#this is ur future career take this seriously
post-essay clarity is something so beautiful yet so frightening
#i just through this together in 10 hours one sitting#i need to stop doing this to myself#i did technically outline a bit beforehand which is better than nothing but like good god girl#this is ur future career take this seriously#embarrassed as fuck bc i did explicitly coin something in this one even though i have no merit and also did not back up my claim well enough#but like also dude i was just at a point where my brain was connecting patterns and a precursory search didn’t bring up anything so#i just named the phenomena myself and maybe my professor or ta who has more merit will comment on it#god fuck dude i was lowkey very experimental in this one and my tone came off way differently bc i am so done we are all so done#finals are literally so stupid and inconsequential when considering. what has been happening on our campus and the world and everything#the tenured professors who are fucking allies are boycotting finals and not having their students do anything#unfortunately my prof isn’t tenured otherwise i know he would (because all the profs in my department probably would tbh)#so hopefully they don’t even really grade these bc like i have a feeling he’s gone be lax bc he’s cool like that and also our camspus has#been turned into a militarized zone where the administration is sending in police in riot gear to#attack peaceful students in a violent act of state repression and fascist so like yeah i don’t think any of this finals shit actually#fucking matters it’s all bullshit#damn sorry i just got properly high for the first time today and that all had to come out#anywayyyyyy#it speaks
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supermaks · 2 years
Top 10 essential Verstappen races list please!
I habe been watching since I was a literal infant but I kinda took a break from 2014 until 2018 so I missed a lot of teenage Max lore. Now I treated myself to some f1tv for Christmas and want to rewatch a couple old races!!!
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Malaysia 2015 Baby boys first points on his 2nd ever f1 start. Drags that lil toro rosso to q3 and then beats both red bulls. Also very funny to listen to the sky commentary because they dont take him seriously at all but he keeps doing things with that car he shouldnt be able to do so they have to keep talking about him and they're so annoyed about itnklfdjgkfdj
Singapore, 2015 classic max race. car d1es at the start. somehow makes it back on track 1 lap down, waits for his main character moment. gets it on lap 13. breezes past the field. gets told to swap positions. literally yells 'NO' and does not do it. U thought brazil 2022 was shocking, well. Educate yourself
USA, 2015 first of all there was a whole hurricane happening bro like a literal hurricane everything about thsi race is like .. what is going on. Hello. Is that Elton John???? Mind you, its Max's rookie season. Austin with wet conditions is the race track equivalent of a fucking minefield I think like half the grid retired. And still, u will witness that lil boy bring the fight to Merc and Ferrari. He actually fought Lewis and Seb Vettel for a podium. In a toro rosso. yeah
Spain, 2016 anime protagonist race. lil babby makes the jump to the big sister team amid much mockery and controversy, and wins on his debut. I can't say this enough. Max has made a career out of owning up to bitches. Every single time. Mercs take each other out, Danny ric gets inexplicably put on a 3 stopper ((lmfao)), and Max holds off fucking RAIKKONEN on DRS!!!! for like a billion years. Not a wheel out of place. And not even his defining moment of the year. For that, u gotta go with--
Brazil, 2016 He became MOTHER age 19 in Interlagos. Nothing else to say. if ur a verstappie u gotta watch Brazil 2016 like twice a year for ur troubles
China, 2017 just a super underrated race imo. Imma go on a tangent for a bit sorry but one of most insane aspects of Max's move to f1 is that he did so with 1 year of experience in f3. Like f3 had been the strongest engine he'd driven up to that point. f3 cars are fast but they're not f1 fast. So Max was supposed to be like a lil squid in a bowl of sharks. To anybody else it wouldve been extremely intimidating and scary to make that jump and its likely they would've sacrificed speed just because they didn't have that confidence in the car yet. And there'd be nothing wrong with that, thats just normal. Well Max never did normal. Seb put it perfectly and Im pretty sure he's not the first driver to comment on this, but Max goes for moves that nobody in their right mind would even dream of attempting. Shit that takes a special type of instinct, but more than that, a complete lack of fear. And with that comes the other side of the sword, which is the recklessness. Max was a reckless driver. A lot of drivers can be reckless, especially if the car doesn't allow them to just cruise to podiums, but Max was a child. This race is so important in his curriculum because it solidifies that his recklessness is not foolishness, but necessity. Bro passed 9 cars in one lap and held off danny ric with older tires. This after a disaster quali where he finished second to last because of an engine problem. To come back from that and get a podium the way he did, its a character drive. It showed who he was and Max was the future
Mexico, 2017 here. Yeah
Austria, 2018 quali is a must watch for this one. Listening to Max educate his engineers on 'discipline' for even DARING to ask him to pass danny ric prolly makes that move to Renault less confusing. Like u cant fight that. That is not a mf who will ever let u win a world title. But he didnt show it just during quali. This race is important because u can compare it some of his most dominant 2022 victories, in a car that would literally spit out its own tires and explode if Max idk farted or something.
USA, 2018 ok I'm biased but max has never come to the US and not served. Idk why its kind of funny but every time he steps foot in here he stunts and gets super wet and looks amazing. He's also absurdly good in US circuits for no reason. Like Max says, u gotta know how to defend not just attack. Prolly one of the most impressive defensive performances from him here, against none other than sir hammer herself. Lew had fresher tires and a championship winning merc and still couldnt crack lil bro with his renault engine, cap and a dream. Also they literally installed a whole new curb on the track specifically to make drivers stick to track limits and called it the verstopper and that. literal tears in my eyes yk look at this shit
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Look at her . anyway
Enjoy thjs humble selection of our fav boy genius/fbi most wanted best hits. Next up
✨😤 Part 2 😤✨ Part 3 🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
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velvetvexations · 3 months
i saw ur ok w ppl venting in ur inbox so i hope this is ok sorry if its a lot haha im a pre everything trans guy who is in the process of doctors visits that in all likelyhood are gonna result in me going on estrogen and its all been so. uncomfortable. my puberty was kinda stunted so ive always had a very androgynous look even before i realized i wasnt a woman, and people regularly confuse me for a teenager as a nearly 30 year old grown ass adult. i was hoping i could skate with low estrogen letting me just be just slightly ambiguous enough to get the occasional "young man" without much effort, but its to the point its a medical issue now and i dont rlly have a choice but to take it seriously, no matter how dysphoria inducing its gonna be if i suddenly get boobs for the first time in my life at almost 30, especially when i have no idea if taking The Correct For Me hormone is ever in the future as im studying to be a teacher,,, in us public school system,,, which currently seems like the worst career possible for a trans person rn but here i am lmao idk its just so many things and so many hard choices, and on top of it all idiots online tell me this is whats its like to be a Privledged Transgender Man With No Issues lmao id truly love one of them to tell me where all my male privledge is cuz im not seein it! (ps thanks for letting ppl vent to u, its gotta be a lot of emotional labor for total strangers, i hope u take care of urself!)
You don't have male privilege, anon, and I'm sorry people don't recognize that. You deserve love and support. <3
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tweakerist · 3 months
what r ur hcs for tweeks relationship with his parents 🎤🎤
no seriously i could yap about this for HOURS. i did kind of dip my toes about tweeks relationship with his parents in twin fantasy, but it was all very vague and id LOVE to include more in future fics (finally dare to actually write more than a thousand words from tweek's pov).
TW: toxic relationships, manipulation, child abuse.
like i included in nyi, i hc his parents to be high school sweethearts, that helen tweak was actually a nice, sociable girl until she got with richard, i think he's a self-absorbed idiot who lovebombed the shit out of her to have her wrapped around his finger and rob her of her ambitions. i think he stripped her of her singularities, convinced her to stay with him in south park, and run his family's business with him. i think she fell down the tradwife pipeline (her look is very 50's housewife), and before she knew it she was pregnant and married with no career, a baby she didn't know how to take care of and a husband who only cared about himself and his own interests. i hc richard to be basically inexistent in tweek's upbringing, running the coffee shop and completely ignoring him while simultaneously pushing for helen's attention, maybe even jealous of tweek for stealing his spotlight in her life. i think helen probably tried to be a mom for tweek when he was a baby, but she was clueless and didnt really care to actually put effort into learning how, i think richard filled her head with bullshit about teaching tweek to be independent so she stopped seeing him as a child and more like a mini adult. i hc tweek as a very attention and affection starved child, hyper independent, but at the same time emotionally stunted, i think he sees both of his parents as the grown-ups he grew up around and not actually as his caretakers. i think when he grows older (teen years), he has a cordial relationship with his mom, very surface level, like they're roommates and not actually related, but sometimes craves that mother-son relationship with her (mommy issues) but shes unreachable, and i think he resents his father because he can tell that he's the one that robbed his mother of her youth and works at the coffee shop to save money and eventually move out but he basically just gets paid his tips and the money he steals from the register whenever he can.
