#this is specifically about hack/slash back to school
hero-in-high-tops · 9 months
The thing about me is if you want me to read your comic just put cute girls in it and I'm there
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ghenry · 10 months
2023 YouTube channel recap!
It is now the end of the year, so now I'm looking back at the videos I managed to release in 2023! There weren't too many, but they were all challenging in unique ways. So let's take a look!
Hi-Fi Rush | As Basic As Things Can Get
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So, this video is pretty polarizing. And I knew it would be! Hi-Fi Rush received endless praise when it was released in January 2023. Being fairly dabbled in both action platformers and hack-n-slash games, I had to see how it was for myself. And the water of mediocrity splashing at my face was cold enough to convince me I needed to vent about it in video form. I took this video as a lesson on exercising absolute honesty. I feel like I have been holding myself back with a lot of video projects because I was afraid of coming off too strong. But this time I didn't care. I let out my most raw, uncouth feelings about this game because I want to be more comfortable with my voice and assertiveness. In that sense, I think I succeeded. The split ratio would say otherwise, though.
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The point of the video: Hi-Fi Rush took advantage of having this specific art style that not a lot of high-end companies really tackle, and that carried it throughout waves of praise, despite having middling game design and lack of confidence in what it actually succeeds in. It underplays its own strength--the hack-n-slash combat-- and pads the game out to a high degree suing boxy platforming with only character dialogue attempting to make it drag less. Games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta have similar structures where it showcases awkward platforming that isn't very fun to perform, but they both go elbow-deep with their pure combat (which takes up the majority of their campaigns) because the developers were confident in the hack-n-slash gameplay. Tango did not have that confidence, which is why the majority of the gameplay is boxy platforming that lacked any sense of urgency or challenge.
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Also, the writing sucks complete ass and Chai is a terrible example of writing an unlikable protagonist. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise. I'm so sick of everyone trying to make their own Spider-Man.
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I don't regret this video, even a little bit. I don't care how many people unsubscribed, if they're not here to take in my thoughts and feelings, what are they here for? Because that's all I'm doing and will continue to do with my channel.
Crime is Crime | The Silver Case Analysis
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This was something I've wanted to do for years, but prioritized Travis Strikes Again as well as No More Heroes 3. Even so, The Silver Case was a daunting project. I'm not a professional writer, I never took any elective courses for it throughout my school career. I don't consider myself even remotely smart, never-mind 'an intellectual.' I'm not even that familiar with philosophy and such, so part of me was thinking "Do I even have the capacity to analyze this game?" literally every single second I was writing, capturing, and editing the video.
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Regardless, in the end, I think I got a good grasp of the story and was able to dissect a lot of it in a satisfying manner.
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The point of the video: Crime will always exist, but what's more interesting is the source of it. The motivation of an individual, a society, or even a corporation. The game also showcases a lot of elements and even narrative quirks that would be prevalent in Suda51's future directing gigs. I think he and his crew have some fine critiques on things like capitalism, police justice, and what it means to be a part of a controlled society. It doesn't give any answers in how you can change the worst parts of a society, but it isn't really meant to in any real way, it just isn't that simple.
Analyzing Henry Cooldown | The Devil In the Details
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What started out as a little defense piece for Henry in No More Heroes 3 ended up much longer and more in-depth than I initially planned. While looking over his dialogue, appearance, and overall design, I realized there is so much more to this living plot-twist.
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The point of the video: I think Henry represents the devil for Travis Touchdown. And this further accentuates what I've pontificated in my full analysis of NMH3, that Travis is stuck in this eternal form of hell. While Suda has never explained --and probably never will-- what he was trying to say with games like NMH, I like to think having Travis be cursed with eternal battle, eternal recognition, and eternal brand potency (like many video game icons) was something he was considering, at least by the time he was making NMH3.
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And, sure, I've analyzed and described Henry to mean different things, but so what? He can be more than one thing. Nothing is certain, a lot of this will remain open for interpretation. That's art.
Grasshopper's Translator | James Mountain Interview
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Earlier this year I got to have a nice, long chat with James Mountain, the main translator/interpreter of Grasshopper Manufacture! I wanted his input since he was the sole individual given the task to translate the entirety of The Silver Case from beginning to end. I ended up learning a lot about him as well as the process of such a dense job that is interpreting a visual novel completely by yourself. I also thought it'd make a good exercise if I ever want to release videos like this again. I had fun learning how to make audio visualizers as well as including visual context during our conversations.
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The point of the video: There was a lot of debate (and bickering) in regards to the English interpretation of the game, and I figured who better to clarify their process of the whole thing than the interpreter himself? I had a lot of fun conducting this interview, and there were a lot of bits I didn't use for my analysis video, so I figured it would make a nice bonus for everyone!
That's everything from this year! I'm really proud of how all of these videos came out, and I'm itching to keep going, expressing myself to my best ability! But I think a little break is in order. Thank you so much if you have read up to here! Have a great rest of your holiday, and I'll catch you in 2024!
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trustscale · 2 years
Rogue legacy ps4
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#Rogue legacy ps4 upgrade#
#Rogue legacy ps4 full#
You'll find yourself saying “just one more run” well into the wee hours of the morning as you know that this time, you're finally defeating that specific boss you almost beat last time. Expect to put hours upon hours into this game to reach the end, as the game will hook you in with its icy tendrils and never let go. Rogue Legacy, despite looking and feeling like an old school game, isn't something you're going to beat in an afternoon. Expect original jokes along with jokes derived from other games, such as Goonies II and Skyrim, so even though you'll be dying (and dying often) you'll do so with a smile on your face.
#Rogue legacy ps4 full#
The way your character runs, full of confidence with his sword pointing skyward and not a care in the world, gives you an idea of how the game presents itself. The game is well animated, the colors are crisp and vibrant, and all characters are full of detail. While the graphical style of the game won't push the PlayStation 4 to its limits, fans of 2D will find a lot to love here. Rogue Legacy harkens back to a time when games were about fun through both its graphics and humor. Once again, Rogue Legacy rethinks the roguelike genre, giving an alternative to every complaint most people have. However, if you find yourself dead but really enjoyed the layout of the castle you were in, you can explore the same layout a second time for a small fee after unlocking a specific feature. The four environments are always located in the same specific sections of the castle, so you'll always have a good idea of where to go to find specific areas, but every room in those environments will never be in the same layout twice. There are times when certain rooms will repeat, but on the whole each time you enter the castle you'll never know what awaits you at each turn. Like you would expect from a roguelike, the entire castle is randomized, presenting a new experience every time you enter its doors. These disabilities had a challenging, but fun, aspect to an already challenging game. Maybe your character is twice his normal size, making it easier to get hit, or maybe his vision is so bad he only sees things in black and white. However, with the good comes the bad and each new character will have a number of built-in disabilities, called character traits. While you initially start off as a warrior, capable of just hacking and slashing, future characters may be wizards, capable of attacking enemies at a distance, or a knight, able to block enemy attacks with his shield. However, in Rogue Legacy, your new character is the offspring of the character before him or her, chosen from a pool of three potential candidates. In many roguelikes, you play as the same character every time you start the game. Any remaining gold is taken from you as soon as you enter the castle, so purchase as much as you can before venturing back in! There is just one restriction: you can't carry gold over from one playthrough to the next. A single run never feels like a waste when you die as you're always progressing towards something. So while you may die, and die often, you're slowly making your character stronger while progressing just a little bit further in the game every time you play.
#Rogue legacy ps4 upgrade#
Through these shops you can upgrade your weapons, armor and even give yourself special abilities, such as dashing or double jumping. Where Rogue Legacy rethinks the roguelike genre is that the items and gold you find carry over to the next character, which you can use to upgrade your base of operations and unlock extra health, attack power and various shops. You'll jump, slash, downward-slash and more as you fight not only vicious enemies but the castle itself, which is laden with traps such as spikes and fireballs.Ĭhances are good that you will die, most likely in your first five minutes playing the game. You'll explore a giant castle, seeking to do battle with the four bosses who reside in the four unique wings of the castle, in order to unlock and defeat the final boss. Rogue Legacy is a 2D, action platformer similar to titles such as Castlevania and Metroid. Make no mistake, Rogue Legacy is still a difficult game, but it's also an incredibly fun one as well. If this sounds like an awful gaming experience for you, don't stop reading yet! Rogue Legacy, headed to the PlayStation 4 sometime in 2014, has all the fun elements of a roguelike while still providing some improvements to the genre to make it more accessible for newcomers. Upon dying, you must start the game over from square one, typically losing all of your accrued items, progress and experience. A roguelike is best described as a game where you have one life, and one life only, to progress as far as you can in the game without dying.
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yellowspiralbound · 2 years
Witcher School Headcannons
A collection of head canons about each Witcher school. 
Wolf School
Specialization: Curses
Wolf Witchers specialize in the breaking of curses. By the time of their descent from Kaer Morhen, all Wolf Witchers know cures for common curses such as lycanthropy. They are also well versed in discovering curses, their origins, and their possible cures. Many Wolf Witchers die at the hands of Cursed Ones during their first year on the Path as they try to cure instead of kill. Typically, those that return to the Path for a second time have discovered how to tell when Cursed Ones are lost causes. 
Specific/Distinct Mutations: N/A - The School of the Wolf still uses the same mutagens first used by the Order of Witchers before it split into the separate schools. 
Combat Tactics/Fighting Styles: All Witchers will develop their own fighting style with time, but most wolves have a tactic in common: exhaustion. Similar to their animal counterparts, which are endurance hunters and will follow their prey for miles, Wolf Witchers often rely on tiring their opponent out through the strategic use of oils, dodges, and Signs. 
Trial of the Medallion: Any Witcher to emerge from Kaer Morhen goes through the grueling Trial of the Mountain during which they ascend Troll’s Head Mountain without being killed by Old Speartip, the cyclops in the caverns, or by the trolls beyond the caverns. Then, the trainee would place their Withcher’s medallion in the Circle of Elements to activate it. (Canon)
Headquarters: Kaer Morhen in Kaedwan near the Gwenllech River. 
Fun Facts: 
Geralt and the others that died during the second round of mutations were the first attempts at a specially mutated Wolf Witcher. Vesemir was afraid Geralt would end up with the Madness common in Cat Witchers as a result, but it never materialized. 
Wolf Witchers are considered by most to be the most traditional of the Witcher schools and many of their teachings date back to the Order of Witchers. 
Wolf Witchers have a relatively good reputation with humans, as far as Witcher-human relationship goes because Wolf Witchers are reliable and fair with their prices. 
(rest of the schools below cut)
Cat School 
Specialization: Revenge 
It is commonly believed by other Witchers (and the Cats are quite content to let them believe this) that Cat Witchers will kill any human for any price. This is not, in fact, the full truth. Many consider the hardest part of hiring a Cat Witcher assassin to be convincing them that their victim truly deserves to die. It is, naturally, up to the individual Witcher to pass judgment and some Cat Witchers are more willing assassins than others. 
Specific/Distinct Mutations: 
Pheromone control (using their scent to manipulate others/situations)
Retractable claws between the fingernail and nail bed 
Flexible musculoskeletal system (a fancy way of saying their muscles/bones are different and allow for more flexibility and insane jumping height) 
The Madness. 
No Cat has all of them, but all Cats have the Madness to some level. The variation in mutations among Cats stems from the long history of experimentation on them. 
Combat Tactics/Combat Styles: Naturally, Cat Witchers prefer stealth. A typical Cat Witcher will hang in the shadows for as long as possible and, when they do emerge, they will attempt to make the kill as quick and as clean as possible. Cats tend to fight…surgically. Rather than the hack-and-slash method employed by Wolves, Cats prefer to strike areas that will cause immediate results. It’s not unusual for assassination victims to be found with slashed Achilles’ heels to prevent running. Part of Cat training involves learning the most effective places to slash on as many creatures as possible. 
Trial of the Medallion: The final Trial for a Cat Witcher is called the Trial of the Noose. The Trial of the Noose involves a complex aerial obstacle course of sorts. Trainees are expected to complete the course, which is in the shape of a noose, in a set amount of time. Before the day of the trial, bait is set for harpies nearby, which adds an extra layer to the challenge. 
Headquarters: Dyn Marv Caravan in…um…wherever they want it to be.
Fun Facts:
Although experiments were conducted to remove emotions from Cats, they failed. Cats have the same emotional capacity as other witchers...in theory. In truth, prolonged experimentation has caused most older Cats to have so much trauma that their emotional scope is narrower; younger Cats do not have this problem to the same extent
A Cat can only be contacted on assassination contracts through underworld networks; contacting one at all is considered part of the proof that the client really is desperate to have their victim disposed of
The women of the continent are often the most knowledgeable about when and where a Cat can be contacted for assassination 
There is a popular myth in some parts of the Continent that all Witchers have fangs. This myth was spread by a fanged Cat seeking to bolster his own image. His plan failed when he forgot to mention his name during gossip exchanges. 
Bear School
Specialization: Politics 
An unexpected side effect of Bear Witchers’ solitary natures is their involvement in Skelligen politics. Prior to the fall of the school, Bear Witchers served Skellige in an official capacity. Each clan had at least one Bear Witcher in their employment at all times. A clan’s Witcher would handle all contracts in that clan’s domain. They worked closely with Skelligen druids and enjoyed a hesitant respect from most Skelligens. Bear Witchers also acted as advisors to the clan leaders in a manner similar to sorceresses on the Continent. 
Specific/Distinct Mutations: 
Shapeshifting (may become a bear at will) 
“Steroid” blood (the more blood a Bear loses, the more powerful their attacks become)
Combat Tactics/Combat Styles: Bear Witchers rely on their own strength during battle. Like all Skelligens, they are not afraid of injury and often rely on said injuries to draw strength due to their blood mutations. Another common strategy among Bear Witchers is to keep their bear form in the reserves and break it out when they are almost defeated, often fatally stunning their enemy with their transformation. 
Trial of the Medallion: Called the Trial of Salt by Bear Witchers, this Trial of the Medallion is one of the most brutal faced by any school. In the Trial of Salt, Bear Witchers are expected to take on a swarm of aquatic monsters in the sea with a plethora of open wounds inflicted by their masters. The salt of the sea agitates the wounds and makes all movements painful. Bears that survive the Trial carry permanent scars. Many get intricate tattoos of the beasts they defeated over the scars.
Headquarters: Kaer Gelen on Ard Skellige, near Gedyneith ( non - canon; Canon headquarters is Haern Caduch in the Amell Mountain that separates Nilfgaard and the Northern Realms.)
Fun Facts:
Berserkers were created by Bear Witcher mages in an attempt to perfect the mutagens for the school. Since the mutagens supposedly failed completely, they were not sterilized which is why Berserkers are still found today. 
Bear Witchers only rarely returned to Kaer Gelen in the winter; most chose to stay with their clan and a few would winter with the druids in Gedyneith
Bear Witchers are often heavily tattooed in accordance with Skellige tradition. After a particularly difficult hunt that they wish to commemorate, a Bear can always be found adding ink to his skin. 
Viper School
Specialization: Assassination 
Much of the reputation held by Cat Witchers can be more accurately attributed to Viper Witchers. This misunderstanding is used to the Vipers’ advantages. It isn’t unusual for a Viper to don a Cat medallion before enacting an assassination. Vipers will kill anyone for the right price and pry information out of them first for an additional fee. 
Specific/Distinct Mutations: 
Black Blood (Viper blood is toxic to almost everything - think the black blood potion but all the time.)
