#this is why i didn’t want to come to the eye doctor but noooo i had to come
shatteredsnail · 2 years
if i get questioned about head injuries one more time i’ll scream
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anonymouspumpking · 9 months
Completing your dream
¡Long Trafalgar Law fic!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary: You are a girl looking to fulfill her dream, which is to become the best doctor the world has ever seen, but to achieve this she has become an apprentice to one of the most renowned pirates of the worst generation.
Chapter 4
“Umm, y/n?”
I woke up due a voice calling my name. When I raised my head, the first thing I notice was that I was not in my room, and then, it all came to my head. I slept in Laws chest by accident trying to stay awake to have an eye on him. I jumped scared from his side and turned to see what I thought, was going to be a scary and angry face.
“Good morning y/n, did you sleep well”, Law said having a mocking smile on his face.
“I’m sooo sorry capitan, I was trying to keep an eye on you all night, it wasn’t my intention to fall asleep, please forgime me”
Law laughed. “Don’t worry y/n, on the contrary, thanks for keeping an eye on me. Now, if you excuse me, I want to take a bath and get ready for the day”, the captain said with a sincere smile.
“¡YES! Sorry again, I’m leaving, have a great bath”, I said nervously running towards the door. My face turned bright red and when I though I was safe, I turned just to realize that behind the door, Shachi, Penguin and Bepo where standing.
“Did y/n just come out from the captain room?” Penguin asked in disbelief.
 “I’m sure she just did, and that’s not all, she is bright red”, said Shachi mocking me in the way.         
“I don’t understand, what is going on?”, “Why are you mocking y/n?”, Bepo asked confused.
“Ughhh… Hello guys, how are you?”, I tried to hide my nervousness and shame.
“You are not fooling anyone y/n, what happened in there?”, asked Penguin. “So, you and the captain?”, Shachi added.
“Noooo, no, the thing is that I keep an eye on his health all night, I swear nothing happened. I was just worried about the stitches, and I wanted to make sure they didn’t open.”, I said smiling.
When I saw the opportunity, I run towards my room. “I need to get ready for the day, see you guys later”, I said in the rush. Once in my room, I took a seat to analyse all the things that had happened since yesterday. First, Law got hurt, I took care of his stiches along with Bepo, then I keep and eye on him at night and we talked for a while, I feel asleep on him, and I was woken up by him, not yelling at me, that is the scariest part.
As soon as I felt more relaxed, I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. An hour later I got united with the crew at the dining room for having some breakfast. Just when I was taking a sit next to Ikkaku, I saw the dynamic duo approaching me.
“How was your night with the captain y/n”, asked penguin. “Did you sleep at all”, said Shahci.
“DID YOU SLEEPT WITH THE CAPTIAN?”, Ikkaku yelled confused and excited.
“I did not do such a thing, I just week an eye on him just to make sure his that his stitches would not open during the night”, I clarified trying to safe the situation.
“Tell us y/n, is the captain sword as big as his ego”, Shachi said dying of laughter.
“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?”. The captain appeared behind Shachi looking as scary as he could.
Sachi turned his face at the captain somehow relaxed, and then added: ¿Hello captain, are you feeling more… refreshed?”, obviously insinuating something happened between us.
Ikkaku, Penguin and I turned as white as a ghost, looking at Law and Shachi with stunned and without a word to add.
Law smiled in a very scary way; at the same time, he raised his eyebrow. “Yes Shachi, I’m very refreshed, thanks. Its more, I’m feeling so happy today that I’m going to give you a present, how about bathroom duties for a month? Is that enough, or am I looking very cheap?
Shachi had a dead expression on his face.
“Well then, see you later” Law said. Then we heard him saying his usual “Room”, and then “Shambles”, followed by a splash on the water outside the boat and Shachi disappearing from our sight.
“Any more comments?”, the captain added. ¿Penguin?
Penguin refused with his face and then runed outside to rescue his best friend.
“Btw Y/n, I need you at my study at 12 in order to keep on with your lessons, I want to make sure you studied everything I asked you from before I was gone”.
I nodded and then turned to my plate; I couldn’t see him in the eyes.
Sometime later, I knocked on Laws study door waiting for his response. Once he did, I entered the room and took a sit on the couch that was there.
“What was all that?” Law asked.
“It is just, they saw me coming out of your room earlier in the morning and they had been bothering me ever since. I tried to explain them that I was just keeping an eye on your stitches, but they didn’t believe me”.
“I see”, Law said worried. He had an expression of seriousness, worriedness, and stress at the same time.
I didn’t know they were making a big fuzz with the situation. I also didn't know why Law seemed so angry and worried with the situation.
“Is that so bad?”
“What?”, Law asked me.
“Is that so bad for you to people think we slept together? Am I that far of your league?” I asked with a serious expression.
He then changed his expression into something more relaxed.
“No y/n is not that, I just don’t want people to think I took advantage of you, or that I am just using you just for you to stay on the crew. I’m worried about your reputation too”, he explained to me in the clearest way as possible.
“So, you do find me attractive?”.  SHIT, I didn’t know why I said that, mostly in a time like this. I turned then to see the captain’s expression, wondering If I was going to be yelled at.
The captain hided his face behind his hat, so that I couldn’t see his expression. “I do find you attractive y/n”.
I minute of silence was made and then Law interrupted it.
“Well then Y/n, now it is time to make sure you studied the subjects I askes for”.
We spent all the evening reviewing the subjects and joking around. I could finally say that I was completely enjoying myself being part of the heart pirates. Law was finally being nice and patient with me, and I was having a blast with the crew.
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latteconvos · 2 years
Note: I made a bonus letter, because I felt that letter A wasn’t enough, so I decided to complete (or at least try), enjoy!
A: Alternative ending to my Frost Queen cookie angst fic. It’s rushed
Let’s say that, you already said to her about your illness before the incident, with that in mind, she didn’t brought you to the village to see a doctor, because she already had all of your medications, to estabilize your body. 
You would stop visiting the village, and would start to live in Frost Queen cookie’s castle, everyone would start to suspect your sudden disappearance. “What should we do? It has been a week since their disappearance”, said one of the cookie’s from the village, “I don’t know”, replied the other cookie, “ok everyone silence please”, said the chief from the village, “3 brave cookies decided to volunteer their selfs to go to y/n cookie’s house, to see if they are there.”
With that the 3 cookie’s went to your now abandoned house. “There’s no one in here”, said 1# cookie, the 3 cookies decided to go deeper in to the forest, not long after they found the path that lead to Frost Queen cookie’s castle.
“Are they in there?”, said 3# cookie, “maybe”, said 2# cookie, “ok, let’s go inside”, said 1# cookie. They went inside the castle of ice, they searched the many rooms of the castle, until they found you inside a block of ice shaped like a crystal, with a cookie in front of your now frozen body. “(Gasp) y/n cookie!”, screamed 3# cookie, “who dares to enter our castle”, said Frost Queen cookie, “oh no it’s the Frost witch!”, said 1# cookie, “you monster I will kill you, you killed y/n cookie!”, shouted 2# cookie.
 The 2# cookie ran towards Frost Queen cookie, to push her to the ground, she managed to dodge the attack, making the cookie bash their head in to your frozen body. When Frost Queen cookie saw her mistake, it was too late, the force of impact, made your frozen body, fall to the ground, shattering in a thousand pieces. Killing you.
 “Y/n cookie! Noooo!”, Frost Queen cookie, ran towards your shattered body, in a desperate attempt, she tried to squeeze the pieces back together, “no, it can’t be, it CAN’T BE! You MURDERERS”. Fueled with rage, she used her staff, and blast the 3 cookies, freezing them in place, “no wait plea- aaarrrghh”, begged 1# cookie, to no avail. “Who send you!?”, Frost Queen cookie said to 3# cookie, “t-the chief, from the village! No wait please don’t!”, Frost Queen cookie with the new information, froze the rest of 3# cookie’s body
 After what happened, she turned to face, your now dead body, tears coming from her eyes.
 “I failed you y/n cookie, my snowflake. I wished there were another way for me to say it. I cannot. I can only beg your forgiveness… and pray you hear me, somehow, someplace. Someplace where a warm hand waits for mine… i will miss you y/n cookie. But, your death won’t be in vain, soon that village will fell the ice touch of death. They will see that, vengeance is a dish best served cold”. That day, the cookies of the village suffered from a very long and cold night, so cold that, tears could turn in to snowflakes.
Bonus Letter: V- vengeance 
 Frost Queen cookie devoted her time, to take revenge from the cookies that took you, away from her.
 One day the village was attacked by Frost Queen cookie, freezing every house, every cookie, it doesn’t matter the casualties, she was only after her revenge. Soon she found the village chief’s house, Frost Queen cookie, barged through the front door, she saw the village chief, cowering in a corner.
 “Please, d-don’t kill me, I beg you.”, said the village chief, “you beg?”, said Frost Queen cookie, “in my nightmares, i can see my y/n cookie, begging with frozen eyes, to save them”, she completed.
 “You love y/n cookie? If you love them, why are you attacking this peaceful village, they would never wanted this”, said the village chief, “no, they wanted to live a long life, in the warmth of the sun, their hand in mine… But because of you, they will only remember the icy touch of a woman, whose emotions run as cold as the blood in their veins!”, said Frost Queen cookie, “no wait- ahhhhhhh!”, she froze the chief, turning him into nothing more than ice.
 Frost Queen cookie, went outside to see the entire village, frozen. “Finally, I took my revenge over those cookies.”, it started to snow, snowflakes falling from the sky, “but for what cause, I will never fell your warmth ever again… You are just like a snowflake, my love, you are unique to me.”
Now you can sleep
Oh that got dark fast
Frost violence
Frost Queen's little soliloquys are so pretty iwbdiebf awesome job
And now I sleep
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 150
Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magic Menagerie/A Christmas Carol
“Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magic Menagerie”
Plot Description: Sam confronts his fear of clowns when he and Dean investigate a children’s pizza chain that’s manifesting children’s worst (and deadliest) fears
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I don’t know what my worst and deadliest fear is, so it’s up in the air
Working with Frank seems to be a real pain
Yeah I’d say octopuses are rare in….Kansas
…who’s afraid of unicorns??? Horses, sure. But UNICORNS??
Sam’s really fighting his demons…or…clowns. Kinda same difference.
Oh this place is a sensory nightmare
Man, that maintenance worker just told Sam to do the worst thing he could probably imagine: come back after close
Obviously?? Obviously unicorns are evil, Dean??
Nooooo, not the maintenance guyyyyyyy. K but what HAPPENED to him? Shark in the ball pit? He already had to clean up puke in there, whyyyyy
K yeah. Shark. Dean exasperated that Sam does not celebrate Shark Week
Hope that kid’s drawings don’t come to life. Giant robot with laser eyes?? Nope
Oh damn, Sammy’s not playing around any more
Is it the too eager ticket taker?? Is he partly the problem? It’s him or the other worker’s kid
Dean’s always so good with kids. Warms my heart
Omg Sam. Playing extremely bad cop here?
The guy in the lion costuuuuuuume 💀 asking a guy he thinks is a federal agent if he’s ever done shrooms in a ball pit. I’ll admit, doesn’t sound like a bad time
Yeah. The overeager overachieving prize counter worker. Of course it’s him. Oh. He got passed over for promotion…
Dean…I know this guy sucks but…you’re not gonna let him just drown on dry land, are you??
Awwwwwww, Sam got Dean that giant slinkyyyyyy, and in return, Dean got him a Plucky doll. Great job.
“A Christmas Carol”
Plot Description: Amy & Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way the Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser. But is Kazran Sardick beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?
From a…purely…artistic standpoint, I am curious what the scenario Amy and Rory were, um, playing out in her cop kiss-o-gram uniform and his centurion uniform.
The chaos of Matt Smith’s Doctor is pretty unparalleled
In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important before ❤️❤️
Watching the Doctor deduce what’s going on with Kazran and why he didn’t hit the young boy this soon after watching an episode of Sherlock reeeeeeeeeeeally is something. Steven Moffat did in fact write this one. It’s almost embarrassing how he has his two leads be this similar. Benedict would have delivered this in the EXACT SAME CADENCE
Omgggg I forgot he didn’t just bop around this guy’s timeline for funsies or to solves mystery. He DELIBERATELY DECIDED to A Christmas Carol him. Amazing
The Doctor? Universally? Recognized as a mature and responsible adult??
He just wanted to see the fishhhhhhhh. He was such a kind boy
(You ever regret a decision so badly?? That’s how I’m feeling RIGHT NOW about this whole rewatch, but I know it’s just because I’m exhausted and work was terrible this week)
The tragedy of how much fun they’re having vs how much time Abigail has left vs the fact that they don’t really know….
How do they not notice?? The Doctor noticed before. He saw the number, and he’s just living each Christmas Eve. How does he not see it now?
Oh…the change after he finds out how much time she has left. No no noooo
I can’t imagine WATCHING so much of my life be rewritten
It’s a good little twist that he brings little Kazran to see how he grows up as the ghost of Christmas future
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
A: Alternative ending to my Frost Queen cookie angst fic. It’s rushed
Let’s say that, you already said to her about your illness before the incident, with that in mind, she didn’t brought you to the village to see a doctor, because she already had all of your medications, to estabilize your body. 
You would stop visiting the village, and would start to live in Frost Queen cookie’s castle, everyone would start to suspect your sudden disappearance. “What should we do? It has been a week since their disappearance”, said one of the cookie’s from the village, “I don’t know”, replied the other cookie, “ok everyone silence please”, said the chief from the village, “3 brave cookies decided to volunteer their selfs to go to y/n cookie’s house, to see if they are there.”
With that the 3 cookie’s went to your now abandoned house. “There’s no one in here”, said 1# cookie, the 3 cookies decided to go deeper in to the forest, not long after they found the path that lead to Frost Queen cookie’s castle.
“Are they in there?”, said 3# cookie, “maybe”, said 2# cookie, “ok, let’s go inside”, said 1# cookie. They went inside the castle of ice, they searched the many rooms of the castle, until they found you inside a block of ice shaped like a crystal, with a cookie in front of your now frozen body. “(Gasp) y/n cookie!”, screamed 3# cookie, “who dares to enter our castle”, said Frost Queen cookie, “oh no it’s the Frost witch!”, said 1# cookie, “you monster I will kill you, you killed y/n cookie!”, shouted 2# cookie.
 The 2# cookie ran towards Frost Queen cookie, to push her to the ground, she managed to dodge the attack, making the cookie bash their head in to your frozen body. When Frost Queen cookie saw her mistake, it was too late, the force of impact, made your frozen body, fall to the ground, shattering in a thousand pieces. Killing you.
