#this is so fucked up (she got 4 tattoos before turning 15 mostly out of spite bc parame said minors shouldn't get tats)
blue-madd · 1 year
Who needs sleep when you can just daydream of your parame getting another homicidal biological kid who wants to murder him because their evil father (aka our paravain) taught them shit ?
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Seven Nights in Cabin Thirteen
I’m inspired by another post I saw here that I didn’t wish to hijack lol, and OP deactivated or else I’d link their account here. credits to @the-ghost-king for the idea of a demigod therapy/Will being a past drug addict on this post. Yes this is a bad fic. It’s also my first fic ever. Please criticize if you see anything
Will never thought that he would ever appreciate his first monster attack. He was seven years old, and in hindsight his teacher probably only worked there to prey on young demigods (at least, that’s why he suspects the attack happened so early in his life compared to other demigods). But when Lee Fletcher sat him down 4 years later and told him that he was trans and would now be known as Lee instead of his birth name, Will knew that everything happened for a reason.
After many conversations with Lee about how he knew (gods bless that man’s patience) and with an older Athena camper who’s special interest dealt in psychology, Will realized the reason that he always felt disconnected from his mom and sisters in Austin was because he was like Lee. He was a boy.
Telling people wasn’t easy. Of course his older brother had to know; he was the one who introduced Will to this concept. Telling the rest of camp was as easy as telling Chiron, who told Dionysus, who always threatened to turn anyone into a dolphin if they talked shit about any trans kid. Telling his mom... that had to be the hardest part. How was he supposed to tell them? The only similarities they all had were that they were all musically inclined and that they were all girls.
Apparently, Will forgot that Naomi Solace was a musician. The music industry has more queers than an all girl’s school GSA. Her only questions were “Alright, what’s your name then, kiddo?” and “When do you want to set up an appointment with a therapist?” As for his siblings, well, let’s just say the oldest, Frankie, always knew. And it didn’t take long for seven-year-old Mickey to cut her doll-that-somehow-looked-exactly-like-Will’s hair and change his notes from high to low when she accompanied his singing on violin, as part of voice training.
Four years has passed since then and Will can hardly believe it. He’s stealth back at Austin because it’s just easier that way, but since a quarter of the camp knew him since he was seven, he figured there was no point; it isn’t like anyone treated him as though he wasn’t a man-- er, boy-- at camp anyways. So, life went on. He got his period for the first time during the Battle of Manhattan, that was no fun, but luckily Thalia was cool about it and made sure not to tell anyone. He started binding shortly afterwards, got a couple bruises hear and there. Kayla yelled at him for a week for that one, he remembers fondly. Discovered why it’s better to take off your contacts in the shower... that day isn’t such a fond memory. That was the first and last time he ever made himself bleed. Although, he will say that’s what sparked his interest in medicine and what made him the best doctor Camp Half Blood had seen in decades at the mere age of 15 years old. Life at camp was good, if a bit dull. He got used to the routine and the constant influx of damaged campers, the siblings and friends, and the always-perfect Texas Barbecue and Coke.
That is, until the War Between the Camps happened. Lou Ellen woke Will up before sundown that day and told him their plan. They were to hide in the tall grasses and wait for Camp Jupiter to show their ugly faces. Cecil had the genius idea to paint their faces and arms black so they’d blend into the night better, and Will supposes in the hubub of everything they forgot that his hair nearly (”nearly”) glows, even at night. Until Mr. Nico “I’m so smart, I nearly killed myself shadow travelling” di Angelo pointed it out. Whatever, it made sense at the time. They won the war against Gaea, not without sacrifice, and they finally, finally got past all the wars and destruction and health issues that they were able to just hang out and get to know each other as friends.
And boy, was their friendship amazing. Nico had the best taste in music from Will’s eyes, and that’s saying something because Will is a music snob. Nico could be a little stubborn at times, but that’s alright because so was Will (”Gods damn it, Nico, if you don’t take your medication right this second I will-” “You’ll what? Hm? You’ll force it down my throat? Last I checked that was abuse.”). They fit together so perfectly and became fast friends.
It wasn’t always sunshine and lollipops, though. What is, for a demigod? Will relapsed once and passed out right in front of Nico’s cabin. He was crashing from an exciting high that he hadn’t experienced in so long, and he felt so tired and ashamed of himself. Methamphetamine was a goddamned bitch, so while he was coming out of withdrawals, he made Nico promise not to let him leave the cabin for a week were simmering down. He had to make sure something like this never happened again. They Iris Messaged  Chiron and explained the situation, and he understood. He made sure to contact the older son of Dionysus who had been Will’s therapist in the past and said what had happened and they agreed on a session for soon after Will got mostly over his cravings.
So now they had a week of downtime together. Awesome.
“Solace, do you need anything? Are you okay?” Nico asked towards the end of the first full day that withdrawals were over.
“I’m-- fuck. I’m fine. I swear.” He responded unconvincingly.
“That’s not what you said last night... no offense, but I’m not fully inclined to believe you when you look like shit.”
“It- It... it’s not something I’d like to talk about, if that’s alright. And... don’t tell Clarisse, please.”
“I’m not going to tell anyone, don’t worry. But I would like to know if this is going to be a common occ--” Before he could even finish asking, Will was already shaking his head and responding.
“One-time thing only, I promise. Gods, I’m sorry I showed up here at all.”
“Woah, buddy. That’s not what I was saying at all. You’re my best friend, I’m glad you came here.” Will almost couldn’t believe what Nico was saying. Then again, did Nico have very many friends? Nico himself certainly didn’t seem to think so. “In any case, you don’t have to explain what happened, or what led up to this, or anything like that. I don't need to know. What I do need you to do, however, is take a shower. I’m sorry to say so, but you smell like ass.”
“Yeah well, I’m…” He couldn’t finish his sentence. How do you explain to someone that he still wanted his drugs, and he didn’t want to leave the cabin because he knew he would leave to go find some before he would even think about going to his own cabin at this point.
“You don’t have to leave,” Nico said, perhaps sensing his agitation. “I have a shower in the cabin.”
“What the fuck do you mean you have a shower in the cabin?” The shock of this knowledge get him out of his stuck mind. “How did you get plumbing in here? How did Chiron allow this?”
“I helped design my cabin, and while I may not have all the experience in architecture that Annabeth does, I do know a thing or two. I did meet with Isambard Kingdom Brunel, you know.”
“I did not know. You- Who is Isambard Kingdom Brunel?” Will asked
“Oh, some civil engineer who is like a million years old.” Will scoffed at that.
“You’re one to talk,” he teased. He was never going to let go of the fact that Nico was technically like 80 years old.
“Oh hush, William.” William… never Will, like most people. William… like he was something special, something that deserved three syllables. “Anyways, like I was saying: take a shower. You look like you were up mowing all of camp with a flashlight.”
Knowing Will’s reaction to drugs, that wasn’t unlikely. He stood up. “Lead the way? I’ve never been around your cabin before.”
Nico’s cabin was unlike any others. Using some sort of Doctor Who-like technology, there was a living room, a kitchen, and one room. Surprisingly, the walls were all light or pastel, a stark contrast from Nico’s general (and unintentional) punk-rock appearance. However, the furniture was all a deep black. Nico led him to his room, a minimalistic one with a bed, a desk, and a lamp. Will wondered where all the personalization was, but made no comment.
“Here’s the shower,” Nico pointed to yet another room in this somehow huge cabin. “If you see something amiss or odd… ignore it.” Will didn’t want to think of the implications of that sentence.
He stepped in the shower and oh my gods, watching the dirt and grime wash off him after his 8 hour high-- which he did not want to think about (and not just because the author doesn’t want to taint his search history), it was too embarrassing-- was a wonderful feeling. He was still tired. He didn’t know why, it didn’t used to be this hard. However, he was pretty sure that he tried to clean the entire outside of the hypnos cabin before going over to the Hades cabin to do the same. This was the first and last time Will would ever thank the gods for Nico’s poor sleeping patterns, he had heard him outside and came to get him before he tired himself out more.
He nearly passed out in the shower again but managed to make it out. He looked around the well-stocked bathroom and realized something that he probably should have bothered to notice before: he didn’t have any clothes with him. Fuck. He wrapped a (black) towel around his chest because he didn’t think his body could take anymore binding and prayed to Dionysus that Nico didn’t notice that his chest wasn’t exactly male.
Luckily, the first thing Nico did say was “Is that a tattoo?”
Will looked down at his sun. “Yeah, it is,” he smiled. He remembered the night he did it, it was kind of hard. He ordered a tattoo gun off amazon and had Frankie do it for him shortly after the Battle of Manhattan. Some people might think it’s in honor of his dad, which is fine. It was really for Lee Fletcher, though. His mom totally freaked, for a really long time, but after his C-PTSD diagnoses she realized that whatever works for him works as long as it isn’t drugs or self harm. He knows she wants a future for him that doesn’t involve music, and that’s why she freaked. She thought it would ruin his chances. But it’s right on his shoulder, only visible in tank tops or no shirt.
"It… its to honor the man who taught me I could be myself." Will said after a small pause.
"That's a very lovely sentiment. If he made that much of an impact on you, he must be a very cool person."
"He was." Will knew that Nico heard the was by the way that Nico nodded solemnly. "I uh… I don't wish to be more of a bother, but do you mind if I go to bed now? That shower really helped."
"Yeah, of course. I can take the couch, you know where my bed is-"
"No, absolutely not." Nico sighed softly, as though he expected this. "I can sleep on the couch, in Austin I actually prefer it to my bed."
"That's-- no offense William, but that's weird."
"It feels less lonely to me," Will protested, then let out a huge yawn.
"Alright cowboy-" Will smiled at Nico's nickname for him "-get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."
"Nighty night, Neeks. Love you." he didn't miss the small smile on Nico's face before he walked away. Will has always been very loose with his 'I love you's like that. He figured it's better to say it too much than not enough.
He had found his old stash the night before, the one that Clovis had helped him forget about. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about last nights events. At the time,he told himself that he shouldn't do anything with it, and put it out of his mind for about a week, but eventually his urge to smoke overcame his self-control. He went on a rampage of cleaning and was absolutely certain he looked like a madman. The worst part is, he didn't even know why he did it. It was as though his rehabilitation hadn't even happened, as though this was something that was as natural as getting a cup of coffee in the morning. He was so mad at himself, so embarrassed.
These thoughts occupied his mind until he fell asleep about an hour after his last words to Nico. He slept with no dreams, for the first time in about a month.  
word count: 2,245
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sickadelia · 3 years
welp i rbed both so lets do em all!! fuck it!!
pop - share an unpopular opinion you may have austin powers 2 is better than austin powers 1 by a looooong shot im sorry the first one is such ass. but the second? literal art. felicity shagwell could easily own vanessa whatsherface
punk - last movie/tv show you watched baz luhrmann great gatsby- i liked it... mostly!! hard to get into at first, but i enjoyed it as a hater of the book <3
classical - describe yourself in three words kooky, creative, caring (idfk?)
country - what are you passionate about? LOTSA THINGIES!! Art/creating stuff is my main passion since it's the thing I'm best at, i love coming up with concepts for movies, comics, etc. I also like to collect stuff, like records, comics, and toys! I also like to go out and take photos I guess?? Just experience the sweet city lyfe
indie - what fictional character do you relate the most to & why? joker– LMFAOOO KIDDINGGG- i wasn't a huge fan of mitchells vs the machines but i really hashtag related to the daughter, katie mitchell. She’s the same flavour of quirky outsider as me, and just as vibrant and insane!! we need more fictional girlies like her
edm - have you been to a concert? if so, what concert was your favorite one? yesss!! Ariana Grande and Gary Numan (weird combo ik) are the only ones i've seen SO FAR, they were both really good for different reasons.
rap - whats your favorite meme? cupcakke remixes forever and always
jazz - what is your birthstone & star sign? amethyst n pisces :)
hip hop - whats your favorite food? CHOCOLAAAAATE. Any candy, actually. But if we’re talking actual food, i love pepperoni pizza w/ xtra cheese and chicken sammies <3
latin - do you believe in the paranormal? nawwwwwwww when u die u die
r&b - describe your best friend hilarious, willing to do anything, good listener, passionate, intelligent
gospel - are you a morning person or a night person? Morning person fer suuuuure. I wake up at 6:30 and like to start my day as quickly as possible. I don’t think i’ve ever willingly stayed up past 12:30
opera - how do you know when you have a crush? I dream about them as i fall asleep. So stupid but it's trueeee
k-pop - what is something you never understood? pre-calculus. HATE that shit. idk how mathematicians enjoy themselves
reggae - give me a song recommendation do i make you nervous by serena isioma :D
aaaand the next one!!
0: Height 5’3 (i think??)
1: Age However old Betty White is now
2: Shoe size 7 ½-8
3: Do you smoke? nauuuur
4: Do you drink? NAUUUUUURRR
5: Do you take drugs? NNNNNNAAAAAAUUUUUURRRR (hysterical laughter)
6: Age you get mistaken for Seems to vary: either a young teenager or early 20s. idk what that says about me, but i don't think it's good
7: Have tattoos? nopeeee
8: Want any tattoos? been thinking about it? i'm kind of a wuss, but it would be nice to get a tiny non-visible one
9: Got any piercings? used to. I got my ears done at Claires and then the earring started fusing into the ear and then– yeah.
10: Want any piercings? I would love to piece my ears again but aagghhhh so much work. i was thinking about doing it before the end of the year, i want to wear funky earrings again </3
11: Best friend? yeeeeeeessssssss !!!!
12: Relationship status Single and not vibing :(
13: Biggest turn ons Knows my weird animation stuff, really well dressed, intense eye contact, nice laugh, sense of humour
14: Biggest turn offs obsessed w/ Tarantino or Disney movies (ppl who like them in a normal way are cool), gloomy, smells like old shoes, only talks about themselves, rude
15: Favorite movie three-way tie between Mad Monster Party, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto
16: I’ll love you if… you listen to me talk about my weirdo interests!! or if you like my art. that’s cool too <3
17: Someone you miss my cat, who just left the room and abandoned me here
18: Most traumatic experience the time i thought a bowl of grapefruit was watermelon and then ate it all. hated grapefruit ever since
19: A fact about your personality I’m either super upbeat and giggly or sarcastic and mega judgy. Depends on who i'm with
20: What I hate most about myself Kind of a doormat, afraid to take risks, stubborn, procrastinator, cares too much about what others think
21: What I love most about myself Clever, outgoing (mostly), creative, always laughing, always looking for new things to be inspired by
22: What I want to be when I get older Storyboard artist!!
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) Haha imagine having siblings
24: My relationship with my parent(s) ahmazziinnnggg!! They’re my favourite people in the world <3
25: My idea of a perfect date movies and then dinner. or shopping and then dinner. I just like dinner ok???
26: My biggest pet peeves messing up something i was really excited about, the sound of that type of plastic packaging they put popsicles in, talking/humming while i'm trying to focus, cashiers who don't stop pestering you about joining their rewards program, man buns
27: A description of the girl/boy I like David Spade. just David Spade. we literally have 96% zodiac compatibility or something its meant to be
28: A description of the person I dislike the most HAAAAA UMMMM loud, obnoxious, self-involved, always needs everything to be about them, outraged
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend to look like i knew a cool band
30: What I hate the most about work/school wasting my time on something that i'm not passionate about and, in the end, will not benefit me at all
31: What my last text message says probably something like “LMAOOOO”. that's all i know how to type
32: What words upset me the most Failure. Literally just FAILURE. terrifying word.
33: What words make me feel the best about myself smart, talented, inspirational idfk
34 &35: What I find attractive in women AND men colourful makeup, huge shoes & thrifted fashion, nice laugh (again), always interested in what you're talking about, intellectually stimulating/always wanting to discuss stuff, good taste in music, kind and understanding
36: Where I would like to live I like where I’m living now, but it would be cool to live in LA!
37: One of my insecurities my teeth, which are getting better, but instead of being all sad boohoo about it, i play them up for laughs in my art
38: My childhood career choice fashion designer, pop star, sitcom actress, voice actor, bass player, film director, screenwriter... yea it's a lot
39: My favorite ice cream flavor neapolitan or birthday cake
40: Who I wish I could be Mia Regan, my beloved </3
41: Where I want to be right now amoeba records in LA! i haven't been to the new location yet and i really want tooOOOOO
42: The last thing I ate timbiebs baby!!!
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately YOU, VEZ!
44: A random fact about anything Todd Rundgren (my fav musician Ever) worked on Donda, but got so sick of Kanye’s shit that he quit and Kanye probably removed all of his work.
tysm for asking vezzziIIEEEEE
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cephas my beloved
so i don't know if what you meant here was "answer all thirty of the dnd meme questions for cephas" but that is how i'm interpreting it so i'mma go ahead and put it under a cut
(also for those not in the know, Cephas (they/she/him/any pronoun you like) is my stone construct witch. yes those are both homebrew things I found online. i use this witch and just recently updated them to the 3.0 version and i'm very excited about it)
1. if one of their friends was jumping on a bed and asked your character to join them, would they?
