#this is unbelievably disgusting jesus christ
titishq · 3 months
Fratboy!Jschlatt - Headcanons
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⤷ pairing: fratboy!jschlatt x gn!reader
contains: swearing , mention of bimbos— , mentions of partying & drinking , angst if you squint , overwhelming toothrotting fluff
summary: headcanons of fratboy!jschlatt falling for you & your relationship!!<3
⋆ jay thinks he’s the biggest and toughest person, but in reality he’s a total softie.
⋆ he hates when he finds himself falling for someone that isn’t a stereotypical ‘bubble headed blonde bimbo’, meaning he’ll actually have to try to get noticed by them. he especially hates when he found himself falling for you.
⋆ you were just some nerd compared to him, you didn’t care for sports, you didn’t show up to parties or games, you were just focused on your studies and graduating college—!
⋆ at first he started annoying you; throwing papers on your desk, bumping into you, knocking your bag over. when he finally got a reaction from you, he was over the moon, even if you essentially told him to ‘fuck off’.
“jesus christ, jonathan! fuck off, you’re so annoying!” you groaned and grabbed the piece of paper he threw at you, looking back at him and tossed it right back. you didn’t understand why he was smiling so much at you.
“thanks, sweetheart.” he smiled and grabbed the paper, un-crubbling it to see the small note he had written for you, one asking you on a date. he couldn’t help but feel a little sad that you didn’t notice, but he knew one day you’d realize what the papers meant.
⋆ the second you started giving him attention, he was using it to his advantage. moving into bright colored sticky notes so they’d pop out on the brown desk, if they stuck to your black bag it was obvious he was messing with you.
⋆ he’ll follow you around the school when he can, making excuses like he’s simply going to class or lunch, but in reality he’s just attempting to admire you.
⋆ be purposely started failing the class you had together so the teacher would force you to help him, causing the two of you to become closer somewhat, but you were still insanely annoyed by him.
⋆ he would act so dumb when you point out an obvious answer, looking at you with big doe eyes in an attempt to get you to just give in and kiss him already; but we all know that’s not gonna happen (yet).
⋆ he starts inviting you to parties, not surprised when you decline his offers at first, but after so many times you give in and show up to a overcrowded frat hour at 12 AM.
“jay, what the hell?” you looked at him with a worried expression, seeing him already downing shots in the kitchen with his friends, who were busy hyping him up. he looked up at you with a soft gaze, approaching you and leaning down to whisper in your ear. “just have fun, toots. let loose a little.”
he had convinced you to have one shot of pure vodka some kid has gotten his hands on, the liquid burned going down, causing you to gag and reach for the nearest soda, which just so happen to be jay’s. you snatched it from his hand, drinking it quickly to get rid of the taste. “god, that was disgusting!” you didn’t even realize he was staring at your lips, thinking about how you technically kissed because your lips touched the same spot of the fan.
⋆ this boy can’t let it go. the sight of you at that party will forever be embedded in his brain. he had managed to get a picture of you with a wide smile on your face, his arm around your waist, and his lips making contact with your temple. which that picture was now his lock screen.
⋆ the first time you caught a glimpse of the picture, your face became red. he tried to ignore it, but simply couldn’t, finally giving in to ask you on a date.
⋆ he went on a whole rant about how much he liked you and how pretty he thought you were, his own face becoming flush as he waited for you to say something—anything!
⋆ of course when you said you felt the same, he practically lost his mind! this beautiful person he had been crushing on for months, liked him back?? it was unbelievable!
⋆ he was a little afraid to tell him frat bros at first, but was happy when they were cool with it, and even let him invite you over occasionally.
⋆ you had grown lowkey close with his best friend, ted, the two of you ganging up on jay occasionally and making fun of him.
⋆ for anniversaries he begs ted to help him set up stuff for you, it’s small at first, but as the numbers and amount of time get bigger, the more insane the date was!
“jay, where are you?” you called out into the empty frat house, furrowing your brows at the fact the lights weren’t on and most people were probably asleep, forcing you to use your phone flashlight to not wake anyone. you made your way to his room, slowly creaking the door open, being greeted by the entire frat house shooting confetti poppers at you and screaming their heads off.
“jesus! what are you guys doing?” you pushed the confetti out of your face, looking up to see jay holding up a bouquet and a poster reading out ‘happy 1 year!’. you could feel the blush rising to your face, smiling widely and rushed into his arms, earning a kiss on the head and him mumbling against your hair. “i love you, sweetheart.”
⋆ by the time you two graduated together, everyone was fully convinced you were gonna get married. even professors knew you two were dating, some purposely seating you two far apart so you wouldn’t be all up on one another— even though you weren’t.
⋆ he had bought you a necklace for graduation, one that matched a ring he wore on his ring finger. the entire time he was waiting for your name to be announced, a wide smile on his lips as he finally heard it, probably being the loudest to clap and cheer.
⋆ after your friends all met up with each other, you tucked under his arm and his hand rubbing your side. he occasionally placed a kiss on your forehead, mumbling against your skin about how he was so proud of you and how much he loved you.
⋆ of course— you moved in with each other, living in the same apartment complex as some of his buddies, where all of you would often meet up and hold small parties, just like the ones in college.
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tags: @teddysboy , @riverwritez , @asterjaxx , @luv4luci
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
hi love. is it possible that you could do a request where rafe and the reader have a beach day together? add anything you’d like but I also think it would be cute to see him nervous that she’ll burn so he’s always finding an excuse to rub sunscreen all over her back<3
anyways if u do not want to, don’t feel pressured!! ❤️
I love this idea! I love blurbs like this because they're so free and easy to write. You're the best anon.
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"Can you just let me-" Rafe starts but I push my glasses further onto my nose and hold a finger up to him, but not the one he was expecting.
"No." He scoffs at the middle finger that's flipped towards him and he lowers himself onto the ground beside me with sunscreen in his hands, looking at me desperately.
"No, Rafe. I hate the way that sunscreen feels, it's yucky." I pout, taking a second to take a look at him, still needing to soak in his beauty after years of being with him. He's the biggest hypocrite in the world, tanning his skin and flexing his toned muscles in the sun (and burning his ass off) all while trying to force me into coating my skin in the sticky substance.
"I don't want you to get melanoma and die." He huffs like a stubborn child and tilts his head inquisitively at me and I laugh, rising onto my elbows as his eyes briefly flicker down to look at my chest.
"That's sweet." I sigh, reaching up to pat his cheek with a simple shake of my head. "But no."
"You're impossible." He flops onto the sand beside me, rising an arm to rest under his head, eyes squinting in the bright sun as he looks over at me. I smile at him, assuming he's given up on trying to lather me up in sunscreen but I'm proven wrong when he opens his mouth again.
"Can I at least put some on your face?" I roll my eyes with a loud groan, slapping my hands over my face as he rolls towards me, waving the sunscreen back and forth enticingly.
"Fine." I huff, sitting up, wiping the sand off of my back as he sits in front of me with a triumphant smile on his handsome face, squirting some sunscreen on his hands before cupping my cheeks.
"Stop being grumpy." He's so unbelievably gentle with how softly he spreads the cream across my cheeks and forehead, soaking in the way his hands feel against my face as I allow my eyes to flutter shut.
"It feels like you're smothering me in bacon grease." I mutter and Rafe grins wolfishly, leaning towards me to peck my lips in a simple kiss.
"Yum." He mutters into the kiss and I giggle, shoving him away from me with furrowed brows, disgusted at his comment.
"You? Covered in bacon grease? Yes please." He whoops with an annoying grin and my nose scrunches in disgust. "That's almost a better image than you right now in this suit- Jesus Christ." His eyes sweeping over my frame and I feel my cheeks heating up under his gaze.
"You're such a guy." I tease, reaching out to smack his arm but he just catches my hand in his, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.
"You say that like it's a bad thing." He winks before looking back at the water with hopeful eyes before turning back to me, giving my hand a subtle tug. "You comin'?"