Toxic saliva (different Vipers have different effects. For example, one witcher may have saliva that paralyzes, while another has saliva that intoxicates.)
Combat Tactics/Combat Styles: Due to their toxic blood, two main forms of combat have evolved within the vipers: ranged and close-combat fighters:
Close-Combat Vipers lean into their toxic blood. Close-combat Vipers will occasionally allow their foe to get hits on them to poison them or corrode their blades. They fight with two "fangs" tipped with poison. Fangs are typically silver/steel daggers but can be made of anything the Viper desires. Some notable alternatives include bone, actual fangs, glass, and stone.
Ranged Vipers adhere to the fact that while their blood is deadly, they're no good to anyone if they're dead. Instead, ranged Vipers use poisoned arrows to attack their foes. The arrows are poisoned with their own blood.
Trial of the Medallion: The Trial of Sacrifice is the final hurdle a Viper faces before receiving their Medallion. As Vipers often work behind enemy lines and kill those they laid with only a moment before, they can’t get too attached to anything. Ever. The Trial of Sacrifice ensures they are prepared for this. When a Viper trainee arrives, they are invited to select a pet. That pet is then their companion and best friend for the entirety of their Withcer training. During the Trial of Sacrifice, a Viper must look their pet in the eye and kill it. (Canon)
Headquarters: Gorthur Gvaed in the Tir Tochair mountains between the Korath Desert and Nilfgaard. Most inhabitants of the mountains are non-humans.
Fun Facts:
Due to the Trial of Sacrifice, Vipers struggle to form attachments to anyone or anything 
The Schools of the Cat and the Viper do not have good relations and the rivalry is overshadowed only by the one between the Wolves and Cats. 
Griffon School
Specialization: Magic, the Dead
Griffons specialize in the art of magic. While their magic is not as powerful as that of a sorcerer or sorceress, it is quite powerful. Griffons can make use of magic beyond the usual Signs. They specialize in a type of magic that is cast using not Elder but Common. Extremely talented Griffons may be able to cast telepathically. Their heavily enchanted Witcher Medallions allow them to fly for short periods of time as well. 
Griffons chose to inhabit a deeply haunted land. To combat this, they quickly adjusted magic to help them communicate with the dead. This magic is considered necromancy and is therefore frowned upon by almost everyone, but Witchers are already frowned upon so what’s one more rumor? 
Specific/Distinct Mutations:
Magic enhancers (the mutation that allows the use of Common instead of Elder in spell casting.)
Air sacs 
Light bones 
Combat Tactics/Combat Styles: Griffons are advantageous fighters. They make use of their surroundings in any way possible, whether that’s by knocking opponents off cliffs or taking advantage of flammable materials. Griffons are also well known for using gravity to their advantage. Some Griffons are known for lifting their foes a considerable distance into the air and dropping them. 
Trial of the Medallion: The Trial of the Egg is the final trial a Griffon Witcher must face. The trainee must locate a Griffon egg, steal it without the parents noticing and transport it to a secondary location. Griffons may choose to take the Trial of the Book instead. During the Trial of the Book, they must recite the Liber Tenebrarum. No trainee has ever selected the Trial of the Book. (Canon)
Headquarters: Kaer Saren in the Kestrel Mountains in the Kingdom of Kovir and Poviss. 
Fun Facts:
The Griffon and Crane schools work closely together due to the typically dual flying/swimming nature of aquatic beasts. 
Kaer Seren was standing for centuries before the Griffons took it over 
The library of Kaer Seren was one of the greatest in the world and contained many book on mutagens and Common magic 
Common magic was feared by mages because they would lose their power if the commoners could cast without Aretuza and Ban Ard. This led to considerable tension between the groups. 
Griffons do not have issues with killing dragons, unlike other Witcher schools. 
Crane School
Specialization: Aquatic creatures
Cranes specialize in societies that live underwater, such as the Vodyanoy, and the monsters that plague them like water elementals, sea serpents, and krakans. 
Specific/Distinct Mutations: 
Webbed fingers/toes
Second eyelid
Pressure resistance 
Combat Tactics/Combat Styles: Of course, Cranes use their underwater skills. Like Water Hags, they often use silt and sand to blind their opponents. If they’re fighting a creature from a boat, they wrap a thick silver rope around it and yank it upward, out of its element. If they are stalking an amphibious creature, they take a page out of a crocodile’s book and keep still and silent. 
Trial of the Medallion: The Trial of the Frog is the final trial for Crane trainees. The Trial of the Frog focuses on adaptability in combat, like how a Frog adapts to living on land. Similar to a triathlon,  the Trial of the Frog takes place in all three of the main fighting environments of Crane Witchers. Provided they survive, the trainees become full fledged Witchers.
Headquarters: Kaer Nhon in the Silk Islands (Headcannon; no cannon headquarters. Kaer Nhon does not exist at all, unlike Kaer Gelen which can be found in Skellige in Witcher III)
Fun Facts:
Cranes are considered good luck on ships and are often allowed to travel on them for free - a rare reaction to the presence of a Witcher 
The School of the Crane is the only predominantly female school 
Many sea shanties are written by or reference Crane Witchers 
Myths about sirens being desirable originated due to drunk soldiers spotting Cranes in the depths. 
Cranes are generally the most well-natured and amicable Witchers 
Crane Witchers typically face the least persecution from humans despite being the most inhuman Witchers. This is because Crane Witchers do not belong in the uncanny valley like other Witchers; they’re seen as fully inhuman to the point where they enjoy a status not unlike the status of dragons - some people still fear them, but they’re largely respected. 
Manticore School
Specialization: Defense
Specific/Distinct Mutations:
Bulky frames
Tough skin (even by witcher standards) 
Reinforced bones
Combat Tactics/Combat Styles: 
Manticores, unlike all other witchers, are a preventative measure, not a reactive one. While they will kill monsters already present, they focus more on keeping monsters out of human settlements. They achieve this in many ways: they focus on finding and eradicating nests, building walls lined with silver, and teaching the common man how to handle the common monster.
 Manticore fighting styles also reflect their defensive nature. Manticores typically use large shields as their primary weapons. These shields are usually jagged along at least one edge and feature a large spike in the center. This shield effectively protects the witcher, and damages their opponent in one swift move. In the hand not holding the shield, Manticores are equipped with a small "stinger." A stinger is typically a small knife tipped in poison or enchanted to burn the flesh of an opponent. 
Trial of the Medallion: Trial of the Sands is the name given to the Manticores’ final trial. The Trial consists of the trainee making their way form one fortress to the other while taking no injuries - not even one from a cactus spine. It is not uncommon for a Manticore trainee to attempt the Trial multiple times. Because of the nature of the Trial of the Sands, Manticores train for much longer than the Witchers of other schools. 
Headquarters: Behelt Nar & Bialsuf Alsarea are the twin fortresses of the Manticores. One fort is at each end of the Korath desert.
Fun Facts:
Manticore Witchers are also called Alqatil
Women can be Manticore Witchers 
Manticore Witchers are considered dragon protectors by the dragon worshipers of Zerrikania 
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zeldareyesblog · 3 years
Bayonetta 2: The Controversial Witch Trials
**This was a responsive essay that I had written back in February 24, 2020 and revised on March 1st, 2020 for “Introduction to Composition” college class. Yes, I got an A+ on this.** 
                            Bayonetta 2: The Controversial Witch Trials
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           In Giuseppe Nelva’s article, “Bayonetta 2’s “Over-Sexualization” Complaint: A Perfect Example of What’s Wrong with Modern Reviews”, I  found the reviews of the game to be unfair because Bayonetta 2 was judged based on the amount of provocative imagery it contained rather than Platinum Games’ improvement from the first Bayonetta’s gameplay, mechanics, and creative execution. Nelva’s concerns were the same as mine because we believed that no videogame should be judged by the amount of controversial content it has. Instead, video games should be judged if the video game’s creators have exceeded beyond expectations to entertain the players.
Video game reviewers are needed to help companies like Platinum Games improve their work ethic, so that the next video game they make from that specific series would not feature the same issues again. However, we have big video game reviewers like Polygon, who has judged this video game based on its “blatant over-sexualization” rather than Bayonetta 2 game’s execution as quoted from article, “I won’t guess why the blatant over-sexualization is still there, often more intensely than before. But it causes an otherwise great game to require a much bigger mental compromise to enjoy.” Even though a 7.5 out 10 would not be considered an awful rating for Bayonetta 2, it deserved more than that and it also deserved a more objective review rather than a subjective review despite the obvious adult content mentioned by Polygon’s throughout most of the review. While Bayonetta 2 did include sexual themes and references throughout the franchise and characters as much as strong language and violence is concerned, should it be used to solely judge the merits of a videogame? What if the creators of Bayonetta 2 intentionally put the controversial content there to show how our virtuous boundaries could be broken under harsh circumstances, but can still become a strong, wise, and beautiful person against all odds?
           To be honest though, I did understand that when my mother and I bought this video game from GameStop just last year during the holiday semester break as my New Year’s Eve present when I was 19 years old, she and I were both already aware of the  content.  Such as female characters being portrayed in a sexualized manner with extremely exaggerated proportions displayed in tight-fitting suits while in combat. There were also female characters being stripped of those suits for a brief amount of time to summon “infernal demons” as an aid in combat for huger enemies until their wicked weaves covered their private parts, and the innuendos spoken while the female characters interact with male characters in advance. However, the reason my mother approved of me playing that game, regardless of the adult content, was because she took her time to educate me about such content prior to succeeding my first semester in college. Because of our mother-daughter conversations,  it was still pointless to judge the game based on its own provocative content and more on how it has executed itself as an entertainment medium as a result. Unlike most parents that I met who let my friends play M-rated video games before they completed their secondary education and reached the appropriate age, my mother never let me play any M-rated game until I completed my secondary education and when I reached the appropriate age of 17 years old or older according to the Entertainment Ratings Software Board (ESRB) guidelines because she believed that proper  education and parental guidance would develop a real sense of maturity and high tolerance on all adult content that I would be exposed to in the future and she was right about that.
           Furthermore, when I compared my now adult self to the friends that played a variety of M-rated videogames while they were underaged and still in middle school a very long time ago, I remembered that they were complete hyperactive chatterboxes to the point of aggravation, became more aggressive in their gaming habits and personalities, and even learned new curse words that I have never even heard before. When it came to sexually suggestive content in mature-rated video games, my old middle school friends did not seem to process that kind of content in a composed and civilized manner which resulted in them having some misogynistic and judgmental views of women, especially fictional video game women like Bayonetta who had self-confidence on and off the battlefield and remained fearless in her sexuality and beauty. Although, I did not blame M-rated video games alone because I knew that it was obviously the parents who enabled their underaged children to play those mature-rated video games since they were impatient and did not take the time to teach their kids about what kind of content they could be getting themselves into if they bought the game no matter how entertaining it was, and why they should not expose themselves to it until they are at the appropriate age anyways.
           Moving on, Nelva has mentioned in his article that “What should be reflected, first and foremost, in a review’s content and in its score is the game’s quality, and while several aspects of “quality” are subjective, there are also many that aren’t. Production values are an example: graphics, animation, audio, textures, effects; Those are objective aspects of a game’s value that should not be overlooked.” As somebody that has owned and played this video game series, in my perspective I think that Bayonetta 2 has exceeded expectations from the Bayonetta 1 when it came to smooth gameplay mechanics – being able to reduce the amount of constant button pressing to fully complete charging attacks. Not only that, but Platinum Games has provided extra abilities for players such as giving Bayonetta the ability to glide on higher platforms with her Madama Butterfly Wings after jumping upwards and a variety of random “hack and slash” combo attacks on all bosses and mini bosses that will leave the players in suspense on what Bayonetta would do next, and included online gameplay levels and offline quests that challenge the players’ skills after completion of the story mode. The graphics and textures of Bayonetta 2 were beautifully executed to even reach cinematic levels of gaming throughout cutscenes and gameplay with the camera angles strategically displayed on the entire environment, and used closeups appropriately on the characters to present details on their unusual cosmetic makeup, clothing designs, and accessories as the characters communicated with each other. As for audio, the music soundtrack provided a mysterious, foreboding, yet epic emotions that could keep all players on edge and interested in the story mode. Furthermore, the dialogue between the characters was uniquely portrayed and ranged from what strong, young women and men would realistically say or react if they had encountered any enemies based on their three-dimensional personalities.  If videogame players were tight on budget to own a headset, they could still experience the same amount of interactive and immersive fantasy-adventure gaming that Bayonetta 2 has provided as an entertainment product that would keep the players entertained for many years to come.
           That objective review I made would convince so many young adult audiences to play Bayonetta 2. Eventually, it would have gained plenty of new fans to move this game up the ranks from being stuck in the “under rated” games category to gain widespread popularity. Never had I put in my own opinion on Bayonetta 2’s provocative content, because I know that judging a game based on what kind of adult material it had was not my job as a reviewer and I already assumed that my audience knows better what kind of material they would get themselves into before buying the game to begin with.
          What amazed me now was how the world wanted to showcase diversity and promote less censorship in the entertainment industry. Although, once we get what we asked for there are a lot of negative people out there on the internet that make so-called entertainment reviews to talk about how the characters in a television show, movie, or videogame do not fit their own beliefs.  According to Nelva, “It saddens me that between the many calls for diversity we’ve seen lately, some actually fly in the face of diversity itself by implying that games that celebrate sexuality and beauty like Bayonetta 2 should not exist or are not worth playing and enjoying.” This quote was a reminder to me that I should not judge any video game based on the number of suggestive themes it contains, but if it exceeded my expectations on quality video game entertainment.
         Overall, I believed that Bayonetta 2 was a compelling video game that unfortunately received a bad reputation since huge video game reviewers like Polygon judged this video game based on the amount of provocative content it contained rather than the actual gameplay and creative execution itself. The creators behind Bayonetta 2 were considered artists because they told a narrative story and designed characters beyond our own imagination and made money from our fascination in this fantasy, action, and adventure game. Besides that, the purpose of video games was to provide another form of quality entertainment that all young adult audiences could enjoy at their own leisure time and Bayonetta 2 would have been one of those videogames if we had better reviewers that judged it based on gameplay and performance, instead of content.
  Works Cited
Nelva, Giuseppe. “Bayonetta 2's ‘Over-Sexualization’ Complaint: A Perfect Example of What's Wrong with Modern Reviews.” DualShockers, DualShockers, 17 Oct. 2014, www.dualshockers.com/bayonetta-2s-over-sexualization-complaint-a-perfect-example-of-whats-wrong-with-modern-reviews/.
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Persona 5 Strikers/Scramble
So! I finished the story of Persona 5 Strikers and I wanted to share my thoughts as I have soooo much to say but cannot share with my friends due to spoilers :’) I am currently playing on a New Game+ as, ya girl wants the Platinum Trophy :o
I will talk about some of the things that I really liked here (Spoiler free don’t worry) AND include spoilery things under the cut so I won’t ruin the experience for anyone else!
The Plot
Obviously this takes place after the original Persona 5 story finishes and as opposed to a whole year, you just get 1 month with the Phantom Thieves. I really liked exploring all the cities you travel to and the character interactions were so cute!! I really like the two new characters introduced (Sophia and Zenkichi Hasegawa). Both of them fit the story so well and their interactions with the other Thieves are honestly so good and pure! Also?? Their outfits? Amazing T_T It was such a nice change seeing everyone in casual outfits as opposed to their school uniforms!