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also do u think it’s plausible that Tom riddle would’ve turned out better or worse if Dumbles adopted him ? i Wanna write that as a short fic but i wanna know what u would think About it first lol. not the fic itself I Am writing that regardless but the premise. (In mine he’s going to kill dumbles but other than that he actually has a solid chance at a future bc u kno he’s the Son of a Respected Man dootdoot nepotism for the win Bestie, so I don’t think he’d go bananas and end the wizarding world as we know it.)
Apologies for my poor grammar and spellings, I don’t have glasses on rn so it could be really bad.
Also really sorry if u have answered this previously I don’t think so but I’m also Very Behind on ur metas I’m sorry :( I took a break from tumblr forgetting that involves taking s break from reading u and (I forgot how to spell the vinelle? Vennelle? idk I always mix the letters up and read neville regardless,, uh the irl is the-real-vinelle if u put the correct spelling in, lol, I’m sorry abt that too) and now I gotta backread
Worse is a strong word but certainly not better.
Caveat the First
You make a note of it yourself, but I feel like I should reiterate.
Write the fic you want to write.
It really doesn't matter what I say here and that you're even asking me, before you write anything down, because you're curious has me a bit leery.
There's a very good chance I will tell you... not what you want to write. Which is fine, but certainly something to keep in mind that you should write what you want to write and not what I write below.
Don't take this too personally, basically
Caveat the Second
Dumbledore didn't do this and would never do this.
Dumbledore despises Tom Riddle, and he despises him from the very moment he meets him (which is very impressive as in that first meeting Tom doesn't really do anything, seriously, go reread that section it's... Dumbledore should not be around children).
And while he has an agenda with Harry, I'm inclined to believe that he believes what he's saying (otherwise he wouldn't use these ridiculous examples he's stored up).
Dumbledore fully believes that Tom Riddle is a doomed child because of his genetics, that his family is predisposed to mental illness (and this is a shameful thing caused by dark magic), and that his impoverished muggle upbringing reflects poorly on him (well, it's not so much that he's poor and muggle, but that Dumbledore seems to expect his muggle peasants to act like they belong in a Tolstoy novel where they're wise and generous beings, where Tom's a suspicious brat who hoards things and doesn't trust strangers who light his wardrobes on fire).
Notice that, rather than extend any helping hand, Dumbledore's instinct is to terrorize and threaten an eleven-year-old boy and then proceed to sabotage any career prospects he has as Tom continues through his schooling.
Dumbledore would make sure that Tom was never adopted by any wizarding family.
But Alright, Let's Go Down this Hell Hole Together
Well, now Tom gets to live with the motherfucker who seeks to psychologically terrorize him and is just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Tom will be kept a constant eye on, but not even that, traps will be set up throughout the house intended to tempt Tom into reading this or that forbidden book only for Dumbledore to then catch him and reaffirm that Tom has something wrong with him.
And how noble Dumbledore is, taking him on, as Dumbledore is saving this boy from perdition and uh... his genetic disposition to be a dark wizard.
Tom will be told every day of his life that something is wrong with him, that his going to Slytherin is only an affirmation of that, and Dumbledore will be constantly trying to mold his behavior through suggesting friends, reading material, how Tom should act in public and private, etc.
And Dumbledore will still sabotage any chance at a career Tom will ever have. He'll prevent him from getting any work save for those Dumbledore would deem humbling and appropriate (hello flower salesman in Diagon Alley).
I have no doubt that Tom will have no choice but to simply leave the country and cut all ties altogether. As he will have no future in England and staying near Dumbledore is just asking to be involved in constant psychological warfare.
A miserable time would be had by all
On the Meta Thing
Don't worry about it, this blog is out of control. I'm kind of shocked any one does actually keep up.
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flowered-mp3 · 6 months
rant on friend drama lmfao pls ignore unless ur curious about my life ahhaha luv u all
my bf's friend group is a hot fucking mess - i hate it here.
i don't want to be like. that person but fuck, man. i've always been against have super super integrated friend groups where people date each other and get super close with their friends partners and something just happened yesterday that just adds to my distaste of it. i'm sorry, but i cannot be super close friends with cis-het men for a reason and this is why - it causes so much drama and confusion for both myself and the parties involved. i'm not saying that i, a cis-het woman shouldn't be friends with cis-het men but fuck, based on what i've experienced so far it's getting harder and harder to believe.
so summer 2023, someone in my bf's friend group (let's call her jess) arranged a cottage trip with some people (three couples, one dude)
my bf
my bf's cousin (let's call him tyrone)
my bf's cousin's gf (let's call her steph)
jess' bf (let's call him steve)
steph's friend (let's call him cam)
now, this friend group has been in existence before my bf and i started dating (so i'm the new person). additionally, there's another friend group that they're a part of that doesn't include me - let's call them the val group (because they're obsessed with valorant. idfk.) the val group is huge - people dating each other within it, they have a dedicated discord server, etc. my bf isn't super close with them but tyrone, steph, steve, jess, and cam are.
so jess organized a cottage trip with the seven of us and it was fun! i don't have a big social battery so it was a little tough for me because we were all staying in a small bnb with one bathroom lmfao but i did have a fun time with them all. i got to talk to them, get to know them better, and i liked to feel more integrated into my bf's friend group - it made me feel like less of an outsider.
before the trip, i heard from my bf that jess and steve were having some disagreements lately - jess frustrated that steve doesn't make enough time for their relationship, jess feeling that members of the val group are making her life more difficult (apparently, one of the girls that is dating jess' close friend within the val group is upset because jess plays val better than her, i cannot make this shit up lmfao) and steve isn't standing up for her, etc. etc.
flashforward to fall 2023 - my bf told me that jess and steve broke up. i talked to jess about it and it was an amicable break up - they both mutually agreed. she told me that there was alot of differences in how serious they took the relationship, apparently. steve didn't seem to be aligned with her seriousness. jess was making career moves, planning for her future and got frustrated when steve always seemed to be putting it off, never seeming to take their future seriously. they also lived kinda far from each other - i'm talking across the city type shit - solid 45 min drive to see each other. my bf and i are the same but it isn't a problem because we dedicate a single day during the week to see eachother, and we both drive. problem - steve doesn't drive. they've been dating 3 years and this man seriously never got his license, even after jess pushed him to do it. steve also had health issues (chronic knee injury) and never seemed to be concerned about his health, etc. jess expressed that he never took it as seriously as she did and if they consistently talked about it for 3 years with no result, that's it. the relationship is not pursuable anymore, imo. jess also expressed that the cottage trip just further showed her that steve wasn't doing boyfriend things - he would see the other boyfriends do things for their girlfriends and compared it to her own relationship, which did nothing but make the rift grow further between her and steve.
now here's where things get dicey. after the breakup, jess started to talk to cam more often. since we have discord, you're able to see what people are up to and it seems that they were doing things together, talking more, etc. i've also been to dinner with jess, cam, my bf, and myself without steph and tyrone. from the outside, this looks BAD. jess just broke up with steve and now the other friend (cam) that steve was already concerned about starts hanging out with his ex one-on-one? the optics are BAD on that one. and because the val group is filled with a bunch of assholes, they've been teasing steve about it. since steph is friends with steve, steve has been coming to her about how he feels about it. i feel so bad for steve here - it's not fair for him to get made fun of because his ex is moving on with someone within that friend group. but on the outside, jess looks BAD because it seems like she doesn't care about how steve feels and what's going on with him BUT LIKE. the val group sucks! they've been making jess' life hell to begin with. why that fuck would she have a regard for people that treated her poorly? additionally, she's also LYING to steph about where she is. steph asking her to hang and jess saying she's busy or tired, when in reality she's hanging with cam instead. what a mess. and what also sucks is that cam is straight up ok with it and instigating the conflict??? he's like "yeah it be like that dawg" but i'm like??? tf??? you're making it worse for jess? fucking idiot.
because steph knows that jess is lying to her, steph went to my bf to vent about it. do i feel good about it? no lmfao but it happened. essentially, steph expressed frustrations that jess was lying to her about hanging out with cam, and additionally, tyrone ALSO had a problem with the optics of the situation. but the hilarious thing is that tyrone and steph met when steph was dating another guy in the val group, and tyrone was straight up flirting with steph WHILE SHE WASN'T SINGLE. they were hanging out one-on-one while steph wasn't single. now for some reason, they find problems with what jess and cam are doing? steph and tyrone did the exact same shit to get together, and now suddenly when jess does it, they feel some type of way? RIDICULOUS. the second that steph broke up with the guy in the val group, she went on a group skiing trip with tyrone and shared a room with him within the week. and my bf was there to observe the whole fucking thing so my bf is upset because this is incredibly hypocritical (i agree like what the fuck). so because of all this, steph and jess' relationship is strained.
