#this is what happens when you’re gay and in need of new content of your faves 🧍🏾‍♀️
shygirl4991 · 6 months
Trapped in a Bleaky Winter
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All art belongs to @lizaluvsthis thats right me and Liz are at it again enjoy our collab fic for snowtrapped anniversary!
Summary: Mario looks at the calendar and notices it's been eight years since the igloo incident. Seeing that his friends are still not together, Mario decides to take things into his own hands by helping them confess their hidden feelings. 
Tags: Love confession, snowtrapped, fluff, igloo, angst
Mario kicks down the door to the castle like he does every visit to his best friend's home, feeling hungry he decides to get more spaghetti from his friend's fridge.  He walks to the kitchen and notices a circle around tomorrow's date, normally the plumber would ignore what day it is for his love of pasta but this date was different. He remembered the date well, it was eight years ago when his two best friends SMG3 and SMG4 were rivals.  They always fought and SMG3 was known to steal the other man's content to gain popularity, on that date the pair got stuck in the igloo and went crazy. Mario chuckles at the memory of what he walked in on, since that day he had hoped the two would notice their feelings.
He opens the fridge shaking his head as he reaches for the pasta, one sniff of the plate gives the avatar an idea. The anniversary was tomorrow, if Mario could get the pair alone together they might finally talk about their feelings. With this on his mind he runs to his brother's shop to get help, kicking down the flower shop doors he runs up to the counter smacking the bell. Luigi sighs as he stares at his twin, he keeps hitting the bell until Luigi gently moves the bell from his hand “Yes Mario?” the plumber looks up at his younger twin excitedly “Mario needs help with a sneaky gay plan!” Luigi stares at his brother confused waiting for an explanation. 
Mario hands two envelopes and paper “Mario needs some letters written!”  Luigi looks at the paper unsure what his role was in the plan. Mario leans up whispering what to write to Luigi only to get a nervous nod, he writes the letters handing them back to his older brother “Mario, what is this all about?” with a wink as an answer, Mario runs off to help two dumb gays get together. He runs up to SMG4, the meme guardian is outside the castle recording some memes that Mario didn't care to look at.  He slides up to four startling the man “AH! Oh hey Mario, everything okay?” He gives a concerned look to the other man, Mario gives him a bright smile and hands him a letter. Taking the letter SMG4 smiles widely “Tag6 wants to go on a date with me, a girl? This is the best news…wait Mario if this is a prank I swear to all the memes in the kingdom I'm kicking your ass!” Mario shakes his head “No! The letters were left by the castle doors!” 
SMG4 lets out an excited giggle accepting Mario’s excuse, Mario smiles watching SMG4 run to the castle to get ready. Once out of sight, he turns his attention to the second target, walks up to the cafe, and knocks on the door. An annoyed Three walks out “What do you want Mario, if you don't remember you’re not allowed here for scaring my customers last time!”  Mario shows off a letter with a smirk. Three blinks taking it from Mario and reading it “Some fan wants to meet up on a date? Hm I don't go on dates with fans but this Aster sounds interesting, they could help bring more people to the cafe!” with that Three shoos off Mario and slams the door. 
After a few hours, with the help of Luigi who still needs clarification about what this is all for, built an igloo at the date location. Mario throws his twin away from the area as Three makes it to the location first “It said to meet….here?” he blinks, staring at the igloo before him. Flashbacks of what happened last time he was near one came back to him, getting nervous he was going to start walking away until he heard something behind him. Next thing he knew he was being thrown into the igloo “AHHH!” screaming he landed inside seeing the place decorated for a dinner date “MARIO! LET ME OUT!” with a giggle Mario hid again. Four appears and hears screaming inside the igloo, he looks around nervously given what happened last time he was near one. Seeing no one else around he walks to the door, and with a smirk, Mario shoves Four in. The man flying forward opens the door landing on top of SMG3, pleased with the results Mario covers the door.
SMG4 groans, opening his eyes, his face goes red seeing he is on top of SMG3. Three held his breath as his ruby eyes looked into Four sapphire-colored ones, after the shock wore off SMG4 got up letting out an awkward laugh “Hahah sorry about that!” Three shakes his head getting up “Blame our idiot avatar.” Four looks at the exit then at Three “WAIT MARIO!?” he runs to the door attempting to open it.  He feels his face go pale at the realization “No…NO OH GOD- NOT AGAIN!?” Three watches as SMG4 starts to have a mental breakdown. With a sigh he walks up to the door and places a bomb “Poor idiotic Four, this is why you always carry emergency bombs!” hearing this four gets up in a panic “You dumb ass this is an igloo! WE HAVE NOWHERE TO ESCAPE THE BLAST!” Three blinks as his eyes shrink looking at the lit bomb “Oh.” 
The bomb goes off shaking the igloo, without a second thought, Three grabs Four pulling him close to protect him from anything dangerous that could land on him.  Four holds on to Three until the shaking stops, they both turn their head to see the exit completely covered in snow. Three nervously looks at Four “You…uh think Mario will save us again?” Four lets out a sigh looking into Three’s eyes and giving him a nervous smile “Yeah I mean he did it last time!” realizing how close they were they pulled away from each other. 
Four sighs looking at the decoration of the igloo, he shouldn't be surprised that no girl wanted to be on a date with him. From the look of the igloo, Four could guess this must have been another weird trend Mario was following. He remembers how the last one made him and Three kiss, the memory causes his face to become red he was sure he could be mistaken for a tomato. He needed to relax, maybe it was the igloo making him panic. Reminding himself that things were different between them, he turned around to see three sitting on the floor.  He decides to sit next to him “Mario got me here with a fake date, how about you?” He handed his other half his letter to prove his work. Three takes the letter reading it, he rolls his eyes understanding what happened “Same handwriting as mine, Mario was trying to set us up. Well, look where that landed up!” Four glares at Three “Sure Mario got us here, but who was it that blew up the igloo in the first place!”
Three blushes looking away, he then remembered something as he started to look around. He searches different drawers and then pulls out a blanket “We need to keep warm, so here.”  He tosses it at four before sitting back down. Seeing there's only one blanket Four light blushes as he wraps it around them both, Three gets closer causing Four’s heart to beat fast. This was getting to be too much for the guardian “Hey um Three, isn't it funny how easy it is now to share body warmth…compared to last time?” Three nods getting closer to Four “That’s cause we hated each other, now we are friends and im fucking cold so shut it!” They sit there silently before Four speaks up again “Why do you think Mario did this?” Three scoffs “What other reason besides he thinks we…have feelings for each other.” They go silent again as Four thinks over his words, feeling nervous he turns ready to admit his hidden feelings only to catch the man crying “Three?” he reaches out, wiping the tears off the man's face. SMG3 lets out a bitter smile “This whole thing is stupid, I only accept this date to move forward. Now we moved backwards cause of course I will be stuck with you again! Why would you even notice someone as worthless as me…” 
Four’s eyes go wide upon hearing his words before glaring at him, he grabs the man's face staring right into his eyes “Shut it, you’re amazing Three. Have you seen all that you have done? You have had so many jobs and built so many amazing things, you're amazing!” Three could only stare in shock hearing his words, his heart beating fast. Four lets out a soft giggle “You supermemeguardian3 you’re amazing, it's why…I got so confused, ..let me show you.” he leans forward pressing his lips against three. 
Three didn’t know what to do feeling the other man's soft lips on his, four pulled away now crying “I'm the one who shouldn't get your time… I have hurt you so much, I understand if you don't feel the same.”  They both stay silent before Three grabs Four pulling him into another kiss, this one filled with his love for the other man. Four hums closing his eyes and returning the affection, they stay kissing for a while only to be broken apart when they hear screaming outside. The pair pulled away to see Meggy dashing in “OH THANK GOD!” She runs up to the pair hugging them, after the hug they walk out of the igloo glaring at Mario. The avatar smiles at the two “Did the date work?” They smack Mario and stomp away annoyed with the plumber “The nerve asking something that stupid!” Three couldn't help the outburst given the fear he had if they stayed any longer.  Four smiles softly taking Three’s hand ignoring Meggy and Saiko yelling at Mario, sure the plan didn't go the way Mario expected it to. That didn't matter to him when he caught the pair holding hands smiling, Four leaned in close “I Love you three,” the other man blushed looking away “Baka! Saying something so casual…I… I love you too.” They both let out nervous giggles excited to see where this next chapter takes them. 
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Fixer Upper
Part 30
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 29.5
part 31
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @nenggie @wicked-binch @jamayah @themanicwriter01
If you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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“I think you’ve had enough.”
After another swig of his drink, Kurapika placed the bottle on his nightstand, wiping the excess liquid from his mouth. “I don’t hic remember asking you to watch after me, Melody.”
The short, portly woman sighed, glancing at the several bottles of beer littering the floor and night and of Kurapika’s hotel room. As soon as they arrived at the hotel they’d be guarding Neon in, Kurapika ordered several cases of beer and bottles of vodka to his room, hoping to drink away his sorrows.
“You didn’t ask me, but that doesn’t change that I’m worried about you. What happened to make your heart sound so broken?”
The blonde stared down at the floor, his cheeks flushed from his inebriation. “None of your business.”
“None of my business? Kurapika, you’re getting blackout drunk and crying yourself to sleep every night. As your friend, I think that is very much my business!”
Melody rubbed her temple, staring at the sad state her friend was in. His suit was wrinkled, his tie undone and hair a mess. There were beer stains on his white undershirt, along with dark bags under his eyes.
“You’re not okay, Kurapika. Y-“
She jumped when the blonde rushed past her, only growing more worried when she heard the sound of him vomiting in the bathroom. Melody rushed to hold back his hair, giving his back a comforting rub as he threw up all the contents of his alcohol binge.
“There there, Kurapika. That’s it, let it all out,” she said softly, watching as the boy beneath her sobbed.
“I… I pushed her away… and now I’ll never see her again!”
She was startled by his sudden confession, her heart hurting to see him in so much pain. He laid on the bathroom floor, curling up into a ball as he sobbed into his knees. “It’s… all my fault… she hates me now, a-and it’s all my fault… I just… wanna…”
Melody held her hands over her head, crying out in pain. ‘His heart, it’s crying out in agony!’
Kurapika continued to sob, his hands clutching at his suit jacket. “I just… wanna see her…’
His heart ached and yearned for her more than anything, the melody it played being full of heartbreak and anguish. Kurapika not only missed her, he needed her.
He had been able to put up with her absence while he trained with his master with the promise of seeing her again, but knowing that he would most likely never see her again was too much to bear.
“I need… I need my (Name)!”
He attempted to stumble to his feet, catching hold of the towel rack and using it to hold his weight. “Kurapika, what are you talking about? It would take several days to get back to York New by car, and there’s no way you’ll get a flight there tonight-“
“I don’t -hic- care! I’m going to see (Name)!”
He could already picture the soft look in her eyes, the warm touch of her hands on his cheeks when she saw he had been crying. She’d ask if he was okay, and he’d collapse into her arms, begging for forgiveness.
Or, he would have, if he could keep consciousness, before Kurapika knew it, his eyes were getting heavy and he was falling.
Melody caught him just in time to prevent him from cracking his head on the floor.
Melody have carried, half dragged him to his bed. “Oh, Kurapika… you love her, don’t you?”
She sighed, brushing his hair out of his face, her eyes softening at the tears falling down his flushed cheeks. ‘He won’t remember this in the morning…’ she thought, tucking him into bed.
‘But I will. I will never forget tonight, Kurapika, you may lie, but your heart cannot.’
She stood up, picking up the empty bottles and cans, throwing them away before she turned off the light. ‘She deserves to know how much you really value her.’
As the sun set on the 5th day since Kurapika cut (Name) out of his life, Leorio paced in the hallway of her apartment.
She had barely been able to eat or talk, just sleeping and sobbing into her pillow when she was awake. He tried his best to help when he could, but she was inconsolable. (Name) was grieving Kurapika while he was still alive, her heart breaking with his absence.
“It hurts so much, Leorio… worse than my broken wrist, worse than any physical pain I’ve ever been in… I wish he would have just killed me, it would have hurt less…”
He could only hold her in his arms while she broke down into sobs, soaking his tshirt in tears and snot. He couldn’t stand to see her like this, especially when she was always smiling and shining like a ray of sunshine. There was a reason he picked that nickname for her, after all.
Killua came by before they left for Greed Island, carrying a chocolate robot in his arms. “Is (Name) awake?”
The woman had been sleeping most of the hours of the day away in her room. “Yeah, she is. Is Gon with you?”
“No, (Name) asked me to make sure he stays unaware of what really went on between her and Kurapika, so I asked him to stay behind for now. He really wanted to see her though, so I had to make up an excuse and say that he would probably end up hugging her too hard and exasperating her condition.”
Leorio laughed. “Ya know, that doesn’t sound far off from the truth anyways. He would be the type to jump into her lap while she’s recovering.”
Killua followed Leorio to (Name)’s room, waiting as he stepped in to talk to her for a moment before opening the door again.
“Killua… thank you for coming to see me.”
The boy took in the sight of (Name)’s current state, his face falling. She looked so tired, the bags under her eyes evidence that all the sleeping she’d been doing had been for nothing. The smile that usually came so easily to her looked strained, as if looking even somewhat happy was a Herculean task.
Killua sat next to her bed, setting the chocolate robot down next to him. “Leorio said… that you aren’t doing well.”
She nodded slowly, smiling when he took her uninjured hand. “Yeah, I’m… I’m not doing well.”
A moment of silence passed before Killua picked up the chocolate robot and placed it in her lap. “I heard… I heard that ladies like chocolate when they’re sad. These are my favorite kind, and…”
He looked away, a bit flustered as she picked it up. “For… me? You got this… for me?”
“It’s no big deal, they were on sale and I got myself some too-“
He stopped when he saw tears streaming down her cheeks. Killua began to panic, looking around frantically. “W-what’s wrong? Do you not like it? I’m sorry, I’ll-“
Killua yelped when he was pulled into a hug, the boy going stiff with shock as her lips pressed into his forehead. “Thank you… thank you, Killua… you have no idea how much this means to me…”
She cried into his shoulder, and after a moment he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her, awkwardly patting her back. “Uh… there, there… it’s gonna be okay.”
They stayed like that for a while, Killua’s grip tightening on her as the realization that the reason for her pain was Kurapika. ‘Kurapika… why would you do this to her? She… she really loved you.’
Killua had to leave soon after, handing her a piece of paper. “Oh, Gon wanted me to give this to you. It was the only way he’d let me come alone.”
She wiped at her tears before opening the paper. It was a drawing of the group all together. Before she could stop it, she was crying again, holding the paper close to her chest. “Tell him… I love it, please.”
The first thing (Name) ate after days of struggling to eat was the chocolate robot Killua gifted her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she ate.
“Is it good?” Leorio asked, leaning against the doorway. She glanced at him, nodding. He tried not to laugh at her chocolate covered face, instead moving to sit next to her.
“How are you feeling, princess? I know everything is… sucky right now, but…”
She leaned against his shoulder, chewing and swallowing some chocolate before answering. “I’m… I’m still in so much pain, and… sometimes I’m scared I’ll hurt myself.”
