking on whether or not to accept Eclipse as his son again, and the twins still want him dead for being the source of their trauma)
Ruin and Solar kinda like eachother a little bit, but not enough to start an actual relationship- idk if that’ll change tbh.
Sun is closeted Bi and consistently denying that he’s queer (I’m going to make KidsCove canon, fuck you /silly)
Moon is asexual, but figuring out if he’s still aro. (He probably is though, so he’s not gonna be doin’ anything romantic anytime soon)
Because everything isn’t going to shit left and right, EARTH AND MONTY ARE ENGAGED!! Earth is actually the one who proposed, Monty still gets weepy thinking about that day <3
Monty is still genderfluid and has their other body (feminine form) but as I don’t have the character slots on GC to make that form, all appearances of Monty will be their masculine form.
Franklin and Jack are somewhat interested in trying out bein in a poly relationship, and are planning to eventually ask ‘Flare to join their relationship, as they both like it and ‘Flare likes them too.
KC may or may not be with Glamrock Freddy romantically-
Characters who will not make gacha-appearances bc I don’t have designs for them and don’t plan to make them: Gemini (Castor and Pollux), Nebula, Dazzle, StitchWraith, Foxy, FC, Freddy (normal) Golden, Puppet, (might actually make Puppet’s feminine form tbh though) and Francine.
Character sexualities and gender-identities (everyone is asexual bc 1; Robots can’t fuck, and 2; I’m extremely uncomfy thinking about these characters actually fucking anyone bc I’m a sex-repulsed asexual TwT:
Sun: Closeted biromantic asexual, demi-boy (He/they)
Moon: Asexual and questioning aromantic, demi-boy (They/him)
Lunar: Panromantic asexual, questioning poly, non-binary. (They/Them)
Eclipse: Closeted gay-asexual, questioning gender-identity (He/Him for the time being)
BloodMoon: AroAce, non-binary (they/them)
HarvestMoon: AroAce, non-binary (It/it’s)
Solar: Gay-Asexual, also questioning gender-identity (He/him for the time being)
Ruin: Omniromantic (male preference) asexual, genderfluid (Usually He/They, but sometimes She/they)
Jack: Polycurious-Panromantic-asexual, cis (He/Him)
Franklin: Polycurious-Panromantic-asexual, Transgender MtF (She/Her)
Earth: Omniromantic (no preference) asexual, demi-girl (She/They)
Monty: Omniromantic asexual (but EXTREMELY dirty minded), genderfluid (usually They/Them by default, switches frequently between masc (He/Him) and fem (She/Her)
‘Flare: Biromantic asexual, questioning poly, non-binary (They/It)
KC: Biromantic asexual, genderfluid (Usually He/They, rarely she/her)
They started out as appearances in dreams of mine, and wherever they’d make any kind of physical contact, (Usually grabbing my arm or poking at me like I’m roadkill) there’d be claw marks in the same spots when I’d wake up.
After a while of staying in my dreams, I started seeing them OUTSIDE of my dreams, and they weren’t just my normal hallucinations- my cats can see and interact with them, they can hold things, uses devices, mess with lights, play an Xbox, ect- and whatever they consume, the correct amount of whatever it was disappears afterwards- so they’re also able to consume things.
not sure Wtf they really are, but they’re goofy as hell, and are keeping me sane, so I’m not complaining.
they watch the channels with me, (yes- including lore, even when I tell them not to, they hide away and watch it from behind me or sm) and the April 14th incident really messed them up- they’re terrified of losing eachother </3
they have the braincell count as an orange cat, aka 0.
do NOT mention anything laser-related around them, please and thank you- they will have a full blown panic attack from the trauma of dying to that stupid barrel-laser-thing </3 (this isn’t a rule btw, just a warning)
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Edit: ECLIPSE HAS RECENTLY MANIFESTED. I know next to nothing about him because he’s more elusive and reclusive than the
M-BM!Twins, and I’ve only seen him like. Twice. But uh, I know he’s kinda mopey abt something so uh. He’s gonna be available for asks too👍
DOUBLE EDIT: Because Dazzle got a more gacha-friendly design, Dazzle will now be featured visually. A post abt her is already uploaded.
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in your last post you mentioned an au youre working on. what is it about❓👀 got me interested ngl cuz the dimension w/ that old moon and sun is already kinda cool and i lwk want more of it. sso yk maybe share❓❓🙏👀
Oh golly, I didn't think someone would actually read my ramblings in the tags, haha
But yes, I'm helping a friend with an AU she's working on, and I'm helping her flesh some things out. This AU is a smaller part of the overall story.
