#this is self-promotion and also a pat on the back for figuring this out
waywardsalt · 2 years
I collected my current Phantom Hourglass oneshots into a series! The amount of organization you can do on ao3 is cool. Anyways, they’re all in one spot now and any future oneshots will most likely be added to this series.
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jaegeraether · 8 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 64)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (54) / Alexia Putellas x Character (23)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Join our WOSO Discord chat! Link in bio :)
Ridley POV
“She’s handled this very, very well.” Ridley murmured to Lucy.
Lucy nodded, looking so fatigued it was almost comical. “She and Joe were up all night doing crisis management.”
“You as well it seems?”
“She made me get some sleep for the game. I think I managed a few hours.”
They’d just arrived and were standing in the kitchen area, watching Blue on the phone again, giving another interview. She’d released a video stating that JK Rowling was in no way involved with the company, and the way she said it was impressive to Ridley because it was almost toying with Mark. Anyone who watched would have absolutely believed her when she almost mockingly denied the rumours with a virtually stress-free and amused demeanour. On top of that, her boss had somehow managed to get JK Rowling to post a video statement saying she was not involved, and that a year ago she remembered having accepted and agreed to the request that this new company also be allowed to be named Lumos. Mark was officially looking like a twat. But even more interestingly, it made Ridley wonder who this obviously rich and influential ‘Joe’ actually was.
Ridley watched Blue proudly as she expertly navigated her way through the drama. She’d always been great with people.
“I figured since you look like someone fed you after midnight.”
Lucy scoffed, her eyes moving from Blue to the food the pair had brought over, and back. She couldn’t help but shake her head and smirk at the sound of Lucy’s stomach grumbling. Blue must have heard too because she looked over and gestured for her to start eating without her. Lucy shook her head and crossed her arms. It appeared Lucy had her priorities straight which satisfied Ridley.
She looked down at Chiquito who was being vetted thoroughly by Narla, and her heart string tugged watching him sit patiently waiting, his tail curled around his body and resting atop his paws. He slow blinked at her a few times before his attention turned behind Ridley, and that’s when she realised that Alexia had been far, far too quiet during the whole exchange which alerted Ridley to her intentions. She heard Alexia before she saw her and as she went to attack, Ridley spun and ducked, her arm going around her neck in a chokehold. She pressed her body up against her back, enjoying the feel of her ass against her core and murmured in her ear. “Nice try, la Reina, but you’re too predictable.”
Alexia fought against her until she let her go and turned with a frustrated expression that Ridley enjoyed far too much. She’d been teaching her self-defence all morning and Alexia now seemed to have a new hobby of trying to catch her off guard. It hadn’t been successful thus far, though Ridley had been enjoying this new, playful side to her. “How?!”
“You were too quiet. And then too loud right before you went for it. And then then there was Chiquito.” She reached out and patted her cheek. “We’ll get you there, kid.”
Alexia smacked her hand away and Ridley couldn’t help but smirk. She loved how independent she was. The pair had also gotten a lot closer recently as they were enjoying building their friendship amongst the feelings. The strength it had taken Ridley thus far to not act on her almost-paralysing attraction to her had been the farthest she’d ever tested her discipline.
“Hey Riddles.”
Ridley looked over at her Blue who was now off the phone and smiling at her. She walked over and leapt over the couch, ducking to kiss her cheek.
“Hey baby Blue. You look happy.”
“All he’s done is give us a whole lot of promotion. And with JK’s statement… this is just great. I’m hoping to put out the promo today for Alexia’s interview to ride that popularity wave.”
“Great idea.”
That was another one of the reasons they were there. Alexia was going to review the interview and say if she was happy for it to be published.
“I’ll show you over lunch Alexia, just to make sure you’re happy with it and we can make any changes you want.” She smiled at the Spaniard as Lucy reached over the back of the couch to give her girlfriend some love.
“Thank you.” Alexia replied as she sat on the couch near Blue. Hearing her speak in English always did something to Ridley.
“Luce, you should have started eating, your stomach is so loud that it almost interrupted the interview,” Blue laughed as she held her head close to her cheek with her good arm.
“I wanted to wait for you,” Lucy murmured in response with a kiss on the cheek.
They both looked tired – Blue more so of course, and so Alexia and Ridley had thought it would be a good idea to bring lunch over before the girls went to the game. However as she watched them, Ridley grew suspicious and her eyebrows frowned.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“You two.”
They both looked amusedly confused.
“You two have been having sex. And now that I think about it, it even smells like sex in here. The fuck are you doing, Bronze?”
The pair looked sheepishly guilty.
“What are you, a sex sniffer dog?”
“Please tell me it was just once.”
Their expressions didn’t change.
“She’s a fucking walking bruise!”
“To be fair… my bruises are healing really well now…”
“You know what I mean. You have more breaks than a Kit-Kat Blue - you need to be careful.”
“We are. Very careful, aren’t we?” She turned her head slightly to look at Lucy. “And very creative.”
“Argh.” Ridley reacted disgustedly before tilting her head as she looked over Blue’s bandaged body. “Actually, the logistics would be fun…”
“Right?!” Lucy agreed.
Ridley scoured. “I’m still disappointed in you two.”
Blue shrugged and winced hard at her collarbone, Ridley’s stomach dropping as she did so. “As long as we’re happy. And to defend Lucy, it took a lot of convincing to-”
“Please don’t finish that sentence.”
Blue grinned and Ridley couldn’t help but smirk in response. She was happy. So, so happy and Ridley loved that. And the way Lucy looked at her… like she was her entire world.
Ridley looked over to Alexia who now held Chiquito in her lap, studying the pair and must have had the same thought as her eyes met Ridley’s.
Ridley had never wanted somebody so bad in her life. God, she was beautiful. She’d fallen asleep on her shoulder last night, her body twitching until she was fast asleep and breathing deep, sleepy breaths. The footballer had naturally cuddled her body to her own and it made her feel… a lot. And something she wasn’t ready to name just yet. Ridley had spent a good amount of time just studying her as she slept and eventually, she’d let herself fall asleep with her head on her own.
Ridley hadn’t slept that well in a long time. She was grateful that Alexia had used that favour because she couldn’t even admit to herself how much she’d wanted to stay. And then there had been the morning. Ridley had waited for her to wake, slowly twitching and coming back to life. She’d been apologetic for falling asleep on her, yet they both knew she didn’t mean it, and that Ridley hadn’t minded. It had changed something in her, just knowing that she was there next to her and safe, happy and comfortable. It took away that feeling of almost stress that she experienced as she lay in her hotel room staring at the ceiling and wondering if Alexia were feeling those things.
They’d spent the morning working out as it was an important part of their lives, and then another hour or so on the gym mat practicing self-defence. It had only been the basics, but the both of them had enjoyed being so close to each other, their sweaty bodies moving against one another as they’d tussled on the mat. There were multiple time when they’d moved or ground not because they had to, but because they had an excuse to feel each other like that. There was only one point where Alexia had almost gotten the upper hand, and that was because she’d distracted Ridley with a look of lust she failed to hide.
Lucy’s stomach interrupted her thoughts.
She looked over at Blue chuckling and reaching back to stroke Lucy’s belly. “Thanks for bringing lunch, guys. What did you end up bringing?”
“Ohh I’ve been craving that!”
“You’ve been craving everything, Luce.”
Lucy came around the couch to pick up Blue and move her to the kitchen table. “Ale, I’ll set you up with my laptop so you can watch now if you want?”
She watched a happy smile form on Alexia’s face at the shortening of her name. Her stomach felt strange in a good way. Blue was the most important thing to her and Alexia getting along with her was very, very important to her. So much so she didn’t even realise herself.
Alexia and Ridley set up the sushi they’d bought on the table, their fingers brushing and bodies seemingly wanting to be near each other. It was something she wasn’t used to, and she liked it. A lot.
Alexia sat at the laptop Blue had set up for her and put on her headphones, watching the interview while she ate her lunch.
“Will Chiquito eat this?” Lucy asked from the kitchen, holding up a can of Narla’s food.
“He’ll eat anything, but he prefers a specific brand. I brought him some, it’s in the bag there.”
Lucy nodded and laid the food out for the pets. “Don’t worry, Narla won’t steal his food.”
“I’m not,” she laughed. “He’d never let her.”
“Sit here Riddles…” Blue said, pointing to the chair next to her. She’d wanted to sit next to Alexia but she was at the other end of the table. She was about to question it when she saw the iPad set up in front of them.
Ridley raised an eyebrow and sat, Lucy sitting on the other side of her and already choking down sushi. Blue fiddled around with the iPad and suddenly the trio were staring at her nan and brother. Now it made sense.
“Hey nan! Hey bro! I have Luce and Riddles here.”
“Hello, it’s so good to see you all!”
“Put the camera down nan, we just see your forehead,” Ben laughed.
“Oh… is that better?”
“Yes.” They all said in unison.
“Hey Riddle-me-this, it’s been a while,” Ben grinned. He looked and sounded much older and than when she’d spoken to him last.
“Hey mate, up to trouble lately?”
“Only what you taught me.”
“Oh Ridley you look so good, lovey. It’s so good to see you.” Nan said. She didn’t realise how much she missed them.
“It’s really good to see you both too.” She said with emotion. It was a great surprise.
“We just want to hear from you. Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
“Yes, nan.”
She looked over the iPad and caught Alexia’s eye. It looked like she’d paused the video and was listening to them. She didn’t look surprised which meant Blue had told her about their video call, and her eyes held sympathy and curiosity. She gave her a reassuring smile before pressing play on her video again.
“Christ, sis, you look shit. Are those bruises?”
She nodded. They could only see the upper half of their bodies so it was just the sling and bruising, but she knew she would have told them both the full story. She was always honest with them. “Yes, but it’s almost gone. I should be able to put weight on my knee soon.” She turned to Lucy with that look Ridley had seen multiple times. “Luce has been taking really good care of me.”
“Oh Lucy you’re looking so good!” Nan praised. Lucy smiled and gulped down a piece of sushi.
“Thanks nan, you’re looking well. Hey Ben, whereabouts are you at the minute?”
“Kyoto living my best life.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve been there, it’s a whole other world. I loved it.”
“When did you go?”
“Uh 2021 Tokyo Olympics. We travelled around and explored while we were there. Have you learnt any of the language?”
“Yeah… I’m getting there. It’s hard but I can have conversations.”
“That’s a big achievement to be able to do that, though. Well done, just keep practicing yeah? Even if you leave, keep on top of it.”
“For sure I will, I have a lot of friends here now.”
“Good! It’s hard to make friends overseas, especially when you speak different languages so that’s amazing.”
“Thanks Lucy.”
Ridley didn’t miss Blue’s proud smile.
“Do you remember when you two said you’d be excited to come over for a game one time? Well YFN and I have been talking and we were hoping you’d come over for Christmas? All expenses paid, of course. We have accommodation here and I’ll pay for the flights-”
“-flights will be free.” Ridley interjected.
“And Ridley and I will argue over who’s paying for flights.” Lucy continued. Blue chuckled between them.
“Really?!” Ben sounded excited.
“Are you sure it’s not too much trouble?” Nan asked.
“All expenses paid.” Blue promised. “Riddles will be here, you’ll get to meet Luce, her family are excited to meet you two as well. It’ll be a happy little white Christmas like you’ve never had, nan.”
“I’m in. Come on nan, we need to go!”
“I’m getting old…”
Ridley jumped in. “It’s first class, nan, so you’ll have a bed on the plane. It’s like a hotel. You’ll board first and I’ll have people with you the entire way. I can come to pick you up, if you’d like?”
“No, no.. it’ll be fine, Ben can help me. You’ve already done so much for us.” She adjusted her glasses and squinted at the camera. “You’re looking so well, lovey. We really miss seeing you.”
“I miss you too nan. I’ll be here for Christmas, yeah?”
“Off to England it is, then!”
Lucy clapped, excited. “I’ll let my family know.”
“Do you have a game we can come see you play at, Lucy?” Ben asked, genuinely admiring her.
“Lionesses have their last games of the year next week, so not for England, but I have some late December matches with Barcelona if you don’t mind a little trip over to Spain.”
“Ohh YFN said the food is great.”
“The food is the best part.”
“And Barcelona are iconic. I can’t wait to see la Reina up close.”
Ridley looked over to Alexia to see if she’d heard it. She was zoned out looking at Ridley, blinking out of it when she was caught.
“Well today’s your lucky day.” Blue laughed.
Ridley caught Alexia’s eyes and gestured with her head towards them. She took her headphones off and came to stand behind and join them, her hands on the back of Ridley and Blue’s seats respectively. When Ridley looked back at the screen, Ben was bright red and staring like he didn’t believe it.
“Uh… hello…” Alexia greeted, not knowing why she was there.
“Th… that… that’s…”
“Is that the one you have a crush on?” Nan asked.
Lucy and Blue laughed. “No nan, I said she’s hot.”
“You said it a lot of times,” she responded, not realising how embarrassed he was.
“You do realise she can hear you, right?” Ridley said. “Nan, Ben, this is Alexia Putellas. Nan, she’s the Captain of both Barcelona and Spain, and she’s known as the greatest female footballer to ever play.”
“I’m right here.” Lucy responded with a mouthful.
“Don’t worry Luce, you’re still my number one.”
Lucy grinned. “I’m getting old.”
“Stop that.” She admonished and gave her a light slap.
“Hello nan, Ben. It’s nice to be meeting you.”
“Are you coming for Christmas Alexia?”
“Nan, she has her own family!”
“Well they’re friends so I don’t know.”
“Uh, normally I have Christmas in Barcelona with my family,” Alexia said slowly in broken English.
“Yeah I thought so, sorry, I think nan’s excited about Christmas.”
“Nan are you trying to hook Ben up?”
“Well it doesn’t hurt to try does it?”
Alexia laughed behind them – one of Ridley’s favourite sounds.
“What about Riddle-me-that? She’s older than me.”
“Oh yes, Ridley are you bringing someone to Christmas?”
Lucy choked, Blue laughed into Lucy’s shoulder and Alexia smothered an amused sound behind her.
“Still single.”
“Oh that’s a shame.”
“Why’s it a shame, we’re living our best single lives.” Ben said.
“Well it’s nice to have someone…”
“Ridley and I aren’t like that nan.”
“Oh rubbish, everyone’s like that. You’ll find a good one sooner or later Ridley.”
Ridley sighed. If only they knew the woman she wanted was right behind her. “Thanks nan.”
The rest of the conversation was catching up and organising Christmas. Ridley lifted Chiquito to introduce him to them while Alexia excused herself to watch the rest of the interview. Ridley worried how much she was watching though as she felt her eyes drift to her often. She didn’t blame her, Ridley herself was tempted to look at her but managed to keep her focus on the people she considered family.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” Alexia asked from behind her.
God that voice. Ridley always needed to build up something inside her before she looked at her. She turned and smiled, holding up her phone. “No surprise attack?”
“It looked like a serious phone call.”
Ridley hummed. “I’ve pushed back a few meetings until tomorrow.”
“And they agreed?”
“That’s the great thing about being the boss.”
Alexia nodded and took a step forward onto the grass. “Did you do it to spend time with Blau?”
She knew her so well. “Yes, just a few hours. She needs her sleep.” She looked inside to where Blue was giving Lucy a kiss goodbye.
“You’re leaving now?”
“Ah, come to say goodbye did you?”
“I wanted to know where you’d be staying tonight...”
Ridley let a moment of silence hang in the air. God knows where she wanted to be. “My later meetings are in the hotel.”
She wasn’t lying. Most would be in the hotel… on a video call. One actual face to face in the conference room.
She nodded like she knew that would be the answer. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
The wind blew a strand of her hair loose. That beautiful hair. Ridley was obsessed with it. She stepped close and tucked it back where it belonged, unable to not meet Alexia’s big hazel eyes staring up at her. She knew she shouldn’t go over there, it was too risky. But how could she say no to that face?
“Well I do need to make sure you’re properly trained to protect yourself.”
Her smile softened her face and she looked down, nodding. Ridley’s reaction was immediate. Again, something she shouldn’t do. Her fingertips found the spot just below her chin and lifted her head. “Shall we say nine o’clock?”
“I’ll cook breakfast,” she breathed.
The temptation to kiss her was overwhelming. Ridley’s eyes wandered to her pink lips and she needed to step away from her to not lose herself.
“I’ll see you then. Don’t forget to pick up Chiquito after the game.”
“I’d never forget him.”
Ridley stared at the photos Alexia and Lucy had posted and her insides did that thing she wasn’t used to. ‘Feeling’ she knew Blue would say if she told her. Feeling. Never before had she studied someone so closely. She zoomed in on her face, that smile in the stands with Lucy, her beanie on because she was cold and used to the Spanish weather. Her happy hazel eyes and slightly upturned pink lips. Ridley had dreamed about those far, far too often. She should have gone with them. What if she needed another jacket?
Ridley forced her phone down and looked at Blue responding to another message. She was about five minutes from falling asleep.
“Lucy being needy?”
Blue chuckled. “Always, but I love that. No, it’s Leah worried about tonight.”
“She was at the Arsenal game with Luce and Ale but now she’s on her way to surprise Jordan at her game in Birmingham.”
“Oof. Two hour drive. Very cute, though. Your idea?”
Ridley rolled her eyes. “It has you written all over it, Blue.”
She put her phone down. Narla was on one side of her, curled up and Chiquito was exploring the house, ever the curious cat.
“Come here.” She said, patting the couch to the right of her.
Ridley could have said something funny, but she didn’t. Blue’s expression was too serious for that.
“What can I do for you, madam?” She asked, sliding next to her.
“It’s what you can do for yourself…”
“Ah, of course. You just can’t stop worrying about everyone else, can you?”
“You know. Better than anyone else. You know what I’ve done.”
“And yet I’m still here.”
“She deserves better-”
It was Blue’s turn to interrupt. “Better than someone who will her protect her with every fibre of her being? Someone who will always do what’s best for her and not themselves?”
“This is what’s best for her.”
“Don’t take away her choices, Riddles.”
Ridley sighed. “You seem worried.”
“I’m worried you’re going to make the mistake of pushing away the best person in your life.”
“You’re the best person in my life.”
“Riddles, it’s different, you know that. I just… I don’t want you to make a mistake of hurting her to push her away…”
“Oh come on, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve slept around to give someone a hint.” It was harsh, but Ridley needed to be to avoid her own emotions.
“You’d never with her. And the difference is that you never liked the people you were pushing away.”
“I liked some.”
“Only for sex. And not like this.”
Ridley sighed. “And how, pray tell, do you know there is something more to my ‘liking’ of Alexia.”
“Because you’re my best friend, and I see the way you look at her.”
“Mmn. I do wonder what advice you’ve given her about this whole situation, though.” Ridley watched her intelligent eyes pondering that she’d been caught. Of course Ridley knew she’d give advice to Alexia, because she was always trying to help without being too pushy. To be her benefit, she didn’t look stressed or surprised at all.
“And why would I ever speak to you about personal things I talk to Alexia about?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you’re my best friend.” Ridley teased, repeating her.
She rolled her eyes and gave that dimply smile, shaking her head.
“I know you were mocking me, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before.”
Ridley tilted her head. Had she not? “You know what you are to me.”
“It’s nice to hear it sometimes though.” She said kindly, though Ridley knew it was a polite reminder.
She nodded and reached out to touch that scar over her eyebrow, a reminder of how cruel people could be. She’d sacrificed her own body so that she’d have no such scars and now… now she needed to trust that Lucy would protect her when she wasn’t there.
“You are my oldest friend. My best friend. Someone I would happily do anything for. I respect your opinion above all others, and I trust you with my entire being. I’m sorry I don’t say that enough.”
She cupped her cheek when she saw her getting upset, the tears forming in her eyes. She tried to nod to stop them from falling, but she was always the more openly emotional of the two. “I love you Riddles. I love that we’ve been around each other so much more recently. A… and I don’t want that to change.” She looked down and sniffed. “I know you like your space to go off and explore and be independent, and I said I was okay with it but truthfully… I love having you in my life. You’re such a big part of me. I feel like something is missing when you’re not around.”
Her words hit her hard. She was always so good at communicating. Ridley didn’t know how much of a burden it had been to be apart and not talking for months at a time. She had assumed the same thing – that she needed her own space for independence and that perhaps they reminded each other too much of their past. It wasn’t like that at all though. They wanted to be around each other. They felt supported in doing so.
Ridley moved closer and gently pulled her into her neck. “I feel the same, Blue.” She kissed her hair. “I’m sorry, I had no idea. From now on, I’ll be here as long as you want me around, okay?”
“N…not if you don’t want t-”
“Trust me, I want to.”
Ridley had always kept an eye on her from afar without her knowing. Where she was, what she was doing, who she was doing it with. That protective nature of hers was never-ending when it came to Blue. Knowing all of that had made it easier, but she’d never thought before of just how Blue had felt not knowing where she was or with who, or if she were happy. She should have reached out more.
“I love you, Blue. I’m right here.”
She felt her relax at that reassurance they both needed so badly. ‘I’m right here.’ She’d heard Lucy say it to her multiple times and knew just why she’d fallen in love with her. She supported her with that obsessive, all-encompassing love. And when Alexia had said it to her… she’d almost given herself completely to her right then and there.
Blue let out a large breath as her body calmed. “I don’t want to push you. I don’t want to tell you what’s best…” she said as she pulled back far enough to look up at Ridley with red puffy eyes. She needed sleep. “But I love you too much to let you miss out on love, Riddles. And that’s what this is. I know you haven’t admitted it to yourself yet, but she’s perfect for you. And you’re both in love with each other. She’s been here for you since you first saw each other at that bar in Barcelona…um…”
“Javier’s.” Ridley offered in a murmur.
“That’s the one.” She stroked her cheek and Ridley leant into it. “And no one deserves happiness more than you.”
“You do.”
“We both do.” Blue’s thumb stroked down that scar her dad had given her, and her eyes followed it. “Isn’t it finally time for us to both be happy?” Her tired big blue eyes met Ridley’s again. “Don’t we both deserve that?”
Silence followed as they sat like that, and by the time Ridley responded, Blue was already fast asleep.
“I suppose we do.”
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Discovering the Poetry and Literature Scene in El Paso
El Paso, Texas is a urban properly to do in approach of lifestyles and background. From its brilliant artwork scene to its such a large amount of culinary facilities, El Paso has a issue for every person. One factor of the urban's cultural landscape that most commonly goes disregarded is its thriving poetry and literature scene. In this newsletter, we're going to delve into the area of poetry and literature in El Paso, exploring its historic earlier, spectacular figures, and the slightly approximately a situations and companies that contribute to its vigour.
The Beginnings of Poetry and Literature in El Paso
El Paso's literary historic beyond dates to come back to American Laser Med Spa CoolSculpting El Paso the early nineteenth century whilst Spanish explorers first settled inside the arena. These early settlers added with them a love for storytelling and oral traditions, laying the premise for the town's future literary endeavors. Over the years, after you take note of that the the town grew and built, so did its literary scene.
