#this morning i looked at myself in the mirror and i said aloud “wow.. i think this might be the ugliest ive ever looked” 😅
stardust-static · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day 🌹❤️
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its-time-to-write · 7 months
i hold it like a grudge - ch. 3
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I don’t know why I’m awake and still editing 😭 I have to go to work tomorrow morning. It’s not even the weekend yet and I’m acting like it is but it’s ok, right? Right.
table of contents watch me fall
Five hours later, Keeley is scrolling through pictures of you and Jamie on your phone. 
“Oh my god, you’re both so tiny!” she crows. She can hold her alcohol much better than you would have expected, but by this point, she’s definitely far gone.
You can’t bring yourself to have more than two drinks. Everything leaves behind an acrid taste, so you switched to water a while ago. That means you’re completely fucking sober as Keeley swipes through your entire friendship with Jamie.
“Wow, you two were like, attached at the hip,” she comments. “Is this your mums?”
It’s a picture of two women about the same age, looking at the camera with strained smiles. You remember that day. Your mum had slipped you and Jamie money to get ice cream with the condition that you’d eat it at the shop and not bring it home. She’d looked right into your eyes as she said it, conveying a message beyond her words. You were maybe ten years old and not sure exactly what she meant, but you nodded seriously and ran to drag Jamie down the street.
You and Jamie had come back, hours later with ice cream drips on your shirts, none the wiser to what had transpired in your absence.
“I remember that picture,” you say aloud. “Jamie’s dad took it, the piece of shit. He dropped ‘round and was a happy drunk until he wasn’t. Mum threatened to call the police, but Georgie still came away with a black eye. They thought me and Jaim didn’t know, but,” you shrug. “You know how it is when you’re ten. You know fucking everything.”
Keeley nods, and you take it as an invitation to keep talking. “We used to share a brain, basically. Hardly ever seen without each other. You know we didn’t even date till I was in secondary? Mum was so surprised we weren’t already sneaking around behind her back. Guess she and Georgie used to talk about it a lot. Jamie was home four hours after she died. Not even sure how, really, he was out of town. I asked him about it once and he wouldn’t tell me, the little shit. That night… I couldn’t sleep. It was awful. I sneaked out of my room and down the hall to her bed, because it still smelled like her, you know? I had this dream that she was still there with me and when I woke up it felt like I had lost her all over again. I had to remember that she wasn’t just downstairs making breakfast.”
You pause. It’s all coming out so matter-of-factly, like it happened to someone else.
“Anyway, I just laid there and cried. The first tear had barely fallen when Jamie just came in and got in bed next to me. I think he had just woken up, but he… he held me so fucking tight and whispered, ‘I felt you crying. I can be here as long as you want,’ and then we just stayed there. We were there for fucking…hours. He just let me cry and didn’t say anything, just kissed the tears off my face and handed me tissues. The next couple days he moved all my things from the house to a room at Georgie’s. She had this like, office thing upstairs that was basically a closet, but it was the same layout for mine and theirs so it was familiar if that makes sense? Like they were mirrored, so her room was the same as mum’s and Jamie’s was the same as mine, then a third little bedroom that had room for a bed and that’s pretty much it. Jamie offered his room, but I didn’t want it. It felt wrong, somehow. And I couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed to do any of it but he did everything. I think Georgie probably helped, but when it was all done, he brought me over and he’d decorated it just how I would’ve. Except he made a copy of his Roy Kent poster and stuck it on my wall, right next to one of his dumb headshots he liked so much. He slept in that little bed with me every night until he went back. We were nineteen at the time, right before he got signed for City. We loved that team. Used to watch it every time it was on the telly, and he always told me he’d play for them some day and take me to every match, even the away games.”
You trail off. You’ve run out of steam, back in the present reality. This is the first time you’ve allowed yourself to look back fondly, to wonder how Georgie and Simon are.
Meanwhile, Keeley’s staring at you, openmouthed.
“Shit, babe,” she says.
“Shit,” you agree.
“How the fuck did he know you were crying?”
You wiggle your head back and forth. “Like I said, he said he felt it. I mean… sounds strange, but we used to be able to feel when things were wrong with each other. Even if we were in different places. We used to text and be like, ‘oi, you good?’ and every time, the answer was no. It’s like a nauseous feeling, you know?”
“No,” Keeley shakes her head. “I don’t fucking know.”
“Right,” you say, “I’m done being sober. Give me the fucking bottle.”
Keeley cheers and passes it your way. You take a swig and make a face. It still tastes like shit, but it’s better than trying to figure out the implications of Keeley’s five little words.
No. I don’t fucking know.
The next week, you’re slipping charms on a necklace for someone name Ashley, part of a set for a wedding party. You’ve had a steady stream of customers this weekend, many tourists from out of town passing through on their way to the heart of London. You check instagram in between sales and see that your location is getting tagged in stories and public posts, and you smile. 
The day passes by smoothly and by the time you lock up, it’s drizzling ever so slightly. You grin and step out the door, turning the lock then back around to head up the street. You run smack into someone and say, “Shit, sorry,” before realizing it’s fucking Jamie. You scoff and go to step around him but he puts himself in your path.
“I’m going back to Manchester,” he tells you without preamble.
“Gaffer sent me back. Thought you might want to know.”
“Okay,” you reply lightly, as if to a stranger, then duck past him again. You hurry away and risk a glance back. He’s still standing in the rain by your store, watching you walk away.
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kurooru · 3 years
I'll request one for Kageyama too! Is that okay? 🙈
Under the stars + Longing w/ Tobio ❤
Thank you again~
star-dazed lovers
places where people kiss: under the stars
reasons people kiss: longing
word count. 1.1k
warnings. mention of murder (all jokes lmfao bye)
author’s notes. the way i’ve been trying to write this for almost a WEEK now *insert crying face* i finally forced myself to finish it. (i’ve been staring at this thing for the last few hours. also the title is SO unoriginal ik but i couldn’t think of anything) it’s late, so i hope this doesn’t flop
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You weren’t sure what led you here, sprawled out in an open field at two in the morning next to your best friend, to whom you may be slightly in love with. Kageyama had called you in the middle of the night. The sound of his ringtone pulled you out of your dream. You answered quickly, wincing at the eagerness that could be heard in your scratchy voice. He told you to come outside, his tone indifferent as usual. You hurriedly pulled a hoodie (which may or may not have been stolen from him) over your head and quietly stepped out of the house.
He was leaned against his car, arms crossed and clad in a sweatshirt similar to your own. You inhaled sharply as you took in his form. His eyes were on the choice of clothing you had picked, seemingly gazing at it in recognition. You sent him a greeting, and he mumbled one back as he saw you. Quickly, he turned to open the passenger side door for you and then went to the other side to slide into his seat.
“Where are we going?” you asked, buckling your seatbelt.
He started his car and murmured, “Somewhere.”
The vagueness made your eyebrows furrow, but you decided to sit back and rest your head against the window. It had been a good twenty or thirty minutes since Kageyama pulled out of your driveway, making you even more curious as to where he was taking you. You contemplated if this was when he planned to murder you for drinking the last of the milk in his fridge the other day. The thought made you laugh to yourself, earning a glance from him.
You were miles away from the city now, the signs of civilization only abundant in the roads you were on. The drive was mostly silent, apart from the sound of the song you were humming. There was an air of calmness, almost tranquil even. You began to drift off, eyes fluttering but not quite shutting until finally, they closed completely.
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“Wake up, idiot.”
The sound of Kageyama’s voice brought you out of your nap, and you groaned, longing to get extra sleep. You stretched out your arms, careful not to hit him. “Are we here?”
“Yeah,” he answered, exiting the car.
You trailed behind him, following him out to a small hill with grass greener than you’d ever seen. No words were exchanged as he laid down on the ground, eyes up at the sky. You mimicked his position, eyes meeting the sky and your mouth goes agape at the sight above. The sky looked so soft, much like velvet, and you felt yourself reaching up towards it to touch it. The silvery moon gazed brightly back at you with craters so crystal clear to the eye. Stars dotted paths across the vastness of it all, and you were able to decipher the patterns within them.
The breath you didn’t realize you were holding was let out as you spoke, “Wow.” There was not much more to say, as there weren’t any words beautiful enough to articulate the scene before you. Kageyama was silent as you stared in awe, and you wondered if he was admiring the view too. He must’ve been. There wasn’t anything quite as pretty as this. “Not that I’m complaining, but why did you take me here?”
“You said you wanted to see the stars,” he replied.
You snorted. “Yeah, like two years ago. How did you even—” Your head turned to the side to look at him, but you found his eyes were already on you, watching you intently. He was close, so close that you could see his eyes, which were a pretty blue—not like the ocean at all, but rather the kind that were as vastly deep as the sky before you. And much like the sky, you wanted an even closer look at them.
You memorized the features on his face for what would be considered an uncomfortable amount of time. They roamed around from his eyes to his slightly puffy cheeks, and finally to his lips. You’ve always wanted to know what they would feel like pressed against yours. Your breath hitched as his tongue darted out to wet them, and you can feel yourself leaning toward him. Closer and closer and closer until you could feel his warm breath on your skin, only about an inch away from where you wanted to be.
What if you had gone too far?
Your eyes shut tightly, hoping you hadn’t made him uncomfortable. Hurriedly, you tried to turn away from him, but not before being pulled to him. Your eyes flew wide open, watching as his lips crashed against your own, capturing them without a second thought. Your eyes fluttered closed as they moved fluidly with yours, melding to each other like the last puzzle pieces connecting. His hand is on the back of your head while yours is glued to your side, unable to move.
You pulled away, breathing raggedly. You shot up, now sitting away from him, and your finger came up to touch your lips. Had that happened? Did your best friend just kiss you? Kageyama's chest was heaving, mirroring your own when you looked back at him. Even in the darkness, you made out his flushed features.
“Why did you do that?” you wondered aloud, afraid that this was only a vivid dream you would wake up from soon.
“I like you.”
“You. Like. Me?”
There was a crease between his brows as he repeated, “I like you.”
The beating of your heart began to slow down as you realized this was all real. You had been kissed by your best friend, somebody you’ve longed for your entire life, the same person who had remembered all the most obscure details about you. He had all your favorite songs memorized as well as the way you liked your eggs. Kageyama knew you like the back of his hand, and he was there for every moment of your life, whether it was good or bad. He may not have understood how you felt, but he still listened each time you poured your heart out to him.
And he shared the same feelings as you.
“I,” you breathed, lower lip coming between your teeth, “like you too, Tobio. I really like you actually.”
He looked down with rose stained cheeks, and you thought he couldn’t have looked cuter. Your hand reached out, clasping itself with his. They were clammy, and you laughed to yourself, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Be mine?” he murmured.
“I already am.”
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star-labs-intern · 3 years
Serendipity: A New Year’s Kiss harrisco fic
A/N: This is super late but it is for @heckyeahharrisco ‘s beautiful Harrisco New Year’s Kiss Anthology! Happy almost- New year! 
Summary : Harry and Cisco have a one night stand the night before NYE and then find themselves at the same New Year’s party.
The date was December 30th and Cisco was out at the bar, drinking. The holidays had been stressful to say the least and he deserved some proper rest and relaxation. He was hoping for someone to flirt with, so Cisco wasn't at his usual haunt tonight. He was at a place a little further across town that was usually very busy but tonight, looked like a ghost town. He looked up when a tall, lanky man of ambiguous age came to stand near Cisco.
“So...Do you come here often?" Harry Wells found himself asking, aloud. 
Cisco barked a laugh. “That line ever worked on anyone before?”
Harry chuckled and reddened a little. “Honestly haven’t used it on anyone in a while. But I’m truly curious. You don’t exactly strike me as a regular.”
Cisco nodded at the drunks asleep at the counter. “No, I am certainly not a regular.” 
“So that means, young attractive man, not at his usual neighborhood bar… looking to get into trouble tonight?”
Cisco found himself laughing for the second time. “You’re the one calling me attractive without even buying me a drink, let alone introducing yourself.” Cisco smirked at this handsome stranger. “And I’m the one looking for trouble?”
“Harry Wells. And I’d love to buy you a drink, even if you don’t tell me your name.” Harry leaned closer to the man with the beautiful curly hair, anticipating his response.
“My name’s Cisco. Cisco Ramon. And, yes, I think I’ll let you buy me a drink.” Cisco sized Harry up for a second.
“Oh, you’ll allow me to buy you a drink? How kind of you.” Harry quipped.
They decided to move to a table to talk. One thing led to another and suddenly Harry was asking Cisco to come home with him. Then, before they knew it, Harry and Cisco were two single people heading home together on a cold New Years Eve, Eve, intent on having some fun with no expectations.
Cisco always buzzed with nervous energy before moments like this and Harry could feel it radiating off of him. 
“Relax,” Harry cooed as they got out of the taxi. They stood at the bottom of the stairs that led up to Harry’s apartment. It was bitter cold but Cisco stared up at the door and then looked sheepishly back toward Harry. 
Cisco couldn’t help feeling a little bit of hesitation. Harry was an older man, a stranger, bringing Cisco into his home, after all. 
“Hey,” Harry stopped Cisco by gently grabbing him by the shoulders. “You good?” Harry asked seriously, instead of complaining about the cold or rushing Cisco inside. 
“I’m so good,” Cisco nodded, suddenly back in the moment with refreshed enthusiasm. 
Harry grinned and pulled Cisco to him, kissing him slowly. Cisco felt lightheaded.
"Let's go inside. I'm cold." Cisco complained when they parted. 
"Hmm, I think I may be able to help with that," Harry replied cheekily as they ascended the steps and disappeared into the apartment  
The next morning Cisco was up cooking breakfast, even though it was Harry’s home. 
Harry grinned waking up to the smell of food. “I don’t remember telling you to get out of bed,” Harry teased as he came into the kitchen. 
Cisco blushed, “Good morning! I think we both deserve some food after last night,” he deflected the flirtation but looked at Harry under low lids. 
Harry came to kiss Cisco squarely on the mouth. “You are amazing. Thank you for such a wonderful evening.” 
“I certainly enjoyed myself,” Cisco grinned and kissed Harry back before breaking away. “Now! Unless you want burned eggs to ring in the last day of the old year, I suggest you stop distracting me,” 
"Whatever you say, Cisco," Harry grinned
Later that day, Cisco was at home preparing for his New Years Eve party. He was going to Mercury labs with his best friend Caitlin Snow. He was going as “back up”, as moral support for Cait, who worked there, and he had to start getting ready. 
His phone vibrated and, expecting a message from Cait, Cisco opened his phone. What he found was Harry’s apparent phone number, saved under “That Hot Guy” and a new message saying “Had a blast with you. Hope to see more of you in the new year.” 
Cisco rolled his eyes and quickly texted back “You saw plenty of me last night. You’re so corny”
After hesitating for a moment, Cisco texted again, “But I also had a blast and we should def do it again soon” 
“Sounds like a plan” Harry texted back and Cisco bit his lip, thinking of another night promised with Harry. He was a little bit irritating, for lack of better word, and there were moments where Cisco kind of wanted to strangle him, but boy did they have chemistry…
With another twist and turn, Cait was picking Cisco up for the party.
“What did you end up doing last night?” Cait asked, in the car. 
“Honestly, I went out to the bar and had a one night stand,” Cisco winced as he told Cait. 
“Did you really??” Cait grinned. “Give me all the details, why didn’t you text me where you were?? What if he had been a murderer?”
Cisco laughed. “I have my pepper spray, don’t worry. I can handle myself. He was… very smart. A little older than me. Kinda sarcastic in this really annoying way.” 
Cait was looking at Cisco. “And how was it?”
Cisco rolled his eyes. “It was really nice and I had a really good time.” He said, looking out the window again and avoiding Cait’s reaction. 
“Did you get his number??” 
“Oh my god, Cait, enough of the third degree!” 
When Cisco peeked at Cait, she was still grinning from ear to ear. Cisco groaned and filled Caitlin in on the rest of the details. 
“Wow, Cisco. Good for you!” Cait complimented as they got to the party and started getting out of the car. 
“Thank you, it was fun, yes, and hopefully I will see him again, but now it’s time to enjoy this party! So please, no more Nancy Drew-ing my love life, okay?” 
Caitlin pretended to zip her lips. “Time to party,” 
Cisco smiled. “Thank you!”
Cisco had tried his honest to god best, to continue and forget all about Harry. 
They had been at the party a little over an hour, when Cisco spotted him. “Oh shit. I’ve gotta be fucking dreaming,” Cisco muttered to himself. 
“What are you doing?” Cait asked as Cisco was suddenly hiding behind a waiter holding a tray of appetizers. 
“Nothing,” Cisco replied, stealing a glance from behind the waiter, to see if Harry had noticed him. He was a little ways away, standing profile, speaking with some woman in a fabulous pant suit, and it didn’t seem like he had spotted Cisco yet. 
“Are you hiding from Dr. McGee? She adores you, she wants you to come work with us.” Cait asked, narrowing her eyes. 
“That’s who that is. Nope. Actually, yes, I am hiding from Tina McGee, I don’t want her to see me in this hideous tie I picked out with champagne glasses on it.” Cisco lied, poorly. 
Cait rolled her eyes but then narrowed her eyes at Harry. She was starting to put the pieces together. 
“Listen, Cait, I think I’m gonna have to go home early, I’m getting a terrible stomach ache…” 
“Cisco, is that the man you slept with last night??” Cait whisper yelled at Cisco, pulling him out from behind the waiter with the appetizers and dragging him to the entrance. 
“What? Where would you get a crazy idea like that?” Cisco laughed, nervously this time. 
Cait looked at Cisco and blinked, waiting for him to come clean. 
Cisco pursed his lips. “Not gonna buy the stomach ache story, huh?” Cisco asked.
Cait laughed. “You’re the worst. Just go over and talk to him. Just say hi and make it not awkward, and then come find me. I’ll be mingling.”
“Fine.” Cisco grimaced. “I can’t believe I told you any of that. This is the worst New years party ever,” Cisco whispered to Cait before going off to find Harry. 
Cisco spotted his tall demeanor at the drink table. He was grabbing another glass of champagne. Cisco took a deep breath and approached Harry. 
“So… Do you come here often?” Cisco asked, mirroring Harry’s words from the night before.
Harry glanced up at Cisco. His eyes were wide. He took a swig of his champagne before he answered. 
“That line ever worked on anyone before?” Harry asked with a tight lipped smirk. They smiled at each other, in shared loaded silence for a moment.
“Did you know I was going to be here?” Cisco asked, eyes narrowing slightly. 
“Did you know I was going to be here?” Harry turned it around.
“Touché.” Cisco commented, grabbing a champagne glass and offering Harry a toast. Harry tipped his glass to clink with Cisco’s and they shared a drink.
“Well, I just wanted to say hello. Enjoy your evening.” Cisco said.
“Alright, Cisco. But I have to warn you, these things are dreadfully boring,” Harry commented. 
Cisco laughed and headed back off to find Caitlin. 
“All sorted out?” Cait asked.
“Easy, peasy,” Cisco said in reply.
“I don’t even want to know.” Cait said. 
Forty-five minutes later and Cisco was starting to get what Harry meant. This was a giant party but people kept going in and out, finding different groups to linger in, it was impossible to keep track of who you had and hadn’t met yet. All these academic types started to blend together after a while. It was honestly starting to give Cisco a headache. 
Cisco gave a sharp gasp when someone grabbed his arm, suddenly. 
“Sorry, did I scare you?” Harry’s rasp was soft in Cisco’s ear and his fingers were tight but gentle holding Cisco’s arm. Where had he even come from? 
“A little,” Cisco admitted, looking up at Harry.
“Aren’t you bored yet?” Harry asked again, soft this time leaning all the way in, to whisper in Cisco’s ear. “If you’re as bored as I am, you should meet me up on the rooftop in fifteen minutes.”
Cisco felt shivers up and down his spine, and said, “Make it ten,” 
Harry grinned and walked off. Cisco was thankful that Cait was otherwise occupied talking to a gaggle of her coworkers. 
Cisco waited four agonizing minutes before nodding at Cait and then walking off down the hallway to find Harry.
He took the elevator up to the top floor. He followed the signs for the staircase. Cisco went up a half flight of stairs and found a door which was propped ajar with a rock. On the door it said, “Roof access, CAUTION”
Cisco slipped through the door careful to keep the rock propping it open. 
He looked around, “Harry?” He whispered. 
“Over here,” 
Harry was draped in shadow, leaned against a chimney. He held open arms to Cisco.
“You’re not worried we’re gonna get stuck up here?” Cisco asked as he got slowly closer
“You saying you wouldn’t want to be stuck up here with me?” Harry teased 
Cisco laughed and then, finally, he was close enough that Harry pulled Cisco to him and they kissed, gravitating together like magnets.
Cisco returned to the party a little while later looking very red and with very messed up hair. 
Cait quirked her head at him when he returned. “Where have you been? You look like you’ve been in a fight.” 
Cisco gave her a small grin. “You should see the other guy,” 
Cait narrowed her eyes at Cisco. 
“You’re lucky you made it back in time for the count down.” 
Harry and Cisco made eye contact from across the room. They were each pretty happy that they had gotten to steal away for a little while. 
Cait and Cisco tried to maneuver themselves closer to where the action was happening. 
Cisco lost sight of Harry in their move. 
Suddenly they were counting down from thirty and Harry had come up right behind Cisco.
When the clock struck zero, Harry took Cisco by the arm and swung him around to face him. “Happy New Year, Cisco,” Harry whispered, and suddenly dipped Cisco low, kissing him deeply.
Cisco gasped but was thrilled by the most exciting New Years kiss he could imagine.
Harry stood them both back up and when they broke apart, he chuckled sheepishly as anyone who saw them, wolf-whistled and shouted. “I thought you were my secretary from behind! Your long hair!” Harry winked at Cisco who bit his lower lip, shaking his head at Harry’s sneakiness and terrible excuse.
Cisco touched his lips where they had kissed, only seconds before. “Honest mistake,” He said, eyes glaring daggers at Harry and Harry grinning like a lunatic. Halfway across the room Christina McGee looked a fraction more stressed out than she had already.
“Happy New Year, everyone!” Harry shouted and made off into the crowd.
Cait leaned over to whisper to Cisco. “He is something else.”
Cisco smiled and touched his lips, where Harry’s had just been. “You’re telling me.”
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maree-ff · 4 years
Interlude: Saying Goodbye
Today is the day of the funeral and I’m nervous as hell! My palms have been sweaty ever since I woke up this morning and I feel that my nerves have peaked at an all time high. It's been years since I've attended a funeral, I'm not sure if I’m in the right mindset to function properly today. Camila and her father both agreed to a closed casket ceremony for their own personal reasons. Victor had his time at Emilina’s house to rake through the belongings he is having shipped to his house. Aside from his brief conversation with me, Victor has kept to himself pretty much.
The girls have too been very quiet today. This I know is due to the fact that they’re still trying to process the loss of their grandmother. I offered to get them dressed in order to grant Camila some alone time. After all, us getting ready is the last time, until tonight, that we have some quiet time. Once the girls were dressed and Camila got their hair done, all they wanted to do was lay around and watch movies. Standing up on my feet I picked up my tie from off of the ironing board to secure it around my neck.
“Andre, your tie should be good to go now.” Camila announced with perfect timing.
Finding her interjection funny, I made the knot snug just how I like it. “I got it thank you baby, thank you.” I called out to her. Running my palm over this beautiful and sentimental, black velvet tie I studied myself in the mirror.
“You look so nice, daddy.” Zoe complimented from behind me. Smiling at her through the glass I returned the kind gesture and extended my compliments to Kenja as well.
Peeking at my watch I began to panic as we only have a short window of time left before we have to get going. On cue, Camila emerged from the bathroom in a crisp white, two piece pant suit set. Wearing her favorite heels and jewelry pieces her mother has gifted her throughout the years. I admire Camila’s strength and resilience so much. Despite having to battle her own demons in the midst of preparing for this spur of the moment celebration of her mother’s life, she doesn’t look the part. She’s exuding power and grace, two characteristics she adopted from her mother.
“Mommy, wow..” Kenja gasped.
Zoe scurried to her mom’s side, drinking in the small details of her outfit. “Mom, why are you wearing white and not black? I thought we were supposed to match.” Zoe inquired, pulling down Camila’s blazer in the front and rushing around to the back to do the same.
“I’m wearing white because your nana asked me to do so a very long time ago. How do I look?
“So beautiful.” Zoe smiled.
“Yeah mommy you look very pretty today.” Kenny added in.
“Andre, what do you think? Is it too much?” She presumed.
“Not at all. You always clean up in such a way that amazes me each time. No one would ever think you’re dealing with such heavy burdens. You look incredible.” I assured her.
For the first time since we’ve been here, Camila graced us with a smile that brightened up the entire room. “Thank you.” She murmured, standing on her toes to kiss me. With my cheeks nestled in her hands she looked into my eyes, in silence.
“What is it?” I quizzed, clutching her shoulders.
She nodded firmly. “Nothing. I just needed a second to breathe and do nothing else.” She kissed me tenderly, backing away so we could get a move on it. Victor met us in the hallway, holding the girl’s hands as we headed down to the lobby. Our ride to the church was so brief I didn’t even get the chance to give myself a pep talk prior to this ceremony.
While Victor was speaking with our driver, I helped the girls out of the car. We finally make it inside the church only for Zoe to start freaking out. Intervening in Zoe’s slight outburst I carried her the remaining walk inside the church. Not only do I have to be a shoulder to cry on for my family but I also have to keep the girls in check. Camila is nearing the end of this pregnancy and I don’t want her to exhaust herself trying to discipline the girls with everything going on today.
Each of us filed in to the first row, getting settled while fighting to ignore the stares. Zoe despises having the spotlight on her so I’m going to keep her seated in my lap. This way she won’t be as tempted to look around at who’s paying attention to us. The service began after about ten minutes of us waiting. The muffled sounds of sobs and sniffles dispersed throughout the room were infectious. Despite the raging sadness within these walls, the minister is doing his best to lighten the mood. He’s speaking so highly about Emilina’s life and accomplishments.
When the time came for the family to go up and speak, Camila’s nails dug into my palm. I can feel her nerves raising the longer she sat still.
“Go ahead Camila, it’s alright.” Victor whispered assuringly. She turned to me asking for more guidance through her eyes.
“Go on, we’ll be right here. Just take your time.” I said quietly. Zoe leaned away from me to kiss her moms cheek.
“You can do it mama.” With that, Zoe fell back into my lap.
Maree hesitated for another few minutes or so before standing up from the pew. She straightened out her blazer and silently walked up to the podium to greet the minister. He managed to make her laugh and that made me feel good just to see Camila with another smile on her face. Now standing behind the podium Camila placed both hands in front of her, seeming prepared to speak. When she remained silent after about twenty seconds I noticed her studying the casket.
Clearing her throat, Camila took a half step to the left and braced the crowd. “First, I’d like to thank each of you who took time out to be here today. I really appreciate you all for being here with me and my family to celebrate my mother’s life. I didn’t have much time to prepare for a speech let alone today in general. Death is impossible to escape for any of us but I never thought I’d live to see this day. Not at such short notice.” She began.
