#this one goes out to all my favorite blorbos though
yappacadaver · 10 months
im just obsessed with his themes and motifs, i love when guys have suffering tailor-made just for them, and i love watching how their psyche tries to grow through the torture dungeon's twisting labyrinth, until the shape of their soul is a cast of it
#it's like pouring molten metal into an ant colony to make a cast#rational thoughts being the ants#mr delver i wont u...#this one goes out to all my favorite blorbos though#only the men though surprisingly i have a different type for women (creator of the torture dungeon)#but yea kakashi went through this too and it was so potent it probably shaped my 13 year old brain for good#though i gotta say in the suffering olympics raymond is probably one of the only ones to give kakashi a run for his money like i legit#hjave a hard time handing out the gold to either of them#i guess i would honestly HONESTLY have to hand it to raymond which is so!!! girl kakashi is an active combatant living under martial law To#but kakashi gets the chance to get better and he gets it multiple times... kakashi ends up with a family... even when things are bad he has#comrades and??? not to be like that but he has power. he's not helpless. he COULD have run away from it all (not saying he shouldve but it#was an OPTION at least)#Raymond is connecticut clarke if connecticut clarke had to resist against the forces of hell itself alone for his entire life with little t#no hope of ever escaping. no family. likely no friends (definitely none that are close and understand his situation). the only power he has#is a get out of jail free card but it's not free you have to carve a bit off of mama you gotta have a kidnapping victim to torture like. he#has nothing.#AND THE DAMN GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD ONLY WORKS SOMETIMES LIKE????? get crumpled ig
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cuubism · 3 months
home for the season (2.5k) (E)
some more Hope/Morpheus reverse AU, aka my most self-indulgent special little blorbos
Hope's favorite season is spring. Morpheus thinks this is horribly cliche, and has told him so. What's your favorite season, then, you Prince of Night? Hope had of course quipped back. Winter, I assume?
Morpheus had found himself blushing. ...Summer, he had admitted at length. Morpheus struggled to stay hopeful at the best of times, and in winter, in the dark, the cold, the late mornings and early evenings, it was even harder to find his way. Seasonal depression, he supposed. But summer...
It reminds me of you, he had said. How I feel... when I am with you.
Sweaty and overheated? Hope had said, but his expression was... Morpheus almost couldn't look at it directly.
Yes, Morpheus had said, and blinded by light.
Now it is winter, and Hope has been gone for three weeks. He is often gone. The other Endless, Hope has told him, have realms to tend to, actual places in the universe. Hope has no realm in that sense, his realm is the world, and the space among its creatures. Which gives him leave to live with Morpheus, but he cannot just stay in London all the time. He must go elsewhere, to places where he is very much needed.
Sometimes Morpheus goes with him, but he tires of so much travel. He has worked hard to build a tiny space in the world where he feels comfortable and it is difficult to be away from it for long. But more than that... he does not want to burden Hope when he is performing his function. He knows well that when he is there, Hope feels that he needs to... tend to him. To make sure he is okay. And Hope has other things he needs to be doing. Others he must tend to. Morpheus does not want to stifle him. Hope should be free. He was trapped once. Morpheus won't be the one to do it again.
He has not voiced any of that to Hope. Hope would only argue with him, or feel bad for needing to leave to perform his function. It is what it is. Morpheus has chosen to love someone so much grander than human, and that means he cannot always have him.
He misses him, though. He misses him so much, and especially in winter. He does not know how he survived decades between their meetings in the past.
But he persists. Because he loves Hope. And loving Hope is hard. It's so hard. But it's worth it.
It's been another two weeks--five total, now, since Hope left on his most recent voyage--two weeks of cold January wind and Morpheus spending his evenings huddled before the fireplace because he still can't quite get used to central heating, it is not as comforting--when Hope returns.
Morpheus is asleep, and is woken by a crashing sound in his living room, and Hope's quietly uttered fuck as he presumably stumbles back to his feet. Morpheus jumps out of bed and runs into the living room. He does not jump or run, usually, but for Hope, he does.
Hope looks up at him guiltily from where he's straightening an end table he'd knocked over in his rapid arrival. Hope does not need to travel by mortal means, he just appears. But he does not always have the best spatial awareness. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you."
"Please, feel free to teleport straight into my bed and wake me as much as you wish," says Morpheus.
Hope grimaces, plucking at his shirt. "I'm all gross, though.”
"I don't care."
Hope is not wrong about being 'gross': his white t-shirt is soaked in sweat, his hair and face covered in dust. Morpheus does not know where he's been. Selfishly, he doesn't want to. If he asks, Hope will doubtless tell him some horrible tale of suffering that may even end with Hope himself murdered in an atrocious manner. Something which cannot kill him, but which Morpheus finds distressing to hear about nevertheless. It's selfish to not want to hear it. But he has never been a very selfless person.
What he does do is hug him. This, too, feels selfish, though he doesn't know why.
"I should really shower," Hope says, but lets Morpheus hold him, and sighs when Morpheus cradles the back of his head. His anxious thoughts never seem to care that Hope cannot be killed. Morpheus worries for him anyway. Hope cannot be killed, but he can suffer. Has suffered.
"I am glad you are safe," Morpheus says.
"I'm always safe," Hope says. This is patently untrue. But Hope does not always like to talk about his past imprisonment.
Morpheus presses his nose into his shoulder. Hope smells like sweat and grime and dry heat. Morpheus just holds him tighter.
"Alright?" Hope asks, and Morpheus nods.
"I have missed you."
"Ah." Hope kisses his temple. "I missed you too, darling."
Morpheus indulges himself in holding him for another few moments. Then says, “You will want that shower, I imagine.”
“Yeah. Come with me? I did wake you up, though, so if you wanted to go back to sleep—”
“I will come with you,” Morpheus says. He won’t sacrifice his limited time with Hope for mere sleep. He can sleep the rest of his life, when Hope isn’t there.
“Good,” Hope says, with a smile, then takes his hand and draws him to the bathroom.
Morpheus is quiet while they bathe. This isn’t necessarily unusual for him, he’s reticent by nature, but still it pings something in Hope’s awareness. Then again, Hope did wake him up in the middle of the night, so maybe Hope is just overthinking. He’s quite good at that.
“Alright?” Hope asks, and Morpheus sighs.
“I miss you when you aren’t here,” he says.
It’s almost funny, the contrast between his always-solemn voice and the shampoo suds stuck in his hair, but Hope doesn’t laugh this time. “I know, darling. I’m sorry.”
“Especially in winter,” Morpheus continues, and then Hope feels stricken.
Oh. How did he not think of it? Winter is always difficult for Morpheus, the cold and early nights make it harder than ever for him to manage his depression. Hope can’t believe he thought it was a good idea to leave him alone.
“Oh,” he says, voice small, guilt rising. “Oh, I should have stayed with you, love, I’m—”
Morpheus stops him with a finger to his lips.
"You do not belong to me, Hope," he says quietly.
"Kind of do," Hope says.
"You belong with me," Morpheus says. A subtle but important correction. "At least, I should like to think so. I miss you. But I should hate myself were I ever to stifle you. It would be far worse.”
“Being with you isn’t stifling to me,” Hope protests, but Morpheus just keeps giving him that serious look. He sighs. “Fine. I understand what you mean. I can’t stay here all the time. But. I don’t like to think of you just here, hurting.”
It breaks his heart, it does, to think of Morpheus alone. He knows Morpheus survived centuries meeting him only once every hundred years, but still. It doesn’t mean he should have to.
“I am only being dramatic, do not change your behavior on account of my stupidity," Morpheus says, but his eyes look wet. "You have done nothing wrong."
"Can I at least give you a hug?"
Morpheus nods, and Hope pulls him into his arms. Soap smears between them, water slips, but Hope holds him tighter.