 “Y/n cookie! Noooo!”, Frost Queen cookie, ran towards your shattered body, in a desperate attempt, she tried to squeeze the pieces back together, “no, it can’t be, it CAN’T BE! You MURDERERS”. Fueled with rage, she used her staff, and blast the 3 cookies, freezing them in place, “no wait plea- aaarrrghh”, begged 1# cookie, to no avail. “Who send you!?”, Frost Queen cookie said to 3# cookie, “t-the chief, from the village! No wait please don’t!”, Frost Queen cookie with the new information, froze the rest of 3# cookie’s body
 After what happened, she turned to face, your now dead body, tears coming from her eyes.
 “I failed you y/n cookie, my snowflake. I wished there were another way for me to say it. I cannot. I can only beg your forgiveness… and pray you hear me, somehow, someplace. Someplace where a warm hand waits for mine… i will miss you y/n cookie. But, your death won’t be in vain, soon that village will fell the ice touch of death. They will see that, vengeance is a dish best served cold”. That day, the cookies of the village suffered from a very long and cold night, so cold that, tears could turn in to snowflakes.
Bonus Letter: V- vengeance 
 Frost Queen cookie devoted her time, to take revenge from the cookies that took you, away from her.
 One day the village was attacked by Frost Queen cookie, freezing every house, every cookie, it doesn’t matter the casualties, she was only after her revenge. Soon she found the village chief’s house, Frost Queen cookie, barged through the front door, she saw the village chief, cowering in a corner.
 “Please, d-don’t kill me, I beg you.”, said the village chief, “you beg?”, said Frost Queen cookie, “in my nightmares, i can see my y/n cookie, begging with frozen eyes, to save them”, she completed.
 “You love y/n cookie? If you love them, why are you attacking this peaceful village, they would never wanted this”, said the village chief, “no, they wanted to live a long life, in the warmth of the sun, their hand in mine… But because of you, they will only remember the icy touch of a woman, whose emotions run as cold as the blood in their veins!”, said Frost Queen cookie, “no wait- ahhhhhhh!”, she froze the chief, turning him into nothing more than ice.
 Frost Queen cookie, went outside to see the entire village, frozen. “Finally, I took my revenge over those cookies.”, it started to snow, snowflakes falling from the sky, “but for what cause, I will never fell your warmth ever again… You are just like a snowflake, my love, you are unique to me.”
Im bout to link this in my notes so i never forget it
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yunoysl · 3 years
Wanna be yours | jjh
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Summary: having an attractive roommate is one thing, but being friends with benefits with them is something that is bound to go wrong.
Pairing: roommate!jaehyun x fem!reader
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: masterbation, sexual tension, voyeurism?, unprotected sex, bulge kink, creampie, not completely proofread!
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When you first asked your friend group if there was anyone they knew that needed a place to stay, you didn’t expect for him to be insanely attractive, and you also didn’t expect to become friends with benefits with him. You’re not complaining—he’s AMAZING in bed. Not just is the foreplay good and have you riled up and wet within a few minutes, but the degrading and aftercare have you wanting more.
“Y/N, are you going to workout with me today?”
“No, I’m too tired today” you tell him as you pick up a popsicle from the freezer. “I’ll just watch you workout and do it vicariously through you”
“Well alright, you won’t get the results you want but whatever suits you” he tells you as he sets his exercise mat in the living room.
“Aren’t you gonna take off your shirt?”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you” you would slap that smirk off his face if you could.
“I’m joking calm down, and no, I do that later on when I start getting really sweaty”
“Oh, well then carry on”
You decide to go on your phone so you don’t have to watching him and inflating his ego by having him reaping with something obnoxious like “take a picture so you can use it for later”
You were so preoccupied, scrolling through your social media and texting back and fourth with your friends. When you looked up you didn’t expect to see the imprint of his cock in his grey sweats. Yes, Jaehyun was big, very very big, but you never thought it was to the point where you could very clearly see the imprint of him in his sweats—and his sweats are nowhere near being tight fitting, so it’s definitely taking you by surprise.
You were in a trance—watching him lift weights, the way the veins in his hands popped out had you swallowing. He could easily manhandle you however he wanted. You couldn’t stop staring at his crotch.
Jaehyun’s grunts are what bring you back to earth.
You decide to get up and leave before you do something stupid.
You weren’t aware, but Jaehyun knew you were staring. And yes, it did inflate his ego, which is not what you wanted.
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You left Jaehyun alone to help your best friend with her wedding. You didn’t think you would enjoy it at first—expecting it to be boring and drag on a long time and praying for it to end, but you were actually having a really fun time. You liked helping her pick out what kind of flowers to have, what kind of dress she would like to have for the braidsmaids, and you were especially excited for the cake tasting.
“So Y/N, how have you and Jaehyun been doing?”
Her question took you by big surprise. She obviously is aware about what you have going on with your so called hot roommate Jaehyun who you now have a friends with benefits relationship with—she’s the one who suggested him be your roommate.
“We’re good, still living together”
“Still fucking?”
“Umm, not as much anymore”
“Not as much? What? Were you doing it every day”
“Not everyday, don’t be insane. Three times a week at the most” you would definitely do it everyday with him, heck even he has suggested to do it everyday, but you don’t have the kind of stamina that he has.
“Have you made a move?”
“I don’t like him”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him, it’s very obvious there’s some feelings there. I’m your best friend you can’t hide things from me” Of course you should’ve known that you can’t keep anything from her. The amount of times she has figured things out without you even telling her.
“Well if nothings going on, is he seeing someone?”
“Why would he be seeing someone?”
“Because you two aren’t dating? If you don’t make a move on him someone else will” you hate that the thought of him seeing someone had you not only upset but also jealous, wanting to fight whoever she is—wait she doesn’t even exist. You’re going crazy, he’s making you crazy.
“Can we talk about something else besides my lack of a love life” she smiles teasingly at you, almost in an evil way, knowing she hit a nerve with the question of him being with someone that’s not you.
“It wouldn’t be lacking if you stopped being stubborn, but fine. So, did you like the marble cake or the chocolate champagne more?”
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You’re currently in the kitchen doing dishes. Today is your turn to do the dishes but you actually don’t mind it, you find it calming and relaxing. The room is very quiet considering Jaehyun isn’t there to bother you every 5 minutes by poking your cheeks to tell you he’s bored and to pay attention to him. Of course peace and quiet doesn’t last long living with Jung Jaehyun, as he soon steps into the kitchen wearing just a towel- wait, he’s wearing just a towel!
“Why are you wearing just a towel?!” You squeak as you cover your eyes with the lose towel hanging off a chair.
“I just took a shower” you felt Jaehyun’s presence, assuring you that he’s now behind you. “And why are you covering your eyes, you’ve seen me naked already”
“Jaehyun, that gross”
“That’s not what you usually say when I’m plowing you into my bed”
“Jaehyun I will kill you”
“Okay I’ll stop teasing you, for now. Do we still have the ice cream cake from Jeno’s birthday”
“That was over a month ago”
“Food is food” he’s staring at you wanting for you to answer his question.
“Gross, it’s in the freezer”
He hurries to the freezer, eager to have something sweet in his mouth. Of course he would prefer if it was you, but he’ll take what he can get.
“Are you sure you should be eating it?”
“Mind your business” he playfully snaps at you.
“If you need to go to the doctor because of it I’m not taking you” rolling his eyes in fake annoyance, he dives right into the last bit of cake there’s left.
You go back to washing the last few dishes there are left, not sparing Jaehyun a glance.
When you finally finish you’re relieved, excited to have one thing from your to do list done.
You notice Jaehyun in his own world, living his best life with the Oreo ice cream cake.
He licks the frosting off from his fingers, the veins in his hand popping out and having you feeling a type of way. You swallow, the sexual frustration getting the best of you as you imagine what his fingers could be doing. And it doesn’t help that he’s still in just a towel. You swear he’s doing it on purpose.
“Enjoying the show?” Jaehyun’s voice bring you back, seeing the way his eyes have darkened with lust now.
“N-No I’m fine” your voice shakes. Damn it.
“I don’t think you are” he walks towards you until he’s towering over you.
“You don’t know anything”
“No, but I do know you would love it if my fingers were licking someone sweeter that isn’t frosting, is that right? Or would you prefer is they were somewhere else? Somewhere that’s probably soaking wet?” He pulls your bottom lip with his thumb, making you suck on him. The way your tongue circles around him has him getting instantly hard. The eye contact you two told has your legs almost shaking.
You finally come to your senses, taking his fingers out of you mouth and running to your bedroom, painfully horny.
When you lay on your bed, you don’t waste much time you shove your fingers inside of you, wishing and imagination that it was Jaehyun’s fingers instead of yours. You quickly pump your fingers in and out, closing your eyes and picturing Jaehyun on top of you, enjoying the sight of your moans escaping your lips as he gets you off with just his fingers. Your trying your best to keep your moans low, feeling your climax about to wash over you. A few more pumps is all it takes to have your body shaking, your climax hitting you like a waterfall.
You didn’t check to make sure the door was all the way shut, making Jaehyun see and hear everything.
The sight of you getting yourself off with your fingers has him painfully hard. Jaehyun has to shower again, but this time not because he’s dirty or anything.
Jaehyun wraps his hand around his hard and angry cock, pumping up and down rapidly to reach his high. Is he ashamed to be getting off to the sight of his incredibly hot roommate? No, and it’s also not the first time, nor does he think it will be the last. He twists his hand to get off quickly, not wanting you to find out he showered again after already taking one not even two hours ago and questioning him.
You’re so fucking hot it makes him horny.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” he gasps as the cold water hits his body. He pumps faster, his vision getting blurry as he releases onto the shower floor, the water washing it away and down the drain. He’s breathing heavily, acting like he actually just had sex. Now he actually does have to clean himself.
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“Noooo” you whine to Jaehyun as he’s in the middle of picking out a movie to watch for movie night. “I don’t wanna watch a horror movie.”
“Why not? We watched one last week and you weren’t whining about it then”
“The ones you pick out are disturbing”
“Fine” he decides to play an action movie instead. “You’re such a baby”
“I hate you”
“Not what you were saying a few weeks ago”
“Just pick a movie” you leave him to make a bag of popcorn. When you come back he’s already sat on the couch, sitting there looking so cute and comfortable with his big grey hoodie and cheeks looking a lot like soft bread.
You remember the conversation you had with your best friend.
“What are you doing?” Jaehyun asks you when you sit on the other side of the couch away from him instead of making yourself comfortable in his arms like you usually do.
“I’m sitting down?”
“Nooo” he does grabby hands at you. “Come cuddle with me like you always do”
“And I’m the baby?”
“Just shut up and cuddle me” he pulls you into his side, laying his head on your shoulder and wrapping his hands around you.
You both really enjoyed the movie, Jaehyun occasionally making snarks remarks at the screen, but it’s not something new to you.
The movie finally ends, the ending credits rolling when he gets a call. He excuses himself to go to his room.
You figure you should clean up so you can head to bed and sleep. You’re walking past Jaehyun’s bedroom heading to yours when you pause, you don’t know what possessed you to listen in on his conversation, but you did.
“Are you going to make a move on her” you hear Johnny’s voice through the small gap in the door.
“I don’t know, I don’t even think she feels the same way” Jaehyun is sitting on his bed, rubbing his face in frustration. Whoever this girl is she must be special for him to be doing that. He’s usually someone who is good at hiding when he’s upset or frustrated.
“You’ll never know unless you tell her”
“Okay I will, soon”
Johnny’s loud sigh can be heard.
“I give up on you”
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“How the hell are you sexually frustrated?” You’re on a video call with Mark. You all tell him everything, and when you first told him about the friends with benefits thing you started with Jaehyun, he wasn’t too happy about it, as you’re someone who easily catches feelings—remembering all the times you had fallen for someone new. It would be at the simplest gesture, like holding the door open for you or picking up your pen that fell on the floor.
“I just am. I haven’t done it with anyone in two weeks”
“Oh poor you” he’s mocking you, and you want to smack him in the face. “also, don’t you and Jaehyun have a thing going on?”
“Yeah- well we did”
“You did?”
“I overheard him talking with Johnny about having a crush and having feelings for this girl”
“Oh damn”
“Yeah, I just don’t wanna get in the way of that”
Mark isn’t able get anything out before you hear a knock at your door.
“Can we talk” Jaehyun’s voice is heard through the closed door.
“Oh, sure” you yell out to Jaehyun while hurrying to fix your hair. “Bye Mark”
“You’re hanging up on me? What happened to bros before hoe-“ you don’t let Mark finish his sentence.
“Come in” Jaehyun opens your door, and sits next to you on the bed.
“I wanted to walk to you about our relationship”
“I want to talk to you about that too. We should stop”
“What? Why?” He scared at you confused, wondering why you would want to stop something that was going so well—or so he thought.
“I know you like someone”
“You found out”
“Yeah. It was good while it lasted, but I don’t wanna get in the way of you and this girl-“
“Wait you really don’t know? You’re not just acting dumb to tease me?”
“Know what?”
“You’re the girl I like”
“Oh-OH!” You’re taken by complete shock. You never thought that someone like Jaehyun, who is so attractive and popular, would like someone like you. You thought the most you would have with him is sleeping together.
You both stare at each other before leaning in, your lips colliding. Your lips tangle with each other, tongues exploring each other’s mouths.
Jaehyun pulls away to kiss your neck, sucking and leaving mark’s on your skin.
“I’m going to make you feel like the most precious thing in the world” He starts kissing you again, pushing you down onto the bed and crawling on top of you. It doesn’t take long you you both to be naked. His gaze was dark and filled with lust. He rubs his tip up and down your slit before sinking into you. He gives you time to adjust before thrusting his hips repeatedly into you. The feeling this time is very different from all the others—usually it’s loveless and fast, eager to get each other to finish. But this time it’s full of love. He watches his cock go in and out of your pussy, the sight of you taking him making him even harder.
He thrusts into you harshly, sexually frustrated from you both not doing it for two weeks.
“Such a good girl for me” You clench around him as he ruts his cock into you. Jaehyun is smug, fueled by the fact that only he can make you feel this way. Quiet moans leave his lips while laying kisses on your neck.
“Fuck, you fill me up so well” You moan into his ear as he continuously sinks into you. You feel so full as his cock hits you in all the right places. His cock leaves a bulge in your lower tummy, having him almost passing out from the pleasure. Every moan you let out got him closer and closer to his high.
You both feel each other about to finish, making you wrap your hands around his neck for support as his pace starts to get sloppy.
“You’re going to take everything I give you, okay? Come all over my cock” Your whimpers have both of you finishing at the same time, his load filling you to the brim.
His warm cum coats your walls as you come down from your high. He pulls out once he’s done, starting at himself leaking out out of you. He puts up his shirt from the floor to clean you up, your pussy still sensitive from the penetration he just gave you.
Once he’s done he pulls you into his side, smiling at you and having his dimples pop out. You both get comfortable into bed, happy and excited for the new life you have together.
