#this is why i love the word queer so much
Hii! Could you possible write something more with Emily and her partner self harming? You write it so incredibly well and I find so much comfort in it, it’s insane. Maybe Emily finding out for the very first time when her partner is actively doing it? <333
Hi, anon! I'm always happy to write hurt/comfort about self-harm. :) It's my genuine hope that it brings people comfort and helps them feel less alone. Much love to you! –illdowhatiwantthanks
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: BIG self-harm warning!!!, cutting, blood, mentions of past familial abuse, homophobia, bigotry, use of slurs, explicit language (please let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 2.2k
One comment. One stupid, stupid comment. That’s all it had taken.
Don’t listen to the haters! Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈 Thanks for the support!
You’d left it thoughtlessly, carelessly even, on the Washington Nationals Instagram post for Pride. Frustrated by all the hate and homophobia in the comments, you’d left one of support. You wanted the other queer fans to know they weren’t alone, and for the social media team to know that their post meant something.
You hadn’t expected it to blow up. You hadn’t expected to be the sole target of the Nationals’ conservative fan base. The first few comments, you’d ignored:
WTH is a they?
bro, what is “they” 🙏💀😭
your an npc you cannot be talking
not a fan
I think you mean IT
the Support your dad never gave you huh?
you need to read your bible
by haters you mean 95% of the population?
So, they’d found your profile. They’d seen your pronouns listed as she/they. Your page was private, they shouldn’t have access to anything else. You took deep breaths, turning off your Instagram notifications, trying your best to ignore the red notification alerts climbing into the hundreds, then the thousands.
But the first phone call? That had taken you off guard. It was an unknown number. You shouldn’t even have picked up.
“Hello?” you’d said, so innocent, so unprepared.
“Is this Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Yes, this is she…”
“Do you mean they!? You fucking dyke. Bet your daddy diddled you when you were little, huh? That’s why you’re so fucked up now!? I could fix that real quick. You just need a real dick shoved in you. Where do you live, baby? We can arrange that! You’re disgusting. You need some real cock in your life.”
It was so aggressive, so vulgar, so quick and angry. You couldn’t have gotten a word in if you’d tried. You hung up, shocked, silent. You were used to homophobia. You were used to hate and bigotry. You’d grown up in a place where people had called you a dyke on the streets, where churchgoers pulled you aside in the grocery store to pray over your “lifestyle.” Your parents had hated you long before you came out of the closet, so their revulsion wasn’t a surprise and it didn’t hurt, not any more than they’d already hurt you.
But you were so far away from where you’d come from, and you were so used to feeling safe here. You had Emily and you had the BAU and you were, generally speaking, free to walk around and live your life as your full, truest self without fear. The fact that this phone call, the hatred that came with it, had invaded your home, your safe space–it shook you. You were physically shaken.
But the calls kept coming. Again and again. Nonstop. So many they overlapped one another. So many that your voicemail box was full. And then the emails started. You knew you shouldn’t read them, shouldn’t listen to the voicemails, shouldn’t open up Instagram and scroll through the hateful comments. But you couldn’t stop yourself. And everything you read made you feel lower. You could handle a lot of hate, but this was past your threshold. It was the comments about your family that got to you the most. How did they know!? How did they know where to hit you the hardest? Where you were already weak and wounded and it wouldn’t take much to break you?
Emily was away on a case with the BAU. You wished she was here. You’d feel better if she was with you. More solid, less affected. Somehow, the bigotry never got to Emily, not like it got to you. You knew if she was here, she’d hold you, she’d set up some sort of fancy FBI phone trace and figure out who was calling you, she’d shut down your Instagram or take your phone from you so that you wouldn't be able to read the comments. She’d tell you she loved you, that you were beautiful, perfect, exceptional. She’d tell you that what these people said about you, how they made you feel, was not real, was not who you were. She’d remind you that who your dad thought you were, how he’d treated you, what he’d done to you–that wasn’t you either. That you were hers and you were your own. You were brave and strong and beautiful. But she wasn’t here to tell you any of that, and somehow telling yourself those things didn’t carry the same weight. By the time you fell asleep that night, you were in a spiral of such self-hatred, such hopelessness, such unending anxiety at each buzz of your phone–you hadn’t felt this low since college.
When you woke up the next morning–a Saturday–you turned off your phone, determined not to let the haters get to you, to take control of the day, of your emotions. You meditated. You listened to your favorite music. You made yourself some breakfast.
You stepped outside to go on a walk, knowing that fresh air and movement would do you good, keep you from spiraling further. But you stopped dead in your tracks when you turned to shut the door behind you. Spray-painted in angry red over the door frame of your townhouse was FAGS BURN IN HELL.
You went back inside and slammed the door behind you, trying not to cry. Too much. It was all too much. They had your socials. They had your email. They had your phone number. And now they knew where you lived. Every bit of safety and security you’d worked so hard to build here seemed to be crumbling around you, and there was nothing you could do about it.