“Are you well?” Morpheus asks. “I do not even want to think about what horrible place you may have been.”
“No place is horrible, only its circumstances,” says Hope. “I won’t tell you about it, don’t worry.” The last thing Morpheus needs is more heavy things weighing on his mind. Besides, Hope is used to this. Being with Morpheus is enough of a salve for his wounds.
“Later, perhaps, you can tell me about the not-so-horrible parts of your journey.”
Hope kisses the side of his head, and gets a mouthful of shampoo. “Oof. Let me rinse your hair, you’re more soap than man.”
Morpheus submits to this, bending down so Hope can scrub his hair, and when he’s properly rinsed they both tumble out of the shower, tired, and dry off, and then Morpheus, taking charge of the situation once more, takes Hope to bed. Hope cuddles up to him, relishing in the touch of skin to skin.
“I’m glad I have you to come home to,” Hope tells him, lips pressed to his throat. Once upon a time he would just wander place to place, making friends wherever he went but never staying. He couldn’t have known how good staying might feel.
“Even when you are gone,” says Morpheus, haltingly, “you always give me a reason to stay.”
Hope kisses him, lightly at first and then deeper, sinking into Morpheus’s mouth. Morpheus is a lovely kisser, firm and sure and passionate. Hope curls a hand around his rib cage as they move together, and Morpheus tugs him closer by his hip, presses them up against each other, Hope’s leg slung over his, bodies entangled.
Morpheus’s tongue sweeps into his mouth. Fates, how Hope wants him right now, his surety. He wants Morpheus to command him to stay with his body, tempt him into putting down his sword, at least for the night.
Morpheus parts from his mouth to murmur in his ear. “You are beautiful,” he says, that low rumbling voice that Hope hears soothing him in dark moments. “When I am without you, you live in my every dreaming moment; these are more valuable than waking moments, you understand.”
He reaches a hand between them, wraps his long fingers around Hope’s hardening cock. Hope sucks in a sharp breath.
“Dreaming moments are more valuable?” he echoes.
“They are where... where I feel I am alive. Where I can create, and where I see shadows, but also light. And in every dash of sunlight I see you.”
“My tragic poet,” Hope murmurs, the words shuddering over the steady motion of Morpheus’s hand on him. It’s a soothing, sleepy way of working him, drawing Hope inexorably towards him like the pull of the deep sea. “I believe you are still wooing me.”
“I must.” Morpheus’s hips tilt in, his cock sliding against Hope’s, bellies rubbing. They move languidly together under the covers, warmth building between them. Morpheus takes them both in his hand and works them together; Hope just holds onto him. “I must. I must have you know. And see. You must see it.”
“I do,” Hope says, but he’s not sure he does. It’s hard to truly get inside Morpheus’s head. He does his best, but his understanding of Morpheus’s feelings is always imperfect.
“You must.” He twists his grip, drawing a gasp from Hope, who thrusts into his hand, seeking pleasure. Fates but it feels good to have something good and sweet and nice after the turmoil he’s wandered through these past weeks. He sinks into Morpheus’s touch, closing his eyes as they rock slowly together.
“Are you falling asleep on me?” Morpheus teases, as Hope just sighs, leaning into him.
“Your touch could lull me to sleep,” Hope says. But the edge of pleasure is just bright enough that he wants to chase it rather than truly fall into it. He twines his fingers through Morpheus’s hair, brings their lips back together. Kisses him as Morpheus builds the pleasure between them, strokes his thumb over him. Hope tugs on his hair, pulling a moan from Morpheus’s throat, bites it from his mouth, brings him ever closer with his heel hooked around the back of his leg. Being with him is sweet, and warm, and makes Hope shiver, the release of the tension he’s carried in him since he left. He gives himself over to Morpheus’s hands and it’s such a gift. If Morpheus thinks he is the only one gaining hope from being together he is wrong.
“Morpheus,” he breathes, as Morpheus’s lovely hands bring him quietly over the edge. He shudders, hands tightening in Morpheus’s hair. Morpheus strokes him through it, touch light. Moves close to press their bodies together and grinds into the crook of Hope’s hip. Hope tucks his face into his shoulder, breathing hard as Morpheus brings himself off against his skin. He moves so beautifully, he is so beautiful, Hope doesn’t know how he ever manages to leave him.
Morpheus comes with a gasp, and not long after Hope feels tears on his cheek, pulls back to look but Morpheus only shakes his head, eyes wet.
“Ignore me,” he says, when Hope meets his gaze.
“I could never. Your pain is too loud to me for that.”
Morpheus huffs. “I am not in pain.” Hope just holds his gaze, and Morpheus concedes, “I simply do not want you to go.”
“Not going anywhere for a while,” Hope tells him, though the thought pains him as well. He wishes so much, in this moment, that he could just stay with Morpheus. But when he stays too long, when he’s idle, he feels his function itching at him. He’s not meant to be only in one place, no matter how much he loves that place.
“I’ll always come back to you,” he says, not for the first time.
Morpheus presses his forehead to his. “I know. And I will persist, and think of you when you’re gone.”
“Oh, darling.” Hope takes him into his arms, heedless of the mess that’s still between them. Morpheus clings to him, wraps all his limbs around him. The press of his body is soothing. Hope does get lonely while he’s away. He makes friends during his travels, but no one is a substitute for his Morpheus.
“How about this,” he proposes. “I’ll try to come back to you more often in winter, when it’s hard, hm? Fates know I miss you anyway.”
Morpheus nods. “I would be. Amenable to that.” He runs his fingers through Hope’s hair, kisses his lips. “For now, you must sleep. And so long as you are still here in the morning, I will be at peace.”
“I’ll make you breakfast,” Hope promises, for Morpheus, the nocturnal creature, is never awake in the morning. Hope usually rises with the sun.
“See that you do,” Morpheus says, and settles down heavy against him. Hope does a little subtle magic to clean up so he won’t have to move him again, then draws the blanket over them, banishing the remaining winter chill. In the morning, he’ll light the fire, because he knows they both like it, Morpheus especially. And they’ll cuddle up and pretend for a moment that every day is like this, that their time together doesn’t wax and wane with the turn of the seasons, that Hope doesn’t have to go and Morpheus doesn’t have to struggle. In those fleeting moments, reality, fears, duty and heartache are put aside and all that’s left is their love underpinning it all, all that’s left is them.
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warcorrespondence · 5 months
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You've probably seen that post that goes around, you know the one: It's all fun and games in hbowar until you want to see two women have a conversation.
Well, @mercurygray/mercurygray set out to fix that. The Darkening Sky is full of women having conversations about real things.
fandom: band of brothers
pairing: Dick Winters/OC
mature, 220612 words
This epic asks the question: what would it be like if women went to war with Easy Company? No, but really though?
There are a lot of OCs, and a personal challenge I have with reading OCs is that I already love the canon characters. So for me, OCs have more work to do in fanfic than they do in novels, because they have to shoulder aside my blorbos. (This is me - there are a lot of OC writers and readers in this fandom and bravo to you all! I’m simply explaining a barrier I have). 
But fairly quickly, they established themselves, and over not too long a time, I grew to love them.
The main relationship is between Joan Warren, niece of General Pershing and society gal of Nixon’s ilk, and Dick Winters - she’s flirtier than he is, and more outspoken, but just as driven and in essence just as private. It takes them A WHILE to get going, because it would - these are two serious people with serious things to do, and they take love seriously too.
And all right, I’m just going to put it out there - was it a challenge, as a card-carrying winnix girlie, to hop on board that train? 
…not really? 
