#this is where some twilight scenes were filmed
laurenjmyers · 2 years
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:’) happy
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lurkingshan · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about the depictions of generational trauma and parental accountability being presented in dramas lately. Since you've watched way more than me, especially outside of BLs, what are some shows that present or include parental accountability?
This is such a good question and one I have been thinking about a lot since Last Twilight episode 10 aired. Westerners often assume that because of Asian cultural norms around filial piety, parental authority, and respect for elders, we can never expect satisfying parental accountability in our Asian drama narratives. But that's not true! It's been done and done well. It’s because these values are so deeply embedded in most Asian cultures that Asian creators are the best positioned to speak on the harms they can cause, and will often embed these themes in their work.
Now, there is an important distinction to make here: the difference between what characters do, and what the story communicates. A character may choose to abide by honoring their parents at all costs, but the story can still communicate how harmful that is. A character may never apologize for something they have done wrong, but the story can still make it clear they have fucked up and hold them accountable for that via tangible consequences. Here are a few examples from bl to illustrate what I mean, and the different ways this can show up in dramas.
Bad Buddy
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One of the most obvious examples of parental accountability in genre, and also a pretty full metal version of it. This entire story is about the damage Ming and Dissaya did their sons with their decades-long feud and insistence on pushing that trauma down on their children, and we got some extremely cathartic scenes of Pat and Pran telling their parents exactly what they thought about that. Of course, even though they raged at their parents, they never got the apologies they deserved (and likely never will) and still had to hide their relationship to appease their parents going forward. But that doesn't mean there was no accountability here. The entire narrative held these parents accountable by showing us how they were harming their sons, forcing them to reckon with it, and ultimately showing them settling into a form of resigned acceptance.
Until We Meet Again
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This entire show is about Korn and In's reincarnated souls healing from the trauma of their tragic ending, which was brought upon by the familial pressure and rejection they experienced from their fathers. We not only saw Dean and Pharm work through this trauma and forge new bonds with family members, we saw the direct aftermath of their first deaths, the despair and regret their families felt, and the ceremony that tied their souls together as a result. It's big karmic accountability on a grand scale, and the show never flinched from letting us see exactly how much harm was caused by these parents, or how the tenets of filial piety resulted in Korn's despair that he couldn't be what his father wanted. Even more crucially, we were shown, not just told, the counterpoint impact of good parenting, when Dean and Pharm were accepted by their families in their second life.
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A rare example of an Asian parent being called to the carpet, feeling the wrongness of their actions, and actually apologizing for it. This does in fact happen in drama! Si Won's mom raised him to hate himself, to be ashamed of his body, to fake his way through life so people would like him, and boy did it do a lot of damage. The story showed us how this affected Si Won and his relationships deeply, and brought him to the point where it finally burst out of him. And his mom, to her credit, was dismayed to understand what she had done to her son. This show also gets bonus points for Da Un standing up to his own mother after she interferes in the film contest.
Bed Friend
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Uea's mother's sins against him are numerous, and I will not go into them all in detail to spare my own sanity. She is an abusive parent so horrific that she can never be forgiven, and doesn't need to be. An apology from her would be utterly meaningless. Instead, the drama holds her to account via showing us what she's done to Uea and the work he has to do to heal from the trauma she caused, and ultimately having her son cut her out of his life. It's the biggest consequence she can ever face for her choices and that Uea finds the courage to do it is the story's biggest triumph.
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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On the subtler end of the scale, we have our beloved KNT, which weaves parental accountability through its story in the long, slow journey for Shiro's mother to accept who he is and the partner he has chosen in life. What I love most about this particular depiction is that it's not at all linear in nature. We see her make strides by finally acknowledging Kenji and inviting him to her home, and then backtrack by rescinding the offer due to her own discomfort, and then include him in her family planning to ensure he will be cared for after her death. She’s homophobic and traditional, but she loves her son and sees how much happier he is with Kenji in his life. She is constantly reckoning with that tension. And Shiro and Kenji, being of an older generation themselves, don't hold it against her, even as the show makes sure we understand how much it hurts them. They are not okay with it, but they do understand why she's like this, so they take what she can give and forgive the rest. It's a really touching portrayal of this kind of impasse in a family.
Moonlight Chicken
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There are several different vectors of parental accountability in MLC. There is Heart confronting his parents over their neglect and abuse and finally demanding to be treated with dignity. There is Li Ming directly calling out his mother for how her life choices have affected him. And there is Li Ming and his surrogate dad, Jim, working out their issues so that they can communicate better, and so that Jim can learn to stop pushing his own fears and anxiety down onto the next generation. All of it handled with deftness, with care, and with clear purpose to examine the ways intergenerational trauma can perpetuate in the absence of accountability.
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blue-grama · 2 months
The Sign finale probably should have disappointed me, but... didn't?
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It's been a heck of a run lately with Thai BLs that haven't quite stuck the landing, and it's got me pondering why The Sign worked for me despite sometimes feeling like a storyboard for a longer, better show.
I don't think they pulled off the emotional payoff they needed, despite that last reunion scene being so pretty and well-acted, simply because too much happened offscreen, from Khem's recovery from a gunshot wound to the entire multlifetime Tharn/Chalothon dynamic getting resolved without us seeing any of it. But somehow I wasn't that mad about it? And ultimately I think it's because this show did so many things well and so many things I'd love to see more of that I'm just like, yep, I enjoyed that ride sirs, please show me something this gorgeous again. In that sense it's joining something like Manner of Death or Kinnporsche where it's like, plot holes? Yes. Bizarre tonal shifts? Absolutely. Occasionally insane writing choices? Uh-huh. Love it anyway? You betcha. So here's what really, really worked for me:
I am always going to be onboard with QL that isn't solely coming-of-age or coming out. I'm not against those stories, of course, but give me gay romance with adult characters who know themselves and are doing adult things. I'm also a partisan for romances with high external stakes, so the mixture of crime and reincarnation was catnip to me.
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Do I care that none of this training makes any sense? No.
2. Setting
Listen. Is The Sign the reason I have a document on my laptop titled "Imaginary trip to Thailand without ever seeing a beach?" Not exactly. But it's also not not the reason.
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I am being willingly manipulated by the Thai Tourism Authority.
Kidding, kidding, but I do love when my Thai shows feel Thai or my Korean shows feel Korean, etc etc. I want to be driven to Wikipedia to learn more! Half the fun of watching stuff from not your own country.