Yes, absolutely, of course. The bed would then immediately break because Cephas is a couple tons of solid rock, but that's on their friends for not thinking it through. Or maybe that was the plan. Either way, Cephas is on board.
2. would your character carry around a tiny bath and body works hand sanitizer? if yes, would it have a specific scent?
I mean, Ceph does carry around smelling salts enchanted to smell like whatever would make someone feel better in the moment? Which is kind of the same thing? But anyways the real answer is Probably Not unless it was a gift, because Cephas has no sense of smell and has no need to sanitize.
3. does your character paint their nails? do they wait for them to dry fully afterwards?
Technically he doesn't have nails but Cephas will happily allow themselves to be painted over any part of their body, and will stay completely still until it's dry. I know because the party his done this to them before.
4. if you cut open your character’s heart and there was something inside, what would it be? why?
Hm. I mean. Literally speaking, no heart, you just find stone in there. Figuratively speaking... a jade earring. representative of their first steps towards freedom.
5. do/would your character carry lots of hair ties on their wrist?
Nah, not unless one of the other party members asked.
6. what parts of your character’s voice/manner of speaking are distinct, if any?
Hm. Mostly just that their voice is pretty rough and low. Otherwise I think they talk pretty normal??
7. what’s the first thing your character’s eyes are drawn to on a map?
New places. To all the parts of the world they haven't seen yet, and want to.
8. how did your character feel when they left home for the first time?
Okay I'm going to go with the definition of home that means Cephas has to feel like it's home, which would mean the place where they lived with their BFF Effie. And I think the first time they left there, with an intent to go out and adventure, they felt really excited, happy, and like they were finally doing what they were meant to be doing. They'd been feeling very restless up until that point, so it's kind of like scratching an itch. Very satisfying.
9. where does your character look when they’re the only one walking down a road?
All around. She likes to see everything and doesn't get particularly worried about other people or robbers or things like that, so there's a lot of being generally distracted by whatever scenery they're passing through. Sometimes he'll just stop and pretend to be a statue on the side of the road and people watch for a while, if there's time for it.
10. does your character have tattoos? were they alone the first time they got one?
Being made of stone, my darling Cephas can't get tattoos. If they had actual flesh I do think they'd wanna get some.
11. if a button came loose from your character’s shirt, would they make sure the replacement matched?
Cephas doesn't wear clothes, and if they did 'matching' would not be the thing they cared about, so for sure No.
12. how loudly do they cry?
Gods I feel like a lot of these answers are just "Cephas is a stone construct and therefore cannot/does not do the thing" but like Cephas is a stone construct and cannot cry. There have been a lot of times where they wished they could, but their body wasn't built for it. Typically if they're sad, they're quiet about it, reserved.
13. does your character like holding hands? do they do it often?
Yes! But he doesn't do it very often at all. Stone isn't comfortable for other people to hold, and they have to be careful not to hurt people when touching them, so it's generally more dangerous for whoever they're holding hands with than its worth.
14. is your character more likely to wear a necktie, a bowtie, or a bolo tie? (if any at all)
Again, no clothes. But I think Cephas would enjoy a good bolo tie.
15. have you ever said something as your character that stuck with you for a while after? what was it?
Oh lord. Uhhh... hm, well there was this one thing but it is very dependent on the context of the moment. Which is that they were talking with another character who was frustrated about not knowing things, and talking about how in order to be people you have to ask questions even if you don't get answers, you have to keep asking questions. And then they discovered something that was a step in a mystery they'd been trying to deal with and Cephas said "and sometimes you do get answers" and I don't know why but that one did stick with me.
16. what does getting flustered look like for your character?
Stuttering. Awkward hand movements. Maybe reverting to the old "I am but a simple construct with no consciousness" trick if they're really feeling out of sorts.
17. does your character have to glance at their hands to remember left and right?
Ha, no. Cephas knows what they're doing, unlike me.
18. does your character have stuffed animals? would they if they could? what kind?
Hm, no, xe doesn't. But I think they would if they ever settled down and stopped traveling. Even if Cephas can't really feel the softness, they would like it. And they'd be very careful with them too. As for the kind... I'm thinking those, like, huge round ones? Fuck there was a name for them. Squishables?? I think???
19. does your character walk or run down stairs?
Walk, typically. Running could damage things lol
20. if your character saw a turtle stuck on its back, would they flip it over?
Oh yes 100%. And also try and talk to the turtle and see if it needed any further assistance.
21. has your character ever climbed out of a window? would they do it again?
I don't have a moment in mind specifically, but there's no way Cephas hasn't, and they would absolutely do it again.
22. what’s your character’s ideal way to wake up? what usually wakes them up?
Cephas doesn't so much sleep as... go into Obedient Construct mode for four hours, which is to say they will obey any order given to them. Ideal way to wake up from that is in some weird/compromising position because it means his friends were messing with them and they love that. And they can't be woken up unnaturally, so its just that after Four Hours something in their head goes Ding and they're back.
23. what’s the pettiest thing your character’s ever done?
Dyed a nobleman's hair bright pink because he was kind of rude to them when they were pretending to be a normal construct.
24. what made your character the angriest they’ve ever been?
Cephas... doesn't really do anger, generally. But! There was a man who pretended to be a prophet of a god, and collected a small group of true believers. And then he took over a town, and made the townsfolk slaves. And that really got to Cephas, in a very personal way. (They did take care of the man and they still have mixed feelings about doing it.)
25. how does you character smile?
With great effort. Cephas wasn't built to emote, so any facial expressions are subtle and take a lot of concentration and effort to make happen. Over time they've gotten more practiced at this and can do it almost without thought, but it's still the smallest movements for a great amount of toil.
26. does your know the names of their constellations? how did they learn them?
I think, some of them? Cephas lived with her best friend's family for a long time and I think they would've learned some of them there. But then they also definitely made a game out of making up constellations and naming them whatever they wanted, so it's a toss up whether what they know is a real constellation or one they made up and then forgot they made up.
27. do/would your character draw or write on themself?
Oh yeah, for sure.
28. would your character race someone to the top of a tall tree for bragging rights?
Not for bragging rights, but absolutely yes Cephas would race someone. And they would lose because they are big and heavy and not made for climbing, but its more about the fun of it than the winning or the losing for them.
29. is there an artist whose style you associate with your character? (visual or otherwise; poets and musicians, etc. count)
Hmm... not really?? I don't really associate artists with my characters. My friend drew Cephas once, so I think that's the closest I'm gonna get to that. Maybe Delta Rae? I feel like Delta Rae has got those witchy vibes, and that makes me think Cephas.
30. how has your character’s first impressions of their party members changed since they met them? have they stayed the same?
Oh this is delightful because when Ceph first met the party, they were pretending to be a normal construct, so the DM was 'playing' them. Which meant I got to sit there and watch, and so I wrote down what Cephas was thinking. They only met the first three members of the party that day, but I literally have it written down that it was three "good first impressions" because one of them stole a book, another one turned invisible to draw a face on a trash can, and the third called Cephas 'interesting'. Overall impression? A group of messes who just went through something tough and are not dealing with it super well.
Current impression? A surprisingly competent group of messes who are working through some stuff, and very much don't like talking about their feelings. Also, I'm invested.
Seriously though it started out as Cephas thinking they seemed fun and wanting a distraction, and now Cephas is like actually really invested in all of them and their growth and wants to help them as much as they can.
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this DLC has me FUCKED UP and i keep screaming
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spoilers for Bounty of Blood under the cut, keep reading at ur own peril. Also some Guardian Takedown spoilers for anyone who hasn’t beat it yet
tl;dr: a comparison between something taken from BL2 and a thing taken from Bounty of Blood. more spoilery tl;dr below the cut.
also the siren thing is not spoilers so i’ll share it here for anyone curious, it’s just this: siren tattoos are blue but when lily absorbs eridium in 2, they turn pinkish/purple. just like how vaults do from bl1 to bl2. they’re white/blue in bl1, then purple-pink in bl2 (and tps), y’know, after Eridium begins erupting from the ground. just a neat little detail i noticed that im not entirely sure was intentional but im gonna believe it is.
tl;dr: Gythian Blood = Core and the Ruiner is of Eridian Origin even tho everyone in the DLC likes to say it was created with Jakobs’ bioengineering. disclaimer: idk if I’ve found every hidden ECHO so I may be missing a few things but I have done every side quest and took ample screenshots of all important dialogue in the DLC : )
“man i just sat here for like 15 minutes staring at my keyboard mentally comparing core and eridium like the dumb bitch i am. 
it's not like we can do an actual comparison because we have no idea what the natural fauna of gehenna was like before jakobs came and mutated everything with core unlike pandora where we know what skags and rakk and shit were like BEFORE the eridium crust erupted. 
altho!!! there's a neat comparison between joey ultraviolet and rose. like obviously he wasn't getting tattoos and was just doing lines of crushed up eridium but the point stands they both have glowy eyes and unique powers so i don't necessarily think this means rose is a siren just because she has magic powers especially when we know she got the whistling passed down to her from her grandmother. 
especially because we've never seen a siren interact with core before. altho that leaves the question we have seen core tattoos now what are eridium tattoos like? actually rose's tattoos were on her right arm obviously she isn't a siren as we know them right now (I saw a post on reddit where people thought rose was a siren) 
of course that brings up the point perhaps siren tattoos ARE eridium tattoos. but then we hear the general's log about how the devil riders were tattooing a man with core and blood so obviously they're not ‘naturally’ occurring unlike siren tattoos. so odds are they're probably not equivalents but something interesting i thought of while thinking about this is how well siren tattoos compare to the Vaults from borderlands 1 and borderlands 2″
anyway. this is all ive been thinking about. yes yes i know guardian takedown post but! >:( im still salty even tho this update has been lovely (outside of Blane not getting his correct damage scaling ‘till today......). so i’ll do that at my own damn pace. now let me elaborate so i can sleep at night lmao
refinement produces slag, which weakens people and can mutate things
has mutating properties, mostly with imbuing elements into shit- possibly causes insanity
seems to be connected to another dimension, likely the one the Eridians are from
has a secondary form of Infused Core
has mutating properties, mostly regarding a thing’s body and mind
apparently radioactive
there are some things i wanna note
1) People throughout the DLC say the Ruiner was created by the Jakobs corp (the company) thru bio-engineering but I’m 99% sure that’s not true. The paperwork seems to me like they found the egg somewhere on Gehenna and decided to roll and experiment with it like all corporations do when they find weird alien shit. so maybe they experimented with whatever was inside the egg, but I don’t think they actually created it entirely
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“Excavated from [REDACTED] ... Local legends speaks of a [REDACTED]. This theory is not endorsed by our research personnel.
2) The Ruiner’s design reminds me a lot of the Warrior.
3) Core immediately reminded me of Gythian Blood from Guns Love and Tentacles and I don’t think that’s coincidence to have 2 back-to-back DLCs where the big bad is focused on green death juice. I think Gythian Blood and Core are of the same stuffs.
4) Therefore, I think the Ruiner is (mostly) of Eridian origin (if you haven’t already guessed). 
This gives us an amazing look into how the Eridians actually create their beasts!!! And I’m so happy they showed us this.
(side note, Interitus Regina (the long name for Ruiner) literally means Destruction Queen and I think that’s beautiful <3)
i mean the idea that they plunge them from orbit to create an explosion similar to a nuke is fucking horrifying (but holy shit I love it so much ahhh it’s so cool!!!!)
the one side line from Oletta about how the company couldn’t control the Ruiner deffo makes me double down on this theory. I’m not entirely sure how Rose’s grandma knew about the whistling (I don’t think I’ve found every echo log in that area YET), but I would bet it was part of the testing given how many fuckin’ tape players they have throughout the facility. The Warrior was controlled by verbal commands via Jack, so it’s possible that the Ruiner was intended to be controlled similarly, but Jakobs intervention (or something like the way Rose hatched it) fucked it up.
now we know the Warrior was created to protect the Vault of the Destroyer (hmm.) so what the heck was the Ruiner created for? Ruiner is a name given to it by Jakobs/the people of Gehenna so we can’t really assume, but then again the monster names are pretty apt in this series even tho they probably technically shouldn’t be. 
it was only an egg, so maybe it was another test of Core? A Vault Monster incubating until it was ready to protecc and attacc but was never hatched because the Eridians ‘sacrificed’ themselves before it could? (I’m still not convinced the Eridians are the good guys. Listen. LISTEN. The guardian takedown is something to think about, BUT it doesn’t disprove that theory and I’ll stand by it because I 100% trust the Overseer more than bitchpants mcgee over here who thinks he’s soooo special for no reason fuck you and your dumb ‘I did what the Watcher could not’ bull you haven’t done shit.) ok sorry im done he just angers me. stupid guardian man. your whip is stupid and you should feel bad. oh also I totally called us actually being Guardians thru Guardian Rank before the game came out aha yeah.
I definitely think Gythian was a test/use of Core from the Eridians. We see in Bounty of Blood that core seems to mutate more the physical (and occasionally mental) parts of people, like with the crew challenges u do for Juno with all the weird hybrid people and whatnot. Gythian had the whole ‘the heart still beats’ thing going on (which is definitely a physical mutation if i’ve ever seen one), plus the whole, you know, mind control and shit. Which is p similar to what the menta gnats can do when charged with Infused Core. And keep in mind in BLaT we see DAHL notes on what happens to test subjects when injected with Gythian Blood. They mutated physically and went insane.
What im saying is Sirens and Eridium and Elements are connected, so what does Core equal? body/mind sure but are there unique creatures for core (yes holy shit I’m not talking about h2o au for once and FINALLY they gave us a canon name for the green stuff!!!). If not, I’d love to see a Siren interact with Core to see what it does to them. seriously why hasn’t tannis interrupted us yet. horrible excuse for a science lover (kidding kidding, I love her). I’d also really love a fuller rundown on what the hell Rose’s powers were. Because the whistling thing seemed to just be her grandma’s thingie passed down to her from her mom
but the core stuff
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her gun seems to be infused with it. So did her sword thing. I didn’t really get a good look at it i was too busy trying to see thru my blurry tears of LOVE for this DLC.
Strangely while her tattoos are (mostly) green I actually don’t know if they’re core infused bc look at this
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n look back at hers. hers aren’t very lime.
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her eyes
I’d love to know if the core gives her immediate future sight or just increased perception or reaction times. there’s a huge difference but she seemed to be able to shoot the gun outta the sheriff’s hand near immediately and it seems kinda implied its because of the core (or at least because her eyes are glowing green)
there’s a possibility she has some unique core powers/possibly implants because of her relations to the project in the first place, or as leader of the devil riders after looting the facility. it’s really hard to say without more info and like i said im not sure if i missed an ECHO or two or not regarding her backstory :( 
Her hair is also green which I just noticed. Maybe she has core powers bc her grandmother got suuuuuuuuper irradiated/influenced working on project horizons and it passed down thru her n Rose’s mom, to Rose. Tannis does have a line about Sirens having unique hair colors and, if Sirens are linked to Eridium, perhaps those linked to Core also have unique hair color. Could also explain why only Rose seems to have those whistling powers. That said we don’t really see anyone else trying that whistling thing out afaik and idk if it was, like, a special ability or a certain tone/ditty or w h a t. 
i know being vague with everything gives them more creative freedom to create amazing characters and scenarios, but dammit I want A N S W E R S.
All THAT said man I’m so glad magic is real in the borderlands universe. oh, sorry, “magic”. It’s magic. Science it, tannis, I dare you. either way, I win. Either it’s magic and H2O AU is canon, or it’s science and I finally get my goddamn answers. Hey gearbox can you make a book just explaining all the science and eridian stuff. please. I’d love you forever. please. pleaheheheheaaasseee it’s all i’ve ever wanted.
oh also can i just say, suuuper disappointed we didn’t learn anything about anshin. Really wish non-fan favorite corporations would get the spotlight/lore for once. Like, I like Jakobs as much as the next guy, and I get WHY they did it (can’t have a corporation looking too good!!!) but they now have 3 DLCs (Jakobs Cove, GLaT, and Bounty of Blood) and also a hefty chunk of the main game. Like... we all know Jakobs fuckin sucks, look at what they did on Pandora. I really just want info on a medical corporation 😭 I have to do everything my damn s e l f. but SERIOUSLY IMAGINE the possibilities that could come from a medical corp getting its hands on eridian tech. like, yeah obviously the weapons corps are gonna use it for weaponry and stuff BUT WOULDN’T THE MEDICAL CORPS MUTATING PEOPLE MAKE MORE SENSE??? ldfhgldfshg I have to do everything my damn self...
anyway all that aside, this is definitely by favorite borderlands dlc by a LONG shot. Nothing comes close. Ahhh the lore, the nuclear aspect, the a e s t h e t i c (seriously, have I mentioned how much I adore Trigun???), the art, the music, the cryoslinger, the fact I can bust out going beeEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAans like Ray Chase at any time and it will MAKE SENSE. I love all of it.
oh, also, Rose is totally not dead. C’mon, they couldn’t find her body. She pulled a Lilith. “Are you sure she didn’t just suffer a wound that LOOKS fatal, only for her to come back in a blockbuster sequel...?” is a line from mr Jones himself (the movie guy)
I just hope when she comes back she gets to meet Captain Scarlett. I’d love to watch their interactions plus pirates and or ninjas. That’s 2 DLC villains now that have vanished without a trace. And I like Captain Scarlett way more than Rose (seriously I spent the entire beginning of the DLC complaining about how her voice bothered me- I was so happy she was a villain, I was hoping that was the case).
oh yeah, reminder, the people of vestige were living next to highly radioactive egg for likely years. i feel really bad for them :(
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this made me smile
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veinereastath · 4 years
Ultimate Relationship Ask Meme
I got tagged by fantastic @theknifegame​, thank you <3
Tagging (if you want to, and haven’t done it already): @spicevalleys​ @dieguzguz​ @starsandskies​
Irina A. Carter & John Seed
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^ from minilev <3 DISAGREEMENTS
Who is more likely to raise their voice? John. Irina raised her voice only once or twice, but it wasn’t even that powerful; more like a silent threat to start raising her voice, rather than actually doing it. 