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fluffywings13 · 3 years
Testing The Waters
“Uh,” Keigo looks up from his computer at the sound of his ‘sixteen’ year old assistants voice (he uses that word very lightly, he knows, for a fact, that Midoriya Izuku is not sixteen, he’s many things, but one not to look into his employees backgrounds before hiring them is not one) and smiles at the soft spoken timid teenager. “You wanted to see me sir?”
“Yea, I did,” he turns away from his computer completely and leans forward against his desk. “What’ve I told you about calling me ‘sir’?”
“Uh…Ummm…..” Izuku rubs the back of his neck. “Not to….”
“Right,” the hero nods. “What did I tell you to call me?”
The teen shuffles uneasily. “K—Keigo….You told me to call you Keigo.”
“Very good,” he pushes his chair back and stands, tucking his hands in his hoodie pocket, it was a slow day, no patrol, so his costume wasn’t necessary, hoodie and joggers was just fine, he even kicked off his shoes, if he’s gonna be stuck sitting at his desk all do competing paperwork he’d been putting off for the last two and a half weeks, he was gonna do it comfy style. “I’ll let it go this one time, but if it happens again, there’ll be consequences.” He eyes the teen when he shuffles and nods meekly, looking down at his hightops, and sighs in concern. “Come on, we got something we need to check out.”
Izuku looks up in time to see the hero turn, gesturing for him to follow him, and he darts around the man’s desk to keep up with his strides. “Check what out, s—” Keigo glances over at him. “Keigo?”
“Well, I’ve never had a personal assistant before, you were a special case, everyone here is sixteen years or older—”
“I am sixteen!”
Keigo pauses and he jolts to a stop to avoid running into the man’s back, looking up with wide eyes when the hero turns to look down at him, a particular expression over his features. “I look into everyone who submits an application for employment at my agency, everyone, I know more about you then you think I do Midoriya Izuku, I know you’re not sixteen. I know you’re actually fourteen and still in Junior High School, I know your school record is undoubtedly doctored, the claims made in there don’t match up to what I’ve seen you do here, I know more then you think I do.”
He swallows. “W—Why’d you hire me, t—then?”
“Because you interest me, I was curious as to why a fourteen year old would lie about his age on a job application for a heroes agency, then I grew to like you, so I kept you around.” The hero eyes him carefully. “Why do you think I made your schedule they way it is, school’s more important then a job at this time, so I adjusted your schedule to accommodate your school schedule.” The man turns back around and gestures him forward. “Anyway, we’re here to see if you have what it takes to be my personal assistant, you and me, we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together, so you’re also gonna have to serve as my entertainment when I’m bored, and a bored me is a dangerous me, so you need to know what I’m capable of when bored.”
Izuku looks around when they step into a room behind the hero’s office, it’s nearly baron, there’s a large conversation pit in the middle of the floor filled with pillows and blankets, a large television hanging on the wall in front of it, and large ceiling to floor windows behind it, the entire wall is made up of windows. That’s it, a blanket and pillow filled conversation pit and a large flatscreen hanging on the wall is the only furniture in the room. “Uuhhh…..”
“I call this my oasis.” Keigo gestures around. “It’s where I go if I need time away but can’t leave the office, I call that,” he points at the conversation pit. “My nest away from the nest. I come in here and sleep after a long patrol, or to recover for a bit after a villain fight or do paperwork and watch tv. You’re welcome to use my oasis too.” A shiver runs down his spine at the kind of grin his boss sends him. “Now, we’re gonna test if you can handle being my entertainment when I need to be entertained.”
“Wha—HEY!” Izuku shrieks and yelps when he’s scooped up off his feet, cradled in the man’s arms, and carried across the room only to be dropped down into the nest. “What’re you—”
He yelps when Keigo jumps down with him and curls up slightly. “Best get comfortable, we’re gonna be here for a while, we gotta see if you can handle me when I’m bored out of my mind.” Izuku watches the man make himself comfortable at his feet and reach out for his left foot, resting his left leg over his right leg, and slowly unties his shoe strings. “Gotta get this out of our way.” The teen raises an eyebrow when the hero tosses his shoe over his shoulder and slowly pulls his sock off, throwing it over his shoulder like he had his hightop. “Okay, now I need,” he tugs on his foot when Keigo reaches over his shoulder for a feather, the fingers around his ankle tighten considerably as he tugs on his foot, and his eyes widen when the hero curls his legs around his calf, securing his foot in place, and maintaining his inability to pull it back.
“Hey wait! No!” He can’t help but giggle, his mind finally making the realization as to what’s going to happen, and tugs on his foot desperately. “Not the feet!”
Keigo ignores him, curling a finger around his big toe as he pulls it back, and threads his feather between the fourth and fifth toe. “Insert it like so.” The hero’s young assistant (plaything, let’s be honest, the teens really in for it as his little personal assistant) giggles harder, wiggling his foot again, shaking his head. “And, begin.”
Izuku squeals when the feather starts brushing between his toes, cackling brightly as he falls back and curls his arms around his belly, twisting his foot around desperately. “Eeieaiiaaiaaahahahahahahahahhahaahaa KEIGO! Nohohohohoho! Not the toes! Nohhohohot thehehehehee tohohohohoes! Aaahahahahahahahahahhahaaa get it out! Pleheheheheease! Get it out! Not thehehehe toes!” He inevitably goes ignored by the hero engrossed in his foot and the torture he intends to inflict on it, so he lays there, squealing with laughter and pleading for mercy.
He gulps for air when the feather’s pulled out from between his toes. “Thahahahahank yohohohohou! Thahahahahank youhohhohohou!” And squeals again when the feather is threaded between his next two toes. “Eeeiaiaeiaiaiaiaiahahaahhahahaa no! Aahahahahahhahahahahaaa aiaieiiaieeaiaahahahahahaahahaha not again! Not again! Eeieiaiaaiaaahhahahhahaahhaahhaaa! Keiiiigo! Keeeeiiiii! No! Eeieiiaiaiaiaiaaahahhaahahaha aahahahahahhahahahahahaha noooo! Not the toes! Plehehehehease not the toes!”
“Not the toes, huh?” The hero teases softly, pausing for a moment so they can talk, and smiles at the young teen’s frantic breathless giggling. “Why not the toes, you got a whole other foot of toes for me to play with.”
“Not the toes! Please!” Izuku pants softly. “It tickles! Not the toes!”
“It tickles, huh?” He starts brushing the feather back and forth again and the teen squeals with laughter once more. “This tickles? You got ticklish toes?”
Keigo smiles when the teen nods frantically, curling his arms around his belly tightly as he arches his back, and Izuku tugs desperately. “Yehehehehhees! Tihihihhickes! Tickles! Pleheheheheease nohohohot thehehehee tohohohohoes! Not the toes!”
“Aww.” He threads his feather between the next two toes and starts up again, smiling at the teen’s squealing laughter, looking down at his wiggling foot. “But I like the toes. They’re fun. You want me to have fun, don’t you?” The hero brushes the ends and pads of the teen’s toes with the tip of his feather, smiling at the way his laughter rises in pitch, and the teen rolls up onto his side. “I told you that you’d have to serve as my entertainment when I’m bored and this is immensely entertaining.”
Izuku squeals madly, twisting from side to side, twisting and tugging at his foot, screaming desperately when the man pulls his toes back and flicks his feather underneath them, arching his back again as he throws his head back.
“My, my, I didn’t expect your little piggies to be this ticklish.” Keigo pushes the teen’s toes down and flicks his feather over top of them. “This is just too good. I’ll have to store this useful knowledge for later use if you decide to stay. I’m for sure coming after these toes again if you do, I can’t not, it’s just too good an opportunity to pass up.”
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter one~one wild night
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(*gif made by recsbylotte*)
A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter is so long, but I had to get everything down, I was having too much fun with this concept. Also, please give a listen to the song Nauseous here so you get the full idea of where this story will go and if you like the song, check out Zubin's other songs as well! Highly suggest the song "Backseat" which also has Fantasy Camp! Ok, enjoy :)
Category: Smut
CW: light-ish smut, fingering, alcohol, weed (please smoke responsibly!)
Word Count: 3985
before you read | next chapter
"Great job everyone!" said Aaron Hotchner to his team.
Everyone in the BAU team gave a small round of applause on their jet, but yours was a bit louder than the rest. This was your first case and you worked so hard to solve it with the team to prove that you deserve to be with them. You wanted this job since you were a little girl. Jason Gideon was holding a class on the basics of profiling with his partner, David Rossi, and you and your dad went because you both loved watching 80's crime and law shows like "Murder, She Wrote" and "Matlock", and from the way your eyes would be glued to the tv, he knew that you wanted to be someone like Jessica Fletcher and her friends at Cabot Cove.
At one point, Gideon asked a question and you answered it right away, which took both of them back a bit, including your dad and everyone else in the room. A ten year old girl, understanding what was being said and not getting scared of the pictures that were shown. You were sure some of them thought of you crazy, but your dad was proud.
After the class, THE Jason Gideon and THE David Rossi came up to the two of you to talk. You were totally fangirling a bit because the two people you looked up to wanted to say how shocked but also kind of happy that someone so young was fascinated with this subject. Rossi told you several years later when you went to one of his book signings, that once you were old enough to give him a call and he'd set some things up to get you into the academy, and that's exactly what happened when you turned 21.
Because of your love of solving crime, you worked hard in school. So much so you were one of the top students. College was no different, and Rossi seemed to notice. He kept tabs on you from time to time to see how you were doing after you emailed him about doing well in high school and your first year of college. During your second year, Rossi asked if you could come to the BAU and talk with him and his coworker, Aaron, who was the team leader. They both agreed that you were incredible in your studies and saw a lot of potential in you. Your dream was starting to come true after accepting their invitation to the academy, and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
Now you were 25, and Hotch had officially welcomed you to the team. As the ride back continued, you remembered how your first day went, even though it was only a few days ago. You met the team, and right away, you befriended the only one closer to your age, Dr.Spencer Reid. You remembered seeing his long hair and cardigan kind of melting together as he sat down at the round table and gave you a small wave. You didn't have many friends growing up, but he reminded you of your only friend back home, but that almost brought you to tears straight away, making you snap out of your daydreams.
You get up to have a glass of water. As your pouring, someone scares you from behind.
"Hey, Y/N!" A man's voice said.
You jumped which made you spill some water all over the place. "Spencer!"
"I am so sorry!" He chuckles as you both grabbed some paper towel to clean the counter, laughing at the incident.
You both go back to your seats, which were right next to each other on the couch. After meeting Spencer on your first day, Rossi told you that you two would get along perfectly. And you did. It made you feel comfortable right away and you pulling a...well, you, you were stuck to him like glue as a safety net. You used to think it was something every newbie did on their first day; try to find someone who you click with and stick with them until you got the ropes. Apparently, that was something people found annoying, and had you fired the first two jobs you got. With Spencer, however, he didn't mind it, which made you feel unsure but happy at the same time.
You and Spencer talked about the similarities you had and laughed at all the nerdy jokes you were making. At one point, another member of the team, Derek Morgan, had to throw a pillow at Spencer because he was laughing so loud and he was trying to sleep, which made even Hotch (who you guessed never even cracked a smile before) laugh a little bit.
"Boys, behave," Jj joked, not even looking up, "Or daddy's going to send you to your rooms when we get home."
"Ok, pLEASE don't say "daddy" ever again unless your at home." said Emily Prentiss, which made everyone laugh even harder.
You could tell that this team was more than just coworkers getting the job done, they were a family. And YOU were invited into this family. This was a feeling you always wanted: friends acting like a family.
30 Minutes Later
Finally you were back at the BAU. The case was stressful, and the flight back kinda made you tired, but your excitement and happiness were taking over rapidly. You usually fought those feelings because you felt emotions differently than others, and it always annoyed the people around you. Tonight was different, so you cut yourself some slack for once.
As you head back to your desks, Hotch spoke. "You guys deserve a break after that case. The heads of the BAU are giving us one month off. Get some rest and enjoy your vacation. Garcia invited us all to her place to celebrate but sadly Rossi and I are going to have to pass tonight. Jack has a big game tomorrow and I don't think the parents would be too pleased if their kid's coaches were hungover."
On cue, Penelope Garcia runs in with her bags. "Oh we're gonna have fun-to-night!"
"What exactly are we doing?" asked Emily.
"It's a surprise silly, but yes there will be alcohol of course." She then turns to you, walking up to go to elevator arm in arm.
"Y/N," she says, rambling to you how the team usually celebrates and what the plan was as you make your way to the elevator, "ok usually we'd go to our favorite restaurant or club or go to rossi's when we can but tonight I really want to celebrate the success on your first case!"
"Aww, Garcia!" you said as Morgan pressed the button, "Your so sweet. Thank you guys, seriously."
"Trust me, Y/N, this night is going to be one of the best nights ever!"
At Garcia’s Morgan sets the alcohol on the counter as everyone settles in. You sit on the couch with Spencer and Emily, getting a good look of Garcia's apartment. Purple walls with shiny (plastic) jewl's, cat toys filled most of the corners. Just as you saw the toys, a black cat jumps onto your lap making you jump a little.
"Aww, Sergio!" said Emily, "Thank you again Garcia for watching him for me while I go on cases."
"Are you kidding me? He's become a lovely roommate at the Garcia Gardens!" says Garcia as she brings over some bottles and glasses. She sets them down and begins to pour the Vodka shots.
"Garcia 'Gardens"? Jj asked.
"They both have G's, I don't know it seemed to work." They both laugh.
Morgan helps Garcia pass out the shots, getting ready for a toast. Everyone stands up, holding theirs shots a few inches away from their face.
"I would like to make a toast," said Garcia, "not just for the success of this case and because we have a month off, but to Y/N. She has done wonders this week, and I am so happy and grateful that you are now apart of our little family. To Y/N!"
"To Y/N!" Everyone cheered as they clinked their shot glasses.
You thought you were about to cry. You've never felt this much love in a room ever.
Everyone took their shots and sat back down. You look over at Spencer and laugh at the face he makes.
"God, I usually don't drink Vodka but that was an experience." he says.
"Oh c'mon," you said, "already gonna pussy out?"
"Now those were fighting words, Pretty Boy!" Morgan chuckled.
"Is that a challenge?" Spencer asks.
"Ok, I'm taking the shot glasses away because I know Spencer can get competitive and I don't want you to get sick." Garcia grabs the glasses from everyone's hand and walks to the kitchen, everyone giving a little whine about it.
"So what was that surprise you had for us?" you ask Garcia.
She walks in her room to grab something and came back with it behind her back.
"Before I say anything," she began, "I'm not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do and if no one wants to it's not a big deal."
Garcia takes her hands from behind her back to show what looked like vape pens. "Nicotine?" Emily asked.
"Noooo nonono," said Garcia, "That stuff is not good for anyone. They're weed...pens..." Garcia got quiet. You could understand why she got nervous, who knew if this would happen or not.