It helps that Nix ships it (which, like everything here, is shown and not told, and with delightful subtlety). It helps that Joan is awesome, a fully-fleshed out character with flaws and frustrations, narrative drive as well as personal drive. It helps that this is just another world where the Nix-Dick friendship didn’t develop that way, from Toccoa onward. There is no "We'll go to Chicago, I’ll take you there." It’s not what happens. 
(This fic also doesn't straightwash - there's not a ton of focus on m/m or f/f relationships, but they're there).
But Joan and Dick, much as I love to read about them, are not the only focus of the story. POV shifts all the time, sometimes to Shifty, sometimes to minor characters like Aldbourne residents or land girls, and we get an idea of what the war is like for them, as well as their perspective on Easy Company in all its camaraderie and complexity. 
It probably goes without saying that in a fandom full of heavily researched fics, Merc’s stands out as being the most meticulous. She knows her shit, and I knew that going in. But there’s a difference between throwing in facts and details for the sake of it, and doing it to further the experience of the reader. I felt like I learned things, but never like I was being taken to school - when I learned something it was because I was gaining context about a beloved character or understanding more about how the world would work for women in these circumstances. And they don't all have the same experience! Life for Lieutenant Joan Warren, reluctant media darling, is very different than it is for Sergeants Billie Mitchell or Marj Gordon (just to name a couple of my favorites).
These women never stop being women, and being treated that way, for better or worse (often worse). And there's something heartbreakingly frustrating but also beautiful about that.
Marj’s new haircut looked good on her - Doris wasn’t proud of a whole lot, these days, but any time she caught sight of Marj with her helmet off she had to smile. I did that. And she looks damn good. Marj’s honey-colored pageboy was starting to get a little long at the edges, but only enough to make Doris regret not bringing her scissors so she could do everyone else’s. Her fellow sergeant looked…free, without the hair, released from some burden of responsibility to look like she belonged somewhere else and might well be there soon. Why didn’t we do that earlier? Doris wondered to herself. It’s a war, not a beauty pageant. We’re not winning awards.  Because we’re still women, and we still want beauty. Because it’s hard to change something like that.  Because we all want to go right back to the way it was when this is over - even if we know we can’t. The way it was. The phrase made Doris want to laugh. They weren’t those women and men any more, the kids who’d arrived at Toccoa, and it was foolish to think they might be. Look at any of them, bruised and scarred - look at Marj! And even if they hadn’t changed, the people at home would have. (Look at Marj, again - and fuck Allen, while they were looking.)
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Hi. Tumnlr user Garak Pussy Indulgence here.
now that I have your attention please please please listen to me abt my Primary Interest that is far too niche for my liking:
Deep Love: A Ghostly Rock Opera is best described as a concert with a story. Though it has a plot, and 4 characters, the experience is far closer to a live rock concert than musical theater. It follows a ghost known as Old Bones, who becomes jealous when his living wife Constance tries to move on and find love again with another man named Friedrich. Shit goes downhill very quickly because of this, especially when Friedrich's jealous ex Florence gets involved in all the nonsense. By nonsense I mean literally everyone ends up dead. 💀
What started as a bitter vent project by two college students about how much love sucks, has now become a nation-touring, noggin-gripping, beloved experience by many. The appeal is that everyone is so so cool and hot, and it offers 4 blorbos to take your pick from! As well as the full rock band, onstage the whole time behind the characters. You can also love them too if you like. I sure do.
There's no spoken dialogue, the whole show is told through song. That sounded stupid when I first heard it. It is not. It's actually the best thing I've ever seen.
Just like Rocky Horror Picture Show, simply listening to the music doesn't compare to actually seeing it live. Fans dress as their favorite characters, do little rituals at certain points in the show, (there's a thing with Peeps I'm trying to make work), and especially at smaller shows, the interaction between characters and audience is HIGH. You might get a gentle hand kiss if you're annoying enough.
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^if you wish this was you, I can help.
Personally I've been following this show since I was 13, and you'd be surprised how many aspects of my personality and daily life can be traced directly back to Deep Love. Because it's such a fundamental part of me, I'd love ppl to understand wtf I'm talking about. But literally nobody has heard of it. I'm here throwing fanart out into the void. Maybe you could be the one to take this journey with me.
Also they're releasing an official album on streaming, possibly this October. If you can't wait, there ARE older live recordings available!
I can help you. Let me help you. I'm so so fucking serious. Ask me about this. Thanks.
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birdmitosis · 3 months
oh, you doin' this too? (referring to the ask game) Tell me your Contra thoughts :3
[ask game here]
Ohoho, a total surprise that you would ask about the blorbo... >:3
First impression
OHHH I LOVE HIM IMMEDIATELY. FUNNY GUY MESSING WITH THE NARRATOR 💕 (Paranoid is the voice I love most, but I think Contrarian was the one I most quickly loved...)
Impression now
I still absolutely love them, honestly even more now! Unlike with Paranoid, where I was a little worried about her shtick getting old, I unexpectedly did start finding Contrarian's shtick a little old on occasion (okay, mostly in the Wild chapter going the Networked route, where I felt like Connie was messing with the tone of things a bit too much, and I was a bit more eh on them in Fury than some people seem to be though I've come around on that!). But with the full context of the Stranger versions of the endings and even seeing the Wounded Wild version of things with them... Oof, I adore them and they just completely fascinate me, that they have so much character development in this little visual novel where they're basically a side character... And I just adore jesters in all fiction and so I 1000% agree with all the Jester Contrarian people out there! Love them so much!!!!
Favorite moment
I mean, the Stranger version of the ending, honestly. Though to be more specific, I love the way that throwing the blade out the window comes back around in the Stranger ending -- especially if you choose to do it, giving Contrarian their unexpected third beat and them finding it funny that you did it even though this time they discouraged it.
Honorable mention to the little moment they have when you meet the Wounded Wild properly, though. While they discourage you from slaying her by saying it's going against what the Narrator wants, their voice just sounds so shaken that it's obvious that's a justification. Connie really doesn't like seeing the state the Wild is in and doesn't like thinking about hurting her further like this. It goes to show that he can get that Stranger ending development even if you don't go for the Stranger ending, and I love that!
(Also honorable mention to the way they deliver two of their lines in No Way Out: "Too late, because we already did it, didn't we?" and "You're not the only one who can figure out how to do things" are just such fuckin funny lines mostly on the strength of their delivery!)
Idea for a story
I NEED TO CONTINUE [Wear whatever feathers you choose.] I REALLY DO...
But okay, other ideas!
I love the possibility that I believe you brought up at one point, of Contrarian and Cold hanging out and egging each other on to do reckless shit but Cold straight-up getting hurt from it and Contrarian panicking because they hadn't wanted that and hadn't quite expected Cold to go that far.
I could also really love an exploration of how to get, or what it might be like to get, Contrarian in either version of Wraith or in Thorn... Or even a theoretical Stranger Chapter III (likely with Cheated)!
Unpopular opinion
I'm not really sure I have any, honestly! I think a lot of people have similar but different takes on Contrarian and nothing I could say is that unpopular... I guess maybe that pre-development, they were more of an asshole in-game than some people seem to think, but also less of one than others seem to think? (They did reassure Hero multiple times in the Stranger chapter, after all!)
Favorite relationship
Oh, absolutely, romance-wise ContraHero is my secondary OTP for this game! Platonically, though (...and okay in some cases romantically), I am really into Contrarian's dynamic and (potential) relationships with Broken, Cheated, Cold, Opportunist, Fury, Stranger, Thorn, Wounded Wild, and the Narrator.
Favorite headcanon
Contrarian being nonbinary is my absolute favorite thing! Some runners-up though: Human!Contrarian (or if Contrarian had to give a human name) would be Connie, Contrarian would absolutely get along great with Cold, and Contrarian would learn how to beatbox and get super good at it.