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither of them.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Neither of them as well. 
Who trashes the house? Neither of them.
Do either of them get physical? No, never. But it did get physical during the first two months after Irina got trapped in Hope County, because back then, she saw John purely as the enemy and nothing more. So, you know. Baptism, confession, forced tattooing, all this stuff we know from the actual game.
How often do they argue/disagree? Though they’re on the opposite sides and have different worldviews (more or less), they barely ever argue. Disagree? Yes, of course, but it rarely starts a loud conversation, mostly in focuses in trying to prove a point in a silent, maybe a bit malicious way.
Who is the first to apologise? Both are way too proud to admit their mistakes, but if it ever happens, it would probably be Irina, though it’s nearly impossible to hear from her.
Who is on top? John, always,
Who is on the bottom? Irina. 
Who has the strangest desires? Neither of them, really.
Any kinks? Not really, no.
Who’s dominant in bed? Both of them somehow, but mostly John.
Is head ever in the equation? Sometimes.
If so, who is better at performing it? John, Irina never does.
Ever had sex in public? No.
Who moans the most? Neither of them are loud, really.
Who leaves the most marks? John.
Who is the more experienced of the two? John.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Somewhere in between.
Rough or soft? In between.
How long do they usually last? It usually lasts for 10-15 minutes at best.
Is protection used? No. Mostly because Irina is infertile so there is zero chance for pregnancy.
Does it ever get boring? Not really, no, but it is important to note that they hooked up only four times during them knowing each other (and I like to think that FC5 timeline lasts for a year, then Collapse and New Dawn happens), mostly because Irina is not that much into sexual intimacy, really, she doesn’t care about it and when it happens, it’s usually purely for stress release.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? In an abandoned Lamb of God church.
Do they plan on having children/or have children? No, they never plan it, and they never have (not like that could happen anyway, as said above, Irina can’t, and she’s grateful for it).
If so, how many children do they want/have? Zero.
Who likes to cuddle? Irina gets soft sometimes.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Neither of them, since conversations between them are quite sophisticated, and they don’t go too far with them.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? John, sometimes, but usually he respects her privacy.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Irina can do it for twenty seconds at best if it’s a random hug while standing in his house. If in bed, she can easily fall asleep while cuddled into him.
Who gives the most kisses? John.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Talking, because that’s usually what they do. or just chilling by the fireplace, him focused on some paper work while she’s reading a book.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle? They usually do it in bed, so, that’s it.
How often do they get time to themselves? John likes to call her on the radio at least twice a week; physically, Irina visits him once in a two-three weeks. Even though it’s not much, they somehow appreciate it. It’s more entertaining to see each other after a long break. And makes sense, since, well, they both have work to do.
Who snores? Neither of them.
If both do, who snores the loudest? Neither.
Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Sometimes they sleep with each other, but it rarely involves anything else; Irina has a weak spot for sleeping somewhere in the wilderness, so even if she visits John, she not always stays at his place.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Usually cozy up, more or less. Sometimes it’s just her head on his shoulder.
What do they wear to bed? Random pyjamas (John has to borrow Irina some shirt of his).
Are either of them insomniacs? Irina sometimes has serious trouble with falling asleep, but if she sleeps with John by her side, it’s usually all good. John, when alone, also finds falling asleep troublesome.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? In John’s case, yes.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Depends.
Who wakes up with bed hair? John... Irina’s hair are usually a mess anyway.
Who wakes up first? If sleeping with each other, John. If separately, it’s Irina who wakes up at 4 or 5 am, just stands up from where she slept and goes on a patrol, while John gets up somewhere around 7-8 am.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Neither of them.
What is their favourite sleeping position? Irina usually sleeps on her right side, John is flexible.
Do they set an alarm each night? No, never.
Can a television be found in their bedroom? No.
Who has nightmares? John, sometimes. Irina rarely has any dreams at all.
Who has ridiculous dreams? Neither of them.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? If he’s alone, John. If they’re together, neither of them, it’s a fair 50/50.
Who makes the bed? John, Irina rarely sleeps in any bed.
What time is bed time? For John, somewhere around 10-11 pm. For Irina, it varies - it’s somewhere in between 7 pm or 1 am.
Any routines/rituals before bed? John gets a shower, while Irina (if sleeping alone, which is 90% of the case) just makes sure there are no threats around the spot she picked for herself (usually somewhere in the forest). She always has Peaches, Cheeseburger or both of them to guard her, though.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? John, Irina can just get up, take her rifle/bow and start doing whatever she has to do.
WORK (this is so interesting considering the FC5 world, yikes)
Who is the busiest? They both are in equal measures, I guess.
Who rakes in the highest income? Neither of them get paid, John has money from his past as a lawyer, Irina just takes what she can find in prepper stashes, though she doesn’t care about money that much. She can steal most things she needs...
Are any of them unemployed? Well, they both are unemployed from a law viewpoint. Irina never actually had a proper job, though.
Who takes the most sick days? It doesn’t exist in Irina’s books. If John feels ill, he just lays in his bed and rests.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work? The term doesn’t really exist in their world.
Who sucks up to their boss? They’re both their own bosses... Well, more or less, since John is below Joseph in terms of Eden’s Gate hierarchy, and yes, he usually does what he can to please his brother. Irina would be probably impossible to subjugate, anyways.
What are their jobs? He’s Eden’s Gate herald, she’s Resistance leader; after New Dawn they’re both somehow in same spots - except Eden’s Gate is now New Eden, while Resistance is Survivors - though Irina doesn’t live with them, but leads the remnants of the most violent, Jacob’s former chosen (who didn’t want to leave their weapons as Joseph’s wanted them to, after the Collapse) in the North to pick up Highwaymen here and there. You could say that in the end, she somehow joined EG, or these former Peggies joined the Resistance, though the first one is more accurate, considering the amounts of violence.
Who stresses the most? Irina is constantly on the edge.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? John is quite fond of it, Irina has a love/hate relationship with her work.
Are they financially stable? John is, Irina... Well, she lives in a bit of a different world, so the money don’t make much of a difference, anyway.
Who does the washing? John has people to do it for him. Irina does it by herself by just washing clothes in the river, but sometimes she just picks a new set of clothes from someone or somewhere.
Who takes out the trash? John ^ same as above. Irina, well, she doesn’t really “produce” trash, when you look at it. And doesn’t have an actual home.
Who does the ironing? John likes to do it by himself sometimes. Irina, once again, see above.
Who does the cooking? John, but rarely, usually someone does it for him since he’s usually busy. Irina does it by herself, just hunts a rabbit or two and puts it in a bonfire.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Irina, if she would ever try.
Who is messier? ... Look at Irina, then look at John, and take a guess. She’s an absolute mess.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither + again, Irina doesn’t live in a house, sometimes just spends a night or two in Ryes’ place, or in Addie’s marina.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Irina.
Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither.
Who is the prankster around the house? Neither.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Neither.
Who mows the lawn? John has his followers who take care of such things.
Who answers the telephone? John.
Who does the vacuuming? John’s people.
Who does the groceries? See above.
Who takes the longest to shower? John, since he likes to chill in the shower. Irina is usually bathing in the river so she has to be cautious all the time, and because of it, she makes sure it doesn’t take long.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom? John, of course.
Is money a problem? Not for John, surely. Irina doesn’t need money, really.
How many cars do they own? John has two, Irina drives whatever she can find in the County. She could just pick any car for herself, sure, but she doesn’t like any of those around and misses her old car (from her street racing era) way too much to pick anything else.
Do they own their home or do they rent? John owns the ranch, Irina lives, so to speak, “wherever she can”. She has a soft spot for the Whitetail Mountains and in 70% of the case, that’s where she is. Be it just a random place in a forest, a hill, an abandoned cabin, or the river under the bridge.
Do they live in the city or in the country? Both live in the Hope County.
Do they enjoy their surroundings? John sometimes misses the big city, but Irina is absolutely in love with Hope County.
What’s their song? “You cannot trust a liar” from FC5 soundtrack gives those ominous vibes pretty well - their relationship is far from simple, and definitely not safe, considering their situation.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Focused on their work, mostly, though they do think about each other. A lot.
Where did they first meet? Joseph’s failed arrest.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? John, surely.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? John.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? They both do.
Any mental issues? John was abused as a kid, so PTSD for sure, and well, we all know how he is. Irina has slight sociopathic tendencies (cunning, manipulative sometimes, lacks empathy towards the people she doesn’t know, or doesn’t like). Slight, because she definitely isn’t an actual sociopath, since she’s capable of loving someone to really big extents, and doesn’t try to put herself in the first place (only sometimes she does).
Who’s terrified of bugs? Both of them, but they don’t show it, really.
Who kills the spiders around the house? John.
Their favourite place? John’s ranch, at least when they’re together.
Who pays the bills? Neither of them ever had to.
Do they have any fears for their future? They both do, a lot. And as New Dawn shows, they were right about those fears.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Neither. John would, probably, but he knows that Irina loathes things like this.
Who’s the tallest? John, but it’s not a big height difference (only six cm).
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? John.
Who wanders around in their underwear? Neither of them, though John likes to walk around shirtless (with pants on, though) when it’s hot.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? ... Irina sometimes sings a cult songs when she’s with Adelaide, but no one else knows about it, they keep this secret for each other.
What do they tease each other about? Irina mentions John obsession about his looks and likes to mention his destroyed silos, while he teases her about being a mess in general.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? John, since Irina loathes fashion and just wears whatever she can.
Do they have mutual friends? I like to believe that John used to be friends with Nick before Eden’s Gate started going nuts, so yeah, probably Nick, but for John it’s not a friendship anymore.
Who crushed first? Jaaawn.
Any alcohol or substance related problems? John doesn’t anymore (though he likes to drink from time to time), while Irina has a big problem with cigarettes.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? John, though it’s not something that has a big chance of happening.
Who swears the most? They both do, but Irina a bit more - though when John’s around, she does it in a more sophisticated way, so to speak.
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pomeqraniqht · 4 years
ship headcanon memeWho? What? When? Where? Why? (Rusty & Sofia. I literally cannot remember if i sent this already asdkjfjga I feel like I did but idk)
I’m procrastinating. If you fancy it send me a ship and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanon.
1. Who makes the first move and how?      - Rusty made the ‘official’ first move between them but they were eye-flirting long before wearing a mask made it cool. But now? They BOTH make the first move when it comes to each other, they aren’t shy from one another and it’s honestly such a blessing to see Sofia come out of her shell for her inked angel because... *sigh* I never thought she’d develop the way she did and these two are just.. ~ugh~ <3 2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?      - Sofia Patterson/Parker is the most insecure and a smile from her favorite inked angel makes her feel better. Honestly Rusty helps her insecurities but he also adds to them; a lot. I feel like the more serious they’ve become the more pressure she is putting on herself to be ‘perfect’ but then she has those moments where she remembers Rusty doesn’t love her because she’s ‘perfect’ he loves her for who she really is, and she’s the girl who cries whenever he plays their song and falls in love with mint chocolate ice-cream while pregnant with his kids. It’s such a hot mess for her but he always finds a way to bring her back to reality.  3. Who is the most romantic?      - both? Maybe Sofia more than Rusty but by a smidge? They both are romantic in their own ways and I think it’s great it’s not the typical roses and chocolate bullshit (not that that isn’t great and all...) but they’re unique. They show their love in different forms, an example would be for valentine’s day she’s going to suggest they go and get tattoos, or that Rusty picks out a tattoo for her and she gets to pick one for him (if he even has any space left by this point.) 4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves      - Literally both of them, they can not leave each other alone at all. Sex anywhere and everywhere; it does not matter anymore. So long as they can fit they’ll fuck. They don’t know how to not touch each other anymore, especially when it isn’t sex. It’s always hand holding or he’s got an arm around her or something; they’re always touching somehow.  5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?      - Sofia did the day she told Rusty about the baby, on her old kitchen table... literal hours before they broke up because he cheated on her.  6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?      - I don’t think they would ask anyone? Sofia’s insecurities wouldn’t allow it and I’m not so sure Rusty’s possessive and jealous nature would either.  7. What do they get up to on a night out?      - Depends honestly. Before Rusty got sober they would go out on the town, drink, dance, fuck, and have fun any way they could find. Now? Probably movie night, dinner, sex in the car/bathroom of a movie theatre... 8. What do they like in bed?      - Everything but especially cream-pies and Rusty calling Sofia his dirty little girl because she’s only dirty for him and him only. They’re addicted to each other in ways I didn’t think could be possible.  9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?      - I want to say for Sofia it’s probably pushing out a baby? If that even counts? Or maybe it’s trying to squeeze into spanx so she doesn’t look like she’s just had a baby. I feel like for Rusty it was the dance of his breakdown and his relapse, his behavior at the clinic and everything.. I think that was a pretty low-point for the both of them.  10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?      - Literally any song Rusty ever wrote; two books: How to Build A Boat for Dummies and What is poisonous and what isn’t. Items? Those reusable matches and a water purifier.  11. What do they hide from one another?      - Sofia used to hide her damages and Rusty used to hide his drug habit (also Sofia hid a baby from him for about 6 months because well...marriage issues). 12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?      - Rusty’s drug use and Sofia’s behavior. She’s like a little clown fish finding her own, she’s obsessed in a way without even intending to. She inserts herself around him and she just needs to be with him. But mostly? It’s the way the two of them think about life after they meet each other. They both LOOK so polar opposite but on the inside? Their souls mirror one another.  13. When do they realise they should get together?      - Officially? The day Rusty gets jealous seeing Sofia talking to her ex-boyfriend. But like super officially? Individually? Rusty realized it the day Sofia told him she was pregnant and left, Sofia realized it the first time he looked her in the eye and he didn’t look at her like he wanted to fuck her... He looked at her like he was a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time.  14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?      - Sofia turns into a private nurse/doctor, whatever he needs he gets. Sofia? She tries to fight off Rusty because they have two kids and moms never get a day off, ever.  15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?      - Something funny over horror; Sofia can’t stand scary movies and she will have the final vote.  16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?      - This is a good question and honestly? If a zombie apocalypses happens I feel like they would fight for as long as they possibly could. I’m going to say it happens before they have kids because I can’t imagine their adorable children killed by zombies. I feel like Rusty would go to any length to protect Sofia and vice-versa... I feel like they’re the type who would either go and take over a prison for safe-keeping or go into the woods and fend for themselves that way? They’re not dumb by any means so I feel like they’d have a good chance. But if someone got bitten or died the other wouldn’t be far behind them because if the world was ending and they didn’t have each other? Then what’s the point in living.  17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?      - Sofia would go back to the last day her dad was alive and force him to go to a hospital, maybe somehow they’d be able to save him. I imagine Rusty would go back and stop himself from cheating on Sofia... I don’t want to say he’d go back and never do drugs because I feel like if he wasn’t an addict then maybe they never would’ve met?  18. When they fight, how do they make up?      - Sex. A lot of meaningful and emotional sex.  19. Where do they go on their first date?      - I think their first ‘official’ date was a carnival Rusty had taken her too. They would get together and hook up, have meals and such but... never like an official date.  20. Where do they go on holiday?      - Sofia has always wanted to go to Italy, so maybe there?  21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?      - Since Rusty is a popular musician, anywhere? But before that I feel like Sofia was nervous of him showing up at her job. It’s a bad thing to admit but he’s a little scary to look at for the younger kids and to be a school teacher a certain type of look is required. But more-so she never cared... she just knew if someone SAID something she would lose it. She’s protective over how people view Rusty and the way they judge him because of his ink, she thinks its bullshit. He’s beautiful. Accept it.   22. Where does their first kiss happen?      - On Dynasty’s dancefloor during some dirty dancing.  23. Where is their favourite place to be together?      - In a bathroom, whether it is in the bath, shower, a sink... Bathrooms are their kryptonite.  24. Where do they first have sex?      - In a bathroom in a club.  26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?      - Because Sofia’s pregnant, Rusty’s using drugs, or Roman said a bad word and said his father taught it to him.  27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?      - They abandoned their friends for each other, and it’s not one more than the other. They both literally ignored their friends in pursuit of each other.  28. Why do they get jealous?      - Because they see the other talking with someone of the opposite sex. It’s unavoidable at this point, they’re both tangled like vines and without each other they’d both die.  29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?      - When Rusty touches her nose and calls her ‘Tiny’ in a certain tone of voice, or when he sings lullabies to their babies at night, or when he gets that certain voice as he is talking to their babies in her tummy. For him? I wanna think it’s when she fights for him because up until they met not many, if any, people ever fought for him. she believes in him, she sees the good and light within him even if others don’t. He’s amazing. Go buy his new album now.  30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?      - It works because they even each other out in ways I can’t even begin to describe to you. He makes her feel good, she calms him down. They’re yin and yang, literally opposites but somehow they just work.  @rustyparker
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whence-the-woody · 4 years
Finale commentary under the cut
So I wanted to kind of liveblog as I was watching but held back so these are my remembered reactions/second watch reactions
Bummed there was no song recap but quickly figured itd play at the end
PUPPY. Best part of the ep, lbr, Dean was so cute with him
Theyre really doing a cheesey life montage huh - still not clear whether monsters are a thing in this new world?
