#this isn't really a rec tho
nettedtangible · 7 months
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Anyone here seen Belladonna of Sadness? I feel like it's the kind of thing the freaks on this hellsite would absolutely love.
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allastoredeer · 27 days
I see you like AppleRadio as much as RadioStatic, is there by any chance any good stories with them as an OT3 👀 (Look at me trying to take the easy way 😂)
It's time for me to come clean. It's time I was honest with myself and all of you 😔
Here is my truth.
I actually have a very hard time shipping OT3's. Unless my fav character is getting the most attention in the polyship, then I don't want it. I get jealous and offended on my pookie's behalf.
That's right. I'm the possessive, cringy tik-tok boyfriend. If my fav isn't the center of attention--if any other character slips between them and their partner and shows the other person more attention-- my little heart can't take it.
That being said, I have come across a few Lucifer/Vox/Alastor fics 👀 I don't think I saved them--they didn't fit my taste--but I gave them a try.
However, considering everything I just said, I'm not above giving the OT3 a read when I come across it. Really, I'm fine with any tropes, ratings, or concepts that are explored fanfics, and I like giving them a read, it's just a matter of how they're written that determines whether or not I bookmark the fic or click out of it.
If anyone does have any Lucifer/Alastor/Vox fics out there, both Anon and I would love to see them! If my cringy, possessive little ass can't handle my pookie not being the center of attention, then I shall quietly exit through stage left and try something else.
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heartburstings · 3 months
bc like while labru is more compelling to me if it's yuri one of the reasons why i'm keeping farcille also yuri is because. well. to me they're gonna lose something if it's yaoi sorry. also i'm more interested in girl laios and falin's relationship if they're sisters than if they're a sister and a little brother in that it will highlight further that laios has no avenue to leave their hometown. i think it would be interesting for girl laios to learn she can do magic and then wonder what could've been if she knew she could. and also because i don't want to fall into the trap of like... they're still originally guy characters. yk? it doesn't magically stop ignoring the female characters who are there if you genderbend/transgendify the guys to focus on them instead.
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branmuffins22 · 7 months
This fic has been a big favorite of mine ever since it started coming out a few months ago, it scratches an itch I've felt for a long long time in this fandom (and does it maybe a little too well, I get antsy and end up doing a lot of re-reading between updates).
It's got long, juicy chapters; unsettlingly and appropriately dry tone and delivery (I'm pretty sure there's only like 20 exclamation points in the whole fic (as it currently exists), and they're all in the dialogue, not the plain prose); a wonderful amount of time spent with characters who were thrown completely under the bus by canon (while still remaining (feasibly) canon-compliant, btw); some of the most fun original scenarios and characters a fic of its kind could possibly have (just wait 'till you meet the swizzler); and it's centered around everyone's favorite basilisk, Vee!
Honestly, the Ao3 summary doesn't really do it justice:
This is a sister story (pun intended) to The Owl House that follows Vee's adventures in the human realm.
Like, that's it. Simple, straightforward, and succinct, but gosh golly fuck, it sure doesn't sell it, or at least not to anyone but the most wildly obsessed (like me).
As such, I propose my own reader's summary:
Vee has had a hard life. She grew up in a cage. Coerced, studied, tortured, broken, and put back together again for as long as she can remember. As if her life in the cells weren't traumatic enough, her escape was just as much so, and nowhere near as certain. Alone on the run, she seized the first opportunity she found for a permanent solution, but that too proved to have flaws. Vee is not Luz, but she will do anything to secure her freedom, even if she has to be someone else to do it. She'll just have to survive summer camp, conspiracy theorists, and an ongoing barrage of crises, both external and internal. Anything and everything to be safe and free. This is a sister story (pun intended) to The Owl House that follow's Vee's adventures in the human realm.
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stormyoceans · 3 months
did you add more shows to your watchlist? i could get some ideas because i'm blanking rn
not really, unfortunately ;;;;;;;
or rather, i did end up adding a couple of shows that i've missed in the second half of 2023 to my list, but mostly just because i wanted to add something to it, so i picked the ones that had a fairly nice summary and not too terrible reviews (i mean i do always try to judge for myself, but sometimes i gotta trust the MDL people) [rip time the series you could have been everything to me as a big time traveler enjoyer but alas you were a mess apparently]
i feel like there's been a big lull in BL shows these past couple of months, and the few that are around don't really seem to be my thing. people on my dash are actually speaking wonders about unknown, but im personally not comfortable with the adopted siblings/step-siblings trope ;;;;;;
ANYWAY. this is what i have, if it can be of help!!!!
1000 years old [very campy and very cringy but i find it delightfully endearing and endearingly delightful]
antireset [the premise looked really interesting but im personally finding the execution very disappointing]
love is better the second time around [can't quite understand if i like it or not. iwanaga has quite a certain charm and i find the actor ridiculously handsome, but his approach to miyata annoys me]
although i love you, and you?
bake me please [currently on episode 3 and i wish it was so much better than it actually is ;;;;;;]
cherry magic thai
cooking crush
dead friends forever
perfect propose
(the sign)
VIP only
only boo!
we are
if anyone reading this has more recs for both me and anon, please feel free to let us know!!!!!
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willowser · 1 year
ex boyfriend touya has me sobbing especially in modern au w his lil tattoo shop 🥺🥺 touya having a girlfriend to distract that he’s still head over heels for you but the moment u get a girlfriend he just ☹️☹️☹️ looking like the frown emoji all pathetic.. boasting about how the man ur going out with is too scrawny to protect his lil girl (AND U) and he’ll probably squeeze him like a fresh orange and u just roll your eyes not knowing if he’s serious or not.. (he is.)
oh, he's pissed. he's not having it. straight up defensive for NO reason.
he knows he's still in love with you, but i think he's a bit too proud to admit it ?? i think he genuinely likes his new girlfriend, but you are absolutely right that you start seeing someone and he's like 😡😡😡 NOT OKAY !! what a hypocrite oahfahfa and i think his shade is all subtle-not-subtle at all, like if you say something about trying to figure out what to eat for dinner, he's like, "what, you're perfect lover doesn't treat you to dinner every once in a while? 😒" BOY SHUT UP LOL
i would say more, but @/mintmatcha has some really amazing baby daddy touya drabbles that are like IT. and i feel like i'm just regurgitating everything they've said LOL i just can't find them for the life of me !! 😩
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mattodore · 1 year
I adore your sims and the way you create narratives. They're all wonderful and your style is so gorgeous. I was wondering if you had any recommendations for more realistic details, like scars, cuts, burns, just any sort of thing along those lines. Finally gave in to the urge to ask after seeing your post captioned "Family Lineage".
Your sims are so alive, the last sim is so cool and i love how you embrace features.
Do you have go-to creators for those sort of details, or are there any sliders or any specific cc pieces you recommend? I'm not sure what to really call those sort of features, 'imperfections' doesn't feel right to me, they are a part of oneself and they deserve love too! So I hope this makes sense?
I love creating stories and making ocs. I want to bring more diversity into my sims. I hope you have a wonderful day sorry if this is a lot and thankyou so much in advance if you decide to help out, take care <3
first off, thank you for being so kind. i do spend a lot of time toiling away in cas when i'm making sims, so i appreciate you for saying that. just a lot of love from me to you <3
okay, so as for recommendations... i'll just start this off by saying that my skin details folder alone is 45gb... so. there's honestly too much for me to rec everything, but i've got my mods folder open right now so i'll just go through the main contributors here.
this got a little long so i'll put a little read more here to save the mobile users some grief fkhnkfjh
as just like a general baseline for cc, i'd download everything from @obscurus-sims, @sims3melancholic, @ddarkstonee, and @northernsiberiawinds. these are my favorite skin detail creators and i promise you every single sim i make is guaranteed to have at least one piece of their cc on. i won't mention them in the recs from here on out, but they all have some of what you're looking for!!
then i'd download the color slider mod before getting into the actual skin details themselves, because there's still a lot of cc that doesn't have appropriate color swatches for darker skintones and i have to use the color slider mod more than i'd like in order to get scars or other cc of that nature looking right.