"It's cold." I whine but he tugs me up and into his arms before tossing me over his shoulder, slapping my ass in a loud clap and I giggle, slapping his back as I beg him to put me down.
"Good thing you don't have a choice."
"Rafe Cameron, no-" He steps closer to the water and I whine, hearing the waves crash around us as he steps deeper and deeper into the cold water that I feel splashing up onto me. "I will dump you, I swear to shit!"
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
Just skimmed through the Stol-ass music video.
First off, it's just him, not a duet with Blitz as it was initially described, so right off the bat, we have more of luring the audience in with a false premise.
Blitz never even fully appears, there's just a silent glowing silhouette of him hat Stol-ass conjures and it spends most it's screen time vanishing from him or curled up in the fetal position in a barrier. Again, something that would've actually worked if the show acknowledged that the owl is an utterly wretched person.
We also see the jizz-soaked feather duster's opulent office which is basically Blitz's office but as a gold-encrusted observatory, really doing a good job of showing how these two are on par and that the relationship isn't forced, Viv.
The only silver lining is we get another appearance of that adorable butler and for the first time since Ozzie's he isn't abused. He appears to bring in the asmodean crystal in yet another example of the series continuity screwing over casual viewers who don't care or know about supplementary media for the series, while also confirming that The Full Moon will be a half hour of the writers forcing Blitz to feel bad for feeling good about not being indentured to a perverted shit-smear of a person anymore.
You'll notice I didn't describe the song itself, that's because I immediately muted the video, used double speed to lessen the view time they'd get from me and skipped a total of roughly a minute and 15 second during longer scenes, as I wouldn't have been able to endure torturing myself with the whole thing.
After this I fully support you wanting to skip the next few episodes, but being the perfectionist/completionist that I am, I won't be able to resist watching all the new episodes. At least I can relay to you what shit goes down so you don't have to subject yourself to it.
We also see the jizz-soaked feather duster's opulent office which is basically Blitz's office but as a gold-encrusted observatory, really doing a good job of showing how these two are on par and that the relationship isn't forced, Viv.
Jesus tap dancing Christ the what that’s so disgusting
Please make it stop…I’m so glad Brandon didn’t have to sing a shitty duet but I’m sure they’ll rope him into one eventually. Poor guy. I’ll be skipping the full moon next year and probably only tuning in for Apology Tour and Sinsmas. This is so unbelievably disappointing.
The person who traumatised you is sad that you are traumatised and you can’t break through their defences to make them love you. Good on you for muting it, because it’s basically just gaslighting in musical form.
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mischas · 6 days
What do you think were the biggest missed opportunities when it came to the OC?
Lol my favorite topic (this is not at all exhaustive)
Not letting Marissa verbalize and process her trauma 1000% forever and ever amen. The show learns by the end of s1 that they can keep hurting her without much recompense. Oliver holds a gun to her head and bamboozles grown ass adults yet she shoulders all of the blame in the aftermath. Christ. Her father MOVES AWAY TO BE A BETTER PARENT BC HE CANT STOP SLEEPING WITH HIS EX? Please. How anyone came up with that and thought that was good writing I will never know. Marissa's SA'ed and nearly r**** by her boyfriend's brother and never says the words out loud or processes it because the shooting looms larger. Disgusting. Back in s1 Luke is more apologetic of his affair than Marissa's own mother is and HE'S the one who has to leave town? which leads me to
Getting rid of Luke made no sense. Instead of making Luke/Julie happen they should've had Luke/Marissa 2.0 happen. There was so much there to mine. Sometimes the show acts like they were a nothing relationship and other times like 109 we see they have deep-rooted love/fondness. Rushing RM (though they're my loves) after their 101-108 slow burn shot them in the foot since they were so uncreative later on. But then again TPTB were so reliant on the actors' mirrored personal lives that I'm convinced if they'd put RM off to s2 they would've butchered them thanks to the irl breakup. (This is still so insane)
Getting rid of Anna also made no sense. She was liked by the gen pop, she had good chemistry with everyone! What a damn waste
Seth/Marissa friendship!!!! It is so cute to think Seth is the one boy in Marissa's life that isn't falling all over her. They share the same music tastes, they have the same favorite book, they grew up privileged + depressed, they're neighbors, they're dating each other's besties, their families have a storied closeness, they've dated the same person, etc. It is SO insane how little they actually interact.
Not exploring the Jimmy/Kirsten dynamic more. I rewatched the pilot a few months ago and the hints to their history are so compelling. I remember thinking their tension was good enough to last several seasons. Cutting that out to uphold the sanctity of SK in s1 ended up being for nothing since s2 messed with SK even worse! So why!
Never utilizing Alan Dale well enough. Not only do they kill him for no reason, his death literally does nothing but give us an iconic coda and funeral scene. That's literally it. Having Caleb around while Kirsten goes to rehab is so much more compelling than having her go after he's died. And making us watch Caleb/Lindsay/Ryan for what seems like half a season is so unbelievably boring and ridiculous. Why are we supposed to care. This is taking away from Kirsten/Caleb material! which brings me to
Never giving Kelly Rowan much to do. What a goddamn waste. She absolutely kills her late s2 arc but then she leaves rehab two minutes into 301 and the Charlotte storyline mostly revolves around Julie. Jesus. People talk about the favoritism going on on that set with the younger actors (as they 1000% should and we should do it more), but there was some serious shit going on with elevating Melinda constantly and shafting Tate/Peter/Kelly forever. Especially Kelly. At least she was there and not essentially let go like Tate was (and Tate was a ~big name~ regular from the pilot!). But you can tell Kelly's got some feelings about how the show went for her and her screentime/importance.
Not cutting the Johnny storyline two minutes into filming 304. They had to know Mischa/Ryan D had no chemistry. We're supposed to believe Marissa's having some sort of emotional affair but there is absolutely nothing showing that to us. It's everyone telling Marissa she's got feelings for him, and Mischa doing her job well enough to convince us it's sketchy/complicated, but they have one (1) conversation in 306 that's mostly about Johnny's father or uncle that no one cares about. which brings me to
WE DONT CARE ABOUT GUEST STARS. stop spending so much valuable time on them. we just wanna see our s1 babes being cute and supporting one another that's literally it
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clarajohnson · 3 months
the magicians s2e13
remember when i said i hated q the first time i watched this was a lot of the reason why
you loved him i love you... :-( i'm not without sympathy for him and his sad little face
cancer plus :-((((((
lipson is so fine i wish they gave her better hair
kady/penny are so great together it's crazy to me how briefly they actually get to interact
i love how much it costs eliot to ask if julia's okay "i can tell you the way you're relating to that couch is not unknown to me"
also love the horseshoe over the door. been there bestie !!!!
eliot's book has two volumes ????
you've done enough you get to be done :-(((((( they pull no punches on the season finales
fen's baby makes me verrrrrry sad
this is how you know i'm truly liveblogging these episodes because i don't remember if this is when they take margo's eye. i hope this is when that happens that eye patch is so hot.
it really just is so interesting how much of this magic show is about saving magic which is an animating force for all life in the universe and is constantly on the verge of disappearing without ever being able to return
sad little nerd king !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EYE IS GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bambi one eye. it do.
jesus christ this show is such a time capsule. strings cover of best day of my life.
there is so so sooooooo much to be said about q killing ember
"society of godless heathens making this the first day of our societal adulthood" such an interesting thing to say
what did otd do to the writers to make her act so undignified in this arc
with every good thing no matter how small it is it's always married to something so completely disgusting :-((((((
big thumbs down on qualice kiss unfortunately
gods like ember have parents you IDIOT !!!!!!