And you knew then, like you were watching a film of yourself, watching something that had already happened, that you would go to the bathroom. You would take out a fresh razor blade, and you would drag it across the skin of your forearm. That you would bleed, and the blood would be the tears you didn’t let yourself cry. Just like it had been all those years ago, when you hid from your dad in the bathroom. Like it was in college when you figured out you were gay and hated yourself for it. Like it had been when your dad had died and you’d gone to his funeral and you’d lied and told Emily the wounds were from the barn cat scratching you.
It was magnetic, inevitable almost. The more you fought, the more you hated yourself for not being able to resist, which only made you crave the sharpness more. You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror and wondered at how easy it was for everything to fall apart around you. The self-confidence, the security, the life you’d spent years, decades even, building, it all seemed to be crumbling. From one stupid comment.
You held the blade to your arm, a little shaky, knowing that once you did it, you wouldn’t be able to take it back. The line of blood was familiar, almost a relief, the pain an old friend, one that you’d kept away for so, so long. You hated yourself for doing it. You hated yourself for enjoying it. But you enjoyed the hating, too.
So focused were you on the lines, the series of parallels and perpendiculars you were carving lightly into yourself, that you didn’t hear the front door open, didn’t hear Emily call your name, voice dripping with concern having seen the angry message. You didn’t notice her at all until she was at the bathroom door, eyes wide and panicked, frozen. Before you could react, she’d lunged forward, grabbed your hand, and squeezed, forcing you to drop the razor blade. Her voice came to you as if through water, blurry and hazed and distant, as she wrapped your bloody arm in a towel.
“Honey, stop, stop!!” she called, frantic and shaky. “What are you doing!?”
The moment you made eye contact with her–and saw how scared you’d made her–you broke. Tears streamed down your face and you choked back sobs, sinking to the bathroom floor. Emily lowered herself with you, making sure to keep your arm tightly wrapped, caressing your face with her free hand.
“Hey,” she cooed. “It’s okay. What’s going on? Can you tell me? Please talk to me, baby. Please.”
You didn’t answer, couldn’t seem to catch your breath or find your voice. You simply buried your head in the crook of her neck, trying to regain some semblance of security.
Emily rubbed your back, resting her chin on your head. “Is it about the writing on the door?”
You nodded, sucking in a shaky breath.
“I’ll get someone to take care of it, okay? But… honey, why did that make you… why did you want to… hurt yourself?”
“It’s not just the door,” you confided, sniffling. “It’s the phone calls and the emails and the fucking Instagram comments.”
“Wh–?” Emily sounded deeply confused, even as she ran her fingers through your hair, placed kisses at the top of your head.
“I left one comment, Em, on some stupid fucking baseball Pride post to say, like, Happy Pride! Thanks for not being bigots! And all the fucking bigots in DC came out of the woodwork to dox me.”
Emily exhaled, mind racing. First, she had to keep you safe from yourself. Then she needed to keep you and her and your home physically safe. Then she needed to get your digital safety under control. Emily was a fixer at heart. And she was determined to make you feel safe again.
“And why the fuck do they keep bringing up my dad!?” You choked out another sob.
Understanding flooded through Emily, and she held you a little tighter, a little closer. It was your dad. That’s what had really triggered you. You were used to homophobia. But you hated being reminded of your dad. Emily rubbed her thumb along the bloodied towel around your forearm, a realization sinking in, one that broke her heart.
“This isn’t the first time you’ve hurt yourself,” she whispered, more to herself than to you. It devastated her. How could she protect you from yourself? From your past? She couldn’t go back and change it, no matter how desperately she wanted to.
You could hear the heartbreak in her voice, and guilt flooded into all the hurt places inside you, all the places the blood had left empty. You buried your face in your hands.
“I’m sorry, Em,” you cried, shrinking into yourself. “I’m so sorry.”
But the more you tried to squirm away, the harder she held you. “Hey,” she soothed. “It’s okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry you’ve been through things that make you want to hurt yourself.”
Her voice broke, and you wrapped your arms around her waist, your instinct to comfort her kicking in. She was shaking, you realized. She was scared.
“But, baby, please don’t shut me out,” she continued. “I’ll do whatever it takes, okay? Just… I don’t… I don’t know how to protect you from you.”
You sat up and looked at Emily, her eyes now swimming with tears. “Emily,” you said softly, wiping her eyes with your thumbs. “That’s not your job.”
“It is my job,” she insisted. “It’s always my job to keep you safe.”
You exhaled shakily, lifting your arm to wet a rag at the sink, and handing it to Emily, uncovering the angry red cuts on your arm. You pulled gauze and medical tape out of the bottom cabinet drawer and set those next to you.
“Here,” you said, extending your arm, knowing that Emily would feel better with something tangible to do to help you.
