#well i wouldnt mind but i gotta keep it fresh
evandore · 2 years
yea im normal again. im gonna have a shower then watch texas chainsaw massacre an finish embroidering this fucking patch its been like 4 days and i still havent finished
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iwaisuke · 3 years
confessions; but not remembering it
ft. kita shinsuke, sakusa kiyoomi x sick fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and then i rushed bc i was getting tired 🙃 also. sakusa's is a little ooc. sorry ab that
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
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» the clean yet musty smell of rain filled the gym as the boys practiced. it was a surprisingly humid and rainy spring day today here in the country side of hyogo
» "achoo" you had been sneezing and coughing all day. you also had a terrible headache but took some medicine to see if it would help. the spring allergies really getting to you
» you didnt reay have the time to be worrying about yourself. As a 2nd year manager of the inarizaki team, (recommend by suna) and the boys working so hard practicing for nationals there was no way you'd let this little cold get in the way. you had to work just as hard as everyone else!
» "hold on, im about to hang up your jerseys to dry"
» "i got you guys some fresh towels!"
» "i can run and grab that coach. im headed that way anyways"
» the coach called for a short break to rest up for a bit. everyone was sore and exhausted from practicing every day. "here. i filled your water bottles up!" handing them to all the boys. "y/n you're all wet" akagi sounded concerned.
» "hm? oh its alright. I'll dry off in a minute. i took the shortcut to the drinking fountain to refill your waterbottles instead of taking the long way" you nonchalantly said. "so you ran through the rain like an idiot?" suna threw a clean towel over your damp hair and ruffled it. "suna!! stop!! you're gonna ruin my hair"
» "like i said. its alright" you reassured the boys.
» kita, on the other hand had noticed your fatigue. although he wasnt as perceptive on peoples feeling and thoughts as well as others, he could easily pick up signs like yours. he admired you dearly for how hard you always work for the team. how you willingly did anything to make them smile. how you always put others first before yours. needless to say, he had a bit of a crush on you.
» "l/n san. i think you should take a break too. there's no need for you to be running around for us while we're resting" kita assured you. "i still have a few things left on my list to do.. but afterwards I'll take a break!" kita let out a sigh. you were stubborn sometimes and kita knew you were the kind of person to not stop until you're finished.
» "I'll be right back. i gotta grab the laundry"
» making an excuse to leave, your heart was beating fast. you knew kita's words were the kind he'd say to anyone, but it made your heart feel fuzzy when he'd look out for you.
» the stone cold captain who you thought he was, actually was so kind. he was just a little awkward like you, and a little blunt with what he said sometimes. but you learned the great qualities he carries and how much he actually cares about others well being. he was a hard worker and you couldnt help but absentmindedly fall for the captain.
» running up the stairs to the second floor of the gym, you felt a shift in your step. head becoming dizzier than it was just 5 minutes ago. legs trembling, you started falling before feeling a presence behind.
» kita's arm wrapped around your waist, supporting you in efforts to not letting you fall over. "i told you to rest l/n san" kita said sternly. "you wont benefit anyone if you keep overworking like this."
» you knew kita was right, but you really didnt want to rest knowing you'll be letting the team down by not working hard.
» "i promise I'll rest as soon as im done with this one thing" pleading with kita. he let out a sigh, knowing you really wouldnt until you did finish so he allowed you to do so.
» finishing grabbing all of the dry jerseys and bringing them downstairs to pass out to everyone, you didnt really notice atsumu and osamu spiking volleyballs at each other until aran yelled
» "y/n! watch out!" honestly, you were too tired to move out of the way so you figured, it do be like that sometimes, and allowed the ball to hit you.
» or... so you had planned the ball to hit you.
» kita stood in front, blocking the impact of the spike that you had prepared yourself for. there was agitation in kita's eyes. more than you usually noticed when then twins were miss behaving. concern washing over, he looked you straight in the eyes
» "... is there something wrong kita san?" lifting up his hand to your forehead, he let out a sigh. "why didnt you tell me earlier you had a fever", then walking over to the coach meanwhile atsumu and osamu come over to apologise for being reckless.
» "get your stuff. we're going home" kita said bluntly.
» "huh? but practice is-"
» "please l/n san. for me"
» kita would only take yes for an answer this time. no if's ands or buts. so here you were, walking home with kita. only the sound of raindrops hitting your shared umbrella being heard.
» muscles starting to ache a little more and your legs becoming more tired than they were when you left the gym, you began to walk a little slower every step
» "get on my back l/n" "its ok kita san, i can walk. its already enough that you're walking me home" "i didnt ask if you wanted to. im telling you to"
» you couldnt tell if it was the fever that made your face warmer or if it was kita's words. nonetheless, you got on kita's back. he was a lot stronger than he looked and you couldnt help but stifen at being so close to your own crush like this.
» "relax. I'll make sure you get home." he reassured. you leaned into his back, warmth seeping in, your eyes began to feel heavy.
» "kita san" "yes?" "thank you for always watching out for me"
» a comfortable silence was met as the sound of rain filled your ears.
» "kita san" "hm?" "did you know..." your voice softened "i like you a lot kita san"
» did he hear you correctly? if he wasnt paying attention he wouldve missed what you had said, being drowed out through the pitter patter of water. now his heart thumping louder than ever before.
» "l/n san-" he was about to go on but was met with the gentle rise and fall of your chest and the soft snores of you on his back, knocked out from exertion. kita let out a light chuckle, finally relieved you were resting.
» you had missed the next day of school, but when you came back the whole volleyball team bombarded you with love.
» "WE'RE A FAILURE TO NOT NOTICE YOU FEELING SICK" atsumu cried. "how could we let our one and only precious manager get ill for taking care of us" akagi, clearly dissapointed in himself. "please let us know when we can take care of you too y/n" aran said.
» "its no big deal. really!" waving your hands in defense. "it was just a small cold. but i do have a question though"
» all the boys gathered around to hear what you had to say
» "how did i get home?? i really dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu"
» it shocked the guys honestly. you genuinely didnt remember a single thing due to your fever. "wait? you don't remember kita taking you home?" suna replied, your face becoming red. "k-kita san took me home-?" "yah. he left in the middle of practice to do so" osamu added.
» immediately, you got up to find the captain that apparently took you home the other day. he was in the storage closet cleaning and grabbing the equipment for todays practice.
» "kita san" "oh. l/n. glad you're feeling better" his smile brightened the musty closet. "about that, im sorry for troubling you and having you take me home the other day. i honestly dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu. my mind was really fuzzy that day, but im truly thankful for you going out of your way for me. it really means a lot"
» kita was dumbfounded. you really dont remember? "no need to apologize l/n. it was my responsibility as a captain. and afterall, what good would i be if i couldnt even take care of the person who means the most to me"
» your heart raced. 'person who means the most to me' ? cheeks blushing a rosy pink, you were internally thanking the musty store room from being dim.
» with arms full of equipment, kita walked by you and stopped.
» "by the way l/n san. did you know?"
» ears perking up at the vague yet familiar line
» "i like you a lot too l/n san"
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» now we all know sakusa HATES germs and for the past week and a half, he's been telling you to keep up with washing your hands, wearing a mask at all times even when you eat omi it doesnt work like that. pls especially since you are prone to getting sick easily no matter how hygenic you are. your immune system just hated you. PERIODT
» you remembered sakusa scolding you for running out of hand sanitizer and then the next day you were out of commission. bed ridden with laryngitis, cough, slight fever, the whole works. it was like your body was making fun of you or something
» you texted komori, asking him to take notes in class for you and relay homework information while you were at home resting up. but there was one request you had and made komori PROMISE.
» "he's probably gonna notice your absence y/n. he'll find out about it either way"
» "well if you dont tell him then he wont know. its not like he even cares about where i am like that"
» "thats what you might think. but i know he's gonna say something i can garuntee it"
» the next day at school, sakusa did notice your presence missing. it was quieter not having a 3rd person in the group of friends. not having you around to talk to him when komori was gone.
» pulling out his phone to text you, he asked where you were that day.
» "on a family trip :D !!! forgot to tell you, but I'll tell you all about it when i come back!" you wrote, attaching an old selfie of a different trip you went on to make it more believable.
» you had hoped this silly cold would get better in a day, but soon that day turned into 2 and then 3 and then 4... you pretty much missed the whole week of school at that point
» Friday rolled around and komori was on his phone all day. sakusa noticed his cousin fidget in his chair more than usual and it irked him to see him like that
» "what's with you today?" one eye raised, sakusa finally asked. "uhhh nothing really" komori wasnt very good at keeping secrets lets just start off with that, but he was trying his best.
» "well clearly somethings wrong. you're fidgeting." "well haven't you noticed somethings been different all week?" komori hinted
» sakusa sat there in thought. nothing's been different? he ate the same breakfast he usually does every morning. all his studies have been well. there were no tests this week so there was no reason to be anxious like komori was and even if there was, he would've done well anyways.
» "just tell me what it is." sakusa was starting to get annoyed. "y/n..." komori started. "y/n?" "do you know where she's been this week?"
» did you not tell komori about your family trip? you usually told komori everything, but then again you didn't tell him either until he asked you about it.
» "she said shes on a trip?" he nonchalantly said. komori's eyes started watering. "A TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL THATS WHAT IT IS" he blurted out. komori didnt mean to let it slip , he was just so worried about your well being.
» "hospital?? what are you talking about. did she get injured on her trip?" "no omi. shes been sick all week and her mom just texted me saying she went to the hospital today because shes had a fever for 3 days straight. there is no family trip"
» sakusa's heart shattered. you were sick and didnt even tell him?
» before both he and komori knew it, his legs were running faster to get to the hospital than he had ever imagined he could ever run.
» and there you were. fast asleep in a bed with an IV drip. your face flushed, forehead sweaty and shallow breaths escaping your chapped lips. you were a hot mess but sakusa didnt care. stepping to your bedside to greet your mother she explained to him that she had to go to work and asked if he could watch over you until she gets back.
» sakusa said yes without even hearing the whole thing. his heart and mind saying yes to whatever it took to get you to feel better.
» gosh how he hated hospitals, but what he hated even more was the fact that you were in the hospital and he didnt even know.
» the doctor came in for their evening round and ensured sakusa that you were indeed getting better! your fever had broken not too long ago and your body was working extra hard to heal itself up!
» "is there anything i can do to help?" sakusa asked. he felt helpless in this situation just watching your face distort in uncomfort every now and then, and coughing your lungs out.
» patting sakusa's shoulder, the doctor told him that just being here for you is enough. "you gotta be a strong boyfriend for her alright son? she'll be able to go home tomorrow first thing in the morning if her fever doesnt come back"
» sakusa slumped in his chair at your bedside, the doctors words ringing through his head. 'boyfriend huh?' he thought to himself. "if i was her boyfriend..." he whispered to himself, "i would be a failure for not even knowing my girl was sick..."
» to kiyoomi, you were beautiful. even now in this sad state you were in. deep down he locked these growing feelings he had for you inside of him because he always felt like you were a better match with someone else and after this stunt you pulled of lying to him about going on a family trip, it only made him feel worse.
» it was now night time and you finally began to stir in your sleep, the fever finally gone. sakusa reached out to move some hair that was stuck to your face, fingers tracing the outline of your jaw. your eyes slowly opened and met with his dark orbs.
» "y/n?" "saku- wait this is just a dream. omi wouldn't be here. he hates hospitals" you let out a forced laugh and then a sigh through your sore throat.
» you reached out to sakusa's hands that were resting on the side of your bed. "omi would never let me hold his hand because he'd say im passing germs to him so hopefully dream omi wont be the same" you were aimlessly talking to yourself, not even realizing that this really wasnt a dream.
» he squeezed your hand in return. hoping that you wouldnt let go any time soon. a funny smile appeared on your face just at the thought of him. "even if you're stupid for not realizing how much i like you... i cant wait to see you again omi" you whispered before falling asleep again.
» sakusa didnt know what to do. he sat there frozen in his chair. it was his first time hearing you call him omi. heck. you literally just confessed to the boy. his brain was running wild. groaning in distress he let go of your hand to step out for a breath of fresh air now that you were back asleep.
» it was 5am and your mother came back to the hospital and thanked sakusa for staying by your side. He left in a hurry to make sure you didnt see him there.
» Monday rolled around and sakusa was waiting outside of the school gates for you. he had planned on asking you about your "trip"
» "good morning sakusa!!" your bright and cheery voice rang through his ears. honestly he was trembling inside. the memory of you confessing to him still fresh in his mind.
» "how was your trip?" you stopped dead in your tracks. "haha... it was good !! sorry i forgot to get you a souvenir" you were trying to play it cool but sakusa could tell you were forcing yourself. "i wouldnt want a souvenir from where you came from so its fine" sakusa's words threw you off. "i - im not sure im understanding what you're saying sakusa?"
» you felt a tug on your hand. "dont you mean omi?" his voice husky as he whispered into your ear. cheeks flushed, your brain felt like it short circuted. you've always tried your hardest to not let it slip that you want to call him omi since he hated when people called him that.
» sakusa smirked at your cute reaction he got out of you. letting go of your hand he began to walk into the school leaving you at the gate dumbfounded. "and by the way. you're just as stupid for not realizing how long ive liked you too"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
thank you for your order! enjoy~!
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Plant Your Hope With Good Seeds
Dukeceit Week Day 3: Snakes/Bugs
Remus and Janus break up. But literally everyone knows that's not what they want. Everyone, including their plants.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 4337
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
Unknown Number
hey so i kno i said i wouldnt text u but rupert isnt doin good. can i bring him back? he misses u
Janus stared at the text for several minutes. Rupert was, of course, the Monstera Variegata that he and Remus had raised together all the way from propagation. It had been one of the pride and joys of their plant collection. Losing Rupert in the split had hurt almost as much as losing Remus.
Is it getting enough light? Remember it needed the grow light even next to the window. 
Janus texted back against his better judgement. He and Remus were broken up. They’d agreed not to text for a while. They’d agreed to give each other space, get used to being apart. 
It sucked, though. The apartment felt empty without Remus and half their plant collection.
Unknown Number
ya i kno. but i don’t have any south facign windows here. our place is better
Unknown Number
i mean ur place
Janus sighed morosely. Well, if it was for Rupert…
Fine. Rupert can come back.
Unknown Number
yay! ill be in town this weekend. ill bring him ok?
And then Janus promptly threw his phone across the room.
Because here’s the thing. Janus and Remus were broken up. Remus had moved eight hours away and everything. He’d been accepted into the Nuclear Engineering graduate program a state away, and they had both heard too many horror stories about long-distance relationships to brother trying. So they’d had a very civil and mutual split. Janus kept the apartment. Remus took the TV. And they’d divided their plant family between them: they each kept their favorites, and Remus had taken the hardier plants, while Janus kept the ones that were likely not to survive an interstate move.
And then… Remus left.
And Janus had not immediately wanted him back. Not at all.
(And, of course, Janus was lying to himself.)
Remus texted him Saturday morning that he was on his way, and Janus spent the first few hours of the wait stress-cleaning. He then checked on every single plant in the apartment. Watered the ones that needed it. Rotated some of the more vivacious growers so that they wouldn’t lean full-body toward their light source. Moved his small army of Sansevierias out to the apartment balcony for some extra sun.   
Then, when all that still failed to fill up the entire eight hours of waiting, he started stress-cooking. So by the time Remus texted that he’d just gotten off the highway, Janus had himself a pot of minestrone soup simmering on the stove, a tray of made-from-scratch lasagna in the oven, and was mixing up a batch of double chocolate chip cookies. 
There was no way he was going to eat all this food himself, he realized. He was so used to booking big meals like this, because Remus ate like he was three people. And lasagna was his favorite.
“Oh, Jake, what am I doing?” he groaned to the N’Joy Pothos that cascaded down the side of the refrigerator. And then his doorbell rang. 
Janus opened the door to find Remus, dancing awkwardly from foot to foot, with his face half-hidden behind the green-and-white leaves of Rupert. 
“...Hey,” Remus said, sounding sheepish. Janus’ heart clenched.
“Hi,” he said. They stood there in the doorway for a full minute before Janus stepped back and motioned for Remus to follow. Remus hesitated, but obeyed. 
“Uh… I’ll just…” Remus looked around. Janus hated how uncomfortable he looked. Until about two weeks ago, this had been Remus’ apartment, too. “Can I put him in his old spot?”
“Sure,” Janus replied with a nod. Rupert’s old spot had been in the bedroom, where the big, beautiful south-facing window let in a ton of light. He’d moved Venus de Milos, his Marble Queen Pothos, and La Hoya Jackson, the finicky Hoya Carnosa that Remus had wanted but didn’t expect to make the 8-hour drive without going into shock, to free up Rupert’s spot. Remus hesitated again, before he nodded awkwardly and wandered off to the bedroom, all three feet of plant and two gallons of soil in tow. Janus went to the oven and took out the lasagna. 
“Howl looks good,” Remus said when he came back into the kitchen. Janus glanced up from where he was laying balls of cookie dough out onto baking sheets. 
“Thank you,” he replied. Howl was their dramatic fiddle leaf fig tree, which had decided to throw a fit just before Remus left. “I switched it to a terracotta pot with peat moss and pearlite, and doubled its water intake. It seems to be tolerating it well.”
“Good.” There was a long pause. Then,” How are you?”
Janus looked back to the cookies. “I’m doing well,” he lied. “And you? Do you start class soon?”
“Next week,” Remus answered. “And, uh. Yeah, I’m doin’ good.” Another long pause. “Uh… I’ll just. Head out, I guess.”
“You could stay,” Janus blurted out. Shit. “For dinner, I mean.” He gestured to the tray of lasagna, fresh from the oven. “If you want.”
Remus gave him an uncharacteristically shy smile, then nodded slowly. He didn’t say anything, though, so Janus just gestured for him to take a seat at the table. And then he joined him, a plate of lasagna for each of them.
“So tell me, how’s living with Roman again?” Janus asked, a few bites into the meal, because he could not take the awkward silence a moment longer.
“It’s ok,” Remus answered. He shoveled another forkful of lasagna into his mouth. “This is really good, Jan.”
Janus smiled softly. “Thank you.” A pause. “Roman doesn’t mind all the plants?”
“Nah, he’s dating this guy Patton who apparently loves plants, so the apartment being full of houseplants is a huge plus to him now.”
“Good for him.” The oven timer went off, startling him slightly. He started to get up, but Remus waved him off.
“I got ‘em, you did all the cooking.”
Janus didn’t protest. Remus got up and took the cookies out of the oven. And he even moved them to a cooling rack like Janus had taught him to do. He came back to the table. 
“How’s work?”
Janus sighed. “Oh, terrible as always,” he answered. “I really must start looking for a new job.”
“Finally getting fed up?” Remus teased. Janus rolled his eyes. More seriously, Remus continued, “You deserve better, Jan. You gotta find some place that treats you right and pays you what you’re worth.”
“Thank you, Remus.”
“And hey, just sayin’, I still think you’d make an excellent stripper.”
Janus snorted at that. “I haven’t fully ruled out that particular career change.”
They fell easily back into their usual banter, lingering late into the night over a dessert of milk and cookies. It was pushing 10pm when Remus glanced at his phone and cursed softly. Janus glanced at his phone as well.
“Ah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you so late,” he said. Remus shrugged.
“Nah, it’s cool. Thanks for dinner, Jan. It was real good, as always.”
“Where are you staying?”
“Uh… well, the plan was to stay with Logan, but I guess he had some kind of family emergency, so I don’t wanna trouble him. I’ll probably see if I can find a hotel room.”
Janus’ brow furrowed at that. “Why don’t you just stay here?”
“Oh, uh. I don’t wanna trouble you. I kinda feel like I already overstayed my welcome a bit?”
“Nonsense. A hotel room will cost you at least $100 for the night, and that’s simply ridiculous,” Janus insisted. “You should just stay here.”
Remus worried at his lip, which Janus knew meant he was mulling over his options. Then, he nodded. “If it’s not a bother?”
“Of course not. You’re not a bother, Remus.”
Remus’ eyes softened, and he smiled. “Ok. Thank you. Oh… lemmie go get my overnight back outta my truck.”
When Remus came back inside, Janus had just about finished making up the couch. 
“Hey, you don’t gotta get all fancy,” Remus teased. “You know I can sleep basically anywhere.”
“This is for me,” Janus replied. He fluffed up one of the pillows a bit more. “You take the bed.”
An odd look flashed across Remus’ face. “No way, Jan. I’m good on the couch.”
“Remus, you just drove eight hours, and you’re doing it again tomorrow. I am not letting you fuck up your back.”
‘I don’t-”
“Yes you do, no matter how often you say you can sleep anywhere,” Janus scoffed. “You can’t lie to me.”
Remus’ eyes softened, and after a moment, he sighed. “Ok, Jan. But what about you?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“You hate sleeping on couches.”
“It’s only one night-”
“And don’t you work tomorrow?”
“Yes, but-”
“You’re going to be so grumpy at work without a proper night’s sleep.”
“I’m usually grumpy at work anyway,” Janus pointed out. Remus snorted.
“Ok, that’s true. But I don’t want you to be even grumpier,” he said. “Let’s just share the bed.”
Janus eyed him for a moment. This was a terrible idea. They should not do this.
“Ok,” Janus said anyway.
They got ready for bed in awkward silence, which just made Janus miss Remus’ long, rambling chatter that much more. When Janus finished in the bathroom, he found Remus sitting gingerly on what used to be his side of the bed. Janus came over and sat down on the other side.
“Hey, uh… thanks,” Remus said. “For lettin’ me stay.”
“Of course,” Janus answered. “I… I still think of you as a friend, Remus.”
At that. Remus grimaced slightly. He didn’t say anything, seeming unable to find the right words. Before he could, Janus pulled back the top blankets on the bed and laid down. After a moment, Remus did the same.
“Good night, Remus,” Janus said quietly.
“...Good night, Janus,” Remus answered. Then he reached over and shut off the light.
Remus played that night over and over in his head in the days after he got home, and each and every time, he was just as stumped. 
He knew, in his brain, why he and Janus had broken up. It had been the only thing that made sense at the time, when the facts were just that Remus was moving away to pursue a lifelong dream, and Janus would never ever try to stop him from doing so. So they broke up. It made sense… right? 
But… That morning, he’d woken up to Janus curled up in his arms, face smushed against Remus’ neck, and… Remus had completely forgotten why they had even broken up in the first place.
Remus was back at Roman’s apartment, now. Eight hours away in his own cold bed, arms empty of the man he loved, just staring at the ceiling. A sharp knock on his door snapped him out of his daze.
“Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty,” Roman called. “Don’t you have class in like an hour?”
“Fuck!” Remus scrambled to get up, but succeeded only in rolling out of the bed.
“Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave,” Roman added. Clearly he was unconcerned by the loud “thump” of a body hitting the floor. 