now okay, so for realism i'd say you're going to want to download wrinkles, eyebags, veins, body overlays, and facial structure overlays. most of my realism cc is from faaeish....... but well. you know what happened there. i don't know if there's an archive of all their old cc, but if there is you'll want to download decades, chubby cheeks, and structure. nolansims, gerbitshi (nesurii), and simulationcowboy have some good wrinkle cc! and i really like using okruee's misc. skin detail cc for the last few swatches which add wrinkles. nell has some face veins i like to use on my older sims to add to the look of thinning skin as they age. sammi-xox and moonchildlovesthenight are for body overlays—so like, if you have a fat sim with a skin on that you like but the skin is just, like, supernaturally jacked for no reason, you can use one of their overlays to fix that. thank god. my facial structure folder is full of remussirions' blushes and contours as well as goppolsme and nesurii!! marigolde and mari have good stretchmark cc. OH!!! and download acne cc! breezytrait's acne scar cc is actually REALLY good for giving the effect of pores and aging skin. i used it on matthias's father!
as for scars, burns, birthmarks, etc.! with scars i just googled scar cc and downloaded everything even if the previews looked bad lmao. but nell is my main creator for scars. they make the best scar cc hands down and i might be misremembering, but i'm pretty sure their scar cc works very well with the color slider mod. pyxis and redearcat also are all over my scars folder. if you've seen alessandria, she's literally covered in redearcat's scar cc. mintyowls has really good eyebags and birthmark overlays. adelarsims and pinkpatchy have some body prosthetics and limb mesh edits i like, though they're not very functional </3
almost forgot to look at my presets but i believe nv-games will have what you're looking for in terms of any larger scars. WAIT. sorry, i'm only just now looking at this but if you saw my tags on that last post ignore them!! matthias's father actually uses nv-games' eye preset! i totally thought it was [redacted] who made it. but anyway, nv-games also has more presets that you should look into as well. they have really unique cc. love them fr.
onto face sliders!! i don't have a ton so i can just post a pic of the folder for you. just kidding totally didn't realize that the screenshot showed the sliders i have from [redacted] so pretend you didn't see that.
based on the nature of your ask tho, i'm definitely gonna recommend the face asymmetry slider by luumia (i like to use this veeeery subtly but go wild with it if you want), the esotropia and exotropia slider by obscurus as well as their eyebrow slider which allows you to disrupt the symmetry of them, the thicc slider by hiland which adds fat under the chin, the mouth scale slider by teanmoon for bigger and fuller lips bc fr what was ea thinking with their lip slider, and dani-paradise's cheek slider!
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kit-o-nine-tales · 2 years
List of DAO mods *I* have installed
 This is a giant list of mods I’ve got installed for Dragon Age origins, including links and my thoughts. Let me save you time when looking for things. It’s the least I can do for the fandom as someone who can’t contribute via creating mods, or fanart. (I write fanfic, but it doesn’t feel like much) This is also to help me achieve some degree of organization, as I am a mess and my memory is garbage.
General improvements (if you don’t wanna go ham (like I did lol), these are the basic essentials)
True colors REDUX - makes the vanilla tints less grey, very nice
Dragon Age Origins Unofficial Remaster - updates textures and makes things so much prettier (True Colors Redux is also included as part of this)
(Dalishious’ mods in general are great go look at them.)
Qwinn’s Ultimate DAO fixpack - this one. If you install nothing else, install this one. it fixes so many things that were left broken in the final release of the game.
Real Pigment - a skin tint fix - no more patchy skin, plus darker skin tones look so much better.
Universal dye kit - change your armor colors! it’s fun!
HQ Eyebrow stubble and scalp hair replacers
Boob patches be gone - removes those extra lines on the boobies of the standard mage robe, because they were silly looking
Neutral female armor - no more boob plate on the medium and heavy armor (also included in the unofficial remaster)
Goblet De-Gobbler - fixes common glitches with the Joining chalice
SJC’s vanilla face textures replacement - more detailed replacements for the default complexions (UOR has it’s own vanilla face texture replacers as well.)
Cosmetic mods - for all your chargen needs
Look! Hair! - I’ve installed a ton of hairs from risibisi. Though not all of them (there are. so many. it’s awesome)
Tucked hair by tmp7704
Hairstyle day parts 1 & 2
DAO anto hairstyles
Elven hairstyles
Beautiful people hair ren (a chargen for it)
additional hairs for DA by boodrl
jenya’s random hairstyles (note, a few of these are bugged, check the posts tab)
Character creation expansion plus da2 eye tints
Miikocc hairs
AH00B Hairs
LOTC Hairstyles
Witcher 2 for DA
Raptures Witcher (just the aesthetics file, chargen here)
LHK’s mini hairpack
More hairstyles
Simpliciaty hairs
Hair tweaks and additions
elf hairs by dalishous
Anto Curls
Parisa Hair
KH blogspot
Fluffy bob for origin’s elves
Skins/face textures
Barnzi face textures
Ferelden models: KH textures + the face textures from face and eye textures (I am not using the eyes)
 Fairy face
Alice complexion
Rose complexion
FBD skins
Anna complexion
Another complexion
Pretty skins
Vitligo skins
Face textures
Blackmoon’s Human Female face textures (I renamed them to be additions, not replacements)
KH creator files (includes hair, skins, etc - but you’ll need to do some manual chargen file editing due to some incompatible quotation marks used within the provided chargen files. Overlaps with the FM files.) 
A new freckled skin texture for females
Warden complexions with eyebrows 
Lipstick - mole and freckles textures 
SJC’s skins
Dr. DJ’s bandit emporium - cool scars for your wardens (check the posts tab for how to extract the chargenmorph file)
New skins DAO by Vlissa 
Warpaint skins 
New textures by MissB 
Face texture beta 
Gizmodian faceworks
Dimitri skin texture
Jeane eyes_eyelashes and complexion
Chargen package - more cool scars in this one
Planes traveler appearance package
SJC’s skin tones
Dalishious Skin Tints
Pineappletree’s vibrant colors
Colorful hair
Colorful hair - highlighted
SJC’s hair colors
Big Brown Eyes
Bright Tattoo Tints
CC extra tints and tones
Simple hair spectrum
Lovely tints
Colorful makeup
SJC’s Lip Colours
Eyeshdow Collection
Lipstick collection
Blush collection
Sun’s Tints
Presets that add things (like longer eyelashes, or unique eye textures)
LOTC’s female eyelashes
Bidelle’s Cosmetics (though tbh, I haven’t actually used any of these ones in game yet)
Six presets with heterochromia - these are fun.
LOTC’s eye textures
PNangel eyes to headmorphs (pretty sure my Jean Grey Warden’s green eyes came from one of these ones)
NPC Morphs
DA2 Elves triple mix (with original skin tint Merrill) - makes the elves in DAO look more they do in DA2. Requires some files from elf update, but not all of them. the mod description tells you which ones.
Brown Merrill Continuity fix - puts Merrill in her DA2 robes and fixes the skin-tone contrast. requires loincloth fashion. Also offers another Merrill morph.
Isabella variation - means to make Isabella look like she does in DA2, but a few years younger (I might try to find an alternative tho, I feel like her skin tone is a bit too light)
Qunari update - makes the Qunari look more like they do in the later games
Ferelden racelift - adds some diversity to Ferelden (I don’t use all the morphs in here - it looks weird with elf update installed bc of how the elf eye texture size changes but the morphs from this mod don’t change to fit the larger eyes. But. Still a nice addition)
Ser Gilmore morph with light proportion tweaks - small changes that make him look a little less...off
Unique face textures for companions DAO edition - give them friends of yours some unique skin textures! they deserve them! (I use Alistair, Wynne, Oghren, Loghain (though I almost never recruit him) and Leliana)
Alkolnoix Morrigan - a nice Morrigan morph that gives her darker skin, befitting her implied Chasind parentage
Tranquil 2.0 - gives the tranquil the brand that the game says is supposed to be there
Sten of the Beresaad - for a more unique Sten look to go with Qunari update
Visibly elf-blooded - Ignore the “magic dna” bs that erases biracial elf-blooded characters, and give Alistair, Slim Couldry, Goldanna, some background npcs, and (optionally) Leliana some elven ears. Has a version that uses the unique companion face textures mod, which sealed the deal for me.
Window of the Soul - Eyes Replacement - the eye retexture I’m currently using. (Though there’s another one I’ve been eying. haha.)
