#this is so delayed lol
lilybug-02 · 5 months
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You’re making a lot of promises there Chara…
Part 24 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
I enjoyed doing this little Flashback scene. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled freakout session soon. Having monochrome color is very nice.
Here is a gif of Chara spilling their water because YES. And I spent way too long on it :)
Wow technology is so cool.
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greghatecrimes · 3 months
Thirteen.exe has stopped responding
(warning for slight flashing)
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caffichai · 8 months
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Thank you all so much for over 2750 followers!!
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metrixnos · 8 months
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What a trustworthy source
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dailyloopdeloop · 1 month
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 months
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Nothing passes door and window here save moonlight and starlight and the wind off the hill-top!
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kikker-oma · 2 months
Fan Joy July!
Coined by the sweet @isasan347 , Fan Joy July is an art challenge I've created for myself!
I will be drawing one piece of colored fan art every single day of July that corresponds to a scene in various Linked Universe Fanfics.
This challenge is meant to push myself to draw daily, give back to writers who make this fandom so much fun, and give others a chance to read something new they may enjoy 😄
I will be choosing some fics myself that I've read and enjoy, but I would love if others recommended their favorite LU fic. This way I can pick one LU fan fiction to draw for all 31 days. Feel free to self promote as well!
To recommend me a fic, please comment or reblog this post with the link so that I can see it easier. Please avoid sending asks if you can, just because I tend to get overwhelmed when my inbox gets full 🥴🥲 hehe
I'll be taking recommendations from April 11-30. After that I'm going to start drawing so that I can be ready to post in July! ( This is gonna take me a while so I need all the prep time I can get haha).
**I'm not asking anyone else to do this challenge, but I would ADORE if anyone wanted to join me! Even if it isn't for the whole month. **(I can be your excuse if you've ever wanted to draw for a writer but were too shy hehe)
I've also seen one or two writers interested in how they could participate. I think that maybe if there is an artist you enjoy you could write something for a drawing they've done? I know there are a ton of very talented LU artists in the fandom, so that could be a good challenge for writers 😀
--- General Notes:
Please note that I will only be doing 31 drawings and a recommendation does not guarantee I will draw for it ( I love you all, but I can only do so much)
I will be tagging my challenge as "FanJoyJuly" and will try my best to note posts appropriately
I will be tagging writers (if they have a Tumblr and I can find it)
I will be linking the story for each day in the post
I will not be releasing which stories I'm drawing for until I post them (for the DRAMA😉)
As we get closer to July, I'll create a master post and update it with each post I make in case people are interested in following along ❤️
Thank you all for the initial feedback for this idea, and I'm excited to get started!
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sea-buns · 9 months
wow... what a season. it feels weird to say that this little 6-episode side quest, in all of the 19 seasons of d20, is one of my favorites they've ever done but it just is. it had all the stakes and humor and drama that you could possibly want, all balanced with an incredible cast of players. the table chemistry was excellent, the characters were so perfectly themselves, the TROPES were OFF THE CHARTS!
i can't quite remember the last time i finished something and ached so sharply for there to be more. i just know I'm gonna be thinking about this one for a long time
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temeyes · 4 months
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henlo munchkadees!! will be closing c/mms for the next two weeks, gonna be finishing the current c/mm pieces im doing. then take some me time (catching up on my personal drawings, some video games and anime, hehe)
will answer the remaining asks in my inbox tho!! hehe, thank y'all for your patience!!
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The obsession with "natural = good" isn't truly rooted in what is "natural" but is rooted in complex politics based on what is deemed "natural" by others - those in power. The whole "natural is pure, is right, is morally just" has not historically applied to the marginalized because of our supposed proximity to the "unnatural." Our bodies, our behaviour, our lives and souls will continuously be defined as "unnatural" so long as "natural" remains seen as pure and godly, so long as "natural" is equal to power.
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tennessoui · 10 days
“Kiaree is pregnant,” Obi-Wan says, as if Anakin is supposed to care about this woman and her baby. “If her name is drawn from the victor‘s pool, I will take her place.” “Like hell you will,” Anakin snarls. “There are other victors.”
“Magdeline is old,” Obi-Wan’s eyes cut away, fall to the space between their hands. Good, Anakin thinks viciously, he should find it hard to look at him. “She should not have to go back to Coruscant. Not ever again in her lifetime. If her name is drawn—” “Then you will let it be!” Anakin rounds the corners of the counter, unthinkingly fast. He clasps his hand around Obi-Wan’s shoulder, squeezing the fine fabric that Coruscant has dressed him in tightly. “Why would you volunteer for them, Obi-Wan? They have never volunteered for you.”
“The actions of others do not control my own, Anakin,” Obi-Wan snaps, pushing him away, freeing himself from his grasp. “I will volunteer to serve as master and mentor, as I am the most suitable to be victor—” Anakin grinds his teeth together, pushing himself back into Obi-Wan’s space, pinning him against the counter. “You would do that to me?” he asks, low, voice a dark growl in his throat. Obi-Wan has styled his hair carefully, slicked it back and trimmed his beard. Anakin touches the lines of his beard, ghosts over the glossy locks before shoving his fingers into it, messing up the tidy strands. “You would take yourself away from me, for months more?”
