#this is your sign to read the queen charlotte book
“She is attractive, though," Bute said. "Her face was most pleasing."
"Yes, of course," Augusta agreed. "But she is very brown."
George opened his eyes. That was unexpected. "The earth is brown," he said.
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"What," his mother said after a pause, “does that have to do with anything?"
"I love the earth," George said, thinking that explanation enough. (…) “The earth is brown," George said again. "That which springs all life, all hope. It is brown. It is lovely."
Julia Quinn and Shonda Rhimes, Queen Charlotte
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, good time of day! Sorry if I'm distracting you! Can I request some Yandere Big Mom Pirates with Female dragon leader Reader? Romantic Yandere Katakuri and with Yandere Platonic Big Mom, Pudding, and others . With the help of Pudding's powers, they learn y/n's backstory from her memories. How she learned to hold a fire sword in her hands and handle it, how she made herself armor from dragon scales, how she earned the trust of dragons, her diligent training tirelessly, her scars and memories of how she got them, how she smashed dragon hunter fleets and freed dragons from cages (I decided to make this request after reading your reader Tanjiro, the character is exactly the same, she is also kind in a motherly way and helps everyone) She resembles like a mix of Hiccup and Valka from httyd, she also has a fire sword, dragon armor and staff, she is kind and compassionate to dragons, can tame and earn the trust of any dragon. has 3 main dragons: Stormcutter, Triple Strike, Song of Death and the baby Deathgripper she recently rescued (She carries him in a special compartment in her armor that looks like a mama kangaroo bag. Like the fishleg in part 3 httyd). She is very calm, kind and peaceful, she prefers to solve all conflicts in peace without violence. But if someone threatens what she holds dear, she will defend it with teeth and claws.Katakuri found her barely alive on the shore and when he wanted to approach her, her four dragons jump out at him and begin to protect her, he calmly tells the dragons that he wants to help her and the dragons understand him and let through. The reader is very much like Mother caramel, so the Big Mom is also very attached to her.As soon as she gets more or less on her feet, she almost immediately wants to go on a journey to find more dragons. Since if she was able to get into their world with the dragons, then it means that other dragons could get here. Under persuasion, she agrees to take some family members with her, but first she has to teach them how to handle dragons and how to tame themThis is my guess, but still. I think these dragons would suit the Charlotte family
Katakuri - Screaming Death
Smoothie - The Queen of Fireworms
Oven - Monstrous nightmares
Daifuku - Singetail
Cracker - Boneknapper
Brulee - Silver phantom
Pudding - Changewing
She is constantly followed by children, she is not against it, as she herself says, children are my most important weakness. She often tells them about dragons and shows them a book with all the dragons. And she also teaches them some things, such as determining the path by the stars, taming dragons, sign language, morse code, and she also tells them legends and stories from her life
When she first saw Katakuri's mouth, she said she didn't see anything disgusting in it, on the contrary, she admired his mouth and the sharpness of his teeth.
I apologize to you if you felt a sense of shame while reading my request. And I apologize for the mistakes in the text, English is not my native language
-Katakuri didn’t know what to make of the maiden he found on the beach, wearing unusual armor made of leather and what looked to be scales, a sword nearby, barely clinging to life.
-When he went to approach, investigating, he was not expecting four dragons to suddenly rush to her side, putting themselves between the mochi man and their master, fangs bared and growls rumbling in their throats.
-While stunned, he could quickly tell that this maiden had a connection to these dragons, one that they could possibly use to grow not only the Big Mom Pirate crew’s power, but the whole Charlotte Family’s power as well.
-He kneeled, as he knew he needed to get to you, but to get to you, he needed these dragons to back off to get to you and get you the treatment you needed.
-Katakuri spent two hours working with these dragons, and while not completely trusting him, they allowed him to pick you up and take you back to the main house on Whole Cake Island, with them following after.
-Big Mom was stunned, seeing the dragons, asking her 2nd eldest son about them, but he didn’t know much, other than they were very protective of you.
-You were small compared to her son, but she could tell that you were stronger than you looked, and she agreed to the treatment, calling Pudding in as well, so maybe they could get a feel of who you were.
-It was four days later when you finally woke up, and your baby Deathgripper was instantly in your face, licking you all over which made you chuckle softly before your Song of Death picked the baby up by the back of it’s neck, pulling it off of you.
-The woman sitting beside you surprised you by greeting you, “Good morning Y/N! I’m so happy you’re finally awake!” you were confused about how she knew your name, as you had never met her before.
-She introduced herself as Pudding, and after helping you sit up, she took her seat and explained how her big brother, Katakuri, saved you when he found you unconscious by the shoreline with your four dragons.
-You were so kind and polite, asking her questions and answering her own questions, not realizing they knew a lot about you, thanks to Pudding’s gift, which she admitted she used on you, as they wanted to get information about what happened to you.
-While in awe over her ability, you weren’t really bothered, as their intentions were honest, but not completely at the time, which you were unaware of.
-Only after seeing how kindhearted and gentle you were with others, even dragons ten times your size, treating them with so much respect, but also fiercely protective against those who would do the ones you love any harm, meeting them with your sword and teeth bared, Big Mom had actually started to cry, seeing that you were so like Mother Caramel.
-You were welcomed into the Charlotte Family instantly, and they provided you with a home, a safe place to live, which warmed your heart.
-You became known as The Dragon Lady around Whole Cake Island, and your dragons were happy to help others around the island, on your orders not to hurt anyone.
-You were never seen without a gaggle of children around you, holding onto your hands, learning about your dragons from them, even getting to pet them after you taught them how, and soaking up the tales and stories you knew from your home, including stories of your own past.
-The children were also excited to learn new things from you, such as sign language and morse code, learning how to talk with each other without talking, something Big Mom seemed interested in as well and you were soon teaching most of the Charlotte Family sign language, as they could use it to their advantage.
-Big Mom was very attached to you, constantly seeking you out, and you were surprised to learn that this giant and insanely powerful woman, the leader of everyone around you, looked to you for comfort, as you reminded her so much of her darling mother figure.
-Katakuri and many of her children were happy to have you around, as you could keep her calm, and you were one of the few people, when she was having a tantrum, that could calm her down.
-Once you were healed completely, allowed to rest for about a month, Big Mom asked if there were other dragons and after you confirmed there was, she wanted your help to go out and find them!
-After a lot of persuasion, that the dragons would be welcomed here, and be able to live in peace on Whole Cake Island, you agreed, researching that since you were able to come with your dragons, it was possible to bring more over from your own world, once you found the opening between the two worlds.
-However, before you could do this, those coming with you, Katakuri, Smoothie, Oven, Daifuku, Cracker, Brulee, and Pudding, would need to learn how to approach and handle dragons first, to avoid any unnecessary injuries or deaths.
-Unlike your own mentor who basically threw you straight to the wolves, or dragons, when learning about them, you taught them in the way you learned on your own, when first taming your own dragons, your first being your Stormcutter, followed by your Triple Strike.
-The key to taming dragons was three things, patience, respect, and confidence; you needed to do things on the dragon’s terms and showing them proper respect kept them and you from getting injured, and dragons could smell fear, so being confident made the dragons more relaxed.
-After a month of being gone, the day you returned with those you took to your world resulted in a massive party, one that lasted for days.
-Each one returned with their own dragon mount, as you did your research on which ones fit with each sibling, pairing them up wonderfully!
-Katakuri had a fearsome Screaming Death, while Smoothie managed to tame the Queen of Fireworms, something that you were still stunned over, while Oven had a Monstrous Nightmare, which did scare some of his younger siblings that he had to go and comfort and bring them to meet his new partner, showing them that he was nice, to those he wanted to be nice to.
-Daifuku had a Singetail and Cracker adored his darling Boneknapper, drowning it in affection which was amusing to see while Brulee was riding on a beautiful Silver Phantom, and Pudding had managed to tamer a Changewing, which was a challenge, but one she was willing to take!
-Big Mom was overjoyed, seeing so many different dragons, in awe about the different shapes and sizes and colors, praising you for helping her children.
-She was drinking deeply when she heard Pudding giggle and she looked down at her daughter before following her gaze, seeing Katakuri and you walking off together, holding hands and Big Mom’s eyes went huge before she grinned brightly, seeing the two of you together looked so good! It was time to plan a wedding!!
-Katakuri began courting you back in your world, after you saved him from his Screaming Death, before he had been able to tame it, when his scarf had fallen off and you saw his whole face.
-He was scared you would think him a monster, but you were in awe, hands at the corners of his mouth, keeping it open, “They’re so sharp and shiny! These look so healthy!” he had never had someone react in such a way, color taking over his face, feeling bashful from your praises.
-That night he brought you a flower crown he had made, hiding it from his other siblings except for Brulee, who had helped him make it, and presented it to you.
-His shyness was rather endearing, but you instantly accepted, putting it on your head, and you enjoyed teasing him lightly, when some of the others asked what was up with the flower crown and you just grinned, “I wanted to feel pretty!”
-Back on Whole Cake Island, he was more open with his courting, something many of his siblings were able to see and they all cheered him on, which made him blush and you couldn’t help but giggle, thinking he was adorable.
-You were so happy to find a new home, a place where you truly belonged.
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2023 Recap
Tagged by @astonishinglysane - thank you!! <3 <3 <3
I didn't get around to a lot of "new to me" things but I'll do my best. I dropped the ball on my #media consumption posts because my year was bonkers from Dec '22 to Dec '23. Tagging: @sharky857 @problemwithtrouble @pokemonandcatsmostly et al.
Top Films:
Tetris - legit obsessed with this heightened reality
Oppenheimer (2023) - I have my beef with it but it was still pretty great
Pacific Rim (2013) - rewatched this film every day of the week of it's 10th anniversary - so much fun!
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 2022 - ridiculous in the best way
Top TV Series:
Succession 2018 - 2023 - so fucked up
Endeavour - the final season - I was very impressed
Magpie Murders 2022 - new comfort show!
Colditz 1972 - still working my way through season 1
Queen Charlotte has been a lot of fun
Top Books:
I hardly read anything this year. I got home from work and I was a wet rag. I mainly just read some Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories and stopped reading after October. If I read anything all the way through this year other than fanfiction I've forgotten.
A Study in Scarlet 1887
A Sign of Four 1890
A Scandal in Bohemia 1892
The Adventure of the Red-Headed League 1892
A Case of Identity 1892
Favorite Song:
"The Competition" - Kimya Dawson
but also "If You Want Me" ft. Susanne Sundfør - Röyksopp
Favorite Quote:
"I'm a ghost that everyone can see." - Franz Wright, from The Beforelife: Poems; “Empty Stage”
runner up:
“You wanna know what survivors of narcissistic relationships want? They want normal. That’s it. Just normal. You may be thinking ‘oh come on now; what really is normal in a family or even in an intimate close relationship?’. I can tell you what normal is not. It is not normal to grow up hating yourself, or wondering why you aren’t enough. Or for a child to believe that they are responsible for their parents’ feelings. Or that a child that just wants to be seen and heard and loved for who they are is being a needy brat. It is not normal to be in relationship where you walk on eggshells and feel crazy, and feel that the only way to get your needs met is to give in on everything. It is not normal to hold back on saying something for fear of being shouted down or gaslighted. It’s not normal to watch a parent being manipulated and devalued and broken down by your other parent. None of this is normal. Normal, if I were to speculate, is feeling safe, feeling that you are worth at least being listened to. Normal is respect. Normal is empathy. Normal is being able to say what you need and maybe the other person can’t or won’t meet it, but they do not shut you down and tell you that you are selfish or greedy for wanting something basic. Normal is being able to have a normal disagreement where everything is not personalized and you’re attacked for just not getting into line with the other person. Normal is people getting along and collaborating and not just one person holding court. But folks, normal, that’s all survivors of narcissistic relationships want. And it is not grandiose to want normal.”
-Dr. Ramani (her video about what survivors of narcissistic relationships crave)
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starogeorgina · 2 months
Tag Game
Thank you @pinkpoppymoon for the tag!
A scent you love? Freshly cut grass or cinnamon
Something you're thankful for? My physical health is getting better
A book you are currently reading? Queen Charlotte 🖤
A game you're currently playing? The last of us
The most recent movie you watched Immaculate
The last TV show you watched? Law and order
Your favorite season? Autumn 🍂 🎃
Something you've learned recently? I’ve started to learn sign language
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? I’m definitely a tea Jenny, but I like hot chocolate as well
Tagging: @topazy @starsandbutterfliesss @no-damsel @justinalovee @alyssaforevermore sorry if I’ve forgotten any of my lovely moots, my minds has gone to mush cause I’m so tired 🤣😭
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myfairstarlight · 5 days
You have truly spoiled me today, gentle author, thank you so much for taking precious time to respond to my ask <3 You have put into words so many thoughts I've been having, jumbling around in my head, and much better than i ever could! I am grateful for you!
I agree with you on all counts, especially Colin's jealousy!! It's rather sad that it had to be relegated to the backburner in order to fit everything else, when them being writers was one of the ways they truly bonded in the book. And that Penelope was old hat and had something to teach him--as an accomplished writer herself-- which paralleled the fact that he could teach her about sexual intimacy, that was nice too.
If I may ramble some in your inbox a little longer, although I admittedly lean more towards enjoying the show than the books (not to say the books aren't also enjoyable, of course, its just a matter of preference), another thing that the books have over the show as a whole, in my humble opinion, is because they are so exclusively focused on their primary couple, we get so much more time and attention on them as both individual characters and a couple--apart, together, in a room full of people, just the two of them, etc.
The shows side plots can be a bit of a double-edged sword in that way. On one hand, it's nice to meet characters and see interactions we didnt have in the books--we got to know Penelope so much earlier as a result, for example, which I liked a lot. But, I feel some show subplots dont always make the most sense or are resolved in such a way that it's kind of like "what was the point?" As a result, we also lose time with our primary love match of the season, literally LOL
Both mediums certainly have their pros and cons, but I guess what I'm getting at overall is I'm so glad we get to have both ha!
Good night and sweet dreams, gentle author, thank you again for your kindness <3
Dearest anon, the pleasure has been mine!
What a lovely message to wake up to, thank you (let's ignore that I'm answering in the afternoon as I type this).
That is the main reason I always try to not compare books and show too much, or you just sign up for disappointment if you only care about the main couple.