3. Chemistry
I think @biochemjess covered what was underwritten about the romance in The Sign. Billy and Babe carried it on their backs and it was hard to dislike their romance, even when the series skipped over key beats.
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Any time the pink lighting came out, you were gonna be in for a good time.
4. The camerawork
I don't know enough about film to speak intelligently about this, but the camerawork and aesthetics of this show were just so lovely to watch. It was really doing a lot. @chaos0pikachu wrote about it better than I ever could.
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We had some really lovely storytelling and visual parallels, too, like the first episode and finale both having a big action warehouse scene, or the multiple times that Phaya and Tharn ended up overlooking the Mekong river.
5. It was always kinda off the rails
I know some people felt this show started out with a strong premise and didn't live up to it, but I gotta say, I didn't have that experience. It was always kinda a bonkers watch for me. There were long training montages, random bodies in the shallows, missing genitals, extended performance art, that comedy flashback to Khem and Thongthai's college years... I never knew what I was going to get each Saturday. And I kind of loved that? I'm into unhinged. I was comparing this in my head to Last Twilight, which did disappoint me in the end, and I think it's because Last Twilight was NOT always bonkers and DID set itself up to tell a straighforward story, then dropped the ideas it had been juggling in the last episode. The Sign always felt chaotic to me, so a chaotic ending was par for the course. This is where I'd compare it to KinnPorsche, which had the weirdest fucking ending, but like, okay??? Why not!
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End result? I see the flaws, but I'm giving this show tender forehead kisses anyway. Here's hoping for more like it.
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bengiyo · 5 months
Last Twilight Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Mhok took Day’s teasing that he has no tenderness in him as a personal challenge, and spent the entire episode flirting with Day through all of Day’s other senses.  Meanwhile, we ran into Gee, who was a friend Day had through badminton. Day managed to reconnect with her and hang out with some of his team members (but not August). Meanwhile, Porjai broke up with that cheating fiancé of hers, but not before he and Mhok got into another fight. We also learned that Porjai is pregnant, and is going to be staying with Mhok for now. Everyone kept saying how hot Mhok is, and after flirting with Day constantly, Day decided to sneak next to Mhok at night and look at his face.
It’s early and Mhok is already starting.
Oh ho! We’re playing around with honorifics again.
This breakfast scene is great. Day got himself up, made his own jellied bread, and didn’t balk at posting a picture to Facebook about it. It’s a good sign that he’s moving back into interactions with others.
Wait, why are we back to reading the book? I thought we were heading to the badminton match?
Oh, whew, it was a flashback providing some emotional context before we meet more people.
Okay, Day teaching Mhok how to comment on badminton is fun. He’s not an amateur, and Mhok doesn’t know the rules.
Film looks good.
I am a fan of sports. I was moved by Gee’s win and cried a little bit.
I love Mhok beginning to integrate into the banter with Gee.
Our first interaction with August and Day flees.
I’m loving this backstory. I am such a fan of sports drama.
Aof and his double entendres. “If you want to pick it up again, handle it with care.” I will fight him.
Thank you, Pride flag in the locker room, for letting us know there are gay stakes between Day and August.
Ohm Thipakorn is whipping extreme ass here with these eyes. You are upgraded from “Baby Ohm,” sir.
I am crying again because of the bonds between men. Even Mhok approves of August moving to singles rather than compete with someone else.
So, how mutual are the feelings between Day and August, and how much does the other know, because August took his hand in such a meaningful way before asking him out to dinner.
I’m with Mhok; I like him pushing Day to hang out with August.
Oh yes. It’s time for a practice date. We’ve gotten a few of these this year, and it hits every time.
Porjai ain’t shit, and she’s not gonna let Mhok go without getting a dig in.
I love how Mhok responds to all of Day’s teasing by going hard on the flirting.
This whole cake scene was cute as hell.
Oho, we’re getting back to the Night and Day stuff. Day thinks Mhok has also been fooled by Night.
Oh no. Please don’t spill water on yourself immediately and panic, Day.
It’s always 4:20 somewhere, amirite? (I don’t smoke)
Now where the fuck is August?
I’m glad Mhok stuck around to salvage this outing.
They went back to see if August ever arrived? I’m mad at August.
I AM LEANING IN. Day hadn’t confessed his crush on August, and today felt his heart break at some sort of final piece of reality he had to face.
August picked the most dramatic time to show up, and then just walked away after sensing something between Mhok and Day.
There’s so much going on! Mhok was about to admit his own feelings, but stopped because of August.
This was an excellent episode. I’m so proud of Ohm for being able to do more than just be adorable. We’ve got a great form of romantic angst here where the board isn’t completely set, but we know the players. These two definitely practiced a lot for this role. Jimmy has found his smolder.
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Wish Granted AU: The 7 Teens 👥👥👥🌟
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This one was both the most fun and hardest one to do. At first I hated the idea of 7 friends in general cause its canon that the directors added them later in the story and they wanted to just have a free reference without actually doing something. But the more I thought about it, the more I could see that they were accidentally given a good opportunity to create a new batch of loveable characters. So many creative ideas with it! Even the original concept shows that they had more thought and personality to them!
And they actually did have some personality in the deleted scenes, both during the distraction plan and the dungeon scenes, they felt more like characters than the final film. They had Seven Dwarves without actually acting like the Seven Dwarves, like how....???
Sorry to say, they did nothing in the movie. (yeah, I watched Wish, it was lame. Moving on.) One thing I want to achieve here is they'll be a mix between the Dwarves and the Mane 6. I swear this makes sense. 😅 Also one big difference here is that instead of being friends with them from the start, Asha meets each teen one by one when she and Star enter Rosas. A few of them even know Flazino, but not on a super personal level, just that he's seemingly loyal to Magnifico and Amaya. The teens know each other pretty well since they all work around the same place, but having them work together to start a revolution and defeat an evil will cement them as friends with each other and Asha and Star.
So let's give a quick rundown on each one. The more the story evolves, this page will be updated for additional backgrounds or changes to them.
Dhalia: Combination of Twilight/Doc. She's still a baker in this in version, and her wish is to become the greatest baker in the kingdom. (I actually didn't know this was something canon to the movie until later, it just something I came up with by coincidence!) She's incredibly loyal to the king and queen (with a bit of a crush on Magnifico) and willing to do anything for the kingdom. And...let's just say her role in the story will be bigger than some other rewrites or even the film itself.