Appearing from a hidden pocket in her blazer was an envelope housing the letter Camila’s been tinkering away at for some time now. “Dear mom, um, I guess I should start by saying thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve ever done for me from the day you found out you were pregnant with me up until the last time we spoke. You were and always will be the brightest woman I ever knew. Every word out of your mouth was pure truth. You were the most amazing person in my life and you always will be. Just thinking about how long I’ll have to go without seeing you, talking to you or hugging is hard to come to terms with. It breaks me down as a woman and a mother because you’ve always been my hero and inspiration. Having you involved in Kenja’s life in the big way that you were means the world me. You were a second mom to her, she loved you just as much as I did. When Andre and I got serious and blended our families together, I was so amazed at how you responded to my life change. You welcomed our new family dynamic with grace, tenderness and open arms. You made sure that Zoe felt just as loved and important as Kenja. For that, I can never express just how grateful I am to who you are as a person. You’re acceptance over my family means the world to both Andre and I. it sucks that you were such an awesome grandmother because now you won’t-”
Camila pauses her speech to collect herself but isn’t successful. Her hands cupped her mouth as she retreated from the podium.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this..” she cried aloud. “I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed. Finally she turned away with her back to us earning solace from the minister. I immediately sat Zoe next to me, panicking internally about Camila’s state of mind and our baby’s health.
The minister made direct eye contact with me and that’s when I made my advance to stand with Camila. I delicately cupped her lower back earning a much needed hug for her sake. Maree’s hands clutched my arms as she continued to grieve. She’s held herself together pretty well since her meltdown but us being forced to live in this moment is finally setting in for her. She’s now forced to acknowledge her mother’s death in front of so many pairs of eyes.
“I can’t do this. This is too hard.” Camila began to sob into my chest, squeezing my arms with everything she’s got.
“Yes you can. I believe in you.” Rubbing her back in large, slow circles I continued to talk Cam down from the ledge.
“I cannot do this. Please don’t make me. Please..” She begged, quickly using me as an aid to hold herself up. I can see how badly this ceremony is tearing her up inside but I do want her to finish this letter. I think it’ll be a decision she regrets if she chooses not to speak.
I plead with her again hoping to make some sort of breakthrough. “Camila look at me please, just for a second..” She stood tall in front of me, completely engaged. “I’m not about to make you finish reading this letter. You know I would never force you to do anything that you don’t want to or agree with. However, I strongly urge you to finish this letter. After today, you won’t be with her in a physical sense again so I think you should enjoy this time that you have left with her. Do this for her but also yourself. I don’t want you to develop any sort of resentment for yourself or this moment.”
Camila composed herself in silence. I know without a doubt the wheels in her head are turning as she thinks over my advice. “Will you stand here with me? I can’t do this alone..”
Smirking at her delicate request I offered my presence and support in any way she needs. With our hands joined and fingers intertwined, we stood at the podium together. Camila took several breaths before continuing her speech.
“I made a promise that I’d never allow you to become a memory in the lives of our children. We vow to always celebrate your birthday and make your existence known whenever necessary. I hate that we didn’t have more time together. There’s so much I wanted to do with you but now I can’t. Out of five kids I’m the only one who gave you grandchildren. You would’ve had three in September. My son will never get to meet the amazing woman who taught me everything I know. My son will never get to learn the ways of a headstrong woman like you. I do not know if I can live up to the skill level of parenting as you but I will make every attempt to do so.” Pausing, Camila looked up from her letter and gently squeezed my hand.
“I honor my mother for her grace and humility. She never frowned upon my life choices. She always reminded me of how special I am, how much she loved me and how proud she was of my accomplishments. She would even cheer for my failures from time to time because she said mistakes make us human. Our screw ups are what make each of us unique. She always told me that my mistakes would mold my character and she was right.” Camila said her final words and as we retreated to our seats she asked to make a stop.
“Do you want to see her?” I questioned softly, clutching her hand tightly.
“Please..” She nodded. I did the honors, being cautious to not move too fast. I secured the top of the casket, wrapping my right arm behind Camila to provide her with early support. “I can’t believe any of this.” She whispered, covering her mouth.
Leaning down I pressed my lips to her hairline, allowing her this time to live in the moment. After a few minutes of us standing here, Victor appeared with the girls. I took Kenja off of Victor’s hands, becoming her shoulder to cry on too.
“I’m gonna miss her so much..” Kenja sniffled. Cam made eye contact with Ev, leaning in to hug me from an angle.
“I know baby, we all will..” Cam agreed solemnly. Eventually, I led my family back to our awaiting seats. A powerful, warm energy settled nearby, prompting me to speak. Kenja tagged along, still nestled against my shoulder.
Standing before the crowd, I locked eyes with Camila and her father sorting through my inner thoughts.
“I just have a few things I want to say. I am beyond humbled and grateful that Emilina loved and cared for me in the way that she did. She has treated me as if I was another son to her and for that I will be eternally grateful. Around the time that my world collided with Camila’s, I was going through a rough time. I felt as if I was living in hell, excuse me. Having Camila and our daughter in my life gave me the strength to keep pushing forward. Many years ago, I promised Emilina that I would use every ounce of my power to protect and provide for our family. She instilled the utmost trust in me and I’m so happy that she did. Emilina never failed to make me feel included in her heart and her prayers. She was a living angel. I admire how soft spoken but powerful she was. I admire how deeply she loved each of us. I am honored to have so many sweet memories to cherish until the end of time.”
Peering down at my daughter I caught her eye. Her ghostly smile and minor dimple in her left cheek warmed my heart. The urge to get emotional overtook me and settled into feeling blessed beyond measure. The remainder of my speech is directly aimed at my mother-in-law.
“Emilina, you put your faith in me to keep your girls safe and happy. I promise today before God, our friends and family, to continue to do so until I’m no longer here. I have never loved any woman as much as I do your daughter. You blessed this Earth and my life with an angel. Camila is a beautiful extension of you. I am grateful that you brought her into this world. We love you so much and we will always miss you.” I closed with a prayer that the minister joined in on. He took over so I could return to my seat to be with my family.
_____________ ____________
Setting Zoe’s hairbrush back in her bag I initially planned to have her in bed an hour ago but she’s stubborn. After the service, Zoe’s energy level began to increase to new heights. Finally, after two meals, the service from this morning, a bath and getting her hair washed, she’s much more relaxed. I began to detach her from my chest but she fought me.
“Daddy, I’m not sleepy.” Zoe mumbled.
“Oh no? You’ve been falling in and out of sleep since your bath.” I tried laying her down again but she didn’t want to let go. Sighing out of defeat I went to lay on our bed with her still wrapped around me. “Why don't you want to go to bed?” I asked, pulling her pajama pants down.
“I don’t want to miss out.” She yawned, with her hands on my chest.
“Miss out on what? Kenny is asleep, mommy will be back soon and then she and I are calling it a night. We have a busy day tomorrow Zoe.” I explained.
“Ok, ok. Night daddy.” Zoe kissed my chin, finally getting comfortable enough to follow suit to her sister.
I must have passed out along with her for quite some time until I heard sudden movement. Awaking in a hurry I scanned the room to notice Cam’s return.
Sighing, I stood up to make room for her. “You scared the hell out of me..”
“I’m sorry honey, I didn’t mean to scare you. How were the girls? Did they give you a hard time?” She apologized and went on to get ready for bed.
“I’ll be fine, you have nothing to be sorry about. No, they were good. How’s your dad doing?” I asked. Pulling the blanket up over Zoe’s back I checked the lock on our door and the windows before getting back into bed.
Cam and I made light hearted conversation to shake the chip off our shoulders. We’ve each taken a hard hit of reality in the past forty-eight hours. It’s best Cam and I stay as united and positive as possible. Not only for the girls but for ourselves and our partnership. Once we return home and some time has passed, we can reopen this wound.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Six. Part 2
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Pulling my snapback lower and resting my head back “nigga” Drake hit my arm “get yo ass up, eat the breakfast. I am not having Rihanna come at me saying I made you drunk, come on” lifting my head up “I feel a little sick, not going to lie” my eyes are heavy, just staring at him. He busted out laughing “you’re looking bad! Oh my god, just wake up here” Drake grabbed the glass of water “drink up homie, Chubs move this away. We will feed him bread” I sniggered “man, Robyn will kill me thinking I am drunk. Oh yeah, what time is it?” I pointed “time for you to sober up, my barber is coming. He is going to make us all look good, hey!” Drake slapped the side of my face, I laughed to myself “oh shit, yeah. I am awake” I really shouldn’t have drank, I hate that I did but I am here with Drake and he was buying me drinks, I couldn’t say no “no more water?” Drake took the glass from me “he’s awake!” TJ shouted, I cringed. I can’t believe he is shouting so loudly like that “stop I mumbled” TJ patted my shoulder “I need to check on Robyn, I need to ring her” digging into my pocket “who?” Barry asked “Mel, just to see. She is pregnant, I need to know she is ok” Barry’ eyes widened “she pregnant?” Drake repeated, looking over at him “didn’t you know?” scrunching my face up “no, sir. Congratulation’s brother!” I am sure he wasn’t supposed to know “please keep it to us, she will kill me. I mean she will kill me looking like this” Barry grabbed my hand “here, Mel is on the phone. Use mine” nodding my head, I feel like shit. I feel terrible, I can’t even believe how terrible I feel “hello?” Mel said again “oh yeah, it’s me. Chris, uhm. How is Robyn? I just need to know she is ok” Mel chuckled “you were drinking weren’t you? You sound bad” Mel is laughing at me “please stop” I mumbled “stop my ass, well you’re feeling bad and also Robyn is being sick constantly, she’s not well at all” I closed my eyes sighing out, I hate to know that “damn, is she struggling a lot?” rubbing my forehead “yeah, tears too. She will pull through though” that sucks, I hate to know she is struggling “well don’t tell her I have been drinking, just tell her I love her. See y’all soon” I mumbled, holding the phone out to Barry.
Hearing Robyn struggling really got my ass in gear, I need to get better for her. I want to take care of her “thank you homie” I said as Drake walked by “for what?” turning to him “the barber, he’s done a good job, also for being a good friend. Thank you” Drake shook his head “you’re a good man, and I appreciate that. But you’re going to be a dad, that is amazing Chris. When did you find out? For this moment, I am going to make OVO kids wear, for this. Just for you” I chuckled “just found out a week ago, it was a shock to me. As you know she lost the baby before, I am so happy. I am a little over protective over her, I like to know she is ok. Like even now, she is struggling, and I hate that she is but, I can’t believe I am going to be a dad” Drake nodded his head understanding how I feel even though he ain’t even a father yet, I like that about him “it’s a blessing, and it’s Rihanna. How amazing is that you both about to have one beautiful child. But I will not speak a word about this, I promise you” dapping him “thank you homie, thank you for coming out. Shit is a small event, but I had to make sure you were here” I still feel like shit, I feel like I am talking shit “you’re an emotional drunk you know that” I chuckled.
Taking in a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror, a Dolce and Gabbana three piece suit. Wasn’t cheap but I wanted to get something nice for me, and it’s what I wanted “what you think?” turning around to Barry and TJ, my smile grew “wow, I didn’t think I would see three country niggas looking fresh as hell, I can’t believe. I feel a little emotional, not going to lie” sighing out “also, just to finish off your suit” TJ made his way over to me “me and Barry put money in together, to get you this” staring at TJ confused, he opened the box “to finish off your suit, we got these cufflinks” looking down shocked, I did not expect this from them “what?” taking the box from them “we put the date on the cufflinks” my smile grew “I didn’t expect this at all, wow. Thank you so much” hugging TJ “thank you so much, I did not expect this oh wow” this means a lot to me “we had to get you something good bro” moving back from the hug, hugging Barry “it’s all good, we wanted to get you something so you will always remember the date. A moment for you” this is emotional, I did not expect this at all.
Sitting in the bus going to the home, I am nervous, and I am feeling ever so hot right now. I had to loosen up my buttons on my shirt. I am just nervous about wanting this to go ok, I want Robyn to be ok and I hate she is feeling like that “are you less drunk now?” Barry asked, unlocking my phone laughing “I am, I am just nervous now. I am feeling it” tapping on Instagram, I want to post the picture of us and Drake, this was before I got drunk “don’t be, I think it’s the best decision for you both, you know since she is pregnant, I think it’s best to just get married now, why wait? Y’all love each other and just get on with it I guess, what is up with Robyn” tapping on the picture of us, we look dope as hell here “morning sickness, Mel said she is really bad with it. I think it is that and nerves with her” adding a caption ‘The boys in Barbados’ pressing send on the post on the post, this will send them into frenzy anyways, I know there is a lot of rumours around about are we getting married, that is thanks to my family “this what happens when your ass got her pregnant before a whole wedding, I am joking I hope she feels better. So where are you both going for the honeymoon?” I laughed, I don’t know why I laughed but it’s because of how much Robyn has been threatening me about it “oh she is going to murder you if it’s bad” shaking my head still laughing “I promise you it isn’t, we going Jamaica” I ain’t crazy I know Robyn “that is going to be nice, that is like three hours away from here flight time, she’s going to love that” I hope she does, rubbing my hands together feeling the nerves.
Buttoning up my suit jacket as I arrived back at the house, it’s a little busy with people running around, random people so these are probably cooks and stuff “erm, what the fuck are you doing here?” Mel spat rushing out “you look nice, for once” staring at her up and down, she looks so nice “nigga be quiet, why are you here? Seriously, Robyn is coming down in her dress, you’re not supposed to be here, the ceremony is on the beach, you need to get back in the bus and go, chile. Barry the fuck you doing? I told you this, y’all are a mess” looking behind me at Barry, so he knew “but when was that happening, I swear I told Robyn no because it’s public” I am confused “and she changed her mind, the beach is a 3 minute drive around the home, just go!” letting out on oh, I swear I wasn’t told any of this, I am so confused. I swear we said no to the beach wedding because it’s public, I have no idea now. I was drunk since then “see what I mean when I say I just turn up” Drake is cackling, he is laughing at me so hard “nigga you about to get divorced, I can’t even” I am confused, climbing into the bus as Drake continued to laugh at me “already in trouble by my in laws” sitting down on the seat “didn’t you and Rihanna talk about this?” Drake questioned “we did but also we didn’t, I mean it turned into a rush and I don’t know. My bad” I shrugged, I guess I am in trouble again.
So this is where the wedding is “we in the right place” I said aloud, TJ placed his hands on my shoulders “nigga you funny as hell” shaking my head, I can’t believe I didn’t know this “whatever nigga, let’s just go” stuffing my hands in my pockets making my way to the family and friend just walking around, they are waiting clearly. My mom clocked me straight away as she is walking “my baby” I grinned “you look so grown Chris, oh my god” it made me laugh that she said that because I just went to the wrong place, so to me that is funny “I will never grow up mom, oh wow. Look how beautiful you look” hugging my mom close “no, trust me. I see a difference; you look so grown up. I love you so much” she kissed my cheek, moving back from the hug “look at you boys, you all look so handsome. Thank you for being here for my baby, I can’t believe he is getting married” my mom held my hand “don’t cry” I know she is getting emotional, just from the speech alone “I just, you’re going to be someone’s husband and father now, my baby” I cooed out “I will always be your baby, stop it. Come let’s walk together” she is a mess.
Walking down the aisle and I just felt a little nervous, there is so many more of Robyn’ family and then my little family, I am just here but there is a few gasps and pointing, I think because of Drake “sit down ma” letting my mom’ arm go “thank you baby” my dad smiled at me “you look grown” why is everyone saying this “that is coming from you” I chuckled moving back, let me say hi to Robyn’ family “Lionel” he is right there as soon as I turned around “how are you Chris?” crouching down to him “nervous, you not walking with Robyn. I would have hoped you were” Lionel smiled putting his head down “her father is, it’s her choice and I accept it. I came here early because I can’t be bothered to wait with the women, all I hear is Robyn being sick again. I got fed up” I chuckled “yeah, it’s good seeing you” holding my hand out, he shook my hand. Leaning over to him “Robyn is pregnant” I said in his ear, he doesn’t know so I wanted him too “really?” he said shocked “yes, but it’s a secret, but I feel you should know” Lionel put his head down “Clara would have been so happy for her, she would adore you. You made our grandbaby so happy, oh god. Thank you Jesus!” he shouted and squeezed my hand “yeah” I laughed “but keep it between us ok?” he nodded his head, getting up from my position “Nikia, looking beautiful as always” I winked “hey” dapping Teejay, I feel all hot now because her family are just here wanting to speak to me.
I felt the nerves hitting me so bad, I am just stood here waiting on Robyn to come. Looking up to the sky, I am just hoping she is ok. That is all I want is for her to be ok, the place is not far so she should be here quick, but she isn’t and that is what is worrying me, and I am sweating, it ain’t cold here “find out where she is from Mel” I said to Barry, she should be here by now, this is ridiculous. Looking behind me, there is no sign of her at all “those nerves” TJ mumbled, stuffing my hands in my pockets sighing out “what is happening?” Barry said down the phone “unless she has ran away” only TJ would make me laugh with me feeling like this “I would slap you, but I can’t” shaking my head laughing “slap me for what? I ain’t do anything” rolling my eyes “sure you ain’t” walking closer to Barry “she said they are coming, just a little mishap. But they are coming any second” nodding my head, pacing away from him. Why is this baby playing up now when it had all that time to do it, it just wants to make Robyn suffer clearly or maybe it is just Robyn feeling the nerves but whatever it is I am tired of standing.
Looking down at myself, I ended up sitting down because I am tired of standing “aye, she is coming” Barry hit my arm, now I m nervous all again. Getting up from the chair, pulling my jacket down. Dennis came in front of me and then I knew she is here, her photographer is here so that means she is here, my mind just instant switched to when I first met her then and now, I am now marrying Robyn, this is so wild to me and I didn’t expect it. There was a moment of silence behind me, I just felt it “she looks amazing” the only sound you can really hear is the photographer cameras, clenching my jaw together, god I feel so nervous. The violin started to play, and I didn’t even know we was having a violinist here, this is what I mean by me just turning up. Squinting my eyes, I know that song, that is Diamonds. Looking at both Barry and TJ they are smiling mad hard, and I am not sure who is getting married between us, I slowly looked over my shoulder and I caught a glimpse of Ronald more than I did Robyn, but I looked ahead again, I know I just saw Robyn yesterday but today is just different, it’s a big day for us both. The violinist is dope actually, it’s a nice touch. I can hear gasps, lots of talk and whispers so I ended up turning around, Robyn was right there with her dad “man” I breathed out, nothing else really mattered not even the fact her useless dad was walking her, nothing really did matter because she is stood right there in front of me “you’re breath-taking” shaking my head feeling myself choke up, Robyn in a beautiful lace A-line gown with this train Mel is fixing, this is a lot. I didn’t think I would get choked up; I am really marrying my best friend “fuck” turning away from her.
Feeling a hand on mine, turning around and Ronald has grabbed my hand. Here I am trying to not let the tears fall “you’re a good man” he placed my hand with Robyn’ “you look so good, I can’t even speak” shaking my head “thank you” Robyn beamed, she is glowing. I am so speechless “don’t cry” Robyn said, putting my head down laughing “you look so good Robyn, unreal” taking in a deep breath “please everyone take your seats” the pastor said, I think Robyn said this was going to be traditional wedding, her family is traditional so I think it will be “are you ok?” I asked, because she did take so long to come “I made it” she said laughing “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Christopher and Robyn in matrimony commended to be honourable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace” this just seems so unreal for me, looking towards the crowd and I side eyed TJ because I know his stupid wants to say something.
I didn’t even write no vows, but I don’t need it, but the pastor as gestured for me to do it first “I remember the first time I met you and I remember every moment from then on, you have impacted my life more then I thought. I was young but I was in love with you from the moment I laid my eyes on you, you have taught me to love, respect, trust and have open communication with each other and that is important for a relationship. You are really my strength, and I could never do without you Robyn, I couldn’t ever do without you. You comfort me at my lowest, I choose to spend the rest of my life with you Robyn” I didn’t need to write nothing down, it’s all from the heart with what I say “you’re going to make me cry, god” she said laughing “ok” she composed herself “Chris” she said smiling, I expected it written but no, she is just like me “I get emotional just thinking about it, I am so in love with you. From the moment I saw you to when I saw you again, those feeling has come rushing back to me. You love me and complete me in so many ways Chris, I feel so alive with you. I learn from you; I listen to you and support you Chris. I have seen you at your worst and at your best and I promise to always be there for you throughout it all, you are really my soulmate Chris and I can never do without you” her voice broke “same” I squeezed her hand, she can’t be crying now she will make a mess of her makeup.
Barry got up from the seat “repeat after me Christopher, I Christopher give you Robyn this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” turning to Barry, grabbing the box from him and opening the box and getting the ring out that has near enough made me broke as hell “oh wow” Robyn said, there is a few chuckles around “I Christopher give you Robyn this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” placing the ring on her finger, I think Robyn likes the ring she is happy with it “wow” she breathed out “and Robyn, if you want to repeat after me. I Robyn give you Christopher this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” Robyn got me a ring, I don’t know why I am surprised. My eyes widened seeing this diamond band, oh that is nice “I Robyn give you Christopher this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” I am amazed at this ring and it looks good as fuck on me “dang, the most expensive thing I own, I mean besides you” Robyn side eyed me “I now pronounce you husband and wife” that sounded so weird to me but wow, I have a wife. The crowd cheered “I guess I got to kiss you” Robyn pulled a face at me “be quiet, you missed me” leaning down and pressing a kiss to Robyn’ lips, she is right I did miss her.
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mcwriting · 4 years
starstruck (8)
Hellooooo... sorry I didn’t post this on Friday, I was super busy all day/night finishing up my summer college course + other stuff. I haven’t finished 9 yet so it should go up next week :)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Fandom: Tom Holland
Ship: Tom x reader
Setting: LA, Seoul
Word Count: 1964
Warnings: maybe some mild language idk
Rating: K+
Tom burst through the door of the hotel room being used as a lounge for his and his castmates’ teams while they did press.
He was late, and his management stood up as soon as they noticed him.
“Thomas! Where have you been? We’ve been calling all morning! This isn’t a good look,” his publicist started.
“Yeah we’ve been having to make excuses for over a half hour for you. Everyone else started interviews ten minutes ago. Let’s get you in there,” the manager continued.
“No,” Tom replied blankly. 
“What?” they asked at the same time.
“I said no. I’m not doing things on your volition anymore. I’m tired of disappointing people and living a fake life just because you two have decided against the things I want to do. I’m sorry to do this right now, but you’re both fired.”
“You can’t be serious Tom. You know me! I’ve been with you for years!” his now ex-manager said.
“Yeah, come on. Who’s going to keep you relevant without me?” the former publicist asked.
“I think I’ll be able to manage just fine by myself, and if I want new help I’ll find someone better than both of you. You two have been jeopardizing my personal life for far too long in the name of fame and I can’t stand for it any longer. Harry will arrange for you two to get to your homes. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go do my job.”
With that, Tom walked across the hall into the interview room, where he was met with a few cheers and the smiling faces of his costars.
“How are we gonna get her back to you?” Harrison asked late that night as everyone huddled around a table eating snacks. “I mean, I don’t think she’s going to come running back into your arms any time soon.”
The boys munched on chips and swigged Korean beer as they contemplated. Tom felt like a weight was off his shoulders now that he was free from his management.
“Doesn’t she have that friend? Maybe she could help us out.” Sam suggested. 
“I don’t know, man. Y/n said she’s a huge fan. But they’re also best friends. Would she even be willing to let me near y/n? And if so, do you think she’d keep a secret that big?” Tom replied.
“It’s worth a shot, innit? Maybe she’d understand?” Harry thought aloud.
After some deliberation, the boys settled on sending b/f/n a dm through Harrison’s instagram to seem slightly less conspicuous in case you happened to notice her dms.
They didn’t expect an immediate reply. Midnight in Seoul was 8 am in LA, but luckily b/f/n had woken up early to work out since you were going to her house later that day.
The message asked her to help you and Tom reconnect and hopefully reconcile in person, and asked her to keep it a secret.
She was shocked to say the least, and unsure of whether to trust them after the hurt you’d experienced, but finally answered back after a few minutes.
Okay. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I know I can get her to this formal next Friday night if you can make it. 
She sent a link to the page for the upcoming event. It was a fundraiser gala for people of all ages. The site said it was sold out, but Tom knew he could probably find a way in.
That’s perfect. All you need to do is get her there. And you absolutely cannot tell her any of this or the whole thing might be ruined
Oh believe me, I won’t. I honestly want this as much as you guys, she’s been super bummed still and I just want to see her happy again. I’ll try to get back to you with her dress color and stuff if you want to coordinate.
Perfect. We’ll be in touch.
The boys fistpumped and high fived as they planned out flights and scheduling and finding a way to get those tickets. Eventually, they retired to their respective hotel rooms, since Tom would have one last day of press before heading home.
Back in LA, b/f/n was now standing with you in her kitchen, watching you mix up some sauce for mac and cheese.
She leaned back against the counter as you stirred and added ingredients.
“Hey are you still going to the formal next Friday?” b/f/n asked.
“The what?” You didn’t look up.
“Remember? The big formal next week? All our friends are gonna be there.”
You thought about it for a second and then looked over at her as you turned off the stove burner.
“Oh my God. I totally forgot about that. I guess not since, 1: it’s probably sold out, and 2: I don’t have anything to wear.”
B/f/n smirked, turning to pick something up from behind her while you poured the sauce and pasta into a baking dish, topping it with breadcrumbs.
“Well I think I have the first thing covered…” she trailed, holding up two tickets.
“You didn’t,” you smiled, stepping away from the dish. “No way.”
“Yes, way. I figured you’d forgotten with everything going on and snagged one up, even though I was mad at you. Who else would I take as my date? It’s not like I have a boyfriend.”
You went up and hugged her.
“You are literally the best friend ever.”
“Yeah, I know,” she replied proudly.
“But I still don’t have a dress. I don’t even know where to start,” you worried aloud as you put the pasta in the oven.
“Well… I kind of maybe looked up places at the mall that have dresses I know you’d like.”
“Oh my gosh. Is that why you want to go to the mall so bad? I can’t tell if I love or hate you for that.”
“You know you love me. Now how long is that mac and cheese gonna be? My stomach is growling.”
After your pasta lunch, b/f/n and you drove to the mall, where she took you to 3 different dress shops. You were relieved to find that no one had followed you, as it seemed interest in you had diminished after everything you’d said.
“I’m getting the feeling I’m not gonna find anything I like. Maybe we should just give up,” you suggested after almost two hours of trying things on.
“Come on. There’s one more place at this mall and I saved it for last because there’s a dress I think you’ll really like.”
She drug you through the building and up an escalator until you finally came upon the shop. There were some really pretty dresses in the window display, so you felt a little bit less nervous when you walked in.
An employee asked if you needed help upon entering. B/f/n showed her a screenshot on her phone, and the lady immediately led you towards the back of the store. She pulled a black bag from the rack and hung it on another one near the dressing rooms.
“I think this is the one you’re looking for. Let me know if you need anything else,” she said, walking off.
“Okay, y/n. Close your eyes so I can unzip the bag. I want to surprise you.”
You did as told, putting a hand over your face for good measure. You heard the zipper and some rustling before b/f/n told you to look.
You opened your eyes to find a long, navy, satin dress staring right back at you.
“Whoa,” you whispered, going up to inspect it closely.
It was beautiful. It had a classic ball gown shape with a slit up the thigh and a beaded lace bodice. The neckline was in a deep V and the straps came up and over your shoulders. The back was low cut and a thin strip of silver beads circumvented the waistline.
“Sooo… what do you think?” b/f/n questioned.
“I- b/f/n. This is incredible.”
“Wanna try it on?”
You nodded enthusiastically and stepped into a dressing room with it. After a good minute of struggling through the inner tulle layers, you finally got it secure and was able to zip it yourself.
When you stepped out of the room and saw yourself in the mirror, you gasped.
“Y/n. You look amazing. What do you think?”
You didn’t answer her because you were too focused on how you looked to even process what she said.
“How are you ladies do- wow. That’s a gorgeous look on you,” the lady from before said as she came around the corner.
She helped adjust it a little, seeing whether it needed alterations or not.