I also loved the fact that you could choose to play with characters that get introduced late game like Haru for example straight away. I for one, always have her in my party as soon as she’s available so having her for the whole game was like a dream come true haha. I’ll talk about Sophia and Zenkichi a bit more under the cut but I will say that it’s so fun to play as them! I personally prefer Sophia more as she has healing skills which are always really useful and she uses yo-yo’s for her weapons which are so fun to use. Zenkichi uses a great sword which is very Final Fantasy of him and I am loving it. I love their Phantom Thief outfits! Sophia looks super cute in her floofy coat and boots and Zenkichi just looks so cool! His hat is goals, I want one T_T
The anime cutscenes in the game are also... Omg... I just can’t help but fangirl over how everyone looks... ESPECIALLY SOPHIA OML, she’s so... Bby... And of course, the dialogue options you can choose are so funny, then again what else can you expect from a game that had the option to say “you jelly?” to Ryuji.
I won’t spoil the main plot but this game works similarly to Persona 5 in the sense of, you still go into dungeons but these ones are a lot shorter and when you leave the dungeon, the days don’t actually move forward, only specific story points advance the days. So essentially if you wished, you can stay and grind for as long as you like!
The Gameplay
I won’t lie, as expected from a hack-and-slash it gets quite chaotic at first if you don’t fully know what’s going on but you get used to it pretty quickly! The game gives you tutorials whenever anything new appears and you get the hang of it pretty well by the first dungeon. You still only have 4 characters in your party and Akira must always be present but here you can actually run around as the other party members when the battles are over! Also? Morgana gets comical sound effects when he does things like jumping and running and I was LIVING for it.
The other thing that changed is, obviously it’s not turn based so if you were like me and wore the SP restoring accessories to get 7SP back each turn, you’re in for a last surprise! In this game you actually use your items quite a lot as there isn’t a limit to how much you can use as you access them mid battle by pausing. Later on you get specific skills that restore your SP after each battle or by performing All Out Attacks and 1 More’s so honestly, SP isn’t really a problem for regular battles. I mainly found it running out quickly when I was fighting some of the optional bosses but I always had SP restoring items so it was all good hehe.
You still do things like All Out Attacks and 1 More’s in this game but you also do something called ‘Showtime’ which is very similar to the ones introduced in Royal only in Strikers it’s for one character, you basically build up the showtime gauge as you battle enemies and, once activated, you deal significant damage to stronger enemies like bosses as well as all of the enemies in the area. The All Out Attacks also have their own little animation with your party posing and just looking really good!
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Yusuke being so extra is honestly such a mood omg... Also Mona T_T So smol.
Every party member has their own special quirks such as Ann and Makoto applying Fire and Nuclear affinity respectively to their regular weapons, Morgana turning into the Mona car and so on. I personally always had Haru and Yusuke in my party and kept switching between the other Thieves to see what I like best. Personally, I really like having Morgana or Sophia as they’re really good healers, Morgana obviously having the more powerful skills such as Mediaharan and Salvation.
Also... The menus... Omg... If you thought the Persona 5 menu was stylish then you will LOVE the Strikers menus. They’re so stylish! And I love that all the Phantom Thieves are there too, it’s so cute T_T
The only thing I don’t like is the game doesn’t pause when your controller dies so uh... I may or may not have died during a boss battle when I was like 2 hits away from winning and then just... Stopped moving letting the boss hit me with a killing combo :)
To be honest though the party that I had pretty much all the time was:
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But as I said, I liked to change Morgana and Sophia around every now and then.
The Music
Omg the music. Atlus really just said: Hey what if we made Persona 5 music again but like... More epic?
The song that plays right as soon as you have control of Joker is SO. GOOD. I legit had to pause for like 5 mins just to jam out. I don’t think it will come as much of a surprise but in my opinion, Persona 5 definitely has one of the best video game soundtracks, I absolutely love all the songs!
I will discuss some of the dungeon themes in the spoilers but I absolutely love the soundtrack for this game. Every dungeon theme is so fitting for said dungeon, I genuinely listen to them all the time, especially when doing my research for my essays!
The battle music is really energetic as opposed to the jazzy feel from the original Persona 5 soundtrack but it’s very fitting for the actual battle as you often fly all around the area instead of standing in one spot. I will say, Last Surprise made an excellent comeback despite being an already amazing song which is just, amazing, incredible, fantastic...
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Other things
Well, I can’t go into detail due to spoilers but they deadass put a JoJo reference as well as a character in the game :’) The moment I saw them I was fangirling so hard!!! Also? The villain designs in this game??? Amazing. Beautiful. Very creative!
The Phantom Thieves interacting with each other is also really cute! I ESPECIALLY liked the fact that Morgana and Ryuji got along a lot better! They still had small fights here and there but they pretty much apologised to one another straight away which I really liked! Also? Ryuji protecting his friends, especially the girls? Amazing. Wonderful. Cannot help but stan.
Well, that concludes the non-spoiler section which.... Is kinda long haha, Below the cut I will talk about the spoilery things so I advise looking at it AFTER you finish the game!
The Plot
The plot of this game is really fun if you ask me. You travel around Japan defeating Monarchs in Jails AND you get to experience the joys of summer vacation with your friends and your new Persona dad. I really like the fact that you don’t advance time when you leave the Jails because this gives you the chance to grind as much as you want before tackling harder fights like some of the optional bosses. The boss designs themselves were so good! Especially Alice?! My God? She’s beautiful?? Look at her!
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Persona 5 Strikers said you can be horny on main... Just this once o_o. She literally steps on Joker in the Jail which o_o Ma’am... Plz but she ALSO steps on her manager in the real world.
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I really liked all the bosses in this game because they felt so... Real? Obviously I don’t agree with them for brainwashing people into worshipping them, but I really like how the game gave them backstories that showed why they strayed away from the right path. The fact that the Thieves tell them that they understand their struggles because they themselves went through the same thing (Like Ann and Yusuke) honestly made me appreciate the story that much more. I really liked Haru’s little arc in Sapporo because not only did she help Mariko Hyodo and show her that despite mistakes you can always stand up and start again, but she also got to have more screentime, like that cute fountain scene she has with Akira! ALSO? The Hee-Horde?! I was laughing for a solid 5 minutes when I saw it! It was so cute how Haru, Sophia, Ryuji and Yusuke were so into it while Futaba was just there like: ????
I think my favourite Jail out of all of them will definitely have to be the Kyoto one, a.k.a. the Jail controlled by Zenkichi’s daughter, Akane. Despite how short it is, you can learn so much about her. The overall aesthetic of the jail shows her love to the Phantom Thieves and in the actual Jail theme you can hear fragments of ‘Life Will Change’ and ‘Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There’ which I think is absolutely amazing! The boss fight for this jail honestly took me 3 tries to beat as the first time, I died due to not fully getting how Shadow Joker worked, and the second time, I was about 2 hits from beating him but then... My controller died :’) By the time it turned back on I was already c-c-c-c-comboed to death so :’) This is also the jail where Zenkichi awakens to his Persona and honestly? I found the little segment where he has to sneak around in his usual everyday attire so cute, bless him, he really did adopt 7 teenagers, their cat and an AI daughter.
ALSO?! They deadass put Dio in this game? Like when I first saw Natsume’s shadow I was like: Hm looks kinda familiar...
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Needless to say I was fangirling pretty hard.
I liked Akira Konoe, very much vibing with his Power Ranger aesthetic however, I have to say, his boss fights was surprisingly... Easy? At least it felt easy to me which was kind of... Disappointing I suppose for him supposedly being “the final boss” HOWEVER, I very much liked how his calling card was delivered, and the fact that Zenkichi could finally get his revenge was very satisfying! 
Now, let’s talk about the end game, mainly the Abyss Jail.  I did NOT see it coming (haha) that it was Ichinose all along! As I’m currently replaying the game, the fact that she doesn’t want to look at Sophia despite specialising in AI technology should have been my first clue that something is not quite right here! 
When she forces Sophia to attack the Thieves, it honestly broke my heart. The fact that she recognised Joker and Skull... And she threw herself off the ledge just so she can’t hurt them anymore... Yo, I love her so much T_T That’s why her awakening to her Persona (her true Persona) was such a satisfying scene! Her Persona (Pandora) has a really cool design, I especially like the fact that she represents the Hope Arcana (as there was hope left at the bottom of Pandora’s box) and that Pandora herself kept the box-y design from her original “Persona” Pithos. I found it quite funny that all the skills Pithos has ended with a “?”. Anyway, the scene where she tells Ichinose all the things she learnt, and that Ichinose herself has a heart despite believing that she doesn’t for so long was so touching. It showed that Sophia deeply cares for her, despite the fact that she literally said she’s the reason so many people are getting mind controlled by EMMA. The ending scene with the two of them laughing and holding hands... My heart T_T
Now then, let’s talk about EMMA.
I. Loved. The. Final. Boss. Fight.
The fact that the game makes you use ALL the characters for the final fight! As I usually switched out characters here and there, my reserve party members weren’t severely under-levelled which made the fight pretty okay! I had quite... Strange groups I would say as I had Makoto and Zenkichi being a team, Morgana, Ann and Ryuji being a team, and Akira, Haru, Yusuke and Sophia being the final team. The final boss itself, has an absolutely beautiful design. I especially loved the angel like wings because it really showed that EMMA saw herself as a saviour. The cutscene that plays after with all the Thieves dealing the final blows before watching all the desires fall around them was honestly so pretty... Man, this game series is just so aesthetic!
When the credits rolled and all the photos started appearing I couldn’t help but start crying. It really felt like you were actually there, living through all the memories and the fact that Sophia called the photo of all of them together “Treasure”... T_T
The Gameplay
I already pretty much said all I wanted for the gameplay in the non-spoiler section but I will say, the Showtimes and the Master Skills each character learns are so good! I love that once you master all of them you’re bascially unstoppable, I especially love Haru’s and Akira’s as it allows them to deal damage even if they’re a safe distance away from the enemy. The fact that you can learn Bond skills that restore SP with every All Out Attack and One More is honestly so helpful because it saves you going back and forth between the real world but then again, by this point you probably have way too many HP and SP restoring items!
I really liked that Zenkichi has no weaknesses and uses Almighty damage but I find the whole Fury/HP consumption combination a bit weird. After a while you get used to it and obviously you don’t have to activate fury at all but as I said before, I prefer playing as Sophia. Although, I will say that gun wise, I think Zenkichi’s are a lot more fun to use than Sophia’s blasters, but then again that’s just my personal opinion!
The Music
As I said, the music was so fitting for each Jail, I absolutely love it.
The first Jail, you honestly can’t help but bop your head to the beat. It really gives you the impression that you’re in some kind of twisted theme park which really fit the overall aesthetic of the Jail. I loved the vibrant neon colour scheme in such a dark looking place.
The Okinawa Jail... My God that theme was so good. I can’t really explain it but the song really made you feel like you were... Alone, like the place was truly abandoned and forgotten. As soon as the violin started playing I couldn’t help but just stop and listen to it. The overall jail was just so... Creepy. The Shadows there resemebled the shadows you would usually find in the previous Persona games, just this black mass slithering around. I think it was very fitting that they put the Reaper in this Jail. 
As I mentioned before, the Kyoto Jail theme is my absolute favourite. The fact that it has elements of other Persona 5 songs due to Akane being a big Phantom Thieves fan was such a good choice! I love how when you take a closer look, you can see the Phantom Thieves logo on the lanterns and the fact that Shadow Akane herself made a Phantom Thief outfit for herself... Big mood. I loved how all the Thieves encouraged her to try and get along with her dad better AND that they taught Zenkichi how to cook just so he can make curry for her, especially when you remember just how much curry means to someone like Futaba. 
I really liked the remix of Rivers in a Desert, then again what did I expect from a Persona game? The battle music is ALWAYS amazing. I really liked how this played when you fight Konoe as it parallels when you fight Shido in the original, supposedly the final fight, only to find out that there is something MUCH bigger than them.
Other things
This post is already way too long and if you read all of this... Thank you so much. Sadly, I cannot share this with any of my friends as it’s spoilers so I hope you guys don’t mind me sharing this here! I would love to see your opinion of this game!!!
Also? Yusuke and Akira are now canonically dating and I think that’s beautiful
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And then that scene later on
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Why do you think we came here with Yusuke, Morgana?
TL;DR: I love this game
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Mid-2021 Blog Update
Hey guys.
So... It’s been a while. Quite a while... and I want to lay some things out as to why I’ve been gone and the blog has practically been dead in the water for half a year, if not for a whole year. 
I want you to know that what I’m going to say will be in heavy detail. I’m comfortable speaking on it, and what information doesn’t just include me will be using either public details that I know I can share or will be put in a short and sweet manner.
This is your trigger warning: If you need to click off or scroll past due to the mention of extremely bad mental health, toxic relationships and households, the mention of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, please do so now.
. . .
First off, I’ve lessened the amount of time I’ve been online due to my mental health. I was put on antidepressants as well as told to take anti-anxiety gummies in November and will be weaned off of those starting this October. A lot of my family and relationship drama on top of the world practically shutting down and going into chaos thanks to COVID-19 just took a major toll on me. With so much on my shoulders, stress from living with said things on my shoulders, unsupportive family members, and an emotionally distant partner, I was at one of the lowest points in the life. I’d never had to be on mood-related medication in my life until last November. I’d always been able to handle what was thrown at me, but mid- to late-2020 was what knocked me down that low for the first time in my life. Suicidal thoughts came and went (they weren’t often, only when I couldn’t bottle my emotions up any longer but didn’t have a way to express them either), but even when they did, I knew that it was just in my head. I never once chose to act on them, because to me, that is not a way to solve a problem or escape your inner demons. All it does it put your personal suffering onto those around you -- your friends, family, and those who cared about you even when you don’t see it -- and it doesn’t do anyone any good. When my doctor asked me about suicide, that’s the very explanation I gave her. Yes, they happened, but I’d never act on them; it’s not a way out and it puts your pain onto others and only worsens the situation for the long-term.
Aside from that, though... I move on to other personal reasons for my absence that helped trigger what was mentioned above. Mid-August of 2019, my then fiancé's mother was murdered by two 17yr old boys of whom she and their family knew. Going off the information that was made public, one boy had mixed meth with marijuana prior to the killing. He claimed that my fiancé’s mother mouthed off and made a derogatory comment about his deceased mother, thus sparking the incident. While he claims to have only stabbed her once, the autopsy report shows that her head/face and upper torso were “hacked, slashed, and chopped” repeatedly with “various sharp, bladed objects”. Not only did they murder her, the two individuals also set the grass around her body on fire along with her home. When we found out about this having happened, I had no idea how bad it would have turned my relationship upside-down. My now ex-fiancé didn’t come from a great childhood, there was abuse and CPS, among other things. But he had managed and was a good person. He could make me laugh and tear up at his jokes, sang beautifully, and did everything to make those around him happy. When he lost his mom, it broke him. It shattered his very being, because not only did he know the two who caused it to happen, he also was unable to reconcile and make amends with his mother for what he went through as a child. He was robbed of being able to forgive and be on good terms with her, and it broke him. He stopped communicating with family, he took bereavement after being pulled from work by family the day it was confirmed to be his mother only to to fired 3 months down the line when he tried to go back (fuck Walmart for that btw), and was slowly becoming a hypochondriac. He stopped talking to me, he would cry in his sleep, and grief made him lash out as was expected. But as the days dragged on, his motivation and care towards finding a new job dwindled. He and my mother would fight endlessly and I was caught in the middle of it, as we all were in one household. There were times in which I would keep my phone on my leg and record for my own personal documentation should I need it due to how bad my own mother would belittle me, belittle my ex behind his back, and just scream and go off. When I’d turn to my ex for comfort, he wasn’t much help due to his own deteriorating mental health. He took to discord, specifically the Vampire the Masquerade community, as his escape from reality. He eventually would hardly talk to me at all, show no compassion, and at times I tried to speak with him about getting a new job or suggesting part-time ones that I felt would be easy and as stress-free as possible for him, I would be shooed away without a word; if I tried to further my attempt to have the conversation, he eventually got an attitude and would just say “Bye!” over and over again while shooing with his hand to get me to leave. There were many days where I’d get off work and sit in the bathroom for an hour and cry because of my frustration and how I felt stuck between two people I cared about deeply (ie. my ex and my mother).