Notable Figures in El Paso's Literary History Tom Lea: A Master of Words and Images
One of El Paso's this kind of exquisite deallots celebrated literary figures is Tom Lea. Born in 1907, Lea converted into no longer so much basic a professional publisher but also a well known artist. His works over and over depicted lifestyles at the U.S.-Mexico border, taking graphics each unmarried its proper looks and complexities. Through his writing and art work, Lea sold a the best option factor of view on the area, making him an influential confirm in El Paso's literary panorama.
Pat Mora: Championing Hispanic Voices
Another unusual figure in El Paso's literary neighborhood is Pat Mora. As an award-fine poet and writer, Mora has devoted her profession to amplifying Hispanic voices and showcasing their reports utilising her writing. Her paintings celebrates cultural differ when additionally addressing really good social issues.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz: A Literary Force
Benjamin Alire Sáenz is but a greater noteworthy discern hailing from El Paso. As a poet, novelist, and infant's e book publisher, Sáenz has garnered very miraculous acclaim for his abilties to craft heartfelt and suggestion-upsetting reports. His works relatively generally in finding themes of identification, family, and the complexities of human relationships.
Events and Organizations Promoting Poetry and Literature in El Paso The Tumblewords Project: Inspiring Creativity
The Tumblewords Project is a nonprofit corporation that goals to foster creativity and self-expression with the assistance of utilising writing workshops, readings, and open mic nights. This group presents a supportive environment for both knowledgeable writers and aspiring poets to percentage their art and receive amazing feedback from their mates.
The Barbed Wire Open Mic Series: Unleashing the Power of Words
The Barbed Wire Open Mic Series is a monthly instance held at especially a lot of venues in the path of El Paso. This poetry slam invitations people from all walks of life to take the extent and percentage their undemanding works. It serves as a platform for increasing poets to point out off their skillability even so also fostering a travel of nearby among artists.
The El Paso Poetry Festival: Celebrating the Written Word
Each one year, El Paso hosts the El Paso Poetry Fest
0 notes
stay-midnight · 3 years
Royals. II
Tumblr media
Hwang Hyunjin x Male Reader
W.C: 5.5K Words (😃)
Triggers: Explicit Smut, Mentions of Marriage, Mentions of Rejections/Stood up.
Things to be noted: Royalty AU, There’s some fluff at the aftercare, some angst too, Slight Seungmin x reader, Slight Jeonglix without context and Binsung with Han being a total flirt.
Kinks/Warnings: Top Hwang Hyunjin, Bottom Reader, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Edging, Degradation, Puppy Petname, There’s some drool-, Consensual, Safewords, Blowjobs (Reader receiving), Marks and Bruises, Slight Possessiveness, Aftercare (This is not a kink, it’s needed) Lubricated Sex, Unprotected Sex / No condoms (This is not promoting unprotected sex, use condoms irl !!), Palming, Slight Master Kink, Hyunjin has a big dick, Mouth Fingering, It’s so messy, Doggy Style and Hickeys (Lots of em)
a/n: Wowow, this is my longest fic yet and it’s a part 2 I— Anyways, I’m sorry for making you guys wait for so long for this~ HSHSHSHS, hopefully it’s good ! If I miss any warnings or triggers please inform me sksksk.
Hyunjin clenched his fist as he stared at the two princes laughing at the distance.
Why? He asks himself at why is he pressed about them, talking. Hyunjin wanted to rip the brown haired man away from you.
His jaw tightened in frustration in this feeling of his — was it jealousy? But he barely knew the guy in the first place, but noticing him at the corner of his eyes in the crowd at his speech makes his heart race.
He doesn’t believe in love in first sight — Heck, Hyunjin barely believes love exist. All those princesses were completely head over heels for him since he was young but never gave them attention as he knew that money or his looks is all they care about. It doesn’t sit right with him.
. . .
Hyunjin did nothing for the past thirty minutes but just stare at the face of the man who he seems attracted too.
He was also a bit salty at the fact that a prince was now giving head pats to you, he didn’t like that one bit. He accidentally let out a growl which did not stay unnoticed by his siblings.
“Jin?” A male voice snapped him out of his darkly clouded mind.
He snapped head towards the speaker, alarmed at the sudden call of his nickname, it was his older brother, the brother suddenly placed his arm on his shoulder, “You okay? You seemed distracted..—”
A laugh emerged from a woman near him,, her eyes twinkling with curiosity — Curious to why his brother, Hyunjin seemed a bit out of his head for a long time earlier.
“Yeji?” the eldest brother asked, turning his head slowly to her.
“What’s funny?” he continued, looking at her with a raised eyebrow, his lips frowning slightly.
“Nothing. Just wondering what’s gotten into Hyunjin...~ He was staring into the distance for a long time.” Yeji spoke, eyeing Hyunjin curiously — a hint of smirk playing at her lips.
Hyunjin froze.
“Uh, I was just watching what’s happening.” Hyunjin smiled as casual as he could, before grabbing the water from the near table to hydrate himself.
Yeji looked at him in question, not buying his response. “Whatever, birthday boy is being his boring self.” she shrugged off before standing up and going somewhere.
The eldest brother was very confused about what’s happening so he just sat back down and yawned.
“Hey! I’m older than you!” Hyunjin shouted before mumbling curses at her sister’s impudence before a bell suddenly rang.
. . .
The host stepped back upon the stage and bowed, “The ball will now begin, masks will be distributed in a little while, as requested by the prince — This will be a masquerade ball. Every one, enjoy your time at the palace !”
The male host smiled in content before leaving to the backstage.
You and Seungmin have been conversing for a while, unaware of the eyes that has been raking you from across the ball room.
. .
A lot of formally dressed occupants came out, holding stacks of differently designed half masks.
One of them suddenly approached you and handed you one. A white half mask, with gold lines and swirls remarkably designed by the maker.
The occupants handing out these masks have their own mask on also.
The giver of your mask had a smirk embedded on his lips before bowing.
You looked at Seungmin weirdly after that certain interaction with the masked guy, “Maybe just a creep?” he asks you in wonder.
You jabbed your elbow at him, “Don’t be silly, this is a castle. There is absolutely no way that someone without decency is here.”
“Hm, you never know Y/N.” he says in a serious tone making you stare at him in confusion before nodding.
. . .
Seungmin got his own mask — a dark blue colored one with sapphire crystals decorating the sides. He smiles at you before reaching for your hand, “Do you want to be my partner, Y/N?” he mumbles while you just nodded abruptly.
“Why me though? There’s many princesses out there?” you questioned suddenly, squeezing his hand pathetically.
“I have a more preference for men than women.” he stops and looks at you for any bad reactions before he continued;
“You seem fine and you’ve got good looks.” Seungmin complimented before taking you to the middle of the ball room where most people with partners are already gathered.
Slow and enchanting music started playing, the sensual melody was enough to calm your nerves and remove all thoughts of questioning Seungmin.
A hand was placed in your waist and in your shoulder, alerting you.... But, when you blink out of your own head, Seungmin was staring right at you with smile.
You placed your hands on his shoulder and waist as well, swaying through the music naturally.
While dancing you caught a glimpse through the crowd of a familiar red-head. He had a red half mask on with ruby crystals creating a spinning design on the eyes. A smirk formed his lips as he looked back at you, nodding twice. It was Jeongin dancing with a blonde haired man, his hair neatly sitting in a mullet. Felix.
You didn’t know if you wanted to curse him for leaving you or thank him for a new friend. You haven’t seen nor talked to Felix yet but maybe you will after this ceremony.
. . .
After dancing with Seungmin for a long while; a trumpet sounded which made you sigh as you look at Seungmin, knowing what it means.
Switch in partners.
“Good luck, Y/N~” he said with his signature cute smile that you’ve seen throughout the day.
You let out another sigh before gasping as someone took hold of your right wrist.
“Would you like to partner up with me?” A voice asked in a sexy voice, loosening the grip on your arm.
Swinging your head to the source of the attractive voice, you find yourself staring at a tall man with black hair — it was fairly long. He was wearing a black half mask adorned with dark flowers at the corners. He seems familiar, curiosity now took over your judgement as you nod courtly.
“May I ask for your name?” you looked at him, tilting your head to the side.
He looked up, thinking before looking back at you again with a smile, “Call me Hyun.” he breathed before taking your hand in his.
He then wrapped his other arm around your waist pulling you close to him. Chest to chest. You didn’t really mind because it was just a dance after all. Right?
You place your free hand on his shoulder, swaying to the music.
You stare up into his enticing eyes as if your were entranced by it. Slowly trailing your eyes to his big lips. Now you were extremely curious of what’s behind his mask. “From which kingdom are you?” You ask, mumbling your words.
His eyes peered down to your eyes in thought again, “I’ll answer all of your questions, when I get this mask off.” he whispers in your ear huskily causing you to shiver at his voice.
He didn’t come off to you suspicious or anything but his demeanor boasts arousal which wasn’t helping at the fact that you were slightly into his voice.
Okay maybe not slightly?—
. . .
Dancing across the ballroom and somehow not hitting any other partners was comforting since your own partner held you comfortably.
That is when you caught a familiar purple hair through the dancing figures, it was Changbin, dancing with....
Is that Han? You thought in shock as Changbin was practically being lead on by his partner. The partner suddenly lifted him up, princess style. Carrying him as if he was a feather.
Your partner noticed the constant staring just above his shoulder, “What is it?” he murmured to you, wanting to know what’s caught your attention. “Um, friends.”
He spun you around to get a good glimpse, suddenly a grin was evident on his face after you looked up at him staring into the distance — the direction you were looking at earlier.
No words spoken in between, he lifted you up, princess style — knocking the breath out of you, “Wha—”
You almost let out a shriek from being carried, “Put me down— oh my god, If you drop me, I fucking swear Hyun.” you hiss at him, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep yourself from falling.
“I won’t. Trust me.” he said as he carried you throughout the dance, you clutching him as if your life depended on it. Trust is not you have with a stranger, what the hell
. . .
Music stopped playing as the people stopped moving.
You sighed in pure relief, almost worried for your back to be broken. The man, named Hyun finally put you down and allowed you to take a breather.
“You still up for that offer of meeting me later to answer questions?” he asked smiling, to which you nodded in agreement. “Meet me at the gardens in 2 hours” He whispered to your ear, hot breath leaving his beautiful and sexy li—
“The royal gardens of the Hwangs?” You asked flushed from his teasing. The outside of this huge ballroom should be off-limits. “That isn’t allowed though right?” you took a small step back to reduce close proximity.
“I got permission from the Hwangs.”
You were a bit skeptical, “Well... If you say so...” you agreed nonetheless, not wanting to offend the other.
He nodded happily before walking away, waving his backhand at you.
You spot Felix at the corner and rushed over to him, wanting to talk to one of your best friends.
. . .
Atleast 2 hours had already passed and your energy was pretty much drained from conversing and watching Han flirt with Changbin or trying out Felix’s recommended shark meat. Jeongin was there too, pretty much being his evil self and saying stuff like: “Oooh, is it the Kim prince or that mystery guy, huh. Pick a lover, Y/N.”
Seungmin also kinda joined the friend group to with you introducing him to them, Jeongin had a mischievous smile during introduction and if you were to bury him 10 feet to the ground, you wouldn't mind. Ugh.
You realized that it was time to meet the masked man, so you excused your self from your friend group and sneakily rushed towards a door out of the room, remembering the structure of this place and where the garden is.
. . .
After some twist and turns in first floor hallway, you come face to face with a glass door, the sun that was setting was reflecting through it. You could see the tall and trimmed bushes outside as you step out. White roses were neatly sticking on the walls as the vines were all over it.
You hum as you walked around, “He didn’t exactly say where to meet him..” You scratched your head, trying to catch a shadow or a person. You eventually had to explore it a bit, sighing in annoyance as you saw a maze, “Hyun!” you shouted with all you could muster, knowing that most should be inside the party.
Birds fly out from tree at the heard noise...
Long minutes had already passed and not a single soul has been seen by your eyes.
You hung your head low and scanned the huge garden as a sigh escaped your lips, “Yeah... This is the worst.” you sulked slightly.
It’s worse to be stood up than rejected.. Atleast the person has the humility to show up when rejecting someone.
A shiver went through your spine as a cold gust of wind flew by, clutching your own arms. Disappointment was shown in your frown as you wanted to stay for a few minutes longer in hope.
. . .
You sighed, running your fingers over your scalp. As you were about to go inside, small footsteps were heard from the distance causing you to freeze in your steps and slowly turned your head to the miniscule noises.
A tall figure was walking towards you as you squinted your eyes to identify their face.
No way.. Is that...?
Fuck, it was the birthday boy — Prince Hwang Hyunjin, as if already admiring his face from earlier wasn’t enough, you had to see his pretty face again.
You were about to run inside when the Hwang shouted, “If you move, I will call the guards on you, Prince Y/N.”
Frozen dead in your tracks at his threat, you watched as he lurked closer, a hint of smirk dancing on those gorgeous lips.
“Prince Hyunjin, apologies but I thought someone was to meet me here..” you tried to reason out, hoping to not embarrass yourself any further by lying or trying to run.
You half-bowed to him, knowing that even though you were also a prince — He bears the name of Hwang, one of this continents, four largest kingdom.
As much as you wanted to keep your pride, it was disrespectful for a lower royal to not bow to a higher one.
He reached you and grasped your shoulder before pulling you up straight, he pulled you in by the waist causing a unintelligible sound to come out of your throat.
You looked at him, shocked, your mouth agape from the sudden distance change and his warmth. He held your waist tighter, pulling you impossibly closer.
Chest to chest.
Seeing your eyes he laughed, “So, what questions are you gonna ask?” he said, one of his eyebrow raised up in question.
. . . .
. . . .
“So, Prince Y/N. Care for hanging out with a Hwang?” He confidently asked with a smirk engraved on his lips, before he slowly reached and traced his thumb on your bottom lip. Relishing on the expressions you create.
Just a simple touch on your lips felt like a firestorm was raging inside, warmth spread across your body as heartstrings were pulled at his words.
. . .
“Sure...?” you whispered out unsure after a long silence as another gust of wind hit your back causing you to slightly shiver.
You still couldn't believe that he danced with you earlier, posing with a fake name. Though he said that it was because he didn't want to scare you off.
He was dangerous in a way, fooling with people on the higher end of the royal hierarchy is one dangerous feat.
But for some reason, you craved for his touch at this very moment, you didn’t know if it was because you maybe longed for him in that opening ceremony or that you barely have someone touch you intimately.
Hyunjin started feeling you up more while also undressing you with his eyes.
It started with light pecks to your jaw, transitioning into bodily touches like waist grabbing and slight groping. You were writhing because his touches — struggling to speak as every peck, every touch keeps your mind adrift away. You didn't even notice the bulge on your bottom garments starting to get noticeable.
“I—” you tried to catch your breath at his advances, “I d-dont think we should do this here, we might get caught..” you trailed off, tapping on his shoulder as a pleasured sigh left your mouth.
“Hm? So you want to do this? Here I thought, you were going to reject me.” He mumbles as he kissed your neck lightly.
“Don’t get the wrong idea, ah~ You are going to finish what you started..” You whispered out, moaning in the middle of the sentence when he suddenly palm your bulge with a bit of pressure.
He trailed his lips to your ears, “You’re a needy slut, huh? Don’t worry, I intend to finish what I started...~ And by the end of it? You’d want more of this.” He bit your earlobe while kneading your butt with his right hand.
You bit your lip, wanting to keep embarrassing noises from coming up your throat.
“We haven't even known each other that much, yet here you are. Presenting yourself to me like a whore.” he degraded with a smirk after pulling himself away from your ear.
You weren’t one to fuck around but Prince Hwang is one of a kind — extremely sexy and intoxicating.
You want more of him.
“Cat’s got your tongue, little pup?”
“Fuck, I don’t care — J-Just not here... Might get caught.” You hiss pathetically as he squeezed harder on your bulge, grinding into his hand.
“Hmm.. Okay.” he said, looking in to your eyes with his own bearing hints of burning lust. He took your hand, leading you back inside.
. . .
“Wouldn’t be people be worried, that you were gone from the party? And it’s your celebratio—” you breathed out as he pinned you to the wall suddenly, suprising you as you stare at him with wide eyes.
“I don’t care about that right now.. What I care about is you on my bed, all spread out and ready to be used by me, hmm?” he mumbles lowly, kissing you on the lips — with you yelping at the sudden warmth and softness on your lips.
You wrapped an arm around his neck while you pulled on his long hair with your free hand. He groaned against your mouth. “Room, Hyunjin— p-please..” you mumble against his lips, pulling away after a second.
After Hyunjin pulled away he opened a door at a short moment’s notice before grabbed you and pullled you in. You didn’t even manage to look at the room's structure or designs as he already started to remove articles of clothing from you one by one.
“You know, how hard it was — seeing you from the crowds earlier talking to another royal, one that flirted with you at best? Maybe I should remind him who you would belong to now huh?” he looked at your naked form, licking his lips before slowly pushed you towards and down the bed.
You moaned at his words, even though you know full well that Seungmin didn't flirt with you one bit but just talking about interest. His hint of possessiveness turned you on highly.
He slowly removed his royal wear, exposing his own milky skin, smiling at the way you examined his body with your mouth slightly watering at the mere sight of it, he was without a doubt one of the most — if not the sexiest man you’ve laid your eyes upon.
His eyes turned to one of the drawer of his nightstand, he reached over and took out a small vial. “What is that?” you ask, eyeing the vial suspiciously.
“It’s rose oil, to reduce the pain.” he answered, leaning down to press a small bite against your rib, laughing lowly when he heard your breath hitch.
He placed the vial, on the sheet — next to you.
“You know, I had doubted you with your fight with your own knight. Never thought that I would find you willing to spread your legs open for me.” He says, not holding back on his cockiness.
Which guiltily made your cock twitch to which he responded — by taking a hold of your throbbing length.
“My pup liked that huh?” He said a grin forming on his lips — teasing, riling you up more.
“Pathetic.” he said in a chilling tone — massaging your left pec with his free hand. He brushed a finger tip on your nipple, before he leaned down and bit a circle mark on your now puffy bud.
You bit your lip, holding off any sounds to not boost his already huge ego. Squirming underneath him, shallowly thrusting into his hand that was grasping your cock.
His own dick was hard too, you could feel it poking your thighs in the slightest, its tip barely brushing against your skin.
Hyunjin didn’t like the lack of sounds one bit, he used his now free hand to place it at your lip, you looked at him confused.
When your mouth suddenly opened, breathing against his fingers — he took the opportunity to insert his slender fingers in your mouth.
“Hold in your sounds again, and I’ll make you choke on my dick. Got that?” he threatened, eerily glaring at you — his eyes were burning holes into your own.
You nodded submissively, to which he then turned his head into your leaking and throbbing cock. He leaned down — taking your cock in his mouth, sucking earnestly and running his tongue on the veins at the side.
You thrusted up into his mouth — a mix of whining and whimpering against his fingers that he was shoving down your throat.
His teeth brushed a tiny bit against your sensitive head causing you to cry out, sounding muffled by his fingers.
“C-Close..” You gurgled against his digits, he removed his mouth instantly from your length, a trail of spit connecting his mouth from your slit, smirking at you.
You let out a whine and tried to close your legs but Hyunjin was faster, he immediately placed his knees between your legs, keeping it open and spread.
“Tsk, Sluts don’t get to cum.” he growled, “Especially pathetic ones like you.”
He slowly pulled out his fingers from your mouth, coated in your own spit coating around it. He wiped his fingers on your sheets.
He look down at you as if you were prey to him — a small cat in a lion’s den, his eyes were heavily clouded with lust. He was itching, excited to claim you and your body, especially since you were willingly serving to him yourself in a silver platter.
He flipped you on all fours so that he could have easier access to your entrance, He smiled seeing you in such a vulnerable state, “You want this?” he mumbles leaning down to mouth at your shoulder, you whimper pushing back against him as you felt his dripping and hard cock press against the side of your ass.
You nodded twice as an answer to his question, he gripped your hair tightly, pulling on it. “Answer me, pup.” he growled deeply.
“Y-Yes.... fuck me, my—” You cut yourself off with a moan as Hyunjin touched the head of your overstimulated cock roughly. “Your what, pup?”
Dizzy from pleasure, you said the first thing that popped into your mind, “M-Master?” you moaned shortly after as he squeezed your hardening length.
“Mm, I’m your master, and you’re my slutty puppy. Aren’t you?” he said in a teasing voice, removing his hand from your cock before he prodded at your rim with a dry thumb. Applying pressure but not enough to breach the soft skin.
You let out a whimper, pushing against his fingers multiple times like a bitch in heat.
It was pathetic really, at how much willing you just want to be fucked by him already, you wrapped your own hand around your leaking length to remove some pressure — only to be met by the harsh grip of Hyunjin’s palm, “Touch yourself and I’d make sure you won’t cum tonight for a second time.”
You whined at his words and slowly remove your hand as your pre-cum started to drip down and dirty the sheets.
He finally took the vial of rose oil that he sat aside, opening it with a pop sound — he poured a generous amount of it on his fingers before prodding your entrance with two fingers. “Say ‘Red’ if it gets too much, pup, okay?” he said, showing off a softer side of him.
You looked at him wide eyes at smiled lightly before nodding.
You let out a thrilled moan as two fingers, quickly made work to stretch you out, you saw his cock and it looked like it won't be an easy fit unless you get properly stretched.
. .
Two fingers slowly turned to four after awhile, increasing the sound you were making and decreasing Hyunjin’s patience. He just wanted to fuck you at this point on, but for safety of you — not yet.
Hyunjin was purposefully avoiding your prostate, he didn't want you to cum yet from his fingers especially since you were dripping a lot.
Hyunjin kept pumping his fingers inside of you, while also ravishing different parts of you, getting into work of marking every part he could find — from your shoulders down to your pretty thighs. Almost every mark is either a dark purple hue or bright red bite.
“I’m ready, fuck... Hwang just fuck me already.” you said impatiently at how long he dragged on the teasing. Hyunjin laughed at how vocal you now were, quite the contrast to the babbling mess you were earlier.
“Don’t be impatient.” he said, glaring at you and taking a firm grip on your ass, squeezing it tightly. You scoff at him, reaching back and sneakily taking ahold of his cock — it leaking slight pre-cum on it’s tip.
“Like you aren’t impatient.” you retorted back even with his fingers basically deep inside you.
He growled deeply and pulled his fingers out — you letting out a clear moan at the rough movement of his digits. Your hole clenched around nothing, it slightly gaping from being stretched around four of his fingers.
“Pups should learn their place.” he said coldly, getting the vial and pouring all of the remaining contents on his hand before slowly jerking himself off to slick up his dick.
You heard some shuffling before suddenly the air was knocked out of you, “Fuck. Fuck.” you chanted as Hyunjin moments ago fucked into you, his hands flew into your hips as he already started a harsh pace turning your mind hazy.
“You like this already, huh?” He mumbles, gripping your hips tighter, as he deeply thrusts into you. He was still avoiding your sensitive spot all this time.
“Such a good cocksleeve for me.” he hums with a smirk as he finally hit your prostate — known by you letting out the loudest moan yet.
Ah ah ah coming from your lips and his hips loudly slapping against your ass was the only thing you heard in the room, you were getting the best fuck of your life right here.
You could feel every vein — every ridge on his cock against your walls as he thrusts into you mercilessly, fucking the words out of you. It felt amazing and exciting at the same time.