Leorio stiffened at this information, his hand shooting to hold onto hers. He knew of her past, the memory of her suicide note at the Hunter Exam resurfacing in his mind. “… (Name).”
She buried his face in his shoulder, unable to face him. “I’m so sorry, Leorio. I feel awful for feeling this way. You’ve done so much to help me, you’ve stayed up with me while I cried and you’ve taken off of college so you can take care of me… and I still keep thinking about…”
She choked up, tightening her grip on his hand. “You… shouldn’t have to see me like this. I’m a burden, I’m only holding you ba-“
Leorio pulled her into his embrace, his arms tight around her body, keeping her still as tears fell down his cheeks. “Don’t you dare say that! Don’t… don’t you ever call yourself a burden again!”
He clung to her as gutted wrenching sobs tore through his chest. “Please… I don’t want to you to die, (Name)… I can’t… I can’t lose you, please… you’re so important to me, you’ve never been a burden, so don’t say that…”
She sobbed with him, her face nestled against his neck as they held onto each other. “I’m so sorry… I love you all so much, I don’t… I don’t ever want to put you guys through that…”
They fell asleep together, clinging onto each other for dear life. Although (Name) would continue to struggle with suicidal thoughts and urges to hurt herself, she stayed strong with the knowledge of how much her friends cared about her.
And how devastated they would be if she did follow through with her urges.
After a month of recovering and helping her work through her grief, Leorio felt it was finally okay to leave (Name) alone while he went back to college.
“You’ll call me if you feel bad, right? I don’t care what time it is, I’ll come rushing o-“
“Yes, I will! Leorio, just get going, you’re going to miss your train!”
The two laughed, and he leaned down to pull her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be coming back over to see you next weekend, so don’t miss me too much.”
She smiled, leaning into his touch. “It’ll be weird without you in my apartment. I almost got used to the smell of your stinky shoes again!”
He pouted at her. “They aren’t that stinky…”
“They are, even Gon agreed.”
She pointed to the train, laughing. “Ah, sorry. Bye, sunshine! Keep smiling bright for me, okay?”
“Will do, Leorio!”
The two parted ways, leaving (Name) on her own for the first time in nearly two months. Before, she’d gone to whale island with Gon and Killua and then they joined (Name) at her apartment. And just until that day, Leorio had stayed by her side until she was well enough to be alone.
“Well, I guess it’s time to get to work!”
It wasn’t easy, but (Name) began learning the basics of nen alone in her apartment between doing basic Hunter jobs. She learned she was an enhancer after taking the water divination test. The water rose slightly but… something about it didn’t feel right.
‘An enhancer..? I mean, that’s what Killua and Gon said I probably was… but it just doesn’t…’
She tried not to mull over this, instead practicing the basics of nen to her best ability.
Pokkle and Ponzu visited her for a few hours between jobs, bringing sweets and poppies.
“Hey Poppy, Leorio said you haven’t been feeling well. Pokkle and I wanted to come check on you.”
(Name) smiled, leaning her head against Ponzu’s shoulder. “It’s… been tough, but I think I’ll be alright.”
Pokkle opened the box of sweets, offering (Name) a piece of strawberry cake. “They say it’s best to eat good food and be surrounded by friends when you’re not well. Come on, we bought these just for you.”
The three chatted, eating sweets and watching a movie as the sun went down. “Oh please, stay for dinner. I can’t just let you leave hungry after you brought me such good sweets!”
Pokkle sighed softly. “Sorry, Poppy, but we’ve got to get going. Our next mission starts soon, and we need to meet up with our team and get our supplies ready.”
(Name) nodded slowly, her lip trembling as she brought them both in for a hug. “Thank you so much for coming over… you don’t know much it means to me…”
They both smiled, giving her a kiss on the top of her head each. “We’ll call you as soon as we’re back, okay? It shouldn’t take too long.”
She watched them go, wishing them good luck, excited for the time they would spend together upon their return.
After three months of training, she was taking a break from working out when she heard a knock at her door. (Name) got up, lightly stretching her sore muscles before walking over to open it.
“Hello, (Name). It’s been a while.”
The short woman smiled, in her hands she held a box with the labeling from the local bakery. “Sorry for the short notice, I’m in York New to buy some dresses for Neon, and I wanted to stop by to visit with you.”
“Oh, don’t apologize! Come in, it’s been forever!”
(Name) opened the door enough so she could walk in, moving towards the kitchen. “I’ll make some tea. Milk and sugar?”
“Yes please, a teaspoon of each.”
She watched from the corner of her eyes as Melody opened the box of sweets, revealing several cakes and baked goods. “These are for you, I hope they’re to your liking.”
(Name) carried in two cups of tea, smiling. “They look delicious, thank you Melody.”
The two chatted for a few minutes as they enjoyed the various sweets. “So, Melody…”
(Name) set down her cup of tea. It was half empty by now, and she could see her hesitant expression staring back at her through the amber liquid.
“Is.. is Kurapika-“
Melody held up her hand, her smile fading. “(Name)… do you think knowing if he’s in the city with me or not will make you feel any better?”
She could read (Name) like an open book, and by Melody’s expression, (Name) knew that the answer really wouldn’t change anything. It’s not like she could go and meet with him, he had already told her he didn’t want to see her again.
“But… I came here… to talk about Kurapika specifically.”
(Name) stiffened, her heartbeat picking up. Melody took notice of this and placed a hand over her’s. “He… he hasn’t been the same since… you know…”
“What… do you mean ‘not the same’?”
Melody let out a long sigh. “I haven’t known him as long as you have, but I do know Kurapika is not the type to drink himself stupid and cry himself to sleep every night.”
“He WHAT?”
(Name) stood up, looking frantic. “Is he okay? He can’t be sleeping well if that’s the case, and he already gets nightmares! I-“
Melody guided her back to her seat. “(Name)… whenever he gets drunk, all he talks about is you. He obviously has some sort of fondness for you, and… being apart from you is tearing him up inside. I would know just by the sound of his heart that he’s upset. So… please…”
She held onto (Name)’s hand. “I know what he said hurt you badly, but… he most likely did not mean most of what he said.”
(Name) looked away, her face falling. “He at least meant some of it. Maybe he just regrets losing a pawn he could use… maybe I would have been okay being a pawn for him to use if it meant he wouldn’t abandon me… but…”
She shook slightly, holding a hand over her healed wrist. “As much as I love him, a part of me… a part of me hates and fears him. He made me feel awful, to the point… that Leorio had to take off college and entire month so I wouldn’t…”
She teared up a little, her lip wobbling. “Anyways, I… I won’t chase after him. I’m… I’m scared. Not just of physical repercussion, but rejection too. I can’t take anymore heartbreak, it’s too much.”
(Name) took a deep breath, sniffling softly. “If he comes of his own accord to see me, I’ll welcome him back with open arms. Until then…”
She wiped away her tears, Melody offering her a tissue. “Until then, I won’t be waiting. I’ll keep living my life, even if my heart aches for his return. I’ll pray for his safety and health… but that’s all I can do.”
Melody nodded, letting (Name) cry into her shoulder as she held the younger woman close. “That’s wise of you, (Name). Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him and try my best to guide him. Just… don’t hate him. Please, he…”
She went quiet. ‘He loves you so much, (Name).’ Melody thought, but she didn’t say it out loud. Kurapika went through a lot to push (Name) away, and although Melody didn’t approve of his methods, she did agree on the fact that being by Kurapika’s side at the moment was dangerous, too dangerous for someone as fragile as (Name).
After an awkward silence, the two exchanged phone numbers. “I can’t promise much because I’m busy myself, but I’ll give you updates as often as I can.”
“That’s more than enough. Thank you so much, Melody.”
She waved as Melody left, smiling to herself. It warmed her heart that Melody was worried enough about her to come and visit. ‘I really do have people that love and care about me…’
(Name) used this as motivation to keep training, another month passing by before she got a phone call.
“Ponzu, hey!”
“Hey, Poppy. How have you been? Pokkle is here too!”
She could hear Pokkle yell a greeting in the background, making (Name) giggle. “Hi, Pokkle!”
(Name) sat down as Ponzu continued. “I heard you’ve been training hard! You’ve got a pretty good understanding of your nen right?”
“Mhm, I’d say so! Why do you ask?”
The line went silent for a moment, and she could hear the phone exchange hands. “Hey, it’s Pokkle. There’s a reason we called you today. We got a job recently, and we’re not sure whether we can do it alone. We were wondering if you’d like to tag along. It’s not too dangerous, and it could be a good chance to get some real hands on experience!”
She hummed, crossing her legs. “Usually I’d say yes, but I’m waiting for Gon and Killua to leave Greed Island and contact me, so… I’m gonna have to say no. Sorry, guys.”
Pokkle laughed. “No worries, this should be an easy job. We’re just studying some insects. They’re a little dangerous, but shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”
“You promise you’ll be okay? If you really need me to/“
“Don’t worry, we promise we’ll be fine! Those boys are your kids, we understand you want to see them!” Ponzu said, giggling.
(Name) sighed. “Okay… be safe, guys…”
She stood up, looking at the clock as she hung up. (Name) sighed softly as she left to wash her clothes. “I wonder how they’re doing… it’s been a while…”
She looked at the picture Gon made her that she hung up on the fridge as she passed by the kitchen. “I miss them…”
One day in late March, (Name) finally got news from Killua. They had just come back from Greed Island, and Gon specifically asked that she get to their location as soon as possible.
“This is a bit last minute, but okay! I’ll be there soon, just hold on!”
She got in the nearest taxi and hurried to their location. Thankfully she was thoughtful enough to pack a backpack full of clothes and essential items before she met up with them.
“Killua! Gon!”
She ran up a flight of stairs until she reached a small pavilion overlooking the city. The two stood there with a little girl. “(Name)!”
The two ran towards her, Gon jumping up and into her arms. “I missed you! I can’t wait to show you how strong I- I mean we became!”
Killua stood nearby, peeking at her from behind Gon. She noticed, pulling him in for a hug too. “I missed you both so much, I can already sense how much you’ve grown these past few months.”
Each boy got a forehead kiss and their hair ruffled before she smiled. “So, what did you two call me here for?”
They quickly explained everything they learned on greed island, and then Gon smiled. “I want to introduce Ging to you and Killua! I’ll tell him you’re my best friends in the world!”
Killua blushed, frowning. “You what? Shut up, that’s embarrassing man!”
“Aww, Gon!”
Gon’s cheeks were squished as (Name) giggled and held him close. “You are just a sweetheart, you’re one of my best friends too!”
The girl accompanying the two sat smiled. “You must be (Name). They couldn’t stop talking about you while in training.”
(Name) laughed, giving the girl a head pat. “You must be one of their new friends! Thank you for taking care of my boys while they were away!”
The girl’s eyebrow twitched. “I’m not their friend, I’m their mentor, and I’m not a child. I’m way older than you, at that.”
(Name) blinked rapidly, Killua cracking up behind her. “Yeah, she’s an old h-“
Gon placed a hand over Killua’s mouth. “Her name is Bisky! She taught us a lot!”
“Oh! W-well, thank you Bisky!”
Bisky laughed, patting (Name)’s shoulder. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. I think it’s time for you to tag in.”
“You’re not coming with us, Bisky?” Gon asked.
She shook her head. “Thank you, but I think I’ll pass. I’m not interested in men with kids.”
“I guess that’s it then, take care Bisky!”
The two gave her their respects, making (Name) giggle. “Take care, Bisky!”
“I will, you boys too, okay?”
(Name) ruffled the two’s hair, holding onto Killua and Gon’s hand as the latter pulled out a card.
“Accompany on, Nigg!”
She yelped as the world disappeared around her, nearly causing her to fall over as they shot through the air. Killua held her hand as they landed, letting her lean against him as her legs went wobbly.
She was too busy getting her bearings to notice the man sitting alone in the mist, but the other two were more than aware.
Mist curled around them, the area had pretty low visibility. As (Name) finally got her bearings, she barely comprehended the man moving, only realizing she’d been shoved to the side roughly when she fell on her ass.
The other two had the same treatment, but Killua was by her side within a second after landing, pushing her and Gon out of the way before they could be shot by the man.
She groaned a little, moving her hand to begin healing the scrapes on their knees. “Yeesh, one thing after another…”
The man began to approach, Gon staring at him as he took off his cloak. “This isn’t Ging…”
Killua frowned, crouching defensively in front of (Name). “Hold on, what is this all about? First, you know us down, then you start firing at us. Stop messing around!”
(Name) glanced up as the man got closer. “Fooling around? I was being dead serious. If I hadn’t opened fire, you would have been attacked.”
“By what!? The ant you shot?”
Killua stood and attempted to squash the ant only for the head to launch itself forward, biting into his flesh. “Ow!”
Gon held her back by her wrist as the man knocked killua over and used his hat to smack it away. After, he raised his gun and fired at the ant’s head.
She knelt beside him, her hand hovering over the small wound on his leg. (Name) healed it quick, giving him a gentle pat to his leg after. The man watched all of this before speaking again.
“That’s no normal bug, it’s a Chimera Ant.”
“Chimera ant?”
“An aggressive, carnivorous insect, currently under class 1 quarantine. From time to time, they even attack humans. You were standing right in front of their nest. Had I not fired, a chimera ant army would have consumed you by now.”
Killua scowled, getting back into a defensive position in front of (Name). It seemed he didn’t quite trust the man yet.
“I feel… like this has happened before…” Gon whispered. The man sighed tiredly, kneeling in front of Killua.
“It’s healed up a lot already… it wasn’t serious, and they don’t have venom so you don’t have to worry. But apply this, it’s an antibiotic.”
Killua looked back at (Name), who studied the man for a moment before giving a nod. “I can heal wounds, but my power can’t fight infections as efficiently as other afflictions.”
She wrapped a bandage around the wound. “I couldn’t heal it completely, I didn’t want to use up to much of your stamina. It shouldn’t be painful though.”
Killua smiled softly. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“You three should leave as well. Damn… because of this interruption, I’ll need to start over. But the nest was destroyed. Man… forced to take another life.”
Killua and (Name) jumped at Gon’s sudden exclamation. “Are you… are you the one who saved me back then?”
“Back then?”
“On Whale Island, after I stumbled into the territory of a foxbear with its cub.”
“Whale Island?”
“That time, too, you had to kill in order to protect me.”
The man stared at them for a moment before a look of recollection appeared on his face. With a faint smile, he answered back.
“Oh yes, I remember now. I never expected to run into you again here. You’ve grown, Gon.”
‘So they know each other?’ (Name) thought, tilting her head.
“How do you know my name?”
“I heard it from your dad. Ging.”
“Old man, you know Ging?”
“Old..?” the man questioned with a wince. “… yeah, my name is Kite. Ging was my master.”
The three gasped, looking up at the man in wonder. “You knew Gon’s father? Wow…”
(Name) smiled sweetly and stood, offering her hand. “Thank you for saving Gon back then. He is like a little brother to me, and if you hadn’t saved him, I would have never gotten to meet him.”
Gon blushed and fidgeted in the background as Kite returned her smile and shook her hand. “It’s no problem, really. I assume you’re his guardian?”
“Ah, technically. I promised his aunt to look after him. I’m (Name) by the way, and this is Killua!”