“Yup, got it,” Remus groaned in reply. He staggered, successfully this time, to his feet. 
Getting dressed was a rushed affair of ‘grab whatever’s closest,’ and soon he emerged from the bedroom with one shoe on, the other in his hand, and his backpack slung over one shoulder. He rushed into the kitchen to grab the travel mug of coffee Janus always set out for him in the mornings. And then the realization hit: Janus didn’t live here.
Remus dropped his shoe. 
The rest of the day went about as well as it could have gone without any coffee- that is to say, terribly. He got lost trying to get to campus, then he got lost again trying to get to class. Then he got stuck in traffic on the way back to Roman’s apartment. And then, to top it all off, the grocery store had been out of his favorite chips. 
So here he was, mopey and chip-less, and fucking exhausted. He dumped his backpack and collapsed face-first onto the couch. Roman, who happened to be sitting on said couch, made a noise of protest.
“Move, I need to sulk,” Remus mumbled, though his voice was thoroughly muffled by Roman’s thigh, since that was where his face had landed. 
“What on earth do you need to sulk for?” Roman asked incredulously. He moved to shove Remus off of him, but Remus went full ragdoll, and Roman couldn’t do a damn thing. “You are a grown man, you know.”
Remus turned his head just enough to stick his tongue out at Roman. Roman stuck his tongue out back.
“I had a terrible day, I earned a good sulk.”
“Didn’t like your classes?”
“Nah, they were great.”
“Then Zeus Almighty, what are you so mopey-dopey about?” Roman remanded.
Remus squirmed around so he was laying on his back, head still in Roman’s lap, to look up at his brother. “So… uh… you promise not to get all, like. I told you so and shit?” 
“You miss Janus!”
“No! I-”
“You do!” Roman crowed triumphantly. Remus rolled onto his side so he didn’t have to look at his brother’s dumb gloaty face.
“...Maybe,” he groaned. Abruptly, he clamored to his feet and started for the stairs. “I gotta go build a chair.”
“Carpentry won’t solve your relationship problems,” Roman called after him.
“I know,” Remus called back. “Wrong type of wood.” If Roman had a response to that, Remus was already out the door and didn’t have to hear it. 
Patton found him out in front of the apartment building some time later, a jigsaw in hand, and a pile of cut wooden dowels at his feet.
“Hey, kiddo, what are you up to?”
Remus looked up from where he was balancing a plank of wood precariously across a milk crate, because his work table was one of the things he’d had to leave behind at Janus’ place.
“Oh, hey. Ro-bro’s upstairs.”
Patton gave him the sort of smile teachers gave to the kid they caught eating glue for the fourth time. “That doesn’t look super safe. Do you want any help?”
Remus took in Patton’s soft blue sweater and the dad-jeans from the nicer end of his closet, as well as the reusable grocery store bag that smelled suspiciously like some kind of lovely home-cooked meal; he shook his head. “You look dressed for a date night,” he said. “I don’t wanna fuck up two relationships this week.”
Patton’s eyes, impossibly, got even bigger and softer than they normally were, which honestly was quite the feat. He walked over to the stairs but, instead of making his way up to Roman’s apartment, he plopped down on the third step, facing Remus. Remus stared, bewildered.
“Uh, what’chu doin’ there, pops?”
“Well, it just sounded like you needed to talk,” Patton replied cheerfully. “So here I am.”
Remus stared a moment longer, somehow even more bewildered than before. “Uh…”
“I know I haven’t known you very long,” Patton continued. “But something tells me you’re the type of person who busts out the power tools when you’re upset.”
“How the hell can you tell that?”
Patton glanced over his shoulder, then leaned forward slightly. “Because,” he said, voice lowered conspiratorially. “I’m like that too.”
Remus blinked. “You?”
“Yup! I replaced all the tables and chairs in my house with ones I made myself after my last breakup,” Patton giggled. “Only two of them collapsed when I sat in them, too!”
Remus glanced down at the jigsaw in his hands, and then he sighed. He set it down, and went to sit next to Patton on the steps. 
“Ok, well. Yeah, maybe I’m kinda upset.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yeah? No? Maybe?”
“Yup, those are your three options!” Patton teased. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Ok, fine. You win, daddy-o. I’m upset because I miss my boyfriend. Or, well, my ex-boyfriend. I want him to be my boyfriend again.”
“Have you told him that?”
“Of course not,” Remus whined.
“Why not?”
“Because… I mean. It wouldn’t change anything. I still moved away. And I don’t even know if he’d want to be my boyfriend again either. Maybe he’s happier now.”
“You don’t know that,” Patton said gently. “Sure, maybe the circumstances aren’t the best right now, but if you both want it, things have a funny way of working out. But you have to talk to him.”
“I…” Remus paused. And then he sighed deeply. “I guess you’re right. Hey thanks, that did actually sorta help.”
Patton offered him a gentle smile. “Of course, Remus! Any time!”
They both turned to see Roman standing at the top of the stairs, arms crossed.
“My own brother, hogging my boyfriend like this! The betrayal-”
“Relax, Ro, he’s not my type,” Remus shot back. “I prefer sarcastic little menaces.”
Patton giggled at that. He stood up and patted Remus on the shoulder. “I hope things work out,” he said. Remus smiled back.
“Yeah, I hope so too.”
Really, he just wanted Janus to be happy. Ideally with him, but if Janus was happier without him, well… so be it. 
- - -
Janus was miserable. 
“Dude, c’mon,” Virgil grumbled, immediately upon seeing the state of the apartment. “You’ve been watering your plants and filling the humidifiers, but you can’t be bothered to throw out your gross pizza boxes?” A pause. “Wait, you don’t even like pizza, what the hell.”
Janus just shrugged. After letting Virgil and Logan into the apartment, he’d gone straight back into blanket-burrito-on-the-couch mode. And really, he’d only bothered to get up and let them inside in the first place because Virgil had threatened to axe down the door- and Janus knew for a fact that Virgil owned multiple axes. 
“I believe he is engaging in what is described as ‘emotional eating,’ or using food as a coping mechanism in a time of stress and emotional turmoil,” Logan said helpfully. Virgil just huffed.
“That’s fine and all, but Jesus Christ, dude.” He gestured around the livingroom where… ok, yeah, it was a mess.
“Did you two come here just to insult me?” Janus grumbled. His face was half-mashed into a pillow, though, so who knows how much of that was actually discernible.
“We came to make sure you were still alive,” Virgil snapped, indicating that at least most of what Janus had said was discernible. “You weren’t answering any texts.”
“Yes, and you called out of work three days in a row,” Logan added. “We are concerned for you, Janus.”
“I’m perfectly fine,” Janus lied from the comfort of his depression blanket burrito. He was not particularly surprised when neither Virgil or Logan looked even remotely convinced.
“Alright, drastic measure time,” Virgil growled. He walked over to the window, and picked up the young Burgundy Rubber Tree Janus had yet to name. Janus sat bolt upright. 
“Virgil? Don’t you dare-”
Virgil walked past him and vanished down the hall. When he came back, his hands were empty, and he had a smirk on his face.
“Oh, fuck you,” Janus hissed. He dragged himself up off the couch to go rescue the poor thing, finding it stashed in the dark, windowless bathroom. When he came back to the livingroom, Virgil and Logan were sprawled across the couch.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Janus set the rubber tree back on the windowsill alongside the Snake Plant Army. “Ok, I’m up. Are you heathens happy now?”
“I take offense to that,” Logan muttered, while Virgil just crossed his arms and said, curtly, “Spill it.”
“Spill what?”
“Why are you so upset?”
“I’m not upset-”
“Falsehood,” Logan interrupted. “I have known you since high school, Janus, and I have never seen you like this before. It is highly alarming.”
“Is this about Remus?” Virgil asked.
“No,” Janus said immediately. “Of course not.”
Virgil and Logan exchanged a Look. Janus groaned.
“Fuck. Ok, fine. Maybe it is.”
“Was that so hard?” Virgil asked. 
“Janus,” Logan interrupted Virgil’s retort. “It is my understanding that emotional distress is often alleviated through, as they say, ‘talking it out.’ It is clear you are not handling the break-up as well as you initially believed-”
“Of course I’m not!” Janus snapped. He took a deep breath, and turned back to the plants on his windowsill. Kaa, the Sansevieria Moonshine Remus had gotten for Janus as an anniversary present last year, was already leaning slightly toward the window again. He rotated it, and a few of the other snake plants on the sill. And then he realized the others had been quiet for far too long. He turned to find them both watching him with sympathetic expressions. “What?”
“Keep going,” Virgil prompted. Janus sighed. He felt exhausted.
“Of course I’m not,” he said again. “Because I love Remus.”
“And?” Virgil prompted.
“...And I didn’t want us to break up,” he finished, feeling glum. Wordlessly, Virgil stood up, and approached Janus, arms out. Janus stepped into the embrace. Nobody said anything; Janus didn’t cry, but he stood there for a long time. Then, he stepped back.
“Thank you,” he said, and he meant it. Virgil gave him a small smile. Logan cocked his head, seeming confused.
“I don’t understand. You just… needed a hug?”
“Hugs are great, Logan,” Virgil replied. “You should try them sometime- hey, where are you going?”
Janus strode past them both, beelining for his bedroom to find his laptop. Over his shoulder, he answered, “To fill out some job applications.”
- - -
Remus was outside building a new bookshelf- because Patton was moving in, and Roman's teenie-tiny sad little excuse for a bookshelf, which held only Disney DVDs and no actual books, wouldn’t suffice for all of Patton’s cookbooks- when his phone rang. Which was weird, because nobody ever called him, because he never fucking answered.
“Not interested, Mr. Spam Man,” he crooned over the sound of the generic iPhone ringtone. He was learning how to do kerf bending for this bookcase, and goddamn it he wasn’t going to be distracted by-
His phone started ringing again. He swore and ripped off his gloves to silence his phone. But as he did so, he realized the number flashing across his screen was a familiar one. 
“Janus? Are you ok?” he answered the call, half panicked, because Janus hated phone calls almost as much as he did.
“Hi. Yes, everything’s fine.” Janus sounded slightly hysterical, which made Remus feel even more frantic. “Where are you?”
“I’m at Roman’s. Are you sure you’re ok-”
“Great, don’t leave. I’ll be right there.”
“What does that mean-” Remus demanded, but the line was already dead. Remus swore again. He briefly considered calling him back, because what the actual fuck was that all about, but he was only about 30 seconds into that brief consideration before a familiar car tearing through the apartment complex parking lot caught his attention. He quickly brushed as much of the sawdust off his clothes as he could because holy shit Janus had just parked right there in front of Roman’s apartment.
Remus watched, dumbfounded, as Janus scrambled out of his car- dressed in his very nice black suit and pale yellow button-up- and came running across the lawn toward where Remus was working. He had a tiny plant clutched to his chest.
“Uh, Jan, you good?” Remus asked. Janus stopped in front of him and doubled over, breathless, for a few moments. Then, he straightened up, and fixed Remus with a look of sheer determination.
“Remus. I want to get back together.”
Remus’ heart, the traitorous bastard, leaped up into his throat and blocked all his words from coming out. 
“It’s… it’s ok if you don’t want that,” Janus continued. His look of determination faltered slightly. “It’s ok. But I needed to tell you. Because I love you, so much. And I… I didn’t want you to think I didn’t, even if you don't-”
Remus found his words abruptly. “Jan, fuck! I do! I do love you. I never stopped loving you. All I want is to be with you.”
Janus’ eyes softened. “Really?”
“Good, because I’ve just been offered a job here.”
Remus choked. Janus was eyeing him smugly. “You. Just like that, you got a job here?”
“Just like that,” Janus grinned. “I just came from the interview. They offered me a position on the spot.”
Remus couldn't help himself any longer. He lurched forward and pulled Janus tightly into his arms.
“Hey, be careful,” Janus said, though he made absolutely no effort to get out of Remus’ embrace. “You’ll crush our new son.”
Remus pulled back just enough to look at the small plant Janus held in his hands, and only then did his brain register what it was. 
“Is! Is that-”
“Yes,” Janus replied, holding up the tiny Drosera Capensis seedling. Remus had wanted one of these for ages.
“For me?”
“Well, for us, ideally,” Janus answered, with a shy smile. “But, mostly for you, yes.”
Remus gently plucked the baby octopus plant- their new son!- from Janus’ hands, and placed it carefully on top of the milk crate that was serving as his carpentry workbench. Then, he hoisted Janus up off the ground and spun him around.
“Oh- Re-” Janus exclaimed, though he was laughing. “Put me down!”
“No!” Remus trilled. He spun Janus around once more. Then he just stood there, holding Janus, gazing up at him. Janus’ eyes grew soft. Slowly, he carded his fingers through Remus’ hair.
“Hey,” Janus said.
“I love you.”
Remus set Janus down, but kept his arms still wrapped tightly around him. His heart felt warm.
Janus looked up at him. “Yeah?”
“I love you, too.” 
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felidaefatigue · 2 years
Pretentious ceramic artist rant incoming
So my partner rents studio space at a local pottery place. Its ran by a woman who basically just had a shit ton of money and wanted to get into it so. you can kind of imagine. that its not like. the most well ran place. Not to say its bad but like. Anyways.
My partner went to school with me, so formally trained in pottery, is a really great artist, has been doing tech stuff since being in school. Sometimes helps out the studio by loadin/unloading and firing kilns. He got in a bit of an arguement (barely could be called that tbh) with a woman theyve hired as a tech. Who is still IN school (3rd or 4th year which usually isnt ooooverly qualified for doing tech thibgs unsupervised n very much still learning- i certainly wouldnt have been able to be a tech at that point). Because he loaded a class kiln, confirmed with management he was ok to, but she had wanted to do it a later day. This was also after he had mentioned in their communications for people to keep him in the loop about things because he was recently helping out, because he had to fix work that got stuck to shelves when other people had apparently already changed their mind about doing that for them.
So anyways he loads this kiln. Has to get mad at that tech because she stacked kiln shelves (which are VERY EXPENSIVE) in a way that is very bad for them and makes them likely to crack. No kiln shleves anywhere are ever stored stacked on each other. This is taught to you. And she only put fresh kiln wash on literally 1 shelf. (kiln wash is a refractory paint that keeps glaze from sticking to the shelves- if anything sticks to a shelf and exposes it, it needs rewashed, and routinely to keep them in good shape). Also her cone packs (a cone is a thing that melts at a set temp so you know how hot the kiln gets) were falling apart and made with the wrong style of cone and just bad. So he used his own.
So he loads it. does all this extra work washing shelves n shit. is worried cause its a little tight. gets yelled at for doing it at all by this woman. She removes his cone packs.
we dont hear anything for awhile
then we find out they had to unload the WHOLE KILN because apparently "someone" had gotten "suspicious" that the kiln wash had glaze in it- which is VERY BAD. Because glaze is the OPPOSITE of kiln wash and turns into GLASS and would have FUSED THE WHOLE KILN LOAD TOGETHER.
so she probably realized she mixed glaze into it somehow (which is WILD because HOW THE FUCK that such a massive mistake) and was mad because she had to tel someone now that she couldnt fix it before the kiln was loaded .. like im just. speechless.
this woman should not be in a tech position.
and this also really reinforces my belief that hobby potters REALLY need to fucking humble themselves and stop trying to be proffessional potters with nothing more than a community college course or half a bachelors degree like. i DONT want to say u need education to be an artist or make a living. but CERAMICS is VERY FUCKING TECHNICAL. you can KILL PEOPLE by using the wrong glaze or misfiring a kiln. and you can poison and maim people in A LOT OF OTHER WAYS. And just. blindly working under the assumption you know enough is so god damn reckless. Like that would have been a several hundred if not thousands of dollars worth of equipment of a mistake for the company. let alone all the student and studio proffessional's work in the kiln that would have been unsalvagable.
like i love potters and small business and i DEFINITELY know how hard it is to get going and you gotta just do things but like. Ask for fucking help. Ask someone more knowledgable to shadow you while you do things on your own the first few times just to make sure you are doing it right. potters are some if the most community minded art people ve ever known. they would help. Its unacceptable.
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laurazepamwrites · 4 years
Meihem prompt
Overwatch has a secret Santa and Junkrat's person just so happens to be Mei
Jamison held the semi transluscent stone up to the light, the iridescent rainbow colours shimmering and changing like a kaleidascope as they caught reflections of sunrays, he was so mesmerized he hadnt paid attention to why Lena was visiting him and Roadhog in their quarters.
“Jaaamie? Are you in theere?”
A nudge from Roadhog knocked the Opal out of his hand, sending it skittering lightly across the floor. “The fuck was that for?” Jamison grumbled, reaching down and picking up the precious gemstone. Roadhog gave no reply spare the finger he pointed in Lena’s direction.
“Oh hey Zippy when d’you get ere?” Jamison asked cheerfully.
“Fucks sake..” Muttered Roadhog.
“Welcome back.” She joked. “I was asking if you guys are doing secret santa? We did it before Overwatch disbanded and i thought it would be nice to start the tradition again.”
“Whats er..what do ya do?” Jamison asked, looking mildly perplexed.
“Secret Santa? Everyone puts their name in a hat and pull out a random name for their own. Then you get the person you pulled out a present but you keep it secret. No one knows who got who what.”
“Huh..ok. Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why keep it secret?”
“Its secret santa.”
“Why wouldnt you wanna know who got you what?”
“Its in the name Jamie, its secret santa.”
“Yeah but why wouldnt you-”
“I feel like im explaining this as simply as I can.” Lena said with a hint of frustration to her voice. “Are you doing it or not?”
“Yeah fuck it I’ll do it. Hog?”
Roadhog grunted something indecipherable to Lena’s earsbut Jamie seemed to understand perfectly. “Hogs out, guess that means i’m out too..”
“Really? Why?”
“Well I want Hog so if he’s not playing then-”
“You dont pick who you get!” Lena snapped. “Look..” She ripped a piece of paper from her pocket notebook, scribbled Jamies name on it and shoved it in one of Hanas fluffy hats with a large pom pom on with the other names. She shoved toward Jamie. “Please just pick a name..”
Jamie shoved his hand in, rumbling it around till he grabbed one of the pieces and pulled his hand out, he unfolded the small piece of paper, written in neat cursive handwriting was the name ‘Mei.’
“Oh fuck off I got fucking-!”
“Nope! Nope! Dont say who you got its secret..you gotta keep its secret..Mr Rutledge pleeease get him to keep his mouth shut.”
Roadhog wheezed at her..maybe he was laughing. “Just make sure you have something ready for Friday ok? Its the last day we’re all here before some people head off base for the holidays ok? Thanks boys, Bye!” In a blink she was gone only for her to zip right back into the vacant air she just left. “And nothing that explodes!” And once again she was gone.
“Who’d you get?” Roadhog asked. Jamison slumped back on the couch and sighed in annoyance. “Mei..I got fucking Frosty the cold, snippy, big boobed, grumpy, irritating snowman!”
“Hmph..” Roadhog grunted. “What you getting her then?”
“A big box of fuck all?”
“Nah..try harder.”
“I could smash her bot up and she can put it back together like a jigsaw?”
“Too much.”
“Fucking christ i dont know! I dont know what she even likes, shes just cold. She likes ice and smart stuff and acting all prissy and goody goody and shooting me death glares with those big bambi eyes and pouting with those lips covered in gloss that smells like watermelon but trust me, it dont taste like it!”
“I am! I have to think about her and what she likes..”
Roadhog snorted with amusement. “Sounds like you’re starting to think about what you like.”
The blush was near spontaneous. “F-Fuck off Hog you fucking cunt.” He shuffled himself further into the couch and began fiddling with the Opal again, he had stared at it a million times before since coming by it on a scavenger run back home. Opals where one of the outbacks most valued natural resources and the land once rich with mines were now heavily depleted, making them that much more valuable. The Junkers traded the precious stones for food, water, parts and weapons so it was curious even to himself that Jamison kept this small jagged shard of soft rainbow coloured stone. What was another night of going malnourished or dehydtrated when he could take this small stupid rock out of his pocket and losing himself for a few minutes in the quietness it provided. As he turned it back and forth his thoughts drifted back to Mei..how their strained relationship was certainly rocky and uneven but also how she..she made things feel quiet In his head and around him yet at the same time the air was charged and heated. She was like this dumb rock..so many facets that made him feel different things and he just wanted to keep it with him and keep looking. He heard Roadhog mutter something but he was too much in his own head and that woman who irritated him to no end was in his head, he turned the stone this way and that and a thought suddenly came into his mind, an impulse. Jamison tossed the stone in the air and caught it as he sprung up from the couch. “Gotta go!”
“Workshop. see ya later!”
As the evening of Friday approached the occupants of the Gibralter base  where gathered in the large recreation room. Most of the presents had been opened already, (Ifs its got a rabbit on its obviously from you Hana! Its not a secret! You’re wearing a jumper with the same fucking rabbit on!) and only a few of the team remained. “Go on Mei lets see what you got.” Angela prompted her, Jamison was thankful no one noticed him cough on his drink slightly.
“Ok its...Oh! This one!” Mei picked out a small parcel from the pile. “Not a natural gift wrapper.” She joked at the rough wrapping which was mostly tape than paper. After some struggle a small object slipped out, falling into her lap. “Oh!”
“What is it?” Asked Brigitte, trying to shove a hand knitted jumper on one of the stray cats she invited to live with them.
Mei didnt answer for a moment, gazing at the object in her lap, delicatly she picked it up, a thin silver chain with a pendant attached. A pendant made of a beautiful opal, wrapped neatly in wire, smoothed down and shining as it caught the light. “Its...wow.” She breathed. “Its so pretty..Look snowball..it looks like morning light on fresh snow!”
Once again impulse betrayed him. “Youre’ welcome! Cost me a fortune ya know.” Jamison blurted.
“Are you SERIOUS, JAMIE?!” Lena shrieked.
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 8
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A/N- Im sorry if this is bad! 😂
*Contains Defending Jacob spoilers*
When i finally got home later that day i ordered a pizza and decided to take a quick shower while i waited, knowing they usually take a good 45 minutes this time of night. Walking out of the bathroom 10 minutes later wrapped in a fluffy purple towel i passed the window in the hallway and spotted Andy sitting outside in his car. I walked to the bedroom and picked up my phone from the bedside cabinet and hit his number.
As it rang i walked over to the window and watched him staring at the phone in his hand for a few moments before answering.
"Hey" he finally answered.
"Hey, everything okay?"
"Yeah of course! Why wouldnt it be?"
"Well the fact your sitting outside my house....."
"Shit, sorry! I wasn't being weird i swear! Its just.....i should just go" he sighed shaking his head.
"You wanna come in for a minute?"
"I dont wanna interupt...."
"Your not its fine, let me just come down real quick and open the door....wait for me in the kitchen" i told him making my way downstairs.