Retcon armors/future game imports/retextures
Grey Wardens of Ferelden (w/ Dalishious’ retexture) - make them wardens wear their uniforms! We’re supposed to be an order! All official-like and stuff.
Duncan Outfit - a unique but still GWOF matchy look for Duncan.
Hooded enchanter mesh - replacement meshes for f!Human and f!Elf chasind and tevinter robes (I’m just using the chasind ones from this, skipping the UOR retextures.)
Improved mabari for DAO - a less weird looking dog mesh
Retcon light armor texture rehaul - make the light armors look like they do in the later games
I’m not using this anymore, since the retextures from the UOR accomplish what I wanted this mod for while blending in with DAO better: making the light armors more unisex.)
Loincloth fashion - adds armors from future games, added via console command
Keeper and Merrill outfit fixes - another DA2 Merrill outfit retexture (with skin-tinting) and the option to make Merrill’s robe appear on female characters who try to wear the male-exclusive “keeper’s robe” from Loincloth fashion.
Kirkwall exports - same as LCF, adds armors from future games. Some overlap between the two.
The guardians of Cadash Thaig - again, as above
Dalish armor replacement - makes the dalish armor look like it does in DA2 (no more bare midriff on women wearing dalish armor!!!)
Seamfix and high resolution textures - a DA2 dalish armor retexture
Robes of the wild - HD retexture of Morrigan’s robes with hood
I’m just using the hood from this, after manually removing the robe files. (It doesn’t perfectly match color-wise, but I’m satisfied. For now - if anyone wants to know which files to keep so you can have the hood on its own, just ask.)
Practical Morrigan robes - a really neat looking Morrigan robe retexture, and the one I’m using now.
Dwarves are not mages - get them mage robes off of King Endrin and Lord Harrrowmont
Crow Assassin’s Armor for Zevran - gives him unique armor based off of TWoT2 concept art
Apostate clothing file - three DA2 ports
Dalish Keeper Robes - redresses Marethari, Zathrian, Lanaya, and Velanna.
Gameplay altering stuff
Awakening in the OC + expanded integration - add stuff and spells and skills from DA:A to the base game
The Winter Forge - change how items look! rename them! change their stats, their item tier! copy stats from one item to another!
(I play with the cheatmode bc I am a dirty cheater and I am not ashamed of this. But you don’t have to do it that way.)
Open lock spells - let your mages bust open some treasure chests. you know they’re dying to.
Spell School Divine - some healing spells, some offensive spells, some companion buffing spells (I don’t use these spells often, but I do have them installed)
Arcane Warrior plus - more spells for your arcane warrior
Arcane Warrior weapons drawn casting - no more putting your sword down to cast 
(NOTE: this might have broken paralysis glyphs for me. Or maybe it was something else. I don’t use that spell too much though, so I haven’t bothered trying to fix it/figure out what did it)
Dragon Age Class and Specialization pack - adds a bunch of specializations, some weapon mastery skills, and two new magic classes: warlock and ritualist
I can’t remember what the game was like before I installed this one lol
Chantry Monk specialization 
Want your mage to be able to PUNCH PEOPLE? this is the place to go.
Half-Wraith specialization - now rogues can teleport. if you want.
Emerald Knight specialization - your warrior can summon a wolf!
Seeker of Truth specialization - your warrior can heal? (haven’t used this one too much) 
Wild Keeper specialization - your mage can turn enemies into squirrels!
Knight specialization - your warrior gets a bonus reduction to fatigue, and more companion buffs
Lich specialization - your mage can summon a fuckton of skeletons (from dead enemies) also, transform into an arcane horror
Beastmaster specialization - your mage can summon wolves and sylvans and stuff
Wild mage specialization - you ever wanna just... cast something and not know what’s going to happen? here ya go
Necromancer specialization - more skeleton raising antics
Paladin specialization - magical two-handed talents for warriors? (haven’t used this much yet)
Death Knight specialization - more magic talents for warriors (also haven’t used much yet)
Grenadier specialization -  bombs!!! no crafting needed!! (for rogues)
Extended dog talents - more talents for dog, your bestest buddy
Extra Dog slot - bring dog everywhere! without taking up a companion slot.
Full Combatant Dog - gives dog more talents
No Helmet Hack  - hide them ugly things
(Note: if you have a bunch of mod-companions, it can sometimes make your helmets disappear permanently. So... leave some companions’ helmets visible.)
Tower Guard Rogue + Tower of Ishal companion options - no longer must you suffer the indignities of leaving locked treasure chests behind in the tower of Ishal!
Higher Level Cap and More specialization slots - go up to level 70. You know you want to (if you have as many bonus dungeons installed as I do, anyway)
All shapeshifting from mouse - learn all the Fade shapeshifting skills when you talk to that first mouse (it makes Lost in Dreams less back-tracky, but without skipping it entirely)
Teleport - A spell that lets you teleport around (check the posts tab for install advice)
Ancient blood magic rewritten - more blood magic spells! (check posts tab for advice on how it works)
Qwinn no Wynne - leave Wynne behind during ABC without killing her! (I got bored of seeing her Fade nightmare every time)
Complete bi overhaul - idc what bioware says, Morrigan is not straight.
This conflicts with Qwinn’s, but if you install this as an override and Qwinn’s as a dazip, it doesn’t break anything (so far - haven’t finished a play-through with it yet myself)
Also looks like it might conflict with the epilogue slides from Karma’s Origins companions.
Polygamey - date everyone at once (Note: does not work on mod-created companions)
Reverse Blood sacrifice - steal the blood of your enemies, not your friends
Non-circle mage origins - Want to be a mage but tired of the magi origin? Here ya go. (Some conflicts with other dialogue altering mods (CBO, Qwinn’s... for example) - I’m only using it for a very specific play-through, then will be moving it to my back-up folder. Gave it load priority rather than deleting anything.)
New starting Robe for Dalish Mage - a nice companion to the above mod. Gives you several options to choose from , though you’ll need to download the mod that gives you the outfit you want separately.)
Story mods (mods that just add fluff, basically)
Clan Sabrae says Goodbye - a longer, heartrending farewell scene for the end of the Dalish origin
Be more elfy; Dalish dialogue overhaul - allows for a more knowledgeable Dalish warden, fixes the lethallan/lethallin mix up in the beginning, and also gives you bisexual Tamlen - be sure to give it load priority over CBO.)
Talk elfy to Me - gives you the ability to select a more dalish voice set using clips from DAI
Dance party - you and your companions can dance at camp (and at the Gnarled noble tavern)
CmessaZ7′s hugs - Human noble can hug mom or dad, F!mahariel can hug Tamlen
but this conflicts with Be more Elfy, so I’m not using it anymore for Tamlen, sadly. Even though I really want to give him a hug
The Human noble hugs conflict with the Cousland keepsakes mod further down this list
Hugs for Tabris - Tabris can hug their dad, Shianni, and Soris
The rescue at ishal - cutscene of dragon-Flemeth coming to rescue PC and Alistair
Non-transphobic sex-workers - bc transphobia isn’t cool, y’all
Lady Aeducan the non-warden - changes it so that the middle aeducan is a woman when talked about in Orzammar, if not chosen as the warden (instead of defaulting to being a man)
Satina in the sky - apparently, Thedas has two moons (according to extended canon.) this adds a second moon (will conflict with the unofficial remaster, either delete that moon, or make sure this one is alphabetically placed last for load priority)
More hairs for kids and diversified children - makes the kids less clone-y. Best applied to a fresh game. Some conflicts with DA2 elves triple mix morphs. (I think the UOR has this or something similar; I’m not using the morphs from the UOR)
The children’s closet - makes it so the kids aren’t all wearing the same two outfits. Requires this. (included in the UOR)
Daveth and Jory in the fade - puts them in the Warden’s fade dream instead of the randos. requires GWoF
Let Me Live - an NPC Rescue Mod - I haven’t played through with this yet, but it’s like a dream come true. I can finally save Nial! ❤️❤️❤️ And Nelaros!
Romance add-ons
Dahlialynn’s Sleep til dawn - cuddle with your LI in your tent! Compatible with karma’s and Ser Gilmore
Origin romances
Farewell, Ser Gilmore - give Ser Gilmore a hug or kiss goodbye
A flower from Tamlen - Tamlen (my beloved!) finds a flower and gives it to the Dalish warden (if romance flag active) 
Kissing Tamlen - allows a Dalish Warden to remember a past kiss with Tamlen, and you get a free ring!