“You’re in luck. This fits you like a glove. It does seem a bit long, but I’m assuming you’ll wear heels?”
You nodded, still speechless.
“So? This the one?” b/f/n asked.
“Yes. Absolutely yes,” you returned, beaming.
“I’ll go ring you up, then,” the employee said, leaving you to take off the dress and put your normal, boring clothes back on. You’d initially been saving up to buy a dress, and still had the funds since forgetting about it.
You and b/f/n hauled the dress bag around like your lives depended on it as you went on a search for matching shoes.
It took another half hour or so of walking around stores and trying on heels before you found a pair.
They were strappy and silver and the perfect height for your dress length. You couldn’t believe your luck.
Now that you’d finally gotten everything, you and b/f/n headed to your house so you could show your parents, who were by then off work.
Your dad was fixing himself a snack when you both came in the door, you wrangling the dress over your head and her carrying the shoe box.
“Woah, girls. Whatcha got there?” he asked.
“Just my dress for the fundraiser formal next Friday…”
“Oh yeah I forgot about that. I think your mom and I will be skipping out this year but I’m glad you’re getting to go.”
“I forgot too until b/f/n reminded me. I’ll go put it on here in a minute. Where’s mom?”
“She’s in the office. Why don’t you surprise her?” he suggested, so you did exactly that. 
You quickly got the dress and shoes on (with b/f/n’s help) and tried to quietly come down the hall. It was difficult since your heels clacked, your dress swished, and you and b/f/n tried not to let out cackles.
You popped just your head in the office doorway.
“Hey mom. What are you up to?”
“Oh hey honey. I’m just filing some charts. I’m almost done. Why?” she replied, only looking up from the computer to initially address you.
“Well I just wanted you to see something. And by something, I mean this.”
You slid into full view, and your mother’s jaw dropped. B/f/n appeared in the doorway behind you.
“Sweetie, you look beautiful! Did you just get this today?” you nodded as she got up to look at the dress closer. “Is this for next week?”
“Yeah. B/f/n bought me tickets and then took me out to look at dresses today,” you slung an arm around her shoulder. “I basically have the best friend in the world.”
“Well I love it and I’m so excited to see you both dressed up together next week. I think this is the perfect symbol for new beginnings!”
With that you gave a “hear, hear!” in agreement.
Tag List: @marvel-lously, @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @dreamyvans, @lisannehus, @honeymoonpeter, @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven, @chenellearose, @photoshopart15, @parkeret, @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch, @racewife2004
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Thomas’ Spooky Halloween-y Date
It’s Halloween, and as I promised, here’s the Halloween one-off special Sanders Sides story I promised two weeks ago. It is out of the main narrative of the Aspects & Fanfics story, and it’s also formatted in regular prose instead of the habitual script format the main story follows. Before you read it, know that the plot is set two months after the latest Sanders Asides, “Flirting with Social Anxiety”, so if you haven’t watched it yet, don’t read any further until you watch it or you’ll get spoilered right from the first line. But it’s been more than two weeks, so I won’t be marking it as spoilers anymore. I hope you enjoy this spooky but romantic story and I’ll see you in two weeks, back to the regular posting schedule with the main story. Happy Halloween!
WARNINGS: It’s a romantic story featuring moments of drama and death mentions. It’s impossible to avoid them if we set the story on Halloween, though, and expect also mentions to ghosts and spooky creatures.
Thomas parked the car in front of Nico’s door. There were children everywhere, going from door to door with their trick-or-treat. He always loved that day of the year, ever since he was a child. He would always enjoy that day no matter what, but this year, it was his first Halloween since he started dating Nico, and the first Halloween he wouldn’t spend single since he had forgotten how long. He knew this year would be special. When Nico phoned him to come along for Halloween, he wouldn’t even hesitate. He always enjoyed his company and spending Halloween with him couldn’t be a better plan.
“I wonder if he’s prepared something for Halloween.” Thomas thought to himself “Nico is the most romantic guy I have ever met in my life and I’m sure he’s gonna make this day spookily fantastic. He loves Nightmare before Christmas, I’m sure he enjoys Halloween just as much as I do.”
“Of course he does, Thomas!” Roman said from the backseat.
“Oh, Roman, you startled me!”
“Sorry. But what are you waiting for inside your carriage, Thomas? Go to his door already and knock! Don’t keep him waiting!”
“Easy, Roman.” Virgil said, appearing next to him. “First, Thomas must check that he’s looking his best. You don’t want Linda to ruin his appearance in front of Nico, do you?”
“I checked myself already, Virgil. I combed my hair carefully and used gel so that Linda doesn’t visit us tonight. Wow, I made Linda sound as if she was the Oogie-Boogie Man.”
“She can be more terrifying, Thomas, especially in romantic occasions.” Virgil said “Are you sure you look okay? Check yourself again in the mirror.”
Thomas sighed and looked at himself in the driving mirror. There was no sign of cowlicks. At Roman’s suggestion, with the telephonic guidance and advice of Talyn, he had put a little dash of natural-looking makeup on his cheeks, and his face looked brighter and healthier than ever, with no visible trace of the ugly green pimple in the middle of the forehead he had woken up with that morning. Nope, he was looking his best and there was nothing to be worried about. Nico already liked is regular appearance, and tonight he was going to fall in love with him again.
“I look fine, Virge, please settle down, at least for tonight. I wanna have a calm and lovely Halloween date with Nico and I want everything to be perfect. Please, I beg you, grant me that wish, at least for tonight.”
“Okay, Thomas, I’ll try. You know I don’t work like that, but I’ll try for you.”
“Thanks, emo friend.” Thomas said, smiling at Virgil through the mirror. “Okay, my face and hair look fine, I just put on my best perfume, and I brought a little bag of Halloween candy that doesn’t include candy corn. What could go wrong?”
Thomas got out of the car and walked to the door. He rang the bell and waited there. He couldn’t help smiling when he noticed a bunch of creepy pumpkins next to the front window, full of cobwebs.
“He truly lives Halloween just as passionately as I do.” he thought “If soulmates do exist, I think he could be my own soulmate, or at least the closest to a soulmate I could ever get. We’ve been dating only for a couple of months and I’m feeling closer and closer to him each and everyday. I… I love him.”
The door opening interrupted his train of thought. Nico appeared there, with a skeleton makeup and a tattered black suit full of dust. The gloomy makeup couldn’t conceal the brightness of his smile. Thomas smiled back.
“Uh… trick or treat?” Thomas said, handing the bag of candy. “You should have warned me to come in a costume.”
“It’s okay,” Nico said “I wouldn’t have wanted you to come any other way. You look gorgeous as usual.”
Thomas smiled bashfully. He had forgotten the feeling of his appearance being complimented on a regular basis and Nico always knew how to boost his moral and make him feel like the handsomest man in the world. Since he had met him, he had started to forget the feeling of doubting his self worth. Nico always reminded him of how important he was, how much worthy of love he was and how much his presence in the world mattered, no matter what, and that’s what he loved the most about his boyfriend: that first and foremost, Nico reminded Thomas of all the reasons he had to love himself on a regular basis and pushed him to love himself above all else. Thomas felt really lucky to have met him at the mall. It was a chance in a million and Lady Luck, for once, had been generous with him.
“Thank you, I guess. You’re gonna make me blush.”
“I’m only saying the truth, Thomas. But don’t stay there, come in… if you dare…” he ended this phrase with a creepy voice and an over the top spooky laugh that made Thomas chortle.
“Of course…” Thomas said entering the house. “Did you have any plans for tonight?”
“First and foremost, dinner will be ready in no time. I made pizza rolls. Didn’t buy them, I made them from scratch. They’re in the oven right now.
“Homemade pizza rolls? That sounds delicious!”
“I know they’re your favorite food and since you’re now following healthy habits and you don’t eat them as often anymore, I wanted to make them just for you, for this special occasion. I just hope I haven’t messed up with the recipe and that I don’t end up burning them.”
“Gosh, Nico. You’re always thinking on me and on what’s best for me. I really feel so lucky to have you in my life.”
“I am the lucky one, Thomas. Your sunshiny disposition always makes my day a thousand times brighter. Of course I want you to have the best of the best, because you’re the best of the best for me.”
“I love you, so much.”
“Not as much as I love you.”
“Is this a competition about who loves who more? Because I intend to win it.”
“I won’t make it easy for you, honey.”
Nico kissed Thomas. Then they stared at each other for a couple of seconds, as if the world had stopped around them. Roman and Virgil, a couple of steps afar, watched the scene. Roman was crying out of emotion. Virgil’s eyeshadow couldn’t be shinier in purple.
“Gosh. Could he be any cuter?” Roman said, squealing.
“I really think Thomas’ life has only got better and better since we met him. I wonder if there’s a top for this turmoil of excitement he makes me feel every time Thomas is with him.”
“Glad to have you aboard the romance train, Virge. This wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for you, so thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Roman. I don’t regret that push at all, and…” suddenly Virgil became really serious and his eyeshadow suddenly turned black. “Wait, wait a second… What’s that?”
“What’s what?” Roman inquired.
“Don’t you sense that smell?” suddenly panicking “Something’s burning! Quickly, set the alarms! Everybody save yourselves! Thomas!”
Thomas’ suddenly perceived the smell too.
“Nico, something’s burning!”
“Oh, no!” Nico said, scared, running to the kitchen.
Thomas followed him. There was black smoke coming out of the oven. Nico quickly tried to open the oven, but in the rush, he forgot to wear a glove and burned his hand.
“Ouch, my hand!” he yelled, in pain.
“Be careful!” Thomas said, grabbing the glove on the counter next to the oven. Then he opened the oven and took the tray out. All the pizza rolls were completely charred and black. He left the tray in a safe place on the counter, coughing a little bit out of the smoke. Then he opened the window to let the smoke out and turned the oven temperature off.
“Aw, my hand…” Nico said, grimacing in pain. “This looks like a bad burn.”
“Let me see” Thomas said. There were blisters on Nico’s palm. “This doesn’t look good. Put your hand under the running tap. Cold water may be helpful to relieve the pain.”
Thomas opened the tap and Nico put his hand under the water stream.
“I’m so sorry, Thomas.” Nico said with a sad face, also grimacing in pain at times “I think I lost notion of time and I messed everything up…”
“It’s okay, Nico. It was an accident, and the most important thing for me is that you’re okay.”
After a couple of minutes, Thomas turned the water off and dried Nico’s hand carefully, then they both went to the living room. Logan appeared next to the couple and examined the wound.
“The burn doesn’t look bad enough to call 911, but it’ll need a little bit of care. Has Nico got some bandages?”
“Have you?” Thomas asked.
“Have I what?” Nico said, confused.
Thomas remembered that Nico couldn’t hear or see Logan as he was in his imagination.
“Oh, sorry, I was thinking to myself and forgot to speak aloud. I meant if you have some bandages.”
“Oh… Yes, in the medical kit, on that closet under the stairs.”
“Okay, you sit down at the table and I’ll go fetch the medical kit.”
“Do you have medical knowledge, Thomas?”
“Only the basics, you know, first aid assistance and all. I took a couple of courses when I was in college studying chemical engineering. Cause you never know, they could come in handy at any time. And see? The time has come.” Thomas got the medical kit from the closet and carried it to the table, then examined its contents. “Aha! Here are the bandages… and look, here’s some burn cream.”
“An aloe vera burning ointment… A wise choice to treat burns,” Logan said, “much better than the traditional oil-based burn ointment which can do more harm than good depending on the type of burn.”
“You really got this thought out, didn’t you, Nico?” Thomas said.
“Well,” Nico said, bashfully, “let’s just say that this is not the first time I burned myself while trying to cook. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone by trying to cook something for you but I messed everything up. I should have simply ordered a pizza, but I didn’t want to do something so dull for our Halloween date, I wanted it to be special.”
“Don’t worry, Nico. I’m not the best cook either and I appreciate the love you put into this… Okay, here I go. Are you ready? This might hurt a bit.”
“I’m ready.”
Thomas applied the burn cream, spreading it over the burn as gently as he could. Then, he started wrapping Nico’s hand with the bandage. Sometimes, Nico grimaced in pain, but most of the time, he just stared at Thomas with a loving glance. Thomas didn’t notice as he was focused on applying the bandage as painlessly as he could. When he was done, he tied the edge and secured the bandage.
“Done. You should see a doctor, though, as soon as you can so that they can advise better on that wound.”
Nico didn’t answer. He just leaned over and kissed Thomas on the cheek, staining the cheek with his white skeleton makeup.
“Thank you. Sorry I stained your face.”
“You’re welcome.” Thomas said, smiling back. “Well, it seems that we can’t eat these little pieces of coal in the kitchen. Do you want me to order some pizza?”
“I’d be glad. I’m sorry I can’t give you more.”
“For the last time, I don’t need you to give me more. I came here to spend time with you, not with your food. And besides, I adore pizza, I don’t mind at all to have it for dinner. So…”
Suddenly the sound of the oven bell ringing startled him.
“What was that?” Thomas said.
“That… that was the oven… the sign that I should take the pizza rolls out…”
“How much time did you program on the oven, Nico?”
“The time specified on the recipe. Look.”
Nico showed Thomas his phone and Thomas read something on the screen. Logan read the screen too.
“This doesn’t make any sense, Thomas.” Logan said, “The time specified on this recipe is totally safe. It would have been impossible that the pizza rolls had got burnt if they’ve been in the oven for this time only. If anything, it would have been the opposite, they would have come out a little raw and would have needed a little more time.”
“How is it possible that the pizza rolls got burnt when they spent so little time in the oven? Are you sure you didn’t introduce something wrong on the timer?” Thomas said.
“Yes, I’m sure, Thomas. I’m not the best cook, but I can read, and I double-checked that the timer was right.”
“Then, how could the pizza rolls get burnt? This doesn’t make any sense…”
Suddenly all the lights in the house turned off.
“What the…?” Nico started saying.
But he was interrupted by the sound of something made of glass crashing on the floor in another room followed by a creepy voice laughing and yelling with a squeaky voice: “Who broke this vase!? Hehehehehehe…”
“Okay…” Thomas said with a trembling voice “…if this is your idea of a creepy Halloween, I commend you for your creativity… but I beg you to stop right now, this is too scary for me…”
“I don’t have any part on this, Thomas…” Nico said with an equally trembling voice “I don’t know what is going on.”
Logan looked around.
“All of this has a strangely familiar look, just like that voice. I think I know that…”
Suddenly one light turned on in the middle of the table where Thomas and Nico were sitting. Remus was there, dressed as a zombie, with one eye hanging and blood all over his body.”
“AAAAAYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” Remus screeched demonically.
Thomas screeched, scared, before he recognized Remus. Nico just stared at the apparition, and with the same gesture and no words coming out of his mouth, he flopped down on the table, unconscious.
“Nico!” Thomas yelled “Nico, are you all right?”
Thomas checked Nico. He had simply fainted.
“What is going on here!?” Thomas yelled.
“Hahahahaha! I surely scared the sh*t out of your boyfriend, didn’t I? Both of you in fact, you should have seen your faces! Hahahahaha!”
“Shut up, Remus! For starters, how in the world could Nico see you!? I thought you were just a figment of my imagination and that only I could see you!”
“Well, you thought wrong, Thomas! Not tonight at least! Tonight is the night where all nightmares become real, and tonight I’m your worst nightmare, Thomas!”
“Remus, will you stop these ridiculous antics!?” Logan said. “You could have killed Nico out of a heart attack! You know we’re not supposed to interact with other humans, it’s against the rules of Sides!”
Remus shifted back into his normal form.
“Oh, to the hell with rules! No rules can bind me, and you know it!”
“Wait, so all of you can become visible at will?” Thomas said “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You never asked.” Remus said with a mocking grin.
“It’s a little complicate, Thomas.” Virgil started saying, until he was interrupted.
“Nico, are you all right!?” Patton yelled after rising up, with a grimace of fear and an over the top concern “Please, talk to me!”
“Okay, okay, guys, enough is enough” Janus said, appearing “What will happen if now Nico starts seeing us? You’re endangering Thomas’ relationship, and bearing in mind his streak of luck, he’s not in a position of wasting relationships…”
“Yeah, I want to keep Nico as our final prize, I don’t want to lose him!
“Oh, brother, you don’t have to worry about anything. You, Light Sides, didn’t know it, but for us, Dark Sides, it was a secret common knowledge that if we never shared it with you, it was because Janus wouldn’t let us.” Remus said.
“What do you mean, Remus?” Roman said. Logan and Patton also looked at Remus, in confusion.
“Can I, Janus?” Remus inquired.
“Only if Thomas wants, Remus, you know the rules.” Janus said.
“Oh, I do want,” Thomas said “I want to know what Remus means.”
“Okay, go ahead Remus.” Janus said.
“Thank you, snake boy. If Nico can see us, then that means that…”
Suddenly, Nico rose his face from the table. Everyone stared at him in silence. The first thing he saw was Janus and his snake face.
“Hi, Mr. Floresssssss” Janus says, hissing with his forked tongue.
Nico immediately fainted again.
“Guys!” Roman yelled “Are you trying to make Thomas a widower before he even marries!?”
“Preposterous.” Logan said “To be a widower you need to be married beforehand, at least legally.”
“That’s the intention,” Roman said “if he reaches the altar alive, that is!”
“Enough!” Thomas yelled. “Everyone get out of sight, now, before he sees you again!”
The Sides shrugged and turned invisible for Thomas, all of them except Remus.
“You too, Remus, you’re the cause of all of this and I don’t want you here! Well, I never want you around but much less right now!”
“Aww, too bad that you’re not my boss, Tommy Boy! You can’t force me to do anything as you remember.”
Thomas sighed.
“At least, could you please become invisible for Nico? Please, he’s survived two strong impressions in a row. He has a young heart, but still, a third shock like that could be fatal for anyone!”
“Okay, I will. But only because I think Nico’s hot and I don’t want him to die yet, not at least before you two…” and he completed the phrase with a lot of… expressive words that this narrator is not willing to quote.
Thomas ignored Remus and started fanning Nico with his hand.
“Nico, are you all right? Wake up, please! Nico!”
Nico started waking up. At first he showed a face of confusion. Then he suddenly showed a face of fear and looked around, anxious.
“Where are they? Where are they!?”
“Uh… where are who?”
“That zombie on the table, and then the snake-man! I remember very well I saw them, and so did you!”
“Uh… well…” Thomas said with a stuttering nervous voice.
Nico looked at Thomas right in the eye, then he went serious and started speaking.
“You’re hiding something from me, Thomas. I can feel it. You always get into that nervous attitude when you’re trying to conceal something that bothers you. You’re not a very good liar, no matter how hard you try.”
Janus watched the scene a few steps behind, invisible for them, frowning at Nico with an offended face.
“Listen, I wouldn’t push you to tell me secrets you don’t want anyone to know, but if I know you, and in just two months I think I know you well already, you only put that face of remorse when you think I should know something but you don’t tell me because you’re afraid or ashamed. If that’s the case, please, open up to me.” Nico held Thomas’ hands “I love you. You don’t need to be afraid and your secret will always be safe with me, I promise. No one will know through my lips. Please, trust me.”
“I do trust you, Nico. And I don’t want to have secrets with you. It’s just that I never thought I would ever need to tell you this, to you or to anybody at all. And I never told you about this, because I feared that you would think you were dating a weirdo. What am I saying? I’m probably a weirdo anyway…”
Nico frowned at Thomas.
“Thomas, I forbid you to speak about yourself in these terms! You’re not a weirdo! You’re the sanest man I’ve ever met and I will physically fight you if you say otherwise!”
“Heh… physically fight me? It’s not the first time I heard someone say these words. And it’s only appropriate that you mentioned them just now. Maybe it’s true we are soulmates after all…”
“You’re diverting, Thomas. Please, tell me what’s bothering you.”
“Well… promise you won’t freak out or think I’m mad?”
“I’ve already promised. Go ahead, please.”
“You see, all of my life there’s been this exercise I made when I wanted to put my ideas in order, or I wanted to analyze my train of thoughts carefully to find solutions to the dilemmas I regularly face in my life. I imagined that the different aspects of my personality, you know, my morality, my logical thinking, my anxiety and my creativity and romanticism, where, like, different people. I visualized them in front of me and sustained conversations with them, and imagined that the thoughts in my head were actually words said by them. It helped me to externalize these thoughts and view them critically and as objectively as I could.”
Nico just looked at Thomas in silence.
“Well, up to a minute ago… I thought that all these people, who I called the Sanders Sides, you know the sides of my personality, were imaginary and only in my head. But Remus… that’s the name of my forbidden creativity, the thoughts I try to repress in my mind which show up as intrusive thoughts… decided to prank us… and showed up in the middle of the table dressed as a zombie. I thought only I could see him… until you fainted out of the impression. I never knew other people could see them if they wanted to. Heck, I don’t even understand how they can do it at all. I’m so sorry, I should have told you earlier. I’ll understand if you’re mad at me, and if you don’t want to date me anymore, it would kill me, because I love you with all my heart, but I’d accept your choice. Well? What do you say?”
Nico kept looking at Thomas. Slowly a face of surprise started appearing on his face. Thomas showed a face of fear.
“You have Lados too?”
“What?” Thomas said, stunned. He didn’t expect that answer at all.
“Yes, Lados. That’s how I call them, it’s the word in Spanish for Sides, which is what you call them. I… I thought I was the only one who had them!”
Roman, Logan and Patton stared at Nico, with their mouths wide open. Remus just smiled mockingly and said:
“That’s the secret I was trying to tell you before he woke up. If Nico could see me, that means he also has the ability to turn his thoughts into Sides, which means he has his own Sides too. Not all humans can see us, only those who have Sides can.”
“Wow, I should have known earlier, you know?” Thomas said, looking at Remus.
“I’m sorry I should have told you… Wait, who are you talking to?” Nico said, confused, noticing Thomas was staring at an empty space.
“Oh, I guess he’s still invisible to you now… I was talking to Remus, he’s over there, even if you don’t see him.”
“I see… That’s an expression, of course. Remus, wherever you are, that was a good prank, you really scared the crap out of me.”
“Thank you, Nico!” Remus said, startling Nico after suddenly becoming visible for him “I love that you’re a guy that can take pranks, unlike other people I know, and I’m not looking at anyone.” Remus said, looking at Thomas right in the eye.
“Yes, today Remus seems to be in a mood for pranks.” Thomas said “But, Remus, even though I know you never listen to me, you could be more careful, look at Nico’s hand, he burned it because of you.”
“Wait, what?” Remus said, confused “What are you talking about?”
“That joke with the oven, accelerating it and making the pizza rolls burn before they were made? You could have set the whole house on fire, and I would have never forgiven myself. Don’t do that again.”
“I recognize that would have been a very funny prank, Thomas…” Remus said, still confused “…but I didn’t take part in that.”
“What? You’re kidding me, right?”
“No, I’m not, Thomas. You know me well, you already know by experience that I would never hide anything to you. For once in a lifetime, I’m an innocent little lamb.”
“You wish.” Patton said.
“No, I don’t, daddy. Feeling innocent is disgusting and it’s not like me at all, you know? That’s more your thing, not mine. Me, I’m more of a guilty-pleasure addict.”
“I’d rather not think what you mean by that…” Patton said, uncomfortable.
Thomas looked at Remus, totally confused.
“But… if it wasn’t you… then who…?”
A demonic long screech started resounding all over the house, and the lights started flickering on and off.
“What is going on!?” Thomas said, scared, yelling over the screech to make himself heard. “Is it one of your Sides… of your Lados, by any chance, Nico!?”
“No, it isn’t, Thomas!” Nico also had to yell to make himself heard. “I don’t know where that screech is coming from!”
“Ugh, that screech is hurting my ears…” Remus said “I’m getting out of here.”
Remus sank down.
“Ugh… this is so horrible, not even Remus could stand it…” Thomas said “But then, what is going on?”
The screech stopped. Then, a demonic voice started speaking.
“You will regret coming into my house… Both of you… will pay… with blood!”
Thomas grabbed Nico, shaking from head to toe.
“Nico… I’m scared…” Thomas said.
“Me too…” Nico said, hugging Thomas.
Then, the lights went off. Roman’s female scream was heard.
“What was that!?” Nico yelled in horror.
“Roman, was that you!? Are you okay!?” Thomas said.
“Yes, it’s me, sorry, Thomas.” Roman said with his own voice “I still hate the dark…”
A demonic laugh startled everyone in the dark.
“A… a ghost… It’s a ghost!” Patton’s whining voice said in the dark.
“Okay, guys, everybody calm down.” Logan’s voice said “There has to be some logical explanation for all of this.”
“Don’t try to explain this rationally, Logan!” Roman said “For once, there’s something not even you can explain, so don’t pretend to know better, Teach!”
“There’s only one explanation” Virgil said “This house is haunted and there’s a ghost living here. Our only hope is to get out of this house, get in the car and drive as far away as the gas level allows us, and pray that the ghost doesn’t follow us to torment us for the rest of our lives.”
“I can’t just leave my house… whoever you are.” Nico said.
“He’s Virgil, my anxiety, always a source of positivity as you can see.” Thomas said, ironically.
“Have you ever experience this kind of… paranormal activity in your house, Nico? And my name is Logan, by the way, I’m Thomas’ logical thinking.”
“Well… no, Logan, I haven’t. Up until today, this house was perfectly normal, no sign of spirits meddling around in my life.”
“How long have you been living here, if I may ask?”
“Well… I moved to Gainesville at the end of last year. I got this job in the University of Florida, teaching Spanish, you know? I got this house around November, to start the semester in January, and I’ve been living here happily and peacefully, until now.”
“So you didn’t live here by Halloween last year, right?”
“Right. Back then, I still lived in Orlando, although I was already preparing to move to Gainesville and looking for cheap rent houses.”
“Then that explains it. The ghost that lives here only shows up on Halloween, for some reason.”
“I thought you were looking for a logical explanation, Logan.” Roman said. “Have you changed your mind about paranormal events?”
“I got a logical explanation. If you’re meaning a “rational explanation”, well, that’s a different story. This isn’t rational at all, but with the information I’ve got, I must bring up any possible theories, even if they go against the scientific method.”
“You do realize that doesn’t make any sense, right?”
“If it doesn’t, it’s because we lack information to understand this phenomenon, Roman. But to try and retrieve the missing data, we must explore any possibilities, no matter how mad they may sound.”
“So you’re saying that you need me to complete this theory, right? Thanks, Teach, I knew you wouldn’t resist my talent one day or another.”
“No, I…” Logan started saying, but then another demonic screech interrupted them.
“Guys” Thomas said “While you’re here theorizing, that demonic entity is still wreaking havoc. Stop trying to find out what it is and start looking for a solution to get rid of it!”
“Yes, even if it’s only for one night, or so you say, Logan, I don’t want an evil spirit on the loose in my house! I’d never sleep in peace at night ever again!��� Nico said.
“My house!” the demonic voice said “This is my house and you are intruders! Go away!”
“I’ve already paid a good year of rent!” Nico said “This is my house until I can’t pay my landlady anymore!”
Another short screech was the only answer.
“Did your landlady ever tell you about this happening?” Thomas said.
“No, she didn’t. But Mrs. Howard is a very nice, old lady, she would never hide anything like this to me on purpose. I’m sure she doesn’t know anything about this.”
“Then tell her! I want her to come here!” the voice said. Except that this time it was the whining voice of a child.
“Wait a minute…” Thomas said “The ghost is… is a child?”
The lights turned on, and the couple and Sides saw a little boy dressed in 1960’s fashion. If it wasn’t for the paleness of his face and his anachronistic outfit, nothing would have distinguished him from any other boy like the many others doing trick-or-treat outside. Well, to be fair, he could have indeed blended in with these boys now that they were disguised as spooky creatures. The ghost child stared at them with sad eyes.