"Baby girl," said Morgan, "You are the last person I'd think of for this."
"Her parents were hippies, Morgan!" says Emily.
"Good point." He said.
"But now the question is, how?" you said.
"Well yeah, my parents were hippies. Both of my parents did before they got pregnant with me, but my dad would smoke when I was a kid. He would always do it before bed so he could actually fall asleep. He had horrible insomnia which he gave to me. A couple of months back, I couldn't sleep for the life of me. Nothing was wrong either for it to happen, but nothing could get me to fall asleep or if it did I acted the next day like I got up on the wrong side of the bed. So, I went to a doctor and got my green card and I've had peaceful nights of rest since. I thought, since we don't have to go into work for awhile, why not have some fun for one night?"
Everyone looked at each other, unsure but also kind of wanting to.
"This wouldn't be a problem with work, right?" asked Jj.
"Oh god, no, if we only do it tonight it'd be out of our system by then." said Reid.
Everyone was shocked hearing that coming from his mouth. "What? I had to do a research paper on the study of cannabis use in college."
You wanted to be the first to agree, but then you worried that it would be a bad look on you, the newbie.
"I'll give it a shot," said Emily, "It's only for one night and we have a lot more time off than we usually get, why the hell not?"
Slowly, everyone else agreed, including Spencer, who no one in the room thought in a million years he would. Garcia passes out the pens to everyone and told them how to use it. She said if we liked it, we could keep them for only certain situations where you absolutely needed it.
We all start taking 3 hits, which was the amount she said to take first. She explained how one time she took too many hits at once and greened out really bad.
Garcia turns on some music and we all sit around, drinking the very special drinks she made for us. The girls had vodka cocktails while the guys had whiskey. After a few minutes, you can start feeling it. Your body begins to tingle and your eyes started feeling heavy.
"How ya feeling, kid?" Morgan asks after several minutes. Spencer just sat there, looking at the ice cubes in his drink.
"Honestly, I've never felt this before. I don't know what I feel but it's nothing bad."
You giggle at his answer. It wasn't funny, and you knew that. Maybe you were giggling because seeing Spencer high was adorable.
"Ope, we have a giggler!" said Emily, but your giggling made everyone else giggle with you.
"Boy genius, you are too adorable!" said Garcia, who was sitting on Morgan's lap, her head on his shoulder.
You take more hits as the night goes on. At one point you had to stop because you were really baked. You've smoked before, so you knew your limit. You look over at Spencer again, but this time he was really sinked in the couch, looking up at the ceiling. What could that big brain be thinking in that now empty skull?
You were about to ask him but Garcia got up and grabbed an empty vodka bottle. "Who wants to play truth or dare?"
Everyone said they were in, except for Jj, who was already passed out in her chair.
"Damn, gone already?" Spencer says.
"You owe me five bucks tomorrow, Y/N" said Morgan. Earlier, you bet Morgan that Jj would stay up because he said she wouldn't. She tried her hardest, but sadly Morgan won. You move your head to Spencer's lap. You felt very cuddly for some reason, and Spencer was right next to you. He flinched a little, but then after a minute he started playing with your hair.
Garcia puts the empty bottle on the table and spins it. It lands on Emily. "Truth." she says.
"Have you ever made out with a girl?" asked Garcia.
"Are you kidding? Of course I have," she got quiet then murmured, "And I loved it."
"I knew it!" said Garcia.
Emily spins and it lands on Morgan. "Dare."
"I dare you to give Garcia a kiss! No making out, just a peck on the lips."
It happened, their banter had finally caught up with them. Derek and Penelope go in for the peck and once so they blushed.
Spencer was still playing with his hair. You looked up at him and saw something in his eye. Not literally, but there was something going on in his head. His eyes sparkled underneath the apartment lights. His mind must've been running all over the place thinking of something trippy, or maybe he suddenly wasn't thinking at all, letting his mind wonder to thoughts he never thought of before. The bottle was rarely spun to either of you, so you decided to talk softly.
"What are you thinking about, Spence?" you ask.
"I'm thinking about everything and nothing at once," he said, "It's hard to explain, like I'm thinking of things I wouldn't normally. Or at least not on a daily basis."
"What is tha-"
"Y/N! Truth or Dare?" said Garcia
"Umm...dare." you slurred. Were you really that fucked up right now?
Garcia thought for a moment, then as she looked at the two of you, a light bulb lit up in her head. "I dare you to take Spencer to my room, shut the door, and make out for 10 minutes!"
"What, are we still in high school?" you ask sarcastically.
"Be glad I didn't suggest 7 minutes in heaven. Poor boy is just so innocent!"
"Can you even get up, Pretty Boy?" Morgan asks as you lift your head from his lap and start to get up.
Spencer takes another vodka shot and a few more hits of his pen before getting up. After gaining his balance back, you take his hand and walk him to the bedroom. He shuts the door behind him and goes to lay on the bed. Arms stretched out on either side of him, he went back to staring at the ceiling.
"Wanna tell me what you're thinking about now?" you asked.
He said nothing. You then lay next to him, doing exactly what he was doing. Garcia had put glow in the dark stars all over the ceiling. They looked brighter than they would've have been to you. Your blurry vision made your tingles more intense as the lights played with your eyes. It was almost really trippy, but you felt so good.
"I've never felt like this before and usually we put people away because of weed, but for some reason, I feel at peace with everything.
"I'm sure if you got your green card, Hotch would be more understanding towards it. If not, Penelope would've been kicked off the team."
He placed his hand softly on your thigh. Spencer, you thought to yourself, she didn't say it was 7 minutes in heaven.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," you said, "We can just ramble about anything and tell them we did."
He then gets on top of you, holding your wrists down to the bed. "No, I want to. Unless you don't want to, but this is what I've been thinking about when I was playing with your hair."
You nod your head. You knew what he meant because you were thinking the exact same thing at that same time. When you met him, you didn't think of him in that way. But once everything kicked in that night, you felt yourself slipping into that 'what if'. You thought he was cute when he was giggling at you, and the way his fingers were in your hair, it was like you'd known each other for years.
Spencer's lips were quickly on yours. It felt like heaven, like he had done this before. You kiss him back, indulging in the sweet bliss. It was your time to return the favor, as you run your fingers through his hair. You were into guys with long hair, and Spencer seemed to fit the bill. But in no way were you catching feelings for him. He'll probably not remember this night at all, so why get your hopes up when he's doing this for the dare.
Suddenly, you felt his right grip let go of your wrist and slowly began to go down your body. It made you feel heat from the bottom of your stomach. You haven't felt like this in a long time, needing for someone's touch. You felt ready though, ready for that feeling again. The feeling of letting go and go forward in lust. He stopped, however, letting you know that he was asking if you wanted to continue without breaking away from your lips. You nod and a small quiet moan left your muffled lips, letting him know it was ok.
His hand continued to go down your body, feeling every curve he could. His fingers gently graced your tits and it sent shivers up your spine. Soon enough, you felt his fingers lightly rub the fabric that stood between him and your slit. His touch was so feather like you thought he was teasing you just to get you all worked up.
"I've hardly done anything to you and you're already so wet for me." He said through the kiss. You were shocked how his tone changed from sweet and innocent to dark and low. It kind of turned you on. Somehow, you went from being dared to just make out to what felt like was going into 7 minutes in heaven, except not in a closet.
He then continued to rub the fabric is circles as he broke the kiss. With the moon being your only source of light, you see the hunger in his eyes. He wants you and he wants you bad. He smiles as he moves the fabric over to the side and sticks his middle finger inside you, making you gasp at the entrance. His grin grew bigger as he really felt how wet you really were.
He sticks another finger in there and you let out a moan that you were trying to be soft about, but you were louder than you wanted to be. Spencer quickly covered your mouth with his hand, continuing to pleasure you. "Be quiet, angel," He whispered in your ear, "You don't want the others to know what we're doing, do you?" You shook your head. "Good girl, now tell me when you're close. I want you to cum all over my fingers."
You never thought of Spencer as the dominate type. He seemed so to himself and sweet. You thought he'd be more submissive. Maybe it was his cross faded brain talking, but this side of Spencer made you want more of him. You wanted so much more than his fingers. Your thoughts clouded you as you were reaching your climax.
"Spencer I'm close. I'm so close!" You quietly moaned.
"Hold it, angel. I want you to beg for me."
You couldn't hold it in anymore. "Please let me cum, PLEASE!" You begged.
"Cum for me, angel."
At that, you felt your whole body tense up and almost screamed at the pleasure, but knew to just whisper it and breathe heavily. He laughed with a bit of a growl, feeling you on all over his fingers. He was enjoying this, and you could tell by the tent in his pants. You wondered if you were going to help him out with that as your breathing began to go back to it's normal pattern. He gets off of you as the timer went off, and he stuck his fingers in his mouth, tasting yourself.
"Ok lovebirds, time's up!" you heard Morgan say.
You sit up from the bed as Spencer sat next to you. "We'll be right out!" You said, "Holy shit, Spence. I didn't think you had this side to you."
"Everyone does," he said, "I know I pull off this small and meak kind of person, but they don't know what I think about when I'm at home. Even sometimes at work when I'm stressed on a case. I'll just give myself a breather and let my mind wonder. I even-"
He stopped himself in his tracks, taking back what he was originally going to say. He stood up, pulling you up with him. Your faces were then really close together. "Now, tonight I won't have you touch me. We'll save that for another day ok?" You nod again. "What are you going to do about 'that'?" Pointing to the tent.
"I'm gonna take care of it in the bathroom. Now, we don't tell anyone about this. Especially Garcia."
"Yeah, it'd be a bit weird if she found out that you fingered me on her bed."
"Well that, and the fact that she can't keep a secret to herself for the life of her."
"Good to know." you said.
You did as planned and walked out, going your different ways. You headed back to the living room and joined the rest of your coworkers. You sat there and took more hits and more shots, hoping to pass out. You couldn't help but want to let your thoughts wonder on its own.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Auction
Nico is running an auction to see who might buy some animatronics. Sure enough, tons of people come! Especially parents with kids!
For everyone featured in the fanfic!
I hope you all enjoy!
“Patton: The fatherly animatronic. He can make ice cream, he can run with the kids! He’s been programmed to hug and develop friendships with all children. He can teach good life lessons! And he can even make balloon creatures for them.” Nico explained.
“And...Roman?” The person asked.
“Aah, yes. Roman is a fighter. He’s a stage actor with a love for being the hero! And his sketchy brother, with the iron mace. They are not sold separately.” Nico told them.
“Interesting...How much is Patton on for?” The person asked.
“$5000.” He replied.
“Hm...Not bad.” The person looked at Patton curiously and smiled. “Does he have any flaws?” The man asked.
“There have been instances of following the kids home till he shuts down...And there have been moments when he hugs too hard. But other than that, he’s in really good shape.” Nico told him.
The guy smiled and placed a hand onto Patton’s cheek. Suddenly, Patton closed his eyes. “Awww…”
The man gasped and pulled his hand away. “Oh god he’s on?!”
Nico giggled. “He is on, sir.”
Patton looked at the guy and smiled. “I’m Patton! You can call me Pat if you want.” Patton explained.
“Yes. He also goes by Pat if that’s easier. He’ll even scan mispronounciations of his name and react to those as well.” Nico explained. “An example of this is ‘Pabbin.”
“Yes?” Patton turned his head to Nico.
“See?” Nico smiled, patting his shoulder. “He’s a good one.”
Patton giggled and hugged Nico eagerly.
Patton let Nico go and looked at the other person there. “And what’s your name?” Patton asked the person.
“I’m Violet.” They introduced.
“Ooooh! Like purple!” Patton declared, clapping his hands and jumping up and down.
“Yeah, like purple. I like green too.” Violet told him.
Patton gasped and turned to Remus. “Ooooh REEEMUUUUS!”
Violet widened their eyes. No way…
“Violet likes green!” Patton declared.
Remus looked down at his own clothes and fist pumped the air. “YESSSS!”
Violet giggled at this reaction.
“Wise competition for the GREEEEEN!” Remus said, running up to the two of them with his mace in hand.
“Is this real?” Violet asked Remus.
Remus ripped it from her hands. “Yes! And no touchy!” Remus ordered.
“Remus, be nice! Or else you’re not gonna get sold.” Nico ordered.
“Have you ever considered that maybe I don’t wanna be sold to a stranger?” Remus asked.
Patton walked around the auction, looking around for the kids. Suddenly, one of the kids ran up to the animatronic!
“Awww! Hello little girl! And what’s your name?” Patton asked.
“Ashy!” She replied.
“Ashy, huh? Like Ashy, dashy flashy?” Patton teased.
Ashy giggled into her hand.
“My name is Patton!” The animatronic told her. “Say, are you ticklish by any chance?” Patton asked.
“Noooo!” She giggled.
“Noooo? Are you sure about that?” Patton teased before poking her sides and belly.
Ashy giggled and laughed as she backed up little by little. “Nohohohoho! Pahahahahat!” Ashy told him.
“Oh, alright.” Patton stopped tickling her and started to stand up. But Patton froze in place the moment someone hugged his leg. Looking down, Patton realized it was Ashy trying to tell him something. “Ihihi didn’t want you to stop…” She admitted.
“Patton smiled widely and picked up the little girl. “Well if that’s the case:” Patton started throwing her up into the air and catching her. After the third catch, Patton started tickling her sides, and ribs. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!”
Ashy was laughing, snorting and giggling all over the place as she sat in his arms.
Nico was about to intervene, when someone stopped him. “It’s alright. She really likes it.” She told him.
Nico let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness…
Patton soon stopped tickling her and hugged her tightly before giving her a gentle squeeze.
“Yay! Mommy, mommy, can we keep him?” Ashy asked as she was put down.
“Maybe, sweetheart…He’s kinda expensive.” The mom admitted.
“I don’t know hunny…$5000 for an animatronic big forever babysitter is not bad.” her father admitted. “My headphones were crappy and were sold for $300.” He explained.
Patton looked around the auction room at all the tables and posters everywhere. It was so decorated and pretty!
A guy walked up to the broken yellow and grey animatronic. “What does this do?” The person asked.
“Ah, that’s Janus: a...dangerous animatronic, to be honest. He was scrapped after he allowed kids to use knives and matches.” The doctor told him.
“Cooool…” He reacted, grabbing the animatronic. “I like it! How much?”
2500. He’s not nearly as expensive because he’s fairly broken. But if you wanna use him for spare parts-”
“I’m not using him for spare anything.” Alex grabbed his own hat and replaced the wrecked black hat on the animatronic’s head. “I’m gonna fix him up.” Alex told him with a smirk.
Nico walked away before he could get caught up in Alex’s questionable shenanigans.
Roman growled and pushed a person’s hand away.
“This animatronic is threatening…” The person said.