Your body has given up trying to hoist itself up, so you collapse on the bed in a slumping position. He was still harshly gripping your hips, using your hole for his pleasure. You were whining against the sheets and messing it up with your drool. You were close as he hit your prostate a third time causing you to moan loudly.
“No more words to answer back, Y/N? Or are you already fucked that dumb?” he says, speeding up his pace, wanting to chase his release.
He was splitting you in half and you just nod slowly as your fists were squeezing the bedsheet, He let out a breathy laugh at that and continued his thrusts, relishing at your tired moans and pretty whines.
You pushed back against his thrusts, increasing the friction by alot.
He hit your prostate one last time and came undone untouched and without his permission. You moan loudly, barely getting muffled as you dig your head further into the pillow nearby. Your cock was getting milked for all it’s worth as he reached out to jerk you, wanting to make sure to get every last drop.
His thrusts were getting sloppier by the second, before moments later — he finally came with a groan, spilling himself into you and coating your walls with his white cum.
You whimpered as you felt him pull out, feeling some of the white substance drip into your thighs, “I-Inside, want you..” you mumble with him barely hearing it.
“Shh, I’ll clean you up first pup.” Hyunjin said, leaving and going into his bathroom to find a damp cloth.
While he left for the bathroom, you laid there on your chest — sighing.
What happened to the 'no fucking around' rule that you seem to follow, you promised yourself that ‘Y’ was the first and last. You rolled over to your side, wincing at how the cum drizzled out of your swollen hole. He had a lot of cum suprisingly.
. .
On a short moment’s notice, Hyunjin finally arrived to find you laying to your side, your eyes signaling that you were deep in thought.
“You okay? Did I go too hard?” He walked near you to which your eyes drifted to his face slowly to which you gave him a small smile.
“No.. I had fun time, thank you for taking good care of me, Prince Hyunjin.” you answered him, keeping the small smile before you turned to him.
He nods, “Just call me Hyunjin, no need for formality.” he moves closer to you, sitting down next to your back. He trailed the towel in his hand near your hole — removing the cum around your ring of muscles gently.
“One problem though...” you whispered, looking up at him with tired eyss before eyeing the bruises and marks on your body made by the dominant prince.
He grins sexily, “Keep it as a reminder to you ans to people who’d dare sleep with you.” He said, touching the marks softy after wiping your hole that was seeping with his cum.
You groaned in annoyance, “I’m serious, Hwang.” you shot back to him with an impatient glare. You click your tongue as no answer came out of his mouth.
He grabbed a small vial of ointment from his drawers to make sure your skin wouldn’t have any problems from his bruises and to make sure it would heal. He hummed while he applied it on the marks.
You sigh and allowed to treat you before he opened his lips to speak, “I’ll go over to your kingdom tomorrow.” he mumbles, wiping his hand on the sheet as he grabbed an underwear from his drawer.
You watched him put it on, looking away from him a bit shy, to which thank god that he didn't notice.
You looked up at him questioningly, “Hm? Why?” you tilted your head like a puppy to which he moved closer to pet you.
“I want your hand in marriage.” he said straightforwardly with a smile plastered in his face. He grabbed your chin making you look up at him, he leaned down and kissed you before you squeak embarrassingly.
You look at him dumbfounded and shocked beyond belief — your mouth hanging open with eyes wide, “Hwang, what? You’re going a bit too fast—”
He grabbed your hand suddenly and kissed the top of it before looking up at you, “Nothing’s too fast when I already like you and I want you.”
You groaned, knowing he won't let this go. Your parents should reject since they know that you’re not ready for marriage yet. Right? Hopefully, you prayed silently that your parents for once reject something so outrageous.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, I’m too tire—”
“HYUNJIN! IT’S TIME FOR YOUR END SPEECH, OH MY GOD, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU LEFT YOUR OWN PARTY.” Someone with a female voice yelled while banging on the other side of the door. You froze at the sudden noise.
“Tch, my sister doesn’t know the meaning of staying calm half of the time.” he mumbles, brushing his hand across his long hair.
“I’ll come down in a few!” Hyunjin said loud enough for the lady give a last hit to the poor door before leaving.
He looked at you before grabbing his clothes from the party and slowly dressed himself up, “I’ll see you, Y/N.” he said after getting fully dressed, he looked back and winked at you before smiling a bright one.
You sigh as you get up from his bed and limped to collect your clothes around the room, sighing once more as you dressed yourself up. “Marriage... hm.” you were having troubling thoughts about this, sudden marriage proposal — especially with someone you just met like 3 hours ago.
“Time to go fetch the dumbass and leave, I wanna sleep.” You said annoyed, referring to that stupid knight of yours that went missing when the event started.
You look at the closet mirror and fixed your hair also trying to cover the visible marks but to no avail still failed to do so. You were gonna sneak out of here, and hopefully Hwang just forgets what he said earlier.
Extended Scene
“Lino, I swear why do you look like a weirdo right now.” you said, looking at him with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You were referring to how he looked like dumbstruck with love.
He hisses at you, “Shut up, why do you have hickeys then huh?” Minho answered you with another question as he looked over to you and rolled his eyes.
You huff, “I’m telling my parents that you were disrespecting me early in the party.”
He smirks and looks over to you with one of his eyebrows raised, “Then I guess you wouldn't mind what fun you did in the party, I mean with the limping and stuff.” he threatens back, chuckling.
“You little shi—”
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callistolivia · 4 years
The Moon; Showing Love/Needing Love
 The Moon is a vital component to our personalities. It can show us how we go about showing love for others (and ourselves) and in what aspects we need love. Within the birth chart, positive interchanges between the Moon and personal planets can demonstrate a healthy and developed Moon sign; this is especially true with positive interchanges to Venus. These individuals hold special value in showing love and comfort for others and themselves. We can see a similar outcome in synastry charts when one individual’s Moon has positive interchanges with the other person’s Sun, Moon, or Venus. A positive interchange between one person’s Sun and another person’s Moon demonstrates the most natural compatibility two people could have. These relationships often have the most ease because one individual’s core or character (Sun) aids and uplifts the other’s needs (Moon). Similarly, compatibility between two Moons represents ease in a relationship as two people share like-minded needs; Positive Moon and Venus interchanges in synastry demonstrate ease in understanding and fulfilling another person’s needs.
Aries Moon
How they show love: An Aries’ innate curiosity is their not-so-subtle way of demonstrating love. Aries will go out of their way to spend time with the people they love and actively display interest in them. They can be very passionate and excitable around those they love, like every friend or loved one is another log in their firepit. Aries can also frustratingly push for activity with their loved ones, such as new experiences. They are very impatient and forceful towards the people they care about, but it is simply because they’d love to see them on the same level of hype as they are. Aries’ also demonstrate their love by confidence boosting or role modeling their energy.
What they need: Aries really need patience from others to feel loved and understood; they know they can be frustrating, but they will appreciate those who bare with them. They also really need someone to match their energy or someone to validate their energy; someone to riot with, or someone who is willing to understand their riot. Calming an Aries storm is a plus in their world too.
Taurus Moon
How they show love: A Taurus’ love language tend to fall in line with physical touch and specific acts of service. While physical touch is more obvious (hugs, kisses, cuddles, etc.), acts of service tends to play out in a very background kind of way. Taurus Moon individual’s can quietly carry an entire family’s burden on their backs and be a sanctuary of security and comfort. All who they love the dearest is their babies in their mind. They go out of their way to nurture the emotional well-being of others. In their network of love, they work the hardest and serve their own plate last.
What they need: Physical touch and outlets to relax. The fixed signs, such as Taurus, are guilty of holding onto emotional tension which then turns into physical tension. They need to be shown that they too can be cradled into someone’s arms and melt away. Taurus love massages, dedicated time to rest, and having some of the workload taken off of them. Good food doesn’t hurt also!
Gemini Moon
How they show love: Geminis are the spending quality time type. They can ease away tensions and anxieties with their ability to distract. Gemini Moons have an abundant presence, so while they can lead conversations, they can also direct comfortable silences too. They are great at reading the room and they are perceptive of the technicalities of others needs. With their cooled approach, they will rationalize and come up with creative ways to aid these needs. Their mental toolbox is chalked-full of ideas; “maybe you need to look at it from this perspective,” “I have just the movie for this,” “let’s go for a walk and talk it out!”
What they need: Their chilled exterior can often hide lots of inner anxieties. They really need someone to listen to their tangents. They also really need someone to tell them not to over rationalize their feelings, “you’re just feeling like this, there doesn’t need to be a because, and that’s okay.” They need people to spend their abundant, emotional energies with; vent about it, joke about it, etc.
Cancer Moon
How they show love: Cancers are very protective of their emotional world, so opening that world up to someone is their way of demonstrating love. Emotional vulnerability portrays their deepest act of sincerity. A Cancer’s innate mothering qualities is another way they demonstrate love. They want to create security for their loved ones as well as encourage personal growth. They reassure loved ones directly that their love is unconditional and uncircumstantial. Cancers are very sentimental about physical togetherness, so quality face-to-face time is an important aspect to how they show love.
What they need: Cancers need that natural nurturing quality returned. As much as they want to create security and comfort for their loved ones, they too need others to shield for them. Cancers need to be shown that they are safe; one can do this by dedicating time spent with a Cancer, perhaps inviting them over to your home or spending time at home in a familiar environment. 
Leo Moon
How they show love: Leos are known for praise and thoughtfulness. Leos like showing love through acknowledging others accomplishments that have been forgotten or overlooked. Leos are great at figuring out what is important to others and demonstrating praise, approval, and confidence building language. Leos can also be very thoughtful; they aren’t the “gift-giving” type, though when they find things that remind them of their dearest companions and loved ones, they will go out of their way to give gifts with special meaning. Similar to how a cat chooses whose lap to curl up in, Leos also show love by making one feel “chosen.”
What they need: Leos need verbal and physical praise. Leos find themselves in situations of self-doubt when without reminders of affirmation. Compliments, advice, pats on the back, and encouragement are a few ways to demonstrate affirmation. When in doubt though, a long hug goes a long way with Leos. 
Virgo Moon
How they show love: Virgos choose their words carefully and eloquently and this is how we can acknowledge their way of showing love. Though they are not one of the outright expressive Moon signs such as Cancer, they’ll know exactly what to say or write to make someone feel loved. Though cliché for a Virgo, acts of service is also their way of demonstrating care. They don’t mind doing the small things just to make someone’s life a little easier. Virgos also love leaving things better than when they first found them; physical improvements equate to mental improvements. Virgos also have a tendency of checking in with their loved ones; “have you eaten the right food today?,” “a shower might make you feel better,” “did you get enough fresh air today?,” etc.
What they need: Virgos need acknowledgement that they are doing enough. There is a major tendency towards inadequacy and guilt when they feel like they aren’t doing the right things or enough things. Virgos need reminders of what they’ve accomplished and improvements they’ve made thus far. Remedy their nerves with tea and quality time; nothing can make a Virgo feel more loved than showing them life can be simple.
Libra Moon
How they show love: Libras really set aside their own emotional needs for others; they would much rather please others than have to deal with their emotional world. They graciously give and bend their energy to their loved ones to promote harmony and contentment in their lives; “how can I make them feel comfortable?,” “how can I make them feel wanted?,” how can I make them feel luxurious?” They can be zealous in their efforts to beautify the world around their loved ones. Libras are absolutely the gift-giving type and they don’t need an occasion for it either. They enjoy surprising their loved ones and spoiling them when they can. 
What they need: Libras need to see gratitude for their efforts. Libra Moons live in an emotional world best described as “I don’t know,” so words of affirmation from their loved ones is very important. They also genuinely like hearing what you want from them as they are eager to please. Give Libras decisiveness and they will feel loved. 
Scorpio Moon
How they show love: A Scorpio demonstrates love with extreme obviousness and intensity. Their love is the smothering kind. Since Scorpios like control over their emotional world, the love they give, and the love they recieve, they use many modes of love languages. Physical and emotional intensity are the most obvious. They have an aggressive neediness for their loved ones; if they need you, they won’t beat around the bush about it, they will go and get you. Scorpios demonstrate the peak of their love when they reveal secrets and create or bond over a secret with another. 
What they need: Scorpios really need vulnerability from others. A lot of that “control-freak” persona Scorpio holds is from fear. By actively creating an environment of trust for them, they will feel loved and like they have a special bond. Scorpios really need emotional intimacy. Scorpios can also feel loved by others who give them a sense of purpose. 
Sagittarius Moon
How they show love: Sagittarius’ best demonstrate love through offering experiences. New experiences, trips, and special outings are a few ways Sagis’ try to ignite the light in another’s eyes. They acknowledge the special bonds formed through experiences or shared learnings. Sagittarius’ will go out of there way to place that booking, whether it be a concert, a campsite, hotel, or a niche workshop. Don’t feel like leaving the house? Sagis’ can get pretty creative around the house too; crafting, new recipes to try, documentaries to stream, new hobbies to take up. Honestly, don’t even be surprised if your Sagittarius brings home a tattoo gun one day. Sagittarius’ love through excitement.
What they need: Sagittarius’ really need mutual excitement and enthusiasm. They find comfort in those who truly listen to their philosophies and laugh at their jokes. Sagittarius’ really need to feel like they are a part of something, so family-like networks are also very important to their well-being despite being considered one of the more “flighty” or independent signs. An ear from many can make a Sagi’ feel truly loved.
Capricorn Moon
How they show love: Capricorns are not always direct in expressing love, but you can really tell one loves you when you are including in their life plans and goals. Capricorns have an innate need to control, so they often express love through being a providing or protective figure in their loved one’s lives. They provide a backbone or structure to their loved ones that would be extremely noticeable if they weren’t around. Capricorns also tend to provide guidance and mentorship to demonstrate care. Capricorns can be quite stingy as well, so if one spends their money on you, it says a lot!
What they need: They need people who can show them the more direct and vulnerable forms of love. They really need intense physical and emotional care; those who can introduce them to these realms of love. Saturn energy can make a person very structured and rigid so they need a good dose of warmth in their life to feel loved.
Aquarius Moon
How they show love: Without trines or sextiles, Aquarius’ showing love can be very subtle, hence why this placement is infamously known for being “unemotional.” However, Aquarius’ are fantastic lovers; they often demonstrate love through validation. Aquarius’ have a keen idea of what it’s like to be misunderstood so they’re the ones who are best at making others feel like they’re not a black sheep. They have a “being weird is okay” mentality when the focus isn’t on themselves, so if an Aquarius validates your off-beatness, it most definitely means they love you.
What they need: Aquarius’ really need validation in return for the validation they’re known for giving. Relatability is one way of demonstrating validity. Similar to Taurus and the other Fixed signs, their emotional tension leads to physical crystallization. Creating outlets to release their emotional tension as well as physical touch to aid the built-up tension are two of Aquarius’ biggest needs.
Pisces Moon
How they show love: Pisces have a large capacity to love and they demonstrate this through empathy and their fully immersed listening. They want to help their loved ones through giving advice, relating, or just lending their ear. Pisces are sensitive and openly vulnerable about how they are feelings and this is in hopes that others will relate and connect to them through this. Pisces are always the ones to step into the uncharted territories of the emotional world, leading others behind them; comforting, helping, teaching. 
What they need: Pisces really need guidance and clarity. They feel loved when someone is guiding them and giving them definitive truth to how they are feeling. Pisces can often get mixed up about their own feelings, so the ones who really look out for them, Pisces will remember and cherish. Those who show a willingness to connect also make Pisces feel loved; Pisces would absolutely be enthralled by a nap buddy or meditation partner.
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uzumak1dump · 3 years
a short au for naruhina month 2021
day 2 - memories
i highly suggest listening to this song while reading. you know if you want the slight angst to sizzle a bit more loool hehe
“When you look at me and the whole world fades, I’ll always remember us this way.”
8 am.
Right on time. Hinata smoothened her dress as she lined up on the railway platform along with the busy crowd. She smiled as her eyes laid on the familiar figure standing next to her. Small drops of sweat forming on his temple as he fixes his tie. She reached out for her red handkerchief and offered it to him.
“Running late again, Uzumaki-san?”
He looked at her, startled and obviously anxious before smiling real quick.
“Yeah… Umm…”
He hesitantly took the handkerchief as he patted away the remnants of his morning mess. For any other day, Uzumaki Naruto being late is not a big deal. Except for this one. He has a presentation today. This will dictate the fate of his promotion. Kakashi will be stepping down soon and he needs to prove to the executive board that no other employee deserves it better than him. And… it’s the day.
He looked at the girl standing beside him. Oh. Right. The handkerchief.
“Here, uhh, thanks.”
She smiled. The same smile she always gave him for the past few weeks.
“Train’s here. Same drop-off?”
She slowly shakes her head as they both make their way inside the train. A passenger trying to get a seat accidentally bumped Hinata. He immediately grabbed her by her shoulders and that all too familiar scent began to cloud his senses again. Damn. She always smells good. She smiled as she stood up straight. That same smile.
“I’m actually going to my doctor today.”
Hinata has always been a keen observer. One might miss the way his brows furrowed, eyes questioning, and the immediate lowering of the corner of his mouth, but not her.
“Oh. Are you sick?”
She let out a small laugh. Uzumaki-san is really kind. Very kind.
“I’m fine. It’s just my monthly check-up. How about you? Going to work?”
He seems to understand it but his eyes seem to look disturbed. He seems on edge.
“Yeah. Big promotion.”
Oh. So that may be it.
“And you wake up late again, I guess?”
He let out a gasp. Oh no. Did she say something wrong?
“How did you know that? A-are you…”
He leaned in closer and Hinata tried her best not to bump her index fingers together. And with a whisper, Naruto said
“Are you spying on me?”
Her eyes widened. The pink shade slowly dispersed on her pale cheeks. One of the things Naruto picked up from the past weeks of being Hinata’s friend is how easily Hinata gets flustered. Oh and also how cute she is when she blushes so he makes a mental note to add it in his routine.
“You’re mean, Uzumaki-san.”
“Am not.”
“Yes, you are.”
She chuckled as she softly hit him in the arm.
“Look at you hitting me. You are the mean one, Hinata.”
She shakes her head, disapprovingly. But then she smiled again. That same smile. The one he never thought he’d be looking forward to everyday.
“I’ll be dropping off at the next stop. Good luck on your presentation, Uzumaki-san.”
“Naruto. I told you to just call me Naruto.”
She just hummed and nodded. For a moment, Naruto wished the world could just stop for a little longer.
“Why won’t you let me see her?!”
“Not yet, son. The doctor said it is too soon. It might scare her. We don’t want her running away again.”
She was contemplating on going straight back home or visiting Kiba-kun’s pet cafe. Her little sister, Hanabi, told her that Kiba-kun is actually a long time family friend and there’s nothing to worry about. She just finished her knitting class today. Maybe she can give the knitted coaster to him as a peace offering? Well, she kind of acted rude the first time they met. In her defense, he forcefully embraced her. Being an unfamiliar face to her, she pushed him hard and screamed for help . Something she remembers from a self-defense ad. She momentarily closed her eyes, trying to fight the embarrassment. Yeah. Maybe next time. It’s too awkward right now.
She was supposed to go home but after passing a bakery, she just couldn’t resist the smell of cinnamon rolls assaulting her appetite. When she finally tasted what heaven feels like, aka, the cinnamon rolls, she thought she’ll be going home after. But here she is, walking towards the… she stops as she reads the sign.
“Hokage Rock”
Oddly, this place feels familiar to her. She is quite sure it is her first time there. Maybe this is what “where the wind takes you” feels like. Familiarity. Or maybe because this is just a quite serene place, overlooking the city. She always prefers this kind of energy. Quiet. Peaceful. Calm.
She almost gave up in the middle but something… her gut, or maybe her intuition, saying the view will be worth it. But boy what a tiring climb this is. Maybe she needs this. She’s been sleeping a lot and she had just down 2 orders of cinnamon rolls. Not to mention the 5 bowls of ramen she had at lunch. Yeah, she definitely needs this to burn some calories. And she isn’t wrong. The view is amazing. And the sky’s gradient as the sun slowly descends makes the moment feels like it is something pulled out of those museum paintings.
She turned around and saw Naruto. He looked tired. Well, after all those treads, who wouldn’t? But his seems to be a different kind of tired. Something that can only be seen in the eyes. Something that you can’t hold but feel just as much.
“Oh, hi. I never thought you would go to a place like this. Isn’t your work at the other end of the city?”
He let out a chuckle. A fake one. Wait…
Oh no… Did he…
Did he not get the promotion?
Judging by the can of beer in his right hand, maybe he did not? And maybe he’s here to unwind and forget about it.
The uncomfortable silence is slowly eating her up inside. This is the longest time that she and Uzumaki-san have without talking. No jokes about his co-worker, Shikamaru or the hot-headed company nurse, Sakura. Silence. It’s just her, Uzumaki-san, and the rustling of leaves. She wants to go home but she can’t just leave him here alone.
Or maybe she could. Maybe he wanted to be alone. Maybe he is just waiting for her to leave?
She was about to say goodbye when he heard him let out a loud sigh before smiling, gaze still locked at the horizon.
“Say, Hinata… What are you feeling right now?”
“M-me? Right n-now?”
He nodded. What am I feeling right now?
“I… I feel… free.”
She turns his face at him and finds him looking at her. For the first time since he came. His eyes glistened, maybe it’s just her but he looks like he’s about to cry. She was not sure why but she felt the yearning that screams behind it.
“How about you, Uzumaki-san? What are you feeling right now?”
“Home... I feel like I’m home.”
Maybe it’s the wind or the way he looked at her, every time, with so much familiarity and certainty, with just so much.. so much of everything, that for a moment she almost felt like she’s… she’s home, too.
“Thanks for this, Hinata.”
She looked up from her cup of ice cream and smiled. That same smile.
“No biggy.”
Naruto took one last scoop of his ice cream before throwing it in the trash. They are walking to the station and as dense as all his co-workers told him he is, he did not miss the confused stares from the people they pass by and the little giggle the girl next to him is eliciting every now and then.
“Okay. It’s either I had a kick me sign on my back or you all are going crazy. Which is it, Ms. Hyuga?”
She let out a soft chuckle before handing me her red handkerchief. Naruto looked at the fabric in her hands and back at her face. What’s that supposed to mean?
“Y-you have a chocolate in your n-nose.”
His eyes widened in horror. Since when did he have chocolate in his nose? They’ve been walking for 15 minutes already.
“Wow. And I'm the one who is mean.”
She let out a small chuckle again before reaching out for his face to wipe the chocolate. For a moment, Naruto felt like every gears in his head stopped working. She’s saying something but he’s been rendered mute by their sudden proximity to each other.
“Uzumaki-san? Did you hear me?”
“Uh.. Y-yeah. N-no. Sorry. What is it again?”
“I said, you can take it. Consider this my other gift.”
“T-take what?”
“The handkerchief.”
“O-oh. T-thank you, Hinata.”
“You’re welcome, Uzumaki-san.”
He corrected. She smiled and looked at him. Dearly. Just the way she always does.
“You’re welcome, Naruto-kun.”
“How long?”
He heard Hiashi sighed through the phone.
“They said it might be permanent. There’s no telling, Naruto.”
