#this is what i get for learning a single embroidery stitch
lorbanery · 9 months
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Shenanigans are happening.
Okay, not really shenanigans.
I found instructions to make an Edwardian skirt and we made one for Halloween out of this suiting wool we had lying around. And I LOVE it.
I've been wearing it CONSTANTLY. It's light but still warm; it's so hydrophobic that I didn't realize until hours later that I'd accidentally spilled coffee on it on Halloween and I was able to just blot it off; it's fitted at the top but got a great swirl at the hem; since I made it, it's the correct length to be long without worrying about it dragging on the ground; and I can dress it up or down as I see fit.
So when it came time to put together a list of things I wanted for the holidays, I realized that one of the major things that I really wanted was a bunch more of these skirts. Long, swirly, made out of hardy natural fibers. So I could just transition into a Skirt Wearer. The problem being that we don't, in general, have on hand the amount of fabric needed to make another skirt in my size, even in a poly. BUT there's a discount fabric store less than an hour away from us that has a decent selection of wool for less than a third of the price you would pay buying new. So what I asked for was a trip there and a budget to buy enough fabric for a few skirts.
I was thinking maybe three more, but the prices were even lower than I expected and I ended up with enough for six skirts — 4 wool and 2 linen, 3 mid/heavy weight and 3 light weight. Also a bonus tatting needle because I wanted to try tatting lace and it was only $6 and came with instructions and a simple pattern, so why not?
Another bonus? That greyish green one right above the houndstooth? It looks like stripes, but it's actually wool corduroy! Which was a pleasant surprise! I picked it out on the color alone, the back of it looks similar to the Lothlorien cloaks, but it was folded up on a shelf and, like most textured fabrics, was folded inside-out to protect the texture. So I didn't actually see that it was corduroy until I got it up to the counter and unfolded it a bit to get a better sense of it.
That one and the houndstooth, I think, are going to be split down the front and get some buttons. The other two wools are just going to be plain. The linen skirts I'm thinking about doubling up as petticoats for under the wool skirts on particularly cold days. Which might end up including a removable ruffle. This was apparently a Thing around the turn of the century. The ruffle would add some extra fullness to the bottom of the skirt, protect the actual hem of the petticoat from damage (since it would be worn and laundered more often than the skirt), and be sewn to keep the gather, and then basted onto the pettycoat for easy removal to wash or mend or replace it.
I suspect I'm gonna be too lazy to actually do that. So either one of the linen skirts will just have a permanent ruffle, or I'll make a removable ruffle and it'll just sit in the back of my closet.
But I'm GREATLY looking forward to this, especially with all I learned from the first skirt.
Also tatting? The lowest bar for learning a new needlework craft. It's a single long needle, and there's only one stitch. There's some trickyness to it starting out, i've gotten my rings knotted several times. But I do think part of that is because I'm using embroidery floss. I do actually have the correct yarn, I just have to go digging for it, and I had the embroidery floss more easily to hand.
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furmity · 4 months
Winter wardrobe
Last night I dreamed of getting a wonderful pair of shoes.
So it seemed auspicious to go to the op shop... I found an excellent pair of black sneakers with irridescent snakeskin patches! (Also a sealed deck of Swedish playing cards.)
I went home and picked up the project that's been burning a hole in my sewing pile since spring. The thick black wool trousers I waited 8 years for the Second Hand Gods to provide me, one size too big. I managed the alterations, I'd just never put the waistband back on. So I hand- stitched it today and I have The Much Awaited Dream Trousers in time for winter.
Then the faithful cotton turtleneck I dyed myself, seeing its fifth year but needing a seam repaired under the arm. I also noticed it was unraveling a little at the neck, so I did what I could.
I stitched two pinprick holes on the arm of last year's big purchase knit top. Absolutely one of my favourite things I've ever owned. I should learn how to repair knits properly.
Then a cardigan button which hasn't fallen yet, but threatens to. Then I darned a hole appearing at the cuff. This is a fine- knit thing that unravels if you so much as look at it, it gets darned a lot. It's starting to look really interesting, what if I still had it five years from now, made entirely anew with patches of yarn?
I buy an outfit every autumn- winter, spring- summer change. Mostly secondhand. Once a year I buy an "investment item" (in a cost per wear sense) or pay someone else for complex alterations. Sometimes I even make things from scratch, and one year I completely went over a jacket with embroidery while I anxiously awaited my exam grades.
This season I have a "new" jacket with a hood! I don't have anything with a hood! A "new" scarf to replace the pashmina sullied by the Lurker. I bought some brand new gloves because though I have practiced very much I cannot yet nålbind satisfactorily even stitches. The trousers are new even if I bought them nine months ago. Funky sneakers (while chunky boots are trendy the Gods have not seen fit to provide, though they are my preference I'm turning into a sneaker person).
I need a jumper, a good insulating thing that isn't too bulky under my coat. I don't know how I, known woolly jumper lover, have arrived at a time in my life when I do not have a single good pullover. I saw a lovely one today, but acrylic need not apply (aside from reducing plastics, I have an inordinate horror of synthetic fabrics catching fire and melting on my skin).
Last year I got some pants that look great but the fabric is comfortable for three weeks in a year. I will make a pattern from them, and make something to replace the linen pants I tore in February.
What you've also got to accept is that the best piece will appear at the end of the season, when the weather's all wrong to wear it. Just to have you thinking all summer about how great your Much Awaited Dream Trousers are going to look!
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spockandawe · 1 year
Awkward gap until next meeting. So. Things i COULD make on short notice
Software manual book(s): Easy. Mindless. Boring, but useful. I have at least two more targets in my sights, but i also have three half-finished books just waiting for cricut titles.
Long transformers essay: the formatting from pdf...... all the images........... but WHAT IF
Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo: Needs learning time in Affinity, unsure how long formatting will take. Possible, also something likely to tank my sleep schedule.
Thousand Autumns: current doc has long stretches of half-edited mtl. That's. That would be a big compromise. I don't like it, I think I'd rather wait
Coming Up With A Villain Reformation Strategy: No proofread? It'd be fast. Unsure what commitment proofreading would be.
Peerless Immortal Surrounded By Demonic Disciples: Same issue.
Single-volume mxtx: Maybe. If I'm repeating myself i want something novel tho
Yuwu: Maybe? Same proofreading question, but this was a really good translation
Raksura fic: mmmmmmmmmmaybeeeeee. It's still actively updating though, it feels a little silly to commit a second time knowing it'll immediately be dated 🤣
PoF: maybe! Wouldn't be bad to at least format some pages for illumination practice even if I can't do much there yet.
New box????? Mysterious and vague, brut boxes make me happy
Raksura fic: I could :X Okay but this depends on me chipping at some short vignettes and either getting a full set done or being confident i have momentum to continue as i post chapters. Momentum is a gamble, especially since this is a destination wedding with vacation activities.
Bwx/xl: old wip, unsure how satisfied i am. But there was PROGRESS. I might be able to slam it out
Return to tlj shipping? No wips in progress, but he usually comes easily to me.
Brand new raksura fic: i have kink brainstorming i could try to leverage, but I really, really can't tell how well writing will go right now
Cronch fic: Oh.... That might work, ill have to look at that.
Ye olde svsss aus: restore diet bingge to second person, see if more scenes shake out. This is close to being something I'm willing to just post, but it's not QUITE got enough connective tissue. Finishing is probably outside the scope of "short notice" tho
Transcription. Also not short notice, but pleasing bite-sized chunks.
Other baby blanket: I'm.... Unmotivated. Crochet make hand hurty
Tardigrade: hand hurty is acceptable if the result is stuffed tardigrade. I need to find my safety eyes, though
Starscream cross-stitch: DEFINITELY not short notice, but very satisfying
Embroidery embroidery: Probably want to wait for better health, so I don't get frustrated.
Steering wheel cover: yes, probably, but that's a kit and won't scratch the sammmmme creative urges
Spinning: god, probably wait for better health and new house
Long furby: maybe do this BEFORE the move, tbh. But mystery time investment.
New applique quilt: also not short notice. Need a subject too. I feel like I'd had something in mind, but I'm drawing a blank.
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Languishing on the sofa as I may be today, I still found something creative to keep me occupied. There’s only so many Leverage re-runs a fellow can watch without going stir-crazy so I picked up my shiny new Apple pencil and treated myself to learning how to draw A Karlach.