“I want her back… Why did she leave me behind?” he said.
“Who left you behind, kiddo?” Patton said.
“It’s weird to hear Patton using the word kiddo right for the first time…” Virgil said.
“My mom.” the ghost said “That Mrs. Howard he mentioned… She’s my mom.”
“My landlady is your mom?” Nico said, in shock. “Oh, my goodness!”
“She promised she would never leave my side. She promised she would always be with me until I got better… but she left me. Why? Why did she lie to me? Why didn’t she want me!? I feel so alone and lost…”
“Oh, gosh…” Virgil said, emotional. “He doesn’t know he died. His mom probably was by his side as she promised, until the kid passed away, but he doesn’t remember the moment when he left his body and he thinks his mother abandoned him. Oh, this is so sad…”
“Okay, kiddo, what’s your name?” Patton said, after concealing his tears, with his most tender fatherly voice.
“Nice to meet you, Patrick, I’m… Patton. And these are my friends. We’re sorry if we have bothered you. It wasn’t our intention. Could you accept our apologies, kiddo?”
“Stop calling me kiddo! I’m eight years old, I’m a strong grown up!”
“Of course you are, Patrick!” Patton said.
“Eight years old…” Thomas said, emotional “It isn’t fair, no one should die so young.”
“My mother needed me to be strong, because she’s all alone and has to take care of us, me, my little brother and my little sister, and I need to get better to help her. But where is she? How can I help her if I don’t know where she is?”
Patton looked at the others. He was clearly overwhelmed by the emotion and getting choked up. He silently begged the others for help since he couldn’t speak anymore. Janus decided to step forward.
“Listen, young man. Because as you said you’re a young man, correct? Your mom had to… get away from this house, you know? She had to move somewhere else to take care of your siblings.”
“Then why didn’t she take me with them? Didn’t they want me anymore, because I was sick and they thought I would be useless?”
“No, of course not! Uh… I’m sure your mom loved you with all her heart. It’s just that she couldn’t take you with her because… um… the place where she moved to only allowed two kids, and she had to choose… and she chose your two little siblings, because they were younger and more in need of her care… and you are a strong and capable man, aren’t you? She knew you could take care of yourself better on your own than your siblings, that’s why she left you here, because she also needed someone to help her take care of this house while she was out, you know? She loves and trusts you so much that she left you right here in this place to fulfill your duty. You should hold that trust she has on you with pride.”
“I… I guess… but why didn’t she tell me? And why doesn’t she ever come here, at least to visit me? I miss her so much.”
“She can’t right now, young man. But rest assure, she would love to visit you. And in due time, she’ll come for you, when you least expect it, and then she’ll release you from your duty and take you to a place where you’ll never be away from her ever again, and then she’ll give you all the love she couldn’t give you all these past years and more, you’ll see.”
“Dag nabbit…” Thomas said with tears in his eyes “This snake is making me cry.”
“Me too…” Nico said, also crying, with foggy glasses.
“I… I understand.” the little ghost said. “Will I have to wait for too long until she comes for me?”
“It may take her some time… but each year that goes by will be a year closer to her, so wait for that day with hope and one day, you’ll have your reward. You’ll see.”
“Okay… thank you sir.” the ghost spoke to Nico “I’m sorry for burning your food, sir, and also that you hurt your hand because of me. That was rude and I apologize.”
“It’s okay… totally okay, don’t worry.” Nico said with a trembling emotional voice.
“I feel so much peace now that I know that I’m going to see her again…” the ghost said while he started becoming translucent “I think I know where I truly need to go to wait for her… I think I remember it all now… Thank you so much, kind people. You listened to me when nobody else would and freed my soul. I’ll forever be grateful to you for that.” he smiled with a face of peace and happiness “I can see my dad! He’s there with open arms, calling me! I gotta go, I missed him so much too! Goodbye, everyone! Dad, I’m so happy to see you again! Are you proud of me?”
And with these words, the ghost disappeared. They all stood there looking at the empty space for a few seconds in a silence only broken by Thomas and Nico’s faint sobs.
“I don’t know if his dad will be proud of him, even though I believe he totally is…” Patton said “but I’m certain of who this dad, and I mean me, is proud of. I’m so proud of you, Janus.”
Janus snorted trying to act cold.
“I was only being me, telling the kid a bunch of lies to fool him and push him to the other side, where he wouldn’t bother us anymore, that’s all.”
Thomas smiled at Janus.
“You’re a liar…” he said “…but you’re my liar and I love you, liar and all.”
“Eh… whatever.” Janus said, with his human cheek blushing red and his human eye full of emotional tears.
Nico looked at Thomas with a tender smile.
“What is it, Nico?”
“It’s nothing” Nico said. “It’s just that I’m so thankful that you decided to overcome your fears and talk to me at the mall. Otherwise I would have missed knowing you.”
“Oh, well… I…” Thomas said. “Why are you saying this right now?”
“Your Sides are you, aren’t they? Just like my Lados are me. And your Sides are all so great, each and everyone of them, therefore so are you. I love you so much.”
Thomas got emotional and smiled lovingly at Nico.
“And I love you too, Nico.” he said.
And then they kissed. After the kiss, Thomas said:
“Speaking about your Sides… I mean, your Lados, when am I… are we going to meet them?”
“In time… but tonight, I want this night to be just for us, if that’s okay with you. We’re still on Halloween date, aren’t we, and I don’t have the intention of squandering it.”
“Okay with me?” Thomas said, blushing again “Being with you will always be okay with me. I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else in the world ever again.”
They kissed again. Remus appeared rising his arms in triumph.
“Yes! Finally!” Remus yelled “I was beginning to lose hope that they two would…”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, Remus.” Roman said. Now the couple couldn’t see or hear the Sides anymore. “I’m sure after so much agitation and horror today, not to mention Nico’s wound, their only plan for the night will be getting a well deserved romantic dinner and watching some Halloween light horror movies.”
“But after the dinner, there always comes the dessert, doesn’t it?” Remus said, wiggling his eyebrows. Then he sighed in frustration. “If only Thomas wasn’t so romantic-driven that he needs to feel that romance in order to go to the next base. It’s boring having to go through all that long process and waiting for him to be ready before we get to the juicy stuff.”
“Well, romance is also good for Thomas’ soul and well-being,” Roman said “and I know, deep inside, you also want what is best for Thomas, even if you try to get it through your gruesome ways. On the other hand, we are brothers and part of a whole, Remus. As much as it is a pain for us both, if we want Thomas to be happy with Nico, we’ll have to work as a team, and our task is to help Thomas find out when he’s ready to move forward in the relationship. And who knows, maybe working as a team will give us an opportunity to rebuild our relationship as brothers?”
“Don’t build your hopes too high, Roman.” Remus said “Right now you can consider yourself lucky that we can work together without me having to pull out my mace.”
Roman chuckled.
“It’s a first step.” Roman said “and all the best adventures always start with a first step. I wonder where this adventure will take us both, brother.”
“If you say so…” Remus said, shrugging. “…brother.”
Roman smiled while Remus pretended he didn’t care. Then they both sank down with the others back to the Mind Palace, giving the couple some well earned privacy while they started ordering a pizza and checking Nico’s collection of Blu-Rays to find the perfect movie for the night.
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ocean-of-ideas · 4 years
Close your eyes.
Slow your breathing.
Focus on your intent.
Focus on him.
Esmeralda listed off her instructions in her head as her hands hovered over a worn copy of a book in a language she didn’t understand. A small, flickering light came from her palms, burning brighter with each passing second. The book on the table mirrored her light as if on fire but remained un-charred as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Casting her magic into the object she spoke aloud:
“Allow this message to find its way to the proper recipient,
Make my every thought and emotion be felt, heard and seen by the receiver.
Into this object I weave my memories of times in which happiness overflowed,
Into this object I place my love in a visual sense.
May this object stand the test of time and show no further signs of wear.
May this object never be lost or destroyed.
And, as I will it, so mote it be!”
Her final words hung in the air as the light left her own hands and surrounded the book. Images began to appear in a wispy haze like a slide show, a slide show of her favorite moments with Satan. A gentle smile found its way to her lips as she watched, from playing with cats and peaceful reading sessions to love letters and nights spent under a starry sky. The tears that threatened to fall earlier did so freely now. The emotions radiating from their memories, now woven into a very special book, hit her like a crashing wave.
Being an empath, Ezzy had the ability to feel the emotions of others. It made relationships, whether platonic or romantic, quite daunting. She could feel the little shifts in conversation or moods, sense a person’s true intentions, and feel their strongest emotions as if they were her own. In the beginning, this ability was her own personal hell. Now, though, she welcomed it and the control it gave her over her own emotions. She used it as a tool to strengthen her relationships instead of controlling them. Her late teacher, Madame Fleur, was to thank for that.
Shifting her focus to the surrounding lit candles and burning incense she made sure nothing flammable was too close before stepping back to admire her work.
“There we go,” the witch sighed. “Now, these babies here have to burn down all the way and it’s done! Wow, this is nerve wracking.”
A yawn escaped her lips as she moved to her couch and unceremoniously flopped onto it. 
“Poor Cyn, he’s gonna be feelin’ this one,” she looked to the photos of her and Cyn on the shelf and smiled. A warm feeling spreading through her at the thought of her best friend and other half of a timeless pact. A pact that tied the two of them together for all eternity, which both welcomed eagerly. “I hope he listened and took some extra coffee this morning.”
Just as the young witch was about to doze off, a knock on her door startled her awake. With an exhausted groan Ezzy hefted herself off the sofa to answer whoever stood on the other side. To her surprise, she was greeted with the blonde hair and bright green eyes of the object of her affections.
“Say!” She squeaked out his nickname, a warm smile spreading across his face.
“Hello, Ezzy,” he nodded in greeting. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you had a Council meeting today!”
“I did, but my presence was no longer needed so I came to see you,” a hand came up the brush a strand of jade colored hair behind her ear. “My time is much better spent with you, anyway.”
Ezzy could feel the heat filling her face at his words. “O-oh, well, that’s very sweet of you. I’m not sure today is a good day for me,” her words warped into another yawn that she directed into her elbow. 
Satan’s face scrunched up in concern. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, yes, I’m fine! No need to worry about me,” she tried to laugh it off but he wasn’t buying it at all.
“I’ll always worry about you, Ezzy. Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing’s wrong. Promise! It’s just, I uh, I haven’t had time to clean yet! I spent the morning baking again and I have a mountain of dishes to do along with a weeks’ worth of laundry to do,” she inwardly cursed her nervous ramblings as his frown only deepened.
“I’d be happy to help out, you know. You look drained as it is, let me help.”
“No, it’s okay. I swear!”
“Ezzy,” he sighed. “I know something’s up.”
“I know, I just- “she was cut off by the sound of laughter playing from the memories inside the book.
“Who’s that?” Ezzy could practically see Satan bristling as he tried to peer around the door. “Do you have someone over?”
“N-no! It’s no one just, uhm, one of my familiars.” His raised brow indicated he, once again, wasn’t buying her bullshit. “Okay, that was a lie. I’m sorry.”
“What’s going on, Esmeralda?” The use of her full name, especially from him, made her stomach drop. She hated the cold tone in which he used it, a stark contrast to the warmth he greeted her with.
“Nothing is going on, I swear,” she locked her eyes with his and spoke with finality. “I’m working on a very complicated spell; it’s taking up all of my concentration and energy right now.”
“You’ve never had a problem working around me before,” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Why now? What don’t you want me seeing?”
“I just can’t tell you right now, okay? Trust me, nothing is going on. I’m not doing anything dangerous or risky in any way, I promise. You know I’d never do anything to deliberately put myself in harm’s way. So, please,” she held his gaze, something most people couldn’t do without fear. “Trust me.”
Satan seemed to be thinking things over. She could tell he didn’t feel right with the situation, which she understood, but he also didn’t want to overstep her boundaries and upset her. He put his hand to his chin and closed his eyes. 
“You’re not going to budge on this, are you?” Ezzy shook her head, jade green waves swaying with the motion. He let out a little laugh, “Stubborn as always, I see. Alright, I’ll trust you. But,” he placed his hand on her cheek and pressed a light peck to her forehead. “At the first sign of trouble, you call me. Okay?”
The heat returned to Ezzy’s face at the loving gesture and she nodded. “O-okay, I promise.”
Satisfied with their conclusion, Satan said his goodbyes and turned to walk home. Ezzy closed the door once he was a reasonable distance away and slid down to the floor with a heavy sigh. “Why’s he gotta be so sharp?” she grumbled, eyes slipping closed as exhaustion threatened to take her.
She allowed herself a few moments rest before heaving herself off the floor and back onto the couch. There was no way she’d be able to get anything done with this spell still going, but, if she fell asleep, she ran the risk of setting the house on fire if she left the candles to burn unsupervised.
Ezzy took a deep breath and shouted, “Smeowg!” and the little cat came running through the pet door. The bell on his collar tinkling pleasantly as he hopped onto the sofa next to her. He meowed at her as if in response to her call. “Do me a favor, babe? I’m gonna pass the hell out, can you be sure to wake me if the candles get a little to rowdy?”
Smeowg chirped his answer and rubbed his little head against her face. “There’s a good boy,” Ezzy’s words began to slur slightly as she fell into a deep sleep. “You’re gonna get so many treatssss….”
She must have been out for a good few hours because, when she woke up, her best friend was standing over her with a shit-eating grin. She awoke with a yelp and instinctively punched him in the chest.
“Don’t scare me like that, you ass!”
Cyn only laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, babes, couldn’t resist,” he laughed. “I see you’ve been busy today.”
Ezzy looked at the now finished book and got up to retrieve it. “Yeah, sorry about the energy drain. I know you felt it.”
“No worries, dear. Just gave me an excuse to have a nap through Lucifer’s boring meeting,” the fondness in the demon’s eyes betrayed the mischievous smile he wore. “Is it done?”
“Yep, it’s all done,” her heart raced as she looked at the book. Her heart wrapped up in these pages. “When should I give it to him?”
“Well, we had a deal that you would confess if I did. I’d say as soon as possible,” Cyn shrugged and flopped onto the couch. Smeowg happily jumped onto his owner for pets. “We all know he has feelings for you, so just give it to him right now. He should be home, anyway.”
Ezzy chewed on her lip as she thought, ignoring Cyn scolding her for the nervous habit. She was beyond excited to share her creation, there was no doubt about that. But she was also terrified. Sometimes, the space between her emotions and those of the people she’s close to is a bit gray. She knew her own feelings for Satan, but was she projecting that onto him?
“Ezzy,” Cyn broke her out of her thoughts. “If you don’t get your ass moving and quit biting your lip, I’ll throw the book at him myself. Now, go girl! I’ll hold down the fort here, won’t I Mr. Smeowg? Yes, I will! Aw, you’re such a baby!”
While Cyn fell further and further into his cooing, Ezzy gathered her things and made the journey to deliver the very special gift. 
As usual, no demons dared bother her as she walked. Most of them knew who she was by now, who she had made a pact with, and those who didn’t could feel something off about her. It helped, as well, that she had a rather large Hellhound trailing after her.
When she stood at the front door her stomach did flips again. She turned to look back at her canine friend, his lopsided, doggy grin giving her a small boost of courage. It was Beel who answered the door when she knocked, food in his hand as usual.
“Oh, Ezzy, what’re you doin’ here?” His words were muffled with whatever he was eating but the little tilt of his head was adorable.
Ezzy laughed. “Hello, Beel! I’m here to see Satan. Is he home?”
“Yeah,” Beel swallowed his mouthful and moved to let her in. “He should be in his room, reading. You know the way?”
“Yep! Thanks, Beel!” She gave him a wave before quickly making her way up the stairs and down the fancy halls of the House of Lamentation. The sheer elegance of the home astounded her every time she visited. It was like being in a museum with all the art on the walls, the fancy carpeting, vases on equally as regal hall tables. It made her kind of nervous and hyper aware of all her limbs.
When she reached Satan’s door, she paused for just a moment level her breathing before knocking lightly. It took maybe a minute before he answered the door, the look of irritation at being interrupted melting away into a smile.
“Ezzy,” he instantly moved to the side and ushered her into his room. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hi again,” Ezzy stood among the piles of books and nervously shifted her feet. “I, uhm, I wanna apologize for earlier. It was rude to shoo you off earlier so, I’m sorry.”
He chuckled and led her to sit next to him on his bed. “You don’t need to apologize, dear. You said you were working on something important; I understand your need for absolute concentration.”
“Thank you,” she said, relieved. “There’s another reason I’m here, though.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“I have a gift!” Ezzy leaned down to look through her bag and pulled out the book. “You said you were looking for this book but, since it was from the human world and went out of print ages ago, you could never find it.”
“Ezzy, you didn’t.”
“I did! Don’t worry, I didn’t go bankrupt. Here,” she turned to face him fully and held out the book in shaky hands. “Take it.”
As his hand touched the worn material of the book, he felt the tingle of magic run up his arm. “What did you- “
“Don’t worry about it!” she rushed. “Just open it.”
“Open it?” At her nod he did just that, unsure of what to expect exactly.
As soon as he flipped to the first page, a small cloud of purple mist slowly rose from the paper and formed a sort of wall between them. Amidst the colors images started to appear, flipping quickly to form a slideshow.
It started with the group of stray cats he and Ezzy took care of outside of her home. They were sat on the stoop that backed into an alley way and surrounded by cats of varying sizes, ages, colors and wear. Some were blind, some missing limbs, but they all knew the local witch who gave out food and water to any wandering feline. Ezzy and Satan were sat shoulder to shoulder, her head resting on his shoulder, soft smiles on both of their faces. Warmth spread through his chest and he smiled.
Before he could say anything, another memory appeared. This time, they were outside. It was dark out and their only light was a full moon and the stars. Ezzy had taken him to a bit of land far enough away from the city to be rid of light pollution. She’d said she wanted to show him the stars but, where he was concerned, she could ask him to do anything and he’d do it gladly. The two of them may as well have been in some cheesy romance movie. They laid on their backs, not a breath between them, looking up at the sky. He could remember his amazement at just how bright the stars were, he’d never seen the stars from the human world before and here was this little witch, pointing out different constellations and explaining each one. He could remember a picnic, something Ezzy had put together with baked goods and other comfort foods from both her world and his. She never did tell him how she learned to make those.
With a flash the scene changed. This time, they were in her room. She was curled up in her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks and shaking in fear. She’d had a bad day at work, he recalled with a frown. The stress had built up to a rather large panic attack she couldn’t bring herself down from. Satan remembered the frantic call he received from Cyn that night, telling him to go to Ezzy as soon as possible. It was the middle of the night and Cyn was in the Celestial realm on business, otherwise he’d have been first on the scene. He knocked to announce his presence and continued in when he got no response.
“Don’t question it,” Cyn had ordered. “Go full demon form, let her run her hands over your hair and horns until she calms down. It works like a charm every time.”
He followed Cyn’s instructions with confusion. Weren’t demons meant to scare humans? How would him looking intimidating help her calm down? All reservations left his mind when he saw her face, red and stained with tears, her eyes coming back into focus as he reached for her. There was, once again, not an inch of space between them as he held her tightly. She raised her hands up shakily before lowering them and fisting the blanket in them instead.
“It’s ok,” he heard himself whisper. “Cyn called me and explained it. Do whatever you need to do, darling. I’m right here.”
He couldn’t begin to describe that feeling. Her small, soft hands running over the ridges of his horns, combing through his hair and scratching his scalp gently. He’d call it heaven, but that’d be a gross understatement. At some point, he’d ended up laying with his head on her stomach so she could reach better. She had said something about pressure, but he was willing to do anything so long as her hands never left his head.
The scene ended as they drifted off to sleep, words appearing in the place of pictures.
“Thank you, for everything. I love you.”
He stared slack jawed as the words disappeared with the cloud, returning the book to normal. His eyes landed on Ezzy’s bright red face; her gaze locked on her hands that fiddled with the hem of her shirt. He felt as if he’d short circuited, all words had left him as he stared at the woman in front of him.
“It replays,” she spoke quietly. “Every time you open the book a different set of memories plays but the end message is, uh, always the same. It only appears when you open the book, though, so if it gets too annoying, I can remove the enchantment!”
“Esmeralda, look at me,” she flinched at her full name but did as he asked. The look on his face shocked her. It was one of awe and warmth, one of love that she never expected to see. “From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You have given me the most incredible gift; I will treasure it always.”
Small tears gathered in her eyes as she laughed in relief. She watched as he set the book to the side and leaned towards her. Her mind seemed to stutter for a moment, one second he was sitting in front of her and the next he was cupping the back of her neck and pulling her towards him. Electricity shot through her body the moment her lips touched his, literally, she felt him flinch a bit, but he just laughed it off and kept kissing her.
She smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around the back of neck, pulling him down with her as she laid back on the bed. A few tears fell from her eyes, but they were filled with overwhelming happiness, so she let them fall. The energy in the room quickly turned to comfort, happiness and love as light static ran between them.
Just out of their sight, hidden in the doorway uncomfortably close together, was a group of eavesdropping brothers. Someone had a phone held up to record the scene, all of them shushing and shoving each other in the cramped space. Cyn moved through the group of boys and quietly pulled the door closed, a gentle smile on his face. 
“Alright you lot,” he whispered. “Shows over, give them some privacy. I swear, you’re all perverts.” The groans and whines as they dispersed was drowned out by the feeling of love emanating from his pact mark and spreading through his chest. A feeling he’d come to find quite familiar.
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faunusrights · 4 years
“Nice?” Cinder laughed under her breath once, and returned to examining her threads. “Oh, come on, Glynda. Favor isn’t in my vocabulary, remember? It’s just a shame about your cape. The emblem looked good, and your new outfit would look much better with it. That’s all.”
we’re bacc baby B) let’s hop right in
When Glynda awoke from her dream of being consumed,
alright calm down we’ve literally JUST started we’ve literally JUST woken up can we chill Out,
“Cinder?” she yawned, surveying the room.
sneak peek of that Sweet Domestic Life we dream of once this enemies-to-lovers malarkey reaches the ‘lovers’ bit but no we’re just surrounded by enemies. two of them being the writers!
Still, she couldn’t go wandering around Cinder’s apartment in only her underwear, but rooting through the drawers and closet didn’t seem— 
The clothes didn’t seem Cinder’s size or style; they were casual and soft, a black t-shirt and steel-gray sweatpants.
okay but the idea of cinder getting up and being like ‘do i have ANYTHING this Unit of a woman will fit into’ and like actually having to think abt it and then folding em up and leaving em there like ‘hope she finds em okay’????? peak. absolutely peak. shes so gay but does she know it? no,
The fabric had enough give to make it work, even if only barely, and she looked in the mirror to see the loungewear looking more like tight athletic wear. Funny that.
kc and diesel envisioning this: oh yes. oh YES. ohhohughohguhghuhu yessssssssss--
She had—trusted? Been trusted? She had told Cinder fragile little things, and had heard similarly earnest words in return. It had been strange. Nice.
i love glynda like. feeling out of the edges of her own comfort and Pleasant Feelings with this almost-wariness? like every word she uses to describe it just Edges a little closer to Softness but she has to taste the word first to see if it fits. her narration is SO fun 2 read yall what the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
This was Cinder’s house. It wasn’t just any house. These were Cinder’s belongings, Cinder’s resting places, and she was wandering around without Cinder.
Voyeuristic was putting it mildly. Glynda needed to find Cinder, fast.
HJGDKJGHDFSSDF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glynda just. losing it at such LITTLE THINGS is so goddamn funny jesus christ. this is cinders house!!! her THINGS!!! fuck she NAPS IN HERE. SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god i love how soft this is. i know exactly why this is happening and i know exactly how [REDACTED], but i’m living for this moment. living IN it.
Spread out on the table was a wanted poster with a mugshot of Cinder on it, defaced with black permanent marker and crease marks.
cinder: yeah they didnt get the eyebrows sharp enough and im mad abt it
“Well, your clothes are in the wash.” Cinder said, turning around, coffee in hand. It was so…domestic. “It would help if you had more than one set.”
shouting from a distance: you two should get MARRIED
“You’ve been wearing the same dress the entire time I’ve known you.”
look at these lil JABS... the JESTS... the JOQUES... i cant believe theyve been married 10 years already. im also deeply enjoying how very indulgent this section is. I Am Seeing,
Glynda scoffed, and when Cinder reached for the sugar on the counter, she gave it a subtle nudge with her Semblance. It slid out of Cinder’s reach.
JESUS CHRIST LOOK AT THIS WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soulmates.
Cinder shrugged, still looking elsewhere. “Mercury thought it was funny.”
cinder: my son and BOY. and, one day, yr son and boy, tho he won’t take it lying down.
Cinder scoffed. “You just don’t appreciate my good tastes.”
i feel like the evidence is truly stacking up to very much prove this statement wrong but u kno what lets let her figure that one out for herself
“A souvenir from the brats,” she said. “And a letter excusing the mess they made of the place.”
She said, “I just didn’t know you had kids.”
“It’s fine,” said Cinder tersely, but not harshly. “It isn’t wise to advertise in my business, so keep it to yourself.”
KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD YES that little like... indirect admittance that em and merc r basically her own kids is a fucking BLESSING from ON HIGH are you SEEING THIS SHIT????????????? we have been fed today. my crops r watered and my lambs bouncing over the green fields as we feast. what a moment. wow. what a chapter.
When Cinder finally finished hers and rose to get another cup, Glynda allowed some of her thoughts to solidify. She said, “I want new clothes.”
as a side note, i think it rly shows the strength of the writing that the feeling of the narrative can change so much, esp when u take into consideration that we jump between the points of view of TWO characters? like with cinder we’ve gone from sheer fury to gruesome sickness, and with glynda we’ve gone from Complete Dissociation to this gentle and soft morning and you can feel it absolutely fluffing up in every word! still love how good the writing in this fic is its NUTS
Cinder shrugged. Her usual clothes were still in the wash; right now, she was wearing high-waisted black pants and a loose top tucked in.
diesel i want you to know im thinking abt what u said abt the high-waisted pants mods in sims 4 and im giggling
The necklace with Glynda’s earring hung from her throat.
i didnt mention it before but this is the... second time this chapter its been explicitly mentioned? and i know we could be like ‘ah the MEANING’ but honestly im like glynda r u rly not over the bobbies y
“You aren’t dead in there, are you?” came Cinder’s voice.
“Well. At this pace, I will be before we get out of here.”
cinder, who probably once spent 7+ hours choosing an outfit: look its only cool if i do it, dipshit,
Unsnapping the lone earring left to her, she brought it to her collar and fixed it there, under the clasped button to dangle just over her sternum.
When she stepped out of the changing room, Cinder looked up. A slow dawn of interest eclipsed the boredom on her face. Glynda stood very still as her gaze flowed up and down again, pausing over the earring.
Cinder touched the matching one hanging from her own neck, almost in surprise. She cleared her throat. Her tone was very deliberately mocking: “Cute.”
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OOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD are we for SERIOUS right now??? jesus christ. jesus christ. we’ve moved on past married now this is ride-or-die shit right here what the FUCK. jesus CHRIST. theres- i- i have THOUGHTS on this matter that are spoilery and so i will SIT ON THIS EGG but HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT
“Nothing,” Cinder said, smoothing her expression into something unreadable. “I was just thinking—nevermind.” 
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no, no, go on, speak yr mind, please do, because if u were abt to offer to embroider that shit then PLEASE say it aloud for the audience at home
“If I was a cop, you’d already be in jail.”
“You’re welcome to try to take me in, darling.”
im sure its obvious but im BESIDE myself @ this flirting. im losing it. this is SUCH a treat and i KNOW that [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“That’s because of your—” Cinder was already gone. Glynda pressed her lips together, but watched her go. Rolling her eyes, she finished, “—Grimm tattoos.”