My username is kind of a reference to it too, a little inside joke between her and I, lol. We've also created an AO3 account, which will be shared between us, but there's nothing on it yet. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
So, one of the biggest differences between the AU and the dimension shown in the episode "A Place Where It NEVER HAPPENED!!! in VRChat" is that Earth is there, as I've mentioned in the tags.
They've also all got codenames because the main AU is kinda centered around a collection of different dimensions, and I'll from now on, refer to the characters by these codenames.
Earth: Meadow
Sun: Daffodil
Moon: Waterfall
The other big difference is that The Creator is alive.
Funnily enough, Meadow was the first character to appear from this dimension, and her brothers came to be, when my friend and I started fleshing things out.
So, Waterfall never left any of his homicide code in Daffodil, much like the Moon from the episode. But unlike that Moon, he deals with the homicidal violent urges differently. He hunts animals, that his siblings cook so they all could eat it, or donate the meat/food, and he has punching bags in his room! And all around the house. His friendship with Monty hasn't really kicked off yet, since the events leading up to that never happened. And he has the Star still. Hid it better, than our Moon did, haha...
Since there was no killcode being left behind that could grow into an Eclipse, who in turn would make Bloodmoon, Daffodil has no July 16th related trauma. And technically, since there was no July 16th, Dazzle wouldn't be a thing either, now that I think about it. Or at least not how we know them. Huh. His personality is similar to early portrayals of Sun, friendly, energetic, gullible, with the tiniest bit of sass he has nowadays.
And Meadow is in the first Earth body, and thanks to her, Waterfall and Daffodil has healthier ways to solve issues that could come up. She's also adored by her big brothers, naturally, and they would do anything to make her happy. Waterfall offered to pay for her studies if she decides she'd like to be a licensed therapist, or anything else she'd wish to be.
And you can imagine the shovel talk to end all shovel talks, when the brothers find out Monty has taken a fancy to their dear baby sister, lol.
Waterfall's got all his bunkers, but they live on a nice secluded island instead of one of the bunkers. My friend is not yet sure if it's the same as the island house from canon or nah.
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Ok sorry about that now back to your regularly scheduled program: A!au toh au when??
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Yeah hi I was bored n thinking about this idea and also wanted to do a style study for toh, (ignore that I had to use bases for the bodies I couldn’t draw them😭 my lines where too shaky I’m not the best at tracing stuff so I cheated a tiny bit) I had originally thought of this idea ages ago in a doodle where they all went to hexide and it was more a high school au if anything but now that the show is further along I thought of a more fleshed out idea for this hypothetical au!
Technically this could count as just a regular Ahit toh au BUT I based it off of ideas and hcs in aau so yeah I’m sticking with that
Also the characters aren’t one to one with toh characters it’s more just a “how would these characters and their story translate over to toh universe” thing but most characters can be tied to a toh character as being based on/in the role of if that makes sense like I said it’s a bit of a mixing pot with the characters
Uh yeah info about the basic idea for the characters/story:
The whole story with prince and Vanessa instead of prince getting locked in a cellar to die van curses him instead, but somehow idk how yet he ends up turning the tables and splitting the curse with her. I like the idea that prince is from his respective time period as Ahit and falls through a time pool so we get the same concept of this guy is old and from a long time ago just with skipping over the death ghost part so yeah he gets sent to present Snatcher is basically the eda character he has the curse and takes elixir (which I hc is blue bc haha Ahit reference)
If it’s not obvious from her design Vanessa is the belos of this au lol Probably instead of the emperors coven it’s something like the Queen’s court? I think it’s got a neat ring? Anyway yeah uh not much to say about her she’s basically the same lol, also I like the idea she uses illusions to hide her appearance and also to manipulate mj and the citizens 👀
mj is basically a combo of s2 Lilith and Hunter! He’s a grimwalker made by Vanessa to replace prince basically he’s made to be her perfect fairy tale Prince Charming that loves her and would never ever betray her <oblivious But yeah same idea as Hunter of being made as a clone of someone else BUT they’ve got a more similar role to Lilith in which they end up befriending the main cast and living with them Also included their “golden gaurd” design not sure what to call it? Moon prince? Moon something idk lol you guys might could help with that but yeah that’s the fit they got when with van also we got blood Amy too in which Vanessa gives her curse to mj after finding his palismen (she eats them belos style ofc lol) speaking of I still need to draw the palismen but I have some cool ideas!