My ex has since moved out and no longer lived with us. He and I are no longer together, and he has cut off all communication to me along with his family. He isn’t living in California anymore, really. He met up with discord friends and is in another state. That’s the last I heard from him. That’s the last his family heard. He doesn’t talk to us or attempt to reach out or respond when his family reaches out. I still very much care about him and want him to get better, but if he has to do so by being away from everyone, then so be it.
While I was letting - or shutting out, rather - the emotions I was feeling once he officially moved out, I relapsed with my anxiety tick; with my trichotillomania. I have a good number of smaller, thinned out spots in my hair from unconsciously pulling out strands of hair when my emotions didn’t know how to regulate. I’m still fighting to get this under control, as I do still catch myself doing it and so does my mother. It currently is not as bad as when my ex first moved out and I had to adjust back into sleeping alone and without someone next to me, but I do still pull. I am looking into trying to get my sister to order me a HabbitAware bracelet for me this Christmas in order to help get my tick back under control. I know its something I will live with forever and go in and out of doing, as there is no cure or medication to curb trichotillomania, but its something to help me be more aware of how often I do pull and to train it to no longer be a muscle memory response.
Most recently, I’ve had to stop taking melatonin. I’ve had bouts of insomnia since my ex left, and eventually I took enough melatonin to not only build an immunity to it but also a slight dependence. I was taking more than I should have been, and I noticed the signs of it and have stopped taking melatonin altogether. Due to this, I have switched to hempseed oil gummies. I take 2 before bed and they have helped wonderfully. But, due to how easy it was for me to become dependent on melatonin, I do plan to take brief breaks from the gummies to avoid a similar situation. I also do not plan on seeking an insomnia medication due to the same reasons. I knew what I was doing was wrong and I knew i was becoming addicted, and due to this I do not wish to risk it happening with a prescription sleep medication. I will deal with my bouts of insomnia as they come.
I also am conquering my insecurities towards others knowing I am a fan of Michael Jackson; a moonwalker. In elementary school (5th grade, 2009), I went through a heavy obsessive phase when he passed. I’d never heard of him, and when I listened to his music that firs time I was instantly hooked. I was ridiculed at school after I performed “Thriller” during a talent show; I had classmates going as far as saying that I must want him to kidnap and r*pe me if I enjoyed his music so much. I didn’t understand the gravity of those comments back then the way that I do now that I’m 23, but I still knew to an extent that what they were saying was in now way a good thing. I shut out his music from mid-6th grade all the way until this year. I hadn’t listened to a single song aside from hearing “Thriller” on the radio during October. For my birthday this year, I had a friend take me out of town and get away for a day. The entire time, she surprised me by playing hours of his music when in the car with her. It has since reopened that connection to his music and I’ve been listening to his songs with a fresh take, with the mind of an adult who can comprehend his words and understand finally what he’s saying for each song. As such, I’ve become more comfortable with others knowing I’m a moonwalker. You can have your opininos of the man, you can choose to believe the tabloids and junk media or make your own conclusions after assessing the details and documents of his life, but I will enjoy the same freedom of opinion.
I know this is getting pretty long, but I wanted to fill those who still might be checking up on this blog for any sort of update or spec of life coming from it in on what’s practically killed the blogs for a good chunk of time.
I do plan to slowly start doing stuff again after Halloween. I have a video made that I plan to post for Halloween and I look forward to letting Kikumi and the others be open for asks again. Until then, may the wind guide you all. I hope everyone can have a safe and wonderful rest of August. I will see you in October.
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sazzafraz · 3 years
i’m probably truly never get back to crashing tide 
Taijutsu sucks. I want to die. Everything can eat my ass.
Moving from the Land of Song’s Sun Crane Style into the far more frenetic Moon-Walking Water one favoured by Lightning proved that I was a goddamn hack who should have kept up her yoga classes. Yes, the sharingan had made learning it easy but fuck if it wasn’t hard on the joints. The recall and fluidity of the motions was only as good as my personal understanding and flexibility. I was about 50-50 on both and positively dying. 
Not that the kid cared. “When can I learn those?”
“Thirteen.” I dropped low to stretch out my hip and then returned to practicing forcing chakra the opposite direction of my movements. It was sticky and sluggish but there was no way to get better other than to just keep going. “You can learn the lighter forms the hard way but until you start puberty the muscle mass necessary won’t be there.”
“I thought you didn’t fight.”
I did fight. Very close range or very long. I was a sitting duck otherwise. Dropping into a slightly messy Pigeon Pose I waved him forward. “You’re never going to have as much muscle mass as the Inuzuka or the Hyuuga. It may not seem like it but they build ‘em big. Just be glad you won’t have to fist fight a Senju.” Oh wait. He might have to fist fight a Senju. “And if you do, play dirty because they’re all muscle.”
“The Senju are dead.”
“The Senju have taken a long sabbatical from being decent contributing members of society. Follow me.” I stretched. Welcomed the sun. Threw in some warriors. Then went into the opening moves of Fire Over Air. In the manga learning the Great Fireball technique conveyed adulthood. In this splinter reality I learned that the Uchiha had spent six centuries or so developing specific fighting styles to fight every alignment. Mastering the opening sequences of those made you an adult. It made sense given what out bloodline could do and if it was complete it would go some way to explaining Itachi’s complete OP-ness. Fire Over Air I did every day because it forced me to use an element I was great at to control one I was abysmal with. 
Sasuke followed my physical position to a t. Legs in Warrior pose, hands switching between Bird and Tiger. The trick was to feel the moment where one nature became another and to force the power down smothering the emerging chakra. This was stop one of oh, about a thousand. 
I could feel the switch-dampen-switch happen between my hands. The tiny release of it was easy to control and not uncomfortable. Sasuke followed. I could almost feel his frustration with it. 
“Fire Over Air is one of the harder forms. We’ll try Fire Over Water in a second.”
“Fire Over what?”
“This form. It’s one of the Four Pillars of Suppression. Fire Over Air. Fire Over Water. Fire Over Earth. Fire Over Lightning. You start here with the basic release signs so you can learn how fire affects every release and over time you add steps. At the end you’re supposed to be like Uchiha Masaru, able to stop any technique with his will and a hand.” It also made using acquired jutsu easier. 
“Why are we standing like this.”
“Stand up straight and try again.”
He did. The second he went from Bird to Tiger a gust of air spun up and blasted his hands apart. “Why?”
“Grounding.” I changed my feet and dropped weight into them. “This position is used a lot in Earth and Air techniques -the really old school kind that’s more like dancing than brawling. The part of you that is Earth aligned automatically grounds the rest of you and disperses volatile energy.”
He frowned at his stinging hands. “I don’t have an Earth alignment.”
“Yeah you do.” I peacefully moved to Half Moon to do the fourth sequence of Fire Over Lightning. “Chakra exists as the physical manifestation of our spirit in space. It doesn’t follow logic very well. Hashirama, unhelpful genius that he sometimes was, invented a universal hand sign language that we use in Konoha. It gets rid of a lot of the hassle in remembering foot positions.” Move to Fire Over Earth in Crescent pose. “Before that there were variations in how each Clan and people performed any given jutsu. Our ancestors probably started this style to try and understand it.” Fire Over Water was a pain to transition to. All of it’s lower body movements were fierce and space consuming. I flowed down into one of it’s ending poses, a simple cross legged seat. 
“I don’t know any of this.”
He wouldn’t. “I got stationed with older kin a lot during the war. We traded secrets.” My mother taught me Fire over Lightning but it was the only one she ever learnt all the way through. I had the basic sets of all of them but like her I only learnt Fire Over Water all the way to the end.     
“So you’re going to teach me.”
“The basics. Most everyone only learnt the one.”
“I need to know all of them.”
I backtracked over the conversation, found the flaw and chastised myself. “It isn’t exactly like Great Uncle Masaru’s technique. For one he had Fuu Dog summons and god knows that scroll has been lost for awhile. It’s not a one shot.”
“Teach me.” He screwed up his little hand. “I need to know.”
Well. This is on me, then. “Fine. I can teach you the first five sequences of all of them and twenty four of Fire Over Lightning. I know all forty four of Fire Over Water but I will not show you more than the twenty ninth without the sharingan.”  
He blanched.
“Kid,” I said laughing. “We’ve had six hundred years to obsess. Cousin Sho needed about twenty days to let his thing for a Akimichi girl get all of us banned for life.”
A slash of white. A small grin. “That was funny.”
That was last year, I recalled. “Yeah. It was. If you’re betting on your brother knowing it, yeah, he probably does. It’s useful and we’re obsessive. If you think-”
“I just wanna know.” He replied in a much shyer, smaller voice.
I replayed the conversation again. 
“Okay.” Considering it through the prism of six hundred unbroken years of family. “Okay. But if I decide not to show you something it’s a medical decision. We’ve defanged a lot of these but they’re primarily analysis positions for fully trained shinobi with the sharingan. They’re combative, like you saw with the first move. You only work with higher levels of less stable energy as we go.”
Not that he’d ever know it but one of the main reasons, after the police and the eye stealing and the whole blood feud, that the Uchiha hated Tobirama was that he’d rendered large parts of the Pillar style obsolete by just mashing together new techniques faster than we could account for them. And then there was the Uzumaki clan throwing in some seals to just really fuck it all up. Certain strains of the sharingan -Madara’s, Itachi’s, Sasuke’s- had a hard on for sealing jutsu. Other’s -me, everyone else- got a horrible sense of vertigo if we tried to copy Uzumaki seals.
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cloudy-whales · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons about Odd? I headcanon him as trans
I do! Here are some of mine:
He is bi
Has a very specific hair and skin care routine that he learned from his dad and sisters
Kiwi is an emotional support animal, but Odd’s parents never got the French equivalent to the license for Kiwi so Odd just said “F this, i’m bringing my dog!” and did it anyways
Overall is really smart, academically and body language wise, but doesn’t really show it off and only utilizes it when it seems needed
His family is mad rich and lives in a gilded age mansion
You would never know this unless you go to his house, doesn’t like flaunting in that manner. Views his family as more C+ tier rich people when really they are in the A tier
I am basing this off of the fact that a lot of American private schools are really expensive (some can be almost the same as a community college tuition depending on what they offer) so I am guessing that sending your child to a foreign school would cost a lot + sending the older siblings as well. This is also assuming that the older siblings continued on for a college career as well. From his parents career paths (assuming that they are at the peak of their careers and can earn residuals from their previous work) and the ability to pay from Odd to fly back home for the holidays along with shipping his school stuff home once summer comes.
Prefers music with a faster BPM but don’t be fooled he will listen and tell you about anything. From ancient latin melodies, to an underground indie experimental band to something very specific like wizardcore rock or space acid disco
fav game genres are beat em’ ups, fighting games, JRPGS and high action hack and slashes
Non-gender conforming, however during the time of the show wasn’t really sure what was his situation so only expressed this through color choice. When he gets older he gains more confidence and expresses it more. 
I should really draw my headcanon older Lyoko Warriors.... time to add that to the list of fanart I want to draw ✎
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Day 1: Semblances
So I literally just finished this because I’m an idiot, but anyway Winter is helping because Qrow and Clover are dumb, and this is a soulmate au.
I will now add a break because it might not be that long, but it’s long enough.
Clover stares at his wrist in anticipation, counting down the seconds in his mind. It’s 8:15 right now, and at 8:17, he’ll see the words appear. Just two more minutes, and he gets to know his soulmate’s Semblance.
“You know, staring at your arm for that long isn’t going to make his Semblance show up any faster,” Robyn drawls, flopping over the chair she’s been lounging in. “So you might as well have some cake.”
“First of all, I haven’t been staring for that long. Second of all, cake? Where did you find cake?”
Harriet appears in the doorway, staggering as she tries to balance a cake stand on one arm. Cursing, Robyn rushes to go help her and barely catches the cake before it hits the ground.
Clover blinks. “Lucky catch?”
“We’ll never know with you around, will we?” Ari sighs as she follows Harriet into the room, the tips of her braids covered in green globs of frosting and crumbs.
Raising an eyebrow, Clover asks, “I take it your baking skills aren’t as good as you thought?”
Ari crosses her arms. “I could have done it if Harriet hadn’t insisted on speed-decorating-”
“There’s a minute until his soulmate’s Semblance shows up,” Harriet says, mimicking Ari’s pose as Robyn carefully sets the cake down on the table. “We had to get it done fast, so I did.”
Clover takes the opportunity to look at his cake. It’s clearly been haphazardly cut in the shape of what he thinks is supposed to look like a four-leaf clover, and the green frosting seems to be sliding off. On top of the mess is a message that’s nearly impossible to read, but Clover’s seen enough bad handwriting to decipher the words Happy 17th, Clover!
“Haven’t you ever watched Cake Wars?” Ari demands. “You have to wait for the cake to cool unless you want the frosting to look like that.” She points at the frosting, which is still sliding down to the base of the cake.
Harriet waves her away and checks her Scroll. “It’s fine. Clover, thirty seconds.”
Clover stiffens and turns back to his wrist. His teammates sit down in the chairs around him, their eyes on the cake. Ari pulls out one of her swords and carefully cuts a huge slice. She barely manages to balance it long enough to put it on a plate, but she doesn’t hand him the cake. Not yet.
“Twenty-five,” Robyn says distractedly, her attention split between the cake, his wrist and her Scroll. She accepts the next piece of cake and starts eating while they wait for the seconds to tick by.
“Twenty,” Ari mutters through a mouthful of cake. She gags almost immediately. “Harriet, are you sure this recipe was a good one?”
“I got it off the description of a baking hacks video, don’t ask me.”
“Why would you trust a baking hacks video-”
Harriet swallows her bite of cake, clearly not finding a problem with its taste. She gestures with her plastic fork as she responds, “They said seven quick and easy hacks for baking, so I figured it was a good idea. Besides, I knew you would mess something up.”
“That frosting exploding was your fault, but whatever,” Ari replies, setting her plate down. She checks her watch. “Ten seconds, Clover.”
“Nine,” Harriet says, putting her cake to the side so she can perch on the armrest of Clover’s chair.
Robyn, still with her cake in her hands, jumps over to the other armrest. She and Harriet lean close to his wrist and wait.
“What if it’s the other wrist?” Ari asks as she balances on the top of the chair like a gargoyle.
“It won’t be,” Clover replies. The confidence he tries for doesn’t quite make it into his tone. He’s always felt like the words should be on his right wrist.
Ari pulls out her Scroll and positions the camera so she can take a picture of his wrist. “I’ll send it to Elm and she can get it filed for you,” she says.