His grip on his phone tightened.
“Shouldn’t she be recovering here? This is where she grew up. She might remember more here. This is her home.” This is where I am.
“Naruto, they have more advanced medical care here. They can take better care of her here.” I can take care of her here.
“Naruto, I know it’s hard. But this is what is best for her. Take care of yourself, son. We’ll see you soon, okay?”
He fished out his keys from his pocket. He let out a small “Tadaima” and imagined the soft “Okaeri” from his wife as he closed the door behind him. The many times she greeted him with kisses and affirmations that he did a great job that day. Those moments when he just missed her so much, when small kisses turn into rapid breaths and clothes all over the floor, dinner be damned. He let out a smile. People don’t know how wild her wife can be behind those innocent features.
He kicked off his shoes but remembered how his wife glared at him whenever he would messily leave his shoes at their genkan so he walked back and neatly put them in line with his other shoes. It used to be mine and hers in there. A partner in everything. He put his keys on the bowl beside the vase. The one they made together.
He was about to wash up when he passed by his favorite moment of him and her. Sai gave it to them as a wedding gift. A small painting of him and her. That day in Hokage Rock. The day she said yes. The day he knew his life will never be the same again. The day he knew he had found his home.
“Happy Anniversary, Hinata.”
He took the little handkerchief Hinata gave him today. He knows how much she loves it. It's the same handkerchief she gave to him as a gift when they're 19. She knitted a little frog face at the edge of the fabric.
I'll be here, Hina.
I'll be waiting here until you find your way back home.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Doll Me Up (P.3)
Title: Doll Me Up (Part Three) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Tony Stark. On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge. Words: 2,963 Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, smut, daddy kink, dom/sub, manipulation, death, violence, possessive behavior
Part Two || Part Four || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Tony had left Y/N back at home after leaving the beach. He made sure she was settled back at his mansion, after he had had his face settled between her thighs that is. That was a surefire way to get her to relax and he cherished the taste of her on his tongue, inhaling the scent of her. It had done the trick well enough, and he had encouraged her to take a warm bath. She was confused at where he had to go at the hour, but he had assured her it would not take long, and he would be back before she knew it. She was rattled, he could tell, about the whole ordeal at the boardwalk. But she was acting tough, and he had to admire her resiliency. It was going to make her a good wife and hopefully mother in the future.
The tunnel he was walking down was dank and had an off smell about it. What he had ordered could not happen on his property, so this was the next best bet. It was secluded, in a seedy part of the city. Cops were around but they were preoccupied with things above ground.
He was met outside the room by Happy who had arrived before him. “It’s all ready, boss.”
“Good,” Tony clipped. “I’m assuming we have a dumpsite already?”
“That’s taken care of.”
Tony patted Happy’s cheek. “I can always count on you.”
He strode past him into the room, the smile falling from his face at the sight. The two men his guards had caught were chained up to the wall. The guys had already been beaten by his men, their faces dripping blood, deep bruises along their abdomens. But they had been kept conscious according to Tony’s instructions. He wanted to deliver the final blows himself personally. Anyone who tried to dare lay hands on Y/N, whisk her away from him… he had bloodthirst on his mind.
“Remember me?” Tony asked sarcastically, taking off his jacket, tossing it towards one of his men who caught it before it could fall to the ground.
The men were blabbering, eyes swollen, lips swollen. They just wanted it to end. Tony snickered at the thought. He had an array of tools at his disposal to make sure this would last longer and draw the pain out for them.
At the end of it, when their hearts had finally stopped, he looked all the look of a serial killer. His t-shirt was blotted with blood, a wicked smile at seeing the work he had done on them, still hearing their pained screams. His fists were bloody. He never touched people like this but since it was for her…
She would no doubt notice and fawn over it. Win-win situation for him.
Y/N swam over to Tony at the edge of the pool where he was reclining in a chair. He was watching her closely, thinking of how she had almost been taken from him a week ago and the thought made his stomach twist. He needed to protect her always, keep her safe for not only herself but him.
She pulled herself up enough out to rest on her elbows, her feet kicking below the water. He liked the suit she had chosen; it flattered her. Not that much did not flatter her. He would be hard pressed to find anything that would make her unattractive to him.
She pouted, “Are you sure you’re not going to come in?”
Tony stuck out his bottom lip, mocking her. “No, baby.”
“But why not?”
“Because I like watching you.”
Her smile was all flavors of seductive, “I thought you liked touching me.”
“Cheeky,” Tony chuckled, and she shrugged, looking proud of herself. He brought his vodka to his lips, taking a long swig.
“I was thinking…” she said catching his attention again. “We could have some fun. If you came to sit on the side of the pool…”
Tony chuckled again at her insinuation, his mind picturing her perfect lips around the head of his dick. “Are you insatiable?” She began removing her top and he held out his hand, laughing. “Y/N, darling. Rhodey should be here any moment.” She pouted again, hesitating. “As much as I would love that… those goods are for me, hmm?”
“Always,” she returned, straightening herself back out. She whined, “But why are you always having to work?”
“It’s not always. Don’t be overdramatic, kitten.”
“I can’t help it,” she grumbled.
Tony pushed his sunglasses down, peering at her over the top of them. “I’ll make it up to you. I bought a new toy.” She brightened at that and he grinned in response. “It’s sure to keep things fresh. Plus… I do owe you a night out, don’t I? Let’s make a date out of it.”
“Saddle Peak Lodge?” Tony’s brow furrowed and she shrugged. “I got bored, and I was looking at food places around here.”
“Sure. Whatever you want,” Tony said sincerely, taking another drink.
A song came on and she immediately smiled mischievously at him. “Oh, look, it’s our song.”
“Our song?” Tony asked, his lips upturned in a smirk.
She nodded.
He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past He doesn't mind I have a L.A. crass way about me He loves me, with every beat of his cocaine heart
“I’m even swimming and you’re watching,” she said, biting her bottom lip before pushing away from the side. She drug her eyes away from him before diving back underneath the water. Tony’s eyes followed her through the water, listening to the lyrics of the song she had deemed theirs. He would chase her all over town, that was for sure.
On Tony’s laptop, Y/N’s location of her phone popped up. He saw it was in The Flats and his teeth gritted as he realized where she was.
“That’s Liam’s place,” Tony said out loud, in disbelief.
Liam had been her friend first, even though he was Tony’s employee. Liam was one of the guards at the escort service. And he was one of the highest paid of Tony’s employees there. He was good at what he did and also helped Tony dole out physical prowess on special assignments that needed it. But he had an admittedly soft spot for the girls in the service, Y/N especially when she was still working there. He had seen it himself, Liam making sure she was comfortable and giving her attention. It had made him jealous at first but when he realized Y/N had no interest in him, he had brushed it off. She was oblivious to his adoration, something Tony had actually found amusing when he realized it.
The fact she had decided to hole up with him and that Liam had actually agreed to it… Tony felt a huge flame of betrayal. He had treated Liam well, had he not? Why this backstabbing when it was clear as day Y/N was doing something wrong?
Happy asked from the front seat, “What did you say?”
Tony snapped, closing his laptop roughly, “She’s at Liam’s. That… fucking prick. Anything to try to get close to Y/N.” Tony chewed on his bottom lip and grabbed his phone again, his temper flared. He texted furiously. “Looks like someone is going to get a promotion tonight. And I’m losing one of my best because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.”
Nine months ago…
Tony strolled in from the balcony, adjusting his sleeves. He had gone out for some air, leaving Y/N inside with the other Avengers. He spotted her sitting on one of the couches, Steve nearby. Steve was amused by whatever Y/N had said, his smile wide and her quickly explaining something. He made his way back over, coming to her side just as she finished.
“Cap,” Tony greeted him.
“Tony,” Steve returned, still laughing lightly.
Y/N was all smiles still. “You didn’t tell me Steve was so funny.”
“I didn’t know I had to. Rogers is usually the stick in the mud,” Tony quipped.
“She’s merely amused at my complete inept at cultural references,” Steve said, smiling warmly again in her direction.
“It’s actually quite embarrassing for him.” Y/N quipped, much to Steve’s amusement. “But we can forgive him. Just like we forgive you for your sarcastic jokes, Tony.” Y/N perked up and said, “You guys don’t have drinks. Let me fix that.”
She walked off and Steve leveled Tony with a look. Tony cocked his head, “What? You’re looking at me all self-righteously.”
“Is she…?”
Tony did not have to work hard at figuring out what Steve was trying to get at. He snorted at Steve’s prude response to her and being unable to outright ask if she was a prostitute. “Was,” Tony corrected. “Actually, worked for my service. She’s shaped up quite nicely, I would dare to say.”
Steve nodded in agreement, “She plays the part well. Charming. Polite.”
“What gave it away, pray tell?”
Steve snorted and said, “Honestly? She’s too pretty for you to be your wife.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You shouldn’t.”
The two of them were sharing a laugh as Y/N walked back up.
“Plus, the service,” Steve said under his breath, seeing she was carrying two glasses for them specifically and none for herself.
“Quite the whole package,” Tony said in a normal volume and she looked at him expectantly as she held out the glasses to them. Tony merely leaned forward giving her a peck on her forehead. His arm snaked around her waist and brought her to his side. “She’s so well behaved.”
“Because that’s the only thing that matters,” Y/N replied teasingly, tapping him on the nose, earning a wide grin in response from him and a kiss.
One leg hooked over your opposite knee, you settled back further on the couch cushions. Liam had fallen asleep further down the couch to a movie and you were speaking quietly on the phone to Xavier. “Yeah, I made it home. I just don’t understand—”
You yelped at the sound of the front door being kicked in down the hall. You scrambled, dropping the phone as Liam jumped up, half asleep still. He was looking around wildly and even in his confusion, threw himself in front of you, blocking you from direct line of the hall. You looked over your shoulder frightened, taking in the tall wall of windows.
When the first man walked from the hallway into the wide room, you relaxed, immediately recognizing him. Then reality hit you again and you realized the only reason he would be here. He was one of Tony’s and you knew what was at the end of this, your heart pounding with each one that walked in. The next three you recognized too.
Lastly, Tony came striding in and you exhaled shakily, releasing the breath you did not know you had even been holding in anticipation of him. You had not been on this side of his anger before and the mere sight of him was threatening. In his tailored jacket and slacks, his gleaming watch… he was everything the mob boss you knew put fear into other people’s hearts. He was here on business, not pleasure. His body was completely tense, his eyes focused in on Liam and you standing in the middle of the living room. You swallowed sharply, your resolve wavering under his ferocious gaze, cursing yourself internally for making him so mad.
No one was moving and time seemed suspended. The thing that drew you back to reality was Xavier was still trying to talk to you on the phone on the floor. You swept down to pick it up.
“I’ll call you back. It’s fine. Love you,” you told him quickly, before hanging up and tossing your phone beside you on the ledge. Tony’s jaw set at the last phrase uttered and you had said it without even thinking. It was not abnormal to say it to Xavier but now was definitely not the time. You informed him stiffly, “It’s my gay friend. You know. The one you think I slept with in Seattle? Who is not interested in pussy at all?” Tony was not saying anything, just glaring daggers through you, which further set you on edge. His men were standing at attention and your gaze swept over them before landing on him again. Maybe if you just went without a fight now, it would be okay. You rolled your eyes, trying to keep up the façade that you had not pressed him past his patience and everything was just going to pan out. “God, FINE. I’m coming! You didn’t have to be so dramatic.”
Tony held up a hand, stalling your movement, throwing you off balance. Your feet settled back on the ground, coming to a stop by Liam’s shoulder, waiting for his next movement. His gaze flicked to Liam, who was looking extremely uncomfortable.
“Who called who?” he asked in an eerily calm voice.
“W-what?” Liam stammered.
“Who. Called. Who?”
Liam shot you a look, nervous at being under Tony’s scrutinizing and threatening shadow. You gave him a slight nod and Tony noticed, his jaw clenching at the interaction. At the solidarity. You had a sinking feeling that was a huge misstep.
“She called me.”
“She called you,” Tony said slowly, eyes boring into you now.
There was jealously swimming in his eyes that you had called someone else – another man – instead of him. That had been your intention hadn’t it? To make him jealous. But now that it was coming to fruition, all you felt was dread. He tore his eyes away from you to look back at Liam.
“So, your first instinct wasn’t to, I don’t know, call me?” Tony asked. “Ask me if you should go picking my little, darling wife up from the airport?” Tony took a few steps closer, all swagger in his step. “That didn’t cross your mind, Liam?”
Liam admitted, nervousness apparent, “No, sir. I knew you were fighting.”
“You knew we were fighting.” Tony’s tone was condescending.
“And what? You were just going to pick her up from the airport, bring her here. And then what?”
“She asked to stay the night. And she said she was going to leave in the morning. Early. 6am I think is the time she told me. So she could go back home to you.”
Tony threw you a taunting look, “Hmm, back to me. Seems like that’s what she’s been avoiding actually.” You opened your mouth, but he cocked his head, the playfulness from seconds ago again. You closed it. Tony directed at Liam, “Who employs you?”
“You, sir.”
“So, you would think it would behoove you to fall back on that relationship rather than catering to the wife. I mean, she’s not the one your indebted to, is she?”
“Tony, I—” you tried to cut in.
“Shut…” Tony said, his eyes not leaving Liam, his finger held up to you stiffly. “Your fucking mouth, Y/N. I’m not talking to you.”
“How many friends of yours have I killed?” Tony deadpanned at Liam. You did not like where this was going.
“Um, zero. I think,” Liam said, sweat visible on his forehead.
Tony narrowed his eyes slightly and looked back at one of his men. “Is that right? I haven’t killed any of the men at the service?” His eyes swept over his personal guards and they all shook their head. Tony’s eyes snapped back to Liam and he looked thoughtful. “Huh. That’s surprising. But…” he closed the space between the two of them and you had to admire that although Liam looked nervous, he did not back away. “Then again, none of them betrayed me like this.”
Before Liam could react, Tony’s arm lashed out and his hand closed in around his neck. Liam winced at Tony’s fingers digging into his windpipe, squeezing tightly. Tony yanked Liam close and hissed into his ear, “I know how you feel about her. I’ve seen it. And the fact you thought you could get her here… get a foot in—”
“That wasn’t it!” Liam interrupted nervously.
“You’re a terrible liar. And I’m sick of people lying to me,” Tony snarled, letting go of Liam roughly, causing him to lose his balance. Tony backed off from Liam and snapped in your direction. “Grab your shit, Y/N.” You faltered, apprehension freezing you to the spot. He suddenly shouted, “Now!”
That got you to jump to action.
As you grabbed your phone and your small bags, you heard movement behind you and whipped around in alarm. You screamed when the first hit was laid across Liam’s face. Tony had stepped back and his men had come forward.
Tony had a vice like grip on your arm, yanking you sideways back towards the hall.
“Tony!” you pleaded panicked, trying to look over your shoulder as he dragged you away at where Liam was surrounded by the four men, punch after punch laying into his face and body.
He stopped, jolting you. He forcibly turned you, so you could look back at the scene in the living room, pointing at it. “This is your fault,” he spat at you. He wrenched you to him, his breath hot on your face. His eyes were wild as he told you, “Next time, think about what you’re doing when you go around trying to piss me off. Because anyone that sees Liam’s face after this is going to do that thinking for you. No one is going to want to help you when you’re being a little brat!” His fingers dug in and you winced. “And your punishment hasn’t even started yet, kitten.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @kvzctam, @farihafangirls 
150 notes · View notes
crabsxdragons · 4 years
“-this, I want to do this today” - Jeong Jaehyun
warning : mature content
You watched his sleeping figure from the side of the bed, carefully placing down his breakfast on the nightstand. The light thud manages to wake him up, as he fluttered his eyes opened. You wished it hadn’t woke him up, you wanted to watch him sleep peacefully a bit more.
His lips curved into a lazy smile when his gaze falls on you. He pats the empty space beside him, motioning you to sit.
“I thought you left for your classes already”
You chuckled, “Jae, it’s Saturday, I don’t have classes”
He raised an eyebrow to you before checking today’s date on his phone. He shook his head, “can’t believe I forgot what day is it today”
“That’s because you’ve been caught up in practice rooms and broadcasting stations for way too long”
He sits up and leaned against the headboard, running his fingers through his messy morning hair. A yawn escaped his lips, “you should get more sleep now that promotions are done”
“I would, but I also want to see you”
“You can see me in your dreams”
He shook his head, “I prefer seeing you for real”
You naturally crawled to snuggle on his side as he eats a well deserved breakfast in bed. He has worked so hard for the last couple of weeks, you thought breakfast in bed is the least you could do for him.
Jaehyun, being the usual clumsy person he is, dropped the bowl on the floor with a loud thud, followed by the clinking sound of the spoon.
He chugs down the glass of water and wiped his lips with the blanket, before burping rather loudly. You rolled your eyes in disapproval, he’s so different when he’s in front of the camera and in front of you. 
“Ew, that’s gross”
“But you still love me”, he teased while bopping his nose with yours.
You rolled your eyes again, knowing he’s right.
A content sigh can be heard, “This is the best Saturday I’ve had in a while”
You nodded in agreement, still cuddled up on his side. He smells good in the morning, well he’s never not. But you can never get enough of it, his scent is really comforting.
He closed his eyes, a smile gracing his face. He looks happy to still be in bed, when he usually would be going through make up and hair for recordings at this hour. 
Your gaze fell on his features, how the morning light fell on his skin. His hair is messy, face bare without any make up, and his slightly chapped lips. He looks real, but at the same time he looks way too good to be real.
Sometimes you wonder if Jaehyun truly loves you. He seemed so out of your league. Not to mention the way both of your worlds just doesn’t seem to match. You felt like he deserves better, anyone who is better than you. There will always be a tiny dose of doubt in the back of your head. Which would develop into so many thoughts and self consciousness when triggered. It just-
It made you feel like you’re nothing compared to him.
That he deserves someone better-
“Do you want to sleep again ?”, he asked when he noticed how silent you were being.
You usually have a lot to tell him and he loves listening to it. Especially when he gets to see the way your eyes lights up when talking about something you’re passionate about.
When you only responded with a hum, he reached for your chin, making you look at him. Then he pressed his lips on your forehead gently, as if he were touching something precious.
One kiss. 
Two kiss.
Three kiss.
He smiled when the corners of your lips tug upwards.
“I’m okay if you want to sleep again, what’s better than taking naps anyways”
You shook your head, “I’m not ruining my sleep schedule by taking naps”
“-Don’t you want to do anything today ?”
He pretended to think, a smirk forming on his lips.
“Well, since you asked...”
He hummed, slowly leaning towards you until the back of your head meets the soft cloud-like pillow. His fingers played with the hem of your shirt as he makes himself comfortable, hovering over you.
“You know...”, he didn’t finish what he was intending to say, and instead captured your lips with his.
He started off gently, savoring the taste of your lips against his. They always made him feel at home, so warm and inviting. Once his lips touches yours, there’s no going back, he could never get enough of you, everything about you. 
Holding you in place, his lips moved against yours in a manner that made a knot form in your stomach, your toes curling. He is literally taking your breath away.
But you certainly do not have his lung capacity. As you tried pulling away, you barely got to breathe properly when he pulled you in again. Applying more pressure and moving so much rougher. 
As if he’s starving, craving, longing for you. He sucked your lower lip and slid in his tongue, deepening the kiss. Trapped between his hovering body and the bed, you couldn’t do much. 
“-this, I want to do this today”, he said when he finally pulls away, keeping his face close to yours.
You avoided his gaze, one more second of looking into his eyes and you’ll let him do anything to you. His eyes are dangerous, especially when his pupils are dilated and clouded with lust.
If you think you could avoid his eyes, you were wrong because he’s not letting you do so. His fingers traced your cheek, moving your head so you would face him.
“Eyes on me, baby”
179 notes · View notes
kisskeiji · 4 years
6. Love me right.
Lost & Found.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of self doubt and spiraling 
The closer the Volleyball Association awards ceremony was, the busier your schedule was, with the end of the season and the team winning their final match your phone wouldn’t stop ringing with reporters from sports magazines and channels trying to get a word from the athletes, the team went on for at least three weeks without a break; everyone was way too exhausted to bear with another interview. You had to travel around the country for away games every other week and the moment you came back home after the season finale you had to jump back into ‘babysitter duty’ supervising the press conferences, television appearances and exclusive interviews. You tried to relieve the soreness of your neck by rubbing it as you walked to the meeting room where everyone including the team waited for you. 
“Please no more interviews, Y/N, we are begging.” Inunaki said as soon as you entered the room. Everyone looked at you with pleading eyes — everyone except Bokuto who was busy stuffing himself with cookies—, you sighed and took your seat next to Imai.
“We are done with your schedule, don’t worry about that.” You said and turned to greet your team, taking the coffee one of your assistants got you and taking a big sip almost forgetting the drink was hot, your face contorted in pain but you tried your best to hide it, you were wide awake now, not from the coffee but from your burnt tongue. 
“Let’s make this quick guys, I think we all want to go home.” Hideko got up from her seat and buttoned her coat. “Season’s over, congratulations on your win, the sponsors and everyone’s pockets are extremely happy.” Everyone laughed at her comment as she kept talking. “I think the promotion period was even more exhausting than the matches for you guys, and we are thankful to all of you because surprisingly no one messed things up, so our headlines are clear.” You nodded along her speech while you reviewed your notes. Hideko thanked the staff and also talked about what was about to come with the new year approaching. “We are holding to our usual holiday agenda, the training grounds and the gym are open if you want to train by yourself but I don’t think coach Foster wants to see your faces for at least a month.” 
“She’s right, please stay away from me.” Coach Foster said massaging the bridge of his nose and the team smiled, they all knew the man cared deeply for them and their well being. Bokuto, who was sitting beside him, gave him a side hug that made him grasp for whatever surface was in front of him. 
“Bokuto, stop tormenting the poor man.” Hideko glared at him. “As you might know, the big night it’s on New Year's eve. Some of the staff is required such as Y/N and her team, me, of course.” She rolled her eyes with her hand on her chest, stating his presence as a given. “And our athletic trainers, so don’t make plans this year. The rest of the staff is invited too but have the option not to go and spend the holiday with their families like normal people.” She sighed, not precisely delighted with the idea of spending new year technically working. 
“I can take care of things if any of you want to go home.” You said to your three assistants and they nodded. 
“Players are allowed to bring a plus one, blah blah blah, you know the drill. Please, you are grown adults and it’s the time of the year you can drink, don’t do something stupid that can end in more work for us.” She took her coffee cup from the table. “Any questions?” She asked before drinking from it, having the same reaction you had earlier to the hot beverage. “That’s really hot, shit.” She cussed.
“Do we have to wear a suit and tie?” Bokuto asked. 
“Yes, Bokuto, it’s a gala.”
“But I don’t know how to tie a tie.” He said, looking at Hideko with sad eyes. 
“Wear a bow one.” She answered without enthusiasm. “Y/N take the lead, I have another meeting with scary people with money.” She really meant the sponsors and the team owners, for someone as fierce and imposing to be intimidated by them meant they were business and one she had to tiptoe around to keep them happy, after meeting them at the team party you understood why she avoided them like the plague. 