Dels idk what to say besides uh she lives with snatcher n we still got the qpr going ofc lol sorry I don’t got much on her 💔 though I DID consider making her a star child to go with the twilight god thing but I also considered making eclipse a star child because the design is similar plus gives an excuse for him to be here without the fusion plus I think Vanessa using eclipse sounds cool it makes sense he’s prince in canon so like ofc she’s drawn to him but yeah still thinking about that
Time twins are our luz stand in, hc timmys jacket is snatchers like luzs jacket is eras bc I think it’s cute lol dont question why he has it idk I didn’t have the time pool idea at the time and bow is kinda like the willow/gus of the group and mu is the amity? Mu being a bully at first until joining the friend group n stuff and bow being the sweet straight man to the rests antics
Drawing time twins with round ears was cursed Anyway mu is a hybrid still, She’s half witch half eberwolf species! Cooking cat and Sam get to be her bio parents here instead of adopted so that’s cool
Shapes is the Vee stand in and omg they where really fun to design
I like the idea of the changelings/council being titan trappers? Considering they’re a cult? I think it sounds cool so maybe like shapes sneaks in with a disguise or like the trappers take them in or the trappers are basilisk in this universe? Idk considering no one in the cast is a titan it wouldnt really make sense so like maybe they are basilisk or basilisk hunters? Still chewing on the council lol sorry
Sorry I’ve been putting it off BUT curses!: basically same logic as canon they go by eda and belos logic respectively so van is a creepy skeleton cryptid ass monster and snatcher is a animal beast! BUT he’s not a bird like eda or Lilith ,and also not a snake though that would fit in being a more obvious choice, he’s ACTUALLY a ferret! Mostly bc I thought it was funny but it stuck lol they are furry and noodly so it works, plus I’m a sucker for the monster has innocent name but is actually terrifying trope lol, also idk about blood moon? They get cursed yeah but I don’t think they get transformed into anything mostly bc I have no ideas for them lol plus it’s more focused on the illusion hypnosis whatever abd not the curse itself
Anyway on to covens/magic specialties! The kids are obvious because they have the uniforms lol but I’ll still list them anyway: Time twins: Oracle/illusion Bow: beast keeping Mu: constructed Prince: Oracle/bard Snatcher: Oracle/potion Delilah: plant/healing Mj: bard Vanessa: illusion Shapes: abomination
But yeah that’s kinda it lol I do plan to add more doodles or ideas later but yeah hoo boy these took forever but it was a fun style challenge plus fun to design everyone!
Sorry if these notes are kinda all over the place oof I didn’t bother to double check them so sorry if it sounded rambley
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fillipquesender · 2 months
Cosmos fun facts (ft art)
I can't call them headcanons because they're all canon 💔💔
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Also my artstyle changed so ah
Cosmos has canonically acted out all roles in hamilton individually, but is yet to live out his dream of actually recreating it. His favourite rolls to do has got to be the king (king george? I forgot) and thomas jefferson
Solar has been to every single one of cosmos' peformances and always comes to meet him after them and is just like "you did wonderful sweetie" and its so cute and UAGHHHH
Solar knitted Cosmos' cardigan one time when he was knitting with Earth
It took a while, but cosmos and earth are just actually besties now. After some time Sun aldo gotcomfortable around Cosmos and they're a little friend group who hangs out together and watches disney movies together (cosmos and earth are flabbergasted at the amount of disney movies sun hasn't watched)
It took ages but Nexus and Cosmos end up becoming decent friends. Also either way Nexus ends up calling himself in this au, the only difference is that hes still part of the family. Also old moon is back and he acts the exact same around cosmos as canon, but without the the the whatever thing idk
Cosmos is the kind of person to be playing minecraft with solar, find a flower feild, grab a singular orange flower and grab it before giving it to Solar. Then he runs away giggling
He actually has two jobs, theatre actor and ballpit shark. He gets to swim around the ballpit and tease the kids (he earned the nickname 'sharky' from the kids)
It took him ages to tell everyone that he wants to go by Cosmos rather than ruin, solar had to hype him uo the entire time (earth joined in after she was told)
Whilst he's not considered family, he could not have asked for better friends than this and hes very extreamly greatful that they got rid of the virus rather than outright killing him
Him and Lunar act extreamly dramatic and random situations, and imidiently start giggling after
Him and Solar know about canon. They laugh their asses off at it/sillyj (they specifically only laugh at scenes with eachover)
If he had a cat he'd name it hammy (reference to @sammyixx's au, cat fathers or cat dads whatever it was 💥)
Him and solar git their own channel, The Solar and Cosmos show, cept they only post gaming videos with the occasional vid like turning into objects
Has flipped off eclipse. He won't do that again (he was chased for a good few minutes before someone had to get eclipse away
Yeah thats it i think
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
why is so many people hating on you all of the sudden wth, I keep seeing that rn
Are they? I've only come across the one. Someone threw a fit in my inbox last night about how "I shouldn't be on the TSAMS team" (something I'm not even really advocating for past a "yeah that could be cool" but overall not pushing for in any way shape or form) because my fanbase has been talking about it and pushing for it and such. Since I make my own, interpretive adult fanworks for my own amusement it apparently means that I'm incapable of professional-level writing or analyses when I've been doing professional-level writing for this fandom for over half a year.