“Three,” Harriet says, her voice almost a shout.
Robyn does shout. “TWO!”
“One,” Ari screeches even louder than Robyn.
“Zero,” Clover finishes as everyone’s Scrolls hit 8:17:07. The members ofTeam CHRY lean as close as they can to his wrist and wait.
Red letters start to appear, one by one. MI
“Mist,” Harriet suggests.
“Mirror,” Robyn says.
“Mirage,” Ari offers.
“Misfortune,” Clover says, getting weird looks from the others. It’s an odd guess, but the letters forming do nothing to prove him wrong.
“Damn it,” Ari and Robyn say at once. Harriet waits with bated breath, but she can’t even come close to matching Clover’s level of excitement.
This is it. Sure, he’s not exactly meeting his soulmate yet, but at least he’ll have a hint. For all he knows, he’s already met them and didn’t notice.
Harriet sighs in disappointment, but Clover has a feeling he’s right that sticks with him as the next six letters appear. When he reads the full word, he’s not surprised.
Robyn wheezes, drops her cake and falls off the armrest. Ari loses her balance and crashes to the ground, while Harriet has to put a hand on the back of the chair to steady herself.
“Well, that’s ironic,” Ari says when she picks herself up.
“How did you guess that?” Robyn groans from the floor.
Clover shrugs. “Lucky guess?”
“Of course,” Harriet sighs. She stands up straighter. “Do you think he’s naturally unlucky, or does he just make everyone else unlucky?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care,” Robyn cackles. “Misfortune. They’re never going to be able to do epic Semblance combinations like that.”
“Yeah, like Matter Absorption could ever work with your Semblance.” Ari reaches for her cake before she thinks better of it and stops. “What if he’s just not a Huntsman?”
“Then he’d get Words instead, genius,” Harriet says. She turns to Clover. “Are you going to see if anyone in the school has misfortune?”
“Later,” Clover responds, his mind elsewhere. The rest of his team might find it funny that their Semblances are opposite, but he can’t help but think about Harriet’s question about the specifics of his soulmate’s Semblance. What if he affects the people around him? He’s always been glad that he’s able to help change the outcome of things for the better, but what if it’s the opposite for his soulmate? Would he be forced to stay distant to keep the people he loves safe? Looking around at his team, Clover can’t imagine the loneliness of staying away from everyone.
Gods, he hopes that’s not how his soulmate’s Semblance works.
The announcer- a teacher from Shade, he thinks- leans into the microphone and says over the cheers of the crowd, ��Clover Ebi and Harriet Bree of Atlas versus Qrow and Raven Branwen of Beacon!”
Clover takes a second to thank the gods that his outfit doesn’t have sleeves as the parts of the arena click into place. A glance behind him tells him that they have an area of fire Dust and an area that looks like it was cut straight out of the desert. Combined with the sun’s heat, he can bet that their half will be unbearable. Then again, sunburn might be worse.
Behind the two members of Beacon’s team STRQ, a pirate ship rises along with a biome made of ice that glistens in Vacuo’s heat. Clover and Harriet send each other meaningful looks- they’re definitely going over to Qrow and Raven’s side.
Kingfisher snaps out to its full form while Fast Knuckles extends around Harriet’s arms and hands. Across from them, Raven pulls out a long red blade, while Qrow puts a hand on the handle behind his back.
Clover slides one foot in front of the other and raises Kingfisher. Harriet curls her fingers into fists. Raven brandishes her sword, but Qrow’s only movement is a slight shift forward.
Glancing at Harriet, Clover tries to indicate with his eyes that she should fight Qrow. She nods, smirking confidently, and turns back to their opponents.
Harriet takes off in a burst of speed and punches at Qrow’s face, and to her evident surprise, he ducks it with speed rivaling hers. Her second punch strikes metal as he yanks out a huge sword to block it.
Clover doesn’t see any more of their fight as Raven shoots in front of him with her sword slashing down. He raises Kingfisher to block it, just barely catching the blade before it hits him. Clover tries to kick her, but she leaps away. He uses the opportunity to grapple over to the pirate ship, and she follows him.
Swinging around the ship, Clover’s acutely aware of how quickly Raven follows him. He manages to turn at the last second to kick her away, but her sword is so long that when she jerks her arm, it still makes contact with Clover’s hand. He loses his grip on Kingfisher and lands hard on the deck of the ship.
Raven moves the second she lands, returning to attack again while he’s disarmed. Hastily, Clover flicks his pin and amplifies his Semblance. He holds out a hand, and Kingfisher drops into it. He blocks her sword just in time.
Harriet’s shout of triumph reaches him when she finally lands a hit on Qrow and swings another punch at him. Raven spins and slashes her sword through thin air, opening up a red portal. Its twin appears under Qrow and drops him right next to Raven. With Harriet too far away to attack, they both focus on Clover.
Just my luck, Clover thinks. He doesn’t have time to flick his pin again as both of them spin and bring their swords down on him with so much strength that he almost collapses from holding them both back.
Qrow frowns, and Clover’s about to grin when his sword starts to change. Gears start to whir as Qrow’s massive sword curves, its handle extending. Clover doesn’t have time to process until Qrow angles the scythe downward and shoots him in the stomach.
Flying backward, Clover sees Harriet leap over the edge of the pirate ship and hit Raven in the face so hard that the deck collapses under her. As Raven falls, Harriet catches Qrow’s scythe and tries to throw him in after her, but he dodges her attack.
Clover staggers to his feet and casts Kingfisher towards Qrow’s scythe. He tries to yank the weapon away, but Qrow only raises an eyebrow and jerks his scythe so that Clover gets dragged closer.
After that, it’s a mess. Qrow manages to dodge Harriet’s punches and kicks her right into the path of Raven’s blade. Somehow, he and Qrow start fighting in the ice Dust area.
As Clover slides over the ice, it starts to crack. Panicked, he tries to use his Semblance before he realizes that he’s so low on Aura that it’ll probably break before the ice does. At least Qrow’s at roughly the same level of Aura- if he can just get one more good hit in, he can finish him.
The ice starts to crack even more under Clover’s feet, but he does his best to avoid it as Qrow closes in. The cracking follows him until Clover’s sure that this has to do with Qrow’s Semblance.
On cue, the announcer says, “It looks like Qrow Branwen’s using his Semblance- Misfortune!”
Clover hesitates with Kingfisher inches away from Qrow, but his opponent doesn’t. Qrow spins his scythe so fast that it catches Clover and throws him against the ice so hard that the entire area rumbles.
The buzzer blares across the arena and Clover sighs, watching his Aura tick down to 0% on the screen. He remembers why he hesitated in the first place and looks up, trying to see if anything is written on Qrow’s wrist.
Clover notices two things at once- that Qrow’s wrist is covered by a black band, and that a large chunk of ice is separating to fall on him. He tries to get to his feet, but he can barely stand up on the slippery, cracked ice. “Shit.”
Luckily, Qrow notices too. Eyes lighting with alarm, he doesn’t even hesitate to leap for Clover, throwing his scythe aside. The chunk falls as Qrow tackles him, making them both slide across the ice.
The ice chunk explodes into smaller bits that fly everywhere. Qrow sees them and positions himself over Clover so none of them hit him. By the time the ice has settled, the buzzer sounds twice- once for Qrow, whose aura is at 19%, and once for Harriet, who’s clearly been distracted enough for Raven to knock her off the ship.
Qrow sighs, his face so close to Clover’s that he can feel his breath shift his hair. The red-eyed boy pushes himself up, slight disappointment in his expression as he helps Clover to stand. “Sorry,” he rasps. “You okay?”
Clover just stares at him. Now that he thinks about it, Qrow’s kind of hot, and his face was just so close to his, and he’s still holding his hand, and he might be his soulmate- Clover nods mutely, unable to form a single word.
Looking relieved, Qrow turns back to Raven, who uses another portal to come over and high-five him. Harriet zips to Clover and gives him an I-know-what-you’re-thinking look.
When they leave the arena, Robyn and Ari are already there, standing at the exit with identical shit-eating grins. Clover gives them one alarmed look before Harriet runs over to join them.
“So,” Robyn begins.
“You lost,” Ari continues.
“To a guy whose Semblance is exactly what’s written on your wrist,” Harriet finishes. She practically bounces as she asks, “Are you going to go talk to him?”
Clover hesitates. “I couldn’t even talk to him the first time,” he finally says. “And I don’t think he likes us that much. Not to mention if I ask about his soulmate’s Semblance… that kind of implies that I think it’s me, doesn’t it?”
“Your choice,” Harriet shrugs. She turns to the exit. “Let’s go get ice cream and cry over our loss, okay?”
Ari shoots a glance up at the bright sun and back down at her long sleeves. “That is something I can get behind,” she agrees, following Harriet.
Robyn starts walking after them, but she pauses when she sees Clover stay still. “Are you coming?”
“In a sec. I’ll catch up,” he replies, and Robyn shrugs and walks away.
Clover turns around to where he can see Team STRQ celebrating. Qrow is talking to his teammate, who wears a long white cloak. Her back is to Clover, but Qrow’s isn’t. Staring just a little too long, Clover knows he’s bright red when Qrow looks up, smirks and raises an eyebrow.
He turns and hurries in the other direction, his entire brain screaming at him. Clover doesn’t know if Qrow’s still looking at him, but he doesn’t want to find out.
As he leaves the arena, he runs into Harriet, who seems to have seen the entire thing. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk to him?”
“I’m busy trying to banish that from my memory, thanks.”
“...Good luck with that.”
General Ironwood reads the report again. An unauthorized Manta has landed somewhere in Mantle, and now they’ve taken out their weapons. Great. At least there aren’t too many. If he sends the Ace Ops and maybe Winter, they should be able to-
His Scroll beeps. Ironwood looks down and clicks on the picture from one of the drones. It’s blurry, but he recognizes dark hair and a torn red cape. Qrow.
“Sir?” Winter speaks up from across his desk, reminding him that she’s there. “What do you want us to do?”
Something clicks in his brain, and Ironwood looks up as fast as he can. “Do you have Clover’s file?”
Winter nods and extends her Scroll, where Clover’s picture pops up on the screen. He scrolls down to the bottom part to a picture of Clover’s wrist. And the word written on.
“Oh, this’ll be hilarious,” Ironwood mutters. He looks up. “Just send the Ace Ops. Tell them to be stealthy.”
Winter follows his gaze to the picture of Clover’s wrist. “Oh.”
“How long do you think it’ll take for him to figure it out?” Ironwood smirks.
“Knowing both of them?” Winter shakes her head. “I’ll have to drop hints every day.”
“Something tells me that might not even do it,” Ironwood sighs.
Winter shrugs. “I’m doing it anyway.” She leaves the office.
Clover turns to Qrow. “Thanks for the call-out. That could have been bad.”
The Huntsman sighs, frowning. “I wouldn’t thank me,” he says, and Clover has the briefest flash of a fleeting memory, one about his Semblance. “My Semblance brings misfortune. Sometimes I can’t keep it under control.”
Thanking the gods that he’s learned to (somewhat) control his levels of gay panic, Clover says, “That so? Well, hey. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” He can tell that Qrow definitely has been beating himself up about it. So maybe his soulmate’s Semblance really does just affect others. Hardly daring to breathe, Clover manages to continue, “My Semblance is good fortune. Lucky you, huh?” He even winks, although that might be overkill.
This is it. If Qrow has his Semblance written on his wrist, he should react, right?
Qrow looks shocked, and although Clover can’t describe his next expression, it’s almost heartbreaking. The hope alone is enough to make him think that maybe, just maybe this is it.
He doesn’t say anything else, and Clover turns away, disappointment pooling in him. Of course. He shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up.
“You know,” Clover says, causing Qrow to look up from his Scroll. “General Ironwood admitted he sent the Ace Ops to arrest you all on purpose. Do you have any idea what that’s supposed to mean?”
“Maybe it’s because he remembers when I kicked your ass in the Vytal Festival.”
Clover gapes at him. “First of all, why do you remember that? Second, I would have won, I just got… distracted.”
Qrow raises an eyebrow. “Distracted? By what?”
“At this point, I don’t even remember,” Clover admits. “I tried very, very hard to forget what happened, and I think it worked.”
From the hallway, Harriet screams, “YOU WERE LITERALLY ON TOP OF HIM, THAT’S WHY.”
Both of them look up to see Harriet streak by the doorway, electricity crackling in her wake.  In the blink of an eye, she’s gone.
“...What?” Clover and Qrow ask at the same time. They both shrug and go back to their Scrolls.
After a few more minutes, Winter walks into the room. She pauses when she sees them together and starts backpedaling out. “I’ll just… leave you two to it.”
Qrow gives her a suspicious glare. “What do you want, Winter?”
“Oh, nothing,” Winter replies just a little too casually, but she returns to the room. Clover knows her well enough to know that she’s definitely up to something and that her plan is working perfectly.
“Did you want to stay?” Clover asks, watching her badly hidden smirk grow wider.
“Not really,” Winter grumbles, glowering at Qrow. He returns the look. “Just out of sheer curiosity,” she begins, her words sounding forced, “Have you two ever thought about finding your soulmates?”
“Obviously,” Clover says. “I’ve only met one person with my soulmate’s Semblance, and they know mine, so it can’t be them.”
“Same,” Qrow sighs. He holds his covered wrist out to Clover and pulls the band away. “You wouldn’t happen to know someone else with good fortune as their Semblance, would you?”
Clover blinks, staring down at the teal letters on his friend’s wrist. “Your soulmate’s Semblance is-”
Winter forcibly grabs his wrist and holds it out to Qrow, shifting her gloved hand so he can read the single word written on it. Qrow’s eyes widen.
Agonizingly slowly, Qrow looks up at him. “And your soulmate’s Semblance is-”
“Yes, yes, you’re soulmates, everyone else knew, you’re idiots, and you can thank me later,” Winter huffs, releasing Clover’s wrist and standing up again. She leaves without another word, the sound of her boots audible for a good minute as she walks away.
Clover looks back to Qrow. “Um. You wouldn’t happen to be looking for a romantic soulmate, would you?”
“I..” Qrow trails off, but the way he stares at Clover answers the question for him. Clover suddenly realizes just how close Qrow’s managed to get.
All Clover can think of in that moment is how badly he wants to kiss Qrow.
So he does.
Clover dials General Ironwood with shaking fingers, looking between Qrow and Tyrian and Robyn. The general picks up after a few rings.
“What is it?”
“Uh, sir?” Clover asks, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He feels a hand wrap around his and looks up to find Qrow holding his hand. Qrow gives him an encouraging nod, so Clover continues, “Are you sure that arresting them is a good idea? Especially-”
“I’m aware Qrow is your soulmate,” Ironwood interrupts. “But I need you to arrest him and bring him back immediately. If he cooperates, no harm will come to him.”
Clover resists glaring at the Scroll. He turns and addresses everyone else in the airship. “Right, guys, let’s get Tyrian to prison and then we’ll go down to Mantle.”
“What? Clover, I gave you an order.” Ironwood sighs louder than it should be possible to sigh. “Clover, please. This is for the good of Atlas. Arrest Qrow.”
“First of all,” Clover replies, letting his contempt shine through, “That’s bullshit.”
“Second of all, no.”
He hangs up.
uh I hope you liked it? It’s also on ao3 here?