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mikuni14 · 7 months
I wanted to reply to this post by @italianpersonwithashippersheart and it turned out to be a very long text, so I'm posting it separately 😉
I have a tactic of reading posts on Tumblr, that as soon as I start reading and see that the author is going in a direction that I know I won't like, I immediately stop and move on (ALTHOUGH sometimes the author writes something I don't agree with in such an engaging way that I read it to the end for intellectual pleasure, or it's someone I like with whom I disagree just this time, but I read it anyway because, after all, I like that person for a reason 😚). That's why, fortunately, I usually (<- key word, usually) avoid fandom wars and problematic fandom behavior. I do this because I know how irritating fandom can be sometimes, especially when a it goes to war to defend its blorbo, or ship, or the entire series. And I regret to say that defenders are the most aggressive... Personally, I don't mind fans living on ships, their blorbo, squealing about them and so on. (I mean, I do that!) Unfortunately, as I'm sure you all know, so many fans who live it, LIVE IT and it's not just fun for them, it's the meaning of their lives. This is where the attacks on actors come from, like the recent attack on Nut, a homewrecker 😆 in Pit Babe, having the audacity to be friends with the actor playing Alan AND HE BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE!, or, as in the case of DFF, tearing Ta into two parts by his ukes two fandoms lmao. Unfortunately, such behavior poisons a positive fandom experience and even I can see it, even though I try very hard NOT to see it.
It also seems to me that DFF viewers could be divided into two distinct groups: DFF fans and BL fans 😉 I'm a DFF fan and that's why I'm interested in meta, theories and Tan. I like PheeJin for their dynamic, but, I don't really care if they end the series as a couple. Besides, for me DFF is a mystery/thriller/slasher/social commentary series with BL elements, in which I DON'T HAVE to have a happy ending for BL relationships to be happy, I only want Tan to be happy. However, someone for whom DFF is only a BL series could be frustrated because 1) there is no monogamy 😬 2) there is "cheating" 3) the characters behave unpleasantly 4) the characters behave in ambiguous ways and it's often not clear what they think and whom they truly love 5) the characters behaviour becomes unpredictable and non-standard and often problematic 6) the plot keeps getting weird, instructions unclear 7) what about my ship?? *panic*
Regarding the concerns about the ending of the series: in any other series I would have EXACTLY THE SAME worries. But I look at DFF in two categories:
as a slasher
as a story about life, without a moral lesson
This makes me NOT worry about the ending because:
if you look at it as a slasher and my favorite film of this type, i.e. Scream and to some extent also Final Destination, there is no moralizing here, because the victims are often innocent and still die, because this is the rule of this genre: people die in masses
if we do NOT look at it as a story with a moral lesson, we also get rid of the compulsion to judge, like, did they deserve or not to die?
I know that in the DFF fandom we often joke, more or less seriously, that we would like this one or that one to die, or for everyone to die, but this is completely normal behavior when consuming media in which someone gets hurt. In the case of DFF, emotions are high because we naturally stand on the side of someone who is bullied and we see how others, through their actions or omissions, or often making stupid mistakes, saying cruel words in anger, contributed to the great tragedy of the entire family. But what I noticed is that the series does not actually moralize. It emphasizes very clearly that Non is a victim, but he is not entirely innocent and has made many stupid decisions himself, having had other choices, while also showing why he makes such choices. It shows Por as a complete asshole, while showing his environment and expectations towards him, but it does not absolve him. It even shows Keng not as a typical sweaty, brutal pedo, but someone who is genuinely concerned about Non, AT THE SAME TIME showing the issue of his pressure on Non, the money, the grooming.
The series presents dry facts, shows characters from different sides, in different situations, it also shows how events move from point A to B and further along the letters of the alphabet :) all the time discovering new facts that explain more and more, sometimes posing a seemingly already explained situation in a completely new perspective.
Personally, I don't get the impression that the series even WANTS us to moralize in our high glass tower, because the series clearly shows that the innocent, defenseless and vulnerable suffer and no one helps them. That a stupid event can lead to tragedy with the butterfly effect. That sometimes things happen beyond our knowledge, that we are just a pawn in someone else's game and, despite our sincere intentions, we cannot stop the course of events. And that the poor have a hard time and lose entire families and their future, with the first fatality in the series being the only son and the future of the richest family.
Therefore, I am 99% sure that:
we do not know all the facts that can turn all our predictions, judgments and faith in what is happening on the screen 180 degrees
whatever happens to Tan, Phee and Jin, I doubt it will be presented as a punishment/reward for anything
Tan can kill them all and not be the winner, Phee can kill Tan and live with it for the rest of his life as a loser
there is no way for the series to end sensibly AND with "the victory of good over evil" and"justice", because evil has been winning all the time and every kick to Non's face, the death of his parents, Tan's "madness", the death of two young people, the trauma of the others were proof of that, also all the lives lost and their future in which change for good is possible
At the moment, I have nothing to complain about the 10 episodes so far, for me the series is run logically, and any question marks that appear in my head, I am calmly waiting for their answers in the next episodes. THERE IS HOWEVER ONE THING THAT WILL ANGRY ME ABOUT THE ENDING: IF THE SERIES MAKES TAN A CONVERTED SINNER WHO CHOOSES LOVE, PEACE AND FORGIVENESS AT THE LAST MOMENT 🤮 I don't even want to think about it. This is the worst thing that can happen.
Despite everything, I still believe that the series will not do something so stupid at the end, that from a painfully realistic story about life with hints of a thriller and a slasher, it will turn into a fairy tale with a moral lesson, in which good (the established social order) will be rewarded and evil (anarchy represented by Tan) will be punished.
I have my dream ending, but whatever, it's my fantasy 😍 But at least 3 BL series from recent weeks ended exactly NOT the way I wanted, so I'm resigned to the fact that DFF may also fail in this matter 🤡
tl;dr everything will be fine, and if it's not fine, we have a great team to sit together and bitch together 🥳
@italianpersonwithashippersheart I fucking love rant posts 😤😤 I LOVED YOURS 💖💖💖
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quickreaver · 1 year
Emptying my brain...
Recently, there was quite a kerfuffle in the SPN fandom, over the realization that several self-proclaimed “BNFs” had been Mean Girling fellow fans into hating on certain other fans and certain other members of the cast of SPN. Thoughts have been percolating around in my head about this for a bit. Here goes... There has already been some discussions of warning about how cult-like these tactics seem: the initial lovebombing, indoctrination, evolving into intimidation and threats if people don't fall in line. The hunger to belong and smug feeling of group-think is a helluva drug. The fear of losing favor and being ousted from the silo is also a helluva withdrawal. I wonder if there's a reason all these manipulative personalities, every one of them, have been from the Destiel quarter of the SPN family. Is it sheer numbers? Or does it begin with the selling of the ship as this monumental slow-burn greatest love story ever told (even though the show's actual canon does very little to support this fable)? The relationship between Dean and Cas has been romanticized to a legendary degree, and the fanon has become the preferred telling of the tale, replete with lengthy subtextual navel-gazing over lamps and fictional beer brands and artfully staged gif sets on tumblr. Every whiff of the show has been recontextualized to point to Destiel. A stroll through any given list of Destiel All-Time Fave Fics is chock full of AUs and characters that feel more like Any Two White Guys than the actual characters from SPN.
Maybe this primes D/C shippers to be more susceptible to grift, to believe anyone with charisma and confidence and leadership aspirations, who promises the fruition of some manner of Destiel endgame. Which, okay. I totally get how deeply we often feel about our fandoms and the dynamics, how we project onto the characters and idealize the ships as more than the show intended.