"....okay" he finally agreed, I ended the call and quickly unlocked the door pulling it open just a crack before running back upstairs to get dressed.  I tossed my phone on the bed and grabbed my sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt. After towel drying my hair real quick i tied it up out the way and made my way down to see Andy.
When i walked into the kitchen Andy looked up and smiled at me, he was sat at my small kitchen table, his coat and suit jacket discarded on the empty chair beside him.
"Im sorry to just show up like this Y/N" he said shaking his head.
"Its fine don't worry about it"
"I don't even know how i ended up here....."
"Another shitty day?"
"Yeah" he scoffed "the kids aint talking, none of them knew anything. Most of them where more interested in the fact that i was Jacob Barbers dad"
"So no leads?"
"No. But Duffy found out there's a guy who lives near the park, Leonard Patz. Done for Indecent AB on a minor"
"Why didnt you know about him before?"
"Duff said he only moved to Newton in the last year. Never registered. One of the ADA's in the child abuse unit flagged him"
"What exactly did Patz do to this kid?"
"Grabbed the kids package at the public library, got out on a personal"
"He groped a kid and got out on a personal?" I asked wide eyed at the idea of this man walking free around town.
"Apparently there was some question about the kids testimony. Duffy also said we gotta keep in mind the Rifkin kid had no signs of sexual assault"
"But its something for you to look into, right? If your getting nowhere with the kids at school it makes sense that Patz is the next point of call"
"I just, i have to be careful how i play this one.... i told Duffy i needed to sleep on it. My heads all over the place"
"You want a coffee? Or i have beer?"
"I'll take a beer please" he gave me a tired smile.
I grabbed a couple beers and we went to sit in the living room, he sat on the sofa and let his head fall back with a contented sigh as he closed his eyes.
"Thank you for this Y/N, i always feel like i can relax with you. Everyones always expecting things from me you know? But you.... you just let me be myself"
"And your not yourself at home?"
"Not at all, not for a long time anyway" he replied lifting his head to take a mouthful of his beer "Laurie and I were talking about divorce before all this happened"
"Oh...." i was genuinely surprised to hear that and didn't know how to react to this new information!
"Im okay about it though, is that bad?"
"No, people get divorced all the time Andy"
"I know. Its kinda scary though, i've been with Laurie since college.... i think we got too comfortable.... we lost that spark"
"And theres no getting it back?"
"Im pretty sure that boat has sailed" he chuckled to himself "i will aways love her don't get me wrong im just...."
"Not IN love with her?"
"Yeah" he nodded looking a little sad that his marriage hadn't worked out "You ever been in love?" Andy asked cocking his head to the side and watching me closely.
"Me?.... um, yeah once" i nodded as i picked at the label on my beer bottle "college boyfriend, he was everything to me.... kinda sad looking back at it"
"What happened?"
"I caught him in bed with my best friend"
"Yeah, i cut all contact with the both of them after that. You wanna know the kicker? ...their still together with their second kid on the way"
"Im sorry to hear that"
"It happens" i shrugged "i haven't been in a relationship since. Guess i have some trust issues"
"And you and Frank?...."
"Me and Frank, right" i shook my head getting up from the sofa "i need another beer before talking about Frank, you want another?"
I sat on the opposite end of the sofa facing Andy when i returned with fresh beers.
"So whats the deal with Frank?" He asked but averted his eyes while he mentioned the other man in my life.
"We spent some time together" i shrugged feeling like an idiot for thinking i could do the whole casual/non exclusive thing.
"And your not anymore?"
"At the moment i don't think so"
"What happened if you don't mind me asking?"
"I was supposed to be meeting his friends yesterday but i told him i had to reschedule. With everything going on i wasn't feeling it you know? This morning when i was getting coffee i saw him with some blonde....we want different things i guess. I mean you warned me what Frank was like right?.... i thought i could do the casual thing.... turns out i'm not a fan so much"
"The guys an idiot.....Im sorry" Andy said keeping his eyes down on his beer bottle casually raising his eyebrows.
"No your not" i laughed shaking my head at him, it was written all over his face that he was pleased to hear this news.
"Your right i'm not" he finally looked up at me "your too good for him".
"Im serious. You're something else....." he took a deep breath putting his now empty beer bottle on the table then turned to face me "i have to tell you something.... its been eating away at me for a while now"
"What is it?" I asked him putting my beer down and giving him my full attention.
"I remember what happened in Vermont.... the things i said... the kiss"
I was not expecting that!
"Im sorry, i just didn't want things to get weird between us. I didn't want to loose you"
"Andy.... i..."
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss in the elevator Y/N. I cant stop thinking about how much i still wanna kiss you every damn time i see you!"
"We can't...."
"We can! Its okay to want this" he reached across and took my hand rubbing circles on the back of my hand "tell me you don't want it too and i'll leave right now and we can forget this happened".
I sat there staring at him shaking my head "i cant tell you that...".
Before i knew it Andy was pulling me into his lap and kissing me breathless. His hands slipping under my t-shirt caressing my back. My heart was racing as we finally parted for air, i placed my hands on either side of his face, my thumbs stroking his cheeks that were flushed as we tried to catch our breath.
The moment was interrupted by knocking at the door.
"Leave it" he mumbled leaning forward and kissing me again. I pushed him back and laughed before climbing off his lap "thats my takeout! Im not just gonna leave it, i'll be back in two seconds".
I grabbed my purse from the table and headed to the front, i opened the door with a smile.... a smile that fell when i saw Frank standing there instead of the delivery man!
"Hey sweetheart".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama @ex-bloodjunkie @kaithezaftig @rainbowkisses31
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thereal-linh-cinder · 4 years
Cinder’s Notes on Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
We’re back with CoS!
Again, massive spoilers for the entire HP series (obviously)
Woo the hell plans where theyre going to stand when dinner guests arrive? you seem so unbelievably inhuman, which, i suppose the Dursleys are, but still...
Because Harry is an unreliable narrator, is it possible that the Dursleys treat him slightly better than is described? Unlikely, but something to consider
Harry is so humble?
He’s also hilarious “[Voldemort] hasnt got a brother, has he?”
bars on the window are a bit extreme
the twins ooze chaotic energy
are the owls that wizards use magical? they always seem to understand humans VERY well...or is it just magic that gives magic folk a better connection w animals? Or is that just how owls are? Or do I just not understand how carrier birds work? 
rather convinient that only the bottom stair creaks and not like. the 13th from the top or something
“Draco made Dudley sound sweet” i mean. childish bullying at school  vs physical abuse for years but ok go off jkr
the twins are 14 and driving a car. in Britain. where you have to be 18. chaos
Mrs. Weasley reminds me way too much of my own mother
Percy wears sweater vests confirmed (are we surprised)
Please take a moment to imagine Percy’s reaction to Hermione becoming Minister
Lockhart + Rita Skeeter (idk what this means but its in my notes)
“got the impression that Snape could read minds” 👀
Lockhart is just gonna go through the whole rainbow huh
Lockhart really compared Harry almost DYING to him winning that stupid smile award. Bruh.
Lockhart has 7 books
I feel bad for Nick :(
There’s so much about the Vanishing Cabinets in this book!
that moment with the salamander and the firework is a gem
Do Ron and Hermione at least hear hissing in the walls?
so Lockhart is basically running the Hogwarts theatre department huh
why was Ron’s first thought toenails
Scarhead? Thats the BEST insult you can come up with, Malfoy? 
Yeah, let the 12y/o deal with the rogue bludger on his own, y’hear? (can you tell I’m a lot older now)
Honestly, Madame Pomfrey? Kinda a savage
If Voldemort was 70 when he died in ‘98, and he went to school with Lucius, how old is Lucius? 
Technically, if all purebloods are related, Harry IS a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. Not the heir obvs, but you know
honestly when you think about it, Fawkes’s death is hilarious. Like Harry’s just chillin and sees a cool bird and then it spontaneously combusts 
Did Crabbe and Goyle ever get their shoes back? 
Ron has REALLY good intuition
Why do they still have Riddle’s trophy on display? Like yeah not many people know that he’s Voldemort but that just feels like the equivalent of like...keeping up a trophy for the kid that turned out to be a sch**l sh**ter
Ok but the younger Weasleys have this knack for bullying Voldy. Twins pelted him with snowballs, Ginny flushed his diary down a toilet, Ron barfed slugs all over his special award....
well Harry if its a DIARY where you conventionally write personal stuff about your day or your crush, why are we surprised that it doesnt even have stuff like “dentist” and “aunt mary’s birthday” or “half past 3″ written in it
RON’S INTUITION BRUH “[the diary] coud be dangerous” “maybe [Tom Riddle] murdered Myrtle] yall know that theory abt him being a seer? yeah
I adore these characters so much bc theyre so real?? Lke we truly watch them grow up. Something about the way 11y/o Ginny covers her face and runs away vs how she acts in the later books just. I adore it. 
So this is where I broke my own heart and froze for a solid 15 minutes. I was beginning to write “I hope the twins sang ‘His Eyes Are As Green As A Fresh Pickled Toad’ at their wedding” before I realized that only one twin got to attend Harry & Ginny’s wedding. I trailed off at the S in twins and you can see how shaky my hand got in the writing (i wrote all of this out in a journal)
Riddle’s personality is so well preserved. (and then I remembered that he made his first horcrux that year and THATS why bc this is 16/17 y/o voldy’s soul)
In Riddle’s memory, he stops by the potions room after speaking to Dumbledore on the staircase. Slughorn is teaching that year. Harry says he is stuck outside that room for “what felt like an hour.” Is this where Tom asks about horcruxes? Technically at this point, Myrtle has already been murdered and its been a while but I’m p sure he asks about horcruxes after class one day. But idk. It really seems plausible, and It’s possible that he altered the memory to show Harry...
this is my least favorite book so i just wrote “this is the most boring book. I’m skimming.”
ah forcing 12 y/o to choose a career path
Quidditch mathces are EARLY (im used to sports matches in the evenings but i guess soccer matches are early and such so it makes sense) (my american is showing)
Is sitting at any table allowed? I never understood that and it used to bug me in the movies. Is it only required to sit at your House table during important feasts? Is that how a lot of inter-house relationships come to be? 
Fudge’s wardrobe was ROBBED in the movie. They really made him look like an established businessman when when we first meet the man, he’s wearing a pinstriped suit, scarlet tie, POINTED PURPLE SHOES and honestly woud it have been so hard to at least give him the lime green bowler hat? Such a staple of his personality
i feel like we tend to forget that hagrid has been to Azkaban
Ron saw Draco being racist and had to be physically held back by his friends. Mans was ready to THROW HANDS. 10/10 absolute icon
The prejudice against werewolves is very prominent.They clearly dont know a lot about them/arent taught (constantly expecting to find them roaming the forbidden forest EVERY NIGHT)
literally WHAT would they do without Hermione
still shocked that Hermione Jean Granger would willingly rip a page out of a book, especially a library book. But maybe thats just the fact that I’m the daughter of a librarian.
is the basilisk page from Fantastic Beasts? They really called it “a page from an old book” its literally in ur first year curriculum but ok boys
Why did Ron toss Lockhart’s wand out the window? He couldve used it instead of his spellotaped one. Granted, it wouldnt have been very good later on if he had, but. You know?
if this Tom is just an imprint of Voldy’s soul at 16/17, how does he even know who Harry is
he already has voldy’s laugh
OH Ginny told him about Harry that makes sense
Voldemort is SO dramatic. Imagine your buddy Tom one day says “hello dearest closest friends, I’ve decided I hate my name so I tried to make an acronym. Please only refer to me as Voldemort from now on. Also I could spell Lord with my name, so I am claiming my new status as a Lord.”
Also he’s holding Harry’s wand. Why is he sending this ginormous, super sow snake after this tiny scrawny 12y/o? Just kill him yourself. Even when Harry gets poisoned Tom’s like “take ur time bro imma watch u die i have nothing better to do” and only when neither of those first tow extra af options DO NOT WORK does he think “oh well guess i gotta use this WAND now ugh” like was he just not corporeal enough to actually use the wand yet or???? Buddy. If you really wanted Harry dead I feel like you could do better.
the fang SPLINTERED in Harry’s arm????????????????? uhm
Harry gets covered in ink a lot in the series
Dumbledore is such a simp for Voldemort honestly
I forget that Harry & Ron get trophies for special services too bro
did Arthur create the Muggle Protection Act???
...why DOES Lucius have Voldy’s old school things? 
Harry and Ron got a total of 400 points for this. But only 10 FOR TAKING OUT A TROLL AT AGE 11 
Lucius is LITERALLY on the PTA hes a school governor 
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How Do I Let Him Go?
Summary- 1.7k Dean x Y/N. Dean and Sam have one last job to do, and although not difficult, it hits a few personal notes with Dean. Angst. Mentions of Death. Written for @deanwanddamons​ 1k Follower Challenge. Congrats on your mile stone babes! Prompt is in Bold.
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It should have been a regular easy and shut case, Baby bring them into town, they hunt the creepy crawly that reared its ugly head, grab a burger and beer, then gone.
Should have been, but Dean wasnt placing his chips on that. Cause they were the Winchesters after all. Sammy and Dean, hunters extraordinaire.
So when you showed up in there motel doorstep after a case, rain pouring in the backdrop, your hair plastered to your face and dripping a puddle on the hooker inn motels ragged door mat, who was he to close the door in your face. “please, I need you.” Well, Dean considered looking at you, who am I to say no to a woman when shes uttering those words?
A step back, he allowed you in, going straight to the bathroom, and retrieving a towel to help you dry off, Pressing your face into the rough material and dragging it up into your hair, giving it a tousle, you ask “Wheres Sam?”
“He went to go get us some food, but he will be back soon.” Dean perched on the edge of his bed. “But why are you here Y/N? We already finished up our business here.”
“Yea with that, but I got a personal one.” You started, and fell into the past, explaining how you ONCE had a brother, and older overprotective brother whom you loved very much, even if at times he could be overbearing.
Dean cleared his throat, immensely glad right at the moment Sammy was not here, he would probably have a comment or two to add, although Dean considered himself pretty awesome and lax for the most part.
“You say Once... what happened?” Dean questioned when you paused, fisting your hand in the towel. Dean moved over to sit next to you, letting his hand brace against your back, the whole demeanor of your face had shifted, screwing up a bit. God the pain was still fresh after all this time, the guilt a heaviness that crushed your heart, sneaking up occasionally to leave you gasping for air.
“My boyfriend at the time wasnt a great person. And I was young, insecure, frankly I allowed myself to remain in a abusive relationship for the sake of ‘I love him’, I didnt know the difference then between Love and Control. Jacob tried to get me to see, but...” You shrug “I was blind to it. It got bad one night, and I called Jacob to come get me. Ron kept a gun in our apartment that I had no idea about, and pulled it on us when Jacob came to collect me.” You wring that towel in your hand until you could feel the weave give slightly, loosening enough to keep it from ripping and look over at Dean, who at this point stayed quiet, allowing you this chance at a weakness. “shot him, there was no saving him. He was gone before he hit the floor and Ron panicked. Ditched the gun and bolted. Police picked him up an hour later. I buried my brother, thinking I would never see him again. Fuck was I wrong.”
Dean had a feeling he knew where this was going, but pushed you to continue anyways. “But....?”
“You know, if I didnt just see you and Sam clean up at the school, I wouldnt be telling you this. But I see him and, shit I dont know how its gotten this way. Hes my brother, I should want to see him right? But the last two times.” You swipe at your face when the tears start making tracks, and Dean quick as ever reached towards the night stand, grasping a few tissues from the box and handed them over. “Thanks, right after I see him, my current significant other gets hurt or worst .”
“Worst?” Deans brows lift in question, his green eyes sparking in anger at your situation, this was obviously a situation that needed to be dealt with.
“First it was an accident, my boyfriend after Ron. Just enough to drive us apart. Casey, he was in a bad car accident, and when he was discharged, he grew distant. Once healed, he moved out. Then Tony... Fuck we had a row one night, and we both ended up getting physical with one another. I saw Jacob for a moment over his shoulder, I even almost convinced myself I didnt, it was my imagination, but Tony collapsed right in front of me. Doctors claimed his heart just blew, but he was the healthiest man I knew, It just didnt add up.”
It was this moment the Sam arrived back. Both of you glanced at the door when it clicked open and he stepped in, not realizing you were there for a moment. “Dean they didnt have those fries you wanted, but I did get- oh! sorry, Errr, I didnt know you had company.” giving a questioning look to Dean if he should leave, the older brother put that to rest quickly.
“This is Y/N, and after seeing how today went, she needs some help.” Dean gave Sam the basics, and Y/N just stayed quiet for the moment, Sams gaze fell back to you with a hint of sorrow, and gave a nod. “Yea, definitely sounds like something we can  help you with.” Giving a reassuring smile, he set the food down, and shrugged from his coat. Going to some of there supplies, he dug out an Emf reader, switching it on with a buzz of lights flaring red on top then settling back to just make a soft buzzing sound. “You dont mind do you?” Y/N gave a light shake of your head and Sam was quick to fall into an explanation while Dean pulled away, thinking back on all you told them.
“Your brother... Buried or Cremated?” Dean questioned once Sam finished. “Buried” You say simply and the two brothers exchange a look. “Where?” Sam asks and you tell them the local cemetery. So this will be an easy case, Dean considers, but he cant help but feel a tinge of regret for the dejected way you look, sitting on the edge of the bed your hands wringing together. Sam starts gathering stuff, and Dean shrugs on a coat, grabbing some salt and circling one of the chairs in the room with it.
“We will take care of it tonight Y/N, but I need you to stay right here.” Dean had you sit, and your careful not to break the line. Not sure why, but it seemed necessary. Before the man could step away, you reached out, and the tears that brimmed your eyes, although sadness were relief. “Thank you...its not going to hurt Jacob right... what you and Sam do?” You say simply and those green eyes of his soften, knowing what you were thanking him for what your asking him. Please, dont hurt my brother, I still love him, regardless of what hes done. His voice was gruff as he nodded. “Its going to be okay, we promise.” And with a slight squeeze of his hand, he let you go.
It was just as they suspected, Jacobs spirit had been unable to move on, stuck in this world with the belief that You were his job to watch over, just as Sammy was his job to watch over. Had been since he was 5 and John shoved that baby in his arms. Dean sighed as he was stuck in his thoughts about it, dumping salt over Jacobs body, Sam keeping watch with the sawed off shot gun. “Think this will take care of him for good Dean?”
“Of course Sammy, salt and burn. Cleanses everything.” Dean grunted while climbing out and digging in his pockets, he pulled out a matchbook from the hotel room. “Dad taught us that.” yanking a match and flicking it to spark, he waited till the fire was hot, crackling up the remaining matches and tossed it in. It went white hot in a quick blaze, then a steady orange, burning through even the rain pouring around them. It was morning by the time they were able to refill the hole.
Returning to the room, Sam and Dean found you wide eyed, perched on the edge of your seat. “Its-its done?” You question, a bit of a hesitant stutter in your voice, and Dean drags his foot through the salt. “Just one last check Y/N” Sam informs, and he digs out his Emf reader again, giving it a swipe over your body, clean. There was no warning flashes. Your eyes are wide as you look between the two men and Dean gives a nod. “Its all over Y/N, hes moved on.”
“Thank you” Your tears just cant be held back, and you hugged them both. “I dont know how to thank you. “
“Just stay safe” Dean says, and you take your leave.
Days later, Dean had gotten Baby packed, checked over the room, and was ready to head out of town. It was quiet between the two brothers, working as they always have, and probably always will. Riding out of town, passing the cemetery Dean catches sight of you standing at the freshly dug grave, and he whipped the car around right quick.
“We forget something?” Sam asks, and Dean just utters. “Gotta check on something.” It was then Sam caught sight of what he saw and nodded in understanding. Hoping out of the car, Dean made his way to where you were standing, his hands in his pockets.
“Y/N, you okay?” He asks quiet like as he comes to stand next to you. Your hand you have a simple flower, and you rest it atop of Jacobs stone.
“Thought my heart is broken, It still breaks everyday.” You say in response, looking up at Dean.”I thought I would feel different once this was over, but Dean, it still hurts. I miss him, even after everything, I know I should be happy, hes at peace. But now how do I let him go?” you confessed. “I dont know how to... “
Dean knew... that pain that ate at you, it never fully goes away, but becomes a part of your life, just like breathing. He doesnt have the heart to tell you that though, and his arms envelopes you, leaving you to sink into his embrace and holds you steady as the sobs rack your body, falling into you sorrow in this strangers arms.
tags- @official-and-unstable-satan​ @kimisama1989​ @p8tn0lish​ @deanwanddamons​
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Arthur Fleck fanfic REFLECTIONS Part 4 and 5
LINK TO PART 1,2 and 3 above
Some sweet, romantic Arthur fanfiction about taking care of him and giving him the love he deserves.
Involves some romantic sex.
Part 4 "Oh,Kitten. I don`t know what to say" Arthur got a big smile on his face as he roles off of me and takes me in his arms. "I got lost in you. It was like everything else in the world disappeared. I never felt so close to anyone. This is what true happiness must feel like". My head is lying upon his chest, which is lifting up and down from still trying to catch his breath. I can`t belive what he just said. He felt true happiness. And I am the reason? I feel my eyes watering and take a deep breath of his skin. "I know. I felt the same with you. " I whisper in his ear "I felt compleate with you inside of me. Like you should have been there all the time." I lean in to kiss him. I can feel the taste of his lips with my whole body. My fingertips are caressing his cheekbones while I can feel his hot breath in my mouth. With his breath I breathe in his whole being. His whole beauty. I imagin his breath is making its way down my throath. I`m sucking all the sorrow and loneliness out of him. Make it my own. Become one with this sad eyed man which is my only desire in this life. "Keep on breathing into me" I moan between the kisses "Breathe life into me". He holds me so close to his chest its almost hurting. He might seem fragile but his arms still can be strong. "I feel like I cannot get you close enough" his arms tighten up. "Kitten, what if its never close enough?" I feel like I´m a little short of breath but at the same time I dont want him to loosen up his embrace. I kiss the red stained corner of his mouth. Softly. "I know what you mean, Arthur. But we can be this close now whenever we want." "We can?" "Sure" "You mean you really want me?" "I do, Arthur. I want everything of you. For the rest of my life. I will never taste or smell or touch anything else again. Or love" He loosens up his tight embrace to get down to kiss my chest now "Or love" he repeats. So many little kisses covering my skin. leaving stains of his face paint all over my chest. Little, red proofs that he  touched me. Kissed me. His lips are wandering down my belly as I hold his head between my hands, my fingers get lost in his soft curls. I push his head closer against my trembling body. His nose is touching my navel. It tickles. I have to laugh. He looks up to me "Do you like it?" "Oh yeah. I like it a lot, Artie" For a second I thought he will make his way down on me but suddenly he is making his shy face. "Finally" he says "Finally someone sees me"
"You know what?" I play with his hair "Today we`re going to make a picnic in the park. " "I never had a picnic before." "So today its gonna be your first" He gets up, looking very excited "I feel like thereare going to be a lot of first times for me from now on, Kitten".  He gets to the bathroom dancing to music only he can hear in his head. But I can tell its one of his favorite songs.