oh my gosh i forgot about the magic pipes how fucking fun is THAT
"anything is possible" "or was, anyway" waaaahhhhhh
unbelievably rude of this show to just mention that vampires exist and not push further on that
joseph calling her "my alice" give me a season on THAT please
"they need to think they're inspired while they're being ruled"
julia quitting law school is a HAPPY ENDING TO ME !!!!!!!! show ends there congratulations julia
nobody ever believes that julia has magic they should stop it
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this-b1tch-is-shiney · 3 months
So my mom was like " why those cards in your room ??? Who gave them to you?" and I was like Ley Ley gave them to me (my little cousin) and she's like "does she mess with that?" and I was like mom... pretty much I just said: "mom there are bigger issues in the world then the cards that I have in my room..." and I was like "you know those cards have never done anything to me and things only have power if you give them power." and then I said "you know what is bad? That priest slapping me in my ass, now that's bad. that's gross. that's the thing that's not of God" and she actually tried to justify it like: "oh he barely tapped you.." or whatever and I was like "it doesn't matter! I was a little kid and he shouldn't be doing that anyways that's not right. ESO NO ES DE DIOS!!!! ..but these cards have never done anything to me and that's facts" 🥲 like honestly you can't trust a man of "God" because we're all human we All sin. The only person that I have hope and faith in that never really truly created a sin is Jesus Christ himself. Other that that, everyone on this damn planet has a dark side or sinned and So i don't really trust anyone else it... doesn't matter priest or not. But the fact that my mom defended that creep just because he's on tv and shit and has the radio station show (yes this happened at one of the radio station sessions, outside before we left) that's gross like lady you are so blinded by what the church tells you when clearly their is EVIL, corruption, sins dirty shit there too...God knows how many other kids he's touched inappropriately!!! Because he's a man of power but I feel like he used it as "Good" but really obviously takes advantage of it. And it's crazy becasue you hear about that shit all the time like a priest doing shit to children but if course it's almost unbelievable untill it actually happens to you and yeah unfortunately I am the unlucky bitch to experience it (on a lighter level then the other stories you hear, but it's still disgusting!! ) and it's no wonder why I have a hard time trusting men.
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unofferable-fic · 2 years
“You’re just annoyed that your personal headcanon isn’t canon!”
Or; my personal thoughts (ranting) about the Loki series and its surrounding toxic discourse.
First of all, I’m going to preface this with the following: whether you loved or hated the Loki series, or you fall somewhere in between, your opinion is valid and if anyone tells you that you can’t express that in a critical manner, then they need to kindly go away. I should also mention the obvious which most people understand — death threats directed at anyone involved in making the series is disgusting and if you do so you’re fucking deluded.
Now that that’s out of the way…
I’m someone who wasn’t overly fond of the series in the end. I went in surprisingly hopeful after enjoying Wandavision and TFATWS. For the most part I really enjoyed the first 3 episodes (episode 3 being the best imo) but I found myself quickly disillusioned by how the narrative seemed to fall apart in terms of cohesiveness. Keeping it short and sweet, I feel like a lot of the relationships (whether platonic or otherwise) were rushed. I found Loki’d dynamic with both Mobius and Sylvie to be confusing, unbelievable, and all around not earned. It feels as though they had a start point and an end point (ie. Loki needs a genuine friend) but we didn’t see any of the journey in between to show how the relationship developed. The quote “after all this time…” in episode 6 sent me over. Like Loki pls you’ve known this woman for max two days or something… No, I’m not salty because he didn’t end up with Mobius. No, I’m not salty because of “selfcest”. I’m salty because I don’t think the relationships were done as well as they could have been. Also, even though no one asked, Loki x therapy is the only ship I give a rats about.
Other points include the following:
Loki felt more like a side character with little impact on the events in his own show.
Sylvie sometimes teeters into Mary-Sue territory, and at times appears to be valued only because she is a woman.
Mobius’ relationship with Loki seems inherently toxic and he is not his therapist. As someone who regularly attends therapy sessions, if your therapist ever talks to you like Mobius talks to Loki — get a new goddamn therapist, Jesus Christ…
In my opinion, the show explores very little of Loki’s character and what makes him tick, especially considering this is post-Avengers 2012 Loki. I’m aware there were only six episodes and I’m not expecting everything to be crammed in, but where Loki was in Thor 1 and the Avengers seems so disconnected from where he is in the series. It seems to portray him as someone hellbent on power and ruling, as opposed to someone desperate for respect and the love of his family/people.
But I digress, the real point of this post was to tell certain people to feck off. Obviously there’s going to be discourse around the series, but I’m starting to get really sick of one side telling the other “you put your personal headcanons on Loki”, “he’s not your character”, “you’re just annoyed because canon didn’t go how you wanted”, “you’re projecting your own abuse on him”, blah blah blah. And here was me thinking the discourse around Ragnarok was bad, but this is another level, lads.
Here’s an idea, how about people who liked the show stop acting like those who didn’t just pulled their opinion on Loki right out of their own ass? All I know is that every opinion I’ve ever formed on him was based on the first three films he appeared in. That’s it — nothing made up because I love to project as someone who went through similar shit to him.
Discuss the show, but don’t be a massive bellend about it.
In summary, Tom Hiddleston I am free next Saturday if you are free next Saturday and I’ll buy all the rounds of Jameson you need while we talk about Loki and how he — no matter what happens to him within the MCU from here on out — will always be one of favourite characters to grace the big screen.
(Anyway who cares what I think, people are just going to call me a whiny Loki apologist regardless.)
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sainzfilm · 1 year
i wasnt sure as to whether or not i should talk about this here, but i just needed to get things off my chest. not sure how to even label the trigger warning as but…just men in general and how disgusting they are 👍🏻 imagine going to a rural area for your community duty as a nursing student…and have an old man approach you and make lewd comments about you. and to think my classmates were just around me interacting with the guests that came to our program. im all about clothes not being the issue when it comes to men being pigs — but jesus fucking christ, unbelievable as to how low they can go. it doesnt matter what you wear, they’re just disgusting in general. i didnt even know what to do, i just froze. im glad my best friend was there beside me and told the man off before pulling me away to get away from him. it took me a while before i could process all that. bottomline is that im even more aloof towards men after that incident. i just hope shit like that never ever happens to anyone of you.
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zalrb · 1 year
OTH 3X05 Rewatch Review
OTH won.
1. I keep forgetting OTH is on Prime
3. One Tree Hill wants Tree Hill to be a basketball town so badly and doesn’t put in any of the effort.
4. I like how stiff these cheerleaders actually are.
5. “You’re breaking her heart you know that?” I’m sorry, he nearly died and she DIDN’T COME HOME.
6. Lucas, SHUT UP. You were the one who cheated on your girlfriend with her best friend and then dated that girlfriend’s neighbour broke up with said neighbour and went next to that girlfriend’s house RIGHT AFTER BREAKING UP WITH HER NEIGHBOUR
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7. Right, I forgot they thought he kissed Haley. I mean, still though.
8. The fight between Nathan and Lucas escalates to an unbelievable point, it would not cause a brawl between the team, that’s dumb.
9. Peyton, if you hate being a cheerleader, stop being a fucking cheerleader, jesus christ.
11. Every time I see Rachel, I think about how me and my friend shipped Jensen with Sophia, I don’t even know HOW that came about but we were like Chad is disgusting and Sophia and Jensen should totally date and get married and Chad can choke and die then we found out Jensen was with Danneel and we were like ....................
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12. Chris’ album name is “Keller Instinct”? Ugh.
13. I like how Chris is supposed to be a hot shot musician but also has nothing better to do than hang around Haley and Chris, that’s weird dude.
14. It’s funny I rewatch Veep a lot and this character Jonah who is terrible is about to be offered like hundreds of million of dollars for his website and Selina the protagonist is like:
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and every time one of the characters is like “Dan’s running for mayor?? It’s like...” I think of this scene.
15. This shit is SO unsanitary.
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16. Dan, you’re running your own campaign.
17. I am posting this without comment and tagging @initiumseries​
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18. I totally forgot about Gigi.
19. The casting as Ellie as Peyton’s birth mom was a good choice though.
20. Oh God, is Peyton going to see Ellie’s picture of her and be like YoU LiEd To mE!!!! It is this scene right.
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22. (it is).