Whatever. She could gloat about figuring it out later.
okay okay. wait. okay. wait. theres. wait. okay. i cant. am i safe to say anything. probably not. so. im not gonna. but. you WILL be seeing me in dms, friends,
okay okay im moving on im gonna. keep going. okay. okay. im going. (but i will be in dms)
there was a brief discussion of dinner: namely, that neither of them wanted to make it.
oh god why is this me
“Give me your new cape.”
Finally looking up, Cinder said, “Your cape. Let me have it, and I’ll put your emblem on it.”
Glynda ignored it for the time being and sent the vector of her emblem to Cinder.
i deeply love the idea of all hunters and huntresses carrying a vector of their emblem JUST IN CASE,,, SMTHNG HAPPENS,,, its right alongside the list of their next of kin and their will and testament,
Cinder Fall was a name built on Dust and money and extravagant demonstrations.
But Cinder Fall was also a woman with a family. A home. A favorite blend of coffee.
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this is absolutely kicking me in the dick for reasons i cant say but also for reasons of SNOFT because oh my god. this is. like. this is why i rly vibe w. cinder in this fic and is also like one of my favourite characterisations of cinder of ALL TIME (which is why all my fav cinder fics typically have it as a Theme). shes SO good and SO dimensional and i just. god. GOD. i LOVE HER!!!!!!!!! ID DIE FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA CINDER FALL IS MY ANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL
It felt like being told a secret, like being told a thousand secrets, and not knowing what to do with them. All she could do was hold them in her palms, delicate as she could, trying not to break anything.
GIMME ARMS TO PRAY WITH INSTEAD OF ONES THAT HOLD TOO TIGHTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /goes apeshit
And because of that, Glynda asked, “Do you have any more stories?”
Without looking up, Cinder drawled, “About Witches?”
“Or dragons.”
Gold flickered her way.
“They’d already been built by the Witches that came before her,” Cinder replied. “But she’d been a headmaster at one of them, and a teacher before that.”
Something in Glynda’s chest gleamed.
lore lore lore lore LORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets GET THAT LORE as i peer blearily thru tears,
“...You haven’t just been pretending not to remember things, have you?”
firstly: called out lmao JHGSDFKJHGFSD and SECONDLY:
“The moon?” Cinder made a face. “I’m not sure if it’s that literal. Your soul is powerful, but it’s not a physical thing. Besides, the moon is…”
“Broken,” Glynda finished for her.
hm what a fascinating thing hm how interesting hm hm HMMMM 👈🤔👈
Even as they ate, they both seemed lost in their own heads, but somehow, to Glynda, it seemed perfectly clear that both of them were wondering the same thing.
wait glynda. hey glynda. did u uh. ever. did u uh. text winter back or w
WE DID IT CHAPTER 17!!!!!!!!!!! this was a Lot (4,500 words? yall better be careful before those 10k chapters return to Haunt Us) and was also, a Lot. holy shit. theres. i. id make a spoiler edition but tbh its just the SAME SPOILER thats like. rly driving this chapter. i know what its for. i know it. i feel it. dont trust winter more like dont trust the writers
ANYWAY I LOOK FORWARD (?) EAGERLY (???) to chapter 18, unsure when the vibes will turn rancid for the worse. when. honey. theres a big storm coming.
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drakefanfiction · 5 years
The Ex Factor Chapter 19
Chapter 19
Raven's Pov
I spent the entire ride home trying to wrap my mind around this news. Not only did my doctor confirm that I'm pregnant, but she also let me know that I'm 6 weeks, which means Michael is the father. I knew that there was a chance, but deep down I was praying that this baby would be Aubrey's. We're finally back on good terms in our relationship and now this. It's like every time we take a step forward, the universe knocks us back three. I don't know how I'm going to tell him let alone, Michael. We ended in such a bad space, now this is only going to make a messy breakup even messier. Knowing that he still has feelings for me, it's going to be like pouring salt on an open wound.
I sat, parked in my car about a block away from Aubrey's, contemplating my next words. He'd been calling for the past hour and quite frankly, I don't know what to say to him. I'm always preaching about honesty and not keeping secrets, I'd be a hypocrite if I did the same. Although it's not like I can keep this one a secret for long,
"Just go in there, sit Aubrey down and tell him." I coached myself while staring into the rearview mirror.
After a minute or so, I started the car up and drove the rest of the way to Aubrey's. The gate opened, and I entered; here goes nothing. As I entered the house, I mentally prepared myself for every reaction possible; worst case scenario Aubrey kicks me out and tells me he wants nothing to do with me. The place was surprisingly empty, which was a good thing, but I didn't see or hear Cam either. What I did hear was Aubrey on the phone, engaging in what seemed to be a heated argument with someone. Great, just what I needed. I fully entered the kitchen, finding Aubrey standing by the island counter with a drink in his hand. Not wanting eavesdrop, I cleared my throat to make my presence known. Aubrey's eyes lifted from his intense conversation and found mine.
"Look, I gotta go, but I meant what I said. We'll talk about it later." He hung up the phone, not even saying goodbye and took a long drink, finishing the brown contents of his glass.
"Long day?" I asked, as I approached him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.
"You have no idea," Aubrey replied with uneasiness in his voice. He turned around in my arms and leaned down, giving me a kiss on the lips. "What took you so long today, I thought you were just grabbing lunch with Tiana?" He asked. This was my chance to tell him everything.
I let go of Aubrey, taking a step back to lean against the countertop. "Aubrey, we need to talk." I simply spoke, knowing that what we were about to get into was far from simple.
"Yes, we do. I actually sent Cam to hang out with Chubbs so we could have a moment alone." He responded, to my surprise.
"Okay, you go first." Aubrey took a deep breath, running his hand down his face. I don't know why but those mere actions made a lump form in my throat. Why was he so nervous?
"Well... you know that I love you and Cam more than anything," said Aubrey as he reached out, taking my hand in his. I nodded my head, letting him continue. "I don't want to keep secrets from you, especially since we're starting over. Therapy has taught us to be open, even if that means you stop talking to me, or want nothing to do with me... I just can't lie to you and hurt you again." His brown eyes bore into mine and I could see a genuine fear there; a fear of losing me which confused me.
"Aubrey, you're scaring me. What is it?" I asked, waiting for him to blurt out whatever it was. We've only been back together for a little over a month, I know he didn't cheat on me.
Once again, another deep breath left his lips. His hold on my hand loosened as his mouth opened to speak. "Ava's pregnant, and it's mine." He blurted out, looking me dead in the eyes. I paused for a second; next thing I knew, I was laughing. I know the Universe wouldn't possibly be that cruel to me.
"Baby, I'm not joking, she's pregnant," Aubrey responded in a very serious tone. I stopped laughing long enough to get a good look at the serious expression on his face. Just like that, I was speechless. "Your silence is killing me right now, please say something."
My hand slipped away from his, trying to process this information. "Aubrey, I don't know what to say... How far along is she?"
"16 weeks. I just found out not too long ago. I wanted to tell you as soon as I got the news, but Ava's been tripping. She doesn't want you to know or be involved, she's even threatening to keep the baby from me. That’s who I was on the phone with when you came in, but I told her that you’re going to be in my life and there’s nothing she can do to stop that.”
"Wow." Was all I could say. This was turning out to be a day of bombshells.
"Raven, I'm not losing you again. If she wants to go to court, we'll go to court, but I need you in my life... that's if you still want to be in it."
"I can't lie, this has me completely thrown off balance right now, but I would never want you to not be in your child's life, especially because of me. I see how you are with Cam, and I know you want more children--
"But I wanted them with you." Aubrey placed a gentle hand on my belly, not knowing that I have Michael's baby growing inside of me. This only made me feel guiltier than I already felt.  
"Aubrey, I know this isn't the ideal situation for us to be in, but shit happens. I love you and I'm going to stick by you for whatever happens next. Even if that means I have to deal with your baby mama drama." Knowing exactly how he feels right now, I couldn't bring myself to walk away from him. Especially after justifying to myself on the ride here that he wouldn't do that to me.
"I don't know what the hell I did to deserve you, but I glad that your mine." Aubrey stepped closer, leaning in to kiss my lips. When he pulled away there was a slight smile on his face. "I have to be honest, you're a better person than I am because I wouldn't be able to do it." He joked... I hope.
"Well, I mean it's not like you cheated on me. You were two consenting adults in a relationship." I reasoned, hoping he would see it my way and return some of my open-mindedness.
Shrugging his shoulders, he continued on. "I guess, but me personally, I know I wouldn't be able to deal with another man getting you pregnant; I haven't reached that level of maturity yet. That's why I don't deserve you." Aubrey kissed me once more, paying no attention to the disillusion on my face as his words sink in. I could literally see the panic leave him and relief settle in, but I couldn't quite say the same.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" He questioned in wonder. I thought for a second, weighing my options. How am I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant by someone else after he clearly just said he wouldn't be about to handle it. My only choice as of now is to keep my mouth shut until I figure out my next move.
"I wanted to know if you booked the Marvel characters for this weekend? Cam's really excited about having the Avengers at his party." I answered, and Aubrey nodded his head telling me he took care of everything. So I lied. I know I'm making the wrong decision and I should tell him now while he's being truthful with me, but honesty is easier said than done, especially when it can potentially put a permanent end to our relationship. I just need time to think and figure out how to tell him.
This was the last week of the promo tour for our film and I couldn't be more excited. For one, this morning sickness was kicking my ass and almost every smell disgusted me. Not to mention it was so awkward being around Michael. He was serious when he said he wasn't going anywhere. I was getting flowers and teddy bears sent to my house and almost every interview and photoshoot we had to do, which only made that one more thing I had to keep from Aubrey. He was adamant about knowing if Michael tries to cross any lines, but that would only cause more drama to my already chaotic situation.
Today we were in LA sitting down with an online blog, answering questions about Creed 2; all the while I had to smile and ignore Michael's covert attempts of seduction and subtle placement of his hand on my thigh. As soon as we wrapped, I flashed another fake smile to the interviewer, shook her hand and headed straight for my dressing room, while Alex followed behind me. When I got inside I noticed the newly placed black box of red roses on the vanity. Alex went over to the box and picked up the tiny card that was tucked away.
"I know you're getting tired of the gifts. One dinner is all I'm asking for and I'll let you go for good... if that's what you want." Alex read the note aloud.
I ran my fingers through my hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. "He just doesn't give up."
'Yeah, but it's cute though, in a stalker-ish kind of way." Alex smiled, smelling the roses. They were beautiful, but I knew I couldn't take them home with me.
"Alex, can you get rid of those for me?"
"Actually, my mom's birthday is tomorrow, do you mind if I regift these?"
"Be my guest." I shrugged my shoulders letting him take them. At least they weren't going to go to waste. Alex grabbed the box from the vanity and left the room to take the flowers to the car.
I needed a drink so bad, but since I can't, I decided that venting would have to suffice. Since Tiana is the only person I can vent to about my current situation, I grabbed my phone from my bag and sat down at the vanity to give her a call. It ring a few times, and just as I thought it was about to go to voicemail, she picked up.
"Hey, are you busy?" I asked, hearing heavy breathing on the other end of the phone.
"Nope, my afternoon class just ended. What's up?" She answered in an upbeat tone.
"My blood pressure. I swear Tee, lately, I've been feeling like my life is a mess and I'm just getting this adulting thing all wrong."
I could hear Tiana let out a sigh on the other end. "Is Michael still calling nonstop?"
"Calling, texting, sending gifts. I don't know what to do at this point."
"Raven, I know you don't want to hear it, but have you thought about abortion? Things are only going to get worse once he finds out you're pregnant and it's his."
"The thought did cross my mind, but it just doesn't feel right. I know I have to do something soon, but with the way things are going, I can't tell Michael I'm carrying his child."  
"What did you just say?" My head snapped around in the direction of the door, hearing a voice that I knew for sure wasn't Alex's.
Michael was standing there with a tiny stuffed pink rabbit in his hand, jaw clenched, eyes filled with questions that I knew were about to come spewing from his mouth. I swear my brain stuttered for a moment, as every part of my body went on pause to give my thoughts a chance to catch up with my mouth. I couldn't even form the words to say bye to Tiana, I just hung up on her.
"How long were you standing there?" I asked. Alex must've not closed the door all the way because I didn't even hear it open.
"Long enough to know you're pregnant. Is it mine?" Michael ignored my question, giving me one of his own. Knowing that the answer is about to change my life forever, I could only look away feeling a lump in my throat. He stepped closer to me, gently turning my chin so that I would look at him. "Raven, is this baby really mine?"
"Yes... it's yours." I hesitated with my response, not knowing how he would react.
Michael's hand fell from my face. He backed away from me, leaning his body against the wall. There was nothing but silence as he stared at the ceiling. Michael ran his hand down his face and then turned to me with a slight smile. "I'm gonna be a father..." As the words left his lips, his smile grew wider.
"Michael please, you have to understand that this is a very complicated situation. You can't tell anyone I'm pregnant." I begged him. The last thing I need is Aubrey finding out from Michael.
"I take it Drake doesn't know?" He questioned and then shook his head, getting his answer from my silence. "So what is your plan, wait until your stomach is poking out and have him thinking he's the father?"
"I didn't say that," I argued back, even though I had no clue as to what I was going to do.
"Well, what are you saying, because I'm not gonna--"
"Hey, the car is out front." Alex stumbled into the room interrupting our conversation. If I could feel the tension, I know he could. His eyes bounced back and forth between Michael and I. "Is everything okay?" He asked with a look of curiosity.
"I'll call you later. so answer your phone." Michael demanded, his attitude slipping through with each word. He sat the stuffed rabbit he was holding down on the vanity and exited the room. I sank back into my chair, while Alex looked clueless to everything that was about to blow-up in my face.
Aubrey's Pov
It was the day of Cam's birthday party and I was busy at Raven's, trying to get everything in order. The house was hectic, to say the least. Decorators were coming in and out, setting up his carnival in the backyard. Not to mention wild animals making all types of noise from his petting zoo. I don't know why, or how I let Raven talk me into this. She's been throwing up, off and on since yesterday so I've been doing most of the work. For a second, it crossed my mind that she might be pregnant, but that thought faded away when I remember that she's on birth control and chalked it up to bad Chinese food. Cam was spending the day out with his grandmothers while I got everything set up. Tiana and Chubbs came by to help, but they were doing more arguing than helping. I was readying to tell them to take that shit home.
Karris was checking on Ironman, who was the only Marvel character currently missing from the party. I paid for six Avengers, and six Avengers better be here. After I got finished stuffing these prize bags Raven wanted for the carnival games, I glanced up and saw Karris with her phone in her hand.
"I handled it. Ironman went to the wrong address, but he'll be here in 20 minutes." She reported.
"Thank you. The last thing I need is for Ironman to not show up." I looked up and saw Raven dressed in a black sweatshirt with Cam's picture on the front, ripped jeans, a pair of white Air Max 90s; and her hair was now curly which was a change from her bonnet and pajamas she had on an hour ago.
She stepped further into the backyard with her hands on her hips as she examined the work that had been done.  "It looks good out here."
"I told you I had it under control." I said as I walked over to where she stood. "You feeling any better?" I asked. The last time I saw her, she was curled up with a bucket next to the bed.
"Much better, thank you. Did the cake--"
"The cake arrived and it looks exactly like you imagined it," I assured her. Raven ordered a three-tier over the top cake that resembled a carnival. I'm surprised it made it here without any damages.
She nodded, but I could still see the wheels turn in her head. "Okay, what about the rides and the caterer? Did they--
"The rides are all up and running, I even had OB and Ryan test them out to make sure they're safe for the kids, and the caterers have all of the food set up over there." I pointed to a large white tent that had all of the food on display. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer. "See, it's all handled. Nothing to worry about."
Raven smiled, finally giving up her micromanaging. "I will give it to you, you did a great job." Raven sighed and relaxed in my arms. "You know, seeing all of this is making me think about what our wedding would've looked like." I looked down at Raven in my arms and noticed her staring off in the distance. I guess all the planning she's done for Cam's party reminded her of all the wedding plans she was making four years ago.
"We can still make that happen. Why don't we just tell the judge we decided to stick with our marriage, then we can have that ceremony you always wanted."
Raven turned around in my arms to face me. "Honestly, I have thought about it, but I still think it's too soon to know for sure if we're actually ready to make this marriage a permanent thing."
"True, I didn't hear a no though..." I said with a grin, making her smile. Raven placed her hand on my chin, bringing my lips to hers. "The party doesn't start for another hour. You wanna sneak away a minute." I whispered in her ear, leaving kisses on her neck. She nodded her head yes, and I took her by the hand to lead us back inside the house for some privacy. There's a video I found in my phone that I've been wanting to show her, but Karris's voice stopped us before we could get a good five feet away.
"Uh-un, y'all are not about to leave me with Ike and Tina." Karris complained with her hand on hips. Raven and I both looked over at Chubbs and Tiana who was once again yelling at each other instead of blowing up balloons. We shook our heads, going over to separate them. This was the third fight I to break up today.
An hour later the backyard was filled with a bunch of kids and their parents. Besides the crew and our family, I don't know who half these people are, but I do know that Cam is having a good time. He just got his face painted like Ironman and was currently dragging Raven to the dunk tank. Just seeing the smile on their faces made me feel like I was doing something right, despite everything that had gone wrong. When I found out that Ava was pregnant, I thought for sure that was going to be the end of me and Raven, but she surprised the hell out of me and stuck around. I'm so used to her running, so this is definitely a change. Now Ava wants me to come out to Toronto to be at the next couple of appointments, but I'm not sure how Raven is going to react to that. I haven't said anything to her yet, because this is all still new for us and I didn't want it to distract from Cam's birthday party, but it got me thinking. Once this baby comes, I'm going to be dividing my time between LA and Toronto, missing moments with both of my children. I never saw myself as being a part-time dad and here I am about to do it again.
"Aubrey, honey I left my glasses in the car, can you get them for me." My mom's voice interrupted my thoughts.
Her car was parked out front so I knew she didn't feel like walking to get them. I took the keys she held out and left the backyard, walking back through the house and to the front door. I opened the door to step out, but to my surprise, Michael was standing there with a gift bag in his hand getting ready to ring the doorbell. I know this nigga done lost his mind.
"You need to turn around and leave right now," I spoke, stepping in front of Michael. I know he doesn't think he's just about to walk in here right past me without it being a problem.  
"Nah, I'm cool. I'm here to see Raven. Now if she wants me to leave, then I'll go." Michael grilled me down. I know it's my son's birthday party and it's not the time or place, but the only thing I could think about is all the disrespectful ass text messages he thinks I don't know about. Everything in me was telling me to lay hand on him right here and now.
21 notes · View notes
xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Two
Part One , Part Three , Part Four
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx X OC
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Language
Tag list: @fandomshit6000 , @lilmou5ie , @tamedhearts , @divaanya
**Let me know if you want to be tagged**
“So, how did this happen?” I ask the four band members, taking another sip of water while we wait for our food. Vince and Mick glance at me while Nikki doesn’t bother looking up from the menu he’s pretending to be fascinated by, even though he’s already ordered. 
I at least expect Tommy to answer me, but he’s watching a woman in a short skirt walk by, reaching across the table to hit Vince and Nikki to catch their attention so he can show them the hot chick he discovered.
They watch as she walks by, as if they’ve never seen the lower half of thighs before, and Mick and I exchange eye contact with unamused looks on our faces.
“Idiots.” Mick mumbles, pushing his sunglasses up his nose.
“Horny idiots.” I add in the same tone, feeling a little better when the usually stoic face of the guitarist shifts and nearly gives me a smile. Nearly.
I don’t think they heard us, and when the woman’s too far out of sight and Vince leans back, smirking at me.
“So, Viv, what’ve you been up to these days?” He asks, completely brushing off my earlier question.
“Same thing I was up to freshman, sophomore and junior year. Focusing on school.” I tell him blankly and he rolls his eyes and groans, tilting his head back.
“When the hell are you gonna blow your fuckin’ parents off and have fun?” He asks me.
“That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to tell her and she won’t listen.” Tommy cuts in and I look at him pointedly.
“I snuck out to come see you tonight.” I argue. “Dressed like a hooker.”
“Not a slutty one,” Tommy says it as if it’s not good enough. “You’re wearing a bra, and your shorts could be a few inches shorter.”
“If my mother saw me like this, she would exorcise me.” I state tiredly.
“Ugh, she’s one of those.” Mick comments blankly.
“You have no fucking idea, Mick.” Tommy shakes his head as he complains.
“Judging by how boring her spawn is, we have a pretty good idea, T-bone.” Nikki speaks finally, tossing the menu aside with a low exhale.
“Wow, you have been on it tonight.” I call him out with cut eyes, my arms crossed. “Did you not get all of your anger out during that brawl?”
“Did you not get all of your bitchiness out during the show?” He asks me, furrowing his brows. “You know, we encourage people to get their feelings out during a show so they go home chilled out and not so uptight.”
“Well, maybe you should do better next time.” I shoot back, getting annoyed with his attitude and he chuckles without humor.
Tommy and Vince stay quiet, letting us bicker, glancing at us quietly as Mick just sits still, keeping his face forward, minding his own business.
“I met Tommy after I left my band, London, and he said he could join me. He knew Vince from school, and we found Mick through a newspaper add.” Nikki explains to me with barely any emotion. “That’s how this happened.”
So, he was listening after all.
“How the fuck did this happen?” He asks next and motions between Tommy and I, and we look at each other.
“We met in first grade.” I tell him.
“I put gum in her hair.”
“Then tried to get it out with his spit.” I add. “Which made it worse.”
“So I just cut it out with scissors.” He finishes with a smile and a nod as if he’s a problem solver and I rub my lips together.
“Basically our friendship has consisted of him just making my life hard from day one.” I explain. “Which nowadays instead of putting gum in my hair, he’s screwing girls in the backseat of my car.”
“Oh my God. It was one time, Viv.” He sighs, looking at me.
“Tommy, I saw your everything.” I remind him and he waves me off.
“I’ve seen your everything before. It’s not the end of the world. It just brings us closer.” He tries to reason with me and I’m reminded of the one incident I was hoping they’d forgotten about as he and Vince exchange looks and try to hide their smiles.
“Oh, do tell.” Nikki’s interest is obviously a jab at me, the smug look on his face as he leans forward makes me want to come across the table and hit him.
“Her sophomore year, summer pool party, my house, her bikini magically came off.” Vince tells him, pointing his finger at me.
“‘Magically came off’ meaning Vince spiked my drink with Tequila.” I correct him and he gives me a tight grin.
“You know, now that I think about it, I can’t decide if it was the Tequila or the AC/DC that turned you in to a dirty stripper.” Vince thinks aloud and I have to keep from smiling.
“I was only fifteen. I was not a dirty stripper.” I assure Mick and Nikki.
“Tommy had to chase your naked ass down the street and wrestle you in order to get you to put clothes on.” Vince continues on, not helping my case and I give up. “Tell me you didn’t have fun that day.” He tries to make a point and I think for a few seconds.
“I don’t remember anything past me getting drunk, Vince. Why would you want to live life not remembering any of the fun you supposedly have?”
“Ugh, you’re one of those.” Nikki says to himself, repeating Mick from earlier, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forget having morals and a sense of sobriety is like having the plague to rockstars.” I spit out.
“Viv,” Tommy says under his breath and nudges me with his leg to get me to stop whatever rant I’m about to go on and ruin the mood.
“Do you plan on sticking with Tommy through all of this? Like if we happen to get signed or something and make it to the big leagues?” Nikki asks all of the sudden and Tommy and I stay quiet.
We’ve talked about the possibility of him finding luck in someone’s band ever since he started playing.
I promised him I would go with him wherever he went. We haven’t revisited the idea since I made that promise our junior year. Now we’re half way done with senior year and I’ve already been accepted into a prestige college on a dancing scholarship. If he happens to make it big, I wouldn’t be able to go unless I dropped out. And that would be a fun conversation with my parents.
“That’s what we agreed on. Why?” I ask him and he shakes his head slightly.
I wish he would’ve told me what he really wanted to say. Which was “you’ll never make it out alive.” I wish he would have given me even the slightest idea of what exactly I was getting myself in to. Not that any of it would have made me change my mind.
After we finished eating, I was half asleep, leaned against Tommy as he, Nikki and Vince talked about their next gig and what improvements need to be made for a better show. Mick’s already gone, he left before we even got food, and physically I’m here but mentally I’m in my bed at home.
“Tommy, I’m going home.” I say to him after glancing at his watch and seeing it’s almost two in the morning.
“Lame.” Vince pipes out.
“I know.” I admit, not even caring at this point. I just want to sleep.
“Are you okay to drive?” Tommy asks and before I can answer, he’s taking Nikki’s glass of Coca-Cola away from him and putting it in front of me. “Drink. It’s got caffeine.” Tommy suggests and I glance at Nikki to see him glaring at Tommy for snatching his drink without asking.
“No, thanks. I don’t want any contagious Devil-Spawn disease.” I push the drink away, hearing a single “ha” come out of Nikki’s mouth as Vince snickers.
I slide out of the booth we’re seated in and stand up, relieved to stretch my legs.
“Have fun on your knees, Viv.” Vince tells me slyly, giving me a grin. “Ya know, praying at church and all.”
“I’ll be thinking of you the whole time.” I promise him, looking at Tommy. “I’ll see you Monday.” I tell him, walking to the door.
“Drive safe.” He orders me and I give him a thumbs up before stepping outside to my car.
When I get home, I carefully shut my door as quietly as I can, stepping to my unlocked window. Once it’s slid up, and I climb in, I immediately go pee, strip down and fall in to bed, smelling like cigarettes, booze and sweat but I’m too tired to care.
I hated lying to my parents. And I never did anything necessarily wrong so they had every reason to trust me. Of course what happened at Vince’s pool party a couple of years prior could be considered “wrong”, but they’d never find out about that. And as Mötley Crüe’s success grew, I was having to lie more and more to my mom and dad because I was going to every show they played. Which meant I had to go behind my parent’s backs multiple times a week, multiple nights in a row.
I pace the floor of the dressing room, Tommy perfecting his hair as I continue ranting.
“...And I can’t even sneeze without them interrogating me so I don’t know how much longer I can keep this whole thing up.” I finish telling him.
“Don’t worry about it. Just tell them you’re tutoring me if they keep getting suspicious.” He tells me, teasing his hair, and I step behind him in the mirror, teasing a section that he missed. “Thanks, Viv.” He mumbles once I’m done, taking a swig of Jack that’s on the counter in front of him.
“They don’t even think I’m friends with you anymore, Tommy.” I don’t expect the hurt look on his face when I tell him this, and he snaps his full attention my way.
“What the fuck do you mean?” He asks and I breathe out.
“Mötley and it’s members are starting to gain recognition from my church. My mom told me I don’t need to be friends with you anymore.” I explain and his face scrunches up. “Being that you represent Satan and all of hell’s demons and what not.” I try to make a joke but he’s not focused on it.
“Who the fuck is she to tell you to stop being friends with me after twelve fucking years?” He hisses bitterly, looking in the mirror to line his eyes with black liner.
“I’m not listening to her, obviously.” I motion to myself.
There’s a pause of silence between us, and he finishes his eye liner, taking another gulp of alcohol.
“You don’t really believe that shit about us and Satan do you?” It’s a question I assume is meant to be funny but he’s dead serious when he asks it.
“No, Tommy, I don’t.” I state sternly. “There is nothing hellacious about you.” I add, smiling reassuringly at him.