"Hey Artie, I will be back in like half an hour.  I jus wann go buy some food" "Okay, just take the money  in the pocket of my pants". He says while taking off the rest of his make up in the bathroom. I reach for his pants, search for the money and find some more meds in his pockets. Temazepam, Perphenazine,... He comes out of the bathroom before I can read what the other ones are. His face free from make up. "Did you find the money?" "Yeah I did" the almost empty bottle of meds still in my hands. "And my meds" he looks ashamed. "Oh, well, I`m sorry about that... I just..." "You must think I`m ..." a cough is crawling up his throath. His hands covering his mouth. "Hahahahahahahah" loud, almost agressive laughter is coming out of his mouth. "You hahahhaah must think I`m a crazy.... hahahahhahaha" "Nooooo " I run the few stept up to him "Arthur, no. I dont think you`re crazy. Look, if you need the medication to feel better, just take them okay? I will not judge you or anything" "No, Kitten hahahahah I`m metally.... hahahahahaahahha....ill....." Tears are running down his face, pain in his eyes. I wipe his tears away and give him a hug.  He is shaking so hard my whole body is shaking with him. "You haha you deserve better... Kitten, you deserve....so much...." I take his hands which try to cover his mouth from shaking and kiss his lips. He is slowly calming down "You might have some problems, Arthur. Thats okay. We can figure them out together. I will not leave you ever again. Do you hear me?" He whipes a tear from his eyes "Okay. Yes... I...I do belive you" "C`mon get yourself ready. We go buy the stuff for the picnic together" There it is. He`s smiling again, getting in his clothes. A white shirt under his brown jacket and blue pants. I button up his shirt as he looks at me like he still can belive I`m really here. "Kitten... does you memory come back in any way?" "Nahh... nothing." I smile "Anyway... dont worry about that. I don`t.  I feel like this had to happen, otherwise we wouldnt have met." "Yeah... I`m still worried, you know?" "Dont be, Artie" I get my own cothes. All black. We`re heading out the door, he lights a cigarette and we go buy some fruits and sweets before we arrive at the park. Its not a perfect summer day but its still warm enough to enjoy the weather. The park doesnt give you the same feeling as the streets do. Its not as dirty as the rest of Gotham. "How do you know the way to the park?" he asks "I thought you dont know this city" He`s got a good point there "Oh my god. I just knew. That means I must have been here before, right?" "I guess so, Kitten" We`re holding hands as we walk through the gates. "Close your eyes, Arthur" He chuckles "Why?" "Just do it" "Okay" I pick some flowes and put them into his hair. He opes his eyes "Kit.....what did you just do?" His fingers go through his hair, he is laughing from happiness as he realizes I put flowers in his hair. His puppy eyes as green as the nature around us. I have to laugh,too. He takes a flower out of his curl and puts it on my head "They look much more beautiful on you". "No they don`t" He kisses me on the forehead, humming a melody I`ve never heard before. "C´mon" I say "See this big, old tree right over there? This looks like the perfect spot to relax. Its far from the crowds" He sqeezes my hand,still humming songs, looking so happy as we walk over to place the blanket we brought with us. He lays down on his back, looking up to the sky as I unpack the food. "So....what are your fave fruits? I also got some cake and cookies and..." He looks at all the stuff beside him "Um... I dont even know... I`m never rally hungry". "Well, Artie, today you are" I smile "You gotta eat something. I can`t watch you staving yourself any longer". I know that all the meds he takes must stop his appetite but I still hope he is trying some of the food I picked for him. "Thats sweet" he says "But I´ll only eat something when you`re going to feed it to me" he smirks. "I see.... so... lets start with this" I take grape between my fingers and put it on his lips. He is eating it like he never tasted one before "It tastes good. Got more?" I feed him berries and chocoloate cookies he really seems to enjoy. He takes a rasberry by himself and puts it between his lips " Want one?" he smirks. I steal the berry from his mouth and taste his sweet lips. We kiss. He takes some bites from the cake. I´m glad he is finally eating something. "Strawberry?" I pick the one with the richest color. "Oh Kitten. I`m not used to a meal anymore. I guess I`m already full". He is rubbing his belly. I put the strawberry in my own mouth. "But it was very thoughtful of you, thank you" I put the rest of the food back in the bag and lie down beside him. Breathing in the fresh air, watching the clouds passing us by.
Part 5 The next few days went by like a dream. All was well. The world I have known wasnt important anymore, who I was before him wasnt important anymore. All I know now is that Arthur an I love each other. He didnt had one single of his hurtful laughter going on, it feels like he can relax by my side. At night we slip under the blankets together, so close to each other that sometimes I´m not sure where my body ends and his body begins. His insomnia keeps getting better. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and takes his meds. But he always gets back to bed and falls asleep again with a smile on his face and his head on my chest, so I can feel his hot breath against my skin. So I know he`s there. Right beside me. We haven`t slept together since he lost his virginity but I know he wants it. He just needs some time to belive that I´m real, since he was hallucinating a lot in the past. Today he is still asleep as I wake up. I carefully slip out of bed so he won`t wake and grab a diary I bought myself yesterday. I already filled it with some thoughts I had while watching him sleep. Mostly desires and sexual fantasies. I was hiding it under the sheets because I had the feeling he would be overwhelmed by reading it. Or even think he isnt enough. Oh he is enough. Arthur is all I want. All I need to feel satisfied. The connection we had was so much more than sex. Sometimes it feels like we are one spirit. I like to think that I am a thought in his mind. His daydream. His fantasy. He told me about the daydreams with a woman he had before and I felt like he really loved her, even though in reality she was some kind of a stranger to him. His feeling for her still feeled real. And I really hope I`m a fantasy in his head,too. He definitaly is mine. Thats why I started creating this diary, so I can express all of my desires for him. I take a look beside me. He is stretching, about to wake up. I kiss his cheek "Good morning, my love". He is touching his forehead. I once again notice the frakles on the back of his hands.I am obsessed wit details. Especially when it comes to him. I wanna find every detail he has to offer. Body and soul. The more I see of him, the more beautiful he becomes. "Morning, Kitten" he says in a tired tone. "I had the most amazing dream". "You did?" "Yeah" "Tell me about it" He smirks His smirk always makes me all fuzzy inside. "Arthur" I playfully slap his arm "Tell me" He stands up and gets a shirt. He was sleepingin his underwear, I can see his cute, little buttcheesks peeking out. "Nahh.. I...I cant tell you that" he turns his face away from me but I can tell he is blushing. "Arthur, you`re blushing" I cant help but smile from cheek to cheek. He gets into his shirt and walks up to me. Sits down at the bed. "Thats because I dreamed that you handcuffed me and I was begging you to get on top of me, touching me. And I was like.... going crazy because I couldnt touch you but it felt so good and..." I`m watching his lips, saying these words and can`t belive what I just heard. He just described one of the fantasies I wrote in my diary. Did he read it when I was asleep? Did he find it? "Arthur?" "Huh?" "Did you... did you just read my diary?" "What diary?" I can tell by his face that he dont know about my book. "The book I filled with some of my fantasies about you" "You got a book with fantasies about me?" I guess I am the one blushing now. "I do... I mean I just bought it yesterday but... yeah." "Can I...can I read it?" his eyes lighten up. "Sure" I grab the diary and hand it to him with excitement as he starts reading the first page. He looks very serious and concetrated. But his eyes  are filled with joy. He reads all the filled pages. All the words I wrote about him. He reads it without saying a word. Then he puts the diary aside. "Kitten, you really wanna do all this stuff to me, huh?" I can feel myself getting nerveaus. "Oh god yeah, I really want to, Arthur" He leans towards me. I can feel his curls on my cheeks as he whispers in my ear "Do it then!"
My heart is racing as I heard his sweet voice saying this. "But where do we get the handcuffs from?" I chuckle Arthur leaves the room and comes back with.... a pair of... "Where did you get those from?" my eyes must be as big as his now. "Did you try it...." Arthur played with the cuffs  "No, no, no its not like that... I... " He hands me the handcuffs  "I stole them from Arkham hospital a year ago... don`t ask" . I`m nodding. I didnt knew he was in a mental hospital before. For a moment I realize there mustbe many things I dont know about him yet. I missed 35 years of his lfe, which makes me sad. I wish we could have met sooner. I stand up and let the handcuffs swing in front of his face "So... Mr. Fleck...you are arrested for being extremly attractive" we both have to laugh for a moment but it feels kinda serious as he gets in bed and spreads his arms, so I can tie him up.  I fix his hands and watch him getting excited. "Get out off your underwear" I take his underwear off and threw it  over my shoulders. He is lying on the bed. Trying to get into a nice position for me to top him. "What are you gonna do with me now?" he is almost whispering, his voice soft like a breath. "Let me show you" "Oh yeah, Kitten. Show me" "I`m gonna love every inch of your body. There wouldnt be a spot I´m leaving out. I want it all. And you can`t do nothing about it" Arthur is shaking a little, but just a little. Enough for me to notice it though. Cuz it feels like a soft vibration against my lips, which are discovering his tiney ankles. So thin and fragile. Like a porcelain doll. I put my hands around them to feel how tiney they are. I kiss his little toe, making my way up to his legs. I kiss every inch, every frackle, every spot and taste the different parts of his now trembling body. Soft moaning from his mouth. "I`m all yours, Kitten. i´m all yours. " I kiss the insides of his thighs. He is breathing heavier now. "Turn around" "What?" "Turn around Arthur. I want to see your butt" He turns around, his hands tied behind his back. My hands caress his cute, peachy butt. Grabbing his cheeks as he moans. I cover his butcheeks with kisses, let my hand wonder between his legs. Forward. He`s getting hard now. " "I see you enjoy it, Arthur?" He pushes his face against the pillow as my fingers play with his most sensitive parts. "I do...oh my god, Kitten. Please don`t stop! Keep on touching me like that!" I`m grabbing him and turn him around so he is on his back again. Kissing him where he is getting harder any second. My hands are all over his chest, his arms. My lips wondering all over his body. "This feels so good. I cannot take it anymore" "You have to" I press my lips against his neck and start to suck it. I can smell his hair. My left hand is in his curls, my right hand is reaching for his cock. I`m biting his neck. His breath is getting more and moreintense, his eyes are closed. Those eyelashes. I cannot take my eyes off of his eyelashes. Details. More details. I take a close look on his face while ´there is nothing but excitement. His face expression turns me on in a way I cant even describe it.  I try to contain the taste of his neck as I suck his skin till it turns blue. "You like that?" "Don`t stop. I am begging you.. " I let my tongue slide over the scar upon his lip. Its my fave part of his body. All his details deserve so much love. I can feel his lip twitching while my tongue is playing with it. I can feel my body screaming out for him to  fill me up. I change my position, he is opening his eyes, looking right into mine. "Fuck me, Kitten! Oh I need you hands to love me. I need your lips to kiss me like that. I want you so bad. Don`t you ever stop loving me like that" I get on top of him and take him all in. All the way inside. "I wish I could touch you" he moans. Waves of excitement all through his body I take the key and uncuff his hands while he is still inside of me. As soon as he is free his hands are pressing me against him, so hard I can barely move anymore. But it feels just right. He is pushing himself inside of me, his tongue in my mouth. The taste of cigarettes and passion. He is kissing my earlobes now, sucking them. I never felt more happiness in my lfe. Feeling his gentle movements inside of me. I swear I can hear him humming a song between his whispered moaning. "You feel me?" he says "Yeah" "You`re really here with me arent you, Kitten?" "I am" "Thisis not a dream. we`re one" "We are, Arthur." And as I know he feels the same. That we are one soul. One body. I explode with excitement. Just like him.
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 13
Chapter title:  A Spooky First
A/n:  Oh look! I'm not dead! And thank god that uh I planned this to come out on Halloween! I've never been so happy! In other news, I LOVE PATTON SANDERS AND THERE IS NOTHING I WOULDNT DO FOR HIM. Also, Character asks are always open and for people asking yes you can do art for this (I've gotten some asks, and IM HONORED SO IF YOU WANT OH MY PLEASE DO) Don't forget to leave me some comments!! They make my day!! And Happy Halloween!! 
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words: 4300
summary: After Romans unfortunate incident, the gang still has to prepare for Halloween
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: swearing, blood, hospital, passing out/fainting, poison mention
Ao3 Link  
“Excuse me, would you like some Xanax? Because you are freaking out and it is freaking me out and we are all freaking the fuck out” Virgil claps, Logan turns to him huffing annoyed.
“Language!” Patton exclaims softly, they face him now the same expression plastering their face.
“Patton!” They groan in unison, he shrinks away, his eyes darting towards Romans empty bed.
“Sorry” He mumbles. He makes his way carefully towards the bed, sitting on the remains. He can hear the pair arguing behind him.
“You're telling me? To not freak out? That's like your brand!” Logan retorts, Patton clutches the bed knowing that that will only spark more of a debate. One Patton would rather not be apart of. “I'm mister can't keep my pants on and freaks out over every little thing” Logan mocks, the lawyer had never seemed so childish
“My brand? Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not ‘mister cold and frozen twenty-four-seven!’” Virgil responds, Logan scoffs. Patton shuts his eyes, feeling like a child again, except he can't escape the arguing parents, he has to get them under control. “No wonder Patton doesn't like you!” Welp there it is, Patton stands now. Now Virgil knew that wasn't true, but it sure would hurt, and that was his only aim.
“Oh I'm sorry, ‘mister oblivious towards Romans feelings’” Logan rushes, praying Patton had not heard the last part. Luckily, Logan had the same agenda, they were upset. Although by the look on Virgil's face, it didn't matter, they had really dug deep.
“Enough! Both of you!” Patton intervenes, quite angrily forcing himself between the pair. He faces Virgil first “You, will apologize to Logan about those awful things. And you will calm down, we are all very worried ok? Roman is our friend and the last thing we need to do right now is argue, understood?” He wiggles his finger in Virgil's face, the frozen detective nods.
“Yes Patton” he whispers, a little too afraid to speak. Now it's Logan's turn, Patton spins on his heel, Logan prepares himself.
“And you will apologize to Virgil, you were just as mean! He is allowed to be worried! Our friend is lying in an operation room alone, and we have no idea what's going on!” Patton takes a deep breath, steadying himself “Got it?” He questions sternly, feeling trapped between his own kids. Except they were grown adults.
“Got it” Logan mumbles shamefully. He had to admit, Patton was very good at conflict resolving. And a little scary. They bow their heads, preferring not to meet the lawyer's eyes, waiting for something to shift.
“Good, I'm going to go and get some coffee, you two” he glares “Are going to fix this and be nice to one another, you're friends, don't forget that” He reminds, Logan and Virgil glance up, locking regretful eyes. “And Lo?” Logan snaps his head towards him “I like you very much” He confirms before promptly leaving the room. Virgil notices the blush immediately, he wonders if Patton knows how much that meant.
“I am...sorry Virgil” Logan begins, going first to rid himself of the jumbled ideas in his mind. “You have every right to be worried about Roman, I shouldn't have snapped” He admits, now feeling the effects of his previous words. “And I shouldn't have said...that about your..brand” He quotes, using his fingers to mimic an air quote. Virgil holds his breath, exhaling only when Logan's shoulders fall.
“Guess it's my turn” he jokes, chuckling dryly. Logan nods, avoiding anything. “I'm sorry dude, you're just worried and I think that just freaked me out a bit cause...you're never worried” Virgil rubs his arm, squeezing it to make sure he's actually there. “And it's fine, my anxiety is usually better than…” He shrugs knowingly, Logan purses his lips.
“You have been doing better lately” Logan notes, recalling the techniques Virgil had utilized.
“I have yeah thanks” He smiles, the pace picks up, there's just one thing neither want to address. A word spoken makes it real. “Ok I'm just going to say it, I'm so sorry about what I said...about you being...and Patton and…” he's rambling now, apologies are never easy. Logan winces, Patton's face standing in the doorway, promising, assuring that he likes Logan. As if the lawyer is so desperate for confirmation. “You're not-”
“Let's not do this, shall we?” Logan interjects. His face reserved once more, Virgil curses himself, so close. “I apologize, and you apologize and that is that” He finalizes, Virgil decides not to push, too exhausted for round two. Thankfully the door opens once more, introducing a new topic. Patton returns, smiling and bright as ever, instantly Logan softens, his face morphs ever so slightly. Virgil wishes he could put Patton's energy, his essence in a bottle or something and just bring it out whenever Logan was tense, annoyed or… just needed some light.
“All happy in here?” He asks cautiously, handing the pair coffee. They share one last look before agreeing to nod, saving themselves and the hopeful figure more distress.  “Yay,” He celebrates weakly, the matter of Roman still fresh in the air. As if on cue, the door slides open once more, a familiar doctor enters. You can hear the trio seize their breath.
“Judge Reial did very well during surgery” He assures, the collective sigh of relief quite audible. “They are finishing him up before rolling him back here…” Patton smiles, the doctor coughs unsure “However, I would like to...discuss what we found...during his operation” He explains, Virgil's internal alert system goes off, his eyes shift.
“What? What did you find?” He requests, wanting the information more than anything.
“I cant...well...I have to wait for the police” Patton's heart drops, tightening his grip around the coffee cup. Virgil wastes no time pulling out his badge, shoving it in the fearful doctors' face.
“No waiting required, what did you find?” He tries again, the doctors swallows, leading Virgil out of earshot.
“We believe…” He glances back at the worried lawyers “That Judge Reial was...poisoned”
“Alright kiddos, let's just settle in” Emile advises, herding the trio into the cushioned seats of a nearby diner. Remus hopped in first bouncing until he found the perfect spot, Damian followed reluctantly taking a seat next to his new friend, Valerie sat politely at the end next to Emile.
“Mister pickle can I have some fries?” Remus wonders, showing the item on the menu to Emile, his small fingers tremble as he tries to sustain the giant menu.
“Of course, but you have to get something of sustenance as well” He informs, Remus cocks his head, his little brows raise in confusion. Emile smiles weary, not sure how to continue.
“Little kids Em, you gotta use your little kid speak” Remy teases as he joins the group, kissing Emile on the head before sitting opposite him, next to Damian. The little boy waves politely receiving a ruffle of the hair in return. “You gotta eat something else with your fries little man” Remus sighs, hearing this before, Emile averts his eyes.
“Can I have chicken nuggets and fries please?” He decides, growing impatient already. Remy considers it, stroking his chin.
“Only, if you get some carrots” He offers “Take it or leave, final offer” Remus folds his arms, pouting. “Deal or no deal mister Hart?” It almost felt odd addressing anyone other than Patton as that.
“Deal!” Remus exclaims, shaking Remy's hand quite ferociously. “What are you getting?” He turns, asking Damian who is still perusing the menu.
“Mmm I don't know, Papi usually helps me” He comments, Emile pulls out his phone in remembrance, shooting a quick text to Virgil. The kids continue their conversation, finishing their orders and moving onto their colors. Damian and Remus collaborate on a drawing, using purple, yellow, green and blue to create a wonderful world. Valerie sits pleasantly chatting away with Emile, talking about her day. Remy watches, the kids so...oblivious to everything. And Emile so...happy and relaxed. Remy had to wonder what was really going on in his partner's head, he hates to admit it but sometimes it was hard to read Emile.
“Rem? Everything alright?” Emile cautions from across the table, Valerie joins her brother in his activity adding spruce of red to the mix.
“Yeah...I just-”
“Hold on, sorry, I'm getting a text” Emile checks his phone, his eyes tracing the text, Remy watches the reflection in his glasses. “Oh!” He chimes, he looks to the kids who turn their focus towards the bright figure. The twins find it comforting how much he reminds them of their dad. “We gotta eat quick! Your dad is expecting you home soon!” He tells them, Damian pouts returning to his drawing.
What about my dad?
“I feel bad for leaving Roman” Patton laments, returning home Logan by his side. He helps his fellow lawyer hang up his coat, before inviting him towards the living room. “Would you like a cup of tea? Coffee?” Patton offers from the kitchen through the window that connects to the living room.
“Tea is adequate” He responds examining the newly hung decorations, little pumpkins strewn around each carved. It was quite easy to tell which ones Patton made and which ones the twins did. Logan finishes his observations, sitting at the kitchen counter watching Patton work.
“One cup of tea!” He exclaims, placing the beverage in front of Logan. The lawyer smiles at Patton, thanking him with a nod. “Do you think V is alright?” Patton fiddles with the sugar packets laying in front of him, trying hard not to reach for his phone. He hadn't wanted to leave Virgil and Roman but it was Halloween night. Logan watches carefully,
“I think…” He starts slowly, taking Patton's hand so he stops. “That Virgil will be ok and that you…” Patton looks up, meeting Logans' eyes, only now can they see just how tired they are. “Need to focus on tonight, its good for you, a distraction. Plus, Roman needs his rest and you and Virgil need a break” Logan explains, Patton nods thankfully. The door creaks open, two scurrying feet rush in followed by a disheveled Emile.
“Papa!” “Dada!” The twins shout in unison running directly into their father's arms. Patton was noticeably happier as they made contact. They instantly began rambling about their day as Patton leads them to their room to change, Emile takes a moment to breathe.
“Heya Logan!” He greets finally noticing the lawyer, Logan turns his focus from the spot where Patton had left towards Emile. “Whatcha doing here?” He asks serving himself some tea, Logan had to wonder how many times everyone had been to Patton's house to feel comfortable enough to do as they please.
“I was invited for Halloween” he responds, Emile's smile glistens. “Where is detective Nyx, might I ask?” he references the empty spot next to the doctor.
“He’s dropping off Damian at Virgil's house” Emile clarifies, Logan nods finishing his drink. He makes his way around counter washing his dish in the sink, Patton returns a moment later.
“Well, they are off getting ready! They are much too excited for this” Patton proclaims, Emile giggles delighted for the twins. “Thank you so much for dropping them off” Patton turns to Emile, the doctor waves it off grateful to spend time with the twins.
“It was nothing, you know how much I love them” Emile admits, Patton laughs softly giving his friend a farewell hug before watching him depart. The twins emerge after a moment, Valerie first spinning around as she shows off her outfit. Logan has to commend Patton, his handiwork on the clothes was astounding. She wore a poofy top with a red sash around her, slowly going out into a short skirt with leggings. She had a fake and very dull sword by her side, and a tiara lay perfectly on her head.