“I just have some things to run with you guys and then we can go home, I’m not taking too long.”  You stood up when Hideko left. “No more interviews, your schedule is closed for the rest of the month and I will start booking once we announce the team tryouts on mid January. Like always, I'm not responsible for paparazzi’s but if you get spotted you already know what to do.” Taking a deep breath you continued as you reviewed your notebook. “Regarding the awards, if you win something the interviews are not in my hands, so expect casual interviews the day after. We will be monitoring during the holidays too, so you can call me if something happens.” You looked up to everyone listening to you attentively. 
It felt good, being respected felt good. You were more than thankful for the opportunities you had and for taking the position, specially with the Black Jackals, it was a family in every aspect and you felt welcomed since day one and being recognized for all your work the past six months was enough for you to walk with your head up high again proud of your work and your team. “And lastly, I would like to thank all of you for working so well this season and putting up with the hell sent schedule we had the past month. I think we all did a great job.” You offered a bright smile to everyone in the room. 
“Are you kidding? You saved our asses this season, Y/N! We should be thanking you.” Inunaki said and everyone agreed. 
“That’s true, you did an amazing job since day one.” You looked at Meian who smiled at you fondly. 
“Well, it was a team effort, my girls worked really hard too.” You pointed at your three assistants who looked at you with pink cheeks and shiny eyes. “Well, unless any of you have any questions I think that’s it for today.”  Everyone gathered their belongings and left the meeting room, you went straight to your office to get your purse and lock the place before heading home. 
“Wanna have some lunch with ‘Samu?” You heard Atsumu say. 
“That depends, can I pay for my food?” 
“Not a chance.” He shook his head. “He invited Kita-san and Suna apparently likes you better than me and asked me to invite you.” He explained and you raised a brow. 
“You don’t want me there?” You laid on your desk, hands resting on your sides and legs crosses in front of you, he rolled his eyes and walked closer to you. 
“Of course I do, what are you talking about?” His warm hand caressed your cheek and you held to his wrist moving his hand to rest on your shoulder. “So? You coming or not. If you don’t ‘Samu will be mad at me.” 
“He’s a big boy, he’ll live.” You joked and he poked your side. “Let me lock the place and we can go.” You grabbed your keys from your desk and locked your office, hoping to not have to come back in a few weeks. Sighing, you turned back to see Atsumu holding his car keys and a smug grin, you walked out the training grounds and to the parking lot where some members of the team had a conversation outside their cars, you waved goodbye and Atsumu opened the front seat door for you. 
“Driving her again, Miya?” Barnes asked boarding his own car. 
“Such a gentleman, I’m so proud.” Inunaki followed. 
“Very funny, Inu-san. But no, we are having lunch with my brother.” You couldn’t really hear what they were saying right after he closed the door, but figured that they were still messing with him by Atsumu’s expression. “God, they are so annoying.” He grumbled when he got in the car. 
“Everything okay?” You looked at him in the eye, his brows were furrowed and a few creases showed his frustration and annoyance at his teammates. You ran your thumb across his forehead and smiled. “You are going to get wrinkles before you turn thirty, ‘Tsumu.” His ears turned red at your sudden touch and he tried to hide it by frowning even more. 
“Let’s just go.” He could almost swear his heart was about to burst out of his chest. He started the car engine and maneuvered in reverse turning his head back and his hand intentionally placed on the head rest of your seat. “You have plans for the holidays?” 
“My family is coming for Christmas and we are visiting some relatives not too far from here; and of course the awards, I might travel to Miyagi to see some friends but I’m not sure yet.” You played with the seatbelt as you recounted your plans. “What about you?”
“‘Samu and I are going to Hyogo to see our parents, we usually visit Kita and his grandma with the rest of the team the day after christmas and then Suna and I are driving to Tokyo for the party.” With his body slightly forward making sure there were no other cars, he took the turn to the avenue where Onigiri Miya was located, his finger drummed on the gear shift to the music from the radio. 
“Osamu is not going to the party?” You questioned. 
“He gave vacations to all of his employees and has to take care of the shop.” He explained and stopped the car in front of the shop. “I'm starving.” You took your seatbelt off and opened the door at the same time as him, not giving him time to open the door for you like he always did, but he was faster than you and opened the entrance door. It was almost noon so the shop was quite busy, people in the stalls and booths enjoying their food and talking about their days, the constant sound of silverware jingling and the smell of fresh rice welcomed you into the shop as you walked to the counter where Suna’s slouched figure waited. Atsumu greeted him with a pat on his back, making Suna turn around to shake hands and ‘bro hug’ him. “Where 's ‘Samu? 
“The kitchen, he should be done by now. Hi, Y/N.” Suna pushed Atsumu to the side and grinned at you lazily. 
“Hey Suna, I haven’t seen you since the match in Sendai.”  Like Hana, Suna got along with you pretty fast, you caught up with his sarcastic humor and easy going personality, he showed you a lot of photos from his high school memories, he was a great story teller, never missing embarrassing details and adding snarky comments here and there. On said match at Sendai, you finally figured out why he looked so familiar the first time you met him. It turns out he went to the same university as you and you interviewed the middle blocker once for an article when you were a journalist for your school’s newspaper. When you told him he laughed at you saying he already knew but wanted to see how long it would take you to figure it out.
“Well, you’ve been busy.” He looked to the side, his tone was bitter, the taste of defeat lingering on his tongue after losing the finals to the Black Jackals. 
“Don’t be a sore loser, Suna.” You said taking the seat by his side, almost missing his jaw clenching. “Losing is normal, you don’t have to feel bad about it.” You teased. 
“You are not going to let me live that one down, aren’t you?”  
“Absolutely not.” You looked at Atsumu this time, he was looking at his phone screen clearly bored, he was extremely moody when hungry, that’s something you learnt during the season when he would go quiet for hours and back to his usual self once he had something to eat. “You okay?” You asked and he laid his head on your shoulder. 
“I’m hungry.” He groaned. You gave him a few pats on the side of his face and felt his body relax to your touch as you continued your chat with Suna. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Osamu chimed in coming out of the kitchen, making his brother get up instantly. “Food is almost ready, before you ask.” 
“Perfect timing.” You heard a stern voice behind you and all three tensed, you looked behind you to see Kita removing his cap. “I need some help with the rice bags, mind helping me?”  Atsumu and Osamu made their way to the door and to Kita’s truck in no time, Kita trailing behind. 
“Why do you guys look so scared?” You asked Suna. 
“Are you kidding? Kita popped out of nowhere!” Suna whispered, as if Kita could hear him from outside the shop. “He’s really scary sometimes.” You rolled your eyes. Kita was intimidating and really severe, but not enough to make you shiver.
“You only say that because you guys always do something to upset him.” 
“That’s not true.” He exclaimed. 
“Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, dear.” The restaurant doors opened, showing Atsumu and Osamu fighting to get in first, pushing each other, Suna and you watched unamused, knowing one of them would get hurt sooner or later, you were now used to their sometimes not so playful fighting. Just as you were placing your bet with Suna, they stopped on their tracks and Osamu stepped back to let Atsumu walk in. “What just happened?” You asked yourself rather than Suna, Kita stood behind the twins , Atsumu walked past you and lifted the countertop door, leaving the rice bag on the cold table. You heard Osamu mumble ‘I’m sorry, Kita-san.’ from the door and went straight to the kitchen. You couldn’t believe how easily he made the twins calm down. 
“Sorry about that.” Kita apologized to you. 
“Don’t worry about it, I’m already used to it.” You said calmly. Kita and Atsumu sat down and Osamu came out of the kitchen with another server, one plate of onigiri on each hand. You thanked him and the server who gave you a water bottle. Atsumu, as impatient as he was, scarfed down the extremely hot onigiri and immediately opened his mouth, steam came out from it and he whined in pain, placing his hand under his chin to prevent food from spilling. Everyone watched him jump on his seat chanting ‘hot, hot, hot’  as he tried to chew the rice ball, you giggled and opened his water bottle for him, when he finally swallowed his food he exhaled in relief and gulped down half of the contents from the plastic bottle. 
“Where are your manners, Atsumu? You can’t do that kind of thing in front of the girl you are courting.”  Kita reprimanded him and Atsumu choked on his water, little droplets spilling on the counter. Suna and Osamu couldn’t stop laughing at the setter — you were laughing too, but you felt bad for Atsumu— you made sure he wasn’t choking anymore and excused yourself to the bathroom, ears burning from Kita’s comment. “What was that?” Atsumu’s eyes almost popped out of his face. 
“What?” Kita asked, unbothered. 
“The girl you are courting? Really?” Atsumu stressed running his hands through his hair. 
“Well, aren’t you?” Kita inquired. 
“Yes! But it sounds weird when you say it like that.” Embarrassed, Atsumu rested his head on the counter looking at  Suna’s direction, Osamu wiped the wet surface and yanked Atsumu’s hair lightly to make him sit correctly as you joined them again, asking him if he felt better, he nodded and moved closer to you. As always, Osamu’s food was amazing and you had fun messing with Suna and Osamu, so much that you didn’t noticed the moment they all started planning the next reunion at your place, claiming that it was your initiation as the newest addition to the group, but you knew they just were nosy, even Kita was curious to know where you lived, so you couldn’t say no. 
You waited outside the restaurant with Kita who insisted on keeping you company while Atsumu and Suna helped Osamu with something in the back. “How are things going between you two?” He asked, completely aware of how vague the question was, just wanting to test the waters. You gulped and met his eyes.
“Atsumu and I? Uh, fine, I guess.” You answered uncertainly, tilting your head.
“He’s taking too long.” He asserted with his arms crossed.
“I guess you are right, but I don’t want to rush anything or make him feel like he has to do something when I could easily take the first step, but I’m afraid he’s not sure yet.” You rambled in your place, Kita grinned and looked away. “You meant inside the shop, right?” His grin widened at your question and you huffed in frustration. “That was not funny.” 
“I didn’t do anything, but now that you got that out of your system, I think that’s a conversation you should have with Atsumu. It’s almost painful seeing you two being limited by a simple title when you can fix that rather easily, I don’t know what’s stopping you.” He pondered. 
‘A lot of things.’ You thought. You fixed your eyes on the glass door, you could see Atsumu coming out of the kitchen along with his brother, he looked upset, dragging his feet with every step like a kicked puppy. “Think about it.” That was Kita’s final remark before Atsumu walked out the door, you waved goodbye to Osamu and Kita and walked to Atsumu’s car, feeling a familiar numbness on your limbs and the stinging sensation on your head increased with every passing minute. 
Kita’s words were crude, but you were sure he meant no harm, but even so, the last thing you wanted to do was thinking about the stage of your pseudo-relationship with Atsumu, the reality check tied to it was terrifying. You didn’t want to ruin everything, afraid of not being what he wanted but what he settled for, —or even worse, a distraction— you tried to shrug it all away, but it was hard to believe after all you went through. The thought of not being enough was enough to make you shiver, muscle memory taking you back to the time where you lost yourself to the viciousness of your own brain and it’s deprecating self speech of unworthiness and pity. 
You were stronger now, yes, but at what cost? You now lacked trust and silently craved reassurance or a sign that you were doing things right for yourself this time. 
Staring at the road lost in your thought you couldn’t hear Atsumu calling your name, you felt a big hand on your knee, moving it slightly to get your attention. “Are you okay?” He was clearly worried, luckily the traffic light turned red, you turned your head and stared at him confused. “You are a bit out of it since we left the restaurant.”
“Sorry, I was just thinking. You said something?” 
“I was saying that my building’s management called and said the complex is out of power and that it would take a few hours to fix the problem, and I asked you if I could stay with you for a few hours.” He repeated himself. 
“Sure, it’s still really early, we can watch a movie if you want to.” You offered trying to ease the tension. “Anything but Fast and Furious.” 
“Come on! They are amazing.” He protested. The light turned green and he moved the car.
“We watch them every time you are at my place.” You complained. “Let’s watch something else, it’s getting old.” Atsumu gasped, offended by your comment. 
“Terminator then.” He laughed at your annoyed expression and kept driving ‘til you reached your building’s parking lot. You changed your clothes while Atsumu picked the movie. He was really worried about you, what happened at the restaurant? He texted Kita asking if you said something or looked uncomfortable while he was being lectured by Osamu and Suna. ‘You need to talk.’ was Kita’s reply, sighing he left his phone on the coffee table and waited for you to come out of your room. 
‘I don’t know what game you are playing here, but don’t waste that girl’s time.’
Osamu’s words replayed in his head. Was he really taking too long? He knew the answer to that question, but uncertainty always fogged his thinking, and a thousand other questions creeped inside, making it harder for him to tell you how much he needed you. How much would things change if the unspoken pact you two created turned into a real talk, would you stay? 
He was not afraid of commitment, he was afraid that he never committed to anything that wasn’t volleyball, he didn’t know how to be a boyfriend but he knew he wanted to be yours. You never treated him differently and cared enough to see past the bad reputation he had, you cared about him. He got used to your nature but oftentimes forgot about how important stability can be, you weren’t teenagers anymore and sooner or later you would get tired. He had all the intentions, but just like you, the fear of not being enough held him back. 
You were scared of being replaced and he was scared to hurt you. 
“What are we watching?” You sat by his side and crossed your legs. You were now wearing a hoodie with the team logo and signature claw scratches, sweatpants and your hair was tied in a high ponytail. 
“I couldn’t pick one, so you choose.” He passed you the remote and laid back on the couch. You ended up watching Bride Wars, the two of you had terrible taste in movies so you alway went for the safe options, and you always ended up chatting halfway through and not paying attention to the film. 
“She deserves better than Fletcher anyway.” Atsumu played with your hair as the movie credits appeared on the screen, your back was on his chest raising slightly with his steady breathing. 
“She really did, she settled because she felt pressured.” You held his hand and interlocked his fingers with yours. 
“What do you mean?” He looked down at your hands now connected and smiled to himself. 
“When you spend that many years with someone you think the only reasonable thing is to stay forever with them, and sometimes that’s not what you want, but that realization comes really late, look at her, she was about to get married when she came to her senses, she was getting married because it was what everyone expected her to do, she had to convince herself she wanted it, that she wanted him.” You explained. “He made things hard for her, and still she tried to make it work for both of them, it wasn’t fair for her.” Atsumu hummed in agreement and noticed how your tone decreased with every word. You went silent for a while lost in your thoughts again. 
“You’ve been acting weird since we left the restaurant. What 's going on?” He asked, shifting in his place trying to get a better look of your face, your eyes were glossy and your brows slightly furrowed. 
“I don’t know.” You sighed heavily. “I’m scared.”  You played with the strings of your hoodie. “I don’t want to feel like someone just settled for me again.” You continued, fighting the memories from last year when you felt his arms tightening around you. “I don’t want to go through that again, I got so used to giving more than I could, to trying to do my best and beyond and still that wasn’t enough, I wasn’t enough.” You weren’t crying, there was nothing to cry about in the first place, you were just tired of battling your inner thoughts, you wanted a break.
“Don’t say that, your ex was an idiot for letting you go. Y/N, you are the most caring and dedicated person I’ve ever met, if anything, you were the one who settled for someone who couldn’t give his everything for you.” He felt the vibrations of your body as you chuckled. 
“Yeah, my friends always tell me that.”  He kissed your temple gently.
“See? He was just a scrub.”  ‘And I would treat you so much better.’
“Sorry I got too emotional.” You looked up and he placed another kiss on your forehead. 
“Don’t apologize for having feelings, it’s normal.” You raised an eyebrow and tried to break free from his embrace to rest your chin on his chest. “What?” He asked. 
“I never expected you to say something like that, you are very wary of showing your feelings.” You pointed out, running a hand through his blonde hair and he poked your side making you laugh, it was your turn to peck his chin. You enjoyed the comfortable silence that set between you two, propping your head on his chest close enough to hear his heart beating, eyes closed in bliss. You were safe. 
“I’m sorry for being too slow.” He said. “I think it’s obvious I like you, and while I enjoy what we have now, you deserve clarity and I need to get this out of my chest.” He made you sit correctly,  you lightly stretched your limbs as you got up. Atsumu took your hand and played with your fingers trying to word his thoughts. “I’m scared too. I’ve never been in a relationship and I didn’t know how to talk to you about this, I thought maybe you weren’t looking for something serious, especially with me, you know? But I like to think we are on the same page now.” You nodded and he continued. “Give me a few days, let me make it special for you to see I’m serious about this, and that I want to treat you better, please.” His eyes finally met yours. 
“Take all the time you need, ‘Tsumu, I think I need some time too and  I don’t want you to feel pressured to do anything.”  
“You are not, stop saying that. I want this.” He grumbled frustrated.
“Me too.” You kissed the back of his hand and he hugged you again. You watched another silly rom-com and talked about the party a little more before Atsumu received a call from his building’s management to notify him that the power was restored, it was around 7 p.m. so he got ready to leave, with his keys in one hand and his phone in his pocket he walked to the door with you following behind. “I’ll see you at the party then.” 
“That’s a lot of time.” He complained.
“Stop whining, it’s just two weeks.”  You scrunched your nose when he bent down to kiss it.
“I’ll call you everyday if I can’t see you.” He smirked. 
“Please do.” You rolled your eyes. He puckered his lips, waiting for his mandatory goodbye kiss but you took the chance to pinch his lips with your fingers making him instantly step back. “Good night, ‘Tsumu.” You said before he could say anything and closed your door. A muffled ‘That’s not fair.’ could be heard from the other side, Atsumu stared at your door, he tensed his jaw and shook his head for a second. He couldn’t hide the lovesick grin adorning his face as he walked to his car. 
He had two very long weeks ahead.   
(a/n: uh hELLO, this chapter ruined all my planning but i think those two are really cute, now QUICK QUESTION, would you like to see what iwaizumi aka mr. cheater is up to??? maybe?? no??? you guys tell me! i have the wip but idk if y’all would like to see it, i’ll be reading y’all. anyways, remember the fic has a playlist and y’all can check it out, also if you have song recs to add i would love to hear them!! i hope everyone is healthy and doing great at school or work :)) please stay safe and wear your masks!!) 
TAGLIST (closed): @aonenthusiast @wiseeggspickleslime​ @koushisun​ @airheadpillar​ @sunflwrsandprettyskies​ @bbkiyoomi​ @daphnxy​ @shephard17895​ @avatarkyoshithewarrior​ @for-rebloggery​ @vv-bee999-vv vv @fi16ns @asdfghjkl7things @glassykaashi @strawhatshepard @hawkssnugget @msby-kei @toobsessedsstuff @a-moon-fairy @cuteissei @ramblingsofagoofyperson @pinoyrella @kiyoomisimp
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bisexualsforprompto · 4 years
Secret Santa Piece
Merry Christmas Nieri! @myblacknightworld​ I was your ss for @maribat-secret-santa-2020
Hope you enjoy this! (Also I had more planned out so I’m thinking of making a part 2, lmk if you’d like me to Nieri)
All monsters were evil and terrible creatures that needed to be brought down. That’s what Damian was taught since birth. He learned how to trap monsters and kill them with his mother, but killing was quickly replaced with simply capturing once he went to live with his father.
Track, trap, capture, repeat. The same old song and dance every time. Thankless work really, especially because his identity as a Junior Hunter was a secret, but he was helping the human race by locking up these monsters. That was enough for him at the moment.
Damian had hoped to graduate from his ‘junior’ title sooner rather than later though. It was so agitating to be lumped in with amateurs, sheep, who did nothing but follow him blindly. 
He should’ve been just a Hunter from the moment he came to live with his father, but according to his siblings, everyone had to go through this ‘junior’ nonsense.
He had been a Junior hunter for six years though. Something had to change. He was good enough, he knew he was. So why wasn’t he getting the title he deserved?
Father never listened to him, always telling him to “be patient” or “ask your brothers and sisters, they had to do the same.” 
There was something his father had to be hiding. A secret way to become a Hunter and ditch his junior rank. 
He knew that in order to move himself up he’d have to do something mind-blowing, something that was unquestionably beyond the level of a novice to perform.
Luckily, he had the perfect plan.
Capture the elusive Ladybug Witch.
As per the usual, Marinette was running late. She had stayed up late last night trying to concoct the perfect brew for Rose, who had gotten a cold just before a Kitty Section concert. It wasn’t easy, Marinette usually based her potions off of currently existing medicine, but there were very few medicines effective against the common cold. She spent hours paging through her spell book, consulting her old master’s spell book and even bothering her familiar in the middle of the night (though Adrien claimed he was happy to help). 
After an exhausting, sleepless night, she managed to do it. It took a lot out of her, but when she finally trudged herself to school she smiled. The look on Rose’s face was worth it. 
Rose had been so excited she almost transformed into her siren form, which could’ve been disastrous. Rose’s songs in her mythical form were just as loud as her usual voice. Humans would probably be attracted to the school and that wouldn’t do at all. 
Their school, strictly for mythical creatures to have a safe and happy education, was barely known to the outside world. Most mythics lived in Paris or somewhere near, it was a safe haven free from hunters. But of course, nobody could stop humans from living in Paris, and in order to keep Paris the safe haven it boasted to be; mythic-only places had to be secret.
Marinette knew that her reputation as a witch spread across the globe, people calling her the “Lucky Witch,” “Ladybug Witch,” or some other variation. She had her identity sealed off by powerful magic; one would have to be extremely talented or well-connected to get past it. Still, if even one person found out: game over. Marinette lived to help people, ever since she was a child all she wanted was to help others, but she couldn’t do that if the self-proclaimed “monster hunters” killed or captured her.
She genuinely wanted to believe that everyone had a good side, but she refused to risk the fates of others on gut feelings.
Sighing, Marinette felt herself enter into a tired daze. She hadn’t even realized that she fell asleep until she felt Alya poke her on the head.
“You okay, girl?”
Opening her eyes slowly, Marinette nodded. She straightened herself out, “Yeah, I’m fine—hey where did everyone go?”
Alya giggled, “School is over, Marinette. You slept through everything!”
“WHAT?!” Marinette shot herself up, glancing up at the clock in the class that did in fact say: classes were over. Marinette slumped back down into her seat and banged her head on the desk. She let out a long groan.
“C’mon,” Alya said, helping Marinette up, “You better get home, and maybe go to bed early tonight! Or else this will just happen again…”
“I will, I will.” Marinette huffed, “Believe it not—I’m still tired.” As if on cue, she yawned.
“Get home safe, okay?” Alya said, patting her friend’s head, “Call me if you need anything.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Marinette said, slowly trudging out of class as Alya walked away.
Marinette found herself walking down her street in just the blink of an eye. She yawned slightly and began to stretch. She saw a flash of white in her vision. She stopped mid-stretch. “Huh?”
A small white cat waltzed up to her, limping. Marinette noticed it’s broken leg right away. “You okay there little guy?”
She reached down to pet it and soothed it, “It’s okay.” The cat purred. Marinette dropped to her knees. She quickly surveyed the area making sure no one was around.
The street seemed deserted save for herself and the cat. She pulled her backpack off and unzipped it. Inside was a large book, her spell book. She slowly lifted it out, trying not to make any sudden movements and scare the cat.
Flipping open to the page she needed, she placed a palm on the cat’s bad leg. She muttered a short incantation. The leg was soon swarmed by a pink glow and little ladybugs. 