It'd be fine... if fans then didn't feel the need to evangelize for the ship and punish those who got in the way. Some groups have been actively attacking the cast and parts of our fandom for years, as well as making actual bank off it all. Under the guise of inclusion and camaraderie, they dangle paying admission into their sacred inner circles like worms on hooks. They took, and are continuing to take, money to offer glimpses behind the doors of their Patreons or special levels of their Discords, where those lucky customers would theoretically be honored with friendship (parasocial, much?), and gifted with the potential of supposed insider info, and/or proximity to the cast and crew at conventions. In return, that same congregation would be used as a tool to attack and discredit the parts of the SPN milieu that the grand poobahs dislike. They would be asked to buy their merch, to keep their secrets, to send hate mail to each other in order to place the blame on “the other side”, try to get competing fans (or even TV shows) canceled, carry the torches of hate, and the list goes on. I don't know where this is going exactly, but there's a difference between bickering over which ship has the best blorbos or whose fave is the most girlboss, and actively trying to generate a lemming-like mass of obedience, enough to impact the IRL health and well-being of other people. Fandom can rally to accomplish such good feats (and lord knows the companies and studios that own our favorite franchises have figured this out), but every coin has two sides. Just, be aware of which one you're on, I guess.
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riacte · 9 days
im soooooo emotion over dearly beloathed. it is so good as an epistolary work, and i genuinely feel like that format/style/genre worked really well for the story, it let us know the characters through how they portray themselves to others and who they are to different people/groups. i also loved how my understanding of Freth grew naturally over the course of reading it, I didn't notice until i was like "oh yeah that's just the culture there. ofc they'd do something like that" because it was so fluid and seamless.
every twist was well set up and just. it was crack-y and comedic, but those only made the emotional parts hit harder????
anyways. favorite random character/not main one. go! (i choose herohqphobic) also was there any like. reference or small thing (maybe characters who had different usernames across platforms or something?) that you loved and nobody seemed to notice?
i want to know. this is my new blorbo. entire fucking thing
Hii thank you for reading 🥺🙏
I could genuinely go on and on about Freth as a city because it's based after where I was raised, Hong Kong. The superhero genre is most commonly associated with American comics. It feels like their cities are either in USA or USA-inspired. To me there's subconsciously an inherent USA vibe even if that's not the actual case. I felt the pull myself before going, hold on, I live in a city, it's a pretty significant city, and theoretically superheroes can exist anywhere.
I'm of course biased on this but Hong Kong is an interesting city with interesting implications if you use it for a setting. And especially because it naturally seems so "cyberpunk". Densely populated, gives off the impression of being highly urbanised, but 70% of the land is not developed. Has a natural harbour, next to the sea, at the mouth of a river, but is hilly and full of scenic spots. Well developed public transport system (if the rail goes down for half an hour it gets on the news). The city with the most skyscrapers in the world, has one of the world's highest life expectancy (I'm still confused by this lol), ranked 4 in HDI for 2022 (also confused by this 💀 like we're above Denmark and Sweden?).
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[Night view of Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong Tourism Board]
I wanted Freth to be busy, hectic, fast-paced, rich, technologically savvy. A glittering city with heroes for celebrities. Freth is an important port which is why the heroes fight so hard to protect its infrastructure for the ~economy~. But then the government decides the heroes are getting too powerful and culls the herd.
Anyways. I love all the random characters. Flora balefires_thighs had quite the arc pivoting from Tach anti to Tach fan (and is still bitchless, rip), but I have to go with arcussy because I love that name 😭😭😭 like Arucs is their babygirl meow meow grown adult son who cheated and got "cancelled" etc but it's fine ❤️ they still love his annoying ass ❤️
Small thing that didn't get picked up on! The location names! I based a lot of those on existing places in Hong Kong— Triple Shark Territory (Tsim Sha Tsui), Cannon Hill (Fortress Hill), Crossway (Causeway Bay), etc. Lots of these names have animals in them, like Dolphin Bay and Starlingfield, and these are based after real species that can be found in HK— except for one. Ravenwood. I don't think ravens exist in Hong Kong, making it fitting for an underground human experimentation lab. I don't expect anyone to know this though, it's more of a fun niche trivia for myself.
I don't know if this is obvious or not, but Cora has a crush on Archie. And Reina likes Cora while Lyra and Ben are doing their whole situationship thing. The consequences of crushing on your best friend.
Final note: the four main characters spell out Blue Bats. Blue for civilian names (Ben, Lyra, Uma, Ethan (he chooses this eventually)), and Bats for (future) hero names (Balefire, A??, Tachythanatous, S??). The year is also 827 because Aug 27 is when the MCC9 teams dropped lol. 🤡
Thank you so much for reading, glad you enjoyed it! <3 <3
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pink-november · 3 months
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You know who I want (threatening) (trying to be) (actually this was an attempt at flirting and not referring to Cold at all) (could’ve been referring to anyone) (who care!!)
*crawls out my hidey hole covered in dirt and blood* I'M ALIVE!
I definitely know who you're referring to 🤭 hope I did him well here <333
• First impression
Oh, he's emo. The emo voice. Saw him first with Paranoid in Wraith. Looks like the type to be easily misunderstood because he just sounds like that. Hot voice though, er well, cold voice. 7/10
• Impression now
THE BLORBO. PERIOD. One of the faves. He's actually so silly? Also he's got a lot of depth to him that goes under the radar because it's so easy to assign him as a typical "villain" since he doesn't show any remorse in killing the Princess and sucks at emotions uh, I mean, is emotionless. The rare moments of him showing anything than boredom makes me salivate and feral because my boi you are fucking lying to yourself about not feeling anything at all.
• Favorite moment
He has so many great moments actually: his Razor's entrance, the sheer difference of attitude when it came to his presence in The Greys and his entire show in Spectre. But my top favorite has got to be Moment of Clarity, especially after getting to know him a lot after replaying the game. There's just something absolutely heart-wrenching hearing him continually dismiss the other voices and insisting that he's the only special one here, trying to appeal to LQ that he only needs him alone.
• Idea for a story
Every idea I had about Cold gets sucked into the black hole that is Ouroboros Well, I do have that one story idea where it's a post A New Unending Dawn and Everyone Hates You where all the voices tore themselves out of The Long Quiet and got separated from one another because of how messy they got out their progenitor. They became something close to Catastrophes because of how violent their ascensions were and they bring disasters to wherever they go. And because I need more tragedy, all of them try to seek one another but find out they keep missing each other due to fate fucking with them. Also this is a fic where Cold is a vampire. And Smitten's there too, I guess.
Well, there's also my Swap AU. Gravedigger Cold still lives rent free in my head alongside his bestie, The Revenant.
• Unpopular opinion
He really should be elevated to Tumblr Sexyman status. He's got the qualifications for it even!
• Favorite relationship
I am Burned Bridges truther, mainly because of you Dicey. I have become ill for their dynamic and despite how rocky and nigh impossible reconciliation is with them, I do think they can be good friends under the right circumstances. Also, I love how Cold makes Smitten worse, just saying. They need to get a room smh.
But before Burned Bridges, I do adore Cold's relationship with Hero and The Long Quiet. It's only by virtue of having Nightmare as my first route and The Moment of Clarity happening that Spectre falls short on my favorite chapters, ending in a nebulous second place.
• Favorite headcanon
I love Cold collecting knives! Yes, I love that headcanon very much! Also, he's afraid of The Damsel.
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podcastjam · 6 months
Project Spotlight #4: The Ichorous Rot
Time for another project spotlight! Today, we're chatting with Sam from The Ichorous Rot.
Tell us a bit about yourself and your teammates!
@spinning-logic: Hey-o, I'm Charlie. I will be voice acting, sound editing, and assisting in some writing for our Podcast Jam entry! My first ever fiction podcast was Welcome to Night Vale (as it is for many, I'm sure), and my current favorite is pretty squarely tied with Malevolent and The Magnus Archives--though I'm truly loving Protocol too. I'm dipping my toes into hearing even more podcasts, like WOE.BEGONE and Old Gods of Appalachia. This is the first Podcast I've ever worked on, and hopefully what I learn from it will lead to creating more!