She dabbed at your arm with the rag, her fingers gentle and cool against your skin.
“It’s not something you can fix, Em,” you told her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she focused on your wounds, eyes swimming. “I need to go back to therapy.”
She nodded, deep in thought, smoothing the gauze over your wound, and carefully taping it in place.
“But you could get Penelope to shut down the internet trolls?” you suggested, venturing a smile. Your heart wasn’t in it yet, but you knew that with Emily here, it would be soon.
Emily ran her fingers over your arm, placing a small kiss on the bandages. She smiled at you, sad and determined and angry and scared, and squeezed your hand. “Oh, I will fucking end the trolls. Starting with the asshole who fucked up our door. Bet that idiot’s not expecting the FBI to come knocking.”
You giggled, and she pressed her forehead to yours and, for just a moment, everything was okay.
You knew that Emily couldn’t make you better. She wasn’t magic. And even the best relationships couldn’t take away all the hurt of the past. But Emily made it easier for you to make yourself better. She made you want to do the work. And, for that–and for so many other reasons–you’d love her forever.
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i love being queer i really do but my god it can be lonely sometimes
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NGL I have STRONG opinions about digital releases omitting the letters to the editor section of older comics. I feel like the letters are a part of comic history and should be aggressively preserved.
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torahtot · 7 months
ok ive had enough of queering judaism. can we start judaizing queerness now. or something
#like. it feels like so much of this queering judaism shtus just layers an american/secular queer identity over judaism#which i guess is fine for certain communities. but it's only going to push you away from orthodoxy#and if as queer jews we already feel like our queerness makes us into secularized outsiders in our own communities#how does this help? is trying to get our communities to embrace an essentially secular american iteration of queer identity supposed to mak#us feel LESS like outsiders? it's not quite doing it for me#we need a queerness that comes from within judaism that is essentially jewish#ive seen a couple of articles recently from ppl talking abt how word/concept of butch doesnt exist in their language & culture#but they use it anyway#& like. i love being butch. it's important to me ill never give it up#& i am american too. but my whole identity as a butch he/him lesbian is exclusively secular american it came from the outsifr#which is definitely due in large part to the fact that my Gender Problems were really tied up w orthodox jewish gender roles#so naturally to get out of that i'd pull on something not jewish. but i wish there was another option? idk if that's possible#or how it would look#maybe that's why im obsessed w the idea of a butch w long curly payos.... 😦#i forgot where i was going w this but yeah it's frustrating#this is a large part of why im wary of starting a queer Jewish club on campus bc the people who would wanna start it w mr#well no offense but they are insufferable about this#(incidentally they're also insufferable about chanukah. no surprises there)#nachi speaks#jew blogging#others have Actually written abt all this tho
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handsomegentlebutch · 2 months
My 3 little cousins were baptized today. "Triggered" is kind of a strong word but being in a catholic church again... I'm a little fragile rn ngl.
#butch speaks#it was hard not to shake as i held J over the basin to have the water poured on his head#when he was cleansed of sin. as if a little kid could ever knowly or intentionally offend a so-called loving god#the words came naturally to me#but they meant nothing#i remember when they used to mean something. when i begged gods forgiveness for my sin (being a lesbian) and tried to pray the gay away#i remember how much i wanted to die bc i could never truly embrace the sacred#i STILL deal with the complex of catholic guilt. its a very real thing. its hard to shake#i cant help but wonder if the catholicism ingrained in my brain is why i have a hard time with casual dating n sex#fun fact: there was a point when i was a teen that i got REALLY catholic#i prayed everyday. i talked to my patrin saint (st agnes) every day. i wantsd to become a nun#the thought of marrying a man mad me more sad than feeling like an alien did. so id marry the church as a nun.#not the way to hide being a dyke when ur fam is catholic btw LMAO#the first priest i knew was father joe. i loved that guy. he was so kind. friendly. briming with love.#he was one of my biggest references for what a good person was like#he talked about gods love a lot. how its for everyone. no one is exluded. ever.#he used to look right at me when he said stuff like that. a few other kids too. all of whom grew up to be queer#then father joe passed away. our church merged with another church. father jeff was the priest there.#he was kind but not as kind. he talked about hell and sin more. he looked at the same kids father joe did.#but the kindness in his eyes wasnt there.#that wasnt for us.#my family wasnt even THAT catholic#i went to church every sunday i did vacation bible school and catechism classes and youth group#i was an altar servant and in the choir#i even used to speak/understand a little latin#imagine how much worse id have been if my mom could have afforded catholic school lmao#grateful to have grown up poor in that regard#hm. actually... reading my own tags. mayne we were pretty catholic actually.#fucking hell.#i need to have lesbian sex in a church before god and everyone. mayeb that would fix me.