The cat mewled with happiness, giving Marinette a nudge of gratitude before scampering off. 
Marinette picked herself off, about to go home when she suddenly heard a yowling followed by a human hiss.
She tilted her head to the side and slowly crept out to see the commotion.
The cat she had just saved had scratched a boy. A boy who was staring at her like a deer caught in headlights.
Damian hadn’t meant to lose sight of the mission so quickly. He was looking for the Ladybug Witch in Paris, or, Marinette Dupain-Chang. It wasn’t that hard to figure out her identity. He was able to break her silly seal on her identity by contacting his exorcist acquaintance: Jon Kent. 
Jon gave him some kind of anti-magic charm which Damian used to break the seal. All kinds of magic nonsense that Damian didn’t care to understand. 
But even dealing with magic and Jon had been worth it when the name “Marinette” became clear. Damian rushed over to Paris right when he found out; totally not stealing his father’s jet (oh well—his father wouldn’t care when he brought him the Ladybug Witch). 
He had stationed himself right next to the witch’s school, just far enough away to be inconspicuous, but still spot her. 
Damian watched as several abominations left the school, he could tell they were monsters immediately: just having that evil aura about them.
But they weren’t the mission. Giving his father intel about a whole school for monsters would surely help him move ranks, but it wouldn’t grant him the instantaneous promotion he so desired.
He waited for the witch, seeing no one who looked like her exit the school. Soon, only one person was trickling out of the school: not his target.
Damian huffed, putting down his binoculars. Suddenly he heard a rustling towards him: it wasn’t the evil witch rather the opposite.
A good cat.
Damian hid a smile, slowly extending his hand to pet it. The cat shrieked and ran away, though, with a limp.
Damian slowly began to follow it, an injured cat wouldn’t do on his watch. If he could just get a little bit closer…
He didn’t want to scare the cat, but he didn’t want it to scamper off before he could help it. 
Damian let out a low sigh, deciding to stop near an alley he saw it walk past. He figured maybe if he laid low and hid for a second, the cat might circle back.
He sat still in the greenery, waiting for the cat to come. After a while he heard some faint voice say something intelligible. He peeked through a corner to see the cat, and some girl. Some girl performing magic…
Damian resisted the urge to gasp: it was the Ladybug Witch. He observed the situation, feeling direly like he should go in and stop what was happening. The witch seemed to be chanting a spell on the poor cat, who knows what it could do…
Before he let himself jump in though, he saw a swarm of ladybugs surround the cat, and just like that: it walked off.
No broken leg.
So the witch had healed the cat? How odd...Were her boons only again humans? Why would she save an animal?
Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed that the cat had come to him and scratched him, not till his body let out a hiss. 
He froze. He heard footsteps moving towards him.
He wasn’t ready to capture her! He needed more intel first! His mind went haywire as the witch approached closer. Suddenly, she was facing him directly.
Damian lept backwards, “Stay back, Witch.”
The girl’s eyes flashed with panic for a minute before focusing on him, “You’re hurt.”
Damian nodded, “Don't think this makes me an easy target. I am here to capture you: Ladybug Witch, and I will accomplish my goal.”
The witch looked at him sympathetically, “I’m not going to hurt you, just—here…”
She whispered something underneath her breath. Ladybugs swooped around him, seemingly attacking his stretched arm. He tried to swat them away to no avail, but no luck.
They disappeared on their own just after. And just as they had disappeared, so had his scar, and all the pain…
Damian marveled in wonder at the new feeling. He let out a yelp of surprise, “What did you do?!”
“Please be calm,” she stated, “I only healed you.”
She gave him a warm smile, “I’m Marinette, and you?”
“Not interested, did you not hear me say I’m here to capture you? I’m a hunter.”
The witch sighed, “I know, I just thought…”
“That you could brainwash me with your magic?!” Damian yelled.
Marinette stared at him quizzically before bursting out with laughter. Damian felt his cheeks go hot, he folded his arms.
“Is that what you humans really think of us?”
“Witches are monsters and evil so forgive me for being cautious.” Damian said sarcastically.
She looked sad at that, “Evil?” She asked out loud.
“Yes,” Damian stated, “your kind has tortured ours for generations.”
The witch looked angry at that, “That’s not true! Was it not so long ago that so-called monsters and humans lived in harmony?! We have never taunted your kind, you taunted ours. Why do you think I kept my identity a secret?”
“So no one knows of your misdoings.”
Hurt flooded her bluebell eyes, “I only want to help people.” 
“So do I!” Damian shouted.
“So...we’re after the same thing?”
“We are certainly not!” Damian exclaimed, “Monsters are evil and hunters are good. You want to help no one but yourself.”
“Then why would I help you?!”
“To give me a false sense of security!”
“You are absolutely...impossible!” The witch said, tugging at her hair. She sighed, “Come on.”
“Huh?” Damian asked, feeling her take him gently by the arm, “Where are you taking me? Unhand me!”
“Let me show you that monsters aren’t bad, please. If you still think they are once I am done, I will let you capture me.”
“Fine, I suppose…” He glared at her, “But if you try anything I won’t hesitate to—“
Rolling her eyes, the Ladybug Witch scoffed and waved her hand, “Yes, yes, I know.”
Slowly, they began to walk through the city. More and more people seemed to pass by as they walked for what felt like hours until they reached their destination. A small, deserted alleyway.
Damian would be lying if he said the locale didn’t make him skeptical.
“Marinette!” Someone shouted, a blaze of black dashing towards them before leaping into said woman’s arms. Damian was more than shocked to see a purring boy with cat ears and a tail snuggled into Marinette’s arms. 
The cat boy suddenly darted his piercing green eyes back at Damian. He opened his mouth, showing his fangs, and hissed. Marinette bapped him on the head, “He’s a friend. Stand down, Kitty.”
“Well I wouldn’t say I’m a friend but—“ Damian ceased his murmur when cut off with a glare from both Marinette and the boy in her arms.
“Uhm hunter, this is Adrien. He’s my familiar.” 
“Hunter? That’s a weird name,” Adrien mused to himself. Marinette sucked in a breath. He shrugged, “Nice to meet you Hunter.”
Damian rolled his eyes, “My name isn’t Hunter, that’s just my title. I am Damian Wayne, monster hunter.”
Adrien stared back at Marinette in disbelief, “A hunter?! What were you thinking bringing a hunter here?!”
Marinette sighed, “Damian thinks that monsters are all horrible creatures—“
“That’s not true!” Adrien yelled, “Mythics are just peaceful creatures! Hunters are the ones destroying that peace.”
Marinette went on, “So I wanted to show him that not all monsters are bad.”
Adrien perked up, “Oh, well that’s easy! Glad you’re having an open mind, Damian!” He lept to Damian, hugging him.
Looking disgusted, Damian pushed Adrien off, “Great, now can we get on with this?”
Marinette nodded, “Yes, I brought you here because this is where Adrien and I start our patrol. I want you to watch us work, then you can see we save mythics and humans alike, and these so-called monsters in Paris are really just kind creatures.”
“Fine, but our deal still stands, if I see even one suspicious thing from a monster…”
“Deal? What’s he talking about Mari?” Adrien asked, looking up at his counterpart.
Marinette rubbed her temples, and muttered, “I said that if he didn’t believe me I’d let him capture me.”
“Calm down Adrien,” Marinette smiled, “We only have to do what we always do. We’ll be fine.” She squeezed his paw lightly. “Ready to fully transform?”
“I guess,” Adrien said, “But I don’t like this.”
Adrien then shifted into a fully black cat. He jumped onto Marinette’s shoulder. Marinette reached for a ladder in the alleyway, “Ready Damian?”
“Yes…” Damian said, puzzled, “But do you not have a broomstick to ride on.”
Marinette giggled, “No! That’s a misconception. Witches can perform levitation spells, but I much prefer to survey from rooftops rather than the sky. It’s scary way up there.” 
She shuddered, then began to climb the ladder, Adrien tucked into her arm. Damian eyed the pair then slowly followed after them. 
They quickly arrived on a tall roof, overlooking a good portion of the city. Breathing in the fresh air, Marinette placed Adrien down, giving him room to switch back. She looked into the horizon and clutched her spellbook to her chest
“Now what?” Damian asked impatiently.
“I’m going to cast a spell that lets me have the ability to hear things all over the city so I can listen for those who need help.” Marinette said paging through her book. She whispered a short phrase in a foreign tongue and cupped her eyes.
After a brief pause Damian tsked, “Doesn’t seem to be working.”
Adrien smirked, “It is, just let her work her magic.”
With a gasp Marinette uncupped her ears, “A mugging in an alley south of the Louvre.”
“Got it!” Adrien exclaimed, turning into cat form and leaping into the distance. 
“Hold on to me,” Marinette said, extending her hand.
Damian looked at it skeptically, “Why?”
“I’m going to teleport us there, I have Adrien scout everything out beforehand. Since we’re connected he can speak to me telepathically and let me know the best time to get the drop on the bad guy.”
Still eyeing her suspiciously, Damian gingerly took her hand.
“It’s time,” she breathed, “Hold tight.”
In a flash they appeared behind a buff middle aged man attacking a younger boy. Marinette sprung into action, casting a quick spell to tie the attacker up. Adrien appeared at her side quickly and shifted, carrying the would-be mugger out into the open.
“T-thank you,” the boy stuttered, “But...how did you? Are you magical or something?”
Marinette gave him a soft smile and took both Adrien and Damian’s hands, teleporting away.
Damian gaped at her when they arrived back to the familiar rooftop, “You saved a human.”
Marinette nodded, “I save anyone in need, no matter what species. Everyone deserves help; ‘all that’s necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.’ I was telling the truth when I said mythics weren’t evil.”
Damian huffed, “What exactly am I supposed to think? My whole life I’ve been told monsters are evil, what makes you think one act would convince me otherwise?”
“Because I believe in you.” Marinette took his hand in her own, “I know you want to believe it, you’re a good person at heart: I can see it. Just trust me, please.”
Damian hesitated before scowling and giving her a slight nod.
Marinette smiled brightly. Damian looked up at her, it was surely not the smile of evil.
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dreamieofu · 4 years
not so lonely christmas
Written for the Taste of Winter Collab hosted by @dearyongs and @pastelsicheng. ♡
pairing: mark x gender neutral!reader word count: 2.04k  genre: bestfriends!au, christmas!au, fluff x2 summary: these days you’re mostly by yourself and with mark being so far and so busy, you have no choice but to spend christmas alone. or so you think.  warning(s): none - lower case intended. also, i guess i kinda left it open ended. 
a/n: merry christmas everyone!! i hope you will enjoy this christmas present.♡ it’s finally coming to the end of 2020, i hope your end of year is filled with much love and happiness. i hope you’re not alone, and if so, don’t be scared to msg me. you’re never alone bc i’m here!! c:  taglist: @puppywritings​ @neonun-au​ @dearyongs​ @yutacrush​ @notnctu​ @neo-shitty​ @luvlala​@ahgase55g7 [i can’t seem to tag u angel :(((! ] 
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days during the holiday season had its perks. the warm feeling of christmas tickling at your nose, the bajillion lights that were strung across the city, the warmth of family and friends. it never failed to make you feel somewhat home, at least you’d think. having spent years with twinkling excitement at the idea of ending the long year wrapped up with a christmas bow. this year’s christmas seemed to be different though, maybe it was the way the night welcomed you, with an extra lightness in your steps. maybe it was the way the cool air swept harshly against your face as you walk your way home. this christmas you would be spending, alone. 
you miss times with your younger self. holding merry traditions with your best friend, mark. each christmas you’d make each other stockings filled with your favourite things. you’d pick a movie; usually ‘the grinch’ and decorate a festive gingerbread house together. it’s been a few weeks since you’ve properly been in contact with mark and you’ve accepted by now, maybe he’s too busy with his schedules. so naturally you’ve learnt to let it go. all of your other friends were busy, so that left you only wishing on christmas stars, that maybe this christmas you wouldn’t feel so lonely. 
hugging yourself closer, with the winter air nipping at the tip of your nose, you realise you’ve arrived home. your trembling hands inserting the key into the lock of your door, with a jingle, opening the front door. finally being welcomed home to darkness and the warmth of your small cozy apartment. but as your eyes adjusted to the low lights, you don’t fail noticing a pair of worn out converse placed on the side, near the rest of your shoes. your index finger hooks behind the ankle of your shoe to flick it off, panic and confusion settling between your eyebrows. after locking the door, you take cautious steps, silently tiptoeing towards your open living room. your grip tightening around the end of your shirt as you peep past the entry of your living room. the sound of cackling fire wood, and sparkling lights from a small christmas tree reflect on the ground as you see the back of someone’s head. warmth spreading across your face as you bite back a smile. 
“mark?” you whisper in disbelief. a quick wave of realisation also settles in the corners of your mind, when you remember: mark, is the only other person who has the key to your place. mark’s head swings to the sound of your voice, a smirk already plastering on his face. he’s fast on his feet, reaching you in a beat, arms out embracing you. as much as he didn’t want to admit, waiting around for you was agony. 
you sink your weight further into his broad chest, the feeling of his body warmth wrapping you whole; his scent familiar and his natural musk glazes your eyes. with small tears, you fist the material of his shirt, tightening your hold on him. “what are you doing here? why are you in the dark?” your voice is muffled against his chest as he chuckles. you feel the gentle weight of his hand stroke the back of your head, rocking you both side to side momentarily. you guess santa must have judged you nice, as your wish portrays as granted. mark being the best gift of all. 
“i know i’m always busy with schedules. but i made sure to be here for you, on our favourite day,” mark’s voice holds heavy with sadness and you feel it. understanding he’s stressed and busy, you offer him a reassuring smile. the darkness that drags below his under eyes don’t lessen the glint of sparkle found in his eyes as he listens to you. “you didn’t have to.” confessing with a tinge of falsehood, instantly grateful he’s really here. this made you hold onto him tighter, rubbing a big ‘no’ against the width of his chest. “i mean... how are you? how’d you get here? when?” you speed through questions, mumbling against his shirt. mark just chuckles at your words. 
“dude, why do you sound so sad?” he escapes away from your embrace, laughing, pulling at your ears gently. his fingers are warm, heating up the tips of your frost kissed ears. he takes time to look at you, taking your appearance whole and imprinting it in his tiny box of memories he holds for you. a small smile mirrors between you both as you sigh, rubbing your forehead against his chest, holding him close once again. “okay dude stop pouting! look what i got~” excitement tickling his toes as he guides you both, walking backwards blindly. you shadow his figure, your body draping along the wooden floor as you follow his steps. once he bends down backwards, you’re released;  watching him open his luggage. he must have just arrived from korea today. much to your curiosity and amusement (due to his bent figure) your eyes linger at the object he beholds in front of you. it’s a stocking. your name still barely stitched onto the heel at the foot of the stocking. you bite back the biggest grin, almost letting out a squeal, looking at his large toothy grin, and your heart swells. 
you finally absorb your surroundings. mark has put up a small christmas tree and he’s hung up lights. you close your eyes in disbelief, why did he have to go above and beyond with such little things. it made you almost feel guilty for not doing anything to the same degree for him. near the bottom of the tree was a small cardboard box filled with ornaments. he was so thoughtful. 
you gasp, remembering and rapid with your feet as you head towards your bedroom. leaving mark bewildered, alone in the living room. your eyes quickly scan under your bed. even though mark is busy promoting and working in korea, without fail, both of you always fill up a stocking for each other. either to send overseas or to give when you visit each other after christmas. finally grabbing hold of it, you tighten your grip onto the stocking. you bolt down the hallway with the same lightness in your steps as you float back to mark. 
you find him there standing with his back facing towards you as he holds the box of ornaments, in waiting. he’s already placed your stocking below the faux christmas tree. 
“i have yours.” you giggle, placing mark’s stocking rightfully by the stocking he’s given you under the tree. he laughs at your panting self, handing you the box of ornaments, to pat your head rather endearingly. 
you can’t help the way you wistfully watch the way mark carefully hangs some of the ornaments. he looks tired, but altogether happy. he radiates a soft glow, and it’s not just because the lights of the christmas tree that make him appear so. you look down at the box in hand and sigh, “you didn’t have to come all the way here you know?” it’s barely a whisper above the low christmas playlist he’s put on while you left him. mark stops what he does to look at your sunken figure. the side of his body nudges your shoulder out of trance. “don’t be silly.” he reassures you with one of the most happiest smiles you’ve seen all winter. you smile at his playful self, deciding not to push him further about it, and just be grateful he’s even there to begin with. 
you spent the rest of the night with ‘the grinch’ playing in the background as you laugh together. you caught up with each other, asking him stories about his promotions and work. he reciprocates the questions. when you exchange your stockings and open the small presents, you can’t help being reminded of why you love christmas as much as you do. seeing mark’s smiling face only shows how much he feels the same way. and by the end you’re both breathless and light headed from all the laughing and giddy feelings you were getting. he’s home. you even decorated a store bought gingerbread house together. finishing the movie, you sit back against the couch, still in disbelief mark’s made this journey all the way to you. 
“thank you for coming,” you finally confess, and he sits up at your words. mark strokes your ear in between his middle and index figure with a swift movement, a smile on his lips. the ambiance is light, and your feel like everything about christmas makes sense when you’re celebrating it with mark. 
“i’ve missed you.” 
mark’s words are frosted with truth and you fall into a daze as he continues to watch your bashful self. 
“and i’ve missed you.” 
“i know.” 
there’s silence as the movie dies out. the only sound filling the room was the small crackle of firewood heating the room and your heartbeat hammering in your chest. the atmosphere suddenly feels heavier. he knits his eyebrows together at your empty words which fail to pass through your parted lips. you’re lost for words as he shuffles closer to you. “i-“ 
he stops his movements, softening his expressions as you find words. somehow, from your earlier endless ramblings, you’re finally all out of words. mark raises his eyebrows. “i have one more surprise.” you finally manage to say. 
mark’s eyes widen at your statement, feeling excited at the mystery surprise. 
“what is it?” 
“follow me.” you bait, jogging slightly towards your bedroom. he follows you with an airy laugh as you reach the doorway of your bedroom. 
you show him a teasing finger, pointing up towards the mistletoe that hung at the top of your bedroom door. he shares a laugh with you, being reminded of the teenage years where you’d pretend to be so love-struck and mocking of the ‘mistletoe kiss’. you’re leaning towards his cheek, about to give him your traditional version of the mistletoe kiss. 
but mark thought he was going to give you the kiss. 
his lips press against the outer corner of your lips. the curves of your lips just barely touch one another before you step back in shock. 
his skin was warm, and you both stare at each other with wide eyes because of the sudden contact. mark’s cheeks turn rosy because of your reaction. the butterflies finding purpose in your tummy making you feel shy. you both try your hardest to fight back a laugh, feeling childish. mark loved the way you’d always find ways to make him feel happy, effortlessly giving him reasons to laugh. he’s really glad he decided to come home to you for christmas. he really missed you, despite his busy world. the fact that you’re really there in front of him after so long, gave him a push. 
with a surge of confidence, the pads of his fingertips linger at the base of your neck. effortlessly you feel magnetic to him, your body lures into his aura as a faint smile graces his cupids bow. without spoken words, you know what’s coming. the ghost of his top lip gently pulls in your bottom lip as mark’s mind screams. he just had to. he had to kiss you, there wasn’t anything else in that moment, only a kiss came to mind; finding himself able to show you how he’s been feeling. he connects your lips together like tape meeting the wrapping paper. stuck together and enclosed for a fleeting moment, before it rips open with the way you kiss back, opening his heart. he feels like he’s falling and your kiss is bringing him back to gravity to land in a deep pillow of snow. your hands cold, holding the frame of his face lightly as he brushes his lips against yours again. 
mark pulls back, like the feeling of pulling on the ribbon to unwrap your christmas present. he whispers, nose brushing against yours, a sweet “merry christmas.” 
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ejzah · 3 years
A/N: I may have gone a bit deep with this one, but it’s essentially take the form of a small case fic that will eventually meet the original prompt. Once again, might want to avoid this one if Sam is your favorite.
The Truth Beneath The Lies, Part 2
“Heard you had another fun meeting with Raynard today,” Jackson Porter said in an undertone, joining Deeks at one of the small, square tables in the lounge.
“Yeah, it was great,” Deeks drawled, cupping his hands around a mug of coffee. As was typical, it tasted like something that had previously been ingested. It was hot and caffeinated though, which was enough for Deeks at the moment.
“I feel for you, man.” Jackson shook his head as he pulled out a sub from a white paper bag. “I thought Czicowski was bad enough, but this guy is pure evil.”
“Tell me about it.” Deeks let just enough annoyance bleed into his voice to play his part. Truthfully, Sam had been riding him pretty hard for the last two weeks. While Deeks tried to gain access to the division’s computers and establish rapport with likely suspects, Sam was living up to his alias’ reputation.
Of course, a lot of their meetings were also spent discussing what Deeks had found out about his fellow officers. They still had to pepper in enough “altercations” to keep anyone from getting suspicious, which Deeks personally thought Sam was enjoying just a little bit.
Jackson took a bite of his sandwich, scrutinizing Deeks with uncomfortable closeness. Despite his friendly nature, Deeks suspected there was more hiding underneath his easy smiles and helpfulness. Maybe it was that he reminded Deeks a little too much of himself. Either way, he had to be careful not to reveal too much.
“I gotta ask, what did you do to make the man hate you so much?” Jackson said, eyes flicking up to examine Deeks’ hair. “Don’t tell me it’s because you refuse to shave.”
“If only.” Deeks rolled his eyes, then added, “The day I came in, Raynard already had preconceived ideas about me.” He paused for a second, like he was debating sharing the next part, even though Jackson likely had heard all about the newest detective by now. “Somebody at agency I worked with messed up and I took the fall because I wasn’t an agent.”
“Aren’t you a lawyer? You should sue,” Jackson suggested. He used the end of his sandwich to gesture at Deeks. “It would show them they can’t walk all over us just because we’re cops.”
Deeks snorted at that, briefly amusing himself at the thought.
“Eh, I haven’t practiced in years. Besides, I could never finance a case against federal lawyers. Things are already tight as it is.”
“You’re having money problems?”
He paused again at Jackson’s next question, sensing that he had hit upon something vital. When he glanced up, he saw a gleam in the other man’s eyes. Feigning reserve, Deeks shrugged.
“I made a couple loans to a friend,” he said, letting bitterness leak into his voice.
“Let me guess, he ran off with your money,” Jackson said and Deeks chuckled darkly again.
“Nope. Just an idiot who shouldn’t be the head of any business operation. Unfortunately I figured that out way too late.”
“Well, it happens to the best of us, Deeks.” Patting Deeks’ shoulder, Jackson stood to throw away his trash and wash his hands. When he sat down again, he folded his hands in the middle of the table, suddenly more businesslike, although he remained casual in tone.
“So, Marty, you ever think of starting a side job? You could earn a little extra cash.”
“I’m pretty busy right now. I don’t think my girlfriend would appreciate me spending even more time away from her,” Deeks explained. Pursing his lips, Jackson nodded and smirked a little.