I personally like that the show decided to make it an ensemble show, like you said it allowed us to be introduced to Penelope much earlier, and even other characters have already been introduced like Sir Philip who casual viewers won't think much of, but those who read the books get excited as they point to the screen. It allows us to see all the Bridgertons be a family as well, and see them grow and expand, as well as see new relationships the book would never explore (Penelope and Madame Delacroix come to mind, they were a delight this season! Gen is the only woman who understands what it means to have a business and not wanting to let it go, she is the only one who understands Penelope in that regard). Now the downside is that, with only 8 episodes per season, and such a large rooster of characters, there's only so much they can fit without things feeling overwhelming or rushed, and that's an issue all 3 seasons have in my opinion. I do feel like it could be easily fixed by having more episodes per season because it is clear they have a lot to tell, but oh well.
Bridgerton as a show is definitely more of a drama than a truly romance show in my eyes, especially with the way they used Lady Whistledown compared to the books where she did not have as much of a power, and with the addition of Queen Charlotte as a character. S3 challenged that a bit by introducing rom-com elements especially in part 1, but part 2 did show that it thrives with drama and tension as well. But the books are definitely a good addition for those who wish for more content focusing solely on the couples and their struggles. The show is adjacent-enough, but it took a lot of liberties. I suppose it depends on the individual to decide if that is a good or bad thing, personally, I like that it's so different (especially in how it portrays the men, actually, though I would still like to duel Show!Simon), you still get to be surprised, whether you start with the show or the book. I know people have been complaining about the lack of more polin scenes this season, but I fear that is just the standard Bridgerton formula, saphne and kanthony were not spared this issue either, and I fear the other couples will find the same fate. We can still complain though, we definitely did not need so many cuts back to Benedict having a threesome in e8.
Finally dear anon, if you ever wish to continue discussing even more on our mutual love for Colin and Penelope, know that my messages are open <3
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appalachianapologies · 10 months
I don't want whatever the threat is. I dont eanna live in fear
Your ocs. Hand em over
OKAY i know it has been. weeks. months, even. however, I considered how I wanted to say this because too many characters too little time. but here we go:
A Penchant for the Ordinary
Jamie Caldwell is everyone's favorite character and by that I mean she's chaotic as hell, makes knee jerk reactions, definitely unknowingly has ADHD, extremely low self control, and her stress relief is punching people who (probably) deserve it. She's a gay mess in every sense of the word and has seriously tried so hard to get her life together and it's just. it's not working out for her. so, after accepting that fact, Jamie begins to embrace the chaotic and darker sides of herself. if her life is going to hell, she may as well take a free trip down as well and see what it's all about
Chloe and Gus together, because they're so codependent we quite literally never see them apart except for a single scene near the end where Gus hangs around to say one last thing before following her. As mentioned: codependent as hell. Not romantically involved but they know every single in and out of each other- moreso than most couples. While Jamie feels regret for her sudden reactions, Chloe basks in them and has never once wished she made a different decision. Gus typically has the braincell, but usually not for long- he's as much of an adrenaline junkie as everyone else.
Madison did not sign up for any of this shit. When my dad read my book, one of the things he told me was that it was so not necessary to put her through everything that I did. And although I agree, it was sadly necessary for Jamie's questionable character arc. Sorry Madison- but trust me, you're better off with a different girlfriend
Kat absolutely signed up for everything she gets herself into, even if she claims that she didn't. She goes around saying "I'm not involved with any of these people :|" and then actively hangs out with them and invites them to her apartment. for multiple days. She's the type of person that would claim to want to have a relaxing life but she literally chose not to. girl what
Davy tried his best. kind of. he could've done a hell of a lot better, but he also genuinely tried to do well to fix his mistakes. He's the type of person who will feel genuine regret for what he's done and try to rectify his mistakes, even if it takes uhhhhh a lot of time :)
Evelyn is a bastard. absolutely mad woman and in not a fun sexy hot way. Power hungry, unfazed by hurting anyone else in the process of getting what she wants, and yet she still sees herself as benevolent (she's not). Believes she's the main character of the book (she is not).
James did not deserve any of that. I'm sorry dude. That being said, your coping mechanisms were a little subpar. Sorry we still don't know exactly how you died (it's not a spoiler okay it's happened like ten years ago).
Daniel and Edward are absolutely in love but neither of them realize it and it's not a standard love. think qpr. think: they've known each other since elementary school and have gone through all of life together. loyal to a fault but would change on a hat to keep the other safe.
Obligatory Did these characters interest you? Do you want to read a subpar book but support a young author? You can buy A Penchant for the Ordinary here! Thank you in advanced for your support :D
and now: Paradigm
Delilah's trying her best except she makes about a few wrong turns, which ends up shaping her life for the next decade. Surprisingly little self esteem for a person in her job market, though she acts the opposite. She doesn't have enough of a filter but manages to charm her way past a lot of things that should've ended badly. The queen at pushing things down and pretending it never happened. Is aware that she's pretty much trapped, but doesn't believe she can get out.
Charlotte is still Delilah, but she's determined to change into someone else. A new woman who's better, stronger, more confident than Delilah. She becomes the femme fetal that Marcus had wanted since day one, and embraces it. She likes being the bad guy, relishes the feeling of knowing she's in the wrong, and pretends that she doesn't have a nagging feeling that she is, in fact, in the wrong.
Taylor is still Delilah, and parts of Charlotte bleed through to her as well. A changed woman. Mature, who believes that she's seen so much of life that she's immune to anything else that could be thrown at her. Truly believes that she can't change and was created to be bad. Acts like she couldn't give a damn about other people when in fact the opposite is true and she's just afraid of having weaknesses. Aren't we all.
Marcus is pretty much the worst person you can imagine. Runs a cool home business called "assassins for hire :)" (paraphrased). Although he used to do the dirty work himself, he now has employees that he keeps on a tight leash to do everything. Always has multiple contingency plans in case something goes wrong and the authorities get wind of him. If any employee screws up, Marcus gives them zero chances to fix it, and will round up everyone who fucked up last quarter, shoot them, and give them a shallow grave in the Nevada desert. Has an insanely creepy infatuation with Delilah.
Sid is quite possibly the only employee of Marcus that is somewhat on the genuinely good spectrum. ...or at least the "not actively trying to do bad" one. Ex-military, classic "never really left [insert place of war]." Hates Delilah until he begrudgingly doesn't hate Delilah. He knows that everything Marcus is doing is screwed up, but Sid's just going through the motions of life at this point. What's one more life for one more paycheck?
Lainey's name is still pending, but it'll probably end up as Lainey. Smarter than anyone in the world gives her credit for, and is very calculating. She knows more than she lets on as well, and uses that to her advantage. She's probably more forgiving than she should be, but that makes Lainey who she is. Eventually, the only one who knows the most about Delilah (and that isn't just because she sleeps with her. oops)
Rebecca is the classic TV CIA agent except she's actually real. She has poorly controlled OCD but pretends like she has everything under control at all times. After spending over half of a decade attempting to track and take in Marcus, she's eventually promoted to a higher up position, where she gets to create her own team, to finally, once and for all, bring in Marcus. Is pretty much willing to sacrifice it all for the job with little hesitation.
Carter is somewhere between Rebecca's second hand man while also being the worst (affectionate) gay hopeless romantic there is. He thinks he can juggle a relationship and CIA work but let me tell you. He's never learned how to juggle. Keeps Rebecca sane in every way you can think of, and the two often spend nights at each others' places because that's just what they do. Like Rebecca, he's on thin fucking ice with every higher up in the CIA. However, unlike Rebecca, he's excellent at damage control with their supervisor.
Unnamed Classic Hacker Character is still unnamed because no name has truly suited or worked with her. Trusts literally no one, especially not Taylor. Hates her guts, actually. Probably the only one who's actually confident about things, though she knows the least at any given time because she's a junior agent. Rebecca immediately was like "I want her" despite the fact that she graduated worst in her class. Opinionated and full of spite, in the way that every person in a fandom would fucking hate. Absolutely, without a doubt, a character I would love to write an 11 book series spin-off with
finally: Lou is for Lavender
Lou, originally Louisa, is going through it. The book is a journey on her life- or rather, the three months after escaping somewhere between an abusive boyfriend and being trafficked. With little identity, she finds herself constantly trying to figure out who she is, who she should be, and if there even exists a woman beyond the girl she used to be. She's genuinely trying her best, but fuck if it isn't hard. I love her. I love her so much. She is so lost but she's trying so hard to find her way back on a path. I could write five more paragraphs about her at any given time.
Maria is a six year old with far too much energy for someone her size. Absolutely infatuated with her grandmother and the way she used to read to Maria every single day and night, Maria begged her grandmother and Dana to teach her how to read by herself, which quickly morphed into writing. She'll write pages of six year old nonsense for hours without getting bored, and is absolutely thrilled to have a new friend around the house! never mind that she's an adult- Maria sees Lou as a built-in summer friend.
Dana has been putting on the best face for nearly five years. Although it wasn't her intention, after her mom got sick, she moved back to her family's ranch along with her three kids- Maria and two older boys. After her mom passed, she stayed, unable to bear the idea of leaving once more for good, but she's great at hiding that fact. The youngest of seven, Dana is caught somewhere between constantly feeling the need to prove herself while also knowing that no one's waiting and watching for her to grow anymore. Six kids came before her, and Dana genuinely believes that she simply slipped under the attention of everyone.
The Flowers are how Lou refers to the other women she met along the way. The girls who all had an intimate understanding of what she was going through, and yet nothing at all. The flowers are constantly living inside of Lou, always on the edges of her thoughts, nearly controlling her at some points. They stay with Lou, sometimes causing guilt, sometimes causing pain, sometimes just to remind Lou of the dandelions that used to sprout up in between cracks in the sidewalk.
The Journal that Maria gives Lou (after declaring them best friends forever), isn't technically a living character, but it may as well be. It's where Lou's thoughts reside. Where her fears and regrets and memories live so they don't have to live in her head. The journal is an extension of Lou, and the scariest thing she could think of is losing it, but the journal was never meant to stay against her chest for the rest of its life.
Anyhow, if you'd like to support some of my original work, I have a Ko-Fi! Covers are expensive as h e c k - But also, reblogs support me as well :D a chaotic way to spread the chaotic characters 'round these parts
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think-pieces · 2 months
Sunjoy signing on
if there's one thing i love it's a good show. as television declines, i find myself attaching onto nearly any show that's bottom line mediocre in it's writing. House of the Dragon, Bridgerton, hell even Law and Order SVU. Be sure we'll get to the others soon, today. I have a gripe against Bridgerton.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with it. There's something to say about good worldbuilding, and Bridgerton does it well. You're swallowed whole by the show in the best way. It's a well done show. However, when you adapt from a book to a show, everyone will have something they hate about it.
"it's not book accurate" "The characters aren't right" "It's not even historically accurate"
And truth be told, they're valid arguments. I get it. Especially the character thing, and the historical accuracy. And a secret third option, using the other books that exist in the same universe!
In the books, you make up in your head what they look like, yet all the Bridgerton siblings look the same. "Dark chesnut hair" is the most used description. Although, the show did good in differeing Daphne and Francesca, it breaks up how they appear, instead of a wash of similar actors you get a, oh god I hate to say this word, but diverse group of siblings. However, having Violet be a more reddish brown (she was dirty blonde in the books), would be amazing. I digress and bow to the casting director for choosing Ruth Gemmel, she embodies Violet Bridgerton to a near T.
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My main issue with historical accuracy is that hollywood doesn't care. It's nice when they take more care into to purposefully making it seem more historical based. God, Pride and Predjudice 1995?? Stunning, Fabulous, I'm so in love it's seeping out of my pores, it doesn't work for Bridgerton. Bridgerton is truthfully a fantasy, casually set in Regency England. The books take a skinny slice more historical accuracy, not much. to me, perosnally, It's really a fantasy romance; therefore, i can slightly forgive how accurate it is. The costuming is by far the most glorious of it. I really want a behind the scenes in making this solely for the costume designs.
I have read so much of this series. All 8 in the OG Bridgerton set, the prequels, and the first book for the smythe-smith (smith-smythe? smythe-smith? I can't remember). The writers had a real chance of sprinkling in this lore of the Rokseby's and the smythe-smith (they did in queen charlotte, that's a whole other thing), and they didn't. It would be such an amazing easter egg to see it done.
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Julia Quinn's book series, as books would translate terribly onto film if done, scene for scene, line for line verbatim. the only reason it worked for pride and predjuice, is that it was done to a near complete T historical accuracy. (is it fully accurate, no of course not. but damn if it ain't close.). in the first season, the reason why it is the way it is, about 75% of julia quinn's book is smut. season 1 is formatted pretty close to the books. even the books themselves don't have much of a difference in format.
Exhibit A: in the duke and i, about halfway through the book, they get married and the issue of children comes up, and it's all internal thinking done by the characters. which is why what happens, (it didn't need to) but it gives more insight as to why everything happens and how it's resolved. which is why for season 2 they switch it.
Exhibit B: we as viewers flock to rewatch season 2 over and over before considering season 1. season 2 has a stronger B plot (The featheringtons), more filler scenes, and it uses the shitty 8, hour long episode structure better.
Exhibit C: it morphed from a book to screen from season 1 to a drama in season 2. which makes for a better story structure, that's what film is for. To be a tv show, not a book. yes be accurate, but, the truth is, book to screen content exist as a multiverse. NOT an accurate retelling. thinking of it that way is better for your brain. Yes anyone and everyone could sit and talk for hours, and for me days about the inaccuracies, but at some point you gotta except it's a multiverse, not the same thing. and sometimes, it's better that way. (other times not as much, which is my theory on why season 2 is much more different between book and movie)
signing off
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jeyramarie · 2 years
the princess and the debutant- Florence Pugh x Reader (Bridgerton AU) (Part 9)
summary: the wedding of the century turns into the wedding of a nightmare
wc: 3,608
warnings: angst, slight homophobia, lots of shouting, fighting, description of blood, injuries 
a/n: sorry again for the wait guys, i’ve been reading a lot of books lately 😂 if anyone wants to talk about books, lmk :) 
i graduated nursing school on friday🥲feels good to say it 😭
also one part left 👀 lmk if you wanna be tagged, any feedback is appreciated and happy reading 🦋
part 1~ part 2~ part 3~ part 4~ part 5~ part 6~ part 7~ part 8~
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The next morning, Y/n stirred away as sunshine heated her face. Her eyes fluttered open and out of instinct, she threw her arm to the side expecting to feel Florence. Instead, she felt the hard cold floor. The diamond sat up, letting the blanket fall from around her chest as she looked around the greenhouse in search of the blonde. 