I was watching the mins tick by during this first montage like OKAY we get it, cheesey happy home life, move along. There was only 40 mins left of the whole show like get on with it, it went way too long 
We definately needed to restablished that Sam is neat while Dean is messy. Totally necessary to spend time on that. Also didnt Dean get houseproud when they moved into the bunker?? What happened to that?
OMG get on with it
Then becomes apparent that hunting is still a thing. Which if so what was the point of showing then doing fucking laundry and dishes while “Ordinary life” plays - if its not just an ordinary life?
At this point i thought it might go the route of them being listless without hunting as a job but then murder scene so I guess not
This whole pie sequence is stupid and a waste of time, we all know it
Dean being a cold, heartless bitch about everyone being dead. Aces. Not unexpected but still just great. How dare you be so happy about pie fuck you dude. 
Pie is the face is not funny my dudes come the fuck on
I started skipping through during the murder scene. I was bored. Like, I dont care about tension building to the murder of a family we dont fucking know. Ive always skipped these scenes, what is the damn point. Its not scary or interesting. 
Same old FBI bullshit. Nice to see the journal again I guess. But like, this is STILL what we’re doing? In the very last ep? Same old, different day, just like 15 years ago. Really?
Singer and Kripke. Subtle. 
I skipped through the interrogation too. I dont find the scary brother act cool or entertaining 
15 mins in and nothing has happened
Theyre trying so hard to give Dean jokes and nothing is landing, its so cringe just stop
The way the little clown faces pop up - if that supposed to be scary? Really? Its all just so silly rn
Watching it again I realise just how easy this hunt is. The answer is in the journal. They find the exact family. They find the exact barn. The kids are just stood in a cupboard. This is what takes Dean out, really? Its not even a normal hunt, its a way too fucking easy one. 
I do not remember this chick or what ep she was in, maybe theres some parallell or foreshadowing by bringing her back but if there is I dont get it
Bottom line if youre gonna bring people back WHY THE FUCK THIS RANDOM GIRL
I knew so fast he was gonna go out like that. Hanging from a fucking nail
I kept saying out loud not like this, no way, this is so stupid, its so stupid omg
I paused and tried to talk myself into putting aside how stupid and awkward it was for him to be doing this scene hanging off a pole and just try to invest in the emotion of the speech. Which I achieved at times
but why was is so awkward tho?? Just the way hes stood pressed against it is fucking weird. Also 1000% Sam couldve gotten help and he wouldve been FINE. It took so long for them to talk, an ambulance couldve been there before they were done, there was no need for this
Okay the speech did make me cry once I pep talked myself into being invested. The reference to being scared Sam would reject him, the I love you so much, Sam saying dont leave me, the stay with me and tell me its okay - all those moments got me and I did cry. I appreciated the family business line. I liked Jensen telling Jared he always keeps fighting, that was a nice reference. 
BUT there were also those moments that made me scoff, roll my eyes or laugh. The whole “always you and me” bullshit especially. The second I knew he was going to say I’ll be in your heart I yelled at them to no do it, I hate that cheesey move, then literally was like “oh my god, he did it”. It WAS NOT always going to end like this - so much of the last 15 years was proving him wrong about that. This is all just so wrong, it is not good. 
Jensen and Jared did a good job with what they were given in this scene but my god
The audacity of the Cas erasure- always you and me. FUCK YOU. 
I laughed out loud when his last shot was a One Perfect Tear. I was literally like “Oh wow they did that”
It also kinda loses all impact when you see him like 2 mins later
Theyre really doing another montage. Really. Like we get it, hes sad, we didnt need the toast to understand that
Omg Miracle by his side. The best of bois. 
Looking around his room like beer and guns was all dean was. Sure. Aces. 
I choose to believe Bon Jovi was a ref to before Dean went to hell
If Donna is back why isnt anyone else?!?
Oh Jared you look so old bby. Go home. He looks older there then later in the ridiculous make up
Why is that shot made to look like hes leaving the bunker forever?? Like that makes no sense
Bobby greeting him is nice and all BUT IT SHOULDVE BEEN CAS
Also they are 1000% doing the show don’t tell by having Bobby just sit and explain everything. SO FUCKING LAZY
Cas has been out of the empty, helping rebuild heaven. Okay, fine. Even Dean’s reaction to hearing that was fine. BUT YOU ASK WHERE YOUR FUCKING BEST FRIEND IS AND GO SEE HIM. WHO IS THIS VERSION OF DEAN WTF
I know people are upset Cas is back working in heaven but I dont think its anything like before. It sounds like he helped fixed things then got his own heaven. Also he’s God’s Dad, hes not serving God, hes teaching him. I know human Cas done right is what we wanted but I dont hate this for him. BUT WE SHOULD HAVE FUCKING SEEN IT. 
Why is a memory of being a kid with his Dad what Dean is reminiscing on. They have literally reverted him back to s1. There are so many memories dean should be thinking about in fucking heaven
Hes going for a drive
Hes going for a motherfucking drive
In the car he was just in
Hes going to drive around doing nothing until Sam gets there are you fucking kidding me. Not going to see any of his family from the last 15 years, just driving. Absolute horseshit. 
This is the moment where you realise that this episode has changed NOTHING. This is the same ending as the last ep except theyre in heaven not on earth
Okay so they skip over how Sam went from going on a hunt to walking with a toddler. OMG how unsubtle that they have literally just labelled the child Dean in big yellow letters. I couldnt help but laugh, how fucking stupid. 
I did get a bit teary when the music started I’ll be honest. But mostly through the whole montage (ANOTHER ONE) I was saying to myself This is so fucking stupid. omg this is dumb, what the fuck is this, so stupid.
They literally did a montage so long they had to play the song twice. Im just done at this point wow. 
The old man make up is so bad I just laughed. The only pictures being of the 4 of them, reinforcing the Winchester only bullshit, great. Not even pics of this new random family Sam’s got. The painfully cliche Dad moments for Sam, again so bad its funny. Omg the hand on the head of this random kid, this is so ridiculous. Old man sam in his bad wig trying so hard to move like hes old and crying in the impala. Wtf is happening, this is SO STUPID 
I thought theyd cast a more attractive son I’ll be honest. So he has the tattoo - are they a hunting family? Because that would go against both s1 Sam they’ve tried to go back to and the s15 Sam they build up to for all those years
I know they were going for an emotional parallel with that “you can go now” but this random man saying it to Sam in that make up, with the music cue lined up right there - its just funny coz its so dumb im sorry
I cant believe they actually played another different version, I’ll never get over that
Theres alot of things I’ll never get over
Is this bridge supposed to mean something? They shouldve picked a setting that meant something
I know theyre trying so hard to make Dean look happy and peaceful to convince us its a good ending but sis no
I laughed out loud when Dean turned around - WHAT IS THAT OUTFIT SAM?
Really, they have nothing to say? No questions, no convo? They just have cheesey smiles and look over the water? This is so wrapped up in a fucking bow trying to force us to feel good my god
The cut almost immediately to them talking to the camera, still in character getup, was so cringe I yelled and turned it off
And they pan out to literally none of the people we want to see . Great, Good. 
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p-and-p-admin · 4 years
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Interview given to The Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group.
Hello DeepShadows2 and welcome to Behind the Quill, I am pleased to have this chance to chat with you.
Many of our group’s members will know you as part of our Mod team but they might also know you as the author of Peculiar and of Good Night, Sweet Prince (written for our last Prompt Week of 2020!)
Okay, let’s jump right in. What's the story behind your pen name? 
I grew up in the martial arts and my 'warrior name' was 'kage urufu' or Shadow Wolf.  When I was in Creative Writing in high school, someone else was writing under that pen name, and they were more popular, and I was told I 'wasn't allowed to copy her name' by our teacher. So I went back and forth between some names and finally came up with DeepShadows. It is because during karate Kamp's ninja night games I would find the darkest spots in the camp and wait to sneak attack my enemies to steal their flags. The 2 comes from the fact that my first ever FF.net account got deleted because I put up lemons there instead of AFF.net.
Which Harry Potter character do you identify with the most?
Honestly, it is a mix between Severus, Draco, and Minerva. Each in their own way was in positions they would have rather not been in at one point in time, but made the best of those situations. Do you have a favourite genre to read? (not in fic, just in general) Strangely enough, I am really into my 70s Feminist Sci-Fi. Like Darkover and Tanith Lee's 'Don't Bite the Sun' Series. As for Fic, I am into many scenarios and it changes according to my mood. Recently I've been into fluff slice of life.
Do you have a favourite "classic" novel?
Oof. Asking me to pick solely one is a crime. I have always loved Gone with the Wind. If I had to point at one, it would have to be it. But I honestly went over 15 titles in my head trying to decide which one would be the winner. 
At what age did you start writing?
I have been telling stories and writing them since I was young. I could read and write at age 4 because my grandmother wanted me to be ready for school. My first written story was at 5 ish and I still have my Crayola blue five-line story about a Unicorn named Pepper.
How did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I got into fanfiction when I discovered that ff.net existed. My first fanfic is still up there under this pen name, but it is miles and leagues from my current quality. Spelling is still atrocious though.
What's the best theme you've ever come across in a fic? Is it a theme represented in your own works?
Honestly, hard to say. I love post-war fics. I love when the narrative is close to canon, but uniquely not, so it handles like it is an extension of the world and not a separate world. 
Theme wise, I am a sucker for hard-hitting drama.
What fandoms are you involved in other than Harry Potter?
I was into Kingsman, but not as a fic writer, but a Tumblr role-player. It's been a while, so mostly now I'm just back to being a Potterhead. It's where I began and where I always come back to.
If you could make one change to canon, what would it be? Do you have a favourite piece of fanon?
Snape lives! You cannot tell me that a POTIONS MASTER who spends ALL DAY every day keeping students from POISONING themselves and who personally makes BLOOD REPLENISHERS for the infirmary would not have been prepared for an attack from Nagini. It is not secret knowledge that Drama King Voldy likes to have her do his dirty work and Severus would have been prepared for the off chance he was discovered and attacked. He lived.
My favourite piece of Fanon.... hmm... I like a lot of Fanon.  It's hard to put my finger on just one piece that I enjoy.
Do you listen to music when you write or do you prefer quiet? 
Music! Nearly all of Peculiar was written to Folklore by Taylor Swift.
What are your favourite fanfictions of all time?
Cake and a Cup of Tea by Cybelle Somewhere I belong by .... I can't remember Not Only a Granger by my friend Ferporcel
Are you a plotter or a pantser? How does that affect your writing process?
I am a Pantser. I have beats and thematic key points I know I want to hit, but the characters sort of fill out the story as I go. Sometimes I surprise myself with where I end up and I love that. Example: Draco/Krum was a total accident in Peculiar, but I love everything about it. 
What is your writing genre of choice?
Hurt/Comfort and Drama/Angst
Which of your stories are you most proud of? Why?
Peculiar and Good Night, Sweet Prince.
Did it unfold as you imagined it or did you find the unexpected cropped up as you wrote? What did you learn from writing it?
Oh, my goodness, the unexpected cropped up. Peculiar was only supposed to be a 25 chapter post-war, post-divorce AU that turned into this beautiful beast. Characters were created as I went, and some side characters became major plot devices or turning points. I learned that sometimes my brain knows what it is doing before I know what it is doing. There were hints and notes of what was going on that I wasn't even aware.
How personal is the story to you, and do you think that made it harder or easier to write?
There are points that are special to me.  It made it easier and harder to write.  Having experience with some subjects Hermione goes through makes it easier to translate the emotions into words, but simultaneously, some of those factors are trauma-based and I had to navigate myself through.
What books or authors have influenced you? How do you think that shows in your writing?
I draw influence from everything I read. That is a key reason I don't read anything similar to my current work while writing because I don't want to accidentally lift from someone else. 
Do people in your everyday life know you write fanfiction?
Two of my roommates are readers and I get people barging into my room after a post a chapter yelling 'OH MY GOD'. I also have a typed and printed review handed in person to me by my roommate that is on my inspiration board where she says 'Fuck you, but with love'. My entire friend group knows I write fanfiction and I get some of them to read it from time to time. My mom won't read peculiar until it is finished because she doesn't want to nag me for chapters.
How true for you is the notion of "writing for yourself"? 
YES! I started Peculiar because I couldn't find what I was looking for. I wanted a high emotion, high stakes, drama and background rich fanfiction in which Hermione has completely broken and has given up on herself. Where she has nothing and no one and has lost that spark in her. I wanted Ron bashing where he is a villain and yet isn't the same time. I wanted Severus to be indifferent to her at first and slowly discover her suffering and set out to help her for the sake of the school, and it develops into more through feelings severed early on just after the war. I wanted her to have to overcome trauma and recover for herself, not for Severus, but instead with him and that they heal from their past together while facing continuous challenges that attempt to tear them apart. Along with other factors that haven't come to be yet, so I won't want to spoil.
How important is it for you to interact with your audience? How do you engage with them? Just at the point of publishing? Through social media?
I love my audience. It actually brought me here. Shout out to Geek and Tattoo for bringing me to this group’s Discord server. I answer every comment, I respond to any statements or comments I notice on social media. I'm an open person with my audience, which is why when I had to go on hiatus, I told them exactly what was going on.
What is the best advice you've received about writing?
Write what feels best. If you don't like what you are writing, no one else is going to.  If you don't want to write a certain scene but you need it, write an article or a letter about it. 
What do you do when you hit writer's block?
I cry. Then I put on the music that inspired the story/scene and I pace my room, going over the potential dialogue and basically acting out what I think should happen until it sounds right.
Has anything in real life trickled down into your writing?
Yes. Many of my OC characters are modelled after some of my real-life friends. And some other events have easily transitioned into events that Hermione and Severus have gone through.
Do you have any stories in the works? Can you give us a teaser?
I am currently writing the next chapter for Peculiar. I won't give a teaser, but I will say that Hermione and Severus give Rita Skeeter a delicious taste of revenge.
Any words of encouragement to other writers?
Don't stop, but also be kind to yourself. Not every writing session is going to be your best, but you won't have better days if you give up. Also, if someone doesn't like what you write, forget them, as long as you are happy with it, that is what matters.
Thanks so much for giving us your time.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. Five facts about your current relationship OR five facts about your single life.
a) I haven’t been truly single in...around 6 years, so it’s been a bit of an adjustment.
b) It was my last day as an intern yesterday (but they hired me, so I’m staying after all, haha) and since I’ve felt like I gained a family in the last two months, I thought it would be okay to give professionalism a break and share what had actually been going on with me on my first day on the job, aka when the breakup was still fresh and I was still figuring out how to function all over again. It unsurprisingly surprised everyone and my superior said something like, “Omg it’s the [company name] curse; it’s so strong it broke you guys up before you even got hired” which got a laugh out of me.
c) I’m not interested in seeing other people.
d) Probably wouldn’t be, for a long time. My trust has been irreparably broken.
e) Seeing couples in public has now become annoying. I’m happy for them, but it’s still annoying.
2. Five facts about a past relationship.
a) I’ve known her since kindergarten, but we didn’t become friends till 7th grade and didn’t start dating until junior year of high school.
b) We were legal with her family and her parents loved me and I them. On the other hand, I was never able to come out to my family because she broke up with me before I could be able to do so.
c) She introduced me to vaping.
d) We were never able to truly travel together, which we always planned to do after graduating. The farthest we reached was Batangas.
e) She never knew where she wanted to eat whenever we were out, so I was mostly the one who decided which restaurant we were going to have lunch or dinner in.