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Drawing is not a skill I’ve ever really picked up but I’ve been tremendously motivated lately by the combined factors of getting deeper into embroidery design + a massive heartstopping crush on every single Baldur’s Gate character. My end goal here today was to try and figure out what combinations of lines and shading really make a face look like A Person instead of just a pointy ended oval, using techniques that will translate well to embroidery stitches. So I traced a screenshot to get the outline and then went to town with cross-hatching.
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I ended up with something not terribly far off from a design I might be able to embroider. Love that beginner’s rush when you learn a new skill and you feel so proud because you aren’t yet good enough to detect all the flaws in what you just did, eh? ;)
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concentriccookies · 2 years
Hello, I saw your snake embroidery and I was inspired to start learning how to do it myself so that I could make koi fish with that same shimmery effect on the scales. I know a lot of this is practice, but I just can't seem to get as tight of a weave as I saw in yours. Right now I'm using the bulky cotton thread so I can get used to the stitches, and I saw in another post you used satin for the snake, but what kind of thread is that exactly? And what are some threads I could look into for this, since right now I just went to the local jo ann
Hi! These are great questions!
The thread I use is regular cotton DMC brand embroidery floss. (This floss itself has a sheen to it, so it's very lovely I find. There are other brands, like Anchor, that have this sheen too! But I find dollar store embroidery floss does not, it's very dull.) Embroidery floss is neat cause if you take the end of a thread and spread it out you'll notice it's actually 6 strands in 1. For my snake embroidey what I did was cut off a lenght of floss, pull 1 strand from it and I use that single strand to embider with. This is what allows me to lay the stitches so tight and uniform that lay snuggly next to each other and blend together.
When you saw 'satin' mentioned its actually in refrence to a specific stitch, called the 'satin stitch'. If you look this up on youtube there should be good tutorials that show how to do it, probably mixed in with a bunch of other stitch styles as well! You might need to look up "embroidery stitches"? Im not sure. I'm on moble right now and I cant format this with links or pictures lol
But what the satin stitch is, really, is just laying down the threads parallel to each other and having a sharp, defined, start and stop point. For me that start and stop is the beginning and end of each scale. That accuracy is really the most important cause the start and stop points are where the threads turn under the cloth so its where the light catches and how you get that scale defined shimmery depth when it's moved!
I hope this has helped! Wishing you luck in your embroidery journey!
(Oh and one more thing I see a lot of beginners miss, no fault of their own! For tight stitches- make sure your hoop fabric is TIGHT in your hoop. I am constantly retightning my fabric as I embroider. If there are any wrinkles or dips in the fabric before u start, get rid or em! Pull that fabric taut!! It will make your life and embroidery so much easier and better!)
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Connor got really into sewing/crocheting/making clothes/that stuff after the revolution because a lot stores were closed out of fear (or lack of staff) since they used androids and Connor wanted new clothes because he absolutely HATED. DESPISED his suit. Because it looks like shit and I also headcanon him having sensory issues so the material gave him a not-so-fun time with the feeling.
So, he started learning how to sew. He found spare fabrics here and there, and he started to practice. Turns out he found it very fun and also he could make some mad good designs. He started off just making little patterns or sewing together small little things to experiment with sewing, but after a while (not really, mostly a week) he was kinda awesome at it. So, he found some more fabric (probably bought it somewhere after making sure it's Connor Approved and not too. like. overwhelming? to feel? ykwim) and he finally sewed together some awesome kickass type uniform for work, and then some good clothes to go out in, and casual clothes.
So, basically, he started making his own clothes because he couldn't/(eventually) didn't want to buy clothes. And he was really good at it and enjoyed the process.
Afterwards he started playing around with other stuff like crochet and shit too. He still prefers finding fabric and sewing it together and seeing what he could do. (also mixing multiple mediums somehow. crocheting and sewing? might be chaotic to make work, but he'd find a way.)
He also started making clothes for other people (Jericho mostly because Markus saw his clothes, asked him where he got them, and was amazed at the fact he made them.) and other stuff fabric related. He made clothes, blankets, patches, sometimes even flags for when Jericho/someone was like "fuck digital flags" or wanted a physical one, and other shit (he made stuffed animals for Alice, specifically friends for her fox, and he also liked to crochet stuff a lot. He made a lot of crocheted flowers once and made them into a bouquet and they're still standing in a vase Hank bought for him as a joke on his drawer. Everyone who ever sees them asks who they're from, he always says "oh idk, RA9 gave it to me" as a joke and they freak out before Connor tells them he just made them lol)
Also, he started making patches a lot after he found out he could make them with embroidery or crochet when he was experimenting like "....can I do this" and turns out. He could. Anyways, he really liked designing these little patches, and then putting them on stuff. And once, he forgot to buy a gift for someone, so he just last minute made a cute little patch that was custom for them. They loved that patch and turns out he liked giving something custom to someone as a gift.
He made every single one of his friends custom patches that following night.
And he still makes a ton of them for his friends and hell, even acquaintances from the DPD or Jericho. Patches are his love language now. Hank has too many because Connor (like the son he is) makes him one every chance he gets since Hank just can't say no to his gifts. Also Sumo has one, and Connor stitched it onto his collar when Hank gave him the okay (Sumo first tried to eat it, so Connor took that as a 'he likes it!!')
Also some doodles to follow along this concept/idea:
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and some patches
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I'd do more but I'm too lazy lol. Anyway yeah
This has been sitting in my drafts for far too long and I just remembered about it so haha take it
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marimoog · 11 months
For your manga panel embroidery can I ask what stitch you use? I’ve been wanting to get into it and I’ve only really done cross stitch before.
Im a huge cross stitcher too!!!! i just use a backstitch with a single thread of black DMC thread :) SOMETIMES ill use 2 strands (after separating them) for bolder stuff, like text outlines but the rest is all single stitch because i think it looks cleaner lol you could even use regular black sewing thread for even thinner lines (i didnt use that in my zoro sanji wano one though)
if you have any other questions about it please feel free to ask again or dm me! i love helping people learn about my favourite hobby 🥰🥰
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riddlemaster101 · 2 years
so i saw the tags on that post you just reblogged (about being super into fibre arts) and i… have a question, if wouldn’t mind answering? (feel free not to, ofc!)
so i am not that post - i learnt the chain stitch when i was eleven and my school had a crochet club. i’m not eleven anymore, but i’ve crocheted on and off over the years. but get this: i’ve never learnt another stitch since. i’m working on a blanket now, and… a couple months ago, i woke up in literal agony as i couldn’t move my hands at all. went to the doctor sobbing, they told me that i’d somehow managed to inflame a muscle in my elbow or smth, just because of how many hours i spent doing the same stitch over and over and over (i’m also a writer - from my phone - so like. lol. in hindsight, not the best idea…), so i’ve been kinda weary of working on the blanket for too long now—
so! what i was wondering was if a) there are any other relatively easy crochet stitches than an amateur could learn? (optionally ones that’d look nice with the chain stitch:D) and b)… how do you become that person, who knows a lot of different fibre arts and in somewhat depth? because i’d really love to do that but craft stores are so daunting, and whenever i look stuff about fibre arts, the person behind the yt video/website thinks that the reader has some sort of idea about said art and i….. do not lol, and i never know where to start.
Hey anon, great questions!
As someone who has gave herself tendinitis in both wrists from knitting too much in a week, you need to keep an eye on that injury. It took mine well over 10 months to heal and five years later I still get weakness and pains if I work them too much. So be careful with your wrists/elbows, take lots of breaks, do your physical therapy, do a bunch of warm-up stretches (or if you're like me and forget, pause every hour or so to do some). And most importantly: pay attention if anything feels like it's pulling or aching or numb or tingly. And if it does, you have to stop for the night, no acceptations, no "just one more row", you're done. Which sucks, but better than a permanent injury.
I started with knitting in college, mostly like what you're doing with crochet: same repetitive thing over and over until you're very confident with the stitch and tension on yarn, etc. For me, it really helps if you have a project you want to do that requires a new technique--I don't tend to do well with just practicing something for the sake of it, I want to make something fun! So my suggestion would be to look up a pattern (not a complicated one) that uses a new technique you want to learn and then just try it out. Worst that can happen is you rip it out and try again! This is how/why I picked up crochet after years of knitting: I wanted to make some cute little animals and it's a nightmare to knit those. But they're easy to crochet.
Also, consequently, switching fiber crafts can allow you to extend the amount of crafting you can do if your arm starts bugging you again. You just have to swap the type of motion and stress you're applying to your wrists. For months after injuring mine, I was only doing cross-stitch--the weight of the project was significantly less than, say, a blanket and moving a needle through fabric involved very different motions than knitting. I actually grew up doing embroidery, added knitting and later crochet in college and grad school, got into cross-stitch after that, and now I have a sewing machine and want to learn spinning and...oh no.