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24. At least she isn’t crying this time.
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26. I am so done with these scenes, can we move on.
27. Ha.
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28. What is this dialogue? What does it even mean?
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29. I like how she puts this on Nathan like she didn’t kiss him and insist on working with him and didn’t ask Nathan to come with her on tour
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Once again I am reminded of how I like Naley together but build up Naley not so much.
30. “If you work with Chris and end up having feelings for him again, then I guess I have my answer.” “That’s ridiculous, Nathan, that’s not fair!” I mean, how though? You didn’t even say you didn’t have feelings for him, Haley. THIS IS HIS POINT.
31. I like how when Dan actually is mayor it’s not really a catastrophe, unless I’m misremembering.
32. At least Peyton tackles Rachel when she punches Brooke.
33. Like these fights don’t make sense because it’d be an entire team and an entire squad trying to pull apart TWO people of their OWN team/squad.
34. You were slut shaming Brooke like 2 seconds ago, Rachel
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35. At least he looks uncomfortable here, with Brooke he looks bewildered and then into it by the very end.
36. This always bothered me because it DOESN’T. MAKE. SENSE. Is it last year or two years ago?
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38. I always found it HILARIOUS that Brooke slaps Rachel and Lucas just watches like damn, Brooke. Doesn’t even go to see if Rachel’s OK.
39. “You know that thing about judging a book by its cover? Well it’s true. Sometimes you gotta read the whole thing” this is the clumsiest shit ever, STOP TALKING.
40. Nathan, why are you lurking by a tree?
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occupyhades · 8 days
God’s Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (NIV)
You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. James 4:4 (NLT)
Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God. 3 John 1:11 (NIV)
This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister. 1 John 3:10 (NIV)
The end is now upon you, and I will unleash My anger against you. I will judge you according to your ways and repay you for all your abominations. I will not look on you with pity, nor will I spare you, but I will punish you for your ways and for the abominations among you. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Ezekiel 7:3-4 (BSB)
The Righteous One knows what is going on in the homes of the wicked; he will bring disaster on them. Proverbs 21:12 (NLT)
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There is no darkness or deep shadow where the workers of iniquity can hide. Job 34:22 (BSB)
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amthrfckngwoman · 4 months
Ive gone home early from work on my own by pretending to be sick but really cant hide my emotions/anxiety or been sent home or called out every day for the past week and a half bro and like work is changing everything is different and feels awful but holy fuck i havent applied to jobs in so long. I dont know how to be a person. Im almost fucking 30 but i still feel 17? Im also so fucking sad and anxious and tired because of everything but also jesus christ the memories of all the horrible fucking shit i put up with just keep spinning and digging up more the extra tucked away ones and im fucking just so unbelievably disappointed and disgusted. I hate it here. For real.
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Epic Battle
“Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:” Romans 5:20KJV
In my entire lifetime, I’ve never seen this volume of hate— political corruption— insanity— culpability— fear. For years religious people have declared ‘God owes apologies to Sodom and Gomorrah— IF He allows the United States to survive with these corrupt leaders.’
Books and sermons herald the demise of the US. Excuse me. Do you really want our nation to end? We’ve failed God repeatedly, by not living according to the scriptures or the Law. Praise God, we aren’t living in the Old Testament, but the New Testament time of grace.
One Christian brother told me, ‘I voted for Obama’s first term. He promised us change.’ Same brother said he couldn’t vote for Trump because of tweets. Obama’s changes led to loss of our freedoms. Scriptures enforce my opinion. “It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, For a throne is established by righteousness” Proverbs 16:12NKJV.  
Hello people— we elected sinful people, who appointed sinful judges. If sinful people run your house, likelihood— your house will be sinful. Sinful legal decisions were handed down with unsound judgments, until recently. There’s another chance for us to change our futures and freedoms in the upcoming elections. Who should we vote for? Answer— Those who support life, using our own natural resources, liberty, freedom of religion and gun ownership.
With laws removing freedoms being aimed particularly at believers, illegal presidential edicts— what’s life going to be like for us? “But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live;” Exodus 8:22NIV. In Egypt God’s kids were enslaved. Israelites went to Egypt at Pharaoh’s request because of Joseph. He sent them to live in the Goshen because they herded ‘disgusting’ sheep. Fast forward four hundred years: New Pharaoh feared the Israelites because they numbered into the millions. Israelites were enslaved with hard labor even to death. They were hopeless before God sent Moses. God used idols worshipped by Egyptians to torment Egypt and Israelites. Exodus 8 —God put a continual distinction between Israelites and Egyptians.
Between plague one and plague ten, two things occurred: At plague four— “…on that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, where my people dwell…” Exodus 8:22ESV “The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed …they gave them” (Israelites) “what they asked for…” Exodus 12:36NIV. Israelites walked away with Egypts wealth because God was paying them for the hundreds of years of servitude.
Satan may have held the riches of the world for millennia. We’ve lived in Goshen as slaves. I believe we’re close to plague four and the distinction is coming next. Prophets declare the US economy will fail; Times are going to be horrible; The worldly people won’t recover. God’s children will begin receiving instant answers to prayer. A billion unbelievers are coming to Jesus. Every financial blessing stolen by satan is coming to us sevenfold.
We’re sitting on the sidelines of the epic battle foretold in scripture— sin has abounded. Time’s here for grace to abound much more. We’ve failed on our own. Yahweh is stepping in with abundant grace for His family, with God’s Red Sea sized miracles will abound.
Remember the devil thought he’d killed Jesus, and God’s hopes on the cross. Instead, he lost dominion over the earth. Soon we’ll see who’s really in control, for every knee will bow —ALL knees, see Romans 14:11. I’ve chosen to rejoice, for King Jesus will exercise His grace and dominion. Will you join me? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Sovereign God, You Sir are amazing. I rejoice in Your power. I pray Father for those who aren’t believers to come quickly into the Kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2022 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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COSMIC - S3:E5; Chapter Five, The Flayed - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Fem!Reader Series
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘴 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘱 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘠/𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴.
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📝: from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys for being so patient. A lot of you might know that I struggle with depression and while it's never been life-threatening, and still isn't, I do get really low sometimes. And it's been one of those times, unfortunately. It's also, at times, simply hard to write. I am trying though, so your patience and understanding have taken an unbelievable load off my shoulders! love you so much and I look forward to any feedback!!
⚠️: never thought I'd have to put this in as a warning pfftst but public urination 💀, also reader interacting endearingly with a cat lol [I know some people are either allergic and/or hate cats. Apologies, it is the Hendersons after all 😂]
"Code red, I repeat, code red,"
The words bounced off the four, endless concrete walls as Dustin paced, his voice disappearing into the endless abyss that was the elevator shaft. He had been trying for too long now to get a signal, an answer, anything. Well, anything other than the Russians intercepting his message.
"Does anyone copy? This is a code red, I repeat, a code red. This is a code red, I repeat, a code red. Does anyone copy? We are innocent children and we are trapped under Starcourt Mall. The Red Army has infiltrated Hawkins, and if we are found, they will torture and kill us,"
"Hey!" Dustin's head shot over to the hatch in the floor at the unexpected response. Steve. "Gotta take it easy on that thing, okay? Gonna drain the battery."
"The mall just opened,"
"So someone could be in range,"
"What do you think, Petey the Mall Cop is gonna repel down here and save the day?" Steve scoffs, beginning to hoist himself out of the hatch.
"Alright, why are you being such a cranky-pants after getting to spend the night with Robin?" He whispers.
Steve stills, going wide-eyed, and he shushes the kid. "Shh! Jesus Christ! Will you just give up on your creepy dream already?"
"I heard you guys talking all night," Dustin shrugs.
"Yeah. We were trying to figure out a way to open up the door while you children were sleeping. After eight hours..." he scoffs again, his voice cracking under the pressure of their situation. "we're still exactly nowhere, which is, you know probably just a little bit of the reason why I'm feeling just... a tad cranky."