3. Five facts about your mother.
a) She has always worked in hotels, which is great because it has always allowed us to get room and buffet discounts, heh.
b) Her family (aka my grandparents, her, and my uncles) struggled financially for a little bit when my grandpa lost his job when she was in college. When her friends would go to fast-food restaurants, my mom would always decline, saying she had schoolwork to finish. In reality she just couldn’t afford anything, and the only money she held was for public transport.
c) She is a little childish considering her age, and I cannot stand her petty tantrums. She was childish even when I was a kid, and I believe my emotional well-being suffered because of that.
d) She has a high pain tolerance and the only time I’ve seen her struggle was when she was getting a tattoo on the back of her shoulder.
e) She is also extremely religious and it especially grinds my gears when she gets hypocritical about it, which is just about all the time.
4. Five facts about your father.
a) He has only ever dated my mom.
b) He grew up extremely poor and at some point his parents actually stopped being able to afford his tuition. Instead of being kicked out, a few nuns who served in the school paid my grandparents a visit and told them my dad would be given a scholarship since he had good grades and it would have been a waste if he got expelled.
c) He was a dancer in high school, knows how to play the guitar, and he also apparently knows how to draw very well. There’s a lot I don’t know about him, considering he has worked abroad my whole life.
d) He breaks or loses his reading glasses once every few months. I know which parent I definitely take after.
e) I have never seen him cry.
5. Five facts about your sibling. If you have more than one, pick one. Or do them all!
a) She had problems crying in school until she was in around 2nd or 3rd grade.
b) She’s in college and is currently taking up digital filmmaking.
c) She’s the biggest introvert I know. I’ve never seen her be willing to do anything silly; not even with her friends.
d) She can’t handle spicy food.
e) Her main interests have shifted from Harry Potter, to One Direction, to 5SOS, and now K-pop. I believe she’s into Seventeen the most.
6. Five facts about your town.
a) The upper part of the city offers amazing views of the Metro Manila skyline, which has recently made the place a kinda popular nightlife destination.
b) There’s a lot of hidden gem restaurants here but because most people spend more time complaining about how far my city is and how difficult it is to get to than actually just making the damn ride over here, the restaurants stay hidden and uncrowded. Their loss.
c) Used to be massively underdeveloped for most of my childhood and teenage years. Now there are several malls and I can easily go to a McDonald’s, Burger King, and Starbucks right outside our village.
d) Because you basically have to drive through a mountain to get to the upper part of the city, it’s not the safest highway and fatal crashes are unfortunately common.
e) The city is known for its suman, except I hate Filipino rice cakes and this actually doesn’t do anything for me.
7. Five facts about your house.
a)  It used to have a balcony until we had that transformed into another bedroom. So technically it is still a balcony; it just hasn’t had that purpose for a while now.
b) My mom used a little cheat in our dining room and installed a huge wall mirror. Most people visiting for the first time always note how much larger it made the room (and thus the house) look.
c) I live in a neighborhood where the houses are of the same model and look (think the Squidville episode from Spongebob). That said, balconies are included in all properties. When my parents decided to renovate ours and turn it into a room, so many houses slowly followed suit as well. It was amusing to see it unfold, knowing the idea undoubtedly originated from us. It was like a revolution.
d) We don’t have a gate, which irritates me to no end because it allows noisy neighborhood kids to just march and run around our property. Sometimes they even make it to our carport and backyard, ugh. :(
e) Speaking of backyard, the landscaping for it used to be a pebble mosaic designed to look like a swan. But over the years the quality deteriorated, so my parents to opted to have the pebbles crushed into tiny rocks and embedded onto the ground. I don’t exactly know what this technique is called, but yeah.
8. Five facts about your niece or nephew. If you have more than one, pick one. Or do them all! Skip if you don’t have one. I don’t have any, but I do have a godson so I’m going with him as I don’t want to leave any section blank.
a) He was born sometime in December. I honestly don’t remember when, loooooool. Worst godmother ever.
b) He’s actually one of my first cousins, but I guess my aunt saw something in me and wanted me to be his godson. I’ve been a terrible one, though; I’ve never bought him gifts or money or anything – to be fair, I was made a ninang when I was like, 14 or 15 lmao.  But I can definitely make up for it now that I’m starting to earn my own money.
c) He’s the calmer, sweeter version of his older brother. His kuya was a pretty naughty kid when he was his age.
d) He mainly speaks English, as how most younger parents raise their kids these days. He understands Filipino of course, but he mostly communicates in English.
e) The last time I saw him, he was in the middle of a ridiculously adorable interviewing phase where he’d approach anyone in the family and start asking them a series of questions: what’s your favorite color? What food can’t you live without? What’s your favorite subject in school? Would you rather win $1 million dollars or know how to fly? It typically got exhausting after the 25th question, but it was so cute nonetheless. None of us have any idea where it came from.
9. Five facts about your education.
a) I went to a private, all-girls, Catholic school from kinder up to high school, and then moved to a public, co-educational, non-sectarian university for college. It was the very epitome of culture shock, lemme tell ya.
b) Some classes I had in my first school that might be uncommon in others have included penmanship (because my school has its own brand of cursive), environmental education, and I don’t remember what this next class was called anymore but we were basically taught how to write professionally? Like how to write cover letters and resumés and all.
c) My first school is extremely homophobic and went so far as to ‘hire’ spies  tasked to check up on who’s been in same-sex relationships, list them all down, and report them to the guidance office so that they can be called one by one and be interrogated, and for the most part, pressured to come out. I don’t know if they still do this, but the younger batches are definitely more vocal and woke now thanks to social media and I doubt those practices would still fly today.
d) My university education was a breath of fresh air. Suddenly people were wearing sleeveless tops, mobs and rallies were a common sight to me, and my instructors were now atheist and not shoving Catholicism and Jesus and salvation down my throat. I loved every single day of it.
e) The most interesting class I took in college was a course called Pornography in Electronic Media, under the broadcast communication department. Getting to tell people I take a class where we sit down to watch porn was such a fucking ride.
10. Five facts about your job.
a) I got hired last Wednesday, but I had been interning for the company for around two months before they extended the offer.
b) I’m pretty much gonna be doing the same things I did as an intern, except I’m now accountable for any boo-boos I make HAHAHAHA. Also, I’m gonna be paid a lot more, obviously, which is sweet. I really thought we interns were severely underpaid considering the work that we help with on a daily basis.
c) My role is going to be with another department which is a little scary because it means the things I learned with the department I actually interned at will be pretty much useless. I’ll be starting from scratch again, but I’m still excited.
d) It’s a work-from-home situation, which is a relief for me because I don’t have to wake up early and I don’t have to face traffic. 
e) My job interview for the position was actually a bit of a bomb because I absolutely fumbled with and messed up the first question I was asked; and since first impressions matter, I really thought I lost the gig from the very start of the interview. I made up for it as the interview continued and fortunately was able to break the ice and build a rapport with the team members who spoke with me, and I guess I did enough for them to want to take me in anyway.
For those who are curious, I blanked the fuck out when they asked “Tell me something about yourself that isn’t in your resumé.” Slowest 15 seconds of my life.
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gallavictorious · 4 years
I was tagged by the consistenly delightful @damngcoffee Cheers, dear- this was fun! <3
Do you make your bed? You bet your sweet ass I make my bed! I've got this beautiful purple faux-velvet bedspread, and matching pillows, and the whole thing just so nice made up! It delights me every morning! (I sound like an insane, overly happy, and chirpy person. I'm not really – I'm just highly motivated by beauty.)
What’s your favorite number? 4 8 15 16 23 42*
What is your job? I'm a librarian, currently working as the manager/supervisor/coordinator of a small branch of my city's public library.
If you could go back to school, would you? Are we talking university here? Because then I guess the answer is... no, not right now? I mean, technically I could start taking uni classes again at any time – it's free here – and many of them are available online so I would still be able to work. I do consider it from time to time, because I really love learning new things, but I've got quite a lot to juggle as it is, so nah. I do expect I'll go back for some more knowledge one day, though, when I'm feeling a bit bored or whatever.
Can you parallel park? Can't drive, and will never learn. My eye sight is very poor – even with glasses I can't see well enough to be approved for a driver's license. On the one hand this annoys me because WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T but on the other I have neither a need nor an inclination to learn, so it's a little bit of a relief to have an ironclad excuse not to?
A job you had that would surprise people? Hm. I think that sometimes people have been surprised to learn that I've had quite a few 'simple' jobs (like delivering papers and working in a school kitchen) while I was studying? Not VERY surprised, mind. Just slightly.
Do you think aliens are real? Do I think there exists life somewhere else in this exceedingly large universe? I guess that what little knowledge we have suggests that it's likely, but I don't think we have enough knowledge for me to have a firm opinion either way. Do I think Earth has been visited by aliens and it's been covered up by various (but mostly American agencies)? No.
Can you drive a manual car? What's with TWO car questions?
What’s your guilty pleasure? As none of my pleasures cause others undue harm, I refuse to feel guilty. The one that might surprise people, though, is my fondness for junk food – I'm otherwise a bit of a foodie and have very strong opinions as well as high standards when it comes to what I eat.
Tattoos? No. My older brother offered to get me one when I turned 16 but I'm a bit of a wuss and not a huge fan of pain happening to me, so I declined. Pretty glad of it now, because while I wouldn't mind a tattoo or two, I don't think I still would have been wildly enthusiastic about whatever my teenage self would have chosen.
Favorite colour? Purple and petrol.
Favorite type of music? I listen to music ALL THE TIME and get very antsy if there's no song that's currently giving me a high, but I actually know fuck all about music? Like genres and stuff? I tend to like happy and slightly angry music that's melodious enough that I can sing along.
Do you like puzzles? Sure do! I prefer fairly simple ones, maybe 500 pieces, and I prefer to do them all by myself, but unfortunately my partner is also into puzzles too and if I bring one out, she'll be there, getting her slightly obsessive fingers all over them. So mostly I save them for when she goes away for a few days... Sometimes we do puzzles together, though, which is nice enough.
Any phobias? Maggots and other teeny tiny maggot-adjacent creepy-crawlies.
Favorite childhood sport? To play? None, really, do I suppose I had a slightly soft spot for basketball?
Do you talk to yourself? I do indeed. Usual comments are stuff like ”Kee, you are a genius”, ”Kee, you are an idiot”, and ”what am I actually doing right now?”.
What movie do you adore? STAR WARS! <3 <3 <3 The OT and the prequels. And the Swedish movie Fyra år till (Four more years) which is just very, very funny. About every third thing my partner and I say to each other is a quote from that movie.
Coffee or tea? Tea! I love tea SO MUCH! Milk, no sugar, please. I mean, I do drink coffee too, but mostly because the unpleasant flavour kind of shakes me up a little, sharpens my mind? It's disturbing in a stimulating way.
First thing you wanted to be while growing up? Actress, I think? That was before I realized I was way more into crafting the story, and decided to be a director. I still wouldn't mind that to be honest.  I did direct a short that was later shown on Swedish television. (It wasn't very good, but it was still cool!)
*I mean, it's not really.
I’m tagging @farfromohio, whose fic I’ve been enjoying immensely these past few days, and @labelma, for whom I failed to write a fic today. (There’s always tomorrow, eh?) @iwannabewhereyouaremickey has already been tagged, but take two for the team? ;) No pressure, though!
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notbadluke · 5 years
cinderella // calum hood
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this was requested but i kinda added a twist to it. might turn it into a series lmk if i should? ok enjoy ily!
also!!! if you’re under the age of 18 and wanna join a dope ass 5sos group chat: https://notbadluke.tumblr.com/post/184656914588/5sos-group-chat
“There’s literally nowhere I’d rather go less,” I tell my friends. They’re over at my dorm because, as the daughter of a big-time entrepreneur and thus forced to be a socialite until I left for college, I have a wide range of pretty dresses. Many of which I wore with jackets because of their tightness/shortness/over-exposure of my cleavage, but they didn’t bother with jackets. After all, it is a frat party, one they desperately want me to go to. But, after 4 years of straight socializing as an introvert, I’m STILL tired, and I’d much more prefer to stay here, with no makeup and my hair in the ugliest knot, wearing sweats and reading in bed.
“One party. It’s literally one party!” Anna insists. “If you come to this party, we won’t bother you again.”
“While I appreciate the bribe-- “ I say, moving my eyes from my book to look her in the eye, “I sincerely doubt that you will ever stop bothering me.”
“Oh, come on, y/n, when is the last time you got laid? Last year?” Jade follows up. She’s braiding her hair, looking at me from the mirror.
I make a face at her.
“If you don’t come, we’re not going either.”
I shrug. “Suit yourself.”
But, after only 15 minutes of their complaints, I gave up and got dressed, just to shut them up. I put on a typical little black silk dress with spaghetti straps that hugs my shape well. I leave my hair down. It’s naturally pin straight, so I don’t style it, leaving my wispy bangs to get in my eye if they must. I have to keep at least a LITTLE of my dignity if they’re dragging to this stupid party.
And when we get there, it’s exactly what I expect. A bunch of bro-dudes in caps trying to get with girls. As soon as I step in the door, the stench of beer fills my nostrils, just as Jade and Anna disappear. So much for pulling them back to the car against their will.
I sigh, finding a spot in the living room to sit next to a timid girl being hit on by a guy. I assume he’ll leave soon enough, so I gently sit, avoiding the mystery spot on the faded green fabric. After a good 20 minutes of scrolling through social media, a shadow falls on me. I look up. A boy, a plain boy is staring at me, asking if he should get me a drink. I just nod, figuring I should at least enjoy myself a little bit. But a short minute after he leaves, I reevaluate that decision. I came here purely out of spite, not to have fun. Also, the couple next to me is making out. Damn, you put me in a frat party and I forget how to act.
I hurry to leave, spotting a door outside. I get a sudden overwhelming urge to go out there, get some air that doesn’t smell like a high school gym. 
When I finally get out there after some pushing, I immediately run into some frat boy. Frantic, I push past him, just wanting to breathe, but he apologizes. A frat boy? Apologizing? That in itself is enough to stop me.
“What?” He says, looking at me with surprise.
He’s much taller than me, with black curls and deep brown eyes, red solo cup in hand.
“Um.. nothing, I guess.”
“No one’s out there, you know.” He gestures to the back porch with his cup before taking a sip. He flinches, then sets it down on a table. “Ew.”
I ignore his second comment on the drink. “Yeah, that was... kinda the point.”
“Not your scene?” He asks. I wonder why I’m not brushing him off as easily as I did with the guy inside,  but whatever. at least Anna and Jane would be proud.
“Not really. My friends dragged me here. I go here but apparently, I don’t party enough, according to them.”
“Well, what do you do?”
I’m about to ask why he’s so interested, when the guy from earlier pops through the door, almost knocking the new guy down. But he stares this guy down, especially focused on the drink in his hand.
“Hey, mate, what are you doing with that drink?”
The old guy looks back at him as if he didn’t even notice his presence in the first place. He visibly sneers. “What’s it to you? Who are you even?”
“I’m Calum. I’m her boyfriend. So fuck out of here and about that drink... I’ll take it. Thanks.” Calum snatches the drink, waits while the old guy leaves then dumps the beer into the bushes.
“I- what?” I could’ve still used that drink now that there was someone semi-decent to drink with. Possibly more than semi-decent.
“He didn’t mix in the roofie well enough, I guess. I could see it at the top.”
Speechless, the only thing I can manage to say is, “Oh. Thanks.”
We stand there quietly for a minute before he speaks. “I’ll leave you to your party escape mission, I suppose. See you around.” 
He lingers, and I take the moment to impulsively say something. My cheeks are red as I ask, “Would you maybe want to escape with me?”
“Please, I’d love to get out of here.”
I take a breath. “Okay. We have to walk though.”
“Where do you want to go?”
We start walking, not even having a destination in mind. “I don’t know. I don’t really care.”
“Wait, there’s a McDonalds across the street I think? Are you down?” He looks over at me, his hands in his pockets, and I smile.
The walk is mostly quiet, but a comfortable kind of quiet. When we walk into the McDonalds, however, it’s loud, because of two very familiar girls stumbling around trying to pay in change. “Oh my god,” I say.
I walk over to the cashier, apologizing profusely and pulling out my wallet to pay for whatever they bought. She asks me to take them outside, and I look behind me, miserably watching as Anna sits on a seat, looking green, and Jade tries to chat up Calum.
“Yeah, I got it,” I say to the cashier, walking over to Calum, completely ashamed, with a fucking McDonalds bag in my bag.
“This is Jade. That’s Anna.”
“These are the ones who pressured you into going to that party?”
“Oh, is it that obvious? I can’t imagine what tipped you off.”
He smiles at me, locking eyes. It’s a weird feeling, kind of a jolt, and if I had Anna and Jade’s alcohol levels combined in my own bloodstream I’d be immediately sober from that stare alone. “The tattoos.” He says, his voice a little lower than it was before.
“The tattoos tipped me off.” He grabs my hand, turning it over so my wrist faces up, and I see the little heart outline tattoo that me, Jade, and Anna got together when we started college.