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gayregis · 4 years
Hi, just wanted to ask, how did you get into the witcher franchise (did you read the books before you played the games or vice versa?). Love your blog, byeeee :)
ty for the ask!! i hope you dont mind if i go too in-depth because i was legit thinking about this earlier today... 
tldr: i played tw3 and liked it, then read the books
i got into the witcher because one of my favorite gaming youtubers was doing a playthrough of tw3 on youtube in around i think september 2017. i liked this specific gaming youtuber for being shit at games and not caring about it... but tw3 was a different game. it felt like the decisions mattered, that there was an actual story here, that when this youtuber made shitty decisions and didn’t really care about the characters involved, i got frustrated because this game seemed really good... so i picked up the game myself and played it though, it was magnificent. not to r/witcher “the witcher 3 is literally the best game created in this history of ever” but it was sincerely good... not only does it have a great story, characters, and graphics, but it is genuinely comfortable to play as a game, even if you’re not great at games (i like playing video games but i’m not good at them when it comes to combat, i literally just would prefer to hack and slash through). so, i played through tw3 and the fact that it made me cry multiple times i found to be really interesting... but it was still just a game to me, it wasn’t something i thought about when i have time to daydream headcanons. i had read i think the witcher (short story) halfway through playing, just to get a feel of what tw3 came from, but from that, i realized the books and the games were incredibly different entitities, and i decided to not read the books until i had finished the game, or at least until i had more free time on my hands (mind i was in high school and was a senior, and during this time was when i was submitting college applications... exceptionally stressful, and the reading/writing part of my brain was absolutely fried from essay writing and reviewing). i was particularly struck by geralt and ciri’s relationship and the isle of mists quests fucked me up pretty bad. 
then around later 2017, i was really enjoying tw3, and had finished tw3′s base game and hearts of stone, and was now making my way into blood & wine. i was just playing it like normal, then came the part when geralt met regis. at first i wasn’t too interested (i mean, i was, but in the story of blood & wine, not in the books) until the little journal text pop-up appeared on my screen. you know, the one about quests you just received, or characters you just met. it was going through the motions of saying i finished this quest, picked up this new one, i was all like fine, fine, okay, alright, and then it just fucking puts regis’ long-ass name on the screen taking up a good amount of my FOV and i am immediately like, what? what the fuck? who the fuck? that’s the name? of the guy we just met? that guy??? he didn’t seem like someone with a name like that? who the fuck IS this guy.
so i head over to the wiki page for regis. i thumb through the basic information, i’m pretty interested, this quest stuff to find ciri sounds interesting. i decide to give the witcher books another try, because i have more free time now and am way more invested as everyone here as characters. also, i want to find out more about yennefer, because she was being badmouthed by everyone i saw online, and i wanted to read more about her and see if she was really so bad (spoilers: she’s not at all, the internet is just misogynistic).
i don’t think that i’m going to actually really care about these books, i just want more flavor and explanation about how in hell a witcher met a vampire and these two somehow became friends. so, i don’t care about reading them in order. i go online and find fan translations of every book, i open baptism of fire and i just start reading the bit about the fish soup. i’m suddenly just laughing my ass off, really interested in who these other characters are, milva and cahir, and how dandelion seems to actually be the best friend to geralt that he was said to be in tw3. i also notice immediately that geralt... oh my god, geralt’s such a cranky bitch. i’m SHOCKED at how annoying geralt is. i realize that this is probably what geralt’s been like, this whole time, and tw3 just gave me a sterilized version of him. i’m trying to decide if i like this change or not, at first i HATED it... but then realized it actually gave him a character, where in tw3 he feels a little more... empty, waiting for the player to project a personality onto him.
so, i just read all of the hansa bits of baptism of fire, skipping over anything i don’t understand. i am saddened when i can’t find any more, so i move onto tower of the swallow. and then lady of the lake. “oh, so that’s why geralt was surprised to see regis in blood & wine...” feeling at a loss after reading stygga, i start at the beginning and make my way through the books chronologically, like they should be read. i soon realize that this series really isn’t about killing monsters at all, and i’m thrilled. i thought the series was just going to be about geralt killing things in a swamp and reporting back to whoever hired him, like in tw3... and i was wrong. this series is about personal connections! relationships! ... and fatherhood. [see read more for personal junk]
i can’t remember when i started disliking tw3. it must have been around the time that i finished the books (im using the word finished loosely... i still havent finished some scenes because theyre too violent to read and continue with my day in peace, and i also read tos/lotl by skipping around, so i never got the full experience of reading them as full novels).
i just distinctly remember returning to my tw3 new game+ save after rereading the fish soup scene, and thinking about how lonely the game felt... i just felt so dispairingly alone, this loneliness that i hadn’t felt while playing before, that i had to put the game down. i returned to the game again, but i had just reread edge of the world... and i felt so alone again. 
so reading the books ruined tw3 for me, not out of malicious intent, but just because i think i realized geralt isn’t meant to be the lone wolf. the novels center around him and his family and friends, and i just genuinely missed that when replaying tw3. plus, i began to realize a bunch of things, like ciri’s scar is supposed to be bigger, geralt’s supposed to wear his hair in a headband, yennefer’s hair is actually curly, dandelion’s supposed to actually be in the game. there were so many inconsistencies with the characters i had imagined while reading the books that eventually i just stopped playing tw3 (i already played it once, so nbd) and got really into the books. 
sometime later i saved up like $80 to buy the paperback versions of the books (UK versions including season of storms) because i knew i was in really deep lol and i wanted the official translations super badly, also we were doing an assignment in class that allowed us to do something with our favorite book, but we needed to have it in-person and not as an e-book, so it was the perfect excuse. much time spent on hansa headcanons later and... here we are today.
a read-more, because this is more personal. 
the witcher series picked me up at an eerily appropriate time. two things in it stood out to me: 1) geralt’s relationship with ciri 2) regis’s alcoholism. 
i distinctly remember an event where i started crying in front of my parents because my dad was being so absent in my life or maybe it was because they were arguing, something like this... and i remember referencing tw3 isle of mists quest actually by saying “i shouldn’t have to learn it (good parenting) from a video game” ... lol. it wasn’t an epic burn from a 17 yo, but it was just a painful remark made in anger. i still think back to it because of how first watching geralt hug ciri made me feel and how i was actually really bitter because i was jealous of ciri for about a week after completing the quest. then i kind of pushed it out of my mind and didn’t think so much about it, until the night i mentioned it.
in late march of 2018, something very bad happened in my family. that’s probably the best way to describe it. the situation ended in my parents finally separating. my mom and i were pretty afraid and lost after that. after i had collected my thoughts and everything and went back to as “normal” as i could, about a month later, when the creative part of my brain finally began to function again and wasn’t inhibited due to fear, i clung to the witcher more than i did before... and this time, actually particularly to regis, because guess who has a whole redemption arc relating to not being alcoholic and being a genuinely good person who speaks gently and heals the vulnerable?
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guerilla935 · 5 years
Review: Code Vein
Code Vein is Hiroshi Yoshimuras’ vampire hack and slash action RPG epic developed and published by Bandai Namco on September 27th, 2019. I’ll try my best not to compare this game too heavily to a certain series of FROM Software games. Code Vein is a game that is both accessible to new players looking to casually play the game and rewarding to hardcore players looking to dive fully into everything the game has to offer. The game boasts one of the most robust character creators to appear in the anime style and the tightest combat that makes you feel like every kit and ability counts. But this also comes with a unique equipment system that has a steep learning curve.
Readjusting Difficulty
In certain other action RPG’s that feature high levels of difficulty you are allowed to connect online to play with friends for help in difficult areas that you have not cleared yet. This game is no different but the added layer of Code Vein being that you have a colorful cast of revenants that can follow you into the field. Suddenly, without sacrificing the difficulty of each levels design, the game is more accessible to an audience that has been turned off to this genre in the past by giving you an NPC to attract the attention of enemies and even revive you if you require it. Of course you can turn this option off and have a go of the game solo if you live for the traditional difficulty of these types of games. Each level presents a steady bump in challenge. As I was playing through the game as soon as I felt that I was getting a little too strong I would enter a place where I was completely destroyed and I got to grow my character again. Toward the very end there is an exponential difficulty spike compared to the steady climb of the rest of the game that I had to recruit a friend to help me with but in the end it proved to be manageable. It’s highly customizable but will most likely be known as too easy because the option to take the partner with you is on by default and it is very hard to convince yourself to turn off.
A Confusing Stat Boost
The most frustrating part of playing Code Vein is having to come up with the appropriate combination of gear that works together, gives you a decent edge in battle, and is in your preferred play style. When I wasn’t playing Code Vein I was desperately trying to come up with a way to maximize my strength in the game by looking up wikis and enlisting the knowledge of other players in the forums. This is made really difficult because the stats are given to you as letter scores similar to a grade in school. So you are left to find a blood code that you would like to use, then a blood veil that is within the weight requirements and gives you the right boost to the skills that are involved with that blood code. Then you have to choose a weapon that works with the combination of skills, blood code, and blood veil that you have chosen. If it’s not apparent the game gives an illusion that you can play it any way you’d like but if you want to effectively use any blood code you have to play by the rules. This becomes a huge mess when you want to play specifically with blood codes that give you powers based on magic abilities. For example it would be hard to run a build where you have a fireball skill, a poison debuff for your weapon, and an ice trap skill. You would not see a single enemy affected by any of those skills in your whole time playing the game if you built that way. The only effective way to use elements is to dedicate the entire build to one element so that the effect can stack and take affect. Until you reach the part of the game where you fight enemies that are resistant to that element then you might as well just save up to start a new build. I have never played a game before where I was presented with this many options but funneled into just a few very generic builds.
Revenent World
Code Vein has a very anime story that is full of very anime characters. The best that I can say about it is that it won’t be for everyone. Luckily enough thanks to a certain series of FROM Software games the fans of this genre can probably easily forgive the game for this. The character development that occurs is entirely optional, you will get a lot from the story though should you decide to do it. The characters are deep and you feel like each red story fragment is getting you closer to piecing together a larger plot. The way that these are viewed gets tiring after a while especially if you (like me) decide to collect and view every single one of them. The world built around this story has everything you expect when you hear the words “video game”. You get a swamp, desert, snowy mountain, city, castle, you get the idea. The scenery changes often enough that you most likely will never get bored of it. You return to city center quite a bit but that area is interesting enough to not be a chore to return to. I have two small complaints about the areas, the first being that the first half of the game features sprawling labyrinths that took me hours upon hours and entire afternoons to explore and learn. The second half of the game after a certain very revealing plot twist sees you travel through very good looking enemy filled linear hallways. They have their own twists and turns and feature many hidden areas but also provide no challenge in finding every item if that’s what you like to do. The second being that the chapel has very little difference to itself and it can be confusing to walk around and try to memorize layouts, this is especially apparent when they use the same environment pieces to make about 3 different areas while only changing small details like the lighting and shrubbery. The bosses of Code Vein were the highlight of the game, they shown brightest in the story, the game play, and the world building. Every boss puts up a fight and has interesting twists. My personal favorite type of boss is the boss that feels like you are locked in a duel where you trade back and forth blow for blow and despite three bosses off the top of my head that require incredible attention to overpower you feel toe to toe with ever major enemy in the game.
Code Vein turned one of my least favorite types of games into my game of the year and that is thanks to the incredible difficulty scaling and sense of progression matching its interesting story and compelling characters. Even though I felt locked into my ways for most of the game I feel that in a new game plus I can experiment a lot more with the builds that didn’t seem as effective at first even though that’s no excuse to not make these play styles available when you earn them. Code Vein is an awesome anime romp through a beloved genre that follows a story you won’t soon forget, if you were to pick up one game you missed in 2019 I would fully recommend you pick this one up.
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ifeveristoday · 5 years
Almost 1000 words of Boomverse flashfic! Specifically about HELLMOUTH.
I don’t know how it’ll really go, so I extrapolated from the preview panels/summaries we’ve gotten so far about HELLMOUTH.
I wrote about Scoobies 2019 and disaster grumpy bats. 
“So what are we going to do?” Cordelia crosses her arms and glares at them all. “Just stay in the library and wait for the weird things to kill us?”
“Vampires,” Xander says loudly. “You can just say, vampires. Or demons.”
“Or hell beasts, oh my,” Rose says. She shrugs when everyone stares. “What? You were all thinking it.”
“I wasn’t, but that was funny,” Robin says. He scoots off the table and crosses over to the double doors. “Look, I know Mr. Giles and Ms. Calendar told us to stay put, but they’ve been gone for an hour now. I think we should look for them.”
Xander growls, his face shifting slightly before he shakes it in frustration. “You saw what’s out there. We don’t have enough firepower. Even with my…abilities, we can’t just take them on one by one.”
“But we’re not,” Robin says. “Strength in numbers, remember? And you being half-vamp and Witchy girl over there –“ he jerks his head toward an exhausted Willow, “we can take them out if we pool our strengths.”
“I’d feel better if we had weapons though,” Cordelia says. “Like, a nice heavy bat. Or twenty.”
“We do,” Willow mumbles, finally lifting her head. Her eyes are her natural color again, the irises their normal size. “There’s a weapons trunk in Giles’s office, and I’ve got the keys to the training room. There are more weapons there.”
“Then let’s get them,” Robin says. “We can split up in two cars – Cordelia can take Willow and Xander, and Rose can ride with me.”
“I’m not driving Harris,” Cordelia protests just as Willow looks at Rose. Rose averts her eyes and walks over to Robin. “I’m fine with riding with you.”
Xander rolls his eyes. “Get over it, Queen C. I’m not going to mess up your upholstery or whatever.” He grabs her by the arm and pulls her out of the room.
Willow lingers, her gaze wounded. “Rose?”
“I’m going with Robin,” Rose says. “You can ride with Cordelia.”
Willow flinches. “Okay,” she whispers.
She walks out, her head down.
“Ouch,” Robin says. “You two have a fight?”
“I don’t like being lied to,” Rose says shortly. “On top of the apparent apocalypse, I just found out my girlfriend has this whole other life she didn’t bother filling me in on. I thought we told each other everything.”
She fixes him with a look. “But Willow’s not the only one keeping secrets, is she?”
Robin rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let’s go.”
“Xander’s a half-vampire, Willow’s a witch,” Rose mutters. “You’re some secret spy – and Buffy has freaky strength, what’s next? Cordelia can fly?”
“I hear she only does that on Wednesdays.” Robin jokes. “And I’m not a spy.”
“Yeah, and that’s exactly what a spy would say,” Rose says. “Let’s just get weapons okay? I want to hit something.”
“We’ll get you a nice mace,” Robin says. “I’m hoping for a javelin, myself.”
  “I don’t like you,” Buffy says for the umpteenth time as they hack their way through the hellish undergrowth.
“Well, you’re not exactly my idea of a dream companion either,” Angel says tightly. He slashes at a sudden tentacle, the unseen creature screeching and skittering away. “I could have just left you in that tree.”
“I would have gotten down eventually,” Buffy snaps. She slices away at the darkness in front of her, her back pressed firmly against Angel’s. “It’s your fault I’m down here in the first place. I can’t believe you pushed me in!”
“Underground is a lot safer than being up there with the demon hordes,” Angel says. “Unless you wanted to fight off twenty Ghoras.”
“I’m the Slayer, that’s what I was made for,” she says.
“They have three heads apiece,” he says in exasperation. “You’re fast but you’re not that fast. I wouldn’t have taken them on.”