When Steve reaches the far corner, his back to Dustin, Dustin, unfortunately, notes the sound of Steve's zipper as the young man undoubtedly prepares to empty his bladder.
"What are you doing?" He can't help but cry in disgust.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Steve grumbled. "I'm taking a leak. Look away. Look away!"
Dustin finally manages to snap himself out of his stupor and turns around with a grimace.
Down below, Robin studied the panel with furrowed brows before a trickling sound pulled her attention away to the far wall. Sure enough, in the far upper corner, she spotted liquid staining the concrete black as it trickled down the wall.
With great agitation, she called up to the perpetrator with disgust laced in her voice.
"Can you redirect your stream, please?"
No verbal response was given, only the trickle of said stream wobbling across the wall and out of sight.
"Ugh," she grimaced, turning back to the panel only for her attention to be stolen away again.
The sudden clanging of metal brought Robin's eyes to Erica who held the vile of mysterious substance in hand. Tongue poking out from her lips in concentration, she stood banging the vile against the shelf until it cracked.
Panicked, Robin raced to her side.
"Hey, hey! Be careful, careful, careful!" She urges, taking it from the girl's hands. "We don't even know what that is,"
"Exactly," Erica countered. "It could be useful."
"Useful how?"
"We can survive down here a long time without food, but if the human body doesn't get water, it will die."
"I hate to break it to you," Robin said, holding out the vial. "but this is not water."
"No, but it's a liquid, and if it comes down to me drinking that shit, or dying of thirst," she plastered on a smirk. "I drink."
A tired laugh threatens Robin when the quiet, yet again, is disturbed. The sound is very faint, so faint she isn't even sure she was hearing it until she pressed her ear against the closed doors. Her stomach dropped.
"We've got company!" She alerts, popping up into view and alerting the Dingus Duo.
The two look down at the girl near their feet before meeting eyes. They needed to think quickly.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The hum of the wheels barreling down the long stretch of halls finally came to a halt with a screech and a squeak of the rubber against concrete. The two guards stepped off the cart and made their way to the key lock to the side father wall in several sluggish steps. The key card slid into the lock with a satisfying click and the light shone a bright green. A deep, mechanic rumble took over the doors as they steadily crept for the ceiling and revealed... a rather scattered stack of boxes and nothing more. Boredly, they stepped inside to collect their first pile. The second guard paused, his nose scrunching up his face as a foul smell wafted over his nose.
"You smell that?" He asked.
His partner turned to him disgruntled, box in hand. "What?" He asked impatiently.
His friend lazily sniffed the air, getting mostly the smoke trickling off the end of the cigarette hanging from his lips. And the hint of something else. He shrugged, eager to move and get back to their post.
The second man followed in his footsteps, giving up on the strange presence of the odor, and grabbed a box. The two began piling as many packages as their little red cart could safely carry, neither of them aware of the four pairs of prying eyes watching them through the grated ceiling.
Dustin, Erica, Robin, and Steve sat quietly perched around the slit of grated lights that acted as a window into the elevator, waiting for the all-clear. The fluorescents from the elevator shone up into their fearful faces, each of them still trying to calm their racing hearts after their last-minute scramble into hiding.
Steve hunched over the grate once more, having to shift his weight in order to watch the guards leave with the last of the boxes. But he knew they weren't in the clear yet. It was safer to wait. He looked up at everyone around them, hovering a finger over his lips and instructing them so. Only for his eyes to land on Erica and the strange device she was still holding in her hands. Everyone's eyes followed, hers included, dropping to the sealed vial of the mysterious glowing substance the Russians were importing.
She had secured an extra. And Steve knew exactly what to do with it.
Steve waited as long as he believed they possibly could after the sound of the cart's tires pulling away for him to orchestrate their escape. When the sound of the elevator's door rang in their ears as well as the elevator shaft, his heart dropped into his stomach and he threw himself through the roof hatch and onto the elevator floor. As he landed, a shock jumped up his heels and all the way up his legs. Vial in hand, he dove to the floor and on his stomach, wedging the metal vial in the path of the closing door, Raiders Style. But he wasn't done yet. Without wasting a second, he gestures up at the hatch in the ceiling where the others were waiting to leave.
"Let's go!" He ordered, careful to project his whispered voice as the trolley cart travels further and further away.
He throws his arms out, catching Erica's backpack with no effort and chucking it under the door, keeping an eye on the vial before looking back up at Erica. She dropped to the ground noiselessly, heeding his instructions and scurrying under the door to her escape.
"Go, go, go!" Steve whispers urgently in his adrenaline.
"I'm going!" She cries, making it under the door, just as anxious.
Steve looks back up at Dustin dropping through the ceiling, and he does the same. One shaky hand waving him under the door as his troubled eyes dart between the boy and the now cracking glass vile. Following in Steve's footsteps, Dustin wastes no time driving for the floor. He wedges himself out in record time, trying desperately not to let the sound of cracking glass near his ears freak him out and slow him down.
When Steve was sure Robin was at least halfway out the door, he finally followed suit. He flattened himself against the floor, his nose inches away from the vial and his stomach flipped. Several spidery cracks were crawling up the glass like webs, threatening to break at any second. In one final burst of adrenaline, he threw himself the rest of the way, just in time to hear the popping of glass and the door slamming into the ground.
Each of them cried out in surprise at their quite literal last-second escape. And at the messy, hazardous sight the broken vial left behind.
They scrambled to their feet, huddling over the hissing cloud of glowing green fog that mingled with shattered glass. Whatever the substance had been, it was already long gone, sinking into the floor as it devoured the concrete like water on cotton candy.
"Jesus Christ," Steve gasped.
The reality of just how close and careless they had been with this substance was now just hitting them, and just how close they had been to touching it.
Robin threw half a glance at Erica as they all peered around the disappearing fog. "You still wanna drink that?"
Dustin straightened, looking over his shoulder only to pale, his face falling in shock.
"Holy mother of God,"
The path - the only path - laid out before them was a single tunnel that stretched on for miles. Neither one of them could see an end nor a turn of any kind and they all collectively sighed.
They had a long trek ahead of them.
"How... did you even get yourself in this situation?"
Will shakes his head in mild bewilderment as I help detangle the poor boy from the long strand that was Tews' new cat toy.
"I'm still not quite sure," he admits, unwrapping the last of the bungee cord out from under his arm with a bashful laugh. All the while, the small jingle of Tews' bell tinkling around as she pounced after the bouncing cord was begging for our attention.
"Don't play innocent with me," I lightly scold, looking down at the doe-eyed, mischief-bringing hellraiser of a growing kitten who was now playing innocent and mewling up at us. "You incapacitated my boyfriend."
Another high-pitched meow; undoubtedly mewls of deceit.
Tossing the cord back on the loveseat, I crouch down to scoop the kitten up and bury my face between her ears to plant a kiss. Peering up at Will as I cradle her close, I sigh in defeat. "Damn. She's good,"
He laughs, and I rejoin him on the couch for reruns of Family Ties neither of us had really been paying much attention to. Setting Tews down in my lap and draping my legs over Will's, she immediately made a break for the smirking boy and I laugh, plopping my head back on the couch cushions. I watched with a fond smile as he dangled the stuffed mouse out for the kitten who was now trying ever so hard to balance on her hind legs as she bat at the tail of the mouse.
"You're having way too much fun with this," I say.
His smile only widens and he continues to play with Tews.
My attention is quickly stolen by my mother scurrying in from the hallway and making her way into the kitchen, purse in hand.
"Oh, Will!" She beams, taking the time to make conversation as she prepares her lunch in the kitchen. "Hi there, dear. I'm sorry, I didn't even hear you come in,"
"No worries, Mrs. Henderson," Will says as he scoots forward to stand with Tews held tight.
