#<- i do thar anyway lol
garfield-milk · 1 year
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he’s such a fangirl. he definitely has a few scrolls of adventures (and fanfiction) of the Blue Spirit and reads them every night while giggling and kicking his feet in the air.
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
warning for talk of recreational drug use in the tags
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k2ntoss · 6 months
hihi, it me, back again with more jason brain rot, this time brought to you by this random Instagram reel i saw while having dinner lol
anyway, just imagine this with Jay?? like, warm cozy domestic hugs and kisses in the middle of the kitchen?? simple domestic bliss?? absolute dreammmmmm 😭😭
ps. hope you're doing well lovely, miss you <3
i crave and need fluff bc i love me a little sweet jason !!!!!!!!!!! (i'm single and i want a nice relationship) i can't see the reel now BUUUUUT i'm gonna do my magic and be a simp and this could be a second fluffy part to that drabble with subby jason having to skip patrol after getting good head from his gf hehehe you can read thar here
sometimes having your girlfriend to call sick for you so you can take a rest earns you three well deserved days to sleep late and have comforting hours without having to worry about patching wounds or chasing after criminals.
so after a night of being completely unable to move from bed because of how dizzy his head was, he's clumsily going out of the bedroom looking for you, rubbing his eyes to try and push his tiredness away because he didn't liked the feeling of waking up after you, when you had already left the bed and he isn't able to pull you closer and kiss you right away.
it's funny to see him like that, while you wait on the living room drinking a cup of coffee for him to wake up you're able to see him walk out of the room still half asleep but he looks just too cute. jason is a 6ft tall guy, big as a wall and rough but there he was, dragging his feet, his hair all fluffy and the black hoodie he wore to sleep looking messy; you can see him walk to the kitchen and he grunts softly when he sees nobody there but as soon as he turns around he spots you.
you know what jason is about to trap you under his body but damned be his long legs because you're not able to properly set your cup aside when jason is letting his weight fall over you like a tired cat "wait, baby... the coffee" you say between giggles but it's too late when your boyfriend is cuddling himself into your arms, hugging your waist and nuzzling his face against your neck "good morning, jay"
"g' morning, princess..." he mutters, voice is still hoarse but sweet as he greets you "why were you out of bed?" jason asks, kissing softly a small trail in your neck as you wrap one of your legs around his waist.
"were you looking for me, love? i thought about making breakfast for you before you woke up..." you say softly, trying to move and lean a bit to leave your cup on the table but failing when he just cuddles more into your chest making you chuckle softly "you looked so pretty sleeping i couldn't wake you up... are you still tired, red?" and that nickname makes him grin goofily, he loves the way it sounds when you call him that and even more as you keep babying him with soft pecks on his forehead.
"i feel like i could sleep for a month... but only if you're there with me" jason's voice is a low rumble, his words sending shivers through her spine and that mixed with how sweet it was knowing that he wanted you by his side even when his last months as the red hood had been so tiring.
"want to make breakfast with me and then we go eat on bed? we could watch a movie, does that sound good?" you ask him, reaching to cup jason's face between your hands and pressing a soft kiss on his lips which he gladly accepts with a soft purr leaving his throat.
he nods and you can swear he's never looked so calm before, so well rested and it was just what he needed more than anything. jason was sure he had done a lot of harm and there would be days when he didn't feel like deserving you but right now, having his sweet girlfriend to look at him like he hung up the moon and stars makes him feel worthy of love and care, even the big bad red hood deserved to be babied after all.
"then let's go, big guy" you say, starting to squirm in a failed attempt to slide from under jason's body and he chuckles at it before moving with you on his arms, picking your body up and walking to the kitchen as he lets soft kisses fall to your cheeks and neck before putting you back down.
and the morning goes like that, jason wishes he could get more of this. the way you walk around the kitchen as he tries to help, pouting softly when you don't let him do everything because he has to rest, he loves the warmth he feels on his chest as you walk past him and he pulls you back to steal a kiss from your lips before you try to walk away only to end up with him clinging to your back, kissing the top of your head as you cook.
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eyecan02 · 15 days
I had fun watching this film. It was great seeing the OGs again, it was funny and it had a good script BUT I have to give this movie 7/10 because the pacing was off for the first half of the film and because of the two unnecessary Babyjuice scenes (We'll get to more of that in a bit.)
It just felt rushed and Beetlejuice and Lydia's scenes were limited. Yes, we knew from the get go that Keaton's scenes would be confined because that's how he wanted it but I just like complaining. lol
Before Lydia and Beetlejuice officially reunite, he starts spamming her phone with the Day O song playing with Beetlejuice's name in bold pops ups coming up nonstop. This happens when Rory is trying to talk about their wedding and Lydia just isn't in the mood to talk about it.
The first Beetlebabes scene is the "therapy scene" and its also the first Babyjuice scene. Lydia's belly grows quickly, her water breaks and out pops out Babyjuice. It starts crawling around and soon starts biting on Lydia's ankle. You do actually see bloody teethmarks on Lydia's ankle to which Beetlejuice says, "Takes after his dad." and he starts drooling exaggeratingly.
I don't remember the exact wording but Lydia called Beetlejuice "Demented." To which Beetlejuice replies with something like "Well, if me wanting to be with the love of my life is demented then fine I'm demented. Come here, honey." Yes, he actually calls her the love of his life!
He tries to do the gliding thing he did with Lydia during the first movie when he says this. Before Lydia is pulled to his side, she yells, "Home! Home! Home!"
That's when Lydia tries to hurry to get everyone out of the house and out of Winter River but Astrid tells her she has a date and somehow convinces Lydia to drive her to the boy's house. So Delia and Lydia board up the attic door and decide no one goes in and that they'll leave that same night right after Lydia gets married at midnight.
Now as most of us have heard- Astrid's crush has a secret. That secret is...that he's a ghost. Which, I feel so dumb about not guessing it. I should've figured it out when they showed "The Recently Deceased" book thar he claimed he bought at a "yard sale". The boy (can't remember his name) says Lydia can help him come back to life (not through marriage) and says if she travels with him to the Neitherworld, she'll help her see her dad again.