Simon: Combination of Big Macintosh/Sleepy. While he still retains his sleepiness, its a result of losing his wish. He was actually strong, outgoing and jovial before then. Now he just doesn't have any ambition to do anything aside from his daily tasks. His wish was to become a royal knight and protect the kingdom.
Gabo: Combination of Rainbow Dash/Grumpy. He's incredibly loyal, but he hides it behind his rudeness. He's been duped so many times that he doesn't trust people anymore, especially when finding out he's right about the king being no good. His wish he's keeping secret, but it'll be revealed somewhere in the story.
Bazeema: Combination of Fluttershy/Bashful. Still keeping her kindness and ability to sneak up on people from the movie, Bazeema adores nature and especially animals. She gets along with just about all the animals in the forest, the royal horses and even the birds. She LOVES when Star turns into animals, since he's the entire animal kingdom rolled into one! The only animal she's never succeeded with was Sabor. He's just too much like his owners to get along with. 😂 Her wish is to provide a safe haven where all the animals would be safe and recover together if hurt.
Dario: Combination of Pinkie Pie/Dopey. Now I know you're thinking why not have the Pinkie inspiration for Hal? Well, I wanted her to be a bit more of a grounded type of funny instead of zany. Since Dario is based on Dopey, he provides a lot of awkward yet endearing humor. Sometimes he tries too hard, but he means well. He always manages to make Star laugh though! His wish is to bring laughter to Rosas, as he's one of the few who notices not everyone is exactly happy there.
Safi: Combination of Rarity/Sneezy. Despite Safi's allergies, he loves animals and is a bit shy around Bazeema whenever he helps tend to the garden or animals around Rosas. He might have like a hundred allergies, but he's always generous when it comes to helping his kingdom. Even though the King and Queen don't appreciate it. 😅(I'm also playing with an idea of Safi x Bazeema. Not entirely sure. I just kinda....got a small vibe of that from watching the movie. Maybe it was just me.) His wish is to get rid of his allergies so he can carry on a conversation without sneezing. Yeah, that's it! 😂😂
Hal: Combination of Applejack/Happy. Bit of a rougher gal in this one. She, a hard worker, but has a great sense of humor. She even helps be a test audience for Dario when it comes to his jokes, which eventually leads them to become a duo. Hal feels pretty content, so she hasn't really thought about a wish to give.
At one point later in the story when all of them do come together, I got an idea for their battle cry or team signal being "Heigh, Ho!". I still can't believe they didn't even use that in the movie.
Oh and there is still a traitor in this story, but...its not who you think it is. That's all I can say without spoilers. So you'll have to figure it out as it goes along.
And there you go, that's gonna be it for the characters now! The only one that may get one is Flazino, but it would be later down the line if I did to avoid spoilers. So now, the first test chapter is coming next! It'll include the "Welcome to Rosas" song, but with a twist! And my bestie @signed-sapphire is gonna help me with it, so stay tuned! 😉
@wings-of-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @flicklikesstuff @annymation @tumblingdownthefoxden @emillyverse @mythartist21 @kstarsarts @kenihewa
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jessicanjpa · 6 months
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Here is your Twilight Advent Calendar for 2023!
Instead of candy, here are some bite-sized headcanon prompts for each day throughout December 1–25. Each one is simple enough to answer with a quick headcanon post, but your ficlets, fan art, and moodboards will add some extra sparkle!
You can answer each prompt on its day or schedule your posts ahead of time. The tag is #twilightadvent23.
Dec. 1 - Who is Rosalie's favorite vampire friend outside of the Cullens? What does she like to do with them?
Dec. 2 - What is Emmett's favorite board game or card game? How has he modified it to be more challenging?
Dec. 3 - Pick one deceased Twilight character to draw or tell us more about. How would the Twilight universe be different if they were still alive?
Dec. 4 - What does Sam like about being the alpha? What's difficult about it? And how does he feel post-BD1 about Jacob's new role?
Dec. 5 - What is each Cullen's favorite college major so far? What new major should they try someday?
Dec. 6 - What was it like for Eleazar to see the Volturi/his fellow guards again in Breaking Dawn?
Dec. 7 - Choose one Twilight couple (or an AU ship) and tell us about an argument they've had. How did they resolve it in the end?
Dec. 8 - What was it like for Jasper to train and fight in the Eclipse battle after so many years of peace?
Dec. 9 - What is it like for Carlisle to work as a doctor now versus back when he was alone?
Dec. 10 - Pick one of the witnesses in Breaking Dawn. What was it like for them to stay at the Cullens' home for those two weeks? Who did they spend time with?
Dec. 11 - Besides painting, what art forms does Esme enjoy? How do you imagine her art room/setup looks? (Fan artists, want to show us?)
Dec. 12 - What changes did the rest of the family see in Edward as he began to fall in love with Bella?
Dec 13 - What were Maria's thoughts when she heard about the gathering in Breaking Dawn?
Dec 14 - Tell us about an OC you like, either your own or someone else's. Include a drawing, moodboard, or playlist if you'd like to!
Dec 15 - Tell us about a point in the canon timeline where things could have easily gone in a different direction. How differently would things turn out in this AU?
Dec. 16 - How close do you think Charlie and Renée will come to knowing the whole story eventually?
Dec. 17 - What do your favorite Volturi guards do for fun/hobbies?
Dec. 18 - What are some things the Cullens do every time they move? Does anyone have any rituals re: leaving a location or starting at a new one?
Dec. 19 - Tell us some headcanons about a Twilight character you don't usually post about. Write a ficlet or include a sketch, moodboard, etc. if you like!
Dec. 20 - Headcanons for the summer between Twilight and New Moon (Bella/Edward or other characters)?
Dec. 21 - Pick any five characters. What's something they always carry with them?
Dec. 22 - What did Alice do to pass the time pre-1948?
Dec. 23 - What's one of your favorite scenes in Twilight (books or films) and why?
Dec. 24 - What Christmas/holiday gifts are your favorite characters exchanging this year?
Dec. 25 - For one of the Twilight vampires, tell us about a Christmas or winter memory from their human days.
Bonus for new year's eve - What resolutions are your favorite Twilight characters making for the new year?
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gothicbarbie · 5 months
BL's I'm Watching in December
(From favorite to least)
The Sign - God, I love this series. It has everything for me. BillyBabe have amazing chemistry and I love how their pairing is written. Hate to love is my favorite trope and they do it so well cuz it’s also laced with banter, flirtation and tension. You can see them genuinely falling for each other. And on top of that, we have a really interesting storyline with lots of questions and mystery. The production value of the series is super impressive too.