"Oh, honey that's sweet, but how long have we known each other? Besides, I just picked up an extra shift, I'm leaving here in a minute anyway," Will nods and settles back in, smiling back down at the pleased kitten in his arms. Suddenly more stern, she meets my gaze as she digs for her lunch bag. "Pumpkin, did you offer him anything to eat yet? A drink?"
'You'd think after all these years I'd be used to the embarrassment, but--'
Will doesn't say a word or look me in the eye, but his grin has grown a bit more teasing as he plays with Tews.
"Yes, I did. We just had some snacks about five minutes ago," I say, sneaking a small glare towards Will for his silence when she wasn't looking. He just chuckled under his breath.
"Good, good," she mutters, too absorbed in what she was doing to notice. That was until, "So Will,"
His head perked up.
"Tell me, how's your mom? How's Jonathan? I heard he got a new job at the Hawkins Post!"
"Yeah, he did," Will nodded, his tone changing. I could tell he was proud. He did always look up to Jonathan and this was an exciting opportunity for him. "As a junior photographer. He's more of an intern right now, but it's still a great start for him,"
"That's terrific!" Mom said, hooking her lunch bag on her wrist and grabbing her keys off the counter. She was always like this; she always adored Will. More often than not, she'll get caught up in a conversation with him anytime he's over. It could be awkward at times, but then again I was the exact same with Joyce. "I'm not surprised either, I've seen his work. He's got a real good eye. We'll have to keep an eye out in the paper - that'll be so exciting!"
I buried my forehead in my hand, rubbing at my temples in embarrassment. Will just smiled between me, Tews, and my mom, nodding in agreement. That was another habit of hers; she often ran the conversation when she was in a hurry. Or excited. Or both.
"Oh, well, I better go. My shift starts soon and it takes about twenty minutes to get there."
"It was nice seeing you, Mrs. Henderson,"
"Oh, you too, hon! Stay hi to your mom for me," Mom grabbed for the door, backing out but not before calling over her shoulder for me. "I'll be back later baby. I love you,"
I managed a smile and sent her a small wave. "I love you, too. Drive safe,"
Scrunching up her nose up in thanks, she turned to leave. The door was pulled shut quickly behind her, unfortunately startling the on-edge kitten sitting in Will's lap.
Both of us flinched with her as she dashed the hallway, suddenly climbing up poor Will like a scratch-post in the meantime.
"Tews!" I scold, watching as she ran down the back of the couch and rocketed off for the hallway. My eyes fall back on Will as we both un-tense. He blinks back his shock with a small laugh.
"I'm so sorry," I apologize, utterly embarrassed. "She's been so jumpy lately, I should have warned you. Are you okay?"
He chuckled again, flashing me a smile to ease my guilt as we checked for injuries. "Yeah, I'm alright. It happens,"
Sure enough, three bright red streaks where Tews' claws had caught his unsleeved right forearm.
"Oh-- shit. Will, your arm," I said, cupping my hand around his wrist and pulling his arm closer for a better look.
He didn't seem to realize the injury was even there until I pointed it out. But it was there, the blood already pooling in beads around his enflamed, pinkened skin. He started hissing a little when I guided the back of his hand to get a better look, but he still brushed it off.
"I'm fine, really,"
"Yeah, but it could still get infected," I mumbled, carefully flicking away the stray cat hair around the wound with my fingertips. I looked up at him when I heard him laugh under his breath.
"Nothing," he smiled. "It's just, you haven't really changed." I frowned a little. "It's a good thing." He reassured. A fond look came into his eyes and he chuckled under his breath again. "Remember the summer before sixth grade? You and Dustin roped us into playing baseball in your back yard and Mike skinned his knee?"
I thought for a second, recalling the memory before a smile slowly sprouted on my face. I could still feel Will smiling at me and my ears slowly began to burn as he told the story with such fondness. "You two had been butting heads all day - the rest of us were actually starting to think you weren't gonna speak to each other after that. But the second he got hurt, you ran inside and came out with this -" Will began gesturing with his hands, his forearm leaving my hand. "little first aid kit even though he just skinned his knee. He even tried to tell you but you said-"
-"'Shut up and let me help you,'" we both finished, and I nodded, unable to fight the laughter creeping up.
I did remember that. I was pissed off at Mike that day, and funny enough, I can't remember why. But I did understand what he was getting at.
It was the same way Dustin was always making sure everyone had enough to eat, or the way Lucas was always protecting us - whether it was thinking ahead or speaking up - it was always for the safety of the group. And how Will was always making sure we were all having fun. We all looked out for each other in our own ways.
"And he did," I said promptly and shooting him a matter-of-fact grin. "And so should you."
We both chuckled again as I took his forearms in my hands, and carefully pulled him closer, his lips on mine.
I could feel his smile on my lips and after a moment I pull away, flashing him a knowing smile. "Now come on," I said, rising from the couch and gesturing for the kitchen. "Let's run that under some water, get it cleaned out."
Despite the subtle roll of his eyes, a grin split his lips and he complied. "You know," he began, rising off the couch and snatching up my hand. "one of these days we're gonna get back at you."
I shot him a funny look, not quite sure what he was getting at.
"You take care of everyone," he clarifies, nudging me with his elbow. "Someday you gotta let us take care of you."
"It was the same thing-- the exact same thing that happened to Will last year."
I remember going into the kitchen and dressing the wound; he washed it out in the sink and I helped apply a disinfectant before applying a bandage. But that's all it was, a stupid little band-aid.
"--Okay so this crazy old woman who was eating fertilizer--" "--Mrs. Driscoll," --right, yeah, Mrs. Driscoll."
But I also remember the campaign planning days later; it was almost completely healed in less than two days, come to think of it, it should have taken at least a week judging by how deep it was. We had both brushed it off at the time, thinking it had seemed much worse than it was.
Just as Will had pointed out that day, I've always been the one, more often than not, who has the band-aids on hand ever since we were young. I've bandaged countless scrapes and applied many cold compresses through the years but there's never been total healing this fast before.
Has there?
I turn to Will at the sound of his voice, and I'm shot back to reality. When I finally land, I shift subconsciously under everyone's stare. My mind was still in a daze, even when the three of us were practically pulled out of the bathroom and onto the couch where Jonathan and Nancy were waiting for us.
Apparently, they've been dealing with a whole different piece of the puzzle; just like old times, I suppose. The Party, Nancy, and Jonathan, and Hopper, and Joyce. And me, finding some twisted new thing about myself along the way that makes me even more of a liability to my loved ones.
The thought left a bitter aftertaste, but I knew I couldn't sit on this for long.
"Look, it could be nothing," I clarify, sharing a looming eye with Max and El before turning to Will and the rest of the group. "But there's a good chance that-that I... healed Max?"
Everyone remained quiet.
"You healed Max?" Nancy finally asked, looking between us. "What does that mean?"
I shrugged, still not understanding it myself. "I healed Max."
"Like healed Max, or 'oh, you know, you healed Max'?" Nancy pressed, sounding more and more frazzled.
"I healed Max. I think."
"What's the big deal? So she healed her?" Jonathan cut in.
"No, Johnathan, I. healed. Max."
Jonathan and I were locked in possibly the most awkward staredown of our lives; Finally, his face dropped, prompting a few sighs around the room.
"There it is," Max quipped, leaning back into the couch with a tired look.
"Well, what does this mean then? I thought you could only heal yourself?"
My shoulders yank up in involuntary defense. "I really don't know! Hell, I'm in the dark as much as you. But does it matter -- right now, anyway? If what you're saying is true, that means we could have another spy on our hands."
No one had anything to say that, surprisingly.
"What time did all this happen?" I ask.
"Last night."
"But what time last night?" Will asked.
Nancy thought for only a moment. "Uh, around nine."
I looked around at my friends in vindication -- all of us seeming to share the same grim thought.
Jonathan, meanwhile, dropped his voice in a shocked whisper. "You didn't call?"
"I was waiting for the doctors to run some tests,"
"You weren't there?" Gawked Will.
This time, it was Jonathan's turn to grow defensive. "I'm here now, aren't I?"