@moookar: Hi hi hello, I’m Mooo! I’m voice acting and writing. I’ve never worked on a podcast before TIR, but boy oh boy do I have lots of experience listening: WOE.BEGONE, Malevolent, and The Grotto are some of my current favorites, and I got started listening with The Magnus Archives and Dimension 20. Most of all, I’m just a fan of any speculative fiction I can get my hands on.
@gooboogy: I'm G! I do the music and some of the voice acting for The Ichorous Rot. I've been listening to audiobooks for ages and I listened to The Adventure Zone but only really started listening to audio dramas about a year ago with The Magnus Archives and Malevolent. It's not until I listened to WOE.BEGONE that I considered doing one myself! I don't have a fav podcast, but I have some fav characters such as Lucas Miller, Elias Bouchard, Kayne, and Ty Betteridge respectively. My fav genre is when Shit Gets Weird and I love it best when there's fucked up little blorbos :3
@fluxoid: Hey there! I'm Niall! I'll be doing some of the voice work for the Ichorous Rot. I've been listening to audio drama (and actual play) podcasts for over a decade now, starting with Welcome to Night Vale (of course). Current favorites are probably WOE.BEGONE and Midst, though I'm listening to many more. This is my first foray into the creative side of things and I'm excited to see where it goes!
@falloutcoys: Hello, I'm Sam! I'll be co-writing for The Ichorous Rot. I got started listening to WTNV in 2014 but really got into audio dramas when I picked up TMA in 2021. My current favorite pods have to be Midst,Not Quite Dead and WOE.BEGONE! This will be the first show I'm involved being published, but I'm writing my own passion project as well (@aboardtheichthyoid).
What's your podcast about?
Our project is set in 1880s West Virginia. Dr. Theodore Yates as he's overwhelmed in his duties as Janesville’s only doctor by a mysterious illness spreading through the town. We follow him through a combination of his own medical notes recorded on a wax cylinder, and snippets of audio following him and his best friend Alonzo as he tries to find a way to resolve The Ichorous Rot. It's a mystery that explores the effects of working class life and generational trauma through a supernatural lens.
What are you most excited about in this event?
This event has been such a great learning opportunity and way to collaborate with others! Everyone has had great ideas and we're able to bounce off each other and flesh out the story together, which is a really unique experience.
Any advice for other participants, or those on the fence about joining?
If you've been on the fence about joining, go for it! This is a really fun experience and it has the lowest possible stakes. Worst case scenario, you've met some great people and learned about producing a podcast. Best case scenario, you make an episode you're really proud of that grows into something much bigger.
While this team is no longer looking for new members, you can follow their project here on Tumblr @theichorousrot. Additionally, with a couple days left to sign up, there's still time to join the fun and work on a Podcast Jam project yourself - find out more information here!
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
I think i need to explain why this line makes me go so feral
I think the "fine! I'll kill myself after I kill you" line from nie mingjue in chapter 49 permanently altered my brain chemistry and it has something to do with precisely how i got into the mdzs fandom space in the first place.
I've mentioned it a few times but i started watching the untamed in late 2019 right as it was blowing up everywhere and, likely due to a combination of undiagnosed adhd wrecking my ability to be interested in anything for longer than 4 seconds and me very much not being used to the specific style of acting, especially during fightscenes, i never finished it. The only concrete memory i have of it is seeing wen qing's face and meng ziyi completely short circuiting my little gay brain. I remember more of staring endlessly at pictures of her than I remember of the plot. Press F to pay respects.
Flash forward a few years and a friend recommends me a fic writer for an fma fic (the fic riter in question is metisket) and i like their stlye so much i decide to read other stuf they've written. Here we get to our prime suspect: "the one body problem" a genuinely hilarious fic where jingyi gets posessed by wei wuxian like a year before the plot happens and they become awkward brain buddies. 10/10 i loved it (and still do) even though i remember huasiang showing up in my first reading and I, having fully forgotten his name, had no fucking clue what was going on. (Little did i know...)
Anyway flash forward ANOTHER year and I decide to reread that fic, and then the other untamed fic metisket wrote, a wen qing time travel fix it that's also real fun. And then i'm like. huh. that's fun. wonder if there's anything in their bookmarks.
And then, within 20 days, I had read approximately 350 fics. Many of them 100k+ words. I cannot stress enough how much this CONSUMED my brain's ability to do or think about anything else. I now think back to the early days of getting my adhd diagnosis and insisted that while i had pretty much all other symptoms, I did not get hyperfixations. Lol. Lmao, even.
I am mainly focused on wangxian and the junior quartet becuase they are my baby ducklings and i love them. I do come across some 3zun fics and I think huh... this is interesting. But the 3zun brainrot is LIGHT at this point.
The thing about reading more than 350 fanfics is that at some point you kind of piece the plot of the source material back together backwards. Especially because my favorite genre was time travel fix its, where characters relive the whole plot and like to make allusions to all the ways everything went wrong last time.
Because I'm still squarely in my wangxian + juniors (plus a heavy dosis of yunmeng sibling reconciliation) corner here... the feelings on jin guangyao in my fandom corner are. different from where I'd end up soon after. He is my special little guy though, so I do kind of immediatley develop a fondness for him, and I approach my 3zun and early nieyao thoughts specifcially from the assumption that the widespread opinion is that nie mingjue is a fine good guy and jgy is the evil one (I have not seen the bad nmj takes yet. well... I am seeing DIFFERENT bad nmj takes but they're nice to him. In, like, the wrong way. With no solid undertanding of the inherent tragedy at the heart of him that makes him so blorbo to me. But still.) major reactions to the stairs scene as I see them on twitter are "girlboss! He should've kicked him harder 💅"
And the baby jgy apologist in me goes :/ me no likey. And at this point I am also actively seeking out metas and analysis posts so i'm seeing some better opinions than that and getting a halfway solid graps on the themes. wwx and jgy being foils becomes very obvious to me very quickly. So, with my curent understanding of the plot, I go... you know all you people who are like "god i wish nmj would have killed jgy sooner" it uhh... kinda sounds like he'd have died if he did that. If he'd killed him before meng yao had gone off to spy there is a very big chance they'd have lost the sunshot campaign and most of the main cast would be dead. If he'd killed him at the stairs that's... well that's killing your sworn brother, which by the canon's own admission is a universally reviled crime, and jin guangshan could easily take advantage of this by demanding nmj's head in retribution, since he already wanted to get rid of him anyway. He doesn't give a fuck about a-yao of course but he could pretend well enough that he does. And what leg would nmj have to stand on? The jin clan is canonically both willing and able to slaughter entire clans for the murder or attempted murder of the leader or his family, and nie mingjue is the kinda guy who'd immediately offer himself up if it meant the rest of his clan would be spared.
This combined with jin guangyao specifcally dying for his murder of nie mingjue, with huaisang basically not caring much about everything else he does and wanting to get revenge only for his brother, it gives nieyao a sort of mutual doomed soulmates feel. For either of them, killing the other would spell death for themselves. They either both die or they both live, one cannot live on without the order. That's crunchy. I like it.
The fire palace though? well, on meng yao's part there is a real argument that if he'd let nmj get killed immediatly instead of dragging it out he wouldn't have been able to get wrh alone and distracted enough to assasinate him, so that's one half of the mutual doom coin, and if nmj had killed him during their fight there he's also done for. But after? Right before Xichen intervenes? I had no answer for that yet.