I decide I better hurry and change from my “appropriate” clothes that I wore out of the house since my parents were still awake. They weren’t about to let me leave until I explained to them I was going to a prayer meeting at my friend Tansy’s house.
“Tommy, I need my clothes.” I tell him, taking the long, denim skirt off, along with the long sleeve shirt, leaving me in a bra and panties and he turns to hand me the skin tight, emerald green dress that leaves little to the imagination.
He doesn’t acknowledge the fact I’m in just my underwear, his face turned away as he hands me the dress and I feel a shred of pride that he actually can control himself to an extent.
I put the dress on, deciding it doesn’t look right with a bra and I can see the distinct panty line so I take it off again and toss my bra aside, and take my panties off, tossing the set of under garments on to the counter.
“Hide those from Vince or I will never see them again.” I tell Tommy and he gets a look on his face before turning to face me, screaming like a girl when he sees me completely naked.
“Tommy!” I scream as he screams “Viv!” And squeezes his eyes closed.
“Why didn’t you warn me?!” He asks with his face in his hands and I shouldn’t find this funny, but I do.
“I didn’t expect you to turn around and you’ve already said you’ve seen it all—“
I’m interrupted by Nikki and Vince barging in blaring out “Tommy” and “T-Bone.”
I have never seen Tommy Lee move so fast and before I know it, he’s shouting “No!” And tackling me, while I’m still naked, to keep Vince and Nikki from seeing me.
Judging by the looks on their faces, he was a little too late at covering me up.
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peachesandfiction · 4 years
It’s only the beginning
Pairing: Succubus Rosé x Female reader
word count: 1.6k
You stretched your arms high above your head as you closed your eyes against the bright light of the morning sun. Letting out a deep breath, your eyes scanned around the bedroom with clothes and a few papers scattered across the floor. Just as you were about to lay back down and instead let the comfort of your warm blankets steal the productivity of your day, there was a loud knock at your front door.
You groaned into the tingling palm of your hands as your body started to wake up more. Slowly, you slid off of the bed, your feet landing on the cool ground as you run your hand down your face. The knock came again, louder this time. “I’m coming,” you yelled before hurrying through the hallway and to the door.
Opening the door, you were met with the kind, warm smile of your friend. “Good morning Y/N. I’m sorry to bother you but I found this book during my shift at the library and the librarian said she had been trying to get rid of it,” she held out a dark leather-bound book towards you. The title had been carved into the cover of the book, it’s was in a language you haven’t seen before.
You let your eyes slowly find their way back to your friend’s, confusion playing within them, “what is this book?”
“I’m not for sure,” your friend dropped the book into your hands, its weight causing you to slouch. She waited for you to skim through the book. The pages’  edges were roughly cut as they slipped between your fingers. As they fell back into place, you saw small flashes of each content the page held. It looked like the type of book you would see in old fantasy movies. As if a wizard had own this and filled it with personal spells.
You let the cover close before tucking the book back under your arm, “alright, I guess I’ll check it out and just tell you what it’s about.”
“Awesome, well, I have to go now! Saturday is still on, right?”
You waved at her as she started walking away, “Yeah! Have a good day!”
Turning back to the door of your house, the inside looked dimly lit and held an ominous feeling. Squeezing your eyes shut, you shook your head before finally going inside and letting the door shut behind you. You made your way to your room, letting the book bounce ontop of the bed as you flipped through the pages a bit. Most of the language was hard to decipher, but there was one page that had familiar words. You read them aloud, before leaving the book alone.
“I should get ready for today,” you tell yourself as you force your legs over to your wardrobe. Shifting through shirts, you hadn’t notice the light starting to emit from the strange book yet. Your fingers slipped under the fabric of your shirt before you lifted it and pulled it off of your torso. It hung from your fingertips as you began to reach for another shirt.
“Well, hello there,” came a soft, seductive voice. You pulled both of the shirts in your hands over yourself as you turned to find a girl with light orange hair and a sweet smile lying over the rumpled covers of your bed next to the book. Quickly, she flipped around, her hands and knees pressing into your soft mattress as she started to lean towards you, “need help there, cutie.”
You were still quiet, unsure of what to do as the girl slipped off of your bed and towards you. Your eyes couldn’t help but watch her long legs as they grew closer to you. Letting your eyes slide back up to the girl’s, you realized how close she really was now. Just as her hands reached for the shirts in yours, you pulled away, falling into your wardrobe full of clothes, causing them to rain down on you and the floor, “st-stay back.”
“Baby, no need to worry. You summoned me, let me pleasure you as much as you need,” the girl started to lean down to help you, but the exposure of the top of her breasts caused you to try to back pedal, banging your head against the wooden door behind you.
“Sum-summoned,” you could feel the panic rising in your voice as the girl continued to get closer to you.
“Yeah, I was trapped in the page of that book for centuries, and then you freed me,” she smiled, her hands sliding down your exposed arm, “so,” she leaned close, her whisper tempting, “how would you like me to please you?”
Consternated, your hands shook as they pushed the girl away before you scrambled back up. Your feet hurried towards the door, but the girl beat you, shutting you off from your only escape.
Her legs slinked while her hips swayed towards your confused figure. Your feet bounced as your eyes scanned for anyway else to leave, but then the girl’s fingers were around your chin, lightly guiding your eyes to her, “how about I introduce myself first, and then we can discuss my duties.”
“Duties,” you asked as you slipped on a random shirt in your hand.
“Well,” her voice grew deep, “you are my master now, so I have to tell you how I can satisfy you.”
“Master,” your eyes grew wide.
She laughed, “Yes, master. And I am now your loyal, lovable succubus, Chaeyoung.”
“I’m sorry, what now?”
“I’m a succubus, my job is to-”
“I know what a succubus is. What do you mean you are one?”
“… that I am one? I can prove it to you,” Chaeyoung said all to eagerly as she bounced closer to you.
You shook your hands and head at her, “no need to!” Then your phone alarm started to go off behind you. Your eyes glanced towards it, seeing it was your reminder to go pick up you friend from her class. Swiping up your phone and your car keys, you rushed over to the door, “well I have to go.”
Without looking behind you, you hurried out, throwing open your car door before slamming it shut and shoving your keys into the ignition. Once you were down the road, you let out a sigh of relief.
“So, where are we going,” Chaeyoung’s voice asked.
She appeared in the mirror, causing you to swerve. Straightening the car, you yelled, “how the fuck are you here?”
“We are tied together now. You are my master, and wherever master is, I follow.”
“You have got to be kidding me,” you slumped in your seat as the car sat idled before the red light.
Chaeyoung giggled, her hand running up and down your arm, “I can flirt, but I can’t tell a lie.” Her fingers pressed lightly into your shoulder, causing her to gasp, “wow, your shoulders feel so tense. Don’t worry I can help.”
Chaeyoung’s fingers slipped from your shoulder towards your leg, inching towards the top of your pajama pants that you hadn’t changed out of yet. From the sudden touch, you hips bucked before you pushed her hand away, “stop that.”
“Your body wants it though,” her lips pouted but you kept driving, trying to pretend that she wasn’t there.
The car finally pulled up to the library. Your friend hurried from the steps towards the car, throwing open the door, he smiled, “yo, thanks for the rides again. They finally got back to me about my car.”
“How is everything going with that,” you asked, waiting for him to buckle up. Your eyes darting between the mirror where Chaeyoung still pouted and then back over to your friend.
“It’s starting to se-” The car behind you honked, interrupting your friend. “I think maybe you should start driving.”
Shaking your head to focus, you pulled away from the library curb and back towards the road. Once things settled down, you asked again, “so they are able to fix your car?”
“Yeah, it’s gonna cost quite a bit, but my dad said he can help me pay for it if I help him with building a treehouse for my little sister.”
“That’s cool,” you remarked, turning onto the street your friend lived on.
“Yeah. I was worried that I would have to drop college and get a second job. I’m so close to finishing my degree.”
“I’m glad that you don’t though,” you told him as you pulled up to his place.
He started to get out fo the car, but then he stopped and leaned back in, “are you free tomorrow?”
“I think so, why,” you asked, surprised.
“I was wondering if you would like to go bowling with me?”
Smiling, you nodded, “I’ll let you know how things go tomorrow, alright?”
He nodded, “Cool, yeah. Well, see ya.”
The door closed and you watched him to make sure he got inside. Chaeyoung now slipped from the back seat and into the empty passenger seat, her thighs pressing against you for a moment before they were firmly in the seat. She leaned across the console, her fingers playing with the end of your shirt, “now that he is gone-”
You shook your head, “no. Please, just. Stop touching me.”
Chaeyoung pulled back, surprised, “what?”
“I don’t like close contact with people,” you told her, pulling back into the street one more time, “you are making me uncomfortable.”
“I am not meaning-”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Will you let me know what makes you comfortable,” Chaeyoung asked as she leaned towards you again.
You just stayed silent as you made your way back towards your house. Parking the car, you leaned back into the seat.
Chaeyoung asked again, “what makes you comfortable?”
“Silence,” you whispered, somewhat tiredly.
She nodded before asking, “is flirting okay?”
“yeah,” she smirked.
You sighed, feeling your body sink more into the seat of your car, “fine, I guess. Just stop trying to touch me.”
Chaeyoung nodded her head quickly, “you got it… master.”
You could feel your cheeks heat up followed by Chaeyoung’s laugh.
“This is going to be fun.”
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poorvioletdraws · 5 years
Tom vs. The Underworld
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
7. All My Best Friends Are MetalHeads
Ever since we met, I started having these strange dreams about him… 
My golden eyes steadily blinked open to the quaint sanctum that was my room. It was an unusual start to my day since I woke up before my alarm, although I wasn’t ready to get up quite yet. I decided to find a more comfortable position in my bed by rolling from my right side and onto my back. I pushed my red bangs that were covering my eyes aside and continued to contemplate the possible meaning behind my dreams.
At first it just seemed like your typical, no-sense-making sleeptime entertainment session that occured every once in a while. But it was starting to form a pattern of happening the night before and the night after I saw him.
The first night after meeting Tom at his Lake House, my mind depicted him sledding down what must have been an endless garbage mountain in a huge metal boot while a gigantic mangy crow chased after him. I’ve had weird dreams before, mainly involving my friends and family, but why would I even imagine something like that to a person I had just met? 
The night before we ran into each other a second time while my family and I were vacationing in Yomi Town, I dreamt of Tom again. This time he stood in a wooden structure full of hay and had an argument with a broom that had long blonde hair and hearts on its cheeks. Yet another vision I didn’t give too much thought to.
The night after he left Yomi Town still continued the pattern, even though it was a short dream. Tom rode in a giant panda-cat-bus, like the one from My Neighbor Torture-o, and was collecting tacos and tennis balls across the land with three large possums dressed up like people. It was a cute dream, I’d love to ride in a bus full of tacos...
But then, the night before I saw Tom again at Madame Morguerite’s, it wasn’t just a dream that I had about him. It was a nightmare. It was a foreboding premonition that felt too real. It was so terrifying that I fought to wake myself up from it loud enough that my fellow students in the dorm were startled awake and wondering what was wrong. I didn’t even realize tears were streaming down my face as I told them it was nothing. They already thought I was different anyway so I’m sure that incident just gave them more reason to ostracise me further.
Luckily for me, I don’t really remember what happened in that nightmare anymore. It was forgotten the moment I woke up. All I remember is that feeling of perpetual sorrow in an infinite darkness...
Suddenly, my Golem--which was now morphed into my alarm clock and sitting on my bedside table--began to clap its hands together in order to alert me of the time. I sluggishly pawed for its head and used my geokinesis to turn it off.   
I slowly rose from my bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. It was morning but you couldn’t tell because there weren’t any windows in my room. It was always intimately dim as the only light source came from the flickering candles dotting almost every inch of my walls. Bouquets of red spider lilies stood in black vases at my desk and bedside tables while streams of them sewn together by their stems into flower chains decorated the outline of my ceiling before joining together towards the middle and then cascading down my wrought iron chandelier. I’d like to imagine that the combination of candles and blossoms made my room appear to be whimsically romantic, but my siblings often joked about how ritualistic it looked instead.  
“I should get ready, he’ll be here soon…” I said with a yawn while taking a seat at my vanity. The mirror was headed by a springbok skull and beside it on the wall hang my painting of the dimension with 1,000 sunsets. I began to smile to myself while looking at it.
My older sister, Rochelle, was able to go back and get my stuff I left at that etiquette school. There was no way I could go back after the fiasco Tom and I caused. I’ll be sure to work extra hard at her shop next week to thank her.
I need to find a way to thank Tom too… He has done so much for me every time we see each other. And he even wore the necklace we made when he came to see me. Come to think of it, the dream I had of him last night was different… It wasn’t anything weird or silly. Just him. Standing in front of me surrounded by light. He looked very handsome, not that he isn’t handsome already. He smiled at me and held out his hand and I...
I noticed I was blushing in the mirror and quickly shook my head of the thought.
Quit it, Raya. He is a prince. Don’t think like that. Especially having dreams depicting him in such a way, I need to stop that too. He just wants to be friends. I should be grateful he even wants to hang around with someone like me… And my friends… Hopefully they all like him too…
Getting back on task—I get distracted a lot—it was time to get ready for the day and I know it’s going to be great! I needed just the right music to get me started.
“Let’s see, what to listen to today.” I murmured, flipping through my CD album collection in front of me. “Oh! One of my favorites, perfect!”
I removed my Less Than Jack disc from the sleeve of the album and inserted it into the stereo. I then open the drawer of my vanity and began applying my makeup as the song started to play.
~You think it’s strange, that there’s a way…~
“Ugh, why am I starting to get nervous again.” I groaned aloud. I was flying through the air through the demon city, Chernabog, and it was my first actual time seeing it in depth. I had seen the volcanic region of the Mountain of Boom far off in the distance before coming into the city, but now my view was filled with buildings stacked too close together to the point of being right on top of each other. It was a huddled mess of clutter and heavily populated too. It kind of was making me claustrophobic from just the sight of the place. The demons that lived here however seemed to not be bothered at all.
I held up my compact phone to see where my directions wanted me to go next. 
“Okay… I passed that part… And there… Now should be around…” I mumbled to myself while searching for the street name.
 The area I was moving toward was heading somewhat out of the suburbs, which was alleviating some of my phobia. The terrain in this area was even more rocky and extended down into a huge quarry.
“Oh wow, that has to be her place.” I said in awe as I landed.
The home was built into the walls of the pit of rock with limestone bricks as the face. For a girl who says how ordinary her life is all the time, she sure lives in a house that was anything but. It was a rustic kind of chic and fitting for a family of Stone Demons. 
There were tall torches that outlined a path leading to grand granite stairs of the Belmonte home. I walked up them entranced by the beauty of the architecture, completely forgetting about my nervousness.
The front entry was a large double door made of black stone—obsidian, perhaps? It was a nice signature quality by Raya’s father that I was starting to notice more of. After meeting him and seeing his work, I realized my parents bedroom door at our castle home was constructed the same way.
I took a deep breath and began giving myself a pep talk, “Okay, here I go. First step toward getting to know each other better. Meeting her friends… And playing some games at an arcade. I’m amazing at games so this is totally my element. How can this day not be awesome with an objective like that? Today is going to be—“
I went to knock when all of a sudden the door swung open.
“Who’s out here muttering in my doorway!” Raya’s father, Albion, roared while sticking his head out the door.
“Gyaaagh!” I screamed while taking cover on the floor.
Albion glanced down to see me and softened his tone, “Oh, Your Highness? What gives us the honor of your presence?”
I stood up and dusted myself off. “Heh. H-hey, nice to see you again.” He is going to give me a heart attack one day, I just know it.
“I am sorry, Your Highness. I have sensitive ears and pick up sounds easily.” The paternal demon apologized.
“It’s totally okay. Um, I came to pick up Raya. Well, n-not pick her up like pick her up. More like collect her... to go out… Wait! Not like that. Not like a date, sir! We just planned it but it’s with her friends. But totally not a date, sir! Um, so there’ll be others around, not just her and I… Uhh. Yea. Heh.” I gave a nervous smile as my explanation came out jumbled.
Albion was left staring at me dumbfounded.
Suddenly, Raya came hopping passed her father and told him all at once, “Hey Dad, we’re going to hang out with the gang at Tartarus, I’ll see you later!”
She quickly grabbed my hand and led me down her front stairs in a hurry.
“Honey, was that the Prince I heard at the door?” Raya’s mother, Griselda, asked sweetly as she peeked her head from around the archway.
“Yes, dear.” Albion said still puzzled.
“Oh really?” Her tone suddenly changed to a more chastising one, “And you didn’t invite him in for pie or anything?!”
Albion realized the error in his failed hospitable nature and shouted his shame so loud it shook the quarry, “Agh!! I’m dishonorable!”
Once we were on the main path heading back into the suburbs, Raya stopped pulling us along. Though I didn’t mind holding hands, even if it were for the purpose of fleeing that awkward situation I talked myself into with her father.
“Sorry, Tom. My Dad starts asking questions and would’ve had you come in and we would never leave on time.” Raya apologized.
“Oh, no. It’s okay, I understand.” I said with a half smile. “You know, next time if you give me your cell number I can call or text you when I’m close and you can meet me outside.”
“Hmm, I would but I don’t have a cellphone.” Raya mentioned as we started to walk down the sidewalk again.
“What?! A teenager without a cellphone?” I gasped a little shocked.
“Not just me, none of my friends do.”
“And this is normal for you guys?” I questioned. “What about selfies and tagging each other in funny posts on FaceScript and staying up late texting each other and just general nonstop communication any moment of the day?”
“Sounds like a lot of work.” She replied unfazed.
I gripped at my chest and had a pained expression cover my face as I muttered to myself, “Such a simplistic girl has stolen my heart.”
“Hm? What was that?” Raya asked while tilting her head in my direction, not hearing what I had said.
“N-nothing, heh.” I replied as I darted my eyes away. Why’d I say that out loud. I need to be more careful. I need to wait for the right moment to tell her how I feel anyway. I need to focus on meeting her friends and getting along with them first.
“Are you alright? You’re pretty quiet now.” Raya mentioned. I didn’t realize I was consumed by my thoughts for quite some time as we walked through the city.
“Oh, sorry. Just in my head, that’s all.” I told her with a reassuring smile.
“Are you nervous about meeting my friends?”
We stopped at an intersection and waited for a group of demon vendors pulling food carts along before we could cross.
“Ah well, I guess kind of.” I itched the back of my head and glanced at my feet. “They are your friends after all, and since you hang out with them a lot, I want to get along with them too because I hope we all get to hang out a lot together… I guess I’m nervous over that… Like, what if they don’t like me, y’know?”
Raya gave me a comforting smile but didn’t reply.
“What? Did I say something silly? I said something silly didn’t I?” I asked concerned.
“Hehe, not at all.” She giggled but then looked me in the eyes and told me, “I never would’ve expected the Prince of the Underworld to be such a caring guy.”
“Yea… I think a lot of the demons and monsters think that way… Which is why it was always hard for me to make friends… ”
“Well my friends will like the same things I see in you. So don’t worry about it.” She smiled sweetly at me, causing me to smile back at her.
“They’ll like the same things…?” I repeated curiously.
Raya was watching the road as she spoke, “Aside from being the Prince of the Underworld, you’re very interesting. You seem to be into the same kind of music and style as us. You wear your emotions easily; when you’re upset you’re upset and when you’re happy it really shows too. I can tell you’ve been through a lot of changes in your life... But most of all…” She then gazed at me and revealed, “You have a big heart, I like that about you.” 
Did she really just tell me that? Was it an innocent compliment or was she starting to notice how I feel? Maybe I should just ask her now…
So I tried to tell her, “Raya… I—“
“Oh! Time to cross, let’s go!” She announced, holding on to my hand again and running us across the cleared street.
What am I doing? Why am I being so impatient? I kept telling myself to wait but when she does and says things like that I get too overzealous and want to pressure her into something I’m not sure she even wants… Maybe it was just my brain wanting her to understand how I felt. But I couldn’t be too far off. She must be starting to realize how she feels about me. Why else would she be blushing as she told me that?
“We’re here!”
Raya and Tom crossed the street and pushed through the crowd of demons in order to make their way to the arcade just ahead.
The building was crafted like a Greek temple made of a dark red stone material with the name ‘Tartarus’ in flaming block letters across the front of the tympanum. Five demon teenagers stood outside the entrance.
“Hey, everyone!” Raya greeted her group of friends with a wave from afar.
“Late, as always.” A pale yellow female demon remarked. She was wearing a plaid dress, fishnet stockings, and striped hand and leg warmers. 
“With good reason, you knew she was bringing someone important.” A lime green demon said as ze waved at the approaching pair. Ze had dark green dreadlocks with some dyed dark-blue strands and was dressed in typical cyber goth fashion—shiny PVC platform boots, tight black pants with matching vest containing a numerous amount of buckles, and the style came complete with a LED gas mask around zir neck.
“So this is him…” A light-blue male demon said more to himself. He had a blonde Mohawk and some facial piercings. He looked strong from his physique to his jawline. He wore a black leather motorcycle-style jacket with a red plaid long-sleeve shirt wrapped around his ripped-jeaned waist.
“Sorry if we’re late.” Raya bowed for forgiveness but came up again to present the newcomer. “I’d like you all to meet, Prince Tom.”
“Please, just Tom is fine.” Tom corrected still a bit nervous.
Raya then introduced her friends to Tom one by one.  
“This is Blair.” 
“Hi, Blair.” Tom gave a toothy grin.
The lime green demon greeted Tom excitedly and pulled up the black aviator goggles from zir eyes.  ‘He looks like he will be fun!’ Blair delighted zirself over the possible antics their posse could get into with a prince now apart of it.
“This is Kraven.” Raya waved over to an orange demon of considerable height and girth. He wore a maroon long-sleeve flannel shirt, black jeans, and black converse.
“Hey.” Tom brought out his hand for him to shake it.
“...” Kraven continued to stare at Tom sternly, though it was hard to tell if he was actually staring since his eyes were covered by his maroon knit cap.
“He doesn’t like to be touched, and he doesn’t talk much.” Raya pointed out.
“Ah, okay. I can respect that. Sorry, man.” Tom waited for another response as Kraven continued to stare. “Heh… Cool, moving on.”
“This is Tiras—”
Tom went to greet the sky blue demon boy but he already interjected.
“Tiras Zephyrson. The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness.” He spoke with a haughty confidence and shook Tom’s hand quite firmly. 
“Egh.” Tom winced quietly.
Wind began to blow around Tiras as he focused on the demon prince curiously. ‘This is the prince? I expected someone much more frightening and taller, and at least more handsome than me.’ He thought to himself arrogantly.
Tom rubbed his hand a little and continued with Raya to the last two demon teenagers.
“This is George.” Raya announced.
“Gargozoth.” The periwinkle demon boy corrected. He wore a dark-blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and suspenders hanging down his legs. 
“Yeeaaa.” Raya drew out her agreement but then whispered to Tom, “He goes by that because he doesn’t think his real name is fitting for a demon.”
“Gotcha.” Tom whispered back but then stepped over to Gearge and said, “Hey, Geor--Erm, Gargozoth.” He brought out his hand with a slight smile.
George spoke with the gloomiest of spirits as he shook the other boy’s hand limply. “Your Highness’s appearance is like The Raven. Once perched and gandering down upon all of us from his chamber, but now our presence he’s commandeering. And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor…”
“Uhh…” Tom paused confused. 
“TLDR version means ‘Nice to meet you’, as am I, Your Highness. My name is Indigo.” The pale yellow demon girl butted in with a curtsy. ‘He’s rather cute up close, I wonder if Raya is interested in him.’ She thought with a gleam in her eye.
“Nice to meet you both.” Tom responded. A pensive look began to grow on his face when he saw them. “I’m sorry, but you two look familiar. Have we met before?”
Indigo and George exchanged glances and were about to reply when Tiras took it upon himself to interrupt.
“The Blood Moon Ball. They were two of your attendees you selected at the outskirts of Prickly Plains, or do you not remember that?” Tiras spoke abrasively.
“Tiras…?” Raya murmured as she watched her friend concerned.
Tom quickly thought back to that time. ‘That’s right. I wanted to impress Star by making sure everything was normal for her, so I had Petey post fliers for approachable and attractive monsters and demons to audition for a chance to attend for free. Those two were there.’
~Back Then
“We’re next, we’re next!” Indigo cheered enthusiastically while gripping George’s arm and bouncing up and down.
“Please excuse my portrayal of  excitement, it does not stir from the pit of my soul and overflow to an intense head as easily as yours.” George muttered
The demon pair had been standing in a line that seemed to stretch forever and they finally made it to the front.
“Alright, alright! Once the Prince sees us he won’t be able to say no. He may even be so weakened by my beauty that he will ask me to dance under the light of the Blood Moon. And once Raya and Blair find out, I bet they will be so jealous, hehehe!” Indigo swooned followed by a shrill giggle as she fantasized about how glamorous the occasion will be.
“Ugh… This is going to be absolutely dreadful…” George groaned.
“Next!” Tom called, though he was preoccupied since he was discussing preparations for the Ball with Brian and two other advisors at a judging table.
Indigo ambitiously pulled George along as they approached.
The demon girl began to say, “H-hello, Your Majesty! We think we should be considered because--”
 “You’re in, collect your tickets to the left.” Tom informed them in an aloof tone as he snapped his fingers, barely glimpsing at the pair. One of the advising demons on his counsel pointed to a sizable winged demon in stocks on their left.
“Here you go.” The flying demon handed them the tickets.
Indigo accepted them without hesitation as she held them up victoriously to George. The boy demon just shrugged.
Tom was a little regretful for how he acted back then. Star consumed his world and, as a result, he neglected the Underworld and its inhabitants. But he knew now that you shouldn’t put up a false act just to win over the affections of another. He concurred ruefully, “You’re right, that’s where I saw them…”
“That’s the only place? You literally don’t remember them at the Ball at all?” Tiras chided now with his arms folded in frustration.
“Hey, you know we were just happy to go. No need to get defensive toward the Prince.” Indigo coaxed but it was no use.
“That’s not what you told me.” Tiras snapped and caused Indigo to jump at his sudden remark towards her.
Tiras kept up his heckling, “I heard it wasn’t anything like it was supposed to be. No bubbling cauldrons that melt flesh off. No garbage that destroys the universe. Was there even unicorn blood?!”
“There was that.” George mentioned aside to the others.
Tom’s eyebrows were furrowed as he stared down at the ground in silence.
“Sorry to be blunt,” Tiras crossed his arms over his chest and denounced, “But if you didn’t care about getting to know two of us then, why should we care about getting to know just you now? And making them go all the way outside of the city to be judged, that’s ridiculous. Prince or not, you should still treat others with some kind of value and not just to show off to your rich friends--”
“I agree with you.” Tom interrupted him.
“Huh?” Tiras gasped astounded.
Tom stared up at the other teenaged boy but didn’t look hurt at all from what he had been saying. He appeared relieved as he explained to him further, “My mind and heart weren’t in the right place back then. I hurt a lot of people and didn’t care how others felt. I was selfish, and full of myself. I wanted everything to be perfect for someone who found me unbelievably annoying at the time…”
Tom glanced at Raya and gave her a half smile as he continued. “It took some help from some special people to see where I was heading. I know now that being that way was wrong. I’m making amends for how I acted.” He then looked over to George and Indigo, “I’m sorry for not giving you my full attention when I should have back then. I hope we’re cool?”
“Yep.” Indigo piped up while George gave Tom a thumbs up.
Tom faced Tiras again and went on to tell him, “And I’m sorry I hurt your feelings too. Your friends are clearly special to you and you’re protective of them. I’d feel the same way you do  if someone treated them like crud. Thanks for being honest with me about how I was. You seem like someone whose dignity I can respect. I just want to start over and make friends the right way…” 
Tiras became flustered as if he were a little embarrassed by the compliment from Tom. He was about to come up with a counter but was quickly cut off.