But they're unhappy because my alternate universes aren't an accurate depiction of canon which means, in their minds, that I'm incapable of understanding canon. This is laughable, considering I've singlehandedly helped this fandom understand Eclipse on a level that had never been explored before. To the point that several people theorized that the VAs started to base their writing of Eclipse on my writings of the lore. I personally don't think this is the case; maybe it's just because I fail to have a solid presence of an ego. I'm sure it's entirely plausible, but I doubt one fan managed to make that much of a difference in the way they were understanding their own character.
Anyway, long story short. They saw that a bunch of people want me on the team due to my constant and successive analyses and threw a bitch fit because my AUs don't reflect canon. My co-creator, the one who started the serious "movement" (although I hesitate to call it such because it feels silly to refer to it as anything serious) about all of this, reported that they received a multitude of hate and harassment from the anon after I shut them down.
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And like sucks to suck anon. I don't put up with harassment to my friends, so if they show up again they're gonna get a nasty reception. Also also, I will forever do whatever the fuck I want with characters in my stories because I don't give a fuck. And yeah that's about it.
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droplets88 · 7 months
so what're you planning to do in the au ??? or at least something abt the au that you have flitting through your head atm
Why hello dear anon! Thank you for the ask!
As for your question, I won’t spoil anything major, but I plan to keep the story close to canon as possible but obviously not fully canon. Eclipse for example as seen in an earlier image will be a bit different than canon.
The story will be in second person (which is a first for me, I usually write in first or third) so the reader will be referred to as you, not y/n. That or any nicknames that pop up throughout the story.
While the reader will have some history (for plot purposes) I want the story to be mostly vague as to allow more readers to feel included. But to those who haven’t seen my earlier images, you will be a security guard within the story.
Ideally, I would love to post the first chapter by next week, but I want this chapter to be long so I’m not promising anything just yet. When I do post chapters, I will post them here, but I will also make it available within Ao3 to make it easier to find in the long run.
Thank you so much for the question! I hope this will get you hyped for the story to come! If anyone else has questions feel free to submit an ask!
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empyrean-demise · 8 months
Hello there!
[Plain text: Hello there! /End ID]
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[Image ID: A bunch of white jagged lines, with the top teeth of a dog in the center.]
I'm Aven, although I'm also known as OCTAfan (Or just Octa for short). I also go by Electra, Sprite, Elve or Lorelei, although I don't mind if you don't use those names. I use they/it/he/she pronouns, as well as a lot of neos, but those are optional.
I'm a minor, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please leave. I'm also Aroace and don't like flirting that much, so keep that in mind too! As for gender orientation, I'm Gendervoid and Xenogender (Manistatic and Dark Grimstaric, both are my coins).
We also realised that we're a system! Aven is the host, and we collectively refer to ourselves as Paraluxx Nebula.
More stuff about me under the cut:
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[Image ID: A bunch of white jagged lines, with the bottom teeth of a dog in the center.]
As said in the Blog's bio, this is my Alterhuman blog! Usually for my fictotype, but I have others! Here's a list!
[Plain text: Kintypes /End ID]
Aven (Worldless)
Thunder manifestation (Genshin Impact)
Jersey Devil
COCOON (2023) Protagonist's species
Runalong (*Moth, not Aven)
[Plain Text: Fictives /End ID]
Edda (Worldless/ Canon divergent)
Starfall (Worldless/ Canon divergent. Is our equivalent of Angel)
Summum (Worldless/ Canon divergent. All the Worldless characters are from the same source as Aven fictotype (?), which is known as "Paraluxx Verse" for easy reference)
Moth (Literally a canon Worldless moth...)
Aven/ Umbro (Worldless: Duality AU fictive. He's unfortunately from a fanfic so now we're freaking out about this as of 1/4/2024 as to whether or not to tag the Author of said fic here)
Edda/ Akari (Worldless: Duality AU fictive)
Judgement (Worldless: Duality AU fictive. Was the light warden)
Ember (Worldless: Eclipsed AU fictive. Specifically Aven)
Aloysi/ The Admiral (Worldless: Eclipsed AU Fictive. Split between General and Aziel)
2 (Ultrakill/ slightly canon divergent?)