“Beware! It is I! Princess warrior Valerie!” She announces swinging her sword around. Patton claps, laughing delightfully. She jumps into his arms, hugging his neck. “Thank you, papa!” She says nuzzling herself comfortably into his arms.
“Of course angel face,” Patton says kissing her on the forehead before releasing her to play. She takes a swing at Logan, he tilts his head confused but understands after a while ‘falling’ off his chair. Valerie giggles, covering her mouth as she does so. Patton sighs content, shooting a grateful glance towards the lawyer, hoping the dim lights covered his blush. Luckily he wouldn't have to know seeing as Remus joins the group soon after.
“Behold!” He pauses turning to Logan “Is that the right word?” He wonders, Logan nods proudly that Remus even listened to the man's ramblings sometimes. He resumes his position showing off his own royal outfit. The green was prominent, meshing beautifully with the dark black. As opposed to Valerie's outfit, he was messier and fluffier. He waddled around the room, showing off his outfit. Quickly tackled by his sister as the pair engage in a mock fight, careful with one another.
“Kiddos!” Patton stops them checking the time. “Ready to go?” He asks, the twins share a glance before turning back to their father and nodding ecstatically. Patton chuckles turning to the table where he left a witch hut, putting it on carefully. Logan genuinely thought that Patton couldn't get any…
“Cuter! I'm cuter!” Remus claims, he pudges his face, pursing his lips “Look!” Patton sweeps the boy off his feet, placing him comfortably in his arms.
“You're both adorable” He reassures, Remus grins holding his trick-or-treating bag steadily. Logan takes this as his cue to collect Valerie, she wastes no time jumping into his arms, causing an ‘umph’ to escape him.
“I...concur” Logan adds as Valerie stares at him with nothing but joy. They were really cute, Logan wasn't one to deny that.
“Remember we’re going to go for a little bit and then meet up with Virgil and Damian, go with them for a little while and then come home and-” The twins are ready. Disappointment should not have been what Logan felt at the mention of meeting up with Virgil.
“Movies!” Remus exclaims, squirming in his dad's arms.
“Candy!” Valerie adds, Logan chuckles at their antics. Patton nods, he leaves a bowl of candy outside with a neatly handwritten sign with the message ‘Take two! From me to you!’, he leaves the string lights on and locks the door.
“Alright, here we go” He smiles, the bustling street full of kids chattering excitedly to collect candy. Logan has to wonder what is so enticing about walking around for hours, on foot, bothering the neighbors for an unhealthy amount of sugar.
“Down! Down!” The twins chant wanting to be one with the others, Patton sighs looking around before hesitantly setting Remus down keeping a delicate grasp on his small hand. Logan follows suit holding on to Valerie's hand for safety. The twins jump and bounce around as they walk, finally deciding on a house. Remus, with a lift from Patton, rings the doorbell. They wait practically vibrating as the owner comes to the door.
“Trick or treat!” They exclaim together, holding out their custom made bags, as the door swings open. Logan and Patton smile politely at the woman as she fills up the bag, complimenting their outfits and wishing them well on their journey. The rest of the night goes similarly, the twins go from house to house filling up on candy. Slowly the quartet falls into a routine, the kids are allowed to wander freely as long as they don't go too far and Logan gets a moment to breathe.
“Having fun?” Patton inquires, his eyes fixated on the skipping twins who sing a sweet tune ahead of them. Logan sighs, the night was cool but not too bad. Patton, with the addition of his witch hat, was wrapped up cozily in a grey coat. Logan wore a darker coat, longer as well.
“I am having an enjoyable time Patton” He assures, it's quite obvious to tell Pattons nervous. But logan wasn't lying, sure there were moments where he felt uneasy or out of his comfort zone but it was enjoyable. Not having to think about the case or murders. He wonders if Patton knows how amazing it is he gets to experience this, Logan himself never got to do Halloween but this was the twins first time. Something they would remember forever and Logan got to be apart of that.
“That's good, I'm glad you're here” He admits, Logan's face feels hot almost immediately. Patton releases a quick, shaky breath, rubbing his shoulders in a fast motion. “I hope they are bundled up enough, its really quite cold” He expresses, the twins seem fine. With the amount of clothes, Patton made sure they wore, and the amount of heat they circulate by running around proves that. He blows warm air into his hands, wishing he had brought gloves.
“Here,” Logan says taking Patton's arm and linking it with his. It could be debated whether it was for more...self-indulgent reasons but Logan's body heat (As proven by research, he swears) would transfer towards Patton. He expects some kind of retaliation or resistance but Patton adjusts comfortably. Neither could tell whether the redness present on their face was due to the weather....or… ”Better?” Logan asks distracting himself from his thoughts.
“Better” Patton clutches tighter, yawning as they continue.
“Dee? I'm home!” Virgil calls out setting his things down. A moment later two figures appear, Damian, all dressed up in his wizard cloak and hat, waving around a little wand. Remy appearing behind him. “Well look at you!” Virgil admires kneeling down as his son comes pummeling towards him, wrapping his arms around his dad's neck and hugging him.
“I'm ready! I'm ready!” He dances around, Remy chuckles watching him go.
“Alright alright, how was your day?” He asks taking a coat off the rack. Remy sits at the table, pulling out his phone, no doubt sending a text to Emile.
“I had so much fun! Papi, I made a friend! And then we went out to eat! And then we came here! And I played with goo!” Damian explains, Virgil has to wonder if he already has sugar in him, the boy was never this...hyper.
“You made a friend? That's so good, I'm very proud of you” He encourages grabbing Damian's treat bag, his squiggly name inscribed under the inside flap should it ever get lost. Damian nods, trying his best to drag Virgil to the door, revving to go. “Hold on” Virgil laughs, he walks over to Remy. “Thank you so much for dropping him off” He acknowledges, Remy shakes his head waving it off
“Dude anytime, as much as I would love to stick around I gotta go, Emile and I have plans” He smiles coyly, Virgil swats his arm frowning. “Not that you weirdo, I mean actual plans” He corrects, Virgil sighs. “See ya” He dismisses himself, hugging Damian goodbye as he goes.
“Okey! Time to go” Damian decides, Virgil shakes his head chuckling, no point in delaying. He shuts the house down, putting a bowl outside with candy before starting on the street, a very tugging Damian in his hand.
“Where to first?” He asks his son, Damian points forward with no specific target in mind. Virgil shrugs and follows his son to the first house. Damian had done this last year and considered himself an expert, bouncing from house to house, until finally, they were to meet up with the others.
“Papi...carry” Damian requests, his small hands grabbing towards his dad. Virgil smiles sweetly picking him up, they walk slowly back towards the meeting spot. Virgil would have been worried about missing them but the sounds of shrieking were a pretty good clue. Emerging from a darker street Virgil walks up to them.
“Hey” He greets, Patton swivels around taking Logan with him, as Patton unlinks himself to say hello to Damian, Virgil gives Logan some much-deserved shift eyes. Receiving a glare in return. “How's the night going?” He asks handing Damian to Patton, the little boy seemingly found some extra energy. The twins join the group hugging Virgil's legs as hello, he ruffles their hair, picking up Valerie who seems more adamant to say hello.
“Good! The neighborhood is really bustling tonight” Patton replies, allowing Damian to fiddle with his glasses. Remus pouts feeling a little too short, Patton nudges Logan hopeful. Logan nods offering his own arms to Remus whos mood improves as he takes his place in Logan's grasp. Following Damian's example, he removes Logan's glasses playing with them.
“Look! I look like uncle Patton!” Damian shows, the glasses practically falling off his face. Remus giggles placing Logan's own specs on his face, Logan isn't sure whether his heart can take anymore, or if he's upset.
“I look like LoLo!” Remus decides, it's safe to say, Virgil and Patton couldn't contain their laughter. More than embarrassed, Logan takes his glasses back, desiring to see once more. Damian, bless his little hands, tries his best to place pattons glasses back on the lawyer's face, succeeding only slightly. He fixes them, smiling tightly at the little boy.
“Alright, where to next?” Patton queries. Virgil turns his focus from playing with Valerie towards Patton.
“I don't know, why don't we ask LoLo?” Virgil teases, Logan groans knowing he won't be living that down.
“I'm going home if you continue with your mockery” Logan informs. Patton smiles sweetly watching the pair. Virgil and Logan continue their exchange walking ahead, Patton follows with a sleepy Damian in hand. He releases a breath, he had tried so hard but he missed Roman. He missed the way he entertained the kids, he missed his smile, his booming voice, he missed his friend. He catches up taking his place next to Logan, his energy dulls now, he's exhausted and it finally caught up to him.
“How about a few more houses? And then we settle in for the night?” Virgil proposes, Patton yawns nodding lazily. The kids, as much as they want to have the energy to continue, enjoy the prospect of cuddling on the couch. Virgil examines the trio before laughing his words “Or maybe we just head home” He decides. And so they did, returning to Patton's home after a while. Logan, Virgil, and Patton set the now napping kids on the couch, placing a blanket over them. Patton removes the now empty candy bowl, locking the house as he returns.
“Guess they tired themselves out” Patton comments, Virgil nods stroking Damian's head from behind the couch. Logan sits on the other side, he's not sure how it happened but Remus and Valerie had found their place huddled up with Logan and he was not going to move and risk them waking up. Patton finishes cleaning up, sorting the candies into respective jars labeled for each kid. Once finished, he joins the other two in the living room, stopping himself at the sight of Logan adjusting the blanket so it fits atop both twins. He goes over leaning slightly. “You don't have to do that” He whispers, Logan shakes his head softly.
“It's alright, wouldn't want to wake them up” He lies, honestly he is quite comfortable and the image laid out in front of him is not a sore sight. Patton fights the urge to squeal and hug Logan, instead he nods making his way towards Virgil.
“Hey” Virgil greets, his voice low as he watches Damian's little breaths, his chest puffing in and out as he sleeps.
“You wanna spend the night here? I wouldn't want you to have to drive home at this hour” Patton offers, Virgil ponders for a moment, his own anxieties of intruding overlooked by pure exhaustion.
“Yeah but only if you're totally ok with it” Virgil ensures, Patton nods immediately leaving to set up the guest bedroom. Virgil cradles Damian to go and help, closing the door quietly behind him. “So...Logan staying over?” Virgil raises his voice no, not too much as to not wake his son.
“Oh! Well I don’t want to bother him and honestly, the twins love him and I don't mind having him around so...I suppose” Patton babbles, carefully crafting the bed for the pair. Virgil groans softly, Patton cocks his head.
“Oh come on Pat, go for it!” He enunciates, Patton shakes his head, face riddled with confusion. “With Logan! It's been four years...and longer technically” Virgil glares, Patton stops his grip tightening on the bedsheets, he takes a breath shutting his eyes.
“I don't want to...go through it again” He pauses sitting down, Virgil softens taking a seat next to him. “I know it's silly but...what if Logan...is exactly like Liam?” His voice is so low now, his words seize into a fearful whisper. “I just can't do that again” He slumps his shoulders rubbing furiously at his eyes, his glasses lifting as he does so, clinging to the tiniest ear.
“Logan would...never do that” Virgil hopes, he wants to say something to Patton but how does he know? In all honesty, he doesn't want to see Patton go through that again. Virgil watched Patton suffer silently for years, he knows ...hopes that Logan would never do the same but even the idea…
“I know…” He starts, he shakes his head, a squirmed breath “I know, let's just forget about it” He says standing quickly.
“No it's fine” he refuses to meet Virgil's eyes “I'm fine”
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 8
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationship. When things take a turn foe the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story will have smut, violence, abuse, language and torture. If youre triggered by any of this then i suggest you dont read.
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An hour later we were back at the garage. Me and sam both worked up a sweat but we had fun. We even raced back to the bunker but i think he let me win.
I walked down the steps and found dean in the library with his feet propped up on the table. Sam said he was going to get a shower and disappeared down the hall.
"Have a good run?" Dean asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"I did, it was just what i needed. Fresh air and time to clear my head. I feel great, well i will after i get a shower. Im all sweaty." The last line made dean take a deep breath in and he closed his eyes. Seemingly battling with whatever was going on inside his head.
I took this time to mess with him a little. "My clothes are glued to me. Im going to have to peel them off." Dean growled and threw his head back, i couldnt help but giggle.
I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and took a drink. I tipped the bottle and a little bit of the water ran down my chest, down my clevage area and into my sports bra. I rubbed the water over my neck and down my chest, a small moan escaped my lips.
"Thats a good way to cool off." I opened my eyes to see dean watching me with that same flame in his eyes as earlier. I bit my lip and smiled as he ran a hand over his face. He pushed his chair back and walked over towards me.
He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me in close to him. "I know what youre fuckin doing. Its not funny."
I ducked my head, "im sorry, i dont know what it is. When youre near me i just get this feeling come over me. It wont happen again."
I pulled away from him and made my way down the hall towards my room. Before i got to my door i looked behind me to see dean sprinting towards me. He pushed me up against the wall as his lips covered mine. Our tongues danced with each other as my hands found their way into his hair.
"Youre driving me crazy, (Y/N). Dont you know that?" Dean said as his lips found the sensitive spot on my neck.
"Im sorry." I moaned against his shoulder.
"Dude, you both have rooms ya know." Sam said from the hallway beside of us. Dean pulled away from me just as sam walked towards his bedroom and shut the door.
Dean looked back at me, he laid his forehead against mine. "I cant do this."
I finally got the nerve to speak up, "why dean?"
He closed his eyes, "(Y/N), youve been through so much in such a short amount of time. I cant take advantage of you, cause thats what it would be. Youre confused right now. You are trying to heal from what parker has done to you. Give yourself some time."
I shook my head, "no dean, im thinking clearly for the first time in a long time. I want you and im not going to change my mind."
I took his hand and led him into my bedroom. I sat him down on the bed and i sat beside him. "Why do you think you would be taking advantage of me?" I asked placing my hand on his knee.
"Because thats what it would be." Dean said averting his eyes from mine.
"Youre not like that dean."
He shook his head, "you dont know anything about me."
I straddled him and took his face in my hands. "I know enough about you to know that you wouldnt do that to me. I trust you. I know you feel this whats going on between us, i can see it in your eyes."
"(Y/N), please." He tried to pull away from me but i wasnt having it.
"You have made me feel more alive in these past two weeks then i have my entire life. You calm me and excite me at the same time. I crave your touch dean." I whispered the last line against his lips.
I took his hand in mine and put it against my hip under my shirt. "Touch me dean." He screwed his eyes shut as his jaw muscle clench. "Please. Touch me, i need you." I whispered in his ear.
He closed his eyes tight and growled, "damn it." His hands were everywhere. He pulled my shirt over my head in a flash and threw it behind me. His lips found the right spot on my neck as he unclasped my bra, it fell to the floor as well. His hands cupped my breasts roughly, his mouth on one nipple as he pinched the other.
I threw my head back as a moan escaped my lips. I ripped his flannel from his shoulders and soon his shirt. At least we were skin to skin from the waist up. One of his hands were tangled in my hair gripping and pulling tight as his other was on the back of my neck.
"Oh dean." I whispered against his neck. He flipped us to where i was laying on the bed, i let out a small giggle as he smiled against my lips. He gripped the waist band of my shorts, he looked up into my eyes i guess asking for permission. Making sure that this is what i wanted. I raised my hips up and he took that as a yes. He pulled them down and gasped as he saw that i wasnt wearing underwear.
"Youre so fuckin beautiful." He said as he knelt down in front of me. He pushed my thighs open and didnt waste any time devouring me. His tongue flicking and making circles around my clit, i writhed beneath him clawing at his head. My fingers tangled in his hair and pulled lightly.
An animalistic growl came from him and it shook me to my core. I started to tense as i felt my orgasm building inside of me. "Dean, im so close." I whispered, trying to keep it down as to not disturb sam.
He then slid two fingers inside me and i couldnt keep quiet any longer. My orgasm rocked through me as dean pounded his fingers inside me and never let up on my clit.
"Oh....my......god.......yes!" I screamed out as i felt a warm gush running down and soaking the sheets. After i had quit shaking dean was on top of me. He had shed the rest of his clothing sometime while i was coming down from my high.
"You sure you want this?" Dean asked as i felt his dick pressing against my entrance. I nodded and he shook his head, "you gotta tell me sweetheart." I growled in frustration, "just shut up and fuck me winchester."
He smiled and slowly entered me. He was being gentle like he was trying not to break me. I pushed my hips up letting him know to go faster. He really started moving as another orgasm hit me.
"Thats it baby, cum all over my cock. Oh yeah baby, im cumming." Dean yelled as his veins protruded from his neck. After we came down from the bliss of finally becoming one dean slumped beside me on the bed. He rolled over on his side and pulled me close to him, "that was the best sex ive ever had." He said his breathing ragged.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he kissed the top of my head.
I nodded and placed a kiss in the middle of his chest. "Im better than okay, i dont know if there are words for the way im feeling right now." But in the back of my mind i knew one word that i almost let slip, love. I loved dean winchester but i couldnt tell him.
My eyes opened some time later, i didnt even realize i had fallen asleep. The bed was empty beside me, i ran my hand over the cold sheets he hadnt been there for a while. I stood up and found his flannel on the floor, wrapped it around me feeling secure wrapped in his masculine scent. I button a few buttons just enough to be decent if sam was around and made my way out to find dean.
I walked into the kitchen thinking he might be there but he wasnt. The clock on the coffee maker read 3:15 am. Theres no way he could be out at this hour, unless i wasnt enough for him and he went out to find something better.
I got a bottle of water from the fridge and walked into the library. I spied dean sitting at the table a bottle of whiskey and a half full glass which he downed when he saw me.
"Are you okay?" He asked gruffly
I nodded, "yeah, why wouldnt i be?"
He poured some more in his glass and drank half of it before speaking again. "Im so sorry, i should have controled myself more. After everything youve been through...." He stopped and downed the rest of the whiskey in his glass.
I walked over to him and before he could refill it i took the glass from him and placed it on the table. I sat on his knee and took his face in my hands. "Hey, why are you worrying about this so much. If i didnt want it and i wasnt ready i wouldve said so." His green eyes were red rimmed and i could see unshed tears in them. "I love you dean. I wanted to say it before but i was scared of your reaction. Im not scared anymore."
I smiled at him but he didnt return it. "You cant love me. Its to dangerous. Im sorry." With that he gently lifted me off his lap, then he walked up the stairs slamming the bunker door behind him. Not what i expected. After everything that had happened between us only a few hours ago i was sure he cared for me in some way. The way he just ran out on me proved otherwise. The tears fell that i didnt even know were coming, i sat there for an hour before i decided i no longer want to be here.
I made my way to sams door and began knocking. When he answered the door his hair was a mess and sleep clung heavy in his eyes.
"(Y/N). Whats wrong?" A tinge of worry in his voice.
"Im packing up and leaving. I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for everything." I said tears still streaming down my face.
"Wait, what? Why? What happened, what brought this on?" He opened the door all the way bidding me to come in.
After i had explained everything to sam it was nearly dawn. "Im sorry sam but i cant stay here. I just wanted to let you know."
Sam nodded, "i understand but dean is very closed off. You have to understand that everyone hes ever loved hes lost them some way. He doesnt want to add more names to the list. Hes only protecting you so he cares, even if he didnt show you the way you thought he would."
I shook my head, "i still cant stay here. Not anymore, ive been a burden long enough."
Sam sighed and placed his hand on my knee. "Youve never been a burden. Thats all in your head, but if youre set on leaving do me a favor."
I looked up into his eyes for the first time. "What?"
"Dont go far. We have someone you can stay with until we figure this out about parker. Youll be safe there."
"Who is it?" I asked in a low voice. Hating to have to be a burden on yet another person.
Sam smiled, "another hunter, one of the best actually. His name is bobby singer. He will welcome you with open arms. Then after all this blows over and we end this you can go where ever you want to go if its still what you want."
"On one condition." I stood and walked to the door. "Dont tell dean where i am. Just tell him i left and that im okay."
Sam nodded, "okay, ill call bobby and work everything out."
I nodded then walked out the door. I had everything packed up in 10 minutes seeing that everything dean had bought me was still in the store bags and what wasnt i gathered up in just a few minutes. I changed my clothes and walked back down to sams door he was standing outside it waiting on me.
"Bobby said he would meet halfway and pick you up. You ready? You got everything?" Sam asked.
I nodded, "yeah just give me a minute ill meet you in the library."
Sam nodded and made his way to the library. I walked to deans door and opened it seeing the room bare. I laid my favorite shirt of his, the one that gave me so much comfort on his bed. I let a few tears spill down my cheeks but the memory of him walking out on me dried them up quickly. I shut the door silently and made my way to sam.
He had my bags in his hands and gave me a sad smile. I made my way up the stairs and to sams car. It wasnt like the impala but as long as it got me to bobby then thats all that matters. If the winchesters trusted him then so did i. I had heard stories about bobby how he was a second father to them.
We drove in silence for a few minutes but sam decided to break it. "You dont have to do this. You should still stay with us."
"I cant sam." Was all i said.
"You know dean will eventually find out where you are. Not by me of course, but he will eventually. Cas could find you easily." Sam said with a sigh.
I shook my head. "Tell cas not to tell dean. I dont want him to come look for me. He made it clear how he felt. Im not enough for him. Parker was right."
"No sam, dont try to make it out to be anything more than what it is. He doesnt care for me, not the way that i do for him. I was a fool to think he could." I tried to not let my voice shake but i failed at that. When sam opened his mouth to speak again i silenced him with holding my hand up.
We drove for three hours until sam pulled off the road beside a beat up blue car. A elder man stood outside the drivers side door with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the door.
Sam got out first and moved to the trunk to get my bags. I stepped out as the elder man opened his trunk.
After the bags were placed in the trunk bobby walked over to me. "You must be (Y/N), im bobby."
"Nice to meet you bobby." I shook his outstretched hand as he smiled at me. I turned back towards sam, my heart breaking all over again. I gave him a sad smile as a tear slid down my cheek.
He engulfed me in a hug, "if you ever need us, or me all you have to do is call."
I nodded not trusting myself to speak.
When he let me go i gave him a quick peck on the cheek and climbed into bobbys car. Knowing if i was to look back i would change my mind. Bobby climbed in soon after and sped off in the opposite direction from where me and sam came. I watched in the mirror as long as i could, until sams tail lights werent visible anymore.
"So, why are you runnin?" Bobby asked, surprising me.
"Sam didnt tell you?"
He nodded, "he told me, still doesnt answer the question. Why are you runnin?"
I sighed, "dean walked out on me after i told him how i felt. I thought he cared about me. I was wrong, parker was right. Ill never be good enough for anyone."
"Well darlin, im going to be blunt with you. Dean is a idjit when it comes to loving or caring for someone. I love him like he was my own but sometimes he can be a real pain in the ass."
"You can say that again." I sigh.