“Yeah...No touching me.” Roman ordered. “Only Nico can touch.”
“Now now, Roman...that’s not how you get buyers.” Nico told him.
“Why don’t you wanna keep us?” Roman asked. “Are we not good enough for you? Or, perhaps too much for you?” Roman asked.
“We’re giving you to actual owners who will wanna keep you for other jobs. See it as adoption.” Nico told him.
“Except I’m being sold for $4000. Why is Patton more expensive than me?”
“Because you’re a little more dangerous than Patton is. And because everyone has been flocking to Patton.” Nico explained.
Roman huffed and looked down.
“I like this one. He’s sassy.” the same person admitted from earlier.
“I do too.” Another person admitted.
“Can I have your names please?” Nico asked.
“Shannon.” The first person said.
“Sayge.” The other person said.
“Alright. I’m putting your names into the hat.” Nico told them, placing two names in.
“Alright.” Shannon told him.
“What does this one do?” Sayge asked.
“He’s a fighter. But he likes other things like costumes. He’s a theatre animatronic.” Nico explained.
“Are they meant to have personalities?”’ Shannon asked.
“Excuse me?!” Roman reacted.
“YES...He was.” Nico replied. “We are quite surprised at how strongly the personalities effect the animatronics, however.” Nico added.
“I see…” Shannon responded.
“Do you have spare swords?” Sayge asked.
“Yes we do.” Nico got Sayge a sword. “What for?”
Sayge ran up to Roman and started dueling with him. “EN GARDE, ROMAN!”
“EN GARDE!” Roman yelled back, perrying the sword.
Shannon giggled at this while Nico sighed in slight annoyance. Of all the things to start during the auction…
Soon, people started flocking up to the human and the animatronic, and started watching with curiosity and excitement. It didn’t take long before people split themselves into separate cheerers. Some of them cheered for Roman, others cheered for ‘Roman’s Foe’.
Roman smiled and winked at Nico before spinning the other sword out of Sayge’s hand. Sayge jumped and put his hands up as Roman pointed his sword to him. “Give up, mortal.”
Sayge, feeling there was no other way out, grabbed onto the sword and pulled it out of his hand. Funnily enough, the sword slid right out of Roman’s grip! It was like he had no grip at all! “How about now?”
Roman widened his eyes and put his hands up. “Okay okay, I give up! I give up! Mercy, oh powerful one! Mercy!” Roman begged.
“Alright.” Sayge smiled and started to bow as cheers filled the room.
Shannon widened her eyes. “Saaaay...this gives me some ideas:” Shannon turned to Nico. “I am a costume designer, and I would like to use Roman as my costume dummy.”
Roman turned to her with his jaw dropped. “DUMMY?! WHO ARE yU CALLING DUMMY?!”
Shannon jumped and put her hands up. “I mean tester! My costume wearer! Or mannequin!” Shannon explained.
“Oh...Continue.” Roman told her.
“Okay…” Shannon hummed and looked back to Nico and Roman. “I would like to take Roman to be my mannequin for my business.” She explained. “Now, is Roman able to be gender neutral in any way?” Shannon asked.
“You can say that, yes. I can give him a more round chin and a different shaped nose, if you prefer.” Nico offered.
“Cause I would like to put dresses onto Roman as well.” Shannon explained.
“DRESSES?!” Roman gasped and clapped his hands. “HECK YES YOU CAN PUT A DRESS ON MY GORGEOUS BODY!” Roman made a sexy pose.
Shannon giggled. “Good! I’ll happily adopt Roman then.” Shannon told Nico.
“HA! I got adopted before Patton!” Roman declared, as if being bought was a challenge. “Take that!”
Shannon handed over the money and started to explain to Roman all that she had planned for the next coming weeks for costumes and acting roles.
Meanwhile, a guy was looking at Logan and quizzing him. “How tall am I?” Andrew asked.
Logan looked at Andrew, looked him up and down and smiled. “You are 164 centimeters, or 5ft 4 inches.” Logan replied.
“Wow! And what is 150 x 38?” Andrew asked.
Logan smiled and turned his head a bit. “5700.”
Andrew grabbed out his calculator, and checked the answer. Sure enough, he was right. “That’s amazing!”
“Logan was a creation made to counteract the manipulative Janus. He knows plenty of facts, can educate many, and has never told a lie.” Nico told Andrew.
“Would you ever consider making Logan a teacher?” Andrew asked.
Nico widened his eyes. “I never thought of that!”
Logan turned to Andrew. “Can you make me a teacher?” Logan asked, sounding unusually eager.
“I can...It’ll take some steps, but it’s worth the try.” Andrew replied. “I think you would make a great teacher. Or a great professor!” Andrew told him.
Logan smiled at the thought.
Andrew soon walked over to the guy working in the back, listening to headphones. “Hey.” Andrew greeted.
The guy removed his earbuds. “Hi, how can I help you?” Virgil asked.
“Oh nothing. Nothing. What are you listening to?” Andrew asked.
“Wanna listen?” he asked.
“Sure!” Andrew replied.
Virgil and Andrew would be seen listening to music through the rest of the auction together. They would even wind up exchanging phone numbers so they could stay connected with each other! Talk about a match made in emo heaven!
Meanwhile, Patton was showing off his hairstyling skills to a lady with long, wavy hair. “And that’s how you do a big bow out of your hair!” Patton told them, showing her the hair-made bow with a mirror.
The girl smiled proudly and showed it off. “You did amazing!” The girl told him.
“Thank you Mela!” Patton replied. “Thanks for being my hair mannequin!” Patton told her.
“No problem!” Mela replied.
Suddenly, an army of kids came sprinting to Patton, knocking him over. “PAAAATTOOOON!” They shouted!
“Ohohoho myhyhyhy gohohoodnehehess! WOHOHOW!” Patton reacted.
“Really, Fizzy?” Mela asked, referring to one of the kids.
“YES!” Fizz replied. “Is Patton ticklish?” Fizz quickly asked as they clicked a few buttons.
Patton giggled and squirmed a bit, but widened his eyes as he felt his sensitivity increasing more and more! What in the world-
“Hey! Get off him! Be careful what you’re clicking!” Nico ordered.
“There’s arrows for sensitivity! Uuuup-” The kid kept clicking the up arrow, throwing Patton into laughter and hysterics. At first it felt like nothing. But now it felt like every hair and material on the kids’ skins and clothes were tickling every inch of his body! Patton quickly fell into hysterics.
“Aaaaaand doooowwwn!” The kid said, clicking the arrow button only a couple times. “But we all want Patty’s sensitivity UUUP!” They said happily.
Patton laughed and giggled hysterically as he was tickled and doggy piled by kids. “GUHUHUHUHUYS! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!” Patton begged.
“Off off off off off.” Nico ordered. “I will not have Patton get broken by a bunch of evil kids.”
“EEEVIL?!” Fizz smirked and casually walked away. As Nico started walking away, Fizz grabbed his foot and pulled, making Nico faceplant the ground! Nico squealed and yelled loudly for the kid to let go while Fizz whistled innocently and tickled his foot.
“Yeah! Cheer up old man!” Fizz teased.
“Tickle Patton!” a kid declared.
“Lee Patton!” Ashlee declared, having joined the group.
“Senit ivee’tee!” a toddler said.
Patton and Nico both bursted out laughing as kids started piling on the robot and the human, and started tickling, tickling, tickling! It was probably really embarrassing for Nico’s case. But for Patton, this was all part of the job. Kids just loved being silly and playful! And he was created perfectly for the kiddies!
Roman got a recording of the whole thing, and sent it to Virgil through text.
[How much you wanna bet Patton’s gonna be sold?]
Virgil looked down at his phone and chuckled while he texted back:
[I bet $10 bucks one of the kids parents buys them.]
...Sure enough, a daycare lady ended up purchasing Patton as a fellow worker at a local daycare! With a little bit of fixing, Patton was gonna be the greatest entertainer!
Sorry Ro!
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demxters · 4 years
When There Was Me and You-Part 1
jj maybank x reader 
summary: When the reader finally awakens from a coma, JJ Maybank’s world gets turned upside down.
word count: 3.7k 
warnings: swearing, mentions of a car accident (?), descriptions of a panic attack 
series masterlist  
my masterlist  
a/n: i’m so excited to share this with you all! i worked on this all night so i hope you guys enjoy! i’m not sure how long this series will be yet, but i hope to get the next part out soon! 
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(not my gif) 
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
JJ felt like he was in purgatory. The constant beeping of the heart monitor was currently the only thing giving him hope. It’s been three weeks, 504 hours, 30,240 minutes, and 1,814,400 seconds (he may or may not have begged Pope to do the math) since he’s last heard your voice. His sweaty hand was firmly grasping yours, afraid that if he let go you would slip away. JJ didn’t dare go further than the hospital cafeteria while you were there. The Pogues and your parents had to practically drag him out of there every other day to get him to shower, get a change of clothes, and eat some food. And every time he left, he made sure that whoever was watching you promised to call him for even the slightest change in your state. Because the hospital only allowed one overnight patient to stay with you, your parents were kind enough to give that privilege to JJ. 
“JJ, it’s my turn to take over,” Kie’s voice breaks the unbearable silence. 
He lets out a shaky breath. He goes through this routine every time he has to leave your room, even if it was just to use the restroom. He squeezed your hand, and silently counted to 10 in his head. 
He places a kiss to your palm. 
Then one on your wrist. 
Another in your hair, 
On your forehead,
The apples of your cheeks, 
Your chin, 
The spot behind your ear that you loved so much, 
And finally your lips. 
JJ’s lips leave yours, his tears falling onto your cheeks. He wipes them away and leans his forehead against yours. “I’ll be back before you know it, my love,” he whispers. “I love you.” He turns to face Kiara who’s patiently waiting by the door. “If anything changes, anything at all-” 
“I know, I know. Call you right away,” Kie says. 
JJ nods, walking past Kiara and giving her a hug. He buries his head into her neck and mumbles, “Thank you for being here.” 
At this Kiara feels her eyes begin to water, her heart aching for her two best friends. “Of course,” she whispers to him. 
JJ lets Kiara go and gives you one last look before walking out of the room and into the dimly lit hallway. On his way down the hall, he sees your parents sitting a little ways outside your hospital room with their heads pressed together as they spoke in hushed whispers. 
Your mom notices JJ walking their way and nudges your father who looks up from the catalog in his lap. “JJ,” your mom says, with a small smile. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N, Mr. Y/L/N,” he greets back with a small nod, shoving his hands into the pocket of his shorts, stopping in front of them. 
Your dad stands up and shows the catalog that was in his lap to JJ. “We’re thinking of ordering Y/N a bouquet. Which one do you think she’ll like best? Y/M/N thinks that she’ll like the lilies, but I completely disagree. I think she’ll like roses.”
JJ doesn’t even have to look down at the catalog to know which flowers to get you.“Sunflowers,” he states. “You should get her sunflowers.” 
“That’s an excellent choice JJ,” your mom says. “Are you heading out?” 
“Only for a little while,” JJ says. “Just for a quick shower and a change of clothes. I’ll be back before the nurse’s rounds.” 
Your dad sits down, clearing his throat. “JJ, thank you for being here for us, for her.” 
At your father’s words JJ feels the need to cry once again. He harshly swallows the lump in his throat. He can only bring himself to nod before walking away to his bike in the parking lot. 
As JJ rode home, he couldn’t help but think about the last time he spoke to you. If only he hadn’t let you go. If only he had begged you to stay. But he didn’t. And he has to live with knowing that what happened to you was all his fault. 
“JJ, I have to go,” you say with a laugh as the blonde haired boy pulls you back into his chest. 
“Noooo,” he whines. “Just stay with me tonight, please.” He places an arm around your waist and uses his other hand to keep you firm against his chest. 
“You know how my mom gets,” you say with a sigh. You slightly push back on his hand, his grip loosening a bit, and rest your chin on his chest looking up at him. “I promise, tomorrow it’ll be just you and me out on The Pogue. No John B constantly pestering us to keep the PDA to a minimum, no Kie and Pope bickering, and no Sarah constantly bugging us about reapplying sunscreen. Just us.” You give him a quick peck on his chin then move your lips to his. 
JJ immediately reciprocates the action, his lips moving with the familiar rhythm of yours in a kiss that you have both shared a thousand times before. Barely pulling away, JJ mumbles against your lips, “Fine. But promise me you’ll text me when you get home.” He gives you a stern look, one similar to a parent scolding their child. 
“Of course I will.” You knew JJ would be on your ass about it if you didn’t. You unwrap your arms from around his neck and quickly give him one last kiss on his lips. You laugh as he leans forward trying to capture your lips with his once more. You walk backwards towards the front door of the Chateau and blow him a kiss, exaggerating the noise when your palm hits your lips. “I love you!” you say with as much enthusiasm as you can muster. 
“And I love you, baby!” JJ responds back with a laugh, pretending to catch your kiss and stuffing it in his pocket. He watches you go, with the biggest smile on his face, wondering how the hell he got so lucky to have someone like you to love him in his life. 
JJ walks into the Chateau like a man on a mission. The longest he’s ever spent away from the hospital since you were admitted was thirty minutes, and he plans to keep it that way. 
“Hey.” JJ hears John B’s voice say the second he pulls the door to the Chateau open. “How is she?” 
JJ sighs, running a hand through his hair. “The same.” He harshly tugs at the roots of his hair. “The doctor said the wounds on her ribs are healing fine and that he’s confident she’ll wake up within the next week or so.” 
“But you think it’s bullshit,” John B responds before taking a sip from his beer. 
“I don’t know what I think anymore man,” JJ says, his voice wavering. “All I know is that I want her to wake up. I just want everything to go back to the way it was.” JJ’s voice breaks towards the end of his sentence, tears openly streaming down his face, unable to keep it all in anymore. He’s been breaking down more and more as each day passed with your absence. 
“JJ-” John B starts. 
JJ doesn’t give him the opportunity to finish. “I need to go shower.” 
JJ fell asleep in the guest room waiting for your text when it happened. The first time his phone rang, he ignored it thinking it was spam. The second time it rang, he declined the call without even opening his eyes. The third time it rang, he forced himself to open his eyes, slightly squinting from the brightness of his screen. The second he read the caller id he knew something was wrong. Your mother never called JJ. The only reason why she had his number was to help him plan your surprise birthday party last year. A sick feeling fills his stomach as he answers the phone. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N?” 
“Oh, thank god,” your mother lets out a sigh of relief. “JJ, it’s Y/N.” 
JJ feels his heart rate quicken in fear. “What’s wrong?” he frantically asks. “Is everything alright?” 
He hears your mother let out a choked sob before she responds. “She got into an accident on the way home,” she releases a shaky breath before continuing. “Some drunk idiot was on the road and…” She trails off letting out another sob. “And he hit her head on. When the paramedics got to the scene, Y/N was unconscious. She’s in the ER right now but we haven’t had any news about her condition.” 