Protagonist (OCTAHEDRON: Transfixed Edition/ Goes by "Veetragoul")
Protagonist/ Light orb (NERVE by Gunfish Games. Has no name at the moment)
[Plain text: Hearttypes /End ID]
Pari (Genshin Impact)
Ophan (Worldless AU: Eclipsed)
[Plain text: Hearthomes /End ID]
Creepy Grasslands/ Midwest Gothic-eque settings
Almost all realms from Worldless
Veetragoul (OCTAHEDRON: Transfixed Edition)
Kinsidering/ Fictionflicker (?)
[Plain Text: Kinsidering/ Fictionflicker (?) /End ID]
None at the moment!
The vast majority of these (With the potential exception for Aven) are psychological in nature, since I'm potentially neurodivergent (ASD).
Anyways, you'll be seeing a lot of memes, ramblings, art, pictures and more here! I might also post my requests for stimboards and stuff here, but I'm not too sure.I'm not comfortable with interacting with everyone, so here's a DNI... as well as a Please Do Interact (PDI?!)
[Plain Text: DNI /End ID]
Terfs, transphobes, etc
Lgbtphobes, racists, exclusionists, etc
Pro-shipper or anti-anti
MAPS, anyone who is attracted to minors
NSFW/18+ only blogs
Participate in cringe culture
Anti voidpunk (furries, alterhuman, etc)
Is generally a bad person
Please Do Interact
[Plain Text: Please Do Interact /End ID]
Other fictionkins, especially Worldless ones!
Other peeps with obscure kintypes
Literally any alterhuman peeps
Worldless fans
Fellow Astronomy enjoyers
Literally anyone who's interested in my rambling
Oh! I almost forgot! Here's my tag list:
Tag List
[Plain Text: Tag List /End ID]
Avenposting - Whenever I talk
Aven's art - My drawings and stuff!
Aven's Writing - For any poetry, fanfic (?!) or other writing stuff that I might post here?
Aven's pictures - Aesthetics images that are made by me
Aven Answers - For inbox stuff
Solarstorm starfolk - For Aven stuff/ Aesthetics
Thunderous Rage - For Thunder Manifestation stuff/ Aesthetics
Pine Barrens Thing - For Jersey Devil stuff/ Aesthetics
Geometric Moth-Critter - For COCOON protagonist's species (Atimoth?) stuff/ Aesthetics
Electric Grace - For Edda stuff/ Aesthetics
Starfallen Seraph - For Starfall (Angel) stuff/ Aesthetics
Starwards Heights - For Summum stuff/ Aesthetics
Shadowy Starmoth - For Moth stuff/ Aesthetics
Fatal Ordeal - For Duality! Aven stuff/ Aesthetics
Choosen Arrow - For Duality! Edda stuff/ Aesthetics
Guardian Seraph (Holy Spear) - For Judgement stuff/ Aesthetics
Hidden Embers - For Ember stuff/ Aesthetics
Admiral Aloysi at your service - For Aloysi stuff/ Aesthetics
Grand Sorrow (Of a Wanderer) - For General stuff/ Aesthetics
The Hunter... who's quite Silly - For Aziel stuff/ Aesthetics
Crimson Robot-Angel - For V2 stuff/ Aesthetics
Geometric Ascension - For Veetragoul (OCTAHEDRON Protagonist) stuff/ Aesthetics
Nerve Ramblings - For ??? (NERVE Protagonist) stuff/ Aesthetics
Endling Corinna - For Thylacine stuff/ Aesthetics
Little Bird-spirit - For Pari stuff/ Aesthetics
Thundersong Carnyx - For Ophan stuff/ Aesthetics
Cryptic Fields/ Hidden Forests - For Midwest gothic- eque hearthome stuff
Beyond the Cosmos/ At the Beginning - For Worldless Realms hearthomes stuff
Underground Realm/ Arcade's Light - For Veetragoul hearthome stuff
Potentially triggering stuff would be tagged as "tw [Blank]".
[Plain Text: Friends!!! /End ID]
@inner-will (Hehe Edda to my Aven /p /silly)
Anyways, that's it for now! I might add on to this post if I forgot about anything.
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Dividers credit: 🔶️
Blinkies credit: 🔶️
Icon credit: Made by Me
Banner credit: Ending cutscene of Worldless.
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