#this is the layout i'm using rn and i love it
adams-angels · 8 months
I want to see my man in pain, Adam break down after reader said they want to break up (fluff in the end pls) 😞
I reaaaally enjoyed writing this
I love pain 🥹
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Adam POV
It was a normal night. Out talking to some babes. Tellin' them how great I am. Because, well, I AM! HA! I'm the first fucking man! These bitches swarm me. Who am I to deny them. I check my phone a see y/n has text me. "Ugh, what do you want now you needy fuckin'" I can't believe what I'm reading.
"we're done."
My heart sinks. Why is it sinking. I don't care. I'm fucking ADAM!! Adam stands, pushing away the crowd of angels surrounding him and tries calling you. "Come on.. come on, pick up, you dumb bitch." No answer. NO FUCKING ANSWER. His head spins. Panic sets in as. This isn't happening. Not again.
You think you're better than me?! You're nothing! I'm Adam!! I can get ANYONE I FUCKING WANT YOU THINK I NEED YOU?!
He tries calling you again. No answer. "FUCK!" He expands his wings and shoots up, smashing through the skylight. He continues to text and call as he makes his away to your apartment. "FUCKING ANSWER ME!" He screams into his phone. By the time he arrives at your apartment he calms himself down, "I can get them back." He thinks to himself as he lands on your balcony. "They didn't mean it. They couldn't of."
As he reaches for the handle of the sliding door his hand shakes. "No, no, no, no." He grips onto his wrist stepping back from the door, being stopped my the railing. He slides down to the floor. "No, no, no...." His voice cracks, fear, sadness, anger. He never let himself get close. At least that's what he told himself. After the second wife also betrayed him he swore he'd never care so he would never hurt. But somewhere along the way, he fell for you. Although he denied himself.
He rushed to remove his mask, feeling like he can't breathe. Once he got it off he threw it aside. Clutching at his chest as tears escaped from his eyes. "No, no, no.." he whimpered. He sat on the floor for an hour. Thinking about you. What he did wrong. If he did something terrible. Why you're ending it. There wasn't even anything to end and yet his world felt like it was crashing around him.
Once he calmed down he leaned forward and sighed. Wiping his cheeks as he stood up and put his mask back on. He reached for the handle, hesitating before opening the sliding door. He sees you in your bed, asleep. He closed the door quietly and just watched you. For about half an hour before he realised how much a creep he's being. He walked into your livingroom. He's been here plenty times before. He memorized the layout.
He walks over to one of your succulents. You loved them. Once he came over and accidentally knocked one on the floor. You were so upset. He didn't see the big deal but he still went out of his way to buy you a new pot for it and a new succulent altogether. Just something to say he was sorry without actually saying sorry. He smiled as he remembered your joy. He sat on the couch and waited.
A couple hours later he heard rustling in your room. He shot up from the couch and heading to your bedroom, freezing at the doorway as he sees you wake. You scream in surprise, falling off your bed. He noticed your phone falling off the nightstand with you. His chest tightens. Your phone. Those horrible texts. "Adam?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!" You yell at him, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He stands there, feeling awkward. "You want to leave me?" He asked, trying hard to not break his voice. You tut, he watches at you stand, wanting to help but to afraid to move. "You say that like you cared." You snap, picking your phone up from the floor. "Don't look at that." He took a step towards you, reaching out but you recoiled. "Why? You next me nasty shit? Telling me I'm worthless? That I was lucky to -" he interrupted, "y/n, I'm sorry. I just want to know what I did wrong."
Adam braces himself. For you to yell. For you to scream. For you to tell him you love someone else. "I just... I can't... I don't want to be a place holder for you." His shoulders slump down he hesitantly steps closer to you "What are you talking about?" He carefully slides his hand under yours "I don't want to be someone you just use until you find someone better." His fingers interlace with your as his other hand brushes your hair from you face. His breath catches seeing your red, watery eyes "I just want to be... I don't know, Adam."
His hand cups your face. He looks into your eyes and for the first time in eons he chose to be vulnerable. "Be mine?" He watches you shrug. Rightfully assuming you've misunderstood his request he clarifies "no, I'm asking. Be mine." The way you look at him makes his chest tighten in fear. "What?" He recoiled. "I mean, maybe we could start again? Like.. properly?"
"You mean like.. date? What happened to "I don't date. I'm the first man. I have the first penis ever bla bla!"" He glares at you. Of course you'd remember that. "I don't sound like that." "You do." Adam brow furrows in in frustration. "Whatever, y/n, please. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me." He felt pathetic. He was pathetic. "I'll have to think about it." His chest tightened. His heart beating a million miles a minute. You'd see how pale he would be if he wasn't wearing the mask. "H-how long will that take?" He asked, desperation leaking out of him.
"I don't know, Adam." You shrug. The air was thick. He was struggling to breath and needed to get out of there. "I really care about you, y/n. You have to believe me, babe." He kisses your hand before releasing it. "Just.. uh... Delete those texts. I didn't mean any of it." He heads to the sliding door he entered from, opening it and expanding his wings as he jumps off. He looks behind to see if you watched leave like you've done so maybe times before. But you're not there.
It's been a month. A whole month. It should feel like nothing to him considering how long he's been in existence yet it feels like a years. He sees you about. With your friends. Getting groceries. Whenever his eyes catch on to you he freezes. No matter what he's doing.
He can't keep this up. He didn't want to pressure you. Make you feel like you had to choose him. But fuck he needed you to choose him. He was in his office. But he couldn't focus. He was so tired, not being able to sleep well without you. Even if he didn't sleep the whole night it was always nice knowing you were there no matter what. At least that's what he used to think.
He checked his phone to see nothing from you. It was too much. He was alone. You were never coming back. No one ever comes back. Lilith left him. Eve left him. Now you. "Fuck. FUCK!" He picks up his coffee and punts it at the wall. He can't stay here. He needs to find you. He needs you back.
He swung the door open and there you were. He couldn't believe it. He thought you'd at least text him. Not show up at his office! His feathers were literally ruffled, his office looks like a bombs hit it. "Y/n?" He said softly, it was like time stopped for a minute. He wish it did. Then he could scoop you in his arms and never let you leave. He snapped back into reality changing his expression quickly, not want anyone to see a softer side to him. "Come in." He stands aside letting you in to his office. He hates that you didn't text. He would of cleaned up there were documents everywhere, a smashed mug on the floor and coffee stains on the wall. He hated it was such a mess for you. "Bad day?" You commented he grumbled in response. "There are no bad days in heaven." He mumbled as he slumps down on his office chair.
Resting his chin on the back of his hand as he watches you walk over to his office window, opening it. The musky smell almost dissipating immediately "So... I thought about it." He perks up, sitting straight, watching you like a hawk. "And?"
"and I'm willing to start again. Properly." He immediately bolts from his chair, wrapping his arms around you. "Fuck, thank fucking Christ. Don't do that to me again. Please." His voice breaks, wings surrounded the both of you. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll treat you so much better." "Promise?" "Yes, promise."
~⁠♡✧⁠。 I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! 。✧⁠♡~⁠
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artofalassa · 7 months
Tiny Update - WWL/TDDU + PINS
First off - thank you SO very much to all of you leaving lovely comments in the tags on the last (and any other) part(s) of Til Death Do Us / Wolfwood Lives AU.