“Florence?” The y/h/c called out before standing up. 
She walked around every flower and plant that was in the greenhouse. The diamond did not stop until she reached the front door and that’s when she noticed that the Princess’ horse was gone. Feeling stunned, Y/n turned around and quickly got dressed as she resisted the urge to cry. 
The love of her life left without saying goodbye. Florence went back to Oxford for God knows how long, leaving Y/n alone. The diamond was stuck with Charles now and she didn’t know how to get out of it. All she knew, is that she must return to the castle in hopes to find the Princess there. 
Once she was dressed, Y/n ran outside and got on the horse, quickly galloping back to the castle. Queen Charlotte sat outside, drinking her morning tea as two ladies fanned her with a big feathered fan. The royal turned her head when she heard the horse, looking at her diamond with a confused expression. 
“Miss Johnson.” Her Royal Highness began as she placed down her tea cup. “I thought you had returned with Florence.” 
“Your majesty.” Y/n said and got down from the horse before curtsying. “Is the Princess still here?” 
“No dear, you just missed her.” Queen Charlotte replied and shrugged as she lifted the cup again. 
“Oh.” Y/n frowned and stared at the ground, feeling how her eyes filled with tears. “I shall go bathe and change so we can continue the preparations for the wedding.” 
“Of course, yes.” The Queen nodded with a smile. “I have a few options for the cutlery.” 
The diamond curtsy and walked up to the castle with a frown on her face, which didn’t go unnoticed by the Queen. She turned to look at the girl as she slowly walked up the steps. It was a noticeable sad strut, as if she was dragging something along her path. The royal turned her body back, looking forward to her grand backyard and remembered all the things that occurred between her niece and her diamond. 
The way that they despised each other at first but the more time they spent together, the less they bickered. Queen Charlotte recalled all the moments Florence would beg her to invite Y/n to stay for a few days, giving the cheap excuse that it was just to  strengthen their friendship. Even the moments where her niece would roll her eyes at the mention of Charles Deighton or his relationship with Miss Y/n. 
She also remembered all the times she would hear bedroom doors creak in the middle of the night or the way she heard the horses gallop away. ‘What are these ladies hiding?’ Queen Charlotte thought to herself as she squinted her eyes in thought while sipping from her tea.
The following two weeks went by slowly, making Y/n agonize every passing second. Ever since the Princess returned to Oxford, the diamond began to send her letters signing them with a fake name in hopes that she would reply to them. Florence never did. Y/n would ask the mailman everything he went by her house or the castle. And every time he would reply with a sad smile as he shook his head. 
The diamond’s smile had turned to a permanent frown. Nothing seemed to cheer her up. Maryann would visit her and help her with the wedding planning from time to time, whenever she could since wife duties weigh on her shoulders. She wanted to make sure that her friend didn’t feel alone, especially with a situation like hers. 
But at least the day was bright. There were no clouds in sight, making it good for the wedding reception in the garden of the castle. The church was decorated with lilac flowers and small candles. The aisle was lined with a few tall vases carrying white tulips. The seats were being filled with Charles’ family along with Y/n’s. Lord Deighton greeted everyone as he walked down the aisle to stand on the altar with his groomsmen. 
Y/n sat in front of her vanity as her mother finished pinning back her hair. The girl frowned at the thought of Florence’s absence. A speck of fear in her heart made her believe that the blonde was not to return to London. That she would remain in Oxford, marry a man or a woman and continue her royal duties there. 
The father of the bride stood at the entrance of the church, greeting everyone that walked in while keeping a close eye on Charles. Two week before, at the engagement ball, his daughter and the Princess had confessed Lord Deighton’s actions. This caused the man to be furious. Why would someone take advantage of his daughter like that? Lord Johnson could not remain quiet, he had to say something. So when most of the guests were seated, he marched down the aisle towards Charles. 
“Lord Deighton.” Lord Johnson called out, walking towards the man. “May I speak with you for a moment?” 
Charles nodded and walked away, out of the altar towards the priest’s study. Lord Johnson closed the door behind him and stood there, thinking of a way to confront him. His daughter was everything to him so just knowing that someone was treating her that way made his blood boil. 
“Is everything alright?” Charles asked, beginning to feel a bit nervous. 
“Nothing is alright, Lord Deighton.” The man answered and clenched his jaw. “Not after what was brought to my attention.”
“And what would that be?” 
“You are marrying my daughter for our family’s money..” Lord Johnson spoke as Charles opened his eyes in shock. “Something you wish to add?” 
“Lord John-”
“I will never allow you to step foot in my house ever again!” He shouted, stepping forward towards Charles causing him to stumble back. “You are an embarrassment to your family and I would never welcome you into mine!” 
“Then you should tell your daughter to stop kissing women!” Lord Deighton shouted. “Especially royalty!” 
“Do not speak about my daughter that way!” 
“I speak about her however I like!” Charles shouted back, stepping forward. “She lost all respect the moment she became a whore and started sleeping with the princess!” 
A fist collided with Lord Deighton’s jaw, causing him to stumble back onto the desk. Lord Johnson stepped forward and punched him again, striking his nose. Charles pushed the man back and threw his fist towards him, connecting it with his temple. He crashed against a small table, giving Charles the opportunity to corner him. Lord Deighton grabbed Lord Johnson’s collar, pulling him close to his face in anger. 
“You will regret doing that old man.” He said with gritted teeth and moved one hand to grab the man’s neck. “Do not mess with me again… I will end you.” 
“Is that a threat?” Lord Johnson muttered and began to cough hysterically once Charles removed his hand. 
“Just wait.” Lord Deighton muttered and walked out of the study, leaving the man to catch his breath as he rubbed his neck. 
“It’s time my darling.” Lady Johnson announced, walking in the bedroom to see her daughter standing in front of the mirror. 
Y/n’s dress was white and lace with short sleeves that dropped from her shoulders. Her veil was long and pinned to her hair, falling gracefully down the back of her dress. Her frown persisted as she fidgeted with the diamond bracelets that laid over her gloves. The diamond lifted her head and stared at her mother through the mirror before nodding and turning around. 
Lady Johnson held the train of the dress while Maryann walked next to the bride, holding both of their bouquets. Lord Johnson stood by the doors of the church, fixing the collar of his dress shirt as he recalled his encounter with Charles. Unfortunately, it was too late for him to do something. He was about to walk his daughter down the aisle in order for her reputation to not be ruined. 
“My love.” Lady Johnson said, gaining her husband’s attention. 
He lifted his head and smiled at his wife as she walked towards him. Lord Johnson grabbed her hands in his, lifting them up to kiss them. They smiled sweetly at each other before turning to their daughter who stood there with her bouquet as she took deep breaths. 
“It’s time darling.” Lady Johnson smiled and walked to her daughter to cup her cheeks. “Best of luck.” 
“Thank you Mama.” Y/n smiled and her mother pecked her forehead before walking into the church to sit in the front, close to the Queen. 
Maryann opened both doors as Lord Johnson grabbed his daughter's hand, placing it over his arm. The orchestra began to play, making everyone turn to the doors to see Maryann. She turned to Y/n one last time, giving her a small nod before beginning to walk down the aisle. Once she made it, everyone stood and turned to the door. 
Lord Johnson and the diamond began to walk slowly into the church as she lifted her head to look at the guests. She looked at both sides, giving everyone a small smile until she met a certain pair of eyes. A pair of beautiful green eyes that made Y/n stop dead in tracks. 
“Darling?” Lord Johnson whispered, leaning into her ear. “What’s the matter?” 
Y/n remained quiet and turned her head to look at Charles who was staring at her angrily, feeling eager to finally seal their deal. She looked back at Florence and then at the ground as she felt herself become dizzy. Lord Johnson looked up, staring at the Princess and back at his daughter who began to look pale. 
“Darling? Are you alright?” He asked again as she lifted her head. 
Y/n’s legs began to shake, making it a bit hard for her to stand. Her body began to heat up creating a thin layer of sweat. Her hands began to shake as her vision became clouded with white dots. The diamond’s hand went numb, letting go of the bouquet as her eyes rolled back while her body gave up and fell back. 
Lord Johnson immediately caught her as the room filled with gasps. Lady Johnson ran to her daughter as well as Maryann and Florence. Y/n’s eyes were closed and her skin was covered in cold sweat. The blonde took Maryann’s place after she left to find a medic, taking the opportunity to finally touch her again. She traced her fingers along her cheek, calling out of her name over and over in hopes to see her eyes open. 
“Y/n?” Florence whispered. “Love? Open your eyes, come on.” 
“We must bring her to a chamber.” Lord Johnson said and moved one arm under knees and the under around her back. 
He picked her up and walked down the aisle, the ladies following him, to see the priest showing him the way to the upstairs chamber. Lord Johnson did not care about carrying her up a flight of stairs. He didn’t care if he had to walk to Scotland with Y/n on his back. The man would do it in order for his only daughter to be alright. 
Maryann moved around him and opened the door so Lord Johnson would place the diamond on the small twin bed in the corner of the room. He laid her down and stepped aside, letting the doctor check on her. Out of the corner of his eye, Lord Johnson saw the Princess standing by the door as she stared nervously at what was happening. 
“She will be alright.” The doctor muttered, taking off his stethoscope before standing up. “Her heart is beating very fast but she requires time to calm down.” 
“How much time? Her fiancé is waiting for her at the altar.” Lady Johnson said, uncrossing her arms to point out the door. 
“She needs to be on bedrest for a whole day.” 
“But what about the wedding?” The woman asked again, clearly being the only one who cared about the union. 
“No one will be getting married at the moment.” The doctor shook his head before grabbing his briefcase before stepping outside with a sad smile. 
Lady Johnson followed after him along with Lord Johnson who was determined to find Charles. Maryann stood there, drifting her eyes back and forth between Y/n and Florence. She curtsy, gaining the blonde’s attention. 
“It’s lovely to see you again, Maryann.” The Princess smiled slightly before returning her eyes back to the diamond. 
“You as well, your majesty.” The girl smiled. “I hope everything is alright back in Oxford.” 
“Oh yes, yes, it is.” The blonde nodded as she fidgeted with her fingers, feeling a bit scared to ask the next question. “Was she angry with me?”
“No.” Maryann muttered, knowing exactly what the royal spoke about. “She was sad… upset but she was not angry.” 
“I wanted to write back but my mother did not allow me.” Florence lowered her head. 
“Y/n will forgive you when she wakes.” The girl nodded. “She will be very happy to see you and perhaps… you shall be the one thing to make her better.” 
Maryann smiled and curtsy before walking out of the room, leaving the royal and the diamond alone. The blonde took a deep breath and pulled a chair next to the bed where Y/n laid as if she was sleeping. Florence grabbed the diamond’s hand, running her thumb over the top on her hand as she lovingly stared at her face. The way her lashes fell upon her cheeks and she remembered how peaceful she looked the last night they were together. 
That night at the greenhouse, after they made love and gave each other the best pleasure of their life, Florence laid awake staring at Y/n as she slept. She tucked hair behind the diamond’s ear and traced her freckles with her fingertips. The blonde wished to do that now but was terribly afraid of someone walking in so she kept their hands together as she stared lovingly at the diamond. 
“I’m here, love.” Florence whispered, trailing her fingers up to her face to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. “I won’t leave you again, my diamond. I will stay right here with you.” 
Y/n remained with her eyes closed, her chest raising and falling as she breathed softly. The blonde stared at their hands together and couldn't help but think about what it would be like if that was their wedding. She would’ve been waiting for the diamond at the altar with a wide smile on her face, watching as Y/n walked towards her. 
Florence knew for a fact that Lord Johnson would have been ecstatic for his daughter and that Maryann would remain as the maid of honor, just like that evening. Lady Johnson’s presence was uncertain, due to the woman not knowing of the affair occurring with her daughter and the Princess. The blonde imagined Charles being long gone, away from London or better yet, in prison. 
Lord Johnson stomped into the church to find it empty. It had seemed that the guests were all taken back to the castle grounds in order to enjoy everything that was arranged there. He walked across the altar and quickly stopped as he heard murmurs along with giggles near the door. He didn’t really care who it was but a small voice in the back of his head told him to go check. 
Charles was pressed against a young woman, who couldn't be older than Y/n, kissing her neck as she tilted her head back in pleasure. Anger ran through him once again but decided to take a more calm approach. They were in a church after all. He cleared his throat causing the girl to gasp as Charles parted from her in surprise. 
“Lord Deighton.” The man said, giving Charles a death stare as the girl scurried away. “You seemed to be quite occupied as my daughter is laying unconscious on a bed.” 
“I am sure she will be alright.” Charles smirked devilishly as he walked towards Lord Johnson. “She is in the hands of the Princess after all… or are her hands inside Y/n? I’m not quite sure now.” 
Lord Johnson narrowed his eyes, staring in anger and pushed Lord Deighton away, making him crash against the wall. The man moved quickly, connecting his fist to Charles’ jaw and then his eye and then his stomach. He was moving fast, not giving Charles time to move. 
“Oh my God! Lord Johnson!” Maryann shouted, walking into the church and stopping abruptly to see them fighting. “My lord, you must stop!” 
The shouting could be heard outside, making Lady Johnson run inside to see the fight along with other guests who followed her. One of Charles’ friends stepped forward and pulled the man away from his friend as he pushed him off in anger. Lord Johnson struggled against his restraint but Charles took this opportunity to return the punch to the man’s jaw. 
“Lord Deighton!” Lady Johnson exclaimed in shock. “Step away from my husband immediately!” 
“Charles! Stop!” Maryann shouted in fear. 
“Lord Deighton!” Queen Charlotte shouted angrily, making everyone gasp, never noticing that she had stayed waiting for her carriage and heard the ruckus. “Unhand this man at this instant, Lord Edwards!” 
The young man let go of Lord Johnson and stepped back in fear. Lady Johnson ran to her husband, who had fallen to the ground, and quickly lifted his head to see his eye beginning to bruise as well as his cheek bone along with a bloody nose. Charles stood aside, trying to catch his breath as he stared at his bloody knuckles. 
“Stay away from my daughter.” Lord Johnson muttered and spit on the ground before standing up. “Stay away from my family.” 
“Your daughter is my fiancé, we all know she makes the last decision.” Charles replied, clenching his fist. “You, my lord, do not have a say in this.” 