Alistair nights: Moonlit bath - E rated bathtime with Alistair
Alistair’s Magical kiss - a private kiss with Alistair
Alistair’s visible kiss - better camera angles for the regular kissing scene
Alistair’s funeral - if Alistair makes the sacrifice, a romanced warden can kiss him goodbye 
The Proposal - Alistair asks for PC’s hand in marriage if engaged
Dahlialynn’s Alistair epilogues: The royal wedding - marry Alistair!
Funeral kiss - if a PC romanced Alistair and made the ultimate sacrifice, he kisses her body at the funeral. 
Dahlialynn’s Alistair’s nightmare - A Sleep til dawn add-on 
Alistair Romance Eavesdropping - adds in-camp cutscenes for some of the Alistair-centric companion banters
Alistair Romance Appetite - a playful scene involving food
Alistair Romance attraction - even the wildlife adores him
Alistair romance: the steamy bits - another E-rated bath with Alistair mod
Alistair romance: hot water - you guessed it! another e-rated bath with Alistair (a popular theme. This one is the prettiest, imo)
Intrigues of an Antivan Crow - adds a bunch of romance scenes, some e-rated
Leliana stories - much like the above intrigues, adds additional romance scenes for Leliana. Made by the same person.
Companion mods (mods that add more recruit-able companions)
Ser Gilmore companion NPC - Ser Gilmore from the Human noble origin miraculously survives the fall of Cousland castle! And he wants to help you kill darkspawn and get revenge on Arl Howe.
Lealion - a mage who was at Ostagar can join you in Lothering (she has like, no dialogue, but hey, more mages)
Saarebas Qunari mage companion - a qunari mage can join you at lake Calenhad (requires Qunari update) he has a little more dialogue than Lealion, but still, nothing compared to Gilmore. But again; more mages!
MerAnne’s Dwarf Companions - adds a bunch of dwarves you can recruit (you can even choose their genders) more content than Lealion & Saarebas, but slightly less than Gilmore I think. Haven’t played the mod with a dwarf warden yet, I think they get more dialogue
Karma’s Origins Companions - the one, the only.
recruit (& heal) Tamlen (MY BELOVED), Jowan (poor lil meow meow), Soris, Leske, Gorim (Thank FUCK, Lady Aeducan no longer has to get dumped), Cullen (eww), and original characters Adela and Ox. make sure to check the readme.
There are some aspects of it I’m iffy about, but I’m just so grateful for Tamlen that it could literally punch me in the face every time I start the game and I’d just ignore it.
Quests and Legends - I haven’t actually played this one yet, but I will soon. It has a compatibility patch with Karma’s. I think it adds one new companion?
Return to the Korcari wilds - hilariously 2009 music choices, adds two companions. Karma has a compatibility patch for it. More content than Lealion, less than Ser Gilmore or Karma’s
Dark times - adds three companions, three specializations, and has a karma’s patch.
It’s... also not the best. really goes in on the elf-racism, among other things. ppl rave about it, but I wasn’t that impressed tbh. the megaupload download link in the comments is safe, at least, it was when I used it.
The bloodworks - adds one new companion (two actually, but you have to choose between the templars or the blood mages - I have literally never gone with the templars), not much dialogue. Also a bunch of quests, a spell line, a warrior talent line, and allows you to make an absurd amount of money. has a karma’s patch. Ties in with Dark times a little, along with Ser Gilmore
Bonus dungeons/quests
Pints and Quarts Tavern - a tavern near Redcliffe with a bunch of people who need help with things. some misogynistic story beats in the final quest. Not very lore-compliant either.
Hilltop under siege - a village under attack from darkspawn. a little silly, kind of non-lore compliant
King Calenhad’s tomb - freaky tomb emerges from Lake Calenhad. Not lore compliant, and the trap rooms are straight up maliciously designed
Ancient Elven ruins - somebody stole the family heirlooms of a dwarven house, they disappeared into this place. Not lore compliant, I think. Ties in with one of the P&Q quests
Spiders and Knives - adds a few balanced quests and rewards to Lothering, plus another party storage chest (warning, the rogue dagger reward is bugged and might remove the coup de grace skill when unequipped)
Alley of Murders - there’s an alley, and there have been murders. People praise this one a lot, but I’m eh about it. made by the same people as the Bloodworks
infested grounds - a nobleman has a dragon problem on his property (he deserves it, tbh) by the same person as P&Q
Swamp tower adventure - there’s a swamp, there’s a tower, and there are beasties. Also by the same person as P&Q
Inverness keep - apparently, some nobleman died and left his estate to the wardens. You can get skill books here, store stuff, get alcoholic gifts for Oghren, and actually do something with those silver goblets, silver bowls, and the vases you find. (plus silk carpets, and the painting gifts, if you’re not giving them to Sten)
Innodil’s Pocket Plane - god mode storage you can access from anywhere 
Tombs of the Undead - this is a good one. Three tombs, different difficulty levels, pretty lore compliant, the codex entries are well written. It almost feels like it could have been part of the game to begin with
Temple of Vulak - a temple full of demons. bit of a tough one.
Utilities - console command scripts and stuff
Enable console commands
Make console commands visible
Chargenmorph compiler - a must to make all those hairs and stuff play nice with each other
Change your hero hair and face anywhere - want to change what your warden looks like midway through the game? start a new game with the desired appearance (or use the toolset, idk how to yet though), then use this tool to switch it in
additem with console improved - add any items using their id codes
Console- add points - add talent,skill, specialization, and attribute points via console and use through the regular level up menu (for ppl who have played so many times that they no longer care about cheating lol)
item set descriptions - adds a codex entry that describes the base game item set stats
VFX weapons file - alters the visual effects on weapons to be a lil less dramatic (I think there are other mods that do this, I might try some of them out as well. Eventually)
Fade shroud unghost - makes fade shroud not turn your mage into a ghost (I actually don’t mind this vfx, but I wanted cleaner screenshots for my one Warden. I’ll probably remove it once that warden is done)
Madd gift guide - tells you who the gifts are for (I pm have it memorized at this point, but still.)
DAO- Modmanager - an alternative way to install mods (also capable of installing overrides)
DAmodder - another mod manager, dazip files only
Flycam - allows you to detach the camera from your character and look around. Great for screenshots, requires console commands.
Item mods - just adds items, armor, etc. Or alters the stats of existing items
(an important note about some of these: some have to be unchecked from the installed content menu if you want them to become available in a new game - they appear directly in player inventory after being checked on, but smthn about how the game handles inventory means they won’t appear in the inventory of a fresh file unless checked on after the game has started. I’ll mark these with a *)
*Adamantium battlemage regalia -  uses Legion of the dead armor design. Way overpowered armor and weapons for an arcane warrior
Improved companion items - gives the companion’s exclusive items better stats so you don’t feel like you have to replace them later in the game (I always felt bad for taking away their keepsake items) It also applies to the Warden’s oath (I actually use it now instead of throwing it storage!) and Sten’s sword Asala
Dirth’enna Ensalin armor set - an armor set for arcane warriors that you only receive if you send the tapped spirit to its final rest. Not as overpowered as the other one, overwrites one of the UDK tints
*Wings of Velvet - some pretty mage robes + a staff, and optional jewelry.
City elf ring - with stats - adds a stat boost to Tabris’ wedding ring item, so it can be worn for sentimental value and be useful
Improved ancient elven armor - increases the stats and tier of the ancient elven armor set
The Phoenix Armory for females - some pretty armor and weapons for women (i like sexy armor when it’s my choice to have it be that way; not when it’s the default)
instruments of the warden mage - some griffon-y weapons for mage wardens.
Mahariel’s heirloom - gives Mahariel’s heirloom amulet a unique icon and great stats, so they can sentimentally wear it through the entire game
Cousland family mementos - sentimental items for your Cousland
has a conflict with the Human noble hugs, for some reason.
Alistair’s mother’s amulet - makes his amulet into a wear-able item for him (requires console commands to spawn)
Jar of bees - HAHAHAHAHAHA I can throw bees at people
*Wing of Lilith - robes that use the desire demon skirt/sleeves. UDK compatible
*Warden commander armor - the Warden’s Keep DLC armor but with a helmet, shields, swords, and higher stats (I have it bc Dark Times changed the appearance of the DLC armor into something ugly and generic for some reason?)