Nancy scoffed. "Hallelujah!"
Lucas and I winced.
"Um, so--" Nancy rubbed at her temples, brushing the subject aside with no hesitation. "What time was your... sauna test?"
-"Around nine," we all answered.
"So that proves it! That proves my theory!"
Mike nods his head in agreement. "She's flayed, just like Billy."
"The Mind Flayer, he flays people. He takes over their mind. Once they do that, they basically become him."
All our eyes fall on Lucas as he cuts in, unknowingly speaking my mind. "If there are two flayed--"
"--then we have to assume there more." Will finished.
A quiet voice to my right speaks out for the first time since Jonathan and Nancy's arrival.
"Heather," El said, worry creeping onto her face. "Billy was doing something to her. She was scared. She was screaming. Bad screams."
Max and I looked at one another.
"What's a good scream?" Asked Lucas.
"Max said--"
"Doesn't matter!"
Under any other circumstances, I would have laughed at Max's comment. But Nancy had already moved on.
"I'm sorry, I'm lost. Who is Heather?"
"She's a lifeguard at the pool."
"Heather Holloway?" We all nod and both Nancy and Jonathan's eyes widened like saucers.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
I'm the last to leave the house. Everyone was scurrying for the station wagon up ahead of me, and I stopped only to make sure the door was properly closed. Joining Mike and Will at the top of the driveway, I noticed their -- specifically Mike's -- sullen look.
Following their gaze, I see El eagerly pile in the backseat after Max. Lucas after El.
"Get used to it Mikey," I pat his back and head for the trunk with a knowing smile, earning a questioning look from the boy. It looked like it was going to be a tight squeeze. "this is what being a better friend looks like,"
Swinging the trunk door open, I climbed to the far end of the mini seats and the two soon followed. Mike was packed in across from me Will and behind Lucas. Each of us had to hug our knees to ourselves just to fit our legs in.
"Seatbelts," Nancy called to us, clipping her hair back in a clip.
We all immediately complied - apart from El who was caught in a brief moment of confusion. But soon enough, the engine was roaring to life and backing down the driveway.
My eyes widened as I looked past Will's shoulder. "Oh, watch out for the--"
But everyone's bikes were already falling like dominoes on the pavement in Nancy's rush, it probably didn't help there were six heads in between her and the rearview. I winced, sharing looks with Mike and Will.
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In honor of last week's National Day of Mourning in the US [also known as Thanksgiving], I'd like to share with you a collection of links dedicated to supporting and uplifting Native communities:
The Native American Rights Fund:
"Wacantognaka, the Lakota word for generosity, means to contribute to the well-being of one's people and all life by sharing and giving freely. Only with your generous support, can NARF achieve its mission of justice on behalf of Native Americans."
The Native Wellness Fund:
"The Native Wellness Institute exists to promote the well-being of Native people through programs and trainings that embrace the teachings and traditions of our ancestors."
Warrior Women Project:
"We are a collaborative of matriarchs, historians, community organizers and multimedia storytellers working to bring to light the radical impact of Indigenous women through recent history. ...Here at Warrior Women Project, we work to illuminate the past in a way that inspires a radical present."
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cassianus · 2 years
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St Marina came from a wealthy family of pagans in the city of Antioch. She was raised with no knowledge of Christ in her life. Yet at the tender age of fifteen, Marina defeated the devil and all his snares, through the faith in Jesus Christ. A child born a non-believer, became a believer and defeated the Devil.
At a young age Marina’s parents passed away and she went to live with a nanny, who was a practicing Christian. Each and every night Marina would hear the stories of how ordinary people, with faith in Christ, became martyrs for Christ’s sake. The nanny spoke with such reverence for these “saints” that Marina was inspired and yearned to taste the sweet mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Though men were drawn to her beauty, she was drawn to a life with God – to be the Bridesmaid of Jesus Christ.
And it came to pass that one day Marina was indeed tested and tempted by the Devil’s snares. The governor of Antioch, a rich and powerful man who was accustomed to getting what he wanted, fancied Marina and desired her. But when his soldiers came to her, she told them that she belonged to Christ. When the governor heard this, he was distressed for he lusted after her with blinding fire. So he had her brought to him by force and offered her to worship his idols and to forsake God. But she refused.
He demanded to know of her that she could defy him. To which she replied, “I am Christian. I believe in the Lord Christ, and my name is Marina.” He made many promises and promised to marry her, but she still did not heed to his will. When she cursed his idolatry ways and insulted him, he grew angry and ordered her body scraped with iron combs, and then rubbed with vinegar, salt and lime. For to his selfish and greedy view, if he could not have her, then let no one have her. But the governor only saw her from the outside, but God sees us from the inside. God cares not for the beauty of the ever-dying flesh – but for the eternal growth of our spirit inside.
And through this spirit, strengthened by the Holy Spirit, she endured with patience.
Disgusted by their futility, the governor ordered her to be tossed into prison. Their thinking was that she would die from the wounds they had created. But the Lord God sent an angel to heal all her wounds. This is the glory of God. For in our faith and trust of God’s will are we reborn and renewed – that through Him all things that are imperfect are made perfect.
This of course angered the Devil. While she was standing up praying, with her hands extended in the form of a cross, a huge and terrifying serpent came forth. When she saw it she was frightened and her whole body trembled. The serpent swallowed her up, and her soul almost departed from her. She made the sign of the cross and prayed while she was in the belly of the serpent. It split open and fell on the ground dead. St. Marina went out unharmed. There are many times you will feel that the world has swallowed you up, and you have no strength to defeat it. Let not the darkness on the outside of you, penetrate the light inside you. Call upon God to save you, to give you strength and He will make all things impossible – possible.
The next morning, the governor ordered her to be brought before him. When he saw that she was well, he marveled and told her, “Your sorcery has become evident today, so listen to me. Worship our gods and much good would be for you, and I will give you all that I have promised you.” To the unbelieving governor, Marina’s healing was the act of sorcery – for that is all he knew of. In your struggle to unite with God, you will often find people around you with no knowledge of God, Jesus Christ and a life with Christ. They will mock your efforts. Have faith and believe. For in you may the Lord God work His grace to save not just you, but (God willing) those who mock you.
After the governor called God’s work “sorcery”, Marina looked at him and at the dumb idols with contempt and proclaimed, “I worship the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, the God of heavens and earth, and whatever you wish to do with me, do, for I will not heed you.” The angered and frustrated governor ordered her hanged on the wheel, the squeezing wheel, and squeezed very tightly. They did and then again cast her in prison, assuming she would die. The angel of the Lord came to her, and healed her yet again. Then the Devil appeared to her and said, “O Marina, if you obey the governor that would be for your good for he is merciless, and he wishes to erase your name from the face of the earth.” She realized that he was the Devil. Straightway she caught the hair of his head, and she took an iron rod and started to beat him, saying, “Stop it O Satan.” Then she bound him with the sign of the cross, not to depart from before her until he told her all about what he does to the human race. When she pressed him, he told her, “I am the one who makes adultery, stealing, blasphemy, and earthly desires, good and desirable to the human. And if I do not overcome him, I steer sleep and laziness against him, so he will not pray and ask for the forgiveness of his sins.”
Herein is the powerlessness of the Devil. Only if we give the Devil power over us, through the temptations of the flesh, does he have influence. But if we ignore his trappings, he tries to cast doubt into our prayer efforts. Faith and doubt are exact opposites. Marina did not care for the death that was to come to her for she knew that her faith in Jesus Christ was greater than anything in this world. Lend her story to your own life, to show how the faith and trust of the Lord God can save and grant you strength to fight all darkness of your present day.