“Neither of you have a say in this!” The Queen shouted, getting their attention. “This is not the place nor time for this nonsense! You are all to be in the castle with the rest of the guests while my niece stays with Miss Jonson until she wakes! And I do not want to hear any opinions of this sort!” 
The men nodded and moved outside where their carriages waited. Lady Johnson curtsy with an apology before stepping outside which left Maryann alone with Her Royal Highness. The girl was about to walk out when the Queen spoke. 
“Miss Addington.” She said, making the girl turn around. “Could you please inform my niece that we are leaving?”
“Yes, of course-”
“And you will accompany me to the castle, there are many things I would like to discuss with you.” Queen Charlotte continued and stepped outside. 
Maryann stood nervously, fidgeting with her fingers before running up the stairs to the chamber where Y/n laid. She opened the door abruptly, making Florence immediately pull away from the diamond before she turned around to let out a breath of relief. 
“You scared me, what-”
“The Queen is returning to the castle, we all are but she asked me to come here and let you know.” Maryann interrupted, feeling nervous for the upcoming carriage ride. “In case Y/n wakes, there’s a carriage outside.” 
“Yes, thank you.” Florence nodded. “We shall return once she wakes.”
“I shall get going but before I do..” The girl took a deep breath as she scratched her brow. “Lord Johnson and Charles had a terrible fight… physical fight that is.” 
“What?” The blonde asked with wide eyes. 
“Yes, it was… terrible.” Maryann shook her head. “The Queen was able to stop it but I’m sure they were fighting because of Y/n.”
“I’m sure they were.” The Princess muttered and turned to the girl laying in bed. “Thank you… for letting me know.” 
“Of course, you deserved to know.” The girl nodded. “I shall go now, I cannot keep the Queen waiting.”
“Of course, yes.”
“Your majesty.” Maryann curtsy and walked out leaving Florence alone once again. 
The blonde connected her hands with the diamond’s again and pressed a peck on them. 
“Please open your eyes, love.” She whispered. “Let me see you again.” 
Maryann climbed into the royal carriage, sitting across from the Queen. The horses began to gallop away from the church, making the carriage move side to side as the ladies sat in silence. 
“I am sure it was surprising for me to ask you to ride with me.” Queen Charlotte said, looking up at the girl who stared nervously. 
“Indeed, it was, your majesty.” Maryann nodded and gulped. 
“I was hoping to speak with you..” The woman said, looking out the window and back at the girl. “I wish to talk about my niece and Miss Johnson..” 
Maryann stared in shock, feeling as if she was caught and she was. 
“And I expect you to say every single detail of it, Miss Addington.”
Oh boy..
florence taglist: @flosbelova​ @kassies-take​ @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​ @florencestann1234​ @freewaysigns-underpasses​ @snooy245​ @wandanatvoid​ @gay-vet-student​ @yelenabelovastolemyheart​ @marvelwomen-simp​ @simpforflorencepugh1​ @laaurel​ @yelenabelovasbxtch​ @geico-insuranc​ @oh-its-jennyyy​ @bandit2029​ @youresuchamom​ @simpforyelenabelova​ @justfangirlingaround​ @omega-horus​ @sat-yrr​ @alwaysbimyself​ @girraffy​ @froufrousnowman​ @slytherinchevy​ @randombush3​ @dumb-fawkin-bitch​
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nordleuchten · 3 years
I was reading some old posts you did and then i rememberes that in one (I don't remember which one rn) but in one there was smth writing like "if she (marie antoinette) had followed what lafayette said, she might survived the frev" or smth like this
can you talk a little bit more about it (or if I remember ir wrong)?? thank youu <3
Hello Anon,
thank you for your question. Yes, you remembered that absolutely correct. I wrote in this post about a quote from Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, Marie Antoinette’s and Louis XVI oldest daughter. The young girl was the only member of her immediate family to survive the French Revolution. Her parents were both executed in 1793 and her younger brother died in prison in 1795. Marie-Thérèse Charlotte herself was imprisoned between 1792 and 1795. She was released on December 18, 1795 after the Terror ended and travelled to her mother’s family in Vienna. From there she travelled to her father’s family in exile in Russia (modern day Latvia). She married her first cousin, the son of her father’s younger brother, Louis Antoine and became the Duchess of Angoulême by marriage - but more on that in a bit.
Marie-Thérèse Charlotte is quoted with having said:
Si ma mère eût pu vaincre ses préventions contre M. de Lafayette, si on lui eût accordé plus de confidance, mes malheureux parents vivraient encore
If my mother could have conquered her prejudices against M. de Lafayette, if he only had been more trusted, my unhappy parents would have still been alive.
I could not find the exact source where she said this. Marie-Thérèse Charlotte wrote and published several memoirs, journals and “narratives” during her life and I was only able to read or skip through some of them. I believe she wrote this statement in The journal of Madame Royal but because I was not able to get my hands on the book, take that with a grain of salt.
Her quote is quite interesting because many other people of the time (courtiers, members of the extended royal family and high ranking nobles especially) blamed La Fayette for the fate of the King and Queen. With Marie-Thérèse Charlotte they had a young women who lost her family in one of the most unimaginable ways, who lived through all the madness of the Revolution and nobody would have begrudged her blaming La Fayette - yet she did not. While reading her different writings, it is clear to see that she also criticised La Fayette, that she doubted some of his decisions and actions. But in the end and, more importantly, in hindsight, she believed that her parents and especially her mother would have done good by trusting La Fayette. The relationship between the Queen and La Fayette was far more strained than La Fayette’s relationship with Louis XVI.
Interestingly, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte was forced to leave France a second time - and La Fayette again was involved in all of that. Her father-in-law/uncle became King Charles X of France after the death of his older brother Louis XVIII in 1824. La Fayette and Charles X really, really, did not liked each other. In the course of the July Revolution (1830), in which La Fayette participated, Charles X was forced to abdicate. His abdication put his oldest son, Louis Antoine and his wife Marie-Thérèse Charlotte on the throne of France. They were King and Queen for approximately twenty minutes before Louis Antoine signed the same document as his father and abdicates as well. I have never read anything about Marie-Thérèse Charlotte’s opinion (and I have honestly never really searched for that) but I am guessing that after the events of 1830 she was completely done with La Fayette.
I hope that answers your question thus far and I hope you have/had a gorgeous day!
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rubykgrant · 4 years
I made a slightly condensed version of my Spooky Ref list; it still has a heck ton of movies and books, but now I combined certain categories, eliminated a few, and removed some of the titles that don’t quite fit. If you are looking for things to watch or read so you can get into the Halloween mood (or of you just like some creepy content), here you go!
Movies and Books for October
These range from children’s media to adult content, so be sure to check the ratings/reviews, this way you’ll find ones that are suitable for the right viewers. The dates of movies and names of authors for books are included to make searches easier
(a * symbol is for when a title is in both sections, a book that got made into a movie, ect)
Halloween and Ghosts
Movies- Hocus Pocus (1993), *the Halloween Tree (1993), the Nightmare before Christmas (1993), Trick r Treat (2007), Monster House (2006), Halloweentown (1998), the Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949), Scary Godmother Halloween Spooktacular (2003), Poltergeist (1982), the Haunting (1999), Casper (1995), Ghostbusters (1984), the Haunted Mansion (2003), Thirteen Ghosts (2001), the Others (2001)
Books- How to Drive Your Family Crazy on Halloween by Dean Marney,*the Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury, the Haunted Mask (Goosebumps) by RL Stine, Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge, Stonewords a Ghost Story by Pam Conrad, Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn, Ghost Beach (Goosebumps) by RL Stine, All the Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn, the Crossroads by Chris Grabenstein, Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn
 Witch/ESP/Mental Powers
Movies- *Practical Magic (1998), *the Wizard of Oz (1939), *the Witches (1990), Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), Scooby-Doo and the Witch’s Ghost (1999) *Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001), the Craft (1996), the Witches of Eastwick (1987), *Carrie (1976), *Firstarter (1984), *Matilda (1996), the Last Mimzy (2007)
Books- *Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, *the Witches by Roald Dahl, Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones, *Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling, *the Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum, T*Witches by HB Gilmour and Randi Reisfeld, the Worst Witch by Jill Murphy, *Carrie by Stephen King, *Firestarter by Stephen King, *Matilda by Roald Dahl, Scorpion Shards (Star Shards Chronicles) by Neal Shusterman, the Witch’s Boy by Michael Gruber
 Vampire and Werewolf
Movies- Blade (1998), the Little Vampire (2000), Hellboy Blood and Iron (2007), *Hotel Transylvania (2012), Fright Night (2011), What We Do in the Shadows (2014), Alvin and the Chipmunks meet The Wolfman (2000), Ginger Snaps (2000), Van Helsing (2004) Wolf Children (2012), the Wolfman (1941)
Books- Bunnicula by James and Deborah Howe, Dracula by Bram Stoker, ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King, Red Rider’s Hood by Neal Shusterman, the Werewolf of Fever Swamp (Goosebumps) by RL Stine, Werewolves Don't Go to Summer Camp (Bailey School Kids) by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Jones, Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause, Night of the Werepoodle by Constance Hiser
 Zombies and Slasher/Gore
Movies- Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (1998), ParaNorman (2012), Night of the Living Dead (1968), *Pet Sematary (1989), Zombieland (2009), Resident Evil (2002), Dawn of the Dead (2004) Scream (1996), a Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), *I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), Kill Bill (2003), Happy Death Day (2017), the Hills Have Eyes (2006), US (2019), Friday the 13th (1980), the Thing (1982), *the Girl with all the Gifts (2016)
Books- *Pet Sematary by Stephen King, the Haunting of Derek Stone by Tony Abott, Welcome to Dead House (Goosebumps) by RL Stine, *I know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan, the Dark Half by Stephen King, The Dead Girlfriend (Point Horror) by RL Stine, Another by Yukito Ayatsuji, the Prom Queen (Fear Street) by RL Stine, *the Girl with all the Gifts by MR Carey
Movies- the Omen (1976), Insidious (2010), the Exorcist (1973), *Christine (1983), City of Angels (1998), All Dogs go to Heaven (1989), Fallen (1998), *Rosemary’s Baby (1968), Bedazzled (2000), What Dreams May Come (1998), the Book of Life (2014), Flatliners (2017), *the Lovely Bones (2009), Coco (2017), Jennifer’s Body (2009), the Mummy (1999)
Books- *Christine by Stephen King, Needful Things by Stephen King, HECK where the bad kids go by Dale E Bayse,* Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Paradise Lost by John Milton, Inferno by Dante Alighieri, *the Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
 Monsters/Mythology/Dangerous Animals
Movies- Monsters Inc (2001), Godzilla (1998), *a Monster Calls (2016), *Jurassic Park (1993), King Kong (1933), Doug’s 1st Movie (1999), Darkness Falls (2003), Atlantis the lost empire (2001), Sinbad Legend of the Seven Seas (2003), *the Last Unicorn (1982), Urban Legend (1998), *How to Train Your Dragon (2010), the Flight of Dragons (1982), Shrek (2001), *the Hobbit (1977), Quest for Camelot (1998), Ferngully the last rainforest (1992), Lake Placid (1999), Jaws (1975), *Cujo (1983), Deep Blue Sea (1999), Anaconda (1997)
Books- *a Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, *Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, Sasquatch by Roland Smith, *the Last Unicorn by Peter S Beagle, the Moorchild by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, the Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) by Rick Riordan, the Boggart by Susan Cooper, *How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville, *the Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, *Cujo by Stephen King, Cat in the Crypt (Animal Ark Hauntings) by Ben M Baglio, Congo by Michael Crichton, Watership Down by Richard Adams, the Dark Pond by Joseph Bruchac
 Dolls and Toys, Circus/Carnival/Clowns, Comedy Horror
Movies- *Coraline (2009), the Adventures of Pinocchio (1996), Child’s Play (1988), Toy Story (1995), 9 (2009), We’re Back a dinosaur’s story (1993), the Care Bears Movie (1985), Little Nemo adventures in Slumberland (1989), *Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983), *Big Top Scooby-Doo (2012), Killer Klowns from Outer Space, *IT (2017), *Beetlejuice (1988), Army of Darkness (1992), Gremlins (1984), Arachnophobia (1990), Jawbreaker (1999), Tremors (1990), the Frighteners (1996), Twilight Zone the Movie (1983), Little Shop of Horrors (1986), Eight Legged Freaks (2002), the Goonies (1985)
Books- Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell, *Coraline by Neil Gaiman, No Flying in the House by Betty Brock, Doll Bones by Holly Black, Joyland by Stephen King, *Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, the Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, *IT by Stephen King, the Cuckoo Clock of Doom (Goosebumps) by RL Stine, a Dirty Job by Christopher Moore jr, Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (Treasury) by Alvin Schwartz and illustrated by Stephen Gammell, JTHM (Director’s Cut) by Jhonen Vasquez
 Gothic/Dark Fantasy, Curse/Transformation
Movies- *the Addams Family (1991), Rebecca (1940), Edward Scissorhands (1990), Mama (2013), the Phantom of the Opera (2004), Crimson Peak (2010), Legend (1985), the Dark Crystal (1982), Labyrinth (1986), *the Neverending Story (1984), *the Secret of NIMH (1982), Anastasia (1997), Howl’s Moving Castle (2004), Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), Willow (1988), *the Last Unicorn (1982), the Princess Bride (1987), *Legend of the Guardians the Owls of Ga'Hoole, Beauty and the Beast (1991), the Princess and the Frog (2009), the Swan Princess (1994), the Thing (1982), the Mask (1994), Freaky Friday (2003), Song of the Sea (2014), Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Books- the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, the Shining by Stephen King, Remember Me by Mary Higgins Clark, a Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, Well Witched (Verdigris Deep) by Frances Hardinge, Poison by Chris Wooding, *the Neverending Story by Michael Ende, *Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C O'Brien, a Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz, the Dark Portal by Robin Jarvis, Zel by Donna Jo Napoli, *the Last Unicorn by Peter S Beagle, *Guardians of Ga’Hoole by Kathryn Lasky, Owl in Love by Patrice Kindl