Lydia soon finds out that the boy (I think his name was Jeremy) was not only someone who killed his parents but is also a ghost (through info from Jane the realtor) so she rushes to rescue Astrid but gets there seconds too late. With no other choice she goes back to the Maitlands home and summons Beetlejuice.
The minute Beetlejuice gets Lydia into the afterlife...they're immediately separated right after the "Bonnie and Clyde line. The excuse? Beetlejuice had to "visit the little boy's room" as a plot device so that Lydia and Astrid could reunite with Astrid's deceased father. He's the one that saves them from the sandworm and helps them make up.
It turns out that Jeremy was gonna swap places with Astrid. She would've gone on the Soul Train that takes you to the "Great Beyond" and he would've resurrected as a living person. This takes place at an immigration office. Beetlejuice has kind of a heroic moment where he switched places with the person behind the glass that gives the "stamp of living approval."
When Jeremy looks at the paper that Beetlejuice gives him, it reads "Shit Out of Luck Fucker". XD This part had everyone howling with laughter. Beetlejuice stamps on the paper and that instantly opens the floor beneath Jeremy and sends him to hell.
Astrid's father helped Lydia and Astrid leave the Neitherworld through a portal in a mausoleum that is conveniantlly across from the church that Lydia is supposed to getting married at. Even though she doesn't really want to marry Rory, she decides to do it anyway. Tells Rory she won't change into her wedding dress- that they should just proceed as they are.
That's when Beetlejuice arrives with Delia, pushes her aside and tells her to "Scram!" lol (Earlier in the film, Delia tried to perform a strange love ritual with a pair of snakes that she was told were defanged. Spoiler: they weren't defanged so she died and got sent to the Waiting Room so since she doesn't want to wait there for ages, she summons Beetlejuice who agrees to help her if he can help her find his "runaway bride".)
Beetlejuice proceeds to drug Rory by stabbing his neck with a syringe and this somehow makes Rory confess whata scumbag he is and how he was just using Lydia for money. Another interesting moment where Beetlejuice is being "helpful" in his own way."
So the next five minutes are just as chaotic as Jenna Ortega described. And remember how we all had speculated that Beetlejuice wouldn't waste time with a song and dance and would try to get through the vows as fast as he could? We were wrong. Beetlejuice apparently thought he had all the time in the world as he starts to lip sync "MacArthur Park" and even had Lydia lip syncing the song to him. His make up got all runny as he wept at his own wedding.
They dance and then Wolf and his SWAT team crash the wedding followed by Delores storming in and Beetlejuice tells her, "It's not you. It's me. I'm just looking for a more soul mate type. You should be with a guy that is more into you."
He magically rips off Rory's shirt to reveal a shirt underneath that says "I Love Delores". Delores is not impressed. And I honestly forgot what happens to Delores but then the Sandworm scene happens and then everything calms down. Lydia, Astrid and Delia try to leave the church but Beetlejuice stops them, reminding Lydia that they have a contract. He pulls out the contract.
But then Astrid remembers something Wolf had mentioned earlier about Beetlejuice violating "Code 669" by bringing a living person to the Neitherword so she states that that means his contract with Lydia is null and void. Beetlejuice's contract proceeds to burst into flame.
Lydia steps forward and says "I'm sorry it didn't work out between us." She says something else that I forgot and proceeds to say his name three times and with each call of his name, Beetlejuice's body inflates more and more until he pops.
Delia promises she'll haunt Lydia and Astrid until they're sick of her. Wolf takes her back to the Neitherworld where Delia reunites with Charles's mangled corpse. It then skips to Lydia announcing the last episode of her show so that she can "start living".
Then it shows Lydia and Astrid traveling together. It looks like they're in Romania/Transylvania where Astrid locks eyes with a cute guy. Then a time skip where Astrid is marrying the guy. Another time skip where Astrid is giving birth. This is where it gets weird. She gives birth to Babyjuice that proceeds to start crawling on the walls. That's when Lydia wakes up, relieved that that was a nightmare when suddenly Beetlejuice leans over her in bed and says, "I just had the strangest dream." Lydia gasps and she wakes up again and slowly looks over to her left to see an empty space and no Beetlejuice.
So I'm guessing that's what that one interviewer guy meant when he told Winona "You sorta got your wish at the end." I guess it means Beetlejuice will always be haunting her and playing the long game of waiting for her. I need to discuss this with someone! What do you think of the spoilers? The ending in particular?
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nanoland · 11 months
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some God Damn Acting going on in this scene, and can i note how much i love contrasting this against Ed's hilariously cringe nonpology to the rest of the crew?
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this shit? this shit was so easy for him. guy's been playing roles his whole life, all he had to do here was play Stede's Pathetic Penitent Boyfriend. he's wearing a costume! the bell is a prop! IT'S A CAT BELL. HE'S BEING STEDE'S POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW.
he's not trying to communicate with these people, he's performatively humiliating himself in front of them so they'll stop being scared of him and he can stay aboard the ship.
(insert something something about humiliating oneself as a form of self-harm, y helo thar red nightgown ed from s1)
but with Izzy?
Izzy gets a real apology.
From the real Ed.
who is btw NOT in the habit of apologizing to his fucking subordinates
who is not stede's sad shivering pet
who is in fact a tough, shitty guy apologizing to another tough, shitty guy
who HATES this and isn't bothering to disguise how much he hates this
who doesn't even need to do this because it's clear at this point that Izzy isn't going anywhere
and who's going to do it anyway because he's actually, genuinely sorry.
and then he runs away as quickly as humanly possible lol
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anyway! i really love Ed guys, he's a fantastic character
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 months
Hakuoki Drama CD Hijikata Biyori Track 28 Eng translation
This post is to make up for last week's translation which I had no intention of doing since I had to prepare for a job interview last Monday... originally I wanted to work on this earlier but on Monday I was too tired, and on Tuesday I got carsick, then I was too tired on Wednesday since I slept too much after being carsick on the Tuesday and ended up waking up at 3 am in the morning and not sleeping until about 11 am.... then I spent the day worrying about a formal offer meeting that never happened since something came up that then ultimately got pushed back to today... which I mostly spent looking through job offer documents and gathering what I needed to send back to the company. 😅
I guess all I can say is that life is full of surprises? lol.
I'll now be working on the post for once I finish scanning the last document I need and emailing them back!