She wrapped her arms around the two, laughing. “I was kind of dragged along, but I’ll be trying my best to help!”
After catching fish and putting them on to roast by the fire, the four chatted amongst themselves.
“Oh, so you’re also all pro Hunters?”
“Yep. Are you one too Mr. Kite?”
“Call me Kite. It’s awkward being addressed formally by my master’s son.”
“Okay! Then you’re one too, Kite?”
“Yeah, Ging was the one who made me a top-class Hunter. He was my teacher and benefactor. If I hadn’t met Ging, I’d have died long ago, in the alley of a slum.”
(Name) pulled her knees to her chest, glancing at the other two. ‘His dad seems pretty important, but I still can’t get over the fact he abandoned Gon.’
Kite told the story of how he met Ging, smiling fondly. While they talked, (Name) busied herself preparing a place for them to sleep.
“Killua, Gon.”
She smiled softly, patting the little beds of leaves she prepared. “It’s late, come get some rest. I’m sure Kite will be here in the morning,”
Kite nodded, glancing her way. “Yeah, listen to your friend. Get a good nights sleep, nothing can be accomplished when you’re too tired to think.”
Killua shrugged and laid where (Name) instructed, only huffing a little when she ruffled his hair and tucked him under one of her cardigans.
“Aww, is it really that late?” Gon asked, seeming a bit disappointed.
“Yeah, it is.” (Name) glanced at her phone. It was a little past midnight. “If you rest now, you’ll get a decent amount of sleep.”
Gon, being the good boy he was, climbed into bed as well, letting (Name) cover him with another cardigan. “But (Name), what about you?”
She smiled softly, ruffling his hair. “I’ll be fine, Gon. Go to sleep.”
Kite watched over the scene, keeping an eye on the way the boys reacted to her. It seemed they both cared for her deeply, listening to what she said with little resistance.
‘She’s like their mother… no, no not Gon’s mother entirely, but she is definitely Killua’s mother…’
It was obvious with the way Gon acted more polite as if he were interacting with a trusted adult, and the way Killua had a bit of an attitude. Killua would huff and puff, but listen to what she said and took any affection she gave him with a contented sigh.
Once the two were asleep, (Name) met Kite’s gaze. “Can we talk?”
The man nodded, gesturing for her to come by the fire. “Why not? Come.”
She sat across from him after brushing some of the dirt away. “I introduced myself earlier, but I didn’t tell you much about myself.”
Kite watched her for a moment. “Yes, I noticed you didn’t participate much in the conversation.”
“Yeah… this is a lot more important to the boys than it is to me. You could say I’m just here for emotional support.”
He studied her for a moment, a frown tugging at his lip. If she was only there for that, Kite was worried that she might get into more she could handle with where he planned to take them.
“I see… well, they’re both professional hunters, you know. They can handle themselves, so if you’re only here to coddle them, they might be more offended than grateful.”
She laughed before sipping on her canteen. “Oh, you misunderstand me, Kite. My boys are professionals, but I am too, and I can see from a mile away that whatever they’re getting into will be dangerous. While at this point I’m not that strong, I want to be someone that can protect them if need be. I’m not just here for them, I’m also here to better myself.”
Kite’s eyes lit up slightly as he observed her with fresh eyes. This wasn’t a smothering mother that wanted to keep the two under her wings and away from harm at all times, this was a guardian that would only step in to protect their lives. He wouldn’t be doing that, so he couldn’t help but admire her a little.
“The road ahead will be dangerous. Are you sure you can handle it?”
She smiled brightly, offering him a swig of her canteen. “Oh I’m not sure at all, but I’m ready to try.”
Although he felt almost impressed by her tenacity, there was something bugging him in the back of his mind. It was difficult to tell whether her bravery was because she was truly ready to face these challenges, or she was too stupid to understand the gravity of this decision.
And the third option… Kite didn’t even want to think of it. It chilled him to his bones to even imagine such a kind woman possibly going through such lengths just to die.
“And you know nen, right? Who was your teacher?”
They stared at each other for a moment, both of them confused at the other’s reaction.
“Don’t tell me… they didn’t send someone to train your nen?”
“… were they supposed to?”
Kite groaned, rubbing his temple. “Geez… what was your name again?”
“Oh um… (Name). (Name) (Last Name).”
Kite went quiet, pausing in his tracks. “(Last Name)…”
His mouth dropped open for a second before it closed. “… you don’t happen to live in York New, do you?”
“… yes?”
He took in a deep breath, then looked up at her again. “I see…”
She smiled awkwardly, laughing. “Don’t tell me you were supposed to be my teacher.”
(Name) blinked, glancing between him and the kids. “Ah… well I’m sure you have a good reason for not being able to teach me! Like being busy..?”
“… I forgot.”
(Name) covered her mouth, glancing back to the kids to make sure they were still asleep. Thankfully, they were. Gon slept like the dead, and Killua probably didn’t perceive her voice as a threat.
“I… apologize. I was supposed to visit you in early March to begin training, but…”
“You forgot.”
“… yes. I did.”
She laughed a little. “Well, no one’s perfect. Since I’m here, why don’t you just train me now?”
Kite hummed. “As soon as I realized who you are, I was planning on doing so regardless. I guess it’s a good thing you came with those two, isn’t it (Name)?”
“Yeah, I guess it is!”
They shared a smile before Kite realized the fire was going out. “You should get some sleep as well. We’ll start your training in the morning.”
(Name) rubbed her eyes a little, nodding. “Yeah… I will. Thanks, Kite.”
With a final smile, (Name) joined the other two in sleep. Kite found himself watching over the three throughout the night.
As the group awoke and sat by the fire that had gone out long ago, (Name) smiled, handing out granola bars for them to snack on.
“Hey, what kind of work do you do, Kite?”
Gon was currently munching on his granola bar between asking Kite question after question. Kite didn’t seem to like however, answering each one without pause.
“Biological surveying. I focus on discovering and researching new species. Oh? Have you heard of the Camp Tiger?”
“Camp tiger?” Killua repeated.
“They can use fire. They use branches that have been ignited by lightning as live kindling. Other than certain magical beasts that walk on two legs, they’re the first of their kind. Animals that eat their meat cooked, not raw.”
He showed the group a video of the tigers cooking their meals over a fire. “Wow, they’re really cooking it!” Killua exclaimed.
“They really are using fire! Hey, what else is there?”
Gon’s excitement was contagious, making (Name) and Killua listen closely as well.
“Oh yeah… you said the thing that attacked me was a Chimera Ant?” Killua recalled. He stole a look at his leg, seeing that the wound was healed up nicely thanks to (Name).
“Yes, a Chimera Ant. Under class 1 quarantine. Normally no one would be allowed near such a dangerous insect.” Kite answered.
“Did you discover them?” Gon asked, tilting his head.
“No, I specialize in larger creatures. But currently, I’m investigating these insects. Something has been bothering me.”
Killua and Gon shared a look before glancing at the destroyed ant nest. (Name) packed away her belongings as they talked.
“But it appears that now I’ll have to move to a different location. I must make a call, but I’m not getting any reception here.”
“A call?”
“I’m working with others. Seven of us are working as a team. I guess I must wait for their arrival. Once they’re here I’ll introduce you. They’re amateurs but they’re still skilled Hunters.”
A group approached them, the lead being a tall man with a bear like appearance. “Oh?”
“Ah, speak of the devil.”
The four stood, (Name) slinging her backpack over her shoulder.
“Kite, who are these three?” one of Kite’s friends asked.
“My friends. They dropped by for a visit on their travels.” Kite answered with a smile.
“Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you all the way out here. I’m Spinner Crow,” the woman with long, pink hair introduced herself. “Call me Spin, nice to meet you!”
“I’m Gon Freecs. Nice to meet you, Spin.”
“… Freecs… wait, is that-!?”
“Yes, Ging’s son.” Kite said, confirming their suspicions.
The man with the large Afro pointed to Killua. “And you? Not you too!”
“No, not me. My name Killua Zoldyck.”
The girl with short, peach colored hair spoke up. “Um, forgive me if I’m wrong, but are you part of the famous family of assassins?”
“Yeah, but I just quit.” Killua answered nonchalantly.
“And you?” the bear looking man asked, pointing to (Name). She blinked, her face heating up in embarrassment. She had completely forgotten to introduce hetself!
“O-oh I’m (Name) (Last Name)!”
The entire group stared at her for a moment, then glanced back at Kite. “(Last Name)… as in the person Kite was supposed to teach nen?”
Gon’s mouth dropped open. “What!? Kite was supposed to teach you nen? You’re so lucky (Name)!”
Spin sighed, patting (Name)’s shoulder. “She would have been lucky, if Kite hadn’t forgotten about it.”
Kite cleared his throat. “Ahem. Additionally, all three are pro Hunters. So you should show some respect.”
“Wow!” all of Kite’s friends said in unison.
They all sat in a circle as they began to talk about the chimera ant issue. (Name) was only half listening while she organized her bag.
“I’m Monta Yuras. But you can call me Mon.”
(Name) picked up on the best man introducing himself. She was quite fascinated by his appearance, so she nodded and gave a small smile before going back to organizing.
The man with the brown Afro introduced himself as Stick Dinner, and the girl with short peach colored hair was Banana Kavaro.
As they spoke, (Name) became a bit uneasy. Mon brought out a sample of the ant queen’s claw, and Killua confirmed it was about the size of a human finger.
(Name) felt a hand gently squeeze her shoulder. It was Gon. He must have felt her anxiety and gave her a gentle squeeze to comfort her. She placed her hand over his, smiling in thanks.
They were about to leave, when Gon jumped up. “Hey, can we come with you?”
“Hmm? Sure.”
Gon jumped up in excitement upon hearing Kite’s answer. “Yes!”
“Glad to have you.”
“Having two pro Hunters with us is reassuring.”
“And this is Ging’s son and one of the Zoldyck family! Oh, sorry…” Banana trailed off.
“It’s no big deal.” Killua handed back the vial containing the chimera ant queen claw with a soft smile.
“Anyway, you kids are already pros at your age?” Mon asked, looking at three.
“I’m hardly a kid…” (Name) mumbled. Killua tried his best not to laugh as she puffed out her chubby cheeks in a pout.
She followed behind Gon and Killua, gently petting the little pup that popped out of a backpack on of the people were carrying.
A van carried them through a large, desert like place. (Name) made sure her boys stayed hydrated.
“It’s been days… no, it’s been months since it last rained here. The weather is unusual this year. It’s possible that this is affecting the wildlife in some way.” Kite stated, looking out over the expanse of desert sand.
“So the insect with the large leg could have been a mutation influenced by those conditions.” Spin said.
“But why grow larger?” Banana asked.
“In order to survive, right?” Mon answered. “If it’s bigger, it would have a better chance of securing food.”
“But that would mean it would need more as well.” Banana stated.
As they talked, (Name) was beginning to realize something. Ponzu and Pokkle had talked about studying insects… and she was worried they might have meant the Chimera Ants. If the size of the claw she was shown was accurate, then those “insects” could be a lot of trouble.
Although she didn’t regret coming along with Killua and Gon to make sure they were safe, she was a bit concerned for her other friends.
‘They’ll be fine, Pokkle is a professional hunter, just like me.’
She could only hope she was right in her assessment.
“That thing could devour a human in no time.”
(Name) blinked, focusing back in on the conversation just as killua stated that. “Sorry, I wasn’t listening, what were you talking about?”
They all looked at her for a moment before Killua laughed. “Man, (Name), you’re awful at paying attention. The chimera ant queen is 2 meters, mensing she could devour a human easily.”
She nodded, patting Killua’s head. “Thanks for filling me in, Killua.”
“No problem, but pay attention next time.”
They arrived at a beach, where they met with other members of Kite’s squad on a long dock.
“They’re the ones I mentioned on the phone, Gon, Killua, and (Name).” Kite said, gesturing to the three.
“Oh, I-I’m Lin Koshi. Nice to m-meet you!” a man with short black hair said.
“My name is Podunho Lapoy!” the second person was a girl with gray hair that stood up in a ponytail atop her head. “Glad to have you on board.”
After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Kite cleared his throat.
“Let’s get down to business. Where was the leg discovered?”
“Oh, the beach over there.”
“A-according to the locals, it washed up on the shore.”
The group walked along the beach, looking for clues. (Name) took the time to really think over why she was there, and what she was doing. Part of her wondered if she would be of any help to the boys at all, considering the gap in strength between them.
But Gon had asked her specifically, so she wouldn’t say no.
“There’s a forest right behind us…” Killua stated.
“It’ll be difficult to find the Chimera Ant if it ran in there.” Banana replied, sighing softly.
(Name) glanced to Kite, who motioned her over. As the others talked, Kite tried to get to know his new student a little better. “What is your nen type.”
“… enhancer, apparently,” she stated, rubbing the back of her neck. “That’s what the divination said.”
“You don’t sound very confident. Does it not feel right to you?”
She sighed, crouching down to watch the tide come in and out. “Something about it feels off… but I’m not sure why.”
“Hmm… well to be honest, you don’t seem like an enhancer to me. For example, Gon is an enhancer, and although not all people are exact personality matches to their nen type, you don’t exactly fit the bill of an average enhancer.”
Kite looked her over. “… I’m not sure of what you are… maybe a manipulator or conjurer..?”
He didn’t seem too sure, humming softly. “We’ll do another water divination test as soon as possible. You shouldn’t have had to do it alone, perhaps you missed something I could have noticed…”
She nodded, looking down at her hands. “Yeah… that makes sense… hmm.”
“That means the Chimera Ant isn’t here.”
Kite turned his attention back to the others when Mon spoke up. “It may have washed ashore elsewhere. In which direction do the currents flow here?”
(Name) kept looking at the sea as they spoke, only halfway listening. She followed Gon and Killua, looking for clues in the forest, only to find nothing all day.
“Let’s return to York New City. We may be able to find a new lead.” Kite said at the end of the day.
Everyone slept on the way back, Gon and Killua leaning against (Name) for comfort and warmth.
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jesterwriting · 11 months
pairing: sanji x transmasc!reader
contents: angst, no comfort, unrequited love, pining, the guilt that comes with catching feelings for a heterosexual, thoughts regarding yns relationship with their gender identity,
word count: 1.1k words
note: maybe ill do a part two to this one day but for now you get to be miserably pining over sanji.
playlist: wish you were gay by claud
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Man. This sucked.
With your chin cradled in your palm, you watched Sanji from across the deck. He beamed brightly at Nami, offering her a sweet cocktail to accompany her sunbathing. You swallowed hard under the weight that settled on your chest.
In all your years, you didn’t think you had ever seen someone with such a beautiful smile. It was the kind that lit up the entire room— no, make that the entire ship. You were sure the Thousand Sunny was named for his smile alone. It was warm and inviting, full of adoration for the women he approached. There were times when you imagined that expression was directed at you, though you never allowed such silly fantasies to last long. Not before a wave of guilt crashed into you, threatening to drag you under. You averted your gaze to the ocean. The water lapped against the hull of the boat, much simpler than the maelstrom of emotions inside of you.