City Boy Log - Technically this isn’t a BL, but to me it counts. It’s scripted and centers around two BL pairings. I binged the whole thing in a day and loved it. The chemistry between the main duo is just so good and I love how bold the actors are. I also really like the simplicity of how it's filmed, it feels super natural. It’s a very fun watch and I would love to see them get an official series.
Playboyy the Series - Yes, this show has hot scenes (tho I find some more awkward than they are probably intended to be) but I like the series because of the overall storyline. There are a hell of a lot of characters and it can be a bit confusing but I think I am following it lol. I like quite a few of the pairings and plots that are happening and I def. want to know where the show is going to go. There are some great sex positive messages and discussion about consent that are really nice to see too.
Pit Babe - Really enjoying this series. It started very strong and while I find some storylines to be a bit draggy, it’s really fun to get an omega verse BL. I think they could do a bit more with it, but they seem to be slowly moving in that direction. Again, this series has an overall storyline arc that is mysterious and I’m curious to know where it’s headed. I also love the chemistry between Pavel and Pooh.
Last Twilight - I’m not as in love with this series as others seem to be but I still really enjoy it. It’s nice to see a series that sort of starts more with friendship that blossoms into something deeper and I find the plot of one character being the caretaker for the other to be very sweet and also unique. The scenes where JimmySea just touch hands are so powerful so I am loving their slow progression.
Breeze of Love - Binged this whole series in a night, and it was a great. Very fun watch. Weak kissing scene but sort of expected and it didn’t take away from the series much for me because I did like the chemistry of the main pair. I think some things could have been better but I liked it.
Twins the Series - This series can be dumb at times, and some storylines are a bit blasé but overall I am having a lot of fun watching it. I really like the chemistry between the main duo.
Destiny Seeker - This one ended a bit ago but I finally got a chance to watch the series and I loved it. Mostly for the main pairing who were so fun to watch. Have I mentioned I love hate to love pairings?
The Egoist (movie) - Not a series but a movie that I also finally got around to watching. I was loving it, at first. It was fantastic. The chemistry was great and the storyline hit hard. Hated the ending though, so a bit of a warning for anyone that is curious, if you don’t like unhappy endings, don’t watch lol.
My Story - Filo BL’s can be a bit cheesy at times and this one was no exception. I do think it started a bit better than it ended and I had to fastfoward quite a bit of the show, but I did like the chemistry between the pairings and enjoyed watching it.
Cooking Crush - Was unsure of this series at first, and I am not a big fan of cooking type shows, but I think this one is got a lot better starting with ep 2. I have always liked OffGun too and I am enjoying the cutesy moments and stuff at least. So we'll give it a chance to grow.
Unforgotten Night - An older series I am finally getting around to watching. Loved the first ep, then the next few were kind of bland. I didn’t hear great things about it, so we’ll see how it fits in at my end of year ranking (prob. will make the 2024 list tho since I am watching SLOW lol...) but I do really love the premise of the series. More friends with benefits type bl’s please!
The Day I Loved You - Another filo BL that I watched this month and it was quite enjoyable and cute. I liked the first half much better than the second half, it got a bit sad/depressing for me but I still think it was very well done and reminded me of a bit of heartstopper. Would def recommend people to check it out.
For Him - This one is okay, it doesn’t really have much of a point to me right now? lmao. But I think the sex scenes are well done and it’s holding my interest enough to keep watching.
Cherry Magic Thailand - I want to like this one, but something about it is just off for me. I like TayNew but am not in love with them and I think this version is a lot less cute and quirky like the original was. It just feels a bit awkward to me and I find Tay’s inner voice to be a bit silly? I wish it was more serious and sweet and less cringey lol. I also find New’s character to be a bit pathetic considering he is a 30 year old man… I understand it was following the OG SL, but again, I feel like that series just did everythin better lol…. But, I’ll give it a chance.
You Are Mine - This one was alright, I enjoyed parts of it, other parts I found kind of slow. It's def. not going to be an all-time favorite for me, but it was worth watching.
My Dear Gangster Oppa - Love Meen. Love the main duo’s chemistry, they feel natural together. Loved the first episode… but then, I just kinda stopped caring. The whole gangster/mob stuff just didn’t interest me and I found the overall plot of the main pairing to be a bit rushed. Wish they had built that up a tad more. But it was alright.
Brothers the Series - Another past BL that I’ve only seen a few eps of so far, so it’s hard to judge, but it’s okay so far. I do like the chemistry between the main pair and am curious to know where they are going to take things. But I am going very slow with this one.
Sahara Sensei to Toki-Kun - Only seen a few eps of this one and so far I’m, not really that into it. It’s okay and has some cute moments, but I don’t really like the chemistry between the main duo all that much, and I find it quite creepy he has a crush on a teacher tbh… But, we’ll see where it goes. Not one of Japan’s best imo.
VIP Only - This series is okay but I find it kind of boring. I like the main pairing okay, but I’m also not feeling the storyline that much, it’s just a bit bland to me.
7 Days Before Valentine - Sort of interesting premise and I like the chemistry between the angel dude and the main guy (if it’s even going to go there?) but there are some dumb/weird scenes and moments and the storyline is frustrating too. We’ll see what happens.
I Will Knock You - Older series I am finally attempting to skim through but it’s very meh. The chemistry is just okay. The plot is pretty boring. The main guy is a bit of an ass and hard to like right now but I also kinda like the banter? Maybe? IDK.
Middleman’s Love - Wanted to like this series because I like the characters and the chemistry but it’s just been dragging and dragging since ep 1. I didn't expect it to take this long for something to happen between the main two and the main character can be really annoying and frustrating and a bit TOO dramatic. They use him to be funny but he just comes off obnoxious? Bit of a bust for me. The series just doesn’t have a purpose...
Bake Me Please - Don’t like this series at all really. I don’t think the main couple has any chemistry. Ohm’s character is frankly annoying! And their relationship went from 0 to 60 in like 1 scene. I would just stop watching alll together, but it’s got so few episodes that I might as well just finish it.
Tie the Knot - This one is at the bottom cuz I barely remember what it was about but I just remember I skimmed the majority of it lol.
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Intouchables and Last Twilight
Part II
So, as I suspected the similarities between these two works continued with the second episode. Because of the preview I was already expecting that to be the case when Mork started to work at the house. This episode only really mirrors the film in the first scene but since I did this last week, I thought I'd just do it once more. Also because I have a feeling that this will be the episode where the similarities end. Last Twilight being a BL, and the film being very much not, I think any similarities from here on will be very mild, if at all. By this point I think everyone is familiar with the film I'm talking about, if not go check part 1 here, or even better, go see the film.