Hakuoki - Hijikata Biyori Track 28: Cicadas
Translation by KumoriYami
Kondou: Ah, everyone, I'm very impressed by you are all training so diligently, but it would be bad if you got heatsroke in this weather. Let's stop here for today.
Kondou: Oh, it's really hot. Let's go sprinkling some water.
Okita: Kondou-san, are you going to sprinkle water?
Kondou: Ahaha, it's because it's very hot.
Hijikata: This sort of thing shouldn't be done by you. Can't you ask someone else do it?
Kondou: Ahaha, it's fine. This is something I want to do.
Okita: I'll help you, Kondou-san.
Kondou: Oh, thank you, Souji. Okita: : No need, this will be more efficient if three people work together than if one person does it alone. Isn't thar right, Hijikata-san.
Hijikata: Huh?
Kondou: Ah, you really are so helpful! I'll counting on you then, Toshi, Souji. Hijikata: Um, I...
.... [guessing there's some time that passes here....]
Kondou: Alright! That's about it! Toshi, Souji, sorry about that.
Okita: Haha, it was done in a flash.
Hijikata: Ah, yeah/that's right. It's a bit coooler now.
Kondou: Ahaha, well~ it's... it's still hot though....
Hijikata: Hey, hey, Kondou-san!
Okita: Hehe, the chirping of the cicadas somehow make it feel even hotter.
Hijikata: Ah, yes.
Kondou: Nono, the two of you. You can't say that... but the time that cicadas chirp is really short. They try to do their utmost to chirp desperately so as to not waste this short time.
Hijikata: That's right.
Okita: It's amazing that they try their best to survive without paying heed to anything else in their surroundings.
Kondou: Mm.
Okita: Yes, let's do that.
Hijikata: Ha… You guys are pretty brazen.
Hijikata: Even so, they continue to chirp... they're very strong.
Kondou: Ahah, that's rigght. We should learn from the spirit of the cicadas.
Hijikata:...Learn from cicadas.... Okita: Hijikata-san is strong enough, so it's fine. He's more impudent than anyone.
Hijikata: Souji!
Kondou: Ahahah... that's right. Perhaps being impudent is the way to go. Come on, let's head back. If we take it too easy, we might lose to the sun and the chirping cicadas.
Okita: Ah, I remember that Hijikata-san's room is quite ventilated.
Hijikata: That's true that if you open the door, but...
Kondou: Oh, is that so. Then let's go eat dinner together in Toshi's room.
Okita: Yes, let's do that.
Hijikata: Hah... you both are really impudent as well...
I'm pretty sure this references that other Biyori where Souji goes into Hijikata's room because it's cooler...
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ohonama · 1 year
ppl talk about the cocoa puffs as if they were nicos traumas ripped from him but how im seeing it (i havent gotten to the part yet, but im interpreting based on wjat ppl have said and briefly reading) is that theyre just the physical manifestations of those and serve to bring his traumas to light instead of concealing them. the LITERAL meaning of living with it / them, living with his trauma. being able to grow into a person who could deal with the hurt they’d bring and process his feelings. but thars just me lol. the nyx storyline was literally a journey about ptsd and trauma as was the entire fucking book. how are people not getting this? nicos negative emotions obey him because he has been able to grow and deal with them. what do people not get? i think they should reread the story and actually analyse it instead of just hating it for having “fanfiction writing” (which is false anyway, and an insult to us writers) and not being able to see past their hate. reread every pjo book with nico in. analyse his growth. reread tsats and analyse how its written as a ptsd story. and then make ur decision.
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zesty-goblin-trash · 1 month
Part two of my goblin-self doll update!
Thar be walls of text ahead, ye have been warned.
Right, so. Bods all good to go now. For the head, I actually wanted to try and just fit the new goblin style ears over the original ears on Draculaura's Sculpt. This didn't end up working, but I spent a stupid amount of time trying to make the 3D file of the ears have a cavity that would fit the original ears inside em. It wasn't for nothing though, cause during all that I ended up also adding the holes for the tunnels/plugs and making tiny jewelry to 3D print. It's kinda hard to see em right now since both the ears and the jewelry are made with the clear resin, I think these look much better than my first goblin-self who just had holes drilled out after the fact with slivers of rolled pop cans as the tunnels.
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I also adjusted one ear to be more curled into itself because I actually have 2 very distinctly different ears in real life. Kinda ironically the doll that should have exaggerated features has ears that are less noticeably different than I do lmao
Side note that it's actually one of the few features I really like about myself. I should really take a photo while my hair is still short AF to show it 😅 But my right ear is the spitting image of what my dad's ears were, flatter overall and it sticks out more. Where as my left is my mom's, closer to my head with a more pronounced ridge. Fun facts lol
While I was fussing with all that on the computer and during the body dying, I was trying to ever so slightly shrink the dolls head in acetone. I didn't want to actually shrink the head, I just wanted to stiffen up the vinyl. I've seen a number of doll artists shrink the heads of their dolls to make the proportions more normal and it also hardens up the vinyl significantly. I think that this is why I kept having the line between the Apoxie Sculpt and the vinyl on my first head.
I don't think I let the head soak long enough in the end, but I was really worried about the head shrinking significantly. It was hard to tell when to take it out of the acetone/water mix since it swells to twice the normal size while soaking and then as it dries the vinyl shrinks back down. But it felt a bit more resistant to me squishing it so at least there is that?
I've since decided that I'm not going to sculpt the jaw out to be more like my real face. While Draculaura certainly has a much smaller chin than I do, I think that the features are close enough that I'm fine with it. Her nose is different than mine in a way I can't really resculpt anyway, so I'm just going to chalk that up to goblin features!
So now we're pretty much caught up to the current point of progress! The ears have been printed and attached, still using some Apoxie Sculpt to blend the connection in to the head. I also used a very thin layer to cover the holes from the factory hair plugs, creating a nice smooth skull shape! Or so I hope 😅
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Since taking those photos I've added a couple of other details with some puffy paint that I hope will create subtle raised parts for piercings and a rather prominent scar on my chest. I've also tried to sculpt the cheeks a little bit by strategically sanding them. I'll have to compare to those photos cause I really dont think it did much. I got the needed layers of MSC sprayed and now she's ready for her base coat of primer and green skin!