Movies- Clue (1985), *Holes (2003), Get Out (2017), Hot Fuzz (2007), Minority Report (2002), Kidnap (2017), Saw (2004), Wind River (2017), Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), the Great Mouse Detective (1986), Eve’s Bayou (1997), Breaking In (2018), Cube (1997), *Secret Window (2004), Silent Hill (2006), the Sixth Sense (1999), the Good Son (1993), Psycho (1960), Donnie Darko (2001), Fargo (1996), the Game (1997), the Invisible Man (2020), Breaking In (2018)
Books- *Holes by Louis Sachar, the Lost (the Outer Limits) by John Peel, We’ll Meet Again by Mary Higgins Clark, When the Bough Breaks by Jonathan Kellerman, *Secret Window Secret Garden (Four Past Midnight) by Stephen King, House of Stairs by William Sleator, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King, Tangerine by Edward Bloor, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the Girl who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
 Sci-Fi/Space Aliens, Robots and Technology
Movies- I Robot (2004), the Iron Giant (1999), the Terminator (1984), AI artificial intelligence (2001), the Stepford Wives (2004), Wall-E (2008), *Screamers (1995), *Sphere (1998), *Blade Runner (1982), *2001 a Space Odyssey (1968), MIB (1997), Mission to Mars (2000), Galaxy Quest (1999), Alien (1979), ET the extra terrestrial (1982), Independence Day (1996), Spaced Invaders (1990), Buzz Lightyear of Star Command the Adventure Begins (2000), Chicken Little (2005), *War of the Worlds (1953), *Contact (1997), Signs (2002), Treasure Planet (2002), Frequency (2000), Back to the Future (1985), the Time Machine (1960), Planet of the Apes (1968), Lost in Space (1998)
Books- the Terminal Man by Michael Crichton, Feed by Matthew Tobin Anderson, *Second Variety (Screamers) by Phillip K Dick, *I Robot by Isaac Asimov, Cell by Stephen King, *Sphere by Michael Crichton, *Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Blade Runner) by Philip K Dick , *2001 a Space Odyssey by  Arthur C Clarke, a Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle, Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, the Dark Side of Nowhere by Neal Shusterman, *War of the Worlds by HG Wells, *Contact by Carl Sagan, Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke, Aliens Don’t Wear Braces (the Baily School Kids) by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Jones, the Invasion (Animorphs) by KA Applegate
 Dystopia/Disaster, Other Worlds
Movies- Waterworld (1995), the Matrix (1999), Escape from New York (1981), *Demolition Man (1993), the Day After Tomorrow (2004), Volcano (1997), the Fifth Element (1997), Titan AE (2000), Armageddon (1998), Twister (1996), the Birds (1963), the Book of Eli, (2010) Spirited Away (2001), *Alice in Wonderland (1951), Pleasantville (1998), *the Phantom Tollbooth (1970), *the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), *Hook (1991), the Pagemaster (1994), *James and the Giant Peach (1996)
Books- Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, the Road by Cormac McCarthy, the House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, 1984 by George Orwell, Armageddon Summer by Bruce Coville and Jane Yolen, the Giver by Lois Lowry, the City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau, *Brave New World (Demolition Man) by Aldous Huxley, Malice by Chris Wooding, * the Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, *Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, the Golden Compass (His Dark Materials) by Philip Pullman, *The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (the Chronicles of Narnia) by CS Lewis, *James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
 Anime/Manga and J-Horror
Movies- Akira (1988), Perfect Blue (1997), Ring (1998), Dark Water (2002), Ghost in the Shell (1995), Tokyo Godfathers (2003), Cat Soup (2001), *Cowboy Bebop the Movie (2001), Blood the Last Vampire (2000), Pokemon the First Movie (1998), Sailor Moon R Promise of the Rose (1993), DBZ the World’s Strongest (1990), Digimon the Movie (2000), Ju-On (2000)
Manga- Claymore by Norihiro Yagi, Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata, *Yu Yu Hakusho by Yoshihiro Togashi, *Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa, *Blue Exorcist by Kazue Katō, *Soul Eater by Atsushi Ōkubo, *Inuyasha by Rumiko Takahashi,
Anime- *Yu Yu Hakusho, *Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, *Soul Eater, *Blue Exorcist, *Inuyasha, *Cowboy Bebop, Mob Psycho 100, .hack//SIGN , the Promised Neverland, Paranoia Agent, Tokyo Ghoul, Hellsing Ultimate
 Super Hero
Movies- Hellboy (2004), Ghost Rider (2007), the Incredibles (2004), Batman Beyond return of the Joker (2000), TMNT (2007), Logan (2017), Black Panther (2018), Sky High (2005), Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse (2018), Justice League Crisis on Two Earths (2010), Batman Under the Red Hood (2010)
Comics- Animal Man (New 52, 2011) DC Comics, Swamp Thing (New 52, 2011) DC Comics, BPRD Dark Waters (2012) Dark Horse Comics, Nextwave (Agents of HATE, 2006) Marvel Comics
Animated Series- Batman the Animated Series, X-Men Evolution, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003), Darkwing Duck, the Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans (2005), Static Shock, Green Lantern the Animated Series
 Cartoons and TV shows
Over the Garden Wall, The Simpsons (Treehouse of Horrors), Regular Show (Terror Tales of the Park), Adventure Time (Stakes), Scooby-Doo Where Are You/What’s New Scooby-Doo,  El Tigre the Adventures of Manny Rivera, Phineas and Ferb (Night of the Living Pharmacists), Gravity Falls, Good Omens, Miracle Workers, Grimm, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, What We Do In the Shadows, Hotel Transylvania the series, Wolf’s Rain, Danny Phantom, Aaahh Real Monsters, the Munsters, So Weird, Tutenstein, Gargoyles, Xena Warrior Princess, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Tales from the Crypt, Goosebumps, Samurai Jack, Metalocalypse, Super Jail, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Futurama, the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, *Beetlejuice (animated series), Sabrina the Animated Series, the Owl House, Bewitched, Growing Up Creepy, the Addams Family (animated series), a Series of Unfortunate Events, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Star VS the Forces of Evil, Amphibia, Infinity Train, Penn Zero Part-Time Hero, Murder She Wrote, the Venture Bros, Avatar the Last Airbender, Invader ZIM, People of Earth, Star Trek Next Gen, Rick and Morty, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
My hopes for WWE & AEW in 2021 and things I hope changes  for WWE and AEW in 2021
Roman Reigns stays dominant and reigns supreme as the Tribal Chief
Keith Lee wins the Royal Rumble,  joins The Hurt Business and brings the WWE Champion to the Hurt Business
Naomi returns and joins The Hurt Business and dethrones Asuka to take home the gold
The Hurt Business DOMINATES Raw
Bianca Belair wins the Royal Rumble and dethrones Sasha Banks at Wrestlemania
The Riott Squad win the Women’s Tag Team Champions
Unify the men’s Tag Team Championships 
Unveil a new Title and give us WWE’s very first Television Championship. It should be styled similar to the NWA and WCW’s TV belts, but on the sideplates it should include USA and Fox on the plates. Shelton Benjamin or Ricochet should be the TV Championship 
Big E reigns supreme as Intercontinental Champion and finally gets to face Roman for the Universal Championship at Wrestlemania 38
Rhea Ripley gets called up and goes to Smackdown
Mercedes Martinez dethrones Io Shirai and becomes NXT Women’s Champion
Karrion Kross reclaims the NXT Championship
Anyone but Johnny Sameface as NXT North American Champion
Queen Of The Ring. The amount of female talent available on Raw, SmackDown, NXT and NXT UK is quite something. It's clear that this is the richest women's division in WWE history. They really should do something with all those workers. The 'Mae Young Classic' tourneys have been fine, but people would trip over themselves to see a fully-fledged 'Queen Of The Ring' epic staged across multiple nights. If booked correctly, this tournament could help establish a new contender for top titles. If she isn't Champion by then(though she should be) the perfect person to become Queen Of The Ring would be Bianca Belair! Bianca Belair would have unparalleled credibility for her 'StrongEST, FastEST, ToughEST' mantra if she whipped a bevy of skilled workers to become the first 'Queen'. WWE could also get creative by linking the event in with Charlotte Flair's nickname and spinning off into a feud between her and the winner afterwards.
Form Full-Time Female Tag-Teams and keep them around. The Women’s Tag Team DIvision is a mess. Keep creating makeshift Tag Teams and breaking up established tag teams and your tag team division is dead. The current champs and their predecessors haven't even been "proper" full-time duos - Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler were shoved together awkwardly in the summer, and they've since been replaced by the unlikely Asuka and Charlotte Flair combo. This cannot be allowed to continue. It's damning that WWE don't have more fully-formed pairings ready to go. The Riott Squad are perhaps the only actual twosome who are presented as a tight-knit collective weekly. Other than that, who is there? Considering the belts have been around for a few years now, that's unacceptable. The IIconics split, so did Sasha Banks and Bayley, and the scene is littered by 'odd couple' tandems like Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke, Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce, and Billie Kay teaming with the likes of Natalya or Tamina when it suits.
Ensure NXT is treated like a proper third brand rather than a quasi-development league for Raw and SmackDown. NXT has been on USA Network for over a year now, but it's still very much behind both Raw and SmackDown as a priority. Need proof? Look at the way Keith Lee was handled when he was "called up" after SummerSlam 2020. The former NXT Champ had to start all over again, and he's had several teething problems on Monday nights. It'd be nice to see WWE move away from positioning NXT as a 'feeder' for the other two shows. Changing someone's gimmick when they leave makes the brand look less-than, and there's simply no need for that anymore; NXT should be an equal to Raw and SmackDown, not a development league. Sadly, it still comes across as that. Lee's stop/start plight and the (mis)fortunes of others like Aleister Black and Ricochet should be a lesson to WWE. Some workers are better off rocking the black and yellow, not the red or blue.
Darby Allin becomes AEW World Heavyweight Champion
Adam Page costs Kenny the title and Page gets revenge and DESTROYS Kenny
MJF destroys the inner circle from within and when Jericho realizes what just happened, that’s when MJF and Wardlow destroys Jericho
Which is when we get a Sammy Guevara babyface turn and we get MJF vs Sammy
Arn Anderson turns on Cody
AEW’s Four Horsemen is formed. MJF, Shawn Spears and FTR with Tully and Arn managing as the JJ DIllon mouthpieces
Darby Allin and MJF feud for the title
The Women’s Division is improved. The girls get more time to shine on Dynamite. Your champion actually appears(shocking, I know) and build feuds and stories for your women’s division. There’s still some time to do what’s right for your women’s division, but the only thing that remains to be seen, does the powers that be of AEW even care?
Get a new title design for the Women’s Championship. It looks like a toy for a child. It’s plastic, not gold.  It should be as big and beautifully designed as the men’s titles. It should be as big as the NWA’s title or even the WWE’s title. The title is symbolic as to how AEW treats it’s own women’s division and that needs to change with a fresh new design.
Sign Thunder Rosa. It may not fix everything with the women’s division, but it gives you your needed star power. Tony Khan should be begging on his hands and knees to sign Thunder Rosa in 2021 after her time with the NWA is up, his women’s division is getting their asses kicked by what his EVP refers to as a “developmental brand”
If you can’t sign Thunder Rosa. My solution is Push Anna Jay and  Britt Baker as the top face and heel of the women’s division and either of them dethrone Shida.
Leave whatever that monstrosity of a creative team they have for RAW is. Let the Wrestlers dictate what they want their characters to be. Ditch the scripted promos. Let promos feel organic and real. Let the wrestlers be characters who feel real and genuine. Get rid of a “Creative” that isn't creative and let the wrestlers be creative and let them be free of terrible creative.
Get rid of the Gimmick PPV. WWE has ruined gimmick matches by turning them into themed PPVs. none of these matches are organic or special anymore. The matches themselves are great but are booked to fit a theme of a pay-per-view, when they should be used organically at the height of feuds. no one cares about the name of PPVs, so i don’t understand why WWE does this. the only one that actually works is MITB, because it makes sense as storylines reset after Mania.
Scrap the Brand Warfare/Brand Supremacy. WWE should scrap the tired brand warfare format at Survivor Series and move away from Raw vs. SmackDown completely. Booking around a calendar has become company law in WWE over the past decade or so. Perhaps McMahon always formatted things this way really, but it's more glaring now that gimmick bouts like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell and Money In The Bank have their own pay-per-views. Survivor Series, with it's played out Raw vs. SmackDown vibes, also needs a rethink. "Brand warfare" is boring now, and it has been for several years. Although 2020's event was fun, it's nonetheless true that the month-long build to Survivors feels like a repetitive slog fans are forced to sit through every November. Hopefully, 2021 will change that. It is possible to book traditional elimination bouts without some sort of false show loyalty - WWE did this almost every single year until the first brand split in 2002. Their over-reliance on Raw vs. SmackDown is plain lazy. Survivor Series should be revolved around great rivalries between stables/factions. It’s really not that hard. Or at the very least if there IS a Smackdown vs Raw themed Survivor Series, at least add a damn reward. Give the brand a head start in the Rumble,, give the winners of the match number one contenders for their brand’s respective titles or ANYTHING better than just “brand supremacy lol”
Get rid of the 24/7 title. It has run it’s course. R-Truth is funny, but even he can’t make it work anymore.
Stop. Breaking. Up. Tag Teams. Stop killing your Tag Team Division. For the love of god just stop!
Cut Akira Tozawa’s ninja bullshit. It’s not funny, it’s annoying
Kill Retribution. It’s complete garbage. It has been consistently terrible ever since Retribution began. Mustafa Ali cannot save Retribution, he’s trying but no one can save it. 
Stop the 50/50 booking
Stop rewarding Nia Jax, the living botch machine for injuring her fellow wrestlers
Stop pushing Lars Sullivan. Absolutely no one wants him. 
They should cut raw to 2 hours because 3 hours is unbearable
Stop the overreliance of part time wrestlers. I don’t want to see Goldberg being pushed at the expense of today’s talent and I don’t want to see Goldberg period. I don’t want to see Brock Lesnar return at the expense of today’s talent. I don’t want to see Legends return. Push your current fucking wrestlers and make stars. You idiots!
Do not rush Becky Lynch back to the ring, she just had a baby. I read the reports that Vince wants Becky back by Wrestlemania. That is a terrible decision
Stop killing pushes because Vince changed his mind
Enough with “creative has nothing for you” if your “creative” has nothing for a certain wrestler, then they are not creative. Either let the wrestlers appear on the show or release them if you don’t want them anymore, it’s simple as that.