The similarities in this episode are really only present in the first scene of the episode. I almost didn't make this post, but then I thought, might as well.
So the second episode of Last Twilight begins with Mork arriving for his first day of work.
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So as soon as he enters the house, just like Driss he's given a tour and the specifics about what's expected of him.
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Again, obviously there are differences, because Philippe lives in a palatial estate and Day lives in a house.
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I also found it interesting that both Philippe and Day had a bad night just before Driss and Mork were coming in.
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Another similarity was how both Philippe and Day had really high hopes for their carers. Although their motives are very different.
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And this is basically where the parallels end.
For a couple of different reasons.
Philippe and Day's disabilities are very distinct. Which also means that Driss and Mork's jobs are very different.
Their willingness to have a caretaker at all is the complete opposite of each other. Also because of the above point.
And, of course, this is a BL.
So that's pretty much it for episode 2. If I missed anything, please let me know. Also since this is a post about parallels in Last Twilight, I just wanted to share another film that I think shares some similarities with LT.
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Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho / The Way He Looks (2014 Brazil)
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This scene completely brought me back to Hoje eu quero voltar sozinho. Of course there are a lot of similiarities between this two pieces. And both @appleswithhoneyarethebest and @grapejuicegay talk about some of them here. [Just like last week, I urge you to watch both these films.]
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waitmyturtles · 5 months
Last Twilight, episode 7: reflections
I don't have much time for real meta. Here's just a bunch of moments I loved.
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Couldn't help but think about ALL the lines that were crossed in Bad Buddy. Can't help but think that while Pat's and Pran's fate was sealed for them for the near-term future by way of not being able to be open with their relationship -- that Day and Mhok, in today's Thailand, may be at a precipice where same-sex marriage could be legalized in their near future.
This show *almost* showed a level of optimism that I haven't seen yet in Aof Noppharnach's shows, but of course, that ending. That being said:
This show gave Day some really empathic space to work out what he was dealing with re: August. We know Day had been sussing out Mhok a bit with his questions about Mhok's status to Porjai earlier in the series. But homeboy was checking out the scene -- and it was clear, at the start of this episode, that he wasn't entirely ready to jump into anything with Mhok, and he needed time, and this episode gave him that time. It was lovely. Yes, a flirty episode 7? We have seen that before, but Day also needed this time, just like Pran needed time to process shit, too. August leaving for the States (BYE BOI) is yet another HUGE THING that's happening in Day's life, and that this show gave him the time to process this, all while we enjoyed Mhok's flirting (and Day did, too, pillow over head), was lovely to see by way of the time that Day got for himself.
Great episode, especially leading into the holidays, and what timing by way of that proposal scene. Aof could not have timed this airing better.
P.S. I wasn't a fan of Namtan leading into this, but clearly I have not watched her right shows. SHE'S GREAT. Her timing is SO GOOD! Now I see why her and Film are paired -- they're clearly two of the best actresses at GMMTV.
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what are your expectations for the twilight reboot?
i don't know if i can envision a version of twilight that isn't cringe so i have zero expectations.
I have none either. I can make a few guesses but they could end up entirely wrong.
I believe the studio in charge of the reboot is Lionsgate Television, which among other things has co-produced shows like Mad Men, Dear White People, and several others. Notably, the parent company Lionsgate films produced the Hunger Games films.
What I'm getting at here is that this is a large subsidiary studio of a large well-established studio who has gotten their hands on a well-known IP that is primarily targeted to teenage/young women.
Specifically, they're not going to rock the boat. I expect the show to be marketed towards the audience of the books (young women/teenage girls) and not to a broader adult audience (see Mad Men).
More, given the books were so popular, they'll generally follow the plotline and try to tie into book moments they think audience members will like, but they will tone it down a lot. Much like the movies did.
Twilight will probably be kept entirely intact. We'll have the meadow, we'll have Bella nearly be crushed by a van, the blood testing in Biology, the Italian restaurant scene, the James subplot, etc.
However, details like Edward methodically planning the massacre of his biology classroom, will more than likely be dropped or else glossed over.
We're probably going to get an Edward who's palatable. He still has an aura of mysterious darkness, of course, but the audience can rest assured he's their sweet nerd and cinnamon roll and that the vampirism is just an unfortunate, if sexy, affliction.
We'll also likely get a Bella who's more talkative and takes more initiative. Not only does this address common complaints about the character, but it's very difficult to write a show where one of your main character rarely expresses herself out loud. (If you read the books, what Bella narrates versus what she says are two very different things.)
The movies addressed this in part by keeping the voice over narration for Bella with... uh... effect (I personally thought it was very poorly done and mostly hokey).
They might go the same route in the show, maybe Bella will intro each episode and outtro with a diary she writes in, "Dear Diary, today Edward stared at me, he was hot", or we'll get her voice over in pivotal scenes, or she's going to have to start talking to somebody about what she's feeling and thinking.
However, we'll probably get all the major plot points.
After Twilight, is where we might get changes.
It will probably take the film route and blame Edward's religious nature on his dad. They can't remove it, as Edward needs some reason to deny Bella becoming a vampire even when he and his family eat animals, and it can't be the spicy 'you'll probably eat humans anyway'. In the books what he said was Bella would lose her soul, Carlisle disagreed with this in a conversation with Bella. In the movies, they had Carlisle go all in as it ah--makes Edward look like the misguided product of his parents than it being him being religious himself.
Even though New Moon is hilarious in that the romantic lead disappears for an entire novel and Bella spends that novel hallucinating Edward, they're not going to drop it because of the importance of the Quileute characters as well as Jacob being the secondary love interest.
What they might try to do is spice it up and tone it down at the same time. Rather than be a complete depressed blob the entire novel, we might see Bella make significant recoveries to feed the Jacob/Bella side of the love triangle. We'll also probably spend a lot more time on the tribe both to flesh out the characters and to distract from the giant amount of nothing that happens in New Moon.
Bella may or may not hallucinate Edward. It was a large part of the novel, but it was weird, and never to be mentioned again when Eclipse happened. It's also not too fondly remembered by fans, even fans of the Edward/Bella ship. People remember the meadow and the wedding, not the time Bella rode a motorcycle with Edward saying "Don't dooooo iiiiiiiiit". It's entirely possible the producers would find it too spicy.