To actually answer your crochet question: I think it's pretty easy to go from a chain stitch to a single crochet stitch, and once you get that, doubles and triples are just how many more times you loop the yarn. I haven't done a whole lot of crochet--mostly making amigurumi--but these were easy enough stitches to learn and there are a whole bunch of very nice and slow youtube tutorials. Pick your fav yarn and hook size and try them out!
Hope this helps and have fun crafting!
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catsofwillowclan · 1 year
Dustypaw's Darkness
"Oakshade sees how nervous Dustypaw is and whispers a quiet encouragement to them as they touch noses, promising to be a good mentor to them."
Dustykit has been nervous about his naming ceremony all week, and now that it's finally here, he's even more terrified. Will Starclan accept him as an apprentice?
Dustykit shuffles his feet at the edge of the ceremony grounds, trying not to cough at the acrid smell of the fire smoke mixed with the ceremonial herbs as Quiverpelt does her communing with Starclan. He's been nervous all day about this ceremony, his stomach tied up in a pile of tangles and knots like the braids Brownfur wove into his long hair just hours before. What if he's not really good enough to become an apprentice? What if Starclan rejects him? What if his new mentor hates him?! The thoughts swirl wildly into one another, blurring into a general sense of anxiety as he gazes across the ceremony grounds at all the clan members who have gathered to see him off.
They're all dressed in their fine naming shirts from the various clans they came from, an eclectic rainbow of shells and bone beads and embroidery that catch the light of the bonfire like stars. Thriftpaw and Auburnpaw watch on from the shadows by their mentors, waving excitedly at him when he catches their eyes. Soon they'll all be peers, apprentices going on patrol and training, having adventures together and becoming mighty warriors... unless he can't do it. Unless he can't become a warrior, and messes it all up, and then--
"Great Starclan!" Quiverpelt's voice booms across the clearing. Despite her older age, the medicine woman looks as formidable as any of the warriors, her dark skin glowing in the bonfire light. "We have called upon you and heard your words, and in return, we ask that you hear our own.
Dustykit feels a push on his shoulders from Brownfur, ushering him to step forwards to meet his fate. He gulps.
The walk to the bonfire from the edge of the circle feels like an eternity. Every single eye is on him, watching him, judging his worthiness... or at least it feels like that, anyway, all dressed up and the center of attention. His footfalls feel heavy as he gets closer and closer to the fire's blazing heat, stopping just short of the stones on the border of the firepit. It feels like an oven, heat radiating into his face, and as he peers across the bright light the only thing he can make out is Quiverpelt's stern face and the faint, ghostly pale shadows of Pipitstar and Lilacspeck beyond.
"Dustykit," she says, less booming but no less heavy with ceremony. "You stand before us today to receive your mentor, and take your first step on the path to becoming a warrior. Do you accept this responsibility to support and defend your clan, and to learn and revere the warrior code always?"
"Y-yes," he says, but it's shaky, and he stiffens hearing his own weak voice. Quiverpelt's brow softens and she inclines her head to him.
"Try again, child," she offers, soft enough that the gathered crowd won't hear it.
"Yes, I do!" he practically shouts, jarring but better than no one being able to hear him at all, and there are a few stray cheers from the other apprentices before the warriors shush them.
Quiverpelt smiles. "Then let your mentor step forwards to accept you."
He can make out Oakshade now across the way, stepping out of the shadows where Pipitstar and Lilacspeck are standing to join Quiverpelt on the opposite side of the fire. Her naming motifs swirl like her tattoos, the tunic and belt covered in polished acorn shells and patterns of oak leaves and her headband stitched with constellations of stars that Dustykit can't recognize. She watches him cooly from across the fire, her green eyes betraying nothing of whatever she might think. Quiverpelt nods as the warrior settles into her place, and pulls out a small handful of herbs that were prepared for the ceremony.
"Ancestors in the stars above us," she calls, this time up towards the darkened night sky where a million twinkling stars shine down from overhead. "This new apprentice has sworn to learn the path of the warrior. We ask you to offer him guidance so that he may walk this path with clear eyes and a strong heart."
A thick pale smoke rises from where the herbs start to burn as she casts them into the fire, filling the air with the scent of camphor and dried leaves. Dustykit squints and holds his breath, trying not to breathe too much of it in. He desperately searches the smoke for any sign that Starclan might be mad at him, for something that says Oakshadow should abandon him as an apprentice... Quiverpelt is silent for what feels like a long time, watching the swirls of smoke disappear up into the sky, and Dustykit's heartbeat feels like a thundering drum in his chest.
But after an eternity, she speaks.
"You will face a darkness, young apprentice."
Dustykit's blood runs cold. A hush falls over the already silent crowd, drowning out everything but Dustykit's own racing thoughts. Is this it? Is this what finally does it? Is he doomed forever because of this omen? Is he--
"Darkness that lingers even when the land is covered in light. A darkness that comes from inside yourself." She points, directly at his chest. "It will try to consume you and drive you from your path, but you must not let it. You must stand up to your fears, even if it hurts at first. Even if you feel you cannot stand against it any more, you must look to the light around you instead of the darkness within."
Dustykit inhales. His hands are shaking. Everyone is still so quiet, but Quiverpelt just looks... sad.
"Starclan has spoken," she says, finally, after watching Dustykit take in the prophecy. "You will face great trials from within, but where there is darkness there must always be light. Those who walk the warrior path will always be able to guide you, should you seek their help." she pauses, letting him take in her own advice, before continuing.
"You may cross the fire and receive your name."
He bows his head to Quiverpelt, and his feet move like he's in a dream. He's surprised he doesn't fall over, given how weak his knees feel, but he manages to stumble his way to where Oakshade is standing with a small bowl and stand up to look her in the eye. She has an odd expression, as if she's finally looking at him for the first time as more than just a child.
"You must trust others, and above all trust yourself," she says, dipping two fingers into the dye in her hand and leaning down to mark his cheeks and nose. "Keep that in mind, and you'll go far, Dustypaw. I'll make sure of it."
Dustypaw nods, silently, shakily, but he can tell he's smiling now - though wether its from nerves or true excitement for the future, it's hard to say - and she smiles back at him. Quiverpelt's staff rattles, cutting through the sounds of the crackling fire and murmuring crowd.
"Let us all greet Willowclan's newest apprentice!" she shouts triumphantly, and the crowd erupts into cheers. Dustypaw turns to face the crowd, to face Pipitstar, to face everyone - they all seem so happy for him, shouting and celebrating his new name. It almost doesn't feel real.
"May Starclan watch you along your path, young warrior," Pipitstar calls over the roaring of the crowd as Thriftpaw and Auburnpaw break away from the edges to race in and hug their new fellow apprentice, and Dustypaw beams in reply.
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evandore · 2 years
yea im normal again. im gonna have a shower then watch texas chainsaw massacre an finish embroidering this fucking patch its been like 4 days and i still havent finished
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gamerkats · 2 years
I've done a lot of research into relationships and their psychology for our books, and let me just say.... To everyone who is dating or trying to date, I truly wish you the very, very best luck and vibes!!! You're basically seafaring badasses without a compass, and only a jenkie map drawn years ago in faded, terrible handwriting by those who have gone before that reads, "This is how I found land."
I have no idea how any of you are doing it. The games are exhausting! Good freaking night! It's a blood sport obstacle course. You need a full playbook of intricate steps and mile markers or you're not going to trick, forgive me, I mean earn anyone's respect and undying devotion.
My absolute FAVORITE thing, though, is how everyone says/writes, "Remember to just be yourself" at the end.
Be myself? You just told me 50 things to do, and not to do, that are completely contradictory to how I really am. I'm the person you've been dragging on about being pathetic because I respect people, their time, their intelligence, and their feelings enough to not want to create a character to play these games. I just want to be honest and real, but apparently that's honestly real boring....
Anyway, I'm off topic now. What I was trying to say was, I wish all the love, light, hope, luck, and happiness for everyone sailing the lonely seas of dating. You are amazing, wonderful, beautiful, brilliant, and deserving of all the romance and wonders love can bring!!!!
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(Also, my characters apparently will be boring, derpy, pathetic, honest people.... So... Sorry BookTok, I tried, but I won't be making your "Saucy" list. Due to potential injury from excessive eye rolling strain, I can't bring myself to write the spice level you demand. I will learn to live and accept my failure and shortcomings gracefully. 😔)
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
Since I'm no longer employed by a single sewing machine company, and don't have to worry about saying this,
If you are looking to buy a premium sewing machine, if at all possible, absolutely go to a place that can show you multiple brands of machines, including different levels of features and different price points.