Do. Not. Put. The. Title. On. Goldberg. Goldberg should not have beaten Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' for the Universal Title at Super ShowDown in February - that was a huge mistake, one that set Bray back and felt totally unnecessary. In 2021, WWE should outright avoid any temptation to repeat the trick and give ol' Billy another go-around with one of the top titles. If anything, Goldberg's only purpose should be to play victim for a quick Roman Reigns squash. Get through that elusive match then turn Bill into a company ambassador. He doesn't need to pretend it's still 1998 all these years on.
Leave the overabundance of spots just for the sake of spots and enough with the false finishes. Jim Ross was right, like it or not, the spots for the sake of spots and the false finishes need to end. This is my major problem with AEW and why I can’t stand The Elite in general. Everyone just needs to  get their shit in. Everything looks fake. No one can look strong or credible and we have to see garbage Indy wrestlers and the spot monkeys make everything look fake and phony. The champions never look credible and everyone is on the level of job guys. This needs to change
Stop leaving your Women’s Champion off the show. It is downright insulting how dirty they are doing Hikaru Shida. She deserves as much time to shine as the other champions deserve.
Stop putting the NWA Women’s Champion as more of a priority than your own Women’s Champion
Enough with Brandi. Why is the women’s division given absolutely 0 screentime and barely anytime to develop their stories, but Brandi is ALWAYS THERE! Everything has to be about her. When a feud between Cody and Shaq was close to happening, of course it had to be about her. She’s turned heel/face as much time as the Big Show. I’ve grown tired of Brandi Rhodes. Stop shoving that attention whore down our throats. WE GET IT! You wanna be Stephanie so bad!
Enough with Cody’s big dramatic midlife crisis entrances. We get it, you wanna be Triple H SO BAD!
Stop the petty bullshit shots at WWE. It was fun at first, but it’s getting annoying. This is Eric Bischoff giving away the results and “That’ll put butts in the seats” level of petty bullshit. AEW had the fucking nerve to tweet a fan’s post saying they did a better tribute for Brodie Lee than WWE. HE JUST DIED! AND YOU ARE MAKING IT ABOUT YOUR FUCKING RIVALRY? GROW THE FUCK UP!
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kayliemusing · 3 years
42: top 3s
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors - classic vanilla, birthday cake/birthday batter, bubblegum
2: Top 3 Disney Movies - Mulan, Onward, Soul (but this changes frequently lol)
3: Top 3 vacation destinations - I've never been outside of my home country so I'll say my top 3 DREAM destinations: NYC, Hawaii, a random countryside in either France or the UK
4: Top 3 places to shop - Dynamite, Sephora, Winners/Homesense
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take - English/anything creative writing related, Interior Decorating/Design, Communications?
6: Top 3 make up products - YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, literally any Mac Lipstick but it has to be matte, & Fenty Beauty contour stick
7: Top 3 music artists - Taylor Swift - Of Monsters and Men - The Lumineers
8: Top 3 spices/herbs - Cinnamon - Nutmeg (literally tastes like autumn) - Paprika
9: Top 3 drinks - Diet Coke - Hot Chocolate - Vanilla Bean Frappe
10: Top 3 apps to use - Instagram - Pinterest -iBooks
11: Top 3 months of the year - May, October, December
12: Top 3 clothing items - My black/white turtle neck, high waisted jeans, plaid blazer
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows - Bones, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine
14: Top 3 romantic dates - (I've never been on a date but if I had, it would be this) Evening walk, late night drive, late night coffee date (tbh anything at night feels romantic)
15: Top 3 kinds of flower - Water lilies, cherry blossoms, roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies - A Christmas Carol (2009), Home Alone, The Polar Express
17: Top 3 OTPs - Nesta and Cassian from ACOTAR series by SJM, Manon and Dorian from Throne of Glass series by SJM, Casteel and Poppy from From Blood and Ash series by JLM.
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life - "I write not to find, but to leave" by Scherezade Siobhan - "I want to be myself again. I want to be six. I want to stop knowing everything I know" by Catherynne M. Valente - "The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get" by Joanna Hoffman.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself - my kindness bc it's not surface level kindness, but actually something deeply rooted within me - my resilience even tho sometimes it doesn't feel like resilience - my loyalty bc it is a hard as steel kind of loyalty
20: Top 3 kinds of candy - Maltesers, Kit kats, smarties
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active - Walking, dancing, mowing the lawn/shoveling the sidewalk
22: Top 3 spirit animals - wolf, hummingbird, tiger (i googled it bc i didn't know and i was scared it was a joke but)
23: Top 3 petnames - I like 'lovebug', 'love', 'sweetheart'
24: Top 3 books read outside of school - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas but viewers discretion is advised, Crush by Richard Siken
25: Top 3 most used websites - Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest
26: Top 3 people you last texted - my mom, my bestie megan, and my sister bc they're the only people i text...
27: Top 3 hashtags you use - the only time i use hashtags is if i'm trying to promote some of my writing so I'll usually use writingcommunity, writersonig, poetryonig lol
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow - Trista Mateer, Griefmother, obviously taylor swift
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures - buzzfeed quizzes, early 2000s music, romance novels
30: Top 3 summer activities - Going to the zoo, long evening walks, campfires and s'mores
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle - hearts, flowers, random swirls bc it's the only thing i can doodle...
32: Top 3 aesthetics - cityscape aesthetic, autumn aesthetic, rustic aesthetic
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars - a new car, a condo, another cat
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself - facial, a large bag of maltesers, buying the makeup i really want but have been putting off
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes - Evan Peters, Matthew Daddario, henry cavill
36: Top 3 books from your childhood - Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmens
37: Top 3 accents to hear - Australian, super poshy british accent, new zealand accent
38: Top 3 scents - Fresh rain, vanilla, sweet cinnamon pumpkin from bath and body works
39: Top 3 "Friends" quotes - "WE WERE ON A BREAK" -Ross, "Guess things were just going too well for me" -also ross, and "it's so exhausting waiting for death" - phoebe
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors - tbh I haven't tried that many cupcakes so your typical vanilla, chocolate, and Pink Lady Cupcake from Babycakes Cupcakery
41: Top 3 fruits - Pomegranates, Strawberries, Raspberries
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from - Pizzahut, Dominos, Pizza73
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch - i don't
44: Top 3 crayola colors - uh, i guess red, purple, and pink??
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college - Certificates/Degrees in Copyediting and Creative Writing, and I think simply just deeper critical thinking skills when it comes to writing and books
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read - I read more books than fanfics, I've read a couple on tumblr but don't remember the names sorry :/
47: Top 3 people you miss right now - my dad, my best friend bc she's in vancouver, taylor swift bc she's not on tumblr anymore rip
48: Top 3 fears - Failure, Loss, not achieving anything in life/not reaching my full potential
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices - Foreshadowing is always god tier, cliffhangers although evil i love those too, symbolism
50: Top 3 pet peeves - People dragging their shoes on the floor when they walk, when you tell someone your fav hobby/music artist/interest and they immediately go 'oh I hate X!', and people who go 'you're so quiet!!!' but in a way that draws in more attention and/or makes me feel more uncomfortable like i would literally rather die
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive - Hands, nice hair, defined jawlines
52: Top 3 bad habits - Nailbiting, picking at my blemishes oops, lip biting
53: Top 3 pets you've had/wish to have - Cats bc they complete me, I've always wanted a Samoyed, and I've always wanted a turtle
54: Top 3 types of foreign food - Chicken Chow Mein, deep fried shrimp, japanese chicken wings
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime - 'I quit', 'I love you', 'you changed my life'
56: Top 3 dog breeds - Samoyed, german shepherds, collies
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies - You've Got Mail, How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak - French, Sign, and maybe Japanese?
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) - The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (but literally only for Cassian and Nesta), From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout
60: Top 3 pizza toppings - Mushrooms, alfredo sauce, pineapple
61: Top 3 youtubers you're subscribed to - Game Grumps, Charlotte Dobre, Megan Batoon
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas - I want to get a tattoo on my wrist of the last thing my dad ever wrote me, a hummingbird tattoo right next to it, and then a cross on my index finger
63: Top 3 awards you want to win - National Book Awards, Nobel Prize, and maybe even Goodreads Choice Awards lol
64: Top 3 emojis - Laugh/Crying emoji, the please sir emoji that kinda gives off those puss n boots eyes, and the stars emoji
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning - 1970s Chev Impala, tbh a cute little Hyundai Venue, and maaaaybe the 1964 ferarri 250 gt luso (idk if that name was totally right but i had to do tons of googling to find it. i don't know a lot about cars and i don't really have a top 3 lol)
66: Top 3 authors - Right now I'm really into Sarah J Maas, Sally Thorne, and Holly Black maybe?
67: Top 3 historical figures - Jesus, Anne Frank, Vincent Van Gogh
68: Top 3 baby names - Ryder, Leila, Gracie
69: Top 3 DIYs - Candles, refurnishing old furniture (i.e. my mom and i painted our wooden garbage can), and really just any type of autumn diy
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors - Strawberry/Banana, Mango, Strawberry-Mango
71: Top 3 songs of this month - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, Biblical by Calum Scott, and Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked - I did them all bc I made it a survey instead of an ask meme ;)
73: Top 3 villains - Regina/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, Cruella De Vil, and Moriarty from Sherlock
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see - Montreal, NYC, Vancouver (honorable mention: LA)
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try - different kind of salad and/or burger bowls, Stuffed bell peppers, and homemade lemon loaf
76: Top 3 dream jobs - Bestselling author, the person who runs a companies social media accounts, youtuber/blogger
77: Top 3 lucky items - tbh don't have one
78: Top 3 traditions you have - Christmas Eve Service and if I don't go to that at least incorporating reading the christmas story on christmas day or eve, idk if this counts as tradition but going to the corn maze every fall, and whenever it's easter/christmas/thanksgiving we always have a big meal w/ family
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid - reckless abandon, dreaming about growing up with hopefulness and no dashed hopes, experiencing holidays like halloween and christmas as a kid
80: Top 3 harry potter characters - I've never read or watched Harry Potter rip (ok well i saw the first and second (and maybe third?) movie in the sixth grade I think) but I think I really liked Hermoine, Harry obviously and Dobby
81: Top 3 lies you were told - i don't have 3, but this one has a story but basically when my sister and i were in elementary school my sister got hit by a car and so the insurance thing was that she would recieve 10k when she was 18 and as a child i thought that was unfair so my dad told me that my sister had to split it with me when we were 18 lmao obviously that didn't happen (i think i realized that wasn't true in middle school)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now - Pictures of my cat, one of my sister in a hilarious filter, and a picture of my rocking my TS merch
83: Top 3 turn ons - Kindness, defined jawline, easy going
84: Top 3 turn offs - arrogance, unkempt, super loud and obnoxious
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read - I don't read much of those so I'll tell you some sites I love for writing purpose's: there's Wellstoried, justwriterlythings, springhole.net (which is filled with generators if you're stuck and also tons of infomation and advice)
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier - that toad in Mario Party was wearing a mushroom hat and that it is actually not his head, that immaculate means 'clean' before i misused that word like several times over the years, and that the one turn i always take on my way to work where i thought everyone didn't know how to drive was actually bc i didn't have the right of way rip me
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes - the one episode where spongebob and patrick find a ghost ship, that one episode where they form a bikini bottom band and perform it at a football game in a little fish tank, and the one episode where squidward has his first snowball fight
88: Top 3 places to be in the world - I'd love to be in NYC, Montreal, or Hawaii
89: Top 3 things you'd do differently - I would not have applied for RDC, similarly I should have just paid the 500 dollars to the one certificate program I wanted to do instead of overthinking it, and I wish I wouldn't have ended a friendship the way I did
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood - Spongebob Squarepants, That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana
91: Top 3 meals you love - Turkey Burgers, Chilli, and Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
92: Top 3 kinds of tea - i don't drink tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments - one time in sixth grade I tripped and fell right on my face in front of my crush, this other time like a couple years ago i opened the door to my car and only realized much too late while i was staring at this random family that it was not my car, and when i went to the gas station to get gas and couldn't get my gas lid on my car opened and this guy had to help me which was already embarrassing enough but then the gas pump wouldn't work so i had to go inside to pay just to realize i forgot my wallet and had to shamefully walk back to my car and then run back inside the convenience store and then pay and then walk back to my car and finally fill my tank.
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate - Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain - have an existential crisis, pretend you're in a music video, walk through puddles like you're six again
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow - Sledding, Build a snowman, shovel it even tho you don't want to
97: Top 3 items you can't leave the house w/o - phone, keys, wallet
98: Top 3 movies you'd like to see - Jurassic World 3, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania bc i'm a child, and the animation of the addams family
99: Top 3 art mediums - Writing fiction/poetry, painting, music
100: Top 3 museums you've been to - Royal Tyrell Museum, Canadian History one in edmonton lol, and heritage park in calgary
101: Top 3 school memories - Middle school dances when the popular kids would grind to the song "Low" which was always an interesting experience, in the twelfth grade at winter formal when we all shouted "SHUT UP AND DANCE!" at the same time when they played Shut Up and Dance, and the day i left
102: Top 3 things you don't/Won't miss - School, my sisters ex, 2016 bc she was a rough year yikes
103: Top 3 pick up lines - "My name is Will. God's Will.", "I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't like you bring your own snacks", "are you from tennessee bc you're the only 10 i see"
104: Top 3 sports to watch - none of them
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs - all too well - exile - coney island
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dangerouslcve · 4 years
Unforgiven - Taron Egerton
Tumblr media
Pairing: Taron Egerton x reader
Warnings: None.
Summary: There is something so achingly familiar about Taron Egerton. He captures your attention from the moment you see him at Rada, your new acting school. He is the one bright spot in a place where people are constantly judged, the students and staff are rude, and security cameras watch your every move.  
Except Taron wants nothing to do with you- he goes out of his way to make that very clear. But you can't ignore nor shake the feeling that you know him. You were being drawn to like a moth to a flame. You need to find out what Taron is so desperate to hide, even if it shatters you...
Read previous chapters on Wattpad @ kayegerton
Disclaimer: I do not know what college is like.. Yet. But I did some intense googling. This story is for entertainment purposes only, it is considered an AU. With that being said, hope you enjoy the story.