She mumbles something that sounds like “Bet I could,” and Angel smiles despite himself. In the short time he’s known her, Buffy Summers has run the gamut from wistful teenage girl to a sparking, annoying firecracker of a fighter. It reminds him of someone – and he pushes that thought away. That was another lifetime ago and he was in no hurry to revisit it. Lilith was wrong, she had to be.
“We’re looking for the source of this aberration,” he says. “It’s got to be here – if we destroy it, it’ll stop what’s happening on the surface.”
“How sure are you?” She says. “Because to me it feels like I left all my friends alone to fight the monsters.” Her voice cracks. “And my mom and Eric.”
“Buffy…” he starts, then his voice gentles. “I’m sorry.” He turns to look at her, but Buffy refuses to meet his gaze.
“Whatever,” she says. “Let’s just kill whatever needs killing and everything will go back to normal. Well, as normal as Sunnydale ever gets. Which is…not very.”
“It’s definitely not going to make any top ten lists of vacation getaways,” he says. Buffy laughs.
The tension in his shoulders suddenly feels lighter. He likes her laugh.
“I think we just barely edge out Fresno,” she says.
“I’ve been to Fresno, you don’t.”
“Hey!” And it shouldn’t feel so right to be joking at a time like this, with all the uncertainty – both above and below, but it feels natural to Angel. Too natural.
He frowns.
“When we get through this,” he says gruffly, “I’ll just need to settle some matters here and then I’m going back to LA. We won’t see each other again.”
She snorts. “Great. I’ll be sure not to write you a postcard.”
“I don’t think our paths will cross again, so –”
“I get it, Angel. If that’s even your real name, considering you’ve lied about everything else.”
The accusation stings. “When did I—”
“Going all school guidance counselor on me, in a devil’s mask ring any bells?”
“Oh,” he says. “That was reconnaissance.”
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ravenwolfie97 · 5 years
TOME Corruption AU: Getting to Know You
Alpha paced impatiently around the pit. He wanted to meet Flamegirl alone, away from the rest, and especially Kirb, after he had yelled at her the other day. He still never even came back on to apologize... Alpha snorted, thinking back on it. He wasn’t about to forgive him for attacking her like that.
Suddenly he saw the beam of light from which Flamegirl emerged, and he immediately perked up. “Flamey! It’s so good to see you,” he greeted her. “Hey, Alpha. What’s up?” she replied with a hint of wonder in her tone. “I just wanted us to hang out together, you and me. Those other guys tend to get in the way, huh?” He put on a cheeky grin. “It’d be nice for us to have some one-on-one time. Whaddya think?” Flamey tried to mask her mixed feelings as she thought about his answer. “I mean... yeah, it would be nice,” she responded. “Not running into any trouble for once would be nice, too. We’ve had way too much hacker trouble lately,” she continued, somewhat diverting the conversation. Alpha let out a small growl. “Yeah, no kidding. They’re always after us for one reason or another. Hopefully today they can leave us alone for a hot second - I wanna have some peace and quiet with my girl.” He pointed his thumb over to the right. “C’mon, I got a spot. Let’s go.” ‘My girl?’ Flamey couldn’t help but blush at the sentiment. “Alright then, I’m with you.”
They made their way to an area not many players frequented, a small alcove by a gentle waterfall. Alpha kept glancing at Flamegirl as they walked, her arms held behind her back. Her golden hair cascaded down her back, fluffier and longer than the last time he saw her. Did her top change too, or was he just staring? He met her emerald green eyes and smiled. She smiled back, and he was captivated. They arrived at the alcove and took a seat on a rocky ledge. Alpha let out a lofty sigh, listening to the soft running of the waterfall beside them. Flamey did the same and turned to face Alpha. “So, how have you been lately?” she asked. “Hm? Oh, fine, I guess.” Alpha was vague with his answer, mainly because his mind was swarming with thoughts he didn’t necessarily want to dump on her. “Same old, same old, y’know.” He waved his hand dismissively. “How about you?” “Same,” she said with a laugh. “Just typical school stuff. Homework, tests, all that boring junk. You wouldn’t care to hear about it.” “No, I would!” Alpha jumped in. “You’re in college, aren’t you? What are you studying?” Flamey blinked. She didn’t remember specifically mentioning college at any point to him, but she guessed it was just intuitive. “Oh, I’m studying computer science. I’d like to be a programmer someday.” “That’s really cool!” Alpha’s eyes genuinely lit up. “Do you think you’d ever make something like this?” She shrugged. “I dunno... I just really like to code. I’ve only made some websites and basic programs for school projects and stuff, nothing major. I’ve done a game design class in high school though, and it was pretty fun. Nothing as complicated as this, though.” She giggled. “I don’t get to talk about this kinda stuff that much, not even with Sat and Whyti. It’s cool that you’re… y’know, interested.” “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” Alpha blurted out. “I hardly know anything about you, and I’d really like to get to know you better.” Flamegirl tucked her hair shyly behind an ear. “Thanks… The same goes for you, too. You never talk about what’s going on in your life either. What do you do outside of this game? Are you in college too?” she barraged him with questions. Alpha’s excited demeanor suddenly shifted as he went back into his thoughts. “Well… no. I’m living on my own,” he admitted, a tinge of sadness in his voice. “I wanted to be an artist. I even designed my character here myself. But…” He threaded his fingers through his hair. “I don’t feel like I can do much of anything with the way my mind is now. Everything feels off lately. I don’t know why.” Flamegirl made a small noise of agreement. “I’ve felt kind of the same way, to be honest. It’s not necessarily in a bad way, I don’t think. My mind’s just been running wild with thoughts, and it makes it kinda hard to focus.” Alpha looked at her with surprise. “I’m the same way. Well, except…” He turned his gaze down to the ground. “It might be in a bad way.” Flamey leaned toward him. “If this is about lashing out the other day, then-” “No, it’s not just that!” Alpha shouted, gripping at his head tighter. “I feel like I can’t control myself, and I’m going to hurt people if I’m not careful! I keep thinking about all of these horrible things, and I just… hate myself!” Flamegirl put a hand to his shoulder. “Hey, hey, it’s okay! You’re okay,” she attempted to soothe him. He flinched at her touch, but it did calm him down a little bit. He exhaled loudly. “I’m sorry, I just… it’s hard to bear. And I could never even think to talk about it with anyone but you.” “Is this why you wanted to see me alone?” “N-no, that wasn’t it!” Alpha corrected himself. “I really did just wanna talk to you… without…” Flamey withdrew her hand as she felt Alpha suddenly tense up. “Wh-what?” “Without letting any other assholes getting in the way.” His voice grew dark, and he whipped his head around as if he had sensed something. He rose to his feet. “I know you’re there! Show yourself!” he called out.
Heeding his call, a masked figure leapt down from the cliff above and zapped Alpha as soon as it landed. Alpha convulsed and collapsed to the ground. “Wh-? I can’t move!” he cried out. “What the hell did you do to me? Who are you?!” “I have no business with you.” The masked man had some kind of accent and a sinister undertone in his voice. His username: Neomutant. He turned away from Alpha and focused on the girl. “I’m glad I could find you here.” “I don’t…” Flamegirl was confused for a moment, but then realized the man’s voice was one she recognized. “Wait, are you-?” “In your computer programming course? That’s as far as he’ll get to know, yes.” He glowered at Alpha’s body that still laid in the dirt. “That’s enough!” Flamegirl immediately threw up a block function, surrounding the other player’s head, muting him. Her face was red with embarrassment and fury. “How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?!” “Who the hell is this guy? What did he do to you?” Alpha barked, still paralyzed. “He’s just some asshole from school, who I never wanted to see or hear from again!” She pointed that last part directly at him, as he still stood before them. He didn’t seem fazed at all. In fact, he was disturbingly calm. Neomutant motioned his hand, and suddenly the block function shattered from his head. “You think that’s too tough for me to crack?” Flamegirl took a step back. “What do you want from me?” The man took a step forward. “I’m here to extend my offer to you one last time. You could actually put your programming skills to good use if you join our cause.” “What cause? All you told me was you were getting paid by some shady deep web hacking group! I don’t want any part in that!” “We’re protecting people like you from people like him.” He pointed at Alpha’s form, whose face was twisted into a snarl. “Flamey, what is he talking about?! I oughta kick your ass right out of this game!” Neomutant couldn’t hold back a snicker. “‘Flamey’? Isn’t that cute.” He gestured at Alpha’s helpless-looking body. “I disabled your character model’s movement. There’s nothing a parasite like you can do to me or Stephanie now.” Alpha’s eyes widened. “S… Stephanie?” Flamegirl shook with unbridled rage. “What the hell is your problem?! You can’t just say that! Just leave us alone and get out of my life!” “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Neomutant’s voice dropped low. “You’re far too important.” He continued moving closer, until Flamegirl was cornered in the back of the alcove. “Let me help you, take care of you, keep you safe from people like him.” “Why do you think Alpha is dangerous?” Flamey choked out. “You don’t even know him!” “Evidently, neither do you,” Neomutant rebuked. “You have to trust me.”
Before he could get any closer, Neomutant flew across the field, propelled by a sudden kick in the gut as Alpha broke out of his paralysis and dashed in front of Flamegirl. He struggled to stand back up, gripping at his stomach. “Alpha!” Flamey gasped. “How can you-?” “Doesn’t matter. Stay back.” Without another word, Alpha rushed at Neomutant and uppercutted him with a dark slash. Neomutant cried out in pain, but quickly used an electric attack to push Alpha back away from him. He landed on one knee, breathing laboriously. “You broke out of the paralysis… That’s impossible…!” he wheezed. “That code was supposed to be impenetrable!” “I know more about this game than anyone else.” Alpha’s words suddenly took on a darker tone. “Now, if you lay a finger on any of my friends… If you hurt Stephanie… I’ll kill you.” “You’re bluffing,” Neomutant said, putting up a macho facade. Alpha bared his teeth. “Wanna bet?” He lunged at Neomutant at breakneck speed, slashing at him ferociously before slamming his head into the violet dirt. His clawed fingers wrapped around the masked man’s neck and squeezed it shut. “I’ll make fucking sure you never get near her again.” “Alpha, stop it!” Flamegirl rushed in between the two boys and pushed Alpha off of Neomutant. “This is going too far - you can’t actually kill him!” “He’s a fucking stalker!” Alpha immediately snapped. “He’s endangering you! I have to!” “No, you don’t.” Flamey looked back over at Neomutant, who was lying motionless on the ground, but still alive and breathing. “I think he’ll get the message.” Alpha struggled against Flamegirl’s grip, acting almost feral. “No! I can’t let him go!” Flamegirl kept a hold of Alpha’s bandanna and pointed a Flame Bullet at Neomutant with her other hand. “If you can still hear me, please… just leave us alone.” She shot the ember and Neomutant lost the rest of his character’s HP, disconnecting from the game. “NO!” Alpha wailed. “I ALMOST HAD HIM! I COULD’VE SAVED YOUR LIFE!” “You did save me.” Flamegirl stared Alpha directly in the eyes, dominant yet caring. She carefully released his bandanna and then wrapped her arms around his back. “Thank you.”
Suddenly, a burst of pink light radiated from Flamegirl, enveloping the both of them. Alpha stared into the light, his rapid breathing and adrenaline lowering. Something about the light calmed him down completely. It was… warm and comforting. He let out a sigh and embraced Flamegirl in return, burying his face into her shoulder and clinging his claws into her back. She brought him serenity, as if what just happened had never occurred. Flamegirl released him, holding his hands as they separated. She blinked, noticing he was transfixed on her. “Wh-what is it?” Alpha couldn’t break away from the light that continued to radiate from Flamegirl. Her long, flowing hair was now shining with the pink light, like a hot flame. “Sorry, it’s just…” He could barely speak, lulled into a state of mind where he could hardly think. He lifted a hand and gently cupped Flamegirl’s cheek. “You’re so beautiful.” Flamey blushed at the unexpected compliment. What happened to the person she just saw a moment ago? It’s as if she had sedated a wild beast, and he had suddenly become docile. She couldn’t say a word. In her shock, Alpha moved his hand to get a hold of her chin. His eyes were no longer fierce… they gently closed as he began leaning in. “Alpha…?” she barely breathed before his lips contacted hers. She could feel the softness of his skin… He was so tender, completely opposite of what had just happened. He broke away after a long moment and looked back into her eyes. “It’s Michael.”
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”
I AM READY (slash not ready at all) FOR CAS BEING VERY SAD ABOUT DEAN FOR MULTIPLE EPISODES STRAIGHT (slash not straight at all)
i know almost nothing about this season besides dean being micheal for longer than he was a demon, and cas being :< the saddest puppy
yoooo i need to go find some headphones because i can hear all the BLRAHAHRGAH but voices are muffled
headphones acquired
now let’s do this recap again
i paused on alexander’s boobs
Tumblr media
i still don’t get why breasts are censored and non-breasts are not. like. they’re literally the same just less squishy???
WHOA THESE HEADPHONES HAVE BASS. i haven’t heard bass in months
okay no the issue with voices is the video file, not my speakers
welp guess i gotta just deal with it and squint at the screen because somehow that makes it easier to hear shit idk
still mid-key bummed about gabriel and dean yelling “gabe no!!!”
sam driving the impala alone is such a sad sight
i can head the adhan (muslim call the prayer) in the background
pffffff of course michael goes to arabia
i guess he teleported.... i guess that’s better than taking poor dean on a plane
oh wait the adhan was on dean’s phone??? jsdfghd unsure what to make of that
oh wait never mind that’s nOT DEAn
IT LOOKED LIKE HIM OKAY, in profile, lying in bed
oh god this guy better not die
i feel such immediate fondness
please let him be gentle and loving and important and not a terrorist or a red shirt
one time i was in the school playground and i think someone asked if i could speak any other language and i said nope but i could say that prayer...... and they made me repeat so they could laugh at me again
also the dude skipped a whole surah (verse) and a hands-on-the-knees-bow before sijda (kneeling)
i guess it’s a timing thing but jsdgjgd INACCURACY
his pronunciation was so beautiful, shoutout to whichever dialect coach sat there helping him say it right
“if you really cared about peace, you never would’ve left syria”
micheal: “you’re lost, and not worth saving”
definitely two distinct destiel concepts turned on their heads in six words there
cas’ “when he first laid his hand on you in hell, he was LOST”
and dean’s “you don’t think you deserve to be saved”
ooooo nice title card with the flapping wings
it’s so nice seeing the bunker crowded with good guys
this guy: sam season 18
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500 other people probably made this joke already
sam: “maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway?”
maggie: “um................... no?”
god this makes me wanna write all the AUs where it’s not weird that character x is alive at the same time as character y. i know i do that a lot anyway but I WANT MORE
southern suit guy: “castiel... darling”
cas: “oh god” >:|
i love how cas is so done with everything and everyone, forever
my love for him knows no bounds
and i love that cas is still curious enough to ask “what did you just order?”
cas: *very calm, very stern, very slow* “does any demon know where dean winchester is?”
*throws monster against tree* “WHERE’S THE ANGEL”
demon: “and how is it you lost dean? i thought the two of you were joined at the.......” *gestures to crotch* “you know... everything”
oh cas :c
poor cas
he probably needs to read “how to win friends and influence people” tbh
if his first port of call to bargaining with demons is threatening them, that’s not getting him anywhere in the long run
not saying he deserved getting beaten up by a gang (hell no) but he probably could’ve offered, like, an angel feather or something
also whenever something bad happens to cas what makes me saddest is knowing that somewhere in the world there are people grinning with glee and taking it as confirmation that the character is worthless
i probably shouldn’t think about that but i do anyway
oh hey danneel!!! i didn’t know she’d be back, i’m glad she is
michael: “you don’t recognise me with this pretty face?”