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sonic (the franchise) is about so many things and one of them is giant found family. their family tree of blood relatives is a single name, while the family tree of who they consider family is everywhere. diagonal lines, little notes of 'she's my sister and he's my brother but they aren't siblings to each other', little scribbles of '(actually blood related)', colour coded stems to demonstrate different relationships (some of these stems are multicoloured), all in a big jumbled up mess that's impossible to decipher but makes sense to them.
thats why sonic is insperable from queerness and other communities of those shunned and forced to live underground*. thats why sonic is inseparable from acceptance and diversity.
*i mean theres a whole show about that
and at the end of the day, that's what draws a lot of people to sonic. us queers like it for the afformentioned found family aspect, with found families across the world having been vital to our survival in the past. in particular, us trans people like it for the complete nonconformist attitudes to basically everything. us disabled people like it because half the characters can very easily be read as disabled (particularly neurodivergent). racial minorities, poorer people, almost any group faced by oppression can be drawn to it for its general anti-capitalist, pro-acceptance views. for anyone wondering what capitalism has anything to do with it, that's a whole other rant, but to keep it concise: oppression divides the poor, therefore capitalism thrives on it.
was this always the intention? probably not. hell, is that even always the intention now? again, maybe not. but finding meaning in something that didn't have it in the first place is such a great thing, and i do believe that in a large portion of what has been made, this has been the overarching meaning, to some extent. and yes it's just a game about a really fast hedgehog; yes, it's just a property meant to get kids to beg their parents to spend money; but anything ever can be about so much more, depending on who you ask, and that includes sonic.
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theduchessofnaxos · 1 year
I just got fucking Catholic anti-queer propaganda blazed to me.
Hey Tumblr, I'm a gay transgender Jew. Maybe don't show me that shit.
Unless the goal was to entrench me even further in my belief that Christianity is a hate religion that's somehow managed to convince WAY too many people that hate is love. If that was the goal, good job, I do find Christians even creepier and more hateful than I did ten minutes ago.
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So a thing a lot of people don't know is that in Nevada, Civil Unions are still a thing, and accessible to any pair (homo, hetero, or anything else) that wants to tie the knot legally but in a less-confusing and easier-to-dissolve manner than marriage. It doesn't offer a huge amount of federal protection but at the state level it's considered marriage, for all intents and purposes, and several states will honor it as such.
It's super easy, too. No ceremony. You and your partner fill out a form each, get it notarized, and go file it with the Secretary of State. You pay $50, or $150 if you need it expedited. If you dissolve it within 5 years, all you have to do is file another form notifying the state of the dissolution of your civil union, and bam, it's done. (If it's longer than 5 years or more complex than an agreed-upon dissolution, you still have to go to divorce court.)
Uhh so anyway Raven and I need to get a civil union (because neither of us wants to get married again) for legal reasons - it's not romantic, even though we are very much in love, it's just practical for our situation. We are also deadass broke.
So tldr: anyone up to loan me $150? Or give it to us as a civil union present? Bc we need this shit done fast.
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mars-ipan · 2 years
god i watched that video essay on queer rage. it is so fucking good i’m gonna send it to my parents
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vaniliens · 2 months
Im thinking back to that time in bali back in December when we were watching the tari kecak dance again,,,,, aughg
#nillas#it was great i loved it#i recorded the whole thing but it sucks#the guy in front of me kept blocking the view lol#but yeagh#i also like the story and everything but what stood out to me the most was the actors. and the roles they played.#because they casted two girls for the main straight couple.#I know for a fact that they did this because having the two be opposite genders would be too ''Scandalous''#but at the same time???#I dont know#sometimes i feel awful living here despite my nationalism fueling my determination *to* live here#but then theres these little glimpses false hope or not that gets me thinking. Maybe it isnt that bad. There's others.#you know unintentionally or not they still made it a queer narrative. Of a girl who fell in love and saved her fiancee from a big bad.#I know!!!! That its because of this!!! Pseudo purity culture thing but!!! IM CLENCHING MY FISTS HERE MAN.#THERES OTHER QUEER STORIES. I KNOW. THERE'S PEOPLE JUST LIKE ME AROUND ME. I KNOW. I'VE HEARD I'VE SEEN AND I'VE SPOKEN ABOUT THEM.#but it just doesn't hit as much as seeing it live on a stage with others. knowing the irony of it all. That this was an exception to most.#That Everyone knew why this happened and so they cheered and clapped and watched intently and for the first time it felt normal#to the eyes around them the spectators they interacted with SURE they didn't kiss or anything but it was still intimate!!#The Dance!!! Man;;;;!!!!! ITS A TRADITIONAL DANCE!!! IN THIS TRADITIONAL ASS COUNTRY!!!!!#MAN!!!! DO YOU GET IT!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!#IM SO BAD AT WORDS BUT THIS IS JUST!!!! HHHHRHRHRHHHH HRRRRGGGGGGGHH#I FEEL LIKE IM INSANE FOR THIS BUT ITS THERE!!!! I HAVE THE GOD DAMNED VIDEO!!!!!#PEOPLE WHO HATEDDD LESBIANS PEOPLE WHO ARE DISGUSTED BY QUEERS!!! WE ALL SAT AROUND AND ENJOYED THIS UNDENIABLY#GAY ASS PERFORMANCE. AND THEY CAN SAY ITS BECAUSE DEPICTING A MAN AND A WOMAN WOULD BE GROSS ALL THEY WANT.#I DONT CARE. ARE YOU SEEING THIS SHIT JERRY.