Hopefully next time you hear about this doll, she'll be green and getting tattoos!
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crystallinestars · 3 months
AAAAA! HELLO HELLO! I am glad to see your response T_T! Honestly, I am trying not to think too much about it, hence why I left X and just stayed here in Tumblr, as for tiktok, I made a new account and just actively not search for it other than solo edits (Jing Yuan edits are so 👌 I don't know how much more I can love that man.)
Also I was reading the other anons posts and your response and yeah! I just notice right now how there is no Kaveh in Alhaitham's banner. Like I don't remember him being in Haitham's since his first debut and since Haitham's rerun. OoO that's interesting. But yeah, I somehow just moved on from Alhaitham and just referred to him as my ex that can't move on (I dunno why, but whenever I simp for the other husbandos, I somehow get ads about him, pics, edits in my socmed 👀 it's sus lol) and I have fixations now which is Neuvillette and Capitano (I love men in power HAHAHA).
Also, do you mind if I rant about Jing Yuan and Argenti? I see that you love Argenti, so I'll start with him. So Argenti…ah…how do I describe this piece of magnificence and manifestation of beauty…HE IS SO AAAAAAA so so so gentlemanly! He's like really good with words, genuinely sweet, prolly his love language is acts of service and he's also so handsome. Like he's got some feminine aspects in him like silky long hair and pretty eyes, also I dunno but he seems like he smells so good and that is plus points to me HAHAHA!
Now onto the General. *sigh* how do I start with this man? Please marry me. HAHAHAHA like no joke. He's got the qualities of a man I am finding for in a husband. He's smart (I love smart men <3), handsome, good sense of humor, etc. Plus, he's got that aura. I dunno how to explain it, but he seems to be the type to make you feel protected and safe. Like it is disarming but in a good way. Here's more. What I really notice about him is he is gentle but also exudes a healthy amount of masculinity. Gentle and Firm that's the best description (sorry for bad english, I am running on coffee rn and my hands are shaking HAHA). He's like…hm…THE MAN kind of man. Like I first saw him and I snapped my fingers and just goes "Yup, that's irl husband material right there!" Haha!
Anyways, sorry for the long yapping about them, but I also just wanna share thar I just learned about the term Yumejoshi and wow oh wow! I am so happy to see more people who self-ships T_T I am so glad to finally see people who share the same interest after years of thinking that maybe I am just weird but now, I feel like I found my people hahaha!
Btw, thank you for the well wishes, I really hope to finally graduate and I am proud to have an architect representation in-game (I am envious of how he just have Lumion installed in his suitcase that is so conventient ;_;). As for the discord invite, I'll join once I get a new laptop, my old one is barely hanging on lol. Have a great day and love lots! <3
- 🌊
Welcome back 🌊 anon!
Is Lumion some kind of software? I've never heard of it before.
You move on quick, haha. Alhaitham must be jealous that you moved on from him so fast XD Neuvillette is a really solid choice though, so I understand. It seems you like the noble and authoritative archetype.
I'm more than happy to talk about Jing Yuan and Argenti with you! I actually like Jing Yuan a lot too. Back when HSR first released, the only thing that piqued my interest about it was Jing Yuan. I resisted playing since he alone was not enough to get me into turn-based combat, but with the release of Argenti and Aventurine, I eventually caved. There aren't many characters in HSR that appeal to me, but Jing Yuan, Argenti, Aventurine, and Jiaoqiu keep my interest.
Argenti most certainly is a gentleman, and that's what's so appealing about him aside from his looks. The fact he's a noble knight that diligently serves Idrila is tragically romantic. What really gets me is that all his flowery praises and flamboyant gestures are genuine. He means what he says, and what he says is so, so beautiful. He could genuinely love any type of person because he is that kind and open-minded. His looks remind me of a character from a 70s or 80s shoujo manga haha. I will be pulling for him and his lightcone when his banner reruns, so wish me luck!
As for Jing Yuan, I feel you!!!! His intelligence is so attractive, my god. It's like he's always thinking several steps ahead of his opponents, and has the confidence to face anything head-on, no matter how dangerous. He never panics but rather handles everything in a smart and laidback way. There certainly is something very reassuring about him. He's the kind of man that will treat you well and that you can rely on, which makes him perfect husband material. I approve, you have good taste, anon.
Welcome to the world of self-shipping! Japanese yumejoshi make a lot of lovely art for us, and on tumblr you can find a lot of reader-insert fanfiction. A lot of people self-ship, even through MCs, so you are definitely not alone! I used to be a part of several websites that posted pretty much exclusive self-shipping content, but unfortunately they have all closed down a while ago ): Tumblr and AO3 still have a lot of awesome fics, and pixiv and twitter have a lot of good art. You need to know where and how to look for it, though.
I will most likely take down the discord invite link in a few days for the sake of safety. Once you get a new computer, feel free to send me a message with a request for the link, and I will give it to you again.
Hope you have a good night, anon!
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reanimationstation · 11 months
Saw your reblog about misogynism & people not liking female characters and I'm agreed w Adrienne saving the day with Bendy female characters
Rose and Constance are great protagonist
Dot is AWESOME deuteragonist and even with being created as Buddy's supporting character she's *equal*. She's not "plain girl for male protagonist" type of deal
Abby Lambert is so good. People barely talk about her bc she's more interesting in TIOL and it's Joey book but i ADORE her even with little time in books that she has
In vanilla Bendy games i really love Twisted Alice/Susie Campbell but i should note that she deserved more focus (only in my opinion)
+possibly less "woman hates another woman for being fired" (it looks to me like they lowkey dropped it but. It was kinda here in ch3)
I'm all for women who are far too gone but can still have sympathetic angle. I do feel like devs suffer with reflecting it in writing tho
Audrey is good enough (would appreciate better writing at places but yk). I'm biased because i have hyperfix on her lol. Idk i love her little character moments and Erin did great job at changing tones when it was needed. If Adrienne got her even as side character in some book, she'd greatly benefit from it.