"But he has a good reason for being distant with people. The less people you love and are close to the less people you lose. Its just the way this life is." Bobby finally finished.
I understood where bobby was coming from. Still i wasnt enough for dean. So my choice still remained the same.
We pulled up in front of bobbys house a couple hours later. He carried my bags up the stairs as i followed behind him. He led me into im guessing a spare room that was used as a file room. There was a queen sized bed against the wall but other than that it was just files and file cabinets and books.
"Its not much, sorry about the mess ill have it cleaned up in a few days." He said placing my bags at the foot of the bed. "You have the whole top floor to yourself. My room and bathroom is downstairs."
I nodded and smiled "you dont need to rearrange your life for me. I wont be staying long."
Bobby turned towards me with a solem look on his face. "Now (Y/N), i promised sam i would look after you until parker was took care of."
"Look i intend to stay here until parker is dealt with, but in the meantime i want to learn how to hunt. I want to take him out myself. I want you to teach me everything you know."
Bobby was hesitant for the first few days but eventually he agreed. A week into my lessons and i was beat, but i was determined to be in this life. I was becoming stronger and it was also helping me deal with alot of issues. Never again would i be a victim.
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michaelreaderreblog · 5 years
My truemate pt15
AN: Well another part to this lovely series is upon us. Its fairly long and Im sorry for such on going part. I felt it was necessary to add in a very long part. I do hope you all will enjoy this part. It took a while for me to edit this and longer than I expected to post this. I was in way over my head while writing this and editing. But please enjoy. 
Word Count: 5,148
Once Michael was done with writing down the lyrics, he contemplated about calling his brother knowing that he is working and not only that but working with his mate.
He couldnt wipe the smile off from his face when he just thought of you as his mate.
He is brought out of his thoughts when he heard someone knocking at the door and they entered without him answering.
“Am I interrupting something?” Dean is the one who knocks at his door and enters into his office.
“Dean, please come in” he says and still cant wipe away the smile from his face as your brother takes the seat beside his desk.
“What brings you here? Need more supplies? I can give you for whatever discount” he says a little quickly but he cant help it with all the happiness bursting from him.
“No, I just wanted to know if you wanted to have lunch together. And whats got you all happy go lucky?” Dean says also with a smile on his face from the look on Michael.
“Sure we can have lunch together, since I brought my own from home and to answer your question. Anna and I spoke not to long ago, it appears that we have reached a mutual agreement” he says getting his lunch from the mini fridge and bring out two beers as well and handing it to Dean who takes it willingly.
“Ok, what did you two agree on?” he asks taking his sandwich out of the lunch bag you bought for him.
He didnt want to use at first because made him look like a little kid all over again.  
“Well we ended things on good terms, turns out she also met her true mate and she knew that I have met mine. Now I dont need to worry about anything or the voice at the back of my mind telling me how wrong it is to end things just because I have met my true mate. I can now happily go about this with y/n” he says looking to Dean and still cant get the smile off from his face.
Dean knew how relieved Michael is knowing how much he has been feeling guilty for some what hiding this.
“She met her true mate too? And she waited to tell you this after how long?” he asks after he takes a gulp from his beer and wait for his answer.
While he takes a bite from his sandwich you have made for him the night before.  
He couldnt believe how much his food tasted so good with the Swiss cheese and honey mustard.
“She said she met her true mate about two months ago. She was willing to sacrifice her happiness to be with me still. I couldnt believe it when she said that and I still cant. I mean would you do the same if yours came along but being with someone current and not wanting them to be hurt by being left alone?” he says while looking to Dean and still couldnt get that out of his mind.
“I am amazed but I would do the same. I wouldnt want the hurt and loneliness on anyone when I care so much for the person I was with. By my books she is a good person, even to the point where she would put everything on hold for someone” he says while finishing off his sandwich only wishing he could have another and to his surprise as he looks into his lunch bag there is another with a note.
“Knew you would be wanting another so I made an extra one for you. Didnt want you feeling gloomy only having one, Im not that cruel.
Love you
Dean smiled at the note that you left for him and couldnt be more thankful for another sandwich.
“Looks like someone is a happy camper” Michael says after noticing Dean with another sandwich.
“Yeah my sister made me an extra one and she knew I would want another. She thankfully made me one and left me a note. Gotta love her right” he says looking to Michael only realizing what he just said.
“Thats right” he says smiling never leaving his face.
“Whats your next move now that everything is official?” he asks while taking a bite from his food and only loving you even more.
“First off tell my brother all about this and take things slow considering what happened with Roman. Im sure she is still weary about the whole being close to another Alpha” he says almost sounding hurt when anger begins to reek up the place and Dean sees the expression on his face.
“Wow, dude easy. Y/n is fine and I think she is wanting to be with you for a while now. So no need to be worried about the Dick thing. All though Sam and I are still trying to get her to call the cops. We even told her we would be her witnesses and I talked with Benny he is more than willing to be a witness to” he finishes as he knows that Michael is defusing from his rage about Roman.
“I would love to be a witness when she calls the police as well. My father takes Omega rights seriously and with my brother being one and what happened all those years ago” Michael says as he gets quieter and thinks about the time when his brother Lucifer saved him.
“What do you mean? What happened to Cas?” Dean asks and that came out a little too quickly.
Michael hears him as he gives him a nick name already and gives him a weird expression. He ends up telling Dean what happened to Lucifer along with Castiel all those years ago.
He starts from the beginning, not leaving anything out from what Castiel has told him before while they were living in Portland.
He told him the day he presented Omega, how Lucifer told him to stay home so that his scent could go away. How he ended up going out anyway only to be kidnapped and taken to a warehouse outside of town waiting to be transferred to a brothel where he will be sold multiple times.
How Lucifer tracked him down by GPS on his phone, got him out of the warehouse and how he died. How Castiel felt completely guilty by blaming himself for so many years. Michael finished off by telling Dean he got his parents to agree for the move to Portland and finally coming home a year ago.
“No wonder why he asked if Sam and I were Alpha's before agreeing to work with y/n. My mate was hurt and I wasnt there to save him” he says in a hushed tone and before he could react. Dean went wide eyed as he had his face in both of his palms.
“Wait? What? You what?” Michael asks while only concentrating on what Dean has called his baby brother.
“Um yesterday when I went down to y/n's office to ask her and my brother where they wanted to go for supper because I didnt feel like cooking. I saw Cas there and immediately caught his scent which screamed at me 'mate' I couldnt believe I found mine as well” he says looking away from Michael and like he was waiting for him to punch Dean or something.
“You didnt take him did you?” is all that Michael asked as he still looks to Dean.
“What? No, I wouldnt do that, wouldnt force myself on him like that. Plus Sam and y/n were there to keep things under control which I did. Y/n waited with him until you got to the house to pick him up. While they were waiting for you, I was talking with Sam about how perfect he is for me and what his scent gave me.” he says as he tells Michael all of this
“What does his scent tell you? Better yet what does he smell like to you?” he asks leaning closer to Dean to hear him better.
“Now you sound like my brother. He smells like honey, lavender, and fresh pine after a rain fall when it gets the food it needs to grow. His scent screams at me how he is sweet when you need nurturing after a hard days of work and how he also can be my equal by being hard working himself. I have always wanted a mate who is capable of wanting to work to help provide you know. At the same time who will be a loving, kind, and extra nurturing when it comes to extending the family to having pups. I know he can provide just as much as he protects when it comes to the people he loves the most and thats what his scent screams at me when I am near him” Dean says while smiling to the thought of Cas being his equal now and forever.
“Well I must say I know what you mean when it comes to having an equal and not just to have an Omega around just because they can birth your pups. I know where you are coming from and thats how I feel about y/n. Right when I caught her scent at the diner is when I knew she is my mate” Michael says breaking the silence between the both of them.
“What does she smell like to you?” Deans turn to interrogate him about the scent you give of on him while he is near you.
“Her scent smells like freshly grind coffee, banana's and caramel. When waking up in the morning to that fresh pot of coffee after picking the coffee beans fresh. It tells me how incredibly devoted to working she is and how much she is vibrant when being incredibly influenced or inspired. It also tells me how incredibly nurturing she can be and by seeing it for myself with the lunch she made for you along with extras just proves my point how loving and selfless she is. I know its too early to be thinking this way but makes me think a lot about the pups on how she is going to be as in the love and devotion she will be giving to our future pups and to me” he adds while he finishes off his beer and looks to Dean who is warming up to him even more.
“I knew there is a reason why I had to come by and have this lunch with you. When I was driving home I got this feeling at the pit of my stomach to stop by here and Im glad I did. I could now sort of officially give you my blessing well sort of. Im not quite ready to let her go. I mean I still see her as a baby and we practically raised her when my mom got sick and my dad took care of her. But when she passed away it all went down hill from there, my dad got heavy on the drinking after her death. When my dad passed away from a mugging gone wrong thats when I really stepped up into taking care of her. She made it easy for me though, she wasnt trouble only when the Officials came for her. After a nosy neighbour got into our business after she went into her first heat and presented Omega. I fought tooth and nail for her to be kept away from those Academies and having them taking her away from me. I didnt want that for her, those Academies they find suitable Alpha's for the Omegas later and I didnt want her missing out on her true mate. Sam was away for school at the time and he was going to school at Stanford studying pre law in Omega rights.” Dean tells him everything that happened back in Sioux Falls well he might as well considering he is basically family now.
“Wow, what did your mother get sick from? I heard about those Academies on their suitors for potential mates just makes my skin crawl if that ever happened to Castiel. I am really happy you fought for her, I dont want to know how she would be like when coming out of that. After hearing about the things they make them do and the tests they make them take before being taken to the Academies on the news.” Michael says as he cringes at the thought of you or his baby brother being taken to one.
“My mom got diagnosed with breast cancer ten years ago, she fought back and got the chemo therapy. She got better for a while until the cancer came back and she got worse slowly. Until it came on really strong and deteriorated her health is when it took over completely and took her away from us. I wish she would have been here to meet our mates, god she would have loved you, Castiel and Sarah. Oh thats Sams mate who works at Stitching to Heaven” Dean tells Michael about your moms health with the breast cancer and how much she would have loved each of yours and their mates.
“Sarah Blake, yeah I know her. My mom tried setting me up with her but I never followed suit though, didnt have the right scent for me” he says while gesturing his hands towards himself, they both laugh at the motion and continue on with their conversation about anything.
Dean really had begun to approve of Michael now and how he is doing the same by approving him with Castiel.
“I guess Dean really got himself busy and probably stopped by Sams work to have lunch with him.” you say as you look how far Cas has come with making a plush toy himself.
“Wouldnt surprise me either considering how each of you are incredibly close with each other” Cas says looking away from what he was doing and looks at you where you stand behind him.
“Yeah” is all that you could say back to Cas with a smile spread on your face.
“How about we take a break ourselves and have lunch upstairs, I think I got some left over mushroom chicken along with macaroni salad from yesterdays supper in the fridge” you tell him as you are about to step out of the office and head on upstairs but something at the pit of your stomach starts to get warm and slick begins to build up from you.
“Oh no, any day but not today” as you lean against the door frame, Cas looks to you wide eyed knowing all too well what comes next.
“Your heat is coming, here let me help to your room” Cas says as he lifts you bridal style about to head up the stairs.
“No Cas the other room there, we have that for my heats and there are toys in the closet” you tell him before he steps any further up the stairs.
“I like that you have your own place to have your heats in, I know how painful it is to go through your heats alone” he says while he hesitates to finish what he was going to say.
He looks at you as you are beginning the worse of your heat and finally he gives it the last thought and kisses you.
“Cas what are you doing?” you ask as you pull away from the kiss.
“I am going to help you through your heat and I dont want to see you go through it alone by only using toys. Plus I cant get you pregnant anyways so its a win win for us” he says a little to proudly.
Your heat comes on even more forcefully now and slick begins to slip from you.
“No no no no I cant let you do that. Just get me a toy ok, its in a box in the closet” you tell him as you begin to struggle with forming sentences.
“You are being incredibly modest now. Just let me help you” he says as he takes your clothes off.
While he is making your heat any less discomforting and help you through the first wave is when you begin to feel a bit better.
“Castiel thank you, I dont know how I am going to explain this to Dean and I dont know how he is going to feel about this.” you tell him as you pant after the both of you finish together from the much needed physical touch.
“We will get to that point when we are done settling these first few waves of heat and it should settle before he comes home after work” he says as he gets himself ready again and you look at him all confused but later thinking he has read your mind and you straddle his lap this time.
After the second wave has settled is when the both of you lay side by side to give yourselves rest after the second round.
“Castiel I am really thankful for you doing this for me” you say while trying to catch your breath and if you were being honest with yourself, he was doing better than you thought he would do.
He settled the eagerness of wanting a knot swelled up inside you and even though he wasnt equipped like an Alpha but he did the trick and that amazed you in so many ways.
“You would do the same for me” is all he says with a smile on his face as he spoons you from behind to rest before the third wave comes along.
“I better call my mom and let her know what is going on and to let her know that I will be with you for the remaining of your heat” he says as he gets up from the bed and reaches for him phone in his pocket.
“How do you think she is going to react when you’re telling her you’re having sex with me just to settle my heat” you say while rolling over to face him.
“Thats exactly what Im going to tell her” he says to you.
“Mom, something has come up and I wont be able to make it home for the remainder of the week” he says as you know his mom has picked up the phone.
“Well y/n got her heat and I am helping through it. I didnt want her to go through it with only using toys knowing very much how that doesnt help settle the waves” he says looking to the ceiling.
“Yeah I will, no the third wave should be coming on soon” he answers his mom and you can already feel the third wave coming and its coming on really strong.
You get him ready yourself, as he sees what your doing and his head falls back to the pillow trying very hard not to make a sound over the phone with his mom.
“Mom, I got to go now. I will speak to you later” he hangs up as soon as you line him up against you and push all the way down.
He lifts himself from the pillow as you straddle his lap again and wraps both of his arms around to lift you up and then down again to hit that desired spot repeatedly. He lifts you off from himself as you begin to whimper at the sudden emptiness.
“Dont worry, get on your hands and knees” he says against your ear and that lust of spark goes right through you.
He lines himself up and within one swift move he is buried deep inside you.
When the third wave of heat begins to settle is when you begin to feel dehydrated, he sees this and immediately is about the run for the door.
“Castiel there is bottled water in the corner there, you dont need to run up the stairs but we do need to eat though” you tell him as he sees the stacked bottled water in the corner of the room.
“Your brothers really do love you to have all this ready for you” he says while still trying to catch his breath.
You see him go get the water for you and he just looks fucked out which a giggle escapes your mouth.
“What are you giggling about?” he asks as a smile appears on his face when coming to seat himself beside you as you lay there all fucked out yourself.
“You just look completely fucked out right now and the hair alone. I am so sorry and so thankful at the same time. I am just wondering how Dean, Sam, and Michael are going to feel about this when they come home to a fucked out scent.” you say as you keep giggling only to stop when you mentioned about Michael coming home knowing very well he goes home to someone else and that hurt comes to you all over again.
He sees and feels this when he lays beside you to put an arm around your body to pull you closer to him.
“Hey I see that, look at me” he says as he lifts your chin to meet his gaze with his hand and you comply.
“I know all of this Michael thing is really getting to you but you know for one thing it will get better. I mean something will be done dont worry. Michael knows what he is doing with this whole entire thing. About me and you though I am pretty sure he will understand this and as for Dean well we will get to that. Since you’re not due for another wave for awhile.” he says to you while that makes you feel better a bit but the whole Dean thing is a different story.
“I better call him before he sees us when he gets home and what you are doing to help” you tell him as you get up from the bed to use the home phone thats in the room.
You dial his number and wait for him to answer.
“Hey y/n, whats up?” he answers on the third ring and you hesitate at first but this needs to come out.
“Hey Dean, what are you up to?” you ask in a hushed tone
“Taking a long lunch break with Michael. How are you and Cas doing?” he asks while he sounds very chipper and you didnt want Michael to hear what is going to be said when he reacts to what you want to tell him.
“Dean, you mind stepping away from Michael because I dont want him to hear when you react to this ok” you instruct him to be away from him while you tell him about your heat and among other things and didnt want Michael to be an ear shot away.
“Uh, ok” he says while he tells Michael that he would be a minute and needed to step out.
'Great they had lunch together' you thought to yourself as you lean against the door frame
“Whats going on? You’re beginning to scare me here, sounding all cryptic” he says with worry
“Its my heat Dean it came” you tell him and stop yourself from going into further detail.
“Are you ok? Do you need me to come home? Where is Cas?” he asks with one sentence and you barely made out what he had said.
“Im fine, the worst is out of the way. Now they are going to wave through a couple of hours at a time. Castiel is still here and he helped me with the waves” you tell him as you get quieter at the end of you conversation with your brother.
“Im so glad he is still there other wise I would have just came driving home if he wasnt. Well at least he knows what to do with you, I mean you two have more in common than we do” he says as he sounds relieved that Cas was around to look after you.
“No, Dean. He helped me through the worst of the heat and he is going to continue helping me get through this” you say while clearing up the explanation.
“You mean to tell me that Cas is helping you through your heat as in the both of you are well you know” he says while he gets really uncomfortable speaking the word of sex to you or just you and sex in a more general sentence.
“Sex Dean. Look I know he is your mate and all and I just wanted to tell you myself before you came home from work. I just didnt want you to be mad at me for fondling your mate and he offered to help me through this because he knows how it is at the very stages of the heat when it comes. He helped me to the room, told him where the toys were and if it were him I would do the same in helping him out to and I wouldnt let him suffer like that” you went on to explain further more and admitted you would do the same for him.
Even though he would need an actual knot but when it came to relieving the heat that comes along you had experimented with the toys you had.
You always made sure it was angled to hit the most sensitive spot and grinded it out till you came knowing that would settle the heat from coming on strong.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, y/n I would never be mad at you for my mate helping you out. Like I said you two have more in common than we do and he knows exactly what to do when it comes to the heats. Plus I never liked you having to deal with your heats alone and I am really happy he is there to help you through the worst. I cant be mad because I know for a fact that either of you cannot complete a bond between the both of you anyways and knowing for sure that either of you cant get pregnant while with each other. You have no worries with me being mad at the both of you. Now if he was Beta then we would be having a whole different conversation about this and this would be a whole different out come.” he says with a very sincere tone in his voice as he telling all of this and you begin to feel very relieved about telling him in the first place.
“I was flipping out before I even called and for sure that you would be pissed at me for even touching your mate. I am just really glad you are understanding to all of this, really thank you it means a lot coming from you” you tell him while leaning your head against the wall as you talk to him on the phone.
Castiel comes back to the room with a tray of food in his hands, he settles the tray beside as you move over to make room for him on the bed and he steps into bed as well.
“I think I am just going to take the suppressants after this” you say and Cas whips his head towards you all wide eyed in complete shock.
“What?” is all that Dean could get out of his mouth as soon as you heard suppressants.
“Yeah, I have been thinking about this for a while and I looked online its totally safe for me to get them. The state of Washington doesnt have the same rules as Sioux Falls or any where else for that matter and basically its safe for all Omega to go on suppressants on the west coast. We dont need to worry about the government snooping around for them to tell the Officials from the Academies to arrive” you tell him further and make sure that Cas hears what you are telling your brother.
“I dont know baby girl, it still scares me ok. Lets check with Sam first to see if this is really legitimate ok and in the mean time just take care of yourself ok. We will talk more about these suppressants when you are done the heat ok?” he asks and you knew talking about suppressants scared Dean a lot, heck it scared you a lot but it was something to consider.
“Ok, I'll see you when you get home ok” you tell him finally after the both of you being silent for a few moments.
“Yeah I will see you when I get home from work, and make sure the both of you eat something alright” he says before getting off the phone with you.
“I will make sure, later” you hang up the phone after the conversation with Dean and look to Cas who still is in complete shock at the mentions of you going on suppressants
“Are you really serious about going on suppressants?” he asks not taking his gaze off from you.
“Yeah I have been thinking about this for a while after we moved here and thought I would talk to my brothers about it first and see how they feel about it. I already know how Dean feels about me taking those medications” you tell him as you take a piece of chicken from the plate thats on the tray between you and Cas.
“I just want to take control of this stupid heat just like I control other things going on and this is the number one thing I know I can take care of by taking something that will keep my heat at bay” you tell Cas by looking to him a few times and look away again because you didnt want to break down mid sentence while explaining to him on how you feel about your heat.
“Well if this is something that you want then all I can do is support you no matter what and I am not saying this because you are my boss but because you are dear to me now and family” he says looking to you as he takes your hand in his to entwine them together and you know that he is being very sincere and genuine.
After a few days that your heat is passed and all that lingers is the scent that is left behind and to be on the safe side you closed shop for a few more days to make sure your scent wasnt in the air anymore. As the weekend comes is when Sam leaves to the city with Sarah and maybe who knows if they were going to come back mated.
I hope I tagged everyone, if you would like to be added to the tags. Send me an ask or message and I will be happy to add you. Thanks for reading my loves
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negasonicimagines · 6 years
TEAM (Part Two)
I forgot to mention that this fic is partially inspired by Lorde’s “Team,” hence the title. Kind of about how no matter how much you and the other characters here bicker, you’re all on each others’ team.
This is the second part to TEAM (Part One) [but I hope that’d be obvious] and therefore is inspired by the same request and has essentially the same trigger warnings.
“So, you and Ellie, huh? About time,” Logan remarks, and you feel yourself blush.
“No! It’s not like that! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d be the luckiest girl in the world, but, uh… No, it’s not like that.”
“Are you sure about that? I’ve seen the way you two are together. When she’s not looking at you or her phone, she’s watching everyone else like a hawk, like they’re threats. Honestly, Piotr’s worried about her.”
At the mention of Wade’s friend, you’re reminded of what Logan said before, about the thing that he knew that he shouldn’t tell her, the thing Wade also knew.
“What was that, anyway? The thing you knew that you didn’t know before that you would’ve told me if you had but couldn’t tell me?”
“I’m afraid that’s Wade’s business.”
“Great,” you remark. “So, I’ll never know.”
“Listen, kid, I know the stuff he said-”
“The stuff he screamed at you was pretty fucking awful. But… He had his reasons, okay? Being around him, being as close to him as you were was dangerous. It made you a target,” Logan explains.
“When will you people realize that I can’t die forever?! I’ve died plenty of times, and I always come back! Let me make my own decisions!”
“How many times have you died, Y/N?” Logan asks.
“It’s just… Hard not to starve when my mom kicks me out over school breaks, especially with the metabolism that comes with a healing factor. I can’t stay with Wade all the time, he has himself and Al to worry about. Muggers don’t like when you don’t have money. Mom doesn’t like me when I don’t have money. I don’t know, probably like eight or nine times.”