“Tiras.” Raya stepped in front of Tom. “Remember, this is our Prince you choose to speak so carelessly towards. He’s my friend and I invited him here today. If you continue to try and belittle him then… I’ll lose all respect for you!” 
Tiras mouth was agape in shock. “Ahh, no, no… Raya, I was just kidding. No need to be so harsh.” 
“Hey, it’s all good—“ Tom began to say but Raya shot a glance at him that resembled her father’s so he quieted.
Raya diverted her attention back to Tiras and commanded, “Apologize to our Prince.”
Tiras looked back at each of his friends now eyeing him. He bowed down to Tom and mumbled, “I’m sorry, Your Highness.”
“Dude, it’s cool. We’re cool.”
Tiras regained his stance and turned away, walking into the arcade still with tinted red cheeks. Kraven followed.
“Don’t worry about him, Tom. He’s pretty arrogant.” Blair commented while patting the prince on the back. 
“That was kind of a rough start, huh?” Tom said as he looked to Raya for reassurance.
“You’re fine, no worries. Tiras is stubborn, he’ll come around.” Raya smiled at Tom and wrapped one of her arms in his.
Tom began to blush but then Indigo suddenly did the same with his other arm.
“Come on, let’s play some games and have fun!” The other female demon said excitedly but seemed to shoot a strange glance in Raya’s direction, though she didn’t really pay it no mind.
George rolled his eyes, seeing all too well where this was going.
The remaining group of teenagers proceeded to enter the arcade.
“...” Kraven stared at the screen as the score popped up with a victorious tune indicating that he got a rank of ‘S’!
“Whoa!” Tom gasped in awe. They all took turns playing Dance Dance Revoltion but were nowhere as skillful as the latest player.
“Hehe, yep. Don’t let his size fool you, this is Kraven’s favorite game.” Raya explained with a giggle.
The larger teenaged boy stepped off the dancing platform and seemed to slowly be heading towards the food court.
Raya noticed and quickly whispered to Tom, “He always works up an appetite after playing, this is your chance!”
“Oh really?” Tom was a bit apprehensive. “But he doesn’t like to talk I thought?”
“Food is THE universal language! Go, hurry.” Raya nudged the unsure demon boy.
“Alright, here goes!” He gave in with a newfound air of confidence and jogged through the crowd  to catch up to the retreating teen.
Raya called after him, “And his favorite thing to order are the Poisonberry Shakes!”
Tom waved back to show he heard her suggestion, all the while Tiras sat at one of the booths sulking while observing the exchange.
“What’s wrong? Jealous?” Indigo asked Tiras with a mischievous smile on her face.
The blue demon boy shot up from his hunched position and smirked back at her as he replied, “Jealous? Isn’t that your prerogative? A Zephyrson doesn't know such a homely emotion.”
“You mean you try not to show it.” Indigo corrected. She looked rather delighted as she leaned on the table with her chin in her hands.
“Ugh… Whatever.” Tiras scoffed. He was now watching Raya and Blair race each other on a virtual dragoncycle game. “I mean, just because he’s a prince, Raya wants to spend all this time with him. He doesn’t seem that much like one of us. What does she see in him anyway?”
“He’s handsome, duh.” Indigo swooned.
“What?! S-Stop playing around.” Tiras became flustered again. 
“You don’t see it because you are so conceited.” The teenaged girl began to cackle. “But if Raya doesn’t act fast I might have to scoop him up for myself, teehee.”
“Then you have bad eyes if you think he’s more attractive than me!” Tiras argued back.
“Both of you belong together.” George said calmly as he sipped from a coffee mug in the booth behind them.
Both Tiras and Indigo gasped simultaneously after being startled by his presence. “Could you not do that!” 
Kraven was standing at the counter by the time Tom got there. The employee just asked if he was ready to order.
“Hey, man! What’s up?” Tom greeted and hung over the counter.
Kraven glanced down at him but then back to the attendant.
“Yea, I’m kind of hungry too. What’s good exactly?” The smaller teen was trying to skim over the menu board. 
“Well, he is a regular here, he usually always gets the same thing… 20 tacos.” The employee mentioned.
“Okay, I love tacos! I’ll take the same thing. With hot sauce on the side, please.” 
“Alright, one moment sir, let me calculate your order. Is it together or separate?” The employee asked.
Kraven reached for his wallet out of his back pocket but Tom halted him.
“Hey, no problem. This is on me.” Tom offered. “Oh, and can we add two Poisonberry Shakes?”
“Sure, one moment sir.” The employee began typing in the order on her register.
Kraven seemed to stare down at Tom with some curiosity now.
The demon prince paid the total and they both stepped to the side to wait for their food. It was awkward at first since Kraven didn’t really speak but Tom was determined to get to know him.
“So… Tacos, huh?” Tom said trying to break the ice.
“...” Kraven didn’t stir.
“My best friend’s favorite food is tacos, well actually it’s nachos. He makes some killer nachos back on Earth… well I guess it isn’t Earth anymore...” Tom rambled.
The two boys stood in silence again.
“This place is pretty cool. Well, you would know, you guys come here all-all the t-time.” Tom stammered as he rubbed the back of his head.
Kraven leaned up against a nearby claw machine and folded his arms. 
Tom began to think to himself. ‘This isn’t going too well. I knew he didn’t want to be bothered. And why’s our order taking a long time? How hard is it to make 40 tacos? In Yomi Town the food came out quick. This guy probably would never leave… Oh, that’s right!’  
“Hey, were you the one Raya and I bought the chocolate scorpions for?” Tom asked him.
Having caught his attention, Kraven turned his head to focus on the Prince.
“It was you, right?” Tom seemed to be happy to find out he was the one to receive that particular gift. “Dude, you have to go there one day. They had all sorts of delicious food, you’d love it! Raya said a lot of the stuff was imports from up above, food you can’t get anywhere else or that has been banned for sale in other regions! We tried some of these flaming corn kabobs, Minotaur Cheese, and sugared arachnids, and this Hydra sashimi, Pegasuswings breaded in pixie dust (so good!), dry-cured pig-goat bacon, Ember Berry nectar on fresh-caught Scylla eggs—“
As Tom listed the delicacies from Yomi Town, Kraven seemed to be entranced by the wide array of food selections to the point of almost drooling. He didn’t even hear the attendant call out their order number.
“Oh, food’s done!” Tom realized from the fifth announcement. He went to grab both trays but Kraven intercepted them. The larger boy seemed to be offering to carry the trays to the table. “Oh, okay. Thanks, man.”
Kraven gave Tom a smirk with a nod and they went back to join their friends.
“Do you mind if we sit with you, Geo—Gargozoth?” Tom asked.
George fanned his hand to the empty space in the curved booth in a “by all means” kind of way.
The two boys sat down with the other and began to eat.
Tom was putting hot sauce before he took each bite. George watched him rather intrigued. “Curiouser and curiouser our demon Prince becomes.”
“Hm?” Tom looked up from his tray.
“You share a habit with another, is all I mean.” George began to turn the page of his book he’d been reading.
Tom glanced at his coffee mug on the table and was excited to ask. “Oh! You’re the friend we bought the gourmet coffee for in Yomi Town too? That griffin stuff.”
George replied, “Kopi Griff, yes. The beans are digested by griffins and the remains create the coffee.” He then took a sip from his mug as Tom and Kraven stopped eating and stared at him rather disgusted. George gave them a grin. “Heh. No need to fret, this is just regular processed coffee from the food court.”
The boys started to eat again as Blair and Raya came over to the table.
“Tacos! Can I have some, please, please!” Blair pleaded with drool creeping from the edge of zir lip.
Kraven hunched over his tray to protect it.
“Sure, all of you can if you want.” Tom offered.
Tom scooted over to Kraven as Raya and Blair sat down with them. 
“Thank you!” Blair beamed happily as ze reached over for a taco, causing Raya to press up against Tom and left both teens blushing.
“S-so, what did you want to do next? Uh-not just y-you, I mean. What do all if you want to do next?” Tom stammered while he darted his eyes from Raya and focused on the tacos in front of him.
Raya was still blushing as she picked up one and proceeded to put hot sauce on after each bite. “W-Well there’s Sat-Man or Ms. Sat-Man, either one is fun. There’s some shooter games like Gloom, House of the Mewmans, and Spacaga. Or if you want to get real competitive, there’s pitchfork bowling or even flamethrower tag—“
“Oh! Like what we did in Yomi Town?” He remembered as he applied hot sauce before his bite.
“Mhmm!” She muffled a confirmation, not wanting to impolitely open her mouth full of food.
George was watching amused with a slight grin across his face.
“So you guys did a lot there, huh?” Blair asked. Indigo and Tiras in the adjacent booth seemed to be eavesdropping.
“Yea, there was so much to do! There was this awesome temple where they did rituals, and ziplining through the caves, and every hour this flaming geyser Old Fearful erupts. We raced hot air balloons powered by these itty bitty dragons--” As Tom gushed over the trip, Raya began to smile to herself remembering all the fun they had. “--and, like I was telling Kraven earlier, the food we ate at this hotel before going to the hot spring was--”
“Whaaaat?!” Blair interrupted bemused. “Raya and you went to the hot spring together? Like bathed in it? How lewd!” Blair grew a naughty smirk from such knowledge. Kraven hung his mouth open in shock while George almost choked on his sip of coffee.
“N-no, it wasn’t like that!” Raya and Tom both said together flushed with embarrassment.
Indigo quickly popped up from the booth behind them with an alarmed expression after hearing how the situation turned. She moved over to the one her friends were occupying in a blink of an eye with Tiras in pursuit.
“Oh stop your teasing, hehe.” Indigo gave a nervous laugh as she interjected. “Raya is a good girl, she wouldn’t do that. She’s never even had a boyfriend before.”
“Guys!” Raya groaned pulling her hoodie over her head and not wanting to be apart of this awkward subject.
“I swear nothing like that happened!” Tom spat out in their defense.
“Haha! I was just joking.” Blair stuck zir tongue out and winked in a playful way.
Tiras had an irritated expression cross his face as he finally sat down in the booth while Indigo and George scooted over to make what little room they had left for him.   
“Soooo anyway,” Indigo tried turning the attention back to something more appropriate, and less about a possible relationship between her girlfriend and the demon prince. “You were telling us about Yomi Town.”
Tom gathered his composure again and continued, “Oh, well there was also the shopping district. It had this amazing music store, that’s where we bought some of the souvenirs for all of you.”
“Whaaa?” Indigo gasped surprised. “Raya, why didn’t you tell us the Prince helped you pick out the gifts you got us?” she said with a whine, bumping elbows with George. He shifted over to try and reclaim some of his personal space.
“I didn’t?” Raya looked actually puzzled from the thought. She put one of her hands behind her head and tipped it in an apologetic gesture while giving one of her clueless smiles, “I guess it slipped my mind. Heh.”
Indigo lightly slapped her own forehead and mumbled, “Oh Raya…”
Blair realized something and asked the prince, “Ah! So you helped Raya pick all that out? Even mine too?”
“You mean the widely-sought-after-by-fans album of THE Love Sentence with songs that hadn’t been released from when they first started out?” Tom turned toward Blair enthused, “Nah, that was all her before we ran into each other. But, let me just say, I’m SUPER jealous that you got the last copy that was there because if I would’ve seen it first I SO would’ve bought it!”
“Really, really?!” Blair giggled with joy as ze grasped Raya’s shoulders.
“Chyeah! I’m their number one fan!” Tom declared proudly.
“Whaaat?! I love them!” Blair squished Raya closer towards the demon boy by accident during zir fit of excitement--Tiras and Indigo were overcome with distress once again.
Tom was actually unfazed by their closeness this time as he responded to his fellow fan, “Love them so much it gives you an…”
“Awesome Feeling!” Both fans sang in harmony.
“And you were like oooh-aahh-ooohh.” Blair started the chorus as ze leaned in toward Raya’s left shoulder.
“And I was like ooohh-weee-ooohhh.” Tom added, also leaning on Raya’s right shoulder.
“Hey! Why don’t we do flamethrower tag!” Indigo suggested while slamming her hands on the booth’s table and trying to steer the situation again.
Blair snapped out of zir singing session and agreed, “Yes, lets, lets!”
 “Ugh, now?” Tiras protested while folding his arms. “Why not let all that food settle in your stomachs—“
“Come on, it should cheer you up. It’s your favorite game after all.” Raya said sweetly to her stubborn friend.
A blushing Tiras mumbled while he averted his gaze, “O-okay…”
Tom was beginning to notice this change in emotion and the effect Raya seemed to have over the other teen. For some reason he was starting to feel discouraged.
“That’s the spirit, let’s go then!” Blair urged and pointed off as if directing everyone toward a grand adventure ready to unfold.
The part of the arcade that had recreational activities other than video games was at its center and shaped like the inside of a great colosseum. It was mystifying how all this could fit inside such a building, the cramped appearance seen from outside of the arcade was very misleading.
But I’m one to talk, I built my carriage myself and it is as if stepping into another dimension because of all the space inside.
The application of the flamethrower device was the same and so were the rules. The playing arena was much different than the Yomi Town since it went with a very Roman theme, fitting for this arcade. I knew it would be fun based on the activity and the game chosen; however, the only thing I was apprehensive about was our team dynamics. Raya, Blair, and Indigo were the opposing team against us guys.
I couldn’t lie; it was still a bit awkward with the group I was in. Kraven was still hard to communicate with since he didn’t like to talk and George spoke in confusing sentences at times. Then there’s Tiras. He doesn’t seem to like me at all. And I feel that bias has to do with Raya. If I didn’t know any better, he obviously has a crush on her.
We were traveling through the hypogeum of the arena with Tiras in front, Kraven on the tail end, and George and I together in the middle.
Tiras, who was our acting captain, halted at the edge of a long stone ruin and peered around to see if he could spot the enemy. If it wasn’t for the light of the torches, we would barely be able to see in front of us.
“Let’s hold here.” He ordered. We all huddled close behind him.
I take it being in a leader role was something always expected of him by his group of friends. He seems confident and is without a doubt strong. So having someone like me here, future ruler of all demons, must make him uncomfortable. And his reluctance to get along with me also stems from my friendship with Raya. Her and I spend time together where it’s been just the two of us. So he is probably jealous of that too the more he hears about it... How long has he known her? And how long has he liked her? I wonder if he ever told her…
I wonder if I told Raya how I felt, would she really want to be with someone like me that she hasn’t really known for very long…?
Since Tiras’s back was now all I could see from our formation, I noticed some band buttons on the lower flank of his jacket during my deep thinking. 
LTJ? Hmm, I like that band too… At least we have some things in common other than our love interest with the same girl.
Tiras glanced behind him and caught me staring down his back. He became flustered and questioned me, “W-Whatcha gawking at?!” He tried tilting his head to see down his backside.
I also became flustered and began to chuckle nervously. “Heh. N-nothing. Just uh, admiring uh, your butt-uh—”
“What?!” Tiras’s blue skin color turned completely red.
“Buttons!” I quickly corrected myself. 
The other teen darted his head forward again still blushing while Kraven and George could be heard snickering behind us.
Wow, I can’t believe I just said that. Now he can add ‘being weird’ to the list of why he’s uncomfortable around me.
“So…” I started to say in hopes of breaking the awkwardness, “What’s the plan?”
Tiras cleared his throat and tried calming himself enough to respond to me. “W-we’re going to head down that passage way on the right.”
I popped my head around the corner to see what he was talking about. It looked completely dark down that path while another passageway was leading back up to the main floor.
I thought over whether I should mention that or just keep my mouth shut. Maybe he doesn’t realize the disadvantage we might be in or maybe he has something up his sleeve…
I’ll just give it a shot anyway. So I suggested, “Wouldn’t it be better to head back upstairs where we could see?”
“What? Is our prince scared of the dark?” Tiras spat out.
Dude, do you even know what real darkness even is? Or what it feels like…
Unexpectedly, George spoke up on my behalf. “I agree with Tom. Do we continue to run blindly through the madhouse to a destined fail? You know they always find a way to beat us at this game.”
“Well that’s not happening today. That’s why we are going to give them the element of surprise by doing something they won’t expect.” Tiras assured us of his view for victory.
“Surprise!” Blair shrieked while zir head popped up from a shadowed spot in the floor between Tiras and I. 
“Gyaaagh!” I screamed from the sudden shock of seeing only Blair’s head as we all started to run. Ze started to laugh maniacally as ze held up zir nozzle and unleashed the flames from within zir tanks.
“And so it came to fruition as I have prophesied..” George groaned.
“Hey, we agreed on no powers!” Tiras protested while ducking behind another pillar.
“Hm? Must’ve missed that part.” Blair disputed and stuck out zir tongue. All of a sudden ze stepped out of the shadow on the floor and pulled Raya and Indigo out of it.
“Well if that’s how we are going to play then… Let’s play!” Tiras had a gleam of excitement in his eye as he brought his hand by his own nozzle. I felt a gust of wind shoot passed me and twirl around him just like when he shook my hand during our first encounter. Within an instance, as the gust blew, it merged with the fire from the flamethrower and hurled at the other team in mighty blast.
“Determined to win, are we?” Indigo smirked while commanding Raya to act quickly. “Hurry Raya, let’s show ‘em!”
“Alright.” Raya piped up as she placed her hands to the ground. All of a sudden a stone wall came up in front of their group and shielded them from the inferno. It ignited on impact and trembled the chamber.
“Are you sure this is a game? You guys are acting like you are trying to kill each other?!” I objected.
“This is how we play, Prince.” Tiras remarked. He quickly squinted his eyes as if searching for something but then became alarmed. “Oh no! We lost sight of Blair--”
“Surprise!” Blair shrieked again now popping out from the darkness in the wall. Ze unloaded zir flamethrower on us yet again.
Kraven immediately shoved us out of the way and sacrificed himself by taking the brunt of zir attack, which luckily hit only the sensor on the flamethrower apparatus he was wearing. By singeing the sensor, you would be considered ‘out’.
“Haha! One down, one down!” Blair cheered. Ze quickly retreated into the shadow before ze was tagged by Tiras’s burst of flames.
“Ugh! This sucks!” Tiras growled with clenched fists around the gun of his flamethrower. 
Kraven shrugged and headed toward the lobby of the arena to wait for the game to finish.
“Perhaps would be a keen moment to take flight back to the world above.” George insisted.
“If you mean run upstairs then I second that!” I added. 
Blair rejoined Raya and Indigo as they stood their ground.
“Whatever, lets go before Blair tags us all.” Tiras faltered.
As we proceed to the path that led upstairs, a wall of stone suddenly built up from the ground and blocked the way. by Raya’s doing, of course.
“Uh-uh, not so fast.” Indigo teased. “Looks like you’re going to lose again, Tiras.”
With their flamethrowers ready to fire, the enemy was closing in. George gave a sigh in defeat and Tiras had his head held down as well. I felt kind of bad for him. They mentioned that this was his favorite game but he seems to always lose from what George said. And today hasn’t been a good day for him at all. He didn’t seem to have any fun or participate during any of the games until now--one in which we are losing. Even if he didn’t like me, I didn’t want him to feel so crushed any longer.  
If this is how they want to play, then I might as well get serious too. Fire is my specialty after all.
And with that, my three eyes began to glow and I brought my hands up. All of a sudden, a wave of fire exploded from the ground, too fast for Raya to create a barrier of stone to stop it or for Blair to escape into a shadow from it. The flames broke through the ceiling and sent them flying into the air above ground, hitting all of their sensors in the process.
I levitated the guys and myself above ground as the alarm was sounding off in the arena that indicated that our team had won the game. Everyone was mystified at such a feat, including Tiras.
“That was freakin’ killer, Tom! What a way to win!” Blair congratulated me.
“Definitely did not see that coming, but you are a prince and we shouldn’t have underestimated how amazing you are.” Indigo concurred as she plopped down on the couch.
We were now in one of the swanky karaoke rooms in Tartarus. There were all sorts of colorful lights on the ceiling that would move in sync with the song and huge speakers were in each corner of the room to give a solid surround sound. There was a long leather sectional couch with a table in front of it with some pizza we ordered. The video monitor on the wall was idle and waiting for its first singer to approach, but we all had been too busy discussing the session of flamethrower tag we just got back from to even begin. 
George sipped from his coffee mug beside Indigo and told her, “I must admit, I was beginning to lose the faculty of enjoying that activity, alas seeing your destruction unfold for the first time has given me a change of heart.”
“Hey, stop rubbing it in.” Indigo nagged at him.
I was a little embarrassed from all the praise. It wasn’t my intention to show off, I just didn’t want Tiras to lose. I hope he understands.
I glanced at the other side of the couch where he was sitting to see his reaction. Raya was sitting next to him and flipping through an album of songs. Watching her made my heart race and almost forget why I looked over there. But instead of seeing a scowling Tiras, he was chatting with Kraven (more like a one-sided conversation) and didn’t have that miserable expression anymore. He looked somewhat happy!
I smiled to myself knowing I at least accomplished a few of my goals I set out to do today. But I still felt as if there was one more push I could do to really win them all over.
“Who wants to go first?” Indigo asked as she cradled the microphone in her palm.
“Me, me!” Blair waved zir hands as if to be picked.
“No way, you always choose a Love Sentence song so you get to go last this time.” Indigo refused to give the microphone to zir.
“Aww but I want to sing ‘Just Friends’ with Tom!” Blair whined.
Raya slammed the album shut to gather everyone’s attention. “Actually…” She stood up and stepped over to me as she suggested, “Tom should go first since he won the game for his team. And he is our special guest for today.”
I blushed as she spoke. “Well, if you really want me to… But what should I pick?”
Raya handed me the album and said with a smile so sweet I could surely get cavities from, “Anything you choose will be fine.”
“Yay! Can’t wait to hear it!” Blair cheered as ze hopped over to the couch and sat on the other side of George. 
Raya returned to her spot beside Tiras and waited for my selection. Tiras and Kraven continued their side conversation quietly as Indigo and George began to eat some of the pizza with Blair.
I went over to the karaoke machine with the album and started flipping through it. I felt all this pressure on me now. What if I pick something corny or silly? What if I pick a song they hate? Maybe I should just pick anything and give it a shot…
Suddenly, my eyes caught the name of a very familiar band. I thought it over but had this strange feeling deep down that it had to be a song by them. It was as if it were fate. Of all the songs to be listed by them, the one I went to choose was my favorite. I knew all the words without the assistance and it was fun, wild, and different. Just like Raya’s friends.
I punched the song number into the machine and sat the album on the shelf next to it. I retrieved the microphone from Indigo and stood at the front of the display screen, confident of my selection.
I took a deep breath and was ready to belt it out.
As the instruments from the speakers began the intro of the song, the demon teenagers sitting on the couch all froze in bewilderment. From the horn section to the drum build up, they heard a song they all knew too well.
Tom began to sing without reservation. 
“You think it's strange, that there's a way
of how you looked and how you act and how you think,
pretend they're not the same as you...
You think it's strange, that there's a way
of how you looked and how you act and how you think,
pretend they're not the same as you!”
His voice was in perfect tune and didn’t trip up at any of the lyrics that came fast. It was as if he was meant for this kind of lifestyle.
‘OMD, I love his voice!’ Indigo thought with hearts in her eyes.
George was in mid-sip of his coffee and had his eyes totally fixated on the demon prince.
‘He’s incredible!’ Blair was clapping in celebration of the prince.
Kraven’s mouth was hanging open in awe.
“Whoa…” Tiras whispered to himself as he listened intently.
“Do you know about her strength in convictions?--
Raya’s eyes had that dreamlike expression cross her face. She was holding one of her hands to her mouth and couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. ‘Is this really happening? This was the song I played this morning and…’ She thought. 
--Or how she puts all her faith in religion?”
As the lights gleamed a brilliant white light against the singing teen, he glanced in her direction and held out his hand to her while singing.
“Did we take the time to really discover--
Raya’s eyes began to sparkle as she remembered, ‘This was my dream…’ She instinctively reached for his hand but stopped herself. Amid everyone getting caught up in the thrill of the song, Raya had an indescribable feeling overcome her. She held her hands to her cheeks to hide the fact that she was blushing.
--How little we know about each other!”
The lights were spazzing out with the drop of the chorus. The group of friends couldn’t contain their urge anymore. They all erupted from the couch and joined in singing along and dancing about.
Tiras, Tom, and Blair went back and forth on the mic between lines:
“Keep us from saying anything--” ~Blair
“Can't separate from everything--” ~Tiras
“And all this really means is you're one in a crowd--”~Tom 
“And you're paranoid of every sound!” ~Tiras and Blair
“Another friend you won't miss anyhow!” ~Together
Everyone was rocking out with the music and enjoying every bit of it as they all took turns singing the rest of the song with Tom. Except Raya. She didn’t realize she was still seated but quickly stood up as soon as she did so to not arouse suspicion. Indigo looped her arm in hers and tried to get the other girl to skank along with her. Raya did, though only slightly since she was still bewitched by what was overrunning her mind at that moment.
As the song came to an end, everyone clapped and hollered for the prince.
“That was amazing! You’re amazing!” Blair jumped up and down while holding onto his shoulders.
“Bravo, bravo.” George clapped along with Kraven.
Indigo had pulled Raya with her into the huddle. “I can’t believe you can sing like that, and a song we all love too! How’d you know?”
“Thanks everyone, that was so fun!” An exhilarated Tom beamed. He was grinning from ear to ear because he finally felt accepted.
Tiras approached Tom and they both held each other's gaze for a moment. But then the demon boy did something Tom never would’ve expected. He smiled at him, and genuinely at that!
“You’re exactly who we’ve been looking for!” Tiras said with a toothy grin as he wrapped one of his arms around Tom’s shoulders.
Tom was taken aback by the sudden personality change and stuttered, “W-what? L-looking for?”
Indigo folded her arms across her chest and watched Tiras with a peculiar expression, “Oh, buddies now hmm?”
“Of course!” Tiras began to repeatedly pat Tom across the back lightly as he spoke, “This is our prince! He is just like one of us, can’t you see it?”
“Hmm...With a voice like that, he’d really help us achieve the style we’re going for.” Indigo commented.
“And he is fun to hang out with. I vote yes!” Blair added.
George and Kraven both nodded their affirmation.
Raya was standing outside of the group as if not wanting to be seen. She was clutching her hands together to her chest still deep in thought and not paying attention to the conversation. She didn’t hear Indigo call her name until she placed her hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, Underworld to Raya. Anybody home?” Indigo asked while nudging her.
Raya snapped out of it and faced the other girl. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just… I’m sorry, what were we all talking about?”
“You felt it too, right? The way he sings is perfect. It’s what we’ve been searching for. Let’s ask him.” Indigo told her. 
Tom finally interjected, “Um, excuse me but ask me what exactly?”
Tiras stepped away from their friendly embrace and joined his friends. They all faced Tom and had a look of both admiration and determination on their faces.
Tiras smirked confidently and asked of him, “We want you to be the lead singer in our band. Will you join the Seven Undeadly Sins?” 
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junghelioseok · 6 years
↳ as long as you’re happy, he’s okay.
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◇ onesided!yoongi x engaged!reader ◇ angst  ◇ 1.8k [1/1]
notes: i don’t have a good explanation for this. all i know is that i wanted to get back into writing so i sat down with a word doc and this happened. also, an engaged!reader??? take one guess as to who the fiancé is. like. just. take a wild fucking guess. lmao. and then keep reading, and see if you were right! 
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Yoongi has never been able to resist you.