RL’s swan song - adds a vendor to the Pearl who sells a ton of stuff (Don’t install all the items, it will probably bork your game. Just pick the ones you like)
RL’s Fashion Bazaar - no merchant for this one, just console commands.
Arcane armor and weapon sets - more stuff for Arcane warriors. Buy from Bodahn
Alistair’s rose (as reward) - adds a wear-able commemorative amulet to your inventory when Alistair gives you the rose
Inquisition Mage Armor - the one I use with the Dalish mage starting robes.
Hahahaha that’s all..... for now. When I add more things (or try out the stuff I haven’t used yet) I’ll reblog with updates.
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fruitsyrups · 1 year
i am eating baby spinach and watching movies and my hair is soft 👍
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yangbbokari · 7 months
Don't Let Me Go
I'm not going to say anything bc I want it to be a full surprise ehehehehehehehehehehehe I will give you a song rec tho WC: 630 Song rec: Don't Let Me Go - Cigarettes After Sex
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"Hey, Chris..." You speak out to him as he holds you tightly. He simply hums back to you. "Can you never let me go? Like. Ever?"
Your boyfriend chuckles lightly. "I will never ever let you go. I swear."
"Pinky promise?"
Chan chuckles a little louder this time before hooking his pinky finger with your much smaller one. "Pinky promise." Even stamping it with kissed thumbs.
"Till the flowers no longer bloom and the sun no longer shines. I will forever be yours and you will forever be mine." You both say in unison. It was like a vow made between the two of you.
His lips softly capture yours. You slowly let out a sigh of relief. This was all you ever wanted for the years to come.
After you finally pulled away, your breathing slowed and your eyes began to droop. Chan couldn't help but stroke the hair behind your head.
"I'm tired now, Channie." You softly spoke to him. He continued stroking your hair. "Then why don't you rest now, yeah?" He replied. "I'm tired but I don't want to fall asleep yet."
Chan kissed the top of your head and pulled you a little closer. "I'll be here when you wake up so just give yourself some rest now."
It was said only slightly over a whisper before you nodded off to sleep.
Bang Chan looked down at your sleeping figure with a gentle smile. The tears began clouding his vision as your heart moniter went off. Both of you already saw this coming so you spent your last moments with him. He stayed by your side since you were terrified of needles and the treatment process. But he still lost you.
The doctors quickly rushed in, a few nurses attempting to take Chan out the room. But he couldn't bear to leave you. He had promised that he'd never let go. Your hand was still warm. You'd wake up. Your hand still gripped his tightly.
"Sir, you're going to have to leave. The patient is in critical condition and we need to operate immediately." He pushed back against them. "I already promised her I won't let go! I won't disturd you guys. I just... I just... I just need to stay by her side to make sure she's okay...." He started yelling but his voice softly died down.
He could practically hear your voice telling him to stay and not to leave him in this big scary room with all these strangers all alone. But he didn't really have a choice.
"Our hospital staff will be sure to make sure Ms. L/n is safe. So please step outside of the room sir."
With that, he finally let go of your hand, breaking the promise he had made with you only minutes ago. ~~~ Your boyfriend stood over your casket, gripping you hand tightly, and crying to his heart's content.
"Didn't you say that you'll love me forever. 'Till the flowers no longer bloom and the sun no longer shines. I will forever be yours and you will forever be mine.'" He quoted. "Was that all a lie!? Why aren't you telling me that it's fine and you're alright. W-why aren't you here..?"
The rest of the guest also cried. Your mother sat in the front row unable to contain her sobs. Chan could only break down. Now on his knees as he cried hysterically.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just miss you. I didn't mean to break our promise. I just want you to come back. Please? I promise I'll be better."
"Till the flowers no longer bloom and the sun no longer shines. I will forever be yours and you will forever be mine."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm sorry, everyone. Don't hate me🤧 I just had this thought while watching the 14th ep of Doom At Your Service. It rly isn't my fault. I love you all!!!!
Feedback is greatly appreciated and thank you for reading! Have a great day/night!!!
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wangxianficfinder · 4 months
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In the mood for...
Feb 20th
1. Hello, when you do the next itmf could you please rec some fics that shows wangxian’s relationship progressing? And I don’t mean like friends to lovers or rivals to lovers or whatever, I mean like the actual relationship. Like them both at the start being all shy and giving each other gifts and learning what the other likes and dislikes, and then slowly gaining confidence in their relationship (in the physical aspect but also in the emotional aspect)
Thank you !!!
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 762k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) it’s not focused on the relationship but it’s a good part of it and they get together in the second chapter and it’s SUCH A GREAT STORY
💖🔒love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, immortal WWX, slow burn, pining, arranged marriages)
A Thousand Things by tickertape (M, 108k, wangxian, canon divergence, WWX not adopted by Jiangs, developing friendships, miscommunication, misunderstangings, nightmares, hurt/comfort, panic attacks, WWX’s fear of dogs, slow burn, cultivation world bureaucracy)
2. itmf fics that people refer wwx as lan er furan but it's m/m fics. thank uuuu.
Baby, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet by TriviasFolly (E, 132k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Omega LSZ, Mafia, Crime, Sects are Clans, Feral WWX, Feral Omegas, Nurse WWX, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Possessive LWJ, feminine WWX, wwx's cannon desire to be a sugar baby/trophy wife, Breeding Kink, Mpreg) Technically it's "mxy" being called Lan furen (bc wwx is hiding out as mxy) and it doesn't happen until a little later in the fic but it does show him trying to learn the furen duties and things
3. any unrequited fics from lwj's side? not really unrequited more than works, but i just wanna see the pining.
temporarily unrequited.
not actually unrequited.
the tag search on aot doesn't really have a lot from lwj's side and even if it does, it's very minimum so i'm looking for some which are slightest bit heavy on the angst.
like lwj resigning to being his friend/enemy/stranger so he doesn't force his feels. just angst, possibly with a happy ending but also works if it isn't.
thank you so much!
When the Words Stop Coming by mrcformoso (T, 7k, WangXian, Canon Compliant, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Pre-Sunshot Campaign, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Canonical Character Death, Love Confessions, Rejection, LWJ is a Panicked Gay, Temporarily Unrequited Love, Trauma, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending) I'm not sure if this is what they want but When the Words Stop Coming has LWJ reject WWX at first, then when he comes back, WWX rejects LWJ (kindly, but there's still a lot of angst). Happy ending tho
For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm (E, 170k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed LWJ, sex worker WWX, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Background ChengQing, background NieLan, background XuanLi, Nonbinary NHS)
you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132k, WangXian, Modern AU, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Awkward Flirting, teenage romance, Shameless WWX) are both good modern AUs from LWJ’s perspective where he PINES for a good portion of the story until they work things out!
4. hi!! thanks for everything u do here!!! for the next itmf: canon divergence fics where wangxian get together early (eg, during the cloud recesses lectures, before/during the war or anytime before wwx's death) but wwx still dies (and gets resurrected) like in canon. arranged marriage, a/b/o, mpreg, all/any settings are fine!!
🧡 Like Rabbits by Setari (T, 41k, Kid fic, Canon rewrite, Mpreg, Miscarriage scare, Crack treated seriously, Hopeful ending)
5. thank you for all your hard work! any modern setting fic recs where wwx has a modern setting equivalent of the golden core transfer for jc? can be an organ donation, can be him being a scapegoat for smth jc did, can also be a golden core transfer still as long as it's in a modern cultivation setting, etc. thank you in advance :)
🧡🔒 Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 160k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war, WIP) I am absolutely feral about this one and cannot recommend it enough!
💙 the soft animal of your body by sysrae (T, 15k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, modern culitvation, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Animal Transformation, Shapeshifting, Sort Of, Getting Together, Confessions)
❤️ All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 52k, wangxian, modern, reincarnation, sugar daddy, kink negotiation, gentle dom LWJ)
💙 this river runs to you by sundiscus (T, 53k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mutual Pining, Dragons, Literal Sleeping Together, Tender wound tending)
❤️ the best of you by sysrae (E, 41k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, College/University, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, slightly undernegotiated kink, but in a very soft and consensual way, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, JFM and Madam Yu's A+ parenting, Dysfunctional Family, Mental Health Issues therapy is good actually, the most tender of railings, Reference to animal attacks/animal cruelty, descriptions of past violence)
6. Hi thanks for all the work that you guys do !! I was just in the mood for fics where the juniors get to meet YLLZ!wwx !! I saw a fanart on twitter and since then I’ve had a massive craving for this :) thanks so much again !!
❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
7. hi! do you guys have any fics to rec where jiang cheng is the one who finds a-yuan and raises him? i don’t mind if lwj is there tbh but i really wanted to read a-yuan growing up in lotus pier. thank u! no jiang cheng/lan wangji shipping please! i’ll take them as friends, co-parents even qpps but no romantic relationship between them if possible @thwispsings
The Accidental Baby Acquisition Club by nerdzeword (T, 26k, jiang cheng & lan wangji, wangxian, Found Family, as in they find kids, and then they're family, JC and LWJ as reluctant best friends, coparenting with your brother in law, a surplus of bunnies, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Autistic Character, Nonbinary Character, Fluff)
none lives forever, brother, and nothing lasts for long by eena (M, 38k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LSZ raised at Lotus Pier, JC found him first, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation)
So Reluctant To Part by quietellen (Sociofemme) (G, 49k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, accidental resurrection, JC raises LSZ, Golden Core Reveal, Grief/Mourning, Injury, Recovery, WQ Lives, JYL Lives, NMJ Lives, XY Dies, JGY doesn't marry QS, Enemies to co-parents)
8. hi! ITMF fics focusing on the Twin Jades of Lan? I just read “Turn Left” by kianspo and loved the focus on the brothers. Bonus points if Wangji and Xichen are described as actually looking like twins, but it isn’t necessary! Thank you!
and he sang about the stars by nenyanaryavilya (M, 29k, LXC & LWJ, WangXian, Brotherhood, Growing Up Together, Canon Compliant, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Canonical Character Death)
9. If there is any fix where wwx was harrassed by jin guanghan and then his family preferably lwj goes all feral @itzweiwuxian
10. Hello! Thanks for your work! I am in the mood for fics exploring LWJ PTSD from the Sunshot War.
I was reading “Take My Breath Away” by MajiLovePrincess (E) and it’s briefly mentioned he gets startled by fireworks, and the concept fascinates me!
Thanks for you help!
11. I'm itmf a good railing. Any new fics out with top LWJ and bottom wwx?
12. Hiii, I’m looking for fics that are Jiāng Yànlí critical but don’t have the tag “Jiang Yanli bashing”
I reread the “A Matter of Time” series and I just need it lol. @kyuubikuroba
🔒The Second Hand Unwinds by trulywicked (E, 46k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, Time Travel Fix-It, JC, Bashing Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect Bashing Jiāng Family Bashing, YZY Bashing, Time Travelling LWJ, Protective LWJ, Fluff, Minor Angst, Minor Character Death, Wooing, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, frankencanon, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Protective Gūsū Lán Sect, Supportive LXC, Good Uncle LQR, WWX Protection Squad)
13. hiii! i'm itmf some wangxian get-together during cr era? idk if that's too broad but idm if it's a oneshot or multichap. i just want wangxian realising their feelings much much earlier lol
Just Say Yes Series by edenwolfie (T/M, 338k, WangXian, Matchmaking, Pining, Getting Together, Canon Divergence, POV Alternating, Fluff, First Kiss, Declarations Of Love, Humor, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Good Uncle LQR, Engagement, Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It)
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (G, 2k, WangXian, Accidental Marriage)
14. Hi there! I am looking for fics where Wei Ying gets discouraged from pursuing Lan Zhan because he is not showing any reciprocation. I absolutely need there to be a happy ending because as much as I want to be in my feels for my Wangxian I don't want my soul crushed. Thank you! @professional-fangirl75
🔒a flower beyond the edge of the clouds by RoseThorne (T, 531, WangXian, Soulmates, Character Death, Red String of Fate, Suicide, Grief/Mourning, Misunderstandings, Angst, Rejection, Loss, 16 years of mourning, Regret, POV Third Person, POV LWJ)
Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You're an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, WangXian, Porn with feelings, College/University)
15. Hello! In the mood for fics where Wei Wuxian takes back his core from Jiang Cheng? Preferably in a big dramatic scene that reveals he gave it away in the first place? Thank you~!
Return to Sender by Thesaurus_with_no_words (M, 72k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, BAMF WWX, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Temporary Amnesia, Slow burn) there might not be dramatic scenes but here are some fics where JC loses WY's core
🔒 Flawed and Free by Vrishchika (E, 18k, wangxian, major character death, time travel fix-it, dark LWJ, dark LXC, dark gusu lan, temporary character death, not JC friendly, angst, hurt/comfort, WIP)
Having Enough (of your foolishness) by makexianxianhappytoday (T, 18k, wangxian, Hurt WWX, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, Wangxian Get a Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, Canon Divergence, CSSR and WCZ Live, Not Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect Friendly, JYL Lives, JZX Lives, (but what are the consequences), not JC friendly, Not Cultivation World Friendly)
The Core Issue by Hauntcats (T, 21k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Canon Divergence)
16. Hello! For the I’m in the Mood for a Fic, I recently read "say it's here where our pieces fall in place" by Lirelyn, where one chapter had an awesome poem quote. What other fics have poetry? They could be quoted in the beginning of the story, in the middle. I'm looking for anything, canon, modern, etc. I once read a fic that had a poem that gave the impression of a leaf that is uncurled to resemble a fist, but I don't remember what it was. @ihavetothinkofaname
❤️ Where the nightingales are singing, and a white moon beams. by Moominmammashandbag (M, 52k, wangixan, jin zixuan & lan wangji, no powers au, grief/mourning, aftermath of war, angst w/ happy ending, reunions, fluff & smut)
Chapter 5 of The Wild Geese's Tomb by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 66k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, all women live no women die)
Gentle Exile by rynleaf (E, 9k, XiSong, Post-Canon, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, References to Depression, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Study, Epistolary, Post-Canon, Exploration, [PODFIC] Gentle Exile by flamingwell, semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona))
To Love What Is Mortal by treemaidengeek (T, 22k, XiSong, Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, Fluff and Angst, Healing, past 3Zun, past SongXiao, background WangXian, background SL & WN, & LSZ, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, [Podfic] To Love What Is Mortal by flamingwell)
17. Hi! I have a request for the next ITMF- I'd love to see LWJ as plant parent! "Lavender Blue" from Anaphoricae and "in the blossom season (in the pouring rain)" from Varnes are a few of my favourites. Completed modern AUs, or Modern with magic are preferred, but I'll check out anything. Thank you for the work you do :D
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
fic rec friday 37
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Fade to Black by @yokohogawa
Things between Keith and Lance are changing but Keith is restless, especially with Shiro still weak, and ends up taking a bad decision: he leaves Lance alone in the Castle with a Lion he cannot pilot. Unable to form Voltron without the newly appointed Red Paladin, the four Paladins left struggle against the sudden attack of a Galra ship and later on take damage from the explosion of a star in close proximity. Lance, on the other end, is left to defend the Castle by himself and has little time to succeed: without energy, the Lions have only 6 hours of breathable air. Beyond that point, his friends will be dead.
okay yes technically this series is unfinished. HOWEVER the first two works ARE finished, and they are amazing showstopping incredible etc. tbh im not much of a black paladin lance fan, i genuinely think solo leadership is not what he is suited for, but this fic made me way more open to it. the way he handled severe crises was as fear stricken as it was awe inspiring highly recommend
2. once again i am a child by @lilaclavenders
“You’re not a spare tyre,” Adam interjects.  “I know that,” Lance says, too unsure to sound completely defensive.   “That almost sounded like a question.” “No... it didn’t,” Lance says.
Lance and Adam talk.
i have always been a fan of lance and adam even tho its the most evidence lacking fanon thing in this fandom. its truly just so interesting. and to have lance as a young cadet getting slammed so badly just in so many different directions being given at least one grownup in his corner...its a good read.
3. Lance the language man by @irish-vampire-blog
Lance didn't really try to learn a language. He just, kind of, picks up the basics and then works from there. Its usually unintentional. Ish.