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mothslimes · 4 months
post for the germans but i really really really really hate how gendern is so connected to the queer community as if most queer people i know don't fucking hate it. gendern is the most non-binary exclusive thing ever. ohhhh we had a generic masculine that included all genders but that was sooo sexist and transphobic ackshually so now we say male and female. how is that. literally HOW is that queer inclusive. that's literally just women inclusive. you know. who were ALREADY INCLUDED in the generic masculine. ALONG WITH EVERY OTHER GENDER THAT YOU ARE NOW EXCLUDING WITH YOUR FALSE DICHOTOMY.
KYS. genuinely. kys. (the concept not the people i don't want some snobby entry level queers to commit suicide over this of course)
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this is so stupid man. "ooooh so basically people don't assume women are included in the generic masculine and that's in issue. so instead of fixing that issue by normalizing women in those positions, we now put an extra special woman word next to the generic word. thus reaffirming the male centricism of the base word. this is feminism" genuinely shut the fuck up oh my god i want to kms. i actually wanna die. I WANNA DIE. kill me. hit me with a rock. throw me off a bridge. aything. i need to quit university this shit is killing me i need to hang out with homophobic old men who reaffirm my gender identity because they're too stupid to be transphobic instead of those privileged ass queers that are so inclusive they circle back around to being discriminatory. if one more person asks for my pronouns specifically because i'm the only gnc bitch in the room i'll just end it all... seriously... i'd rather be misgendered than gendered correctly out of political correctness and pity like genuinely shut up. shut up. shut up. shut up. i hate german politics. i hate the german assimiliationist gays. and i hate that the only people criticizing this shit are fuckin AFD like thanks a lot now i, a trans, bisexual, otherkin, plural, mentally ill guy am being called right wing for disagreeing with the privileged ass cishet "allies" overshadow our actual problems to be annoying whiny little bitches and ruin the whole movement. literally what is going on.
#mik talks#^^^^local boy is salty his university requires him to ruin his beautiful essay with gender inclusive language quote unquote#is it just me#is it just me...#I HATE THIS COUNTRY#ICH BIN NICHT STOLZ AUF DIESES LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sory chaosz moment#for many other reasons sorry dont mean to detract from actual issues like our shit fucking politics concerning palestine#like genuinely what the fuck is wrong with our country. die. all of you who support this shit and actually still think germany is great#but yeah so much queer politics here are literally just performative you guys dont actually care about us i know you dont#you just want political correctness point without doing any of the unlearning#gonna be so real watching kuchentv back in the day lowkey radicalized me. hes a huge dick and his politics suck but he was#against the mainstream leftism. and through that i came to form my own opinion cuz i was like. wait hol on this dude doesnt know#what hes talking about either. why are both parties so stupid. (learns everything myself from actual sources) oooohhh#and now i guess i just have tumblr politics. which is evryone should be allowed to do whatever if it doesnt hurt others. which funny enough#are what most people here would say about their politics. but they never put actions behind their words. because they actually do care#soooo much about what others do its hilarious#point three that radicalized me was slime - linke spießer lmaoooooooo. that song.... yeag#linke spießer literally describes these types of 'allies' or even assimilationist queers i despise so much#you love the aesthetics of leftism but you dont actually know anything about it
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piplupod · 4 months
[whispering nervously] hey i feel like this is the equivalent of throwing a beehive at a bear, but i genuinely do not understand what is going on with the latest queer label discourse,,, why is calling urself a mspec gay/bi lesbian/etc such an issue ?