now flashforward to literally yesterday night. i went to an easter dinner at my bf's house and his whole family was there (so therefore, tyrone and steph were there as well). i was blissfully ignorant until after eating, i noticed that my bf and steph were like. nowhere to be found. tyrone was in the living room with his dad and i was busy playing with my bf's nephew so i was like huh idk maybe my bf's busy with his dad or something. he was gone for a WHILE. like a solid half hour. so i thought that i lost my glasses and remembered that i napped in my bf's room so i went upstairs to see if i left it there. then i overheard steph's voice and my brain was like uhhh wtf and i open the door to see my bf and her ALONE in his bedroom, door closed. she sounded like she was crying but i was so just. shook i guess that i just started to ask where my glasses were and left the room. i wasn't even visibly mad i was just. shook. so i just left and resumed what i was doing. eventually, my bf came out he knew that i felt some type of way because he put on his coat and asked to go on a walk away from the house. we sorted it out while talking outside but there's a reason why i'm mentioning this point lol. my bf said that steph was talking about a blow up that happened with jess but didn't mention specifics.
then literally 30 mins later, jess calls me. i missed her call so i texted her what was up and she said that she really needed to talk to me and that i cannot tell anyone that she contacted me. since her and my bf are close friends i asked if my bf knew and she said that she actually wanted to talk to both of us so on my drive home from his house we called and she explained everything.
apparently in jan/feb 2024 steve and jess had a couple of calls. steve reached out to jess wanting to "catch up" but apparently it was a call for steve to ask jess to get back together. jess explained that their relationship problems wouldn't be solved overnight (understandable), and that getting back together now wouldn't change anything. steve didn't like this, and now their break up that was amicable is now no longer amicable at all. now, rumors are being spread around that jess emotionally cheated on steve throughout the relationship, that jess has been trying to get closer to the guys only in the val group. and the fact that she became much closer to cam and my bf after the breakup just does nothing but fuel the rumors. because of that, my bf's name is also being dragged into the drama for ammo purposes and it fucking pisses me the fuck off.
apparently, steph did have a convo with jess about the whole situation, and how what jess is doing isn't "a good look". steph brings up a situation where my bf came over the jess' place to fix her pc and said that she shouldn't have had him alone in her bedroom. in reality, I was there in her bedroom along with cam and my bf, so she wasn't alone with my bf. but recall the situation that happened at easter dinner - she was LICHERALLY in a room alone with my bf. hypocritical? yes but to give benefit of the doubt, i think that this is a misunderstanding though because after, steph said that "if you're ok with hanging out with ___ (my bf's name) alone, you should be ok with hanging out with the guys from the val group alone." i think that steph is misconstruing things - perhaps questioning the favoritism for my bf? maybe steph is implying that jess is discriminating against the members of the val group? even when the val group treated her poorly? ugh. now my bf's name is being pulled up as an example of how jess is "purposefully" getting closer to the guys only, fueling the emotional cheating allegations. i know that it isn't true but it sucks regardless as his girlfriend.
so now, everything is a mess. my bf's friend group is in shambles and i know that this is weighing so much heavier on him than me. normally i wouldn't involve myself at all but this is my boyfriend we're talking about. anyone says shit about him and literally? it's on sight like mark your fucking days. now i also have my bf asking me why i don't deal with his kind of stuff in my friend group and literally i honestly believe that it's because i only have girlfriends and i don't strive to be bestie bestie with my friends bf's. we don't see it as proper so we normally avoid situations like this where people break up and all the complications that happen after the fact. like if i'm close with my friend's bf and they break up, it's bound to cause division within the group because people will take sides - it's unavoidable. i probably sound like such a cynic but it's how i feel based on what i've experienced.
and what sucks the most is that jess is genuinely my friend, as well as steph. it sucks that they aren't friends right now. it sucks alot. just.... ugh i hope that they can sort things out eventually but right now, everything is so tense and heated that it's impossible. my bf and i are kinda caught in the middle of it (my bf mostly though, steph hasn't talked to me about this at all). anyways. that's it for now.
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dojae-huh · 1 year
I wanted to post about the whole mess of the cbx contract, if ure in a job most ppl have a contract... I renew mine every 2 years as I'm working as a teacher in a private school. They take care of my health care and also my pay and benefits so I'm ok with signing away 2 years each time.
So contracts are always binding and always more in favour of the employer coz they are investing in u (same reason ppl don't hire fat ppl or under qualified ppl, as they need to invest in their training and health care more)
So I get why exo had to sign multiple contracts, cbx had had their respected contracts from their OG group with sm (eco m and eco k) but then they promoted in Japan and China where they must have their own labels there too... So it's not weird for them to have multiple contracts in each country. Exo is under avex I think or it is universal in Japan do u think SM has any part in that contract other then being the management of eco/cbx there....
Same with other labels, sm is a indie label in other countries it needs another label to manage their trained and hit artists... This is how idols (especially sm ones have multiple contracts, this is also why Lucas is still under sm even if he isn't promoting with wayv coz hes under 2 other labels along with SM and they can't kick out him for being a sugar baby and justify it to the western label)
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Look at the amount of record labels responsible for tvxq boys. SM can't control Japan or Chinese markets, this is why even ww has a Chinese label
I also wanted to say that larger groups either end up messily breaking up like snsd all against one, or they end up like suju which is hanging on to most members.
The way it's just cbx, makes me think it's Chen who was the issue and baekhyun and minsook stood with him and not the rest. Also makes you realise that so much goes on at the back that we don't know. It also explains the delay of exo albums....
I seriously thought shinee might leave with LSM not there as they were the last sm group groomed by him, but it seems like shinee is settled in
Contracts usually end messily so be prepared for 127 drama and also dreamies and NCT drama NCT year
As the boys mostly will renew in December this year... Although with djj out jaedo aren't leaving and so isn't haechan and Taeyong
Johnny is establishing his DJ career so it seems like he'll stay in SM too
Please refrain from saying things like "sugar baby" like it's a fact and not your opinion based on partial information and falsified accusations.
I feel like you made the situation even more confusing instead of clearing it up, heh.
One thing I agree with you about: there is a lot of going on internally that doesn't reach the public. SM hires lawyers who can use tactics people directly working with EXO might not agree with, CBX might use bluff and mediaplay to strenghten their position in an argument (suppose it is about Chen staying) or talk about one thing (money) while pusruing another goal (release from some clauses in the contracts). It might be even a bigger game and artists fighting the new bosses for more power and retaining say in the company.
I'm for this lawsuit, Baekhyun has bargaining power, and SM (its financial higher ups who are detached from the artists as opposed to managers who directly work with them and know what the idols go through) should be kept in check. From what I've seen Baek is a very smart and shrewd guy, he is far from a victim.
Dream already are talking about Dream Show 3, they are tight as a group, so will continue at least until enlistment period, me thinks. 127, seemingly, came to agreement to stay together. Nowadays many groups continue to exist even if some members terminate their contracts with the parenting company. Yuta might do it, as his future career is in Japan now. However, even Yuta needs NCT label very much. He is invited to these movies and tv-series because he has a global fanbase and his name will make people watch the movie on Netflix. Japan is not China to lead an ex-k-pop idol to individual stardom through bl series and dance shows. SM invests in EDM scene a lot, which means it can provide all the stages Johnny wants, there is sense in staying for him as well. Taeil is a guy who doesn't like to act, I don't see him gambling with a small label for solo artists.
Personally, I think it's a bit prematurely to talk about disbandment of the units. Yes, they reached the 7 years milestone, however, noone is on the level of individual solo career to benefit from it more than from group activities. Groups disband either when memebrs can't stand each other, or individual gigs bring more money than the group.
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uyuforu · 1 month
Hey. I would like to participate in ur exchange.
Here’s ur exchange- (how will ur fs confess their love for u?)
The card r showing me that your fs will confess their love for u in the most romantic and thoughtful way. I getting that they won't just say but they will also show u their love with sweet gestures before they make a confession. Liek they will start preparing u for the confession at least some time before they make an official verbal confession to u. So they don’t catch u off guard and i m getting that u would know that the confession is coming. I m getting that they would prepare u by giving handwritten notes, a song that reminds them of you, or a little gift that will remind u both of a memory that u shared together. Not related to this question but I m seeing they will see a solid future with you. I m seeing the verbal confession happening in an intimate setting like a candle light dinner that they arranged for u, or they might ask u to go somewhere with them perhaps a stroll through a park or a beach. And I m seeing that as u r walking (ur fs seems to be nervous 👀🥹) they will pull u to them for a kiss u first all of a sudden (it’s more to calm themselves bc they r scared of ur reaction) but than they will take ur hand and will say something so romantic that ur heart will skip a beat. U two will be content after the confession is made. (Pls excuse any grammar or spelling errors😭)
Here’s my charts-
My Natal, my Juno, and groom pc - in order
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GAME IS CLOSED. Thank you for participating to the game. Here is your reading. Also thank you for the reading! It was super cute!