How's the comic doing?
I decided to favor myself enjoying the work on it instead of spitting it all out asap and having it finished for May. No more zine ready in May for Animefest happening, unfortunately. It's too much pressure and I just. I wouldn't like it. The comic would suffer - both in terms of writing and art. Not to mention I don't ever want to pressure one of my best buds and my personal editor @Squeemu.
This way I can still think of the script a bit more, add new little ideas, enjoy preparing the layout and draw each of the faces in my own time. And maybe splash some colours into some other parts as well again. 👀 I MISS COLOURING STUFF SO MUCH.
The slower pace will also let me rest from time to time, maybe play a videogame and maybe not go crazy when 7R2 is out and I'll be biting table about it, bc I SHOULD BE DRAWING THE COMIC, bc I only have xy days til the end of April. (Trust me, it did happen, I went to bed counting pages, matching them to days in my head over and over and over.... and then broke down.)
So. That said - we are progressing quite nicely now! Even with the crazy amount of storyboarding work I had in Jan/Feb. I am having fun, I LOVE drawing the part I'm working on rn.
What about the PINS?!
Good question! The data's in the manu atm. However, as China's still celebrating Lunar New Year, the factories are closed. But - the break should end on 20th. So we should get some news soon. :)
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accihoe · 11 months
Deputation Gone Awry
Pairing: Avenger Bucky x Avenger fem!reader
Summary: The title is self-explanatory. But Barnes and Y/L/N go on a mission with Wilson and Romanoff. Things go awry. James and Y/N are stuck in a safehouse together amidst a blizzard.
Warnings: mean and condescending Bucky. Jealousy. Angst. Fights. Fluff. Injuries and stitches. Please don't this read if injuries make you uncomfortable.
Genre: angst to fluff
A/n: As always, my loves, please don't steal my work. Tag me and give me credit if you post my work on other platforms or use my ideas. God bless.
"Good girl." Y/N grinned as the cat hopped onto her couch and snuggled up against her thigh (literally my cat and I rn. Her name is Goose.). A knock at the door startled the cat, who ran underneath the bed. "Dang it. Coming!" Y/N called as she got up and went to the door.
"Hey, kiddo, remember you're going on a mission with Barnes, Wilson, and Romanoff. You leave tomorrow. Get packing chop-chop." Tony clapped his hands together to enunciate his words. Y/N's stomach warmed, and her heart pounded when she heard his surname. She packed quickly. According to the list Tony had given her at the briefing in the boardroom.
She went to Steve's room and knocked on the door. Muffled voices quietened, and two pairs of footsteps came to the door. When it opened, Y/N bit her lip in excitement before shifting to the side as James pushed past her. "Hey Y/N/N. Can I help you?" Steve leaned again the doorframe.
"Hey Steve. Yeah. Could you please watch Goose? I'm going on a mission tomorrow." She asked. "Isn't that Fury's cat?" Steve was puzzled. "Yeah. That's why you've gotta take extra care of her." Y/N smiled. Steve agreed (after Y/N made him microwave brownies), and soon, all the belongings of the cat (Flerken) and Goose were inside of Steve's room.
The following morning, Y/N was in the Quinjet. Her belongings stowed away as she sat behind the stick in the cockpit. Bucky came in first. "You're early for once.". "Well, I've never been late, Barnes. I'm actually very punctual." Y/N said as she put her magazine down. James scoffed. "What are you doing there anyway? The seats are here." Bucky changed the topic, realizing he had no evidence to deflate her ego with in the previous topic.
"I'm the pilot." She said. "Yeah, right. You can hardly steer a bike." Bucky scoffed. "Bikes and planes are two entirely different things, Barnes." She sing-songed. "This is a jet." Bucky answered with a sly grin. He finally had something to belittle her for. One slip-up. "You know what I meant. Bikes and jets are still very different things." Y/N sighed.
"They're not actually that different if you compare the layouts and the functionalities. I mean, you've got seats in both, a steering stick in both -" Bucky started. "Okay, okay." Y/N moved out of the cockpit and went to the back of the jet. Bucky grinned in victory. Nat and Sam joined shortly afterwards.
"Where's Y/N?" Sam asked. "Dunno." Bucky shrugged. "She's already been here. It's her magazine." Nat said from the cockpit. Y/N emerged from the back. "Sorry. I was just checking our supplies." Y/N smiled as she stepped into view. "There's our captain." Sam grinned. "Pilot." Bucky corrected.
Bucky's scowl returned as Y/N went to the cockpit. He dramatically clipped in his seatbelt and held on for dear life as they flew to their destination. "You know she's a licensed pilot, right?" Natasha asked, not looking up from the magazine Y/N tossed to her.
"By the way she flies, it doesn't seem like it." Bucky hissed. "I'm able to read." Natasha said. "It's very turbulent. I don't know how." Bucky huffed. "We did just flie through a few typhoons." Nat answered calmly as she flipped a page. "Seriously? We're not hurricane hunters. Why's she flying us through typhoons?" Bucky groaned.
"Because she knows what she's doing." Nat finally looked at Bucky. Bucky resolved to silence for the rest of the flight and was less but still dramatic when they landed. The mission went smoothly, and all went according to plan until Y/N's suit belt hooked onto a rusted lever broke off and fell onto the steel floor.
Bucky grabbed Y/N and pinned her down as the opposition fired at them. Y/N's heart hammered in her chest, but she did not allow her silly crush to jeopardize the mission or her status. So she flipped them over and held Barnes down as she got up and fired single shots at the men, bullets laced with instant toxins to make whoever was shot pass out (unrealistic I know but bear with me).
After several moments of fighting, they ran out with their mission partners just in time to miss the start of the ambush. Amidst an ambush and a quickly approaching blizzard, Y/N lost sight of the rest of the team but thankfully bumped into Bucky. They ran off together, and Bucky hijacked a bike from the ambushers.
Y/N's cheeks were hot despite the snow as she held onto Bucky Barnes. They drove as far out of sight as they could. Y/N managed to locate a safehouse established by S.H.I.E.L.D and gave Bucky directions. Once they arrived at the safehouse, Bucky was fuming. "Why the hell would you put us all in danger like that!? And then shoot them all! We could have interrogated them for evidence or answers!" Bucky yelled at Y/N. Y/N sighed deeply. "Here we go..." She muttered underneath her breath.
Y/N had always been kind to Bucky despite his condescending persona towards her. She looked past it, blinded by her love for the man. He particularly liked to belittle her in front of others. She's no fool. She knew what he was doing and why he was doing it. "And now you're silent!?" Bucky went on condescending and patronizing her, but Y/N heard the exertion in his voice. It got meeker and meeker until they reached the safehouse by foot as the bike could not go through the snowpack.
Y/N noticed the limp in Bucky's step, his right leg particularly. She noticed the discomfort in his eyes when he sat down after checking around and locking the door. She grabbed her medical aid and kneeled in front of him by the fireplace. "Goodness, no, I don't need you messing up another thing. I'm fine. Wish I had Natasha here instead." Bucky groaned when he caught on to what she was doing. Y/N ignored the nauseating jealousy. Bucky looked mortified as she forced him to remove his trousers but allowed him to keep the thermal knee-length pants on.