“Hm, I bet your girlfriend would appreciate it. You could buy her that diamond ring she always wanted, or that trip to Hawaii,” he said, winking at Deeks. He squeezed Deeks’ shoulder in a way that managed to be vaguely threatening despite his smile. “Let me know if you change your mind.”
Before Deeks could respond, a couple of other officers wandered in. In a second later Jackson was back to his easygoing self.
“Hey Morgan, nice job out there today,” Deeks complimented the female cop.
“Thanks. I wasn’t so sure about you when I heard we were getting a new detective, but you’re pretty solid, Deeks,” she said, reaching over to knock his shoulder.
“I’m not sure that’s a compliment, but after today, I’ll take it.”
“So, what are you guys talking about?” Officer Lazlos asked. He gestured to Jackson and glanced at Deeks. “What out for this one cause he is the biggest gossip in the whole division. I swear he has dirt on everyone.”
“Nice, Laz. Making me look in front of the new guy. For the record, I wasn’t gossiping, just commiserating,” Jackson corrected. “Deeks is having a rough time with our resident leader.”
“Oh yeah, I heard about that,” Morgan said, grimacing. “Raynard’s been tough on a lot of people since he came.”
“But he seems to especially hate Deeks.”
“Personally, I think it’s because he’s jealous of my hair,” Deeks said,, lowering his voice confidentially.
“That’s a good one,” Jackson said as the others chuckled.
“That, or he’s got a stick the size of Texas up his butt.”
“I’m glad you all think so highly of your superiors,” a hard voice observed and Deeks sighed inwardly as he turned. Sam stood just in the doorway, his expression furious.
“I don’t want to hear it, Lazlos,” Sam barked. “All of you, in my office now.”
“Crap,” Morgan sighed. “There goes my promotion.”
A/N: Deeks may be pulling from reality for the friend who needed loans but I’m not implying that he thinks Eric is an idiot.
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little-ligi · 4 years
“Y’don’t hafta check on me. ‘M fine.”
-- @aliceinwhumperland‘s whump words of the day
Hey so I did another one...
Arthur opened the door to Gaius’s chambers, knocking as an afterthought once he was already halfway through the door. Gaius looked up from his work bench, where he was making some concoction or other with funny smelling herbs. He bowed his head to Arthur.
“Sire. What can I help you with?”
Arthur moved over to the table, his eyes drifting to the door to Merlin’s bedroom, which was propped open with a pair of scruffy boots.
“How is he?”
Gaius sighed, setting his pestle down and bracing his hands on the bench.
“He should make a full recovery, Sire. He’ll be in pain for a while, but there will be no lasting damage.”
Arthur let his head fall into his hands, which he only now realised were shaking. Every time the prospect of loosing Merlin hit him it hurt a little more than the last time. And there shouldn’t be so many times anyway. What other servant nearly died on a regular basis just to protect their master?
“He shouldn’t have done it.”
Gaius pursed his lips. “He feels it is his duty, Sire.”
“No.” Arthur let his hands drop from his face, balling slightly into fists. “It is his duty to clean my rooms, not jump in front of crossbows!”
Gaius shrugged and picked up his pestle again.
“Can I –” Arthur started, but Gaius nodded and gestured to Merlin’s door before he could even finish the sentence.
Arthur was across the room and up the steps in four strides. He froze just inside the doorway, looking down at Merlin’s sleeping figure on the bed.
He was on his side, pillows wedged either side of him to stop him rolling onto his front or back. The blanket had slipped down and Arthur could see the tightly wrapped bandages around his torso, a small spot of blood seeping through the white cloth high on his chest, a matching one on his back. The shallow cut on his forehead was clean – it didn’t look so bad now that there wasn’t blood streaming down his face – but his eye was starting to bruise.
The whole room smelt like yarrow and sage.
Arthur took a step forwards, one hand reaching involuntarily towards Merlin. He didn’t want to disturb him, but he desperately wanted to see him awake and talking to know he was alright.
He eyed him closely. His chest was rising and falling slowly and evenly. He looked peaceful. Arthur gently lifted the blanket and pulled it higher over Merlin’s shoulder, tucking it under his chin. And if he let his fingers brush Merlin’s cheek as he took his hand away who was going to know.
“Gaius?” Merlin whispered, cracking the non-bruised eye open. It flew wide as he spotted Arthur and he tried to raise his head. “Arthur!”
“Shh, don’t move,” Arthur crouched quickly so he was at Merlin’s eyelevel. His hand landed on Merlin’s cheek again, purely to stop him from trying to lift his head, he told himself.
“Wha’ y’doin’ here?” He sounded groggy, his one-eyed gaze roving over Arthur’s face as if searching for answers.
“I came to check on you, idiot,” Arthur said fondly, letting his thumb stroke Merlin’s cheekbone.
“Y’don’t hafta check on me. ‘M fine.” He gave a weak smile, moving his head slightly so Arthur’s fingers rubbed through his hair above his ear.
Arthur huffed a small disbelieving laugh.
“Merlin. You took a crossbow bolt straight through your chest. The tip was sticking four inches out of your back.”
Merlin frowned.
“‘S’at why my shoulder hurts?”
“Yes. Gaius said you were extremely lucky it missed your lung.”
“But it also missed you,” Merlin said smugly, like he was actually pleased with himself for getting shot instead of Arthur. He pulled one hand out from beneath his blanket, wincing as he reached forward to pat Arthur’s chest.
Arthur caught Merlin’s hand before he could slide it back under the blanket, holding it cupped between both of his own.
“Thank you,” he said softly. “But please don’t risk your life like that again.”
I am powering through these now! If you like them pretty please follow me. Or follow my tag #ligi writes so you don’t miss any! shameless self promotion
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“Under the Knife” - Part 1
“Under the Knife” - Part 1
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Hannibal Lecter x Reader,  Will Graham x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1500-ish
Key: Chunks of text in italics are (Y/N)’s thoughts. Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: You are Will Graham’s sister who works with him at the FBI. When you get offered a job promotion, life starts to change. Some changes for the better; Some for the worst.
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Tag List: @fruitloopzzz​ @theeactress​ @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique @all-by-myself98 @sj-thefan
Author’s Note: This is my first Hannibal piece and I am proud of it. There aren’t too many stories for Hannibal, so I figured I would add to the collection. This does take place in some happy medium where they are all alive and work together. Sort of a happier season 1 era.
This is beta-read by @theeactress​, but please let me know if there is something that we missed or that we should look at again! 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
“So Jack wants to take another Graham, does he now?” Will spoke to you despite having his face in a notebook, preparing for his next lecture. There was definitely a bit of venom in his voice at the idea. 
You had come to your brother for advice on whether or not to take Special Agent Jack Crawford up on his offer to be part of his team. In reality, you had nearly made up your mind, but you still wanted Will to be informed and have a voice.
You and your brother both worked with the FBI in Quantico in their Behavioral Science Department. Neither one of you wanted to be full-on FBI agents even if you could pass the rigorous screenings. Will had settled with lecture halls while you were a piece that fit most places. 
You started by helping out your colleagues in the research databases department but then quickly impressed higher-ups with your smarts and ability to take on different perspectives. So you moved on to teaching. After doing a decent amount of classes on stress management and psychology (both normal and abnormal), those higher-ups saw your clear passion for abnormal psychology in criminals and thought it would be beneficial to have you continue teaching while also working in the Evil Minds Research Museum. 
You’ve been comfortably working between those areas for the last 6 or so months. And now Jack Crawford wanted to try to fit you into yet another department. 
“Seems like it.” You sipped from your water bottle as you sat in a nearby lecture hall seat that you had grown comfortable with over your time teaching. You were watching Will, making sure he was okay with even the idea of you potentially working with Crawford on actual crime scenes. 
Will wasn’t the most sociable with normal people, but you weren’t “normal people.” You were his sister, his only real family, and he was a bit protective over you. You weren’t sure if he would actually do anything if someone tried to hurt you, but you knew he would be mentally destroyed if anything happened to you. Knowing this, you took it upon yourself to get some basic self-defense training as well as be certified on how to handle firearms. Despite all of the training you’ve done, it still didn’t ease Will’s protective brother side much. 
You had shifted your gaze down to look at your hands and fiddle with a ring that you kept on your middle finger as a fidgeting tool. It wasn’t until there was a long beat of silence between the two of you that you heard Will’s slightly wavering voice.
“You’re not actually thinking about saying yes, are you?” Will finally looked up at you and saw that you were twisting your ring, which meant you were even a little bit anxious.  
“I mean, I’m not thinking about not going.” You looked up and slightly shrugged, earning a slightly annoyed sigh from Will as he looked down and tapped his knuckles on his desk a few times, trying to think of what to say next. 
“Will what I say matter or have you already made your decision?” Will couldn’t bring himself to look at you, he had a feeling he knew what you were going to say, and it wasn’t good.
“I think I’m going to do it.” 
“(Y/N)...” Will took off his glasses and rubbed his face with slight worry. 
“I know! I know it's dangerous. The people that Jack goes after are the ones that we lecture about to rookies and the ones who’s stuff I have to look over in that damn museum and the ones that we warn everyone to stay away from. But I--”
“Exactly! Which is why you shouldn’t go out and deal with them!” 
“But isn’t that a good reason for me to go out and deal with them?” Both you and Will had similar distastes for eye contact, but at least with you, he usually looks in your general direction. He had been avoiding looking until now. He was confused as to where your brain was going. 
“Think about it, Will. With how much we know about the types of people that are out there and with how we can get into their heads and understand them better than most people? As much as I respect Jack and his team, I’m sure that having me as a profiler will help them get different angles and catch these killers quicker! The only people that could be better would be you or Hannibal! I have a chance to save lives!”
“You already do by being safe and teaching recruits on how--”
“You know that’s not what I mean. I mean that I can help a team of professionals catch the bad guys so that I can teach about more survivors instead of victims!”
The room was silent then. Will understood your reasoning and knew that you had made your choice, but he was scared. He was trying to busy himself to help him think and calm down, something Dr. Lecter had talked to him about.
He’s been in the field with Jack and his team and seen awful things. The only reason he hadn’t completely lost it was because of his friend and therapist, Hannibal Lecter. Hannibal understood how to talk to Will and help him process what was going on in his mind. Your relationship with Hannibal was similar to Will’s, but instead of a therapist, Hannibal was your friend and colleague. 
You hated putting your brother in this position, but you wanted to join the team. If it was only for a week or even a couple of days, that would still be an experience to put under your belt. You looked at your watch as your brother spoke up.
“It’s almost time for my class. We can talk more later.”
“I don’t know if I can. I have a quick meeting in a few minutes, then I have to give Jack my answer in an hour. Then I have dinner with Hannibal later.” Will stopped what he was doing and sighed again. You could see the wheels in his head going too fast as he tried to come up with something to say. You walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. 
“I promise I am going to be safe. I’m only needed for crime scenes and then most of my work is going to be done at the lab or in an office here somewhere.” 
“See you think that a-and then Jack pulls you in more and more and you won’t--”
“Hey! Breathe.” 
You both pause to take a couple of deep breaths together. He finally looks at you when he seems to have calmed down a bit. 
“I know you’re going to say no, but would you feel better if you were working with me on the team?” Will let out a short laugh and looked at you to see if you were serious. “I’ll take that as a no.” You hear a couple of students filing in behind you. You pat your brother’s shoulder and speak up before he can say anything. 
“I’ll check in with you as often as I can if that’ll help” All Will could do was nod a yes. You nod back and wave goodbye, changing your course from ‘calming Will down’ to ‘how to handle Jack Crawford.’
Will was glad that he had an appointment with Hannibal after his lecture. Almost as soon as the door had shut, Hannibal could sense something was upsetting him. Hannibal took his seat as Will paced the office and explained your whole conversation with him.
When Will was finished and could finally take a breath, Hannibal let a beat of silence pass as he thought of what to ask.
“Why do you think you are so upset by all of this? Certainly, you know that (Y/N) is qualified for this type of promotion. She is trained and has as good of a grasp on the minds of criminals as you do.”
“Because she is my sister a-and I know-- I know how Jack pushes people to their breaking point in order to get what he wants. And I--” Will struggled with his words. Hannibal created such a safe space for Will that he was able to let his guard down and really show how upset he was, a blessing and a curse. When he finally sat down, he leaned forward and looked down at the ground, Hannibal could see that he was trying not to tear up. “I don’t think I would ever forgive myself if something happened to her.”
Will tried to focus on his breathing while Hannibal observed him trying to use some techniques he had taught. Once Will seemed to catch his breath, Hannibal pressed further.
“You are afraid that unless you are there to stop him from pushing (Y/N) too hard, Jack will put her life in danger? But because you also don’t want to be exposed to Jack’s… motivations… you feel trapped. ” 
Will nodded his head and let out a shaky “yes.” Hannibal slightly nodded and leaned a bit forward as an idea grew. 
“What if there was a way for us to respect her choice and guarantee (Y/N)’s safety?”
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seijohsfairy · 3 years
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indelible; something ingrained, unfading, indestructible you never really minded the twin rivalry. until you ended up in the middle of it, with atsumu on the losing side.
sequel to mirror (you don’t need to have read it before but it’s recommended)
.wordc. 5k+ tw incest, noncon > dubcon, mentions of past noncon, jealousy, hair pulling, praise kink, unprotected sex
Sometimes you wonder what the world would look like if you could have two suns in the sky. Or two halves of the same core, the same molten stardust that flickers with life. You’re not sure the world could handle it, or at best— you alone can’t. But you grew up knowing them this way, only ever together. Always in competition with each other, always driving each other forward— at a frightening pace sometimes.
They are both fiery, hardworking and passionate, always have been, and as you grew it became their trademark more with the years. Incessantly. Where Tsumu is precise, Osamu is diligent. Where Osamu is confident and self-assured, Tsumu is bursting at the seams with energy. To strangers they’d be the typical image of similarity. If you’d ask their close friends, they’d probably tell you the twins are more different than you can imagine. But to you, and you’ve been with them almost as long as they’ve been with each other, they are nothing more than distorted shimmers of broken light on the wall.
Not the same or completely foreign, but part of the same blur. You guess in some ways you belong to that whole too— even before you know it yourself.
It’s when you’re five that your older brothers go through a bit of a bully phase. Not to anyone outside the family, just to each other. And to you, with your silly pigtails and a bottom lip that is a bit too easy to shake. And though it’s both of them that tackle you in the grass when you run, sometimes getting on top of you to wrestle when you threaten to tell mom, you remember figuring out at age five which half of the whole it is to stick with at what time.
Samu nii is a lot of things, but he isn’t the one to look for when they bump past you and knock you to the ground. It won’t ever be Samu nii who gives up his chance of winning in order to help their tiny, little sister. Atsumu’s hands are warm when he reaches for you though, and his sleeves always feel soft when he’s wiping your face from the silvery tracks of tears.
When you’re nine, you realize that while Osamu isn’t the one to drop to his knees to help you up, he does care about your wellbeing. Any big brother would- even if they don’t admit it, but he always seems to take pride in it. When one of the boys of your class manages to place a wet kiss on your cheek during lunch and you and your little friends scatter with squeals and the dramatic overreactions only young girls can have, it’s Osamu who crosses the yard to come pull you behind him.
You don’t think protecting you like this would ever even cross Atsumu’s mind, and so it’s easy to bury your face into his back and cling to his sweater while he glares down the boy. It’s Atsumu who laughs it off when you all walk home together at the end of the day, fingers held a little too tight in your brother’s hands.
And it’s when you’re fourteen that Atsumu pulls you into the world’s tightest hug after school, clutching you to his chest. It’s not the first time you see him cry, but it’s the first time you remember taking notice of just how much he truly wants this, sniffling into your neck that he’s invited to the National Youth camp. It’s that night you hold him in your arms and stroke his hair, cuddled up under the soft blankets in the bottom bunk, letting him know that it’s okay if he’s going on ahead. That you and Samu nii will stick together and catch up to him.
And it’s Osamu who comes to sit at the end of the bed when your other brother has fallen asleep, softly snoring, who makes you link pinkies and promise things, quiet in the night. “Atsumu’s gonna go pro, ya’know?” he whispers, and you hum through the thick, dark tension when he looks at his twin, curled up resting on your chest. “He’ll leave,” he says, “so promise you won’t. Promise yer stayin’ with me.”
Promise you’ll be mine.
You do. It’s when you’re eighteen you learn that where Atsumu grabs hold of the top and strives on to deliver, Osamu promises only what he already knows he can give. And you learn that to Samu nii, promises are sacred.
Your house is quieter after that night, and Atsumu doesn’t know why he doesn’t leave. He no longer seems welcome, the tension radiating off of his twin clear enough a sign, but it’s you who delivers the finishing blow each day. You sit alone when he comes back from his runs, and you don’t bother to pretend that you’re not hurt. He’s not an idiot, hell— he’d probably do worse if he was in your place. But he also can’t help the itch he feels when he hears you crying through the wall in the other room, waking both him and Samu up. It’s his brother who pulls you into his chest and tells you to go back to sleep after you’ve stopped screaming through your nightmares, but Atsumu thinks it’s him who gave you them.
Every conversation he has with you after is clipped and hurried, and you never quite meet his eyes. It’s the same kind of distance you put between yourself and Samu, and fuck- he hates every passing second it lasts. Your chair scrapes against the floorboards too loud the last evening of his stay when you clear off everyone’s plates, putting them dutifully in the dishwasher. And Osamu, his twin— your brother for fuck sake, comes up behind you to litter kisses onto your neck and pull you close to him until you have to crack a smile. “I love you, baby,” he whispers then, and your mouth corners always drop a little when you straighten up.
“I love you too, Samu nii.”
He knows you don’t trust him anymore. And he can’t even blame you, because he knows what he did, what Samu is doing to you, is wrong. It’s far past wrong, and it eats him up inside when he has to leave and you two wave him out with a gentle pat on the back. You don’t look at him when he stands at the threshold, your eyes glossing over when he calls for your name. But you offer him another goodbye and walk back into your love den with his brother, as he stands in silence in the hall. “She’ll get over it soon enough, so ya can stop poutin’ now,” Samu mumbles, sighing. “I trust ya to keep this between us.”
His eyes trail over your pitiful form as you disappear down the hall, heart beating unfairly hard against his ribs. “Atsumu,” his brother grunts when he doesn’t respond, eyebrows narrowing. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop.” He lets his gaze shift to his mirror image and crosses his arms over his chest, hoping to keep the warmth in his jacket. A hand falls to his shoulder again, and though it feels just as warning as before, the brunet takes a moment to stare into his eyes. Then he nods. “Just know she will forgive you.” The ‘she did for me after all’ stays unspoken, and Atsumu hates that the statement makes his heart swell. He knows he deserves anything you throw at him.
His twin is right in the end, though it takes long enough to have the blond’s stomach churning each time he thinks of asking you to come by some time. At least to get out of the bustle of uni life, he ends up texting you, just hoping that you still care for him enough to take him up on his offer. Just to help you, like his first instinct should have been in the first place. Never again will he touch you like that, he swears to himself, though it’s your teary expression that flashes through his brain the second before he cums almost every time. Remembering the way you’d wrapped your lips around his cock and taken him so pretty, looking at him though wet lashes and heated cheeks.
He knows he shouldn’t find it as intoxicating as he does, and it stabs at his consciousness every time he analyzes a picture of you and Samu a bit too closely. Fuck, how did he never notice the reverant way Osamu looks down at you when you’re in promotional images for Onigiri Miya together. How did he never notice the arm wrapped so tight around your waist on the image staring back at him, plenty of faces that keep the store running, but none as jarring as you two. You look like lovers, well, no— Samu does. The swelling feeling of guilt that has him staying up late at night, wondering if you’ll call him awake some time.
He misses hearing you call him when Osamu doesn’t suffice. He misses being the one you felt safest with. So his heart soars almost painfully when you agree to stay for the weekend, getting away from Sendai for a while, and with the best intentions he agrees. He does.
But it’s odd introducing you to his team. For as close as you might’ve been in childhood and throughout all of middle and highschool, it’s only now he realizes that he never really brought you up to the people around him. He just took his shot alone and ran with it, hoping the shadow he cast was big enough to have you following. That’s how it should have been, that’s what siblings do. So why does it feel like he lost? Osamu’s employees, your neighbors, the old lady behind the counter at the store down the street recognize you and they love you, and every single one knows you’re Osamu’s little sister, never his.
So when he picks you up from the station mid-training and asks the team to go easy for the rest of practice, people glance at you like you’re the most interesting thing they’ve seen this last month. Grabbing your tiny hand and shaking it a bit too enthusiastically, pulling you into hugs and talking your ear off about the upcoming tournament before he even has the chance to speak. And when the captain comes to stand next to him for a moment with crossed arms, the guilt lurches out of his throat and keeps his tongue stuck like glue to the bottom of his mouth.
“Didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” Meian laughs, clapping him on the shoulder, “and considering the guys’ reactions neither did they. As long as you keep the team as a priority as much as her, I don’t have any complaints. You seem like a good couple.” The noiret laughs then, and though Tsumu knows he should say something to correct this assumption, he can’t. “Oh, and go a bit more gentle on the poor thing, Miya. She’s bruised to hell and back.”
He joins the rest of the team in conversation not ten seconds later and lets you slip your hand into his for comfort, and the smile that comes up is instinctive. When all his friends ask for your name, he only tells them the first part. And though he knows it’s a horrible thought, he loves that you’re not the Miya twins’ little sister to them. No, to his teammates, you’re Miya Atsumu’s beautiful, smart, stunning girlfriend. And he gets a sick thrill out of watching their eyes flick over your body and the hickeys peeking out under your shirt and shorts, because he got to fuck your mouth and they didn’t.
The weekend together goes well enough, considering. You both spend so much time together, that it almost feels like nothing ever changed. You even call him Tsumtsum nii again. For those precious hours it feels just like it did when you three still lived together and the most you had to worry about was which big brother to feed your excess food. As he makes dinner the last night of your stay, there’s moments where it feels completely natural to have you so near, surrounding him in your presence. And with how busy he always is, it never even crossed his mind that maybe he was missing something in his home.
It’s like the postcard of a perfect household, he smiles to himself, if maybe you were to add a few little ones into the mix. Not any time soon of course, you still have your school and he’s still too busy with his career, but in a couple of years. He doesn’t think of Osamu, and you don’t seem to either when you walk around and talk about anything and everything you can think of, like the months away took as much of a toll on you as they did on him. He smiles to himself stirring the vegetables, letting you bounce around the room and ruffling your hair any time you get close enough to.
But then you creep up behind him and squeeze yourself in between his arms to taste what he’s making, and everything rushes back. His traitorous brain imagines the way your ass would be pushing up against him if you shifted only an inch or two. And how perfect you fit into his arms, better than Osamu, and fuck— you smell so fucking good right now. His arm sneaks around your hips to pull you back into him, automatic, and he lets out a tiny breath when you freeze. Because for as wrong as it is, it’s always felt right to surround himself with you. Something Osamu must’ve been aware of, clearly.
“Niichan,” you mumble, grabbing at his arm and trying to move it back, but he’s always been much stronger than you. “Don’t touch me like that.”