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જ⁀➴ Can meet FS at work, or in a serious environment. Can be love at first sight. Can meet FS in beautiful environment, with beautiful sights? Can meet during a wedding. Can meet because of love, or on dating app. Can meet in court, law or something related to justice. Can meet in museums, or something related to art, fashion, and make up perhaps.
જ⁀➴ FS could be very intense, intense sights, deep eyes, dark eyes and hair, very good looking.
જ⁀➴ FS could have a lot of money or will have a lot of money at some point in their life.
જ⁀➴ FS could have hard time to speak up for themselves. They could also have a very low voice. They could not be good at expressing themselves, and perhaps prefer to listen than to speak.
જ⁀➴ FS can be better at writing thoughts than speaking it. They could be very artistic too when it comes to writing.
જ⁀➴ Could write poetry or be good at writing love letters.
જ⁀➴ FS could have had some problems with some family members, perhaps more their father. They could also be the black sheep of their family, or having hard times with feeling different from them.
જ⁀➴ FS is introvert, can be shy too. FS can also be intimidating.
જ⁀➴ FS can love art, and can also be very creative! They could daydream a lot and have a lot of imagination.
જ⁀➴ FS can be popular, and have a good reputation. People love to hang out with them.
જ⁀➴ FS can have some health issues, but it could have been sudden. Not something from genetics.
જ⁀➴ FS can also be quite calm and good at managing emotions. But FS could also think money makes them feel better.
જ⁀➴ Could have the impression they are happier with money, money makes happiness.
જ⁀➴ FS did higher studies and took that very seriously.
જ⁀➴ FS can be a foreigner, but perhaps didn't travel much in their life.
જ⁀➴ FS can be very secretive about love, and they can actually be quite s3xual... like loving to show love this way.
જ⁀➴ FS can love learning languages, and can also speak more than 2 languages.
જ⁀➴ FS will perhaps be very successful in their career, or is already, they can also become a boss at some point.
જ⁀➴ FS is naturally lucky in their life, and they could also be religious. They can also be spiritual. At least, are divinely protected. Even if they are not aware of it.
Potential placements of FS:
𝜗𝜚 Gemini/ 3h
𝜗𝜚 Sagittarius/ 9H
𝜗𝜚 Leo/ 5H
𝜗𝜚 Capricorn/ 10H
𝜗𝜚 Scorpio/ 8H
𝜗𝜚 Cancer/ 4H
𝜗𝜚 Taurus/ 2H
𝜗𝜚 Virgo/ 6H
𝜗𝜚 Aries/ 1H
𝜗𝜚 Venus or Mars Rising
𝜗𝜚 Venus or Mars in 1H
𝜗𝜚 Fire or Earth Moon
If you enjoyed the reading you can post a review about it or tell me what you think. Have a nice day!
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Thank you for reading!
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haylorology · 2 years
Lol, Sorry to flood you with more info- some insight on her viewpoint about music & fan interaction. But yeah, that is the foundation she built her career on- which is another reason why her re-recordings struck a chord with her fans and gained attention & respect from her peers. But it didn't hurt that she has a knack for networking/social media/business synergy & successfully collaborating (music or businesswise) with those who she works well with. Kinda reminds me of how for example, Harry Styles, in a way is building up his own solo career. Both of them have similar trajectories that have led them to be success critically & commercially.
Rick Barker (a former maanager) had some interesting & educational videos, but there were references to it in this article. https://www.youtube.com/@RickBarkerMusic/videos
5 Things I Learned While Managing Taylor Swift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKg3oNMej54
2014 WSJ: "I think forming a bond with fans in the future will come in the form of constantly providing them with the element of surprise. No, I did not say "shock"; I said "surprise." I believe couples can stay in love for decades if they just continue to surprise each other, so why can't this love affair exist between an artist and their fans?"**
Sidenote: Lol, is the flame on her Midnights cover a Question...?
I have a theory that Taylor taught Harry about songwriting and a bit the music industry and that’s why they are kinda similar lol. I mean if not that then Harry got lucky finds all the most amazing opportunities and ppl. Lol but like usual I am high haha so don’t take me too seriously.
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HI HELLO HOWDY I just saw ur quirk requests and I gots one hehe
This quirk gives the user some attributes of a unicorn (horn, ears, and a long tail with hair on the end) as well as stronger legs, specifically enhanced agility speed and strength! The quirk also gives them the ability to remove toxins/poisons from water and to a greater extent people, although it's much more difficult. However, they do have a poison/toxin resistance due to the purifying part of their quirk
They aren't related to anyone in Canon but the stronger legs part of their quirk is similar to Mirko!
Platonic 1A please!!
And extra info is he/they pronouns and idk if you write trans reader but if you're comfy doing so that's be awesome :D, also their vibe is pastel himbo JDHDBSND
I lov ur writing and I hope ur having a good day/night!!!!
Unicorn in a UA Uniform
pairing: platonic!class 1a x reader (he/they, trans)
genre: fluff, sillies, LIGHT angst
warnings: mentions of femenization/fear of transphobia (doesn't aftually occur, just a fear of) + mentions of jerkwads
author's note: i was blasting mlp songs while writing this. ALSO***, for future ref, as a trans person, im more than happy to write trans rep!
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(also dont like how people made scary edits of this song :( )
(Ik this isn't unicorn themes exactly but it made me :]:]:]:] happy bc its bright and pretty like unicorns :])
you're warm. you're bright, and everything about your quirk should be an automatic eyestrain warning, but it's not because there's something about who you are as a person that balances.
you're not coolheaded or laidback, but you're not eccentric to the point where it comes off as forceful. you're you, yourself, a proud unicorn himbo, and nobody in your class can bring themselves to think anything negatively of that whatsoever. even people like bakugou embrace it (a few weeks in) and though it does perplex him, he doesn't look into it much.
so your first impression as a person? GREAT!
the next issue though was how people saw you as a peer. well, moreso from a professional stance.
because of your power to remove toxins paired with your ability to watch your own ass, you're typically quickly labeled as a support hero or told you should pursue rescuing. at first you just took it as a compliment because there's nothing weak or bad about being a support hero or rescuing! they're difficult fields of work and arguably some of the most important!
but when you realized it was a backhanded way to tell you that you weren't suited for prohero work, it started to bother you.
the way people told you, too, was just so condescending. they always said it with a bit of a bite in their tone, a second slap in the face once you realized they were also treating you like an outright idiot.
"have you ever considered... alternative career paths? heroes are always looking for sidek- er- support."
"you're no cat, but i'd imagine the pussycats are always looking for back up crew. the pay is good and well... it'd probably save you your...mental energy."
it wasn't just random people. no, it was some people even at SCHOOL who were telling you this, people who youd considered friends since middle school.
and it was tough. trying to act as though you didn't understand their intentions was TOUGH. but considering the alternative, which was losing your only "friends", you decided to play up the whole clueless, starry eyed dreamer act.
this was until you got your first praises from aizawa.
training was great. difficult and tiring, and it definitely pushed you to your very limits, but great. you were treated seriously and that was all you'd really wanted.
wearing pastel clothes, being a bit vacuous and having a unicorn quirk did not make you weak. it didn't make you less of a person, less of a guy, or less of a hero, and it was great to finally be treated that way with nobody trying to take it easy on you out of any pity.
your 1a peers weren't going to hold back and neither were your teachers. after the first two months of school, as the class started becoming better acquainted, compliments started rolling in more often. they were commonly shared amongst everyone with genuine and vibrant admiration for the diverse skillsets amongst the group, but what was rare was for them to come from aizawa.
it wasn't that he couldn't tell someone when they were doing well, but he hardly ever left it at that. it wasn't a bad trait, really; his ability to maintain a professional front despite caring so deeply about his students in order to provide the best feedback possible was an asset to the school staff. in the same way it drove everyone towards progress, though, it left many yearning for more assurances. however asking for it was going to be seen as selfish or needy regardless of who it came from.
it's still school, after all.
but this is why, 4 months in, when aizawa compliments you, genuinely compliments you, you finally get that improvement in self image that pushes you to stand up for yourself.