She rolled the left side of the pants up where a dark red patch was. Bucky hissed in discomfort. Y/N gasped quietly at the wound, getting disinfectant and cleaning the wound carefully. She disinfected the needle with a lighter before stitching up his wound and putting cream and a plaster over.
The whole time, Bucky was complaining. Y/N droned out his voice to focus on his wound. When she was doing up the bandage, Bucky was still condescending her, "You tie as crap as you fly. Ha, that rhymes. But seriously. Did you attend the medical course?". That was it. Y/N ripped off that bandage (not the plaster) and gathered her stuff quickly before getting up and storming off. Bucky scoffed, but he did not even convince himself.
Bucky had several attempts at putting the bandage on properly himself, but he gave in when the pain got to him. Shamefully, Bucky made his way upstairs with the bandage. His heart leapt into his throat when he saw Y/N in her thermal clothing and not the suit. Y/N's mission attire was not nearly at voluptuous as Nat's, Bucky never assumed she had such a fine pair of legs. He watched as she scrubbed at his trousers to clean the blood before hanging them in front of the fireplace.
"You may come in, James." Bucky's heart dropped at her voice. She noticed him and called him by his full name. "I uh.. look, I'm sorry. But I need help with the bandage." Bucky croaked. Y/N sighed as she put her hands on her hips. "Why? I assume you attended the medical course?" Y/N tilted her head to the side. "No.. I didn't." Bucky's dropped his head slightly. "Sit down on the bed which, by the way, I'm sleeping in tonight." She said.
After wrapping Bucky's bandage properly and giving him clothes she'd found, Y/N shooed Bucky out of her room. Out of boredom, Bucky went through files of the agents the safehouse had and their personal lives. Bucky lingered on Y/N's. He looked at her rescuing people and animals. He kept his eyes on one where Y/N held a baby. A brief image of her holding a blue-eyed baby and standing beside him flashed before his eyes.
He looked at her in a pretty sundress. Good grief. How did they know and acquire all this about her personal life? Did she know? Was someone stalking her? Bucky's blood boiled with rage at the thought. Bucky closed the file and put it away as he heard Y/N coming downstairs. His skin crawled as he recognized the sweatpants adorning her lovely legs. Steve's.
"Where'd you get Steve's sweatpants?" He asked before he could think. "I didn't know that they were his. I found them in the drawer." She said. "And you didn't check for any women's clothing?" Bucky snarled. She had it.
"I am done with you constantly condescending me, James Barnes! I have only been kind to you from the start, and all you've done is misuse my kindness. I'm fed up with your constant attempts at making me feel less clever or competent because I can assure you that I am at a much higher level that you make me out to be. I'm aware that I might not be some professionally trained assassin or spy or have any remote form of superpowers or supernatural abilities, but I am far more intellectually competent than most! Mark my words. Once we are done with this mission, I will make sure that you never have to spend a moment in my presence again! You can find yourself a woman who meets your delusional capabilities for accommodating you on a mission! I. Am. Done." She went back upstairs.
Though she was stern with what she had to say, she did not yell or raise her voice. She addressed him calmly and maturely. Bucky felt even worse because of that.
Bucky made little effort to stop himself from going back to the file. His heart launched into his throat. He felt like a cartoon character with heart eyes floating after his lover and a visible hammering heart. There stood Y/N in a 1940s themed dress. Hair curled accordingly. Lips painted red. Her dazzling smile captured his heart solidly. A soldier's blazer, almost identical to his, was draped over her shoulders. If he had not seen her date of birth, he would have assumed that she was from that time.
Bucky put away the file after he had looked through it around eight times. He made his way upstairs after ensuring the door was locked and the fire was out. With a slight struggle to be quiet, he was in front of her door. He knocked quietly. "What, Barnes?" He could hear the frustration in her voice. "May I come in?" He asked. "Why?" Was all that she answered. "I want to apologize to you. Face to face." After a few moments of silence, the door creaked open. Y/N closed it once Bucky was in to trap in the heat.
"I don't know where to begin.." Bucky admitted. "Sit down. You need to ease the usage of your leg a little. And before you say anything, we were taught this in the course." Y/N said. "I wasn't going to condescend you. I swear I'll try my best to never do that again." Bucky said truthfully as he sat down.
Y/N assisted him in elevating his leg. "I don't know why it's so... normal today. My wounds are usually much less painful and heal easily." Bucky said. "It's a pretty deep wound, sarge." Y/N said. "Sarge?" Bucky grinned. "Sorry." Was what Y/N said as she sat down on the windowsill. "No, no, I like it. Takes me back to my golden days." Bucky smiled. "You sound as old as you are." Bucky laughed at that.
"Look, Y/N/N. I should probably start from the day we met. I should never have treated you like any less. And let me assure you, I've never for a moment believed that you are any less, even if I've treated you otherwise. I knew from the start that you were sharp. Smart. Kind. Able. Clever, very clever. Undoubtedly beautiful. And what threw me off is when you were kind to everyone else, and I was new, you were kind to me. When everyone hated me, you were still kind to me. I feared the worst. So I tried to convince myself that you are less than what you actually are, to justify the fear of being mortified by such a real doll. A dame. A babe, as you youngsters say." Y/N chuckled at the last bit.
"I am not trying to justify my actions with nice words! I'm being completely honest about what and why. You looked at me like you were proud of me. Like I wasn't such a worthless undes-" "Hey. Don't inflict any more hatred on yourself. HYDRA created enough negative neural pathways. We need to cover them with positive thoughts. So that we can see more of that smile that charmed ladies into paying for a meal." Y/N said. Bucky looked at the floor with tinted cheeks. "You're a.. what do they call it? Nerf? Nurd. Nerd. You're such a nerd." It was Y/N's turn to laugh.
"I didn't want to make this apology about me. I really am so sorry. I sure don't deserve it, but if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd be honored." Bucky said with a small smile. The air in the room was far more pleasant. "I forgive you, Bucky. I forgave you the moment you knocked on that door." Y/N said. "What? Why?" Bucky was puzzled. "Because you made the effort to come upstairs and apologize to me. You could've called me downstairs or buzzed me. But you came upstairs. That alone was an apology in itself." Y/N smiled.
Bucky recognised that smile as the one from the picture with the baby, and the one where she cradled a kitten amidst a rescue, and the one with the sundress, and the one on that 40s themed photograph. He saw her true smile. A sight that he was instantly hooked on. He mimicked her smile. "Could we try again? At being partners in the work field? I really need you on my team. Even though I never wanted to admit it. Maybe friends?" Bucky wanted so much more than friends.
"I'd love nothing more, sarge." Y/N got up and shook his hand. That's where the friendship brewed from.
Part 2?
Not proofread.