Sanji was straight. It was as easy as that. You needed to stop being so weird and desperate, it was never going to happen. Still, you couldn’t help but wish circumstances were different.
You were proud of your identity, and you loved it as much as you loved yourself. Your gender was an integral part of who you were. It ran so deep in your bones, that even if you were born a cis man, you still believed you would still be trans in some way. Sometimes, though, when you watched Sanji attempt to woo the women around him, you found yourself wishing you got the same attention. It was hard — no, it was complicated — to still be that little girl in some ways, to be so different in other ways, and to mourn her all the same.
“Y/N.” You jumped and whipped around to see Sanji standing behind you, a cigarette hanging from his lips.
Though his eyes were kind, you saw a hint of hesitation in them. He cocked his head to the side, his brow slightly furrowed at your expression. “Sorry, did I startle you? I wanted to let you know I’m going to start on dinner soon. I hope you’re hungry for fish, that sea king is going to last us a week.”
You fidgeted behind your hand to hide your embarrassed flush. “Sounds good, Sanji. See you then.”
Were you seeing things or did he seem a little disappointed?
“See you.” Lifting his hand in farewell — you tried not to stare at his long fingers or the veins that stood out against his knuckles — he rolled up his sleeves and entered the kitchen. The door swung shut, the man behind it oblivious to how you nearly vomited your heart onto the deck at a simple hello.
These feelings were very quickly getting out of hand. All you wanted was to follow him into the kitchen, spend a little more time with him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. Before you had to deal with these stupid emotions, you were in the kitchen more often than not. You had a bit of a baking hobby, one Sanji allowed you to indulge, even if he was protective of his kitchen.
You hadn’t baked in weeks.
It would be one thing if you wanted to be near him as a friend. There wouldn’t be this horrible pit of shame in your gut. You had ulterior motives, and if he found out, he would never look at you the same again. That concept was so much worse than what you dealt with now. The idea that Sanji would feel uncomfortable in your presence made your skin crawl.
You remembered when you first fell for him. It was a cool night, whatever heat that remained was cut by the breeze. You laid your pillow down on the deck to watch the stars, tracing new shapes into them and making up silly names for hours. It was a childish method of entertainment, one you used to do on summer nights with your siblings. You still found great enjoyment in it.
Sanji scared the living daylights out of you. So lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t hear him approach until he poked his head into your field of vision. His cigarette was held in his hand so as not to accidentally spill hot ash on your face.
You blinked. “Hey. What are you doing out here?”
“Smoking. You know, I should be asking you that. It’s the middle of the night, are you trying to catch a cold?” Sanji took a drag off his cigarette and sat down next to you. You raised yourself on your elbows, meeting his eyes properly for the first time that night. Under the moonlight, they shone with unshed tears. Maybe he had a nightmare. The thought that your friend was upset didn’t sit well with you.
You pointed towards the sky and traced the outline of an elephant. Sanji’s pupils followed your finger, curly brow furrowed in confusion.
“I’m making constellations,” You said. “That one’s an elephant.”
He was quiet for a moment before he laughed. It was a pretty sound, one you wanted to hear more often. “That's really stupid.”
“Says you, I’m having fun.” Any irritation in your tone was nullified by your grin. “Wanna see another?”
“Sure, give me another.”
The rest of the night was spent in each other’s company, laughing and drawing pictures in the sky until the sun came up. It wasn’t until you woke up the next day did you realize that spending time with Sanji left you feeling funny. Your heart fluttered when he looked at you, your breath caught in your throat when he smiled, your head felt fuzzy when he spoke to you. It didn’t take long for you to realize what it meant.
Embarrassed, guilty, and ashamed, you tried to avoid him in hopes the feelings would go away on their own. If he ever found out, you knew things would never be the same again. Worst case scenario, you would have to leave the crew. How stupid, how fucking irresponsible did you have to be to fall for the straightest man on the Grand Line? It was humiliating.
You buried your head in your hands in an attempt to scoop the thoughts out of your brain. What you needed was to get a fucking grip.
Sanji popped his head out of the kitchen to hit Nami with a blinding grin. He looked at her with such adoration, something you would never get to experience. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you hastily blinked them away.
It wasn’t fair to him, but as you stared off in the distance, pretending there weren’t tears rolling down your cheeks, you really, really wished you had a chance.
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simpinberry · 1 year
¡¡¡Hola!!! Me encanta tu escritura 😍 Me preguntaba si puedo pedir un Bella Ramsey x fem! Reader headcanons donde Bella está celosa, gracias 🤗🤗 Espero que entiendas lo que escribí ya que el inglés no es mi primer idioma
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Hello!!! I love your writing 😍 I was wondering if I can order a Bella Ramsey x fem! Reader headcanons where Bella is jealous, thank you 🤗🤗 I hope you understand what I wrote since English is not my first language
guysss heyyy!! sorry i’ve been gone for so long, life has been a bitch recently but i’m back!! here to feed you some very needed fluffy and spicy bella content. i’m trying out a new style of writing and i had a lot of fun with it. I didn’t proof read it at all so my bad for spelling mistakes teehee i’ll fix it later. love youu<33 have a good day gays<3
picture this: You and Bella just got back from the gym. They surprised you by picking you up from class since they had some free time and “missed you”. They were perfectly normal when they saw you at first, leaning against the door frame and waving over at you. You jump up a little in excitement and tell her your just getting your bag and saying goodbye to your friends. When you got back to them, their energy seemed to have changed and you couldn’t understand what could’ve happened in 2 minutes but you decide to brush it off.
You guys grabbed some dinner and snacks from the grocery store and headed home. Bella was unusually quiet on the drive home, only mumbling the lyrics to a few songs and only asked you about your day once. Strange because she usually goes on and on, asking about little details.
You arrive home and bolt to the kitchen to heat up the food because you are truly starving. That class was hard and you were ready to eat. Bella follows you in, placing herself down on a chair at the dining table, blanking out and staring at the ground. You call for her a few times and they don’t answer. You place down the plates on the table and call her again, this time lifting her head with ur index finger.
She stares up at you with big brown puppy eyes and a stubborn pout on their lips. “What’s up my big baby?” you coo at her. She dodges your touch and lets out a whiny hmm. She’s gonna be stubborn about it, of course she is. Letting out a sigh you place yourself down on her lap, straddling her and bringing your arms around their neck. She finally looks up at you and eagerly pulls you into a long, more intense than usual kiss.
“darlin, you wanna tell me what’s going on?” you say pulling away from the heated kiss.
“Uh, it’s just that em, God this is so dumb. Okayy, yk Jenna? From your boxing classes? It’s just like she’s too friendly with you… Like bro relax she’s mine. She’s just too forward and touchy with you, i saw the way they looked at u when you said goodbye” They let out a groan and cover their face.
“Wait a minute, are you…. jealous?” you ask with a smirk.
“Ughhh, whatever. So what if i’m a little jealous okay? ehhh i mean you’re my girlfriend and she’s gotta learn that,” they pause, taking a deep breath. “I just don’t like it okay….makes me feel bad”.
You notice she’s a lot more upset than you expected and realise she just needs your reassurance. To your surprise she pulls your waist into her and wraps her arms fully around you into a tight hug. They’re so cute when they get like this, you think to yourself.
Pulling away from the hug you immediately attack her face with kisses, making sure to get every inch and not miss a single spot. This sends Bella into a cute fit of giggles. Their laugh is genuine music to your ears and you feel proud you’re able to cheer her up a bit. You finish off by trailing their face with longer, softer and delicate kisses.
Once you reach her lips you pull them into a long deep kiss. Bella is an emotional kisser and this kiss was no exception.
This unsurprisingly leads to a makeout session. Bella roaming her hands whenever she pleases in a territorial way while you take turns tugging and playing with their hair. Time doesn’t feel real as you both spill soft and sweet moans into each others mouth. Sooner or later you both gotta pull back for some air though. You finish off the kiss by pulling away slowly, biting her lip softly, letting it bounce back into place. Bella rests her forehead on yours, panting a little.
“i love you, a lot. I’m all yours darling,” you speak up. Bella replies with quick soft nods. “plus if it makes you feel any better, i rlly don’t like jenna, she talks too much about herself”
“iiii love u too ig and i’m all yours too or whatever” she jokes, rolling their eyes.
“wait is that why you picked me up today??” Oh boy let the teasing begin.
hehehehehehe i also think that bella would be incredibly immature and funny when she’s jealous. she’s definitely not the angry or mean jealous that’s for sure but she will stomp her feet and act like a 5 year old.
It’s been a rare warm and sunny day and you’re chilling at bellas house after you guys took her dog out on walk. Their bed is placed against the window and there’s a cooling breeze pushing through the white curtains. You’re sitting on bellas bed with your legs crisscrossed, scrolling through your phone. Bella is sprawled out opposite to you, reading off her kindle.
With a loud sigh, her kindle falls onto their chest and looks up at you. You’re practically glued to your phone and she wants you to be glued to her.
“Babbeeee” they say, using her foot to nudge your stomach. Yet, you pay her no mind and continue scrolling through TikTok.
Suddenly, you let out the most uncontrollable laugh ever, throwing ur head back and hitting it against the bed frame. “owwwwww motherfuckerr,” you yell out in pain.
“That’s what u getttt for ignoring me” she teases.
“Pffttt i wasn’t doing that” you reply.
“Blehhh i wasn’t doing that,” they respond, mocking you. “whatever, what was the video?”
“Ha ha, very funny, it’s just a tiktok mar sent me” you say snarking back.
“No it’s just that i see, you’re ignoring me for some girl, huh, i see how it is. Clearly you don’t love me anymore.” she pouts, crossing her arms and shaking her head.
“Babe that’s not tru-“ you try to plead your case.
“NOOO IIII SEE HOW IT IS. REALLY. THATS FINE.” They shout in an over exaggerated posh British accent.
At this point, you’re done with their shit and decided to go along with this little bit of theirs. Letting yourself fall forward, you plop down next to bella now levelled with her face. For extra effect you decide to straddle her, placing yourself on top of her.
“oh c’mon now don’t be such a baby” you tease causing them to brush deeply.
“um, uhh don’t be such a baby, don’t you have other bitches you need to be texting rn or something??”
“Isabella may ramsey.”
Her eyes widen at the sudden calling of their full name, knowing you only use it when you’re being stern. She locks your legs together, swiftly swinging their body over yours, pining you down.
“oh is that how we’re play it?”
“yes. yes you jealous baby.”
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
Hello! I just read the thing I requested and I LOVE IT!!! While reading, I was thinking about how tall S/O compared to Ingo would be. I live for tall s/o fr and dw! I love it when the story is long, it just gets me motivated to read more! so while I still have the chance, can I request tall, extremely calm, and works at the subway masc s/o with Ingo and Emmet? (it can be poly, Not blank shipping ofc) - 🚆Anon
man y’all REALLY want to have a
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relationship huh?
I mean… me too though.
I love it, let’s do it!! I just think these pokeguys have had plenty of time to tower over people… if no one is cooking up big spoon reader content, then I’ll do it myself!
Thank you very much for your request, I love the train men haha. And I’m also very glad you enjoyed my previous piece I made for you!! You’re so kind. I’m still very much feeling my way around, trying to figure out what I want from this blog, and y’all have been so sweet. It’s why I feel bad not writing as frequently as I could! I love you guys, my fellow gay yearners out there, y’all are my brothers lmao. I hope you enjoy this one as much as you did the last! (And maybe one day I’ll figure out not just how long I want my actual posts to be, but these intros as well. Too much free space for me to ramble in lmfaooo.) Since you said S/O, I’m going to write this as an established relationship! Also the submas are written as autistic because I’m autistic and I make the rules. Thouuuugh this did end up a little too focused on the twins’ autism coded behavior and I apologize for that. I got a little too into it. But at the same time you can pry autistic submas out of my cold, dead autistic hands I refuse to write them as anything but
The Pillar of Calm — Ingo and Emmet (separately!) with tall, calm depot agent S/O
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⚪️ — Well, no matter what, the most important thing you need to know about him is he loves you verrrrry much!
⚪️ — You two met when you transferred to work at Gear Station after your first long-running job at the Magnet Train station in Johto. Definitely a bit of a culture shock, considering battles are a BIG no-no on those trains, but you figured things out pretty quick. One of the most important parts of adjusting to your new job was, of course, meeting the subway masters to get the proper rundown on how things worked around here, and that’s where it started.
⚪️ — Emmet is a ball of hard-to-contain energy that he constantly needs to express via stimming or just moving around, and even if words aren’t his strong suit, he has a woeful amount of things he wants to say. You being the strong silent type who can somehow keep a level head in any situation and seldom expresses anything, it seems like your personalities would clash horrifically. But when breaks were called around Gear Station, you were one of the first faces Emmet saw as he hopped off the Super Double Line, and you being your grounded self was honestly reassuring to be greeted with after all the stimulation the constant battling is. The more you hung out, the more it became apparent Emmet could just find some calm and steady his tremendous energy with you there to ground him. It ended up becoming a bit of a behind-your-back joke around Gear Station as other depot agents took bets on when one of you would finally stop dragging your feet and ask about being more than friends.
⚪️ — But that was a long time ago. This is the now!
⚪️ — In the same fashion that brought you two together in the first place, you’re one of the first depot agents Emmet sees when he hops off the train for breaks or for closing, and he’ll come bouncing up to you when he sees you. Right away you lock arms—Emmet loves all the excitement of his job, without a doubt, but sometimes he can just overload without even realizing it’s happening. But you’re so stable and your arms are so strong, kind of locking himself to you brings him back down to earth from all the battling adrenaline.
⚪️ — It’s funny watching you two walk hand-in-hand, or with locked arms. You have a very stiff and simple stride and as calm as you are, there are no points of tension or parts of your body that just need to move sometimes. Meanwhile Emmet takes those big, toy soldier-like steps with perfectly straight legs and swings his arms so much, so walking together you’re perfectly still save for whatever arm he’s swinging around with his motions. You’re never bothered, though. It’s all very cute and you don’t mind your arm getting a little sore from Emmet just being Emmet. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
⚪️ — It’s okay that he’s not great with his words or that he can’t script when apart from Ingo if he’s around you. He can talk as much as he wants with no expectations of making sense or proper sentence structure or correct tone. You’re so laid back, you don’t mind any of it. You feel pretty special for being one of the only people on earth who can make Emmet comfortable enough to stray from his usual script and just talk and talk.
⚪️ — Carry him!! If you’re strong enough, that is. When you two get home from a long day of work, you’ll often find your arms full of giggling Emmet. He actually really likes to be held, and not many people are as significantly taller than him as necessary to do that. (Part of the reason why he’s attracted to guys, to be honest. Hold him with those big strong arms!)
⚪️ — Did I mention your calmness is really grounding? Because it is. He knows there’s no judgement with you and you aren’t a struggle to read when you take so much in stride. It’s so rare and strange to say, but Emmet feels like he can make mistakes around you. And have those mistakes not be a bad thing, I mean. He’s always heard of mistakes being learning tools, but they’ve always felt so punishing to him, he never knew why anyone would want to learn through messing up. At least, not until he met you and he realized he could flub his words and commit any social faux pas when he interacts with you, because he knows you won’t judge. You’re safe. When he’s with you, the world isn’t so harsh and judgmental, it doesn’t pick him apart so severely for being “weird” and “different”. It’s so liberating, to feel so safe in making mistakes and knowing you’ll still love him at the end of the day.