On the other hand, it's all we see of Edward of what could be half if not an entire season. Given he's the romantic lead that Bella ultimately ends up with, you can't have him on vacation for a fourth of the show.
So, 50/50 on Hallucination Edward.
Eclipse will probably remain mostly intact as well, as we get an exciting love triangle there, but they'll probably tone down Edward again. No longer will Edward kidnap Bella to his house, too spicy, instead he'll look sad and cuckolded as his girlfriend flirts with Jacob. The tent scene will probably be toned down quite a bit as well to remove some of Edward's more alarming statements.
I expect all of Edward to always be toned down in every moment. I'm not sure what the hell they'll have him say, but it won't typically be what he says in the books in his more "WHOA" moments.
Now, Breaking Dawn is... interesting. On the one hand, they can squeeze a season out of it and if they're three seasons in and haven't been canceled yet then why not? On the other hand, it doesn't fit in with a typical teenage story that they want to draw people in for.
Bella's suddenly married??? And pregnant??? With a demon??? Their protagonists are out of high school, Bella's pregnant with a demon and dying, there's a war on and all these weird non-teenage people are showing up.
They could choose to end the show with the wedding. Bella and Edward get married, he promises to turn her, they ride off into the sunset.
On the other hand, there are fans who would murder them and cry tears of blood if they don't get the honeymoon/the rest of breaking dawn (even though fans simultaneously hate breaking dawn).
We could get a Breaking Dawn sans Renesmee. The Volturi instead accuse the Cullens of some crime they very clearly have not committed. Irina narks on them for a crime they didn't commit because she was secretly in love with Edward (her character having been merged with Tanya's) or else becuase she seeks revenge for Laurent and didn't act until now. Bella gets her wedding and honeymoon but has to be summoned back because shenanigans are happening again!
However, in that case, they have to figure out how to turn Bella since one of Edward's primary character traits (and one they can't really change as it would alter the entire plot) is that Edward doesn't want to turn her.) And they're going to want Edward to have to do it versus any other character, as it validates that Edward truly does wish to be with Bella forever.
There could be a subplot where Edward tries to hide Bella in the mountains when the Volturi are coming but Bella tells him, "No, Edward, this time we cannot run" despite, you know, the tent debacle weeks earlier where she said "Edward, we absolutely can run"
But again, I really don't know. I'm in the same boat as the rest of you.
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leo-fie · 2 months
News from the Twilight Zone, Berlinale Edition
After a forced break from Mastodon, I'm back on there and back in German language social media. And it seems like nothing has changed, the levels of zionism are still absurdly high.
I'll explain it with an example, this article by publicly funded news show Tagesschau from today (26th February 2024):
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The headline reads: Allegations after Berlinale gala - "Antisemitic and anti-israeli rhetorik"
What happened? I asked myself the same thing this morning (read: noon) after falling out of bed. Berlinale is a film festival in Berlin, and a sad attempt at a pun. It's a big deal for the Feuilleton and not much else. But apparently someone said something antisemitic. Who? What? In what context?
Nah, the subheader is not helpful and the first two paragraphs are about how the israeli ambassador is mad, saying the german art scene only rolls out the red carpet for israel's deligitimization. Apparently there was applause for the antisemitic remarks.
The Berlinale was very political this year (just like the last, and the one before that, and the one before that, imagine that!), and a lot of the artists had called for a ceasefire. Very reasonable, one would assume.
Then the article literally does the "do you condemn hamas?" meme. Can't make this shit up:
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It goes on how our chancellor Olaf Scholz (soc-dems) critiqued the "one-sidedness" and how federal minister of culture Claudia Roth (greens) wants to do an investigation together with Berlin's mayor and senate. All are very shocked! Berlinale is a place for variety, different perspectives and dialogue, not for hate, agitation, antisemitism, racism, islamophobia, and all kinds of misanthrophy.
The satements of, according to the article, "ceasefire now" is deeply one-sided and israel-hating.
Berlin's mayor Wegner then says that it's all in Hamas' hands, they just have to let the hostages go.
Then finally, we get something concrete. Apparently a filmmaker named Ben Russel has spoken of the gaza war as a genocide, which prompted some green MP to accuse him of victim-blaming on Twitter. Two other politicians say similar things, again stating that art is for a variety of poltiical opinions, just not that one.
The organizers of the Berlinale say some nothing, then the last two paragraphs are where it gets interesting. Because some hero posted this on the Berlinale Instagram:
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The post has since been deleted, the Berlinale team distanced themselves from it, say they were hacked and filed a police report for "antisemitic agitation". Calling for a ceasefire and naming the genocide in Gaza and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by name is a criminal offence in Germany now.
I personally think that Germany is one of the most zionist places right now, because here exists no distinction between Judaism and Israel. Whereas other western countries have protest movement in solidarity with the palestinians, and the media machinery has to work hard to manufacture consent for the ongoing genocide, where being an antizionist is normal for a leftist, we here in the country of "never again" don't even have the idea of critiquing Israel. We, in a very Orwellian sense, cannot think it, because we don't have the words for it.
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girl4music · 2 days
Never really done any meta writing on Aphrodite before or posted anything on here with Alexandra’s commentary in it but just so you guys know,… she’s also one of my favourite characters in Xena too. Some standout statements from Alexandra about Aphrodite and her relationships with Xena, Gabrielle and Ares come from the Mythology vs Xena featurette that was on the 10th Anniversary Anchor Bay released DVD set. I think you guys will enjoy learning all about the great significance of Aphrodite’s character in the show directly expressed by the actress that portrays her.
“I think people will be watching this TV show for a long time. I think it’s one of those moments in television history that’s really important because of what I said earlier about it’s really the first time that I can think of where you have two women who are really strong women action heroes who aren’t answering to men in some way or other or being dictated to.”
“I don’t think Aphrodite is homophobic. If you want to interpret the show that Xena and Gabrielle were lovers, Aphrodite was a complete cheerleader of their relationship, I think. It’s a big deal. It’s the first time that I can remember that a television show has had such a place for the lesbian community. I think that’s a really big deal too. And so to have this pink fluffy blonde bimbo-y girl is a little bit incongruous but I think there’s a little bit of genius in that because what you don’t expect in a show that’s kind of becoming a feminist icon is sex and humour and that’s what Aphrodite was and everybody likes sex and humour. Including feminists and lesbians. It’s kind of an overlooked part of life sometimes when people get very serious. So I think that maybe that’s one of the reasons she worked so well on the show and people loved her so much.”