Gif not mine
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katsigian · 4 months
Very slowly and painfully revamping my blog 🫠 painfully because the adhd is kicking my whole ass!! It's irritating me just enough that I have to revamp and clean everything up, but not quite interesting enough for me to like, breeze through it in a hyperfixated whirlwind
AAAND my oc website is coming along too, albeit a little slowly 🫠 I got the domain, I have the layout set basically I got the barest of bones set up already. The hardest part has been writing out OC lore and details. I currently have 16 OCs active dude how am I supposed to write out 16 bios in a timely manner 😭 fuckin. Valen and Vesper over here. With 20+ years of lore for me to write in a semi legible and readable manner 👁👄👁
So if you wanted to maybe check out my little page here on Tumblr (not the katsigian.blog or whatever yet bc that's getting revamped too) I think it's coming along saurrr pretty so far. My color palette changed to gold/green/mint/cream and I moved all my specific fandom stuff to a sideblog
So yeah katsigian is now just an OC blog - yes, I'm still technically using cyberpunk as my creative outlet and the base for my worldbuilding/stories, but I'm pretty well fandomless at the moment. I have no one specific fandom rn and it's been peaceful. Like really peaceful. I love not being subjected to fandom drama and just existing in my lane over here with my ocs 🫶
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tallsc · 9 months
AvM Ep 33 Commentary
Gonna do a little bit of commentary and whatever important points I notice while watching through the episode, all below the cut so AVM EP 33 SPOILERS BELOW.
I actually love getting to see what more blocks do, not just the command block + lucky block cause a lot of these seem to have different effects and that's awesome. The chaos of this episode is absolutely gonna be Red's fault isn't it though, I see you sneaking off there.
Guys. Guys Yellow canonically sleeps. At some point they have managed to sleep. This is a miracle.
Red just flung the command block away to some random place is this gonna be important later? Also the creeper bee keeps showing up so that feels also important probably
Red just broke a universe oh n o and kidnapped the sentient-looking lucky orb thing
Wait they changed the layout of their house??? Why does Red sleep in the same room as Green???? Does Blue not sleep on the floor anymore??????? NOOO BLUE DOESN'T SLEEP ON THE FLOOR NOOOOOO
Also 1 I love how the orb block creature is animated and 2 they look kinda scared from my perspective, which makes sense if so cause they just got dragged to a new universe and there's this stick thing (which looks a lot like the kind of creature that kidnapped them last time) trying to get them again.
Orange is fighting much more defensively than usual, first three moves I see from them is to block an attack on Green, catch Red (justice for Arcade Games) and take out another shield.
Everyone's gotten very good at this though, I love seeing them employ their skills cause they've all gotten a lot stronger as time goes on. Blue with the potion, Yellow with even just the normal command block, ect
Oh no they've all been eaten IS THE BEE OKAY THO WAIT NO THE BEE'S BEEN TAKEN NOOO the bee's kinda okay though
Oh and you've taught the shiny chaos orb who doesn't seem to like you guys at all how to make block staffs that surely can only go well, I love the effect on the lucky block environment though it's so cool.
Red. Red did you learn that from Green. Using a pick to break lines of blocks coming at you so you can get closer to an enemy. Green used that on you Red. That feels very familiar.
Blue the most acrobatic just pogo-ing their way to victory, also the slightly 3d shot of Red's sword in a standstill is interesting.
Please creeper bee don't explode by the end of this you're so sweet you make the ghast happy you make Red happy you make me happy you make everyone happy oh there you go into the hive
Red silly also Red's got two now, hoping they don't get to bring these home cause these seem overpowered if everyone's got them all the time
Idk I'm probably gonna have to watch this fight a couple times I'm just enjoying the show rn, a lot of different fighting styles coming into play, a lot of interesting stuff you can put in the staff, a boat fighting people, tis fun.
How nice they put all the blocks back and surely the shiny chaos orb won't do anything wrong and is definitely not going to kill everyone with their newfound power
Just love the fighting styles used in this, Yellow and Red teaming up, Red helping Orange out, Green thinking with portals and grappling hook adjacent, Blue doing acrobatic flying, Red and Orange are embracing the powers of Herobrine and the Warden respectively, it's all great
Wait they actually did get the bee I wrote that before Red did anything NOOOO THE BEE NOOOOOOOO THE BEE'S NOBLE SACRIFICE o7 you were my new favorite character gone but not forgotten
Yellow just looked so annoyed while waiting for their bedrock to break
THEY MADE A MEMORIAL TOO THANK YOU o7 bee I must draw fanart of them soon
On one hand f a i r but on the other you never got after Blue or Yellow that much for causing trouble, give Red a break they did save you all at least
Anyway ye there's my thoughts on the initial episode and most things I noticed off the bat, now time to see what other people think
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desidarling123 · 1 year
SAB Scene Breakdown: Inej's Hallucination
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OK, so I had actually been meaning to write and publish some meta on this particular scene (and just tons of SAB S2 meta, in general) in the weeks after the second season of the show came out. But life has been crazy recently, so I truly never found the time.
However, I reblogged a certain gifset a few days/weeks ago, slapped some tags on it, and realized there might indeed be some interest in some more #detailed thoughts.
The analysis that follows is at a pretty minute level of detail (and all of course based on MY views) so... take that with a grain of salt.
Also - fair warning - it's long as hell 😂 but entertaining, I hope!
I find this whole sequence in general super fascinating - it's one of my favorite scenes in the second season, and one that's also arguably subject to the absolute worst takes in fandom (iykyk... and if you don't, well, you're about to find out.)
So, let's get into it:
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We start off strong with a very specific choice, made early on: it's not Inej seducing Kaz; rather, it's Kaz who's drawing Inej into this vision.
I get a bit more into the broader implications of that a bit later, but it's definitely important that it's done this way, rather than the other way around.
It's also, very notably, an inverse of this scene from a few episodes earlier:
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What's unique about that previous scene is that in that moment, he's deliberately pushing her away (for reasons, mind you, that she's not entirely privy to, but definitely hurt her regardless - even if she pretends not to care about it to his face later on).
This is different. Instead of pushing her away, he is asking her to stay.
The choice of words is specific too: the word 'disappear' most obviously references her status as his spider. But it might also be an apt description of her own personal trappings, of 'disappearing' when in the throes of trauma-induced pressure.
Some atmospheric details I love:
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Their IRL confrontation was in his office-cum-bedroom (👀shutup), a tiny, crammed space that matched the tension of that scene. This is the opposite of that - the room has a more open layout, imbuing the whole sequence with a more relaxed vibe. We can even see his cane chilling on the table behind him, just in reaching distance.
The DeKappel painting which they jointly stole in the books (and presumably on the show as well) is behind them.
Fire burning as a symbol for latent passion is not exactly groundbreaking imagery, but don't fix what ain't broke, amirite? :P
Malina, very notably, gets the same fire imagery treatment in their own love scene as well:
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Will it show up again in a future season for kanej? Between that and, well, the recurring church imagery, we're in for a tossup, folks
But anyways. Back to the scene at hand.
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You'll notice Inej goes back to a formal stance, hands behind her back, like she's preparing for a debrief or for an assignment. It's for a few seconds, if that, but it shows that she's grasping at some semblance of normalcy in this decidedly not-normal vision.
That facade lasts for all of, two seconds, tops, when he does this:
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It's sexy! It's intimate! There's knives involved!
Okay, but seriously, for the sake of time I actually will not get into a deeper discussion of the ~implications~ because I'm sure it's been done a zilllion times before and it's also fairly obvious lol
Now, the one thing I *do* want to pivot to here is that by this point, both Inej and the audience understand that there is something very subtly yet fundamentally different about hallucination!Kaz.
But what is it?
Speaking on this scene, Freddy Carter had a quote (that I cannot be arsed to find rn) where he basically said that he deferred to Amita when playing hallucination!Kaz because "she (Amita) knows better (than I do) what it is that Inej likes about Kaz"
And what is it, exactly, that she likes about him? The next few gifs tell all, using actions rather than words.