“The Games will last no more than a fortnight,” Obi-Wan murmurs, keeping his back straight, unwilling to melt into Anakin’s touch. “I will be back on Stewjoni soil before the leaves turn gold.”
“You will be parsecs away from me until the spring,” Anakin replies, and he gentles his hold, smooths over the mess of Obi-Wan’s bangs and slots himself up against him. Not fighting, not pushing. Pressing, coaxing. “Your body will be here, but your mind will not. Do not pretend as if you do not know what I am talking about.”
Obi-Wan’s mouth falls open, a flash of red as he wets his bottom lip and looks away. Of course he knows what Anakin means. The years that he must go to Coruscant, the years that he is made master of two children who are destined to die bloody and screaming, those years haunt him in his eyes. It is the price he pays as a victor—it is not just his Games that haunts him. It is every Game he has ever been made to watch, to participate in even from the sidelines.
And he may be willing to pay that price so that his other victors may live without it, but Anakin will not allow the same.
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lolipop-lord · 1 year
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it’s the them!!!
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elena-illustration · 7 months
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get scooped idiot
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moth-ed-man · 10 months
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Joe Hills is live!
Subscribe to his Patreon or send a Tip!
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jfleamont · 2 months
Hey for your jily muse, out of order <3
Okay this is unforgivable, I know. You sent this prompt over two months ago. TWO. This ask has been sitting in my inbox since the 18th of January, so you probably won't even remember sending this but I promise you I've been thinking about it constantly and waiting to have free time to work on it and I have this tendency to leave things unfinished so this is me working through that as well lol
Without further ado, here it is ❤️
Out of Order - 744 words
Evans is in the boys' bathroom. She's in the boys' bathroom and she's crying.
One of her hands is gripping the sink, while the other fruitlessly wipes the tears that keep escaping.
She hasn't noticed his arrival, and Sirius doesn't bother clearing his throat. “I'm sure there's a perfectly logical reason for this.”
She makes a startled noise and turns to face him, her expression a mixture of anger and sadness. It's comical, really, so Sirius laughs.
“There is,” she mutters as she wipes her nose with the sleeve of her jumper. Her voice lacks the edge she usually aims at him— and at James, too, though Sirius can't help but notice a slight difference there.
He walks towards her and hands her his monogrammed tissue - he's never used it for this purpose specifically, but it has proved to be useful during the occasional prank or after a rough full moon - which she grabs immediately. She doesn't thank him, but he doesn't expect her to.
“Ah well, that's all I needed to know. It's not like you're invading my personal space or something.”
She lifts an eyebrow and eyes him curiously, looking more like her usual self. “I'm sorry, is there a plaque or an inscription that I haven't noticed? Does House Black monogram bathrooms as well as tissues?”
“Not that I'm aware of, no. Don't give my mother ideas, though, she might actually try to do that.”
She makes an attempt at a smile, but it quickly turns into a quiet sob.
“Apparently there can only be one crying girl per bathroom, and Myrtle has claimed the one across the corridor as hers so it's out of order,” she explains as she tries to regain control of her emotions, “and I thought this one was empty since everyone is heading down to watch the match.”
“You were right... for the most part. Why aren't you going then?”
“No reason,” she replies, her voice even, but she's not looking at him.
Sirius thinks he knows why. He suspects it has to do with the good luck kiss that Cornelia Kettleburn gave James at breakfast and how quickly Lily disappeared after that.
“Cool. I'm not going either. Fancy going to the Astronomy tower for a smoke?”
She looks taken aback. “I— wait, why aren't you going?”
In truth Sirius wants to go, and James is going to kill him for this, but lately he's been claiming that he no longer has feelings for Lily, and Sirius hates being lied to, so technically this is just payback.
“James got on my nerves so I'm skipping the match in protest,” he adds with a shrug and it's the truth, because it wouldn't be fair to lie. “So, are we smoking or not? Got a fag I can borrow?”
She's not an idiot: she knows this is an olive branch of sorts. Sirius can tell she's deciding whether to believe him or not; after a moment she sighs, and Sirius knows he's won.
“Haven't you got your own? Merlin, you're cheap,” she says while producing a pack of cigarettes from her satchel and handing it to him, a smirk on her face. He's glad to see that she seems to have calmed down significantly.
“I'm trying to quit so I stopped carrying them around,” he replies and grabs one, putting it in the breast pocket of his vest.
“Looks like it's working,” she notes as she fixes her appearance in front of the mirror and readies herself to leave the room.
“Why are you mad at Potter anyway? Thought you two were inseparable,” she asks as she walks towards the door, a step ahead of him so that he can't see her face.
“Can't tell you, it's a secret.”
She huffs. “You lot are starting to sound ridiculous with all these secrets,” she whips her head towards him, her disapproval clear on her face, though he's almost certain this is just another way of disguising her curiosity. “Is this little group of yours a cult or something?”
“It's a counterculture,” he explains as he exits the bathroom, “how else are we going to beat those bigoted dickheads? The only way to fight a cult is with another cult.”
He's just joking, but the idea doesn't sound half bad to his ears.
Apparently Lily disagrees, because she snorts. Loudly. “Not sure about that logic but you do you, I guess.”
“Thanks for the support.”
“Anytime, Black.”
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wigglebox · 1 year
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Cozy 🌄 [x]
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