Chapter Four - Brief Touch
    Walking down the long hallway with your duffel bag strap resting on your shoulder, you make your way to your room counting the money in your hand under your breath before shoving it into your back pocket. You were surprised to see so many closed doors as you passed, at your old college so many kids always had doors open for anyone to come in and join the party they were throwing. You, Allie, and Richard had only ever been to a couple of those parties and they consisted of loud music and lip locked couples so eventually you three just left and went back to Richards room and hung out with each other. But here at Rada most of the students stayed to themselves or just socialized behind closed doors. Speaking of these closed doors, they were truly a sight to be seen. Kids at Rada were ingenious when it came to decorating their personal spaces. You had already walked by a door with louis vuitton and armani tags on it to show off their money, and another with a sign that encouraged you to 'move the fuck on' when you passed it on the way to your room.
  You came to a stop at a blank wooden door, some doors were not decorated meaning the kids who lived nearby are at home at the moment with their family, which made you insanely jealous. Room 123B the door read. Home bitter home. You take the key out of your pocket sighing before unlocking the door and opening the door to your home for the next couple of months.
It wasn't that terrible, the peach colored walls greeted you along with a wooden twin size bed that sat on the side of the room against the wall, across from the bed was a black desk and a leather chair to do work and practice lines. The saddest looking thing in the moonlight lit room was her reflection, your frizzy hair and pale face. You looked like you had just gotten out of the hospital for your accident again. If you thought hard enough you could still hear the beeping machine that monitored your heart making sure you would never flat line during your time in the hospital. Your eyes were flecked with stress, you were shivering. Alone. Truly alone. Your afternoon classes and theater had been no better than your morning classes due to your biggest fear you had since the time in the cafeteria, everyone was calling you the immature name of meatloaf. The nicknamed seemed like it was going to stick.
You needed to unpack, to make this plain generic dorm into your own little home. A place where you can come to escape from the outside world to feel okay but you only got as far as to unzipping the black duffel bag before you collapsed onto the bed in defeat. You felt so far away from home and from your friends, it was a seven hour drive from London to Glasgow so going home was not an option for you but even if you did want to go home you couldn't because your parents would be disappointed in you. Again. But it might as well be twenty two years the way you felt right now.
For the first half of the drive you were being lectured for being upset about leaving your friends by your father dean, on the other hand your mother Sophia had remained silent looking out the window as you left Scotland. The winter months were approaching rapidly- September was always a time that flew by but December was always a time you dreaded most because you always got this gut feeling on Christmas that something horrible was going to happen but you could never explain it and if you did explain it your parents would become angry and change the subject. You yourself were 99% sure you were insane at some point but kept it to yourself because they already thought you were an odd child for not getting most of your memory back. You sigh, even though it wasn't your fault. You did miss your parents but you weren't close to them how they say you used to be. You missed your bedroom which had the perfect view of neatly manicured backyard. You missed Richard and Allie who had most likely sent you twenty never to be seen messages already. You missed all the memories you made in your childhood and late years of being a teen. Well, you didn't really miss because you couldn't remember its the feeling of never going to fully understand what your childhood was like, if you ever met someone who took your breath away when you were in your teens...If you have even ever been kissed. Ever been in love?
You roll over burying your face in the pillow. You had spent months after leaving the hospital mourning the loss of your memories. Your parents tried everything in their power to trigger memories but only some returned the rest laid deeply buried in your mind never to be remembered and now... lying in the room of your new college with the semi soft mattress beneath you, you felt the selfish futility of it all come crashing into you. You don't know your parents any more than you know well...Allie and Richard.
A knock on your door made you sit up a little to quickly causing your head to spin. You hold your head looking at the blank closed door with a raised eyebrow, the only person who could possibly know your room number is a teacher or Emily, what would they even be bothering doing here?  You tip toe to the door and pull it open peaking outside to see who knocked but there was no sign that anyone was here. On the wall beside your door on the board was a paper tacked into the wooden board that had a single arrow pointing up.
Azalea had invited you to hang out tonight but that was before the fight in the cafeteria with Charlotte. Looking at the stairs you pondered whether to follow the cryptic arrow to the second floor. You glanced back at the duffel bag laying on the bed unzipped and open ready to be unpacked, you shrug pulling the door to your room shut, stuffing the key in your pocket and make your way to and up the stairs.
You stopped in front of a door- after following the arrows- that had an Queen poster covering the upper half of the door and under it was a dodgers stadium picture that was signed by the legend himself Elton John, whoever was behind this door was very lucky. Looking at the corkboard you realized you were standing in front of Roland Shaw's room, almost immediately and annoyingly you starting thinking of the odds that Roland was with Taron at this exact moment, only a small door separated the two of them from you. A mechanical zooming in noise above Roland's door made you jump, looking up you see a security camera zooming in on you making your shrink away embarrassed and slightly scared for reasons the camera would never know. You had came to see Azalea and ended up at Roland's door thinking about Taron again and it just so happened to be that Azalea was right across the hall from Roland. You felt a stab of nostalgia when you looked at her door, so many stickers and posters about things in America, you could tell she missed home more than ever which made you miss everything about Scotland. You could have stood there for hours reading everything on her door but you felt odd standing in front of a room you were only half certain you were invited to until you saw the note on the board beside her door you pull it down from the board and open it to see what it had to say.
My darling Y/n,
If you actually showed up tonight, props! we will get along great.
If you did in fact bail on me, then get your hands off my private note ROLAND! God. How many times do I have to tell you?
Anyways, I knowww I said swing by tonight but I had to dash to biology earlier after getting assigned probation to catch up on some things. Which is to say, Rain check :) !
Your crackhead, A.
You stood with the note in your hand unsure what to do next. You were glad she was okay since the events after the cafeteria but you would have loved to see the girl in person to hear the nonchalance in her voice to truly know she was okay after the somewhat snappy note you had just read. A sudden panic filled you when you realized you were out of your room past dark.
A door suddenly creaked open and light flooded the hallway, you heard music coming from inside the room.
"What are you doing?" Roland asks leaning up against his door frame in a white shirt and ripped jeans as he holds a paper in his hands raising an eyebrow at you.
"I came to see Azalea." you say looking at him trying your best not to look past him to see if anyone else was with him. Anyone as in, Taron. "We were supposed to-"
"No ones home." he deadpans, you didn't know if he meant Azalea or the rest of the kids on this floor. He played with the paper in his hands keeping his eyes on you the whole time. Then he held the door open a little wider with a raised eyebrow, you couldn't tell whether or not he was inviting you inside or letting you know no one else was with him.
"Well, I was just off to swing to the library there is a book I need for my morning class with Bliss." you lie quickly turning back the way you came wanting to escape his intense gaze.
"Y/n," Roland calls out to you.
You turn around. You hadn't even officially met him yet which means someone told him your name, he flashes you a smile for the first time since you came here using the paper in his hand pointing the other direction. "Library is that way." he says before crossing his arms over his chest a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Be sure to check out the special collection area, they are really neat. You will recognize one of them."
"Thanks." you say feeling grateful as you change your course heading the opposite direction of where you came from. He seemed so normal when he waved smiling from ear at ear as you left. Maybe he only made you nervous earlier because you thought of him as Taron's friend. For all you knew, Roland could be a really nice person. Things were looking up, the non awkward encounter with Roland and you did want to check out the library to see if it was any different from the library at the conservatoire.
You push the doors open to the library stepping inside, a warm feeling came over you when you enter the library, you had always love the smell of libraries but this smelled like home. A fall scented candle filled the low lit library, the soft sounds of the turning pages of books as other students sat at round tables reading or having hushed conversations. The walls were a deep mahogany, the ceiling high with wooden beams spaced neatly. A few students were at the computers studying none that you knew by name, but even the rich kids looked less like bitches with their heads buried in books. A librarian sat behind her desk flipping through papers, her glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose as he lips turned up into a faint smile. She was old but the only youthful thing on her was her red hair tied up in a high bun on top of her head. Her head immediately popped up as you neared the desk.
"Hello!" She greets excitedly, smiling at you. An actual real smile. A closer look at her features and you see she looked both old and young and her hair had silver streaks in it, her nose slightly pointed as her big brown eyes shined in the light. She was absolutely stunning, dressed in the most elegant long sleeve dress as she stands her pale frail hands pushing the sleeves on her dress up exposing a golden bracelet. "What can I help you with?" she questions and you felt instantly at ease with the woman. You glance at the name tag on your desk, Mary Ellison. You did wish you had a specific request for the kind lady in front of you. She had been the first authoritative figure in this school that you would have seeked out for help but here you were wondering around... until she remembered what Roland had said.
"I'm new here," you begin to explain "Y/n L/n. Could you please tell me where the east wing is?"
The woman gave you a warm smile, the type of smile from a stranger that reminded you of home.
"Right that way," she said pointing toward a great bay window on the other side of the room. "I am Miss Mary, and if my schedule is correct..." she trails of flipping through pages in a very large book. "I have you in my theater classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Oh, we are going to have some fun!" she winks looking up at you. "In the meantime if you need anything. I'm here, I work as the schools librarian and theater arts teacher," she explains and you nod. That makes much more sense. "It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n."
You smiled and thanked her and told her quietly you would see her in class tomorrow before you make your way to the bay window on the other side of the room. You had just passed the main study and was passing through the tall elegant book stacks when you feel a stabbing pain in your head and your stomach sinks, you feel like your nearing something. Like a memory floating around in your head. You were nearing the past. That's when you feel flushed, it was warm in the library but not that warm. Your eyes land on him. On Taron. He was facing the window, his back was to you as he leaned over a podium that said SPECIAL COLLECTIONS in big gold letters. The sleeves on his leather jack were pushed up around his elbow, his golden brown hair glowed under the soft lights, and his shoulders were hunched over and yet again you had the instinct to fold yourself into his arms. You shook your head rolling your eyes becoming aggravated as she stood on her tip toes getting a closer look. His hand tightened on the podium as he drew. She couldn't go to him and ask what he was drawing like a normal person, your only communication with him was a couple of dirty looks and being flipped off. Yet for some strange reason you had to know what he was drawing in the sketchpad.
Then it hit you, the dream you had the night before. The briefest flash of it came back to you all of a sudden. In the dream, it had been late at night - cold, snowing, and you had been in a house full of people dressed in something short but it kept you warm. In the dream you had been looking for a boy, you never got to see his face only his back as he sat by a counter laughing as he talked with a taller guy with curly hair. You watched him talking with the man and before the dream ended he turned around.
You jerked forward feeling a pinch but see nothing, but you realize you are standing next to Taron. The pounding of your heart grows so loud that it fills your ears when you look around frantically to find what had just pinched you. Taron glanced up from his work and seemed to raise his eyes to where exactly the moon sat in the sky before his gaze settled calmly outside the window. You were close enough to him now that you were most certain he felt your presence near because his grip tightened on the podium.
"What are you doing over here?" he asked closing his sketchbook and was looking at her solemnly. His full lips were set in a full line and his hazel eyes looked dull. He didn't look angry for a change he looked exhausted.
"I came to check out a book from special collections," you say your voice wobbling but as soon as you looked around you regretted what you just said. There was no books in sight, it was full of Greek looking art and some random arts from students from over the years. You and Taron were standing in an art gallery, which is why he came to this place to draw.
"Good luck with that." Taron said turning away from you opening his sketchpad again as if to say goodbye. You were tongue tied and embarrassed to have trusted Roland - a stranger - to not lead you to the wrong area. It was as if everyone was trying to push you to him, like they all knew something you didn't. There was something about Taron that made her feel safe and protected from the world, you felt better around him than you have with anyone else in your life. You were stuck, rooted to the spot where you stand. Taron glanced up at you and sighed
"Let me ask you something," his voice had an edge to it "Do you like being snuck up on?"
You thought back to the time when Richard snuck up on in your dorm. You shake your head roughly.
"Okay, that makes two of us." he cleared his throat and stared at you, driving home the point that you were an intruder. Maybe you could make up an excuse that you were lightheaded and needed to sit down.
"Look can I-"
But Taron closed his sketchpad with a loud snap and got to his feet. "I came her to get away." he says cutting you off sending you a glare. "If you are not going to leave I will." he shoves his sketchpad into his bag. When he pushed past you, his shoulders brushed your. Even as brief as the touch was, even through the layers of clothing you felt a shock of static. For a long second Taron stood still as well, you both turned your heads to look at each other, you opened your mouth but before you could speak Taron had turned on his heel walking quickly towards the door. You watch him leave as you rest your hand on your shoulder before you rest your gaze out the window letting out a breath you didn't even know you were holding.
Tag list: @primaba11erina​ @fuseburner​ @hitmeonmytspot​ @turkish276​ @holama
want to be added to the tag list? let me know!
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dracosaurusrex · 3 years
30 Questions tag game!
Thank you for the tag @phxntxmx !!! I hope you’re doing well :D
1. Name: Ina (here)
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: Capricorn
4. Height: 5′4
5. Time: 10:42PM
6. Birthday: 4 January
7. Favourite bands: Queen, Journey, Fall Out Boy, MCR
8. Favourite solo artists: Sam Smith, Bruno Mars
9. Song stuck in my head: Intro - Shawn Mendes
10. Last movie: Soul (please watch it)
11. Last show: House MD
12. When did I create this blog: September 2020
13. What do I post: Fanfics, random thoughts, things that make me feel like me
14. Last thing googled: Italian Bakery near me (LOL I was craving cannolis okay?)
15. Other blogs: No others, but I’m thinking about opening a studyblr side blog aha
16. Do I get asks: Not often than I’d like to, but it’s chill.
17. Why I chose my url: I don’t want people in my personal life finding me, so I used something sentimental and lowkey
18. Following: 144
19. Followers: 288
20. Average hours of sleep: 5 - 7 hrs
21. Lucky number: 1222 (I can’t really say that for sure, but a lot of good things seem to be going on whenever I see it.)
22. Instruments: Organ, Ukulele
23. What am I wearing: Lmao I’m doing this after I posted another tag game so lemme change real quick. Edit: A Superdry shirt, and running leggings
24. Dream job: Cancer researcher!
25. Dream trip: Off to the UK followed by a European escapade hehe
26. Favourite food: PASTA PASTA PASTA. Tbh, anything with noodles
27. Nationality: filipino
28. Favourite song: Imma choose a different one from the last game aha. Too Good to Say Goodbye by Bruno Mars, All You’re Dreaming Of by Liam Gallagher, How Deep Is Your Love covered by PJ Morton (although I love the OG version just as much)
29. Last book read: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: HP, Haikyuu!, Yuri on Ice
No pressure tags :) : @slytherinwh0re @fuckingdraco @weasleyclaw @missdawnandherdusk @rottenhexrt @beiahadid @minty-malfoy @dracosathenaeum @dreaming-about-fanfictions
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julieandthefandoms · 4 years
Fanfiction Links
I’m not sure as to why I’m making this a post, but here is a list of fanfiction recommendations from The Last Hours and The Infernal Devices. I’ll be updating this as I read more. Keep in mind that it has been a while since I’ve read some of them, so my memory is not the best.
If anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to leave them on this post, I’m in need of more fanfiction to read anyway.
Most of these are set in the canon universe, so I’ve marked those that aren’t.
Haven’t you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door? by GinnyRose
To Be Better Tomorrow Than You Were Yesterday by GinnyRose
Texting 101: Always Double Check by GinnyRose (College AU)
The Hideout by GinnyRose (Coffee Shop AU)
In Henry’s Laboratory by thomaslightwood
Never Forget by UpsideDownCats
Making Amends by Nolu/lily-chen-deserves-better
https://lily-chen-deserves-better.tumblr.com/post/617613489359503360/cordelias-performance-hell-reulle-but-with-the or here
five times they were almost found out and one time everyone found out by helenblqthorn
"Hey. I made you breakfast. I'm aware it's just a bowl of cereal, but it's all I can make without burning." by magnuslightwood-bane
(This is a little Thomastair subsection I like to call, “If I have to suffer, so do you,” AKA Well written angst)
This is so much worse by bridgestocksariadne
Light by thomaslightwood
Alastair ‘Tell Cordelia I have a headache and I am resting the carriage’ Carstair by tsc-living
(Warning: The following contains suicide. Read at your own risk)
I do not love you by thomaslightwood (Modern AU)
The Gays Banding Together (Arianna and Thomastair are Friends)
We two strangers by coronaofastar
Winning Them Back by UpsideDownCats (Thomastair and Arianna)
End Gracelet/Jordelia
What is Unrequited by Rose_Herondale
It’s about freakin time by stephinebills2018
Conditionality by foreverinfiction
Pour me a drink, oh love by bleuboxes (Modern AU)
Untitled Jordelia One-Shot
Daisy by fairchild-squad
let’s find where it hurts by archeryian
History Repeating by Mia_writes
way too much whiskey in my blood by ragingcalm
Matthew Babysitting Owen Herondale
Blackheron/Heronthorn/Thorndale (Basically Jesse/Lucie)
And when I touch you I feel happy inside by r_675
Did not ask for this life by coronaofastar
Dancing in the Dark by lily-chen-deserves-better
A Kiss In The Rain by immyownghostwriter
Where Does The Good Go by immyownghostwriter
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24289783 or here
Untitled Blackdale Fic by cecily-fightwood
Untitled Blackdale Fic by cecily-fightwood
Snow White by fairchild-squad
Untitled Blackdale Fic by purplebass
Kings, Queens, Hopes and Humanity by jesseblackthorns
Fairthorndale Modern AU by fairchild-squad
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24192454 or here
Book Signing by silent-nerd
Counting Stars by fairchild-squad/A247ALICE
Multi Ship Fluff
Let’s Just Talk by CrimzieLightwood (Either College or High School AU, but it’s really cute, I swear)
Cheers to Beauty by MadJustSH
Pine With Me (Ongoing Fics)
Popsicle Stick Homes and Construction Paper Hearts by GinnyRose (Thomastair Modern AU)
A Last Chance by CrimzieLightwood (Thomastair)
time to dance on sorrows by fairchild-squad
new blooms by fairchild-squad
If You Want To Read My Work ( Assorted Jordelia/Thomastair/JessexLucie/Arianna/Herongraystairs)
If Crazy=Genius, The Herondales, Fairchilds, Blackthorns, and Carstairs Would Have 162 IQ by TimeToTravel (Yours Truly)
What Is And What Should Never Be by TimeToTravel (Moi)
Maybe There’s Something There That Wasn’t There Before by TimeToTravel (Still Me)
Days Past: Paris 1902 by TimeToTravel (You guessed it, me)
Either: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24015850 or here
Bring Back What Once Was Mine by TimeToTravel (That’s me)
Heaven and Hell by TimeToTravel (Yup, me)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24192601 or here
Free To Be You And Me by TimeToTravel (This guy)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24466879 or here
We’ll Meet Again by TimeToTravel (Me, myself, and I) (Supernatural and TSC epic crossover)
Breeding Cannibal Ducks by TimeToTravel (Ashy herself)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24761302 or here
Idris Weekly: The Millionaire Murder by TimeToTravel and LivingInTheNever (myself and my lovely parabatai)
A Perfect Day by TimeToTravel (Me, Ash. Hello, reader!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24919912 or here
Best Day of Our Lives by TimeToTravel (Oh, look, that’s me too!)
https://idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname.tumblr.com/post/625652360741568512/best-day-of-our-lives or on my Ao3
Gift of the Black Tome by wherethewickedplay
She Who Holds Their Hearts by wherethewickedplay
Infernal Angels by wherethewickedplay (Elemental AU)
Of Wild Things And Sydney Cartons by wherethewickedplay (Soulmate AU)
Turn Upon A Wheel by wherethewickedplay
Faults in the System series by sapphic_lightwhore (Soulmate AU)
Table 18 by lightwoodsisabelle (Modern Waitress AU)
A Rating Of Five by Bellicosi
“Can I join you?” by lucieblckthorn
Charlotte/Henry (There’s a severe lack of these, for some reason)
I’ve been looking for you for a long, long time by JaseyRae (Soulmate AU)
When The One You Love Loves You Back by survivingasafangirl
Poor Charlotte (i.e The Confessions of Matthew and Will)
Changes by NotEvenThat
To Drive Away A Shadow by Teddy0414
Time Travel/Ghosties (TMI and TID/TLH)
the maze of time by nebulousviolet
When things go to Hell in a hand basket by danying
Watching Your Back by A_Tired_Writer
Kit Herondale: Medium Extrordinare by rosesareredvioletsareblue
Jessamine Lovelace’s love consultory by herondaleraxxet
Mina, James, and Lucie by cecily-fightwood
The TLH Gang Meeting Mina by cecily-fightwood
In Another Life by themostawesomehuman
Time After Time by just_another_lightwood_bane
Shenanigans and Family
How to Find a Pink Salamander by UpsideDownCats
Short Story Between Gabriel and Jesse by merrythievesfanboy
Explosions and Opinions by Star_Fangirl_Forever
Parental Differences by older-brother-kit
https://older-brother-kit.tumblr.com/post/624290228427980800/parental-differences or https://archiveofourown.org/works/25431358
The Discovery of Oscar Wilde the Dog by churchthecatismyspiritanimal
I only know pain
The Life of Lucie by thanatosangel (Immortal Lucie)
See you on the other side by lily-chen-deserves-better (Dead Jem)
Falling by lily-chen-deserves-better (Math angst)
How to Save a Life by lily-chen-deserves-better (Dead Lily)
Don’t worry about me by lily-chen-deserves-better (Dead Lily... again)
“People can Live for a Hundred Years Without Living a Minute” by themostawesomehuman (Dead Magnus)
Whispers of Evil by themostawesomehuman
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gstqaobc · 4 years
The Royal Fascinator Friday, May 01, 2020 Hello, royal watchers and all those intrigued by what’s going on inside the House of Windsor. This is your biweekly dose of royal news and analysis. Reading this online? Sign up here to get this delivered to your inbox. Janet Davison Janet Davison Royal Expert
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Sophie: The royal who ‘just gets on with it
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She has been packing groceries in recent days, volunteering at a kitchen and talking to paramedics. There hasn’t been much fanfare around her actions in support of those working in the battle against COVID-19 — but then again, when Sophie, Countess of Wessex, does her royal business, that’s the way it tends to be. “Sophie does everything very quietly, partly because the media don’t follow her obsessively as they do with William and Catherine and partly because the things she does aren’t necessarily very glamorous,” said Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, via email. That’s exactly what the Royal Family needs, Seward suggests: “someone who just gets on with things regardless of the attention they receive.” Seward likens Sophie, who joined the Royal Family when she married the Queen’s youngest son, Prince Edward, in 1999, to her sister-in-law, Princess Anne. Seward said given that Anne is nearly 70, she thinks Sophie “will take over from her as being the hardest-working royal. [Sophie] approaches her role in an unfussy way and just gets on with it.” That low-key approach has not gone unnoticed by her mother-in-law. Sophie “goes about her duty diligently, quietly and without a great deal of fuss, and for that the Queen adores her,” said Vanity Fair’s royal correspondent, Katie Nicholl, via email. “They are very close and spend a lot of time together when they are in Windsor, and the Queen loves riding with her grandchildren James and Louise.” It’s a closeness observers say goes back years. Sophie’s arrival in the family came in the wake — and in some ways the shadow — of Diana, wife of Edward’s older brother Prince Charles. Some saw Sophie as a new Diana, Seward said, “which of course she wasn’t.” “She hated the comparison as she knew she never would or should try to live up to it.” Louise's birth in November 2003 was difficult, as Sophie almost died as a result of blood loss. “People saw how much the Queen cared about her, visiting her in hospital, which is unheard of,” Seward said. “Gradually and without being pushy, she became the Queen’s closest companion — they share a love of military history and a wicked sense of humour.” That’s not to say it’s all been smooth sailing for Sophie. After her marriage, she continued in her career, but quit as head of a public relations company in 2001 after embarrassing comments she made were secretly recorded by a tabloid reporter posing as an Arab sheik and published in the News of the World. Seward suggests the Queen remained supportive of her daughter-in-law, and ultimately decided it would be better if Sophie and Edward worked as full-time royals. “Ever since then, Sophie has appeared looking glamorous when needed and workmanlike when needed.” She has visited Canada several times, sometimes with Prince Edward, sometimes on her own. The last visit came last fall, with two low-profile days in Toronto. Much of the time was spent at Toronto Western and Toronto General hospitals. She talked with critically ill patients and showed a "great warmth" and a "real, genuine skill in listening," Kevin Smith, president and chief executive officer of the University Health Network, said at the time. With turmoil and uncertainty in the upper echeolons of the Royal Family these days —  Prince Harry and Meghan stepping back to seek their independence, Prince Andrew stepping back amid controversy over his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein — questions have arisen over just how the House of Windsor will approach the future. Some suggest Sophie will find herself in a more prominent role. “We are already seeing Edward and Sophie doing more to support the royals and I think that’s going to be the case moving forward,” said Nicholl.
Royal birthdays — pandemic-style
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T(The Duchess of Cambridge/Kensington Palace via AP)In any family, birthdays can come in bunches. For the Royal Family, there’s a real run of them in late April and early May. And this year, the pandemic has been reflected as some members of the family marked their annual milestones in recent days. Queen Elizabeth's 94th birthday was acknowledged more quietly than usual. The gun salutes that normally sound on April 21 were called off, with the Queen feeling they would not be appropriate at this time. Photos released to mark Prince Louis’s second birthday on April 23, taken by his mother, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, showed the happy, colourful and messy aftermath of fingerpainting rainbows in support of the National Health Service. Other birthdays right around now include Louis’s sister Charlotte, who turns five on May 2, and their cousin, Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, who will be one on May 6.
Harry and Meghan and the media —  again
Prince Harry and Meghan may be looking for a new life in Los Angeles, but some old issues appear to remain top of mind for them.The couple, who stepped back from the upper echelons of the Royal Family a month ago, caught observers somewhat off-guard the other day when they sent out a message saying they would no longer be co-operating with four British tabloid newspapers.It prompted some to wonder about the timing of the announcement, coming as it did during the pandemic, when such an issue might take a back seat to concerns over how to battle the coronavirus.Harry in particular has had a raucous relationship with the media, and the couple has also taken their battle into the courts.A few days ago, the first court hearing in a privacy case brought by Meghan against a tabloid for printing part of a letter to her father began at the High Court in London.Papers submitted in court included details of text messages Harry sent to Meghan’s father.The whole media swirl prompted Jonny Dymond, the BBC’s royal correspondent, to ask, “So will the real Duke and Duchess of Sussex please stand up?“There is the couple who provoke such sympathy in the court papers published today,” Dymond wrote recently. “And there's the couple who think now is the right time to exercise their quarrels with the bestselling papers of the nation that they have departed from.”
“Royally quotable“
As we approach World Immunization Week, I wanted to recognize the vital and urgent work being done by so many to tackle the pandemic; by those in the medical and scientific professions, at universities and research institutions, all united in working to protect us from COVID-19.”— 
The pandemic prompted Prince Philip to make a rare public statement on April 20. The 98-year-old Duke of Edinburgh, who has had a keen interest in science, has rarely been seen in public since he retired from public duties in the summer of 2017.
Royals in Canada
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(Bill Croke/The Canadian Press)Princess Anne has been having something of a moment lately — or maybe several moments. One came late last fall, prompted by the feisty portrayal of her in Season 3 of the Netflix drama The Crown. And right now, the all-business, no-nonsense only daughter of the Queen and Prince Philip is the cover story for Vanity Fair.
But rewind 49 years, and Anne had her share of moments, too, some of them coming in Canada.
Much media attention was focused on the 20-year-old when she arrived with her parents to mark the 100th anniversary of British Columbia’s entry into Confederation.
As much as Anne was the focus of anticipation and attention during that trip in early May 1971, her royal duties were rather routine, even a bit mundane.
“Princess Anne made no official statement at the unveiling,” the Globe and Mail reported on May 5, after she officially opened Canada’s newest national park, Pacific Rim on Vancouver Island. “Her only function was to pull the cord that removed the flag from the rock face to unveil the plaque.”
Later, the Globe reported, Anne told the park superintendent “she was much impressed by the beauty and the picturesqueness of the park region.”
Our friends at CBC Archives have taken an in-depth look at the tour that took the royal visitors to Victoria, Vancouver, Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, Williams Lake and Comox.
Royal reads 1.Prince Harry has told friends he misses his life in the Armed Forces. [Daily Telegraph]
2. Harry has also looked back on his time as a child, recording a special messageto celebrate the 75th anniversary of a book he and others loved in their younger years: Thomas the Tank Engine. [CBC
]3. King Henry VIII might not be the first person you think of as inspiration for how to live in self-isolation, but maybe he could offer some lessons on how to find comfort in quarantine. [The Guardian]Cheers!I’m always happy to hear from you. Send your ideas, comments, feedback and notes to [email protected]. Problems with the newsletter? Please let me know about any typos, errors or glitches.
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