He was certainly paying a lot of attention.
Not knowing how to react, I just kind of stare at him before speaking up. “I should go. I should take them home.”
“What’s your name?” He asks me, my wrist still in his hand. His hold is gentle, soft, not rough at all except his fingertips. Which means he probably plays some kind of instrument.”
“Y/N,” I tell him, my voice nearing a whisper.
“Y/N. I want to see you again.”
The first thing that comes out of my mouth is, “Why?” which I realize sounds completely insecure, so I start talking again. “We didn’t even talk. Not really.”
“Well, then we can meet up and not talk again. If you want.”
I do, but I’m speechless. Coming to a frat party, this is the last thing I was expecting. And the idea of being close to someone again, after how last time turned out, is the scariest thing in the world.
“I have to go,” I whisper, releasing my hand from his hold and guiding the girls out. I called an Uber earlier when the cashier was processing the payment, just a ride back across the street so I can get to Anna’s car because I don’t really want to manage two drunk girls trying to walk across traffic. They get in the car, and before I follow, I look back one more time and see Calum watching me, locking eyes with me one more time.
I take a deep breath, then slip into the car, the ghost of his fingers around my wrist.
part 2: https://notbadluke.tumblr.com/post/184728346523/pt-2-cinderella-calum-hood
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100 Important Character Questions
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Here’s looking at you kid, @wexarethewalkingxdead​ !! XD They’ll be below the cut due to length. {{ I despise ‘read mores’ except that it’s so fucking long! XD }}
taken from beth kinderman and nikki walker’s the 100 most important things to know about your character. a good list to help develop a character’s background, personality, and general aspects. 
·         What is your full name? :: Bobby Autumn Monroe
·         Where and when were you born? :: Atlanta, Georgia at Grace Memorial at 4am on a Sunday.
·         Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.) :: Maryann JoMarie Monroe (nee Tippins) and Franklin Roosevelt Monroe ;; mama was a stay at home mother who became an addict to opiates and papa was a worker at the mill in Powder Springs, which was a HUGE (in his mind because he always resented it) drive from where they lived on the outskirts of Atlanta in a little cabin home one a sparce patch of land just outside a trailer park beside the woods. Mama was a strong woman who grew weak after nears of being beaten and bloodied by her drunk mean husband; having 3 kids kept her strong to a degree, however, for as long as she could be, trying to keep his attention on her and away from her kids. When she died (Bobby who was the eldest of them by 15 minutes) that all changed; Michael trying to draw the majority of the brutality because he was the boy and his father always was trying to beat on the girls when given little to no reason at all, even.
·         Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? :: Michael Henry Monroe and Katherine Emberlynn Monroe, in chronological order of birth after Bobby. Michael is an EMT on staff with New York Presbyterian Hospital, which is also Columbia University’s training hospital. Katherine is an aspiring actress in the LA area of California.
·         Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people. :: Bobby has never left Georgia. The only time she does is when the group moves on after season 4. She doesn’t know why she’s never left before, not even to visit her siblings that left her behind, but she always feels like, as the big sister, it’s her job to maintain a home for them to come back to, should they ever need it.
·         What is your occupation? :: Bobby is an ER nurse with Grace Fulton Memorial Hospital and regularly assists with trauma cases.
·         Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks. :: Height is 5’4. (Smol but mighty!) Weight fluctuates from 115 to 120 pounds depending on the time of year and stressors in her life; okay, maybe 124, but not an ounce more! She swears. Bobby is Caucasian American. Hair is an auburn brunet. Eyes are chocolate brown; when she is angry they appear almost amber in tone, and when sexually aroused they usually darken to an almost black. Her fashion sense is usually tomboy, wearing jeans and tee shirts; sometimes a little sporty with tight running pants, spandex or loose shorts, and tank tops. Bobby only has one tattoo that transcends any and all verses she might have: a black rose with three drips of blood on the petals, one at the end nearly ready to drop off, at the small of her back which reminds her of the fragility of life and death and the ever presence of the latter, the pain and struggle symbolized by the blood droplets on the petals. She has a long scar that runs the length of the space between where the band on her bra would rest down to her love handle, on the edge where her side meets her back – given to her by an abusive ex that was just like her father when drunk, only worse because he was legitimately a highly functioning and violently brutal psychopath and burn marks on her upper back/right shoulder blade and left outer thigh from where her father and her ex had their fun using her as an ashtray.
·         To which social class do you belong? :: Middle class. Working class.
·         Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? :: Maryanne had carpal tunnel and severe arthritis in her left arm from it being broken a couple times by her lovely husband. After her mother died Bobby was cooking dinner one night and her father, who had been drinking all evening from end of work until right that moment, picked up his hammer and hit Bobby in the upper left arm twice, hard. She had to wear a cast for two months (part of that time an extension after being thrown against the wall another separate night that shattered the first incarnation of the cast) to heal the broken bone. Thus, sometimes when its too cold she has bouts where her left arm is weak, not able to carry heavy things, and there was minimal nerve damage in the hand as a result which means she can’t always feel too hot, or too cold. This does not impair her job as she isn’t responsible for surgery where the steadiest of hands are needed; thankfully Bobby’s aid in the field is at most a needle and thread for mending/stitches, of which she can do with her dominant hand.
·         Are you right- or left-handed? :: Right handed.
·         What does your voice sound like? :: Natalie Portman.
·         What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? :: Y’all. Jesus Harold Christ on crooked crutches. Jiminy Christmas. Calm down there Satan.
·         What do you have in your pockets? :: A pocket knife with combination of other fold out tools. Mini canister of mace. Car and house keys in some verses. Apocalypse verses she sometimes carries car keys.
·         Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? :: Bobby doesn’t consider anything she does as strange or annoying but just ask one of the people she considers family and he would say she talks too damn much. At least the other man in her life appreciates that she knows how to turn out the lights…
·         How would you describe your childhood in general? :: Stressful. Her days were constantly spent fearing what would happen when daddy got home, what mood would he be in, what would he do, would he just hurt mama or would he come after her and her siblings too…? Bobby grew up worrying about things no child should ever have to worry about or fear.
·         What is your earliest memory? :: Bobby doesn’t know for sure if this is a memory or some part of her subconscious trying to bring her peace, but in the quiet moments when she closes her eyes she can hear her mother’s voice softly singing to her as she’s being held, cradled in safe arms with worn delicate hands gently rubbing her back. “Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn’t you love to love her…? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and…who will be her lover? All your life you’ve never seen a woman…taken by the wind…”
·         How much schooling have you had? :: Bobby went through two years of high school before she was forced to drop out to care for her other siblings and make sure they got the best lives possible. It wasn’t perfect anyway, but she tried. She went back and got her GED when she turned 21. Immediately upon her father dying ( when she turned 19 ) she began putting some money away toward furthering her own education, enrolling in community college once her GED came through. She got a bachelor’s degree in science and biology, and earned certification and licensure as an EMT and trauma nurse.
·         Did you enjoy school? :: Bobby loved school. It was the only thing she could do outside the house that was usually constant and unbreakable, a schedule that the state decided for children and one her father couldn’t stop. This was she could be free of the worries and fears that usually plagued her days and simultaneously learn things about the world at large, all around her and beyond. It was refreshing and awe inspiring.
·         Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? :: Anything she didn’t learn from her mother and her father ( positive or not ) she learned from school and the teachers and children in that environment.
·         While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them. :: The only role model Bobby had growing up was her mother, Maryanne. Mama taught her the strength and the tenacity she needed to make it in the world, both in her father’s house, and later.
·         While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? :: Bobby and her mother started as adult to child relationship and then at the end when her mother was dying Bobby became an almost equal to her mother, taking care of her and herself and the siblings she had. Likewise, with her siblings, it was mostly a jovial peer to peer relationship ( and what sibling relationship was complete without the occasional fight and attempted murder ), which eventually merged into a motherly feeling over them, protective of them when their mother passed. Her relationship with her father was always strained, always wary and tumultuous and it only worsened when Maryanne died. He became more possessive of the kids and Bobby feared being raped or sexually abused by him after a time ( she looked more like her mother than Kath did ) as he would get drunk and beat her, yelling things like ‘how dare you leave me’ and ��I’ll show you something to cry about you weak whore.’ That relationship was strained and haunted until the day he died.
·         As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? :: She wanted to be an astronaut or a pirate. Anything that could take her far far away from where she was and keep her safe, eventually far enough to make her happy in life.
·         As a child, what were your favorite activities? :: Anything Bobby could do outside the house. She spent AGES outside in the woods, roaming with nowhere in her mind to go in particular; she could sit on a stump deep in the sea of green and just space out, let her mind wander for hours. She would try to fish. She made friends with small woodland creatures like something out of a Disney film. She sometimes sat alone out there all night, looking up into the moon under a blanket of stars and a bed made of fallen leaves and long grass.
·         As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? :: As a child, Bobby was pretty devoid of personality; at least when she was at home. At home and when she was alone she was quiet, too quiet. A mousy brown haired brown eyed little girl with nothing to say and who would lay low on purpose, anything not to catch her father’s attention. Outside of the house she often put on a brave face, smiling and laughing and acting like nothing was wrong. Sometimes she could even forget that she was a victim of domestic violence and forget her usual invisible act, coming out of herself and being herself, talkative ( almost too much talking for some ) and bright. Her light shines bright from within her and her strength and perseverance really show in her eyes.
·         As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? :: Bobby was not a popular kid at school. She often sat alone or with her siblings. Even the losers didn’t want to sit with them because everyone knew what the Monroe home life was like and who their father was, what he did to them and their mother. No one would claim them as friends, at least not outwardly or in public.
·         When and with whom was your first kiss? :: Daniel Dunn was her first kiss in most all her verses. He was a messed up kid, a psychopath that was highly functioning and much too sadistic, even as far as most psychopaths are concerned. He used her and abused her for most of her young adult years, as her father had her mother. ( What was it they said about emulating what you saw as a child and being doomed to repeat it…? ) In one of her verses she has known Daryl Dixon all of her life and he is her first kiss…her first everything.
·         Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? :: Same as the question above to be honest. Most of her verses features Daniel Dunn in that role, as fucked up and cruel as that is, and in the one it’s Daryl Dixon.
·         If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today. :: Bobby was definitely informed by her childhood and her mother’s and father’s relationship as far as what kind of person she wanted to become. She would consciously always pick a path that led her to be her mother, kind and sweet and a pure heart with passion despite being regularly beaten down and broken by outside influences because of her goodness. She was also inspired to become a trauma nurse thanks to all the times she had to help fix up her mom, her siblings and herself over the years, some of the things she’d come into schooling being self-taught after a bad couple of nights.
·         What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? :: The night Dan almost killed her and she survived, barely, to be present and the star witness at the trial that would send him to prison for at least 20 years for attempted premeditated murder. And every so many years when probation is brought before the review board, release for good behavior, she makes sure she’s available to speak. She even takes the day off work to make sure she can go down and make herself and her story with him heard.
·         Who has had the most influence on you? :: Mama.
·         What do you consider your greatest achievement? :: Bouncing back from being a high school dropout ( even though her reasoning was perfectly acceptable and understandable ), getting her GED and her degrees. Putting herself first. Finally.
·         What is your greatest regret? :: Bobby blames herself for her mother’s death. Obviously her mother became addicted to opioids and died of an aortic rupture, which were things no little girl could have realistically been able to help or prevent. Nonetheless she thinks, and has believed all her life that maybe she wasn’t strong enough to help her mother through the worst of their lives, to survive past it and watch her babies grow up and succeed in the way their mama had always wanted and hoped.
·         What is the most evil thing you have ever done? :: Bobby pulled the wings off a fly once. Another time she pulled the back legs off of a grasshopper. It was, in her mind ( at least as a pretense ) all for science, but some psychologists and therapists might think otherwise.
·         Do you have a criminal record of any kind? :: Bobby has gotten arrested a couple times, all for misdemeanor things like stealing a candy bar from a convenience store and for indecent exposure in her small town when she was caught with her pants down around the bend, side of the road, peeing in the brush while drunk.
·         When was the time you were the most frightened? :: Bobby was frightened to the same extent twice in her life. The first when her mother was being beaten for the last time ( which was also the night she died ) and when Bobby herself was being beaten and broken and nearly killed by Dan.
·         What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? :: When she was 15 ( which is not a legal age of consent and no, I do not condone anything happening to minors, this is just FICTION ) she was being diddled by Dan in the back seat of his car ( he was older than she was by 2 years as well ) when she opened her eyes to find the window down and a couple of Dan’s older friends jerking themselves off to what Dan was doing to her, turning her on and playing with her. She immediately wanted to stop and thankfully there were other people walking by when she started screaming or she most likely would have been forced to continue against her will. It was both embarrassing for her and equally as dangerous and twisted a situation.
·         If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? :: Bobby often wishes she was older and stronger than she was when her mother died. She wants to be able to go back and take her siblings out of that environment altogether. She wants to have been able to maybe even save her mother.
·         What is your best memory? :: The ones alone in the woods. Anything where the woodlands creatures accepted her as a part of their world, knowing inherently she wouldn’t hurt them.
·         What is your worst memory? :: The way her mother died, in her arms, at home. There were no police and no ambulance until it was too late to save her, much too late.
·         Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? :: Optimistic.
·         What is your greatest fear? :: Being powerless and out of control of her own life.
·         What are your religious views? :: She’s spiritual but does not ascribe to any one particular religious sect or view. She tends to take a little of this and a little of that from various religions, whatever she feels she can identify with in the moment and incorporate into her lifestyle.
·         What are your political views? :: Progressive Liberal Independent.
·         What are your views on sex? :: The more the better. Well, provided it’s the right person and it’s consensual. Also, sometimes a little kinky if she trusts the person she’s with implicitly.
·         Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? :: In any verses where the apocalypse doesn’t exist ( or not yet ) she could only kill if it was someone threatening her life or the lives of her family/spouse/kids. In the apocalypse, she begins just as they all did, saying they would never kill the living, then only if she had to, and progressing until doing it regularly because she had to and there were rarely other options. Not to say there are moments when she should kill and doesn’t, for one reason or another, but she makes sure to weigh the call. Taking a life, being a healer as she is and continues to be, isn’t an easy call to make.
·         In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? :: To abuse physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or sexually a child. To Bobby that is the most reprehensible crime.
·         Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? :: Yes.
·         What do you believe makes a successful life? :: The impact one has on the world around them, whoever or whatever they touch/influence. What a person leaves behind, their legacy.
·         How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? :: Bobby is pretty honest about her feelings now, almost to a detriment. She’s brutally honest about thoughts and feelings and has been pretty intense in all aspects of her life since her father died and set her free from the binds of her past.
·         Do you have any biases or prejudices? :: Bobby has biases against rapists and child molesters, child abusers and domestic violence offenders. Really, she feels as though anyone who breaks the law for more than stealing some food ( if a person is desperate to eat or feed their family ) they should do the time applicable to the crime.
·         Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? :: Bobby doesn’t like to lie. She won’t do it. If asked to lie she will retreat from the conflict altogether, saying nothing to either party. If asked for the truth, therefore, she would have to tell the truth. Her replies at being asked to lie always include some formulation of ‘if you want to propagate lies and slander then do it in your name.’ Her refusal stems from years of her mother and her family lying to the authorities, to medical professionals, to the world about what they went through at her father’s hands. ( Whether they knew or not otherwise wasn’t the point. )
·         Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? :: Family and friends that have become family. Her spouse, her partner, the person she’s chosen to spend the rest of her life with. Her children, adopted or natural, blood or not.
·         In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? :: Bobby is always guided by the other person. She will usually begin friendly and polite, if a bit wary and gruff depending on the circumstances. It always depends on the first impression and expression of the other person how she reacts and treats them from there, forward. Sometimes a rude or dislike situation can be changed over time if both parties work toward making it positive or a catalyst turns the dynamic around. Likewise, if someone starts off friendly with her it can turn to dislike and even hatred if given the right cataclysm. She read this quote once that she lives by : ‘if you feel it necessary to judge me by my past, don’t be surprised when I put you in it.’ Most often, however, if a person is able to get past all the walls she’s built over time against being hurt viscerally by someone intimately, they’re in her heart and they’re usually there for good.
·         Who is the most important person in your life, and why? :: It depends on the verse. Sometimes all she has left are her brother and sister. Other verses are dependent on her family/attachments/spouses/significant others. Rick, Shane, Daryl, Charley, etc. Family is important to Bobby, especially at the end of the world. Her children are first and foremost the most important people in her life in the verses in which she has them.
·         Who is the person you respect the most, and why? :: Carol. No matter what verse is concerned, this holds true. She sees a lot of her mother in Carol. A lot of the same strengths and hopes and dreams that have been tramped down by a man with a heavy hand and an awfully small constitution. Of all the people Bobby has the pleasure to meet in all her travels and all her realities, Carol is the one person she loves and supports and looks up to the most.