There’s something in the delicate curve of your frowning mouth and a certain charm in the way your pleading eyes gaze up at him so sweetly. You never fail to render him speechless with just a look alone, and today is no different. Yoongi can only nod dumbly when you repeat your soft request, drawing his attention away from the way your hair shines in the golden morning light.
“Can you give me a ride, Yoongi? Pretty, pretty please?”
Which is why, nineteen minutes later, Yoongi finds himself hovering awkwardly in the corner of the most unpleasant store he’s ever had the displeasure of stepping inside, a near-permanent scowl etched across his features. There are too many flowers, he quickly decides. The heady aroma makes the entire space smell far too sweet, and he’s pretty sure that the beginnings of a migraine are starting to take shape behind his eyelids. Nothing could be worse than this.
Nothing, except maybe the fact that in a few short weeks, you’re going to marry his best friend instead of him.
Yep, Yoongi muses, rubbing idly at his temples. That’s definitely worse.
There aren’t many things that Yoongi regrets in his life, but if he had to make a list, not asking you out during your sophomore year of college would be at the very top. The second would be introducing you to his best friend.
And the third—well, the third would definitely have to be agreeing to play the piano at your wedding.
In any case, it’s not as if he could have said no. Yoongi is well aware of his inability to turn you down, and it’s almost equally painful to see his best friend’s radiant smile falter. So when the man had approached with a tentative question in his eyes and you on his arm, Yoongi had found himself utterly incapable of saying anything. Anything, except:
“I… yeah. Of course. Nothing would make me happier, Hoseok.”
The words had barely left his mouth when Hoseok’s entire face lit up, an earsplitting grin stretching across his face as he babbles about what a marvelous best man he’s been blessed with. You’d beamed just as wide, eyes shimmering, and before he could even react Yoongi found himself wrapped up in a group hug, unsure where to put his hands and even more unsure about his acquiescence. But it wasn’t as if he could take it back now—not when your arms were wrapped around him so tightly, your face nestled in the crook of his neck with your hair tickling his nose. Yoongi remembers the scent of your shampoo so vividly that he can almost smell it now, can almost forget the overly-sweet perfume of the flowers littering every available surface in this godforsaken store. He’s so lost in the memory that his mind barely registers the sound of the dressing room door clicking open, and it’s only when you speak that he snaps out his reverie, eyes wide.
Your voice is soft—softer than he’s ever heard it. “Yoongi? What do you think?”
His muddled brain takes a few seconds to realize that you’re asking him something, forcing his eyes to race to catch up. And then he looks at you—really, really looks—and all the air disappears from his lungs at the sight before him.
You are wearing a wedding dress. The satin wraps around your body and stops just below the knee, but it’s your face that really catches Yoongi’s attention—the hesitance etched across every feature and the nervous smile that you are giving him. “Yoongi?”
“It’s, um—“ He clears his throat before trying again. “It’s nice. You look nice.”
“Just nice?” You take another step and let the dressing room door fall shut behind you, your smile turning mischievous. “I don’t think this is the one, then. I’m looking for something a little better than ‘nice’, you know?”
Yoongi’s sure that his answering smile looks more like a grimace, but it’s the best that he can manage under the circumstances. “I know. Go on, try a different one.”
You tilt your head curiously, hand already reaching for a new dress hanging on a nearby rack. “Really? You don’t mind if we’re here a bit longer?”
I’d spend the rest of my life here if you stayed with me, is what Yoongi wants to say. Instead, he grabs another dress from the rack nearest him, shoving it into your hands. “No. Go on, seriously. Come out and show me every single one.”
“I want your honest opinions, then,” you say, turning back toward the dressing room.
Yoongi nods. “Promise I won’t mince my words.”
“Perfect.” You flash him a grin before closing the door, and Yoongi collapses into the nearest armchair to calm the erratic thumping of his heart.
“This might be worse than the last one,” Yoongi says bluntly, twenty-four minutes and six dresses later from his sprawled position on the plushy velvet armchair, gazing up as you regard your reflection in the three-paneled mirror on the wall.
You giggle, flapping your arms and watching as Yoongi’s mouth drops open in horror when your enormous silken sleeves billow outward. “But it’s better than the third one, right?”
“Christ,” he mutters. “We don’t speak of that monstrosity. Ever.”
“Don’t let the shop owner hear you,” you chide, but Yoongi recognizes the playful twinkle in your eye and feels an amused smile twitch at the corners of his mouth in spite of his tumultuous thoughts.
“I only speak the truth,” he says, but lowers his voice regardless. “Anyway, the fourth dress was okay, wasn’t it?”
You make a face. “It was kind of itchy. Plus, I’m pretty sure it gave me a permanent wedgie.”
He snorts out a laugh. “Thanks for sharing.”
As you gather up the rejected dresses and return them to their designated rack, Yoongi stands up, peering around the shop critically. Slowly, he meanders his way into a new corner that he hasn’t been in yet, browsing through the endless rows of white satin and lace.
By the time he emerges again with three new dresses in tow, you are standing in front of the massive three-paneled mirror trying to secure a veil onto your head. “This isn’t working,” you complain, catching sight of his reflection and turning around to face him with a pout. “Can you help?”
“I really don’t think I’m the person you should be asking,” Yoongi says even as his feet automatically take him several steps closer. He pauses to hang the dresses on your door before approaching you. “I might end up accidentally stabbing you with a pin or something,” he warns, steadfastly ignoring how sweaty his palms suddenly feel.
You laugh. “Don’t worry about that. I’ve already stabbed myself twice.” Handing over the pins, you turn back to the mirror, and Yoongi catches sight of your relaxed expression as he gingerly places a hand on your head. Your hair is soft underneath his fingertips, and he does his best not to disturb your bun as he carefully pins up the veil.
“There. I think that’ll stay put.”
You don’t notice the way Yoongi steps away immediately after saying the words, dropping the extra pins as if burned. Rather, you are gazing, wide-eyed, at the sight of your reflection, the lace now falling delicately around your face. “Yoongi, you’re amazing,” you say earnestly. “An absolute miracle worker.”
Hardly, a derisive little voice in Yoongi’s mind whispers. You wouldn’t be marrying Hoseok if I was. “Don’t be dramatic,” he says aloud, waving you off. “Go try on those new dresses I brought over.”
You are still distractedly fiddling with the veil, adjusting it so that it cascades neatly over your shoulders. “God, I hope one of them works out. I’m starving,” you mumble under your breath, and Yoongi snorts at the sudden turn in your train of thought.
“You’re cute,” he says before he can stop himself. Immediately, he backtracks, adding, “Now get your ass in that room and try on those dresses. We can get lunch after.”
A smile settles on your face, warm and affectionate. “You’re amazing,” you repeat, and the way you’re gazing at him makes Yoongi feel as if he’s been punched in the stomach. “Thank you for driving me today. Really. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Yoongi swallows, hard. “Yeah, yeah.” Grabbing your shoulder, he gives you a little nudge in the direction of the dressing room. And when you disappear inside, he finally lets out the long breath he’s been holding, collapsing into the armchair again with a low groan and burying his face into his hands.
At least you haven’t asked him to zip anything—a reprieve for which he is infinitely grateful. He’s certain you would be able to feel the way his hands are shaking, and after almost ten years of friendship he knows exactly how stubborn you can be sometimes. If you felt him shaking, you would definitely ask him about it, and the reasons behind his behavior are not something he wants to discuss. Not now. Not ever. He’ll keep it bottled up for as long as he needs to, until his feelings disappear. Because they will, he tells himself. They will.
So maybe he’s a little stubborn, too. But he doesn’t have time to dwell on those thoughts, because the dressing room door is clicking open again. Yoongi stands up and raises his gaze expectantly, only to feel his breath catch in his throat, mouth suddenly dry.
“Oh fuck. Wow.” His tongue feels like sandpaper.
You beam, stepping over to the mirror to take a look. “That good, huh?”
“Better,” he manages, voice cracking somewhere on the second syllable. Yoongi doesn’t know what kind of fabric this dress is made of, but the silky material clings to your curves like a second skin before flaring out into a skirt near your hips. A wisp of hair has escaped from your already messy bun to tickle your bare shoulders, and Yoongi’s fingers itch to smooth it away. “You look beautiful,” he tries again, clearing his throat. “Really.” A lump rises up, and he’s forced to swallow again before continuing. “Hoseok’s a lucky guy.”
You light up at the mention of your fiancé’s name. “I’m the lucky one,” you murmur, a fond smile crossing your face and settling there.
For a moment, Yoongi is at a loss for words. He cannot speak; he cannot think. All he can do is stare, memorizing every detail of your face. You are positively glowing, and he wonders vaguely whether or not the mention of his name would ever make you anywhere near as joyful. After what seems like an eternity, he finally finds his voice again. “You two are going to be really happy together,” he manages, reaching up to tuck the flyaway strand behind your ear.
And as long as you’re happy, I’m okay.
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gingerbread-in-july · 6 years
About Time Ch. 2
Here is the next chapter! Thank you so much for your feedback! <3  Warning for this chapter: No smut yet, but this chapter does contain sexual tension, a few crude remarks, and a couple of scenes that are a bit on the suggestive side that did make me blush just a bit! Also, feels.
I hope you like it!
You had picked out a dress for the wedding a month ago. Although it was nice enough, you decided that it just wouldn't do. One doesn't just wear a dress for a date with Chad on a date with Rich fucking Tozier. Oh, no. You couldn't just bring your A game; you had to throw out the rules and rewrite the game entirely.
The strapless wine red gown you had picked out was certainly classy and sophisticated but it had a sexy, scandalous edge that was undeniable. You weren't about to starve yourself just because some butthurt bitchboy had called you fat when you wouldn't do what he wanted, but you made it a point to drink plenty of water and work out every day leading up to the wedding.
You scheduled a hair appointment for the morning of. You hadn't planned to bother with as much for Chad but you knew you didn't have the skill to create something of the caliber you wanted on your own. "Make me the hottest bitch there," you told the hairdresser.
You did your makeup far more elaborately than you typically did, but there could be no stone left unturned. Not when you had to keep an old flame in his place and make him eat his heart out; certainly not when you were showing up on the arm of the one and only Rich Tozier. You made sure to use the most bold, provocative perfume you had and you did not use a light hand; there was no place for subtlety this evening.
The doorbell rang. You surveyed yourself in the mirror one last time, struck a pose and answered the door. There stood a dashing, impeccably dressed Rich Tozier...
...and there on the ground in front of him lay his jaw.
You twirled around for him. "What say you, Mr. Tozier?"
"Wow," he breathlessly gasped before rediscovering his voice. "What did I to to be lucky enough to score a front row seat to this smokeshow?"
On another day, you would have blushed. "You don't look so bad yourself, Richie." "(Y/N), I can promise you that nobody there will be looking at me," he said, unable to keep his eyes from wandering all over you. "I will. Damn, Richie. You're making me wish we didn't work together."
"Then I'll wear sweats to work Monday. Then you'll remember who you're working with."
"And you'll still be Rich Motherfucking Tozier. I knew what I was doing when I invited you to this wedding."
"You obviously didn't know me in Derry, Maine throughout the 80s and most of the 90s."
"Yeah, well I wasn't always the smokeshow you see in front of you, either. Hell, I'm not even this smokeshow ninety percent of the time these days."
"(Y/N), hot stuff, I'm going to be choking on all that smoke for weeks to come, if not months."
"Then I'll wear sweats to work Monday myself."
"Go ahead. The damage has already been done. Don't you know that secondhand smoke kills?"
"I see my lectures have finally gotten through. You ready? As much as I'd love to stay here and keep enjoying the view, we've got a wedding to attend."
"I hope you're not too attached to the bride because I don't think she'll be wanting to stay friends with somebody who shows up to her wedding looking that good. That is, if she doesn't decide to run off with you."
You took Richie's arm. "Let her try. There's not a man or woman alive or dead that could stack up to my date," you said as you walked to his car. You could have sworn that you saw Richie blush just a little bit before he looked away.
You wound each other up the entire drive to the wedding, neither of you letting the other lose sight of your mission or of just how goddamned stunning the other looked. By the time you arrived, the two of you were ready to take on the world, already fully absorbed in your plan and enjoying every split second of it.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N), you wrote in the guest book before handing the pen to Richie. He signed the book and set the pen down with a satisfied smirk.
You guffawed when you saw what he had done, adding onto your entry so that it now read (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and the luckiest son of bitch in the place, in two differing scripts. "I could kiss you for that," you whispered, never more thankful in your life that Rich Tozier could be utterly shameless at times.
"Hope you wore smudge proof lipstick," he whispered back, giving a shit eating grin to all passersby. Yes, all eyes were definitely on the two of you. Chad's would be too if he indeed possessed the balls to show up; if he did he sure wouldn't have the balls to say jack shit to either of you.
Not surprisingly, the professional photographer that had been hired for the event stopped the two of you for a photo. "Enjoy the view from behind, it's just as sweet!" Richie exclaimed to the photographer as you walked on, causing you to blush and cackle.
"You're amazing, Richie," was all you could say.
You took your seats and waited for the ceremony to begin. "You see him?" Richie asked.
"No, and I don't care to look. I've only got eyes for you tonight."
"That's true. We do have a show to put on," he said, giving you a look that you were sure had caused you to soak your seat. In fact, you even said as much.
"Don't make me soak my seat, Tozier."
Richie didn't say anything, just gave you a smoldering smirk, knowing damned well what he was doing. He may have come a long way from the scrawny, bespectacled trashmouth with the target on his back but he would always have a bit of the little shit left in him deep down.
You decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and leaned in, gently grazing his lips with yours. God, they were fucking soft. They felt every bit as great as you always imagined they would. You kissed him again, gently taking his bottom lip between your teeth before releasing it and pulling back.
"My God..." Richie marveled, as if meeting you for the first time. "Who are you? I always knew you were something, doll, but Jesus Christ..."
"Why, Mr. Tozier, I'm yours, don't you know?" you answered with feigned innocence.
Richie smirked and gave your leg a squeeze. "Let's take it down a notch, I don't want us to get kicked out before it's even started," he whispered before placing a quick kiss on your neck and turning to face forward.
You took his hand and the two of you made small talk about your surroundings. You sat through the wedding, unable to really focus on anything that was happening. All you could think about was the man beside you that you craved more than anything and the tension building between your legs. You clapped with everyone else when it was done, though, truthfully, you only knew to do so by watching Richie.
The wedding may have finished, but the fun was only beginning for you and Richie. Everyone knew that the reception was where the good shit really went down and it was there that the two of you would have to give your strongest performance. Thankfully, you were both warmed up.
You watched as the bride and groom made their way to the floor for their first dance and you couldn't help but feel a tug at your heartstrings. You'd never seen laid back, sweet-faced Tyler look so dashing and sophisticated and Amy, ethereal in her white gown with her flaxen hair gleaming in the light, looked like the angel on top of the Christmas tree.
"Doesn't she look beautiful?" you asked.
"Yeah, she does," Richie agreed and you had to give him credit for not adding on a crude remark like he typically would have done. The opening notes of Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud filled the room and the couple began their dance. Richie groaned in annoyance.
"Really? This song? Why did I let you drag me to a millennial wedding?"
"So basic," you concurred, although you felt your eyes misting regardless. "I wouldn't have picked it...but it's a pretty song. Well, it was the first two hundred times or so."
Richie saw you lovingly admiring the couple, lost in the moment and he smiled at the chip in in your tough, sassy exterior. He couldn't help but wrap his arms around you from behind and rest his chin on the top of your head as he watched them with you. "Yeah, it is," he admitted.
Throughout the evening, Richie played the doting date to the hilt. At your table, you made a show of feeding one another bites of cake by hand, dragging it out as long as possible, neither of you admitting aloud that it was just as much for your own benefit as it was for that of onlookers. A downright devilish grin broke across Richie's face as he finished languidly sucking a dollop of frosting from the finger you had between his pillowy lips, in his soft mouth as you simultaneously did the same thing, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of his finger wrapped in the velvet expanse of your tongue, reluctant to let it go. He released your finger from his mouth and kissed your fingertips before speaking. "I see him." His dark eyes were alight with mischief.
"Oh yeah? Does he see us?"
"I don't see how he couldn't have clocked such a babe, especially as she sucked the frosting right off my fingers."
"You know, we haven't quite finished if you want to keep it up because I'm enjoying the hell out of this."
"Tempting, but I've got something else in mind."
"Is he alone? Did he bring a 'real woman?'" you asked with amused derision.
"If by 'real woman' you mean what is quite clearly, as I called it, a paid escort and what appears to be a discounted one at that, then yes."
You rolled your eyes, heavily make up for the occasion. "Okay, what are we going to do?"
"I'll tell you what we're going to do, you're going to get your sexy ass out of that chair and we're going to get out on that floor and give everyone an eyeful."
For the first time since you'd been there, you faltered. "Richie, I don't know..."
"What, you aren't backing out on me now, are you? What happened to my hot piece of ass?"
"I won't look like such a hot piece of ass on the floor, Richie, I can't dance!"
"Sure you can. Anyone can."
"Can and should are two very different things!"
"You can. You will." He stood up and extended his hand down to you. "May I have this dance, beautiful?"
If there was one thing you couldn't do, even more than you couldn't dance, it was deny Rich Tozier.
"Of course, handsome. But you're leading."
"Absolutely. Gotta take care of my girl," he said as he led you out onto the floor.
You sure as hell couldn't dance and, truthfully, you didn't know if Richie was really all that much better, but he had more than enough confidence for the both of you. You followed his lead, never breaking eye contact.
"See, (Y/N)? You're doing it."
You had no idea what was going on around you. Everyone else could be dead for all you knew. All you knew was that there was music (you didn't even know what song) and motion and that you were being held and twirled by your love and, goddamn it, he sure was the most charming man you had ever seen, you sure wanted to kiss him, and you wished more than anything that this was for real and not just for tonight.
The song ended. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"Richie, I-"
You were cut off by the announcement that it was time for the bouquet toss. Richie's face lit up with mischief and he pushed you into the crowd of rabid single women who were desperate and ready to knock some lights out for some meaningless bundle of flowers that didn't truly foretell a thing. "Go on! Get it, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed in mock enthusiasm.
You want it, Tozier? you thought. Then you've got it. You couldn't have cared less for the tradition, but didn't you have an act to uphold?
Amy tossed the bouquet and you leapt for it, damned if you were going to let Chad's third rate hooker come out with it or anyone else, for that matter, since Richie had wanted to be cute and shove you into that sea of lunacy. No, that bouquet was your target. You leapt like a gazelle, swerved, and took ahold, yanking it out of the path to another woman's hands.
Everyone cheered and a few women shot death glares as you held up the bouquet, smiling smugly as you made your way back to a smarmy, smirking Richie who was clapping exaggeratedly. You tossed the bouquet at him. "As requested, your bouquet," you said before grabbing his hand, holding it up in the air and shouting, "Here he is, boys, come get him!"
Once the laughter died down, you mirrored the smug expression Richie had just been giving you.
"Laugh it up now, sweet cheeks, but you're about to be really sorry," he warned.
"Oh, yeah? What are you going to do?"
"Wait for it..."
An amplified voice filled the room. "All right, all you eligible bachelors, line up!"
"That's me," Richie said, handing the bouquet back to you and giving you a wink before joining the crowd of men who were gathered as Tyler removed Amy's garter.
That doesn't mean anything, you thought. There's plenty of men. Richie probably won't even get it.
Richie, however, had a height advantage over the other guys in the crowd, men just didn't care about things like this the way women did and you came to the sudden realization that you and Richie's plan had worked a little too well. The two of you had already established yourselves as the it couple of the evening, second only to Tyler and Amy themselves. Everyone had taken notice of the two of you and you could have sworn that you saw Tyler, that cheeky son of a bitch, deliberately toss that damned garter directly to Richie- who caught it, of course, much to the delight of the entire building.
Richie made his way back to you, victory all over that gorgeous, immaculately sculpted face of his. "Are you gonna sit down and make this easy for me?" he asked, teasingly.
You weren't about to give him the satisfaction of besting you. You sat down without protest, eyes smoldering, unable to contain your smirk as you lifted your dress to expose your legs, commanding Richie to the ground with a nod of your head.
The crowed ooohed and Richie made a show of dropping to his knees and crawling the brief distance to your feet, the garter clenched between his teeth. He reached up to gently take your ankle into his hands and slide the garter over it, taking his sweet time gliding it all the way up to your thigh, never once letting the garter slip from between his teeth.
"I gotta get a shot of this," came a voice near you, obviously the photographer. Richie looked at the camera, still on his knees, garter at your thigh still held between his teeth, and gave a very satisfied thumbs up to the camera as the photo was snapped. Only when the moment had been immortalized did Richie, at last, release the garter from his teeth. You let your dress fall back down over your legs.
"You bastard. You fucking bastard," you said breathlessly, smiling in spite of yourself.
"Hey, is that any way to talk to your future husband? We're next, dollface."
"Well played, Tozier," you commended, clapping slowly.
"What do you say we give the people a little victory dance?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
And so it went, dance after dance the two of you shared, long since losing track. Song after song, fast and slow until, at last, you looked up at him, towering over you, all lips and cheekbones, hair unkempt and sexy after an evening of activity. Dark, beautiful eyes were looking right back at you, soft, round and bearing into you. Eyes that had never looked into yours so long without saying something or, perhaps, had never looked into yours so long, at all. Richie was usually so good at talking, usually knew exactly what to say, so unlike you. Come on, Richie...say something... But nothing came out of him or you. All you could see was him, all you could think about was that moment, and all you could feel was everything you had ever felt for Richie, all at once and amplified, running through your blood, through every atom of you.
So, you kissed him.
Not for the sake of putting on a show, not for the benefit of any onlooker, but for you. Just your lips on his. No thought, just feelings, kissing him until you thought, at last, that you might die if you didn't stop for air because God knew you had forgotten to breathe.
You pulled away. Richie blinked, absentmindedly running his tongue over his lips. "Damn," he muttered offhandedly before returning to his senses. "Was Chad watching or something?"
You didn't know what to say. Truthfully, you had no idea if Chad had been watching or not, nor did you care. You had long since lost sight of your initial reason for bringing Richie to the wedding in the first place. You couldn't ruin things forever between you and Richie, but you couldn't lie to him, either.
"I don't know," you answered. "It just felt right."
"Felt right?" Richie didn't sound upset; just confused.
You couldn't just stand there not knowing whether or not you had just made the biggest mistake with Richie that you possibly could have. "Yeah, you know how it is," you cheerfully dismissed. "Doesn't it just feel right sometimes? Don't overthink it." The irony was not lost on you; you knew you would do precisely that. "Anyway, I'm sorry about that, Richie. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Do you want me to get you anything on the way back?"
"A drink."
"Anything in particular?"
"Surprise me."
"Gotcha. Be back in a few." You headed toward the ladies' room as quickly as your dress would allow which, for the sake of appearances, was not very quickly, thankfully.
You locked yourself in a stall. "Fuck,"you whispered, dropping to a seat on the closed toilet. No matter how you fought them, tears sprang to the surface. You were glad that you had worn waterproof mascara. You allowed yourself a few moments of panic and despair before forcing yourself to dry up and get out. You touched up your makeup in the mirror until you were satisfied.
"You better get back out there to that man of yours," a woman said in passing, "or somebody else will be glad to take your place."
You laughed dryly. "Don't I know it?" you muttered to the empty bathroom.
You stopped to get Richie his drink, putting about as much thought into making it as he had into requesting it. You were sure to fill the cup with enough ice that it didn't really matter what else was in it, anyway. You scanned the room for Richie, perplexed that he was nowhere to be seen. Fuck, you thought. I've gone and run him off.
Just when you were about to dig your phone out of your purse, you felt a hand gently touch your arm from behind. You turned to face Richie, all smiles, back to his old self. You smiled and handed the drink to him. He set it on the nearest table.
"No time for drinks now, my love. While you were away, the DJ announced that after a brief intermission, the last song of the night was coming up."
"Thank fuck. That guy sucked. If it were my wedding, I'd pay him to stop. He's no Rich Tozier, that's for damn sure."
"Cut him some slack. I don't think Rich Tozier could have done any better, seeing a fox like you out on the floor."
"Nonsense. Rich Tozier is the king. He's been carrying both of us on the floor all night."
Richie smiled and offered you his hand. "I see the guy coming back. You ready to show them how it's done one last time?"
You took his hand. "Been ready all my life."
You made your way to the floor as the music began. It was a slow song, thank goodness, and you were ready to savor every second of the dance. It wasn't lost on you that it was the end of the night, the final encore, and you and Richie would soon take your last bow. It wasn't a show for you, though. It never was, and it had never been more plain to you than it was at that moment.
You looked into Richie's eyes. They were sparkling as he smiled at you. You smiled back and laid your head on his shoulder, playfully nuzzling his neck before settling. You felt a soft, whispering laugh in his chest before you felt his lips place a chaste kiss on the top of your head and then your hand that he held as you danced. He held his head down, his face resting gently in your hair.
In that moment, you could have sworn that he was enjoying this every bit as much as you. Deep down, however, you knew better. If he was loving this with you, it was no different than the way he had loved so many others for a moment or two before going back to his same old single life.
I love you, you thought. You mouthed the words against his shoulder, only because you knew he couldn't see. Was this how people felt on the way to their executions? Desperately clinging to every fleeting second of precious time as the end grew ever more imminent? You thought that it may very well have been; to some greater extent, of course, but still in the same vein.
You felt Richie's hand on your back, rubbing softly as your hand slowly traveled up to rest securely in his dark curls. Inevitably, no matter how fervently you wished that you could have frozen time, the song reached its end. Your heart began its slow break. Richie smiled down at you and kissed your forehead before wrapping an arm around you as you began the agonizing walk back to the car.
"What a night," you marveled aloud once you were both in the car.
"I'm sure Chad is eating his heart out and choking on it," Richie assured you.
You blinked, giving Richie a mischievous sideways smile. "Chad who?" You were playing coy but the truth was that you had hardly given him a passing thought the entire night.
"You pulled it off without a hitch, (Y/N)."
"Easiest thing I've done in my life- thanks to my fantastic partner, of course."
You raved about one another the whole way back, rehashing the evening, not wanting to let it go just yet. Unfortunately, you had to.
"Well, Mr. Tozier, it's been grand but I'm afraid this is my stop."
"Let me walk you to the door." That was just Rich; ever the gentleman.
He walked over to your door, held his hand out, and smiled once you stood before him. You took his arm and made your way to the door, thankful for once in your life for how much of a pain in the ass it could be to get to your apartment.
At last, you were at the door. The clock was ticking, the spell was breaking, and in spite of your dress, your professionally styled hair, and all of the makeup, you were starting to feel increasingly like your true self. "Thanks for doing this, Richie. It really means the world."
He smiled softly. "Nothing I would have rather done, dollface." You smiled up at him before yawning in spite of yourself. He laughed. "Go get some sleep, (Y/N)."
"You too, Richie."
He leaned in and placed a soft kiss onto your cheek. "I'll see you at work, baby." You thought he sounded as if he were talking to a child.
"Drive safe, Rich. And thanks again," you said before letting yourself in, not looking back for fear that Richie would see your heart all over your face.
The clock had run out, the coach had turned back into a pumpkin, Rich Tozier was just your older, wittier, more charismatic and successful friend and co-worker, and you? You were just you again, in your pajamas, sensational red dress discarded in the corner. Face bare. Eyes round and innocent. Lips returned to their natural shade. Bye bye, smokeshow, you thought.
You brushed your teeth, pulled your still styled hair into a messy bun at the back of your head, and climbed into bed. The sultry scent of your perfume still hung in the air. You knew it would be back to reality come Monday but, for now, you allowed yourself to drift to sleep on a cloud.
@caitlin-la @princessvulpecula13 @campcampie @itstheamandashow
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