"now, [last name]. their focus on getting to the target never made him lose focus of damage control. he supported mina when necessary and kept open communication to allow her to do the same for them. that's what a good teammate is supposed to do with any hero they're working with. adapting to a situation includes adapting to who you're working with. he made sure they stayed on track even when facing massive interruptions in plans."
and he moved on. three days later, you confronted your "friends" and decided you weren't going to take any shit about your career choices.
deku won't outright ask you to do it, but it's clear he's curious and you're more than happy to help him with his notes. it's not everyday you have a friend that's so genuinely interested in your abilities. (basically you test how fast you can purify water and he figures out how to calculate how that'd translate to your ability to purify toxins in people based on previous trainings and he uses that in order to-)
as mentioned earlier, bakugou doesn't mind you. todoroki doesn't either. they're not closest to you, and same goes with iida, jirou, sero, and momo, but it's moreso a difference in interest over anything. none of you are just very close and thats all good! you still care about each other and respect each other v much.
after hanging out in the dorms, you end up with black nail polish, kami ends up with pastel nails, and kiri ends up with a mix of vibrant red and pastel red that he honestly does not mind. you and kami also make fun of his croc obsession, all in good fun, but then kiri makes fun of your obsessions with sticking to your aesthetics and yall are 😶 /lh
you were honestly scared that uraraka, mina, and asui would femenize you because of your aesthetic + your quirk. you were scared of others doing it as well, but for some reason especially nervous about their reaction, especially after telling them your pronouns,, BUT THEY RESPECT YOU ON ANOTHER LEVEL OK? 👹 and when mina told you they go by she/they, everything was honestly great. you all get alone very well and often times help each other find clothes (you insist on helping uraraka pay for new clothes).
you're not that close to the other girls of the class, but that isn't to say you dont get along!
the same goes with teachers, really, though mic often times asks about something you're wearing, whether it's a bracelet, necklace, or even the nail polish. you notice sometimes that layer in the week, either him or shinsou is wearing something identical or near the same to what he asked about.
its become somewhat of a habit now, you staying two minutes late to trade information about where you get accessories.
but yes. overall it's a good time. you keep learning, not just about the prohero field, but about your value. you have a place in the world, in prohero agencies, in UA, in 1a. and nobody is ever gonna be able to take that from you. you're truly 1 in a million.
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versadies · 3 years
Hey hey!! I've been following you for a while now and I love your work sm aaa
Saw the event, I love soulmate au's 😩‼ as a gemini, may I request a gemini prompt + kaeya? Up to you who the enemy is, I trust you ^ ^
-🦚 @pavo-ocell-me
someday, one day (hc scenario)
penpal: omg hi !! im glad u love my work, i hope this is to ur liking 🙌
prompt: gemini the twins, enemy-lover soulmate au
pairing/s: kaeya x gn!reader
sypnosis: when you thought he was your enemy but is actually your lover.
includes: spoilers on diluc and kaeya's backstory, spoilers on genshin's official webtoon, violence, physical pain, burns, arguing, enthusiastic!diluc (pls take note that its canon that he USED to be like all the other pyro characters b4 his father's death.),
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when you first met diluc, it felt like he was your knight in shining armor.
the first time you two met was when you accidentally fell down from your balcony after leaning too much on the railing and diluc managed to catch you bridal-style whilst he was on patrol around the city as a knight.
it truly was romantic– and a near-death experience for you.
so when you found out that his name is imprinted on your wrist, you felt ecstatic, and so did he.
since then, you two were known as the youngest soulmates who had found each other in mondstadt, people admiring your relationship with envy and happiness.
of course, you and diluc were a happy couple. although you would be lying if you said diluc is overall your type, you managed to find yourself falling in love with the man.
when crepus, diluc's father, found out about diluc's once-in-a-lifetime moment, he simply laughs and pats you and his son by your backs with a proud smile.
"by the time my son turns 18, we better make arrangements of your wedding! it's a ragnvindr tradition, after all." he comments eagerly. you honestly weren't sure if the man was joking or not.
it didn't take long before you meet his dear brother, kaeya.
when you find out his brother's name is the same as the one that's imprinted on your other wrist, being surprised is far from your reaction.
"don't worry about it, y/n." diluc reassures you one night as the two of you stroll around the city together. "i'll make sure nothing will go wrong between you and my brother. besides, you always have me, right?"
if diluc hadn't tried what he said, perhaps things would've gone differently than now.
in fear of being enemies with your future brother-in-law, you decided to avoid kaeya like a plague, giving the young man apologetic looks whenever you walk away from his presence.
as much as you're avoiding the man, you couldn't imagine hating on kaeya. every night, you always think of what can make kaeya your enemy. what is there to hate him? he's funny, chivalrous, everything that screams your type of men.
wait.. type?
your heart drops from the moment you started thinking romantic things about diluc's brother, looking behind you to see your soulmate sleeping soundly with a frown plastered on your face.
is diluc really your lover?
doubts started to cross your mind. what if diluc isn't your soulmate? what is there to prove that kaeya is your enemy? are you just overthinking things?
"i can't think about this." you murmured to yourself, pulling up your comforter before laying back down on your bed and try to fall asleep.
"i have a wedding to worry about next year."
just as you said, you did try not to think about the possibilities you have with the two brothers, distracting yourself with tasks and dates with your lover, who's quite oblivious to your problems going on inside your head.
unnoticed by you, you weren't the only one who has been burdened with your thoughts.
by the time diluc's birthday has arrived, the two of you started to get excited from your future wedding, excited to finally marry each other after years of spending your adolescence together.
you didn't expect an inconvenience during diluc and crepus's trip.
you didn't expect crepus trying to save diluc from a monster using something that no one but snezhnaya has ever heard of.
you didn't expect crepus asking diluc to put him out of his misery.
you didn't expect diluc to come strolling back to your shared home with blood stained in his clothing at a late hour.
you never, ever, expected your lover to fight his own brother when he took a visit.
and you did not expect your lover to plan on leaving you and everyone.
"what do you mean you're... you're leaving?" you ask in disbelief, staring at diluc as though he has two heads. "can't i go with you–?"
"no, this journey will be too dangerous for you–"
"this applies to you as well! you're not an immortal or some god–"
"i can do this on my own, y/n." he says with his eyes narrowed. you couldn't help but scoff in disbelief. this isn't the diluc you know and loved.
"but diluc.. isn't this too much? your father... i know crepus's death is too much but, why can't you stay?" you whispered, cupping his cheeks. "what about our wedding? the life you and i planned after your bi–"
"my father died and you're seriously thinking about our wedding?!" diluc forces your hands away from his face, glaring at you. "why can't you understand that i'm trying to find out the truth on this delusion–"
"i do understand!" you yelled out. "i do understand that you want to do this for him but what about monstadt? the knights? what about your brother–"
"HE'S NOT MY BROTHER!" he yelled, lashing out at you as you screamed in surprise when you saw fire in front of you, immediately covering your face with your arms out of reflex.
you didn't notice how your lover's eyes widens on what he did,
you couldn't notice him, not when you're too focused on the huge burns on your arms.
"oh my god..." diluc murmurs, slowly taking a few steps back as he takes a look of what he did, ignoring the sudden presence of adelaide and elzer, who both gasped from the scene.
your eyes starts to water from the intense pain, trying not to cry out and scream your heart out in fear of making your lover feel regret. you could honestly care less on what diluc is doing, all you could think about was the intense burns from your arms.
suddenly, the door was slammed open by kaeya– who was wet from the rain outside.
"what the hell did you do to them?!" kaeya exclaims, running towards you with a shocked look on his face. "i'll take you to the cathedral alright? the sisters will heal you." he whispers, wiping off the tears from your face as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and takes you towards the doors.
before diluc could let out a word from his mouth, kaeya gives him a glare.
"you may hate me for what happened," kaeya says.
"but for celestia's sake, don't ever come to them or call them your lover ever again."
that was the last time you saw diluc.
you eventually find out from the chattering nuns that the man had already left monstadt with no news of when he'll return, causing everyone to pity you and for diluc about what happened.
you were thankful that no one except the nuns found out about the incident of your arms.
throughout your stay in the cathedral, you usually find kaeya beside you, keeping an eye on you with a concerned look on his face. you honestly couldn't imagine what would've happened if the man didn't storm inside dawn winery. would diluc actually try to help you later on and leave? would you have suffered more with your injuries as he stands by watching you in disbelief?
whatever outcome you could think of, your heart ached from them all.
would diluc stayed had he been the one who tries to take care of your injuries?
either way, you knew the man is no longer the one you fell in love with from those years ago.
as years grew by, so did your friendship with kaeya.
although it was awkward from the start, you eventually warmed up to the man who you thought is your enemy, feeling more comfortable with him than before.
the two of you started having careers by then, with you having a successful career whilst kaeya becomes the calvary captain of the knights of favonius.
although the two of you are busy, you agreed to always meet each other at night in angel's share, where you drink the night away and talk about anything that comes out of your minds.
there wasn't a day when you thought about diluc.
thankfully, your burns weren't too severe and is slowly fading away throughout the years. but that doesn't mean the memories you had from it disappeared as well.
ever since that dreadful night, you started having nightmares about the incident, always finding yourself sitting up from your bed with a scared look on your face.
you wished you didn't want to see diluc this way, but you honestly couldn't bare to face him if he ever comes back to the city.
you don't see him as a lover or a friend. all he is to you at this very moment is your nightmare.
your nightmares simply washes away when kaeya comes up in your mind.
whenever you think about your so-called destined enemy, you felt comforted and safe. it was understandable really! you were touched by how he took care of you regardless of you being his "enemy".
however... now that you could think about it, the calvary captain has a lot more common with you than diluc himself. the fact that his brother made you laugh a lot and supported you in many ways made you started thinking that maybe diluc really isn't your destined lover.
your heart skips a beat from the thought of kaeya being your true lover, the smile you wore never fading away.
perhaps when you're finally starting to move on from the relationship you had with diluc, maybe... just maybe, kaeya could be the one you've been hoping for.
you started to sleep more peacefully, excited for the future that awaits.
somewhere in the calvary captain's home, the man is dreaming and hoping of you too.