⚪️ — And for your part, you struggle feeling strong feelings, especially excitement. So when good things happen, Emmet feels the excitement for the both of you, and his energy definitely seeps over to you! With him around, feelings don’t blend together and fade into each other so easily. He never expects you to change, he loves your calmness, and it only brings him even more delight when you do get excited about something, because that something really must be amazing, then!! It’s just so comforting to have Emmet there and watch him emote for the both of you.
⚪️ — Beyond the actual therapeutic, helpful little things about this behavior, it’s also just adorable. You make that well known, because Emmet likes that you think he’s adorable. Him? Really? Even if his smile is creepy and never goes away, or he’s always tense and shaking around, or his eyes seem too blank or glassy, you think he’s cute? He’s rather insecure about his appearance, actually—he’s been called creepy and weird many times before, mostly regarding his smile and his erratic movements, so hearing you like all that about him is just so, so validating!
⚪️ — You better be a good big spoon because Emmet loves snuggling up to you and being in your arms. If you’re having a bad day, though, your height difference won’t stop him from holding you! He’s lived with Ingo his whole life after all, he’s gotten pretty good at reading fairly minimal indicators of mood since he’s used to going off so little so he always knows how you’re feeling.
⚪️ — Expect a lot of quick shows of physical affection. He’ll crush you in a side-hug for exactly two seconds before running off, he’ll bounce onto his toes to kiss you on the cheek, he’ll nuzzle his head into your shoulder before it‘s about time to get off the couch and head for work, he just likes physical affection and squeezes in it whenever possible. He’s just always very busy, and that applies to just his thought process and usual way of conducting himself, too, but you never complain about his style of affection.
⚪️ — Of course you swap train stories and facts! He’s very fascinated hearing about the Magnet Train, Unova really hasn’t got around to utilizing high-speed railways yet. And if you have any questions about the Battle Subway, he’s happy to answer!
⚪️ — Emmet’s a professional, of course, so he’s not going to be all over you at work, but he doesn’t hide your relationship either. If you’re working his line and he gets off the train in time to spot you, he’ll run over and give you a quick peck before heading off to wherever he’s headed.
⚪️ — Since words aren’t his forte, he uses all these quick shows of affection as his “I love you”s. So Emmet has likely seldom or even never said a verbal “I love you” to you, but that’s okay, because you know that’s what every one of his kisses and hugs mean.
⚪️ — If he’s ever getting overstimulated or just plain riled, you give his hand a comforting squeeze that makes everything slow down a bit.
⚪️ — Ingo loves you, by the way (in a platonic sense). He’s delighted to see someone make his brother so happy, and to see Emmet has found someone he doesn’t have to mask with that’s not just him or Elesa. He would do the classic family move and warn you that you better treat Emmet right, but Ingo doesn’t find that warning necessary. He’s seen you working even before you and Emmet got together and knows you’re not at all fickle about your commitments. He’s not worried.
⚪️ — At the end of a long work day, you can expect to find you and Emmet tangled up in each other’s lanky arms and legs, surrounded by all your Pokemon both on and off the bed. And there Emmet will talk and talk, and probably make no sense while he does it, but that’s alright and he’s just happy to spill his thoughts without worrying about how he structures them. He’ll often go until he’s yawning, at which point you shush your beloved conductor and encourage him to maybe go to sleep.
⚪️ — Before burying his face into your chest or stomach, he’ll mumble out a sleepy “well, next stop: dreamland… aaaall aboooard…!” just because he knows it makes you laugh. You’re so stoic, but he absolutely can make you laugh with ease.
⚪️ — He loves that laugh of yours, because hearing it reminds him how free and happy you two are to express yourselves in the safety of one another’s company.
⚪️ — And when you both wake up in the morning and start getting ready for work all over again, Emmet always manages to find some words with so much less effort than it usually takes him as he barges into the bathroom to help you straighten your tie.
“I am Emmet. And you look verrrrry handsome today.”
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⚫️ — Everything is Emmet’s fault here. I mean… look, he knows that despite what people think, his brother can feel joy and actually feels it quite often, but it can be hard for Ingo to keep up with how upbeat Emmet is and his brother recognizes that as loud as Ingo can get, Ingo is really more built for the quiet and the calm.
⚫️ — (Most of the time. He definitely has his moments, but unlike Emmet he doesn’t have that surplus of energy to always be shaking out. Ingo is just a bit naturally more reserved. He is certainly more verbose than Emmet, but is actually less of a fan of being social than him.)
⚫️ — So knowing he was the personality Ingo spent the most time around, Emmet really got to thinking his brother needed someone who matched his energy levels better. In general, he thinks Ingo needs someone! It makes him verrrry sad, but he knows challengers approach him much more often than Ingo solely because his outward demeanor is more approachable to people. And by god, Emmet is determined to get more people as loud and proud members of the Ingo fan club.
⚫️ — Unceremoniously shoving his poor brother into you, a complete stranger who Emmet deemed to match Ingo’s “vibes”—at their workplace no less!—was probably not the ideal way to go about it, but you guys are dating now so it really is Emmet’s last laugh this time.
⚫️ — Ingo is very quiet and slow with his affection—at least, when he wants to be. There’s a time for words, definitely, but he honestly spins his wheels endlessly when he does talk and considering he has to take charge in that department for both his and Emmet’s sake, he likes being able to wind down with you.
⚫️ — (Definitely not me gay yearning looking up all different types of cuddles but) He likes to sleep in the sweetheart’s cradle position with you. Being nestled in your arms is very comforting for him, and when he can’t sleep, being so close let’s himself get lost in… well, you. He’ll trace his fingers across your skin, just focusing on the texture, listen to your heartbeat as he lays his head on your chest, or bury his head in your side and try and figure out what that body wash you used is supposed to smell like. He can be a restless sleeper, as his mind’s always buzzing every which way, but he always drifts back off eventually when he’s with you.
⚫️ — He does get a little embarrassed about how clingy he can get and how much he wants to be held, though, but you’re just there to love him even if he gets a little flustered about it.
⚫️ — Not huge on PDA because of his self conscious-ness, and NONE at all if you’re at work. This is a professional environment, after all! Of course, you’re so calm and laid back, that’s not an issue for you. Hey, whatever he wants.
⚫️ — Ingo loves his brother, he loves him more than life itself, but despite being identical twins they don’t see eye-to-eye on everything—Emmet’s excitability and energy being something Ingo doesn’t really have. He can get into those moods and does like excitement from time to time, but as much as he adores his job, the constant excitement can be a little much and he can rely on you for some quiet and calm in his life. He doesn’t need to maximize his energy and put on a show to be enough for you.
⚫️ — You’re so quiet, sometimes he worries his lack of volume control upsets you. He’s always so loud, and you’re… not. But you’re okay with him that way, you tell him you understand that’s a hard thing for him to control and the boisterous voice is something you love, anyway. It’s so uniquely him, just something you can hear and smile to yourself about as you think “yep, that’s Ingo”.
⚫️ — Also a bit nervous about publicly being in a relationship, but hey, you’re willing to take it at whatever pace he’s most comfortable with!
⚫️ — You use your height to your advantage, doing stuff that flusters him often—because you know for all his huffing about it, he loves the attention. You swipe his hat sometimes at home and tousle his hair, only to plop it back down all the way over his eyes. You put your arms around his waist when he’s not looking and lift him up, just a little bit—that move is especially useful when Ingo is overworking himself, because he’s literally powerless in that situation and will just hang there, defeated while you carry him somewhere else like you’re a child with an oversized teddy bear.
⚫️ — You and Emmet are some of the only people who can get a real smile out of him. He absolutely still enjoys himself and feels a good amount of joy daily, he just seldom smiles to express it. But you and Emmet are both capable of pushing him into such a good mood, the corners of his mouth twitch up a little bit into his unique half-smile. (Ingo is very self conscious about how unnatural it looks, but you think he’s adorable and it kills him a little every time when you compliment his smile in spite of him growing up hating it. So with how good of a mood he already has to be in in order to get that tiny smile in the first place, that mood only soars higher once you start complimenting said smile. Very pleasant situation he can get himself stuck in.)
⚫️ — Will happily invite you to join him for safety checks on his lines, and even though he’s very much a “no romantic interactions at work” kind of guy, he’s guaranteed to happily infodump about the trains if it’s just the two of you. He’s thankful you’re such a good listener.
⚫️ — One of his favorite shows of affection to you is kissing the back of your hand, especially to say goodbye whenever you need to part ways—and no, he definitely doesn’t go after your hand because he can’t reach your face.
⚫️ — I feel like both he and Emmet need regular reminders to take care of themselves, but Ingo is definitely the more stubborn one in that department, at least when it comes to the business/paperwork side of running the Battle Subway. Emmet throws every ounce of his energy into the battles he loves so much and is so tired by the end of the day, Ingo doesn’t want to make him do it! But in convincing him to step away from work, he’ll at least begrudgingly listen to you.
⚫️ — The only time Ingo’s voice is at its true quietest is at night, when you two are laying next to each other in bed. Your fingers running through his hair, his hand laced with yours, you’re used to him half-consciously mumbling about his feelings when he’s close to falling to sleep, because Ingo’s a sentimental dork and the sleepier he gets, the harder it is for him to hold back rambling like an idiot. He can’t help it! He compensates for his lack of physical emoting by always outright stating what he’s feeling and thinking—at least, most of the time—and though he’s never dishonest about how strong his feelings for you are, a tired Ingo is the sappiest Ingo.
“Mmh… I love you… so much…”
“I love you too, Ingo.”
“I’m so… lucky to have a man like you in my life…”
“You’re sweet.”
“I just love you so much…! With all of my heart…”
“I do too, Ingo. But you should go to sleep now, really.”
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Guys, gals and non-binary pals, I have caught up on my inbox!
Thanks for all the thoughtful messages and interesting asks, unfortunately also had to delete a few from trolls (I think a few of us got these from people who were quite aggressively pushing the idea that Karlie and the girl squad were a PR strategy…🙄)
Reminder that you will never get a response from me if you are trying to force an opinion on others or just want to belittle or hate on people with different beliefs to you. Also, in case I haven’t said it before, I won’t be discussing anything about Taylor’s relationship with her parents, her own parenting, any potential past relationships or anything considered too personal or invasive (by my own judgment). I’m here for kaylor content and anything these two do professionally, as well as other cute and interesting gay shit. And to the sweet lovely person who said they take what I write as gospel, please don’t, I post that stuff to encourage discussion and invite discourse, not be cause I think I have all the answers (I don’t!).
One message I didn’t mean to delete was from an anon who sounded genuinely confused about what some people throw at us with such venom and conviction. Sorry I deleted your message, anon, let me say this to you:
1. Sadly, a lot of people hate kaylors (swifties and gaylors alike) and will express this quite vigorously so if you’re new here, I’m sorry to say this will happen periodically.
2. When it does, remember you don’t need to dignify hate with a response. If anybody calls you stupid or crazy, just walk away. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I AM NOT HERE TO CONVINCE ANYBODY. Believe whatever you like but this is a kaylor safe space.
3. You were asking about the ‘Karlie and the squad were PR’ anons. Honestly, I have no problem with people believing that if that’s what they’re convinced by. I will just have to disagree. In case you were wondering how to react to people presenting ‘facts’ so aggressively, let’s look at them. (Note, none of my trolls presented any actual facts or evidence, just opinions).
4. If anybody presents me any new actual information, I will look at it. That’s how critical discourse works. I have to say that not a lot I see has changed my opinion though. Yes, Tree started working with Taylor in 2014 which was the time of the girl squad. Yes that was a change in public image, possibly to get rid of the ‘serial dater’ image her previous PR team had created. But that’s where the facts end. If the VS fashion show to immediate best friends pipeline looks weird or fabricated, that’s because it was. That I will agree on. But it seems more likely to me that that was because this was a launchpad for the ‘gf as bestie’ story because Taylor was sick of hiding her love away totally and that was a middle ground that worked for a while. If people want to believe that a PR team would hire a gay woman to play another gay woman’s best friend to get rid of the boy-crazy image that said gay woman had because she had too many short-term beards, but also to make her casual gf jealous… sure, believe that if you want but don’t call us crazy next time. And in terms of it ‘working’, no it didn’t work, much the opposite actually. Taylor never lost so much of her ‘relatability appeal’ than when people thought all of her friends are rich white supermodels. She built an image on being the girl next door/ the one on the bleachers/ not the cheerleader/wears jeans and T-shirts and could be your bestie that a lot of other girls could relate to. She lost a lot of that in the girl squad era when people were suddenly shocked that a beautiful rich woman is mostly friends with other beautiful rich people. So, no, it did nothing for her image if that was the plan. And btw, although the squad may have disappeared, Taylor is still friends with all the same people now that she was shamed for hanging out with then. Lily, Cara, Martha, Gigi - she may not walk the streets with them anymore on a daily basis, but she’s very much still friends with a lot of models, almost like her partner works in fashion ;) Hope that answers your question.
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magnumdays · 2 years
Magnum PI 5.04 - ‘NSFW’ review
I think this might be my new favourite episode! Seriously, this had all the bits I love and nothing I didn’t so doesn’t that make it the perfect Magnum PI episode? I’m inclined to think so...
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Everyone be Worrying (this be da theme of the week?)
So maybe a strange thing to start off with but this episode has a lot of worrying about each other. Higgy worries about Thomas (hand touching again!), Thomas worries about the guys, Gordy worries enough to risk his career, TC’s girl notices and is worried, Rick worries that he wasn’t there for Ruthie and even the case is, at the core about worrying something has happened.
I did really enjoy Higgy being worried, though I can’t decide why the line“I don’t want anything to happen to you, especially now.” is bugging me. Just a little.
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Like sure, I get that things are different, but would she really have been that much less devastated six months ago if he got hurt? It just felt a little strange for some reason to me. I did love that we finally got another Miggy kiss, and they’re being so super adorable with the kissing and banter and worrying! Just making my day.
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Also is Thomas/Jay saying “now I don’t want to go” not the sexiest thing anyone has ever said? Like what did he do to make his voice all raspy and grrr? Very much enjoyed. Big time enjoyed. Can’t wait for more because damn NBC you’re killing it with the Miggy content. Like it’s just perfectly woven into the rest of the episode.
The Case
So I think I cared the most about this case out of the four we’ve had so far this season. We can see that the client Jordan really is concerned about Sandra both on a personal level and because if she’s not there for the big meeting the company might go under. A company doing good thing, possibly being at the forefront of clean energy.
So yeah, half meeting in, I care about Sandra and this company and I want everything to work out.
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Spoilers - things do not work out - neither for Sandra, Jordan or (I’m assuming) the company.
I enjoyed both Magnum and Higgins investigating, Magnum pretending to be ‘Tom’ and Higgy hacking and checking garbage and just them putting things together. 
Leaving it a little ambiguous with if the prosecutor ended up going after Jordan or Zoe was an interesting deviation from the normal ‘justice is always served’ theme of Magnum PI. Will, the janitor guy was saved from being falsely incarcerated though which is very on brand. 