JJ can barely process the words coming from your mother’s mouth. It’s as if his body began moving on autopilot as he tells your mom that he’ll be there as soon as he can. As JJ pulls on his boots, he accidentally knocks into the dresser behind him causing various objects that were sitting on top of it to topple off. “Fuck!” JJ lets out in frustration. 
Hearing the ruckus from the other room, John B is awakened from his slumber and stumbles down the hallway and to JJ’s room. “JJ? What the hell is going on? It’s nearly one in the morning,” John B says with a groan, leaning on the doorframe. 
“It’s Y/N, man. Sh-She got into an accident and she’s at the hospital and-shit!” He says as his foot got caught in one of his loose articles of clothing that was scattered on the floor. 
John B is suddenly wide awake when he hears that you’re in the hospital. He swiftly turns around running back to his room and grabs his car keys off his dresser. 
JJ nearly bumps into John B on his way out of his room and questions, “What are you doing?” 
“Coming with you, of course. You know you can’t drive in this state right?” John B knew just how reckless JJ could be and with your life at stake he knew JJ wasn’t in the right headspace to drive. 
JJ just frantically nods, quickly making his way to John B’s van. Sitting in the passenger’s seat as John B makes his way towards the hospital, JJ couldn’t help but wonder if this was all his fault. If only he had driven you home then maybe you wouldn’t be in the hospital right now. Maybe it would’ve been him who got hit head on instead, and you’d be safe on the passenger’s side. If only he had not taken no for an answer then you’d still be here, safe in his arms where you belonged. 
“Dude, she’s going to be ok,” John B says, feeling the anxiety reeking off of JJ in waves. He noticed that JJ hadn’t stopped bobbing his leg up and down ever since he sat down in the car. 
JJ doesn’t say anything. He just stares out the window, hoping that everything’s going to be ok. 
A series of knocks coming from outside the bathroom snaps JJ out of his thoughts. 
“JJ!” he hears John B hollar. “JJ hurry your ass up! She’s awake!” 
JJ shuts off the water, standing rigidly still for a moment. 
“She’s awake,” John B says, slightly softer. “Y/N’s awake.” 
JJ is out of the shower and changed in record time. He steps out of the bathroom with his hair still dripping, droplets of water visible on his dark blue t-shirt. “Damn it!” JJ says, running out of the Chateau, John B hot on his trail. “I said I’d be there. I promised her I’d be there when she woke up!” He slams his hand into the passenger side door of the van.
“Hey!” John B scolds, standing face to face with JJ. “Calm down, man. What matters right now is that she’s awake. Now get in the van.” 
JJ practically throws himself into the passenger’s seat, his heart racing at the thought of seeing you conscious again. To finally see your y/e/c eyes staring into his and to just be in your presence once more…
“Where is she?” JJ shouts, walking into the ER. He sees your mom standing by the front desk with her arms tightly wrapped around herself. “Mrs. Y/L/N,” he says with a quieter tone. 
Your mom looks up from where she was staring at the floor to meet JJ’s stare. She lets out another sob before walking over to him and engulfing him in a hug, squeezing him tight. 
JJ hesitantly reciprocates the hug. When your mother finally pulls away JJ asks again, “Where is she? Is she ok?” 
She swallows down another sob. “She’s with the doctors right now. There’s no news on her current state. Why don’t you come with me to the waiting room? Y/D/N is there waiting for word on her condition,” your mother says putting a hand on JJ’s back and leading him to the waiting room. 
Your father looks up at the sound of the approaching footsteps and gives JJ a slight nod when he walks into the room. 
“Any news?” your mother asks, sitting in the seat next to your father. 
“No, not a word.” 
JJ settles himself a couple chairs down from your parents. He’s not sure if he leaves the space for them or for himself. The silence is deafening, leaving JJ with nothing but his thoughts to run a mile a minute. You were going to be ok, he tried to convince himself. You had to be. His girl was a fighter and you would get through this. JJ rested his elbows on his knees, holding his head in his hands as he held in the tears that threatened to spill. He couldn’t lose you. Not when you were the only thing he loved more than anything in this world. You were his rock, his anchor. You kept him from spiraling out of control. Whenever he found himself acting impulsively, you always crossed his mind. He always tried to think about the consequences and how it would affect you. And though there were times he couldn’t help himself, you were always there to take care of him, to keep him safe, to love him. Without you, everything would fall apart. He would fall apart. 
The sound of two knocks on the waiting room door catches JJ and your parents attention, causing the three of you to stand up. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N?” the doctor says, stepping into the room. 
“That’s us,” your father answers, stepping forward with your mother. 
JJ silently stands to the side, listening to the whole ordeal. 
“I’m Dr. Kavanaugh,” he introduces himself, giving them a hand to shake. He then turns to JJ, with his hand still extended. “And you are?”
“He’s Y/N’s boyfriend,” your mother answers for him. 
“Ah, nice to meet you,” Dr. Kavanaugh replies, still waiting for JJ to shake his hand. 
JJ reluctantly takes his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. 
“So, what’s the news Doc?” your father asks. “Will she be ok?” 
Dr. Kavanaugh looks to your father before giving his reply. “The good news is, her condition is stable. Other than the bruises on her ribs and the cuts on her face, her body’s in good shape.” 
“Oh, thank god,” your mother says as your father wraps an arm around her shoulders.
“So what’s the bad news then?” JJ abruptly asks. He doesn’t mean for it to come out so harsh, he was just tired of the doctor taking his sweet time to tell them what’s wrong. “You said that was the good news, so what’s the bad?” 
Dr. Kavanaugh turns to JJ before letting out a sigh and looking back to your parents. “The bad news is, she’s currently in a comatose state.” He pauses before continuing. “We don’t know how long she’s going to be like that or when she’s going to wake up. The best thing we can do for now is watch over her and look for any signs of complications.”
A coma. The love of his life was in a coma. It felt like the walls were closing in on him as JJ suddenly began hyperventilating. He was lightheaded and unable to comprehend what was going on around him. He pushed his way past your parents and the doctor ignoring their calls for him to come back. He stumbles down the hallway, leaning against the wall for support. The only thing that was running through his head was the thought of you being in a coma. That they didn’t know when you were going to wake up, or if you ever were. JJ feels himself crash into another body and almost falls to the floor, but the person hoists him up by his elbows. 
“Woah, JJ, you good?” John B’s voice sounds like it’s miles away. 
“I think he’s having a panic attack,” another voice says. Female. JJ identifies. The voice is female. 
John B moves JJ to one of the chairs that are lined up in the hallway and steps aside so Kiara can bring JJ back to reality. 
Kiara crouches down in front of JJ, holding onto his knees to keep herself steady. “Hey, JJ, can you hear me?” 
JJ slightly nods, his mouth too dry for him to respond.
“Good,” Kie’s voice soothes. “Now I need you to breathe with me ok? Can you do that?”
JJ nods again, beginning to follow Kiara’s instructions to breathe in and out. 
“That’s it, there you go,” Kiara says. She waits for a moment, letting JJ regain his senses come back to them. “You don’t need to talk now. Just let us know whenever you're ready.” 
JJ blinks a couple of times before finally being able to see clearly again. He sees Kiara crouched in front of him with a reassuring smile while Pope, John B, and Sarah stand behind her with looks of concern on their faces. JJ swallows, before telling them the news. He chokes up as he begins to tell them what happened, starting from when you left the Chateau, to the accident, and finishing at where you are now. 
Pope takes off his hat, putting his hands behind his head as he tilts his head back trying to stop the tears that are threatening to fall. Kiara lets out a small gasp as she starts to cry. Sarah buries her face into John B’s neck, sobs shaking her form. And John B just stares blankly at the wall, trying to stay strong for the rest of them. But JJ doesn’t miss the small tear that escapes from his right eye. 
At the sight of all his friends breaking down in front of him, he begins to break down too, his sobs becoming loud gasps for air. JJ buries his face in his hands and whispers, “It’s all my fault,” over and over again. 
Kiara is the first to move, capturing JJ in a tight hug as the others are close to follow. The five friends hold each other, sobbing for their best friend and the uncertainty that’s to come. 
John B dropped JJ off in front of the hospital so he could go in first while he looked for a parking spot. 
JJ walked through the hospital dodging other patients, visitors, and nurses as best as he could as he made his way to your room. He could see Kiara standing outside of your hospital room with a faint smile on her lips. 
The door to your room was open and he could hear your faint voice talking to your parents and the doctor. God, how he missed your voice. JJ makes his way inside the room to see you sitting up and sipping some water out of a straw. “Y/N?” he whispers, his voice slightly shaking at the thought of you being awake again. He takes in your appearance thinking you look as beautiful as someone possible could from coming straight out of a coma. There’s a slight tinge of pink on your cheeks that have been pale for the past few days and your hair looks like it’s been groomed, probably by your mother. He takes another tentative step into the room, unable to help the smile that comes across his face. “Y/N,” he states this time. 
“JJ-” your mother starts, but he cuts her off.
JJ’s eyes well up with tears as he makes his way to the foot of your bed. “Thank fuck your ok,” he says with a small laugh getting a look of disapproval from Dr. Kavanaugh. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up. I know I promised I’d be here but I had to run to John B’s to shower.” He pauses and smiles at you again. “God, I missed you.” A look that JJ can’t decipher crosses over your face. He thought you’d be at least a little more excited to see him. 
You look to the doctor, then to your mom, as she nods and encourages you to speak. “Thank you. That’s so sweet of you to be here but…” you trail off trying to gather your thoughts. “I’m sorry, I don’t quite know who you are.” 
Your mother looks down at her lap, while your father puts a hand on JJ’s shoulder whispering to him, “JJ, come on, I need to speak with you outside.”
JJ shrugs your father’s hand off his shoulder and steps away from him. This had to be some kind of sick joke. “Very funny guys,” JJ says with a dry laugh, turning from your parents, to the doctor and then back to you. “Y/N, if this is your way of getting back at me for all the pranks I used to play on you then it worked. You got me good. Now come on, drop the act.” He desperately looks at you as the look of confusion on your face only grows. 
“JJ,” your father whispers to him again. 
“No,” JJ whispers. “No, this can’t be happening.” 
You push a strand of hair that fell in your face behind your ear before looking at JJ once more. “I’m really sorry,” you say softly. “But should I know you?”
JJ felt a sharp pain in his chest at your words. Those five goddamn words that broke his heart.
taglist: @sunflowerbecca​ @write-from-the-heart​ @5sos-xmalumx​ 
add yourself to my taglist!  
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
daddy jaehyun
Jaehyun was just coming home watching an argument between you and Miga. "Your teacher called again. Why don't you do your homework?" You cross your arms and look angrily at your daughter. "Homework is stupid," she says, chuckling cheekily. Miga was actually always a good girl, never caused problems, but since she was in school there have been problems with her. "If you don't do it, then you can't go to work with Daddy any more." School was important to you because you wanted her to get her a good education. "Noooo", Miga started to cry and became stubborn at the same time. "You have no other choice. Go to your room immediately and start learning," you scold her and send her upstairs. Miga kept crying, but took her bag and sadly pulled it herself behind her. Jaehyun meanwhile took off his shoes very carefully and quietly. He didn't want Miga to see him because he knew that she would run to him immediately. When he was sure his daughter was upstairs, he came into the kitchen and hugged you from behind. But when you turn to him, he realized that you were crying. "Hey, what's the matter?" He asked, brushing away your tears. "I can't go on. I'm so exhausted. Miga still doesn't do her homework at school. Kiwoo doesn't accept that I didn’t breastfeed him, then the twins have a growth spurt again and Sunoh slowly notices that I'm pregnant again, because he's starting to want all the attention again. And even though the doctor gave me medication for the nausea, I still feel sick all the time and I'm always tired." You sob into his shoulder and it was probably the hormones that made you so desperate. But slowly you couldn't anymore. Even if Mia helped you, it was still difficult and this pregnancy does not start easily either. You feel like you're sick all the time. You had that when you were pregnant with Miga, but you didn't have to take care of other children then. "Okay, let's sit down." Jaehyun went with you into the living room and you sit on the couch. He then took you in his arms and gently stroked your whole body. "I knew that Miga would go nuts one day. But why now?" You sob into his shoulder and Jaehyun begins to kiss your head gently. "Because she knows that something is wrong. Children are much more sensitive here. We have fought a lot lately and they must have noticed that you are pregnant. Even if they don't know, somehow they still know." Jaehyun looked at you and you had to agree with him. "I know and we should definitely tell them, but I don't know if it will make the situation any better." You now lean against his chest and Jaehyun begins to stroke your belly. "You know how cute Miga is when she knows she's going to have another sibling." Jaehyun smiled and you have to nod. "Yes, with the twins, she was really cute." You rub your stomach and still find it weird that there was a baby inside you. "Should we talk to her?", Jaehyun then asked and you weren't quite sure at first. "Shouldn't we wait for the boys? They just went for a walk with Mia." "Miga is older. Maybe we should tell her first and then we talk to Sunoh and try to tell the twins too. Let's see how much they understand." Jaehyun laughed and you had to grin too. "Okay, let's go to her then."
"Miga?" Jaehyun carefully walked into her room with you and you see how Miga turned excitedly from the chair to you. "DADDYYY," she yelled and immediately and ran into her father's arms. "Hello my princess." Jaehyun took her in his arms and kissed her cheek. "I've missed you." She made a deep sigh and snuggled into his shoulder. "I missed you too." Jaehyun and Miga cuddled for a while until you clear your throat and remind Jaehyun why you were here. Sometimes you felt like an outsider because Miga and Jaehyun had such a special bond. It was amazing how well they played together. "Miga, we have to tell you something," said Jaehyun then and Miga looked briefly at her father. But the girl would never tell her father that she wasn't doing anything in school, so she was silent. Jaehyun picked her up and sat with her on the bed. He had her on his lap and you sit down next to them. Meanwhile, Miga was hanging around her father like a little monkey and at first didn't want to listen. "Do you remember when Sunoh was in Mummy's belly?" He asked her and Miga seemed relieved at first that it wasn't about school. She nodded and giggled softly. "And do you remember when Mummy had two babies in her stomach?" "Yes Geon and Kiwoo," she said, grinning. "Exactly! And now there is again a baby in Mummy's tummy", he said very gently and Miga got big eyes and looked at you. You nod and gently stroke your stomach. You are slowly regaining your pregnancy habits. "Really?" She asked excitedly and grinned. "Yes, and Mummy needs a lot of support now. You know that I'm not at home much and Mummy has to take care of so many things, namely you, Sunoh, Kiwoo and Geon. And she also has to take care of the baby in her tummy, because it is quite weak and small. It has to grow up first and the baby can only do that if Mummy is resting and is not stressed." Jaehyun tried to explain everything to her, but Miga already jumped up and sat down in front of your belly. She knew immediately where to reach and she felt you over. "Mummy, I'm sorry. I promise I'll do more at school." She immediately felt guilty and you hug her right away. "That would be great, you would help me a lot with that." You kiss her head and Miga giggled. "Can it be a girl this time?" She asked with her big dark eyes. "My princess, we cannot choose that," said Jaehyun and laughed. "You know what, this time I have the feeling that it will be a girl," you say and somehow you were totally sure.