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This is her reaction to him pulling her knives from her. And what I find so interesting is that she is so (rightfully) startled....
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But that is absolutely NOT the expression on his face at all.
In fact, he's remarkably self-assured.
And THAT, I think, is the crux of 'what it is she likes about him', as Frreddy said.
She likes his decisiveness, the single-minded precision with which he operates.
She's seen him apply it to every last scheme, every seemingly-hopeless situation... to damn near everything in the world, really, but her.
But here, in the depths of her hallucination, he does.
There are none of his usual hangups, none of their typically frustrating back-and-forths.
No. Here, he doesn't hesitate. He wants her, and he makes it known.
Striking, sexy stuff, to say least.
Let's go on:
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Nothing to add here except that I'm obsessed with the way their heads turn at the same time here.
It's funny, because for all their personal hang-ups when it comes to physical intimacy, these two are SURPRISINGLY physically attuned to each other.
Goes to show, really, how much both of their problems are in their heads (obviously) -- and how, when they're actually ready to heal, relying on their intuition may be a better approach than getting too cerebral about it.
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Again, Kaz does not break eye contact with her here, and it's such a contrast to what he might have instead done if this were happening in real life - in fact, does happen, in real life, though I'd argue that isn't exactly his fault.
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I love that we get a moment where Inej looks down and sees his hand hovering near her waist, just so that it's made explicitly clear what he's asking for and what the ~implications~ are.
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And then, she says yes! Enthusiastically, I might add.
Not but seriously the sheer want, the little touch of eagerness on her face kills me here. She's never had this experience before - has only ever known men violating her in the most horrible way possible - and yet this tiny little thing, of Kaz asking her for consent, means so much.
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Oh my God Kaz is so sexy here sorry no words anyway carrying on.
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Now even after she said yes you can see this sudden little beat of hesitation on her face, like she's maybe not sure what's going to happen or if Kaz is going to do what she asked. For her it's a moment of incredible vulnerability, even though Kaz is the one sort of making the advances on her - because this one time, she actually gets to say yes.
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I think that shot of his arm going around her waist is so gorgeous and so sensual - but as we pan up we can see that maybe all isn't well.
Now, Amita also really does a fantastic job at portraying the turbulence of Inej's emotions -- she goes from clearly wanting it and saying 'yes', to visibly panicking once he acts on it. We see her shift around in his grip and even swallow nervously, blink-blink-blinking herself back into the moment.
Her response is reminiscent of this passage from the books:
But what might have happened if he'd spoken that night? If he had willingly offered her some part of his heart? What if he had come to her, laid his gloves aside, drawn her to him, kissed her mouth? Would she have pulled him closer, kissed him back? Could she have been herself in such a moment, or would she have broken apart and vanished, a doll in his arms, a girl who could never quite be whole?
You can see the very beginning of that sort of panic start to set in, here. This is completely uncharted territory for Inej - her own desire, the shame and baggage that comes with it, is all getting uncovered for the first time in what is arguably the 'safest' way possible - within the confines of her own mind - and yet, she's still panicking.
More on that in a bit. Let's keep going.
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Anyways well Freddy's got a huge hand sorry anyway 
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I love the way she closes her eyes here. And you can see again it's not without effort - like there's still conflict within her, you can see all of those different emotions warring within her - but she is trying to let herself have this moment. She's trying to take comfort in this touch that she so desperately wants and yet hasn't had any sort of good connotations with in recent history. 
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She also opens her eyes just as he starts to lean in and I think that was a great, deliberate choice on Amita and Freddy's part.
It's that precise moment, really, when it becomes super super clear to her what's about to happen.
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No notes, I just really love this forehead lean, it's that little bit of tenderness and intimacy that she's been subconsciously craving.
 Again, it's fascinating to me that we can see all of Inej's nervous tics coming into play here, but for hallucination!Kaz there's absolutely no hesitation at any point whatsoever.
It looks like, for all intents and purposes, he is going to kiss her.
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And then at the very very last second you see him move back, ever-so-slightly --
and then she moves all the way back and delivers her line:
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Ouch. Like a punch to the gut. True, but still ouch.
Now one could probably ask, in hypotheticals: why didn't he actually kiss her at this moment? And the answer to that simply is: this is her hallucination, you know? Even though she's not conscious of it (she's dying lol), she's the one with all the power, here.
And truthfully, whether she knows it or not, nothing is going to happen in her hallucination if she doesn't want it to.
But wait, you might say. Doesn't she want to kiss Kaz?
Like that original excerpt from the book indicates, it's complicated. Everything pertaining to desire generally will be, for her.
Not that her subconscious doesn't put up a good ol' fight. Hallucination!Kaz, you have to remember, isn't so much Kaz as he is a very precise amalgamation of her own memories and desires.
And boy, does he make a good argument:
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The word want, again, spoken so directly here - it's that sort of straightforward speech that neither party is actually really capable of (at this point) in their arcs, not when it comes to each other.
Again, Kaz is behaving perfectly in the prescribed character of his hallucination persona - direct, confident, not rattled in the slightest.
It's interesting also that he doesn't say: this is real. He isn't able to lie to her in her own fantasy, but he does instead tell her exactly what she wants to hear, which is arguably even more dangerous.
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And what I feel so terrible about is you can see this tiny little spark this little bit of hope on her face that she has.
She wants to believe this so so badly. She wants it, damn it!
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So this time, she actually moves closer, crosses that distance between them. 
You can't see it super well in this gif, but you can see a little tiny muscle twitch in her jaw, a nervous swallow as she's bracing for him to kiss her the second time. And once again, Kaz isn't hesitating, there isn't any note of that discordant thing that they have in real life from his end.
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Now another thing that drives me crazy is people claiming that they did kiss in the scene like bro. Bro. Freddy and Amita did not shoot this scene at no less three separate angles for you to tell us that they kissed!! They didn't kiss, they make it incredibly obvious that they did not kiss, and if you're the one person on planet Earth whose definition of a kiss is front lips brushing for .0000000002 seconds then I'm sorry, you belong to a different category, okay?
And again, that was on purpose! It totally would have defeated the purpose of this particular sequence if they had (and would've given detractors of this scene a real leg to stand on - again, more on that at the very end.)
But as it stands, they don't kiss, and that's also kind of critically why this isn't just a sexy scene to watch back.
AND THEN (I'm out of allowed images HAHA) she pulls away. And she says the words that end it all - This isn't real. This is the poison.
The premise of the hallucination is completely shattered, and she looks so heartbroken, but she's finally able to articulate what she's really known this whole time, and that is that nothing she's seeing is real. It is a lie being fed to her by her poison-addled brain as her body slowly succumbs and dies (dark).
But you know, she does get out of it through sheer willpower, and we love her for that - but oh man but what cost?
This particular sequence is definitely a catalyst for her changed behavior going forward. I do actually wish it had been a little better handled in the show (as in, better supported by dialogue in scenes before and after this one) but regardless - this scene is a Big Tipping Point and starts what is essentially a pseudo-regression arc for Inej (paraphrasing Amita directly, bc that's truly the most apt description of Inej's behavior for the rest of the season.)