“Surprisingly in some ways, the most pivotal episode for Aphrodite’s evolution in the show was ‘Punch Lines’ - which was almost an afterthought. They had already shot the show. I was done filming another episode and they asked me at the last minute ‘can you stay for a few more days and shoot a few more scenes we’re gonna put into ‘Punch Lines’’? ‘Punch Lines’ was a bottle show. It was really about Gabrielle. A story about Gabrielle and Lachrymose. And then they decided they needed a little bit of funny in there so they put in Aphrodite. But, again, here’s an episode basically with me and Renee. And that’s when Aphrodite gets into the hot tub. That’s when Aphrodite psychoanalyzes Gabrielle and there’s that slightly famous line about… what was it? Some possible repressed impulses - or something like that that became such a famous sort of fun fan line. Again, you’re gonna have to ask the fans what my line was. But I think that’s sort of the moment when Aphrodite got in there with Gabrielle and they created their own connection and their own friendship and relationship and Aphrodite started to take a personal interest in Gabrielle specifically and the love between Gabrielle and Xena.”
“We talk about Aphrodite and Ares and the Gods as if they’re human beings but they’re not, actually. They’re Gods. I think of them as archetypal human impulses. So in some ways you can look at the episode ‘Motherhood’ - the Twilight of the Gods - as this family crisis were Aphrodite is going against her family. Making a choice to betray her family in order to stand up for her friend - who she thinks is innocent, who pretty much is - Gabrielle. In another way you can look at it as all these different forces playing against each other and - of course Aphrodite, she is love, she is the embodiment of love, all kinds of love but certainly also magnanimous love, generous love, redemptive love. So she kind of has no choice but to stick up for Gabrielle. She can’t really… Ares would of course go try to kill her because he’s the God of War, but Aphrodite is the God of Love. She can’t. I think even if she didn’t already have this relationship she would have stuck up for her … nnngh might not be right about that, but certainly since she already had this connection, she had no choice. She had to fight for her, I think.”
I will leave you guys with this Xena confessions that perfectly describes the way I personally interpret both Aphrodite and Ares and the profound influence they have on our beloved WLW ship in Xena and Gabrielle.
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Written for @remadoramicrofics day 26: twilight. G, 720 words. Read below or on Ao3.
The Lupins arrived at the cinema with plenty of time to spare. Dora wandered to the posters to show Remus which one she’d selected.
“This is it,” she said, pointing up at a dark film poster, where two pale figures were in a sort of embrace. “The bloke looks constipated. It should be good.”
“Are you sure this is the one you want to see?” Remus stared apprehensively at the poster, whose tagline read “When you can live forever, what do you live for?”
“It’s all over the Muggle news. Besides, it’s either this or the talking animal one, and I told Teddy we’d see it together.”
Remus sighed and followed her into the cinema to purchase their tickets. It was his wife’s turn to choose their date night activity, and while he didn’t usually mind Muggle films, she had described this one as ‘a girl stuck in the middle of a vampire and werewolf war.’ After eleven years of marriage, he’d learned to take her summaries with a grain of salt. 
They indulged in fresh popcorn and Muggle sweets for their date. As they sat down to see the opening scenes of a deer hopping through the forest, Remus prepared himself for Twilight.
Two Weeks Later
“Vampire, Dora,” Remus insisted. “A vampire who shares our son’s name. Edward’s the right one for Bella.”
“Edward ran off and left her alone for a year!”
Remus half-closed his eyes and blinked tiredly at his wife. 
“Oh, right,” said Tonks. “But you and I were different. Jacob’s furry and cute. Edward’s just a shiny rock!”
“According to the books—” Remus lifted a newly purchased and fully read copy of Breaking Dawn. “Edward is who she belongs with. If you don’t like that ending, imagine your own!”
“Well, maybe I will!” Tonks scrunched her face up, her hair turning flaming red, and stomped out of the kitchen, her hips swaying attractively with her rage. 
Remus covered his mouth with his hand and hid his laugh. It never failed to make him smile, seeing Tonks riled up over anything lycanthropic. He too preferred the film werewolf to his vampire counterpart, but witnessing Dora work herself up over the issue was entertaining.
Teddy poked his turquoise head into the kitchen. “Dad, why does mum have her wand in a knot? Did someone write something bad about werewolves again?” 
Remus chuckled at him. “Your mother didn’t like the ending of a book we read.”
“Did you do that thing where you change the ending on purpose?” 
“No, actually, I . . . pretended to disagree with her.”
Teddy smirked knowingly. “Can I play?”
Remus knew he oughtn’t encourage his ten year old son in deceit, but it would be funny to see Nymphadora try to argue with him.
“Tell her you think vampires are better than werewolves,” Remus whispered. 
Teddy grinned and dashed off, knocking over a pile of parchment in his hurry, and tapped his mother on the shoulder. Remus stood in the back, waiting.
“Mum, mum, mum—”
“Teddy, what?”
“Do you think dad would be cooler if he was a vampire instead of a werewolf?” 
Tonks shook her head slightly in disbelief. 
“Blood would be so easy to get. Muggle hospitals have loads of it! We’d just have to get in and take some—”
Dora got out of her chair and marched up to him, her nose adorably scrunching up in righteous anger. Teddy picked up the parchment she was working on and began to read aloud.
“And after the Volturi were defeated,” he read, “Bella dropped Nessie off with her mother and ran off with Jacob, the real hero.” 
Remus brought his fist to his mouth and tried not to laugh at Dora’s attempt to rewrite the story.
“Is this a joke to—” Her face scrunched up again. She put her hands on her hips and huffed angrily. “This is a joke! You—you—”
“I love you,” said Remus, bending down to kiss her cheek, “and I couldn’t help myself.” He continued pressing kisses to her face until Dora’s hands fell from her hips and her hair softened from its fiery red to a pastel pink. 
Teddy stuck his tongue out at them and stormed upstairs. Chuckling to himself, Remus returned his full attention to his wife’s lips with a satisfied grin. 
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sleepychailatte-blog · 3 months
When I was in school, there seem to be a camp of two types of girls when it came to literary choices. You had the Twilight/vampire romance girlies and the Hunger Games/dystopian gals, and you would have thought these two groups were the two families from Romeo and Juliet. Yours truly was part of the Hunger Games camp, and middle-school me was obsessed. I’m talking book and movie premieres, Team Peeta shirts from Hot Topic, wearing a mocking jay pin publicly, the whole gambit. God forbid if you read Twilight, that poorly written, low-brow, dumb, vampire romance. We were the readers of dystopian fiction, which was superior because it made you FEEL things about capitalism, broken societies, being true to yourself, etc. etc. etc.