Allison Angel is more enjoyable in DR (to me) but she's more developed in fanon
Allison Pendle on the other hand. . . Erm. I wish she was more than Alice's second VA if you get me
Anyway I love women in Bendy👍 Bendy's funny deal is that a lot of characters suffer from lack of development and they're not only female. *Stares at certain male characters*
all the girls in the books are fantastic and are genuinely such charming characters. they're well written CHARACTERS and i feel like sometimes people forget that writing a women is writing a PERSON but Kress never really does that and i appreciate her so much for it.
i need to appreciate Abby more i love her dearly i just don't think about her much. she's so good, i wish we got more of her but i get that it's Joey's book.
MALICE/SUSIE HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL AND SHE DESERVES BETTER WRITING. i love her so much but gosh her writing could be better. especially in batdr like queen im so glad you're here but what ARE you doing here. can we get more of your character struggles, a little insight into how thats going maybe?? and yeah the hating another woman cause she was fired is a bit touch and go but i feel like with the right writers they could make it work. they unfortunately do not seem like theyre trying to do that
i do love Audrey i just have problems with some of the batdr writing. like how she kinda just goes along with whatever opinion she needs to have to move the plot along and at times i was like WHY ARE YOU SIDING WITH HIM/DOING THIS but thats not her fault. she has her good character moments and yeah Erin did a fantastic job voicing her. and she would REALLY benefit from being written by Kress, you're right. a lot of the characters would (cough susie cough)
ill be so real i barely remember any Allison Angel moments in either game IM SORRY THEY JUST DONT STAND OUT IN MY BRAIN </3 i do agree that shes better in batdr tho
ALLISON PENDLE THO. she needs more screentime in the books outside of being Very Pretty and Kind.
in FTB though i really REALLY liked her characterization, with how she was tired of being expected to be the entertainment when she's a guest. it felt realistic, and makes sense with what little else we know about her. I need more private moments with her, ones where she isnt putting up a mask to perform, because only then we'll see what she's really like. and shes SO sweet with Rose, i really adore thar scene in general.
BUT YEAH WOMEN IN BENDY MY BELOVED. I think a lot of it is that most of them come from the books, and Adrienne is REALLY GOOD AT WRITING COMPELLING CHARACTERS. everyone she got to write for got an improvement in their characterization, not just the women. some of the male characters desperately needed it. anyways put more well written ladies in the games challenge
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1114: Morning Text with GF (RWBY)
Ruby: So you n Pyrrha are gonna take some therapy sessions for mow on?
Oscar: Yep. And get this.
Oscar: Turns out that Ms. Goodwitch has been psychologist thus whole time
Ruby: No surprise there really
Ruby: She did had the side job of being academy psychologist on some occasions
Ruby: Which is kinda funny considering she used to scare the crap out of a lot of students with the death glare alone lol
Oscar: Kinda makes me glad I haven't gotten on her worse side yet
Ruby: Oh I wouldn't worry about that too much
Ruby: Can't imagine Mother Goodwitch ever being mad at her baby farmboi for long!~
Oscar: Yeah, unless I get involved with your antics.
Ruby let's out a loud, dramatic gasps before pouting and texting back.
Ruby: Excuuuuuse u!?
Ruby: I'll have u know that I have been a wonderful influence over the years
Oscar: Yeah, tell that to the ghost of Ozpin
Oscar: Last I checked, you were a real piece of work in the acemdey days lol
Ruby: Um correction! Yang was a real piece of work
Ruby: I had been nothing but an innocent, angel- 😇
Oscar: Sure you are, Rose. Sure you are.
Ruby: Oh forget it! This shouldn't even be about right now.
Ruby: What I REALLY wanna talk about is how you've gotten so lucky into having an aunt, two dads, and three moms in ur life
Ruby: U kno, besides being the the biggest sweetheart on the face of this planet~
Ruby: Also, Emerald too I guess
Oscar: Hey, you actually include her for something for once lol
Ruby: Yeah, yeah how nice of me. She's still on my "I Don't Trust" List.
Oscar: I know, but at least try to get along one another, even if it's for a tiny bit
Ruby: I try for u
Ruby: Just don't expect us to be the bestest friends 9r whatever, 'kay?
Ruby: I already have a lot of besties as it is and one of them is my sweetheart of a boyfriend 😘
Oscar: Best friend and Boyfriend? I'm already feel honored already~
Oscar: But to answer your question, I guess is as good as mines on thar one really lol
Oscar: I'm just happy to have them all in my life right now
Oscar: That includes you too, Ruby ;)
Ruby: D'awwwww!~ Now I'm feeling honored~
Ruby: And I'm really glad things are going well for you guys as of late, especially after all the hell we've all been through in the past.
Oscar: Thanks. I can say the same for you guys as well.
Oscar: Hang on. I have to take a call for a sec.
Ruby: At 8 in the morning?
Oscar: It's technically 8: 54 am right now, but yeah. BRB!
Oscar: (Quickly Answers the Call) Hello? Oscar's speaking.
Glynda: (On the Other Line) Good Morning, Oscar.
Oscar: Morning, mom- I-I mean! Ms.... Goodwitch.
Glynda: (Giggles Softly) Honestly~ There's no need for to be formal every time we talk to another. We agreed that I would take role of your mother figure and I really don't mind you treating me as such.
Oscar: ('Sigh') I know. Force of habits can do that to you sometimes. Anyways, how are you today?
Glynda: I'm doing well all things considered. How about you and the others?
Oscar: We're doing alright....for the most part.
Glynda: Oscar.....Your voice is sounding troubled right now. Is something the matter?
Oscar: It's.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) Okay, so....try not to freak out or anything, but....Pyrrha and I had bad dreams last night.
Glynda: Oh no..... A-Are you two okay? What were you dreaming about if you don't mind me asking.
Oscar: We were dreaming about the past. And how unpleasant it truly was for both of us......... B-But don't worry! We were able keep each other company or the night along with Jaune, Ren, and Nora and everything went smoothly from there. Also, we gave it some thought and.....We figured it's about time we give your therapy sessions a try.
Glynda: You will? Truly?
Oscar: Yep. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Though, to be honest, I'm.....starting to get nervous about the whole thing.
Glynda: It's normal to feel anxious about taking part in this sort of ordeal. But I will do everything I can to make sure that our sessions would be more calming and less Intimidating.