It's really bad timing, unfortunately, because it happens just as Kaz is starting to open up like never before. He's starting to see the world in a completely different light while she's doing the exact opposite -- she is shutting down her own dreams and desires when it comes to him, because she's come to the conclusion that it's simply not going to happen.
And you know what, she's not entirely wrong for that assumption, but I do have beef with some of the particulars of how it was executed in the show. But that's a discussion for another day.
Now, onto a brief rant that I alluded to at the very start of this post - my single biggest grievance with fandom is that someone on the internet decided that this scene somehow ‘erased’ Inej’s trauma, when in fact that exact trauma is what underpins the whole damn thing.
The fact that this scene more or less parallels the passage from the books beat for beat, shows, in my opinion, that book fans who make these claims of 'erasure' must have deliberately chosen to ignore this passage from the books, or never even read it in the first place.
Because frankly? Once you take that passage into consideration, the intent of this sequence couldn't have been more obvious!
Just to underscore my point, I want to ask anyone who's reading this to please compare and contrast Inej’s hallucination with Matthias’ dream. If the intent, as many so often like to claim, was simply to make this moment in Inej’s mind a sexy, titillating scene, well then, it would have been shot a lot more closely to the way Matthias’ dream was shot: there's no lack of kissing and even implied penetration (!) which is crazy, because of course, Matthias and Nina have gotten nowhere near that in real life.
There's a sexual aspect to her dream, for sure, but it's not a stereotypically-passionate 'sex dream' so much as it is a thinly-veiled reading into her own desires and the inner turmoil that comes with it.
There's also a very subtle undercurrent here that I picked up on and explore in my ongoing fic , which is that Kaz, in these fantasies, is really always the one taking the lead, so to speak. Inej is not pulling him close or asking to kiss him - and we see that even when she consents to the act, she looks like she's bracing herself for it, rather than excited that it'll happen.
That is fueled no doubt by 1) her realizing it isn't real but also 2) the fact that she is still very much in the middle of her own trauma (having been freed like what? mere days ago? if that?)
Any concept of her own independent desire is still saddled with IMMENSE baggage - and this sequence showcases it perfectly.
I think after the fact, she's consciously aware of 1) but not yet aware of 2) which is beating around in her subconscious and is probably gonna cause her WAYY more problems going forward lol
TLDR; Inej doesn't know it just yet, but she's got loads of her own issues to work through, and until she does, she's going to be stuck in this weird purgatory of being a voyeur to/of her own desires.
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elysian-fawn · 1 month
If you wouldn't mind, I would love to hear all about your Ever After High DR! It sounds so cool, do you have your own fairytale or are you integrating yourself into one of the pre-existing ones? Who are you looking forward to hanging out with the most in that DR? - @therealitysculptor
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hi hi kaia,, hope you're doing well ‹𝟹 ty for the question &&&& i am so terribly sorry for getting to this nearly a month later T^T my weak excuse is that at the moment when you sent in this ask i was ꒰ & still am gosh T-T ꒱ incredibly indecisive about my eah script and dr in general that i didn't feel just right answering it, so i left this to marinate . . . in my inbox . . . for weeks . . . i hope you can forgive me =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇)
however !!! i've been beautifying and revamping all of my scripts & i finally got around to redoing ꒰ read : starting (ᵕ—ᴗ—) ꒱ my eah script, so i thought it appropriate to answer this rn cc:
to start off i cannot for the life of me choose whether or not to script my parents as pre-existing fairytale characters here or leaning more into being the daughter of a mythical creature T^T currently, it's a toss up between being dracula’s daughter or the daughter of a fairy or sea goddess or being the daughter of an actual star . . . like as in the cosmos & whatnot . . . ꒰ not sure how the latter would work, but we ball ໒꒰ྀི × ˕ ×。꒱ྀི১ ꒱
and as weird as it sounds, i'm excited to hang out with the "nameless" background characters more than anything bahahhsbdfh,, i would so love to see how they navigate ever after considering the plot of the show & books only focus on the main cast ૮ ๑• . •๑ ა  but apart from that,,, i'm suuuuuuuuuper stoked to hang out with ginger breadhouse & c.a. cupid !!! i fear i'd get along with them like a house on fire bc of my shared love for baking and love itself (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) ꒰ i totally did not script to be cupid's co-host on her love advice show whaaattt??? ꒱
tysm for the question again,,, it was fun prattling on abt this dr + i wanna use this as an excuse to share this script bc i love the layout ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 7 months
btw ella how has your experience with neocities been? is it hard to work with? and can you keep adding pages forever? i've been thinking of making one but i'm tech illiterate and scared lol
o i rly love it its complete freedom to me ^^ u can add pretty much as many pages as u want, i think there's a limit eventually but it'd b hard to reach, i have 40-ish pages rn and it sstill says i've only used 144kb out of 1g. i feel like html is way easier than it seems !! i learned it when i was so little like 9 or 10 and by the time i was 13 everyone i knew was an html/css whiz cus of myspace n whatnot. html is just learning how to copy/paste the right thing into the right spot lol. html is just googling stuff.. So dont b scared just dive in its the only way to learn :]
o i was searching for this site sadgirl something or other that has html lessons and i found this! https://sadgrl.online/projects/layout-builder/ it's a layout builder that makes it easy to start a site without knowing much at all ^-^ how dope!! everyone make a site pls...we could have a neocities network...with animated links and everything ooo i can see it in mymind shining so bright +++
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x--sinner--x · 15 days
my question is… how would you want to do it to me……
its like you know rxactly what to say to make my brain shut down and short circuit
(and thank you for your yummie response im gonna read it over and over again while i get fucked rn💙)
(you can always count on me to give you the yummiest response to touch your wet cunnie to)
And I do know exactly what to say that will make your brain shut down and short circuit for me. I know you are begging to know what it is I'm going to say, your mouth watering at the very thought. Very well, I'll indulge you in my thoughts.
I'd like for our meeting to be completely random. Maybe you are a friend of one of our mutual friends and they introduce us to each other. I'll quite immediately take a liking to you. Maybe start obsessing over you as I stalk your social media and memorize what things you like or passionate about and your dislikes as well. I create a mental picture of you in my head and I'll begin to fantasize about what I can do to you.
Out of the blue I'll text you that I want to meet. Just the two of us. I had hoped you would take the bait, and just as I expected, you let your guard down and allowed yourself to meet me. We meet in a park and I ask you to take a jog with me through the forest trail which is frequented by a lot of people, but still it's a very big forest, enough to get lost in if we were to go in the wrong direction.
Little did you know that forest was my dwelling grounds and I know the entire layout of the forest and know a few sweet spots I can take you to have my way with you. I offer you my water bottle when we both get tired, and you take a sip of it and start feeling unconscious. I had brought it all along to entrap you.
I literally drag your unconscious body through the woods to a secluded location I know very well and help you off your clothes and have my way with you. And you can't even resist my advances as you are so knocked out to notice. I loved the way your breasts move up and down as i thrust into you, and how tight your pussy is. I get intoxicated by your smell and leave bite marks all over your skin and i loved how your skin tasted in my mouth. Once I'm done pumping my fill of cum inside your tight pussy until it starts to leak out of you, I leave you there naked, freshly bruised, your cunt leaking cum out of your hole, all lost in the forest.