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cafe-de-lune · 3 years
Oh an imagine or headcannon with oikawa from haikyuu with a reader who's a ballerina maybe? Idk just a random though5 I had lol💚
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꒰ ☕️ ꒱ؘ Order: black coffee ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
꒰ ☕️ ꒱ؘ Order details: afab!s/o who is a ballerina
꒰ ☕️ ꒱ؘ Tags: fluff like the clouds, adult oikawa and hs oikawa
ft. oikawa tooru
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.˚🌙 ༘┊͙ oikawa tooru ;
he probably found out you were a ballerina when he went to your house and saw your ballet equipment. He’s be like “you’re a ballerina???”
And then he would force you to show him clips of you dancing and absolutely gush over them. Especially the clips when you were younger.
Say goodbye to your original plan of doing hw or watching a movie because you will now be spending the day watching your ballet dance videos from when you were younger to now
And when he sees a photo album of you? Oh god. He would ask you if he could take photos of them
Lord save seijoh volleyball team because they will never hear the end of it. Why?
brags. lots and lots of bragging. once he starts he keeps on going until iwaizumi hits him with a volleyball or kicks him (they’re gonna get so annoyed at lmaoo)
“Iwa-chan!!! Look look look! Isn’t s/o the prettiest in this tutu?? Look how graceful and elegant she look!! The other day I went to see her perform and she was sooo pre-”
Iwaizumi uses volleyball spike on Oikawa! It was very effective! Oikawa fainted.
But despite all the flowery language and praises, he would take your health very very seriously. He would probably research foot care for ballerinas since he knows it must hurt being en pointe
he would also make sure you don’t overwork yourself like how he did. he doesn’t want to see you upset over being unable to dance because of an injury after all! He also doesn’t want you to make the same mistake he did
He will go to your performances. And when he is watching, he is absolutely enthralled. He’s like “that’s my s/o you are watching! She’s dating me!” His eyes would follow you even if you aren’t the principal dancer
and after the performance, he would wait until you come out and praise the shit out of you.
this boy would just look like this 👁👄👁 when you show him or describe and complain about the process of breaking into your pointe shoes (getting and dancing in new pointe shoes is abuse. Istg I hated it sm it should be illegal)
His photo album is no longer full of him and his selfies. It’s now full of 1. You and him 2. Ballerina you 3. His nephew takeru
And his Home Screen and Lock Screen? Yeah. It’s pretty photos of you ❤️
Let’s go to the future for a while.
If you were to pursue ballet as a career, you two would probably in a long distance relationship for a while. But if the performance was available to but, he’d buy it and watch it! He would also force you to send pics of you in a tutu every now and then lmao
and when his volleyball career kicks off, he would probably be adamant to buy you your pointe shoes and other equipment because he knows how expensive they are and how sometimes you go through them quickly.
Anything to support you! After all, you stuck to him for so many years and supported his volleyball career so you get the best! His wallet and credit card might as well have ur name
It’s kinda really far into the future but if you two get married and you have a daughter, he’s gonna dress his baby girl in a pink tutu. And when she’s a bit more grown up and having a tea party with him, he’s gonna dig up your old tutus and squeeze into them
And when they are having daddy daughter time, he would be put on clips of you dancing on the television and be like “look that’s mommy!” CNSKHDHS I’m dying of cuteness
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I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THE SH ACTOR AU (per ur tags on the sh1 post), PWEASE,
SO i wrote a little bit a while ago, and there's even some art i did to go with it, as well as a piece i commissioned in its honor
however A LOT has changed since then lmao like So Much it's kinda insane. the first post i linked has a lot of incorrect information now, BUT i thought i'd slap it there for some basic ideas, and reiterate what’s still true here as well
THE STORY GOES that, because i love my own work, Get Out Of My Town (GOOMT) has been adapted into a Netflix series from the books series themselves. (yes; GOOMT is a published book series. how blessed and unfortunate for everyone ur welcome. WHICH LEADS TO AN
IMPORTANT NOTE: i, as the author, actually have no place in this. i don’t put myself in it at all, like i wrote it, published, and then fucked off lmao just blip bye y’all can deal with this LOL - not the “death” of the author but. yeah i’m just not involved, like an absent parent. this is ur problem, enjoy)
it’s advertised as a “inspired by Konami’s Silent Hill series” and some other legal mumbo jumbo that makes this possible, and to reiterate, it’s an adaptation of GOOMT. because of this it’s a little controversial on the notes that the two main male characters will end up in a romance; the various, deeply uncomfortable themes; why tf Netflix is choosing to take this big a risk; why the hell it’s getting a TV adaptation in the first place, etc.
so it’s getting a bit of publicity, to say the least.
there are four seasons planned, though, of course, the future of it is hinged on its success. they will move on to shoot s2 if it does well.
(ALSO ALSO IMPORTANT NOTE: for ease and to avoid confusion, i refer to the actors (who actually have real person names) as their characters - even when they haven’t been cast yet.)
(no like seriously there's so much text under here lmao rip in fucking pieces all ye who dare enter)
the director cast a C-list character actor to play Harry, whose resume largely consists of minor roles in TV and barely known by name, more by “hey it’s that guy!”, and a new and upcoming actor to play James, who, thanks to his debut comedy film, has suddenly rocketed into fame and the public eye.
naturally, casting James for such a serious role directly after cementing himself as a comedy actor has people scratching their heads and already saying he’s going to nuclear bomb it. he’s brand spanking new to the big time entertainment industry, possibly on the way to being an A-lister, and he’s gonna risk career death already??? ur fuckin nuts but ok sure whatever dude
the doubts that he can even go on an Ambien-powered DREAM of doing a small serious role any justice are high, as when digging into his resume, his theatre credits are primarily comedic roles. he’s shown himself as pretty relaxed and funny as person in interviews while, to his merit, holding an air of maturity. he’s very fun and interesting to interview, and his social media is rather chill. he posts every few days, answers fan questions and general interaction, does the occasional expected promotions, his pictures/videos are a total delight, and seems to be taking near-instant fame pretty damn well.
James has loads of nerdy interests, mostly in prop replica, but include collecting playing card and baseball card decks, preservation of Las Vegas history, gambling machines (including pachinko! but not as much as American machines; and no, he’s not a gambler), SPAAAACE, and the evolution of toys.
on the other side of the concert hall, also casting an essentially no-name actor to play his first huge role is getting some chatter. people’ve dug up Harry’s credits and done some nitpicking, many believing that there’s no way he has the actual talent and range to do barely a pebble’s throw of a good a job as other main listers could. there were rumors of other well-knowns potentially slated to take on the role of Harry Mason, which were obviously all just that: rumors.
some speculate that he was chosen thanks to his SURPRISINGLY CONVENIENT natural, deep widow’s peak hairline, AND his left-handedness. (imagine that. what a coincidence. wow. what good luck indeed!!) Harry obviously nailed the auditions and if he didn’t, he was ready to retire from acting. he’s been in the business for decades, was tired of the small character roles. he stopped looking for his Big Break a long long time ago, and suddenly he’s Harrison Ford’ing it by getting a leading role in a Netflix show. Whew.
he hasn’t gotten to do an interview yet, only releasing a statement about how pumped he is (with some old photo from one of his TV roles for reference), so the public is left wondering what kind of a guy he is until he’s sitting across from some journalist.
so these are pretty gutsy casting choices, which pushes more publicity and anticipation onto GOOMT, ensuring a healthy viewership for, at the very least, the first episode. phase 1 of evil genius complete. suckers
James is 25 to his role’s 27; Harry’s 43 to his role’s 48. they tried to intentionally cast a bit younger without jeopardizing the “wrong look” of their characters, thinking ahead that, should GOOMT get its four planned seasons, it’s going to take years to shoot, and so James and Harry will age and “grow” into the look/age of their characters.