“You should’ve come here!” Logan scolds, and you want to curl in on yourself, just like before. “I’m sorry. He and I both know just how much dying can fuck you up, so, to hear you say that you’ve died.... And that you don’t care if you do? It’s concerning, to say the least.”
“Boo-hoo, Y/N’s crazy. Who isn’t?” you remark, annoyed at his concern. Men, they always think they know better.
He sighs. “Listen. You should just talk to him, I’m sure-”
“No,” you say, and it comes out as a whimper. The wound was still fresh. “I don’t want to.”
“Hey, he’s not gonna hurt you,” Logan reassures you. “He probably feels bad for what he said, and-”
“I said no,” you cut him off, but the sad tone in your voice doesn’t make you sound very convincing.
“And he’s not gonna apologize unless he thinks you wanna hear it. You know how Wade gets when he feels guilty, he doesn’t know how to deal with it.”
“Well, I don’t wanna hear an apology. I just want him to be my friend again, like before. That’s it. I don’t care to know why, or how, or whatever. I just miss my friend,” you admit, and Logan sighs.
“Is it alright if I go? I wanna get started on my Chemistry homework.”
“Yeah,” Logan says. “Go ahead. See you next Wednesday. Or, sooner, if you need anything.”
You leave the gym, making your way to your dorm  with your head down, when you bump into a familiar red-suited man.
“Sorry,” you squeak, not even able to meet the eyes of the mask, before attempting to go past him. He stops you, grabbing at your shoulder, but you flinch away. “Please d-don’t…”
“Y/N…” Wade murmurs, filled with remorse at his rampage. He’d made you scared of him, which means it worked, but he regrets how much it hurt you. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“You’re not, huh?” Ellie, swiftly approaching, asks. “Pretty sure you already did, Deadpool.”
“I just wanted-” he starts, but Ellie, your avenging angel, cuts him off.
“You just wanted what, huh? To terrorize them more, is that it?
“Terrorize? I-”
“You what? Didn’t? Because as someone who sleeps in the same room as Y/N, I can confirm that you did. They cry in their sleep like they did the day it happened. Did you know that, that you made them cry? I guess you do now. So, leave, before I decide I’m going to follow you out the door and blow you to Hell.”
“E-Ellie, I said not to hurt him,” you quietly tell her, and she clenches her fists, grumbling.
“You did?” Wade asks.
“Of course,” you respond meekly, tapping the tips of your fingers together and avoiding the gaze of everyone around you. and Ellie places an arm around you, glaring at Wade without mercy.
“I’m- I’m so sorry, Y/N. I- I just didn’t know what to do, so much was happening. I was so angry at the situation, so scared for your safety, and I took all that aggression out on you, the one person I should’ve been channeling those feelings into protecting, and I- I know I already said it, but I’m a blabbermouth with nothing else to say, so… I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, kid. I know you probably don’t care, you just wanna start over and stay the hell away from me, but I’m sorry. And my door’s always open.”
“Thank you. I forgive you,” you nod, smiling a little, You’re already starting to feel better, more like yourself.
“You what?” Ellie questions, shaking with anger. “He hurt you. He shouldn’t ever be forgiven.”
“She’s right,” Wade agrees, head down.
“Well, it’s my forgiveness, and I can do whatever the hell I want with it,” you remind them, shrugging.
“There she is,” Wade says quietly, and you can somehow tell that he’s smiling. You don’t know if it’s body language, tone of voice, or what, but he’s smiling.
“I’m sorry for making you worry. I’m gonna keep living here, and I’m gonna keep taking better care of myself, so no one has to worry about me again,” you inform him.
“Wrong goal, but I appreciate the method. I don’t mind worrying about you, kid, but I’d rather worry about you not doing your homework than about the next time you’re gonna collapse on my porch, dead.”
“What?” Ellie wonders, and you groan. “Wait, have you died?”
“Goddammit, Wade,” you grumble. “She didn’t know that.”
“Not important,” you tell her.
“No, it is, Y/N. You want all of us to get over the fact that you can die, but the truth is that you need to get over the fact that we care if you die,” Wade corrects you. There’s no malice in his tone, but the words themselves cause anxiety to slither out of the pit of your stomach like a snake and curl around your lungs and heart, maintining a tight grip.
“It’s because of you not eating or sleeping enough, isn’t it?” Ellie asks. “That’s what you guys were in that fight about the other morning, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you admit, and Ellie closes her eyes, taking a deep, shaky breath and trying to remain calm for your sake, for her own sake.
“Right,” she responds, sighing. “Well, I’m not letting that happen again.”
“Challenge accepted,” you chuckle, and she rolls her eyes.
“I was just on my way back to Photography. Forgot my camera. See you later.”
She makes her way in the direction of the classroom, disappearing around a corner.
“Man, if she didn’t hate me before, she sure does now,” Wade says, and you smile, shaking your head. “Really?” he asks.
“Photography is Mondays and Thursdays… And she didn’t even have her camera.”
Wade scoffs. “Well, she’s definitely taking good care of you. I always knew she would, one day. When did you two finally make it official?  I’m sorry that I missed it.”
“We haven’t made anything official, Wade, she doesn’t like me like that. We’re just close friends.”
He rolls his eyes, going to playfully shove your shoulder, but you flinch away. He sighs.
“I’m sorry,” he says again. “I- I was so cruel, I just wanted to say whatever i could to get you away, to protect you, from m-”
“From what? The thing Logan keeps talking about?”
“What thing?” he asks, sounding a bit panicked.
“He keeps saying that there’s this thing he knows that he would’ve told me if he’d known before but he shouldn’t tell me now. It’s super weird, but he said you were going to tell me before you- You-” You stop yourself from continuing, still, shaking a little bit at the memory. It was only the day before yesterday.
“Yeah,” he responds quietly. “It was part of the reason I did that. I just- Us being friends was already dangerous, and you being- You- You’re- I- I’m so sorry I left you with her, if I’d known, if I’d known she was pregnant...I would’ve done the right thing! I’m not that kind of dirtbag, you’ve gotta believe me, and I’m just so, so sorry. Everything that’s wrong with your life, maybe it wouldn’t have happened if I’d just thought- If I’d just thought, but I was young, and stupid, and there’s nothing I can do now except own up to it, own up to the fact that I- I am- I’m- Oh, please…” He practically falls into you, wrapping his arms around your neck. You feel him shake with sobs, and you cry, too, but with a different emotion. Not regret, but happiness.
“You? You’re him?” you ask, and he readjusts himself, backing away from you.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before hugging, I just didn’t think it was gonna be so hard, and you’re my best friend, and I- I don’t know, I don’t know. I’m so sorry that I’m your father.”
“You are? You’re sorry?” you ask, knowing that he’s apologizing because he regrets it, regrets you and your entire existence.
“Not in the way you’re thinking! You- You deserve so much better, I wanted so much better for you,” he reassures you, or, at least, attempts to.
“How do you even know?”
“I just… I talked to Xavier to see if he had any connections that could help me find your father, and he said he did, but he insisted that I give him a sample of my DNA to see if they match before he used his connections. I laughed it off, but then… it was a match.”
“How’d you get my DNA?” You wonder.
“Oh, I stuck a cotton swab in your mouth while you were sleeping. Wasn’t hard, you’re a really heavy sleeper,” he says, and you have a faint memory of the dream you had about a week ago where you were abducted by aliens that wanted to harvest your DNA to create genetically modified pet humans for their home planet. You laugh.
“So, you found out it was a match, and then… You were angry about it? Hated that the Wilson family legacy wasn’t going to end with you?”
“No. I was angry, yeah, but at myself. I was irresponsible, and my best friend in the whole world sufferred because of it. I never recognized your mom the times I’d seen her, and we had sex!”
“You had sex with my mom? Bro code violation alert!” you joke, and he chuckles bitterly.
“Right?” he responds. “But… I don’t even know where to go from here. Things can’t go back to normal, that’s not okay. I need to step up. And, even if it was the right thing to do, going back to normal… I get the feeling that you’re not gonna be that comfortable around me for a while. I was… I was just like my dad. My worst fucking fear.”
“You’re not him, okay? I promise.”
“I should be comforting you,” he says, stepping towards you. Out of renewed instinct, you step back. He’s heartbroken.
“Try- Try not to take it personally, I’m like this with just about everybody,” you attempt to make him feel better, but he shakes his head.
“You haven’t been like this with me, not before- Before I did what I did. Said those things, those awful, untrue things. Why did I say those things? They weren’t the truth, they were the opposite of it. I love hearing from you, it makes every day better. Finding you on my couch is a great feeling, knowing that someone as great as you trusts me, sees me as someone who can keep them safe.”
“And my memes?” You ask in a sarcastically accusatory tone.
“The funniest,” he replies. “Can I- Can I give you a hug?”
You nod, and he surges forward, wrapping you up in his arms and spinning you around.
“I always hoped it’d be like that,” you quietly admit, and he beams.
“Listen, we can talk later at dinner. I think you’ve got a certain girl you need to talk to, and she and her metal accomplice are approaching.”
“I think she’s his accomplice,” you correct with a laugh.
“Gotta bounce before the hardest guy on Earth ropes me into another mission. I’ll be back, though, kid.”
“Yeah. See you soon…”
“Wade’s fine for now, unless you wanna call me something else. We can negotiate later, ‘kay? Love you, bye.” Wade scurries down the hall, not realizing that he’s going towards the dorms, not the exit.
“Wade Wilson!” calls Piotr from behind you, and you turn around to see that Ellie is far closer to you than she is to Piotr, having gone faster on her smaller, lighter legs.
“Uh, hello…” you say dumbly.
“Based on your expression, I’d say that discussion went well.”
“Very well. Thank you for giving him the opportunity to talk to me alone, I’m sure you didn’t wanna do that.”
“I didn’t, but I figured it was the best option. Tell me more on the way to the dorm.”
“Well, uh… He apologized, a lot. Not just for the fights.”
“For letting you die?”
“No. Worse.”
“Holy shit, what’d he do, and why haven’t I heard about it?” She asks, tense.
“Because I didn’t know,” you reply defensively. “He’s- He’s my biological father, Ellie.”
“Whoa… Seriously? How long has he known?”
“I don’t know, but not long, the DNA tests were recently. He just wanted to help me find my dad and when he asked Xavier if he had any way of helping, the Professor said that he had to submit a sample to be tested. Turn’s out the old man’s hunch was right. You… You still wanna be friends, right?”
“Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I?” Ellie wonders.
“I just- I know you don’t like Wade very much, and I’m technically his daughter, so…”
“So? That doesn’t mean I don’t love you anymore,” Ellie argues, and then covers her mouth.
“You love me?”
“Yeah, but just, like, in a friend way,” she plays it off rather smoothly, in her opinion, but you sigh in disappointment before you can stop yourself. “Wait, do you love me in a not-friend way?”
“Not really sure what you wanna hear,” you respond, feeling the recently-sealed cracks in your heart refracturing.
“Do you?” she asks.
You’re silent as the two of you walk to your shared dorm.
“Y/N, I asked you a question. Do you love me as a friend, or as more?”
You feel overheated and nauseous, that’s how nervous you are. You attempt to take some steadying breaths before answering: “More.”
“Oh, thank god…” she sighs. “I- I told you on Monday, when you fell asleep with me. But you were asleep, so, you didn’t hear me… Duh… I sound so stupid right now, don’t I?”
“No, not at all! Jeez, today just keeps getting better and better, I mean it!” You exclaim.
“Can- Can I kiss you?” Ellie asks nervously, and your eyes widen, but you nod. She takes your face in her hands and just goes for it, pressing her lips to yours. You respond immediately, wrapping your arms around her neck while her hands slip past your face and into your hair, tugging gently. You let out a small, quiet moan at that, and you can feel her smirk a little. She kisses you faster, pushing her body closer to yours, and your knees give out. She catches you in the nick of time, laughing a bit at how easily flustered you are as she nudges you toward the bed, sitting there with you. “Your knees are right, we probably shouldn’t rush into things.”
“Yeah…” you admit, resting your head on her shoulder.
“I love you…” She mumbles. “I’ve loved you for a long time, actually.”
“Same here. When did you know?”
Ellie replies: “It’s kind of embarrassing.”
“I can tell you first, if you want,” you offer.
“Yeah, do that…” She says.
“I just realized that every time I was upset, you were there, making me feel better. Even if you didn’t know it. Every time my mom hit me, or I got stabbed by an asshole mugger, or I was about to faint from hunger… You were right there. Making my life better just by existing.”
“I wish I could’ve been right there in person, to help you,” Ellie says, and you shake your head.
“That’s not the point. The point is that you did, without even trying. You always make me happy, without even trying.You just have to be there and everything is better.”
“That’s really nice… I feel dumb now,” Ellie confesses.
“It’s not dumb! Probably not, I mean…” you reply, nuzzling her chest a bit as you try to get a bit cozier.
“Um...You probably don’t know this, but I used to get in fights a lot before we met. And Piotr would always lecture me, telling me it wasn’t heroic to fight out of anger. That I should fight for something, not because of something. That I should be aware of the consequences that come with fighting, and truly think about them before I did. I never understood what he meant, and then we met and became friends… Then best friends…
“I didn’t even realize that before every fight, even the ones I was assigned, I’d think about how I was going to make the world a better place for you. I’d think about what you would think if you heard what I was doing. I- I made a mistake at one point, got angry over nothing and got into another stupid, pointless fight. It was the first time in awhile I’d heard Colossus’s spiel, and I realized my thinking process with every world he spoke. It all just made me think of how I feel about you. You’d made me a better person, more mindful of the consequences of my actions, my thoughtless, immature violence. That’s when I knew.”
“Oh, shut up! That’s way better than mine and not embarrassing at all! Show-off,” you remark, and she chuckles.
“That was fucking beautiful!” Wade wails from behind the door.
“I think I liked it better when you two weren’t friends,” Ellie comments, and you smile at her, shaking your head. She takes your hand in hers and squeezes gently.
“Oh, come on. You can’t hate him. I mean, I wouldn’t exist without him, for a few reasons. I mean, he’s the one who passed me the gene for a healing factor, even if his was recessive before. And, I mean, he’s the sperm donor either way.”
“I heard that!” he shouts, and Ellie smiles at you, planting another kiss on your lips.
You could get used to this.
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fanfic-she-wrote · 5 years
Rick's April Fool's Prank
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The day started out normal for Rick, which usually began around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Running a saloon often kept him up late, even well after it closed. Mostly because liquor needed to be ordered or a some bill needed to be paid.
However today he felt was different as he went into his office, where there was a calendar pinned to the back of his door. On it he saw that it was April 1st, which meant that it was April Fool's Day. He stood there and stared at the calendar for a moment, thinking back to when he lived in New York where he and his pals would share laughs over pranks they pulled on each other. They were mostly harmless, but very hilarious.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, bringing him back to the present. He stepped back and called out, "Come in."
In stepped, Ugarte, who like many of the other patrons at his cafe was a refugee. "Hello Rick!" He said in a soft voice, a cigarette between his lips.
Realizing, he hadnt had a cigarette in a while, Rick went into his desk and pulled out a fresh pack. Upon opening it he realized that these weren't regular cigarettes...these were candy cigarettes. He pulled one out and looked at it, dumbfounded for a second. Then he noticed a note tucked inside the box. He pulled it out and in perfect cursive he read, "April Fool's! From Louis". Rick smirked. That little shit.
"What's the matter Rick?" Ugarte asked, letting out a puff of smoke.
"Are you familiar with a holiday called April Fools?" Rick asked, going into the drawer and taking out a new pack, hoping this one wasnt candy.
"I've heard of it. Why?"
"Because we're about to play a little April Fools prank on Captain Renault." Rick answered, a far off look in his eyes as he planned out the perfect prank in his mind.
"We?! This wont get me arrested will it?" Asked Ugarte, feeling concerned. He had already been arrested a couple times and did not enjoy his time spent at the Casablanca jail.
"Nah. Dont worry about it. I got it all figured out." Rick assured him. He leaned close to Ugarte and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him close. "Now here's what we're gonna do..."
Later that night, after a long days work Renault walked into the cafe expecting to have a nice relaxing evening. He sat down at a table and ordered a scotch. Today called for such a drink. It was a very stressful day at work. So many people asking for exit visas and not one was a beautiful woman.
He took a sip of his scotch and wondered if Rick had found his little surprise or not. Rick smoked liked a chimney, sometimes worse. He seldom saw Rick without a cigarette in his hand, and if he didnt have one it was usually replaced with a drink.
"Captain Renault!" He heard Rick's voice call out from behind him. He turned his head and saw Rick headed towards him, wearing his usual white jacket. "Ah! Good evening Rick!"
"How is everything?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
"Fine. Same as usual. By the way, I found your little present." Rick told him pulling out the fake pack from his pocket. Renault smiled, delighted that his little prank had worked.
"I hope you enjoyed the candy."
"Maybe next time you should try a box of chocolates?" Rick remarked.
"I'll try to remember that for Valentines Day."
"Oh! That reminds me, theres a woman at the bar asking for you." Rick told him. Renault sat up, interested.
"Oh really?"
"Yea, shes been asking about you all night. Shes sitting over there in the green dress and hat." Rick answered, somehow managing to keep a straight face. Luckily for him all those years of playing poker finally paid off.
"Mmm. I see. Well, I'll talk to you in a little Rick." Renault said, downing his drink, and excusing himself from the table. He strode over to the bar, adjusting his jacket as he went.
"Good evening. Mind if I sit here?" Renault asked, politely in his most charming voice.
"Not at all." A soft voice said, waving to the bar stool beside her. Somehow the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it.
"Thank you." He sat down beside her. He tried to get a glimpse at who it was, but her face was hidden behind a dark veil.
"I'm Captain Renault." He said, introducing himself. "I'd like to buy you a drink."
"No thank you. I dont want to impose." The woman said.
"Think nothing of it. Only the best for a beautiful woman such as yourself." Renault said, ordering two glasses of champagne. The woman giggled. If only she would remove that veil so he could see her. He trusted Rick. If he said she was beautiful then she probably was.
Rick stood nearby listening to the whole thing. This was perfect. Too bad he didnt think of it before.
"So, what brings you to Casablanca? I assume you're not from around here, otherwise I would know." Renault said.
"Oh but you do know me Captain." The woman replied. Renault stared at her confused.
"I do?" He asked, leaning close, but the woman just turned away.
"I think I would remember someone like you." Renault prided himself on remembering all the beautiful ladies that stepped foot in Casablanca.
Rick bit his lip, trying to stop himself from bursting out laughing. Renault was falling for it. Hook, line, and sinker.
"You havent touched your drink." Renault pointed out. Surely, she would have to lift the veil to take a sip. Why was this woman being so mysterious? Was this some kind of game? If it was, he was interested.
"I'm not very thirsty." She said. Renault sighed growing impatient. Who was this woman and how did she know him?
"Why dont you take off your hat? Let me see you." Renault implored, touching the woman's hand softly.
"On one condition." The woman began. "That you kiss me."
Renault raised his eyebrows, stunned at such a request. To his knowledge he had just met this woman, even though she said differently. His curiosity got the better of him. He had to know. A little kiss wouldnt hurt.
"Alright." He agreed.
Rick held his breath.
He leaned forward and slowly lifted the veil. His eyes grew wide and he quickly pulled back, realizing who it was. "What the--?!" He exclaimed.
"Hello Captain Renault!" Ugarte said, smiling playfully. Renault was speechless, his mouth agape. Rick burst out laughing, unable to contain himself any longer.
Renault turned to Rick who revealed himself from behind one of the pillars. "April Fools!" Rick laughed.
"So this was all your doing? I should have known." Renault said, after the shock had worn off.
"That was great! Your face was priceless." Rick told him, mimicking his expression. Renault chuckled. He had to admit that was a good prank. Rick was lucky, if it were anyone else they wouldn't have gotten away with it. But he liked seeing Rick enjoy himself...even if it was at his expense.
"Next time I'll have to be more careful." Renault said, getting up from the bar.
"What about that kiss?" Ugarte teased.
Without looking away from Rick, he answered, "You're not my type. Sorry to disappoint."
Ugarte pretended to be offended. Rick tapped him on the shoulder, "Dont take it too hard. His type is generally young, pretty girls who need visas."
"There are exceptions." Renault said, locking eyes with Rick. Rick became quiet for a moment, not entirely sure what he meant by that.
"I guess we're even now, huh?" Rick asked.
"For now." Renault answered, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I'll get you good next year."
Rick chuckled. He couldn't wait.
I cant write anything short I guess. I gotta work on that. I'm kind of new at writing comedy. Hope you guys enjoyed it though! 😁
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
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chapter ten / rem belongs to @forlornraven / masterpost
The trouble with a man like Michael is the guy has shit all over the country. He’s well known, if not by his full name, and well-hidden. Nakoa’s never known him to be even close to discovered by authorities.
He hides his tracks well, and living in Withervale, not flaunting the money he must have… It must makes things easier.
Unfortunately for Nakoa, it means he’s stuck in one of the warehouses, chained to a fucking car, waiting. The warehouse is in the shitty end of town, though, quiet and rundown. A lot like Withervale. Nakoa screams, but he can’t hear the sounds of the road, so why would they hear him?
Nakoa bangs his hand against the car, against the door until more of the paint scrapes off, then starts scraping HELP into the side of the car, with the metal chain.
If Michael’s gonna do what he fucking pleases, he might as well make him work for it. Nakoa already plans on fighting as much as he can, but Nakoa’s not a fighter.
“Good,” he hears, over loud speaker. “You’re awake. I was hoping I’d be able to send in one of my men, test your limits when you least expect it, but…” A sigh, then Michael continues, “I’ll bring your friend in soon. Don’t go anywhere. You and I have plenty of fun to get to.”
Fun. Is that what they call this? When does ‘fun’ turn from fun to torture, when does Nakoa stop getting chained to cars and gets back giving Rem blowjobs in the back of the van?
Nakoa sits. Waits. Tugs on his wrists and lets panic consume him. What does Michael have planned for him? Why bring in Rem?
Minutes tick by, so many that Nakoa loses track of how many. He rattles the chains and swears and waits.
And waits, but Michael doesn’t return. No one does. The sun sets and Nakoa feels a chill in his bones because still, no one comes. He thinks maybe Rem got him, somehow, that Michael’s nothing, anymore, but… Rem would have found him.
The chain holds strong.
Nakoa dozes, sings Queen and Bowie and Billy Idol and tries, fucking tries, to put the thoughts behind him, but he keeps remembering Rem on the ground, on the asphalt, and—
The door slams open. Nakoa can’t make anyone out in the dark, and the light that turns on blinds him.
Something drops to his feet in the dark, brushes against his leg, and Nakoa peers between his fingers, and—
“Rem—” His voice is choked, already, immediate at the sight of Rem crumpled at his feet, and Nakoa’s heart plummets and speeds up, a thumpthumpthump against his ribcage. Eyes wide open even as the light burns, Nakoa tries to reach out to him.