There are some brands, including a brand I previously worked for, where the number of features for to the price is just not in any way competitive with the rest of the market.
They're good machines, and I'm not about to get rid of mine in favor of another. However, when one brand's $12,000 machine has more premium features than another brand's $19,000, that should be information that people have when they're looking to buy a new machine.
That said, since many brands do not sell their high-end machines online, if the only place where you can buy a $2,500 embroidery machine is at a little sub-store inside a Joann Fabrics, I can confirm that they're not bad machines. But, y'know, it's very cool that Husqvarna Viking machines at the $15,000 and $19,000 price have a fully-automatic one-step needle threader, but it's worth noting that Babylock has that feature on a $600 machine.
Obviously, the thing you should be basing your purchase on is more than just what the specs are on paper, and you should get a machine that you like, regardless of what my personal opinions are. Again, if you're in any way able to get to a place that sells different brands of machines across different price points, and you can see them out of the box and operating, it's a good thing to do. There's a ton of small elements of a machine that don't get spelled out in an online listing. You might find that you hate something small, like the location of the needle plate screws, where going up or down in price by $70 can get you a machine without that annoying feature. If the people doing sales at your sewing machine store also sew on all the machines, you can get opinions from them about fine details. They're not always able to crap-talk a machine, but I've seen someone say, "Oh no, we've tried changing it a couple times and that tension still looks wrong. Let me show you a machine that doesn't do that," which is sales speak for this machine has tension problems nine ways to sunday and you will be dealing with that forever so i know you liked it online but please don't buy it because there's other machines that aren't more expensive that don't do that.
If you're in a big store, you can also learn about products that you never would have found online. For example, you might have thought you wanted a multi-needle until you got to sit down at an embroidery/sewing combo machine and realized that you're willing to change threads one at a time to save $10,000 and 9 square feet of floor space. You might have thought you want an industrial machine until you realize that Babylock has that Accomplish straight stitch machine that will get you what you need, but still use domestic bobbins and needles and be serviced by household machine service people. You wanted a household machine with a stitch regulator until you tried it in person and decided it's not worth it and you're up to dedicating your entire living room to holding a stand-up long-arm.
When you search for things online, you often end up in a very linear path, finding something you like and then checking for things that are technically very similar. However, online searching is oftentimes very bad at being able to connect things that are functionally very similar but aimed at different markets. I feel like this is like a capcha asking you to prove that you're human by clicking all the pictures that are hedgehogs. If you're a human surrounded by sewing machines aimed at providing machines to a wide variety of customers, it's pretty easy to look at similar machines from different markets. However, if you're online and trying to find an embroidery machine for your home, you're going to be fed whatever google's tunnel vision thinks is a home embroidery machine.
Allllllso if at all possible, don't buy a serger when there's no one to show you how to thread it. And remember, the thread goes in front of the elephant.
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ezwezz · 3 years
wow thank you so much!! it really means a lot :)) also thanks for the suggestion!! <3
- tbh, I can see Eren as a hardcore gamer. not just because he's an angry soul but I can see him needing something to release his angst and stress, therefore I think fast-paced, fairly simple gaming would work the trick for him.
- ahh mikasa is amazing at embroidery seeing as her mum taught her at a young age.
- she uses it to escape the moment and take her mind off the day, usually getting carried away and designing an entire display of perfectly stitched artwork.
- I feel like Armin really loves to read. not just because he's canonically a nerd, but I also think he reads to feed into his wild imagination.
- Armin definitely has bedtime scenarios he creates based off books.
- not only is Jean good at art, I can also see him being amazing at singing- although he never does it in front of anyone.
- his voice is very gravelly- like something you'd hear in modern rock. if you're close with him, he might mumble a quiet tune whilst the two of you chill.
- I can definitely see Connie playing the guitar.
- when there's people around he'll get nervous and just play 'wonderwall' for the jokes, but when he's alone he'll play a lot more advanced, serious songs and simply get lost in the music.
- we all know Sasha is great at archery, but in modern times I can't really see that being her thing. instead I reckon she's an awesome swimmer.
- she's probably won a bunch of races and entered loads of competitions but she doesn't take it too seriously therefore nobody's aware of her hobby.
- aside from working out, I feel like Reiner has a lot of unresolved issues in his head therefore he does a lot of meditation to wind down before bed.
- he's never told anyone except bertholdt (whether that's a romantic or platonic bond, you can decide).
- I definitely headcanon Bertholdt being into tenis like I mentioned in my last post. I can also see him doing golfing since it's a lot more chill and he likes to have a balance.
- I think on the most part, Annie being a fighter as a hobby makes a lot of sense and I reckon she'd definitely take part in some form of martial art.
- on the other hand, I can also see her needing a calmer, more peaceful hobby on the sidelines therefore I believe she'd play the piano when she's alone.
- I would love to say erwin has a not-so grandpa-like hobby however I can't shake the aching truth of him being invested in collecting stamps.
- he 100% has a book just filled with stamps from various decades and different areas.
- he takes a lot of pride in his collection as hange and levi have had a full briefing on the backstory of every single stamp he owns.
- It may sound a bit of a reach however I can totally see Levi volunteering at an animal shelter of sorts.
- I've put some thought into this one and came to the conclusion that he's an animal person. he thinks animals are so much better than humans and if he could, he would stay at the shelter all day simply venting to the animals- they never interrupt, judge or try to understand, they're simply there to listen and he appreciates that more than anything.
- Hange would 100% love to travel and learn about different cultures.
- They love the sheer thrill of experiencing new things and seeing different sights therefore they would probably choose to backpack across countries instead of going on proper holidays. it allows them to experience everything so much more authentically and realistically.
- I think Historia is such a poetic-minded individual since her entire childhood had been formed through literature. with that being said I think she'll love to write.
- she was completely inspired by novels at a young age and would give anything to allow others to experience the same wonder she felt at the time.
- Ymir would absolutely love competitive sport. I can ultimately see her playing football (or soccer...whatever floats your boat.)
- she enjoys the thrill and pressure of the match. (she also likes the cheerleaders but we won't get into that).
- I definitely see Hitch being a dancer, and no, not just tiktok dancing.
- I think she'll enjoy doing contemporary dance styles like ballet and slow dancing since it's her way of venting the tougher emotions she keeps bottled up.
- Pieck is a plant mother.
- there's no explanation for this one, she just owns an entire habitat of plants. (she has names for each and every one of them and may or may not bawl her eyes out when one of them dies).
- Porco is definitely a rugby lad.
- ramming into people and knocking them off their feet with sheer bodily force is his form of therapy. it also gives him a lot of confidence in himself which he wouldn't have if he'd never taken up sport in general.
- Onyankopon is a pro at chess and you cannot change my mind.
- I can see him being amazing at strategy games since he loves to put his mind to work in a competitive style.
- eat, sleep, worship zeke.
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gnatolie · 3 years
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Mushroom pals crochet pattern below!
Quick lil disclaimer: this pattern has only been tested by me so far. You might run into a mistake or two while following the pattern because of this. Feel free to message me if you have any feedback for how the pattern is written or if you find a mistake you’d like me to fix!
Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate. Mostly beginner amigurumi and tunisian concepts but shaping and mixing tunisian/standard crochet may be difficult for those just learning to crochet. 
Finished Size: 8-ish inches tall
*i used DK yarn for the stem, cap, socks, and shoes of the mushroom but sport weight/baby yarn would be nice for clothing. feel free to mix and match colors to make a super cool mushroom. i focused on earth tones because i have a ton of earthy scraps to get rid of but you can make your pals bright, or base them off of your favorite mushroom, or whatever you like!
- 1/4 ball of cap color (i used orange to make Galerina autumnalis, red for amanita)
- 1/4 ball of stem color 
- scraps of shoe color (optional, if you want shoes)
- sock color (optional, depends how tall/if you want socks)
- small amounts of outfit colors (amount depends what you make but outfits don’t take much)
- small amounts of accessory colors (amount depends on if you want accessories, doesn’t take much yarn)
- scraps of yarn/thread, felt, etc to decorate cap (optional)
- G/6/4.25 mm hook
- yarn needle
- wadding/stuffing
- safety eyes/yarn/thread for eyes and face (i used 6mm safety eyes and embroidery thread. materials you use depend on if you want a face and what you have on hand)
- powder blush (optional, for cheeks)
Abbreviations (US Crochet Terms):
ch = chain
st = stitch
yo = yarn over
sl = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
inc = increase 
dec = decrease
fo = finish off
Special Techniques 
Tunisian Crochet - knit stitch is used for sweaters, simple stitch used for a skirt. Tunisian is easier for me and works up faster than knitting. Not every piece of clothing in this pattern requires tunisian crochet, just the sweaters in the picture.