Oscar: (Smiles Sheepishly) You really don't have to go out of your way to do that for me. Bur I appreciate it all the time.
Nora: (In the Kitchen) Is that Glynda on the phone!Phone!? Tell her we're making pancakes!!!!
Ren: And Good Morning!
Nora: Oh yeah and that too. MOOOOORNING!!~
Oscar: You heard that right-
Glynda: ('Sigh') I've heard it, yes. It's somewhat nice to see some things haven't changed.
Oscar: Was Nora always a troublemaker back at the acemdey?
Glynda: She wasn't as bad as Ms. Rose in comparison, but she is a close second. I swear, after all these years, she still goes around claiming she's queen of some castle or whatever.
Oscar: Yeah l, she tends to do that here. But anyways, do you wanna eat breakfast with us? I know you have busy schedule on your hands, but-
Glynda: Actually, I'm free for the rest of thr day.
Oscar: You don't say? If that's the case, why not spend the rest of the day with us? You are part of this family after all.
Glynda: And I'm very honored to be here~ In the meantime, I'll get myself ready. You make sure your queen doesn't try eating all the pancakes.
Oscar: I'm sure Ren has it covered from here.
Ren: Nora, I told you not to taste the batter!
Nora: And I told you that my tummy has no knowledge of being patient!
Oscar:........Hopefully. I'll be sure to tell the others that you're coming over.
Glynda: Very well. I'll see you in a few. I love you.
Oscar: I love you too, mom. Later.
As the call comes to an end, Oscar resume back to texting his girlfriend.
Oscar: I've returned!!
Ruby: Welcome back, stranger!~
Ruby: How's the calling session?
Oscar: Pretty good. Ms Goodwitch is coming over to our house for breakfast
Ruby: No way. She finally got herself a free day today?
Oscar: Yep. And she's gonna spend it with us for the rest of the day
Ruby: Awww~ Bet you're real excited about that now, huh?
Oscar: Yeah, it's been a while since we've hangout with one another, so there's no way i couldn't be anymore excited about it than I am now lol
Runy: Neat!
Ruby: Mind if I tag along with u guys? I'm free too~
Oscar: Sure, but try to behave yourself, yeah?
Oscar: We don't want your former professor to blow a casket over your troublemaking
Ruby: I am a good student damnit!
Ruby: I swear, you get involved in one measly food fight in the cafeteria abd you're suddenly labeled for life! It's blows! 😡
Oscar: Hey, that's what happens when you make history. Everyone will remember what you did no matter how hard you want them to forget.
Ruby: Uh huh.
Ruby: In the meantime, I'd better get myself ready to come to your house in a while
Ruby: Why don't you get yourself nice and handsome for me, will ya?
Oscar: Why? So you could kiss me all over?
Ruby: Damn right!~ :D
Ruby: ...........Or rather, I hope I could do that without getting caught by ur moms.....
Oscar: Is the great huntress Ruby Rose, getting scared of a couple of moms already?~
Ruby: NO!
Ruby: I just...
Ruby: Wanted to make a good impression on them is all.
Oscar: Lol right
Oscar: I wish you the best of luck with that, dear~
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limeade-l3sbian · 10 months
I actually really appreciate you for that ratings posts.
The “humbling”‘aspect is enraging because it’s men allocating and ranking us as inferior, their opinions are never solicited, it’s just arrogance how they refuse to see us as equals.
I had a man online do that to my art once. Said it would look good in a coffee shop. Really triggered me.
I’m humble but I’m also honest that while I’m not good at everything, I’m very good at drawing. It’s a skill I’ve practiced and got into from an early age and over the years got good at. I’ve gotten 2 different ribbons for some of my ceramics pieces at an art fair. I’m proud of my art work and my sister loved a piece so much she asked for it as a Christmas gift. Someone else asked if I could draw his cat for him. So I’ve done a few “commissions” (I’m not a professional, it repulsed me how I was just trying to have a positive interaction and it was twisted as me seeking approval and how rude it was. Covertly suggesting it wasn’t good enough when I didn’t ask. Also artists don’t rate each others art. Even my art teacher said art is art. I do pencil sketches. My teacher when I took classes really liked them I mean I did well and was already self taught. My mother ‘s side of the family jokes that I got their “art gene my mom would joke that the art gene skipped her, because her brother and sister are really good, my uncle did fine art that looks like you can touch it, and my cousin is good too. )
Also an artist would never say that they don’t rate people’s art work because you can’t really “rate” art. It triggered me because I always worry about being good enough. And I haven’t drawn in a while due to oppressive circumstances like not even having privacy and personal space and being constantly in survival. Don’t sleep well, so I get anxious “what if I can’t draw again?”
Men are evil. Like why do they feel the need to “humble “ us? That pisses me off when they act like a judge of my value that makes me feel like this 🔪🔪
How do I not let past comments ruin my enthusiasm?
After my mom died, after I sought help, after I discolored sexual abuse, and was blamed… (and I only stopped for the sake of other women,) I acted out my traumas with men online and woukd engegr in behaviors while under the influence, cause I figured I was ruined anyway, I felt suicidal and wanted ti dissociated. Only stopped because I care about how my choices can harm other women. ) but it’s ironic because I feel like I ruined myself by engaging and interacting with men.
I grew up in a bubble I truly didn’t fathom how cruel they are.
I want to feel passionate and “narcissistic” about how good I am at art again.
Is it a jealously thing? Why do they do it ?
I wish I never engaged, I feel ruined like it will always be in my head, thar rating/ like sense of not feeling good enough existed before that comment but I don’t want it to crush my joy, it triggered me and I ruminjatr over the fear of others not liking my art; I’ve always used it to connect with other. I feel like being traumatized by men has made it so I struggle to connect/lost the connection I miss that I use to have to myself.
Do a lot of men lack talent? Is that the thing?
I could get over being given a 1/10 or told I’m ugly because my own father use to neg me while everyone else called me pretty, I know whh men neg. But it feels soul crushing to go after something personal like that.
You cannot be ruined, and you carry the same diligence and discipline that every artist carries.
I weirdly had a lot of artist friends growing up (weird because I didn't seek them out. We would just be friends and it would come out that they're really good artists lol), and I never told them that they were "lucky" they were so good. I told them "you've got a lot of patience" and when I got older, my go-to was always, "Damn, the discipline on you is insane."