(You know what's coming. I did not)
It is at this point that i realize that if this is gonna keep being A Thing then i need to read the source material before I catch fatal fanon poisoning. Yes, I can piece together the plot and themes from seeing what stays consistent across fics and what are the author's own opinons. But I know just as well that sometimes fanon just agrees on shit that didn't happen and treats it like canon, and I have no way of knowing which is which. So I start reading the novel.
And of course, eventually I get to the empathy sequence. And remember, my "nieyao both live or both die" theory is heavy on my mind at this point, and the only stickler is that nmj could sort of have killed meng yao after the confrontation with wrh, still believing meng yao was actually working for him, and not a spy, and get off... not scott-free, Xichen won't be happy, but it's not gonna cost him his life.
And then I read THIS.
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Please Imagine dropping a whole block of pure elemental sodium into water. Except the sodium is this quote and the water is my poor little delicate brain. Not only is my theory right, it is ten times more unhinged than i thought it was.
And considering that Nie Mingjue does not seem like the kind of guy who'd consider something like a life debt to have an expiration date, and because after this he will link himself legally and socially to jin guangyao as family and declare that one among their brotherhood turning against the others is to be met with a painful death, I can no longer read the scene at the stairscase in jinlintai without the impression that he is still planning to die afterwards. Which, if you wanted to make that scene even more painful, this is a very efficient way of losing all your remaining hinges.
I think I'd have gone crazy about this line no matter what context I heard it in, but this one specifically? where I'm already obsessed with idea of nieyao's deaths being connected by the narrative and missing just this one piece and having it confirmed? out loud? from one of the characters himself? It's like giving cocaine to a baby.
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camzverse · 3 months
sorry I'm evil 🍦 or 🩸🐰 in a blorbo moment
YAAAAY MWAHAHAHA>.... my girls ever oh em gee
-ive always interpreted her as the youngest afton
-she follows her older siblings and parents around like a little puppy :3 after evan dies she does this especially more with mike and will (much to their dismay. she gets clinger whereas they get more self-isolating,, NOT a good combo in the end)
-she likes to draw and makes drawings as gifts for people she likes :) mostly to evan and charlie !! those were like her best friends idc idc
-she tried out dance classes but she quit only a few weeks in
-fs fs owns at least one cabbage patch doll. on that note she has a loot of dolls !! she used to get all the fazbear plush toys before they came out :o) not for long though. william was too,, Busy. to get her more toys. sometimes she goes into evans old room to play with his toys. she likes to pretend shes playing with him
-her favorite part of freddys is the stage area/the animatronic performances !!!
🩸🐰 vanessa / vanny !!!1!!11
-ness likes 2000s stuff alot ^_^
-vanessa gamer realness btw. psychological horror and vns and rhythm games and fighting games r her Jam. she wouldve loved yume nikki </2
-i think she made a couple small games before :) in college or smth idk
-she wasnt originally from utah. i think maybe she lived somewhere like california before but then she moved away both for work and to get away away from her dad yk
-she put in rainbow streaks during fnaf ar to hint to luis that shes gay asf and he needs to stop hitting on her without having to say it. it did NOT work but she kept them anyway. at least until glitch decided it was drawing too much attention to her and she needed to take them out
-she owns at least one tamagotchi i think she would love those things
-the design for her vanny suit was based off an oc/fursona she made when she was a kid. when she was little she used that character as a sort of escapism so she could pretend to have a happier sillier freer life than the one she actually had
OK THATS ALL FOLKS <2 and by all i mean all i will put here in this post. i probably have way more. u just happened to pick two of my favorite fnaf characters everr
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dragonmarquise · 17 days
OK OK OK HEAR ME OUT!!! HEAR ME OUT!!! all the BRC crews, but like, they're slashers/murderers, and the BRC crew is basically the main cast y'know???? I feel like solace should be the final girl
This is gonna be a fun one! I like horror stuff, but admittedly with slashers I tend to just read about them, since seeing the gory stuff makes me ill. ^^;
Still! Even just reading about a lot of these kinds of movies gives a lot of ideas, so I'm working off of that!
Also sorry I’m posting this the next day! I finished this yesterday, but I wanted to proofread it first and got too sleepy to finish it last night. ^^;
So with BRC as the main cast (I’m assuming just the original 5? Tryce, Bel, Felix, Vinyl, and Solace), horror movie logic dictates that usually the comedy relief character dies first. Then again I have no idea if that’s still a thing in horror movies these days. :u
But anyways, I feel the character who probably fits that role is either Felix or Solace. Because, Felix gives me the impression of a chill guy who cracks jokes every now and then. And Solace is Solace, the comedy is mostly in his bad luck and/or his status as a Sad Wet Blorbo, lol
imo Solace’s bad luck could actually work in his favor, basically him bumbling/tripping/etc. while avoiding death in more and more ridiculous ways as the movie goes on. To the point where he just happens to be the Final Girl!
But if we go with “comedy relief character dies first” and Solace gets that role, then I nominate Vinyl as the Final Girl. I feel like she’d be great as the Final Girl and actually manage to finish off the villain!
I guess the rest of the non-rival BRC members (Rave, Mesh, Shine, Rise, and Coil) get to be the background characters that get killed off along the way. Or otherwise they manage to escape just in time, but don't play much of a role in stopping the villain in the end. Whoops, sorry guys. D:
So with the main cast established, let’s move on to the crews! I’m gonna be predictable and start off with Devil Theory, specifically with my OCs. *u*
Daishō is a lover of horror media, so he goes all in on being a slasher movie villain! Serial killer who recreates elaborate deaths from his favorite horror movies!! Also involves plenty of knives and butcher themes, maybe.
Sai and Nunchaku tag along as minions, also a bit of a “If we didn’t help him, he might end up worse” kind of way. Cool motive, still murder though. Going by a horror movie structure, they’d get killed off before the main cast (or what’s left of them at that point) can take down Daishō directly.
Bō stays out of this whole mess because he hates horror stuff, especially gory stuff. He might play the role of someone warning the main cast to leave before it’s too late… before getting killed off by Daishō as a “traitor”. Yikes. D:
Now for DOT EXE... probably stuff involving hijacking robots and machines? Like that big incident in the mall in the Child’s Play remake from 2019. All the electronics go haywire and kill people, oh no!!
For my versions of the crew, Twoson and Fourside in particular would go all in on being evil serial killers like this. Like with Daishō, they’re big horror media nerds. Also they both probably kill off the other DOT EXE members when/if they try to get in the duo’s way too. I just can’t imagine the other members being okay with this, like how Sai and Nunchaku are okay with going along with Daishō’s plan. :o
With the Franks, maybe something like the Prince tricking people into thinking they’re getting life-saving surgeries free-of-charge... but then just harvesting them for organs and spare body parts for some experiments the Prince is carrying out. Or otherwise just sending out the Franks to kidnap people for “surgery”. I guess something like the doctor from the Mad Father game, just without the “turn people into dolls” obsession… or maybe have something like that too?! Or otherwise it’s just experiments to improve his skills and eventually advance humanity overall.
He insists he’s doing it for the good of humanity, but, y’know, he’s still tricking and killing people in the process. The Franks here are his minions, made from the body parts of former victims, and like I said being sent out to find more "test subjects".
So then for Eclipse, uhhhh, make them witches I guess?? Has there ever been a slasher with a witch as the villain? Gory magic! Surely there’s been at least one movie with that kind of idea.
Or if not that, then serial killers who leave astrology-themed “clues” at their murders, but really the clues are just to lure in more victims. Heck, combine the two! Why the hell not. Either way, they mostly target men who are genuinely heinous people, especially those who managed to escape punishment/jail time/etc. Basically a “the villain has a point though” kind of thing.
Sometimes they mess up and target a man who turned out to be completely innocent, or even the wrong guy entirely, but they don’t see it as a big deal. You could take this as a “He probably would have done something bad sooner or later anyways” thing, or otherwise “Well, you can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. Or heads in this case.”