Running stitch - used to cinch head into shape after stuffing 
Ladder stitch - used to stitch pieces and clothing together
French knot - optional, for decorating cap
Satin stitch - optional, for decorating cap (would work well for gills)
Mushroom Pal Doll
Head (in stem color):
Start with magic ring
1. sc 6 in ring (6)
2. *sc inc* 6 times (12)
3. *sc inc, sc* 6 times (18)
4. *sc inc, sc 2* 6 times (24)
5. *sc inc, sc 3* 6 times (30)
6-9. sc in each st (30). After finishing row 9, place eyes between rows 5 & 6, about 6 stitches apart. If you’d like your pal to have a face, go ahead and embroider that now. 
10. *sc inc* 30 times (60)
11. *sc inc, sc* 30 times (90). FO, weave in ends. 
Cap (in cap color):
Start with magic ring
1. sc 10 in ring (10)
2. *sc inc* 10 times (20)
3. *sc inc, sc* 10 times (30)
4. *sc inc, sc 2* 10 times (40)
5. *sc inc, sc 3* 10 times (50)
6. *sc inc, sc 4* 10 times (60)
7. *sc inc, sc 5* 10 times (70)
8. *sc inc, sc 6* 10 times (80)
9. *sc inc, sc 7* 10 times (90)
10-13. sc in each st (90). Don’t FO yet. After completing row 13, decorate your cap as desired. You can add french knots or felt for spots, embroider gills, etc. Go wild homie. 
14. Line up the edges of the head and cap. Join the pieces by sc in every stitch of both head and cap, stuffing when you’re 3/4 of the way through. Stuff to desired firmness. Cap will be a little bit gathered and the head will lose shape as you stuff. FO and weave in ends. 
Using a strand of stem color and your yarn needle, sew a running stitch between rows 10 and 11 of the head starting at the back of the head. The running stitch should be where the head flares into the gills of the mushroom cap. Pull the ends of the yarn tightly to cinch the head into shape. Use 2-3 square knots to secure, then bury the ends of the thread. 
Body (stem color)
ch 12, sl to join into circle
1-3. sc in each ch/st (12)
4. *sc inc, sc* 6 times (18)
5-10. sc in each (18)
11. *sc inc, sc 2* 6 times (24)
12-15. sc in each (24). Don’t FO -- leg #1 will be worked directly into body. 
Leg 1 (cont. from body, stem color)
*color change suggestions listed for sock lengths 
16. Sc in first 12 stitches of body (12)
17. Sc in first stitch to make a circle and in each stitch after (12)
18-21. Sc in each stitch. Switch to sock color at row 19 for thigh-highs. Switch to sock color after completing row 21 for knee-highs.
22. *sc dec, sc* 4 times (8) Switch to sock color for ankle socks. 
23-26. sc in each (8). Switch to shoe color after completing row 23 if you want shoes.
27. *sc dec* 4 times (4). FO, stitch bottom of shoe closed with tail and bury the end. Stuff leg through top of body -- I used a chopstick to help stuff since the leg is thin. 
Leg 2 (stem color)
Join yarn to body near inner thigh of leg 1 and ch 1. Crochet over tail or weave in. Repeat leg 1. 
Arms (x2)
start with magic ring
1. sc 4 in ring (4)
2. *sc, inc* 2 times (6)
3-10. sc in each (6). FO, leaving a long tail to sew onto body. Stuff to desired firmness and stitch top closed. 
1. If you haven’t already, finish stuffing the body to desired firmness. The crotch of the mushroom friend is still open, so stitch that closed with a piece of stem color yarn.
2. Use a ladder stitch to attach head to body. I stitched the body to row 3 of the head.Your pal will be top-heavy! Clothing will help stabilize. 
3. Sew the arms to the sides of the body. I chose to attach them between rows 1 & 2 of the body. 
*clothing instructions are a little bit ambiguous bc you have to decide on sizes, colors, and shapes. some pieces are mix and match, some have bases and interchangeable sleeves/lengths.
Shirt/Dress Base
ch 24, sl to join
1. Sc in first 7. Ch 4, skip 5 chains. Sc in next 7. Ch 4, sl to first st. Ch 1. Skipped chains are armholes. (14 st, 8ch.)
2. *Sc in first 7. Sc in each ch of ch 4* 2 times. (22)
3. sc in each (22)
4. *sc inc, sc* 11 times (33)
5. sc in each (33). Repeat to desired length (shirt, tunic, dress, etc.) then finish FO. Weave in ends.
Shirt/Dress Sleeves (normal)
*Play with colors to make a raglan top/dress
Join in the “armpit” area of the shirt
1. Sc in each ch around (9)
2. Sc in each st (9). Repeat to desired length, then FO.
Shirt/Dress Sleeves (puffy) 
*scrunch sleeve at top for puffiness to be puffy
Join in the “armpit” area of the shirt
1. *sc inc* 9 times (18)
2-4. sc in each (18)
5. *sc dec* 9 times (9)
6. sc in each (9). Repeat to desired length, then FO. 
Knitted Sweater/Dress Body Panel (x2) (on both mushrooms in picture)
*tunisian knit stitch used
1. Draw up a loop in each ch (10 loops). Return pass.
2. YO. Knit stitch in next 8 vertical bars. YO. Knit stitch in last vertical bar (12 loops). Return Pass. 
3. Knit stitch in each vertical bar (12 loops). Return Pass.
4. YO. Knit stitch in next 10 vertical bars. YO. Knit stitch in last vertical bar (14 loops). Return pass. 
5. Knit stitch in each vertical bar (14 loops). Return pass.
6. YO. Knit stitch in next 12 vertical bars. YO. Knit stitch in last vertical bar (16 loops). Return pass.
7. Knit stitch in each vertical bar (16 loops). Return pass.
8. YO. Knit stitch in next 14 vertical bars. YO. Knit stitch in last vertical bar (18 loops). Return pass.
9. Knit stitch in each vertical bar (18 loops). Return Pass.
10. YO. Knit stitch in next 16 vertical bars. YO. Knit stitch in last vertical bar (20 loops). Return pass.
11. Knit stitch in each vertical bar (20 loops). Return pass. Repeat to desired length.
Final row: sl in each vertical bar and around the corners. FO, leaving a long tail to sew sides together. Block your work if you need to. 
When both panels are completed, ladder stitch the sides together up to row 6. Weave in the ends. 
Knitted Sweater Sleeves (x2)
*tunisian knit stitch used
join yarn at the corner of the sweater panel -- front panel for the right sleeve, back panel for the left
1. Using the sides of the sweater pieces, pull up 8 loops. Return pass.
2-5. Knit stitch in each vertical bar (8 loops). Return pass.
6. Sc in each vertical bar. FO, leaving long tail. 
Once both sleeves are completed, put the sweater on the mushroom friend. Ladder stitch the sleeves closed around the arm of the mushroom friend. Stitch the top corners of the sweater pieces together.
Ch 26 for a tight skirt. Add more chains for looser fit. Sl to make a loop and ch 1
1. sc in each ch (26)
2. sc in each st (26). Repeat to desired length. FO. 
Textured Skirt (on orange capped mushroom in picture)
*tunisian simple stitch used
Ch desired length of skirt
1. Pull up a loop in each chain. Return pass.
2. Simple stitch in each vertical bar. Return pass. Repeat to desired width -- I used 26 total rows for a tight skirt but you can make yours looser. 
*essentially the same concept as legs but slightly scaled up
Ch 26. Sl to make a loop
1. Sc in each ch (26)
2-6. Sc in each stitch (26)
7. Sc in first 13 stitches (13)
8. Sc in first stitch to make a loop. Sc in each stitch to end. (13)
9. Sc in each stitch (13). Repeat to desired length. For flared pants, add increases at row 12. 
For leg 2, join yarn to inner thigh of unworked side of pants, then repeat pants pattern from row 7 on. Stitch the crotch of the pants closed before putting on mushroom. 
Begin by making shorts/pants. After finishing, join yarn to the back of pants in the beginning ch. 
1-6. Sc in each ch/st (26). After completing row 6, ch 1 and turn. 