After you had dinner and decided that you wouldn't tell the boys until tomorrow, Jaehyun got constant messages and calls. He had his phone on silent, but you could see it lit up all the time. "What's going on with you?" You ask him while you are lying on the couch together. "Oh, the 97 liners just want to meet and just want me to go with them," he said, picking up his phone. "When do you want to meet?" You ask him. "Tomorrow evening, but I've already told them that I don’t have time." He put his phone back to the side and then stroked your stomach again. "What if you go? You were a really sweet Daddy today and you have to work and be with your family, sometimes it’s good to see some friends," you say and turn to him. "I just don't want to leave you alone." Jaehyun pressed his lips together and his dimples appeared. "It's okay. You take care of the children and I'll go out too." You grin and Jaehyun kissed you immediately. "Thank you."
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Thank you for choosing letter A, please (if you can) leave a feedback.
Note: I made a bonus letter, because I felt that letter A wasn’t enough, so I decided to complete (or at least try), enjoy!
A: Alternative ending to my Frost Queen cookie angst fic. It’s rushed
Let’s say that, you already said to her about your illness before the incident, with that in mind, she didn’t brought you to the village to see a doctor, because she already had all of your medications, to estabilize your body. 
You would stop visiting the village, and would start to live in Frost Queen cookie’s castle, everyone would start to suspect your sudden disappearance. “What should we do? It has been a week since their disappearance”, said one of the cookie’s from the village, “I don’t know”, replied the other cookie, “ok everyone silence please”, said the chief from the village, “3 brave cookies decided to volunteer their selfs to go to y/n cookie’s house, to see if they are there.”
With that the 3 cookie’s went to your now abandoned house. “There’s no one in here”, said 1# cookie, the 3 cookies decided to go deeper in to the forest, not long after they found the path that lead to Frost Queen cookie’s castle.
“Are they in there?”, said 3# cookie, “maybe”, said 2# cookie, “ok, let’s go inside”, said 1# cookie. They went inside the castle of ice, they searched the many rooms of the castle, until they found you inside a block of ice shaped like a crystal, with a cookie in front of your now frozen body. “(Gasp) y/n cookie!”, screamed 3# cookie, “who dares to enter our castle”, said Frost Queen cookie, “oh no it’s the Frost witch!”, said 1# cookie, “you monster I will kill you, you killed y/n cookie!”, shouted 2# cookie.
 The 2# cookie ran towards Frost Queen cookie, to push her to the ground, she managed to dodge the attack, making the cookie bash their head in to your frozen body. When Frost Queen cookie saw her mistake, it was too late, the force of impact, made your frozen body, fall to the ground, shattering in to a thousand pieces. Killing you.
 “Y/n cookie! Noooo!”, Frost Queen cookie, ran towards your shattered body, in a desperate attempt, she tried to squeeze the pieces back together, “no, it can’t be, it CAN’T BE! You MURDERERS”. Fueled with rage, she used her staff, and blast the 3 cookies, freezing them in place, “no wait plea- aaarrrghh”, begged 1# cookie, to no avail. “Who send you!?”, Frost Queen cookie said to 3# cookie, “t-the chief, from the village! No wait please don’t!”, Frost Queen cookie with the new information, froze the rest of 3# cookie’s body
 After what happened, she turned to face, your now dead body, tears coming from her eyes.
 “I failed you y/n cookie, my snowflake. I wished there were another way for me to say it. I cannot. I can only beg your forgiveness… and pray you hear me, somehow, someplace. Someplace where a warm hand waits for mine… i will miss you y/n cookie. But, your death won’t be in vain, soon that village will fell the ice touch of death. They will see that, vengeance is a dish best served cold”. That day, the cookies of the village suffered from a very long and cold night, so cold that, tears could turn in to snowflakes.
Bonus Letter: V- vengeance 
 Frost Queen cookie devoted her time, to take revenge from the cookies that took you, away from her.
 One day the village was attacked by Frost Queen cookie, freezing every house, every cookie, it doesn’t matter the casualties, she was only after her revenge. Soon she found the village chief’s house, Frost Queen cookie, barged through the front door, she saw the village chief, cowering in a corner.
 “Please, d-don’t kill me, I beg you.”, said the village chief, “you beg?”, said Frost Queen cookie, “in my nightmares, i can see my y/n cookie, begging with frozen eyes, to save them”, she completed.
 “You love y/n cookie? If you love them, why are you attacking this village, they would never wanted this”, said the village chief, “no, they wanted to live a long life, in the warmth of the sun, their hand in mine… But because of you, they will only remember the icy touch of a woman, whose emotions run as cold as the blood in their veins!”, said Frost Queen cookie, “no wait- ahhhhhhh!”, she froze the chief, turning him into nothing more than ice.
 Frost Queen cookie, went outside to see the entire village, frozen. “Finally, I took my revenge over those cookies.”, it started to snow, snowflakes falling from the sky, “but for what cause, I will never be able to fell your warmth ever again… You are just like a snowflake, my love, you are unique to me.”
Im writing letter R, It will be done soon.
I could sit here and read your writing about frost queen forever. I don’t really write for her but if i did i would come to you for tips on how!
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | i
⋆ summary: A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
warnings: nothing much really, mentions of blood
word count: 1.3k
author’s note: Hey guys!! I just wanna let you know I made a few changes here and there in this chapter, nothing too big. Ah but seriously, I’m tired, but I’m having a lot of fun rewriting these huehuehue
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No one saw it coming.
Who would have thought this could happen?
Of all the people who it could’ve been, why her?
L/N Y/N wasn't your average girl. Being related to a clutz like Kaminari Denki was no easy task. Despite them only being cousins, they had a relationship almost as tough as iron. No one would believe that the two were related, both being on different sides of the spectrum.
Quite popular at school, no one really cared much for her quirk, surprisingly, since she never had one to begin with. What made her so cool though, was her bright personality. Though she was quirkless, she had a big heart and was a strong girl. Y/N was ambitious for someone her age and had excellent grades that could rival a high school student's knowledge. In store for a very promising future, for a thirteen year old, she basically had it all. 
Almost had it all.
It was until that unfaithful day, everything came crumbling and crashing down around her. 
Family had only assumed that her light coughing that would come out every now and then was caused by an itchy throat. But when the light coughs turned to violent gasps for air, they were more than concerned. Especially when Y/N began coughing up blood. They took her to every doctor in town only to have the same answer thrown at them. 
"I'm sorry Mrs. L/N, but we can't find any causes for her condition."
"Mr. L/N, test results show that nothing is wrong with your daughter’s health."
Of course, despite all the long trips and visits to hospitals and well known doctors, Denki and Y/N's relationship never once wavered. Having every opportunity when she was forced to stay indoors, she would spend her time playing video games with Denki. 
Of course, when she did have the chance to go outside, she'd most likely be playing with Denki or picking flowers. As they both sat on the swing set in a park near Y/N's home, they cracked jokes trying to make the other laugh. 
"Y'know what's a real good joke?"
"What? Your grades?"
"Pshhh, noooo. Me becoming a hero!" 
Y/N smiled as she let out a loud laugh, sending her to the dirt on her knees as she tried to regain her breath. Her laughing soon turned to her clutching her chest, ragged breaths escaping from her mouth.
"H-hey Y/N, it wasn't that funny."
The harsh breaths turned into coughing as her face turned paler at the second. Soon she was gasping for air to enter her lungs, clawing at her throat, hoping for all the pain to stop. Denki was long on the floor, kneeling with a horror stricken face and shaky hands hovering over Y/N’s body.
"Y-Y/N, what's happening?!"
Of course Y/N never answered, Denki wanted to kick himself for even asking such a dumb question at the moment. He quickly scooped her up from the ground only to struggle with keeping her in his arms. His arms were far too weak to be holding all her body weight, but Denki only prayed he'd make it back home. He ran as fast as he could, yelling for his aunt and uncle to help him. By the time they came out, Y/N’s mother shrieked in terror as she took the poor girl from Denki's arms. Y/N was only gasping for what little air entered her body, blood slowly dripping from the corner of her mouth. Quickly getting inside their car, her father drove at an alarming rate to the hospital. The cries of his aunt only scared Denki even more when Y/N had stopped her struggling. Doctors whisked her away as fast as possible, stabilizing her and drawing out the blood from her lungs. The married couple could only pace in anticipation while they waited for a doctor. Denki, on the other hand, stared blankly at the white wall in front of him. 
Was she going to die? Was it his fault that she was in such a devastating state? Seeing the color quickly drain from her face was the only thing Denki could really think about. It was his fault. Those thoughts plagued his mind, even after his parents raced into the waiting room, hugging his aunt. His mother bent in front of him, staring directly into his sunken eyes. Tears formed and fell down as he looked down to his hands.
"I'm s-sorry, it's m-my fault she's like t-this."
His mother embraced him, reassuring him that none of this was blamed on him. A couple hours passed and a doctor had arrived to inform the family of devastating news. 
"Though your daughter is in critical condition, we have stabilized her enough to where she will be able to survive on what medication we have given her. Even with what tests had shown us, we aren't receiving any type of diseases coming from her. This could mean that she possibly has a newly formed disease in her. There isn't any information on how it could have formed in her, but we could only guess she had formed some germ of a sort and it grew from there. And with the condition she's in now and the lack of information of what we know about this, we won't be able to determine when she will get better, or even if she will get better. So as of now, it is highly recommended that she will have to stay in the hospital for her recovery and to prevent any more events like the one that happened today."
And despite the devastating news happening inside the bleak hospital, the outside world seemed to only flourish with life.
Y/N's parents were devastated and Denki could only stare at the doctor with sadness. As weeks passed, Y/N only got worse, it was a miracle that she was still alive. While doing research, doctors and some scientists had found out that the bacteria in her room worsened her body. They were confused on how this disease worked, but they couldn't complain. They moved the weak, thin girl to a secluded part of the hospital. Spotless, almost dust free, and clean her room was, it barely looked like a normal room to be put in. (Y/N) had little consciousness during the whole situation, not being able to lift her own pinkie, even if she tried. Months passed, and Y/N's body began to strengthen itself back slowly. Though, the only thing that could possibly kill her was having other people around her. So family members would have to look through a window and talk through a microphone in order to communicate with her. 
Y/N honestly felt like a caged bird.
Denki would visit (Y/N) regularly, talking to her as she smiled and laughed. Every now and then, a doctor with a protective suit on would enter her room and quickly shut the door to check up on her. (Y/N) was silent during those times, looking at the doctor, examining the suit with an unreadable look on her face. Two years she had spent in the confined room, and during that time she had gotten her own computer, console, and tv as her form of entertainment. Playing online with strangers and getting to know them brought a smile to the girl's face. She knew she wouldn't be able to go outside anymore, not with how she was now.
Doctors have found out that overtime, her body had been slowly eating away at the medication, but it wasn't too severe at the time.
"Y/N's body has been rejecting the medication we have been giving to her. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything to prevent this and we have estimated she will have a year or so until her body doesn't take any of the medicine. We will need to ask permission to add higher doses of medication to her medicine. We will try our best to find a solution to this, but we can only apologize."
And this was how Y/N was in her position now. Despite the short time allowed for her, she didn't know how many things will happen in just one year. And who she will meet at that fact.
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no-nottoday · 3 years
Offer Of A Lifetime - Dope Series (Jin)
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Doctor!Jin x Mafia leader!reader
Word Count: 1342
A/N: This is my first story on tumblr. Let me know what you think. 
“Dr Kim, we have a patient for you. Eight-year-old girl who fell down the stairs at school. The school rushed her to the hospital.”
Seokjin looked up from his computer to the nurse that had come into his office during his break. Technically, he still had twenty minutes left but it wouldn’t be a day at the hospital with a reduced lunch. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking at the nurse.
“What’s her condition? Concussion, injuries etc?” He asked as he saved his work and locked his computer.
“She won’t let anyone near her. She won’t talk to anyone.”
Seokjin got up from his chair and rubbed his eyes. After a long shift he wasn’t in the mood for incompetent staff that couldn’t deal with patients. He passed the nurse and noticed her blushing. Not another one. He knew the nurses gossiped about him. His relationship status was their favourite topic. Followed closely by his bedroom activities.
“What room?”
“Oh uh, she’s in one of the private rooms. E2, down the hallway.”
“Private… who is this child?”
“I’m not sure, Dr Kim.”
Jin shook his head and walked out of his office. He turned down the hallway to one of the private sections of the hospital. As he strode down the hallway he wondered why the staff had thought he would be the best for this situation. Sure, he was good with children. He was one of the hospital's main paediatricians, but he worked more with teenagers than little kids.
He stood in front of the private room this mysterious girl was in. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door before looking through the window. He could see a bundle of cheap duvet covers on the bed and suspected that the girl was trying to hide away. He shook his head before opening the door. The bundle on the bed stopped moving around.
“Hello. My name is Dr Kim, but you can call me Jin. What’s your name sweetie?” Jin asked softly. The bundle moved around before the side of the duvet slowly lifted before being pulled back down. Jin chuckled. “You know. I like to hide away from people too.”
The duvet lifted once more before a small voice spoke out, “it’s scary. I’ve never been to a hospital before.” The duvet dropped once again. Not before he caught a glimpse of chocolate brown eyes.
“Oh no. You don’t need to be scared. I’ll look after you and make you all better. Doctor’s promise.”
The duvet slowly moved back to reveal the young girl. She blinked away the tears in her eyes and Jin felt a strange sense of protectiveness over the girl.
“What’s your name sweetie? Or should I make one up?” Jin put his hand to his chin and hummed. “Maybe Cinderella or Aurora. You’re as pretty as a princess.”
The girl giggled before shaking her head. “Nope.” She popped the ‘P’. “It’s Karina. Karina (L/N).”
Jin paused. Where had he heard that name before?
Suddenly the door burst open, and a woman rushed in and hugged the little girl. The girl cuddled into the woman. Jin’s heart was touched at the affection between them.
“Karina. You’re ok. Thank god.”
“I’m ok mum. Dr Jinnie was looking after me.”
At that the woman turned to him. “Thank you. She’s like me, not a fan of strangers. Rarely does she warm up to people.”
Jin felt weird. The woman wasn’t frowning at him but wasn’t smiling. He was just about to question it when her phone start ed ringing.
“Hello. Oh Carlos. Why the hell wasn’t the family doctor notified that my daughter was hurt and why wasn’t she sent to the house infirmary. Instead, she’s in a public hospital scared.”