Writing and visual art are similar but different. I write, but like you said, I haven't really been doing it the way I used to. There is a lot of love and self reflection and patience that goes into getting something the way you want it. Not the way people will enjoy it, but the way you want it.
You are afraid you will never be "able" to draw again. I have fears that I will never be "able" to write again. Our circumstances are undoubtedly different in terms of what has forced us to push aside our passions, but that anxiety and fear of never being able to return is the same. And I think, for me, the answer is: we might not.
We might not get back to the way we used to draw/write. What comes after these current and past tribulations in your life will change because of the circumstances that have forced you to go into survival mode (I am deeply sorry about your mom). You won't see the world the way you did after this. There will be small things in this life that you are now aware of. New fears. New dreams. New perspectives. New attitudes. You'll have changed, so it's not so insane that your art will change with you.
For me, writing used to be an escapism. Less realistic and more the way I wished things were. But I realized a few years ago that I feel more connected to my writing when I incorporate problems that I have or that I see around me. But it's still hard for me on a technical level to return to form.
The comments will hurt. Even the strongest people admit that despite the walls and thick skin they build, there is always a crack that someone manages to slip through. That, from a man or woman, is an unfortunate part of life. People will try and give you grief about something they know nothing about. My father is probably the worst writer I have ever met LMAO but he tried to be rude about my writing as a child. As a child. He was trying to break me down before I could even stay home on my own.
It's not about repelling the comments at all times. I guess in a sense, it's like being your confidence's immune system. Absorb these comments, see what you can take from it. If there's nothing there, then you will feel the effects, but it'll flush out eventually like the shit it is. And if there is something to it, then hold onto that and flush out the rest.
Returning to that passion might be a longer road than the first time around. But you have that rare and impressive discipline of artists that makes people annoyed. That ability to burn for progress. That you even ache to return to form is like noticing the faint light in your soul's window, proving that something is still flickering in there.
When you find it again, because you will, it will look different. The lines may be softer or more jagged. You might favor this color over that one now. All these little things will be so different! But when you find it again, because you will, you'll look back at the old way you used to do things and think, "That's so funny. I used to be obsessed with doing it that way."
And there won't be anything wrong with the old passion, you'll just have a new one. <3
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kaoharu · 1 year
OKKK elies super awesome and fun guide to hanadoll 👍🎉✨️
for my silly friends @p5strikerss & @aiidol hehe :3
hanadoll currently consists of 3 seasons and focuses on 2 different idol groups ( anthos and louloudi, tho for this post i will mainly be talking abt anthos bc i do not follow louloudi much . . . oops ) and the main story is comprised of voice dramas and songs / mvs . the wiki is very organized luckily so it is easy to follow the correct order and all the tls are linked ( but like if uu need help uu can totally ask me 👍 ) also if ur curious there is both an anthos and louloudi official twt. theyre silly 🫶
now then. its a little bit hard to explain the story w/o basically spoiling everything but s1 actually follows anthos' predebut days and their struggles as they try to make their flowers bloom so that they can become idols !!! the members include mahiro yuki ( img color red; hes the center of the group !! ), kaoru kisaragi ( img color blue; in charge of soothing the group - i realize thar probably doesnt make sense but. i csnt rlly explain it well lol ), haruta kiyose ( img color orange; the moodmaker ), lihito toudo ( img color purple; in charge of vocals ), chise ( img color yellow; the visuals ), and ryoga kagekawa ( img color green; the muscle of the group - also another hard one to explain jejdjjd )
s2 introduces louloudi and also a new member for anthos ( this is after they debut !!! ) and i dont rlly want to say much so as to not spoil it but. ermermm it kinda follows how anthos deals w there suddebly being another member . . . ? yeah anyways
my suggestions for getting into it is pretty much following the album order and watching the mvs then listening to the voice dramas !!! theyre not terribly long ( abt 10mins each ? theres 5 per album tho ) so yeah !!!!! uhmuhmm any more questions can be directed to my ask box 👍
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the-sun-princess · 29 days
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 11
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claudine :) also there's much less frustration this time around
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kaoruko akjshdf...ofc i spoke too soon
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nana's in shock
junna....it's ok nana's a wimp
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everyone who plays miguel is happy to get his role lol even tho he doesnt do THAT much
ofc karen, maya, and claudine jump into an etude as miguel, cavallero, and carmencita respectively (will carmencita get to Do something this time?)
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i love you mahiruuuu
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she's givin first years supplementary lessons in (i think singing)
nana pls mahiru's always been the cool senpai/older sister type. even if she can be insecure
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kill nana time
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it's been 500 years she deserves this
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I have the bg music to go down real low when they're talking bc i cant fuckin hear it otherwise and since it was such a long line i thought the music stopped completely for mahiru to say it
amemiya's kinda sad nana's not writing anymore (At least for seisho) and i guess isnt in the know of nana going to england instead of the new national troupe so at least she wont have to pick between acting and writing yet. i think
hikari mention
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mahiru wins at being better at english than nana
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oh mahiru didnt even NEED amemiya's suggestion to visit a beach this is why she's better than everyone
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NANA kjhskjgh
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THEY VISIT MAHIRU HOME i was HOPING for a hokkaido beach
i am Not used to hearing men in starlight that arent the giraffe (or andrew) this is fucking Wild. ...i think the brothers are shogo, asahi, and ake (shogo sounds like one and asahi and ake used boku) which leaves yuuhi and mayo as the lil sisters
azuki bean throughline
hell yeah you are
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thar far
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is this farther away than kaoruko's beach (i mean it is already bc theyre in hokkaido) but in time spent Walking to it-
lesbian flag beach
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girls u have all spent too much time with claudine stop referring to ur partners as her akjhfd
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gay wording
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hmm why is nana unfair tho mahiru....bc she said she won't let u win that easily
hm hm
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i like that mahiru's not asking what the feeling is
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anyway hiii judy
you seem a lot more smug than put off this time around, kaoruko
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nana and mahiru are actually standing against judy pretty well, they aren't nearly as frazzled n taken aback as the others have been and are improvving back. amemiya's all squinty at it
judy still slices their cloaks tho.