It’s been over a decade since 2008. To all my Twilight girlies, I would like to offer you my most sincere apologies. I should not have judged you so harshly.
Recently I watched Twilight for the very first time as an adult. A friend of mine came over for a painting/movie night, and Twilight was our featured film. I knew the memes, I knew roughly what the plot was, but I wasn’t ready for the experience that was to come.
So without further ado, I’d like to offer my thoughts and review on the 2008 masterpiece, Twilight. If you aren’t familiar with the Twilight story, go read a quick synopsis and then come back.
🌘So, did you like it?
I had an absolute blast watching this movie. Would I say it’s a good movie? Probably not. Did it age well? Nope. But it was delightfully cringey, as you had to suspend all believe of realism. You couldn’t take this movie too seriously, because this movie took ITSELF way too seriously. It’s like they cranked the drama/teen angst meter up to 100 and everything seems so life-or-death…even though the main characters, Bella and Edward, are 17 year old juniors (ok so Edward actually isn’t 17 because he’s an old vampire but you get what I’m saying). It was very much that kind of relationship where “they can’t even bear to be apart or they will DIE” oh no how tragic (I think we now call that co-dependency).
When I was 17, I sure as heck didn’t know what love was. But again, this story is based in absolute fantasy, not realism, and that’s the fun part. Oh to be swept off your feet by a mysterious, handsome, brooding vampire that you met in your biology class!
🌓Favorite part of the film?
The script for this movie is pretty bad, I’m not gonna lie, and that’s part of the charm. It’s so bad, that it’s kinda good. Here’s some of my favorite quotes:
“You better hold on tight, spider monkey." -Edward to Bella because he can jump really high and run really fast. I about peed my pants from laughing when Edward said this.
“This is the skin of a killer, Bella." -Edward to Bella because vampire skin *literally sparkles* in direct sunlight. Again, almost peed my pants.
I will say that I love Edward’s family, the Cullens, as a whole. This vampire family tries to cook a regular meal for Bella, Edward’s human girlfriend, and oh my heart. Vampires don’t cook because they don’t eat normal food; the Cullen family had never used the kitchen in their house. The fact that they would go out of their way and attempt to do something so foreign to them in order to make the human girlfriend feel comfortable? Um, wow that’s actually really sweet.
Also, shout out to Bella‘s dad, Charlie for actually trying to connect with his daughter. Bella and Charlie have a bit of an awkward and tense relationship but this doesn’t stop Charlie from trying to be a good dad. I will say that one of my other favorite scenes was when Bella asked her dad if he wanted to meet her boyfriend Edward… while he was cleaning his shotgun. When he said, “sure, send (your boyfriend) in” and loudly snapped his shotgun shut, I about lost it. What a dad move! A national treasure.
🌒Would you watch it again?
Under the right circumstances. I would need either anesthesia or a large sangria. If I ever showed this film to my children, it would be for a study of what not to do in a relationship. If your significant other says “I can’t live without you” when you’re 17…that’s some big creepy co-decency energy.
🌑Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Um Team Charlie all the way. Hands down the best and most sane character in this whole film. We love to see a dad do his best and love his daughter…even when she starts dating a super weird pale dude.
Watching this film made me think about guilty pleasures. We all have them, and they all look different at unique stages of our life. One of my favorite guilty pleasures is watching Judge Judy. My 70 year-old grandmother used to watch the Bachelor. For a friend of mine, it’s those cheesy Hallmark Channel movies. Others enjoy vampire romance novels. Are these things high-quality and sophisticated? No. Are they of good taste? Meh. But they are meant to be enjoyed, and that’s the whole point.
Twilight is the same way. Is it good? Not really. But that doesn’t matter, because it’s a cringey/angsty teen fantasy that’s meant to be enjoyed.
You can be both a Twilight girlie and a Hunger Games gal, and still have a pretty darn good time 🖤
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livelaughlapush · 2 years
There Are A lot Of People Who Say That Twilight is Bad, Horrible, Or Trash Cinema
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And as a Cinema Student I want to agree with them, just cause I want to see what the others see but…. I JUST CAN’T!!!
Now is Twilight perfect? No, far from it. But they are not horrible, problematic? Yes, I think they are misunderstood. Twilight is one of those things I felt was made for me. I think it’s safe to say everyone has an opinion, and filmmaking is subjective. I loved the color palettes of the films, and the music was perfect for the vibe, the styles of the movie, the cinematography, the set designs, and the locations, and I am always a sucker for two emo kids falling in love. Many people say it's cringe; there has never been a scene where I have outright cringed, outright laughed? Yes, even when it wasn't the intention. Are there some cheesy moments? Absolutely, but I felt the movies did the best with what they were given. I guess I'm saying that I love twilight, and that will never change.
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🔥 for each Star Wars trilogy
-Fantastic aesthetic
-Really well paced
-A majority of the characters are fantastic
-Han being gay
-Fun story
-Decently Funny
-The second movie drags in too many places
-Han and Leia are the worlds most annoying couple and they kill the fun whenever they stop the film to bicker for 15 minutes straight
-Han isn’t gayer
-Yoda doesn’t get to do much cool stuff
-Catholic rage
Overall: 7/10 Good watch would watch Bi-Yearly like I do with Twilight
-Some of the best chemistry the franchise ever writes is between Obi-Wan and Anakin
-They really make you feel compelled despite knowing the ending
-Mace Windu
-Yoda gets to do cool shit
-I was very rarely bored
-Funny as shit
-Great marketing
-Genuinely moved me to tears
-Padme kicking ass in the second movie is baller as hell and beats anything Leia got to do because Han wasn’t there so there was no boomer sqwuaking.
-Fantastic fight scenes
-Great locations
-Jar Jar doesn’t do much love or hate him he feels unobtrusive in a way that says “we had more for him but y’all were mad”
-Padme and Anakin is bland. Not unbearable, but not as much chemistry as I would’ve liked from the people writing Ani and Obi.
-Decent amount of “no one can communicate for shit” fuckery to force the plot along
-The scenes at the garden planet where Ani and Padme get married go on too long
-I don’t care that much about the Fetts
-Catholic rage
Overall: 9/10 I love them so fucking much holy shit oh my god why the fuck is everyone stupid these are clearly the best ones
-Haven’t seen them all. Was not impressed by what I heard.
Overall: Don’t Care/10
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