Little sad about the energy company presumably going belly up. It would have been interesting if the Mom had confessed and then maybe part of her motivation could have been ‘this way the company lives on’ even as she took the fall. Because it did sound like she was into creating it too and cared about Sandra too.
Wonder if we get to see Zoe again. There was something a little sweet-creepy about her... and she did kill Sandra and is going to get away scot free. Wonder what that does to a person... (she could be a odd sort of return bad guy for season 6. Maybe.) Also how would it be like to live with your kid knowing she’d killed your husband’s mistress? Weird I’m guessing.
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Ruthie & Rick
I thought this was a really interesting dynamic, like Rick expects screw-up Ruth but she’s grown up and even has the audacity of having kept a secret from him for decades(?)! Rick goes from worrying what’s wrong and how he might help her to worrying about not having been clued in, to worrying about not having been good enough/been what she needed. In the end she shows she very much thinks of him as someone very important to her by asking her to give her away at her wedding.
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It showed up a bit of a different side to Rick, which was nice, we got a feels plot + positive representation and a kind of interesting take on how someone might feel about a person coming out. Rick isn’t upset about her being gay but about the secret and not having known. I really liked that, because it showcases that you can be okay with someone’s sexuality but still struggle when you learn something surprising about someone you’re close to and maybe feel sad and upset they didn’t trust you sooner. I think. 
Also I want to meet Tammy now. She seems like a blast.
TC & Mahina (Cade)
So we finally got word Cade is coming back! I’m looking forward to that and I’m loving how sweet TC and Mahina are and it’s nice to see TC having someone look out for him. I hope we get to see more of Mahina, maybe something with her job as a fire fighter (I do remember that right and she was a fire fighter right?)
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Greene case
So Gordon getting Magnum the case file *chef’s kiss* that just shows how different things are now and how important the Ohana has become to our favourite (ex) cop.
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I like that it’s in every episode so far, but in the background enough to not be super distracting. Still it’s very present and great to have as an extra incentive for people to come back and follow along each week to see how it develops. So far doing that great, much better than earlier seasons where the bad guy of the season tended to just be forgotten for a few episodes and then randomly pop up again.
Already mentioned the worrying, which I loved, and I like that Thomas is letting people in and admitting to being worried and scared and yeah, being set on facing things together. I think that’s important and I hope we get something similar, like a moment, with Higgy where she’s also ‘we’ll do it together’ because she’s always been so determined to go at everything alone too. She’s very much a protector, as we saw in this, when she tried to make Magnum stay back at the office and be ‘safe’. I’m excited to see where this Greene case goes and how it all ties back to what they did on that mission in Afghanistan. 
Next Week!
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We finally getting our lift-kiss scene and we got TC and Rick starting to really get suspicious (at least if the trailer is for next weeks episodes is to be believed). Also Magnum still has Roberto II! The mouse is making a comeback as well as Zeus and Apollo! 
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totallylesbians · 11 months
Hi. only if you knew.... I am an israeli, gay woman, who follows you, I think, for years now... I really like your regular content, and I really respect you as a person. But, you know nothing (!!) about what is happening here. please, the whole world needs to understand. WE ARE NOT FIGHTING AGAINST PALESTINIAN PEOPLE. WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST A DENGEROUS TERRORISM ARGANISATION. and you know what? we also do it for them. they deserve to live free from Hamas and it irresponsible actions who leads to the lose of thousands of lives, both sides. And another thing that you don't know now, is that we are doing it for you, too. the whole western world. because if we won't stop them now, you are the one they are going to knock on it's door next.... and when this will happen, only then you will understand... but if this time comes, it is definitely too late.... wishing you the best, I hope one day you will see the truth. AM ISRAEL HAI - עם ישראל חי
I apologize for my misunderstandings about what’s going on. You’re right, I know nothing of what is happening. All I know is what I see in the news and other media. I have no firsthand experience with any of it. I hope I never do. I sympathize with those who have experienced it and/or are currently experiencing it.
I’ll be honest, I probably won’t ever fully understand what’s going on exactly. I was only trying to show support to the innocents who are losing their lives over, what seems to me as, nothing.
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saaraofthesand · 1 year
My Thoughts on The Sun and The Star.
I’ve organized my thoughts into some lists. Enjoy.
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I polled my followers and they said they wanted this so you can’t get mad at me.
I must first emphasize that at 20 years old, I’m hardly this book’s target audience. I am fully aware of that.
Second, this book is fine. It’s not bad, it’s not insulting to queer people, but it’s also not the most interesting work of fiction I’ve ever read.
Third, I never finished the Trials of Apollo. I don’t think it hugely affected my reading experience with this one as I’d read all 10 of the other books and could use context clues for anything I didn’t know about. But I thought I should mention it.
Fourth, a lot of my problems with this book have also been present in all of Rick Riordan’s books post-pjo. So, these aren’t new.
Fifth, I went into this book with basically zero expectations. I’m not active in the pjo fandom (this is an anime blog), so I wasn’t seeing the book hyped up or anything. Before this, I’d basically only talked about it with my family and friends. I also don’t really read pjo fanfics. I have because I’ve gotten curious before, but I haven’t read enough to know about general fanon interpretations of characters.
Nico has been my favorite PJO character since I was a kid (yes I grew up gay with abandonment issues shut up), so I was excited for this book.
The queerness is well done. There isn’t any “othering” of Nico, Will, or their relationship due to their queerness.
We got Italian! Nico moments, which I’ve been wanting more of since forever, so I’m happy about that. They did an okay job rounding out Will’s character. And Nico and Will’s relationship got a lot of good exposition (even if I felt that they were unrealistically mature about it). Nico’s experiences with homophobia felt very real.
Okay, now on to my critics:
Without a doubt my biggest criticism of this book is that it is very clearly fanservice. It doesn’t exist because it has a story to tell. It exists because fans wanted more Nico and Will content.
I didn’t like that the book was written from third person. I had this same critic of the Heroes of Olympus books. Rick Riordan’s strength has always been first person POVs, starting with the original PJO series. I feel like the funny chapter names, the breaking of the fourth wall, the sidebars, etc. are the reason that Rick’s prose stands out. A first person perspective is the reason the books are as funny as they are. And this book lacked that spark.
The choice to write from third person is part of what contributes to the fanfiction-esque writing style of this book. As someone who both reads and writes fanfiction, I can tell you that almost all fanfics are written from third person. This is because, for the most part, the characters you’re writing are not your own. First person is way too intimate a POV for that type of writing, and it’s why most fanfic authors don’t use it. That’s what I feel like is happening here. Oshiro is writing characters that aren’t theirs, and that means they can’t bring the intimacy of a first person POV or even a more intimate third person POV.
The book is also very on the nose with its themes and ideas. Generally, this is fine in this type of literature. This is a piece of middle-grade fiction. The target audience is middle schoolers. But also, middle schoolers can pick up on subtext. They’re young, not illiterate. There was far too much telling when they were already showing.
A good example is the title of the book. It’s very clear that “The Sun” is Will and “The Star” is Nico. I assumed that before I even opened the book. That imagery is incredibly obvious, so the authors don’t need to state it in the text. But… they do. Bob refers to Will and Nico as “My sun and star.” It was one of the moments in the book that really made me cringe.
The book has major pacing issues and is too long. I felt like it was going on forever. There were full scenes and segments that I think could’ve been cut without affecting the plot.
This book really put on display that even though Will and Nico work as boyfriends, they don’t work as partners. This contrasts Percy and Annabeth, who do work really well together since they were partners first. But Nico and Will are so bad at working together that their quest dynamic isn’t fun.
Generally, I don’t love the characterization in this book.
Nico and Will are supposed to be on this dark, dangerous quest. One so horrible no one would ever want to undertake it. It’s the House of Hades (Nyx’s Version). Except it really isn’t. It felt like they wanted to make it more psychological than the previous books, but they also weren’t totally willing to commit to everything that would entail.
Despite all the fluff in the book, it takes itself just a little too seriously. Nico and Will are 15-16. I feel like they could have had more fun with it while still tackling darker themes. Again, I know Riordan is capable of this because *gestures at the original PJO books*
Nico and Will have this weirdly mature outlook on their relationship that doesn’t fit their ages.
We don’t get PJO-esque jokes until 80% of the way through the book (yes, I kept track). There’s the “Travel Brochure” joke and the “Saturday Sundae” joke during the Nyx confrontation. Both of which invoked the feeling of reading the original Percy Jackson books. I got really excited.
Immediately after those jokes this became one of the cringiest books I’ve ever read. And I do not care to elaborate on that because I’m just happy that the book is over at this point.
Lastly, I wasn’t sure where to put this, but I read it, so now, you have to too. “‘Will, he said it has to be both of us,’ said Nico. Will hesitated at first, but an epiphany dawned in him, and his eyes went wide. ‘Together,’ he said.” After reading this, I immediately recoiled in disgust and went “UGH!” And there are multiple lines like this in the book. Absolutely horrible -7563/10. Rick, never allow another sentence like that into one of your books again. This isn’t YA. You can’t be throwing lines like that at me out of nowhere.
In conclusion:
I’ve seen people saying the criticisms of this book are the result of homophobia and… y’all no they aren’t. Most of the people I’ve seen criticizing the book are queer, including me! I’m tired of this idea that queer people just have to appreciate whatever representation they’re given without having any criticisms about it because at least it’s something. No! If Nico and Will were a straight couple, I’d still have the exact same critics of this book. I’m gay and it’s my godgiven right to dislike books that focus on gay people if the stories aren’t good.
Something that I do think is sad here is that Oshiro’s name is now on this substandard book forever. They’re a new author, and they don’t deserve that. Rick Riordan will be fine if this book isn’t received well, but Oshiro is less likely to be. That upsets me deeply as a queer writer myself. That sucks. I hate that. Go check out their books instead of this one tbh.
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Cuddles (8) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six
a new state of mind (ao3) - sunflowerwitches
Summary: the morning of dan's thirtieth birthday
A Sleepless Night With Phil (ao3) - Not_Dans_Secret_Account
Summary: A jet-lagged Sleepless Night With Phil
and they were (not) roommates (ao3) - dakogutin
Summary: dan wakes up in the hufflepuff dorms
Come home (ao3) - minev
Summary: Domestic, so beautifully domestic. It's the simple things in life. The dancing on the balcony, the kissing in front of the Christmas tree, the cuddles from behind and doing the washing together. These things make life so enjoyable. Sometimes the simple things in life make you realise why you’re still living.
comforts of home (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil always feel cozy and content when they visit the north. Especially after it’s been almost two years.
(Or, them snuggling in Phil’s parents’ guest room bed and reflecting on life.)
do you feel it too? (ao3) - heartsopenminds
Summary: A bad break-up has left Phil scared of getting his heart broken again. He’s not ready to date, but he’s missing the easy affection of a long-term relationship.
Cuddle therapy might be the perfect way to get what he needs, with no strings attached. But what happens when that’s no longer enough?
go your own way (I'd give you my world) (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: “I’m Dan,” said Dan.
Phil could not look away from him. He thought that Dan was probably the prettiest boy he had ever seen. “I’m Phil,” he said back, because it was polite to introduce oneself to people, otherwise they would remain a stranger. “Phil Lester.”
And so they became friends.
or: a Forrest Gump AU where Phil slowly falls for his best friend as the years go by, but Dan loses himself to the world and his past.
good things (ao3) - lyricallyharley
Summary: Dan can't sleep, so he indulges Phil in some late night cuddles and a little game.
Hold me in the darkness (ao3) - Archive (Curlylinguist)
Summary: Even after the move, Dan still gets anxiety dreams about Norman. Fortunately, as always, Phil is there to comfort him.
It's home (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: A day in the life of Dan and his smitten ice-cream vendor boyfriend Phil, living on the coast of Connemara, Ireland
Lazy Cuddles (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: a fic based on the lazy days comic by usagi!
Of Racing Hearts and Weighted Blankets (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil wakes up with anxiety coursing through his body and finds that Dan is a pretty good weighted blanket.
Other (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Phil’s journey of being gay except it’s completely made up by me
soft (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Phil still can't really believe how soft the material of his Tarot shirt is. He can't really believe how good it looks on Dan.
Together Again (ao3) - LivingVicarioslyThroughDaydreams
Summary: This is Dan’s moment, and Phil is more than happy to let him have this time. So when Dan calls every night, gushing with energy and excitement, Phil doesn’t tell him how he wants to be with him, how he misses him so much. He only smiles and laughs along and tells Dan how proud of him he is.
But now Dan is coming home, back to him. He almost feels selfish with how excited he is. Today though, he’ll allow it. Dan has had his time to find himself, but today: today will be just for them. Together again.
(Phil's perspective on missing Dan and being reunited with him)
We balance each other out on the seesaw of life (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil had dragged Dan to Isle of Man after his return home from tour. The sea air would do him good (even if it gave him hobbit hair) and he could be surrounded by Phil's family (who were his family too). He hadn’t actively planned to drag him onto a seesaw on a playground but it turned out to be a precious moment all the same.
Welcome home! (never leave that long again) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes home from tour and stumbles right into Phil’s arms. He is more touch starved than he’d realised.
When Jokes Go Too Far (ao3) - blissedoutphil
Summary: "i hate men but i want them to touch me"
- actual Dan on twitter
so this fic is based on that lmao
When You Leave Me (I'm Not Going Anywhere) (ao3) - fisshhhh
Summary: Sometimes the thoughts are just too much. Sometimes Dan breaks. Sometimes he finds himself drowning on the kitchen floor, unwilling to ask for help and too insecure to think that anyone would want to help him anyway. Luckily, Phil loves him.
Set in 2009 or early 2010, shortly after they met.
Basically, Dan has a panic attack and Phil is there for him. A little dark but with a fluffy ending.
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
for the fanfic asks: 1, 8, 13, 20, 23, 25, 29, 43, 46, 72, 79 💚
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike? most fics come to me in forms of dreaming while im trying to sleep, so yes. the one good thing about insomnia currently is that i get to rotate so many blorbos and scenarios in my head that i have a lot of content to write lol
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip. i have like. one current wip in docs that i might work on again at some point so here. technically its not a spoiler since its the whole premise of the fic buuuut
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13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently? pretty much always? i focus better when i have matching vibes, unless im having a sensory moment but usually then i cant really write either honestly. "puppet master" is my current playlist on loop, its just my two kip playlists combined into one to fit the mood of immortal fears lol
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics? pretty much all my stuff in canon divergent on some level honestly, so i guess aus? not in a very obvious sense of aus but yeah. tho i do love me some extra sad aus too, post apocalyptic aus my beloved.....