oo junna english
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mahiru didnt rlly sound out of breath from the improv so much as she sounded kinda panic-attacky. but gf karen to the rescue
i love u karen
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<<part 10 part 12>>
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1d1195 · 2 months
Ohhhh Sam, THANK YOU SO MUCHHH I FEEL SO PROUD this term i was very busy with my auntie bwcause she was visting us (she lives in france and its been 4 years since she last visited) so i was busy with my cousins and trying to show them around before their time is over with us :(
SAM you ARE incredible😭 we work in a pharmacy together (she's a pharmacist, but I work with cosmetics), so yeahhh she's been talking about this whitening cleanser that has some great reviews, and she's not taking care of herself enough because our older siblings are troubles, so the house is full of drama all the damn time😭😡 and I might just try and buy that cleanser for her it'll be hard tho as we're in the same place but I may ask my brother who's working the night shift to get it (yes all my siblings are pharmacists I am the exception)😭
You absolutely seem like a birthday person it's obvious that you really love to gift people and see their smiles since you're always very kind💕 I hope you stay that way! But don't get yourself hurt. My mom says the kindest people get the most hurt :(
So you think the photo session would make her happy? Idk I'm always hesitant😭 I'll have to make a big-girl decision
I'm so happy to know that you're doing better. You deserve that girlie. Your hair seems so soft and fluffy and really healthy, which is awesome! I know I said my hair is a little longer than usual but it's not healthy🙈 lmao I'm a hijabi and spend most of my time out so when I get an opportunity to take care of my hair I do but I think I made my mind a few days ago I was combing my hair and I think long hear suits me. ANYWAYS THAT WAS NOT NEEDED BUT EHH
I just love self-care, so I love to talk about it. I'm not over the fact that I'm a junior, tho. Oh, btw I recently discovered that I have ADHD like.. it's not thar common here, but I had my doubts, but then I saw an interview with two kids one has ADHD and the other does not,I found myself acting like the other girl and it just snapped to me, but then again don't we all have ADHD😭😭
IM IN LOVE WITH FLOWER (I think that's it, right?😭 sorry!) I saw the new update I'll read it right after finishing my ranting session. Have you read any book from the Twisted series? I bought it recently and the first book is taking me ages to finish it, it's not boring but the chapters are heavily written.
Do you have any pets??? I love birds and cats, but I had two birds a few years back, but we were traveling constantly and it was hard to leave th so I gave them to my cousin but I think they run away😭 but! I reaaaally want a little kitten, duh.
Sam thank you so much for helping take care pleaaase🩷🩷🎀
Oh btw a question just popped. Do you ever wonder about the anons? Like their names and stuff, I find MYSELF wondering lol😭 yalla byeee🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️
🎀-anon 🙈
OH WAIT I ALWAYS REMEMBER STUFF AFTER SENDING THE MESSAGE, TOOTHPASTE IS SO DEVINE!!!! I love that she's confident, she can't hold her tongue and it's just so cute that he asked her on a date on that note it was so cute you're always writing cute stuff I don't know if I'll melt from it or the weather
That's so sweet you got to see your family 💕 My family is crazy and I love them but it's never relaxing when they're around. It's nice you got to see them after so long.
That's really cool you work with your family. It's nice! I'm sure your sister will appreciate the cleanser! Especially where it's something you talked about with her. The photo session would be nice too! I think that would be really special as well, so whatever you decide she will love I'm sure 💕
I think unfortunately your mom might be right. I hurt my own feelings more than anything. It's because I want a me in my own life to do what I do for others and it just doesn't happen lol. Shakespeare's got something on how expectation is the root of all heartache. It's very true. But thank you, I'm trying to be better about my self worth and whatnot and lower my expectations hahahahah
My hair is sometimes soft and definitely fluffy. One time I straightened it and my friend couldn't find me in the lunch room. The problem is that like one degree of moisture sets it into a complete frizz. It's looking healthier now but it looked pretty raggedy not too long ago 😂 I really love long hair though so it sounds like you made a good decision!
Idk what I have but I need to be studied 😂 I read a lot about how ADHD and anxiety presents differently in women than in men (naturally) so I probably have one or more diagnoses in my future. It's cool you connected with the person though and recognized similarities in yourself. Even just getting comfortable with the idea of being ADHD or whatever, I think, is an important step in coping and figuring out how to navigate everyday life 😊 Hopefully that makes sense!
I have not read Twisted, but I've heard good things. I'm not sure I want something deep right now though. This tbr shelf of mine is out of control lol.
No pets for me. I'm pretty allergic to pet dander. Cats especially. I'm def more a dog person than a cat person as well. I love all baby animals though, kittens are so sweet!
I WONDER ALL THE TIME ABOUT MY ANONS. I think about everyone's name and where they live. It's really fun to imagine but I wish I could have a huge Harry Styles themed party and hug everyone.
I'm starting to really love toothpaste. I'm glad you liked it 💕
stay cool and don't melt! Much love 💕
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luna7822 · 3 months
can u idiots just srsly block me already if u hate me that much over disliking a """"hc"""" that makes no fucking sense whatsoever?
the block button is LITERALLY righr there yet somehow u ppl didnt even bother to use it all and kept touching my blog for no reason but to be attention seeking assholes even in my asks and nothing more
also accusing me of being """"""transph0b1c""""" over disliking a nonsensical hc that has nothing to do with hating any1 whose trans in general is honestly pretty low of u to do when u didnt even bother to pay attention to the context of the post and overall just pls block me already if u honestly think im somehow the """""worst person to ever exist""""" over having actual based takes for once cuz this is just getting really fucking ridiculous and also whoever said that pearl """""isnt a lesbian""""" srsly needs to get a reality check since im pretty sure they were never a real oth fan to begin with to even bother paying attention to their history, listening to their songs, and also the freaking gay ass elevator scenes too as if its already enough to tell u that these bitches are gay and that theres nothing u can do abt it lmaoooo
funny how thar message was coming from a nb lesbian of all ppl which is prob kinda ironic that they said that towards smth thats literally canon atp but whatever im glad i blocked their ass anyways lmaoooo
i have my dni for a reason yknow????
as if im allowed to get mad within reason too but whatever i hate u idiots anyways lol
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