He isn't stupid though. He isn't an idiot. He just isn't the same kind of smart as his friends are.
this kind of smart for lance is so REAL bc no he cannot do like quantum physics or whatever probably but the way he seems to have a pretty innate ability to successfully do many things that he tries. he just can u know?? thats the autism with the gay audacity i would imagine but i love seeing fics like this
4. my boyfriend's back (and you're gonna get in trouble) by teacupfulofbrains
hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back
Keith Kogane has never heard of Vine. Lance McClain takes personal offense to this, and makes it his personal mission to teach his boyfriend to meme. Keith is confused, mostly.
(OR: several instances of Keith not getting the meme™ and two times he did)
I LOVE THIS FIC SO BAD I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT RECCED IT BEFORE. yes i am a cringe zillenial who still finds vine funny and quotes it on the internet but truly idc idc. this fic is funny. this fic is cute. established klance my love and light. also keith comparing lances eyes to the star of bombay is some of the gayest shit ever and also the only time i will entertain blue eyed lance
5. The Most Dangerous Thing is to Love by running_downn
Last time something like this happened to Lance, Keith wasn’t there. He’d thought he would have been able to do something if he had been there, or at least if he was, the guilt wouldn’t be so heavy on his chest. But this time he was there. He was right fucking there and he decided that it was infinitly worse.
Basically there's a new threat after the Galra and it almost kills Lance. Desperate making out ensues, but it's okay to recognize when it's not the right time for it. Keith cries a lot cause he's older and grizzled and therefore not as emotionally stunted.
green sock reality? team still out fighting as adults and lance isn’t a fucking farmer while the rest of the team isn’t? keith’s abandonment issues treated with respect and dignity and also the acknowledgement that he’s older and therefore mature enough to handle those issues in a way that doesn’t risk a relationship that is important to him? lance understanding all this and using the supportive nature he is known for??? yes yes yes. stellar fic that should have way more hits than it does
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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on-leatheredwings · 2 months
i've found your account only a few days ago but ever since then I've been STUCK here rereading your fanfics, especially ones with damian. i wasn't even a dc fan (heard about some stuf, watched some films and cartoons, but that's it) but now im reading comics since im Obsessed and need more batboys in my life (rip my productivity😔)
Anyway, after Sleepover i'm curious what will Bruce (and maybe even Thalia) think of batboys strange behaviour towards reader. He's smart, so he definitely notices it early on, but how he'll react....
I can see him being weirded out (like he was by Jason's anger issues, before his death), but he also can be an enabler, since Robin (literaly any of them) had a hard life, so if those relationships can help him why not pretend that everything is normal? you'll be safer in a Wayne's Manor anyway
All in all, thanks for a new hyperfixation 💞💞
P.s. About games:
1. Boyfriend to death 1&2 - since you're into yanderes you might want to check this game out. I prefer the second game, but the first is also fun. But beware the trigger warnings!!
2. Long live the Queen - more of a raising sim than dating sim but you still can romance some guys and girls.
,3. Hatoful Boyfriend - mostly a comedy, but there is a yandere.
4. The Royal Trap - it's been a long time since i played it, but it used to be one of my favorites so i'll just mention it.
5. Higurashi - once again not really a romance sim, but its an interesting horror mixed with a slice of life
and yes yes get into DC!!! (girl who hasnt even read a full run since like. injustice)
damn now you got me thinking and excited. incoming spiel
i agree entirely about bruce just knowing how Bad things can get, so to make things simpler, he's like "yes, your darling(s) can stay in the manor, boys. 🙄"
mmm yes..... when it comes to bruce noticing the batboys are yandere, i think it's always sinfully delightful to just have him be reluctantly okay with it. 😈 it's also easier narratively ngl but i also like the idea that the batfam is all just corrupted.
bruce's thoughts are that they (his sons) fight for vengeance and justice but this is where they could use some leeway.... we all need our vice... they fight so hard for gotham, they deserve a little treat (getting rid of your human rights)... it's very "Dad who wants his sons to have happiness even if its not healthy" of him. in fics where bruce is a yandere, well, he's the exact same way so he can't judge. although if that's the case, i like the idea of bruce just being like "yes what we do isn't right. let's not talk about it. just don't kill <3"
still wondering what i like more. a yan!bruce who's self aware what he's doing is wrong but he just refuses to think about it. or a yan!bruce that justifies it all because of his paranoia, Tower of Babel style (if you don't know, that's when it's revealed batman has plans to subdue/kill the justice league just in case they go rogue.)
for the batboys depends on their personality... for damian, he's so resolute in things that i prefer when he just believes 100% what he's doing is okay, if not actually righteous. ^_^
hmmm talia.... I'M STILL UNSURE HOW I PREFER THAT AS WELL... i think talia being a you-arent-good-enough-for-my-son mom is a little cliche but also. she kinda would say that. you'd have to prove your worth somehow but idk how tf darling would do that LOL. in the end, i think talia is just relieved/comforted that her son indeed feels desire and wants love and will continue the family legacy (regardless if youre afab/can biologically have children.)
no THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! AND THANKS FOR RECS!!!! heheh yeah ive checked out btd and im not averse to the warnings its more like im not that most of into the designs ngl. fox guy seems cute? AND LMAO FUNNY BC IM ON A HIGURASHI REWATCH (never played it tho)
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lovelyhan · 1 year
what are your svt fic recs??? like your holy grail??
took me a while to put this together BUT here it is!
disclaimer that i've been a carat for like . a month so it's a stretch to say i've read a lot of svt content. tho from what i've consumed so far, my favorites are listed under the cut :>
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i'll start with the ones i found on ao3 first hehe
push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by dontflailmenow × tags: s.coups x reader; camboy!cheol, enemies to lovers
the first EVER svt fic i've read, and it was just so WOW!!!! basically, reader recently broke up w her ex, which is seungcheol's best friend. cheol and mc aren't on the best of terms (always arguing etc.) so when she realizes that the camboy she's been lusting over to get over her ex turns out to be cheol, some...problems start to arise i'm pretty sure i saw this one around tumblr but i'm too lazy to find the op's blog i'm so sorry HEUUUHEU but i really loved it to pieces, and it ultimately flung me into svt fanfic tumblr altogether :D
The bore next door by HoneyAteez × tags: wonwoo x reader; blind dates, suffocation via cock LOL
another fic that i am fairly sure is cross-posted on tumblr too, but can't be assed to find -- your mother sets you up with good neighbor jeon wonwoo, and he turns out to be the worst sexual deviant on the face of the earth, fucking the soul out of your body right after the first date.
Walking in Traffic by versigny × tags: mingyu x reader; soulmate au, teens being teens
literally crying as i type this because it's one of the most beautiful coming of age stories i've ever read, and it was written back when i was still in mf HIGH SCHOOL 😭 reader and gyu find out they're soulmates way too early, and pretty much despise each other growing up, but they eventually come to terms with their soul bond along the line.
close proximity by chilligyu × tags: mingyu x reader; roommates, LOTS OF ANGST
there's no explicit smut in this one, but the plot twists and the narration itself threw me in for SUCH a goddamn loop that it would be a hate crime not to include this here. mingyu becomes reader's roommate upon bff!wonwoo's recommendation, and they and up falling for each other, and [gets dragged off stage because spoilers]
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now for the tumblr recs!
sapiosexual by @smileysuh × tags: s.coups x reader; sugar daddy au, psych daddy!cheol,,,,
it's a pretty straightforward sugar daddy au, but what makes it different is how it's written, y'know? cheol clearly lays all of the details for he and reader to agree on, making sure all the boundaries are clear and there aren't any blurred lines. seungkwan as your best friend is also a really enjoyable addition (he's the one who coined the term psych daddy LOL), AND i just love the author's humor in general.... quirofilia [bursts out laughing]
A Break by @smileysuh (again bc i'm obsessed w their work) × tags: mingyu x reader x wonwoo; svt as babysitters, budding poly
so op has an entire assortment of meanie poly fics, but this one is probably my most favorite bc it touches on a more endearing and responsible side to mingyu :') he and reader just can't sit down and fuck because he's busy worrying about their child every ten minutes LOL. enter jeon wonwoo, who is not only baby saebyeok's favorite uncle, but has been pining for the reader since time immemorial. of course, gyu has known all along, and asks them if they're both down to have a threesome (this is literally a terrible way to summarize the story, but i suggest you just read it &lt;3) OH OH bonus: hoshi tries to sacrifice the baby to the tiger gods in a summoning circle made of tiger plushies. if that doesn't sell this fic for you, i don't know WHAT will
Love, Actually by @haet-sal × tags: jun x reader; cheating but not really? whipped single dad!jun
aka the fic that catalyzed my jun brain damage. reader works as jun's secretary but she isn't very...good at her job, but he keeps her around anyway bc 1.) his kid likes her, and 2.) HE likes her. problem is: she has a boyfriend-not-boyfriend, but Because that boyfriend-not-boyfriend is an asshole, she kind of uses jun as a constant rebound, poor guy (it has a happy ending tho i promise!!)