(this thought process was based on the evolution of the cast of Stranger Things; no, the adults didn’t really have much differences in their appearances to show for in terms of age during the years it took to shoot, and they of course have modern makeup to fix any problems, but they are working against time. this sounds very confusing and contradictory to the above “they have time to grow into their characters so cast young” to a lot of critics and such, but the director is so fucking weird that people have given up on trying to figure that one out.)
other changes include dyeing James’s hair from auburn to blond (which will then be decided that he’ll be wearing a wig to avoid killing his hair lmao), and dyeing the correct grey pattern into Harry’s naturally dark brown hair. neither have to wear contacts, as WOW LUCKILY ENOUGH, James bears green eyes, and Harry, brown. Harry does get to have prosthetics made for his ears to make them elfin :3c
Harry was required to gain weight for the role and, contrary to the first link’s information, was NOT as pleased. James just has to maintain. it sucks a little (lot), for, to the knowledge of absolutely NOBODY and they’d like to keep it that way, they both suffer from eating disorders. that are the opposite of each other. and they have no idea they’re about to be each other’s triggers lmao RIP IN PIECES KEK
i honestly flip flop between how they first meet: was it a part of their final audition process, doing a couple scenes together to judge their chemistry, or did they meet the first time when they met everyone else (crew, production team, big wigs, etc)?? i have actual scenes/ideas as to how both scenarios play out, but i’ll spare y’all for now LOL
IRREGARDLESS (god i hate how that’s actually in the dictionary now), they hit it off splendidly. they make a point to hang out outside of production time, text, get to know each other. Harry gets to enjoy (not) the paparazzi experience for the first time and thanks he hates it :) so now the public gets better pictures of him, unflattering and flattering, out on his own and also out with James. it really fucking sucks and it makes Harry so anxious that he’s This Close to actually backing out, but.. can’t do it, for a multitude of reasons; the show must go on.
he eventually gets used to it and, with James (and in the future, Douglas and Heather), get to have a bit of fun with the paparazzi, on their own terms.
Harry hails from West Virginia Appalachia. he worked hard to get rid of his VERY thick Appalachia accent, and somehow got out of that holler when he was seventeen, right out of high school that day. there isn’t a person out there that could confidently snitch on Harry’s “normal” American accent (aka, Midwest). there have been a couple roles he was able to use it for, though. these days he practices it in private, feeling attachment to it after being so ashamed of his roots for all his life, finally trying to preserve a bit of his own history.
he’s also mega fudged personal information in order to scrub himself free of being a deep mountain hick (which he’d say himself that he was.. is). but now that he’s stepping into the limelight, he’s just waiting for that shoe to drop, knowing how snoopy people are and how information can just be plucked out of thin air, and he’s always HIGHLY valued his privacy.
yeah. he hired a therapist. there’re a lot of triggers he didn’t even know existed for problems he didn’t even know he was repressing.
Harry’s lived in the Los Angeles area/suburbs for about twenty years now, and along the lines, bought a house. he paid off the mortgage on his house just a couple years ago. his house is time capsule frozen smack dead in the 70s and in the “ranch” style. it’s a modest, unassuming abode, with shingles painted brown and wood strips hatching diamonds onto the smaller windows. the door is an orange-yellow with four textured smaller glass diamonds in dark red, orange, blue, and yellow.
mustard yellow curtains shield the living room behind the large and wide front window, where built-in planters with the same white border and hatch pattern hold seasonal flowers. a huuuge old oak tree shades most of the lawn, which is kept such a pretty green, and even partially shades the lazy snake of a walkway. it’s cement and bordered by earthy, multicolored bricks, a few lanterns alternating in distance to guide the way, and annuals planted amongst them.
the house had seen an exterior remodel, and when he saw the original pictures, it drove him absolutely crazy LOL so he fully plans to get someone else in and DO IT AGAIN and return his goddamn house to its proper exterior glory. and fix a few things. anyway,
the most important thing about his house is that he has a conversation pit. thank you for your time
he also drives an old 1987 Toyota Corolla LE sedan in that wonderful light blue metallic (8D8), totally unremarkable, and he loves it so much.
James moved to Los Angeles from Portland, Oregon. he was born in Idaho and went to Portland at seventeen to try to get his foot in the door in doing some theatre, make friends, have weird experiences, meet a girl, break up with her, meet another girl and have an exciting two-year romance, dabble in plaster sculpting, get REALLY super into/discover the nerdy interests he has now, come to kinda super hate Portland,
he went to audition for the comedy movie on a fuckin whim. he was in San Fransisco of all places when someone mentioned it and he was like. okay fair when is it?
and he jokes about this a lot in interviews, how it was a literal race against time and all odds to make it to the audition before the cutoff, like he was in some late 80s-mid 90s feel-good movie. James had about no knowledge of what he was auditioning for other than it was comedy, had nothing prepared, a fly’s sigh worth of knowledge of the character, and blew it all right out of the park, home run, won the championship.
life has been BONKERS since then. he’s been nominated for awards, been on red carpets, getting starstruck meeting people he thought that the potential to be meeting them would be through a wild LSD trip - and so busy, and so stressful, and he’s turning back to unhealthy coping mechanisms. he’s seeing a therapist - and just glad he never got into substance abuse.
too much of that one at his childhood home.
James doesn’t like the flashy mansions - or any really huge house. it’s only gonna be him most of the time! truth be told, he’s no party boy, and the vibes gotta be good. he instead got himself a sweet little industrial/exposed brick wall/repurposed warehouse/firehouse type loft. a LOFT! with BIIIG floor space to skateboard on. (oh yeah; he does that. it’s kinda cute seeing him nyoom through the sets/backlots all dressed up as his character James Sunderland, backpack and all)
AND A FIREMAN’S POLE! FUCK YEAH he’s having a great time dressing up the place in all his nerdiness and yeah.. buying some expensive bells and whistles like telescopes, outfitting the garage into a workshop.. some collection items.. installing an enormous fish tank in the wall in his bedroom so he can have his bed right up against it and stare at the fish..
it’s weird and lonely and James isn’t sure how long it’s gonna take to get adjusted. yeah, he has friends over, has been making new friends, busy schedule, blah blah.. but just.. weird. he likes the fish though, and that he can skateboard indoors without anyone saying jack shit about it, and really didn’t like the Dolce and Gabbana suit at all……. not much of a fan of the brand so far, anyway….. god, rich people are stupid about brands. (hipster of him; you can take the man out of Portland, Oregon, but..)
James thinks that it’s SICK that his character drove a 1977 Pontiac Ventura but can’t see himself ever driving one. he can appreciate vintage/classic/hot rods/vintage muscle cars (Road Runners are fucking SWEET and they go MEEPMEEP and the Firehawks are REAL cool), but…… he likes motorcycles. yeah, he rides motorcycles - and he’s not about any discourse. straight up doesn’t care.
he owns a 2017 Yamaha YZF-R3 ABS that is custom painted with (yeah, sparkly) He-Man/KISS theme. look. he’s 25 and stupid as fuck and he unironically loves He-Man and KISS. actually he doesn’t really know about KISS, he just likes a lot of the KISS merch he always saw in Spencer’s and the pinball machine was cool. anyway, KISS
Douglas pops up out of total nowhere. GOOMT has wrapped its first season and they’ve already been green lit for s2. fame is comin to the cast and crew, and god pls leave Harry alone!!! he was doing his best to go incognito one night, wearing a stupid beanie to hide his hair (nothing can be done about his beak, rip), dressed casually and Not-Harry Mason (which he’s figured out has more of A Look than he thought it could), and for the most part, he’s been flying under the radar tonight.
so he was heading down the sidewalk after having dinner with James and his girlfriend (met her on set; was a monster girl extra lmao), going for his little car waiting for him at a meter. but parked a car ahead of his Toyota, there’s this REALLY stunning beige, four door Chrysler New Yorker, circa late 1960s.. but couldn’t tag the exact year. Harry’s not too much of a car guy, but he can appreciate a good looking car.
so he goes to take a look. it’s evening, about 9p. Harry doesn’t notice someone sitting in the front seat, so when he bends to look through the passenger window he gets a HUGE jump scare when he sees someone peeking at him lmao, and when this enormous, 6’4” dude (in his early fifties, Harry guesses, with beautiful, fully grey hair, built Ford Tough like kinda soft but undeniably STRONG underneath, whew) steps out Harry wants to die but for two reasons and the first one goes in the fucking trash—
anyway Douglas apologizes for spooking him, Harry says sorry for being creepy looking at his car, they have a little talk about the car. vibes are amazing. Harry, after that weird lull of silence after conversation you can’t figure out how to proceed with, says his thanks and goodnight and goes to leave, when Douglas is like hey wait. you wanna come to trivia night?
Harry’s like, h u h ? and Douglas explains that he was heading in to trivia night at the bar/lounge right up the street, he’s meeting some friends there, wanna come along? Harry bluescreens a bit, gets some anxiety about Being Seen but. doesn’t let that hold him back. his gut says go, so he says sure, drops quarters into the meter so his car doesn’t get towed and LA is HELL, and away to the bar
packed place. Douglas’s (rather big) friend group are wedged onto two couches (and perching on the coffee table) in the back. they all say their hellos - and, realizing he didn’t want to use his actual name because people are already giving him the curious ‘i think i recognize you’ squint, Harry grabs a name and profession out of the air to hide behind for the night.