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soft-tiny-lilac · 15 days
Hello! Thought I'd finally make a introduction!
You can call me moon! My big age is 21 but my little age is 2-12!
I like frogs and bats :]
I don't have a cute layout rn, and my mind is kinda scrambled, so this is what we got currently.
I am mentally ill and neurodivergent, I involuntary regress
I have a cg! I will not say who it is, not without its permission.
I use any and all pronouns, including it/its
I won't use this blog often as I don't regress much but I will reblog agere stuff on this blog nonetheless
I do tend to forget this blog exists sometimes, but I will try my best to at least stay somewhat consistent
I'm a flip (probably should've put that first honestly?)
Also! Credit to kodaswrld here on tumblr for the very lovely banner :)
That's all! Have a lovely day!
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lunicho · 5 months
Saw this on another blog and wanted to send it to you too ☺️
Pick any 5 moots and describe them using 3 words! <3
ooh this is so cute, i love when ppl ask me to talk abt my moots cuz i love bragging about them!! the hard part is picking 5 moots to do this with hmm
@adoresol - passionate, honest, and devoted. i have actually been good friends with her for a good like four years now i think omg so there's many words to describe her but i think these are the best ones for now. she feels deeply and is very genuine in her emotions which is something i admire about her. she's also extremely honest, i love this about her because if i ask her something she'll be straight up with me. she's also very devoted bc like why is she still my friend LMAOOO she's so loyal and just like!?!?!?!?!?!??! my pookie wookie bear fr, i've told her so much cheesy corny shit abt how i feel abt our friendship so i'll spare y'all
@kissohee - its so hard to describe her with just three words! but i would say chaotic, lovable, and genuine. i never feel stress when talking to her and we've grown comfortable with one another quite quickly. i think we just have had this connection from the beginning and she just made me so so comfortable. she's also so loveable like im gonna hold her hand fr she's so cute. and she's so genuine, i always feel that she means everything that she says and it makes me even more comfy with her. she's also just like me we're both so random and we both talk a lot so its the perfect pace for me. the convos are always so fast like idk if ppl would be able to keep up with us and how much we switch topics LMAO but yeah! i hope that we just get closer and closer in the future and that she's always happy <3 (also open-minded would be a rlly good one for her but only her and i know why and that's the way its gonna stay LMAO)
@sminiac - saiii!!! i never include her in my moots posts so i wanted to this time :3! i'm gonna say kind, inviting, and adorable. she's literally so so kind, everytime i send smth or interact with her she's like "my dearest bunny!" AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY SO SO HAPPY!! she's always so sweet to me and like idk smth abt her is just so adorable. plus her blog rn is so adorable i love the layout. i do still get anxious to send too much stuff and things like that but ur so so welcoming and inviting that ik im always welcome but im scared to be annoying LMAOGDJ. i hope we can yap more and more abt 8turn tgt and just chat some more!!
@bubblegyu00 - energetic, humorous, and chatty,, our convos are extremely fast paced and go on for the entire day. i'm always laughing at smth or we're always losing it over smth someone did (usually a zb1 member or nicho tbh). she's energetic and keeps up with my pace and i do the same with hers. she also makes me laugh which is why i said she's humorous. we're always going on and on abt the same 3 things yet we never get tired of it like its gonna eat every single time PLS. BUT YEAH she's super fun, her nonnie to friend storyline is very very iconic and i love that for her. can't wait to keep screaming about kyungmin over and over <33
@xhdream - we've started to talk in the dms now and dinna's such a sweet girlie :(. i would describe her as easy-going, charming, and friendly. dinna's sooo so cute and always so sweet to me and she has been since the beginning. talking to her has been so fun so far cuz she's very approachable and she engages in the conversation so so much. our time difference is very big so we have to catch each other at a specific time but it's worth it everytime. there's just something about her that's so fun and so kind and that's why i said she's charming. her and her blog just have this good and sweet energy that i really really enjoy <3
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mercury-lurks · 1 year
opinions on 17776 :3c
ive never loved football more. anyway you asked for this.
Opinions on story:
I love what Jon Bois did!! So much!!! The concept of humans living forever and just doing FOOTBALL?? INCREDIBLE SHOWSTOPPING I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!! Having the main characters be satellites was a move I was not expecting but HOT DAMN did it work!!!
Opinions on characters:
JUICE: MY BOY MY EVER MY THINGY!!! ham and cheese ham and cracker mwah mwah mwah love juice. Love forever.
Nine: poor bby. hold. forever. i wish i could give them infinity battery pleeassseee!!! they need to see Nick and Manny get to San Diego together!!! WHICH IS GOING TO HAPPEN I'M NOT CRAZY (<- IS CRAZY)
Ten: OLDER SISTER EVER!! THE OLDER SISTER EVER!!! I would literally die for her I love Ten I love her Ten my beloved.
Hubble: :)
The Bulb: rip you were gone too soon 😔
Other Opinions:
I love the format of this so much???? The Google maps/Earth style videos and layouts was so cool???? He did not have to go so hard??? What the fuck???
LOVED that the videos didn't require sound to experience. I LOVE SUBTITLES!!!!
That Koy Detmer game was so cool fuck that guy for burning those balls tho.
Also I thought it was really cool how when characters are talking about nonspecific people they always use she and her!! Like!!! Wow!!!
Boredom is a 911 call worthy offense lmaooo I mean yeah I get that!!! Truth!!!
That lighthouse hiding spot from UAB??? SHOWSTOPPING INCREDIBLE ETC ETC
What the fuck is up with Illinois chess. What the fuck. I love it but what.
LMAOOO that guy that just walked off the field no hesitation I get you friend you're a real one.
I am literally so upset about Nick and Manny. They will Not be able to get home together for THOUSANDS OF YEARS I'm going to die and scream and suffer painfully please boys I don't care if you never come up in the storyline again just walk off the field and be gay together please please please get the balls to San Diego line and JUST WALK OFF PLEASEEE!!!!!! :(
@eldritchdemonfox pinging you for your thoughts as well
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vintagelacerosette · 10 months
Tag game Tuesday/picrew catch up!
Oh how I've missed doing these! Thank you so much to these sweetpeas who tagged me to do these tag games/picrew. Lyle @milkovetti Michelle @michellemisfit Bri @y0itsbri Evie @energievie Julia @juliakayyy Georgia @iansw0rld Kat @mybrainismelted Nosho @creepkinginc Cross @crossmydna Willow @ian-galagher Lyds @ardent-fox Vey @look-i-love-u Molly @deathclassic Jay @surviving-maybe 💕
💟Name: Myn/Shermyn
#️⃣Age: 27
🗺️Location: Sydney
🧥Do you own a robe? Describe it. Yeah a pink silky with lace trim one my older sister gifted me as my maid of honour gift 🥰
☕️Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. Why yes! It's one of my prized possessions! My Gallacrafts mug I made art with the darling & talented Ling @lingy910y
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🧣Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. You know I don't think I do & that's tragic 😔
🍵Coffee or Tea? Tea
↳🔥🧊Hot or Cold? Cold it's been so damn humid & dry in Sydney rn 😓
🧦Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? Wool
🧤Gloves or Mittens? Gloves but the fingerless kind so I can scroll/read fics on my phone lol
🔥Fireplace or Campfire? Fireplace
🌞🌜Sun or Moon? Both baby! They work in tandem to give us life ☀️🌙
🍬Chocolate candy or Sugar candy? Sugar 🍭
🥐Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? Sweet
🎃Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? Peppermint. I haven't had pumpkin spice before
🛏️Go to bed early or Wake up early? Wake up early but i don't sleep early to make the happen 🥲
🥣Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? Cold cereal in milk I especially love the sweet ones. American cereal certainly hit the spot with their cinnamon toast crunch or lucky charms 🤤
🍞Potatoes or Bread? 🥔
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And Finally…
🚬 Gallagher or Milkovich? It'll have to be MIlkovich even tho objectively the are more terrible ones than good. But to be fair the great stole my fucking heart 💖
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Which character from any media would you like to have as a father? 