7. Sc in 13 stitches. Ch 1, turn.
8. Sc dec, sc 9, sc dec. Ch 1, turn. (11)
9. Sc dec, sc 7, sc dec. Ch 1, turn. (9)
10. Sc dec, sc 5, sc dec. Ch 1, turn. (7)
11. Sc in each stitch across. FO. 
Join yarn to back and repeat from row 7 for back. Put the romper on your pal and stitch the top corners together to form arm holes.
Sleeves (regular)
*worked in the round, around the arm
1. Sc in the sides of each row of romper top. You should end up with 10-12 stitches.
2. Sc in each stitch. Repeat to desired length, FO. 
Sleeves (puffy)
*worked in the round, around the arm
1. Sc inc in the sides of each row of romper top. You should end up with 20-24 stitches.
2-3. Sc in each stitch.
4. *sc dec* 10-12 times. 
5. Sc in each stitch. Repeat to desired length, FO. Scrunch sleeve for maximum puff. 
Begin with shorts, pants, or skirt
Ch 11
1. Sc in 2nd chain from hook and each ch to end (10)
2-6. Sc in each stitch (10). FO.
Sew panel to top of pants/shorts/skirt, making sure the middle of the panel is aligned with the front middle of the bottoms. Make a second panel for the back if desired. For straps, join yarn in top corner of the panel and ch to desired length -- either to connect to back panel or to connect to back of bottoms.
Backpack/Purse Base
Start with magic ring
1. Sc 5 in ring (5)
2. *sc inc, sc* repeat 2 times. Sc in last stitch (7)
3. *Sc inc, sc* repeat 2 times. Sc inc in last stitch (10)
4-9. sc in each (10). FO.
For purse strap, ch desired length and sc across ch. Attach ends of the strap to top of purse base. Weave in all ends.
For backpack straps, ch desired length to fit over arms and shoulders and sl across. Attach straps to backpack base. Weave in ends. 
That’s it! Now you have your own mushroom pal. 
This pattern is available for free here because I don’t believe in gatekeeping crafts but if you’d like to show me some love, buy me a kofi and support my yarn habit! 
Happy crafting!
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takuyakistall · 3 years
threads that connect us
At first, you had no idea what everyone around you kept on saying. The threads that connect everybody together, it took your breath away the first time you saw it. A beautiful sight that reminded you that no one is truly alone on this earth. What’s a better way to enjoy it than letting someone you love witness it with you? 
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The ability to be able to see the things no normal people would normally see wasn’t an ability you possessed from birth. Your family came from a long line of magicians blessed with the Tailor’s Eye. Despite what that name implies, the only tailor from your family lineage stretched back to a few hundred years ago who was said to be the very reason why they had the special sight in their possession. It was said that she used to sew until her fingers bled. A certain customer that came across her was so taken by the clothes she made, touched by her dedication and skill. So he blessed her with the ability to see things the naked human eye cannot. 
Ever since then, the ability was passed down from generation to generation to the firstborn of every family. It was not something they possessed from birth, it was something they get after reaching a certain age. Those who got hold of it had said the pain that came with it was excruciating as it felt as if their eyes were being burned until it turned into a different colour. You were no exception. And as the name implies, it was only one eye that shall turn into a different colour—people often thought your family just had very strong genes with the way every firstborn had heterochromia. 
After you had reached a certain age, your vision suddenly became blurry and you already collapsed from the pain as you put a hand over your eyes, hoping to soothe the pain that came with the so-called blessing. The moment you opened your eyes, a whole new world was before you—everything you had known about the Tailor’s Eye up to this point was quickly washed away after experiencing it yourself. When your mother said it would reveal things you normally wouldn’t see, you thought it had something to do with the supernatural. 
Much to your surprise, it had nothing to do with ghosts or anything of the sort. What you saw was far different from the things you imagined. Threads—fitting for a child of a family with a history of becoming great tailors. Never in your wildest dreams have you thought that you would see threads. Threads that connect people, whether it be the red thread that told you who was fated together or the nearly invisible thread that told you about friends who have yet to meet.
It was overwhelming at first, the sight of so many threads at once nearly made you lose your head as you figured out which was which. So many threads tangled together it was nearly impossible for you to tell which was which, was this really a blessing? 
Though with time, you have learned to appreciate it as you were going to have to live with it now. Seeing thousands of those strings connecting people together was something you’ve come to love with your heart, a beautiful sight that constantly reminded you that no one was truly alone on this earth no matter what you think. There was not a single person that did not have a thread attached to them, loneliness is never eternal. 
Your job, as someone who possesses this power, is to make sure that both ends of the thread on the brink of snapping meet in the end. In this world, there are countless threads that are about to snap as well. Whether it be because of fate or interference from an outsider not meant to get involved, though not always, there are special cases wherein you have to step in to ensure the fate of certain people don’t get into an intangible mess. 
Upon entering NRC, the first thing you did was explore where the threads lead you. It was rare, but there are times where those who possess this special sight can see their own strings. A nearly invisible thread that made your heart race, a friend you haven't met yet. To say you were excited was an understatement, that string led to none other than a first year. 
“What’s your name?” You asked, curiosity sparkling in your eyes as you saw the countless threads attached to him. No red in sight, you began to grow more interested. His skin looked like fine porcelain, his eyes shined brightly like sapphires and his hair of the colour lavender—he looked like a doll made by the finest dollmaker. 
“Epel Felmier, yours?” His round and inquiring eyes made you smile wider, his voice was as beautiful as you thought it would be. You stretched your hand towards him and shot him a grin with the intent to make a good impression, you were fated to be connected to each other after all. You told him your name and shortly after, he took your hand in his and shook it. It was the start of your story with him. 
With time, you came to know the multiple sides to him. You came to love him for the way he is with your heart, though there was something that scared you from the bottom of your heart. Epel had no red thread attached to him whatsoever, it was as if the world was telling you that he was not your fated to be. You understood the words of your elders when they said that those eyes could easily become a curse under certain circumstances; falling in love was one of them.
If the one you fell in love with had a red string attached to someone else who wasn’t you, wouldn’t that become unbearable? Epel had none, that could only mean one thing to you. He wasn’t going to fall for anyone. Not for you, not for anyone, fate had decided to let him be that way. You thought it was impossible and yet, he was living proof of otherwise. It was futile to try and deny it. 
As time passed by, you came to hate seeing such threads in your field of vision. You cursed it, it was no blessing to you as it burdened you with the weight of knowing Epel will never be truly yours. A cruel fate that you wished would change… But your feelings for the boy remained unchanging. The last bit of irrationality you held told you that it wouldn’t be bad to remain friends with him when it tore your heart to bits during your every waking moment. 
It wasn’t so bad, it wasn’t so bad, right? Convincing yourself that was a difficult task.
“Do you know how to sew?” You asked him, holding up a thread and needle. 
“A little bit, my grandmother taught me the basics at least.” You handed him the thread and needle, and without another word, he grabbed a white piece of fabric and started sewing to show you his basic skill set. 
“My family is famous for being skilled craftsmen. My grandfather used to tell me that life is like a finished piece of embroidery, one stitch at a time taken patiently and the pattern will come out right,” you trailed off. “But I never really liked sewing, you know?”
Maybe it was because Epel was too focused on his current task but his only reply was an offhand comment asking you why. You decided to change the subject after a quick look at him, you felt your heart beat faster.
“Hey, do you wanna see the threads that connect everyone together? You know, the thing they tell children in legends.” You heard him let out a scoff, he thought you were being ridiculous. You pouted, “What’s with that reaction, I’m serious!”
“As if we can see it. We might have magic but that sort of thing is impossible to see—does it even exist in the first place?”
“It’s just a matter of whether or not you want to see it.” With your magic pen in hand, you utter out a spell and before Epel could fully comprehend what was happening around him, a burst of colours invaded his vision without any prior warning as countless threads suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of him. 
No words left his lips as he felt as if his breath was being taken away by the overwhelming sight. He frantically looked towards your direction and for a split second, he swore he saw a glint of red light coming from one of the many threads attached to you—the thread that was also attached to him. Not long after a few seconds, the vision suddenly disappeared and everything was back to normal. 
Epel stood up and approached you, urgency present in everything he does. “What the hell was that!?”
“Haha! It looks like I startled you,” you laughed.
“Damn right I was!”
“Don’t worry, I just exchanged our vision for a few seconds so you could experience the world through my eyes. I must say, having a normal sight like yours felt very foreign to me now that my ‘normal’ is different.”
“You live like this?” He was beyond baffled, “you should’ve given me a warning beforehand.” 
You took a step closer to him, tilting your head slightly. Epel’s cheeks flushed slightly.
“I thought my previous question was sufficient. But enough of that! How was it?”