There was a pause and the woman’s face grew slightly angrier. “What do you mean the doctor is injured and taking leave. Why?” Another pause. “Because you and Andreas got in a fight. Fantastic.”
The woman hung up. She took a deep breath before putting a smile on her face.
“I’m so sorry about that. My brothers were idiots and injured the family doctor and in turn, Karina had to come to the hospital apparently.” She turned to her daughter. “I’m sorry sweet pea, I should’ve been there for you.” She kissed the top of her daughter's head before turning back to Jin. He suddenly felt shy under her gaze. “Thank you for taking care of her. She’s very nervous of new people especially after being adopted into the family.”
“It’s my job, looking after the young people and children that come to the hospital. It’s what I trained for.”
“You seem good at it. My name is (Y/N) (L/N) by the way.”
Jin was shocked. That’s where he recognised the name from. The most powerful family currently and he was looking after one of the children. He gulped if he had done something wrong...She smiled. “Don’t worry. You’ve done nothing wrong. To be honest you work better with Karina than the family doctor ever has.”
“May I check her over?”
They both turned to the girl who was looking between the two of them, grinning. Jin felt a blush rising from his neck to the tips of his ears.
“I don’t think she’ll mind. I need to go settle the bills anyway.” (Y/N) turned away from Jin and to Karina. “Let me know if you need me.”
With that, she left the room. Karina turned to Jin and poked one of his cheeks. “You like my mummy don’t you.”
“Uh, no. It’s nothing-g like um that.” Jin stuttered, blush deepening.
“It’s ok. She likes you too. She doesn’t normally act like that to strangers. Has to be careful, you know.”
“I’m sure she does. Right, back to you. How are you feeling?”
“I’m ok. It wasn’t a bad fall. I’ve had worse. I didn’t hit my head if that’s what you’re wondering. I just felt faint because I hadn’t drunk water.”
“Ok. Well, I’m going to do some checks anyway to make sure. I need to take your blood pressure.
“Mmhm. So, do you have someone or not. You should go out with mummy.”
“You don’t give up, do you. Anyway, sit still while I put this on you. Make sure to relax.” Jin wrapped the small Velcro fabric band around her thin arm. He waited for the results before the machine beeped and he noted the results down. He undid the band from her arm and put it away.
“My arm hurts. It was so tight.” Karina complained, rubbing her arm.
“Oh no. We can’t have that. How about I get you a sweet and that’ll make it better. Sweets always make things better.” Karina giggled and nodded. “Ok, well let me go hand in these results and I’ll go find one.
“Sweets, my goodness you’re being spoiled.”
“Thank you Dr Kim.”
Jin blushed. “It’s no problem. I’m just glad she’s feeling ok.” Jin stared at (Y/N) who was hugging Karina close to her and stroking her hair. It made Jin smile.
“Dr Kim. There’s a new patient that’s just come in that you need to see.” A nurse stated from the doorway.
“Noooo Dr Kim.”
“Of course, nurse Jihyo. I’ll be right there.”
“Karina. He needs to go see other patients.”
“But. I don’t want to share him with other people.” Karina frowned. Jin and (Y/N) started laughing. “Anyway, someone might steal him from you mummy.” Jin started coughing at that whilst (Y/N) laughed harder.
“I need to go.” Jin stated. Eyes down, face burning.
“Of course.” (Y/N) nodded. As Jin started to leave, (Y/N) stood up and cleared her throat. ”I do have a proposition for you Dr Kim. Would you like to be one of our family doctors. More specifically, the paediatrician for the family. Everything would be paid for, and you would travel around the world with us. It’s up to you.
“I’m not sure.”
“That’s ok. Here’s my number, call me if you’re interested.”
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
My Adoring Fan chapter 9
a/n: time to get back to this
“Alright I’ve got them...” Aurelius dumps his books in the center of the little group consisting of Zulima, Max and himself. “Where’s ‘Zay?”
“Your dad wanted to talk to her as we passed by your parents’ room.” Max offered. “About what happened at RAD.”
The white- and black-haired boy nodded. “Alright then. Let’s get started then.” He flipped open to a random page and checked with his cousin and the human to make sure they hadn’t already covered the material yet: Transfiguration.
With a negative answer they began.
Arella was deciding on something to make for lunch, when Cyrus and Mahlon made it back home from their time out. As soon as the toddler could get his little shoes off, Mahlon was in the kitchen tugging on the hem of his mother’s shirt as he bounced like an excited puppy.
“Mama! Mama! Mama! ‘M hungry. When’s lunch?” He asks with wide green-to-blue-to gold gradient eyes. “Awso- Awso- Awso, me ‘n Cy... me ‘n Cy saw a weally pwetty kitty on da way home.”
“You did?” She asks with a soft chuckle. “Well, I’m not sure what I’m making for lunch just yet so why don’t you help me decide. Sound good?”
The toddler nods as Arella picks him up and places him on the counter. Cyrus enters the kitchen shortly thereafter.
“Sorry I couldn’t keep him occupied longer, Mum.” The half-demon reaches into the fridge to grab out a sportsdrink. “I know Dad’s not in the best of shape today so I tried to get Mahlon to stay out with me longer but he wouldn’t have it. Is he doing any better now, though?”
“A little bit...” Arella nodded. “He and your sister fell asleep together upstairs so I’ll wake them when lunch is finished.”
“’Zay’s home?!” Mahlon’s eyes lit up as he hopped down. “I wanna see ‘er.”
“Mahlon, honey, no. You’ll wake them right now.”
“But I wanna see ‘em!” The boy complains.
“They’re not going anywhere, Buddy.” Cyrus chuckled. “And I thought you said you were going to help Mum choose what’s for lunch?”
“Yeah.... Yeah but...”
“No buts, little one.” Arella smiled as she opened the fridge. “Your brother is up in his room with Zulima and Max. You can go see them if helping decide what’s for lunch doesn’t interest you anymore.”
Mahlon nodded taking off for the stairs as Arella turns back to the fridge to continue her task
“Auwelius!” Mahlon exclaims as he jumps on his older brother’s back. “Why’dyu come home eawly? Hi, Zuli!” His multicolored eyes narrowed when he noticed Max, “Human... go away.”
“Hm?” The older teen looks back, “Don’t worry about it just yet, bud.” He ruffles Mahlon’s fluffy black hair. “Also don’t talk to Max like that. You may be the baby of the family but that doesn’t mean you get to act like a brat.”
Mahlon on let out a hmph as he turned his attention to one of the spell books. “What’s that?”
“It’s a spell for transfiguration,” Zulima explained.
“Can I see how it's done?”
“Sure,” Max offers, “I can do it for you.”
“No!” The toddler growled as he glared at her. “I wasn’t asking you. I was asking Auwelius or Zuli. Not you, Stupid.”
“Whoa,” Both Aurelius and Zulima cut in.
“Cool your jets there, Mahlon.” Zulima started, “Max just offered to show you what you wanted to see. You don’t have to be mean.”
“If you can’t act nicely, then you can go. The door’s that way.” Aurelius points toward the door. “The three of us are trying to study.”
“No! I wanna stay! I wanna stay!” The nearly three-year-old shouts as Aurelius covers Mahlon’s mouth with his hand.
“Mahlon, stOP! You yellin’ at the top of your damn lungs like this is not a good thing. Dad’s probably sleeping right now. Do you really want to be the one that wakes him up?” Mahlon shakes his head as Aurelius removes his hand from his brother’s mouth. “That’s what I thought.”
“Too bad it already happened.” Mammon says as he leans against the doorframe. “Mahlon, apologize to Max and then go downstairs.”
“I’m not sayin’ sowwy. Not to ‘er,” Mahlon crossed his arms with a huff.
“It wasn’t optional, Mahlon. Say yer sorry. Right now.”
“No! You can’t make me!”
“I sure as hell can put ya in time out until yer ready to though. Downstairs, now- or do I gotta come over there and get ya myself?”
Mahlon only shook his head and marched out of Azalea’s room, headed downstairs for his punishment.
“Here’s yer phone back, Max. Send me that audio so I can get it to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo.” Mammon sighed, “There’s no excuse for the four of ya ta have had what was said ta ya said ta ya.”
The blue-eyed human only nodded as she put her phone away and the demon left.
As Mammon and Mahlon make their way downstairs, the demon flips on a 5-minute timer on his phone.
“When this timer goes off, I’ll come get ya and we’ll talk about why what ya did was wrong and why ya did it, ‘kay?” Mammon says as he puts Mahlon in a corner for his time out and the boy nodded. The white-haired demon flips on the time and heads into the kitchen to get something to drink.
“Hey, right behind ya,” he says as reaches over Arella to grab a water bottle from the fridge. “So... Mahlon’s in time out right now because he’s refusin’ to apologize to Max for callin’ her stupid.”
“What? really?” Arella looks up at him with wide eyes. “That’s the second time he’s done that while she’s been over...”
“Yeah ‘n it's gonna be the last too.” He hums, “I think he’s just jealous of her because ‘Zay gives Max the attention that he wants from her. Ya know how much he loves ‘er despite the way she treats him ‘n how possessive he gets over us or his siblings.”
“Yeah, I thought we’d managed to curb this behaviour from last time though...” She rubbed her temples. “How are you feeling though after you’ve had that nap? You ready for lunch, love?”
“I’m a lil’ better. Kinda nauseous from not eatin’ all morning so I’m more than ready for lunch. Maybe gettin’ some food in me’ll help kick the rest of this. I’m tired of just sittin’ around doin’ nothin’.
“Just take it easy, alright? Remember what the doctor said all those years ago? Rest is the quickest way to come out of this.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m just bored.” He sighed as the timer went off. “Welp, time to go talk to our son.” He took a swig out of his water bottle and went back out into the living room to talk to Mahlon.
“Alright, I’m going to wake Azalea and collect the others for lunch.” Arella says as she climbs the stairs.
“Azalea,” Arella calls softly as she’s tries to rouse her daughter from her nap for lunch. “Time to wake up, my little flower.”
“Don’t wannaaaaaa,” The teen only rolls further onto her side trying to bury her face in the pillow. “’m not hungry.”
“I know you don’t but you have to. You’ll never sleep tonight and then you’ll be tired for school the next day.”
“Noooo, I’ll be fine.”
Well, if her daughter was refusing to get up, Arella had other strategies to wake the girl. Her hands snuck to Azalea’s sides and she began to tickle the girl.
“Ah! Stop! Stop! I give!” The half-demon laughed as she tries to roll further away from Arella only for Arella to pull her back in when she was in danger of falling off the king-sized bed. “Mercy! Mercy!”
The human ceases the tickle attack as she holds her daughter close. “I’m glad you saw it my way,” She smiled. “Lunch is ready, Princess. Your brother and I made sandwiches.”
“Which one? I have two.”
“It was Cyrus and no- you have three brothers, Darling.”
“Does Mahlon really count?” She asked.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean he can’t do much in the way of helpin’ if he can’t even reach the bloody counter now, can he?”
“Oh, that’s what you meant,” She let out a relieved sigh as Azalea laughed softly.
“So, are ya ready to apologize to Max, now, Buddy.” Mammon asks as he sits with his youngest on the couch.
“No... I’m mad at her.” the black-haired boy puffs his cheeks out in a pout.
“You’re angry at her? Why? Did she do something to upset you?”
“She took ‘Zay away.”
“Whaddya mean by that, Mahlon?” The demon asks as he readjusts the boy on his lap. “Max didn’t take yer sister away from ya.”
“Yes, she did. ‘Zay don’t love me no more... She’s always with Max...”
“Mahlon, bud, that ain’t true,” The Avatar of Greed sighs. “Your Sis is just bad at showin’ those types of feelings sometimes but I promise you she does love ya... in her own way.”
“How do you know?” Mahlon’s multicolored eyes peer up at his father.
“Can I let ya in on a little secret?” He asks as Mahlon nods. “When you were a baby, Azalea hated ya. She didn’t want ya to be here- even still she’s not really yer biggest fan.”
“What? Why? Did I do someting wrong?”
“No, it's just that up until Mama and I had you, she didn’t have ta share our attention with anyone but Aurelius so she felt like you were taking us away from her and she felt like she was being replaced. Ya see, babies require a lot of work after their first born so we really didn’t have a lot of free time ta spend one on one with your brother and sister like we used to. She resented having ya around but as ya got older and ya started ta get more independent and not in need of constant supervision, she started ta calm down about it.”
“So she doesn’t like me?”
“She’s getting better about it. Ya just gotta give her time which leads me to my next point: You can’t be mean to Max. Not only is it wrong since she’s been nothing but nice to you, but do you really think your sister is going to like that you’re being rude and nasty to her friend?”
“... No...”
“So doncha think you should apologize?”
“That’s my good boy,” The demon ruffles his son’s hair. “It’s lunch time now so let’s go ahead and wash our hands and get to the table, ‘kay?”
“’Kay,” The toddler hops down from his father’s lap and heads off for the kitchen.
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deadbiwrites · 4 years
Some AgentReign (as requested)!
“Mom. Mom. Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom. Mom. Mo-”
“Ooooooh my god, what?” Sam groans, rolling over and wrapping her squirmy daughter in a hug.
“There’s a lady here.”
“Unless she’s a live-in maid or Kate Beckinsale, I don’t care.” Her eye opens just a fraction. “Did you answer the door without me?”
Ruby stops squirming and her eyes move to anywhere but her mother’s face. “Noooo....” 
Sam groans. “Rubes, I told you not to do that, it’s-”
“Dang’rous, yeah, yeah. But she’s dressed like a doctor, so...”
‘Doctor, doctor, doctor.... why is that ringing a bell?’
“... and besides you don’t even like applesauce, so-”
“Wait, pause. What about applesauce?”
“I asked if she wanted any.”
Ruby shrugs and makes a downright cartoonish ‘I dunno’ sound. “I always spill the milk and it’s hard to reach the sink for water and we’re out of- hey Mom, we’re out of juice boxes-.” 
“Where is this lady doctor now?”
Ruby looks at her like she’s an idiot. “In the living room, eating applesauce.”
Sam scrambles out of bed. “Ruby!”
Her daughter throws her hands up in the air. “You said it’s nice to offer people something to drink when they come over!”
“Applesauce isn’t a drink!”
“I’m only six!” Ruby hollers back.
There’s a knock on the bedroom door and both Ariases look at it, then each other, and then the door again.
“Hey, hi, sorry, um. I didn’t know you were asleep, I just needed to borrow a screwdriver? I just moved in and I think my sister forget to get my toolbox out of her ca- anyways, I’m really sorry, and-”
Sam pulls the door open and comes face to face with the applesauce-drinking lady doctor. “You’re fine, we were just... uh...”
Big brown eyes blink up at her, brows furrowed. “Are you alright?”
“Peachy,” Sam mumbles, eyes locked on the other woman’s face. 
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