When the governor again saw her healed, he again marveled much, then he ordered to uncover her body, and to fill a large cauldron with melted lead, and to immerse her in it. When they did so, she asked the Lord to make this a baptism for her. The Lord sent his angel in the form of a dove. While being immersed in the boiling cauldron, she prayed, “In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God Amen.” A voice from heaven called her and said, “O Marina you have been baptized in the baptismal water.” She rejoiced exceedingly, and those who were present heard what had happened to the saint. Many of them believed, and the governor ordered to cut off their necks, and afterwards ordered to cut off St. Marina’s holy head. The executioner took her and went outside the city, then told her, “My lady Marina, I see the angel of the Lord and with him a crown of bright light.” She said, “I ask you to tarry on me until I have prayed.” She extended her arms and prayed fervently. Then she told the executioner, “Do what you have been ordered to do.” She bowed her neck to the executioner who told her, “I could not do so.” The saint told him, “If you do not do so, you would not have a share in the Kingdom of God.”
When he heard what she said, he took the sword and cut her neck off then he cut his neck also while he was saying, “I believe in the God of St. Marina.” He fell down beside her and he received the crown of martyrdom in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord had manifested from her body many signs and healing miracles.
Her body is presently located in the church of the Lady the Virgin Mary in Haret El-Roum. May her prayers and intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.
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shoezuki · 3 years
Preamble that I feel bad for the guy tbh but how he's dealing w/ it is on him. End a the day he's a whole stranger and he's not like two, he can handle himself (presumably) and if he can't it ain't our business. Also necessary preamble that there are many Ranboo enjoyers who aren't cringe. A lot of them actually. To the point where I don't really like to bring stuff like this up in specific bc it Does magnify problems via exposure
However. Disclaimer that this is a complaint about the worst aspects of my time in a fandom and that this is not all of it aside
TWT RANBOO STANS *DESPISE* LISTENING TO "OUR" STREAMER LIKE NO ONE FUCKING ELSE. THEY FUCKIN' HATE IT. EVERY WORD THAT IS SAID ONSTREAM OR ON ANY OF HIS MEDIA ACCTS IS NOTHING TO THEM. Ranboo is literally not even a streamer to them the way they act. The man will beg, literally fucking BEG over and over to not mention him in people's chats, to not *yell at people in chat to not spam,* to please not use him as a profpic if they're getting into drama, and then concede ground to please not use him as a profpic if you're sending threats, please do not fucking send threats, please, he has said this so many times, and Yet my comrades' twt blocklists are full of Ranboo profpics that send death threats with 0 shame. 0 shame, what so fucking ever. Chat too! Chat the fuck too! Chat is way better than twt bc at least it's not violent but I swear to Christ they are literally deaf! Begging for answers to questions that are answered in his bios and over and over onstream already and in the FAQ that is RIGHT THERE if you scroll down a HALF FUCKING CENTIMETER! Spamming stupid shit, and then spamming "CHAT STOP" even as streamer exhaustedly says "chaaat putting 'chat stop' just makes more spam".
Literally not a single Ranboo stan has basic damn listening or reading comprehension. It shows in how people fail to comprehend basic fucking facts abt his RP character (everyone knew this was coming) and it shows in how no matter how much he fucking pleads people to stop sending fucking death threats with his face attached or says he's uncomfortable giving out certain information people will just trample on those boundaries as if they ain't fucking there. Being in the Ranboo stan twtbase is literally training to blatantly ignore boundaries and dehumanize streamers and it shows in every aspect of how they treat not just "our" streamer but every single person, character, and social media personality they goddamned come across as text to speech machines, dressup dolls, and punching bags
It honestly blows my fucking mind. Like. Ostensibly, you enjoy this streamer and his content, right? Which I would think means you watch his content? But apparently fucking not!
It is honestly fucking disgusting it is unbelievable. I don't like to dwell on it for aforementioned reasons and like, dwelling is also smth streamer has mentioned correctly as Not Good, but genuinely the situation in certain small vocal pockets of the Ranboo stanbase is horrific and I hope these people get so much help and also maybe better material than increasingly unreadable censorship for "die." Actual productive debate is really fun, guys, come have a redemption arc and argue about the effects New L'Manberg had on c!Ranboo with me, please, why can't we all be nice, god, why,
Anyway that's my piece. Thank you for hearing me out I believe this is the first time I've gotten the chance to try to flex the new lack of charalimit for asks and I must say I enjoy it
tbhtbh I USED to watch ranboo but i jus like. Cant anymore from donations n the unfortunate fact that So Many People whove gotten At me on twitter have ranboo pfps and how a lot of them treat him is genuinely Gross to me. Even jus w like. Seeing shit bout him and tubbo being 'roommates' rn like i HATE that shit. Ppl objectify him n ignore his boundaries n jus do such horrible shit w his name all over their accts n its despicable. I feel so harshly for the dude like that shit Sucks. But also he does tend to 'give in' to twitter shit sometimes like when he was saying not to trend stuff bout his meetup because he didnt want to 'overshadow' current events (altho ppl on twitter couldnt even listen to him for THAT)
Its jus a Shame cuz like. The dude Is genuinely cool. N he cares a lot. I feel his 'fans' of this calibre take advantage of his leniency/desire to please people and his Anxieties around messing up in any minor way n they jus. Walk on him in that regard. Cant even respect their own streamer
I think a bit ago i said somethin on it like. How sometimes i think these twitter ppl dont even LIKE ranboo or actually Watch Him. They jus want to feel some sort of moral superiority of stanning an 'unproblematic' cc and have some sense of control over a cc considering how he was made to apologize on his alt for those largrly harmless 'i dress like a lesbian' jokes he made. Like truly this weirdass gross community they made under his name is such a fucking shame n it sucks. No doubt its turned other ppl away from his streams Like Me
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carcinized · 2 years
wdym about the phrasing thing (also is there any evidence of that stuff?) - dream
idk i just have bad reading comprehension 😭 and i’m not the person to go to for evidence as i don’t use twitter or know how it works, but here's my attempted compilation of evidence for you
okay so about the kkk video i was wrong: he didn't make a fancam of them, it was a joking fancam of bbh that he apparently googled "MLG edit" or something and it happened to be of the kkk (his words). here's a screenshot i found from his private twitter account:
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i cant link the tweet because this account of his is private so for all i know this could be faked but this coupled with the way pretty much all of twitter is talking makes it fairly reputable in my opinion.
besides that, this tweet has a video of the edit as well as a link to the now unlisted youtube video on the wayback machine (a machine that saves webpages)
for the doxxing on twitter, the best i can really give you is this tweet exchange with bitzel (in which bitzel is based and dream defends himself for replying to people in argument knowing stans will then attempt to doxx them instead of literally just ignoring them), here's another tweet w screenshots of the actual doxxed person + dream celebrating it
(this discussion has a little more nuance than the kkk one but some of the tweets under bitzel's tweet are so unbelievably ridiculous. "its fine that dream knowingly endangers kids bc they posted a public criticism on a public platform, he is justified to respond to them, they should have known that could happen before criticising him" DO YOU EVEN FUCKING HEAR YOURSELF
for the manatreed housing an abuser thing i honestly dont know what came of it and the "evidence" given was leaked and doxxed a victim but either way the way dream handled it was fucking disgusting. blocking people who called him out, calling his fans gullible for trying to do the right thing by believing a victim until there was evidence otherwise, deleting his private account, etc. just generally shitty
and besides that he's just??? always treated smaller creators in a really shitty way??? besides his awarding people he likes with a whitelist to the dream smp hes kind of been a fucking asshole to people? talking shit abt scott smajor after losing mcc & in turn sending twitter to harass him (though that was unintentional, he was actually not allowed into the next one, which then pissed off his stans again to harass scott more), endless having said questionable things and been involved with questionable people, generally?? seeming kind of mean?? at least to me??, ETC the list goes on and with every new situation he handles it terribly and im sick of it good lord (this is all from memory, i dont have evidence for this bit but you can probably find it.)
anyways uh yeah. reminder i am NOT on twitter nor have i been following this very closely as i have a life outside of being in the damn minecraft youtubers fandom, but it's pissing me off that people just keep on forgiving it? like jesus christ man. go touch some grass & stop idolizing some shitty youtuber
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