“I… have a lot of questions, of course. But, for now, does the red string of fate exist in your world too?” 
“Yup! Why do you ask?” The romantic legend about the red string of fate, those at the opposite ends are supposed to be soulmates. “I didn’t know you were into romantic stuff like that, Epel.”
“It’s nothing much…” He covered his mouth with his hand, the realization suddenly dawning on him. That sight he saw earlier… wasn’t just his eyes playing tricks on him, right?
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By the king’s hand 🐍 III
Warnings: warnings to be added as we progress but this series may contain non-consent, violence, death, and other triggers. (This chapter: oral)
This is dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You await the king’s next move.
Note: One day off. Managed to get this done!
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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When at last you managed to look away from the likeness of the imperious king, you tried to sit. You found it hard to stay still however and instead, paced the expanse of the chamber. You stopped at the tall windows to look out onto the palace lawns, a glimpse of the city visible beyond the walls. Would you ever see the other side of them again?
You looked down at yourself as you swept away from the glass panes. The gaudy gown made you grimace and you went back to your restless strides. You rung your hands and made yourself stop, fidgeted with the thin fabric that swished around your legs, and squinted closely at the few pieces of miscellany scattered on tables; a few pens, a ring, and a bound book.
The sound of boots came muffled from the corridor and you turned as the doors shifted. The guard without pushed inward and stood back as the king swept past him. You stopped behind the sofa and watched Loki as he didn’t seem aware of your presence. A boy, about fifteen or so, followed at his heels and barely evaded the snap of the doors as they shut.
You bowed and waited for his acknowledgement. You received none as you kept your head down and followed him with strained eyes as he crossed to the set of doors painted with winding snakes. The young boy opened them and the king disappeared beyond them, though they remained ajar.
You waited, hands folded, chin lowered, and listened. The soft rustle of clothing, the ruffle of activity unseen. It was a time before the king bid away his servant.
“Go.” His voice slithered through the silence, “Fetch my dinner, boy.”
You held your breath as the adolescent emerged and swiftly crossed to the other doors. He left you there and another deathly hush rose around you, laced with anticipation and impatience. You heard soft footsteps approach the open doorway and halt upon the threshold.
“Little mouse,” the king said cloyingly, “You might stand up straight now.”
You bit down and raised your head. Your eyes met his as he smirked across at you. He wore a deep green robe embroidered with golden serpents, tied loosely at his waist to allow a glimpse of his pale torso. His silk pants were loose as finely stitched slippers poked out from beneath the hems. His crown did not top his locks as they hung loosely along his shoulders.
“Why, you do look much recovered,” he purred as he casually pushed away form the doorframe, “Better, even.” He did not come close, merely went to the table and pulled out a chair to perch. He slung a leg over the other as he bent an elbow on the tabletop. “I was, most irritatingly, called away to council.”
You were quiet. You stayed on the other side of the couch as if it were a barricade from his lingering gaze.
“Come closer,” he beckoned with two fingers, “I should like a proper look at… the gown.”
You hesitated. Your flesh, though healing, was still tender along your back. You went to him with careful steps and stopped a foot away from him. He looked you up and down. He reached out and his fingers closed around your wrist and he drew you between his legs as he uncrossed them.
His fingertips flew quickly to the beading along your bodice and he traced the curve of your side. He hummed as he peered up at you, your chest obscuring you slightly.
“Hmmm, I think I preferred you naked and chained,” he snickered. “Do you feel me still? Is the lesson still seared into your flesh, little mouse?”
Your lip curled and you swallowed. You nodded.
“Speak, when you are addressed by your king.” He demanded.
“Yes, your majesty,” you uttered, “The marks remain.”
He bunched your skirts in his hands and bared your thighs. He tickled your skin and pushed firmly to knead the muscle.
“Alas, I did send for my supper and I would not the boy happen upon my little games,” his thumb grazed the crease of your pelvis, “He is innocent and easily frightened.”
You stood, tolerant of his touch, as you felt a peculiar tingle inside. Disgust laced with something more; something you wanted to deny. His hands dropped reluctantly and he shifted in his seat.
“You will sit and eat. I understand you did little of that during your internment,” he said sharply, “I suspect it is the reason you had to be dragged out of there. That I did need to charge my staff with reviving you.”
“Must be the reason,” you muttered as you sat in the other chair across from him. You caught the gleam in his eye. “Your majesty.”
“Throughout your tenure here, thus far, I’ve a chance to learn more of the errant trespasser,” he preened, “Your uncle, Bo, he is a crafter and a merchant. You were charged with shaping clay pots for his shelf. Your little friend, Gilla, she is a baker’s daughter. I did not care much for her though.”
“Gilla…” you repeated quietly. “You…”
“I did not harm her. I only asked her some questions.” 
The door opened suddenly and he sat up. The boy was accompanied by two other servants who set out wine, glasses, and plates. The flurry of activity departed as quickly as it had arrived and you were left alone once more with the king.
“She’s a talkative one but she does not say much of substance,” he mused as he took his fork, “But I still learned much.”
“Oh?” You twirled your fork anxiously.
“Nothing more than I couldn’t surmise on my own,” he shrugged, “I’ve come to realise your obstinacy.” He mused, “And let me say, that will not hold and I do look forward to testing it.”
You frowned and he bit into a morsel of pork. He chewed and swallowed emphatically.
“Oh, that look,” he pointed at you with his fork, “It assured me I am right.”
Your stomach was both happy and sore from the meal. It had been long since you had eaten much more than broth and hard bread, if anything at all. While the food was delicious, the circumstance was less than. You found it less than hospitable to be under the gaze of the king. Though he was not so intent, his eyes returned often enough to make you worry. You were wise enough to know that when the meal was over, there would be no pretense left, though you could not guess exactly at what he meant to do.
The young boy, who he called Hal, cleared the table and left another bottle of wine in his stead. Loki poured another glass for himself and glanced at the one you’d barely touched.
“I’d suggest you drink but truly it makes no difference to me,” he winked as he took a gulp of his own. “But you do seem rather… antsy.”
You said nothing and took the glass. You drank deeply and nearly spluttered. You drained the cup and placed it back on the table.
“I do not enjoy your ploys, your majesty, I would prefer you be to the point,” you said, “I am not naïve and the idea would be entirely unknown to you.”
“Ploys? To the point? I haven’t an idea of what you mean, little mouse.”
You drew your brows together and blinked. “If you long to see me squirm, I already am.”
“Oh, I do see it but I will not be done with you so quickly,” he threw back the last of his glass and set it beside your own, “Come.”
He took your head and led you to the door of his bedchamber. You had the urge to stop before you could enter but let him guide you. The black drapings of his bed, the silver sheets, and the lush pillows assured you of your fate. You knew what would come but you could not fathom the extent of his cruelty.
It was said that it hurt the first time for maidens. You suspected the pain would be worse with him. He didn’t make anything easy. He always added to any discomfort. He pleasured in it.
“Squirming, shaking, or shivering, mouse?” he wondered as he neared the bed and you trailed behind him. He tugged you onward. “Is it fear? It must be for there is no draft.”
“Stop, stop, please,” you said breathily, “Do not draw this out any further.”
He tilted his head as he turned and sat on the edge of the bed. He released you and untied his robe and lifted himself to drag the tails from under him. He tossed it away and sprawled across the mattress with a sigh. He sidled over and bent an arm behind his head. You tried to ignore the bulge in his silk pants as he rubbed the space beside him.
“I had the impression that you already slept for quite a time but… I suppose the dungeon still takes a toll,” he remarked, “Lay down, little mouse. You might put out the light before you do.”
You looked around and went to the lamp on the round table in the corner. You blew it out and the silver slats of moonlight lit your path back to the bed. You slid your slippers off before you touched the woven blanket. You lifted a knee onto the mattress and the king gripped your wrist again. He pulled you down against him in a single motion.
“I am rather tired. My day did stretch on,” he said as he nestled you against him. His other hand went down and rested over his crotch. He rubbed himself and groaned. “A good night’s sleep would do us both well.”
He retracted his hand and pulled your arm across his torso. The taut muscles of his stomach were warm against your skin and sent a tickle along your spin.
“The nights of late summer do tend to grow chilly,” he reached over and played with the embroidery of your bodice. “And I find myself restless.”
He let out a long breath and the tension left his body. You laid in silence, eyes wide as you waited for him to do something. Anything. A rumble went through his chest and made you flinch. He chuckled.
“In due time, little mouse,” he promised, “Our games are not over yet.”