I think Johnny Rose from Schitt's Creek would be a funny dad plus loaded 🤣
If money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
I'd love an otter omfg they're so damn cute 😭
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What is your Chinese takeout order? 
Sweet & sour pork & spinch noodle with wild mushrooms.
What's your favorite emoji?
🥹 I'm particularly fond of this one bc it's the marvelling of beauty for me
Would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
I think greenhouse. I think would be so soothing & I feel like I need more plants in my life hahaha
What childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
Cardcaptor Sakura 🌸
What was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I joined 2012 it was so aesthetic & I wished be one of those vintage aesthetic blogs hence my tumblr name lmao. I kinda got confused & scared how to use it so i stopped for 2 years. So i missed out all the fun drama i guess lol. Then I started using it as like a scrapbook of things I liked hahah
What clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?
50s but I feel that would be such an effort to pull off
If you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Pokemon but like in the switch games. I've been playing too much instead of sleeping lmao
What is your favourite piece of art? 
Idk if I have a favourite but one that impacted me in high school was a piece called 'Atomic: full of love, full of wonder' by Nike Savvas. Funny thing is that I got to see it in person may 2 or 3 years after seeing it in a high school text book & having to do essays on it. It was by complete accident & I had no idea see was displaying her work in our national art gallery. It was magic to see a piece irl after studying it 🥰
Do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
My bestie jusr got me this steel pink hello kitty tumblr that was a collab with a bubble tea shop! I love it I take it to work 💖
What fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
I think time travel with younger selves meeting their older selve & seeing how they fot their happy ending 🥰
Do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
Yeah a carry bag for work. It's this tote bag another bestie got me for my last birthday. It's really cute. It's pink & mint green with a cluster of cute things like teddy bear.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Respectfully no ❤️
What is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
I'd say mafia au especially bc of the amazing fic by Kay/Shamelessquestions, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
He sure could! He's our swol lil man
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Look at them guns!!
Who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
I kind have this tie between Fiona getting it or it being passed to Liam & Franny to keep the legacy going
Not tagging any bc I'm late but if you see this & you want to go ahead starlight 🩷
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starlitaritican · 7 months
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Sheezy opens today for 250 new members for their beta at 2 PM EST along with a stream :3c and I think if things go well they plan to have more openings every friday??
The past week has been nothing but lovely since coming back and I'm so excited to meet more people 💕its like a beautiful blend of old DA, tumblr side blogs, TH's pretty customizable pages, and bluesky's custom feeds. They're against AI and NFTs too. Obviously its still in beta so there will be bugs that need to be worked out, but so far everything seems incredible
currently there's a limit of being able to post 5 images every 24 hours, but honestly?? that's been amazing so people don't flood each other out too much trying to catch back up. lets you easily space out your uploads and find others easily
I really hope it continues to thrive and everything goes well. Its been so long since I've really had a place where I felt like I fit. I hated twitter with a passion and struggled to get into tumblr since I'm not really someone who reblogs funny stuff since that's not what I'm here for. The only way to really get noticed is to hope and pray someone more popular reblogs your stuff which :'D. I still absolutely love toyhou.se and have been enjoying bluesky so far, but they aren't exactly meant to be art gallery sites and have that kind of community.
also if u do decide to join I highly recommend TweakSheezy its super nice for tweaks you might wanna make :D
screenshot of my profile layout to give an idea of what pages can look like...mines a bit of a mess rn and I need to mess around with HTML more but LMAO also you get a little pagedoll :3
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the browsing area. I have my maturity level set to general, but there's ones for mature and explicit. You can choose to have mature content blurred as well even if you have it switched on
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you can have little custom pixel icons by your username that stay with it where ever u post :3
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you can also make silly little pin boards of things ur interested in, art you've gotten, or just random memes if you wanted to its so funny how I've been seeing people use them
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I turned mine into a shrimp tank that people can draw a shrimp to put them in the tank, and it leads you to their profile when you click them (bc yes you can link credits to the images!!!)
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dailyfigures · 8 months
hi! sorry if youve answered this b4 (i scrolled back a while and didnt see anything related to this) but! i was wondering if you have any tips on running a "daily [thing]" blog! like... any tips on setting up the queue, preparing pictures, finding good databases, etc! i really love how detailed all of your posts are and how organized it is, its really inspirational! i hope you have a great day!
oh thank you so much that's so nice of you, i'm really glad you like my blog!!!
as for advice, it really depends on your subject ofcourse but i'll share some general things i stick to with my blog!
firstly it's important to be mindful of credit. i only use official promo pics, not only because they look good but also because it'd cost a lot more time and effort to ask people permission to post their pictures and add credit to every image. i'm lucky to have a hobby that has a very organised database (myfigurecollection) but i'm unsure whether you'll be posting about figures or not so it's hard to say where you will be able to find good official pictures.
i personally like all my posts to be as similar as possible layout wise. i avoid logos on images, i use the same caption format, i crop images to be the same size and i try to use the same type of images if possible (full figure pic + closeup is my fav but i'll do full figure front + back if there's no closeup pic available).
i make sure to tag everything correctly. character name, media name, media name + character name, manufacturer (and any variations of all these (nicknames, acronyms, etc)) and my general tags. make sure you tag correctly because people get annoyed if you clog up a tag with unrelated posts and they will block you!
setting up the queue definitely takes the most time! i personally find it relaxing to do tho so i don't mind spending a lot of time on it. i usually put on a youtube vid or something in the back and use my phone to type my captions while having my laptop/tablet open with the figure info so i can work without having to switch apps on my phone every 2 seconds. probably not good for my brain to use 3 screens at once for hours but let's not think about that!
that's everything i can think of rn but do let me know if you have any more questions! thanks again for your nice ask and good luck with your blog!!! :)
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2, 32, and 37?
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
okay so i'm in the middle of working on designing posters for my mom, i keep my writing tabs open, and i'm playing minecraft and looking at a tonnnn of reference images and i have multiple diagrams i drew for what i'm building (bc it's from my book and i need to figure out the layout all the way). soooooo 16. i thought it'd be more tbh.
37. share a secret.
hmmmm..... i thought about this for literally 30+ minutes and tbh i cannot come up with a secret? like i def have some but idk rn. so you get some fun facts instead.
penguins are probably my favorite animal, i love looking at sharks and would domesticate a great white or a whale shark if i could, last time i lit a candle i burned a bunch of stuff for fun and ended up scorching my desk, i'm really bad with directions, and i memorized all of the countries for fun during study-for-finals week last term because i was bored.
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