From above, Michael chuckles. “Little fighter, this one. Too bad for him. Dropped the knife.”
Nakoa holds his breath—don’t—he can’t—and waits for the rise and fall of Rem’s chest, counts five seconds, six, until he sees Rem breath, hears his nose whistle.
His shirt, one of The Clash, has been ripped to shreds, blood dotting the grey fabric and matting it down against his skin. His knuckles are a mess, a bruise is forming around his eye, around his neck.
A cut sits, still bleeding, on his cheekbone.
“Nakoa,” Michael says, his tone no-nonsense. “I expect you to cooperate, if you value your friend’s life.”
“Fuck you,” Nakoa responds, his voice breaking. Relief is a monster in his chest, thrashing with anger and fury, and he lifts his gaze to Michael, finally, says, “Fuck you.”
Michael looks worse than Rem. There’s a long, long gash spanning most of the side of his face, scratch marks, /teeth/ marks in his neck. His nose is swollen, blood dripping down his lips and staining his mouth red, but he grins through it.
“Fine. You want a fight, Nakoa, I’ll give you one. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He disappears into the darkness, for a minute, footsteps fading, and Nakoa takes the break to search Rem’s face, his body—to will him to wake up.
He does. 
Rem stirs with a groan, then, barely; tries to sit up, but he can’t. Nakoa watches, helpless, as he struggles with his position, his surroundings. More than anything Nakoa wants to reach for him, pull him into a hug, into anything, into bed if that’s where Rem wants him, but away. Safe and not here.
Anywhere else. Michael’s footsteps are returning, double now and Nakoa wonders if he’s just hearing things, but when Michael returns, he’s with another man.
“Na—” Rem chokes, forces his voice out, “—nakoa, what the—” Then stronger, as Michael grips his hair tight: “Hey, asshole, get your fucking hands off me!”
Nakoa reaches a hand out, knows that Rem can’t grab it, that Michael won’t let him even if he could reach, but Nakoa still does it. Wants to feel Rem’s skin under his fingertips, wants to feel Rem’s flesh against his own.
“Nakoa.” Rem’s voice is gentle, though, edged with worry, and though he’s already being pulled from the room, he keeps talking. “I’ll fix this, Nakoa, I’ll fix it. This asshole won’t know what hit him.”
Okay. Okay. Nakoa thinks it’s garbage, that it’s not something just anyone can do, take out Michael. And Rem probably is the first person in a long time that even fucking tried.
“Vaughn,” Michael calls, over Rem’s voice, “make sure you break him. He’ll be a challenge.
Rem keeps swearing as Michael hauls him out, and the lights go off, and Nakoa is left in the silence once again, Vaughn grinning down at him.
“Shall we get started?” Vaughn says, taking a knife from a holster at his hip. “I’m eager to make you sing, little bird.”
“Nakoa,” but his voice is far away. In his mind, maybe? Nakoa can’t open his eyes, too heavy, but he smiles at Rem’s voice, anyway. Reaches his hand up, even though it aches, hurts worse than anything he remembers, the pain reverberating from his shoulder through his chest. Rem’s voice is sharper when he speaks next. “Nakoa. Are you fucking okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m great,” Nakoa says, but his words come out as, “Mmm,” and he makes no attempt to correct himself. He feels cold, but he feels like he’s on fire, too.
“I need to get you out of here.” Shuffling, then swearing, before Rem grabs for Nakoa’s wrists Rem makes quick work of the ties at his wrists, though, sawing through the ropes holding Nakoa down with a pocket knife. He brushes his fingers along rope burns Nakoa can’t feel through the fog in his head. “Can you walk?”
Nakoa moves his leg, but pain rockets up into his torso, and he moans, drops his head back against the concrete. Tears form in his eyes, but he says nothing.
Swearing, then, “Okay. Okay.” He can feel Rem’s hands hovering, over his stomach, his face, his legs. “I’ll carry you.”
Nakoa wants to ask where the fuck Rem got out, how badly his father hurt Rem, if he did. If Rem got revenge, or…
“But we need to move, now.”
“Rem,” Nakoa says, brushes his finger against Rem’s wrist, and even that movement makes pain burst behind his eyes. “Rem, I need to tell you something.”
Rem’s laugh cracks, humorless and broken. “Fuck no. Not here. Not—not now.” His hands are warm under Nakoa’s neck, too warm, but Nakoa still turns into him. “Might hurt— ready?”
No, but somewhere in the back of his mind, Nakoa knows he ought to be more hurried to get away from here. Instead, he’s grateful for the proximity. “Sorry,” he says, his voice a mess. “Fuck, Rem, ‘m sorry.”
“Don’t fucking apologize. Gonna get my revenge in a second—hold still, okay? Try not to make a sound. I can’t fucking run with you.”
Nakoa braces himself for the pain, which hurts in itself, but Rem moves him carefully, aware of Nakoa’s shoulder, and Nakoa holds the sound in his throat when Rem lifts him into his arms. Instead of screaming, Nakoa shoves his face into Rem’s shoulder and huffs a warm breath out
“Okay. Good. Quiet—stay quiet.”
Though Nakoa isn’t walking, it still hurts, still jostles his injuries and sends him through the roof with pain, but he grips Rem tight and doesn’t let go and hopes for a pleasant ending to this.
Not sure if there’s one for him, as long as Michael’s still around.
The world fuzzes out, turns black, over and over. Nakoa tries to focus on Rem’s breathing, something to keep him conscious, but with the pain throbbing through his leg…
Nakoa’s slowing him down. Nakoa’s going to get Rem caught up in his bullshit, and Michael’s not a merciful guy. Never has been a merciful father. It’s doubtful that wouldn’t extend to Rem.
Without Nakoa, Rem has a change, and it’s Nakoa’s fault they’re in this in the first place. Michael’ll be furious, but—at least Rem will be safe.
“Rem,” Nakoa says, reaching for him. His hand hits some of the spikes on Rem’s jacket. “Rem. Listen to me.”
“Shut up.”
“Leave me here.”
A huff of unamused laughter, then, “Fuck no.”
“I mean it.” Nakoa swallows, already terrified at the thought of Michael finding him in a failed escape attempt.
“I think I prefer you unconscious.” But Rem bites his lip, says, “You sure you didn’t hit your head?”
“He’s just gonna keep finding us. He has people all over North America.” The world’s blurring black again, shadows along the  edges of his vision. Sweat beads across his forehead. “Look at me, Rem. You gotta leave me.” He’s not being dramatic, not doing it to force Rem’s hand; he’s just right. Nothing Michael does surprises Nakoa anymore, but Rem… Rem doesn’t need to know the secrets Nakoa has kept from him about his father.
“Fuck you,” Rem says. His expression hardens and he scowls. “This is the thanks I get for trying to fucking help you—”
He shuts up, goes quiet, staring down at the ground, anywhere but at Nakoa. “Can’t put you down.”
They’re close to outside, now, Nakoa can smell the fresh air coming through the cracks in the doors, through broken windows. Rem still won’t look at him, even in the dim light. “What did you do?”
“We’ll talk about it later,” Rem says, turning to open the door, and—
It’s outside. Freedom. Nakoa takes deep breaths, despite the pain that creaks in his chest, and lolls his head against Rem’s shoulder, taking it in. Rem leads them past a bleak landscape, out past the road, into a clearing behind some trees. He sits Nakoa in the grass and says, “You good?” Head lifted, Rem says, “Gonna be loud—cover your ears—”
“What—” Nakoa starts, but shoves his fingers in his ears anyway, trying to crane his neck to whatever it is that Rem’s waiting for.
He hears it through plugged ears, a loud explosion that shakes the ground. It lights fire in Rem’s eyes, a grin on his face—which Nakoa can now see is blood covered and bruised, but Rem looks so fucking pleased with himself.
“Should buy us some time,” Rem says, but Nakoa can’t hear him, just sees his lips move. He pulls his fingers out of his ears, turns around, heat warm on his face, and—
Oh. “How the hell—”
“Michael has more secrets than he lets on.” Rem clears his throat. “Let me look at your leg.” He tugs a knife free from his pocket and cuts a slit up Nakoa’s jeans. At Nakoa’s protests, he says, “Relax. You have others.” He whistles, says, “Shit,” under his breath, and starts ripping from the bottom of his t-shirt. “You remember anything that happened?”
Nakoa barely remembers five minutes ago, barely remembers Rem carrying him from the building. He reaches out, grasps at Rem’s wrist, makes a noise, and drops his head back against the floor.
“All right. Okay. Up.” Rem puts his arm behind his neck, the other behind Nakoa’s legs, and hauls him to his feet. “Hey. Stay with me, right?”
But Nakoa’s consciousness is fading, and the last thing he says is, “Rem, I l—” as he grips at Rem’s hair, and…
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arthurflecksgirl · 5 years
Arthur Fleck fanfiction reflections part 4 &5
Part 4 "Oh,Kitten. I don`t know what to say" Arthur got a big smile on his face as he roles off of me and takes me in his arms. "I got lost in you. It was like everything else in the world disappeared. I never felt so close to anyone. This is what true happiness must feel like". My head is lying upon his chest, which is lifting up and down from still trying to catch his breath. I can`t belive what he just said. He felt true happiness. And I am the reason? I feel my eyes watering and take a deep breath of his skin. "I know. I felt the same with you. " I whisper in his ear "I felt compleate with you inside of me. Like you should have been there all the time." I lean in to kiss him. I can feel the taste of his lips with my whole body. My fingertips are caressing his cheekbones while I can feel his hot breath in my mouth. With his breath I breathe in his whole being. His whole beauty. I imagin his breath is making its way down my throath. I`m sucking all the sorrow and loneliness out of him. Make it my own. Become one with this sad eyed man which is my only desire in this life. "Keep on breathing into me" I moan between the kisses "Breathe life into me". He holds me so close to his chest its almost hurting. He might seem fragile but his arms still can be strong. "I feel like I cannot get you close enough" his arms tighten up. "Kitten, what if its never close enough?" I feel like I´m a little short of breath but at the same time I dont want him to loosen up his embrace. I kiss the red stained corner of his mouth. Softly. "I know what you mean, Arthur. But we can be this close now whenever we want." "We can?" "Sure" "You mean you really want me?" "I do, Arthur. I want everything of you. For the rest of my life. I will never taste or smell or touch anything else again. Or love" He loosens up his tight embrace to get down to kiss my chest now "Or love" he repeats. So many little kisses covering my skin. leaving stains of his face paint all over my chest. Little, red proofs that he  touched me. Kissed me. His lips are wandering down my belly as I hold his head between my hands, my fingers get lost in his soft curls. I push his head closer against my trembling body. His nose is touching my navel. It tickles. I have to laugh. He looks up to me "Do you like it?" "Oh yeah. I like it a lot, Artie" For a second I thought he will make his way down on me but suddenly he is making his shy face. "Finally" he says "Finally someone sees me"
"You know what?" I play with his hair "Today we`re going to make a picnic in the park. " "I never had a picnic before." "So today its gonna be your first" He gets up, looking very excited "I feel like thereare going to be a lot of first times for me from now on, Kitten".  He gets to the bathroom dancing to music only he can hear in his head. But I can tell its one of his favorite songs.
"Hey Artie, I will be back in like half an hour.  I jus wann go buy some food" "Okay, just take the money  in the pocket of my pants". He says while taking off the rest of his make up in the bathroom. I reach for his pants, search for the money and find some more meds in his pockets. Temazepam, Perphenazine,... He comes out of the bathroom before I can read what the other ones are. His face free from make up. "Did you find the money?" "Yeah I did" the almost empty bottle of meds still in my hands. "And my meds" he looks ashamed. "Oh, well, I`m sorry about that... I just..." "You must think I`m ..." a cough is crawling up his throath. His hands covering his mouth. "Hahahahahahahah" loud, almost agressive laughter is coming out of his mouth. "You hahahhaah must think I`m a crazy.... hahahahhahaha" "Nooooo " I run the few stept up to him "Arthur, no. I dont think you`re crazy. Look, if you need the medication to feel better, just take them okay? I will not judge you or anything" "No, Kitten hahahahah I`m metally.... hahahahahaahahha....ill....." Tears are running down his face, pain in his eyes. I wipe his tears away and give him a hug.  He is shaking so hard my whole body is shaking with him. "You haha you deserve better... Kitten, you deserve....so much...." I take his hands which try to cover his mouth from shaking and kiss his lips. He is slowly calming down "You might have some problems, Arthur. Thats okay. We can figure them out together. I will not leave you ever again. Do you hear me?" He whipes a tear from his eyes "Okay. Yes... I...I do belive you" "C`mon get yourself ready. We go buy the stuff for the picnic together" There it is. He`s smiling again, getting in his clothes. A white shirt under his brown jacket and blue pants. I button up his shirt as he looks at me like he still can belive I`m really here. "Kitten... does you memory come back in any way?" "Nahh... nothing." I smile "Anyway... dont worry about that. I don`t.  I feel like this had to happen, otherwise we wouldnt have met." "Yeah... I`m still worried, you know?" "Dont be, Artie" I get my own cothes. All black. We`re heading out the door, he lights a cigarette and we go buy some fruits and sweets before we arrive at the park. Its not a perfect summer day but its still warm enough to enjoy the weather. The park doesnt give you the same feeling as the streets do. Its not as dirty as the rest of Gotham. "How do you know the way to the park?" he asks "I thought you dont know this city" He`s got a good point there "Oh my god. I just knew. That means I must have been here before, right?" "I guess so, Kitten" We`re holding hands as we walk through the gates. "Close your eyes, Arthur" He chuckles "Why?" "Just do it" "Okay" I pick some flowes and put them into his hair. He opes his eyes "Kit.....what did you just do?" His fingers go through his hair, he is laughing from happiness as he realizes I put flowers in his hair. His puppy eyes as green as the nature around us. I have to laugh,too. He takes a flower out of his curl and puts it on my head "They look much more beautiful on you". "No they don`t" He kisses me on the forehead, humming a melody I`ve never heard before. "C´mon" I say "See this big, old tree right over there? This looks like the perfect spot to relax. Its far from the crowds" He sqeezes my hand,still humming songs, looking so happy as we walk over to place the blanket we brought with us. He lays down on his back, looking up to the sky as I unpack the food. "So....what are your fave fruits? I also got some cake and cookies and..." He looks at all the stuff beside him "Um... I dont even know... I`m never rally hungry". "Well, Artie, today you are" I smile "You gotta eat something. I can`t watch you starving yourself any longer". I know that all the meds he takes must stop his appetite but I still hope he is trying some of the food I picked for him. "Thats sweet" he says "But I´ll only eat something when you`re going to feed it to me" he smirks. "I see.... so... lets start with this" I take grape between my fingers and put it on his lips. He is eating it like he never tasted one before "It tastes good. Got more?" I feed him berries and chocoloate cookies he really seems to enjoy. He takes a rasberry by himself and puts it between his lips " Want one?" he smirks. I steal the berry from his mouth and taste his sweet lips. We kiss. He takes some bites from the cake. I´m glad he is finally eating something. "Strawberry?" I pick the one with the richest color. "Oh Kitten. I`m not used to a meal anymore. I guess I`m already full". He is rubbing his belly. I put the strawberry in my own mouth. "But it was very thoughtful of you, thank you" I put the rest of the food back in the bag and lie down beside him. Breathing in the fresh air, watching the clouds passing us by.
And as I look over on him I just know life will never be the same.
To be continued
Part 5
The next few days went by like a dream. All was well. The world I have known wasnt important anymore, who I was before him wasnt important anymore. All I know now is that Arthur an I love each other. He didnt had one single of his hurtful laughter going on, it feels like he can relax by my side. At night we slip under the blankets together, so close to each other that sometimes I´m not sure where my body ends and his body begins. His insomnia keeps getting better. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and takes his meds. But he always gets back to bed and falls asleep again with a smile on his face and his head on my chest, so I can feel his hot breath against my skin. So I know he`s there. Right beside me. We haven`t slept together since he lost his virginity but I know he wants it. He just needs some time to belive that I´m real, since he was hallucinating a lot in the past. Today he is still asleep as I wake up. I carefully slip out of bed so he won`t wake and grab a diary I bought myself yesterday. I already filled it with some thoughts I had while watching him sleep. Mostly desires and sexual fantasies. I was hiding it under the sheets because I had the feeling he would be overwhelmed by reading it. Or even think he isnt enough. Oh he is enough. Arthur is all I want. All I need to feel satisfied. The connection we had was so much more than sex. Sometimes it feels like we are one spirit. I like to think that I am a thought in his mind. His daydream. His fantasy. He told me about the daydreams with a woman he had before and I felt like he really loved her, even though in reality she was some kind of a stranger to him. His feeling for her still feeled real. And I really hope I`m a fantasy in his head,too. He definitaly is mine. Thats why I started creating this diary, so I can express all of my desires for him. I take a look beside me. He is stretching, about to wake up. I kiss his cheek "Good morning, my love". He is touching his forehead. I once again notice the frakles on the back of his hands.I am obsessed wit details. Especially when it comes to him. I wanna find every detail he has to offer. Body and soul. The more I see of him, the more beautiful he becomes. "Morning, Kitten" he says in a tired tone. "I had the most amazing dream". "You did?" "Yeah" "Tell me about it" He smirks His smirk always makes me all fuzzy inside. "Arthur" I playfully slap his arm "Tell me" He stands up and gets a shirt. He was sleepingin his underwear, I can see his cute, little buttcheesks peeking out. "Nahh.. I...I cant tell you that" he turns his face away from me but I can tell he is blushing. "Arthur, you`re blushing" I cant help but smile from cheek to cheek. He gets into his shirt and walks up to me. Sits down at the bed. "Thats because I dreamed that you handcuffed me and I was begging you to get on top of me, touching me. And I was like.... going crazy because I couldnt touch you but it felt so good and..." I`m watching his lips, saying these words and can`t belive what I just heard. He just described one of the fantasies I wrote in my diary. Did he read it when I was asleep? Did he find it? "Arthur?" "Huh?" "Did you... did you just read my diary?" "What diary?" I can tell by his face that he dont know about my book. "The book I filled with some of my fantasies about you" "You got a book with fantasies about me?" I guess I am the one blushing now. "I do... I mean I just bought it yesterday but... yeah." "Can I...can I read it?" his eyes lighten up. "Sure" I grab the diary and hand it to him with excitement as he starts reading the first page. He looks very serious and concetrated. But his eyes  are filled with joy. He reads all the filled pages. All the words I wrote about him. He reads it without saying a word. Then he puts the diary aside. "Kitten, you really wanna do all this stuff to me, huh?" I can feel myself getting nerveaus. "Oh god yeah, I really want to, Arthur" He leans towards me. I can feel his curls on my cheeks as he whispers in my ear "Do it then!"
My heart is racing as I heard his sweet voice saying this. "But where do we get the handcuffs from?" I chuckle Arthur leaves the room and comes back with.... a pair of... "Where did you get those from?" my eyes must be as big as his now. "Did you try it...." Arthur played with the cuffs  "No, no, no its not like that... I... " He hands me the handcuffs  "I stole them from Arkham hospital a year ago... don`t ask" . I`m nodding. I didnt knew he was in a mental hospital before. For a moment I realize there mustbe many things I dont know about him yet. I missed 35 years of his lfe, which makes me sad. I wish we could have met sooner. I stand up and let the handcuffs swing in front of his face "So... Mr. Fleck...you are arrested for being extremly attractive" we both have to laugh for a moment but it feels kinda serious as he gets in bed and spreads his arms, so I can tie him up.  I fix his hands and watch him getting excited. "Get out off your underwear" I take his underwear off and threw it  over my shoulders. He is lying on the bed. Trying to get into a nice position for me to top him. "What are you gonna do with me now?" he is almost whispering, his voice soft like a breath. "Let me show you" "Oh yeah, Kitten. Show me" "I`m gonna love every inch of your body. There wouldnt be a spot I´m leaving out. I want it all. And you can`t do nothing about it" Arthur is shaking a little, but just a little. Enough for me to notice it though. Cuz it feels like a soft vibration against my lips, which are discovering his tiney ankles. So thin and fragile. Like a porcelain doll. I put my hands around them to feel how tiney they are. I kiss his little toe, making my way up to his legs. I kiss every inch, every frackle, every spot and taste the different parts of his now trembling body. Soft moaning from his mouth. "I`m all yours, Kitten. i´m all yours. " I kiss the insides of his thighs. He is breathing heavier now. "Turn around" "What?" "Turn around Arthur. I want to see your butt" He turns around, his hands tied behind his back. My hands caress his cute, peachy butt. Grabbing his cheeks as he moans. I cover his butcheeks with kisses, let my hand wonder between his legs. Forward. He`s getting hard now. " "I see you enjoy it, Arthur?" He pushes his face against the pillow as my fingers play with his most sensitive parts. "I do...oh my god, Kitten. Please don`t stop! Keep on touching me like that!" I`m grabbing him and turn him around so he is on his back again. Kissing him where he is getting harder any second. My hands are all over his chest, his arms. My lips wondering all over his body. "This feels so good. I cannot take it anymore" "You have to" I press my lips against his neck and start to suck it. I can smell his hair. My left hand is in his curls, my right hand is reaching for his cock. I`m biting his neck. His breath is getting more and moreintense, his eyes are closed. Those eyelashes. I cannot take my eyes off of his eyelashes. Details. More details. I take a close look on his face while ´there is nothing but excitement. His face expression turns me on in a way I cant even describe it.  I try to contain the taste of his neck as I suck his skin till it turns blue. "You like that?" "Don`t stop. I am begging you.. " I let my tongue slide over the scar upon his lip. Its my fave part of his body. All his details deserve so much love. I can feel his lip twitching while my tongue is playing with it. I can feel my body screaming out for him to  fill me up. I change my position, he is opening his eyes, looking right into mine. "Fuck me, Kitten! Oh I need you hands to love me. I need your lips to kiss me like that. I want you so bad. Don`t you ever stop loving me like that" I get on top of him and take him all in. All the way inside. "I wish I could touch you" he moans. Waves of excitement all through his body I take the key and uncuff his hands while he is still inside of me. As soon as he is free his hands are pressing me against him, so hard I can barely move anymore. But it feels just right. He is pushing himself inside of me, his tongue in my mouth. The taste of cigarettes and passion. He is kissing my earlobes now, sucking them. I never felt more happiness in my lfe. Feeling his gentle movements inside of me. I swear I can hear him humming a song between his whispered moaning. "You feel me?" he says "Yeah" "You`re really here with me arent you, Kitten?" "I am" "Thisis not a dream. we`re one" "We are, Arthur." And as I know he feels the same. That we are one soul. One body. I explode with excitement. Just like him.
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