You didn’t recall dozing but you awoke gently to stirring beside you. The king slipped his arm from beneath you carefully. You were surprised by his caution. The bed moved slightly as he shimmied to the other side and stood. He moved in the dark as you remained as you were.
He rounded the bed and paused. He slid his hand along your thigh, your skirts tangled in your legs. He drew away and you listened to him retreat to the bath chamber. There was the subtle swish of water and dainty activity beyond. You wanted to fall back asleep and escape the odd reality.
Then you heard more. A low groan that soon grew to laboured breaths. It went on for several minutes. You crushed your head into the pillow as you tried not to listen. A stifled grunt ended the illicit rhythm. Another sigh.
He didn’t emerge for a few more minutes. He went into the receiving chamber and you heard the other set of doors creak. Shortly, you heard the thin voice of the boy, Hal, and the king returned to let the boy dress him. You watched him by his shadow in the early morning light.
“Go to Birger and fetch the rest of the girl’s wardrobe,” he bid, “I expect that all will be put away before my return. Bring her some food when she wakes and ask Birger to help you, should you require it.” The king strode to the door and stopped again, “And make sure the guards remain on watch. She is more trouble than she seems.”
You laid still until you were certain they were gone, though Hal remained in the receiving chamber. You wouldn’t fall back asleep. You were too on edge. So you stared up at the ceiling and brushed your arm over the spot where Loki had slept beside you. 
It hadn’t been at all what you expected. It was like you were holding your breath, waiting for the tension to snap the branch beneath you. Waiting for Loki to be just who you knew him to be. The king who had lashed you in the dungeon, the arrogant prince who demanded and got all that he wanted.
When you dared to rise and poked your head out into the next chamber, the boy hopped up from where he sat before the hearth. You were careful not to take long steps as the skirt threatened to bare more than you wanted. 
“You don’t have to,” you waved him down, “I can tend to myself.”
“I must bring your morning meal,” he insisted. “As the king wishes.”
“The king,” you mulled as you took a seat at the table, “Is he kind to you?”
He narrowed his eyes and thought, then shrugged. “Well, I suppose he is crueler to others so yes.”
“That is hardly kindness,” you said.
“I’ve had worse masters,” Hal replied. “And less rich.”
You nodded and ran your fingernail along the tabletop. “Well then…” You tapped the wood, “Go on then.”
The boy left and you let out your breath. You hung your head and rubbed your eyes. You listened to the morning birds and the breeze in the leaves. You knew the calm would give way soon to a great storm.
After you picked at a hard-boiled egg and some rashers, Hal returned with Birgir. They carried a large chest between them and set it down heavily before a painted armoire in the bedchamber. You watched as they hung the silks, satins, and brocades. Slippers were placed along the lower shelves and a few cloaks slung alongside the numerous gowns.
Birger bid you change your outfit and you placated him if only to rid yourself of his disapproval. You dressed in a burgundy dress with a similar cut as the first. None offered much more coverage, often less, and you scowled at the thought of donning them. You tucked your feet into a pair of slippers and washed your face of the make-up that remained from the previous day.
You were once more alone and left to languish in the king’s empty chambers. You thought of the dungeon. At least that was not a farce. At least the dank, dripping depths did not try to disguise your sentence.
You pulled the curtains back from the glass doors in the bedchamber. A balcony stood without as the sun peaked. You slowly turned the curved handle and pulled them open. You stepped out tentatively and looked around. You inhaled the scent of the wind and pollen. You hadn’t been outside in so long that you were overcome with nostalgia, with longing and dread. 
Would you ever know what it was to run across the grass again? To watch the rivers flow and dream of following them?
You went to the rail and looked down at the trimmed lawns and their pristine hedges and the beds of colourful buds. Birds danced along the rims of the fountain and other critters dove in and out of the maze of greenery. You leaned your elbows on the marble rail and stared down. It was far; far enough to kill.
You looked at the balcony, at the slates of the railing, at any foothold that might be found along the wall. You bent further over as you tried to spy those below and if they were close enough to land. Your thoughts ventured to escape, as risky as it might be, and you were want to laugh at your foolishness.
You felt something in your skirts, then a firm grip on your ankles. Suddenly you were tipped over the edge and you cried out as you were certain you would plummet to your death. You grabbed onto the marble slats as you we held dangling over the rail and you looked up at your accoster.
The king guffawed at your fear as you clung to the side of the balcony and slowly pulled your feet back over to the other side. His hand slid up your leg and ass and he grabbed the back of your bodice as he drew you up straight. He caught your hand before you could slap him.
“Now, now,” his hand crushed yours, “Did we not already learn this lesson?”
“You could’ve killed me!” You whined.
“I could’ve. And still could,” he smirked as he trapped you against the rail. “There is much I could do to you.”
You stared at him in disgust as he pressed his body to yours. His hand went to your chin and he framed your face with his long fingers.
“I could bend you back over this bannister and let my kingdom hear what it is I want to do to you,” he sneered. “Gods, the thought has me harder than last eve.”
He dragged his thumb over to your lips and poked inside your mouth. You resisted for a moment, until it hurt, and he pressed down on your tongue.
“If you were to be on your knees, no one should see you,” he said, “They wouldn’t know why it was you kneel before me…”
You swallowed as your stomach filled with bile. He pulled his thumb from your mouth and took a step back.
“So on your knees for your king,” he pushed apart the tails of his overcoat and lifted the bottom of his tunic as he unlaced his trousers, “I’ve been rather patient and it is not a habit I know well.”
You stared in aghast as he rubbed himself through his trousers and winced. His eyes flicked back to you and his face darkened.
“I said ‘on your knees’,” he barked, “Little mouse, you must really start obeying me or I shall have to repeat that lesson.”
You slowly bent your leg and rigidly got down to your knees. He pushed open the front of his trousers and stepped close. You stared at the ground as he pulled himself free and stroked his length. He grabbed your chin again and forced your head up. You tried not to look at his member bobbing in your vision.
“Open that trite little mouth. I will make better use of it than your bitter words,” he squeezed and you gasped at the sharp twinge it sent through your skull.
You opened your mouth and he pressed his tip to your lips. He rested it there and rubbed it back and forth teasingly. You closed your eyes and he slapped your cheek lightly with his fingers.
“No, no, keep those eyes open,” he demanded, “They look so nice staring up at me.” He slid slowly inside your mouth, “So frightened. I daresay, you look, almost, innocent.”
He pushed further in until he was at your throat. You gagged and he went deeper with a snicker. He gripped your head with one head as he thrust to his limit and your eyes welled as you struggled to breathe around him. You’d never done anything with a man more than a playful peck on the lips. You never spent very much time thinking of more.
He eased you back and you took a deep gulp of air before he invaded your throat again. The sickly noise of your spit and his member was repulsive. His eyes held yours as he moved his hips slowly and you latched onto his belt to keep from slipping.
“Little mouse, I only hope your mouth is an omen of what else you have to offer,” he purred as he rocked his pelvis, “A delight…”
Each thrust felt deeper than the last, harder, faster. His groans rose in the warm air as he was encouraged by his own voice. He grew louder as your eyes threatened to roll back and his face contorted in his pleasure. He kept a hand on your jaw and the other on the back of your head as he used your mouth.
You were dizzy as his intrusion felt as if it would never end. He threw his head back and you dared to close your eyes as your mouth turned salty. His voice rose louder and louder and filled your head. He dipped down your throat and his motion staggered. He gripped you tightly and moaned as he emptied himself down your throat.
He grunted with his few final jerks and pulled out sharply. He released you just as quickly and you fell to the side as he backed away and panted. You coughed his seed up onto the stone as he watched you. You could feel his shadow as he neared and you looked up as he cradled his glistening member.
“You’ve made such a mess, little mouse,” he reproached, “I shall forgive it this time, but the next, you won’t muddy my floors so.”
You choked as you sat back on your heels and stared at him with wet eyes. Your throat ached horribly and your head still spun.
“Go on, clean me up, darling,” he looked down at his cock in his hand. “I suspect I am late already.”
You shoved your repulsion down and neared him on your knees. He angled his tip back to your lips and you took him again in your mouth. You pressed your tongue to his member and slowly pulled back as you lapped up the last of his cum. He guided you up and down a few times and relented once more. 
He parted from you again, content, and tucked himself away in his trousers. As he laced himself up, he cleared his throat.
“Well, little mouse, I will say, I’ve done little for my patience,” he chuckled, “I do suggest you might have some wine before I return again… it is said to dull the pain.” He neatened his tunic and overcoat and ran his fingers through his hair. “And I promise, there will be a lot of pain.
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