1. michael thinks dean is pretty
2. i wonder how many casual viewers aren’t aware these two are married
you know what i find interesting
jensen seems to be able to control his face so that he doesn’t look obviously attracted to danneel in this scene (besides the chin touch)
i think his pupils are slightly dilated but that might be the low light
which leads me to believe
1. he’s trying extra hard because He’s Married To Her (and micheal has intense facial control anyway)
1.1. he doesn’t try so hard with misha because he doesn’t realise he’s doing it
2. he does the hearteyes and lip-licks with misha/cas on purpose because DEAN is attracted to cas
(and while 1.1 and 2 may seem to conflict, i theorise that jensen allows his natural reactions to show because he knows he likes misha and knows dean likes cas??)
anyway my point is that he showed less outward attraction to his wife than he does to his boyfriend and there’s probably a good reason for that and jensen was thinking about it while acting
the way michael hisses when he says “a placccccee..” and wobbles his head when he says “it’s very very human of you” reminds me of kaa from the jungle book (specifically the scarlett johannson live action/cgi version)
he a snek
micheal: “if they’re all these sad... lost... fallen things, maybe they’re not worth saving either”
clearly this guy never heard the story about the starfish
ugh lucifer’s still here? or ... wait is this the vessel?? oh mannnn poor dude
oh no sam, seeing his torturer being an okay guy now
everyone in this show is so traumatised
demon suit guy: “i’m the boy who’s got your angel! and you wanna seem him again... you know, alive, we should probably chat”
sam is having a bad day, i see
what’s cool about this episode so far is that yeah there’s a LOT going on
but it’s balanced and makes sense and is informative and entertaining, not a garbage pile of chaos like a deadly duo episode would be
cas does the best eye-rolls
and his eyelashes are so pretty
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kip: “so take the deal, sam, before i stop trying to be crowley...... and show you who i really am”
a good line
hey the black dude survived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the demon’s vessel is fine!!!!
that’s new
the fact the humans can all come out of that fight just looking lightly scratched and cas looks like he was attacked by a giant squirrel is quite a feat
jack: “all i did was get punched in the face”
cas: “to be fair, we all got punched in the face”
face punch solidarity!!
jack says without power he’s useless
cas: “oh jack... that’s just not true”
oh heckie deckie it looks like michael is gonna raise an army of monsters
i look forward to seeing charlie and rowena later!!! since they’re still alive in this universe i believe
god this show is so much better when people aren’t dead
i still mourn for kevin though
jack is a lil cutie patootie, maggie is adorable also. like mice in a house of rabbits
cas is still and forever my favourite. <3 <3 <3 and i love when he’s such a valued part of the team and knows it implicitly
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Merge Dragons Hack Can Be Fun for Everyone
Another major issue is that people may use the Merge Dragons Hack option to handle the exact procedure.  Another most important issue is that in Merge Dragons, players may get three kinds of in-game currency.  There are 2 major types of in-game currency in the game and which are mentioned below Gems it's very essential for the players to earn several gems in Merge Dragons to play it correctly.
Our Merge Dogs cheats and tips will reveal to you how to gather all the doggies!  This quest demands that you defeat a specific number of slimes with a Super High-Tension Dragon Slash.  Continue reading for some advice and tricks for Merge Dragons!
Merge Dragons Hack at a Glance
Whenever you have the game open and you're idling, make sure you glance down at it every now and then.  Our Merge Dragons cheats and suggestions are likely to reveal to you the way to breathe life into the region and create an outstanding dragon camp!  All kinds of dragons have different type of powers, skills, and abilities.
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The 5-Minute Rule for Merge Dragons Hack It's designed with the accession of some digital funds. The currency may be used for different kinds of activities like upgrading the characters, buying items and so forth. Mainly these funds are getting to be helpful in many ways. A Secret Weapon for Merge Dragons Hack It's true that you can do other tasks throughout that time but the reality is that you won't always get the opportunity to achieve that. If you're focusing on such elements, then it is possible to get success effortlessly. If it comes to discover such objects, then you're expected to think about the method of some challenges. The Merge Dragons Hack Game Employees are going to be able to share entire calendars with distinctive users or invite designated employees to certain events. Because of this one, it's possible to find all the things you would like for free and you won't ever need to pay any of your money to achieve that. Log back in the game daily, even when you don't plan to play that day. The Hidden Truth About Merge Dragons Hack You will notice the game icon. The things mentioned previously are some reasons why the players of the said game should definitely think about utilizing the Online Hack! There are several intriguing features and special gameplay available. Sometimes there'll be hints, as it will be hard to understand the player. In the same game, they are free to play many other games and also with millions of other players online. The Upside to Merge Dragons Hack Members of different races who share the exact same commitment find it simple to earn the respect of a dragonborn. Trade with players from all over the world as you construct your final dragon paradise. Players from various parts of the world play the exact game to use their time properly. Bear in mind the time limit and the range of moves left! Therefore, there's no reason not to utilize it since it is readily accessible also. There are a great deal of new and timeless pursuits present which the players will need to carry out properly. Most Noticeable Merge Dragons Hack The methods which were mentioned here in order to download Merge Dragons Collectionfor PC do not demand you to be a tech expert and even in case you have very little understanding about technology, you may still getMerge Dragons Collection for PC by following the step-by-step guide given below. Sudoku includes unique qualities that will offer you the very best gaming experience. Using our on-line application you are able to increase your favourite game ITEMS. Merge Dragons Hack for Dummies You will likewise not require a jailbreak or rooted phone. Union Dragons hack and tricks doesn't need to download any item, just use the generator on the net and specifically get the hack benefits. No online connection required. Additional the anti-theft feature will enable you to recover your computer if it's stolen. The current active subscription period cannot be canceled. The app will allow you to hack innumerable quantity of Instagram accounts effortlessly. The Secret to Merge Dragons Hack You are unable to hatch the unlimited number of eggs at one time, upgrade the hatchery to boost the numbers. For instance, a more compact dragon home may be joined with two of the very same type to create a quaint dragon home, which might accommodate more dragons. You can take charge of a whole dragon camp, which you'll be able to decorate in accordance with your preferences. Merge Dogs is an easy and adorable merging game in which you merge dogs to create new breeds! Further, these items can be utilized to be able to raise your dragons and construct your dragon camp. Typical dragons can be gotten readily, while, acquiring legendary dragons isn't an effortless endeavor. Merge Dragons Hack: the Ultimate Convenience! After you have cracked Instagram password on the internet, you will acquire complete accessibility to the individual's individual pictures, videos, and call logs. It will be quite tough to keep the hacks working if they'll be overloaded by fake accounts owners. If a person makes the account private then it denotes they do not want non-following individuals to look at their pictures or content. Choosing Good Merge Dragons Hack Playing the levels, over and over, can assist you in getting some rare rewards like egg nests. The game was created with the accession of lots of features and intriguing elements. Construct and decorate beautiful floating islands in the sky to make your final park. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Merge Dragons Hack Be certain that your phone is joined to an online connection. Union Dragons hack and tricks doesn't need to download any item, just use the generator on the net and specifically get the hack benefits. No online connection required. The size of the game is practically 95 MB, and it's readily available for both IOS and Android users at free of charge. All software, apps or games on this site can be seen on other sources on the web and aren't hosted on this website. The exact same game aims to supply the most effective action-adventure gaming experience to its users. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Merge Dragons Hack Speed Stingers are among the few dragons that don't have a fire type, however, in School of Dragons, they shoot a kind of acid. Providentially, the remainder of the gang caught up, simply to observe that Speedy's pack had arrived. Dragons are really big and powerful reptilian animals that are capable of using elemental breaths. You should finish the quest with just one battle. As a result of this, if you wish to create higher-level dragons, you will need to use the Dragon Book, a menu where you are able to view all the inhabitants of your camp, and combine them with a couple clicks. The method of merging such dragons can assist you in boosting the ability of dragons. How to Find Merge Dragons Hack on the Web So if you'd like to get an amazing business then make certain the profile picture is a logo or mascot of your company. Your new pet will show up in the Garden! What makes this specific game unique is that you could match and merge any items which may be located on your island. The Importance of Merge Dragons Hack Stack flowers together so you know which will need to get merged and which are good. The game was created with the accession of lots of features and intriguing elements. Transform it in your own private space! Whispered Merge Dragons Hack Secrets The cheats will be able to help you in locating the ideal way of growing success. Merge Dragons provides you the best capability to create life merely by matching like things. All kinds of dragons have different type of powers, skills, and abilities. The Basic Facts of Merge Dragons Hack Mainly the rewards are getting to be useful in raising the amount of funds. It contains of more than 180 different levels, which can be completed in order to receive awesome rewards. On completing the missions, the players may receive various forms of rewards. New Questions About Merge Dragons Hack Some game lovers are finding the very best game that may aid them in getting plenty of entertainment. In it, they are free to play thousands or you can say millions of new and interesting games. They can get better entertainment level by considering the way of Hungry Dragon. Bear in mind the time limit and the range of moves left! The ideal thing about it's the simple fact that there won't be the should pay us any of your wealth and all you need to do is going to be to concentrate on the game. There are a great deal of new and timeless pursuits present which the players will need to carry out properly. The Hidden Truth About Merge Dragons Hack If you enjoy a dragon, this game is critical. The game is really generous in regards to gems. It's the world-class game which provides you the very best puzzle gaming experience when compared with all other games. The comment should contain info what you wish to get in the game and why do you enjoy this game. Try to remember that money in the game Homescapes is crucial. Merge Dragons Hack: the Ultimate Convenience! Following that, you can alter the location for BlueStacks 3. The individual will be notified you've sent a request to adhere to the account. The game is distributed at no charge and doesn't call for a mandatory investment, but those people who are unfamiliar with the English language, you should be careful whilst exploring the menu by typing. To acquire further information on Merge Dragons kindly look at Photonization The Fundamentals of Merge Dragons Hack You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Today The methods which were mentioned here in order to download Merge Dragons Collectionfor PC do not demand you to be a tech expert and even in case you have very little understanding about technology, you may still getMerge Dragons Collection for PC by following the step-by-step guide given below. Touch screen controls can be quite so touchy and finicky sometimes if they even get the job done correctly in any way. We're using NOX App Player and we'd advise you to do the exact same. The Little-Known Secrets to Merge Dragons Hack AtoZ Downloader can help you download Merge Dragons! Coins it's also a great and important kind of in-game currency in Merge Dragons. These are merely a few strategies and secrets to make sure that you get off on the correct foot during your time in Merge Dragons. This way is to utilize Merge Dragons Cheats. Therefore, these are definitely the most typical advantages of using cheats in Merge Dragons. A Secret Weapon for Merge Dragons Hack Some are paid tools while some are absolutely free to use. There aren't a lot of techniques to hack Fishdom, but we give you the best method to do this. It is going to be the best choice for you and you will enjoy it a lot while using it. All About Merge Dragons Hack It's true that you can do other tasks throughout that time but the reality is that you won't always get the opportunity to achieve that. If you're merging elements in an ideal fashion, then you're able to get a greater score. It is possible to even build structures that serve the aim of gem generation so that you don't need to fret about them. What Everybody Dislikes About Merge Dragons Hack and Why There are an enormous number of interesting features in Instagram which can help you obtain interest in it and utilize it also. Yes, it's right with the assistance of same option an individual can get everything in Roblox. As soon as you click the link, you'll be taken to the BlueStacks download page where the procedure will begin automatically. Understanding Merge Dragons Hack There's an incredible installation, which generates new objects of unique colours and shapes all of the moment. A number of the objects you wind up creating tend to develop more items with time. In the event you want to become maximum outputs and greater score then target the 5 objects. What Everybody Dislikes About Merge Dragons Hack and Why You will notice the game icon. The principal thing which players want to understand is that they need to know properly how to create the gameplay effortless to play it correctly. There are lots of things present related to the game you ought to know more about the game so as to know about it correctly. Sometimes there'll be hints, because it will be difficult to understand the player. Players only have to pay more attention to the gameplay and apply more tips and secrets to ensure it is easier while playing. The 30-Second Trick for Merge Dragons Hack Mainly the evil forces are attacking the principal base in the shape of fog. There's an average of 4 fights for each degree of difficulty and the previous fight always comprises a last boss. Proceed to the desert, and attempt to take part in a battle with Axolhotls. What Does Merge Dragons Hack Mean? Mainly the rewards are getting to be useful in raising the amount of funds. It is free, but for additional features you need to pay a certain amount of money. Players may also purchase premium currency should they want some help on the way. What You Must Know About Merge Dragons Hack Merge Dragons Hack will let you to purchase all items free of charge. If you would like to utilize Merge Dragons Hack than follow this URL. Hacking Merge Dragons is a totally free tool that will help you play never stop. Our Merge Dogs cheats and tips will reveal to you how to gather all the doggies! In Merge Dragons, you will need to merge similar items into one another and evolve it into another product. Here you find a number of the primary few tips, which you require when you're playing Merge Dragons. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Merge Dragons Hack To begin with, it goes to the hatchery and after that you must swipe over the egg to have that dragon. Providentially, the remainder of the gang caught up, simply to observe that Speedy's pack had arrived. They can be trained for battle, or they can simply be fed large amounts of food to help them become gigantic and powerful. If you buy too many of exactly the same dog, you will earn that dog really costly. It's possible for you to tap rapidly as much as possible, because the rabbit will just stay for a couple seconds. Merge monsters to construct the greatest rampaging team! The Birth of Merge Dragons Hack You'll also see this on-line generator will work well on any device which you have. No need to be worried about acquiring malware using the tool because it's been built meticulously by hacking experts. It's a safe tool which is totally free of malware and malicious bugs. The majority of the tutorials on the internet recommends the Bluestacks app and I might be tempted to recommend it as well, as you are more inclined to easily find solutions online in case you have trouble employing the Bluestacks application on your PC. You can select any of them or even both in case the very first method doesn't get the job done for you. For instance, there are a few hacks that could only be utilized with a flash drive and so, in the event the user doesn't have it, they would have to devote money just so that they could purchase it. Merge Dragons Hack Secrets Lesser priests are called Memories of Vecna. The best players from all around France download the stuff from this website, all of the excellent champions are utilizing these tricks to reach rather high scores and it is also possible to turn into a true champion! After defeating the given quantity of Hocus Chimaeras, return and speak to Odval to get access to the Ranger vocation. Bear in mind the time limit and the range of moves left! The ideal thing about it's the simple fact that there won't be the should pay us any of your wealth and all you need to do is going to be to concentrate on the game. There are a great deal of new and timeless pursuits present which the players will need to carry out properly. All About Merge Dragons Hack
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The methods which were mentioned here in order to download Merge Dragons Collectionfor PC do not demand you to be a tech expert and even in case you have very little understanding about technology, you may still getMerge Dragons Collection for PC by following the step-by-step guide given below.  Touch screen controls can be quite so touchy and finicky sometimes if they even get the job done correctly in any way.  First you can decide to download Nox App Player or BlueStacks, don't forget to find the most recent version.
What is Really Going on with Merge Dragons Hack
Merge Dragons Hack will let you to buy all items at no cost.  Levels are usually rather simple to beat.  Completing all 3 quests are likely to bump you up to the subsequent rank, and you will receive brand-new set of quests together with unlocking things that are new.
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