·         Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people. :: Bobby has very few friends in the real world. As stated before she was never a popular kid growing up and only got any recognition for her beauty by boys or girls with one thing on the mind. The only people she considers as true friends she made after the world as she knew it already ended. Carol. Daryl. Rick. Shane. Maggie. Glenn. Enid. King Ezekiel. Jerry. Jesus. Aaron. Etc. The only exception to this is the verse where she’s known Daryl all her life; in that case she’s always had him. He is her best friend. And her cat, Patches, a gray and white tabby cat with darker gray almost black ears, definitely constitutes as a best friend.
·         Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person. :: Daryl – nickname Tracker; annoyed and frustrated with how much she talks but loves her for it anyway and finds it kind of endearing despite himself; afraid of intimacy in the same way that she is and was and what makes them a good fit is their willingness now to grow together solely with one another; can’t live with her and can’t live without her; hillbilly grump with the most honest, pure, innocent heart of anyone she knows. Shane – nickname Deputy; knows who the real boss of the house is; is probably afraid of Bobby…maybe…like a lot; strong willed, passionate, and has an easy anger reflex; they fight a lot about the silliest things but it always come back to love; the thing he probably loves the most about her is that she knows how to turn the damn lights off. Rick – no nickname as yet; he really stepped into the leader role over the time they’ve known each other; Bobby never expected to follow him as closely as she does now; they don’t always agree but they rarely actually fight; he’s the epitome of calm and problem solving in dire situations; he’d walk through Hell and all its fire for her and his kids and probably everyone else he cares for and that’s the one thing she loves the most above all else about him. Mac – nickname Cupcake; strictly a fanfiction/headcanon ship at this point; used to ship this pairing exclusively with macxtheanimal way back when; a meth head, rapist, murderer, criminal, muscle and enforcer for his father’s crystal meth operation; he’s a villain that makes no apologies for his actions but she can see the broken little boy in him, abandoned by his mother so long ago to his father’s lifestyle; kept her hostage as a sex slave for a long time until they had an intimate exchange one night and she whispered to him that she just wanted to be free to make the choice; he let her go, saying she was free and he knew she’d always leave because they all did if given a chance; she stayed. {{ All are subject to change based on verse or partner writing this with us. Mostly these listings as spouses or SO’s are exclusive right now to wexarethewalkingxdead and macxtheanimal. }}
·         Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. :: She’s only been in love a couple times in her life. ( Verse dependent. ) It almost always ends in pain and suffering for her, be it physically or emotionally, but there are a few over the verses/years that she’s found true happiness with.
·         What do you look for in a potential lover? :: Connection. Chemistry. Sexy/pretty eyes. Rough pads of their hands and they have to be steady and firm. Stable.
·         How close are you to your family? :: Bobby and her siblings are VERY close, even though they don’t live in the same place anymore. Sometimes herself and her sister Kath haven’t always been as close as they should have been. Those moments are almost always based on imagined slights of some kind because Bobby is and always has been an outspoken person; she never sugar coats things that should be communicated. It follows in the same vein as her always being truthful. Hence, sometimes hurt feelings. Bobby and the people she’s come to think of as family are likewise, VERY close with these same issues of hurt feelings now and again, resulting mostly in a short time of silence or avoidance between the parties.
·         Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? :: This is dependent on her verses. In some she does make a family with someone special. In others she hasn’t, whether because she hasn’t found that someone yet or because she’s afraid of finding a man like her father and subjecting herself to the same life her mother lived prior to her death – not to mention subjecting any children they might have to that lifestyle.
·         Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? :: Bobby would turn to her siblings first, provided it was something they could solve realistically. If they aren’t available or they can’t fix it because they live out of state, etc, the next stop would be her chosen family, friends she’s made along the way that would go the extra mile for her, and she for them.
·         Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? :: Very few people and they have to prove themselves to her with their deeds, not just words and promises coming off lips and tongues that have lied so many times they probably don’t even know they’re doing it anymore.
·         If you died or went missing, who would miss you? :: Her family ( her brother and sister ) have been living in different states from her for quite a few years now but that doesn’t mean they’ve become distant. They would definitely miss her. Also any of the family she’s made in the apocalypse. Obviously this is verse dependent.
·         Who is the person you despise the most, and why? :: Actually, I think Bobby despises her mother the most of anyone she’s ever known in her life. It’s a very complicated relationship. Bobby still loves her mother; while she was alive she was the only kindness Bobby and her siblings knew. She was strong and endured a lot but that same strength could also be considered weakness. Why couldn’t she have left their father? Why couldn’t she have taken them away and made a go of it on their own? Maybe she’d be alive today. Maybe a lot of things. So Bobby is constantly fighting with love and hate for the woman that bore her.
·         Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? :: Bobby has a good sense for whatever a situation calls for, usually. In most circumstances she will listen and hear someone out before saying her piece. But she is southern and strong willed, a stiff backbone, and sometimes the outrage comes dripping off her teeth like venom before she can stave them off. In moments when she can’t be smart and hold her tongue, and even when she does, Bobby is a woman who is definitely not afraid of conflict if she feels the situation calls for it.
·         Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? :: Bobby is strong enough to take the weight of the world on her shoulders. It certainly depends on what the situation is, but in the case of her primary verse – in the Walker apocalypse – she doesn’t hold back. As a healer, a nurse, she will absolutely take on a leadership role if one is needed. If another leader is present, and she respects that person, they will only gain support from her; likewise, if they do not have her respect, all they will get it push-back until they either utilize her and her ideas to their potential or she potentially replaces them as the leader. She’s very strong but she is versatile. She knows when to step back and let things shake loose.
·         Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? :: Bobby has always been a little bit of a loner. She’d personable but she also likes her alone time. As previously discussed, there wasn’t a lot of silent time in her home and she much rather would have been somewhere alone with her thoughts instead of lined up ready to catch a beating. Large crowds do tend to make her a little anxious. She’d much rather only deal with a few people at a time.
·         Do you care what others think of you? :: Bobby does care what other people thing of her, to an extent. She doesn’t dwell on it, however, and if there are ever opinions that are misconstrued or wrong she will make sure not to ever think on those things again. The only thing that usually can get to Bobby is when people she loves and is devoted to make comments to her that can be considered derogatory or hurtful, judging.
·         What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? :: Hiking and taking walks in the lush green forests. Photography. Reading. Her grandma taught her mother how to sew and thus, taught Bobby enough to get by; those nursing lessons on stitching wounds up didn’t hurt either.
·         What is your most treasured possession? :: Patches. He is a grey and white tabby cat with dubious bloodline origin with black ears. She’s had him with her for a long time and she’d walk through fire for him if she had to.
·         What is your favorite color? :: Blue.
·         What is your favorite food? :: Seafood boil.
·         What, if anything, do you like to read? :: Bobby is an always will be a fan of anything she can get her hands on. She does go through moods, however, devoted to certain genres over the others. Predominantly she reads works of fiction about murder and crime, who done its and thrillers. Horror novels are a must as well. A favorite series of hers is the By The Numbers novels about Stephanie Plum and her life fumble bumbling through the Bounty Hunter business by Janet Evanovich. Romance novels, unless well written with a predominant plot encompassing one of the aforementioned genres, can go suck lemons!
·         What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)? :: Bobby is mostly a music person. Movies are fine and television can captivate her attention if its done well but there’s nothing better than putting in a CD, or plugging her headphones into her phone’s jack and playing some tunes on the digital frequency. It sets the mood, no matter what that mood is, 100% of the time.
·         Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit? :: Bobby used to smoke. It was something to do with her hands and a nervous tick that she adopted mostly in crowded groups of people to help calm her nerves in those situations. Social smoking. Whether or not she still does it verse dependent. Bobby also drinks alcoholic beverages but within reason and rarely ever to excess.
·         How do you spend a typical Saturday night? :: In the apocalypse there is a lot to do, all of the time. There’s never a dull moment. Saturdays are usually reserved for whatever needs doing that wasn’t done the day before, as well as making time for family and friends trying to reclaim what was stolen from them by the world as it exists now. In the other verses where the world is normal, Saturdays are usually reserved for family time, the park, the zoo, barbecues with family and friends, etc. On the rare occasion work comes calling – she is an emergency room nurse – she will sometimes go in. And sometimes not.
·         What makes you laugh? :: Stupid jokes, dad jokes, horrible puns. Her husband. Her kids. New airings and reruns of America’s Funniest Home Videos.
·         What, if anything, shocks or offends you? :: Racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, slurs and swear words used in conjunction with said slurs and behavior, etc. Anything that could be considered along the same vein by small minded people who are afraid of anything they don’t know and haven’t bothered to become educated about/in.
·         What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? :: Insomnia does sometimes strike. It happens in those moments when something exceptionally traumatic happens at work or there happens to be a scare with her husband, kids, or siblings/family, those moments when she’s in the dark of the night, sometimes alone, with her own thoughts and fears. Sometimes there is no amusing herself. Sometimes she has to talk herself down off a very high ledge. Sometimes she has to wake up her significant other ( if present ) just to know they’re there, they’re alive. Sometimes the heartbeat and the steady breathing isn’t enough.
·         How do you deal with stress? :: Bobby reads. She keeps her hands busy cooking, cleaning, and caring for her family. Killing Walkers in the apocalypse, keeping a tight perimeter. Yoga and pilates in the verses where the world hasn’t changed.
·         Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? :: Bobby is usually a very plan oriented person. She’s learned over the years that the only way to be is concerned, vigilant, if a bit controlling. That isn’t to say that she’s a control freak, but she does have strong opinions and will be heard on them. She wishes she was more spontaneous and sometimes makes attempts to purposely exit her comfort zone in certain situations she deems it appropriate, such as her sex life, dates, etc.
·         What are your pet peeves? :: People who can’t follow directions or laws of an ordered society. People who lie or steal unless circumstances are such that would overwrite the negative or somehow make an allowance for it. People who judge others or presume to tell other people their business when they don’t even have their lives together.
·         Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted? :: Regardless of what her work schedule works like ( days or evenings ) Bobby gets up around 5 a.m. daily. She makes coffee through the slits of her eyelids. She then returns to the bathroom where she showers and brushes her teeth. By that time she usually is ready to start breakfast for herself and whoever else is present. Morning shifts she works until 3 p.m. She will usually run any errands she has to do at that time before coming home and making dinner. Night shifts she works until 11 p.m. doing the errands and prepping dinner before leaving for the night for her shift. If her routine happens to be interrupted or subverted in any way, she usually gets a little perturbed, might make a dramatic comment about everything being a mess, and carrying on with things as best as she can.
·         What is your greatest strength as a person? :: Her heart and her generosity. It helped her overcome a lot of odds that were stacked against her from the beginning.
·         What is your greatest weakness? :: Her heart. Sometimes she’s loyal to a fault even though the people she let inside of it use her and abuse her. Also her stubborn as a mule attitude and her stiff backbone. When she’s made up her mind there’s very precious little that can change it.
·         If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? :: How her past shaped her to be numb and emotionless in certain situations that require feeling. She doesn’t always respond in the right ways to tragedy or loss. Sometimes not responding at all. It’s a more calloused wounded part of herself she wished she didn’t have.
·         Are you generally introverted or extroverted? :: Generally extroverted but in small doses. Large gatherings or venues kept to a minimum.
·         Are you generally organized or messy? :: Organized.
·         Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. :: Good – 1) Problem solving, 2) Nursing/healing, 3) Being a wife and mother. Bad – 1) Spontaneity, 2) Letting go, 3) Cleaning vomit.
·         Do you like yourself? :: Yes. For the most part.
·         What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…) :: It’s a choice you make. When things get difficult, what kind of person would you want to be? If a child cries in the dark, scared, alone; would you help them? Or would you turn away? Tell yourself it’s not your concern. If a mother and father are fighting for their child’s life as the child is being physically removed from their arms, wounded, killed before them. Would you intervene if you could? Or turn your back? Would you do everything you could because you have the ability, because you have the choice or do you do nothing, make the choice not to, and perhaps blood be on your hands…? It’s a choice she makes every day to do better, to be someone she could be proud of, that her family would remember and be proud of long after she was gone. Her sacrifice, if needed, would not be in vane.
·         What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? :: Leave the world a little better than she found it.
·         Where do you see yourself in 5 years? :: She can’t say. She hopes to be alive and well, actually living a life and happy within its confines. But she knows that may never come. Not even tomorrow is guaranteed…
·         If you could choose, how would you want to die? :: Old and grey in her sleep. In the apocalypse, if she could choose and she was bitten/injured beyond the ability to be healed, she would want to shoot herself in the head before changing. She wouldn’t want to leave it for any of her loved ones to do; she doesn’t want that burden to be on their soul.
·         If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. :: 1) Write little notes or letters to those she loved who would miss her and feel her loss the most. 2) Love on and spend a lot of time with the children, 3) Clean, load, cock and ready her gun and wait.
·         What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? :: Her kindness. How many people she helped. How far out of her way she sometimes went to make that happen.
·         What three words best describe your personality? :: Brave, Generous, and Loyal
·         What three words would others probably use to describe you? :: Bold, Daring, and Realistic
·         If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…) :: Bobby. You are without a doubt the biggest pain in my ass, second only to Shane and Daryl. You are the most generous, kind, loyal person I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. You’re also one of the most stubborn. A word of advice might be you think too much. You plan and you organize and you get shit done. I get it. But sometimes, you’re a little too extra. Learn what it’s like to be a girl. Let your hair down more. Unscrew the dick sometimes. It’s fun being a girl. And I know that you know that but you’re too afraid to lose control because you think if you do you’ll lose everything good you ever had. And I know it’s because you don’t think you deserve all the good you have received over the years. You’re beauty. You’re grace. You’re the kind of person I wish I could be sometimes; but you need to be a little less afraid of what you could lose and more willing to risk it all. A man in my life asked me once if a moment of happiness was worth a lifetime of anything else. And the answer is yes.
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closetspngirl · 5 years
I dare you.... ALL of them. Yeah... I said. All. Of. Them. hehehe
Just remember...you asked...
If anyone else is even remotely interested in reading some/any/all my answers to all 100 questions, see below. For the rest of you, I hope the keep reading tab works...
1: is there a boy/girl in your life? Yes
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? Not sure yet
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” A cat?
4: what’s something you really want right now? Well a couple things...pick a coast...
5: are you afraid of falling in love? Sort of. I’m currently watching it crumble before me...and I’m not sure I can do that to myself again.
6: do you like the beach? I love the beach!
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Yes
8: what’s the background on your cell? A black and white of Jensen playing the guitar. My lock screen is a digital painting of Genevieve’s Ruby.
9: name the last four beds you were sat on? Umm...huh? Mine, my coworkers...a family friend...and I guess my mom’s?
10: do you like your phone? I do.
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned? I mean...no? But they’re looking up.
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? One of the sales ladies at work.
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? Neither. 
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Probably emotional. I’m a total empath so I can be super sensitive. 
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Depends on what art exhibit is going on.
16: are you tired? Yes. I got 3.5 hours of sleep and this is your cruel way of keeping me awake for at least another hour. lol. It’s a good thing you’re cute. 
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? As long as I’ve been at my current job, just over a year.
18: are they a relative? No.
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? Fuck. No.
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? Uhh...like 30 minutes ago (when was the kiss is a WHOLE other question)
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? If I knew that that was it for either of us, yet. 
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I mean...maybe on the cheek in a ‘have a nice life’ kinda way
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? One
24: is there a certain quote you live by? Oh wow...there’s a few that I like but I’m horrible with recalling them.
25: what’s on your mind? a lot of things...
26: do you have any tattoos? I do, three, four is getting added hopefully this year, for sure next year (or it might be five at that point...)
27: what is your favorite color? Purple
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? August
29: who are you texting? Does tumblr messaging count? If so, you, and the person I’m texting
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? Yes
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? Yes
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Yes
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you? Yes
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yes
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? Hope she likes it...
36: were you single on valentines day? I mean...strictly speaking, no. Did I go out and do anything? No. I was working.
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed? Uhh...hard to answer.
38: what do your friends call you? By my name, or a few different nicknames
39: has anyone upset you in the last week? YES.
40: have you ever cried over a text? Yes. Both good and bad.
41: where’s your last bruise located? Oh goodness...uh...I think it’s the one on the side of my right knee
42: what is it from? Who the fuck knows...it just showed up one day.
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? Yesterday, day before that, Saturday, almost every day last week...
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with? Personal phone: R. Work phone: sales department.
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes? My converse
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? I hate hats.
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style? Never
48: do you make supper for your family? I can, am able, rarely do.
49: does your bedroom have a door? Yes, thank god.
50: top 3 web-pages? Tumblr, IG and...my portfolio currently I guess since I’m trying to update it.
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping? Yeah...me. lol. Ok, not completely true. Clothes shopping is a huge hassle. 
52: does anything on your body hurt? Yes. Head, neck, back, stomach, feet (gotta love a kitchen job)
53: are goodbyes hard for you? Depends on the goodbye, mostly yes
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Uh...probably coffee
55: how is your hair? It’s fine, thanks for asking. HA!. j/k. It’s up in a messy bun and headband
56: what do you usually do first in the morning? Turn off my alarm, See who messaged me and get ready for work
57: do you think two people can last forever? I think it’s possible, as long as both people want it.