an untitled dk friends 2 lovers by @husbandhoshi × tags: dk x reader; idiots in love
this is actually preceded by 2 more drabbles from the op, but i'm linking this one specifically bc it made me physically long for big dick boyfriend lee seokmin. the thing i like most about smut written for dk is that he's ALWAYS so fun and endearing and lovable in bed, and what's more is that this one's a friend to lovers fic, so there's YEARS worth of pining and puppy love to spice up the sex hehehehehehe it really really deserves more recognition !!
right where you left me by @tonicandjins × tags: wonwoo x reader; exes getting back together, ANGST
i have a shitty memory so i can't go into the specifics on what this fic is about. it's one of the first ones i read on tumblr, but it's been a hot minute but i DO remember writhing in bed right after reading it, so it definitely earns a spot on the rec list! reader and wonwoo lived together in their hometown, but had to break up when wonwoo moves to seoul and he just couldn't make any compromises. bonus points for best friend hoshi on this one &lt;;3
that's pretty much it for now! i'm so sorry if any of the authors mentioned didn't want to be tagged 🤒🤒 i just thought i'd share my thoughts abt ur work while sharing them w the rest of my followers UEUEUEUE
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✨️Welcome to my Grian HeadCannon rant✨️
Hi, so I'm writing this on my phone while watching Hermitcraft. Lol. These are thoughts that have been bouncing around my head for a while.
-Grian's wings-
I think they shapshift. Think about it. We, the audience and the artists, are constantly making different variations of Grian. Either through the art itself or through headcannons. "Cannon" wise, we are the Watchers, and We gave Grian his wings.
There's Parrot Grian, which is pretty much default Grian at this point. Then there's white winged Grian, which could either be a dove or a chicken. Theres the desert birb Grian because of Life series Desert-Duo. There's the recent King Fisher Grian because of his fishing addiction this season. Then there's his Watcher form, which usually ends up being biblical accurate angel. Which I think the multiple wings are the different kinds of bird avian hybrid We make Grian into. (This will probably be the only "original" thought that's been going through my head. The rest of this is me compiling HCs I've heard/seen/watched and have been brimming full to talk and analyze, tho the analyzing will probably be a different post lol)
-Grian's Family-
There's a lot of HCs when it comes to family connects to Grian. There's YHS background that left him as an abandoned kid in Japan. Nadia225 gave Grian adopted Mafia parents, which is really cool, and you should watch their videos because they're really talented. And they gave Grian Bio-parents where one is a Water and the other is a Listener. And they're royalty. There's HCs of him being adopted by Philza (which honestly makes no sense to me because I think Grian is older than Philza. Character wise too.) And then He gets adopted by Xisuma. So parental figure-wise, there are a few to choose from.
Sibling wise... that's even bigger. There's the classic Jimmy and Pearl. There was one of Scar and Pearl being sibs to Grian. (The sibling dance animation that I can't remember the youtubers name to credit) There's Etho, through choice, with Nadia225 (or that's how I've interpreted their interactions lol). And then there's Martyn who gets thrown in, too. (But this just might be me.) Back to parent Philza, Grian gains Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, and occasionally Tubbo as younger brothers. I guess We see Grian as a big Family dude. (^○^)
Extended family tho... I have yet to see anything about aunts and uncles, not even grandparents, and my brain isn't coming up with anything.
Parent Grian always ends up adopting Tommy, but I think I've seen at least 2 fanfics where it was Tubbo instead.
-Watcher Relationships-
It's so weird. Like. Do We have a Feral Sibling relationship with Grian. Or are We mortal enemies. Is he traumatized by Us, or has he fully accepted being a Watcher. Like, I love the angst fics as much as the next Watcher, BUT PLEASE, I NEED MORE POSITIVE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN US, would love any fic recs anyone has, lol.
-Martyns cannon-
I still need to actually research this one, but at the end of Evo (Grian pov) it is /heavily/ implied that Grian joins the Watchers, seemingly by choice. Then I moved on to hermitcraft 6-9 and binge watched that. So if there's any Martyn Cannon that can be added on plus his "headcannons" feel free to do so!
Other Hermit HCs on the way. :]
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swordfright · 10 months
do you have any c!awesamdream fics recomendations?
Honestly, I don’t have a ton of recs. c!awesamdream fic is mysteriously hard to find, and I also wouldn’t want to recommend you anything super E-rated in case that’s not your jam. Personally I’ve had more success searching the Sam & Dream gen relationship tag than the slash tag. That said, here are my no-brainer recs, most are gen with some exceptions:
inosculation by @theminecraftbox - canon compliant, reflection on how their relationship progresses during the prison arc, how c!sam’s authoritarian tendencies bloom in pandora, and the weird symbiosis he and dream achieve. technically not a slash fic but like it is To Me!!
saltwater on rock by @elmhat - also not technically a slash fic but it is a fun exploration of their relationship post-prison: who are they to each other, now that they aren’t prisoner and warden? what power has dream reclaimed, what power has sam ceded? or is it the other way around? fun stuff.
the trees deny themselves nothing by @lookinghalfacorpse - if you’re asking for recs you’ve probably already read this one (it’s basically THE awesamdream fic at this point) but i think it lends itself to re-readability! and if you haven’t read it: dream loses his leg in pandora, phil n techno conscript sam to make him a new one after the jailbreak, things get interesting. OP also wrote a post-fic oneshot which you can read here.
everlasting evermore by @elmhat - incomplete atm and also not slash but definitely awesamdream vibes. sam is a sad widower king who interrogates dream in his dungeon so it scratches the fantasy itch. this fic does some cool things with the cloning lab lore and i’m really excited to see where it goes!
21 steps in the desert by @airrec - banger. it's short so i won't describe it in detail. banger tho!
scream eureka by @cgogs - basically a post-canon domestic horror fic, sam and dream are married (with a kid on the way) but neither of them is able to move on from pandora. this fic deals with issues of bodily autonomy very well and it’s also refreshing to see trans pregnancy handled with tact, rather than treated like a fetish or a joke. IIRC this fic is an AU of an AU so be warned, it does come with like 30 pages of background lore which isn't necessary to understand the fic but does make it easier to follow.
all these lives by @lookinghalfacorpse - reincarnation drabble, plays with sam’s obsession in fun ways. not really sure how else to describe this one but i reread it sometimes! it’s good!
you don't have to be like that by @dr3amofagame - incomplete, i haven't reread this one in a while but i remember enjoying it at lot! dream gives sam the book in a moment of desperation and then has to navigate the fallout.
accident by @airrec - another fave. concise, fucked up, and very well written.
i’ve also been working on a multichap awesamdream fic (am i allowed to rec my own fics??? is that too cringe??) that’s gonna be wrapping up soon. pandora's vault gains sentience, that's the whole plot. like most of the other works on this list, it’s not technically ship fic but it is very much about sam and dream’s...situation. full warning tho, it’s long and rambly and weird, sorry for that!
i also wanna add that pretty much any fic that explores the scrapped lore is gonna have to deal with awesamdreamisms by necessity, owing to the nature of, well, the lore. there's a decent amount of fics about it, here's one that I found recently and enjoyed a lot.
Have fun, mind the tags. And if you find more then by all means, feel free to add to this post! I know there's a lot of tumblr-exclusive content floating around out there that can be harder to find than stuff on AO3.
Also, it's worth mentioning that some of the most compelling c!awesamdream content I've read were brief interludes in fics about much broader subjects in the fandom; I've read a lot of great c!awesamdream moments in c!rivals fics, prison trio fics, c!dnf fics, etc. So my advice is to cast your net wide, if that makes sense? Happy reading!
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