And now finally, FUTURISM! I’m thinking psychological horror mixed with slasher stuff! DJ Cyber and his crew basically messing with people before killing them off, stalking them for weeks or even months to get a good idea of their personality, background, etc. and then use it against them.
Maybe even go Saw with it, elaborate traps where they have to earn their survival or literally die trying! If we go with Solace surviving just on his weird luck alone, I can imagine some genuinely hilarious ways he can narrowly avoid death in this situation, lol
I think that’s about it for my ideas on this topic! This was a fun one to think over, thank you for sending this in. :D
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shootingstarrfish · 8 months
Omg hiii I looove oversharing about my blorbos 😋
Anyway Simeon is my favorite guy ever and has been since the beginning I'm completely obsessed with him bc he's literally perfect tell my WHY on gods green earth he's always getting swept under the rug. Why does this man never get any attention and when he does why is he mischaracterized. He's got it all. He's tall and handsome in kind of an ethereal effeminate way, he's sweet and kind but not a pushover, he's one of the most tragic characters in the game, he's the perfect muse for a religious trauma arc, a corruption arc, a "the calm collected one who's always having a good time finally snaps and goes apeshit" arc, I mean come on. Come on. Every time I remember that his main sin is wrath despite him being SO chill and gentle on the outside I want to giggle a little bit. My beautiful princess with identity issues and slutty waist I'm so sorry everyone ignores you
Solomon though. I don't remember how I felt about him at first (other than lots of gender envy) but he wasn't a favorite until I came back to the fandom after being absent for ages. Like damn this man is everything. He's so complicated /pos that I cant even articulate why I love him so much but he's so well written (maybe one of the only ones who are written halfway decently) and SO tragic. The way he's so desperately in love with the mc and is forced to watch them go for literally anyone else but would still do anything for them and ask for nothing but a little bit of loyalty in return is scrumptious. Also the way immortality just kinda fucks you up after a while when you're only human. I've been very tempted to put him in a poly ship with my mc and Simeon bc he deserves it but for now he just has to watch from afar as the man he loves endlessly makes out with his best friend that he also kinda sorta has a little crush on bc making the gays suffer brings me copious amounts of joy. He's also the "always totally calm and collected no matter what but actually has really strong feelings that he works to keep in check" type like Simeon and I love that for him. One of the fics I'm reading has him once become so panicked over the MC's wellbeing that he completely loses his composure. Yelling, trembling, the whole nine yards and it was fucking glorious, I love seeing characters like him break.
Also I have to talk a little about Lucifer. He's not generally a favorite but I just think it's funny how I went from hating his guts bc I thought he was an asshole to to liking him a lot bc I have a weak spot for big brother characters. He loves his family so so so much and just has trouble showing it properly!! He's still an asshole and an uptight prick but I like that about him now. My mc had the same development with him as I did, he went from "I hate this motherfucker I wanna kill him also he kinda scares me" to "this is my big brother we are holding hands :)" in the span of like a year and a half and it's really funny. Lucifer thought he was finally getting a sensible housemate and friend but ended up getting another insufferable, headache indicung little brother figure instead. Also I kinda have a non canon ship between him and my MC's father bc the idea is SO funny but also a little cute bc they compliment each other real well. My mc would become homophobic so fast if he found out and thinking about it is incredibly entertaining
thank u for oversharing teehee <333
the side characters are sooo fun and interesting i wish so badly that theyd get to be ever so slightly less on the side :,D
the dynamic between your mc and simeon and solomon PAIN UGH i love it.. <333 my heart hurts for solo but the yearning.... MMM
and absolutely felt about lucifer, i wish i could hate him and leave it at that but he makes it so hard. i have such a complicated relationship with this man but i cant bring myself to genuinely hate him hahaha
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wolfeyedwitch · 5 months
1, 16, 19
What are your favorite whump tropes? Caretaker new whumper! When the whumpee doesn't know/realize they've been rescued and just think they've gone from one whumper to another? That's my JAM. Misunderstandings, trauma, hurt/comfort, you have so many options for where to go with it!
16. Do you have any whump media recommendations (whump blogs, books, movies, etc.)?
19. Who are your favorite whump bloggers? Tag them!
I'm answering these together because they're connected! Most of the "whump" I see in mainstream media just goes from "hero in peril gets rescued in the nick of time" to "hero is now back at work like usual" which skips all the good parts! There's some amazing whump on Ao3, but that's highly fandom dependent, and also easy enough to search for by looking for "(insert blorbo of choice here) whump" in the tags.
The best whump I've seen is really here on tumblr, with some of the amazing writers here! I'm going to list a few of my favorites, but there's just so much good stuff out here.
@ashintheairlikesnow is amazing at BBU/pet whump and has many series that are focused on healing after that trauma. I have a special love for the Vampire Chris AU 🥰
@secretwhumplair has multiple amazing stories. The monster of Lindborough is finished and is some fantastic fantasy whump with a werewolf whumpee and whumper-turned-caretaker. I also really love Royal Arms and No Warrior.
@whump-tr0pes also has multiple amazing stories, but the one I've actually read all the way through (so far, though others are on my reading list!) is Lux in Tenebris. Demon whumpee, angel whumpers, angel and human caretakers. Lots of misunderstandings and religious trama
@whumpwillow has a villain whumpee story called Hazeshift and an urban fantasy whump called Demon's Haven, and I would absolutely recommend both.
There are so many good ones and I'm sure there are some amazing ones I can't think of off the top of my head, but I hope this gives you some ideas!
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microraptorreactor · 3 months
HIHI uhh unstable-and-gay is one of my friends and my OTHER friend got me into WF, I heard from said friend that like. in order to truly get what the hell is happening in WF you Really gotta have a Guy Who Already Knows. I’ve only been playing truly maybe 1-3 weeks now (I tried before last year but it didn’t work for me at the time) lmao. my fav quest I’ve done so far is the Duviri Paradox, and I’m striving to become one of the maximum of 2 sevagoth mains lmao. I’ve been having a ton of fun with it so far and uhh. hi do you have any general tips for new players or like, any favourites you wanna rant about : )
HIHIHI! I will gladly rant to anyone and everyone about Warframe. All my tips are outdated because I know they changed progression but here goes:
Upgrade from the mrk-1 weapons if you haven't already. The regular versions can be bought for credits in the store.
Learn to mod! Modding works of percentages so you have to figure out what each piece of equipment is good at. Or just hit the automatic mod button and call it a day, that should get you through most of the game's story.
Whatever people say about meta basically only applies to endgame missions. Almost every warframe is viable for regular play if you know how to use them. THe one weapon I've found to be genuinly unplayable is the Stug, so tread a little more carefully around weapons.
Primes are nice to have, but not required. I am used to a time where Primes were far harder to get ahold of though, so picking one to work towards isn't a bad idea! Also, the one exception to this is Ash Prime. I don't care he's vaulted, he is genuinely easier to get then base Ash.
best way to get mastery is to rank up every weapon and warframe avalible to you. But also, the highest mastery you ever really need is 16, they stop gateing weapons after that.
Digital Extremes has the funiest fucking way of retconing lore. I don't know where you are in the game rn, so that's all I will say.
My favorite characters are the sentients lol. I cannot rant about most of them without spoiling the end of the game though. But uh, here's a list of my blorbos if you'd like more about any of these characters! Please include what quest ur on though, so I don't spoil you RIP. I also know everything about everyone else up until the most recent update.
Cephalon Suda
Drusus Levarian (specifically his pre-Dante Unbound version)
but yeah my user is Spireofspring if you'd like to add me! It'll be awhile until I get online again, I've been on hiatus thanks to Destiny but Jade Shadows will make me reappear.
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