Dusty Farlow the home carpet cleaner gets to know a great group of people during the Los Angeles History Trivia Night (with a bonus round of landmarks haunted by celebrities from the silver age of Hollywood!) he’s amongst a mixed group of people ranging from age 22 (it seems) to about 60 (it seems). and yet. none of these people (except a couple of amused/curious looks), not even the old-timers, recognized the pseudonym he chose for the evening.
guess no one watched Dallas.
anyway the night wears on and Harry learns that Douglas is a glassblower and he “moonlights” (as he calls it) in making glass tiles, glass paperweights, Crown glass for windows, and kaleidoscopes. he didn’t get to hear much more on that front and only got bits and pieces about him where he could cuz it was hectic, and loud, and the conversations were everywhere.
anyway eventually Harry has to make his excuses and ago, he’s kinda getting claustrophobic and super tired, and starts to say goodbye but can’t see Douglas :( probably went to the bathroom but hhhh he’s seeing a cluster glancing at him and whispering and not-so-sneakily holding up a phone so it might be time to make like a tree and scram
he gets out into the night and starts down to his car and Douglas catches up to him, apologizes for having disappeared into the bathroom at the wrong time, they say their “thanks it was great hanging out” and then Douglas asks for his number……. ……. and Harry surprises himself by giving it to him, and Douglas returns the favor, sent a text, now they have each other’s numbers for sure
another goodbye, shyer? shy from Douglas too? and Douglas goes off, leaving Harry standing there like. what the fuck just goddamn happened here on this one night and Yeah so There’s That
i can jump WAY ahead to how Douglas gets cast BUT GOD I’VE GONE ON SO LONG KDFLKSFGHSDIG
ANYWAY that’s essentially the basics of actor AU, it’s a TV show, shenanigans ensue, there’s So Much and by god it goes even HARDER on set and how their professional lives flow and all those other interpersonal relationships and i have so much lore it’s so stupid lmfao
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
hey tina i just saw ur last post about wanting to change degrees but not being fully sure. i have been there too and honestly u should never keep doing something (especially a career) that is not good for u / not what u truly want or not where u would see yourself in the future. and mostly if this is actually affecting your mental health in such way. when u are studying something on uni/college its (generally) supposed to be enjoyable, since its a career that u are interested in and want to pursue, i promise that if u don't feel like medicine is ur career, then that is TOTALLY FINE !! we often tend to make such a big deal out of things, especially if u struggle with anxiety u might tend to overthink everything and i know how that feels. like "oh my god, i started this and now i don't know if i like it but im scared to quit now because everyone will think im a loser so im gonna suck it up and keep going". fuck that ! but really if this career is only about suffering for u then its not meant for u. it's okay to change our minds/make mistakes/learn/grow !!! that's why we're here precisely. so i promise, no matter even what your mom says, or your family, friends or even you. if you truly want to do that graphic design degree, or whatever else you might like, then DO IT. its not a waste of time at all, its the exact opposite, its just a part of learning and in the future u will be grateful to have listened to yourself without giving a single fuck about anyone else's opinion. there's plenty of time and opportunities to change ur mind as many times as u want and do whatever u want in the right moment. don't let anyone tell u what to do or feel embarrassed because u wanna do something different than most conventional people! no one is gonna be disappointed, i promise :)) i hope this helped !! —🫀
no bc this actually made me cry LMAO
part of me was just panicking bc i feel like i’m gonna fail and i cannot fail again. 1) embarrasing 2) i already have a complicated december with the makeup exam of the last exam + the other 3 i’ll have to take so i don’t want to make it even worse. so leaving made the most sense lol. if i fail i’ll seriously consider changing majors, i’ll even go to one of those vocational experts that help you find what you could do for work/study. if i pass… i’ll keep going until the next mental breakdown lmaoo
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flowerwebs · 2 years
i’m a mutual and didn’t feel like putting my name on this publicly, but say something if u want to talk about this more! if u don’t then just ignore this lmao
i’m in my early 20s and the idea that 17 is the end of your childhood is just nuts to me, frankly. in some ways it can feel like that, but i’ve have felt myself become more child-like as i get older. my mum and i are more friends than anything so now our relationship consists of me sending her memes and bugging her and shit. my friends and i are planning a super elaborate peter pan ensemble fit for halloween. we went to a museum and my friend took pictures of me posing the same way as every statue. if you want to go play hopscotch, you can go play fuckin hopscotch! taking on more responsibility for yourself doesn’t mean your childhood ends; it means you get a do-over where this time, you get to PICK all the fun and silliness and enjoyment that you have so you KNOW that you’ll enjoy it
tldr don’t sweat it! growing past 17 is just childhood pt ii electric boogaloo
aww thank you !!! im actually really excited for my bday (i’m planning some fun stuff with friends, also looking forward to stuff like actually learning more how to fully do things like drive), but i’m just scared about now having to seriously think about applying to stuff like college and planning a real career for myself. i have friends who are already graduating in june, and it’s so crazy bc not to be cliche or anything but the times we spent in middle school or on the elementary school playground feel like yesterday, you know? it still feels so surreal to just register that some of them r headed off to ivy leagues in the fall.
but i totally get where ur coming from, op; i remember i had this discord convo where someone said to me that ur twenties seem like an extension of your teenage years—u just have more independence, which sounds great. some scientific studies say adolescence ends around age 25 or 26, actually; it’s nice to know that i still have a long road to go. i’ll think i’ll rly enjoy attending university and pursuing a degree, but i’ll still say true to myself and the values i have now (or maybe they’ll change, but that’s okay—like i used to be this completely different person even a year ago and i like that i’m constantly evolving, always learning stuff). society’s concept of what childhood “is” and “isn’t” is completely stupid; it’s more of a concept really, a concept abt finding innocence and joy in the small things, imagining and dreaming as much as possible, being both soft and strong. u keep those ideas for all your life long, when you think abt it; u never rly become the monochromic world that an “adult” is supposed to entail.
thank u sm for ur advice, op !!! i hope ur peter pan ensemble fit goes well 💖 that trip to the museum sounds fun, i’ll look forward to fun times with my family too in the future
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canongf-archive · 3 years
hey liv !! i hope 2022 is treating you kindly so far !! i saw that you want to be a model and one of ur goals is to get into it more and i wanna ask... how did you figure out that's what you want to do? sorry if this is too personal, but being a model is something i've considered but there's that nagging thought that i'm not attractive enough for that, do you have any experience with getting rid of those kinds of thoughts? tysm!
💗!!!!! hi hi hi anon !!!!! 💗
2022 has been very kind to me so far!!!!! i hope it's been good to you too!!!!!
pls do not worry, this is not too personal at ALL!!!!! i love love love talking about this kind of thing!!! and i am simply an open book so i will tell you anything you wanna know!!!
honestly!!! it took me a little while to figure out that this is what i wanted to do!!! i went back and forth on it for a while!!! my mom was a model when she was younger so i always knew it was an option, but i really started getting more interested in it as i got older!
(putting it under a read more just bc it got a lil long!!! i’m sorry!!!)
i went to a modeling seminar several years ago where they kind of talked to us about all different kinds of modeling and the modeling industry as a whole and how to get involved and then! we did some photoshoots! and that was really my first time doing that in a professional setting with a professional photographer, getting styled and having my makeup done and stuff and i LOVED it. and the agency that put the seminar on told me that i could have a future in it if i wanted it, so it definitely was in the back of my mind for a while and in the past few years i decided that i wanted to pursue it seriously! i really just love working with the people that you get to work with, i love working with photographers, i love working with stylists and makeup artists, i love doing photoshoots with other models, i love helping to create a vision and getting to see the final result !!!
but i definitely do get those nagging thoughts sometimes! i think everyone does! i think something that helps me is remembering that modeling isn't always about being the most conventionally attractive! it's about owning your own look, whatever that might be. there are so so so many models out there that are not "conventionally attractive" but it doesn't matter! because they're unique and they embrace that fact! (and so many features that aren't considered conventionally attractive are sometimes what agencies and brands LOOK for because they're unique!) so i try not to focus on being the "prettiest", because that's subjective and what society considers pretty changes everyday! i try to focus on just being the most me. i try to focus on what i feel makes me who i am, and i try to embrace the features that i already have!
and! sometimes when you face rejection, it can be hard to not take it personally. it can feel like they're rejecting you for your looks, specifically, and that can hurt! but! it's super important to remember that that's not what they're trying to do. modeling is about selling a product, so when you get rejected it's not about you being too "ugly" or unlikable, it's about an agency or brand just thinking, at this present time, that they just don't think you're right to sell this specific product. or that they do think you're right to sell this specific product, but they already have several people that kinda look like you, and they need to branch out. but that doesn't mean that you're not attractive, or that you're not wanted, or that you'll never have a career in modeling! what one brand or agency doesn't want on a certain day, another brand or agency could be searching high and low for it! and it's even possible that the same brand or agency that rejected you once could want you back in a year!
all this to say! if this is something you wanna do, then do it. there's always a place for you if you want it. and if there isn't, then you can make a place. we're in this together!!! i believe in you, anon!!!!! 💗
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