#i am afraid that i do not understand why ppl are so against it#sexuality is weird and gender is like... such a vague concept#a person can have a very strong knowledge of their own gender ofc yes#but why are we saying NO YOU CAN'T BE ATTRACTED TO XYZ IF YOU'RE XYZ LABEL#like. okay. but. consider. maybe a lesbian falls in love w someone who identifies as a guy sometimes#and maybe that lesbian IDs as a lesbian in a gender way along w their sexuality#so i think bisexual lesbian actually makes sense but idk man#also. i dont rly understand why it matters so much. yes words have meaning but. idk. it just. doesnt seem like a big deal to me?#does anyone have insight bc i am so confused seeing ppl be so militantly against it and putting it in DNI banners on posts and stuff#is this one of those things where some queer ppl get upset bc other queer ppl are queer in a not easily labelled way?#or is this like. an actual issue.....#i personally am not a lesbian nor a gay man. though Kam is a lesbian and Lake is a gay man but those two don't front v often#so i as a part don't get a say maybe. but Kam and Lake both shrugged at me when i asked them why ppl get so angry abt this#so . i think perhaps . we are all lost on why ppl are upset abt this LMFAO#TURNING RBS OFF SO DM ME/REPLY/INBOX if u want to engage LOL i dont want to get harassed because i am asking a question 👍#being called a sq*aw and a cracker within the same week was funny to have happen once. not rly funny more than that though lmao#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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the-biornicles · 7 months
#lior says words#i’m so#idek#my boyfriend broke up-ish with me yesterday#well he just brought up the possibility but he implied that it would probably happen#and i get why#and he still loves me and i still love him but#there’s a conflict with his beliefs and my queerness 😀#and i want him to be happy and i don’t want him to feel guilty for being with me#but DAMN IT WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS#it was going so well#i love him so much#but then he’s like “is this technically gay. i can’t do that”#and i don’t want to be like “abandon your religion. for me 😁”#just like how he doesn’t want to be like “detransition. for me 😁”#i feel like i can’t even say anything like “is god rly that sick if he doesn’t want us together bc i’m kinda a boy” bc like#1. it’d be like him saying “you’re half girl why not go all the way”#2. i’m not fucking religious and not in the way he is what would i know 😭#i want him to be happy#idk what that would mean though#would he rly be happy if we break up#would he rly be happy if we were together but he always felt guilty for it#i just. idk#i wish it wasn’t like this#if we break up i’d be fine eventually. he’d still be my bestie westie for the restie#but i need to let myself be upset about it. i’m going to be upset at the complexity#and my helplessness#and what could’ve been#because the time we were together was the happiest fucking time of my life#whatever i’ll go back to yearning or whatever tf i was doing
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drchucktingle · 5 months
hello buckaroos. the TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION have issued a formal statement and apology which you can read at the attached link.
while i find the language used to discuss what was done a little unsatisfying, i would like to start by saying i appreciate anyone taking steps to prove love is real and make things right. the genuine feeling of ‘realizing you have made a mistake and hurt someone else’ is a terrible one, and i have so much empathy for this group as they reckon with their choices causing harm. i appreciate their apology.
i also think more good than bad has come from this situation. i am so thankful this happened to me (someone with a large social media presence) and not a smaller buckaroo author without the means to stand up for themselves. i think the next time someone comes to the TXLA with an accommodation need, they will hopefully be taken more seriously
lets trot down to business about specifics now. the TXLA has re-invited chuck to the original panel and even offered to take a moment at the top of the panel to talk about what happened. this is very kind of them and i will say THANK YOU. 
unfortunately i will also have to decline.
the fact that it took this much effort, social media backlash, and discussion to let me simply EXIST PHYSICALLY in a way that is authentic to myself is not a good sign. if this organization immediately questions an authors chosen presentation in this manner, i cannot imagine what my other accommodations would be met with.
sometimes i am at an event and i very quickly need extra space to breathe. sometimes i am at an event and i need special guides to help me along from place to place. these are not ‘big asks’ and every other conference has gladly provided them, but if the TXLA had this kind of initial reaction to my physical appearance, i cannot imagine them readily helping with my other needs without ‘proof’.
this is clearly not a safe place to trot for those who require additional accommodations. regardless of any apology, their ACTIONS have shown that people who appear unusual or unique are not welcome at this event on a subconscious level. i believe the TXLA have some serious inner work to do beyond this apology, and i believe this inner work will involve actions more than words.
but even more importantly i would like to make this very important point: IT DOES NOT MATTER IF MY MASK IS A DISABILITY AID OR NOT. i appreciate the way this discussion has allowed us to trot out some deep talks on autism and proved love in this way, but i think there is a much more important point at hand.
regardless of WHAT someone looks like, it is not the job of an event or conference to pick apart WHY. physical presentation can be a part of someones neurodivergence, or gender, or sexuality, but i can also just exist as a nebulous undefined part of their inner self. it can be a piece they are not ready to openly discuss yet. the guests at TXLA are authors (aka ARTISTS) and the idea that a conference dedicated to an ART is going to deny people with unique and unusual presentations for ANY reason is absurd. since when are we applying a ‘dress code’ to our artists?
without knowing it, i personally believe there is an element of the ‘good queer, bad queer’ phenomenon going on here. there is a push to say ‘LOOK we accept these marginalized groups and cultures’ but behind the scenes that means ‘we accept these marginalized groups and cultures who are quiet and speak in turn and wear the metaphorical suit and tie’. it is easy to show diversity when you only take on the voices that arent too ‘strange’.
to prove my point i ask you this: do you think orville peck would have FOR ONE SECOND been asked to perform at the texas library association event without his mask?
so with that i say ‘very sincerely, thank you, but i will have to decline the re-invitation. maybe next year’
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vaspider · 2 years
Pete Buttigieg is just a faggot.