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?  No
59: green or purple grapes? Green. Purple grapes are too sweet for me.
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug? Probably...Friday when L is back at work. Otherwise, August.
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Yes. Didn’t I already answer this? Pick a coast...I want to go there.
62: when will be the next time you text someone? Later tonight
63: where will you be 5 hours from now? In my bed. Asleep. So help me Chuck if I’m not.....
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning. Uhh...just waking up for the third time.
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked? Other than Jensen/Jared/Dean/Sam? Uhh....Oh I guess I was crushing on B a little...but that ship has long sailed. 
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? Absolutely. 
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today? I hugged L. I’m surprised he’s not tired of me yet. lol
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? That I really need to be better at letting shit go.
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Yes. 
70: how many windows are open on your computer? Windows? One. Tabs...? 10.
71: how many fingers do you have? 8 plus two thumbs.
72: what is your ringtone? Priceless by for KING & COUNTRY
73: how old will you be in 5 months? 31
74: where is your mum right now? South Dakota
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? A long list of really shitty reasons.
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? No
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? Definitely
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? At 7? Let’s see...first grade...I don’t think I had a crush on anyone. I remember there was this kid Ben that I hated because he used to take my stuff all the time. OH!! There was this really cute blonde boy that I can’t think of his name right now. He was only there for that year and then left.
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? Yes! My best friend’s dad. lol. He’s like my second father.
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Umm...I mean technically speaking? Yes...the way I wanted it to be? No. It was more that I fell asleep with my head on them and then they nudged me off so they could roll over...
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? HA! Well....B...R...J...three. I’ll go with three.
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? Yes
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? Already am
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? I wouldn’t do that, but if I was...probably my friend Carrie...
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? I mean...probably?
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? Well...I can’t even remember the last movie I went to go see...I think it was maybe Brooklyn, with my mom. So not a lot other than watching the movie. 
87: who was your last received call from? Work
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? Only if it was already dead. Otherwise, no.
89: what is something you wish you had more of? energy...?
90: have you ever trusted someone too much? Yuuuuup.
91: do you sleep with your window open? When I can.
92: do you get along with girls? I do
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? Am I keeping a secret? Yes. Do they need to know? No.
94: does sex mean love? No
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Uhh...it’d be boring AF
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? No
97: did you sleep alone this week? Yes. Have been for months now.
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? I’m working on it. I’d like to think so.
99: do you believe in love at first sight? umm...maybe? not entirely sure
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise? Oh lord...I don’t even remember. lol
Thanks for the challenge!!! xoxox
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tumbler-tidbits · 6 years
Tumblr media
Today Is the last Friday of this month so the time has come to post February’s Fic Recs! Please Keep in mind that these have been culminated over a period of a few months (since I’m so far behind) so some links may no longer work thanks to dumblrs porn bots! I have no control of that so if a fic is no longer available PLEASE don’t blame me! These are mostly smut but there is a mix of some fluff and a smidge of angst. All warnings and summaries from the writer are provided!
1)Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself by @bamby0304
Summary: Misha can’t help himself. It doesn’t matter that you could get caught at any moment, he just has to have you.
Pairing: Misha x Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. Smut. Dirty talk. Public sex. Fingering. Unprotected sex. Hair pulling
My Review: JFC y’all this one is a panty ruiner! I’ve just recently started reading Misha/Cas smut and boy did this one pull me in! Dom/sub, pinned against the wall, fear of getting caught.... hbdhgshsndmnfv
2)Magical by @supernatural-teamfreewillpage-d
Summary: Dean’s Pov On A/His Girl Squirting
Pairing: Dean x Female
Warnings: 18+, Squirting, Language, Sexual Thoughts.
My Review: This Awesome smut is from Deans point of view and it makes for a magical scene!
3)The Bet by @maddiepants
Summary: Y/N can totally go a week without sex. Can't she?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: little bit a plot, lotta bit a porn, little bit of Dom Dean, that’s it i think
My Review: Good God my girl can write the smut! This is so fucking hot, I felt needy!! Jesus I need me some Dean!
4)The Mirror by @wheresthekillswitch
Summary: The problem isn’t your reflection, it’s the mirror you’re using
Pairing: None
Warnings: self-doubt
My Review: This sweet little drabble speaks volumes for those of us who have insecurities (read: all of us!). Short, sweet, and to the point! Hold your head high.
5)Uncharted Territory by @fatestemptress
Summary: Dean thought he had done it all.  He was wrong. 
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Smutastic.  Rimming.  Anal play.  Oral (Male Receiving) 18 PLUS ONLY!!
My Review: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This is not something I ever considered erotic and Jesus christ on a cracker if this didn’t change my mind. THIS WAS FUCKING HOT AS FUCK! The smart ass Dean in the beginning, then the way you described his pleasure... fuck woman you paint a gorgeous fucking picture! Now I’m trying to put out the fire you just caused! Bitches READ IT!!
6)Tell Him How You Feel by @supernatural-jackles
Summary: Another season of Supernatural has wrapped. You are headed to the wrap party with your two best friends. One being your ex, and the other being yours and your ex’s best friend; the guy you have fallen for over the course of a few months. 
Pairing: Jensen x Reader, past Jared x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Feels,  Fluff,  Sweet Smut, Minor Talk of Insecurities.
My Review: This friends to lovers story was incredible! The backstory and how the reader was written in to the lives of Jared and Jensen was perfect! Romantic, sensual, and just so warm and fuzzy! Give it a read, it fulfills your fantasy 😉
7)Being Kept by TheShygirl on AO3
Summary: Reader is at an out-of-town hotel for a work meeting when a big storm hits. A power outage from the storm leaves her trapped in an elevator with two extremely attractive men who decide to make the most out of a bad situation. From there, her life gets turned upside down as she tries to balance her newfound relationship with work and an intense interest from another man.
Pairing: Please see link
Warnings: Please see link
My Review: This series was recommended to me by several friends! And I’ll be honest, based in the tags and warnings, I would have never read it. But I asked my friends about my concerns and they reassured me. So I trusted them and dove into the story, and HOLY FUCK am I glad that I did! Two things you should know about me, 1) I don’t typically read RPF and 2) I have never read M/M, F/F. And before you jump to conclusions NO I’m not homophobic, I’m straight and read reader insert so M/F is what I gravitate to. WELL this fic changed both of those things with multiple partners/pairings! It was sexy, erotic, romantic, angsty, and fluffy! It left me happy, ecstatic, sad, furious, upset, betrayed, sickened...literally any emotion you can have was portrayed in this fic and I felt every single one! Folks this story is so good that it felt REAL, like BTS this scenario is actually happening in real life. It’s 73 chapters, but trust me it’s worth it and in the end you will be begging for more!!
8)Thunder Rolls by @amanda-teaches
Summary: When your fear of thunderstorms is triggered, Dean decides to distract you the best way he can- with some good, old-fashioned, mind-blowing sex.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: SMUT (unprotected penetrative sex), swearing; 18+ only
My Review: This was intensely passionate! The sex is hot but the love behind it really makes it great! The authors use of super descriptive descriptions of your pleasure will have you clenching your thighs!
9)Lingering Scents by @kittenofdoomage
Summary: Dean’s always tried to resist the pull. How long until he can’t anymore?
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Warnings: jealousy, angst, scenting, A/B/O, rough sex, implied breeding, marking, mentions of sort-of cheating.
My Review: whew! If your in to A/B/O fics this one is hot! Dean learns that he can’t fight fate and your more than willing to go along!
10)Cupid Can Shove his arrow right up his... by @bamby0304
Summary: Valentine’s day sucks when you’ve got no one to send you flowers or serenade you with sweet song. You’re in a mood, stomping around the overcrowded bunker, not caring if you kill the buzz of the couples around you. Luckily for them, however, Sam is quick to distract you.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. Little bit of Valentine’s day hate. Smut. Dirty talk. Thigh riding. Fingering. Praise kink. Hair pulling. Panty kink. Biting. Unprotected sex.
My Review: Holy Fucking shit I LOVED THIS! The attitude, the sass, the fucking innuendos... THE FUCKING! Jesus Christ on a crumbled cracker, This one killed. Go beg Amber for MORE of this! And make sure you say PLEASE! We need to see ALL those scenarios played out... Read this one in privacy ladies and have a helper handy 😏😉
11)Only One Woman I Trust by @georgialouisea
Summary: None
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sophie, Marg.
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing
My Review:This is just absolutely precious! You think you know what’s going on but there’s a surprise! This one will rot your teeth ❤️
12)Edge of Glory by @sculptorofbeginnings
Summary: A supply run with Dean and Castiel takes an interesting turn.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Castiel
Warnings: This is just Smut. Gratuitous, Endverse, smut. Implied established relationship and previously agreed upon situations. 
My Review: Well damn. Shaila gets you revved up right off the bat with an amazing gif! Then sweet fucking sin it gets hotter from there! Ladies save this one for some alone time.... it’s definitely a panty ruiner.
13)Inked Up by @evansrogerskitten
Summary: Dean most definitely, not at all, really doesn’t, have a crush.
Pairing: Dean x tattooed!Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Cursing a lot cuz it’s Dean. 18+ because you must be an adult to be on my blog
My Review: Ever want to know what goes on inside Dean’s head when he sees a hot girl? This fic is super hilarious and totally fluffy! I love Dean’s internal struggle to keep himself in check 😂 this one is fun!
14)Match Made on Crushbook by @carryonmywaywardwriters-deactiv
Summary: The douchebags of online dating...
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Online Dating struggles (made from actual chats I’ve gotten...cringe with me). Mutual masturbation. Some dirty talk. A bit of praise!kink. I believe that is all during this part.
My Review: As a girl with a serious praise!kink this one got me all hot a bothered! And as a single female trying to find a relationship... this fic is totally relatable!
15)Good Morning Beautiful by @ladywinchester1967
Summary: Good Morning Indeed.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Oral sex (female receiving), fluff, smut, Dean being a sweetheart. All porn, zero plot. 
My Review: Holy fuck this is so.... yes, all the yes! I want this, I NEED this!! God it’s just so fluffy and passionate. LOVE IT
16)Reunited by @saxxxology
Summary: Sam’s locked in a government prison during the birth of his first child. Reuniting him with his family is the best thing that could have ever happened to him
Pairing: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of killing, Alpha/Omega parenting instincts, non-graphic labor, fluff, lots of happy tears
My Review: OMG this is somewhat heart shattering, but Oh so fluffy! You start off wanting to cry but don’t worry, those will turn to happy tears :)
17)Dangerous Dance by @bamby0304
Summary: When you first saw him, you knew he wasn’t like any other man that walked through the doors. There was a gleam in his eyes that screamed mischief. A gleam you would come to crave just as much as he craved you, if not more. When you first saw him, you had no idea what you were in for.
Pairing: Soulless!Sam x exotic-dancer!Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. Angst. Fluff. Pole dancing. Sexy dancing. Smut. Dom!soulless!Sam. Fingering. Masturbation. Voyeurism. Dry humping. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Bondage. Breath play. Squirting. Other smut related warnings that I just can’t think of right now.
My Review: Folks grab a fire extinguisher because this series is HOT! 14 chapters of deliciously smutty soulless Sam! What more could you ask for? Amber hits a lot of kinks in this series so you are likely to find something you like or discover a kink you didn’t know you had!!
18)Discipline by @squirrel-moose-winchester
Summary: After flirting with a suspect to gain information against Sam’s orders, she must suffer the consequences.
Pairing: Dom!Sam x Reader
Warnings: Smut (but not really), Spanking (of a slightly different kind), Implied sex, Rough!Sam
My Review: To steal a line from one of our favorite memes “Mark me down as scared and horny!” Whew! This was unexpectedly hot and a total surprise! Note to self, do not make Sam angry.... or ya know DO!
19)Worthless by @maddiepants
Summary: It's hard to fight the demons, when they're inside your head.
Characters: Reader, Dean, and Sam
Warnings: thoughts of suicide, talk of possible self harm, self hatred, Dean being a helpful, loving bean, Angst.
My Review: This one is angsty but wow it’s also very poetic! I know many of us struggle with this very scenario and Erica has written it beautifully.
20)Wrecked by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Summary: After the show, alone in a dark corridor, he shows you exactly what that song means.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Kissing, Vaginal Fingering, Clothed Sex, Wall Sex, Slight Chain Metal Kink, lip biting, Jensen Ackles in that fucking CBGB t-shirt and hat and the wallet chain WTF dude, Let’s pretend he’s single, Like a Wrecking Ball, you know why, Smut, Shameless Smut, Consent is Sexy, NSFW
My Review: JFC if this isn’t every Jensen girls fantasy! This one just ruined me! Wall sex, hand over your mouth, soft nips and kisses *shudders* give it a read!
Taglist:  @idreamofplaid  @dean-winchesters-bacon  @maddiepants  @pisces-cutie​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99  @spnmightkillme @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting  @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01  @sammyimpala-67 @lunarboycas​  @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean  @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​ @ruthiesconnells​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten  @missjenniferb​ @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313​ @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @purpleskiesandcherrypies @curly-haired-disaster @getnaildbyme @thoughtslikeaminefield @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition
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malivalcyas · 5 years
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( lalisa manoban, cisfemale, she/her, 22. ) —  MALIVALAYA  SIRINAT,  better  known  to  the  media  as  LOKI  has  been  working  for  the  yōkai  for  around  FOUR  YEARS.  rumor  has  it,  she  can  be  impish  &  corporeal  but  also  caustic  &  machiavellian  which  is  why  she  makes  the  perfect  BURGLAR.
listen  i’ve  been  looking  for  a  good  thief  rp  probably  since  i  was  born  &  i’m  not  even  being  dramatic.  hi i’m  bliss  and  i’m  .....  so  heckin  excited  to  be  here  !   tbh  this  is  the  first  kpop  fc  i’ve  ever  played  but  i  was  vulnerable  and  a  friend  pushed  me  off  the  ledge  into  the  deep  abyss  that  is  youtube  &   ....  i  had  a  religious  experience  over  lisa  so  here  we  are.  alright  i’ll  put  a  bit  about  my  lil  gremilin  mali  under  the  cut  and  all  you  have  to  do  is  give  that  little  heart  down  there  some  love  &  i’ll  come  to  you  for  plots  !  heads  up  it  might  be  poopy  bc  i’m  surviving  solely  on  cold  medicine  &  i  just  took  another  shot  of  nyquil  .  so  i’m   gonna  try  &  knock  this  out  before  that  kicks  in  lol
mali is what we in the states like to call an unhappy little accident. her mother never really wanted to be a mother but shit happens when you party naked and lo and behold 9 months after her first missed period, mali popped out like a screaming little demon.
she wasn’t really cut out to be a mother and mali was nothing but an inconvenience to the plans she had laid for herself so mali was shipped off to live with her grandparents until her mother decided she had need of her.
she was raised in the circus. she started off doing the high flying arts like the trapeze and tightrope walking but is also a bit of a contortionist.
which was all fine and dandy until her grandparents died in a work related accident when she was 15. but it was all great bc her mom decided to pop back into her life at that precise time right ?? 
her mother started using her to help her run cons, lift wallets, all that great fun stuff. but it turned out mali was a natural at it.
they worked their way around europe, running one con or another which mostly involved mali’s mom grifting her way into a situation and mali being the one to lift the goods
she had a bit of a head for flinging herself off of buildings on cables and stuff like that. total adrenaline junkie. not really into the finesse of grifting but she could do it when need be. 
it was a great little system until her mom picked the wrong mark to play a long con on. nothing went wrong, per se, her mother still walked out with more money than she could shake a stick at but mali came out the real winner when she ran away with his most prized posession; his daughter. and also gained her freedom from her mother in the process
it was a fun filled year and honestly i should probably  change when she joined up with the yokai but i committed to 4 years and mama didn’t raise no quitter so we’re just going to pretend time is a little more liquid in this universe ksksks
they eventually split up and mali joined up with the yokai bc demons should always travel in packs and practice the use of the Buddy System.
why? don’t ask. she’s keeping it a secret. but rumor has it she lifted the wrong wallet from the wrong person and found herself in a spot of trouble that they’re helping her out of. 
code name loki bc honestly she’s such a little shit.
her mask looks something like this. somewhat simple so it doesn’t get in the way when she needs to move quick. doesn’t obstruct her vision. doesn’t cover much of her face which in her opinion is unremarkable aside from the scar that cuts through her right eyebrow which the mask manages to cover.
personality wise she’s such a smart ass. the sass is real with this one. 
physically she’s canon. but her hair varies between blonde and the wicked ash blue pony lisa sports in the kill this love vid bc UNF. shes got some tattoos! which i have yet to figure out the specifics on.
as for plots ..... just fuck me up thanks. i v much enjoy angst but also a good brotp.
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