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest? middle part is the easiest, ending is the hardest cause i either never know when to end a story or how to end a story like. i want to have that final impact and sometimes its so hard to pinpoint where that should be. middle is just a good flow usually if i get that far and thats where all the good ideas usually happen so its my favorite <3
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)? probably the writing itself. like i can have a shit ton of good, even great ideas while brainstorming or outlining things, but usually the biggest things happen while im actually putting the words down. i really enjoy it when the story just flows and how it comes together. also i have discovered i absolutely loathe the editing part LOL
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of? personally i think i can bring emotions to life really well. be it happy or sad (mostly sad tho i love my sad depressed uncomfortable bitches), i feel like i have the words for them that fit
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet? hmmmmm i dont really know? i mean i have plenty of ideas sitting in my drafts and in my brain and stuff, but i dont really think i have a lot that i absolutely NEED to write. maybe that one bunnelope fic i wanted to do about a love potion gone wrong cause girls need to be gay or something
46. If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life, what would it be? once again - post apocalyptic au my beloved. anything that takes place "after the world ends" in one way or another is my shit. gimme all the post apocalyptic hell i crave for
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten? basically every time someone says i nailed a character im writing for the first time. cause i take a lot of pride and put in the effort to try to give them each their own voice and i study my materials and yeah. ..hence also why im so hesitant so often to write about new people cause i am a perfectionist when it comes to characterization especially ajksdnkjasd
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share? this we discovered last week to be a really functional advice so: if you dont know how to start writing a scene, put someone in a room. make them enter a space, and start from there - why are they there, who else is there, what is their purpose in that space, what is that space?
also first drafts dont need to be perfect, everything can be edited in post, even after you post the thing if youre planning on doing so. hell some published novels have typos in them, let alone nonsensical writing and storylines. you dont need to be perfect, as long as you are writing
and obviously you are your own audience first and foremost. write for yourself yo fuck the rest (unless the rest are into it too then thats great but you should still write for yourself first and consider everything else second lol)
fanfic writing asks ~
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sloppinjimmy · 2 years
Thank you @zurdoabsurdo for the tag!! Love you zurds and your big brain Kim/jimmy/Marco takes mwah
What’s your favorite movie that you saw in theaters this year? A family member took me to see Singing in the Rain in theaters for the 75th anniversary; was pleasantly surprised and the blatant poly-coding of the main three was enough to keep me engaged almost the whole time
What do you usually wear? Black or blue hoodie, black adidas joggers, black socks and slides
How tall are you? 5’6
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? I’m an Aries! Apparently, in 1954, my birthday was “the most boring day since the dawn of the 20th Century.” Also I had to look up which anniversary of Singing in the Rain happened this year to answer the first question and learned that this movie initially released on my birthday
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? My family usually calls me by my childhood nickname, but everyone else it’s just my name
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? Not yet, but I believe I will
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? Nope. The only crush I have (that isn’t an unattainable celebrity) is a middle aged German man I met one (1) time that happened to be a family member’s boss and who now lives on a whole other continent
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? Good at crocheting, bad at singing
Dogs or cats? Extremely allergic to both but I’m more of a dog person
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? Umm it’s annoying but true so I have to say that I’m generally unhappy with the art I’ve made because I feel like I could do better, but in the spirit of the question, I’m gonna go with my dad nacho drawing because I feel like it opened the door to meet so many cool people and I wouldn’t have had that chance without it
What’s something you would like to create content for? Within BCS: definitely marco/jimmy and Marco/jimmy/kim. Outside of BCS: Barry for FUCKING sure, maybe arrested development. I need to watch more tv and film in general but I’ve been especially itching to do some sad gay MOPI stuff
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? I mean I’m normal so… you’re definitely not going to find me pouring over every morsel of lore that my favorite actors drop about themselves and their perspectives on life and how they got to where they are today. I definitely don’t do that for hours upon hours every day because I’m normal
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? I was excited to start my small business but I’ve (predictably) gotten bored of it and want to do something else. I’m always chasing a new passion that I want my entire life to be about but I always move on to the next thing before I can give myself enough time to cultivate something truly meaningful or noteworthy
What’s a hidden talent of yours? I can juggle one-handed. Also hole tricks
Are you religious? Nope!
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? Boring answer but enough money to go to college ahjdhajdhwjdi
Thank you again zurdo!! Tagging @bluewaterlily
@alcompasdemicaballo @locosalamanca @rosayoro @watasemasaru and gab when she’s reprieved from exile
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I posted 2,745 times in 2022
That's 2,745 more posts than 2021!
194 posts created (7%)
2,551 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 102 of my posts in 2022
#johnlock - 21 posts
#fanfiction - 11 posts
#bbc sherlock - 6 posts
#hesperfic - 5 posts
#apologies if this is not the regular johnlock content you're interested in - 4 posts
#sherlock holmes - 3 posts
#fic writing - 3 posts
#sherlock - 2 posts
#scapegoat - 2 posts
#fic recs - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i saw someone write of holmes/watson that their bond is not the drama the drama is the rest of the world and that's what i really aim for
My Top Posts in 2022:
johnlock prompts per request!
“I didn’t think you felt… things, that way.”
“That’s your problem, you know. You don’t see me, do you?”
After nearly getting sniped at the pool, John noticed Sherlock’s attempts at being more tactile with him; almost like he needs to check that he’s really there, that he’s not wired, that he’s okay. John is struck by a new realization. Does he need to update his data on Sherlock’s heart?
*screams* I am very sorry this took so long! I wasn't expecting to be a busy person and also I made the mistake again of thinking I could write shorter little bits and also I am thinking CONSTANTLY of Sherlock "like a little lost child" in John's blog!!!!
Anyway here is my answer to this: two idiots slowly navigating things you'd think would be obvious. <3 Thank you for the prompt! I hope you enjoy! <3
54 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
genuinely what the fuck happened between tab (peak) and *gestures at whatever tf s4 was*
59 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
some johnlock fic recs of a morning
Though Greater Far, Is Innocent : penumbra. The episodic life of Sherlock and John, lovers.
A Symphony of Chemical Reactions : what_alchemy. Sherlock prepares for John a feast, in typically Sherlockian fashion.
Hitting the Water at Sixty Miles an Hour : what_alchemy. A Holmes family road trip for Mummy’s birthday. Mycroft is appalling, Sherlock is chaos, and John is caught up in it all.
The Important Bit : solshine. Sherlock is asexual. They’re married anyway.
subterfuge isn’t subterfuge if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing : scullyseviltwin. Idiots (lovers) (affectionate).
The Dead Detective : DiscordantWords. John in limbo, til he meets someone in hell.
House of Light : algyswinburne. A post-S4 fic with NO TFP and NO Rosie, which is exactly the kind of S4 content I want, thank GOD there’s some somewhere. (This is urgently a request for more, fandom.) More fake dating to appease Mummy Holmes.
Matchmaking for Solitary Animals : arwa_machine. John moves back into Baker Street, and discovers Sherlock’s new sex life. He resolves to find the man a real boyfriend. This is a mistake.
Brief Conversations with the Woman : May_Shepard. Irene’s more helpful than she seems.
Will probably update this when I find a charger that works on my ancient kindle from the early years of the fandom. There are some lost treasures saved on there, I suspect...
69 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
It’s finally done! Fun fact: if I spent the vast majority of my 40-hours the past two weeks writing this, does that mean I had a full time job writing slash?
Original prompt: “could you write a ficlet where sherlock and john go to a gay bar on a case and sherlock fits right in and john is confused (or vice verda i’m very unfussed)?“
I think I drifted slightly away from the point here...but they do in fact both fit right in and confuse each other, so, uh, double points, right? Right??? 
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@thearchivistswilltolive​​ @totallysilvergirl​​  (I hope it’s cool if I tag you I feel like you will appreciate certain things about this)
In which there is a romance, healing, affirmation, and a *Fall Out Boy voice* god-damned denouement.
113 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
captain john watson, md, veteran of maiwan, kandahar, and bart's bloody hospital and we're really meant to believe he's so bad at his own job that he'd fall for the nonsense of "yeah this bullet in my heart? meant to let me live ofc ofc that's how gunshot wounds work and not at all a load of horse tripe"
we're meant to believe he'd ever forgive someone who nearly stole sherlock from him a second time? we're meant to believe he'd just be fine with all that?
we're meant to believe that he'd forgive it so completely he'd ever almost kill sherlock himself for the sake of this lying, cruel, murdering person who said herself she only wants to "keep" him? we're meant to accept that he watched his best friend flatline on the table and managed to get comfy with that?
never mind johnlock, even the friends i'm not in love with i would not forgive the murder of. and i'm a much milder person than john. seriously what the fuck was any of that
137 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fanfiction.net Masterlist 2
part one
Access Granted - Elorapid pepper/tony T, 23k
Summary: A series of "firsts" for Pepper and Tony. Movieverse. Pepperony, eventually. Please note rating change. Complete.
Curiosity - serenelystrange T, 2k
Summary: In which Clint's curiosity gets the better of him, Bruce and Tony are Science!Bros, and Steve may or may not be having a Big Gay Crisis. Written because even though I love me some science!boyfriends, I have love for Tony/Steve, too. Clint/Natasha in their way , Tony/Steve, Bruce, Thor, Fury, Coulson. Clint POV. Please don't hate it, :D Feedback is love, and always appreciated.
Days of Future Past - daro-jesse steve/natasha T, 3k
Summary: Still thinking about that brief kiss he shared with Natasha, Captain Rogers finds himself back in his apartment remembering a night six months ago that would have changed everything between him and the Black Widow - if she would only admit to remembering it! One-shot. Lots of fluff. CaptainAmerica/BlackWidow.
Drawing Near To Your Heart - NCISVILLE pepper/tony T, 9k
Summary: Pepper just broke up with her boyfriend and needs a plus one pronto for her brother's wedding. When she enlists the help of her boss, Tony Stark, will they draw closer together like he wants?
Evidence - Elorapid pepper/tony T, 4k
Summary: The evidence for the case of Pepper Potts, who is undoubtedly in love with Tony Stark. Now if only she could control herself. Pepperony, two part fic.
Memories of Tony - spoodle monkey steve/tony T, 4k
Summary: In a last ditch attempt to bring Captain America back, Tony trades every memory Steve has of him, for Steve's life. Tony/Steve
Out of Ice, Into the Fall - BitterSweetTeller T, 2k
Summary: Steve Rogers has already secured getting back the Scepter to Avengers HQ. But, he's not going right back to Avengers HQ...because he realizes he can't just let Natasha and Clint fight each other for the Soul Stone. A alternate ending for Avengers: Endgame. Rated Teen for tragic character death, at least some action, and suggestive content.
Outsiders - CoolnRainy pepper/tony G, 3k
Summary: An outsider's point of view of Tony and Pepper's developing relationship.
Puppy eyes - Polaris Stella G, 6k
Summary: Peter finds a puppy, in an alley and his need to help, forbids him to abandon it. Therefore he decides to bring it to the Stark Tower - without permission. Peter now has to find a way to keep the puppy hidden from Tony. How hard can that be? Well, when you’re cursed with Parker-luck, it can be VERY hard. Luckily he has two Gods to help him, but what is the cost?
Seven Times Over - robot iconography pepper/tony T, 7k
Summary: Seven different ways a "stable-ish" relationship might play out. Post-IM2.
Sokovia and Spiders - magickhajiit T, 28k
Summary: At fifteen Peter Parker took on the mantel of Spiderman. Three years later, after a tragedy in the superhero community, the hastily passed Superhuman Registration Act leads to a bitter divide in the public, the Avenger's premature breakup and to Peter being hunted like a common criminal.
The Hawk And The Falcon - ozhawk clint/sam T, 882
Summary: What happened when Hawkeye met The Falcon. As seen through the eyes of Steve Rogers. Rated T for language, but otherwise reasonably kid-safe.
The MIT Years (Live Aid Episode) - Takada Saiko rhodey/tony T, 12k
Summary: It's 1985. Tony Stark hijacks a Stark Industries plane to drag Rhodey to the Live Aid Concert, Howard and Peggy chase down an elusive former Hydra operative, and Daniel Sousa struggles with difficult news after retirement. Script format.
The Other One - Marilyn Cane natasha/tony T, 6k
Summary: Pepper sees more than she likes to admit. Natasha/Tony.
To Hold And To Have - PupiloDeJP natasha/tony T, 18k
Summary: Complex and bumpy, their relationship is quirky. The more the fun, the more to love. Natasha/Tony
Watchful, Angry, Panic - Radiant Arabian Nights M, 11k
Summary: For many people it was lucky that Tony kept an eye on SHIELD when Natasha did the data dump. Tony immediately steps into action to save the compromised Agents. He spends hours picking up the pieces of what Steve, Natasha and Fury did. What will Tony say when he sees them next? After all he is so angry at them for putting peoples lives on the line…Three Shot
Westview through the eyes of a Witch - Maerlynn Romanova G, 14k
Summary: When Agatha Harkness feels the small spark of chaos magic, she goes to find the source. Her plan is to take care of them as a way to let Wanda her magic grow, with the intention to harness it for herself when it's strong enough. When years pass, she can't help but feel like a mother figure towards Wanda. Then the hex happenes...
When, in Disgrace - GwendolynStacy T, 3k
Summary: "You're wrong." Steve wished he'd just kept his mouth shut. "I'm not- not- I'm not what you think." "What, homophobic? Well excuse me if I misread your somewhat obvious reaction to a gay kiss on TV." Or: The team neglected to inform Steve about a rather significant development of the future. There's a misunderstanding, a belated coming out and, finally, some much needed support.
Where the Heart Is - Stratagem clint/laura G, 12k
Summary: AOU spoilers. "It'll be temporary." "Mhmm, that's what you said about the dog." Clint glanced over at Lucky, their golden retriever that had been a mainstay in their family for the past three years. Okay, so Laura had a point. / Clint and Laura "adopt" the Maximoff twins, and they slowly become part of the Barton family. Family fun, family drama, family warm fuzzies. AU.
You're All I Have - xxhiphuggersxx pepper/tony T, 30k
Summary: She couldn't believe she was going to do this. It was hard enough asking for favors when it was work related, but it was a whole new ball game when it was a personal favor. She knew he'd never agree, but it is worth a shot asking. Nevertheless is she shocked at the response.
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blackbirdblackbird · 3 years
“For the last time, I’m not in love with Lena!”
“Does that mean you’re going to admit it next time I ask?” Alex replies, ignoring her sister’s pacing and frantic gesturing as she speaks in favour of watching the news playing muted on the TV.
Kara clenches her fists in frustration. She takes a deep breath, exhales, then sits down on the couch beside Alex.
“Look, I know you mean well and you just want to help us, but it’s really not like that. You know we’ve always been close, and with… everything that’s happened it feels like we’ve just lost so much time and we want to make up for it.”
Alex turns to her slowly and deliberately. “Kara, she literally lives with you. She sleeps in your bed every night. That’s not a friends thing Kara, that’s a couple thing.”
“Not every night!” Kara protests. “Sometimes she needs a bit of space and goes back to her apartment.”
“Eleven times in the past six months, Kara.”
“How do you know that?” Kara realizes confirming that probably doesn’t help her case. “And it was twelve; one time we had a fight.” She realizes this probably doesn’t her case either.
“Because you always come over to my place at the crack of dawn the next morning complaining about how you’re lonely but want to respect her boundaries.”
“I – ” Whatever she was about to say is lost as she hears a familiar rhythm of footsteps in the hallway. She’s wearing her glasses after a slightly overwhelming day at work, so she didn’t hear them sooner. “Lena,” she says softly, already heading for the door.