It's very important to me that younger queers understand this: to the people who you're trying to be more respectable for when you say things like neopronouns set the trans movement back or you're why the cishets don't accept us or including [aces/bi people with the 'wrong kind' of partners/non-binary people/kinksters/non-passing trans ppl/furries/polyam people] just hurts us, can't you wait until we get all our rights before we talk about some of yours? -- to those people? Pete Buttigieg is just a fag.
On Sunday at Pride Northwest, some kids -- late teens, early 20s -- asked what our button I survived Reagan for this? meant. All of the queer adults at the tables making up our ad hoc counter looked at each other and sighed a little. Emet and another adult started to explain the way that the Reagan Administration handled -- or didn't handle -- the beginning of the AIDS crisis. How many people died. How much we were ignored. The Ashes Action. The Time Magazine article which explicitly blamed bisexual men for passing the pandemic to the cishet community, playing on all the worst stereotypical bullshit. The way that even when the CDC started paying attention, they were so focused on gay men that they ignored AIDS in the lesbian community, leading to the "women don't get AIDS, they just die from it" poster. And so on.
I finished counting out change and passed the last Bear Pride raised fist pin over to a bear a little older than me, then turned my head and interjected, "they didn't care until it started infecting more than just the fags." I turned my head back and handed him his change. He laughed bitterly and said, "remember when they called it 'gay cancer?'"
That what I need you to understand. The people for whom you are folding yourself into smaller and smaller boxes will never see you as anything but a freak. A queer. A dyke. A tranny. A fag.
These are people who will stand by and let you wither away and die alone, gasping for breath in a cinderblock room, and not even claim your ashes, and they will say you deserve it, because of your lifestyle. If they speak of you at all it will be by the wrong name, with the pictures you hate the most. They will curse at your lover, throw him out of the home you shared, and steal the gift you gave last Christmas to throw it in the trash just so he can't have it and they'll say Jesus loves you! while they do it. They'll feel good and righteous and blessed and holy and pure for doing it.
And for them, you spit in the eye of your sister. For them, you disavow your sibling. For their sake, you trim away bits of your heart and lace yourself up tight. Never too loud. Never too queer. Never inconvenient or embarrassing, never asking for too much.
Pete Buttigieg is what happens when your Boomer dad turns out gay. Middle America. Parents still married. Suburban-sprouted. Valedictorian. Harvard-educated. Rhodes Scholarship. Military service. More power to him: I hope he and Chasten are very happy together. Genuinely, I do.
You couldn't create a more respectable gay if you grew one in a lab run by concerned voter focus groups.
But Pete Buttigieg? Is just a fag.
That's the part you don't seem to get: when they abandoned us, they abandoned all of us. Rock Hudson was a beloved movie star and even personally friendly with that horrid pair of ambitious jackals. Nancy Reagan refused to help him get into the only place in the world that could treat him at the time, and he died.
It was 1985, 4 years after the CDC first released papers on what would eventually become known as HIV/AIDS and 7 years after the first known death from an infection from HIV-2. Reagan hadn't even said the word AIDS by the time Hudson died.
Pete Buttigieg is just a fag, and so am I. Unless I'm a dyke, which seems to depend on who's yelling what from which window and what day it is.
Yes, there will be people who genuinely love and accept you. Those people are worth all the frustration of the rest, thankfully, and they're the ones who love you in a pup mask or a leather harness and a neon jock like the ones sold by the men up the row from us last weekend. They're the ones who laugh out loud when you tell them you hid the word "dyke" in your company name, the ones who love you in all your messiness and uncertainty and the way you don't fit into neat boxes all scrubbed up and clean.
Most cishets, though... well, they don't actively mean you specifically any harm, at least not when they have to look at you. Not when you're right there in front of them. Maybe they'll be okay with you, personally, especially if you're the kind of gay who makes a good rhetorical device, and as long as you remain a good rhetorical device.
They need people to know that they don't have a problem with the gays, after all, and there you are, being all convenient. You make a nice token, and as long as you do, well. You're useful.
But they call you by your deadname when you're not around, and they put the wrong pronouns in your medical record even though they met you years after you came out, and they won't put themselves out to save you. Not one little bit.
I didn't want to be here again. The year I graduated from high school was the worst year of the AIDS crisis. The world into which I became an adult was a world in which an advisor and friend to Reagan, William F. Buckley, openly advocated for forcibly tattooing the HIV status of HIV+ gay men on their buttocks (and IV drug users on their forearms), and in which my father not only told me that when I was 14 or so, but when was told me that he'd advocated for that tattoo being "over their assholes."