“Why not? I’m just holding my little sister, since when is that a crime?” He puts the spatula aside, turning off the stove and trapping you into his hold more. “Is it because ya only want to belong to Osamu, s’that it? Even after everything I’ve done for ya?” The words tickle along your neck as he talks, leaning in more to press a kiss to your jaw. “How much I came to visit even though yer place is so far away, how much I took care of ya. It’s only natural I wanna hold you a little.” He presses his lips further along the line of your neck, losing himself in your warmth and scent so quickly.
But then you turn in his hold. “Tsumtsum nii, we can’t!” You place your hands on his chest and push, and while he barely moves, it’s rejection enough. And in some way it hurts more, because with Osamu you should have seen it as it was happening. But this, the hurt and jealousy swirling on his features, it has no right to be there. Because he knows just as well as you do that this is fucked up, and that it never should have happened. “Ya can’t. It’s not allowed, if mom and dad knew— y-you shouldn’t want me.”
And he does know. He knows, he knows, he knows that for as much as he loves you, there shouldn’t be this urge to touch you and hold you like it keeps replaying in his mind. So he apologizes, clenching his jaw and continuing with the food in silence, something that drags on the rest of the night. When you both finish brushing your teeth and he walks you to the guest room, there’s a moment where you seem to hesitate. It reminds him of that time he stayed over at your place again now, the way you’d clung to him so tight before he knew just what was happening.
You turn on your heel and take a deep breath, before suddenly wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down the distance to press your lips to his, soft and gentle and entirely different from the kisses he’s seen Osamu steal. But this is better, so much better, because you’re doing it on your own. He moves his lips back against you for a few seconds as you cling to him, a tiny noise of contentment falling from your lips when you pull back. He rests his forehead against yours as your eyes flutter, fingers gently running through the shorter hair at the base of his skull. And the warmth between you two is almost too good to be true.
It’s in that moment he can pinpoint the last of his platonic love tumble straight into more, lust and adoration and trust all mixed into one, and the worst part is that he can’t fucking bring himself to feel guilty. Not one bit. All other girls he’s ever been with pale compared to you, they always would. But you pull away from him and he has to hold himself from pulling you back close, from pressing you up against the wall and devouring you like the starved thing you leave him as. “I love ya, Tsumu niichan,” you whisper softly, swallowing through the rough patch in your voice. “But we can’t, okay? I promised Samu nii.”
“But he-”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m his —” you hesitate on the word, still letting it taste so bitter on your tongue, “he says I’m his wife, and he takes good care of me. And I love him too, so we can’t.” You pull away entirely, dropping your hands to the doorknob and twisting it, and rubbing a sleeve under your eyes. “That’s the difference between the two of ya, niichan. Yer always gonna love volleyball a bit more than ya love me, and Osamu nii is the other way around.” Then you disappear into the guest room, and he lets you. It sticks with him as he tries to close his eyes that night, brain mangled and body hot and feverish.
But he resists the urge to touch himself to you for once, because maybe this is what defeat feels like.
The drive back to Sendai in the morning, though familiar, feels awfully foreign. Everything about the place he grew up in looks wrong and he’s more irritated than ever at the mindless mumbling of the radio, but he’ll take anything to avoid having to look at you right now. As the silence continues, there’s a nagging voice that keeps coming back around. Since when does he take defeat as a valid answer? Since when does he give a shit if he has a fighting chance or not?
Walking you out of the car and to your apartment all happens on auto-pilot, his heart swelling the longer he stares at the soft curve of your face and the way you swing your arms. You crack open the door and mumble softly to yourself as he looks at you, really looks at you. And with another breath it becomes glaringly clear that you’re supposed to be just as much his, if not more. ‘Hm, Samu nii isn’t here yet. Maybe he’s at the store,’ you say, but he doesn’t hear it.
You both walk into the apartment together, you kick the door closed as his eyes fall to one of the pictures of you and Samu together. Smiling, his arm wrapped so tight around your shoulder, wind ruffling your hair and biting at your nose and cheeks. His heart drops the longer he’s forced to look at it, and you remain oblivious as you put down the bags next to your shoes. Why, that’s all that echoes through his head as he watches you, watches you drop your jacket and pick up a ring that you must’ve left at home to keep your secret. You slip it onto your finger too easily, like it barely shocks you anymore. He hates every second of it.
“Tsumtsum nii?” Before he knows it, that fighting spark in him is breaking through like a bomb, when he grabs at your arm and pulls you into him. You freeze when he kisses you, letting his mouth melt with yours and tongue slip in between your lips, the keys dropping from your hands out of shock. You arch into his touch as he kisses you breathless, pulling back and instantly littering them down your throat, collarbones, pulling your shirt down to place them down the valley of your breasts as you pant his name. “What-”
“Yer wrong,” he hisses as he looks up at you through thick lashes, sucking the soft skin above your bra and biting there. His hands are greedy and eager as he slips them under the cups of your bra, pushing the fabric up like it’s offensive. And your hands find his hair, even though you shake your face side to side, he knows you. He knows what makes you tick and makes you cry, even more than you do. Maybe more than Samu does too. He sucks your one nipple into his mouth while flicking the other, tugging on it as you moan. “Don’t tell me what ya think ya know, because yer wrong.”
He’s quick to push you toward the floor, his size and weight more than enough to make your knees buckle, putting you into place under him. He almost snaps at the way you try to hide yourself like he hasn’t seen it all before. Like he hasn’t fucked your mouth or heard how you beg to cum like you did, but this is different. This is the lust of someone who’s got something to prove, and though you love Samu enough not to say it, he knows you want him too.
“Niichan, don’t-” you try, pushing him back by his shoulders to no avail. “Samu will know.” Even hearing that name makes him grit his teeth. So fucking unfair. Why does Samu get to have you and not him? It won’t do.
Pushing you over and yanking your ass up by your hips, you let out a little breath when he grabs a handful of ass. “S’not fair,” he hisses, other hand slipping around to push two fingers to your center through your shorts. The rough feeling of the layers of fabric rubbing up against your sensitive pussy feel good, but you still try to wiggle out from under his strong grip, shaking a bit. It’s not that you don’t love him, you love him so much.
“Tsumtsum nii!” you cry, muscles straining from the unforgiving position.
You’ve always loved your big brothers equally, as much as Osamu tried to pretend that wasn’t true in the past. But you made a promise, and—
he cuts off your thoughts by letting one hand drop to your head and tangle into your hair with a pull that has you moaning. His free hand works on pulling your shorts and underwear down the curve of your ass and thighs. And he grunts at the sight of your pussy already wet and clenching around nothing. Because as much as you know it to be wrong, you still ache to have his cock.
He spits onto the hole for good measure, before bringing those rough fingertips between your bottom lips and spreading them apart, cursing under his breath. “Fuckin’ look at you, already dripping for niichan. Ya pretend to belong with Samu, but yer whoring yourself out to me so easily. Letting my fingers slip in like this, hm?”
He pushes two in despite the bit of resistance, only getting harder watching your eyes roll back as he curls his fingers into the soft walls of your pussy. The lewd squelch of your walls accepting him too easily, body resisting the urge to fuck yourself back onto him. It’s so easy to tell that you want him as much as he needs you, and he’s determined to make you say it too. “Feel good?”
You clench your jaw as your walls tighten around his thick, long digits driving in and out of you. Warm slick mixed with his spit going down your thighs and his hand, as he rubs his clothed center against your ass. “Tsumu niichan,” is all you whimper out, but it’s no longer scolding. It’s a beg, a true desperation for your big brother, and as soon as you realize this you suddenly start shifting around again. “No, niichan, you can’t. We can’t, I don’t want him to be mad at me.”
“Let him.” Tsumu knows how mean his twin can get when he drives him up the wall enough, but he needs this. Needs to feel your warm pussy wrapped around his cock, so that maybe he’ll be able to drive away those plaguing thoughts about you for good.
You try to lift yourself up from the floor, but he just pushes you back down, using one arm to keep you in place and shivering as his fingers hit the same spot over and over again. Your eyes close as tears bead at the corners of your eyes, not from pain but from how overwhelming it feels to have him too. It makes you remember how it was when Samu nii first had you, but instead of only dread and shame, there’s an overwhelming need.
An ache for your empty pussy to be filled by him. It’s bad, but you cling to the fluffy carpet so easily. And his fingers feel so good inside, making your entire body feel right. When he pulls those long fingers out of you to rub the wetness over your sensitive clit, you whimper again, biting your lip to keep it in. Blood rushes between your ears, letting you hear only the pounding of your heart and the way he hisses when settling between your spread thighs. “I know yer gonna beg me for it,” he says, and as cocky as it sounds, he’s right. You both know it.
He fiddles with his belt only a second before getting the zipper and pushing his pants down his thick legs, taking his boxers with them. It’s been too long since he got any sort of proper relief. His hand never fully satisfied him, and any girl he found in his bed always looked like you, but never enough.
There was always something that left him pent up and frankly, losing his mind, because they didn’t moan or beg or sound like you. Didn’t call him niichan like you. The one time he dared ask a hookup to call him that, it had felt so wrong that he’d asked her to leave early. His cock is rock hard as it slaps up against his stomach, drooling enough precum to make the entire head look glazed, all because of you. All because his little sister is a brother fucker, and his own jealousy and devotion even worse.
You reach up a hand and bite into it to keep quiet when he nudges your legs apart more. And you obediently stay in place, which makes his cock twitch and his balls feel even heavier. No wonder Samu loves you this much. Eyes half shut and wet lines running from them, looking so fucking pretty for him. He leans in, pressing the glistening head of his cock to your warm hole and slipping in.
Though your chest heaves and you shake a little, you accept him inside so sweetly. Like he imagined you would. He pushes in a few inches at a time and watches your face scrunch up each time he fills you out further, walls clinging to his fat cock as he pulls back a little. “Fuck, yer so tight. So fucking tight and wet.” He keeps going until you throw your head back and moan into your palm, a mix of a cry and a call for his name, all muffled.
He frowns as he pushes in even more, finally bottoming out and pulling your hand away from your face. “No. Make noise, let me hear you. I deserve this much,” he grunts, pushing the head of his cock up against the end of your walls, watching you twitch and whimper, fat tears rolling down your temples. You’re so fucking beautiful for him. “Ya deserve yer big brother’s cock like this, hm? You want it.”
Clenching your eyes shut so tight, you cry out for him again, throwing your arm back and clinging to the soft fabric of his shirt like a lifeline. And fuck— he understands. He’s never felt this fucking good, and he barely moved so far. “Gonna fuck into you how ya deserve,” he promises, planting a kiss on the corner of your mouth as you struggle for words, legs shaking.
He pulls his hips back then, leaving your dripping cunt empty, before pushing back in entirely and filling you up in a single thrust that has you really crying out. Nails digging into his muscular back and hips pushing back on him, you sob. “Niichan, niichan, your cock f-feels ah, so, s-so good. Love -hngg, love ya, Tsumtsum nii.” He pulls back again, pushing back in faster this time and building a rhythm that has you fucked stupid.
Tits bouncing and mouth dropped open, you let him fuck you like a man starved, dripping around his cock. You can’t even pretend like you don’t want him this much, because when he looks down he can see the ring of white around the base of his cock and the wetness dripping down your pussy. “Love ya too, pretty girl. Taking niichan’s fat cock so well.”
He grabs your hips tighter, leaving little ovals where his fingertips dig in, rutting himself into you with the pounding rhythm until you’re seeing double and you have to shut your eyes tightly. “Say my name, come on,” he grunts, grabbing a handful of hair for a second so he can watch your face as it contorts, heated and looking so perfectly fucked out because of him. It’s heavenly. You clench around his fat length as it slides back in each time, basically shivering from the overwhelming feeling that comes each time the head of his cock pushes into your gummy walls. “Who’s fucking ya like this?”
“Tsumu niichan,” you sob, reaching behind you to reach for something to hold onto, and he untangles his fingers from your hair to grab your hand, holding onto you with a gentleness you don’t expect. You’re left a babbling mess each time he bottoms out so good, barely coherent. “Feel s’good and big, p- can’t take it, niichan. Please, pleasepleaseplease, can’t.”
“Yes, ya fuckin’ can.” He rubs his thumb over your knuckles as he pounds into you, before suddenly grunting and pulling out. “Yer gonna cum, huh? Cum on niichan’s cock like this.” He’s quick to turn you around and push your shaking thighs apart, his lips softly curling upwards as he urges your legs around his glutes. He positions himself back over you, turning your face toward him and laying a long, deep kiss on your lips.
You barely have the energy to kiss back, but moan into it anyway. Then he pulls back enough to hold himself up on one arm and pistons his hips into you, his cock twitching inside you.  One hand dipping between your legs to rub your puffy clit for a few more seconds is all it takes for you to lock your legs around him and grab onto him with a breathless cry of his name, clenching so hard it almost pushes him out. “Atsumu nii!” you whimper, string of mumbled swears being muffled as he kisses you and tangles his tongue with yours.
“My good, little sister, yer perfect for me,” he grunts, pushing himself back up and grabbing hold of your hips to tilt them into him more for access. “Gonna cum, pretty girl. Take it all.” Sweat drips down his chest under his shirt before he groans, muscles clenching and his hands going a bit shaky with the effort put into his lazer focus on your creaming pussy.
The sight of you so fucked out and the way your walls still cling to him any time he pulls out, your tits bouncing with his rhythm, is enough to make him spill his hot cum into you with a last few thrusts. “Fuck -hng, fuckfuck— yer mine!” He lays down onto you and covers you entirely in his heat as he presses his lips back to yours for more slow, deep kisses that make you entirely spaced out.
Your brain blissed out and still trying to catch your breath, you let him kiss you for a few minutes, cock still inside you despite the overstimulation. But you couldn’t ask him to move if you tried. After a little bit of basking in each other’s warmth, he bites his lip to hold in a hiss. The door clicks, as he pushes himself up from you to slip out and sit back onto his heels, brushing his fingers along your cheek. The door swings open.
Your eyes widen as you look over. Samu’s face stays completely impassive for a few moments, before his darkening eyes flick between the two of you. The blond frowns as he scoops you up against him. “Well, would’ya look at that,” Samu clicks his tongue. Hurt and accusation meets understanding when Tsumu wraps his arms closer around you and rests his chin on your shoulder.
The affectionate sight makes Osamu’s nose scrunch, as he drops his bags of groceries and kicks off his shoes. And maybe he’d be right being so mad, if he hadn’t taken your body the exact same way too many times to count. “Ya said ya’d keep him away from what’s mine,” he hisses at you, but with your shaking bottom lip and arms wrapped around yourself for protection, most of his anger is shifted to Tsumu instead. ”And I thought I told you to keep yer fucking hands off’a her, brother.”
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runner5ive · 4 years
😠!!! Grumpy apocalypse mom and our gremlin child, pretty please! 🥺
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Janine and Five!
If you'd like to request something please go here to see who’s who! I've had a few requests so far and I'm starting to work through them, but there's still plenty of characters available 💕
Apologies this ones longer than I expected 😅 I just have a lot of love for Janine.
The moment Five arrives in Abel, Janine is delighted at the thought of having an actual military trained recruit in her township.
And for a while, it's exactly as she'd hoped it'd be. Five stands and salutes her whenever she walks by (even if no one else does), they do whatever tasks are given to them without argument. Hell, her name sign is 'Boss' and she is thrilled.
She thinks, for a moment, that perhaps This new soldier would be good for Abel. Maybe they'll help... reign in the other runners a little. Bring a level of seriousness to the township.
But then she starts to see Five change. Five becomes sillier, bouncier, less like a soldier and more like... like someone their own age.
And at first Janine's put down. She blames Sam and Simon for corrupting her perfect little soldier. Uncertain what she's doing wrong, she asks Five what Mullins was like, hoping for an idea of how to reign in her own runners. And so Five tells her, and Janine realises just how broken and miserable Five actually was when they arrived.
So, she figures, she might not have the perfect little soldier, but at least she has herself a happy, loyal runner.
And Five is loyal.
They don't leap to their feet every time she walks by anymore, but they always, without fail, salute her. They still call her Boss. They still do everything she asks without question. They're just... happier.
When Five thinks they'll be going back to Mullins at some point, they mostly crash on Janine's couch in the farmhouse, refusing any permenant lodgings incase they get too cosy. The minute Five decides they're staying - they move out and get their own corner of a housing tent and the farmhouse seems a lot... emptier without them there every morning and night.
Janine refuses to admit she misses them. She carries on, business as usual, certain that Five wouldn't be too bothered about seeing her other than during missions. But Five surprises her. She'll be sat in her office, pouring over documents and trying to figure out how to fairly share out rations, or planning missions. And she won't even notice anyone come in until she notices the mug of coffee and a biscuit beside her.
When she falls asleep during her work, Five will usually be the one waking her gentle, smiling warmly and giving her a friendly salute before suggesting she went to bed.
Janine is a strong, but somewhat socially awkward too. Listening to her on runs always makes them smile.
Spoilers from S1M6 below the cut:
Season 1
S1M6 Janine feels awful after leading Five into an ambush. She almost can't believe it. She was so sure they could trust New Canton, and she was wrong. She's frustrated with herself and her own poor judgement, taking it out on Sam before storming off to bed.
S1M7 When Five returns that night, dehydrated, exhausted and a little battered, Janine goes to visit them in the quarantine hospital rooms. Five is asleep, unaware she's there, but Janine is comforted at that moment just by watching them breathe.
After that, Janine shows more concern for Five in her own subtle ways. Checking they have all their supplies for long missions, making sure they have enough warm clothes in winter. She always asks Maxine for updates on their health if they ever need to go to the infirmary. She pretends not to care... but Five knows. And Five cares too.
Season 2
S2M1 Whilst Five is staying at New Canton, their cat Simon Pawchlan Feline De Luca ends ups living with Janine. She pretends to hate it, but honestly he’s good company. Plus, he’s a good mouse catcher. Though she cant help but think that the combination of hers and Simon’s names is a not so subtle hint from Five. 
S2M4 The attack on Abel practically destroyed Five's bunk. Their friends were able to salvage most of their stuff, but the broken bed and the influx of those needing housing means that Five doesn't really have anywhere to stay when they return home from New Canton. Janine act frustrated that Sam had brought them back without checking with her first, especially since there's nowhere for them to stay, but she's secretly glad they're crashing on her couch again.
With the Major back at Abel, Janine can't help but notice the same stiffness return to Five when they take orders from this stranger, and it surprises her. Because this was the Major, the one in charge, and although Five had never met her before they must know she's trustworthy.
But Five warms slowly to this new person in charge. Not many others notice because they're all treading on eggshells now the Major is back, but for Five it's different. Janine is the one to realise that perhaps she reminds them of Mullins a little too much.
Janine is also surprised to see that any orders the Major gives them, Five's eyes would dart to Janine for confirmation. Five is a loyal runner, but only to those they know, and at that point they're loyal to Janine, not the Major.
Janine doesn't mention it to them, but she keeps an eye on Five, watching over the weeks as they gradually warm up to the Major. Still, there's not the same level of trust for the Major as there is for her.
S2M40 But then it turns out there's a traitor in Abel. And there's only so many people it can be. And Janine can't help but suspect Five. Because, let's be honest, Five hadn't really been there that long. Five arrived through rather suspicious circumstances. And Five still hadn't admitted who exactly they were before the apocalypse. Not even a name.
Five is hurt that Janine suspects them. It leaves them uneasy around her. But they still refuse to give her their name. When Janine demands an explanation why not, Five struggles to sign coherently. They're upset, but they manage to get the message across: they don't like who they were before and they're trying to forget. They're trying to be better. This of course only builds more suspicion.
S2M43 The day Simon is revealed to be the traitor, Janine is devestated. Because it can't be Simon. Not Simon. Not her stupid Simon. She listens as Jamie attacks him with the bat, stunned and horrified, but also hating herself for how she suspected Five more than anyone.
When Five gets back, they run straight up to Janine and throw their arms around her, stunning Janine, who is not a hugger. She's not sure if Five is trying to comfort her or looking for comfort themself. She awkwardly pats them on the back.
That day, Five gives Janine their birthname. It's hard to do, but they do it. They tell her that if she wants to look them up, she can. They're tired of secrets. Janine waits for them to leave before searching that name, and then deleting everything she can find on them, without reading a single thing. As far as the world is concerned, Five's life started at Abel.
Season 3
S3M5 The day Five accepts to become the Head of the Runners, Janine decides to make the role official. With the promotion, Five works a lot closer with her, planning mission and training regimes, and earning an official 'Head of Runners' bedroom in Janine's house. It was a downstairs pantry, but it's a decent size and already has lots of shelves and a nice view from the window. Everyone helps to do it up so it's nice and cosy, and Five can finally move off the couch and into their own space.
Five has no idea what to do with a bedroom of their own and is very overwhelmed. More hugs for Janine, even if she's more of a handshake kind of gal.
Five has an entire shelf dedicated to the people they've lost. Sara's sunglasses, photos of Simon.
Five is a lot more cautious about Janine's wellbeing than they've ever been. There are more instances than not where Five will physically drag Janine's in her chair from her desk, seizing her work and refusing to give it back until she went and had some food.
Janine's raised, frustrated voice can usually be heard from outside, and people ask Five how they cope, since all Janine seems to do is shout at them.
Five doesn't care. Because they know Janine cares too. With their additional duties, Five's often working late, and Janine is somewhat surprised by how seriously they're taking this role. Five just wants to do her proud, which is weird because they've never really done anything to make anyone proud before. When Five falls asleep in their work, they'll wake with a blanket over them.
Mornings are cosy. They both usually get up at a similar time. Whoever gets to the kitchen first usually makes the other a hot drink, and they usually sit in silence, reading the mornings memos together.
Five knows Janine's missing Simon, but neither of them can bare to talk about him. Still, on days Janine's feeling particularly low, Five can usually tell. They give her extra buscuits these days.
Season 4
S4M22 Five is a wreck after Sam gets bit. Like, a complete mess. Everyone tries to consolidate them when they get back to Abel, but they are in self-destructive mode. They run off, and hours later Jody finds them having raided one of Simon's old whisky stashes. They're rotten drunk and barely able to stand.
They DEMAND to be taken to Tom. Their shotgun is in their hands, and there is rage on their face. Everyone's panicking, but Janine doesn't say a word. She just marches up to five, punches them in the gut so hard they drop to their knees, and yank their shotgun from their hands.
Janine refuses to take them to the infirmary, saying they just needed to sleep it off, and drags them into the farmhouse to look after them herself. It's very much tough love. This includes forcing her fingers down their throat to get them to puke up as much booze as they can, forcing them into the shower so she can hose them down, and getting them ready for bed. Five asks if she misses him, and for a moment Janine thinks they mean Sam, until she realises she'd tossed Five one of Simon's old shirts to wear as pjs. That night they sit on Janine's bed talk properly about Simon, not really speaking just quietly signing between each other, and Five ends up falling into a drunken sleep against her shoulder. Janine has no idea what to do, so she doesn't disturb them and lets them sleep. Besides, at least this way she can make sure they don't choke on their own vomit in the night.
Thankfully, Five doesn't puke on her in their sleep. They do drool a lot though.
Five knows Janine is going through some stuff when they capture Tom, and although they want to help, she refuses. Still, they're there for her. They don't even care when she threatens to court marshal them again. They just keep telling her: whatever you need, I'm there.
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