(The detached, logical part of her mind registers Alex muttering ‘yeah, that’s not gay at all,’ but she ignores it and instead savors that growing warm, content feeling that she so strongly associates with Lena.)
Kara opens the door while Lena is looking for her key, then looks over her shoulder at Alex as she steps into the apartment.
“Does this look like something a couple would do?” and then –
She intends to give Lena a sort of perfunctory peck on the lips, to show Alex how awkward and lacking in passion it would be. But. She’s not just going to go up kiss Lena out of the blue. But she also feels like just asking probably isn’t the right approach, either.
This is where the plan goes wrong.
She approaches Lena, getting right into her space. This is normal, comfortable for them. Lena looks at her, that smile Kara likes to think is just for her on her lips. And it just feels so natural. They’ve always been good at reading each other, at communicating with a look or a touch. Even more so since they’ve committed to really being open and honest with each other.
It’s instinct more than thought that guides Kara. A flick of her eyes down to Lena’s lips, a little inclination of her head, leaning in ever so slightly.
It’s clear Lena both understands what she means and doesn’t really get where it’s coming from. But the latter isn’t important. Her eyes too drop to Kara’s lips, and she gives the tiniest nod.
They move together, meeting halfway as they close the space between them.
The kiss itself is – good. Not spectacular, but neither is it awkward or uncomfortable. It’s probably the best first kiss Kara’s had with someone, but that really isn’t the highest bar to clear.
After, though.
After, when pull apart slowly, reluctantly. When it’s not so much about kissing her as simply wanting to occupy the same space as her. To feel Lena’s breath on her lips, to look into her eyes and never want to look away.
Kara becomes aware, in an abstract sort of way, of Alex trying to awkwardly navigate around them to reach the door. She can’t really process it properly. But Lena’s exerts the lightest pressure with her hands that gently grip Kara’s arms and Kara lets herself be moved.
This is when time pauses on the knife’s edge between before and after and the entire observable universe shrinks down to Kara and Lena. This is when that warmth, comfort, contentment – that love she’s felt for Lena for so long finally coalesce into something almost tangible. This, here with Lena, is that connection, between her whole, true self and Lena’s.
The sound of the door opening anchors Kara a little more firmly in reality. She notices the space (almost non-existent) between her and Lena. She notices that her hands have settled around Lena’s waist, and just how natural that feels.
And she notices Alex in the doorway, looking right at her.
“In case you still need that question answered: yes, that definitely looks like something a couple would do.” Then the door is shut, and the lock turned as Alex, on the other side, mutters “Because you idiots will probably forget to lock it.”
Then her focus slips back onto Lena.
“Hey,” Lena says, her voice low and that same smile still there. Kara darts forward, and quickly kisses her a second time. “Not that I’m complaining, but’s that not exactly what I expected to come home to.”
“Alex was trying to tell me I’m in love with you, and I was going to prove her wrong.”
“Well, you really showed her.”
Kara laughs, and kisses her again.
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bucksfucks · 3 years
  𝙜𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙗𝙤𝙮 ; 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀
summary┃you’ve always called steve the golden boy, but he snaps one night and decides to show you he’s anything but.
pairing┃roommate!steve x f!reader
word count┃2,382 words
warnings┃hangover, drinking, tipsy sex, pining, teasing, makeout session, dirty talk, praise kink, size kink, steve doesn’t think he’ll fit but he makes it, use of toys (vibrator), mocking, edging, hair pulling kink, fingering, oral, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, steve finishes on readers back, steve is lowkey a fuckboy — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
notes┃presidential alert 🚨 the girls, gays, and the they’s are horny
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     The shower was already running when you had walked out of your room and into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea.
    It was Saturday morning and despite your best efforts, your body never let you sleep in last nine in the morning.
    You may as well start your day at 8:48 am.
    Steve had gone out last night, but you remember the door shutting at three in the morning and a faint shhh falling from his lips as he spoke to whatever inanimate object was making noise.
    In your sleepy daze, you didn’t really mind. Instead, turning your pillow onto the cool side and drifting back to sleep.
    The kettle was boiling and the bread was getting warmed in the toaster when the shower finally stopped running.
    It was a little unusual for Steve to shower for so long, even after his morning runs or workouts, he’d never need more than 10 minutes.
    When the door opened, and a groaning Steve emerged, you knew exactly what the problem was.
    “Mornin’, Golden Boy,” he didn’t even have the energy to grimace at the sound of his nickname.
    His bare feel pattered against the wooden floor until he dropped his large body in one of the bar stools.
    “Someone had a fun night.” You mumbled with a small smirk as you slid him a cup of coffee which is took between his fingers.
    “I don’t know how Sam and Bucky roped me into shots,” he said into the cup of coffee as he took a cautious sip.
    You just rolled your eyes playfully and plated the toast that had popped out a few seconds earlier, slabbing a large helping of butter before adding honey and sliding the plate over to him.
    He groaned again, but put the coffee down in place for the sweet honey toast.
    “I can’t drink like I used to, I think I’m dying,” he was being dramatic, a playful glimmer in his eyes as he took a bite and hummed.
    “You’re 27, Rogers. I think someone’s being a little dramatic,” you teased with a smile.
    You are your breakfasts in silence for the most part, the painkiller Steve had taken not yet kicking in until both of your plates were cleared.
    “Did you get lucky last night?” You asked with raised eyebrows as you both placed your plates in the sink.
    Steve just laughed, “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”
    You had to admit that your heart dropped, the same twinge of jealously starting to bloom in your chest as you imagined him with someone else.
    “Proud of you, Golden Boy.” You fake cheered, biting your tongue and swallowing your pride.
    Above everything, Steve was your friend and he deserved to get laid.
    He laughed, “you should’ve come, Bucky couldn’t stop asking about you.”
    You rolled your eyes again, slightly in annoyance.
    “He knows I’ll never sleep with him,” you sang song, helping Steve dry the dishes as the sink stopped running.
    “You never told me why, you know that?” You scoffed, “and for good reason.”
    The reason was simple; you didn’t want Bucky, but instead his best friend and your roommate, Steve.
    “I’ll get it out of ya one day, sweetheart.” Steve chuckled and you felt your heart sink a little further, “whatever helps you sleep at night.”
    The rest of the day was uneventful, nothing to do on a rainy New York day other than read as Steve fiddled with his sketchbook while an old sitcom played on the television.
    Steve’s hangover either disappeared or he was great at hiding it, whatever it was, he was humming along to the show tune.
    “Pizza and beers for dinner?” Steve asked as he was putting the final touches on his sketch making you laugh.
    “What happened to I can’t drink like I used to?” You said, echoing his words from the morning as he shrugged.
    “It’s a lazy day essential, now what toppings, and don’t say pineapple.” You acted shocked, mouth twitching into a smile.
    “You don’t know anything about good pizza,” you huffed as he tore his eye away from his sketchbook to look at you.
    “Pineapple on pizza is a crime, sweetheart. Now if that’s who you are I can’t judge, but I’m jus’ sayin’,” he said raising his hands in mock defeat.
    “Whatever Golden Boy, just say you’re a vanilla type of guy,” you winked, standing up to put your book on the shelf as the sun began setting to cast yellow and orange hues over the apartment.
    Steve snickered, “whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart.”
    The low timbre of his voice, your own words echoed from this morning sends a shudder down your spine as he grabs his phone.
    “The usual?” You manage to nod your head, smiling as you try to distract yourself from the sudden and very evident ache between your thighs.
    30 minutes later and the pizza was here, still hot and greasy as Steve set it on the wooden coffee table as you grabbed two beers, scratch that, four beers.
    “Cheers, Golden Boy,” you offered with a soft smile as you both clinked your bottle necks against each other before pizza was being devoured.
    You didn’t know what it was, but cheap greasy pizza and a cold beer always soothed the soul. No matter how heartbroken you had ever been, or upset at the universe, beer and pizza were always there for you.
    As the hours went by, the bottles emptied and the pizza slices disappeared before you and Steve were sat on the couch laughing and giggling at the time Steve locked himself out in nothing but his underwear.
    “And where were you to rescue me!” He bellowed, throwing his head back at the memory.
    “I was in the shower, you know I blare music. I’m sorry Stevie, I promise the next time you’re locked out and naked I’ll rescue you.”
    He shook his head, “well I wasn’t naked.”
    You felt a little dizzy, body lighter as you finished off the second beer. You weren’t drunk, but loose enough to rest your head against Steve’s shoulder.
    His phone buzzed then, grabbing it off the table as Bucky’s name lit up across the screen.
    Steve ignored it.
    “He’s jus’ gonna ask me to go out again,” he said before you could ask, seemingly reading your mind.
    “Plus, I’m perfectly content right here,” he smiled, finishing off his second beer as you playfully rolled your eyes.
    “You’re such a sap,” you teased, “that a bad thing?” He asked and you felt the air around you grow more tense.
    “‘Course not, you’re just Stevie,” you tried to explain as he furrowed his eyebrows.
    “Stevie?” He asked as you sat up and crossed your legs under your body.
    “Yeah, you know,” you tried to find the words, “Golden Boy.”
    He hums in response, “golden as in pure?”
    You nod your head, “pure, sweet, innocent.”
    You weren’t sure if you had struck a nerve, but Steve smirked as he leaned into you.
    “‘M not so innocent, sweetheart. Not everything is as it seems.” His voice was much lower, raspier as you could smell the beer on his breath.
    “Is that so?” Your voice was just a little above a whisper, heart racing in your chest.
    “I could even show you, sweetheart, but you gotta answer one question first. Sound fair?” He asked.
    You nodded your head slowly, eagerly awaiting his question.
    His hands fell to your knees, sliding up until he pulled you into his lap.
    You looked up at him, craning your head only slightly as he craned his at you. He was warm, and broad.
    “Why,” his voice was low, “won’t you hookup with Bucky, sweetheart?”
    Your breath hitched, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you ran your hands up his chest until they rested on his shoulders.
    “I think you know,” you whispered as he shook his head and chuckled.
    “Uh uh, I wanna hear you say it.” He purred, brushing his nose against yours.
    Your eyes fluttered shut as you smelt his oaky, but sweet body wash. Something like bergamot and oranges.
    He squeezed your hips, a soft moan falling from your lips at the sensation.
    “It’s because,” you swallowed thickly, “because I want you, Stevie.”
    He hummed, hand on the back of your head as he pressed his lips to yours.
    You kissed back, the realization hitting you it became hotter and more desperate as you slid your tongue past Steve’s lips.
    “All you needed to do was say those words and you could’ve had me all to yourself.” He smirks against your lips making you whimper.
    His fingers are digging into your ass, rocking your hips over his. It’s the right amount of friction to have you melting into his touch.
    When he picks you up, carrying you into his room to toss you onto his bed, you know you’ve made the wrong assumption about him.
    “Now there’s nothin’ wrong with a man who likes vanilla,” he hums, hands exploring your body.
    “But I’m a man who prefers a little more,” he meets your eyes, a devilish smirk and twinkle in his eyes, “flavour.”
    He’s hovering over you, lips on your neck and jaw as his hips rut over yours.
    “Go get that goddamn vibrator of yours,” he breathes as you look at him bewildered.
    “You know that one, you like the third setting the most on it.” He winks standing up as your eyes trace along his body and to where his cock is straining.
    “Go on, don’t sit there actin’ all dumb,” you spring to your feet, tripping over them as you quickly fetch it from your room.
    “Good girl, lie back down on the bed, but get naked first.” He instructs you sternly.
    You’d never had anyone tell you to strip, let alone have someone eyes so focused on you as you place the vibrator in his larger hand.
    Starting with your sweater, you tear it off—chest exposed as Steve licks his lips.
    “Go on, don’t be shy. You’re makin’ him real happy,” he smirks, squeezing his dick through his pants.
    You tug your leggings down until you’re in your panties and Steve is giving you a look that tells you to continue.
    It’s a thrill, stripping for him and watching his cock twitch at the sight of your curves, dips, and the marks you hate.
    “Look at you,” he groans, “perfect little thing aren’t ya? Now I gotta be honest,” you swallow thickly.
    “‘M not sure if he’ll fit like I planned, but we’ll make sure to get you warmed up,” he says before placing your hand over his dick.
    It causes goosebumps to prickle your skin as he pushes you down onto the bed fully naked now.
    “Now this,” he says, holding your vibrator, “isn’t even gonna compare to me by the time I’m done with you.”
    It’s a promise that you know Steve will keep as he kneels between your legs.
    “I expect you to keep these open, okay? Unless of course,” his cocky attitude breaks through, “you’re squeezin’ my head when you cum.”
    You can’t even chide back, all thoughts gone at the sound of the click of your vibrator.
    Steve wastes no time, spreading your folds and exploring you with his tongue before he connects the silicone tip to your clit.
    It causes your body to jolt and Steve has to keep your legs open.
    “What did I say, sweetheart. Keep ‘em open,” he reminds you as he slips a single fingers in you.
    It’s already ten times better than your own, longer and thicker as they curl against your sweet spot.
    Your walls squeeze him, fluttering as you grip onto his unmade bed sheets.
    He teased you, edging you until you’re begging him to let you come with a dry throat.
    “Steve, c’mon. ‘S’not fair,” you whine, tugging at his hair. He groans, hips rutting into the bed and you know you’ve found his weakness.
    Two can play at this game.
    You tug at his hair again, “please, Stevie? Wanna cum so fuckin’ bad—all over your face.”
    He groans vibrator tossed on the bed as his mouth wraps around your clit, “fuck, baby.”
    It’s a lewd sound, your wetness against his fingers and mouth, but it’s enough to send you over the edge.
    “Make a mess, sweetheart. Gotta taste ya,” he groans against your core as you’re nearly suffocating him.
    It’s intense, washing over you like a wave followed by a series of smaller ones until he’s flipping you over and your ass is in the air.
    “Not so fuckin’ vanilla anymore, huh?” He slaps your ass, a squeak leaving your lips.
    “Gonna have the taste of you on my mind for days now, practically have me pussy whipped already.”
    His clothes are gone, all necessary ones before he’s bending his body over yours, “grip onto the headboard baby, you’ll need all the support you can get.”
    And he’s not wrong, sliding into you and stretching you out as you wrap yourself fingers around the wood until he’s fully seated inside of you.
    It’s a new fullness, one that you’ve never experienced and something you never want to forget.
    “Bounce, baby.” He then says, as you look over your shoulder.
    “Ride me, use the headboard and make yourself cum.” He smirks, slick coating both of your thighs.
    Everything is new to you as Steve lets you take control, yet, you’re never truly in control.
    “That’s it baby, such a good girl. Look how desperate you are to cum,” he taunts making you whimper.
    He joins in soon, meeting your thrusts with his own until you’re both grunting and he can’t hold back.
    “Fuck, fuck, gonna cum.” He hissed, quickly pulling out to paint your back as he rubs your clit with his free hand and you feel the white hot explosion of pleasure for the second time that night.
    You’ve both made a mess by the time you’re done, Steve cleaning you up with his boxers as you’re collapsing beside him still trying to catch your breath.
    “You’ve ruined my vibrator for me,” you chuckled breathlessly as he turns to you with a smirk, “well it’s a good thing I’m your roommate then.”
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