(Buckley wrote that in '86, but he doubled down on it in 2005.
But yeah. I didn't want to be here again. I wanted my daughter to inherit a better world. I wanted Obergefell and Lawrence v. Texas and Hope & Change to really mean something. I work for it, today and all days. I haven't given up.
I need you to know that, too. This isn't a white flag. I'm not surrendering. This isn't over. To misquote Henry Rollins, this is what Marsha and Sylvia and Stormé and Leslie and Brenda and Auntie Sugar trained us for. This is punk rock time.
But I need you to understand that if Pete Buttigieg is just a fag, if that human embodiment of a Wonder Bread, mayo and Oscar Meyer bologna sandwich is not respectable enough for them -- and he's not -- then the rest of us have absolutely no hope of measuring up. Not even if we trim away every colorful, beautiful piece of our community, not even if the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence vanish into the ether, not even if we sacrifice the five elements of vogue on the altar of white supremacist cishet middle-class conformity: we can't trim ourselves down to something they'll accept.
The only other option is radical acceptance of our queer selves. The only other option is solidarity. The only other option is for fats and femme queens and drags and kinksters and queers and zine writers and sex workers and furries and addicts and kids and the ones who can look us in the eye and see all of us to say we're here, we're queer, get used to it just the way we did 30 years ago. It's revolutionary, complete and total acceptance of our entire community, not just the ones the cishets can pretend to be comfortable with as long as we don't challenge them too much, or it's conceding the shoreline inch by inch to the rising waters of fascism until we've got nowhere left to stand and some of us start drowning.
That's it. Either it's all of us or it's none of us, because if we leave the answer up to the Reagans of the world and all the people who enabled him in the name of lower taxes and Democrats who wring their hands, weeping oh I don't agree with it but we'll lose the election if we fight it right now, the answer is none of us.
The brunch gays can come, too, I guess.
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roebeanstalk · 20 days
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6/2 Update: Security deposit has been paid!! Thank you so much to everyone for the help 💚 I still have to pull together all of June rent for my current place which is $675. Thank you everyone for all of the help so far 💚
I’m asking for help with June rent, which is $675 and needs to be paid ASAP.
Cashapp https://cash.app/clawshot
venmo https://venmo.com/rmck89
ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/roebeanstalk
Any help at all is super appreciated. Every dollar adds up, and shares are so helpful too. I know that I’ve received so much help from people in the past and I can’t thank you all enough. I hope that this is the last of these that I have to do.
June rent: $23/$675
Security Deposit: $495/495 Paid 💚
July rent (First month at new place): $495
Movers + Uhaul: $300-350
More info on my situation under the cut!
Thank you so, so so much.
I have a history of mental health issues, and as a result I have a very difficult time getting and maintaining employment. My mental health also impacts my ability to keep up with and complete freelance/commission work in a timely manner. While I have made some incredible steps forward lately thanks to the right combo of therapy, medication, and a support system, I am still not at a point where I am self-sufficient yet. I am getting there – and I am committed to keep trying no matter what.
Original post blurb, taken out of main post since deposit has been paid:
My landlord has decided not to move forward with me as a tenant due to my history with payment/mental health. While this is frustrating as heck, it’s allowed me to find a better, more affordable housing situation. I have signed a lease at a new place and move in July 1st!Once the deposit is paid, my space on the lease is officially secured and I am good to go. This is the main thing that I am looking for help with.
Why I need help:
This new housing situation is incredible for me – it’s a room in a quiet house with two other queer folk, and the rent is very affordable compared to my current situation. The new place is $485/month, the current place is $675/month. Even with utilities, my total overhead for shelter will cost less than rent at my current place. If I can secure my spot in this house and move forward, I see such a clear path forward for me in terms of self-improvement and self-sufficiency.
For the first time in 15 years, I feel like I can tackle the things ahead of me. If you’re able to help out I would really, really appreciate it.
What I’m doing:
I am job hunting for something that works well for my situation. With the cost of rent, I think that a part time job will be able to cover it. The process of getting a job is difficult for me, but I am committed to continuing to work at it.
On the art front, I have occasional comic coloring jobs that help me out. I also have commissions – I have finally been moving forward at a good rate and have been really happy with my work. In time, this will be able to be a more standard income route. I also have a Patreon that brings in about $65/month.
Cashapp https://cash.app/clawshot / venmo https://venmo.com/rmck89 / ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/roebeanstalk
Thank you so much for reading over all of this. Thank you to everyone who has helped with donations or kind words or reblogs. Thank you so much to every commissioner and customer who has been patient as hell with me on artwork, communication, and stickers. Thank you thank you thank you. Thanks to every single one of you I have been able to keep pushing myself forward, and I'm so happy to keep doing it and make good on everything. And eventually, give back to my community. I love you all so much, even though i don't know any of you that well. Thank youuuu. <3
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